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A narrative essay is one of the most intimidating assignments you can be handed at any level of your education. Where you've previously written argumentative essays that make a point or analytic essays that dissect meaning, a narrative essay asks you to write what is effectively a story .

But unlike a simple work of creative fiction, your narrative essay must have a clear and concrete motif —a recurring theme or idea that you’ll explore throughout. Narrative essays are less rigid, more creative in expression, and therefore pretty different from most other essays you’ll be writing.

But not to fear—in this article, we’ll be covering what a narrative essay is, how to write a good one, and also analyzing some personal narrative essay examples to show you what a great one looks like.

What Is a Narrative Essay?

At first glance, a narrative essay might sound like you’re just writing a story. Like the stories you're used to reading, a narrative essay is generally (but not always) chronological, following a clear throughline from beginning to end. Even if the story jumps around in time, all the details will come back to one specific theme, demonstrated through your choice in motifs.

Unlike many creative stories, however, your narrative essay should be based in fact. That doesn’t mean that every detail needs to be pure and untainted by imagination, but rather that you shouldn’t wholly invent the events of your narrative essay. There’s nothing wrong with inventing a person’s words if you can’t remember them exactly, but you shouldn’t say they said something they weren’t even close to saying.

Another big difference between narrative essays and creative fiction—as well as other kinds of essays—is that narrative essays are based on motifs. A motif is a dominant idea or theme, one that you establish before writing the essay. As you’re crafting the narrative, it’ll feed back into your motif to create a comprehensive picture of whatever that motif is.

For example, say you want to write a narrative essay about how your first day in high school helped you establish your identity. You might discuss events like trying to figure out where to sit in the cafeteria, having to describe yourself in five words as an icebreaker in your math class, or being unsure what to do during your lunch break because it’s no longer acceptable to go outside and play during lunch. All of those ideas feed back into the central motif of establishing your identity.

The important thing to remember is that while a narrative essay is typically told chronologically and intended to read like a story, it is not purely for entertainment value. A narrative essay delivers its theme by deliberately weaving the motifs through the events, scenes, and details. While a narrative essay may be entertaining, its primary purpose is to tell a complete story based on a central meaning.

Unlike other essay forms, it is totally okay—even expected—to use first-person narration in narrative essays. If you’re writing a story about yourself, it’s natural to refer to yourself within the essay. It’s also okay to use other perspectives, such as third- or even second-person, but that should only be done if it better serves your motif. Generally speaking, your narrative essay should be in first-person perspective.

Though your motif choices may feel at times like you’re making a point the way you would in an argumentative essay, a narrative essay’s goal is to tell a story, not convince the reader of anything. Your reader should be able to tell what your motif is from reading, but you don’t have to change their mind about anything. If they don’t understand the point you are making, you should consider strengthening the delivery of the events and descriptions that support your motif.

Narrative essays also share some features with analytical essays, in which you derive meaning from a book, film, or other media. But narrative essays work differently—you’re not trying to draw meaning from an existing text, but rather using an event you’ve experienced to convey meaning. In an analytical essay, you examine narrative, whereas in a narrative essay you create narrative.

The structure of a narrative essay is also a bit different than other essays. You’ll generally be getting your point across chronologically as opposed to grouping together specific arguments in paragraphs or sections. To return to the example of an essay discussing your first day of high school and how it impacted the shaping of your identity, it would be weird to put the events out of order, even if not knowing what to do after lunch feels like a stronger idea than choosing where to sit. Instead of organizing to deliver your information based on maximum impact, you’ll be telling your story as it happened, using concrete details to reinforce your theme.


3 Great Narrative Essay Examples

One of the best ways to learn how to write a narrative essay is to look at a great narrative essay sample. Let’s take a look at some truly stellar narrative essay examples and dive into what exactly makes them work so well.

A Ticket to the Fair by David Foster Wallace

Today is Press Day at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield, and I’m supposed to be at the fairgrounds by 9:00 A.M. to get my credentials. I imagine credentials to be a small white card in the band of a fedora. I’ve never been considered press before. My real interest in credentials is getting into rides and shows for free. I’m fresh in from the East Coast, for an East Coast magazine. Why exactly they’re interested in the Illinois State Fair remains unclear to me. I suspect that every so often editors at East Coast magazines slap their foreheads and remember that about 90 percent of the United States lies between the coasts, and figure they’ll engage somebody to do pith-helmeted anthropological reporting on something rural and heartlandish. I think they asked me to do this because I grew up here, just a couple hours’ drive from downstate Springfield. I never did go to the state fair, though—I pretty much topped out at the county fair level. Actually, I haven’t been back to Illinois for a long time, and I can’t say I’ve missed it.

Throughout this essay, David Foster Wallace recounts his experience as press at the Illinois State Fair. But it’s clear from this opening that he’s not just reporting on the events exactly as they happened—though that’s also true— but rather making a point about how the East Coast, where he lives and works, thinks about the Midwest.

In his opening paragraph, Wallace states that outright: “Why exactly they’re interested in the Illinois State Fair remains unclear to me. I suspect that every so often editors at East Coast magazines slap their foreheads and remember that about 90 percent of the United States lies between the coasts, and figure they’ll engage somebody to do pith-helmeted anthropological reporting on something rural and heartlandish.”

Not every motif needs to be stated this clearly , but in an essay as long as Wallace’s, particularly since the audience for such a piece may feel similarly and forget that such a large portion of the country exists, it’s important to make that point clear.

But Wallace doesn’t just rest on introducing his motif and telling the events exactly as they occurred from there. It’s clear that he selects events that remind us of that idea of East Coast cynicism , such as when he realizes that the Help Me Grow tent is standing on top of fake grass that is killing the real grass beneath, when he realizes the hypocrisy of craving a corn dog when faced with a real, suffering pig, when he’s upset for his friend even though he’s not the one being sexually harassed, and when he witnesses another East Coast person doing something he wouldn’t dare to do.

Wallace is literally telling the audience exactly what happened, complete with dates and timestamps for when each event occurred. But he’s also choosing those events with a purpose—he doesn’t focus on details that don’t serve his motif. That’s why he discusses the experiences of people, how the smells are unappealing to him, and how all the people he meets, in cowboy hats, overalls, or “black spandex that looks like cheesecake leotards,” feel almost alien to him.

All of these details feed back into the throughline of East Coast thinking that Wallace introduces in the first paragraph. He also refers back to it in the essay’s final paragraph, stating:

At last, an overarching theory blooms inside my head: megalopolitan East Coasters’ summer treats and breaks and literally ‘getaways,’ flights-from—from crowds, noise, heat, dirt, the stress of too many sensory choices….The East Coast existential treat is escape from confines and stimuli—quiet, rustic vistas that hold still, turn inward, turn away. Not so in the rural Midwest. Here you’re pretty much away all the time….Something in a Midwesterner sort of actuates , deep down, at a public event….The real spectacle that draws us here is us.

Throughout this journey, Wallace has tried to demonstrate how the East Coast thinks about the Midwest, ultimately concluding that they are captivated by the Midwest’s less stimuli-filled life, but that the real reason they are interested in events like the Illinois State Fair is that they are, in some ways, a means of looking at the East Coast in a new, estranging way.

The reason this works so well is that Wallace has carefully chosen his examples, outlined his motif and themes in the first paragraph, and eventually circled back to the original motif with a clearer understanding of his original point.

When outlining your own narrative essay, try to do the same. Start with a theme, build upon it with examples, and return to it in the end with an even deeper understanding of the original issue. You don’t need this much space to explore a theme, either—as we’ll see in the next example, a strong narrative essay can also be very short.


Death of a Moth by Virginia Woolf

After a time, tired by his dancing apparently, he settled on the window ledge in the sun, and, the queer spectacle being at an end, I forgot about him. Then, looking up, my eye was caught by him. He was trying to resume his dancing, but seemed either so stiff or so awkward that he could only flutter to the bottom of the window-pane; and when he tried to fly across it he failed. Being intent on other matters I watched these futile attempts for a time without thinking, unconsciously waiting for him to resume his flight, as one waits for a machine, that has stopped momentarily, to start again without considering the reason of its failure. After perhaps a seventh attempt he slipped from the wooden ledge and fell, fluttering his wings, on to his back on the window sill. The helplessness of his attitude roused me. It flashed upon me that he was in difficulties; he could no longer raise himself; his legs struggled vainly. But, as I stretched out a pencil, meaning to help him to right himself, it came over me that the failure and awkwardness were the approach of death. I laid the pencil down again.

In this essay, Virginia Woolf explains her encounter with a dying moth. On surface level, this essay is just a recounting of an afternoon in which she watched a moth die—it’s even established in the title. But there’s more to it than that. Though Woolf does not begin her essay with as clear a motif as Wallace, it’s not hard to pick out the evidence she uses to support her point, which is that the experience of this moth is also the human experience.

In the title, Woolf tells us this essay is about death. But in the first paragraph, she seems to mostly be discussing life—the moth is “content with life,” people are working in the fields, and birds are flying. However, she mentions that it is mid-September and that the fields were being plowed. It’s autumn and it’s time for the harvest; the time of year in which many things die.

In this short essay, she chronicles the experience of watching a moth seemingly embody life, then die. Though this essay is literally about a moth, it’s also about a whole lot more than that. After all, moths aren’t the only things that die—Woolf is also reflecting on her own mortality, as well as the mortality of everything around her.

At its core, the essay discusses the push and pull of life and death, not in a way that’s necessarily sad, but in a way that is accepting of both. Woolf begins by setting up the transitional fall season, often associated with things coming to an end, and raises the ideas of pleasure, vitality, and pity.

