resume format for experience in finance

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11 Real Financial Analyst Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

Financial Analyst

Best for senior and mid-level candidates.

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Financial Analyst Resume
  • Financial Analyst Resumes by Experience
  • Financial Analyst Resumes by Role

Writing Your Financial Analyst Resume

Financial analysts have different duties and responsibilities based on seniority level and business sector, making it hard to decide what to include on your financial analyst resume when applying for that dream finance job.

You must also know how to  format your resume , what information to include, and what projects to highlight to attract the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter. 

We’ve meticulously researched and analyzed countless financial analyst resume samples from all career stages in different industries, resulting in the creation of 11 resume samples to set you on your way to  building a professional resume  and  land more interviews in 2024 . Plus, our writing guide will give you plenty of  resume tips  so you hit the right note every time!

Financial Analyst Resume Example

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Financial analyst resume example with 6 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Run your resume through a  resume checker  to ensure you include enough stats and don’t have grammar or punctuation errors, but don’t forget to check it yourself!
  • Don’t forget to include your projections and forecasts! Focus your financial analyst resume experience on how close your projections and forecasts were for the company and “how” those accurate projections and forecasts helped the business.

Financial Analyst Intern Resume

Financial analyst intern resume example with project experience

  • Detail your academic projects in risk analysis and forecasting to demonstrate well-rounded experience on your financial analyst intern resume.

Entry-Level Financial Analyst Resume

Entry-level financial analyst resume example with internship experience

  • Even if you don’t have the technical skills required, skills like communication, data reporting, and scheduling show employers you’re organized, detail-oriented, and able to work together in a team.
  • Be proud of your experience; hiring managers understand (and want to see) that we all started someplace.
  • Always tailor this section to each job to which you apply. Include the name of the company, the job title you’re applying for, and skills mentioned in the job description.

Junior Financial Analyst Resume

Junior financial analyst resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Yes, yes, we know it’s tedious, but it’s vital. You don’t have to spend hours on it, either; simply do some research on the company and scan the  financial analyst job description , then include relevant keywords on your junior financial analyst resume.
  • Be sure to include the type of reports you created and the impact of your work (that’s where you can include metrics).

Senior Financial Analyst Resume

Senior financial analyst resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • Don’t be afraid to brag about your team’s size, your project’s budget, the number of projects you completed on time.
  • And if you can, list how those projects have directly impacted the team, the company, and its clients. 
  • Skills like “financial modeling,” “budget management,” and “SQL,” are all fantastic additions to your resume!

Chartered Financial Analyst Resume

Chartered financial analyst resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Reiterate your professional value on your chartered financial analyst resume by going beyond your best investments and drawing attention to your track record with clients.
  • Try employing story-telling techniques in your financial analyst cover letter to demonstrate your success with clients.

Financial Planning Analyst Resume Example

Financial planning analyst resume example with 5 years of experience

  • It may be difficult to include specific bullet points for all your areas of aptitude, so pick and choose your skills based on the job description. 
  • This format lets hiring managers see your most recent (and probably most relevant) work experience first. 

Quality Assurance Financial Analyst Resume

Quality assurance financial analyst resume example with 9 years of experience

  • If you don’t have certifications, you can add awards instead. If the certificate or award isn’t well known, you should add the organization that issues the certification.
  • Each templates come with their own pros and cons, especially when it comes to length. Some formats allow for longer content while others focus more on other sections, so try out a couple to see what works.

Program Financial Analyst Resume

Program financial analyst resume example with 8+ years of experience

  • If you target your bullet points for each job to which you apply, hiring managers are more likely to give you an interview over a generalist resume. 
  • When it comes to tailoring, look at the  financial analyst job description ; does it focus on data analysis, modeling, and presentations, or is there more emphasis on team leadership, ROI, and accounts payable? 
  • You can categorize your bullet points by necessary skills so when the job application focuses more on one skill over another, you’re ready!

Financial Accounting Analyst Resume

Financial accounting analyst resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Since financial accounting analysts use their expertise to assess current situations and give financial advice, use clear metrics like project and initiative quantities, improvement percentages, and company savings. 
  • Even using a simple pop of color in some of your headers can make your resume more memorable (and easier to read, too).

Budget Analyst Resume

Budget analyst resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Limiting your work experience roles lets you include details like the number and type of projects that you handled like a champ.
  • Don’t worry if you have too many jobs to list on your budget analyst resume . You only need to show  three to four  of your most relevant roles.
  • When you provide quantifiable achievements in your experience section, think of which programs or skills you used and highlight those.

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Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

You might be tempted to think that the only thing that matters on your resume is the content, but  proper resume formatting  is almost as important. Even if you have decades of impressive financial analyst experience, it’ll be hard for a hiring manager to look past poor formatting. A well-formatted resume will be readable for ATS and logical for hiring managers who only have a few moments in their day to look at your resume. 

Let’s review some of the most important aspects of resume formatting, including:

  • Resume formatting choices

How to include your contact information

Outwit the ats, resume format choices.

Each of the following formats performs a particular function, highlighting your work experience, skills, or both.

Three resume format favorites among successful job applicants in 2024.

  • Reverse-chronological format:  This format is exactly what you think: it orders your work experience starting from the most recent. This format will help hiring managers see your most relevant (and likely most impressive job title) first. 
  • Functional format:  Unlike the reverse-chronological format, the functional formats place the most emphasis on skills. If you have employment gaps, you may want to consider this format, but be aware that hiring managers may be confused or wonder if you’re being forthcoming. 
  • Combination/hybrid format:  This format weights work experience and skills equally by combining functional and reverse-chronological formats.

For financial analysts, we almost always recommend reverse-chronological formatting. Hiring managers love that it’s easy to read and skim, and you’ll love that it showcases your most senior position.

resume format for experience in finance

When a hiring manager wants to reach out for an interview, it’s important to make your name, phone number, and email easy for them to find. Ensure your contact information is highly visible by placing it at the very top of your financial analyst resume. 

Use a large font for your name and a large (but slightly smaller) font for your job title. Both your name and your job title should be centered in the header.

If you want to try using color in your resume we suggest using the color as the backdrop for your contact information header. Professional colors for financial analysts include navy, amber, or dark green.

Below your header, you’ll need to include contact information, which should include: 

  • Phone number 
  • Your city and state (optional but recommended if it’s a local business)
  • Professional links, such as LinkedIn (optional)

Like the example below, you can do a lot with your header to showcase your creativity while remaining professional.

Financial analyst resume contact-information

If you’re applying to an online job posting, the chances are high that the hiring manager is using applicant tracking system software (ATS) to pre-filter applicants.

The ATS works by picking up on words used throughout your resume and matching them to keywords selected by recruiters (usually keywords in the  financial analyst job description ). If you don’t have enough keyword matches, your resume may be thrown out before anyone can read it. That’s why your resume must be ATS-friendly.  

Be careful to adhere to the following formatting guidelines:

  • Margins:  Use standard one inch margins, or at the very least half an inch, if needed to save space. 
  • Font type:  Keep it basic by using Times New Roman, Arial, Cambria, or Garamond.
  • Font sizes:  The body of your resume should be a 12-14-point font, but you can make it slightly smaller (but only slightly) if needed. Your job title should be larger, around 20-point font, and your name should be about 24-point font. 
  • Header names:  Use colors, bolding, or complementary fonts to help your subheaders stand out throughout your resume. Just make sure your font is readable.
  • Skills:  Customize your skills section for every job to which you apply. Carefully read the job descriptions to determine what keywords the recruiters will be scanning for while avoiding plagiarizing their job posting! 
  • Logical order:  As we mentioned earlier, reverse-chronological order is the best for your financial analyst resume, and ATS operates under the assumption that your resume is formatted this way. 
  • Page count:  Do everything you can (adjust font and margin, within reason) to fit the page perfectly. Your resume will look unprofessional and burdensome to read if it’s over a page. If your resume is a little short, recruiters will wonder if you’re inexperienced.

Formatting your resume  isn’t easy at first, but once you’ve  built your resume  for the first time, all you need to do is minor tweaks for each job application. 

resume format for experience in finance

Write your financial analyst resume

Writing your perfect financial analyst resume can be difficult especially with a job at stake. We know that  writing an effective resume  may feel overwhelming, but if you take it one section at a time, the process shouldn’t be too stressful.

Without further ado, let’s dig into the content of your financial analyst resume. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Using a resume objective or summary statement 
  • Writing about your work history
  • Key skills for financial analysts
  • Education and optional sections
  • Customizations 
  • Flawless editing

resume format for experience in finance

Understand the elusive objective/summary statement

Objectives and summaries are some of the most commonly misunderstood sections on a resume, but they can be useful. However, choosing between a  resume objective  or a  resume summary  is difficult because there are only a few circumstances in which you’ll use either one. 

Both are highly job-specific, two to three-sentence paragraphs used near the top of your resume (often under your job title). An objective is for entry-level candidates or job seekers who have recently changed fields. An objective will tell hiring managers why you want the job.

On the other hand, a summary is for professionals with over 10 years of experience in a specific field. It highlights skills you’ve developed and biggest achievements.

Neither the objective nor the summary is a mandatory inclusion on your resume, but these statements can enhance your resume and boost your chances of getting hired. Let’s go over a few examples: 

Example 1:  Young professional seeking a job at your office to continue advancing my career in finance. 

What could be improved:  This is a poorly written resume objective. You should mention the specific job title you’re applying to, the company name, and one to three highly-specific skills you possess that will improve or contribute to the company’s operations. 

Example 2:  Working in finance with experience in organizing and communicating.

What could be improved:  This summary is too bare-bones. It contains no meaningful information and just takes up space. 

Example 3:  Financial analyst with 7+ years of experience specializing in informative and persuasive professional presentations, seeking a role to utilize my depth of ROI and client relations skills as a team player at Spectrum. 

What we like:  This objective and the example below mention a specific job title, the company name, and the skills they bring to the table. It’s short and effective. 

Financial analyst resume objective

Example 4:  Data-driven financial analyst with 23 years of business valuation and trend analysis under 3 major Fortune 500 corporations. With skills across many areas of data analysis and presentation, trend forecasting, and financial advisement, I provide a wealth of knowledge and business know-how to companies with which I’ve worked.   I am eager for an opportunity to improve ROI in several key areas to optimize growth at BetterMent.

What we like:  This summary (and the example below) are specific and contain information that makes this candidate an obvious choice. The applicant above also points directly to an area they know they can improve business operations. You want a hiring manager to read your summary and think, “we need this person.”

Financial analyst resume summary

How to include your financial analyst work history

It should come as no surprise to you that the most important section of your financial analyst resume is your work history. It can be tempting to cram every job title you’ve held onto the page, but hiring managers prefer applicants who focus on the most relevant and recent work experience they’ve had. You can share information about older jobs and internships during your interview! You’ll want to include two to four job experiences. 

Write descriptive bullet points

Your work experience should be broken down into bullet points, which make your resume look more organized and easier for hiring managers to read. 

  • Throughout your bullet points, you’ll want to avoid passive voice, which can make text boring to read and unengaging. Instead, use active voice, which exudes confidence and ownership of your work. Adding action words to start each bullet point, like “operated,” “spearheaded,” and “orchestrated,” will further engage readers and break up your text. 
  • You’ll also want to be careful to avoid personal pronouns, like “I” or “my.” Employers already know you’re writing about yourself, and personal pronouns sound unprofessional.
  • You can choose to end all of your bullet points with or without periods. Consistency is key. 
  • Finally, you’ll want to consider verb tense. You can leave your current work experience in the present or past tense, but all of your former work experience must be in the past tense. 

Here are a few examples of good bullet points that incorporate these tips:

  • Oversaw the financial due diligence of a $52M acquisition, including organization and report analysis 
  • Developed an automated process using Excel for the internal team KPI reporting that increased accuracy by 17% and provided data 2 days faster to team leads 
  • Monitored 10+ regulatory developments and industry trends to incorporate into the firm’s AML program

These bullet points are perfect for a financial analyst resume. They’re written in active voice, using action verbs, avoiding personal pronouns; they’re all written in the past tense, with consistent punctuation.

Leverage numbers

Numbers demonstrate your value to the company, unlike words alone. We’ve interviewed countless hiring managers to ask them what they consider the most important element of a successful resume; almost unanimously, they’ve reported that metrics made applicants much more likely to get interviews. For the best results, aim to include quantifiable metrics on at least 50 percent of your bullet points.

Here are a few ways you might consider adding metrics about your past roles in financial analysis: 

  • Hard numbers:  Discuss the details of your work. What percentage have you increased ROI? What percent have gross earnings increased for the company during your time of employment?
  • Sales:  Discuss the rate of potential clients converted from your presentations, the number of presentations you provided, and the success of your sales strategies. 
  • Reports:  Have you successfully forecasted trends? Have your abstracts and internal presentations resulted in financial gain for the company?
  • Collaboration:  Financial analysts need to collaborate across departments frequently. Let employers know you collaborate well with others by detailing the number of people or departments with which you’ve worked. 

If you’re having trouble visualizing how you’d use these questions to come up with numbers, don’t worry. Here are a few examples: 

  • Provided financial guidance to Business/Functions, contributing to a 19% growth trend by developing strategic long-range planning recommendations for management
  • Collaborated with 10+ major clients with multi-million dollar accounts
  • Created forecasting tracking and management reporting systems to improve the availability and accuracy of financial data, triggering a 13% increase in accuracy
  • Evaluated regulatory developments and industry trends to facilitate incorporation into the firm’s AML program, reducing time to meet trend demands by 40%

Financial analyst skills to include in your resume

The skills section is an important place to demonstrate your value to potential employers, not to mention it’s one of the best places to include keywords for ATS. Unfortunately, many hopeful applicants don’t emphasize the right skills. The right skills for your financial analyst resume will depend on the specific job to which you’re applying.

