How To Write An Autobiography

Autobiography Examples

Barbara P

11+ Autobiography Examples: A Detailed Guide

Autobiography Examples

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How to Write a Memoir: Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever thought about telling your life story? 

An autobiography is like a special book about you – your experiences, ups, downs, and everything in between. 

But when it comes to autobiography writing , putting it all into words, it can feel a bit tricky, especially for students like you.

In this blog, we're here to help you understand what an autobiography is all about and make it easier for you to write one with the help of examples. 

We'll dive into practical examples and autobiography templates to help you see how it's done. 

So, let's dive in!

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  • 1. Memoir Vs Autobiography Example 
  • 2. Autobiography Outline Examples
  • 3. How to Write an Autobiography - Examples
  • 4. Autobiography Examples for Students
  • 5. Personal Autobiography Examples
  • 6. Famous Autobiography Examples

Memoir Vs Autobiography Example 

Memoirs and autobiographies both delve into personal experiences, but they have their own styles and purposes. 

Let’s jump into example to see what is the actual difference between memoir and autobiography:

Memoir Vs Autobiography Example PDf

Autobiography Outline Examples

Any academic or professional writing needs to follow a proper format to organize the information. And an outline is the best way to follow the proper format. It helps you organize your information and structure your data into a proper format.

Here are some autobiography outline examples to help you learn the basics of the autobiography format .

Autobiography Outline for College - Example

Autobiography Sample Outline

How to Write an Autobiography - Examples

As we have mentioned earlier, there are as many stories as there are people on earth. Each of the stories is different from the others; no two of them could be the same. 

How you present your ideas really matters. That's why using the right strategies and the correct format is essential to make your writing creative.

It is important to know the difference between autobiography and biography . These examples will help you learn how to start an autobiography that leaves a good impression on the reader’s mind.

Autobiography Sample PDF

Writing an Autobiography - Example

Autobiography Examples for Students

An autobiography is your life story. If your teacher tells you to write one, they just want to hear about your life. Even if you think your story isn't super exciting, following the structure can make it work better.

These autobiography examples for students will help you understand how you can properly format the autobiography.

Autobiography Examples for Kids 

School is a time of discovery, and what better way to explore your own journey than through the lens of an autobiography? Here are some great autobiography examples crafted specifically for kids.

Autobiography Examples Ks2

Autobiography Examples For Grade 7

Autobiography Examples For Class 6

Short Autobiography Example for Students

Here is a sample of a short autobiography for you. Give it a good read and learn how to write an excellent short autobiography.

Short Autobiography for Students - Example

High School Autobiography Example

Check out this sample and learn to write an incredible  autobiography for  high school students.

High School Autobiography - Example

Spiritual Autobiography Example for College Students

Spiritual autobiographies give a glimpse into the spiritual person's life. Have a look at the following sample spiritual autobiography and give it a good read to learn more.

Spiritual Autobiography for College Students - Example

Cultural Autobiography Examples 

Here is a sample of a cultural autobiography that contains detailed information on culture. Have a look at the sample to know more about it.

Cultural Autobiography Examples

Funny Autobiography Examples 

Autobiographies are thought to be boring and mundane, but that is not the case. You can make an interesting story, as well as funny. Learn to write a funny autobiography by this example.

Funny Autobiography Examples

Educational Autobiography Example

Here is a sample educational autobiography that will help you formulate an effective and inspiring autobiography.

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Social Class Autobiography Example

Writing a social class or sociology assignment could be a bit difficult. This sample will help you work on yours easily.

Rambling Autobiography Examples

Rambling autobiographies are like a casual conversation with a friend, where stories unfold in their own unique way. 

Let’s jump into some fascinating examples about this type of autobiography:

Personal Autobiography Examples

Personal autobiography or personal narrative essay provides a complete picture of the author’s life story. The following personal autobiography demonstrates how to write a personal narrative autobiography.

Personal Narrative Autobiography - Example

Autobiography Examples for Students About Yourself

Famous Autobiography Examples

Autobiographical essays are usually about famous people or historical figures. Just as a renowned autobiography of Benjamin Franklin tells us about his life, his unfinished records, his accomplishments, etc.

Below are some examples of famous autobiographies for your better understanding:

Famous Literacy Autobiography Example

Famous Autobiography - Sample

All in all, we have explored different examples, like understanding what makes memoirs different from autobiographies and exploring rambling ones. These examples are like guides to help you tell your own story and maybe inspire others on your writing journey. 

