Earthquake Essay for Students and Children

 Geography Book

500+ Words Essay on Earthquake

Simply speaking, Earthquake means the shaking of the Earth’s surface. It is a sudden trembling of the surface of the Earth. Earthquakes certainly are a terrible natural disaster. Furthermore, Earthquakes can cause huge damage to life and property. Some Earthquakes are weak in nature and probably go unnoticed. In contrast, some Earthquakes are major and violent. The major Earthquakes are almost always devastating in nature. Most noteworthy, the occurrence of an Earthquake is quite unpredictable. This is what makes them so dangerous.

essay about earthquake experience

Types of Earthquake

Tectonic Earthquake: The Earth’s crust comprises of the slab of rocks of uneven shapes. These slab of rocks are tectonic plates. Furthermore, there is energy stored here. This energy causes tectonic plates to push away from each other or towards each other. As time passes, the energy and movement build up pressure between two plates.

Therefore, this enormous pressure causes the fault line to form. Also, the center point of this disturbance is the focus of the Earthquake. Consequently, waves of energy travel from focus to the surface. This results in shaking of the surface.

Volcanic Earthquake: This Earthquake is related to volcanic activity. Above all, the magnitude of such Earthquakes is weak. These Earthquakes are of two types. The first type is Volcano-tectonic earthquake. Here tremors occur due to injection or withdrawal of Magma. In contrast, the second type is Long-period earthquake. Here Earthquake occurs due to the pressure changes among the Earth’s layers.

Collapse Earthquake: These Earthquakes occur in the caverns and mines. Furthermore, these Earthquakes are of weak magnitude. Undergrounds blasts are probably the cause of collapsing of mines. Above all, this collapsing of mines causes seismic waves. Consequently, these seismic waves cause an Earthquake.

Explosive Earthquake: These Earthquakes almost always occur due to the testing of nuclear weapons. When a nuclear weapon detonates, a big blast occurs. This results in the release of a huge amount of energy. This probably results in Earthquakes.

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Effects of Earthquakes

First of all, the shaking of the ground is the most notable effect of the Earthquake. Furthermore, ground rupture also occurs along with shaking. This results in severe damage to infrastructure facilities. The severity of the Earthquake depends upon the magnitude and distance from the epicenter. Also, the local geographical conditions play a role in determining the severity. Ground rupture refers to the visible breaking of the Earth’s surface.

Another significant effect of Earthquake is landslides. Landslides occur due to slope instability. This slope instability happens because of Earthquake.

Earthquakes can cause soil liquefaction. This happens when water-saturated granular material loses its strength. Therefore, it transforms from solid to a liquid. Consequently, rigid structures sink into the liquefied deposits.

Earthquakes can result in fires. This happens because Earthquake damages the electric power and gas lines. Above all, it becomes extremely difficult to stop a fire once it begins.

Earthquakes can also create the infamous Tsunamis. Tsunamis are long-wavelength sea waves. These sea waves are caused by the sudden or abrupt movement of large volumes of water. This is because of an Earthquake in the ocean. Above all, Tsunamis can travel at a speed of 600-800 kilometers per hour. These tsunamis can cause massive destruction when they hit the sea coast.

In conclusion, an Earthquake is a great and terrifying phenomenon of Earth. It shows the frailty of humans against nature. It is a tremendous occurrence that certainly shocks everyone. Above all, Earthquake lasts only for a few seconds but can cause unimaginable damage.

FAQs on Earthquake

Q1 Why does an explosive Earthquake occurs?

A1 An explosive Earthquake occurs due to the testing of nuclear weapons.

Q2 Why do landslides occur because of Earthquake?

A2 Landslides happen due to slope instability. Most noteworthy, this slope instability is caused by an Earthquake.

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Essay on Earthquake Experience

Students are often asked to write an essay on Earthquake Experience in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Earthquake Experience

What is an earthquake.

An earthquake is when the ground shakes suddenly. This happens because pieces of the Earth’s crust, called plates, move. Sometimes they bump into each other and get stuck. When they finally slip, it causes an earthquake.

Feeling the Shake

During an earthquake, you might feel the ground move under your feet. If it’s a small one, it feels like a truck going by. A big earthquake can make buildings sway and the ground roll like waves.

Staying Safe

To stay safe in an earthquake, get under a strong table. Hold on until the shaking stops. Stay away from windows to avoid broken glass.

After the Quake

Once the shaking ends, check for injuries and broken things. Be ready for aftershocks, which are smaller quakes following the big one. They can cause more damage.

250 Words Essay on Earthquake Experience

An earthquake is when the ground shakes suddenly because of movements in the earth’s crust. Imagine holding a cracker and breaking it in half; that snap is like the forces that cause an earthquake. These shakes can be small and gentle or big and violent.

Feeling the Tremors

Imagine you’re sitting in your classroom, and your chair starts to wobble. The floor begins to rumble, and books fall off the shelves. That’s what it feels like during an earthquake. The ground moves beneath your feet, and it’s hard to stand up straight. It’s scary because you don’t know how long it will last or if things might fall and hurt you.

When an earthquake happens, it’s important to stay calm. If you’re indoors, get under a strong table to protect your head from falling objects. Stay away from windows to avoid broken glass. If you’re outside, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines that could fall.

After the Shaking

Once the shaking stops, check yourself and others for injuries. Be careful of broken glass and damaged buildings. Listen to adults and emergency workers who will help keep you safe and tell you what to do next.

Learning from Earthquakes

Earthquakes can be frightening, but they teach us to be prepared. Schools practice drills, and we learn where the safest places are. Remembering these tips can help you feel less scared and more ready if an earthquake happens.

500 Words Essay on Earthquake Experience

Imagine you are sitting in your classroom, and suddenly the floor starts to shake. It feels like the ground is moving beneath your feet. This shaking is called an earthquake. It happens when the Earth’s surface moves because of stress in the ground. The Earth is made of big pieces called “plates.” Sometimes these plates move, and when they do, they can cause the ground to shake.

An earthquake can be scary because it comes without warning. One minute everything is normal, and the next, things are shaking and falling. The ground feels unsteady, and it’s hard to stand up straight. The shaking can last for a few seconds or go on for a few minutes. If it’s a small earthquake, you might just feel a little tremble. But if it’s a big one, it can make buildings crack and even fall down.

