Essay on My Dream for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my dream.

Everyone has a dream in his life which they want to achieve when they grow up. Some kids want to become rich so that they can buy anything and some want to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. But only you know that for achieving these goals you have to work hard and stay attentive to it. In this essay on my dream, we are going to discuss the basic things that will help in achieving my dream .

Essay on My Dream


For turning a dream into reality the first thing that you need is determination. This will help you in a lot of ways. Firstly, it will help you decide the course of action for doing anything. Besides, it will also help you to plan the journey ahead. Also, it will help to take things slow and maintain a steady pace towards the dream.

Moreover, no matter how big my dream planning and setting short term goals will always help. This is important because rushing to your dream will not going to help you in any way. Besides, there is some dream that requires time and they follow a process without following it you cannot achieve that dream.

Staying Motivated

Lack of motivation is one of the main causes that force a person to leave his dream behind. So, staying motivated is also part of the goal. And if you can’t stay positive then you won’t be able to achieve the dream. There are many people out there that quit the journey of their dreams mid-way because they lack motivation .

Keep Remembering Goal

For completing the dream you have to keep your dream in the mind. And remind this dream to yourself daily. There come hard times when you feel like quitting at those times just remember the goal it helps you stay positive . And if you feel like you messed up big times then start over with a fresh mind.

Reward Yourself

You don’t need to cover milestones to reward yourself. Set a small target towards your dream and on fulfilling them reward yourself . These rewards can be anything from toffee to your favorite thing. Besides, this is a good way of self-motivation.

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Take Some Breaks

Working towards your goal not mean that you work day and night without stopping. Apart from that, due to continuous efforts, people soon start to become de-motivated. So, taking a break will help your body and mind. For doing so, take a break in between your schedule for some time an engage yourself in other activities.

Stay Among Positive People

Your company affects you in a lot of ways than you can imagine. So, be with people who appreciate you and stay away from people who distract and criticize you.

Don’t Hesitate to Make Mistakes

essay on my dream for class 1

To sum it up, we can say that dreaming of a goal is far easier than achieving it. And for fulfilling your dream you need a lot of things and also have to sacrifice many things.

Above all, for fulfilling your dream plan and work according to it because it will lead you to the right path. And never forget to dream big because they help in overcoming every obstacle in life.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What’s the best way to achieve a dream?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “There is no best way for achieving your dream. However, there are certain things that can help you in achieving your dream like being clear to your goal, keep trying, being determinant and several other qualities.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What can be the biggest dream of anyone’s life?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”From my point of view being healthy and happy can be the biggest dream of anyone’s life. “} }] }

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Essay on My Dream in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Dream: Everyone has some ambition or the other. As children we get fascinated by several things every now and then and aspire to achieve them when we grow old. Some dreams and aspirations remain intact even as we grow and we work hard to achieve them. It is very important to have a dream/goal in life as it is only when you aspire to achieve something you get motivated to work hard to bring it in your life. Dreams are a prerequisite to succeed; without dreams you won’t have enough motivation to keep you going. Your dream motivates you; provides you the strength to face challenges and effort persistently towards its realization.

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Long and Short Essay on My Dream in English

Here are some short and long Essay on My Dream of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. These My Dream essay will take you into both philosophical and realistic meanings of your dreams and what do they denote.

The essays will be useful in your school event/assignment etc. You can choose any of the following My Dream Essays given below and impress your teacher or evaluator.

My Dream Essay 1 (200 words)

Everyone wants to be successful and rich. I also dream of becoming successful in the field I choose although I am still indecisive about the career path I will choose. But I know whatever I choose I will work hard, stay focused and make it big.

I also dream of doing something for my country. There are so many problems in the country such as poverty, illiteracy and casteism to name a few. Our country was once known for its rich cultural heritage which is all robbed now. The crime rate in the country is at an all time rise and so are various other issues. While there are a lot of loopholes in the India political system that has led to these problems however we cannot blame it all on the government. Each one of us should contribute our bit towards our country’s development. I am a firm supporter of each one teach one and have been teaching my maid’s child since the last two years.

As I grow up, I aim to join an NGO to empower the poor and needy. I dream of eradicating poverty and social inequality from our country and will do my best in this direction. If we all join hands we shall certainly be able to free our country from these evils.

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My Dream Essay – 2 (300 words)

It is rightly said, “Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears”. Dreams are essential. It is only when you dream big with all your heart you will be able to achieve big. As students our dream is to achieve good marks, have good friends, get support from the family and make it big in life.

Just like others, I have also nurtured a career dream from an early age. I aspire to become a famous writer and wish to write and publish a novel one day. I have never been very good when it came to verbal communication. It is embedded in my nature. I do not like to be blunt or impolite even when someone says something to me. I choose to remain quite during such situations. It is not that I cannot reply back, as mentioned “I choose” to do so as I am a peace loving person. I am also a bit of an introvert and do not like opening up with everyone. However, it is not good to pent up feelings and emotions as it can lead to stress and drain you emotionally.

