Plastic Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Plastic surgery is one of the most popular types of medical services in the modern world. However, it is a relatively new field that has seen a rapid development over the last few decades. This paper offers a discussion of the concept of plastic surgery, the reasons for patients to undergo it, and some of the historical figures associated with it.

Plastic surgery is defined as a type of surgical procedure that is oriented toward the improvement or restoration of the appearance of form of body parts. Plastic surgery can be used for versatile purposes and is multifunctional. Even though this kind of surgical procedure has been popular for many decades, the practice is still considered controversial.

Generally, there are two major categories of patients for plastic surgery. The first type of patient includes the individuals who are dissatisfied with certain body parts and desire to change how they look. These patients are willing to change their appearance due to their strong self-image and a wish to improve their bodies in order to become more satisfied with them (for example, breast augmentation or rhinoplasty). The second type of patients for plastic surgery includes the people whose appearance was deformed due to different circumstances (accidents, for example) or persons who have visible physical or cosmetic flaws on their bodies such as scars ( Cosmetic surgery , 2009). Compared to the patients of the first type, these individuals are forced to undergo plastic surgery by diverse external factors that have impacted their bodies in a negative manner. At the same time, there are some groups of individuals who are known as inappropriate candidates to undergo plastic surgery. Their reasons for plastic surgery are questionable, and it could be very risky for both the patients and the professionals to proceed with the surgeries in these cases.

Such groups include people who are experiencing an ongoing emotional crisis that may significantly affect and compromise their decision making capability (for example, severely depressed patients who are convinced that plastic surgery would make them feel better) ( Cosmetic surgery , 2009). These patients are advised to solve their emotional issues first and then re-think their decisions regarding plastic surgery. Moreover, another group of inappropriate candidates involves people whose reason to undergo surgery is based on a minor defect (for example, perfectionists who obsess over a feature that may not even be noticeable to anyone else) ( Cosmetic surgery , 2009). Finally, one more type of undesirable plastic surgery candidates consists of individuals who are impossible to please or who pursue unrealistic goals such as having facial features similar to those of celebrities ( Cosmetic surgery , 2009).

The world’s first plastic surgery was carried out in 1917. The patient was Walter Yeo, a sailor who had suffered from an extensive injury to the face during his service in the First World War ( The Telegraph , 2008). As a result of the injury, Walter Yeo lost his lower and upper eyelids. The surgeon who worked on Yeo’s treatment was named Harold Gilles, currently recognised as the “father” of plastic surgery as a field ( The Telegraph , 2008). Gilles used a skin graft taken from an uninjured part of the patient’s body that was then placed on the area around his eyes, similar to a mask, in order to re-create eyelids. The first plastic surgery was a breakthrough in medicine that was especially relevant in the years after the First World War that had left many men with severe injuries inflicted by explosives.

Over the decades following the case of Walter Yeo and the pioneering practices of Harold Gillies, the field of plastic surgery developed rapidly and now is mainly used for beauty-related purposes along with life-saving strategies. One of the most common images associated with modern plastic surgery is that of the so-called “real-life Barbie.” Her name is Valeriya Lukyanova, and she is a 30-year old model from Ukraine. Valeriya is known for her surgically re-shaped body for the purpose of making it resemble that of the world-renowned doll. The woman underwent a series of surgeries on many of her body parts in order to achieve doll-like proportions in her body and face. Namely, her measurements are 39-18-34 inches; her breasts and waist were surgically re-shaped, her eyes enlarged, and a couple of her ribs removed, and the shapes of her nose and lips were modified as well ( Valeria Lukyanova Height Weight Body Statistic s, 2016). Valeriya’s makeup routine is also thorough and takes as long as an hour and a half since her goal is to achieve a look similar to that of a Barbie doll (Bacardi, 2016).

According to Valeriya, her decision to change her body so much was based on her spiritual needs and development; basically, she adjusted the way she looks to who she feels she is on the inside (Bacardi, 2016). This change could scarcely be considered essential from a physical point of view. However, that of Walter Yeo was a physical necessity because his eyelids were destroyed due to his injuries.

