
200+ Biotechnology Research Topics: Let’s Shape the Future

biotechnology research topics

In the dynamic landscape of scientific exploration, biotechnology stands at the forefront, revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. This interdisciplinary field encompasses a vast array of research topics that hold the potential to reshape our world. 

In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of biotechnology research topics, understanding their significance and exploring the diverse avenues that researchers are actively investigating.

Overview of Biotechnology Research

Table of Contents

Biotechnology, at its core, involves the application of biological systems, organisms, or derivatives to develop technologies and products for the benefit of humanity. 

The scope of biotechnology research is broad, covering areas such as genetic engineering, biomedical engineering, environmental biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology. Its interdisciplinary nature makes it a melting pot of ideas and innovations, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

How to Select The Best Biotechnology Research Topics?

  • Identify Your Interests

Start by reflecting on your own interests within the broad field of biotechnology. What aspects of biotechnology excite you the most? Identifying your passion will make the research process more engaging.

  • Stay Informed About Current Trends

Keep up with the latest developments and trends in biotechnology. Subscribe to scientific journals, attend conferences, and follow reputable websites to stay informed about cutting-edge research. This will help you identify gaps in knowledge or areas where advancements are needed.

  • Consider Societal Impact

Evaluate the potential societal impact of your chosen research topic. How does it contribute to solving real-world problems? Biotechnology has applications in healthcare, agriculture, environmental conservation, and more. Choose a topic that aligns with the broader goal of improving quality of life or addressing global challenges.

  • Assess Feasibility and Resources

Evaluate the feasibility of your research topic. Consider the availability of resources, including laboratory equipment, funding, and expertise. A well-defined and achievable research plan will increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.

  • Explore Innovation Opportunities

Look for opportunities to contribute to innovation within the field. Consider topics that push the boundaries of current knowledge, introduce novel methodologies, or explore interdisciplinary approaches. Innovation often leads to groundbreaking discoveries.

  • Consult with Mentors and Peers

Seek guidance from mentors, professors, or colleagues who have expertise in biotechnology. Discuss your research interests with them and gather insights. They can provide valuable advice on the feasibility and significance of your chosen topic.

  • Balance Specificity and Breadth

Strike a balance between biotechnology research topics that are specific enough to address a particular aspect of biotechnology and broad enough to allow for meaningful research. A topic that is too narrow may limit your research scope, while one that is too broad may lack focus.

  • Consider Ethical Implications

Be mindful of the ethical implications of your research. Biotechnology, especially areas like genetic engineering, can raise ethical concerns. Ensure that your chosen topic aligns with ethical standards and consider how your research may impact society.

  • Evaluate Industry Relevance

Consider the relevance of your research topic to the biotechnology industry. Industry-relevant research has the potential for practical applications and may attract funding and collaboration opportunities.

  • Stay Flexible and Open-Minded

Be open to refining or adjusting your research topic as you delve deeper into the literature and gather more information. Flexibility is key to adapting to new insights and developments in the field.

200+ Biotechnology Research Topics: Category-Wise

Genetic engineering.

  • CRISPR-Cas9: Recent Advances and Applications
  • Gene Editing for Therapeutic Purposes: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Precision Medicine and Personalized Genomic Therapies
  • Genome Sequencing Technologies: Current State and Future Prospects
  • Synthetic Biology: Engineering New Life Forms
  • Genetic Modification of Crops for Improved Yield and Resistance
  • Ethical Considerations in Human Genetic Engineering
  • Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders
  • Epigenetics: Understanding the Role of Gene Regulation
  • CRISPR in Agriculture: Enhancing Crop Traits

Biomedical Engineering

  • Tissue Engineering: Creating Organs in the Lab
  • 3D Printing in Biomedical Applications
  • Advances in Drug Delivery Systems
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: Theranostic Approaches
  • Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Biomedicine
  • Wearable Biomedical Devices for Health Monitoring
  • Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine
  • Precision Oncology: Tailoring Cancer Treatments
  • Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications
  • Biomechanics in Biomedical Engineering

Environmental Biotechnology

  • Bioremediation of Polluted Environments
  • Waste-to-Energy Technologies: Turning Trash into Power
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices Using Biotechnology
  • Bioaugmentation in Wastewater Treatment
  • Microbial Fuel Cells: Harnessing Microorganisms for Energy
  • Biotechnology in Conservation Biology
  • Phytoremediation: Plants as Environmental Cleanup Agents
  • Aquaponics: Integration of Aquaculture and Hydroponics
  • Biodiversity Monitoring Using DNA Barcoding
  • Algal Biofuels: A Sustainable Energy Source

Industrial Biotechnology

  • Enzyme Engineering for Industrial Applications
  • Bioprocessing and Bio-manufacturing Innovations
  • Industrial Applications of Microbial Biotechnology
  • Bio-based Materials: Eco-friendly Alternatives
  • Synthetic Biology for Industrial Processes
  • Metabolic Engineering for Chemical Production
  • Industrial Fermentation: Optimization and Scale-up
  • Biocatalysis in Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Advanced Bioprocess Monitoring and Control
  • Green Chemistry: Sustainable Practices in Industry

Emerging Trends in Biotechnology

  • CRISPR-Based Diagnostics: A New Era in Disease Detection
  • Neurobiotechnology: Advancements in Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • Advances in Nanotechnology for Healthcare
  • Computational Biology: Modeling Biological Systems
  • Organoids: Miniature Organs for Drug Testing
  • Genome Editing in Non-Human Organisms
  • Biotechnology and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Exosome-based Therapeutics: Potential Applications
  • Biohybrid Systems: Integrating Living and Artificial Components
  • Metagenomics: Exploring Microbial Communities

Ethical and Social Implications

  • Ethical Considerations in CRISPR-Based Gene Editing
  • Privacy Concerns in Personal Genomic Data Sharing
  • Biotechnology and Social Equity: Bridging the Gap
  • Dual-Use Dilemmas in Biotechnological Research
  • Informed Consent in Genetic Testing and Research
  • Accessibility of Biotechnological Therapies: Global Perspectives
  • Human Enhancement Technologies: Ethical Perspectives
  • Biotechnology and Cultural Perspectives on Genetic Modification
  • Social Impact Assessment of Biotechnological Interventions
  • Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

  • Machine Learning in Biomedical Data Analysis
  • Network Biology: Understanding Biological Systems
  • Structural Bioinformatics: Predicting Protein Structures
  • Data Mining in Genomics and Proteomics
  • Systems Biology Approaches in Biotechnology
  • Comparative Genomics: Evolutionary Insights
  • Bioinformatics Tools for Drug Discovery
  • Cloud Computing in Biomedical Research
  • Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostics and Treatment
  • Computational Approaches to Vaccine Design

Health and Medicine

  • Vaccines and Immunotherapy: Advancements in Disease Prevention
  • CRISPR-Based Therapies for Genetic Disorders
  • Infectious Disease Diagnostics Using Biotechnology
  • Telemedicine and Biotechnology Integration
  • Biotechnology in Rare Disease Research
  • Gut Microbiome and Human Health
  • Precision Nutrition: Personalized Diets Using Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology Approaches to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
  • Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Global Health
  • Biotechnology in Aging Research and Longevity

Agricultural Biotechnology

  • CRISPR and Gene Editing in Crop Improvement
  • Precision Agriculture: Integrating Technology for Crop Management
  • Biotechnology Solutions for Food Security
  • RNA Interference in Pest Control
  • Vertical Farming and Biotechnology
  • Plant-Microbe Interactions for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Biofortification: Enhancing Nutritional Content in Crops
  • Smart Farming Technologies and Biotechnology
  • Precision Livestock Farming Using Biotechnological Tools
  • Drought-Tolerant Crops: Biotechnological Approaches

Biotechnology and Education

  • Integrating Biotechnology into STEM Education
  • Virtual Labs in Biotechnology Teaching
  • Biotechnology Outreach Programs for Schools
  • Online Courses in Biotechnology: Accessibility and Quality
  • Hands-on Biotechnology Experiments for Students
  • Bioethics Education in Biotechnology Programs
  • Role of Internships in Biotechnology Education
  • Collaborative Learning in Biotechnology Classrooms
  • Biotechnology Education for Non-Science Majors
  • Addressing Gender Disparities in Biotechnology Education

Funding and Policy

  • Government Funding Initiatives for Biotechnology Research
  • Private Sector Investment in Biotechnology Ventures
  • Impact of Intellectual Property Policies on Biotechnology
  • Ethical Guidelines for Biotechnological Research
  • Public-Private Partnerships in Biotechnology
  • Regulatory Frameworks for Gene Editing Technologies
  • Biotechnology and Global Health Policy
  • Biotechnology Diplomacy: International Collaboration
  • Funding Challenges in Biotechnology Startups
  • Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Biotechnological Research

Biotechnology and the Environment

  • Biotechnology for Air Pollution Control
  • Microbial Sensors for Environmental Monitoring
  • Remote Sensing in Environmental Biotechnology
  • Climate Change Mitigation Using Biotechnology
  • Circular Economy and Biotechnological Innovations
  • Marine Biotechnology for Ocean Conservation
  • Bio-inspired Design for Environmental Solutions
  • Ecological Restoration Using Biotechnological Approaches
  • Impact of Biotechnology on Biodiversity
  • Biotechnology and Sustainable Urban Development

Biosecurity and Biosafety

  • Biosecurity Measures in Biotechnology Laboratories
  • Dual-Use Research and Ethical Considerations
  • Global Collaboration for Biosafety in Biotechnology
  • Security Risks in Gene Editing Technologies
  • Surveillance Technologies in Biotechnological Research
  • Biosecurity Education for Biotechnology Professionals
  • Risk Assessment in Biotechnology Research
  • Bioethics in Biodefense Research
  • Biotechnology and National Security
  • Public Awareness and Biosecurity in Biotechnology

Industry Applications

  • Biotechnology in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Bioprocessing Innovations for Drug Production
  • Industrial Enzymes and Their Applications
  • Biotechnology in Food and Beverage Production
  • Applications of Synthetic Biology in Industry
  • Biotechnology in Textile Manufacturing
  • Cosmetic and Personal Care Biotechnology
  • Biotechnological Approaches in Renewable Energy
  • Advanced Materials Production Using Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology in the Automotive Industry

Miscellaneous Topics

  • DNA Barcoding in Species Identification
  • Bioart: The Intersection of Biology and Art
  • Biotechnology in Forensic Science
  • Using Biotechnology to Preserve Cultural Heritage
  • Biohacking: DIY Biology and Citizen Science
  • Microbiome Engineering for Human Health
  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) for Biodiversity Monitoring
  • Biotechnology and Astrobiology: Searching for Life Beyond Earth
  • Biotechnology and Sports Science
  • Biotechnology and the Future of Space Exploration

Challenges and Ethical Considerations in Biotechnology Research

As biotechnology continues to advance, it brings forth a set of challenges and ethical considerations. Biosecurity concerns, especially in the context of gene editing technologies, raise questions about the responsible use of powerful tools like CRISPR. 

Ethical implications of genetic manipulation, such as the creation of designer babies, demand careful consideration and international collaboration to establish guidelines and regulations. 

Moreover, the environmental and social impact of biotechnological interventions must be thoroughly assessed to ensure responsible and sustainable practices.

Funding and Resources for Biotechnology Research

The pursuit of biotechnology research topics requires substantial funding and resources. Government grants and funding agencies play a pivotal role in supporting research initiatives. 

Simultaneously, the private sector, including biotechnology companies and venture capitalists, invest in promising projects. Collaboration and partnerships between academia, industry, and nonprofit organizations further amplify the impact of biotechnological research.

Future Prospects of Biotechnology Research

As we look to the future, the integration of biotechnology with other scientific disciplines holds immense potential. Collaborations with fields like artificial intelligence, materials science, and robotics may lead to unprecedented breakthroughs. 

The development of innovative technologies and their application to global health and sustainability challenges will likely shape the future of biotechnology.

In conclusion, biotechnology research is a dynamic and transformative force with the potential to revolutionize multiple facets of our lives. The exploration of diverse biotechnology research topics, from genetic engineering to emerging trends like synthetic biology and nanobiotechnology, highlights the breadth of possibilities within this field. 

However, researchers must navigate challenges and ethical considerations to ensure that biotechnological advancements are used responsibly for the betterment of society. 

With continued funding, collaboration, and a commitment to ethical practices, the future of biotechnology research holds exciting promise, propelling us towards a more sustainable and technologically advanced world.

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thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Research Proposal Topics In Biotechnology

Biotechnology is a fascinating subject that blends biology and technology and provides a huge chance to develop new ideas. However, before pursuing a career in this field, a person needs to complete a number of studies and have a thorough knowledge of the matter. When we begin our career must we conduct study to discover some innovative innovations that could benefit people around the world. Biotechnology is one of a variety of sciences of life, including pharmacy. Students who are pursuing graduation, post-graduation or PhD must complete the research work and compose their thesis to earn the satisfaction in their education. When choosing a subject for biotechnology-related research it is important to choose one that is likely to inspire us. Based on our passion and personal preferences, the subject to study may differ.

What is Biotechnology?

In its most basic sense, biotechnology is the science of biology that enables technology Biotechnology harnesses the power of the biomolecular and cellular processes to create products and technologies that enhance our lives and the wellbeing of the planet. Biotechnology has been utilizing microorganisms' biological processes for over six thousand years to create useful food items like cheese and bread as well as to keep dairy products in good condition.

Modern biotechnology has created breakthrough products and technology to treat rare and debilitating illnesses help reduce our footprint on the environment and feed hungry people, consume less energy and use less and provide safer, more clean and productive industrial production processes.


Biotechnology is credited with groundbreaking advancements in technological development and development of products to create sustainable and cleaner world. This is in large part due to biotechnology that we've made progress toward the creation of more efficient industrial manufacturing bases. Additionally, it assists in the creation of greener energy, feeding more hungry people and not leaving a large environmental footprint, and helping humanity fight rare and fatal diseases.

Our writing services for assignments within the field of biotechnology covers all kinds of subjects that are designed to test and validate the skills of students prior to awarding their certificates. We assist students to successfully complete their course in all kinds of biotechnology-related courses. This includes biological sciences for medical use (red) and eco-biotechnology (green) marine biotechnology (blue) and industrial biotechnology (white).

What do we hope to gain from all these Initiatives?

Our primary goal in preparing this list of the top 100 biotechnology assignment subjects is to aid students in deciding on effective time management techniques. We've witnessed a large amount of cases where when looking for online help with assignments with the topic, examining sources of information, and citing the correct order of reference students find themselves stuck at various points. In the majority of cases, students have difficulty even to get through their dilemma of choosing a topic. This is why we contribute in our effort to help make the process easier for students in biotech quickly and efficiently. Our students are able to save time and energy in order to help them make use of the time they are given to write the assignment with the most appropriate topics.

Let's look at some of the newest areas of biotechnology research and the related areas.

  • Renewable Energy Technology Management Promoting Village
  • Molasses is a molasses-based ingredient that can be used to produce and the treatment of its effluent
  • Different ways to evapotranspirate
  • Scattering Parameters of Circulator Bio-Technology
  • Renewable Energy Technology Management Promoting Village.

Structural Biology of Infectious Diseases

A variety of studies are being conducted into the techniques used by pathogens in order to infect humans and other species and for designing strategies for countering the disease. The main areas that are available to study by biotech researchers include:

  • inlA from Listeria monocytogenes when combined with E-cadherin from humans.
  • InlC in Listeria monocytogenes that are multipart with human Tuba.
  • Phospholipase PatA of Legionella pnemophila.
  • The inactivation process of mammalian TLR2 by inhibiting antibody.
  • There are many proteins that come originate from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Plant Biotechnology

Another significant area for research in biotechnology for plants is to study the genetic causes of the plant's responses to scarcity and salinity, which have a significant impact on yields of the crop and food.

  • Recognition and classification of genes that influence the responses of plants to drought and salinity.
  • A component of small-signing molecules in plants' responses to salinity and drought.
  • Genetic enhancement of plant sensitivity salinity and drought.


It's also a significant area for conducting research in biotechnology. One of the most important reasons for doing so could be the identification of various genetic factors that cause differences in drug effectiveness and susceptibility for adverse reactions. Some of the subjects which can be studied are,

  • Pharmacogenomics of Drug Transporters
  • Pharmacogenomics of Metformin's response to type II mellitus
  • The pharmacogenomics behind anti-hypertensive medicines
  • The Pharmacogenomics of anti-cancer drugs

Forensic DNA

A further area of research in biotechnology research is the study of the genetic diversity of humans for its applications in criminal justice. Some of the topics that could be studied include,

  • Y-chromosome Forensic Kit, Development of commercial prototype.
  • Genetic testing of Indels in African populations.
  • The Y-chromosome genotyping process is used for African populations.
  • Study of paternal and maternal ancestry of mixed communities in South Africa.
  • The study of the local diversity in genetics using highly mutating Y-STRs and Indels.
  • South African Innocence Project: The study of DNA extracted from historical crime scene.
  • Nanotechnology is a new technology that can be applied to DNA genotyping.
  • Nanotechnology methods to isolate DNA.

Food Biotechnology

It is possible to conduct research in order to create innovative methods and processes in the fields of food processing and water. The most fascinating topics include:

  • A molecular-based technology that allows for the rapid identification and detection of foodborne pathogens in intricate food chains.
  • The effects of conventional and modern processing techniques on the bacteria that are associated with Aspalathus lineriasis.
  • DNA-based identification of species of animals that are present in meat products that are sold raw.
  • The phage assay and PCR are used to detect and limit the spread of foodborne pathogens.
  • Retention and elimination of pathogenic, heat-resistant and other microorganisms that are treated by UV-C.
  • Analysis of an F1 generation of the cross Bon Rouge x Packham's Triumph by Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR/microsatellite).
  • The identification of heavy metal tolerant and sensitive genotypes
  • Identification of genes that are involved in tolerance to heavy metals
  • The isolation of novel growth-promoting bacteria that can help crops cope with heavy metal stress . Identification of proteins that signal lipids to increase the tolerance of plants to stress from heavy metals

This topic includes high-resolution protein expression profiling for the investigation of proteome profiles. The following are a few of the most fascinating topics:

  • The identification and profile of stress-responsive proteins that respond to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis Thalian and Sorghum bicolor.
  • Analyzing sugar biosynthesis-related proteins in Sorghum bicolor, and study of their roles in drought stress tolerance
  • Evaluation of the viability and long-term sustainability of Sweet Sorghum for bioethanol (and other by-products) production in South Africa
  • In the direction of developing an environmentally sustainable, low-tech hypoallergenic latex Agroprocessing System designed specifically especially for South African small-holder farmers.


