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How to Write a Strong Motivation Letter for Summer School


Summer school is an excellent opportunity to continue learning and gain new skills, but getting accepted into the program of your choice can be competitive. One of the key elements of your application is your motivation letter, which provides an opportunity to showcase your passion, enthusiasm, and suitability for the program. Here’s how to write an outstanding motivation letter for summer school.

  • Do Your Research: Before you start writing, research the summer school program and its requirements. Make sure you understand what the program is about and what the admissions committee is looking for in applicants.
  • Address the Letter to the Right Person: Start your letter by addressing the admissions committee or the person responsible for hiring. If possible, find out the name of the person and address them by name.
  • Start with a Strong Introduction: Your first sentence is crucial, so make sure it grabs the reader’s attention. You can start with a quote, a personal story, or a fact related to the summer school program.
  • Explain Your Motivation: Clearly state why you’re interested in the summer school program and what you hope to gain from the experience. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your point.
  • Highlight Your Relevant Skills and Experiences: Discuss any relevant skills, experiences, or achievements that make you a strong candidate for the program. For example, if you’re applying to a summer school in photography, talk about your experience taking photos and your interest in the field.
  • Show Enthusiasm and Passion: Let your excitement and passion for the summer school program shine through in your letter. Explain how this program aligns with your future goals and how it will help you grow both personally and professionally.
  • Conclude Strongly: End your letter by summarizing your key points and reiterating your interest in the summer school program. Thank the reader for considering your application and express your willingness to answer any questions or provide additional information.
  • Proofread: Lastly, proofread your letter for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. A well-written letter can make all the difference in the admissions process, so take the time to make sure it’s polished.

By following these tips, you can write a strong motivation letter that showcases your passion, suitability, and excitement for the summer school program. Good luck!

What is the purpose of a motivation letter for summer school?

The purpose of a motivation letter for summer school is to provide an explanation for why you are interested in attending the program, and to demonstrate your suitability and qualifications for the course. It is an opportunity to showcase your passion, enthusiasm, and motivation for learning, as well as your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. The motivation letter can also help the admissions committee understand why you would be a good fit for the program, and how it will benefit you and your future goals.

How does a motivation letter differ from a cover letter?

A motivation letter and a cover letter are similar in that they are both written to accompany a job or school application. However, there are some key differences between the two types of letters:

  • Purpose: A motivation letter is written to explain why you are motivated to attend a particular school or program, while a cover letter is written to accompany your resume and provide additional information on your qualifications for a job.
  • Content: A motivation letter focuses on your personal motivation, goals, and qualifications for the program, while a cover letter focuses on your professional qualifications and how they align with the job requirements.
  • Tone: A motivation letter is usually more personal and emotional, while a cover letter is more professional and objective.

In conclusion, while the two types of letters share some similarities, the main difference lies in the purpose and content of each.

What should I include in the opening sentence of my motivation letter?

The opening sentence of your motivation letter is your chance to grab the reader’s attention and make a strong first impression. To make your opening sentence effective, consider the following tips:

  • Start with a quote: Choose a quote that is related to the program or field you’re applying to. This will show that you have put thought into your motivation letter and that you are passionate about the subject.
  • Tell a personal story: Share a personal story that highlights your motivation and passion for the program. Make sure it is relevant and concise.
  • Make a bold statement: Start with a strong statement that showcases your enthusiasm and motivation for the program. For example, you could say “I am writing to express my strong interest in the Summer School program at XYZ University.”
  • Highlight the program’s relevance: Address the program directly and express your excitement about the opportunity to attend. For example, you could say “The Summer School program in photography at XYZ University is exactly what I’ve been looking for.”

By starting your motivation letter with a strong and attention-grabbing opening sentence, you will engage the reader and set the tone for the rest of your letter.

How do I address the letter to the right person or department?

Addressing your motivation letter to the right person or department is an important aspect of making a good impression and ensuring that your application is taken seriously. Here are some tips on how to address your letter correctly:

  • Research: Try to find out the name and title of the person responsible for admissions to the summer school program. Check the program’s website or contact the admissions office directly to ask.
  • Address by name: If you have the name of the person responsible for admissions, address the letter to them directly. For example, “Dear [Name],”
  • Use a formal title: If you are unable to find the name of the person responsible for admissions, use a formal title such as “Dear Admissions Committee,” or “Dear Summer School Coordinator.”
  • Check for department name: If the program is part of a larger organization or department, make sure to include the department name in the address. For example, “Dear Admissions Committee, Department of Education.”

By addressing your motivation letter correctly, you show that you have taken the time to research and are respectful of the admissions process. This will increase the chances of your letter being read and taken seriously.

  • How do I explain my motivation for attending summer school?
  • What skills and experiences should I highlight in my motivation letter?
  • How can I show my enthusiasm and passion for the summer school program?
  • What should I include in the conclusion of my motivation letter?
  • How important is proofreading and editing my motivation letter?
  • Can I use examples or anecdotes to make my motivation letter stand out?
  • How do I tailor my motivation letter to the specific summer school program I am applying to?
  • How long should a motivation letter for summer school be?
  • What should I do if I am unsure about the admission requirements for the summer school program?
  • Can I ask for feedback on my motivation letter before submitting my application?

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How to write strong motivation letter?

If you’re applying for a job, scholarship, or master’s program, a motivation letter can make a big difference. It’s a letter that explains why you’re interested in the opportunity and why you’re the best candidate for it. In this post, we’ll explore the key elements of a strong motivation letter and provide easy-to-follow tips to help you write an impressive one.

What Is a Motivation Letter?

A motivation letter is a document that accompanies your application and tells the reader why you’re excited about the opportunity and why you’re a good fit. It’s your chance to show off your skills, experiences, and goals, and convince the reader that you’re the right person for the position.

How to Write a Motivation Letter:

  • Understand the Purpose: Before you start writing, research and understand what the organization or institution is looking for. Make sure your letter reflects their values and expectations.
  • Structure and Format: Keep your letter professional and organized. Start with a friendly greeting and introduce yourself briefly. Use paragraphs to cover different points, and keep the letter concise, usually one page.
  • Opening Paragraph: Begin with a strong opening statement that grabs attention. Explain the purpose of your letter and mention the opportunity you’re applying for.
  • Body Paragraphs: Give specific examples, experiences, and achievements that show why you’re motivated. Share your passion for the field or industry, and explain how your background fits the requirements.
  • Showcase Your Strengths: Highlight your best qualities, like leadership skills or problem-solving abilities. Share relevant achievements or experiences that show why you’re a good match.
  • Align with the Organization/Institution: Learn about the organization or institution’s mission and values. Show how your own values align with theirs and how you can contribute to their goals. This shows your genuine interest and commitment.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points, express your gratitude, and reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunity. End on a positive note, showing your eagerness to contribute and grow.

Tips for Writing a Motivation Letter:

  • Be yourself and be honest in your writing.
  • Use concrete examples instead of general statements.
  • Customize each letter for the specific opportunity.
  • Proofread carefully for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Get feedback from mentors or trusted individuals.
  • Be confident without sounding arrogant.
  • Keep the letter concise, well-structured, and easy to read.

Motivation Letter Examples:

Here are a few examples of motivation letters for different purposes: a writing job, a scholarship, and a master’s program. These examples can give you an idea of how to structure and present your own motivation letter.

  • Motivation Letter for Writing Job: [Include an example that highlights relevant writing experience, skills, and your passion for the industry.]
  • Motivation Letter for Scholarship: [Include an example that showcases your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and future goals.]
  • Motivation Letter for Masters: [Include an example that highlights your academic background, research experience, and why you want to pursue a master’s degree.]

Conclusion: Writing an effective motivation letter can significantly improve your chances of getting a job, scholarship, or admission to a master’s program. By following the tips provided, you can craft a compelling letter that stands out from the rest. Good luck with your applications!

application letter summer school

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Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter for Summer School Sample Template

Many schools offer great summer school programs that can offer unique opportunities, accelerated courses, or shore up your knowledge in a particular area.  You may not have to apply if you are already attending a college or university, but often you will need to compete for limited space.  The program may often be at a different school or have its own acceptance criteria and application process.  For these, it can help to include a motivation letter for summer school with your application to show how you are a great candidate for the program.

A motivation letter is similar to a cover letter for a job application .  You use one to communicate to an admissions officer how your background, interests, and goals make you a good fit for the program.  The goal of a motivation letter for summer school is to set yourself apart from other applicants.  It’s a great technique for improving your chances of admission, even when a letter isn’t required.

In this article, we will talk about how to write a strong motivation letter for summer school.  We will provide you with a sample that you can use when writing your own motivation letter for summer school.  Let’s start writing your motivation letter so that you can get into your summer school program.

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Motivation Letter for Summer School

Finding Great Summer School Programs

There are a variety of fantastic summer programs out there for all levels of education.  These can vary from themed summer camps, often for high school, middle school, or elementary programs.  There are also programs available for college students as well.

There are several directories online. For example, educationunlimited.com provides information on several programs.  With a little research and creativity, you can often find programs at interesting places like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention interested in public health.  Many museums and zoos will have their own programs.

For college-aged students, many colleges offer courses and programs.  Probably the best place to start is with your own university if you’re attending one because these programs often aren’t advertised anywhere off-campus.  These can vary from accelerated programs offering a course in a few weeks (or as short as a week.)  Sometimes, they offer overseas courses either in partnership with other institutions.

Universities and colleges often offer specialized programs like this science program from UC Davis or this list of courses from Harvard University.

It may take some research but many opportunities are available for summer programs for students.  They are in various subject areas and can help you advance in your education or learn about new areas of study.

Preparing for your Motivation Letter for Summer School

The first thing that we need to do is to determine what the program is likely looking for.  With that in hand, we will look at your qualifications, CV, education, background, and goals and see how those fit with what the program wants.  Ideally, you can find a compelling story for why they should pick you to attend their program.

The first step in this process is to read over the requirements for the program.  Write down any minimum and preferred requirements.  It can also be helpful to look at current and past attendees and include any qualifications that they had in common.  Most programs don’t accept the minimums as they often have candidates that exceed the minimums.

Then, review your background and write down anything that meets the list of requirements.  Don’t leave anything out at this point. Just make a list.  Here are some of the things to consider

  • Your Academic History – Look at your courses, projects, and marks or grades, and include anything related to the summer school program.
  • Work History – Include any jobs or work projects that are related.  These can be a great way to set yourself apart.
  • Volunteer Activities – Look at any volunteer activities you have participated in and include anything related to the summer school program.
  • Your Goals – Take a good look at your goals, career aspirations, and dreams and consider ways this program could help you achieve these.  Helping someone achieve goals can be very aspirational.

With this list, we can start writing your motivation letter for summer school.

Writing Your Motivation Letter

We recommend a three-part structure for motivation letters.  You’ll open with an introduction, and move to a body where the bulk of the information is.  Then you’ll close with the conclusion thanking them for their time and offer to meet them or have a call to discuss your candidacy.

We are going to take them in order, but sometimes it can be easier to start with the body and then come back to the introduction and conclusion.  So, if you’re stuck on how to start, this might be a good strategy.

You want to start by writing your letter to someone.  Try not to write a generic letter.  You could write it to the person in charge of admissions for the program, the professor running it, or the program’s dean.  You want to make as much of a connection as you can.

You also want to keep your letter to one page.  Most people aren’t going to read beyond that anyway.  You want the greatest chance that your letter is read, and keeping it brief will help with that.


The introduction is a quick paragraph of a few sentences.  Start by introducing yourself and the program you are applying to and why you are writing.  Then, one or two sentences that sum up why you think you would be a great candidate.

The introduction is very simple and should be short.  You want to leave the most opportunity for the body of your letter to do your work.

The body of your letter should do most of the work.  Review the lists that you made above and look for the ways that you can most show that this is the program for you.  If you have a compelling story, that’s wonderful and can be very powerful.  Sometimes, you might include several things if that makes sense.

The body of your letter should be 1-3 paragraphs.  You want to tie your background and goals to what the program will help you achieve. Maybe it will allow you to get to the workforce faster and start working in your chosen field. Perhaps it will expand your understanding of a key area.  Maybe it’s a program abroad and will not only help your understanding but also expose you to the culture and history of a country you’re interested in.

The important part is to connect what you bring to what the program wants.  Inspirational stories are great when you have them.  We don’t always.  At a minimum, you want to show that you took the time to understand the program and what you can bring.  In some cases, if you’re writing to the professor, you might even use their background and expertise to show interest in that area.

“Your work on the mating habits of nematodes is fascinating.  I’ve been studying some of the basics in recent coursework and I would love to be able to expand on that and learn from your expertise.”

Everyone likes a bit of flattery (when it’s true.)  Above all else, be genuine.

In the conclusion , express your appreciation and excitement about the program.  Close by offering a phone call or meeting to discuss the program and your candidacy more if they have any questions.

Before you send it, make sure to review it for proper grammar and spelling.  It can help to have someone else read it.  If you’re not going to do that, make sure to use spell-check.  Programs like Grammarly do a good job of picking up spelling errors and common grammatical mistakes.

