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How to Create an Engaging Photo Essay (with Examples)

Photo essays tell a story in pictures. They're a great way to improve at photography and story-telling skills at once. Learn how to do create a great one.

Learn | Photography Guides | By Ana Mireles

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Photography is a medium used to tell stories – sometimes they are told in one picture, sometimes you need a whole series. Those series can be photo essays.

If you’ve never done a photo essay before, or you’re simply struggling to find your next project, this article will be of help. I’ll be showing you what a photo essay is and how to go about doing one.

You’ll also find plenty of photo essay ideas and some famous photo essay examples from recent times that will serve you as inspiration.

If you’re ready to get started, let’s jump right in!

Table of Contents

What is a Photo Essay?

A photo essay is a series of images that share an overarching theme as well as a visual and technical coherence to tell a story. Some people refer to a photo essay as a photo series or a photo story – this often happens in photography competitions.

Photographic history is full of famous photo essays. Think about The Great Depression by Dorothea Lange, Like Brother Like Sister by Wolfgang Tillmans, Gandhi’s funeral by Henri Cartier Bresson, amongst others.

What are the types of photo essay?

Despite popular belief, the type of photo essay doesn’t depend on the type of photography that you do – in other words, journalism, documentary, fine art, or any other photographic genre is not a type of photo essay.

Instead, there are two main types of photo essays: narrative and thematic .

As you have probably already guessed, the thematic one presents images pulled together by a topic – for example, global warming. The images can be about animals and nature as well as natural disasters devastating cities. They can happen all over the world or in the same location, and they can be captured in different moments in time – there’s a lot of flexibility.

A narrative photo essa y, on the other hand, tells the story of a character (human or not), portraying a place or an event. For example, a narrative photo essay on coffee would document the process from the planting and harvesting – to the roasting and grinding until it reaches your morning cup.

What are some of the key elements of a photo essay?

  • Tell a unique story – A unique story doesn’t mean that you have to photograph something that nobody has done before – that would be almost impossible! It means that you should consider what you’re bringing to the table on a particular topic.
  • Put yourself into the work – One of the best ways to make a compelling photo essay is by adding your point of view, which can only be done with your life experiences and the way you see the world.
  • Add depth to the concept – The best photo essays are the ones that go past the obvious and dig deeper in the story, going behind the scenes, or examining a day in the life of the subject matter – that’s what pulls in the spectator.
  • Nail the technique – Even if the concept and the story are the most important part of a photo essay, it won’t have the same success if it’s poorly executed.
  • Build a structure – A photo essay is about telling a thought-provoking story – so, think about it in a narrative way. Which images are going to introduce the topic? Which ones represent a climax? How is it going to end – how do you want the viewer to feel after seeing your photo series?
  • Make strong choices – If you really want to convey an emotion and a unique point of view, you’re going to need to make some hard decisions. Which light are you using? Which lens? How many images will there be in the series? etc., and most importantly for a great photo essay is the why behind those choices.

9 Tips for Creating a Photo Essay

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Credit: Laura James

1. Choose something you know

To make a good photo essay, you don’t need to travel to an exotic location or document a civil war – I mean, it’s great if you can, but you can start close to home.

Depending on the type of photography you do and the topic you’re looking for in your photographic essay, you can photograph a local event or visit an abandoned building outside your town.

It will be much easier for you to find a unique perspective and tell a better story if you’re already familiar with the subject. Also, consider that you might have to return a few times to the same location to get all the photos you need.

2. Follow your passion

Most photo essays take dedication and passion. If you choose a subject that might be easy, but you’re not really into it – the results won’t be as exciting. Taking photos will always be easier and more fun if you’re covering something you’re passionate about.

3. Take your time

A great photo essay is not done in a few hours. You need to put in the time to research it, conceptualizing it, editing, etc. That’s why I previously recommended following your passion because it takes a lot of dedication, and if you’re not passionate about it – it’s difficult to push through.

4. Write a summary or statement

Photo essays are always accompanied by some text. You can do this in the form of an introduction, write captions for each photo or write it as a conclusion. That’s up to you and how you want to present the work.

5. Learn from the masters

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Making a photographic essay takes a lot of practice and knowledge. A great way to become a better photographer and improve your storytelling skills is by studying the work of others. You can go to art shows, review books and magazines and look at the winners in photo contests – most of the time, there’s a category for photo series.

6. Get a wide variety of photos

Think about a story – a literary one. It usually tells you where the story is happening, who is the main character, and it gives you a few details to make you engage with it, right?

The same thing happens with a visual story in a photo essay – you can do some wide-angle shots to establish the scenes and some close-ups to show the details. Make a shot list to ensure you cover all the different angles.

Some of your pictures should guide the viewer in, while others are more climatic and regard the experience they are taking out of your photos.

7. Follow a consistent look

Both in style and aesthetics, all the images in your series need to be coherent. You can achieve this in different ways, from the choice of lighting, the mood, the post-processing, etc.

8. Be self-critical

Once you have all the photos, make sure you edit them with a good dose of self-criticism. Not all the pictures that you took belong in the photo essay. Choose only the best ones and make sure they tell the full story.

9. Ask for constructive feedback

Often, when we’re working on a photo essay project for a long time, everything makes perfect sense in our heads. However, someone outside the project might not be getting the idea. It’s important that you get honest and constructive criticism to improve your photography.

How to Create a Photo Essay in 5 Steps

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Credit: Quang Nguyen Vinh

1. Choose your topic

This is the first step that you need to take to decide if your photo essay is going to be narrative or thematic. Then, choose what is it going to be about?

Ideally, it should be something that you’re interested in, that you have something to say about it, and it can connect with other people.

2. Research your topic

To tell a good story about something, you need to be familiar with that something. This is especially true when you want to go deeper and make a compelling photo essay. Day in the life photo essays are a popular choice, since often, these can be performed with friends and family, whom you already should know well.

3. Plan your photoshoot

Depending on what you’re photographing, this step can be very different from one project to the next. For a fine art project, you might need to find a location, props, models, a shot list, etc., while a documentary photo essay is about planning the best time to do the photos, what gear to bring with you, finding a local guide, etc.

Every photo essay will need different planning, so before taking pictures, put in the required time to get things right.

4. Experiment

It’s one thing to plan your photo shoot and having a shot list that you have to get, or else the photo essay won’t be complete. It’s another thing to miss out on some amazing photo opportunities that you couldn’t foresee.

So, be prepared but also stay open-minded and experiment with different settings, different perspectives, etc.

5. Make a final selection

Editing your work can be one of the hardest parts of doing a photo essay. Sometimes we can be overly critical, and others, we get attached to bad photos because we put a lot of effort into them or we had a great time doing them.

Try to be as objective as possible, don’t be afraid to ask for opinions and make various revisions before settling down on a final cut.

7 Photo Essay Topics, Ideas & Examples

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Credit: Michelle Leman

  • Architectural photo essay

Using architecture as your main subject, there are tons of photo essay ideas that you can do. For some inspiration, you can check out the work of Francisco Marin – who was trained as an architect and then turned to photography to “explore a different way to perceive things”.

You can also lookup Luisa Lambri. Amongst her series, you’ll find many photo essay examples in which architecture is the subject she uses to explore the relationship between photography and space.

  • Process and transformation photo essay

This is one of the best photo essay topics for beginners because the story tells itself. Pick something that has a beginning and an end, for example, pregnancy, the metamorphosis of a butterfly, the life-cycle of a plant, etc.

Keep in mind that these topics are linear and give you an easy way into the narrative flow – however, it might be difficult to find an interesting perspective and a unique point of view.

  • A day in the life of ‘X’ photo essay

There are tons of interesting photo essay ideas in this category – you can follow around a celebrity, a worker, your child, etc. You don’t even have to do it about a human subject – think about doing a photo essay about a day in the life of a racing horse, for example – find something that’s interesting for you.

  • Time passing by photo essay

It can be a natural site or a landmark photo essay – whatever is close to you will work best as you’ll need to come back multiple times to capture time passing by. For example, how this place changes throughout the seasons or maybe even over the years.

A fun option if you live with family is to document a birthday party each year, seeing how the subject changes over time. This can be combined with a transformation essay or sorts, documenting the changes in interpersonal relationships over time.

  • Travel photo essay

Do you want to make the jump from tourist snapshots into a travel photo essay? Research the place you’re going to be travelling to. Then, choose a topic.

If you’re having trouble with how to do this, check out any travel magazine – National Geographic, for example. They won’t do a generic article about Texas – they do an article about the beach life on the Texas Gulf Coast and another one about the diverse flavors of Texas.

The more specific you get, the deeper you can go with the story.

  • Socio-political issues photo essay

This is one of the most popular photo essay examples – it falls under the category of photojournalism or documental photography. They are usually thematic, although it’s also possible to do a narrative one.

Depending on your topic of interest, you can choose topics that involve nature – for example, document the effects of global warming. Another idea is to photograph protests or make an education photo essay.

It doesn’t have to be a big global issue; you can choose something specific to your community – are there too many stray dogs? Make a photo essay about a local animal shelter. The topics are endless.

  • Behind the scenes photo essay

A behind-the-scenes always make for a good photo story – people are curious to know what happens and how everything comes together before a show.

Depending on your own interests, this can be a photo essay about a fashion show, a theatre play, a concert, and so on. You’ll probably need to get some permissions, though, not only to shoot but also to showcase or publish those images.

4 Best Photo Essays in Recent times

Now that you know all the techniques about it, it might be helpful to look at some photo essay examples to see how you can put the concept into practice. Here are some famous photo essays from recent times to give you some inspiration.

Habibi by Antonio Faccilongo

This photo essay wan the World Press Photo Story of the Year in 2021. Faccilongo explores a very big conflict from a very specific and intimate point of view – how the Israeli-Palestinian war affects the families.

He chose to use a square format because it allows him to give order to things and eliminate unnecessary elements in his pictures.

With this long-term photo essay, he wanted to highlight the sense of absence and melancholy women and families feel towards their husbands away at war.

The project then became a book edited by Sarah Leen and the graphics of Ramon Pez.

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Picture This: New Orleans by Mary Ellen Mark

The last assignment before her passing, Mary Ellen Mark travelled to New Orleans to register the city after a decade after Hurricane Katrina.

The images of the project “bring to life the rebirth and resilience of the people at the heart of this tale”, – says CNNMoney, commissioner of the work.

Each survivor of the hurricane has a story, and Mary Ellen Mark was there to record it. Some of them have heartbreaking stories about everything they had to leave behind.

Others have a story of hope – like Sam and Ben, two eight-year-olds born from frozen embryos kept in a hospital that lost power supply during the hurricane, yet they managed to survive.

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Selfie by Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman is an American photographer whose work is mainly done through self-portraits. With them, she explores the concept of identity, gender stereotypes, as well as visual and cultural codes.

One of her latest photo essays was a collaboration with W Magazine entitled Selfie. In it, the author explores the concept of planned candid photos (‘plandid’).

The work was made for Instagram, as the platform is well known for the conflict between the ‘real self’ and the one people present online. Sherman started using Facetune, Perfect365 and YouCam to alter her appearance on selfies – in Photoshop, you can modify everything, but these apps were designed specifically to “make things prettier”- she says, and that’s what she wants to explore in this photo essay.

Tokyo Compression by Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf has an interest in the broad-gauge topic Life in Cities. From there, many photo essays have been derived – amongst them – Tokyo Compression .

He was horrified by the way people in Tokyo are forced to move to the suburbs because of the high prices of the city. Therefore, they are required to make long commutes facing 1,5 hours of train to start their 8+ hour workday followed by another 1,5 hours to get back home.

To portray this way of life, he photographed the people inside the train pressed against the windows looking exhausted, angry or simply absent due to this way of life.

You can visit his website to see other photo essays that revolve around the topic of life in megacities.

Final Words

It’s not easy to make photo essays, so don’t expect to be great at it right from your first project.

Start off small by choosing a specific subject that’s interesting to you –  that will come from an honest place, and it will be a great practice for some bigger projects along the line.

Whether you like to shoot still life or you’re a travel photographer, I hope these photo essay tips and photo essay examples can help you get started and grow in your photography.

Let us know which topics you are working on right now – we’ll love to hear from you!


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A woman is standing in front of a mirror.

Ana Mireles is a Mexican researcher that specializes in photography and communications for the arts and culture sector.

Penelope G. To Ana Mireles Such a well written and helpful article for an writer who wants to inclue photo essay in her memoir. Thank you. I will get to work on this new skill. Penelope G.

Herman Krieger Photo essays in black and white

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How to Create a Photo Essay in 9 Steps (with Examples)

Photo Editing , Tutorials

Great blue heron standing in shallow water with a reflection and vegetation in the background.

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What is a photo essay?

  • Photo essays vs photo stories
  • How photo essays help you
  • 9 Steps to create photo essays

How to share your photo essays

Read Time: 11 minutes

Gather up a handful of images that seem to go together, and voila! It’s a photo essay, right? Well… no. Though, this is a common misconception.

In reality, a photo essay is much more thoughtful and structured than that. When you take the time to craft one, you’re using skills from all facets of our craft – from composition to curation.

In this guide, you’ll learn what makes a photo essay an amazing project that stretches your skills. You’ll also learn exactly how to make one step by step.