I always felt an urge to shout out loud and get rid of these feelings when I was alone and soon figured out that a good way to vent these is through writing. I began writing and found out that I am actually good at it. It is hard for me to communicate my feelings verbally however it is quite easy for me to pen them down. Writing for me has now become a way of life I keep journaling all my feelings and this keeps me sorted. It has become more of a passion for me and I now aspire to turn it into my profession.

Apart from writing bits and pieces about the happenings in my life, I also love writing stories and will soon come up with my own novel. My family is completely supportive about my career dream.

My Dream Essay – 3 (400 words)


From a very early age, kids are made to dream about becoming big professionally. They are fed with the importance of making a successful career. Everyone they come across asks them about their aim in life and career becomes the prime focus of most. They set an aim and give their best to achieve the same. While it is of utmost importance to establish oneself professionally, what people forget is that it is equally important to invest time to nurture relationships, health and other aspects of life. So if you can dream about having a rocking career then why not dream of a good relationship and great health too?

Career Goal

Everyone has a career dream. As kids, I also dreamt of becoming a scientist then as I grew I was fascinated by the Bollywood actors and wanted to become an actor however it was only when I completed my 12 th standard that I realised that I had a technical bent of mind and decided to get into engineering. There is no harm in dreaming big however choose your path wisely keeping in mind your potential and other aspects. Don’t set unrealistic career goals.

Health and Fitness Goals

Your health is of utmost importance. It is only when you enjoy good health you shall be able to focus on other things in life. So why just dream of a big car, huge bungalow and a six figure salary, why not dream about enjoying good health as well? Everyone should dream about having good health and work in that direction. It is essential to take out some time from your schedule to indulge in exercise daily. Also make it a point to have wholesome food that includes all the essential micronutrients.

Relationship Goals

Relationships hold a special place in our lives. Be it our parents, spouse, kids, siblings, cousins or friends – each relationship plays a significant role in our life. However, caught in the rat race our relationships often take a back seat. Most people forget about these relationships when they are doing well in life and only realise their need when they require someone to fall back on after failure. It is essential to nurture these relationships by investing time in them. Set relationship goals just as you set career goals and see how abundantly you are showered with love and affection.

Merely having career goals and succeeding professionally can leave you alone after one point in life. It is thus as important to dream of having loving relationships and having fitness goals as it is to dream of succeeding professionally. Work as diligently to achieve these as you do to realise your career dreams.

My Dream Essay – 4 (500 words)

“Create the highest grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe”. Yes, your thoughts and dreams have the power of becoming your reality if you believe in them and work diligently to achieve them. Dream of abundance of love, success and money and you shall have them all.

Attract Your Dream Life

Do you know you can actually turn your dreams into reality? It must have happened with you at some point in life? Remember, the day you so wanted to eat those delicious sweets and got back home only to see that your father has brought them for you without you even telling him about your wish? Or your heart went pounding over that beautiful dress and your friend gifted exactly the same dress to you on your next birthday without you having discussed anything about the same with her. What was it? You attracted those things in your life. Yes, you literally did! That is the power of dreams and thoughts and it is backed by the theory of the Law of Attraction.

The theory states that whatever we think and dream of, we can bring it into our life. Our dominant thoughts become our reality and the universe helps us to achieve the same. As Paulo Coelho said, “When your heart truly desires something, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve that thing, simply because it is a desire that originated from the soul of the world”.

The law of attraction said to work as accurately as the law of gravitation. It said that whatever dreams and aspirations we feed in our subconscious mind come true. People often question the authenticity of this theory stating that if only dreaming could turn them into millionaires and attract all the happiness in life then everyone would be rich and happy.

However, this is the catch! The subconscious mind does not understand the difference between the positive and the negative. It treats both the positive and the negative in the same way. If you dream of success, power and love it would pull the same in your life. Likewise, if you doubt your dreams and aspirations, fear dreaming big and dwell on negativity that is what you will attract in life. And this is where most people fall short. Most people dream big but doubt their calibre. They want to attain big heights what feel that they are just ordinary people and cannot get there and their belief that they are ordinary actually turns into their reality.

Always remember, in order to attain your dreams you must believe in them and have complete faith in yourself.

When was the last time someone told you to stop dreaming and start working? The next time someone says so tell them the power of dreaming now that you have this theory to back your answer. However, having said that, merely dreaming would not help, you must also work hard to attain your dreams simultaneously. So keep dreaming, believe in yourself and put in as much effort to realise your dreams.

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My Dream Essay – 5 (600 words)

Dreams play a vital role in shaping our future. It is rightly said, “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it”. So if you have a dream then set it up as your goal and work hard towards achieving it. Though it easier said than done however if you are really hard pressed towards achieving it you shall definitely able to make it.