At one point, Woolf tries to help the dying moth, but reconsiders, as it would interfere with the natural order of the world. The moth’s death is part of the natural order of the world, just like fall, just like her own eventual death.

All these themes are set up in the beginning and explored throughout the essay’s narrative. Though Woolf doesn’t directly state her theme, she reinforces it by choosing a small, isolated event—watching a moth die—and illustrating her point through details.

With this essay, we can see that you don’t need a big, weird, exciting event to discuss an important meaning. Woolf is able to explore complicated ideas in a short essay by being deliberate about what details she includes, just as you can be in your own essays.


Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin

On the twenty-ninth of July, in 1943, my father died. On the same day, a few hours later, his last child was born. Over a month before this, while all our energies were concentrated in waiting for these events, there had been, in Detroit, one of the bloodiest race riots of the century. A few hours after my father’s funeral, while he lay in state in the undertaker’s chapel, a race riot broke out in Harlem. On the morning of the third of August, we drove my father to the graveyard through a wilderness of smashed plate glass.

Like Woolf, Baldwin does not lay out his themes in concrete terms—unlike Wallace, there’s no clear sentence that explains what he’ll be talking about. However, you can see the motifs quite clearly: death, fatherhood, struggle, and race.

Throughout the narrative essay, Baldwin discusses the circumstances of his father’s death, including his complicated relationship with his father. By introducing those motifs in the first paragraph, the reader understands that everything discussed in the essay will come back to those core ideas. When Baldwin talks about his experience with a white teacher taking an interest in him and his father’s resistance to that, he is also talking about race and his father’s death. When he talks about his father’s death, he is also talking about his views on race. When he talks about his encounters with segregation and racism, he is talking, in part, about his father.

Because his father was a hard, uncompromising man, Baldwin struggles to reconcile the knowledge that his father was right about many things with his desire to not let that hardness consume him, as well.

Baldwin doesn’t explicitly state any of this, but his writing so often touches on the same motifs that it becomes clear he wants us to think about all these ideas in conversation with one another.

At the end of the essay, Baldwin makes it more clear:

This fight begins, however, in the heart and it had now been laid to my charge to keep my own heart free of hatred and despair. This intimation made my heart heavy and, now that my father was irrecoverable, I wished that he had been beside me so that I could have searched his face for the answers which only the future would give me now.

Here, Baldwin ties together the themes and motifs into one clear statement: that he must continue to fight and recognize injustice, especially racial injustice, just as his father did. But unlike his father, he must do it beginning with himself—he must not let himself be closed off to the world as his father was. And yet, he still wishes he had his father for guidance, even as he establishes that he hopes to be a different man than his father.

In this essay, Baldwin loads the front of the essay with his motifs, and, through his narrative, weaves them together into a theme. In the end, he comes to a conclusion that connects all of those things together and leaves the reader with a lasting impression of completion—though the elements may have been initially disparate, in the end everything makes sense.

You can replicate this tactic of introducing seemingly unattached ideas and weaving them together in your own essays. By introducing those motifs, developing them throughout, and bringing them together in the end, you can demonstrate to your reader how all of them are related. However, it’s especially important to be sure that your motifs and clear and consistent throughout your essay so that the conclusion feels earned and consistent—if not, readers may feel mislead.

5 Key Tips for Writing Narrative Essays

Narrative essays can be a lot of fun to write since they’re so heavily based on creativity. But that can also feel intimidating—sometimes it’s easier to have strict guidelines than to have to make it all up yourself. Here are a few tips to keep your narrative essay feeling strong and fresh.

Develop Strong Motifs

Motifs are the foundation of a narrative essay . What are you trying to say? How can you say that using specific symbols or events? Those are your motifs.

In the same way that an argumentative essay’s body should support its thesis, the body of your narrative essay should include motifs that support your theme.

Try to avoid cliches, as these will feel tired to your readers. Instead of roses to symbolize love, try succulents. Instead of the ocean representing some vast, unknowable truth, try the depths of your brother’s bedroom. Keep your language and motifs fresh and your essay will be even stronger!

Use First-Person Perspective

In many essays, you’re expected to remove yourself so that your points stand on their own. Not so in a narrative essay—in this case, you want to make use of your own perspective.

Sometimes a different perspective can make your point even stronger. If you want someone to identify with your point of view, it may be tempting to choose a second-person perspective. However, be sure you really understand the function of second-person; it’s very easy to put a reader off if the narration isn’t expertly deployed.

If you want a little bit of distance, third-person perspective may be okay. But be careful—too much distance and your reader may feel like the narrative lacks truth.

That’s why first-person perspective is the standard. It keeps you, the writer, close to the narrative, reminding the reader that it really happened. And because you really know what happened and how, you’re free to inject your own opinion into the story without it detracting from your point, as it would in a different type of essay.

Stick to the Truth

Your essay should be true. However, this is a creative essay, and it’s okay to embellish a little. Rarely in life do we experience anything with a clear, concrete meaning the way somebody in a book might. If you flub the details a little, it’s okay—just don’t make them up entirely.

Also, nobody expects you to perfectly recall details that may have happened years ago. You may have to reconstruct dialog from your memory and your imagination. That’s okay, again, as long as you aren’t making it up entirely and assigning made-up statements to somebody.

Dialog is a powerful tool. A good conversation can add flavor and interest to a story, as we saw demonstrated in David Foster Wallace’s essay. As previously mentioned, it’s okay to flub it a little, especially because you’re likely writing about an experience you had without knowing that you’d be writing about it later.

However, don’t rely too much on it. Your narrative essay shouldn’t be told through people explaining things to one another; the motif comes through in the details. Dialog can be one of those details, but it shouldn’t be the only one.

Use Sensory Descriptions

Because a narrative essay is a story, you can use sensory details to make your writing more interesting. If you’re describing a particular experience, you can go into detail about things like taste, smell, and hearing in a way that you probably wouldn’t do in any other essay style.

These details can tie into your overall motifs and further your point. Woolf describes in great detail what she sees while watching the moth, giving us the sense that we, too, are watching the moth. In Wallace’s essay, he discusses the sights, sounds, and smells of the Illinois State Fair to help emphasize his point about its strangeness. And in Baldwin’s essay, he describes shattered glass as a “wilderness,” and uses the feelings of his body to describe his mental state.

All these descriptions anchor us not only in the story, but in the motifs and themes as well. One of the tools of a writer is making the reader feel as you felt, and sensory details help you achieve that.

What’s Next?

Looking to brush up on your essay-writing capabilities before the ACT? This guide to ACT English will walk you through some of the best strategies and practice questions to get you prepared!

Part of practicing for the ACT is ensuring your word choice and diction are on point. Check out this guide to some of the most common errors on the ACT English section to be sure that you're not making these common mistakes!

A solid understanding of English principles will help you make an effective point in a narrative essay, and you can get that understanding through taking a rigorous assortment of high school English classes !

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Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education.

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15 Inspiring Personal Narrative Examples for Writers

Reveal a part of yourself in your essay.

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

Students start writing personal narratives at a young age, learning to use descriptive language to tell a story about their own experiences. Try sharing these personal narrative examples for elementary, middle, and high school to help them understand this essay form.

What is a personal narrative?

Think of a narrative essay like telling a story. Use descriptive language, and be sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. The essay should recount your personal experiences, including your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Learn more about personal narrative essays here:

  • What Is Narrative Writing, and How Do I Teach It in the Classroom?
  • Engaging Personal Narrative Ideas for Kids and Teens
  • Best Mentor Texts for Narrative Writing in Elementary School

Elementary School Personal Narrative Examples

In elementary school, personal narratives might be quite short, just a paragraph or two. The key is to encourage kids to embrace a personal style of writing, one that speaks in their own voice. Take a look at these elementary school personal narrative essay examples for inspiration.

The Horrible Day

“next i fell asleep in my cereal and my brother stole my toast”—anonymous student.

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

In this short personal narrative written by a 2nd grader, the author describes a bad day with lots of details and an informal tone. It’s a great model for your youngest writers.

Read the full essay: The Horrible Day at Thoughtful Learning

Keep an Eye on the Sky!

“as we made our way out to the field, my stomach slowly turned into a giant knot of fear.” —anonymous student.

Any student who dreads gym class will connect with this essay, which turns a challenge into a triumph. This narrative from Time for Kids is annotated, with highlighted details and tips to help kids write their own essay.

Read the full essay: Keep an Eye on the Sky! at Time for Kids

Grandpa, Chaz, and Me

“i really miss grandpa, and so does my brother, even though he never met him.” —cody, 4th grade student.

Written by a 4th grader, this essay relates the author’s loss of a grandfather at a very young age. Using simple, personal language, they tell a compelling story in a few short paragraphs.

Read the full essay: Grandpa, Chaz, and Me at Thoughtful Learning

Surviving an Embarrassing Situation

“i had made the shot in the wrong basket, giving the green shirts the win” —anonymous student.

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

Personal narratives tell a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. This annotated essay outlines those parts, making it easier for young writers to do the same in their own writing.

Read the full essay: Surviving an Embarrassing Situation at Sopris West Educational Services

“Do you have a friend who loves you?” —Kendra, 4th grade student

Writing about friends gives writers the chance to describe someone’s physical characteristics and personality. This 4th grade essay uses personal details to bring a beloved friend to life.

Read the full essay: Ann at Thoughtful Learning

Middle School Personal Narrative Examples

By middle school, personal narratives are longer and more involved, telling more detailed stories and experiences. These middle school personal narrative essay examples model strong writing skills for this age group.

