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Describe your favorite movie essay

Describe your favorite movie essay 3 models

Last updated Saturday , 16-03-2024 on 09:58 am

Describe your favorite movie essay , that shows the quality of the favorite films that young people love and accept their views frequently, what are the reasons for their love and preference for these films, and whether they are present it in cinemas with friends or with your family members or your own.

Describe your favorite movie essay 

I am a student in stage ……. I love watching movies so I go to the cinema every week and it is the weekend, and my favorite film which I enjoy when I watch it is Science fiction film, because science fiction films develop a person’s thinking, and I usually like to go to the movies with my friends.

While my sister’s favorite film is romantic, she likes romantic films that talk about emotional problems. My sister loves these films because she knows many of the problems of teenagers and how to deal with these problems and identify the correct ways to solve emotional problems.

My mother’s favorite film is the social film. She likes to watch social films because these films present special problems for the family and the relationship of the husband to his wife, as well as the father’s relationship with the sons and the relationship of the children with each other, and also the problems of adolescents and the role of both the family and the school in solving these problems Related to drug use, and other things that harm the health and psychological health of young people.

My father’s favorite film is the historical film. My father loves historical films because we know the important historical events of previous years and the effects of these events on humanity, especially films dealing with wars such as World War I and World War II.

My favorite movie essay

Undoubtedly, there are many of my favorite famous films that are shown a lot on the cinema screen or on TV. But there is only one movie shown every year on New Year’s Eve that is beloved by all of us and we cannot get bored of it and it is Home alone.

This wonderful film describes a naughty child who has many naughty sisters, due to pressure and lack of attention from the mother, who forgets him alone at home and faces thieves and dangers in a funny, intelligent and planning way.

Since my childhood, this film represents a lot to me, whether from the comedic aspect or the intellectual aspect and the development of intelligence.

I found the story completely intricate and a wonderful performance by all the heroes, a creative portrayal that brings you into the atmosphere and makes you feel all the funny, sad and terrifying feelings.

I can say that this is my favorite movie that always makes me fall in love with it and I never get tired of watching it.

Describe your favourite movie essay

My favorite movie is Brave Heart, starring the great Mel Gibson. It was filmed in the nineties, but it is constantly shown on TV. I love this great work very much, there are many wonderful things in it such as, love, sincerity, trust, treachery, dream, sacrifice, ambition and planning.

The film presents many aspects of the qualities that exist in life, whether for the period contemporaneous with the events of the film, or to this day with different titles, names and jobs.

I liked the ending very much and found it realistic and did not have a wide imagination that underestimated the mind of the viewer.

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Essay on Favorite Movie

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favorite Movie in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Favorite Movie


My favorite movie is “Toy Story”. It is an animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios.

The story revolves around a group of toys that come to life when humans are not around. Their leader is a cowboy doll named Woody.

Other notable characters include Buzz Lightyear, a space ranger action figure, and Bo Peep, a porcelain shepherdess doll.

Why I Love It

What makes “Toy Story” my favorite is its unique plot, colorful animation, and the valuable lessons it imparts about friendship and loyalty.

250 Words Essay on Favorite Movie

Every individual has a favorite movie that they cherish, one that resonates with their emotions and intellectual curiosity. My favorite movie is “Inception,” directed by Christopher Nolan. This film is a perfect blend of science fiction and psychological thriller, offering a deep exploration of the human mind.

Plot and Characters

“Inception” revolves around a character named Dom Cobb, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Cobb is a thief who infiltrates people’s dreams to steal their secrets. The plot thickens when he’s given a task not to extract, but to implant an idea into someone’s mind, a process known as ‘Inception.’ The ensemble cast, including Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, each bring unique depth to their characters.

Symbolism and Themes

The movie delves into themes of reality, perception, and subconscious mind, challenging traditional narrative structures. The spinning top, a recurring symbol in the film, represents Cobb’s struggle to distinguish reality from dreams, adding a layer of complexity and intrigue.

Impact and Conclusion

“Inception” is not merely a movie, but an intellectual journey. It provokes thoughts about our perception of reality and the power of our subconscious mind. The movie’s ending, which leaves the audience questioning whether Cobb is in a dream or reality, amplifies its thought-provoking nature. This ambiguity and the film’s intricate exploration of complex themes make “Inception” my favorite movie. It serves as a testament to the power of cinema to not only entertain but also to stimulate intellectual and philosophical discourse.

500 Words Essay on Favorite Movie

Introduction: the power of cinema.

Movies have a profound impact on our lives, shaping our perceptions, emotions, and understanding of the world. Among the multitude of films I have encountered, one stands out as my favorite: Christopher Nolan’s “Inception.”

Exploring Complex Themes

What sets “Inception” apart from other movies is its exploration of complex themes. The movie delves into the intricacies of the human mind, dreams, and the nature of reality itself. It presents a world where technology allows individuals to infiltrate dreams and manipulate them. This premise raises intriguing questions about the boundaries between reality and illusion, and the moral implications of tampering with human consciousness.

Masterful Storytelling

Nolan’s storytelling in “Inception” is nothing short of masterful. The narrative is intricately woven, with multiple layers of dreams within dreams. This complexity keeps the audience engaged and guessing, resulting in an intellectually stimulating experience. The plot twists are cleverly executed, ensuring that viewers remain on the edge of their seats throughout the film.

Character Development

“Inception” also excels in its character development. Each character is well-rounded, with their motivations, strengths, and weaknesses clearly depicted. The protagonist, Dom Cobb, is particularly compelling. His struggle to distinguish reality from dreams, coupled with his desire to reunite with his children, adds a poignant emotional depth to the movie.