Take One Step at a Time

You may have a big dream in life however in order to attain the same you must set both short term and long term goals and take small and steady steps. Taking one step at a time always helps rather than rushing into it all at once. For instance, my dream is to become a fashion designer and I know that it would only be possible if I complete a course in Fashion Designing from a reputed institute and there is nothing much that I can do to speed up the attainment of my dream right now when I am still schooling.

However, this does not dither me from following fashion blogs and websites to explore the world of fashion. By doing so I am taking the little steps I can to achieve my dream. While my ultimate goal is to become an established Fashion Designer, I have set various small goals for the months and years to come so that these take me to my ultimate goal.

Stay Motivated to Attain Your Dream

One of the main hindrances in achieving the dreams and goals is lack of motivation. Many people give up on their dreams as they get tired mid way. It is essential to stay motivated and stop only when you have achieved your dream. Here are a few tips to keep you motivated:

  • Remind Yourself of Your Ultimate Goal

If ever you see yourself running out of energy and get too tired to follow the set goals it is time to remind yourself of your ultimate goal and the joy and pride you will experience as you achieve it. This is like pressing the reset button to begin with a fresh mind once again.

  • Reward Yourself

As you set short term goals, also keep a reward for each milestone you achieve. The reward can be anything from buying yourself a dress or visiting your favourite café or going out with friends. This is a good way to stay motivated towards achieving your goals.

  • Take Some Time Off

Too much work and no play can make you rather dull and hamper your productivity which in turn can de-motivate you. It is thus a good idea to take some time off every now and then to indulge in something you love. Ideally you must squeeze in half an hour from your schedule each day to indulge in your favourite sport.

  • Surround Yourself with Positive People

Surrounding yourself with people who believe in your dreams and inspire you to work hard to attain the same is a good way to stay motivated.

  • Learn From Your Mistakes

Rather than getting disheartened and giving up on your dreams when you make a mistake and face tough time, it suggested to learn from your mistakes and let them make you stronger.

As you dream and set goals, it is essential to put a plan in place and work according to it to move in the right direction. Preparing a plan and getting organized are the initial steps towards attaining your dream. Dream big and overcome every obstacle to achieve the same!

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Frequently Asked Question on My Dream Essay

What is my dream in my life.

Everyone's dream for the future varies. It could be a personal goal, like having a family, traveling the world, or achieving a professional milestone.

How can I write about my dream?

Start by reflecting on what truly inspires you. Write down specific goals, why they matter to you, and the steps you'll take to achieve them. Use vivid and descriptive language to convey your passion.

What is unique about me?

What's unique about you is the combination of your experiences, values, skills, and perspectives. It's what sets you apart from others and defines your individuality.

What is the biggest dream in your life?

The biggest dream in one's life is often a culmination of their deepest desires and aspirations, whether it's making a significant impact in a field, achieving personal happiness, or creating lasting memories.

Why do you want this job?

Answer: Someone might want a job because it aligns with their career goals, offers opportunities for growth, or because they're passionate about the company's mission and values.

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Creative Essay writing is one of the most efficient ways for Kids these days to help them grow overall. Thus, we advise you to encourage your kids to learn how to write Essays On Different Topics. To help you we have come up with Essay for Class 1 Kids on Frequently Asked Topics. You can access any of the Essay Topics for Class 1 and read it to write Essays of your own. We have provided a list of Simple Essays in English for 1st Grade Kids all in one place.

List of Essay Writing Topics for Class 1

Grade 1 Essays for the most common topics are provided in a simple and easy language by subject experts. Writing an Essay will engage students in activity and inspires them to use their imagination. It is necessary to encourage students to learn Essay Writing Skills which contributes to their overall personality development at an early age. Simply tap on the respective topic you want to have an idea and know different categories of essays.

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FAQs on Essay for Class 1

1. How do you write an attractive Essay?

Powerful Introduction and Conclusion are necessary for an Attractive Essay. Grab the user’s attention with a nice opening statement and finish it with a thesis statement. A Closing Statement is also mandatory for an attractive essay.

2. Where do I get Important Essays for Class 1?

You can find Important Essays for Class 1 on our page via the quick links. Tap on the respective topic you want to learn and read it.

3. Where can I learn and Practice Writing Essays?

You can learn and practice writing essays at a trusted and reliable portal for any kind of Essay.

We as a team believed that the information shared regarding Essays for Class 1 has helped you with enough essay writing ideas. If you want any topic to be added to the list of essays in English feel free to ask us and we are open taking your suggestions. Stay connected to avail latest updates on Essays of Most Common Topics for students.

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My Dream House Essay for Class 1

A home is a dream for many as it is one of the few things that provide both happiness and comforts to anyone. A dream home can be in the form of any design that varies from person to person, and this had lead to the creation of many beautiful dream homes.

We are providing top essay samples for students of class 1 on the topic ‘my dream house’ for reference.

Essay1: Short essay on ‘my dream house ‘of 100 words

I have a dream of everything, a house of my dreams that has been made according to my needs as I am very much artistic. I want a separate room for myself that has all the colors of life in it. I want a room that has all the equipment that is needed for creating beautiful art.

