Free PowerPoint Change Management Templates and Slides

By Kate Eby | February 16, 2024

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We’ve collected the most useful free PowerPoint change management templates for change managers, organizational development specialists, and communication, project, and human resources managers to outline and present essential planning and processes.  

Included on this page, you’ll find a  PowerPoint change management plan template with an eight-point plan, including cost data ; a  PowerPoint change management process template that breaks down into five phases for clear visualization ; and a  PowerPoint organizational change management plan template with a post-implementation plan that’s essential for achieving change .

PowerPoint Change Management Communication Plan Template

PowerPoint Change Communication Plan Template

Download the Change Management Communication Plan Template for PowerPoint  

When to Use This Template:  Change managers, organizational development specialists, and communication, project, and human resources managers use this template to present change data for smooth transitions and stakeholder alignment with objectives.

Notable Template Features: Outline your change management communication plan with this presentation template. It features dedicated slides for change details, stakeholder roles, and a reporting timeline. The timeline table includes specific columns for stakeholders, communication channels, reporting, and timing concerning each communication plan activity. Document the situation statement by entering data for the current standing, type, and reason for the change, then listing the affected parties. Close your communication plan presentation with a customized summary statement of encouragement for your team. 

Check out these  free change management communication plan templates to share change project adjustments and updates with internal and external stakeholders.

PowerPoint Change Management Plan Template

Change Management Plan Template PowerPoint

Download the Change Management Plan Template for PowerPoint  

When to Use This Template:  Change management consultants, coordinators, and specialists; business transformation executives; and strategy and planning managers use this template to articulate the change management plan to stakeholders.

Notable Template Features: This comprehensive template includes slides detailing your organization's change management plan. Enter bulleted data in the table columns for an eight-step plan. Use this template to map change management activities in the 10-month-timeline slide. Prioritize change requests and list each change request's impact, hours, and cost data. Use the readiness table to document and update your organization's plan status. This change management presentation template lets you chart and present your plan timeline.

Learn more about planning in order to help your organization prepare for and manage change, discover best practices and tips, and more with this  expert roadmap for writing an effective change management plan .

Check out these  free change management templates to help your organization manage and achieve successful change outcomes.

PowerPoint Change Management Process Template

Change Management Process Template PowerPoint

Download the Change Management Process Template for PowerPoint  

When to Use This Template:  Change management specialists, project managers, organizational development consultants, business analysts, and human resources managers use this template to define and present process steps and strategies for change implementation.

Notable Template Features: Simplify your change management process in a flow diagram with this presentation template. You can map change requests from submission, description, and review to approval. This template breaks down into five phases to help you visualize the change management process, including plan development, implementation, monitoring, and change assessment. The template provides the structure for you to see your change management process at a glance.

Learn more about the history, models, challenges, and tips for successful change management with this  indispensable guide to all aspects of change management .

PowerPoint Organizational Change Management Plan Template

Organizational Change Management Plan Template PowerPoint

Download the Organizational Change Management Plan Template for PowerPoint

When to Use This Template:  This template is ideal for organizational development managers, change management consultants, project managers, and human resources directors who need to present a change approach that promotes buy-in from stakeholders within the organization. 

Notable Template Features: This change management plan template provides the structure for presenting the analytical, strategic, and process elements of successful organizational change, and it summarizes your organization's implementation plan, objectives, methods, and activities. Document the need for change and its impact in the introduction slide. Detail the post-implementation plan by listing the assets and monitoring and evaluation processes you require to achieve change. This template has everything you need to present each part of your management plan for organizational change.

Check out this collection of  free change management strategy templates to help you plan and ensure successful change.

Master Change Management with Templates and Slides from Smartsheet

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The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

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Change management presentations: The all-in-one guide

Learn how to create effective change management presentations that engage your audience and help you achieve your goals.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

girl prepraing change management presentation

Hey there, fellow presentation enthusiast!

If you're reading this, you're probably gearing up for a change management presentation.

Well, you're in luck because today, we're diving deep into the world of change management presentations.

Get ready to discover everything you need to know to ace your next presentation and leave your audience not just informed but inspired.

What is change management?

Change management is a concept that's become essential in today's ever-evolving business landscape. It's all about making strategic shifts within an organization while ensuring a smooth transition. Why? Because change is inevitable, but its success isn't. Companies that adapt effectively thrive, while those that struggle often find themselves facing a bumpy ride.

Reasons why change management initiatives fail

Now that we know the importance of change management let's explore why some initiatives hit a brick wall. The truth is, not all change efforts yield the desired results. Here are a few common reasons why:

  • Resistance to change: One of the most significant roadblocks to change is resistance from employees. It's like trying to push a boulder uphill. We'll discuss strategies to tackle this later on.
  • Lack of executive commitment: If the top brass isn't fully on board, it's tough to expect employees to embrace change wholeheartedly.
  • Unrealistic expectations: Sometimes, organizations set the bar too high, leading to disappointment when results fall short.
  • Inadequate team: Building a capable change management team is crucial. Without the right players, your strategy may crumble.

