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10 stages of the PhD journey: advice from many experts

phd process step by step

Designing, executing and writing up a PhD study takes a large chunk of your time and energy. Here is an overview of each stage of the PhD journey, along with links to excellent articles that will help you along the way. Some of the advice offered here may be specific to a discipline, country or university, or may be heavily dependent upon some author’s experience and background. Nevertheless, you are likely to find most of this advice and instruction helpful.

phd process step by step

It is important to seriously consider why you are undertaking a PhD and what you hope to achieve by completing a PhD. Completing a PhD can be extremely useful even for those who may not continue doing research later on.

phd process step by step

2. Write a research proposal 

You might be offered a PhD project where the research proposal is already planned or you might need to devise a research proposal yourself, either before or after you have chosen a supervisor. This proposal and confirmation of candidature will need to be approved by your university’s research committee.

phd process step by step

3. Choose a PhD supervisor

Some students have one key supervisor with one or two additional supervisors, while it is not unusual for some students to have three or four. It is important to remember that your supervisor may have many students under their direction, so their time may be strictly limited. At Monash University, research supervisors receive accreditation training .

phd process step by step

4. Design your project budget

An essential project management skill when conducting research is the ability to effectively design and manage research budgets. If you need to request finances through a grant application, ensure you thoroughly investigate the necessary guidelines.

phd process step by step

5. Start writing in the early stages of your project

Don’t wait until you have collected and analysed your data before you start writing. Most universities encourage students to write about their project while they are conducting their research. Project proposals can be rewritten and methods sections developed as data is collected and analysed. Literature reviews can be updated and conference talks and posters can be prepared even before you have started to collect data. 

phd process step by step

6. Consider the structure and the format of your thesis

Exactly how to structure and format your thesis will vary greatly depending upon your project, your discipline, your department and your university and your discipline. Always refer to your university’s guidelines for thesis format requirements. For example:

How to find completed PhD theses

It is always a good idea to check other PhD theses that are similar to your topic, have been completed recently and have been produced by your university department. You can gain a wealth of ideas about structure, size and overall thesis design.

And on this page, there are other useful inks:

*   Australian & New Zealand Universities – Institutional Repository Contacts

How to write a literature review

Reviewing the literature is important to assist your knowledge and understanding of your topic and integral to establishing your position in the academic landscape. Writing good literature reviews is crucial to show your examiners how well you know the literature and how well you are able to explain the importance of your project. It is a common requirement that you write a separate chapter as a stand-alone literature review. However, for those theses that are predominantly composed of complete published papers, there might not be a requirement for a separate review section.

phd process step by step

7. Get feedback on your writing

In addition to your supervisor, seek feedback on different aspects of your writing from appropriate advisors: accuracy, clarity and brevity. Increasingly, projects are written for a variety of aim to get academic audiences so ensure that your writing is clear and succinct.

*   Getting Feedback – University of North Carolina (USA)

phd process step by step

8. Learn how to publish peer-review papers

Increasingly, students are expected to submit a large proportion of their thesis as published papers. Not every PhD project can be easily prepared as separate papers; however, remember to look at recently submitted theses within your discipline and within your department to see how people have completed their thesis.

phd process step by step

9. Submit your thesis

The process of submitting your thesis may include preparing additional tasks and preparation of paperwork (i.e. the Originality Statement).

phd process step by step

10. Understand the examination process

Usually there are three examiners. However, the process of thesis examination will vary widely according to discipline and university. Broadly speaking, your examiners will recommend that your thesis be accepted without alteration, accepted with minor alteration, accepted providing major changes are made or rejected. Usually your supervisor will choose who your examiners are and you may have the opportunity to choose one of your examiners.

phd process step by step

If there are any problems...

Most problems with your project are surmountable and remember that your supervisors and your university are there to help you. If things go drastically wrong at any time, it is essential that you seek assistance as early as possible. There are people within your university administration who are there to help you. To help dealing with problems, document any issues as they arise. It is essential for you to have excellent time-management and record-keeping skills.

phd process step by step

and remember...

© Dr Marina Hurley 2019 www.writingclearscience.com.au

Any suggestions or comments please email [email protected] 

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How the PhD Program Works

Program Overview

Completing your doctorate at Wharton requires 5 years of full-time study. The first 2 years in the program prepare you for admission to candidacy by taking courses, qualifying exams, and starting research projects. In the last few years, you are primarily conducting research full-time including writing and defending your doctoral dissertation.

Admission to candidacy.

You begin by taking courses required for your program of study. All programs requires a preliminary exam, which may be either oral or written.

Some programs may have further requirements, such as an additional exam or research paper. If you enter with a master’s degree or other transfer credit, you may satisfy the formal course requirements more quickly.

Beginning the Wharton PhD Curriculum How the first two years of the Wharton program helped students discover their interests, learn the tools of the profession, and fuel their passion for teaching.

The Doctoral Dissertation

Upon successful completion of coursework and passing a preliminary examination, you are admitted to candidacy for the dissertation phase of your studies.

Your doctoral dissertation should contain original research that meets standards for published scholarship in your field. You are expected to be an expert in the topic you choose to research.

You are admitted to candidacy for the dissertation phase of your studies upon successful completion of coursework and passing a preliminary examination, but you can start thinking about and working on research of relevance at any time.

The dissertation process culminates with a “defense,” in which you defend the proposal orally before your dissertation committee.

While working on your dissertation, you interact extensively with Wharton faculty. Together with interested faculty, you create your own research community that includes your dissertation advisor and dissertation committee.

Policies and Procedures

Get more detailed explanation of course requirements, academic standards, the Teacher Development Program, time limits, and dissertation procedures and requirements.

Sample Program Sequence

Years 1 & 2.

Coursework Examination Research Papers Research Activities Field-Specific Requirements

Directed Reading & Research Admission to Candidacy Formulation of Research Topic

Years 4 & 5

Continued Research Oral Examination Dissertation

Hear From Our Doctoral Community

From phd student to colleague, the diverse skill set you need to become a professor, how wharton makes it easy to be successful.


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What are the steps in getting a PhD?

August 22, 2023

Reading Time: 2–3 minutes

The work required to complete a PhD varies across academic disciplines and universities, though earning a PhD typically requires the following elements :

  • Completing coursework
  • Completing one or more doctoral residency experiences
  • Passing a comprehensive assessment or exam
  • Developing and completing an independent research project
  • Seeking approval of your completed dissertation manuscript

Here’s a closer look at each step.

With this primary step in the PhD process, you will participate in courses related to your field of study. The goal here is to develop deep subject-matter expertise.

You’ll also become familiar with the key topics, theories, methodologies and concerns related to your discipline. The skills and foundational knowledge you gain in your coursework will serve as the basis for generating potential research topics, such as those you will use in your dissertation.

Often offered virtually, residencies provide structure, training and detailed feedback to guide you as you develop your research plan and gather essential elements for your dissertation. Residences give you a chance to focus on specific study and activities related to preparing your dissertation.

You will connect with faculty and peers during this rigorous academic experience. They can help you focus your research plan by giving feedback and discussing relevant topics.

Your residency is where you can make significant progress on your dissertation, including selecting an acceptable topic and developing a robust proposal for the project.

Learn more about doctoral virtual residency .

Capella offers both PhD and professional doctorate programs. Here’s how they’re different .

Comprehensive assessment

The comprehensive assessment is where you demonstrate what you’ve learned and present your knowledge of the academic competencies required for your discipline. This examination may be oral, written or both.

Upon successfully completing this step in your doctoral journey, you should be prepared to begin work on your dissertation.

Learn more about the comprehensive exam .


A dissertation is a written compilation of your academic research and provides a detailed description of your project (typically a five-chapter document).

Most dissertations address a question or problem that has not been fully addressed within your field. Before you begin your independent research, other faculty experts representing your dissertation committee and the Institutional Review Board will assess the rigor and ethical underpinnings of your project.

Learn more about the dissertation .

Once the research and writing are complete, the dissertation must be approved by a faculty committee and the school dean.

There is a final defense involved in which you will answer questions about your research, analysis and conclusions.

In many fields, there are also specific professional standards expected of learners. For example, a PhD learner in a Counselor Education and Supervision program will be expected to meet the guidelines of the American Counseling Association.

Once all approvals have been received and you’ve successfully defended, you’ll publish your dissertation. You’ll have then completed all your program requirements and be conferred your PhD.

Capella University offers PhD and professional doctoral degree programs in a number of different fields:

  • Health Sciences
  • Information Technology
  • Social Work
  • Counseling & Therapy

Learn more about Capella’s online doctoral programs

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How to get a PhD?

Interested in obtaining a phd learn more about the steps to earn a phd, careers with phd, list of colleges offering programs and more..

Updated by TCM Staff on 15th April 2021

How to get a PhD: Steps and Requirements Explained

15th April 2021

College Monk — How to Get a PhD

A PhD is a postgraduate doctoral degree awarded to those students who produce an original thesis and make a significant research contribution to their respective field.

PhDs are available for those in a variety of different fields, and it’s often considered the highest and most well-respected degree available. Earning a PhD truly establishes someone as an expert in their field and indicates the deepest level of knowledge on a particular subject.

What is a PhD?

PhD — technically short for Doctor of Philosophy — is a type of doctoral degree, often considered the highest-level degree one can earn.

A PhD is a type of research degree that requires students to do an extensive amount of research and produce an original work, known as a dissertation.

People often use their PhD as a launchpad to pursue a career in academia. But, it’s also a popular option for those pursuing a career in STEM.

Those with PhDs make up a fairly exclusive club. Data from the US Census Bureau shows that fewer than 5% of the population holds a doctorate. And it’s not surprising, considering it often takes up to eight years to achieve this coveted title and requires writing an original dissertation the length of a book.

A PhD is actually just one type of doctoral degree. PhDs are research-focused. The other type of doctorate is application-focused (also known as an applied doctorate).

why PhD image

Source:  https://strathsltresearchers.wordpress.com

PhD admission requirements 

Not just anyone can earn a PhD. Given how well-respected the title is, it takes a lot of work and very specific criteria to enter a doctoral program.

The most basic requirement that all PhD candidates must have is a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. You won’t be accepted without this. You also usually need a high GPA.

Another requirement is a statement of purpose. In this statement, doctoral candidates will describe why they’re seeking a PhD, what they’ve done so far to prepare themselves, and what goals they plan to accomplish later.

Finally, PhD applicants will need several letters of recommendation. 

If you’re considering pursuing a PhD, it’s critical that you work to build relationships with professors and mentors who might recommend you. There’s a lot of competition, especially for the top PhD programs, and excellent recommendations will help you to stand out.

Keep in mind that the requirements might vary somewhat from one school to the next, so it’s important to do your research and decide ahead of time where you’ll apply.

Steps to obtain a PhD

Earning a PhD is no easy feat. It takes most students years to do so. Let’s look into the steps someone must take to get a PhD.

Step 1: Complete an undergraduate degree

Before you can take the next step toward your PhD, you’ll first have to receive a bachelor’s degree through an undergraduate program at a reputable university.

