Corruption In Pakistan Essay

Corruption In Pakistan Essay | 500 Words & 800 Words

by Pakiology | Apr 21, 2024 | Essay , English | 2 comments

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1) 500 Words Essay On Corruption In Pakistan

2) 800 words essay on corruption in pakistan, understanding corruption in pakistan, the causes of corruption in pakistan, the consequences of corruption in pakistan, the way forward: tackling corruption in pakistan.

Corruption is a pervasive problem in Pakistan that has negatively impacted the country’s economy and political stability. It is the abuse of public office for private gain, and it is a major obstacle to Pakistan’s development.

There are many causes of corruption in Pakistan, including a lack of transparency in government institutions, weak law enforcement, and a lack of accountability. In addition, corruption is often seen as a way for people to get ahead in a society that is plagued by inequality and a lack of opportunities.

One of the most prominent forms of corruption in Pakistan is corruption in the public sector. Government officials often demand bribes from citizens in order to provide them with services that they are entitled to, such as issuing licenses or permits. This not only undermines the rule of law but also discourages investment and stifles economic growth.

Another major problem in Pakistan is corruption in the private sector. Companies often bribe government officials in order to secure contracts or other favors, which can lead to inefficient and wasteful use of public resources. This not only harms the economy but also undermines public trust in the government and private institutions.

There are several factors that contribute to the high levels of corruption in Pakistan. One of the main reasons is the lack of accountability and transparency in the country’s political and economic systems. This allows corrupt individuals to operate with impunity, as they are able to conceal their activities and avoid being held accountable for their actions.

Another contributing factor is the widespread poverty in Pakistan. Many people are willing to engage in corrupt activities in order to make ends meet, as they see it as a means of surviving in a difficult economic environment.

Furthermore, corruption is often perpetuated by a lack of strong institutions and effective laws to prevent and punish it. In many cases, the government and law enforcement agencies are themselves involved in corrupt activities, which makes it difficult to address the problem.

The consequences of corruption in Pakistan are severe. It undermines the rule of law and weakens public trust in the government, leading to social and political instability. It also hinders economic development and stifles entrepreneurship, as it creates an uneven playing field for businesses and discourages investment.

In order to combat corruption in Pakistan, it is essential for the government to implement strong legal frameworks and institutional mechanisms to promote accountability and transparency. This could include measures such as stricter laws against corruption, better oversight of public officials and institutions, and improved access to information for the general public.

Additionally, there needs to be a cultural shift in the country towards greater integrity and honesty. This can be achieved through education and awareness-raising campaigns, as well as by encouraging a sense of social responsibility among the people of Pakistan.

In conclusion, corruption is a major challenge in Pakistan that needs to be addressed in order to promote economic development and political stability. By implementing effective legal frameworks and promoting a culture of integrity, it is possible to combat corruption and build a more just and prosperous society.

Pakistan, a country known for its rich cultural heritage, is facing numerous challenges in its journey toward becoming a developed nation. One of the most persistent and widespread issues that the country has been grappling with is corruption. Corruption in Pakistan has reached a level where it is not only hampering the economic growth of the country but also undermining the social and political fabric.

Corruption can be defined as the abuse of power or position for personal gain. It takes many forms, from bribery and embezzlement to nepotism and fraud. In Pakistan, corruption has permeated all levels of society, from the lowest echelons to the highest. It has become so widespread that it is now considered a norm in the country.

There are several factors that have contributed to the high levels of corruption in Pakistan. Some of the major causes include:

Lack of effective government institutions:

The government institutions in Pakistan are not strong enough to prevent corruption. There is a lack of accountability and transparency in the workings of these institutions, making it easier for corrupt officials to carry out their activities without fear of consequences.

Political instability:

Political instability has been a constant in Pakistan’s history, which has contributed to widespread corruption in the country. When political leaders are more focused on retaining power and advancing their own interests, they are less likely to prioritize the fight against corruption.

Poverty and income inequality:

Poverty and income inequality are also contributing factors to corruption in Pakistan. When people are struggling to make ends meet, they may be more likely to engage in corrupt activities to earn extra income.

Weak rule of law:

The weak rule of law in Pakistan has also contributed to the high levels of corruption in the country. When laws are not enforced and the justice system is unable to hold corrupt officials accountable, it is easier for corruption to thrive.

The consequences of corruption in Pakistan are far-reaching and damaging. Some of the major consequences include:

Hampering economic growth:

Corruption has a significant impact on the economy of the country. It undermines investment and creates an environment that is hostile to business. This leads to lower economic growth, less job creation, and decreased prosperity for the people of Pakistan.

Undermining social and political fabric:

Corruption not only undermines the economy but also the social and political fabric of the country. When people lose faith in the government and its institutions, it creates a void that can be filled by extremist and extremist ideologies.

Impeding development:

Corruption also impedes development by diverting resources away from areas that need them most. When public funds are misused or stolen, it means that schools, hospitals, and other public services are not receiving the support they need to provide quality services to the people.

Discouraging foreign investment:

Corruption can also discourage foreign investment, as investors are less likely to invest in a country where they perceive a high risk of corruption. This means that the country misses out on the benefits of foreign investment, such as job creation and economic growth.

Tackling corruption in Pakistan will require a multi-faceted approach that involves the government, civil society, and the private sector. Some of the measures that could be taken include:

Strengthening government institutions:

The government must take steps to strengthen its institutions and make them more accountable and transparent. This can be done by implementing effective anti-corruption measures, such as setting up independent watchdog agencies and increasing transparency in the workings of government institutions.

Improving the rule of law:

The government must also work to improve the rule of law in the country, by enforcing laws and regulations that prevent corruption, and by ensuring that corrupt officials are held accountable.

Encouraging civil society engagement:

Civil society can play an important role in tackling corruption in Pakistan, by raising awareness about the issue, advocating for reforms, and monitoring government activities.

Promoting ethics and integrity:

The private sector can also play a role by promoting ethics and integrity in their own operations, and by supporting anti-corruption initiatives.

Increasing transparency and accountability:

The government must also take steps to increase transparency and accountability in its operations, by making its activities more open and accessible to the public.

Providing education and training:

The government can provide education and training to its citizens, particularly the youth, on the dangers and consequences of corruption, and on the importance of integrity and ethical behavior.

In conclusion, corruption in Pakistan is a major barrier to development, and it is essential that the government, civil society, and private sector work together to tackle this issue. While there is no easy solution to corruption, the steps outlined above, if implemented effectively, can help to reduce corruption and create a more prosperous and just society in Pakistan.

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Muhammad Rizwan Ullah

It’s a good and simple worded essay , helped me understanding this subject .


Amazing each and every word was understandable and it adds information in my knowledge Thank You sooo much

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Corruption in Pakistan Essay in English With Outline

Corruption in Pakistan plays a role in termites in the country. It slowly and gradually consumes all the strengths and power of the country, leaving it with hollowness. In Pakistan corruption is more like a national game. It is present at every level of profession, whether it’s the noblest profession i.e. teaching and Medical any other profession in the world. In the government education sector, teachers are corrupt. They get a salary for teaching in schools or colleges but they do not play their role as a good teacher in college which enforces students to get tuition from the same teachers privately.

