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Essay On School Annual Function Day for Children’s and Students

If you’re still studying in your school, no matter which class you belong to, you always stand the chance of being asked to write an essay on annual day function.

This day is probably the most awaited day of the year as it helps you celebrate the achievements of the entire year. Every school year marks its end with this annual school day function and this is why students look forward to this day.

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School Annual Day Function Essay

Essay On School Annual Function Day

If you too have been told to write an essay on annual school day function, you needn’t fret as we’re here to guide on how to write an impactful essay on the aforementioned topic. Read on to know more.

Shaping the Introduction

The annual cultural day happens to be the most important day for all educational institutions. This is the day on which students get the opportunity to demonstrate their talents in front of a huge audience.

Usually, this function is held on a Saturday as parents find it easy to attend the function. On this day, eminent personalities from respectable backgrounds are invited as the chief guests for the special evening.

Every year, our school observes this annual function day in the month of January. On this day, the principal of our school delivers an annual speech where she speaks about several different important topics.

Annual Function Day – 10 short lines on this day

  • The annual cultural function day is held every year in my school.
  • It is a day of immense joy to the students.
  • On this special day, there are several competitions that are organized among which essay writing, debates, acting, drawing and recitations are done.
  • This year we celebrated Annual day on the 5 th of January.
  • We decorated our school with lights and colors.
  • A stage was made in front of the school building.
  • Large numbers of seats were arranged for parents, guests and students.
  • The District Collector was the Chief Guest of this occasion.
  • He was the one to give away prizes and awards to the students and he also spoke few valuable words.
  • A short drama was performed by the students at the end.

The Annual Function Day

There’s no doubt when we say that the annual function day is one of the most anxiously awaited occasions of every school. A week before this day arrives; you can sense the immense joy, excitement and hurried activities all over the school premises.

The students who are supposed to perform on stage and the winners of awards and prizes are usually the ones who are mostly excited.

Not only that, even the students who aren’t actively involved in the annual function directly are also happy. This is because it is a no-study day and the school is filled with fun, frolic, pomp and valor.

Preparing for the Annual Function day

The preparations for this annual function day begin way ahead of time as there are several acts that need to be perfectly rehearsed before the arrival of the actual day.

Thanks to this occasion, the school gets a total face-lift as the classrooms are cleaned, there are charts on the chart boards carefully made by the students. There are charts also displayed on the walls of the classroom that share moral messages to all.

The decorations are all done in order to impress the guests, parents and above all, the revered Chief Guest. The main venue of the annual school day function is decorated with balloons, nice write-ups, lights and banners.

The regular practice session of the different cultural programme is another vital feature of preparing for this day. Few of the classes on our daily routine are bunked in order to squeeze out time for rehearsal before the final programme is staged on the assigned day.

The students who particularly participate in drama, dance and other music programmes are usually asked to stay back for longer rehearsals.

The students who have come out first in academics and other inter-school or inter-class competitions are also asked to practice for the day. This is done beforehand so that they know how to conduct themselves on the actual day.

This is done through a mock-session of the step-by-step programmes of the actual day. The Head Boy of our school is also asked to write a speech, under the constant supervision of his teacher.

The arrival of the long-awaited day

When the final day for the Annual School Function finally arrives, everyone seems to be running around the school premises for their own reasons.

They actually go through a hectic schedule since they have the pressure of successfully conducting this entire programme so that the guests and parents are proud of the school.

Everyone, including the teachers, students and the principal seem to be highly excited as well as worried about this special day.

Those who happen to be a part of the on-stage programmes, are the ones who usually tremble with fear and excitement. The remaining students help in arranging the stage and they look forward to spending a fun day.

With the arrival of the Chief Guest, the school band starts playing. He is accompanied by a reception committee that include Managing Committee members. The teachers, principal and students are also a part of that committee.

The final speeches

To start off, the principal delivers a speech where he welcomes the Chief Guest and highlights the school’s performance in the board examinations. The Chief Guest along with the Principal presents the awards that the student won in different extra-curricular activities.

The Chief Guest delivers all sorts of speeches and his speech is followed by the speech of the Head Boy. He thanks the Chief Guest for accepting the invitation and for everything that he conferred to our school.

The function ends with the School anthem as well as the National Anthem. By the time it is late evening, our school campus stands illuminated and proud. We, the students, feel proud that we could complete the annual function successfully.

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Essay on Annual Day – Examples, 10 Lines to 1200 Words

Short Essay on Annual Day

Essay on Annual Day: Annual Day is a much-awaited event in every school and college, where students showcase their talents and skills through various performances. It is a day filled with excitement, joy, and pride as students come together to celebrate their achievements and hard work throughout the year. In this essay, we will explore the significance of Annual Day, the preparation that goes into it, and the memories that students cherish for years to come. Let’s delve into the magic of Annual Day and its importance in the academic calendar.

Annual Day Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by introducing the topic of the essay, which is about the annual day celebration at your school or organization. Mention the significance of the annual day and why it is an important event.

2. Provide a brief overview of the annual day celebration, including the date, venue, theme, and activities planned for the day. Mention any special guests or performances that are scheduled to take place.

3. Describe the preparations that go into organizing the annual day celebration, such as rehearsals, decorations, and coordination with various teams and departments. Highlight the hard work and dedication of the organizers and participants.

4. Discuss the importance of the annual day celebration in fostering a sense of community and unity among the members of the school or organization. Talk about how it brings people together and creates a sense of belonging and pride.

5. Share your personal experiences and memories of past annual day celebrations. Describe your favorite moments, performances, or speeches that have left a lasting impact on you.

6. Reflect on the significance of the annual day celebration in promoting talent, creativity, and teamwork among the participants. Discuss how it provides a platform for students or employees to showcase their skills and abilities.

7. Discuss the benefits of participating in the annual day celebration, such as building confidence, developing leadership skills, and fostering a sense of camaraderie. Share any lessons or insights you have gained from being a part of the event.

8. Conclude the essay by emphasizing the importance of celebrating annual day and the positive impact it has on the school or organization. Encourage readers to participate in such events and make the most of the opportunities they provide.

9. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness of grammar and punctuation. Make sure your ideas flow smoothly and are well-organized to engage the reader effectively.

10. Consider adding personal anecdotes, quotes, or statistics to make your essay more engaging and persuasive. Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to paint a picture of the annual day celebration and bring it to life for the reader.

Essay on Annual Day in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Annual Day is a special event celebrated by schools, colleges, and organizations to showcase the talents and achievements of students and members. 2. It is usually held once a year and is a highly anticipated event in the academic calendar. 3. The Annual Day celebrations often include cultural performances, skits, dances, music, and speeches. 4. It is a platform for students to display their creativity, teamwork, and leadership skills. 5. The event is attended by parents, teachers, and guests who come to support and encourage the participants. 6. Annual Day is a time for students to bond, make memories, and celebrate their hard work and dedication throughout the year. 7. The event is meticulously planned and organized by a committee or group of volunteers. 8. Awards and recognition are often given out during the Annual Day to acknowledge outstanding achievements. 9. It is a time for the entire school or organization to come together and celebrate their unity and diversity. 10. Annual Day is a joyful and memorable occasion that leaves a lasting impact on everyone involved.

Sample Essay on Annual Day in 100-180 Words

Annual day is a special event celebrated by schools, colleges, and organizations to showcase the talents and achievements of their students or members. It is a day filled with performances, speeches, awards, and cultural activities that bring everyone together to celebrate the success and hard work of the past year.

