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6 Journalism Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Journalists are essential to any society. we rely on them for all our credible news and information. this guide will show you how to craft a resume that will prove to recruiters that you should be part of their journalistic team..

Hiring Manager for Journalism Roles

A journalist investigates stories, gathers information, and presents credible stories to the public. Some journalists do not present their researched stories, and will instead leave that to reporters or anchors. You will find journalists in all forms of media including print, television, radio, and now also social media and other platforms online. While the presentation of the stories/news may slightly change for each medium, the tasks for journalists remain pretty much constant.

If you want to be a journalist, you will most likely be required to have a bachelor’s degree, at the least. Most employers would prefer it to be in a relevant field such as journalism or mass communication. Apart from a degree, recruiters will be looking for experience that will show your skill in investigating and presenting stories.

We will show you some strong sample resumes that highlight the above, and highlight some skills and action verbs that you can use to strengthen your resume.

Journalism Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Print Journalist
  • Broadcast Journalist
  • Broadcast News Analyst
  • Entry-Level Journalist

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Journalism Resumes

Journalism Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Other Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 6: Journalist Resume Example

You most probably will have experience in one medium of media or will have your eye on one medium of media. But that doesn’t stop you from creating a general journalist resume; especially if you are looking to transition from one medium of media to another. This resume is a strong general journalist resume. It concentrates on the applicant's extensive experience in researching stories and gathering information; a skill that applies to journalism in all media mediums. It also shows a strong educational background in journalism, which is a necessity in the journalism field.

Journalism resume sample that highlightes applicant's variety of experience and educational background

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Journalist resume in 2024

   create and maintain a portfolio..

In journalism, being able to showcase the stories you have researched and written is as important, if not more important, than your resume. So as you get experience, be sure to compile all your strongest stories into a portfolio for recruiters to have a look at alongside your resume.

Create and maintain a portfolio. - Journalist Resume

   Include all previous roles in media.

Being able to show that you are experienced in the media industry, even if it’s not directly in journalism, can be a benefit to applicants. So don’t shy away from including any editor, reporter, writer, etc roles that you successfully played.

Skills you can include on your Journalist resume

Template 2 of 6: print journalist resume example.

As the name suggests, print journalism presents stories in the written word. That may be through newspapers, magazines, or any other print format both off or online. Print journalism is a fast-paced career where stories will need to be researched and ready for print in short time spans. This is especially true if your docket requires constant and consistent output. A print journalist, as well as all other journalists, also need to create large networks and maintain relationships in many industries to have a wealth of sources of information. Communication skills are therefore essential. This resume does a great job of quantifying how much work the applicant can achieve in a limited time period. It also highlights the applicant’s established network which is a journalist’s currency.

Print journalist resume sample that highlights the applicant's journalistic output and career progression

Tips to help you write your Print Journalist resume in 2024

   quantify your journalistic output..

Show how many articles you can write in a time period or how many stories you have developed in your previous position. It’s an easy way to impress recruiters and show your potential value addition to their team.

Quantify your journalistic output. - Print Journalist Resume

   Show career progression.

Being able to show that you started as an assistant and worked your way up shows that you are a committed professional. Include all journalism experience from your days in university as well.

Show career progression. - Print Journalist Resume

Skills you can include on your Print Journalist resume

Template 3 of 6: broadcast journalist resume example.

Broadcast journalism is the investigation and presentation of stories by electronic methods. This might be by radio, television, or the internet. As a journalist, you may or may not be tasked with presenting your story to the public; these tasks may be given to the reporters in the organization. This form of media also requires a lot of collaborations with multiple people in a media house from the inception of a story idea to its presentation to the public. Because of this, strong communication and collaboration skills are very necessary. This resume does a good job of clearly stating what technology the applicant is experienced in. The applicant also quantifies their successes and output in their previous position. This is an effective way to impress recruiters and highlight your potential value addition to their organization.

Broadcast journalist resume sample highlighting relevant skills and technology experience

Tips to help you write your Broadcast Journalist resume in 2024

   list technology you are experienced with..

Because of the electronic nature of this form of media, it is beneficial to extensively list all the technology you are experienced with. Try and find out what technology your desired media house uses to make sure you include that to your list (if you are indeed experienced with that technology).

List technology you are experienced with. - Broadcast Journalist Resume

   Include all experience in various steps of production.

Broadcast journalism requires more than just writing. For the story to be presented to the audience, it must be recorded and edited as well. If you have experience in any of the roles involved in the production, be sure to list them.

Include all experience in various steps of production. - Broadcast Journalist Resume

Skills you can include on your Broadcast Journalist resume

Template 4 of 6: broadcast news analyst resume example.

Broadcast news analysts, also known as anchors or newscasters, present the news to the public. Their responsibilities include reading the news, interviewing guests, facilitating panel discussions, doing lead-ins for reporters, etc. They are essentially the faces and voices of the news. Behind the scenes, they will still work on stories and scripts as well; just like other journalists. To make your broadcast news analyst resume stand out, you will want to show that you would be a good presenter of the news. So include any performance experience or news anchor experience. You will also have a heavy workload in this position so you want to be able to show that you can handle large workloads as this applicant has done in this sample resume.

Broadcast news analyst resume sample that highlights an applicant's quantifiable successes and their relevant experience

Tips to help you write your Broadcast News Analyst resume in 2024

   quantify how many stories you have completed..

Show recruiters that you are a seasoned journalist, in front and behind the camera, by listing the number of stories you have done. Make sure to follow this with a portfolio with your best and most acclaimed stories.

Quantify how many stories you have completed. - Broadcast News Analyst  Resume

   Show your on-screen experience.

To thrive in this position, you need to be a seasoned presenter who is calm under pressure and can communicate effectively with your audience. To highlight this skill in your resume, be sure to add any previous presenting experience or training. If you can include the size of your audience, it will look even more impressive to a recruiter.

Show your on-screen experience. - Broadcast News Analyst  Resume

Skills you can include on your Broadcast News Analyst resume

Template 5 of 6: entry-level journalist resume example.

As an entry-level journalist, your first resume is a crucial stepping stone in your career. It's not just a list of past experiences, it's a ticket to your dream job. In recent times, the journalism industry is hunting for fresh talent equipped with digital skills, multimedia content creation, and social media savviness. So, when crafting your resume, remember that it needs to transmit this modern outlook. Furthermore, journalism is all about storytelling. Instead of just mentioning your qualifications, make your resume a compelling narrative of your journey and potential.

Entry-level journalist resume featuring relevant coursework and digital skills.

Tips to help you write your Entry-Level Journalist resume in 2024

   highlight relevant coursework and academic projects.

Use your education section wisely; don't just list your qualifications. Highlight any coursework or academic projects relevant to journalism—like a college newspaper article you wrote or a podcast you produced. This will show your hands-on experience, even if you haven't had a formal job before.

Highlight relevant coursework and academic projects - Entry-Level Journalist Resume

   Showcase your digital skills

It's no longer enough to just be a great writer. You should highlight any digital skills you possess, such as blogging, video production, or social media management. These are the tools of the modern journalist, and companies are on the lookout for these skills.

Showcase your digital skills - Entry-Level Journalist Resume

Skills you can include on your Entry-Level Journalist resume

Template 6 of 6: entry-level journalist resume example.

An entry-level journalist will have many of the same responsibilities as all other journalists. You will most likely be assigned stories by your editor and will need to investigate and write the stories within a given deadline. You may also be tasked with assisting more seasoned journalists with their stories. This resume highlights the applicant's wide experience in media, from news anchor experience to adverts and radio host responsibilities. It also shows a very strong educational background in journalism. These would both be attractive to a recruiter.

Entry level journalist resume sample that highlights the applicant's relevant college experience and training

   Include journalistic experience from college.

You might be applying for this position straight out of college. If you are, include all journalism-related experience you acquired while in college; from your time at the college tv or radio station to your work in the college newspaper or newsletter. After all, journalism is journalism whether you are in college or not.

Include journalistic experience from college. - Entry-Level Journalist Resume

   Include all journalism training you have completed.

Most journalists will have a bachelor’s degree in a journalism-related field. If you have a journalism-related degree, be sure to list it. If you have also completed any further training or received any certification, be sure to include that as well. Remember that you can always find online journalism courses that you can complete and add to your resume to bolster your chances of getting that dream job.

Include all journalism training you have completed. - Entry-Level Journalist Resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited journalists at top media companies like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN, I know what makes a journalism resume stand out. In this article, you'll find tips that will help you create a compelling resume that showcases your skills and experience as a journalist. These tips are based on real-world examples from successful journalism resumes.

   Highlight your writing and reporting skills

Employers want to see that you have strong writing and reporting skills. Make sure to:

  • Include examples of your best articles or stories
  • Mention any awards or recognition you've received for your writing
  • Describe the types of stories you've covered and the sources you've interviewed

For example:

Wrote a series of investigative articles on corruption in local government, which led to the resignation of two officials and won a regional journalism award.

Bullet Point Samples for Journalism

   Show your ability to work under pressure

Journalists often work under tight deadlines and in high-pressure situations. Employers want to see that you can handle this type of environment. Avoid generic statements like:

  • Works well under pressure
  • Can handle tight deadlines

Instead, give specific examples of how you've thrived in these situations:

  • Covered a breaking news story on a major fire, filing updates every 30 minutes for a live blog while also gathering information for a longer article
  • Produced a daily newsletter with a 6 pm deadline, consistently delivering engaging content on time

   Include your digital and multimedia skills

In today's media landscape, journalists need to have a range of digital skills. Highlight your experience with:

  • Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Content management systems (WordPress, Drupal)
  • Multimedia tools (Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut Pro)
  • Data journalism and visualization
Created engaging social media posts to promote articles, increasing traffic to the website by 25%.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Each journalism job is different, so it's important to tailor your resume to the specific position. Carefully read the job description and emphasize the skills and experience that match what the employer is looking for.

For example, if the job description says:

  • "Seeking a reporter to cover the local education beat"

You could highlight:

  • Your experience covering education stories
  • Your knowledge of local schools and education policy
  • Any education-related awards or recognition you've received

   Showcase your industry knowledge and connections

Employers want to see that you have a deep understanding of the journalism industry and have built relationships with key sources and contacts. In your resume, mention:

  • Professional organizations you belong to (Society of Professional Journalists, Online News Association)
  • Conferences or workshops you've attended
  • Key sources or experts you've interviewed
Moderated a panel on the future of investigative journalism at the annual conference of the Society of Professional Journalists.

   Quantify your impact and reach

Whenever possible, use numbers to quantify the impact and reach of your work. This helps employers understand the scale and significance of your contributions. Avoid vague statements like:

  • Wrote many articles that were widely read
  • Increased website traffic significantly

Instead, use specific numbers:

  • Wrote an average of 5 articles per week, with an average of 10,000 pageviews per article
  • Increased website traffic by 30% over a 6-month period

Writing Your Journalism Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name front and center.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, typically centered at the top of the page. Use a larger font size than the rest of your resume text to make it stand out.

Here's an example of how to format your name:

Avoid adding labels or nicknames, like this:

Writer Jane 'Scoop' Doe

2. Include your primary contact information

Below your name, include your phone number, email address, and location. You can put this information all on one line to save space.

A good example would be:

  • [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY

Avoid including multiple phone numbers or email addresses, as it can be confusing for hiring managers. Stick to your primary contact methods.

3. Add relevant social media profiles

As a journalist, your online presence and portfolio are important. Consider adding links to your professional website, LinkedIn profile, or Twitter handle if you use it to share industry-related content.

Here's an example of how to include these details: | | @janedoe_reports

Only include social media profiles that are relevant to your work and that you actively maintain. Avoid linking to personal accounts that may contain unprofessional content.


A summary on your journalism resume is optional. Your resume itself is already a concise overview of your skills and experience, so you don't always need an additional summary. However, a well-written summary can be beneficial if you want to provide additional context or highlight details that may not be immediately apparent from the rest of your resume.

For example, if you're a career changer and your past experience doesn't directly align with journalism, a summary can help explain your transferable skills and passion for the field. Or, if you're an experienced journalist with an extensive career, a summary can help distill your most relevant qualifications.