“As thoughts of certain death run through my mind, the world appears a precious, treasured place.” —Amy, student

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

Describing an opportunity to overcome your worst fears makes an excellent personal narrative topic. The vivid descriptions of the landscape and the author’s feelings help the reader make a strong connection to the author.

Read the full essay: The Climb at Thoughtful Learning

The Best Friend Question

“i’ve often wondered, does not having a best friend make me defective” —blanche li, age 13, diablo vista middle school, danville, california.

When her Spanish teacher asked students for an essay describing their best friend, 13-year-old Blanche Li fell back on her standard story: that of a made-up person. Here, she explains why she made up “Haley” and wonders what having an imaginary best friend says about her.

Read the full essay: The Best Friend Question at The New York Times

The Racist Warehouse

“i didn’t know racism was still around; i thought that situation had died along with dr. king.” —alicia, 8th grade student.

Strong personal narratives often relate the way the author learned an important life lesson. Here, an 8th grader describes her first experience with racism, in an essay that will sadly ring true with many readers.

Read the full essay: The Racist Warehouse at Thoughtful Teaching

“For the first time, we realized that we didn’t know how to express our voice, and we always suppressed it.” —Jocelyn C., 7th grade student, Texas

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

Seventh-grader Jocelyn C. describes the unique experience of spending two years living in an RV with her family, traveling the country. She relates the ups and downs of their trip, illustrating the way her family learned to live together in close quarters and embrace the adventure.

Read the full essay: RV Journey at Write From the Heart

An Eight Pound Rival

“i’m trying to accept that he didn’t mean to dominate the center stage all the time, that’s just one of the many lovable assets of his personality.”.

A new sibling can change everything in a family, especially when you’ve always been the baby. This middle schooler explains her challenging relationship with a little brother that she loves, even when he drives her a bit crazy. (Find this essay on page 42 at the link.)

Read the full essay: An Eight Pound Rival at Teaching That Makes Sense

High School Personal Narrative Examples

High school students have more complex stories to tell, though they’re sometimes reluctant to do so. Reading personal narrative essay examples like these can encourage them to open up and get their thoughts, feelings, and ideas down on the page.

Sorry, Wrong Number

“when i received the first text, i was a playful sixth grader, always finding sly ways to be subversive in school and with friends.” —michelle ahn, high school student.

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

When Michelle Ahn was 11, she started getting texts for a wrong number, a man named Jared. Rather than correcting the error, she spends the next few years occasionally engaging with his texters as “Jared,” learning more about him. Though she finally comes clean, her time as “Jared” exposes her to a way of life very different from her own, and opens her eyes to the inner lives of others.

Read the full essay: Sorry, Wrong Number at The New York Times

Caught in the Net

“little does everyone else know how often i’m not doing school research or paper writing; instead i’m aimlessly writing emails or chatting with internet friends and family hundreds of miles away.” —kim, college student.

Even before social media and smartphones swept the world, internet addiction had become a problem. Here, a student shares her experiences in AOL chat rooms, meeting people from around the globe. Eventually, she realizes she’s sacrificing life in the real world for her digital friends and experiences, and works to find the right balance.

Read the full essay: Caught in the Net at Thoughtful Learning

Nothing Extraordinary

“an uneasy feeling started to settle in my chest. i tried to push it out, but once it took root it refused to be yanked up and tossed away.” —jeniffer kim, high school student.

During an ordinary shopping trip, high schooler Jenniffer Kim suddenly realizes she’s ashamed of her mother. At the same time, she recognizes all the sacrifices her mom has made for her, and gladly takes the chance to make a tiny sacrifice of her own.

Read the full essay: Nothing Extraordinary at The New York Times

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

“at this point in life, i had not yet learned to be gentle with myself, or others.” —anonymous student.

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

A teen who lives with bipolar disorder recounts a difficult conversation with her parents, in which her mother dismisses her as “crazy.” A few years later, this same teen finds herself in the emergency room, where her mother has just tried to die by suicide. “Crazy!” the daughter thinks. After her mother also receives a bipolar disorder diagnosis, the author concludes, “‘Crazy’ is a term devised to dismiss people.”

Read the full essay: The Pot Calling the Kettle Black at Pressbooks

What a Black Woman Wishes Her Adoptive White Parents Knew

“i know that i am different, but do not have the words to understand how.” —mariama lockington.

Though not written by a high schooler, this essay by Mariama Lockington makes an excellent mentor text for this age group. Lockington dives deep into her feelings about being adopted by parents of a different race, and shares her challenges in poignant language that speaks directly to the reader.

Read the full essay: What a Black Woman Wishes Her Adoptive White Parents Knew at Buzzfeed News

Do you use personal narrative examples as mentor texts in your classroom? Come share your experiences and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook !

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Personal Narrative Essay Examples

In the realm of personal narrative essays, personal narrative essay examples serve as a compelling platform for individuals to share their unique stories, experiences, and perspectives. These essays are more than just pieces of personal history; they are windows into the human condition. However, a key factor in crafting a memorable personal narrative essay lies in selecting the right topic. In this article, we'll delve into the art of choosing personal narrative essay topics and explore their significance in creating a meaningful and engaging narrative.

Finding Ideas for a Personal Narrative Essay

The first step in the journey of crafting a captivating personal narrative essay is finding ideas and inspiration. Inspiration often resides within our own lives and experiences:

  • Reflecting on Personal Experiences: Personal narrative essays draw their strength from real-life encounters and observations. Take time to reflect on moments that have left a lasting impact on you.
  • Exploring Emotions and Memories: Emotions are the lifeblood of personal narratives. Recall events that stirred powerful emotions within you, whether it was joy, fear, anger, or love.
  • Identifying Life-Changing Moments: Sometimes, our most profound stories revolve around events that changed the course of our lives. Identify these turning points and consider how they have shaped you.

By utilizing these ideas for a personal narrative essay, you will unlock a wealth of storytelling potential. Reflecting on personal experiences , exploring emotions and memories, and identifying life-changing moments will enable you to tap into the richness of your own life.

Popular Personal Narrative Essay Ideas and Topics

Now, let's explore some popular personal narrative essay ideas that encompass a wide range of experiences and emotions:

Childhood Memories

  • First Day of School : Delve into the nerves, excitement, and anticipation of your very first day of school. What did it teach you about resilience and adaptability?
  • A Memorable Family Vacation: Share the details of a family vacation that etched memories into your heart. What made it unforgettable, and how did it shape your bond with your family?
  • A Childhood Friendship: Reflect on a cherished childhood friendship. Explore the lessons you learned about trust, loyalty, and the bittersweet passage of time.

Life-changing Experiences

  • Overcoming a Fear or Phobia: Narrate an experience where you conquered a deep-seated fear or phobia. What steps did you take, and what did it reveal about your inner strength?
  • A Pivotal Life Decision: Share the story of a critical decision that altered the course of your life. What factors weighed on your choice, and what did you gain or lose?
  • An Unexpected Adventure: Recount an unexpected adventure that took you out of your comfort zone. What challenges did you face, and how did you grow as a person?

Personal Growth and Reflection

  • A Lesson Learned from a Mistake: Explore a mistake you made and the valuable lesson it taught you. How did this experience shape your decision-making and personal growth?
  • Achieving a Personal Goal: Celebrate the journey of achieving a personal goal. Reflect on the obstacles you overcame and the determination that fueled your success.
  • A Moment of Self-Discovery: Share a moment when you discovered something profound about yourself. How did this newfound self-awareness impact your life and relationships?

Tips for Choosing the Right Topic

When it comes to selecting topics for personal narratives, making the right choice is essential to craft a compelling and meaningful story. Your chosen topic forms the foundation of your narrative, shaping its tone, relevance, and impact on your readers. Selecting the right personal narrative essay topics is crucial. Here are some tips to guide your choice:

  • Connecting with Your Audience: Consider your target audience and choose a topic that will resonate with them. Your narrative should evoke emotions and experiences that your readers can relate to.
  • The Importance of Authenticity: Authenticity is the key to a compelling personal narrative. Choose a topic that genuinely reflects your experiences and emotions. Readers can sense when a story is authentic.
  • Balancing Significance and Relatability: While dramatic events make for engaging narratives, even seemingly small moments can hold immense significance. Balance the significance of the event with its relatability to your audience.

In the realm of personal narrative essays, the choice of topic serves as the foundation upon which the narrative is built. It determines whether your story will resonate with readers and leave a lasting impression. Personal narrative essay examples can illustrate how a well-chosen topic can make your narrative more engaging and relatable. As we conclude this exploration of personal narrative essay topics, remember that your life is a treasure trove of stories waiting to be shared. Whether it's a childhood memory, a life-changing experience, or a moment of self-discovery, the power of your narrative lies in your ability to choose the right topic and let your unique voice shine through. So, embrace your experiences, and embark on a journey of storytelling that captivates, inspires, and connects with others.

Embark on a journey through this writing guide, where personal narrative examples aren’t merely presented; they leap off the page, enveloping us in a world where stories don’t just speak—they roar, resonate, and sometimes, perform a whimsical dance. In this realm, personal narrative examples serve as our guideposts, illuminating the path to crafting narratives that are as authentic as they are compelling.

What is a Personal Narrative Essay Examples

A personal narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story from the author’s own life experiences and perspectives. It is a form of creative nonfiction in which the author shares a personal story, event, or incident that holds meaning or significance. Personal narrative essays often aim to engage the reader by providing a vivid and emotional account of the author’s experiences.