Essay Outline On Corruption In Pakistan

  • Corruption Definition
  • Different Elements of Corruption
  • Causes of Corruption
  • Accountability in our Country
  • No Rules and Laws
  • Salaries are Low
  • Our Judiciary System
  • Basic Facility of Life in Pakistan
  • Need to Find Some New Anti-Corruption Strategy
  • Effects of Corruption on Country
  • Role of NAB
  • Steps to Take for Corruption

If we talk about the medical profession, corruption is there. A survey was conducted which reported that 42% of individuals responded that gaining access to hospital services was by a method other than the standard procedure of admission.  Country Politics is becoming the domestic game for the people. They are playing politics and corrupting every field of life.

Let’s put light on the other sector of government.  According to research, corruption is very much evident in the lower levels of the police in Pakistan. We can imagine if our protection provider people are corrupt this country can be safe. In fact, many citizens consider the police to be the most corrupt sector of the Pakistani government.

Corruption in Pakistan Essay in English With Outline

The threat of corruption in Pakistan is neither the government nor party-centric but it is the system and framework driven. As per figures performed by Transparency International, Pakistan has lost an unbelievably heightened amount just because of corruption, bad government, and tax evasion which was more than Rs. 8.5 trillion (US $94 billion), because of corruption, bad government, and tax dodging. According to an advisory of Transparency International, Pakistan does not require a single rupee as foreign aid if it starts correcting its internet governance and systems. This proves that Pakistan is a pretty rich country but only because of corruption and dishonesty does it lack in development and growth.

We as citizens, if united, can get rid of all the corruption in our country and can contribute to making this country beautiful and worth living.

Corruption Free Pakistan Dream Or Reality

As we all know the fight on top of corruption has been taking the shape of global dimensions. It is all stepping across in order to realize the grave socio-economic threats being posed by the side of corruption.  In all the spheres of the human regions, Pakistan has been much affected by Corruption.  It has been on the whole coming out to be known as one of the Pakistan nation’s most formidable challenges and threats for the future generation too.

If we talk about the recent case of corruption. So the opposition leader was arrested by the hand of NAB and millions of rupees were recovered from them. So NAB is the only department who trying to control corruption and recover money from corrupt people. According to a recent report of Transparency, our country has almost control over corruption but in some departments, many people are still doing the corruption. We can say our country is going out from corruption and as soon we will enroll in those countries that are corruption-free.

The campaign in opposition to corruption is one such kind of criterion that we have been witnessing with the direct and important staking. Corruption has been on the whole retard with the pace of development and hence impedes development-based activities.

The government of Pakistan is not paying much attention on top of the removal of corruption and hence no brighter future is being figured out.  It is leading to the way of a serious reduction in the timeline of the development programs and hence resulting in the increase in the maintenance of public assets.  Over the aspect of the stability of societies, corruption has come about to emerge as one of the major potential threats. This has definitely caused breaches in the social order of the world. It is simply damaging and appears to be the biggest threat to the long-established values which has evolved over the long centuries of the civilized struggle. Now here we end today’s topic which is “Essay on Corruption Free Pakistan Dream Or Reality “.

Say No To Corruption

Corruption is one such word that you might have to listen to every single day from the world of politics. Not just the politics but sometimes this action does take place in our surroundings as well. But still, we would never get to learn the idea of why we stay silent on it, and finally, we do end up facing its repercussions. We would be aware or might not be aware of the fact that this is damaging the roots of our society slowly but on the hardest scale. Old generations do the corruption but the coming generations have to suffer from its destruction. Now the main question that does hit so many minds is where the corruption starts! It does take place from the upper level and then slowly and silently it does hit lower-level people as well.

How Corruption Takes Place in Pakistan?

Pakistan is no doubt in the stage of its development and the maximum percentage of the population in Pakistan is on the line of poverty. People want equal rights but none of us bother to listen to their problems and finally, they took hold of the wrong path of corruption. They do put them in the actions or activities of bribery as they do get any chance. A maximum percentage of the Pakistan population is involved in most of the wrongdoings. The largest sum of corruption takes place in Government sectors in the middle of the high officers and clerks.

Raising Slogan of “Say No To Corruption” in Pakistan:

In the past few months, the raising slogan “Say No To Corruption” has started off which is somehow raising a little sum awareness among the new generation. But on the same side, some people are making fun of it which is a quite thought-provoking moment. Corruption will never end up with its roots in raising slogans or sending messages on mobile phones. It is one such root that should be cut down through mutual discussion and plans.

How To Reduce Corruption Level in Pakistan?

In terms of reducing the level of corruption in Pakistan, it is important that the people of Pakistan should collectively think about resolving the issues so that both poor strikes and rich people would get equal rights in their custody. If you do watch any person involved in corruption then you should stand up and reveal their basic needs. Manpower is one of the basic factors that can slow down the level of corruption to much extent. It would stop the chances of ruining the coming generations.

Effects of Corruption in Pakistan

Definitely when people doing corruption then your economy is badly affected. Right now in Pakistan, corruption exists in every government department as well as all departments are affected badly even if they cannot fulfill their expenditure. They burden the provincial and federal government and then the government increases the tax ratio on the public. Then inflation will increase.

Types of Corruption in Pakistan

  • Supply Versus Demand Corruption
  • Grand Versus Petty Corruption
  • Conventional Versus Unconventional Corruption
  • Public Versus Private Corruption


This is all about the Corruption in Pakistan Essay in English With an Outline from our side thanks for reading.

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Its really outstanding article in simple wording but brilliant if we save pakistan it is our brilliant effort and we must have to fight against……..

i was suffering from very crusial circumastances for the knowledge of this topic that from where i collect information about corruption but i saw this essay it is very beneficial for me. Thanku for uploading this.

true lines of a muslims heart.nice sir thanks…..,

no bad ;satisfactory

Its realy outstanding essay… 🙂

its realy outstanding essay….

thanks for this good effort for student it is for pakistan not anyone

there has been given excelent efforts to unveil the facts…

its realy outstanding article..brilliant effort every thing has been explained in simple wording….if we want to save Pakistan we must have to fight against curruption…

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Essay on Corruption in Pakistan in English with quotations

English essay on corruption.

English essay on curruption for class 12 pakistan

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Corruption is cancer that steals from the poor, eats away at governance and moral fiber, and destroys trust- Robert Zoellick
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'Our faith corruption free Pakistan' awareness, prevention, enforcement policy will continue: NAB Chairman.

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Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes

Corruption is a poison which squanders the government resources deters investment and is detrimental to economic growth and political development. It flourishes if people in authority are dishonest and corrupt the state institutes are weak, and there is a political instability financial control lack of transparency in governance and disregard of the rule of law. Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes. Corruption has spoiled Pakistan completely and is resulting in increase in poverty, unemployment, hunger and is tarnished the image of the country by bringing immense miseries to its people.

Corruption has been deep routed in all levels either private or government from top to bottom and anti-corruption institutions have unfavorably failed to address this or even reduce the ongoing dishonesty and frauds. Corruption in Pakistan is widespread particularly in the government and lower levels of police forces. Transparency International 2017 Corruption perception index ranks the country 117 th place out of 180 countries. Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes. Pakistan saw a significant improvement in its statistics in 2013 when its ranking improved by 12 indices compared to its previous rankings.