Additional Resources

Here are a few resources that you can use to help you write your motivation letter.

  • Sample Motivation Letter – Below is a sample motivation letter for summer school. We made up the scenario, so don’t use it, but it can help give you the correct format and ideas and to help you get started. Often, getting started is the hardest part.  We also have a downloadable version that you can use to edit in Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  • Get Someone to Help – Fiverr is a great resource that you can use to help a writer to help you write a motivational letter for an artist. We’ve created a guide to help you get started on Fiverr.  Here are some resources to help you out.
  • Use Technology – ChatGPT and other AI systems are all the rage lately. While it can’t write the letter for you (it doesn’t know you), it can help you get started. We’ve written a guide and case stud y that you can use to help.
  • Grammarly – Another form of technology, but Grammarly is a terrific resource that you can use to help with your writing.  Grammarly is more than a spell checker.  The advanced version will help you with phrasing and tone to help refine your writing.

Sample Motivation Letter for Summer School

Below we are including a sample letter that you can use for the format and structure of your letter.  Hopefully, this will make it easier for you.

Good luck!  Let us know how it goes and we look forward to hearing about your summer school experience.

sample motivation letter for summer school

PDF Version

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Sample Cover Letter for a Summer Internship

application letter summer school

What to Include in Your Cover Letter

Cover letter example for a summer internship, how to send your cover letter, more sample cover letters.

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Are you on the hunt for a summer internship or job? You will most likely need to include a cover letter when you apply, in addition to a resume and references . When you're applying for summer positions, it's important to show the hiring manager how you're qualified for the position and what you have to offer the employer.

Here's everything you need to know to prepare that piece of correspondence, from what to include to how to send it, along with an example of a summer internship cover letter that you can use for inspiration while writing your own. 

Work Experience and Skills

In your  cover letter , you should include your previous employment (internships and work) experience and two or three examples of the relevant skills you gained. I

Educational and Extracurricular Activities

If you only have limited related employment experience, you can include examples from your coursework, school projects, extracurricular activities, and volunteer work.

How You're a Fit for the Job

Your goal is to provide the hiring manager with an understanding of how your personality, background, and skills will translate into making you a strong employee or intern. So, include information that demonstrates how your abilities align with the role itself.

Your resume lists your skills, and your cover letter highlights how you have put those skills to use.

The following is a sample cover letter for a summer job or internship. Remember to omit the contact information from the header for emails. You can tailor it to fit your experiences and the position for which you are applying.

Your Contact Information (skip this section if you're sending an email) Your Name Address City, State Zip Code Phone Number Cell Phone Number Email

Employer Contact Information  (skip this section as well if you're sending an email)  Name Title Company Address City, State, Zip Code

Date (Again, no need to include this section in an email)

Dear Mr./Ms. LastName,

Please accept my enthusiastic application for the public relations internship you posted through ABC College's Career Services Office. I would love the opportunity to work as a summer assistant for your company. After reading the description of the position and the required skills, I believe I am a well-qualified candidate for the job.

You specify that you are looking for someone with strong writing skills for publishing press releases and other information material. As an English major, a writing tutor, and an editor of my school paper and multiple literary magazines, I have become a skilled writer with a variety of experience.

I also fulfill your requirement that applicants be both academically successful and resourceful. As a double major in the Honors Forum with a 3.99 GPA, I have displayed my strong work ethic and my ability to rise to intellectual challenges. I have also demonstrated my resourceful nature while working for Sarasota Reads, a program that involves discussing literature with young adults. As a group leader, I have devised numerous creative ways to engage children in the novels we read.

For example, I organized a festival for the students to provide information on the social context of one of the books. I believe my academic record and independent, resourceful nature make me extremely qualified for an internship with your company.

Working as an office assistant for the Career Services Office at ABC College, I have acquired skills that will be valuable as a PR assistant. My position has helped me gain experience in making phone calls, performing standard office duties, and executing computer efficiency. I have carried out these responsibilities with organization, speed, and accuracy for the past three years.

I am confident that my office experience, writing skills, academic record, and resourcefulness are just the qualities you are looking for at Sunrise, Inc.

I have enclosed my resume, along with a recommendation from Jim Greenspan, my supervisor at Career Services.

I would love the chance to speak further with you about my opportunities with your company.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Signature (no need to include in an email)

First Name Last Name

Email Signature (skip this section in a hard copy letter) Cell: 555-555-8745 Email: yourname@abc.edu

Depending on the application process, you will either send your letter in written form or by email. 

If you are  emailing your cover letter , you will need to be clear in the subject line about the contents of the message. For example, the subject, “Sarah Campbell’s Cover Letter: Summer Journalism Internship,” is straightforward and will allow the hiring manager to file it appropriately.

For emailed cover letters, there's no need to include contact info in the heading. Instead, begin the message with the salutation. You can add your phone number and email address below your closing.

Keep browsing and looking for inspiration with these cover letter samples  for a variety of career fields and employment levels, including an internship cover letter sample, entry-level, targeted, and email cover letters.

application letter summer school

TU Delft Planning and Design for the Just City

How to write a good motivation letter.

Your selection to the Summer School depends on an excellent motivation letter. This means that you need to convey all your points in 800 words! It is very difficult to say who you are in so little space.

Please remember that a motivation letter is a PERSONAL letter, not a business-like letter.  It should convey who you are, what your motivations in life are and why you think the Summer School will help your education. We STRONGLY discourage you from writing a formal letter using standard sentences and also strongly advise you not to use templates from the Internet.

Please note that the same logic applies to the short introduction movie you must submit (only the movie is much shorter!).

Here are a few pointers that will help you:

  • What kind of students are we looking for? We are looking for people who can be leaders and who can make a difference in the world we live. The world desperately needs good professionals and critical citizens who can plan and design sustainable, fair and inclusive cities. To be able to do that, you need to have a few qualities and skills, but most importantly, you need to understand what “sustainable”, “fair” and “inclusive” mean. These are not just beautiful words: there is A LOT of literature exploring these concepts, so maybe you can cite a few authors you have read. If you are curious, entrepreneurial, motivated, or idealist, you must express this in your letter. If you are just now exploring what you wish to do, that’s okay too! What activities do you take part in? Do you have a small business, or do you run an NGO? Do you participate in study groups? Do you have hobbies and exciting activities? Do you have big ideas?
  • What do you need to say in your letter? Basically: WHO ARE YOU? What are your dreams and aspirations? What are your worries? What are your goals?
  • Tell us the highlights of your CV. Your education, the languages you speak, your internships and training.  Have you graduated with honours? Have you followed extra-curricular courses?
  • Tell us what makes you different: do you have hobbies? Do you have a business? Would you like to have a business? Are you an artist? Are you a geek? Do you read novels? Are you an activist or do you have a cause?
  • I am a very shy person, what shall I do? There is nothing wrong with being shy. You need to value your personality for who you are. But you must try to express yourself and let us know who you are.
  • What qualities can you bring to the Summer School? Can you give a small workshop? Can you teach students a new skill? Can you introduce the culture of your country to other students and teachers? Maybe you have studied something unique that you will bring to your group work?
  • How can the Summer School contribute to your education? This is a crucial element. We need to understand how the Summer School ‘makes sense’ in your educational path.
  • Reading our website carefully will give you hints on what type of person we are looking for.
  • Can I use ChatGTP to write my motivation letter? While ChatGPT can provide assistance in generating content, it’s essential to approach it ethically. A motivation letter is a highly personal and important document that reflects your individuality, aspirations, and experiences. Relying solely on automated tools like ChatGPT might compromise the authenticity and sincerity that such a letter requires. In short, you may use ChatGPT to check your grammar and as a writing assistant, but using it to write a personal letter may backfire , as the text may not read natural or authentic. The personal touch in your motivation letter can make a significant impact. Sharing anecdotes, personal growth stories, and unique experiences can set you apart. An automated tool might not fully capture these aspects. Consider ChatGPT as a supplementary tool in your letter-writing process. Use it to brainstorm ideas, gather inspiration, or polish drafts, but always infuse your unique personality and experiences. Remember, a personal motivation letter is your opportunity to communicate your passion, goals, and suitability for this programme.

Again, we strongly discourage you from using templates found on the Internet to write your motivation letter. These templates are full of clichés and platitudes. These won’t help you being selected.

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Summer Boarding Courses

How to Write a Personal Statement for Summer School or University


Are you wondering how to write a personal statement for Summer School or University? Summer Boarding Courses HQ asked our fellow friends over at Dukes Education company,  Oxbridge Applications  for some personal statement advice!

How to write a personal statement for Summer School or University

So you want to know what things to write in a personal statement. Excellent! Oxbridge Applications have some brilliant advice on how you can get started if you want to  study in the UK  or elsewhere. They can certainly help with writing a personal statement.

We will show you how to start a personal statement about yourself, what the best personal statements include, what to avoid and how to leave that lasting impression on the tutor. As a result, you will have a really good personal statement in no time!

What is a personal statement?

You can create a personal statement to be an application to a University, college course or Summer School. It showcases your interests, passions and achievements, so that you can convince the establishment reading it to accept you onto their course.

When it comes to writing a personal statement, this is your chance to the reader a chance to meet the real you! You may be a little nervous about how to write a personal statement. Do not worry; we are going to guide you step by step.

How to start a personal statement, before you even start typing!

If you’re thinking about how to begin a personal statement, and are a little nervous about it, ask yourself this:

Why do I want to be a part of this course?

What are my strengths and passions?

Why should I be accepted?

Your personal statement application should demonstrate your interest in the course, showcase what you can bring to the University, college or Summer School, and convince the admissions tutors to offer you a place.

Express yourself with the limited words you have

You have limited space to express yourself, so every sentence in your personal statement counts. Bear in mind that you can only write one personal statement for all your choices if you are applying to University, so make sure that you are tailoring your statement as much as possible to each of the courses you are applying for.

Without this thoughtful approach, the reader might doubt your commitment to their course.

One thing’s for certain: you won’t come up with a polished personal statement overnight. It will take many drafts, a lot of editing and a few late-night flashes of inspiration. Yet, it will all be worth it when those Summer School or University offers start rolling in! To help you get started, we’ve got a few useful tips to point you in the right direction.

How do you start, once you’re ready to type?

Wondering how to write personal statements from the start? There are about a million ways to start a personal statement, and there is no one correct way to begin!

Some people start with a quote which encapsulates their interest. Others start with an anecdote that explains where their curiosity for their subject stems from.

Your opening should set the tone for the rest of the personal statement, show your enthusiasm and interest in your subject and introduce the admissions tutor to your personality. Don’t feel like you need to pretend to be someone else in your personal statement; just make sure you are your academic self!

Speak as you would to your headteacher; clearly, maturely, but retaining a sense of who you are.

What should you include in a personal statement?

What is in a personal statement? Although it’s called a personal statement, the idea is not just to give the school a short history of your life to date. You need to be expressing your academic self, your interest in the subject that you are applying for and your achievements in that area. Brainstorm your ideas below with the following pointers, so you can begin to see what to write in a personal statement:

Subject-related work experience

What have you done so far that is connected to the subject and course you are applying for? Maybe you have studied something particular in school, or have worked hard on a project in your spare time. Have you volunteered somewhere to add to your experience? Have you worked with and along someone who has experience and expertise in the subject you are applying for?

Courses or lectures you attended which have advanced your knowledge

What courses or lectures have you attended which have advanced your understanding and skills in the subject you are applying for? What did you study particularly? Is there anything that you have learned, which has improved your knowledge and understanding?

Relevant books or articles that you have read

What have you been reading that has made you even more enthusiastic and eager to learn more about the subject you are applying for? What did you learn by reading these books and articles? Are there particular authors you have enjoyed reading lately, that are making an impact on you?

Take your English to the next level!

Academic awards.

If you have won an academic award, and been recognised for your skills and achievements, make sure to mention them! Have you received any certificates or recognition? If so, what was the award?

Extra-curricular activities

You should mention your extra-curricular achievements as well, but the amount of space that you dedicate to this section should depend on the university or summer course to which you are applying. If you are applying to Oxford or Cambridge , you should keep your extra-curricular activities to a minimum, as these universities are focused primarily on your academic achievements.

How do you finish a personal statement?

Do you need help writing a personal statement closing paragraph? Almost as hard as starting is finishing your University or Summer Program personal statement!

Your final paragraph doesn’t have to be long – just enough to round off your statement and reiterate your interest and dedication to your subject.

Be careful that you don’t come across as too arrogant or self-assured here; it can be easy after almost 4000 characters of blowing your own trumpet, to get a little carried away!

What not to include in a personal statement

Your personal statement is your space to sell your own subject interest. You haven’t got much room, so make sure that you’re not repeating anything that the admissions tutors could find out somewhere else on your application form. This can include listing your qualifications or grades: these go on the form in a different section.

Be positive in your personal statement!

How do you write your personal statement positively?

This is not the place to attempt to explain a lower predicted grade due to a disagreement with a teacher or the fact that you needed to miss school for an extended period due to illness.  If there is something in this vein that you feel the admissions tutors should know, ask the teacher writing your reference, whether he or she could include this in the reference section of your application form.