Staying Safe During an Earthquake

When an earthquake starts, it’s important to know how to stay safe. Teachers and parents teach children to get under a strong table or desk. This is to protect them from things that might fall. It’s also good to stay away from windows because they can break. If you are outside, find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, and power lines. After the shaking stops, it’s important to be careful because there can be aftershocks. These are smaller earthquakes that happen after the big one.

After the Earthquake

Once the earthquake is over, there is a lot to do. People need to check if anyone is hurt and give them help. They also need to look for damage to buildings and roads. Sometimes, there can be cracks in the walls or broken pipes. It’s important to be careful with broken glass and other sharp things on the ground. Families should have a plan for what to do after an earthquake. This plan includes having a safe place to meet and knowing who to call for help.

After an earthquake, scientists study what happened. They learn more about why earthquakes occur and how to build safer buildings. Schools practice earthquake drills so that students know what to do. By learning from each earthquake, we can be better prepared for the next one. This means we can stay safer and not be as scared when the ground shakes.

An earthquake is a natural event that can be frightening, but knowing what to do can make a big difference. By understanding earthquakes, staying calm, and following safety tips, we can handle this shaking of the ground better. Remember, it’s always good to talk about your feelings after an earthquake with your family, friends, or a counselor. Sharing your experience can help you and others feel better and more prepared for the future.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Earthquake Essay

Essay on Earthquake - An earthquake is a natural disaster that occurs when two tectonic plates collide. The force of the collision creates seismic waves that travel through the earth's crust, causing the ground to shake and buildings to collapse. Here are some sample essays on earthquakes.

  • 100 Words Essay on Earthquake

Earthquakes can happen anywhere in the world, and although their occurrence is not predictable, there are some things you can do to make yourself more prepared in case one does strike. This includes having an earthquake kit ready to go, knowing how to drop, cover and hold on, and staying informed about any potential risks in your area. Make sure you have an emergency kit stocked with food, water, and other supplies, and know what to do when an earthquake hits. If you're not sure what to do, it's best to stay away from windows and other objects that could fall on you, and head to a safe place.

200 Words Essay on Earthquake

500 words essay on earthquake.

Earthquake Essay

Earthquakes are a natural disaster that come with a lot of dangers. The shaking and movement of the earth can cause buildings to fall down, trapping people inside. The shaking caused by such a sudden change is usually very minor, but large earthquakes sometimes cause very large shaking of the land. The shaking waves spread from the spot at which rock begins breaking for the first time; this spot is called the center, or hypocenter, of an earthquake.

If you're inside when an earthquake starts, drop to the ground and cover your head. The earthquake's magnitude is related to the amount of earthquake energy released in a seismic event.

Different Types of Earthquakes

There are three types of earthquakes:

Shallow | A shallow earthquake is when the earthquake's focus is close to the surface of the Earth. These earthquakes are usually less powerful than the other two types, but can still cause a lot of damage.

Intermediate | Intermediate earthquakes have a focus that's located between the surface and the Earth's mantle, and are usually more powerful than shallow earthquakes.

Deep | Deep earthquakes have a focus that's located in the mantle, which is the layer of the Earth below the crust. They're the most powerful type of earthquake, and can even cause damage on the surface.

An earthquake can cause damage to buildings and bridges; interrupt gas, electrical, and telephone services; and occasionally trigger landslides, avalanches, flash flooding, wildfires, and massive, destructive waves of water over oceans (tsunamis).

The Dangers Associated With Earthquakes

The shaking of the ground can cause objects to fall off shelves and injure people. If you're outside when an earthquake starts, move away from tall buildings, streetlights and power lines.

An earthquake can also cause a tsunami, or a large wave, to form and crash onto the shore. Tsunamis can be very dangerous and can reach heights of over 100 feet.

How to Prepare for an Earthquake

When an earthquake is imminent, your first step should be to find a safe spot. The most ideal spots are under sturdy furniture or inside door frames. It is best to stay away from windows and anything that can fall over.

Once you've found the safest place, it's time to prepare for the shaking. Grab some blankets, pillows and helmets if possible – all of which can provide extra cushioning against falling objects.

Additionally, you should always keep an eye out for debris that could cause injuries, such as broken glass and sharp objects.

Finally, stay calm until the shaking stops, and monitor local news reports for additional information on how best to handle the situation.

What to do During an Earthquake

The moment an earthquake hits, it is important to stay as calm and collected as possible. Safety is the first priority so you must stay away from windows and furniture that can fall on you, and protect your head with your arms if needed.

If an earthquake occurs while you are indoors, stay away from anything that could fall or break such as windows, mirrors, or furniture. Do not run outdoors as shaking can cause glass and other materials to fall from the building structure. Instead, seek shelter under sturdy tables or desks. If there is no furniture available, move to a corner of the room and crouch down protectively with your arms over your head and neck.

It's also important to take note of any gas lines that could be affected during an earthquake and shut them off if necessary in order to prevent fires from breaking out due to exposed pipes.

After the Earthquake: Recovery and Assistance

When the shaking stops, there will be a period of recovery.

Don't enter any building if it has visible damage due to the earthquake - it's better to be safe than sorry.

You should contact local aid organisations like the Red Cross for additional help with sheltering, water, food and other essentials.

Stay in touch with local officials about any services provided for those affected by the earthquake.

Make sure you also have a plan for what to do if you're stuck in an earthquake, and know how to get in touch with loved ones in case of an emergency.

By being prepared and knowing what to do, you can help ensure that you and your loved ones are safe in the event of an earthquake.

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  • Earthquake Essay


Download the Earthquake Essay Available on Vedantu’s Website.

Earthquakes are some of the most devastating natural disasters. Millions of dollars worth of property are damaged and a hundred die every time a big magnitude of eater quake strikes.  It is in this regard that everyone must read and know about earthquakes and be prepared to mitigate the damage. Furthermore, the topic of earthquakes is quite often asked in exams. Preparing for this topic will enable them to have an edge and score more marks in the English paper.

To serve the above-mentioned purpose, Vedantu has come up with the Earthquake essay. This essay is prepared by the experts who know what exactly is required to know and weeding out points that are not important. The essay is very precise and would surely allow students to successfully claim marks in the essay question and even stay prepared when an earthquake actually strikes.

What is an Earthquake?

