Faith in the modern world

An exploration of faith’s place in our current, tumultuous times.

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Why the only future worth building includes everyone

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I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left

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How I'm working for change inside my church

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Atheism 2.0

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What my religion really says about women

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Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence

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It's time to reclaim religion

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The gospel of doubt

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Is religion good or bad? (This is a trick question)

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We respond to god through prayer.

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 14, by discussing what prayer is, how best to practice it, and who to look to as an example of a strong prayer life.

Marriage Preparation

A PowerPoint about the process that Catholics go through when they are preparing to get married.

Religion in the Modern World

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 15 by giving an overview of religion in the modern world.

presentation on faith


Chapter b the bible: the gospel of john.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter B by giving an overview of the Gospel of John.

Chapter E The Bible: Women of the Old Testament

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter E by giving a summary of the stories of Rebecca, Ruth, Judith, and Esther.

Chapter D The Bible: The First Kings of Israel

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter D of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter C The Bible: Joshua and Judges

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter C by giving a summary of the stories of Joshua, Deborah, and Samson.

Chapter B The Bible: The Exodus

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter B by giving a summary of the story of Moses and the Exodus.

Chapter A The Bible: The Patriarchs

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter A of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 8 The Bible: Covenants

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 8 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 7 The Human Person

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 7 by exploring what it means to be human.

Chapter 6 Creation

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 6 by exploring creation and the existence of evil.

Chapter 5 The Bible: The Old Testament

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 5 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 4 The Holy Trinity

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 4 by exploring the central mystery of the Catholic faith: the Trinity.

Chapter 3 God the Father

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 3 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 2 The Bible: God’s Plan for Salvation

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 2 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 1 Revelation, Sacred Scripture, and Sacred Tradition

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 1 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

The Liturgy of the Word and the Lectionary

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5 by providing an overview of the Lectionary as it is used in the Liturgy of the Word.

Praying the Rosary

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5 by providing an overview of how to pray the rosary.

The Acts of the Apostles and Saint Paul

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of the Acts of the Apostles and Saint Paul.

The Miracles of Jesus

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of Jesus’ miracles.

Introduction to the Gospels

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of the Gospels.

Reflecting on Wisdom Literature

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief overview of the Books of Wisdom.

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the prophets.

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the book of Kings.

Joshua and Judges

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the books of Joshua and Judges.

Moses and the Exodus

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the book of Exodus.

The Early Leaders of Israel

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief overview of the early patriarchs of Israel.

Introduction to the Book of Genesis

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing an introduction and overview of the book of Genesis.

Biblical Exegesis

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of how to interpret the Bible.

Learning to Navigate the Bible

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of the structure and organization of the Bible.

What Is the Bible?

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an overview of the Bible.

How the Bible Came to Be

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of how the Bible came to be what it is today.

Introduction to Salvation History

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1 by providing an introduction to Salvation History.

God’s Presence in Nature

This supplemental PowerPoint summarizes Unit 1 by discussing how God reveals himself to us through nature.

Finding God and Being Found by God

This supplemental PowerPoint summarizes Unit 1 by discussing how God reveals himself to us.

Sacred Scripture and the Life of the Individual

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 17 by discussing the key role Sacred Scripture plays in the life of individuals.

Sacred Scripture and the Life of the Church

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 16 by discussing the key role that Sacred Scripture plays in the life of the Church.

Acts and Letters

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 15 by giving a brief summary of the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters in the New Testament.

Revelation in and through Jesus in the Gospel of John

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 14 by giving a brief summary of the Gospel of John.

Revelation in and through Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 13 by giving a brief summary of the Synoptic Gospels.

The Gospels

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 12 by giving a brief summary of the Gospels.

Wisdom Literature

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 11 by giving a brief summary of the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament.

The Prophetic Books

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 10 by giving a brief summary of the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament.

The Historical Books

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 9 by giving a brief summary of the Historical Books of the Old Testament.

The Book of Exodus

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 8 by giving a brief summary of the book of Exodus.

The Book of Genesis

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 7 by giving a brief summary of the book of Genesis.

Overview of the Old and New Testaments

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 6 by giving a brief overview of the Old and New Testaments.

Interpreting Sacred Scripture

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 5 by exploring how the church teaches to interpret the Sacred Scripture.

Understanding Sacred Scripture

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4 by exploring how the Holy Spirit guided the writing and formation of Sacred Scripture.

Divine Revelation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 3 by exploring how God has revealed Himself to us through Jesus Christ, Scripture, and Tradition.

Natural Revelation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 2 by exploring how God is revealed to us in the beauty and perfection of His creation.

The Desire to Know God

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 1 by exploring our desire to know God and how best to do so.

Our Response to Jesus

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 16, by discussing what our response to Jesus is as we pursue eternal life with Him.

We Respond through a Life of Discipleship

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 15, by discussing what we can do to become true disciples of Jesus.

What Is Faith?

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 13, by discussing more deeply the meaning of faith and its connection to religion and belief.

Jesus Reveals Our Call to Holiness

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 12, by discussing our call to holiness as told by Jesus’ parables and teachings.

We Are Children of God

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 11, by discussing God’s plan for each of us as His children.

Jesus Reveals Our Inherent Dignity

<p>This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 10, by discussing the inherent dignity of all life as shown to us by Jesus.</p>

Jesus Reveals a Vision of Authentic Humanity

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 9, by discussing Jesus’ example of what it means to live as a perfect human being.

Jesus and the Church

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 8, by discussing Jesus’ presence in Church history and today.

The Two Natures of Jesus: Human and Divine

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 7, by discussing the society and life of Jesus and how it these related to the nature of his humanity and divinity.

The Incarnation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 6, by discussing the Incarnation, which brought about the full connection of humanity and divinity.

Discovering God in Creation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4, by discussing the revelation of God through creation, prayer, and the saints.

Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4, by discussing the revelation of God through Scripture and Tradition.

The God-Human Relationship

<p>This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 3, by discussing the relationship between God and humans.</p>

The Development of Trinitarian Doctrine

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 2, by discussing the development of Trinitarian Doctrine in the early church.

God Is One: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 1 by discussing the mystery of the Trinity.

This PowerPoint reflects on faith and how it ties in with religion and beliefs.

Being Human

This PowerPoint reflects on what it means to be human and uses Jesus as the model of how to live well.

The Parables of Jesus

This PowerPoint presents images of some of Jesus’ parables and asks students to reflect on and recall each one.

The Greatest Commandment

This PowerPoint looks at the Greatest Commandment and how it summarizes all of Jesus’ teachings.

Mary, Our Mother

This PowerPoint looks at the faith and love of Mary, our mother.

What Is the Incarnation?

This PowerPoint explores the meaning of the incarnation.

This PowerPoint discusses and gives examples of ways that humans discover God.

God’s Existence

This PowerPoint presents common questions and doubts about the existence of God before showing the way to sources that provide guidance.

Finding God, Being Found by God

This PowerPoint explores the ways we look for God and the numerous places God reveals himself to us.

Mystery of the Trinity: God Is Three-in-One

This PowerPoint identifies the three persons of the Trinity.

The Development of Catholic Trinitarian Theology

This PowerPoint covers the development of Trinitarian Theology during the early church.

The Trinity: Unpacking the Nicene Creed

This PowerPoint reflects on the statements of faith in the Trinity found in the Nicene Creed.

Introducing the Trinity: Central Mystery of Faith

This PowerPoint provides an introduction to the mystery of the Trinity in the Catholic faith.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 14 by giving an overview of Islam.


This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 13 by giving an overview of Christianity.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 12 by giving an overview of Judaism.

Ancestors of the West

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 11 by giving an overview of the Ancestors of the West.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 10 by giving an overview of Shinto.

Zen Buddhism

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 9 by giving an overview of Zen Buddhism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 8 by giving an overview of Taoism.


