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The power of language: How words shape people, culture

Speaking, writing and reading are integral to everyday life, where language is the primary tool for expression and communication. Studying how people use language – what words and phrases they unconsciously choose and combine – can help us better understand ourselves and why we behave the way we do.

Linguistics scholars seek to determine what is unique and universal about the language we use, how it is acquired and the ways it changes over time. They consider language as a cultural, social and psychological phenomenon.

“Understanding why and how languages differ tells about the range of what is human,” said Dan Jurafsky , the Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor in Humanities and chair of the Department of Linguistics in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford . “Discovering what’s universal about languages can help us understand the core of our humanity.”

The stories below represent some of the ways linguists have investigated many aspects of language, including its semantics and syntax, phonetics and phonology, and its social, psychological and computational aspects.

Understanding stereotypes

Stanford linguists and psychologists study how language is interpreted by people. Even the slightest differences in language use can correspond with biased beliefs of the speakers, according to research.

One study showed that a relatively harmless sentence, such as “girls are as good as boys at math,” can subtly perpetuate sexist stereotypes. Because of the statement’s grammatical structure, it implies that being good at math is more common or natural for boys than girls, the researchers said.

Language can play a big role in how we and others perceive the world, and linguists work to discover what words and phrases can influence us, unknowingly.

Girl solving math problem

How well-meaning statements can spread stereotypes unintentionally

New Stanford research shows that sentences that frame one gender as the standard for the other can unintentionally perpetuate biases.

Human silhouette

Algorithms reveal changes in stereotypes

New Stanford research shows that, over the past century, linguistic changes in gender and ethnic stereotypes correlated with major social movements and demographic changes in the U.S. Census data.

Katherine Hilton

Exploring what an interruption is in conversation

Stanford doctoral candidate Katherine Hilton found that people perceive interruptions in conversation differently, and those perceptions differ depending on the listener’s own conversational style as well as gender.

Policeman with body-worn videocamera (body-cam)

Cops speak less respectfully to black community members

Professors Jennifer Eberhardt and Dan Jurafsky, along with other Stanford researchers, detected racial disparities in police officers’ speech after analyzing more than 100 hours of body camera footage from Oakland Police.

How other languages inform our own

People speak roughly 7,000 languages worldwide. Although there is a lot in common among languages, each one is unique, both in its structure and in the way it reflects the culture of the people who speak it.

Jurafsky said it’s important to study languages other than our own and how they develop over time because it can help scholars understand what lies at the foundation of humans’ unique way of communicating with one another.

“All this research can help us discover what it means to be human,” Jurafsky said.

why is languages important essay

Stanford PhD student documents indigenous language of Papua New Guinea

Fifth-year PhD student Kate Lindsey recently returned to the United States after a year of documenting an obscure language indigenous to the South Pacific nation.

dice marked with letters of the alphabet

Students explore Esperanto across Europe

In a research project spanning eight countries, two Stanford students search for Esperanto, a constructed language, against the backdrop of European populism.

why is languages important essay

Chris Manning: How computers are learning to understand language​

A computer scientist discusses the evolution of computational linguistics and where it’s headed next.

Map showing frequency of the use of the Spanish pronoun 'vos' as opposed to 'tú' in Latin America

Stanford research explores novel perspectives on the evolution of Spanish

Using digital tools and literature to explore the evolution of the Spanish language, Stanford researcher Cuauhtémoc García-García reveals a new historical perspective on linguistic changes in Latin America and Spain.

Language as a lens into behavior

Linguists analyze how certain speech patterns correspond to particular behaviors, including how language can impact people’s buying decisions or influence their social media use.

For example, in one research paper, a group of Stanford researchers examined the differences in how Republicans and Democrats express themselves online to better understand how a polarization of beliefs can occur on social media.

“We live in a very polarized time,” Jurafsky said. “Understanding what different groups of people say and why is the first step in determining how we can help bring people together.”

why is languages important essay

Analyzing the tweets of Republicans and Democrats

New research by Dora Demszky and colleagues examined how Republicans and Democrats express themselves online in an attempt to understand how polarization of beliefs occurs on social media.

Examining bilingual behavior of children at Texas preschool

A Stanford senior studied a group of bilingual children at a Spanish immersion preschool in Texas to understand how they distinguished between their two languages.

Linguistics professor Dan Jurafsky in his office

Predicting sales of online products from advertising language

Stanford linguist Dan Jurafsky and colleagues have found that products in Japan sell better if their advertising includes polite language and words that invoke cultural traditions or authority.

why is languages important essay

Language can help the elderly cope with the challenges of aging, says Stanford professor

By examining conversations of elderly Japanese women, linguist Yoshiko Matsumoto uncovers language techniques that help people move past traumatic events and regain a sense of normalcy.