Visual Effects and Cinematography

The movie’s visual effects and cinematography are groundbreaking. The dream sequences are visually stunning, with gravity-defying scenes and landscapes that bend and fold in impossible ways. These surreal visuals not only serve to captivate the audience but also reinforce the film’s exploration of the fluidity of reality within dreams.

Soundtrack and Score

The soundtrack, composed by Hans Zimmer, is another noteworthy aspect of “Inception.” It perfectly complements the film’s narrative and emotional beats. The iconic score, “Time,” encapsulates the movie’s themes of loss, longing, and the relentless march of time.

Conclusion: The Impact of “Inception”

“Inception” is a testament to the power of cinema to challenge, engage, and move audiences. It pushes the boundaries of conventional storytelling, explores profound themes, and offers a feast for the senses with its stunning visuals and score. It is not merely a film to be watched, but an experience to be savored, analyzed, and remembered. This is why “Inception” holds the coveted position of being my favorite movie.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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How to write an essay on your favorite movie.

The question; how to write an essay on your favorite movie is one that film fans and cinephiles have asked for decades. But, is it even possible to create a well-written, meaningful essay about something as subjective as personal taste in cinema?

The answer to this question is, of course, a big yes. One thing you shouldn’t overlook, though, is that it can take a lot of time, plenty of effort, and lots of practice. And if you do not have all the time, your best bet could be to seek university assignment help .

Tips for Writing Essay on Favorite Movie

To help you get started on this all-important assignment, we’ve put together a few tips that really should make the process more manageable and fun. Here are six tips for writing the best essay on your favorite movie!

I. Choose a movie that you really enjoy and can talk about in detail

When it comes to choosing a movie to write about, it’s important to select a film that you’re truly passionate about. A film you’ve seen multiple times and can quote lines from is a great choice. You will find it easy writing about the film in detail and engage the reader in your essay. Keep in mind that it will be difficult to write a convincing and engaging essay if you’re not interested in the subject matter. So choose a movie that you really enjoy and can talk about at length for the best results.

II. Watch the movie again, taking note of the movie’s plot, the characters, and setting

Before writing anything, it’s important that you take a close look at the film you’ve chosen. This means watching it again, but this time with a critical eye. Pay attention to the story, the characters, and the film’s overall setting. Think about how these elements come together to create a cohesive whole. What themes are explored in the movie? What is it that the movie director was trying to communicate with their selections? By taking the time to analyze the film in this way, you’ll be able to develop a more nuanced understanding of it which will come in handy when you start writing your essay.

III. Write down your thoughts on the movie

After you’ve watched the movie a second time and taken some notes, it’s time to start brainstorming your thoughts on the film. Take note of the things liked about the movie? Also take note of the things you didn’t you like about the movie? Not to forget, ask yourself, what themes resonated with you? How did the cinematography and writing/directing choices affect your experience watching the movie? These will help you form a solid opinion of the film.

IV. Discuss the themes of the movie and how they resonate with you

We asked top assignment writers at Essay Geeks , what is their secret of writing top essays about their favorite movies. The answer was simple; you discuss the themes that the movie explores. What topics does the film tackle? How does it approach these topics? How do the themes resonate with you on a personal level? These are the sorts of questions that you’ll need to answer in your essay.

V. Analyze the cinematography and writing/directing choices made by the filmmakers

You want to be sure to not only discuss the themes of the film but also analyze how the filmmakers approached these themes. What decisions did filmmakers settle on in terms of cinematography and writing/directing? How did these choices affect your experience of watching the movie? Did they enhance or detract from your enjoyment of the film? These questions will help you to get at the bottom of what exactly the filmmakers were aiming at achieving with their choices.

VI. Offer your own interpretation of the film’s message or story

What did you make of the ending? Do you think the film was successful in conveying its intended message? What sort of emotions did the film evoke in you? Did it make you think about the world in a different way? By offering your own interpretation, you’ll be able to add your own unique voice to the essay.

2 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing About Your Favorite Movie

Writing about your favorite movie can be a fun and rewarding experience. However, there are a few mistakes that you’ll want to avoid if you want the essay to be as good as it can be. Here are two of them;

Regurgitating the plot

When you’re writing about your favorite movie, it’s important to resist the urge to simply regurgitate the plot. While it’s important to give a brief overview of what the film is about, your essay should go beyond just summarizing the story. Instead, focus on discussing the themes of the film and how these themes resonate with you.

Don’t forget to proofread

Once you’re done writing your essay, do not forget to take the time to go through it again. This can help you catch sloppy grammatical or spelling errors that could detract from your essay. In addition, proofreading will also allow you to catch any choppy sentences or awkward phrasing. By taking the time to proofread your essay, you’ll be able to make sure that it is as polished and well-written as possible.

Closing Thoughts

Writing an essay about your favorite movie really shouldn’t be too difficult. Just be sure to take your time to understand the film, brainstorm your thoughts, and proofread your essay before submitting it.

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Essays About Cinema: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Are you writing an essay on cinema? Check out our round-up of great examples of essays about cinema and creative prompts to stir up your thoughts on this art form.

Cinema is primarily referred to as films. With the power to transport people to different worlds and cultures, cinema can be an evocative medium to tell stories, shape beliefs, and seed new ideas. Cinema can also refer to the production process of films or even film theaters.