On this day, students get the opportunity to showcase their talents in various fields such as music, dance, drama, and sports. It is a day where everyone comes together to appreciate and applaud each other’s efforts and accomplishments.

Annual day is not just a day of celebration but also a day of reflection and gratitude. It is a time to look back on the challenges faced and overcome, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced throughout the year.

Overall, annual day is a day of joy, pride, and unity, where everyone comes together to celebrate the collective achievements and successes of the past year.

Short Essay on Annual Day in 200-500 Words

Annual day is one of the most awaited events in any educational institution. It is a day filled with excitement, joy, and a sense of achievement for students, teachers, and parents alike. The annual day celebration is a time to showcase the talents and skills of students through various performances such as dances, skits, songs, and speeches.

The annual day celebration usually begins with a grand opening ceremony, where the chief guest, school principal, and other dignitaries address the audience. This is followed by a series of performances by students from different classes and grades. The performances are carefully choreographed and rehearsed for weeks leading up to the event, and the hard work and dedication of the students are evident in their flawless performances.

One of the highlights of the annual day celebration is the cultural program, where students showcase the rich cultural heritage of our country through traditional dances, songs, and skits. This not only helps in preserving our cultural traditions but also instills a sense of pride and respect for our cultural heritage in the younger generation.

Apart from cultural performances, the annual day celebration also includes academic achievements and awards. Students who have excelled in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities are felicitated and awarded for their hard work and dedication. This serves as a motivation for other students to strive for excellence in their respective fields.

The annual day celebration is also a time for parents to witness the growth and development of their children. Seeing their children perform on stage with confidence and grace fills parents with pride and joy. It is a moment of validation for parents, knowing that their efforts in providing a good education and upbringing to their children have borne fruit.

The annual day celebration is not just a day of fun and entertainment but also a day of reflection and introspection. It is a time to look back on the achievements and successes of the past year and set goals for the future. It is a time to appreciate the efforts of teachers, staff, and students who have worked tirelessly to make the school a place of learning and growth.

In conclusion, the annual day celebration is a day of celebration, appreciation, and reflection. It is a day that brings the entire school community together to celebrate the achievements and successes of the past year. It is a day that instills a sense of pride, joy, and motivation in everyone involved. The annual day celebration is a tradition that should be cherished and continued for years to come.

Essay on Annual Day in 1000-1500 Words

Annual day celebrations are an integral part of every educational institution. It is a day when students, teachers, and staff come together to celebrate the achievements and successes of the past year. It is a day filled with excitement, joy, and a sense of pride. The annual day celebration is a much-awaited event in every school and college, as it provides an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and skills in various cultural and academic activities.

The annual day celebration is usually held towards the end of the academic year. It is a day when students get a break from their regular academic routine and participate in various cultural programs, competitions, and performances. The annual day celebration is a platform for students to showcase their talents in dance, music, drama, and other performing arts. It is also a day when students receive awards and recognition for their academic achievements and extracurricular activities.

The annual day celebration is not just a day of fun and entertainment; it is also a day of reflection and gratitude. It is a day when students, teachers, and staff come together to celebrate the hard work and dedication that has gone into making the academic year a success. It is a day when everyone takes a moment to appreciate the efforts of each other and to acknowledge the support and encouragement that they have received throughout the year.

The annual day celebration is a time for students to bond with their classmates and teachers. It is a day when students come together to celebrate their shared experiences and memories. It is a day when students forge new friendships and strengthen existing ones. The annual day celebration is a time for students to come together as a community and celebrate their achievements as a team.

The annual day celebration is also a time for students to showcase their talents and skills. It is a day when students get the opportunity to perform on stage and display their creativity and talent. Students participate in various cultural programs such as dance performances, music concerts, skits, and plays. They also participate in academic competitions such as debates, quizzes, and elocution contests. The annual day celebration is a platform for students to showcase their talents and receive recognition for their hard work and dedication.

The annual day celebration is a day of joy and celebration. It is a day when students, teachers, and staff come together to celebrate the successes and achievements of the past year. It is a day when everyone lets their hair down and enjoys the festivities. The annual day celebration is a day of laughter, music, dance, and fun. It is a day when everyone comes together to celebrate the spirit of unity and camaraderie that binds them together as a community.

The annual day celebration is a day of pride and honor. It is a day when students receive awards and recognition for their academic achievements and extracurricular activities. It is a day when teachers and staff are appreciated for their hard work and dedication. The annual day celebration is a day when everyone takes pride in the accomplishments of the institution and its members. It is a day when everyone feels a sense of honor and privilege to be a part of such a prestigious institution.

The annual day celebration is a day of gratitude and appreciation. It is a day when students, teachers, and staff come together to express their gratitude to each other. It is a day when everyone takes a moment to thank those who have supported and encouraged them throughout the year. The annual day celebration is a day when everyone acknowledges the contributions of each other and expresses their appreciation for the efforts that have gone into making the academic year a success.

In conclusion, the annual day celebration is a day of joy, pride, honor, gratitude, and appreciation. It is a day when students, teachers, and staff come together to celebrate the achievements and successes of the past year. It is a day when everyone lets their hair down and enjoys the festivities. The annual day celebration is a day when everyone feels a sense of pride and honor to be a part of such a prestigious institution. It is a day when everyone takes a moment to express their gratitude and appreciation to each other. The annual day celebration is a day when everyone comes together as a community to celebrate their shared experiences and memories. It is a day when everyone celebrates the spirit of unity and camaraderie that binds them together as a team.

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essay on annual day celebration of your school

Annual Function Essay in English For Students and Children

We are Sharing the Annual Function Essay in English for students. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short essay on Annual Function at School for Class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 in 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 words.

Essay on Annual Day at School for Kids ( 100 words )

Annual function is one of the most important events of our school. It is held in the month of March every year. Last year the Deputy Commissioner of Police of our area presided over the function. The function was held in our school’s auditorium. Carpets were spread, benches and chairs were arranged to sit on. Many programs were performed. The Principal read out the annual report. The chief guest distributed the prizes. Then he made a short speech. The Principal thanked all the persons present there and the function ended.

Related Article- Essay on Annual Sports Day

Annual Day at School Essay ( 250 to 300 words )

Every student works hard to perform well in his school. His efforts get a boost when the student is rewarded. One such function which inspires every student to work hard is Annual Day at school It is the day of winners and inspiration for others.

Our school celebrated its Annual Prize Distribution Function on 14th August this year. Teachers and students started preparing for it many days earlier.

The school was decorated tastefully. A stage was erected in the corner of the ground. It was beautifully decorated with flowers and coloured paper. A large seating arrangement was made. Sofas were put in the front rows for chief guests and other special guests Students were made to sit on carpets on the ground.

The State Education Minister Sh. Manohar Lal presided over the function. The chief guest arrived in time. He was welcomed b the Principal and other members of the school management committee and staff. He has presented a bouquet of flowers and garlands The school band played a welcome tune in his honour. The N.C.C cadets presented a guard of honour. The chief guest was taken t his seat. The function started with a cultural programme. Studen performed folk dances and folk songs. This was followed by the drama on the freedom struggle in Hindi. Everybody appreciated the play and clapped.