So, go ahead, give it a try, and have fun telling your unique tale.

And if you need assistance you can always reach out to us!

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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How to Write an Autobiography

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20+ Student Biography Examples

Welcome to the world of students! We have created an amazing collection of 30 student biography examples to help you write your own.

As a student, you are likely to be writing a variety of biographical pieces. Whether you are writing a personal profile for your CV, a biography for an awards application or a biography for a college admissions essay, it’s important that you construct an interesting and engaging narrative of who you are.

Student Biography Examples

Student Biography Examples

1. Growing up I was always interested in the sciences and technology. In high school, I excelled in math and science classes, which led me to pursue a degree in engineering. I went on to earn my Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and am currently working on my Master’s in Civil Engineering. After I finish my degree, I plan to use my knowledge to help improve infrastructure in developing countries.

2. Since a young age, I have been passionate about helping people in need. During college, I decided to focus my studies on sociology and political science. I used my knowledge to take action and participated in several non-profit organizations to promote social justice. With the help of internships, I have also gained experience in policy development and public relations. I’m currently working on a graduate degree in Social Work and aim to eventually work for the United Nations .

3. As a freshman in high school, I was unsure of what kind of career path I wanted to pursue. After talking with my parents and teachers, I decided to start college as an undeclared major. After two years of exploration, I settled on a double major of business and economics. I’ve been able to take advantage of various opportunities on and off campus and served as an intern in the Human Resources department of a major banking firm. I look forward to earning my degree and using my skills to become a successful business leader.

4. I never thought that I had the ability to become a professional photographer, but my high school photography teacher pushed me to pursue my dreams. I learned how to use a variety of cameras, develop photographs, and post-process my images. I continued my photography studies at college, where I gained additional knowledge in studio lighting and digital editing. I was even able to gain experience in the fashion industry, interning for a well-known photographer . Today, I am working as an event photographer, documenting weddings, reunions, and corporate events.

5. When I was younger I was passionate about art, which prompted me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. During college, I was able to gain experience as a studio assistant and also learn various digital and traditional art techniques. With the help of a scholarship, I was able to travel to various countries and learn even more about different art styles. After graduation, I started working as a freelance artist and have been able to produce several commissioned artworks and pieces.

6. As a child, I always exhibited an aptitude for mathematics and problem solving. After researching various career paths, I decided to major in Computer Science. I was able to gain valuable experience while interning at a tech startup and also during an internship with the Department of Defense. I am currently working on my master’s degree and plan to focus my studies on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

7. I have been involved in theater since I was a young child. During my high school years, I focused on honing my abilities through various extracurricular activities. I was able to gain valuable experience by participating in multiple productions and I even gained a scholarship for theater. I attended college to study Musical Theater and continued to foster my talent. With help from internships and workshops, I was able to build additional experience and formed a touring theater company with some of my colleagues.

8. From an early age, I was interested in the environment and the outdoors. I spent a lot of time reading environmental books and researching environmental issues. This passion inspired me to major in Environmental Science in college. I’ve gained valuable experience through various internships and part-time jobs. With the help of my degree, I’ve been able to work on several conservation projects and hope to soon work for a non-profit organization focused on sustainability.

9. When I graduated high school I wanted to focus my career on the medical field. After much research, I decided to major in Biomedical Engineering. During my time in college, I was able to gain a valuable experience by interning as a research assistant. I have been able to learn more about medical technology and have been able to contribute to various projects. I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and plan to continue my research in the field and eventually work for a healthcare company.

10. I have always had an interest in fashion and design, so when the time came to decide my career path it made sense to pursue design. During college, I was able to study many aspects of fashion and gain experience through various internships. I was also able to travel to other countries to observe trends and learn about different cultures. With my degree, I am currently working as a fashion designer and I plan to continue to use my creative eye to come up with innovative and stylish designs.

More Student Biography Examples on the next page…

short autobiography example for students pdf


Autobiography Examples For Students (with 10 Writing Tips)

Last Updated on July 20, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD


So you’re probably asking, “What could I possibly write in my memoir if I’m not Mahatma Gandhi or Steve Jobs?” Even if I knew how to start an autobiography, I couldn’t complete it.