  • Photo essay vs photo story

A photo essay is a collection of images based around a theme, a topic, a creative approach, or an exploration of an idea. Photo essays balance visual variety with a cohesive style and concept.

What’s the difference between a photo essay and a photo story?

The terms photo essay and photo story are often used interchangeably. Even the dictionary definition of “photo essay” includes using images to convey either a theme or a story.

But in my experience, a photo essay and a photo story are two different things. As you delve into the field of visual storytelling, distinguishing between the two helps you to take a purposeful approach to what you’re making .

The differences ultimately lie in the distinctions between theme, topic and story.

Themes are big-picture concepts. Example: Wildness

Topics are more specific than themes, but still overarching. Example : Wild bears of Yellowstone National Park

Stories are specific instances or experiences that happen within, or provide an example for, a topic or theme. Example: A certain wild bear became habituated to tourists and was relocated to maintain its wildness

Unlike a theme or topic, a story has particular elements that make it a story. They include leading characters, a setting, a narrative arc, conflict, and (usually) resolution.

With that in mind, we can distingush between a photo essay and a photo story.

Themes and Topics vs Stories

A photo essay revolves around a topic, theme, idea, or concept. It visually explores a big-picture something .

This allows a good deal of artistic leeway where a photographer can express their vision, philosophies, opinions, or artistic expression as they create their images.

A photo story  is a portfolio of images that illustrate – you guessed it – a story.

Because of this, there are distinct types of images that a photo story uses that add to the understanding, insight, clarity and meaning to the story for viewers. While they can certainly be artistically crafted and visually stunning, photo stories document something happening, and rely on visual variety for capturing the full experience.

A photo essay doesn’t need to have the same level of structured variety that a photo story requires. It can have images that overlap or are similar, as they each explore various aspects of a theme.

An urban coyote walks across a road near an apartment building

Photo essays can be about any topic. If you live in a city, consider using your nature photography to make an essay about the wildlife that lives in your neighborhood . 

The role of text with photos

A photo story typically runs alongside text that narrates the story. We’re a visual species, and the images help us feel like we are there, experiencing what’s happening. So, the images add significant power to the text, but they’re often a partner to it.

This isn’t always the case, of course. Sometimes photo stories don’t need or use text. It’s like reading a graphic novel that doesn’t use text. Moving through the different images that build on each other ultimately unveils the narrative.

Photo essays don’t need to rely on text to illuminate the images’ theme or topic. The photographer may use captions (or even a text essay), or they may let the images speak for themselves.

Definitions are helpful guidelines (not strict rules)

Some people categorize photo essays as either narrative or thematic. That’s essentially just calling photo stories “narrative photo essays” and photo essays “thematic photo essays.”

But, a story is a defined thing, and any writer/editor will tell you themes and topics are not the same as stories. And we use the word “story” in our daily lives as it’s defined. So, it makes far more sense to name the difference between a photo essay and a photo story, and bask in the same clarity writers enjoy .

Photo stories illustrate a particular experience, event, narrative, something that happened or is happening.

Photo essays explore an idea, concept, topic, theme, creative approach, big-picture something .

Both photo essays and photo stories are immensely powerful visual tools. And yes, the differences between them can certainly be blurred, as is always the case with art.

Simply use this distinction as a general guideline, providing extra clarity around what you’re making and why you’re making it.

To dig into specific types of images used to create powerful photo stories, check out this training: 6 Must-Have Shots for a Photo Story. 

Meanwhile, let’s dig deeper into photo essays.

A sea nettle jellyfish floats alone on a white surface

Photo essays are a chance to try new styles or techniques that stretch your skills and creativity. This image was part of an essay exploring simplicity and shape, and helped me learn new skills in black and white post-processing.

How photo essays improve your photography

Creating photo essays is an amazing antidote if you’ve ever felt a lack of direction or purpose in your photography. Photo essays help build your photographic skills in at least 3 important ways.

1. You become more strategic in creating a body of work

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut of photographing whatever pops up in front of you. And when you do, you end up with a collection of stand-alone shots.

These singles may work fine as a print, a quick Instagram post, or an addition to your gallery of shots on your website. But amassing a bunch of one-off shots limits your opportunities as a photographer for everything from exhibits to getting your work published.

Building photo essays pushes you to think strategically about what you photograph, why, and how. You’re working toward a particular deliverable – a cohesive visual essay – with the images you create.

This elevates your skills in crafting your photo essay, and in how you curate the rest of your work, from galleries on your website to selecting images to sell as prints .

2. You become more purposeful in your composition skills

Composition is so much more than just following the rule of thirds, golden spirals, or thinking about the angle of light in a shot.

Composition is also about thinking ahead in what you’re trying to accomplish with a photograph – from what you’re saying through it to its emotional impact on a viewer – and where it fits within a larger body of work.

Photo essays push you to think critically about each shot – from coming up with fresh compositions for familiar subjects, to devising surprising compositions to fit within a collection, to creating compositions that expand on what’s already in a photo essay.

You’re pushed beyond creating a single pleasing frame, which leads you to shoot more thoughtfully and proactively than ever.

(Here’s a podcast episode on switching from reactive shooting to proactive shooting .)

3. You develop strong editing and curation skills

Selecting which images stay, and which get left behind is one of the hardest jobs on a photographer’s to-do list. Mostly, it’s because of emotional attachment.

You might think it’s an amazing shot because you know the effort that went into capturing it. Or perhaps when you look at it, you get a twinge of the joy or exhilaration you felt the moment you captured it. There’s also the second-guessing that goes into which of two similar images is the best – which will people like more? So you’re tempted to just show both.

Ultimately, great photographers appear all the more skilled because they only show their best work. That in and of itself is a skill they’ve developed through years of ruthlessly editing their own work.

Because the most powerful photo essays only show a handful of extraordinary images, you’re bound to develop the very same critical skill (and look all the more talented because of it).

Photo essays are also a great stepping stone to creating photo stories. If you’re interested in moving beyond stand-alone shots and building stories, shooting photo essays will get your creative brain limbered up and ready for the adventure of photo stories.

An american dipper looks into the water of a stream on a cold morning

A photo essay exploring the natural history of a favorite species is an exciting opportunity for an in-depth study. For me, that was a photo essay on emotive images of the American dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) as it hunts in streams. 

9 Simple steps to create your photo essays

1. clarify your theme.

Choose a theme, topic, or concept you want to explore. Spend some time getting crystal clear on what you want to focus on. It helps to write out a few sentences, or even a few paragraphs noting:

  • What you want the essay to be about
  • What kinds of images you want to create as part of it
  • How you’ll photograph the images
  • The style, techniques, or gear you might use to create your images
  • What “success” looks like when you’re done with your photo essay

You don’t have to stick to what you write down, of course. It can change during the image creation process. But fleshing your idea out on paper goes a long way in clarifying your photo essay theme and how you’ll go about creating it.

2. Create your images

Grab your camera and head outside!

As you’re photographing your essay, allow yourself some freedom to experiment. Try unusual compositions or techniques that are new to you.

Stretch your style a little, or “try on” the style of other photographers you admire who have photographed similar subjects.

Photo essays are wonderful opportunities to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and grow as a photographer.

Remember that a photo essay is a visually cohesive collection of images that make sense together. So, while you might stretch yourself into new terrain as you shoot, try to keep that approach, style, or strategy consistent.

Don’t be afraid to create lots of images. It’s great to have lots to choose from in the editing process, which comes up next.

3. Pull together your wide edit

Once you’ve created your images, pull together all the images that might make the cut. This could be as many as 40-60 images. Include anything you want to consider for the final essay in the wide edit.

From here, start weeding out images that:

  • are weaker in composition or subject matter
  • stand out like a sore thumb from the rest of the collection
  • Are similar to other stronger images in the collection

It’s helpful to review the images at thumbnail size. You make more instinctive decisions and can more easily see the body of work as a whole. If an image is strong even at thumbnail size to stand out from similar frames while also partnering well with other images in the collection, that’s a good sign it’s strong enough for the essay.

4. Post-process your images for a cohesive look

Now it’s time to post-process the images. Use whatever editing software you’re comfortable with to polish your images.

Again, a photo essay has a cohesive visual look. If you use presets, filters, or other tools, use them across all the images.

5. Finalize your selection

It’s time to make the tough decisions. Select only the strongest for your photo essay from your group of images.

Each image should be strong enough to stand on its own and make sense as part of the whole group.

Many photo essays range from 8-12 images. But of course, it varies based on the essay. The number of images you have in your final photo essay is up to you.

Remember, less is more. A photo essay is most powerful when each image deserves to be included.

6. Put your images in a purposeful order

Create a visual flow with your images. Decide which image is first, and build from there. Use compositions, colors, and subject matter to decide which image goes next, then next, then next in the order.

Think of it like music: notes are arranged in a way that builds energy, or slows it down, surprise listeners with a new refrain, or drop into a familiar chorus. How the notes are ordered creates emotional arcs for listeners.

How you order your images is similar.

Think of the experience a viewer will have as they look at one image, then the next, and the next. Order your images so they create the experience you want your audience to have.

7. Get feedback

The best photographers make space for feedback, even when it’s tough to hear. Your work benefits from not just hearing feedback, but listening to it and applying what you learn from it.

Show your photo essay to people who have different sensibilities or tastes. Friends, family members, fellow photographers – anyone you trust to give you honest feedback.

Watch their reactions and hear what they say about what they’re seeing. Use their feedback to guide you in the next step.

8. Refine, revise, and finalize

Let your photo essay marinate for a little while. Take a day or two away from it. Then use your freshened eyes and the feedback you received from the previous step to refine your essay.

Swap out any selects you might want to change and reorder the images if needed.

9. Add captions

Even if you don’t plan on displaying captions with your images, captioning your images is a great practice to get into. It gives context, story, and important information to each image. And, more than likely, you will want to use these captions at some point when you share your photo essay, which we dive into later in this article.

Add captions to the image files using Lightroom, Bridge, or other software programs.

Create a document, such as a Google or Word doc, with captions for each image.

In your captions, share a bit about the story behind the image, or the creation process. Add whatever makes sense to share that provides a greater understanding of the image and its purpose.

Two rocks sit near each other on a wind-blown beach with long lines of texture in the sand

Photo essays allow you to explore deliberate style choices, such as a focus on shapes, patterns, textures, and lines. Since each photo is part of a larger essay, it encourages you to be bold with choices you might not otherwise make. 

5 Examples of amazing nature photo essays

1. “how the water shapes us” from the nature conservancy.

Screenshot of the landing page of photo essay how the water shapes us from nature conservancy

This gorgeous essay, crafted with the work of multiple photographers, explores the people and places within the Mississippi River basin. Through the images, we gain a sense of how the water influences life from the headwater all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Notice how each photographer is tasked with the same theme, yet approaches it with their own distinct style and vision. It is a wonderful example of the sheer level of visual variety you can have while maintaining a consistent style or theme.

View it here

2. “A Cyclist on the English Landscape” from New York Times’ The World Through A Lens series

Screenshot of the landing page of photo essay a cyclist on the english landscape from new york times

This photo essay is a series of self-portraits by travel photographer Roff Smith while “stuck” at home during the pandemic. As he peddled the roads making portraits, the project evolved into a “celebration of traveling at home”. It’s a great example of how visually consistent you can be inside a theme while making each image completely unique.

3. “Vermont, Dressed In Snow” from New York Times’ The World Through A Lens series

Screenshot of the landing page of photo essay vermont, dressed in snow from new york times

This essay by aerial photographer Caleb Kenna uses a very common photo essay theme: snow. Because all images are aerial photographs, there’s a consistency to them. Yet, the compositions are utterly unique from one another. It’s a great example of keeping viewers surprised as they move from one image to the next while still maintaining a clear focus on the theme.

4. “Starling-Studded Skies” from bioGraphic Magazine

Screenshot of the landing page of photo essay starling-studded-skies from biographic magazine

This beautiful essay is by Kathryn Cooper, a physicist trained in bioinformatics, and a talented photographer. She used a 19th century photographic technique, chronophotography, to create images that give us a look at the art and science of starling murmurations. She states: “I’m interested in the transient moments when chaos briefly changes to order, and thousands of individual bodies appear to move as one.” This essay is a great example of deep exploration of a concept using a specific photographic technique.

View it here   (Note: must be viewed on desktop)

5. “These Scrappy Photos Capture the Action-Packed World Beneath a Bird Feeder” from Audubon Magazine

Screenshot of the landing page of photo essay by carla rhodes from audubon online

This photo essay from conservation photographer Carla Rhodes explores the wildlife that takes advantage of the bounty of food waiting under bird feeders . Using remote camera photography , Rhodes gives viewers a unique ground-level perspective and captures moments that make us feel like we’re in conversation with friends in the Hundred Acre Woods. This essay is a great example of how perspective, personality, and chance can all come into play as you explore both an idea and a technique.

25 Ideas for creative photo essays you can make

The possibilities for photo essays are truly endless – from the concepts you explore to the techniques you use and styles you apply.

Choose an idea, hone your unique perspective on it, then start applying the 9 simple steps from above. 