In comparison, the sources of motivation each of these patients had for their surgeries differs significantly. Valeriya’s advantage is the fact that surgeries made her happier about her appearance and helped her career. Walter benefited in terms of health because the function of his eyes improved due to the procedure. The main disadvantage of the surgeries for Valeriya was their cost; whereas, for Walter, the surgery changed his face, making it less attractive.

Bacardi, F. (2016). Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova answers plastic surgery questions and talks the misconceptions of her looks . Web.

Cosmetic surgery . (2009). Web.

The Telegraph. (2008). Pictures of first person to undergo plastic surgery release . Web.

Valeria Lukyanova Height Weight Body Statistic s . (2016). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 26). Plastic Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages.

"Plastic Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages." IvyPanda , 26 Aug. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Plastic Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages'. 26 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Plastic Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages." August 26, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Plastic Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages." August 26, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Plastic Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages." August 26, 2020.

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Persuasive Essay About Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery persuasive essay

Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs

So, you’ve decided to explore writing a persuasive essay about the very controversial topic of plastic surgery. When you’re considering the pros and cons and trying to determine what your thesis should be, remember that you want to persuade people to agree with your side, so pick a strong thesis statement to begin with, but do also recall that there are benefits to both sides as well as negative effects. Here’s a couple of sample thesis statements.

Introduction examples

Pro: People own their bodies, so they should have the right to do with them as they please, including getting plastic surgery if that makes them happy.

Con: Plastic surgery is mainly used by shallow people to try to be prettier or have bigger breasts, but natural beauty shines through no matter what.

The reasons why people want to get plastic surgery are many and varied, from car accident victims to people who indeed just want to make themselves more attractive. As you move into writing the body of your essay, consider the causes of plastic surgery, as well as both the advantages and disadvantages. This doesn’t mean you have to be neutral on the topic or wishy-washy in your argument, but it’s important to recognise that both sides have legitimate points.

Body paragraphs examples

Pro: Plastic surgery happens for all kinds of reasons. If your face was injured in a car accident, surely you wouldn’t be happy until it was reconstructed via plastic surgery. People who have had plastic surgery done are, for the most part, very happy with the result, and feel it improves their quality of life. This kind of surgery is stereotyped as being the preserve of people who just want their breasts enhanced but there are many young teenage girls who suffer from having breasts which are too large for their body frame, and plastic surgery can help them with a reduction.

Con: For the most part, plastic surgery isn’t needed or necessary. It can be dangerous just like any other surgery. Do you really want to run the risk of dying just to have bigger boobs or a prettier face? Apart from people who legitimately need it, like accident victims or people who are genuinely suffering physical pain, plastic surgery shouldn’t be approved lightly, or done simply for vanity purposes. People will be much better off learning to love their imperfect bodies for what they are.

For your conclusion, don’t forget to reiterate your points, briefly, so that they can be reinforced in the minds of your audience. Then leave them with a call to action, which can include just thinking about the situation from your perspective.

Conclusion examples

Pro: To conclude, plastic surgery is useful for a huge variety of reasons, including reconstruction after accidents, breast reductions, and mental health purposes. Don’t stereotype the next person you meet who’s had it done. You never know if or when you might need it yourself.

Con: Natural beauty is always better than plastic. Ladies, you don’t need plastic surgery. Leave it for the few people who really do need it and learn to love yourself as you are.

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128 Plastic Surgery Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Plastic surgery has become increasingly popular in today's society, with more and more people opting for cosmetic procedures to enhance their appearance. Whether it's a minor tweak or a major transformation, plastic surgery can help individuals achieve the look they desire. However, with the growing popularity of plastic surgery comes a need for more research and discussion on the topic.

