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Developing Strong Thesis Statements

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The thesis statement or main claim must be debatable

An argumentative or persuasive piece of writing must begin with a debatable thesis or claim. In other words, the thesis must be something that people could reasonably have differing opinions on. If your thesis is something that is generally agreed upon or accepted as fact then there is no reason to try to persuade people.

Example of a non-debatable thesis statement:

This thesis statement is not debatable. First, the word pollution implies that something is bad or negative in some way. Furthermore, all studies agree that pollution is a problem; they simply disagree on the impact it will have or the scope of the problem. No one could reasonably argue that pollution is unambiguously good.

Example of a debatable thesis statement:

This is an example of a debatable thesis because reasonable people could disagree with it. Some people might think that this is how we should spend the nation's money. Others might feel that we should be spending more money on education. Still others could argue that corporations, not the government, should be paying to limit pollution.

Another example of a debatable thesis statement:

In this example there is also room for disagreement between rational individuals. Some citizens might think focusing on recycling programs rather than private automobiles is the most effective strategy.

The thesis needs to be narrow

Although the scope of your paper might seem overwhelming at the start, generally the narrower the thesis the more effective your argument will be. Your thesis or claim must be supported by evidence. The broader your claim is, the more evidence you will need to convince readers that your position is right.

Example of a thesis that is too broad:

There are several reasons this statement is too broad to argue. First, what is included in the category "drugs"? Is the author talking about illegal drug use, recreational drug use (which might include alcohol and cigarettes), or all uses of medication in general? Second, in what ways are drugs detrimental? Is drug use causing deaths (and is the author equating deaths from overdoses and deaths from drug related violence)? Is drug use changing the moral climate or causing the economy to decline? Finally, what does the author mean by "society"? Is the author referring only to America or to the global population? Does the author make any distinction between the effects on children and adults? There are just too many questions that the claim leaves open. The author could not cover all of the topics listed above, yet the generality of the claim leaves all of these possibilities open to debate.

Example of a narrow or focused thesis:

In this example the topic of drugs has been narrowed down to illegal drugs and the detriment has been narrowed down to gang violence. This is a much more manageable topic.

We could narrow each debatable thesis from the previous examples in the following way:

Narrowed debatable thesis 1:

This thesis narrows the scope of the argument by specifying not just the amount of money used but also how the money could actually help to control pollution.

Narrowed debatable thesis 2:

This thesis narrows the scope of the argument by specifying not just what the focus of a national anti-pollution campaign should be but also why this is the appropriate focus.

Qualifiers such as " typically ," " generally ," " usually ," or " on average " also help to limit the scope of your claim by allowing for the almost inevitable exception to the rule.

Types of claims

Claims typically fall into one of four categories. Thinking about how you want to approach your topic, or, in other words, what type of claim you want to make, is one way to focus your thesis on one particular aspect of your broader topic.

Claims of fact or definition: These claims argue about what the definition of something is or whether something is a settled fact. Example:

Claims of cause and effect: These claims argue that one person, thing, or event caused another thing or event to occur. Example:

Claims about value: These are claims made of what something is worth, whether we value it or not, how we would rate or categorize something. Example:

Claims about solutions or policies: These are claims that argue for or against a certain solution or policy approach to a problem. Example:

Which type of claim is right for your argument? Which type of thesis or claim you use for your argument will depend on your position and knowledge of the topic, your audience, and the context of your paper. You might want to think about where you imagine your audience to be on this topic and pinpoint where you think the biggest difference in viewpoints might be. Even if you start with one type of claim you probably will be using several within the paper. Regardless of the type of claim you choose to utilize it is key to identify the controversy or debate you are addressing and to define your position early on in the paper.

Literacy Ideas

How to Write a Winning Debate Speech

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What is a Debate?

A classroom debate involves students delivering persuasive speeches to present and support their opinions on a given subject. This activity helps develop critical thinking and communication skills, enabling students to gain a more comprehensive grasp of various topics.

Debate speeches are written according to a set of rules so a moderator can assess their effectiveness and allow others to question or challenge their statements within a formal debate.

A classroom debate is not an unruly fight or pointless argument but a structured formal conversation on a chosen topic in which two teams argue for or against it to convince the neutral moderator that they hold the stronger position.

Debating is a form of persuasive communication, and while we will be sticking to the fundamentals of how to write a debating speech, we also have a great guide to persuasive essay writing that elaborates on specific persuasive techniques.

Complete Teaching Unit on Class Debating

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This unit will guide your students to write excellent DEBATE SPEECHES and craft well-researched, constructed ARGU MENTS ready for critique from their classmates.

Furthermore, this EDITABLE UNIT will provide the TOOLS and STRATEGIES for running highly engaging CLASSROOM DEBATES.

How To Run A Classroom Debate

Before jumping in headfirst to write your debating speech, ensure you understand how a debate is run to maximise your strategy and impact when it counts.

Debates occur in many different contexts, such as public meetings, election campaigns, legislative assemblies, and as entertainment on television shows. These contexts determine the specific structure the debate will follow.

This guide provides a basic step-by-step debate structure we can comfortably run with students in a classroom. By familiarizing students with this structure, they will effortlessly transition to other debate frameworks.

Running a classroom debate can be an engaging and educational activity that helps students develop critical thinking, communication, and research skills. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to organize and facilitate a successful classroom debate:

1. Choose a Topic For Your Debate.

Also called a resolution or a motion , the topic is sometimes chosen to debate. This is usually the case in a school activity to practice debating skills. 

The resolution or motion is usually centered around a true or false statement or a proposal to change the current situation. Often, the motion starts, ”This House believes that….”

Select a topic relevant to your curriculum and the students’ interests. Ensure that it is debatable and has multiple perspectives. Further down this article, you can find a list of popular classroom debating topics.

2. Form Two Debating Teams

Two teams of three speakers each are formed. These are referred to as ‘ The House for the Motion ’ or the ‘ Affirmative ’ team and ‘The House Against the Motion ’ or the ‘ Negative ’ team.

Preparation is an essential aspect of debating. The speech and debate team members will need time to research their arguments, collaborate, and organize themselves and their respective roles in the upcoming debate.

They’ll also need time to write and rehearse their speeches. The better prepared and coordinated they are as a team, the greater their chances of success in the debate.

3. Assign Roles to Students.

Each team member should have a specific role, such as speaker, researcher , or rebuttal specialist . This encourages teamwork and ensures that each student is actively involved.

4. Research and Preparation:

  • Allocate time for teams to research and prepare their arguments. Encourage students to use multiple sources, including books, articles, and reputable websites. Make sure you read our complete guide to powerful student research strategies.

5. Set Debate Format:

  • Define the debate format, including the structure of each round. Common formats include opening statements, cross-examination, rebuttals, and closing statements.

6. Establish Rules:

  • Set ground rules for the debate, such as time limits for each speaker, etiquette, guidelines for respectful communication, and consequences for rule violations.

7. Conduct a Practice Debate:

  • Before the actual debate, conduct a practice round. This helps students become familiar with the format and allows you to provide feedback on their arguments and presentation skills.
  • On the day of the debate, set up the classroom to accommodate the format. Ensure that each round has a clear structure, and designate a timekeeper to keep the debate on schedule.

9. Facilitate Q&A Sessions:

  • After each team presents their arguments, allow time for questions and cross-examination. This encourages critical thinking and engagement among the students.

10. Evaluate and Debrief:

  • After the debate, provide constructive feedback to each team. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their arguments, presentation skills, and teamwork. Also, please encourage students to reflect on what they learned from the experience.
  • Have a class discussion about the debate, exploring different perspectives and opinions. This can deepen students’ understanding of the topic and enhance their critical thinking skills.

Consider integrating the debate topic into future lessons or assignments. This reinforces the learning experience and allows students to delve deeper into the subject matter.

Remember to create a supportive and respectful environment throughout the debate, emphasizing the importance of listening to opposing views and engaging in constructive dialogue.

Each speaker takes a turn making their speech, alternating between the House for the Motion, who goes first, and the House Against the Motion. Each speaker speaks for a pre-agreed amount of time.

Ensure your debate is held in front of an audience (in this case, the class), and occasionally, the audience is given time to ask questions after all the speeches have been made.

Finally, the debate is judged either by moderators or by an audience vote. 

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Download our Debate Organizer

Stay fousssed with this handy template to keep all your ideas organized.

How To Write A Debate

How to start a debate speech.

In highly competitive speech and debate tournaments, students are only provided the topic on the day, and limited time is allowed for preparation, but this is not recommended for beginners.

Regardless of the stakes of your classroom debate, the speechwriting process always begins with research. Thorough research will provide students with both the arguments and the supporting evidence for their position on a topic and generate forward-thinking about what their opponents might use against them.

Writing Your Introduction

The purpose of the introduction in a debate speech is to achieve several things:

  • Grab the attention of the audience,
  • Introduce the topic
  • Provide a thesis statement
  • Preview some of the main arguments.