Open Education Online

10 Reasons Why Languages Are Important

What is a “language” exactly? Experts define it as a system of spoken, written, and signed symbols that humans use to communicate. There are around 6,500 languages in the world. Some are more similar than others, but each one is a reflection of cultural evolution. Why are languages important? Here are ten reasons:

#1. Language is the primary method for human communication

While other species have ways of communicating with each other, humans are unique in how well we’ve mastered language. Like other species, we have body language, but language – whether it’s spoken, written, or signed – is the most effective method of communication between people. It allows us to express our feelings, thoughts, desires, and more. Without the ability to communicate, we wouldn’t have the world we have today.

#2. Language encompasses the range of humanity

The sheer number of languages proves that while language itself is universal among humans, there’s a lot of diversity, too. Everything from the structure to the grammar to the inflection of different languages shows how language evolves and shifts within certain contexts. Linguists go into their field to not only learn about language, but about humanity.

#3. Language and culture are closely linked

It can be tricky to nail down what “culture” is exactly. Anthropologists define it as an often shifting collection of beliefs, values, behaviors, and rules that a group of people shares. Language is a vital part of culture because it’s what people use to communicate aspects of culture (like rules and values). People are introduced to their culture through language, which they learn at a young age.

#4. Language can be weaponized

Because of language’s close connection to culture, there’s a long history of certain groups controlling the language of other groups. The control of language becomes a way to destroy a culture. Take Canada for example. In the 19-century, the Canadian government began to force Indigenous youth to assimilate. Through residential schools, young people learned English. They were brutally punished if they spoke their own languages. This was significant because many Indigenous groups depended on oral histories. Losing language also severed the bond between the younger and older generations. This destruction of culture through language occurred in many other countries.

#5. Language can reveal significant differences in people

If you’ve ever gotten into a political disagreement with someone, you’ll know that it can sometimes feel like you’re speaking different languages. At the University of Kent, researchers conducted some cross-cultural studies to look at grammar in English, Arabic, and Polish. After analyzing language patterns, they found that conservative presidents tended to use more nouns than non-conservative politicians. Why does this matter? It’s the difference between saying that “Mary writes” vs. “Mary is a writer.” With the latter statement, we’re making a statement about Mary’s entire identity. It’s who she is rather than what she does. The researchers said the use of nouns indicated a need for stability and tradition, which are more valued by conservatives.

#6. Learning another language can make you smarter

We’ve talked a bit about language’s general importance, but learning more languages impacts your life, too. Research shows that students who know more than one language have better problem-solving skills, creativity, and better critical thinking. In studies on bilingual kids, researchers found that kids who spoke a second language at home did better on cognitive tests than households with only one language.

#7. Knowing more than one language opens up job opportunities

Knowing more than one language is a significant advantage in many careers. This is especially true if you work in certain fields like human rights, business, or finances, but you can also earn a living as a translator or tutor . Knowing multiple languages also opens up opportunities to work internationally. If you’re hoping to advance in your career and are looking for an edge, learning another language could do the trick.

#8. Learning another language is good for brain health

There’s a common belief that kids are naturally better at learning a second language, but that’s not actually true. Kids do have certain advantages, but it isn’t necessarily “easier” for them. Some studies even show that adults are better at learning a second language. This is good news because of bilingualism’s effect on the brain. As you get older, research suggests that knowing a second language promotes brain health. This could help offset some of the damage that occurs with age!

#9. Learning multiple languages connects you to other cultures

Because language is so closely linked to culture, it makes sense that learning a language would connect you to that culture. You learn much more than just words and phrases. A new language invites you into a culture’s rituals, history, values, and more. Being able to communicate with someone in their language fosters a unique bond and encourages empathy.

#10. Language isn’t neutral

The last reason why languages matter is because of their influence. We talked about how language reflects people’s beliefs (like their politics) , but language can also draw you into a belief or behavior. In her book Cultish, linguist Amanda Montell examines various groups and cults – some more sinister than others – to reveal how powerful words can be. All the best cult leaders are masters of language. Their words build community, support group values, and shut down important questions. When people become radicalized into dangerous groups, their entry point is language. It’s important to recognize manipulative language, whether it’s your first language or a language you’re learning.

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Why Is Language Important? Your Guide To The Spoken Word

Updated: February 27, 2024

Published: June 9, 2020


Language is a vital part of human connection. Although all species have their ways of communicating, humans are the only ones that have mastered cognitive language communication . Language allows us to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. It has the power to build societies, but also tear them down. It may seem obvious, but if you’re asking yourself, why is language important? You’ll have to break it down to truly understand why.

Why Is Language Important? Language Matters

Language is what makes us human. It is how people communicate. By learning a language, it means you have mastered a complex system of words, structure, and grammar to effectively communicate with others.