This is an additional aspect of biotechnology research. The current trend is to discover new methods to combat cancer. Bioinformatics may help identify proteins and genes as well as their role in the fight against cancer. Check out some of the areas that are suitable to study.

  • Prediction of anticancer peptides with HIMMER and the the support vector machine.
  • The identification and verification of innovative therapeutic antimicrobial peptides for Human Immunodeficiency Virus In the lab and molecular method.
  • The identification of biomarkers that are associated with cancer of the ovary using an molecular and in-silico method.
  • Biomarkers identified in breast cancer, as possible therapeutic and diagnostic agents with a combination of molecular and in-silico approaches.
  • The identification of MiRNA's as biomarkers for screening of cancerous prostates in the early stages an in-silico and molecular method
  • Identification of putatively identified the genes present in breast cancer tissues as biomarkers for early detection of lobular and ductal breast cancers.
  • Examining the significance of Retinoblastoma Binding Protein 6 (RBBP6) in the regulation of the cancer-related protein Y-Box Binding Protein 1 (YB-1).
  • Examining the role played by Retinoblastoma Binding Protein 6 (RBBP6) in the regulation of the cancer suppressor p53 through Mouse Double Minute 2 (MDM2).
  • Structural analysis of the anti-oxidant properties of the 1-Cys peroxiredoxin Prx2 found in the plant that resurrects itself Xerophyta viscosa.


This is a fascinating aspect of biotechnology, which can be used to identify effective tools to address the most serious health issues.

  • Evaluation of cancer-specific peptides to determine their applications for the detection of cancer.
  • The development of a quantum dot-based detection systems for breast cancer.
  • The creation of targeted Nano-constructs for in vivo imaging as well as the treatment of tumors.
  • Novel quinone compounds are being tested as anti-cancer medicines.
  • Embedelin is delivered to malignant cells in a specific manner.
  • The anti-cancer activities of Tulbaghia Violacea extracts were studied biochemically .
  • Novel organic compounds are screened for their anti-cancer potential.
  • To treat HIV, nanotechnology-based therapeutic techniques are being developed.

Top 100 Biotechnology Research Proposal Topics to Consider in 2022

We've prepared a list of the top 100 most suggested dissertation topics, which were compiled by our experts in research. They've made sure to offer a an extensive list of topics that cover all aspects of the topic. We hope that this list will meet all of the requirements for assistance with your dissertation . Let us start with our list of subjects, one at a time each one

  • Achieving effective control of renewable power technologies to help the village
  • The production of ethanol through the aid of molasses and the treatment of its effluent
  • Different approaches and aspects of Evapotranspiration
  • Its scattering parameter is biotechnology circulator
  • The inactivation of mammalian TLR2 via an inhibiting antibody
  • The number of proteins produced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Recognition and classification of genes that shape the responses of plants to drought and salinity.
  • The small sign molecules that are involved in the response that plants have to the effects of salinity as well as drought
  • Genetic improvement of the plant's sensitivity to drought and saltiness
  • The pharmacogenomics of drug transporters
  • The anti-cancer drugs' pharmacogenomics are based on pharmac
  • The pharmacogenomics of antihypertensive medications
  • Indels genotyping of African populations
  • Genomics of the Y-chromosomes of African populations
  • The profiling of DNA extracted from historical crime scenes Consider the implications of South African Innocence Project
  • Nanotechnology-related methods for DNA isolation
  • Nanotechnology applications in the context of DNA genotyping
  • Recognizing the heavy metals that are tolerant with genotypes that are sensitive.
  • Genetic characteristics that play a role within the procedure of gaining tolerance to metals
  • The animal's DNA is authenticated by the species by the commercial production of raw meat products
  • The use of molecular-based technology is in the sense of detection and identification of foodborne pathogens in complicated food systems
  • Assessing the effectiveness of cancer-specific peptides that are suitable for efficient implementations in the area of diagnosis and treatment for cancer
  • Quantum Dot-based detection system is being developed in relation to a positive breast cancer diagnosis
  • It is targeted delivery of the embelin to cancerous cells
  • Exploring the potential of novel quinone compounds as anti-cancer agents
  • Treatment strategies for treating HIV in addition to the significance of nanotechnology the treatment of HIV.
  • A review of the medicinal value the antioxidants found in nature.
  • An in-depth examination of the structure of COVID spike proteins
  • A review of the immune response to the stem therapy using cells
  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology to aid in the process of editing the genome
  • Tissue engineering and delivery of drugs through the application of Chitosan
  • Evaluation of beneficial effects of cancer vaccines
  • Use of PacBio sequencing in relation to genome assembly of model organisms
  • Examining the connection between mRNA suppression and its effect on the growth of stem cells
  • Biomimicry is a method of identifying of cancer cells
  • The sub-classification and characterisation of the Yellow enzymes
  • The process of producing food products that are hypoallergenic and fermented.
  • The production of hypoallergenic milk
  • The purification process for the thermostable phytase
  • Bioconversion of the cellulose produce products that are significant for industry
  • The investigation of the gut microbiota of the model organisms
  • The use of fungal enzymes for the manufacture of chemical glue
  • A look at those inhibitors to exocellulase as well as endocellulase
  • Examine the value of microorganisms to aid in the recovery of gas from shale.
  • Examine the thorough analysis of the method of natural decomposition
  • Examine ways to recycle bio-wastes
  • Improved bio-remediation in the case of oil spills
  • The process of gold biosorption is accomplished with the aid of the cyanobacterium
  • A healthy equilibrium between the biotic and the abiotic elements by using biotechnological devices
  • The measurement of the mercury level in fish by means of markers
  • Exploring the biotechnological capabilities from Jellyfish related microbiomes Jellyfish related microbiome
  • What is the role of marine fungi to aid in attempts to break down plastics and polymers?
  • Examine the biotechnological possibilities that can be extracted of dinoflagellates
  • Removing endosulfan residues using the use of biotechnology the agriculture sector
  • The creation of the ELISA method for the detection of crop virus
  • Enhancing the quality of drinking water by the aid of the E.coli consortium
  • The characterisation of E.coli is its isolation from the feces of Zoo animals
  • Enhancing the resistance of crops to the attack of insects
  • The reduction of the expenditure on agriculture by using efficient bio-tools
  • Are there the most efficient ways to stop erosion of soils using the help of biotechnology-based tools?
  • What can biotechnology do to assist in increasing the levels of vitamin content in GM food items?
  • Enhancing the distribution of pesticides by using biotechnology
  • Comparing the biofortification of folate in various types of corpses
  • Examine the photovoltaic-based generation of ocean-based crop
  • What is the best way to use nanotechnology will improve the efficiency of the agriculture sector?
  • Analyzing the mechanisms that govern resistance to water stresses in models of plants
  • Production and testing of human immune boosters within the test organisms
  • Comparing genomic analysis to the usefulness of tools intended for bioinformatics
  • The Arabinogalactan protein sequence and its value in the field of computational methods
  • Analyzing and interpreting gut microbiota from model organisms
  • Different methods of purification of proteins A comparative analysis
  • The diagnosis of microbes and their function in micro-arrays of oligonucleotide oligonu
  • The use of diverse techniques within the biomedical research field that includes micro-arrays technology
  • The use of microbial community to produce the greenhouse effect
  • Evaluation of the computational properties of various proteins that are derived from the marine microbiota
  • E.coli gene mapping through the help of different tools for microbial research
  • Intensifying the strains of Cyanobacterium the aid of gene sequencing
  • Assessment and description by computation of crystallized proteins that are found in the natural world.
  • MTERF protein and the use of it to end the process of transcription that occurs in mitochondrial DNA inside algae
  • Reverse column chromatography in phase and its use in the separation of proteins
  • The study of the various proteins that are found within Mycobacterium leprae.
  • A review of the methods that are ideal to ensure the success of cloning RNA
  • Examine the most common mistakes of biotechnology in conserving the ecology and natural environment.
  • Is there a method to ensure that the medicinal plants are free of insects? Discuss
  • What are the dangers caused by pest resistant animals on birds and human beings?
  • What are the many areas of biotechnology that remain unexplored in terms research?
  • What's the future of biotechnology in the medical field?
  • Recombinant DNA technology to develop of new medical treatments
  • What is the reason for the type of bacteria that is used to make vaccines with the aid of biotechnology?
  • How can biotechnology aid in the development of new medicines that are resistant to the mutations of viruses and bacteria?
  • Is there a long-term treatment for cancer that is available in the near term? Biotechnology could play an essential role in this?
  • What is the reason it is so important that students remember the DNA codes in biotechnology?
  • How can we create hybrid seeds with assistance of biotechnology?
  • How can one create resistant plants to pests and what are the benefits of these seeds in final yields in agriculture?
  • Examine bio-magnification and its effects on the ecology
  • What are the causes to the reasons ecologists do not approve the use of pest-resistant seed, even though they are in application in agriculture?
  • How has biotechnology influenced the lives of farmers in developing countries?
  • Biotechnology can be used to boost the yield of plant species?
  • Examine the role played by biotechnology to increase the production of the seasonal crops
  • Are there any adverse side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs when they are manufactured with biotechnological techniques? Let the issue with real-world examples

We attempted to cover the essential topics needed for research work. Other topics are available that could be picked based on our interests, the facilities available and resources available for the research, as well as resources and time limits.

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Research Topics & Ideas

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Research topics and ideas about biotechnology and genetic engineering

If you’re just starting out exploring biotechnology-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from recent studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan  to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research topic idea mega list

Biotechnology Research Topic Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of biotech and genetic engineering-related research topics ideas. These are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • Developing CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing techniques for treating inherited blood disorders.
  • The use of biotechnology in developing drought-resistant crop varieties.
  • The role of genetic engineering in enhancing biofuel production efficiency.
  • Investigating the potential of stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine for spinal cord injuries.
  • Developing gene therapy approaches for the treatment of rare genetic diseases.
  • The application of biotechnology in creating biodegradable plastics from plant materials.
  • The use of gene editing to enhance nutritional content in staple crops.
  • Investigating the potential of microbiome engineering in treating gastrointestinal diseases.
  • The role of genetic engineering in vaccine development, with a focus on mRNA vaccines.
  • Biotechnological approaches to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Developing genetically engineered organisms for bioremediation of polluted environments.
  • The use of gene editing to create hypoallergenic food products.
  • Investigating the role of epigenetics in cancer development and therapy.
  • The application of biotechnology in developing rapid diagnostic tools for infectious diseases.
  • Genetic engineering for the production of synthetic spider silk for industrial use.
  • Biotechnological strategies for improving animal health and productivity in agriculture.
  • The use of gene editing in creating organ donor animals compatible with human transplantation.
  • Developing algae-based bioreactors for carbon capture and biofuel production.
  • The role of biotechnology in enhancing the shelf life and quality of fresh produce.
  • Investigating the ethics and social implications of human gene editing technologies.
  • The use of CRISPR technology in creating models for neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Biotechnological approaches for the production of high-value pharmaceutical compounds.
  • The application of genetic engineering in developing pest-resistant crops.
  • Investigating the potential of gene therapy in treating autoimmune diseases.
  • Developing biotechnological methods for producing environmentally friendly dyes.

Research topic evaluator

Biotech & GE Research Topic Ideas (Continued)

  • The use of genetic engineering in enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis in plants.
  • Biotechnological innovations in creating sustainable aquaculture practices.
  • The role of biotechnology in developing non-invasive prenatal genetic testing methods.
  • Genetic engineering for the development of novel enzymes for industrial applications.
  • Investigating the potential of xenotransplantation in addressing organ donor shortages.
  • The use of biotechnology in creating personalised cancer vaccines.
  • Developing gene editing tools for combating invasive species in ecosystems.
  • Biotechnological strategies for improving the nutritional quality of plant-based proteins.
  • The application of genetic engineering in enhancing the production of renewable energy sources.
  • Investigating the role of biotechnology in creating advanced wound care materials.
  • The use of CRISPR for targeted gene activation in regenerative medicine.
  • Biotechnological approaches to enhancing the sensory qualities of plant-based meat alternatives.
  • Genetic engineering for improving the efficiency of water use in agriculture.
  • The role of biotechnology in developing treatments for rare metabolic disorders.
  • Investigating the use of gene therapy in age-related macular degeneration.
  • The application of genetic engineering in developing allergen-free nuts.
  • Biotechnological innovations in the production of sustainable and eco-friendly textiles.
  • The use of gene editing in studying and treating sleep disorders.
  • Developing biotechnological solutions for the management of plastic waste.
  • The role of genetic engineering in enhancing the production of essential vitamins in crops.
  • Biotechnological approaches to the treatment of chronic pain conditions.
  • The use of gene therapy in treating muscular dystrophy.
  • Investigating the potential of biotechnology in reversing environmental degradation.
  • The application of genetic engineering in improving the shelf life of vaccines.
  • Biotechnological strategies for enhancing the efficiency of mineral extraction in mining.

Recent Biotech & GE-Related Studies

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in biotech, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual studies in the biotech space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Genetic modifications associated with sustainability aspects for sustainable developments (Sharma et al., 2022)
  • Review On: Impact of Genetic Engineering in Biotic Stresses Resistance Crop Breeding (Abebe & Tafa, 2022)
  • Biorisk assessment of genetic engineering — lessons learned from teaching interdisciplinary courses on responsible conduct in the life sciences (Himmel et al., 2022)
  • Genetic Engineering Technologies for Improving Crop Yield and Quality (Ye et al., 2022)
  • Legal Aspects of Genetically Modified Food Product Safety for Health in Indonesia (Khamdi, 2022)
  • Innovative Teaching Practice and Exploration of Genetic Engineering Experiment (Jebur, 2022)
  • Efficient Bacterial Genome Engineering throughout the Central Dogma Using the Dual-Selection Marker tetAOPT (Bayer et al., 2022)
  • Gene engineering: its positive and negative effects (Makrushina & Klitsenko, 2022)
  • Advances of genetic engineering in streptococci and enterococci (Kurushima & Tomita, 2022)
  • Genetic Engineering of Immune Evasive Stem Cell-Derived Islets (Sackett et al., 2022)
  • Establishment of High-Efficiency Screening System for Gene Deletion in Fusarium venenatum TB01 (Tong et al., 2022)
  • Prospects of chloroplast metabolic engineering for developing nutrient-dense food crops (Tanwar et al., 2022)
  • Genetic research: legal and ethical aspects (Rustambekov et al., 2023). Non-transgenic Gene Modulation via Spray Delivery of Nucleic Acid/Peptide Complexes into Plant Nuclei and Chloroplasts (Thagun et al., 2022)
  • The role of genetic breeding in food security: A review (Sam et al., 2022). Biotechnology: use of available carbon sources on the planet to generate alternatives energy (Junior et al., 2022)
  • Biotechnology and biodiversity for the sustainable development of our society (Jaime, 2023) Role Of Biotechnology in Agriculture (Shringarpure, 2022)
  • Plants That Can be Used as Plant-Based Edible Vaccines; Current Situation and Recent Developments (İsmail, 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

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If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

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Plant biotechnology articles from across Nature Portfolio

Plant biotechnology can be defined as the introduction of desirable traits into plants through genetic modification.

thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Advancing programmable gene expression in plants using CRISPRi-based Boolean gates

To advance the toolset for controlling plant gene expression, we developed a CRISPR interference-based platform for the construction of synthetic Boolean logic gates that is functional in multiple plant species. These genetic circuits are programmable and reversible in nature, which will enable spatiotemporal control of plant responses to dynamic cues.

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CRISPRi-based circuits to control gene expression in plants

Programmable and reversible CRISPRi-based genetic circuits function in a variety of plants.

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  • Gabrielle Herring
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thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Genome-wide association analysis uncovers rice blast resistance alleles of Ptr and Pia

A GWAS on 500 genetically diverse rice accessions enables identification of an allelic series for the unusual Ptr rice blast resistance gene, and the Pia resistance locus.

  • Julian R. Greenwood
  • Vanica Lacorte-Apostol
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RNA-Seq transcriptome profiling of immature grain wheat is a technique for understanding comparative modeling of baking quality

  • Hossein Ahmadi-Ochtapeh
  • Hassan Soltanloo
  • Vahid Shariati

thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Genetically optimizing soybean nodulation improves yield and protein content

This study shows that optimizing soybean nodulation, rather than supernodulation, through editing improves N and C assimilation by balancing source–sink relationships. As a result, soybean yield and protein content are simultaneously increased in field conditions.

  • Xiangbin Zhong
  • Yuefeng Guan

thesis topics in plant biotechnology

A quantitative gibberellin signaling biosensor reveals a role for gibberellins in internode specification at the shoot apical meristem

Engineering of a biosensor allows the authors to map the signaling activity of the phytohormones gibberellins (GAs) and to show that GAs orient cell division at the shoot apex to establish the organization in parallel cell files of plant stems.

  • Amelia Felipo-Benavent
  • Teva Vernoux

thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Whole-genome sequencing of Ganoderma boninense , the causal agent of basal stem rot disease in oil palm, via combined short- and long-read sequencing

  • Condro Utomo
  • Zulfikar Achmad Tanjung
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News and Comment

thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Engineering good viruses to improve crop performance

Viruses can be engineered to deliver nucleic acids, peptides and proteins for plant trait reprogramming. Building on market approvals and sales of recombinant virus-based biopharmaceuticals for veterinary and human medicine, similar innovations may be applied to agriculture for transient or heritable biodesign of crops with improved performance and sustainable production.

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thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Haploids fast-track hybrid plant breeding

Two studies report the use of paternal haploids to enable one-step transfer of cytoplasmic male sterility in maize and broccoli, which resolves a key technical bottleneck in hybrid crop breeding.

  • Ravi Maruthachalam

Feeding the future global population

Climate change is exacerbating challenges both for global food production and from its environmental impacts. Sustainable and socially responsible solutions for future world-wide food security are urgently needed.