When crafting a personal narrative essay, it’s essential to find valuable personal narrative essay examples to guide you. This type of writing demands a unique approach, where external research is unnecessary. Draw from your personal experiences and explore your ideas from a personal point of view. The purpose of such essays is to let you work on a certain topic by using analysis and by turning to reflective writing practices. 

The examples of personal narrative essays may relate to anything from bullying to the way social media affects our perception of body image in a negative way. Likewise, if you are majoring in Journalism or Political Sciences, you may take any topic that would relate to what you are currently exploring unless you have already been provided with an essay prompt. In either case, you must take your time to focus on your opinion and things that inspire you the most. If you can keep your writing interesting and unique, it will always show as you write.

Comparing personal narrative essays with research essays sheds light on distinct approaches to storytelling and analysis. While personal narrative essays delve into personal experiences and reflections, research essays delve into data-driven analysis and findings. To gain deeper insights into these essay types, explore research essay examples uncovered on our site. Research essays present a systematic examination of a topic, drawing from scholarly sources and empirical evidence, whereas Personal Narrative essays offer subjective accounts of individual experiences. By reviewing examples of both genres, you can discern their unique characteristics and appreciate the diversity of essay writing styles.

Personal narrative essays are a popular form of writing that allow individuals to share their personal experiences, stories, and insights. In the infographics we’ve prepared, you can find a most common types of personal narrative essays:

Types of Personal Narrative Essays

These are some of the most common types of personal narrative essays, each with its unique focus and storytelling approach. The choice of type depends on the author’s personal experiences and the message they want to convey.

How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay

Writing a personal narrative essay is a creative and introspective process that enables you to share a piece of your life with others. If you’re wondering how to write a personal narrative essay, here are 5 key steps to help you get started:

  • Choose a Meaningful Experience : Select a personal experience that has had a significant impact on your life. Whether it’s a moment of growth, a life-changing event, or a cherished memory, pick a topic that resonates with you.
  • Plan Your Narrative : Create an outline to organize your thoughts. Highlight the main events or moments you want to include and decide on the order in which you’ll present them. This will provide structure to your essay.
  • Engage Your Audience : Craft a captivating introduction that immediately grabs the reader’s attention. You can use vivid descriptions, a compelling question, or a thought-provoking quote. Establish the setting and context to draw the reader into your story.
  • Tell Your Story : In the body of your essay, narrate your story chronologically. Describe the events, emotions, and thoughts you experienced. Utilize descriptive language to create a vivid picture for the reader, immersing them in your narrative.
  • Reflect and Conclude : Conclude your essay by reflecting on the significance of the experience. Share what you’ve learned, how it has affected you, and the message or insight you want to leave with your reader. Summarize the key points to make a lasting impression.

Writing a personal narrative essay allows you to share your unique experiences and connect with your audience on a personal level. By carefully selecting your topic, crafting a compelling narrative, and reflecting on its importance, you can create an impactful and memorable essay. If you’re looking for an example of a personal narrative essay , studying well-crafted essays can provide valuable insights into the structure and storytelling techniques that make them effective.

Incorporating these steps into your writing process will help you craft a compelling and meaningful personal narrative essay that resonates with your audience.

Writing a Personal Narrative Essay: Tips and Tricks

Writing a personal narrative is an art form that invites readers into your world, offering them a glimpse of your experiences, emotions, and reflections. Whether you’re crafting a personal narrative essay for a class, a publication, or your satisfaction, the following tips and tricks, illustrated with personal narrative essay examples, can help you create a compelling and resonant story.

  • Start with a Strong Hook. Engage your readers from the very beginning with a captivating hook. This could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, or a vivid scene. For example, a personal narrative example might begin with a dramatic moment that immediately places the reader in the heart of the story.
  • Focus on a Significant Moment. A personal narrative should center around a significant moment or series of events that had a profound impact on you. This doesn’t have to be a life-altering event, but it should be meaningful enough to warrant exploration. Personal narrative essay examples often highlight a turning point that offers insight into the writer’s growth or change.
  • Include Sensory Details. Bring your story to life with sensory details. Describe what you saw, heard, smelled, touched, and tasted to help the reader experience the event as you did. A personal narrative essay example might describe the aroma of a grandmother’s kitchen or the texture of a rough sea to immerse the reader fully.
  • Explore Your Emotions and Reflections. The heart of a personal narrative lies in your introspection and emotional journey. Discuss how the events affected you, what you learned, and how you changed. Personal narrative essay examples excel when they delve deep into the writer’s emotional landscape, offering honest and relatable reflections.
  • Use Dialogue Effectively . Incorporating dialogue can add dynamism to your narrative, bringing characters to life and moving the story forward. Ensure that the dialogue sounds natural and contributes to the development of the story or the understanding of the characters. A well-chosen dialogue in a personal narrative example can illustrate a relationship or a pivotal moment vividly.
  • Structure Your Narrative with Care. While a personal narrative may not follow a traditional plot structure, having a clear beginning, middle, and end is crucial. Lead your readers through the events with a purposeful narrative arc, guiding them toward the resolution or the main point of your story. Personal narrative examples show how an effectively structured narrative can enhance the impact of the story.
  • Revise and Edit. A great personal narrative doesn’t just happen on the first draft. Revise your work for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Pay attention to grammar and punctuation, and consider feedback from readers to refine your narrative. Personal narrative essay examples that resonate the most are often those that have been carefully polished.
  • Reflect on the Universality of Your Experience . While a personal narrative is inherently personal, reflecting on the universal themes within your story can connect with a broader audience. Consider how your personal experiences touch on larger truths or common human experiences. A personal narrative essay that captures universal themes becomes relatable and impactful.

By following these tips and tricks and studying personal narrative essay examples, you can craft a personal narrative that not only tells your story but also touches the hearts and minds of your readers. Remember, a personal narrative is a gift of your perspective, a glimpse into your world that can enlighten, entertain, and inspire.

How to Structure a Personal Narrative Essay: Examples

Turning to personal narrative structure , you are mostly allowed to approach a free style where you may keep your narration according to your preferences, yet it’s recommended to keep your topics narrowed down to a certain period of time or a take on things if that speaks of your life’s experience. To create an engaging and well-structured personal narrative essay , follow these essential elements:

  • Introduction : Set the Stage
  • Start with a hook: Begin your essay with an attention-grabbing sentence or anecdote that draws readers in.
  • Provide context: Introduce the setting, time, and place of your story.
  • Present the thesis statement: Clearly state the main idea or message you want to convey through your narrative.
  • Background Information : Build the Foundation
  • Offer background details: Provide essential information about the characters, setting, and circumstances relevant to your story.
  • Develop characters: Describe the key individuals involved, including yourself, if applicable.
  • Plot Development : Unfold the Story
  • Sequence events: Organize the events of your narrative in chronological order to maintain clarity.
  • Build tension: Use rising action to create anticipation and interest in the narrative.
  • Climax: Present the turning point or the most significant moment of your story.
  • Descriptive Detail s: Paint a Vivid Picture
  • Utilize sensory imagery: Engage readers’ senses by describing sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings.
  • Use vivid language: Employ descriptive adjectives and metaphors to enhance the reader’s understanding of your experiences.
  • Reflection and Analysis : Share Insights
  • Reflect on the significance: Explain why the experience was meaningful or how it impacted you.
  • Offer personal insights: Share your thoughts, emotions, and personal growth resulting from the experience.
  • Conclusion : Wrap It Up
  • Summarize the story: Provide a concise summary of the main events and their outcomes.
  • Reinforce the thesis: Reiterate the key message or lesson learned.
  • End with a powerful closing: Leave readers with a thought-provoking statement, a lesson, or a reflection.
  • Editing and Proofreading : Polish Your Essay
  • Revise for clarity: Ensure the narrative flows smoothly and is easy to follow.
  • Check for grammar and spelling errors: Use tools like Grammarly to eliminate mistakes.
  • Seek feedback: Have someone else review your essay for constructive input.
  • Title : Choose an Engaging Title
  • Craft a title that captures the essence of your narrative and intrigues potential readers.

Remember, personal narrative essays allow you to share your unique experiences and perspectives, making them compelling and relatable to your audience. By following this structured approach, you can create a well-crafted and engaging personal narrative essay.

How to Start a Personal Narrative Essay

Starting a personal narrative essay can be both exciting and challenging. To help you embark on this writing journey effectively, here are 5 key points on how to start a personal narrative essay :

P1. Choose an Engaging Topic: Begin by selecting a compelling and personal experience as your essay’s focus. Reflect on moments from your life that had an impact, taught you a lesson, or evoked strong emotions. Your chosen topic should resonate with both you and your potential readers.

P2. Create a Captivating Hook: Grab your readers’ attention right from the start. You can use a catchy anecdote, a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or a vivid description to engage your audience. The hook sets the tone for your narrative.

P3. Develop a Clear Thesis Statement: In a personal narrative essay, your thesis statement should convey the central message or lesson you want to share through your story. It serves as a roadmap for your essay, guiding both you and your readers throughout the narrative.

P4. Organize Your Ideas: Outline the main events and details you want to include in your essay. Ensure a logical flow of events, from the introduction to the climax and resolution. Organizing your thoughts beforehand will make the writing process smoother.

P5. Show, Don’t Just Tell: Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to paint a picture for your readers. Let them experience the emotions and sensations you felt during the event. Showcasing your experiences through sensory details helps create a more immersive narrative.

By following these 5 key points on how to start a personal narrative essay , you can begin your essay-writing journey with confidence and captivate your readers from the very beginning.

Personal Narrative Examples to Inspire Your Writing

A personal narrative essay example , such as this personal narrative essay example about life , is a written piece that serves as an illustration or personal narrative essay sample. It is a real-life essay that an author has written to share a personal experience or story, often in the first-person perspective.