The Annual Report was then read by the Principal. Everybody gave a big hand for brilliant Higher Secondary results. He mentioned the trophy won by the players of our school. Names of meritorious students were mentioned.

Then the prizes were given away by the chief guest. The prizes were given to the students who had performed brilliantly in studies games and sports and in extracurricular activities of the school. The prize winners were looking extremely happy.

After distributing prizes, the chief guest gave a short speech He praised the school for its achievements. He promised to help the school in every possible manner. The secretary thanked the thief guest and other guests. A holiday was announced and the function came to end. Sweets were distributed to the students.

# Composition | Paragraph on Annual Function at School

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Significance Of The School Annual Day: A Principal's Take

The Principal of a school shares his thoughts on what a school's annual day function means to the school, teachers, and students. Hear what he has to say.

Significance Of The Annual Day: A Principal's Take

The beginning of a year is an eventful time for schools and students. It is also the time when most schools organize the most important event of the year, the annual day. Celebrating the school's annual day provides the school with an opportunity to showcase its achievements. This function also gives students an opportunity to showcase their various talents and interact with their teachers in a more informal environment. From dance performances to plays and musical events to speeches, the school annual day is one day that is eagerly anticipated by children and parents alike, every year. This is also a day when achievers are felicitated for their accomplishments in the academic year.

Along with students and teachers, the principal also plays an important part in helping organize the annual day and ensuring its success.

We talk to Dr Srinivasa Raghavan, principal of Bala Vidya Mandir School in Chennai to know more about his role and the significance of the school annual day in a student's life.

Can you share some of the roles and responsibilities of a school principal?

A principal is the custodian of a school. In India, this role is both administrative and academic. This means that a principal must completely monitor the pedagogical processes taking place in the school. This includes the training and behavior of teachers along with the behavior and safety of students.

Moreover, a good principal does not just stick to her assigned roles and responsibilities but is also heavily invested in the students. This means that she considers how children must be brought up, how to keep up with the social and technological changes of modern life, and the impact of society on education. This way a principal can evaluate a broad number of factors, which would help her to come up with effective and beneficial school policies.

Tell us about some of the challenges you face as a principal every day...

The hardest part is maintaining human relationships. We are quite like politicians in this respect. We have to address a huge number of parents with diverse views. This often means that we can't satisfy everybody. So, we end up facing criticism regardless of what we choose to do. Sometimes, this criticism is very hurtful, especially when we do something good and people criticize it.

What do you think is the most rewarding part of being a school principal?

Children's love. Nothing else can beat this best reward for me. Even if the children don't realize it now, they might in five or ten years. I know this because some of them have even come back to tell me how much they cherished their school days and how thankful they are.

Most schools are preparing to host the annual day. What do you think is the importance of celebrating this event?

The school's annual day allows students to display their talents and build their confidence. Some schools have their best students in the front, and others have their average and below-average students in the limelight. This is something we practice in our school. I have seen students benefit a lot from these functions as they shed their inhibitions and perform on the stage. Not to mention that they have more motivation to work on their talents, knowing that they can share them with an audience.

This is also a way for the parents to be involved, as they can come and encourage the children on stage. And not just their own children, but also other children. However, this is missing these days, as many parents only show up for their own child's event and leave once it's done.

Do you think celebrating the annual day also helps keep our cultural traditions alive?

Annual Day on its own doesn't have the power to keep our cultural traditions alive. Instead, a school should continuously work on this. One way to do this, as we do in our school, is to have small programs frequently instead of just one huge event. Moreover, these small programs don't always need an audience of parents but can also be for an audience of other students. In fact, it's important to have events just for a student audience.

Because, if a school has only one big event, like the annual day, then all the students end up being involved and don't get an opportunity to appreciate the talents of their fellow students. This is an unfortunate situation, as the amount of encouragement performers can draw from the appreciation of their peers is significant.

After the annual day is over, it's time to prepare for the final exams. And, for some, it's time for the dreaded board exams. What tips do you have for students?

A common issue is that most students only start preparing for the board exams toward the end of their academic sessions. Instead, they should prepare well in advance. This would allow them enough time to absorb the study material and practice the previous year's question papers. Having so much preparation can help them become more confident for the actual exams, which is important.

Indeed! The school's annual day is the culmination of the school's academic year. It's a time for celebration and recognition of the students as well as the school's achievements. It's also a time for teamwork and being proud of what the school stands for and believes in. Encourage your child to participate in the various events and see her blossom into an individual with several talents.

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How to Write Annual Function Essay in School?

a. Introduction to the Topic

Begin your article with the Principal’s announcement of the date and time to conduct the annual school day function.

b. Preparation for the School’s Annual Day Function

Write about the preparations that the entire school’s students and staff took to make the final day a successful one. Mention the programme if you are participating in it. How it all started, planning, and who the main teachers or students were involved.

c. Inaugurating the Function

Write about the chief guest for the annual school day and the inauguration of the function.

d. Performances at the School’s Annual Day Function

Mention the programmes that took place at the school’s annual day function chronologically. You can also write about how the school or auditorium was decorated.

e. How Has the School’s Annual Day Function Concluded?

Give details on how the Annual Day came to an end. The final programme and what followed after that.

Sample Article on Your School’s Annual Day Function

On February 1st, I arrived at school early. All were busy making last-minute preparations. The chief guest was a popular singer from the state. First, our honourable principal madam welcomed her with a bouquet of flowers, and the event began by lighting the lamp. Then the Principal gave the opening speech. Next, our head girl hosted the entire function.

The parents, teachers, and students were seated separately in divisions. The students first put up a classical dance show in honour of the guests. Thereafter, was a comedy skit followed by a medley, which I was a part of. Each and every performance was much liked by all, especially the distinguished guests.

Thereafter was the 45-minute lunchtime, during which we were all provided food packets. Post lunch, the meritorious students were awarded prizes and medals for excellence in academics, extra-curricular activities, and overall discipline. Some of the teachers were also awarded for their unique contributions.

The function concluded with a closing speech from the Principal. She appreciated the teachers and students for their persistent hard work and determination. She also inspired us to strive to learn and be responsible citizens of the country. We were all overjoyed and shouted, “Hip, Hip, Hooray!”

The best part was when the Principal announced the following Friday a holiday owing to the hard work done by students and teachers to make this event a successful one. On a positive note, another memorable school’s annual day function concluded.

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English Essay on “Annual Day Celebrations at School” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Annual Day Celebrations at School

On the 20th of January, our school celebrated its twenty-first Annual Day. The celebrations were held in the school auditorium and began at 3.30 pm. The auditorium was packed with guests which included local dignitaries and parents.

The principal welcomed the chief guest, and then read out the school report for the year, highlighting the achievements of the students and teachers. A variety entertainment programme had been arranged for the evening, in which students from Nursery to Class XII participated. There were folk dances, group songs, and an English and a Hindi play. Each item was of a very high standard, and the audience was really appreciative. After the programme, prizes were distributed. All those who had excelled in academics, sports and co-curricular activities were given certificates and medals by the Chief Guest. He then gave a speech praising the students and the teachers for the excellent show. He declared the next day as a holiday.

Tea and refreshments were then served to the guests. The teachers and senior students were introduced to the chief guest. He commended them on the good work they were doing.

By 6.30 pm the celebrations were over and the guests departed, leaving the teachers and students to congratulate each other.