Novel gene for herbicide resistance

thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Blueprint for non-transgenic edited plants

A robust strategy to obtain edited crops without integration of a transgene is developed based on co-editing the ALS gene and a gene of interest.

  • Jean-Luc Gallois
  • Fabien Nogué

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  • Genet Mol Biol
  • v.43(1 Suppl 2); 2020

The future of plant biotechnology in a globalized and environmentally endangered world

Marc van montagu.

1 VIB-International Plant Biotechnology Outreach, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

This paper draws on the importance of science-based agriculture in order to throw light on the way scientific achievements are at the basis of modern civilization. An overview of literature on plant biotechnology innovations and the need to steer agriculture towards sustainability introduces a series of perspectives on how plant biotech can contribute to the major challenge of feeding our super population with enough nutritious food without further compromise of the environment. The paper argues that science alone will not solve problems. Three major forces - science, the economy and society - shape our modern world. There is a need for a new social contract to harmonize these forces. The deployment of the technologies must be done on the basis of ethical and moral values.


Agriculture is probably the biggest early success of human ingenuity. It initiated the development of environmental changes without which we would not exist as a present-day society, for the best and worst. Humans have continuously improved agriculture since the dawn of civilization, wheat being the first domestication recorded by historians some 9,000 years ago. Human civilizations have spread agriculture far and wide, and, as some call it, “manipulation of species” by early agriculturalists is the foundation of modern agriculture. The application in our lifetime of the genetic knowledge for crop improvement has led to unprecedented growth in agricultural productivity. It is largely recognized that without these advances in plant breeding, global food shortages would be a much more critical issue today. But it is not enough.

Although it is true that per capita agricultural production of current intensive agriculture has outpaced population growth, the rich of the world reap most of the benefits. Moreover, externalities such as climate change are expected to offset the positive effect of economic growth on food security. Climate change will not only compromise food security but also food safety, by increasing food-borne pathogens or inducing chemical changes that can increase the prevalence of toxic compounds in food ( FAO, 2018 ). At the same time, as we learn about the value of soil microorganisms to agriculture, we understand the collateral damage of crop protection chemicals.

The issue of food security and safety is a global issue that affects the whole food system. Questions arise on how to change food habits and ways to reduce waste in the food chain, from harvest to the moment of consumption. Although it is important to tackle these issues, it does not change the fact that we will need to change our dominant agricultural model in order to feed a growing global population in a way compatible with the sustainable use of global resources. Innovative agriculture and food systems must be tailored to a diverse global population whilst preserving the variety of its cultures i.e., fitting the characteristics and needs of various individuals, cultures, and social groups.

Our societies have managed to keep war, pandemics, and famine at manageable levels thanks to the technological, economic and political developments we brought about in the past decades. Today, biotechnology developments are delivering an array of powerful tools to medicine and agriculture. Physics and chemistry, associated with information technology are providing us with a power unimaginable before.

Take a moment to observe how the world is changing: fueled by information and communication technology we have generated a global flow of networks of activity and interaction that has integrated the global economy, media, legal practices, and scientific research. Globalization is promoting a steady integration of different societies and customs. At the same time, the global society is about to change radically. Routine skills used by the industrial revolution are no longer sufficient as we are approaching the post-digital transformation. Disruptive technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence), robotics, IoT (internet of things), and blockchain have the potential of transforming business models, companies and jobs. Although these technologies have great potential to change the world for the better, an uneasy dystopian climate of opinion is growing. Many among us worry: Is it really going to be for the best? Aren’t the negative outcomes outpacing the benefits? Are we ready for these changes? How well do we understand life science?

As well observed by Juma (2016) , technology, economy and society coevolve as a whole. Technological transformation must be followed by adequate institutional adjustments to avoid rupture of the social tissue. It will require a new social contract to harmonize the interest of all parties. The deployment of technologies must be done according to society’s ethical and moral values. In humans, the process of decision making uses both rational arguments and emotions. Emotional thinking can help us to make judgments in an uncertain environment. Till very recently, non-verifiable arguments as well as emotional thinking were the only tools we had to recognize a problem and try to solve it. Starting from the Enlightenment, Western society slowly moved to scientific, fact-based arguments as the main support for decision making. Emotional thinking is nonetheless a powerful force for decision making as well. The problem has ethical roots. If emotions are manipulated by unethical pressure groups or problematic scientific dissidents, they can block a worthy innovative technology.

Plant biotechnology is a mature technology

Modern biotechnology was a scientifically obvious outcome of the striking advances in molecular biology that followed the discovery of the bacterial DNA restriction-modification system ( Luria and Human, 1952 ; Luria, 1953 ; Dussoix and Arber, 1962 ; Nathans and Smith, 1975 ). Microorganisms and plants were the first organisms to be manipulated to serve humankind. In the field of plant sciences, biotechnology was possible thanks to the discovery of Agrobacterium tumefaciens’ Ti plasmid and its role in the natural bacteria-plant transgenesis (for historical review see Van Montagu, 2011 ; Chilton, 2018 ; Heimann, 2018 ).

Plant biotechnology with focus on seed-varietal improvement, such as GM technology and molecular-assisted breeding, has generated products that help agriculture to achieve enhanced yields in a more sustainable manner. Since the proof-of-concept in tobacco plants, the number of plant species with GM varieties approved worldwide increased sharply. As of January 2019, a total of 44 countries granted regulatory approvals to 40 GM crops and 509 GM events, covering 41 GM commercial traits for use in food, feed and/or for cultivation ( ISAAA’s GM Approval Database, 2019 ). Approved GM varieties include food/feed crops (maize, rice, soybean, colza, wheat, bean, chicory, eggplant, tomato, sweet pepper, flax, potato, squash, apple, melon, papaya, plum), cash crops (cotton, sugar beet, sugar cane, creeping bent grass, safflower, tobacco), ornamental plants (petunia, carnation, rose), and forestry trees (eucalyptus, poplar). The GM traits are numerous and diverse. A non-exhaustive list spans from input traits (herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, drought stress tolerance, bacterial and virus disease resistance), to output traits to improve yield (enhanced photosynthesis, increased ear biomass), product quality (anti-allergy, delayed fruit softening, delayed ripening/senescence, enhanced provitamin A, lowered reducing sugars, mannose metabolism, modified starch/carbohydrate, modified amino acid, modified oil/fatty acid, nicotine reduction, non-browning phenotype, altered lignin production, volumetric wood increase, modified flower colour), and pollination control (male sterility, fertility restoration).

GM-technology is largely considered the technology that most affected agriculture in recent times. Indeed, by 2017, the global adoption of GM crops reached 189.8 million hectares ( ISAAA, 2017 ). The striking amount of approved GM varieties and hybrids shows that GM technology does not narrow the genetic diversity of the crop plant.

For over 20 years humans and animals have been eating GM food of different types without ill effects.Whereas nobody can ever say that anything, including any food, is safe, the evidence of GM consumption and use in massive quantities validate the premise that GM crops are at least as safe as any non-GM crop. A number of meta-analyses of peer-reviewed scientific publications across two decades of commercialization confirm that the GM crops pose no risk to human and livestock health (e.g., Swiatkiewicz et al. , 2014 ; de Vos and Swanenburg, 2018 ; Pellegrino et al. , 2018 ).

The scientific consensus is that there is no evidence of hazards in the movement of genes between unrelated organisms, or in the use of recombinant DNA techniques. Respected scientific organizations such as World Health Organization, the American Medical Association, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the British Royal Society have come to the same conclusion after a careful scrutinization of the evidence: “ consuming foods containing ingredients derived from GM crops is no riskier than consuming the same foods containing ingredients from crop plants modified by conventional plant improvement techniques ”. The analysis of Pellegrino et al. (2018) on two decades of GM maize consumption not only confirmed that GM maize pose no risk to human or livestock health, but also showed that GM insect resistant varieties could have a substantive positive impact on human and livestock health. This is because insects weaken the plant’s immune system. Transgenic maize with decreased insect damage is less susceptible to fungal infection. Hence, biotech maize contains substantially fewer mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are both toxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals.

Scientists have also scrutinized the environmental safety of GM crops. The EU has invested more than 300m EUR in more than 130 research projects involving 500 independent groups, covering a period of more than 25 years of research to arrive at the conclusion that “ biotechnology, and in particular GMOs, are not per se more risky than e.g. conventional plant breeding technologies .” ( European Commission, 2010 ). In fact, GM crops with input traits for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance have contributed to reduce agriculture’s environmental footprint by facilitating environmentally friendly farming practices ( Brookes and Barfoot, 2015 ). Klumper and Qaim (2014) conducted a meta-analysis based on primary data from farm surveys or field trials in different regions worldwide. This comprehensive study demonstrates that GM insect resistant (IR) traits have reduced pesticide usage by 36.9% on average.

GM herbicide tolerance (HT) traits also bring substantial contribution to sustainable agriculture. GM HT allows the application of more environmentally friendly herbicide (e.g., glyphosate) in a more rational way and enables the adoption of conservation tillage. Sowing seeds directedly into the fields without previous ploughing preserves beneficial soil insects and earth worms, retains soil moisture - which is good for water conservation - and keeps carbon in the soil. Abdalla et al. (2016) carried out a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed publications comparing CO 2 emissions over entire seasons or years from tilled and untilled soils, across different climates, crop types, and soil conditions. The authors concluded that, on average, tilled soils emitted 21% more CO 2 than untilled soils. Moreover, less pesticide and no/less ploughing have also reduced the use of powered agricultural machines. Less tractor traffic causes indirect benefits to soil quality, conserves fossil fuel, and decreases CO 2 emissions to the atmosphere.

Habitat destruction is the biggest single threat to biodiversity. The higher productivity of the currently commercialized GM crops alleviates the pressure to convert additional land for agriculture. For example, if the world were no longer to use GM crops, an additional 22.4 Mha would be required to maintain the global production at 2016 levels ( Brookes and Barfoot, 2018 ). For GM HT crops alone, the land use impact would be more 762 Mha of cropping area, of which 53% would be new land brought into agriculture, including 167 Mha of deforestation. Besides a major impact on wildlife habitats, the increase in cropping area would generate 234 billion kg more of CO 2 emissions ( Brookes et al. , 2017 )

Farmers’ acceptance is impressive; when given the opportunity, they quickly adopted GM crops. Since the introduction of the technology in the mid 1990s till 2016, 18 million farmers planted biotech crops ( ISAAA, 2017 ). Biotech crops have a historical track record of economic benefits, logistical advantages, and risk reductions. Twenty-one years of GM crop agriculture produced a net economic benefit at farm level of $ 186.1 billion, of which 52% were reaped by farmers in developing countries. These gains are mostly yield and productivity gains (65%); the remaining 35% are from cost savings ( Brookes and Barfoot, 2018 ).

Although impressive, the outcome of GM crops is far below what it could be. Only a dozen genetically modified crops are available today, of which four (soybean, maize, cotton, and canola), carrying only two traits (herbicide tolerance and insect resistance) out of 41 that have been approved, occupy 99.2% of the global GM planted area. The vast majority of approved GM varieties are kept on the laboratory shelf.

Nonetheless, sound R&D projects continue to be carried out, thanks to the advances in plant molecular biology and genome sequencing at low costs. Many of these projects are being developed in and for low income countries, particularly in Africa, often through collaborative consortiums between public institutions, philanthropic organizations, and agrobusiness corporations. A wide variety of plants is being made to be resilient to biotic and abiotic stresses, to have increased water or nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and nutritional improvements ( Ricroch and Hénard-Damave, 2016 ). Other relevant innovations for non-food purposes, such as biopharmaceuticals, biofuel, starch, paper, and textile industries are progressing in developed countries ( De Buck et al. , 2016 ).

Traditionally, breeding strategies have been focused on increasing crop productivity through yield increase and disease and pest resistance. Breeders have often neglected the nutritional value of food crops. The outcome of this tactic was the rise of micronutrient malnutrition or “hidden hunger”, particularly in food-insecure regions, where diets are dominated by staple food crops. Food biofortification is of particular interest for low income countries. Microminerals and vitamins regulate important metabolic processes that play crucial roles in human physical and mental development. Childhood stunting is associated with micronutrient malnutrition in children, starting from fetal development to four years of age ( FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO, 2018 ).

Plant biotechnology is the only alternative for engineering metabolic pathways to improve micronutrients in a crop where they do not occur naturally. Furthermore, a given GM biofortification can be replicated to multiple target crops ( Garg et al. , 2018 ). There have been significant advances in the development of GM biofortified plants. Numerous crops have been engineered to enhance the contend in vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, and essential fatty acids; Golden Rice being the best known-example. The same or similar strategies used in Golden Rice have been used with success to engineer pro-VitA in different crops such as banana, cassava, potato, sorghum, soybean, and sweet potato. Reports are available for biofortified cereals, legumes, vegetables, oilseeds, fruits, and fodder crops. Successful examples include high lysine maize, high unsaturated fatty acid soybean, and iron and zinc rich cassava, folate rich rice ( Garg et al. , 2018 ). None have entered the commercialization phase in low income countries, where they are mostly needed.

Biotechnology tools are constantly evolving. New powerful technologies for gene editing ( Doudna and Charpentier, 2014 ) are now made available for plant amelioration and are expected to revolutionize the breeding programs in the near future. These so-called new breeding techniques are likely to be applied in the amelioration of a wider variety of plants, boosting the germplasm resource for agriculture worldwide. Genome editing will greatly facilitate the engineering of complex traits, such as stacked disease tolerance and insect resistance mechanisms, resilience to abiotic stress, as well as nutritional and organoleptic properties ( Halewood, 2018 ). Besides disrupting gene function, or editing existing sequences to reproduce ancient alleles, the technology allows the introduction of novel alleles or any other novel genetic material. Some recent remarkable examples of the potential of precision genome engineering for crop improvement are the de novo domestication of wild tomato, a showcase on how to exploit the genetic diversity of wild plants ( Zsögön et al. , 2018 ), and the engineering of apomix in rice to produce hybrids ( Khanday et al. , 2018 ).

A very interesting genome editing target are epigenetic markers, such as histone modification and DNA methylation. Epigenetics has emerged as a new way of regulating cellular functions in plants, as epigenetic changes are essential to adaptation to the environment. Modification of plant epigenomic patterns can be very useful to develop crops tolerant to environmental stresses such as drought and salinity. Although such research is still in its infancy, the first bricks have been laid, paving the way for the next generation of breeding. Lowder et al. (2015) successfully targeted a methylated promoter to activate an imprinted gene in A. thaliana , showing that it is possible to modify epigenetic markers to modulate gene expression.

Genome editing is quicker and cheaper than other techniques for crop improvement, such as induced mutagenesis and even transgenesis. Therefore, it can be a major game changer for agriculture in environmentally fragile regions, where many crops of local interest are niche-specific and well adapted to local environment and farming system. These crops have not yet received much attention by the scientific community for amelioration, because they represent only a small fraction of the international commodity trade ( Varshney et al. , 2012 ).

The above overview allows us to assert that plant technology is a mature technology, safe, and with an extraordinary record of benefits, both economic and humanitarian. Genetic engineering and genome editing are ready to be deployed to improve crop breeding and build a more sustainable global agriculture.

Why should we use plant biotechnology?

Future farming system.

Homo sapiens has altered Earth environments since its emergence as a species – probably as other species did, since life and environment are one. Environmental perturbations caused by humankind have evolved continuously since the beginning of civilization some 12,000 years ago. But, in the past century or two, we have changed ecosystems with such intensity, on such a scale, and such speed that a new geological era, the Anthropocene, has been proposed. The impact of mankind in Earth ecosystems is destabilizing the warm period of the past 10-12 millennia (Holocene), which is the only state of the planet that we know for sure can support contemporary human societies ( Crutzen, 2002 ). As the global population expands to 10billion people, the pace of change is faster than ever before. There is an urgent need of a paradigm shift to maintain Earth in a safely operating space for humanity and for the millions of species with which we share this home. The dramatic negative impact that the massive scale of deforestation has caused not only to the habitat for millions of species, but also in overshooting key Earth system parameters ( Steffen et al. , 2015 ). Undeniably, deforestation and intensive agriculture with `traditional’ crops are major human risk factors pushing the Earth system beyond the bounds of safety.

Although our inventiveness is the driver of the global problems we face, it is also the source of innovative solutions. The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represents an important framework for tackling challenges. The UN 2030 agenda acknowledges that sustainable development goals (SDGs) cannot progress without strong engagement by science. Indeed, the robust knowledge-creation of the recent decades shows that science is accelerating its pace to bring the solutions that society is asking for. The transformative steps which are needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path need not leave anyone behind. The engagement by science - including the economic and social sciences - in the SDGs must involve all countries, developed and developing alike (UN Sustainable Developmental Goals).

Agriculture plays a crucial role in the SDGs because it is a main human activity that permeates most of the SDGs, from hunger and malnutrition to poverty alleviation, education, gender equality, water use, energy use, sustainable consumption and production, climate change, and ecosystem management. Agriculture acts as an engine of overall economic growth and development in many economies, notably in Least Developed Countries, where the majority of the poor are rural people. Global agriculture has been successful in providing sufficient food for expanding populations and their changing consumption patterns over recent decades. Per capita agricultural productivity has outpaced population growth. The steady long-term decline in real commodity prices attests to the success of the current dominant agricultural model. Intensification, rather than the spread of agricultural land, has been the prime driver of global agriculture productivity since the mid twentieth century ( Pretty and Bharucha, 2014 ). Agriculture intensification was the only way forward, with the scientific knowledge then available, to cope with the dramatical rise in population in recent centuries. Between 1900 and 2000, the increase in world population was three times greater than during the entire previous history of humanity — an increase from 1.5 to 6.1 billion in just 100 years ( Our World in Data ). But this agriculture intensification has been accomplished at great expense to the environment, causing water scarcity, soil degradation, ecosystem stress, biodiversity loss, high levels of greenhouse gas emissions, and a significant decrease in forest cover.