If you’re writing an essay about cinema, our inspiring essay examples and prompts below can help you find the best way to express your thoughts on this art form:  

Best 5 Essay Examples

1. french cinema is more than just entertainment by jonathan romney, 2. “nope” is one of the greatest movies about moviemaking by richard brody, 3. the wolf of wall street and the new cinema of excesses by izzy black, 4. how spirited away changed animation forever by kat moon, 5. from script to screen: what role for intellectual property by cathy jewell, 1. the history of cinema, 2. analysis of my favorite movie, 3. the impact of cinema on life, 4. the technological evolution of cinema, 5. cinema and piracy, 6. how to make a short film, 7. movies vs. film vs. cinema, 8. movie theaters during the pandemic, 9. film festivals, 10. the effect of music on mood.

“In France, cinema is taken seriously, traditionally considered an art rather than merely a form of entertainment or an industrial product. In that spirit, and in the name of ‘cultural exception,’ the French state has long supported home-grown cinema as both art and business.”

The culture of creating and consuming cinema is at the heart of French culture. The essay gives an overview of how the French give premium to cinema as a tool for economic and cultural progress, inspiring other countries to learn from the French in maintaining and elevating the global prestige of their film industry.

“‘Nope’ is one of the great movies about moviemaking, about the moral and spiritual implications of cinematic representation itself—especially the representation of people at the center of American society who are treated as its outsiders.”

The essay summarizes “Nope,” a sci-fi horror released in 2022. It closely inspects its action, technology play, and dramatic point-of-view shots while carefully avoiding spoilers. But beyond the cinematic technicalities, the movie also captures Black Americans’ experience of exploitation in the movie’s set period. 

“These films opt to imaginatively present the psychology of ideology rather than funnel in a more deceptive ideology through moralizing. The hope, then, perhaps, that indulging in the sin that we might better come to terms with the animal of capitalism and learn something of value from it. Which is to say, there is a moral end to at all.” 

This essay zooms into various movies of excess in recent times and compares them against those in the ‘60s when the style in the cinema first rose. She finds that current films of excess do not punish their undiscerning heroes in the end. While this has been interpreted as glorifying the excess, Black sees this as our way to learn.

Check out these essays about heroes and essays about college .

“Spirited Away shattered preconceived notions about the art form and also proved that, as a film created in Japanese with elements of Japanese folklore central to its core, it could resonate deeply with audiences around the world.”

Spirited Away is a hand-drawn animation that not only put Japanese cinema on the map but also changed the animation landscape forever. The film bent norms that allowed it to break beyond its target demographics and redefine animation’s aesthetic impact. The Times essay looks back on the film’s historic journey toward sweeping nominations and awards on a global stage long dominated by Western cinema. 

“[IP rights] help producers attract the funds needed to get a film project off the ground; enable directors, screenwriters and actors, as well as the many artists and technicians who work behind the scenes, to earn a living; and spur the technological innovations that push the boundaries of creativity and make the seemingly impossible, possible.”

Protecting intellectual property rights in cinema has a significant but often overlooked role in helping make or break the success of a film. In this essay, the author identifies the film-making stages where contracts on intellectual property terms are created and offers best practices to preserve ownership over creative works throughout the film-making process.

10 Exciting Writing Prompts

See below our writing prompts to encourage great ideas for your essay:

In this essay, you can write about the beginnings of cinema or pick a certain period in the evolution of film. Then, look into the defining styles that made them have an indelible mark in cinema history. But to create more than just an informational essay, try to incorporate your reflections by comparing the experience of watching movies today to your chosen cinema period.

Pick your favorite movie and analyze its theme and main ideas. First, provide a one-paragraph summary. Then, pick out the best scenes and symbolisms that you think poignantly relayed the movie’s theme and message. To inspire your critical thinking and analysis of movies, you may turn to the essays of renowned film critics such as André Bazin and Roger Ebert . 

Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cinema. You can cite research and real-life events that show the benefits and risks of consuming or producing certain types of films. For example, cinematic works such as documentaries on the environment can inspire action to protect Mother Nature. Meanwhile, film violence can be dangerous, especially when exposed to children without parental guidance.

Walk down memory lane of the 100 years of cinema and reflect on each defining era. Like any field, the transformation of cinema is also inextricably linked to the emergence of groundbreaking innovations, such as the kinetoscope that paved the way for short silent movies and the technicolor process that allowed the transition from black and white to colored films. Finally, you can add the future innovations anticipated to revolutionize cinema. 

Content piracy is the illegal streaming, uploading, and selling of copyrighted content. First, research on what technologies are propelling piracy and what are piracy’s implications to the film industry, the larger creative community, and the economy. Then, cite existing anti-piracy efforts of your government and several film organizations such as the Motion Picture Association . Finally, offer your take on piracy, whether you are for or against it, and explain. 

Essays About Cinema: How to make a short film

A short film is a great work and a starting point for budding and aspiring movie directors to venture into cinema. First, plot the critical stages a film director will undertake to produce a short film, such as writing the plot, choosing a cast, marketing the film, and so on. Then, gather essential tips from interviews with directors of award-winning short films, especially on budgeting, given the limited resource of short film projects. 

Beyond their linguistic differences, could the terms movie, film, and cinema have differences as jargon in the film-making world? Elaborate on the differences between these three terms and what movie experts think. For example, Martin Scorsese doesn’t consider the film franchise Avengers as cinema. Explain what such differentiation means. 

Theaters were among the first and worst hit during the outbreak of COVID-19 as they were forced to shut down. In your essay, dig deeper into the challenges that followed their closure, such as movie consumers’ exodus to streaming services that threatened to end cinemas. Then, write about new strategies movie theater operators had to take to survive the pandemic. Finally, write an outlook on the possible fate of movie theaters by using research studies and personally weighing the pros and cons of watching movies at home.