Every person is different, with a tale to tell. Whether famous or not, everyone has a story. All you have to do now is scroll down the page to get this fantastic student example autobiography and some valuable practical tips.

Such an assignment is a typical kind of academic task given at schools, colleges, and universities, so if you are a student, the odds are that you will face it.

While it may appear tough to write an excellent autobiography, it’s only hard when you don’t know where to begin.

Key steps, rules, examples, and advice have been provided in this article to assist you throughout the writing process. You’ll create a flawless piece on yourself by the end of this blog. Let’s get started!

What are Autobiographies?

It is necessary to describe an autobiography and identify the various kinds before going on to our writing tips. An autobiography is a self-written narrative that chronicles an author’s life. Depending on the composition, such compositions are written in the narrative style and may have various uses.

The autobiography examples for high school students listed above exemplify how to write a memoir. Some high school students may find it difficult to pursue their interest in writing; however, with assistance from the experts at customessay4u, you can be more focused and motivated towards your goal, and this has been proven various times over that we provide writers who will work efficiently under tight deadlines.

Is an autobiographical essay similar to an autobiography?

The autobiography essay has a long history in academia, and it holds several important benefits. It allows readers an insight into someone’s life, allowing them to understand that the writer is more than just ‘just another person. The autobiography essay itself can be used as part of many essays to help present different aspects of one individual or group.

Top 5 Autobiography Examples for Students in 2022

I am malala by malala yousafzai.

In 2012, a Taliban fighter shot Malala Yousafzai, and she was on the verge of death. Her activism, which sought to ensure that all girls received a decent education, made her a target. I Am Malala is the story of her life. The Malala Fund was co-founded by a Pakistani lawyer, who also received the Nobel Peace Prize at 17.

Pour Your Heart Into It by Howard Schultz

The concept of a premium coffee experience in America was incomprehensible when Starbucks originally opened its doors in Seattle in the early 1970s. Starbucks now operates in almost 80 countries and territories across the globe, with over 25,000 locations. Howard Schultz, the company’s former CEO, talks about his time building the market and creating what it is now in Pour Your Heart Into It.

Not Yet by Wayson Choy

Unlike Wayson Choy’s previous work, Not Yet is a narrative about the uncertainties surrounding death. Choy shares two near-death experiences and how they taught him to find meaning in life by teaching him. “Not Yet” is about appreciating life and family while acknowledging that it’s not yet your time.

This Is Happy by Camilla Gibb

Life is seldom that easy, and it seldom happens that everything is terrible or wonderful. Camilla Gibb captures this concept brilliantly in her film. This Is Happy. Her marriage ended abruptly before she gave birth, causing her emotions to jumble. Ultimately, it’s a hopeful story that encourages us to concentrate on the bright things, find the support we need, and go onwards.

M Train by Patti Smith

An accomplished American singer-songwriter and poet, Patti Smith tells stories about her life in New York City in M Train. She previously detailed her childhood and career in Just Kids, making it her second memoir. We follow Smith as she struggles through adversity and despair, only with hope and promise.

Top 10 Writing Tips to Write Autobiographies for Students in 2022!

It cannot be easy to write a narrative about your own life, and it isn’t easy to look at oneself from a new perspective. These hints, on the other hand, will help you through the procedure if you’re up for it:

1 – Study a Few Examples

Before you rush to start writing , study one or a few examples of famous people’s autobiographies. This is the first of many stages in which you will learn the basic tone, structure, and format for this kind of writing and get inspired.

2 – List Down Your Unique Experiences

Remembering everything that matters to you is the next step. Consider the individuals, unique experiences, pivotal events, and other aspects of your life that have had the greatest impact. Make a list of all the valuable details you remember.

3 – Focus on a Single Event

In an autobiographical piece, you’ll be asked to detail a specific occurrence, person, memory, location, or another item. As a result, you should choose one of your options from the list. It may be tough to choose what to write about, so take your time pique the readers’ interest.

4 – Look for Different Categories of Person’s Life

A person’s life is the most important subject of an autobiography as it gives us a lot of information about a person’s life. A person’s life can be divided into four categories: professional life, personal and intimate life, including religious beliefs, family affairs, culture, etc. Education also plays a crucial role in one’s career, so we must always follow our own goals for self-growth.