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  • Speech on Annual Day


Long and Short School Annual Function Speech for Students and Children

The most expected event every year is the Annual School Day. It is an important time for students to show the audience their talents. The most treasured moments of this Day are the sincere arrangements, the uncontainable enthusiasm, and the full dress rehearsals. Preparations for the Annual Day begin well ahead of time, sometimes two months earlier. With all the vibrant charts on all subjects carefully hand-made by the students, and artistically displayed on the walls and thoroughly cleaned classroom, the school gets a complete face-lift.

Long Annual Day Speech in English for Students

Good morning, to all the wonderful people present to Day. It is a pleasure to begin this auspicious occasion by welcoming everyone. We all have gathered here for the Annual Day celebration which is held to celebrate the talent and skills of our children and reward them for the same. 

Our children have demonstrated their skills through numerous competitions at the school or inter-school level and It gives us immense pleasure to share with you all that not only in sports competitions but our school children perform excellently in JSTSE, Olympiad of all subjects, essay writing competitions and many other academic competitions. 

Competitions are opportunities that we provide to our students, where they can test their education and evaluate them by participating in various sports and academic programs. We believe in a method of learning which encourages each child to actively participate and inculcate good sportsmanship. At the class level, children who have difficulties whether it be in public speaking, stage fear, or lack of confidence to perform are encouraged to come forward by creating a comfortable environment so that they can win over their fears. Our methods of teaching are holistic and inclusive. This Annual festival is a perfect example of this, ensuring that every child participates and performs. 

It gives each student a chance to come forward and demonstrates what is good in academia and non-academic activities. We feel that without the outlet of their abilities, the entire teaching process is incomplete. We have therefore established this as a necessity on this Annual Day and have planned the Annual Day program in such a way that even talent such as art should be taken into account.

You'll see lots of pictures and posters if you look around. The names and classes of students who have drawn, sketched or painted these images are reported by each individual. Take some time to go through this precious art gallery, as identification is also needed. Who knows that it might be your child who had this talent, even if you didn't know it. And some works of art are award-winning submissions.

Typically, on an Annual Day, there is a drama and dance, but this time we have added a new category, which is quite popular these days. They show them on every TV channel in the entertainment category - I'm talking about the stand-up comedy segment. Yes, we have some very talented kids here who are going to roll you with laughter barrels. So, brace for a nice Day. Our young children have organized a show that is a musical drama; mid-school people are busy practicing for dance-dramas, which our younger budding talented dance gurus have told me to choreograph. Let’s welcome them for success! 

Short Annual Day Speech in English

Good morning to everyone present here. It's an extremely proud and emotional moment for us all on this very special day, as our school is going to complete one more fantastic year. I would like to wholeheartedly invite you all to our school's Annual functions. We have always heard the saying from our elders, "School life is the best, make the most of it," and today I can relate to it. Now I fully understand why the friends we make at school are said to be nothing less than family. 

Special arrangements have been made to make this special day memorable. As we have our parents as well, it will be twice the fun with us on that particular day. There are different acts, singing and dancing displays, specially prepared by the students. For our parents and teachers, we have arranged various fun events, to make this day a memorable one for them as well. Some games are also planned where students can also participate. 

This is our way of saying thank you to our parents and teachers for always loving us and being there for us. We've added a brand new segment on this Annual Day. We also included a selection of games that are played as a team by children and parents. It is a guarantee that it will be a nice affair and we will all enjoy it; on the one hand, on the other hand, children and parents and teachers and school staff. Simple sports such as Tug of War, Three-Legged Race and Relay Race will be held in the school greens immediately after the conclusion of the show in the auditorium. I am sure that we will all participate wholeheartedly and parents are a great help and do not disappoint us, which is a healthy way to end our Annual Day.

10 Lines on Annual Day Speech Sample

It is a special occasion celebrated every year.

The District Collector is the chief guest for the Day.

The honorable Chief Guest will give the award distribution ceremony.

The school presents a music drama based on Rudyard Kipling's most adorable novel, The Jungle Book.

Cultural events such as folk and contemporary dance performances, English songs along with Hindi classical singing, and a magic show are also presented during the Annual Day.

Literary performances such as poetry lessons, conversation, essay writing, and recitation are also part of the occasion.

The whole auditorium is illuminated with lights that are centered on them.

The activities will be held at various venues.

The awards for the events will eventually be revealed.

There are games that seek parent's participation.

In any Indian school, students and teachers alike look forward to the most important Day - the Annual Day. This is an opportunity for students to try many different things, and showcase their talents; students will always remember the unending arrangements, the uncontained excitement, and most importantly, the final complete dress rehearsals. All these extensive preparations start at least two months prior to D-Day.

Long Annual Day Speech 

Good morning, to all the students and parents and guardians who are here with us today! 

It is a pleasure to welcome you all here today, for our Annual Day celebration, a day we all look forward to, every year. Today is the Day to celebrate our young creative and talented students. This year, our children have outshone and brought laurels to this institution, by demonstrating their skills in various competitions at the school as well as inter-school level. Our students have performed well not only in the various sports competitions, but have shown excellent results in the JSTSE, the Olympiad of all subjects, in essay writing competitions and many other academic competitions. Competitions are opportunities where students get a chance to showcase their many talents as well as their various academic and other co-curricular activities. We believe in providing opportunities of every possible kind so as to encourage each child to actively participate in the many activities. At the individual class level, those children who have difficulties, or those who lack the confidence in public speaking, stage fear,  or confidence to perform are encouraged to come forward and we try to create a comfortable environment to help them win over their fears.  

This Annual Day program is held to recognize each of our students for all that they have achieved and to encourage them to keep up with their good work. It gives each student a chance to come forward and demonstrate their specific skills and interests, whether in academics, sports or any other extracurricular activities. 

We believe that without this encouragement, the entire teaching process is incomplete. We have therefore planned the Annual Day program in such a way that every child who has shown excellence in any discipline should be recognized. We also believe that this could go a long way in motivating others too.

on behalf of the entire school staff and the students, request you all parents and guardians to take some time out and go through the various exhibits here today. 

This year, unlike the past years where we always had a dance-drama enacted by our very own children, we have a new category, a stand-up comedy segment which has become very popular to Day. And, this will be brought to you by our very own StandUp Comedians!

A warm welcome to all of these bright children!

Short Annual Day Speech

Good morning to everyone present here!

It is a  proud moment for all of us here today as we welcome you all to another of our Annual Day Program. It has been a fantastic year for us, especially for our bright, young, talented children. 

I take this opportunity to welcome you all, my dear parents, guardians and children to our school's Annual function.

Special arrangements have been made to make this special day memorable. Each one of you and the students has been preparing for this Day for a long time. 

Today we have arranged some fun events for parents and children to participate in, and we also have some dance dramas and choir singing, all choreographed by our own talented students. 

We have also planned a couple of game events for parents and children to participate like Tug of War, the  Three-Legged, and the Relay Race which will start immediately after the inauguration.

I take this opportunity to invite you all, dear parents, to please support and motivate our young children, and join in all the festivities today.

Looking forward to all of you having a wonderful day here.


FAQs on Speech on Annual Day

1. What is Annual Day?

A yearly celebration of a school in order to showcase the achievements of the students. Annual Day is a Day every student, and every parent looks forward to. A Day where a school gives recognition to all the multi-talented, creative young students for their achievements. A Day that recognizes academically talented students. Annual Day is a day of great pride for any school as they get a chance to showcase the schools’ worth and talent.