This education will provide the foundation for your more advanced coursework later. It’s important that you maintain a high GPA throughout your undergraduate years.

Step 2: Complete a master's program

Once you complete your bachelor’s degree, the next natural step is to pursue a master’s degree.

Graduate school requires that a student take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). A master’s degree typically takes about two years to achieve, and will be in a particular field of study.

While not technically required for a PhD, most people earn a master’s degree before earning their PhD.

Step 3: Apply for a PhD program

Once you complete your graduate program, it’s time to apply for your PhD program.

There are many doctoral programs to choose from, so it’s important that you research and find the best fit for your field of study.

During the application process, you’ll have to submit the following:

  • A completed application
  • Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • Your GMAT or GRE scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • A statement of purpose

Step 4: Complete your coursework

When you begin your PhD program, you’ll start by taking your coursework. 

As is usually the case with undergraduate and graduate programs, you’ll likely have some required courses and some electives. Usually, students will prepare their own plan of study for the courses they’ll take over the next couple of years.

Step 5: Prepare a research proposal

A research proposal is a document that outlines what, exactly, a PhD student will focus on during their research. 

A research proposal should include the major question or questions someone plans to answer with their dissertation, and how exactly they plan to arrive at that answer. 

Even though the proposal won’t be a part of your final thesis, it plays a vital role in shaping your PhD.

Step 6: Complete a literature review

The literature review is the first thing you’ll do before starting your project report.

In this review, you’ll conduct an in-depth study of all the research in your field. During this phase, a doctoral student should critically assess the existing literature on their topic and find gaps they may be able to fill with their research.

Step 7: Research and collect results

Once a student has completed their literature review, they’ll do more first-hand research and perform experiments to help answer the questions they’re exploring for their dissertation.

Step 8: Produce a thesis and write a dissertation

Doctoral Dissertation Image

Source:  https://www.wikihow.com

Once you’ve completed your research and gathered sufficient results, it’s time to write your final thesis and dissertation. 

Though the two terms are often used interchangeably, your thesis is the argument or conclusion you’ve arrived at, while your dissertation is where you demonstrate your thesis.

Your dissertation is the culmination of all the research you’ve done. Dissertations are original work and often focus on a newly developed theory. A dissertation is roughly the length of a book, and can often take years to produce.

Step 9: Viva Voce

Viva voce is a Latin phrase that means “with living voice” or “by word of mouth.” It’s also the final — and one of the most important — steps in the process of earning a PhD.

Unlike other degrees, where you take a final exam, a PhD candidate must defend their thesis before a panel of appointment examiners. It’s common for the examiners to ask many questions, and this process can often take several hours.

Once you successfully complete your viva voce, you’ll be awarded your doctorate and can add that coveted “Dr.” to your title.

Online colleges offering PhD programs

Many students choose to pursue a PhD through an online doctoral program for the flexibility and convenience it brings. 

Here are a few popular online PhD programs:

What can you do with a PhD?

A PhD is the highest-degree that someone can earn. But after all those years of work, what exactly can you do with your degree?

One of the most common career paths for someone with a PhD is academia. Those with a doctorate degree often go on to teach at universities or spend their careers performing research, not all that different from what they did to earn the degree in the first place.

But academia isn’t the only option for PhD recipients, nor is it the most lucrative. 

PhD students often study STEM fields — science, technology, engineering, and math. Those industries are thriving today more than ever, making it a great field for those holding a doctorate.

What can you be in phD Image

Source:  https://www.jax.org

Some of the highest-paying PhD fields include:

  • Information assurance
  • Computer science
  • Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Organic chemistry

Though academia and STEM may be the most common paths for PhD participants, they’re hardly the only ones. There are many options available to someone with a PhD. Other non-STEM fields include clinical psychology, market research, business development, linguistics, and intelligence.

A doctorate is the highest level of degree someone can achieve. There’s no doubt that it takes a considerable amount of work, and it takes most people years to achieve this recognition. 

It’s important to understand these trade-offs before you get started. But once you earn your PhD, you will hold one of the most highly-respected titles in the academic field and have a lot of doors open to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. 1) How long does a PhD take?

A. According to CBS news on an average, an American Student takes 8.2 years to complete their Ph.D. This can change according to various courses and in various countries.

2. 2) What qualifications do I need?

A. In US Bachelors degree holders can also apply for Ph.D. For applying in a PhD program one should have completed 16 years of formal education. Qualification in the entrance test is also necessary.

3. 3) Can I take PhD as a part-time?

A. Yes, part-time PhD is possible, and it has a more flexible schedule with classes and degree completion. In some programs, a minimum one-year residency is required. But, part-time PhD will take more time, and managing a part-time PhD will be more challenging.

4. 4) What is M.Phil?

A. A M.Phil qualification is less advanced than that of a PhD. In this, the students are expected to master a content area and it can be mastered in two years. Moreover, the PhD dissertation takes more time than an M.Phil dissertation.

5. 5) What are Financial Aid options available for me?

A. For Ph.D. there are a lot of financial aid opportunities available in the form of Scholarship and loans. Eg: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

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Applying for a phd: step-by-step guide.

Studying a PhD is a big decision and submitting your application can feel like a long process. Though with the right guidance, applying for a PhD will be a lot more straightforward than you think. 

There is a lot of PhD application advice out there. To help you make sense of it all, we’ve put together a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to apply for a PhD. We cover the PhD application process, what you need to consider, what to prepare and how to submit your application.

Follow the steps below to understand everything you need to know when applying for a PhD.

PhD application checklist

Applying for a PhD

  • Choose your subject area
  • Choose your type of PhD
  • Check application deadline
  • Draft a research proposal
  • Contact potential PhD supervisors
  • Check PhD entry requirements
  • Check PhD fees and funding
  • Make your PhD application
  • Submit your PhD application 

In this article, we’re going to look at all these different elements in greater detail to help you with the PhD application process.

1. Choose your subject area

You will be  studying your PhD for a long time – between three- and four-years’ full time and up to eight years part time – so it is essential you choose to study a subject you are passionate about.

Most PhD students study a subject area that they have studied previously, but in much greater detail. Most PhD courses require some previous academic experience in the research area, for example if you choose to study your PhD on William Shakespeare, you are likely to have studied the works of Shakespeare as part of an English Literature masters degree. Similarly, if your PhD research is in a science-based topic it is likely to be going more in depth into a science-related field you studied as an undergraduate and then as a masters student.

However, your PhD does not have to be directly related to your masters degree, for example an English Language masters graduate could expect to be successful if applying to do research in an  English literature PhD if they have achieved the necessary grades.

There are many areas that you can consider when choosing the subject area for your PhD. These could come from the  Arts ,  Humanities , STEM , Social Sciences and  Business .

Research the department at your chosen university to find the perfect PhD program to apply for.

2. Choose your type of PhD

Whilst most PhDs follow a traditional route (completing an independent research project under a supervisor), there are alternatives.

The two main types of PhD include: self-proposed PhD projects and predesigned PhD projects.

Self-proposed PhDs are the most common and traditional type of doctoral degree, although universities also offer predesigned PhD courses that integrate aspects of taught study.

Make sure you’ve considered your PhD options fully before applying for a PhD. Here are the main differences between self-proposed and predesigned PhD projects.

Self-proposed PhD projects

Self-proposed PhDs are the most common type of PhD, where students propose and design their own research.

With a self-proposed PhD, the student has a lot of control over their work and can specialise in any area that interests them with the support and approval of their academic supervisor.

Not all self-proposed PhDs receive funding, so applicants will need to make sure they have appropriate funding in place to pursue their self-proposed PhD.

There may also be some additional steps in the application process for self-proposed to ensure success in their PhD application. The student will have to dedicate a lot of time to their PhD application as it will need to include their PhD study proposal.

Predesigned PhD projects (Doctoral Training Centres)

Many universities now have something known as ‘DTC centres’, or ‘ Doctoral Training Centres ’. Many of these are in economic, social or scientific research areas, so if this is your area of interest, PhDs run out of DTC centres are worth exploring, as they can have substantial funding included. 

Predesigned PhD projects are usually slightly longer in course length than most traditional PhDs, as they’re likely to include a year of lectures and a variety of projects in the first year, before choosing to specialise in the second year.

This option is great if you know you want to do a PhD but aren’t entirely certain of what you’d like to do beyond a general area. Best of all, they often offer fully funded  studentships .

Applying for a PhD

3. Check application deadlines

When applying for a PhD it is important to ensure you meet all application deadlines, this includes the deadlines for your PhD application form and PhD proposal as well as any PhD funding deadlines.

Different universities will have different deadlines, and some universities may even have rolling deadlines, this means it is important to check on the website of the university and department you are interested in, to make sure you get your application in on time.

4. Draft a research proposal

It’s important to draft a PhD proposal when you are applying for a PhD. This is a requirement of most self-proposed PhD applications and can also be necessary when applying for other PhDs.

To ensure the success of your PhD research proposal, it’s a good idea to do some research around the subject area before submitting your research proposal. This will give you a better idea of what it is you want to research and will also help you to present your proposal more clearly.

How to write a PhD research proposal

When writing a PhD research proposal, you will need to include the following:

  • A TITLE that clearly conveys the theme of your research project.
  • The main RESEARCH QUESTION that will be the focus of your research.
  • An EXPLANATION of why your research topic is important.
  • Brief LITERATURE REVIEW demonstrating your knowledge to answer the question.
  • Proposed METHODOLOGY for answering your research questions.
  • TIMELINE SCHEDULE of the research project.  

5. Contact potential PhD supervisors

You want to make sure you choose your potential PhD supervisor in plenty of time. Of course, you should always leave plenty of time for any application, but this is especially important for a PhD, as you will often be applying to a particular supervisor who is a specialist in your area of study.

Therefore, you need to ensure you have enough time to research into suitable PhD supervisors and get in contact with them before you apply for the doctorate.

You shouldn’t rush this research, as  getting the most out of your supervisor is the first step to doing well in PhD study – it’s important to make sure you pick the one best for you.

Another important consideration is  where you choose to study . You’ll want to look at the department’s reputation, and to make sure it excels in research in the area you intend to study do you get the support you need.

6. Check PhD entry requirements

To be eligible to study a PhD, you will usually need a  masters qualification in the subject area or in a closely related subject to the subject upon which you wish to base your PhD research.

However, entry requirements will differ depending on the university, so it is important to check the PhD eligibility requirements of the PhD and university that you are interested in studying at.

Applying without a masters

Some PhD courses will allow you to apply without a masters degree although you will need a bachelors degree. These are only usually offered as integrated masters and PhD programs which include a year of masters study before PhD.

Applying for a PhD as an international student  

If you are an international student applying to study a PhD in the UK, check the  visa requirements that you need to meet.

To apply for a PhD in the UK, international students need a Student Route visa.

The Student Route visa is a points-based visa system for all international students – including EU, EEA and Swiss students – who want to study in the UK. This has replaced the Tier 4 (General) student visa.

You can apply for a  student visa if you meet the following criteria:

  • You have been offered a place on a course by a licensed student sponsor.
  • You have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course.
  • You can speak, read, write and understand English – you may need to prove this through a recognised English language test.