Keep your summary concise - aim for a short paragraph, around 3-5 sentences max. Avoid generic soft skills or corporate buzzwords. Instead, focus on your unique value proposition and the specific skills and experience that make you a strong fit for journalism roles.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Journalism resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Journalism resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Journalism Resume Summary Examples , or Journalism Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the specific journalism role

When writing your journalism resume summary, it's important to customize it to the specific role and media outlet you're targeting. Different publications and beats may prioritize different skills and experience.

For example, a resume summary for a data journalist position could look like this:

Data-driven journalist with 5+ years of experience uncovering compelling stories through data analysis. Proficient in Python, R, and data visualization. Recognized with a Data Journalism Award for an investigative series on campaign finance. Seeking a data journalist role to combine my coding skills with my passion for watchdog reporting.

In contrast, here's an example of a overly generic, less effective journalism resume summary:

Experienced, hardworking journalist seeking a challenging new role in news media. Strong writing and communication abilities. Proven track record of meeting deadlines and working well both independently and as part of a team.

2. Quantify your achievements to make your summary more impactful

When possible, include concrete numbers and metrics in your journalism resume summary to make your accomplishments more specific and impactful. Vague descriptions of your skills aren't as convincing.

Compare these two examples:

  • Skilled writer and reporter with 10+ years of journalism experience
  • Deadline-driven journalist adept at breaking news coverage and enterprise reporting

Now see how quantifying your achievements makes them more powerful:

  • Award-winning writer and reporter with 10+ years of experience at major metro dailies, filing 3-4 stories per week
  • Deadline-driven journalist who has broken dozens of exclusive stories and produced 15+ enterprise pieces per year

Whenever you can, back up your claims with numbers. How many years of experience? How many stories published? Any major awards or benchmarks? Specificity makes your summary more authoritative and impressive.


When writing the work experience section of your journalism resume, focus on showcasing your most relevant and impactful experiences. Highlight your skills and accomplishments that demonstrate your ability to excel in a journalism role.

Use strong action verbs to describe your responsibilities and achievements, and quantify your impact with metrics whenever possible. Tailor your work experience section to the specific requirements of the job you're applying for, emphasizing the experiences that are most relevant to that position.

1. Highlight your newsroom experience

Hiring managers want to see that you have hands-on experience working in a newsroom environment. Emphasize your roles and responsibilities in previous journalism positions, such as:

  • Pitched and wrote 5-7 articles per week on local politics and community events
  • Collaborated with a team of 12 journalists to produce a daily print newspaper with a circulation of 50,000
  • Managed the newspaper's social media accounts, increasing follower engagement by 25% over 6 months

If you have experience with specific tools or software commonly used in newsrooms, such as Adobe InDesign or content management systems, be sure to mention those as well.

2. Showcase your reporting and research skills

Effective journalism requires strong reporting and research abilities. Highlight experiences that demonstrate your skills in these areas, such as:

  • Conducted in-depth interviews with local business owners to uncover the impact of new city regulations
  • Utilized public records and databases to investigate government spending, resulting in a front-page exposé
  • Fact-checked and verified sources for a series of articles on controversial political topics

By showcasing your reporting and research skills, you demonstrate to hiring managers that you have the ability to dig deep and uncover compelling stories.

3. Demonstrate your versatility

Many journalism roles require a diverse skill set, from writing and editing to multimedia production. Showcase your versatility by highlighting experiences that demonstrate your range of abilities, such as:

  • Wrote and edited articles for both print and online publications, adapting content to suit different formats and audiences
  • Produced and edited video content for the newspaper's website, increasing video views by 40% year-over-year
  • Collaborated with the graphics department to create engaging infographics and data visualizations to accompany articles
Responsible for writing articles, editing, and creating videos for the newspaper.

Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, provide specific examples that illustrate your versatility and adaptability as a journalist.

4. Highlight any specialized expertise

If you have experience covering specific beats or topics, such as healthcare, education, or technology, be sure to highlight that expertise in your work experience section. For example:

  • Served as the lead education reporter, covering local school board meetings and analyzing district budgets
  • Developed a network of sources in the healthcare industry, resulting in exclusive stories on hospital mergers and patient safety concerns
  • Reported on the local tech startup scene, profiling founders and covering major funding rounds and acquisitions

Demonstrating specialized knowledge can help you stand out from other candidates and show hiring managers that you have the expertise to hit the ground running in a new role.


The education section of your journalism resume should be concise and highlight your most relevant qualifications. This section is especially important if you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling education section:

1. List your degrees in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent degree and work backwards. Include the name of the institution, the degree earned, and the year of graduation.

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, XYZ University, 2022 Associate of Arts in Communication, ABC Community College, 2020

If you are a senior journalist with extensive experience, you can keep your education section brief:

Master of Science in Journalism, University of Excellence Bachelor of Arts in English, ABC University

2. Highlight relevant coursework and projects

If you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you can bolster your education section by listing relevant coursework, projects, or academic achievements.

For instance:

  • Relevant Coursework: Investigative Reporting, Media Ethics, Data Journalism
  • Senior Thesis: "The Impact of Social Media on Political Discourse"

However, avoid listing irrelevant or outdated coursework:

  • Intro to Psychology (unless applying for a psychology-related journalism job)
  • Basic Computer Skills (expected of all journalists today)

3. Include journalism-related certifications and training

If you have completed any journalism-specific certifications or training programs, include them in your education section to demonstrate your commitment to professional development.

  • Certificate in Data Journalism, Online News Association
  • Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) Training

Avoid listing non-substantial or irrelevant certifications:

  • CPR Certification (unless specifically required for the job)
  • Online Social Media Marketing Course (unless directly related to the job)

Action Verbs For Journalism Resumes

A journalist’s resume should emphasize the applicant’s strengths in investigating stories and in engagingly presenting the stories. Using the right action verbs can ensure that recruiters take note of your ability to do both tasks effectively.

The following are some action verbs that would be particularly effective for a journalist’s resume. 

Action Verbs for Journalism

  • Investigated
  • Interviewed
  • Communicated

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Journalism Resumes

Skills for journalism resumes.

There are very specific skills needed to be a successful journalist. On one side you need to have incredibly strong communication skills You will need to be able to investigate a story and get the data you need from sources, effectively interview subjects, and engagingly present the stories to the public. 

On the other side, you need to have strong investigative skills. You need to be able to find relevant information, interview sources, and collate all information in a non-biased manner.

Add these relevant skills to your skills section to impress recruiters.

  • Broadcast Journalism
  • Broadcasting
  • News Writing
  • Radio Broadcasting
  • Breaking News
  • Storytelling
  • Radio Production
  • Online Journalism
  • Current Affairs
  • Video Production
  • Broadcast Television
  • Media Production
  • Video Editing
  • Digital Media
  • Social Media

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Journalism Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Journalism Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Journalism job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Journalism Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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A business transformation consultant resume sample that highlights the applicant’s key achievements and qualifications.

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Training and Development

Screenshot of a Director of Training and Development resume, showing emphasis on digital proficiency and DEI expertise.

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Journalism Resume Guide

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  • Journalist Resume Example
  • Print Journalist Resume Example
  • Broadcast Journalist Resume Example
  • Broadcast News Analyst Resume Example
  • Entry-Level Journalist Resume Example
  • Tips for Journalism Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Journalism CV Examples
  • Journalism Cover Letter
  • Journalism Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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5 Journalist Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

Journalist Resume

  • Journalist Resumes by Role
  • Write Your Journalist Resume

In the world of journalism, you’re the story-hunter who brings those hidden tales to light. With a curiosity that goes deep, you dig up facts, break down events, and spin narratives that shape how we see things.

Your knack for catching the heart of a moment keeps the info flowing smoothly to the public. Making a resume that shows off all your skills can be far more intricate than crafting a news piece—but don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered.

We’ve got the job application know-how to steer you toward victory. Just follow our tips and journalist resume examples to impress recruiters and land your next job.

or download as PDF

Journalist resume example with 9 years experience

Why this resume works

  • To make it count in your journalist resume, highlight your collaboration effort with the marketing team to bring in more ads and boost revenue margins.

Sports Journalist Resume

Sports journalist resume example with 6 years of experience

  • You’re probably thinking about percentage increases and decreases now. However, naturally blending them with dollar amounts, time savings in hours, number of social media followers or subscribers, and video views brings a much-needed variety to your narration.

Broadcast Journalist Resume

Broadcast journalist resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Can you recall when your piece of targeted content boosted YouTube subscribers, views, or web visitors? Or when you capitalized on your social media management prowess to spark lively conversations online? Spotlighting such moments could be the golden ticket to a job interview with your dream company.

Freelance Journalist Resume

Freelance journalist resume example with 10 years experience

  • For instance, your freelance journalist resume can capitalize on how you created compelling content to increase monthly page views.

Multimedia Journalist Resume

Multimedia journalist resume example with 11 years experience

  • Including your three journalist awards for exceptional reporting in your multimedia journalist resume will give recruiters a reason to hire you.

Related resume examples

  • Social Media Manager
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Digital Marketing

Craft a Journalist Resume That Fits the Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Your journalist resume acts as a canvas where your skills paint vibrant stories. Think of it as your chance to shine! Pick out skills that sync up with your dream role and what you’re awesome at. 

Instead of vague or cliche resume skills , dive into specifics. If you’re going for a tech-oriented role, emphasize things like data analysis tools, multimedia software, and content management systems. Journalism’s all about talking the talk, so it’s good to toss in some soft skills too, like smooth interviewing, adaptability, and collaboration. 

Just remember to stay true to what the job wants and what you have experience in. If you’re going for an editor role, weave in some leadership and project management skills as well.

Need some inspiration?

15 popular journalist skills

  • Google Analytics
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Photography 
  • Research Methods 
  • Proofreading
  • Adaptability
  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Workspace

sample resume for journalist

Your journalist work experience bullet points

As a journalist, your work experience should be more than just a list of everyday tasks. Sure, tracking down stories, doing interviews, and writing compelling articles is key, but what really shines are the big wins that showcase your impact. 

Sprinkle in some active verbs and plenty of quantifiable metrics to highlight your achievements in more detail. For example, maybe your investigative piece led to a policy change, or you boosted website hits by 50%. 

Being a journalist means shaping how people see the world and driving engagement for your company, so focus on the broader outcomes that prove you can inform, inspire, and connect with audiences effectively.

  • Showcase the impact of your articles by mentioning metrics like social media shares, comments, and interactions.
  • Highlight your ability to attract and retain readers with metrics related to audience growth. 
  • Quantify the reach of your work by mentioning metrics like the number of publications, outlets, or websites your articles have been featured in.
  • If you’ve worked on investigative pieces, mention metrics that show the tangible effects of your work, such as reporting a corporate scandal that led to regulatory actions.

See what we mean?

  • Drove a 61% increase in website traffic through the use of visually interactive infographics and videos
  • Received 3 journalism awards for exceptional reporting, representing a 14% increase in recognition compared to the previous year
  • Managed and optimized the editorial budget, achieving an 8% cost reduction without compromising content quality
  • Secured and conducted interviews with industry experts, with an acceptance rate of 88%

9 active verbs to start your journalist work experience bullet points

  • Interviewed
  • Collaborated
  • Coordinated

3 Tips for Writing a Journalist Resume as a Beginner

  • So, you’re new to the game—no biggie! Flaunt what you’ve learned by talking about projects from your coursework. For example, chat about teaming up with other students to create a captivating multimedia news package, demonstrating your storytelling abilities.
  • Even if they were quick, internships can do wonders for your resume. Show off the real-world skills you developed during your journalism internships, whether you tackled local happenings or wrote up some fun listicles.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of passion projects or hobbies . Got a blog, podcast, or community newsletter? Let the recruiters know! These projects prove your enthusiasm and passion and show that you’re willing to go the extra mile, giving recruiters a glimpse of your potential in a professional capacity.