  • The life of a plant or animal (your favorite species, a species living in your yard, etc)
  • The many shapes of a single species (a tree species, a bird species, etc)
  • How a place changes over time
  • The various moods of a place
  • A conservation issue you care about
  • Math in nature
  • Urban nature
  • Seasonal changes
  • Your yard as a space for nature
  • Shifting climate and its impacts
  • Human impacts on environments
  • Elements: Water, wind, fire, earth
  • Day in the life (of a person, a place, a stream, a tree…)
  • Outdoor recreation (birding, kayaking, hiking, naturalist journaling…)
  • Wildlife rehabilitation
  • Lunar cycles
  • Sunlight and shadows
  • Your local watershed
  • Coexistence

A pacific wren sings from a branch in a sun dappled forest

As you zero in on a photo essay theme, consider two things: what most excites you about an idea, and what about it pushes you out of your comfort zone. The heady mix of joy and challenge will ensure you stick with it. 

Your photo essay is ready for the world! Decide how you’d like to make an impact with your work. You might use one or several of the options below.

1. Share it on your website

Create a gallery or a scrollytelling page on your website. This is a great way to drive traffic to your website where people can peruse your photo essay and the rest of the photography you have.

Putting it on your website and optimizing your images for SEO helps you build organic traffic and potentially be discovered by a broader audience, including photo editors.

2. Create a scrollytelling web page

If you enjoy the experience of immersive visual experiences, consider making one using your essay. And no, you don’t have to be a whiz at code to make it happen.

Shorthand helps you build web pages with scrollytelling techniques that make a big impression on viewers. Their free plan allows you to publish 3 essays or stories.

3. Create a Medium post

If you don’t have a website and want to keep things simple, a post on Medium is a great option.

Though it’s known for being a platform for bloggers, it’s also possible to add images to a post for a simple scroll.

And, because readers can discover and share posts, it’s a good place for your photos to get the attention of people who might not otherwise come across it.

4. Share it on Instagram

Instagram has changed a lot over the last couple of years, but it’s still a place for photographers to share their work thoughtfully.

There are at least 3 great ways to share your photo essay on the platform.

– Create a single post for each image. Add a caption. Publish one post per day until the full essay is on your feed. Share each post via Instagram Stories to bring more attention and interaction to your photo essay.

– Create a carousel post. You can add up 10 photos to a carousel post, so you may need to create two of them for your full photo essay. Or you might create a series of carousel posts using 3-4 images in each.

– Create a Reel featuring your images as a video.  The algorithm heavily favors reels, so turning your photo essay into a video experience can get it out to a larger audience.

I ran a “create a reel” challenge in my membership community. One member created a reel with her still images around a serious conservation issue. It gathered a ton of attention and landed her opportunities to share her message through YouTube and podcast interviews and publishing opportunities. Watch it here.

5. Exhibit it locally

Reach out to local galleries, cafes, pubs, or even the public library to see if they’re interested in hanging your photo essay for display. Many local businesses and organizations happily support the work of local artists.

6. Pitch your photo essay to publications

One of the best ways to reach an audience with your work is to get it published. Find publications that are a great fit for the theme and style of your photo essay, then pitch your essay for consideration. You gain a fantastic opportunity to share your work widely and can earn a paycheck at the same time.

Remember that if you want to get your photo essay published, you may want to hold back from sharing it publicly before you pitch it to publications.


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The complete guide to making a photo essay -

Photo Essay

Juxtapose photos to tell a unique story.

A photo essay is a set of photographs shown in a specific sequence in order to explore a theme, tell a story, or evoke an emotional response. It can take the form of a published book, a feature in a paper magazine, an art gallery exhibit, or a web page. In this project you will use 6-12 twelve photos to tell a unique story, which you explain in a brief narrative and share online.

  • Photography

Learning Goals

After you finish this activity you will be able to:

  • Plan a photo essay using a shot list
  • Write concise captions that complement your photos
  • Produce well-composed photos that are sharp and well lit
  • Demonstrate respect for privacy by obtaining photo releases
  • Assignment Rubric


Follow these steps to complete the project.

To track your progress, click each step as you finish.

Get inspired

An excellent first step in creating any media work is to examine exemplary works of the same type. Make a list for yourself of what makes these examples strong and inspiring.

Don't skip this step!

Tame your tools

By growing your skills in the tools used in any project, you save yourself time and produce stronger work.

Create a folder to store project resources

When beginning a new media project, it's best to organize your resources in a single location.

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Alternate File Storage You may also organize your documents in cloud storage, such as Box or Google Drive .

Choose a topic and research it

The research phase will help you clearly identify and focus your photo essay around a single topic.

Google Image Search  Image Repositories There are many other image repositories online offering free strock images, including Pixabay , Unsplash , and Pexels . ">

Example | Chinese New Year festival

Google Search

Prepare for your photo shoot.

Now that you have researched your topic, you will prepare for your photo shoot by creating a Story Outline and Shot List , and obtaining Signed Releases from anyone you will record. You will also gather your equipment and any props you will need.

Conduct the photoshoot

Now that you have planned and prepared well for your photoshoot, you will travel to your planned locations and conduct the shoot. If do use a phone or mobile device, you may wish to review these Tips for taking great photos with your phone .

Select and caption your photos

In this step, you will select, edit and caption the photos from your photoshoot to include in your essay.

Create and title a new Adobe Spark project

Now that you've written your script and gathered your edited and captioned images, you're ready to create your photo essay on the Adobe Spark platform.

free photo essay maker

Add photos to your photo essay

In this step you'll add the photos that make up the story (main content) of your photo essay.

× Use 'Photo' Option Only Do not choose the 'photo grid', 'slideshow', or 'split layout' options.

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Preview and share your photo essay

After you've finished adding photos, you'll perform a final review of your photo essay and share it to the cloud.

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  • H[U.S.]TLE Cindy Giron
  • behiND the scenes Adriana Maria Perez
  • Journey on Foot Across the Nepal Himalaya Lizzy
  • An Immigrant's Dream for a Better Life David Gonzalez
  • A Photo Essay on the Great Depression Modern American Poetry
  • Life on London's First AIDS Ward Excerpted from The Ward by Gideon Mendel

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  • Compiling an Engaging Photo Essay Rachel Bartlett
  • Phone Photography 101: How to Take Good Pictures With Your Phone Lindsay Kolowich

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Photo Essay Template

Photo Essay Template

Download the PrestoPhoto App on the Mac App Store

A picture is worth a thousand words! Let your images speak for themselves with the picture packed template!

Background color is completely customizable!

PrestoPhoto provides Apple comparable templates to help you create books consistent with what you’ve been making with Apple over the years. Our Photo Books are in no way endorsed by Apple Inc, however we have worked hard to make sure they match the look and feel of your existing books. These templates are similar to the original, but do have some variations. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhoto, Pages, & Aperture are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.

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How to Make a Photo Essay

Last Updated: September 27, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Heather Gallagher . Heather Gallagher is a Photojournalist & Photographer based in Austin, Texas. She runs her own photography studio named "Heather Gallagher Photography" which was voted Austin's Best Family Photographer and top 3 Birth Photographers in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Heather specializes in family Photojournalism and has over 15 years of experience documenting individuals, families, and businesses all over the world. Her clients include Delta Airlines, Oracle, Texas Monthly, and her work has been featured in The Washington Post and The Austin American Statesman. She is a member of the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP). There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 287,950 times.

Photo essays are an increasingly popular medium for journalists, bloggers, and advertisers alike. Whether you’re trying to show the emotional impact of a current news story or share your hobby with friends and family, images can capture your topic in a personal, emotional, and interesting way. Creating a photo essay can be as easy as choosing a topic, getting your images, and organizing the essay.

Things You Should Know

  • Reflect long and hard on your topic, considering your audience, current events, and whether to go for a thematic or narrative approach.
  • Create an outline, including your focus image, establishing shot, clincher, and other image details.
  • When you finally take your photos, remember to take more photos than you think you need and don't be afraid to let the project change as you create it.

Finding Your Topic

Step 1 Review current events.

  • Offer a photo essay of your place of business as a training tool.
  • Use a photo essay about your business as a sales or social tool by publishing it on your website or social media page.
  • Create a how to photo essay to help others learn about your hobby, so they can take it up as well. [4] X Research source

Step 4 Select an interesting subject.

  • Thematic subjects are big ideas including things like local gun laws, at-risk youth, or welcoming home soldiers.
  • Narrative essays can include a day in the life, how to tutorials, or progression series that show changes over time such as tracking a building project.
  • If you have been given a commission or specific publication to work with, you may need to choose a topic that will fit a thematic or narrative approach as outlined by the publication. Make sure you are aware of any publication guidelines in advance.

Organizing Your Shoot

Step 1 Get permission.

  • Consider how difficult it will be to get permission to photograph your subjects. If you already have relationships established, it will be easier. If not, allow for extra time to get permission and/or waivers.
  • Schools, daycares, and other places with kids typically have more regulations on who can be photographed and for what purposes. You’ll usually need to get parental approval, in addition to permission from those in charge. [7] X Research source

Step 2 Research your subject.

  • Consider doing interviews with people involved prior to the shoot. Ask things like, “What’s the most interesting thing you do during this event?” or “How long have you been involved with this organization?”
  • These interviews are also a great opportunity to ask for permission and get waivers.
  • If you’re going to visit a job site, charitable event, or other large group activity, ask the person or persons in charge to explain what you’re doing to everyone before you arrive. [8] X Research source

Step 3 Create an outline.

Capturing Your Images

Step 1 Check the light.

  • Many new photographers stay away from high ISO shots because they allow more light through producing a “busy” image. However, these images are often easier to edit later as there’s more information to work with. [11] X Research source
  • If it’s very bright in your location or you’ve set up artificial lighting, a low ISO is likely adequate, For darker areas, you’ll likely need to use a higher ISO.
  • If you need one second to capture an image with a base ISO of 100, you’ll need one eighth of a second to capture with an ISO of 800. [13] X Research source

Step 2 Consider composition.

  • Even snapping candid shots, which you may need to capture quickly, take a few moments to think about how objects are placed to make the most impact.
  • Always think about how the main subject’s surroundings play into the overall image, and try to create different levels and points of interest.
  • You can change composition as part of the editing process in some cases, so if you can’t line up the shot just right, don’t let it deter you from capturing the image you want. [14] X Research source

Step 3 Take more photos than you need.

Organizing the Essay

Step 1 Exclude photos you don’t need.

  • If you’re doing a day in the life photo essay about a frustrated person working in an office, an image of that person struggling to open the front door against the wind might be an apt focus shot.
  • If your essay is about the process of building a home, your focus image may be something like a contractor and architect looking at blue prints with the framed up home in the background.
  • If your essay is about a family reunion, the focus image may be a funny shot of the whole family making faces, pretending to be fighting, or a serious photo of the family posed together. Capture whatever seems natural for the family. [18] X Research source

Step 3 Categorize your remaining photos.

  • Regardless of essay type, you’ll need a focus image to grab attention.
  • Use an overall shot to give context to your essay. Where is it, when is it happening, who’s involved, what’s going on, and why should someone be interested? The five “W’s” of journalism are a great way to determine what your overall shot should capture.
  • Find your final image. This should be something provocative that asks your viewer to think about the topic.
  • Between the focus and overall shot and ending image, include a series of images that move the viewer from the lead-in shots to its result. Use images that build in intensity or draw the viewers further into the essay.

Step 5 Ask for feedback.

  • If the images aren’t telling the story, ask your friends to look at your other photos and ask, “I wanted this image to make this point. You got a different idea. Would any of these images make this point to you more clearly?”
  • If the others like the images you’ve chosen, you may still want to ask them to look at your other photos and tell you if they think any of the images you didn’t include should be added in. They may see something you missed. [20] X Research source

Step 6 Add text.

  • If you're commissioned to add photos to an essay, you should make sure images reflect the written word, but also add emotion and context the writing could not capture. For example, an essay on poverty may include an image of a child and parent living on the street could capture more emotional context.
  • Captions should only include information the viewer could not derive from the photo itself. For instance, you can include a date, the subject’s name, or a statistic relevant to your subject in the caption.
  • If you choose not to have any text or just a title and some introductory and/or closing words, make sure you convey all necessary information succinctly. [21] X Research source

Expert Q&A

Heather Gallagher

  • Be creative with your topics. However, something as simple as "things I like" will suffice so long as you stay creative. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure you're familiar with your camera. It will make the photo composition a lot easier. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't get discouraged. It may take several tries to get the desired results in your photos. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Heather Gallagher

To make a photo essay, start by selecting a subject that is easy to capture and that inspires you, like a friend or a family pet. Then, decide if you want to present your photo essay as thematic, which shows specific examples of a big idea, or narrative, with a beginning, middle, and end. Next, create an outline of your essay to determine which photos you’ll need, like an establishing shot. Finally, take your photos, select which images you want to use in your essay, and organize them according to your theme before adding text to explain the essay. To learn how to capture the best images, keep scrolling! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to create a photo essay

By Marissa Sapega

A close up of a camera that might be used to create a photo essay.

According to LDV Capital, there will be 45 billion cameras in the world by 2022 . The proliferation of smartphones with hi-res cameras — coupled with our obsession with documenting the mundane on social media — has led to a glut of images shared on the web .