Film Festivals greatly support the film industry, expand national wealth, and strengthen cultural pride. For this prompt, write about how film festivals encouraged the rise of specific genres and enabled the discovery of unique films and a fresh set of filmmakers to usher in a new trend in cinema.

First, elaborate on how music can intensify the mood in movies. Then, use case examples of how music, especially distinct ones, can bring greater value to a film. For example, superhero and fantasy movies’ intro music allows more excellent recall. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers . 

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

my favorite movie descriptive essay

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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Essay On My Favorite Movie

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Example of an essay on "my favorite movie"

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One of my favorite movies is The Shawshank Redemption. This classic prison drama tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a man wrongfully convicted of killing his wife and her lover. Through his strength, resilience, and unyielding hope, he survives two decades of prison life and eventually finds freedom. The Shawshank Redemption resonates with me on a deep level. It is a story of never giving up, no matter how dire the circumstances. It also speaks to the importance of friendship and humanity, and how we’re not alone in our struggles. In many ways, it is an uplifting reminder that justice can be served and that good can triumph over evil. One of the highlights of this movie is the fine acting. Although the lead actors–Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman–are standouts, each of the other cast members add their own special touch to their respective roles. Even the smallest role–the prison guard that eats a candy bar while ignoring the prisoners–has an importance since he symbolizes the rampant corruption within the prison system.I often watch The Shawshank Redemption because it reminds me to never lose hope. I’ve never felt a film more deeply. It’s an inspiring story of redemption and friendship, and it will remain one of my favorites for many years to come.

My favorite movie is Avengers: Endgame. The movie depicts the aftermath of Thanos’ snap and the Avengers’ quest to reverse the damage. I love the movie for its action-packed scenes, emotional storytelling, and the closure it gives to the 22-movie arc of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The movie features incredible performances from Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and the rest of the cast. The climax of the movie is one of the most epic scenes in cinema history, as it brings together all the heroes to fight Thanos’ army. Overall, Avengers: Endgame is a masterpiece that I can watch over and over again.

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How to Write an Essay About Favorite Movie

Everard Digby Avatar

Do you have a favorite movie? Most people do. In this blog post, I will teach you how to write an essay about your favorite movie. It’s no secret that many students dread writing essays. But what if your favorite movie could provide inspiration and help make the process a little less painful?

The first step is to make up a thesis statement. A great platform https://essaywritinghelp.pro/thesis-writing-service/ can help you with this, it is designed specifically for essay assignment help for students. Once you have your thesis statement, you need to come up with three pieces of evidence to support your position. Each piece of evidence should be one paragraph long. The final step is to write a conclusion paragraph in which you restate your thesis and sum up your points.

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Analyzing the film critically

While writing an essay about your favorite movie, it is important to analyze it critically. It will give your readers a more detailed understanding of the film’s theme and characters. It will also include specific examples of what you liked and disliked about the movie. You can also include details on the director, cinematographer, and other key players in the film.

The director plays a major role in bringing ideas to life and ensuring that the story is believable. You should analyze the director’s style to better understand his or her filmmaking techniques. Another significant element to analyze is the casting of the actors. Great actors can bring the story to life. So, evaluate their actions and how it fits into the movie’s theme.

When writing a movie analysis, it is essential to watch the film several times to fully understand its themes. In case you have a favorite movie but don’t have time to write an essay about it, you can consider purchasing from the best essay writing service . In a short time, you can get a superbly completed assignment from an essay writer from this platform. This will also allow you to focus on different aspects of the movie, which is necessary for a thorough analysis. In addition, you should take notes while watching the movie.

When writing an essay about your favorite movie, it’s important to examine the film from a critical perspective. To do this, you need to analyze the visual elements of the movie such as props and costumes, lighting, camera angles, and the placement of characters and scenes. You should also use specific terminology when analyzing the movie, as this will help to build credibility with your reader.

Before you start writing your movie review, it is important to get feedback from people you trust. You can ask a writing coach, a roommate, or a family member to read your draft. They will help you develop your writing skills and provide helpful feedback. However, the most important thing to remember while writing a movie review is to be objective and report the central ideas of the movie. Avoid personal reactions and cliches.

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Contextual analysis

When writing an essay about a favorite movie, you can use a variety of different techniques. One of these is contextual analysis, which involves looking at a film within its larger cultural context. This includes the time and place of creation, as well as social issues and characters that shape the film. You can also consider factors such as the director’s career and style of directing.

You can start by determining what you want to analyze in your essay. For example, do you want to focus on the characters in the film? Or, do you want to discuss the theme of the movie? It’s important to know how the film fits into its historical and social context. For example, if the film was made during a time when racial profiling was common, you can write about that in your essay.


If you want to make your essay more meaningful, consider the context of the film itself. A film is always a product of its context. You can explore this by asking questions about how it represents different types of relationships. For example, a film could be about a culture or the political climate of a country during the time when it was shot.

Another way to analyze a movie is by using the concepts of semiotic analysis. In this type of analysis, you explain the signs and factors that are found in a film. However, most students struggle with this task. They might not understand the prompts or are unaware of how to structure their content. They may also not understand the circumstances under which they must write a film analysis.

The best way to analyze a movie is to include both general and specific aspects. For instance, you might discuss the cinematography and other visual elements. For a film analysis, you may also want to talk about the themes, characters, or feelings the movie evokes. This will allow you to create an essay that can be used to explain a film.

Steps to take

There are several steps to take when writing an essay about a favorite movie. First, make sure you know the basic information about the film. Then, you can begin discussing the main characters in the movie. Don’t just summarize the plot; discuss the themes of the film.

