The 25 Best Business Movies Entrepreneurs Should Watch

The best films about business

The wolf of wall street.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 2

Director: Martin Scorsese, 2013 IMDb: 8.20 Film Search: 8.12

This black comedy crime drama is the memoir of Jordan Belfort, a famous American broker who made a considerable fortune but attracted the attention of the FBI and was convicted of fraud and money laundering. This film invariably leads the top lists of “the best films about business, success, and finance.” It has everything – ups and downs, sex and drugs, brilliant deals and financial fraud, luxurious lifestyles, and the most incredible ways to burn money. Add to that the inexpressible charisma of the protagonist (Leonardo DiCaprio), the crazy risks, the thirst for wealth, moral issues, and the trade secrets of stockbrokers, and you have one beautiful presentation.

Boiler Room

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 3

Director: Ben Younger, 2000 IMDb: 7.00 Film Search: 7.2

For those who wish to discover something new in the field of sales, this story of American brokerage schemers will be a real gem. Before you are not just another crime drama, but the answer to the question: “How do you earn big money from scratch?” The film does not forget about the price at which a million dollars, expensive cars, palaces, and mansions are achieved. The film’s characters (a brilliant cast – another thing this film has going for it) are young and aggressive, enterprising and risky, and they’re ready to do anything to succeed.

The Billionaire

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 4

Director: Songyos Sugmakanan, 2011 IMDb: 7.90 Film Search: 8.0

If it seems that your hard work is not paying off, money is not flowing to you, and you are close to despair, this film will be an excellent motivator and undoubtedly increase your morale. This story is based on true events and guides us through all the milestones of the hero’s difficult journey. The purposefulness, resourcefulness, and enterprise of young Tom do not always find support in the real world, where adults insist on him receiving the appropriate education and impose their values ​​on him. School, university, tedious work – all this does not attract Tom, his goal is business. Abandoned studies and mounting debts, successes and terrible troubles, intractable problems and struggles with the authorities – one can never give up on the path to real progress and billions in wealth if you believe in yourself.

The Corporation

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 5

Director: Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, 2003 IMDb: 8.10 Film Search: 7.3

Do you know who rules the world? These giant corporations have absolute power. They can shape the way their customers think. A person’s circle of interests, dreams, opportunities, and very life, is only a package of resources for a corporation to profit. Business mastodons have reached great heights with their ability to manipulate consciousness, and only a few can resist them. So what is the role of business process leaders? What qualities should they have to avoid mistakes and achieve success?

Pirates of Silicon Valley

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 6

Director: Martyn Burke, 1999 IMDb: 7.30 Film Search: 7.5

Every entrepreneur and business owner will be touched by this story about two young computer geniuses, a visionary and an inventor – Bill Gates and Steve Jobs – who turned their utopian ideas into companies that conquered the world: Apple and Microsoft. They define the beginning of time. Their dreams come true. The rest of us have the opportunity to observe this exciting process and implement their results to our own goals, desires, and aspirations.

The best films for entrepreneurs

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 7

Director: Bennett Miller, 2011 IMDb: 7.6 Film Search: 7.7

This sports biopic featuring Brad Pitt can become a powerful motivator for many modern entrepreneurs. As the name implies, the plot deals with fundamental changes in life and the changing rules of the game. In the business world, as in sports, if you only have overcome fear and apathy, you can achieve brilliant results and find an effective solution to the problem with minimal resources.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 8

Director: Chris Hegedus, Jehane Noujaim, 2001 IMDb: 7.1 Film Search: 6.7

This documentary by deserves the attention of entrepreneurs and businessmen, as it covers several topical issues in business at once. For example, it focuses on the consequences of incompetent management and incorrectly placed accents in the control of a promising company. The film also reveals the secrets of maintaining a healthy atmosphere and the effectiveness of the team in a crisis.

The Aviator

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 9

Director: Martin Scorsese, 2004 IMDb: 7.5 Film Search: 6.2

This biographical drama features an intriguing plot, a superstar cast, brilliant direction, unsurpassed cinematography, and elegant costumes.  It’s not without reason that Aviator received five Oscars and 11 nominations. Nevertheless, this film is more than mere evening entertainment. The story of a genius madman, a millionaire, and the owner of a casino and the largest film company is a movie that will be interesting to all entrepreneurs and especially useful to those who complain about their lack of motivation and a loss of a sense of purpose.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 10

Director: David O. Russell, 2015 IMDb: 6.6 Film Search: 6.7

Here is another real story about Joy Mangano, the entrepreneur who invented the self-pressing mop and founded Ingenious Designs. What difficulties did she have to go through? Problems like finances, personal turmoil, a family crisis, betrayal of loved ones. If you lose almost everything except the irrepressible thirst for success and if you have nowhere to retreat, what’s left? Well, in the case of the film’s main character, building a multi-million dollar business.

The Social Network

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 12

Director: David Fincher, 2010 IMDb: 7.7 Film Search: 7.7

This film, which reveals the history of the creation of Facebook, is something of a textbook business case for the attentive viewer. “The Social Network” describes the psychology behind modern entrepreneurship and the relationship between businessmen and investors, partners, competitors, and creditors. What are your goals as an entrepreneur and as a person? Why are you so eager for success? Honest answers to these questions can dramatically change your life.

The best movies about success

Wall street.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 13

Director: Oliver Stone, 1987 IMDb: 7.40 Film Search: 7.6

The basic principles of business do not have a statute of limitations. They are invariably relevant in our time when a substantial part of entrepreneurship moved to the Internet. A classic film starring Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen, Wall Street presents success stories and how they lead to prosperity. A bonus for the viewer will be the disclosure of some trading secrets.

Jerry Maguire

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 14

Director: Cameron Crowe, 1996 IMDb: 7.30 Film Search: 7.6

Real success is far beyond your comfort zone. To achieve it, you’ll have to get out of the usual rut, resist the provocations and attacks of detractors, overcome difficulties, and endure failures. With Tom Cruise in the title role, the feature film convinces us repeatedly that it is important to believe in yourself, recognize the target, and ignore the obstacles.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 15

Director: Joshua Michael Stern, 2013 IMDb: 5.9 Film Search: 6.5

Although film critics nominated Ashton Kutcher for a Golden Raspberry for his role of Steve Jobs, it’s definitely worth watching. Here the viewer will find valuable information about achieving the pinnacle of business success. The most important rule is that “the best way to predict the future is to invent it!” Maybe money is not all that is worth striving for…

Breaking Bad

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 16

Director: Vince Gilligan, 2008 IMDb: 9.5 Film Search: 8.9

This exciting and unpredictable crime series about the transformation of an ordinary chemistry teacher into a thriving drug lord is a practical guide on how to competently build a business. It discloses all of the necessary features of all the constituent processes – from creating a product to getting it to the final consumer.

The Pursuit of Happyness

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 17

Gabriele Muccino, 2006 IMDb: 8.0 Film Search: 8.3

This is another drama based on a true story, but of the kind, positive, and inspiring variety. The main character, Will Smith, has trouble getting his start and pulling himself out of flagrant poverty. For the sake of his young son, he does the impossible – he goes through a difficult and long journey transforming himself from poverty to being a millionaire.

The best movies about sales

The goods: live hard, sell hard.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 18

Neal Brennan, 2009 IMDb: 5.8 Film Search: 6.2

A bankrupt company selling a used car can be saved only by the work of a brilliant salesman. To pull the company out of crisis during Independence Day, they need to sell 211 cars. They will have to use everything – resourcefulness, ingenuity, cunning tricks, and subtle psychological techniques – to get the job done.

Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 19

Shimit Amin, 2009 IMDb: 7.5 Film Search: 7.5

This modern Indian film does not surprise you with its enchanting special effects, but it will surely entice you with its inspirational plot. For beginning entrepreneurs and managers, it will be quite useful to watch this film to become acquainted with the original methods of working with clients and study the subtleties of relationships between buyer and seller.

Glengarry Glen Ross 

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 21

James Foley, 1992 IMDb: 7.8 Film Search: 7.5

The film is fun to watch and will bring practical benefits to those who live off sales commissions. The whole film is, in fact, a collection of recommendations for increasing sales in extremely tough competition. You can successfully implement many of the methods and ideas from this movie in modern times.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 22

Director: Roger Nygard, 1999 IMDb: 6.6 Film Search: 6.9

When making a list of the top business movies, this one is absolutely impossible to miss. This exciting comedy can serve as a real tool for working with constant objections, building sales funnels, skillful manipulation, and many other effective techniques.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 23

Matthew Weiner, 2007 IMDb: 8.6 Film Search: 7.8

This drama series received high ratings from viewers and critics alike and a record four Emmy awards in a row alongside several other awards and nominations. The plot develops around the work of an advertising agency and the life of its creative director – a brilliant, charismatic, and reckless salesperson. An attentive viewer will gain invaluable lessons in this series.

The best movies about finance

Billionaire boys club.

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 24

James Cox, 2018 IMDb: 5.6 Film Search: 5.6

Cunning, irresistibility and the gift of persuasion are all qualities that the main characters of this film have in abundance. They use their talents and organized daring to create spectacular financial scams. Pretending to be billionaires to get to the pockets of real business tycoons seems like a great idea. Money makes money, the very essence of building a financial pyramid. But how long will the colossus stand on clay feet?

Margin Call

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 25

J.C. Chandor, 2011 IMDb: 7.1 Film Search: 6.7

The financial apocalypse is approaching – the world economic crisis of 2008. Forecasts are frightening – a collapse seems absolutely inevitable. A group of top managers on Wall Street face a tough choice and any decision is fraught with irreversible consequences. They expect a crazy night and the worst hours of their lives.

Too Big to Fail

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 26

Curtis Hanson, 2011 IMDb: 7.30 Film Search: 8.8

This film is based on real events from the documentary bestseller “Too Big to Fail.” So who were the people who, in the autumn of 2008, decided the fate of the world economy and tried to stabilize the financial markets? At the center of the plot is Finance Minister Henry Paulson. So what decisions did he have to make when powerful banks and huge investment pyramids collapsed like a house of cards?

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 27

Bruce Caulk, 2018 IMDb: 4.5 Film Search: 5.1

The world of big money is always associated with lies and fraud of all kinds. This fact is well known to Barry Minkow, a talented businessman. He makes his way from the bottom to the very top, and his methods, although questionable, are very useful. This swindler’s tale, by the way, is based on real events.

A Good Year

Top 25 Films for Entrepreneurs 28

Ridley Scott, 2006 IMDb: 7.0 Film Search: 7.7

Max (played by Russell Crowe) is an investment expert and successful stock trader. What does the word “successful” mean in this field? Luck, toughness, vigor, and lack of principles. Max’s life will considerably change when he returns to Provence, where his childhood years were spent, to sell an estate inherited from his uncle.

Films about rich millionaires and successful businessmen appeal to various audiences, especially when they portray real people and true events. But, even if watching a film about millionaires seems like just a pleasant pastime to us, it’s impossible not to be inspired by the endurance, drive, stubbornness, and audacity of these people that led them to their success.

Films about successful people inspire us to think about our resources and capabilities, stimulate action, and may even be the impetus for starting our own business.

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20 Best Movies About Business and Entrepreneurs

20 Best Movies About Business and Entrepreneurs

November 20, 2023

If you’re reading this article, I’m sure you know by now that a cursory search of “the best business movies” will yield more or less the same results: The Wolf of Wall Street, Jerry Maguire, The Social Network, Steve Jobs,  The Big Short . And sure, those are great films that shed light on the tough-as-nails business that is, well, business. But plenty of films have been made since then, many of which give us even more of a glimpse of what it’s like to find, manage, protect, and grow your own company. 

We’ve searched far and wide, going beyond the usual Hollywood titles and recognizable brand names, to look for the most useful, entertaining, and recent movies that can be enjoyed by entrepreneurs of all kinds, and came up with the recommendations below. So whether you’re a seasoned salesman or an up-and-coming hustler, here’s our list of the best movies about business that you should watch right now.

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1. Inside Job (2010)

best biography movies of businessman

This Oscar winning documentary is no standard film. Even by being beautifully crafted and having an amazing soundtrack–soundtracks are important–it does not miss its core story for a second. A delivery so good and so crisp that it will make you go “the sons of b” and “those motherf” more times than Joey from Friends got laid in 1999. On a more serious note, Inside Job is a great and complete technical overview of the financial meltdown. I know the word “technical” scared you there, but it shouldn’t! The movie is simple, uses charts and colors for all of us who once thought figures and formulas were too complicated to understand — it even makes you go, “hey, this is not so difficult to understand. Them motherf.’ The movie is also very exciting: no spoilers but all I can say is that there are b*s trippin in there.

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2. Headhunters (2012)

best biography movies of businessman

Fasten your seatbelts because this nasty little chase film will jerk the wheel when you least expect it, featuring balls-to-the-wall action and lots of Norwegian humor – dark humor that is. Based on a novel from the country’s most famous crime writer, Jo Nesbø, Headhunters is brutal, insane, and incredibly good. This twisting, turning thriller tells the story of a corporate recruiter (Aksel Hennie), who has a secret side hustle as a nightly art thief. He ends up being pursued by the charismatic Clas Greve, a Dutch businessman played by none other than GoT-star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. And this plot summary is as far as you will get without the whole thing swerving into another direction. Headhunters does not slow down unless it wants to destabilise you further with simmering suspense. Like a Lars von Trier on speed, expect all the raw colors, emotion, and slightly off-kilter characters you want from a Norwegian production – and brilliant entertainment!

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3. The Kiosk (2021)

best biography movies of businessman

This bittersweet little documentary about a Parisian newsstand will change the way you look at a kiosk forever: they’ll no longer seem like transitory stops on the way to somewhere, but a destination themselves. Director Alexandra Pianelli, whose family has run this particular newsstand for four generations, shoots from inside the tiny cabin, from where she and her mother dispense newspapers, magazines, directions, and friendly conversation with anyone who stops by.

Anyone who’s seen Agnès Varda’s Daguerréotypes — her fond portrait of the traditional shopkeepers of Rue Daguerre, the street she lived on — will recognize the same warmth and humane curiosity in The Kiosk, which documents a quickly fading way of life and the community that clings to it. As Pianelli movingly shows us, the kiosk is an invaluable fixture in the lives of an assortment of locals: regular customers (particularly elderly ones, who perhaps visit more for the company than the magazines), a big-hearted homeless man, and fellow vendors like Islam, a Bangladeshi asylum-seeker and fruit-seller who uses the kiosk to hide his merchandise so that French police don’t confiscate it. The decline of printed material that the film documents isn’t just a threat to the family business, then, but the very concept of a truly joined-up society itself.

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4. Margin Call (2011)

best biography movies of businessman

A thoughtful drama about the financial crisis, Margin Call is gripping. Seriously, even something as convoluted as the 2008 global economic meltdown is not only accessible and understandable, but it’s gripping. Margin Call transports you to the heart of Wall Street, both the financial institutions and the street, literally. It is exciting, well-acted and informative. Uh, also: Kevin Spacey.

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5. 99 Homes (2015)

best biography movies of businessman

Andrew Garfield is a single father living with his own single mother in their family home. In the aftermath of the financial crisis, they find themselves evicted from their home by a businessman – Michael Shannon in a role as intriguing as Gordon Gekko in Wall Street, if not more. Desperate for work, Garfield’s character starts working for the same businessman, ultimately evicting other people. A star-packed, gritty and sobering tale on capitalism and our the lengths to which we’re ready to go to save face – while at the same time risking our most important relationships.

6. Uppity: The Willy T. Ribbs Story (2020)

best biography movies of businessman

“They called me uppity. Uppity n*****. And I loved it”. That’s how this excellent documentary, about the first professional black racing driver Willy T. Ribbs, starts. It summarizes the strong personality of a champion who excelled in tracks that were filled with confederate flags.

The documentary explains the details of the difficulties that Ribbs went through in the 70s and 80s, but also the people who supported him and recognized his talent. It’s by no way a sad movie, on the contrary, even when Ribbs is talking about people spitting wherever he walks or about the death threats escalating, his unharmed determination is at the center of the story.

This is an inspiring documentary about a character who never got his worth in the history books. I was full of shivers by the first half-hour mark.

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7. Thank You for Smoking (2005)

best biography movies of businessman

As black a comedy as they come. Nick Naylor (superbly portrayed by Aaron Eckhart) is the chief spokesperson for tobacco and shows the world why smoking is as key to protect as any other liberal value. This movie is funny, smart, thoughtful and raises some good questions about the ego, the morale and what we leave behind, from unexpected sides.

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8. Chef (2014)

best biography movies of businessman

A popular chef loses his job and respect after a bad review. He ends up with a food truck and tries to show the world he still has his creative side, while at the same time trying to fix his broken family. Chef is a heartwarming feel-good movie, after you finish it you will want to cook, love your family, travel, and spread the love. One of my favorite movies, I see myself happily watching it again numerous times.

9. Big Night (1996)

best biography movies of businessman

There are comfort food movies, and then there are films like Big Night: comfort food movies about comfort food. Stanley Tucci and Tony Shaloub are brothers running a failing Italian restaurant. Their last chance to save it from foreclosure is to throw a colossal dinner bolstered by a dubious promise of a visit from singer Louis Prima.

The comedy is mellow and pleasant, and Tucci and Shaloub have wonderful chemistry as bickering brothers. Meanwhile, a great supporting cast featuring Isabella Rosellini, Ian Holm, and Allison Janney more than make up for the somewhat predictable script.

10. Tetris (2023)

best biography movies of businessman

Who knew that behind the puzzle Tetris lies a political thriller of a backstory that is just as fun and challenging as the game itself? Tetris, the film, is a playful telling of the game behind the game, a surprising account of the otherwise unbelievable events that had to happen in making Tetris available to the masses. 

Between the 8-bit editing, the immensely likable lead, and the cat-and-mouse chase between heroes and villains, there is much to like about the movie. You put it on out of curiosity (how the hell does a brick game have this much back story?) but you stay for the intrigue, the playfulness, and the irresistible urge to see who wins the race.

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7 Film Biographies to Inspire Every Entrepreneur Movies can be thrilling flights of imagination but none more so than those depicting the struggles of true-life entrepreneurs.

By Vikas Lalwani Edited by Dan Bova Oct 17, 2014

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Movies are a great source of inspiration, and while there is no dearth of good fictional movies, what really inspires me are biographies. Fiction requires a powerful imagination and have strengths of their own, but true stories are the ones that make the real kill.

It is an awe-inspiring feeling to know what I am seeing did "actually' happen, with real people, in the real world. So, with enormous difficulty, I am listing down a few among the many great bio-pics that I would recommend every entrepreneur to watch and learn from:

1. Tucker: The Man and His Dream

It recounts the life story of Preston Tucker, the automotive genius behind " Tucker 48 ', a car which was way ahead of its time. In fact, many of the safety features that you see in contemporary cars were inherited from original Tucker 48 sedan.

Many of you might not have heard of this powerful biography, but some of its scenes are worth watching at least a few times. As young startups try to stand tall against incumbents, Tucker stood against all major automobile manufacturers to fight for this dream.

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2. The Aviator

This is my favorite movie from this list and it is not because of either the director or the actors. Although that might be playing some part at subconscious level, it is the courageous and risk taking personality of Howard Hughes that amazed me.

I can't imagine a more interesting life than that of Howard Hughes. There's practically nothing that he didn't do. He made movies, designed and flew aircraft, ran his business and invented stuff. He wasn't afraid to take risks and defy conventions to make his way - qualities every great entrepreneur should possess.

3. American Gangster

Now this might seem like an unusual entry in this list, but wait till you watch it. Don't be fooled. This movie is much more than a story of a gangster. Frank Lucas did not attend any school to learn how to build or run a business. He used his common sense, street smarts and skills to build an empire.

It will show you what resourcefulness and sheer determination can do. No doubt, he chose an illegal path but what is worth seeing in this movie is not what he did but how he did it, to perfection.

4. The Social Network

It is based on founding story of Facebook and shows how Mark Zuckerberg took it from his dorm room to a company worth billions of dollars. Although it was a bit over-dramatized, you get to experience the Zuck's way of thinking and his attitude towards everything.

True, he did some things that were not ideal and you might even hate him for that. Hate him or love him, you'll be impressed with how fast he transformed the way we network.

Related: Need Inspiration? Surprising Movies, Books and More to Motivate Success

5. Pirates of Silicon Valley

It covers the early days of two of the biggest tech companies, Apple and Microsoft, what the founders did before starting the companies and how they fought their way to the top.

Watch it to see the eccentricities of both Jobs and Gates. It is difficult to choose the best part of this movie. It is filled with great pieces, like the scene in which Gates got the IBM deal or the one in which he convinced Jobs that they were not working on Windows (when in reality they were). It's a must watch for anyone in the tech industry.

6. The Pursuit of Happiness

It is based on the struggling period of Chris Gardner's life. This was my first movie from this list and is probably one of the most heartwarming and motivational movies I've ever watched.

Watch this movie to experience the journey of a determined man fighting all odds to realize his dream. You can not come out of this movie feeling uninspired, that much I can guarantee.

7. The Wolf of Wall Street

It covers the true story of the outlandish rise and eventual fall of Jordan Belfort. He was an honest Wall Street broker in the beginning, but he soon transformed into a corrupt one. What you see on screen is the perfect combination of greed and ambition.

What amazed me most was how he convinced others to join him in the beginning. He took some not-so-smart folks and turned them into superstar salesman. If you have ever tried to hire someone yourself, you know that is not an easy task .

Related: 10 Movies Every Entrepreneur Needs to Watch

Marketing Analyst

Vikas Lalwani is a member of the marketing team at  FusionCharts , a startup providing JavaScript charts to 23,000+ customers. He is also community manager at  Zidisha , a Y Combinator backed non-profit helping entrepreneurs in developing countries. You can catch him on Twitter via  @LalwaniVikas . 

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Best Biography Movies of Businessman

Hanan Hikal

  • July 21, 2023
  • January 27, 2024

Are you a fan of people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg? Find here the best biography movies of businessman that will encourage you to look at your life from a different perspective and reevaluate it.

The life stories of successful businessmen are an inspiration for all of us because being a successful person is everybody’s dream, so never give up and learn from the best.

A movie about the one and only Steve Jobs. It is one of the best biography movies of businessman starring Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad, Lukas Haas, Matthew Modine, and J.K. Simmons, the movie created by Matt Whiteley, and directed by Joshua Michael Stern.

The first scene in the movie shows a middle-aged Steve Jobs revealing the iPod for the first time at an Apple Town Hall meeting in 2001.

After that, the movie cuts t a flashback in 1974 in Reed College, where Jobs was talking some classes there, before he went to India.

After 2 years in India, Jobs came back to Los Altos, California, where he built the foundation to his famous company “ Apple ”.

Movie Time: 2 hours and 8 minutes.

Movie Type: Biography and Drama.

The Social Network (best biography movies of businessman)

Another one of the businessman biography movies about the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. The movie created by Aaron Sorkin and Ben Mezrich, directed by David Fincher, and starring Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Rooney Mara, and Joseph Mazzello.

It’s the year 2003, and Mark Zuckerberg is a genius student studying in Harvard. He is studying computer programming while working on a new program, he is inventing “social media”.

With in few years, he become the youngest billionaire in the world, and his invention now has more than 2 billion active members.  

Movie Time: 2 hours and 0 minutes.

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best biography movies of businessman

The Founder

The movie focuses on the life of the founder of McDonald’s, and it is one of the biography business movies created by Robert Siegel, directed by John Lee Hancock, and starring Michael Keaton, Nick Offerman, John Carroll Lynch, Linda Cardellini, B.J. Novak, and Laura Dern.

Ray Kroc is a salesman living in 1954, he developed a reputation as a hustler, and because of that no one trusts him enough to let him sell a serious product. He ends up with some funny products that nobody wants to buy.

Frustrated, he finds himself sitting in front of a McDonald’s Restaurant in San Bernardino, California. Everybody seemed happy with their food and everything in that restaurant was going smooth and fast.

He became enthralled with the concept of “fast food” and he makes an agreement with the owners of the restaurant. At first, he sells them 8 milkshake machines, and eventually he takes over the restaurant and turns it into the global franchise we know today.

Movie Time: 1 hours and 55 minutes.

Joy (best biography movies of businessman)

A story of an inventor and family business founder in the field of cleaning tools, and can be considered as one of the biography business movies, it’s created by David O. Russell and Annie Mumolo, directed by David O. Russell and starring Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper, Edgar Ramírez, Diane Ladd and Virginia Madsen.

Joy Mangano is a smart young lady who love creating new things, but her creative ideas always get taken by others and they make a lot of money off of it. She struggles to monetize her own ideas due to a lack of financial support.

Her life was a series of bad luck. First, she left college to support her parents, and later she got divorced and worked as an Eastern Airlines ticket clerk.

Finely she decides to pursue her old dream in creating new things. She designs a self-wringing mop, and she fights to find a place for herself in business world.

Movie Time: 2 hours and 4 minutes.

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best biography movies of businessman

Coco Before Chanel

The film chronicles the rise of the biggest name in the fashion world Coco Chanel, and it is one of the best biography business movies created by Edmonde Charles-Roux, Anne Fontaine, and Camille Fontaine, directed by Anne Fontaine and starring Audrey Tautou, Benoît Poelvoorde, Alessandro Nivola, Marie Gillain, Emmanuelle Devos, and Jean-Yves Chatelais.

Gabrielle Chanel is a young lady that leaves the orphanage and starts working in a bar. She works both as a singer and as a seamstress for the other performers. She is known by the nickname “Coco”.

Coco starts making a name for herself designing popular hats for French society.

She falls in love with Arthur Capel the British businessman, and that increased her chances for fame and greatness.

Movie Time: 1 hours and 45 minutes.

Bernard and Doris (best biography movies of businessman)

Another one of the best biography movies of businessman bring to us the life story of tobacco billionairess Doris Duke, the movie created by Hugh Costello, directed by Bob Balaban, and starring Susan Sarandon, Ralph Fiennes, Peter Asher, Don Harvey, Chris Bauer, Monique Gabriela Curnen, Dominick Dunne, and ­­ James Rebhorn.

Doris Duke is a tobacco heiress, she has a shy butler called Bernard Lafferty and he takes care of her needs, but Duke fired him after serving a chilled cantaloupe.

The agency sends another butler to her named Lafferty. He used to work for Peggy Lee, and Liz Taylor.

Lafferty is an alcoholic but he got Duke’s trust and love, and this relationship makes both of them better. He helps her make smart decisions and manage her fortune well.

Movie Time: 1 hours and 42 minutes.

Movie Type: Biography, Comedy and Drama.

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God Loves Caviar

Another one of the best biography movies of businessman telling the story of Varvakis the Greek pirate who turned businessman, the movie created by Panagiotis Pashidis, Jackie Pavlenko and Yannis Smaragdis, directed by Yannis Smaragdis, and starring Sebastian Koch, Evgeniy Stychkin, Juan Diego Botto, Lakis Lazopoulos and Nick Clark Windo.

Ioannis Varvakis is a Greek pirate. With the help of Catherine the Great of Russia, he turns into a businessman selling caviar in Russia and all over the world. He becomes very rich, but all this power does not give him the happiness he seeks, only suffering and sadness.

Movie Time: 1 hours and 41 minutes.

Movie Type: Biography, Adventure and Drama.

The Mattei Affair (best biography movies of businessman)

The movie tells the story of Enrico Mattei, the Italian businessman and the head of ENI company for methane gas. The movie is considered as one of the best biography movies of businessman, and it’s created by Francesco Rosi, Tonino Guerra and Nerio Minuzzo, directed by Francesco Rosi and starring Gian Maria Volontè, Peter Baldwin, Renato Romano, and Jean Rougeul.

Enrico Mattei was an Italian solider, he helped his country to gain freedom from the Nazis, and he also invested in energy and become an important businessman in the methane gas industry. He became the head of ENI, and he died in a private airplane crash in 27, October 1962.

Although his main cause of death is a plane crash, many journalists are still trying to figure out if it was an assassination, and if some people were involved in this accident for some nefarious purposes.

Movie Time: 1 hours and 56 minutes.

Movie Type: Biography, Mystery and Drama.

Hanan Hikal

Hanan Hikal

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best biography movies of businessman

21 Movies Every Entrepreneur Should Watch for Inspiration

Best Movies for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs, like most people, occasionally need a spark of inspiration to light up their path. And what better way to find inspiration than to take a break and watch some thought-provoking movies.

Movies have the power to inspire, challenge, and push us beyond our limits, making them the perfect companion on the entrepreneurial journey.

Regardless of where you currently stand on the entrepreneurial path, you’re sure to find some much-needed inspiration by watching the movies featured in this list.

Here are 21 inspiring movies every entrepreneur should watch.

Table of Contents

1. The Social Network

2. pirates of silicon valley, 3., 4. wall street, 5. glengarry glenn ross, 6. the big short, 7. the wolf of wall street, 8. boiler room, 9. fyre: the greatest party that never happened, 10. the aviator, 11. moneyball, 12. the founder, 13. margin call, 14. steve jobs, 15. thank you for smoking, 16. the pursuit of happyness, 17. enron: the smartest guys in the room, 18. any given sunday, 19. the inventor: out for blood in silicon valley, 20. the great hack, 21. becoming warren buffett, final thoughts, 21 inspiring movies for entrepreneurs.

Directed by David Fincher, The Social Network tells the story of how Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook while studying at Harvard and how he was later sued by two brothers who claimed he stole their idea, and his best friend who was ousted from the company.

Why watch it? It offers you a glimpse into how Facebook began and reminds you that big companies often have small beginnings. Aside from that, you have Aaron Sorkin’s brilliant script, David Fincher’s perfect direction, and a great ensemble cast.

Best Scene in the Movie: When Mark Zuckerberg meets Sean Parker for the first time.