Generally, we recommend including a mix of soft and hard skills, with the majority being hard skills because they’re easier to measure and more job-specific. Aim to include six to ten highly relevant skills on your resume.  

Use the following financial analyst skills as examples to get you started:

  • Financial Modeling 
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Financial Reporting
  • Quantitative Finance on Python 
  • Electronic Trading Systems Development
  • Data Consolidation
  • Predictive Analysis

Why are these  resume skills  appropriate? We’ve included a mix of hard and soft skills specific, measurable, and highly desired by most employers. When looking for your next financial analyst job, be sure to read the job description carefully. Often, you’ll be able to pick up on which skills are the most important to your hopeful employers.

But, a word of caution: avoid overselling your skills. If you don’t know how to do something or are inexperienced, leave it off your resume. Hiring managers want honesty above all.

resume format for experience in finance

Education + optional resume sections

ou probably already know that the financial analyst world can be a tough place in which to get your career started. Though there are no formal educational requirements, most employers will seek applicants with at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. 

Include the highest education level on your resume, but avoid including too much detail unless you’re a recent graduate with limited work experience. If you have minimal experience, you can utilize your education to demonstrate your working potential. Still, if you’re a more experienced applicant, you only need to provide your school name, graduation year, and degree. 

There aren’t any formal requirements for certifications for financial analysts, but you should mention any specialized training you’ve received, such as a Financial Analyst Certification, Data Analysis Certification, or Certified Software Quality Analyst. 

Finally, you may be wondering whether you should include any  interests and hobbies to your resume . Generally, we don’t recommend including them, but there are a few instances where they’re appropriate additions to your resume: 

  • If you don’t have a great deal of work experience, it may be helpful to highlight some interesting hobbies or volunteer activities in which you’ve taken part. These can be great talking points during interviews if used appropriately! 
  • If you’re a recent graduate seeking your first finance job, you likely lack a lengthy work history to share on your resume. In this case, you can use interests and hobbies to convey to employers that you’re a hard worker and someone who thrives under pressure. 

resume format for experience in finance

Tailor your financial analyst resume to the job ad

We’ve mentioned it a few times, but it’s important enough to reiterate. You need to tailor your financial analyst resume for every job to which you apply. Specifically, if used, your resume objective or summary statement needs to be customized with specific job titles and company names. Your skills section should be tailor-made to the job, too. You can do this by referencing skills mentioned in the job description (without ever copying anything from the job posting verbatim). Finally, your bullet points should be tailored to fit the specific needs of each company. 

resume format for experience in finance

Don’t submit a sloppy financial analyst resume

We know it’s difficult to take a step back after you’ve finished working on your financial analyst resume. However, we strongly recommend that financial analysts, and all job seekers, take a step back. Put your resume away for a day or two, and then look it over again for typos. Have friends or family proofread it, and take advantage of our  free resume checker .

resume format for experience in finance

One step closer to your next job

Congratulations! The first step to writing your professional financial analyst resume is research. If your resume is complete, you can upload it to see what AI-powered tips our  resume checker  has for you before making a cover letter .

If you haven’t started yet, or if you want to start your resume from scratch, use our  resume builder . Both our resume checker and builder will analyze your resume and provide specific tips on how you can make improvements. 

Create my free resume now


  • Career Blog

Finance Resume: Top Examples and Tips for 2024

resume format for experience in finance

The finance industry is constantly evolving, so it’s essential to have a strong and effective resume to catch the attention of employers. A finance resume is used to highlight your skills and experience in the field, demonstrating your value and competence to potential employers. A strong finance resume is critical to landing a job in finance, but what does it take to create one?

In this article, we will explore some of the top examples and tips for crafting a successful finance resume. We’ll cover everything from the basics of resume writing to specific strategies for presenting your finance experience in a compelling way. Whether you’re new to the field or a seasoned professional, you’ll find valuable tips and advice to help you create a finance resume that stands out from the crowd.

The Importance of Having a Strong Finance Resume

Your finance resume is the first impression you make on potential employers. A strong and effective resume can help you stand out from other applicants and secure a job interview. A well-crafted finance resume also demonstrates that you have the skills and experience necessary to succeed in the field, giving employers confidence in your ability to perform the job.

A finance resume is critical for anyone looking to work in finance, but it’s especially important for those applying to competitive positions. In a field where every candidate is highly skilled and qualified, a strong resume can make all the difference in securing a position.

Overview of the Article

In this article, we’ll examine some of the best practices for creating a finance resume that highlights your experience and skills in the field. We’ll start with the basics of resume writing and formatting, including tips for selecting the right format for your experience level and the position you’re applying for.

Next, we’ll delve into strategies for presenting your finance experience in a clear and compelling way. This will include tips for highlighting your key accomplishments and quantifying your achievements to demonstrate your value to potential employers.

resume format for experience in finance

We’ll also explore some of the top examples of finance resumes, including samples and templates for different experience levels and positions. You’ll be able to see firsthand what works and what doesn’t when it comes to crafting an effective finance resume.

Finally, we’ll wrap up with some additional tips and best practices for creating a winning finance resume. We’ll cover everything from customizing your resume for each job application to common mistakes to avoid when writing and formatting your resume.

No matter where you are in your finance career, this article is designed to help you create a resume that will get you noticed by potential employers. So, let’s get started!

Understanding the Finance Industry

When it comes to the finance industry, there are a variety of sectors that make up this field. Each sector has its own unique role, but they all work together to manage financial assets and create value for businesses and individuals.

Overview of the Different Finance Sectors

Investment Banking: Investment bankers help companies raise capital by underwriting and issuing securities (stocks and bonds).

Commercial Banking: This sector includes retail banking and lending services for individuals and businesses.

Asset Management: This sector manages investment portfolios for institutions and high net worth individuals.

Hedge Funds: Hedge funds are alternative investment managers that aim to generate high returns through complex investment strategies.

Private Equity: This sector is focused on investing in private companies, buying them, and selling them for a profit.

Insurance: Insurance companies provide protection against financial loss due to unexpected events such as accidents, illnesses, or natural disasters.

Key Skills and Qualifications for a Finance Professional

To be successful in the finance industry, there are several key skills and qualifications that are necessary.

Analytical Skills: A finance professional needs to be able to analyze and interpret financial data to make informed decisions.

resume format for experience in finance

Strong communication skills: A finance professional must be able to communicate complex financial concepts to both clients and colleagues in a clear and concise manner.

Attention to detail: The finance industry requires a high level of accuracy and attention to detail.

Knowledge of financial regulations: Financial professionals must be knowledgeable about financial regulations, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and how they impact their work.

Strong academic background: A degree in business, finance, accounting or a related field is typically required for a career in finance.

Professional certifications: Many finance professionals hold professional certifications, such as the Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) or the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation, which demonstrate their expertise in their field.

The finance industry is a diverse sector that requires a variety of skills and qualifications. Graduates with a strong academic background and professional certifications, as well as a passion for finance, will find numerous career opportunities in this dynamic field.

Common Finance Resume Mistakes

When it comes to writing a finance resume, there are plenty of common mistakes that candidates tend to make. These mistakes can be detrimental to your chances of landing your dream job in the finance industry. Therefore, it is essential to avoid them. Here are some common finance resume mistakes that you should know about and tips to help you avoid them.

Analysis of Common Mistakes in Finance Resumes

  • Grammatical and spelling errors

One of the most common mistakes in finance resumes is simple grammatical and spelling errors. These errors are easy to make, but they can severely impact your chances of getting hired. This is because the finance industry requires attention to detail and accuracy.

  • Lack of quantifiable achievements

Your finance resume should include quantifiable achievements that showcase your skills and abilities. However, many candidates fail to include these achievements, instead opting for a list of responsibilities. This mistake can leave the hiring manager wondering why they should hire you.

  • Generic resume objectives

Your resume objective should be tailored to the specific role you are applying for. Generic objectives such as “To obtain a challenging position in finance” do not grab the hiring manager’s attention.

  • Long blocks of text

A resume filled with long blocks of text can be overwhelming and off-putting to a hiring manager. Use bullet points and white space to break up your resume, making it easier to read.

Tips on Avoiding These Common Errors

  • Proofread your resume

Before sending out your finance resume, proofread it, and have someone else proofread it as well. This ensures that there are no grammar or spelling errors that could hurt your chances of being hired.

  • Include quantifiable achievements

To showcase your skills and abilities, include quantifiable achievements in your resume. Use numbers to back up your achievements, such as “increased sales by 20% in six months.”

  • Tailor your resume objective

Write a tailored objective that speaks to the specific role you are applying for. Research the company and job position, then write an objective that aligns with the company’s goals and needs.

  • Use bullet points and white space

Use bullet points and white space to make your finance resume more readable. This helps the hiring manager focus on the most important information and prevents your resume from appearing too cluttered.

By avoiding these common finance resume mistakes and following the tips outlined above, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job in the finance industry.

Tailoring Your Finance Resume for Specific Roles

One of the most important aspects of a successful finance resume is tailoring it to specific job roles. This means customizing your resume to align with the specific skills, experiences, and qualifications that a potential employer is looking for. Here are some tips on how to customize your finance resume for different roles:

1. Read the Job Description Carefully

Before you start customizing your resume, you need to understand the job requirements of the role you are applying for. Read the job description carefully and make a list of the required skills, experiences, and qualifications.

2. Identify and Highlight Key Skills and Experiences

Once you have a clear understanding of the job requirements, you should identify the key skills and experiences that you possess that match those requirements. These can include technical skills like financial analysis, data analysis, and budget forecasting, as well as soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

3. Customize Your Resume Summary and Objective

Your resume summary and objective are the first things that hiring managers will read, so they should be customized to the specific job role. Use keywords and phrases from the job description to highlight your relevant skills and experiences.

4. Rearrange Your Resume Sections

Tailoring your finance resume for a specific role may require rearranging your resume sections. For example, if a job requires a lot of financial analysis, you may want to move your financial analysis experience to the top of your professional experience section.

5. Focus on Achievements, Not Just Duties

When customizing your finance resume, it’s important to focus on your achievements, not just your duties. Use specific examples of how you have contributed to the success of previous projects or organizations.

By following these tips, you can customize your finance resume to showcase your skills and experiences in a way that aligns with the specific requirements of the job role you are applying for.

Formatting Your Finance Resume

Your finance resume is your ticket to landing your dream job in the finance industry. And one of the most critical aspects of your resume is its formatting. A well-structured finance resume sets the tone for your potential employer and gives them an insight into your qualifications, experience, and attention to detail.

Importance of Proper Formatting

Recruiters and hiring managers review dozens of resumes every day, and they might not have the time to go through each detail of your resume. Therefore, it’s crucial to make it visually appealing and easy to read. Proper formatting allows you to showcase your credentials in a clear and concise way, making it easier for recruiters to scan through your resume effortlessly.

Your finance resume’s proper formatting can be the difference between getting an interview call and getting your resume tossed aside. The goal is not only to get your resume noticed but also to make it stand out impressively in the eyes of your prospective employer.

Tips on Choosing an Appropriate Design and Layout

There’s no one-size-fits-all design or layout for resumes. However, there are some design elements and layouts that are more suitable for finance resumes. Here are some tips on choosing an appropriate design and layout:

1. Go For Simplicity and Clarity

The ideal finance resume should be simple, clear, and easy to read. Avoid cluttering your resume with unnecessary information, and use a font size that’s at least 10pt for easy readability.

2. Use Bullet Points

Bullet points help break down your experience and accomplishments, making your resume easier to skim through. Use clear and concise bullet points to highlight your achievements and skills.

3. Keep It Consistent

Maintain consistency throughout your resume. Use the same font type, size, and color scheme for headings and subheadings. Avoid underlining or italicizing text, as it can be distracting.

4. Highlight Your Achievements

Don’t just list your job responsibilities; show how you added value to the company. Highlight any relevant achievements or numbers-based results such as cost savings or revenue increases.

5. Use Keywords

Recruiters often use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to scan resumes. To ensure your resume passes through the ATS, incorporate relevant keywords from the job description.

6. Utilize White Space

White space, also known as negative space, is the area between text and graphics. Use white space to create visual balance in your resume, making it easy on the eyes.

Proper formatting is critical to creating a compelling finance resume. Use these tips to choose an appropriate design and layout that showcases your experience and qualifications in the best possible way. A well-formatted resume increases your chances of getting your foot in the door and landing your dream job in the finance industry.

Essential Elements of a Finance Resume

When it comes to crafting a finance resume that stands out from the rest, there are several key components that should not be overlooked. Whether you are just starting out in the industry or have years of experience under your belt, incorporating these essential elements will help showcase your skills and experience to potential employers.

Key components of a finance resume

Summary Statement:  A clear and concise summary statement at the top of your resume can grab a recruiter’s attention and provide a brief overview of your experience, skills, and career goals. Keep it focused on what you can offer the organization, rather than what you want.

Education & Certification:  Detail your educational background and any relevant certifications. Highlighting any additional training or advanced degrees in your field can help set you apart from other candidates.

Professional Experience:  Highlighting your professional experience with a comprehensive list of past positions shows recruiters that you have the experience needed to excel in the role. Be sure to use specific examples of accomplishments and achievements from each position, quantifying results where possible.

Core Competencies:  A list of core competencies (such as financial analysis, forecasting, and budgeting) can help showcase your specific skills and areas of expertise.

Technical Skills:  With many finance jobs requiring advanced technical skills, it’s important to list any relevant software, programs, and tools you are proficient in, such as Excel, QuickBooks, or SAP.

Tips on how to showcase your skills and experience

Use Metrics:  Incorporate hard numbers and data to quantify your accomplishments and contributions in previous finance roles. For example, instead of saying “increased revenue,” provide the specific percentage increase.