Free personal narrative essay examples are used to demonstrate how to structure and craft a personal narrative essay, showcase effective storytelling techniques, and provide inspiration and guidance to other writers who may be working on their own personal narratives. They are valuable resources for both students and writers looking to understand the art of personal storytelling and how to effectively convey their own experiences through essays.

Good Personal Narrative Essay Samples

Good examples of personal narratives serve as effective tools for enhancing your comprehension. Here are some excellently crafted narrative essay examples. Take the time to thoroughly analyze them and leverage their guidance to create a well-written essay of your own.

Short Free Personal Narrative Essay Examples

Dive into these brief yet impactful stories for inspiration and insights into crafting your own compelling personal narratives.

Examples of Personal Narrative Essays for College

These narratives delve into diverse experiences, offering valuable insights and storytelling inspiration for those navigating the world of higher education. Dive into these narratives to discover the power of personal storytelling in a college context.

Personal Narrative Essay Examples for High School

These narratives are tailored to resonate with high school students, providing a valuable glimpse into personal experiences, challenges, and moments of growth.

Checklist for Writing a Personal Narrative Essay

While it is considered that no thesis statement is necessary for a personal narrative essay, you should keep your main thought throughout as you deal with a certain topic. See our free personal narrative essay examples and brainstorm various ideas before you start. Don’t forget to check our helpful checklist to make sure that you follow the general structure rules for this essay: 

  • You write in the first person.
  • Your tone is narrative and explanatory where and if necessary.
  • You keep up with the same idea and avoid vague statements.
  • You have a strong hook or some fact in your introduction.
  • You bring out a moral lesson in your conclusion part.
  • There are transitions and topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph. ( Use words like “Therefore”, “As a result of”)

Although it’s a personal narrative, make sure that you choose your topic wisely by exploring the objectives and checking your grading rubric twice! 

Exploring the Essence of Personal Narrative Examples

Diving into today’s exploration, we’ve encountered the enchanting essence of personal narratives. Far from mere storytelling, these narratives act as vibrant conduits for conveying messages, rendering abstract ideas tangible, and forging authentic human connections. Whether deployed in a polished professional presentation, a candid conversation, or the draft of your latest writing endeavor, the strategic integration of a well-crafted story can significantly amplify your message.

Navigating the art of personal storytelling requires a balanced approach—aim for authenticity without veering into the realm of TMI (Too Much Information), and strive to captivate without tipping into melodrama. The arenas for employing these personal narratives are boundless. Whether in formal professional environments or spontaneous casual interactions, a memorable story can leave a lasting impression, elevating you in the minds of your audience.

In conclusion, mastering the art of crafting personal narrative essays involves not only understanding the intricacies of storytelling but also appreciating the nuanced form of memoir essays. By dissecting a memoir essay example , writers can glean valuable insights into narrative structure, thematic elements, and emotional resonance, thereby enhancing their storytelling prowess.

Narrative: Why Softball Is Important in My Life

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Personal Narrative: a Day I Lost My Best Friend

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The Impact of a Funeral: a Personal Narrative

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Personal Narrative: I Am a Perfectionist

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Personal Narrative: My Fear of Failure

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Narrative about Losing My Dad

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Personal Narrative on Winning The Lottery

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Personal Narrative: from Childhood to Adulthood

The transition from childhood to adulthood is a significant and transformative period in an individual’s life. It is a time of immense personal growth, self-discovery, and the development of independence. This personal narrative aims to explore my journey from childhood to adulthood, highlighting the key…

Personal Narrative: The Hero’s Journey

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What is a personal narrative essay?

In most cases, you must take ideas that deal with a personal narrative that can be a story from your life or a case that you have been involved in. You should write from the first person. Personal narrative examples include writing about your birthday or meeting your best friend in middle school. The topics should inspire you and have a beginning with a hook sentence, content, and a conclusion.

How to write personal narrative essays?

Regardless of what subject you may write about, most personal narrative essays should include an argumentation or a lesson. Ask yourself about what can your audience learn when reading your story. It may be a little difficult to write at first, yet start with a brief introduction, thesis, and a story itself with a powerful conclusion. See our free personal narrative essay to see how it can be done right.

What is the purpose of a personal narrative essay?

The primary purpose is to share a personal experience or story, allowing readers to connect with the author on a deeper level. It may also convey a lesson, moral, or reflection.

How do I choose a topic for my personal narrative essay?

Select a topic that holds personal significance, such as a life-changing event, memorable journey, or lesson learned. Choose something that resonates with you.

What makes a personal narrative essay compelling?

Vivid descriptions, sensory details, and emotional connections make a personal narrative essay compelling. Show, don't just tell the story.

Can I write a humorous personal narrative essay?

Absolutely! Personal narrative essays can be humorous, serious, or a mix of both, depending on the tone you want to convey.

How do I conclude a personal narrative essay effectively?

Summarize the main events, reiterate the central message or lesson, and end with a thought-provoking statement or reflection.

What is the recommended word count for a personal narrative essay?

The word count can vary, but a typical personal narrative essay may range from 500 to 1,500 words. It's best to follow the guidelines provided by your instructor or publication if applicable.

The most popular topics for Personal Narrative Essay

  • Personal Experience
  • Helping Others
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Cultural Identity
  • Engineering

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Writing Curriculum

Teach Narrative Writing With The New York Times

This teaching guide, part of our eight-unit writing curriculum, includes daily writing prompts, lessons based on selected mentor texts, and an invitation for students to participate in our 100-word personal narrative contest.

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

By The Learning Network

Stories can thrill, wound, delight, uplift and teach. Telling a story vividly and powerfully is a vital skill that is deeply valued across all cultures, past and present — and narrative writing is, of course, a key genre for literacy instruction at every level.

When your students think “New York Times,” they probably think of our 172-year history of award-winning journalism, and may not even realize that The Times today is full of personal narratives — on love and family , but also on how we relate to animals , live with disabilities or navigate anxiety . If you flip or scroll through sections of the paper, you’ll see that personal writing is everywhere, and often ranks among the most popular pieces The Times publishes each week.

At The Learning Network, we’ve been posting writing prompts every school day for over a decade now, and many of them invite personal narrative. Inspired by Times articles of all kinds, the prompts ask students to tell us about their passions and their regrets, their most embarrassing moments and their greatest achievements. Thousands of students around the world respond each month, and each week during the school year we call out our favorite responses .

In this unit we’re taking it a step further and turning our narrative-writing opportunities into a contest that invites students to tell their own stories. Below, you’ll find plenty of ideas and resources to get your students reading, writing and thinking about their own stories, including:

✔ New narrative-writing prompts every week.

✔ Daily opportunities for students to have an authentic audience for their writing via posting comments to our forums.

✔ Guided practice with mentor texts that include writing exercises.

✔ A clear, achievable end-product (our contest) modeled on real-world writing.

✔ The chance for students to have their work published in The New York Times.

Here’s how it works.

Start with personal-narrative prompts for low-stakes writing.

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

Related Article | Related Picture Prompt

Every week during the school year we publish new narrative writing prompts on a vast array of topics via our Student Opinion and Picture Prompts columns. These prompts can be a starting point to help your students start reflecting on their lives and the stories they have to tell.

Each prompt is inspired by a Times article, which is free if you access it through our site, and all are open for comment for students 13 and up. Every comment is read by Learning Network editors before it is approved.

Teachers have told us they use our prompts as an opportunity for daily writing practice, a communal space where students can practice honing voice, trying new techniques and writing for a real audience. And if students are writing formal personal narrative essays, whether for college applications, for our contest or for any other reason, our prompts might serve as inspiration to help them find topics.

Student Opinion Questions

We publish a new Student Opinion question every school day, including many that invite personal writing. Students will read a related Times article and then respond to questions that help them think about how it applies to their own lives, like these:

“ What Cultural Traditions Are Important to You? ” “ Has Forgiving Someone Ever Made You Feel Better? ” “ How Do You Get Over Rejection? ”

You can find them all, as they publish, here . Or check out our collection of 445 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing for years-worth of evergreen questions, organized into categories like family, school, personality and childhood memories.

Picture Prompts

These accessible, image-driven prompts inspire a variety of kinds of writing and we publish them Tuesday through Friday during the school year. Each week we post at least one prompt that asks students to share experiences from their lives, such as this one that invites students to write about memories of their childhood homes , and one that asks them to tell a story about a moment from their lives inspired by an image, such as this one .

You can find all of our Picture Prompts, as they publish, here . At the end of each school year, we round them all up and categorize them by genre of writing. Take a look at our collections from 2017 , 2018 , 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , 2022 and 2023 and scroll down to look for the categories like “What story does this image inspire for you?” and “Share experiences from your own life” to find many prompts that can inspire narratives.

A special “rehearsal space” for teenagers to experiment writing 100-word narratives.

To help with our Tiny Memoir contest, we posted a student forum last year asking, “ What Story From Your Life Can You Tell in 100 Words? ” In it, we lead students through a few questions, and provide a few examples, to show them how. It is still open for comment. We hope that as they search for topics and try out techniques, students will post their drafts here for others to read and comment on.

Read mentor texts and try some of the “writer’s moves” we spotlight.

The Times is full of wonderful writing that can serve as mentor texts for helping students look at the various elements of the genre and think about how to weave specific craft moves into their own writing. We have a couple of ways students can use them for narrative writing.