5 – Narrate Life Stories

A life story is a memoir that tells the stories of the writer’s life. The autobiographer will tell stories from their own life through memories and feelings, using words or drawings to express what happened. Life stories can be written as books by themselves, or they may also appear variously on online websites, for example, blogs (blogs about writing), forums such as social networking sites (e.g., Facebook), wikis, podcasts) etc.

6 – Make a Detailed Outline

Above all, writing an outline helps you keep track of important facts and structure while ensuring that you don’t miss anything. An ideal outline consists of an intro, body, and conclusion.

The intro must include the basic background information to attract readers or a thesis statement that consists of key points or main ideas of an autobiography writing process.

The body includes the thesis statement and supporting ideas consisting of details, reasons, facts, and a smooth transition between the ideas.

There are various variations of a good job. It is good to work; a good job is done.

The merits and demerits of autobiography essays depend on the writer’s reason, tone, design, and other such factors. Generally speaking, an autobiography essay should be written loosely through personal experience or experiences that the author has gone through in life; thus, his overall personality developed and those who happen to have influenced them along with certain events that had shaped their character into what they became.

7 – Write First Draft

You can start creating your first draft once you’ve established a specific plan. To avoid missing anything crucial, stick to your plan and don’t rush.

8 – Take a Break

Take a few days off after finishing your first draft . Removing yourself from the process for a few days can help you read your work from possible perspectives.

9 – Proofread

Proofreading is the key to success, even though many people overlook it. If the writing is riddled with errors, it makes little difference how interesting your tale is. As a result, make sure to schedule enough time for proofreading and carefully check your work for spelling, punctuation, grammar, style, and other errors.

10 – Ask for a Feedback

There is always the risk of overlooking something important when proofreading your text carefully. As a result, it’s always a good idea to have someone else read and comment on your essay. Friends and family members might help you if you ask. Your autobiography should offer a new perspective on things, and you should be able to spot things you haven’t.

Final Words

The autobiography can be a real struggle for many students, and they find it difficult to come up with ideas and have difficulty writing their own lives on paper. The autobiographies of Nelson Mandela, Ben Franklin, and others are inspiring, which makes the task interesting and easy if you follow our above-mentioned tips and best autobiography examples thoroughly.

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Sharon Baisil

Hi, I am a doctor by profession, but I love writing and publishing ebooks. I have self-published 3 ebooks which have sold over 100,000 copies. I am featured in Healthline, Entrepreneur, and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology blog.

Whether you’re a busy professional or an aspiring author with a day job, there’s no time like now to start publishing your ebook! If you are new to this world or if you are seeking help because your book isn’t selling as well as it should be – don’t worry! You can find here resources, tips, and tricks on what works best and what doesn’t work at all.

In this blog, I will help you to pick up the right tools and resources to make your ebook a best seller.

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How to write an Autobiography

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A Complete Guide to Writing an Autobiography

A quick scan of the bestseller lists will quickly reveal that we are obsessed with the lives of other people.

Books by and about actors, politicians, and sports stars regularly top the charts as we seek to catch a glimpse into the lives of remarkable people.

While many of these books are written by professional writers after meticulous research ( biographies ), just as many are written by the person themselves (autobiographies) – albeit often with a ghostwriter’s help.

Today we are going to show you how to write an autobiography that tells a great life story.

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how to write an autobiography | DO you have an amazing tale to share 1 | How to write an Autobiography |

Autobiography is a subcategory of the biography genre and, strictly speaking, it’s a life story written by the subject themselves.

Autobiographies are sometimes confused with memoirs and it’s no surprise as the two share many features in common. For example, both are written in the first person and contain details of the subject’s life.

However, some clear distinctions can be made between the two.

For example, a memoir usually explores a specific period of a person’s life, whereas an autobiography tends to make an account of the person’s life from their earliest years right up to the time of writing.

Autobiographies aren’t just the preserve of the celebrities among us though, each of our lives is a story in and of itself. Whether or not it’s a good story will depend largely on the telling, which is what this article is all about.


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  • Understand the purpose of both forms of biography.
  • Explore the language and perspective of both.
  • Prompts and Challenges to engage students in writing a biography.
  • Dedicated lessons for both forms of biography.
  • Biographical Projects can expand students’ understanding of reading and writing a biography.


Once students have a good grasp of what an autobiography is, we need to ensure they are familiar with the main features of the genre before they begin writing.