3 Tips for Writing an Outstanding Journalist Resume if You’re Experienced

  • Flaunt the skills you’ve picked up along the way. Whether you’re a pro at digging into investigations, crunching data for stories, or cooking up multimedia magic, let those talents shine. And if the job clicks with your specializations, the effect will be even more potent.
  • If your articles boosted engagement or helped increase social media followers, put those digits on display. Numbers make your impact crystal clear and prove you’re not just any reporter—you’re the attention-grabbing kind.
  • After a few years on the job, you might be ready to apply for an editor-in-chief position, or you may already have such experiences on your resume. Whether you want to level up to a senior journalist or run a whole department, use your resume to highlight past instances of leadership, such as when you took charge of an interesting story or oversaw a team of junior colleagues.

ATS can be a puzzle, but you’ve got this. Pepper your resume with relevant keywords from the job listing. Mirror the company’s language where you can. And remember, while keywords matter, your actual skills and experience are the stars.

Numbers that show impact are the way to go. Think social media shares, article engagement rates, or growth in readership. Highlight how your reporting caught eyes and sparked conversations.

Only if they’re really relevant. Certifications in data journalism or multimedia storytelling can be impressive, just as things like the NICAR certificate, but if they’re not directly tied to the role, they might not be essential.

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Journalist Resume: Easy Manual & Free Sample

Writing articles and investing is what you’re best at, so writing your resume should be a piece of cake, right? Unfortunately, it isn’t always that simple, but don’t worry, we can lend you a hand. Use our resume templates and inform recruiters why you’re the best fit for the position.

sample resume for journalist

Journalist Resume Example MSWord® Save time with our free Journalist Resume template and get back to writing the articles you really enjoy writing.

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The truth is out there, and the task of journalists is to dig it up. The profession is one of the pillars of democracy , inspiring many young people to join local and national news media services. To get your foot through the door at the news desk, you will need a journalist resume that advertises you as the next Clark Kent. 

There are 46,700 journalists on the job in the USA. Projections reveal that by the end of the decade, the profession will experience an uptake of 6% in the USA. This means – it’s time to polish your journalist resume and secure a new job. 

The good news is you should already have a knack for the written word. But if you don’t know the proper format and necessary content for the document, we can teach you how to write a resume that makes recruiters take notice.

Journalist Resume Sample

Editors require journalists to write concise pieces. And the resume resembles a news article, providing answers to the key 5 journalistic questions: who, where, when, what and how. The entire document should be a testament to your credentials, packed in 1-2 pages, max .

Some of the crucial details that must get included:

  • Name and contact details;
  • A career summary or objective;
  • Work history;
  • Soft and hard skills;
  • Additional sections;

There are several ways you can arrange the section mentioned above,  depending on what stage of your career you are at when applying for a specific job. However, even novice and veteran journalists must make the content relevant and short . Focusing on the qualities that make them a good candidate for the job posting.

Let’s have a look at a journalist resume sample.

Rebeca Olson

[ [email protected] | 555-343-3748 | 441 4th Street, Washington D.C ]

>> Professional Summary <<

Inquisitive journalist with 6+ years of experience. An instinct for the truth and storytelling skills, with a background as a reporter in print media with a circulation of about 200K. Well-versed in social media platforms and digital journalism. Seeking an opportunity to demonstrate my high level of journalism on the dynamic news desk at The New Times.

>> Work Experience <<

Writer/Editor The Washington Post Feb 2018- Mar 2022

  • Developed stories with the reporting staff daily.
  • Produced breaking news in written and digital format.
  • Pitched ideas for trending topics.
  • Oversaw the managing of social media channels.

>> Key Achievement <<

  • Redesigned the website and improved readership by 20%.

Metro News Reporter Chicago Tribune Sept 2016-Jan 2018

  • Wrote stories for the metro section.
  • Interviewed city government officials.
  • Engaged with the community about infrastructure issues.
  • Covered corruption stories.
  • Provided coverage of breaking news.
  • Received two commendations from the Editor-in-Chief.

>> Education <<

B.A. in Journalism University of Georgia 2012-2016

  • Reporter for the university newsletter
  • First place at state journalism contest for student article “Is Higher Education Affordable for Minorities”

>> Skills <<

  • News writing and research
  • Social media and website management
  • Confident under pressure
  • Leadership skills
  • Column writing
  • Adobe InDesign

>> Other <<

Swimming Sci-Fi book club Blogging on environmental issues

The presented information should be straightforward but intriguing. It’s crucial to make it easy for the HR personnel browsing through your journalist resume to spot the relevant data that shows you are a competent candidate.

Feel free to include extra contact info by providing your social media profiles. Most resumes are no longer printed but reviewed on a digital platform. This makes it possible to improve interactivity and engage with the recruiter for a longer period. You can also share links from your best news stories under the achievement section.

What’s the Best Journalist Resume Format?

Journalists are knowledgeable in multiple areas and fields and can report on everything from politics to entertainment. This wide range of abilities can be an advantage in a competitive news profession, but recruiters are used to seeing similar profiles. When your resume is on the desk of an HR person, you need a clear resume format to impress.    

Choosing the appropriate option will depend on your circumstances. Although every top-notch resume will present the same categories of info, the way you structure them and the part you emphasize will make the secret formula of the resume format.

The most common formats are:

  • Reverse chronological. This format lists work history in reverse chronological order. It’s the perfect option for highly-experienced journalists who can showcase their career path in a presentable way. The downside is it overshadows some of your other abilities that may add value to the job application.
  • Functional. The focus is on skillset and not experience . It’s advantageous for rookies who lack the experience necessary for a compelling resume, done in a reversed format. Education and skills are the attributes that give a shine to this resume format. A great option for journalists entering the profession or people that took time off the job.
  • Combination (Hybrid). It is always possible to mix the previously mentioned formats and get the best of both. In a hybrid resume, you combine the functional and reverse chronological formats by highlighting the most important work history and skills. 

Aspects to Apply to any Journalist Resume

  • From all resume styles, the chronological layout is the best format for journalists . It’s ATS friendly and offers hiring managers immediate access to the work experience.
  • Type in a legible font, don’t try to be fancy. Use a lot of white space to make the content stand out.
  • Use a PDF format to get a uniform look and avoid a messy layout when opening in different programs.
  • The length of the resume gets dictated by your experience level. If you have been a beat reporter for several years, aim for two pages. Alternatively, one pager will suffice.

How to Write a Journalist Resume Summary or Resume Objective

The purpose of a journalist resume is to introduce yourself to the employers through the profile you present. Apart from the technical data, you can achieve a personal touch via the resume objective or summary . These are the paragraphs where you make your direct pitch about why you are the right person for the job in question. 

The two options are applicable in separate cases. 

A career objective for a journalist’s resume is the route for entry-level reporters still searching for an opportunity to start a career. Highlight the education and skills you have accumulated. Be open to including transferable skills and display your achievements, even if they are not directly related to the profession. It will signal you are a hard worker and talented.

On the other hand, a career summary is an appropriate option for an experienced journalist. Start by listing the years of experience and major accomplishments. Don’t be shy to be boastful about your skills and offer insight on how you can improve the performance of the news desk.  

Do not complicate things with excess information. Keep it short , no more than 4 sentences long, and have it written with the job position in mind. This is your opening statement – it’s crucial to strike a chord with the recruiter. Use a journalist resume template for better results .

As a Journalist, you’re going to want to demonstrate your writing skills at any chance you have! The first intro is a great opportunity to ‘wow’ any prospective employer – don’t skimp out on it!

Journalist Resume Objective Example

Typically, a journalist resume objective gets utilized for entry-level positions . It’s a strategy to overcome the limited work experience by indicating what you can bring to the team. 

The objective makes it possible to present yourself as a competent journalist. Key components to list are skills, certificates, educational level, and personal motivation.

Let’s examine a couple of examples of how to compose an inspirational objective and the pitfalls to avoid.

A self-motivated, dynamic, and unique storyteller seeks a position at Sports Illustrated. Proficiency in sports news and analysis, with high verbal and written communication skills. Prepared to work under deadline pressure and collaborate with journalists. Experience with digital platforms and exceptional editing skills.

The example illustrates a journalist with the proper mindset and skill to thrive in an increasingly digital news media industry. The entire paragraph radiates a person with experience, although work history is not mentioned. This objective transmits the candidate’s enthusiasm and skills , marketing the person as somebody that can make a valuable contribution to the brand.

I’m a big sports fan regularly following the NBA, NFL, and MLB seasons. I wrote for my high school newspaper. My communication skills are high, so networking will not be a problem. Although my experience with web platforms is limited. Looking forward to being a member of the team.

Personal pronouns such as “I” are a big no in a resume objective. For a journalist, the written content is not a convincing argument of the candidate’s skills. You never reveal your weakness . The point is to show what you are good at, and by advertising a lack of software knowledge, the application will automatically end in the trash bin.

How to Describe Your Journalist Experience on Your Resume

Most recruiters will admit they prioritize journalism work experience when selecting a candidate. People employed for a longer period are obviously doing something right. So make the most of the experience section. Sometimes it can be tricky to fit in all the info, and resume templates are available to simplify the process.

Remember that HR is interested only in relevant employment history . Some journalists have made a transition to public relation or digital marketing. But if the job posting is not specifically requiring social media experience, the info is not enhancing your chances. It can be counterproductive, making the employer question your long-term commitment to the profession.

The journalist’s resume should include past work history relevant to the job position.

Journalist Resume Examples: Experience

HR is not obligated to treat every candidate equally. They also look for shortcuts to expedite their workload. Reviewing hundreds of resumes a day can last for hours, a sacrifice not everybody is willing to burden. 

Recruiters scan pages, searching for important criteria that grab attention. That’s the value of using relevant sentences that can stop them in their tracks and take notice.

Let’s look at a couple of journalist experience section examples.

Oak Tree News, Atlanta GA

May 2016–March 2020

  • Provided coverage for the newspaper and online edition;
  • Edited stories by following AP guidelines;
  • Proofread colleague’s articles and included necessary information;
  • Won best column award for Georgia in 2018;

The bullet points are attention-grabbing and the titles are short and easy to understand. All relevant data is presented in the section.

But what if you take a different approach? For example, here is a sample to avoid:

Staff reporter

Chicago Tribune, Chicago IL

Jun 2018 – May 2021

  • Thanks to my friendly nature, I managed to create a large network of contacts and be a team player. Fact-checking is a cornerstone of my journalistic method. My instinct for a good scoop and prose style of writing has produced articles with breaking news.

Long paragraphs are hard to follow, and crucial facts get lost in the context. The point is not to display your writer’s style but to show your competence for the job .

Does Your Education Section Have a Story? It Might Not

Investing in education pays dividends by equipping you with adequate knowledge and improving your chances of finding employment in a successful news corporation. Recruiters appreciate applicants with a high level of education, which shows dedication to the chosen profession and professional expertise.

However, journalism studies are not mandatory for a career in journalism. There are reporters with degrees in philosophy, literature, political sciences, and many other academic disciplines. That’s why it’s important to capitalize on the education section. It’s the only segment where senior and entry level journalism resumes are at a standstill. 

The rules to follow are similar to other sections. Make it clear and short, with an accent on the qualities required for the job position. 

Include these points:

  • The degree and certificates obtained;
  • The institution where you studied;
  • The grade average;
  • Extracurricular activities

Journalist Resume Education Section

Journalism is not a low-skill profession. Even a student journalist resume will include courses and schools relevant to an internship. This section is mandatory, and there are ways to navigate around the lack of a university degree. Applicants can include relevant courses and projects .   

Here is what this part of your resume shouldn’t look like:

Graduated with a degree in Journalism

School: Rutgers University

Judging from the provided info, the candidate is probably qualified, but most recruiters would be horrified by this type of education section. Easily scannable is key for your resume. Packaging the information in an orderly way is the way to go. 

Additionally, there is a lack of relevant data . The inclusion of the GPA score is a minus in this case. Scores over 3.5 add value. Otherwise, you advertise yourself as a mediocre student.

Let’s check out an example of how it should be done:

Bachelor of Arts, Journalism

Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri| Columbia, MO

2018 – 2022

  • Relevant coursework: Media ethics, English literature, advanced multimedia storytelling, television production

This is an excellent example for a journalist without any work experience. At the same time, it will be a perfect fit for an experienced reporter’s CV, with the option to subtract the coursework.