My room house comprises of a personal balcony in it where I can stand and wave at my friends and can feel the rain coming into my room. In my opinion, a dream house should also have a beautiful personal bathroom in it where I can take a shower in a beautiful ceramic bathtub.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our Essay for Class 1 and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Essay2: Long essay on ‘my dream house ‘of 150 words

The house that I live in is also my dream house as I am very interested in playing. My father and mother have helped in getting a beautiful room that has many playable items in it.

As I am a fan of cricket, my room has many posters of many cricketers’ in it. My house has a three-bed room and one beautiful balcony on the first floor. Our kitchen is one of the beautiful house kitchens with modular fittings in it.

Here my mother makes very delicious food in my house there is a very beautiful dining room where we have decorated with many flower pots that helps it look very beautiful.

Having a dream house is a dream for many people, and any person who has a dream house is very lucky. Your house defines you without even saying a word. Your design is very defining of your characteristics. You should design your house the way you like as it adds a personal touch to your life.

10 lines on ‘my dream house ‘in English

  • My room home is a place where I can live with my family.
  • The beauty of the house is a must.
  • It should have a very beautiful personal balcony.
  • It should have a beautiful garden where I can plant trees and play in the shade of it.
  • The dream house should have all the comforts of the world.
  • My room house should have big windows where I can enjoy the air and rain.
  • It should have a corner where my pets can live peacefully.
  • My dream house should have beautiful interiors.
  • My room should be designed with a sports theme as I am a sports lover.
  • My house should have many plants so that my house should look very beautiful.

Frequently asked questions on My Dream House Essay

Question1: What is a dream house?

Answer: A dream house is a house of my dream which would make all my dreams come true. It should have all the necessary things that a house should have along with my favorite room.

Question2: Which is your favorite room in your dream house?

Answer: My favorite room in my dream house is my kitchen. I go to my fridge and eat my favorite chocolates and ice-cream. My mother also cooks very delicious food items in the kitchen, which I love it.

Question3: When will you make your dream house?

Answer: I will make my dream house when I grow up and make a lot of money. I will have a swimming pool and a games room where I will play games every day.

Solved Essay: My Dream House | Essays for Class 1 PDF Download

Solved Essay: My Dream House | Essays for Class 1

1.  My dream house is a place where I wish to live with my parents and siblings. 2.  It should be a two-bedroom cottage on the ground floor. 3.  The house should have a spacious veranda which is attached to the drawing-cum-dining hall. 4.  It should have a huge kitchen and two bathrooms which are attached to the bedrooms. 5.  My dream house should be built of bricks, cement, marbles, and tiles with all modern amenities. 6.  All the rooms of my house should be airy and well-ventilated with huge bow windows. 7.  The walls in my home should be light yellow in colour which would give a bright look to the interiors. 8.  There should be a beautiful view of a playground and a park from the balcony. 9.  My house should be surrounded by a small garden outside with trees, small plants and flowers in it. 10.  My sweet home should be an ideal place where I should feel secure and comfortable.

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Essay on My Dream in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Students

Everyone has a dream to achieve in their life. So do I and you. That’s why we are sharing some amazing essays on my dream in 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 words for students of class 1-12. All students can find suitable my dream essay here for their study.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Essay on My Dream in 200 Words

As a school student, I have a dream to fulfill in my life. I want to become a social worker. I love to work for people. As a career, I want to become a doctor, if possible. Because I think a doctor can help the people at his best. 

My dream is to help poor people. After being a doctor, I will go to some underprivileged area to serve them. There are lots of countryside areas where people don’t get proper treatment and they die due to very simple disease. They are not health conscious too. I will work for them. 

Social warfare is my major target. I won’t become a doctor to make money. I will make money to have a very simple lifestyle and most of my time, I will spend on the people. I think this is the best decision for me. My parents are very supportive and they welcomed my decision. 

I am studying hard to reach my goal. I need to get myself admitted to a medical college to become a doctor. It is not that easy, but I hope I will make it real with my hard work and proper study. I’m very honest and serious about my dream. 

My Dream Essay in 300 Words


The dream has no limits. You can dream anything in your life. All dreams shouldn’t come real in your life. But still, we have some productive goals and aims that are highly important to achieve. Today I am talking about my dream to become a pilot. It’s a huge thing and challenging for me. But still, I am hopeful that I will make it. Today I am going to share my dream and my preparation. 

My Dream to Become a Pilot:

My dream is to become a pilot. And I had this aim from my childhood. My parents are supportive and I hope I am going to make it. I know that it is a tough thing to do in life. And very few people succeed to become a pilot. I know it will be challenging for me. But I will try my best to get myself admitted to an aviation school. 

My Preparation:

I am very passionate about Physics and it’s an important subject for aviation learning. I am studying this subject with lots of attention. And I hope after completing my high school I will be able to get myself admitted into an aviation college. 