This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 7 by giving an overview of Confucianism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 6 by giving an overview of Sikhism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 5 by giving an overview of Jainism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 4 by giving an overview of Buddhism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 3 by giving an overview of Hinduism.

Indigenous Religious Traditions

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 2 by giving a brief look at several indigenous religions.

Studying the World's Religions

This PowerPoint gives a brief introduction to the basics of studying the World's Religions.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 38, The Lord’s Prayer: God’s Glory.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 37, Praying Together.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 36, Praying with Scripture.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 35, Personal Prayer.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 34, The Forms of Prayer.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 33, Introduction to Prayer.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 32, The Moral Life.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 31, Respecting Truth.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 30, Respecting Material Goods.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 29, Respecting Sexuality.

Chapter 28: In-Depth

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 28, Life Issues: War.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 27, Honoring Family.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 26, Honoring God.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 25, Sources of Moral Truth.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 24, Social Justice.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 23, Introduction to Christian Morality.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 22, Sacraments at the Service of Communion.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 21, Sacraments of Healing.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 20, The Eucharist.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 19, Confirmation.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 18, Baptism.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 17, Introduction to the Sacraments.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 16, Introduction to the Liturgy.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 15, The Last Things.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 14, The Organization of the Catholic Church.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 13, The Mission of the Catholic Church.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 12, The Holy Spirit.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 11, Jesus’ Resurrection.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 10, Jesus’ Death.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 9, Jesus’ Message and Mission.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 8, Jesus Christ: True God and True Man.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 7, The Promise of a Messiah.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 6, The Human Person.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 5, God Our Father.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 4, Faith.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 3, The Bible’s Big Picture.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 2, Knowing God: Reason and Revelation.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 1, Being Catholic: The “Cliff Notes” View.

Vatican Council II

A PowerPoint presentation from Church History, Unit 8 on the Vatican II Council.

Catholics Come to America

A PowerPoint presentation from Church History, Unit 7 on Catholics Come to America.

The French Revolution

A PowerPoint presentation on The French Revolution from Church History, Unit 6.

Pope Pius IX and the First Vatican Council

A PowerPoint presentation on Pope Pius IX and the First Vatican Council from Church History, Unit 5.

The Dominican Missionaries in the Spanish Colonial Period

A PowerPoint about The Dominican Missionaries in the Spanish Colonial Period from Church History, Unit 5.

The Popes of the Renaissance

A PowerPoint on The Popes of the Renaissance from Church History, Unit 4.

Martin Luther and His Complaint against the Church

A PowerPoint on Martin Luther and His Complaint against the Church from Church History, Unit 4.

The Council of Trent

A PowerPoint on the Council of Trent from Church History, Unit 4.

The Crusades

A PowerPoint on the Crusades from Church History, Unit 3.

Medieval Teachings on the Eucharist

A PowerPoint on medieval teachings on the Eucharist from Church History, Unit 3.

Western Monasticism

A PowerPoint for Church History, Unit 2 Western Monasticism.

Church Councils and Doctrinal Development

A PowerPoint for Church History, Unit 2 Church Councils and Doctrinal Development.

Early Christian Worship in the West and East

A PowerPoint from Church History, Unit 1, Early Christian Worship in the West and East.

A PowerPoint on Chapter 39 about the Lord’s Prayer.

Vocal Prayer, Meditation, and Contemplation

A PowerPoint that defines and discusses vocal prayer, meditation, and contemplation as ways of discerning God’s will.

The Formation of a Priest

A PowerPoint about a priest’s formation through their family, discernment, the vocations director, minor seminary, and theology studies.

The Three Degrees of Holy Orders: Deacons, Priests, and Bishops

<p>A PowerPoint about the roles of Deacons, Priests, and Bishops within the Catholic Church.</p>

Marriage: A Call to Fruitfulness

A PowerPoint about marriage, children, natural family planning, in vitro fertilization, and abortion.

presentation on faith

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 4

Options of final task performances for students to choose from to demonstrate their knowledge about the Sacrament of marriage.

Marriage: Contract or Covenant?

PowerPoint that contrasts the meaning of contract and covenant, and describes how marriage should more so resemble a covenant.

Lay Ecclesial Ministries

An informational presentation to share high school students on lay ecclesial ministries.

God's Call in the New Testament

A presentation on 'call stories' in the New Testament.

The Fourth Commandment and the Decalogue

A PowerPoint presentation on the Fourth Commandment and the Decalogue.

The Book of Revelation: Message to a Persecuted Community

A PowerPoint presentation on how the message of the Book of Revelation pertains to a persecuted Christian community.

Overview of Late First-Century New Testament Writings

A PowerPoint giving an overview of late first-century New Testament writings.

The Format of a First-Century Letter

A PowerPoint presentation on the format of a first-century letter.

The Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Paul

A PowerPoint presentation on the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul.

Introducing the Acts of the Apostles

A PowerPoint presentation introducing the Acts of the Apostles.

The Structure of John's Gospel

A PowerPoint presentation on the structure of the Gospel of John.

The Gospel of John: Myths and Facts

A PowerPoint presentation on the myths and facts of the Gospel of John.

Matthew's Christology

A PowerPoint presentation on Matthew’s Christology.

Luke's Christology and the Reign of God

A PowerPoint presentation on Luke’s Christology and the reign of God.

Mark's Christology

A PowerPoint presentation on Mark’s Christology.

The Development of the New Testament

A PowerPoint presentation on the development of the New Testament.

Exegesis and Sociohistorical Analysis

A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and sociohistorical analysis.

Exegesis and Literary Analysis

A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and literary analysis.

Exegesis and Ideological Analysis

A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and ideological analysis.

Liturgy of the Hours

A PowerPoint presentation on the Liturgy of the Hours, from “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”

Levels of Authority in Church Teaching

A PowerPoint presentation on the levels of authority in Church teaching.

The Sacrament of Pardon and Peace: Part 1

A PowerPoint presentation on the Sacrament of pardon and peace.

The Ministries at Mass

A PowerPoint presentation on the ministries at Mass.

What's in a Name? The Dynamism of the Eucharist

A PowerPoint presentation on the dynamism of the Eucharist.

Promoting Peace

A PowerPoint presentation on promoting peace.

Examining Economic Justice

A PowerPoint presentation on examining economic justice.

Respecting Human Life and Dignity

A PowerPoint presentation on respecting human life and dignity.

Climate Change

A PowerPoint presentation on climate change.

Rain Forest Destruction

A PowerPoint presentation on the destruction of the rain forest.

Care for the Earth

A PowerPoint presentation on caring for the Earth.

Living Justly

A PowerPoint presentation on living justly.

Creating a Just Society

A PowerPoint presentation on creating a just society including an awareness of sin, the structures of sin, the circle of social action, and media literacy.

Defining Justice

A PowerPoint presentation on defining justice.

The Social Doctrine of the Church: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Doctrine of the Church: The USCCB

The Social Doctrine of the Church: Papal Social Teachings

A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Doctrine of the Church: Papal Social Teachings.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

A PowerPoint presentation on the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Water Symbols

A PowerPoint presentation on water symbols that are used in the Sacraments.

Social Teaching in the New Testament

A PowerPoint presentation on Social Teaching in the New Testament.

Social Teaching in the Old Testament

A PowerPoint presentation on Social Teaching in the Old Testament.

The Social Dimension of the Paschal Mystery

A PowerPoint presentation on the social dimension of the Paschal Mystery.

The Social Justice Principles Found in the Creation Accounts

A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Justice principles that are found in the Creation accounts.

The Seven Catholic Sacraments

A PowerPoint presentation on the Seven Catholic Sacraments.

The Structure of the Liturgy

A PowerPoint presentation on the structure of the Liturgy.

A PowerPoint presentation on Grace.

Life, a Precious Gift

A PowerPoint presentation on the precious gift of life.

Finding Your Way

A PowerPoint presentation on finding your way.