It’s more appropriate for your teacher to bring this to the admissions tutor’s attention. It means that you will not be wasting space trying to explain yourself. Instead you can just dazzle the course with your interests and achievements!

Our final advice on how to write a personal statement!

It’s a challenge but it’s worth it.

Writing the best personal statement may not be the most exciting activity for you. After days, weeks and even months of drafting and summoning up the motivation to proofread your statement, it can be a challenge. Yet it is absolutely essential!

Proof read again and again

You know that feeling you get when you spot a typo in an article? No matter how insignificant, it lowers your opinion of the content of the piece and the author. Admissions tutors are likely to be sticklers for accuracy, so make sure you get your teachers, friends and parents to proof-read it a couple of times. One tip is to begin with the last sentence and work your way through your personal statement backwards; it keeps you focused on individual sentences and not the full statement.

Good luck with writing the personal statement!

By now you should be very confident with how to write a good personal statement. You now know how to start your personal statement, what to include in it and how to finish it all on a high note! Look on it as a challenge, but also a very important opportunity to talk about a fascinating subject – you!

Do you need more help on writing a personal statement?

For more assistance with writing subject-specific personal statements, and to find out how Oxbridge Applications can help with personal statements, please click  here .

Celebrating 150 years of Harvard Summer School. Learn about our history.

How To Apply

The Harvard Summer School study abroad programs seek motivated, independent students who are eager for a unique academic challenge. All programs are selective and have limited enrollment.

Who Can Apply

To apply, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have completed at least one year of college or be a first-year student
  • Be in good academic standing

Students enrolled at any accredited university are welcome to apply. Harvard Summer School does not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry or any other protected classification.

We do not accept students in high school.

Before You Apply

  • Familiarize yourself with your program(s) of interest; learn about where you will study, travel, and live; and understand the academic expectations for the program(s).
  • Carefully consider the mental, emotional, and physical challenges of the program(s) of interest.
  • Read the  Study Abroad program policies .
  • Contact program staff if you have any questions; email  [email protected]  or the contact person for your program of interest (see the individual program webpages for contact information).

The online application opens in December and the application deadline falls in late January each year. Click the “Apply Now” button (available in December) on the webpage of your program of interest to be directed to the online application.

The online application for all programs includes:

  • Basic personal information
  • A statement of interest
  • Your most recent transcript
  • Program-specific requirements (if applicable, may include letters of recommendation, references, etc.)

You may apply to no more than two programs; if applying to two programs, you will be asked to rank your two applications in order of preference (first and second choice). Any applications submitted in excess of the maximum of two will be automatically withdrawn. 

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) offers funding for a limited number of admitted and eligible Harvard College students . If you are a Harvard College student, you will be asked on your Harvard Summer School study abroad application if you would like to be considered funding. Funding selection is by lottery, and award amounts vary by program and financial aid status.

Credit Information

Most Harvard Summer School study abroad courses count as work done in residence if they are taken for credit after your matriculation as a Harvard College degree candidate and before your graduation. Harvard College students should always consult with departments regarding application of credit toward concentrations, citations, or secondary fields. See the specific program page for information about the degree credit earned for the course. For general questions, please contact the Summer School Study Abroad Office at  [email protected] .

Please see the  General Education website  for information on courses that count for General Education credit. Please note that Summer School courses only count for General Education credit if they are offered during the fall or spring term, are taught by the same Harvard faculty members who teach them during the academic year (or by a member of the same department) and have been approved for this credit.

Harvard graduate students and students at other institutions: Harvard Summer School credits are accepted toward degrees at most colleges and universities. Since degree requirements vary among schools, you are advised to obtain transfer credit approval from your home institutions before registering for Harvard Summer School courses.

Pass/fail option: Only Harvard College undergraduates may take courses on a pass/fail basis. You may change your status to pass/fail by completing a pass/fail request form and returning it to the Academic Services Office for processing by the deadline for your program.

Harvard Division of Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education (DCE) at Harvard University is dedicated to bringing rigorous academics and innovative teaching capabilities to those seeking to improve their lives through education. We make Harvard education accessible to lifelong learners from high school to retirement.

Harvard Division of Continuing Education Logo

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Student Summer Job Cover Letter Sample

Get hired faster and find ideas for your own cover letter with our free, easily editable Student Summer Job cover letter sample. Make a copy of this cover letter example for free or alter it with ease in our proven and tested cover letter creator.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Student Summer Job Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

I am writing in response to your advertisement for a summer internship program focused on innovation, which piqued my interest. If you are in search of an undergraduate student with a background in international business management and a strong skill set, I believe that my enclosed resume will be of interest to you.

Currently, I am pursuing a degree in international business management and will be focusing on marketing for my upcoming thesis. With four years of experience in banking and administration, specifically with Nordax Bank, I have honed my skills in customer service and credit evaluation. My current role as an underwriting support agent has allowed me to become a valuable member of the credit evaluation team, assessing the creditworthiness of both individual and corporate clients. Some of my key competencies include credit evaluation, customer relationship management, and payment protection insurance.

During my studies in Croatia, I excelled in courses related to the Croatian economy and business negotiations. I have received strong reviews for my project work, including a tourism development strategy for Croatia and the implementation of negotiation strategies to drive sales for a leading household appliances company. I am confident that I can bring this same level of dedication and success to your team.

I am eager to further discuss how my skills and experiences align with your organization's goals for innovation and change. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to schedule a meeting. Despite currently studying in Sweden, I am more than willing to relocate to Helsinki, as my family resides nearby.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your team and I look forward to the possibility of working together.

John Snow (07.12.1991 USA)

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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How to write the perfect personal statement for summer schools

NU London | April 11, 2022

Our Summer Schools 

Delivered by Northeastern University London faculty, our summer school programmes are designed to give you a taste of university-level teaching, allowing you to develop your skills and giving you an edge in your future university applications. 

If you’re looking to expand and strengthen your knowledge around a particular subject area or satisfy your intellectual curiosity, our summer schools are a great option.

As part of your summer school application, you must submit a personal statement. 

Writing the Perfect Personal Statement

We know that writing a personal statement can be a daunting task. However, writing one for the summer schools is a great way to practice the art of personal statement writing for your future university applications.  

If you’re unsure how to begin a personal statement, consider the following:

Your personal statement is your chance to tell us more about why you’d like to take part in a summer school. It gives you the opportunity to promote your interests, skills and strengths, and demonstrate your passion for your chosen subject.

It’s a good idea to refer to particular elements of the subject that you’ve enjoyed studying or researching. If this is a new subject that you’ve not studied before you can consider how your current or previous studies taken together relate to your chosen subject. Make sure you refer to any books or papers that you’ve read that have inspired you; and if you have been to any lectures or talks that deepened your understanding.

Have you taken part in any activities that demonstrate your interest in the subject? Make sure that you include your activities which take your academic interests further.

At Northeastern University London we are looking for evidence of your enthusiasm and motivation. We want to hear why you’re suitable to take part in our summer schools, and, if you already know them, your future aims, goals and career plans.

Your summer school personal statement should be around 100-200 words.

1. Identify your reason for applying

Are you applying to expand your knowledge on a subject you have been studying? Are you applying to learn more about a subject you have never explored before? Do you want to experience wider discussion with new people around a subject? Or do you want to push yourself outside of your comfort zone for personal development? 

Identifying the reason for applying is the key to starting your personal statement, so make sure to spend some time thinking about what made you want to apply for the summer school. 

2. Use the ABC format to structure your personal statement

Structuring your paragraphs is important, and mastering this skill will boost your confidence to when writing your personal statement for university. In each paragraph, it’s important to always link each point to your programme of choice. This is what we call the ABC format. 

A = Activity: What have you done?

B = Benefit: What skills has it given you?

C = Course: How do these relate to the course? 

A = Last year I had the opportunity to take part in organising the annual ball which was a great experience. 

B = It showed me the importance of teamwork, taught me better time management and improved my communication skills. 

C = Team work skills are very relevant to successful study, involving listening to and understanding other people’s viewpoints, as well as introducing my own ideas. Time management is essential to organising a busy study schedule. Communication skills are vital in essay writing, responding to questions, and taking part in debate.

3. Get started 

The hardest part of writing a personal statement is staring at the blank page in front of you. The best thing you can do is get something written down as soon as possible. Even if it isn’t perfect, getting started will help you to formulate your ideas and make that blank space a little less intimidating. Remember, t he sooner you start, the longer you’ll have to make your personal statement as good as it can be!

Before you submit, proofread several times to make sure you have been as succinct as possible and check for any errors in spelling and language.

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Motivation Letter

  • Free Sample of Motivation Letter For Summer School Template

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Motivation Letter For Summer School : Summer is the season when the regular studies session of the schools and other higher educational institutions remains off since this is the time of holidays for the students.

This is also the time when the majority of the educational institutions offer extra studies programs to their students which may be concerned to their regular studies, or it may be the unconventional program such as teaching new kind of languages to the students or offering the extra classes to the students, who might be finding it hard to get well at the particular subject of the curriculum . No matter what you want to study in the summer school classes you are most probably going to be asked for the motivation letter for summer school while you make your application to attend the summer school classes.

The purpose of receiving this summer school motivation letter is to assess the ground and the dedication on the basis of which, the particular student is willing to take the summer classes. There are generally very limited seats in the summer school classes hence only the limited students are allowed admission in the classes.  This is why you need to write the motivation letter with very selective words so that the motivation letter can influence and motivate the admission officials to grant you the admission for the summer schools.

In this article, we are basically going to help you with it that how you can write this letter of motivation in the finest method possible and make sure that you get a reserved seat for you in the school and study your desired course.

Motivation Letter For Summer School Sample

This is the first part of the letter where you need to start from providing the basic details about you. You need to clearly mention your name and the background of your qualifications educations. 

The most important part of this section is to mention the objective of a letter  in which the agenda of the department you are seeking admission in, for the summer studies session.

Keep in your mind that you have got to convince the admission authority to grant you the admission, thus you need to be extra careful with your motivation and make sure, making no grammatical mistake in the letter since it may leave a bad impression in the consideration of the admission authority.

application letter summer school

Motivation Letter For Summer School Example

This is the second part which is all about showing the intensity of your interest that why you are willing to undertake the summer school classes.

Here you need to show your enthusiasm to the officials and make them interested in your personality and your reason for choosing the concerned summer school program .

As per the latest studies it has been proven that the students, who are able to express their reasons and interest of choosing the summer school in the appropriate words are the ones who considered for the admission purposes. 

How To Write a Motivation Letter For Summer School

In this section, you can add up your studies experience with the subject for which you are seeking admission in the summer school. You can prove your interest in the subject by mentioning how much you have dedicated yourself towards the same subject in your past, and where you are further willing to go with the subject.

You can add further proof of your academics details to show your achievements and the studies experience within the same subject. 

Now, it is the end section of the letter and in this section, you just again need to reiterate your will of admission into the summer school classes. Mention in the letter that if you are granted the admission into the summer school, then it is really going to boost up your knowledge and interest in the same subject, which will help you to improve your future prospects.

You can end the letter at last with your regards to the admission authority, and saying that you are really looking forward to having the interview further with the admission authority in the context of admission. 

It is advisable to you that you must be specific to the point and other relevant information of the letter. Don’t exaggerate anything in the letter and try to convince the admission authority for the admission by using as limited words as you can.

How to Write a Motivation Letter for Summer School

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Summer School Teacher Cover Letter Example

Writing a cover letter for a summer school teaching position can be a challenging endeavor. It requires an understanding of the key elements necessary for a successful application and a creative presentation of your professional skills and experience. This guide provides an overview of how to craft an effective summer school teacher cover letter to ensure your resume stands out from the competition. With the help of an example, you can learn how to highlight the unique qualities that make you an ideal candidate for the role.

account assistant cover letter sample

Download the Cover Letter Sample in Word Document – Click Below

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of cover letter examples .

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Summer School Teacher Cover Letter Sample

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am writing to apply for the position of Summer School Teacher at [School Name]. My experience as an educator combined with my passion for teaching and learning makes me the ideal candidate for this position.

I am a certified teacher with five years of experience in teaching grades K- 12. I have a deep understanding of the education system and the needs of my students. I am an experienced classroom manager and have developed strategies to keep students engaged and on- task. I am also knowledgeable in both traditional and alternative educational strategies, such as project- based learning, which I have successfully implemented in my classroom.

Outside of the classroom, I have been involved in several initiatives to provide additional support for students. I have organized after- school tutoring sessions, summer enrichment programs, and mentoring programs. My goal is to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities and resources.

I am confident that I am the ideal candidate for the Summer School Teacher position. My enthusiasm for teaching and my ability to engage students in the learning process would be an invaluable asset to [School Name]. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in further detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]

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What should a Summer School Teacher cover letter include?