Based on the book Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer , Pirates of Silicon Valley explores the rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates between 1971 – 1997. This movie came out in 1999, just when Steve Jobs began flourishing in his second innings at Apple. The movie ends with Bill Gates gaining the upper hand in the rivalry, but we all know what transpired next.

Why watch it?   It offers a glimpse into the humble beginnings of two of the most iconic technology companies in the world and chronicles the rise of two men who totally transformed the world of technology.

Best Scene in the Movie: Steve Jobs interviews a prospective Apple employee.

If you want to learn more about the rise and fall of internet companies during the dotcom bubble , then is the perfect movie. is a business documentary film that follows the story of GovWorks , a promising startup that failed spectacularly because of mismanagement and internal power struggles.

Why watch it? Aside from showing you the boom and bust of the dotcom bubble era, the documentary also tells you a cautionary tale of how friendships can turn into bitter rivalries because of internal politics. Massively underrated, it’s easily one of the best startup movies of all time.

Best Scene in the Movie: No clip stands out in particular, so I’d suggest you watch the movie to get the full scoop. Luckily, you can watch the whole movie on YouTube.

Related: 27 Best Documentaries for Entrepreneurs

This is the movie with the famous “Greed is good” speech, delivered by the charismatic Gordon Gekko played brilliantly by Michael Douglas, who won an academy award for his performance.

Directed by Oliver Stone, Wall Street tells the story of ambition and greed, portrayed brilliantly by Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas respectively. The main protagonist, Bud Fox, idolizes Gekko and gets carried away by his glamorous lifestyle, only to get entangled in the vicious web of insider trading.

Why watch it? As young entrepreneurs, it’s often easy to be lured by greed and make morally reprehensible decisions. Wall Street serves as a cautionary tale of how ambition can sometimes lead us down an unethical path.

Word of advice: Skip the 2010 sequel starring Shia LaBeouf.

Best Scene in the Movie: The famous, or rather infamous, Gordon Gekko speech.

A movie that stars Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey, Jack Lemmon, and Alec Baldwin (in a scene stealing cameo) should serve as motivation alone to watch this movie.

Glengarry Glenn Ross is based on an award-winning play which shows the plight of real estate salespeople during a tumultuous sales season.

best biography movies of businessman

Best Scene in the Movie: This ‘motivational’ speech by Alec Baldwin to the sales team. Enjoy!

Based on Michael Lewis’ book of the same title, The Big Short tells three separate but parallel stories of individuals who were able to predict and profit from the American financial crisis of 2007-08 .

Directed by Adam McKay (best known for the  Anchorman franchise prior to this movie), the movie features Oscar-worthy performances from Christian Bale and Steve Carell.

The film is also noted for employing unconventional techniques to explain complex and supposedly boring financial concepts like subprime mortgages and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs).

Why watch it? If you ever wanted to learn the real reasons behind the financial crisis of 2007-08 and not be bored to death at the same time, then you need to watch The Big Short .

While it serves as a cautionary tale for entrepreneurs, it also highlights the importance of risk-taking and conviction. Very few individuals would bet against the gigantic housing market at the time, but the characters in this movie (based on real people) do just that, despite facing mockery and ridicule from the entire financial community.

Best Scene in the Movie: Mark Baum (Steve Carell’s character) meets a shady CDO manager.

( Side note: The Big Short by Michael Lewis is one of my favorite business books of all time. If you liked the movie, I’d urge you to read the book as well. If you’re looking for more business books, check out this list of my 85+ favorite business books .)

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort. It follows his rise and fall as an entrepreneur, and shows how his firm Stratton Oakmont engaged in penny stock trading and securities scam, drawing the attention of the FBI.

Brilliantly directed by Martin Scorsese with stellar performances from Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, and a spectacular cameo by Matthew McConaughey (right at the peak of his “ McConaissance .”)

Why watch it? Jordan Belfort is the perfect example of what an entrepreneur shouldn’t be. He was driven by greed, having little to no empathy towards the people he was duping, and lived a life of extreme debauchery which eventually led to his downfall.

Best Scene in the Movie: Matthew McConaughey describes what it takes to be a stock broker.

( Interesting Trivia – The chest thumping and humming performed by McConaughey was improvised and actually a warm-up rite that he performs before shooting a scene.)

If you can ignore the fact that Vin Diesel plays a smooth-talking stockbroker in the movie, you’re going to enjoy this. And if you enjoyed The Wolf of Wall Street , you’re going to enjoy Boiler Room even more as it is loosely based on Stratton Oakmont, the fraudulent stock trading company founded by Jordan Belfort.

The characters in the movie worship Gordon Gekko from Wall Street and make their living manipulating gullible people into buying penny stocks. You know exactly where this is headed!

Why watch it?  Aside from exposing you to interesting cold-calling tactics, Boiler Room is ultimately a cautionary tale for young entrepreneurs to not be swayed by the lifestyle of the rich and famous to make morally questionable decisions.

Best Scene in the Movie: The Group Interview!

Fyre festival was supposed to be the greatest music festival ever. Organized by Billy McFarland and rapper Ja Rule, the “luxury music festival” was promoted on Instagram by celebrities and social media influencers, including Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, and Emily Ratajkowski. The only problem? It was all a scam , devised by MacFarland who had a history of starting up fraudulent business ventures.

Netflix’s documentary Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened gives us an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the ill-fated music festival.

To grasp the scale of this fraud, you have to watch the documentary as it includes some shocking revelations from Billy’s unfortunate team members, the festival goers who were stranded on the island, and the heartbreaking tale of a Bahamian restaurateur who had to spend $50,000 of her own life savings to pay her staff who were preparing and serving meals to the stranded festival goers. Luckily, she created a GoFundMe page after the release of the documentary where she was able to recuperate the lost amount, thanks to the sympathy and generosity of people who were moved by her tale in the documentary.

Why watch it? Aside from being hilariously entertaining, it’s a cautionary tale for young entrepreneurs about making promises and not delivering a good product. Billy MacFarland was a dubious character who made misleading promises and misrepresented facts just to sell expensive tickets to an affluent audience. He had no experience, skills, or even the attitude to manage a music festival of this scale and magnitude.

The documentary also serves as a reminder for entrepreneurs who invest a huge amount of money in marketing and advertising without making any investment in improving the product. Fyre had great marketing, thanks to the enormous fan-base of the social media influencers, but the event itself was so mismanaged that it’s amazing MacFarland and Ja Rule thought they could get away duping their customers like this.

Best Scene in the Movie: That would be event producer Andy King’s shocking confession. King became a viral meme on Reddit and Twitter after the documentary. A clip of this on YouTube will probably be taken down because of copyright issues, so I’m not linking to it here. You’d need to watch the full movie on Netflix. In the meantime, watch the trailer below:

Side note: Around the same time this documentary was released on Netflix, Hulu released its own documentary on Fyre festival called Fyre Fraud . Although the Netflix documentary is better, Hulu’s Fyre Fraud features an interview with Billy MacFarland who does his best to dodge difficult questions in a totally cringeworthy manner.

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Yet another Scorsese-DiCaprio collaboration in the list. The Aviator is a biopic of Howard Hughes , the eccentric billionaire who overcame all the odds to become a famous businessman and successful film director, while coping with his gradually worsening OCD. DiCaprio is brilliant in the movie and his performance earned him his second Oscar nomination. It’s also one of the best biography movies of all time.

Why watch it? Howard Hughes didn’t just compete with rival companies with deep pockets and movie moguls with powerful connections, but fought his own internal battle with a debilitating mental illness like OCD. Despite so many obstacles, he remained passionate about aviation and built a powerful legacy. He is the perfect role model for fledgling entrepreneurs who have to overcome numerous obstacles in life to achieve great things.

Best Scene in the Movie: The Senate Hearings!

A fan of baseball? No? Never mind! Moneyball has less to do with baseball and more to do with Oakland A’s GM Billy Beane’s unique tactics to overcome the odds stacked against his team.

Faced with limited budget, Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) decides to take the untested sabermetric approach towards building his team to achieve incredible results in the Major Baseball League (MLB).

Why watch it? Billy Beane had to adapt to survive. He knew Oakland A’s couldn’t compete with the big guns in the league because they didn’t have deep pockets. As such, he had to take risks and make tough decisions to achieve good results. Most startups face a similar scenario when they go up against stiff competition from established businesses in the market. Billy Beane’s success story at Oakland A’s shows that success can be achieved through risk-taking and inventiveness.

Best Scene in the Movie: Billy Beane describes the problem at Oakland A’s.

The Founder is a biopic of the American fast-food tycoon Ray Kroc. Starring Michael Keaton as Ray Kroc, the movie tells the story of his creation of McDonald’s fast-food restaurant chain, which became the biggest restaurant business in the world. It also stars Nick Offerman and John Carroll Lynch who play the McDonald brothers, the original founders of McDonald’s.

Why watch it? Despite being a controversial figure, Ray Kroc’s story is an inspiring one for entrepreneurs. He was a travelling milkshake mixer salesman who eventually transformed McDonald’s into a global franchise, making it the most successful fast food company in the world. It’s the biopic that narrates the rise of one of America’s most influential businessmen and perhaps the most recoginizable fast food brands in the world. At the same time, you feel for the original founders of McDonald’s, the McDonald brothers, who were dealt a bad hand and eventually forced out of business.

Best Scene in the Movie: Ray Kroc orders a meal at McDonald’s for the first time.

Related: 85+ Best Books for Entrepreneurs

Yet another movie about the 2007-08 financial crisis, but this time it’s from the perspective of an investment bank deep in the crisis. The plot of Margin Call revolves around key people in a large investment bank and the actions they take over a 24-hour period during the initial stages of the financial crisis.

Although the fictional investment bank has no name in the movie, many believe the actions taken by the firm are too similar to the ones taken by Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch during the crisis.

Why watch it?  Greed is never good, despite what Gordon Gekko says. Entrepreneurs must remember this at all times.  Margin Call tells the story of a corporation that is steeped in greed and dishonesty. Like Wall Street and The Big Short , this movie is also a cautionary tale about the corruptive power of greed.

Best Scene in the Movie: Emergency meeting with the senior partners at the bank.

Not the one starring Ashton Kutcher, but the one with Michael Fassbender playing the iconic Apple co-founder. Directed by Danny Boyle and written by Aaron Sorkin (who also wrote The Social Network ), Steve Jobs is a different sort of a biopic. It contains just 3 sequences, all depicting a pivotal point in Jobs’ life. The movie includes brilliant performances by Fassbender and Kate Winslet.

Why watch it? Though it was not as critically acclaimed as the studio hoped it would be, it’s still the best Steve Jobs biopic there is. If you don’t have the time to read Walter Isaacson brilliant Steve Jobs’ biography, watch this movie.

Best Scene in the Movie: Steve Jobs confronts John Sculley, the person responsible for getting him fired from the company he co-founded.

Want to master the art of marketing or selling just about any product? Then Thank You for Smoking is the movie you need to watch. The plot of the movie revolves around the machinations of Big Tobacco’s chief spokesman, Nick Naylor, who defends the cigarette industry in challenging situations.

Why watch it? Selling is an essential aspect of entrepreneurship and this movie teaches you that it’s possible to sell anything as long as you have data and persuasiveness to woo your audience.

Best Scene in the Movie:  Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart) shows off his spin skills on Joan Lunden’s talk show.

The Pursuit of Happyness is a true story based on the life of entrepreneur Chris Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle of being homeless with his son while going through a gruelling 6-month unpaid internship as a stockbroker. Will Smith’s portrayal of Gardner earned him an Oscar nomination.

Why watch it? Chris Gardner overcame unbelievable circumstances to achieve his dreams. Circumstances that are not much different from what early-stage entrepreneurs face.

Best Scene in the Movie: After months of struggle, Chris Gardner is finally hired by Dean Witter Reynolds.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is a documentary based on the best-selling book of the same name by Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind (the book is featured in my list of 85+ best books for entrepreneurs .)

The documentary examines the fall of Enron Corporation in 2001 and all the key players who were responsible for what came to be known as the Enron scandal. The film features interviews with the authors McLean and Elkind, as well as former Enron executives and employees, stock analysts, reporters, and the former Governor of California Gray Davis.

Why watch it? The story of Enron is the ultimate tale of greed and corruption. As such, it can provide key lessons to entrepreneurs and business leaders of the consequences of greed. From using faulty accounting practices to hiring unscrupulous characters in key roles, the top executives at Enron were driven solely by greed and profits, and as a result, did everything in their power to deceive the stakeholders and the general public until it all collapsed like a house of cards.

Best Scene in the Movie: No particular scene stands out, so I’d urge you to check out the documentary. You can watch the full movie on YouTube.

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Directed by Oliver Stone and featuring a great ensemble cast, including Al Pacino, Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, and LL Cool J, Any Given Sunday offers a behind-the-scenes look at the struggles of a fictional professional American football team.

Al Pacino plays a veteran coach who is facing the heat after having fallen out of favor with the team owner Christina Pagniacci (Cameron Diaz). This movie is a must-watch not just for Pacino fans, but also for budding entrepreneurs and sports enthusiasts.

Why watch it? I’d recommend this movie to entrepreneurs for the sheer grit and intensity shown by Al Pacino’s character in the face of adversity. He’s not just having a face-off with the unrelenting owners, but also trying to subvert a revolt from an emerging star within his team. But in the end, he overcomes all these challenges because of his inner strength and willpower to succeed.

Best Scene in the Movie: This epic speech by Al Pacino (Tony D’Amato) to his team before the start of a crucial playoff game.

Ever since I read Bad Blood by John Carreyrou, I have been fascinated with Theranos and its enigmatic founder Elizabeth Holmes.

The Inventor examines the rise and fall of Theranos, a multibillion dollar biotech company that was set to transform the healthcare industry. The documentary mainly revolves around Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of Theranos, and to some extent, the company’s COO Sunny Balwani.

The film chronicles how Holmes and Balwani engaged in fraudulent practices to mislead investors and business partners, and how both of them were more interested in marketing, promotion, and fame than in getting the actual mechanics of their technology working. They also spent most of their time intimidating and threatening former employees who had quit the company because of the deceptive practices followed by Theranos.

Why watch it? Theranos’ meteoric rise and catastrophic fall exemplifies the Silicon Valley attitude towards valuation. This should serve as a reminder to all of us to never get carried away by promises that sound too good to be true.

To tell the truth, I was a bit underwhelmed by the documentary as it’s not as compelling as Carreyrou’s book Bad Blood , which goes into greater detail into what transpired at Theranos. That said, the documentary presents a good overview of the Theranos scandal. But if you’d like to learn more about the scandal, I’d highly recommend you read Carreyrou’s book Bad Blood .

Best Scene in the Movie: Nothing stands out in particular. You’ll need to watch the documentary on HBO, and if you live in India, you can watch it on Hotstar. In the meantime, you can watch the trailer below:

One of the most shocking scandals in 2018 was the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal , where it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a British political consulting firm, had harvested the personal data of millions of Facebook users without their consent and used it for political advertising purpose, including Brexit and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The Great Hack is a documentary film that examines the Cambridge Analytica scandal through the eyes of people who were involved in it.

Why watch it? It reveals the extent to which our personal data is harvested by Facebook for advertising purposes. We all knew Facebook was mining our private data, but The Great Hack reveals the extent to which our privacy is violated by Facebook. And the sad part is this: Facebook got away doing this with just a slap on the wrist. As Scott Galloway writes in his book The Four , “Facebook has been weaponized; our faux outrage hasn’t translated to any tangible action, and it’s going to get worse.”

Best Scene in the Movie: No clips on YouTube that I can link to, so you’ll need to watch the movie on Netflix. In the meantime, you can watch the trailer below:

Becoming Warren Buffett is a documentary film about Warren Buffett and his life. The documentary examines the contrast between Warren Buffett’s expertise in investing and his personal relationship skills.

Why watch it? If young entrepreneurs can look up to just one role model for inspiration, it would have to be Warren Buffet. Warren Buffet is known for his business and investing acumen. But more importantly, his down-to-earth nature makes him one of the most admirable people to look up to. If you wanted to learn the secrets behind Buffet’s success, this is a must-watch documentary.

Best Scene in the Movie: Once again, I’d urge you to check out the full documentary, which you can watch on YouTube below:

If you’re ever in need of inspiration or would just like to take a break from your hectic work schedule, watch or rewatch these movies. You’ll not be disappointed.

Did I miss any of the best entrepreneur movies that you consider must-watch? Let me know in the comments section below.

If you liked this article, please share it on Twitter using the link below:

Editor’s Note: This article was first published on July 26, 2017 and has been updated regularly since then for relevance and comprehensiveness.

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Best Movies for Entrepreneurs


“The Pursuit of Happyness” is a wonderful movie!!! Entrepreneur or not, it should definitely be on everyone’s list of movies to watch!

I Think Acrimony is missing, TV Shows like Suits, Billions, Silicon valley should all be added. Silicon Valley is my favorites as it shows how tech guys do strive to make it. It is not what people think. that if you are into tech you will make it ASAP

Thanks for your recommendations. I’m a big fan of Billions and Silicon Valley. Both these shows have been added to my list of recommended TV shows for entrepreneurs .

It’s crazy how you mentioned those two shows I loved them I haven’t been able to find anything like those shows…have you found any?

Joy is missing. The movie of proves that resilience triumphs over knowledge and skill. Passion can fuel you to reach your dreams against all odds!

Like A Boss should be added to this list.

I haven’t seen it yet, but I remember the reviews were bad. 21% on Rotten Tomatoes!

Thanks for this information! Don’t you think the movie ‘the rush should be included too?’

I love that movie! 🙂 Especially Daniel Brühl’s performance. His portrayal of Niki Lauda was flawless. That said, I don’t think I’d include Rush in a list of recommended movies for entrepreneurs.

These are really great suggestions, I absolutely loved the social network

I am assigning The Pursuit of Happyness to my “Marketing Action Group.” It shows what it takes to prospect successfully in the face of overwhelming odds. Both inspiring and entertaining.

Great list. is recognizable, a reality check for many in the start up space.

Excellent list! Thank you!

Now I’m definitely going to watch “Money Ball” and “The Founder” this weekend.

Here’s another movie I think entrepreneurs can benefit from in terms of tenacity: Rocky

Anyway, thank you Sandeep. Awesome list!

Hey, You’ve listed some great movies on the list. The Social Network and The Pursuit of Happyness is a must-watch. There a few on the list which I’ve mixed I’ll watch some on the weekend. Great work on the blog and it was really something informative that I could locate in your blog. I Will be visiting soon

I would recommend the following movies to watch for inspiration: The Social Network (A movie about facebook) Moneyball (Kind of boring, but a great example of analytical thinking and success through data) Steve Jobs (Inspiring little story that has made many people rethink how they live their own lives) The Pursuit of Happyness (Story of one guy’s perseverance in pursuing what he wanted most out of life despite being faced with an enormous amount frustrations. Inspiration for those who dream and feel stuck.) Boiler Room (Very good portrayal of the reality behind some fraudulent investments–including expensive stock tips that led to jail sentences as high as 25 years).

In addition, you may also watch these to get that needed inspiration too: 1. The Social Network 2. The Pursuit of Happyness 3. Pirates of Silicon Valley 4. Wall Street 5. The Wolf of Wall Street 6. Erin Brockovich

Excellent information. I have watched some of them. Most especially ‘The Social Network’, ‘The Founder ‘, ‘Wall Street’, ‘The Corporation’… And the rest of them.

I will try and watch some of these listed here.

Thanks for this.

Thank you very much for providing these movies. is one of my favorite movies.

Great list. I would also recommend Tucker: The Man and His Dream

Dreamer vs. Detriot in the post WWII automotive industry. And fun to watch!

The Wolf of Wall Street is my best.

I like the Blog & the recommendations, However; Gold – Mathew McConaughey remains my all time entrepreneur Movie. Not on this list though.

My categories Entrepreneur Movies 1:Gold 2: The Founder 3: BoilerRoom 4: Steve Jobs 5: Wolf of Wallstreet

PR Thank you for smoking

Entrepreneur Fantastacy 1: Social Network

Sales 1:Wallstreet 2:Wallstreet money never sleeps 3: Boiler Room

Any Given Sunday didn’t have any entrepreneurial gist to me

Pursuit for Happiness is an employee encouragement movie, Not entrepreneurial.. though the inventive aspect would apply

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The best entrepreneur movies capture the ups and downs of business success.

Best Entrepreneur Movies – 7 Films About Business Success

Entrepreneurs are impressive individuals who run their own businesses. Often, they start their companies with minimal resources. Nevertheless, the top entrepreneurs follow a strategic vision to propel their start-ups into prominence. Some of the most famous success stories have turned these business leaders into millionaires or even billionaires. The best entrepreneur movies aim to capture their legacies in history.

Many entrepreneur movies depict the ups and downs of business success. The film protagonists don’t just become wealthy and successful right away. Their journeys aren’t always smooth. They often face adversity from close-minded peers, skeptical investors, and treacherous friends. Nonetheless, the main characters persevere through hardships and rise above their struggles.

Every film about entrepreneurialism culture brings valuable business lessons. Here is a list of the best entrepreneur movies of all time :

7 Top Movies About Business Success

The social network (2010), jerry maguire (1996), wall street (1987), wall street: money never sleeps (2008), fyre (2018), tucker: the man and his dream (1988), the aviator (2009), best entrepreneur movies.

The Social Network  is one of the top entrepreneur movies of all time. It tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of CEO and arguably among the best business leaders in the world. Although Facebook turned into a technological juggernaut, The Social Network also shows the sinister side of Zuckerberg’s fame. The movie depicts how Facebook became what it is today, including the good, the bad, and the ugly.

This entrepreneur movie benefits greatly from a clinical Jesse Eisenberg performance, a crackling Aaron Sorkin script and top-notch camerawork from director David Fincher. Still under fire politically for his unwillingness to edit fake political news from the platform, Mark Zuckerberg is played like a foreign being to whom friendship is an unknowable equation. It’s a helpful reminder that what we check daily started as a “Hot or not” Harvard page. For a site based on friendship, it’s deliciously ironic the Facebook creator is incapable of actual friends.

Jerry Maguire is one of the best movies about business success. Cameron Crowe’s sports agency romantic comedy opens with a never-more-likable Tom Cruise on top of the world. After a crisis of conscience, he’s fired from his firm. Armed only with one client who believes in him and a secretary (and a goldfish), he’s forced to set out independently.

Jerry Maguire is an uplifting tale that depicts entrepreneurism with flair and style. Its 1940s can-do spirit overpowers overly quoted “Show me the money” lines, and until recent years, Crowe was once a major Hollywood player.  Almost Famous  may be his masterpiece, but there’s something irresistible about the uncertain business venture Cruise seeks out here.

Wall Street might be an entrepreneur movie made decades ago, but its cynical message about business success remains relevant today. The film is a paradox, both a condemnation of 80s excess and greed while at the same time profiting and embracing it. The “Greed is good” monologue is one of the most famous scenes in cinema.

The story stars Michael Douglas as businessman Gordon Gekko. He is the epitome of anyone who has ever had a temp job or worked at a telemarketing firm. As Gekko progresses in his career, he faces wild scams, escalating risks of FBI raids, and bosses hooked on cocaine. The movie rampant with high-energy, putrid philosophy is rampant as the protagonist goes on a downward spiral of conning strangers.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is the sequel of the 1987 movie. Although not as well-received as the original, this movie continues the engaging story of Gordon Gekko. The movie shares similar themes as its predecessor, highlighting the idiosyncracies of a capitalist-run society.

Many film viewers find the Wall Street sequel lacklustre, pointing their disappointment to the storytelling. However, the acting remains on-point and the messaging is as gritty as ever. The strength of the original movie carries over to the sequel, compensating for most of its shortcomings. It’s a worthy sequel in our opinion and deserves to be included in the list of the best entrepreneur movies.

Fyre is a dark twist to the typical entrepreneur movie. The story isn’t about business success. Instead, it’s a cautionary tale of everything that could go wrong with mishandled entrepreneurship.

The movie is about the disaster that was the Fyre Festival, which landed its founder in prison. This catastrophic event was barely calculated when cameras started rolling on the fascinating documentary. It was big dreams gone awry and a great case study in how not to deal in business. A lack of transparency, a makeshift set-up and flat-out lies set to create the disastrous attempt at the greatest music festival.

Tucker: The Man and H is Dream is another classic and famous entrepreneur movie. Francis Ford Coppola infuses this biopic with the kind of American can-do spirit of Frank Capra, as a never-better Jeff Bridges plays Preston Tucker. Tucker desired to launch his luxury automobile, going up against the big three of the auto industry and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The final scene features Bridges rallying against large corporations that win out over small entrepreneurs like himself every time. His argument is like an exemplary closing statement from the best employment lawyer . The film’s empowering conclusion is a rousing moment often overlooked in cinema history.

The Aviator is one of the best entrepreneur movies of all time. Like many of his other films, Martin Scorcesse has spent his career highlighting self-made entrepreneurs. Ray Liotta’s Henry Hill of  Goodfellas  was a small-time hood who stole when he wanted more of America for himself. Leonardo DiCaprio’s Jordan Belfort of The Wolf of Wall Street manipulated the stock market to build another level to his home and get the best girl. These film protagonists began as working-class schmucks from small communities, who become corrupt with the taste of power.

The Aviator features Scorcesse’s most loving portrayal of an entrepreneur. Howard Hughes is a man with an abusive upbringing and a debilitating obsessive-compulsive disorder. His character sets out to bring the biggest, best and most powerful to America. The story may not necessarily be historically accurate, but it’s an enthusiastic journey from start to finish.

Best Entrepreneur Movies FAQ

Entrepreneurs should watch these top three movies about business success: The Social Network, Wall Street, and Jerry Maguire.

The Social Network is an excellent movie about the entrepreneur of a famous tech startup. It describes Zuckerberg’s success story as he turns Facebook from an anonymous forum to the most famous social media platform.

Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg are often cited as the best entrepreneurs in modern time. These businessmen have built wealthy fortunes based on their company’s roaring success.


One-stop Guide For Business Growth

  • Feb 1, 2023
  • 10 min read

21 Best Business Movies For Entrepreneurs in 2023

As an entrepreneur, you are always looking for ways to improve your business skills . Watching movies is one way to learn from the successes and failures of others. Here are the 21 best business movies for every entrepreneur should watch. These films can teach you something about running a business, making money, and overcoming obstacles. So grab some popcorn and get started!

Best Business Movies

Wall Street

Wall Street is a classic film that chronicles the rise and fall of stockbroker Gordon Gekko. The movie is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and corruption, but it also contains some valuable lessons for entrepreneurs. For one, the film highlights the importance of making connections and networking with powerful people. It also shows how easy it is to get caught up in the rat race and lose sight of what's truly important. Finally, Wall Street serves as a reminder that even the most successful businesses can come crashing down overnight. Despite its dark themes, the film is ultimately an inspiring story about ambition, determination, and resilience. Entrepreneurs who are looking for a dose of motivation should definitely check out Wall Street.

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street is a movie about the life of Jordan Belfort, a New York stockbroker who was convicted of fraud and conspiracy charges in connection with his work in the securities industry. The movie chronicles Belfort's rise to power and eventual fall from grace, and it provides valuable insights into the world of high finance. While the movie is ultimately a cautionary tale, it can be inspiring for entrepreneurs who are looking to make their mark in the business world.

The Founder

The Founder is a 2016 American biographical drama film directed by John Lee Hancock. The film stars Michael Keaton as businessman Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's. The film depicts how the entrepreneur took the small burger restaurant chain founded by brothers Dick McDonald and Mac McDonald and turned it into one of the largest fast-food chains in the world. The movie is relevant for entrepreneurs as it shows how one man was able to take a small business and turn it into a global empire. The film is also a reminder that there is no single formula for success, and that hard work, dedication, and a bit of luck are often key ingredients in achieving success.

The Social Network

The Social Network movie is a 2010 American biographical drama film directed by David Fincher. The film stars Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, and chronicles the development of the social networking website from 2004 to 2010. The Social Network is a great movie for entrepreneurs because it highlights how quickly a good idea can turn into a global phenomenon. The story follows Mark Zuckerberg as he creates Facebook in his college dorm room, and then watches as it quickly catches on with other students at Harvard before spreading to other campuses across America.

The Aviator

The Aviator is a 2004 American epic biographical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes, Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn, and Kate Beckinsale as Ava Gardner. The Aviator is based on the life of Howard Hughes, an American entrepreneur, business magnate, aviator, engineer, film producer, and director. The film shows how dedication and single-minded focus can help one achieve great things. It also highlights the importance of always pushing oneself to stay ahead of the competition. In addition, The Aviator illustrates the dangers of letting one's personal life suffer in pursuit of business success. These are all important lessons that any entrepreneur would do well to remember.

Boiler Room

Boiler Room is a movie that was released in the year 2000. It is about a 19-year-old named Seth Davis who gets a job at a brokerage firm called J.T Marlin. The Boiler Room movie is a great movie for entrepreneurs because it shows them how to spot a Boiler Room and how to avoid getting scammed. It also shows them how to turn a struggling company around and make it successful.

Office Space

Office Space is a cult classic among entrepreneurs. The movie tells the story of a man who hates his job and day-to-day office life. However, he eventually learns to stand up for himself and fight back against the soul-crushing corporate culture. In doing so, he serves as an inspiration for other entrepreneurs who are struggling with their own businesses. Office Space provides a relatable and humorous look at some of the challenges that entrepreneurs face. It also highlights the importance of standing up for oneself and refusing to accept a work situation that is anything less than ideal. As a result, the movie is an essential watch for any entrepreneur who wants to learn more about fighting for their business.