Livestock is the world’s largest user of land resources. Grazing land and cropland dedicated to the production of animal feed represents almost 80% of all agricultural land ( FAO-a ). Agriculture and food production currently account for about 30% of energy consumption and about one-third of greenhouse gases ( FAO-b ). Agriculture also accounts for 40% of the Earth’s land surface, 70% of the world’s fresh water, with predictions that irrigation demands will increase by up to 100% by 2050 ( UN Sustainable Developmental Goals ). During the 20th century, the area under irrigation and the number of agricultural machines grew about two-fold, fertilizer consumption by four-fold, and nitrogen fertilizers by seven-fold ( Pretty and Bharucha, 2014 ). The world consumed 186.67 million tons of fertilizers in 2016 ( FAO-c ), and about 6.8 million tons of pesticides in 2017 ( IndexBox ). Global fertilizers and agricultural chemicals manufacturing industry reached a revenue of $ 377 billion in 2018 ( IbisWorld ). Meanwhile, programs to control exposures to pesticides are limited or non-existent in several developing countries and as many as 25 million agricultural workers worldwide experience unintentional pesticide poisonings each year ( Alavanja, 2009 ).

Allow me here a few words about glyphosate, the world’s most widely used active ingredient in herbicides and possibly the most heavily debated plant protection product. Recently, both EU and US biosafety agencies, concluded that human health risk levels associated with glyphosate exposure from food, drinking water, and residential sources are below levels of concern. Notwithstanding, both in Europe and the United States, these decisions were met by expressed public concerns about the possible risks of chemical exposures and the role of large multinational companies ( van Straalen and Legler, 2018 ). Glyphosate illustrates a fundamental societal issue. Concerns about the control of food system by big agrobusiness companies influence people’s acceptance of scientific facts that attest to the safety of the product, and blinds some to the benefits of glyphosate for the environment. Anyway, the intensive agriculture concept of “getting more for more” – i.e., to produce as much biomass as possible with vast monocultures dependent on irrigation systems, fertilizers, and pesticides – is not acceptable any more. Yet transformation of agriculture is likely to be the greatest challenge of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Debates over the future of agriculture are being framed in two different ways: organic agriculture and sustainable intensification of agriculture. Organic farming relies on the use of natural inputs and ecological processes to make farms more sustainable, and deliberately excludes the use of external chemical inputs, such as fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, as well as GM crops. Organic agriculture practices are followed by 2.4 million farmers in about 87 countries that observe some sort of regulation or certification. It accounts to only 1.1% of the global agricultural land ( Willer and Lernoud, 2017 ). Sustainable intensification (SI) takes the best idea of both conventional agriculture and organic farming. SI emphasizes the use of locally adapted management systems and gives preference to in-farm inputs ( Timsina, 2018 ).

The potential for organic agriculture to feed the world is very debatable. Comparisons of yield data between organic and conventional agriculture report a lower yield for organic agriculture from 8% to 50% (reviewed by Timsina, 2018 ). Some studies suggest that adoption of organic agriculture under conditions of optimal performance might close the yield gap between organic and conventional crops. But these findings have been fiercely refuted by numerous scientists who claim faulty methodology. According to Connor (2018) , “ one limitation alone, however, is sufficient to disqualify the notion of feeding the world organically, and that is the supply of nitrogen (N). ” The replacement of soil N removed by the product cannot be postponed without yield penalty. In organic fields, N must be supplied by in situ biological N fixation (BNF) of intercropped/rotated legumes and by ex situ BNF through use of organic material (manures, crops residues, green manures, bio fertilizers, etc.). Advocates of organic fertilizer often claim that there is enough organic material to supply the amounts as per the crop demand for high yield. The facts, though, are a bit different. First, organic materials are not universally available in large quantities. Second, when estimating organic productivity, organic farming supporters do not properly acknowledge the land that must be allocated – to both in situ and ex situ BNF - to supply nitrogen for the growth of non-legume crops. Alas, Lavoisier’s law also applies here. The data available clearly suggest that extra land and water would be needed if such sources of N were to be promoted ( Timsina, 2018 ). By using more land to produce the same yield, current organic practices may ultimately accrue larger environmental costs.

The SI strategy is “to get more from less”. It seeks to produce the biomass needed by the growing human population on less land, with less adverse impact on the environment. SI does not specify particular technologies or practices. In particular, it focuses on increasing yields of farmland as a way to spare forest and other uncultivated land. A recent comprehensive study of the effect of land sparing that includes 17 organizations around the world concluded that more intensive agriculture that uses less land can be one way forward. The study found that inorganic nitrogen improved yields without increasing greenhouse gas. Intensification also produces fewer pollutants, causes less soil loss, and consumes less water ( Balmford et al. , 2018 ). A global assessment for SI estimates that 163 million farms (29% of all worldwide) is practicing some form of SI on 453 Mha of agricultural land (9% of worldwide total) ( Pretty et al. , 2018 ). Yet, SI acknowledges that there is no perfect solution due to the multi-objective nature of sustainability. The process is dynamic, and the technologies and practices will not fit everywhere and forever. For example, population growth is shifting to Africa that is projected to equal the Asian population in 2100 ( United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2017 ). Africa needs new sustainable intensification approaches to deal with the challenge of feeding an exponentially growing population. The solution will not come only from new management strategies. It is clear that the use of proper crop variety is the ultimate solution. Improved crop varieties suited to local conditions and weather extremes, as well as pest and disease resistant cultivars, increase yields and reduce pesticide use. As such, they are indispensable for SI ambition.Plant biotechnology has the tools to tailor crop varieties to the environment and help to meet the goal of producing more food without degrading ecosystems.

Under the umbrella of SI, management systems are developed to build on-farm soil fertility and in situ nutrient application. Sharing crop/pasture land with complementary species that do not compete for resources has been praised as a “win-win” management approach. Trees are ideal partners for crops, because they do not compete for the same source of nutrients. Tree roots go deeper into the soil and get nutrients and water from sources that are unavailable to crop species ( Smith et al. , 2013 ). Well-designed agroforestry systems for sustainable intensification represent indeed an interesting sustainable strategy, particularly in those areas where the need for landscape restoration is associated with the need for increased food and biomass production. A rich scientific literature demonstrates the multiple benefits of this approach (reviewed by Timsina, 2018 ). Agroforestry does not require extra land because trees are planted around and among crops and pastures. Depending upon which woody species are used and how they are managed, agroforestry can build-up on-farm soil fertility, increasing resource-use efficiency, whilst reducing nutrient runoff. Research in Africa has demonstrated that the integration of fertilizer trees and shrubs into conventional agriculture can dramatically enhance soil fertility and food production ( Garrity et al. , 2010 ). Other benefits of agroforestry include more favorable microclimates with enhanced biodiversity and reduced wind velocity, enhanced suppression of insect pests and weeds, decreased levels of soil erosion, increased water infiltration, improved production potential by increasing crop yield, and diversification of production by generating products from the intercropped trees.

Typically, agroforestry is associated with farming in tropical and subtropical arid regions. However, there are also opportunities for agroforestry in temperate regions ( Smith et al. , 2013 ). The challenge lies in the political will to promote the research required to the adoption of agroforestry as a mainstream agricultural management approach. A number of plant biotechnology innovations are ready to boost agroforestry systems, including trees with a variety of GM traits ( ISAAA, 2017 ).

Future food system

Our food system is highly dependent of agriculture. Crop production and livestock provide the vast majority of the diverse, safe, and nutritious foods we need. But the challenge of delivering food and nutrition security for one and all in a sustainable way goes beyond agriculture. It requires wider transformation of the entire food system, from production to consumption. Starting by consumption behaviors: reducing the over-consumption of calorie-dense food will improve the overall sustainability of agriculture and food systems, whilst addressing a major threat to health. Globally, more than 1.9 billion adults, over 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19, and 41 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2016 ( WHO ). Obesity is often associated with low income. A healthy diet has become more expensive and, for poor people, food rich in sugar, fat, and salt is often more accessible than nutritious food. For these people, overconsumption of calories coexists with malnutrition in terms of micronutrients. Obesity is a risk factor for several diseases such as non-communicable diseases (NCDs), diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, with significant consequences for both individual health and public health.

Another issue that needs to be addressed is where the food is produced. Although there is a consensus that per capita agricultural production has outpaced population growth, food is not produced where it is mostly consumed or needed. In 2017, one in nine persons in the world suffered from some form of hunger. The number of stunted children is still “unacceptably high”, in view of the target to reduce stunting by 40% by 2025 ( FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO, 2018 ). Amelioration of crops that are essential parts of the diet of those who live in poor arid regions can have a major impact on food security. Crops indigenous to these regions have the potential to mitigate the impact of climate change on food production, because they tolerate fluctuations in growing conditions and are resistant to local diseases and pests. Compared to the world’s major crops, indigenous crops are better adapted to their niche environments. However, many of these local varieties are being abandoned by farmers in favor of major crops that are sometimes promoted even in less suitable areas ( Chivenge et al. , 2015 ). Now, triggered by concerns about climate change and the sustainability of food production, these “neglected and underutilized species” or “orphan crops” are receiving the attention they deserve from the research community. Public sector and public-private partnerships, particularly in Africa, are advancing research on orphan crops for nutrition and resilience ( Pretty et al. , 2014 ; Ricroch and Hénard-Damave, 2016 ; De Buck et al. , 2016 ).

Another major hurdle of the current food system is food wastage. According to FAO “ Roughly one third of the food in the world produced for human consumption every year —approximately 1.3 billion tons — gets lost or wasted .” Global loss or waste estimates are: 30% of cereals production, 20% of dairy products, 35% of fish and seafood, 20% of meat, 20% of all oilseeds and pulses, and 45% of roots, tubers, fruits and vegetables ( FAO, 2013 ). These values are important. Minimization of food losses could indeed be of great help in achieving global food security. A number of GM traits have been developed that improve food storage stability in crops, e.g., oxidative browning was reduced in potatoes and apples by downregulation of the polyphenol oxidase gene ( Bachem et al. , 1994 ; Maxmen, 2017 ); GM tomato with high-level polyphenol accumulation presented extended shelf life and decreased susceptibility to grey mould, Botrytis cinerea ( Zhang et al. , 2013 ); actually the first commercialized transgenic product, tomato FLAVR SAVR was designed to delay fruit softening by silencing of the polygalacturonase gene.

Food loss or waste arises at all phases of the food supply chains, from harvest, post-harvest, and processing, to marketing, retail, and consumption stages. The uneaten food accounts for about 8% of the greenhouse gas emissions. The pattern of food waste is different between high- and low-income regions. While in high income countries food waste is higher at the processing, distribution, and consumption stage, in low income countries, food losses occur primarily at production and post-harvest phases, i.e., from harvesting to marketing ( FAO, 2013 ).

Developed regions, such as the European Union (EU), are more concerned in reducing food waste at an extended post-harvest stage, i.e., losses between harvest and the time of consumption. These are substantial losses, ranging from 5-10% to more than 50%, depending on output and geographical area. The causes of the loss vary from improper or inadequate handling, threshing, drying, cleaning, or processing, or because of faulty or deficient storage, transporting, or packaging of the food ( Global Knowledge Initiative, 2017 ). Strategies to solve these problems are relatively simple and require no or few innovative inputs. They are considered “low hanging fruit” and are being prioritized in EU countries. This approach can also be useful for low income countries. Public and private sectors are cooperating to bring practices, protocols, and cold-chain equipment to less developed countries. However, we cannot forget that low-income regions suffer more from losses at stages of harvest and strict post-harvest, i.e., between the harvesting and marketing. Plant biotechnology innovations that could bring solutions to reduce losses during harvest and post-harvest are being overlooked because “ it is still a sensitive subject with no political clarity ” ( Global Knowledge Initiative, 2017 ). This is a regrettable mistake.

The role of science in a global and intercultural world

In my view there are three major forces that shape our modern world: science, economy, and society. These forces are intertwined and interdependent. Science is the driver of innovation, which in turn is the central force of a society’s economic transformation. Society defines science priorities and pushes innovation forward (or backward). Our modern multicultural society is fashioned by individuals whose attitudes are shaped by core values of what is considered good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, desirable or undesirable. Values are learned ideas that are molded by different forces, including family, history, education system, religion, media, and economics. Core values of a culture do not change quickly or easily, they are passed on from generation to generation. Paraphrasing Haidt (2012) core values `bind and blind’. Beyond behaviors and practices that are apparent to the casual observer (e.g., language, food, flags, festivals, and aesthetics), core values shape the concept of self, morality, beliefs, and the decision-making capacity of an individual. I wonder if educational systems have been efficient in drawing attention to the value of scientific reasoning in shaping core values.

In debates about the proper place of science in society, we often hear arguments that the scientific method has its limits and that methods employed in the humanities or in philosophy are the best tools to understand society ( Boudry and Pigliucci, 2017 ). I sustain the controversial view that scientific reasoning is the only worthwhile mode of inquiry and, by its very essence, it cannot overstep its proper limits. Scientific reasoning is built upon principles of re-evaluation and questioning of authority. Scientific progress hinges on continual discovery and the extension of previous discoveries. When a new and better methodology is established, a prevailing hypothesis is questioned again in the light of new tools. Scientific theories change with adequate reasoning and verifiable evidence, and previous discoveries serve as the basis for subsequent breakthroughs. So, if a given problem cannot be approached by verifiable evidence, science does not have a word to say. But it is never definitive. If a new method is suitable to revisit a given empirical hypothesis, science is up to tackle the subject. In that way, as science progresses and new techniques are developed, science, without overstepping its limits, can study disciplines that before were approached only through empirical knowledge.

Indeed, I argue that scientific methods used in the life science can bring great contribution to the social sciences, as the latter deal ultimately with human beings. The enormous progress that we are witnessing in neurobiology and cognitive sciences is unravelling the mystery of consciousness and is starting to reveal how nature and nurture shape our feelings and the making of cultures. This realization had already begun by the end of the nineteenth century. Several scientists, among them, Darwin, James, Freud, and Durkheim have acknowledged the role of biology in the shaping of cultural events. The field of evolutionary psychology is now shedding new light on the biological transmission of culture-related traits. ( Damasio, 2018 ).

Compelling scientific evidence in neuroscience and psychology indicate that emotions play a major role in decision-making. Patients suffering injuries in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which is involved in the interaction of emotion and cognition, have both reduced abilities to feel emotions and difficulty in making optimal decisions ( Damasio, 1994 ; Bechara et al. , 1999 ). The psychological field of affective science have provided strong evidence that emotions influence the processes of decision making in a manner that is neither random nor epiphenomenal, and that emotions constitute powerful and predictable drivers of decision making. Current opinion among psychologists suggests that emotions influence decision-making via changes in both the content and depth of thought, as well as in the content of implicit goals (reviewed by Lerner et al. , 2015 ). Emotions per se are probably not detrimental to decision-making; sometimes they are helpful. Whether a specific emotion ultimately improves or degrades a specific judgment or decision depends on how it interacts with the processes of thinking. One current theory proposes that human decision-making operates in two parallel but linked thinking processes – System 1 and System 2. System 1 operates very quickly with little conscious awareness. Generally, this method consists of systematic simplifications and deviations that are largely on the basis of pattern-matching, associative memory, assumptions, and emotion. Most of the time we use System 1, as it helps us to gather information quickly, being very useful for managing the sheer number of decisions we take daily. The System 2 cognitive process is slower, more logical and deliberative. It recalls previous information and weighs the strength of variables before coming to a decision ( Kahneman, 2012 ). Emotions are elicited rapidly and can trigger swift action, consistent with System 1. But some emotions (e.g., sadness) can trigger System 2.

I like to call the mental shortcuts that help us gather information and make decisions quickly as our ‘innate intelligence’ by analogy to ‘innate immunity’. Innate intelligence is experienced but not well studied. Innate intelligence is based on ancient knowledge, which is not acquired through experience. Ancient knowledge is our innate ability of combining pattern-matching and associative memories with feelings generated by negative. as well as positive emotions. Innate intelligence was crucial to the survival of early humans because it assisted our species in finding food and recognizing predators in savannas and jungles. Today, our innate intelligence can be a handicap when we have to make decisions on how to keep our society nourished, healthy, and at peace whilst maintaining the Earth System within its boundaries.

The human thinking system is part of human biology and cannot be updated as easily as computers operating system, at least not with today’s scientific knowledge. We cannot have a healthy life without emotions. But we can try to keep our thinking processes out of the control of emotions, so that our decisions are less prone to biases. This is indeed critical in our `post-truth society’ where emotion and personal beliefs are more influential in shaping public opinion than are objective facts. Peoples’ fears are being manipulated by dishonest people who are using digital tools to spread superficial and fake news at a scale and speed never seen before. One dramatic example is the reckless spread of false claims and half-truths of today’s populists, which is damaging the democratic system in Europe and in the Americas ( Wodak, 2015 ). People’s attitudes towards plant biotechnology is another example on how dishonest activists and problematic scientific dissidents are tapping into people’s emotion and intuitive preferences to spread unsubstantiated negative representations of GMOs ( Blancke et al. , 2015 ). This is not only a challenge for scientists, but also for policy makers and society as a whole.

Irrational feelings are nourished by ignorance, which is an easy prey to intellectual dishonesty. When ideological views are contradicted by the consensus of scientific opinion regarding the evidence, it is all too common for ill-informed people to reject the science, particularly if they have been under the pressure of a massive marketing campaign ( Van Montagu, 2016 ). Decisions on the use of technologies must be taken on the basis of serious scientific peer-reviewed analysis of risks and benefits. If society cannot make factual decisions, monetary greed, ideological dogmas, and myths will take over.

Concluding remarks

It is acknowledged that the degraded state of nature is the outcome of the dramatic population increase. There we are, and there is no way back. Human ingenuity is the cause, human ingenuity will have to find the remedies. Science has provided many tools to help humanity to reduce global environmental risks and promote global sustainability. But science alone will not solve problems and shape the future. The three pillars that sustain human civilization – society, science and the economy - must be in correct symmetry and based upon solid ethical and moral grounds; there is no place for nationalistic, xenophobic, racist, and anti-science rhetoric.

