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Psychologist Salary Info: The 9 Highest Paying Careers

Which psychology jobs pay the best salary?

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

phd in mental health counseling salary

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

phd in mental health counseling salary

Psychology can be a high-paying job, but it is important to recognize that there is tremendous diversity among psychology professions, and  salaries and yearly earnings are just as varied. In a struggling economy, many students have turned their interest toward some of the highest-paying careers in psychology. The highest-paying psychologist career salaries average around $167,000.

While many psychology careers have a higher-than-average yearly salary, it is important to remember that actual income depends upon various factors, including geographic location, employment sector, educational background, and years of experience.

Learn more about some of the highest-paying psychology careers, the typical salaries for such professions, and the educational requirements for entering these fields.


Average Salary:  $216,090 per year

Educational Requirements:  Considered a medical career, psychiatry is significantly tied to the study and application of psychology. Approximately eight years of post-undergraduate study. After earning a bachelor's degree, aspiring psychiatrists must graduate from medical school and then complete a four-year residency.

Psychiatry is one of the highest-paying fields tied to psychology. However, salaries can vary considerably within this field depending upon your specialty area , where you are employed, and the type of work you perform.

Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

Average Salary: $105,310

Educational Requirements: In most cases, a master's degree in psychology is the minimum training required, although having a doctorate degree may be to your advantage. While there are opportunities available at the master's degree level, earning a doctorate degree in industrial-organizational psychology offers greater opportunities and higher salaries.

Industrial-organizational psychologists use their knowledge of psychology to tackle workplace issues. Increasing worker productivity, selecting the best employees for particular jobs, and developing market research surveys are just a few things that an industrial-organizational psychologist might do.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that I/O psychologists in the scientific research and development industry earned an average annual wage of $122,660. Those employed at colleges, universities, and professional schools earned an average of $110,070.

According to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology , the average salary for a doctorate-level consultant was $167,000.


Average Salary: $90,460 per year

Educational Requirements: A doctorate degree in neuropsychology or clinical neuropsychology is needed to work in this field.

Neuropsychologists specialize in the study of the brain and cognitive science.   People who work in this field often perform cognitive tests, run brain scans, assess people suffering from brain injury, and study how drugs impact the nervous system. They may work at colleges and universities, hospitals, research centers, mental health clinics, and pharmaceutical labs.

Clinical Psychologist

Average Salary: $81,330 per year

Educational Requirements: In most states, clinical psychologists must have a doctorate degree in psychology. In addition to this education, they must also complete one to two years of supervised residency and pass state licensing exams in order to practice as a licensed clinical psychologist.

Clinical psychologists are trained in assessing, diagnosing, treating, and preventing mental illness. This is also the largest area of employment within psychology. Clinical psychologists work in various settings, including hospitals, mental health clinics, and private practice.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook reports that in May 2019, those employed in individual and family services earned an average of $85,140. Those employed in the offices of other health practitioners earned an average of $100,300 per year.

Engineering Psychologist

Average Salary: $79,818 per year

Educational Requirements: Entry-level positions require a master's degree, but those with a doctorate will find greater employment opportunities and better salaries.

Engineering psychologists work to improve the design of systems, operations, and equipment in order to increase efficiency, improve productivity, and minimize injury. As with other specialty areas of psychology, the area of employment plays a major role in determining salary. Engineering psychologists who work in the private sector earn considerably more than those employed in university settings.

Counseling Psychologist

Average Salary: $72,540 per year

Educational Requirements: A PhD, PsyD , or EdD degree is required to become a counseling psychologist.

Counseling psychologists perform many of the same tasks as clinical psychologists such as offering psychotherapy and mental health treatment, but they typically work with clients suffering from less severe forms of mental illness.

While mental health is one of the largest areas within counseling psychology, some people in this field opt to conduct research. They also teach university courses or provide vocational counseling.

Forensic Psychologist

Average Salary: $59,440

Educational Requirements: While there are some jobs available with a master's degree, you will typically need a doctorate degree in clinical, counseling, or forensic psychology.

Forensic psychologists deal with psychological issues related to the law. Some of the duties that a professional in this field might perform include developing psychological profiles of criminals, dealing with child custody issues, investigating child abuse, providing expert testimony, preparing witnesses to testify in court, and offering training to law enforcement.

School Psychologist

Average Salary: $58,360

Educational Requirements: Most states require completing a 60-credit school psychology specialist program, which leads to a master's or EdS degree. Approximately 32% of school psychologists hold a PhD , PsyD, or EdD degree.

School psychologists work within the educational system to diagnose and treat behavior and learning problems in children. They often collaborate with other professionals, including teachers and doctors as well as parents, to help kids overcome social, emotional, behavioral, and academic problems.

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Department of Labor, jobs in this field are expected to grow by approximately 10% over the next decade.

Sports Psychologist

Average Salary:  $55,000 per year

Educational Requirements:  Most jobs require a master's or doctorate degree in sports psychology or in related areas such as clinical or counseling psychology. Sports psychologists  are interested in the psychological components of sports and athletics.  

Professionals in this field often focus on topics such as  motivation  and athletic performance. They utlizie their knowledge of psychology to help athletes perform better or to help people recover from sports injuries.

While salaries for sports psychologists typically range between $60,000 and $80,000, those working with professional athletes often earn over six figures.

What Psych Career Is Best For You? Take the Quiz

This fast and free psychology careers quiz can help you get a better sense for which kind of psychology career might be the best fit for your personality, career interests, salary needs, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

While specific salaries vary depending on factors including experience and location, psychiatry tends to be the highest-paying psychology-related career.

They can! However, it is important to recognize that individual salaries vary a great deal. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for psychologists is $81,040. However, the lowest paid 10% made less than $47,850 per year. Your own salary may depend on factors such as your specialty, training, experience, area of employment, and geographic location.

Psychology can be a good career if it is suited to your interests and goals. The field is expected to experience modest growth in the coming year, and there are always opportunities for growth depending on where your interests lie. The growing need for mental health services and an aging population means that there will be a need for trained psychologists.

A Word From Verywell

Choosing a career is a big decision, and the salary is just one of many factors you need to consider. Money is an important component, but factors such as job outlook and quality of life are also essential.

So is becoming a psychologist worth it? Only you can decide. Think about how a particular career may suit your personality and goals in life before committing. In the end, the best job for you is the one you will enjoy the most and fulfills your personal and professional needs.

Zavlin D, Jubbal KT, Noé JG, Gansbacher B. A comparison of medical education in Germany and the United States: from applying to medical school to the beginnings of residency. Ger Med Sci. 2017;15:Doc15. doi:10.3205/000256

Torpey E. Business careers with high pay.  Career Outlook,  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016.

Kossek EE, Baltes BB, Matthews RA. How Work-Family Research Can Finally Have an Impact in Organizations. Ind Organ Psychol . 2011;4(3):352-369. doi:10.1111/j.1754-9434.2011.01353.x

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational employment and wages, May 2021: 19-3032 industrial-organizational psychologists .

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The SIOP income and employment report is here !

Harvey PD. Clinical applications of neuropsychological assessment. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2012;14(1):91-9.