Tailor Your Resume:  Customize your resume to match the job description and requirements. Highlight your experience and skills that align with what the employer is seeking.

Be Clear and Concise:  Recruiters often have hundreds of resumes to review, so it’s important to be clear and concise in your resume. Avoid using jargon or industry-specific terms that may not be familiar to everyone.

Proofread and Edit:  A resume with spelling and grammar errors can quickly land in the “no” pile. Make sure to proofread and edit your resume thoroughly before submitting it.

Be Honest:  It’s tempting to oversell your accomplishments, but it’s important to be honest and transparent in your resume. Focus on your real achievements and experience, and be ready to provide examples and evidence if asked during the interview process.

Incorporating these key components and tips into your finance resume can help you stand out from the competition and showcase your skills and experience to potential employers.

Finance Resume Examples

If you’re looking to break into the finance industry, your resume must stand out from the competition. Here are top finance resume examples for different roles that can inspire you to create a strong resume and land your dream job:

1. Financial Analyst Resume Example

This financial analyst resume example successfully showcases the candidate’s skills and experience. The resume is easy to read and includes relevant information such as key accomplishments, professional experience, and education. The applicant also uses strong action verbs to communicate their achievements effectively.

Results-oriented financial analyst with a strong background in financial analysis, forecasting, and reporting. Proven ability to analyze complex financial data, identify trends, and provide strategic insights. Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

Financial Analyst | ABC Corporation | Anytown, USA

  • Conducted financial analysis, including variance analysis and trend forecasting.
  • Prepared detailed financial reports for senior management.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement cost-saving initiatives.
  • Assisted in budget planning and monitoring.

Junior Financial Analyst | XYZ Company | Anytown, USA

  • Assisted senior analysts in conducting financial research and analysis.
  • Prepared financial models and projections.
  • Monitored market trends and provided recommendations for investment opportunities.
  • Assisted in the preparation of financial presentations.

Bachelor of Science in Finance | University of Anytown | Anytown, USA

2. Finance Manager Resume Example

This finance manager resume example effectively presents the candidate’s experience and achievements in the field of finance. The resume highlights their leadership skills and experience with budget management, financial analysis, and risk management. It’s important to note that this resume also includes quantifiable metrics, which helps the hiring manager understand the candidate’s impact on previous employers.

Seasoned finance manager with a track record of success in driving financial growth and managing complex financial operations. Skilled in financial analysis, budgeting, risk management, and team leadership. Strong ability to develop and implement financial strategies aligned with organizational goals.

Finance Manager | ABC Corporation | Anytown, USA

  • Oversaw financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting processes.
  • Conducted financial analysis and provided strategic recommendations.
  • Managed risk through the implementation of financial controls.
  • Led a team of finance professionals, providing mentorship and guidance.

Senior Financial Analyst | XYZ Company | Anytown, USA

  • Led financial analysis and modeling efforts to support decision-making.
  • Prepared financial reports and presentations for executive management.
  • Streamlined financial processes and improved efficiency.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams on special projects.

Master of Business Administration (MBA) | Anytown University | Anytown, USA

3. Investment Banker Resume Example

This investment banker resume example demonstrates the applicant’s expertise in financial analysis, valuation, and deal origination. The resume also highlights their ability to work well in teams through experience in project management and communication skills. In addition, the candidate’s educational background is impressive, showcasing their commitment to educational development.

Experienced investment banker with expertise in financial analysis, deal origination, and project management. Strong understanding of capital markets and investment strategies. Skilled in financial modeling, valuation, and due diligence. Excellent communication and presentation skills.

Investment Banker | ABC Investment Bank | Anytown, USA

  • Conducted financial analysis and due diligence for potential investment opportunities.
  • Developed financial models and performed valuation analysis.
  • Assisted in deal structuring and negotiations.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure successful deal execution.

Analyst | XYZ Investment Firm | Anytown, USA

  • Conducted market research and analyzed investment trends.
  • Assisted in the preparation of investment proposals and pitch books.
  • Collaborated with senior bankers on client presentations.
  • Assisted in the execution of various transactions.

What makes these resumes effective?

The finance industry is highly competitive, and a strong resume needs to catch the recruiter’s attention and stand out from the rest. Here are a few elements of these finance resume examples that you can incorporate into your resume:

Clear and concise language: Use bullet points to break down your experience and achievements. This makes it easier for recruiters to skim and understand.

Quantifiable results: Do not just list your duties, but also share the outcome of your work with specific numbers, such as increased revenue or decreased costs. This helps demonstrate your value as an employee.

Tailored content: Customize your resume to fit the specific job description you’re applying for to show the recruiter that you have the required skills for the role.

Professional experience: Highlight your relevant professional experience, including internships or part-time jobs. This helps demonstrate your dedication to the field and develop skills that can be utilized in the position.

By incorporating these elements in your finance resume, you can create a strong presentation of your skills and experience to help you stand out from other candidates.

Writing Your Finance Resume Summary

A well-written summary statement can be the key to getting your finance resume noticed by hiring managers. Here are some tips for creating a compelling summary:

How to create a compelling summary statement

  • Start with a strong opening sentence that highlights your most relevant skills and experience.
  • Keep it concise – aim for no more than 2-3 sentences.
  • Focus on your measurable achievements, such as cost savings, revenue growth, or successful projects.
  • Use active verbs and specific numbers to quantify your accomplishments.
  • Show your passion for finance and your desire to make a positive impact in the industry.

Tips on tailoring your summary to the job posting

To make your finance resume stand out, it’s important to tailor your summary statement to each job posting. Here are some tips:

  • Review the job description and make note of the skills and experience the employer is looking for.
  • Use keywords from the job posting in your summary statement to show that you meet their requirements.
  • Highlight specific achievements or experiences that match the job description.
  • Keep it relevant – only include information that directly relates to the job you’re applying for.

A well-written summary statement can be the difference between getting your finance resume noticed and getting lost in the shuffle. By following these tips, you can create a powerful summary that showcases your skills, experience, and passion for finance.

Listing Your Finance Experience

When it comes to describing your professional experience in finance, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, be specific and focus on the accomplishments you achieved in each role. This will help to demonstrate your skills and expertise to potential employers.

To further enhance your resume, try to quantify your achievements using specific metrics. For example, if you reduced operating costs for a company, provide exact figures or percentages. Numbers help to add credibility to your accomplishments and show that you have a results-driven mindset.

When it comes to quantifying your achievements, remember to focus on both the qualitative and quantitative aspects. This may include an increase in revenue, a decrease in expenses, or other measurable outcomes that demonstrate your impact.

Your finance resume should showcase your professional experience and highlight the value you can bring to a company. By following these tips and emphasizing your accomplishments, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job in finance.

Highlighting Your Finance Skills

As a finance professional, your resume is a critical marketing tool that can either make or break your job search. When crafting a finance resume, it is vital to highlight your finance skills to demonstrate your suitability for the role. This section provides guidance on identifying the most important finance skills and tips on showcasing them in your resume.

Identifying the most important finance skills

Finance is a multifaceted profession that requires numerous skills for optimal performance. However, not all of these skills are equally important when crafting a finance resume. To identify which finance skills to highlight, scrutinize the job description carefully, and identify the essential skills required for the role. In general, the following finance skills are highly valued across the industry:

  • Financial analysis
  • Budgeting and forecast
  • Financial modeling
  • Risk management
  • Financial reporting
  • Strategic planning
  • Tax planning and compliance
  • Cost accounting
  • Corporate finance
  • Financial software and systems

Tips on showcasing these skills in your resume

Once you have identified the most important finance skills required for the role, you need to showcase your proficiency in these areas in your resume. The following tips can help you highlight your finance skills effectively:

Use relevant keywords: Incorporating specific finance-related keywords from the job description can help ensure that your resume makes it through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and on to the hiring manager. These keywords include technical finance skills, industry-specific jargon, company-specific terminology, and certifications.

Quantify your achievements: Use numbers, percentages, or dollar figures to quantify your finance skills’ impact on the company’s bottom line. For example, mention how your financial modeling skills saved the company a certain amount of money, or how your strategic planning skills increased revenue by a certain percentage.

Provide examples of your work: Including specific examples of your accomplishments in your resume can provide concrete evidence of your finance skills’ value. For instance, mention a financial analysis project, a complex budgeting project, or a successful tax planning project you executed.

Highlight your certifications: If you have any relevant finance certifications, mention them prominently in your resume. These certifications demonstrate your competence in specific finance skills and can give you a competitive edge over other candidates.

By highlighting your finance skills effectively in your resume, you can increase your chances of standing out in the highly competitive finance job market. Use the tips above to showcase your finance skills in the most effective way possible.

Education and Certifications

When it comes to pursuing a career in finance, education and certifications can boost your chances of landing the job and advancing in the industry. In fact, they are often considered as key factors for success in this field.

Here are some tips on how to effectively list your qualifications in your finance resume:

1. Start with the most recent qualification

Begin by listing your most recent degree or certification and work your way backwards. This will showcase your most relevant education and certifications at the top of your resume.

2. Highlight the relevant qualifications

Make sure to only include qualifications that are relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a financial analyst job, it would be best to showcase a degree in finance or a relevant certification such as the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

3. Use action verbs

Use strong action verbs to describe your qualifications. Rather than simply listing your degree or certification, you can add impact by using descriptive verbs that illustrate your strengths. Some examples include ‘Mastered’, ‘Excelled’, ‘Attained’ etc.

4. Include relevant coursework

This is especially important for recent graduates who may not have much professional experience. Including relevant coursework can demonstrate that you have obtained the necessary knowledge and skills for the role.

5. Keep it concise

Your education and certification section of your resume should be concise and easy to read. If you have multiple degrees or certifications, consider grouping them together under one heading such as “Education and Certifications” to avoid cluttering your resume.

Education and certifications are critical components of a finance resume. By following these tips, you can effectively showcase your qualifications and stand out as a strong candidate for the job.

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resume format for experience in finance

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resume format for experience in finance

  • • Streamlined the month-end closing process, contributing to a 20% decrease in turnaround time for delivering management accounts.
  • • Orchestrated a full-scale audit of internal control systems to ensure compliance, identifying areas for improved efficiency and risk mitigation.
  • • Implemented a new invoice posting system that improved the accounts payable function, processing over 10,000 invoices per month.
  • • Overhauled the preparation and reconciliation of monthly accruals and prepayments, which enhanced financial accuracy and reporting reliability.
  • • Collaborated with the Finance Director to produce in-depth monthly variance analysis reports, revealing key financial insights.
  • • Led a team initiative to optimize bank reconciliations, significantly reducing errors by 30% and enhancing the overall integrity of financial data.
  • • Drove the execution of payment runs, effectively managing cash outflows of approximately $5 million monthly.
  • • Participated in the development of financial statements, ensuring rigorous checks and balances resulted in audit-ready reports.
  • • Contributed to identifying and implementing cost-saving measures, reducing departmental expenses by 15% annually.
  • • Aided in the execution of ad-hoc requests by the Finance Director, providing accurate and timely data to support strategic decisions.
  • • Utilized advanced Excel functions to manipulate large data sets, enhancing the decision-making process through clearer data visualization.
  • • Facilitated the accurate posting of over 500 bank transactions per week, strengthening the financial data pool.
  • • Partook in a project to digitize accounts payable, streamlining invoice handling and paving the way for a 10% increase in efficiency.
  • • Assisted in the monthly balancing of books, ensuring a consistent error rate below 0.5%.
  • • Supported the finance team in achieving a 98% compliance rate with new internal control standards.

5 Finance Executive Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your finance executive resume must prominently display your quantitative achievements. Demonstrate a track record of financial growth and cost reductions. Showcase your leadership abilities and experience in strategic planning. Proven skills in these areas are crucial for managing complex financial operations.

All resume examples in this guide

resume format for experience in finance


resume format for experience in finance

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Finance Executive resume example

One significant resume challenge you as a finance executive might encounter is effectively showcasing your strategic leadership abilities in a succinct yet impactful manner. Our guide provides tailored strategies and language designed to highlight your top-tier financial expertise, ensuring that your resume stands out to potential employers by clearly communicating the value you bring to the table.

  • Incorporate finance executive job advert keywords into key sections of your resume, such as the summary, header, and experience sections;
  • Quantify your experience using achievements, certificates, and more in various finance executive resume sections;
  • Apply practical insights from real-life finance executive resume examples to enhance your own profile;
  • Choose the most effective finance executive resume format to succeed in any evaluation process.
  • Construction Accounting Resume Example
  • Financial Project Manager Resume Example
  • Tax Manager Resume Example
  • Financial Management Specialist Resume Example
  • Functional Accounting Resume Example
  • IT Auditor Resume Example
  • Financial Data Analyst Resume Example
  • Finance Officer Resume Example
  • Government Accounting Resume Example
  • Financial Planning Analyst Resume Example

Best practices for the look and feel of your finance executive resume

Before you even start writing your finance executive resume, first you need to consider its layout and format .

What's important to keep in mind is:

  • The reverse-chronological resume is the most widely used format to present your experience, starting with your latest job.
  • Your finance executive resume header needs to include your correct, professional contact details. If you happen to have a professional portfolio or an updated LinkedIn profile, include a link to it.
  • Ensure your resume is no longer than two pages - you don't have to include irelevant experience on your resume just to make it look longer.
  • Unless specified otherwise, submit your resume in the most popular format, the PDF one, as this will ensure your finance executive resume isn't altered.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Mention specific courses or projects that are pertinent to the job you're applying for.

Essential sections that should make up your finance executive resume include:

  • The header - with your contact details (e.g. email and telephone number), link to your portfolio, and headline
  • The summary (or objective) - to spotlight the peaks of your professional career, so far
  • The experience section - with up to six bullets per role to detail specific outcomes
  • The skills list - to provide a healthy mix between your personal and professional talents
  • The education and certification - showing your most relevant degrees and certificates to the finance executive role

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven experience with financial management, budgeting, and forecasting
  • Strong understanding of compliance and risk management principles, along with knowledge of financial regulations
  • Demonstrated ability in strategic planning and financial analysis to drive business growth
  • Expertise in financial reporting systems, accounting principles, and the ability to manage complex financial operations
  • Exceptional leadership qualities with experience in managing finance teams and inter-departmental collaboration

Adding your relevant experience to your finance executive resume

If you're looking for a way to show recruiters that your expertise is credible, look no further than the resume experience section.

Your finance executive resume experience can be best curated in a structured, bulleted list detailing the particulars of your career:

  • Always integrate metrics of success - what did you actually achieve in the role?
  • Scan the finance executive advert for your dream role in search of keywords in the job requirements - feature those all through your past/current experience;
  • Dedicate a bullet (or two) to spotlight your technical capabilities and how you're able to use the particular software/technology in your day-to-day roles;
  • Write simple by including your responsibility, a job advert keyword or skill, and a tangible outcome of your success;
  • Use the experience section to also define the unique value of working with you in the form of soft skills, relevant feedback, and the company culture you best thrive in.

Industry leaders always ensure that their resume experience section offers an enticing glimpse at their expertise, while telling a career narrative. Explore these sample finance executive resumes on how to best create your resume experience section.

  • Led a financial team to lower annual expenses by 15%, focusing on cost-effective strategies and negotiation with suppliers.
  • Managed and reported on a portfolio of $50M, optimizing investment strategies which led to a 10% growth year over year.
  • Directed the implementation of a new financial software system to streamline accounting processes, reducing reporting times by 30%.
  • Oversaw the development and management of the regional budget, achieving a year-end variance within 2% of the forecasted figures.
  • Facilitated a cross-departmental collaboration that resulted in the reduction of quarterly financial closing times by 25%.
  • Introduced and managed a new risk assessment framework that decreased financial discrepancies by 40%.
  • Played a pivotal role in a capital raise of $80M through a series of private and public equity offerings.
  • Optimized cash flow management procedures which increased cash availability by 35%, enhancing the company's liquidity position.
  • Conducted comprehensive financial analysis for merger and acquisition opportunities, advising executive leadership on three major deals.
  • Developed quarterly financial forecasts, identifying trends that informed business strategy and resource allocation.
  • Enhanced financial reporting systems, allowing for real-time P&L analysis and better strategic decision-making.
  • Negotiated and secured a $25M credit facility with major banks, significantly reducing financing costs and improving cash position.
  • Instrumental in the design and roll-out of company-wide budgeting tools that effectively handle a budget of over $100M.
  • Improved forecast accuracy by implementing advanced analytical techniques, culminating in a 20% increase in efficiency.
  • Acted as a key financial advisor during strategic pivot to digital platforms, assisting in tripling online revenue streams over a two-year period.
  • Pioneered a sustainability initiative that cut costs by $5M annually while enhancing the company's green investments.
  • Coordinated and executed a company-wide audit, identifying tax savings of over $3M without compromising compliance standards.
  • Engaged in high-level negotiations with new software vendors, securing a long-term contract that saved the company $500K over five years.
  • Implemented a new equity management program that increased employee participation by 40% and aligned staff incentives with corporate goals.
  • Streamlined reporting processes through the adoption of BI tools, reducing time needed for monthly financial presentation preparations by 50%.
  • Initiated a successful refinancing strategy for corporate debt, reducing interest expenses by $2M annually.
  • Conducted an international expansion analysis which contributed to a 25% increase in global market presence.
  • Developed and maintained financial models that projected long-term growth and valuation that directly influenced strategic planning.
  • Lead a cross-functional finance and IT team to automate financial processes, saving over 500 man-hours annually.
  • Managed the financial due diligence for a $150M acquisition, identifying key financial risks and potential synergies.
  • Implemented a cost reduction program across the company’s supply chain, resulting in a 20% reduction in logistics expenses.
  • Established a robust set of financial controls that enhanced accuracy in financial reporting and strengthened compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Developed a dynamic three-statement financial model that contributed to a strategic pivot, doubling EBITDA margins within 18 months.
  • Played a central role in negotiating a joint venture agreement, enhancing the company's competitive position in the Asian market.
  • Implemented a sophisticated cash flow forecasting tool that minimized working capital requirements and supported a 12% reduction in credit line interest rates.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Highlight the total assets under your management, demonstrating your ability to handle significant financial responsibilities.
  • Include the percentage by which you increased revenue or reduced costs, showcasing your direct contribution to the company's bottom line.
  • Quantify the size of budgets you have managed, illustrating your competency in handling large-scale financial projects.
  • Detail the number of financial reports or presentations you've developed, showing your expertise in financial analysis and communication.
  • Specify the number of compliance or audit processes you've overseen, indicating your commitment to maintaining financial integrity and standards.
  • Mention the number of investment strategies you've devised or contributed to, revealing your strategic thinking and impact on growth.
  • State the percentage of financial accuracy you maintained in your reports, underscoring your attention to detail and precision.
  • Report the dollar value of debt or expenses you've successfully reduced, highlighting your proactive measures to improve financial health.

Action verbs for your finance executive resume

Target Illustration

What to do if you don't have any experience

It's quite often that candidates without relevant work experience apply for a more entry-level role - and they end up getting hired.

Candidate resumes without experience have these four elements in common:

  • Instead of listing their experience in reverse-chronological format (starting with the latest), they've selected a functional-skill-based format. In that way, finance executive resumes become more focused on strengths and skills
  • Transferrable skills - or ones obtained thanks to work and life experience - have become the core of the resume
  • Within the objective, you'd find career achievements, the reason behind the application, and the unique value the candidate brings about to the specific role
  • Candidate skills are selected to cover basic requirements, but also show any niche expertise.

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In-demand hard skills and soft skills for your finance executive resume

A vital element for any finance executive resume is the presentation of your skill set.

Recruiters always take the time to assess your:

  • Technological proficiency or hard skills - which software and technologies can you use and at what level?
  • People/personal or soft skills - how apt are you at communicating your ideas across effectively? Are you resilient to change?

The ideal candidate presents the perfect balance of hard skills and soft skills all through the resume, but more particular within a dedicated skills section.

Building your finance executive skills section, you should:

  • List up to six skills that answer the requirements and are unique to your expertise.
  • Include a soft skill (or two) that defines you as a person and professional - perhaps looking back on feedback you've received from previous managers, etc.
  • Create up to two skills sections that are organized based on the types of skills you list (e.g. "technical skills", "soft skills", "finance executive skills", etc.).
  • If you happen to have technical certifications that are vital to the industry and really impressive, include their names within your skills section.

At times, it really is frustrating to think back on all the skills you possess and discover the best way to communicate them across.

We understand this challenge - that's why we've prepared two lists (of hard skills and soft skills) to help you build your next resume, quicker and more efficiently:

Top skills for your finance executive resume:

Financial Analysis

Financial Reporting


Financial Modeling

Risk Management

Accounting Principles

Tax Planning

Cash Flow Management

Strategic Planning




Attention to Detail

Time Management

Analytical Thinking



List all your relevant higher education degrees within your resume in reverse chronological order (starting with the latest). There are cases when your PhD in a particular field could help you stand apart from other candidates.

The importance of your certifications and education on your finance executive resume

Pay attention to the resume education section . It can offer clues about your skills and experiences that align with the job.

  • List only tertiary education details, including the institution and dates.
  • Mention your expected graduation date if you're currently studying.
  • Exclude degrees unrelated to the job or field.
  • Describe your education if it allows you to highlight your achievements further.

Your professional qualifications: certificates and education play a crucial role in your finance executive application. They showcase your dedication to gaining the best expertise and know-how in the field. Include any diplomas and certificates that are:

  • Listed within the job requirements or could make your application stand out
  • Niche to your industry and require plenty of effort to obtain
  • Helping you prepare for professional growth with forward-facing know-how
  • Relevant to the finance executive job - make sure to include the name of the certificate, institution you've obtained it at, and dates

Both your certificates and education section need to add further value to your application. That's why we've dedicated this next list just for you - check out some of the most popular finance executive certificates to include on your resume:

The top 5 certifications for your finance executive resume:

  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) - CFA Institute
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) - American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Certified Management Accountant (CMA) - Institute of Management Accountants
  • Financial Risk Manager (FRM) - Global Association of Risk Professionals
  • Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) - CAIA Association

If the certificate you've obtained is especially vital for the industry or company, include it as part of your name within the resume headline.

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Practical guide to your finance executive resume summary or objective

First off, should you include a summary or objective on your finance executive resume?

We definitely recommend you choose the:

  • Resume summary to match job requirements with most noteworthy accomplishments.
  • Resume objective as a snapshot of career dreams

Both the resume summary and objective should set expectations for recruiters as to what your career highlights are.

These introductory paragraphs (that are no more than five sentences long) should help you answer why you're the best candidate for the job.

Industry-wide best practices pinpoint that the finance executive resume summaries and objectives follow the structures of these samples:

Resume summaries for a finance executive job

  • Finance executive with over 10 years of experience specializing in corporate finance within the technology sector. Renowned for driving profitable growth and implementing strategic financial plans at companies like TechGlobal Inc., leading to a 25% increase in annual revenue. Expertise in financial modeling, budgeting, and M&A activities.
  • Seasoned finance professional with 15 years of experience managing multi-million-dollar portfolios for Fortune 500 companies. Proven track record in reducing costs by 30% through strategic sourcing and process optimization. Skillful in capital market analysis, investment strategies, and improving operational efficiencies for financial gain.
  • With an extensive background in management consulting and operational strategy, for the past 8 years, this adept leader is transitioning into finance executive roles. Successfully spearheaded a $50M business transformation project, resulting in a 40% efficiency increase. Pursuing to leverage analytical prowess and strategic insight in financial oversight and planning.
  • Dynamic professional transitioning from a successful 12-year marketing director career to finance management, bringing profound expertise in strategic planning and budget administration. Instrumental in scaling a startup to a market leader, achieving annual growth of 20%. Eager to apply a deep understanding of market trends and financial acumen in financial strategy formulation.
  • Motivated graduate with a Master's Degree in Finance, eager to apply academic knowledge and analytical skills in a dynamic financial environment. Passionate about leveraging data-driven solutions to optimize financial processes, and committed to a lifelong career in financial management and strategy implementation.
  • Recent MBA graduate with a finance concentration, aiming to apply cutting-edge financial theories and models in real-world settings. Dedicated to mastering financial analysis, risk assessment, and strategic decision-making to contribute to the financial success of a forward-thinking organization.

Extra sections to include in your finance executive resume

What should you do if you happen to have some space left on your resume, and want to highlight other aspects of your profile that you deem are relevant to the role? Add to your finance executive resume some of these personal and professional sections:

  • Passions/Interests - to detail how you spend both your personal and professional time, invested in various hobbies;
  • Awards - to present those niche accolades that make your experience unique;
  • Publications - an excellent choice for professionals, who have just graduated from university or are used to a more academic setting;
  • Volunteering - your footprint within your local (or national/international) community.

Key takeaways

  • Ensure your finance executive resume uses a simple, easy-to-read format that reflects upon your experience and aligns with the role;
  • Be specific within the top one-third of your resume (header and summary or objective) to pinpoint what makes you the ideal candidate for the finance executive role;
  • Curate information that is tailored to the job by detailing skills, achievements, and actual outcomes of your efforts;
  • List your certifications and technical capabilities to demonstrate your aptitude with specific software and technologies;
  • The sections you decide on including on your finance executive should pinpoint your professional expertise and personality.

finance executive resume example

Looking to build your own Finance Executive resume?

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4 Finance Executive Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Finance executives are at the head of the finance department and keep companies functioning. this resume guide has been developed to help you craft a winning finance executive resume that will get you to the top of the pile with recruiters..

Hiring Manager for Finance Executive Roles

Finance executives are in charge of overseeing and approving money transactions and making sure that a company’s income and expenses are well accounted for. This position is male dominated with only 37% of finance executives being women. You are most likely to find yourself working in the public sector along with 56% of all finance executives. 

Education-wise, recruiters will be looking to see at least a bachelor’s degree in finance or a related field and might require a master’s degree for more senior positions in the field. The effort to gain these qualifications is well worth it, as this profession is fairly well-paying, with the average income coming out to around $160k annually.

This resume guide will give you recruiter-approved resume samples and tips to guide you in creating your own resume. We have also included some skills and action verbs that you can use to elevate your resume and win yourself an interview at your dream company.

Finance Executive Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Finance Executive
  • Senior Finance Executive
  • Junior Finance Executive

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Finance Executive Resumes

Finance Executive Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Finance Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 4: Finance Executive Resume Example

This is a senior-level position where you are in charge of certain financial tasks within a company. Tasks you can expect include preparing and analyzing financial reports, keeping track of all transactions, preparing balance sheets, etc. Recruiters will generally expect to see at least a bachelor’s degree in finance or a related field and will expect years of experience in the finance department. Take a look at this recruiter-approved resume sample.

A finance executive resume sample that highlights the applicant’s career progression and strong skills section.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Finance Executive resume in 2024

   show career progression through linear or lateral promotions in your industry..

Recruiters want to understand your career path and how you got to the senior position of a finance executive so ensure your experience section shows your career growth clearly. Consistent promotions also indicate to recruiters that you are an exemplary and successful employee.

Show career progression through linear or lateral promotions in your industry. - Finance Executive Resume

   Focus your skills section on finance executive tasks and senior-level leadership skills.