We have witnessed, in the case of plant biotech in Europe, situations that illustrate the imbalance of the three pillars and the poor quality of the soil of values on which our societies rests: Society, through governments, financed knowledge creation in public research institutions, which allowed industry to deliver GM crops to the market. But while industry favored products that were the most profitable for the commercial producer, numerous innovations with clear benefits to the public in general where kept on the shelf at public institutions due to lack of industrial partners. In a number of cases, industry acquired start-ups, frequently spin-offs of public sector research, with the purpose of phasing out innovations that could compete with industry’s own products. The lack of products that bring clear benefit to the consumer generated uneasiness among the public, which was susceptible to campaigns, claiming that GM products were not safe, and asking for strict regulations for planting and marketing GM foods. This severely limited others from entering the market because of expensive or impossible hurdles to the entry of new GM products. Only the holders of the patents to the few early GM products were able to continue to sell their few products. The consequent monopoly of GM seeds by transnational agrobusiness companies accrued the campaign of ideology groups, which in turn lobbied with politics to ban the cultivation of GM crops in EU. The political decision triggered the shrinking of public funds for research on plant biotechnology, severely delaying the development of innovations that are badly needed to promote agricultural sustainability.

The above example shows that the same technology that fosters development can also become the source inertia. Avoiding this trap will demand a more enlightened society, able to make its choices on the basis of facts strongly supported by scientific reasoning, not fiction. Our world will continue to evolve. Human progress is inevitable. Today, the whole social arena, be it legal, economy, food system, healthcare, energy, education, etc., is wide open to revolutionary developments. The so-called disruptive technologies, in particular infotech and biotech, have a huge transformative potential. But advances must be accompanied by adaptations in the social, political, and cultural arenas in order to attain the paradigm shift our society calls for. There is a need to reconsider the relationship between market, state, and society. As observed by Mazzucato (2018) , it is critical to acknowledge that it is society through government, not private business, that finances fundamental research and education. The state has often been a tremendous force for technological innovation and radical risk taking. With the financial sector outpacing the growth of industry, and industry maximizing shareholder values at the expense of society, we misidentify who really creates value. Scientific knowledge must be deployed to help in the construction of a better and inclusive future, with healthy and stable economies, fair and well-governed societies, respect for human rights, respect for the environment, and consequently world peace.

Associate Editor: Rogério Margis

Conflict of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest for the views expressed in this article.

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  • FAO-a [accessed 10 January 2019].
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  • IbisWorld [accessed 20 January 2019]. .
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Mini review article, nanotechnology in plant science: to make a long story short.

thesis topics in plant biotechnology

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
  • 2 Department of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy

This mini-review aims at gaining knowledge on basic aspects of plant nanotechnology. While in recent years the enormous progress of nanotechnology in biomedical sciences has revolutionized therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, the comprehension of nanoparticle-plant interactions, including uptake, mobilization and accumulation, is still in its infancy. Deeper studies are needed to establish the impact of nanomaterials (NMs) on plant growth and agro-ecosystems and to develop smart nanotechnology applications in crop improvement. Herein we provide a short overview of NMs employed in plant science and concisely describe key NM-plant interactions in terms of uptake, mobilization mechanisms, and biological effects. The major current applications in plants are reviewed also discussing the potential use of polymeric soft NMs which may open new and safer opportunities for smart delivery of biomolecules and for new strategies in plant genetic engineering, with the final aim to enhance plant defense and/or stimulate plant growth and development and, ultimately, crop production. Finally, we envisage that multidisciplinary collaborative approaches will be central to fill the knowledge gap in plant nanotechnology and push toward the use of NMs in agriculture and, more in general, in plant science research.


Nanomaterials have unique physicochemical properties and provide versatile scaffolds for functionalization with biomolecules. Moreover, certain NMs such as gold and magnetic nanoparticles as well as polymeric or hybrid NMs have shown to respond to external stimuli achieving a spatiotemporal controlled release of macromolecules. For these reasons, over the last two decades, engineered nanomaterials have been successfully tested and applied in medicine and pharmacology, especially for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes ( Bruchez et al., 1998 ; Tang et al., 2006 ; Perrault et al., 2009 ). More recently, the field of nanotechnology is gaining an increased interest in plant science, especially for the application of nanomaterials (NMs) as vehicles of agrochemicals or biomolecules in plants, and the great potential to enhance crop productivity ( Khan et al., 2017 ).

It is reasonable to argue that the potentiality and the benefits of the application of NMs in plant sciences and agriculture are still not fully exploited, due to some bottlenecks, which can be briefly summarized as follows: (i) the need to design and synthesis safe NMs which do not interfere negatively with plant growth and development ( Sabo-Attwood et al., 2012 ); (ii) the lack of knowledge on the exact mechanisms of NMs uptake and mobilization in plants ( Ranjan et al., 2017 ) and, (iii) the lack of multidisciplinary approaches, necessary for the design and the implementation of nanotechnology applications in plants.

Nanomaterials in Plant Science

According to ASTM standards, Nanomaterials (NMs) can be defined as natural or manufactured materials, typically ranging between 1 and100 nm ( Astm E2456 - 06 , 2012 ). NMs have a small size and a high surface-to-volume ratio, which confer to them remarkable chemical and physical properties in comparison to their bulk counterparts ( Roduner, 2006 ). NMs have unique and versatile physicochemical properties, which makes their use suitable in different fields, such as life science, electronics and chemical engineering ( Jeevanandam et al., 2018 ). Recently, nanotechnology is gaining interest also in plant science, due to the need to develop miniaturized efficient systems to improve seed germination, growth and plant protection to abiotic and biotic stresses ( Wang et al., 2016 ).

Metallic nanoparticles (NPs), such as gold (Au), and silver (Ag) NPs, have been widely introduced in plant science for different applications ( Figure 1A ). Their chemical synthesis is quite costly and requires the use of hazardous chemicals ( Viswanath and Kim, 2015 ; Rastogi et al., 2019 ). However, greener approaches based on the use of plant extract as well as ionizing radiation chemistry in aqueous solutions have been developed ( Abedini et al., 2013 ). Also oxidized NMs, such as MgO, CaO, ZnO, and TiO 2 NMs, have been widely proposed, thanks to their superior electrical, catalytic and light absorption properties ( Jahan et al., 2018 ). Over the recent years, the interest in polymeric nanomaterials is predominantly increasing due to their biocompatibility, low-cost synthesis and capability to response to external stimuli ( Baskar et al., 2018 ). Core/Shell NPs are also available and can be manufactured with a variety of combination of materials such as inorganic/inorganic, inorganic/organic, organic/inorganic, and organic/organic materials. The choice of the shell of the NPs strongly depends on the end application and use ( Ghosh Chaudhuri and Paria, 2012 ). For example, polymeric shells have been proposed to improve the biocompatibility of the NPs ( Nath et al., 2008 ). NPs with a nanostructured shell have been also synthesized, such as mesoporous silica nanoparticles (NPs) made from a mesoporous structure with a highly functionalizable surface area ( Torney et al., 2007 ).

Figure 1. (A) Illustration of NMs grouped into several categories: carbon-based NMs such as fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, including single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs); metallic NPs, including metals such as gold (Au), silver (Ag), aluminum (Al); metal oxides (ZnO, CuO, TiO 2 , Fe 2 O3, SiO 2 , etc.); quantum dots (QDs); dendrimers, which are three dimensional polymer network immensely branched with low polydispersity and liposomes and nanogels. With the development of new techniques for chemical synthesis, it is possible to synthesize NMs not only with a symmetrical (spherical) shape but also having a variety of different nanoforms, such as nanoclays (polypropylene nanoclay systems) and nanoemulsions (lipophilic nanoemulsions), tubes, rods, disks, bars, and sheets. (B) Schematization of different NP delivery methods and translocation in plants. Nanoparticle can be administered both at foliar and root system. Once penetrated the external layers, they move through the symplastic or apoplastic routes and reach different organs and tissues. (C) Currently, the main focus of the publications in plant science deals with the use of NPs as biosensors or biomolecules nanocarriers for crop production and protection under controlled conditions. New advances in DNA/miRNA/siRNA delivery have found limited application in plant so far, while new nanotechnology tools addressing technical concerns in genome editing strategies are strongly demanded.

Nanogels (NGs) are a new category of NM with a growing interest in the nanotechnology community. They have excellent physicochemical properties, colloidal stability, high encapsulation capacity of biomolecules (bioconjugation), and stimuli-responsiveness (pH, temperature, etc.). NGs are defined as nano-sized ionic and non-ionic hydrogels made of synthetic or natural polymeric chains, chemically or physically cross-linked ( Molina et al., 2015 ; Neamtu et al., 2017 ). NGs possess a high water content (70–90% of the entire structure), a high degree of porosity and high load capacity. The most common NGs are chitosan, alginate, poly(vinyl alcohol), poly(ethylene oxide), poly(ethyleneimine), poly (vinylpyrrolidone), poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). NGs with hybrid structures, made of polymeric or non-polymeric materials can be obtained ( Molina et al., 2015 ). Hybrid NGs have been classified in: (i) nanomaterial– nanogel, which are synthesized by incorporation of nanosized materials such as magnetic or carbonaceous nanoparticles, and (ii) polymer–nanogel composites, which include interpenetrated networks (IPNs), copolymer, and core-shell particles ( Molina et al., 2015 ). The main advantage of IPNs and copolymer NGs relies on their stimuli-responsiveness, whereas core-shell NGs are more promising for encapsulating biomolecules and drug delivery.

Nanoparticle Uptake, Translocation, and Biological Impact in Plants

Applications of nanotechnology strategies in plants need a preventive accurate evaluation of nanoparticle-plant interactions, including the comprehension of the mechanisms of their uptake, translocation and accumulation, together with the assessment of potential adverse effects on plant growth and development. Plant uptake of NPs is hardly predictable, depending on multiple factors related to the nanoparticle itself (size, chemical composition, net charge and surface functionalization), but also on the application routes, the interactions with environmental components (soil texture, water availability, microbiota), the constraint due to the presence of a cell wall, the physiology and the multifaceted anatomy of individual plant species. Most of the previous studies in plants deal with the uptake of small metal and metal oxide NPs, due to the wide use in industry and to the easy detection and tracking by microscopy techniques ( González-Melendi et al., 2008 ). However, compared to the great wealth of information available in metazoans, only a handful of integrated comparative analyses have been conceived to establish the contribution of the physicochemical features (e.g., size, charge, coatings, etc.) of NPs in plant-nanoparticle interaction ( Zhu et al., 2012 ; Song et al., 2013 ; Moon et al., 2016 ; Vidyalakshmi et al., 2017 ; García-Gómez et al., 2018 ).

Delivery Methods and Primary Interactions at the Plant Surface

Basically, engineered nanomaterials can be applied either to the roots or to the vegetative part of plants, preferentially to the leaves ( Figure 1B ). At the shooting surface, NPs can be taken up passively through natural plant openings with nano- or microscale exclusion size, such as stomata, hydathodes, stigma and bark texture ( Eichert et al., 2008 ; Kurepa et al., 2010 ). However, additional plant anatomical and physiological aspects need to be considered to better understand the dynamics of NP-plant interactions. For instance, shoot surfaces are generally covered by a cuticle made of biopolymers (e.g., cutin, cutan) and associated waxes, which function as a lipophilic barrier to protect above-ground plant primary organs, leaving access only through natural openings ( Figure 1B ). Dynamics of NPs at the cuticle level are poorly investigated, but at present, this barrier appears to be an almost impenetrable layer to nanoparticles, although nano-TiO2 has been shown to be able to produce holes in the cuticle ( Larue et al., 2014 ; Schwab et al., 2016 ). Trichomes on plant organs can affect dynamics at the plant surface by entrapping NP on the plant surface and thus increasing the permanence time of exogenous materials on tissues. Damages and wounds may also function as viable routes for NP internalization in plants in both aerial and hypogeal parts ( Al-Salim et al., 2011 ). Delivery methods also seem to influence NP uptake efficiency in plants. As recently reported, the aerosol application promotes higher internalization rates of different nanoparticles with respect to NP drop cast in watermelon ( Raliya et al., 2016 ). Also, leaf lamina infiltration strategies may force NM penetration in plant tissues as reported for single-walled carbon nanotubes ( Giraldo et al., 2014 ) and resulted to be functional for gene delivery ( Demirer et al., 2018 ). At the root level, rhizodermis lateral root junctions may provide easy access to NMs, especially near the root tip, while upper parts are impermeable due to the presence of suberin ( Chichiriccò and Poma, 2015 ). Generally, the dynamics of NP uptake appear to be more complex in the soil compared to the plant aerial part. Several factors, as the presence of mucilage and exudates, symbiotic organisms, and soil organic matter may influence NPs availability. For instance, root mucilage and exudates normally excreted into the rhizosphere play a dual role: they may promote NP adhesion to the root surface, which in turn may enhance NP internalization rate or, conversely, these gel-like substances may also trigger NP trapping and aggregation ( Avellan et al., 2017 ; Milewska-Hendel et al., 2017 ). Recent observations, by means of X-ray computed nanotomography and enhanced dark-field microscopy combined with hyperspectral imaging, have demonstrated that root border cells and associated mucilage tend to trap gold NPs irrespective of particle charge, while negatively charged NPs are not sequestered by the mucilage of Arabidopsis thaliana root cap and translocate directly into the root tissue ( Avellan et al., 2017 ).

The presence of symbiotic bacteria and fungi in the soil have been demonstrated to play controversial roles as well; in general, they enhance accumulation of different types of heavy metal NPs in true grasses, but reduce nano-Ag and nano-FeO uptake in legumes ( Whiteside et al., 2009 ; Feng et al., 2013 ; Guo and Chi, 2014 ).

Nanoparticle Mobilization in Plant

Once penetrated the plant outer protective layers and regardless of aerial or hypogeal exposure, NMs have two mobilization routes in the plant: apoplastic and symplastic paths ( Figure 1B ). Apoplastic transport occurs outside the plasma membrane through the cell wall and extracellular spaces, whereas symplastic movements involve the transport of water and solutes between the cytoplasm of adjacent cells connected by plasmodesmata and sieve plate pores.

Apoplastic transport has been demonstrated to promote radial movement of NMs, which may move NPs to the root central cylinder and the vascular tissues, and promoting their movement upwards the aerial part ( González-Melendi et al., 2008 ; Larue et al., 2014 ; Sun et al., 2014 ; Zhao et al., 2017 ). This manner of NP translocation is instrumental for applications requiring systemic NP delivery. However, the Casparian strip, a longitudinally oriented layer made of lignin-like structures, prevent the completion of this radial movement in the root endodermis ( Sun et al., 2014 ; Lv et al., 2015 ). To bypass this natural barrier, water and another solute switch from apoplastic to the simplastic path. Similar abilities to circumvent the block at Casparian strip have been documented for different kinds of NPs as reviewed in Schwab et al. (2016) . This may happen especially in those anatomical regions where the Casparian strip is not yet properly formed, such as root tips and root lateral junctions ( Lv et al., 2019 ).

The symplastic transport of NPs requires that at some point NPs penetrate inside the cells. The presence of a rigid plant cell wall creates a physical barrier to the cell entry and makes the intracellular delivery of NPs in plants much more difficult with respect to animal cells. Basically, the cell wall is a multi-layered framework of primarily cellulose/hemicellulose microfibrils and scaffold proteins, creating a porous milieu which acts as a narrow selective filter with a mean diameter <10 nm, with some exception up to 20 nm ( Carpita et al., 1979 ). Actually, this is a critical point and currently represents one of the main hurdles to the design and the implementation of bioengineering tools in plants ( Cunningham et al., 2018 ). However, different types of nanoparticles with a mean diameter between 3 and 50 nm and carbon nanotubes have been demonstrated to easily pass through the cell wall in many plant species ( Liu et al., 2009 ; Kurepa et al., 2010 ; Chang et al., 2013 ; Etxeberria et al., 2019 ).

Subsequent cell internalization may occur preferentially by endocytosis ( Valletta et al., 2014 ; Palocci et al., 2017 ), although alternative cell entry mechanisms, such as those based on pore formation, membrane translocation or carrier proteins already described in cells ( Nel et al., 2009 ; Lin et al., 2010 ; Wang et al., 2012 ) and in invertebrate models ( Marchesano et al., 2013 ) need to be further elucidated in plant cells. For instance, it has been demonstrated that Multi-Walled Carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) may enter in Catharanthus roseus protoplasts by an endosome-escaping uptake mode ( Serag et al., 2011 ).

Once in the cytoplasm, cell to cell movements of NPs are facilitated by plasmodesmata, membrane-lined cytoplasmic bridges with a flexible diameter (20–50 nm), which ensure membrane and cytoplasmic continuity among cells throughout plant tissues. Transport of NPs with variable sizes through plasmodesmata has been described in Arabidopsis, rice, and poplar plant species ( Lin et al., 2009 ; Geisler-Lee et al., 2013 ; Zhai et al., 2014 ).

Through the symplastic and apoplastic pathways, small particles can reach the xylem and phloem vessels and translocate in the whole plant to different tissues and organs. Remarkably, organs like flowers, fruits and seeds normally have a strong capability to import fluids from the phloem (sink activity) and tend to accumulate NMs. Besides plant toxicity, NP accumulation in specialized organs raises another important issue related to their safe use in human and animal consumption ( Pérez-de-Luque, 2017 ).

Worth mentioning from an application perspective, studies in different crops, such as maize, spinach, cabbage, reported the ability of metal-NPs to penetrate seeds and translocate into the seedlings, without significant effects on seed viability, germination rate, and shoot development. These data suggest the possible use of functional NPs for seed priming and plant growth stimulation, also in limiting environmental conditions ( Zheng et al., 2005 ; Rǎcuciu and Creangǎ, 2009 ; Pokhrel and Dubey, 2013 ).

Nanoparticle Phytotoxicity

The comprehension of NM toxicity in crop plants is still at dawn, but it is crucial for the implementation of innovative agro-nanotech tools and products ( Servin and White, 2016 ). Current NP studies in plants have investigated unrealistic scenarios, such as short-term and high dose exposure, often in model media and plant species, gathering contradictory results ( Miralles et al., 2012 ). Basically, most of the studies have demonstrated that in cultivated species (e.g., tomato, wheat, onion, and zucchini) excess of metal-based NPs trigger an oxidative burst by interfering with the electron transport chain as well as by impairing the reactive oxygen species (ROS) detoxifying machinery, with genotoxic implications ( Dimkpa et al., 2013 ; Faisal et al., 2013 ; Pakrashi et al., 2014 ; Pagano et al., 2016 ). As a consequence, plant secondary metabolism, hormonal balance and growth are often negatively affected. Interestingly, recent transcriptome analyses revealed that exposures to different types of NPs (e.g., zinc oxide, fullerene soot, or titanium dioxide) exposure represses a significant number of genes involved in phosphate-starvation, pathogen and stress responses, with possible negative effects on plant root development and defense mechanisms in A. thaliana . A recent systems biology approach, including omics data from tobacco, rice, rocket salad, wheat, and kidney beans, confirmed that metal NMs provoke a generalized stress response, with the prevalence of oxidative stress components ( Ruotolo et al., 2018 ). These data suggest that further studies based on high-throughput analysis of genetic and metabolic responses, triggered by NP exposure, are necessary to shed light on many aspects of NP phytotoxicity in crops, even in absence of overt toxicity at the phenotypic level ( Majumdar et al., 2015 ). In light of these evidence, it appears fair to exploit for future applications in plants engineered NMs for which a safe profile has been already established in animal systems, such as soft polymeric NPs.