2. What is the importance of the Annual Day?

Annual Day is the Day the children get recognition for their many talents and skills, whether it is in academics, in sports or in any other co-curricular activities. It boosts a student's confidence and helps them do better in the future. Students feel a sense of pride, in front of their parents, their teachers, and their friends. Annual Day also gives students a platform to showcase their many talents.

3. What is the Annual Day Speech?

The Annual Day Speech is an important Speech as it highlights the many positive programs of the entire academic year. A Speech that motivates every student and teacher, to appreciate their efforts and hard work and to further encourage the students to perform better in the future, whether in academics or in games or in any other activity.

4. What is a good Annual Day Speech?

A balanced Speech, a Speech that acknowledges the year-long achievements of the students, a Speech where the efforts of teachers are lauded, and a Speech which has an element of fun attached to it - all make for a good Annual Day Speech. This is coupled with an appreciation for the parents and guardians and about their motivation and encouragement towards their children. All these make for a good  Annual Day Speech.

Mr Greg's English Cloud

Report Writing: Annual Day Celebration

Writing a report on an Annual Day Celebration is an important task that captures the essence and highlights of this significant event in an academic or corporate calendar. Whether you’re tasked with this as a student, teacher, or employee, the goal remains the same: to provide a structured, detailed, and engaging account of the festivities. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft a compelling report.

Table of Contents

Preparation and Attendance

  • Pre-Event Preparation:  Gather all necessary information about the event beforehand, including the schedule, theme, and list of participants. This preparation allows you to focus on capturing details rather than gathering fundamental information during the event.
  • Event Attendance:  Actively participate and take detailed notes during the celebration. Pay attention to the sequence of events, key speeches, performances, and audience reactions. This firsthand experience is crucial for an authentic and engaging report.

Writing the Report

  • Introduction:  Start with the basics — the date, venue, and purpose of the event. If there’s a specific theme, mention it to set the context.
  • Event Description:  Chronologically detail the events, including speeches, performances, and award ceremonies. Highlight key points from speeches, describe the types of performances, and list major awards and recognitions.
  • Visuals and Aesthetics:  Discuss the venue’s decoration and layout, and how these elements contributed to the event’s atmosphere.
  • Audience Engagement:  Describe the audience’s response to various segments of the program, which helps gauge the event’s impact and success.
  • Conclusion:  Summarize the overall impact of the event on the community or organization and reflect on the significance of the day.

Annual Day Celebration Report Example #1

Annual day celebration is an eagerly awaited event in every educational institution. It is a day when students get to showcase their talents, and everyone comes together to celebrate their achievements. The annual day celebration is a perfect platform for students to exhibit their skills in front of their peers, teachers, and parents. In this essay, we will discuss the three significant aspects of the annual day celebration.

The first aspect of the annual day celebration is the decoration of the venue with colorful lights and banners. The decorations create a festive atmosphere and set the mood for the celebration. The venue is adorned with balloons, streamers, and colorful lights. Banners with inspiring messages and quotes are also put up, adding to the celebratory vibe. The decorations make the venue look stunning and create a memorable experience for everyone.

The second aspect of the annual day celebration is the performances by students showcasing their talents in music, dance, and drama. Students prepare for weeks in advance, perfecting their performances. The annual day celebration provides them with an opportunity to showcase their skills in front of a large audience. The performances are a treat to watch and leave everyone spellbound. It is a moment of pride for the teachers and parents to see their students perform so well.

The third aspect of the annual day celebration is the delicious food served during the event, including traditional dishes and desserts. The food is an essential part of any celebration, and the annual day is no exception. The menu usually includes a variety of dishes, including traditional food items and desserts. The food brings everyone together and adds to the festive atmosphere.

In conclusion, the annual day celebration is a special occasion that brings everyone together to celebrate the achievements of students. The decorations, performances, and food make the event a memorable experience for everyone. It is a day of joy, pride, and celebration, and it is something that everyone looks forward to every year.

Annual Celebration Day Report Example #2

Annual day celebrations are an important event for any organization or institution. It is a time for members to come together and celebrate their achievements and hard work. In this essay, I will describe the annual day celebration, including the decorations and setup of the venue, the various performances and activities during the event, and the food and refreshments served at the celebration.

One of the most important aspects of any celebration is the decorations and setup of the venue. The annual day celebration is no exception. The venue is usually decorated with colorful balloons, streamers, and banners. The stage is set up with a backdrop that represents the theme of the celebration. The chairs and tables for the audience are arranged in a neat and organized manner. Overall, the decorations and setup of the venue create a festive atmosphere and set the tone for the celebration.

The annual day celebration is not just about decorations and setup. It is also about the various performances and activities that take place during the event. These performances can include dance, music, drama, and speeches. Students and staff members are usually involved in these performances, showcasing their talents and skills. There may also be games and other activities for the audience to participate in. The performances and activities during the event create a sense of unity and pride among the members of the organization or institution.

Food and refreshments are an important part of any celebration. The annual day celebration is no exception. A variety of food and drinks are usually served at the celebration, including snacks, sweets, and beverages. The food and refreshments are usually arranged in a buffet-style, allowing the audience to help themselves. The food and refreshments served at the celebration provide a break from the performances and activities and allow the members to socialize and enjoy each other’s company.

In conclusion, the annual day celebration is an important event that brings members of an organization or institution together to celebrate their achievements and hard work. The decorations and setup of the venue, the various performances and activities, and the food and refreshments served at the celebration all contribute to creating a festive and memorable atmosphere. The annual day celebration is a time for members to come together and celebrate their successes and achievements.

Annual Celebration Day Report Example #3

Annual day celebrations are an important event in any organization, school or community. It is a time to reflect on the achievements of the year and celebrate the hard work put in by everyone involved. In this essay, we will explore the preparations, the actual event, and reflections on the annual day celebration.

Preparations for the annual day celebration begin months before the actual event. The organizing committee starts with the selection of a theme and the subsequent decoration of the venue. The decorations include banners, balloons, and streamers that align with the chosen theme. Rehearsals are also a crucial part of the preparations, as they ensure that performances are well-coordinated and seamless. Invitations are sent out to parents, teachers, and other guests, informing them of the date, time, and venue of the event.

The annual day celebration is usually a grand affair, with a variety of performances from students and teachers alike. Students showcase their talents in music, dance, and drama, while teachers present speeches highlighting the achievements of the year. Awards are also given out to recognize outstanding performances in academics, sports, and cultural events. The event concludes with a vote of thanks from the principal, thanking all those who made the event a success.

Reflections on the event, including memorable moments, feedback, and plans for improvement in the future.

After the annual day celebrations, everyone involved takes time to reflect on the event. Memorable moments are shared, and feedback is provided to the organizing committee. This feedback helps in identifying areas that need improvement in the future, such as the duration of the event or the selection of the theme. Plans are made to ensure that the next annual day celebration is even better than the previous one.

In conclusion, the annual day celebration is an event that brings together everyone in an organization, school, or community. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of the year and appreciate the hard work put in by everyone involved. The preparations, the actual event, and reflections on the event are all crucial aspects that make the annual day celebration a success.

Final Thoughts

Writing a report on an Annual Day celebration is more than just a formal assignment; it’s a valuable opportunity to encapsulate the spirit and achievements of a community, whether it be a school, college, or organization. The report serves not only as a record of the event but also as a reflection of the collective ethos and cultural vibrancy of the institution.