If you're looking to explore the world of plastic surgery through an essay, you may be wondering where to start. To help you get inspired, here are 128 plastic surgery essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The history of plastic surgery
  • The different types of plastic surgery procedures
  • The rise of plastic surgery in popular culture
  • The psychological effects of plastic surgery
  • The ethical implications of plastic surgery
  • The risks and benefits of plastic surgery
  • The impact of social media on plastic surgery trends
  • Plastic surgery and body dysmorphia
  • Plastic surgery and self-esteem
  • The role of plastic surgery in gender identity
  • Plastic surgery and ageism
  • Plastic surgery and race
  • The cost of plastic surgery
  • Plastic surgery and beauty standards
  • Plastic surgery and cultural appropriation
  • Plastic surgery and mental health
  • The rise of non-invasive plastic surgery procedures
  • Plastic surgery and celebrity culture
  • Plastic surgery and medical tourism
  • Plastic surgery and body image
  • Plastic surgery and identity
  • The impact of plastic surgery on relationships
  • Plastic surgery and self-expression
  • Plastic surgery and empowerment
  • The rise of plastic surgery among men
  • Plastic surgery and the LGBTQ+ community
  • Plastic surgery and aging
  • Plastic surgery and technology
  • Plastic surgery and art
  • The future of plastic surgery
  • Plastic surgery and consent
  • Plastic surgery and beauty ideals
  • The global impact of plastic surgery
  • Plastic surgery and social class
  • Plastic surgery and disability
  • Plastic surgery and cultural norms
  • Plastic surgery and body modification
  • The role of plastic surgery in the fashion industry
  • Plastic surgery and the workplace
  • Plastic surgery and social media influencers
  • Plastic surgery and the beauty industry
  • Plastic surgery and body positivity
  • Plastic surgery and body shaming
  • Plastic surgery and self-acceptance
  • The rise of plastic surgery in developing countries
  • Plastic surgery and the media
  • Plastic surgery and gender norms
  • Plastic surgery and identity politics
  • Plastic surgery and feminism
  • Plastic surgery and cultural heritage
  • The impact of plastic surgery on mental health stigma
  • Plastic surgery and intersectionality
  • Plastic surgery and the medical industry
  • Plastic surgery and environmental sustainability
  • Plastic surgery and consumerism

With these 128 plastic surgery essay topic ideas and examples, you can delve into the complexities of this fascinating and evolving field. Whether you're interested in the cultural, social, ethical, or medical aspects of plastic surgery, there's a topic here for you to explore. So, pick a topic that piques your interest, conduct some research, and start writing your plastic surgery essay today!

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The Risks & Rewards of Plastic Surgery

The decision to undergo plastic surgery should not be made lightly

Weighing Risks and Rewards

Frequently asked questions.

Plastic surgery is a range of procedures that reshapes or restores the form of the body. Although the term is usually associated with cosmetic procedures, it actually includes a broad range of practical operations, including reconstructive surgery, craniofacial surgery, burn treatment, and more.

Whatever the motivation, the decision to undergo surgery should never be made lightly—the risks and rewards should always be considered. This article will review the potential benefits and drawbacks to having plastic surgery.

Risks of Plastic Surgery

No surgery is without risk, and the risks that could occur with plastic surgery can affect both mental and physical health.

Mental Health

The potential adverse psychological and social effects of plastic surgery have a lot to do with a patient’s expectations and their mental and emotional state before surgery.

Have Realistic Expectations

While plastic surgery can bring positive outcomes, it will not change your life, the problems you have, or issues in your relationships. It is also important to understand that there is no such thing as physical perfection.

For some people, plastic surgery is an opportunity to fix a perceived flaw that has troubled them for years.

However, people who strongly perceive imperfections within themselves may suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). This psychological disorder is characterized by an obsessive fixation on a perceived physical flaw. It affects between 1.7% and 2.4% of the general population.

In many cases, people with BDD will seek out multiple plastic surgery procedures and are usually unhappy with the results. Sometimes plastic surgeons will not operate on people with BDD.