When the earth’s surface shakes, the phenomenon is referred to as an earthquake. Precisely, the sudden trembling of the earth’s surface is the cause of an earthquake. Earthquakes are regarded as one of the deadliest natural disasters. Huge damage and loss of property are caused by earthquakes. There are various types of earthquakes. Some of them are severe in nature. The most dangerous thing about an earthquake is that it is quite unpredictable. It can cause several damages without any previous indication. The intensity of an earthquake is measured by the Richter’s scale. Generally, earthquakes occur due to the movement of tectonic plates under the earth’s surface.

Types of Earthquake

There are four kinds of earthquakes namely 

Tectonic Earthquake,

Volcanic Earthquake, 

Collapse Earthquake and 

Explosive Earthquake.

Tectonic Earthquake 

It is caused due to the movement of the slab of rocks of uneven shapes that lie underneath the earth’s crust. Apart from that, energy is stored in the earth’s crust. Tectonic plates are pushed away from each other or towards each other due to the energy. A pressure is formed because of the energy and movement as time passes. A fault line is formed due to severe pressure. The center point of this dispersion is the epicenter of the earthquake. Subsequently, traveling of the waves of energy from focus to the surface causes the tremor.

Volcanic Earthquake

The earthquake caused by volcanic activity is called a volcanic earthquake. These kinds of earthquakes are of weaker magnitudes. Volcanic earthquakes are categorized into two types. In the first type, which is called volcano-tectonic, shaking happens due to input or withdrawal of Magma. In the second type, which is termed as Long-period earthquake, tremors occur due to changing of pressure among the earth’s layers.

Collapse Earthquake

Collapse Earthquake is the third type of earthquake that occurs in the caverns and mines. This is another example of a weak magnitude earthquake. Mines collapsed due to underground blasts. Consequently, seismic waves are formed due to this collapsing. Earthquakes occur because of these seismic waves.

Explosive Earthquake

The fourth type of earthquake is called an explosive earthquake. This is caused due to the testing of nuclear weapons.

Effects of Earthquake

The effects of earthquakes are very severe and deadly. 

It can cause irreparable damage to property and loss of human lives. The lethality of an earthquake depends on its distance from the epicentre. 

Damage to establishments is the direct impact of an earthquake. In the hilly areas, several landslides are caused due to earthquakes.  

Another major impact of an earthquake is soil liquefaction. Losing the strength of water-saturated granular material is the cause behind this. The rigidity of soil is totally lost due to this.

Since the earthquake affects the electric power and gas lines, it can cause a fire to break out. 

Deadly Tsunamis are caused due to earthquakes. Gigantic sea waves are caused by the sudden or abnormal movement of huge volumes of water. This is called an earthquake in the ocean. When tsunamis hit the sea coasts, they cause a massive loss of lives and properties. 

Earthquake is termed as one of the most huge and lethal natural disasters in the world. It proves the fact that human beings are just nothing in front of nature. The sudden occurrence of earthquakes shocks everyone. Scientists are working rigorously to prevent the damage of earthquakes, but nothing fruitful has been achieved yet.

Examples of Devastating Earthquake

The city of Kobe in Japan witnessed a devastating earthquake on January  17, 1995, killing more than 6,000 and making more than 45,000 people homeless.  The magnitude of the quake was 6.9 at the moment which caused damage of around 100 million dollars.  The governor of Kobe spent years on reconstruction and made efforts to bring back fifty thousand people who had left home.  Japan geologically is a highly active country. It lies upon four major tectonic plates namely, Eurasian, Philippine, Pacific, and North American which frequently meet and interact.

The second incident is in Nepal where an earthquake struck on April 25, 2015. About 9000 people were killed and almost 600,000 structures were destroyed.  The magnitude of the quake was 7.9 and the repels were felt by neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, China and India.  The disaster caused severe damage of millions of dollars. All the countries across the world including India garnered to help Nepal by sending monetary aid, medical supplies, transport helicopters and others.


FAQs on Earthquake Essay

1. How to download the Earthquake Essay?

The Earthquake essay is available on Vedantu's website in PDF format. The PDF could be downloaded on any device, be it android, apple or windows.    One just has to log on to and download the document. The document is totally free of cost and a student does not need to pay any prior registration fee.  

2. How to protect oneself during an earthquake?

Earthquakes could be very disastrous and can cause a lot of collateral damage.  During an earthquake you can look for the corners to hide. Another safe place to hide is under the table or under the bed. If one is sitting in a multistory building, avoid taking a lift and only use the stairs. In this kind of situation, one should never panic and stay calm.  Let the earthquake pass until then keep hiding in the safe spot. Once over, come out to evaluate the situation and take appropriate actions.

3. How to mitigate the effects of an earthquake?

Prevention is better than cure. It is always a better idea to take necessary actions before an earthquake has struck. In the first place, send a copy of all your documents to someone reliable. In case of an earthquake that destroys your important documents, there would always remain a facility to retrieve them.  Research and know if your city is in a seismic zone.  One should also take note of earthquakes during the construction of a house and lay emphasis on a seismic-proof house.

4. How can one teach people about the effects of an earthquake?

There are many ways one can raise awareness about the effects of earthquakes.  There is Youtube and Instagram which could be used to disseminate all the knowledge about the earthquake and its impact on humans. You can also go to schools and colleges to conduct a seminar whereby the students could be told about the mitigation and steps to take when an earthquake strikes.  However before that, one must thoroughly research the topic. For this, visit and download the earthquake essay for free.

5. Who has written the Earthquake essay?

The earthquake essay provided by Vedantu is prepared by expert teachers who invest a good amount of time and effort to come up with an essay that is highly useful for the students in their personal lives as well as for their academic performance. The students can use this essay to maximize their abilities to cope with the questions on earthquakes and the earthquake itself. The essay is totally reliable and one mustn’t doubt its credibility at all.

essay about earthquake experience

My earthquake experience

This article was published more than 14 years ago. Some information may no longer be current.

essay about earthquake experience

I awaken to the bed swaying, gently at first, and because I'm half asleep and not from here, I think, "Cool, a tremor." I'm just that naive.

Sitting up, I switch on the bedside lamp. It's 3:34 a.m. The floor is shaking harder now, and I try to stand. A surge throws me backward.