You are welcome to apply for internships or even jobs if you are in the final years of your studies. Many news desks prefer to hire ambitious young reporters , willing to do the leg work with fact-checking or covering routine press conferences. Don’t forget to clarify that you are still studying. You shouldn’t leave a false impression from the start. It’s the best way to waste a solid opportunity and accumulate experience.

The Best Journalist Skills for a Resume

A journalist has to be a Jack of all trades. Although most try to specialize in one area, the job market frequently dictates the course of a career. Having more skills means you can bring more value to an organization. In turn, this creates multiple employment opportunities.

This can be a tricky section to write, too. Most applicants get tempted to overdo it. Cataloging every possible technical skill and character trait they have. At the same time, the journalism skills resume shouldn’t look like a copy and paste section. Try to make it unique and genuine. 

Research the news media company you hope to land a job with and see what qualities are a perfect fit for their concept. Do not underestimate the importance of journalism skills for a resume. Most applicant tracking systems (ATS) search for relevant phrases, such as specific skills.

Some helpful journalism resume tips are

  • Prepare a master list of every skill you have. Do not limit yourself, anything can be relevant.
  • Use the job posting to filter out the most appropriate journalist skills for the job.
  • Include skills that the education and experience sections can validate.

It’s a good idea to divide the skills into hard and soft. Recruiters will be able to locate the desired qualities more easily.   

Soft Skills

  • Decision-making skills
  • Communication skills
  • Time management
  • Organizational skills

Hard Skills

  • Proficient with Adobe Photoshop 
  • Research and analysis
  • Social Media
  • Basic coding

How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume

The other section is the first thing journalism applicants sacrifice if they’re tight on space. To be fair, this is a huge mistake. Let’s not get sidetracked. Skills and education are crucial, but the current corporate climate values culture above anything else . Qualifications are typically evenly matched for top candidates, and the final vote may come down to character traits.

Who is a better fit for the team? Hiring managers who have been in a company long-term are familiar with the mentality of their colleagues and will strive to recruit similar-minded individuals . Harness the potential of the Other section to include extra important details on yourself. Here are some journalism resume tips for the other section:

  • Mention your language skills. A journalist must communicate effortlessly.
  • List volunteering activities, different hobbies, and awards.
  • Offer links to blogging articles you have authored.

The wide array of interests and skills may play in your favor and create a portrait of a stellar journalist.

Journalist Resume Sample Extra Sections

Allow the recruiter to get a glimpse of your personality through the other section. Your interest will make you appear more than just another name on a spreadsheet for the current job ad.

The extra sections should look like this:


  • Microsoft Office Expert


Fact Checker

Houston Chronicle, Houston, TX

  • Assisted reports in the verification of factual data;
  • Participated in research for stories;
  • Volunteer at Animal Shelter
  • International cuisines;

Now let’s see what the other section should not look like:

  • I understand French, and a bit of Spanish TV has helped me learn the basics.
  • I am an amateur photographer.
  • I used to volunteer at my local animal shelter. 

The second example is missing the professional tone and reveals an unserious person who does not take applying and investing in their resume seriously.

Key Takeaways

A journalist’s resume is a form of an essay that sets forward an argument for why you deserve the job. Tailor the content around qualities that will benefit the employer . We offer templates that will make it easy to select an adequate resume format. Yet several universal principles will help you achieve the aims of a journalist’s resume.

Follow these tips:

  • The resume should present your writing talent. 
  • Present your technical abilities and education.
  • Use action verbs that accentuate your statement.
  • Make sure the layout is simple, providing readability.
  • Work with a resume template to reduce formatting errors.
  • Compose a convincing journalist resume objective or summary.
  • Demonstrate your writing skills with a cover letter.

And there you have it – your very own detailed guide on executing the perfect journalism resume. With all these tips and tricks in mind, you can conquer the realm of news and reporting – we wish you the best of luck applying!  

sample resume for journalist

Free Resume Templates

Using resume templates that are proven to work will help you to move your career search forward. Start and customize as many resumes as you need with our free resume builder .

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  • • Produced weekly articles covering AI advancements, cybersecurity threats, and technology's impact on society.
  • • Published over 100 articles on emerging tech trends
  • • Increased website traffic by 30% through SEO-optimized articles
  • • Generated concise and engaging news articles on a daily basis, maintaining a high standard of accuracy and professionalism.
  • • Monitored social media and tech forums for emerging stories and trends, ensuring timely coverage.
  • • Increased social media engagement by 25% through interactive content.
  • • Received 'Best Newcomer' award in 2016
  • • Developed and maintained relationships with clients, delivering high-quality articles within tight deadlines.
  • • Researched and reviewed the latest tech products, providing detailed insights and recommendations to readers.
  • • Collaborated with editors and content managers to ensure accurate and consistent content delivery.

8 Journalist Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

To make your journalist resume stand out, showcase your ability to investigate and convey complex topics succinctly. Highlight your knack for engaging storytelling through various media. Demonstrate on your resume a strong portfolio of published work, as well as proficiency in the latest digital tools. Include your experience with social media analytics, which confirms your understanding of audience engagement.

All resume examples in this guide

sample resume for journalist

Student Journalist

sample resume for journalist

News Director

sample resume for journalist

Multimedia Journalist

sample resume for journalist

Broadcast Journalist

sample resume for journalist

Sports Journalist

sample resume for journalist

Fashion Journalist

sample resume for journalist

Magazine Journalist

sample resume for journalist

Journalist resume example

Resume Guide

Our in-depth guide will show you, looking for more related resumes, how to write a great journalist resume, how to write a great journalist resume header, how to write a journalist summary that will hook recruiters, how to tell a good story with your journalist work experience, what skills to include on a journalist resume, how to format the education section on your journalist resume, including certificates on your journalist resume, other sections to include in your journalist resume, key takeaways for writing a great journalist resume.

By Experience

Journalist resume example

You’ve done the hard work of finding your beat and perfecting your byline. Now it’s time to write a journalist resume that doesn’t bury the lede.

Recruiters spend an average of 7.4 seconds looking at a resume before moving on to the next one. How can you make yours stand out among the hundreds of other journalists?

A poorly written resume is the quickest way to get passed over by publications. Journalism is all about telling a story, and you want to show recruiters that you can hook readers, even with your resume.

After reading this guide, you’ll know how to tailor your resume to the job you want and show recruiters that you have the writing skills for a feature story.

  • How to create a journalist resume that shows your storytelling ability
  • What industry skills to highlight and how to present your soft skills
  • How to tailor your resume to match a specific job description
  • How to format the sections of your resume whether you are a seasoned journalist or new to the field.
  • Freelance Reporter
  • Freelance Journalist
  • Data Reporting Analyst
  • Public Relations Manager

When publications look for a new journalist, they want someone who can work a beat, develop sources, and break stories. Most of all they want someone who can write, and write well.

Grit and drive won’t get you very far if your writing doesn’t hold up.

Do you need to have an award-winning feature under your belt?

But you do need to show publications that your writing skills are good enough to publish.

Journalistic writing is different from academic writing. Your writing needs to hook readers and keep them entertained as well as informed.

Don’t rely on your BA in Journalism alone to get you the job. Plenty of people complete journalism programs and are still terrible writers.

Here's how to use your resume to show recruiters that you're a good writer.

  • Link to portfolio in header
  • Hook the reader in your summary
  • Include important bullets in each job experience
  • Tailor descriptions to the job you’re applying for
  • Excellent grammar and no typos!

That last one may seem like a no-brainer, but an astounding number of grammatical errors make their way into final resume drafts. Good writing is the crux of journalism. You don’t want to make careless mistakes before you even make it to an interview.

Check, double-check, and then have someone else check your resume for errors.

In addition to writing, don’t lose focus on these resume sections.

Top journalist resume sections:

  • Resume header with active portfolio links
  • Career summary
  • Experience highlighting important accolades

Every section of your resume is an opportunity to show recruiters that you can tell a captivating story. Your resume header is no different.

What to include:

  • Current title
  • Email and phone number
  • Live link to portfolio
  • Live link to website/LinkedIn

Let’s look at the examples below.

2 Journalist Resume Header Examples

Link to a portfolio is crucial in a header. Publications will want to see quality clips from their prospective journalists.

Full address is not necessary unless you are applying to cover a local beat. For most journalism jobs, city and state are sufficient.

In this header, the portfolio link is prominently featured.

For digital resumes in a media-driven industry, clickable links are a must. Recruiters don’t want to waste time with broken links or typing complicated URLs.

This example also shows a more specific job title that can be tailored for the role you are applying for.

Now that you know how to format your header, let’s dive into your summary.

Writing a strong summary is your best opportunity to showcase your writing skills on your resume.

If it doesn’t hook the reader in the first sentence, it will be overlooked. Just like any breaking story, don’t bury the lede!

A good journalist summary succinctly captures

  • Years of experience
  • Top skills tailored to fit job description
  • Major professional accomplishments.

It is also important to avoid buzzwords and overused sayings. Stating that you have “a nose for the truth” or your “finger on the pulse” won’t do you any favors.

It also doesn’t really mean anything.

Avoid hyperbole and be very specific and concise. Give concrete examples that showcase your skills. Don’t expect recruiters to take your word for it.

2 Journalism Resume Summary Examples

Let’s take a look at what can be improved in the example above.

  • Instead of “experienced journalist” try “journalist with 8 years of experience.”
  • Instead of “excellent photography skills” try “shot the cover image for XYZ publication October 2019”
  • There is no natural flow between sentences. It reads more like a bulleted list.
  • Remove “I” language. Don’t write in first-person narrative.

Let’s look at what works in the example above.

  • Experience is clear and presented immediately.
  • ”Implemented new social media strategy and increased engagement by 47%” is intentionally tailored to fit one of the duties and responsibilities listed on an actual journalist job description, “Strategically engages in social media.”
  • Sentence flow is original and tells a story.

Now that you’ve written a strong journalism career summary for your stellar resume, let’s move on to the experience section.

You might be sick of hearing this by now, but the experience section is yet another opportunity to illustrate your storytelling ability.

Include 3-5 of your most relevant job titles. Beneath each title, include 3-4 bullets that highlight your achievements in that role.

Use action verbs and real numbers that show off your unique accomplishments. Don’t make the mistake of including a generic job description.

Recruiters know that journalists “cover local stories and current events” but they don’t know that you “held exclusive interviews with healthcare workers treating the country’s first known case of Covid-19.”

Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Journalist resume experience examples.

  • • Researched and evaluated local human interest stories.
  • • Hard worker and writer for a weekly column.
  • • Performed results-driven tasks to increase readership.
  • • Conducted interviews with community leaders.

Terms like “hard worker” and “results-driven” are overused buzzwords and have no actionable meaning.

Fortunately, we have a guide for action verbs that you can use instead.

The example above also shows missed opportunities to showcase specific skills and instead uses generic terminology.

The idea that journalists need to be able to “do it all” is becoming outdated. Publications want to know that you can do the job they’re hiring you for.

If you’re applying for a journalist position at a public service radio station, highlight your interview and sound-editing skills. If you’re applying for a job as a photojournalist, focus on your production and copywriting skills.

Clearly demonstrate your ability to use audio/photo/video software like in the example below.

  • • Implemented Plainsville Press companion podcast with interviews edited in Audacity.
  • • Researched, analyzed, and reported on local economy on a weekly deadline cycle.
  • • Conducted interviews with business owners on supply chain crisis.
  • • Won annual Plainsville Hero award for breaking cover story on local elections.

The example above clearly communicates that the candidate

  • is familiar with specific software and technical skills
  • is capable of completing multiple projects in a high-pressure environment
  • has made notable accomplishments
  • has experience with a particular beat.

Those looking to enter journalism after finishing school or making a career change may not have much relevant experience for this section. Consider writing for your school paper or pitching to local publications. It will give you something to put in your portfolio and a byline to link to.

Entry-level journalist resume example

Entry Level Journalist resume

Now that your experience section has been expertly written, let’s move on to skills.

Hard skills and soft skills both hold importance in the world of journalism. A field reporter with incredible production skills won’t last long if they have terrible communication.