Each piece of evidence should be one paragraph long. The final step is to write a conclusion paragraph in which you restate your thesis and sum up your points. In order not to make mistakes at the beginning of writing your paper, you can ask for help from  domyessay reviews , who are professionals in their field and will help you in all your requests.

Analyzing a movie requires that you look closely at it. You should think critically about its characters, the overall setting, themes, and the choices made by the movie director. This will give you a more complete understanding of the film. In addition to examining the film’s characters, you should also consider the movie’s director’s attitude, as well as his or her work.

Lastly, remember to use good argumentation. You can do this by using the great five Ws. If the professor hasn’t seen the film, make sure to answer his or her questions accordingly. You can also discuss your opinion on the film, its structure, and style. Remember to support your arguments with citations from the movie and from other movies that are similar to yours.

Once you’ve chosen a great movie, follow the right essay format. Focus on different aspects of the film to create an insightful and compelling analysis. Your essay should be free of clichés and should include a comparison of some kind. Avoid endless emotional moments and explanations.

An effective movie analysis essay should challenge the reader. It should raise questions for further discussion. Ensure that the essay contains all the elements and is proofread properly. A well-written movie review should be well-organized, but it must also be free of errors. Incorrect details can affect the quality of the essay and affect its submission.

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How to Write an Essay on My Favourite Movie

April 29, 2020 David Nusair Misc 0

my favorite movie descriptive essay

When you receive such an assignment, you most probably think that it is the most straightforward task ever, and you will deal with it in an hour or two. Stop right here and erase that thought from your brain, because nothing can be farther from the truth. It is a demanding task, though it can be more engaging than others. Professors know that this assignment seems very simple for students and wait for many to come up with some mediocre essays. With these tips shared by essay experts from WriteMyPaperHub.com who professionally write papers for students, you will be able to surprise your professor.

Watch the movie at least twice

Even if you know it by heart, you need to watch it in a different role now. You are a critic, and you should notice the plot switches, operator’s work, etc., which you normally don’t do when just watching a movie you like. That is why, actually, it is easier to write and analyze the movie you don’t like that much. Watching the second time, make notes, they will be very helpful later.

Start with a hook phrase

“It is my favorite movie” is not a hook phrase; it is a bore. You need to come up with something better if you want your audience to keep reading enthusiastically. Of course, you may argue that your only audience, in this case, is your professor, but it is a good idea not to bore him or her either.

Give brief information about the plot, but don’t go into details

Your task is not to retell the entire movie. You just need to give a general understanding of the plot and plot twists, so the reader can understand the movie’s idea in general. If you go in too many details, it will be a movie’s summary, not review or analysis. Focus on the plot twists that really move the story forward, not the ones you find the most amusing.

Talk about the favorite characters

Again, “I like this character because he is my favorite actor and is very cute in this role” is not an assessment you should add to your academic essay. We believe you wouldn’t, but, unfortunately, many students still do. Describe the characters in terms of their dilemmas, choices, and development. The development of characters along the plot is especially important.

Talk about the context

Every movie is created in social, cultural, political, and many other contexts. Analyzing those contexts and making conclusions about their influence will make your essay look much more professional. Even if you are writing about some silly comedy, you can find some social-cultural jokes, jargon inherent to a particular social group, mentioned political events, etc.

Talk about operators work

It is an important part of any movie. It is not surprising that Oscar for operators work is one of the most valuable ones according to the Academy’s opinion. One of the best examples of stellar operator’s work in recent years is a serial movie Euphoria. Check on it, if you have not seen it yet. Even two episodes can give an understanding of what really cool operators work with it.

Make comparisons with other movies of the same director/screenwriter

Comparisons save essays. If you don’t know what to write about, and you still have several hundreds of words to fill, just start comparing your movie with everything. Compare it with other works of the same director, screenwriter, operator. Compare it to the movies of the same genre. Compare it with the movies of the difference genre, but with a similar set of characters.

Talk about the emotional component

Warning! This part should be really short. You should not burden readers with endless emotional explanations on how the movie changes the world, or how it makes you laugh or cry 20 times per hour. However, it is a good idea to mention several moments that play with emotions and show how, in your opinion, those moments are created.

Talk about the flaws

You cannot write a good review without mentioning some drawbacks. It is not a recommendation to a friend. Find several flaws from different areas — actor’s work, plot twist, etc. and describe it without judging. Remember, you are not a real critic with years of experience, so don’t be a snob.

Don’t forget about grammar check and formatting

No matter how interesting your essay is, if it is poorly formatted or has many grammar and style mistakes, you will fail. Don’t forget about proofreading and read your paper several times before submitting it.

Just follow these tips one after another, and you will come up with a quality paper on time. Don’t mistake this assignment for an easy one; take it seriously. It is a good chance to impress your professor.

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My Favorite Movie: Titanic (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


What’s your favorite film? Writing an essay on a movie that made an impact on your heart is a fun and memorable experience. It is a time of revisiting your emotional journey through a narrative that resonated with you.

This essay outlines one’s favorite film, which happens to be Titanic. It contains a summary of the author’s highlights of his immersive experience with the movie.

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My Favorite Movie: Titanic

Titanic will always be my favorite movie, not only because of the historical relevance of the movie’s storyline. The scenery featured in the movie and the assertiveness and brilliance of the actors makes the movie stand head and shoulder above all others.