Suddenly my 14th-floor Santiago hotel room comes alive, like an angry animal shaking a smaller one in its teeth. It lurches one way and then the other, and the air fills with the building's inhuman noises: rumbles and groans, the screeching of metal. Around me, pictures thud against walls; drawers open and bang shut; window curtains shriek on their rods.

Then the lights go out.

Panic squeezes the breath from me. The cacophony is more unholy in the dark. Trying to cross the rolling floor toward my suitcase at the foot of the bed, I curse myself for having slept naked. I am tossed against the corner of the desk and then to the ground. Lying on my back I yank on pants, then T-shirt and sandals, even as I think, "Just get out!" Something heavy crashes near my head.

I shouldn't even be here now. After three idyllic weeks as instructor at a writers' retreat outside Santiago, my flight home from Chile the previous evening, Feb. 26, had been cancelled because of engine trouble. I'd considered myself lucky to be put up at a luxury hotel.

As I pull myself to standing, sensations and images swarm my mind. I realize I'm whimpering. I don't consciously think that I won't see my husband and sons again. I just sense this, profoundly.

I careen my way to the bathroom and steady myself under the door frame. Isn't this what one is supposed to do? But the building is writhing and this doesn't feel safe.

Hauling open the door of my room, I expect to find people. The lights have burst on and it's blinding in the still-quaking hallway. Incredibly, there's no one about. My mind is screaming, but I don't even call for help.

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My room is at the end of the corridor. I brace my door open with one leg so it doesn't lock behind me, and push the stairwell door. Beyond it I see chunks of ceiling plaster pelting down, white dust clouding the air and coating the steps. Someone tell me what to do.

I go back into my room. Now the quake is subsiding. Furniture is askew, and the floor is littered with objects. Two large lamps have fallen, one just inches from where I pulled on my clothes. I realize nothing I'm doing makes sense, but grabbing my backpack containing passport and wallet, I run out again.

A middle-aged man is approaching, his face impassive. He says, "We should go down." I say, "Okay," and follow him to the stairs, but I lose sight of him. I take the landings too fast, feeling light-headed, sandals skidding on plaster.

On a lower floor I merge with a river of people in various stages of undress. We wend our way outside to the tennis courts, where a crowd of several hundred are gathering, comforting one another. Some are crying; all are dazed. A woman looks like she is about to faint and I steady her. Seeing frightened children in parents' arms, my selfish thought is thank God my kids aren't here.

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Soon hotel staff are setting up chairs and passing around bottled water. They offer us tablecloths to wrap around ourselves against the night chill, and slippers for those who are barefoot. They seem remarkably calm. They too must be afraid.

We drift about in tablecloths like ghosts in a school play. A kind man finds me a chair and we talk. My expression feels blank, but my heart is hammering. The staff order us to move away from the building - what do they know? - and 20 minutes after the big quake, we feel the first of many aftershocks. I have to remind myself to breathe.

I wander, and after a while there's a tap on my shoulder and I turn to feel arms wrapping around me. It's Mary, a warm Chilean-Canadian woman I'd met last night. She and her husband, who live in Toronto, would have been on my flight. She kisses my cheek and I kiss her back.

"Thank goodness," she says. "I told Victor, 'We have to find her. She's all alone.' " She rubs my arms.

"Are you okay?" I ask, and she nods. It's all I can do not to cry.

We all feel lucky to be alive, but our relief is tinged with survivor's guilt. Farther south, we soon learn, the 8.8-magnitude earthquake has left many dead and others homeless, and tsunamis may be on the way.

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In some hotel rooms ceilings collapsed; TVs and mirrors and glassware shattered; water pipes burst. But at least we have electricity, water, food. Outside the hotel, many do not. Some of us suffer cuts and bruises, but none are seriously injured. Still, dozens refuse to return to their rooms for the next few nights, turning the hotel grounds into a refugee camp. Why I return to mine, I'll never know.

For four anxious days we await news of when and how we'll be transported home. I e-mail my family and friends, and two writers I met at the retreat visit - but here, Mary and Victor, who stay by me, are my lifelines.

A minute and a half. That's how long the quake lasted, they say. But those who experienced it will never forget that eternity of adrenalin-charged panic. And that soul-deep, if fleeting, sense of finality.

Five sleepless nights later, a rescue flight carries us home.

Allyson Latta lives in Toronto.

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Narrative Essay on Earthquake

Narrative essay generator.

In the heart of a serene morning, the earth beneath us trembled, unleashing a formidable force that reshaped not only the landscape but the lives entwined with it. This narrative essay delves into the profound impact of an earthquake, exploring the emotional, physical, and psychological dimensions of this natural disaster. Through the lens of those who experienced it firsthand, we embark on a journey to understand the might of nature and the resilience of the human spirit.

The Prelude

It was a day like any other in the bustling city of Ridgefield. People went about their daily routines, unaware of the dramatic turn their lives were about to take. I was in the school library, engrossed in a book, when the first tremor struck. A subtle vibration, barely noticeable, but it was the silence that followed which was eerily foreboding. Within moments, the tranquility was shattered by a roaring sound beneath us, as if the earth had opened its mouth to speak.

The initial mild shaking quickly escalated into violent jolts. Books tumbled from shelves, windows shattered, and screams filled the air. Panic ensued as everyone scrambled for safety, the ground beneath us betraying our trust with every passing second. The school building, which once seemed indestructible, groaned under the strain, cracks spiderwebbing across its façade.

Outside, the scene was chaotic. Roads cracked open as if the earth was gasping for breath, buildings leaned precariously, and power lines sparked in a deadly dance. The air was thick with dust, obscuring the sun and casting a pall over the city. It was a scene from a nightmare, yet it was all too real.

The Aftermath

As the shaking subsided, the full extent of the devastation became apparent. The city lay in ruins, a stark testament to the earthquake’s fury. Buildings that had stood for decades were reduced to rubble, streets were impassable, and the once vibrant community was enveloped in a somber silence.

In the days that followed, the resilience of the human spirit shone brightly. Neighbors helped neighbors, strangers became friends, and the community united in the face of adversity. Relief efforts were organized, shelters provided solace to those who had lost everything, and the sounds of construction filled the air as the city began the slow process of rebuilding.

The Emotional Toll

Beyond the physical destruction, the earthquake left deep emotional scars. The loss of homes, possessions, and, most tragically, loved ones, weighed heavily on the hearts of the survivors. Fear lingered in the aftershocks, a constant reminder of our vulnerability in the face of nature’s might.