How to structure an effective change management presentation

Now that we understand what change management is and why it often hits roadblocks, let's get into the nitty-gritty of crafting a compelling presentation. Your presentation should be like a well-structured roadmap, guiding your audience through the change journey. Here's how you can achieve that:

  • Introduction to change management: Start by defining change management. Explain why it's vital for organizations today. Make it crystal clear.
  • The change management process: Dive into the step-by-step process of change management. It's like following a recipe – each ingredient plays a crucial role.
  • Utilizing powerpoint templates: Presentation slides are your canvas. Explore how templates can make your presentation visually appealing.
  • Understanding organizational change: Delve into the dynamics of organizational change. What drives it? What are the forces at play?
  • Overcoming resistance to change: Address the elephant in the room: resistance. Share strategies to navigate this challenging terrain.
  • Executing the change process: Break down the implementation phase. What steps should you follow to make it successful?
  • The change management team: Introduce the key players behind change management. It's a team effort.
  • Navigating current and future states: Discuss the transition from the current state to the future state. It's like crossing a bridge – a bit shaky but necessary.
  • Identifying barriers: What obstacles might you face on your change journey? Identify and strategize.
  • Engaging key stakeholders: Your stakeholders are your allies. How can you get them on board with the changes?

Do’s and don'ts for an effective change management presentation

Congratulations, you've mastered the structure of a compelling change management presentation. Now, let's delve into the critical do's and don'ts to ensure your presentation not only hits the mark but leaves a lasting impact.

Do's :

  • Engage your audience : Start by captivating your audience's attention. Share relatable stories, use visual aids, or pose thought-provoking questions.
  • Stay focused on the message : Keep your presentation laser-focused on the core message. Avoid veering off into tangents.
  • Use visuals effectively : Incorporate compelling visuals to reinforce your points. A well-placed graph or chart can convey complex information with ease.
  • Simplify complex concepts : Break down intricate ideas into digestible pieces. Your audience should leave with a clear understanding of the subject.
  • Interact with your audience: Foster engagement by encouraging questions and discussions. Make your presentation a dialogue, not a monologue.

Don'ts :

  • Avoid jargon : Steer clear of technical language or industry jargon that might alienate your audience. Speak in plain, understandable terms.
  • Don't overload with information : Less is often more. Don't overwhelm your audience with a barrage of facts and figures. Focus on the most relevant information.
  • Refrain from reading slides : Your slides are there to complement your presentation, not serve as your script. Avoid simply reading off them.
  • Don't rush through : Take your time to explain concepts clearly. Rushing through your presentation can leave your audience bewildered.
  • Steer clear of negativity : Maintain a positive tone. Avoid dwelling on the challenges of change; instead, emphasize the opportunities it presents.

Summarizing key takeaways

Let's take a moment to distill the wisdom you've acquired throughout this journey. Consider this section as your treasure chest of insights, a concise roadmap to guide you in your pursuit of mastery in change management presentations.

  • Engagement is essential: Begin with a captivating introduction. Engage your audience from the start.
  • Clarity is king: Maintain a singular message. Avoid tangents and information overload.
  • Leverage visual aids: Use charts, graphs, and images. Simplify complex ideas and enhance understanding.
  • Simplify complexity: Break down intricate concepts. Ensure a clear and uncomplicated understanding.
  • Encourage interaction and dialogue: Foster questions, discussions, and engagement. Make your presentation a two-way communication.
  • Avoid jargon: Speak in plain language. Keep it accessible and relatable.
  • Quality over quantity: Focus on the most relevant information. Prioritize content wisely; avoid overwhelming your audience.
  • Be the narrator, not the reader: Use slides as visual aids, not scripts. Engage through storytelling and explanation.
  • Avoid rushing: Take your time for clarity. Don't rush through your material.
  • Emphasize positivity: Highlight the opportunities that change presents. Maintain a positive tone throughout.

In conclusion, change management presentations are your ticket to successfully navigating organizational transformations. By following these guidelines and using Prezent, you're well on your way to becoming a change management presentation pro. Remember, change is constant, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can ride the waves of change with confidence.

1. What is the significance of using a change management powerpoint or change management ppt in presentations?

Utilizing a change management powerpoint or change management ppt is crucial for visually representing complex ideas. These presentations help convey the forces for change effectively. Visual aids simplify understanding, and you can easily download templates to streamline the process.

2. How do you ensure active manager involvement in the change management process?

Managers play a pivotal role in change management. To foster their involvement, align their objectives with the change plan's objective. Ensure they have the necessary support system for change agents and understand their performance management role in the transition.

3. What are the key phases of change in a change management plan, and how do you ensure a smooth implementation of change?

The phases of change typically include preparation, planning, execution, and evaluation. To ensure smooth implementation of change, focus on alignment with your team members, provide the required resources for change, and gauge the organization's readiness for change.

4. Can Google Slides be used effectively for change management presentations?

Absolutely, Google Slides can be a valuable tool. They offer collaborative features, making it easier to work on a change project. Just ensure they align with your change plan and conduct a gap analysis if needed to evaluate their suitability.

5. How can organizations maintain sustaining momentum during a change initiative, especially when facing restraining forces?

To maintain sustaining momentum, it's crucial to identify and address restraining forces effectively. This often requires strong sponsorship, a clear understanding of driving forces, and a commitment to learning and reinforcing new behaviors. Effective leadership at all levels is essential to navigate these challenges successfully.

Create your change management presentation with Prezent

Are you excited to put your newfound knowledge to use? We recommend using Prezent, the all-in-one AI presentation software for enterprise teams. With a library of over 35,000 slides, real-time collaboration, and brand-approved designs from Fortune 500 companies, Prezent can save you up to 70% of presentation creation time while keeping you 100% on brand.