There's no question that Joy is a feel-good movie. It's the story of a woman who overcomes incredible odds to build a successful business. But beyond providing some entertainment and inspiration, Joy can actually be a helpful tool for entrepreneurs. The movie does an excellent job of illustrating the importance of perseverance and determination. It also highlights the power of taking risks and following your passions. For anyone who is thinking about starting their own business, Joy is a great reminder that anything is possible if you're willing to work hard and stay focused. In addition, the film provides some valuable insights into the day-to-day realities of running a business. From dealing with difficult customers to managing a team of employees, Joy gives viewers a realistic perspective on what it takes to be successful in the business world. So if you're looking for a little motivation and guidance, be sure to check out Joy - it just might be the boost you need to take your business to the next level.

Pirates of Silicon Valley

Pirates of Silicon Valley is a 1999 American biographical drama film directed by Martyn Burke. The film documents the early days of Apple Computer and Microsoft. It portrays the two co-founders of Apple, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, as well as Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft. Pirates of Silicon Valley is an inspiring story for entrepreneurs. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were two young men with big dreams who overcame incredible odds to change the world. The film shows that anything is possible with hard work and determination. Pirates of Silicon Valley is an essential watch for any entrepreneur.

The Pursuit of Happyness

The 2006 film The Pursuit of Happyness tells the true story of entrepreneur Chris Gardner's struggle to make it in the competitive world of stock brokerage. The film follows Gardner as he becomes homeless and must rely on the kindness of strangers while trying to build a future for himself and his young son. While the film is ultimately a story of hope and determination, it also provides a realistic portrayal of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. The film highlights the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity, qualities that are essential for any successful entrepreneur. In addition, The Pursuit of Happyness showcases the power of positive thinking and self-belief, two more key ingredients for entrepreneurial success. As such, The Pursuit of Happyness is an inspiring portrayal of what it takes to make it as an entrepreneur.

The Intern movie is a classic story about an experienced professional who takes an internship at a start-up company. The movie highlights the importance of having a mentor, being coachable, and being adaptable. The main character, Ben Whittaker, is able to teach the young employees valuable lessons while also learning from them. The movie is an inspiring story for entrepreneurs because it shows that success comes from hard work and determination, not just from having a great idea. The Intern is a must-watch for any entrepreneur who wants to learn from the mistakes and successes of others.

The Steve Jobs movie is a biographical drama that was released in 2015. The movie is based on the life of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. The movie covers Jobs' early life, his time at Apple, and his later years. The Steve Jobs movie is an important film for entrepreneurs because it tells the story of how one man was able to achieve great success. The film shows how Jobs was able to turn his vision into reality, and it provides inspiration for entrepreneurs who are looking to create something new. In addition, the movie is relevant for anyone who is interested in technology or business. The Steve Jobs movie is a must-see film for anyone who wants to learn more about entrepreneurship.

The Billionaire

The Billionaire movie is a great way for entrepreneurs to get inspired. The movie follows the story of a young man who starts out with nothing and ends up becoming a billionaire. The movie is full of great scenes that show the importance of hard work, dedication, and determination. The Billionaire movie is a great way for entrepreneurs to get motivated and learn more about what it takes to be successful. The movie is also a great source of entertainment, and it is sure to leave you entertained and inspired.

The Corporation

The Corporation movie is a documentary that offers insights into the world of business. The movie is based on the book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, by Joel Bakan. The book and movie explore the idea of the corporation as a legal entity that is motivated by profit at all costs. The Corporation film features interviews with CEOs, marketing experts , and corporate whistleblowers. The movie provides entrepreneurs with an understanding of the inner workings of businesses and the challenges they face. The film also offers a critical view of corporations and their impact on society. The Corporation is an important film for entrepreneurs because it offers insights into the system they are trying to change.

The Big Short

The Big Short movie is a biographical drama film that is based on the 2010 book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis. The film tells the story of how the housing and credit bubble of the 2000s led to the financial crisis of 2007-2008. The film has been praised for its accurate portrayal of how the financial crisis unfolded. The film can help entrepreneurs by providing insight into how to identify and take advantage of opportunities in the marketplace. The film can also help entrepreneurs avoid making similar mistakes that led to the financial crisis.

The movie is a must-watch for any entrepreneur. It chronicles the rise and fall of a dot-com company and provides valuable lessons for anyone looking to start their own business. One of the most important lessons from the movie is the importance of having a solid business plan. Without a clear plan, it's easy to get caught up in the hype and make expensive mistakes that can sink a company. The movie is an essential watch for anyone wanting to learn more about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.

It’s a Wonderful Life

It’s a Wonderful Life is a classic holiday movie that has come to define the Christmas season for many Americans. The film tells the story of George Bailey, a man who is on the brink of suicide on Christmas Eve. As he prepares to jump from a bridge, George is visited by an angel who shows him what life would have been like if he had never been born. Through this journey, George comes to realize that his life has been full of love and happiness and that even though it may not have been perfect, it was nonetheless wonderful. This film is a touching reminder of the importance of appreciating what we have, and It’s a Wonderful Life can help entrepreneurs to stay motivated and committed to their passion.

Moneyball is a movie that tells the story of how the Oakland Athletics baseball team used data to build a winning team on a shoestring budget. The movie has been praised for its portrayal of data-driven decision making, and it has also been found to be inspirational for entrepreneurs. Moneyball demonstrates how creative problem solving and out-of-the-box thinking can help entrepreneurs to succeed in spite of limited resources. The movie also highlights the importance of using data to make decisions, rather than relying on intuition or gut instinct. In today's competitive business landscape, Moneyball provides an important example of how entrepreneurs can use data to give themselves a competitive edge.

The Godfather Trilogy

The Godfather Trilogy is a popular movie that has helped entrepreneurs in a number of ways. The movie tells the story of the Corleone family, who are involved in organized crime. The movies follow the family's rise to power, and the various challenges they face along the way. The movies have been praised for their realistic portrayal of the world of organized crime, and for their insights into human nature. The Godfather Trilogy has also been praised for its positive portrayal of entrepreneurship. The movies show how businesses can be built from scratch, and how perseverance and dedication can lead to success. The Godfather Trilogy is an inspirational story that can help entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.

The Mad Men movie, which is set in the 1960s, tells the story of Don Draper, an advertising executive at Sterling Cooper. Mad Men has been praised for its accurate depiction of the Mad Men era. The Mad Men movie can teach entrepreneurs several things about running a business. First, it shows the importance of thinking outside the box. In one scene, Don Draper comes up with an award-winning ad campaign by thinking outside the box. He was able to take a negative situation and turn it into a positive one. Second, Mad Men shows the importance of networking. In another scene, Don Draper attends a party where he meets potential clients. He is able to build relationships with these clients by networking with them. Third, Mad Men teaches entrepreneurs the importance of branding . In yet another scene, Don Draper creates a unique logo for Sterling Cooper. This logo helps to brand the company and make it more recognizable. By watching Mad Men, entrepreneurs can learn several valuable lessons about running a successful business.

Margin Call

Margin Call is a movie that every entrepreneur should watch. The film is set during the early days of the financial crisis, and it chronicles the intense pressure that investment bankers were under to meet quarterly goals. While the movie does not explicitly offer any lessons for entrepreneurs, it does provide a useful case study of how quickly things can go wrong when people are focused on short-term gain. Margin call is a reminder that businesses need to be built on solid foundations, and that sustainable growth requires careful planning and execution. This is a film that will stay with you long after the credits have rolled, and it is sure to leave you feeling grateful for your own business successes.

What are the best business movies for entrepreneurs to watch in 2023?

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Business Movies that will teach you real lessons about Entrepreneurship

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May 10, 2023

best biography movies of businessman

“Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me.You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you, you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period. Alright?”

— The Pursuit of Happyness.

Films inspire and ignite our imaginations like nothing else. At the same time, there are few greater aspirations in life than launching and running a massively successful business . And so, as far back as Citizen Kane (and before it) filmmakers have themselves been inspired with telling the stories of business.

Below you’ll find a short list of great films about business. It’s the ideal starting point, but once you get going, you’ll find that this cinematic genre is a bottomless well.

The Top Rated Business Movies Of All Time

You’ll want to start here, as these are the best of the best. Film students study them. Film fans talk about them constantly.

Citizen Kane

(1941, Directed by Orson Welles, Starring Orson Welles)

The name “Citizen Kane” is synonymous with “the greatest film of all time”for a reason. It’s hard to imagine now, but the film was a box office bomb on its original release, and nearly faded into obscurity. Why? Because Welles drew inspiration from a variety of elite figures in the media, banking, and investment sectors.

Key themes for entrepreneurs

  • Avoid falling into the trap of loneliness at the top.

The Wolf of Wall Street

(2013, Directed by Martin Scorsese, Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, MargotRobbie)

With five Academy Award nominations, The Wolf of Wall Street was also a major commercial success (and Scorsese’s highest-grossing film), raking in an amazing $406 million during the theatrical run alone.

  • Respect the hustle (just don’t take the path of Jordan Belfort).
  • Don’t get overconfident in success.

(2011, Directed by Bennett Miller, Starring Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill)

Nominated for six Academy Awards, Moneyball is based on Michael Lewis’ book of the same name. It charts the incredible success story of the Oakland Athletics baseball team in2002. Underfunded and struggling, the manager leveraged statistics to turn in a record-breaking 20-win streak. The way baseball teams are managed was then changed forever.

  • A scrappy startup can compete against the incumbents .
  • Don’t allow feelings to override what the data’s telling you.

The Pursuit Of Happyness

(2006, Directed by Gabriele Muccino, Starring Will Smith)

If you ask most entrepreneurs what film they find most inspiring, this one will appear on more lists than any other. Based on the life of Chris Gardner, the film depicts a man that struggled with homelessness, but became a successful stockbroker.

  • Back yourself, have a plan, and commit.
  • Difficult times are not the time to give up.

It’s A Wonderful Life

(1946, Directed by Frank Capra, Starring James Stewart, Donna Reed)

Yes, It’s A Wonderful Life is a Christmas film, but it’s also considered to have real-world business relevance, with many critics “rediscovering” the film for its parallels to the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s. It’s essentially a modern take on A Christmas Carol, as a town rallies to support a family business in the face of a heartless banker.

  • The value of being a positive influence in a community.
  • The value of resilience even in the darkest times.

Glengarry Glen Ross

(1992, Directed by James Foley, Starring Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, AlecBaldwin and Ed Harris)

This is one of the true masterpieces in showcasing the impact of competitive environments on people. Four real estate salesmen are told by a “motivational” trainer that only two of them will keep their jobs at the end of two weeks.

  • Competition can bring the worst out of people.
  • Work environments that are too competitive result in poor overall performance.

Business Films Based On A True Story

The business leader biopic is one of the best ways to learn about the most visionary entrepreneurs.

The Social Network

(2010, Directed by David Fincher, Starring Jesse Eisenberg)

David Fincher is a thriller specialist, and it’s important to understand that he brings that sense of drama to The Social Network. It is not the most accurate biopic in business film history. However, the general beats are there, and there’s a compelling take on the tech billionaire’s rise.

  • As the film notes “you don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies”. Be prepared to back yourself even at some personal cost.
  • The startup space can be cut-throat. Make sure you know who you are partnering with.

The Founder

(2016, Directed by John Lee Hancock, Starring Michael Keaton)

This biopic depicts the brilliance by which Ray Kroc undermined and eventually removed the McDonald brothers from the restaurant that bears their name. In the process, he founded an iconic global fast-food phenomenon.

  • Understand your businesses’ strengths and protect them.
  • Look for lateral opportunities—McDonald’s’ success came from real estate, not burgers.

The Big Short

(2015, Directed by Adam McKay, Starring Brad Pitt, Steve Carell, RyanGosling)

The Big Short tells the story of the 2007-2008 financial crisis. It somehow made some enormously complex banking concepts easy to understand and entertaining. GettingMargot Robbie, Anthony Bourdain, and Selena Gomez to explain finance was an inspired direction.

  • There is always an opportunity, even when the market crashes around you.
  • Identify market shifts and position yourself to benefit from the pivot.

(2015, Directed by Danny Boyle, Starring Michael Fassbender)

While this film is a financial disappointment, it provides a critical insight into Steve Jobs’ mindset and business acumen at three pivotal moments in his career. It is based on a biography written by Walter Isaacson, and interviews with Jobs conducted by film writer Aaron Sorkin. As a result, it might be the most authentic biopic we ever get of the great man.

  • The more an entrepreneur can get into Steve Jobs’ mindset, the better.
  • How the contrast between Jobs’ personal and business lives shaped him.

Business Documentaries For Entrepreneurs

Documentaries offer us some of the deepest insights into businesses and leaders. They can be hugely entertaining too. The truth is often stranger than fiction.

Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street

(2023, Directed by Joe Berlinger)

The story of the greatest Ponzi scheme in history is so incredible that it’s difficult to believe you’re watching a documentary. You can feel the incredulity from the filmmakers as they piece together the story of how Madoff got away with it for so long.

  • A scheme is going to eventually fall over, even if it takes a long time.
  • Once you’re locked into a scheme, it’s almost impossible to get out.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

(2005, Directed by Alex Gibney)

From Ponzi schemes to accounting fraud, Enron was another incredible example of business leaders getting away with things regulators should have caught. Fun fact:Incredibly, given that the total losses reached $74 billion over four years , Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, was only sentenced to 12 years in prison. Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150!

  • Kicking the (accounting) down the road won’t solve the problem.
  • The CEO and CFO are the two roles you need to hire for integrity above anything else.

Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened

(2019, Directed by Chris Smith)

Fyre was going to be the greatest music festival and a party for the rich and gorgeous. It all turned out to be a fraud, and the most famous thing about it was the photo of this depressing and very not-elite sandwich .

  • Overpromising will fail. Even if you give organizers, Ja Rule and Billy MacFarland, the benefit of the doubt, Fyre was never going to deliver what was promised.
  • Fyre’s marketing was incredible. They forgot to build the product. As a founder, marketing is important, but don’t make that mistake with your startup.

(2001, Directed by Jehane Noujam and Chris Hegedus) follows the story of dot-com startup,, which failed after raising $60 million. It became symbolic of the investment hype that fueled, and ultimately burst, the dot-com bubble.

  • Every entrepreneur needs to study the dot-com bubble in-depth, to avoid the same mistakes.
  • How internal politics can undermine a startup right from its opening moments.

Business Films With A Strong Warning

Not all films about business and leaders are about good people. Often filmmakers use their art to share with us what we should avoid.

Wall Street

(1987, Directed by Oliver Stone, Starring Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen)

The iconic line spoken by Michael Douglas’ Gordon Gekko that “greed, for lack of a better word, is good,” highlights that the film is also not exactly a celebration of WallStreet. Amazingly, though, the filmmakers behind the film have said that in the years since people tell them that this film inspired them to become stockbrokers!

  • Don’t be like Gordon Gekko.
  • Assume that there are some Gordon Gekkos in business.

Margin Call

(2011, Directed by J. C. Chandor, Starring Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons)

Like The Big Short, above, Margin Call is about the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Unlike The Big Short, this film is not entertaining or funny. This is a powerfully sober look at a bank’s greed and dishonest behaviour right at the cusp of the crisis.

  • Greed corrupts

Thank You For Smoking

(2005, Directed by Jason Reitman, Starring Aaron Eckhart, Maria Bello)

Thank You For Smoking is a wickedly amusing dark comedy about a job role that many find reprehensible today. It’s about marketing for Big Tobacco and combatting efforts to raise awareness about tobacco risk.

  • With the right pitch and charisma, you can sell anything.
  • It’s important not to fall for your own nonsense and be aware of your product .

The Man In The White Suit

(1951, Directed by Alexander Mackendrick, Starring Alex Guinness)

This is a classic film that becomes more relevant every year. A scientist discovers a material that is so perfect and durable that demand for cloth plummets. People need fewer clothes. It crashes the industry. The hook is that the suit is made with radioactive materials, and this raises the question —are the innovations moral and market disruption positive? That’s food for thought in our new world of AI.

  • Innovation should be responsible.
  • Disruptive technology’s social and economic impact should be considered from the start.

(2001, Directed by Robert Connolly, Starring David Wenham and Anthony La Paglia)

This Australian thriller is yet another warning against the attitude that“greed is good,” but has a fascinating lesson for entrepreneurs. In the film, a corrupt bank CEO under board pressure to maximize profits falls into a complex web set by one of his victims. Given software that accurately predicts stock market movements, the CEO hedges everything on the software, only for it to (deliberately) fail at the right moment to send the bank bankrupt.

  • Don’t allow the drive for profit to lead you to take big bets.
  • Properly vet business partners that have good sales pitches.

Will your own story become a film?

One of the common threads through these films is that these characters—heroes or villains—are exceptional because they back themselves and take the right risks. Of course you want to be a Chris Gardner and not a Gordon Gekko, but the gap between the two is not so great. You have a vision and a passion to solve problems in the market and build your startup. As these films teach and inspire us, the key is in finding the pathway and never giving up.

Whether you’re midway through building a business or have become inspired to start one, consider joining one of Antler’s residency programs. Located in 25 cities around the world, Antler supports founders from pre-seed, pre-team and even pre-idea.

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20 Best Startup Movies for Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2024

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  • Movies for Entrepreneurs

Last Updated: December 22, 2023 By TRUiC Team

Being an entrepreneur is challenging, often requiring you to go above and beyond and work harder than ever to achieve your biggest goals and dreams. You’re working towards building a company that fulfills your ultimate vision and transforms your marketplace or industry, and that’s never an easy feat. 

To stay inspired and see how other founders overcame their challenges, you may consider watching business movies for entrepreneurs that show the entrepreneurial journey from start to finish.

From the Social Network to the Pursuit of Happyness, we’ve listed several startup movies that’ll help you reset your frame of mind and refresh. All while taking in some valuable lessons, strategies, and tactics that you can potentially emulate in your own business.

Top Business Movies for Startup Founders

In order to help you stay inspired and get some ideas from other entrepreneurs who were once in your shoes, we’ve compiled a list of the top business movies for startup founders to watch. No matter which movie you decide to start with, you’ll be able to snag some valuable lessons and reflect on your own journey. 

Even though it may sound cliche, entrepreneurship is truly a journey that matters far more than the destination. How you overcome challenges along the way, how you build your team, and how you provide valuable solutions to your customers or clients will make a massive impact on your life and make you a better entrepreneur in the long run. 

Now it’s your turn – turn on one of these entrepreneurial movies and start reflecting on how you can improve your business strategies to achieve your desired growth and profitability.

1. (2001)

  • Directors: Chris Hegedus, Jehane Noujaim
  • Stars: Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, Tom Herman, Kenneth Austin
  • Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video

During the height of the dot com era, when web millionaires were seemingly on every corner, two friends, Tom Herman and Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, decided to make their fortune on the internet. “” is a story of inspiration and motivation to build your dream as an entrepreneur and a cautionary tale with an inside look at the bursting of the dot-com bubble.

"" is great for any entrepreneurs who want to follow the journey of two co-founders and see all of their struggles and difficulties close up. For many startups, their journey closely resembles that of the team, even though the fate of their companies might see better days than Herman and Tuzman.

2. The Startup Kids (2012)

  • Directors: Vala Halldorsdottir, Sesselja Vilhjalmsdottir
  • Stars: Trip Adler, Alexa Andrzejewski, Mike Butcher
  • Where to Watch: Amazon, Vudu, Roku

"The Startup Kids" is a documentary about young entrepreneurs who founded companies such as InDinero, Vimeo, Dropbox, Soundcloud, Kiip, and Foodspotting. Created by two Icelandic women, this movie offers a first-person experience into the lives of young founders who are making their dreams happen and bringing their visions to life. 

If you’re an entrepreneur who is currently building your business from the ground up, or someone who has dreams and ambitions to acquire funding and start building a successful company, then "The Startup Kids" will give you a unique perspective and opportunity to follow several entrepreneurs from companies you may have heard of, or even used in your own life. For inspiration and strategy, this is a great movie for every startup founder to watch at least once.

3. Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)

  • Director: Martyn Burke
  • Stars: Anthony Michael Hall, Noah Wyle, Joey Slotnick
  • Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Roku, Xfinity, MSN

"Pirates of Silicon Valley" follows two of the most influential “geeks” that ever made their way into business and the tech world – Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. This is a movie about the birth of Apple and Microsoft during the 1970s and how the founders grew their companies into some of the most influential and important businesses in the world. 

Even though your startup is likely on a much smaller scale than Microsoft or Apple, getting a unique view into the lives of prolific entrepreneurs is always a great way to level up your own thinking process, learn from their mistakes, and see firsthand what it took to build corporations on such a massive scale.

4. Generation Start-Up (2016)

  • Directors: Cheryl Miller Houser, Cynthia Wade
  • Stars: Dextina Booker, Kate Caitlin, Avery Hairston
  • Where to Watch: Amazon, Peacock TV, Vudu, Tubi TV, Apple TV, Roku

"Generation Start-Up" is an inspiring film that tracks the lives of six young entrepreneurs from Detroit who go through struggles and daily challenges to bring their business dreams to life. If you’ve ever wanted to see what it’s like to be an entrepreneur in America who is willing to put everything on the line to build their vision, then this is the perfect documentary for you. 

You’ll see the risk-taking, challenging moments, and successes firsthand and may even get some inspiration from the drive and vitality these young entrepreneurs have daily. While the journey isn’t always easy, it is well worth the effort in the long run, especially if you’re someone who knows that building a business is something you want to do in life.

5. Something Ventured (2011)

  • Directors: Daniel Geller, Dayna Goldfine
  • Stars: Bill Bowes, Herbert Boyer, Po Bronson
  • Where to Watch: Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Prime Video

"Something Ventured" is a film that shows how venture capitalists and entrepreneurs changed our world by funding and building companies such as Apple, Atari, and Cisco. These companies, founded at the very beginning of the internet and technology age, paved the way for entire industries, including microprocessors, biotechnology, and personal computers. 

If you’re a startup founder who wants to see firsthand how fearless individuals put their blood, sweat, and tears into transformative companies, "Something Ventured" is the perfect movie for diving deep into entrepreneurship, innovation, and companies that completely transformed our lives just a few decades later.

6. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

  • Director: Alex Gibney
  • Stars: John Beard, Tim Belden, Barbara Boxer
  • Where to Watch: Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Sling TV, YouTube, Apple TV, Vudu

"Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" is more of a cautionary tale than an inspirational story of entrepreneurship and success. While it seemed like a successful enterprise from the outside, a plethora of corrupt and faulty business practices from within eventually led to Enron’s demise. 

At one point, Enron was the seventh-largest company in the United States, yet it declared bankruptcy just a short year later. This movie is the perfect example of what not to do as a startup founder and entrepreneur, especially in regulated markets like energy and electricity. 

Enron’s downfall was ultimately caused by greed, manipulation of brokerages and banks, gaming California’s deregulated electricity market, and instances of corruption. For a dramatic film that takes you through the fall of a major public company in the US, this title delivers.

7. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing (2011)

  • Directors: Sarah Hunt, Mimi O’Connor
  • Stars: Bill Fernandez, Robert Palladino, Dean Hovey
  • Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video, PBS

"Steve Jobs: One Last Thing" is a documentary and biography about Steve Jobs, as described by his colleagues, fans, friends, and rivals. This film reflects on the life of Apple’s co-founder, including excerpts from interviews with Jobs not long after his cancer diagnosis and Bill Gates. 

As a startup founder, hearing about great entrepreneurs from their friends, family, and colleagues is a great way to get deep insights into how they acted, their personalities, and what made them tick. Apple is a company that has transformed the technology industry as we know it today, and getting a deeper understanding of the life of Steve Jobs is something every entrepreneur can benefit from.

8. Print the Legend (2014)

  • Directors: Luis Lopez, Clay Tweel
  • Stars: Chris Anderson, Bruce Bradshaw, Craig Broady
  • Where to Watch: Netflix, Roku, Amazon Prime Video

"Print the Legend" is a documentary about innovation and bringing 3D printing technology to homes and industries worldwide. As an entrepreneur, watching this film is a surefire way to get inspired and begin pondering some strategies and tactics for bringing innovation into your business.

This documentary follows the 3D printing revolution and looks at the challenges these startup founders faced when trying to bring this technology forward, even with all of the deniers and unbelievers. Even though your industry is likely not 3D printing directly, you can still take lessons and insights from this film and apply them to your own industry, helping you spread innovation in your own space and fearlessly adapt new technologies, products, and solutions to the old or “traditional” ways of operation.

9. Ctrl+Alt+Compete (2011)

  • Director: Brian Giberson
  • Stars: Joanne Lang, Mark Gilbreath, Josh Sookman
  • Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, Apple TV, Xfinity

"Ctrl+Alt+Compete" is a documentary that follows young entrepreneurs in the rapidly growing technology industry as they seek to change the world by solving problems and building their startups from the ground up. This film follows Mike Maples Jr. of Twitter, Tim O’Reilly of the Web 2.0 Summit, Nolan Bushnell of Atari, Felicia Day of The Guild, Tony Hsieh of Zappos, Veronica Belmont of Tekzilla, and Cliff Bleszinski of Gears of War.

This documentary truly captures the amount of work it takes to take an idea and turn it into a real physical product that solves problems in the marketplace. If you’re looking for “the story behind the story” of entrepreneurship, "Ctrl+Alt+Compete" provides an excellent perspective.

10. The Social Network (2010)

  • Director: David Fincher
  • Stars: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake
  • Where to Watch: Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, YouTube, Apple TV

"The Social Network" is a movie that details the story of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his journey toward creating one of the world's most popular social networking sites. This film won three Oscars and is the perfect film for any entrepreneur or startup founder who wants to mix some entertainment, drama, and inspiration all in one. 

The plot follows Zuckerberg, a Harvard undergraduate student with a particular knack for computer programming. He begins using his skills to build what would ultimately become a social network for college students and eventually grow into something billions of people use to communicate with their friends, coworkers, family, and colleagues. For an immersive experience that walks you through what it took for Zuckerberg to achieve staggering success and become the world’s youngest billionaire in history, this is a classic entrepreneurial film that won’t disappoint.

11. Jerry Maguire (1996)

  • Director: Cameron Crowe
  • Stars: Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renee Zellweger
  • Where to Watch: HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Apple TV, YouTube

"Jerry Maguire" is a fun film for startup founders and entrepreneurs that follows a sports agent (Cruise) as he has a moral epiphany and is fired as a result. He decides to test his new philosophy and become an independent agent, even though only one athlete believes in him enough to stay with him through the turbulence. 

Before all of this, life was good – Jerry Maguire was a very successful sports agent who had the respect of his peers, noteworthy clients, and a beautiful fiancee. Now, as he finds himself going out on his own and rebuilding his reality from the ground up, he has to endure the challenges and hardships of life that he never had to face before. 

This is a great film for startup founders, as it shows how vital perseverance is when picking yourself up and pushing forward, no matter how difficult the situation might be.

12. Wall Street (1987)

  • Director: Oliver Stone
  • Stars: Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Tamar Tunie
  • Where to Watch: Paramount+, Sling TV, Vudu, Roku, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, YouTube TV

The original "Wall Street" film, directed by Oliver Stone, is a classic movie of ambition, greed, and the main character’s desire to work his way to the top. Bud Fox is a young stockbroker willing to do whatever he needs to make his way in the big city; he ends up enticing corporate raider Gordon Gekko into mentoring him by providing insider trading information and becomes embroiled in various underhanded schemes and greedy endeavors as a result.

As he’s tied up in the mess he created, Fox starts to question where his loyalties lie and whether or not he’s willing to pay the price for his dream of quick riches.

13. The Founder (2016)

  • Director: John Lee Hancock
  • Stars: Michael Keaton, Nick Offerman, John Carroll Lynch
  • Where to Watch: YouTube, Apple TV, Tubi, Google Play Movies, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu

"The Founder" is a film about Ray Kroc, the salesman behind the massive enterprise we know today as McDonald’s. Through a combination of ruthlessness, persistence, and ambition, Kroc took the innovation of two brothers who created their own fast food eatery and used their ideas to build the largest restaurant chain in the world.

Even though every single one of our stories is unique, as entrepreneurs, we’ll often be faced with some of the same challenges Ray Kroc faced when building companies into successful endeavors. If you’re looking for an interesting film about a prolific entrepreneur, give "The Founder" a watch when you have the opportunity.

14. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

  • Director: Gabriele Muccino
  • Stars: Will Smith, Thandiwe Newton, Jaden Smith
  • Where to Watch: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Movies, Vudu, Apple TV

"The Pursuit of Happyness" is the story of a struggling salesman and his son and how he built himself up and started a life-changing professional career that significantly improved their quality of life. 

This film is based on a true story about a man named Christopher Gardner who was invested in selling medical devices known as “bone density scanners.” Due to their high cost and similarity to regular X-ray machines, these devices didn’t sell as well as Gardner had initially hoped. He works hard to make ends meet but eventually finds himself out on the streets with his son. 

After working through a number of challenges and difficulties, he manages to land a position as a stockbroker and changes his and his son’s lives forever. 

"The Pursuit of Happyness" is a great film for entrepreneurs and startup founders, specifically because it dives into the challenges of building something from nothing and overcoming obstacles and adversity.

15. Moneyball (2011)

  • Director: Bennett Miller
  • Stars: Brad Pitt, Robin Wright, Jonah Hill
  • Where to Watch: Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Apple TV, YouTube, Google Play Movies

"Moneyball" is a story about Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane and how he assembled an incredible baseball team with a shoestring budget through computer-generated player analysis — a brand new innovation. 

Beane uses statistical data to sniff out “sleeper” players that others overlook but have amazing skills hiding behind the curtain. Even though his budget was incredibly tight, he could find a competitive advantage that put his team above the competition and turn baseball upside down in the process with his innovative ideas. 