The Eighth Commandment

A PowerPoint presentation on the Eighth Commandment.

The Art of Iconography

A PowerPoint presentation on the Art of Iconography

Commitment to the First Commandment

A PowerPoint presentation on commitment to the First Commandment.

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presentation on faith

Gospel Script: FAITH

This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series Gospel Scripts

In doing research for this series on gospel scripts , I found another outline called FAITH.  It seems pretty good and could be a simple tool to share your faith.

Scripts are not automatic

The purpose of a script is to provide you an outline to share your faith when the Lord provides the opportunity.

You have the flexibility to adjust it to your conversational context.

As the conversation moves along, you can add details and back off on other points.

The give and take of a conversation.

Scripts are not meant to be followed in a legalistic format.

There is no cause and effect as in “get the script right and they will believe, get the script wrong and you messed up their eternity.”

God is charge of the whole evangelism process.

The point of a script is to be very familiar with ONE so that you can confidently explain your faith when God provides the opportunity.  It’s got a few choice scriptures, and you can likely pick some of your other favorites that make the same point.

FAITH Script to explain the Gospel

In your personal opinion, what do you think it takes for a person to get to heaven and have eternal life?

Allow room for discussion on this question to help you discern what God is doing in the life of the other person.

F Is for Forgiveness

Everyone has sinned and needs God’s forgiveness.

Romans 3:23 “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

God’s forgiveness is provided by the work of Christ.

Ephesians 1:7 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of His grace.”

A Is for Available

God’s forgiveness is available for all.

John 3:16 “God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

God’s forgiveness is available but not automatic.

Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven.”

I Is for Impossible

According to the Bible, it is impossible to get to heaven on our own.

Ephesians 2:8-9 “By grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast.”

So how can a sinful person have eternal life and enter heaven?

T Is for Turn

If you were going down the road and someone asked you to turn, what would he or she be asking you to do? (Change direction)

Turn means repent. Turn away from sin and self.

Luke 13:3 “Unless you repent, you will all perish as well!”

Turn to Jesus alone as your Savior and Lord.

John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

H Is for Heaven

Heaven is a place where we will live with God forever.

John 14:3 “If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.”

Eternal life begins now with Jesus.

John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.”

H can also stand for how.

How can a person have God’s forgiveness, eternal life, and heaven?

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

By trusting Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

You might like to read . . .

  • Faith Story Number 3: The Gospel Story
  • 6 Week Evangelism Small Group Guide
  • Bill Hybels on Do vs Done and Three R Script
  • 30 Days of Prayer: Day 22 - Tell of His Love
  • Video: Life in Six Words Gospel Script
  • Book Review: Done - What most religions don't tell you about the Bible
  • How I Prepared a Church for Door to Door Evangelism
  • Changing the Perceptions of Evangelism
  • Do versus Done
  • How to Use the Bridge Illustration
  • Using Gospel Scripts

presentation on faith

Reader Interactions

' src=

October 6, 2009 at 8:20 pm

Thanks for dropping by. Look for keyword skit or drama and you’ll find a lot of what you are looking for. Christian skit, Christian drama, gospel skit . . .

I hope that helps. . . . You’ve given me an article idea.

' src=

October 5, 2009 at 9:10 pm

I was looking for some scripts/small plays – depicting a Christian meeting and talking to different kinds of people, like an unbeliever, someone who was brought up in church tradition but has no personal knowledge of Jesus, etc. I have a small congregation that I would like to have get some experience at what personal evangelism is like. For example, have one member act as a truck driver at a truck stop who at first seems happy with a life of sin…

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Mar 14, 2019

151 likes | 652 Views

Faith. 1 of 3 main important virtues (1 Cor 13:13) “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”. Definition. It is not something that you are born in or something that you just believe or even claim that you believe in God.

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Presentation Transcript

Faith 1 of 3 main important virtues (1 Cor 13:13) “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Definition • It is not something that you are born in or something that you just believe or even claim that you believe in God. • Faith is how you live your life. Faith is tested by your fruits, “You will know them by their fruits” Mt 7:16 • “Now faith is substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” Heb 11:1 • Faith is beyond senses or intellect. It requires a simple and humble heart. One accepts without investigation or argument like children.

Definition All Unseen Matters • God and His qualities and works: God is unseen, so can’t see His divinity. Believer does not let his eyes or mind determine conclusion. • You believe in His goodness and choice. • The timing of God • Dwelling of the Spirit and His work in us: we see the fruits of the Spirit. • The grace of God in our lives • God’s blessings • Faith in angels, spirits, Heaven and hell. • Second coming of Christ • Salvation • Sacraments

Definition • Tightrope walker • If you don’t live it, you don’t believe it (Paul Harvey)

Examples • Noah • Abraham • Moses • Joshua • David • Daniel & 3 youths • Susanna • Peter • Centurion • Bleeding woman

Verses • Mt 8:10 “I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel” • Mt 9:29 “According to your faith, let it be to you” • So many “Your faith has made you well” • 2 Cor 5:7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” • Eph 6:16 “above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” • Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. • Js 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

Sayings Faith is like radar that sees through the fog.  - Corrie Ten Boom, Fear knocked at the door.  Faith answered.  And lo, no one was there. – Author unknown To me faith means not worrying.  ~John Dewey Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.  ~Martin Luther King Jr.

What weakens our faith • Self – must deny yourself, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself” (Mt 16:4). Deny your will, wishes, passions, ideas and desires. • Seeing and still not believing (Pharisees) • Need to be logical • Associate with doubtful people • Weak personality • Fear (Pontius Pilate) • Love of the world • Outer circumstances • Satan’s misleading (false messages) • Doubt and blame

What strengthens our faith • Confidence in God’s qualities • God is a doer of good • God is our father • God can do anything • God is perfect in His judgment • Confidence in God’s timing (Abraham) • Look unto God, not circumstance (David and Goliath) • Stories of faith • Humility (accept that you are not in control) • Personal Experiences • Give God all the credit • Prayer that God increases your faith • Faith comes from hearing (Rom 10:17)

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Faith. Stigmata. Prophecy. “Yea, dogs are ‘round about me; a company of evildoers encircle me; they have pierced my hands and feet – I can count all my bones.” - Psalms 22: 17.

565 views • 36 slides


Faith. Why Believe?. Hebrews 11. 6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 10.

1.06k views • 83 slides


Faith. Virtue. Knowledge. Godliness. Perseverance. Self. -. Control. “Godliness”. Speaker: Tracy Moyers. A “Well-Rounded” Christian (2 Peter 1:5-11). Godliness (God-like-ness) exemplifying a quality or state of being like God  Can also be translated as holiness

440 views • 22 slides


Faith. Virtue. “Virtue”. Speaker: Fred Richter. A “Well-Rounded” Christian (2 Peter 1:5-11). Virtue 2 Peter 1:5 Faith alone is not enough for the Christian You must add to faith, virtue I. Meaning of Virtue:

516 views • 25 slides


Eternal Position. You in Christ. Colossians 3:1-4. EL. +R. SIN. SIN. James 4:17. Christ in You. Colossians 3:14-16. Flesh. H/S. W/G. Faith. Confess. Temporal Condition. John 3:36. 1 John 1:9. 2013 Memorial Day Conference North Stonington Bible Church.

1.7k views • 125 slides

Saving Faith = Obedient Faith

Saving Faith = Obedient Faith

Saving Faith = Obedient Faith. “Just believe in Jesus.” “Accept Jesus as your personal Savior.” “He’s a good moral man.”. Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue (Jn. 12:42).

341 views • 13 slides

Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed

Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed

Faith Professed Faith Celebrated Faith Lived Faith Prayed. Choosing activities for Core Learning in Mystery of God in P1. Primary 1 pupils are exploring the world through their five senses. It is important to engage

297 views • 8 slides


Faith. By: Emily Bowtruczyk &amp; Stasha Greenalch. Quote #1.