So, go ahead, create a presentation that not only informs but inspires change. Good luck!

Ready to boost your change management presentations? Start with a free trial or book a demo with Prezent today!

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Kotter’s Change Model

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Product details

There are many theories about how to do change. Many originate with leadership and change management guru, John Kotter. A professor at Harvard Business School and world-renowned change expert, Kotter introduced his eight-step change process in 1995. Developing a sense of urgency around the need for change.

This may help you spark the initial motivation to get things moving. This isn’t simply a matter of showing people poor sales statistics or talking about increased competition. Open an honest and convincing dialogue about what’s happening in the marketplace and with your competition. Kotter suggests that for change to be successful, 75% of a company’s management needs to buy into the change, which can also be beautifully illustrated in our popular theory of change template .

A clear vision can help everyone understand why you’re asking them to do something. When people see for themselves what you’re trying to achieve, then the directives they’re given tend to make more sense. Apply your vision to all aspects of operations – from training to performance reviews. Put in place the structure for change, and continually check for barriers to it. Removing obstacles can empower the people you need to execute your vision, and it can help the change move forward. Create short-term targets – not just one long-term goal.

Thoroughly analyze the potential pros and cons of your targets. If you don’t succeed with an early goal, it can hurt your entire change initiative. Reward the people who help you meet the targets. Kotter argues that many change projects fail because victory is declared too early. Real change runs deep. Quick wins are only the beginning of what needs to be done to achieve long-term change. After every win, analyze what went right, and what needs improving.

Set goals to continue building on the momentum you’ve achieved. Learn about kaizen, the idea of ​​continuous improvement. Keep ideas fresh by bringing in new change agents and leaders for your change coalition. Make continuous efforts to ensure that the change is seen in every aspect of your organization. This will help give that change a solid place in your organization’s culture. Create plans to replace key leaders of change as they move on. This will help ensure that their legacy is not lost or forgotten.

Kotter’s Change Model template is made in bright colors and consists of four professional slides. Each of the slides in the template allows you to present Kotter’s Change Model according to your corporate requirements.

This template will be useful for department heads who are just starting a new role. You can prepare your changes for department work using this template. For example, you might present a detailed plan for changing your sales strategy or changing your purchasing and supplier evaluation system. This slide will also be useful for crisis managers when preparing a company’s development plan. Also, startups can use this template when preparing a business strategy for project development. Kotter’s Change Model template will be a worthy addition to your presentation collection.

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Home Collections General Change Management Kotters 8 Step Change Model

Best Kotters 8 Step Change Model PPT And Google Slides


Kotters 8 Step Change Model Presentation Slides

Features of this templates.

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the colors of the slide quickly.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • Change Management
  • Kotter's 8 Step Change Model
  • Kotters 8 Step Change Model
  • Kotter Change Model 8 Step Process
  • 8 Step Change Model
  • Kotters Eight Step Change Model
  • Kotter 8 Steps Example
  • Kotter Change Management Model
  • Google Slides

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Home Blog Business A Guide to Organizational Change Management for Leaders

A Guide to Organizational Change Management for Leaders

Organizational change management scene powerpoint.

Nearly 7 in 10 business leaders have experienced at least one corporate crisis in the past 5 years — with the average number of crises, handled by them being three. And that’s even before 2020 has rolled it. So it only makes sense why business leaders today are increasingly focused on getting better at organizational change management. 

What is Change Management?

SHRM defines change management the following way:  

Change management is the systematic approach and application of knowledge, tools, and resources to deal with change. 

In essence, the purpose of change management is to determine, structure, manage, and execute any initiative that would challenge the current status quo . The change management process includes multiple steps and structural elements, aimed at ensuring that:

  • The organization can adapt/react to the changes, prompted by external conditions (e.g. market turbulence). 
  • The people, employed by the company, can go along with the proposed internal changes, prompted either by an internal or external need. 

Change management is a cross-functional action, leaders pursue when they want to drive sustainable transformations and effective decision making across their organization with minimal resistance and disruption.

What is Organizational Change Management?

Organizational change management is a more narrow scope of action, aimed at altering how the organization operates. Organizational change can assume improvements in the company’s culture, standard operational procedures, service or technology portfolios.  

Effective Change Management PowerPoint Templates

The need for organizational change can be prompted by different factors such as:

  • A slow rate of innovation
  • Low operational efficiency
  • Shift to another business model (e.g. from sales-led to product-led growth ). 

Why is change important? The global pandemic is a good illustration. Agile companies, capable of pivoting and driving organizational changes fast (and effectively), ended up among the market movers. Whereas more reluctant or ineffective companies are still struggling to shake off the disruptive impact of COVID-19 on their operations. 

Certainly, a ‘swan’ event such as the global pandemic is a more rare case of organizational change. Far more frequently, businesses introduce a change management policy as a response to the following types of changes:

Adaptive changes — small-scale, incremental changes leaders pursue as the company’s needs and priorities evolve. In most cases, such changes are slight adjustments to existing processes, planned out in advance along with other initiatives on the annual/monthly agendas. These may apply only to certain people, processes, or tech, rather than the company as a whole

Transformational changes — large-scale, radical initiatives, involving multi-vector transformations. For example, a shift in the company vision can require changes in the product portfolio, management, team structure, and business processes. 

Due to the sweeping scale and vast impact, transformational changes required careful orchestration. Typically, such organizational change management strategies are put in place as a response to a major shift in market conditions, a disruption in the supply chain, or another major event. 