Current Applications in Plant Science

As mentioned above, while nanotechnology innovation is running fast in many fields of life science, smart applications in plant and agricultural science still lag behind ( Wang et al., 2016 ). In this section, we review the most significant current approaches (schematized in Figure 1C ), in particular, those inherent to biosensing, delivery of agrochemicals and genetic engineering. Representative applications for different types of NPs are also listed in Table 1 together with a brief description of their positive effects and drawbacks in plant species.

Table 1 . Major applications of different nanomaterials in plant and respective positive/negative impact.

NMs have been applied to develop biosensors or they have been used as “sensing materials” in the fields of crop biotechnology, agriculture, and food industry ( Duhan et al., 2017 ; Chaudhry et al., 2018 ). Different categories of nanosensor types have been tested in plants, including plasmonic nanosensors, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based nanosensors, carbon-based electrochemical nanosensors, nanowire nanosensors and antibody nanosensors. Although the use of nanosensors in plants is at an initial stage ( Rai et al., 2012 ), interesting reports have proposed the use of NMs as tools for detection and quantification of plant metabolic flux, residual of pesticides in food and bacteria, viral and fungal pathogens. Recently, it has been reported the fabrication of a fluorometric optical onion membrane-based sensor for detection of sucrose based on the synthesis of invertase-nanogold clusters embedded in plant membranes ( Bagal-Kestwal et al., 2015 ). In addition, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been exploited for near-infrared fluorescence monitoring of nitric oxide in A. thaliana ( Giraldo et al., 2014 ). FRET probes conjugated to polystyrene NPs have been also designed to quantify and recognize the phytoalexins ( Dumbrepatil et al., 2010 ).

As above mentioned, NMs-based biosensors are very promising as they allow rapid detection and precise quantification of fungi, bacteria and viruses in plants ( Duhan et al., 2017 ). For example, fluorescent silica NPs combined with antibody was designed for diagnosing Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria , which causes bacterial spot disease in Solanaceae plants ( Yao et al., 2009 ). Recently, Au NPs have been proposed from Lau et al. as DNA biochemical labels to detect Pseudomonas syringae in A. thaliana by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) on disposable screen-printed carbon electrodes ( Lau et al., 2017 ). Similarly, fluorescently labeled-DNA oligonucleotide conjugated to Au NPs were employed in the diagnosis of the phytoplasma associated with the flavescence dorée disease of grapevine ( Firrao et al., 2005 ). Finally, smart nanosensors are also available for mycotoxin detection; for instance, the 4mycosensor is a competitive antibody-based assay successfully introduced in the market to test the presence of ZEA, T-2/HT-2, DON, and FB1/FB2 mycotoxin residues in corn, wheat, oat and barley ( Lattanzio and Nivarlet, 2017 ).

Controlled Release of Agrochemicals and Nutrients

NMs can be applied to the soil as nanostructured fertilizers (nanofertilizers, as for Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo NPs) or can be used as enhanced delivery systems to improve the uptake and the performance of conventional fertilizers (nutrients and phosphates) ( Liu and Lal, 2015 ). Even though nanofertilizers and NM-enhanced fertilizers are very promising for agriculture, the use of nanotechnology in fertilizer supply is very scanty ( DeRosa et al., 2010 ).

Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, used as phosphorous nanofertilizers, enhance the soybean growth rate and seed yield by 33 and 20%, compared to a regular P fertilizer ( Liu and Lal, 2015 ). In addition, nanofertilizers can be released at slower rates which may contribute to maintain the soil fertility by reducing the transport of these nutrients into a runoff or ground water and decreasing the risks of environmental pollution and toxic effects due to their over-application ( Liu and Lal, 2015 ).

Metallic nanoparticles based on Iron oxide, ZnO, TiO 2 , and copper have been directly applied as nanofertilizers in soil by irrigation or via foliar applications in different plants, such as mung bean plant, cucumber and rape ( Gao et al., 2006 ; Tarafdar et al., 2014 ; Saharan et al., 2016 ; Verma et al., 2018 ). Similarly, MWNTs used as soil supplements increased twice the number of flowers and fruits in tomato plants likely through the activation of genes/proteins essential for plant growth and development ( Khodakovskaya et al., 2013 ). Despite these intriguing evidence, the use of nanofertilizers is still debatable. Accumulation in treated soils may pose a threat to soil microbial communities such as small invertebrates, bacteria and fungi ( Frenk et al., 2013 ; Waalewijn-Kool et al., 2013 ; Shen et al., 2015 ; Simonin et al., 2016 ; Goncalves et al., 2017 ). This impact on the agro-ecosystem reasonably discourages the use of metallic nanoparticles in agriculture.

Only recently, a natural polymer, such as chitosan NPs, have been used for controlled release of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in wheat by foliar uptake ( Abdel-Aziz et al., 2016 ). The use of organic NPs is more acceptable in terms of environmental pollution. However, their effective advantages for nutrient supply over traditional fertilization methods need more robust evidence ( Liu and Lal, 2015 ).

On the other hand, pesticides delivered by nanomaterials generally have increased stability and solubility and enable slow release and effective targeted delivery in pest management ( Duhan et al., 2017 ). Organic and polymeric NPs in the form of nanospheres or nanocapsules have been used as nanocarriers for herbicide distribution ( Tanaka et al., 2012 ). In particular, polymeric NPs, such as Poly(epsilon-caprolactone), present good properties of biocompatibility and have been repeatedly used for the encapsulation of atrazine herbicide ( Tanaka et al., 2012 ). In another study, chitosan nanoparticles loaded with three triazine herbicides have shown reduced environmental impact and low genotoxic effects in Allium cepa ( Grillo et al., 2015 ).

Nanomaterials for Plant Genetic Engineering

As stated above, the cell wall represents a barrier to the delivery of exogenous biomolecules in plant cells. To overcome this barrier and achieve plant genetic transformation, different strategies based on Agrobacterium transformation or biolistic methods are worldwide used for DNA delivery in plant cells. Limitations to these approaches rely on narrow host range and plant extensive damages, which often inhibit plant development.

Most of the pioneering studies for nanomaterial-based plant genetic engineering have been conducted in plant cell cultures. For example, Silicon Carbide-Mediated Transformation has been reported as a successful approach to deliver DNA in different calli (tobacco, maize, rice, soybean and cotton) ( Armstrong and Green, 1985 ; Wang et al., 1995 ; Serik et al., 1996 ; Asad and Arsh, 2012 ; Lau et al., 2017 ).

Although lagged behind the advancements achieved in animal systems, results reported recently in plants are proving that NMs may overcome the barrier of the cell wall in adult plants and reduce the drawbacks associated with current transgene delivery systems.

One seminal study proved that dsRNA of different plant viruses can be loaded on non-toxic, degradable, layered double hydroxide (LDH) clay nanosheets or BioClay. The dsRNAs and/or their RNA breakdown products provide protection against the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CMV) in sprayed tobacco leaves, but they also confer systemic protection to newly emerged, unsprayed leaves on viral challenge 20 days after a single spray treatment in tobacco ( Mitter et al., 2017 ). More in general, this is a proof of concept for species-independent and passive delivery of genetic material, without transgene integration, into plant cells for different biotechnology applications in plants.

A successful stable genetic transformation has been achieved in cotton plants via magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene- MNP complex were infiltrated into cotton pollen grains by magnetic force, without compromising pollen viability. Through pollination with magnetofected pollen, cotton transgenic plants were successfully generated and exogenous DNA was successfully integrated into the genome, effectively expressed, and stably inherited in the offspring obtained by selfing ( Zhao et al., 2017 ).

In another recent paper, carbon nanotubes scaffolds applied to external plant tissue by infusion were used to deliver linear and plasmid DNA, as well as siRNA, in Nicotiana benthamiana, Eruca sativa, Triticum aestivum , and Gossypium hirsutum leaves and in E. sativa protoplasts, resulting in a strong transient Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) expression. Moreover, the same authors reported that small interfering RNA (siRNA) was delivered to N . benthamiana plants constitutively expressing GFP, causing a 95% silencing of this gene ( Demirer et al., 2018 ).

The first and promising approach of genome editing mediated by mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) has been recently proposed. MSNs have used as carriers to deliver Cre recombinase in Zea mays immature embryos, carrying loxP sites integrated into chromosomal DNA. After the biolistic introduction of engineered MSNs in plant tissues, the loxP was correctly recombined establishing a successful genome editing ( Valenstein et al., 2013 ).

Conclusions and Future Perspectives

Herein, we have discussed various facets of using NMs in plant sciences. In the last years, it has been demonstrated that nanotechnology has made huge progress in the synthesis of NMs and their application in medicine for diagnosis and therapy. On the other side, the application of NMs for plants is still poor. Recent outcomes and current applications suggest that more studies are necessary for this direction to optimize the synthesis and biofunctionalization of NMs for plant applications, but also to elucidate deeper the mechanisms of plant uptake and improving the sustainability for agro-ecosystems and human health. Interestingly, applications need to be extended to address uncovered important aspects of plant physiology. For instance, nanobiosensors for detecting secondary metabolites or phytoregulators in real time may provide advances in monitoring plant development and interactions with the environment, especially in limiting growth conditions.

Despite the huge progress in plant genetics, the delivery of exogenous DNA and/or enzymes for genome editing remain a big challenge. New strategies based on nanoparticle-mediated clustered regularly interspersed palindromic repeats—CRISPR associated proteins (CRISPR-Cas9) technology, as those tested in other biological systems ( Lee et al., 2017 ; Glass et al., 2018 ), would provide ground-breaking innovation in plant genetics.

On the base of consolidated evidence reported in cell and animal models, soft materials, like nanogels, and polymeric nanostructures should be further exploited as favorable candidates to develop new strategies for controlled release of biomolecules and plant genome editing. Owing to their safe profile, high loading capacity and excellent cargo protection from degradation polymeric and hydrogel-based NPs have shown undeniable advantages in drug delivery. Moreover, this kind of NMs has been elegantly employed to achieve a controlled (spatial and temporal) release of cargos triggered by external stimuli (e.g., UV, NIR, acoustic waves etc.) ( Ma et al., 2013 ; Ambrosone et al., 2016 ; Linsley and Wu, 2017 ) in cell and animal models. These outstanding results suggest that the huge potential of soft nanomaterials remains almost unexplored in plants. Besides a few successful attempts for agrochemicals delivery above-mentioned and listed in Table 1 , more efforts are needed to design strategies and smart tools based on polymeric or hybrid materials for applications in plants. Of course, a careful analysis of manufacturing scalability and cost-effectiveness needs to be undertaken before the extensive use of polymeric nanomaterials in agriculture.

As a final remark, the delay in plant nanotechnology might be overcome by encouraging the activation of multidisciplinary approaches for the design and the synthesis of smart nanomaterials. To this aim, joint collaborative initiatives, merging complementary professional competencies such those of plant biologists, geneticists, chemists, biochemists, and engineers, may disclose new horizons in phytonanotechnology.

Author Contributions

IS and AA conceived the idea and organized this mini review. All authors wrote the manuscript and approved the contents for publication.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: nanomaterials, nanogels, plant nanobiotechnology, plant protection, nanosensors, advanced genetic engineering

Citation: Sanzari I, Leone A and Ambrosone A (2019) Nanotechnology in Plant Science: To Make a Long Story Short. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 7:120. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00120

Received: 31 January 2019; Accepted: 07 May 2019; Published: 29 May 2019.

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Copyright © 2019 Sanzari, Leone and Ambrosone. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Alfredo Ambrosone,

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Master thesis options | plant breeding

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We offer master thesis connected to our current research projects Master thesis topics are available in the areas: plant breeding, plant-pathogen-interaction, genetics of disease resistance, plant-biotechnology, and related fields. Thesis topics could be of interest to students in agricultural science (e.g. plant sciences, agricultural biology, phytomedicine) and biotechnology (plant biotechnology).

Do you have a passion for plants? Do you like working outdoors? Then contact us: we continuously have topics in plant breeding for master thesis available.

  • Evaluation of experimental populations (bread wheat, durum wheat) for resistance to Fusarium head blight in field trials.
  • Validation of candidate disease resistance genes in a TILLING population of wheat.
  • Genomic Prediction of performance, quality and resistance traits in winter wheat.
  • Genetic analysis and breeding for common bunt ( Tilletia caries ) resistance in winter wheat for organic farming.


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thesis topics in plant biotechnology


Top 50 Research Topics in Biotechnology

Table of Contents


Research in biotechnology can helps in bringing massive changes in humankind and lead to a better life. In the last few years, there have been so many leaps, and paces of innovations as scientists worldwide worked to develop and produce novel mRNA vaccinations and brought some significant developments in biotechnology. During this period, they also faced many challenges. Disturbances in the supply chain and the pandemic significantly impacted biotech labs and researchers, forcing lab managers to become ingenious in buying lab supplies, planning experiments, and using technology for maintaining research schedules.

At the beginning of 2022, existing biotech research projects are discovering progress in medicines, vaccines, disease treatment and the human body, immunology, and some viruses such as coronavirus that had such a destructive impact that we could never have expected.

The Biotech Research Technique is changing

How research is being done is changing, as also how scientists are conducting it. Affected by both B2C eCommerce and growing independence in remote and cloud-dependent working, most of the biotechnology labs are going through some digital transformations. This implies more software, automation, and AI in the biotech lab, along with some latest digital procurement plans and integrated systems for various lab operations.

In this article, we’ll discuss research topics in biotechnology for students, biotechnology project topics, biotechnology research topics for undergraduates, biotechnology thesis topics, biotechnology research topics for college students, biotechnology research paper topics, biotechnology dissertation topics, biotechnology project ideas for high school, medical biotechnology topics for presentation, research topics for life science , research topics on biotechnology , medical biotechnology topics, recent research topics in biotechnology, mini project ideas for biotechnology, pharmaceutical biotechnology topics, plant biotechnology research topics, research topics in genetics and biotechnology, final year project topics for biotechnology, biotech research project ideas, health biotechnology topics, industrial biotechnology topics, agricultural biotechnology project topics and biology thesis topics.

Look at some of the top trends in biotech research and recent Biotechnology Topics that are bringing massive changes in this vast world of science, resulting in some innovation in life sciences and biotechnology ideas .

  • Development of vaccine: Development of mRNA has been done since 1989 but has accelerated to combat the pandemic. As per many researchers, mRNA vaccines can change infectious disease control as it is a prophylactic means of disease prevention for various diseases such as flu, HIV, etc.
  • Respiratory viruses: More and more research is being done because understanding those viruses will assist in getting better protection, prohibition, and promising treatments for respiratory viruses.
  • Microvesicles and extracellular vesicles are now being focused on because of their involvement in the transportation of mRNA, miRNA, and proteins. But in what other ways can they give support to the human body? So many unknown roles of microvesicles and extracellular vesicles should be discovered.
  • RNA-based Therapeutics: Researchers focus on RNA-based therapeutics such as CAR T cells, other gene/cell therapeutics, small molecular drugs to treat more diseases and other prophylactic purposes.
  • Metabolism in cancers and other diseases: Metabolism helps convert energy and represent the chemical reactions that will sustain life. Nowadays, research is being done to study metabolism in cancers and immune cells to uncover novel ways to approach treatment and prohibition of a specific illness.

All of the ongoing research keeps the potential to bring changes in the quality of life of millions of people, prohibit and do treatment of illnesses that at present have a very high rate of mortality, and change healthcare across the world.

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Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory

The university of melbourne.

thesis topics in plant biotechnology

Research Projects

The Plant Biotech Group at the University of Melbourne research focuses on:

  • Transgenic Approaches for Developing Biotic Stress Tolerant Crop Plants
  • Gene Networks Controlling Floral Evocation in Legume Shoot Apical Meristem
  • Molecular Control of Male Germ Line Initiation and Fertilization
  • Investigating Epigenetic Programming of Plant Sperm Cells
  • Rice and Wheat Biotechnology for Enhanced Abiotic Stress Tolerance
  • Genetic Engineering of Male Sterility for Hybrid Seed Production
  • Brachypodium as a Model System for Investigating Cellular Function of Pollen Allergens
  • Manipulating Pollen Allergen Genes for Improved Diagnosis and Immunotherapy of Hayfever and Allergic Asthma
  • Improved Allergy Diagnosis and New Vaccines for Safer Immunotherapy
  • Sneeze Free Grasses
  • Legumes for Improved Human Health
  • Horticulture Biotechnology

Current Grants include: 

  • Understanding the control of male germ-line development by the germline-restrictive silencing factor in plants (Discovery Projects)  awarded by AUST RESEARCH COUNCIL
  • Epigenetic Programming of Plant Sperm Cells (Discovery Projects)  awarded by AUST RESEARCH COUNCIL
  • Expression of value added product in wheat (Linkage Projects)  awarded by ACCESS GENETICS
  • Biology of flowering plant male gametic cells in relation to fertilization (Discovery Projects)  awarded by AUST RESEARCH COUNCIL
  • ARC CoE for Integrative Legume research (Centres of Excellence)  awarded by AUST RESEARCH COUNCIL
  • Melbourne-India Postgraduate Program (MIPP) (International Research & Research Training Fund (IRRTF))  awarded by UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE

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Top 100 Biotechnology Dissertation Topics for the Year 2021

  • September 14, 2021 September 14, 2021

Biotechnology is one of the major streams of science where students request for our reliable and time-tested assignment help from prestigious universities, colleges, and institutes around the globe. The subject helps us understand how we can effectively utilise biological systems, living organisms, or their parts to develop or create different types of products.

GET HELP INSTANTLY Place your order to get best assignment help

(since 2006)

Apart from genetics, bioengineering and research, the subject offers decent career options in industrial sectors like textiles, food, agriculture, pharmaceutical and animal husbandry.

thesis topics in plant biotechnology


Modern biotechnology has been credited with breakthrough innovations in the field of product development and technologies to help us develop a cleaner and more sustainable world. It is primarily because of biotechnology; we have progressed towards the development of more efficient industrial manufacturing base. Besides, it is helping in the production of cleaner energy, feed more hungry people without leaving much of our environmental footprint, and help mankind combat rare and debilitating diseases.

Our assignment writing services in the field of biotechnology cover all types of subject topics that test and vindicate the skill sets of the students before awarding them with their respective degrees. We help students successfully pass their syllabus in all forms of biotechnology courses. These include medical biotechnology (red), environmental biotechnology (green), marine biotechnology (blue) and industrial biotechnology (white).

What are We Expecting to Gain from All these Efforts?

Our sole objective of preparing this marathon list of top 100 biotechnology assignment topics is to help students decide upon effective time management skills. We have seen an immense numbers of cases where while exploring online assignment help related to topic selection, exploration of information sources, and citing them in correct reference order, students get stuck at different stages. Amongst them, most of the students find it difficult even to pass their topic selection dilemma. That is where we contribute to our efforts to make things easy for the biotech students right in one go. We help our students save time and energy, so that they can prudently use the assigned time to prepare the content of their assignment around the best topics.

Are you keen to master your dissertation writing skills in just a couple of weeks? Read the below amazing article and do not miss the golden opportunity to learn from the experts absolutely for free!

Must read: wish to master dissertation skills in 2 weeks learn from the experts here, top 100 biotechnology dissertation topics trending in the year 2021.

We have prepared the list of top 100 most recommended dissertation topics prepared by our research experts. They have ensured to provide a comprehensive list of topics that are covering all the dimensions of the subject. We fully hope that the list would cover all your dissertation help requirements. So, let us begin with the prepared list of topics one by one –

  • Effective management of renewable energy technology to promote a village
  • The production of ethanol with the help of molasses as well as its effluent treatment
  • Different methods and aspects of evapotranspiration
  • The scattering parameters of the circulator biotechnology
  • The inactivation of the mammalian TLR2 through an inhibiting antibody
  • Number of proteins through Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • The recognition and classification of the genes shaping the plant responses to salinity and drought
  • The segment of small signing molecules in the responses of plants to salinity and drought
  • Genetic improvement of the plant lenience to salinity and drought
  • Pharmacogenomics of the drug transporters
  • Pharmacogenomics of the anti-cancer drugs
  • Pharmacogenomics of the anti-hypertensive drugs
  • Indels genotyping of the African populations
  • Y-chromosome genotyping of the African populations
  • Profiling of the DNA isolated from the historical crime scenes: Discuss in terms of South African Innocence Project
  • Nanotechnology methods in terms of DNA isolation
  • Nanotechnology applications in terms of DNA genotyping
  • Recognizing heavy metal tolerant along with sensitive genotypes
  • Features of genes that participate in the process of heavy metal tolerance
  • DNA authentication of the animal species through raw meat products reared commercially
  • Molecular based technology in terms of rapid identification and detection of the food borne pathogens with respect to complex food systems
  • Making an assessment of cancer specific peptides for successful implementations in the field of cancer diagnosis
  • Quantum dot-based detection system development with respect to successful breast cancer diagnosis
  • Targeted delivery of the embelin to the cancer cells
  • Accessing the role of novel quinone compounds to perform as anti-cancer agents
  • Therapeutic approaches to the treatment of HIV and the role of nanotechnology in it
  • An assessment of the medicinal value of the natural antioxidants
  • An indepth study of the structure of the COVID spike proteins
  • An assessment of the immune response of the stem cell therapy
  • The use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology for the purpose of genome editing
  • Tissue engineering and the drug delivery with the application of Chitosan
  • An assessment of therapeutic effects of the cancer vaccines
  • Utilization of PacBio sequencing with respect to genome assembly of the model organisms
  • Studying the relationship between the mRNA suppression and its impact on the expansion of the stem cell
  • Utilizing biomimicry for the identification of the tumor cells
  • The sub-classification and characterization of the Yellow enzymes
  • The production of the hypoallergenic fermented foods
  • The production of the hypoallergenic milk
  • The purification process of the thermostable phytase
  • Bioconversion of the cellulose to successfully yield the products that are industrially significant
  • The examination of the gut microbiota in the model organisms
  • The utilization of the fungal enzymes in the production of chemical glue
  • An examination of the inhibitors of exocellulase and endocellulase
  • Discuss the utility of microorganisms in the recovery of shale gas
  • Discuss the in-depth study of the procedure of natural decomposition
  • Discuss the process of recycling the bio-wastes
  • Enhanced bio-remediation for the cases of oil spills
  • The process of gold biosorption with the help of cyanobacterium
  • Maintaining a healthy balance between the biotic and the abiotic factors with the help of biotechnological tools
  • Labeling the level of mercury in fish with the help of markers
  • Exploring out the biotechnological potential of the Jellyfish related microbiome
  • What is the potential of marine fungi in the efforts to degrade polymers and plastics?
  • Discuss the biotechnological potential that one can fetch out of dinoflagellates
  • Tracing out endosulfan residues with the application of biotechnology in the field of agricultural products
  • The development of the ELISA technique for the identification of crop viruses
  • Boosting the quality of drinking water with the help of E.coli consortium
  • The characterization of E.coli isolation from the feces of the zoo animals
  • Improving the resistance of the crops against the invasion of the insects
  • Reducing the spending on agriculture with the help of effective bio-tools
  • What are the most effective steps to reduce soil erosion with the utility of tools derived from biotechnology?
  • How biotechnology can help in the improvement the levels of vitamin in GM foods?
  • Improving the delivery of pesticide with the help of biotechnology
  • Comparing folate biofortification in different kinds of corps
  • Discuss the photovoltaic-based production of the ocean crops
  • How the application of nanotechnology to improve the activities of the agricultural sector?
  • Examining the mechanisms of water stress tolerance in the model plants
  • Testing and production of the human immune boosters in the experimental organisms
  • Comparing genomic analysis with the utility of tools meant for bioinformatics
  • Arabinogalactan protein sequencing and its utility in computational methods
  • Evaluating and interpreting gut microbiota in the model organisms
  • Different techniques of protein purification: A comparative analysis
  • Diagnosing microbes and their role in o ligonucleotide micro-arrays
  • The application of different techniques in the field of biomedical research comprising micro-arrays technology
  • The application of microbial consortium in producing the greenhouse effect
  • Computational assessment of various proteins accessed from marine microbiota
  • E.coli gene mapping with the application of various microbial tools
  • Enhancing the strains of cyanobacterium with the help of gene sequencing
  • Computational assessment and description of the crystallized proteins present in nature
  • mTERF protein and its application to terminate the transcription of mitochondrial DNA in algae
  • Reverse phase column chromatography and its application in separating proteins
  • The study of various proteins present within Mycobacterium leprae
  • An assessment of the strategies that are ideally suitable for successful cloning of RNA
  • Discuss the common failures of biotechnology in saving the ecology and the environment
  • Is there a way to make the medicinal plants free of pests? Discuss
  • What are the harms imposed by pest resistant corps on humans and birds?
  • What are the diverse fields of biotechnology that still remain unexplored in terms of research?
  • What is the future of biotechnology in the field of medicine?
  • The application of recombinant DNA technology in the invention of new forms of medicine
  • Why is the strain of bacteria used to create vaccine with the help of biotechnology?
  • How biotechnology can help in the creation of medicines that are more resistant towards the mutating forms of viruses and bacteria?
  • Can there be a permanent cure for cancer in the future? How biotechnology can play a decisive role in it?
  • Why it is critical for the students to effectively remember the DNA coding in the field of biotechnology?
  • How one can make hybrid seeds with the help from biotechnology?
  • How one can generate pest resistant seeds and what are their benefits in the end yielding in agriculture?
  • Discuss bio-magnification and its impact on ecology
  • What are the reasons due to which the ecologists disapprove the usage of pest resistant seeds, despite their usage in the field of agriculture?
  • How biotechnology positively influenced the lives of farmers in the developing economies?
  • How biotechnology functions to increase in yield of the crop plants?
  • Discuss the role of biotechnology in boosting the output of seasonal crops
  • Are there adverse effects of medicines in pharmacology when manufactured with biotechnological principles? Throw some light on the question with real-life cases

Now with that, we have reached the end of this list and fully hope that it would have served the purpose of topic selection requirements. Besides, the inclusion of biotechnology assignment topics has been done in such a manner that it can help us out with our needs related to different other assignment writing formats as well. For instance, all our topic selection requirements related to case study help , essay help , research paper writing help or thesis help can also be met with the topics in the above-mentioned list.

Biotechnology Assignment Help

Are you facing the heat of topic selection dilemma in your biology assignment homework? Check the below link to rely upon the topic list that the most respected experts recommend.

Must read: top 100 biology dissertation topics for the year 2021.

Biotechnology is a subject that is meant to offer a plethora of research prospects. A successful completion of course in one or more streams of biotechnology will ensure job placement opportunities in different research and development companies dedicated to the field. The objective of recommending this list is to help you make the right topic selection in less amount of time and dedicate more time to assignment research, and adequate content writing. After all, going an extra mile in terms of efforts will ensure that the final submission is good enough to help you earn the grades that can help you beat the competition.

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Thesis topics | Department of Applied Plant Biology

Thesis topics.

Veres Szilvia

  • Evaluation of plant physiological responses caused by water deprivation as a function of biological bases and other environmental pressures
  • Physiological investigation of nutrient utilization efficiency in terms of green agriculture
  • Production of feed/food with high nutritional value using plant physiological tools
  • Sorghum breeding, seed production, chemical emasculation possibilities
  • Physiological background of plant condition/health diagnostics

Bákonyi Nóra

  • Applicability of different wastewater (brown juice) from green biorefineries for microalgae cultivation
  • Stabilization of the composition of alfalfa brown juice/plant extracts of origins by fermentation
  • Prototyping of biofertiliser/biostimulator combinations (prototypes) ecriched with microalgae
  • Transfer of brown juice prepaprations to a carrier for use as feed
  • Field testing of prprietary and commercially avaliable biostimutant combinations
  • Conservation assessment of the potential for the use of brown juices

Szabolcsy Éva

  • Effect of seed priming on the development of selected vegetable crops
  • Green biomass-based protein for food development
  • Improving digestibility of different vegetable seed proteins by limited hydrolysis
  • Green forages valorization by different processing methodsd
  • Effect of differents proteolytic enzymes on the quality of checkpea and oat proteins

Makleit Péter

  • Mapping the natural defense ability of the ancient wheat species Triticum monococcum
  • Investigation of cyclic hydroxamic acid content in recent maize hybrids grown over large areas
  • Morphological and histological comparison of sweet and grain maize hybrids
  • Physiological background to the ecological success of Sand dropseed (Scorobolus cryptandrus)
  • Effect of hormone treatments on antioxidant enzyme activity of different maize hybrids

Kovács Szilvia

  • Floristic survey and monitoring of invasive plant species
  • Comparative plant anatomical (histological) studies on different treatments (selected cultivated plants, weeds)
  • Fibre analytic studies on selected plants
  • Floristic survey of a selected area  (Natura 2000 sites, local nature conservation areas, landscape protection areas, parts of national parks, semi-natural habitats, etc.)
  • Surves and monitoring of protected plant populations
  • Studying the effects of conservation treatments on vegetation compostion
  • Can the foliar application of α-oxoglutarate enhance drought tolerance of soybean seedlings?
  • Chickpea morpho-physiology under drought stress conditions
  • The influence of salt stress on chickpea seedlings
  • The effect of hydrogen peroxide foliar spray on the yield components of chickpea under drought stress conditions
  • The effects of exogenous application of hydrogen peroxide on the antioxidant system of soybean seedlings
  • Screening root morphology and leaf biochemistry of soybean seedlings under drought stress conditions

Kaszás László

  • Production of vegetable crops in hydroponic systems
  • Plant based green biorefining and its technlogical improvements
  • Possibilities and technological development of in vitro propagation of Jerusalem artichoke

Kovács Zoltán

  • Induction of somatic embryogenesis
  • Leaf protein extraction, concentration, technology development with selected plant species
  • Processing alternative protein crops via green biorefining

Aszalósné Balogh Rebeka

  • Processing od Árpád Degen Herbarium of the University of Debrecen
  • Organization of cryptogam associations in synanthropic conditions
  • Organization of cryptogam associations in near-natural conditions
  • Floristic survey, survey and size estimation of plant populations
  • Studying the effects of conservation treatments on vegetation composition

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thesis topics in plant biotechnology

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Biotechnology Agriculture'

Create a spot-on reference in apa, mla, chicago, harvard, and other styles.

Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Biotechnology Agriculture.'

Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver, etc.

You can also download the full text of the academic publication as pdf and read online its abstract whenever available in the metadata.

Browse dissertations / theses on a wide variety of disciplines and organise your bibliography correctly.

Zanger, Maggy. "Taking Biotechnology into the Classroom: Biotechnology Tissue Culture Workshop." College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1991.

Moula, Payam. "Ethical aspects of crop biotechnology in agriculture." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Filosofi, 2015.

QC 20150330

Churchill, Jason. "Valuation of Licensing Agreements in Agriculture Biotechnology." Thesis, North Dakota State University, 2016.

Porter, Jean Nicole. "A descriptive study of agriculture teachers' awareness of biotechnology and the future of biotechnology education in Illinois /." Available to subscribers only, 2007.

Services, UA News. "Institute for Biomedical Science and Biotechnology Becomes BIO5." College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2005.

Hughes, Jason E. "Attitudes, knowledge, and implementation of biotechnology and agriscience by West Virginia agricultural education teachers." Morgantown, W. Va. : [West Virginia University Libraries], 2001.

Hébert, Yann. "Simulating input biotechnology adoption using a system dynamics approach." Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=78376.

Norwood, Jennifer Lynn. "A semiotic analysis of biotechnology and food safety photographs." Texas A&M University, 2005.

Holmes, Matthew Robert. "From biological revolution to biotech age : plant biotechnology in British agriculture since 1950." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2017.

Kibe, Alison G. "Farm Scale Feasibility of Exploiting UV Radiation for Sustainable Crop Production." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2015.

Teixeira, Rodrigo de Araujo. "Capacitação em melhoramento genetico de plantas no Brasil : situação atual e perspectivas." [s.n.], 2008.

Candemir, Basak. "Intermediary organisations for knowledge exchange : a comparative study of the agricultural biotechnology sector in the Netherlands and the UK." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2012.

Lashbrooke, Justin Graham. "Functional analysis of a grapevine carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase (VvCCD1)." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

Barnes, James N. "Regulation of agricultural biotechnology and vertical control in the global agri-food chain : an application of the Coasian lens /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 2004.

Jones, Mary Ellen. "Politically Corrected Science: The Early Negotiation of U.S. Agricultural Biotechnology Policy." Diss., Virginia Tech, 1999.

Klepek, James Matthew. "Against the Grain: Biotechnology Regulation and the Politics of Expertise in Post-War Guatemala." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2011.

Lies, Adrien. "Optimisation des performances d’inocula de champignons mycorhiziens dans le cadre d’une agriculture à faibles apports." Thesis, Montpellier, 2016.

Govender, Patrick. "Industrial yeast strains engineered for controlled flocculation." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009.

Collier, Debbie. "Agriculture, modern biotechnology and the law: An examination of the property paradigm in the context of plant genetic resources." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2010.

Lebenzon, Tracy Scott. "Double cross : agriculture and genetics, 1930 to 1960." PDXScholar, 1988.

Loggan, Briley. "Evaluating the Success of Female Selected Sex-Sorted Semen at Western Kentucky University's Dairy Farm." TopSCHOLAR®, 2019.

Venter, Alida. "The functional analysis of Vitaceae polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) encoding genes overexpressed in tobacco." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

Mtshali, Phillip Senzo. "Screening and characterisation of wine related enzymes produced by wine associated lactic acid bacteria." Thesis, Link to the online version, 2007.

McCormick, Alistair James. "Expression behaviour of primary carbon metabolism genes during sugarcane culm development." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2004.

Chung, Chao-Chen. "Government, governance and the development of the innovation systems : the example of the Taiwanese biotechnology and related sectoral policies." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2011.

Duygu, Oktem. "Impact Analysis Of European Framework Programmes On Turkish Universities Pilot Study On Information And Communication Technologies, Energy, Food, Agriculture And Fisheries And Biotechnology Themes." Master's thesis, METU, 2012.

ATTATHOM, Supat. "Tasks in Research, Education, and International Collaboration in Agriculture Biotechnology at Kasetsart University With Special Emphasis on the Role of Former Students Who Studied Abroad." 名古屋大学農学国際教育協力研究センター, 2004.

Becker, John van Wyk. "Plant defence genes expressed in tobacco and yeast." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2002.

Le, Dref Gaëlle. "Théories de l'évolution et biotechnologies : d'une controverse à l'autre." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017.

Aheto, Denis Worlanyo. "Implication analysis for biotechnology regulation and management in Africa baseline studies for assessment of potential effects of genetically modified maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation in Ghanaian agriculture." Frankfurt, M. Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York, NY Oxford Wien Lang, 2008.

Josephs, Jennifer. "Perceptions of Validity: How Knowledge is Created, Transformed and Used in Bio-Agricultural Technology Safety Testing for the Development of Government Policies and Regulations." NSUWorks, 2017.

Mbewana, Sandiswa. "Functional analysis of a lignin biosynthetic gene in transgenic tobacco." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

Rosado, Carlos Miguel Barreto Ribeiro Serra. "Indústria agroquímica e desenvolvimento sustentável." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2020.

Olagunju, Emmanuel Gbenga. "Water resources development: opportunities for increased agricultural production in Nigeria." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Water and Environmental Studies, 2007.