Grab The Attention Of Your Audience With Strong Hooks

Securing the audience’s attention is crucial, and failure to do this will have a strong, negative impact on how the team’s efforts will be scored as a whole. Let’s explore three proven strategies to hook your audience and align their thinking to yours.

Introduce Your Topic With Efficiency and Effectiveness

Once the audience’s attention has been firmly grasped, it’s time to introduce the topic or the motion. This should be done straightforwardly and transparently to ensure the audience understands the topic of the debate and the position you are approaching it from.

For example, if the topic of the debate was school uniforms, the topic may be introduced with:

Provide Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a concise declaration summarizing the points and arguments of your debating speech.

  • It presents a clear stance on a topic and guides the reader on what to expect in the content.
  • A good thesis statement is debatable and allows for opposing viewpoints and discussion.
  • It serves as a roadmap for the writer, ensuring coherence and focus in the piece.
  • It helps the audience understand the purpose and direction of the work from the beginning.

The thesis statement should express the student’s or the team’s position on the motion. Clearly explaining the speaker’s side of the debate. An example can be seen here.

Provide A Preview Of Your Arguments

The final part of the introduction section of a debate speech involves previewing the main points of the speech for the audience.

There is no need to go into detail with each argument here; that’s what the body of the speech is for. It is enough to provide a general thesis statement for each argument or ‘claims’ – (more on this to follow).

Previewing the arguments in a speech is especially important as the audience and judges only get one listen to a speech – unlike a text, which can be reread as frequently as the reader likes.

debate introduction examples for students

Attention grabbers task.

After explaining the different types of attention grabbers and the format for the rest of the introduction to your students, challenge them to write an example of each type of opening for a specific debate topic. 

When they’ve finished writing these speech openings, discuss with the students which one best fits their chosen topic. Then, they can continue by completing the rest of the introduction for their speech using the format described above.

You might like to try a simple topic like “Homework should be banned.” you can choose from our collection further in this article.

Writing T he Body of the Speech

The body paragraphs are the real meat of the speech. They contain the in-depth arguments that make up the substance of the debate, and How well these arguments are made will determine how the judges will assess each speaker’s performance, so it’s essential to get the structure of these arguments just right.

Let’s take a look at how to do that.

How to structure an Argument

With the introduction out of the way, it’s time for the student to get down to the nitty-gritty of the debate – that is, making compelling arguments to support their case.

There are three main aspects to an argument in a debate speech. They are:

  • The Warrant

Following this structure carefully enables our students to build coherent and robust arguments. Ttake a look at these elements in action in the example below.

Brainstorming Arguments

Present your students with a topic and, as a class, brainstorm some arguments for and against the motion.

Then, ask students to choose one argument and, using the Claim-Warrant-Impact format, take a few moments to write down a well-structured argument that’s up to debate standard.

Students can then present their arguments to the class. 

Or, you could also divide the class along pro/con lines and host a mini-debate!

Concluding a Debate Speech

The conclusion of a speech or a debate is the final chance for the speaker to convey their message to the audience. In a formal debate that has a set time limit, the conclusion is crucial as it demonstrates the speaker’s ability to cover all their material within the given time frame.

Avoid introducing new information and focus on reinforcing the strength of your position for a compelling and memorable conclusion.

A good conclusion should refer back to the introduction and restate the main position of the speaker, followed by a summary of the key arguments presented. Finally, the speaker should end the speech with a powerful image that will leave a lasting impression on the audience and judges.

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Examples of strong debate Conclusions

The Burden of the Rejoinder

In formal debates, the burden of the rejoinder means that any time an opponent makes a point for their side, it’s incumbent upon the student/team to address that point directly.

Failing to do so will automatically be seen as accepting the truth of the point made by the opponent.

For example, if the opposing side argues that all grass is pink, despite how ridiculous that statement is, failing to refute that point directly means that, for the debate, all grass is pink.

Our students must understand the burden of the rejoinder and ensure that any points the opposing team makes are fully addressed during the debate.

The Devils Advocate

When preparing to write their speech, students should spend a significant proportion of their team collaborating as a team. 

One good way to practice the burden of the rejoinder concept is to use the concept of Devil’s Advocate, whereby one team member acts as a member of the opposing team, posing arguments from the other side for the speaker to counter, sharpening up their refutation skills in the process.

20 Great Debating Topics for Students

  • Should cell phones be allowed in schools?
  • Is climate change primarily caused by human activities?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Is social media more harmful than beneficial to society?
  • Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be embraced or rejected?
  • Is the death penalty an effective crime deterrent?
  • Should schools implement mandatory drug testing for students?
  • Is animal testing necessary for scientific and medical advancements?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory?
  • Is censorship justified in certain circumstances?
  • Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
  • Is homeschooling more beneficial than traditional schooling?
  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  • Is nuclear energy a viable solution to the world’s energy needs?
  • Should the government regulate the fast food industry?
  • Is social inequality a result of systemic factors or individual choices?
  • Should the consumption of meat be reduced for environmental reasons?
  • Is online learning more effective than traditional classroom learning?
  • Should the use of drones in warfare be banned?
  • Is the legalization of marijuana beneficial for society?

These topics cover a range of subjects and offer students the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking debates on relevant and impactful issues.


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How to Write Perfect Persuasive Essays in 5 Simple Steps

Debating strategies for students.

Research and preparation are essential to ensure good performance in a debate. Students should spend as much time as possible drafting and redrafting their speeches to maximize their chances of winning. However, a debate is a dynamic activity, and victory cannot be assured by pre-writing alone.

Students must understand that the key to securing victory lies in also being able to think, write (often in the form of notes), and respond instantly amid the turmoil of the verbal battle. To do this, students must understand the following keys to victory.

When we think of winning a debate, we often think of blinding the enemy with the brilliance of our verbal eloquence. We think of impressing the audience and the judges alike with our outstanding oratory.

What we don’t often picture when we imagine what a debate winner looks like is a quiet figure sitting and listening intently. But being a good listener is one of our students’ most critical debating skills.

If students don’t listen to the other side, whether by researching opposing arguments or during the thrust of the actual debate, they won’t know the arguments the other side is making. Without this knowledge, they cannot effectively refute the opposition’s claims.

Read the Audience

In terms of the writing that happens before the debate takes place, this means knowing your audience. 

Students should learn that how they present their arguments may change according to the demographics of the audience and/or judges to whom they will be making their speech. 

An audience of retired school teachers and an audience of teen students may have very different responses to the same arguments.

This applies during the actual debate itself too. If the student making their speech reads resistance in the faces of the listeners, they should be prepared to adapt their approach accordingly in mid-speech.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The student must practice their speech before the debate. There’s no need to learn it entirely by heart. There isn’t usually an expectation to memorize a speech entirely, and doing so can lead to the speaker losing some of their spontaneity and power in their delivery. At the same time, students shouldn’t spend the whole speech bent over a sheet of paper reading word by word.

Ideally, students should familiarize themselves with the content and be prepared to deliver their speech using flashcards as prompts when necessary.

Another important element for students to focus on when practising their speech is making their body language, facial expressions, and hand gestures coherent with the verbal content of their speech. One excellent way to achieve this is for the student to practice delivering their speech in a mirror.

And Finally…

Debating is a lot of fun to teach and partake in, but it also offers students a valuable opportunity to pick up some powerful life skills.

It helps students develop a knack for distinguishing fact from opinion and an ability to assess whether a source is credible or not. It also helps to encourage them to think about the other side of the argument. 

Debating helps our students understand others, even when disagreeing with them. An important skill in these challenging times, without a doubt.

Debating Teaching Strategies

Clearly Define Debate Roles and Structure when running speech and debate events: Clearly define the roles of speakers, timekeepers, moderators, and audience members. Establish a structured format with specific time limits for speeches, rebuttals, and audience participation. This ensures a well-organized and engaging debate.

  • Provide Topic Selection and Preparation Time: Offer students a range of debate topics, allowing them to select a subject they are passionate about. Allocate ample time for research and preparation, encouraging students to gather evidence, develop strong arguments, and anticipate counterarguments.
  • Incorporate Scaffolded Debating Skills Practice: Before the actual debate, engage students in scaffolded activities that build their debating skills. This can include small group discussions, mock debates, or persuasive writing exercises. Provide feedback and guidance to help students refine their arguments and delivery.
  • Encourage Active Listening and Note-taking during speech and debate competitions: Emphasize the importance of active listening during the debate. Encourage students to take notes on key points, supporting evidence, and persuasive techniques used by speakers. This cultivates critical thinking skills and prepares them for thoughtful responses during rebuttals.
  • Facilitate Post-Debate Reflection and Discussion: After the debate, facilitate a reflection session where students can share their thoughts, lessons learned, and insights gained. Encourage them to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their arguments and engage in constructive dialogue. This promotes metacognitive skills and encourages continuous improvement.