Transitional changes — a group of ‘sub-changes’ aimed at taking the company from its current state towards the desired to-be to solve a particular issue. For example, after M&A the parent company will develop a change management plan, aimed at aligning operations within the purchased asset with the rest of the organization.

Types of Organizational Changes ppt template

Organizational Change Examples

  • Implementation of new technology or digital transformations 
  • M&A activity, company group consolidation 
  • Change in company leadership and strategic priorities 
  • Change in organizational culture 

Popular Change Management Models: Overview

Old habits die hard. We are reluctant to change our usual ways, especially when the request for change is imposed on us (rather than manifests internally). That’s why formal change management techniques exist in the first place. They facilitate a paced and non-disruptive introduction of new practices, address resistance, and minimize turbulence, experienced during the change period. 

But given that change comes in different shapes (and manifests as a response to different stressors), there is a range of change management tools leaders can leverage.

Kotter’s Change Management Theory

kotter's 8 steps change management model

Dr. John Kotter, an author, and professor of Leadership at the Harvard Business School developed an 8-step framework for leading change. Each of the proposed change management steps is aimed at mobilizing the people around the purpose of change, getting a unified buy-in, and ensuring fast-paced action. 

McKinsey 7-S Framework 

mckinsey powerpoint template

This change management model identifies 7 strategic areas, companies need to focus on in order to sustainably transform. These include: 

  • Strategy – a step-by-step roadmap for executing proposed changes. 
  • Structure – the company’s current structure and desired future state of it. 
  • Systems – new systems that will be required to support new operations. 
  • Shared values – core values and main principles that the company adheres to. 
  • Style – approach in which the change is adopted.
  • Staff – current workforce composition and new roles that will become in demand. 
  • Skills – Competencies, possessed by the current workforce.

ADKAR model

ADKAR is an acronym for awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement — the five main components of effective change management, according to Jeff Hiatt. This model provides a great framework for formalizing the scope of change and identifying ways to support the employees during the transition. 

ADKAR Change Management PPT Template

Lewin’s Change Management Model

This model focuses on helping leaders pursue stages in three phases:

  • Unfreeze — a prep stage, aimed at ‘activating’ employees to make them more receptive to the imposed changes. 
  • Change — the active phase where change is introduced. 
  • Freeze — concluding stage, where all employees have adopted the change and can go back to a more ‘passive’ state of day-to-day activity. 

Lewins Change Management Model PPT Template

Organizational Change Management Best Practices

Organizational change and development is a multi-step process, requiring strong employee and stakeholder engagement . 

To succeed with change management, leaders need to focus on the next 4 actions: 

  • Change Planning

Change Leadership

Change management, change maintenance, change planning .

change management powerpoint presentation slides

As the name implies, at this stage leaders analyze the current state of affairs, refine their vision, define future goals, analyze risks, and put plans for change.

To succeed with subsequent implementation, leaders need to:

  • Create a detailed roadmap of change
  • Set measurable and realistic objectives
  • Identify success measurement
  • Analyze and address possible risks
  • Create a preliminary timeline for execution 
  • Set milestones and checkpoints 

Best practices:

  • Honesty and transparency: Prepare to have conversations with other leaders, stakeholders, and employees regarding the current state of affairs and the underlying needs for change. 
  • Regular conversations with the employees: To secure buy-in, communicate early and frequently with your people in regards to your plans, goals, and potential scope of change. 
  • Seek opinions from your teams. Gain grassroots support by having conversations with staff at different levels. Taking the planning conversations outside of the boardroom can help you gain fresher perspectives, and yet again — secure faster buy-in.   

In most companies, change happens from the top-to-bottom. Yet, directions issued from the above can be rather unsettling for people at lower levels and create unnecessary tensions, or worse — outright resistance. To prevent such scenarios, ensure that you are listening to people at all levels and obtain their support. 

Outstanding change leadership involves the ability to communicate appropriately with others — motivate, engage, influence, and reassure people of the positive impact of upcoming changes. 

  • Address and resolve concerns early: Understandably, some of your employees may resist change or otherwise feel threatened by it. Talk to such people. Provide them with reassurance and extra information in regards to the impact of change. 
  • Communicate status updates regularly: To facilitate faster adoption and alignment, provide plenty of information —  update your company practices, provide status updates, schedule training if necessary. 
  • Assume a position of a servant leader: Servant leaders assume a supporting position and act as ‘facilitators’. They empower, support, and emphasize with their people and rally them around the shared cause. 

The change management stage is all about overseeing how the people, processes, systems, and other moving parts contribute to the end goal of change. This phase will require the most targeted actions as leaders will need to constantly monitor progress and rapidly react to the slightest deviations on the change management timeframe. At this point, you should be focused on ensuring that: 

  • Changes are implemented sustainably, according to the plans. 
  • Risks are identified early and mitigated.
  • Communication happens frequently 
  • Encourage knowledge sharing: Ask the early adopted to facilitate others with jumping on the new best practices. Create and support peer-to-peer learning opportunities and remove bottlenecks in information flows when those arise. 
  • Provide training: Some people will require upskilling to thrive in the new environment. Put plans for formal training initiatives. 
  • Recognize and reward: Make positive behaviors stick by recognizing change pioneers. At early stages, external motivation can be crucial to help with the development of intrinsic motivation later down the road. 