Student visas can only be issued for certain courses, and if your course is eligible, your education provider (Student sponsor) will give you a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) which you use to apply for a student visa.

The earliest you can apply for a student visa is six months before the start date of the course.

7. Check PhD fees and funding

Before committing to PhD study, it is important to check the PhD tuition fees and these will differ depending on the university and the course.

PhD tuition fees in the UK will be more expensive for international students than for home students. Tuition fees in the UK usually range from £3,000-£6,000 per year for home students and up to £18,000 per year for international students.

As a PhD student you will need to cover tuition fees, living expenses and any other unforeseen costs.

PhD scholarships and studentships are available, as is funding from various research councils, so make sure you investigate all your options and find out what financial help is available.

Funding your PhD

There are various funding options available to PhD students – here are the main ones:

University funding – some universities offer alumni funding support for students continuing their studies at their university. Check funding webpages for details.

PhD loans –  PhD loans are available from the  UK government .

PhD scholarships – many universities and companies offer  PhD scholarships , this includes our  Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries .

PhD studentships –  PhD studentships at your university are a great option as they usually include a stipend that covers full PhD tuition fees and some living costs.

Research councils – there are seven research councils in the UK that can provide funding for PhD students, these are:

  • Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
  • Economic and Social Research Council
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • Medical Research Council
  • Natural Environment Research Council
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council . 

Their funding can come as PhD studentships.

Self -funding – as a postgraduate student, you may have saved up money through work to enable you to  self-fund your PhD.

Don’t just apply to the standard big research funding bodies, but do your research and look into charities too. There are plenty of funds, foundations and other sources of money available to people with the right interests – and you might just be one of them!

8. Making your PhD application

Now you’ve done most of the preparation for your application, what about the actual application for a PhD? What does it involve?

When applying for a PhD, you usually apply directly to the university, rather than via a third party such as  UCAS .

PhD applications will differ from university to university, so check on the admissions page of the course you are interested in to make sure you include everything they ask for. You are likely to have to include:

  • Completed application form
  • Research proposal
  • Personal statement
  • Academic CV
  • Academic references
  • Proof of English language proficiency
  • Student visa documentation

Ideally, you should have already contacted your intended supervisor and talked about it with them, via email or perhaps in person. They will give you a run through of everything to include in your application to help ensure you don’t leave anything out by mistake. 

You should ensure that you’re not too modest in applying for a PhD! If you’ve been published in a relevant area, or if you did exceptionally well or presented a particularly successful paper at a conference, mention it. You don’t need to brag, but you shouldn’t hide your achievements either.

PhD interviews

Unlike with bachelors degrees and many masters degrees, you will probably need to have a PhD interview as part of your application. If you’ve not had a university interview before, make sure you prepare well for it.

Ideally, if you’re still in education, see if a tutor you know can give you tips, or potentially a mock interview. If not, many universities’ careers service will remain open to you after graduating,,so contact them and see what advice they can offer you. 

Ensure you read up on anything you mentioned in your application and have good solid reasons for why you wish to do a PhD, and why you’ve chosen to do it at in that particular topic  at that particular university.

You should already know by now  what it takes to study a PhD and be able to answer convincingly when asked about these things during your interview.

9. Submit your PhD application

  Now you’ve reached the final step – it’s time to submit your PhD application!

This is likely to be online, although it’s important to check this with your chosen university in case you need to send any hard copies of original certificates or documentation in the post.

Follow the university guidelines. They will usually indicate how to submit your application, what to include, and when you should hear back about the success of your PhD application.

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phd process step by step

  • How to Apply for a PhD – Application Process Explained
  • Applying to a PhD

This guide explains the PhD application process and outlines the steps you will need to follow, and information you will need to provide when applying to a PhD programme.

How to Apply for a PhD – Application Process

There is no single guide that can cover the entire application process for applying to PhDs, as it differs not only between universities, but also between programmes. In the same sense, what a supervisor might consider a strong application for one of their programmes, they may consider a weak application for another of their programmes.

Furthermore, the process of applying for a PhD in the UK can be slightly challenging to navigate as there is no centralised application system, as is the case with undergraduate degrees, and the process can vary from university to university.

Regardless of this, the below outlines the most common steps you will need to follow when applying for a PhD. Pay particular attention to each stage, as slipping on a single one of them can significantly affect your chances of securing the PhD you want.

1. Find Research Projects you like

Identify research areas that align with your research interest.

This should be done by thinking about all topics, courses, projects, recent publications, recurring questions or experiences that have caught your curiosity over the past year.

Once you have a better understanding of your preferred research area, browse through our PhD listings  or the ‘postgraduate research degree’ and ‘research centre’ sections of a university’s website if you already have a particular one in mind.

This is probably the most important thing to consider before you apply to PhD programmes given you will be working on your project for the next three to eight years – make sure not to rush it.

Note: If you intend to study part time or via distance learning, make sure to check the university offers this option as not all do.

2. Contact Potential PhD Supervisors

If you are proposing your own research project, which is usually the case with a self-funded postgraduate programme, you will need to find your own potential supervisor.

The best way to find a suitable PhD supervisor is to review the staff profiles on the department’s webpage and examine the topics they have published on in the past two years, as well as the research projects of the students they have supervised in the past. This will help you decide whether their research interests coincide with yours. Outside of research interests, there are other aspects you will want to look for, such as their level of support and patience, and how successful their former students have been. For further information on this, you can learn how to find a good PhD supervisor here .

If you are applying to a pre-determined research project, which is usually the case with funded programmes, you do not need to find a supervisor, as they already have a supervisor assigned to them.

Before you formally apply to funded PhD projects, most PhD supervisors will prefer you to apply informally by  sending them an email with your CV. This is so they can better understand your motives for applying and where your academic strengths lie before you start the formal application process.

3. Online Application Form

Once you have found a research programme you are interested in, most universities will require you to make a formal application via their online application portal. The below outlines the supporting documentation you will likely require when completing your online application form.

Academic Qualifications and Transcripts

If you have completed your studies, you will be asked to provide original or certified copies of your academic qualifications.

If you are still studying, you will need to provide an interim transcript of the grades you have received to date and details of any previous qualifications you have acquired.

Academic CV

An academic CV outlines your contact details, academic background and relevant experience. You can read our guide on how to prepare an effective academic CV  here .

Cover Letter

An academic cover letter can be requested alongside your CV. An academic cover letter explains why you are applying for the particular PhD project, why you are a strong candidate for the position and what you can offer the department as a research student. You can read our guide on how to prepare a strong cover letter  here .

Personal Statement

Instead of a cover letter, you may be asked to submit a personal statement. A personal statement is a short document describing your interest in the research programme and explaining why you believe you are suitable for it.

Research Proposal

Most universities will require you to submit a research proposal, especially if you are not applying to a pre-determined research project.

A research proposal is a short document describing your proposed research project. It outlines your research question, which topic it concerns and why you consider it valuable. It is used to show you have the potential for postgraduate-level research by showing that you can communicate complex ideas and evaluate them at their fundamental level. A research proposal also allows the academic department to match you with a suitable PhD supervisor with the expertise to support you if needed.

To support your application, you will be asked for an academic reference, ideally from one or more academic referees.

This is so the university has evidence from another academic source that you are a person who is capable of undertaking PhD study, not only in terms of your credentials and academic abilities but also in terms of your character, as someone who demonstrates commitment, perseverance, independence and the ability to communicate effectively.

To ensure the legitimacy of your references, universities often have strict requirements for how they are to be provided, such as requiring the use of official letterheads and original signatures from the reference provider. Therefore, you must check the specific requirements of each institution and forward them to your referee to minimise the risk of any rejections.

Other Supporting Information

Most online forms also have sections where you can upload any additional supporting information. This can include example evidence, such as previous papers you have published or conferences you have participated in.

Note that e xample evidence, especially of scientific research, is rarely required for STEM subjects

4. Entry Requirements

Academic qualifications.

The entry requirement for most UK universities is a 2:1 (Upper Second Class Honours) undergraduate degree, or equivalent qualification, in a relevant subject.

Note that while many universities require a Masters degree, not all do; it’s possible to  enrol in a PhD programme with just a Bachelors degree , as many students have successfully done so in the past.

In both cases, you will be asked to submit a copy of your degree certificate if you have completed your undergraduate study.

English Language Requirement

If you are an international student from a non-native English speaking country, most universities will require you to either meet their English language requirements or complete an English course with them before starting your PhD.

The two most common tests used to examine English language proficiencies for postgraduate study are the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).

Although the score requirements will vary depending on the course and institution, the typical requirements are:

  • IELTS – Overall score of 6.5, and no less than 6.0 in each test category.
  • TOELF – Overall score of 88.

International Applicant

If you’re an international student, you may need a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa to study in the UK. If this is the case, the university will require your passport details or a copy of your first page and photo page.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

5. Other Things to Keep in Mind

In most countries, including the UK, a PhD studentship starts in September or October of each academic year. However, it’s worth noting that most PhD projects are flexible and can therefore start at any time throughout the year.

Application Deadline

The deadline for a PhD position will be indicated in its advert description, however, you should apply to them as early as possible as a PhD position can sometimes be filled before its official closing date.

As well as monitoring the course deadline, also be aware of the closing dates of associated doctoral research funding opportunities. This is because some funded PhD projects require you to apply individually to both the course and the funding opportunity.

Standardised Tests

Depending on the type of doctorate you are applying for, you may need to take examinations as part of the application process.

While this is uncommon in the UK, most graduate schools in the US and Canada integrate standardised tests into their doctoral course admissions process, with minimum test scores set as an entry requirement for their PhD programs.

MPhil Registration First

In the UK, most PhD students first have to register for an MPhil ( Master of Philosophy ) for the first year of their studies, and only if they pass it, which usually requires the production of a report and an informal interview, will their course be upgraded to a PhD.

Making Several Applications

Unfortunately, for various reasons, you may not always get your preferred supervisor or research project, so it is best to apply for several projects on one or more research topics you interest you.

Please note that the application process for a professional doctorate, such as a DBA or EngD, is slightly different from the one mentioned in this guide . Therefore, please consult the guidelines of the university you wish to apply to before applying.

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phd process step by step

Your PhD journey

A quick summary of the different phases of your PhD, and signposting to development support. Includes our PhD Planner to download.

Download our PhD planner

For a concise overview of different stages of a PhD, you may want to view our PhD planner.

This guide includes quick tips from other Postgraduate Researchers, plus quick checklists suitable to different stages of your PhD.

This can be downloaded from this site, collected from your School postgraduate office, or obtained directly from the IAD

Download our PhD planner (PDF)

Research student training and development

Contact details.

Think about the support you need

Whatever stage you are at, it is important to spend time thinking about what support you need, and seek out the appropriate support, from your supervisor, School / Research Institute, from us, and from appropriate external bodies.

Get the right help at the right time

We have gathered information and advice by PhD stage to help you make the right choices for you, whatever stage you are at:

Starting out: tips on what support you need from your supervisor and school, setting your initial research programme milestones, assessing what skills you need to succeed, and finding the best training to help you at this stage.