Let’s take a look at some of the main technical elements of an autobiography:

Purpose of an Autobiography:

To give an account of the person’s life so far

Tense: Mostly written in the past tense, but usually ends in the present tense and sometimes shifts into the future tense at the very end.

how to write an autobiography | memoir vs autobiography 768x1920 1 | How to write an Autobiography |

Structure of an Autobiography:

●     Usually written in chronological order

●     Uses time connectives such as before, then, after that, finally, etc

●     Uses the names of real people and events

●     Is specific about times, dates, places, etc

●     Includes personal memories and specific details and descriptions

●     Reflects on how positive and negative experiences shaped the author

●     Gives an insight into the thoughts, feelings, and hopes of the author

●     May include some relevant photographs

●     Usually ends with a commentary on life, reflections on significant large events, and hopes and plans for the future.

When teaching these specific features, you may wish to compile a checklist with the students that they can subsequently use to assist them when writing their autobiography.


One great way to help your students to internalize the main features of the genre is to encourage them to read lots of autobiographies. Instruct the students to be conscious of the different features discussed above and to identify them in the autobiography as they read.

If you have compiled a checklist together, students can check off the features they come across as they read.

When they have finished reading, students should consider which features were well done in the book and which were missing or had room for improvement.


As we know, there is more to a genre of writing than just ticking off the main features from a checklist.

To write well takes time and practice, as well as familiarity with the features of the genre. Each genre of writing makes different demands on our skills as a writer and autobiography are no different.

Below, we will look at a step-by-step process for how students can best approach the task of writing their autobiography, along with some helpful hints and tips to polish things up.

Let’s get started!


Tip #1: brainstorm your autobiography.

The structure of an autobiography is somewhat obvious; it starts at the beginning of the subject’s life, works its way through the middle, and ends in the present day.

However, there’s a lot in a life. Some of it will be fascinating from a reader’s point of view and some of it not so much. Students will need to select which events, anecdotes, and incidents to include and which to leave out.

Before they begin this selection process in earnest, they need to dump out the possibilities onto the page through the process of brainstorming. Students should write down any ideas and sketches of memories that might be suitable onto the page.

While they needn’t write trivial memories that they know definitely won’t make the cut, they should not set the bar so high that they induce writer’s block.

They can remove the least interesting episodes when making the final selection later in the writing process. The main thing at this stage is the generation and accumulation of ideas.

how to write an autobiography | autobiography writing skills 1 | How to write an Autobiography |


After students have selected the most compelling episodes from their brainstorming session, they’ll need to organize them into the form of an outline.

One good way to do this is to lay them out chronologically on a simple timeline. Looking at the episodes in such a visual way can help the students to construct a narrative that leads from the student’s earliest childhood right through to the present day.

Students need to note that an autobiography isn’t just the relating of a series of life events in chronological order. They’ll need to identify themes that link the events in their autobiography together.

Themes are the threads that we weave between the cause and effect of events to bring shape and meaning to a life. They touch on the motivation behind the actions the author takes and fuel the development growth of the person.

Some themes that might be identified in an outline for an autobiography might include:

●     Overcoming adversity

●     Adjusting to a new life

●     Dealing with loss

●     The importance of friendship

●     The futility of revenge

●     The redemptive power of forgiveness.

These themes are the big ideas of a person’s life story. They represent how the events shape the person who is now sitting writing their story. For students to gain these insights will require the necessary time and space for some reflection.

For this reason, autobiography writing works well as a project undertaken over a longer period such as several weeks.


Even though no one knows more about the topic of an autobiography than the author, research is still a necessary part of the writing process for autobiographies.

Using the outline they have created, students will need to flesh out some of the details of key events by speaking to others, especially when writing about their earliest experiences.

The most obvious resources will be parents and other family members who were privy to the joys of babyhood and their earliest childhood.

However, friends and ex-teachers make excellent sources of information too. They will enable the student to get a different perspective on something they remember, helping to create a more rounded view of past events.

For older and more advanced students, they may even wish to do some research regarding historical and cultural happenings in the wider society during the period they’re writing about. This will help to give depth and poignancy to their writing as they move up and down the ladder of abstraction from the personal to the universal and back again.

When students make the effort to draw parallels between their personal experiences and the world around them, they help to bridge the gap between author and reader creating a more intimate connection that enhances the experience for the reader.


Students need to be clear that autobiography is not mere personal history written dispassionately and subjectively.

For their autobiography to work, they’ll need to inject something of themselves into their writing. Readers of autobiography especially are interested in getting to know the inner workings of the writer.

There is a danger, however. Given that autobiographers are so close to their material, they must be careful not to allow their writing to denigrate into a sentimental vomit. To counter this danger, the student author needs to find a little perspective on their experiences, and following the previous tip regarding research will help greatly here.

A more daunting obstacle for the student can lie in the difficulties they face when trying to find their voice in their writing. This isn’t easy. It takes time and it takes lots of writing practice.

However, there are some simple, helpful strategies students can use to help them discover their authentic voice in their writing quickly.

1. Write to a close friend or family member

All writing is written to be read – with the possible exception of journals and diaries. The problem is that if the student is too conscious of the reader, they can find themselves playing to the audience and getting away from what it is they’re trying to express. Showboating can replace the honesty that is such a necessary part of good writing.

A useful trick to help students overcome this hurdle is to tell them to imagine they are writing their autobiography to an intimate friend or family member. Someone who makes them feel comfortable in their skin when they are around. Students should write like they’re writing to that person to who they can confide their deepest secrets. This will give their writing an honest and intimate tone that is very engaging for the reader.

2. Read the writing out loud

It’s no accident that we talk about the writer’s ‘voice’. We recognize the actual voice of people we know from its many qualities, from its timbre, tone, pacing, accent, word choice, etc. Writing is much the same in this regard.

One great way to help students detect whether their writing captures their authentic voice is to have them read it out loud, or listen to a recording of their work read out loud.

While we don’t necessarily write exactly as we speak – we have more time to craft what we say – we will still be able to recognize whether or not the writing sounds like us, or whether it’s filled with affectation.

As the student listens to their own words, encourage them to ask the following questions:

●     Does this sound like me?

●     Do the words sound natural in my voice?

●     Do I believe in the events related and how they were related?

Finding their real voice in their writing will help students imbue their writing with honesty and personality that readers love.


how to write an autobiography | Proofreading and editing1 | How to write an Autobiography |

In the first draft, the brushstrokes will be large and broad, sweeping through the key events. The main notes of the tune will be there but with sometimes too much ornamentation and, at other times, not enough. This is why redrafting is an essential part of the writing process.

Students should understand that every piece of writing needs redrafting, editing , and proofreading to be at its best. There are no masterpieces full-borne into the world in a single draft.

For many, the tightening-up of a piece will involve the merciless cutting out of dead words. But, for some, the redrafting and refining process will demand the adding of more description and detail.

For most, however, it’ll be a little from column A and a little from column B.

Often, it’s difficult for students to get the necessary perspective on their work to be able to spot structural, grammar , punctuation, and spelling errors. In these instances, it can be best to enrol the eyes of a friend or family member in the role of editor or critic.

One effective way of doing this in class is to organize the students into pairs of editing buddies who edit each other’s work in a reciprocal arrangement.

These ‘edit swaps’ can be continued through to the proofreading stage and the final, polished piece.


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FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE  is like  “SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR AUTHORS.”  It is a powerful tool to create  VIVID IMAGERY  through words. This  HUGE UNIT  guides you through completely understanding  FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE .

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A Final Thought

Employing the 5 tips above will go a long way to ensuring a well-written and engaging autobiography.

While autobiography is a nonfiction genre, it is clear that with its emphasis on narrative, it has much in common with other fictional genres. So, it’s important when teaching autobiography that students learn to recognize the important role of storytelling in this genre too.

As with all good story-telling, there are some necessary elements to include, including a plot of sorts, a cast of characters, and an exploration of some central themes. For this reason, teaching autobiography often works well after the students have completed a unit on fictional story writing.

When all is said and done, the best way a student can ensure their autobiography is worth a read is to ensure they find the story within their own life.

After all, we’re obsessed with the lives of other people.

how to write an autobiography | how write an autobiography | How to write an Autobiography |


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Personal Narrative Writing Guide

Learn the essential skills to writing an insightful personal narrative in our complete guide for students and teachers.

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The Only (FREE) Autobiography Template You Need – 4 Simple Steps

POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023

Shannon Clark

Written by Shannon Clark

Are you looking for an autobiography template? 