Agriculture has been the backbone of the economy in Nigeria providing employment and source of livelihood for the increasing population and accounting for over half of the GDP of the Nigeria economy at independence in 1960. However, the role it plays in the regional and economic development of the country has diminished over the years due to the dominant role of the crude oil sector in the economy. With the increasing food demand in Nigeria, the country has available input natural resources and potential for increasing the volume of crop production towards meeting the food and nutritional requirement of the rapidly increasing population and guarantee food security in the country. The study was undertaken to analyse the effect of different factors and policies on the changes in trend of crop production and investigate the possible effect of water resources development on increased volume of agricultural crop production in Nigeria.

The study revealed that there are opportunities for water resources development in the country through irrigation to supplement the water requirements and needs of farmers for agricultural production activities in many areas in the semi-arid and arid regions. Available data shows that there are available land and water resources that could be developed to support the production of food and agricultural development with opportunity for increased productivity.

However, while the water resources are unevenly distributed in the country, there is need for the efficient use and management of the available water resources and increasing the productive use especially in the northern region of the country where there is increasing incidence of drought and competing need for water among the different sectors of the economy. The study also made possible recommendations for policy formulation to address the current problems facing the agricultural sector in conjunction with the requirement for the development of the water resources.

Griffiths, Jeanne Berdine. "The effect of extrusion on the degradability parameters of various vegetable protein sources." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2004.

Sivakumar, Gayathri. "Agricultural biotechnology and Indian newspapers." Thesis, Texas A&M University, 2004.

Ng, Kenneth K. "Investigation of Bacillus subtilis as a Biopesticide Against Botrytis cinerea." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2012.

Fraser, W. J. "Manipulation of the taste of Regal Seedless (Vitis vinifera L.) table grapes." Thesis, Link to the online version, 2007.

Williams, Carrie. "The Detriments of Factory Farming." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018.

Anderson, Shonda Renee. "Preferences of US, EU, Honduran, and Chinese undergraduates for cloning." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2011.

Cao, Yiying. "Innovation diffusion of agricultural biotechnology in China." Thesis, University of Northampton, 2009.

Nadolnyak, Denis Alexandrovic Jr. "Three essays on the economics of agricultural biotechnology." The Ohio State University, 2003.

Smit, Anita Yolandi. "Evaluating the influence of winemaking practices on biogenic amine production by wine microorganisms." Thesis, Link to the online version, 2007.

Barrett, Katherine J. "Canadian agricultural biotechnology, risk assessment and the precautionary principle." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

Flagg, Ian Marshall. "The Valuation of Agricultural Biotechnology: The Real Options Approach." Thesis, North Dakota State University, 2008.

Huzair, Farah. "Innovative capabilities of the agricultural biotechnology sector in Hungary." Thesis, Open University, 2008.

Duru, Godwin Chukwunenye. "Biotechnology research in Nigeria : a socioeconomic analysis of the organization of agricultural research system's response to biotechnology /." The Ohio State University, 1988.

Vigorito, Anthony J. "Agricultural biotechnology, corporate hegemony, and the industrial colonization of science /." The Ohio State University, 2002.


Miller, Erin Suzanne. "Increasing Expression of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Maize through Breeding." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2015.

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[100+] Biotechnology Research Topics With Free [Thesis Pdf] 2023

Are You Searching Research Topics For Biotechnology ,   Topics For Biotechnology Research Paper, Biotechnology Research Topics For Students, Research Topics Ideas For Biotechnology, Biotechnology Research Topics For PhD, Biotechnology PhD Topics. So You are in right place. 

In this article, we provide you latest research topics for Biotechnology with a full Phd thesis. By these research topics for Biotechnology you can get idea for your research work. On this website, you can get lots of Biotechnology Research Topics for College Students,  PhD, Mphil, Dissertations, Thesis, Project, Presentation, Seminar or Workshop. Check the suggestions below that can help you choose the right research topics for Biotechnology: You can also Free Download Biotechnology Research PhD Thesis in Pdf by the given link.

Now Check 100+ Biotechnology Research Topics List

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Research Topic For Biotechnology 2023

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Thesis Statements for Biotechnology

A thesis statement portrays the central idea of your research paper or essay. Not everyone is an expert at writing a coherent, well-structured thesis statement, so they need assistance from reliable websites to find a strong thesis statement for their essay. Before writing a statement for a subject like biotechnology, you must do a little homework beforehand. To ease the process, we have written down 31 biotechnology thesis statement that can help you compile a perfect research paper.

biotechnology thesis

  • Problems in Clinical Trials for Emerging Respiratory Viruses  

Respiratory viruses are the leading cause of mortality in children. As viruses can mutate easily, it becomes difficult to carry out clinical trials. Dealing with emerging viruses has always remained a high-alert task.

  • Future Aspects of CRISPR-Cas in the Agriculture Sector

CRISPR-Cas-based editing of rice genomes opens up opportunities in the development of commercial crop plants. Various steps under controlled conditions are carried out for the genome editing process, which includes planning, vector construction, the transformation of plants, screening at the molecular level, plant phenotyping, and field trials.

  • Novel Strategies to Protect Grapevine from Viruses Invasion

Protection of grapevine from viruses is unavoidable. Therefore, such strategies need to be adopted that provide a habitat for the least dangerous viral strains to co-exist with the plants without causing notable harm to the crops.

  • Significance of Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening at regular intervals is crucial to receiving an early diagnosis of the disease. Once the tumour enters the bloodstream, it can spread rapidly and damage other organs quickly. A delayed diagnosis might lead to distant metastases and a poor prognosis.

  • Consequences of Skin-Related Antibiotic Abuse  

Excessive use of antibiotics to treat skin-related issues can do more harm than good. It is critical to emphasise the risks of antibiotic overprescription, as it kills good bacteria and results in the expansion of antibiotic-resistant strains, thus disturbing the body’s largest organ microbiome.

  • Upscaling of Jatropha curcas L. Biomass Availability

Jatropha curcas L. is used as the feedstock in the production of biodiesel. Techniques such as in-vitro plant propagation, somatic embryogenesis, gene transformation studies, production of haploids, and development of elite germplasm are required to upscale its biomass availability globally.

  • Application of Plant Biotechnology to Prevent HIV

Several antibody therapies are already known to prevent HIV infection, but the production of other therapeutic antibodies and proteins using plant biotechnology reduces the overall cost of the system. Compared to bioreactor-based processes, this system requires less money to produce strong anti-HIV antibodies.

  • Use of White Rot Fungi to Control Environmental Pollution

One of the important tools of biotechnology used to control environmental pollution is white rot fungi (WRFs). Using mycoremediation, WRF degrades the lignin using its mycelia. The mycelium punctures the cell cavity and allows the ligninolytic enzymes (LEM) to release, which then forms the sponge-like mass in white color.

  • Application of KCM-R5 to Detoxify Industrial Waste Water

High quantities of phenol in the industrial waste can be hazardous to living organisms. The P. rhodesiae KCM-R5 bacterium can make biofilm and is capable of degrading phenol and its derivatives by using phenol in its metabolism. Therefore, engineered PEO cryogel-P. rhodesiae KCM R5 biofilms can be used to treat industrial wastewater detoxification.

  • Cinnamomum cassia Uses as an Anti-cancer and Anti-oxidant Herb

Cinnamomum cassia is a valuable medicinal herb with anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Fermenting the cinnamon with Lactobacillus Plantarum enhances the phenolic compounds and flavonoids, subsequently improving the plants’ anti-cancer and antioxidant capabilities. 

  • Treatment of Wastewater by the Use of L. monocytogenes

The human pathogen L. monocytogenes is a potential organism to carry out bioremediation. It is a solvent-tolerant organism that secretes solvent-stable lipase that can readily break down polyester plastic and lipids in wastewater streams.

  • Improvement of Plant Growth under Salinity Stress

Salinity stress is one of the main abiotic factors that restrict crop growth. Plant growth in saline environments can be improved by using Bacillus safensis PM22 as a bio-inoculant or biofertilizer. This PGPR can increase photosynthetic efficiency, antioxidant levels, osmoprotectant synthesis, and decreased oxidative stress markers.

  •   Role of L.reutri Probiotics in the Treatment of Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer disease is commonly caused by H. pylori infection and aspirin use. Using antibiotics with L. reuteri probiotics is beneficial which causes the good bacteria to serve as ulcer biotherapy, promoting mucus secretion, reducing the size of ulcer and the number of pathogens in the body.

  • Importance of Pyrabactin Resistance 1 in Sense-Response Function

To improve the sense-response function, a quick transformation of biosensors using an abscisic acid receptor obtained from a plant PYR1 (Pyrabactin Resistance 1), which binds to a malleable binding pocket, is needed. It is required to heterodimerize a ligand.

  •   Significance of mRNA Expression

The amount of total mRNA expressed in a cell is essential to determine the clinical outcomes of the cells using tumor phenotypes. Intra-tumor genetic heterogeneity, altered genes, and trends in metabolic dysfunction impact the total mRNA expression (TmS) by cancer-specific marking.

  • Role of HiFi-DdCBEs in Therapeutic Treatments

Unlike conventional DdCBEs that result in undesirable off-target conversions of C-to-T in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of humans, the whole sequencing of the mitochondrial genome shows HiFi-DdCBEs are extremely precise and structured. This system keeps off-target mutations away, thus resulting in the efficient application of therapeutic treatments.

  • Application of Selective Time-Resolved Anisotropy in Molecular Biotechnology

With the help of a detection technique called fluorescence anisotropy in molecular biotechnology, the development of macromolecules can be studied using the changes in their rotational potency. STARSS (selective time-resolved anisotropy with reversibly switchable states) is used to improve the limitations of this system as it can probe large structures, which helps in studying the whole proteome of a human.

  • Replacement of Conventional Organoid Culture to Expand Organoid

Conventional organoid culture can be replaced with the engineered approach that transforms single injections of stem cells into arrays of structures similar to organs in a dish. This system is scalable and enables the growth and expansion of organoids, so it can be continued without passaging.

  • Significance of Transgenic Plant Production

An application of transgenic plant biotechnology results in the production of consumable oral vaccines. The purpose can be achieved by using a glycoprotein gene (G-protein) that covers the surface of the rabies virus to be expressed in tomato plants. Transformation of cotyledons is mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens in plants.

  • Study of Transcription by Synthetic Gene Circuits

To produce precise and programmable outcomes, synthetic gene circuits with multiple input signals that can be customized has been used. The system can be employed to study unrealized traits of plants and precisely constructed programs related to the process of transcription in cells.

  • Use of Tannase in Animal Feed

To yield the substrate of an inducible enzyme, i.e., tannase, Citrus limetta peels can be used. This is a useful study as milk production and growth rates of animals are enhanced with the help of tannase, which degrades the tannin, thus producing gallic acid and glucose. The research further points toward low tannin-based animal feed at the industrial level.

  • The Role of Lactobacillus in the Treatment of Kidney Diseases

Kidney diseases lead to obesity. The study shows the use of two different strains of Lactobacillus to improve kidney insufficiency and metabolic disorder, which is associated with obesity. A combination of Lactobacillus strains (Pro1 + Pro2) as a supplement of various juices and milk is essential for lowering obesity-associated kidney diseases.

  • Bt-Resistance Role in Large-Scale Cultivation

To protect the cotton from the most destructive pest, i.e., the Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), a host plant resistance technique is needed. Large-scale cultivation can be protected using eco-friendly Bt -resistance. The growth of non- Bt crops helps control the Pink Bollworm.

  • Production of Triticum aestivum L by RAPD Technique

Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. ). is a staple food crop worldwide and can be studied using morphological markers. These markers focus on the detection of specific genes, which are of high interest economically. RAPD and similar molecular techniques can be employed.

  • Application of Ganodermalucidium in Therapeutics

The RED LINGZHI MUSHROOM ( Ganodermalucidum ) is an important therapeutic agent that can be used to produce triterpenoids. The effect of potential ultrasonic radiations along with the solvent can be used to study the shortened extraction time and to produce a high yield of triterpenoids from various fruit bodies of G.lucidum.

  • Microbiology Research to Recover Fossil Fuels 

Dependence on fossil fuels is rising daily to meet energy and chemical feedstock needs. Microbiology plays a significant role in the oil industry via different microbial-induced processes. We can conduct research in the field of microbiology to recover fossil fuel energy resources. However, we will acquire renewable energy sources in the long run as our future economy depends on them.

  • Overview of Transcriptomics and RNA Sequencing

DNA acts as a blueprint to transcribe genes and proteins to form organs as the cells undergo a differentiation process. Most of these transcriptional changes are physiological, but pathological changes also drive them in abnormal cases. Using transcriptomics and Next-Generation Sequencing, we can study these cellular phenotypes. In the future, we expect to study these techniques in clinical practice.

  • Use of Microbes in Industrial Biotechnology

Industrial biotechnology is blooming as the chemical industry needs chemicals to produce fuels and solvents. Designing and establishing efficient factories to synthesize them is a big challenge. Metabolic engineering is used in the fermentation procedure, and it acquires transcriptome, proteome and metabolome analysis along with mathematical modeling. Moreover, systems biology can improve the cell factory development process.

  • Synthesis and Use of Erythritol

Erythritol is a popular natural sweetener in the food industry. As the number of diabetes patients grows, so does the demand for lower-calorie foods. It is usually used as a sweetener in calorie-deficient foods. Its synthesis procedure is more challenging as compared to other polyols. It is needed to improve its concentration, productivity, and yield.

  • Application of Blastobotrys adeninivorans in Biotechnology

A haploid yeast called Blastobotrys adeninivorans is a member of the subphylum Saccharomycotina. It has unusual characteristics, including thermo- and osmo-tolerance. Its genome is completely sequenced, and now many gene manipulations are possible. Therefore, it is a good host for gene expression. In addition, it has multiple applications in industrial biotechnology.

  • Benefits of Anti-Ageing Products

Ageing is the leading cause of death. The slow process of ageing helps to provide many medical benefits. Different genes and pathways play a vital role in regulating the ageing process. Clinical trials address many challenges, ranging from anti-ageing understanding to commercializing anti-ageing products.

After reading all these thesis statement examples , you are now clear about trending topics in the biotech research field. Select the statement you apprehend the most and start writing for a research paper !

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Izzah Usman

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Scientists discover mechanism of sugar signaling in plants

Findings reveal how a sugar-sensing protein acts as a 'machine' to switch plant growth -- and oil production -- on and off.

Proteins are molecular machines, with flexible pieces and moving parts. Understanding how these parts move helps scientists unravel the function a protein plays in living things -- and potentially how to change its effects. Biochemists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and colleagues at DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have just published a new example of how one such molecular machine works.

Their paper in the journal Science Advances describes how the moving parts of a particular plant protein control whether plants can grow and make energy-intensive products such as oil -- or instead put in place a series of steps to conserve precious resources. The study focuses specifically on how the molecular machinery is regulated by a molecule that rises and falls with the level of sugar -- plants' main energy source.

"This paper reveals the detailed mechanism that tells plant cells, 'we have lots of sugar,' and then how that signaling affects the biochemical pathways that trigger processes like plant growth and oil production," said Brookhaven Lab biochemist Jantana Blanford, the study's lead author.

The study builds on earlier work by the Brookhaven team that uncovered molecular links between sugar levels and oil production in plants. One potential goal of this research is to identify specific proteins -- and parts of proteins -- scientists can engineer to make plants that produce more oil for use as biofuels or other oil-based products.

"Identifying exactly how these molecules and proteins interact, as this new study does, brings us closer to identifying how we might engineer these proteins to increase plant oil production," said John Shanklin, chair of Brookhaven Lab's Biology Department and leader of the research team.

Unraveling molecular interactions

The team used a combination of laboratory experiments and computational modeling to zero in on how the molecule that serves as a sugar proxy binds to a "sensor kinase" known as KIN10. KIN10 is the protein that contains the moving parts that determine which biochemical pathways are on or off.

The scientists already knew that KIN10 acts as both a sugar sensor and a switch: When sugar levels are low, KIN10 interacts with another protein to set off a cascade of reactions that ultimately shut down oil production and break down energy-rich molecules like oil and starch to make energy that powers the cell. But when sugar levels are high, KIN10's shut-down function is shut off -- meaning plants can grow and make lots of oil and other products with the abundant energy.

But how does the sugar proxy binding to KIN10 flip the switch?

To find out, Blanford started with the adage of "opposites attract." She identified three positively charged parts of KIN10 that might be attracted to abundant negative charges on the the sugar proxy molecule. A laboratory-based process of elimination that involved making variations of KIN10 with modifications to these sites identified the one true binding site.

Then the Brookhaven team turned to computational colleagues at PNNL.

Marcel Baer and Simone Raugei at PNNL examined at the atomic level how the sugar proxy and KIN10 fit together.

"By using multiscale modeling we observed that the protein can exist in multiple conformations but only one of them can effectively bind the sugar proxy," Baer said.

The PNNL simulations identified key amino acids within the protein that control the binding of the sugar. These computational insights were then confirmed experimentally.

The combined body of experimental and computational information helped the scientists understand how interaction with the sugar proxy directly affects the downstream action of KIN10.

Flipping the switch

"Additional analyses showed that the entire KIN10 molecule is rigid except for one long flexible loop," Shanklin said. The models also showed that the loop's flexibility is what allows KIN10 to interact with an activator protein to trigger the cascade of reactions that ultimately shut down oil production and plant growth.

When sugar levels are low, and little sugar proxy molecule is present, the loop remains flexible, and the shutdown mechanism can operate to reduce plant growth and oil production. That makes sense to conserve precious resources, Shanklin said.

But when sugar levels are high, the sugar proxy binds tightly to KIN10.

"The calculations show how this small molecule blocks the loop from swinging around and prevents it from triggering the shutdown cascade," Blanford said.

Again, this makes sense since abundant sugar is available for plants to make oil.

Now that the scientists have this detailed information, how might they put it to use?

"We could potentially use our new knowledge to design KIN10 with altered binding strength for the sugar proxy to change the set point at which plants make things like oil and break things down," Shanklin said.

  • Food and Agriculture
  • Endangered Plants
  • Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology
  • Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  • Molecular biology
  • Chlorophyll
  • Photosynthesis

Story Source:

Materials provided by DOE/Brookhaven National Laboratory . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Jantana Blanford, Zhiyang Zhai, Marcel D. Baer, Gongrui Guo, Hui Liu, Qun Liu, Simone Raugei, John Shanklin. Molecular mechanism of trehalose 6-phosphate inhibition of the plant metabolic sensor kinase SnRK1 . Science Advances , 2024; 10 (20) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn0895

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