Entrepreneurs often face similar challenges, where innovation comes from a constraint or hindrance that eventually ends up working in their favor. "Moneyball" is a great film to watch for entertainment purposes, but it’s also an excellent movie for entrepreneurs who want to get inspired and begin innovating in their own respective industries.

16. The Big Short

  • Director: Adam McKay
  • Stars: Steve Carell, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Brad Bitt
  • Where to Watch: YouTube, Paramount+, Amazon Prime Video, Pluto TV

"The Big Short" is a biopic based on a true story, or rather, three parallel true stories at once. Set in 2008, the film centers around Michael Burry, a Wall Street hedge fund manager, who discovers the instability of the US housing market. Burry bets over $1 billion against the housing market. What ensues is a wild ride through a devastating economic crash and how the gamble paid off – at a price.

This is one of the best business movies that skillfully demonstrates corruption and cunning while introducing creative educational tidbits from unexpected sources. With various cameos and several instances of 'breaking the fourth wall,' The Big Short is a successful and entertaining portrayal of a pivotal moment in modern American history.

17. The Wolf of Wall Street

  • Director: Martin Scorsese
  • Stars: Leonardo Di Caprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie
  • Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video, Paramount+, YouTube

By successful film director Martin Scorsese, "The Wolf of Wall Street" is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort and his rise and fall from success.

The movie begins in 1987 when Jordan Belfort – once a promising Wall Street broker – takes on an entry-level position at a brokerage firm. It isn't long before Belfort sets out to make his stamp on the business world by founding his own firm off of Wall Street. As success grows, so does greed, white-collar crime, and a myriad of illicit activities that lead, eventually, to Belfort's downfall.

This is a wild tale of greed, addiction, lust, and money – lots of it. Not only is this one of the best entrepreneur movies to demonstrate what not to do when building your business, but it is also highly entertaining and will keep you engaged all the way through.

18. Glengarry Glen Ross

  • Director: James Foley
  • Stars: Al Pacino, Alex Baldwin, Kevin Spacey, Jack Lemmon
  • Where to Watch: YouTube, Pluto TV, Tubi, Peacock

Based on an award-winning play, "Glengarry Glen Ross" is one of the best business movies to learn one of the most important skills in the business world — sales.

The story follows a New York City real estate office. When the salesmen are informed all but two of the top salesmen will be fired at the end of the week, pressure, competition, and desperation begin to build. This movie teaches some valuable lessons in sales, what to do and not to do, as well as skills for navigating the high-pressure nature of sales.

19. Thank You for Smoking

  • Director: Jason Reitman
  • Stars: Aaron Eckhart, Adam Brody, Rob Lowe
  • Where to Watch: YouTube, Vudu, Google Play, Apple TV

"Thank You for Smoking" is a satirical film based on a book by the same name by Christopher Buckley. The film is about a tobacco lobbyist, Nick Naylor, and his personal battle between fatherhood and promoting harmful products.

The character ricochets between the drive to be a great role model for his son while being the face of Big Tobacco. And, to make things more complicated, a sentor-driven anti-smoking campaign threatening the career he's built.

Notably, the firm's executive producers include Elon Musk, Max Levchin, and Peter Theil. This is more of a business movie, less of an entrepreneur film, that masterfully portrays the sometimes inharmonious balance between values and success.

20. Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened

  • Director: Chris Smith
  • Stars: Ja Rule, Billy McFarland
  • Where to Watch: Netflix

"Fyre" is a documentary film about the infamous luxury music festival that never was: Fyre Festival. This documentary by the same name is one of the best business movies for entrepreneurs as it provides a look into the true story behind one entrepreneur, fraud, and failure.

Fyre Festival founder Billy McFarland's cautionary tale demonstrates the consequence behind failing to deliver on promises – especially after taking on investment.

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Ranker Film

The entrepreneurial spirit has long captured the imaginations of filmmakers and audiences alike, resulting in some truly exceptional films about business.  From captivating tales of financial success to cautionary chronicles of corporate collapses, the best movies about business intrigue audiences with their compelling plots and complex characters. 

As viewers engage in these thought-provoking stories, it becomes clear that the best business movies offer more than mere entertainment. These films reveal the intricate workings of various enterprises and industries, highlighting the challenges and triumphs experienced by entrepreneurs and executives alike. These movies about business invite audiences to reflect on their own aspirations and the broader implications of corporate decision-making. 

Powerful entrepreneur movies often focus on determination, hard work, and the challenges encountered on the road to success. Some standout examples include The Wolf of Wall Street, which offers an electrifying portrayal of a stockbroker's meteoric rise to wealth and subsequent downfall. Similarly, The Big Short provides a gripping account of the 2008 financial crisis, shedding light on the complex web of events that led to a global economic collapse. In contrast, The Social Network tells the origin story of Facebook, exploring the tensions and ambitions that drove its founders to create one of the world's most popular platforms. 

The lasting impact of these powerful business movies lies in their ability to illuminate the intricate nature of business while provoking thought and reflection. These films demonstrate the power of cinema to not only entertain but also enlighten audiences, ultimately enriching our collective appreciation for the complexities of the world of business. 

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street

Martin Scorsese's electrifying film dives deep into the world of Wall Street excess, showcasing the wild and reckless life of stockbroker Jordan Belfort. With its unapologetic depiction of greed and ambition, this movie is well-regarded as a pinnacle of business cinema that presents an engaging cautionary tale about the consequences of unchecked power. Ultimately, The Wolf of Wall Street's captivating storyline, outstanding acting, and memorable moments have cemented its place as one of the best movies about business ever produced.

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The Big Short

The Big Short

Adapted from Michael Lewis' acclaimed non-fiction book, The Big Short explores the complex world of financial markets and the 2008 housing bubble collapse. With its star-studded ensemble cast and distinctive storytelling style, this movie provides a fascinating and informative glimpse into the high-stakes environment of Wall Street, resonating with audiences eager to understand the driving forces behind financial crises. The Big Short's unique blend of drama and dark humor, alongside its insightful examination of the world of finance, ultimately make it a highly regarded classic in the realm of business-themed cinema.

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The Founder

The Founder

Chronicling the origin story of fast-food giant McDonald's, The Founder tells the gripping tale of Ray Kroc, a struggling salesman who discovers and eventually takes over the innovative McDonald brothers' burger operation. By showcasing both the ingenuity and ruthlessness necessary to succeed in the competitive world of business, this captivating biographical drama serves as an enthralling exploration of corporate ambition and innovation. Michael Keaton's powerful performance, combined with the film's engaging narrative, makes The Founder an unforgettable addition to the pantheon of great business movies.

Wall Street

Wall Street

Oliver Stone's iconic film Wall Street delves into the cutthroat world of New York finance, presenting a high-stakes tale of ambition and corruption as ambitious young stockbroker Bud Fox becomes entangled with ruthless corporate raider Gordon Gekko. With its memorable characters and engrossing storyline, this movie enthralls and educates audiences on the intricacies of Wall Street's power dynamics, making it a timeless classic in business cinema. Wall Street's enduring impact and continued relevance to contemporary conversations about economic ethics firmly establish it as a standout entry in the genre of business films.

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Based on the true story of Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane, Moneyball explores the innovative and controversial strategy he employed to transform his underfunded baseball team into a competitive force. This engrossing sports drama highlights the importance of challenging conventional wisdom and utilizing data-driven strategies within the world of business. With its compelling narrative and stellar acting from Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill, Moneyball stands out as a unique and memorable addition to the genre of business-centric films.

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Office Space

Office Space

Mike Judge's cult classic comedy provides a hilariously satirical look at the mundane realities of white-collar office life. Filled with memorable characters and quotable lines, Office Space resonates with audiences who have experienced the frustrations and absurdities of working in a corporate environment. With its sharp wit and timeless humor, Office Space remains a beloved and enduring favorite among business-themed films.

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The Godfather

The Godfather

Francis Ford Coppola's masterpiece might be an epic crime drama, but it also offers viewers a deep and compelling exploration of the complex dynamics within a powerful family business. As the Corleone family navigates shifting alliances and treacherous power plays, The Godfather showcases the intricate relationship between wealth, power, and loyalty that is central to any successful enterprise. This iconic film's enduring influence and universal acclaim make it an undeniable classic among movies about business.

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There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood

Paul Thomas Anderson's masterpiece chronicles the ruthless ambition of oil tycoon Daniel Plainview, as he navigates the cutthroat world of early 20th-century American capitalism. With its stark portrayal of greed and ambition, There Will Be Blood is a gripping study of the lengths to which individuals are willing to go in order to amass wealth and power. The film's stunning visuals, captivating storyline, and unforgettable lead performance by Daniel Day-Lewis make it an essential addition to any list of the best movies about business.

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The Social Network

The Social Network

David Fincher's critically acclaimed drama chronicles the meteoric rise of Facebook, detailing the intense legal battles and personal conflicts faced by founder Mark Zuckerberg. By providing an intriguing inside look at the development of a digital empire, The Social Network offers a fresh take on business-focused storytelling that captivated audiences worldwide. Its engaging blend of technological innovation, ambition, and betrayal has earned The Social Network a well-deserved reputation as one of the most insightful movies about business ever made.

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Trading Places

Trading Places

This beloved 1980s comedy features Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy as an upper-class investor and a homeless hustler, respectively, who find their lives unexpectedly swapped thanks to a cruel social experiment. With its biting satire of class divisions and the cutthroat nature of Wall Street, Trading Places remains a popular and insightful exploration of the world of finance and commodities trading. The film's enduring humor and memorable acting ensure its status as a classic within the genre of business cinema.

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The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness

Starring Will Smith as a struggling salesman and single father, The Pursuit of Happyness is an inspiring story of resilience and determination in the face of financial adversity. This heartwarming film highlights the universal struggle for success and the sacrifices that must be made while pursuing one's dreams. With its powerful acting and uplifting message, The Pursuit of Happyness has cemented its place among the best movies about business and personal triumph.

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Martin Scorsese's iconic gangster film may be rooted in the world of organized crime, but its themes of ambition, loyalty, and betrayal resonate strongly within the broader context of business culture. The film's visceral depiction of the criminal underworld and the dynamics at play among its characters offer valuable insights into the darker side of wealth and power. Goodfellas' lasting impact and critical acclaim make it an indisputable classic among films that explore the intersection of business and crime.

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Margin Call

Margin Call

This tense financial thriller offers a gripping glimpse into the high-pressure world of investment banking during the 2008 financial crisis. Featuring an outstanding ensemble cast, Margin Call delves into the moral complexities and ethical dilemmas faced by those on the front lines of Wall Street. Its chilling portrayal of corporate greed and systemic risk make it a vital and enthralling contribution to the genre of business movies.

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Brian De Palma's controversial crime drama provides a brutal look at the rise and fall of Cuban immigrant-turned-drug kingpin Tony Montana, whose ruthless ambition and quest for power ultimately bring about his downfall. With its unflinching portrayal of the violent consequences of unchecked greed, Scarface serves as a compelling cautionary tale within the realm of business cinema. This iconic film's enduring legacy as a gritty, ambitious exploration of the dark side of the American Dream ensures its place among the best movies about business.

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Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can

Steven Spielberg's fast-paced caper film tells the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., a teenage con artist who successfully perpetrates a series of high-stakes frauds while posing as various professionals. The film's engaging portrayal of Abagnale's audacious schemes and the relentless pursuit by FBI agent Carl Hanratty showcases the thrilling world of white-collar crime and corporate intrigue. With its charming acting, entertaining plot, and enduring appeal, Catch Me If You Can is considered one of the best business-related movies ever made.

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  • # 202 of 769 on The Most Rewatchable Movies

War Dogs

Based on a true story, War Dogs follows two young men who exploit a government initiative to profit from the Iraq War by supplying weapons to America's allies. This darkly comedic drama explores the dangerous world of international arms dealing and the moral ambiguities that can arise in the world of business. With its compelling narrative and engaging acting, War Dogs is an entertaining and thought-provoking addition to the pantheon of business-themed movies.

The Banker

Based on the true story of two African American entrepreneurs who secretly hire a white man to pose as their company's head in order to break down racial barriers in the 1960s banking industry, The Banker explores themes of social justice and determination in the face of adversity. With strong acting from its lead cast and an engaging plot that sheds light on a little-known part of history, this biographical drama offers a fascinating look at the challenges faced by minority business figures and serves as a timely reminder of the importance of representation in the corporate world.

  • # 200 of 241 on The 200+ Best Movies Based On A True Story
  • # 70 of 89 on The Greatest African American Biopics Of All Time, Ranked
  • # 46 of 85 on Great Historical Black Movies Based On True Stories

Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Glen Ross

Adapted from David Mamet's acclaimed play, Glengarry Glen Ross delivers a gripping drama about desperate real estate salesmen who are pushed to their limits during a high-stress sales contest. The film's intense acting and memorable dialogue create a vivid portrayal of cutthroat competition and the ruthless realities faced by those in high-pressure sales environments. Its unflinching examination of ambition, desperation, and the moral compromises inherent within the world of business makes Glengarry Glen Ross an indisputable classic among movies about business.

  • # 223 of 379 on The Best Movies Of The 1990s
  • # 14 of 120 on The Best Movies Based On Plays
  • # 23 of 66 on The Greatest Movies About Making Money

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

This gripping sequel to Oliver Stone's classic Wall Street revisits the high-stakes world of New York finance, following young trader Jake Moore as he becomes entangled in the ruthless dealings of his idol, Gordon Gekko. Featuring updated examinations of the ethical dilemmas and challenges that characterize the world of high finance, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps continues to offer audiences valuable insights into the complex dynamics of power and wealth. With its strong acting and topical relevance, this engaging follow-up proves itself a worthy addition to the canon of great business-themed films.


Inspired by the life of self-made entrepreneur Joy Mangano, this biographical drama tells the story of a single mother who overcomes adversity to become a successful businesswoman. With its powerful acting and uplifting narrative, Joy celebrates the tenacity, creativity, and determination necessary to succeed in the world of business. This inspiring film stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and ingenuity in the pursuit of success.

The Secret of My Success

The Secret of My Success

Michael J. Fox stars in this lighthearted comedy about a young college graduate who, through a series of accidents and subterfuge, rises from the mailroom to an executive position within a large corporation. The Secret of My Success showcases the value of ambition and perseverance in the face of adversity while providing plenty of laughs along the way. With its engaging plot and charismatic acting, this enjoyable film has earned a place among the best business-themed comedies of all time .

  • # 186 of 399 on The Best Movies Of The 1980s, Ranked
  • # 83 of 232 on The Best '80s Comedy Movies, Ranked
  • # 314 of 704 on The All-Time Greatest Comedy Films

Lord of War

Lord of War

Directed by Andrew Niccol, Lord of War tells the story of an ambitious arms dealer who navigates the treacherous world of international conflict and corruption to achieve personal success. This gripping drama provides a stark examination of the moral complexities and ethical dilemmas inherent within the high-stakes world of the arms trade, offering audiences an engrossing glimpse into the darker side of global commerce. With its masterful storytelling and captivating acting, Lord of War stands out as an important cinematic exploration of the darker aspects of business and power.

  • # 47 of 143 on The Best Movies of 2005
  • # 37 of 99 on The Best Period Movies Set in the '80s
  • # 15 of 66 on The Greatest Movies About Making Money

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

This powerful documentary delves into one of the most notorious corporate scandals in modern history, offering viewers an in-depth look at the machinations and deceptions that led to Enron's spectacular collapse. By illuminating the failures of oversight, regulation, and corporate governance that enabled Enron's rise and fall, this film serves as a cautionary tale for audiences seeking to understand the potential consequences of unchecked greed and corruption within the world of business. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room's revealing and sobering examination of corporate malfeasance makes it a must-watch for fans of business-themed cinema.

  • # 120 of 143 on The Best Movies of 2005
  • # 24 of 265 on The Greatest Documentaries of All Time
  • # 94 of 163 on The Best Political Films Of All Time

Boiler Room

Boiler Room

This intense drama delves into the cutthroat world of illegal stock trading, as a young college dropout joins a brokerage firm and finds himself drawn into a dangerous scheme. Boiler Room presents a harrowing look at the consequences of corruption and greed within the world of financial markets, offering audiences an unforgettable glimpse into the darker side of the American Dream. With its compelling acting and thought-provoking themes, this film stands out as a powerful exploration of the ethics and dynamics underlying the business world.

  • # 32 of 62 on The Best Movies with Rich People Spending Big
  • # 19 of 66 on The Greatest Movies About Making Money
  • # 10 of 12 on Movies That Were Eerily Ahead Of Their Time

Other People's Money

Other People's Money

This dark comedy stars Danny DeVito as a ruthless corporate raider who sets out to take over a struggling family-owned company. As the battle between the raider and the company's determined CEO unfolds, Other People's Money presents a fascinating look at the complexities of corporate takeovers and the often-unseen human costs of unfettered capitalism. With its memorable characters, funny moments, and thought-provoking themes, this film offers an intriguing and entertaining addition to the genre of business movies.

  • # 36 of 64 on The Greatest Movies About Making Money
  • # 52 of 52 on The Best Gregory Peck Movies, Ranked
  • # 21 of 48 on The 40+ Best Piper Laurie Movies

Too Big to Fail

Too Big to Fail

Based on Andrew Ross Sorkin's best-selling book, Too Big to Fail offers a dramatic account of the 2008 financial crisis and the government's efforts to prevent a devastating economic collapse. This insightful film showcases the high-stakes negotiations and political maneuvering that occurred behind closed doors, providing viewers with a compelling look at the complex interplay of government, finance, and power. With its stellar cast and expertly-crafted narrative, Too Big to Fail stands as an essential film for those looking to understand the intricacies of the financial crisis and its lasting impact on the business world.

  • # 26 of 38 on The Best HBO Original Movies Since 2010
  • # 23 of 33 on The 30+ Best Billy Crudup Movies
  • # 6 of 21 on The Best Movies About Wall Street



Jake Gyllenhaal delivers a chilling performance as an ambitious freelance crime journalist who becomes increasingly ruthless in his pursuit of success. As the protagonist manipulates and exploits the horrific events he captures on video, Nightcrawler serves as a stark examination of the dark side of ambition and the moral compromises that can arise in the quest for wealth and power. This gripping thriller offers a unique perspective on the ethics and dynamics of the modern media landscape, making it a memorable addition to the canon of business-themed films.

  • # 91 of 252 on The 200+ Best Psychological Thrillers Of All Time
  • # 17 of 63 on The Greatest Directorial Debuts Of All Time
  • # 8 of 45 on Great Movies with a Neon Aesthetic

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

Baz Luhrmann's lavish adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel presents a stunning portrait of the opulence, excess, and ambition that characterized the Roaring Twenties. At its core, The Great Gatsby is a cautionary tale about the pursuit of wealth and the corrupting influence of money, making it an engaging exploration of the darker side of the American Dream. With its mesmerizing visuals, poignant storytelling, and powerful acting, this adaptation of The Great Gatsby serves as a cinematic testament to the allure and danger of unchecked ambition in the world of business.

  • # 108 of 375 on The Best Movies Based On Books
  • # 34 of 80 on The Best Period Romance Movies
  • # 47 of 114 on The Greatest Movie Remakes Of All Time

Working Girl

Working Girl

This empowering romantic comedy examines the challenges faced by a young secretary as she navigates the competitive world of corporate America, ultimately proving her worth in a male-dominated industry. With its biting wit, engaging storyline, and inspiring themes, Working Girl resonates with audiences and provides a refreshing look at the often-overlooked perspectives of women in business. This popular film remains a beloved and enduring classic within the genre of business cinema.

  • Dig Deeper... Movies That Won Best Picture at the Oscars and Golden Globes
  • # 244 of 399 on The Best Movies Of The 1980s, Ranked
  • # 131 of 232 on The Best '80s Comedy Movies, Ranked

High Flying Bird

High Flying Bird

Directed by Steven Soderbergh, High Flying Bird follows a sports agent who pitches a controversial business opportunity during an NBA lockout, challenging the established power structures within the world of professional basketball. This innovative film takes a fresh approach to business-focused storytelling, offering audiences a glimpse into the high-stakes world of sports management and the intricate negotiations that transpire behind the scenes. With its captivating narrative and thought-provoking themes, High Flying Bird earns its place among the best movies about business.

  • # 34 of 200 on The Best Sports Movies Ever Made
  • # 77 of 460 on The Best Black Movies Ever Made, Ranked
  • # 46 of 68 on The Greatest Sports Drama Movies of All Time
  • Entertainment
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Look: There are hundred of thousands of movies out there for you to watch. All we're saying is that these are the ones you should put at the top of your list.

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22 Best Business Movies in 2024 (With Rating)

Are you an entrepreneur who is looking for inspiring movies to watch? Do you want to get motivated and entertained while learning something new about running a business? Well, you're in luck! We've curated the best list of business films that every budding entrepreneur should watch. Whether it's timeless classics like Wall Street or more recent award-winning gems like The Big Short, these stories are sure to give you excellent insight into the world of business. So pop some popcorn, sit back, relax, and prepare to be inspired with our ultimate guide on the best business movies for entrepreneurs!

Best Business Movies for Entrepreneurs

Best Business Movies List 2024

1. wall street.

Director: Oliver Stone

Stars: Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Tamara Tunie

IMDB Rating: 7.3/10

In the world of business, the name Wall Street carries a certain weight to it. It's synonymous with power, wealth, and often, controversy. This infamous street serves as the backdrop for the movie Wall Street, a thrilling tale of an ambitious young stockbroker eager to climb the ranks at any cost. The film follows his journey as he embarks on a dangerous path by trading on illegal inside information. Along the way, he's taken under the wing of a ruthless corporate raider who shows him the darker side of the industry. Wall Street is a captivating story that offers an inside look into the world of high finance and the trade-offs that come with chasing success.

2. The Founder

Director: John Lee Hancock

Stars: Michael Keaton, Nick OffermanJohn, Carroll Lynch

IMDB Rating: 7.2/10

If you're looking for a business movie that showcases the power of ambition, persistence, and good old-fashioned ruthlessness, look no further than The Founder . This captivating film tells the story of Ray Kroc, a salesman who took a small fast-food eatery run by two brothers and turned it into one of the most successful restaurant businesses in the world: McDonald's. Kroc's journey to the top wasn't easy, and the movie highlights the many challenges and setbacks he faced along the way. As you watch "The Founder" you'll be drawn in by the incredible performances of the cast and the gripping portrayal of Kroc's cutthroat approach to business. Ultimately, this movie is a must-watch for anyone who's interested in the world of entrepreneurship and the power of perseverance.

3. The Big Short

Director: Adam McKay

Stars: Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling

IMDB Rating: 7.8/10

The Big Short is a must-see business movie that brings to light the dark truths about the United States mortgage market. Based on a true story, the movie reveals how a group of investors defied the odds and bet against the very system that held their financial futures. Through their research and investigations, they discovered the dirty secrets that plagued the market - corruption, greed, and fraud. The Big Short offers an insightful look into the inner workings of the stock market and a sobering reminder of how quickly things can unravel when money and power are at play.

4. The Wolf of Wall Street

Director: Martin Scorsese

Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie

IMDB Rating: 8.2/10

The Wolf of Wall Street is a thrilling business movie that takes us on a wild ride through the life of Jordan Belfort, a successful stockbroker who built himself a luxurious lifestyle through unscrupulous means. From lavish parties to expensive cars and yachts, this film portrays the excess and corruption of the stock market during the 1990s. But it also takes us through Belfort's downfall, as his unethical practices drew the attention of the federal government and landed him in prison. With outstanding performances by Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, and Margot Robbie, The Wolf of Wall Street is a must-watch for anyone interested in the world of finance.

5. The Social Network

Director: David Fincher

Stars: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake

When it comes to business movies, one that has stood out in recent years is The Social Network . This captivating film tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg, the Harvard student who famously created Facebook. But as much as the movie celebrates Zuckerberg's success, it also explores the controversies that surround it. From the lawsuits filed by the twins who claimed he stole their idea, to the co-founder who was pushed out of the company, "The Social Network" offers a fascinating look at the cutthroat world of business. It's a must-watch for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, tech, or the inner workings of Silicon Valley.

Director: Joshua Michael Stern

Stars: Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad

IMDB Rating: 6.0/10

Jobs is not just any business movie. It is the compelling story of the iconic Steve Jobs and his journey from a college dropout to a visionary entrepreneur. The movie encapsulates Jobs' exceptional creative abilities and his determination to turn his bold ideas into reality. As the story unfolds, viewers witness the intense personal struggles and professional challenges that Jobs faced, leading to his eventual success as one of the most revered pioneers of the 20th century. With stunning performances and a captivating storyline, "Jobs" proves to be a true masterpiece in the world of cinema.

7. The Aviator

Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale

IMDB Rating: 7.5/10

Step into the glamorous world of Hollywood and aviation history with the thrilling biopic, The Aviator . This movie takes the audience on a journey through the early years of the legendary director and aviator Howard Hughes' career, from the late 1920s to the mid-1940s. Leonardo DiCaprio delivers an incredible performance, depicting the unwavering passion and determination that led Hughes to become a true icon of his time. The film captures the essence of the era, exploring his relationships with some of the most notable figures in Hollywood, as well as his groundbreaking achievements as a pioneer in the aviation industry. This captivating portrayal of a captivating man will leave you inspired and in awe of one of the most remarkable stories in American history.

8. The Pursuit of Happyness

Director: Gabriele Muccino

Stars: Will Smith, Thandiwe Newton, Jaden Smith

IMDB Rating: 8.0/10

The Pursuit of Happyness is a heart-warming movie that follows the journey of a struggling salesman who finds himself at a crossroads in his life. The film explores the challenges and sacrifices that come with chasing a dream while trying to provide for a family. The story takes a poignant turn when the protagonist takes custody of his young son, who becomes his beacon of hope and a driving force behind his pursuit of happiness. The film is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. It's sure to leave you feeling inspired and motivated to chase your dreams, no matter the obstacles that stand in your way.

9. Pirates of Silicon Valley

Director: Martyn Burke

Stars: Anthony Michael, HallNoah Wyle, Joey Slotnick

If you're in the mood for a captivating flick that tells a story about the beginning of the technology industry, look no further than Pirates of Silicon Valley . This movie brings to life the real-life struggles and triumphs of the two biggest players in the game - Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. With an engaging storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat, this movie skillfully illustrates the brilliant minds behind the companies that have changed our lives forever. From their humble beginnings to their rise to power, "Pirates of Silicon Valley" is a must-watch for anyone interested in the evolution of technology and the incredible people behind it.

10. Boiler Room

Director: Ben Younger

Stars: Giovanni Ribisi, Vin Diesel, Nia Long

IMDB Rating: 7.0/10

Filled with gripping action and thrilling suspense, the business movie Boiler Room tells the story of a young man who is forced to navigate the murky waters of the investment world in order to prove himself to both himself and his strict father. With a job as a broker at a seemingly successful investment firm, he is determined to carve a successful career for himself. However, as he delves deeper into the complex world of stocks and investments, the young man discovers that not everything is as it seems. With twists and turns around every corner, "Boiler Room" is a thrilling cinematic experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.


Director: Chris Hegedus, Jehane Noujaim

Stars: Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, Tom Herman, Kenneth Austin

IMDB Rating: 7.1/10 is a captivating movie that delves into the world of entrepreneurship and the ups and downs of building a company in the early days of the internet. The film follows the journey of two high-school friends who merge their business ideas, only to realize that the road to success is full of challenges and setbacks. Throughout the movie, viewers get a glimpse of the intense pressure that entrepreneurs face in a highly competitive market, as well as the sacrifices that come with chasing a dream. is not only a compelling watch, but also a valuable lesson in business strategy, innovation and perseverance.

12. Margin Call

Director: J.C. Chandor

Stars: Zachary Quinto, Stanley Tucci, Kevin Spacey

Margin Call is a gripping movie that follows the events of a 24-hour period in the life of an investment bank during the 2008 financial crisis. This intense drama delves into the world of finance and the people who work tirelessly to keep it running smoothly. It showcases the intricate workings of the stock market and the ruthless decisions that have to be made in times of turmoil. The characters in the movie are complex and multi-layered, giving the audience a glimpse into the minds of the people responsible for managing billions of dollars of other people's money. If you're looking for a compelling movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat, Margin Call is definitely worth a watch.

13. Flash of Genius

Director: Marc Abraham

Stars: Greg Kinnear, Lauren Graham, Alan Alda

In the film Flash of Genius , we are immersed in the world of Robert Kearns, a brilliant engineer who finds himself embroiled in a legal battle against the powerful Detroit automakers. Kearns claims that they have stolen his idea for the intermittent windshield wiper, and he's not willing to back down. This gripping drama takes us on a rollercoaster ride of emotions as we watch a determined man fight against all odds to protect his invention and his reputation. With fantastic performances from the cast and a compelling storyline, Flash of Genius is a must-see for anyone who loves a good underdog story.

14. The Corporation

Director: Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott

Stars: Mikela Jay, Rob Beckwermert, Christopher Gora

The Corporation is much more than just a business movie; it is a thought-provoking documentary that examines the very nature of modern capitalism. Throughout the film, we are taken on a journey through recent history, exploring the rise and current dominance of the corporation and its impact on society. Filled with interviews from business leaders, activists, and even former corporate insiders, The Corporation raises important questions about the role of these powerful entities in our world. Whether you're a seasoned business professional or simply interested in the workings of the modern economy, this film is sure to challenge your assumptions and leave you questioning the very foundations of our economic system.

Stars: Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci

The movie Casino takes us on the thrilling ride of two best friends' rivalries in Las Vegas. It's the story of a casino executive and a mafia enforcer who are competing for a gambling empire in the city of sin. The action-packed film also features a fast-living, fast-loving socialite caught up in their dangerous game. The movie is full of twists and turns as the characters navigate the seedy underworld of Las Vegas. Casino offers a gripping and unforgettable tale of greed, power, and betrayal.