As you undertake this task, remember that your report is a narrative that will help readers visualize the event and feel connected to it, even if they were not in attendance. It’s important to convey not just the facts and figures but also the emotions and atmosphere of the day. Pay attention to capturing the essence of the speeches, the excitement of the performances, and the pride of the award recipients.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

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essay on annual day celebration of your school

  • Report Writing On Annual Day

Report Writing on Annual Day

Report writing is generally introduced in the English language syllabus when students are in 9th or 10th Classes. Writing a report means that one has to write in a detailed manner about an event. You may be asked to write a report on any event, and an annual day is one such event on which you would have to write a report.

Most of us have been a part of annual day celebrations and have enjoyed it thoroughly. But when you are asked to write a report about it, what would you possibly include in your report? Annual day celebrations take place in almost all schools around the world. The Annual Day celebration allows the school to celebrate another year of its being, and appreciates the students’ achievements in all curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities conducted throughout the year.

A number of cultural events also take place on this day. Annual day celebrations mainly take place at the end of the year in most schools. So if you want to write a report on annual day celebrations, then you must talk about when the annual celebration took place in your school/college, who had been invited as the special guest for the occasion, the students, performances on the occasion, prize distributions and also about the theme of the annual day (if any).

Let’s go through the following reports on annual day celebrations to get an idea of how to write one by yourself.

Report on Annual Day Celebrated in School

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Delhi, celebrated its 25th Annual Day on the 30th of December, 2021. Many eminent dignitaries were present at the annual day celebration, including the District Magistrate, the Chief Secretary, and Board Members of the school. All the students and their parents were invited to this function. The program started at 5:30 p.m. with the Principal delivering her commencement speech and the lighting of the diyas by the special guests. In the first half of the program, the students from kindergarten to Class 5 entertained everyone with their beautiful dance and drama performances. Before the commencement of the second half of the program, the Head Boy and Head Girl of the school invited the various students who had represented the school on different platforms and had brought glory to the school to come up on stage. The Chief Secretary and the Principal handed out certificates and prizes to those students. Soon after it, the Head Boy and the Head Girl jointly announced the publication of School Magazine, “Enigma”. The District Magistrate and Chief Secretary were asked to speak a few words on the auspicious occasion. Soon after their speech, the programme continued with the senior students performing the famous Shakespearean drama ‘Hamlet’. The mind-blowing performance got a standing ovation and much praise from the audience. Soon after that, the Punjabi students of the school performed the famous “Bhangra” and made everyone shake a leg! The choir group mesmerised the audience and the dignitaries with beautiful melodic songs. The parents kept cheering for their children who were performing on the stage. After three hours of grand performances by the students, the program ended with the Principal proposing the vote of thanks and extending her warm regards to everyone present at the Annual Day function.

Report on Annual Day Celebrated in DAV

On September 13, 2021, DAV School, Kolkata, celebrated its 50th Annual Day. The day’s events started in the morning with the teachers and the Principal participating in the “Havan”. Classes remained suspended for the day, and the students participating in the Annual Day were busy with the last-minute rehearsals. The program was scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m., and parents of all the students were invited. A huge stage was constructed with ample sitting space on the school ground for the function. The chief guests included dignitaries like the East Zone Coordinator, SDO, Assistant Police Commissioner and Board Members of the DAV committee. The program started at 6:00 p.m. as decided, with the lighting of the candles by the dignitaries and the introductory note of the Principal. The program started with the junior students entertaining the audience with their adorable dance and drama performances. After that, students of Class 7 and 8 performed a dance – drama based on Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Chitrangada’, which impressed the audience beyond expectations. Soon after that performance, the Class 10 students performed a Bihu dance which got a lot of appreciation from the audience. The day’s events came to an end with the Principal delivering his vote of thanks and extending his warm regards to everyone present at the Annual Function.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an annual day celebration.

An Annual Day celebration is when an organisation celebrates another year of its being, and appreciates the students’ achievements in all curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities conducted throughout the year.

When is Annual Day celebrated in schools/colleges?

Annual Day can be celebrated on any day as decided by the authorities of the school/college. However, Annual Day celebrations take place at the end of the year in most schools.

essay on annual day celebration of your school

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Report Writing on Annual Day Celebration in School/College

Are you looking for a sample of report writing on annual day celebration in school or college? If yes, then you are at the right place. In this article, I will provide a sample of how to write a report on annual day celebration in your college or school. This sample report is valid for all classes. You can also add your school or college name, location, the timing of the event, etc in this report.

So, without any further delay. Let’s move towards report writing on annual day celebration in 200 words.

Write a Report on Annual Day Celebration in Your College or School

Topic:- Report Writing on Annual Function in School in 200 words.

Reported By “Your Name”

On Wednesday of last week, our school celebrated its Annual Day Program in our school auditorium. On this special day, SDM Suraj Saw of our district was our chief guest. Parents of all the students were also invited on this day. Our school auditorium was completely decorated with lights and flowers. The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp at the hands of SDM Sir. Simultaneously, the principal sir, secretary of our school, and senior-most teachers also lit the lamp. The cultural show began with school prayer. After that, one by one, the students of different classes performed various programs. Students from all classes participated in this program. First of all, the children of the Junior Most Class performed a beautiful group dance program and they also sang many poems. After that, a group of students from classes 6 and 7 also played a little drama scene on the theme of the independence of the country. After this, various programs were also presented by the students.  SDM also gave a speech on how he prepared for UPSC and cleared the civil services exam and also inspired students to make careers in civil service. Finally, the principal came on stage and thanked everyone, especially SDM Sir, for coming to our annual day function.

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Report writing on Annual Day celebration in your school

Annual Function Report Writing:  Are you looking for a sample  Report writing on annual day celebration in your school to publish in your school magazine?

Great! you’ve come to one of the best resources available on the internet. In this particular post, we’ve given best example that will give you an idea on how to write a report on annual day celebration. This example will be helpful for students of all classes.

Report writing on annual day

Seven Vivid Colours Unite to Celebrate Annual Function

By Navneet Mishra, Secretary, Cultural and Art Society

15th May, 2022: T he one day of the year when students, teachers, and parents all come together again to witness the seven vivid colours of human emotion. Our college organized its annual day programme on May 15, 2022, in our school’s assembly premises. The District Magistrate of Kharsawan was the special guest. The event was open to both students and their parents. Our school’s entire faculty and administration, as well as the student organizing committee, decked out the entire campus with flowers and lights. The event was officially opened when the chief guest lit the lamp.

The lamp was also lit by our principal, student secretary, and senior teachers, and the programme began with prayer. The event was hosted by Shristi and Ankur of 12 B. Their efficiency during the event were outstanding. First and probably most important, the students presented a delightful programme for the chief guest, who was commended by our principal. Following that, students of various classes took part in and performed different activities such as singing and dancing, poetry recitation, singing, mime, and stand-up live acts. Just after the performances, the winners and top scorers in each class received medals and prizes.

Once the prize distribution ceremony was over, a group of senior students were invited to come on stage and present a skit in front of the audience. The skit presented by them was very funny and engaging. The audience was thoroughly entertained by the skit. The host then invited the Principal to the stage, where he delivered a speech in which he thanked the audience and our special guest for their support of the school. He told us about his struggles to make the school the best and how the event was successful in inculcating a positive spirit among the students.