By following these tips, teachers can create a vibrant and educational debate experience for their students. Through structured preparation, active engagement, and reflective discussions, students develop valuable literacy and critical thinking skills that extend beyond the boundaries of the debate itself.


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9.4: Argumentative Thesis Statements

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Learning Objective

  • Recognize an argumentative thesis

A strong, argumentative thesis statement should take a stance about an issue. It should explain the basics of your argument and help your reader to know what to expect in your essay.

This video reviews the necessary components of a thesis statement and walks through some examples.

You can view the transcript for “Purdue OWL: Thesis Statements” here (opens in new window) .

Key Features of Argumentative Thesis Statements

Below are some of the key features of an argumentative thesis statement. An argumentative thesis is debatable, assertive, reasonable, evidence-based, and focused.

An argumentative thesis must make a claim about which reasonable people can disagree. Statements of fact or areas of general agreement cannot be argumentative theses because few people disagree about them. Let’s take a look at an example:

  • BAD: Junk food is bad for your health.

This is not a debatable thesis. Most people would agree that junk food is bad for your health. A debatable thesis would be:

  • GOOD: Because junk food is bad for your health, the size of sodas offered at fast-food restaurants should be regulated by the federal government.

Reasonable people could agree or disagree with the statement.

An argumentative thesis takes a position, asserting the writer’s stance. Questions, vague statements, or quotations from others are not argumentative theses because they do not assert the writer’s viewpoint. Let’s take a look at an example:

  • BAD: Federal immigration law is a tough issue about which many people disagree.

This is not an arguable thesis because it does not assert a position.

  • GOOD: Federal immigration enforcement law needs to be overhauled because it puts undue constraints on state and local police.

This is an argumentative thesis because it asserts a position that immigration enforcement law needs to be changed.

An argumentative thesis must make a claim that is logical and possible. Claims that are outrageous or impossible are not argumentative theses. Let’s take a look at an example:

  • BAD: City council members are dishonest and should be thrown in jail.

This is not an argumentative thesis. City council members’ ineffectiveness is not a reason to send them to jail.

  • GOOD: City council members should be term-limited to prevent one group or party from maintaining control indefinitely.

This is an arguable thesis because term limits are possible, and shared political control is a reasonable goal.


An argumentative thesis must be able to be supported by evidence. Claims that presuppose value systems, morals, or religious beliefs cannot be supported with evidence and therefore are not argumentative theses. Let’s take a look at an example:

  • BAD: Individuals convicted of murder will go to hell when they die.

This is not an argumentative thesis because its support rests on religious beliefs or values rather than evidence.

  • GOOD: Rehabilitation programs for individuals serving life sentences should be funded because these programs reduce violence within prisons.

This is an argumentative thesis because evidence such as case studies and statistics can be used to support it.

An argumentative thesis must be focused and narrow. A focused, narrow claim is clearer, more able to be supported with evidence, and more persuasive than a broad, general claim. Let’s take a look at an example:

  • BAD: The federal government should overhaul the U.S. tax code.

This is not an effective argumentative thesis because it is too general (What part of the government? Which tax codes? What sections of those tax codes?) and would require an overwhelming amount of evidence to be fully supported.

  • GOOD: The U.S. House of Representatives should vote to repeal the federal estate tax because the revenue generated by that tax is negligible.

This is an effective argumentative thesis because it identifies a specific actor and action and can be fully supported with evidence about the amount of revenue the estate tax generates.

In the practice exercises below, you will use this information from your reading to see if you can recognize and evaluate argumentative thesis statements. Keep in mind that a sound argumentative thesis should be debatable, assertive, reasonable, evidence-based, and focused.



Contributors and Attributions

  • Argumentative Thesis Statements. Provided by : University of Mississippi. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Argumentative Thesis Activity. Provided by : Excelsior College. Located at : http://owl.excelsior.edu/argument-and-critical-thinking/argumentative-thesis/argumentative-thesis-activity/ . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Purdue OWL: Thesis Statements. Provided by : OWLPurdue. Located at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKXkemYldmw . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License

what is a thesis statement in a debate

  • Walden University
  • Faculty Portal

Writing a Paper: Thesis Statements

Basics of thesis statements.

The thesis statement is the brief articulation of your paper's central argument and purpose. You might hear it referred to as simply a "thesis." Every scholarly paper should have a thesis statement, and strong thesis statements are concise, specific, and arguable. Concise means the thesis is short: perhaps one or two sentences for a shorter paper. Specific means the thesis deals with a narrow and focused topic, appropriate to the paper's length. Arguable means that a scholar in your field could disagree (or perhaps already has!).

Strong thesis statements address specific intellectual questions, have clear positions, and use a structure that reflects the overall structure of the paper. Read on to learn more about constructing a strong thesis statement.

Being Specific

This thesis statement has no specific argument:

Needs Improvement: In this essay, I will examine two scholarly articles to find similarities and differences.

This statement is concise, but it is neither specific nor arguable—a reader might wonder, "Which scholarly articles? What is the topic of this paper? What field is the author writing in?" Additionally, the purpose of the paper—to "examine…to find similarities and differences" is not of a scholarly level. Identifying similarities and differences is a good first step, but strong academic argument goes further, analyzing what those similarities and differences might mean or imply.

Better: In this essay, I will argue that Bowler's (2003) autocratic management style, when coupled with Smith's (2007) theory of social cognition, can reduce the expenses associated with employee turnover.

The new revision here is still concise, as well as specific and arguable.  We can see that it is specific because the writer is mentioning (a) concrete ideas and (b) exact authors.  We can also gather the field (business) and the topic (management and employee turnover). The statement is arguable because the student goes beyond merely comparing; he or she draws conclusions from that comparison ("can reduce the expenses associated with employee turnover").

Making a Unique Argument

This thesis draft repeats the language of the writing prompt without making a unique argument:

Needs Improvement: The purpose of this essay is to monitor, assess, and evaluate an educational program for its strengths and weaknesses. Then, I will provide suggestions for improvement.

You can see here that the student has simply stated the paper's assignment, without articulating specifically how he or she will address it. The student can correct this error simply by phrasing the thesis statement as a specific answer to the assignment prompt.

Better: Through a series of student interviews, I found that Kennedy High School's antibullying program was ineffective. In order to address issues of conflict between students, I argue that Kennedy High School should embrace policies outlined by the California Department of Education (2010).

Words like "ineffective" and "argue" show here that the student has clearly thought through the assignment and analyzed the material; he or she is putting forth a specific and debatable position. The concrete information ("student interviews," "antibullying") further prepares the reader for the body of the paper and demonstrates how the student has addressed the assignment prompt without just restating that language.

Creating a Debate

This thesis statement includes only obvious fact or plot summary instead of argument:

Needs Improvement: Leadership is an important quality in nurse educators.

A good strategy to determine if your thesis statement is too broad (and therefore, not arguable) is to ask yourself, "Would a scholar in my field disagree with this point?" Here, we can see easily that no scholar is likely to argue that leadership is an unimportant quality in nurse educators.  The student needs to come up with a more arguable claim, and probably a narrower one; remember that a short paper needs a more focused topic than a dissertation.

Better: Roderick's (2009) theory of participatory leadership  is particularly appropriate to nurse educators working within the emergency medicine field, where students benefit most from collegial and kinesthetic learning.

Here, the student has identified a particular type of leadership ("participatory leadership"), narrowing the topic, and has made an arguable claim (this type of leadership is "appropriate" to a specific type of nurse educator). Conceivably, a scholar in the nursing field might disagree with this approach. The student's paper can now proceed, providing specific pieces of evidence to support the arguable central claim.

Choosing the Right Words

This thesis statement uses large or scholarly-sounding words that have no real substance:

Needs Improvement: Scholars should work to seize metacognitive outcomes by harnessing discipline-based networks to empower collaborative infrastructures.

There are many words in this sentence that may be buzzwords in the student's field or key terms taken from other texts, but together they do not communicate a clear, specific meaning. Sometimes students think scholarly writing means constructing complex sentences using special language, but actually it's usually a stronger choice to write clear, simple sentences. When in doubt, remember that your ideas should be complex, not your sentence structure.

Better: Ecologists should work to educate the U.S. public on conservation methods by making use of local and national green organizations to create a widespread communication plan.

Notice in the revision that the field is now clear (ecology), and the language has been made much more field-specific ("conservation methods," "green organizations"), so the reader is able to see concretely the ideas the student is communicating.

Leaving Room for Discussion

This thesis statement is not capable of development or advancement in the paper:

Needs Improvement: There are always alternatives to illegal drug use.

This sample thesis statement makes a claim, but it is not a claim that will sustain extended discussion. This claim is the type of claim that might be appropriate for the conclusion of a paper, but in the beginning of the paper, the student is left with nowhere to go. What further points can be made? If there are "always alternatives" to the problem the student is identifying, then why bother developing a paper around that claim? Ideally, a thesis statement should be complex enough to explore over the length of the entire paper.