You may have accumulated numerous financial skills throughout your career but do not include them all in your skills section. Include skills that will be specifically helpful in completing the tasks expected of a finance executive.

Focus your skills section on finance executive tasks and senior-level leadership skills. - Finance Executive Resume

Skills you can include on your Finance Executive resume

Template 2 of 4: senior finance executive resume example.

A Senior Finance Executive role is one of the pinnacle positions in the finance industry. You're expected to be a whiz at making strategic financial decisions and navigating complex investments. The finance industry has seen a shift towards digital technology and data-driven decision making. Thus, an up-to-date resume should highlight not just your financial acumen but also your data solutions and tech savviness. It’s vital to remember that your resume is a sales tool. Instead of fact regurgitation, use it to narrate your career journey, showcasing how you've grown, and the tangible impact you've made.

Screenshot of a resume for a Senior Finance Executive role focusing on strategic skills and technical proficiency.

Tips to help you write your Senior Finance Executive resume in 2024

   emphasize strategic skills.

As a Senior Finance Executive, you need to show that you can set the financial strategy for an entire organization and see it through. Highlight instances where your strategic thinking led to significant financial outcomes for the companies you've worked for.

Emphasize strategic skills - Senior Finance Executive Resume

   Highlight technical proficiency

With the rise of financial technology, it's crucial that you demonstrate your ability to handle the tools of the trade. Highlight your experience with accounting software, data analysis tools, or any machine learning models you’ve used to make financial forecasts.

Highlight technical proficiency - Senior Finance Executive Resume

Skills you can include on your Senior Finance Executive resume

Template 3 of 4: senior finance executive resume example.

In this position, you will be in charge of ensuring that the financial health of the company is healthy and that the balance sheets balance out. Additional responsibilities may include ensuring that the revenue and expenses are correct and accounted for, creating financial systems to maximize efficiency and productivity, and training junior finance employees. Your resume will need to show a strong finance educational background as well as years of experience as a finance executive. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

A senior finance executive resume sample that highlights the applicant’s quantifiable success and experience.

   Use action verbs that indicate your leadership.

Action verbs can be used to effectively shape your experiences and achievements. Because this is a senior position, show recruiters that you have been a leader in your previous positions by using the right action verbs. This applicant effectively uses action verbs like ‘spearheaded’, ‘coordinated’, and ‘orchestrated’ to paint themselves as a leader.

Use action verbs that indicate your leadership. - Senior Finance Executive Resume

   Show your impact on the bottom line.

A finance executive who is doing their job well will improve the department’s efficiency, reduce costs, and maximize revenue. Use metrics to show how you have achieved any of the three. E.g. this applicant's initiative increased efficiency by 79% and increased revenue by $190k.

Show your impact on the bottom line. - Senior Finance Executive Resume

Template 4 of 4: Junior Finance Executive Resume Example

In this position, you will perform all the basic finance executive tasks but will be guided by a manager or a senior finance executive. Tasks you can expect include preparing financial statements, consolidating receivables, and reconciling revenues and expenses. You need to have strong interpersonal and communication skills as well as a strong educational background and finance experience. Take a look at this strong resume sample.

Junior finance executive resume sample that highlights the applicant’s related experience and relevant certifications.

Tips to help you write your Junior Finance Executive resume in 2024

   include experience with transferable skills..

You may not have years of experience as a finance executive, but you most probably have closely related experience in a similar position. Include any closely related experience in fields like accounting, business, etc. The skills you would use in these fields are easily transferable and are therefore worthy of including.

Include experience with transferable skills. - Junior Finance Executive Resume

   Include impressive finance-related certifications.

Wow recruiters with impressive certifications like a CFA certification. It shows recruiters that you are highly trained and skilled and that you have the drive to pursue and attain difficult goals.

Include impressive finance-related certifications. - Junior Finance Executive Resume

Skills you can include on your Junior Finance Executive resume

We spoke with hiring managers at top financial institutions like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup to gather their best tips for creating a standout finance executive resume. They shared insider advice on what they look for when hiring for high-level roles in finance. Use these tips along with our finance executive resume examples to create a resume that will impress employers and land you interviews.

   Highlight your leadership experience

Companies want to see that you have successfully led teams and initiatives in your past roles as a finance executive. Use your resume to showcase your leadership abilities:

  • Led a team of 15 financial analysts to streamline reporting processes, reducing monthly close time by 30%
  • Directed the implementation of a new budgeting system for a division with $250M in annual revenue
  • Collaborated with cross-functional leaders to develop and execute the company's 5-year financial strategy

Quantify your achievements to give a clear picture of the scale and impact of your leadership.

Bullet Point Samples for Finance Executive

   Showcase your financial expertise

Employers will scan your resume for evidence of your financial knowledge and skills. Highlight your areas of expertise and use industry-specific language to show your fluency in finance.

  • Experienced in finance
  • Used financial analysis to make decisions

Instead, be specific about the areas of finance you specialize in and how you've applied your expertise:

  • Expert in financial planning and analysis (FP&A), financial modeling, and data analysis
  • Used predictive modeling to forecast revenue with 95% accuracy, enabling proactive decision-making

   Include key certifications and education

For senior finance roles, employers will look for advanced degrees and certifications. Make sure to list your relevant education and credentials prominently on your resume.

  • MBA, Master of Finance, or other graduate degrees
  • CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
  • CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)
  • FRM (Financial Risk Manager)

If you don't have an advanced degree or certification, highlight your bachelor's degree and any relevant coursework or training.

   Demonstrate strategic thinking

Finance executives need to be strategic thinkers who can see the big picture. Use your resume to show how you've thought strategically in past roles.

Developed a long-term financial strategy that positioned the company for 25% year-over-year growth. Identified opportunities to reduce costs, optimize investments, and maximize profitability.

Explain how you've anticipated challenges, identified opportunities, and made data-driven decisions to achieve business objectives.

   Tailor your resume to the role

Finance executive roles can vary widely depending on the company and industry. Carefully review the job posting for the role you're targeting, and customize your resume accordingly.

Look for keywords in the job description that indicate what's most important for the role, such as:

  • Experience with mergers and acquisitions
  • Knowledge of regulatory compliance (e.g., SEC, GAAP)
  • Expertise in a specific industry (e.g., healthcare, technology)

Make sure your resume reflects the priorities of the role and showcases your most relevant skills and experience.

   Highlight your communication skills

Finance executives need to be skilled communicators who can convey complex financial information to non-financial stakeholders. Use your resume to demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively.

  • Presented financial reports and analyses to board of directors and executive team
  • Partnered with sales and marketing leaders to develop pricing strategies and forecast revenue
  • Translated technical financial concepts into actionable insights for business leaders

Provide examples of how you've collaborated with colleagues, communicated with different audiences, and used your communication skills to drive results.

Writing Your Finance Executive Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name front and center.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, typically in a larger font size than the rest of your contact details. This makes it easy for hiring managers to quickly identify whose resume they're looking at.

Here's an example of how to format your name in your header:

Avoid formatting your name like this:

  • john smith, CPA
  • John Smith - Finance Executive

2. Include essential contact details

After your name, include your key contact details so employers can easily get in touch with you. Essential details to include are:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • LinkedIn profile URL
  • City and state

Here's an example of well-formatted contact details for a finance executive:

[email protected] | 555-123-4567 | | New York, NY

Avoid cluttering your header with unnecessary details like:

  • Full mailing address with street, apartment number, etc.
  • Multiple phone numbers
  • Unprofessional email handles
  • Links to personal websites or social media profiles

3. Align with your LinkedIn profile

Many hiring managers will look up candidates on LinkedIn after receiving their resume. Make sure the information in your resume header aligns with your LinkedIn profile, especially your name and location.

If you go by a middle name or nickname on your resume, use that same name on LinkedIn so there's no confusion. Similarly, if you've recently relocated, update both your resume header and LinkedIn profile with your new location.

Aligning your resume header with your LinkedIn also allows you to include your LinkedIn URL in your header. This makes it easy for recruiters to learn more about you and your professional background.


As a finance executive, your resume summary is an opportunity to quickly showcase your most relevant qualifications and experience. While a summary is optional, it can be particularly useful if you have a long career history or are making a career change. Use your summary to provide context and highlight details that may not be immediately apparent from the rest of your resume.

Remember, your resume should never include an objective statement. Instead, focus on crafting a concise, targeted summary that grabs the attention of hiring managers and clearly communicates your value as a candidate.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Finance Executive resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Finance Executive resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Finance Executive Resume Summary Examples , or Finance Executive Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the specific role

When writing your summary, it's essential to align your skills and experience with the requirements of the finance executive position you're targeting. Research the company and the specific role to identify the key qualifications and responsibilities.

For example, if the job description emphasizes strategic planning and financial analysis, highlight your relevant experience in those areas:

Accomplished finance executive with 10+ years of experience driving strategic planning and financial analysis initiatives for global corporations. Proven track record of optimizing financial performance, reducing costs, and improving profitability.

Avoid generic summaries that could apply to any finance position, such as:

Experienced finance professional seeking a challenging opportunity to utilize my skills and contribute to organizational success.

2. Quantify your achievements

As a finance executive, your ability to drive financial success and create value for an organization is crucial. Strengthen your summary by incorporating quantifiable achievements that demonstrate your impact.

Compare the following examples:

  • Experienced in managing financial operations and improving profitability.
  • Spearheaded financial initiatives that increased revenue by 25% and reduced operating costs by $1.5M annually.

By providing specific, measurable results, you give hiring managers a clear understanding of the value you bring to the table.


The work experience section is the most important part of your finance executive resume. It's where you'll highlight your career achievements, key skills, and the impact you've made in previous roles.

To make your work experience section stand out, focus on quantifiable results and metrics that showcase your ability to drive financial success. Use industry-specific language and highlight your expertise in financial analysis, strategic planning, and leadership.

1. Quantify your impact with metrics

When describing your achievements, use specific numbers and metrics to quantify your impact. This helps hiring managers understand the scale and significance of your contributions. For example:

  • Increased revenue by 25% year-over-year through strategic cost-cutting measures and new revenue streams
  • Managed a budget of $50 million and consistently met or exceeded financial targets
  • Led a team of 15 financial analysts and improved department efficiency by 30%

Avoid vague or generic statements that don't provide context or measurable results, such as:

  • Responsible for managing budget
  • Improved department efficiency

If you're unsure how your resume stacks up, try using Score My Resume to get instant feedback on your resume's strengths and areas for improvement. It checks your resume against 30+ key criteria hiring managers look for.

2. Highlight financial tools and technologies

As a finance executive, you likely work with various financial tools, software, and technologies. Highlighting your proficiency in these areas can set you apart from other candidates. For example:

  • Proficient in financial modeling using Excel, SQL, and Python
  • Experienced with ERP systems such as SAP and Oracle
  • Skilled in data visualization using Tableau and Power BI

Avoid simply listing tools without context. Instead, demonstrate how you've used these tools to drive results:

Responsible for creating financial models in Excel.
Developed complex financial models using Excel and SQL, enabling data-driven decision making and resulting in a 15% reduction in operating costs.

When highlighting financial tools and technologies, consider tailoring your resume to the specific job description. Use Targeted Resume to check if your resume has the right skills and keywords for the role you're applying for.

3. Demonstrate career progression

Hiring managers want to see that you've progressed in your career and taken on increasing levels of responsibility. Highlight promotions, title changes, or significant increases in scope within your work experience section. For example:

  • Promoted from Senior Financial Analyst to Finance Manager within 2 years
  • Expanded role from managing a team of 5 to leading a department of 20

If you've held multiple positions within the same company, consider listing them separately to clearly showcase your career growth:

XYZ Corporation Finance Manager (2018-Present) - Achievements and responsibilities Senior Financial Analyst (2016-2018) - Achievements and responsibilities

Avoid downplaying your career progression or lumping together multiple roles without distinguishing your growth.

When demonstrating career progression, focus on the most recent and relevant roles. If you have extensive experience, consider condensing or summarizing earlier positions to keep your resume concise.


Your education section is a key part of your finance executive resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the necessary knowledge and training to succeed in the role. In this section, we'll cover what to include and how to format your education for maximum impact.

How To Write An Education Section - Finance Executive Roles

1. List your degrees in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent degree first, and work backwards. For each degree, include:

  • Name of the institution
  • Location of the institution
  • Name of the degree
  • Field of study
  • Graduation year

Here's an example:

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Master of Business Administration (MBA), Finance, 2015

2. Include relevant coursework and honors

If you're a recent graduate or your coursework is highly relevant to the finance executive role, consider listing a few key courses or projects. You can also include any academic honors, such as graduating cum laude or being on the Dean's List.

Bachelor of Science in Finance, XYZ University, 2018 Relevant Coursework: Financial Analysis, Corporate Finance, Investment Management Honors: Summa Cum Laude, Dean's List (All Semesters)

3. Keep it concise for senior-level positions

If you're a senior-level finance executive with many years of experience, your education section should be brief. Hiring managers will be more interested in your work accomplishments than your degrees from decades ago.

Here's what not to do:

Bachelor of Arts in Economics, ABC University, 1985 Courses: Intro to Microeconomics, Intro to Macroeconomics, Statistics 101, Calculus I, Calculus II, etc. GPA: 3.7/4.0

Instead, keep it simple:

MBA, Finance, XYZ University Bachelor of Arts, Economics, ABC University

Action Verbs For Finance Executive Resumes

Action verbs help shape your experiences and achievements. A finance executive is in charge of the daily transactions and the overall transactions of a company. Your goal is to maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and increase revenue so include action verbs like ‘consolidated’ and ‘reduced’. This is also a senior-level position and so you will be at the forefront of setting up systems and otherwise leading. You therefore will also want to use leader words like ‘developed’, ‘created’, and ‘spearheaded’. Here are 16 action verbs that you can use.