The process of being a pilot will be easier if I can get myself admitted there. My parents are very hopeful and they always tell me that I will make it. And I am a very serious and attentive student. I hope I will make good results so that I can be a pilot. 


This is my dream to become a pilot. I am very serious and honest about my dream. I am ready to work hard as much as possible to make my dream come true. I hope it won’t be hard to make this dream true. 

Essay on My Dream to Become a Doctor in 400 Words

At the early stage of life, everyone gets a dream to achieve in their life. But everyone can’t go to the goal. But still, people are aiming for their dreams and working for it. Why should you have a dream? Because it will keep you on track when you are looking for success. 

A specific aim is the most important thing to become a successful person. May all of your dreams won’t come true, but still, you shouldn’t stop or never stop dreaming. Here I am talking about my dream to become a doctor. 

How to Become a Doctor?

To become a doctor in my country, someone needs to get himself admitted into a medical college after passing the 12th. And then there is an MBBS course lasting for six years. That’s the process. And then some go for higher education and some start working in different places. 

But it’s very tough and challenging to take admission in medical colleges. There is a huge competition. Thousands of students participate in the admission test. But the seats are only a few. But I’m confident enough that I will make it. 

A student must have a science background in school and college to get a chance in a medical institute. The grade should be higher. And finally, he needs to be good at Biology. 

My preparation is pretty solid. Right now I’m studying as science is my topic. And I’m good in Biology. I hope that I will make a good result in my 10th and 12th. Both of my results will help me to get a chance in a medical college. 

I know it won’t be easy at all, but I am very confident. I’m an attentive student and I follow a strict daily routine for me. This routine helps me to schedule everything properly. 

What Will I Do After Being a Doctor?

After completing the medical degree I have a plan to serve the people of my village. People of my village are not rich. They can’t afford better treatment. 

And they face lots of fatal diseases. But there is no doctor to help them. I will be there to help my village people. I will try to make a small hospital there. 

My dream to become a doctor is an honest plan. I want to help and serve the people. I love to be with people always. That’s what my aim is. I hope that I will be able to make my dream real. 

Essay on My Dream in Life (500 Words)

Essay on My Dream in Life (500 Words)

Everyone has got a dream in their life. Dreams and desires help us to get success. When you have a specific dream and you are focused only on that thing then you have a higher chance to get success in life. 

Because you can focus and can be dedicated to a specific thing at the right time. That’s why getting an aim or dream is important. I have got a dream to become an engineer. Today I will talk about my dream here. I hope you will love it. 

My Dream to Become an Engineer:

When I was a kid reading in grade 2, my dad bought me a computer. The main reason was playing computer games. I was very passionate about video games. I wondered how people make these games. And I always wanted to learn more about this. 

When I grew up, I learned that computer engineers develop these games. And right on that moment, I fixed my aim to become a game developer. To be one I have to study computer engineering and need to become a CSE graduate. 

Why I Want to Become an Engineer:

The main reason is to become a game developer. And then I know the current world is based on technology and information. The person who is strong on these two things has a better opportunity to have a stable career. I think this time is so revolutionary for computer engineers. 

And it’s the perfect time to invest effort here. My plan and dream are really exciting for me. I am sure that this industry is my passion. And I enjoy spending time with the computer. I can spend all day long learning new things related to programming and others. 

I have a pretty good preparation for this dream. I have shared my future plan with my parents. They are really supportive with this. Even my father is an IT officer. I planned to get myself admitted into a university after 12th. 

I have plans to take part in the admission test for government universities. If I don’t get a chance there, I will be admitted to a private university and complete my CSE graduation from there. I am confident enough that I will get a chance at a good university. 

Right now, I am focusing on my current study. And I’m also learning different things related to computers. I’m planning to join an online course where I will learn Java Programming slowly. 

What Will I Do After Being an Engineer:

After completing my degree I have a plan to start my own gaming company. I will hire some similar minded people or take them as partners. It will depend on the condition at that time. But I will try my best to do some jobs before starting my own company. Starting a company is the biggest goal for me. 

That’s all about my dream to become an Engineer. I am hopeful that I will be one someday and my dream will come true. I am very honest about my dreams and I am working very hard to achieve it. 

Essay on My Dream in 600 Words

Essay on My Dream in 600 Words


A dream is a thing that keeps us focused and dedicated to our life. We all need to have a very specific dream to reach. Without a proper aim or dream, we can’t succeed in the end. Your dream will help you mentally and make you strong inside. Without any dream or desire, it will be hard to reach a goal. That’s why everyone gets a goal in their life, so do I. Today I am going to talk about my dream to become a teacher here. 

My Dream to Become a Teacher:

Different people have different types of dreams and I want to become a teacher in the future. Yes, that’s my dream. My thinking was always different. I wanted to do something productive in my life. The stage that I am at right now is not that challenging. 

I am a student and I have to study properly. But to run behind a goal or dream could be very hard. And I can realize that. From the beginning, I loved to teach the kids. 

And finally, I found that is my passion. It will be great if I can become a teacher. People might dream to become a college professor or university teacher, but I prefer to become a very normal school teacher. 

I love a very easy and normal lifestyle. I want to spend the rest of my life living in a calm and naturally beautiful place, teaching lots of kids and students. And I am working hard to make my dream come true. 

Why I Want to Become a Teacher:

There are so many reasons behind this dream. The first thing that I can mention is I love teaching. That’s the biggest reason. When I shared my passion with my parents, they were amazingly supportive. They told me to follow my passion and my dream. 

And then I got a huge boost in my desire. There are some other reasons to become a teacher. I love to live a very simple life. And I know a teacher is a person who can live a very simple life. 

I want to make a difference in our education system. As you know our education system is not great. I want to fix that. It is a hard part, but that’s my ultimate goal in my life. I want to bring some changes to the system of teaching style. 

I think this profession has pretty good job security and a good income too. And another thing that I forgot to mention is fun and excitement every day. There are new things every day and that’s a huge thing for me. 

My Preparation for My Dream:

As I want to become a teacher, I need preparation for sure. And yes, I am preparing myself for this. Right now I am a student and I need to focus on my education first. But in my leisure time, I love to do the teaching. 

I have some amazing cousins who come to my home to do maths and learn English. I teach them and I enjoy them a lot. After completing high school, I have my plan to study ‘English Literature’ for higher education. 

And that will be my subject in my teaching career. And finally, after being a teacher I will join a govt school and will serve the unprivileged kids. I have a dream to start my own school too for the street kids. 

Overall I am very serious and focused on my dream. I want to make my dream true. And I am working on it. I know teaching is a noble profession and teachers are the main person who leads the nation from the front. 

10 Lines Essay on My Dream

1. Everyone needs to have a specific goal or dream in their life. 

2. That’s why I also have a dream in my life. 

3. I want to serve the needy people and want to help them at every moment.

4. That’s my dream and that’s why I am trying to become a doctor. 

5. Because I think a doctor is the best profession to serve poor people. 

6. After completing my 12th, I will try to get myself admitted to a medical college. 

7. I want to open a clinic in an underprivileged area and want to treat the poor people for free. 

8. I will get lots of inner peace by doing this. 

9. My parents are really supportive and they inspire me always to do that. 

10. That’s all my dream.

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My School Essay For Class 1

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Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on My School for Class 1

10 line on my school essay in english for class 1, short essay on my school for class 1, what your first grader will learn from the essay.

While initiating creative thinking among young learners is a difficult task, encouraging them to write essays on topics closest to their hearts, such as an essay on their school, can help them express their thoughts and feelings. This is since it is the one place that has the most influence on children, after their homes. Children in first grade can generally write simple but complete sentences using capital letters and punctuation marks like commas and periods. They can use ‘story language’ in their writing while incorporating phrases such as ‘once upon a time’ and ‘happily ever after’. Hence, simple essay writing is a critical aspect of learning English for kids, and it can help develop overall creativity and express ideas effectively in words.

Creative writing is a fun activity that can stimulate the minds and offer new ways to write better sentences. Here are some key points to keep in mind when writing an essay about your school:

  • Freedom of thought is important in creative essay writing.
  • Write down ideas that come to your mind, as they will help you elaborate on the essay.
  • A strong introduction of an essay can get the reader moving and give a sense of the topic.
  • You should end the introduction by pointing out what will be covered in each structure.
  • Background information gives the reader the context to understand the topic and argument.
  • Organise ideas in the form of sentences.
  • Write the essay in your own words.
  • The essay should conclude powerfully and effectively. Ending the essay on a positive note is also a hint that it contains valid arguable points, which will make the essay overall good.
  • After finishing the body and conclusion of the essay, check and revise if the introduction matches the content of the essay.
  • After composing it, read the essay out loud to make corrections. It’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them.

Here is an example ‘My School’ essay in 10 lines for class 1 kids:

  • My school is one of the most highly rated and popular schools in town.
  • The building of my school is spacious, green, and very beautiful.
  • My school has a huge playground for playing various outdoor games.
  • Physical education classes are conducted once every week in my school.
  • We have very kind and caring teachers in our school.
  • I have a lot of friends in school with whom I play and study together.
  • My school has a big library where I can read different books.
  • The science and social science laboratories of my school are well equipped.
  • Several national and religious festivals are celebrated in my school with great pomp and show.
  • I love going to my school as I learn new things every day.

Writing an essay is one of the most enjoyable experiences for kids. It can help them express their thoughts and enhance their spoken and written English skills. Here is a short paragraph on the topic that could aid in scoring good marks:

My school is quite famous in our town, with facilities for Class 1 to Class 12. It is very spacious with lots of classrooms and a big ground. We play a lot of indoor and outdoor games in our school and have various activity classes. My school also has a huge library and a well-equipped science lab. We celebrate various national and cultural functions in school. We have very caring and kind teachers. I love going to school every day as I get to study and play with my school friends.