A summer school teacher cover letter should include information about the applicant’s qualifications and experience, their enthusiasm for the role, and their desire to make a positive impact on their students. It should demonstrate a clear understanding of the job requirements, including the ability to create an engaging and supportive learning environment. The letter should also explain the applicant’s motivation for applying to the summer school and highlight the unique skills and qualities that make them the ideal candidate. Additionally, the applicant should emphasize any relevant training or certification they have completed, as well as any relevant volunteer or work experience. It is also important to include details about previous teaching successes and any methods or approaches they have used to ensure student success. Ultimately, a summer school teacher cover letter should showcase the applicant’s enthusiasm for the role and their commitment to helping students learn and grow.

Summer School Teacher Cover Letter Writing Tips

Summer school teaching positions are a great way to gain teaching experience and stay connected with students during the summer months. If you are looking for a summer school teaching position, creating a strong cover letter is an important step in the job application process. Here are some tips on how to write a standout summer school teacher cover letter.

  • Highlight your teaching experience: Make sure to emphasize your teaching experience, even if it has been limited. It is vital to explain why you are a good fit for the teaching role and how your teaching experience has prepared you for this job.
  • Showcase your enthusiasm: Show that you are enthusiastic about the opportunity to work as a summer school teacher. Demonstrate your interest in the job by highlighting your dedication and passion for teaching.
  • Tailor your cover letter: Your cover letter should be tailored to the job you are applying for. Research the school and the role and make sure to include relevant skills and qualifications that make you the perfect fit.
  • Keep it concise: Keep your cover letter concise, using language that is easy to understand. Aim for maximum clarity and avoid flowery, overly- descriptive language.
  • Proofread: Before submitting your cover letter, make sure to proofread it for any typos and grammar mistakes.

Writing a great summer school teacher cover letter is essential if you want to stand out from the competition and land the teaching job of your dreams. Following these tips can help you create a standout cover letter and get the job you desire.

Common mistakes to avoid when writing Summer School Teacher Cover letter

Writing a cover letter as a summer school teacher is a great way to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. However, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid when crafting your cover letter.

Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when writing a summer school teacher cover letter:

  • Not customizing the letter: While it can be tempting to use the same cover letter for multiple job applications, this approach is rarely effective. To stand out from the competition, you should customize each cover letter to the position you are applying for. Show the employer that you have taken the time to research the position and explain why you are the best candidate for the job.
  • Not highlighting relevant qualifications: Your cover letter should highlight the unique qualifications and experiences that make you a great candidate for the summer school teacher position. Make sure to include details about your teaching background, the types of coursework you have taught, and any relevant certifications or qualifications you may have.
  • Using an unprofessional tone: A cover letter should be professional and formal. Avoid using informal language or slang, and avoid making jokes or discussing personal details. Keep your cover letter focused on your qualifications and how they relate to the position.
  • Forgetting to proofread: Before submitting your cover letter, make sure to proofread your letter for any typos or grammatical errors. Check that all of the information is accurate, and make sure that the formatting is consistent. It is always best to have someone else look over your cover letter to ensure that it is error- free.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create an effective cover letter that will stand out to potential employers. With a great cover letter, you can demonstrate to employers why you are the perfect fit for the summer school teacher position.

Key takeaways

Writing a strong cover letter is an important part of the process when applying for summer school teaching positions. A great cover letter can make or break your chances of getting an interview, so it’s essential to craft a high- quality one. Here are some key takeaways for writing an impressive summer school teacher cover letter:

  • Make sure to highlight your experience and qualifications that are relevant to the position. Show the potential employer why you are the ideal candidate for the job.
  • Be sure to showcase your enthusiasm for teaching and working with students. Explain why you are passionate about the subject you would be teaching and why you are excited to take on the role.
  • Provide concrete examples of how you have engaged with students before or how you have worked with other teachers.
  • Make sure to customize your cover letter to each position you apply for. Use the job description to tailor your letter to the needs of the school, and refer to what makes you a great fit for the position.
  • Proofread your cover letter multiple times to check for spelling and grammar mistakes. This reflects poorly on your professionalism and could hurt your chances of getting an interview.
  • Make sure to keep your cover letter focused and concise. Use clear and concise language to get your point across, and avoid writing an overly long letter.
  • End with a strong conclusion and make sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.how do i write a cover letter for an summer school teacher job with no experience.

Writing a cover letter for an Summer School Teacher job without experience can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s important to remember that the point of a cover letter is to get your foot in the door and demonstrate your enthusiasm and knowledge of the school and teaching profession.

Start with a strong introduction that explains why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. Talk about your passion for teaching and summarize any relevant education, such as courses you’ve taken or volunteer experience.

Then, provide details about why you’re the right fit for the school. Talk about your research into the school and how you believe you could make a positive impact.

Finally, conclude with a call to action that encourages the reader to take a chance on you.

2.How do I write a cover letter for an Summer School Teacher job experience?

Writing a cover letter for an Summer School Teacher job with experience is much like writing a cover letter for a job with no experience. Start with a strong introduction that explains why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. If you have any relevant teaching experience, be sure to mention it here.

Next, focus on how your previous experience has prepared you for the job. Talk about any successful practices you’ve implemented in the past and any awards you’ve earned in the teaching field.

3.How can I highlight my accomplishments in Summer School Teacher cover letter?

When writing a cover letter for an Summer School Teacher job, it’s important to highlight your accomplishments and successes. Talk about any successful practices you’ve implemented in the past, awards you’ve earned, or standing you’ve achieved in the teaching field.

You can also mention any relevant education, such as courses you’ve taken or volunteer experience, as well as specific experiences that have made you an excellent teacher.

4.What is a good cover letter for an Summer School Teacher job?

A good cover letter for an Summer School Teacher job should be well- written and tailored to the specific job you’re applying for. Start with a strong introduction that explains why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. Talk about your passion for teaching and any relevant experience or education you have.

Next, provide details about why you’re the right fit for the school. Talk about your research into the school and how you believe you could make a positive impact.

In addition to this, be sure to check out our cover letter templates , cover letter formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

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application letter summer school

Professional Summer School Teacher Cover Letter Examples for 2024

In your summer school teacher cover letter, highlight your commitment to educational enrichment. Demonstrate your ability to engage students during a typically less structured time of year. Showcase your innovative teaching methods and curricular adaptability. It's crucial to convey your enthusiasm for fostering a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

Cover Letter Guide

Summer School Teacher Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Summer School Teacher Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Summer School Teacher cover letter

As you delve into the summer school teacher job hunt, you realize the pivotal role a cover letter plays in making your application stand out. Crafting the perfect cover letter is a delicate balance; it must weave a compelling narrative around your standout achievement without echoing your resume. Steer clear of tired clichés, embrace formality with a personal touch, and remember brevity is key—your story should unfold on a single page. Let's start that story together.

  • Introduce your profile to catch recruiters' attention;
  • Use professional templates and examples to make sure your summer school teacher cover letter follows the best industry standards;
  • Settle on your most story-worthy achievement to shine a light on what makes your application unique;
  • Write a summer school teacher cover letter, even when you lack professional experience.

Ready to start with the basics: upload your resume to Enhancv's AI, below, to see the summer school teacher cover letter it would write for you.

If the summer school teacher isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Summer School Teacher resume guide and example
  • Coaching cover letter example
  • Preschool Teacher Assistant cover letter example
  • Language Teacher cover letter example
  • Science Teacher cover letter example
  • High School Academic cover letter example
  • Infant Teacher cover letter example
  • Technology Teacher cover letter example
  • Retired Teacher cover letter example
  • Early Childhood Teacher cover letter example
  • Correctional Officer cover letter example

Summer School Teacher cover letter example

Lucas Rodriguez

Washington, D.C.


[email protected]

  • Highlighting concrete achievements — The cover letter mentions the development and success of a summer literacy program, aligning with the school's commitment to student growth and providing a tangible example of the candidate's impact on education.
  • Relevancy to the institution's values — It clearly connects the candidate's experience and educational philosophy to that of the institution, making the application stand out as particularly targeted and well-researched.
  • Demonstrating ability to innovate — The candidate emphasizes their skills in curriculum development and technology integration, which are highly relevant and valuable in the modern educational landscape.
  • Expressing enthusiasm for the role — The tone of the letter conveys eagerness to contribute to the institution's success, which can be a significant factor in the hiring decision to show cultural and mission fit.

Designing your summer school teacher cover letter: what is the best format

Let's start with the basics, your summer school teacher cover letter should include your:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph
  • Closing statement
  • Signature (that's not a must)

Next, we'll move to the spacing of your summer school teacher cover letter, and yes, it should be single-spaced ( automatically formatted for you in our cover letter templates ).

Don't go for a old-school font (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman), but instead, pick an ATS-favorite like Chivo, Volkhov, or Raleway, to stand out.

Our cover letter builder is also set up for you with the standard one-inch margin, all around the text.

Finally, ensure your summer school teacher resume and cover letter are in the same font and are submitted in PDF (to keep the formatting in place).

P.S. The Applicant Tracker System (or ATS) won't be assessing your [job] cover letter, it's solely for the recruiters' eyes.

The top sections on a summer school teacher cover letter

  • Header: Includes your contact information, date, and the employer's contact details, providing a professional look and making it easy for the recruiter to know who you are and how to reach you.
  • Greeting: Addresses the hiring manager or school principal by name if possible, demonstrating that you have done your research and are personally invested in the application.
  • Introduction: Briefly states your interest in the summer school teaching position and why you are uniquely qualified, capturing the recruiter's attention and setting the tone for the letter.
  • Body: Discusses your relevant teaching experience, educational background, and your ability to engage and motivate students in a condensed learning timeframe, which is critical for a summer school environment.
  • Closing: Concludes with a strong statement of your enthusiasm for the opportunity and an invitation to discuss your application in further detail, while thanking the recruiter for considering your application, which leaves a polite and professional final impression.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

Demonstrated passion for teaching and learning: Recruiters look for candidates who show a genuine enthusiasm for education to inspire and engage students during the condensed summer term.

Experience with diverse learning styles: Recruiters prioritize candidates who can adapt their teaching methods to accommodate various student needs, which is crucial for the mixed-ability classes often found in summer school.

Classroom management skills: The ability to maintain a positive and controlled classroom environment is key, especially as summer school often operates on a tighter schedule with more intensive coursework.

Subject matter expertise: Recruiters seek individuals with strong knowledge in the subject they will teach, as this ensures the summer curriculum is delivered effectively and any student queries are handled competently.

Creativity in lesson planning: Summer school can sometimes require a more engaging and dynamic approach to keep students motivated, so recruiters value teachers who can design creative and interactive lessons.

Flexibility and adaptability: Given that summer school settings can present unique challenges, such as varied student attendance and condensed timelines, recruiters look for teachers who can quickly adapt to changing circumstances and needs.

How to personalize your summer school teacher cover letter greeting

Before you start writing your summer school teacher cover letter, take the time to find out who is recruiting for the role.

Search for the recruiter's name on LinkedIn or the corporate website to address them personally in your summer school teacher cover letter salutation .

What if you can't find out who's recruiting for the role?

Always aim to avoid the very impersonal "Dear Sir/Madam" - instead, opt out for "Dear HR Team" or "Dear Hiring Manager" to make a better first impression.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear Selection Committee,
  • Dear [School Name] Recruitment Team,
  • Dear [Department] Department,
  • Dear [Principal's or Dean's Full Name],
  • Dear Professor [Last Name],

First introductions in your summer school teacher cover letter

Within your summer school teacher cover letter introduction , genuinely state what you like about the organization.

Research the latest company projects, honorary awards, company updates, etc.

Write up to two sentences to let recruiters know what impresses you about the company,

This would help you to set a good tone for the rest of the communication.

Choosing your best achievement for the middle or body of your summer school teacher cover letter

Now that you have the recruiters' attention, it's time to write the chunkiest bit of your summer school teacher cover letter .

The body consists of three to six paragraphs that focus on one of your achievements.

Use your past success to tell a story of how you obtained your most job-crucial skills and know-how (make sure to back these up with tangible metrics).

Another excellent idea for your summer school teacher cover letter's middle paragraphs is to shine a light on your unique professional value.

Write consistently and make sure to present information that is relevant to the role.

Finishing off your summer school teacher cover letter with what matters most

So far, you've done a fantastic job in tailoring your summer school teacher cover letter for the role and recruiter.

Your final opportunity to make a good impression is your closing paragraph.

And, no, a "Sincerely yours" just won't do, as it sounds too vague and impersonal.

End your summer school teacher cover letter with the future in mind.

So, if you get this opportunity, what do you plan to achieve? Be as specific, as possible, of what value you'd bring to the organization.

You could also thank recruiters for their interest in your profile and prompt for follow-up actions (and organizing your first interview).

The zero experience summer school teacher cover letter: shifting the focus to your unique value

Don't worry if you have no conventional professional experience . Within your whole experience, there's plenty more you can write about in your summer school teacher cover letter.

Take, for example, your biggest achievement or award - dedicate your cover letter body to describe it and the job-relevant skills you've learned.

Your professional ambitions could also take center stage. Describe what you plan on achieving in the next five to ten years and the efforts you're making towards your dreams.