Wahass SH. The role of psychologists in health care delivery. J Family Community Med. 2005;12(2):63-70.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational employment and wages, May 2019: 19-3031 clinical, counseling, and school psychologists .

Iudici A, Salvini A, Faccio E, Castelnuovo G. The clinical assessment in the legal field: An empirical study of bias and limitations in forensic expertise. Front Psychol. 2015;6:1831. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01831

Burrow-sanchez J, Call ME, Adolphson SL, Hawken LS. School psychologists' perceived competence and training needs for student substance abuse*. J Sch Health. 2009;79(6):269-76. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2009.00409.x

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Psychologists: Job outlook . Occupational Outlook Handbook .

Röthlin P, Birrer D, Horvath S, Grosse holtforth M. Psychological skills training and a mindfulness-based intervention to enhance functional athletic performance: design of a randomized controlled trial using ambulatory assessment. BMC Psychol. 2016;4(1):39. doi:10.1186/s40359-016-0147-y

American Psychological Association. Hot careers: Sports psychology .

  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Outlook Handbook. 

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

phd in mental health counseling salary

Counseling PhD Degree Guide | Salary & Requirements 2024

As we start to recover from the isolation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the negative effects of long-term mental health symptoms are now at the forefront of the national discussion on public health. 

Now is a great time to advance your  counseling education  and career as the U.S  Bureau of Labor Statistics  (BLS) projects that the profession will grow 8% between 2020 and 2030. This resource covers everything you need to know about a PhD in Counseling including career outlook, salaries, and program requirements. 

What is Counseling?

The  American Counseling Association  defines counseling as a professional relationship between individuals, families, and groups to achieve mental health, wellness, education, and career goals. 

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Counseling typically requires both a  bachelor’s  and  master’s degree in psychology . There are many counseling specialties to pursue including  school counseling , marriage and family therapist,  mental health counselor , and professor.

What Can I Do With a PhD in Counseling?

While a master’s degree in counseling allows you to become a licensed professional counselor and have a private practice, a doctorate degree is needed to obtain high-level positions with:

  • Universities
  • School system
  • Community centers

A doctorate degree expands the counseling scope of work and allows you to provide your patients with more treatment options, and types of researched-based therapy.

PhD in Counseling Salaries and Career Outlook

The specialized area of counseling, industry, and job location help determine your salary. According to the BLS, the median salary of a counselor in 2020 was  $79,820  with jobs in government and healthcare paying the most. 

The career outlook for people holding a PhD in psychology is good with a projected growth of  8%  from 2020-2030. However, this projection is not a guarantee of industry growth. 

Counseling PhD Career Paths

PhD graduates looking to begin their counseling profession have many career opportunities, including the following:

  • Median Salary: $58,120 
  • Career Outlook: +11% (2020-2030)

School and career counselors help students with social and academic skills that will help them both in and out of the classroom. 

  • Median Salary: $37,530 
  • Career Outlook: +10% (2020-2030)

Rehabilitation counselors help people with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities live an independent life.

  • Median Salary: $80,790 

Counseling professors teach college and university students theory and foundation on how to become a counselor.

  • Median Salary: $51,340 
  • Career Outlook: +16% (2020-2030)

MFTs use tools and proven techniques to help couples and individuals work through emotions, behavior, and thoughts to better their lives and relationships.

 Source: BLS 

Earning a PhD in Counseling

Earning a doctorate degree in counseling is a commitment to advancing both your skills, expertise, and scope of work as a counselor while also opening up many career paths and opportunities in the field of psychology.  

There are many things to consider when considering a doctorate school program including the pros and cons, coursework, what skills you’ll master, and the required time commitment. 

Pros and Cons of Counseling PhD Programs

A PhD in counseling offers different specialty areas that you can choose from. While a master’s degree in counseling allows you to work in clinical practice, having a PhD allows you to work in professional practice.

The pros of obtaining a PhD in counseling include:

  • Diversity of career paths
  • Job opportunities available
  • Projected growth of the industry
  • The opportunity to help people
  • Possibility to earn a good income

The cons of obtaining a master’s degree in psychology include:

  • Potential stress
  • Requirement to work odd hours
  • The financial burden of attending school
  • The amount of time it takes to obtain a graduate degree 

Doctoral Degree vs. PhD in Counseling

When deciding to get a Doctoral Degree in Counseling, you have the option of pursuing either a  PhD program or a Doctor in Psychology (PsyD)  degree program.

The main difference between the two degrees is the area of focus.

A PhD program is the most popular option and is rooted in conducting research and theory, while a  PsyD program  is rooted in clinical applications and patient interactions. 

A PhD program requires a master’s degree to apply. However, there are a few PsyD programs that will accept students with only a bachelor’s degree. This program typically combines earning both a master’s and doctoral degree with one program.

Both PhD and PsyD programs typically require a dissertation or research project on a specific topic.  

Courses in Counseling PhD Programs

PhD program curriculum may vary based on what program you specialize in.  

However, there are many general core classes that are usually required for all types of psychology programs. These doctoral-level classes may include:

  • Counseling theory
  • Human behavior
  • Group therapy
  • Social issues
  • Abuse and trauma
  • Substance abuse
  • Interpersonal relationships

Programs also conclude with a research-based practicum or dissertation. 

Skills Learned in a PhD in Counseling Program

The skills you will learn in a PhD program will help guide your career as a counselor and help you make a significant impact on your clients or patients.  

A few of these  vital skills  include:

  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Project management
  • Organizational skills
  • Self management
  • Written and oral communication skills

How Long Does it Take to Get a Counseling PhD?

On average, a PhD program usually takes about 4-8 years to complete. This timeline depends on:

  • Whether you study online
  • Full-time or part-time learning
  • Previous education
  • Your specialization
  • How long it takes to complete your dissertation 

PhD programs in counseling typically require 90-150 semester credit hours depending on the area of concentration and program modality.

Choosing the Best PhD in Counseling

Your decision on what PhD program to pursue is highly individual and should focus on your career goals, financial situation, family obligations, and whether you will be working while attending school. 

10 Best Schools With Counseling Programs in the US

  • Northwestern University
  • Boston College
  • University of Chicago
  • Columbia University in the City of New York
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Denver
  • Lehigh University
  • Northeastern University
  • Fordham University
  • Boston University

If you’re looking for other schools that offer Counseling PhD programs, check out the Find Your Perfect “U” tool. You can search over 6,000 colleges and universities with 11 different filters to find the  perfect school for you !

Counseling PhD Specializations

There are many areas of focus for those with a PhD in counseling and can include:

  • Marriage and family therapy
  • Education/school
  • Mental health counseling
  • Rehabilitation
  • Program director

Online vs. On Campus Degrees

Online PhD programs are becoming more abundant, and many schools allow students to complete the degree on a part-time or full-time basis. The biggest benefits of online learning include:

  • Flexibility and self-paced learning
  • Better time management
  • Improved virtual and communication and collaboration
  • Faster graduation times
  • Ability to work from anywhere

However, many students may choose to complete an in-person program for its networking and social aspects.

How Long do Online Courses Take to Complete?

On average, an online PhD degree in counseling usually takes about 4 years to complete. However, this timeline is dependent on if you study full-time or part-time, as well as previous education completed.