To most people, language comes naturally. We learn how to communicate even before we can talk and as we grow older, we find ways to manipulate language to truly convey what we want to say with words and complex sentences. Of course, not all communication is through language, but mastering a language certainly helps speed up the process. This is one of the many reasons why language is important.

Language Is Important To Culture And Society

Language helps us express our feelings and thoughts — this is unique to our species because it is a way to express unique ideas and customs within different cultures and societies.

By learning a foreign language , you can understand ideas and thoughts that may be different from your own culture. You can learn customs and how people interact in a given society. Language helps preserve cultures, but it also allows us to learn about others and spread ideas quickly.

Language Is Important To Business

The importance of language in business is unmatched. Without language here, we can’t share ideas and grow them into something more. Whether this means learning a foreign language so you can share ideas with people who come from a different country, or simply learning how to use language to master an interview, demand presence in a room, or network with others, language is vital.

Language Is Important For Individuals And Development

Humans all learn to talk at slightly different times, and observing when a child starts to use language can be indicative of how well they are developing. But this does not just apply to babies. It also applies to young children learning a second language in school that’s different than the language they speak at home, adults learning a second language , or even those who may have lost language due to some type of accident, and are working on regaining it.

Language Is Important For Personal Communication

Though much of human communication is non-verbal (we can demonstrate our thoughts, feelings and ideas by our gestures, expressions, tones, and emotions) language is important for personal communication. Whether it’s being able to talk to your friends, your partner, or your family, having a shared language is necessary for these types of interactions.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

The basic functions of language.

The main function of language is the use of language. It gives us the ability to communicate thoughts, ideas, and feelings with others as quickly as possible. But, within that, we can understand language more by looking at its basic functions.

1. Informative Function

The informative function of language is when we use language to communicate any information. Essentially, its function is to inform others by being able to state facts clearly.

2. Expressive Function

Another basic function of language is the expressive function. As it sounds, it is used to express oneself by giving us ways to convey our feelings, emotions, and attitudes to another person (or ourselves).

3. Directive Function

The directive function of language is a basic function that helps us to direct or command. For example, it gives us the ability to tell ourselves or someone else what to do in any given situation.

Different Types Of Language

In addition to language functions, there are also different types of language and ways to understand language overall. Being able to differentiate these can help you understand other reasons why language is so important.

Oral Vs. Written Language

In general, oral communication is spoken language meant for conversing with others. Written language is about expressing ideas through writing words down.

Oral communication is usually more informal and faster, while written language is more formal and slow.

Denotative Meaning Vs. Connotative Meaning

Words have a lot of meaning to them, and the meaning depends on the context surrounding the word. This is why there is denotative meaning and connotative meaning.

Denotative meaning is the literal definition/intention of the word, whereas connotative meaning is when words carry positive or negative meanings/connotations. An example of this could be “home” versus “house.” “House” is denotative, being the literal term for this type of structure where someone may live, whereas “home” is connotative and represents a shelter, family, security, etc. Understanding the difference can help you understand the intention of language.

Six Elements Of Language

There are six elements of language:

  • Clarity: Using language in a way that ensures the intended audience fully understands your ideas; that your ideas are clear.
  • Economy: Being ‘economic’ about how you speak by avoiding any unnecessary language. This means using only the necessary and appropriate words to express yourself while avoiding using language your audience won’t understand. Essentially, this means avoiding fluff or complicated vocabulary.
  • Obscenity: This refers to ‘indecent language’, including, but not limited to, curse words and hateful remarks.
  • Obscure Language/Jargon: This is very specific language that your audience will not understand because they are not familiar with what you are talking about. This could be when your car mechanic explains to you what’s wrong with your car, but you are not a car mechanic, so you are unclear of what they’re talking about.
  • Power: This is when someone uses language to exert power over someone to manipulate them, command them, or to get them to do something they want. It could also be to demonstrate yourself as an authority in the room.
  • Variety: This is a speaker’s ability to use a combination of all the different types of language aforementioned to successfully and creatively get ideas across.

Image by Aline Dassel from Pixabay

Different language styles.

Within language, there are many different styles to fit what the speaker wants to communicate. While some are unique to a person’s personality, some speakers may adapt certain styles depending on the situation, even if it’s different from how they normally speak.

1. Direct And Indirect Styles

Direct is a way to use language to indicate to a person exactly what you want to say and/or how you’re feeling. Indirect language means using other words or types of communication to demonstrate you may be feeling a certain way, but without directly saying why or what, in other words, being indirect. If you’ve ever been in an argument with a significant other, you probably have experienced both of these language styles.

2. Personal And Contextual Styles

These two language styles are a bit more complex. In general, personal style refers to an individual’s personal way of speaking, is informal, and focuses on that individual. Contextual styles means changing language depending on the context of a situation. For instance, a professor may use their personal style of speaking with friends and colleagues, and a contextual style when lecturing their students.