16. Jerry Maguire

Director: Cameron Crowe

Stars: Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renée Zellweger

Jerry Maguire is a cinematic masterpiece that has stood the test of time for over two decades. This film charts the journey of a brilliant sports agent who experiences a moral awakening and finds himself fired for expressing his newfound beliefs. Jerry Maguire's journey does not end there, as he decides to use his newfound philosophy to forge his path as an independent sports agent. He finds a trusty partner in the only athlete who believes in him and sets out to make his mark in an industry that can often be unforgiving. The movie offers an engaging and inspiring tale that is both touching and entertaining.

17. The Intern

Director: Nancy Meyers

Stars: Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway, Rene Russo

In the business world, sometimes age really is just a number. That's what audiences learned in the heartwarming and relatable film, The Intern . Starring Robert De Niro as Ben Whittaker, a 70-year-old retiree who feels restless and unfulfilled in his newfound leisure time. Thanks to a unique opportunity, Ben became a senior intern at an online fashion company founded and led by the driven and unconventional Jules Ostin. Through their unlikely partnership, viewers witness the power of intergenerational collaboration, as well as the importance of embracing new chances to learn and grow. The Intern is not just a film about business, but also a story about rediscovering one's purpose and passion.

18. Ford v Ferrari

Director: James Mangold

Stars: Jez Butterworth, John-Henry Butterworth, Jason Keller

IMDB Rating: 8.1/10

Ford v Ferrari is a film that will satisfy any racing enthusiast's need for speed. The movie follows the journey of two passionate men, car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles, as they take on the task of building a car that can beat Ferrari at the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1966. The stakes are high, as they not only have to battle against their competitors on the track but also against corporate interference that threatens to compromise their innovative ideas. The movie is a thrilling ride that showcases the determination and perseverance of Shelby and Miles as they push the limits of what's possible to achieve their goal of victory. Ford v Ferrari is a must-watch for anyone who wants to witness the pinnacle of automotive engineering and racing history.

Director: Jon Favreau

Stars: Jon Favreau, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson

The big screen has seen its fair share of movies about cooking and food, but few have captured the essence of a chef's journey as well as the movie Chef . The film follows a head chef who quits his prestigious restaurant job and takes a leap of faith by purchasing a food truck. With a newfound sense of freedom, he sets out on a cross-country journey to reconnect with his family, rediscover his love of cooking, and reignite his creative passion. The audience is treated to a feast of mouth-watering dishes, each one more tantalizing than the last. The movie brings together food, family, and a heartfelt story that will leave you feeling inspired and hungry for more.

20. The Devil Wears Prada

Director: David Frankel

Stars: Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, Adrian Grenier

IMDB Rating: 6.9/10

The Devil Wears Prada is a movie that's as iconic as its title suggests. It tells the story of a young, ambitious graduate who lands her dream job as an assistant to the formidable Miranda Priestly, editor-in-chief of a prestigious fashion magazine. The film offers a glimpse into the fast-paced world of high fashion, where even the smallest mistake can have serious consequences. As we follow the protagonist, we see her go through the ups and downs of working in a high-pressure corporate environment, and how her job affects her personal life. With strong performances from a talented cast, and a plot that keeps you hooked till the very end, The Devil Wears Prada is a must-watch for anyone who wants a glimpse into the cutthroat world of corporate America.

21. Office Space

Director: Mike Judge

Stars: Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, David Herman

IMDB Rating: 7.6/10

Have you ever felt trapped in your own workspace, surrounded by paperwork and fluorescent lighting? If the answer is yes, then you might find solace in the movie Office Space . This satirical film follows three disgruntled employees who are fed up with their mundane, soul-sucking jobs. They band together and hatch a plot to stick it to their greedy boss. But what starts off as a small act of rebellion quickly spirals out of control, leading to hilarious and unpredictable consequences. Office Space is a must-watch for anyone who has ever dreamt of sticking it to the man and breaking free from their monotonous 9-5 routine.

22. Glengarry Glen Ross

Director: James Foley

Stars: Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin

IMDB Rating: 7.7/10

Glengarry Glen Ross is a must-see movie for anyone curious about the inner workings of the cutthroat world of real estate sales. This drama uncovers the conniving tactics employed by a group of salesmen, each competing to sell more real estate than the others. The competitive, high-pressured environment breeds betrayal and ruthless behavior, leaving little room for ethical salesmanship. Glengarry Glen Ross exposes the dark side of the business world and serves as a cautionary tale of just how far people will go for success. Whether you are in the industry or not, this compelling film is guaranteed to captivate you from beginning to end.

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20 Best Business Movies on Netflix Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

Avantika Bhardwaj

Avantika Bhardwaj , Akshat Hawelia

Entrepreneurs, just like anyone else, also appreciate a relaxing evening. And what better way to unwind than by indulging in a night of binge-watching Netflix? But here's the exciting part: even during your downtime, you can find inspiration and ignite your entrepreneurial spirit by watching the right movies and clips. So, grab your popcorn and get ready for a lightning bolt of inspiration as we explore the world of captivating films that can leave a lasting impact on your entrepreneurial journey.

Let’s bring on the new culture of NETFLIX & LEARN.

By watching movies that inspire us, we can absorb the qualities of our favorite characters and gather new ideas right from the comfort of our couches. If you are a business enthusiast looking for some captivating movies to inspire and entertain you, Look no further! In this blog, we have curated a list of the best business movies available on Netflix that will take you on a thrilling journey into the world of entrepreneurship, corporate intrigue, and financial success. From true stories of visionary entrepreneurs to gripping tales of corporate scandals, these movies offer valuable insights and entertainment for both aspiring and seasoned business professionals. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and entertained as we explore the top business movies streaming on Netflix.

Netflix Total Global Subscriber Base (FY2017-23)

The graph shows the number of Netflix global subscribers from 2017 to 2023. The number of subscribers has increased yearly, from 99.04 million in 2017 to 238.4 million in 2023. This represents a growth rate of over 240% in six years.

Best Business Movies on Netflix

Here are some of the best movies for entrepreneurs on Netflix to get inspired by. These Netflix movies about business are a great source of business motivation for entrepreneurs.

  • The Pursuit of Happyness
  • The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
  • The Theory Of Everything
  • Manjhi – The Mountain Man

The Social Dilemma

Fyre: the greatest party that never happened, the big short, the defiant ones.

  • The Social Network
  • The Founder
  • The Great Hack
  • Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed

Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

Inside bill's brain: decoding bill gates.

The Pursuit of Happyness - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

This movie is based on Chris Gardner's heart-wrenching “upward mobility” memoir, The Pursuit of Happyness is all about winning the fight against all odds that life throws on you while staying true to your inner compass. The story details Chris's nearly year struggle with homelessness while raising his young son and pursuing an unpaid internship as a stockbroker. At times, he had to resort to sleeping in a subway bathroom, while struggling to sell medical bone-density scanners for income. It has been decades since this film was released, and yet the subject is still relevant today.

The Pursuit of Happyness Trailer | Netflix Business Movies

What should we learn from "The Pursuit of Happyness" movie?

"The Pursuit of Happyness" teaches us the valuable lessons of resilience, determination, and the power of belief in oneself. As an entrepreneur, it reminds us to never give up, even in the face of adversity, and to keep striving for our dreams. It also emphasizes the importance of taking risks, seizing opportunities, and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the entrepreneurial journey.

best biography movies of businessman

This Netflix original is based on the true story of a boy named William Kamkwamba, who saved his town from famine by constructing a windmill to provide water and electricity. He was an adolescent when he was forced to drop out of school in Malawi because his family couldn’t afford the school fees. As famine hit his village, he began to search for a solution. He borrowed books from his former school’s library, and in them, he learned about wind turbines. At its heart, this is a story of incredible innovation.

What should we learn from "The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind" movie?

"The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind" teaches us several lessons as an entrepreneur. It highlights the power of innovation , problem-solving, and resourcefulness. The movie demonstrates that even in challenging circumstances, one can find creative solutions to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. It inspires entrepreneurs to think outside the box, leverage their skills and knowledge, and make a positive impact on their community. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of perseverance, determination, and the belief that one person can make a difference through their entrepreneurial endeavors.

best biography movies of businessman

The movie is based on the Late Stephen Hawking, who has been one of the most brilliant and influential scientists of our time. But as well as, harboring an exemplary scientific mind, he was an extraordinary man. Hawking was a fighter who overcame what was supposed to be a fatal case of ALS also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, and so he went on to live a full and accomplished life. He was advised by the doctor that he won’t survive not more than two or three years when he was diagnosed in 1964, but the disease progressed slower than expected. Although Hawking was confined to a wheelchair for much of his life, and as his condition worsened, he had to resort to speaking through a voice synthesizer and communicating by moving his eyebrows.

What should we learn from the movie "The Theory Of Everything"?

"The Theory of Everything" offers valuable lessons for entrepreneurs. The movie teaches us the importance of embracing challenges, adapting to adversity, and never giving up. It emphasizes the power of passion and curiosity in driving innovation and pushing boundaries.

best biography movies of businessman

Moneyball is a captivating sports drama that portrays the true story of Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics, and his innovative approach to building a competitive baseball team on a limited budget. Facing financial constraints and struggling to keep up with wealthier teams, Beane partners with Peter Brand, an economics graduate, to revolutionize player evaluation using sabermetric principles. The film showcases how they challenged conventional wisdom and traditional scouting methods, ultimately leading to a historic 20-game winning streak during the 2002 season.

What should we learn from the movie "Moneyball"?

Moneyball inspires entrepreneurs to leverage their knowledge and embrace change to achieve remarkable outcomes and make a meaningful impact in their endeavors. It demonstrates that with the right mindset and approach, transformative achievements are possible, even in industries with established norms and limitations.

Manjhi - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

"Manjhi - The Mountain Man" is a biographical drama film based on the true story of Dashrath Manjhi, a poor laborer from Bihar, India. The movie portrays the incredible journey of Manjhi, who single-handedly carved a path through a mountain using only a hammer and chisel.

Motivated by his wife's death due to lack of medical access, Manjhi spent 22 years breaking down the barrier to improve his community's lives. The film showcases his determination, resilience, and belief in the power of an individual to make a difference. It is an inspiring tale of triumph over adversity.

What should we learn from the movie "Manjhi- The Mountain Man"?

The movie emphasizes that with determination, resourcefulness, and a strong drive toward your dreams, you can overcome obstacles and achieve success. It inspires us to challenge excuses, push through limitations, and carve our own path to success, just as Manjhi did.

Inception - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

This is a sci-fi drama that is basically peaking onto the influence of the subconscious over our waking lives and what reality really means. The protagonist uses "inception" to implant another person's idea into his target's subconscious. However, the subconscious mind will repel the attempts of inception, especially if that planted idea isn’t authentic. The plot explores the idea of “dream-sharing,” connecting with others on a much deeper level and being able to tap into someone’s core beliefs.

What should we learn from the movie "Inception"?

It teaches us the art of persuasive storytelling and marketing. Just like the characters in the movie plant ideas in people's minds, entrepreneurs can use strategic messaging and storytelling techniques to influence their target audience. By crafting compelling narratives that resonate with customers, entrepreneurs can create a sense of ownership and inspire them to take action, making their products or services feel like a natural and irresistible choice.

Steve Jobs - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

This is a biographical movie based on Steve Jobs , who was not about to follow the given paths to success. The film is divided into three parts, each focused on the time period prior to the launch of their key products. The scenes have offered crucial insights not only into professionality but also into strained personal life. Steve offered opportunities who shared his obsessions and were determined to do it. It also showed that Steve was not good at playing well with others.

Steve Jobs Official Trailer | Best Business Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

What should we learn from the "Steve Jobs" movie?

Steve Jobs' story reminds us that great ideas can disrupt industries, and success comes from challenging the status quo and pushing boundaries. It also emphasizes the significance of strong leadership, effective communication , and the ability to inspire and motivate teams. As an entrepreneur, "Steve Jobs" teaches us to believe in our vision, persevere through setbacks, and never settle for mediocrity in our pursuit of greatness.

best biography movies of businessman

“Saying Yes to everything life” leads to funny chaos of scenes in the protagonist’s life. That’s because life, with all of its chaos, danger, and fun, is meant to be fully embraced. In the movie, Carl Allen is a man who basically lives to say no to everything. Completely stuck in a negative mindset , Carl attends a conference based on the concept of saying yes to any question thrown his way. What happens next is the result of Carl saying yes to every opportunity — which of course is insane and a lot of fun. In the end, Carl realizes he’s taken the “yes” exercise a little too far, but he’s changed for the better.

What should we learn from the "Yes Man" movie?

The movie teaches us the power of saying "yes" to new opportunities and experiences. As an entrepreneur , it is important to be open-minded, embrace change, and be willing to take risks. "Yes Man" reminds us that stepping out of our comfort zone and embracing a positive attitude can lead to personal and professional growth. By adopting a "yes" mentality, entrepreneurs can discover new paths, expand their network, and unlock hidden potential.

The Social Dilemma - Netflix Movies for Entrepreneurs

"The Social Dilemma" is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the hidden consequences of social media and the impact of technology on society. It features interviews with former employees from major tech companies who provide insights into the design and algorithms used to keep users engaged and addicted to social media platforms. The film raises awareness about the negative effects of excessive screen time, the erosion of privacy, and the proliferation of misinformation.

What should we learn from "The Social Dilemma" movie?

"The Social Dilemma" provides valuable lessons for businesses, stressing the significance of ethical technology design and prioritizing user well-being over profit. It encourages questioning the information consumed online and developing critical thinking skills for responsible navigation in the digital landscape. By applying these lessons, we can foster a conscious and responsible digital future, where technology serves as a tool for positive societal impact, rather than manipulation.

Fyre - Business Realted Movies on Netflix

Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened is a captivating Netflix documentary released in 2019. It delves into the story of Billy McFarland and the Fyre music festival, a booking app that promised a luxurious musical experience on a Bahamian island. Targeting affluent young individuals with alluring promotions featuring stunning models and the promise of an extraordinary night of music and revelry, the documentary unveils the harsh reality of a failed event that never came to fruition.

What should we learn from the movie Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened?

The movie "Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened" teaches us the importance of honesty, transparency, and delivering on promises as entrepreneurs. It serves as a reminder that building a successful venture requires more than just hype and marketing tactics ; it necessitates genuine planning, organization, and delivering value to customers.

best biography movies of businessman

The biographical comedy-drama was picturized based on the book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine. The story was about a housing bubble where most people took housing loans as their choice and couldn’t able to repay on time. This happened because Michael Burray the MD of Hedge Funds predicted housing loans would be the future and had bet 1 billion dollars and this steep made others take huge loans and invest in his way without a second thought of the future. This led to the biggest financial crisis in 2007-2008. Then few financial experts worked on the issue and saved the crisis.

What should we learn from the movie The Big Short?

"The Big Short" highlights the importance of critically analyzing the prevailing financial system and being aware of potential risks. It emphasizes the significance of questioning assumptions, conducting thorough research, and taking proactive measures to protect oneself from financial crises . Trusting in one's own efforts and staying determined are key to navigating uncertain times successfully.

The Defiant Ones - startup movies on netflix

The Ambitious HBO's TV series The Defiant Ones was a four-part documentary about Jimmy Lovine and Dr. Dre's impeccable music partnership and was released in 2017. Together, they formed Beats Electronics, which was later sold to Apple Inc. The four-part documentary shows the struggles faced by Jimmy Lovine and Dr. Dre individually and how they came together to form Beats Electronics.

Part 1 shows how both started their careers individually with many failures setbacks and frustrating moments and insults.

Part 2 shows the aspiration of both when by the little success of Fuck tha Police to Dre and a few hits to Jimmy.

Part 3 shows Jimmy founded Interscope Records and had a contract with Nine Inch Nails rock band to hail the music.

Part 4 shows the forming of Beats Electronics with the ambitious partnership and becoming a colossal success and then was sold to Apple for 3 billion dollars in 2014.

The Defiant Ones Official Trailer | Best Business Related Movies

What should we learn from the movie The Defiant Ones?

"The Defiant Ones" teaches us the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. It inspires us to never give up on our dreams and to maintain a "never quit" attitude, no matter how challenging the journey may be. The movie reminds us that with determination and unwavering belief in ourselves, we can overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

The Social Network startup movies on netflix

The story is about the youngest and richest billionaire and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg, angry with his girlfriend, created a website called Facemash and listed the total number of girls in the university (Harward) and started to give a rating to them. Soon, it went on to reach even students of Harward. Knowing such an act by the administration, Mark got rusticated for six months. Attracted by such an attempt, Mark started improvising the idea in a bigger manner and launched Facebook along with his friend Eduardo Saverin. Then Mark started expanding the Facebook network from one university to another and from one place to another, making it a huge success.

What should we learn from the movie The Social Network?

"The Social Network" teaches us that turning an idea into reality requires relentless effort and perseverance. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, the protagonist's determination to bring his vision to life sets him apart. The movie showcases how Facebook, with over 480 billion accounts, has become a global phenomenon. It reminds us that those who take action and bring their ideas into the world have the potential to create history and leave a lasting impact.

best biography movies of businessman

In this American biographical drama, the story revolves around Ray Kroc, the man responsible for turning McDonald's into a global fast-food empire. The film explores the origins of McDonald's and the visionary ideas of the McDonald brothers. It then delves into Kroc's journey as he recognizes the potential of their fast-food system and persuades them to franchise their restaurants. However, Kroc's rise to success comes at the expense of his relationship with the McDonald brothers and his own moral compass.

What should we learn from the movie The Founder?

The movie "The Founder" teaches us the importance of perseverance, seizing opportunities, and the impact of decision-making on personal relationships and integrity in the pursuit of entrepreneurial success.

best biography movies of businessman

"The Great Hack" delves into the depths of the Cambridge Analytica controversy, exposing the subtle exploitation of social media data for political benefit. The story of David Carroll, a determined professor seeking access to his data, Brittany Kaiser, a former Cambridge Analytica employee turned whistleblower, and Carole Cadwalladr, a relentless investigative journalist, is intertwined as they uncover the scope of the data harvesting operation and its impact on the 2016 US presidential election and the Brexit vote. The movie highlights frightening issues about data privacy, the ability of social media to influence minds, and the potential erosion of democratic norms in the digital age as the layers of deception unravel.

What should we learn from the movie The Great Hack?

The movie teaches us that businesses should prioritize data transparency and accountability, exercise responsible data collection practices, implement robust data security measures, refrain from misusing data for manipulative tactics, uphold ethical data practices in advertising, collaborate with data brokers responsibly, and stay informed about data regulations and industry standards.

Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed

Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed | Best Business Movies on Netflix

The documentary explores the life and career of painter and television broadcaster Bob Ross and the battle for his commercial empire. It humanizes Ross, challenging the idea of him as a novelty and highlighting the ownership dispute around his franchise. The documentary tries to present a more complex perspective of Bob Ross and his legacy, highlighting the need not to oversimplify his image. It was launched on August 25, 2021, and has been described as educational and thought-provoking.

What should we learn from the movie Bob Ross?

As it digs into the battle over Bob Ross's economic empire following his death, it highlights the necessity of protecting one's legacy and business interests. The documentary emphasizes the need to know the business side of creative efforts and the possible difficulties that might develop when commercial interests collide with artistic integrity. It also underlines the need for individuals to be cautious in protecting their intellectual property and economic operations to guarantee that their objectives preserve their legacy.

Inside Job | Best Business Movies on Netflix

The film explores the reasons for the 2008 global financial crisis. The film thoroughly accounts for the events leading up to the crisis, including financial industry deregulation, the increase of subprime mortgages, and the development of complicated financial products such as Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs). The movie is one of the top business movies on Netflix. It also investigates the crisis's impact on key financial institutions, rating agencies, and government authorities. The film emphasizes the financial industry's lack of accountability and ethical standards and the need for increased transparency and regulation.

What should we learn from the movie Inside Job?

The film teaches various important business principles, particularly company ethics and financial regulation. The film emphasizes the importance of better accountability and ethical standards in the financial industry, shedding attention on the repercussions of uncontrolled greed and a lack of regulatory monitoring. It highlights the significance of ethical business practices, transparency, and stronger regulation to avoid future financial disasters. Furthermore, the film serves as a reminder of the financial sector's connectivity with politics and academia, emphasizing the potential influence of these relationships on the global economy.

Downfall: The Case Against Boeing | Best Business Movies on Netflix

Downfall: The Case Against Boeing looks into the events that led to Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashes, including the Boeing 737 MAX. The documentary investigates Boeing's culture of concealment and the company's negligence in addressing component failures in the 737 MAX. It links these concerns to Boeing's capitalization and the shareholder-first attitude that evolved following its 1997 acquisition of McDonnell Douglas. The documentary presents a devastating depiction of the catastrophes caused by Boeing's wrongdoing and greed, contextualizing Boeing's guilt within bigger trends in American corporate governance. It also highlights the need to transition toward safety-conscious engineering and responsible business decision-making in the aerospace sector.

What should we learn from the movie Downfall: The Case Against Boeing?

Maintaining a culture of safety and quality is of utmost importance, as responsible corporate decision-making is crucial. This documentary highlights the dangers of prioritizing financial gain over ethical business practices and neglecting regulatory oversight, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in industries where safety is paramount. Additionally, it serves as a reminder of the significance of crisis management and the importance of companies having effective risk management strategies in place.

best biography movies of businessman

"Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates" is a 2019 Netflix documentary series that provides insights into the life and work of Bill Gates , focusing on his philanthropic efforts, childhood, and his pursuit of solutions to global challenges such as sanitation and climate change . The series offers a glimpse into Gates' personal and professional life, showcasing his determination, problem-solving approach, and commitment to positively impacting the world. It sheds light on the complexity of Gates' character and his efforts to address significant global issues.

What should we learn from Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates?

The documentary "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates" is a source of valuable business lessons. It emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, thinking globally, and collaborating with passionate problem solvers. The film also highlights the significance of forming partnerships, practicing compassion, and developing clean and efficient solutions. It underscores the need to comprehend complex systems, detach oneself from emotions, and work diligently to tackle significant global challenges.

Baazaar | Best Business Movies on Netflix

The film Baazaar depicts the financial market's underbelly. The plot revolves around an ambitious young man who moves to Mumbai and works as a stock trader for an infamous businessman. Saif Ali Khan , Rohan Vinod Mehra, Radhika Apte, and Chitrangada Singh play pivotal parts. The video provides viewers interested in the stock market with insights into the market and enjoyment.

What should we learn from the movie Bazaar?

The film "Baazaar" teaches various business lessons, including the need for long-term and ethical business methods, avoiding shortcuts for rapid success, and completing rigorous study and analysis before making investment decisions. It also underlines the risks of blindly following market leaders and the significance of developing one's tactics. The film explores the complexities of the financial market and promotes slow and lasting returns over fast gains, emphasizing the importance of diligence and caution in business dealings.

best biography movies of businessman


Exploring the world of business through movies can be both entertaining and educational. The best business movies on Netflix provide valuable insights, inspiring stories, and lessons that entrepreneurs can apply to their own journeys. These films offer a glimpse into the triumphs, challenges, and strategies employed by successful entrepreneurs, showcasing the highs and lows of the business world. By watching these movies, we can gain inspiration, learn from the experiences of others, and gain a fresh perspective on various aspects of entrepreneurship. These are some of the best business movies on Netflix 2023 to watch. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and let these movies spark your entrepreneurial spirit and motivate you on your path to success.

What are the movies to watch for entrepreneurs?

The best business movies on Netflix to watch for entrepreneurs are:

Are these business movies based on true stories?

Yes, business movies like The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Moneyball, The Pursuit of Happyness, and more are some of the most popular movies based on true stories.

Is The Pursuit of Happyness a true story?

The Pursuit of Happyness is a true story based on the Real-Life Rags of Successful Businessman Chris Gardner. Entrepreneurs can learn a lot from this business movie on Netflix.

Is The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind a true story?

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind is a true story based on Malawian inventor & engineer- William Kamkwamba. The movie is a story about the incredible journey of innovation. It is a must-watch entrepreneur movie on Netflix.

Is Manjhi the Mountain Man a true story?

Yes, Manjhi- the Mountain Man is a true story of Dashrath Manjhi who is also known as Mountain Man. He was a laborer in Gehlaur village in Bihar, India who carved a path for crossing a mountain. It is one of the best entrepreneur movies on Netflix.

Can Netflix be used in two different locations with one account?

A Netflix account is meant for one household's use, allowing all members to access it from different locations and benefit from new features like Transfer Profile and Manage Access and Devices.

Can business movies provide practical business advice?

Yes, business-related movies often depict real-world business scenarios and can offer valuable insights and lessons for entrepreneurs.

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50 Game Changing Business Movies For Entrepreneurs 2024


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We’ve made a list of entrepreneur movies you can enjoy and also learn a thing or two about the world of business.

In an hour or two, you can learn how Wall Street works, dive deep into the background stories of some of the most popular founders and investors (yes, Warren Buffet’s on the list), or discover that criminals are actually excellent at running a business.

There’s something for everyone. Pick a movie title you like, and be prepared to question your current business principles and beliefs.

Here Are Our Top 3 Picks if You Can’t Decide

If you’re as indecisive as we are and want to know the best entrepreneur movies to watch, here are our top 3 picks: 

  • If you want to learn how to prepare for an economic downturn and what happened in the 2008 financial crisis: The Big Short
  • If you’re interested in the financial markets: Wolf of Wall Street  
  • If you’re into gangster movies but want to learn about business: The Godfather

50 Best Movies for Entrepreneurs

1) fyre festival.

Fyre Festival

Name of the movie : Fyre Festival

Description of the movie : Fyre is a documentary about a young entrepreneur and fraud named Billy McFarland and his failed Fyre Festival in 2017. The festival was doomed from the beginning mainly due to bad planning and mismanagement of funds.

This is a great entrepreneur movie because it highlights that planning is the key to everything. But more importantly, it shows that in life, it’s not enough to have the desire and passion to achieve something great - you need to work hard and smartly to succeed.

Released in : 2019

Related topics: Fyre serves as an example that presents the importance of planning and management. It can serve as a warning sign for all young entrepreneurs who fail to deliver the final product, despite massive financial investments.

IMDB Rating : 7.2/10 from 34,714 votes

2) The Founder

The Founder

Name of the movie : The Founder

Description of the movie : A biographical movie about McDonald’s rise as one of the biggest businesses in the gastronomy world.

Salesman Ray Croc joined the McDonald’s brothers, stole their idea, and without ever paying them for their royalty, he took all the credit for the restaurant's expansion. The lesson -  be careful who you get in bed with. 

Released in : 2016

Related topics : The Founder is an inspiring story for entrepreneurs willing to create ‘the next big thing”. Although sometimes harsh and too ambitious, Ray Kroc managed to transform McDonald’s into the most popular fast-food chain restaurant. 

IMDB Rating : 7.2/10 from 116,351 votes

3) Steve Jobs

Name of the movie : Steve Jobs

Description of the movie : This biopic on Apple's founder tells the behind-the-scenes story about the iconic entrepreneur and his struggles on the way to the top.

Also, important shots from Steve’s personal life are shown as well as the obstacles he overcame to build the brand we all know.

Released in : 2015

Related topics : Steve Jobs revolves around Job’s ideas and the decisions he had to make in order to create Apple and take it to the top.

This is one of those entrepreneur movies anyone can learn something from, even if you have years of experience running a business. Taking a sneak peek into Job’s mind can be educational and insightful, so give this movie a chance. 

IMDB Rating : 7.2/10 from 149,991 votes

4) The Social Network

The Social Network

Name of the movie : The Social Network

Description of the movie : The Social Network is the ultimate story about Facebook and its founder. It shows Mark Zuckerberg and the way he brought to life his idea of building a social media platform. 

Soon afterward, his project got substantial financial backing, and all of a sudden, Facebook was ‘live’ all around the world.

However, it wasn’t all roses on Mark's journey - the movie also shows Mark’s struggles and lawsuits from his once-friend and first investor, Eduardo Saverin.

Released in : 2010

Related topics : Zuckerberg’s creative approach is fascinating to watch and analyze - you’ll feel like you’re in the middle of the technological world in Silicon Valley.

The movie also shows that even large corporations often have small and struggling beginnings, and it can be quite inspiring for young entrepreneurs to see that for themselves.

IMDB Rating : 7.7/10 from 607,074

5) The Wolf of Wall Street

Name of the movie : The Wolf of Wall Street

Description of the movie : The Wolf Of Wall Street is one of those entrepreneur movies that will keep you glued to the screen. What’s a better way to learn about business mistakes to avoid than watching the catastrophic mistakes Jordan Belfort did? 

This movie is based on his real-life story and how from a promising broker, he got himself into the world of too many drugs, too many lies, and a devastating feud with US authorities. Of course, the success he had is not excluded, but ultimately, he was remembered for his wrongdoings, proving once again that business choices can define your life, so always choose carefully. 

Released in : 2013

Related topics : Perhaps one of the most exciting moments in the movie is the cold-calling process. It’s shown with passion, dedication, and belief in the great idea. 

Also, keeping your employees satisfied by doing whatever makes them happy is another lesson you can take from this movie - but set some boundaries, otherwise, you may dig yourself a hole.

IMDB Rating : 8.2/10 from 1,137,086 votes

6) The Big Short

The Big Short

Name of the movie : The Big Short

Description of the movie : What happens when one man finds out about the housing market crash before it even occurs? He wouldn’t dare to use that for personal profit... or would he? 

If you like dramatic business movies, this one is a must-watch . This Oscar winner is about the story of the 2007 financial crisis in a way you wouldn’t expect. 

As an entrepreneur, you’ll have even more fun watching it - it’s every bit intriguing, and educational at the same time. As a future founder, that should be the part that will catch your eye the most.