Man with a Bowl of Popcorn Watching TV at Home

A 1997 hit, Titanic emotionally unveils the bittersweet story of two teenagers who encounter each other on a ship and are instantly smitten. Jack Dawson (Leonardo di Caprio) and Rose Bukater (Kate Winslet), while on the RMS Titanic on its maiden voyage from the coast of England to the United States, fall in love at first sight, despite their different social classes. Dawson, a young and talented artist from a poor background, and Rose, a young woman married to a wealthy but cruel older man who she does not love, have an intense whirlwind affair on the ship.

Directed by filmmaker James Cameron, Titanic reveals the nature of you-and-me-against-the-world relationships that exist in society, which continue to be mirrored in this day and age. While still frowned upon by more traditional segments of society today, a teenage girl from a wealthy family can get married to a poor boy from a humble background,  as long as the two are in love.

Why Titanic is The Ultimate Love Story

Apart from the power of love thriving and surviving in every situation as a dominant theme, Titanic reminds us that we can find love anywhere regardless of the prevailing situation.

A particularly poignant scene shows Rose about to jump off the back of the ship into the cold ocean water when Jack tells her, “I’ll be right after you.” He was ready to jump into the water to save her.  Another favorite moment of mine is when the ship’s crew’s attention is drawn to Jack and Rose as they make love on the ship’s deck, just as the ship hits an iceberg.

The death of 1500 out of 2200 people on board and the frantic effort to save some of the passengers add to the tragic beauty of the story. It was a heartbreaking backdrop to Jack trying to save his lover as the bitter-cold ocean water sweeps onto the deck, flinging many passengers out into the sea. Despite many people opposing their romance, most notably Rose’s mother, their courage to face the odds reinforces the theme of timeless and bold love.

Little details in the film’s cinematography make the story more compelling. The dance of the dolphins rhythmically aligns itself to the movement of the ship, the warmth of the glorious sunshine greeting the faces of excited travelers, and a masterful soundtrack create a glorious backdrop to a tale worth telling.

Few movies inspire as much emotion as Titanic. It definitely stands out for its combination of intelligent elements and perfect acting. The main actors bring out the message of the movie clearly, and they thoughtfully and sensitively embody the situation and life of the twentieth century as well as the modern times.

Finally, I love how Celine Dion interpreted the theme song, “My Heart Will Go On.” It achingly reflects the journey of the star-crossed lovers, and the resolve to move forward with life to do that love justice even when their time together has ended. The hopeful lyrics, penned by Will Jennings, are so well-written.

The 1997 movie Titanic remains to be my all-time favorite movie. Every aspect of the movie,  from casting to scene selection, is done flawlessly and the themes are woven into every scene clearly and perfectly.

Titanic Essay In 200 Words

No other Hollywood-made love story hits me just as much as that of Jack Dawson and Rose Bukator in the award-winning picture Titanic. I simply could not get through the whole movie without a box of tissues and a glass of wine.

The journey of these two characters and their evolution as lovers are beautiful to watch. Though hailing from opposite social classes, being stuck together on a ship caused them to see past their differences and fall head-over-heels in love.

Director James Cameron’s guidance of Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio is commendable. Although the two actors are already brilliant and have good Hollywood track records to begin with, his oversight really helped them bring out the essence of the main characters. Billy Zane deserves recognition as well, as he played a villain with a believable motivation.

Though only Rose survived at the very end, I was satisfied with the way that Titanic ended. It had its own take on a heartbreaking but hopeful ending. It made me look back on the couple’s best moments together on the ship, but also wish Rose well on a new chapter of her journey without Jack.

What about you? What’s your favorite movie?

How To Start A Talk About Your Favorite Film?

Talking about something that has made such an incredible mark on your life should not be so difficult. It should, as a matter of fact, come quite naturally to us. In writing about something from the silver screen that you found unforgettable, before reviewing the actual scenes and lines, it is good to always begin first with your “Why.” Why did I find this film so thrilling? What was it about the movie that I connected with so passionately? How did the experience of the artists enrich the characters? How did the cinematography provide an interesting background for the journey to unfold? How did I see the director’s influence on the acting and styling of the set? How does it compare to some of the films in my list of favorites?

How To Write A Reaction Paper About Titanic Movie?

In order to excellently pen a reaction paper about Titanic, you should first recall your very own reactions to the film, especially during your first time watching it. What were the raw emotions that you felt, whether positive or negative? What roused you and what bored you? What parts of it satisfied you and what scenes left you hanging? Identifying the key elements that provoked you to react is crucial in figuring out how you’re going to write that paper. It is a process of you thoughtfully dissecting Titanic and pointing out the areas that you liked and didn’t like.

my favorite movie descriptive essay

Study Paragraphs

Essay On Harry Potter – My Favorite Movie

Harry Potter is a beloved film series that has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. This essay explores the reasons why Harry Potter is my favorite movie, including its magical story line, dynamic characters, and timeless themes of love, friendship, and bravery.

My Favorite Movie Harry Potter –  The Magic of Harry Potter


Harry Potter is a film series that has become a cultural phenomenon, captivating audiences of all ages with its magical story line, dynamic characters, and timeless themes. As a fan of the series, I have come to appreciate the many reasons why Harry Potter is my favorite movie.

The Magical Story line

At the heart of the Harry Potter series is a magical story line that takes viewers on an unforgettable journey through the wizarding world. From the opening scene of Harry’s arrival at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to the final battle against Voldemort, each movie in the series is filled with thrilling adventure, mystery, and wonder.

Dynamic Characters

One of the things that makes the Harry Potter series so memorable is its cast of dynamic and lovable characters. From Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione to the complex and fascinating villains like Voldemort and Snape, each character in the series is unique and brings something special to the story.