If you have experience in many different areas of journalism, choose those that are most aligned with the job you’re applying for.

Recruiters use ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) to filter out applicants with job-specific keywords. Don’t waste precious space with irrelevant competencies.

If you have data skills, be sure to add them. There is a growing demand for journalists with data/coding skills. Not only can you find a good story, but you can analyze it too.

Here is a list of technical skills commonly found on actual journalist resumes.

30 Journalist Technical Skills for Resumes:

  • Digital Strategy
  • Feature Articles
  • Content Strategy
  • Social Media
  • Digital Video
  • News Writing
  • Storytelling
  • Digital Media
  • Copy Editing
  • Research and Analysis
  • AP Stylebook
  • Photography
  • Interviewing
  • Web Content Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Investigative Reporting
  • Narrative Journalism
  • Event Coverage
  • Video Production
  • Live Tweeting
  • Data Mapping

How to describe soft skills on your journalist resume

Soft skills are sometimes dismissed as being less important on a resume than hard skills, but that is not the case for journalism.

However, they do require a bit more explanation.

A good strategy is to choose the ones most relevant to the job you’re applying for and back them up with an example.

This is a list of qualifications from an actual job listing for a Multimedia Journalist position:

  • Must have the ability to organize and manage multiple projects in a high-pressure environment.
  • Excellent interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills. Able to relate well with diverse populations and age groups.
  • Ability to find and communicate solutions.

Let’s take a look at how to tailor your skill section for this job.

Soft skills in the above example appear on the candidate’s resume as strengths. They have taken keywords directly from the job description and backed them up with examples.

Below are a few more soft skills you might want to add to your journalist resume.

Journalist soft skills list for resumes:

  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Time Management
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Flexibility
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem-Solving

The way your education appears on your resume depends on how many years of experience you have in journalism.

If you are a recent graduate and still cutting your teeth in the industry, you may want to include a few accomplishments and experiences during your time in school.

If you’re an experienced journalist looking for a senior position, just your school and degree are sufficient.

Let’s look at this education section for an entry-level journalist position.

  • • Journalist for student newspaper for 3 consecutive years and wrote 2 cover stories.
  • • Awarded academic scholarship for outstanding essay writing.
  • • Introduced SEO to web-based student newspaper.

The candidate above doesn’t have a lot of work experience, but they have developed important skills while in school.

They have demonstrated SEO (search engine optimization) knowledge, long-term commitment, and feature-worthy writing.

Now let’s look at the education section for someone who has spent more than ten years in journalism.

This person has extensive industry experience so there is no need to list education accolades from a decade ago.

The need for a certification section on resumes is very industry specific. Journalism isn’t one where certificates are in high demand.

If you do have certificates that are relevant to the job you’re applying for, you should include them.

For example, if you are applying for a position as a sports journalist and have a certificate in sports management.

A certificate in journalism can also be helpful for those making a career change. If your formal education and career are in a different industry, a certificate in journalism will make a difference to recruiters.

Depending on the job you’re applying for, you may want to include other sections to your journalist resume.

Applying to be an international news correspondent? Add a section for languages. Worked on a ground-breaking reporting project in the past? Add a section for projects.

Daily life for a journalist varies greatly from person to person due to the dynamic nature of the job. One way to stand out to recruiters is by showing them a “Day in My Life” graphic, which can be created in our Resume Builder .

This adds creativity to your resume and gives you an opportunity to share a bit of your personality.

Here are a few more resume sections and how to include them:

  • Language Skills
  • Volunteer Work
  • Internships
  • Study Abroad
  • Create a header with a clear link to your portfolio.
  • Show your strong writing skills with a good summary.
  • Tell a good story with your work experience.
  • Be specific with your skills and accomplishments.
  • Tailor each section to the job you’re applying for.

Journalist resume examples

Explore additional journalist resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Student Journalist Resume Example

News Director roles come with a heavy background in Journalism. Therefore, journalistic trends significantly impact the success of your application for the News Director position.

Begin by highlighting experience with new tools and technology reshaping the media landscape. The digital shift in the newsroom is real and it pays to stay ahead with developments in social media, data journalism, mobile journalism, etc.

Don't just list skills in digital journalism. Show how using these tools boosted your past employers, for example,

Multimedia Journalist Resume Example

Looking to build your own Journalist resume?

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5 Journalist Resume Examples & Writing Guide

Journalist resumes are notoriously difficult to write. This guide simplifies the process, with 5 strong examples and easy-to-follow writing steps. Learn how to highlight your experience, accomplishments, and skills to impress employers and secure your next journalism job. Whether you're an early-career journalist or a seasoned pro, you'll find the insight you need to create a winning resume.


Looking for a new journalism gig? Your resume is your ticket to landing interviews and impressing hiring managers. But crafting a resume that really shines can be a challenge, especially in such a competitive field.

Don't worry - we've got your back. In this article, you'll find 5 real-life examples of winning journalist resumes, plus a step-by-step guide to writing your own. We'll cover what to include, how to highlight your skills and achievements, and how to make your resume stand out from the rest.

Whether you're a seasoned reporter or a fresh journalism grad, these tips will help you create a resume that grabs attention and gets results. So let's dive in and start building a resume that will take your journalism career to the next level!

Common Responsibilities Listed on Journalist Resumes

  • Research and gather information on assigned topics or stories
  • Conduct interviews with sources, experts, and witnesses
  • Write clear, concise, and accurate articles, reports, or scripts
  • Investigate and analyze complex issues or events
  • Fact-check and verify information for accuracy and credibility
  • Collaborate with editors, photographers, and other journalists
  • Meet strict deadlines and manage multiple assignments simultaneously
  • Develop and maintain a network of reliable sources
  • Stay current on relevant news, trends, and developments
  • Adhere to journalistic ethics, standards, and legal guidelines
  • Adapt writing style to suit different platforms, audiences, and formats
  • Travel to various locations to cover stories or events

How to write a Resume Summary

Writing a summary or an objective for your resume can be one of the most transformative steps in your job-seeking journey, especially when you work in a high-paced field like journalism. This succinct, potentially game-changing segment lays the ground for all that is to follow. It can pave your way to piercing through the clutter of a potential employer's hefty stack of resumes to securing a well-deserved interview. However, it all begins with understanding its inherent value and the proper approach to constructing this vital section.

The role of a Summary or Objective Section in a Resume

A summary or objective section acts like a headline for your resume, summarizing your qualifications, key skills, experiences, and career goals in a condensed, attention-grabbing format. Ideally, it should combine a high-level look into your professional history and your ambitions in a blend that appeals to the recruiters, helping them identify your value right from the instant they start reading your resume. This section works as the de facto elevator pitch of your resume, encapsulating the essence of your professional persona in just a handful of sentences.

The Anatomy of a Journalism Resume Summary or Objective

The crux of writing an excellent summary or objective lies in your capacity to balance brevity with detail, as well as personal aspirations with employer needs. For journalists, this becomes even more critical given the nature of the profession, where storytelling abilities meet investigative rigor.

In a nutshell, a good summary or objective should do the following:

  • Highlight your experience: Mention the number of years you've been entrenched in the media industry, along with a brief overview of the scale and type of projects you've taken on so far.
  • Showcase your expertise: Identify your area or areas of speciality. This could be anything from local news photography to international political reportage.
  • Set clear goals: It helps to clarify what you aim to achieve as a journalist. Whether it's in a general pursuit of truth or the production of engaging content that promotes civil discourse.
  • Capture the essence: Tie it all together by explaining how this combination of your skills and goals will benefit the employer. Avoid hollow buzzwords; instead, demonstrate your knowledge and character persuasively.

Also, remember that the summary or objective is not set in stone; it may need to be refined, expanded, or pared down over time, depending on feedback and more nuanced understandings of your career purpose.

The impact of a potent summary

A well-articulated summary can make a significant difference to the outcomes of your job search. Essentially, it adds a powerful tool to your armory, assuring hiring managers of your clarity of thought and focus. A good summary or objective is not just a miniature version of your career story, but also a testament to your understanding of the sector and its requirements, your capacity for introspection, and your roadmap for the future.

Understand that it is your first opportunity to leave an impression. That might sometimes mean the difference between getting a call back or being overlooked. And in journalism, where information needs to be framed quickly and accurately, the summary is a perfect mirror for these very qualities.

Strong Summaries

  • A creative and dedicated journalist with over 5 years' experience in international broadcasting, covering award-winning news stories across a range of channels.
  • Over 10 years of experience in print journalism, specifically within the consumer magazine industry. Consistently met deadlines and published high-quality articles touching upon lifestyle, travel, and food.
  • Multimedia bilingual journalist with more than 7 years of experience in TV, radio, print, and online journalism. Fluent in Spanish and English and specialized in immigration and social issues.
  • Versatile and tech-savvy news journalist specialising in local governance and community affairs. Known for relentless fact-checking, deep-dive information gathering, and identifying trends before they achieve mainstream attention.
  • Pulitzer-nominated investigative journalist, with a proven track record in uncovering stories that change the public narrative and understanding. Proficient in using data analysis tools for headline-making reports.

Why these are strong ?

These are good examples because they showcase the journalists' respective specialities, outline their practical experience and mention specific achievements within their fields. Properly summarising one's experience and accomplishments can give the hiring team a clear and immediate understanding of the applicant's capabilities, making the recruitment process more efficient. The use of action verbs ('covering', 'published', 'specialising') further illustrates their proactive attitudes. It's also a good practice to mention technical skills (like 'bilingual' or 'proficient in using data analysis tools') that are very important and relevant in the journalism field.

Weak Summaries

  • I am a journalist. Looking for a new job.
  • I've been doing journalism stuff for a while now and I'm pretty good at it, I guess. Would like a decent job with decent pay.
  • Former journalist, have written some stories, interviewed some people and done some research. Looking for a new opportunity in the same field.
  • So I am a writer, sort of. Looking for a place where I can hone my skills further but also keep writing about the stuff I like. I can do journalism things I think. Not bad at it.

Why these are weak ?

The summaries provided in these examples are quite generic, unprofessional and lack substance. They fail to showcase the individual's specific skills, experiences, and what they can bring to the potential organization. Such vague statements and casual tone of language may lead the hiring manager to question the professional competency and seriousness of the applicant regarding the job. Good summaries are concise, focused, highlight key achievements or skills, and are tailored to the job application. They should sound competent and professional.

Showcase your Work Experience

In the current landscape of job searching, a crucial element that stands explicitly in the spotlight is a meticulously drafted work experience section in your resume. It serves as your silent advocate, conveying your past, expressing your present, and painting a potential future to prospective employers. This article aims to provide a clear, comprehensive guide on creating a high-quality work experience section particularized for journalists.

###Understanding the Importance and Structure

Journalism, like any professional field, exhorts its professionals to accumulate and showcase relevant work experience. This part of your resume acts as a passport into your professional life, chronicling your journeys, achievements, and the skills you've honed over the years.

Commonly, your work experience section should include the name of the company, your job title, the period of your employment, and a list of your managed tasks or projects. Sequential arrangement from the most recent is usually adopted. It might sound basic, but how you wrap this information makes a significant difference.

###Simplicity Marrying Relevance

The paramount idea is to make things simple and straightforward. Fancy terminologies or embellished language seldom brings in the desired effect. However, for simplicity to have its real impact, coupling it with relevance is very longer needed. The relevance is about reflecting how your professional journey aligns with the job you aspire to. Unlike a personal essay, it should not be a complete chronicle of your work journey but rather an edited version, tailor-made for the specific job you're vying for.

Quantify your achievements and impact in each role using specific metrics, percentages, and numbers to make your work experience section more compelling and convincing to potential employers.

###Highlighting Transferable Skills

Being a dynamic profession, journalism instills a plethora of transferable skills. These can be your forte, such as effective communication, research proficiency, ethical judgment, and adaptability. Showcasing these skills in your past work experience, and illustrating them through particular projects you undertook, will influence the impression you set for your prospective employer.

###Numbers Speak Louder

Incorporating quantitative data in your work experience section, where possible, can have a significant impact. Did your published articles reach millions? Were you able to break important news stories that had substantial engagements? Quantify these achievements. Numbers draw attention and provide an objective measure of your success.