Action Verbs for Finance Executive

  • Spearheaded
  • Orchestrated
  • Facilitated
  • Coordinated

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Finance Executive Resumes

Skills for finance executive resumes.

The skills section of a resume is often neglected or ignored but when crafted correctly, it can be responsible for getting you an interview with a recruiter. For this position, you need to create a very specific skill set. You want to look at the tasks you will be completing as a finance executive and list the main skills and tools you would need to accomplish those tasks. Under industry knowledge or technical skills, you can also include tasks that you can accomplish like budgeting and data validation.

Here is a list of very relevant skills. Add those that resonate with you and your abilities.

  • Financial Analysis
  • Financial Reporting
  • Account Reconciliation
  • Accounts Payable
  • Financial Accounting
  • Accounts Receivable (AR)
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Financial Statements
  • Microsoft Access
  • Management Information Systems (MIS)
  • Internal Controls
  • General Ledger
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
  • Internal Audit
  • Corporate Finance

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Finance Executive Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Finance Executive Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Finance Executive Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Finance Executive job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Finance Executive Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other finance resumes, business development.

A well-structured resume for a Director of Business Development highlighting strategic initiatives and leadership skills.

Digital Transformation

A business transformation consultant resume sample that highlights the applicant’s key achievements and qualifications.

Production Manager

Screenshot of a Production Executive's resume showcasing their tech proficiency and project management experiences.

  • Bookkeeper Resume Guide
  • Investment Banking Resume Guide
  • Financial Analyst Resume Guide
  • Accountant Resume Guide
  • Equity Research Resume Guide
  • C-Level and Executive Resume Guide
  • Financial Advisor Resume Guide
  • Procurement Resume Guide
  • Auditor Resume Guide
  • Financial Controller Resume Guide
  • Risk Management Resume Guide
  • Accounts Payable Resume Guide
  • Internal Audit Resume Guide
  • Purchasing Manager Resume Guide
  • Loan Processor Resume Guide
  • Finance Director Resume Guide
  • Credit Analyst Resume Guide
  • Collections Specialist Resume Guide

Finance Executive Resume Guide

  • VP of Finance Resume Guide
  • Claims Adjuster Resume Guide
  • Payroll Specialist Resume Guide
  • Cost Analyst Resume Guide
  • M&A Resume Guide
  • Finance Executive Resume Example
  • Senior Finance Executive Resume Example
  • Junior Finance Executive Resume Example
  • Tips for Finance Executive Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Finance Executive CV Examples
  • Finance Executive Cover Letter
  • Finance Executive Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Finance Professional Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the finance professional job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • To provide support and consulting to Marketing and Customer Development users
  • To propose ideas to improve the current procedures without lose control (continuous improvement)
  • Perform research, analyze data, make determinations, and document results/findings to support conclusions; identify and escalate potential issues
  • Understand key business unit operating metrics/drivers and measure performance to established metrics
  • Execute activities related to continuous improvement projects or special information requests
  • Analyze current and past financial data and performance
  • May assist in interpreting and applying corporate or division level policy and accounting theory
  • Develop and maintain training materials and work instructions for global BE processes
  • Initiate process improvements, standardization and automation in the business expense area
  • Ensure all process controls (SOX, etc) are executed and documented accordingly. Support the Team Lead in audit reviews
  • Perform audits of data upon entry and business claims
  • Provide relevant feedback to requester after request has been completed or rejected
  • Process business expenses in a timely manner based on compliant and completed request forms
  • Receive and review business expense related requests, forms, inquiries and questions
  • Providing information to Global Business services Management to ensure a successfully performance as a GBS Organization
  • Providing information to Global Business Services Management to ensure a successfully performance as a Global Business Services Organization
  • Leads, manages and evaluates the Finance department in establishment of annual objectives
  • Providing information to Tax & Treasury Department as necessary
  • Performing end of the month accounting Procedures
  • Reviewing financial, managerial, and operating information for accuracy and timeliness for a specified area
  • Ensure year activities are performed on time without errors
  • Knowledgeable with Oracle Accounts Receivable applications or similar applications
  • Strong, demonstrable, commercial acumen
  • Effective time and workload management – demonstrable ability to plan, prioritise and deliver
  • Some previous finance experience highly desirable
  • Strong Excel and data manipulation skills
  • Works primarily under supervision, but prioritises work stack and adapts to changing priorities. Responsible for personal output with autonomy to plan and execute own work. Specialist roles will work with high level of authority only seeking appropriate support where necessary
  • Able to carry out tasks effectively, and suggest alternatives to problems/issues before escalation. Decision making mainly according to established solutions but handles new challenges and looks to make improvements to existing processes
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Relevant work experience would be desirable
  • Good spreadsheet modelling and analysis skills

15 Finance Professional resume templates

Finance Professional Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, assistant finance professional resume examples & samples.

  • Ensure completion of assigned activities within a specified time period
  • Provides analytical business insight/ support
  • Reconciling accounting sub-systems to the general ledger - investigating and resolving any issues
  • Ensure reconciliations and controls are performed to a high standard of accuracy
  • Deliver VAT reports to Group tax to tight deadlines
  • Supports senior members of the finance team and proactively partner with managers and key stakeholders
  • Assist in the implementation of the Business Area's financial goals, and use strong knowledge of financial processes to deliver these goals
  • Maintenance of the fixed asset register including creation, addition and changing of fixed assets
  • Part qualified accountant with ambition to continue their studies (ACCA, ACA, CIMA)
  • A proven track record of working well in a team - yet being comfortable to work independently
  • Advanced Excel skills, ideally with experience in SQL and/or coding -
  • Experience of working with accounting software

Global Finance Professional Services Centre Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead the establishment of the shared services centres in Slovakia, India and China including hiring and training staff, implementation of standard business processes and governance for identified processes in-scope as documented in our finance blueprint
  • Actively participate in the transition of finance processes to the PSC
  • Exercise fiscal oversight for the PSCs
  • Manage the PSCs in accordance with the established global Shared Services service delivery model, operating model, process framework, and governance while also collaborating with other members of the shared services leadership team relative to our strategy around shared service capabilities and trends
  • Provide directional guidance to management team for all process areas included in the scope of shared services. Integrate finance processes of new acquisitions into the PSC
  • Manage performance to targeted Global Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to align with delivery of desired service level to the business
  • Provide Senior Finance Management globally and supported units with regular communication of performance against desired service levels
  • Represent Finance team on key committees as designated by the SVP, Corporate Controller
  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting/Finance; CPA or Chartered Accountant certification or other similar qualification preferred
  • Minimum of 15 years of relevant experience, including 6-10 years of experience in global shared service center leadership role
  • Knowledge of financial systems and reporting tools (experience with PeopleSoft a plus)

Finance Professional Development Program Resume Examples & Samples

  • Individuals in their final year of a BS/MS accounting, finance, or economics
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Completion of at least 2 college-level accounting courses is required
  • Leadership abilities demonstrated through involvement in student organizations and / or community service
  • Co-op or internship experience and a willingness to relocate is preferred
  • Knowledge of US GAAP and internal controls is a plus

Real Returns™ India Restart Your Career as an Experienced Finance Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • A cover letter which would help us understand your reasons for the career break and any other breaks in your overall career
  • Your most recent resume with experience details
  • Your expectations from Real Returns program and how do you think this program will help re-launch your career
  • Completion of a bachelor degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, BA or similar
  • Willingness to do at least one six-month rotation outside of Europe
  • Unrestricted authorization to work in Europe
  • 6 to 12 months of previous work experience in finance or accounting
  • Very fluent level of German and English
  • Strong academic records
  • Demonstrated leadership through organizational involvement
  • Minimum of one internship in finance or accounting

Finance Professional Junior Resume Examples & Samples

  • Performing basic analysis, reports, accounting or administrative activities fulfilling corporate policies, internal procedures and statutory requirements
  • Preparing basic financial analyses which support business decision models
  • Performing compliance/control testing in order to ensure that internal controls are implemented and performed as required
  • Works with others to implement accounting processes, reporting requirements and system optimization
  • Providing information to Tax and Treasury Department as necessary
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting/ Finance/Business-Related
  • Previous experience in Finance and Accounting positions
  • Intermediate - Advanced MS Office skills, especially Excel and Power Point
  • Must have the ability to manage conflicting/changing priorities with tight deadlines

Senior Finance Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Acting as policies & SAP advisor and trainer to financial professionals and local organizations. Collaborate and communicate with partners to ensure knowledge is transferred among local organizations
  • Participating in the implementation of new initiatives related with the process and solving issues related with daily activities
  • Constantly analyzing the process activities to identify potential improvements and opportunity areas to report this to the RTR Manager & Continuous Improvement Process Engineer
  • Providing control and maintenance of your assigned accounts applying the corporate policies and procedures complying with the SLAs
  • Analyzing & processing the reports, journal entries, transactions, tax & legal requirements which provide the customer with complete, accurate & timely information for decision making plus supporting and coordinating external audits
  • Providing information to Tax & Treasury Department as necessary
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting/Finance/Business-Related field
  • Knowledge and experience in costing
  • Experience in corporate (USGAAP) and international statutory regulations (IFRS)
  • Experience in project management
  • English proficiency. Capable of maintaining business conversations
  • Technical competencies: accounting, costing and financial analysis
  • Strong analytical and communication skills and be detail-oriented
  • Advanced MS Office skills, especially Excel (Pivot tables, vlookups macros)
  • Experience in risk analysis

Finance Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare reports and projections based on detailed analysis
  • Prepare payment proposals according to the internal regulations and within the agreed timeframes
  • Contribute to the elaboration and processing of the balance sheets and financial overviews
  • Make proposals for the optimization of the accounting processes with the aim of guaranteeing the efficient operation of the department
  • Prepare journal entries, reconciliations and other accounting functions
  • Coordinate with other members of the finance team to review financial information and forecasts
  • Provide financial models and forecasting
  • Bachelor’s Degree Required in Accounting, Finance or related field
  • Minimum of 3-5+ years of experience in financial analysis and accounting
  • Advanced Excel skills required, including pivot tables, vlookups, macros, etc
  • ERP experience required, ideally Microsoft Dynamics AX, Navision, Great Plains, etc
  • Ability to work independently in a confident, deliberate and productive manner. Ability to research issues and arrive at logical well-documented analysis and conclusions
  • Effective verbal and written communicator with both financial and non-financial individuals
  • Supports or reports financial performance of defined business area, or in small team of specialist subject matter experts with pan-BT responsibility (including consolidation / low level analysis / planning / performing audits)
  • Assists implementation of the Business Unit financial goals / pan-BT specialist function goals and uses strong knowledge of appropriate financial processes to deliver these goals
  • Gives financial guidance to senior leadership teams and guides more junior roles and advises and coaches on financial policy and practices that support BT's long term goals
  • Delivers and supports the planning, facilitation and completion of finance programmes or projects in a clearly defined capacity
  • Provides analytical business insight/support or responsibility for operation of a process for large business area (specific business unit) or complex specialist function
  • Supports senior members of finance team (e.g. SFM, Finance Controller, Head of Finance - UK typically BB2 / 3). Proactively partners with managers and other key stakeholders within the business unit
  • Role required understanding of Financial Reporting/Accounts Payable/ Inventory systems
  • Excellent Excel skills, Email writing, Power point Presentations skills
  • A Commerce Graduate, and preferably a person having exposure of working and driving Team project
  • Relevant experience of minimum 3 years
  • Provides analytical business insight wherever need be
  • Supports senior members of finance team
  • Should have exposure to prepare Process Documents and get them vet and approved time to time
  • Proactively partners with managers and other key stakeholders within the business unit
  • Correct and timely record of A&P expenditures according the standardized procedure defined for Brand Building activities across LA
  • To maintain adequate communication with Marketing, Customer Development and regional Marketing teams
  • To confirm the monthly final amount for A&P and to ensure de timely accounts reconciliation approval
  • To conciliate the Planned Amount against Cash Applied on monthly basis
  • To support Budget or Strategic Outlooks activities
  • To support statutory or external audit requirements when needed
  • To ensure an adequate internal control environment based on corporate policies compliance
  • Bachelor’s Degree in a Finance / Accounting or Business-Related field
  • Proven experience working with Finance Analysis / Budgeting and account reconciliation
  • Intermediate/Advanced MS Office skills, especially Excel
  • Strong leadership, detail-oriented and customer service skills are required
  • The ability to convey information to someone effectively and efficiently while creating a good first impression and engaging the audience is a must
  • Ability to comprehend and to systematically organize the various aspects of a problem or situation is a must
  • At least 1 year of experience in Finance is a must
  • MSc or BSc studies in Accounting is a must
  • Advanced knowledge of Excel is a must
  • Reliable General Accounting knowledge is a must
  • VBA knowledge is an advantage
  • English on a fluent level is a must
  • Italian on a fluent level is a must
  • Clear understanding of the processes and accounting systems to meet business objectives in accordance with the accounting policies
  • Clear and adequate understanding of corporate policies
  • Active listening and communication
  • Analytical skills, negotiation, attention to detail
  • Easy to work in a team
  • Excellent attitude of service and attention to clients
  • Skills of order, planning and structure of processes
  • Work under pressure and ability to manage at the same time several deliverables, complying with the deadline dates
  • Proactive, tolerance to change and frustration
  • Management of people
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Excel
  • Working closely with the Finance Lead, the role holder will be responsible for the Excel based analysis and processing of business case cost inputs, utilising bespoke/ad hoc spread sheet models, standardised BT Business Case Models and the GS bid evaluation model
  • Accurate and timely delivery of robust cost inputs, covering both BT internal and external cost quotations, to the Finance Lead in the required and agreed format for consolidation into the bid financials, often to tight timescales
  • Apply a logical and organised approach to the manipulation of potentially large quantities of raw data, applying appropriate checks and balances to ensure completeness and accuracy of final bid inputs
  • Work closely with geographically diverse bid teams consisting of technical, service design, contract finance and product specialists across BT to understand the basis, underlying assumptions and drivers of inputs, ensuring these are aligned with the bid requirements
  • Gain the confidence and understanding, under the direction of the Finance Manager, to pro-actively query and challenge inputs to ensure accuracy and completeness, applying sufficient diligence in cost validation to capture material source compilation errors and omissions
  • Use Excel expertise to create dynamic cost models, building flexibility to present multiple scenarios and efficiently accommodate changing customer requirements (e.g. volumes, contract terms, product options) as specified by the Finance Lead
  • Build, under direction of the Finance Lead, a sound understanding of best practice in the treatment of all key input types (e.g. CAPEX, Resource, BT products)
  • Ensuring all risks and issues identified during input validation (both financial and non-financial) are clearly communicated to the Finance lead
  • To provide concise and well-presented cost breakdowns and analyses to the Finance lead in support of internal briefings and Customer negotiations
  • Interface with a variety of BT systems to provide supplemental input data as required
  • Degree level (or equivalent)
  • Finance or Business based degree desirable but not essential depending on demonstrable skills and experience
  • Professional Accountancy qualification desirable but not essential
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent English a pre requisite, other languages beneficial but not essential
  • Ability to work effectively in a fast paced and sometimes high pressure environment
  • Ability to take the initiative to drive work packages to successful, timely delivery
  • Pro-active team member quick to engage the wider team to facilitate issue resolution
  • Exposure to delivery and implementation issues sufficient to be able to challenge and question assumptions underlying inputs would be beneficial
  • Willingness to occasionally travel to co-locate with bid team if required
  • Willingness to occasionally work long or anti-social hours to meet critical deadlines
  • Delivering financial reporting for the assigned sectors / businesses in actuals and external reporting processes to tight timescales, including general ledger processing, reporting and reconciliation activities
  • Involvement / lead project roles in continuous improvement activities and project-based work in relation to FSDM / task transfers and general process improvements
  • Embedding and delivering additional financial reporting activities as migrated
  • Ensuring control and compliance requirements of processes are met
  • Part-Qualified accountant (ACA/ACCA/CIMA) or a strong finance background
  • Strong IT proficiency (Excel)
  • Driven, with a focus on providing high quality customer service
  • Demonstrable experience of problem solving
  • Process improvement / systems mind-set
  • Ability to demonstrate project management skills
  • Working knowledge of HFM / Hyperion advantageous
  • Knowledgeable on the use of SAP and/or Baan is advantageous