Mentor Texts Lessons

For our 2023 Tiny Memoir Contest for Students, in which students are invited to describe a meaningful true moment from their lives in 100 words or fewer, we have a set of mentor texts, all of which can be found in our step-by-step guide: How to Write a 100-Word Narrative: A Guide for Our Tiny Memoir Contest . The 25 texts we use can also be found in this PDF .

During the years when we ran a Personal Narrative Contest that allowed students 600 words to tell a story, we broke narrative writing into several key elements and spotlighted a mentor text that does a particularly good job at each. All of them are still applicable to our new contest, which spotlights the same qualities, just in miniature. They have also been woven in to our step-by-step guide :

Tell a story about a small but memorable event or moment in your life.

Use details to show, not tell.

Write from your own point of view, in your real voice.

Use dialogue effectively.

Drop the reader into a scene.

Tell a complete story, with a true narrative arc.

Reflect on the experience and give the reader a take-away.

After students read each of the mentor texts on this list and focus on a specific technique, we invite them to “Now Try This” via an exercise that helps them practice that element. Then, we provide additional mentor text examples, as well as a list of questions to consider while reading any of them. The goal is to demystify what good writing looks like, and encourage students to practice concrete exercises to use those techniques.

Annotated by the Author

But our favorite mentor texts to assign? The work of the teenage winners of our narrative contests. Here are the 2019 , 2020 and 2021 collections of our Personal Narrative Contest. And here are the winners of our first-ever 100-Word Narrative Contest . Which of these pieces do your students like best? What “writer’s moves” might they emulate in their own work?

We also invited three teenagers who won our 2019 contest to annotate their winning narratives for our “Annotated by the Author” series. In these pieces, they demystify their writing process and share ideas other students can try in their own essays.

Annotated by the Author: ‘Speechless’

Annotated by the Author: ‘Pants on Fire’

Annotated by the Author: ‘Cracks in the Pavement’

In addition, we have a piece annotated by the college-aged author of a winning Modern Love piece. In Annotated by the Author: ‘Why Can’t Men Say “I Love You” to Each Other?’ Ricardo F. Jaramillo tells us how to make your reader want to keep reading, how to balance scenes and ideas, why you can’t write a personal essay without “looking inside,” and much more.

Enter our “ Tiny Memoir” Personal Narrative Essay Contest .

At this point in the unit, your students will have practiced writing about their lives using our many prompts. They will also have read several mentor texts, and practiced elements of personal writing with each one. Now, we hope, they can produce a polished piece of writing that brings it all together.

For three years, we ran a personal narrative contest that asked for a “short, powerful story about a meaningful life experience” in 600 words or less. But last year, we debuted our Tiny Memoir Contest that challenged students to tell us a story from their lives in just 100 words. The results blew us away. Teachers told us it was one of the most engaging assignments they gave all year and that the word limit made students’ writing much more focused and powerful. So this year, we’re running it again. We hope this contest will be fun for your students, and a useful exercise if they are going on to write longer pieces, such as a college essay.

Beyond a caution to write no more than 100 words, our contest is fairly open-ended. We’re not asking students to write to a particular theme or use a specific structure or style; instead, we encourage them to experiment and produce something that they feel represents their real voice, telling a tale that matters to them.

All student work will be read by Times editors or journalists and/or by educators from around the country. Winners will have their work published on our site and, perhaps, in the print New York Times.

Though our 100-word contest is slightly different than the original, we still recommend that before students submit, they watch this two-minute video in which student winners from past years share advice on the writing, editing and submission process. Ask students:

What techniques did these students employ that helped make their entries successful?

What did these students gain from having entered this contest? What were some of the challenges they encountered?

What advice can your students use as they work on their own submissions?

This contest will run from Oct. 4 to Nov. 1, 2023. We will link the official announcement here when it publishes, but in the meantime, here are last year’s rules and guidelines , which will remain largely the same.

Additional Resources

While the core of our unit is the prompts, mentor texts and contest, we also offer additional resources to inspire and support teachers, including lesson plans and great ideas from our readers around personal narrative writing.

Lesson Plans

“ From ‘Lives’ to ‘Modern Love’: Writing Personal Essays With Help From The New York Times ”

“ I Remember: Teaching About the Role of Memory Across the Curriculum ”

“ Creative State of Mind: Focusing on the Writing Process ”

“ Writing Narratives With ‘Tiny Love Stories’ ”

“ Telling Short, Memorable Stories With Metropolitan Diary ”

Reader Ideas

“ Flipping the Script on the College Essay With Help From The New York Times ”

“ Teaching Great Writing One Sentence at a Time ”

“ Using the Modern Love Podcast to Teach Narrative Writing ”

“ Fostering Selfhood and Inspiring Student Writers Using ‘Metropolitan Diary’ ”

Teaching Narrative Writing With The New York Times (On-Demand)

Personal Narratives From the Newsroom to the Classroom (On-Demand)

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personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

50 Engaging Narrative Essay Topics for High Schoolers

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Narrative essays vs. analytical essays, how to pick the right narrative essay topic, elements of a strong narrative essay, engaging narrative essay topics for high schoolers, where to get your narrative essay edited for free.

Narrative essays are an extensive form of writing that gives readers the opportunity to follow along as a person goes through a journey or sets of experiences. Rather than providing analytic insight, narrative essays simply share a story and offer a first-person account. These essays may seem easy to write at first, but it takes a certain finesse to write a narrative essay that is interesting, cohesive, and well-researched. Whether you’re looking for a unique topic to write about, or just want some new inspiration, CollegeVine is here to help! These 50 narrative essay topics are engaging, unique and will have you writing in no time.

A narrative essay is a great way to express your personal experiences and opinions, but it is important to remember that this type of essay is different from an analytical paper. In a narrative essay, you do not need to provide background information or explain your thoughts and feelings; instead, you simply tell a story. It’s important to avoid too much telling in your writing; instead, use creative details and vivid imagery to make readers feel as if they are actually right there with you.

Where You Will Encounter Narrative Essays

This type of essay is typically encountered in high school, where students may be required to write personal statements to prepare for their Common App essay . Narrative essays are also commonly seen in AP Language and Composition. Therefore, it’s important you are aware of the style because you are bound to have a narrative essay assignment.  

Of course, before you start writing, it is important to pick the right essay topic. There are many factors involved in the process of picking the perfect narrative essay topic for your story.

You should always choose a topic that you are passionate about, since writing on something you care about will make the process much easier. Not only will it be more interesting to create your paper around something that truly interests you, but it will also allow you to fully express yourself in your essay. You also want to be sure that the topic has enough material to work with. If your chosen topic is too short, you will not have enough content to write a complete paper. For example, if you are writing about your experience getting lost at the mall, make sure that you have enough information to work with to craft an engaging narrative. 

The best topic for an engaging narrative essay is one that focuses on showing versus telling, has a clear structure, and provides a dialogue. These elements come together to form an engaging narrative essay. Regardless of what subject you pick, any topic may be turned into a fascinating, A+ worthy narrative using the tips below.

Show, Don’t Tell

To write a good narrative essay, it’s important to show, not tell. Instead of simply informing your audience, show them what you mean. For example, instead of saying “I was nervous,” you could say “My heart began to race and my stomach filled with butterflies.” Also make sure to use sensory details, such as sights, sounds and tastes, and include a personal reflection at the end of your narrative. 

Begin with a Strong Opening Line

A good narrative essay will begin with an attention-grabbing opening line. But make sure to avoid common clichés, such as “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Instead, come up with something original and specific to you and your situation. For example: “My pre-calc teacher was obsessed with circles. I mean, he even used circular note cards.” Or, “It all started the day my mom brought home a guinea pig.”

Follows a Three-Act Structure

A strong narrative essay follows the same three-act structure as other essays. But in order to make it interesting, you’ll need to come up with a creative way to break things down into sections. For example, using the guinea pig example from above, you could write the following:

  • Act 1 – Introduction: The day my mom brought home a guinea pig.
  • Act 2 – Conflict: The day I had to say goodbye to my beloved pet.
  • Act 3 – Conclusion: Looking back at how much I miss him now that he’s gone.

Conclude with Personal Reflection

To conclude your narrative essay, you’ll want to explain what this specific experience taught you or how you’ve changed. For example, upon realizing that her pre-calc teacher was obsessed with circles, the writer of the previous example begins to notice circular shapes everywhere. Another way to conclude your narrative essay is by touching on how this experience impacted you emotionally. For example, after losing his guinea pig, the writer explains how much he missed it.

Use Dialogue

Include a conversation in your essay to make it come alive. For example, instead of simply saying that you met a new friend, talk about how you introduced yourselves or what they were wearing when you met them.

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

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The following list of 50 narrative essay topics is divided into categories. This will make it easier to find a topic that fits your writing style.