###Stay Updated

In the world incessantly buzzing with updates and breakthroughs, refreshing your work experience section based on current expectations and norms in the employment sphere is a proactive strategy worth considering. Constant evolution guarantees that your resume remains vibrant and your candidacy, engaging.

In conclusion, your work experience section is an important piece of real estate on your resume. By focusing on simplicity, relevance, showcasing transferable skills, supporting claims with numbers, and staying updated, you can create one that lucidly narrates your professional story and firmly establishes your candidacy for the journalistic profession you aspire to excel in.

Strong Experiences

  • Produced and reported live, investigative, and feature news stories
  • Worked with multiple platforms to produce a variety of content, including podcasts, videos, and blog posts
  • Lead reporter of a weekly column on local politics
  • Effectively utilized social media to reach a broader audience
  • Collaborated with managing editor and team members to plan, pitch and edit stories
  • Consistently met tight deadlines in a fast-paced work environment
  • Won the XYZ award for excellence in news reporting
  • Implemented a more efficient editorial workflow which increased productivity by 30%

These examples showcase the journalist's ability to work across various types of stories and platforms, showcasing their versatility. There is evidence of leadership and teamwork, necessary skills in journalism. The effective use of social media demonstrates that they are capable of keeping up with industry trends. Winning an award highlights the quality of their work, while contributing to productivity in their workplace elevates their value as a team member. This information is useful to the potential employer and paints a complete picture of the candidate's abilities. They quantify their experiences, give context, and are specific, as such, they are good examples.

Weak Experiences

  • Covered some interesting stories
  • Wrote for the newspaper and the website
  • Attended press conferences
  • Did something Journalism related
  • Interviewed some people

The examples provided are far too vague and generic for a resume, especially in a field like journalism where specificity and detail are key. 'Covered some interesting stories' offers no insight into the breadth or depth of your experience – what topics did you cover? What kind of audience did you reach? Similarly, 'Wrote for the newspaper and the website' is too broad. Instead, detail the type of content you created (feature articles, breaking news, op-eds), your posting frequency, and the engagement you received. 'Did something Journalism related' is not only vague, but also unprofessional. Lastly, 'Attended press conferences' and 'Interviewed some people' doesn't illustrate your ability to cultivate sources, conduct investigative research or your manor of handling sensitive subjects. Every bullet point should be a specific accomplishment that illustrates your skills and expertise.

Skills, Keywords & ATS Tips

Sure, let's dive into this topic and understand it better. The skill section on a journalist's resume is crucial in highlighting one's competence in the field.

Hard and Soft Skills

First off, let's talk about hard and soft skills. Hard skills in journalism refer to technical abilities and knowledge that are gained through study and practice. These are tangible, measurable, and are often specific to a job or task. For example, these can include proficiency in a particular language or a strong understanding of digital media platforms.

On the other hand, soft skills are less tangible, not specific to any job and associated with personality traits and interpersonal abilities. These are important in journalism as it is a field that requires strong communication skills, team collaboration abilities and a good sense of ethics.

The blend of hard and soft skills in a journalism resume helps employers understand a candidate's potential beyond their ability to fulfill basic job functions. It also showcases a journalist's ability to perform well in a team and adjust quickly in a rapidly changing landscape.

Keywords and ATS

Now, let's discuss keywords and the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Keywords in your resume are essentially skills and experiences unique to the job. For a journalist, keywords could be "copy editing," "multimedia production," or "investigative journalism".

An ATS, on the other hand, is a type of software used by recruiters to automate the hiring process. The system scans resumes for specific keywords relevant to the job description to identify qualified candidates from the pool of applicants.

For the ATS to pick up your resume, your list of skills should match these keywords. This doesn't mean filling your resume with buzzwords, but tailoring your skills section to reflect the needs of the job description. So, there is a direct connection between the hard and soft skills you list, the keywords used in job descriptions and how an ATS identifies potential matches.

In closure, you serve your journalism resume well by thoughtfully articulating your hard and soft skills. Use relevant keywords tied to job descriptions to improve the chances of your resume being selected by an ATS. Remember, your ability to balance both types of skills can be just what sets you apart from other journalists in the field. Every skill listed should serve the purpose of showcasing your value to potential employers.

Top Hard & Soft Skills for Full Stack Developers

Hard skills.

  • Investigative Reporting
  • Fact-Checking
  • Photography
  • Video Production
  • Data Analysis
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Management
  • Multimedia Storytelling
  • Media Law Knowledge
  • Interviewing
  • Podcast Production
  • Public Relations

Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Attention to Detail
  • Critical Thinking
  • Time Management
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Adaptability
  • Stress Management
  • Independence

Top Action Verbs

Use action verbs to highlight achievements and responsibilities on your resume.

  • Interviewed
  • Investigated
  • Collaborated
  • Coordinated
  • Synthesized

Education & Certifications

Sure, as a journalist, you want to make your educational accomplishments stand out. Start by creating a section titled "Education" or "Education & Certificates" on your resume. List your degrees or certificates in reverse chronological order, including the name of the institution, location, graduation date (or anticipated graduation date) followed by details of your major or specialization. If you've completed any certificates or courses related to journalism, be sure to add them too. This concise showcasing of your educational background will demonstrate your expertise and commitment to journalism.

Some of the most important certifications for Journalists

Recognizes meteorologists who meet specific educational and experience criteria and demonstrate a high level of competence in their field.

Demonstrates proficiency in editing skills and best practices.

Demonstrates proficiency in digital verification skills and techniques.

Resume FAQs for Journalists

What is the best resume format for a journalist.

The most effective resume format for journalists is the reverse-chronological format. This format highlights your most recent and relevant experience first, making it easy for hiring managers to quickly assess your qualifications. It also allows you to showcase your career progression and achievements in a clear, concise manner.

How long should a journalist's resume be?

A journalist's resume should typically be one to two pages long, depending on the level of experience. Entry-level journalists or those with less than five years of experience should aim for a one-page resume. More experienced journalists with extensive portfolios and accomplishments can extend their resume to two pages, ensuring that the content is relevant and well-organized.

What are the most important skills to include on a journalist's resume?

A journalist's resume should highlight a variety of essential skills, including strong writing and editing abilities, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to work under tight deadlines. Other important skills to mention are research and fact-checking abilities, proficiency in multimedia tools and platforms, and adaptability to various reporting styles and formats.

How can I make my journalist resume stand out?

To make your journalist resume stand out, focus on showcasing your unique accomplishments, such as exclusive stories you've covered, awards you've won, or high-profile interviews you've conducted. Use concrete examples and metrics to illustrate the impact of your work. Additionally, tailor your resume to the specific job description and media outlet you're applying to, highlighting relevant skills and experiences that align with their needs and values.

Should I include links to my published work on my journalist resume?

Yes, including links to your published work on your journalist resume is highly recommended. Create a separate section titled 'Portfolio' or 'Writing Samples' where you can list a few of your best articles or pieces, along with hyperlinks to the published content. This allows hiring managers to easily access and review your work, demonstrating your writing style, reporting skills, and the topics you've covered.

As a Journalist, you'll uncover and report the facts behind today's pivotal stories. Responsibilities include conducting interviews, analyzing data, writing compelling articles, and meeting tight deadlines. Your resume should showcase a portfolio of high-quality published works across various media formats. Highlight any specialized expertise, like business, politics, or investigative reporting. Detail achievements demonstrating resourcefulness, attention to detail, and the ability to transform complex information into gripping narratives.

Accomplished journalist with a proven track record of delivering compelling and informative stories across various media platforms. Skilled in investigative reporting, feature writing, and multimedia storytelling. Adept at cultivating sources, analyzing complex issues, and presenting information in an engaging and accessible manner. Committed to ethical journalism and upholding the highest standards of accuracy and integrity.

  • Conducted in-depth investigations into public corruption, corporate misconduct, and social justice issues, resulting in front-page stories and national recognition.
  • Developed an extensive network of sources, including whistleblowers, insiders, and public officials, to uncover exclusive stories and break news.
  • Collaborated with a team of journalists, editors, and fact-checkers to produce meticulously researched and fact-checked reports.
  • Utilized data analysis, public records requests, and advanced research techniques to support investigative findings.
  • Received the prestigious George Polk Award for a series exposing systemic failures in the child welfare system.
  • Reported on a wide range of topics, including politics, crime, education, and community issues, for both print and online editions.
  • Developed a specialization in covering the city's diverse neighborhoods, highlighting untold stories and giving voice to underrepresented communities.
  • Wrote compelling feature stories and profiles that captured the human experience and provided context to complex issues.
  • Contributed to the paper's award-winning coverage of the city's gun violence epidemic, including a series on the impact of trauma on children.
  • Mentored junior reporters and interns, providing guidance on reporting techniques, writing, and navigating ethical challenges.
  • Pitched and wrote stories for a variety of local and national publications, including The Atlantic, Slate, and The Guardian.
  • Covered breaking news, politics, culture, and social issues, often on tight deadlines and with minimal editorial support.
  • Developed expertise in digital storytelling, incorporating multimedia elements such as video, audio, and data visualizations into reports.
  • Investigated the impact of gentrification on low-income communities, resulting in a widely-shared longform article and a series of public forums.
  • Built a strong professional network and reputation as a reliable and talented freelance journalist.
  • Investigative reporting
  • Feature writing
  • Breaking news coverage
  • Multimedia storytelling
  • Data analysis
  • Public records research
  • Source development
  • Fact-checking
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Content management systems
  • Social media engagement
  • Podcast production
  • Fluency in Spanish

Broadcast Journalists research, write, and deliver news stories across television, radio, and digital platforms. When crafting a resume, emphasize journalism experience, strong writing abilities, public speaking skills, and expertise in live reporting. Tailor each application by aligning your background with the role's specific requirements. Quantify accomplishments and include work samples to reinforce fit.

Award-winning broadcast journalist with a passion for uncovering compelling stories and delivering them to viewers in an engaging and informative manner. Skilled in conducting in-depth interviews, writing compelling scripts, and working under tight deadlines. Proven track record of increasing viewership and engagement through exceptional storytelling and on-air presence.

  • Spearheaded investigative reporting on high-profile stories, resulting in a 20% increase in viewership.
  • Developed and hosted a weekly segment focusing on underreported issues, garnering critical acclaim and a loyal following.
  • Collaborated with producers and editors to create compelling packages for multiple platforms, including television, digital, and social media.
  • Mentored junior reporters and interns, fostering a supportive and growth-oriented work environment.
  • Received the prestigious Edward R. Murrow Award for outstanding investigative reporting in 2022.
  • Reported on breaking news stories and developed in-depth features for the evening newscasts.
  • Conducted live interviews with local officials, experts, and community members.
  • Collaborated with the web team to create engaging digital content, increasing website traffic by 15%.
  • Served as a fill-in anchor for morning and noon newscasts, demonstrating versatility and adaptability.
  • Received the Illinois Broadcasters Association Silver Dome Award for Best TV News Reporter in 2017.
  • Reported, wrote, and edited daily news stories for multiple platforms, including television, web, and social media.
  • Developed a strong network of sources, enabling the station to break several major stories.
  • Produced compelling multimedia content, including videos, photos, and infographics, to enhance storytelling.
  • Collaborated with the sales team to create sponsored content, generating additional revenue for the station.
  • Received the Indiana Associated Press Broadcasters Association Award for Best Multimedia Journalist in 2015.
  • On-air presentation
  • Scriptwriting
  • Video editing
  • Storytelling
  • Multimedia production
  • Team collaboration
  • Live reporting
  • Digital content creation

A Student Journalist researches, writes, and edits articles for school publications while juggling academic commitments. To craft an impressive resume, emphasize strong writing abilities, journalistic ethics, and time management skills. Highlight relevant experience from internships, school newspaper involvement, and journalism coursework. Tailor your resume to showcase your suitability for the specific student journalist role you're pursuing.

Ambitious and driven student journalist with a passion for uncovering the truth and sharing compelling stories. Skilled in research, interviewing, and crafting engaging articles across various media platforms. Proven track record of meeting tight deadlines and collaborating with diverse teams to deliver high-quality content.