Accelerated programs are also available that allow you to complete the program in less time, but are faced-paced and rigorous. 

Counseling Certifications and Licensure

Many careers in counseling also require a license or certification to practice or obtain a job. It is important to research requirements for your desired career path and choose a school, program, and specialty that prepare you to meet your career goals. 

The specific license or certification required varies by state. Make sure to check your desired field’s requirements before you commit to a school or program.  


Accreditation is critical for any education institute as it certifies that the school and its curriculum meet the appropriate standards and qualifications outlined by the  U.S. Department of Education  and/or the  Council for Higher Education  accreditation. 

Choosing an accredited program is extremely important as it gives degrees credibility and is valued by employers. 

Many programs and departments within a school may have a separate accreditation called programmatic accreditation. This accreditation elevates the credibility of the program and shows that the department has designed a program that meets industry standards. 

Programmatic accreditation, such as from the  Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs  (CACREP) also ensures that students receive the appropriate training and knowledge to be successful in their given fields. 

Applying to Counseling Programs

Admissions requirements for PhD in counseling degree programs depend on the type of school, degree, and program modality desired. A master’s degree, letters of recommendation, GRE score, work experience, and prior grades are a few examples of typical application requirements.

There are many resources available to help you find schools, research financial aid packages, and apply to college programs. For example, the  Common App  is a one-stop shop for planning your educational future. 

Admission Requirements for PhD in Counseling Programs

Admission requirements for a phd in counseling degree program typically include:.

  • Transcripts (high GPAs are preferred)
  • Master’s degree
  • Resume of work and experience
  • 2-3 Letters of recommendation
  • Formal interview
  • Criminal background check
  • Application fee

Paying for a PhD in Counseling

Deciding to go back to school is not only a big-time commitment, but it is also a big financial commitment. Tuition costs can vary depending on the school, program, required units, and projects.

There are many avenues of financial assistance available to help with tuition costs including financial aid,  scholarships , grants, internships, work study programs, and corporate reimbursement from your current company. 

Counseling PhD Degree Costs

Tuition costs for a master’s program depend on if the school is private or public and instate vs. out-of-state residence status. Depending on this criteria, one can expect to pay in the range on average $30,000 a year to complete a PhD program.

Scholarships for Counseling Students

Many scholarship opportunities are available for counseling students. Here are a few opportunities to consider.

  • NAJA Graduate Scholarship
  • Institute for Human Studies Hayek Fund for Scholars
  • Medical research scholarships 
  • GFWC of Massachusetts Memorial Education Scholarship for Graduate Studies

Counseling Career Resources

Professional organizations are a great way to stay up-to-date on current psychology trends as well as a place to seek networking and educational opportunities. Here are a few options:

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • American Counseling Association (ACA)
  • International Association of Counselors (IAC)
  • American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)

Counseling PhD FAQ

  • Yes. As mental health becomes a more prominent and talked about public health issue, job opportunities for counselors will be on the rise. Having a PhD in the field opens up many options and career paths. 
  • There are many career options for someone with a PhD in counseling including; professor, researcher, school counselor, program manager, mental health counselor, and marriage and family therapist.
  • The BLS estimates that a counselor with a PhD on average will make  $79,820 .
  • The average time it takes to get a PhD is usually between 4-8 years depending on whether you study full or part-time, whether you work while in the program, and how long it takes to finish your dissertation. 

Get all the Universities.com's college news, advice, updates, financial aid, and more straight to your inbox.

  • https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/psychologists.htm#tab-6
  • https://www.counseling.org/aca-community/learn-about-counseling/what-is-counseling
  • https:/ / www.bestcounselingdegrees.net/degrees/doctorate-in-counseling/
  • https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/psychologists.htm#tab-5
  • https://www.bls.gov/ooh/community-and-social-service/school-and-career-counselors.htm
  • https://www.bls.gov/ooh/community-and-social-service/rehabilitation-counselors.htm
  • https://www.bls.gov/ooh/education-training-and-library/postsecondary-teachers.htm
  • https://www.bls.gov/ooh/community-and-social-service/marriage-and-family-therapists.htm
  • https://www.bestcounselingdegrees.net/rankings/doctoral/counseling-psychology-programs/
  • https://www.allpsychologyschools.com/psychology/psyd-vs-phd-programs/
  • https://www.allpsychologyschools.com/counseling/phd/
  • https://careercenter.umich.edu/article/phd-transferable-skills
  • https://www.beyondphdcoaching.com/academic-career/how-much-does-a-phd-cost/#:~:text=The%20average%20cost%20of%20a,quarter%20of%20a%20million%20dollars.
  • https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/academic-major/psychology-counseling

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phd in mental health counseling salary

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  • Ultrasound Technician
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  • Mammography Technician
  • Optometric Technician
  • Clinical Psychology
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  • Counseling Psychology
  • Behavioral Psychology
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  • Marriage Family Therapy
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  • Addiction Counseling
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  • Scholarships

Masters vs PhD in Counseling Psychology Salary

Helping others is one of the primary reasons most people go into psychology. While the field also lends itself well to research and academics, working with patients to help them improve their lives, get closer as families, find more success at work or escape trauma is a major motivator for many.

If that describes you, it’s possible you’d make a good counseling psychologist. Whether you already have a bachelor’s degree in psychology or are just considering this career path, your options are wide open. Before you can work as a counseling psychologist, however, you typically need to earn either a master’s degree or a doctorate. Which one you go for will depend, at least partially, on the salary options.

Before discussing salary differences, we’ll take a look at exactly what a counseling psychologist is and does, and what specific degree programs may meet the requirements. Then we’ll discuss salaries, student loans for school and paying back debt. Time to get started.

What Is a Counseling Psychologist?

According to the American Psychological Association , counseling psychology “focuses on how people function both personally and in their relationships at all ages. Counseling psychology addresses the emotional, social, work, school and physical health concerns people may have at different stages in their lives, focusing on typical life stresses and more severe issues with which people may struggle as individuals and as a part of families, groups and organizations.”

Counseling psychologists may address physical, mental, social or emotional issues, or some combination of them. Working with patients is geared toward helping them improve their wellbeing, resolve issues and move on with a better life. This isn’t to say that counseling is a one-and-done process, however; some counselors will work with patients for months, years or life.

What Do Counseling Psychologists Do?

A counseling psychologist’s duties and daily undertakings will depend on their specific focus. For instance, they may work only with children, with the elderly, with families, with women or within corporations. However, there are a few general services counseling psychologists typically offer:

  • They work to bring out the healthy behaviors and strengths their patients inherently possess, and sharpen them.
  • Working with patient history and reports, they aim to identify situational and environmental triggers, and create healthier responses to them.
  • They help people work through issues of disability, diversity, poverty or other jeopardizing situations.
  • They assist people in developing careers and working toward goals.
  • They may work with families or couples to help resolve misunderstanding and heal relationships.

Of course, the above are just samples of what counseling psychologists do. If you want to know more, talk to your specific program director about what else is available. Let’s turn our attention to that next.

What Degree Do You Need to Be a Counseling Psychologist?

If you want to be a counseling psychologist, you usually need to start by earning a four-year bachelor’s degree. Some students may be able to apply to master’s or doctoral programs without a bachelor’s degree in psychology, but will have to complete a wide range of prerequisites first. If given the choice, you should definitely opt for the bachelor’s degree in psychology.

After that, there are three basic routes to working as a counseling psychologist:

  • Obtain a Master of Psychology and begin working, with is acceptable in some states and institutions
  • Earn a Doctor of Psychology instead, which will qualify you for almost any job as a counseling psychologist
  • Earn a master’s and then a doctoral degree

The last route is best for people who earned a master’s before they decided they wanted to work as a counseling psychologist, and now must obtain extra schooling in order to get the job they want; ideally, though, you only have to earn one. Many universities offer both master’s and doctoral degrees in psychology, so before deciding which route is best for you, talk to the university you’d like to attend.

Note that many counseling psychology jobs do require a PsyD, or Doctor of Psychology Degree, but you can find out more about this by asking institutions for whom you would like to work what they require.

Average Salary for Psychologists

Hard numbers for counseling psychologists with doctorates versus master’s degrees are hard to get, notably because most counseling psychologists need doctorates to work, and therefore there aren’t that many people working as counseling psychologists who only possess master’s (which is not to say it can’t be done). Plus, the job requirements and attendant salaries vary greatly according to institution, location and specialty.

That said, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, psychologists made an average of $72,580 per year. The breakdown of salary for actual jobs is a little different, according to Payscale : people with doctoral degrees working as psychologists made an average of $125,000, while those working in academic institutions made $62,500. If we average these numbers, psychologists with a doctorate make on average about $93,750.

Considering the BLS statistics incorporate average salaries for those holding bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees, we can assume it’s a rough average of what someone holding a master’s might make. Therefore, those holding doctorates would make significantly more than those holding master’s degrees. Note, however, that these are averages , which means it isn’t likely you would hit these figures at the beginning of your career, but instead numbers you would hit after practicing for years or decades.

Student Loans for Psychologists

Before you can make that big salary, though, you need to first make it through school. If you’re looking for student loans, here’s the basic progression of where to find them:

  • Through the government, by filling out a FAFSA
  • Through your university, by checking their website and specific program departments (scholarships as well as loans)
  • Through private institutions

As soon as you’ve been accepted to school, make sure you find out more about which loans you’re eligible for, and apply.

Paying Back Debt

Attending school is expensive for everyone, and the costs can really add up when you attend for a master’s degree and then a doctorate. In fact, considering that master’s degree programs are typically 1-2 years and most Doctorate in Psychology programs require an additional 4-5 years of study, students can leave school with soaring levels of debt: close to $89,000 for those holding graduate degrees and a whopping $160,000 for those with doctorates, according to Nathaniel Mills .

Making a good plan to pay back debt is crucial, especially if you compare the average salaries you can expect to make with the amount of debt you’ll likely leave school with. Use the 6-month grace period that follows graduation to set money aside, where possible, and establish a standard of living that meshes with the amounts of debt you’ll have and the job you land. Getting out in front of your debt will help ensure it doesn’t catch you by surprise, for which you will be very grateful later.

At the end of the day, most people find working as a counseling psychologist rewarding and satisfying. While the job does bring its difficulties – among them having to see people in tough situations, paperwork, and working long hours, evenings or weekends – it lends a sense of satisfaction to your everyday to see the good you do. If you’re interested in this profession, consider embarking on either a master’s or doctoral program today.

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PhD in Counseling Guide

  • Author: Janan Dean
  • Expert Reviewer: Brittainy Lindsey, LMHC
  • Editorial Process

A PhD in counseling is the terminal degree for aspiring counseling researchers, clinical supervisors, and counseling educators. Pursuing a PhD in counseling allows students to develop in-depth knowledge of a particular area of counseling through independent study and research. Doctoral degrees in counseling often include clinical internships or field experiences. When applying to counseling PhD programs, applicants will likely already be licensed or practicing in one of the major counseling areas.

Table of Contents

Why Earn a PhD in Counseling?

Choosing a phd in counseling degree program, licensure with a phd in counseling, types of phd degrees in counseling, on-campus counseling phd degree programs, online counseling phd degree programs, careers with a phd in counseling, frequently asked questions.

Counseling PhDs prepare students for advanced counseling practice or careers requiring significant expertise and work experience. Most PhDs in counseling take four years of full-time study to complete, but students with other obligations such as work or child care may complete a PhD part-time.

In most states, to qualify for a counseling license, you must have at least a master’s degree. However, licensed counselors may pursue a PhD in counseling to develop advanced practice skills beyond what is possible in a master’s degree program. Counseling PhD degree students can develop a practice specialization or conduct scholarly research and contribute to the counseling knowledge base. Many PhD degrees in counseling can be completed part-time to accommodate the needs of working professionals who wish to remain active in practice while studying.

Doctoral degrees also increase job opportunities in clinical supervision, counselor education, or research. These positions typically require training and experience beyond a master’s degree in counseling and completing a PhD can be one way of meeting these requirements. A PhD in counseling qualifies graduates for work in various counseling-related fields, such as policy development and analysis, consulting and advising, and counseling services management. PhD-degree-holders may also command a higher salary due to their advanced knowledge and expertise.

PhD degrees are available in the five major categories of counseling that are generally recognized from state to state: mental health counseling (also known as professional counseling or clinical counseling), marriage and family therapy, school counseling, substance abuse counseling, and rehabilitation counseling. Some doctoral degrees offer specialization opportunities within these major areas including specific coursework and research opportunities. Applicants are typically required to have a master’s degree in the practice area of the PhD; the program may also require students to be licensed or eligible for licensure as some PhD programs do not meet state licensing requirements.

Choosing the right PhD degree will help students develop skills related to their career goals and contribute research to their area of counseling practice. Aspiring counseling PhD students can also consider the importance of research, supervision, and teaching skills to their career goals as some PhDs may require an independent dissertation or a portfolio of academic publications while others may focus on clinical internships.

Admission Requirements

Application packages for PhD degrees in counseling are thorough due to the competitive nature of the programs. Each institution sets the admission requirements for its own doctorate in counseling, including minimum GPA and testing requirements. Most institutions require applicants to submit college transcripts, standardized test scores such as the GRE, letters of recommendation, and a resume. Programs may also require applicants to prepare a statement of purpose or personal statement outlining their career goals upon graduation.

The career pathways available to graduates of doctoral degree programs in counseling can vary depending on the type of degree completed. Some PhD graduates may continue to work as licensed counselors while others may seek teaching, research, or supervision opportunities in their area of counseling specialization. Similarly to master’s degree graduates, the career options for PhD graduates relate to the main areas of counseling or another area. Counseling licenses that may be available to those with doctoral degrees in counseling include:

  • Licensed Clinical Supervisor (LCS)
  • Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor (LDAC)
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)
  • Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC)
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
  • Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC)
  • Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor (LSAC)

To find out more about counseling licensure, review our guide to counseling licensure by state or contact your state counseling licensing body.

There are many different types of counseling PhD programs to choose from, with each focusing on a different counseling specialization. The degree title Doctor of Philosophy is often shortened to PhD with the area of specialization indicated afterward. Doctoral degrees in counseling may also focus on specific practitioner skills, such as advanced counseling techniques, supervision, teaching, or research. When applying to the program, students often indicate their area of interest or specialization and are matched with a faculty mentor with similar interests. A PhD in counseling typically takes four years of full-time study to complete or more for part-time students. Fve main categories encompass most counseling subspecialties: marriage and family therapy, mental health counseling, rehabilitation counseling, school counseling, and substance abuse counseling. Continue reading to learn more about the PhD degrees in each category.

Marriage and Family Therapy

PhD degrees in marriage and family therapy (MFT) typically focus on helping students develop advanced therapeutic and clinical skills to use in practice or scholarly research skills for teaching and research careers. Alongside core MFT coursework, students can choose a research topic in their area of interest. MFT specializations include systems theories, couples counseling, child and youth development, or family therapy.

A master’s or doctoral degree in MFT is required for state licensure; applicants who are not already licensed should ensure the MFT program meets state requirements before applying. Those interested in licensure will likely need to complete a supervised practicum or internship as part of the PhD. Learn more about these degree programs on our MFT degree guide .

Mental Health Counseling

Mental health counselors may be interested in PhD degree programs in mental health counseling that offer advanced learning opportunities in supervision, teaching, and research. Most mental health counseling doctoral degrees are offered as PhDs in counseling or PhDs in counseling education and supervision. These programs may include areas of specialization related tof specific populations or practice topics, such as depression, anxiety, or severe mental health disorders.

PhDs in mental health counseling may meet state requirements for counseling licensure, while PhDs in counseling education and supervision are often designed for applicants who are already licensed or eligible for licensure. Those who do not have counseling licensure should ensure their degree meets state licensing requirements. Licensed applicants should ensure their degree curriculum covers coursework and training aligned with their future career goals. Find out more about counseling degrees in this field in our Mental Health Counseling Degree Guide .

Rehabilitation Counseling

Rehabilitation counseling refers to the field of counseling focused on helping clients improve their day-to-day functioning, set and achieve functional goals, and adapt to physical, developmental, or mental disabilities. A PhD degree in rehabilitation counseling may prepare graduates to work as rehabilitation counselors, educators, supervisors, and researchers in this area of specialization. Students in PhD programs can choose to specialize in a particular demographic, such as children with disabilities, or a particular type of disability, such as acquired brain injury, by completing related coursework and choosing a relevant research topic.

State regulations for licensure as a rehabilitation counselor vary and while a few states license rehabilitation counselors separately, most include rehabilitation counseling in the professional counseling practice area. Many states recognize the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Examination (CRCE) from the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) as a qualifying exam for mental health counseling licensure for those interested in specializing in this area. Prospective applicants are advised to check with the licensing body in the state of practice to ensure the PhD degree meets these requirements, if necessary. To learn more, read our guide to rehabilitation counseling degrees , which provides more information on degrees in this field.

The school counseling profession provides social, emotional, and academic support to children from pre-K through 12th grade through one-on-one guidance and school-wide support programs. The steps to becoming a school counselor vary by state so aspiring school counselors should check with their state licensing body before choosing a degree path. Some states require school counselors to be licensed educators with teaching experience while others accept graduate-level study in guidance and counseling. A doctoral degree in school counseling may be offered as a PhD in Counseling, which has a greater focus on counseling research, or as a Doctor of Education (EdD), which develops counseling skills and prepares students for applied school counseling settings. Typically, a master’s degree in school counseling is required for school counseling licensure, while a PhD or EdD is considered supplementary and aimed more at those interested in school or district administration. Our school counseling degree resource offers more information about the various types of school counseling degrees.

Substance Abuse Counseling

Substance abuse counselors, also known as addiction counselors, work with people experiencing substance abuse, addiction, and recovery challenges. PhDs may be offered in addiction counseling, substance abuse studies, substance abuse counseling, and recovery studies. A PhD degree is not necessary to work as a substance abuse counselor but it may lead to more advanced career opportunities, particularly in substance abuse research, clinical supervision, or teaching. Some doctoral degrees in mental health counseling also offer the opportunity to specialize in substance abuse counseling as the co-occurrence of mental health disorders and substance abuse challenges is an area of counseling specialization. Take a look at our Substance Abuse Counseling Degree Guide for more information about degrees in this area of specialization.

Columbia University

Columbia University offers a PhD in Counseling Psychology with a focus on multicultural and social justice approaches to counseling. Entry to the program is competitive, so applicants are expected to have above-average verbal and quantitative skills as demonstrated by transcripts, references, and GRE scores. The program has a mentorship format that pairs students with faculty supervisors. Students indicate their preferred faculty supervisor in their application, although not all supervisors may accept new PhD students each year. While the degree focuses on practical counseling skills and a dissertation, students can pursue additional research opportunities as part of the degree plan. Course topics include statistics, research design, human behavior, and professional ethics. Applications are accepted once per year for a fall term start. The degree is also available with a Bilingual Latinx Mental Health concentration that trains students to offer culturally appropriate counseling services in Spanish to Latinx populations. Applicants must meet this specialization’s Spanish language competency requirement and complete an internship in a Spanish language agency.

Pace University

At Pace University’s Westchester Campus in New York, students can earn a PhD in Mental Health Counseling with specializations in grief counseling, substance abuse counseling, or positive psychotherapy and counseling. This CACREP-accredited program trains students to work in applied settings providing mental health counseling services, clinical supervision, or conducting scholarly research. A master’s degree in mental health counseling or a related field with a cumulative 3.6 GPA is required for admission; applicants must also be licensed or eligible for professional counseling licensure in New York. Students take 46 credits of research methods, statistics, and counselor education classes during the fall, spring, and summer terms in the first two years of study and have a maximum of six additional years to complete the dissertation requirements.

Michigan State University

Those interested in rehabilitation counseling careers can consider the PhD in Rehabilitation Counselor Education offered at Michigan State University in East Lansing. This CACREP-accredited degree prepares graduates in five key areas: counseling, supervision, teaching, research and scholarship, and leadership and advocacy in the field of rehabilitation counseling. During the program, students can take advantage of exchange opportunities at partner universities in Ireland and across the United States. Applicants must have a master’s degree with at least a 3.3 GPA and submit transcripts and letters of recommendation as part of the application package. GRE scores can be submitted to demonstrate academic merit, but are no longer an admission requirement. The university offers financial support through teaching and research assistantships, conference support, scholarships, and fellowships. Applications are due December 1 and new students are admitted to start the program in the fall semester.

Virginia Tech

The PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy at Virginia Tech is a CACREP-accredited degree that prepares students for advanced learning and applied careers in the marriage and family therapy field. The program includes coursework, mentorship from a supervisor, and clinical and research experiences. Courses focus on human development through the lifespan, human sexuality, and systems theories. Applicants must have a master’s degree in a mental health field with at least 36 credits in marriage and family therapy or related subjects. It is also expected that applicants will have extensive experience providing marriage and family therapy. Applications are due in January for a fall term start date. Virginia Tech also offers combined master’s and doctoral degree programs in counseling.

Adams State University

Adams State University, in Alamosa, Colorado, has a CACREP-accredited PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision with a hybrid format that requires students to attend four, week-long summer residencies during the program. The degree prepares graduates for careers as clinical supervisors, counseling researchers, or academic scholars. Students must take 66 credits with courses in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, data analysis, and counselor education. Students must complete at least 100 hours of practicum and 600 hours of internship in counseling. Applicants must have a master’s degree that meets CACREP coursework requirements with at least a 3.0 GPA and either licensure in their state of residence or one year of counseling work experience. An in-person interview is also required for acceptance and enrollment. The program only admits new students in the fall term with applications due the preceding December.

Hampton University

Hampton University is a historically Black institution based in Hampton, Virginia. The university offers a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision with optional specializations in School Counseling and Community Mental Health Counseling. Students complete 64 credits of research, clinical, and supervision training in courses such as Counseling Leadership and Advocacy, Theories and Practice of Counseling Supervision, and Research and Program Evaluation. The degree includes a practicum, two internships, and a research dissertation. It takes approximately three-and-a-half years to complete the degree full-time or longer for part-time students. Applicants must submit transcripts, GRE scores from within the past five years (unless waived), a writing sample, and a personal statement. Coursework in abnormal psychology and ethics are prerequisites for entry and must be identifiable on student transcripts. Financial aid may be available for qualified applicants.

Regent University

Regent University offers a fully-online PhD in Counseling & Psychological Studies – Addictions Counseling with a Christian worldview. The program is suited for students who already have counseling licensure or do not wish to seek licensure as the curriculum is research-focused. Students complete 51 credit hours of coursework covering topics such as qualitative methods, statistics, psychometrics, and advanced counseling skills. The program follows a cohort model with new students admitted in the fall, spring, and summer terms. Applicants must have a master’s degree in a mental health field with a minimum 3.5 GPA, preferably with coursework in research methods, statistics, counseling, and ethics. Work experience in a counseling-related field is also highly desirable. Selected applicants will be invited to attend a mandatory online interview before they are officially accepted into the program. Regent University also offers numerous online master’s degrees in counseling, including addiction counseling and marriage and family therapy.

University of Louisiana at Monroe

For those interested in a nonclinical, theoretical, or interdisciplinary PhD in counseling, the University of Louisiana at Monroe offers a PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy with a concentration in Systemic Studies designed to help marriage and family therapy professionals extend their knowledge of family and systems theories. The program has a cohort structure that requires full-time study with courses during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students must complete at least 69 credit hours, including a doctoral practicum, internship, and dissertation in addition to the core curriculum. Examples of required courses include Family Systems I and II, Qualitative and Ethnographic Research, and Couple and Marital Therapy. The majority of the coursework is completed during the first two years of study, while the third and fourth years comprise a continuation of the doctoral internship and dissertation. Applicants must send completed application packages to the university by the February deadline, including the application form, transcripts, GRE scores, and references.

Our counseling career guides provide more information about the degree requirements, licensure processes, average salaries, and job outlooks for licensed counselors including:

  • Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Mental Health Counselors
  • Rehabilitation Counselors
  • School Counselors
  • Substance Abuse Counselors

What is CACREP accreditation for doctoral degrees in counseling?

The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) is the country’s leading accreditation organization for counseling education standards. CACREP sets standards for master’s and doctoral degrees based on areas of core competency. To earn accreditation, a doctoral degree must consist of at least 48 credits and meet coursework requirements, including a 100-hour practicum and a 600-hour internship. The course content must cover five key areas: counseling, supervision, teaching, research and scholarship, and leadership and advocacy. A directory of accredited programs is available online .

What is the difference between a doctoral dissertation and a research project?

PhD degrees in counseling often require students to complete a dissertation or a research project as part of degree requirements. A traditional dissertation is an independent piece of research completed by the student under the supervision and mentorship of a faculty member. This requirement is more common in research-focused doctoral degree programs; in some instances, a portfolio of published academic articles may also be accepted in lieu of a dissertation. Clinical or applied doctoral degrees may require students to complete a research project instead of a dissertation. The research project may be smaller in scale than a dissertation or consist of only a portion of a research project, such as a literature review or secondary data analysis.

Do I need to complete a practicum or an internship to earn a PhD in counseling?

PhD programs will vary regarding practicum and internship requirements, but as counseling is an applied field, many programs include a mandatory practicum or internship. Research-focused doctoral degrees in counseling-related fields may not have the same requirements. CACREP-accredited degrees must require at least 100 hours of practicum and at least 600 hours of counseling internship. If you are not already licensed as a counselor in your state, check state regulations to determine whether the practicum and internship components of the doctoral degree meet licensure requirements.

Can I complete a PhD in counseling online?

With the rise in online education, many institutions now offer online programs in counseling. Online programs may refer to fully-online programs or hybrid programs that combine online and on-campus elements. Fully-online courses allow students to take all required coursework online although some course elements, such as internships or practicum, may need to be completed in-person. Hybrid degree programs may require students to attend some on-campus events or courses. Online classes may be offered through synchronous methods that require students to attend classes online at specific times or through asynchronous methods that enable students to study independently.

How long will it take to complete my PhD in counseling education?

Doctoral degrees generally take four years of full-time study but timelines vary depending on the course, practicum, and research requirements. Working professionals or those looking for more flexible arrangements may choose to complete the program on a part-time basis, although many schools impose a maximum time frame to complete the program ranging from seven to 10 years.

Mental Health Counselor Salary

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How Much Does a Mental Health Counselor Make?

Salary outlook, best-paying cities for mental health counselors, the 5 best-paying cities for mental health counselors.

phd in mental health counseling salary

Best-Paying States for Mental Health Counselors

The states and districts that pay Mental Health Counselors the highest mean salary are New Jersey ($92,850), California ($81,720), New York ($79,700), Connecticut ($79,080), and District of Columbia ($72,990).

Average Mental Health Counselor Pay vs. Other Best Jobs


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Mental Health Counselor

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Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselor

Licensed Mental Health Counselor Salary in the United States

How much does a Licensed Mental Health Counselor make in the United States? The average Licensed Mental Health Counselor salary in the United States is $74,021 as of April 24, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $66,801 and $82,291 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target. 

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  • PsyD vs PhD

Salary Outlook with PhD in Behavioral Psychology

A doctoral degree represents the highest possible level of academic achievement in most fields of study, and that includes in the arena of behavioral psychology. For many scholars, earning a Ph.D. in Behavioral Psychology enables them to advance their knowledge and opens up career opportunities.

Students of behavioral psychology have a couple of different doctoral options — a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.). How do the degrees differ, and what are some possible job titles and salary rates graduates could expect upon completing their doctorates?

Behavioral Psychology Doctorate Options

When it comes to psychology doctoral programs, students have a big choice to make between two possible degrees — a Ph.D. or a Psy.D. While both culminate in the completion of a doctoral program, they are usually quite different, even within the same field.

Every program is unique, but in general, Ph.D. programs are ideal for those who want to be able to focus on academic and scientific research, while Psy.D. programs are best for those who primarily want to study the clinical practice of psychology , including providing therapy and counseling services.

SEE ALSO: Top 4 Online Ph.D. in Behavioral Psychology Programs

While it’s entirely possible for graduates of either type of program to hold many of the same jobs, the differences in how the two programs are set up can make that a challenge. For example, if a behavioral psychology student is interested solely in providing hands-on therapeutic services but pursues a Ph.D. course that includes no clinical experience or internships, it’s unlikely they’ll be prepared enough for that career track.

Similarly, for those wishing to teach at higher levels and contribute to the scientific understanding of behavioral psychology, the advanced research training at the heart of most Ph.D. programs is critical.

Behavioral Psychology PhD Career Tracks

Behavioral psychology as a field is uniquely focused on the reasons why people do what they do and how problem behaviors could potentially be modified. Students in this field will study the connections between the brain and behavior to discern behavioral patterns that may be problematic.

Behavioral psychology students who intend to practice clinically will most often treat patients or serve clients who have diagnosable behavioral disorders, such as OCD or autism spectrum disorders.

Possible careers in the field, whether clinical or academic, include:

  • ABA Therapist
  • Behavioral Psychologist
  • Behavioral Health Counselor
  • Rehabilitation Counselor

Depending on an individual’s previous experience, it may also be possible to pursue non-psychology careers after completing a behavioral psychology Ph.D. This could include serving in roles like marketing or advertising, where deep understanding of human behavior is helpful.

Behavioral Psychology PhD Salary Overview

There isn’t a single obvious job title that a person becomes qualified for after earning a Ph.D. in Behavioral Psychology. Simply having a Ph.D. can be greatly beneficial, not only to opening up a world of career possibilities but to providing for a comfortable living.

Those with Ph.D. degrees make about double the median annual income rate for high school graduates, and doctoral-holders earn salaries about one-third higher than those with only a bachelor’s degree.

So while these professionals can expect to earn far more than the average American, how do their salaries vary depending on the area of the country in question? To understand that, we calculated an average annual salary rate for four selected jobs in behavioral psychology, according to the most recent figures published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . Those jobs are:

  • Psychology Professor

The most generous annual salary for the four jobs we analyzed was in the District of Columbia, where behavioral psychology Ph.D. graduates can expect to earn almost $82,000. Not far behind were California and New Jersey, each with an average of about $80,000. The average behavioral psychology salary was lowest in West Virginia at about $47,000.

Average annual behavioral psychology PhD salary by state

Overall, the average U.S. wage for the four jobs was just over $62,000, but salaries for Clinical Psychologists averaged out to the highest level — just over $81,000. Rehabilitation Counselors had the lowest average salary ($41,463), but it’s important to note that many people in this job do not have advanced degrees, so that holds the average down a bit.

Average annual U.S. salary, selected behavioral psychology Ph.D. jobs

In every state where data is available, the U.S. Department of Labor expects job openings for behavioral psychology professionals to expand through 2028. (Data for Alabama, Arizona, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Texas and Washington was not available.)

The fastest average change across the four jobs should be in Utah, where openings are projected to grow by nearly 22%. New York is second at nearly 28%, followed by Georgia and Colorado, both of which have growth rate projections in excess of 25%. Alaska’s rate is the lowest at just over 5%, which is about average compared to all U.S. jobs over the next several years.

Average projected growth in behavioral psychology job openings by state, 2018-2028

Each of the behavioral psychology jobs we studied is expected to see positive job opening growth nationally, led by Behavioral Health Counselors, who should see an increase of nearly 23% in job openings through 2028. Even the slowest average rate, that for Rehabilitation Counselors, is nearly double the expected national growth rate for all jobs. That means the future looks very bright for behavioral psychology students.

Average U.S. projected growth in behavioral psychology Ph.D. job openings, 2018-2028

Understanding the reasons why people do the things they do is at the very heart of the study of psychology. For many scholars of the field, going deeper and diagnosing behavioral disorders, and potentially helping people alleviate them, means completing a rigorous advanced academic course, such as a Ph.D. in Behavioral Psychology.

phd in mental health counseling salary

University of Bridgeport News

Choosing the right counseling ms graduate program

How to Choose a Master’s in Counseling Program

Individuals interested in human behavior and personal growth with a desire to help others often pursue a Clinical Mental Health Counseling program . This is a excellent career path, given employment for Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors is expected to grow eighteen percent by 2032 , much faster than the average for all occupations.

As a result, with an average of about 42,000 job openings projected each year, many candidates choose to invest time and effort in a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program . Yet, with so many Counseling Master of Science (MS) programs out there, prospective students often wonder how to choose a Counseling MS program in the first place.

So below, we’ll unpack the basics and discover the process of choosing the right counseling graduate program for you.

What is a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program?

Firstly, a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program prepares students to become mental health counselors by teaching and training them to work with patients on healthy communication, coping mechanisms, and interrupting trauma cycles.

Students in these typically sixty-credit degree programs take foundational courses in psychopathology, addiction treatment, clinical skills, and psychotherapeutics.

Common course titles include:

  • Appraisal Processes
  • Career and Lifestyle Development
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Research Methods
  • Social and Cultural Foundations
  • Theories of Counseling
  • Topics in Behavioral Medicine
  • Trauma and Crisis Intervention

Students should also expect to complete supervised training through internships which are typically completed over two semesters (or the course of a full academic year). In addition to these two 300-hour semester internships, students are required to complete a 100-hour practicum.

While the amount of time it takes to complete a Counseling MS program varies, it generally takes four academic semesters or two years of full-time enrollment. Part-time students generally complete this degree in three or more years.

How to choose a Master’s in Counseling program

There are many different Master’s in Counseling degree programs, each with its own approach and curriculum. So, how can prospective students know how to choose a Master’s in Counseling program? We’re glad you asked!

Consider asking yourself the following questions when researching and choosing a Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.

1. Is the degree program reputable/accredited?

In order to become a licensed counselor, candidates must earn their degree from an accredited Counseling MS program. These programs are accredited by The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs ( CACREP ).

The CACREP develops and maintains standards and procedures that ensure students in counseling and related programs receive the highest-quality education. This ensures that they are fully prepared for their state’s licensing exam and find success in their professional careers.

Additional benefits include:

  • An advantage when applying to doctoral degree programs
  • A program focused on professional counseling (not psychology or education)
  • A wider range of employment opportunities
  • CACREP-accredited programs are professionally and financially stable

Counseling programs seeking CACREP accreditation must complete a self-study process, submit a comprehensive report demonstrating how it meets each CACREP standard, and undergo an on-site visit.

University of Bridgeport’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling MS degree program in the College of Arts and Sciences is accredited by the CACREP.

Make compassion your calling. Download our free informational guide today and get started with University of Bridgeport!

2. does the program specialize in clinical mental health counseling.

Though all accredited programs must cover mandated topics, every college and university’s Counseling MS program will vary.

For example, some programs integrate spiritual perspectives in their coursework, while others offer opportunities for students to specialize in topics like drama therapy, grief counseling, and wellness counseling. So students should consider opportunities to integrate personal and professional interests and goals when choosing a Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.

If you are passionate about helping others navigate life’s mental and emotional challenges, look for a program that offers courses and internships focused on mental health. At University of Bridgeport, for example, students intern in mental health and substance abuse clinical settings , including hospitals, intensive outpatient programs, outpatient programs, and residential treatment facilities.

3. What format is the program offered in (online, on-campus, hybrid)?

The amount of time it takes for someone to complete a Clinical Mental Health Counseling program varies depending on the area of counseling an individual is interested in, where they want to work, and the state’s requirements.

Moreover, when choosing the right counseling graduate program, candidates should consider what program format will best fit their needs and schedule. Do you thrive in an in-person environment where you can ask questions of the professor directly? Or, do you need a more flexible program, and choosing a Clinical Mental Health Counseling program that is online is the best option? Or, maybe you want a combination of the two, and enrolling in a hybrid program is the way to go?

University of Bridgeport’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling program offers daytime and night courses to fit students’ specific needs and schedules.

4. What is the flexibility of the program?

Similar to the learning format, the flexibility of the program is another important factor in determining how to choose a Counseling MS program. Online pathways or flexible options for MPH programs can be vital if you plan on working during the semester or need flexibility for other reasons.

Students should contact their chosen university directly or visit its official website as part of their research. Note that depending on the program’s design and flexibility, full-time Counseling MS students typically take between three to five courses per semester, and part-time students can expect to take one to three courses per semester.

5. Does the program promise strong career outcomes?

Counseling and other mental health care careers are in high demand as these jobs are available in various settings , including inpatient and outpatient treatment centers, correctional facilities, hospitals, residential treatment centers, and private practices.

Students should look for programs that will prepare them for a personally and financially rewarding career in mental health. Graduates of Clinical Mental Health Counseling programs, including the one at University of Bridgeport, go on to counseling careers as:

  • Chemical dependency counselors
  • Crisis counselors
  • Marriage and family therapists
  • Mental health counselors
  • Private practice mental health counselors

6. Does the curriculum, faculty, and clinical experience align with your goals?

Students should be sure that their chosen Clinical Mental Health Counseling program’s curriculum, faculty, and clinical experience align with their goals. Coursework should cover the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders, techniques and methods for conducting assessments on clients, and the step-by-step process of developing clients’ individualized treatment plans.

For example, at University of Bridgeport, we use evidence-based practices, comprehensive, collaborative coursework, and relevant hands-on learning experiences to turn students’ dedication to helping diverse patient populations into meaningful work.

And lastly, ensure that your school’s faculty consists of counseling experts with decades of experience in the field, and that students can take advantage of connections with mental health care providers locally as well.

Apply to the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at University of Bridgeport

Choosing the right counseling graduate program is not easy, but these questions should help you make the right decision. At University of Bridgeport, we are committed to helping students in our Counseling MS program get through college and into a great career with our comprehensive support services .

Review our admission requirements and apply today . Or, contact us for more information. Your future starts today!

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Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Graduate Studies

Agnes Scott College

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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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  2. Salary Outlook Ph.D in Counseling Psychology

    New York and Oregon round out the top five. The average annual income rate in West Virginia was by far the lowest. FIND SCHOOLS. Average annual counseling psychology Ph.D. salary by state. California. $82,686.00. New Jersey. $81,848.00. District of Columbia.

  3. Counseling PhD Degree Guide

    The specialized area of counseling, industry, and job location help determine your salary. According to the BLS, the median salary of a counselor in 2020 was $79,820 with jobs in government and healthcare paying the most. The career outlook for people holding a PhD in psychology is good with a projected growth of 8% from 2020-2030.

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    The BLS projects 24% job growth between 2020 and 2030 for substance abuse, behavioral, and mental health counselors. Skills and Experience to Increase Salary as a Mental Health Counselor. Mental health counselors can increase their earnings by becoming licensed psychologists.

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    The breakdown of salary for actual jobs is a little different, according to Payscale: people with doctoral degrees working as psychologists made an average of $125,000, while those working in academic institutions made $62,500. If we average these numbers, psychologists with a doctorate make on average about $93,750.

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    The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that jobs for mental health counselors will grow by 18% between 2022 and 2032, much faster than the average growth for all jobs. ... Degree-seekers encounter advanced counseling theories and clinical techniques in their graduate school coursework. Some common topics covered include advanced theories ...

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    National average salary: $72,147 per year Primary duties: A school psychologist is an educational and mental health specialist who supports students in all aspects of their emotional, mental and academic functioning. They may provide students with psychological counseling and services to reduce stress, improve behavior or support emotional health.

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  12. PhD in Counseling

    Choosing a PhD in Counseling Degree Program. PhD degrees are available in the five major categories of counseling that are generally recognized from state to state: mental health counseling (also known as professional counseling or clinical counseling), marriage and family therapy, school counseling, substance abuse counseling, and rehabilitation counseling.

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    How Much Does a Mental Health Counselor Make? Mental Health Counselors made a median salary of $51,240 in 2022. The best-paid 25% made $73,050 that year, while the lowest-paid 25% made $39,730 ...

  14. Licensed Mental Health Counselor Salary

    The average Licensed Mental Health Counselor salary in the United States is $74,021 as of April 24, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $66,801 and $82,291. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

  15. 5 jobs you can do with a Ph.D. in Counselor Education

    Here are five counseling jobs you can pursue with a Ph.D. in Counselor Education. 1. Mental health supervisor. Some Ph.D. level counselors may use their advanced clinical and leadership skills as supervisors in a variety of mental health facilities. This can include hospitals, community agencies, and private practices.

  16. Doctorate (PhD), Counseling Psychology Salary

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    PhD, EdD, ABD in school counseling or a related field. Experience in PK-12 school counseling as a school counselor, school psychologist, or related position. More... 637 PhD Mental Health Counseling jobs available on Indeed.com. Apply to Adjunct Faculty, Adjunct Instructor, Counsel and more!

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    The average behavioral psychology salary was lowest in West Virginia at about $47,000. Average annual behavioral psychology PhD salary by state. Overall, the average U.S. wage for the four jobs was just over $62,000, but salaries for Clinical Psychologists averaged out to the highest level — just over $81,000.

  19. PhD Mental Health Counselor Jobs, Employment

    Mental Health Counselor Therapist- LPC, LMFT, LPC-I, LMFT-I. Restorative Counseling and Wellness. Hybrid work in Reno, NV 89511. $69,500 - $92,160 a year. Part-time. 20 to 32 hours per week. Monday to Friday + 3. Easily apply. Conduct diagnostic evaluations to assess clients' mental health needs.

  20. Choosing a Master's in Counseling Program

    Individuals interested in human behavior and personal growth with a desire to help others often pursue a Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.This is a excellent career path, given employment for Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors is expected to grow eighteen percent by 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations.

  21. Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling in

    The Clinical Mental Health Counseling program within Graduate Studies at Agnes Scott College is seeking to hire an Assistant or Associate Professor (non-tenure track) with expertise in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and knowledge of intersectional frameworks. Qualifications and Experience: Minimum Qualifications: Earned PhD in Counselor ...

  22. Counseling and Mental Health Intern

    Envision Education seeks Counseling and Mental Health Trainees and Interns to work with other mental health professionals and educators in providing a diverse population of students mental health services at the primary and secondary tier of intervention (i.e., primary and secondary pre-referral consultation or drop-ins and counseling). The Position Under supervision of a licensed clinician ...

  23. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

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  25. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  26. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.