Starting out on your PhD

Keeping on track : tips on getting setting new milestones, assessing what skills you need now, and recommendations for internal and external training and support to help you at this important stage.

Keeping on track with your PhD

Nearing completion : tips on setting those final important milestones, writing up and submitting, planning the skills you need now and for your next career steps, and recommendations for internal and external training and support to help you at this stage.

Nearing completion of your PhD

Related Links

PhD student diaries: learn from others' experiences

This article was published on 2024-02-26

How to develop an awesome PhD timeline step-by-step

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A successful PhD journey begins with a solid plan that includes a PhD timeline . A thought-through and well-designed PhD timeline requires some time but can be accomplished in a few simple steps.

Why a clear PhD research timeline matters

Step 1: decide what to include in your phd timeline, step 2: discuss your provisional phd timeline with your supervisor/s, step 3: design your phd timeline, step 4: regularly update your phd timeline.

Doing a PhD means committing to a challenging project that spans several years. Therefore, it is no surprise that doing a PhD can feel quite overwhelming. How do you even begin to tackle such a huge project?

A PhD timeline breaks down the daunting task of doing a PhD into an actionable plan with tasks and milestones along the way.

Even if not everything will go as planned (which is normal and no problem!), a PhD timeline can give PhD students peace of mind. A good plan, worked out in a PhD timeline, helps them to structure their time, communicate their goals and work toward specific targets.

Some PhD students are required to create a PhD timeline as part of their programme. Yet, even if PhD students are not required to do so, it is highly recommended to create a PhD timeline!

PhD timelines should be as diverse as PhD research projects: What you decide to include in your timeline should fit to your situation, goals and your programmes’ requirements.

Common elements included in a PhD timeline are the following:

  • Data collection : How, when and where are you collecting your research data?
  • Fieldwork : Is your data collection spread out or are you spending several weeks doing fieldwork? If so, when is this scheduled and how can you avoid overlaps with other requirements, such as coursework?
  • Experiments : Are you running experiments for your PhD research? If so, when? And how long do you estimate this will take you?
  • Data analysis : Once you have your data, be it quantitative or qualitative data, when and how do you analyse it? How much time do you block for this task?
  • Writing plan : When are you writing down your results? How can you break down writing into different parts, for instance, writing goals per chapter or article?
  • Publications : Publication requirements differ from PhD programme to programme. Even if you write your PhD as a monograph (instead of a selection of articles) , you should try to publish something during your PhD. When would you have an opportunity to do so, and how much time does it require?
  • Conferences : Every PhD student should present at a conference during their PhD trajectory. Which conferences are you interested in? When do they take place, and when would you have findings to share at a conference?
  • Coursework : What are your PhD programme’s coursework requirements? What courses are you interested in, and when are they offered?
  • Other activities : Are there any other activities that are crucial for your PhD project? Think, for instance, about an extensive dissemination campaign, collaboration with external partners, internships, online activities etcetera.

Make a draft plan, including dates and times. Then move to Step 2: Discussing it with your supervisor/s!

Proactively creating your PhD timeline is a good step as a PhD student. However, you should share your thoughts and ideas with your PhD supervisor/s and get their input.

If possible, set up a meeting with your supervisor/s that is entirely dedicated to your PhD timeline. During this meeting, you can share what you created so far.

Then, you should discuss the following questions:

  • Is there anything missing in the PhD timeline?
  • Is the PhD timeline realistic?
  • Should anything be removed from the PhD timeline to prioritise other tasks?
  • Does the PhD timeline meet all the formal requirements to graduate within the designated amount of time?
  • Is there institutional support and sufficient financial resources for activities such as fieldwork, conference attendance, etcetera?

Make sure to take notes during the meeting, as you will need the answers to these questions to edit your provisional PhD timeline.

Not only will this discussion help you to finalise your PhD timeline. It will also help you to get clarity on your supervisor/s’ expectations!

You may also like: Planning your PhD research: A 3-year PhD timeline example

Following the input of your supervisor/s, your PhD timeline will reach a more final stage. Now it is time to think about designing your PhD timeline:

A well-designed PhD timeline is not just pretty for the eyes, but it makes it much easier to have a good overview of all plans and milestones ahead.

Yet, it would be wrong to argue that there is a one-size-fits all solution to designing a perfect PhD timeline.

Maybe you are a very visual person and would prefer your timeline to illustrate a broad overview of the upcoming years. Maybe you are encouraged by checking things off your to-do list. In that case, a more detailed PhD timeline with many different tasks and milestones may be more suitable for you.

A common way to design PhD timelines is via Gantt charts. If you want to learn more about Gantt charts for your PhD timeline, check out my post on how to design Gantt charts in Microsoft Excel, Power Point and Word.

phd process step by step

A PhD timeline is there to keep you on track and to showcase the milestones that you reached in your journey so far. However, while it is good to have a solid plan, the future is impossible to predict.

Your PhD timeline should be a living document or chart. Update it regularly!

For instance, a conference may be cancelled. You may have a period of sick leave. An experiment may not work out as planned. Or writing a paper takes longer than expected.

Successful PhD students remain flexible and don’t panic as soon as something does not work out as planned.

So, use your PhD timeline to regularly reflect on your progress and your current situation. Update your PhD timeline when needed, to prioritise tasks and set more concrete and achievable goals for the upcoming months.

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PhD Thesis Guide

This phd thesis guide will guide you step-by-step through the thesis process, from your initial letter of intent to submission of the final document..

All associated forms are conveniently consolidated in the section at the end.

Deadlines & Requirements

Students should register for HST.ThG during any term in which they are conducting research towards their thesis. Regardless of year in program students registered for HST.ThG in a regular term (fall or spring) must meet with their research advisor and complete the  Semi-Annual PhD Student Progress Review Form to receive credit.

Years 1 - 2

  • Students participating in lab rotations during year 1, may use the optional MEMP Rotation Registration Form , to formalize the arrangement and can earn academic credit by enrolling in HST.599. 
  • A first letter of intent ( LOI-1 ) proposing a general area of thesis research and research advisor is required by April 30th of the second year of registration.
  • A second letter of intent ( LOI-2 ) proposing a thesis committee membership and providing a more detailed description of the thesis research is required by April 30th of the third year of registration for approval by the HST-IMES Committee on Academic Programs (HICAP).

Year 4 

  • Beginning in year 4, (or after the LOI-2 is approved) the student must meet with their thesis committee at least once per semester.
  • Students must formally defend their proposal before the approved thesis committee, and submit their committee approved proposal to HICAP  by April 30 of the forth year of registration.
  • Meetings with the thesis committee must be held at least once per semester. 

HST has developed these policies to help keep students on track as they progress through their PhD program. Experience shows that students make more rapid progress towards graduation when they interact regularly with a faculty committee and complete their thesis proposal by the deadline.

Getting Started

Check out these resources  for finding a research lab.

The Thesis Committee: Roles and Responsibilities

Students perform doctoral thesis work under the guidance of a thesis committee consisting of at least three faculty members from Harvard and MIT (including a chair and a research advisor) who will help guide the research. Students are encouraged to form their thesis committee early in the course of the research and in any case by the end of the third year of registration. The HST IMES Committee on Academic Programs (HICAP) approves the composition of the thesis committee via the letter of intent and the thesis proposal (described below). 

Research Advisor

The research advisor is responsible for overseeing the student's thesis project. The research advisor is expected to:

  • oversee the research and mentor the student;
  • provide a supportive research environment, facilities, and financial support;
  • discuss expectations, progress, and milestones with the student and complete the  Semi-Annual PhD Student Progress Review Form each semester;
  • assist the student to prepare for the oral qualifying exam;
  • guide the student in selecting the other members of the thesis committee;
  • help the student prepare for, and attend, meetings of the full thesis committee, to be held at least once per semester;
  • help the student prepare for, and attend, the thesis defense;
  • evaluate the final thesis document.

The research advisor is chosen by the student and must be a faculty member of MIT* or Harvard University and needs no further approval.  HICAP may approve other individuals as research advisor on a student-by-student basis. Students are advised to request approval of non-faculty research advisors as soon as possible.  In order to avoid conflicts of interest, the research advisor may not also be the student's academic advisor. In the event that an academic advisor becomes the research advisor, a new academic advisor will be assigned.

The student and their research advisor must complete the Semi-Annual PhD Student Progress Review during each regular term in order to receive academic credit for research.  Download Semi Annual Review Form

*MIT Senior Research Staff are considered equivalent to faculty members for the purposes of research advising. No additional approval is required.

Thesis Committee Chair

Each HST PhD thesis committee is headed administratively by a chair, chosen by the student in consultation with the research advisor. The thesis committee chair is expected to:

  • provide advice and guidance concerning the thesis research; 
  • oversee meetings of the full thesis committee, to be held at least once per semester;
  • preside at the thesis defense; 
  • review and evaluate the final thesis document.

The thesis committee chair must be well acquainted with the academic policies and procedures of the institution granting the student's degree and be familiar with the student's area of research. The research advisor may not simultaneously serve as thesis committee chair.

For HST PhD students earning degrees through MIT, the thesis committee chair must be an MIT faculty member. A select group of HST program faculty without primary appointments at MIT have been pre-approved by HICAP to chair PhD theses awarded by HST at MIT in cases where the MIT research advisor is an MIT faculty member.**

HST PhD students earning their degree through Harvard follow thesis committee requirements set by the unit granting their degree - either the Biophysics Program or the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

** List of non-MIT HST faculty approved to chair MIT thesis proposals when the research advisor is an MIT faculty member.

In addition to the research advisor and the thesis committee chair, the thesis committee must include one or more readers. Readers are expected to:

  • attend meetings of the full thesis committee, to be held at least once per semester;
  • attend the thesis defense; 

Faculty members with relevant expertise from outside of Harvard/MIT may serve as readers, but they may only be counted toward the required three if approved by HICAP.

The members of the thesis committee should have complementary expertise that collectively covers the areas needed to advise a student's thesis research. The committee should also be diverse, so that members are able to offer different perspectives on the student's research. When forming a thesis committee, it is helpful to consider the following questions: 

  • Do the individuals on the committee collectively have the appropriate expertise for the project?
  • Does the committee include at least one individual who can offer different perspectives on the student's research?  The committee should include at least one person who is not closely affiliated with the student's primary lab. Frequent collaborators are acceptable in this capacity if their work exhibits intellectual independence from the research advisor.
  • If the research has a near-term clinical application, does the committee include someone who can add a translational or clinical perspective?  
  • Does the committee conform to HST policies in terms of number, academic appointments, and affiliations of the committee members, research advisor, and thesis committee chair as described elsewhere on this page?

[Friendly advice: Although there is no maximum committee size, three or four is considered optimal. Committees of five members are possible, but more than five is unwieldy.]

Thesis Committee Meetings

Students must meet with their thesis committee at least once each semester beginning in the fourth year of registration. It is the student's responsibility to schedule these meetings; students who encounter difficulties in arranging regular committee meetings can contact Julie Greenberg at jgreenbe [at] mit.edu (jgreenbe[at]mit[dot]edu) .