Change maintenance is the final stage of the transformations. At this point, your main goal is to ensure that the change is successfully implemented and all the initiatives on the roadmap are finished. Focus on reinforcing positive behaviors, addressing remaining inefficiencies, and facilitating the people to reach a productivity plateau within the new environment.

The conclusion of this change is when the proposed change is fully transferred and embedded within your organization. 

Best practices : 

  • Schedule an after-action review: To better reflect on the entire change management process and its success/shortcomings, schedule follow-up AAR meetings with your team. 
  • Create evaluation plans: To better monitor and evaluate the state of change, set extra milestones —  short evaluation sessions, held every 3 or 6 months, during the first year — where your team analyzes the set success metrics and brainstorms ways to strengthen change. 

To Conclude

Every organization, at some point, will undergo a transition or change. Whether prompted by external market conditions or internal processual inefficiencies, the scope of changes can have a major impact on the company’s viability. While organizational change management isn’t an easy process, you now know the main change management principles, models, and frameworks for orchestrating it effectively!

If after this article, you want to learn more about change management models visit our recent blog post on Proven Change Management Models .

1. Organizational Change Management Plan

change management powerpoint presentation slides

Change management is now more than ever a challenge to organizations of all sizes. This is why having an orderly, well-organized plan will make an absolute difference for any team when heading to implementation. In this template, you will find the diagrams and formats that will support you in building and transmitting your change management strategy’s key facts.

Use This Template

change management powerpoint presentation slides

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Thanks for the article, simple and a lot of insight.

good information and reliable

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change management powerpoint presentation slides

change management the holistic approach

Change Management

Oct 14, 2022

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To download this Change Management PPT presentation, visit:<br><br><br>LEARNING OBJECTIVES<br>1. Acquire knowledge on the key concepts and principles of change management.<br>2. Define the change management process and explore the frameworks, methods and tools for managing change.<br>3. Identify the challenges and best practices of change management.<br><br>CONTENTS<br>1. Introduction to Change Management<br>2. The Change Management Process<br>3. Frameworks, Methods and Tools<br>4. Challenges and Best Practices

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Presentation Transcript

CHANGE MANAGEMENT The Holistic Approach to Strategic Change © Operational Excellence Consulting. All rights reserved.

NOTE: This is a PARTIAL PREVIEW. To download the complete presentation, please visit: LEARNING OBJECTIVES Acquire knowledge on the key concepts and principles of change management Define the change management process and explore the frameworks, methods and tools for managing change Identify the challenges and best practices of change management 2 © Operational Excellence Consulting


“ who can best manage change.” It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those CHARLES DARWIN 4 © Operational Excellence Consulting

70% of change programs fail, most often due to resistance from employees 5 Source: McKinsey © Operational Excellence Consulting

SOME STATISTICS ON CHANGE MANAGEMENT 42% 46% 51% CEOs recognize the need for culture change to support a digital initiative CIOs say that culture change is their biggest barrier to successful digital transformation Change/Business leaders say navigating change fatigue is a common frustration 49% 39% 41% Change leaders say employees are disengaged and exhausted from business transformation Employees say their organizations were effective in inspiring them in business transformation Change leaders say organizational structure and systems are constraints to success 6 Sources: Gartner, Gallup & Gagen MacDonald © Operational Excellence Consulting

Change does not happen overnight after a CEO’s weekly “sermon” 7 © Operational Excellence Consulting

People are the greatest source of resistance to change, therefore change must involve people 8 © Operational Excellence Consulting

WHY IS CHANGE IMPORTANT IN AN ORGANIZATION? Customer needs are constantly evolving The ever-changing world of technology Changing global economy Challenging the status quo Developing a culture of innovation Take advantage of growth opportunities 9 © Operational Excellence Consulting

THE ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE ICEBERG Vision Strategy VISIBLE Shared Values ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Structures Beliefs INVISIBLE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Perceptions Tradition Shared Assumptions Norms Unwritten Rules Stories Feelings 10 © Operational Excellence Consulting

CHANGE MANAGEMENT vs. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION CHANGE MANAGEMENT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION The process of directing, administering and managing organizational changes. The process of integrating digital technology into a business – a transformation that can impact technology, culture, work environment and more. 11 © Operational Excellence Consulting

EXAMPLES OF BUSINESSES THAT FAILED TO ADAPT TO CHANGE Photographic film market disrupted by digital photography. Focused on media and undervalued the importance of search. Movie rentals disrupted by online video streaming. Limited to uploading of songs instead of enabling people to connect through more than just music. Sales of physical books disrupted by sales through Amazon and e- reading devices. Ignored touch screen based technology and lost market share in mobile market. 12 © Operational Excellence Consulting

EXAMPLES OF BUSINESSES THAT HAVE ADAPTED SUCCESSFULLY TO CHANGE Responded to greater health consciousness with less/no sugar products such as Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Zero. Direct selling to customers, partnership with Amazon and using consumer data to connect with customers. Digitally transformed from physical toy products by bridging physical and augmented reality experiences. Moved focus from posting videos to subscribing customers to online video streaming. Merged physical and online shopping; created a rental and recycling of furniture to reduce environmental impacts. Moved focus from traditional software to cloud-based system for personal and enterprise use. 13 © Operational Excellence Consulting

FORCE FIELD ANALYSIS MODEL FOR CHANGE Current Situation RESTRAINING FORCES FOR CHANGE DRIVING FORCES FOR CHANGE Obstacles to change. These forces should be removed or reduced. Positive forces for change. These forces should be strengthened or increased. 14 © Operational Excellence Consulting

MARTEC’S LAW: TECHNOLOGY CHANGES EXPONENTIALLY, ORGANIZATIONS CHANGE LOGARITHMICALLY Technology changes exponentially Technology management is deciding which changes are adopted ? ? Organizations change logarithmically 15 Source: Scott Brinker © Operational Excellence Consulting © Operational Excellence Consulting

TWO SIDES OF CHANGE Technical side (“hard factors) includes strategy, structure, process, systems and technology Human side (“soft factors”) includes culture, communication, skills and leadership modelling TECHNICAL HUMAN 16 © Operational Excellence Consulting

“ logic, but creatures of emotion.” When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of DALE CARNEGIE Author of “How to Win Friends & Influence People” 17 © Operational Excellence Consulting

WHY DO PEOPLE FEAR CHANGE? “Will my job become redundant?” “Will I be neglected?” “Will my department be downsized?” “What is going to happen?” 18 © Operational Excellence Consulting

RESISTANCE TO CHANGE Individual Organizational resistance to change resistance to change 19 © Operational Excellence Consulting

USING THE CHANGE CURVE TO REDUCE NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES & ACCELERATE CHANGE The Change Curve Positive Accelerating Change Impact Managed Change Unmanaged Change Reducing Negative Consequences Negative 20 © Operational Excellence Consulting

METHODS OF OVERCOMING RESISTANCE TO CHANGE Education & Communication Participation & involvement Facilitation & Support Manipulation & Co-option Coercion Negotiation 21 © Operational Excellence Consulting

THE ENROLLMENT CURVE DEPICTS THE TYPICAL RESPONSES TO CHANGE The Enrollment Curve Middle Enrollers Late Enrollers ● It is key to understand and leverage is the rate and pace at which people adapt to change Early Enrollers Slugs ● Focus time and efforts on the Middle / Late Enrollers. Don’t waste time on Slugs / Die Hards. You won’t persuade them in 100 days! Initiators Die Hards ● Let the Initiators & Early Enrollers help you promote the change 30% 15% 5% 15% 30% 5% Direction of Enrollment Critical Mass 22 Source: Based on Atlanta Consulting Group, Inc. © Operational Excellence Consulting

When it comes to change management, internal communication plays an even more critical role today 23 © Operational Excellence Consulting

10 GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT 1. Lead with the culture 6. Engage through constant communication 2. Start at the top 7. Lead through authority and influence 3. Involve every layer 8. Leverage formal (“hard”) solutions 4. Make the rational and emotional case together 9. Leverage informal (“soft”) solutions 5. Model the new behaviors 10. Assess and adapt Source: Adapted from Strategy&/Katzenbach Center survey, 2013 24 © Operational Excellence Consulting

CHANGE MANAGEMENT: OVERVIEW OF THE DETAILED STEPS Change Management Process 4. EVALUATE EFFECTIVENESS 1. ANALYZE CURRENT SITUATION 4.1 Review results 1.1 Identify reason for change Evaluate Effectiveness 4.2 Share success stories 4.3 Provide follow up support 1.2 Assess readiness for change 1.3 Assess impact of change Analyze Current Situation 4.4 Reward and recognize 1.4 Identify gaps 1.5 Gather feedback CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS 3. MONITOR PROGRESS 2. PLAN & LAUNCH PROGRAM Monitor Progress Plan & Launch Program 3.1 Monitor change process 2.1 Define change strategy 3.2 Overcome resistance to change 3.3 Assess behavioral changes 2.2 Set up change infrastructure 2.3 Create awareness and get buy-in 3.4 Measure effectiveness 3.5 Provide support 2.4 Develop and communicate plans 2.5 Develop skills 2.6 Launch pilot project(s) 25 © Operational Excellence Consulting

CONTENTS OF FRAMEWORKS, METHODS & TOOLS Understanding Change Planning Change Implementing Change 1. The Change Curve (see under section 01) 1. Impact Analysis 1. Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model 2. SWOT Analysis 2. The Power/Interest Grid for Stakeholder Prioritization 2. The Enrollment Curve (see under section 01) 3. PESTLE Analysis 3. Sinek’s Golden Circle Model 4. The ADKAR Change Model 3. Lewin’s 3-Stage Change Model 4. Szpekman’s Communication Framework 5. The McKinsey 7-S Framework 5. Senge’s Learning Organization 6. Tuckman’s Team Development Model 7. The Training Needs Analysis Framework 8. The Design Thinking Process 9. Agile Change Process 10. Business Mode Canvas 26 © Operational Excellence Consulting

SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LEADERS COMMUNICATE FROM THE INSIDE TO THE OUTSIDE IN THE MODEL OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE The Golden Circle Model Why = The Purpose Very few organizations know WHY they do what they do. WHY is not about making money. That’s the result. WHY is a purpose, cause or belief. It’s the very reason your organization exists. How = The Process Some organizations know HOW they do it. These are the things that make them special or set them apart from their competition. Why? How? What = The Result Every organization on the planet knows WHAT they do. These are the products or services that they sell. What? 27 Source: Based on Simon Sinek © Operational Excellence Consulting

12 CHANGE MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES 1. Define clear goals 7. Choose the right communication tool 2. Be honest and transparent 8. Empower your employees 3. Train and reassure your teams 9. Encourage knowledge sharing 4. Encourage conversations and communicate regularly 10. Document and make information easily accessible 5. Listen to your employees 11. Recognize and reward 6. Bring your leaders on board 12. Make it social 28 Source: Smarp © Operational Excellence Consulting

“ results.” Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different ALBERT EINSTEIN 29 © Operational Excellence Consulting

ABOUT OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE CONSULTING Operational Excellence Consulting is a management training and consulting firm that assists organizations in improving business performance and effectiveness. Based in Singapore, the firm’s mission is to create business value for organizations through innovative design and operational excellence management training and consulting solutions. For more information, please visit © Operational Excellence Consulting

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Change management overview powerpoint presentation slides

Make a successful organizational transition using content-ready Change Management Overview PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Take a systematic approach to deal with the transition or transformation of an organization’s goals, targets, processes, infrastructure or technologies. Incorporate professionally designed ready-made change management overview PPT presentation slides to help people of your organization to adapt a change. This deck comprises of various templates that will help you achieve the same such as identify the change, types of change management, forces for change, define your vision, gap analysis, organization change readiness checklist, and more. These templates are completely editable. You can use them as per your need. Add your own points or process to bring a positive change in your organization. Achieve organizational goals, meet customers’ expectations, improve systems and processes and more with change management. Get access to the organizational transitional PPT templates to deliver best of the products and services to the customers. Ring a bell with our Change Management Overview Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Help the audience make a connection.

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Presenting change management overview presentation slides. This deck comprises of total of 25 professionally designed slides. Our PowerPoint experts have conducted their thorough research before making it into a complete presentation. Each slide consists of professional visuals with an appropriate content. Not just this, every PPT slide comprises of diagrams, graphics, icons, charts and graphs. This deck is completely customizable. Edit the colour, text, icon, and font size as per your need. Compatible with all screen types and monitors. Supports Google Slides. Downloading is easy.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1 : This slide presents Change Management Overview. State the name of your company and continue with us. Slide 2 : This slide shows Change Management Strategy Key Objectives out of which few of them are- Build Capability, Manage Expectations, Drive Engagement, Ensure Consistency, Solicit Feedback & Participation. Slide 3 : This slide shows four of the Change Management Team & Roles- Head, Head Organizational Development, Communication Role, Human Resource Role. Slide 4 : This slide shows four important categories of Change Management Implementation Drivers- Integrated & Compensatory, Competency Drivers, Organization Drivers, Leadership Drivers. Slide 5 : This is Identify The Change slide with magnifying glass imagery showing- Types of Change Management, Forces for Change, Vision for Change, Gap Analysis, Organization Change Readiness. Slide 6 : This slide shows Types Of Change Management. We have listed common changes which happen in an organization. You can choose the type of change your organization is going through. Slide 7 : This slide shows Forces For Change. We have listed few reasons for the changes that happen in an organization. You can choose the appropriate reason for your organization and use it accordingly. Slide 8 : This slide helps Define Your Vision based on what are current situations/ challenges that your organization is facing and what will it look like in the near future. Slide 9 : This slide also helps Define Your Vision. You can add in the steps and state Where you want to be and Where you are. Slide 10 : This slide shows the Gap Analysis listing the following factors- What, Where, When, Who, How, Current State, Future State, Gap, Actions to close Gap. Slide 11 : This slide shows Organization Change Readiness Checklist. This checklist is an important factor in successful implementation of new policies, programs. A detailed checklist must be completed to ensure all elements of the change have been addressed. Slide 12 : This slide also shows Organization Change Readiness Checklist. Slide 13 : This is Change Management Overview For Icon Slide. Add/ remove icons as per your requirement. Slide 14 : This slide is titled Additional Slides to move forward. You can change the slide content as per need. Slide 15 : This slide shows a Clustered Bar for product/ entity comparison. Slide 16 : This slide presents a Donut Pie Chart. Add text as per need. Slide 17 : This slide displays a Stock Chart with volume as parameter in terms of high and low, open and close. Slide 18 : This slide contains Our Mission with text boxes. Slide 19 : This is Our team slide with names and designation. Slide 20 : This is an About us slide to state company specifications etc. Slide 21 : This is Our Target slide showing- Focus On Quality, Commitment & Dedication, Reliability. Slide 22 : This is a Comparison slide. You can compare the male and female ratio in it. Slide 23 : This is a Puzzle pieces image slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 24 : This is a Bulb Or Idea image slide to show information, innovative aspects etc. Slide 25 : This is a Thank You slide with Address # street number, city, state, Contact Numbers, Email Address to be put and displayed.

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Leading Change Management Infographics

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Are you ready for change? A true leader is always ready to change his way of acting if it will mean the absolute triumph of the group, but he needs the right tools to do it! And these infographics are perfect for change management in any kind of business organization! Among the 32 resources included, you will find different charts, process diagrams and infographics quite clear to express your content, all designed with pastel tones that will be very pleasant for everyone who will see your presentations. No doubt they are the perfect tools for leadership!

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Navigating the complex world of organizational transformation requires not just an understanding of change processes, but also effective tools to present and communicate these changes. Our collection of free Change Management PowerPoint templates and slide designs serves as an indispensable resource for professionals, students, and enthusiasts who are deeply involved in facilitating, understanding, or researching change dynamics within organizations.