Corruption is not something new. There have been periods in the subcontinent when corruption was rampant such as under British East India Company. When there was almost anarchy in the northeast of the subcontinent. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in his inaugural address to the constituent assembly on 11 th August 1947 had warned that bribery and corruption is a poison and “we must put that down with an iron hand”

The corruption practices have increased to an intolerable proportion and have assumed the gravity of a cancer. Dr IIhan Niazi write in his book, “The culture of power and governance of Pakistan 1947-2008 has dealt with the corruption. As early 1950 the Lahore High Court found the Chief Minister of Punjab guilty of corruption abuse of power and obstruction of justice because he had illegally acquired evacuee land for himself. After the demise of the first Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan (1947-51) a period of weak governments followed. As many as six prime ministers were changed during the next seven years.

Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes and Solution

Essay on Corruption in Pakistan Its Causes and Solution

Causes of Corruption:

Political Instability:

Corruption prevails in those regions where there is no peace no write of the state and there is no stable government. Pakistan unfortunately has been a place of political intrigues politics of opportunism and obstructionism.

Discretionary Power of Public Officials:

According to Roseau, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” wide and discretionary powers to the public officials provide incentive for corrupt behavior. These make them less accountable. Judges, Bureaucrats and politicians have access to control the valuable benefits of private citizens. They can impose costs over them and their business.

Policy Environment:

Corruption also stems from policy environment either on the top or at the bottom of the hierarchy. The payoffs are frequent to the lower level officials charged with collecting tariffs, provide police protection, issuing permits and the like.

Low Salaries:

Civil and military officials are also likely to involve in corruption due to their low salaries. As their costs and expenses are exceeding form their remunerations.

Poverty is also one of the main causes of corruption. The economic conditions of our country have always been shabby. Inflation as ever is on the rise. There is a lack of social safety network. All these compel a man to indulge in such unlawful activities.


According to Kimberly Ann Elliot:- “Bribery often undermines political legitimacy, squanders government revenues, and distorts international trade and investment flows. Where it is pervasive, corruption can deter investment, thereby lowering growth,” and is “detrimental to economic and political development.” Some of the main impacts of corruption are as follows:-

Moral Degradation:-

Corruption tends to moral degradation. The culture of corruption has plagued the society to the extent that it has become a way of life. Values and norms have changed and new values orientation is undergone. It puts us on the threshold of the cross roads of values. The generation, in all walks of life, emanates from assumption of power and corruption of values. Corruption leads to corruption. Corruption of liberty leads to liberty of corruption. It initiates every type of fraud, jealousy, deception, negligence and exploitation of vulnerable and weakest segments of society. It breeds inequality and injustice in the society. It denies the basic human rights of freedom, equality and fair play.

Slow Economic Growth:-

Corruption leads to slow economic growth, coupled deceleration with the development in the state. It impacts the private sector as there is no transparency. In consequences, investment is discouraged, whether it is internal or foreign. It impacts the public sector, as there is scarcity of resources. Thus, it creates despair, insecurity and detracts people’s constructive objective.

Mistrust and Suspicion:-

When there is corruption, there is mistrust and suspicion. People lose faith in the integrity of Public Administration as it becomes inefficient due to the violation of merit. Furthermore, they lose their faith in the state and its representatives. Thus, these facts cause damage to the social fabrics of the society. In consequence, democracy is put at stake and the nation become vulnerable to be exploited by the anti-Pakistani elements. Resultantly, the writ of the state will be shaken.

Corruption Leads To Exploitation:-

Corruption leads to exploitation because the living standard of people becomes very low. As corruption retards economy and poverty alleviation and public service delivery. Thus, it leads to all sorts of crimes and violence. Rich and poor gap get widen. Poor is exploited by burgesses (big businessman) class for their own aims.

Brain Drainage:-

Brain drainage is the direct effect of corruption. It will become harder to locate men and women’s ability and integrity in the public life. Capable people prefer to go abroad and serve other nations with their ability instead of suffering in Pakistan.

Current Government Era:-

It has been reported that during the last four years (2008-11) there were corruption and liabilities to the tune of Rupees 8500 billion. The estimated corruption was Rupees 390 billion in 2008, Rs 450 billion in 2009, Rs 825 billion in 2010 and Rs 1100 billion in is due to prevalent corruption that the country’s economy has deteriorated to an extent that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has rated Pakistan as “highly vulnerable”, and besides mounting external debts, “for the first time in the country’s history, the domestic debts and liabilities across Rupees 7 trillion mark.”

Increment in Social Problems:

The general public suffers because it is difficult for the people, who do not enjoy political patronage or contact with higher authorities, to get their genuine work done. Those who can bribe or have political support and contacts with higher authorities are the main beneficiaries of the prevailing system of governance. As for the judiciary and legal professions, except for superior courts, “there is widespread lack of public confidence in the justice system. Access to justice and legal the rule of law are undermined by corruption.” It can, therefore, be assumed that the bureaucracy as well as the judiciary is not above board and needs to improve their standards.

Honest Leadership:

Miss Fatima Jinnah had once said that corruption is like a snow which melts from the top. “Corruption cannot exist without the connivance of political leadership, even if passive,” says Elliot. Thus the foremost need is the top executive authority should be men of integrity who should not be corrupt and should not permit others to indulge in corruption.


As for the government officials and functionaries, meritocracy must be implemented. The professional standards for the cadre law enforcement agencies should be improved, their induction made scrutiny on merit, they are reasonably well paid, there are improvements in the conduct of their training, they have service security and are free from political interference. The judiciary both at higher and lower levels should be strong, independent, honest and corruption-free. Greater transparency and effective accountability should be ensured, so there is easy accessibility of poor people to police stations, judicial courts and other public service departments.

Rule of Law:-

There should be a rule of law so that “thieves” are caught. The people should have fear of law and severe punishment to be given to those found guilty of corruption.

Proportional Representation:-

There is a tendency that candidates for legislative assemblies spend a large amount in their election campaign and in bribing the voters with a hope that they would be able to earn more. If elected, they resort to corrupt practices to amass wealth to compensate for the amount spent as well as for expenses to be spent in the next elections. If the alternative system of proportional representation, as practiced in Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, Sri Lanka etc., Is introduced it will be a check on individual corruption. And only those persons, who have an impeccable record of honesty, should be eligible for election to legislatures.

Financial Control:-

For financial oversight, the Public Accounts Committee and the Ministry of Finance with its Auditor General’s Office should work with efficiency and honesty. They need to continue reforming and overhauling themselves for improvement. Their working should be computerized so as to adopt best international procedures and practices, for audit and scrutiny. In addition, with a view to improving government revenues, they should ensure that the Central Board of Revenue (CBR) makes every eligible taxpayer to pay taxes to the government honestly.

Local Government:-

The local government system introduced in 2002 should be re-introduced and reformed wherever necessary. The system implies handling over local governance to the people through decentralization of administrative authority, de-concentration of management functions, and distribution of resources and public-private partnership in implementing and execution of works. This decentralization will eliminate corruption at provincial and higher levels, because local works would be carried out locally.