Related topics : Everything you’ll hear in this movie is legit as it gets, especially the economic terms.

It would be like finding out what happens in Wall Street before you make any investment, and as a future investor and entrepreneur, you should be familiar with these things before spinning a dime in the stock market. 

IMDB Rating : 7.8/10 from 347,373 votes

7) Pirates of Silicon Valley

Pirates of Silicon Valley

Name of the movie : Pirates of Silicon Valley

Description of the movie : You’re probably reading this article from a Windows or Mac computer - that’s the size of the influence of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. 

This movie is about their work, their brilliant minds, the challenges they faced, and the betrayals they encountered in the business world. 

It’s one of the best business movies to learn how to think like an innovator, but also how to protect your ideas from business sharks. Also, if you’re a tech geek, you’ll love this movie.

Released in : 1997

Related topics : Any founder-to-be can learn so much from this movie.

Starting from the enthusiastic young innovators and the sacrifices they made to achieve their goals, all the way to developing the mindset of a businessman and how sometimes things won’t go as planned.

Also, if you want to know how great minds are built from a young age, this is the movie for you. 

IMDB Rating : 7.3/10 from 23,345 votes

8) The Corporation

The Corporation

Name of the movie : The Corporation

Description of the movie : The Corporation is not unlike any of the other business movies on this list.

It elaborates on a topic like no movie before – what would happen if corporations were people , do they know how to make the difference between the good and the bad? 

For starters, it’s a documentary on corporate America. The movie shows the other side of the business world, the one that’s much darker and not at all fun to watch or live – but it’s here to stay. 

Multiple big shots have a chance to tell their side of the story in front of the camera, and some of them might grow on you. But the question remains – are we living as full consumers, or have the big companies made us one?

Released in : 2003

Related topics : The corporate world is presented as a psychopathic character – selfish, ruthless, and run only by the desire to have more of everything – possessions, money, resources, power. 

It’s an excellent entrepreneur movie to think about the influence of capitalism on today’s corporate values, but it’s also great to question your beliefs.

IMDB Rating : 8.1/10 from 20,211 votes.

9) American Hustle

American Hustle

Name of the movie : American Hustle

Description of the movie : Inspired by a true story in the late 70s, American Hustle is a crime story that will keep you attentive from start to finish.

A divergent movie that picks on multiple topics, the story is conveyed through vibrant humor, delivering a lesson worth its weight in gold.

American Hustle is about the consequences of past mistakes and the price any one of the movie’s characters needs to pay to rectify them.

Related topics : All things aside, American Hustle is a great movie that focuses on the importance of loyalty in business – even if it's an illegal one. 

Of course, just like any other crime movie on the list, we don’t support this kind of behavior – but there’s a lot to learn about loyalty, staying true to yourself, and keeping your word. 

IMDB Rating : 7.2/10 from 439,649 votes


Name of the movie : Casino

Description of the movie : What are you willing to do to achieve your goals - that’s the question that will pop in your head once you watch this movie. 

Casino is an epic drama that follows the life of a gambler, working alongside the Mafia that manages a casino in Las Vegas. It’s a perfect representation of what greed, power, and money can do to a man.

It also shows how thin is the line between leading a decent life and letting all of the above consume you and put you on the road to perdition. 

Released in : 1995

Related topics : Casino picks on a topic that’s always sensitive in the business world - should you do business with your best friends or not?

As it’s shown in the movie, that’s not always the smartest decision and things can go south pretty quickly. 

IMDB Rating :  8.2/10 from 451,318 votes

11) Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Glen Ross

Name of the movie : Glengarry Glen Ross

Description of the movie : Based on the award-winning play by the same name, Glengarry Glen Ross is one of the most-watched business movies.

It shows the life of four real estate agents and their problems while working under pressure for their new trainer. 

All four of them are forced to use their knowledge and expertise to overcome the current events and keep their job intact, during a difficult sales period.

Released in : 1992

Related topics : Glengarry Glen Ross is a perfect example that expresses the “hard sale” mastery and how to work in a high-pressure environment. 

This movie should be shown to anyone who would like to become a better seller, as it teaches real-life salesmen the right and wrong way to sell. 

IMDB Rating : 7.7/10 from 93,652 votes

13) Boiler Room

Boiler Room

Name of the movie : Boiler Room

Description of the movie : If you wish to know the answer to the popular question “How do you earn big money from nothing” , then this movie is the right one. Boiler Room is based on Stratton Oakmont , a stock trading company created by Jordan Belfort. 

It shows the ambitions and decisions made by young future founders and their obsession to reach the top.

Released in : 2000

Related topics : Like many business movies, Boiler Room sends a warning to all people involved in the business of any kind. 

You can easily be blinded by the lifestyle of the rich and famous, so stick to your moral code to avoid that. Aside from that, entrepreneurs can learn plenty of cold-calling tactics regarding sales.

IMDB Rating : 7.0/10 from 48,349 votes

14) The Pursuit of Happyness

Name of the movie : The Pursuit of Happyness

Description of the movie : The Pursuit of Happyness is a real story based on the life of a homeless salesman, Chris Gardner, and his son. Chris is offered an unpaid internship as a stockbroker, but his ambitions are bigger than that. 

The movie shows how he manages to become a millionaire in only one year and the sacrifices he and his son make in the pursuit of a better life.

Released in : 2006

Related topics : The Pursuit of Happyness is more than just an inspiring movie to watch - it reveals common challenges ambitious people face and what it takes to rise above one’s situation.

IMDB Rating : 8.0/10 from 436,173 votes

15) Moneyball


Name of the movie : Moneyball

Description of the movie : Moneyball tells the story about Billy Beane and his innovative approach to attracting new players in Oakland Athletics, with the team’s low budget in mind. 

Billy uses computer data analysis to acquire potential signings and manages to overcome his rivals from the MLB elite.

Released in : 2011

Related topics : Many startups face the same challenge as Billy did. It shows the scenario where every startup is facing obstacles in the open market while competing against established companies.

This is a great movie because it teaches you everything can be achieved through a mixture of risk-taking and creativity - but only if you know what you’re doing. 

IMDB Rating : 7.6/10 from 353,071 votes.

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16) Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire

Name of the movie : Jerry Maguire

Description of the movie : Sports agents have it hard going for them - they need to be pros at negotiating better deals for their clients, while also constantly searching for the next big thing. 

Jerry Maguire gives a very insightful perspective on what it takes to be a sports agent, but with an added twist - what to do when you get fired from your agency and decide to start over, this time with more dignity and righteousness?  

This is a great movie about business for anyone looking to get out of a rut. It's packed with advice that can help anyone in the business world.

Released in : 1996

Related topics : There’s more to life than just making money - it’s about building your life from scratch ! If you’re an entrepreneur who has found himself a bit trapped in the money world, without any nourishment for your soul, this movie will be an eye-opener. 

IMDB Rating : 7.3/10 from 237,666 votes


Name of the movie :

Description of the movie : Sometimes described as one of the most heart-wrenching movies for entrepreneurs, tells the story of the rise and fall of one dot-com company. 

Two high-school friends merge business ideas only to find out that building a company when the Internet was a new thing, wasn’t easy at all. 

If you watch it carefully, can turn out to be the lesson for every entrepreneur - think twice before going into business with someone you know, and don’t trust the crowd - trust your instincts. 

Released in : 2001

Related topics : The one thing to take from is the effect money, greed and power can have on relationships.

 The movie goes into full detail on whether material ownership is all that matters in the end, even if you lose the one friend who stayed beside you all the time.

It’s an emotional roller-coaster that will make you think back on your business decisions, but also analyze your priorities as an entrepreneur.

IMDB Rating : 7.0/10 from 3,253 votes

18) The Aviator

The Aviator

Name of the movie : The Aviator

Description of the movie : Being a genius is by no means easy, and this movie portrays that as clearly as possible. The movie is based on the story of Howard Hughes, the American business magnate, pilot, and filmmaker who loved to take risks during his lifetime. 

The Aviator tells the story of a businessman who has trouble finding meaning in life beyond money and business opportunities while struggling to keep his mental health in check. 

This business movie is not just about making smart or risky business decisions - it’s about how our mental health can affect and in some cases even define our success, or even failure. 

It's an excellent way to learn more about how to deal with it if you ever find yourself struggling with personal matters. 

Released in : 2004

Related topics : As an entrepreneur, it’s important to recognize which business decisions are smart, and which ones are just foolish. In this movie, that’s presented in a way that will make you rethink your current decisions. 

Some ideas, as crazy or undoable as they might seem at first, might turn out to be a jackpot - the only way to bring these to fruition is to have an unwavering belief in them.

IMDB Rating : 7.5/10 from 326,364 votes


Name of the movie : Joy

Description of the movie : It can’t be easy watching everyone around you becoming more and more successful – and some of them with your ideas?

That’s what happened to Joy, a divorced mother of two who was creative and capable enough to have a business of her own but somehow lacks the courage to actually get out and start it. 

On her rise to success, she faces many obstacles – both business and personal, but she never gave up on her dream of becoming an inventor. 

Related topics : It’s quite an inspirational story for every entrepreneur, but it’s particularly beneficial for women.

It shows how persistence and determination can help you make it despite a financial crisis crippling the market, and how personal struggles won’t stop you on your way to the top if you stand your ground and believe in your ideas 100%.

IMDB Rating : 6.6/10 from 125,258 votes

20) The Devil Wears Prada

The Devil Wears Prada

Name of the movie : The Devil Wears Prada

Description of the movie : The Devil Wears Prada is the representation of the saying the means justify the ends.

How far would some people go to reach the stars is the main storyline, presented to you by the CEO of a top-rated magazine and a small-town girl who finds herself in the middle of an unforgiving, highly-competitive working environment.

This movie represents another way of leadership – cold-blooded, ruthless, and devoid of emotions. The effects of this leadership style are shown all the time on the screen - a not-so-healthy way to handle your employees.

Related topics : It’s definitely one of those business movies every founder-to-be should watch. Specifically, because it elaborates on topics such as the morality of choices in both professional and personal life.

The effects a job has on employees’ personal lives, and how stepping over everyone can be devastating, especially if you’re the CEO. 

IMDB Rating : 6.9/10 from 361,426 votes

21) Becoming Warren Buffett

Becoming Warren Buffett

Name of the movie : Becoming Warren Buffett

Description of the movie : If you want to get a taste of the mind of one of the most brilliant businessmen ever, Becoming Warren Buffet is the right movie choice for you. He’s one of the wealthiest men on Earth, but at the same time, he kept his humble spirit. 

How someone of his size, both intellectual and financial, hasn’t lost sight of reality and kept himself accountable, is a lesson you can learn while watching this movie.

The movie unravels the story of how the mindset of an innovator is built from a very young age. It’s truly one of the most inspiring stories to ever meet the big screen, one that will definitely challenge your beliefs and moral core. 

Released in : 2017

Related topics : One of the most important lessons you can learn from this entrepreneur movie is what to do with yourself once the money stops being an issue – how to find life goals and objectives unrelated to making more money, but focus on becoming a better human being?

Buffet speaks a lot about his view and his philosophy on life, so make sure to catch something of that for you.

IMDB Rating : 7.6/10 from 3,180 votes

22) Billionaire Boys Club

Billionaire Boys Club

Name of the movie : Billionaire Boys Club

Description of the movie : Led by their friend Joe Hunt, a group of wealthy young men in 1980s Los Angeles come up with a plan to get-rich-quick with a Ponzi scheme. The plan ends badly for all involved when Hunt and Jim Pittman end up murdering investor and con man Ron Levin.

Released in : 2018

Related topics : Billionaire Boys Club is not an exception about how bad a Ponzi scheme might end. Those get-rich-quick methods are never worth it, and you should not get involved in one of them.

IMDB Rating : 5.6/10 from 11,557 votes

23) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Name of the movie : Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Description of the movie : Although the sequel of Wall Street didn’t get the raving reviews as the first movie, it still offers a valuable lesson about the business world. 

Gekko, the main character, is once again at the center of the attention, but this time he tries to rebuild his company and fortune – alongside his future son-in-law. He uses some not-so-conventional and morally wrong methods to fight his rivals and enemies, and with his history, that may turn out to be a big mistake. 

Related topics : How past bad business decisions can turn out to be problematic, even if you're a changed man – that’s the main thing you’ll learn from this movie. 

But on the other side, another question arises - do people really change or adapt a certain shape the way it suits them or not? You’ll have time to think about these while watching the movie. 

IMDB Rating : 6.2/10 from 96,806 votes

24) The Secret of My Success

Name of the movie : The Secret Of My Success

Description of the movie : If you like the taste of corporate America, this movie is like a fine piece of beef. It’s a comedy movie that sheds light on the business life leaders live. 

The main storyline is about a character who wants to taste the big life in New York but will be faced with multiple obstacles along the way.

It’s relaxing but at the same time enjoyable and fun to watch, with a pinch of background stories from the ones who are at the top of a company. 

Related topics : One thing to take from this movie? It’s basically about becoming successful without working hard – but working smart .

IMDB Rating : 6.5/10 from 28,860 votes

25) Margin Call

Margin Call

Name of the movie : Margin Call

Description of the movie : Margin Call is created in a way that shows the other side of the business world - the psychological one.

Specifically, this movie is about the early days of the 2008 financial crisis, but its focus is on the psychological consequences of the people involved in the crisis rather than the financial one. 

The action takes place in a 24-hour period where things start to crumble in one finance company, and everyone is trying to make the best of it. 

Related topics : Margin Call is excellent for entrepreneurs who are not interested in complex economic or financial terms, but rather the mindset. The writing is light and understandable for anyone. 

Aside from that, this business movie is every bit great at showing the psychological drama brokers went through during the 2008 crisis.

 As future businessmen, it’s important you acknowledge the stress a job can cause, and do some changes to prevent that from happening. Also, keep in mind that your decision can affect more people than just your employees.

IMDB Rating : 7.1/10 from 113,934 votes

26) Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can

Name of the movie : Catch Me If You Can

Description of the movie : Based on a true story, this movie represents the high-class conworld, brought to you by Frank Abegnail himself, one of the most popular con men in history. Of course, we don’t support any illegal activities to gain profit.

The reason we have this movie on our list is the skill set Frank has to achieve his goals – imagine if he was an honest man with that set of skills – charismatic, good with numbers and an eye for details, exceptional negotiation skills, and a personality that can blend anywhere. Those are skills any entrepreneur should aim to have. 

Released in : 2002

Related topics : Every decision you make as a future entrepreneur will have consequences on you, your company, your employees – even your personal life. 

That’s why it’s always better to think twice before making your final decision. That’s what Frank missed to do, and that ultimately, got him behind bars.  

IMDB Rating : 8.1/10 from 796,971 votes

27) Flash of Genius

Flash of Genius

Name of the movie : Flash of Genius

Description of the movie : If you want to watch a movie where you can root for the good guy, Flash of Genius is an excellent choice. Inspired by the real-life story of Robert Kearns, a college professor who invents the windshield wiper. 

However, he’s not aware of what the big-shot auto companies have prepared for him, and if he wants to stay on top of his game, he needs to build a thick skin and not let anyone step on him.

Released in : 2008

Related topics : There are two crucial things you can take from this movie: one is the mindset of the big sharks. The other one is the persistence of the honest man and the way he’ll defend himself.

No one should come and tell you that you don’t deserve something you’ve worked for – even if that someone is Ford.

IMDB Rating : 7.0/10 from 16,334 votes

28) Office Space

Office Space

Name of the movie : Office Space

Description of the movie : Office Space is a great example of rebel employees who are not satisfied with their job or with their boss’ attitude, so they decide to take matters into their own hands. 

The story, although said in a funny way, elaborates on important topics in the workplace. The most important one is leaders’ communication style and employees’ dedication to set things straight, even if that means using a less-ethical way to prove a point. 

Released in : 1999

Related topics : If you want to get a glimpse of the mindset of an unhappy employee, this is a movie for you.

As entrepreneurs, keeping your workers happy should be one of the top priorities. Unless you want that to backfire to you like it’s the case in this business movie. 

IMDB Rating : 7.7/10 from 237,261 votes

29) The Godfather Trilogy

The Godfather Trilogy

Name of the movie : The Godfather Trilogy

Description of the movie : Considered as one of the best movies of all time, The Godfather trilogy is not just one-of-a-kind stories – it’s the epitome of the rise and fall of an entire empire.

Despite being a crime movie, The Godfather trilogy is the perfect example of versatile human behavior and the consequences of it on business. Everything in life is negotiation, one way or the other, and this movie does an impeccable job of showing that on-screen.

Besides being a masterpiece, this movie is an absolute must for everyone, but even more so if you’re on the verge to start your own business. 

Released in : 1972, 1974 and 1990

Related topics : As one of the most famous movie quotes is “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse” , you can learn a lot about negotiation from the movie, along with other things like staying true to yourself and keeping your business and personal reputation at the highest level.  

IMDB Rating : 9.2/10, 9.0/10, 7.6/10.

30) Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Name of the movie : Rogue Trader

Description of the movie : Is there such a thing as too much ambition? For the stockbroker Nick Leeson, the main character in this movie, this was the harsh reality. 

The story becomes even more demoralizing as Nick gains a precious career opportunity that unfortunately, he takes full advantage of and makes risky investments. 

Rogue Trader is the ultimate movie that shows the devastating effect of bad business decisions on both the company and the person itself.

Related topics : No entrepreneur could become successful if there’s a lack of ambitions.

However, knowing when to stop is a good sign of a rational mindset. You can learn a lot on how to avoid making business decisions that will backfire at some point, which may even put you to prison.  

IMDB Rating : 6.4/10 from 9,237 votes

31) Lord Of War

Lord Of War

Name of the movie : Lord Of War

Description of the movie : Business and pleasure don’t mix – that’s unless you’re Yuri Orlov, a famous fictional arms dealer. You may find yourself rooting for him in the movie, even though he’s the bad guy. His rags-to-riches story may be one of the reasons for it, alongside with the human inability to fight the system. It’s an entertaining movie, despite telling a story that turns dark rather quickly. 

Released in : 2005

Related topics : The movie puts on display the moral code a businessman has – or what’s left of them in the chase for more money and power. 

Lord of War does a great job answering the ancient question – is your business in line with your ethical principles? Every business owner has found themselves in such a dilemma at one point or another and what’s important is to make the right choice – not only for yourself but also for your closest ones. 

IMDB Rating : 7.6/10 from 289,449 votes

32) Something Ventured

Name of the movie : Something Ventured

Description of the movie : Something Ventured tells the story of investors from the mid-20th century. It’s a documentary that includes interviews with prominent American venture capitalists from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, most of which are the founders of companies like Apple, Intel, Cisco, etc.

The movie shows actual footage and conversations and uncovers the background stories, shedding a light on how some of these popular companies managed to scale and expand.

Related topics : In an hour and a half, you’ll see how a handful of men managed to create a stable foundation and build companies from scratch, companies that will soon rule the world of business and technology. 

Also, the audience is not spared from the juicy details and the misunderstanding between investors – there were a lot of ups and downs, and you’ll get them all - firsthand! 

IMDB Rating : 7.0/10 from 678 votes

33) Two for the Mone

Two for the Money

Name of the movie : Two for the Money

Description of the movie : A former football player whose exceptional at sports-betting gets noticed by one smart man in the sports consulting industry and receives an offer that’s hard to decline. 

However, once the money starts rolling in and the greed starts rising up, it’s a downward spiral all the way. ‍

Two For The Money is an enjoyable movie that shows the dark side of betting, but also the consequences of poor business decisions mixed with greed.

Related topics : Proficient communication skills are key for any founder-to-be and here Brandon’s smooth-talking skills can teach you a lot.

This movie does an excellent job of showing what personal follies can do for your business and makes you think of the good old saying: once the money starts pouring in, do we know when enough is enough? 

IMDB Rating : 6.3/10 from 42,725 votes

34) Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich

Name of the movie : Erin Brockovich

Description of the movie : Based on a true story, this movie is the epitome of encouragement and persistence – and we all lack that sometimes don’t we?

Erin Brockovich has no experience or knowledge to work in the law industry, but she has motivation like no one else – and three mouths to feed. 

What will start off as a simple rags-to-riches story will turn out as a battle against one corporation that’s slowly destroying the lives of citizens of Hinkley, California. 

Related topics : Watching this movie is like listening to a Rocky theme song while running – it will make you chant in front of the TV for Erin. Plus, as most of the entrepreneurs fight for the little guy, you’ll recognize the same drive in this movie too. 

It’s always good to remind yourselves that seeing the big picture can be beneficial for everyone, and you may even help someone along the way.

IMDB Rating :  7.3/10 from 170,257 votes

35) Any Given Sunday

Any Given Sunday

Name of the movie : Any Given Sunday

Description of the movie : Any Given Sunday it’s not just an average sports drama – it’s a two and a half hours long school on life.

The passion, enthusiasm, and desire to continue to fight even when the odds are against you is the main storyline of this movie.

More than that, Any Given Sunday is about proper team management when there are multiple different characters, personalities, and set of skills. It may not be a classic business movie, but the resemblance is uncanny.

Related topics : Money makes the world go round, whether we like that or not. But, more important than that, is to stay humble to your closest people - that’s the thing you’ll remember from this movie. 

The best way to become a better leader is to become more empathetic and you’ll see a lot of those moments in this movie. 

IMDB Rating : 6.9/10 from 110,488 votes

36) Donnie Brasco

Donnie Brasco

Name of the movie : Donnie Brasco

Description of the movie : Donnie Brasco tells the true story of an FBI agent, Joe Pistone who infiltrates the local mob after being taken under the wing of Lefty Ruggiero. 

They become extremely close as the lines between Joe’s real and mob life get blurred. As the mob catches wind of a possible rat, Donnie’s time is almost up.

But he’s faced with the tough decision with dire consequences. His friend Lefty who trusted in him blindly might be killed off if he brings him in, and Donnie would be the one to put the final nail in his coffin.

Related topics : As with almost all mob movies, how to stay loyal is the most valuable lesson to be learned here. 

Trusting someone blindly could be the downfall of a business so it’s always important to surround yourself with loyal and trustworthy people. 

IMDB Rating : 7.7/10 from 271,468 votes

37) Goodfellas


Name of the movie : Goodfellas

Description of the movie : The Goodfellas is a movie about Henry Hill, a man who tells the story of how he had wanted to become a gangster since he was a child. 

Together with Tommy, they are groomed by the local mob capo Paulie and his associate Jimmy Conway to become part of the Lucchese crime family.

The first rules Jimmy lays on Henry, loyalty and trust, are the ones he ends up breaking. 

Released in : 1990

Related topics : Goodfellas talks about a very important quality all business associates or even employees should possess: loyalty.

It shows how important it is to have loyal and trustworthy people around you when building and expanding a business. As this movie shows, one wrong move and the whole business falls apart like a house of cards.  

IMDB Rating : 8.7/10 from 989,705 votes

38) Invictus


Name of the movie : Invictus

Description of the movie : Having spent nearly 26 years in prison, Nelson Mandela is released in what would soon be the end of the apartheid in South Africa. After being elected president, he vows to unite the divided country for which he employs the help of Afrikaaner Francois Pienaar, the captain of the National Rugby team. 

An inspiring movie based on the true story of Nelson Mandela, where we see the unification of an apartheid-torn nation through unconventional means: a win at the 1995 World Rugby Championship. 

Released in : 2009

Related topics : Even though it’s a biographical sports drama and it might not be the most obvious choice for an entrepreneurship movie, there’s much to be learned from Invictus. 

For instance, the unconventional approach that Mandela takes and his leadership style by example. Skills and luck are important for a business to prosper, but unity and dedication to the cause can get it to the very top.

IMDB Rating : 7.3/10 from 147,308 votes

39) Generation Startup

Generation Startup

Name of the movie : Generation Startup

Description of the movie : Generation Startup follows the journey of 6 college students willing to put everything on the line in order to develop startups in Detroit. 

This movie shows us the frontlines of entrepreneurship in America, presents us with all it takes to launch a startup, and the potential outcomes.

Related topics : There is a reason why this movie found its place on our list. Younger entrepreneurs can take valuable notes and see that planning a startup from scratch is an arduous task. 

The actors are strongly determined to reach the top through hard work and creative ideas, encouraging the audience to do the same.

IMDB Rating : 6.5/10 from 84 votes

40) The Startup Kids

Name of the movie : The Startup Kids

Description of the movie : The Startup Kids is a documentary about young web entrepreneurs from around the world. The founders of Vimeo, Soundcloud, Dropbox, and more talk about what it takes to create a start-up, and the ugly side of the business world.

On the other hand, important people from the tech scene share their experience working with young entrepreneurs with brilliant, life-changing ideas. 

Released in : 2012

Related topics : It should go without saying how helpful this documentary would be.

It’s filled with inspirational stories from young entrepreneurs who share the challenges they have had to face before becoming CEOs of successful startups.

IMDB Rating : 6.7/10 from 622 votes

41) The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

Name of the movie : The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

Description of the movie : The storyline goes like this: a failing car dealership and its employees help a used car liquidator Don and his team to sell over 200 cars for the 4th of July. 

Through various marketing gimmicks and cheap tricks, Don tries to achieve the goal, however, his dishonest tactics prove fruitless. In the end, they do achieve the goal, but not before Don learns a valuable lesson about team play. 

Related topics : The underlying theme of the movie is indeed the power of teamwork, a lesson even the main character needed to learn. 

It’s not baseless when they say that teamwork makes the dream work because a good team can go a very long way. With a good and strong team around you, the sky’s the limit. 

IMDB Rating : 5.8/10 from 20,513 votes

42) Limitless


Name of the movie : Limitless

Description of the movie : A movie that’s as much about science as it is about business, Limitless portrays the story of Edward Mora, a struggling writer who gets his hands on a brain-enhancing drug.

We see his exploits under the influence of the drug, both the good and the bad ones.

The movie is centered around our responsibility to be better people when we have the edge over our competition and others in need.

Related topics : What if we use 100% of our brains? This movie portrays the good and the bad side of this phenomenon. It’s a good movie choice to provoke people to think about what kind of person and businessman they would like to be. 

IMDB Rating : 7.4/10 from 518,181 votes


Name of the movie : August

Description of the movie : It’s not easy to run a business and have a fulfilling social life, but Tom seems to balance it pretty well. 

That’s until things start to crumble, clients start to stall and the company starts to lose money. Once you’re down, the cost of getting up is much higher and this movie’s storyline covers that in detail. 

Related topics : August is a fall from grace’ movie, a perfect example of how failed planning, a false sense of power, freedom, and money can do to a man. You might question your own beliefs as an entrepreneur once you see Tom’s somewhat immoral acts.

IMDB Rating : 5.3/10 from 4,008 votes

44) Coach Carter

Coach Carter

Name of the movie : Coach Carter

Description of the movie : Don’t let the high-school storyline mislead you – there’s more to this movie than the regular, rebellious, 18-years-old youngsters. 

This sports drama is the perfect example of what the right person, at the right time, with the right resources, can do of an almost failed college basketball team. The impeccable leadership skills coach Carter shows will discipline even the most rebellious team members.

Related topics : More important than success is building long-lasting relationships with people, whether those are current or potential employees, or even regular basketball players. 

Doing the right thing is more important than conquering awards and this movie does an excellent job of reminding everyone about its value of it. 

IMDB Rating : 7.3/10 from 123,262 votes

45) A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind

Name of the movie : A Beautiful Mind

Description of the movie : The storyline in A Beautiful Mind touches multiple pinpoints, it’s hard to pick just one.

An absolutely brilliant movie, with an even better story – a mathematical genius who accepts a job that will tear his life apart. It’s a bit different from the rest of the movies on our list, but it’s worth watching.

Related topics : A Beautiful Mind will show you a side of the mind of a genius, and you’ll get to see how his entire life revolves around it.

One poor decision and it can all go down the drain, even though in John’s case, it’s much more complex than that. 

IMDB Rating : 8.2/10 from 825,509 votes

46) The Blind Side

The Blind Side

Name of the movie : The Blind Side

Description of the movie : Another sports drama based on a true story. The Blind Side is a movie that shows the human side of successful people. 

More often than not, rich people are seen as bad in society, but there are those who want to do good.

This is a story about a woman who takes a young man under her wing, and tries to make him not only a top student and baseball player out of him but a better human being. 

Related topics : The Blind Side is a great reminder that no one succeeds alone in this world.

Everyone needs help from time to time, and even though many entrepreneurs think that they can do everything alone, asking for help doesn’t mean defeat or failure.

If you have the right people around you, success is the last thing you’ll achieve – becoming a better human being first, successful entrepreneur last.

IMDB Rating : 7.6/10 from 285,259 votes

47) Thank You for Smoking

Thank You for Smoking

Name of the movie : Thank You for Smoking

Description of the movie : Don’t let the title mislead you – this movie is not about smoking.

Well, not entirely. Nick Naylor, the main character and CEO of a tobacco company, has a challenge in front of him – how to make cigarettes more popular even though the health industry doesn’t recommend them, and raise a preteen son while doing so?

Thank You For Smoking has all the pinpoints of the challenges entrepreneurs face: personal beliefs, market demand, and family relationships –  how to keep everyone happy and not lose a dime. 

Related topics : Thank You For Smoking answers the ancient question every entrepreneur has at one point in life - how is my business in accordance with my personal beliefs? Do I still believe in the good side of my business or I’ve lost it somewhere along the way?

As entrepreneurs, you’re sometimes too busy or too deep into it, that you might lose sight of the bigger picture - this movie will help you visualize it. 

IMDB Rating : 7.6/10 from 210,969 votes

48) Inside Job

Inside Job

‍ Name of the movie : Inside Job

Description of the movie : Inside Job is a comprehensive analysis of the 2008 global financial crisis.

The movie shows how the crisis cost about $20 trillion and caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression. 

Related topics : Inside Job illustrates how important it is to learn about financial markets and the forces that drive them.

We can see that financial institutions are closely linked together, so if one falls, it could cause a snowball effect that would potentially affect the whole country and even have a worldwide impact. It is a must-watch for those interested in the finance and banking industry.

IMDB Rating : 8.2/10 from ‎75,958 votes.

49) Too Big to Fail

Too Big to Fail

‍ Name of the movie : Too Big to Fail

Description of the movie : Too Big to Fail is another one of our favourites when it comes to knowing what happened in the 2008 financial crisis in the United States.

The movie explains how the Treasury Secretary and Federal Reserve Chairman at the time worked together to deal with the disaster that had happened.

Related topics : This film teaches us the importance of learning how to prepare for the worst.

As entrepreneurs, it’s important to stay alert and prepare for economic downturns. And given the uncertainties of the last couple of years, I think we can all learn some things from this fantastic film.

IMDB Rating : 7.3/10 from ‎17,680 votes.

50) War Dogs

War Dogs

‍ Name of the movie : War Dogs

Description of the movie : During the war in Iraq, a young man offers his childhood friend a chance to make big bucks by becoming an international arms dealer.

The two soon find themselves in over their heads after landing a $300 million deal to supply Afghan forces, a deal that puts them in business with some very shady people.

Related topics : War Dogs teaches us the importance of always doing your research, no matter how much you think you know about a particular industry.

In the movie, the two young men underbid their competitors millions making them lose quite a lot of money.  

This happens because they fail to do their research and prepare adequately. In business, you have to know what your competitors are doing and the value of what you are offering in order to succeed. This is one of those great movies everyone should watch.

IMDB Rating : 7.1/10 from ‎220,591 votes.

What Business Movies Have You Watched?

So, how do you like our business movies list?

We tried to make it as comprehensive and complete as possible. Plus, we wanted to include something for everyone – from drama to crime movies all the way to regular business genres and Wall Street storylines.

It’s not easy to be a CEO – it’s even harder to be a skillful CEO!

That’s why you should aim to become better in any way possible, and watching business movies can be the easiest way to do it!

Prepare your popcorn and choose any movie you like from the list!

Please, let us know if we missed your favorite one – we’re always ready to update the list!

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Movies about businessmen

In the top there are new films of 2023, a plot description and trailers for films that have already been released.

best biography movies of businessman

A paranoia-fueled action thriller about an unsuccessful writer whose life is transformed by a top-secret "smart drug" that allows him to use 100% of his brain and become a perfect version of himself. His enhanced abilities soon attract shadowy forces that threaten his new life in this darkly comic and provocative film.

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Dane Jensen is a driven, Chicago-based headhunter, working at a cut-throat job placement firm. When Dane's boss announces his retirement, he pits Dane against Lynn Vogel, Dane's equally driven but polar-opposite rival at the firm, in a battle for control over the company.

best biography movies of businessman

A New York stockbroker refuses to cooperate in a large securities fraud case involving corruption on Wall Street, corporate banking world and mob infiltration. Based on Jordan Belfort's autobiography.

Movies about gangsters

The true story of how Ray Kroc, a salesman from Illinois, met Mac and Dick McDonald, who were running a burger operation in 1950s Southern California. Kroc was impressed by the brothers’ speedy system of making the food and saw franchise potential. He maneuvered himself into a position to be able to pull the company from the brothers and create a billion-dollar empire.

best biography movies of businessman

Doug Harris is a loveable but socially awkward groom-to-be with a problem: he has no best man. With less than two weeks to go until he marries the girl of his dreams, Doug is referred to Jimmy Callahan, owner and CEO of Best Man, Inc., a company that provides flattering best men for socially challenged guys in need. What ensues is a hilarious wedding charade as they try to pull off the big con, and an unexpected budding bromance between Doug and his fake best man Jimmy.

best biography movies of businessman

The men who made millions from a global economic meltdown.

Movies about superpowers

Young Cole Carter dreams of hitting the big time as a Hollywood disc jockey, spending his days and nights hanging with buddies and working on the one track that will set the world on fire. Opportunity comes knocking when he meets James Reed, a charismatic DJ who takes the 23-year-old under his wing. Soon, his seemingly clear path to success gets complicated when he starts falling for his mentor's girlfriend, jeopardizing his new friendship and the future he seems destined to fulfill.

best biography movies of businessman

Lucy Hill is an ambitious up-and-coming executive living in Miami. She loves her shoes, she loves her cars and she loves climbing the corporate ladder. When she is offered a temporary assignment – in the middle of nowhere – to restructure a manufacturing plant, she jumps at the opportunity, knowing that a big promotion is close at hand. What begins as a straight-forward assignment becomes a life-changing experience as Lucy discovers greater meaning in her life and, most unexpectedly, the man of her dreams.

best biography movies of businessman

Charting the rise and fall of three corrupt real estate agents who accumulate absurd wealth in no time but fall into a vortex of fraud, greed and drugs.

Movies about New York

Bezos chronicles the true-life story of Jeff Bezos-a humble yet awkward entrepreneur on his mission to create Amazon, the world's largest e-commerce company, and turning himself into the richest man in the world.

best biography movies of businessman

When Patrizia Reggiani, an outsider from humble beginnings, marries into the Gucci family, her unbridled ambition begins to unravel the family legacy and triggers a reckless spiral of betrayal, decadence, revenge, and ultimately…murder.

best biography movies of businessman

Jerry Maguire used to be a typical sports agent: willing to do just about anything he could to get the biggest possible contracts for his clients, plus a nice commission for himself. Then, one day, he suddenly has second thoughts about what he's really doing. When he voices these doubts, he ends up losing his job and all of his clients, save Rod Tidwell, an egomaniacal football player.

Smart movies

The story of Steve Jobs' ascension from college dropout into one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century.

best biography movies of businessman

On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room as a small site among friends soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications.

best biography movies of businessman

An American businessman with a stake in a pharmaceutical company that's about to go public finds his life is thrown into turmoil by an incident in Mexico.

Movies to cry

After the deadbeat brother of a businessman is assumed to be in on his own kidnapping, his sibling must take action to rescue him.

best biography movies of businessman

An entry-level employee at a powerful corporation finds himself occupying a corner office, but at a dangerous price: he must spy on his boss's old mentor to secure for him a multi-billion dollar advantage.

best biography movies of businessman

Financial TV host Lee Gates and his producer Patty are put in an extreme situation when an irate investor takes over their studio.

Real-Time Movies

Tadek, a Polish detective, becomes suspicious of a controversial author when the incidents described in his unpublished novel resemble the inner workings of an unsolved murder.

best biography movies of businessman

The story of Mötley Crüe and their rise from the Sunset Strip club scene of the early 1980s to superstardom.

best biography movies of businessman

In a twisted social experiment, a group of 80 Americans are locked in their high-rise corporate office in Bogotá, Colombia and ordered by an unknown voice coming from the company's intercom system to participate in a deadly game of kill or be killed.

Films about perseverance

A thriller that revolves around the key people at an investment bank over a 24-hour period during the early stages of the financial crisis.

best biography movies of businessman

A detective from Hong Kong teams up with an American gambler to battle against a notorious Chinese criminal.

best biography movies of businessman

Businessman Wesley Deeds is jolted out of his scripted life when he meets Lindsey, a single mother who works on the cleaning crew in his office building.

Movies about losers

Maya, a 40-year-old woman struggling with frustrations from unfulfilled dreams. Until that is, she gets the chance to prove to Madison Avenue that street smarts are as valuable as book smarts, and that it is never too late for a second act.

best biography movies of businessman

In a television interview filmed in 1995, Steve Jobs talks frankly about his early life, competition with Microsoft and his vision for the future, while he was running NeXT, the company he founded after leaving Apple.

best biography movies of businessman

Lisa Conroy is general manager at a highway-side 'sports bar with curves', Double Whammies. She nurtures and protects her employees fiercely - but over the course of one trying day, her optimism is battered from every direction... Double Whammies sells a big, weird American fantasy, but what happens when reality pokes a bunch of holes in it?

Movies about airplanes

A young female FBI agent joins a secret CIA operation to take down a Mexican cartel boss, a job that ends up pushing her ethical and moral values to the limit.

best biography movies of businessman

A powerful railroad executive, Dagny Taggart, struggles to keep her business alive while society is crumbling around her. Based on the 1957 novel by Ayn Rand.

best biography movies of businessman

Kenny Wells, a modern-day prospector, hustler, and dreamer, is desperate for a lucky break. Left with few options, Wells teams up with an equally luckless geologist to execute a grandiose, last-ditch effort: to find gold deep in the uncharted jungle of Indonesia.

best biography movies of businessman

International master thief, Simon Templar, also known as The Saint, is asked by a desperate rich man to find his kidnapped daughter. However, in addition to evading the authorities, Simon must face a dangerous adversary from his past.

best biography movies of businessman

Magically able to hear what men are thinking, a sports agent uses her newfound ability to turn the tables on her overbearing male colleagues.

best biography movies of businessman

A famous opera singer is held hostage in South America by a guerrilla rebel group after performing at a Japanese businessman's lavish birthday party. Unexpected bonds are forged in the standoff that ensues.

best biography movies of businessman

Beatriz, an immigrant from a poor town in Mexico, has drawn on her innate kindness to build a career as a health practitioner. Doug Strutt is a cutthroat, self-satisfied billionaire. When these two opposites meet at a dinner party, their worlds collide, and neither will ever be the same.

best biography movies of businessman

Rishi Kumar is a billionaire and the CEO of Origins, someone who has always strived for the success he now owns. His friend Ravi needs help, how will he come through?

best biography movies of businessman

The National Lampoon name became globally recognized after the monumental success of Animal House—but before the glory days, it was a scrappy yet divinely subversive magazine and radio show that introduced the world to comedic geniuses like Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, John Belushi, and Gilda Radner. The driving force behind National Lampoon was Doug Kenney (Will Forte), and his truly wild and crazy story unfolds in A Futile and Stupid Gesture from Harvard to Hollywood to Caddyshack and beyond.

best biography movies of businessman

A look behind the scenes at Bernie Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme, how it was perpetrated on the public and the trail of destruction it left in its wake, both for the victims and Madoff's family.

best biography movies of businessman

Chris, a wealthy divorcee, lives in a high-tech house of his own design in Montana. His life changes when he meets Sky, a mysterious young woman who draws him out of his shell and moves in after Chris is injured.

best biography movies of businessman

Two brothers and their wives meet up at a haute-cuisine restaurant to discuss what to do about a horrific crime that their sons committed together. As the quartet debate their options, the conversation reopens old wounds between the siblings.

best biography movies of businessman

Maynard, a beloved local businessman is mistaken for the legendary Bigfoot during an inebriated romp through town in a makeshift gorilla costume. The sightings set off an international Bigfoot media spectacle and a windfall of tourism dollars for a simple American town hit by hard times. When Brock Masterson, reality TV’s “Monster Hunter,” arrives to hunt the beast, Maynard agonizes over whether to come clean, destroying the rebirth of his beloved town, or perpetuate the inadvertent hoax.

best biography movies of businessman

A hard-working small business owner and his two associates travel to Europe to close the most important deal of their lives. But what began as a routine business trip goes off the rails in every imaginable – and unimaginable – way, including unplanned stops at a massive sex fetish event and a global economic summit.

best biography movies of businessman

Ellie Hartman is an aspiring crafter working in her small town’s bakery making famous Christmas Kringles. When the new, big-city CEO Nick Carlingson visits the bakery, he arrives filled with modernization ideas destined to lay off many employees.

best biography movies of businessman

When his girlfriend goes missing, David must track down her whereabouts after he realizes she's not who she was pretending to be.

best biography movies of businessman

Paul Raymond builds a porn, entertainment and real estate empire that makes him the wealthiest man in Britain, but drugs doom his beloved daughter, Debbie.

best biography movies of businessman

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison discovers there's more to the Kennedy assassination than the official story.

best biography movies of businessman

In this hilarious arcade showdown, a humble novice goes head-to-head against the reigning Donkey Kong champ in a confrontation that rocks the gaming world to its processors! For over 20 years, Billy Mitchell has owned the throne of the Donkey Kong world. No one could beat his top score until now. Newcomer Steve Wiebe claims to have beaten the unbeatable, but Mitchell isn't ready to relinquish his crown without a fight. Go behind the barrels as the two battle it out in a vicious war to earn the title of the true King of Kong.

best biography movies of businessman

Failed London banker Max Skinner inherits his uncle's vineyard in Provence, where he spent many childhood holidays. Upon his arrival, he meets a woman from California who tells Max she is his long-lost cousin and that the property is hers.

best biography movies of businessman

In this modern take on Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," Frank Cross (Bill Murray) is a wildly successful television executive whose cold ambition and curmudgeonly nature has driven away the love of his life, Claire Phillips (Karen Allen). But after firing a staff member, Eliot Loudermilk (Bobcat Goldthwait), on Christmas Eve, Frank is visited by a series of ghosts who give him a chance to re-evaluate his actions and right the wrongs of his past.

best biography movies of businessman

Bruno, a sadistic criminal, wants clever con man Leo out of the way. Leo and his equally clever wife, Lily, are up to something. So too is Julius: he hires Leo to kill Gloria, Julius's wife. Leo does it, but then Julius shows up with the murder on tape, saying Gloria isn't his wife - it's blackmail. Leo's bookie, Troy, is also closing in, wanting to be paid. Bruno and Lily as well as Bruno and Julius have their own scams running, and Leo is their target. Maybe Leo can get Troy off his back, avoid Moose (Bruno's huge enforcer), send Gloria's corpse out of England, turn the tables on Bruno's murderous brother Caspar, and outfox Lily. Or is Lily his fox? It's a three-ring circus.

best biography movies of businessman

The story of Barry Minkow, a young and charismatic figure in business who reaches CEO status by lying and scheming his way to the top.

TV series about love

The 50 Best Biography Movies of All Time

Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, and Joe Pesci in Goodfellas (1990)

1. Goodfellas

Alec Guinness, Anthony Quinn, Peter O'Toole, José Ferrer, and Jack Hawkins in Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

2. Lawrence of Arabia

Schindler's List (1993)

3. Schindler's List

Robert De Niro in Raging Bull (1980)

4. Raging Bull

Amadeus (1984)

6. The Wolf of Wall Street

The Pianist (2002)

7. The Pianist

Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind (2001)

8. A Beautiful Mind

Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck in The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)

9. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Rooney Mara and Dev Patel in Lion (2016)

12. The Aviator

Patricia Arquette, Johnny Depp, Bill Murray, Jeffrey Jones, Sarah Jessica Parker, Martin Landau, Lisa Marie, and George 'The Animal' Steele in Ed Wood (1994)

13. Ed Wood

John David Washington in BlacKkKlansman (2018)

14. BlacKkKlansman

John Hurt in The Elephant Man (1980)

15. The Elephant Man

A Hidden Life (2019)

16. A Hidden Life

Al Pacino and John Cazale in Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

17. Dog Day Afternoon

Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

18. Bonnie and Clyde

Downfall (2004)

19. Downfall

Memories of Murder (2003)

20. Memories of Murder

Michael B. Jordan in Fruitvale Station (2013)

21. Fruitvale Station

Emile Hirsch in Into the Wild (2007)

22. Into the Wild

Colin Firth in The King's Speech (2010)

23. The King's Speech

Paul Newman, Robert Redford, and Katharine Ross in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)

24. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

François Cluzet and Omar Sy in The Intouchables (2011)

25. The Intouchables

Klaus Kinski in Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)

26. Aguirre, the Wrath of God

Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci in The Irishman (2019)

27. The Irishman

Jim Carrey in Man on the Moon (1999)

28. Man on the Moon

Persepolis (2007)

29. Persepolis

Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali in Green Book (2018)

30. Green Book

Mirror (1975)

32. Finding Neverland

Will Smith, Brian Howe, Thandiwe Newton, and Jaden Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

33. The Pursuit of Happyness

Kate Winslet and Melanie Lynskey in Heavenly Creatures (1994)

34. Heavenly Creatures

Gandhi (1982)

36. American Gangster

Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network (2010)

37. The Social Network

Michael Keaton, Liev Schreiber, Brian d'Arcy James, Mark Ruffalo, and Rachel McAdams in Spotlight (2015)

38. Spotlight

Don Cheadle, Nick Nolte, Joaquin Phoenix, Mosa Kaiser, Sophie Okonedo, Ofentse Modiselle, and Mathabo Pieterson in Hotel Rwanda (2004)

39. Hotel Rwanda

Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years a Slave (2013)

40. 12 Years a Slave

Malcolm X (1992)

41. Malcolm X

Benedict Cumberbatch in The Imitation Game (2014)

42. The Imitation Game

Bradley Cooper in American Sniper (2014)

43. American Sniper

Serpico (1973)

44. Serpico

Robert De Niro and Robin Williams in Awakenings (1990)

45. Awakenings

Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Steve Carell, and Ryan Gosling in The Big Short (2015)

46. The Big Short

Andrew Garfield in Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

47. Hacksaw Ridge

Matthew McConaughey in Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

48. Dallas Buyers Club

Daniel Day-Lewis in In the Name of the Father (1993)

49. In the Name of the Father

Maria Falconetti and Eugene Silvain in The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)

50. The Passion of Joan of Arc

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From 'Elvis' to 'The Pianist': 20 Best Biopic Movies of the 21st Century (So Far)

Telling incredible true stories.

Read update

Oppenheimer , Christopher Nolan 's most anticipated biopic will soon hit theaters this summer (July 21), marking not only Nolan's return but also the newest installment in the biopic genre, which is currently popular in Hollywood. In the meantime, there are tons of great biopics of the 21st century that fans can watch.

What is a biopic? A biopic (short for "biographical picture") is a non-fictional film that depicts the tale of a real person's life. Biopic movies are usually about a historical figure or a well-known individual. However, they can be about anyone as long as the subject exists. A biopic film must focus on a single protagonist and portray the narrative of that person's life across many years (rather than simply one event or era in their life).

Biopics are the goldmines of Hollywood movies, regardless of whose life they show. Many of these films served as stepping stones in the careers of their filmmakers and actors, helping to launch them to stardom. Even though many excellent biopics are produced each year, a special few have gone above and beyond after the turn of the millennia.

Updated on March 30, 2023, by Jessie Nguyen:

20 'bohemian rhapsody' (2018).

Bohemian Rhapsody tells the story of the British rock band Queen and their lead singer, Freddie Mercury , played by Rami Malek . The film traces the band’s rise to fame, from their early days playing small gigs to their legendary performance at Live Aid in 1985. It also explores Mercury’s relationships with his bandmates, as well as his romantic ones and his struggle with his sexuality.

Bohemian Rhapsody nevertheless serves as a good reminder of the band's musical brilliance and Freddie's singular stage presence owing to the film's aesthetically stunning musical moments and Malek's dominating leading role. Despite its limitations, the movie is still an exquisite tribute to the band and its dedicated fans.

Watch on Hulu

19 'A Beautiful Mind' (2001)

Inspired by the 1998 biography of the same name by Sylvia Nasar , A Beautiful Mind chronicles the life of John Forbes Nash Jr. ( Russell Crowe ), who went through it all – from fame's pinnacles to its darkest abysses. He was a mathematical prodigy who was on the verge of receiving international renown when he made an astounding discovery early in his career. Yet he quickly finds himself embarking on a torturous and terrifying quest of self-discovery.

A Beautiful Mind has become one of the most engaging and well-liked movies of all time, despite issues with tone and structure as well as some significant absences from Nash's real life. Because Nash's life is the focus of the film rather than his mental health , and because of Russell Crowe's stirring portrayal, Nash is given a second chance to relive both his success and his failure.

Watch on Prime Video

18 'Elvis' (2022)

Elvis chronicles the life story of American music legend Elvis Presley , played by Austin Butler , from his youth to his 1950s rise to rock and roll stardom while retaining a complicated bond with Colonel Tom Parker ( Tom Hanks ), his manager.

Butler's spectacular portrayal of Elvis humanized the legend by bringing down the spotlight from his physical gestures to the enormous, gruff voice to reveal the troubled man hiding behind the timeless God of Rock. In addition, the wild singing, set design, reenactment of iconic incidents, and compelling performers give the impression that audiences are viewing a documentary instead.

Watch on Max

17 'Ray' (2004)

Ray tells the story of the legendary musician Ray Charles ( Jamie Foxx ) and his struggles with blindness, poverty, and addiction, as well as his relationships with the women in his life. It also delves into Charles' musical career, including his experimentation with different genres such as R&B, gospel, and country, and his collaborations with other musicians.

Ray is a moving and inspiring film that offers a window into the life of one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century, and the struggles and triumphs that shaped his extraordinary career. Also, the acting is strong, the directing is deft, the storyline is insightful, and Foxx gives an outstanding performance.

Watch on Netflix

16 'The Wolf of Wall Street' (2013)

The story of 1990s stock trader Jordan Belfort , whose company, Stratton Oakmont, participated in unprecedented levels of corruption and fraud, is told in Martin Scorsese 's smash biopic The Wolf of Wall Street .

Scorsese's picture is the ultimate of excess, with Leonardo DiCaprio as Belfort giving a truly outrageous performance. As they are in many of Scorsese’s films , the sins are visited upon the sinner, but the "Wolf" warns us at the end that no number of cautionary stories will prevent future generations from engaging in short-sighted, amoral, selfish ambitions.

Watch on Fubo

15 'A Hidden Life' (2019)

Based on the true story of Franz Jägerstätter , an Austrian farmer who refused to fight for the Nazis during World War II, The Hidden Life follows Franz ( August Diehl ) as he lives a quiet life with his family in the small village of St. Radegund. When war breaks out, Franz is called up to serve in the German army, but he refuses to swear allegiance to Hitler and fight for the Nazis.

Through a genuine account of faith, family, and the indomitable human spirit in the face of extreme persecution, director Terrence Malick presents the viewers with a rare image of a special kind of hero. Additionally, it serves as an engaging and oftentimes moving example of how regular people respond to the ills of the world.

14 'Lincoln' (2012)

Lincoln follows the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln ( Daniel Day-Lewis ), as he navigates the political landscape of the Civil War era, trying to garner support for the amendment from both Republicans and Democrats. It also focuses on the final months of his presidency and his efforts to pass the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which would abolish slavery.

Lincoln is one of Steven Spielberg 's most methodical efforts as a director, and it is undeniably a respectable, absorbing film. Additionally, despite having a history lesson at its center, it is deftly concealed by one outstanding performance and a number of steadfast supporting characters.

13 'Capote' (2005)

Capote tells the story of Truman Capote ( Philip Seymour Hoffman ), a famous American writer, as he travels to Kansas to investigate and write about the brutal murders of the Clutter family in 1959, which later becomes the basis for his novel, In Cold Blood . The film explores Capote’s relationship with the murderers, Richard ‘Dick’ Hickock ( Mark Pellegrino ) and Perry Smith ( Clifton Collins Jr. ), as he spends them with them in jail.

Hoffman offers a captivating portrayal of and perspective on a troubled character who is nonetheless regarded by many as one of America's best authors. Moreover, Bennett Miller was able to convey the complexity of human brains and relationships, as well as the source of artistic inspiration, thanks to a fantastic screenplay.

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12 'I, Tonya' (2017)

After her husband ordered an assault on her opponent, Nancy Kerrigan , Tonya Harding ( Margot Robbie ) went from one of the most skilled athletes in the country to a worldwide laughingstock. Her troubles as an outcast, her dysfunctional family, and her outspoken nature were all depicted in the film.

Craig Gillespie 's film does more than convey Harding's story, it completely reframes the narrative and rewrites her as the hero of her own story in a complicated but persuasive way. I, Tonya also provides Robbie with her first opportunity to demonstrate her entire range as an actor, and she is radiant.

11 'Dallas Buyers Club' (2013)

Dallas Buyers Club follows Ronald Woodroof ( Matthew McConaughey ), a philandering, drug addict, and homophobic electrician from Texas, living a carefree life until his doctor diagnoses him with HIV/AIDS, which will likely kill him in 30 days. Woodroof discovers an experimental medicine that can potentially prolong his life and establishes the titular "Dallas Buyers Club" to import the drug from Mexico to anyone who needs it.

The combination of sharp character study and moving pharmaceutical docudrama is lively and memorable at just under two hours. Moreover, McConaughey and Jared Leto ’s transformative performances are the reason to visit this biopic. Not only do they successfully give voice to the disaffected of the 1980s, but to everyone who is suddenly confronted with unfathomable challenges.

10 'Hidden Figures' (2016)

Loosely based on the 2016 non-fiction book of the same name by Margot Lee Shetterly , Hidden Figures chronicles the story of a group of female Black mathematicians (played by Taraji P. Henson , Octavia Spencer , and Janelle Monáe ) who played crucial roles in NASA during the early stages of the US space program.

With its recognizable period-piece perspective on a neglected moment in space history, Hidden Figures maintains optimism for what science and technology may accomplish when the sharpest minds work together. Moreover, the film respectfully honors the unheralded female heroines of history by featuring three exceptional performances from the three leads.

Watch on Disney+

9 'Milk' (2008)

Milk is about the life of an openly gay activist and politician, Harvey Milk (played by Sean Penn ), who became the first LGBTQ+ person elected to public office in California. The film chronicles the period from Milk's 40th birthday until his horrific killing in 1978, using archival footage from his life.

The film, directed by Gus Van Sant and written by Dustin Lance Black , immerses us in the political process as Penn's brilliant performance captures Milk's playful intellectual personality. Furthermore, by combining 1970s news footage with newly shot sequences, Van Sant constructed his film around some massive, screen-filling set pieces, making the audience feel as if they had stepped inside the story.

8 'The King's Speech' (2010)

When Albert "Bertie" George 's father, King George V , dies and his brother King Edward VIII chooses love over the kingdom, he is compelled to crown himself king. The King's Speech depicts the narrative of King George VI 's friendship with his speech therapist, who helped the king overcome his stutter to confidently address his subjects.

Instead of being a film about a monarch triumphantly leading his folks to victory, it is about a would-be king battling to find his voice and the strength to lead his people through one of the most challenging periods in their history. Colin Firth as Bertie also imbues his restrained character with complexity, dignity, and wit, making a lasting impression.

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7 '12 Years a Slave' (2013)

Solomon Northup (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor ) was a free Black man from New York who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in 1841. For a dozen terrifying years, he was subjected to various forms of torture and wickedness before being free once more.

Though 12 Years a Slave is full of intriguing characters, Ejiofor steals the show by maintaining the character's dignity throughout. Moreover, director Steve McQueen immerses the spectators in an unforgivably hideous era from which there is no way out. It's about as intense as a biopic can go and many viewers deem this movie to be too heartbreaking for a second screening .

6 'The Pianist' (2002)

Based on the autobiographical book of the same name by a Polish-Jewish pianist, composer, and Holocaust survivor, Władysław Szpilman , The Pianist follows Szpilman ( Adrien Brody ), who after being forced into the Warsaw Ghetto, loses contact with his family as a result of Operation Reinhard. He then hides in various places among the rubble of Warsaw from this point until the captives of the concentration camps are released.

The unflinching anti-war film is a masterpiece about the struggle between good and evil, the tenacity and mercy of art, and the horrific personal toll left by one of history's worst moments. Like many films about the Holocaust, The Pianist can be difficult to see, but it's important to remember what happened and Brody was mesmerizing in it.

5 'The Social Network' (2010)

Though it wasn’t perfectly accurate, The Social Network covers the narrative of Facebook's early years and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg ’s ( Jesse Eisenberg ) initial social decline, starting with the break-up of his romantic relationship with Erica Albright ( Rooney Mara ) and concluding with the tragic end of his friendship with co-founder Eduardo Saverin ( Andrew Garfield ).

The film is one of the best performing and acclaimed films of 2010 , thanks to screenwriter Aaron Sorkin 's typical quick-witted writing and Jesse Eisenberg's riveting portrayal of the renowned social network creator. Moreover, everyone in the film is on the verge of snapping, which adds to the film's authenticity and realism.

4 'Catch Me If You Can' (2002)

Catch Me If You Can follows Frank Abagnale Jr. (played by Leonardo DiCaprio), a skilled con man who pretended to be a doctor, lawyer, and pilot while only being 21 years old. Meanwhile, Tom Hanks ' FBI agent Carl Hanratty gets obsessed with finding Frank and later succeeds in persuading Frank to become an FBI assistant for atonement.

The story was brought to life by Steven Spielberg's skill as a filmmaker, exquisite cinematography, elegant editing, brilliant script, and a beautiful score by John Williams . Not to mention DiCaprio and Hanks' incredible chemistry and performances resulting in a gentle, charmingly adventurous film that makes you feel wonderful.

3 'BlacKkKlansman' (2018)

Based on Ron Stallworth ’s 2014 memoir Black Klansman , BlacKkKlansman takes place in the 1970s in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and follows the city's first Black detective ( John David Washington ) as he attempts to infiltrate and out the local Ku Klux Klan chapter.

BlacKkKlansman is timely because it engages in a crucial national dialogue that is full of metaphors and juxtapositions. Moreover, the chemistry between Washington and Adam Driver is crucial to keep the film's rhythm enjoyable as the movie alternates between comedy and crime . Also, through their characters, viewers feel like they have just walked through the lane of history in over two hours.

2 'Can You Ever Forgive Me?' (2018)

Melissa McCarthy plays Lee Israel , a struggling writer who seeks to revive her career by selling counterfeit letters from celebrities who have died. Can You Ever Forgive Me? by Marielle Heller is one of the finest contemporary films on economic hardship and ethical compromise.

The biopic is an intellectually interesting drama due to the contradiction between blatant deception, undeniable necessity, and a group of victims who, presumably, can afford to be fooled. Moreover, McCarthy's impressive performance is both fierce and compassionate at the same time, constantly improving the material and stealing every scene she is in.

1 'Selma' (2014)

Selma was praised for its historical authenticity as it followed Martin Luther King Jr. as he fought for Black voting rights. The film follows King's frenetic three months leading up to the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. Their efforts directly contributed to President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

The film focuses primarily on King's role in the events without diminishing the importance of the other leaders' contributions to molding this pivotal moment in American history. Moreover, the screenplay by Paul Webb and David Oyelowo ’s performance as King gives us a profound, gratifying depiction of King as a man capable of errors, self-doubt, and pain.

Watch on Showtime

NEXT: Great Biopics That Got Surprisingly Dark

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Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, who skewered fast food industry, dies at 53

From AP’s archives: “Super Size Me” filmmaker Morgan Spurlock talks about the dangers of eating fast food. The Oscar-nominee who famously ate only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died. He was 53.

FILE - Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock participate in the BUILD Speaker Series to discuss the film, "Go North", at AOL Studios on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2017, in New York. Spurlock, an Oscar-nominee who made food and American diets his life’s work, famously eating only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died. He was 53. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

FILE - Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock participate in the BUILD Speaker Series to discuss the film, “Go North”, at AOL Studios on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2017, in New York. Spurlock, an Oscar-nominee who made food and American diets his life’s work, famously eating only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died. He was 53. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

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FILE - Morgan Spurlock poses at the Los Angeles premiere of his film “Super Size Me,” Thursday night, April 22, 2004, in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. Spurlock, an Oscar-nominee who made food and American diets his life’s work, famously eating only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died. He was 53. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

FILE - Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock arrives at the premiere of “Pom Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” in Los Angeles on Wednesday, April 20, 2011. Spurlock, an Oscar-nominee who made food and American diets his life’s work, famously eating only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died. He was 53. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)

FILE - Director Morgan Spurlock from the film “Focus Forward” poses for a portrait during the 2013 Sundance Film Festival at the Fender Music Lodge on Jan. 21, 2013 in Park City, Utah. Spurlock, an Oscar-nominee who made food and American diets his life’s work, famously eating only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died. He was 53. (Photo by Victoria Will/Invision/AP, File)

FILE - Morgan Spurlock of the CNN series “Inside Man” poses at the CNN Worldwide All-Star Party, on Friday, Jan. 10, 2014, in Pasadena, Calif. Spurlock, an Oscar-nominee who made food and American diets his life’s work, famously eating only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died. He was 53. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File)

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NEW YORK (AP) — Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, an Oscar nominee whose most famous works skewered America’s food industry and who notably ate only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died. He was 53.

Spurlock died Thursday in New York from complications of cancer, according to a statement issued Friday by his family.

“It was a sad day, as we said goodbye to my brother Morgan,” Craig Spurlock, who worked with him on several projects, said in the statement. “Morgan gave so much through his art, ideas, and generosity. The world has lost a true creative genius and a special man. I am so proud to have worked together with him.”

Spurlock made a splash in 2004 with his groundbreaking film “Super Size Me,” which was nominated for an Academy Award. The film chronicled the detrimental physical and psychological effects of Spurlock eating only McDonald’s food for 30 days. He gained about 25 pounds, saw a spike in his cholesterol and lost his sex drive.

“Everything’s bigger in America,” he said in the film. “We’ve got the biggest cars, the biggest houses, the biggest companies, the biggest food, and finally: the biggest people.”

In one scene, Spurlock showed kids a photo of George Washington and none recognized the Founding Father. But they all instantly knew the mascots for Wendy’s and McDonald’s.

The film grossed more than $22 million on a $65,000 budget and preceded the release of Eric Schlosser’s influential “Fast Food Nation,” which accused the industry of being bad for the environment and rife with labor issues.

Spurlock returned in 2017 with “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!” — a sober look at an industry that processes 9 billion animals a year in America. He focused on two issues: chicken farmers stuck in a peculiar financial system and the attempt by fast-food chains to deceive customers into thinking they’re eating healthier.

“We’re at an amazing moment in history from a consumer standpoint where consumers are starting to have more and more power,” he told The Associated Press in 2019. “It’s not about return for the shareholders. It’s about return for the consumers.”

Spurlock was a gonzo-like filmmaker who leaned into the bizarre and ridiculous. His stylistic touches included zippy graphics and amusing music, blending a Michael Moore-ish camera-in-your-face style with his own sense of humor and pathos.

“I wanted to be able to lean into the serious moments. I wanted to be able to breathe in the moments of levity. We want to give you permission to laugh in the places where it’s really hard to laugh,” he told the AP.

After he exposed the fast-food and chicken industries, there was an explosion in restaurants stressing freshness, artisanal methods, farm-to-table goodness and ethically sourced ingredients. But nutritionally not much had changed.

“There has been this massive shift and people say to me, ‘So has the food gotten healthier?’ And I say, ‘Well, the marketing sure has,’” he said.

Not all his work dealt with food. Spurlock made documentaries about the boy band One Direction and the geeks and fanboys at Comic-Con. One of his films looked at life behind bars at the Henrico County Jail in Virginia.

With 2008’s “Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?” Spurlock went on a global search to find the al-Qaida leader, who was killed in 2011. In “POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold,” Spurlock tackled questions of product placement, marketing and advertising.

“Being aware is half the battle, I think. Literally knowing all the time when you’re being marketed to is a great thing,” Spurlock told AP at the time. “A lot of people don’t realize it. They can’t see the forest for the trees.”

“Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!” was to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017 but it was shelved at the height of the #MeToo movement when Spurlock came forward to detail his own history of sexual misconduct.

He confessed that he had been accused of rape while in college and had settled a sexual harassment case with a female assistant. He also admitted to cheating on numerous partners. “I am part of the problem,” he wrote.

“For me, there was a moment of kind of realization — as somebody who is a truth-teller and somebody who has made it a point of trying to do what’s right — of recognizing that I could do better in my own life. We should be able to admit we were wrong,” he told the AP.

Spurlock grew up in Beckley, West Virginia. His mother was an English teacher who he remembered would correct his work with a red pen. He graduated with a BFA in film from New York University in 1993.

He is survived by two sons — Laken and Kallen; his mother Phyllis Spurlock; father Ben; brothers Craig and Barry; and former spouses Alexandra Jamieson and Sara Bernstein, the mothers of his children.

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Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson has courted controversy in and outside of the ring, including biting opponent Evander Holyfield’s ear and a 1992 rape conviction.

mike tyson in front of a dark background

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Mike Tyson News: Retired Boxer Prepares for Jake Paul Fight

Tyson took jabs at the 27-year-old Paul’s physical condition and questioned the legitimacy of the YouTube celebrity’s nine prior boxing wins. “Who did he knock out? Who did he knock out—little children. He never knocked out a real man. Come on,” Tyson said. “Listen, we’re here—we did enough talking. I’m ready to fight.”

The upcoming eight-round fight in Arlington, Texas, will stream on Netflix and is considered a sanctioned professional match. Tyson’s last competitive fight was a June 2005 loss to Kevin McBride by technical knockout. In November 2020, he battled former champion Roy Jones Jr. to a draw in an eight-round exhibition.

Quick Facts

Where is mike tyson from, amateur boxer with trainer “cus” d’amato, professional boxing career, final fights and retirement, boxing record, height, and weight, wives and kids, legal and financial troubles, life outside of boxing: movies and tv shows, who is mike tyson.

Retired professional boxer Mike Tyson became the youngest heavyweight champion of the world in 1986, at age 20. He lost the title in 1990 and later served three years in prison after being convicted on rape charges. Tyson subsequently earned further notoriety by biting off part of opponent Evander Holyfield’s ear during a 1997 match. Since retiring from boxing in 2005, Tyson has appeared in several movies and TV shows, become a best-selling author, and launched a successful cannabis business.

FULL NAME: Michael Gerard Tyson BORN: June 30, 1966 BIRTHPLACE: Brooklyn, New York SPOUSES: Robin Givens (1988-1989), Monica Turner (1997-2003), and Lakiha Spicer (2009-present) CHILDREN: Mikey, Rayna, Amir, Miguel, Exodus, Milan, and Morocco ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer

Michael Gerard Tyson was born on June 30, 1966, in Brooklyn, New York, to parents Jimmy Kirkpatrick and Lorna Tyson. When Michael was 2 years old, his father abandoned the family, leaving Lorna to care for Michael and his two siblings, Rodney and Denise.

Struggling financially, the Tyson family moved to Brownsville, a Brooklyn neighborhood known for its high crime. Small and shy, Tyson was often the target of bullying. To combat this, he began developing his own style of street fighting, which ultimately transitioned into criminal activity. His gang, known as the Jolly Stompers, assigned him to clean out cash registers while older members held victims at gunpoint. He was only 11 years old at the time.

Tyson frequently ran into trouble with police over his petty criminal activities, and by age 13, he had been arrested more than 30 times. His bad behavior landed him in the Tryon School for Boys, a reform school in upstate New York. At Tryon, Tyson met counselor Bob Stewart, who had been an amateur boxing champion. Tyson wanted Stewart to teach him how to use his fists. Stewart reluctantly agreed, on the condition that Tyson would stay out of trouble and work harder in school.

Previously classified as learning disabled, Tyson managed to raise his reading abilities to the seventh-grade level in a matter of months. He also became determined to learn everything he could about boxing, often slipping out of bed after curfew to practice punches in the dark.

In 1980, Bob Stewart felt he had taught Tyson all he knew. He introduced the aspiring boxer to legendary boxing manager Constantine “Cus” D’Amato, who had a gym in Catskill, New York. D’Amato was known for taking personal interest in promising fighters, even providing them room and board in the home he shared with partner Camille Ewald. He had handled the careers of several successful boxers, including Floyd Patterson and Jose Torres, and he immediately recognized Tyson’s promise as a contender, telling him, “If you want to stay here, and if you want to listen, you could be the world heavyweight champion someday.”

The relationship between D’Amato and Tyson was more than that of a professional trainer and a boxer—it was one akin to father and son. D’Amato took Tyson under his wing, and when the 14-year-old was paroled from Tryon in September 1980, he entered into D’Amato’s full-time custody. D’Amato set a rigorous training schedule for the young athlete, sending him to Catskill High School during the day and training in the ring every evening. D’Amato also entered Tyson in amateur boxing matches and “smokers,” non-sanctioned fights, to teach the teen how to deal with older opponents.

Tyson’s life seemed to be looking up, but in 1982, he suffered a couple personal losses. That year, Tyson’s mother died of cancer. “I never saw my mother happy with me and proud of me for doing something,” he later told reporters. “She only knew of me as being a wild kid running the streets, coming home with new clothes that she knew I didn’t pay for. I never got a chance to talk to her or know about her.” Around this same time, Tyson was expelled from Catskill High for his erratic, often violent behavior. He continued his education through private tutors while he trained for the 1984 Olympic trials.

Tyson’s showing in the trials didn’t make the cut. He lost to Henry Tillman, the eventual gold medalist, and failed to make the Olympic team. After that, D’Amato decided that it was time for his fighter to turn professional.

On March 6, 1985, Tyson made his professional boxing debut in Albany, New York, against Hector Mercedes. The 18-year-old knocked Mercedes out in one round. Tyson’s strength, quick fists, and notable defensive abilities intimidated his opponents, who were often afraid to hit the fighter. This gave Tyson the uncanny ability to level his opponents in only one round, and earned him the nickname “Iron Mike.”

The year was a successful one for Tyson, but it was not without its tragedies: On November 4, 1985, his trainer and surrogate father, Cus D’Amato, died of pneumonia. Kevin Rooney took over for D’Amato and, less than two weeks later, Tyson continued his climb up the heavyweight rankings. He recorded his thirteenth knockout in Houston and dedicated the fight to the man who had molded him into a professional. Those close to Tyson have said he never fully recovered from D’Amato’s passing.

Heavyweight Championship and First Loss

a boxing referee counting down a fighter on the canvas as mike tyson stands over them

By 1986, Tyson had garnered a 22-0 record, winning 21 of the fights by knockout. November 22, 1986, was a particular auspicious day. Tyson faced Trevor Berbick in his first title fight for the World Boxing Council heavyweight championship. Tyson won the title by a knockout in the second round. At the age of 20 years and 4 months, he broke Floyd Patterson’s record to become the youngest heavyweight champion in history.

Tyson’s success in the ring didn’t stop there. He defended his title against James Smith on March 7, 1987, adding the World Boxing Association championship to his list of victories. On August 1, he became the first heavyweight to own all three major boxing belts when he seized the International Boxing Federation title from Tony Tucker.

But Tyson’s game seemed to be on the decline. Once known for his complicated offensive and defensive moves, the boxer seemed to continually rely on his one-punch knockout move to finish his bouts. He blamed his trainer for his struggles in the ring and fired Rooney in mid-1988.

Tyson defended his title twice more before his winning streak came to an end on February 11, 1990, when he lost his championship belt to Buster Douglas in Tokyo. Tyson, the clear favorite, sent Douglas to the mat in the eighth round, but Douglas came back in the 10 th , knocking Tyson out for the first time in his career.

Discouraged but not ready to give up, Tyson recovered by knocking out Olympic gold medalist Henry Tillman, who was his former amateur boxing adversary, later that year.

Evander Holyfield Fights

mike tyson following through on a punch during a boxing match against evander holyfield

After several successful fights, Tyson came head-to-head with his next big challenger: Evander Holyfield. Holyfield had been promised a title shot against Tyson in 1990 before Douglas defeated Tyson. Instead, Holyfield fought Douglas for the heavyweight title on October 25, 1990, and beat his opponent by knockout to become the new undefeated, undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.

On November 9, 1996, Tyson faced Holyfield for the heavyweight title. The evening didn’t end successfully for Tyson, who lost to Holyfield by a knockout in the 11 th  round. Instead of Tyson’s anticipated victory, Holyfield made history by becoming the second person to win a heavyweight championship belt three times. Tyson claimed he was the victim of multiple illegal head butts by Holyfield and vowed to avenge his loss.

Tyson trained heavily for a rematch with Holyfield, and on June 28, 1997, the two boxers faced off again. The fight was televised on pay-per-view and entered nearly 2 million households, setting a record at the time for the highest number of paid television viewers. Both boxers also received record purses for the match, making them the highest-paid professional boxers in history until 2007.

The first and second rounds provided the typical crowd-pleasing action expected from the two champions. But the match took an unexpected turn in the third round. Tyson shocked fans and boxing officials when he grabbed Holyfield and bit both of the boxer’s ears, completely severing a piece of Holyfield’s right ear. Tyson claimed that the action was retaliation for Holyfield’s illegal head butts from their previous match. Judges didn’t agree with Tyson’s reasoning, however, and disqualified the boxer from the fight.

On July 9, 1997, the Nevada State Athletic Commission revoked Tyson’s boxing license in a unanimous vote and fined the boxer $3 million for biting Holyfield. Several months later, Tyson was dealt another blow when he was ordered to pay boxer Mitch Green $45,000 for a 1988 street-fighting incident.

In October 1998, Tyson’s Nevada boxing license was reinstated and he returned to the ring the next year. The boxer four wins and two no contests before attempting to win back the heavyweight title in 2002. To do so, he would need to beat Lennox Lewis, the WBC, IBF, and International Boxing Organization champion.

The buildup to the highly-publicized fight was contentious. Two years prior, following his win over Lou Savarese, Tyson called out Lewis and morbidly threatened to “eat his children.” At a January 2002 press conference, the two boxers began a brawl that threatened to cancel the match, but the fight was eventually scheduled for that June. Tyson lost the fight by a knockout, a defeat that signaled the decline of the former champion’s career.

Tyson only fought three more times. After losing to Danny Williams via knockout in July 2004, he faced Kevin McBride just under a year later. A journeyman fighter from Ireland, McBride was considered a heavy underdog and offered only $150,000 for the bout. He responded to taunts from Tyson by saying “when I hit you on the chin, you’re going to take the whole of Ireland.” McBride backed up the talk by winning via technical knockout in the sixth round.

Tyson immediately announced his retirement. “I don’t have the stomach for this anymore,” he said . “I felt like I was 120 years old.”

In June 2011, Tyson was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. He began a stint as a boxing promoter in 2013 after forming Iron Mike Productions.

The former heavyweight champion is briefly stepping out of retirement for a July 2024 match. Mike Tyson v. Jake Paul, an eight-round sanctioned professional match, will stream live on Netflix.

In his prime, the 5-foot-10 Tyson generally competed at just under 220 pounds. His day-to-day weight became much higher after retirement. He revealed in November 2020 he had lost around 100 pounds, thanks to a new vegan diet and a lot of time on a treadmill, ahead of an exhibition fight against Roy Jones Jr.

According to Forbes , Tyson competed in 58 fights during his professional career. His official record is 50 wins and six losses, with two no-contests. Of his victories, 44 were via knockout. Tyson won his first 37 bouts before his memorable first loss to Buster Douglas in February 1990.

Tyson is currently married to his third wife, Lakiha “Kiki” Spicer. The couple wed in 2009. They have two children together: a daughter named Milan, born in 2008, and a son named Morocco, born in 2011.

Altogether, Tyson is a father to seven children , including three daughters, three sons, and a nonbinary child. His firstborn, a daughter named Mikey, arrived in 1990. Tyson had Mikey with Kimberly Scarborough. The boxer and his second wife, Monica Turner, welcomed Rayna, who is nonbinary, and Amir, their son, in 1996 and 1997, respectively. Next, Tyson had a son named Miguel in 2002 and a daughter named Exodus in 2005 with his former girlfriend Sol Xochitl. Milan and Morocco round out Tyson’s brood.

In March 2009, 4-year-old Exodus tragically died after accidentally strangling herself on a treadmill cord at her mother’s home in Phoenix. Tyson spoke about the incident later that year in a TV interview with Oprah Winfrey . “My first instinct was a lot of rage, and I am so happy I had the tools in life [from attending rehab] not to go in that direction,” he said . “There was no animosity. There was no anger towards anybody. I don’t know how she died, and I don’t want to know.”

First Marriage to Robin Givens

mike tyson robin givens and barbara walters sitting on a couch

Tyson partied hard and stepped out with various Hollywood stars early in his career. In the 1980s, Tyson set his sights on actor Robin Givens. The couple began dating, and on February 7, 1988, they got married in New York.

However, allegations of spousal abuse began to surface in the media in June 1988, and Givens and her mother demanded access to Tyson’s money for a down payment on a $3 million home in New Jersey. That same year, police were called to Tyson’s home after he began throwing furniture out of a window and forced Givens and her mother to leave the home.

Tyson’s behavior during this time became increasingly violent and erratic. In August 1988, he broke a bone in his right hand in a street brawl. The next month, Tyson was knocked unconscious after driving his BMW into a tree at his late trainer Cus D’Amato’s home. Tabloids later claimed the accident was a suicide attempt brought on from excessive drug use. He was fined $200 and sentenced to community service for speeding.

Also in September 1988, Givens and Tyson appeared in an interview with Barbara Walters in which Givens described her marriage as “pure hell.” Shortly thereafter, she announced that she was filing for divorce. Tyson countersued for a divorce and an annulment, beginning an ugly court process. On February 14, 1989, their split became official.

Second Marriage to Monica Turner

In the early 1990s, Tyson briefly met Monica Turner. They stayed in touch with Turner regularly visiting Tyson  while he imprisoned, and the relationship eventually grew romantic. In 1997, the couple got married in a Muslim ceremony.

Tyson and Turner had two kids together as Turner trained to become a pediatrician. But their marriage hit the rocks, and in 2002, she filed for divorce on grounds of his alleged adultery. It took a year to work out the dissolution of their marriage. A judge officially granted their divorce in early 2003.

Tyson’s massive success in the ring was often accompanied by controversy away from it. He has served time in prison and jail on multiple occasions after being convicted on sexual assault, physical assault, and drug charges.

1992 Rape Conviction

In July 1991, Tyson was accused of raping Desiree Washington, a Miss Black American contestant. On March 26, 1992, after nearly a year of trial proceedings, Tyson was found guilty on one count of rape and two counts of deviant sexual conduct. Because of Indiana state laws, Tyson was ordered to serve six years in prison, effective immediately.

He initially handled his stint in prison poorly; he was found guilty of threatening a guard, adding 15 days to his sentence. That same year, Tyson’s father died. The boxer didn’t request leave to attend the funeral. While imprisoned, Tyson converted to Islam and adopted the name Malik Abdul Aziz. On March 25, 1995, after serving three years of his sentence, Tyson was released from the Indiana Youth Center near Plainfield.

Business Lawsuits

The beleaguered boxer was ensnared in more legal trouble, including a $49 million lawsuit filed by his former trainer Kevin Rooney for wrongful termination. A jury ordered the boxer to pay Rooney a little more than $4.4 million in October 1996.

Tyson landed in court again in 1998, this time as a plaintiff. On March 5, the boxer filed a $100 million lawsuit in U.S. District Court in New York against promoter Don King, accusing him of cheating him out of millions of dollars. He also filed a lawsuit against his former managers Rory Holloway and John Horne, claiming they had made King the boxer’s exclusive promoter without his knowledge. In 2004, King and Tyson settled out of court for $14 million, though Tyson used the award to pay off debt.

Days after Tyson filed his suit against King, two women sued the boxer after they said he verbally and physically assaulted them at a Washington restaurant. They sought $22.5 million in damages. The parties reached a confidential settlement in 2000.

1998 Road Rage Assault

In August 1998, in yet another outburst, Tyson assaulted two motorists after a car accident in Maryland dented his Mercedes. He pleaded no contest to second-degree assault for the attack. The judge sentenced Tyson to two concurrent two-year sentences, but he was given only one year of jail time, a $5,000 fine, and 200 hours of community service. He was released after serving nine months.

Drug Charges and Addiction

The next several years were marred with more accusations of physical assaults, sexual harassment, and public incidents. In 2000, a random drug test revealed that Tyson had been smoking marijuana. The results caused boxing officials to penalize Tyson by declaring his October 20 victory against Andrew Golota a loss.

In late 2006, Tyson was arrested in Scottsdale, Arizona, after nearly crashing into a police SUV. During a search of his car, police discovered cocaine and drug paraphernalia throughout the vehicle. On September 24, 2007, Tyson pleaded guilty to possession of narcotics and driving under the influence. He was sentenced to 24 hours in jail, 360 hours of community service, and three years’ probation.

Although his drug arrest was a one-off, Tyson has since discussed his alcohol and drug abuse and ongoing recovery. “I’m on the verge of dying because I’m a vicious alcoholic,” he said at a 2013 press conference , also admitting that he had been lying about his sobriety to family and friends. Tyson also admitted to abusing cocaine in his 2013 autobiography  Undisputed Truth  .

Over the years, he has attended rehab as well as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings. His commitment to a sober life has been more successful recently. “For seven years, I didn’t get high, didn’t drink liquor,” Tyson said in 2023 . He credits psychedelic mushrooms and marijuana for changing his life  and curbing his reliance on alcohol and cocaine.


In 2003, the boxer filed for bankruptcy after his exorbitant spending, multiple trials, and bad investments caught up with him. To curb expenses, the boxer also sold his upscale mansion in Farmington, Connecticut, to rapper 50 Cent for a little more than $4 million. He crashed on friends’ couches and slept in shelters until he landed in Phoenix, where he bought a home in 2005.

Active Rape Case

Years later, in January 2023, a New York woman filed a lawsuit accusing Tyson of raping her outside a nightclub in March 1991 and seeking $5 million in damages. The case was moved to U.S. District Court in Albany later that year , and a trial date hasn’t been set.

After leaving the ring, Tyson found a new level of celebrity through a number of notable movie anTV show appearances. In 2009, he had a memorable cameo in the hit comedy The Hangover , starring Bradley Cooper  and Ed Helms . The positive reception to his appearance opened the door to more acting opportunities. Tyson soon landed guest spots on the TV series Entourage , How I Met Your Mother , and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit .

mike tyson giving double peace signs with his hands at a comic convention

In 2012, Tyson made his Broadway debut in his one-man show Mike Tyson: The Undisputed Truth , directed by Spike Lee . Two years later, Tyson’s animated venture Mike Tyson Mysteries , a comical crime-fighting spoof, premiered on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim.

Tyson expanded into books, releasing in 2013 a tell-all memoir, Undisputed Truth  , which became a New York Times bestseller. A second book followed in 2017’s Iron Ambition: My Life With Cus D’Amato  , which looked back at his earliest training days.

Always open to promoting his brand, Tyson also launched a YouTube channel in 2017, which parodies comedy sketches and music videos. In January 2019, he kicked off his Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson podcast .

Cannabis Business

In 2016, Tyson made a successful entry into the burgeoning cannabis industry with the launch of Tyson Holistic Holdings. The business includes the 407-acre Tyson Ranch in California, which the ex-champ reportedly aimed to transform into a bustling resort for marijuana enthusiasts. The boxer followed up in 2021 with a line of marijuana strains and gummies via his Tyson 2.0 brand.

According to Celebrity Net Worth , Mike Tyson’s net worth is estimated at $10 million as of March 2024. That same month, Sportico published a list of the 50 highest-paid athletes of all time . Tyson ranked No. 18 with $905 million in career earnings adjusted for inflation ($460 million non-adjusted).

  • I’m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.
  • I’m a good guy, I’m a good brother. There’s nothing wrong with me. Just don’t push me too far, you know.
  • When I fight someone, I want to break his will. I want to take his manhood. I want to rip out his heart and show it to him.
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Tyler Piccotti first joined the staff as an Associate News Editor in February 2023, and before that worked almost eight years as a newspaper reporter and copy editor. He is a graduate of Syracuse University. When he's not writing and researching his next story, you can find him at the nearest amusement park, catching the latest movie, or cheering on his favorite sports teams.

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Aaron Rodgers

The 11 best things to stream this weekend, from 'Dune: Part Two' to a Beach Boys documentary

  • The finales of "The Good Doctor" and "Survivor" aired this week.
  • Theatrical releases like "Knock at the Cabin" and "Dune: Part Two" are now streaming.
  • Jennifer Lopez also stars in a new sci-fi movie on Netflix.

Insider Today

It's officially finale season over on the major TV networks.

"Survivor" and "The Good Doctor" both wrapped this week, the latter for good. Meanwhile, the final season of the supernatural drama "Evil" just kicked off.

If you're looking for true crime, Max has a new docuseries called "Hell on Earth: The Verónica Case" about one mother's quest for justice.

For something lighter, you can also check out "Thirst With Shay Mitchell," in which the "Pretty Little Liars" star travels the world and tries out unique drinks.

Here's a complete rundown of all the best movies, shows, and documentaries to stream this weekend, broken down by what kind of entertainment you're looking for.

Want something to watch with your kids? Check out 'Jurassic World: Chaos Theory'

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The new animated series picks up six years after the events of the earlier series "Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous," which aired from 2020 to 2022.

This is a great option to watch with slightly older kids (or younger ones who have an adult present to help them emotionally handle the concept of dinosaurs eating people).

Streaming on: Netflix

'The Good Doctor' ended this week

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The hit ABC medical drama completed its run on Tuesday, after seven seasons on the air. The series finale focuses on Shaun (Freddie Highmore) and the other doctors working to save two of their own and ends with a time jump 10 years into the future.

Streaming on: Hulu

So did 'Survivor'

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See which of the five remaining castaways won season 46 of the long-running reality competition series in the two-hour finale.

Streaming on: Paramount+

Looking for sci-fi? Check out 'Atlas'

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Jennifer Lopez's eponymous character, Atlas, is a "brilliant but misanthropic data analyst" who hates AI and is tasked with saving humanity from it. Between this and the vibe in portions of "This Is Me... Now: A Love Story," it's safe to say J.Lo is in her sci-fi era.

Horror fans should stream 'Knock at the Cabin'

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M. Night Shyamalan's latest is an apocalyptic psychological horror film starring Dave Bautista and Jonathan Groff. On the Shyamalan scale from "The Last Airbender" (0) to "The Sixth Sense" (100), this one falls somewhere between "The Village" and "Signs" in terms of quality.

Streaming on: Peacock

'Dune: Part 2' quietly hit streaming this week, too

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The hit film, which was released in theaters in March, is now available to stream at home. Judge for yourself what you think of director Denis Villeneuve's tweaked ending and how it might play into the forthcoming "Dune: Part 3."

Perhaps most importantly, enjoy Austin Butler's extreme baldness (no, but seriously, he's the real standout).

Streaming on: Max

The final season of 'Evil' premiered this week

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The supernatural drama from "The Good Wife" creators Robert and Michelle King was shuttled from CBS over to Paramount+ after its first season but found a strong core audience. It'll wrap on its own terms this year.

If you're looking to travel from your couch, watch 'Thirst with Shay Mitchell'

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This four-episode unscripted series features the "Pretty Little Liars" and "You" actor drinking her way around the world, exploring trends and the best bars.

It's like that Stanley Tucci show, except with alcohol instead of pasta.

True crime fans can watch 'Hell on Earth: The Verónica Case'

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This harrowing docuseries tells the story of 13-year-old Verónica, a Spanish girl who accused her neighbor of rape, and the actions her mother took to seek justice against him.

Comedy fans should tune into 'Trying'

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The fourth season of one of Apple's most underrated series kicked off this week. The British comedy, which focuses on Nikki and Jason, a couple attempting to grow their family, picks up with a time jump six years after the events of season three.

Streaming on: Apple TV+

Love music? Watch 'The Beach Boys' documentary

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The new documentary, directed and produced by Frank Marshall, traces the rise of the legendary band over its extraordinary decadeslong career.

Streaming on: Disney+

Disclosure: Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Business Insider's parent company, Axel Springer, is a Netflix board member.

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