Yet, amidst the sorrow, there was also hope. Stories of heroism and bravery emerged, of people risking their lives to save others, of communities coming together to heal and rebuild. These stories served as a beacon of light in the darkest of times, a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, humanity’s capacity for compassion and resilience endures.

Lessons Learned

The earthquake taught us valuable lessons about preparedness, community, and the importance of building structures that can withstand the forces of nature. It highlighted the need for emergency plans, for education on how to respond in the face of disaster, and for a commitment to supporting one another.

It also reminded us of the importance of cherishing every moment, of not taking for granted the people and places we hold dear. In the aftermath of destruction, we were reminded of what truly matters – the connections we share with those around us.

The earthquake was a defining moment, a test of our strength and our ability to come together in the face of adversity. It reshaped our city, but more importantly, it reshaped us. We emerged stronger, more united, with a deeper appreciation for the fragile beauty of life.

As we rebuild, we carry with us the memories of that fateful day, a reminder of nature’s power and our own resilience. The earthquake may have shaken the foundations of our city, but it also laid the groundwork for a new beginning, built on the lessons learned and the unbreakable spirit of our community. In the face of nature’s might, we stand united, a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit.


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Published: Dec 5, 2018

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essay about earthquake experience

Earthquakes and Their Devastating Consequences Essay

Nature and its actions are often unpredictable and frightening. Almost every day, TV channels and news websites report on natural disasters in different parts of the world. Many of these events are caused by global warming and other climatic and environmental changes resulting from human activities. Although many natural disasters are natural and predictable, they cannot be managed or their consequences predetermined. One of these incidents is earthquakes, which occur everywhere with less or more force and threaten the lives and health of people.

An earthquake is one of the most ancient and frequent catastrophic events. Despite this, people have yet to determine where, when, and what strength the next earthquake will occur. It occurs when a sudden release of energy accumulates for a long time due to the movement of tectonic plates (Bolt). Imagine going to a coffee shop to have some caffeine boost, as you do every morning. You have already gotten used to the fact that many people are there at this time and have learned to maneuver, avoiding collisions. However, you were late this morning and could not join this usual flow of people. As a result, you run into another customer, and the coffee stain is spilling over your shirt and coffee shop floor. People are trying to get away from the ‘epicenter’ of events, and cafe workers are trying to eliminate the results of the morning ‘catastrophe’ as quickly as possible. Earthquakes occur on a much larger scale, and instead of a coffee stain, a disruption is formed in the earth’s surface, spreading for tens of miles.

The break in the ground surface is the most common cause of horrific consequences, and people often cannot get out of the epicenter of the incident. Seismologists study and predict possible earthquakes, but it is impossible to predict any natural phenomenon in detail. Tracking seismic waves and their properties, especially in areas with a greater likelihood of an earthquake, certainly helps to warn the population and take preventive measures (Bolt). Every year, hundreds of thousands of earthquakes occur worldwide, most of which are minor and not felt by people. However, about 50,000 earthquakes can be detected without the aid of special instruments, and more than 100 of them are strong enough to cause significant harm to people (Bolt para. 2). Moreover, today, earthquakes occur even in those regions that are less prone to them, and the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria confirm this.

The circumstances and the number of victims of this incident are simply shocking. Moreover, neither the people nor the authorities of Turkey and Syria were prepared for such a catastrophe, which led to even more victims and deaths. Imagine another situation, in the evening, you go to bed, preparing for a hard work week because tomorrow is Monday. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, it seems that the house is starting to stagger, and after a few minutes, you find yourself under the rubble of concrete slabs. The worst thing is that this is not a nightmare from which you can wake up but a new reality. That is exactly what happened on the night of February 6 in Turkey.

I was lucky, and I never found myself in the epicenter of an earthquake, and more precisely, I did not find myself in such a strong earthquake that I could feel. However, the news and photos from the scene in Turkey startled me. According to official information from the authorities, “approximately 7,000 buildings in the area have been damaged or destroyed” (Pamuk para. 24). This is approximately 25,000 victims who unknowingly slept in their beds. Moreover, this event was not limited to one region but moved about 60 miles and struck Turkey with another 7.5-magnitude earthquake (Pamuk para. 28). If at night the whole scale of the catastrophe was still not so visible, then in daylight, these events caused shock and chaos.

Any emergency is certainly accompanied by chaos, and this case is no exception. People who managed to escape the earthquake’s epicenter in time “wandered the streets in search of help or food” (Pamuk para. 28). Others looked for their relatives and friends who could remain under the rubble. The consequences of earthquakes are always unpredictable but are always accompanied by destruction and casualties among people. In addition, this natural event destroys infrastructure and communications, leaving the region isolated indefinitely. In southeastern Turkey, the earthquake destroyed water and heating systems, as well as serious problems with mobile communications (Pamuk). The inability to contact their relatives and friends who lived in the destroyed houses leads to even more panic and chaos.

Moreover, some consequences of earthquakes are not so obvious. For example, one of the most common consequences of earthquakes is tsunamis (Bolt para. 23). The wave covering the coastal regions is formed due to underwater earthquakes, which humans may not feel. The most devastating was the tsunami of December 26, 2004, in Indonesia, caused by the movement of tectonic plates on the ocean floor (Bolt para. 24). As a result, the infrastructure of cities was destroyed, but the most terrible consequence was the number of victims among people.

If people in Turkey had known about the impending earthquake, they would probably have gone to safer regions of the country, or at least would have left the city and would not have ended up under the concrete rubble of houses. If citizens and tourists in Indonesia had been warned of the magnitude of the coming tsunami, they might have moved away from the coast. It wouldn’t help protect the infrastructure or keep their homes intact, but it could save thousands of lives.

However, the world around us is unpredictable and impossible to control. Yet this does not mean we cannot reduce the negative effects of natural events. Firstly, when building houses, their location is taken into account. That applies not only to proximity to the city center or the presence of developed infrastructure but also to the seismic safety of the location (Bolt). Secondly, people should know the basic algorithms of behavior during natural events. Moreover, as Turkey’s practice shows, this is necessary not only in regions where earthquakes occur frequently but in all countries. Researchers, of course, are doing a lot to reduce the scale of catastrophes from natural events, but any precautions will be reasonable.