First things first.

What is your story? Not the shiny, air-brushed one you edit before posting on Instagram or the one you politely share during a writer’s chat on Zoom.

By your story, I mean the one with the cracks in it caused by childhood insecurities or the deep craters forged by unexpected collisions with life—the triumphs and tragedies that are forever etched into your DNA.

Yes, that story.

When you’re truly ready to write an autobiography, you’ll know it because you’ve come to a point in your life where the beauty of sharing your story has nothing to do with perfection. It’s knowing that despite the roller coaster ride that started at birth, you’ve found the courage to stay on it—sometimes holding on for dear life and other times riding with your hands up and screaming at the top of your lungs. 

Get your autobiography template here:

Need A Nonfiction Book Outline?

You’ve lived thoroughly and learned to embrace who you’ve become in the process, scars and all. 

This post will show you the format for writing an autobiography and the best way to package your story so you can provide the best reader experience possible.

This blog gives you a free autobiography template and more…

What is an autobiography.

The basic definition of an autobiography is that it’s a first-person account of your life. It differs from a memoir , which usually focuses on a single event or group of events that lead you to a discovery about yourself, your life, or some other revelation. An autobiography is a look at the total sum of your life from birth (early childhood) to the time of your book’s writing that highlights the key points that shaped who you’ve become.

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Ready to start writing your autobiography? Let's get into it…

What is the format for an autobiography? 

Just like any good story, every autobiography has a beginning, middle, and end. But before you begin filling in the sections, you want to come up with a theme for your book . Most people have too much life content to fit into one book. Selecting the parts that fit under the umbrella of a theme will make the book easier to follow. 

When coming up with a theme, think about what you want the key takeaway to be for the reader. You don’t want to give them some boring slog through your life history. If you want them to feel something, your book needs direction. That’s where your theme takes the lead. By keeping it in the back of your mind while writing, you’ll give your readers a track to stay on. Otherwise, they may lose interest and stop reading.

Once you have your theme, right down the events in your life that are related to your book’s focus. You’ll plug these into the outline as you develop it. 

Some examples of autobiography book themes are:

  • Overcoming challenges
  • Creating your own destiny
  • The unbreakable bonds of family
  • A faith journey
  • Perseverance

Your theme can be whatever you want it to be, but keep your audience in mind when selecting one. Below you’ll find an autobiography template. It includes an outline with writing prompts in each section. 

Whether you are an “outliner” (someone who outlines) or a “pantser” (someone who writes by the seat of their pants), the outline has enough structure and flexibility to make both writer types happy. 

Autobiography Template: An Outline

I've laid out what a traditional autobiography might look like below. But to really help you get the most out of the blog post, I recommend downloading our nonfiction book outline to use alongside this guide.

1.  Introduction 

Before you share your life story, prepare your readers for what is to follow by introducing yourself and telling them what they can expect. You can cover some or all of the following:

  • Why you are writing your autobiography?
  • What do you hope the reader will take away from the experience?
  • Any pertinent information that’s not covered in your book but that is needed for context.

2. The beginning – the early years

Since autobiographies are a condensed view of your life, you want to focus on the significant events that will move your story forward.

  • Where do you want to begin your story? 
  • Where does your book’s theme first show up when you look back over your life? You want the opening of your book to have an impact, so choose something that will hook your readers and bring them into your world.
  • How did your formative years influence how you viewed yourself? What we experience during our childhood can affect us for a lifetime. Consider how the early events of your life developed your character.
  • Who influenced you the most during your childhood?
  • What defining moments do you remember?

Where (on your timeline) and how you start your story is up to you. You want it to be something strong and significant to have the most impact on your reader. Here are the first few sentences of some autobiographies for inspiration .

Autobiography Template - &Quot;Not That Fancy&Quot; By Reba Mcentire

“Some would say the McEntires are a very set-in-their-ways, stubborn, hardheaded bunch of people. But I think that hardheadedness is what got Daddy to where he was, Grandpap to where he was, and his father, Pap, to where he was. Some might say it wasn't all that far- but it was much further than where they started!” 

– Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots by Reba McEntire

(Nostalgia / Specific Event)

Autobiography Template - &Quot;This Time Together&Quot; By Carol Burnett

“My grandmother Nanny and I were at the picture show. I hadn't reached two digits yet in age because I distinctly remember my feet couldn't touch the floor of the movie house. Nanny and I were still living in San Antonio, Texas. My mama and daddy had gone ahead to California, where Nanny and I would later wind up.” – This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection by Carol Burnett

(From Birth)

Autobiography Template - &Quot;God, Family, Country&Quot; By Craig Morgan

“ If you know my music, you almost certainly know me as Craig Morgan. But I was actually born Craig Morgan Greer. Craig Morgan came along many years later.” – God, Family, Country: A Memoir by Craig Morgan

  • 31 Best Autobiographies
  • 30 Celebrity Autobiographies

3. The middle- halfway between the early years and where you are today.

If you are using a timeline to divide your story, the period that you cover during the “middle” of your autobiography depends on how old you are at the writing of your book. If you are in your golden years, your midpoint might be in your 30s or 40s. For someone like Malala Yousafzai , who wrote her autobiography at age 15, her “middle” looked very different. 

Whichever “middle” you choose consider the following:

  • What are the defining moments during this time of your life? 
  • Did they change how you viewed yourself?
  • Did they change the trajectory of what you initially thought you’d do with your life?
  • Who had the most influence on your life during this time?
  • What are some of the challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?
  • Did your worldview change during this time? If so, in what ways?

If your “middle” doesn’t fit neatly into a timeline, consider grouping your autobiography into themed sections.

The autobiography Cash by Johnny Cash groups his story into sections based on places that had special meaning to him: Cinnamon Hill, The Road, Port Rickey, Bon Aqua, and The Road Again.

4. The end—wrap-up

The end of your autobiography is the climax. It’s what you’ve been leading your reader to since the first sentence of your book. 

  • Where are you in your life now? What have you learned? How has your journey impacted who you’ve become? 
  • How do you want the reader to feel when they read the last sentence of your book? Inspired? Hopeful? Full? Enlightened? Satisfied? All of the above? 
  • Is there any part of your life that feels unfinished or incomplete? 
  • Looking back over your life, what is the greatest lesson you learned?
  • Don’t forget your audience, especially at the beginning of your book. You want to hook your readers early and bring them along for the ride.
  • Write an eye-catching autobiography title for your book.
  • Leave out the minutia. If it doesn’t move your story along, drop it. 
  • Tone matters. A good rule of thumb is to write your story like you were talking to a friend. Your story doesn’t have to be a monotone race to the finish line. Spice it up. Add some sparkle. Make sure your personality shines through. 
  • It’s always about the story. Buyers pick up your book to be entertained. Regardless of how serious your story is, it should be presented in a way that makes the reader want to keep turning the page. 
  • Every good story has a resolution. Good or bad, offer a resolution for each life conflict you introduce.
  • As you share the final pieces of your story, use the end of your story to reflect on where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, and where you plan to go from there. Every relationship that ends can benefit from closure, and if the end of your story is not the end of your relationship with your reader, tell them where they can go to continue getting to know you.

Writing your autobiography is a courageous move, but who better to write your life story than you? If you have experiences that others will find interesting, share! You never know how your journey will impact someone else. 

If you’re serious about getting your story published, has a team of publishing experts who can walk you through the book development process.

short autobiography example for students pdf

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Whether it’s making a one-page medical narrative or a UX case study presentation on mental health, case analysis in psychology can be a lot of work. An autobiography outline or a personal memoir is an account of one’s life history in one’s own words. It is not about crowing pedantry. The literary genre brings out the dark side of you in the most emotional way. And leaving that chance to someone may make a debacle of it. Because nobody can understand your life better than you. Below are some outline templates for your use.

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Why does a Writer Write an Autobiography?

General faqs, 1. what is an autobiography, 2. what is the purpose of an autobiography, 3. what does an autobiography include.

  • Date and place of birth of the author
  • Stories from childhood or a young age
  • A tough phase or great accomplishments in the writer’s life
  • An overview of the author’s personality
  • Likes and dislikes of the writer
  • Special events that need to be known, etc.

4. What is the difference between an Autobiography and a Biography?

5. how do you structure an autobiography.

  • Write out your life basic timeline by conducting research on your own life
  • Identify the main characters
  • Describe the best stories you want your readers to know
  • Write in your own voice
  • Be revealing
  • Capture the spirit of the time
  • Mention why your autobiography is important.

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