Key takeaways

Writing your summer school teacher cover letter doesn't need to turn into an endless quest, but instead:

  • Create an individual summer school teacher cover letter for each role you apply to, based on job criteria (use our builder to transform your resume into a cover letter, which you could edit to match the job);
  • Stick with the same font you've used in your resume (e.g. Raleway) and ensure your summer school teacher cover letter is single-spaced and has a one-inch margin all around;
  • Introduce your enthusiasm for the role or the company at the beginning of your summer school teacher cover letter to make a good first impression;
  • Align what matters most to the company by selecting just one achievement from your experience, that has taught you valuable skills and knowledge for the job;
  • End your summer school teacher cover letter like any good story - with a promise for greatness or follow-up for an interview.

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Cover letter examples by industry

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Cover Letters for Summer Schools, Internships, Placements, Erasmus, PhD / MA / Postdoc Programs

  • First Online: 27 February 2016

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application letter summer school

  • Adrian Wallwork 3  

Part of the book series: English for Academic Research ((EAR))

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This chapter covers a wide area of academic correspondence including:

cover letters for job applications

motivational letters for internships, summer schools, workshops, Erasmus exchanges etc

applications for PhD and Postdoc programs

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Wallwork, A. (2016). Cover Letters for Summer Schools, Internships, Placements, Erasmus, PhD / MA / Postdoc Programs. In: English for Academic Correspondence . English for Academic Research. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-26435-6_7

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-26435-6_7

Published : 27 February 2016

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-26433-2

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Sample cover letter for Internship position at summer school

Got the job yes.

I am very interested in applying for the Summer School “Mid-East” at the University of Turin because I am motivated to study the issues related to this area.

I am currently completing my undergraduate degree in “International Development and Cooperation Studies” in Turin which has provided me with a political science approach towards themes such as Islamism or migration. This year I had some courses such as “Sociology of Islam” that gave me an idea of the complexity related to the Arab Uprisings and I really would like to study in-depth these issues. In addition I am really concerned by topics related to borders and boundaries because I participated and I still participate in volunteer experiences in the field of migration. In particular through my volunteer experiences I had the occasion to meet and work with refugees or undocumented people mostly from Middle East. It would be an opportunity to understand better the dynamics of the Middle Eastern region and to create a link between theory and practice.

Furthermore I am currently writing my Bachelor thesis on the problems that the European Union faces concerning illegal migration into the EU.

Finally this Summer School would be very useful for my future in order to acquire adequate skills to work in international community. I can picture myself working in an international context, both in for example an International Organization or an NGO. The chance to participate in this Summer School would be fundamental to achieving this goal. 

How to Get the Best Recommendation Letters for Law School

Think through the references you will ask for letters and when and how you will approach them.

Good Law School Recommendation Letters

Front view of curly haired man with backpack side by side with mature female teacher and conversing as they approach in hallway. Property release attached.

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Make sure the person who writes your letter of recommendation is someone you have a good relationship with.

Although they are rarely decisive, recommendations letters are a meaningful factor in law school admissions.

Most other law school application materials, such as personal and diversity statements , present your case in your own voice. Recommendation letters are one of the few ways for admissions officers to hear others’ impressions of you.

While your transcript and test scores may say a lot about your academic skills, they don’t communicate what kind of person you are, or how you think or relate to other people. One student might get straight A's while acting like a pompous jerk, while another helped others, steadily improved through hard work or had the courage to take on challenging research.

Hearing stories about you from a professor or work supervisor helps law admissions officers build a three-dimensional picture of who you are and how you might contribute to the law school community.

This is why it is important to approach recommendation letters strategically, even though they’re just one part of your application process. 

Whom to Ask for a Recommendation Letter

Unless you are an older applicant who has been in the workforce for many years, you should get at least one law school recommendation letter from a professor. Others might come from other professors, mentors or supervisors from an internship, job or activity .

One mistake that applicants make is to request a recommendation letter from someone they think is a big shot – a well-known professor, a high-level executive or a family friend who is a venerable lawyer or local politician.

This is only a good idea if such a person teaches or works with you directly and can speak knowledgeably about your work and your goals. If your relationship is more indirect or distant, it can come across as superficial and uninformative, like a vague book blurb by a celebrity who seems unlikely to have read the book.

Above all, ensure the recommendation letter will be positive! If you detect signs that you have chosen the wrong reference to write a letter, move on to someone who can speak about your strengths more knowledgeably and enthusiastically. 

What a Recommendation Letter Should Include

If a recommendation letter is simply a series of compliments strung together, it will sound generic, no matter how effusive or truthful it is. An effective letter should back up its claims with specific details and examples of times when you stood out because of your dedication, helpfulness, initiative or insight.

A recommendation letter does not have to be unwaveringly positive. In fact, a letter that shows how you have grown, overcome adversity, responded constructively to feedback or taken responsibility for yourself can show the kinds of “ soft factors ” that law school admissions officers seek.  

How to Request a Recommendation Letter

Once you have identified a reference who is likely to write you a strong recommendation letter, ask him or her politely. Explain why you are applying to law school, why you think he or she would be a good reference and when you will need the letter.

Be prepared for the recommender to ask for your resume or other materials. For example, a professor might ask to see copies of your papers for the class, or any feedback received.

You might offer to provide more information or details as needed or to discuss the letter in a meeting or phone call. However, do not crowd your initial request with ideas and advice. That could come across as presumptuous.

If a recommender has a personal connection to a school you are applying to, consider requesting a school-specific letter , in addition to a more general recommendation letter.

Finally, avoid writing a recommendation letter yourself . If a recommender asks you to do so, gently explain why this is a bad idea and instead offer to provide ideas and notes that he or she could incorporate into his or her own letter. 

How Many Recommendation Letters to Request

Very few law schools require more than one recommendation letter. Many limit you to two, although some allow up to five.

It is important that all your recommendation letters are strong and substantive, because they may take time away from other aspects of your application. Quality matters more than quantity.

If you are worried that one of your letters is not as strong as the others, don’t submit it. A mediocre letter could very well overshadow better letters read alongside it. Just think about how often you read a mixed review that turns you off of a business, even if the other reviews seem positive. 

When to Request a Recommendation Letter

Recommendation letters are submitted and processed through the Credential Assembly Service of the Law School Admission Council. Since they can take a couple of weeks to process, it’s a good idea to get them in before you plan to apply.

Anticipate that your recommender may need at least a few weeks to write the letter, particularly at busy times of the year. That means that you should request recommendation letters more than a month before you plan to apply.

For applicants planning to apply in the fall, it is best to request letters over the summer or early fall. It’s OK to request letters earlier, as well. For example, if you just finished a summer internship where you worked together well with your boss, you might request the letter before leaving, even if you don’t plan to apply anytime soon. 

What if Your Recommendation Letter Is Delayed?

While law school admissions are rolling , a week or so of delay will not be of consequence. So, consider waiting until your application is complete before you submit it.

That said, if it is late in the cycle, or if you are aiming to meet an early decision deadline , waiting may not be an option. As long as you have the minimum number of recommendation letters required, your application can be submitted. You can always add further letters to your file later.

Remember that a law school is unlikely to review your application as soon as it is received. So, if a recommendation letter is delayed for a few days, it is unlikely to matter. If the letter is important and it may be delayed for some time, notify the admissions office by phone or email that another recommendation letter is forthcoming and ask if your application could be put on hold until it is received.

Of course, the best way to ensure that a recommendation letter does not hold up your application is to request it several weeks in advance. The law school admissions process is stressful enough without having to wait on other people!

Tips to Boost a Law School Application

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Tags: law school , graduate schools , education , students

About Law Admissions Lowdown

Law Admissions Lowdown provides advice to prospective students about the law school application process, LSAT prep and potential career paths. Previously authored by contributors from Stratus Admissions Counseling, the blog is currently authored by Gabriel Kuris, founder of Top Law Coach , an admissions consultancy. Kuris is a graduate of Harvard Law School and has helped hundreds of applicants navigate the law school application process since 2003. Got a question? Email [email protected] .

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Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School Template

Use a Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School to highlight your achievements and enhance your graduate school application.

Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School (Generic)

Updated May 20, 2024 Written by Raina Chou | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School is an endorsement that offers detailed insights into a graduate school applicant’s strengths, character, and suitability for advanced study.

Typically written by professors or professional mentors, these recommendation letters are used during the admissions process to complement academic records and test scores, helping to differentiate applicants in a competitive selection environment.

  • Why It's Important

Who Should Write

How to request, how to write, letter of recommendation for graduate school from employer: example, letter of recommendation for graduate school sample, frequently asked questions, why it’s important.

Admissions committees of graduate programs rely heavily on letters of recommendation when evaluating applicants. Here’s why:

  • They paint a complete picture. Insightful letters highlight the applicant’s strengths and potential beyond test scores and transcripts. They provide admissions committees with a comprehensive view of the applicant’s academic abilities, skills, and personal qualities, offering a deeper understanding of the applicant.
  • They make the applicant stand out. Graduate school admissions can be highly competitive, with many applicants having perfect grades. In such scenarios, it often comes down to qualities beyond mere academic performance. Compelling letters emphasize unique achievements, dedication, and specific examples of excellence, helping differentiate the applicant from others and making a memorable impression on the committee.
  • They add credibility. These letters reinforce the applicant’s suitability for the program. Endorsements from credible sources validate the applicant’s experiences and abilities, ensuring the admissions committee trusts the information presented.

The best recommenders are those who:

  • have seen your talents first-hand,
  • can provide specific examples that showcase your achievements, and
  • can speak directly to the strengths you will leverage as a graduate student in your chosen program or field.

Professor or Employer?

If you have gained work experience before applying to graduate school, you may wonder from whom you should ask for letters of recommendation. Here’s a guide to help you decide:

  • You are currently enrolled in or have recently graduated from college, especially if you have limited professional experience.
  • Your undergraduate and graduate focus areas are closely related.
  • Professors have directly assessed your academic work or supervised research projects, internships, or theses.
  • You plan to pursue an academically focused graduate program where academic achievements and potential are paramount.
  • You have been in the workforce for several years since completing your undergraduate degree.
  • Your professional experience aligns with the focus area of your intended graduate program.
  • Your graduate program is professionally oriented, where practical skills and work accomplishments are highly valued.
  • Supervisors or managers can vouch for your relevant skills, work ethic, leadership, and other professional qualities.

In many cases, a combination of both types of recommenders can provide a well-rounded perspective of your capabilities.

What if I didn't know any professors well as an undergrad?

As long as you didn’t have a negative relationship, you can still reach out years later to explain your circumstances and goals. Professors understand students may not have networked well initially.

When asking for a letter of recommendation for graduate school, consider the following key points from prestigious universities, including Cornell and Northeastern :

  • Provide Ample Notice : Give your recommender at least 4-6 weeks to prepare the letter, ensuring they have enough time to write a thoughtful and thorough endorsement. Avoid excessive follow-ups or reminders.
  • Explain Why You Chose Them : Clearly articulate why you value their perspective on your abilities and achievements. Highlight how their insights can specifically showcase your strengths.
  • Share Program Details : Provide information about the specific graduate program you’re applying to and your goals. This context helps the recommender tailor their letter to emphasize relevant qualities and experiences.
  • Provide Supporting Materials : Include an updated resume or CV, an unofficial transcript, a draft of your personal statement (if allowed), and detailed submission instructions for each school. These materials will be particularly helpful if you are asking a former professor.
  • Build a Productive Relationship : Establish a positive relationship with your recommenders before requesting a letter. Remind them of your achievements in their class or workplace, and discuss your academic interests and career aspirations.
  • Accept criticism graciously if included . The recommender may provide constructive feedback. Take it as an opportunity for growth rather than reacting defensively. An honest letter will strengthen your application, even if it includes criticism.
  • Express Gratitude : Properly thank your recommenders with handwritten notes, keep them updated on your admissions outcomes, and maintain the relationship during your studies. This shows appreciation and keeps the connection strong for future reference.

Below are two sample emails requesting a letter of recommendation for graduate school: one for a graduate returning after several years in the workforce and another for a college senior about to graduate.

Email Sample #1: University Graduate Returning After 7 Years

Subject: Request for Letter of Recommendation

Dear Professor Smith,

I hope you are well. My name is John Doe, and I had the pleasure of being your student in the Advanced Molecular Biology course during my undergraduate studies at Riverside University, from which I graduated in 2013. I valued your class for its rigorous challenges and deep insights into molecular mechanisms, which have greatly influenced my career in biotech.

After seven years in genetic research, I am now applying for a Master’s degree in Molecular Biology. I am writing to ask if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for my application. I believe your recommendation would provide valuable perspective on my academic abilities and potential for advanced study.

I would be happy to provide my resume, unofficial transcript, personal statement draft, and any additional information you may need. The application deadline is December 1st, and I wanted to give you ample time to prepare the letter.

Thank you for considering my request. Your support would mean a great deal to me. Please let me know if you need further information.

Yours Sincerely,

Email Sample #2: College Senior Graduating Soon

Dear Professor Johnson,

I hope you are well. My name is Sarah Lee, a senior majoring in Environmental Science at Riverside University. I enjoyed your Environmental Policy course last semester and valued your mentorship during my research project.

I am writing to ask if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for my application to graduate programs in Environmental Science at Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Yale. Your recommendation would greatly benefit my application by highlighting my academic performance and research skills.

I would be happy to provide my resume, unofficial transcript, personal statement draft, and submission instructions for your reference. Since the application deadline is January 15th, there is still ample time to prepare the letter.

Thank you for considering my request. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need any additional information or can assist with this.

Advice for Lukewarm Recommendations

If you sense a recommender may provide a lukewarm letter, you can take steps to address it politely and professionally:

  • Have an open conversation where you candidly ask if they feel they can write a strong letter of support for your application. It’s better to know upfront if their recommendation may be weak.
  • Consider suggesting an alternative recommender who may be better equipped to highlight your strengths for this program. Provide them with an easy out if they don’t feel they can strongly endorse you.
  • Explain why an honest, candid assessment – even if not entirely positive – could still help your application. Admissions committees want to see objective perspectives .
  • If they agree to proceed with a letter, provide additional details on your achievements and growth that could help them write a fuller picture.
  • Maintain grace and appreciation , even if they confirm they cannot provide the endorsement you hoped for. These conversations can be awkward, but handling them with maturity and understanding preserves the relationship.

A compelling graduate school letter of recommendation should consist a concise introduction, 2-3 focused body paragraphs, and a powerful closing.

Step 1: Introduction

The writer should start the letter by stating:

  • The purpose of the letter;
  • Who the writer is;
  • How the writer knows the applicant and for how long; and
  • A brief summary of why the applicant is worthy of the recommendation.

Introduction Sample

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to recommend John Doe for admission to your Master’s program in Molecular Biology. As a professor of Molecular Biology at ABC University, I taught him in the Advanced Molecular Biology course and supervised his research project. In the four years I have known John, he has demonstrated exceptional analytical skills, dedication, and passion for genetic research — all qualities that make him an outstanding candidate for your program.

Step 2: Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs should start with a topic sentence highlighting the applicant’s talents, character, or potential for success in graduate school. Then, provide detailed examples and anecdotes that support the qualities. These allow admissions committees to look beyond test scores and grades.

Some elements that make a recommendation letter stand out include:

  • Specific examples and achievements that showcase the applicant’s academic excellence, leadership, research skills, and other relevant strengths. Quantifiable details like awards, grades, test scores, or publications carry more weight than general claims about your talents.
  • Illustrative anecdotes about the applicant’s persistence, integrity, teamwork, communication abilities, or other admirable qualities. Brief stories about how the applicant overcame challenges or made meaningful contributions reveal their character in memorable ways.
  • Unique insights into how the applicant thinks, collaborates, and pursues their goals. Recommenders who know the applicant well can provide a nuanced perspective on their personal growth and future potential.
  • Fit assessment for the particular graduate program or field of study. Recommenders may highlight specific skills, experiences, and interests that make the applicant a strong candidate for the program in question.

Body Paragraphs Sample

In my Advanced Molecular Biology course, John consistently demonstrated exceptional analytical abilities and a profound commitment to his studies. One particular instance that stands out is his independent research project on the effects of environmental stressors on fruit fly development. John analyzed extensive datasets and employed statistical methods to draw meaningful conclusions about the impact of the stressors. His dedication was evident in the countless hours he spent ensuring the precision of his experiments. This project not only earned the highest marks in the class but also led to a 15% increase in the accuracy of our lab’s experimental protocols.

John’s dedication to research is matched by his exemplary character and teamwork skills. During his tenure as a lab assistant, he played a crucial role in a collaborative project aimed at understanding the genetic basis of antibiotic resistance. John’s ability to communicate complex ideas and willingness to assist peers significantly contributed to the project’s success. His perseverance in troubleshooting experimental challenges and his ethical approach to research were particularly noteworthy.

John’s potential for success in your Master’s program is further evidenced by his proactive engagement in academic and extracurricular activities. He has consistently sought opportunities to expand his knowledge and skills, whether through attending advanced seminars, participating in biology-related clubs, or volunteering for community science outreach programs. John’s multifaceted experiences have equipped him with a well-rounded perspective and a strong foundation for advanced studies in molecular biology.

Step 3: Closing

The writer should reaffirm their support for the applicant and their belief in the applicant’s potential to succeed in the graduate program.

In addition, the writer can include an offer to provide additional information if needed and a professional sign-off.

Closing Sample

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend John Doe for your Master’s program in Molecular Biology. His exceptional analytical skills, dedication to research, and strong academic background make him an ideal candidate for your program. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 555-555-5555 if you require any further information.

Dr. Emily Smith

[Company Letterhead]

Admissions Committee [Graduate Program Name] [University Name] [University Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am thrilled to recommend Jane Doe for admission to your Master’s program in Public Health. Having had the pleasure of working closely with Jane for the past five years as the Director of Operations at HealthCorp, I have witnessed Jane’s exceptional talents, work ethic, and dedication to public health.

Jane has consistently demonstrated her ability to excel in various roles at HealthCorp. As a Project Manager, she led numerous initiatives aimed at improving community health outcomes. For example, she successfully coordinated a city-wide vaccination campaign that resulted in a 25% increase in immunization rates. Jane’s ability to analyze data, develop strategic plans, and execute them efficiently was instrumental in the success of this project.

Moreover, Jane’s leadership and teamwork skills are exemplary. She has a unique talent for bringing people together and fostering a collaborative environment. During a critical project to improve healthcare access in underserved areas, Jane worked tirelessly to engage stakeholders, secure funding, and implement sustainable solutions. Her efforts not only improved healthcare delivery but also built stronger community partnerships.

Jane’s dedication to her professional growth and her passion for public health are evident in her pursuit of continuous learning. She regularly attends industry conferences, participates in professional development workshops, and stays current with the latest research and trends in public health. This proactive approach to learning and her desire to contribute meaningfully to the field align perfectly with the objectives of your Master’s program.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support Jane Doe’s application to your Master’s program in Public Health. Her exceptional analytical skills, leadership abilities, and unwavering commitment to improving public health make her an ideal candidate. I am confident that she will not only excel in your program but also make significant contributions to the field. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 123-456-7890 if you require any further information.

John Smith Director of Operations HealthCorp

Copy the free sample or download a customizable letter of recommendation template below.

___________________ [Recommender’s Name] ___________________ [Recommender’s Institution] ______________________________________ [Recommender’s Address] ___________________ [Recommender’s Phone Number or Email Address]

___________________ [Date]

___________________ [Recipient’s Name] ___________________ [Recipient’s Institution] ______________________________________ [Recipient’s Address] ___________________ [Recipient’s Phone Number or Email Address]

Dear ___________________ [Recipient’s name],

It is with great enthusiasm that I write to recommend ___________________ [Applicant’s name] for the ___________________ [Course/degree applied for] at ___________________ [Name of institution offering this course/degree]. Having had the pleasure of engaging with ___________________ [Applicant’s name] as their ___________________ [Relation to applicant] for ______ [Time] at ___________________ [Name of institution], I have been impressed by their commitment to achieving and maintaining a high standard in all endeavors. This positions me well to attest to their suitability for this application.

During their tenure in ___________________ [Applicant’s field of study/interest], ___________________ [Applicant’s name] has consistently demonstrated ___________________ [Applicant’s attribute/skill]. A notable achievement was their commitment in _____________________________________ [Description of achievement]. As a result, _____________________________________ [Result of achievement].

Moreover, ___________________ [Applicant’s name] has shown remarkable ___________________ [Applicant’s attribute/skill] through their involvement in _______________________________ [Description of achievement]. Because of this, ___________________________ [Result of achievement].

Beyond ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s accomplishments in ___________________ [Applicant’s field of study/interest], they have made significant contributions to ______________________________________ [Description of achievement], showcasing their ___________________ [Applicant’s attribute/skill]. Through these contributions, _____________________________________ [Result of achievement].

To conclude, I am confident in recommending ___________________ [Applicant’s name] for the ___________________ [Course/degree applied for]. I have no doubt that they will continue to grow and inspire others in their future endeavors.

I am happy to provide any additional information or discuss ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s journey further. I can be reached at ___________________ [Recommender’s phone or email].

___________________ [Recommender’s Name] ___________________ [Recommender’s Department or Title] ________________________________ [Recommender’s Email or Phone]

When should I request letters – now or closer to applying?

Ideally, you should request letters of recommendation 4-6 weeks before your application deadlines . Here are some different scenarios to consider:

  • Current Students : If you are still in school, ask your professors about their willingness to write a recommendation before the class ends . This ensures that your achievements and interactions are fresh in their minds. You can formalize the request closer to your application deadlines.
  • Recent Graduates : If you have recently graduated, reach out to your professors as soon as you decide to apply to grad school. Even if you are a few years away from applying, mention to your professors or supervisors that you might seek a recommendation in the future. Stay in touch periodically by sending updates to foster the relationship. Professors appreciate hearing from former students.
  • Professionals Returning to School : If you graduated several years ago and are now planning to return to graduate school, do not hesitate to contact your former professors or supervisors. Remind them of your time together and provide updates on your professional progress.

How much detail should I include in the request email?

Keep it concise but provide context on your background, intended programs, due dates, and offer to send more details to assist them.

How many letters of recommendation should I get?

Graduate programs typically ask for up to three letters of recommendation . Focus on quality over quantity by selecting recommenders who know you well, have high credentials, and can provide strong endorsements. Avoid using friends, family, or graduate students to ensure your application is taken seriously.

Related Documents

  • Transcript Request Form : Use this form to request your academic transcripts from educational institutions such as high schools, colleges, and universities.
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Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School (Generic)

The document above is a sample. Please note that the language you see here may change depending on your answers to the document questionnaire.

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Carey Business School blog

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May 22, 2024

Top three tips: Choosing a strong reference for your graduate business school application

In the application process for graduate business school, your letter of recommendation is an opportunity to demonstrate your professional abilities through the eyes of someone who knows you well.

student and professor sitting down in chairs talking

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While you are in control of the majority of your application materials, your reference letter is an opportunity to provide our admissions team with details about your professional characteristics from someone in your network. A strong recommendation can show our team the value you’ll bring to Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.

What is a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a document written by someone in your circle who knows you in a professional or academic capacity. This letter serves to support your qualifications, characteristics, strengths, and professional potential. Typically, these letters are written by professors, supervisors, mentors, or colleagues.

When to ask for a letter of recommendation

Writing a recommendation letter takes time. After you decide who you will reach out to, approach them at least two months before the application deadline. This provides them with a significant amount of time to write, revise, and submit a thoughtful and well-prepared letter. Be considerate of timing if you are asking a professor for a recommendation–what part of the semester is it? Finals? Mid-terms? Be sure to give them ample amounts of time to submit your letter by the deadline.

Top three tips for choosing a strong reference

A well-crafted letter of recommendation should highlight your professional attributes and provide specific examples that illustrate why you are an ideal candidate for Carey. These letters play a crucial role in the admissions process, so it’s important to choose a recommender who you trust.

1.     Choose someone who knows you and your professional strengths

Select an individual who has a deep understanding of your characteristics, strengths, professional capabilities, and goals. A recommender does not need to be the highest-ranking individual in your organization or institution but rather someone with whom you have had significant time working in an academic or professional capacity.

It is also important to note that your choice of recommender is a way for the admissions team to evaluate your self-awareness. The admissions team is looking to see if you can identify a recommender who will offer the best reflection of your skills and abilities. If the recommendation is brief, lukewarm, or has boilerplate accolades, that might be an indication that you may not have chosen the best fit.

2.     Avoid choosing family members or personal friends

While family members and close friends know you on a personal level, they might not have strong insight into your professional work ethic. The admissions team is looking for objective assessments of your capabilities, and recommendations from individuals you know personally might not seem as credible.

3.     Communicate effectively with your recommender

Maintaining open communication with your recommender ensures that the letter of recommendation is effective, tailored to your needs, and submitted in a timely manner, ultimately increasing your chances of success in the application process. Be sure to discuss deadlines and submission requirements well in advance to ensure that the recommendation is submitted on time and in the correct format. Offer additional context–or even a few written guidelines–to your recommender so they are better informed about topics they should focus their letter on. Communicating also gives you the opportunity to share essential information about your goals and achievements to ensure that the recommendation is aligned with the rest of your application.

Don’t forget–provide our admissions team with the name, title, and contact information for your reference within your application. Your recommender will then receive an email containing a personalized link to upload their letter of recommendation to your application. Be sure to inform your recommender ahead of time so that they will know to look for the link in their email inbox.

Letter of recommendation requirements for Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

  • Full-time MBA : One letter of recommendation
  • Part-time programs and certificates : One letter of recommendation  (Option to submit two)
  • Full-time Master of Science programs : One letter of recommendation
  • Design Leadership MA/MBA : One letter of recommendation (Option to submit two)

Upcoming Carey application deadlines

Please visit our upcoming deadlines webpage to view all application, decision, and deposit deadlines.