Finally the chief guest was invited, he shared his experiences of his school days and told about his career and praised students for putting up a commendable show. He also inspired students to work hard in order to attain success and establish a successful future career that would make the school proud. The event concluded with a vote of thanks, and everybody in the audience certainly enjoyed it.

Wrapping Up

We believe that this article helped you crack an idea, on how to write a report on annual day celebration in your school. 

Feel free to express your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Also, let us know if you need  Report writing format examples for any other topic

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School President Speech on Annual Day

Ai generator.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Respected Teachers, Esteemed Guests, and Dear Students ,

Good [morning/afternoon/evening],

It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all to the Annual Day celebration of [School’s Name]. I am [Your Name], the School President, and I am delighted to stand before you on this momentous occasion.

Annual Day is a special event that brings our school community together to celebrate the achievements and talents of our students. It is a time to reflect on our accomplishments, recognize the hard work and dedication of our teachers and staff, and look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

This past year has been filled with remarkable achievements. Our students have excelled in academics, sports, arts, and various extracurricular activities. We have witnessed incredible performances, groundbreaking projects, and outstanding results. Today, we come together to celebrate these successes and to honor the efforts of everyone who has contributed to making this year a memorable one.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our teachers, who have been the guiding lights for all of us. Your dedication, passion, and commitment to nurturing our minds and spirits have been truly inspiring. Thank you for your unwavering support and for always pushing us to achieve our best.

A special thank you goes to our parents and guardians. Your encouragement and support have been invaluable, and your belief in us has made a significant difference in our journey. We are grateful for your involvement in our education and for being our pillars of strength.

To my fellow students, today is a celebration of your hard work, creativity, and perseverance. You have shown resilience and determination, and you should be incredibly proud of your accomplishments. Let this Annual Day be a reminder of the limitless potential that each of you possesses.

Our program today includes a variety of performances and presentations that showcase the diverse talents of our students. From music and dance to drama and art, each performance reflects the dedication and passion of our students and the support of our teachers and parents.

As we move forward, let us continue to strive for excellence and embrace the spirit of learning and growth. Let us support one another, celebrate our differences, and work together to create a brighter future for our school and our community.

In closing, I would like to share a quote that resonates with me: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Let us all continue to pursue our passions, support each other, and make our school a place of joy, learning, and success.

Thank you, everyone, for being here today. Let us now enjoy the performances and celebrate this special day together.

[Your Name]


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Write A Letter To Your Friend About The Annual Function Held At Your School In English

Chandni Chowk, Delhi

19 November 2022

Dear friend,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. I am also doing well on this side. I am writing to tell you about a day full of excitement, the annual function held in our school.

This was the first time that an annual function was being held in our school after Covid. Everyone was really excited, the students, as well as the teachers, were working hard for a long time. All of the classes were assigned a different era to perform. Our class was given the 80s, and we prepared for a beautiful dance performance inspired by that era. I also was a part of a skit that was based on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. I played the role of Brutus in the skit. It was a fun day filled with dances and a lot of food. I was tired by the end of the day but also content.

When is your annual function? Take care.

Your friend, Rahul C

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essay on annual day celebration of your school

English Compositions

Report Writing on Annual Sports Day Celebration in Your School [2023]

In this article, you will learn how to write a report on the annual sports day celebration of your school or college.


Example 1 [Magazine Report]


By Suprity Acharyya

This week’s annual sports day was conducted in our school. It was going to be a huge program of the year. The chief guest was an ex-student of our school who has achieved Padma Shri and is settled in New York.

All the students were very much excited after all this was the time to enjoy beyond the studies. All have been selected for different events and started practising and making them well and fit for the day.

All the students have taken part in those games which are their strengths as well as the game that they like. The students were already divided into different houses, like Gandhi house, Nehru House, Shivaji house, and Tagore house.

Every house had different colours according to that students were provided t-shirts and flowers. On the day of the event, the chief guest came and inaugurated the program then the students started to warm up and volunteers started to set up the ground, ball, scoreboard, and other things. 

Then the sports events started athletic where the first event students started to do 100mtr, 200mtr, and 400mtr races. Then the relay race was organised, and the shuttle race was also there.

Then in throwing events, discus and shotput were organised. Some students fell down while running for the medical team and a different shed was set up where they got the treatment.

Then cricket and football were organised on the biggest ground of the school chief guest was taken there and then students started playing due to scarcity of time the innings was only four overs.

Basketball was the most interesting event of the day. Indoor games were also played and winners were decided. After that prize distribution was held position holders have given medals certificates as well as a gift too. Rest everyone received participation and volunteering certificates from the chief guest.

Example 2 [Magazine Report]


By Supriyo Acharyya

It was a cool sunny morning, and it was the day of the annual sports meet in the school. All the students were getting warmed up and making themselves games ready. My school has many potential and great people who are very good at sports.

They all have participated in many different games and as it was the annual sports meet so non-sports persons were also taking part very enthusiastically. That morning after the assembly one by one all the events got started.

On the biggest ground cricket matches and football matches were held and on the other two grounds, the rest of the events were organised. In the basketball, stadium basketball was played.

The students were already divided into four groups, namely A, B, C, and D. All the students started to compete with each other and the battle of winning and losing was set up. In the cricket match for the boys’ team, team B won the tournament by 18 runs, whereas in the girl’s team, Team D won the match by 2 wickets. 

The football match was the most interesting one, in fact in the middle of one match it started raining and all the students enjoyed it a lot. Indoor games were a lot of fun carrom, chess, pool, table tennis, and even ludo was there on students demand it was really fun.

Then volleyball was played and I must say that my school is having the best players in the whole area. Athletics was also a very competitive game. It included 100mtr, 200mtr, and 600mtr running, relay race, shuttle race, three leg race, javelin throw, shot put throw, discus throw, Kho-Kho, kabaddi and long jump, high jump and many more. At the end of the day, all the winners were awarded a Medal and certificates, by the principal and chief guest.

Example 3 [Magazine Report]


Like every year, this year also the renowned Sodepur high school has organized their annual sports day with grand splendour. On the 20th of January, the annual sports day was scheduled in the field of Amravati like any other year.

Students were instructed to be present on the school premises on or before 9 am. in the morning. From there all the teachers and students went together to the organized sports field. Several common athletic games like racing, high & long jump, musical chair, go as you like etc were on the list of scheduled competitions.

As almost every student of the school participated in sports, the whole competition went longer than in other years. In every game, there were 4 sets of batches and in each batch 15 students took part. It was almost 3 pm when the whole competition process came to an end.

Thereafter the final result and names of awardees were announced by the headmaster. This year the local M.L.A was present as a chief guest of Sodepur High School.

After the headmaster announced the final result, the chief guest was invited to come on stage and hand over the awards to the winners.

After award distribution, the honourable MLA delivered a short speech to students explaining the significance of sports in students’ life. Thus a joyful day came to an end and everyone returned with a heart full of memories. 

Report Writing on Annual Sports Day Celebration example

Example 4 [Magazine Report]


The annual sports ceremony is more like a festival at Maulana Azad College. Just like all other years, the annual sports event was organised by the college authority. The date for the event was scheduled from December 21st to 23rd.

The college sports organising body chose the Kolkata Maidan as a venue. Basically, Maulana Azad college celebrates its sports event with many types of activities other than only common typical games. At the opening ceremony on the 21st of December, a splendid cultural function took place.

A stage was already constructed to serve the purposes like award distribution, cultural function, speeches of different people, direction to the participants etc. After the cultural function, all games and the names of respective participants were announced.

Then the college principal delivered a short speech about the college’s heritage of this sports day. The first day went like this followed by a simple singing competition after the speech.

On the second day, the full-fledged sports started. Several athletic games like long jump, high jump, 500 meters racing as well as a table tennis competition etc were on the long list of sports.

Five chief instructors were appointed for managing the whole ceremony. Apart from that many volunteers from the college union were also there to help out any participants who facing any issues in the field. The third day was scheduled for prize distribution and senior’s farewell.

Names of the winners were announced and the honourable mayor of Kolkata was invited as a chief guest to distribute prizes to the awardees. Finally, within a hearty ceremony of seniors’ farewell, the annual sports event came to an end. 

Example 5 [Newspaper Report]


February 3; Muralidhar Girls’ High School: Like all other years annual sports day was organized in the Muralidhar Girls’ High School. February 2nd was chosen as the day of annual sports.

This year the annual sports day was to take place in the Eden Gardens area. But due to some circumstantial issues the venue was shifted to Bidhannagar Central Park.

That’s why no stage could be constructed in a short period of time. On the sports day, February 2nd, the headmistress explained the whole issue to all the teachers and guardians.

The speech of the headmistress was followed by the opening of the sports ceremony. Common simple games like musical chair, 100-meter racing, a singing competition etc. took place. After that at about 2:30 in the afternoon when all games ended, fruits and cakes were distributed among all the students.

An all-time security guard was present to ensure the security of the students. At around 3 pm names of the winners were announced and awards were distributed.

The topper was honoured with a medal and the runner was awarded a beautiful school trophy. At the very end, the honourable headmistress promised the next annual sports event to be much more joyous and well organised.

Example 6 [Newspaper Paper]


January 18; City People’s Institution: A very unfortunate event occurred during the annual sports day of City People’s Institution. Like all other years, an annual sports event was organized by the reputed school of Kolkata.

The date was fixed for the 17th of January and the Kolkata Maidan was declared the venue of the sports ceremony. As per the school’s instruction, all the students were present on the school premises on or before 9 am.

From there ten buses were arranged to reach the venue. All arrangements like constructing the stage, and preparing the field for the annual sports day were already done in maidan by the sports management authority of the school.

The buses left the school at around 9:30 in the morning carrying 548 students and 43 teachers. They reached the venue at around 10:15 according to a senior official of the school.

Reaching there, the headmaster delivered his short speech explaining the whole day’s agenda and competitions. According to that official, the first game, 200 meters racing was about to start.

Then suddenly the chief sports instructor of the school felt unwell and eventually collapsed on the field. He was immediately taken to the nearest hospital and admitted to ICU where he fell to death after a certain time. The family of the teacher was informed.

Doctors are considering a massive heart attack as the cause of death. This year the sports event was cancelled by the school at that time. All the teachers and students returned shocked and with empty hearts. 

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Essay on Annual Sports Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on Annual Sports Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Annual Sports Day


Annual Sports Day is a vibrant event in the school calendar, filled with joy and excitement. It is a day when students exhibit their athletic prowess and competitive spirit.


The Sports Day is not just about races. It fosters team spirit, discipline, and respect for rules. It’s a chance for students to shine outside the classroom.

The day is packed with various events like relay races, high jump, and even fun games. Everyone eagerly awaits the final tug-of-war.

The Annual Sports Day, a thrilling event, ends with an award ceremony, leaving everyone with beautiful memories.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on Annual Sports Day
  • Paragraph on Annual Sports Day

250 Words Essay on Annual Sports Day

Annual Sports Day is a significant event in the academic calendar of every institution. It is a day dedicated to celebrating the spirit of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and physical fitness. This occasion is not just about winning or losing, but about fostering teamwork and encouraging a healthy lifestyle among students.

The Essence of Sports Day

The Annual Sports Day is a showcase of physical strength, agility, and endurance. It comprises various activities ranging from track and field events, team games to individual sports. It is an opportunity for students to display their athletic prowess and competitive spirit. However, the true essence of this day lies beyond the realm of competition. It is about learning to accept victory with humility and defeat with grace, thereby instilling a sense of sportsmanship in students.

The Impact on Student Life

The Annual Sports Day plays a crucial role in shaping the overall personality of students. It teaches them essential life skills such as discipline, leadership, and team spirit. It also provides a platform for students to step out of their academic routine and engage in physical activities, which is vital for their mental and physical well-being.

In conclusion, the Annual Sports Day is a celebration of the spirit of sports and athleticism. It is a day that brings students together, encourages healthy competition, and promotes physical fitness. It is a day that reminds us of the importance of sports in our lives and the valuable lessons it teaches us. Thus, it is a day of great significance in every student’s life.

500 Words Essay on Annual Sports Day

Every year, educational institutions around the world dedicate a day to celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship and athleticism. This day, known as the Annual Sports Day, is not merely a day for games and sports, but a platform for students to display their physical prowess, leadership skills, and teamwork. It is a day where the routine academic schedule gives way to an exciting and electrifying environment filled with cheers and encouragement.

The Significance of Annual Sports Day

The Annual Sports Day holds a special place in the academic calendar. It is not just about running races or winning medals, but about fostering a culture of physical fitness and mental agility among students. In an age where technology has made lives sedentary, such events inspire students to stay active and fit. Moreover, it teaches them the importance of sports and games in life, which is a crucial aspect of holistic education.

Preparation and Training

Weeks before the Sports Day, the campus buzzes with the energy of preparation. Students are divided into different houses and start practicing for various events under the guidance of their coaches. This period of training is not only about physical conditioning but also about developing discipline, endurance, and team spirit. Each participant learns to balance their academic responsibilities with their training schedules, thereby learning the art of time management.

The Day of the Event

The Sports Day begins with a grand inaugural ceremony, often graced by a distinguished guest. The march past by the students, holding their house flags high, sets the tone for the day. The oath-taking ceremony instills in them a sense of fair play and sportsmanship.

The day is filled with a variety of events, from track and field competitions to team games and relay races. The air is filled with cheers and applause as students compete with determination and vigor. The sight of students giving their best, irrespective of victory or defeat, is a testament to their character and resilience.

Conclusion: Beyond the Sports Field

The Annual Sports Day is a reflection of the life that awaits students beyond the confines of the classroom. It teaches them to handle both success and failure with grace, to work as a team, and to respect their opponents. The lessons learned on the sports field are invaluable and often translate into life skills.

In conclusion, the Annual Sports Day is not just an event but a celebration of the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie. It serves as a reminder that education is not just about academics but also about developing a well-rounded personality. As students step into the world, the memories of this day and the lessons it imparts, remain with them, guiding them in their journey ahead.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Annual Function
  • Essay on Annual Day Celebration
  • Essay on Our National Animal

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay on annual day celebration of your school


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  24. Essay on Annual Sports Day

    In conclusion, the Annual Sports Day is a celebration of the spirit of sports and athleticism. It is a day that brings students together, encourages healthy competition, and promotes physical fitness. It is a day that reminds us of the importance of sports in our lives and the valuable lessons it teaches us.