355 views • 21 slides


Love. Intangibles. Faith. Spirit. Repentance. FAITH. FAITH. IS LIKE UNTO. Making Connections through Likening. Objectives. Students will apply a strategy called likening to comprehend text.

400 views • 21 slides


&amp;. Hope. Faith. &amp;. Hope. Faith. Hebrews 11:1-6, 13-16 Without it, we can’t please God. Our faith rests on things we can’t see: There is a God. Those things recorded in Scripture. Primarily that God’s Son came to earth, lived, died, and rose from the dead.

208 views • 7 slides


Take a leap!. Faith. This dog was born on Christmas Eve in the year 2002. He was born with  2 legs. He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.  . The beginning….

275 views • 16 slides


Faith. Trusts. God. Its an anchor for the soul Its evidence of things unseen God can be trusted. The Power of. By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days. Hebrews 11:30. Faith. Faith. Obeys. God. It is shown by action

239 views • 4 slides


Faith. Faith. Faith. Faith. Buried by Clutter?. To busy for friendships. Faith. Faith. Buried by Clutter?. Buried by Children’s Sports?. Faith. Faith. Buried by Clutter?. Buried by Children’s Sports?. Faith. Faith. Buried by Clutter?. Buried by Work?. Faith. Faith.

450 views • 29 slides


Faith. Hebrews 11:1.

175 views • 7 slides


Faith. Ephesians 4:1-6.

373 views • 26 slides


Faith. Cloudy days in tomorrowland. Michael Wilcox, Pyramid of Faith. Heb 8:6; 9:11 What do we learn about Christ?. A more excellent ministry Mediator of a better covenant Established better promises High priest of good things to come.

1.05k views • 74 slides


Faith. How we come to know what we can’t “know” Frolin S. Ocariza, Jr. One-Slide Summary of My 24-Year Existence. EWOKS &gt; CARE BEARS. I’m a Catholic I’m a hardcore Star Wars fan I love math/computers. This Talk. TRUE FAITH. What we’ll talk about. BE STRONG BE WISE BE FAITHFUL.

516 views • 26 slides

Faith In Faith

Faith In Faith

Faith In Faith. Faith Is the Ability to See the Invisible!. Introduction. Do you have faith in God? Do you have faith in Jesus? OR: Do you have faith in faith?. Faith in Faith.

517 views • 15 slides


Faith. Hebrews 11:1-10. Faith Repentance Confession Baptism. Salvation. Faith. Mark 16:15-16. 15. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

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Faith. (Customize for your parish here). Introduction: The Context of Marriage Today. Marriage – a wonderful gift and an awesome responsibility A married couple is also a part of society and the Church Time and social context have an impact on marriage.

178 views • 17 slides


…. Faith. Virtue. Knowledge. Self. -. Control. Perseverance. “Perseverance”. Speaker: Gary Boyd. A “Well-Rounded” Christian (2 Peter 1:5-11). “ VICTORY BELONGS TO THE MOST PERSEVERING ” -Napoleon Bonaparte. Running the race set before us.

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Faith. Gospel Doctrine Complaint Dept?. From the mailbag….

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Faith

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This complete deck can be used to present to your team. This deck consists of a total of eighteen slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the color, text and font size of these templates. This template is compatible with Google Slides, which makes it accessible at once. Can be converted into various formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. The slide is easily available in both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio.

0514 hebrews 111 now faith is being sure powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 111 now faith is being sure powerpoint church sermon. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11.1 Inspire your followers with our Hebrews 111. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Hope PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

0514 hebrews 116 and without faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 116 and without faith powerpoint church sermon. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11.6 Spread the good word with our Hebrews 116. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

0514 timothy 41 the faith and follow deceiving power powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 0514 timothy 41 the faith and follow deceiving power powerpoint church sermon. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Timothy 4.1 Be compassionate with our Timothy 41. They help deliver good care. Get eyes looking up with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their designs are inspired by the Church.

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We are proud to present our 0514 timothy 315 faith in christ jesus powerpoint church sermon. Timothy 315 And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. The designs of our Timothy 315 are inspired by the Church. They automatically get eyes looking up. Eyes get directed heavenward with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Give them a glimpse of great glory.

0514 romans 141 accept those whose faith is weak powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 0514 romans 141 accept those whose faith is weak powerpoint church sermon. Romans 14.1 Accept those whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. The Church Helps Folks Connect. Our Romans 141, Too, Are An Excellent Conduit. Use Our Believer PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors As A Conduit. Help Folks Connect With The Church.

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We are proud to present our 0514 ephesians 28 you have been saved through faith powerpoint church sermon. Ephesians 2.8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God Honor thy Church with our Ephesians 28. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Salvation PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

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We are proud to present our 0514 romans 51 we have been justified through faith powerpoint church sermon. Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Romans 5.1 The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 51 too, are an excellent conduit. Use our Peace PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

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We are proud to present our 0514 romans 1017 consequently faith comes from hearing powerpoint church sermon. Romans 10.17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 1017, too, are an excellent conduit. Use our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

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We are proud to present our 0514 1 timothy 58 the faith and is worse powerpoint church sermon. Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5.8 Lighten the burden with our 1 Timothy 58. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Family PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

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We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 117 by his faith he condemned powerpoint church sermon. Hebrews 11.7 By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith. Reveal the glory of the Church with our Hebrews 117. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Family PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

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We are proud to present our 0514 1 timothy 41 the faith and follow powerpoint church sermon. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 1 Timothy 4.1 Lighten the burden with our 1 Timothy 41. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Giving PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

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We are proud to present our 0514 romans 49 that abrahams faith was powerpoint church sermon. Romans 4.9 Is this blessedness only for the circumcised, or also for the uncircumcised We have been saying that Abrahams faith was credited to him as righteousness. The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 49 , too, are an excellent conduit. Use our Happiness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

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We are proud to present our 0514 luke 1719 your faith has made you well powerpoint church sermon. Luke 17.19 Then he said to him, Rise and go, your faith has made you well. Honor thy Church with our Luke 1719. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Health PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

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We are proud to present our 0514 galatians 220 i live by faith powerpoint church sermon. Galatians 2.20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Hail the Glorious with our Galatians 220. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

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We are proud to present our 0514 1 timothy 41 abandon the faith powerpoint church sermon. 1 Timothy 4.1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Hail the Glorious with our 1 Timothy 41. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

0514 2 timothy 315 you wise for salvation through faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 0514 2 timothy 315 you wise for salvation through faith powerpoint church sermon. 2 Timothy 3.15 And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Honor thy Church with our 2 Timothy 315. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

0514 hebrews 122 the pioneer and perfecter of faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 122 the pioneer and perfecter of faith powerpoint church sermon. Hebrews 12.2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Spread the good word with our Hebrews 122. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

0514 romans 123 the faith god has distributed powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 0514 romans 123 the faith god has distributed powerpoint church sermon. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. Romans 12.3 Reveal the glory of the Church with our Romans 123. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Grace PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

0514 hebrews 1023 he who promised is faithful powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 1023 he who promised is faithful powerpoint church sermon. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10.23 Build firm belief in the Church with our Hebrews 1023. The doctrine will become clear. Our Hope PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.

Hosea 1 2 this land is guilty of unfaithfulness powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our hosea 1 2 this land is guilty of unfaithfulness powerpoint church sermon. When the LORD began to speak through Hosea, the LORD said to him, Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the LORD. Hosea 1.2 Guide them to salvation with our Hosea 1.2. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Wife PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation.

Company culture and beliefs powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting our Company Culture And Beliefs PowerPoint Presentation Slide. This PPT template is your go-to option for presenting your business needs and requirements. You can customize this PPT layout to suit your content. This PPT theme is compatible with Google Slides making it highly accessible. Also, download and save this PPT template under different file extensions such as PNG, JPEG, etc. This PPT template is available in both standard and widescreen ratios.