  • Conducted in-depth interviews with students, faculty, and community members to gather information for articles
  • Wrote and edited articles on a wide range of topics, including campus events, student life, and local news
  • Collaborated with the editorial team to develop story ideas and ensure timely publication of content
  • Contributed to the newspaper's social media presence by creating engaging posts and monitoring reader engagement
  • Received recognition for exceptional writing and research skills, with articles frequently featured on the front page
  • Pitched and wrote articles for various online publications, covering topics such as education, technology, and lifestyle
  • Conducted thorough research and fact-checking to ensure the accuracy and credibility of all published content
  • Adapted writing style to suit the tone and target audience of each publication
  • Consistently met deadlines and maintained open communication with editors throughout the writing process
  • Built a strong portfolio of published work, demonstrating versatility and a commitment to professional growth
  • Shadowed experienced journalists and assisted with research, fact-checking, and interview transcription
  • Contributed to the development of story ideas and participated in editorial meetings
  • Wrote short news articles and blog posts under the guidance of senior staff members
  • Assisted with the management of the newspaper's social media accounts, helping to increase follower engagement
  • Gained valuable insight into the day-to-day operations of a major metropolitan newspaper
  • Feature Writing
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)

As a Freelance Journalist, you research topics in-depth, craft engaging articles, and tailor content for diverse clients. Your resume should highlight exceptional writing samples displaying your versatility across subjects and styles. Emphasize your ability to meet tight deadlines consistently. Detail experience creating SEO-friendly online content. Showcase strong computer skills and relevant education or certifications.

Accomplished freelance journalist with over a decade of experience crafting compelling stories across various media outlets. Skilled in uncovering unique angles, conducting in-depth research, and engaging audiences through powerful storytelling. Adept at working independently and collaborating with diverse teams to deliver high-quality content on tight deadlines.

  • Pitched and wrote feature articles for major publications such as The Atlantic, The Guardian, and The New York Times.
  • Investigated and reported on breaking news stories, consistently delivering accurate and timely coverage.
  • Developed and maintained a strong network of sources across various industries and communities.
  • Demonstrated versatility by covering a wide range of topics, including politics, social issues, and human interest stories.
  • Received numerous accolades for exceptional journalism, including a nomination for the Pulitzer Prize.
  • Wrote daily news articles and opinion pieces on current events and trending topics.
  • Collaborated with the editorial team to develop and execute content strategies.
  • Managed the publication's social media presence, increasing follower engagement by 30%.
  • Conducted interviews with high-profile individuals, including politicians and celebrities.
  • Mentored junior writers and interns, providing guidance on research, writing, and editing.
  • Covered local news stories, including crime, politics, and community events.
  • Developed sources within city government and law enforcement to break exclusive stories.
  • Collaborated with photographers and videographers to create multimedia content.
  • Contributed to the newspaper's online presence by writing blog posts and engaging with readers on social media.
  • Received the Illinois Press Association's award for Best News Story in 2012.
  • Social media management
  • Data journalism
  • Pitching stories
  • Deadline-driven

A Multimedia Journalist researches, writes, edits, and produces content across print, digital, and video platforms. They possess strong writing, editing, communication, and multimedia production abilities. When writing a resume, highlight relevant experience, skills with journalism tools/software, published work samples, and a multimedia reporting portfolio. Keep it concise yet impactful.

Dynamic and driven multimedia journalist with a passion for crafting compelling stories across various platforms. Skilled in digital media production, content creation, and social media management. Proven track record of delivering engaging and informative content under tight deadlines. Committed to upholding journalistic integrity and ethics while consistently producing high-quality work.

  • Produce engaging multimedia content, including video reports, podcasts, and interactive graphics for both digital and print platforms.
  • Collaborate with reporters, editors, and photographers to develop compelling stories that resonate with the audience.
  • Utilize data visualization techniques to present complex information in an easily digestible format.
  • Manage social media accounts, increasing follower engagement by 30% through innovative content strategies.
  • Awarded 'Best Digital Storytelling' for an immersive multimedia project on climate change.
  • Produced and edited video content for CNN's digital platforms, including social media and the website.
  • Developed and implemented content strategies to increase audience engagement and drive traffic.
  • Collaborated with journalists and editors to create compelling multimedia packages for breaking news and feature stories.
  • Trained colleagues on best practices for digital content creation and social media management.
  • Contributed to a 25% increase in website traffic through optimized content and effective promotion strategies.
  • Assisted in the production of multimedia content for WBUR's website and social media channels.
  • Conducted research and fact-checking for various news stories and feature articles.
  • Collaborated with the digital team to develop and implement innovative storytelling techniques.
  • Produced a series of short-form videos showcasing local community initiatives, which garnered over 100,000 views on social media.
  • Demonstrated strong adaptability and quick learning skills in a fast-paced newsroom environment.
  • Video production and editing
  • Audio production and editing
  • Data visualization
  • Content strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Premiere Pro
  • Journalist Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Journalist Resumes:

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Journalist Resume Example:

  • Developed and wrote a series of investigative articles on a local corruption scandal, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic and a 15% increase in subscriptions.
  • Collaborated with a team of photographers and videographers to produce a multimedia feature on the impact of climate change on a local community, which won a regional journalism award.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with key sources in the community, resulting in exclusive interviews and breaking news stories.
  • Pitched and wrote a feature story on a local business that was struggling during the pandemic, resulting in a 50% increase in sales for the business and positive community feedback.
  • Analyzed data and conducted interviews to produce a series of articles on the impact of COVID-19 on the local economy, which was cited by national news outlets.
  • Managed and edited a team of freelance writers, resulting in a 20% increase in article output and improved quality of content.
  • Developed and executed a social media strategy for the publication, resulting in a 25% increase in social media followers and engagement.
  • Produced and hosted a weekly podcast on local politics, which consistently ranked in the top 10 podcasts in the region.
  • Collaborated with a team of designers to revamp the publication's website, resulting in a 40% increase in website traffic and a 20% increase in ad revenue.
  • Investigative reporting
  • Data analysis
  • Multimedia storytelling
  • Source development
  • Interviewing
  • News writing
  • Team management
  • Social media strategy
  • Podcast production
  • Web design collaboration
  • Deadline management
  • Story pitching
  • Ethical journalism
  • Fact-checking

Top Skills & Keywords for Journalist Resumes:

Hard skills, soft skills, resume action verbs for journalists:, generate your resume summary.

sample resume for journalist

Resume FAQs for Journalists:

How long should i make my journalist resume, what is the best way to format a journalist resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a journalist resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a journalist, compare your journalist resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Journalist job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Journalists:

Journalism Resume Samples

This page provides you with Journalism resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Journalism resume.

Reporter Resume Sample and Template

Journalism is a cutthroat industry. As a journalist, you will be in constant competition with other reporters and media organizations, always on the hunt for big scoops, interesting assignments, and prestigious bylines.

The competition for journalist positions is similarly cutthroat. When applying for a job you will need a resume that quickly and effectively captures the attention of hiring managers.

There’s no doubt you are great at writing, that’s your life, work and passion, although writing the best resume requires additional skills that you must use in order to convince the recruiter that you are the one! Our journalist resume sample have helped many of your colleague securing that dream job they have wanted for years: why don’t you let us inspire you as well?

With VisualCV you can create professional, eye-catching resumes that showcase your skills and feature a portfolio of writing samples and articles you have previously written.

What should a Journalist resume include?

Any Journalist resume should include the following:

  • Your work history as a Journalist.
  • Your contact information and portfolio links.
  • Any awards or recognitions received.
  • A professional summary.

How to Write a Journalist Resume?

To write a Journalism resume follow these steps:

  • Select a Journalist resume template.
  • Describe your journalistic experience, achievements and skills in short summary.
  • List your Journalist work history in a reverse chronological order.
  • Add your education section to the bottom of your Journalist resume.
  • If you have notable achievements, list them in a separate achievement section.
  • Add your skills to a skill section on your resume.

Journalism as a profession requires logical and concise writing, and your resume should reflect this. Much like the stories you write in your capacity as a journalist, your resume should have clear prose and a compelling narrative.

Use your resume to show how you have worked your way to your current role.

Your work experience should be written in reverse-chronological order, beginning with your most recent position and working backwards. Carefully curate the details that you share in your resume, choosing only those which showcase your marketable abilities.

As strong editing skills and a close attention to detail will be expected of you as a journalist, be sure that your resume is easy to navigate and contains no errors or typos.

Last, but not least: most recruiters require a portfolio of writing samples from previous assignments. Oh, and make sure you do not save your resume as a .doc file. Unfortunately Microsoft Word is evil and more often than not, it changes your layout. Please save it as a .pdf!

  • Work Experience

Your Work History should tell the story of your career path.

This section is where you can detail your past employment, including your achievements, skills, and responsibilities. Don’t be shy, you know you have been working hard on building your career, so please don’t sell yourself short and let’s convince your future employer that you are the one!

DO (make yourself look great)

  • Focus on quantifiable achievements (like ‘Increased web traffic by 75%’)
  • Customize the information you highlight to suit the position you are applying to
  • List your experiences in reverse-chronological order
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation please!
  • Be creative

DON’T (embarrass yourself)

  • Write a tedious list of obligations from previous roles.
  • List every position you have ever had, going back decades
  • List achievements unrelated to the position

For more tips on writing the best work experience section for a fantastic software engineer like you, check out our detailed resume guide .

Though there are rare occasions where journalists break into the industry without it, some educational credentials will be an enormous asset to your journalism resume. Many academic institutions offer bachelor’s degrees in journalism, although related degrees in things like communications or political science can also be an asset, depending on your reporting specialty.

For each item in your education section, list the name of the institution, the degree that you earned there, and the years you attended. If you can think of any relevant awards you received or special projects you participated in, feel free to note them as well.

  • Best Journalism Skills

As a journalist, you will be asked to research and report on current events in a timely fashion. You will likely be writing web content, and what content you create will have to be understandable and interesting. Journalism skills that employers look for include:

  • Cover Letter: yes or no?

A great cover letter has never hurt anyone!

Match a brief one-pager with your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. Follow our tips here .

We really like you, so here’s some additional tips for your best journalist resume!

  • Include a link to your online portfolio
  • Make sure your resume doesn’t reach the 3rd page!
  • List the awards and accolades you’ve earned
  • Show your biggest clients!
  • Have a professional email address
  • Say you can use Microsoft Word: really?
  • Use too many colors and more than 2 fonts
  • Badmouth others

Finally, if you are looking for the best journalist resume templates, you should check these masterpieces we have been working on here : many professionals like you have successfully used them to take their career to the next level.

Copyright © 2024 Workstory Inc.

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Resume Examples & Samples

Broadcast journalist resume sample.

Create a Resume in Minutes & Get More Job Interviews

A broadcast journalist delivers and often writes news stories to be read over radio or television. A broadcast journalist writes in a variety of formats depending on who they’re writing for, how long a newsbreak is, and how time sensitive a story is.

The broadcast journalist has to be a strong writer who can identify a newsworthy story and write a compelling story that’s easily digested by the viewer or listener. Unlike print journalism, broadcast journalists need to write to an audience that only has one chance to consume what’s being shared with them. Not only does that story have to be easily understood by their audience, but it must also be readable for the anchor, broadcaster, or for themselves. Some broadcast journalists must also be somewhat familiar with sound editing software, as they’ll want to incorporate sound bytes and live footage into their stories.

Broadcast journalists usually work for a radio or TV station, and are typically assigned to specific shows and segments. They often report to editors, and work in conjunction with anchors, broadcasters, and producers.

Broadcast journalists should be able to deliver high quality work under an incredible time crunch. They should be very detail-oriented, as one mistake could affect how a broadcaster or anchor reads a story, and ultimately how the audience perceives it. They should be comfortable doing interviews on the fly, but willing to research whenever possible.

If you’re considering applying to be a broadcast journalist, your resume will need to show that you can turn around stories quickly and without error, and know how to make a story sound readable rather than just appear readable. It should show that you’re adaptable, and respond well to pressure. An audio reel and writing portfolio should complement your resume if possible.