The format of the thesis committee meeting is at the discretion of the thesis committee chair. In some cases, the following sequence may be helpful:

  • The thesis committee chair, research advisor, and readers meet briefly without the student in the room;
  • The thesis committee chair and readers meet briefly with the student, without the advisor in the room;
  • The student presents their research progress, answers questions, and seeks guidance from the members of the thesis committee;

Please note that thesis committee meetings provide an important opportunity for students to present their research and respond to questions. Therefore, it is in the student's best interest for the research advisor to refrain from defending the research in this setting.

Letters of Intent

Students must submit two letters of intent ( LOI-1 and LOI-2 ) with applicable signatures. 

In LOI-1, students identify a research advisor and a general area of thesis research, described in 100 words or less. It should include the area of expertise of the research advisor and indicate whether IRB approval (Institutional Review Board; for research involving human subjects) and/or IACUC approval (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee; for research involving vertebrate animals) will be required and, if so, from which institutions. LOI-1 is due by April 30 of the second year of registration and and should be submitted to HICAP, c/o Traci Anderson in E25-518. 

In LOI-2, students provide a description of the thesis research, describing the Background and Significance of the research and making a preliminary statement of Specific Aims (up to 400 words total). In LOI-2, a student also proposes the membership of their thesis committee. In addition to the research advisor, the proposed thesis committee must include a chair and one or more readers, all selected to meet the specified criteria . LOI-2 is due by April 30th of the third year of registration and should be submitted to HICAP, c/o Traci Anderson in E25-518.

LOI-2 is reviewed by the HST-IMES Committee on Academic Programs (HICAP) to determine if the proposed committee meets the specified criteria and if the committee members collectively have the complementary expertise needed to advise the student in executing the proposed research. If HICAP requests any changes to the proposed committee, the student must submit a revised LOI-2 for HICAP review by September 30th of the fourth year of registration. HICAP must approve LOI-2 before the student can proceed to presenting and submitting their thesis proposal. Any changes to the thesis committee membership following HICAP approval of LOI-2 and prior to defense of the thesis proposal must be reported by submitting a revised LOI-2 form to HICAP, c/o tanderso [at] mit.edu (Traci Anderson) . After final HICAP approval of LOI-2, which confirms the thesis committee membership, the student may proceed to present their thesis proposal to the approved thesis committee, as described in the next section.

Students are strongly encouraged to identify tentative thesis committee members and begin meeting with them as early as possible to inform the direction of their research. Following submission of LOI-2, students are required to hold at least one thesis committee meeting per semester. Students must document these meetings via the Semi- Annual PhD Student Progress Review form in order to receive a grade reflecting satisfactory progress in HST.ThG.

Thesis Proposal and Proposal Presentation

For MEMP students receiving their degrees through MIT, successful completion of the Oral Qualifying Exam is a prerequisite for the thesis proposal presentation. For MEMP students receiving their degrees through Harvard, the oral qualifying exam satisfies the proposal presentation requirement.

Proposal Document

Each student must present a thesis proposal to a thesis committee that has been approved by HICAP via the LOI-2 and then submit a full proposal package to HICAP by April 30th of the fourth year of registration. The only exception is for students who substantially change their research focus after the fall term of their third year; in those cases the thesis proposal must be submitted within three semesters of joining a new lab. Students registering for thesis research (HST.THG) who have not met this deadline may be administratively assigned a grade of "U" (unsatisfactory) and receive an academic warning.

The written proposal should be no longer than 4500 words, excluding references. This is intended to help students develop their proposal-writing skills by gaining experience composing a practical proposal; the length is comparable to that required for proposals to the NIH R03 Small Research Grant Program. The proposal should clearly define the research problem, describe the proposed research plan, and defend the significance of the work. Preliminary results are not required. If the proposal consists of multiple aims, with the accomplishment of later aims based on the success of earlier ones, then the proposal should describe a contingency plan in case the early results are not as expected.

Proposal Presentation

The student must formally defend the thesis proposal before the full thesis committee that has been approved by HICAP.

Students should schedule the meeting and reserve a conference room and any audio visual equipment they may require for their presentation. To book a conference room in E25, please contact Joseph Stein ( jrstein [at] mit.edu (jrstein[at]mit[dot]edu) ).

Following the proposal presentation, students should make any requested modifications to the proposal for the committee members to review. Once the committee approves the proposal, the student should obtain the signatures of the committee members on the forms described below as part of the proposal submission package.

[Friendly advice: As a professional courtesy, be sure your committee members have a complete version of your thesis proposal at least one week in advance of the proposal presentation.]

Submission of Proposal Package

When the thesis committee has approved the proposal, the student submits the proposal package to HICAP, c/o Traci Anderson in E25-518, for final approval. HICAP may reject a thesis proposal if it has been defended before a committee that was not previously approved via the LOI-2.

The proposal package includes the following: 

  • the proposal document
  • a brief description of the project background and significance that explains why the work is important;
  • the specific aims of the proposal, including a contingency plan if needed; and
  • an indication of the methods to be used to accomplish the specific aims.
  • signed research advisor agreement form(s);
  • signed chair agreement form (which confirms a successful proposal defense);
  • signed reader agreement form(s).

Thesis Proposal Forms

  • SAMPLE Title Page (doc)
  • Research Advisor Agreement Form (pdf)
  • Chair Agreement Form (pdf)
  • Reader Agreement Form (pdf)

Thesis Defense and Final Thesis Document

When the thesis is substantially complete and fully acceptable to the thesis committee, a public thesis defense is scheduled for the student to present his/her work to the thesis committee and other members of the community. The thesis defense is the last formal examination required for receipt of a doctoral degree. To be considered "public", a defense must be announced to the community at least five working days in advance. At the defense, the thesis committee determines if the research presented is sufficient for granting a doctoral degree. Following a satisfactory thesis defense, the student submits the final thesis document, approved by the research advisor, to Traci Anderson via email (see instructions below).

[Friendly advice: Contact jrstein [at] mit.edu (Joseph Stein) at least two weeks before your scheduled date to arrange for advertising via email and posters. A defense can be canceled for insufficient public notice.]

Before the Thesis Defense 

Committee Approves Student to Defend: The thesis committee, working with the student and reviewing thesis drafts, concludes that the doctoral work is complete. The student should discuss the structure of the defense (general guidelines below) with the thesis committee chair and the research advisor. 

Schedule the Defense: The student schedules a defense at a time when all members of the thesis committee will be physical present. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the IMES/HST Academic Office.

Reserve Room: It is the student's responsibility to reserve a room and any necessary equipment. Please contact imes-reservation [at] mit.edu (subject: E25%20Room%20Reservation) (IMES Reservation) to  reserve rooms E25-140, E25-141, E25-119/121, E25-521. 

Final Draft: A complete draft of the thesis document is due to the thesis committee two weeks prior to the thesis defense to allow time for review.  The thesis should be written as a single cohesive document; it may include content from published papers (see libraries website on " Use of Previously Published Material in a Thesis ") but it may not be a simple compilation of previously published materials.

Publicize the Defense:   The IMES/HST Academic Office invites the community to attend the defense via email and a notice on the HST website. This requires that the student email a thesis abstract and supplemental information to  jrstein [at] mit.edu (Joseph Stein)  two weeks prior to the thesis defense. The following information should be included: Date and time, Location, (Zoom invitation with password, if offering a hybrid option), Thesis Title, Names of committee members, with academic and professional titles and institutional affiliations. The abstract is limited to 250 words for the poster, but students may optionally submit a second, longer abstract for the email announcement.

Thesis Defense Guidelines

Public Defense: The student should prepare a presentation of 45-60 minutes in length, to be followed by a public question and answer period of 15–30 minutes at discretion of the chair.

Committee Discussion:  Immediately following the public thesis presentation, the student meets privately with the thesis committee and any other faculty members present to explore additional questions at the discretion of the faculty. Then the thesis committee meets in executive session and determines whether the thesis defense was satisfactory. The committee may suggest additions or editorial changes to the thesis document at this point.

Chair Confirms Pass: After the defense, the thesis committee chair should inform Traci Anderson of the outcome via email to tanderso [at] mit.edu (tanderso[at]mit[dot]edu) .

Submitting the Final Thesis Document

Please refer to the MIT libraries  thesis formatting guidelines .

Title page notes. Sample title page  from the MIT Libraries.

Program line : should read, "Submitted to the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the the requirements for the degree of ... "

Copyright : Starting with the June 2023 degree period and as reflected in the  MIT Thesis Specifications , all students retain the copyright of their thesis.  Please review this section for how to list on your title page Signature Page: On the "signed" version, only the student and research advisor should sign. Thesis committee members are not required to sign. On the " Accepted by " line, please list: Collin M. Stultz, MD, PhD/Director, Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology/ Nina T. and Robert H. Rubin Professor in Medical Engineering and Science/Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

The Academic Office will obtain Professor Stultz's signature.

Thesis Submission Components.  As of 4/2021, the MIT libraries have changed their thesis submissions guidelines and are no longer accepting hard copy theses submissions. For most recent guidance from the libraries:  https://libguides.mit.edu/mit-thesis-faq/instructions  

Submit to the Academic Office, via email ( tanderso [at] mit.edu (tanderso[at]mit[dot]edu) )

pdf/A-1 of the final thesis should include an UNSIGNED title page

A separate file with a SIGNED title page by the student and advisor, the Academic Office will get Dr. Collin Stultz's signature.

For the MIT Library thesis processing, fill out the "Thesis Information" here:  https://thesis-submit.mit.edu/

File Naming Information:  https://libguides.mit.edu/

Survey of Earned Doctorates.  The University Provost’s Office will contact all doctoral candidates via email with instructions for completing this survey.

Links to All Forms in This Guide

  • MEMP Rotation Form (optional)
  • Semi-Annual Progress Review Form
  • Letter of Intent One
  • Letter of Intent Two

Final Thesis

  • HST Sample thesis title page  (signed and unsigned)
  • Sample thesis title page  (MIT Libraries)
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How to Get a PhD

Last Updated: January 10, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Carrie Adkins, PhD . Carrie Adkins is the cofounder of NursingClio, an open access, peer-reviewed, collaborative blog that connects historical scholarship to current issues in gender and medicine. She completed her PhD in American History at the University of Oregon in 2013. While completing her PhD, she earned numerous competitive research grants, teaching fellowships, and writing awards. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 688,103 times.

A PhD, short for Doctor of Philosophy, may help you secure a position as a college or university professor, a researcher in a government or industrial laboratory, a consultant, or an independent practitioner. [1] X Research source If you have the curiosity to explore a subject in depth and the tenacity to do so for many years, applying for a graduate PhD program may be an excellent step in reaching your full potential. By learning the steps necessary to complete your prerequisite education, apply to graduate schools, and complete the work, you'll be well on your way.

Completing Prerequisite Education

Step 1 Complete an undergraduate degree in a broad field.

  • Generally, it's recommended that students interested in pursuing advanced degrees should develop a wide skill-base during their undergrad. In other words, while you may ultimately be interested in studying Zoology, an undergrad degree in basic Biology might provide you with a diverse base that you'll be able to narrow in your future studies.
  • Many universities offer majors designed to funnel you into an advanced degree. Pre-law majors and Pre-med majors are two notable examples of this. Talk to your academic advisor about your interest in pursuing a PhD after you graduate, if you've yet to select a major.