We're talking 3.2 billion images shared online every single day.

A decade ago, observers were predicting that this would spell the end of professional photography. But as we all know from our Instagram feeds, the need for professional photography — properly produced, contextualised, and published — has never been greater.

With the emergence of next generation digital publishing platforms, we're seeing a new era for photographic essays. Many of the most powerful examples are from journalism, where immersive photos are transforming long-form journalism into a more dynamic and interactive experience.

But powerful photos — coupled with immersive, interactive digital storytelling techniques — are being increasingly incorporated in marketing and communications across multiple industries, from brands to nonprofits. 

In this guide, we'll cover:

  • The main types of photo essays
  • The new era of photo essays
  • Tips for making thoughtful and powerful photo essays
  • How to make a compelling photo essay
  • We'll also provide a range of photo essay examples as we go

If you're looking for more examples, check out our roundup of photo essay examples .

Let's dive in!

What do the BBC, Tripadvisor, and Penguin have in common? They craft stunning, interactive web content with Shorthand. And so can you! Publish your first story for free — no code or web design skills required. Sign up now.

Types of photo essays

There are two primary types of photo essays: thematic and narrative.

Thematic photo essays

Thematic essays focus on a topical story (like a natural disaster). One example of a great thematic essay comes from NBC News Olympics photos: Emotion runs high .

This piece encapsulates the overall gloom of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics — through a series of powerful behind-the-scenes photographs of athletes in varying levels of distress — but does not focus on a particular subject. 

Screenshots from NBC's photo essay on the Olympics, spread across several devices.

Another example of a great photo story comes from the BBC. In “ From Trayvon Martin to Colin Kaepernick , they tell the story of how Black Lives Matter became entwined with sports. 

Screenshots from the BBC's photo essay on Black Lives Matter in sport , spread across several devices.

Narrative photo essays

Narrative photo essays take the story a step further and tell a specific story through images. 

One striking example is SBS's 28 Days in Afghanistan . This narrative essay documents photojournalist Andrew Quilty's time in the war-ravaged nation through stark photographs and supplementary text.

Screenshots from SBS's photo essay on Afghanistan, spread across several devices.

What is a photo essay in 2023?

A traditional photo essay aims to replace the written word with photographs. Done poorly, it is nothing more than series of images lumped together. Done well, though, the photojournalist or artist takes the reader on an engaging journey.

The main difference between photo essays of yore and photo essays in 2023 is the sophistication of digital publishing. With the rise of digital storytelling platforms, we're seeing a rise in truly interactive and immersive digital photo essays. 

Today, many digital photo essays include quotes and text to supplement the visuals and are formatted using interactive scrollytelling techniques. Scrollytelling is a form of visual storytelling that leverages user engagement (scrolling) to reveal images and text in an interesting and dynamic way. The interactivity compels the viewer to continue consuming the content, and creators have a wide latitude when designing the overall effect.    

Given the benefits of a more dynamic and interactive form of photo essays, it’s easy to see why they have become so popular in recent years. But as with any photo essay, creating an exceptional digital photo essays requires planning, structure, and know-how.

Let's take a closer look with ten tips for great photo essays.

Looking to learn more about interactive visual storytelling? Check out our guide, 8 tips for powerful visual storytelling .

10 tips for great photo essays

A close up of a camera that might be used to create a photo essay.

1. Create visual structure

An authentic photo essay requires visual markers to help transform a collection of images into a narrative. For example, photo chapter headings in Growing up young introduce each new girl in the story.

Similarly, in SBS’s photojournalism story — 28 days in Afghanistan , mentioned above — each dated header delineates a part of the story, providing an easy-to-follow chronological structure and pace.

Daniel Boud intersperses his own thoughts in between a haunting series of photographs of the iconic Sydney Opera House as it underwent a restoration during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic in The Sydney Opera House at Rest .

Text can add depth to the photo essay—but take care where you add it. It should support and enhance the final product, not overshadow it.

Screenshots from the Sydney Opera House's photo essay on life during lockdown, spread across several devices.

2. Make it interactive

In 2023, the best photo essays are interactive. 

One great example of an interactive photo essay is WaterAid’s essay, Water and Climate . This photo essay highlights the people climate change has impacted most brutally, including a video, stark close-up photography, and graphics to get its point across. 

The photo essay uses minimal text, preferring to allow the images to speak for themselves. As a user scrolls, it exposes them to more content. Each visual and supplemental text further immerses the viewer into the story until the end, where they encounter a call to action to join WaterAid in helping those in need.

Nonprofits like WaterAid often use interactive photo essays to compel people to act , because they work. Half the battle of convincing someone to part with their money is creating an emotional connection with them—something a photo essay does particularly well.

Screenshots from the WaterAid's photo essay, spread across several devices.

3. Produce more content than you need

Have you ever seen how much film footage ends up on the cutting room floor for the average movie (known as the shooting ratio)? It’s a lot.   

Why is this? First, filmmakers know that many of the shots they take will be either poor-quality or simply not up to their exacting standards. Second, if a director included all the footage they took throughout the entire production in the final product, her movie would be a bloated mess.

The editor’s job is to strip away the dead weight to reveal a clean, refined, final product that keeps viewers raptly engaged. However, an editor may struggle to do his job if the director has not provided enough usable footage.

The same principles apply to creating an exceptional photo essay. Always assemble more visuals and content than you think you’ll need so you can use the cream of the crop for the final product. Shedding content may be difficult, but it’s necessary, so be prepared to edit your piece without mercy.

Publishing photos on the web, but confused about the range of file formats? Check out our guide to file formats .

4. Use only the best photos

A photo essay is not an excuse to throw together all the imagery you have. Just like any good story, it needs a focused and compelling narrative that keeps things connected. Each image needs to bring something to the table. 

Remember that photo quality plays a significant role in the overall caliber of a photo essay. If your iPhone isn’t doing your subject justice, don’t be afraid to pull in a professional to make your work come alive.

A great example of this comes from Sky Sports. In their photo essay, Pictured: Diego Maradona , they had to be ruthless when deciding upon the imagery to include.

Screenshots from the Sky New's photo essay, spread across several devices.

They no doubt had hundreds — perhaps thousands — of photos to choose from from the many photo shoots in Maradona's life. Yet they knew that each one had to be poignant and compelling in its own way. 

5. Don’t be afraid to edit your photos

Not everyone can be Ansel Adams or Annie Leibovitz. Happily, with the readily available photo-editing software like Photoshop and high-quality cameras on every smartphone, you don’t need to be. Do your best to acquire top-quality photos, but don’t be timid about improving them!

Thanks to heavy exposure to advertising, viewers today now expect doctored images. Whether you’re refining a photo for a flawless finish or adding a touch of grittiness, use this expectation to your advantage. Dial up the contrast, crop out unnecessary elements, and use filters if they suit your needs.

6. Visit the archives

With so many gleaming, airbrushed-to-perfection photographs online today, exposure to imagery that’s not polished within an inch of its life can be a refreshing change. 

For example, take a look at Mancity’s My Debut Trevor Francis (v Stoke 1981) , which exclusively uses archival images. Not only was this a necessity (the focus was on a decades-old football match), but it lent the entire piece a tattered legitimacy. You wouldn’t expect “Insta-worthy” images because that’s not the experience the author is trying to convey.

Screenshots from the Man City's photo essay, spread across several devices.

7. Storyboard before building

You wouldn’t build a house without drafting a blueprint, would you? (Well, not unless you weren’t too invested in the end-product.) Much like a blueprint, a storyboard helps you convert the vision inside your head into a concrete plan for construction. It can also contribute to your shot list for your photography project. 

Storyboarding forces you to take a step back and evaluate how each element fits into the larger narrative. You may find that half your content is no longer necessary, and that’s okay. It may seem like a barrier to “getting to the fun part” of adding fancy flourishes and creative details, but it’s a critical step for building a good photo essay that genuinely influences viewers.

8. Experiment!

While there are certainly best practices to follow when creating a photo essay, no “one true path” will culminate in perfection every time. Photo essays are a way to express a story; such art is not limited to a template or cookie-cutter outputs.

So, mix it up! Test out different photos, filter effects, text, quotes, and visuals. Pretend you’re playing with a Rubik’s cube when you’re storyboarding and shuffle the content around with abandon. There is no right way to draft a photo essay, and you’ll never settle on one that you believe best conveys your story without a bit of experimentation. (Of course, your first iteration may end up being your best, but at least this way you won’t have any doubts.)

9. Combine data and maps

Adding hard metrics and maps to a photo essay can help support a narrative in ways that photographs can’t. In this essay on segregation in Detroit , NBC included interactive maps of the city that underscored the severity of Detroit’s redlining policy. 

These maps drive home this multimedia photo essay’s primary takeaway: Detroit’s enforced segregation has resulted in almost a century of lower quality of life for its black residents.

10. Get inspired

No matter how compelling the vision in your head is, you can still benefit from a little inspiration. If you're looking for photo essay ideas, consider: 

  • Focusing on a single subject for a day (known as a day in the life photo essay).
  • Document local events, such as art shows, protests, or community gatherings — this is an endless source of photo essay topics.
  • Capture social issues from your local area.
  • Start a photo series, in which you document the same specific subject over a period of time.
  • Research the great photo essayists from history, such as W. Eugene Smith, and James Nachtwey.
  • Dive into the archives of the great photo essay magazines, such as National Geographic and Life Magazine.
  • Do some research on your potential subject. This will help you formulate different angles from which to approach your photo essay.
  • Sign up to Shorthand's newsletter , which rounds up the best visual stories on the web every other week. 

Now, let's dive into how to make a stunning photo essay using Shorthand.

How to make a stunning digital photo essay

Traditionally, photo essays on the web were little more than a series of images pasted into a blog post. Because most blogs are structured primarily for words, these photos essays didn't do justice to their source media. 

However, as web browsers became more powerful and bandwidth increased, a range of content platforms — including no-code digital storytelling platforms like Shorthand — have evolved to make it easier to create stunning visual stories. We've linked to many of these in this guide. 

In this section, we're going to run through how to make a photo essay using Shorthand. If you're not a Shorthand customer, you can sign up here and follow along.

1. Create a new story

In your Shorthand dashboard, click 'New Story.' If you'd like, you can choose from any of our templates to help you get started. For now, though, we're going to start with a blank canvas.

A screenshot of the template gallery in the Shorthand app.

The template chooser

2. Add your title image

Every photo essay needs a stunning title image to hook the reader. Depending on what kind of photo essay you're creating, this could be a photo of the subject or theme of the piece. You can also choose to add a title, subtitle, and author. 

A screenshot of the title image in the Shorthand app

3. Add a text section

Every photo essay needs a written introduction, to help contextualise the images that follow. Simply click 'New Section' and 'Text', before pasting in your introductory copy.

A screenshot of how to select a Text section in the Shorthand app

Adding a Text section.

4. Add your first photo

Now it's time to add the first photo in your essay. Simply click 'New Section' and 'Media.' In photo essays, hierarchy is critical, so make sure you've thought about which photo is most appropriate at the top of your essay. In Shorthand, your photo will appear in all its  full-screen glory.

A screenshot of how to add a photo to your photo essay in the Shorthand app

Image in a 'Media' section.

5. Add a Reveal section

You also have the option of adding a 'Reveal' section, which allows you to add text that floats over your images. This text can act as a commentary or de facto caption for each photo in your essay.

Simply click 'New Section' and 'Reveal.' You'll be able to also upload a version of the image for mobile, and set focus areas to make sure the most important parts of your image are shown.

free photo essay maker

A 'Reveal' section with accompanying text box.

6. Add transition effects

Depending on the nature of your photo essay, you may wish to add transition effects between some images. A ‘Reveal’ section is the best way to achieve this. You'll have the option of choosing from several types of transitions that occur as your reader scrolls from one full-screen image to the next, and each image can have its own text box, too.

Testing a Reveal section in the Shorthand editor

7. Add Scrollmation effects

If you want to use images in concert with large amounts of text, then consider using Shorthand's Scrollmation feature. This allows you to transition through a range of images as the reader scrolls down a column of text. 

To do this — you guessed it — simply click 'New Section' and 'Scrollmation' or 'Background Scrollmation.' 

The difference between the two is simple: In a Scrollmation section, the text appears in a column beside your images, while in a Background Scrollmation section,  images fill the screen and the text column appears over the images. A sequence of related images can give the effect of animation triggered by the reader’s scrolling.

A Scrollmation section within the editor

Background Scrollmation in the editor

8. Add a Media Gallery

If you have many different images, and want to create a mosaic effect in your essay, then you can use a media gallery. To do this, simply click 'New Section' and 'Media Gallery.' 

You can then upload your images, and experiment with their size and arrangement to achieve your intended effect.

A screenshot of a Media Gallery in the Shorthand app

Creating a Media Gallery section in the editor

9. Preview your story

Photo essays — more than many other genres of content on the web — can run into problems with different screen sizes. Before you publish, make sure you test your story using Shorthand's preview option. 

You'll be able to see what your story looks like on desktop, mobile, and tablet viewports, and make adjustments as needed. You can also share your preview link with collaborators, and get pre-publication feedback and quality-assurance.

Examples of previews of a Shorthand story in two different devices.