School education stimulates curiosity in young minds and equips them with tools that make them better and successful human beings. ‘My School Essay for Grade 1’ can be used as a reference for primary students to understand the importance of attending school. Creating a composition on ‘My School’ can help a child value education in the school curriculum, respect teachers, cultivate discipline, learn to share, care for friends, and become responsible citizens of tomorrow.

A school is considered to be a second home for all kids. Learning in school is a process that requires instruments facilitating growth in a child’s mental and physical ability, along with the way they deal with different situations in life. Thus, an essay on their school can be one of the best foundations for developing essay writing skills in kids.

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  • My Dream House Essay in English for Students


Read My Dream House Essay on Vedantu

English is one of the leading languages ​​in the world. Since English is the language of international trade, English is a basic requirement for everyone. Not only that, you can also interact with people from all over the world. Today, fluency in English is one of the basic requirements for a trouble-free life. To be perfect in any language, you must be able to write, read, and speak. These skills include understanding the grammatical aspects of English, writing letters, essays, etc.

Essay-writing is a fun activity for every kid. Kids enjoy writing essays as it gives them creative freedom and allows them to express their thoughts. Essay writing has many benefits: it improves students’ command over the language, allows them to learn sentence formation, etc. Kids can get free essays on several topics on Vedantu’s site. 

My Dream House- An Essay 

I always imagine how my future house will be. A home is a place surrounded by the people one loves. A house is not made beautiful by its furniture or decor, but by the people that live inside it. My dream house should be a house that I can share with my family when I grow old. I always dream of a wooden house in the hilly areas. My dream house should be the one facing a small river. Through the windows, I could see the sun setting and disappearing into the mountains. My dream house would have a small garden where I will grow my own vegetables and fruits. 

The house that I fancy would be considerably big with four rooms and a spacious common area. My dream house should be comfortable for my parents, grandparents and siblings. The house should be equipped with all the modern amenities. It should have a big TV with a home theatre system and a Playstation attached to it. The walls of the house will have light colours that will make it appear bright. There will be sufficient light bulbs and lamps in every room. I also dream of a chandelier in the guest room and a big sofa where everyone will sit and enjoy watching TV together. My grandparents love reading. I wish that my dream house will have a reading space with lots of books.

I have a 3-year old pet dog called Tiger. I also want to have a small yet cosy space in my house for Tiger where he can sleep and relax when he grows old. The house will have beautiful interiors and will have all the facilities like a modern kitchen, three bathrooms, a staircase leading to the terrace, ACs, etc. My dream home should be the one where we all can live happily and comfortably.  


FAQs on My Dream House Essay in English for Students

1. Why should students write essays about My Dream House?

Essay writing is loved by all ages. When writing an essay on any topic, they can describe their chain of thoughts and ideas. Children must be able to understand the importance of home. Home is a symbol of togetherness and love. Writing an essay about my dream house gives students the opportunity to express their feelings about the dream house in simple words. My dream house essay tries to introduce children to the most important aspects of a home that they can include in their essay. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the perfect home. With this article, the experts try to write what a children's dream house looks like. Writing a short essay about my dream house encourages children to gather their thoughts and develop their own ideas about the subject. It develops better language skills and increases self-confidence. Therefore, writing essays has been a part of the curriculum since the formation years of children. 

2. What is a dream house?

Home is the dream of many people because it is one of the few things that give happiness and comfort to everyone. Dream homes can have designs that vary from person to person and this has led to many beautiful dream homes. A dream home should be a place where the person finds comfort, no matter where they go, they will find peace at that one place. A dream house is a place that a person dreams and each day wishes to be in that place. There are many essays on dream homes that can easily be found on the Vedantu website for the students to refer to. 

3. Why should students be encouraged to write essays?

An essay is written to convince someone about a certain topic or just to inform the reader. In order to convince or properly inform the reader, the essay must include several elements that are important to be convincing and logical. Essay writing is a very important part of the English curriculum because it understands how to describe something in words or how to express your point of view without losing its meaning. Essays are the most important way to understand the structure of writing and present it to the reader.

4. How does Vedantu help students write essays?

Writing an essay takes a little guidance and a lot of practice. To understand this, Vedantu offers students various essays on various topics to understand the proper way to write an essay. Students can refer to these essays and reproduce them in their own style to get a better test. On the Vedantu website, there are complete guidelines on how to write an essay and its types. These tips and ample examples available on the website are the perfect guide for any student to write an essay.

5. What perspectives should students keep in mind when writing an essay entitled My Dream House?

Home is a completely safe place to live with our family. We live with our parents, grandparents, and siblings and it is a place that gives us love and warmth. In this article, we'll review the essay ook, "My Dream Home," and understand the importance of a dream home from a toddler's perspective. When I write "My Dream home", the child needs to understand the importance of the dream house in his life. In addition, children should see the house as a symbol of human togetherness, a place where everyone learns the first steps in his life. – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on My Dream House

Dreams are an important part of our lives. They give us a way to think, understand, and make sense of our feelings. They help us understand ourselves better which helps us deal with life’s obstacles and figure out what they all mean. Also, dreams can be a source of motivation and drive us to go after our goals with passion and determination. We often dream of many things. Sometimes we dream to visit Disneyland while sometimes we dream of becoming a billionaire. Just like this, many of us have a dream house. So today we will discuss my dream house in detail.