If you feel very strong negative emotions toward your physical appearance, it's strongly advised you consult a healthcare provider or mental health professional about body dysmorphic disorder before pursuing surgery.

Physical Health

As with any surgery, plastic surgery carries risks. Surgery does have the potential to cause some unwanted physical side effects. While the worst outcomes are rare, they are a possibility.

While each type of surgery bears its risks that are specific to that particular procedure, certain risks are common to all surgical procedures. These risks include:

  • Excessive or unexpected bleeding (hemorrhage or hematoma)
  • Blood clots
  • Seroma (fluid accumulation)
  • Nerve or organ damage
  • Anesthesia risks (including shock, respiratory failure, drug or allergic reactions, cardiac arrest, coma, death )

Benefits of Plastic Surgery

It's important to remember that there can be good things that happen from plastic surgery as well, both mentally and physically.

Improved Self Esteem and Confidence

For many patients, successful plastic surgery can lead to an increase in self-esteem and confidence.

Correcting a "problem" perceived by the patient can make them less self-conscious, and relieve social anxiety. It may make them more outgoing, less vulnerable, and more willing to show off their new, flattering features. This new confidence might show itself in many aspects of life—socially, professionally, and romantically.

In addition, some studies have shown that physical attractiveness correlates with professional success, such as hiring decisions, promotions, and salary. Some studies have shown that attractive people receive favorable treatment in restaurants and retail establishments.

When you feel comfortable and confident in your skin, you will put forth these positive emotions in everything you do.

Improved Quality of Life

In some cases, plastic surgery can boost a person's quality of life. For instance, an eyelid lift may help reduce vision problems by removing excess skin, and breast-reduction surgery can relieve chronic back and shoulder pain.

The potential rewards of plastic surgery are highly individual. Many plastic surgery patients say their only regret is that they didn’t do it sooner.

Yet, there are also many who wish they had never done it at all, or who at least wish they had done more research or chosen a different surgeon. You can lower your risk by doing your homework and becoming an informed patient.

Do not let price be the determining factor in choosing a surgeon. Check credentials and references, ask lots of questions, and be on the lookout for red flags.

Be sure that you go into surgery in the best health possible by taking care of yourself, and don’t let your desire for the surgery overshadow any serious health considerations.

While the risks of plastic surgery do vary from one procedure to another, certain risks are common among all surgeries, and some of the risks are grave. Only you can decide if it’s worth it for you. Educate yourself. Take into account all the pros and cons. Talk it over with your loved ones.

If you decide to go for it, choose the best surgeon you can find. Follow their preoperative and postoperative instructions to the letter. Then enjoy your new look!

Plastic surgery comprises many different surgeries and procedures, with the goal of changing parts of the body, for either medical necessity or cosmetic reasons. There can be risks and benefits, both mentally and physically, for someone who is deciding to have plastic surgery.

A Word From Verywell

Choosing the surgeon who will perform your surgery is probably the most important step you'll take in having plastic surgery. You have to be confident in their skills and knowledge. Research surgeons who are skilled in the type of surgery you will be having. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) advises looking for a plastic surgeon who's board-certified.

Generally, no. If surgery is successful and there are no complications, then your life span will not be shorter than it would have been had you not had plastic surgery. However, if you experience a life-threatening complication, that may have an impact.

There certainly can be feelings of disappointment, sadness, anger, or depression if surgical outcomes are not what were expected, or if major complications occur due to the surgery.

Bjornsson AS, Didie ER, Phillips KA. Body dysmorphic disorder . Dialogues Clin Neurosci . 2010;12(2):221-232. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2010.12.2/abjornsson

Office on Women's Health. Body dysmorphic disorder .

American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Body dysmorphic disorder may be under-diagnosed in patients seeking cosmetic procedures .