In conclusion, the world is amazing and interesting, but also dangerous and uncontrollable. Storms, floods, earthquakes, and other natural events occur daily and have devastating consequences. The damage they bring to people is impossible to predict, but their negative consequences can be reduced. Basic knowledge and precautions can help save thousands of lives. Even if nature cannot be controlled, it can and should be studied to improve our security.

Works Cited

Bolt, Bruce A. “ Earthquake .” Britannica, Web.

Pamuk, Orhan. “A Girl Trapped Under Fallen Concrete. A Man Unsure of What to Do.” The New York Times, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, January 25). Earthquakes and Their Devastating Consequences.

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IvyPanda . 2024. "Earthquakes and Their Devastating Consequences." January 25, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Earthquakes and Their Devastating Consequences." January 25, 2024.


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Essay on “I Experience an Earthquake” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

I Experience an Earthquake

Outline: Introduction – my strange experience – we rushed out – the havoc caused by the earthquake – man’s control over nature is incomplete.

Who can forget what happened in the small hours of the 30th September 1993? On the previous day I had gone to bed, expecting tomorrow to be like the so many tomorrows that had followed one another in weary succession. But the day, which dawned on 30th September 1993 proved to be different and brought to me a new and horrible experience. I was suddenly awakened at about 4 a.m. by a strange experience which I did not understand at first. I was aware that its main ingredients were a peculiar movement and a peculiar sound. I was rocked for a few seconds. as though I was in a cradle. I heard strange sounds in which I could identify the tinkling of pots, the rattling of windows, and certain muffled rumbling noise issuing from the earth. After a few moments I realized, to my horror, that it was the earthquake.

Others too in my house and locality must have realized it at the same time or a little earlier, as we all sprang up from our beds in a trice and rushed out of our houses, carrying sleeping babes and flabbergasted children. The tremor of the earth had ceased; yet we stood in the open for an hour, dreading another tremor. There was nip in the air that early morning, and the electric lights had gone off. People stood in darkness, talking about the earthquake and praying to God that it might not be repeated.

The tremors of the earth caused no damage in Mumbai. For several hours next morning we thought, with gratitude to Nature, that it had been, on the whole, harmless. But at about noon, news came that the earthquake had played havoc in Latur. All the houses in parts of Latur had been razed to the ground and hundreds of human lives lost.

The destruction wrought by the earthquake at Latur proved the helplessness of man in the face of an unexpected natural calamity. It shows how incomplete is man’s vaunted control over the forces of Nature. He has much to achieve yet in this respect. Is it not a pity that he is frittering away his resources and energies in petty animosities, squabbles and wars?

Difficult Words:Small hours -early hours. ingredients -elements. muffled -subdued, low. flabbergasted – bewildered, amazed. tremor – trembling. razed -destroyed, leveled to the ground. wrought – worked, caused. vaunted – boasted. frittering – wasting.

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Essay on Earthquake. My Unpleasant Experience

BEEP. My alarm goes off around 6:45, and I am filled with irritating thought of getting out of bed. I fluttered my eyes open and then turned on the light beside me, piercing my vision. I rose up, stretching into life. My mind was scrambled from a rough night of sleep, but I figured I should begin to start my morning routine regardless.

I shuffled to brush my teeth, and change my clothes to something more appropriate than my pajamas. As I slowly walk down my stairs, I check my phone. Alerts of many natural disasters flood my inbox. Hurricanes, Tsunamis, and earthquakes are now common around the world. After scrolling through the rest of the calamities, I grab my favorite cereal and proceed to my day. But as I slowly lift my spoon, and groggily eat, a flash of regret fills my mind. I couldn’t believe it. I had forgotten to finish my biology homework. 

I sprint upstairs, busting open my backpack, and ransacking through my binders filled with paper. One after another, I find a particular paper in mind. I settle down, finding a pencil, and resting into my desk chair. I find my mind rushing to fill in the boxes, but struggle because my phone becomes hyper with notifications. DING. I flip down my phone as an instant reaction. DING. I turn my head, staring at my phone, but go back to my homework as I am running out of time before I need to get on the bus. DING. Another notification hits. My frustration gets to me, and I turn off my ringer. I turn my focus back onto my homework. But my paranoia gets to me. I flip over my phone, and alerts and notifications overcome my phone screen. It takes me a little while to pinpoint what was happening. But, throughout all these endless notifications, I see a text from my closest friend, Lindsey. I click on the text, opening my phone with ease. I look at the text message and stare in a moment in shock. Lindsey had warned me. An earthquake was coming. 

I text her back, “What do you mean-BAM. A jolt of force knocked me to the ground. Instantly, violent shaking flips me around. BOOM. A whirl of vision confuses me, and I begin to try to stand up. I manage to stretch my knees back into position, only by leaning up into the wall. I had no idea what to do. I remember through the vicious rocking all of the natural disasters I saw this morning. What is going to happen to me? What should I do? I start to panic even more than previously. Making a quick decision, I duck my head under my body, panting. All I could hear was vigorous and ruthless slamming. BANG.

My shelves fall, and a plethora of books fall into the endless mess of debris. My desk creaking and rocking back and forth has started to fall into pieces. With nothing to protect myself, I cower back into my protective position. My school teachers had always told me to cover my head, but I wonder if that is even going to help in the slightest. The shaking continues to threaten me. Rocking to and fro, I hear nothing but the chattering of furniture moving about, and I see blankets and pillows falling into unorganized fashion. Books from my shelves fall and I can hear the ripping and damaging of pages. Clothes falling off the hangers clang down on the floor. It feels as if it has been an eternity. By now, I've lost all sense of time. But scrapping knowledge from my brain, I know the largest earthquakes have lasted way over 5 minutes. How bad is this? Blurs of thrashing cross my eyes, and suddenly, it all comes to a halt. 

Everything feels still, yet so uneasy. The eerie air of the debris-filled room surrounds me, and I begin to process the damage. Everything was sparsely laid across my room. As I feel an urgent call from the other room, I slowly begin to shuffle, stepping over the rubbish. I push open my door, which has miraculously survived the earthquake.

 “Josh! Are you okay?” I hear from the left of me.

I know it must be my mom, Jennifer. My mind scrabbles, and I rush into her room. 

“Yes! Where are you? Are you safe?” I shout.

“I’m right over here!” 

I see my mom rise from under her desk. I ran straight towards her. I wrap her into my arms. With a sigh of relief, I know we are one of the luckiest. I let go of her and scan the rest of the house. A mess of furniture piles around our once neat home. Our glass shelves, once holding our prized pictures and items, now are laid across the floor, completely shattered. A sudden jolt of realization hits me.

“We need to find emergency supplies,” I tell my mom.

I rush down the stairs, careful not to trip on the rubble and broken furniture. I slowly open the door into the garage. Creeping through the boxes flown across the room, I find the bags and gallons of water. I grab the essentials, using all of my strength, and bring them into the house. What do we do now? I realize that we are going to need to secure our safety, as most power lines and electricity are out. My mother came down the stairs. 

“Luckily, we are far enough from the coast that the tsunami will not hit us. But, we need to make sure that we aren’t in any more danger.” She says.

I calm down and peek out the window. Our next-door neighbors didn't get the best of it. Their home is completely wrecked. I hope nobody got hurt. We open the supplies, and I am filled with the most reassurance I could gather at the moment. With everything possible to aid us in these emergency bags, we are safe. I settled down. Then, out of the blue, I hear a car coming down the street. I look outside, and I see the large yellow bus. I ran straight onto it. I mean, I don’t want to put that biology homework to waste, right?

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My Earthquake Experience

  • Katie Turner, Grade 6

I am currently in a country town called Satin which is in Western White, Wisteria. This is located in the Southern East part of Australia. Right now I am hiding in my attic trying to protect myself while a catastrophic earthquake is pulling down trees, power lines are falling, things are falling off all the shelves in my house and it is really dangerous. The windows are shattering and houses are collapsing as I crouch down in my favourite box. The worst thing is that the power’s out and all I have is my little book light which could run out of battery any minute. I feel very annoyed, scared and worried because I don’t know where the rest of my family is. All I hear are noises that sound like something cracking, I hear loud banging, things falling down and lots of people shouting and screaming. I am hoping that my family isn’t seriously injured or dead. I feel like I’m in a tsunami. I am not really sure if I’ll survive this earthquake or not because it is very hard to tell. I probably will because my house is one of the very few that hasn’t collapsed yet which might be because it is pretty stable even though it’s shaking pretty dangerously. But then again I might not survive because the trees that surround us are swaying pretty dangerously too and could fall down any minute now. Half an hour later After the earth quake I went downstairs and saw things scattered everywhere and thankfully found the rest of my family in the basement. I gave them lots of hugs and kisses. I also told them how worried I was and they said they were worried too. We went outside and saw trees, power lines and rubbish everywhere. The only thing that I was happy about was that my family were alive and well. We stood outside our front door with our arms around each other looking at everyone else searching in the debris. The next day when we were watching the news they said that the earthquake was measured as an eight on the Richter Scale and a ten on the Modified Mercalli Scale. By Katie Turner


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Earthquake shakes U.S. East Coast

An earthquake struck the East Coast of the United States on Friday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, causing buildings to shake and rattling nerves from Maryland to Maine.

The USGS measured the quake as a 4.8 temblor with its epicenter near Lebanon, New Jersey. It struck a little before 10:30 a.m. ET. An aftershock of magnitude-4.0 hit right around 6 p.m. ET.

The morning earthquake was the strongest recorded in the Northeast in more than a decade, according to USGS records .

There were no immediate reports of major destruction or any fatalities. Local and regional officials from cities in the earthquake zone said inspections had been launched to ensure that buildings, bridges and other infrastructure were not damaged.

Follow here for live updates on the earthquake.

James Pittinger, mayor of Lebanon, New Jersey, called the earthquake “the craziest thing I’ve ever experienced.”  In an interview with MSNBC , he said he had not received reports of any significant damage so far, but added that the shaking caused his dog to run for cover and objects to fall off his shelves.

While a 4.8-magnitude temblor is not considered a major earthquake, even minor shaking can cause damage on the East Coast, which does not take similar precautions as other earthquake hot spots around the world.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said the quake was felt across the state.

“My team is assessing impacts and any damage that may have occurred, and we will update the public throughout the day,” she wrote on X .

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said in an afternoon news briefing that no major injuries or impacts to infrastructure were reported, and that people in the city should “go about their normal day.”

Ground stops were temporarily issued at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey and John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, according to the Federal Aviation Administration's website. Flight disruptions at the Newark airport continued into the afternoon .

The Port Authority Transit Corp., which operates a rapid transit route between Pennsylvania and New Jersey, suspended service in the aftermath of the quake.

“Crews will inspect the integrity of the line out of an abundance of caution,” PATCO said in an update on X . “Once inspection is complete, service will resume. No timeframe. Updates to follow.”

New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority said that there had been no impact to its service but that teams will be inspecting train lines. New Jersey Transit alerted riders of 20-minute delays due to bridge inspections following the earthquake.

While earthquakes in the northeast U.S. are rare, Buffalo, New York, was struck by a 3.8-magnitude quake in February 2023 — the strongest recorded in the area in 40 years.

A 4.1-magnitude earthquake struck the tri-state area in 2017, centered near Little Creek, Delaware,  according to the U.S. Geological Survey . And before that, a 5.8-magnitude quake  shook central Virginia in 2011,  and was felt across much of the East Coast, forcing hundreds of thousands people to evacuate buildings in New York, Washington and other cities.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said in a post on X that the state has activated its emergency operations center and asked the public not to call 911 unless they are experiencing an emergency.

Frederik J. Simons, a professor of geosciences at Princeton University, told NBC News that the earthquake occurred on a shallow fault system in New Jersey and lasted about 35 seconds.

“The shallower or the closer it is, the more we feel it as humans,” he said.

The quake originated at a depth of less than 3 miles,  according to the USGS . 

Earthquakes on the East Coast can be felt at a great distance and can cause more pronounced shaking in comparison to those on the West Coast because rocks in the region are often older, harder and more dense.  

“These are competent rocks that transmit energy well,” Simons said.

The earthquake ruptured within a fault zone known as the Ramapo system, Simons said. It’s a zone in relatively ancient rock that contains old faults and cracks from ancient tectonic processes. These old faults slowly accumulate stress and occasionally something slips, Simons said.

“There are cracks in it and now and then a little motion accumulates, the stress keeps growing, at very slow rates,” he said. “It’s like an old house creaking and groaning.”