Timeless Themes

The Harry Potter series is more than just a story about magic and wizardry. It is a story about love, friendship , and bravery in the face of adversity. Throughout the series, we see the characters grow and develop as they face challenges and obstacles, and learn important lessons about the power of love, loyalty, and self-sacrifice.

In conclusion, the Harry Potter series is my favorite movie for many reasons. Its magical storyline, dynamic characters, and timeless themes make it a movie that can be enjoyed by viewers of all ages. The series has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide and will continue to do so for generations to come. As a fan of the series, I am grateful for the joy and wonder it has brought into my life.

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Some are born great; some achieve greatness; some have greatness thrust upon them. As for Dimple Kapadia, my favorite actress, the later two parts of the sentence hold good. The director of movie Bobby, Raj Kapoor, drew magic out of her. The movie was popular beyond expectations and those who saw the movie not once, twice but dozens of times just to enjoy the role of Dimple Kapadia as Bobby are not in dozens, but in thousands. Through this movie, she brought the essential dignity to the female character, and sent a convincing message, as for the rights and responsibilities of women in the Indian Society. Mind you, she was doing this role 4 decades ago and the social conditions prevailing then were entirely different as compared to the current times.

She has been hailed as the sensuous star, apart from her superb acting talents. Her sexuality was not exhibitionism of the naked body parts. It was appreciated and acceptable as it had nobility about it. She was in teens when she did the role of Bobby, but showed extraordinary maturity in ‘her dialogues.’ As a debutant, it was an outstanding effort. She acted without any strain; the scene to scene transformation was effortless. She was the daughter of a Christian fisherman and fell in love with the only son of a rich industrialist. The initiative was from the boy’s side first. Bikini had yet to enter the Hindi Films, and the scene in which she steps out of a swimming pool in the most revealing style, is unforgettable. Some of the dialogues have found a permanent place in Hindi script-writing. ‘Mujhse Dosti Karoge?’(Will you make friendship with me?)-the style in which the dialogue was delivered was both a challenge and unintended rebuke to the boy, Rishi Kapoor, who was taken aback at her boldness.

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She married Rajesh Khanna, another famous movie star of the time, but the marriage ended in divorce. Notwithstanding the temporary setback in her personal life, there was no stopping as for successful roles she did in many films. Some of the memorable roles are:

As the mother of two kids, she did her comeback film Sagar. She was remarkable again, the spectators won’t forget the scene in which her towel slips as she emerges from the waves and surf, and for a second one catches the glimpse of her bare breasts. Kamal Hasan was her hero in this movie. She was not the pony-tailed Bobby in this movie but her gorgeous auburn tresses were no less attractive. Then followed Mahesh Bhatt’s sensitive movie Kaash! She excelled in a non-glamorous role in Shanichari. She is a poor low-caste woman in this tale by Kalpana Lajmi. She had everything that made her life miserable in this movie. An alcoholic husband, a useless son, a prostitute for a daughter and a broken house in the Rajasthanai desert! She as ‘Rudali’ showed grit and great strength of character. Dil Chahta Hai, Leela, Pyar  Mein Twist, Zhakmi Aurat, Lekin are some of her other movies that brought her fame.

She is a great actress and a great human being. She established her place in the Bollywood with her sheer acting talents. Luck favors the brave and she had the element of luck with her, to be spotted by the Director like Raj Kapoor to chisel ‘Bobby’ out of the young girl, Dimple Kapadia. The rest is history.

Article: Dimple Kapadia: The sensuous star-India Buzz-Entertainment-The …The magic that director Raj Kapoor was able to create with Bobby has not been repeated timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1215746,prtpage-1.cms – 29k Retrieved on May 8, 2008.

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Essay on Titanic | My Favourite Movie

December 16, 2017 by Study Mentor 1 Comment

All of us love to watch movies. No matter it is Bollywood, Hollywood or Tollywood, every generation loves watching them. There are some movies which people watch again and again. They do not get bored of watching them no matter how many times they have watched it.

Some people watch the movie so many times because they must have liked the story or the emotion they are trying to show the audience. Some of the stories which are shown in the movie are real based, fictional, self creativity, history etc.

There are a few movies which are based on a real incident. Some of the movies which took inspiration from a real incident are Gandhi, Titanic, ABCD 2 (Any Body Can Dance), Final Destination, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, Mary Kom, No One Killed Jessica, Border, Attacks of 26/11 and many more movies.

The movie ABCD 2 is directed by Remo D’ Souza. He made this film getting inspired by the life of two boys Suresh and Vernon who represented India in World Hip Hop Dance Championship. Their life story has been shown in this movie. At present they are the head of Kings United and V Company respectively.

Similarly, there are a few movies which have been based on what happened years back and they still make people emotional. One such popular movie is Titanic.

This was directed by James Cameron and was released in 1997. This movie is based on a real incident in which the luxury ship hit an iceberg and sank in the year of 1912. The movie has won the hearts of many people. Till today people become emotional when they watch this movie and tears roll down their eyes.

Table of Contents

Summary of the Movie

The movie Titanic was released in the year 1997. It was directed and written by James Cameron. The main characters in this movie are Leonardo Di Caprio, Kate Winslet and Billy Zane.  In the movie Titanic, the old Rose is telling the story about the events whatever she remembers while she was on the ship.

This is a love story of Rose and Jack. This turned out to be a tragic one as Rose survived that day but Jack died after trying to save her. The old Rose tells about the events that took place when she was sailing on the ship. She recollects the events that took place when she was young.