1. What is a childhood song that still sticks with you today?

2. Your first day of Kindergarten

3. Talk about a time when you’re siblings looked up to you

4. Describe the best birthday party you’ve ever had

5. Talk about the best day you ever spent with a childhood friend

6. Explain your first childhood hobby

7. Describe your first halloween costume

8. A family vacation gone wrong

9. Your first family reunion

10. Describe a tradition that is unique to your family

11. Describe your family to a person who’s never met them before

12. What frustrates you most about your family

13. If you could only keep one memory of your family, what would it be and why?

14. Describe a time your family embarrassed you in public

15. The most beautiful place in the world

16. Your favorite season and why

17. If you were a part of nature, what element would you be? Why?

18. When you go outside, which of your senses are you most thankful to have?

19. Describe the first time you witnessed a tornado 

20. Write a poem about your favorite season

21. Describe yourself as one of the four seasons

22. Describe a time in which you felt connected with nature

23. Describe the first time you played an instrument and how you felt

24. What major event would be much worse if music was removed, and why?

25. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

26. What would a life without music look like?

27. If you could master one instrument, what would it be and why?


28. What if you had never met your best friend?

29. Describe a time when you fixed a broken relationship

30. Talk about a movie that defined a relationship for you

31. Describe your first date

32. Describe the first time you made a friend

33. Describe your relationship with your parents

Self Reflection

34. Have you ever fooled someone? If so, describe what happened and how you felt about it

35. What is the worst thing you’ve done to someone else?

36. Write about the difference between how things seem and how they really are. 

37. Have you ever been embarrassed in some way? If so, describe the situation and how it affected you as well as those around you

38. Have you ever witnessed something really beautiful? Describe it

39. Is your glass half empty or half full?

Overcoming Adversity 

40. Have you ever been very afraid of something but tried your hardest to appear fearless? If so, describe that experience

41. When have you ever succeeded when you thought you might fail

42. What are your secret survival strategies?

43. Describe the last time you were stressed and why?

44. Describe a time when you were discriminated against

45. The most memorable class you’ve had and why

46. Your favorite study abroad memory

47. Describe your kindergarten classroom

48. Describe your first teacher

49. The first time you experienced detention

50. Your first field trip

Hopefully these topics will get you thinking about a personal experience that could make for a thoughtful and engaging narrative essay. Remember, a strong narrative essay must contain relatable details and a clear flow that keeps the reader entertained and engaged to read all the way to the end.

If you need some additional guidance on your narrative essay, use CollegeVine’s free peer review essay tool to get feedback for free!

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Crafting a Winning Narrative Essay Outline: A Step-by-Step Guide

Many students struggle with crafting engaging and impactful narrative essays. They often find it challenging to weave their personal experiences into coherent and compelling stories.

If you’re having a hard time, don't worry! 

We’ve compiled a range of narrative essay examples that will serve as helpful tools for you to get started. These examples will provide a clear path for crafting engaging and powerful narrative essays.

So, keep reading and find our expertly written examples!

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  • 1. Narrative Essay Definition
  • 2. Narrative Essay Examples
  • 3. Narrative Essay Examples for Students
  • 4. Narrative Essay Topics
  • 5. Narrative Essay Writing Tips

Narrative Essay Definition

Writing a narrative essay is a unique form of storytelling that revolves around personal experiences, aiming to immerse the reader in the author's world. It's a piece of writing that delves into the depths of thoughts and feelings. 

In a narrative essay, life experiences take center stage, serving as the main substance of the story. It's a powerful tool for writers to convey a personal journey, turning experiences into a captivating tale. This form of storytelling is an artful display of emotions intended to engage readers, leaving the reader feeling like they are a part of the story.

By focusing on a specific theme, event, emotions, and reflections, a narrative essay weaves a storyline that leads the reader through the author's experiences. 

The Essentials of Narrative Essays

Let's start with the basics. The four types of essays are argumentative essays , descriptive essays , expository essays , and narrative essays.

The goal of a narrative essay is to tell a compelling tale from one person's perspective. A narrative essay uses all components you’d find in a typical story, such as a beginning, middle, and conclusion, as well as plot, characters, setting, and climax.

The narrative essay's goal is the plot, which should be detailed enough to reach a climax. Here's how it works:

  • It's usually presented in chronological order.
  • It has a function. This is typically evident in the thesis statement's opening paragraph.
  • It may include speech.
  • It's told with sensory details and vivid language, drawing the reader in. All of these elements are connected to the writer's major argument in some way.

Before writing your essay, make sure you go through a sufficient number of narrative essay examples. These examples will help you in knowing the dos and don’ts of a good narrative essay.

It is always a better option to have some sense of direction before you start anything. Below, you can find important details and a bunch of narrative essay examples. These examples will also help you build your content according to the format. 

Here is a how to start a narrative essay example:

Sample Narrative Essay

The examples inform the readers about the writing style and structure of the narration. The essay below will help you understand how to create a story and build this type of essay in no time.

Here is another narrative essay examples 500 words:

Narrative Essay Examples for Students

Narrative essays offer students a platform to express their experiences and creativity. These examples show how to effectively structure and present personal stories for education.

Here are some helpful narrative essay examples:

Narrative Essay Examples Middle School

Narrative Essay Examples for Grade 7

Narrative Essay Examples for Grade 8

Grade 11 Narrative Essay Examples

Narrative Essay Example For High School

Narrative Essay Example For College

Personal Narrative Essay Example

Descriptive Narrative Essay Example

3rd Person Narrative Essay Example

Narrative Essay Topics

Here are some narrative essay topics to help you get started with your narrative essay writing.

  • When I got my first bunny
  • When I moved to Canada
  • I haven’t experienced this freezing temperature ever before
  • The moment I won the basketball finale
  • A memorable day at the museum
  • How I talk to my parrot
  • The day I saw the death
  • When I finally rebelled against my professor

Need more topics? Check out these extensive narrative essay topics to get creative ideas!

Narrative Essay Writing Tips

Narrative essays give you the freedom to be creative, but it can be tough to make yours special. Use these tips to make your story interesting:

  • Share your story from a personal viewpoint, engaging the reader with your experiences.
  • Use vivid descriptions to paint a clear picture of the setting, characters, and emotions involved.
  • Organize events in chronological order for a smooth and understandable narrative.
  • Bring characters to life through their actions, dialogue, and personalities.
  • Employ dialogue sparingly to add realism and progression to the narrative.
  • Engage readers by evoking emotions through your storytelling.
  • End with reflection or a lesson learned from the experience, providing insight.

Now you have essay examples and tips to help you get started, you have a solid starting point for crafting compelling narrative essays.

However, if storytelling isn't your forte, you can always turn to our essay service for help.

Our writers are specialists who can tackle any type of essay with great skill. With their experience, you get a top-quality, 100% plagiarism-free essay everytime.

So, let our narrative essay writing service make sure your narrative essay stands out. Order now!

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Narrative essay


High School Essay

personal narrative essay examples high school pdf

Navigating the complexities of High School Essay writing can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Our guide, infused with diverse essay examples , is designed to simplify this journey for students. High school essays are a crucial part of academic development, allowing students to express their thoughts, arguments, and creativity. With our examples, students learn to structure their essays effectively, develop strong thesis statements, and convey their ideas with clarity and confidence, paving the way for academic success.

What Is a High School Essay? A high school essay is anything that falls between a literary piece that teachers would ask their students  to write. It could be anything like an expository essay , informative essay , or a descriptive essay . High school essay is just a broad term that is used to describe anything that high school student writes, probably in subjects like English Grammar or Literature.

It is a good way to practice every student’s writing skills in writing which they might find useful when they reach college. Others might even be inspired to continue writing and take courses that are related to it.

High School Essay Bundle

Download High School Essay Bundle

When you are in high school, it is definite that you are expected to do some write-ups and projects which require pen and paper. Yes. You heard that right. Your teachers are going to let you write a lot of things starting from short stories to other things like expository essays. However, do not be intimidated nor fear the things that I have just said. It is but a normal part of being a student to write things. Well, take it from me. As far as I can recall, I may have written about a hundred essays during my entire high school years or maybe more. You may also see what are the parts of an essay?

High School Essay Format

1. introduction.

Hook: Start with an engaging sentence to capture the reader’s interest. This could be a question, a quote, a surprising fact, or a bold statement related to your topic. Background Information: Provide some background information on your topic to help readers understand the context of your essay. Thesis Statement: End the introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines your main argument or point of view. This statement guides the direction of your entire essay.

2. Body Paragraphs

Topic Sentence: Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, supporting your thesis statement. Supporting Details: Include evidence, examples, facts, and quotes to support the main idea of each paragraph. Make sure to explain how these details relate to your topic sentence and thesis statement. Analysis: Provide your analysis or interpretation of the evidence and how it supports your argument. Be clear and concise in explaining your reasoning. Transition: Use transition words or phrases to smoothly move from one idea to the next, maintaining the flow of your essay.

3. Conclusion

Summary: Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis in a new way, summarizing the main points of your body paragraphs without introducing new information. Final Thoughts: End your essay with a strong closing statement. This could be a reflection on the significance of your argument, a call to action, or a rhetorical question to leave the reader thinking.

Example of High School Essay

Community service plays a pivotal role in fostering empathy, building character, and enhancing societal well-being. It offers a platform for young individuals to contribute positively to society while gaining valuable life experiences. This essay explores the significance of community service and its impact on both individuals and communities. Introduction Community service, an altruistic activity performed for the betterment of society, is a cornerstone for personal growth and societal improvement. It not only addresses societal needs but also cultivates essential virtues in volunteers. Through community service, high school students can develop a sense of responsibility, a commitment to altruism, and an understanding of their role in the community. Personal Development Firstly, community service significantly contributes to personal development. Volunteering helps students acquire new skills, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. For instance, organizing a local food drive can teach students project management skills and the importance of collaboration. Moreover, community service provides insights into one’s passions and career interests, guiding them towards fulfilling future endeavors. Social Impact Secondly, the social impact of community service cannot be overstated. Activities like tutoring underprivileged children or participating in environmental clean-ups address critical societal issues directly. These actions not only bring about immediate positive changes but also inspire a ripple effect, encouraging a culture of volunteerism within the community. The collective effort of volunteers can transform neighborhoods, making them more supportive and resilient against challenges. Building Empathy and Understanding Furthermore, community service is instrumental in building empathy and understanding. Engaging with diverse groups and working towards a common goal fosters a sense of solidarity and compassion among volunteers. For example, spending time at a senior center can bridge the generational gap, enriching the lives of both the elderly and the volunteers. These experiences teach students the value of empathy, enriching their emotional intelligence and social awareness.   In conclusion, community service is a vital component of societal development and personal growth. It offers a unique opportunity for students to engage with their communities, learn valuable life skills, and develop empathy. Schools and parents should encourage students to participate in community service, highlighting its benefits not only to the community but also in shaping responsible, caring, and informed citizens. As we look towards building a better future, the role of community service in education cannot be overlooked; it is an investment in our collective well-being and the development of the next generation.