Dream House Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on My Dream House in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will also be helpful for students preparing for different competitive exams.

10 Lines Essay on My Dream House (100 – 120 Words)

1) My dream house is a big bungalow.

2) It should be located near sea.

3) My dream house will have four large rooms.

4) All rooms should have proper access to sunshine and air.

5) There will be a balcony with sea view.

6) It will have a separate study room and playing area.

7) It will have a beautiful corner for my pet cat.

8) It should have a center area where we will have tea together.

9) It should contain a beautiful garden.

10) In my dream house my family will live happily.

Essay on My Dream House (250 – 300 Words)


Every human has their own ambitions and dreams for the future. One of my biggest dreams is to have a beautiful house that I can call my own. It will be a place where I can find peace, comfort, and happiness that reflects my personality and fulfills all my desires.

My Dream House

Many people dream of large bungalow but I want a small and beautiful house. My dream house is a perfect blend of modern and traditional architecture. It should be located near greenery. It is a spacious single storey house with a small well-maintained garden. I want my house to be colored in white. The exterior of the house should be simple giving warm and inviting look.

A Tour to My Dream House

As soon as you enter my dream house, you will see living room which is spacious and filled with natural light. Moving on, there is a small but beautiful kitchen. There is a central table where everyone has tea and breakfast. There are two bedrooms in my dream house which are designed to provide utmost comfort and relaxation. Moreover, my dream house also includes a study room where I can pursue my interests and hobbies. It also has a small garden where I and my father will grow fruits and vegetables.

My dream house is a heaven where I can escape from the chaos of the outside world and find peace. This dream house is not just a structural building but a reflection of my dreams and aspirations. Imagining my dream house brings a smile to my face every time.

Long Essay on My Dream House (500 Words)

A house is the place where we do live with our family, that’s why it’s the most important things in our lives. It is much more than a shelter. A lot of love and care is required for making a house. It is a place that holds our thoughts, feelings, and memories. A house is where we all can gather and spend time together. So, having a dream house that fits our wants and tastes is very important. My dream house is a place where we can all live happily and in comfort.

Location of my dream house

My dream house will be in a quiet, green area far from the noise of the city. It should be near a sea and has amazing views of the surrounding area. Through the windows, I can see the sun setting and going down behind the sea. The peace and beauty of the place make it the perfect place to get away from the busyness of everyday life.

Interior and Exterior Design

The house will have a beautiful interior design with all the amenities that I could want, like an updated kitchen, three bathrooms, a staircase going to a terrace, etc. My dream house would have a modern look. It will have big windows that will allow lots of natural light into the house, making it feel bright and airy. The outside of the house would have a large lush green garden, which would make a beautiful scene with fresh atmosphere.

Bedrooms: The Perfect Place for Relaxation

My dream house would be big and have four rooms and a big living room. The walls of each room will have light colors, which will make it look bright. Each bedroom would have big windows and a balcony where we can sit and watch the peaceful view every morning and evening. The decor of the rooms would be simple but beautiful with minimal stuufs.

Kitchen: A Delicious Paradise

In my dream house, the kitchen will have a large space for cooking. Large windows would let in natural light and give a view of the beautiful area from the kitchen. The kitchen should have everything a modern person needs. It should also have a large dining table where we all can sit together and have meal.

Living Room: The Heart of the House

The living room is the heart of my dream house. It’s a place to relax, have fun, and spend time with family and friends. It would have big, comfortable sofas. The entertainment area would be complete with a big, flat-screen TV and a sound system. This would make it possible to watch movies and play games with family and friends.

Every part of my dream house has been carefully thought out to fit my style and make a nice place to live. I hope to have my own house that is big enough for my whole family one day. By paying attention to our dreams, we can use our potential to reach our goals and fulfill our desires.

I hope the above provided essay on Dream House will be helpful for you to know more about my dream house.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My Dream House

Ans. Antilia, a 27-story tower in the city of Mumbai, is the most expensive house in India. Antilia is on the Altamount Road, which is one of the most expensive areas in Mumbai. It is owned by Mukesh Ambani, who is also the owner of Reliance Industries.

Ans. The smallest house in India is situated in Burari, which is in North Delhi. It is only 6 yards long. People come from far away to see this place because it is the smallest house in Delhi.

Ans. Having a dream house is about more than just having a nice place to live. Comfort is one of the most important parts of a dream home. One can have different things to make yourself comfortable.

Ans. An architect is a person who has been trained to plan, create, and handle the construction of buildings. They are the ones with innovative ideas to build homes and offices.

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