World religion powerpoint presentation slides

Our vibrant, professionally illustrated Microsoft World Religions PowerPoint themes, design templates and slides are an amazingly valuable tool for presenting the basic tenets, ideologies, activities, services and beliefs of the various religious faiths and communities of the world. Our powerful world Religions PowerPoint graphics, charts, visuals and diagrams have been specially designed to enable you to visually depict the uniqueness of every religion, their holy Gods, holy signs and world wide following among the masses in your Global Religion PPT slideshows, Family and Security PowerPoint themes, People and lifestyle Microsoft office presentations, Islam PPT slideshows, Hindu Gods PPT templates, Bible, Jesus Christ and Christianity PPT presentations, Children, Youth and Religious Events PowerPoint slideshows and presentations and Buddhism PPT presentations.

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Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this Guiding Beliefs Enterprise Management Technology Deployment Environment. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The twelve slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This Guiding Beliefs Enterprise Management Technology Deployment Environment PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So, you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this, it can be downloaded in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Fastest Growing Religion Graph In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Fastest Growing Religion Graph In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Fastest Growing Religion Graph. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Religion Conversion Rate In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Religion Conversion Rate In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Religion Conversion Rate. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Religion Politics Society In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Religion Politics Society In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Religion Politics Society This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Honesty Personal Core Beliefs Values Examples In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Honesty Personal Core Beliefs Values Examples In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases Three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Honesty Personal Core Beliefs Values Examples This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Christian Religion Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This coloured PowerPoint icon features a Priest wearing a traditional robe and holding a bible. The icon is perfect for presentations related to religion, faith, and spirituality. It is an ideal way to add a visual representation to your slides.

Christian Religion Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone PowerPoint icon depicts a priest in a traditional robe and collar. It is perfect for religious themed presentations, or for any project that requires a reverent figure.

Japanese Hindu Temple Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This colourful PowerPoint icon depicts a traditional Japanese temple, with a pagoda style roof and a red torii gate. It is perfect for presentations on Japanese culture, history, and architecture. It can also be used to symbolise peace, tranquillity, and spirituality.

Japanese Hindu Temple Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This Monotone powerpoint icon features a traditional Japanese temple, with a pagoda style roof and a stone path leading up to the entrance. The perfect addition to any presentation, this icon will bring a touch of culture and history to your slides.

Faith Based Investment Funds In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Faith Based Investment Funds In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases six stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Faith Based Investment Funds This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Gothic Religion Chalice Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This coloured PowerPoint icon depicts a Gothic chalice, perfect for use in presentations and documents related to religion, history, or the medieval period. It is a high-quality vector graphic with a vibrant colour palette, making it an ideal choice for any project.

Gothic Religion Chalice Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This Monotone Powerpoint Icon features a Gothic Chalice with intricate details and a deep, dark color scheme. Perfect for adding a touch of mystery and elegance to any presentation.

Hindu Festival Rangoli Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This vibrant PowerPoint icon features a traditional Indian Rangoli design in a variety of colours. Perfect for adding a touch of culture to presentations, it will bring a unique and eye catching element to any project.

Hindu Festival Rangoli Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone PowerPoint icon is perfect for presentations about Rangoli. It features a traditional pattern of interlocking shapes in shades of black, white, and grey. Its a great way to add a touch of culture to any presentation.

Hindu Festivals Decoration Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This Diya Lamp PowerPoint icon is a vibrant and colourful illustration of the traditional Indian oil lamp. It is a great addition to any presentation and will bring a touch of culture and history to your slides.

Hindu Traditions Diya Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This Monotone PowerPoint Icon of a Diya Lamp is perfect for any presentation. It is a simple, yet elegant design that will bring a touch of sophistication to your slides. The icon is high resolution and easy to customize. It is the ideal choice for any presentation.

Decoration Hinduism Brightness Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Presenting Religion Wise Population World In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Religion Wise Population World. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Caste System Religion Business In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Caste System Religion Business In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Caste System Religion Business This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Hindu Caste System In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Hindu Caste System In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Hindu Caste System This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Superstitious Beliefs Example In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Superstitious Beliefs Example In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases six stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Superstitious Beliefs Example This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Caste System Religion In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

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0514 hebrews 111 now faith is being sure powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 1 peter 5 9 the faith because you know powerpoint church sermon. Extol the deeds of the Saints with our 1 Peter 5.9. Get them marching in their honor. Get them marching in honor of the Saints with our Being Strong PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Extol the glory of their deeds. 1 Peter 5.9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your fellow believers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

Genesis 6 9 he walked faithfully with god powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our genesis 6 9 he walked faithfully with god powerpoint church sermon. Guide them to salvation with our Genesis 6.9. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Time PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation. Genesis 6.9 This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.

Matthew 17 20 you have faith as small powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our matthew 17 20 you have faith as small powerpoint church sermon. Our Matthew 17.20 contain symbols of the Church. Their meaning becomes loud and clear. Attract them to the portals of your Church with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They will act like a flashing beacon. Matthew 17.20 He replied, Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

1 john 5 4 the world even our faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 1 john 5 4 the world even our faith powerpoint church sermon. Extol the deeds of the Saints with our 1 John 5.4. Get them marching in their honor. Get them marching in honor of the Saints with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Extol the glory of their deeds. 1 John 5.4 For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

2 peter 1 5 your faith goodness and to goodness powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 2 peter 1 5 your faith goodness and to goodness powerpoint church sermon. Bless their good souls with our 2 Peter 1.5. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed. 2 Peter 1.5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness, and to goodness, knowledge.

Acts 20 21 god in repentance and have faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our acts 20 21 god in repentance and have faith powerpoint church sermon. Guide them to salvation with our Acts 20.21. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation. Acts 20.21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

Romans 10 8 the message concerning faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our romans 10 8 the message concerning faith powerpoint church sermon. Our Romans 10.8 bring out the virtue of forgiveness. They will believe it is a Divine quality. Our Heart PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors bring out the nature of the Divine. Give them an idea of his virtues. Romans 10.8 But what does it say The word is near you it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim.

1 peter 1 21 faith and hope are in god powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 1 peter 1 21 faith and hope are in god powerpoint church sermon. 1 Peter 1.21 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. Extol the deeds of the Saints with our 1 Peter 1.21. Get them marching in their honor. Get them marching in honor of the Saints with our Hope PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Extol the glory of their deeds.

2 timothy 3 10 my purpose faith patience love endurance powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 2 timothy 3 10 my purpose faith patience love endurance powerpoint church sermon. 2 Timothy 3.10 You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance Guide them to salvation with our 2 Timothy 3.10. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Patience PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation.

Ephesians 1 1 the faithful in christ jesus powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our ephesians 1 1 the faithful in christ jesus powerpoint church sermon. Guide them to salvation with our Ephesians 1.1. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Purpose PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation. Ephesians 1.1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To Gods holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 1 27 one accord for the faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our philippians 1 27 one accord for the faith powerpoint church sermon. Our Philippians 1.27 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Purpose PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving. Philippians 1.27 Whatever happens, as citizens of heaven live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together with one accord for the faith of the gospel.

1 corinthians 16 13 the faith be courageous powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 1 corinthians 16 13 the faith be courageous powerpoint church sermon. Extol the deeds of the Saints with our 1 Corinthians 16.13. Get them marching in their honor. Get them marching in honor of the Saints with our Trust PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Extol the glory of their deeds. 1 Corinthians 16.13 Be on your guard stand firm in the faith be courageous be strong.

Luke 17 5 increase our faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our luke 17 5 increase our faith powerpoint church sermon. Our Luke 17.5 contain symbols of the Church. Their meaning becomes loud and clear. Attract them to the portals of your Church with our Trust PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They will act like a flashing beacon. Luke 17.5 The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith.