Finance Professional Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Client projects administration and function coordination
  • Financial reporting, including billing and collection management and/or engagement economics analysis
  • Obtainment and organization client documentation, including engagement letters, master services agreements and statements of work
  • File organization, research, computational work and create spreadsheets
  • Administration of Quality & Risk Management and Independence tools, e.g. AFS, Acceptance & Continuance, tax processing and performing ad-hoc projects as needed
  • Participating in the implementation of new initiatives related with the process and solving complicated issues related with daily activities
  • Constantly analyzing the process activities to identify potential improvements and opportunity areas to report this to the SS Manager & Continuous Improvement Process Engineer
  • Knowledge and experience in reporting
  • Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting, or Economics required; Master’s degree preferred
  • 7-10 years of experience in financial planning, budgeting/forecasting, Public Accounting experience a plus
  • Experience with Hyperion Essbase and/or SQL a plus Superior critical thinking skills, including the ability to identify trends within raw data
  • Proven track record of independent development of analytical tools and methodologies, including creation of spreadsheet based reports, tools and analysis
  • Ability to research and analyze data, and convert data into business insights
  • Must be flexible and have the ability to adapt to a changing environment
  • Experience in preparing accounting journal entries for the monthly accounting close
  • Experience in preparing reports/reporting from Oracle Financials / Consolidation. Good knowledge of Excel
  • Identify a company or organization's affiliates / related entities and properly construct that company/organization's corporate structure, such as parent, subsidiary
  • Monitor work-flow to help ensure timely responses to inquiries and requests
  • 3 to 5 years' experience working independently and with team members, assessing and handling competing priorities, while participating in diverse initiatives under tight timelines, with guidance from supervisors
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in Finance, Accounting or relevant industry experience
  • Organizational skills with keen attention to details and documentation standards; ability to multi-task and seek assistance from supervisors with prioritizing work in order to meet deadlines
  • Experience with procurement function and reading/understanding contracting terms and conditions
  • Critical thinking, analytical, and research skills; ability to evaluate and synthesize large amounts of information to make a decision
  • Ability to build relationships, networks, and credibility with numerous constituents; excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong command of Microsoft Excel
  • Oversees and directs cash management, implementation of the investment policy, budgeting, audit, tax, accounting, purchasing, long range forecasting
  • Appraises financial position and issues periodic reports on financial stability, liquidity, and growth to the Board, management and staff
  • Directs an overall headquarters’ budget of more than 400MM
  • Analyzes, consolidates, and directs all cost accounting procedures together with other statistical and routine reports. Identifies analytical reporting needs and defines the corresponding analytical procedures
  • Advises management and the Board on investments for short- and long-range financial plans
  • Directs and prepares staff in support of external audit
  • Design and implement the structural and organizational changes necessary for the finance department to adapt to present and ongoing challenges, ensuring a satisfactory balance between the distribution of skills and tasks and the necessary redundancies among the team
  • Master's degree (M.B.A. or M.P.A.) or equivalent plus a minimum of 10 years progressive experience in non-profit Finance & Administration, including at least four years at a senior level, preferably in an international organization and not for profit organization, or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Demonstrated success in roles requiring analytic, systematic thinking while managing multiple priorities. Ability to anticipate and resolve problems in a timely manner by gathering and analyzing information skillfully
  • Demonstrated knowledge of US non-profit regulatory environment and grants and risk management
  • Demonstrated experience managing and leading the development and follow up of large budgets
  • Staff management experience with ability to provide leadership, innovation, motivation and constructive performance reviews to staff, securing their respective commitments to the organization’s goals
  • Genuine interest in and commitment to the humanitarian principles of the organization, and its commitment to transparency to its donors and employees
  • Record Construction-in-Process
  • Record Asset Acquisition / Capitalization / Enhancement / Adjustment
  • Properly Value Assets for Accounting Purposes
  • Establish and Communicate Fixed Asset Policies and Procedures
  • Process & Record Asset Transfers
  • Maintain Enterprise Data Model; Perform Data Governance Activities
  • Perform Fixed Asset Reporting
  • Record Asset Disposition
  • On Going Projects
  • Drive a Value Focus into the Enterprise

Finance Professional Rtr-recording Resume Examples & Samples

  • Correct and timely record of current and non-current journal entries according the standardized procedure defined for LA region
  • Upload into SAP daily Exchange Rate
  • Release block invoices and costs
  • Calculate and post exchange revaluation
  • Prepare manual intercompany invoicing
  • Challenge current processes to identify standardization, simplification or automation opportunities on the daily activities
  • Prepare balance accounts reconciliations and follow up to overdue items
  • To confirm the monthly final amount for Burden, COGS and Distribution Expenses
  • Elaborate INEGI, IMMEX and Cash & Loan reports
  • To support statutory, SOX, External and Internal audit requirements when needed
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting / Finance or Business-Related field and 1 to 2 year of experience
  • Proven experience working with Finance Analysis and Accounts Reconciliation
  • Detail-oriented and customer service skills are required
  • Develops new ideas and ways of thinking
  • Maintains professional, positive working relationships
  • Delivers accurate and timely financial and managerial reporting with some supervision
  • Extended working hours may sometimes be required
  • Should have knowledge in GL function, need to ensure completeness and accuracy of assigned deliverables within defined timeline as per lose calendar/internal agreement
  • Experience in building partnership with all natural teams (on-shore/ offshore/ Contract accounting etc.)
  • Ensure meeting team’s month close timeline in RFT manner
  • Own B/Sheet account reconciliations
  • No significant observation on account of any error in audit
  • Zero open items >60 days
  • Regular connect with all the onshore partners to mitigate any potential issue proactively. Ensure positive feedback from onshore
  • Graduate/ post graduate in Commerce
  • 4+ years of GL domain experience; dealing with financial statements/ analysis, handling month close functions
  • Exposure to GL module in Oracle 11i is must/R12 will be added advantage
  • Shared services background preferable
  • Interpersonal skills to be able to work within a larger team
  • Able to work independently to resolve issues
  • Able to identify improvement opportunities and introduce these into the immediate work area
  • Proficient in MS office especially MS Excel & PPT
  • Have handled /Own month end journal preparation for Fiscal/monthly schedule
  • Ensure accuracy of all prepayments/Amortizations/Accruals/TITAN/Re-class/Deferred revenue/accrued revenue journals
  • Ensure DTPs are updated on real time basis in agreed format
  • Ensure back-up exists whenever required, for all the processes
  • Highlight any potential issue/risk proactively
  • Ensure healthy team environment
  • Graduate / Post Graduate in Finance
  • 3+ years in Oracle 11i sub ledger and GL modules
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office: Word and Excel
  • Knowledgeable with Oracle Accounts Receivable applications or similar applications a plus
  • Correct and timely record of Intercompany Transactions according the standardized procedure defined for Intercompany activities across KLA, KNA, KEU, KAP regions
  • Perform daily Intercompany financial analysis and reports, accounting and administrative activities fulfilling corporate policies and statutory requirements compliance
  • Prepare payment and collection proposals
  • Confirm Intercompany Statements across regions
  • Prepare Intercompany accounts reconciliations
  • Monitor open and overdue items and communicate and follow-up accordingly with the appropriate staff
  • Support statutory, SOX, External and Internal audit requirements when needed
  • Intermediate/Advanced MS Office skills, especially Excel (Pivot tables, vlookups macros)
  • Strong analytical and communication skills and be results and detail oriented
  • A substantial level of order and structure to meet established deadlines
  • Capable of working under pressure
  • Ability to manage conflicting/changing priorities with tight deadlines

Accounting / Finance Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • An undergraduate degree in accounting or finance with 2-5 years of professional experience
  • Experience in accounting or finance handling the general ledger (GL), month-end (ME) close, reconciliations, consolidations, financial statements, fixed assets, and variance analyses with public companies
  • Experience with month-end close and account reconciliations
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to resolve accounting issues
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to communicate effectively at all levels
  • Intermediate to advanced computer skills in Excel and Access
  • Experience working with major ERP systems such as SAP, Oracle, or PeopleSoft is desired
  • Supports Business Finance on volumes and revenue for the product they are responsible for
  • Weekly analysis of trends and revenue information for publication at senior level in BT
  • Monthly analysis of revenue and volume information to tell the story behind the results
  • Supports the development of the business strategy and associated business cases to deliver material financial benefit
  • Provide regular forecasts for product volumes and revenues that are used to drive and determine the direction of the business and also to highlight risks and opportunities. This includes modelling the impact of price changes on BPS revenue
  • Provide support to BPS Propositions team to drive new sales opportunities
  • Support delivery of IFRS 15 changes
  • Graduate in a relevant degree (minimum 2:1) from a top university
  • Experience dealing with financial systems and processes is preferred
  • Resilience to challenge business units and drive the change agenda
  • Composure to work in a high profile team that is results driven
  • Teamwork is the key to our success

Finance Professional Management Resume Examples & Samples

  • You are currently studying any of the following careers: Accounting, Finance, Economy, Business Administration, Industrial Engineering or similar
  • You have good knowledge of MS Excel
  • You are a fast learner – needs to be able to learn different financial tools -
  • Strong analytical skill - sense of urgency and accountability
  • English at least intermediate level
  • Good interpersonal skills and proactive attitude
  • Be able to deal with ambiguity, handle multiple priorities, and maintain a good attitude at all times
  • Reconciles payroll general ledgers on a monthly basis
  • A backup to run pay cycles for weekly and semi- monthly employees (union & non-union) and salary employees
  • Issuing timely and accurate pay checks, maintaining adequate records of all data and transactions, responding to supervisors and employee questions and resolving issues and assuring privacy of all payroll related records
  • Run payroll GL and 3rd party interfaces
  • Run AP-End reports and create requested reports
  • Process remittance with vendors
  • Contribution in special projects
  • Other payroll related duties as assigned
  • May act as a business partner for specific team
  • Works with and supports FM (UK BB2) or Operational / specialist equivalent
  • Should be in current role for minimum 12 months
  • Should have last 2 rating as ‘AS’ and above

Treasury Finance Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform Treasury, user admin and issue resolution activities and ensure SLA, policy and regulatory requirements are met
  • Supports or reports financial performance of defined business area
  • Works primarily under supervision, but prioritises work stack and adapts to changing priorities. Responsible for personal output with autonomy to plan and execute own work. Specialist roles work with high level of authority only seeking appropriate support where necessary
  • Perform all Treasury, user admin and issue resolution activities for the in-country deadlines

Finance Professional Accounts Payable Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform all invoice processing related activities for the in-country deadlines
  • 1-2 year experience on Finance (Accounts Payables, Accounts Receivables, Business Expenses)
  • MSC or BSC studies in Accounting is preferred, but not required in case of relevant work experience
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills. English and German language knowledge is a must
  • Ability to process and follow-up on rush items
  • Knowledge on any Finance related applications is an advantage (Oracle, SAP)
  • Able to work individually

Business Expense Finance Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review incoming requests for completeness and accuracy
  • Respond to and provide appropriate information for all business expense related questions and inquiries
  • Review business expense quality reports and take appropriate action to correct deficiencies
  • Proactive issue resolution in the overall business expense process
  • Ensure best practices are applied within team and drive best practice in related processes
  • 1-2 year experience on Finance (Business Expense, Accounts Payables,)
  • Eye for detail, accuracy is imperative
  • Able to meet deadlines
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills. English and German is a must. Any Other European language knowledge is an advantage
  • Knowledge on any Finance related applications is an advantage
  • Intermediate knowledge of Excel

Related Job Titles

resume format for experience in finance

  • Business Essentials
  • Leadership & Management
  • Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business (CLIMB)
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • Digital Transformation
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Business in Society
  • For Organizations
  • Support Portal
  • Media Coverage
  • Founding Donors
  • Leadership Team

resume format for experience in finance

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Business Insights

Harvard Business School Online's Business Insights Blog provides the career insights you need to achieve your goals and gain confidence in your business skills.