Better: The most effective treatment plan for methamphetamine addiction may be a combination of pharmacological and cognitive therapy, as argued by Baker (2008), Smith (2009), and Xavier (2011).

In the revised thesis, you can see the student make a specific, debatable claim that has the potential to generate several pages' worth of discussion. When drafting a thesis statement, think about the questions your thesis statement will generate: What follow-up inquiries might a reader have? In the first example, there are almost no additional questions implied, but the revised example allows for a good deal more exploration.

Thesis Mad Libs

If you are having trouble getting started, try using the models below to generate a rough model of a thesis statement! These models are intended for drafting purposes only and should not appear in your final work.

  • In this essay, I argue ____, using ______ to assert _____.
  • While scholars have often argued ______, I argue______, because_______.
  • Through an analysis of ______, I argue ______, which is important because_______.

Words to Avoid and to Embrace

When drafting your thesis statement, avoid words like explore, investigate, learn, compile, summarize , and explain to describe the main purpose of your paper. These words imply a paper that summarizes or "reports," rather than synthesizing and analyzing.

Instead of the terms above, try words like argue, critique, question , and interrogate . These more analytical words may help you begin strongly, by articulating a specific, critical, scholarly position.

Read Kayla's blog post for tips on taking a stand in a well-crafted thesis statement.

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How to write a thesis statement + examples

Thesis statement

What is a thesis statement?

Is a thesis statement a question, how do you write a good thesis statement, how do i know if my thesis statement is good, examples of thesis statements, helpful resources on how to write a thesis statement, frequently asked questions about writing a thesis statement, related articles.

A thesis statement is the main argument of your paper or thesis.

The thesis statement is one of the most important elements of any piece of academic writing . It is a brief statement of your paper’s main argument. Essentially, you are stating what you will be writing about.

You can see your thesis statement as an answer to a question. While it also contains the question, it should really give an answer to the question with new information and not just restate or reiterate it.

Your thesis statement is part of your introduction. Learn more about how to write a good thesis introduction in our introduction guide .

A thesis statement is not a question. A statement must be arguable and provable through evidence and analysis. While your thesis might stem from a research question, it should be in the form of a statement.

Tip: A thesis statement is typically 1-2 sentences. For a longer project like a thesis, the statement may be several sentences or a paragraph.

A good thesis statement needs to do the following:

  • Condense the main idea of your thesis into one or two sentences.
  • Answer your project’s main research question.
  • Clearly state your position in relation to the topic .
  • Make an argument that requires support or evidence.

Once you have written down a thesis statement, check if it fulfills the following criteria:

  • Your statement needs to be provable by evidence. As an argument, a thesis statement needs to be debatable.
  • Your statement needs to be precise. Do not give away too much information in the thesis statement and do not load it with unnecessary information.
  • Your statement cannot say that one solution is simply right or simply wrong as a matter of fact. You should draw upon verified facts to persuade the reader of your solution, but you cannot just declare something as right or wrong.

As previously mentioned, your thesis statement should answer a question.

If the question is:

What do you think the City of New York should do to reduce traffic congestion?

A good thesis statement restates the question and answers it:

In this paper, I will argue that the City of New York should focus on providing exclusive lanes for public transport and adaptive traffic signals to reduce traffic congestion by the year 2035.

Here is another example. If the question is:

How can we end poverty?

A good thesis statement should give more than one solution to the problem in question:

In this paper, I will argue that introducing universal basic income can help reduce poverty and positively impact the way we work.

  • The Writing Center of the University of North Carolina has a list of questions to ask to see if your thesis is strong .

A thesis statement is part of the introduction of your paper. It is usually found in the first or second paragraph to let the reader know your research purpose from the beginning.

In general, a thesis statement should have one or two sentences. But the length really depends on the overall length of your project. Take a look at our guide about the length of thesis statements for more insight on this topic.

Here is a list of Thesis Statement Examples that will help you understand better how to write them.

Every good essay should include a thesis statement as part of its introduction, no matter the academic level. Of course, if you are a high school student you are not expected to have the same type of thesis as a PhD student.

Here is a great YouTube tutorial showing How To Write An Essay: Thesis Statements .

what is a thesis statement in a debate

Module: Academic Argument

Argumentative thesis statements, learning objective.

  • Recognize an arguable thesis

Below are some of the key features of an argumentative thesis statement.

An argumentative thesis is . . .

An argumentative thesis must make a claim about which reasonable people can disagree. Statements of fact or areas of general agreement cannot be argumentative theses because few people disagree about them.

Junk food is bad for your health is not a debatable thesis. Most people would agree that junk food is bad for your health.

Because junk food is bad for your health, the size of sodas offered at fast-food restaurants should be regulated by the federal government is a debatable thesis.  Reasonable people could agree or disagree with the statement.

An argumentative thesis takes a position, asserting the writer’s stance. Questions, vague statements, or quotations from others are not argumentative theses because they do not assert the writer’s viewpoint.

Federal immigration law is a tough issue about which many people disagree is not an arguable thesis because it does not assert a position.

Federal immigration enforcement law needs to be overhauled because it puts undue constraints on state and local police is an argumentative thesis because it asserts a position that immigration enforcement law needs to be changed.

An argumentative thesis must make a claim that is logical and possible. Claims that are outrageous or impossible are not argumentative theses.

City council members stink and should be thrown in jail is not an argumentative thesis. City council members’ ineffectiveness is not a reason to send them to jail.

City council members should be term limited to prevent one group or party from maintaining control indefinitely is an arguable thesis because term limits are possible, and shared political control is a reasonable goal.

Evidence Based

An argumentative thesis must be able to be supported by evidence. Claims that presuppose value systems, morals, or religious beliefs cannot be supported with evidence and therefore are not argumentative theses.

Individuals convicted of murder will go to hell when they die is not an argumentative thesis because its support rests on religious beliefs or values rather than evidence.

Rehabilitation programs for individuals serving life sentences should be funded because these programs reduce violence within prisons is an argumentative thesis because evidence such as case studies and statistics can be used to support it.

An argumentative thesis must be focused and narrow. A focused, narrow claim is clearer, more able to be supported with evidence, and more persuasive than a broad, general claim.

The federal government should overhaul the U.S. tax code is not an effective argumentative thesis because it is too general (What part of the government? Which tax codes? What sections of those tax codes?) and would require an overwhelming amount of evidence to be fully supported.

The U.S. House of Representative should vote to repeal the federal estate tax because the revenue generated by that tax is negligible is an effective argumentative thesis because it identifies a specific actor and action and can be fully supported with evidence about the amount of revenue the estate tax generates.

  • Argumentative Thesis Statements. Provided by : University of Mississippi. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Online Guide to Writing and Research

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  • Online Guide to Writing

Writing Arguments

Steps to Writing an Argument

State your thesis or proposition.

THESIS word by wood alphabets with many random letters around

In argument, the  thesis  is also called a proposition. Your proposition should do the following:

define your argument’s scope by stating its situation or context; and

make clear what assertion you are going to debate. 

You may “hook” your readers by stating your argument as a question. Because many questions lack a point of view, however, be sure a question leads to a proposition, and that your proposition makes a claim that is open to debate. Your proposition should state something that your readers feel uncertain about and about which you find arguments for both sides of the issue.

Sometimes students have an opinion they intend to address and support. Then, after reviewing information on the topic, they decide that they have to modify or change their opinion. This is all part of the writing process. When you do research, you may find new information or evidence that changes your argument. Your proposition can be modified during the draft stage.

To help you get started at this stage,  brainstorm  and  freewrite  about what you already know about the topic. Asking—and answering—the following questions can get you started on your assignment.

Why is this issue important to me? Why do I want to write about it?

What do I already know about this topic? What do I need to learn about this topic?

Where can I find more information on this subject?

Am I concerned more with the causes of this issue, the effects of this issue, or both?

What other related issues should I examine so that I can address the topic thoroughly?

Mailing Address: 3501 University Blvd. East, Adelphi, MD 20783 This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . © 2022 UMGC. All links to external sites were verified at the time of publication. UMGC is not responsible for the validity or integrity of information located at external sites.

Table of Contents: Online Guide to Writing

Chapter 1: College Writing

How Does College Writing Differ from Workplace Writing?

What Is College Writing?

Why So Much Emphasis on Writing?