Design Leadership MA/MBA Summer 2024: Deposit deadline

May 29, 2024

Full-time MBA Fall 2024: Deposit deadline

Flexible mba fall 2024: application deadline.

June 5, 2024

Part-time programs Fall 2024: Application deadline


UCL Summer School


  • Essential checklist

Use our checklist to ensure you are ready for your journey to the UK and fully prepared for your stay in London.  

Before you arrive 

Apply for a visa (if you need one) 

If you are unsure if you need a visa, please check your visa status here

Plan your journey to your accommodation 

Arrange travel and medical insurance 

If you need to bring medication make sure you have a doctor’s note translated into English to accompany it 

Book Social and Cultural Programme events (optional) 

Complete pre-enrolment (you will receive an email when this is available. As mentioned, this will be approximately two weeks before the start of the programme) 

Check for any restrictions on the amount of money you can take out of your country and any restrictions on goods that can be bought into the UK 

Packing your hand luggage 

Valuables (phone, wallet, etc.) 

Passport (containing visa if applicable) 

UCL Confirmation Letter  

Financial evidence 

Address of UK accommodation 

Tickets/Online flight booking 

UK pound sterling for any initial costs (taxi fares, food, etc.) 

Clothing (a jumper, waterproof jacket, etc.) 

Packing your hold luggage 

Label your luggage with your details in English 

Check your luggage allowance (exceeding this could be extremely costly) 

Photocopies of all your important documents (passport, visa, etc.) and passport photos 

Clothes – British weather can be extremely unpredictable, make sure you pack items suitable for all seasons 

Why not bring photographs of loved ones and reminders of home - they are a great way to brighten up your room and help you feel settled 

Electrical items, including a travel adaptor  

Please note, our checklist should be used as a guide only and you may find there are additional tasks you need to complete. 

Your pre-arrival guide  

  • Meet the team and fellow Summer School students
  • Pre-enrolment and enrolment guide
  • Arriving in London
  • Timetables and academic support
  • Health advice
  • Social and Cultural Programme

Pre-arrival information sessions

To help you with your preparations, the Summer School team will be offering pre-arrival information sessions on:

  • Thursday 6 June 2024 at 10am (UK time).
  • Thursday 6 June 2024 at 4pm (UK time).

Register now

The session will give you an opportunity to meet the team and to ask us any questions. 

Follow us on Instagram

Tag us at @uclsummer on your posts and stories!

We will be holding an Instagram competition for the best content across the programme. Details will follow when the programme starts - keep an eye out! 

Final Summer I 2024 Application Deadline is June 2, 2024.  

Click here to apply.


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10 Free Summer Programs for High School Students in 2024

We know that summer programs can be expensive. That’s why we’ve put together this list of competitive programs that are completely free (some even provide a stipend!). Some of these programs are more selective than others and they range from STEM programs to the humanities.

Summer programs are a great option for high schoolers because they give you a lot of time to focus on the program itself and its workload, instead of trying to balance the program with your school-year activities. Free summer programs are also prestigious because they are fully funded (which means they’re competitive!) Admissions officers are looking for students who are not only at the top of their class, but also possess an advanced set of skills, which you can demonstrate by getting into a free summer program!

Without further ado, here are 10 free summer programs for high school students that are accepting applications in 2024!

1. Lumiere Research Inclusion Foundation

Application Deadline : Varying deadlines based on cohort. The main summer deadlines are March 15, April 15, and May 15.

Duration : Options range from 12 weeks to 1 year.

Location : Remote — you can participate in this program from anywhere in the world!

Eligibility :

You must be currently enrolled in high school

Students must demonstrate a high level of academic achievement. (Note. students have an unweighted GPA of 3.3 out of 4)

No previous knowledge of your field of interest is required!

Program Dates : Summer cohort runs from June to August, Fall cohort from September to December, Winter cohort from December to February, Spring from March to June. Applications for the summer cohort are now open!

Cost : Full financial aid available!

The Lumiere Inclusion Foundation enables students to participate in Lumiere’s Research Scholar Program with financial aid!  The latter is a rigorous research program tailored for high school students. The program offers extensive 1-on-1 research opportunities for high school students, across a broad range of subject areas that you can explore as a high schooler.

The program pairs high-school students with Ph.D. mentors  to work 1-on-1 on an independent research project . At the end of the 12-week program, you’ll have developed an independent research paper! You can choose research topics from subjects such as applied math, computer science, AI, and more. You can find more details about the application here !

2. Young Ambassadors Program at the Smithsonian

Subject areas : Arts, Sciences, and Humanities

Location : Washington DC and one of 18 cities in the United States and Puerto Rico

Stipend : $2,350 upon completion of the program

Application deadline : This year the application was extended to April 22, 2024, but it’s usually due April 15th

Program dates : Vary by individual, but the program consists of a five-week commitment

Program selectivity : Highly selective, only 24 participants accepted

Eligibility : Must be a graduating high school senior, GPA of 3.25 or higher, full-time enrollment in a degree-seeking program at an accredited college or university for fall 2024

The Young Ambassadors Program (YAP) is a national preparatory and leadership program that fosters the next generation of community-conscious Latino leaders via the Smithsonian Institution and its resources.

The program consists of a week-long seminar in Washington DC and a four-week internship at a museum or cultural institute at one of 18 locations around the country and Puerto Rico.  You do not need to be Latino, Latina, or Latinx to apply and you do not need to speak Spanish! Meals and accommodations and round-trip travel for the DC portion of the trip are covered by the program,  but students are responsible for all expenses during their internships, so it’s worth selecting an internship location close to home if possible.

During Washington Week, students participate in workshops and learn from preeminent Latinx scholars and leaders. It’s primarily a learning week with a heavy focus on academics and is conducted at the Smithsonian Institute.

During the four-week internship, students can expect to work at a partner institution where they’ll gain valuable work experience in the arts, sciences, and humanities.  Students also participate in community outreach events to promote childhood literacy. In fact, a major focus of the internships is community impact.

One of the big benefits of this program is access to the YAP Alumni Network. The goals of this network are to keep students engaged and to connect them with future career and leadership development opportunities. 

3. Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (ASSIP)

Subject areas : STEM

Location : George Mason University, fully remote, hybrid (determined by faculty mentor)

Stipend : Unpaid, but the program is free (there is a $25 application feed)

Application deadline : Usually the end of January

Program dates : Varies by year, mid-June to mid-August (8-week program)

Program selectivity : Moderately competitive

Eligibility : High school or university students and students must be 15 or older for remote and hybrid programs and 16 or older for “wet-lab” programs

The ASSIP program is nationally known and provides intensive research opportunities. One of the major benefits of this program is the 1:1 ratio of students to mentors. Another benefit is the wide variety of disciplines covered under the larger STEM umbrella. There are internships available in specialties like nanoscience, oceanic science, astronomy, mathematical modeling, and more. In fact, ASSIP provides internships in upwards of 20 STEM specialties.

During their internships, students can expect to use cutting-edge equipment, develop scientific writing skills, participate in discussion forums and meetings with role models as well as their mentors, and combine creative skills with an eye to innovative research. Student/mentor work may also be published in scientific journals and presented at academic conferences.

4. Anson L. Clark Scholars Program

Subject areas : STEM, History

Location : Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

Stipend : $750

Application deadline : Varies by year, but usually mid-February

Program dates : Generally mid-June to the beginning of August

Program selectivity : Highly selective, only 12 students are accepted

Eligibility : Applicants must be 17 by the program start date and should participate the summer before or after their senior year

This program is an intensive 7-week summer research program with a focus on hands-on, practical research. The research disciplines vary from year to year, but generally focus on STEM subjects, though it is open to almost any area of academia.

The program covers on-campus meals, on-campus room and board, and weekend activities. Students do have to pay for their travel to and from the program location, personal expenses, and medical expenses. Students should expect to work closely with faculty on specific research projects and to attend weekly seminars, participate in discussions, and go on field trips.

5.  Stanford Medical Youth Science Program

Subject areas : Science and medicine

Location : Stanford University campus, San Francisco Bay Area, California

Stipend : No stipend is provided for this program

Application deadline : Usually mid-March

Program dates : 5 weeks usually from the end of June to the end of July

Program selectivity : Moderate to high, the program only admits 24 students

Eligibility : Must be low-income, first-generation high school juniors who live in Northern California

This program is an immersive, on-campus experience centered around the health sciences and medicine. Students are mentored by medical professionals, faculty, and university students. Students can expect to attend lectures, participate in professional development workshops, make key connections at Stanford Medicine networking events, and hone research skills on a public health disparities research project.

Students are also placed in hospital internships where they can apply the skills and knowledge they acquire in the classroom portion of the program . They do hands-on laboratory work and actively participate in patient interaction. The goal of the internships is to provide exposure to the various health and medical professions.

This program is a good fit for students who are interested in the medical field, but don’t have a lot of family experience with university education or programs.

6.  University of Washington Engineering Academy

Subject areas : Engineering

Location : University of Washington

Stipend : No stipend is provided

Application deadline : Varies from year to year

Program dates : This program is a five-day introduction to engineering that normally starts at the end of June and runs each week until the end of July

Program selectivity : Low to moderate selectivity

Eligibility : Must be a high school sophomore or junior during the current academic year. Must attend high school in the greater Seattle area. Students from underrepresented backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply

This program offers an introduction to engineering, so it’s a good fit for students who are interested in the field, but need more experience. It runs from 10am to 4pm each day, so even though it’s only five days long in total, it’s still immersive. The program is hands-on and students should expect to work on engineering design challenges, work with university engineering students and faculty, and research how different engineering disciplines make an impact. Students are responsible for their transportation to and from the UW Seattle campus.

Like the Stanford medical program, this one is a solid fit for students who might be new to the college experience or to engineering as a field.  It doesn’t offer quite the boost to your CV as some other programs simply because it’s on the short side and it’s not as competitive, but if you just need to build up your foundation and make connections, it’s a great summer program to start with.

7.  Army Educational Outreach Program Internships

Subject areas : Science and Engineering

Location : Multiple locations around the country

Stipend : Yes, but varies by internship location and duration

Application deadline : Rolling deadlines based on location. The application opens in December each year, so this is the time to check for locations and deadlines

Program dates : Varies by location, but always during the summer

Program selectivity : Competitive

Eligibility : Must be a current high school student, additional requirements based on location. Some locations require that applicants be military-connected

This program allows you to work closely with university faculty and Department of Defense professional scientists and engineers. The internships take place in a university research lab or in a US Army Research Laboratory and Center.

Students can expect to spend a significant amount of time in the lab, and the program emphasizes learning STEM culture as much as exposing students to high-tech equipment and cutting edge research techniques . Interns receive formal mentorship and multiple opportunities to learn from other STEM practitioners, which is great for networking. The program also provides office hours with more advanced interns, webinars, and workshops.

The program provides a stipend, but meals, transportation, and housing are not provided.

8.  Library of Congress High School Summer Internship

Subject areas : Libraries and museums, writing, public speaking, and public programming

Location : Library of Congress, Washington DC, hybrid

Stipend : No

Application deadline : Usually early spring, but varies by year

Program dates : Usually mid-June to mid-July

Program selectivity : Moderate

Eligibility : Current high school students aged 16 or older

This internship is designed specifically for students who want to work with primary sources. Applicants are expected to come into the program with strong research and writing skills. The program lasts 4-weeks and interns are expected to be available 10am-330pm for training, workshops, and peer groups . You’ll need to be in the DC area and able to go to the library one day a week.

You can expect to learn about the Library of Congress, help with the Center for Learning, Literacy and Engagement development, and create content to support family and youth engagement. This internship is unique because of the level of public engagement.  You’ll also produce content for interpretive guides for young audiences, research collection materials for items on display in exhibits, advise on program models for teens at the Library, and contextualize information and present it in verbal or written formats.

This internship is a solid fit for students who want to hone their public speaking skills and put their research and writing skills to work.  One of the huge benefits is that you’ll produce tangible and quantifiable work, almost like building a research portfolio.

9.  City of Chicago Department of Law, Pre-Law Volunteer Program

Subject areas : Law

Location : Chicago

Application deadline : Rolling deadline

Program dates : Rolling dates

Eligibility : Academic excellence and interest in public service. You do NOT need to be a city resident to volunteer. Must be a high school or college student.

Technically, this volunteer program appears to be open year-round, but it would be a great summer opportunity. The program is free and allows high school students to work closely with a large legal organization. The Department of Law is focused on public service and volunteers can expect a challenging and rewarding experience.

One of the major goals of the volunteer program is to give students an opportunity to get a realistic picture of law and public service.  You’ll need to be able to demonstrate an interest in public service in your application, but you can expect to gain valuable insights on legal experience by working on complex and diverse legal projects. You can also expect to conduct research and analysis, shadow attorneys and law students, and see the legal system at work first-hand.

The Chicago Department of Law is one of the largest law firms in the country and covers all types of legal issues from criminal prosecutions to federal civil rights litigation to real estate transactions. You can expect to work hard during this internship and to make valuable connections, but also expect to work independently.