She was travelling in the upper class of the ship and one fine day she met Jack Dawson. He was a poor man. He got the chance of sailing the ship by sampling winning a game in poker. He got the chance of sailing the ship by sampling winning a game in poker. Rose was troubled because of the problems in her life.

So, she decided to jump from the ledge. Jack saw her and saved from giving up her life. When he saved her, their eyes met with each other and at that immediate moment they fell in love with each other. But Rose was engaged to a rich man. His name was Caledon Hockley.

He was ignorant towards Rose. But still jack and Rose continued meeting each other. Rose’s mother did not like that Rose met Jack as he was a poor man. Her mother was just proud of herself as they were rich similar to Caledon. But this did not bother jack and Rose.

Anyhow they always managed to see each other. They spent many amazing moments with each other. One night Jack and Rose went to the lower levels of the ship. They were spending time with each other. Suddenly they saw an iceberg in front of the ship and they informed about it to others. But the ship hit the iceberg.

They could not stop from hitting it because below the sea the iceberg was actually big. This is how the ship started to sink after hitting the iceberg. Slowly water started to enter the ship. Everyone was asked to move towards the upper deck but when the condition became worse people started to choose other options to save the lives. So, first the women and children were being saved.

There were many smaller boats. They were shifted to those smaller boats. Meanwhile, when the condition was worse Rose could not find Jack. She went to look for Jack and found him handcuffed. He was handcuffed because of an evil plan by Caledon. By that time the ship sank more.

Most of the people in the lower deck could not move up and they were stuck there. Anyhow Jack and Rose managed to get to the upper deck. Rose was forced by Caledon to go to the smaller boat. But she was not ready to leave Jack and go. So she jumped back to the sinking ship.

When the ship sank fully, Rose was on a floating door and Jack was freezing in the cold water. But before someone came to help them Jack died and Rose survived.

Rose managed to be one of the survivors. While her fiancé was looking for her she did not go in front of him and managed to hide from him. She did not want to be with him anymore as she lost her true love. This movie keeps moving from present then to the past then future and again back to the same thing.

History of the Actual Incident

titanic essay

But they failed to do so. When the ship hit the iceberg with a bang the ship shook massively. Water started to enter the ship and slowly the ship was sinking into the sea. Meanwhile when this was going the passengers did not have any idea about the ship hitting the iceberg.

But they knew something was wrong. After some time everyone was rushing here and there to save their life. Some of them knew that the ship was going to sink. The crew members sent the news to other neighbouring ships to ask for help. Carpathia received their news and they were ready to help them.

But the condition became worse. By the time Carpathia would reach there would be more problems. So, without wasting any time people were shifted to the life boats. Many of them lost their lives. Only a few of them managed to survive this disaster.

Many people have different opinions about the sinking of the ship. They believe it would be better if the ship collided straight instead of turning the ship.

The effect would be less if the ship was not turned. It is also said that the crew members did not accept that reports from other ships that there would be an iceberg on the way. Their ignorance led to such a big disaster.

Similarities and Difference between the Movie and the Real Incident

There are many differences and similarities between the movie and the real incident that occurred in 1912. The stairs which are shown in the movie are wide. But in the incident they were not so wide. The wider stairs in the movie has been made for an easy shooting of the movie.

Moreover, the sinking of the ship in the movie is not the same way how it sank in reality. Some of the scenes which were shown in the movie did not happen in real. Like the love story of Jack and Rose. The paintings which are shown in the movie were present during the incident too.

But the life boats which save a few people did not have lights on them like the movie ones. Some of the characters in the movie are based on fiction but there were two characters in the movie who were there in the incident too.

Reader Interactions

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November 29, 2019 at 8:55 pm

I am very sad for rose as her 💓/ lover Drowning in water and she wait forever that he would came….😢😢😢. That’s true love , and present love is false, that’s fantastic movie, in one word for this real event ” fall in love as real love bitting two hearts together that’s beat can’t end any things…..”

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Essay On My Favourite Movie In English In 100, 150, 200 And 250 Words

Essay On My Favourite Movie :- Hello students, Today we teach you how to writer Short Essay On My Favourite Movie, Lots of times this essay asked in exam as movie review essay, essay film, film review essay, and my favourite movie essay. So, stay in this blog and note down in your copy.

Essay On My Favourite Movie

Short Essay On My Favourite Movie In 100, 150, 200 And 250 Words

Main points.

  • Theatre Where You Saw
  • Story , Music , Cast , Photography and Dialogues
  • Message of the Movie

Name :- The good Movies are action or comedy films, but the best films are action and comedy mixed together. That’s why the film “Taxi 2” is my favourite film. It’s a French film with action & comedy.

Theatre Where You Saw :- I saw it in PVR Cinemas last week with my friends. It was a birthday treat to one of my friends.

Story , Music , Cast , Photography and Dialogues :- The film takes place in Paris. Samy Naceri is playing the leading role as Daniel. Daniel is an illegal taxi driver because he hasn’t any driving license. Daniel has a girlfriend called Lily. She had invited Daniel for dinner, so the parents could see him. Her father is an army man. Suddenly, the red telephone rings, and he had to go to the airport to meet the Japanese Minister of Defence.

The father had a chauffeur, who should pick him up, but the chauffeur was involved in a car accident on the way, and Daniel must drive him to the airport. Music, cast and photography were very good and appealing to the audience. I enjoyed the movie very much.

Message of the Movie :- The movie was a action – comedy and it enter tained all my friends. We really loved the movie and appreciate all of the persons involved in its making.

So, Students this is full An Essay On My Favourite Movie, if you like this Essay then don’t forget to bookmark  our website  and  join our telegram  for more essay our website always provide good quality essay.

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