Chapter 2: The Writing Process

Doing Exploratory Research

Getting from Notes to Your Draft


Prewriting - Techniques to Get Started - Mining Your Intuition

Prewriting: Targeting Your Audience

Prewriting: Techniques to Get Started

Prewriting: Understanding Your Assignment

Rewriting: Being Your Own Critic

Rewriting: Creating a Revision Strategy

Rewriting: Getting Feedback

Rewriting: The Final Draft

Techniques to Get Started - Outlining

Techniques to Get Started - Using Systematic Techniques

Thesis Statement and Controlling Idea

Writing: Getting from Notes to Your Draft - Freewriting

Writing: Getting from Notes to Your Draft - Summarizing Your Ideas

Writing: Outlining What You Will Write

Chapter 3: Thinking Strategies

A Word About Style, Voice, and Tone

A Word About Style, Voice, and Tone: Style Through Vocabulary and Diction

Critical Strategies and Writing

Critical Strategies and Writing: Analysis

Critical Strategies and Writing: Evaluation

Critical Strategies and Writing: Persuasion

Critical Strategies and Writing: Synthesis

Developing a Paper Using Strategies

Kinds of Assignments You Will Write

Patterns for Presenting Information

Patterns for Presenting Information: Critiques

Patterns for Presenting Information: Discussing Raw Data

Patterns for Presenting Information: General-to-Specific Pattern

Patterns for Presenting Information: Problem-Cause-Solution Pattern

Patterns for Presenting Information: Specific-to-General Pattern

Patterns for Presenting Information: Summaries and Abstracts

Supporting with Research and Examples

Writing Essay Examinations

Writing Essay Examinations: Make Your Answer Relevant and Complete

Writing Essay Examinations: Organize Thinking Before Writing

Writing Essay Examinations: Read and Understand the Question

Chapter 4: The Research Process

Planning and Writing a Research Paper

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Ask a Research Question

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Cite Sources

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Collect Evidence

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Decide Your Point of View, or Role, for Your Research

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Draw Conclusions

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Find a Topic and Get an Overview

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Manage Your Resources

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Outline

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Survey the Literature

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Work Your Sources into Your Research Writing

Research Resources: Where Are Research Resources Found? - Human Resources

Research Resources: What Are Research Resources?

Research Resources: Where Are Research Resources Found?

Research Resources: Where Are Research Resources Found? - Electronic Resources

Research Resources: Where Are Research Resources Found? - Print Resources

Structuring the Research Paper: Formal Research Structure

Structuring the Research Paper: Informal Research Structure

The Nature of Research

The Research Assignment: How Should Research Sources Be Evaluated?

The Research Assignment: When Is Research Needed?

The Research Assignment: Why Perform Research?

Chapter 5: Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Giving Credit to Sources

Giving Credit to Sources: Copyright Laws

Giving Credit to Sources: Documentation

Giving Credit to Sources: Style Guides

Integrating Sources

Practicing Academic Integrity

Practicing Academic Integrity: Keeping Accurate Records

Practicing Academic Integrity: Managing Source Material

Practicing Academic Integrity: Managing Source Material - Paraphrasing Your Source

Practicing Academic Integrity: Managing Source Material - Quoting Your Source

Practicing Academic Integrity: Managing Source Material - Summarizing Your Sources

Types of Documentation

Types of Documentation: Bibliographies and Source Lists

Types of Documentation: Citing World Wide Web Sources

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations - APA Style

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations - CSE/CBE Style

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations - Chicago Style

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations - MLA Style

Types of Documentation: Note Citations

Chapter 6: Using Library Resources

Finding Library Resources

Chapter 7: Assessing Your Writing

How Is Writing Graded?

How Is Writing Graded?: A General Assessment Tool

The Draft Stage

The Draft Stage: The First Draft

The Draft Stage: The Revision Process and the Final Draft

The Draft Stage: Using Feedback

The Research Stage

Using Assessment to Improve Your Writing

Chapter 8: Other Frequently Assigned Papers

Reviews and Reaction Papers: Article and Book Reviews

Reviews and Reaction Papers: Reaction Papers

Writing Arguments: Adapting the Argument Structure

Writing Arguments: Purposes of Argument

Writing Arguments: References to Consult for Writing Arguments

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Anticipate Active Opposition

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Determine Your Organization

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Develop Your Argument

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Introduce Your Argument

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - State Your Thesis or Proposition

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Write Your Conclusion

Writing Arguments: Types of Argument

Appendix A: Books to Help Improve Your Writing


General Style Manuals

Researching on the Internet

Special Style Manuals

Writing Handbooks

Appendix B: Collaborative Writing and Peer Reviewing

Collaborative Writing: Assignments to Accompany the Group Project

Collaborative Writing: Informal Progress Report

Collaborative Writing: Issues to Resolve

Collaborative Writing: Methodology

Collaborative Writing: Peer Evaluation

Collaborative Writing: Tasks of Collaborative Writing Group Members

Collaborative Writing: Writing Plan

General Introduction

Peer Reviewing

Appendix C: Developing an Improvement Plan

Working with Your Instructor’s Comments and Grades

Appendix D: Writing Plan and Project Schedule

Devising a Writing Project Plan and Schedule

Reviewing Your Plan with Others

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Unraveling the Mystery of the "Controversial Thesis"

Have you ever brought a paper into the Writing Center only to hear this enigma-"your thesis isn't controversial enough?" Well, Writing Fellows aren't here to puzzle you; we just forget to explain our jargon sometimes. This handout will lift the shroud of mystery from the controversial thesis and clarify what a controversial thesis is and how to write one!

What is a controversial thesis?

A controversial thesis is a cogent argument that considers questions that have not already been answered.

For example, "The characters in The Sopranos are very complex" is not a controversial thesis. It is not a controversial thesis because it presents a preexisting phenomenon, of which many people (probably including your professor) are aware. More importantly, while this thesis statement is true, it is not arguable.

A good litmus test to see if your thesis is arguable is to ask yourself: does my reader know why I'm making this point? Since the reader is left wondering "so what?" by the aforementioned thesis, it is not controversial.

On the other hand, "Some say that The Sopranos presents caricatures of Italian Americans. However, the characters in the series are very complex!" is a controversial thesis. The reader knows why the author is putting forth this argument; the author wants to enter into a debate about the characters on The Sopranos, instead of just presenting them.

How do I write a controversial thesis?

It still might seem challenging to take an original stance in a complicated and active debate, but never fear-here are some tips for writing a controversial thesis:

  • Consider a counter-argument Comparing or contrasting your interpretation to a standard view or even to a view that you used to hold can create a counter-argument.
  • Define your terms and assumptions By providing your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with another's view, you highlight your motivation for making a similar or different argument. Your reasons for making an argument are what distinguish you, and what makes your thesis arguable and controversial.
  • Interpret, Don't Evaluate An evaluative thesis, such as one that presents your preference, is not controversial. However, an interpretative thesis, where you take and defend a position, is controversial. You can't argue about opinions, but you can argue over interpretations.
  • Offer a qualification or limitation to the case you've made You can present the limitations or qualifications of an argument by presenting a standard view and then raising objections to it, or by presenting your own argument and then discussing possible objections to it.
  • Write about something that matters to you Writing about something that genuinely matters to you, such as an idea that changed your view on a particular issue, is a great way to present an interesting argument that passes the "so what?" test with flying colors.

Note : Many of these writing tips, as well as the example of a controversial and uncontroversial thesis, were adapted from They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter In Academic Writing by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein. In addition, several of the bullet headings for the section on writing a controversial thesis were taken from Gordon Harvey's "Elements of the Academic Essay." Advice was also inspired by "Novice as Expert: Writing the Freshman Year" by Nancy Sommers and Laura Saltz.

-Jennifer Somers

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2021 2022 History Fair - Debate and Diplomacy in History: Writing a Thesis Statement

  • What is History Fair?
  • History Fair Theme
  • Potential Topics
  • Logging in, Creating a Project, and Sharing in Noodletools
  • Building Context and Understanding Your Topic
  • Writing a Thesis Statement
  • Primary and Secondary Sources: What's the difference?
  • Finding Secondary Sources
  • Cite Secondary Sources
  • Finding Primary Sources
  • Cite Primary Sources
  • Creating Your Website

Goals and Guiding Questions

  • Understand the purpose of a thesis statement.
  • Understand the parts of a thesis statement and how to write one.
  • Create a thesis statement for your History Fair project.

Guiding Questions:

  • How is a thesis statement different from a research question?
  • What do I include in my thesis statement?
  • What is my thesis statement for my HF project?

Your Thesis Statement MUST:  

Give specific details ​

Go beyond facts to discuss the importance of a topic on history (impact, significance) ​

Show the topic's connection to the theme – Debate and Diplomacy

what is a thesis statement in a debate

Thesis Statement Worksheet and Example

Thesis statement tips, thesis statement tips: .

1.) Don't Use the First Person 

 2.) Don’t ask questions in your thesis. ​Answer them!

3.) Don't use present tense.

4.) Avoid using  “should”  in your thesis.​This is a historical argument, not philosophy.

5.) Avoid 'what if" history. Focus on what actually happened.

Writing Your Thesis Statement

Find the five ws:.

Who is involved in your topic?

What is happening?

Where is your topic taking place?

What time period is your topic in?