Luke 17 9 your faith has made you well powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our luke 17 9 your faith has made you well powerpoint church sermon. Our Luke 17.9 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Trust PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving. Luke 17.19 Then he said to him, Rise and go your faith has made you well.

3 john 1 3 lord testify to your faithfulness powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 3 john 1 3 lord testify to your faithfulness powerpoint church sermon. Acquaint them with the symbols of the Church with our 3 John 1.3. They will absorb the deeper meaning. Meaning of symbols become clearer with our Truth PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They understand their relevance to the Church. 3 John 1.3 It gave me great joy to have some believers come and testify to your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it.

Romans 4 5 faith is credited as righteousness powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our romans 4 5 faith is credited as righteousness powerpoint church sermon. Urge them to be more forgiving with our Luke 13.14. Get them acquainted with the Divine. Teach them forgiveness with our Work PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Convince them of its great virtue. Luke 13.14 Indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, the synagogue leader said to the people, There are six days for work. So come and be healed on those days, not on the Sabbath.

1 timothy 4 12 love in faith and in purity powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 1 timothy 4 12 love in faith and in purity powerpoint church sermon. Extol the deeds of the Saints with our 1 Timothy 4.12. Get them marching in their honor. Get them marching in honor of the Saints with our Word PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Extol the glory of their deeds. 1 Timothy 4.12 Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

2 timothy 1 13 faith and love in christ jesus powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 2 timothy 1 13 faith and love in christ jesus powerpoint church sermon. 2 Timothy 1.13 What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Bless their good souls with our 2 Timothy 1.13. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed.

1 timothy 4 1 the faith and follow deceiving spirits powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 1 timothy 4 1 the faith and follow deceiving spirits powerpoint church sermon. 1 Timothy 4.1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Bless their good souls with our 1 Timothy 4.1. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed.

Psalms 16 10 you let your faithful one see powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our psalms 16 10 you let your faithful one see powerpoint church sermon. Bless their good souls with our Psalms 16.10. They will express eternal gratitude. Our Psalms PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors generate eternal gratitude. All good souls will feel blessed. Psalms 16.10 Because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.

1 timothy 5 8 the faith and is worse powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 1 timothy 5 8 the faith and is worse powerpoint church sermon. Extol the deeds of the Saints with our 1 Timothy 5.8. Get them marching in their honor. Get them marching in honor of the Saints with our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Extol the glory of their deeds. 1 Timothy 5.8 Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Mark 11 22 have faith in god powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our mark 11 22 have faith in god powerpoint church sermon. Our Mark 11.22 act like a flashing beacon. Attract folks to the portals of your Church. Acquaint them with the Divine with our Mark PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Urge them to become more forgiving. Mark 11.22 Have faith in God, Jesus answered.

James 2 17 the same way faith powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our james 2 17 the same way faith powerpoint church sermon. Guide them to salvation with our James 2.17. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace. Give them a glimpse of Gods grace with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Guide their souls to salvation. James 2.17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Romans 1 8 your faith is being reported powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our romans 1 8 your faith is being reported powerpoint church sermon. Acquaint them with the symbols of the Church with our Romans 1.8. They will absorb the deeper meaning. Meaning of symbols become clearer with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They understand their relevance to the Church. Romans 1.8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.

Romans 14 1 accept those whose faith is weak powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our romans 14 1 accept those whose faith is weak powerpoint church sermon. Urge them to be more forgiving with our Romans 14.1. Get them acquainted with the Divine. Teach them forgiveness with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Convince them of its great virtue. Romans 14.1 Accept those whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.

1 timothy 6 11 faith love endurance powerpoint church sermon

We are proud to present our 1 timothy 6 11 faith love endurance powerpoint church sermon. Glorify the Saints with our 1 Timothy 6.11. Give an account of their great deeds. Our Patience PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors extol the deeds of the Saints. Their great lives come alive again. 1 Timothy 6.11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.

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180 Best Faith-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 180 best faith templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the faith-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your faith-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

 Presentation with faith - A number of zen stones with a wooden background

A number of zen stones with a wooden background

 Presentation with faith - Christian cross against pink sunrise pink yellow blend background

Christian cross against pink sunrise pink yellow blend background

 Presentation with faith - Christian religious faith metaphor with cross at sunset

Christian religious faith metaphor with cross at sunset

 Presentation with faith - Pile of stones carved with inspirational words such as hope, faith, love and belief over green and white background

Pile of stones carved with inspirational words such as hope, faith, love and belief over green and white background

 Presentation with faith - Two silhouettes standing next to gold cross in front of planet with purple background

Two silhouettes standing next to gold cross in front of planet with purple background

 Presentation with faith - Video showing the blue sky with sunny rays depicting Faith in God on first slide and text on following slides

Video showing the blue sky with sunny rays depicting Faith in God on first slide and text on following slides

 Presentation with faith - Praying reading the bible clasped hands as a metaphor for faith

Praying reading the bible clasped hands as a metaphor for faith

 Presentation with faith - Textured background and colorful clip-no's with keywords like Faith, Hope and Love

Textured background and colorful clip-no's with keywords like Faith, Hope and Love

 Presentation with faith - A zen stone with two eggs

A zen stone with two eggs

 Presentation with faith - A beautiful depiction of a pair of hands praying with brownish background

A beautiful depiction of a pair of hands praying with brownish background

 Presentation with faith - Slides featuring religious - hands folded in prayer background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slides featuring hands folded in prayer on a holy bible in church concept for faith spirtuality and religion

 Presentation with faith - Glowing cross in front of sky, Christianity, Christian, religion, faith, church

Glowing cross in front of sky, Christianity, Christian, religion, faith, church

 Presentation with faith - Pile of inspirational rocks Believe Hope Faith Love

Pile of inspirational rocks Believe Hope Faith Love

 Presentation with faith - Animated religious background with word Hope, Forgiveness and white dove in sky - widescreen format

Animated religious background with word Hope, Forgiveness and white dove in sky - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - PPT theme with faith love spirituality and religion background and a violet colored foreground

PPT theme with child on a beach with hands cupped holding stone pebble with the word hope engraved concept for faith love spirituality and religion

 Presentation with faith - Christian cross with animated lights, religious

Christian cross with animated lights, religious

 Presentation with faith - Crucifix with moving clouds

Crucifix with moving clouds

 Presentation with faith - A short video of a colored abstract background - widescreen format

A short video of a colored abstract background - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - A person bowing in front of the holy cross

A person bowing in front of the holy cross

 Presentation with faith - A boy with hands clasped, kneeling and praying with a cross

A boy with hands clasped, kneeling and praying with a cross

 Presentation with faith - A holy cross in the background with brownish background - widescreen format

A holy cross in the background with brownish background - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - A bullet point with brownish background and a holy cross - widescreen format

A bullet point with brownish background and a holy cross - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - Prayer concept with praying hands and blue sky, spirituality, religion, faith

Prayer concept with praying hands and blue sky, spirituality, religion, faith

 Presentation with faith - A person praying in the dark

A person praying in the dark

 Presentation with faith - A short video of a colored abstract background - widescreen format

Holy bible with candles and flowers

 Presentation with faith - Glowing Christian cross with crucifixion statues in background, water reflection, Christianity, church, faith

Glowing Christian cross with crucifixion statues in background, water reflection, Christianity, church, faith

 Presentation with faith - A person with an arrow and a number of words in the background

A person with an arrow and a number of words in the background

 Presentation with faith - Animated flying crosses in blue sky, religious

Animated flying crosses in blue sky, religious

 Presentation with faith - A brownish background with a bullet point - widescreen format

A brownish background with a bullet point - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - A bluish background with a sentence - widescreen format

A bluish background with a sentence - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - A bullet point with a cross - widescreen format

A bullet point with a cross - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - A number of candles burning together

A number of candles burning together

 Presentation with faith - A number of clouds in the background with a bullet point - widescreen format

A number of clouds in the background with a bullet point - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - Beautiful slide deck featuring eyes closed in religious backdrop and a dark gray colored foreground

Slide deck featuring close up of faithful mature man praying hands folded in worship to god with head down and eyes closed in religious fervor black background concept for religion faith prayer and spirituality

 Presentation with faith - Video of hands in prayer on first slide representing faith in God

Video of hands in prayer on first slide representing faith in God

 Presentation with faith - A holy cross with various people praying

A holy cross with various people praying

 Presentation with faith - PPT theme enhanced with eyes closed in religious background and a dark gray colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with close up of faithful mature man praying hands folded in worship to god with head down and eyes closed in religious fervor black background concept for religion faith prayer and spirituality

 Presentation with faith - A blackish background with a picture of Jesus and Mary - widescreen format

A blackish background with a picture of Jesus and Mary - widescreen format

 Presentation with faith - Crucifix cross statue in landscape with light shining down, blessing, God, faith, religion, Christianity, church

Crucifix cross statue in landscape with light shining down, blessing, God, faith, religion, Christianity, church

More faith templates for powerpoint and google slides:.


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Theology professor to present in Pella, Iowa about Dutch Reformed tradition

Dr. Kyle Dieleman will present on May 30 at Faith Christian Reformed Church in Pella, exploring faith formation insights from the Dutch Reformed tradition in the 1500-1600s and their relevance to contemporary contexts.

presentation on faith

Dr. Kyle Dieleman, a Sully, Iowa native who serves as associate professor of theology and history at Dordt University, will host a presentation and dessert social at Faith Christian Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa on Thursday, May 30 at 7 – 8 p.m. Attendees are asked to RSVP .

Dieleman will speak on “Faith in Flux: Discipleship Insights from the Dutch Reformed Tradition (1500-1600s) to Today.”

“I’m excited to invite participants to consider what the Reformed tradition can offer in terms of faith formation."

The Dutch Reformed tradition grew out of a time period filled with social and political conflicts, theological debates, and abundant religious diversity. In the 1500s – 1600s, Dutch Reformed Christians looked for ways to disciple Christians through theology and church life. These days, being a Christian in the United States can be complex and contested; what might we learn and apply from the early Dutch Reformed tradition?

“I hope attendees will come away with ideas about how Reformed theology and church history can provide insights into what faith formation and discipleship might ‘look like’ in contemporary contexts,” says Dieleman. “I also hope to show the ways the Dutch Reformed tradition holds on to its unique, beautiful emphases while also holding in tension the varieties of what it means to be part of the Dutch Reformed tradition.”

“Faith in Flux” will explore how early Dutch Reformed Christians approached their religious lives so that we might consider what it means to be hospitably and faithfully Reformed today.

“I’m excited to help people better understand the historical contexts and approaches of Dutch Reformed churches in the 16 th and 17 th centuries and to invite participants to consider what the Reformed tradition can offer in terms of faith formation,” adds Dieleman.

About Dordt University

As an institution of higher education committed to the Reformed Christian perspective, Dordt University equips students, faculty, alumni, and the broader community to work toward Christ-centered renewal in all aspects of contemporary life. Located in Sioux Center, Iowa, Dordt is a comprehensive university named to the best college lists by U.S. News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal, Times Higher Education,, Washington Monthly, and Princeton Review.

presentation on faith

Dordt Athletics named runner-up for 2023-24 GPAC All Sports Trophy

In the 2023-24 academic year, Dordt University Athletics secured the runner-up position in the GPAC All-Sports Trophy standings, with four conference championships, 12 top-four finishes in the final GPAC standings, and notable national success in women's basketball.

presentation on faith

Link to Livestream: Dordt Class of 2024 Commencements

The two commencement ceremonies recognizing Dordt University's class of 2024 will both be livestreamed.

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Related events, 50th class reunion, 5/22 2:30 pm dordt university men's track and field vs naia outdoor national championship - wildcats track and field complex, 5/22 2:30 pm dordt university women's track and field vs naia outdoor national championship - wildcats track and field complex.

A picture of campus behind yellow prairie flowers

University of Notre Dame

Welcome Weekend

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What if I'm Not Catholic?

Time: Sat Aug 24, 2024, 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Location: DeBartolo Hall 126 (View on map )

This session is specifically designed for those from outside of the Catholic faith tradition.

By the end of the presentation, we hope that all gathered will feel welcome and aware of the resources necessary to help foster an active life of faith at the University of Notre Dame.  

Interfaith Resources from Campus Ministry

presentation on faith

‘The Boys' Renewed For Season 5 At Amazon

Amazon continues to have faith in The Boys .

The series has been renewed for Season 5, the company announced during Tuesday’s Upfront presentation. The news comes about a month before the fourth installment is set to hit Prime Video.

" The Boys is an unabashed and bold series that continues captivating our customers all over the world by piercing the cultural fabric season after season," Vernon Sanders, head of television, Amazon MGM Studios said in a statement. "We are proud of this series that has grown into a global franchise, and we are thrilled that Eric Kripke and the creative team have more engaging stories to tell for all the loyal fans."

The eight-episode Season 4 premieres on June 13 with three episodes, followed by a new episode each week, ending with the season finale on July 18.

In Season 4, the world is on the brink. Victoria Neuman is closer than ever to the Oval Office and under the muscly thumb of Homelander, who is consolidating his power. Butcher, with only months to live, has lost Becca's son and his job as The Boys' leader. The rest of the team are fed up with his lies. With the stakes higher than ever, they have to find a way to work together and save the world before it's too late.

Of the renewal, showrunner Eric Kripke said: " The Boys could be the best job I’ll ever have. What other show allows me to write about politics, capitalism, family, and exploding genitalia, though not in that order. The cast and crew are deeply grateful to Sony Pictures Television and Amazon MGM Studios for the opportunity to tell this story for another season. My only problem is that since this year promises to be free of any conflict or misinformation, we’re not sure what to write about.”

The Boys is based on The New York Times best-selling comic by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, who also serve as executive producers. Kripke developed the series for TV and serves as showrunner and executive producer.

Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, James Weaver, Neal H. Moritz, Pavun Shetty, Phil Sgriccia, Michaela Starr, Paul Grellong, David Reed, Meredith Glynn, Judalina Neira, Ken F. Levin, and Jason Netter also serve as executive producers. The Boys is produced by Sony Pictures Television, Amazon MGM Studios with Kripke Enterprises, Original Film, and Point Grey Pictures.

Season 4 stars Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Jessie T. Usher, Laz Alonso, Chace Crawford, Tomer Capone, Karen Fukuhara, Colby Minifie, Claudia Doumit, and Cameron Crovetti. Susan Heyward, Valorie Curry, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan will also join the cast.

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‘The Boys' Renewed For Season 5 At Amazon

Christian teacher lands $360K settlement after refusing school district's gender policy

by JACKSON WALKER | Crisis In The Classroom

Jessica Tapia (Advocates for Faith & Freedom)

JURUPA VALLEY, Calif. (CITC) — A California school district settled a $360,000 lawsuit Monday after it fired a teacher following her refusal to follow district policy, which included using a student’s preferred pronouns, according to the law firm Advocates for Faith and Freedom.

In 2023, Jessica Tapia filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the Jurupa Unified School District (JUSD), arguing she was dismissed by the school in 2022 over her Christian faith. Those beliefs, she said, conflicted with school policies requiring students’ gender identities.

The directives required Ms. Tapia lie to parents about their children’s gender identity, refer to students by their preferred pronouns, refrain from expressing her religious beliefs with students or on her social media, and allow students to use the bathroom or locker room that matched their preferred sex,” the lawsuit reads. “Because Ms. Tapia was unable to comply with the directives due to her religious beliefs, she requested an accommodation from the District. JUSD refused to provide her with any accommodation and subsequently terminated her employment with the District.”