Simons said this was one of the largest earthquakes in New Jersey in recent history. The last notable one was a magnitude-3.1 temblor in Freehold Township in September 2020. 

“I’m on campus at Princeton University for the biggest one I’ve felt in a lifetime,” he said. “This shaking was violent, strong and long.”

Some videos captured the moment of the earthquake, including one from a coffee shop in New Jersey.

The East Coast quake struck two days after a powerful 7.4-magnitude temblor shook the island of Taiwan, killing at least 12 people and injuring more than 1,000 others. The two incidents are not thought to be related, said Dara Goldberg, a USGS geophysicist.

“We’re much too far of a distance for the stress on the fault of Taiwan to affect New York,” she said.

essay about earthquake experience

Denise Chow is a reporter for NBC News Science focused on general science and climate change.

Evan Bush is a science reporter for NBC News. He can be reached at [email protected].

Why does Papua New Guinea experience so many fatal landslides — and what can be done?

A group of young men walk over piles of rocks and debris, with a green forest in the background.

More than 100 people are estimated to have died in a huge landslide that struck the remote village of Kaokalam in Papua New Guinea's Enga province on Friday.

It's the latest in a series of deadly landslides to have occurred in the country in recent months, after 14 people were buried alive in Simbu province in April, and at least 21 people died in three separate landslides  across the country in mid-March.

Sadly, the fatalities are not a new development for Papua New Guinea, which regularly experiences fatal landslides that don't make headlines beyond its borders.

Let's take a look at why PNG is so prone to this type of natural disaster, why it costs so many lives, and what the rest of the world can do to help.

Why does PNG see so many landslides?

Dave Petley, vice-chancellor of the University of Hull in the United Kingdom, is a globally recognised expert on landslides who runs  The Landslide Blog for science magazine Eos.

He attributes PNG's regular landslides to a number of specific factors, chief amongst them being the country's deeply weathered, mountainous terrain and tropical climate.

Heavy rain and storms lead to increased erosion, flooding and higher tides, all of which raise the chance of dangerous rockfalls, he says.

Add to that the fact that the country sits on the Ring of Fire — a string of active volcanoes and high seismic activity that runs along the border of two tectonic plates in the Pacific — and you have perfect landslide conditions.

"You have regular significant earthquakes, which of course trigger landslides in their own right, but also weaken the rock slope," Professor Petley says.

"The whole area is very tectonically active."

Part of a road on the side of a hill collapsed.

Why have so many people lost their lives?

The factors that make landslides so common in Papua New Guinea are certainly problematic, but they are by no means unique to the country.

The reality is landslides occur fairly regularly in certain regions of the world.

Countries where they are common include the United States, Japan, Italy, Austria and Switzerland — hilly or mountainous countries with inclement weather.

So why does PNG in particular seem to experience deadly incidents so regularly?

People who study the issue have long been able to draw a connection between landslide fatalities and economic development — as is the case with earthquakes, and most natural disasters in general.

All things being equal, the poorer a country, the more fatalities they will likely experience.

There are a number of reasons for this — poorly built infrastructure, less effective emergency responses, low availability of healthcare and a lack of early warning systems among them.

A fifth factor, as outlined by earth sciences professor A Joshua West for The Conversation , is development patterns that determine where people live.

Papua New Guinea is one of the world's most rural societies.

Its population is officially 10.5 million, but there are indications the true figure could be much larger — as high as 17 million, according to a UN study — due to a lack of proper record-keeping.

Either way, less than one-fifth of PNG's known population lives in urban centres, and the majority of those that live elsewhere depend on subsistence farming, which needs a certain amount of land.

Given the country's growing population and hilly landscape, this means people are more likely to live in areas at risk of landslides — areas which are also harder for emergency services to reach.

Does human activity play a part?

In addition to the geological and weather conditions outlined above, Professor Petley attributes Papua New Guinea's regular landslides to another major factor — human disturbance.

Alongside small villages and farms, PNG's forests play host to a number of large industries that create conditions where landslides can become more likely.

Many people at the scene of a landslide in a remote part of Papua New Guinea.

Gold, silver, nickel, copper and cobalt are all mined in the country, and LNG operations have been taking place in areas where deadly landslides occurred in the past .

PNG also has a large illegal logging industry, as well as being the world's fifth-largest exporter of palm oil , which requires extensive deforestation.

"Put simply, this is a landscape which should be forested, and the forest has been removed," Professor Petley says.

Are things getting worse?

PNG's deforestation problem shows no sign of improving, with satellite imagery showing logging activity continuing to rise.

The country is also struggling to roll out key infrastructure , let alone undertake the sort of large-scale engineering projects that would be needed to make landslides less dangerous (or improve the emergency response).

In the meantime, climate change — itself exacerbated by deforestation — is making extreme weather events more likely, as well as contributing to higher king tides as global sea levels rise.

Residents of Lese Kavora, a coastal village, in March began discussing potential options for relocating the entire village , after king tides damaged food gardens and contaminated their drinking water.

Professor Petley says climate change has a particularly pronounced effect on landslide activity because it results in more eclectic weather systems, with sudden changes in conditions overwhelming the landscape's ability to cope.

"Slopes are particularly sensitive to short-duration, high-intensity rainfall events," he says.

"You can go back to first principles — imagine a landscape evolves to deal with the most intense rainfall it experiences.

"If you increase that intensity, you're taking the landscape into an environment it's never experienced, and it will respond. And a landslide is the inevitable response.

How can the rest of the world help?

To a certain extent, landslides in mountainous environments are inevitable — and to the extent that climate change continues to worsen, extreme weather events that trigger them are now baked into the system.

But the effect of those landslides, both in the number of fatalities and the nature of the response, can be mitigated, most experts say.

Growing Papua New Guinea's local economy, rather than undertaking large-scale engineering projects, would be a major step in the right direction.

Professor Petley also points to Nepal — where massive Himalayan landslides have previously claimed hundreds of lives — as a success case for reforestation.

"In areas where there have been proactive attempts to reforest [in areas where people are vulnerable], we do see a significant drop in landslides," he says.

He agrees consumers in other countries can help slow deforestation in PNG by reducing demand for palm oil products and illegally sourced timber.

"We also need, globally, to tighten up the way we're managing mining, both in the way we treat the land and also dispose of the waste," he says.

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