Why is this topic important? (significance, impa ct)

Look at these Thesis Statement Examples

  • Thesis Statement Comparisons
  • << Previous: Building Context and Understanding Your Topic
  • Next: Primary and Secondary Sources: What's the difference? >>
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How to Structure a Debate Essay in 5 Easy Steps

Table of Contents

Learning how to structure a debate essay is a fundamental skill for anyone who wishes to be successful in their academic careers.

The student can learn about the subject of debate and its different points of view by doing a lot of research. This enables the student choose a point of view and back it up with evidence.

Empirical research, in which the student gathers data through interviews, surveys, observations, or experiments, is often required for argumentative tasks.

This article advises on the 5-step technique to structure a debate essay. Let’s dive in!

fountain pen on black lined paper

What Is a Debate Essay?

Debate essays are the same as argumentative essays. An argumentative essay is a scientific paper that presents, argues, and defends a particular point of view supported by evidence, facts, and examples.

These essays are written to persuade others that your point of view is worth sharing. Students must use a first-person perspective to produce an excellent debate essay.

Regardless of the depth or breadth of their study, argumentative essays are obligated to develop a strong thesis and adhere to logical reasoning.

5 Steps to Structure a Debate Essay

Structuring a debate essay can be the most challenging task for students due to the difficulties of making an argument.

Knowing where to start your essay will give you confidence and assurance that you can successfully map out your essay . These are the structures upon which a debate essay rests.

1. Specific Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is well-stated, specific, and located in the essay’s first paragraph.

Students should provide background information by reviewing the issue broadly in the introductory paragraph of an argument essay.

The next step is for the writer to establish the necessity of or interest in the topic (exigence). This thesis statement needs to focus on the right way to meet the assignment’s requirements.

It will be challenging for students to write a compelling essay if they do not comprehend this section.

2. Proper Transitioning

There should be smooth progressions between the paper’s introduction, main body, and conclusion.

In an essay, transitions serve as the cement between paragraphs. Without a consistent line of reasoning, the reader will become confused, and the essay will fall apart.

A good transition should summarize the prior section’s ideas and set the stage for the new ideas in the subsequent section.

4. Provide Proof to Back Your Thesis

Your proof can be factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal. The information obtained to support your thesis statement in an argumentative essay must be current, accurate, and comprehensive.

The thesis statement needs to be backed up by evidence, be it factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal. However, students should think about more than one perspective when gathering evidence.

An effective and well-rounded argumentative essay will also cover the thesis’s counterarguments.

Dismissing data that might disprove a thesis is immoral. It isn’t the student’s responsibility to demonstrate why opposing viewpoints are incorrect. However, they should explain why contrary viewpoints may lack updated information.

3. Provide Evidence-Based Paragraphs

Start by discussing a broad notion in each paragraph. This will help the essay stay focused and organized throughout. In addition, the clarity that results from brevity will be appreciated by the reader.

Each paragraph of the essay’s body should flow from and support the thesis statement introduced in the essay’s introduction.

Your thesis statement should be backed up by research in some paragraphs, which should be appropriately labeled. It should also detail why and how the evidence backs up the premise.

Arguing an issue requires thinking and explaining the other side of the argument. Students writing debate essays should devote one or two paragraphs to addressing opposing viewpoints, depending on the length of the assignment.

Students do not need to demonstrate why the contrary ideas are incorrect. They should instead show how opinions that do not coincide with their thesis may be poorly informed or outdated.

5. Proper Conclusion

Give a summary that revisits the thesis in light of the evidence presented rather than merely restating it.

This is where some students may start to have trouble with the essay. This section of the essay will most strongly impact the reader’s thoughts. It needs to do its job and make sense.

Avoid introducing new material in the conclusion and focus on synthesizing what you’ve discussed in the essay’s main body.

Justify the topic’s relevance, recap its essential ideas, and restate your thesis. Depending on the paper’s length, you should discuss some follow-up research that makes sense in light of your findings.

Final Words

One must know how to structure a debate essay before writing it. It is vital to have proper transitions and essential points. Remember to be persuasive in your approach.

This means showing convincing arguments rather than arguing with the opposition. A well-structured debate essay needs to be able to shift the reader’s perspective and change it radically.

How to Structure a Debate Essay in 5 Easy Steps

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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what is a thesis statement in a debate

The Art Of Debate: Weighing In On Opposing Viewpoints

Political debate

Debate is essential for exploring complex issues and arriving at informed decisions. It is a structured discussion that involves two or more participants presenting arguments and counterarguments on a particular topic.

Debates occur in various settings, from political forums and academic conferences to classrooms and public spaces. They encourage critical thinking, active listening, and persuasive communication , making them valuable learning experiences for students, professionals, and citizens.

This article explores the importance of debate, its history, and the six types of debates.

Table of Contents

What Is Debate?

Debate is a f ormal discussion or argumentation between two or more individuals or teams on a specific topic or proposition. Its purpose is to present and defend opposing views, explore different perspectives, and arrive at a conclusion based on reasoned and informed arguments.

Woman in debatw

One common setting for debate is in politics, particularly in democratic countries, where it is a means for candidates to articulate their positions and challenge their opponents. For instance, Congressional members debate to pass legislation or express their opinions on current events. Similarly, presidential debates are televised and broadcast to millions of viewers worldwide, allowing citizens to evaluate the candidates and their platforms.

Developing Critical Thinking

Debate also occurs in academic institutions such as schools and universities, where students form teams to compete in organized tournaments. In this context, debate develops critical thinking skills, improves public speaking, and fosters teamwork.

Additionally, there are debating societies that exist outside of formal educational settings. These groups discuss various topics, often in a structured format with rules and time limits. The goal is to provide a forum for respectful discourse and encourage the development of reasoned arguments and open-mindedness.

In a formal debate, a moderator is often used to guide the discussion, ensure adherence to the rules, and facilitate an exchange of ideas. The moderator may pose questions, control the time for each speaker, and keep the debate on track.

Debate fosters critical thinking skills

Synonyms of Debate

There are many synonyms for debate , including “discuss,” “argue,” “dispute,” “contend,” and “reason.” The thesaurus offers a wide range of words and phrases to describe the art of discussing opposing viewpoints, highlighting the many nuances and shades of meaning within the concept of debate.

Adjudicators And Winning the Debate

In competitive debates, such as high school or parliamentary debates, adjudicators determine the winning team or individual. Adjudicators evaluate the arguments presented by each side and assign points based on the strength of their views and their ability to respond to the opposing side. The winning team or individual is determined based on the total number of points awarded.

Trump Vs. Biden

The debates between Donald Trump and Joe Biden during the 2020 US presidential election were a prime example of political debating. These debates were held in various locations, including New York, and covered various topics, including healthcare, the economy, and foreign policy. The candidates presented their viewpoints and criticized each other’s policies, leading to heated exchanges and fierce competition.

2020 presdential debate

Does Debate Mean Argue?

Debate and arguing are two similar yet distinct forms of communication. While both involve presenting and defending opinions or ideas, there are significant differences in their purposes, approaches, and outcomes.

Arguing is an emotional exchange between two or more people with opposing views . It often involves personal attacks, accusations, and attempts to dominate or discredit the other person. The goal of arguing is to win, prove one’s point of view, and persuade others to agree. Claiming is usually unstructured and emotional, with little regard for reason or evidence.

On the other hand, the debate is a more structured and formalized approach to communication. It involves presenting and defending arguments using logic, evidence, and reason. The goal of debate is not to win but to arrive at a conclusion based on a reasoned analysis of the facts. Participants listen to and respect opposing views in a debate, present well-reasoned arguments, and respond to counterarguments respectfully and constructively.

Here are some pros and cons of debate as a communication method:

What Is The Difference Between A Debate And A Discussion?

The main difference between a debate and a discussion is their goal and approach. A debate aims to present and defend opposing views using logic, evidence, and reason , while a discussion seeks to explore and exchange ideas more informally and collaboratively. In a debate, participants have a more structured and formalized approach, whereas, in a discussion, the communication is more flexible and open-ended.

What Is The Main Purpose Of A Debate?

The main purpose of a debate is to explore a topic from different perspectives and arrive at a conclusion based on a reasoned analysis of the facts . Debates aim to present and defend opposing views using logic, evidence, and reason. They promote critical thinking, active listening, and persuasive communication skills and serve as valuable tools for education, public discourse, and decision-making.

Debate explores perspectives

What Are The Three Main Parts Of A Debate?

The three main parts of a debate are:

  • Opening statements: In this part, each participant or team presents their arguments, defining their position and providing reasons, evidence, and examples that support it. Opening statements usually include a clear view of the topic, the participant’s stance, and the main points they will address.
  • Rebuttals: Rebuttals involve responding to the opposing side’s arguments, addressing their weaknesses, and presenting counterarguments. Participants may also challenge each other’s claims, highlighting inconsistencies or contradictions in their arguments.
  • Closing statements: In this final part, participants summarize their key points, restate their position, and emphasize their main arguments. Closing statements may also include a call to action or a proposal for further discussion or action. The goal is to leave a lasting impression on the audience and to make a persuasive case for one’s position.