Essay Topics for High School with Samples to Edit & Download

  • Should schools have dress codes?
  • Sex education in middle school
  • Should homework be abolished?
  • College education costs
  • How does technology affect productivity?
  • Is climate change reversible?
  • Is social media helpful or harmful?
  • Climate change is caused by humans
  • Effects of social media on youth
  • Are men and women treated equally?
  • Are professional athletes overpaid?
  • Changes over the past decade
  • Guns should be more strictly regulated
  • My favorite childhood memory
  • Religion in school
  • Should we stop giving final exams?
  • Video game addiction
  • Violence in media content

High School Essay Examples & Templates

High School Essay

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High School Essay For Students

High School Essay For Students

High School Essay Outline

High School Essay Outline

High School Essay Example

High School Essay

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High School Self Introduction Essay Template

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High School Student Essay

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Reflective High School

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High School Persuasive

High School Persuasive

Narrative Essays

Narrative Essays for High School

Scholarship Essays

Scholarship Essays for High School

High School Application

High School Application

High School Graduation Essay

High School Graduation Essay

High School Leadership Essay

High School Leadership Essay

How to Write a High School Essay

Some teachers are really not that strict when it comes to writing essay because they too understand the struggles of writing stuff like these. However, you need to know the basics when it comes to writing a high school essay.

1. Understand the Essay Prompt

  • Carefully read the essay prompt or question to understand what’s required. Identify the type of essay (narrative, persuasive, expository, etc.) and the main topic you need to address.

2. Choose a Topic

  • If the topic isn’t provided, pick one that interests you and fits the essay’s requirements. Make sure it’s neither too broad nor too narrow.

3. Conduct Research (if necessary)

  • For expository, argumentative, or research essays, gather information from credible sources to support your arguments. Take notes and organize your findings.

4. Create an Outline

  • Outline your essay to organize your thoughts and structure your arguments effectively. Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

5. Write the Introduction

  • Start with a hook to grab the reader’s attention (a quote, a question, a shocking fact, etc.). Introduce your topic and end the introduction with a thesis statement that presents your main argument or purpose.

6. Develop Body Paragraphs

  • Each body paragraph should focus on a single idea or argument that supports your thesis. Start with a topic sentence, provide evidence or examples, and explain how it relates to your thesis.

7. Write the Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis in a new way. Conclude with a strong statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Types of High School Essay

1. narrative essay.

Narrative essays tell a story from the writer’s perspective, often highlighting a personal experience or event. The focus is on storytelling, including characters, a setting, and a plot, to engage readers emotionally. This type allows students to explore creativity and expressiveness in their writing.

2. Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essays focus on detailing and describing a person, place, object, or event. The aim is to paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind using sensory details. These essays test the writer’s ability to use language creatively to evoke emotions and bring a scene to life.

3. Expository Essay

Expository essays aim to explain or inform the reader about a topic in a clear, concise manner. This type of essay requires thorough research and focuses on factual information. It’s divided into several types, such as compare and contrast, cause and effect, and process essays, each serving a specific purpose.

4. Persuasive Essay

Persuasive essays aim to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint or argument. The writer must use logic, reasoning, and evidence to support their position while addressing counterarguments. This type tests the writer’s ability to persuade and argue effectively.

5. Analytical Essay

Analytical essays require the writer to break down and analyze an element, such as a piece of literature, a movie, or a historical event. The goal is to interpret and make sense of the subject, discussing its significance and how it achieves its purpose.

6. Reflective Essay

Reflective essays are personal pieces that ask the writer to reflect on their experiences, thoughts, or feelings regarding a specific topic or experience. It encourages introspection and personal growth by examining one’s responses and learning from them.

7. Argumentative Essay

Similar to persuasive essays, argumentative essays require the writer to take a stance on an issue and argue for their position with evidence. However, argumentative essays place a stronger emphasis on evidence and logic rather than emotional persuasion.

8. Research Paper

Though often longer than a typical essay, research papers in high school require students to conduct in-depth study on a specific topic, using various sources to gather information. The focus is on presenting findings and analysis in a structured format.

Tips for High School Essays

Writing a high school essay if you have the tips on how to do essay effectively . This will give you an edge from your classmates.

  • Stay Organized: Keep your notes and sources well-organized to make the writing process smoother.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Avoid overly complex sentences or vocabulary that might confuse the reader.
  • Use Transitions: Ensure that your paragraphs and ideas flow logically by using transition words and phrases.
  • Cite Sources: If you use direct quotes or specific ideas from your research, make sure to cite your sources properly to avoid plagiarism.
  • Practice: Like any skill, essay writing improves with practice. Don’t hesitate to write drafts and experiment with different writing styles.

Importance of High School Essay

Aside from the fact that you will get reprimanded for not doing  your task, there are more substantial reasons why a high school essay is important. First, you get trained at a very young age. Writing is not just for those who are studying nor for your teachers. As you graduate from high school and then enter college (can see college essays ), you will have more things to write like dissertations and theses.

At least, when you get to that stage, you already know how to write. Aside from that, writing high essays give a life lesson. That is, patience and resourcefulness. You need to find the right resources for your essay as well as patience when finding the right inspiration to write.

How long is a high school essay?

A high school essay typically ranges from 500 to 2000 words, depending on the assignment’s requirements and the subject matter.

How do you start a personal essay for high school?

Begin with an engaging hook (an anecdote, quote, or question) that introduces your theme or story, leading naturally to your thesis or main point.

What makes a good high school essay?

A good high school essay features a clear thesis, coherent structure, compelling evidence, and personal insights, all presented in a polished, grammatically correct format.


High School Essay Generator

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    narrative a title. The writer describes his or her feelings about the situation. The writer describes the events in the order in which they happened. The writer ends his or her story by sharing what he or she learned from this experience. The writer sets the scene and makes the reader want to read more. The writer describes a problem he or she ...

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    40 Unit 2 • Narrative Essays A narrative essay tells a story. In fact, narrative is another word for story. In this unit, you will learn how to organize and write a narrative essay. Even though the narrative essay has the same basic form as most other academic essays, it allows the writer to be a little more creative than academic

  13. PDF Personal Narrative Example

    P.E. at our school is competitive. We play games as if our lives ... "When I was in junior high, we were playing for the championship game. Same situation—the score was tied and there ... Personal Narrative Example SSecondary-sec7.indd 12econdary-sec7.indd 12 44/12/07 10:55:55 AM/12/07 10:55:55 AM. Title:

  14. Free Personal Narrative Essay Examples. Best Topics, Titles

    Personal Narrative Essay Examples for High School. These narratives are tailored to resonate with high school students, providing a valuable glimpse into personal experiences, challenges, and moments of growth. Exploring Renewable Energy Sources: Solar and Wind (PDF)

  15. Teach Narrative Writing With The New York Times

    Or check out our collection of 445 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing for years-worth of evergreen questions, organized into categories like family, school, personality and childhood memories.

  16. 50 Engaging Narrative Essay Topics for High Schoolers

    A good narrative essay will begin with an attention-grabbing opening line. But make sure to avoid common clichés, such as "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.". Instead, come up with something original and specific to you and your situation. For example: "My pre-calc teacher was obsessed with circles.

  17. PDF Personal Narrative Essay

    In middle school, I dug my nails into a boy's arm and restrained him after he made several verbal attacks towards me. He was much bigger and taller than me, but my anger guided me towards illogic and throwing estimating my chances to the wind. In high school, once a junior beat up my twin brother. My brother and I were both freshmen at the time.

  18. PDF Narrative Essay

    A narrative essay tells a story. It uses descriptive language to tell the beginning, middle, and end of an event. It has an introduction that engages the reader's interest, details about the main event or action in the story, and a conclusion that describes the outcome. The hook gets the reader's attention with an interesting or surprising ...

  19. Free Narrative Essay Examples

    Narrative Essay Definition. Writing a narrative essay is a unique form of storytelling that revolves around personal experiences, aiming to immerse the reader in the author's world. It's a piece of writing that delves into the depths of thoughts and feelings. In a narrative essay, life experiences take center stage, serving as the main substance of the story. It's a powerful tool for writers ...

  20. High School Essay

    Types of High School Essay. 1. Narrative Essay. Narrative essays tell a story from the writer's perspective, often highlighting a personal experience or event. The focus is on storytelling, including characters, a setting, and a plot, to engage readers emotionally.

  21. Narrative Writing: Personal Narrative Unit Introduction

    Students will come together as a community of writers by: Developing writing stamina in a productive, quiet writing space. Collaborating and responding respectfully and thoughtfully. Understanding where writers get their ideas (i.e. notebooks, conversations, personal experiences, mentor texts, etc.)

  22. PDF College Essay Writing: Personal Narrative

    As your essay is going to be submitted to college admissions, your personal narrative is subjected to an extra set of standards. To better your chances of being accepted by the college of your choice, your personal narrative should: Be well constructed and grammatically correct. Adhere to a prompt, if you were given one.

  23. Personal Narrative Essay Example For High School PDF

    Personal-Narrative-Essay-Example-for-High-School.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue.