Personal Narrative Essay Sample: My First Car Accident

In this narrative essay I will talk about the day I was involved in my first car accident. I still remember that day vividly. I was driving to the grocery store, and as I was going through the green light, I saw a vehicle from the corner of my left eye run the traffic light. At that moment, time froze and all I could think about was leaving the accident with minimal injuries. 

Once the impact was over, I was able to get out of my vehicle on my own, and only suffered pain in my left arm and a headache. After I examined myself, I turned my attention to the other driver. She was 19 years old, and she said she had just purchased her first vehicle. I asked why weren’t you paying attention to the road, and she responded she “looked down on her phone and took her eyes off the road”. I was not able to get angry at her because she was so young, and I felt bad that she had an accident in her first car. Both of our vehicles were able to be safely removed from the accident, but for some reason I had an urge not to move the car. I thought it was because I did not want to drive the car due to the accident, but as the day went on, I knew it was a more concerning reason than that.

After the accident, I had a friend come drive my car to the body shop and take me to the hospital. There they examined me and made sure I did not endure any injuries to my brain or break any bones. I passed the concussion protocol, and no bones were broken. The doctor started to ask me questions about how I was feeling, and I told her I kept having flashbacks from the accident. I also told her that I felt a fear of driving. She stated “you might just be stressed from the accident and it will all pass”. She wrote me a prescription for some pain medication, and advised that I go home and get some rest. As I was leaving the hospital, I started to think she might be right. 

Once I got home, I took the medication and took a nap. When I woke up from my nap later that day, I started to do some research. I discovered that I might be suffering from PTSD. Even though this accident did not total my car or have lasting injuries to me, it still will be a day that will stick with me forever. 

This accident made me become more aware of how important mental health is. Before this accident, I never experienced any problems with mental health but this accident opened my eyes. It made me realize that any terrifying event can cause a trigger in your mental health even to the strongest people. In my accident, I was fortunate to overcome my PTSD and fully gain my confidence back. However, I am aware that some people never go back to who they were before a significant accident. From now on, I will be more aware and supportive if I see my friends or family members going through any significant event, because I know the impact it could have.

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Disappointment, disbelief and fear filled my mind as I lye on my side, sandwiched between the cold, soft dirt and the hot, slick metal of the car. The weight of the car pressed down on the lower half of my body with monster force. It did not hurt, my body was numb. All I could feel was the car hood’s mass stamping my body father and farther into the ground. My lungs felt pinched shut and air would neither enter nor escape them. My mind was buzzing. What had just happened? In the distance, on that cursed road, I saw cars driving by completely unaware of what happened, how I felt. I tried to yell but my voice was unheard. All I could do was wait. Wait for someone to help me or wait to die.

The third maddening buzz of my alarm woke me as I groggily slid out of bed to the shower. It was the start of another routine morning, or so I thought. I took a shower, quarreled with my sister over which clothes she should wear for that day and finished getting myself ready. All of this took a little longer than usual, not a surprise, so we were running late. We hopped into the interior of my sleek, white Thunderbird and made our way to school.

With music blasting, voices singing and talking, it was another typical ride to school with my sister. Because of our belated departure, I went fast, too fast. We started down the first road to our destination. This road is about three miles long and filled with little hills. As we broke the top of one of the small, blind hills in the middle of the right lane was a dead deer. Without any thought, purely by instinct I pulled the wheel of the car to the left and back over to the right. No big deal but I was going fast. The car swerved back to the left, to the right, to the left. Each time I could feel the car scratching the earth with its side. My body jolted with the sporadic movements of the car. The car swerved to the right for the last time. With my eyes sealed tight, I could feel my body float off the seat of the car.

I opened my eyes to see the black road in the distance above me. I could feel the cold ground on the side of my body. I couldn’t move and couldn’t understand why. It had happened so quickly. I lay there until my mind comprehended what had happened. I was wedged between the hood of the car and the dirt. The car rustled, every movement of the car pierced my body. It was my sister. She was okay. I could see her slowly crawl out of the back seat window then tear away. I opened my mouth to yell her name but air failed to escape my lips. Gasping like a fish out of water, I dreamily lied there until someone would help.

I heard an uneasy voice in the distance, “Betsy! Oh my God! Betsy!” It was my dad. I was disappointed and embarrassed of myself. I had let him down. My voice yelled for help as my heart beat rapidly with fear and relief. The car jiggled. I could feel the weight of the car lift slowly off me. For the first time, intense pain struck my lower half. “Crawl out of there,” someone yelled to me. I pushed against the ground with all my might but I couldn’t move. The pain was excruciating, nevertheless I could not feel the lower half of my body. I felt paralyzed. Still struggling to move, I felt strong arms glide around my shoulders and under my armpits. They drug me out of the way of the falling car. My dad had saved me. As I lye on the weed covered ground, several people surrounded me. I dreamily looked around and saw my sister sitting Indian style next to me, plastered in blood. She had run barefoot to the nearest house to call 911 and my dad. She was my angel. We sat there in shock. Was it just a dream? Everything had happened so fast. Every minute lying on that dirt felt like a lifetime. Strangers kept poking every inch of my body and prodding me with questions that I didn’t have answers to. Finally, the ambulance arrived. They rushed over to my sister and I. They asked me a number of questions that I obliviously answered and started to get me ready to go. With a bright orange brace around my neck they slowly pushed me onto a stiff backboard. Each tiny movement they made pierced my lower half like a knife. We finally made it into the ambulance and made our way to the hospital.

My sister and I were sent to Delta Hospital. My sister was all right. She had stitches in her eye, head and elbow. I was relieved that she was not severely injured. I don’t know what I would have done if something extremely bad had happened to her. I was sent to the Denver Memorial Hospital, where I went under surgery that same night around midnight. A plate was put on my hipbones to help them stay together. I was in the hospital for six days and in a wheel chair for around eight weeks.

I have now realized how precious life really is and that it can be taken away in a single minute. This is even easier when you are driving a car. One little mishap can result in extreme injury or even death. I am lucky that my sister is all right and that I lived. I will never forget that moment when I was lying on the ground, disappointment flooding my mind, waiting.

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Narrative Essay on Road Accident I Witnessed

Accidents on the road can be life-altering experiences, often leaving a lasting impact on those who witness them. One such incident that I witnessed a few years ago still lingers in my mind, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of road safety. This essay recounts the details of that harrowing event, aiming to shed light on the consequences of negligence and the paramount importance of vigilance while on the road.

The Day of the Accident

It was a bright and sunny afternoon in mid-July. The streets were bustling with people, and the air was filled with the usual cacophony of honking cars, chattering pedestrians, and the distant hum of city life. I was on my way home from school, walking along the sidewalk, lost in thoughts of the day’s events and the homework that awaited me.

As I approached a busy intersection, the traffic light turned green, signaling for pedestrians to cross. I waited for a few seconds, allowing a car to pass before stepping onto the zebra crossing. What happened next unfolded in a matter of seconds but felt like an eternity. A speeding motorcycle, attempting to beat the red light, swerved into view. The rider, realizing too late that he couldn’t make it, attempted to brake but lost control.

The motorcycle skidded across the road, heading straight for a pedestrian about to reach the other side. In a desperate attempt to avoid a direct collision, the rider veered to the left but ended up crashing into a nearby car. The impact was so severe that the rider was thrown off his bike, landing several feet away, motionless.

The Immediate Aftermath

The scene that followed was one of chaos and panic. The sound of the crash had drawn the attention of everyone nearby. Pedestrians screamed, and drivers honked, creating a cacophony of noise. I stood frozen, my heart racing, as I processed what I had just witnessed.

Several people rushed towards the injured rider and the occupants of the car, trying to offer assistance. I remember the overwhelming sense of helplessness as I watched them dial emergency numbers, their voices urgent and shaky. The driver of the car, visibly shaken but uninjured, stepped out to check on the rider, who lay still on the pavement.

Within minutes, the wail of sirens filled the air as an ambulance and police cars arrived at the scene. The medical team quickly attended to the rider, who was fortunately still alive but seriously injured. The police cordoned off the area, redirecting traffic and starting their preliminary investigation into the cause of the accident.

Reflections on the Incident

As the adrenaline faded and I continued my journey home, the gravity of what I had witnessed began to sink in. It was a sobering reminder of how quickly a normal day could turn tragic due to a moment of carelessness. The rider’s decision to speed and beat the red light had not only endangered his life but also those of others around him.

This incident highlighted the critical importance of road safety measures, such as obeying traffic signals, wearing helmets, and driving within speed limits. It also underscored the unpredictable nature of road accidents and the need for both drivers and pedestrians to remain vigilant at all times.

In the days that followed, I found myself more cautious and aware of my surroundings while walking or riding in a vehicle. The accident served as a powerful lesson on the consequences of negligence on the road and the collective responsibility we share in preventing such tragedies.

The road accident I witnessed was a stark reminder of the thin line between life and death and the impact of our choices behind the wheel. It taught me the importance of road safety, not just as a set of rules to follow, but as a commitment to protecting ourselves and others. As we navigate the roads of life, let us do so with caution and care, mindful of the precious lives that depend on our vigilance and responsibility. This narrative serves as a call to action for all of us to prioritize safety and make our roads safer for everyone.


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Car Accidents Causes and Effects Essay

Drunk driving, lack of driving experience, excessive self-confidence in personal driving skills, excessive speed.

Technical progress in the automotive industry has led to the fact that the car has ceased to be a luxury item today and is an indispensable attribute of most people’s lives. However, because of the interest in increasing vehicle capacity and the spread of machinery, more and more road accidents began to occur. The reasons for them are different, and the consequences of accidents also differ; therefore, it is possible to describe the most common causes of crashes on the roads and the effects that they have.

Drunk driving causes accidents quite often and the fact that many cases are fatal is sad. When sitting at the wheel in the state of alcohol intoxication, the driver puts at risk not only his or her life but also the lives of pedestrians and other road users. Laws against drunken drivers are toughened annually; nevertheless, it does not stop some people from violating them. Various cases of death through the fault of such drivers occur quite often, and the consequences of these disasters can be utterly unpredictable since drunk people often do not realize what they are doing when sitting at the wheel.

Those people who do not have much driving experience quite often become involuntary participants in road accidents. The consequences of crashes can be different: it can be both a minor damage to someone else’s vehicle and a serious disaster. The fact is that the lack of experience is often a severe problem in situations that require immediate solutions. The person who has spent many years at the wheel has a good chance of reacting to an unexpected obstacle and avoiding a crash. At the same time, an inexperienced driver can inadvertently provoke a traffic accident and become its culprit. Therefore, the less experienced the driver is, the higher the risk to get into a crash.

In addition to the lack of experience, excessive self-confidence in personal driving skills and disregard for simple safety rules can also become the causes of accidents. As a rule, it applies to those people who have been driving for a long time and believe that they do not need to worry about their lives. An unfastened seat belt, the absence of a fire extinguisher and other violations can lead to irreversible consequences, and not only the perpetrator of a road accident but also a pedestrian or other driver can suffer. It is important to remember that it is essential to be vigilant on the road and not to assume that a significant driving experience is a complete guarantee of safety. Sometimes, excessive self-confidence can lead to dangerous consequences.

One of the frequent causes of accidents is the excess of the speed limit. This violation is dangerous because the person driving at high speed can not respond timely to the threat that has arisen. In this case, the damage from the crash while driving fast will be significantly greater than that from slow driving. The effects of accidents caused by such violations can be severe, and it is crucial not to allow speeding.

Thus, the most common causes of accidents are drunk driving, the lack of driving experience or too much self-confidence, as well as speeding. The consequences of an accident can be extremely severe both for drivers themselves and for people around them. The compliance with traffic rules will help to avoid accidents and be safe.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 27). Car Accidents Causes and Effects.

"Car Accidents Causes and Effects." IvyPanda , 27 May 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Car Accidents Causes and Effects'. 27 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Car Accidents Causes and Effects." May 27, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Car Accidents Causes and Effects." May 27, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Car Accidents Causes and Effects." May 27, 2021.

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