What Are The Six Types Of Debate?

Here are six types of debate formats, each with its own rules, structures, and goals:

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate : A one-on-one debate on ethical and philosophical issues . Participants present arguments and cross-examine each other, with a specific time limit for each section.
  • Oxford-Style Debate: A formalized debate with two teams, one in favor and one against the topic. Each team takes turns presenting arguments and rebuttals, with the opposing team given a chance to respond. The audience votes on the winning team.
  • Parliamentary Debate: A team debate on current events and policy issues . Teams are given a limited time to prepare and present arguments, with the opposing team given a chance to respond. Parliamentary debate moderators are usually journalists selected by the Commission on Presidential Debates .
  • Policy Debate: A team debate on policy proposals , such as those related to government, economics, or social issues. Participants present arguments and rebuttals to persuade the audience or a judge to adopt their position.
  • Public Forum Debate: A team debate that combines aspects of policy and parliamentary debates. Participants present arguments and rebuttals on a specific topic to convince the audience.
  • Academic Debate: A team debate on educational topics, such as the value of a particular curriculum or teaching method. Participants present arguments and rebuttals to promote a specific educational approach.

Lincoln-Douglas debate

Other Debating Formats

High school debates are competitive debates between students on various topics, ranging from policy issues to philosophical questions. High school debates are structured as a team or individual event and follow different formats , such as Lincoln-Douglas or Public Forum.

Public debates are usually held in a town hall meeting or a community forum on a topic of interest to the community. They often have neutral party moderators and allow for audience participation.

Social media debates take place on online platforms like Twitter or Facebook. They are informal or formal and often involve individuals from different parts of the world presenting and defending their viewpoints.

What Is The Only Type Of Debate That Is Not Competitive?

The only type of debate that is not competitive is known as a “constructive dialogue.” In a constructive dialogue, participants engage in a discussion to share knowledge, explore ideas, and gain a better understanding of different perspectives.

Unlike competitive debates, constructive dialogues are not focused on winning or losing but on mutual learning and respectful exchange.

Constructive dialogues are used in various settings, such as educational or community forums, to promote a productive exchange of ideas and to foster a deeper understanding of complex issues .

Adam Howarth

Adam covers the topic of Public Speaking for Digital Authority. From his first experience of oratory with his school debating society to his more recent experiences of promoting the local business scene in Wrexham, Wales, he has always been involved in public speaking.

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50 Argumentative Essay Thesis Statement Examples

argumentative essay thesis statement

A thesis statement in an argumentative essay needs to present a point of view . The biggest mistake you can make is to provide a thesis statement that doesn’t demonstrate what your argument will be. So, your thesis statement should set a clear argument, perspective, or position in relation to a debate. Check out the examples below.

Thesis Statements for Argumentative Essays

1. mandatory school uniforms.

school uniforms and dress codes, explained below

For: “School uniforms should be mandatory as they promote equality and reduce distractions, fostering a better learning environment.”

Against: “Mandatory school uniforms infringe on students’ freedom of expression and fail to address the root causes of bullying and social stratification.”

Read More: School Uniform Pros and Cons

2. School Should Start Later

moral panic definition examples

For: “Schools should start later in the morning to align with adolescents’ natural sleep cycles, resulting in improved mental health, increased academic performance, and better overall student well-being.”

Against: “Starting school later in the morning disrupts family routines, poses logistical challenges for after-school activities and transportation, and fails to prepare students for the traditional workday schedule.”

Read More: School Should Start Later Arguments | School Should Start Earlier Arguments

3. College Athletes Should be Paid

pros and cons of paying college athletes, explained below

For: “College athletes should be compensated for their contributions to the multi-billion dollar collegiate sports industry, as their commitment and efforts generate significant revenue and marketing value for their institutions.”

Against: “Paying college athletes undermines the spirit of amateurism in collegiate sports, complicates the primary focus on education, and poses significant financial and regulatory challenges for universities.”

Read More: Why College Athletes Should be Paid

4. Homework should be Banned

homework pros and cons

For: “Excessive homework can lead to student burnout, reduce family time, and is not always effective in enhancing learning.”

Against: “Homework is essential for reinforcing learning, fostering independent study skills, and preparing students for academic challenges.”

Read More: 21 Reasons Homework Should be Banned

5. Nature is More Important than Nurture

nature vs nurture examples and definition

For: “Genetic predispositions play a more critical role in shaping an individual than environmental factors, highlighting the importance of nature in personal development.”

Against: “Environmental factors and upbringing have a more significant impact on an individual’s development than genetic factors, emphasizing the role of nurture.”

Read More: Nature vs Nurture

6. The American Dream is Unattainable

American Dream Examples Definition

For: “The American Dream is an outdated and unachievable concept for many, masked by systemic inequalities and economic barriers.”

Against: “The American Dream is still a relevant and attainable goal, symbolizing hope, opportunity, and hard work in a land of limitless potential.”

Read More: Examples of the American Dream

7. Social Media is Good for Society

social media examples and definition

For: “Social media is a vital tool for modern communication, fostering global connectivity and democratizing information dissemination.”

Against: “Social media platforms contribute to mental health issues, spread misinformation, and erode quality face-to-face interactions.”

Read More: Social Media Pros and Cons

8. Globalization has been Bad for Society

types of globalization, explained below

For: “Globalization leads to the exploitation of developing countries, loss of cultural identity, and increased income inequality.”

Against: “Globalization is beneficial, driving economic growth, cultural exchange, and technological advancement on a global scale.”

Read More: Globalization Pros and Cons

9. Urbanization has been Good for Society

urbanization example and definition

For: “Urbanization is a positive force for economic development and cultural diversity, offering improved opportunities and lifestyles.”

Against: “Rapid urbanization leads to environmental degradation, overpopulation, and heightened social inequalities.”

Read More: Urbanization Examples

10. Immigration is Good for Society

immigration pros and cons, explained below

For: “Immigration enriches the social and economic fabric of the host country, bringing diversity and innovation.”

Against: “Uncontrolled immigration can strain public resources, disrupt local job markets, and lead to cultural clashes.”

Read More: Immigration Pros and Cons

11. Cultural Identity must be Preserved

cultural identity examples and definition, explained below

For: “Maintaining cultural identity is essential to preserve historical heritage and promote diversity in a globalized world.”

Against: “Excessive emphasis on cultural identity can lead to isolationism and hinder integration and mutual understanding in multicultural societies.”

Read More: Cultural Identity Examples

12. Technology is Essential for Social Progress

technology examples and definition explained below

For: “The advancement of technology is crucial for societal progress, improving efficiency, healthcare, and global communication.”

Against: “Over-dependence on technology leads to privacy concerns, job displacement, and a disconnection from the natural world.”

13. Capitalism is the Best Economic System

capitalism examples and definition

For: “Capitalism drives innovation, economic growth, and personal freedom, outperforming socialist systems in efficiency and prosperity.”

Against: “Capitalism creates vast inequalities and exploits workers and the environment, necessitating a shift towards socialist principles for a fairer society.”

14. Socialism is the Best Economic System

socialism definition examples pros cons, explained below

For: “Socialism promotes social welfare and equality, ensuring basic needs are met for all citizens, unlike the inequalities perpetuated by capitalism.”

Against: “Socialism stifles individual initiative and economic growth, often leading to governmental overreach and inefficiency.”

Read More: Socialism Pros and Cons

15. Pseudoscience has no Value to Society

pseudoscience examples and definition, explained below

For: “Pseudoscience is harmful as it misleads people, often resulting in health risks and the rejection of scientifically proven facts.”

Against: “Pseudoscience, while not scientifically validated, can offer alternative perspectives and comfort to individuals where mainstream science has limitations.”

Read More: Pseudoscience Examples

16. Free Will is Real

free will examples and definition, explained below

For: “Individuals possess free will, enabling them to make autonomous choices that shape their lives and moral character, independent of genetic or environmental determinism.”

Against: “The concept of free will is an illusion, with human behavior being the result of genetic and environmental influences beyond personal control.”

Read More: Free Will Examples

17. Gender Roles are Outdated

gender roles examples and definition, explained below

For: “Rigid gender roles are outdated and limit individual freedom, perpetuating inequality and stereotyping.”

Against: “Traditional gender roles provide structure and clarity to societal functions and personal relationships.”

Read More: Gender Roles Examples

18. Work-Life Ballance is Essential for a Good Life

work-life balance examples and definition, explained below

For: “Achieving a work-life balance is essential for mental health, productivity, and personal fulfillment.”

Against: “The pursuit of work-life balance can lead to decreased professional ambition and economic growth, particularly in highly competitive industries.”

Read More: Work-Life Balance Examples

19. Universal Healthcare

universal healthcare pros and cons

For: “Universal healthcare is a fundamental human right, ensuring equitable access to medical services for all individuals.”