This might not be a great fit for students who are looking for 1:1 mentorship ratios or who want a classroom-oriented summer program experience. But if you’re confident in your research skills, have a willingness to learn on the job, and are passionate about law, this could be a great fit for you.

10.  National Security Agency Student Internships

Subject areas : Foreign languages

Location : Fort Meade, Maryland

Stipend : Varies by education level

Application deadline : Applications accepted between September 1 and October 31

Program dates : 12 weeks from mid-May to mid-August

Program selectivity : Highly selective

Eligibility : High school seniors at least 16 years of age

All of the NSA internships, scholarships and co-ops are paid, with the salary based on education level. Their summer program is called the Gifted and Talented Language Program. This program requires applicants to come to the internship with aptitude in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Farsi, or Arabic . Students should expect to spend a lot of time working with their foreign language and gaining valuable work experience.

They also offer a school year work study program that runs from September to August and covers a wider variety of fields.

Both internships are much more work focused than academic and students are expected to come to their programs with a high aptitude in their field, making them a great fit for students who have a clear vision for what they want, an interest in government work, and a strong drive to work relatively independently.

11.    Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Training Program for High School Students

Subject areas : Biomedical research

Location : Seattle, WA

Application deadline : Applications accepted from the beginning of January to mid-March

Program dates : Varies by year, but usually the beginning of July to the beginning of August (4-week program)

Eligibility : Rising juniors, seniors, or graduating seniors who have not yet applied to college are eligible to apply. Applicants should also demonstrate a strong interest in a medical science field and students from underrepresented backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.

This in-person program is led by PhD-level scientists and educators and is focused on immersing students in a research laboratory environment.  Students can expect to learn about biochemistry, immunotherapy, gene editing, and infectious diseases. The program also provides career workshops and exploration and college readiness prep. Stipends are available to offset transportation and meal costs, and the program is intended for students who live within commuting distance of Seattle.

The program has a stronger focus on hands-on research and work experience than classroom time, but still provides a lot of support from instructors through supplemental lectures and workshops. You should expect to treat this internship like a full-time job and spend roughly eight hours a day at the hospital, five days a week for four weeks. Finally, you are expected to complete a group research project and presentation.

Stephen is one of the founders of Lumiere and a Harvard College graduate. He founded Lumiere as a PhD student at Harvard Business School. Lumiere is a selective research program where students work 1-1 with a research mentor to develop an independent research paper.

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Summer School 2023-2024 Information

Summer School 2024

May 30- May 31

June 3-June 27 Monday -Thursday

Student hours: 8:30-3:30

Teacher hours : 8:00-4:00

Summer Transportation Requests: Summer School Transportation Request  

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  • Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated) |


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© Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

UK food security depends on restoring nature: then why are wildlife charities excluded from the Farm to Fork summit?

At the Farm to Fork summit hosted today by Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, we’re expecting to hear an announcement on a new annual Food…

Making nature part of life

We need to restore nature at a global scale, on land and at sea. And it needs to happen now.

Read our strategy


Combatting the climate and nature emergency

We are in the middle of a climate and nature emergency, and the two are inextricably linked. Climate change is driving nature’s decline…

Jordans Cereal farmer, Nick

Over 70% of the UK’s land is farmed in some way – so how this land is managed has a big impact on wildlife.

Elderly women gardening

Nature for health and well-being

Spending time in nature makes us happier and healthier.

View of Pentwyn

The UK has committed to protecting 30% of land for nature by 2030. Our programme targets creating bigger, better, and more connected…

Urban red deer

Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain is a legal requirement in England, requiring infrastructure developers to take a different approach to their…

Wild PE lesson with Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust (Helena Dolby)

Learning and education

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the joy of wildlife and wild places in their daily life.


  1. Summer Camp Cover Letter

    application letter summer school

  2. ⭐ Sample application letter for school admission. Sample Request Letter

    application letter summer school

  3. 12+ Summer Job Cover Letter Templates -Sample, Example

    application letter summer school

  4. School Application Letter Template in Microsoft Word, Apple Pages

    application letter summer school

  5. 28 Useful Cover Letter Examples for Teachers

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  6. Free Sample of Motivation Letter For Summer School Template

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  3. Application Letter for Teaching Job in School

  4. write a letter to your friend about how you spend your summer vacation

  5. Permission Letter For School

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  1. How to Write a Strong Motivation Letter for Summer School

    What is the purpose of a motivation letter for summer school? The purpose of a motivation letter for summer school is to provide an explanation for why you are interested in attending the program, and to demonstrate your suitability and qualifications for the course.

  2. Motivation Letter for Summer School Sample Template

    The program may often be at a different school or have its own acceptance criteria and application process. For these, it can help to include a motivation letter for summer school with your application to show how you are a great candidate for the program. A motivation letter is similar to a cover letter for a job application. You use one to ...

  3. Summer Job Cover Letter Examples

    Summer Job Resume Examples . Also review summer job resume examples, so that you can apply with a winning pair of job application materials.These samples will help you highlight your relevant experience, even if you are just starting out. Consider all of your related experience, including schoolwork, volunteering, school activities, and prior part-time jobs, but focus on the most relevant ...

  4. How to Write a Summer Job Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Cover letter example for graduate student The following is a cover letter example for a graduate student pursuing summer work experience: Mark Sevveren 770-887-0989 [email protected] April 3, 2022 Jeff Collins Albert Laboratories 166 Ottawa Street Toronto, ON Dear Mr. Collins, I am a graduate student at ValTech with a focus on dynamic systems in genetics. I'm excited to express my interest ...

  5. Sample Cover Letter for a Summer Internship

    Cover Letter Example for a Summer Internship. How to Send Your Cover Letter. More Sample Cover Letters. Photo: lechatnoir / Getty Images. This sample cover letter for a summer internship provides information, examples, and writing tips for cover letters that will help you get the interview.

  6. How to Craft a Cover Letter for a Summer Job

    Cover letter for a summer job example You can follow this example to help you write and format your own cover letter for the next summer job you choose to apply to: "12/10/2020 Cameron Jones (555) 555-5555 [email protected] Dear Taylor Smith, I'm writing to express my interest for one of your lifeguard summer positions at Splash Water Park. I have memories of going to your water park ...

  7. High School Student Cover Letter (Sample & Tips)

    Jamie Hart. 929 Commerce St. Stockton, CA 95202. (209) 984-3632. [email protected]. Dear Mr. Hart, My name is Daria, and I am a graduating senior at Heritage High School. I saw your posting for the position of Business Development Intern on Indeed, and was immediately compelled to apply. My academic and career goals align with the internship ...

  8. How to write a good motivation letter

    Consider ChatGPT as a supplementary tool in your letter-writing process. Use it to brainstorm ideas, gather inspiration, or polish drafts, but always infuse your unique personality and experiences. Remember, a personal motivation letter is your opportunity to communicate your passion, goals, and suitability for this programme.

  9. How To Write School Applications Letter

    School application letter example Here is an example of a school application letter to further help you compose yours. Stacy Nolan 777-777-7777 [email protected] 7777 Denver Avenue 8888 Denver, Colorado 14th April 2021 Dr. Simon Morgan Sun and Shield School of Music 9999 Lights Street 8888 Denver, Colorado Dear Dr. Morgan, REF: Application for Admission to the School of Oriental Music My ...

  10. How to Write a Personal Statement for Summer School or University

    Express yourself with the limited words you have. You have limited space to express yourself, so every sentence in your personal statement counts. Bear in mind that you can only write one personal statement for all your choices if you are applying to University, so make sure that you are tailoring your statement as much as possible to each of ...

  11. How To Apply

    How To Apply. The online application opens in December and the application deadline falls in late January each year. Click the "Apply Now" button (available in December) on the webpage of your program of interest to be directed to the online application. The online application for all programs includes: You may apply to no more than two ...

  12. Student Summer Job Cover Letter Sample

    [email protected]. 1600 Parkway, 95043, Cupertino, California, USA. Eng. Tony Stark. Stark Ltd. 190 Bay Area, San Francisco, USA. Sales innovations. 3.5.2016. Summer of innovation - Summer employee. I am writing in response to your advertisement for a summer internship program focused on innovation, which piqued my interest.

  13. How to write the perfect personal statement for summer schools

    At Northeastern University London we are looking for evidence of your enthusiasm and motivation. We want to hear why you're suitable to take part in our summer schools, and, if you already know them, your future aims, goals and career plans. Your summer school personal statement should be around 100-200 words. 1. Identify your reason for ...

  14. Free Sample of Motivation Letter For Summer School Template

    Motivation Letter For Summer School Sample. This is the first part of the letter where you need to start from providing the basic details about you. You need to clearly mention your name and the background of your qualifications educations. The most important part of this section is to mention the objective of a letter in which the agenda of ...

  15. Best Summer School Teacher Cover Letter Example for 2023

    Summer School Teacher Cover Letter Sample. Dear [Hiring Manager], I am writing to apply for the position of Summer School Teacher at [School Name]. My experience as an educator combined with my passion for teaching and learning makes me the ideal candidate for this position. I am a certified teacher with five years of experience in teaching ...

  16. Professional Summer School Teacher Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    In your summer school teacher cover letter, highlight your commitment to educational enrichment. Demonstrate your ability to engage students during a typically less structured time of year. Showcase your innovative teaching methods and curricular adaptability. It's crucial to convey your enthusiasm for fostering a dynamic and interactive ...

  17. Cover Letters for Summer Schools, Internships, Placements ...

    motivational letters for internships, summer schools, workshops, Erasmus exchanges etc. applications for PhD and Postdoc programs. Bad examples are provided followed by good templates. The key idea when writing such letters and applications is to think from the professor's point of view: why would they want you in their team

  18. Professional Summer Teacher Cover Letter Examples

    With summer school more and more a part of education, summer teachers are in high demand. These cover letter examples have been designed specifically for summer school teachers. Use them as a starting point in creating your own summer teacher cover letter, and update them as necessary. Click on any of the cover letter examples below to take the ...

  19. summer school Cover Letter

    Sample cover letter for Internship position at summer school. GOT THE JOB? Yes. I am very interested in applying for the Summer School "Mid-East" at the University of Turin because I am motivated to study the issues related to this area. I am currently completing my undergraduate degree in "International Development and Cooperation ...

  20. High School Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Profile Example 2. High school student with recent formal experience helping care for toddlers. Dedicated to providing children with fun, educational indoor and outdoor activities. Bilingual: Fluent in English and Spanish. 2. Add a pertinent experience section. Your resume's experience section should center on your relevant duties, skills ...

  21. How to Get the Best Recommendation Letters for Law School

    Very few law schools require more than one recommendation letter. Many limit you to two, although some allow up to five. It is important that all your recommendation letters are strong and ...

  22. Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School Template

    A Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School is an endorsement that offers detailed insights into a graduate school applicant's strengths, character, and suitability for advanced study.. Typically written by professors or professional mentors, these recommendation letters are used during the admissions process to complement academic records and test scores, helping to differentiate ...

  23. Upcoming Carey application deadlines

    In the application process for graduate business school, your letter of recommendation is an opportunity to demonstrate your professional abilities through the eyes of someone who knows you well. ... While you are in control of the majority of your application materials, your reference letter is an opportunity to provide our admissions team ...

  24. ApplyTexas

    Admissions and scholarships applications for Texas institutions of higher education.

  25. Essential checklist

    Packing your hold luggage. Label your luggage with your details in English. Check your luggage allowance (exceeding this could be extremely costly) Photocopies of all your important documents (passport, visa etc.) and passport photos. Clothes - British weather can be extremely unpredictable, make sure you pack items suitable for all seasons.

  26. 10 Free Summer Programs for High School Students in 2024

    Without further ado, here are 10 free summer programs for high school students that are accepting applications in 2024! 1. Lumiere Research Inclusion Foundation. Application Deadline: Varying deadlines based on cohort. The main summer deadlines are March 15, April 15, and May 15.

  27. How To Write a Lead Teacher Cover Letter (With Examples)

    To help you learn more about cover letters, here is a sample cover letter for a lead teacher: Chuck Ferris. Chicago, Illinois. 304-555-0192. [email protected] March 14, 2024 Mr. Bob Richardson. Wavewood High School I am writing to express my keen interest in the lead teacher position at Wavewood High School, as posted on your school's ...

  28. How to write a secondary school teacher cover letter (With ...

    Secondary school teacher cover letter template. [City, postcode] [Your phone number] [Recipient's company] Dear [Recipient's name], I am writing to express my interest in the open secondary school teacher position at [school's name] as advertised on [where you saw the job post]. With my [number of years] experience in [subject area], I believe ...

  29. Summer School 2023-2024 Information

    Summer School 2023-2024 Information. Summer School 2024. May 30- May 31. June 3-June 27 Monday -Thursday. Student hours: 8:30-3:30. Teacher hours : 8:00-4:00. Summer Transportation Requests: Summer School Transportation Request. Sitemap.

  30. Home

    Help us to restore 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030. Together we can save wildlife. If you have any problem completing your donation then please either call us on 01636 677711 or email [email protected]. The upcoming election will be crucial for the future viability of life on our planet, yet some politicians have failed to grasp ...