Step 2 Develop a close relationship with at least one faculty member.

  • A good way to develop a relationship with a professor is to take multiple classes with her and join her lab, or research team. Go to office hours, introduce yourself, and express your interest in advanced degree work. Most professors are more than happy to work with a talented student who shows a sincere interest in their work.
  • It's also a good idea to forge relationships with graduate students at your school. Speak to graduate students and faculty about their experiences at the school, even if you plan on going elsewhere for your advanced degree. Many will be happy to let you know about the advantages and disadvantages of studying for and obtaining a Ph.D. It can be a great way to get insider information and get ahead of the game.

Step 3 Obtain experience in the field with a research internship.

  • Work-study programs in your field of interest can also be extremely attractive of graduate applications. If you're studying English, try to secure employment in the Writing Lab, rather than the cafeteria to give yourself an edge and valuable experience.

Step 4 Make contacts in your field.

  • National and regional conferences, such as the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), allow dedicated undergrads the opportunity to rub elbows with experts and contribute to the discussion.

Step 5 Start researching graduate programs in your junior year.

  • Look for programs with a good reputation, but give more weight to the faculty and the research interests of the other graduate students at prospective schools. What you're looking for in an advanced degree program is camaraderie and common ground, not an arbitrary ranking on some "prestigious" list.
  • The applications are expensive--sometimes $50 or $80 dollars each--so you won't be able to apply to all programs. Try to select a range of programs to apply to: choose a few big dream schools with great facilities and prestigious faculty and lots of competition to see if you can't get in. Apply to smaller programs that you'd also be happy attending. Apply to as many as you can afford to give yourself the best chance.
  • For some fields, a master's degree will be a more appropriate subsidiary or even terminal degree. At worst, a master's degree can be an excellent primer for the graduate school life, especially if teaching assistantships or fellowships are available.

Applying to Graduate Programs

Step 1 Take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) general or subject test

  • While most Master's programs only require the general test, which is like an advanced version of the SAT, some Ph.D programs will require that you take the subject test, which is given in several sections, including biology, literature, and other fields. It's a much more difficult test than the general--the reading list for the Subject test in lit is several hundred authors from a variety of periods. Make sure you take the correct test for the program to which you're applying. [5] X Research source
  • Schedule your test early in the application season, to give yourself enough time to retake it, if necessary. The test can be somewhat expensive, more than $100, so start studying now with a good-quality commercial study guide.
  • When you arrive for the test, you can arrange to have your scores sent directly to the graduate programs you'll be applying to. This has the advantage of cutting out an extra step in your application process, but also ensures that the school will see your scores, good or bad. If you're worried about your score, arrange to have them sent to you instead.

Step 2 Secure letters of recommendation from people familiar with your work.

  • It's important to ask for these letters as early as possible, preferably at least 3 months before you need to submit your applications. Professors will be inundated with letter-writing requests at the last minute, increasing the possibility of them writing a poor evaluation. Don't be one of those students.

Carrie Adkins, PhD

Carrie Adkins, PhD

" Ask well in advance, and supply any materials that might help them ," adds Carrie Adkins, PhD in History. "Professors can only write so many thorough, detailed letters of recommendation, so if you help them out by asking a month or two before the deadline and providing them with your CV and statement of purpose, you’ll be more likely to get their best efforts ."

Step 3 Write a statement of purpose.

  • If you're planning on applying to lots of schools, it can be a time-saver to write a "form" version of your letter, allowing space to customize the letter for more specific programs. It's very important to tailor each statement of purpose to the particular program to which you're applying. This demonstrates your seriousness and interest in the school. Each letter should read as if you're only interested in studying at that school.

Step 4 Assemble your application packets and submit them by the deadline.

  • a completed application form
  • Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume
  • Recent GRE scores
  • Statement of Purpose
  • TOEFL or IELTS scores (for international students)
  • 2-3 Letters of Recommendation

Step 5 Apply for teaching or research assistantships.

  • Applying for financial aid will often involve supplementary application materials, like a teaching statement, research statement, or other short writing prompts. Research the specific requirements at each university for specific instructions when applying for financial aid.
  • If full funding isn't an option, consider applying for need-based scholarships. Often, these are available to minority applicants or students in financial straits. Likewise, the application fee can often be waived. Contact individual departments when you're applying to check about need-based application waivers.

Completing Your Degree

Step 1 Choose a major professor and committee.

  • Choose people who you can work with, and who share a common research interest, as well as people you get along with personally. Personal differences often pop up during these kinds of working relationships, making it important to avoid them in the beginning.
  • Your proposed academic advisor/research supervisor should ideally be named in your statement of purpose, with the reasons you want to work with that person. Those reasons should show that you know something about that person's background and why he or she would make an effective advisor.

Step 2 Submit a plan of study.

  • The names and signatures of your committee members , the program director, and the student. You'll also need your student ID number and other personal information.
  • A brief statement of your academic and research goals . This will typically be a super-condensed version of your research question or thesis statement, probably no more than 50-100 words.
  • A list of the required courses you'll take over the next two years, listing course number, title, department, and instructor, as well as the semester you intend to take the course. Most programs require around 12 hours of required coursework for an advanced degree.
  • A list of the elective courses you'll take , with corresponding course numbers, titles, departments, and instructors, as well as the semester you intend to take the course. Most programs require somewhere between 20 and 30 elective hours for an advanced degree.
  • Dissertation hours . When you've passed your preliminary examinations, your coursework will change to independent research and dissertation work, but you'll still be registered for a course with a course number and a particular number of credit hours, with your major professor or thesis chair as the instructor. This information will also need to be included on the plan of study form.

Step 3 Complete the requisite coursework.

  • In graduate school, the course load is usually somewhat less than the undergraduate degree, because of the intensity of the coursework and other research or teaching responsibilities. A "full load" is usually considered 6 or 9 hours, though you'll be doing 20 or more hours of teaching or research in a given week. [6] X Research source
  • For a PhD student, a typical coursework semester might involve three courses: a required core class and two elective courses. Typically, elective courses will still be in the department the student is studying, if not the particular program. For example, a comparative lit PhD studying Medieval literature may take a 20th century poetry course in the English department as an elective, though probably not a biology class.

Step 4 Complete your written examination.

  • The written examination, sometimes called the "prelim," will typically be submitted to the department chair by your major professor, then administered to you toward the end of your second year of classes. When you pass the exam, you'll be considered "Post-Prelim" and may begin the process of completing your dissertation. [7] X Research source

Step 5 Begin performing research and collecting data.

  • Start with a research question. A research question is what you'll hope to answer over the course of your dissertation research. It needs to be narrow, but with broad-reaching implications. A starting research question might be something like, "How are women represented during the silver age of American comic book publishing?" or "What are the implications of spontaneous genetic mutation during breeding in drosophila, and what effect might this have on cancer research?"

Step 6 Explore the literature in your research field.

  • As you complete your coursework and add complexity to the topic in which you're interested, you'll likely change and add depth to your initial research interest. That's fine. Let the research grow your understanding of the topic, and change the way you approach it. That means you're on the right track.

Step 8 Prepare a doctoral dissertation/thesis

  • In the humanities , several semesters following your coursework and preliminary examination will be devoted to completing the research involved with your interests. During this time, you'll be expected to periodically update your committee on your progress, providing them with literature reviews and outlines, depending on your arrangement. You may also be expected to publish supplementary papers periodically in academic journals.
  • In the sciences , you'll spend your post-prelim semesters doing lab work, or other field work depending on your field of study. The time will be spent collecting data and performing experiments to move your research forward, to be collected in the dissertation, and probably published in peer-reviewed journals.

Step 9 Prepare for the oral defense of your dissertation

  • Most "defenses" are cordial affairs, not debates, though you should expect to be pressed and argued with regarding your methods, your conclusions, and other aspects of your work. The best way to prepare for your defense is to know your dissertation and your research inside and out.
  • At a successful defense, you'll need to present yourself and your work well both orally and in writing to earn recognition as a PhD candidate and a researcher. Practice delivering your main point quickly and your overall presentation or paper with confidence.

Funding Your Research

Step 1 Apply for departmental grants or additional appointments.

  • In the hard sciences , money is allocated to provide different labs, projects, and individuals money on a competitive case-by-case basis. To apply, you'll typically write a detailed proposal of your research goals and submit it to the department.
  • In the humanities , it's also common to seek subsequent teaching appointments in tangential fields: if your research involves the representation of women in comic books, and you've been teaching in the English department, why not pick up a special-topics course in Women's Studies?

Step 2 Apply for private research grants.

Surviving the Process

Step 1 Avoid petty competition and departmental rivalry.

  • Don't Try to do everything at once. Because you will spend several years to earn your doctorate, it's important to slow down and do everything with the attention to detail the process deserves. You don't want to get your dissertation hung up because of a silly documentation error you rushed through.

Step 3 Be tenacious and display initiative.

  • During the time you spend working on your doctorate, you'll face a variety of challenges. The lab's funding may be cut. You may lose grant money. Your paper may get rejected from a conference. Fail early and fail often. Create opportunities for yourself and work around the challenges.

Step 4 Stay organized.

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  • ↑ https://drexel.edu/soe/resources/career-path/how-to-get-doctorate-degree/
  • ↑ https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/dec/essay.phd.html
  • ↑ http://www.cs.unc.edu/~azuma/hitch4.html
  • ↑ https://math.berkeley.edu/graduate/phd-program/preliminary-exam

About This Article

Carrie Adkins, PhD

Before you can get a PhD, you'll need to complete your prerequisite education and take the GRE, or Graduate Record Exam. You will also need letters of recommendation from 1 or 2 distinguished professors in your field to submit with your application. Once you are admitted to graduate school, you should seek out funding opportunities, like grants or teaching positions. To earn your PhD, you will need to take courses, pass written and oral exams, conduct original research in your field, and write a dissertation. For more ways to get your PhD for free, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  • How to Prepare for a Ph.D. in Economics

First Steps

  • How to prepare for a PhD in Economics
  • The key thing you need to know is that PhD programs in economics are highly mathematical and the mathematics required by both our Economics and Management Science degrees is not enough to get you into a top PhD program. To be a competitive applicant, you will need to take some upper division mathematics classes such as how to write proofs (Math 109), linear algebra (Math 102), real analysis (Math 140A or 142AB), probability (Math 180A) and statistics (Math 181AB).  See more below.
  • Graduate schools care a lot about the difficulty and content of the classes you’ve taken. Getting a high GPA won’t necessarily get you into a good program unless they are the right classes.
  • If you want to get into a top PhD program, it is especially important to take real analysis (Math 142AB or Math 140ABC—likely Math 140A is enough) and do well in the class. Real analysis teaches you how to write and understand proofs.  These skills will be important to your success in first-year graduate courses as well as in your research career.  Since real analysis tends to be a difficult course everywhere, your grade in this course is often taken as a key signal of your ability to succeed in a PhD program by admissions committees. If possible, try to take this course when you don’t have a lot of other commitments so that you can devote a significant amount of time to this course, learn the material well and get a good grade.
  • Other upper division mathematics and statistics courses are also helpful. In particular, understanding linear algebra is important in graduate-level econometrics courses. Therefore, taking Math 18 and Math 102 (lower and upper division linear algebra courses) can give you a strong foundation in these topics.
  • It is also important to have a strong foundation in statistics and probability theory. You will learn a lot of this in the econometrics sequence (if you are interested in pursuing graduate school, you should consider taking the honors classes 120AH-BH-CH). Another class to add to your statistics foundation would be a course in probability (Math 180A).
  • In general, if you are interested in going to graduate school in Economics, you should seriously consider majoring in Joint Mathematics-Economics. This major will undoubtedly increase your workload, but it will both make you a more attractive applicant for graduate school and give you the mathematical foundation needed to succeed in graduate school. Students who took many math classes in while in high school should consider double majoring in math and economics.
  • If you have exhausted your undergraduate opportunities to take classes in math and economics, consider taking a graduate class. Taking graduate courses in economics or mathematics can send a strong signal to admissions committees. This can be slightly risky, however. Undergraduates may be at a disadvantage as graduate students tend to form study groups for first year courses. If you decide to take a graduate course, you should plan on devoting A LOT of time to the course.  Again, it is extremely important that you to do well in a graduate class.
  • Coding is an essential skill to have in graduate school. Therefore, taking courses with a data analysis and coding component (for example, Econ5/Poli5D: Introduction to Social Data Analytics, Econ 112: Macro Data Analysis and Econ 121: Applied Econometrics) can help develop your coding skills. The most popular statistical packages in economics are STATA, R, and MATLAB. If you have the time, it may also be a good idea to take an introduction to programming course from the computer science department.
  • Courses that have a research component (Econ 191A-B and Econ 199) will also be invaluable preparation for graduate school. By developing your own research topic, you can learn about each step of the research process: from topic selection, background research, data management all the way to analysis and writing. Selecting an empirical topic is especially encouraged as it will give you valuable experience cleaning and analyzing data and getting more comfortable with various data analysis software. This might also be a good indication of whether a career in research is a good fit for you personally. Finally, the Professor teaching Econ 191AB will get to know you and how you tackle problems very well and so be able to write the kind of informed letter of recommendation that graduate schools like to see.

To summarize, in order to prepare for graduate school, it is extremely important to take the right courses and do well in them. To be competitive, you will need to have a record of performing well in difficult mathematics and economics courses.  

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The Graduate School logo

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying

A welcome to the University of Maryland Graduate School, from Associate Provost and Dean Stephen Roth:

Your choice of a graduate program should be informed by the career pathways of previous students. PhD applicants can get information about the types of work our recent PhD graduates are doing  here . This report's interactive dashboard uses three common industry and labor classification systems. Select a PhD program in the “field/discipline” drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the “overview” tab to see the proportion of graduates in academia and in tenured/tenure-track faculty positions. Click on one of the “classifications” tabs to see more details about other employer types (industry, government, non-profit) and the categories of positions held by alumni. 

School of Public Health Applicants

  • Kinesiology, Couple and Family Therapy, Family Science, Gerontology (certificates), Global Health (certificate) programs please  click here  to apply.
  • SOPHAS application : All other programs in the School of Public Health. (Please note: SOPHAS applicants also need to complete a  supplemental application  to the Graduate School.)

All Other Applicants

STEP 1: Complete Online Application

Complete the  online graduate application  through the TerpEngage Graduate Admissions System, and upload a copy of the official transcript for each institution you attended. An official transcript(s) has to be received by the Graduate School upon enrollment. All non-domestic transcripts and diplomas should be in the original language and accompanied by a literal, certified English translation. In addition, an international degree certificate/diploma will be required for international applicants.

View the  Admissions Requirements  for program-specific information, including deadlines and additional materials that must be submitted with your application. It is important that your complete application be submitted by the program deadline.

If you have international credentials or currently hold a visa, please visit the  International Admissions  section for more information.

Note: Once submitted, your application and associated materials become the property of the University of Maryland. These materials will not be returned to you, nor will the materials be forwarded to another institution.

Read the university’s  policy on collecting and using social security numbers .

STEP 2: Identify and Contact References for Letters of Recommendation

While completing other parts of your application, identify and contact references who will provide a strong letter of recommendation for you. Applicants should check with  program requirements  for the exact number of letters required. Recommenders should be the applicant’s current or former professors or other individuals who can speak to an applicant’s academic talents, work ethic, and intellectual strengths. The online application will ask applicants to provide their references' names and email addresses. The references will then be contacted via email with instructions on how to electronically submit a letter of recommendation. This process can begin prior to submitting of the application.

STEP 3: Submit Transcripts

Applicants are asked to upload a scanned version of their transcript(s) issued by each institution attended (in the original language, with literal English translation). Upon enrollment, you will need to have an official copy sent to the Graduate School by the institution. For a full description of the transcript requirements, please go to the FAQ section that describes  Transcripts and Diplomas .

STEP 4: Submit Test Scores

The Graduate School will only accept official test scores sent directly by the testing agencies. When you request scores to be sent to the University of Maryland, College Park uses the following institutional codes:

  • GMAT – SQT-N8-78
  • TOEFL – 5814
  • Praxis – 5814

IELTS/PTE scores can also be sent electronically and by doing this, an institution code is not required. PTE test takers can send their score report to the University through their Pearson account. The University of Maryland downloads IELTS scores that have been transmitted to our e-download account. IELTS test takers should contact their IELTS test center directly to request electronic test scores be sent to the following IELTS e-download account:

University of Maryland - The Graduate School

2123 Lee Building

College Park, MD 20742

Please note: The Graduate School will not accept paper IELTS test report forms.

You will  not be  required to submit TOEFL/IELTS/PTE scores if you have or will be awarded a degree from the United States, United Kingdom, Anglophone Africa, Anglophone Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the Commonwealth Caribbean prior to enrolling in the University of Maryland. See a  complete list of countries .

You  will be  required to submit TOEFL/IELTS/PTE scores if you are a US citizen or permanent resident with international credentials whose native language is not English and who do not hold a degree from an institution in the US or one of the areas listed above. Although they are U.S. citizens, applicants from Puerto Rico with degrees from Puerto Rican institutions will also be required to submit a TOEFL/IELTS/PTE score. 

STEP 5: Pay Application Fee

You will be assessed a non-refundable $75 application processing fee for each program to which you apply. You are responsible for paying this fee whether or not you are offered admission or choose to enroll. You must pay your application fee online. Your application will not be processed until you pay your application fee and the payment is authorized.

STEP 6: See the  After You Apply section

Your 8-Step Roadmap on Applying for a PhD

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8-Step Roadmap on How to Apply for a PhD

PhD aspirants handbook

Imagine this: you confidently cruise through the academic world, armed with a top-notch application, knowing you're about to start a journey where learning is super cool. Whether you just love to learn new things or dream of changing the world, our guide is your go-to plan for how to apply for a PhD! We're here to make your application journey super fun, from finding the right supervisors to discovering cool funding options. Ready for an awesome ride on how to apply for a PhD?

8 Easy Steps on How to Apply for a PhD

Discover the easy steps to follow your dream of getting a PhD. From selecting the right PhD program to crafting a compelling research proposal, our guide ensures that every facet of your Ph.D. application is finely tuned for success. Now, without any further ado, let's jump into this journey together with our 8-step roadmap on how to apply for a PhD program!

Step 1: Choosing Your Research Area

The first step on how to apply for a PhD abroad is to pick the area of research you're interested in. Here are some tips which you will encounter when choosing your research area:

1. Explore Subjects

One thing to remember at the time of how to apply for a PhD is that many PhDs cover a diverse range of topics that vary from Humanities and Arts to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Each individual subject has its own set of research areas built into it.

2. Previous Qualifications

While having a relevant degree in the chosen field is beneficial for many PhD programs, it's not strictly mandatory. For instance, if you're pursuing a Master's in Political Science, you can still prefer applying for a PhD in Cultural Studies. The crucial factor is that your research interests should resonate with your previous experience. This alignment is essential as your PhD application undergoes scrutiny based on your past academic and professional background.

3. Think About Departments

At the time of selecting your best options, consider which department you would like to join to pursue your career in. There might be many choices in which you might get interested, such as History, Biology, Arts or Literature. Take enough time to research it and choose the option which suits your career path. Remember, choosing your research area is like picking the right puzzle piece—it should fit your passion and curiosity while applying for a PhD.

Step 2: Deciding Which Type of PhD You Want

Whenever you decide on applying for a PhD you want, you need to understand there are two main types of PhDs, i.e., predesigned projects and self-proposed projects. Now, let's break down these two main types of PhD programs in simple terms:

1. Predesigned Projects

Predesigned projects are like ready-made puzzles waiting for you to solve. These projects are already available at the time of applying for a PhD. Here's what you need to know about the different forms of predesigned projects. These projects come in three flavors:

  • Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) : These programs focus on specific research areas and often involve collaboration with industry partners.
  • Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) : DTPs offer interdisciplinary training and research opportunities.
  • iCASE : These projects provide the most industry experience, including internships.

You don’t need to worry about funding for predesigned projects, as these are usually fully funded for four years. Some predesigned projects even include an integrated Master's degree during the first year. The main advantage of applying for a PhD in a predesigned project is that you can skip the planning phase and directly jump straight into the research phase. Remember, competition can be fierce as multiple students apply for the same advertised PhD opportunity.

2. Self-Proposed Projects

Students who do not wish to pursue a predesigned project can opt for a self-proposed project or their research project for PhD study. This option turns out to be an excellent choice for students who want full control over their work in the research project. Imagine a self-proposed project as you design your adventure! Here's how self-proposed projects work:

  • Your Brainchild : You create your research topic and proposal. It's like crafting your unique puzzle piece.
  • Control : You have more say in shaping your work and direction as you have full control over the project.

While choosing self-proposed projects is advantageous for students, there's a potential drawback. Not all self-proposed PhD projects come with funding. You might need to find diverse funding options to offset the costs associated with PhD applications. Additionally, students can consider applying for part-time jobs and allocate the earnings towards their studies while applying for a PhD. Keep in mind that a PhD stands as the pinnacle of academic achievement bestowed upon a student, and there are many benefits of getting a PhD in foreign universities.

Step 3: Drafting a Research Proposal

Considering students in both cases, i.e. predesigned project and self-proposed project, you have to draft a research proposal after you complete your period of research. Though this draft will not be considered as your final draft for submission, drafting a research proposal is useful and comes in handy in some situations. Below are some pointers on how to write a PhD research proposal:

1. Title Your Research Question

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Step 4: Contacting Potential Supervisors for a PhD

Once you’ve settled on your PhD project, conducted research, and drafted a research proposal, the next step is to reach out to potential supervisors. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind when contacting potential supervisors for a PhD:

1. Research Your Potential Supervisor

Before you reach out to any potential supervisor, familiarise yourself with their research and publications. You need to understand their research interests and areas of interest. This can also be followed by exploring their academic profile on university websites or other platforms.

2. Craft a Formal Email

In most instances, communication occurs through email. It is crucial to ensure that your initial email maintains a professional and well-structured tone. Begin by stating a clear subject line, introducing yourself, conveying your interest in the research topic, expressing your intention to apply for a PhD, and concluding with courtesy.

3. For Predesigned Projects

The project advertisement will include the supervisor's name. Feel free to reach out to the supervisor via email or message to engage in a more detailed discussion about the research.

4. For Self-Proposed Projects

In this scenario, the responsibility lies with you to identify potential supervisors. Begin your search by exploring staff lists on university websites. When seeking a suitable supervisor, cast a wide net, considering both seasoned experts and emerging academics.

Step 5: Checking Entry Requirements

The next crucial step is to check the entry requirements of your selected institution or project you’re interested in. Below are mentioned some entry requirements responsible for different scenarios based on academics:

1. Master’s Degree (Usually)

Most PhD applicants typically hold a Master’s degree in a relevant field. However, some funded studentships may allow Bachelor’s graduates to apply.

2. Integrated Programmes

If you don’t have a Master’s, consider programs that include a year of Master’s level training before starting PhD research.

3. International Applicants

For international students, it's essential to review visa requirements while applying for a PhD. If you plan to study in the UK , you'll need a student route visa. To apply for the student visa, you must meet requirements such as obtaining confirmation of acceptance from a university, providing proof of adequate funds, and satisfying English language criteria. Be aware of any language exams or entry tests necessary for the visa process.

Step 6: Understanding Fees and Funding Options

As you’ve decided on the PhD opportunities you’re interested in and confirmed your eligibility, it’s essential to explore funding options. Here’s what you need to know about the financial aspects of pursuing a PhD:

1. Fully-Funded Studentships (Advertised Projects)

If you’re applying for a PhD in an advertised project, then in most cases, successful candidates receive full funding. Research Councils often provide this funding, but they have specific guidelines on usage and thesis submission deadlines.

2. Self-Proposed Projects and Research Council Funding

If you’re designing your own PhD, you’ll likely apply for Research Council funding. Keep in mind that funding for self-proposed projects is limited, and some applications may be unsuccessful.

3. Other Potential Sources of Funding

Explore various funding options, including those offered by your selected universities, ranging from fee discounts to full studentships. Independent organisations might offer partial or full funding for PhD students whose research aligns with their interests. Additionally, the UK government provides doctoral loans for English and Welsh PhD students, with repayments triggered once your income surpasses a specific threshold. Many scholarships in the UK help students while they pursue their PhD.

Step 7: Application Deadlines

Up until now, you must have understood all the aspects of a PhD study, but the most important thing to consider is to note down the PhD application deadlines for each university. Some universities have different deadlines, especially if you’re applying for a PhD funding. Just aim to submit your application well in advance to account for any challenges that might arise during the paperwork. 

Checklist of Required Documents

Gather the necessary documents based on the university and funding you’re applying for a PhD. If you’re an international student, you may need to show proof of language proficiency, funds, and student visa eligibility. Some of the common documents you need at the time of how to apply for a PhD:

  • CV : Highlight your academic and professional background.
  • Personal Statement : Explain your motivation and research interests.
  • Research Proposal : Outline your research question and approach.
  • Referee Details : Contact at least two referees in advance. ‍
  • Academic Transcript : Provide your educational history.

Step 8: Submit Your Application

Once you've compiled all necessary documents (CV, personal statement, research proposal, etc.) and arranged them, proceed to submit your application through the university's application portal. Many universities provide an online portal dedicated to PhD applications, allowing you to initiate your application and save your progress for future completion. If you prefer applying for a PhD funding separately, you can do so through research council funding, often integrated into the university's application. For alternative funding sources, refer to the specific application process outlined on the funder's website.

As we wrap up this exhilarating journey through the 8-step roadmap to how to apply for a PhD, take a moment to pat yourself on the back.  You've not only gained insights about applying for a PhD but have also uncovered the secrets to finding the perfect supervisors and securing the funding you need. Remember, applying for a PhD is a significant step, so take your time and prepare thoroughly. Now, go forth, shine bright, and let your journey to PhD greatness begin!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do i start when considering how to apply for a phd, what documents are typically required at the time of applying for a phd, is there an online application portal while applying for a phd program, are there specific language proficiency requirements for international applicants while applying for a phd, what funding options are available for phd students while applying for a phd.

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Step-By-Step Guide: How To Complete A PhD Dissertation

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The paper is an epitome of the researcher's dexterity, capacity, and ideas. It is an original content that provides value to the academic, research, and scientific community. PhD thesis writing is a long process, taking more than half a decade for some people. It is no walk in the park, but the process can be a joyful experience for the ones with inquisitive mind and scientific temper.

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Home » Career Guidance » A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

phd in india

Quick Summary

  • A PhD is a postgraduate research degree in India. It’s the highest academic degree in the country. 
  • The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs.
  • For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required.

Table of Contents

Did you know that India produces over 20 thousand PhD holders , making it one of the top 5 countries with the most PhD holders?

Sounds great right?

And this number of PhD holders is only going to increase in upcoming years, with the rise in new technologies and scientific research more and more people will pursue a PhD in India.

If you are also thinking about pursuing PhD degree, then read this article till the end to know all about doing PhD in India. 

what is PhD

PhD in India- Course Highlights

Reasons to pursue a phd in india.

It is known that the purpose of a PhD is to teach individuals how to conduct research in a field. Candidates learn how to write scholarly papers and present findings, along with gaining skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. However, there are career-related reasons to choose PhD course, and these reasons are:

  • Getting monthly allowances from the government to fund research.
  • A PhD student is seen as an expert in their field, thus, making them eligible for job openings related to teaching and research.
  • A chance to go to other countries for Academic Exchange Programs and learn various things.
  • Getting complete control over what you want to study and how you wish to continue with your research.
  • A PhD student gets to interact and work with the best academicians in their field and the professional experts who will guide them during their research.

Types of PhD Courses in India

There are different types of PhD degrees, some are based on distance and some are based on stream. Here is the list of major types of PhD in India.

Common PhD Degrees

Stream-wise phd degrees.

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Major PhD in India Entrance Exams

Every university takes its entrance exam for admission and checks the qualification for a PhD of every applicant. However, some entrance exams are conducted on a national level and have more importance. These are the major PhD course entrance exams.

Have a read at a Comprehensive Guide to Entrance Exams after Graduation .

PhD in India- Eligibility Criteria

Getting admission in PhD course is not an easy task, and if you are trying to get admission to any PhD program, check for these PhD eligibility criteria beforehand.

  • The candidate must have completed a Master’s degree i.e. (MTech/ MSc/ MA/ MPhil/ MBA). And it must be a full-time Master’s course from a recognised university by the government.
  • The overall grade point average of the candidate’s Master’s program must be at least 55% (or equivalent).
  • Candidates under SC, ST, and OBC categories will be given 5%- or 10%-mark relaxations. Applicants must present their reservation certificate to use these benefits.
  • The candidate must pass the PhD entrance exam.
  • A No Objection Certificate (NOC) f rom the educational institution or company where candidates are employed is required. Candidates must have job experience in a related field for a part-time PhD.

PhD Course Structure

1. coursework.

In PhD courses, students take a set have to take core courses or seminars in their field of study to build foundational knowledge. The coursework varies according to university but does includes both required and elective courses.

2. Research proposal

After completing the core courses, students must develop a research proposal outlining the problem they plan to investigate, the research questions they aim to answer, and the methods they will use to collect and analyze data.

3. Comprehensive exams

Before beginning their research for PhD course, students need to pass certain comprehensive exams covering their field of study to demonstrate their competence in the subject matter.

4. Research

Once students have completed their coursework and passed their comprehensive exams, they can begin their research. This typically involves conducting experiments, collecting data, or engaging in other research activities to answer the questions outlined in their research proposal.

5. Dissertation

The final requirement for a PhD course completion is the dissertation, which is a book-length document outlining the student’s research findings, conclusions, and contributions to their field of study. The dissertation has to be defended in front of a committee of faculty members and other experts in the field.

Read more: Complete Guide to Writing a Research Paper

steps to write phd dissertation

5 Step PhD Course Admission Process

There is Candidates must take the following seven steps to apply for a PhD in India:

Step 1 Find a Mentor

PhD students should find a supervisor willing to support them through their PhD journey. After finding a supervisor, candidates can apply offline or online. Almost all colleges and universities accept online applications now. However, if you wish, you can apply via the offline process by visiting the office of the university.

Step 2 Fill Online Admission Form

Candidates must complete the online PhD admission form before applying on the university or college website. All the needed qualification for PhD is listed on the university’s official website and should be met. The online application is rejected if candidates fail to meet these requirements.

Step 3 Submit Necessary Documents

After completing the online application form, candidates must provide all necessary papers. These documents may include your passing certificate, degree, and migration certificate. Check the list of papers on the website before applying for the PhD admissions.

Step 4 Pass the Entrance Exam

The college/university needs PhD entrance exam. This exam must be taken after completing the application form. Fill out the form for the entrance exam and appear for it.

Step 5 Pass the Interview

Upon passing the PhD entrance exam, candidates will be invited for a doctoral academic interview. Admission is based on the academic doctoral interview and PhD entrance exam results. The institution or college decides the grades of students at each level and after passing the interview and fulfilling some other requirements you get admission.

Top Colleges for PhD in India

Top 10 career options after phd in india.

Source: Ambition Box

Plan Your Career in PhD

Being known as PhD holder is something to be proud of, not just because it’s a symbol of great knowledge but also a great future. If you want a career like this then doing PhD in India is the best choice and if you are confused about how you are going to get admission in PhD, then re-read the article. Do your research, know which specialization you want to choose and excel in your PhD course.

Make sure you carefully explore all your professional options because your career is extremely important. Before making the right decision, look over our  career advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs. This figure can go up or down based on whether you choose a private institute or a government one.

A PhD program lasts for three to five years. Candidates have a maximum of five to six years to finish the program. The course length may be different for different institutes and the time taken by student in completing their thesis.

For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required. In addition to this, candidates must know the language in which the course is taught and evaluated. Now, an MPhil degree is not a must for PhD admissions.

Getting a PhD in India is not easy. Candidates pursuing PhDs in India must pass the entrance exams such as NET. This written exam checks if they have the relevant subject knowledge to conduct advanced research. Candidates must further clear a PhD interview exam. Candidates must clear these rounds before pursuing PhDs in their chosen areas of specialization.

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    5 Step PhD Course Admission Process. There is Candidates must take the following seven steps to apply for a PhD in India: Step 1 Find a Mentor. PhD students should find a supervisor willing to support them through their PhD journey. After finding a supervisor, candidates can apply offline or online. Almost all colleges and universities accept ...

  22. Full PhD Process in just 10 minutes || Steps in PhD from ...

    #PhD #UGC #Monu_MishraIn this video, I have discussed about full process of PhD program in India. It includes every step undertaken during the entire PhD dur...