Story previews in the editor, simulating a phone and iPad.

10. Publish 🚀

The final step is to publish your essay to the world! You now have an immersive, potentially interactive photo essay — without writing a line of code. 

Contemporary photo essays are creative endeavours rife with opportunities for interactivity. Organisations and artists alike use them as modern, impactful vehicles to convey powerful stories. Try creating one for yourself using Shorthand for free today!

Publish your first story free with Shorthand

Craft sumptuous content at speed. No code required.

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How to create a photo essay

  • Author Picfair
  • Level Intermediate
  • Reading Time 8 minutes

Cover images by James Gourley

Create a meaningful set of images by producing a photo essay or story

A photographic essay is a deeper and more meaningful way to use your photography than a single image tends to be. Typically associated with documentary and news-gathering, a photo essay doesn’t necessarily have to follow those genres, but can be used as a way to tell a longer or more in-depth story about all manner of subjects. Creating a photo essay however is about more than just taking a set of images and presenting them as one package. They require more forethought, planning and editing than many other forms of photography, but the results are often more rewarding, too. Follow our guide below if it’s something you’d like to consider putting together. ‍ ‍

1 Find a story

The first thing you will need to do is to figure out what you want to do your photo essay on.

"Inspiration can come from anywhere, but a good starting to place is to look at news sources to see if something catches your eye."

Inspiration can come from anywhere, but a good starting to place is to look at news sources to see if something catches your eye. If you’re not sure where to begin, you could start by looking at what’s going on in your local area - if nothing else, it’ll make the practicalities easier. Start jotting down ideas that you can explore and figure out exactly why you want to do it. Try to be as active as you can in discovering what’s going on in the world and eventually something will keep your attention for long enough that it will seem like the right idea.

free photo essay maker

‍ 2 Do your research

‍ Next, try and find out as much as you can about whatever it is you want to create your photo story on.

"If you find that others have done photo essays on the same or similar subject, then that’s something you should be aware of."

Importantly, you’ll need to see what else already exists out there - if anything - on your story. If you find that others have done photo essays on the same or similar subject, then that’s something you should be aware of. That’s not to say that you can’t also do one, but it pays to be prepared so that you can perhaps approach it in a different way. You’ll also need to do some research into the practicalities that will be required to help you along the way. You’ll need to look into people you should be contacting, how you will get to the destination (if it’s not local), any requirements you need for visiting the location, any restrictions on what you can and cannot shoot and so on. Doing as much research ahead of time as possible will make the project run smoothly when it comes to actually shooting it. ‍

free photo essay maker

3 Make a structured plan  

Once your research is complete, it’s time to make a detailed and structured plan about how you’re going to go about shooting your photo essay. It doesn’t have to be completely rigid so as to disallow flexibility, but sorting out shoot times, shoot dates, shoot locations will give you something to work with, even if things eventually go off plan. Some photo essays can be shot in an afternoon, others might take several months or even years to complete. Having an idea of how long you want to spend on a particular project can help focus your mind and give you an end date for when you might want to publish the essay. It’s also useful to tell subjects and those involved with the shoot a rough timeline of events. You might find it helpful to organise everything together in one easily accessible place - such as online calendars and spreadsheets, so you can quickly refer to anything you need to.

free photo essay maker

4 Tell a story

Your photo essay needs to be more than just a set of images on a similar theme.

"...including some introductory or contextualising shots before you get into the heart of the subject matter is a good approach."

Think of it exactly like a story, which usually requires a beginning, a middle and an end. That’s a very simplistic way of putting it, but photographically, including some introductory or contextualising shots before you get into the heart of the subject matter is a good approach. There might not necessarily be a neat “resolution” to whatever story you’re trying to tell, and it might not always be a happy ending, but having that at least in your mind as you go along can help to create a neatly-packaged story that has a definite and well-constructed narrative.

free photo essay maker

5 Stick with a cohesive style

Exactly how you’re going to shoot your photo essay is entirely up to you, but in order for your story to have a cohesive look, it’s usually best if you stick to the same style throughout.

"With a photo essay, you want the images to hang extremely well together as a set, so keeping things consistent will help you do that..."

That could be as simple as not mixing black and white and colour, always using a particular lens, always shooting in a particular way, or even applying the same post-processing techniques to the finished shots. With a photo essay, you want the images to hang extremely well together as a set, so keeping things consistent will help you do that - that is, unless you’re actively trying to use disparate styles as an artistic or storytelling technique. ‍

free photo essay maker

5 Create a strong edit

The chances are that in the process of creating your photo essay, you will have shot dozens, if not hundreds of images.

"It can help to step away from your essay for at least a few days if you can to give yourself some distance and perspective - don’t be afraid to be brutal and keep your final selection down to only those that are the strongest or the best."

For the final edit of your photo story, you need to make sure that the images selected to appear are the strongest of the set, with each adding something unique to the finished story. Try to avoid “padding out” your story with too many fillers, even if you think they are strong images on their own. It’s a good idea to avoid too much repetition, and here again you should look to include images that create a strong story arc with a defined beginning, middle and end. It can help to step away from your essay for at least a few days if you can to give yourself some distance and perspective - don’t be afraid to be brutal and keep your final selection down to only those that are the strongest or the best. There’s no defined number for how many images should be included in a final story, but as a general rule, you’ll probably want it to be under 20 for the most impact.  ‍

free photo essay maker

6 Ask for input

It’s very easy to get so close to your subject and your images that you become blind to any flaws in them, or the structure of your story. Asking for advice and input from somebody you trust can help to tighten up your story even further.

"Asking for advice and input from somebody you trust can help to tighten up your story even further."

In certain situations, it can be helpful to ask the subject of the photographs themselves what they think, to make it more of a collaborative process - but you should be able to determine whether that’s appropriate on a case-by-case basis. If you have any contacts who are photographers, editors or publishers, asking them to cast an eye over your finished story is a good idea, too. ‍

7 Add some text  

It can be a good idea to add some text or individual captions for a photo essay, to give some background information and context to whatever is shown in the pictures. If you’re not a writer, try to keep it as basic as possible - including things such as names, locations and dates. A short introduction to the piece to give some background information is useful, too. Ask somebody you trust to check it over for sense, clarity and mistakes.

free photo essay maker

8 Get the story seen

Once your story is complete and you’re happy with it, the next stage is to get it seen - also known as, the hard part.

"Once your story is complete and you’re happy with it, the next stage is to get it seen - also known as, the hard part."

A sensible first step is to create an album on your Picfair store which is dedicated to your photo essay. That way, anybody who is looking for that particular piece won’t have to wade through all of your other work to find it. ‍ You can then start sending out information about the work to editors and publishers, including a link to the album on your Picfair page as an easy way for them to look at it.

free photo essay maker

Editor's tip: ‍ If you're not sure where to begin with pitching to publishers, be sure to check our how to pitch guide .

free photo essay maker

Expertly crafted guides and tutorials brought to you directly from the Team Picfair.

Start your own photography store with a beautiful and customisable showcase for your photos, complete with all the tools you need to sell your images as prints & digital downloads. LIMITED TIME: Save 60% on Picfair Plus with code NEWTHEME60 until May 14th.

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  • View by: Authors
  • Guide: Selling your Photography

ai photo editing tools

Free Online Photo Editor AI Image Generator and AI Design tools

The suite for all your creative photo and design editing needs directly in your web browser, on your smartphone, or on your desktop, all free. The only limit is your imagination!

Pixlr Editor

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Here we collected the most used Generative AI and Photo Editing features people are looking for!

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Elevate your creations with the revolutionary Text to Image AI image generator, revolutionizing the way you convert simple text into visually captivating artwork. Unleash your imagination and craft breathtaking, AI-generated masterpieces that are bound to captivate and inspire your audience.

AI Image Generator Example One

Amazing AI Generative Fill!

From concepting creative ideas to making complex edits and refinements, Generative Fill can help you quickly realize your vision while giving you complete control over every creation.

AI Generative Fill Before

See more with AI Generative Expand!

Explore beyond the borders of your canvas with Generative Expand, make your image fit in any aspect without cropping the best parts. Just expand in any direction and the new content will blend seamlessly with the image.

AI Generative Expand Example After

Other EPIC AI Generative Tools!

AI Remove Object

AI Remove Object

Remove any unwanted object from your image by just drawing a line arround it.

AI Remove Background

AI Remove Background

One-click background remover, let the AI do the boring work.

AI Face Swapper

AI Face Swap

With the AI face swapper you become anyone you desire: a superhero, a heartthrob, a law enforcer, or an intellectual. Or just switch faces with a friend, there are no limits.

AI super scale

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Use AI to upscale images and keep a superb quality.

AI Image Sharper

AI Super Sharp

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AI Generative Transform

AI Generative Transform

Separate out object from the image and move, resize or rotate them freely. Just like magic!

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Effectively reduce or eliminate unwanted noise from images, ensuring a smoother and cleaner result.

Photo Editing and Design

Over the last 15 years, Pixlr has maintained its position as the top photo editing service on the web. Our commitment to pioneering innovation in online capabilities remains unwavering, ensuring the delivery of excellent retouching, drawing, filter, and effect tools!

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It remains a timeless design choice, continuing to be among the favored layouts for presenting photos on social media, advertisements, or in print. Our auto grid feature effortlessly offers a range of layouts to suit your diverse photo presentation needs, providing convenient options for your creative endeavors.

Photo Grid Maker Example One

Product Shot Creator!

Studio looking product images in a few seconds, no more tedious repetitive work to create awe looking product images, just let our AI generate the perfect shot!

Product image shot maker one

Filters And Effects

The Photo effects and filters from Pixlr offer a creative spectrum, enhancing images with various styles, moods, and visual enhancements to elevate and transform the overall aesthetic. Popular filters like Dispersion, Bokeh and Focus, Glitch, Mirror and a large selection of Effects give you ample ways to step up your Photo editing game.

Photo editor filter and effects Example One

More awesome photo editing and design tools!

HDR Photo filter

Spice up any image with Mimic HDR and make your photo pop, bring up the dark areas and keep the lights intact.

Bokeh Photo filter

Fokus / Bokeh

Create depth in your photos with background blur, bokeh blur and bokeh lights.

Reflect Mirror Photo filter

Draw over an area in you image and watch it explode and disperse into small pieces.

Reflect Mirror Photo filter

Create mesmerizing mirror effects with an array of captivating variations that warp reality and mesmerize the eye.

Glitch Photo filter

ransform your photos into playful, distorted masterpieces with the quirky and captivating glitch photo effect.

Glitch Photo filter

Single, duo, or tri-tone color effect for that classic looking images.

Join millions of creators!

Great photoshop alternative.

I haven't had access to photoshop in a few years, and I don't especially miss it because of Pixlr. I'm not exactly an advanced user of graphic design products, so I can't speak to that level... But for basic image editing and creation, this gets the job done.

Nicholas, F&B

Best for design.

The software is very easy for photo editing even without special knowledge.

Méo, Graphic Designer

Pixlr - the bigger and better photoshop.

My overall experience with Pixlr has been positive! I have realized how much of a 'hidden gem' this app truly is and I wish that it was more well-known for how amazing it is.

Candice, Medical Practice

Full scope free photo editor.

Overall Pixlr is an excellent tool! I highly recommend for small business designers, especially if you wear multiple hats within your organization.

Braden, Machinery

Best photo editing platform.

As it has all basic image editing tools available on its application so I use it whenever ever I need to edit my business photos as it saves a lot of time and is also easy to understand.

Abhishek, Customer Service

Pixlr is my favorite.

I absolutely love Pixlr and it is my go to software when I need to edit a quick photo or make a quick logo. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a software for photo editing.

Luke, Edu Management

Great for designing beautiful graphics.

Pixlr is used by our organisation as a cheaper and more accessible version of photoshop. We use it to create graphics for our campaigns, as well as posters, report covers and other visual content for our work.

Abhishek, Manage Legal

A fantastic option for doing quick photo work.

I use the software as my go-to for quick photo edits and social media post creation. I've used this for so many uses for simple graphic editing that I can't imagine not having it for image resizing, editing, and social media content creation.

My Ulimate go to Online Photo Editor

Pixlr is so far my best online photo editing applications. I can easily access it through my browser without having to download and install any application on my computer. It pretty much helps me do everything I would do with a more complex and advanced application like Photoshop.

Caroline, Accounting

Pixlr is the best photo editor i have found.

It's super easy to use and delivers fantastic results!

Jennifer, Retail

Excellent photo editor.

AI based photo editor and background remover that delivers!

Your pictures are better quality with Pixlr

The app is extremely easy to use. The interface is simple and user friendly. Instant editing in the application is very successful. It's fun to share instantly.

Barış, E-learning

Pixlr - the best photo editing tool.

Pixlr is a great tool for photo editing. The best part about pixlr is that it is free to use without watermarks. It has user friendly interface and any beginners can use it.

Pixlr is aesthetically pleasing

It's exceptionally user friendly and right on the money. It provides an editing platform like no other platform can. It's well built with high resolution editing experience, which is simple yet very elegant to use.

One of the best photo editing application

This Pixlr application is one of the best photo editing software I have used so far.There are lots of unique features available and the best part of this application is it's clean and user friendly UI.

Great for online photo editing!

It has a very understandable user interface and all the basic tools needed for precise photo editing (crop, clone, blur tools and elements such as filters, adjustment bars, etc.)

Best photo editor with AI image generator

Pixlr has many features that a designer needs which are free as well as premium . It helps me design and edit creatives for my marketing.

Turns boring pictures into eye catching high quality graphics

The autofix and autocontrast features are very useful when time is limited and you have edit multiple images. I use these features to automatically correct the basic adjustments and then tweak few parameters to get the images according to my taste.

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Get your all-access pass to Pixlr across web, desktop, and mobile devices with a single subscription! Try it out with our 7-day free trial and cancel anytime, no strings attached. More info on the Pricing page. Pixlr is free for Education.

Do you have a Question?

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  • Compress Image
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  • Resize Image
  • HEIC to JPG
  • Color Palette from Image
  • Image Mirror
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  • Calendar Maker
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  • Translations
  • Grammar checker


  • Blog titles
  • Meta description
  • Social media bio
  • Story ideas
  • Video titles
  • Business names
  • Email writer
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Landing page titles
  • Product description
  • WebM to MP4
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  • Color Picker
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  • PDF to Word
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  • Photo editor
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  • AI Essay Writer

Free AI Essay Writer

To help you generate ideas, outline topics, and write the content for your next essay. Start your learning journey now.

  • Get inspired & creative with AI ✨
  • Win time back 🏆
  • 100% free & no sign-in.

Use this essay writer for...

Generating ideas & topics.

An essay writer can generate ideas for your next essay, especially if you know the direction but need clarification on the specific (sub)topics.

Outlining an essay

When you have a topic, it is time to break it down into subtopics and generate an outline so you can draft your essay.

Getting help with writing

To write an entire essay yourself takes time. Essay writers can help you get started or help with the writing. It can help you understand how to write an essay.

Learning more about a topic

An essay can be a great way to learn more about a topic while reading, writing, or researching it.

What is an AI Essay Writer?

Types of essays.

Academic essays are your stage to spotlight your brainpower, letting you dig deep into fascinating topics while showcasing your flair for clear, persuasive writing.


Professional essays are your career's secret weapon, allowing you to share expert insights and build credibility in your field, all while flexing your writing chops.

Journalism & Non-Fiction

Journalism essays give you the mic to spotlight important issues and hidden tales, serving as a playground for your investigative prowess and narrative flair.

Personal use

Personal essays are like selfies in words, capturing your unique experiences, thoughts, and feelings in a way that not only entertains but also connects with others.

How to create a good essay

Describe the topic of the essay.

This step is pretty straightforward. However, you can get very different results depending on your input. The more specific the topic, the deeper the content and the more unique the content.

Include more details

You can generate a more generic essay, but if you want to cover certain subtopics, details, names, locations, etc., you should add this to the details. You can also use a generated outline .

Learn, edit & copy

Essays are a great source of knowledge, so read through it, edit where needed, and apply the valuable parts to you and your audience.

Tips to create even better essays

  • Stand out - Generate more specific content by describing the topic and breaking it down with details or an outline.
  • Personalize - Include the most relevant subtopics to get the best-personalized results for your needs.
  • Nobody is perfect - Your essay won’t be perfect after 1 generation. Read, edit, and explore content, viewpoints, arguments, and more to improve your essay.

Can the AI Essay Writer write the entire essay for me?

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  • Idea Generator

Other AI Writer tools

  • Keyword Generator
  • Title Generator

Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

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AI Essay Writer

AI Essay Writer by Editpad is a free essay generator that helps you write narrative, persuasive, argumentative and descriptive essays online in seconds.

How to use AI Essay Writer by Editpad?

To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below:

  • Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided.
  • Select the required essay length and writing tone.
  • You can also select the " Add References " option if required.
  • Click on " Write My Essay " button.
  • After that, our essay generator will automatically generate your essay and provide results in the output box.

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Active Passive Voice Converter
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks

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Home/ Photo Generator

AI Photo Generator: Create Realistic Photos

Unlock the magic of Phot.AI's AI Photo Generator, where your imagination springs to life as captivating images in seconds. Dive into the realm of AI-powered picture creation with a simple text input, and watch your ideas metamorphose into striking visuals effortlessly. Embark on your creative journey with text-to-image transformation today!


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What is AI Photo Generator?

Generate Photos from text prompts using AI Photo Generator

Turn text into AI Pictures

Turn text into AI Pictures

Discover a fresh and imaginative avenue to bring your concepts to life with our AI Photo Generator. This tool empowers you to convert your text into stunning Photos instantly. Leveraging state-of-the-art AI, it offers a range of photo styles, including 3d photos, anime images enabling the creation of captivating and straightforwardphotos without any hassle. Create AI Photos now.

Generate Photos in different styles

Generate Photos in different styles

The AI Photo Generator on offers a selection of photo styles including Cinematic, portrait, landscapes Closeups, 3D Render, and Anime for creating custom photos. They enable users to explore a wide range of visual aesthetics, from detailed and complex patterns to dynamic and immersive scenes, catering to diverse photo preferences and creative styles.

Get Inspired: AI-Enhanced Photos Created by Enthusiasts

The world of AI-enhanced art is brimming with creativity! Discover what other enthusiasts have created using the AI Photo Generator and let their work fuel your imagination.


AI Photo Generator for Limitless Creative Applications

From enhancing your social media presence to creating captivating visuals for marketing campaigns, Phot.AI's AI Photo Generator empowers you to transform your concepts into captivating images. Every creation is an opportunity to bring your imagination to life with the assistance of AI. Explore, design, and elevate your creative journey with our powerful AI Picture generator.

Elevate Social Media Presence with AI

Elevate Social Media Presence with AI

Phot.AI's AI Art Generator can elevate your brand identity with meticulously crafted digital visuals. Create consistent branding materials that resonate with your vision, from logos and promotional materials to social media content.Create art using text prompts and then further enhance the images using AI Image Enhancer

Create Stunning Marketing Visuals

Create Stunning Marketing Visuals

Elevate your marketing campaigns with AI-generated visuals that capture attention and convey your message effectively. Whether you need striking banners, ad creatives, or product images, our AI Photo Generator has you covered.

Enhance Your Branding with AI Packaging Designs

Enhance Your Branding with AI Packaging Designs

AI packaging designs enhance your product packaging designs to help you create a lasting impact on your customers. The unique and meticulous designs from the AI image generator not only add to the visual appeal but reinforces your brand's image. Try this AI packaging design generator for healthcare products, FMCG, electronic gadgets, and more!

Personalize Your Brand with AI Visuals

Personalize Your Brand with AI Visuals

Elevate your digital marketing campaigns with AI-generated visuals that captivate your audience. From captivating banners to ad creatives, Phot.AI's AI Art Generator has you covered. Edit what you have created using our AI Photo Editor .

Generate unique ideas for your tattoo using AI

Generate unique ideas for your tattoo using AI

Creating unique tattoo ideas with the assistance of AI technology is an exciting and innovative approach to personal expression. Tattoos are deeply personal and can serve as powerful symbols of one's individuality, beliefs, and experiences. AI can provide a wealth of inspiration to help you craft a tattoo design that is not only unique but also deeply meaningful to you.

Explore Various AI-Enhanced Photos

Turn your ideas into breathtaking AI art within seconds using our free AI Photo Generator online. Just input your ideas, and watch as AI transforms them into stunning visuals.

  • Logo Inspiration
  • Social Media
  • Product Design
  • Graphic Design


Versatile AI-Generated Photo Styles

Discover a collection of AI-generated photo templates suitable for a wide range of applications, including social media posts, website visuals, marketing materials, presentations, and more.

AI Photo Generator Related Features


AI Image Upscaler

Instantly Upscale Your Photos to improve resolution


AI Tattoo Generator

Design your own unique tattoos in seconds.


AI Background Replacer

Add stunning backgrounds to your images with a simple text prompt


AI Photo Restorer

Restore Your old & blurry photos with AI in one click

Phot.AI Blogs


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What’s it like using Phot.AI?

4.5 average rating from 11000+ users across the globe..

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson , Marketing Professional

As a marketing professional, the AI Photo Generator has proven invaluable. It helps me set clear expectations for designers and provides a fresh perspective on visuals for various campaigns.

Ella Rodriguez

Ella Rodriguez , Photographer

Photography is my passion, and Phot.AI has elevated it to new heights. The AI Photo Generator inspires creative ideas and makes portfolio updates a breeze. All I have to do is think!

Daniel Williams

Daniel Williams , Blogger

The AI Photo Generator not only provides perfect visuals for my blogs but also sparks new ideas for my writing. No more hunting for the right images – it's all at my fingertips!

Ahmed Sadiq

Ahmed Sadiq , Graphic Designer

The AI Photo Generator has added a fresh dimension to my graphic design projects. It effortlessly produces stunning visuals, saving me valuable time and enhancing the quality of my work.

What is Phot.AI's AI Photo Generator?

Phot.AI's AI Generator is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to transform text prompts into stunning images, photos, sketches, anime, or art, depending on the specific generator.

Can I customize the style and dimensions of the generated content?

Yes, you can select from a variety of styles and aspect ratios to tailor the generated content to your preferences.

Do you provide any other designing tools?

Yes, Phot.AI offers a range of features, including AI Art Generator and an AI Image Generator, for all of your personal and professional needs. Our advanced AI tools can also help you seamlessly enhance images, fix lighting , remove backgrounds from images, remove unwanted objects , and create one-of-a-kind AI tattoo art.

What types of projects can I use the AI Photo Generator for?

You can use the AI Generator for a wide range of projects, including product design, branding, marketing, social media, web design, and more.

Informative Essay Maker

State the point to be discussed in your body paragraph

State a supporting point to be discussed in body paragraph

State an opposing point to be discussed in body paragraph

State a similar aspect to be discussed

State a contrasting aspect to be discussed

  • ️🛠️ How to use the tool?
  • ️📝 Why use the essay maker?
  • ️🗒 Informative essay structure
  • ️🙋 Who can benefit from this instrument?
  • ️✅ Informative essay tips
  • ️🚀 Boost your skills with our tools

🛠️ How to Use the Essay Maker?

Choose the essay genre.

By default, our essay maker is set to informative essays. However, this online tool works with the most popular paper genres: analytical, persuasive, argumentative, comparative, and scholarship. Just select which essay type you need to get the most accurate result.

The picture illustrates the first step of using the essay maker.

Input the Topic

At the next point, you'll have to input your topic. This step is the only obligatory one, as without it, the essay maker won't be able to produce a customized result. Note that your topic should be 3 to 15 words long.

The picture illustrates the second step of using the essay maker.

Customize the Paragraphs

Another thing you can do is choose the number of body paragraphs you would like to get. If you want particular arguments to be discussed in the essay sections, click "Customize your body paragraphs." Several text boxes will appear according to the number of paragraphs you've indicated in the previous step. Here, you can draft your arguments. Note that they should be at most 150 words.

The picture illustrates the third step of using the essay maker.

Get the Result

Once you click "Generate," your informative essay example will appear right below the tool. It will be made according to the information you added before. Please note that the essay sample is AI-made, so it should be used for reference purposes and inspiration only. If you’re not satisfied with the result, you can start all over again. This essay maker for students is free and unlimited.

The picture illustrates the fourth step of using the essay maker.

📝 Why Use the AI Essay Generator?

If you’re stuck writing an informative essay, you’re in the right place. With the help of our free informative essay generator, you’ll be able to get a paper sample and save tons of your time. No more fear of the blank page: it’s time to thrive with our tool. The best thing about this essay maker for students is that it is free!

Thousands of students trust our online writing tools

average time saved

happy students

essay topics

🗒 Informative Essay Structure

Understanding how to structure an informative essay is the cornerstone of the writing process. In this section, we will cover the basic structure of an informative essay that includes 3 main parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion.


An informative essay’s intro must grab the reader's attention, present the topic, and provide background information.

The structure is usually the following:

  • An opening paragraph will typically begin with a powerful and catchy sentence, also known as a hook .
  • Next, you should present your topic and briefly provide some background information aiming to highlight its relevance.
  • At the end of the introduction, there is a thesis statement that summarizes the author’s idea in one sentence.

If you want to work on this section of your essay separately, consider using our introduction maker , hook generator , and thesis statement helper .

The main body’s primary objective is to provide a more in-depth study of your topic. The body consists of 2, 3, or more paragraphs supporting the essay's thesis. Each of them should include a unique idea that is proven by evidence and examples. Traditionally, body paragraphs start with an opening sentence introducing their main idea. These are known as topic sentences .

While using the informative essay generator, you can customize your body paragraphs by adding topic sentences or prompts. The essay maker will add the necessary arguments and evidence.

Similar to the introduction, this section should be brief but powerful enough to avoid undermining the information stated in the previous sections. It aims to summarize the entire essay. The ending paragraph must restate the thesis and give the reader a clear finish line.

You might want to try this conclusion generator to get ideas for your closing paragraphs.

🙋 Who Can Benefit from This Informative Essay Maker?

Get rid of the fear of the blank page by generating a sample essay according to your requirements.

College applicants

Use the AI essay generator to create a sample personal statement that reflects your education goals.


Quickly and efficiently adapt your scholarly arguments to a broader audience.

Scholarship applicants

Make a sample scholarship essay that highlights your leadership skills and ambitions.


Get fresh ideas for your informative and persuasive materials aimed at knowledgeable readers.

Use this best essay maker whenever you want to get a well-structured text on any topic.

✅ Informative Essay Tips

Informative essay writing tips in this section will help you avoid mistakes and improve your essay's quality.

🚀 Boost Your Skills with Our Study Tools

In addition to this informative essay generator, we’ve developed a collection of writing tools for students. With them, you’ll quickly make your written text shine.

  • Essay reworder
  • Hypothesis maker
  • Citation machine
  • ChatGPT detector
  • Title generator
  • Read my paper
  • Summary generator
  • Transition words maker


Essay Generator

Write about, want some more features.

  • - History to store generated content
  • - Access to mobile apps for content generation on the go
  • - Access to 500+ other AI tools and templates

AI4Chat: Your Ultimate Essay Generator Tool

With AI4Chat, writing essays becomes a breeze. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, AI4Chat offers a one-click solution to generate high-quality academic and other types of essays. It's versatile, easy to use and delivers fast, impressive results.

Expansive Compatibility, Exceptional Performance

AI4Chat encompasses all popular chatbot technologies, including ChatGPT, Google Bard and GPT4, making it a true one-stop solution. Available on Android, IOS and web, it offers unprecedented accessibility and performance on all platforms.

Next-Level Features

AI4Chat expands beyond mere chatbot functions. It delivers remarkable convenience with features such as chat synchronization across all your devices, labels, categories, notes, chat description among others. The sleek dark mode and intuitive search function guarantee a superior user experience.

AI4Chat's Essay Generator Page: Simplifying Academic Work

AI4Chat's Essay Generator Page transforms the essay writing process. With a single click, users can generate comprehensive, well-structured and grammatically consistent essays. Whether for school assignments or important papers, AI4Chat's essay generator is your reliable partner in navigating the academic landscape.

Questions about AI4Chat? We are here to help!

For any inquiries, drop us an email at [email protected] . We’re always eager to assist and provide more information.

What Is AI4Chat?

What features are available on ai4chat.

  • 🔍 Google Search Results: Generate content that's current and fact-based using Google's search results.
  • 📂 Categorizing Chats into Folders: Organize your chats for easy access and management.
  • 🏷 Adding Labels: Tag your chats for quick identification and sorting.
  • 📷 Custom Chat Images: Set a custom image for each chat, personalizing your chat interface.
  • 🔢 Word Count: Monitor the length of your chats with a word count feature.
  • 🎨 Tone Selection: Customize the tone of chatbot responses to suit the mood or context of the conversation.
  • 📝 Chat Description: Add descriptions to your chats for context and clarity, making it easier to revisit and understand chat histories.
  • 🔎 Search: Easily find past chats with a powerful search feature, improving your ability to recall information.
  • 🔗 Sharable Chat Link: Generate a link to share your chat, allowing others to view the conversation.
  • 🌍 Multilingual Chat in 75+ Languages: Communicate and generate content in over 75 languages, expanding your global reach.
  • 💻 AI Code Assistance: Leverage AI to generate code in any programming language, debug errors, or ask any coding-related questions. Our AI models are specially trained to understand and provide solutions for coding queries, making it an invaluable tool for developers seeking to enhance productivity, learn new programming concepts, or solve complex coding challenges efficiently.
  • 📁 AI Chat with Files and Images: Upload images or files and ask questions related to their content. AI automatically understands and answers questions based on the content or context of the uploaded files.
  • 📷 AI Text to Image & Image to Image: Create stunning visuals with models like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, DALLE v2, DALLE v3, and Leonardo AI.
  • 🎙 AI Text to Voice/Speech: Transform text into engaging audio content.
  • 🎵 AI Text to Music: Convert your text prompts into melodious music tracks. Leverage the power of AI to craft unique compositions based on the mood, genre, or theme you specify in your text.
  • 🎥 AI Text to Video: Convert text scripts into captivating video content.
  • 🔍 AI Image to Text with Context Understanding: Not only extract text from images but also understand the context of the visual content. For example, if a user uploads an image of a teddy bear, AI will recognize it as such.
  • 🔀 AI Image to Video: Turn images into dynamic videos with contextual understanding.
  • 📸 AI Professional Headshots: Generate professional-quality avatars or profile photos with AI.
  • ✂ AI Image Editor, Resizer and Compressor, Upscale: Enhance, optimize, and upscale your images with AI-powered tools.
  • 🎼 AI Music to Music: Enhance or transform existing music tracks by inputting an audio file. AI analyzes your music and generates a continuation or variation, offering a new twist on your original piece.
  • 🗣 AI Voice Chat: Experience interactive voice responses with AI personalities.
  • ☁ Cloud Storage: All content generated is saved to the cloud, ensuring you can access your creations from any device, anytime.

Which Languages Does AI4Chat Support?

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All in One AI platform for AI chat, image, video, music, and voice generatation. Create custom AI bots and workflows in minutes from any device, anywhere.

  • AI Art & Images
  • AI Music & Voice

AI4Chat © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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Advanced AI Essay Writer

20,000 AI-powered essays generated daily

Write unique, high-quality essays in seconds

See it for yourself: get a free essay by describing it in 5 words or more, instantly generate any essay type.

free photo essay maker

Get your content after just few words , or go step by step.

Full control of each step

Check the references

Edit your references using popular reference types like APA or MLA

How Smodin makes Essay Writing Easy

Generate different types of essays with smodin, instantly find sources for any sentence.

free photo essay maker

Our AI research tool in the essay editor interface makes it easy to find a source or fact check any piece of text on the web. It will find you the most relevant or related piece of information and the source it came from. You can quickly add that reference to your document references with just a click of a button. We also provide other modes for research such as “find support statistics”, “find supporting arguments”, “find useful information”, and other research methods to make finding the information you need a breeze. Make essay writing and research easy with our AI research assistant.

Easily Cite References

free photo essay maker

Our essay generator makes citing references in MLA and APA styles for web sources and references an easy task. The essay writer works by first identifying the primary elements in each source, such as the author, title, publication date, and URL, and then organizing them in the correct format required by the chosen citation style. This ensures that the references are accurate, complete, and consistent. The product provides helpful tools to generate citations and bibliographies in the appropriate style, making it easier for you to document your sources and avoid plagiarism. Whether you’re a student or a professional writer, our essay generator saves you time and effort in the citation process, allowing you to focus on the content of your work.

Produce Better Essays than ChatGPT

Our essay generator is designed to produce the best possible essays, with several tools available to assist in improving the essay, such as editing outlines, title improvements, tips and tricks, length control, and AI-assisted research. Unlike ChatGPT, our AI writer can find sources and assist in researching for the essay, which ensures that the essay is backed by credible and relevant information. Our essay generator offers editing assistance and outlines to improve the structure and flow of the essay. This feature is especially useful for students who may struggle with essay organization and require guidance on how to present their ideas coherently. Another advantage of our AI essay writer over ChatGPT is that it is designed explicitly for essay writing, ensuring that the output is of high quality and meets the expectations of the instructor or professor. While ChatGPT may be able to generate essays, there is no guarantee that the content will be relevant, accurate or meet the requirements of the assignment.

Easily Avoid Plagiarism

Our AI generated essays are 100% unique and plagiarism free. Worried about AI detection? Worry no more, use our AI Detection Remover to remove any AI Plagiarism produced from the essay generator.

© 2024 Smodin LLC

What are you writing about today?

Write better essays, in less time, with your ai writing assistant.

free photo essay maker


Essay-maker is an AI tool that can generate an essay on any topic within a couple of minutes. Just follow these simple steps to get your paper:

  • State the topic of your future paper
  • Press “Continue”
  • Revise and edit the essay to fit it to your needs

Generating an essay is only half of the work. We cannot guarantee that this text will be 100% original. Get expert editing help to get a unique, plagiarism-free paper written according to your instructions

You’ve reached your daily limit of 1 automatically generated essay. Please come back tomorrow or you can order the original paper from our professional writers right now.

Sorry, the essay generator can't proceed with your request now. Please, try again later or use our writing service.

Generating Essay ...

How to use the essay maker tool:

Essay generator is an automated AI tool that can create an essay on any topic within a couple of minutes. Just follow these simple steps to get your paper:

  • Paste the topic for the essay you need
  • Click "Continue" button to activate tool
  • Revise and edit the essay to fit your needs

(Votes: 29 )

How to avoid plagiarism?

Proper citation style.

Avoid plagiarism by always listing the source and formatting it correctly when you are note-taking. Take care of the proper formatting and citation style when using content from outside sources.

Write on your own

Avoid borrowing and overusing large pieces of the content from outside sources, especially Wikipedia. Write your own thoughts and use sources only to support your opinion (remember to cite it though!).

Rewriting Service

PapersOwl Expert can rewrite up to 75% of your content, and edit and proofread your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Editing Service

PapersOwl expert can edit up to 50% of your content, proofread and polish your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Writing Service

PapersOwl expert can rewrite your paper from scratch according to instructions and guidelines and make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Suits your similarity index. Consider using it!

How to Use Free Essay Generator

To use the essay generator online, all you have to do is to provide the title or the keywords. Click generate, and the tool will generate the essay. It is that simple. You can generate again and again, until you are happy with the outcome. It features rearranges sentences, so plagiarism is less likely to happen. Just in case, we recommend you to polish your essay and use our plagiarism tool to check its originality.

As you know, plagiarism checks are mandatory these days for all papers of all types. The tool can help you with any type of academic writing in seconds, and you are left with a great paper that will need your editing only. It ensures that writing is professional, accurate, and to the point. 

What Subjects You Can Get Help With

For the lack of a better word, you can use the tool for all subjects, period. The essay generator AI is modern, advanced software that can complete any task in no time and there is no need to worry about it. It automatically replaces weak words and generate essays of great quality. As we have mentioned, you can provide the keywords and the tool will complete the task in no time. This makes essay writing easier than ever before and finally gives you the time you need to invest in your other tasks or to have fun. You can replace words using synonyms later on to make this even better or to look more professional. 

The tool can check the keywords and compare them with our database. It will learn about the topic you need done and also what subject is in question. This is how it is capable to work on any subject and on any topic. 

College Essay Generator Advantages

The essay generator is an amazing tool and the one we are happy to share with you. The first advantage is the fact you will get a generated essay within seconds, so you don’t need to invest a lot of time into writing it. You can work on other tasks, and let’s face it, you have too many of them already.

The second advantage is the fact you will get a professionally written essay. All you have to do then is to download essay in high quality, and you are done. As you can see, this works well and has a ton of advantages as well. There is no need to worry about the quality or anything similar.

After the topic entered process, you will click generate, and you are done. As you can see, this is an extremely simple tool to use, and there are no complicated and hour-long guides you need to read first. For students who are in the rush and who don’t have enough time to work on the papers, the tool is essential. 

We can also see that the tool can work on any essay topic and can help you boost your skills and make them much better. You can use these essays as inspiration, to learn how to write, or to get an idea for your own paper. The possibilities here are endless, and there are countless, the ones we really like.


  • All you need to do is enter your essay's topic. The tool will browse our essay collection and generate a paper based on the theme of your assignment.
  • As you push the button, the tool starts creating an essay. The solution scans our essay sample base, analyzes vocabulary info, and generates a paper based on the chosen subject criteria.
  • It takes no more than 2 minutes for the tool to generate an essay. The paper you get is error-free, contains zero plagiarism and comprehensively covers the topic.
  • The final stage is entirely optional. If you are having trouble with the editing or don't like the final version, you may get professional writing help from specialists.

Polish your paper and get rid of plagiarism!

  • Reliable Editors
  • Any Field of Study
  • Fair Prices

Essay Generator is rated 4.9 /5 based on 435 user reviews.

Want your voice to count in? Send us your review with all the details.


Our essay rewriter is a revolutionary tool designed to help you refine your essay. It can process any content type. Developed by professionals, it delivers results in a matter of seconds providing a 100% original essay. Check out the further benefits:

You don’t have to pay a cent to get your improved paper. Simply upload your essay and enjoy the outcome in just a few seconds!

Click on the Rewrite button and wait… well, you don’t have to wait. Your essay will be processed super fast demonstrating to you all the growth points. You will proceed fast to obtaining a refined essay.

We know the value of authentic texts and did our best to present an instrument that would generate original papers. Whatever the type of your content, our rewriter analyzes the text and optimizes it so that you end up with a unique paper.

A tool that inspires the writer… Sounds like magic, and it actually is to an extent. Whenever you feel burned out, lacking desire, or just spent, try using our rewriter. It surely will highlight ideas making your essay play out in fresh colours.

Free Tools for Writing

Contact our Support Team. We’ll take care of you!

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What’s the word limit for essays?

Can i generate an essay if i have no specific title, does the tool provide original papers.

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free photo essay maker


Free PDF Editor

PDF to Word

Convert a PDF to Word Document

Upload images and receive as a PDF

Merge 2 or more PDF files into a single PDF file


  • Compress PDF
  • Word to PDF
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  • All Pdf Tools

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Resize your image

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Increase Image Resolution

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  • Colorize Photo
  • Combine Images
  • Collage Maker
  • Remove watermark
  • Chart Maker
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  • Add Text to Image
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  • Black & White
  • HEIC to JPG
  • All Image Tools

Paragraph Writer

Sentence Rewriter

Essay Writer

Easily create an essay with AI

Article Writer

Create an article from a title


  • FB Headline Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Real Estate Descriptions
  • Paragraph Completer
  • Business Name Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Post Ideas
  • Instagram Caption Generator
  • LinkedIn Post Generator
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  • All AI Write

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Video to Gif

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  • Extract Audio
  • Facebook Download
  • TikTok Video Downloader
  • Instagram Download
  • Twitter Download
  • Video to WebP
  • All Video Tools

Split into one or multiple PDF files

Split Excel

Split into one or multiple Excel files

Excel to PDF

Convert Excel to PDF

XML to Excel

Convert XML to Excel

Excel to XML

Convert Excel to XML

CSV to Excel

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Enter a topic, we'll write an essay

The content is created by AI. Your input and generated text may be stored for evaluation purposes.

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Content machine.

Need content at scale? Try the TinyWow Content Machine

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Free Essay Maker Generator

Are you struggling with academic papers? Get support from professional software and improve your grades with our essay maker.

Free Essay Maker Generator

Get a Paper Completed by an Academic Pro


Sometimes, an essay maker is not enough to finish a task that meets all academic standards. Don’t hesitate to use our professional academic assistance. We have an extensive database of academic experts who provide top-quality results within short deadlines.

Why Choose StudyCrumb?


Online Essay Maker Free by StudyCrumb

When learners juggle tons of reading and composition assignments, an essay maker becomes irreplaceable. We hear a million times that students reach educational centers for help. We obtain thousands of such requests every day. StudyCrumb provides a solution that can handle similar inquiries. Our content generator is easy to use and can assist you with your text in a few seconds. Moreover, it works with different assignment types and boosts your study productivity. With an online essay maker, you can generate paper paragraphs for finalizing your work. It is an excellent fundamental work start. In most cases, users will only need to systemize the text to get a ready solution. It is much faster and more effective for students.

Free Essay Maker for Immediate Help

Free essay creator is a powerful resolution for improving your grades. One of its most enormous benefits is immediately getting all the results you need. Students often find support with tasks and use paid centers for help. But you should know that our essay maker website can guarantee the same quality. 

You don't need to spend hours completing a text, as you can rely on our generator. Type keywords, click the "generate" button, and you will have a ready-made sample in a few seconds. After that, you can work with it, use it as the basis or copy all paragraphs to your draft. It is easy for all students, and it can definitely save time. Be productive in studying and get the best texts with our essay typer.

Essay Maker for Students Free

A quick essay maker tool can be helpful for anyone struggling with their assignments. We used to think that such instruments were valuable only for academic texts. But it is not valid. You can use essay generators for any purpose or any type of paper. As a result, you will get a unique and plagiarism free text. You can use it fully or make some paragraphs only for completing your study task. We rely on college essay maker generator free options to create texts of any academic complexity. It can be helpful for sophomores, seniors, or even Master's students. 

We know how challenging studying at college or university is, especially if you also need to work. That is why we provide these free solutions to support students in their education journey. Try to use it for the next assignment. You will see how easy it is to get a better grade with our website that writes essays .

Types of Tasks Online Essay Maker Can Handle

Another thing students may wonder is how to use the essay maker for various types of assignments. Everyone knows that college students can work with argumentative, persuasive, narrative, compare and contrast essays. Does it mean that our instrument can handle all those types of assignments? Yes, it can help you with any paper you are struggling with.

  • Argumentative essay maker Our argument essay maker will help establish a position on an issue using evidence, facts, and other research statements.
  • Persuasive essay maker This magic essay builder tool analyzes the keywords you provide to create a text that will lead readers to your position. As if you buy a persuasive essay from a professional.
  • Narrative essay maker Construct an intriguing narrative story with an absorbing plot using our auto essay maker free. You can also rely on a narrative essay writer if you don't trust a machine.

All you need to do is define keywords and generate various types of text to choose the best one for your specific tasks.

Essay Builder: A Quick Solution

Looking for an instant essay builder online? We have a ready solution. StudyCrumb can handle all your assignments in a few minutes. You will get a text with a defined structure, proper style, and plagiarism-free content. All you need to do is define the most comparable keywords and be aware of the paper type you need for your assignment. It can not be easier to become a better student. Even if you are one of the top students in the class, you still can benefit from using essay builder. It will provide creative ideas, making your piece clear and authentic.

How Our Free Essay Maker Works

You do not have to spend days and nights to develop a quality and all-covering essay. Instead of drafting a paper yourself, make use of an online essay maker, which will scan academic databases and automatically generate a text. As a result, you get a composition that you can immediately submit to a teacher or at least a draft which you can then perfect yourself. Anyway, by using this expert tool, you save a lot of time and can cope with the most urgent writing assignments.

There is nothing difficult about using our essay generating tool. All you need to do is to enter a topic, a keyword, or some notes (if any). No detailed specs are necessary. This information will be enough for the essay builder free to pick the relevant sources from academic databases and generate a quality piece. Be sure to specify the word count to get a piece that meets the criteria. Use a words to pages converter if you feel unsure about the number of words you need. 

There are no restrictions on using the tool. So you can generate as many paragraphs as you need. If you do not have time to do topic research and drafting a paper yourself, you can always use our essay maker online free for this purpose or order an essay at StudyCrumb. By generating multiple essays targeted towards different key words and aspects of the same topic, you will get a perfect content backbone for your comprehensive essay.


Order a custom paper right now!

Let professionals deal with your assignments quickly and efficiently.

How to Use Our Essay Maker?

Use our auto essay maker online to create texts with ease and submit your assignment in time. There are a few steps to get perfect content for your tasks.


All you need to do in order to make our free essay maker work is to enter a topic of your assignment. The tool will browse our vast collection and generate a paper based on the theme of your academic project.

As you push the button, the tool starts creating an essay free of charge. The solution scans our content library, analyzes vocabulary info, and generates a paper based on the chosen subject criteria.

It takes no more than 2 minutes for our essay maker to generate a paper. The text you get is error free, contains zero plagiarism and comprehensively covers the topic. So you can safely submit the assignment.


Benefits of Our Essay Maker

What can you expect from using our free essay maker? Get a bundle of solid benefits and features when having our free tool making an essay for free.


No matter how close the deadline is, with our instant essay maker, you will be able to deliver any assignment in a few minutes. Just enter the theme of the paper and give our essay generator two minutes to come up with a piece.


An online essay maker ensures 100% of the content's uniqueness. It is integrated with the most significant databases and will check your text before completing it. Receive an authentic text and submit it without worries.


Even if you do not trust online tools, you can still benefit from using our free essay generator. Get multiple suggestions and ideas on what content to cover in your piece and how to organize it. Use the auto-generated draft as the backbone of your paper.


You do not have to pay a dime to make use of our free essay maker online. The tool is free of charge and can be used as many times as you need. Get the maximum out of using free essay creator from StudyCrumb! With us, it is easy to achieve excellence!


How Can Our Essay Maker Help

At this point, you have already decided to use the best essay maker free offer to improve your study. Let's go next and discuss all benefits of using our tool in detail.


Utilize our essay creator free online to generate your article promptly. You will have assignments ready very fast. You need to enter keywords and wait for a moment. That is all, in 1-2 minutes, your paper will be prepared.


Our essay creator online has access to different academic databases and source libraries, so it can generate a quality paper regardless of its type, topic, and content requirements. Improve your academic performance and optimize your workload with the solution we offer.

You can still not trust entirely essay makers, but you can use them for ideas and inspiration. Get your text first, and then decide on how to use it. Our tool will be handy and allow you to save your precious time.

Our generator is integrated with databases in different fields of study. It means that there are no limits on content our instant essay creator can finalize. Diversified language, rich vocabulary, variability are granted for sure.

FAQ About Essay Maker

Here is the list of common questions about using the StudyCrumb essay maker tool you may want to ask our team.

1. Is your essay maker free?

Online essay maker is free and can be used by anyone from any location. It works with the English language. Just visit our website and try the tool in practice. Be sure that you will get the best text quality and improve your grades.

2. I have an urgent deadline, can your essay maker help?

We are 100% sure that our essay builder online platform is the best solution for your tasks. You can find an expert who will handle your assignments, but it is not free. The only option is to use an automated generator. It is easy to use and navigate. Try it!

3. Do I need to register to use your essay builder?

A free essay builder does not require any registration on the platform. All you need to do is open our website, type keywords and generate content. We also do not collect any personal data. After downloading your text, all the information will be deleted from the system.

4. Will my teacher know that I used your essay maker?

Be sure that your teacher will not notice using the free essay maker. It is a simple way to get the best study results! You will get a competitive and high-quality text. We have a plagiarism checker integrated to ensure the uniqueness of content. You also can use the instrument for creative ideas or use only some paragraphs.


Other Tools You May Like

StudyCrumb offers you more than just an essay maker. We’ve designed a whole bundle of free tools that can improve your academic experience. Check them out below!



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  2. Photo Essay Maker : Solar and pollinators: a photo essay

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  4. Essay Builder AI: Free AI Essay Generator

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  6. Term paper: Example of a photo essay

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  1. How to Create a Photo Essay

    The idea of a photo essay is to create a whole, not a bunch of random parts. Think gestalt. The images must interact with each other. Repetition helps achieve this end. Recurring themes, moods ...

  2. How to Create an Engaging Photo Essay (+ Examples)

    3. Take your time. A great photo essay is not done in a few hours. You need to put in the time to research it, conceptualizing it, editing, etc. That's why I previously recommended following your passion because it takes a lot of dedication, and if you're not passionate about it - it's difficult to push through. 4.

  3. How to Create a Photo Essay: Step-by-Step Guide With Examples

    Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 5 min read. Photo essays tell a story in pictures, and there are many different ways to style your own photo essay. With a wide range of topics to explore, a photo essay can be thought-provoking, emotional, funny, unsettling, or all of the above, but mostly, they should be unforgettable.

  4. How To Create A Photo Essay In 9 Steps (with Examples)

    Choose an idea, hone your unique perspective on it, then start applying the 9 simple steps from above. The life of a plant or animal (your favorite species, a species living in your yard, etc) The many shapes of a single species (a tree species, a bird species, etc) How a place changes over time.

  5. Remix · Photo Essay

    8: Your photo essay is going to tell a story. That means it needs a beginning, middle and ending. Answer the questions in the Photo Essay Story Outline and save it to your notes subfolder.: 9: Next, navigate to our Shot List Template.Select File > Make a copy to copy the template to your own Google Drive. Creating a shot list helps you plan deliberately for your shoot.

  6. Photo Book Template: Photo Essay Template

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  7. How to Make a Photo Essay (with Pictures)

    7. Include a clincher. This image may not be apparent to you in the beginning, but most photographers say they know it when they see it. It's an image that wraps up the essay for the viewer. This image should say "the end," give a call to action, or show the end result of a day in the life or how to sequence.

  8. How to create a photo essay

    1. Create visual structure. An authentic photo essay requires visual markers to help transform a collection of images into a narrative. For example, photo chapter headings in Growing up young introduce each new girl in the story.. Similarly, in SBS's photojournalism story — 28 days in Afghanistan, mentioned above — each dated header delineates a part of the story, providing an easy-to ...

  9. Focus: How to create a photo essay

    Taking a look at how other photographers have approached the same - or similar - subjects can help you figure out the angle you wish to take. This photo essay by Maximilian M. Meduna takes an alternative approach to a popular photo topic - the United States 3 Make a structured plan . Once your research is complete, it's time to make a detailed and structured plan about how you're going to ...

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    There are countless essays that the AI Essay Writer can help with - Make sure to specify the type in the details if you want to use a particular style. : Research Papers, Argumentative Essays, Expository Essays, Descriptive Essays, Narrative Essays, Compare and Contrast Essays, Cause and Effect Essays, Admissions Essays, Business Plans, Project ...

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  17. AI Essay Writer: Free AI Essay Generator

    Produce Better Essays than ChatGPT. Our essay generator is designed to produce the best possible essays, with several tools available to assist in improving the essay, such as editing outlines, title improvements, tips and tricks, length control, and AI-assisted research. Unlike ChatGPT, our AI writer can find sources and assist in researching ...

  18. EssayGenius

    EssayGenius is a smart solution for your essay writing needs. Whether you need to generate new ideas, write complete paragraphs, or reword your text, our AI tools can help you improve your writing quality and originality. Try EssayGenius today and see the difference.


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  21. AI Photo Generator (realistic, free, no sign-up, no limits)

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  24. Photo Essay: "My Hourly Wage"

    Hourly wage: 25 yuan ($3.46 U.S. dollars) per hour, the cost of five kilograms of rice. Offshore fishery worker. Occupational hazards: long hours outdoors, high-intensity physical labor, overtime ...

  25. Read Steve Albini's famous essay on the music industry's problems

    Read Steve Albini's famous essay on the music industry's problems. Thom Dunn 11:14 am Fri May 10, 2024. Steve Albini (Photo: Maureen Herman) Like a lot of people who were reared on the underground ...