This collection of PPT templates for Change Management encapsulates a wide variety of slides and presentation templates tailored specifically for Change Management and related topics. The slide templates seamlessly integrate the best of visual design and instructional clarity, ensuring that your presentations not only captivate your audience but also provide them with meaningful insights.

Key Highlights of the Change Management slide templates in this section:

  • The Basics of Change Management: Perfect for beginners or for those who need to provide an overview, these change management PPT templates delve into the foundational concepts of change management, explaining the what, why, and how in easily understandable terms.
  • Change Models and Theories: Equip yourself with slides that detail the most prominent models and theories of change, from Lewin’s Change Model to the ADKAR framework. These change management PowerPoint templates provide a structured way to discuss the complexities of change.
  • Change Management Process Flow: These Change Managemnet PPT templates provide a visual roadmap of the stages of change, helping audiences understand the step-by-step progression of organizational shifts.
  • Risk Management and Mitigation: Delve into the challenges and risks associated with change, and showcase strategies for mitigating these risks. These change management templates are particularly useful for project managers and consultants.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Understanding and managing stakeholder expectations is crucial for successful change implementation. Change Management presentation templates and slides in this category focus on strategies for effective stakeholder communication and engagement.
  • Case Studies: Contextualize your discussions with real-life examples. Our case study templates for PowerPoint allow for a comprehensive exploration of successful (and unsuccessful) change initiatives, providing key takeaways and lessons learned.

Whether you’re discussing the nuances of cultural change, the technicalities of process improvement, or the strategies for successful transformation leadership, you’ll find a change management slide and template that aligns with your needs.

Each PowerPoint slide and template in our collection is fully customizable. You can modify colors, fonts, graphics, and content to align with your brand or presentation style. Moreover, the change management presentation templates are designed to be compatible with various versions of PowerPoint, and Google Slides, ensuring a smooth user experience.

In the fast-paced world of business and organizational development, change is inevitable. However, with our comprehensive archive of Change Management PowerPoint templates, communicating and facilitating that change becomes a lot more manageable. Dive in and discover the perfect slide for your next presentation!

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  1. Change Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides

    Slide 1: This slide displays the heading Change Management with a creative gear image.State your company name below and introduce change management structure. Slide 2: This slide covers Table of Content for the presentation.It includes the following sub headings- Identify the change, vision for change, change management agents and framework, resistance and risk, implementation strategies, cost ...

  2. Change Management PowerPoint Templates & Slides

    Change management slides for PowerPoint and Google Slides are perfect for teaching change management to a new team, delivering values and beliefs day-in and day-out through guiding presentations, or introducing a new way of thinking within the organization. Furthermore, change management presentation templates can be useful to help team members ...

  3. 24 Great Change Management Model PPT Presentations 2023

    24 Best Change Management PowerPoint PPT Templates From Envato Elements for 2023. Here's a selected list of premium management PowerPoint templates. Use any of these to create your change management presentation slides: 1. Marketing Plan - Change Management PPT. You can create a change management ppt with this template.

  4. Free Change Management PowerPoint And Google Slides

    Change Management Presentation Templates are pre-designed slides to help you communicate and visualize your change management strategies, plans, and updates. These templates include various elements like diagrams, charts, infographics, and content placeholders to simplify the process of creating compelling change management presentations.

  5. Presentation on Change Management

    3 Phases of. 3. Reinforcing Change. ADKAR Model ADKAR is. The ADKAR Model . Connecting Change Management activities. Leadership Vs Management Leadership. Time Management Development. Communication Plan in Management Communication.

  6. 65+ Best Change Management PowerPoint Templates (Models ...

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  7. Free PowerPoint Change Management Templates and Slides

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  8. Organizational Change Management

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  10. Change Management Introduction PowerPoint Presentation Slides

    This complete PowerPoint slideshow covers topics like change management implementation drivers, identify the change, types of change management, forces for change, gap analysis, organization change readiness checklist, etc. These change management introduction PPT slide layouts are editable. You can utilize them as per your organizational need.

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    The document discusses change management within an organization. It identifies key aspects of change management including identifying the change, creating a vision for change, change management agents and frameworks, addressing resistance and risks, implementation strategies, costs of change, and providing feedback and evaluation. The document contains editable slides on types of change ...

  12. Change Management PowerPoint Templates

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  20. PPT

    Acquire knowledge on the key concepts and principles of change management.<br>2. Define the change management process and explore the frameworks, methods and tools for managing change.<br>3. Identify the challenges and best practices of change management.<br><br>CONTENTS<br>1. Introduction to Change Management<br>2. The Change Management ...

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  23. Leading Change Management Infographics

    And these infographics are perfect for change management in any kind of business organization! Among the 32 resources included, you will find different charts, process diagrams and infographics quite clear to express your content, all designed with pastel tones that will be very pleasant for everyone who will see your presentations. No doubt ...

  24. Free Change Management PowerPoint Template

    Change Management Process Flow: These Change Managemnet PPT templates provide a visual roadmap of the stages of change, helping audiences understand the step-by-step progression of organizational shifts. Risk Management and Mitigation: Delve into the challenges and risks associated with change, and showcase strategies for mitigating these risks.

  25. People, Process, Technology (PPT) Framework Explained

    The Evolving Landscape of Change Management. The PPT framework has existed since the mid-1960s, so many change leaders think that it's no longer useful. The rising use of digital technology makes the PPT triangle heavy on the Technology component, requiring more work on the other components to balance out the triangle.