JUSD agreed to settle the complaint, but told Crisis in the Classroom via email “this settlement is not a win for Ms. Tapia but is in compromise of a disputed claim.”

“The settlement certainly does not state or prove any illegal action or discrimination by the District,” a spokesperson said. “The District continues to deny any illegal action or discrimination against Ms. Tapia. As is clear from the settlement agreement, the District has not admitted any fault or wrongdoing against Ms. Tapia.”

Tapia is now launching “Teachers Don’t Lie,” a program to “provide ongoing support and legal help to teachers.”

READ MORE | Hundreds of US school districts using 'restorative justice,' parent group finds

The settlement is the latest in a series of controversies surrounding teachers refusing to use students' preferred pronouns. A Pennsylvania teacher was placed on leave in 2022 after choosing not to comply with the South Side School District's preferred pronouns policy.

Wichita Public Schools told teachers in a training document last year that failing to use students' preferred pronouns "could lead to death." The training went on to claim teachers should "respect" students by using their preferred pronouns even against their parents' wishes.

Have something for the Crisis in the Classroom team to investigate? Call or text the national tip line at 202-417-7273.


  1. PPT

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  2. 25 Best Bible Verses PowerPoint Templates to Strengthen Your Faith

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  3. 25 Best Bible Verses PowerPoint Templates to Strengthen Your Faith

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  4. Church PowerPoint Template: Faith

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  6. PPT

    presentation on faith


  1. Tech Tool Presentation

  2. Hope City Church Presentation: Faith Brewing

  3. Research Design Presentation- Faith Renwick

  4. Faith Fellowship Aurora's Angel Alert Kids Musical 2019 Full

  5. Sing Hosanna International

  6. Reflecting on Faith


  1. What is Faith?

    This presentation explains what faith is and what it is not, based on biblical passages and examples. It also shows how faith produces good works and obedience to God, and how to keep one's eyes fixed on Jesus Christ.

  2. What is Faith?

    A presentation that explains the meaning of faith, the difference between faith and belief, and how to grow in faith. Based on scripture and the Catechism, it is part of the Living in Christ Series.


    Faith is the foundation of the Christian life and is the principle that brings us to Jesus Christ. It is faith that will make all the promises of God a reality in your life. When you are young, you practice learning the ABC's. Faith is the ABCs of Christianity that you must learn, develop and practice each day of your life.

  4. Faith

    A presentation that discusses the biblical concept of faith as trust or belief in God and his word. It explains how faith is activated by hearing God's spoken word and how it results in good works and obedience.

  5. PDF THE PRINCIPLES OF FAITH Lesson 1 What Is Faith?

    Faith is what we are saying. • We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak; 2 Corinthians 4:13. The spirit of faith speaks. You will speak what you believe. The more you believe something, the more you'll talk about it.

  6. Talks to restore your faith in humanity

    Watch inspiring stories of people who overcome challenges, show kindness and defend justice in the world. These talks may not be about faith in the religious sense, but they can inspire you to believe in the goodness of human beings.

  7. Faith in the modern world

    Watch a collection of TED Talks on faith and its role in our current, turbulent times. Hear from diverse speakers, including Pope Francis, Megan Phelps-Roper, Alain de Botton and more.

  8. PowerPoints

    This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 14, by discussing what prayer is, how best to practice it, and who to look to as an example of a strong prayer life. A PowerPoint about the process that Catholics go through when they are preparing to get married. This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 15 by giving an overview of religion in the modern ...

  9. PPT

    A PowerPoint presentation based on C.S. Lewis' book Mere Christianity, exploring the two levels of faith: belief and practice. It includes quotes, questions, activities and examples to help understand and apply faith in daily life.

  10. Unbreakable Faith (PowerPoint Teaching Series Course)

    Course Description Taught and refined at the church, college and seminary level since 2001, the Unbreakable Faith course explains the infinite excellence of God's perfections, exposes unbelief as irrational and unscientific blind faith, and demonstrates the impossibility of life and the universe without God. Building a comprehensive, intellectually defensible, and God-honoring worldview ...

  11. God in Christianity

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Creating a presentation about God in Christianity can be a daunting task, but this elegant template can help you bring your ideas to life. This template is full of pictures and resources that are related to the holy topic, making it easy to create an engaging and informative presentation. With ...

  12. Bible Study on Faith (Complete Guide)

    The Bible defines faith as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). In other words, faith is an active force that brings substance to our hope and provides current evidence to what we cannot see. Let me say it another way in case that was too wordy. Faith takes what you see in the unseen and then ...

  13. Faith

    Help the students to understand that our faith does not need to be perfect—what is important is that we try. Notes: Encourage the students to share examples of other people's faith-filled response to the Holy Spirit. These can be examples from the Scriptures, the saints, or people they know. Notes: You may want to review the importance and ...

  14. Free Christian templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Download the Monastery Minitheme presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.

  15. PPT

    This presentation explores the meaning, importance, and evaluation of faith in the Bible, with examples from the Old and New Testaments. It also discusses the authority of Jesus Christ and how it relates to faith.

  16. The FAITH tool to share the gospel of Jesus

    F Is for Forgiveness. Everyone has sinned and needs God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.". God's forgiveness is provided by the work of Christ. Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of His grace.". A Is for ...

  17. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Faith 1 of 3 main important virtues (1 Cor 13:13) "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.". Definition • It is not something that you are born in or something that you just believe or even claim that you believe in God. • Faith is how you live your life.

  18. Free Religion PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Free Spiritual Slide Templates for an Enlightening Slideshow. Deliver your religious message with impact using a religion PowerPoint template. Whether you're a pastor, teacher, or spiritual leader, these templates will help you create engaging and visually appealing presentations. Designed for anyone who wants to share their faith or explore ...

  19. Free Christian PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Spread the word of God with a Christian PowerPoint template. Whether you're a pastor, church leader, or a devoted believer, these templates will help you convey your message with clarity and inspiration. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily manage your sermons, Bible studies, and worship services, and make your presentation ...

  20. 58 Best Christian Faith-Themed Templates

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 58 best christian faith templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The christian faith-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for ...

  21. Free Religion Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Have faith in our Religion Google Slides and PowerPoint templates for your presentations to grab your students' attention Free Easy to edit Professional. ... Download the "Holy Week Activities for High School" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template's design ...

  22. Faith PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    Our Patience PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors extol the deeds of the Saints. Their great lives come alive again. 1 Timothy 6.11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Item 1 to 60 of 474 total items.

  23. 180 Best Faith-Themed Templates

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 180 best faith templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The faith-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your faith-related ...

  24. Theology professor to present in Pella, Iowa about…

    Dr. Kyle Dieleman, a Sully, Iowa native who serves as associate professor of theology and history at Dordt University, will host a presentation and dessert social at Faith Christian Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa on Thursday, May 30 at 7 - 8 p.m. Attendees are asked to RSVP. Dieleman will speak on "Faith in Flux: Discipleship Insights from ...

  25. What if I'm Not Catholic?

    Sat Aug 24, 2024, 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm. DeBartolo Hall 126 (View on map ) This session is specifically designed for those from outside of the Catholic faith tradition. By the end of the presentation, we hope that all gathered will feel welcome and aware of the resources necessary to help foster an active life of faith at the University of Notre Dame.

  26. 'The Boys' Renewed For Season 5 At Amazon

    Amazon continues to have faith in The Boys. The series has been renewed for Season 5, the company announced during Tuesday's Upfront presentation. The news comes about a month before the fourth ...

  27. Christian teacher lands $360K settlement after refusing school district

    JURUPA VALLEY, Calif. (CITC) — A California school district settled a $360,000 lawsuit Monday after it fired a teacher following her refusal to follow district policy, which included using a student's preferred pronouns, according to the law firm Advocates for Faith and Freedom. In 2023, Jessica Tapia filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the Jurupa Unified School District (JUSD ...