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Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Classroom

Md. Ashikuzzaman

A virtual classroom is an online learning environment that reimagines the traditional classroom experience in a digital space. It is a dynamic platform where educators and students connect, collaborate, and engage in real-time interactions, irrespective of geographical distances. The virtual classroom becomes a hub of innovation through the seamless integration of technology, offering a flexible and accessible approach to education.

The essence of the virtual classroom lies in its ability to break down the physical barriers that have traditionally confined education. Learners across the globe can converge in a virtual space, no longer restricted by location or time zone, creating a melting pot of diverse perspectives and experiences. This global connectivity fosters a sense of community, where knowledge flows freely and transcends cultural boundaries.

1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Classroom .

Adopting virtual classrooms in education has brought about a paradigm shift, offering unprecedented advantages and unique challenges. As we navigate the landscape of online learning, exploring the dynamic interplay of benefits and drawbacks inherent in virtual classrooms becomes imperative. On the one hand, the flexibility of access, global connectivity, and the integration of innovative technologies open doors to a world of educational possibilities. On the other hand, concerns related to digital equity, potential technical barriers, and the absence of face-to-face interactions raise essential considerations.

1.1.1 Advantages of Virtual Classroom.

The rise of virtual classrooms has ushered in a new era of learning , redefining the educational landscape and offering an array of advantages that resonate with the needs of today’s learners. In this digital paradigm, the advantages of virtual classrooms extend far beyond mere convenience, encompassing a transformative experience that embraces flexibility, accessibility, and innovation.

  • Flexibility in Learning: One of the primary advantages of virtual classrooms is the unprecedented flexibility they afford to both educators and students. The asynchronous nature of online learning allows individuals to engage with educational materials at their own pace. Whether juggling work commitments, family responsibilities, or navigating different time zones, learners can access lectures and assignments at times that suit their schedules. This flexibility accommodates diverse lifestyles and empowers students to take control of their learning journey.
  • Global Accessibility: Virtual classrooms dismantle the barriers imposed by physical distance, ushering in a new era of global education. Students from every corner of the world can connect with top-tier educators and institutions, breaking free from the limitations of geographical constraints. This global accessibility fosters a rich diversity of perspectives and experiences within the virtual classroom, creating a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that mirrors the interconnected nature of the modern world.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Besides flexibility and accessibility, virtual classrooms offer a cost-efficient alternative to traditional learning models. The financial burden on students and institutions is significantly reduced by eliminating the need for physical infrastructure, commuting expenses, and printed materials. This democratization of education ensures that quality learning experiences are not restricted by financial barriers, making education more attainable for a broader spectrum of learners.
  • Interactive Learning Tools: Virtual classrooms introduce many interactive tools that enrich the learning experience. From real-time quizzes and polls to collaborative documents and interactive whiteboards, these tools engage students in ways that transcend the capabilities of traditional classrooms. The interactive nature of these features not only sustains student interest but also provides immediate feedback, fostering a dynamic and responsive learning environment.
  • Individualized Learning Paths: The virtual classroom empowers educators to tailor their teaching approaches to students’ individual needs. Teachers can address each learner’s unique strengths and challenges through adaptive assessments, personalized learning paths, and one-on-one interactions. This individualized approach ensures that students receive the support they need to thrive academically, fostering a more effective and student-centric educational experience.
  • Enhanced Resource Access: Virtual classrooms provide an extensive array of digital resources, including e-books, articles, videos, and online libraries. This wealth of information transcends the limitations of traditional textbooks, allowing students to explore diverse perspectives and stay updated on the latest developments in their field of study.
  • Improved Time Management: The virtual classroom encourages effective time management for educators and students. With clearly defined schedules, recorded lectures, and centralized platforms for assignments and communication, participants can streamline their workflows, enhancing productivity and creating a more organized learning environment.
  • Career-Relevant Skills Development: Virtual classrooms often integrate technology and relevant tools to the digital age. By engaging with online platforms, collaborative software, and multimedia resources, students develop valuable digital literacy and communication skills that are increasingly essential in today’s workforce.

As we navigate the advantages of virtual classrooms, it becomes evident that this digital transformation is more than a mere adaptation to technological advancements. It represents a paradigm shift in education, where flexibility, accessibility, and innovation converge to unlock the full potential of learning. The virtual classroom is not just a platform; it is a gateway to a dynamic and inclusive educational future where the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds.

1.1.2 Disadvantages of Virtual Classroom.

While virtual classrooms offer many advantages, transitioning from traditional to online learning comes with challenges. Understanding the disadvantages of virtual classrooms is crucial for educators, students, and institutions as they navigate this dynamic and evolving landscape. From technical hurdles to concerns about engagement, the drawbacks offer insights into areas that require careful consideration and proactive solutions.

  • Technical Challenges: One of the primary disadvantages of virtual classrooms is the potential for technical issues. Participants may encounter problems related to internet connectivity, device compatibility, or software glitches. These issues can disrupt the flow of the learning experience, causing frustration and hindering effective communication between educators and students.
  • Lack of Face-to-Face Interaction: The absence of physical presence and face-to-face interaction is a significant drawback in virtual classrooms. Non-verbal cues, personal connections, and the spontaneous interactions that characterize traditional classrooms may be compromised. This can impact the depth of relationships between students and educators, potentially hindering the sense of community and camaraderie.
  • Digital Fatigue: Extended screen time and prolonged engagement with digital devices contribute to a phenomenon known as digital fatigue. Students and educators may experience mental exhaustion, eye strain, and a decreased ability to focus. Balancing the demands of virtual classrooms with the need for screen breaks and physical activity becomes a crucial consideration.
  • Lack of Access to Resources: Despite the wealth of digital resources available, virtual classrooms may pose challenges for students who lack reliable access to technology or a stable internet connection. This digital divide can exacerbate existing inequalities, limiting the educational opportunities for those who do not have access to the necessary tools.
  • Limited Hands-On Learning: Certain subjects and disciplines rely heavily on hands-on learning experiences, practical demonstrations, and laboratory work. Virtual classrooms may struggle to replicate these tactile and experiential components, potentially impacting the depth of understanding and practical skills development in certain fields.
  • Decreased Social Interaction: Social interaction is vital to the learning experience, contributing to developing interpersonal skills and a sense of belonging. In virtual classrooms, opportunities for spontaneous social interactions, casual discussions, and group activities may be limited, affecting the overall social aspect of education.
  • Dependency on Technology: While technology is a powerful enabler, an overreliance on it can pose risks. Technical issues, cyber threats, or system failures can disrupt learning. Additionally, the constant use of digital tools may lead to dependency, potentially hindering students’ ability to adapt to diverse learning environments.
  • Assessment Challenges: Virtual classrooms may pose challenges in conducting fair and secure assessments. Ensuring the integrity of online exams and preventing academic dishonesty can be complex. Educators need to implement effective strategies and technologies to maintain the integrity of assessments in the virtual setting.
  • Teacher Training and Preparedness: The successful implementation of virtual classrooms relies on educators’ proficiency in online teaching methodologies and technologies. Insufficient teacher training and preparedness for the digital shift can impact instruction quality and virtual learning experiences’ overall effectiveness.

As we grapple with the disadvantages of virtual classrooms, it is essential to approach these challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement. Proactive measures, ongoing professional development, and a commitment to addressing the specific needs of virtual learners can help mitigate these drawbacks and pave the way for a more resilient and inclusive educational future.

Conclusion: In conclusion, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of virtual classrooms paints a nuanced picture of the evolving landscape of education. The advantages, such as global accessibility, flexibility, and innovative learning tools, underscore the transformative potential of online learning. Virtual classrooms bring education to the fingertips of diverse learners, fostering inclusivity and reducing geographical barriers. However, the journey into the digital realm is not without its challenges. Technical issues, the absence of face-to-face interactions, and concerns about digital fatigue highlight the need for careful navigation and proactive solutions. As education continues to adapt and embrace the possibilities of technology, a balanced understanding of virtual classrooms’ strengths and limitations is essential. By leveraging the advantages and addressing the disadvantages, educators, students, and institutions can collaboratively shape a dynamic and resilient future for learning.

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Essays About Online Class: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Essays about online class tell many stories. If you need to write about e-learning, discover the top examples and prompts for the subject in our guide.

With over 5.8 million American students attending in 2021, online classes are now one of the education sector’s most popular and modern learning methods. Although it became prevalent because of the pandemic, it’s believed that the concept of distance learning began in the late 1800s .

Online classes pose many benefits that many still take advantage of even after the pandemic. However, not everyone adjusts well to this technology-centered learning due to no face-to-face contact and difficulty learning without the back-and-forth of lesson question time. 

1. My Experience as an Online Student by Debra Sicard

2. how to succeed in online classes essay by anonymous on, 3. essay on advantages and disadvantages of online classes by anonymous on, 4. online school vs. traditional school essay by anonymous on, 5. short essay on online classes by anonymous on, 7 helpful prompts on essays about online class, 1. online classes: defined, 2. my experience with online classes during lockdown, 3. how does online class work, 4. the best sites for online class, 5. the pros and cons of enrolling in online class, 6. review of a book about online class, 7. should online classes be the norm.

“I am not a traditional student, so I have non-traditional needs… online classes fit my lifestyle.”

Sicard shares her positive experience with online classes, primarily centering her essay on convenience. She says that with online courses, she can fit more lessons into her schedule, save her money on gas, and have more time with her family. In addition, she mentions she can work and do other things besides taking her credits.

To have a proper perspective of the topic, Sicard also includes the disadvantages of virtual learning, such as devices catching viruses and missing in-real-life interactions with her professors and classmates. But, she believes that an online student can learn as much or even more than what students learn in traditional classes.

“In an online class, a student can only achieve success if he is committed to time management, balancing personal obligations, finding an ideal study environment, asking questions, and applying more effort to completing the course requirements.”

This essay contains steps a non-traditional student can take to avoid failing online classes. The author says that students, especially multitaskers, must know how to manage and balance their time to avoid losing focus. In addition, having a dedicated study spot is necessary to avoid distractions.

“Online classes or online method of learning presents an easy and comfortable method to achieve knowledge. Online classes have now become a great alternative to traditional classes.”

The writer delves into the benefits and drawbacks of online versus traditional learning. Virtual classes offer students freedom regarding their schedules and whereabouts. Some schools also allow students to learn for free. E-learning effectively trains individuals to be responsible and disciplined. 

However, individuals who are not computer literate will find online classes frustrating. Plus, electronic devices can be bad for health, and a lack of personal interaction can hinder personality development.

“[Online course] will also help you become more self-motivated, a trait that will make you stand out in the workplace and beyond.”

By listing the similarities and differences between online and traditional schools, the author demonstrates what classes a student should pick. The writer concludes that while traditional schools prepare students for the real world by interacting with diverse people, online schools help students become more self-motivated to stand out.

“The advantages of online classes take over their disadvantages. If students want to learn, then they have immense opportunities to learn from online classes.”

The author defines online classes as a type of education system where students use electronic devices with an internet connection to learn. However, while online learning improves the quality of education, it can also make the student lazy and cultivates a sense of isolation. Ultimately, they believe that to have the best education system, school teachers and officials must learn how to combine the two methods.

If the topic you’re thinking of is still confusing and you don’t know where to start, here are seven easy writing prompts to inspire you:

Essays About Online Class: Online classes definition

Explain the topic to your reader and give a brief history of the origins of online classes. Then briefly compare it to the traditional class to make the differences clear. Finally, point out the distinct features of online classes that conventional learning doesn’t offer, such as face-to-face interaction and question-and-answer debates. You can also discuss various online classes schools offer, such as hybrid learning, interactive online courses, etc.

Tell your story if you’re a student with experience with online classes. Narrate how your school switched to virtual classrooms. Relay the challenges you encountered, including how you adapted. Finish your essay by stating your current preference and why. 

For example, you favor e-learning because it cuts your transportation expenses, helps you be more responsible for managing your time, and lets you sleep in the mornings.

Relate your experience when your school moved online. Discuss any equipment or devices you need to buy before enrolling in your online class. Explain how your school handles online courses and what it does when there are technical difficulties. Add how these challenges (such as unstable internet connection and sudden power outage), such as attendance and participation, impact a class.

To make your essay more intriguing, add the average price of your online classes and if you think it’s fair. For instance, you can argue that since schools don’t provide computers and save expenses on cleaning and utilities when physical classrooms are unused, they should cut their laboratory or miscellaneous fees. You may also be interested in these articles about back to school .

Essays About Online Class: The best sites for online class

Zoom, Google Classroom, and Microsoft Team are just three of the most popular online teaching software for online classes. In this prompt, look for the most useful and efficient software sites teachers or schools should incorporate into e-learning. Find examples or reliable data that show the number of students or schools that use them. Finally, ensure the details you add are accurate to make your essay credible.

Do you want to write about technology instead? Check out our  essays about technology .

Discussing online classes’ positive and negative effects is a usual essay topic. To make your essay stand out, pick the most impactful points on everyone involved. Don’t just explore the students’ perspectives. Include how virtual learning influences teachers, parents, and businesses.

To give you an idea, you can look into businesses near the campus that closed down when the school shifted to virtual classrooms.

This prompt requires you to search for publications about online classes and share your opinion on them.

For example, John F. Lyons’s book, How to Succeed in an Online Class , published in 2011, introduced technology students encounter in online classes. Suppose you read this book. First, enumerate Lyons’ advice, tips, and learning techniques to prevent a student from failing their online course. Then, briefly explain them individually and include examples or proof that his advice helped.

Online schooling has been around for a long time but has only become widespread because of the pandemic. Use this prompt to write your opinion on whether schools should make virtual learning a permanent option for students. Whatever your answer is, explain your reason to your readers.If you’re interested in learning more about essays, check out our essay writing tips !

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✍️Essay on Online Classes: Samples in 100, 150, 200 Words

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  • Oct 20, 2023

Essay on Online Classes

Online classes, also known as virtual classes, have over time revolutionized education. They are known for providing students with the flexibility to access educational content and at the same time interact with professors in the comfort of their homes. With time, this mode of learning has gained huge popularity due to its accessibility and the ability to cater to diverse learning styles.

In this digital age, online classes have become a fundamental part of education, enabling all individuals to acquire knowledge, skills etc. Are you looking to gain some more information about online classes? Well, you have come to the right place. Here you will get to read some samples of online classes. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are Online Classes?
  • 2 Essay on Online Classes in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Online Classes in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Online Classes in 200 Words

Also Read: Online Courses

What are Online Classes?

Online classes are educational courses or learning programs which are conducted over the Internet. They provide students with the opportunity to study and complete their coursework remotely from the comfort of their homes. Online classes are a part of formal education. They can be taken in schools or colleges or can be offered by various online learning platforms. 

Online classes may include a variety of digital resources as well as tools. These may include quizzes, assignments, video lectures, discussion forums, connecting with friends via email, chat video calls etc. This type of learning offers the student flexibility in terms of when and where they can access their coursework and study. It is also helpful for those who study part-time have busy schedules and prefer remote learning. 

With the onset of COVID-19 , online classes became a huge hit hence the evolution of online classes. It offers one with different levels of education, skill training and much more. 

Essay on Online Classes in 100 Words

Online classes have become a central aspect of modern education. They offer flexibility, accessibility, and convenience, allowing students to learn from the comfort of their homes. The rise of online classes was accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, making a shift from traditional classrooms to virtual learning environments. 

However, there are many disadvantages to online classes. Students may struggle with distractions, lack of in-person interaction, and technical issues. Additionally, they have opened up new avenues for global collaboration and lifelong learning. In an increasingly digital world, online classes are likely to remain a significant part of education.

Essay on Online Classes in 150 Words

Online classes have become a prevalent mode of education, especially in the past two years. These digital platforms offer several advantages. First, they provide flexibility, allowing students to learn from the comfort of their homes. This is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or who are studying part-time. 

Second, online classes often offer a wider range of courses, enabling learners to explore diverse subjects. Additionally, these classes promote self-discipline and time management skills as students must regulate their own study routines.

However, there are challenges associated with online learning. Technical issues can disrupt classes, and the lack of face-to-face interaction may hinder social development. It can also be isolating for some students.

In conclusion, online classes offer convenience and a variety of courses, but they also present challenges related to technology and socialization. The future of education likely involves a blend of traditional and online learning methods, catering to diverse learning needs.

Also Read: Online Learning

Essay on Online Classes in 200 Words

Online classes have become a prevalent mode of education. However, this shift has brought about both advantages and challenges.

One significant benefit of online classes is accessibility. They allow students from diverse backgrounds and locations to access quality education without any constraints. This inclusivity promotes diversity and global learning experiences. Additionally, online classes often offer flexible schedules, enabling students to balance their studies with other responsibilities.

However, online classes present challenges too. Technical issues and a lack of face-to-face interaction can hinder effective learning. Students may even struggle with self-discipline and motivation, leading to a decline in academic performance. Moreover, the absence of physical facilities like libraries and laboratories can limit hands-on learning opportunities.

In conclusion, online classes have revolutionized education by providing accessibility and flexibility. Yet, they also pose challenges related to technical issues, motivation, and practical experiences. 

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Every student has their own pace of study, and this is where distance learning’s benefits really shine. You can go at your own speed in online classes, go over the material as needed, and complete the work in a method that best suits your learning preferences.

Online courses can be successful provided they are well-designed and delivered, just like any other course or programme. However, this depends from person to person as not every student is meant for online classes. 

In online education, students get to study online using a computer/laptop and only need a proper internet connection. 

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Classrooms – Beginning of a New Era

Aida Elbanna Classroom Management Technologies , EdTech , School Management Software , School Management System , Virtual Classrooms Comments Off on Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Classrooms – Beginning of a New Era 3,812 Views

What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual classrooms? Recently, and especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual learning has been a huge part of educational talks.

You might think that virtual learning is a new trend in education given how rapidly it has entered every educational institution.

Depending on preference, virtual learning has been criticized by some students and teachers and highly appreciated by others. The truth is, virtual classrooms have been around for some time and whether some people like it or not, they will remain a thing for quite some time.

So let us discuss the concept of virtual learning and go through what makes it a huge convenience for some and a nightmare for others. 

Table of Contents

What are the types of virtual classrooms?

1. synchronous classes:.

These classes take place where students attend online classes and/or lectures using video conferencing platforms simultaneously with the instructor who is teaching. This type is particularly beneficial for students that demand instant feedback and interaction from their instructors.

It can also make online discussions easier for teachers that rely on them as the basis for their curricula. 

2. Asynchronous Classes:

In an asynchronous setting, students are not required to attend online lectures or classes. Instead, the student can learn through pre-recorded sessions, interact with their instructors through emails and discussion platforms, and access online resources like textbooks through virtual libraries.

This type of learning is useful for those who prefer learning at their own pace in a manner that suits their schedule and retention rates. 

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3. Hybrid/Blended Classes:

Hybrid classes have been getting huge praise lately because they take the best of both worlds; the teacher and student can receive the benefits of online classes as well as real-time classes.

This can be achieved by incorporating online learning materials into the real classroom.

Students usually report better feedback from this type of learning as it allows them the benefit of increased interaction with the teacher along with the real feel of a classroom experience.

Read more: What is flipped classroom?

The good side of the coin: What are the advantages of virtual classrooms for students?

Available learning materials , uncomplicated and intuitive student dashboard .

  • Adaptable schedule 

Reasonable costs

More room for self-paced learning , encourages self-learning.

One of the benefits of virtual learning is the availability of learning materials. Nowadays, virtual classrooms are implemented through Learning Management Systems that simplify all learning operations in a digital manner. A good LMS platform can incorporate cloud-based storage that allows instructors to upload countless learning resources for the use of students.

Instructors can also suggest online resources for the students as extra learning material. These can take shape in books, articles, videos, presentations, ebooks, guides, and much more. 

Advantages and disadvantages of virtual Classroom

An effective LMS platform usually offers a user-friendly dashboard that streamlines the communication between instructor and learner. LMS developers have also made virtual learning much better through the option of online classes and virtual office hours.

It is almost like the real class experience only without the hassle of having to physically attend the class.

Adaptable schedule

One of the main benefits of virtual classrooms is the ability to study and learn from anywhere and anytime. This is particularly useful for overseas students as well as international students.

Students can easily adjust their schedules according to the timings suitable for them and they can learn from anywhere around the world.

Virtual learning is far from being a restrictive experience; it caters to students who have side jobs or graduates who are looking to elevate their standards of knowledge in other fields.

If students can learn from home or anywhere else, they would not have to spend much money on transportation, accommodation, and travel fees for their school or university. For this reason, virtual learning is a convenient choice for those looking for affordable, quality education. 

E-learning has given learners the space to learn flexibly and at their own pace. This is even more comfortable for students who have a hard time focusing while under pressure.

That is why students who are looking for convenience and flexibility will highly benefit from undergoing that learning experience.

At the end of the day, learning is not acquired within a day and night; so taking proper time is quite necessary for productive learning.  

advantages of virtual classroom for students

Virtual learning can definitely teach students to be more independent and self-sufficient. This will help build students’ characters and prepare them for the workplace and life in general. As we all know, self-learning is crucial to the development of students’ academic life as well as independence.

Teachers have reported that e-learning helps enhance the skill of self-learning.

This is because teachers have started to give more attention to student-centred approaches that prioritize students and aim to up their involvement and independence when it comes to studying and learning by themselves. 

Schools that implement Learning Management Systems can also use additional features like game-based learning, the process of integrating some game principles into the classroom. Its goal is to encourage students to engage, work in teams, and take part in strategic thinking.

If you are a teacher, implementing game-based learning in your class is a sure way to make sure your students are keener on learning. The virtual learning advantages are numerous, it is about time to start thinking about how to maximize your teaching as well as learning experience!

Watch this video to gain ideas about encouraging creativity in your classroom. 

Learning during a worldwide pandemic: Advantages of virtual classrooms during lockdown

After the year 2020 took us all by surprise, schools and universities have had no option but to resort to virtual learning. Though it might seem like a rushed and inconvenient measure, it did have its benefits.

But how is virtual learning affecting the students? 

A)This study investigates the teachers’ and students’ take on online learning during the pandemic. The results of this study found that students supported learning virtually, deeming it a great method for student-centred learning and a convenient option during the lockdown circumstances. 

advantages of virtual classroom during lockdown

B) Another study explores the integration of game-based learning into the online classroom in the higher education sphere. This form of active learning is found to enhance the students’ performance and engagement with the learning material.

The study also detects an increased sense of social connection among the students, even more than in a traditional class setting.

Learn more: 7 Strategies For Active Learning In Online Continuing Education

But what’s the catch? – Disadvantages Of Virtual Classrooms

If we are talking about the advantages and disadvantages of virtual classes, we need to address the main issues that students face with that type of learning.

Internet connection might not be widely available 

The internet connection problem remains among the top reasons why schools refrain from implementing virtual education. It is difficult to focus in the classroom when your internet keeps lagging or losing connection. 

Students’ lack of concentration

In the shift to online learning, some students might find it difficult to actually focus in class during a non-traditional class setting. Most students attend their virtual classes in their bedrooms and sometimes even on their beds!

This creates a sense of idleness and demotivation to put energy into the learning material.

Students feeling of loss and/or confusion 

Unlike the real feel of a classroom, an online lesson might be inconvenient for learners that require extra attention and dedication. Some students feel confused about their assigned tasks or feel lost due to some gaps in understanding the learning material. 

How is virtual learning affecting students?

Almost no socialization among students

A study by Kolloff in 2011 found that student engagement “is vital to building community in an online learning environment, which supports productive and satisfying learning, and helps students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.”

Student engagement, in traditional classes, would be present without much effort required from the teacher.

The situation is a bit more different and complex in an online environment, though. This is because students do not often interact with their classmates during the lesson as the teacher’s concern is mainly on delivering the lesson. This shortage in interaction among students may very well discourage them from being alert and engaged in a virtual class. 

Now, can we find a way around it?

How can students and teachers overcome these shortcomings in exchange for a great virtual learning experience? Let us take a look at some ways to maximize the efficiency of virtual learning classrooms. 

Importance Of Virtual Learning : A Hype That Changed Education

Keep students engaged 

To avoid an idle classroom, you can challenge your students by assigning them to group activities that boost their creativity and engagement. A tip is to give priority to the most important tasks at hand.

Try to keep your tasks simple to avoid cluttering classwork on your students and keep it easier on your own workload as well.

Your students will never be interested or focused if they feel pressured and required to do a million tasks at the same time. The transition to online learning should be smarter not harder on you and your students. 

Make sure students are listened to/cared for 

During the e-learning atmosphere, it is likely that you will find that some students can feel left out or lost due to the lack of real student-instructor connection. That is why your role as a teacher is to try to bridge that gap by stressing the importance of interaction with the students.

You can also reassure your students that you can carry out online meetings for those students that need extra class attention. It would help if you specify virtual office hours dedicated to addressing students’ queries and gaps in understanding. It is important to remember that not all students function the same way; neither do they retain information at the same pace.

Addressing this problem will definitely make the whole distance education journey much more productive for students.

Benefits of online classes

Ensure regular feedback and evaluation 

Keep in mind that students at this time need constant feedback because they will already feel lost. It is necessary to prioritize your students’ handwork and give them constant feedback so that they feel like they are actually being productive and active. 

Include the parents

Virtual education can be a new experience for students who are used to traditional class education. As discussed before, this can occasionally lead to confusion and frustration as they can have a hard time adjusting to this novel learning process.

The students might also feel lost or unable to communicate with their teachers and classmates and that might discourage them from attending their online lessons or even taking part in active class discussions.

That is why parents should exert effort with their children at home by giving them necessary moral support like helping them focus, eliminating possible distractions, giving them needed guidance in certain subjects, or even advising them with studying in times of need.

Parents can provide effective academic support in which they make sure their children are on track regarding their academic anxieties and be around when they need to fill gaps in understanding certain class materials. 

Incorporate technology 

In the shift to e-learning, it is wise to avoid using the same real classroom techniques. Technology-integrated classrooms require more effort on the part of the teacher to make it interesting for the students.

Try to incorporate active learning into your online classrooms to keep your students engaged and look forward to their upcoming classes.

Include online activities, introduce mini breakout sessions, and take your students on virtual trips to give them an amazing distance learning experience. Go the extra mile in your lesson planning and you will definitely reap the benefits and see a difference in your students’ achievements. 

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Embrace hybrid learning 

In essence, hybrid/blended learning is all about mixing both learning experiences – the real classroom and virtual classroom –  into one. With Skolera , teachers can easily and effectively implement hybrid learning in their classrooms. Using Skolera’s Learning Management System , get access to powerful features for your school’s operations.

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Decision-makers in schools and universities have taken on the decision of implementing virtual learning for their students. This transformation has been great for most users (teachers and students) due to its convenience and ease of use.

This article discussed the a dvantages and disadvantages of virtual classrooms and solutions to overcome these drawbacks to attain an effective and productive classroom. 

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Online college classes can be better than in-person ones. The implications for higher ed are profound.

Subscribe to the center for technology innovation newsletter, john villasenor john villasenor nonresident senior fellow - governance studies , center for technology innovation @johndvillasenor.

February 10, 2022

When the Covid pandemic started in early 2020, colleges shifted to remote learning out of necessity. With large in-person gatherings in classrooms suddenly off-limits, online instruction was viewed as the lesser of two evils—inferior to in-person classes, but infinitely better than no classes at all.

Two years later, something unexpected has happened. For many college courses, online instruction is proving to be far more effective than many people anticipated. Why? One key reason is that today’s communications networks and consumer devices enable much higher quality telepresence than was possible a decade ago. But another reason is that due to the pandemic, enormous numbers of students and instructors have gained proficiency with online learning software.

In particular, the mass adoption of Zoom in higher education has created a network effect where its utility as an instructional tool is amplified by the number of people who have become familiar with using it. The quality of a well-run synchronous (i.e., live, as opposed to pre-recorded) online class can now rival—and in some respects exceed—the quality of the in-person equivalent.

Supporting a broader range of learning styles

Synchronous online instruction allows a richer set of interactions. When I am teaching online, the Zoom “chat” window often becomes a nonstop stream of insightful ideas, reactions, and web links provided by students. Rather than distracting from the course, the chat dialog enriches it. Students ask and answer questions from me and from each other, offer thoughts, and react to posts from their peers. In a recent class discussion regarding the First Amendment, as soon as I mentioned several related Supreme Court cases, one of the students dropped links to the rulings into the chat. There’s simply no analog to this parallel form of engagement in a traditional in-person class.

I’ve also found that there are students who are reticent about speaking up during in-person classes, but comfortable using the chat function in online classes to provide written comments or questions. It makes me wonder: How many thoughtful, interesting perspectives went unexpressed in my pre-pandemic in-person classes? Clearly, there must have been students in those classrooms who would have been happy to provide their ideas in written form had that been feasible, but who instead stayed silent because it was not.

Another advantage of online instruction is the expanded ability to invite non-local guest speakers. In the past two years, I have hosted speakers in my online UCLA classes from as far away as Argentina. I now marvel at the time inefficiency of some of the pre-pandemic trips that I made when I was a guest speaker—when I would spend a full day, and sometimes more, to take a round trip plane flight in order to spend 90 minutes in a classroom at another university. It’s asking a lot to expect a guest speaker to devote that much time in order to participate in a single class meeting. By contrast, online guest appearances take only an hour or two of the speaker’s time, making the universe of people who are available to speak vastly larger.

In addition, at the many colleges that currently require students and instructors to be masked while in a physical classroom, there’s another advantage to online instruction that’s so obvious and fundamental that it often goes unstated: it’s a lot easier to understand what someone is saying when you can see their face.

Recognition of the potential advantages of online instruction isn’t new. A paper published back in 2001 noted that online courses could “address a variety of learning styles,” allow “access to a larger variety of quality resources,” and enable instructors to “use creative teaching methods in delivering material.” Due to the pandemic-induced mass adoption of online college instruction, those predictions have proven to be true on a scale that would have been hard to imagine two decades ago.

Challenges in online learning environments

Of course, online learning has downsides as well. As a 2018 paper addressing “Online learning in higher education” put it, “an online environment might benefit certain types of engagement, but may also be somewhat of a deterrent to others.”

A key disadvantage to online instruction is that there are categories of courses for which it falls woefully short—think chemistry laboratories, studio art classes, and the like. An additional vitally important concern is that online learning can be isolating. An online class doesn’t allow the level of spontaneous interactions among students that occur before, in, and after in-person class meetings. That’s an important mechanism for students to find study partners and teammates for class projects, and more generally to socialize and to get to know their peers.

There are also well-documented equity concerns with online learning , including the fact that not all students have a home with access to reliable internet and a computer. But there are also equity issues on the other side of the ledger. Not all students are in a position to live on-campus or within easy commuting distance of one. And some students have caregiving responsibilities for a young child or elderly relative that limit their flexibility for leaving home. For those students, it can be more equitable to offer online instruction than to require their presence in a physical classroom.

Rethinking college online instruction

The bottom line is that the preconceived notions that I and many others in higher education had about the supposedly unambiguous inferiority of online classes have proven to be wrong. Unfortunately, few college administrators are likely to acknowledge the advantages of synchronous online instruction. Doing so would call into question the entire model of the residential college—a concept that is a multi-billion-dollar business, a central feature of the American cultural landscape, and a rite of passage all rolled up into one.

But a more objective, pandemic-seasoned appraisal of online learning would admit that thanks to technology, the campus classroom—the actual and symbolic core around which all that college has come to mean is constructed—no longer needs to be a physical room. We are probably not ready to imagine how higher education might look if it were redesigned from the ground up, taking full advantage of the opportunities created by technology to maximize student engagement and instructional quality, accessibility, and equity.

One thing is sure: It would look very different from the higher education ecosystem we have today.

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How Effective Is Online Learning? What the Research Does and Doesn’t Tell Us

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Editor’s Note: This is part of a series on the practical takeaways from research.

The times have dictated school closings and the rapid expansion of online education. Can online lessons replace in-school time?

Clearly online time cannot provide many of the informal social interactions students have at school, but how will online courses do in terms of moving student learning forward? Research to date gives us some clues and also points us to what we could be doing to support students who are most likely to struggle in the online setting.

The use of virtual courses among K-12 students has grown rapidly in recent years. Florida, for example, requires all high school students to take at least one online course. Online learning can take a number of different forms. Often people think of Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, where thousands of students watch a video online and fill out questionnaires or take exams based on those lectures.

In the online setting, students may have more distractions and less oversight, which can reduce their motivation.

Most online courses, however, particularly those serving K-12 students, have a format much more similar to in-person courses. The teacher helps to run virtual discussion among the students, assigns homework, and follows up with individual students. Sometimes these courses are synchronous (teachers and students all meet at the same time) and sometimes they are asynchronous (non-concurrent). In both cases, the teacher is supposed to provide opportunities for students to engage thoughtfully with subject matter, and students, in most cases, are required to interact with each other virtually.

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Online courses provide opportunities for students. Students in a school that doesn’t offer statistics classes may be able to learn statistics with virtual lessons. If students fail algebra, they may be able to catch up during evenings or summer using online classes, and not disrupt their math trajectory at school. So, almost certainly, online classes sometimes benefit students.

In comparisons of online and in-person classes, however, online classes aren’t as effective as in-person classes for most students. Only a little research has assessed the effects of online lessons for elementary and high school students, and even less has used the “gold standard” method of comparing the results for students assigned randomly to online or in-person courses. Jessica Heppen and colleagues at the American Institutes for Research and the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research randomly assigned students who had failed second semester Algebra I to either face-to-face or online credit recovery courses over the summer. Students’ credit-recovery success rates and algebra test scores were lower in the online setting. Students assigned to the online option also rated their class as more difficult than did their peers assigned to the face-to-face option.

Most of the research on online courses for K-12 students has used large-scale administrative data, looking at otherwise similar students in the two settings. One of these studies, by June Ahn of New York University and Andrew McEachin of the RAND Corp., examined Ohio charter schools; I did another with colleagues looking at Florida public school coursework. Both studies found evidence that online coursetaking was less effective.

About this series


This essay is the fifth in a series that aims to put the pieces of research together so that education decisionmakers can evaluate which policies and practices to implement.

The conveners of this project—Susanna Loeb, the director of Brown University’s Annenberg Institute for School Reform, and Harvard education professor Heather Hill—have received grant support from the Annenberg Institute for this series.

To suggest other topics for this series or join in the conversation, use #EdResearchtoPractice on Twitter.

Read the full series here .

It is not surprising that in-person courses are, on average, more effective. Being in person with teachers and other students creates social pressures and benefits that can help motivate students to engage. Some students do as well in online courses as in in-person courses, some may actually do better, but, on average, students do worse in the online setting, and this is particularly true for students with weaker academic backgrounds.

Students who struggle in in-person classes are likely to struggle even more online. While the research on virtual schools in K-12 education doesn’t address these differences directly, a study of college students that I worked on with Stanford colleagues found very little difference in learning for high-performing students in the online and in-person settings. On the other hand, lower performing students performed meaningfully worse in online courses than in in-person courses.

But just because students who struggle in in-person classes are even more likely to struggle online doesn’t mean that’s inevitable. Online teachers will need to consider the needs of less-engaged students and work to engage them. Online courses might be made to work for these students on average, even if they have not in the past.

Just like in brick-and-mortar classrooms, online courses need a strong curriculum and strong pedagogical practices. Teachers need to understand what students know and what they don’t know, as well as how to help them learn new material. What is different in the online setting is that students may have more distractions and less oversight, which can reduce their motivation. The teacher will need to set norms for engagement—such as requiring students to regularly ask questions and respond to their peers—that are different than the norms in the in-person setting.

Online courses are generally not as effective as in-person classes, but they are certainly better than no classes. A substantial research base developed by Karl Alexander at Johns Hopkins University and many others shows that students, especially students with fewer resources at home, learn less when they are not in school. Right now, virtual courses are allowing students to access lessons and exercises and interact with teachers in ways that would have been impossible if an epidemic had closed schools even a decade or two earlier. So we may be skeptical of online learning, but it is also time to embrace and improve it.

A version of this article appeared in the April 01, 2020 edition of Education Week as How Effective Is Online Learning?

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Classroom

Table of contents

  • 1 What is a Virtual Classroom?
  • 2 Benefits of Virtual Learning Classrooms
  • 3 Disadvantages of Virtual Classroom
  • 4 Must-Have Virtual Classroom Features in 2023
  • 5 Conclusion

Online education has been a very popular way of conducting studies for a very long time. This type of education has allowed colleges and universities to provide their courses to a much larger number of students than otherwise possible.

These online learning programs mean that students can access them from wherever they are, even when they cannot move to another country to study at their dream institution.

What is a Virtual Classroom?

Online courses are often provided via virtual classrooms. What is this exactly? In very simple terms, it is a virtual setting in which teachers and students can meet with each other, share materials, give presentations, and a lot more. Virtual learning environments can come in different forms. Some of these include:

  • Massive Open Online Courses, commonly known as MOOCs, are programs that anyone can get enrolled in and complete. Such virtual classes are often prerecorded and uploaded to websites like Coursera. Students can access their chosen programs, often for completely free, and then get an official certificate from the university that offers the program.
  • Online degree programs are offered by various institutions for foreign or even local students who don’t wish to physically attend the university of their choice. These provide one of the best benefits of a virtual classroom as people from all over the world can take part in the top courses without having to travel.
  • Perhaps the biggest example of online learning came at the height of the pandemic when essentially the whole world went into lockdown and educational institutions shifted to virtual classes. Even today, a lot of institutions are offering such online classes as they can have many benefits.
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Benefits of Virtual Learning Classrooms

There are various advantages of a virtual classroom that people have already seen as a direct result of COVID-19. Some of these include the following.

  • Accessibility

As mentioned before, one of the most important virtual learning benefits includes accessibility. Distance learning has brought more and more students from remote areas of the world into the fold of higher education, allowing them to gain top-notch education from their homes.

  • Inclusive Nature

Many students who are generally shy in physical classrooms find it easier to use virtual classroom software and be more vocal and present. If they find it hard to raise their hand in a physical room to ask a question, being in an online lesson can help.

  • Better Time Management

For adults who are working alongside their studies, having to sit in an interactive virtual classroom can be much easier than taking time out each day to go to a physical campus. This can help them manage their time more effectively and find some moments to enjoy their lives as well. And the fact that they can most likely join classes from their mobile phones on the go can save hours of their time.

  • Cost Reductions

Cost reductions that stem from distance learning help both students and institutions. Students don’t have to travel and find accommodation, while institutions don’t have to constantly expand and add extra classrooms to their campus for more students. The cost of a good video conferencing software is much lesser than the continued operational costs that go into maintaining a physical classroom.

  • Instant Results

Other than easier learning management for students, online learning also provides them with quicker results on their exams. They don’t have to wait for weeks to get their test scores as their tests are scored as soon as they finish them in a good virtual classroom software.

Disadvantages of Virtual Classroom

As with everything in our lives, there is good and bad when it comes to virtual learning environments. Here are some of the most common disadvantages.

  • Lack of Social Interaction

The social aspect of joining a college or university is one of the most important things in a student’s life. Unfortunately, in many virtual classroom examples, we can see how this important part of the higher education experience is stripped away. Students can definitely learn a lot from their homes and collaborate with others, but it is nowhere near the level of socialization they can have on campus.

  • Lack of Discipline

It can be very hard for students to develop the discipline required in life when they know that all they need to do is turn on the computer and take a class. Some students find it hard to wake up early for virtual lessons and others lose their motivation after some time.

  • Hands-Off Learning

One of the biggest disadvantages of virtual learning is that students don’t have hands-on learning opportunities. They cannot go into labs and do experiments or physically experience something that is essential to a subject. This can make online lessons quite boring and unhelpful at times.

  • Technical Issues

While it is among one of the top advantages of virtual learning that students from remote areas can learn what they want, it also has a flipside because such students often face technological issues. They may not have stable internet or electricity and end up finding the whole experience frustrating.

  • Cheating Is Easier

One of the biggest cons when it comes to digital learning is that it is very difficult for teachers to prevent cheating among students. Whether we talk about tests or class assignments, it is very complicated to maintain a level of fairness in the class because everyone is using their own computers and is sitting in their own environment. It is even possible for students to ask someone else to take a test on their behalf at times.

Must-Have Virtual Classroom Features in 2023

After going through some advantages and disadvantages of a virtual classroom, these are some must-have features that should be incorporated in online lessons:

  • Maximum collaboration among students is essential if we want to make distance education a healthy and social experience for students. Various software should include as many collaborative features as possible so that learners can work together and create healthy relationships.
  • Software programs enabling distance learning should be as low-demand in terms of resources as possible. This is crucial for students with choppy internet connections and electrical issues to stay connected rather than feeling left out.
  • One feature that we have seen in some programs is the inclusion of automated learning. This may be the future of online learning. If programs can tailor the learning material to each student’s individual progress rather than bombarding everyone with the same work every day, then learners can actually learn more effectively at their own pace.
  • Virtual classrooms should also be smaller and more focused. Instead of a video conferencing screen showing 50 people sitting in the same class, these classes should be limited to a lower number of students with whom the instructor can be more engaged.

If you’ve ever wondered what is virtual learning and never really found the answer, you know now. If it wasn’t for virtual learning, all the educational institutions of the world would have had to shut down for a very long time due to COVID-19 and students would have lost a significant part of their lives doing nothing. Thanks to distance learning technologies that were already in place, this fate was avoided and online lessons continue to grow in popularity for a myriad of reasons. However, there is still a lot of work left to be done if virtual learning is to be improved to a point where it can compete with physical classrooms.


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Argumentative Essay: Online Learning and Educational Access

Conventional learning is evolving with the help of computers and online technology. New ways of learning are now available, and improved access is one of the most important benefits available. People all around the world are experiencing improved mobility as a result of the freedom and potential that online learning provides, and as academic institutions and learning organisations adopt online learning technologies and remote-access learning, formal academic education is becoming increasingly legitimate. This essay argues the contemporary benefits of online learning, and that these benefits significantly outweigh the issues, challenges and disadvantages of online learning.

Online learning is giving people new choices and newfound flexibility with their personal learning and development. Whereas before, formal academic qualifications could only be gained by participating in a full time course on site, the internet has allowed institutions to expand their reach and offer recognized courses on a contact-partial, or totally virtual, basis. Institutions can do so with relatively few extra resources, and for paid courses this constitutes excellent value, and the student benefits with greater educational access and greater flexibility to learn and get qualified even when there lots of other personal commitments to deal with.

Flexibility is certainly one of the most important benefits, but just as important is educational access. On top of the internet’s widespread presence in developed countries, the internet is becoming increasingly available in newly developed and developing countries. Even without considering the general informational exposure that the internet delivers, online academic courses and learning initiatives are becoming more aware of the needs of people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and this means that people from such backgrounds are in a much better position to learn and progress than they used to be.

The biggest argument that raises doubt over online learning is the quality of online courses in comparison to conventional courses. Are such online courses good enough for employers to take notice? The second biggest argument is the current reality that faces many people from disadvantaged backgrounds, despite the improvements made in this area in recent years – they do not have the level of basic access needed to benefit from online learning. In fact, there are numerous sources of evidence that claim disadvantaged students are not receiving anywhere near the sort of benefits that online learning institutions and promoters are trying to instigate. Currently there are many organisations, campaigns and initiatives that are working to expand access to higher education. With such high participation, it can be argued that it is only a matter of time before the benefits are truly realised, but what about the global online infrastructure?

There is another argument that is very difficult to dispel, and that is the response of different types of students to the online learning paradigm. Evidence shows that there are certain groups of students that benefit from college distance learning much more than other groups. In essence, students must be highly motivated and highly disciplined if they are to learn effectively in their own private environment.

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The pros and cons of online learning

What to look for in an online course.


If you’re at a point in your life where you’re considering continuing your education, you may wonder if online learning is the right path for you.

Taking an online course requires a notable investment of time, effort, and money, so it’s important to feel confident about your decision before moving forward. While online learning works incredibly well for some people, it’s not for everyone.

We recently sat down with MIT xPRO Senior Instructional Designer and Program Manager Luke Hobson to explore the pros and cons of online learning and what to look for in an online course. If you’re waiting for a sign about whether or not to enroll in that course you’ve been eying, you just might find it here.

Pros of Online Learning

First, let’s take a look at the true value of online learning by examining some of the benefits:

1. Flexibility

Online learning’s most significant advantage is its flexibility. It’s the reason millions of adults have chosen to continue their education and pursue certificates and degrees.

Asynchronous courses allow learners to complete work at their own pace, empowering them to find the optimal time to consume the content and submit assignments.

Some people are more attentive, focused, and creative in the mornings compared to the evenings and vice versa. Whatever works best for the learners should be the priority of the learning experience.

2. Community

When Luke asks people about their main reason for enrolling in a course, a common answer is networking and community.

Learners crave finding like-minded individuals who are going through the same experiences and have the same questions. They want to find a place where they belong. Being in the company of others who understand what they’re going through can help online learners who are looking for support and motivation during challenging times and times that are worth celebrating.

Some learners have created study groups and book clubs that have carried on far beyond the end of the course-it’s amazing what can grow from a single post on a discussion board!

3. Latest information

“Speed is a massive benefit of online learning,” and according to Luke, it often doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

“When we say speed, we don’t mean being quick with learning. We mean actual speed to market. There are so many new ideas evolving within technical spaces that it’s impossible to keep courses the way they were originally designed for a long period of time.”

Luke notes that a program on Additive Manufacturing , Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality , or Nanotechnology must be checked and updated frequently. More formal learning modalities have difficulty changing content at this rapid pace. But within the online space, it’s expected that the course content will change as quickly as the world itself does.

Cons of Online Learning

Now that we’ve looked at some of the biggest pros of online learning, let’s examine a few of the drawbacks:

1. Learning environment

While many learners thrive in an asynchronous learning environment, others struggle. Some learners prefer live lessons and an instructor they can connect with multiple times a week. They need these interactions to feel supported and to persist.

Most learners within the online space identify themselves as self-directed learners, meaning they can learn on their own with the right environment, guidance, materials, and assignments. Learners should know themselves first and understand their preferences when it comes to what kind of environment will help them thrive.

2. Repetition

One drawback of online courses is that the structure can be repetitive: do a reading, respond to two discussion posts, submit an essay, repeat. After a while, some learners may feel disengaged from the learning experience.

There are online courses that break the mold and offer multiple kinds of learning activities, assessments, and content to make the learning experience come alive, but it may take some research to find them-more on what to look for in an online course later in this article! Luke and his colleagues at MIT xPRO are mindful of designing courses that genuinely engage learners from beginning to end.

3. Underestimation

Luke has noticed that some learners underestimate how much work is required in an online course. They may mistakenly believe that online learning is somehow “easier” compared to in-person learning.

For those learners who miscalculate how long they will need to spend online or how challenging the assignments can be, changing that mindset is a difficult process. It’s essential to set aside the right amount of time per week to contribute to the content, activities, and assignments. Creating personal deadlines and building a study routine are two best practices that successful online learners follow to hold themselves accountable.

Experience the Value of Online Learning: What to Look For in an Online Course

You’ve probably gathered by now that not all online courses are created equal. On one end of the spectrum, there are methods of online learning that leave learners stunned by what a great experience they had. On the other end of the spectrum, some online learning courses are so disappointing that learners regret their decision to enroll.

If you want to experience the value of online learning, it’s essential to pick the right course. Here’s a quick list of what to look for:

  • Feedback and connection to peers within the course platform. Interacting regularly with other learners makes a big difference. Luke and the MIT xPRO team use peer-reviewed feedback to give learners the opportunity to engage with each other’s work.
  • Proof of hard work. In the online learning space, proof of hard work often comes in the form of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or specific certifications. MIT xPRO course participants who successfully complete one or more courses are eligible to receive CEUs , which many employers, licensing agencies, and professional associations accept as evidence of a participant’s serious commitment to their professional development.

Online learning isn’t for everyone, but with the right approach, it can be a valuable experience for many people. Now that you know what to look for in an online course, see what Luke and the MIT xPRO instructional design team have to offer by checking out the latest MIT xPRO courses and programs .

Originally published at on August 8th, 2022.

essay on advantages of virtual class

The pros and cons of online learning was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay

Online vs. in-person classes essay – introduction, online and traditional classes differences, works cited.

The article compares and contrasts online classes and traditional classes. Among the advantages of online classes are flexibility and convenience, while in-person classes offer a more structured learning environment. The author highlights that online lessons can be more cost-effective, although they lack support provided by live interactions. Overall, the online vs. traditional classes essay is very relevant today, and the choice depends on the individual student’s needs and preferences.

Modern technology has infiltrated the education sector and as a result, many college students now prefer taking online classes, as opposed to attending the traditional regular classes. This is because online classes are convenient for such students, and more so for those who have to both work and attend classes.

As such, online learning gives them the flexibility that they needed. In addition, online learning also gives an opportunity to students and professionals who would not have otherwise gone back to school to get the necessary qualifications. However, students who have enrolled for online learning do not benefit from the one-on-one interaction with their peers and teachers. The essay shall endeavor to examine the differences between online classes and the traditional classes, with a preference for the later.

Online classes mainly take place through the internet. As such, online classes lack the regular student teacher interaction that is common with traditional learning. On the other hand, learning in traditional classes involves direct interaction between the student and the instructors (Donovan, Mader and Shinsky 286).

This is beneficial to both the leaner and the instructors because both can be bale to establish a bond. In addition, student attending the traditional classroom often have to adhere to strict guidelines that have been established by the learning institution. As such, students have to adhere to the established time schedules. On the other hand, students attending online classes can learn at their own time and pace.

One advantage of the traditional classes over online classes is that students who are not disciplined enough may not be able to sail through successfully because there is nobody to push them around. With traditional classes however, there are rules to put them in check. As such, students attending traditional classes are more likely to be committed to their education (Donovan et al 286).

Another advantage of the traditional classes is all the doubts that students might be having regarding a given course content can be cleared by the instructor on the spot, unlike online learning whereby such explanations might not be as coherent as the student would have wished.

With the traditional classes, students are rarely provided with the course materials by their instructors, and they are therefore expected to take their own notes. This is important because they are likely to preserve such note and use them later on in their studies. In contrast, online students are provided with course materials in the form of video or audio texts (Sorenson and Johnson 116).

They can also download such course materials online. Such learning materials can be deleted or lost easily compared with handwritten class notes, and this is a risk. Although the basic requirements for a student attending online classes are comparatively les in comparison to students attending traditional classes, nonetheless, it is important to note that online students are also expected to be internet savvy because all learning takes place online.

This would be a disadvantage for the regular student; only that internet savvy is not a requirement. Students undertaking online learning are likely to be withdrawn because they hardly interact one-on-one with their fellow online students or even their instructors. The only form of interaction is online. As such, it becomes hard for them to develop a special bond with other students and instructors. With traditional learning however, students have the freedom to interact freely and this helps to strengthen their existing bond.

Online learning is convenient and has less basic requirements compared with traditional learning. It also allows learners who would have ordinarily not gone back to school to access an education. However, online students do not benefit from a close interaction with their peers and instructors as do their regular counterparts. Also, regular students can engage their instructors more easily and relatively faster in case they want to have certain sections of the course explained, unlike online students.

Donovan, Judy, Mader, Cynthia and Shinsky, John. Constructive student feedback: Online vs. traditional course evaluations. Journal of Interactive Online Learning , 5.3(2006): 284-292.

Sorenson, Lynn, and Johnson, Trav. Online Student Ratings of Instructions . San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2003. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 28). Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay.

"Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." IvyPanda , 28 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay'. 28 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." October 28, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." October 28, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." October 28, 2023.

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What We’re Learning About Online Learning

As virtual classrooms and online learning proliferate, researchers are working to quantify what works and what doesn’t.

essay on advantages of virtual class

By Benedict Carey

Over four days in mid-March, Cindy Hansen, an 11th grade English teacher at Timpanogos High School in Orem, Utah, had to go fully virtual, and took her class of some 30 students reading “The Great Gatsby” online.

Ms. Hansen had no experience with virtual courses and, like teachers around the country, had to experiment. She decided to upload video lessons — presenting the text of “Gatsby” along with a small window in the corner of the screen, in which she read aloud key passages and assigned essays.

The transition seemed to be proceeding smoothly until, after several lessons, she received a note from a student who rarely spoke up in class.

“He’s one of my sweetest students, and he wrote, ‘Ms. Hansen, those videos are glitchy — I can’t really see the text,’” she said in a phone interview. “I had just assumed they were fine. Well, they were horrible, and the poor kid felt frustrated. I’m glad he said something.” She quickly fixed the problem, she said, by reshooting the videos directly on the teaching site instead of uploading them.

After this spring’s on-the-fly experiment in online classes, teachers and school districts across the country are preparing for what will be anything but a normal fall semester. Some districts stumbled in the transition, with classes zoom-bombed and interrupted ; many strained to address serious inequities in access to computers . Recent research finds that most students fell months behind during the last term of the year, with the heaviest impact on low-income students.

Other schools, like Timpanogos, transitioned with less disruption, in part by mobilizing facilitators, coaches and other staff members to support both teachers and students who were in danger of logging off and checking out, according to a report by researchers.

Now, most districts are facing a future in which online courses will likely be part of the curriculum, whether that entails students returning in shifts or classrooms remaining closed because of local outbreaks. And underlying that adjustment is a more fundamental question: How efficiently do students learn using virtual lessons?

“What we’re finding in the research thus far is it’s generally harder to keep students engaged with virtual lessons,” no matter the content, said Jered Borup, an associate professor in learning technologies at George Mason University. “Over all, though, that is not the distinguishing feature here. Rather, it’s what supports the student has when learning virtually. That makes all the difference.”

Research comparing in-person to online learning comes from many disciplines and does not benefit from the kinds of controls that scientists prefer; courses, teachers, students and class composition vary too much to make comparisons easily.

Physical presence matters, in ways that are not captured by the scientific method. “Look, I did fine in Ms. Hansen’s class — I just bought the audiobooks and read ‘Gatsby’ on my own,” one student, Ethan Avery, said in a phone interview. “But in some other classes. … I’m personally a terrible procrastinator, and not having that physical reminder, sitting in class and the teachers grilling me, ‘Ethan, this is due Friday,’ I fell behind. That was the rough part.”

The two most authoritative reviews of the research to date, examining the results of nearly 300 studies, come to a similar conclusion. Students tend to learn less efficiently than usual in online courses, as a rule, and depending on the course. But if they have a facilitator or mentor on hand, someone to help with the technology and focus their attention — an approach sometimes called blended learning — they perform about as well in many virtual classes, and sometimes better.

One state that has applied this approach broadly, for nearly two decades, is Michigan. A state-supported nonprofit institute called Michigan Virtual offers scores of online courses, in languages, the sciences, history and professional development. It also offers 23 virtual advanced placement (A.P.) courses, for college credit.

“We find that if students have support and a schedule — they do the lesson every weekday at 9 a.m., for instance — they tend to do better than just tuning in here and there,” said Joe Freidhoff, vice president of Michigan Virtual. “The mantra of online learning is, ‘Your own time, your own pace, your own path.’ In fact, each of these factors matter greatly, and some structure seems to help.”

In 2012, the institute added a research arm, to track the progress of its students. In the 2018-19 school year, more than 120,000 students took at least one of its virtual courses; the vast majority of students were in high school. The pass rate was 50 percent for those living below the state’s poverty line, and 70 percent for those living above it, averages roughly in line with the public high schools.

The story was different for Michigan Virtual’s A.P. students. In the 2018-19 academic year, 807 students took least one of its virtual A.P. classes. The final exams are graded on a scale from 1 to 5, with scores of 3 or above having a chance to earn college credit. The virtual learners’ overall average score was 3.21, compared to 3.04 among Michigan peers who took the course in a classroom. The national average on those same tests was 2.89.

“On these exams, our students consistently exceed state and national averages,” Dr. Freidhoff said. “Of course, being A.P. students, they tend to be very self-directed, motivated students.”

In its scramble to shift courses online in mid-March, the Timpanogos district put facilitators in place, both for teachers who needed them and to check in on some students. It lent Chromebooks to every student that did not have a computer at home. And it implemented a policy that, by all accounts, took pressure off the sudden transition: Students could opt for a “P” for pass, if struggling with a virtual class, without taking a hit to their G.P.A.

“It was a little overwhelming at first,” said Briley Andersen, another of Ms. Hansen’s students. “My physics and computer science classes were taking almost all my time, so I ended up taking a P in those.” She added, “As long as there’s good communication with a teacher, you get the hang of it. If not, it takes too long to figure out what you’re supposed to do.”

Michelle Jensen, who is employed by the district as a learning coach, provided guidance to teachers — including Ms. Hansen — and to students when possible. “The rationale was, do no harm,” she said. “These students are going to have 13 years of education, at least, and our approach to this one term was, help them learn how to make this adjustment.”

In a review of Timpanogos’s transition, a research team led by Dr. Borup and Ms. Jensen found that it was largely the nondigital measures that mattered most. Teachers offered virtual office hours to students, and contacted them when activity fell off. When those interventions weren’t effective, counselors worked with the family.

The last term of the 2020 school year was, in effect, a hard lesson for much of the educational system in what virtual classes could and could not provide. The content is there, and accessible, in any well-prepared course.

But if the evidence thus far is any guide, virtual education will depend for its success on old-school principles: creative, attentive teaching and patient support from parents. As “The Great Gatsby” concludes: “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

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Benedict Carey has been a science reporter for The Times since 2004. He has also written three books, “How We Learn” about the cognitive science of learning; “Poison Most Vial” and “Island of the Unknowns,” science mysteries for middle schoolers. More about Benedict Carey

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7 Benefits Of The Virtual Classroom


  • March 10, 2021

student doing virtual learning

  • Safety comes first
  • Tutoring anytime, anywhere
  • Boost your child's confidence
  • Digital learning for everyone
  • Giving you a break
  • We make learning fun
  • Work smarter, not harder


Even though many things were paused, a lot of the things we were able to continue virtually. Thanks to the best technology, virtual learning has quickly become the new norm and teachers have adapted to new technology and screensharing options .

And most importantly, virtual learning means our children continue to learn throughout the pandemic. A personalised learning experience, the flexibility of long-distance learning and new options for collaboration are just a few benefits to improve the whole learning experience in a new setting.

Virtual classrooms help our children to learn, grow, and have fun from the safety of home. Plus, they gain important life skills, while parents save time and gain more flexibility over the learning process. Digital learning makes the learning process affordable , timely and significantly improves visualisation with students. 

So let’s take a look at the main 7 benefits the virtual classroom can offer you and your child...

#1 Safety comes first 👩‍🏫  

In the current situation we encounter large difficulties . Parents try to protect their kids even more in times of the pandemic and the best way to put safety first is to stay home. This difficult time does not mean our children should face barriers while learning!

A virtual classroom lets your children interact with our highly qualified tutors in the safest way possible. Tutoring lessons can be taken from anywhere and are affordable for everyone. Our highly qualified tutors make the learning experience fun and dynamic.

Through a personalised interaction with the student, our lessons are completely different from the frontal teaching method used in schools. Our individual, transparent rating system will help you pick the right tutor for your child, to give you that extra peace of mind, when finding the right learning partner.

👉 Let us show you how effective virtual learning can be when done right! Book your first free trial lesson here .

#2 Tutoring anytime, anywhere 🏡

Through digital learning, you can experience the right learning experience right at your doorstep! Our 100% flexible platform means you can schedule a session at any time that suits your family. If your child is an early bird , kick the day off with a lively morning session, then you’ve got the rest of the day free. Prefer to have your weekends free for quality family time? Then line up a tutoring session during the week.

It’s totally up to you, and our flexible booking system means if something comes up, you can easily reschedule at the click of a button. We want to make it as easy and stress-free as possible for you and your child. 

For your convenience, we also have the option for students to record all their sessions . Simply hit record, and we’ll automatically create a file. It’s a fast, simple and convenient way to build up a library of personal study resources. In this way, your child can refresh their learning at any time and won’t forget what they were taught in the individual sessions!

#3 Boost your child's confidence 💪

Just as a physical classroom teaches children important social skills like patience, sharing, respect and kindness , a virtual classroom has many hidden benefits. your children will gain vital skills using technology as part of their everyday life, and get more confident interacting online. .

Learning online also helps them prepare for a career in a digital environment, which offers tons of opportunties! Our high-powered technology like the interactive online whiteboard supercharges the learning environment, and your children will get to experience it all!

These skills are vital for future workplaces. Arming your children now will help them get ahead later in life! At GoStudent, we see it as our mission to help to create a generation of confident, tech-savvy children who are fully prepared for their future career. Independent learning in a virtual setting, makes them become self-starters and prepares them for a digital workplace.  

#4 Digital learning for everyone 👐

Not only are virtual classrooms significantly cheaper than traditional established schools , but you can also save when it comes to travel expenses and lock-in contracts. Think of all the time, money and hassle you can save by bringing the learning experience to your living room. Once you try it, you’ll never want to go back to the standard tutoring setting!

We have a variety of packages starting from just €19.20 per session to suit every budget. Plus, our guaranteed replacement tutor means you’ll never be out-of-pocket. Our packages are the most competitive on the market, as we are trying to suit everyone’s needs. Depending on your learning requirements, you can speak to our team and they can find you the right tutor, so your student makes the jump to a better grade! 

#5 Giving you a break ☕

Parents, you deserve a break . Even if you enjoy helping your kid with your homework at home, there are always going to be some subjects where you feel slightly out of your depth and outside of your comfort zone. So let a tutor who specialises in that field help take away some stress and lighten your load.

We handpick the best qualified tutors , for you to face the next exam of your kid with a relaxed mind. Our tutors will work individually with you to discuss specific learning goals and then focus on reaching and celebrating big  learning milestones along the way.

GoStudent offers over 11,000 verified tutors . They have been independently evaluated for their friendliness, expertise, reliability and teaching skills across 16 subjects. They make sure to be available 7 days a week, to make tutoring fit into your schedule. Plus, we make it easy for you to stay updated through a private WhatsApp group to ensure you receive constant communication, progress, updates and advice first-hand.

#6 We make learning fun 🚀

Is your child feeling frustrated or losing motivation ? A change of environment might just be the trick!

Let our tech-savvy tutors instantly grab your child’s attention with their toolbox of tricks such as YouTube videos, virtual quizzes, music, games and competitive challenges. Virtual classrooms have access to a world of resources at their fingertips, so lessons will never be boring. We love to bring in playful learning through games such as Kahoot! for students.

Students can face their competitive spirit, whilst playing classic warm-up activities like Charades, Simon Says and Pictionary. These games make online learning fun! In fact, one of our students Max loved his tutor sessions with Alex so much, he told his Mum he wants to be a tutor when he grows up. These achievements really bring a smile on our face and make us really enjoy our mission to build the #1 global school worldwide!

#7 Work smarter, not harder ✔️

We speak with many parents daily, who tell us they would like to see results immediately! That’s why we have built the most technologically advanced tutoring platform available. Tutors can send students a link to a resource, or screen share so both student and tutor are on the same page, without any distractions.

Your child will receive instant feedback on spelling tests, tricky maths equations or quiz results . Plus with 24/7 communication, tutors can give students instant help on the problems and challenges they are facing. The future of learning is here!

The accessibility, flexibility and individual focus that students get from a virtual classroom can help them reach their full potential, in a way that suits them. Virtual classrooms provide an effective, affordable and safe experience for children to learn from home, relieving some of the stress busy parents can feel.

By individually analysing your child’s needs, we’ll find the best match and create a learning plan that is perfectly suited to each student. Our mission is to want to get more kids as excited about achieving their learning goals! 


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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

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Written by Shiksha Press

Published on: February 4, 2023

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

Online classes have become a popular alternative to traditional in-person classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While online classes offer several advantages, they also come with certain disadvantages.

Advantages of Online Classes:

Flexibility: Online classes provide students with the flexibility to attend classes at any time and place, as long as they have access to the internet. This allows students to balance their academic and personal commitments.

Reduced costs: Online classes are typically more cost effective than traditional classes, as they eliminate the need for students to commute to a physical classroom and can save money on textbooks and materials.

Access to resources: Online classes provide students with access to a wide range of resources, including online lectures, discussion boards, and multimedia presentations.

Increased engagement: Online classes can be more engaging than traditional classes, as students can participate in interactive activities and discussions with their peers and instructors.

Disadvantages of Online Classes:

Isolation: Online classes can be isolating, as students do not have the opportunity to interact with their peers and instructors in person. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and a lack of motivation.

Technical difficulties: Technical difficulties such as poor internet connectivity, hardware issues, and software problems can disrupt the learning experience and negatively impact student performance.

Lack of structure: Online classes lack the structure and discipline of traditional classes, which can be challenging for some students.

Reduced interaction: Online classes may not provide the same level of interaction and feedback as traditional classes, which can limit student learning and progress.

In conclusion, online classes offer several advantages , including flexibility, cost savings, and access to resources. However, they also come with certain disadvantages, such as isolation, technical difficulties, lack of structure, and reduced interaction. Whether online classes are the right choice for a particular student will depend on their individual needs and preferences.

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