  • Career Development
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  • Decision-Making
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  • Negotiation
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  • Productivity
  • Staff Spotlight
  • Student Profiles
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  • Design Thinking and Innovation
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Disruptive Strategy
  • Economics for Managers
  • Entrepreneurship Essentials
  • Financial Accounting
  • Global Business
  • Launching Tech Ventures
  • Leadership Principles
  • Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability
  • Leading with Finance
  • Management Essentials
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  • Sustainable Business Strategy
  • Sustainable Investing
  • Winning with Digital Platforms

7 Finance Skills Employers Look for on a Resume

Finance professional sitting at desk working

  • 07 Jun 2022

There's a shortage of talent in today's job market. While some believe it's caused by factors like the pandemic or "Great Resignation," the finance field is experiencing a talent shortage largely due to changing industry trends.

According to Robert Half Talent Solutions , 65 percent of senior managers in finance and accounting are hiring for permanent positions in the first half of 2022. Yet, only 33 percent are hiring for vacant roles, meaning many positions are newly created, largely due to the changing skill sets needed.

Are you interested in breaking into finance but not sure what your resume should include? Here are the top finance skills employers want, why they're essential to the job market, and how you can obtain them.

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What Are Finance Skills?

Finance skills are often associated with industry-specific positions, such as accountants and finance managers. This definition only scratches the surface when examining finance's role in business. Finance skills are soft and hard skills that enable stakeholders to manage and navigate financial decision-making and problem-solving.

Some common roles that require financial skills on a resume are:

  • Accountants
  • Financial analysts
  • Chief financial officers (CFOs)
  • Underwriters
  • Finance managers

Each role requires varying skills and experience levels. Yet, several skills are important, and often mandatory, across all positions. Here's an overview of what finance skills employers want and what you can do to enhance your resume.

Finance Skills You Need on Your Resume

1. accounting skills.

The first, and perhaps most important, finance skill employers ask for is accounting. This doesn't mean you need to have previous experience as an accountant, but rather proficiency in reading and understanding financial documents , including:

  • Balance sheets
  • Income statements
  • Cash flow statements
  • Annual reports

The data points extracted from these financial documents inform finance and business leaders about a company's financial health and its future initiatives.

For example, cash flow management —tracking a company's assets as they move in and out of the business—is an incredibly important metric. Leadership and key stakeholders use it to predict how much money will be available at any given time and how much is needed to cover outstanding debts.

Since accounting is fundamental in tracking a company's performance, employers tend to offer a competitive salary to those who possess these skills. According to Emsi Burning Glass data, prospective finance professionals with accounting skills can expect a median salary of $80,320 or more.

Graph showing median advertised salaries for finance positions that require accounting skills

2. Analytical Thinking Skills

While employers need team members who build financial statements, business leaders need experience analyzing and leveraging this information. This is called financial statement analysis , the process of reviewing key financial documents to better understand a company's performance.

This is done by analyzing performance metrics found on various financial statements and through financial ratios. Some important ratios include:

  • Current ratio , which measures a company's ability to pay off its short-term commitments
  • Quick ratio , which calculates whether a company can pay off its short-term obligations with liquid assets
  • Debt-to-equity ratio , which evaluates a company's financial efficacy by dividing a company's total liabilities by shareholder equity

Analytical thinking has quickly become a high commodity in the finance job market. Some of the top employers advertise finance job postings that require analytical thinking. According to Emsi Burning Glass data, the top 10 companies that require this skill include:

  • Travelers Insurance
  • Charles Schwab
  • JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Wells Fargo
  • The Hartford
  • Health Care Service Corporation

Graph showing top companies with finance job postings that require analytical skills from April 2020 to April 2022

3. Financial Decision-Making Skills

Decision-making is an essential skill for aspiring leaders. While business leaders often take time to understand an organization's goals, initiatives, and mission, finance is crucial to positioning a company for success.

Managers in any department can benefit from finance knowledge. For example, estimating a project's financial impact is a common responsibility, often done by calculating its return on investment (ROI) .

Data-driven financial decision-making creates a clear framework for company leadership to reference and provides the building blocks to a far more elusive finance skill: intuition. For this reason, it's invaluable to include on your resume.

4. Management Skills

Like most industries, employers in the finance sector always look for applicants with management skills and experience. These skills are needed for managing people as well as the various moving parts of a company's capital structure and reporting processes.

This skill doesn't apply solely to mid- and high-level managers. For example, preparing an organization's budget requires management skills. Whether a quarterly budget for performance tracking or a budget proposal to recommend future initiatives, the preparation of this essential document calls for collaboration, regular communication, and clear direction.

According to Emsi Burning Glass data, some top finance job titles that require management skills include:

  • Financial managers
  • Personal service managers
  • Financial and investment analysts
  • Financial risk specialists
  • Financial specialists
  • General managers
  • Operations managers
  • Securities sales agents
  • Commodities sales agents
  • Financial services sales agents

Graph showing the top finance job titles that require management skills from April 2020 to April 2022

5. Financial Reporting Skills

Many finance professionals deal with historical data, but looking to the future is equally as crucial.

Financial forecasting predicts a company's financial future by examining historical performance data, such as revenue, cash flow, expenses, or sales. This is an incredibly important skill to include on a resume since it often assists business leaders in major decisions around areas like hiring, budgeting, and strategic planning.

Cash flow forecasting is a particularly important form of forecasting. These predictions help support a company's stability by determining whether it will have enough cash to cover future expenses. As a result, these skills are often synonymous with "forward-thinking"—a valuable characteristic of prospective finance employees.

6. Communication Skills

Most prospective finance professionals understand the importance of accounting and analysis skills, but many minimize the role of effective communication.

This skill can take the form of strong oral communication in meetings or written communication in financial documents. Being an effective communicator also requires explaining financial jargon in simple terms. This is accomplished through financial literacy —the understanding and use of financial terminology, statements, and concepts.

Since many stakeholders and clients are outside the financial sector, companies often select candidates who can communicate complex industry language to others. Emsi Burning Glass shows a steady increase in finance job postings requiring communication skills over the past year.

Graph showing increase of jobs requiring communication skills

7. Investing Skills

In today's market, most employers know profits made from their goods and services aren't enough to sustain long-term growth. Investing as one form of capital allocation is a great way for companies to generate even more money outside of their operations.

Since investing is a riskier endeavor than releasing a new product to market, it's important for employers to hire individuals with a keen eye for investing. For example, a company that has numerous alternative investments should hire people who understand these assets and can assess the varying risks.

Another aspect of this industry that's grown in popularity and demand is sustainable investing . This trend of purpose-driven investing has created a need for financial leaders who value and understand environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) factors when deciding whether resources should be contributed to a venture.

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How to Improve Your Finance Skills

Finance skills are essential for industry leaders and managers. These positions require an intuitive knowledge of financial principles and statements to unlock critical insights into a company's performance and potential.

One of the best ways to develop these high-demand skills is by taking an online course. These courses can offer a solid foundation in finance and accounting concepts while giving you the tools and processes to tackle some of the biggest financial challenges companies face.

Are you looking to strengthen your finance resume? Check out our finance and accounting courses , including Leading with Finance , Financial Accounting , Sustainable Investing , and Alternative Investments , to acquire the skills needed to land an interview. If you aren't sure which course is the right fit, download our free course flowchart to determine which best aligns with your goals.

resume format for experience in finance

About the Author

How to write an MBA resume and make sure it stands out in the stack

Person writing resume on laptop.

Applying to business school, or an MBA program, can be nerve-racking. You’ll need to lasso together transcripts and test scores, fill out an application, and likely ace an interview—but perhaps the most critical piece of it all is an MBA resume. This important document will list out many of the same elements as a traditional resume, such as your educational background and work experience. 

But an MBA resume also has a different primary function than the typical resume you might submit to try and land a job: It’s designed to land you a spot in an MBA program. If writing an MBA resume feels intimidating, knowing what to put on it, and some other framing tactics, may help calm your nerves.

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Mba resume vs. a job resume  .

As noted, an MBA resume should feel familiar to many prospective business school students. 

“An MBA resume is very similar to a job resume,” says Kaneisha Grayson, the founder and CEO of The Art of Applying , an MBA admissions consultancy. She adds that both types of resumes will, or should, comprise a single page, incorporate clear, professional formatting, and lay out an applicant’s educational and career accomplishments. 

“I’d say one difference between the two is that I advise our clients to put their education at the top—whereas with a job resume, you’d see education at the bottom,” Grayson says. She recommends this variation because an MBA resume’s specific aim of landing an applicant at an educational institution. 

So, in that sense, there may not be a whole lot of differences between an MBA resume and a job resume, but there will be some additional focus on specific aspects of your background, all in an effort to win over an MBA program’s selection or admissions committee. 

How to write an MBA resume

Again, writing an MBA resume shouldn’t differ a whole lot from writing a traditional resume, but you’ll want to try and keep your end goal in mind, which is landing a spot in an MBA program. As you write your MBA resume, keeping that goal in mind should prove helpful, because it can help you parse out the information you’ll want to include, and the things you won’t.

“An MBA resume is very specialized toward the application cycle,” says Ellin Lolis, President and Founder of Ellin Lolis MBA Consulting . So, again, keep the end goal in mind. “Your education section is going to be important,” Lolis says, “but we mostly want to see your career focus.”

As for the nuts and bolts of writing an MBA resume? Keep it simple by deciding what to rope in, what to leave out, and how to structure it all so that it’s easy to read. 

What to include in your MBA resume

The main elements that your MBA resume should include are an education section, a job experience or professional experience section, and a portion that details a bit more about you, personally, such as your hobbies and interests. 

You can leave out photographs, information related to your high school, and even most of your contact information—that’ll be included on your program application, the experts say. 

Again, do your best to keep what you include to one page. The only time you could probably get a pass for using more than one page is if you have extensive professional experience, and are applying to an executive MBA program. A good rule of thumb? “When you have more than seven years of full-time, post-college work experience,” says Grayson. 

How to structure an MBA resume

As for structuring an MBA resume, do your best to contain most elements to the aforementioned sections: Education, professional background and experience, and a section dedicated to your personal hobbies, interests, skills and certifications, and community service work.

List the schools you attended and the degrees you earned, perhaps with any relevant coursework and GPAs in the education section. Your professional section may differ depending on your specific experiences and industries you’ve worked in, but try to frame it as a sort of professional “story,” which can showcase how an MBA can help you take the next step.

Professional background

“Generally speaking, the MBA is not a purely academic degree, as a majority of people are going to earn one to get a better job,” says Lolis. “They’re doing it to boost their career—and at that point, the most relevant thing is your recent job and your professional track record,” she says.

Get into the weeds, too, about your accomplishments. “Don’t just reiterate your job responsibilities,” says Grayson. “Communicate the results of your efforts. Quantifying the results is much more significant and meaningful—describe the impact,” she says.

Hobbies, interests, and more

As for the more personal portion? “One of the main things that’s different from a job resume is that they want you to share some of your hobbies and interests,” Lolis says. “Be very specific,” adds Grayson, “because 90% of people will list ‘travel’ as a hobby. “But that’s not interesting—maybe something like ‘slow traveling to find the best street food.’ That’s interesting.” This, she says, can help spark a conversation, or help your resume stand out from the pile.

In addition to specific hobbies or interests, you might include, add volunteer or community work as well, and perhaps relevant technical or language skills. Again, this may help tip the scales in your favor by showing you have specific know-how related to a given industry or task. Any applicable awards you’ve earned may be good to include, too, as they showcase that you’re capable of excelling in a given area.

Should you customize your resume for each business school?

Experts generally don’t recommend changing up your MBA resume when applying to different schools. Instead, look for specific instructions relayed by the school, if there are any, and make any needed changes accordingly. So, unless you have a really compelling reason, you can probably use the same resume for a number of applications.

Also, don’t go overboard in terms of design to make your resume stand out. “Just stick to traditional formatting,” says Lolis, since that’s what most admissions teams are used to seeing, and are generally looking for. Let the contents of the resume speak for you—not the design.

Where to go if you need help  

For many prospective MBA students, piecing together a resume shouldn’t be terribly difficult, given that it’s mostly the same process as writing a traditional resume. However, if you need help, you can reach out to consultants, or even check out some of the resources schools make available to help you along the process. 

  • Consultants : There are many MBA consultancies out there, including the firms that Lolis and Grayson founded. They can help create, review, and critique an MBA resume and get it into shape. 
  • Examples and templates : Some schools even make templates available , and example resumes to help students create their own. 

The takeaway  

In all, you should write an MBA resume in the same way you’d write a traditional resume, with some slight variations. The resume should focus on your professional background and previous education, while also detailing some of your personal interests, too. Stick to classic resume formatting as well, and keep it to one page, if possible.

It’s also important, experts say, to use some basic formatting and style—use 11 or 12-point font, a normal font style (Arial, Times New Roman, etc.), and overall, keep it professional. And remember: don’t go overboard trying to score style points with the resume’s design or other elements.

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