Against: “Universal healthcare can be inefficient and costly, potentially leading to lower quality of care and longer wait times.”

Read More: Universal Healthcare Pros and Cons

20. Raising the Minimum Wage

raising minimum wage pros and cons

For: “Raising the minimum wage is necessary to provide a living wage, reduce poverty, and stimulate economic growth.”

Against: “Increasing the minimum wage can lead to higher unemployment and negatively impact small businesses.”

Read More: Raising the Minimum Wage Pros and Cons

21. Charter Schools are Better than Public Schools

charter schools vs public schools, explained below

For: “Charter schools provide valuable alternatives to traditional public schools, often offering innovative educational approaches and higher standards.”

Against: “Charter schools can drain resources from public schools and lack the same level of accountability and inclusivity.”

Read More: Charter Schools vs Public Schools

22. The Internet has had a Net Positive Effect

internet pros and cons

For: “The internet is a transformative tool for education, communication, and business, making information more accessible than ever before.”

Against: “The internet can be a platform for misinformation, privacy breaches, and unhealthy social comparison, negatively impacting society.”

Read Also: Pros and Cons of the Internet

23. Affirmative Action is Fair and Just

affirmative action example and definition, explained below

For: “Affirmative action is necessary to correct historical injustices and promote diversity in education and the workplace.”

Against: “Affirmative action can lead to reverse discrimination and undermine meritocracy, potentially harming those it aims to help.”

Read More: Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action

24. Soft Skills are the Most Important Workforce Skills

soft skills examples and definition, explained below

For: “Soft skills like communication and empathy are crucial in the modern workforce, contributing to a collaborative and adaptable work environment.”

Against: “Overemphasis on soft skills can neglect technical proficiency and practical skills that are essential in many professional fields.”

Read More: Examples of Soft Skills

25. Freedom of the Press has gone Too Far

freedom of the press example and definition, explained below

For: “Unregulated freedom of the press can lead to the spread of misinformation and biased reporting, influencing public opinion unfairly.”

Against: “Freedom of the press is essential for a democratic society, ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.”

Read More: Free Press Examples


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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  • 17 May 2024

Daniel Dennett obituary: ‘New atheism’ philosopher who sparked debate on consciousness

  • Liad Mudrik   ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3564-6445 0

Liad Mudrik is a cognitive neuroscientist at Tel Aviv University, Israel, and a member of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Brain, Mind & Consciousness programme, where Dennett served as an adviser.

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Portrait of Daniel C. Dennett in his office with models of brains in the foreground

Credit: Rick Friedman/Corbis/Getty

Daniel Dennett, who has died aged 82, was the type of philosopher you couldn’t help but read. His work, directly relevant to biologists, physicists, computer scientists and cognitive psychologists, enticed all curious readers. He expressed bold, sharp views on some of the biggest questions about human existence: what is consciousness, and how is it related to neural activity? Do we have free will? How, if at all, are we different from artificial-intelligence systems? And — a question that famously placed him as one of the ‘four horsemen’ of new atheism, together with Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris — does God exist?

Dennett’s answers to these questions often prompted great enthusiasm or disagreement — never indifference. From the start of his studies, Dennett was keen on making a difference, and was confident in his ability to do so. As he described in his memoir I’ve Been Thinking (2023), as a first-year student at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, he read books by the philosopher Willard Quine, and decided that he should “go to Harvard and confront this man with my corrections to his errors!” He proceeded to do both: transferring to Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he criticized Quine’s account of ordinary language in his honours thesis.

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1942, Dennett spent part of his childhood in Beirut, Lebanon, because his father was a secret agent at the US Office of Strategic Services. In 1947, his father died in a plane crash in Ethiopia, and the family moved back to Boston. After graduating from Harvard, he gained a PhD at the University of Oxford, UK, in 1965, where he explored the concept of intentionality, which would underpin much of his later work. After a six-year spell at the University of California, Irvine, he moved to Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, which became his academic home.

what is a thesis statement in a debate

Consciousness: what it is, where it comes from — and whether machines can have it

Dennett thought that the best way to polish his ideas was to discuss them with undergraduate students; even two weeks before his death, he held an online class about a paper he was working on. He welcomed opposing views with an open mind, helping his students to think more critically and to refine their arguments, even when they challenged his own views.

One of his main endeavours was to describe the human mind — specifically, consciousness — in a way that is strongly rooted in the third-person perspective, which he called heterophenomenology. He wanted to rely on both scientific evidence and ‘folk psychology’; the typical ways that people understand, interpret and predict the behaviours of others. Applied to consciousness, the third-person perspective implies that people don’t have privileged knowledge about their own conscious experiences.

Dennett wanted to demystify consciousness, and called for data-driven research to study it. This demystification, importantly, involved parting with the concept of ‘qualia’ — the ineffable, first-person aspects of conscious experience, such as the greenness of grass or the sweetness of chocolate.

“The sort of difference that people imagine to be between any machine and any human experiencer … is one I am firmly denying: There is no such difference. There just seems to be,” he wrote in his 1991 book Consciousness Explained . This naturally provoked great criticism and debate.

Some of Dennett’s debates with fellow philosophers and scientists became famous, such as that with Sam Harris about free will. Dennett argued that people have free will because of their ability to deliberate, reason and even reason about reasoning; abilities that Dennett argued developed through evolution. Harris believes that free will is an illusion.

Other debates turned into long-lasting feuds, which he also seemed to enjoy. Dennett emphasized the importance of natural selection in developing adaptive traits. This was one of his main points of contention with biologist Stephan Jay Gould, who advocated for a more plural view of evolution, in which natural selection is only one possible principle by which traits have evolved.

what is a thesis statement in a debate

Decades-long bet on consciousness ends — and it’s philosopher 1, neuroscientist 0

According to Dennett, religion arose from a combination of language and humans’ attention to alarming events. Together, they fostered the development of fantasies, or “culturally evolved systems of memes that arose naturally out of our innate vigilance and sociality”, as he said in I’ve Been Thinking . Religion, for him, was the domestication of these fantasies.

Dennett was a champion of knowledge dissemination, translating complicated ideas into clear, sometimes sensational, but always attention-grabbing statements. He delivered thought-provoking, philosophical TED talks and brought the ‘brain in a vat’ thought experiment to the BBC’s audience. A true interdisciplinarian who argued fiercely for breaking the silos of knowledge, he collaborated with computer scientists to create a humanoid robot, with cognitive scientists to better understand the intricacies of perception and with biologists to refine his account of evolution.

Later in life, Dennett continued to seek adventures. He loved to sail his 13-metre sailing boat (named Xanthippe , after Socrates’s wife), sang at glee clubs and played a myriad of instruments.

He also lived by his philosophy. In 2006, after a nine-hour heart surgery, he wrote an essay called ‘Thank Goodness!’, explaining that he was grateful to the staff who cared for him, the scientists who developed the medicine to allow the doctors to treat him and even the peer reviewers and journal editors that published the work of those scientists — rather than to God. For him, it was the goodness of the knowledge generators and truth-seekers throughout history that should be thanked. It is only fitting that Dennett himself be included in this list.

Nature 629 , 997 (2024)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-01478-7

Competing Interests

The author declares no competing interests.

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    How is a thesis statement different from a research question? ... to discuss the importance of a topic on history (impact, significance) Show the topic's connection to the theme - Debate and Diplomacy. Thesis Statement Worksheet and Example. Thesis Statement Tips. Thesis Statement Tips: 1.) Don't Use the First Person . Incorrect : Correct ...

  20. How to Structure a Debate Essay in 5 Easy Steps

    These are the structures upon which a debate essay rests. 1. Specific Thesis Statement. A thesis statement is well-stated, specific, and located in the essay's first paragraph. Students should provide background information by reviewing the issue broadly in the introductory paragraph of an argument essay.

  21. The Art Of Debate: Weighing In On Opposing Viewpoints

    The three main parts of a debate are: Opening statements: In this part, each participant or team presents their arguments, defining their position and providing reasons, evidence, and examples that support it. Opening statements usually include a clear view of the topic, the participant's stance, and the main points they will address. ...

  22. 50 Argumentative Essay Thesis Statement Examples (2024)

    A thesis statement in an argumentative essay needs to present a point of view.The biggest mistake you can make is to provide a thesis statement that doesn't demonstrate what your argument will be. So, your thesis statement should set a clear argument, perspective, or position in relation to a debate. Check out the examples below.

  23. Techniques to Craft an Arguable Business Thesis

    Selecting a topic that naturally incites debate is the first step in ensuring your thesis is arguable. Focus on areas within business strategy that are controversial or have multiple viewpoints.

  24. Daniel Dennett obituary: 'New atheism' philosopher who sparked debate

    Liad Mudrik. Liad Mudrik is a cognitive neuroscientist at Tel Aviv University, Israel, and a member of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Brain, Mind & Consciousness programme, where ...