Civil Society:-

The civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) should be associated with government agencies and committees, in advisory and oversight roles. The civil society may act as “watchdogs” in fighting against corruption. The public private partnership should be ensured, especially at district, tehsil and village level. Only those citizens should be co-opted who can take part in the direct monitoring of the Police, the Judiciary, the district government officials and others. Complaint cells be established which should be controlled by a committee composed of senior district officers and responsible citizens. In addition, there should be freedom of information in offices especially those having control over public works.

Education and Media:-

As a long term measure, intensive efforts need to be made to raise the Pakistan’s literacy rate, which is only 56 percent at present. There should be increased emphasis on character building and inculcating qualities such as honesty, justice, love of humanity, modesty, dignity, fair play etc, in our educational institutions. Besides, it should be the theme, which electronic and print media should focus on.

National Accountability Bureau:-

In the past many attempts were made to uproot corruption but all in vain. Critics opine that in the past, people were targeted and not facets of corruption. NAB was established to substantiate the commandment of Allah but it became a kingro court. The anti- corruption Act is still on the Statue Book (constitution), the Public Representative Office Disqualification Act is still in vogue. General Ayub, Zia, Musharraf introduced their own anti- corruption programs but they all aimed at throwing out the politicians and not the corruption.

The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) at the federal, provincial and local levels should effectively resort to monitoring through public awareness and in cooperation and collaboration with civil society. NAB should be independent of the executive. The setting up Public Safety Commission (PSC) in each district will be helpful. It would ensure greater private-public partnership and participation. It will be of assistance in the investigation of grievances. The anti-corruption process will be effective if the functionaries of NAB are paid well and have security of tenure. The Nab should have adequate staff and the requisite capability and capacity to perform its functions effectively “for improving governance, management, transparency and accountability and quality of public procurement of goods, services and works in the public sector.”

Anti Corruption Ombudsmen:-

Perhaps, Pakistan also needs to have an office of an anti-corruption ombudsman as proposed by Anna Hazare in India to deal with complaints against the conduct of other government officials and agencies dealing with the public. There may be anti-corruption ombudsmen at federal, provincial and local levels for prompt and speedy disposal of corruption cases involving abuse of power, illegal gratification, and misappropriation of property, kickbacks and commissions. However, accountability must not be selective and it should be across the board. The anti-corruption ombudsman should not only be independent but have vast powers. He should work without discrimination and the privileged people should not be treated differently. It would be the implementation of anti-corruption measures which would rather, as the taste of the pudding lies in its eating.


Transparency, honesty and fair play are the pre-requisite for any state to progress. In order to make Pakistan a corruption free state, it is inevitable to introduce a transparency and merit culture in all its departments. No room should be provided for favouritism, gifts culture and bribery.

Increasing the Salaries of Public Servants:-

Corruption is a socio-economic problem. In the past, it has been treated only as a legal and administrative issue. Good rumination to the public servants and merit- oriented bureaucracy should be the norm in the country. There should be social justice and equity among all citizens of the country. The pay structure of the public officials must be realistic. Their salaries should be adequate to meet their needs.

Mass awareness:-

To minimize corruption in Pakistan, there is a need of comprehensive campaign on the media to bring awareness to the people. The propagation against corruption could play a vital role in uprooting corruption in Pakistan. Civil society can also play a vital role in minimizing corruption in our society.

Empowering Parliamentary Oversight Committee:-

Democratic government is still the best policy even if its leaders are less austere and less capable than non-political guards or experts. A democratic system has its own correcting mechanism. Parliament oversight and fear of losing the confidence of people makes it more efficient. A parliament oversight committee should be empowered to revive all the actions of the government, big cartels and bureaucrats. Only then the corruption could be minimized in the country.

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Essay on Corruption in Pakistan

Profile image of Fazal Karim

2022, corruption in pakistan

Since independence corruption is one of the biggest obstacles faced by Pakistan. Despite various institutions handling corruption it's not easy to control corruption. One form of corruption is bribery that prevails in our society strongly. Many corruption control institutions is trying for years to stop corruption but still citizens of Pakistan are uncomfortable with the judiciary system. Moreover, the dilemma is common and middle-class people are facing most of the problems. There was an anti-corruption strategy that was created in 2002 which purposed a comprehensive plan for controlling corruption. Also, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has the power to prosecute cases and investigate. However, the unpredictability of anti-corruption and lack of political will is the major obstacle. Pakistanis have to face many difficulties because of being a corrupted country. Even many people who are living outside Pakistan face criticism. The current government of Pakistan has taken several actions to overcome corruption and has reviewed the processes.

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Essay on Corruption with Quotation

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  • November 27, 2023

Kainat Shakeel

In our connected world, the portentous shadow of corruption looms large, casting a pall over societies and nations likewise. Corruption can take on various forms, from small favors to large-scale manipulations conducted in secret. Gradually, corruption erodes the foundation of our societies. This paper delves into the various aspects of corruption, encompassing its diverse forms, root causes, adverse consequences, and the continuous battle against this widespread problem.

Description of Corruption:

The misuse of power for personal benefit is the fundamental aspect of corruption. To combat corruption, it is crucial to recognize its various forms, such as bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism. The initial step towards fighting corruption is comprehension. No corner of the globe is untouched by corruption. Penetrating the highest echelons of authority and saturating mundane transactions alike, recognizing its omnipresence is crucial in formulating successful tactics to counteract it.

Impact on Society:

The sharp goods of corruption extend far beyond fiscal losses. Distrust towards institutions has led to a lack of progress in society and increased inequality. Recognizing the broader consequences is essential to motivate a joint attempt to address this issue.

Types of Corruption:

  • Petty Corruption: Petty corruption involves small-scale, everyday acts of deceitfulness. From business violations to backhanders for introductory services, petty corruption inclusively challenges societal integrity.
  • Grand Corruption: At the contrary end of the diapason, grand corruption involves high-position basic values that uphold societies are being eroded by actions such as electoral deception, misuse of political authority, and support for reckless campaigns. officers and large-scale embezzlement. The consequences of grand corruption are frequently felt on a public or indeed global scale.
  • Political Corruption: Political corruption intertwines with the veritable foundations of governance. The foundational values that uphold societies are being eroded by actions like electoral deceit, exploitation of political power, and support of lawless campaigns.

” Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set rolling it must increase.”- (Charles Caleb Colton) 

Causes of corruption:.

  • Lack of translucency: Corruption thrives in the murk of secretiveness. inadequate transparency in both public and private sectors creates a terrain ripe for loose practices.
  • Weak Institutions: Institutions assigned to upholding justice and fairness must be robust. sins in these structures produce loopholes that loose individualities exploit.
  • Economic Factors: Poverty and profitable insecurity can drive individuals to engage in loose practices as a means of survival. Addressing the root profitable causes is vital for long-term corruption forestallment.

Consequences of Corruption:

  • Economic Consequences: Corruption impedes profitable growth by diverting coffers down from productive conditioning. The risk of structure development and foreign investment is profound.
  • Social Counteraccusations:  Inequality deepens when coffers meant for public wealth are siphoned off. The social fabric weakens as citizens lose faith in the fairness of societal structures.
  • Erosion of Trust: Corruption erodes trust in both public and private institutions. Restoring trust requires combined shifts in translucency, responsibility, and ethical leadership.

Combating Corruption:

  • Legal Measures: strict anti-corruption laws and their effective perpetration are pivotal for inhibiting loose practices. Legal fabrics must be robust enough to hold individualities and realities responsible.
  • Strengthening Institutions: Investing in the strength and independence of institutions responsible for oversight and enforcement is essential. This includes judicatures, nonsupervisory bodies, and law enforcement agencies.
  • Public Awareness:  Empowering citizens with knowledge about the mischievous goods of corruption fosters a watchful society. Public mindfulness juggernauts play a vital part in erecting a culture intolerant of loose practices.

          “Youth must challenge corruption.”- (Kurt Cobain)


In conclusion, corruption is a deeply settled issue with far-reaching consequences. Its impact on husbandry, societies, and individualities necessitates a unified global trouble to combat and eradicate this unseen cancer. As we reflect on the myriad ways corruption disrupts our world, let us flashback that change begins with mindfulness and collaborative action. It’s our participated responsibility to demand translucency, hold our leaders responsible, and strive for a future free from the impediment of corruption.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile Content Writer Head and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.


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Corruption In Pakistan Essay 300 words to 500 words

In this article, We will provide you with some best essays on Corruption In Pakistan from 300 words to 500 words. This article is a helpful guide for people preparing for interviews related to CSS, ISSB, and similar exams. It provides a collection of excellent essays on the topic of corruption in Pakistan. These essays shed light on how corruption affects different parts of society and the negative consequences it brings. They also emphasize the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to the fight against corruption. By reading and studying these essays, candidates can gain a better understanding of the issue and be better prepared to answer questions about it during their interviews.

Corruption is a widespread problem in Pakistan that has had a damaging impact on the country’s economy and political stability. It involves the misuse of public power for personal gain and poses a significant challenge to Pakistan’s progress and growth.

Understanding Corruption in Pakistan

Corruption in Pakistan means when people misuse their power for their gain. It is a big problem that affects different areas like politics, bureaucracy, and law enforcement. This dishonest behavior harms the honesty of institutions and slows down the country’s progress and development.

Causes of Corruption in Pakistan

Corruption in Pakistan happens for many reasons. One reason is that the government doesn’t always share information and doesn’t hold people accountable for their actions. The institutions that are supposed to stop corruption are weak, and the people working in those jobs don’t get paid enough. There are also societal factors like a culture where people think they can get away with being corrupt and a lack of knowledge and values about doing the right thing.

Consequences of Corruption in Pakistan

Corruption has serious effects on Pakistan. It means that resources are used in the wrong way, which stops development and makes public services worse. It also makes the gap between rich and poor bigger, which makes inequality worse. Corruption makes people lose trust in institutions, makes the rules less important, and makes people feel like they are treated unfairly.

The Way Forward: Fighting Corruption in Pakistan

To stop corruption, we need to do many things. We need to make institutions stronger, make sure things are transparent, and hold people accountable for what they do. We need to have strict laws against corruption and make sure they are followed. We also need to teach people about why it’s important to do the right thing and make sure everyone acts with integrity. The government, organizations in society, and regular people all need to work together to fight corruption and make Pakistan a place where things are fair and accountable.

Corruption In Pakistan Essay No. 1

Corruption is a big problem in Pakistan that affects the country’s development, governance, and society. It happens when people misuse their power for personal gain. In Pakistan, corruption takes different forms, from small bribes to large-scale stealing of money. One reason corruption is a problem is that there aren’t strong institutions and clear rules to hold people accountable. The legal and judicial systems are weak, and there aren’t enough checks and balances to stop corruption.

Corruption has many negative effects on Pakistan. It takes away resources that could be used for important things like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. This makes it harder for people to get the services they need and keeps some people in poverty. Corruption also makes people lose trust in the government and other institutions. It hurts the functioning of the government and makes it harder to provide necessary services to the public.

Corruption has also affected politics in Pakistan. There have been scandals involving politicians and public officials. This has created a lack of trust among people and made the political system unstable. The government doesn’t always show enough determination to fight corruption, and law enforcement is not strong enough to stop it.

Fighting corruption in Pakistan is not easy. There are anti-corruption organizations, but they often face challenges like interference from politicians and lack of resources. To reduce corruption, it’s important to strengthen these organizations, make things more transparent, and hold people accountable for their actions. International cooperation and following anti-corruption agreements can also help create a more transparent and accountable environment in Pakistan.

Corruption In Pakistan Essay No. 2

Corruption, a pervasive issue worldwide, has unfortunately become deeply entrenched in the fabric of Pakistan’s socio-political landscape. This multifaceted problem hampers the nation’s progress, erodes public trust, and impedes the establishment of a fair and just society. In Pakistan, corruption manifests in various forms, permeating governmental institutions, law enforcement agencies, and even everyday interactions.

One of the major contributors to corruption in Pakistan is the lack of transparent governance. Corruption thrives in an environment where accountability is weak, and institutions lack the necessary checks and balances. This lack of transparency creates opportunities for individuals to exploit their positions for personal gain. Bureaucratic processes, which should be streamlined and efficient, often become convoluted with red tape, providing a breeding ground for corrupt practices.

Furthermore, the political landscape in Pakistan has, at times, been marred by corruption scandals. Politicians wielding power sometimes succumb to the allure of amassing wealth unlawfully, diverting resources meant for public welfare towards personal coffers. This diversion of funds hampers the nation’s development, leading to an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor.

Corruption’s impact is felt acutely by the common citizen, particularly in daily interactions with law enforcement agencies. Bribes are often solicited for routine tasks, undermining the rule of law and fostering a culture of impunity. This not only perpetuates a cycle of corruption but also erodes public trust in institutions meant to serve and protect.

The consequences of corruption extend beyond the economic realm; they encompass social and moral dimensions. When corruption becomes systemic, it breeds a culture of dishonesty and discourages ethical behavior. This erosion of values poses a significant threat to the moral fabric of society, impacting the younger generation and undermining the nation’s long-term prospects.

Addressing corruption in Pakistan requires a comprehensive approach. Strengthening institutions, implementing effective anti-corruption laws, and promoting a culture of accountability are essential steps. Additionally, fostering transparency in government processes and encouraging civic participation can help build a society that rejects corruption in all its forms.

300 Words Essay On Corruption In Pakistan

Corruption is a pressing issue that has deeply rooted itself in the fabric of Pakistani society. It permeates various sectors, from politics to bureaucracy, and hampers the progress and development of the nation. Pakistan ranks poorly on global corruption indices, reflecting the severity of the problem.

One of the primary causes of corruption in Pakistan is the lack of transparency and accountability in governance. This allows individuals in positions of power to exploit their authority for personal gain. Bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism have become commonplace, eroding public trust in the system.

The consequences of corruption are far-reaching. It leads to a misallocation of resources, as funds meant for public welfare projects are siphoned off. This results in inadequate infrastructure, substandard public services, and a widening wealth gap. The most vulnerable members of society suffer the most, as corruption hampers the delivery of essential services like healthcare and education.

Furthermore, corruption undermines the rule of law and weakens institutions. It creates a culture of impunity, where the powerful can act without fear of consequences. This erodes public confidence in the justice system and fosters a sense of injustice among citizens.

Addressing corruption requires a comprehensive approach. Strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, and enforcing accountability are crucial steps. Implementing strict laws and ensuring their effective enforcement is essential. Additionally, promoting a culture of integrity and ethical behavior is vital to combat corruption.

The government, civil society organizations, and citizens all have a role to play in fighting corruption. The government must lead by example, ensuring that corruption is not tolerated at any level. Civil society organizations can raise awareness, advocate for anti-corruption measures, and hold authorities accountable. Citizens must actively participate in the democratic process and report instances of corruption.

In conclusion, corruption in Pakistan is a grave issue that hinders the progress and development of the nation. It requires a collective effort to combat it effectively. By promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity, Pakistan can pave the way for a more prosperous and just society.

500 Words Essay On Corruption In Pakistan

Corruption is a major problem in Pakistan that has had negative effects on the country’s economy and political stability. It occurs when people in public office abuse their power for personal gain, and it poses a significant barrier to Pakistan’s development.

There are various reasons for corruption in Pakistan, including a lack of transparency in government institutions, weak law enforcement, and a lack of accountability. Additionally, corruption is often seen as a way for individuals to get ahead in a society marked by inequality and limited opportunities.

One common form of corruption in Pakistan is within the public sector. Government officials may demand bribes from citizens in exchange for services they are entitled to, like licenses or permits. This undermines the rule of law and discourages investment, harming the economy.

Corruption in the private sector is also a major issue. Companies may bribe government officials to secure contracts or favors, leading to inefficient use of public resources. This erodes public trust in both the government and private institutions.

Several factors contribute to the high levels of corruption in Pakistan. A lack of accountability and transparency in the political and economic systems allows corrupt individuals to operate without consequences. Poverty is another factor, as people may engage in corrupt activities to survive in a challenging economic environment.

Corruption is further perpetuated by weak institutions and ineffective laws to prevent and punish it. When government and law enforcement agencies themselves engage in corruption, addressing the problem becomes even more challenging.

The consequences of corruption in Pakistan are severe. It undermines the rule of law, weakens public trust in the government, and leads to social and political instability. It also hampers economic development and discourages entrepreneurship by creating an unfair business environment and deterring investment.

To combat corruption, the Pakistani government should implement strong legal frameworks and institutional mechanisms that promote accountability and transparency. This includes stricter anti-corruption laws, improved oversight of public officials and institutions, and greater access to information for the public.

Additionally, there needs to be a cultural shift towards integrity and honesty. This can be achieved through education, awareness campaigns, and fostering a sense of social responsibility among the people of Pakistan.

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  • Saturday, 27 April 2024

Corruption in Pakistan: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

Corruption in Pakistan: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

  • February 8, 2024

Corruption has been a persistent and pressing issue in Pakistan for several years. Despite the concerted efforts to tackle this issue, corruption remains an extensive problem that pervades all aspects of society. It impedes economic growth, undermines public trust in institutions, and perpetuates inequality and injustice. Moreover, one contributing factor to the widespread corruption in Pakistan is the absence of accountability. Numerous cases exist where corrupt officials have evaded punishment due to inadequate transparency and ineffective legal processes. Consequently, a climate of impunity has taken hold, whereby those in authoritative roles can indulge in corrupt practices without any sense of consequences. In addition, poverty is a significant factor that contributes to corruption in Pakistan. The harsh reality is that a large portion of the population lives in impoverished conditions, rendering them susceptible to corruption. As a result, they may resort to paying bribes for essential services like healthcare and education, or they may even partake in corrupt practices to make ends meet. Furthermore, corruption in Pakistan is a significant hurdle to economic growth and development. The widespread corruption practices create a hostile environment for foreign investment and erode trust in the government, leading to a slowdown in the country's economic progress. As a result, poverty can escalate, and social unrest may increase. In order to tackle corruption in Pakistan, a collaborative effort is required to advance transparency and accountability. This necessitates bolstering legal frameworks to ensure that those who engage in corrupt acts are held responsible for their actions. Additionally, it entails raising awareness among the people about the detrimental impacts of corruption and motivating them to report any instances of corruption that come to their attention. Along with implementing measures, it is crucial to tackle the fundamental factors that contribute to corruption in Pakistan. This entails addressing poverty, inequality and improving access to essential services like healthcare and education. By addressing these underlying issues, it could potentially minimize the propensity of individuals to partake in corrupt practices. To sum up, corruption poses a significant challenge to Pakistan and necessitates a multifaceted strategy to combat it. This entails bolstering legal frameworks, fostering transparency and accountability, and addressing the underlying drivers of corruption. Only by implementing these measures can Pakistan aspire to establish a society that is devoid of corruption and that fosters sustainable economic growth and progress.

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Corruption in Pakistan Essay with Quotations

Here is a sample of an Essay on Corruption in Pakistan with Quotations in English for the Students of FSC. This essay has been taken from Sunshine English (comprehensive-II). This essay is not only for the 2nd year students of FA, FSC, ICS and ICOM but also students of B.A, BSC and Bcom can prepare this essay but they need to add a proper outline. Essay on Corruption with Outline is available at this link . You can write the same essay under the title, Corruption in Pakistan Essay, Essay on Corruption and Essay on causes of corruption and its remedy. Some other essays are also available at English Essays with Quotations for 2nd Year .

Outstanding Essay on Corruption in Pakistan with Quotations for FSc – Class 12 Notes

Narrated abdullah ibn amr ibn al-as: the messenger of allah صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم cursed the one who gives a bribe and the one who takes it..

Corruption is the absence of honesty and virtue. Usually, the society void of law and order is a corrupt society. In such societies, people do not do their duties well and try to work for their personal benefits. Corrupt people do not abide by laws and adopt evil means to get their aims. They discard morality and good manners. The society where such people are in majority is called corrupt society. These people cause many evils in society. No measures can bring good fruit unless corruption is uprooted. Corruption is a flea that sucks the blood of the nation and the country.  Pitiless measures should be taken to end corruption from society for the uplift of the country.

There are many causes of corruption. Anyhow the sole cause of corruption is to get more and more riches. People think corruption a shortcut to be prosperous. They adopt different evil ways to this end. Corruption has become a fashion in almost all fields of life.

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office” Aesop

The most obvious cause of corruption is ignorance. In Pakistan a large number of people are ignorant. They do not know their rights and duties. They show no interest in national activities because they do not understand them. They have no sense to elect honest representatives. As a result, corrupt people come to the throne. These representatives instead of working for the welfare of society, struggle for their own interest. They do not bother to adopt proper means to get their ends. Rather they adopt corrupt means to get their objectives. Therefore corruption prevails in society.

The duty of the youth is to challenge Corruption”. (Kurt Cobain)

Poverty is another cause of corruption. Poor people when cannot fulfil their needs fall prey to corruption. Their income is too short to fulfil their needs. The person, who cannot buy food and medicine for his children, does not pay any attention to morality. He can easily be tempted to evil deeds.

“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime”. (Aristotle)

The unequal distribution of wealth is another cause of corruption. In Islamic society, a tax i.e. Zakat is taken from the rich and is given to the poor. In the great days of Islam, there was no one so poor as to receive Zakat. Therefore, the money of Zakat was spent on the works of public welfare. Now people do not pay Zakat and alms. And that has resulted in an unequal distribution of wealth.

“Corruption and bribery are like poison and a horrible disease, which need to be put down with an iron hand”. (Muhammad Ali Jinnah)

The following measure can help to eradicate corruption from society. First of all, the government should take solid steps for the spread of education. Secondly, the government should improve the economic condition of the country. The better economic condition would end poverty from society. In this regard, the government should encourage investment. Moreover, the punishment for corrupt people should be severe. the anti-corruption department should be made active and effective for the eradication of corruption.

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NAB combating corruption and white-collar crime in Pakistan

Corruption plays havoc with the development of any country and slows down the healthy economic growth.

NAB combating corruption and white-collar crime in Pakistan

United Nations Convention against Corruption UNCAC is a global treaty that was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2003. It aims to promote and strengthen measures to prevent and combat corruption, as well as to promote the recovery of stolen assets.

NAB Pakistan, or the National Accountability Bureau of Pakistan, is an apex LEA Body established in 1999 with the aim of combating corruption and white-collar crime in Pakistan. 

Its main role is to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption, financial crimes, and other offenses that are within its jurisdiction through holistic approach of awareness, prevention & enforcement.

Pakistan is a signatory to the UNCAC, and as such, it is globally obliged to implement the provisions of the convention. The UNCAC and NAB both have pivotal roles in the global fight against corruption, promotion of transparency & accountability in public and private sectors and spreading awareness amongst the masses against the ill effects of this menace.

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However in the recent wake of events in the country, number of amendments have been made to the NAO-1999 by The National Accountability (Amendment) Act-2022. The recent amendments have drastically changed the way NAB is functioning presently, but it is of crucial importance to keep in mind the certain implications which have made it all the more difficult to proceed in ongoing cases

It is imperative to discuss the international obligations being the signatory of UNCAC, wherein we are already compliant in first 2 chapters, however it seems apparently near to impossible to be compliant in the upcoming 2025 Review with such a feeble Accountability Law.

United Nations Convention Against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anti corruption instrument. UNCAC calls for strengthening of Accountability and Oversight Mechanisms, however with recently introduced amendments in NAB Law, it seems that the obligation towards international community is not being fulfilled in its true letter and spirit and we might find it hard to pass the upcoming cycle of UNCAC implementation review of Pakistan.

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Moreover without strict laws, effective prosecution wouldn’t be possible in Money Laundering cases under AMLA,2010, hence being another impediment towards FATF regulations. Nations with the passage of time has managed to develop strict Anti corruption laws and regulations to combat this harmful threat. Corruption plays havoc with the development of any country and slows down the healthy economic growth.

In order to curb the root cause of this evil, NAB has been playing its pivotal role by spreading awareness amongst all the walks of life I.e students, civil society etc and displays the message and slogan of ‘ say no to corruption’ & ‘ our faith, corruption free Pakistan’ everywhere.

Pakistan is one of the significant decliners on the 2022 CPI With a score of 28 out of 100 – its lowest since 2012 – the country is experiencing a downwards trend. Political turmoil has rocked the nation and the government must take concrete steps to fulfil anti-corruption promises.  

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NAB keeps reviewing the already set systems and mechanism in place where possibility of loop hole may cause or lure in someone for committing this heinous crime through its prevention regime and ensure these preventive measures during the procurement and bidding process etc . It is imperative to discuss here that parliament has recently table another amendment in the NAO 1999, which shall also become part of the statue. 

In the upcoming review of UNCAC the recent amendments shall be put to test that either they are compliant with the resolution of UNCAC or otherwise. Another ray of hope is that there recent amendments have also been challenged in the apex court of law, who shall also decide upon these amendments.

The writer is an Government Officer and a public relations practitioner.

Muhammad Bilal khan

The writer is a government officer and a public relations practitioner. He can be reached at  @bilalpunnu

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Corruption in pakistan | essay for b.a english part-2.

Corruption in Pakistan

Corruption in Pakistan Essay

  • Introduction
  • Causes of corruption
  • Political causes
  • Social causes
  • Economic causes
  • Effects of corruption
  • How to curb corruption

Corruption in Pakistan is rampant, especially in government and lower-level departments. It is a notable hindrance to the progress and prosperity of Pakistan. Corruption in Pakistan has impaired it completely and becoming a cause in an increase in poverty, hunger, and unemployment.

The word corruption is taken from the Latin word “Corruptus” which means corrupted. Corruption being a global endemic is the worst social evil. It is spread all over Pakistan It is called a method that people adopt to bypass the rule of law and has eaten away the whole political, social, and economic system.

Corruption in Pakistan has put the whole society into turmoil. Pakistan is at a high risk of corruption. Corruption is a mother of all evils that leads to other evils like nepotism, favoritism, and transparency. Since the birth of Pakistan, it has been a big hindrance to the progress and prosperity of the country.

Corruption is a true enemy of development

Although there are various institutions that are trying to curb corruption in Pakistan, it is still not easy to control it. Pakistan is geographically surrounded by unlimited valuable natural resources. The Transparency International(TI) Corruption Perception Index shows Pakistan as 117th out of 180th most corrupt countries.

In spite of the population of 207 million, it has minimal GDP that ranks at 147th number in the world and is lagging behind in all the fields of life. Ineffective government bureaucracy together with the high levels of corruption presents significant barriers to business in Pakistan.

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing anything.

It is responsible for lawlessness, disorder, injustice, turmoil, frustration, and anarchy. It not only ruins the institutions and the system but also brings about deterioration. There are many causes of corruption including political, social, and economic causes.

Corruption in Pakistan involves all unsuitable and selfish exercises of power. In Pakistan, corruption has become a way of life and acquired a new dimension and respect. Many of our civil servants are dismissed by corruption charges.

Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set a rolling it must increase

Politically, it depends upon people’s awareness, customs, education, contention, and culture. Every government since the regime of Ayub Khan has patronized and promoted corruption. At present, corruption has become an art practiced and patronized by every haughty and mighty in Pakistan.

It is being pursued most dishonorably without any fear and accountability by powerful and influential people. Today, unfortunately, the pace of corruption is promoted by the very leader who claims that his first and foremost duty is to combat and eradicate it.

Socially, corruption in Pakistan has eaten away at the social structure and fabric of society. It is widespread and rampant everywhere. It always starts when opportunity and inclination clash together. This is the main cause of deteriorating the situation of the country. People of the country have become morally and socially degraded.

They ignore the values of society and incline towards corruption. The reason is that they have low income and fewer resources but the dearness is so high that made the basic necessities of life impossible to get. Along with this, the competition of status is increasing and people’s demands are skyrocketing.

Economically, corruption is affected by the economic environment. If economic activity is regulated and limited, the officials get more authority and there are more chances of corruption. To avoid restrictions, they pay or offer payment to perform their tasks. It is also influenced by monetary policy.

The states with a regulated and disciplined monetary system are less inclined to corruption. Countries with economic and political freedom are also less corrupt. Low salaries of government employees take them to corruption and to improve their economic position.

There are still those of us who work to overcome corruption and believe it to be possible

Countries with high-level corruption are unable to function properly, especially on the economic level. They cause suffering to society. Corruption affects us deeply and threatens sustainable economic development, moral values, and justice. It makes society unstable and demoralized.

Corruption in Pakistan destroys all the institutions and values of democracy. Such an action of corruption deprives the citizens of their basic rights. Corruption eats away the nation’s wealth and it leads to uneven distribution of wealth.

Small businesses face unfair competition from large organizations that develop illegal connections with government officials. In corrupt countries, resources are used inefficiently. Quality education and health care also deteriorate under such circumstances that lead to low-level standards of living.

Summing up, curbing corruption in Pakistan is very difficult but can be controlled if all the organizations and govt institutions work honestly. The salaries of the employees must be good to meet the necessities of life. Institutions must be according to the rule of law. Accountability is essential to curb and control corruption.

The worst disease in the world today is corruption. And there is a cure transparency

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Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

36 thoughts on “ Corruption in Pakistan | Essay for B.A English Part-2 ”

That's awesome effort.👌

Ma'm, what is meant by 'curb' ? Given in the outline..

And thank you for this..

Good night ma'm. 🌃

We will learn In Sha Allah

Great guidance for us mam

Curb means control or check

Creative content! I think this is one of the most significant information for me. And i’m glad reading your article. Thank for sharing!

Thank you for sharing

Thank you student

That's great….. It will help me to do more, God willing

Great effort.

Sub outlines kesy karen gy?

Excellant, good and informative

Outline is easy to learn

Good morning ma'm. Have a good day.

What is meant by patronized?

Stunning content by you ma'm. ♥♥♥

Mam g thanks for sharing

That is great..

I will learn inshallah

My cute mam g may God keep you happy always

Mam g thank you so mach for sharing this data

Great effort

Mam Thanks for sharing knowledge . My favrt mam stay happy

Corruption is very bad impact on every field of life

Mean crub ?

Thank u mam g

Very helpful 👍

Great Ma'am ..

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Short essay on Corruption in Pakistan

our faith corruption free pakistan essay in english

Pakistan came into existence after the partition of India in 1947 and since then it has not been able to transform itself into a growing State as it would have been expected after 64 years of independence. The major underlying cause of such a disappointing situation for the country is that there is corruption in almost every sector of the country.

According to the most recent perception report from Transparency International Pakistan published at the end of 2011, corruption in Land Administration leads the long list of corrupt affairs followed by police, income tax, judiciary, tendering and contracting, customs, plus state corporations and the least corrupt sector is perceived to be the army.

The problem of corruption in Land Administration is predictably leading the list of the perceived evil of corruption. The politicians do not pay enough heat to this issue and refrain from carrying out the task of managing collections and preservation. This is more of a concern in the tribal areas where Feudal Lords backed by politicians dominate the land affairs. The police supposedly have a common ill in the underdeveloped world. There is inappropriate selection of the policemen without any emphasis given on keeping education as a pre requisite for entry into the sector.

However most recently the country has kept a minimal level of education as a necessary requirement for being recruited in the police but corruption in the sector does not allow for such conditions to be practically implemented. The number of police officials in the country is highly disproportionate to the ever growing population of Pakistan. Although the training provided to them is presumably the same as the army, there are hardly any traces of these training techniques being useful in this particular sector.


The ills of the tax administration have resulted in poor tax revenues for the country in the past years. There is no doubt that Pakistan is ranked amongst the lowest tax revenue generating economies in the world. Nevertheless in recent times statistics have shown an improvement due to which the tax sector is no more considered to be the most corrupt sector of the country. The only way of eradicating problems from this sector is to reduce the direct contact between the taxpayer and tax collector as most of the rich population in the country does not pay income tax. They bribe the tax officials and their names on the tax collection lists automatically become invisible.

Corruption is widespread in the country and it is vital to understand its root cause. There is no attention paid or effort put by the government to lessen or eradicate corruption in the country. The politicians themselves are corrupt and are only willing to fill their pockets rather than to solve the various problems Pakistan faces. The Anti Corruption unit is also believed by many as one of the most corrupt units in the country. As long as there is no proper check and control on corruption it will continue to take place at every level whether household or governmental. Pakistan should try to deal with the issue of corruption or else a time would come when it would be labeled as a “Failed State”.

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    300 Words Essay On Corruption In Pakistan. Corruption is a pressing issue that has deeply rooted itself in the fabric of Pakistani society. It permeates various sectors, from politics to bureaucracy, and hampers the progress and development of the nation. Pakistan ranks poorly on global corruption indices, reflecting the severity of the problem.

  16. Corruption in Pakistan: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

    February 8, 2024. Corruption has been a persistent and pressing issue in Pakistan for several years. Despite the concerted efforts to tackle this issue, corruption remains an extensive problem that pervades all aspects of society. It impedes economic growth, undermines public trust in institutions, and perpetuates inequality and injustice.

  17. essay on our faith corruption free pakistan

    Corruption is caused either by power or by absolute power. This essay could... Every department is corrupt and not performing their duties honestly. The development projects in Pakistan are incomplete due to corruption.... English speech on the topic of "Our faith corruption free Pakistan" in declamation contest organized by (NAB Sukkar) at IBA ...

  18. English Speech on the topic of |Our faith Corruption free Pakistan |at

    English speech on the topic of "Our faith corruption free Pakistan" in declamation contest organized by (NAB Sukkar) at IBA Sukkar University..#EnglishSpeech...

  19. Corruption in Pakistan Essay with Quotations

    Here is a sample of an Essay on Corruption in Pakistan with Quotations in English for the Students of FSC. This essay has been taken from Sunshine English (comprehensive-II). This essay is not only for the 2nd year students of FA, FSC, ICS and ICOM but also students of B.A, BSC and Bcom can prepare this essay but they need to add a proper outline.

  20. Benazir Bhutto

    Early life Childhood: 1953-1968 Bhutto was born at Pinto's Nursing Home on 21 June 1953 in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Her father was the politician Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and her mother was Begum Nusrat Ispahani. The latter was born in Isfahan, Persia (now Iran) to a wealthy Persian merchant family of partial Kurdish descent. Zulfikar was the son of Shah Nawaz Bhutto, a prominent politician who ...

  21. NAB combating corruption and white-collar crime in Pakistan

    It aims to promote and strengthen measures to prevent and combat corruption, as well as to promote the recovery of stolen assets. NAB Pakistan, or the National Accountability Bureau of Pakistan, is an apex LEA Body established in 1999 with the aim of combating corruption and white-collar crime in Pakistan. Its main role is to investigate and ...

  22. Corruption in Pakistan

    Corruption being a global endemic is the worst social evil. It is spread all over Pakistan It is called a method that people adopt to bypass the rule of law and has eaten away the whole political, social, and economic system. Corruption in Pakistan has put the whole society into turmoil. Pakistan is at a high risk of corruption.

  23. Short essay on Corruption in Pakistan

    Short essay on Corruption in Pakistan. Pakistan came into existence after the partition of India in 1947 and since then it has not been able to transform itself into a growing State as it would have been expected after 64 years of independence. The major underlying cause of such a disappointing situation for the country is that there is ...