Khunger N. Complications in cosmetic surgery: a time to reflect and review and not sweep them under the carpet .  J Cutan Aesthet Surg . 2015;8(4):189-190. doi:10.4103/0974-2077.172188

Cavico FJ, Muffler SC, Mujtaba BG. Appearance discrimination, lookism and lookphobia in the workplace . JABR . 2012;28(5):791-802. doi:10.19030/jabr.v28i5.7223

Muñoz-Reyes JA, Iglesias-Julios M, Pita M, Turiegano E. Facial features: what women perceive as attractive and what men consider attractive . PLoS ONE . 2015;10(7):e0132979. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132979

Bai J, Rosen CM, Ngaage LM, et al. Longevity of outcomes following reduction mammoplasty . Eplasty . 2019;19:e18.

By Julie Scott, MSN, ANP-BC, AOCNP Scott is an Adult Nurse Practitioner and freelance health writer with experience in oncology and hematology.

Plastic Surgery Essay Example

The idea of plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery is not a new concept. In ancient times, people would go to the doctor to have their noses reshaped or lips enlarged. Today, however, there are more options for surgical procedures available than before. A sample essay on plastic surgery is given here by the Students Assignment Help professionals to graduates. Those who are supposed to write their college essay on plastic surgery can take tips from this sample.

Essay Sample on Plastic Surgery Essay

  • Thesis Statement of Plastic Surgery Essay
  • Plastic Surgery Essay Introduction
  • Importance of plastic surgery
  • Why plastic surgery is risk-full in many situations?
  • Is there any alternative to plastic surgery?
  • Plastic Surgery Essay Conclusion
Thesis Statement of Plastic Surgery Essay Plastic surgery is serving as a good alternative to treat patients who have undergone multiple damages to their skin in an accident. Plastic Surgery Essay Introduction The number of accidents whether it is on-road or in industrial areas, rising with reckless speed. Every other moment we hear news of such accidents in which the skin of the person gets totally damaged or crushed but the person is alive. Under such a state, the only alternative that doctors have is to undergo plastic surgery. In plastic surgery, the skin is removed from a body part like thighs and used in the damaged part of the person. Here we will talk about is it good to treat a person with plastic surgery or there should be some other solutions for it. Also, the drawbacks of plastic surgery will be mentioned here. Main Body of Plastic Surgery Essay Importance of plastic surgery Plastic surgery is the only option left for doctors in case of massive destruction of the body mass. It is very important to restore the mass of the body immediately after an accident to keep the person alive. That is why we cannot ignore the significance of plastic surgery. Buy Customized Essay on Plastic Surgery At Cheapest Price Order Now Why plastic surgery is risk-full in many situations? Although it is very crucial to treat a person with the help of plastic surgery in case of loss of body mass there are several risks associated with it. For example, the infection or defects in the plastic surgery operation can cause cancer and such fatal diseases to the person. The area from where the skin is removed also shows some issues and trouble in the latter part of life after a few years. So until or unless there is a big emergency in doing plastic surgery, it should be avoided at any cost. Is there any alternative to plastic surgery? As of now, medical science has not reached any advanced level which can replace the option of plastic surgery. That is why it is being operated even after so many risks are associated with it. But there are people who went with plastic surgery for the cosmetic purpose to shape their facial parts in an apt position. These people should avoid doing such things and start embracing them in a real sense of what they actually are. It is not good to keep others happy by going through such body modifications. Must view: Free Informative Essay Sample On “Cosmetology “ Plastic Surgery Essay Conclusion The above essay conclusion can be seen in accordance with the importance of plastic surgery that cannot be avoided in emergency cases. But yes those who are going through it just for the sake of ornamental causes should put an end to it. Those having accidents are helpless to avoid such treatment but others who are having normal body are also involved in it which does not make much sense. We must think on it that where we are heading in the present time by leaving our ethics and morals behind. Get Non-Plagiarized Custom Essay on Plastic Surgery in USA Order Now

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Plastic Surgery Essay Examples

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About Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body, it's the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body by the transfer of tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons.

Reconstructive surgery aims to reconstruct a part of the body or improve its functioning, cosmetic (or aesthetic) surgery aims at improving the appearance of it.

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