Journalist Resume Builder Power Words: writing, deadline, time management, detail-oriented, interviews, sound-editing, versatile, adaptable, responds under pressure

  • Acted as an editor when needed by other journalist for peer review.
  • Anchored shows as needed
  • Assisted in training of and directed news interns and volunteers.
  • Assisted with managing contact database for sources
  • Collaborated with assignment desk, producers and managers on story development.
  • Connected with diverse audiences and stakeholders
  • Covered news stories assigned by management.
  • Created engaging copy, with images and videos that work well across websites apps, social media and email
  • Developed community contacts and built strong relationships
  • Developed network of news sources who are contacted on a regular basis.
  • Ensured proper online delivery of all original stories on the station website and via social networking
  • Generated ideas for both the short and long term articles and series of articles
  • Kept executive producer, producer and/or assignment desk updated on story.
  • Manage multiple assignments seamlessly
  • Met deadlines
  • Monitored analytics to measure story performance
  • Operated the latest media technology-editing software
  • Optimized articles to meet SEO best practices criteria
  • Planned, promoted and moderated multiple webinars, podcast, in person video interviewing for online publication and other media activities per month
  • Posted stories to website(s) and social media platforms
  • Researched, conducted interviews, wrote scripts, voices to create original radio news stories.
  • Submitted pitch ideas for stories.
  • Wrote a balanced and accurate script that fully exploits the visual tools of the medium.
  • Wrote daily content

More Resume Formats

Broadcast Journalist Resume Sample

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sample resume for journalist

sample resume for journalist

Blue Origin will resume sending passengers to space on Sunday with a rocket launch from West Texas

B lue Origin is preparing to launch six people into space Sunday, ending a nearly two-year hiatus of its  private passenger launches from West Texas .

The rocket company grounded its 10-minute suborbital flights in September 2022 after an engine nozzle overheated and caused the New Shepard rocket booster to crash. No one was onboard, and an escape system designed to protect the crew (or in this case research) worked as planned. But the incident required Blue Origin to redesign its engine and nozzle components.

RELATED: Blue Origin resumes flight from West Texas more than a year after an accident grounded its rocket

Since then, the company successfully launched an uncrewed mission in December 2023. Sunday’s flight aims to liftoff at 8:30 a.m. from the company’s launch pad north of Van Horn. The paying passengers will travel to the threshold of space and back, receiving a few minutes of weightlessness. The company doesn’t publicize how much the seats cost. 

The six passengers include former Air Force Capt. Ed Dwight , who was selected by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 to train as an experimental test pilot in preparation of becoming the first Black astronaut. But he never made it to space.

His spot on the mission is sponsored by the nonprofit Space for Humanity and the Jaison and Jamie Robinson Foundation. 

The other crew members include Mason Angel, who founded a venture capital fund, Sylvain Chiron, who founded a craft brewery in France, Kenneth Hess, who developed the Family Tree Maker product line that was acquired by, Carol Schaller, a retired CPA who wants to see the Earth from space before she’s likely to go blind, and Gopi Thotakura, a pilot who co-founded a holistic wellness center.

New Shepard consists of a rocket booster and crew capsule that launch together and then separate as they approach the Kármán line, largely recognized as the boundary of space, 62 miles above the Earth’s surface. The capsule will coast farther above the line while the booster is supposed to return for a controlled, rocket-powered vertical landing.

Inside the spacecraft, occupants will have a few minutes of weightlessness before the vehicle begins heading back to Earth. Three drogue parachutes will deploy to slow and stabilize the capsule followed by three main parachutes. Then, just before touchdown in the West Texas desert, a retro-thrust system expels a cloud of air beneath the capsule.

The flight is suborbital, meaning the passengers will not circle the Earth before landing.

Sunday will mark the 25th flight of the reusable New Shepard system and its seventh one carrying passengers. The company has launched 13 payload missions — filled with more than 150 science and technology demonstrations as well as student postcards that are returned with a “Flown to Space” stamp — and six missions with passengers onboard. It has flown 31 people into space, including the company’s founder, Jeff Bezos. 

Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket system is shown on the launch pad prior to the NS-22 launch on Aug. 4, 2022.

Michael Cohen testifies on Stormy Daniels payment in Trump trial

  • Cohen says Trump promised to pay him back for Stormy Daniels money
  • Cohen said he worked on behalf of the Trump campaign
  • Cohen talks about getting salacious articles about Trump taken down

Here's what to know:

Here's what to know, live coverage contributors 18.

Shayna Jacobs avatar

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sample resume for journalist

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sample resume for journalist


  1. Journalist Resume Sample 2021

    sample resume for journalist

  2. Journalism Resume Sample & Expert Writing Tips

    sample resume for journalist

  3. Journalist Resume Samples

    sample resume for journalist

  4. News Reporter Resume Sample

    sample resume for journalist

  5. Journalist Resume Samples & Templates [PDF+DOC] 2024

    sample resume for journalist

  6. Journalist Resume Samples

    sample resume for journalist


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  2. Creative Resume Samples.wmv

  3. Albert Delitala

  4. Resume Tips

  5. Taste of Iran Yazd Shiraz Part 5

  6. Taylor Mitchell's Reporter/Anchor Reel 2024


  1. 6 Journalism Resume Examples for 2024

    Different publications and beats may prioritize different skills and experience. For example, a resume summary for a data journalist position could look like this: Data-driven journalist with 5+ years of experience uncovering compelling stories through data analysis. Proficient in Python, R, and data visualization.

  2. Journalism Resume Examples (with Skills & Duties)

    This is how to write a job-winning journalism resume: 1. Use the Best Format for Your Journalism Resume. Journalists are the world's storytellers, reporting on everything that goes on around us from politics to sports to social issues to entertainment. You name it, a journalist can write about it.

  3. 5+ Journalist Resume Examples [with Guidance]

    5 Journalist Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search. Journalists are skilled storytellers, able to craft compelling narratives that capture the attention of their audience. As a journalist, your resume should have a lot in common with your writing. It should be concise, engaging, and capture the attention of the reader.

  4. Journalism Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. Start Building. 1. Create a profile by summarizing your journalism qualifications. The profile is the hook for your resume. It catches the hiring manager's attention and ensures they keep reading to find out more.

  5. 5 Journalist Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    5 Journalist Resume Examples. That Worked in 2024. Stephen Greet March 20, 2024. In the world of journalism, you're the story-hunter who brings those hidden tales to light. With a curiosity that goes deep, you dig up facts, break down events, and spin narratives that shape how we see things. Your knack for catching the heart of a moment keeps ...

  6. Journalist Resume Examples (+Journalism Resume Template)

    Journalist Resume Objective—Example. Good Example. A digital journalism intern pursuing a Bachelor's degree at XYZ State University with a portfolio of 50 articles (guest posts). Looking to apply strong writing and multitasking skills as a junior journalist for Grenada News. Bad Example.

  7. Journalism Resume Sample & Expert Writing Tips

    1. Keep your resume clear and concise. A journalist's most important talent is writing well. Make sure that you display your writing ability in your resume by describing your experience using active voice, employing strong action verbs, and keeping your bullet points concise and easy to read.. Ideally, hiring managers should be able to skim your resume and get all the information they need ...

  8. Journalist Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024) ·

    This resume writing guide for journalists covers all the bases of how to prepare a CV for this challenging field, with examples of how to write each section. Click on the attached resume example, or choose a different design, to start building yours. 4.5. Average rating.

  9. 6 Great Journalist Resume Examples

    Your Journalist resume must include the following: contact information, resume summary, work experience, skills and education. These are the five main resume sections; however, you can customize your resume with additional sections. Here are some examples of optional journalist resume sections that you could add to provide greater detail:

  10. How To Write a Journalism Resume (With Example and Tips)

    Understanding the employer's expectations for candidates can help you tailor your resume to the journalist role. Related: How To Write a Digital Media Resume (With Template and Example) 2. Include your contact information. Reserve the top of your journalist resume for your contact information. Put your full name first in a slightly larger font ...

  11. Journalist Resume Example: Writing Guide & Free Template

    Journalist Resume Sample. Editors require journalists to write concise pieces. And the resume resembles a news article, providing answers to the key 5 journalistic questions: who, where, when, what and how. The entire document should be a testament to your credentials, packed in 1-2 pages, max.

  12. Journalist Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Journalist Resume Examples. Journalists prepare articles for publication in newspapers or magazines. A regular resume sample for this job mentions duties like meeting deadlines, performing research, proposing story ideas, securing sources, and following the publication's style guide. Based on our collection of example resumes, the ideal ...

  13. 8 Journalist Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    8 Journalist Resume Examples & Guide for 2024. To make your journalist resume stand out, showcase your ability to investigate and convey complex topics succinctly. Highlight your knack for engaging storytelling through various media. Demonstrate on your resume a strong portfolio of published work, as well as proficiency in the latest digital tools.

  14. 5 Journalist Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    Journalist resumes are notoriously difficult to write. This guide simplifies the process, with 5 strong examples and easy-to-follow writing steps. Learn how to highlight your experience, accomplishments, and skills to impress employers and secure your next journalism job. Whether you're an early-career journalist or a seasoned pro, you'll find ...

  15. 24 Journalist Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Resume Sections. 1. Contact Information: Name, Address, Phone Number, Email. Be sure to include alternative contact channels, as well as your LinkedIn profile or Twitter URL details. 2. Journalist Career Summary: The quality of a career summary may significantly increase the probability of landing interviews.

  16. Journalist Resume Examples for 2024 (Template & Guide)

    Combination Resumes for a Journalist. A combination resume blends the best of both worlds by blending elements from chronological and functional formats. A combination format is perfect for a journalist with little or mixed experience. In a combination resume format, you place your skills and qualifications at the top of your resume, bringing ...

  17. 2024 Journalist Resume Example (+Guidance)

    Journalist Resume Example: A strong journalist resume should emphasize the ability to produce high-quality, impactful stories that drive engagement and showcase investigative skills. Highlighting successful collaborations with multimedia teams and managing freelance writers demonstrates versatility and leadership.

  18. Journalism Resume Samples and Templates

    To write a Journalism resume follow these steps: Select a Journalist resume template. Describe your journalistic experience, achievements and skills in short summary. List your Journalist work history in a reverse chronological order. Add your education section to the bottom of your Journalist resume. If you have notable achievements, list them ...

  19. Sample Journalist Resume

    According to Monster's salary data, journalists and reporters earn a median salary of over $47,675 per year. However, salaries and wages will vary by location and experience level. Monster's Salary Calculator can give a general estimate of how much a reporter or journalist job pays in your area.

  20. Journalism Resume Samples

    Ability to instruct students and manage their behavior; organize, communicate, and have interpersonal skills. Knowledge of subject assigned; curriculum and instruction. Take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities. Maintain a professional relationship with colleagues, students, parents ...

  21. Journalist Resume Sample

    Journalist Resume Sample. A journalist writes news stories for a print newspaper, online newspaper, or website. Journalists can write a specific beat, that is, following a specific topic, or cover a variety of news stories. The journalist has to be a strong writer who can identify a newsworthy story and report the facts in a concise and ...

  22. Copywriting Journalist Resume Examples for 2024: Templates & Tips

    Certifications can back up your expertise, prove your commitment to the profession and help you stand out from the pool of applicants. These are a few examples of certifications for a journalist resume: U.S. English AP Style Editing Skills Certification. Certificate in Journalism and Newswriting. Online Journalism Certificate.

  23. Broadcast Journalist Resume Sample

    Broadcast Journalist Resume Sample. A broadcast journalist delivers and often writes news stories to be read over radio or television. A broadcast journalist writes in a variety of formats depending on who they're writing for, how long a newsbreak is, and how time sensitive a story is. The broadcast journalist has to be a strong writer who ...

  24. Blue Origin will resume sending passengers to space on Sunday ...

    RELATED: Blue Origin resumes flight from West Texas more than a year after an accident grounded its rocket. Since then, the company successfully launched an uncrewed mission in December 2023 ...

  25. Michael Cohen testifies on Stormy Daniels payment in Trump trial

    Michael Cohen, a key witness in Donald Trump's trial on allegations of business fraud related to hush money payments, testified for most of Monday in Manhattan criminal court.