3. Untranslatable Words

Untranslatable words are words or phrases that we have to adapt from other languages because we do not have a word that means the same thing in our own language. A good example is how we say “Bon Appetit!”, because we don’t have a good translation.

Using Language Effectively

Language has so many benefits to humans, but it can also be problematic if language is used ineffectively. This is why it’s important to be mindful of how you are using language in any situation.

1. Use Appropriate Language

Using appropriate language does not just mean avoiding obscene language (there may be times when that is actually appropriate for the situation!). It means using language that’s appropriate for your audience, that they can understand, relate to, and engage with.

2. Use Vivid Language

To use vivid language is to use imagery in your language, to describe something as vividly as possible. It may mean using more adjectives or onomatopoeia to illustrate what you’re saying.

3. Use Inclusive Language

Inclusive language means using language that does not exclude any person. For instance, instead of using “he or she” to address an audience, the correct term is “they” to include people who may not identify with a particular gender. It also means avoiding any language that is racist, sexist, misogynist, hateful, presumptuous, prejudiced, etc.

Language Is Changing Along With The Culture

When discussing topics like inclusive language, it’s easy to recognize that language, today, is changing alongside culture. With technology comes trends or different ways of speaking, like how many teenagers or young people use slang when they speak. When societies become more open-minded and progressive, we start accepting that there are many other ways of speaking language.

Many of us know the answer to why is language important, but we often take language for granted or actually don’t think about it. Language is an important life skill, particularly in school and in the workplace.

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Essays About Language: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Language is the key to expressive communication; let our essay examples and writing prompts inspire you if you are writing essays about language.

When we communicate with one another, we use a system called language. It mainly consists of words, which, when combined, form phrases and sentences we use to talk to one another. However, some forms of language do not require written or verbal communication, such as sign language. 

Language can also refer to how we write or say things. For example, we can speak to friends using colloquial expressions and slang, while academic writing demands precise, formal language. Language is a complex concept with many meanings; discover the secrets of language in our informative guide.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. a global language: english language by dallas ryan , 2. language and its importance to society by shelly shah, 3. language: the essence of culture by kelsey holmes.

  • 4.  Foreign Language Speech by Sophie Carson
  • 5. ​​Attitudes to Language by Kurt Medina

1. My Native Language

2. the advantages of bilingualism, 3. language and technology, 4. why language matters, 5. slang and communication, 6. english is the official language of the u.s..

“Furthermore, using English, people can have more friends, widen peer relationships with foreigners and can not get lost. Overall, English becomes a global language; people may have more chances in communication. Another crucial advantage is improving business. If English was spoken widespread and everyone could use it, they would likely have more opportunities in business. Foreign investments from rich countries might be supported to the poorer countries.”

In this essay, Ryan enumerates both the advantages and disadvantages of using English; it seems that Ryan proposes uniting the world under the English language. English, a well-known and commonly-spoken language can help people to communicate better, which can foster better connections with one another. However, people would lose their native language and promote a specific culture rather than diversity. Ultimately, Ryan believes that English is a “global language,” and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

“Language is a constituent element of civilization. It raised man from a savage state to the plane which he was capable of reaching. Man could not become man except by language. An essential point in which man differs from animals is that man alone is the sole possessor of language. No doubt animals also exhibit certain degree of power of communication but that is not only inferior in degree to human language, but also radically diverse in kind from it.”

Shah writes about the meaning of language, its role in society, and its place as an institution serving the purposes of the people using it. Most importantly, she writes about why it is necessary; the way we communicate through language separates us as humans from all other living things. It also carries individual culture and allows one to convey their thoughts. You might find our list of TOEFL writing topics helpful.

“Cultural identity is heavily dependent on a number of factors including ethnicity, gender, geographic location, religion, language, and so much more.  Culture is defined as a “historically transmitted system of symbols, meanings, and norms.”  Knowing a language automatically enables someone to identify with others who speak the same language.  This connection is such an important part of cultural exchange”

In this short essay, Homes discusses how language reflects a person’s cultural identity and the importance of communication in a civilized society. Different communities and cultures use specific sounds and understand their meanings to communicate. From this, writing was developed. Knowing a language makes connecting with others of the same culture easier. 

4.   Foreign Language Speech by Sophie Carson

“Ultimately, learning a foreign language will improve a child’s overall thinking and learning skills in general, making them smarter in many different unrelated areas. Their creativity is highly improved as they are more trained to look at problems from different angles and think outside of the box. This flexible thinking makes them better problem solvers since they can see problems from different perspectives. The better thinking skills developed from learning a foreign language have also been seen through testing scores.”

Carson writes about some of the benefits of learning a foreign language, especially during childhood. During childhood, the brain is more flexible, and it is easier for one to learn a new language in their younger years. Among many other benefits, bilingualism has been shown to improve memory and open up more parts of a child’s brain, helping them hone their critical thinking skills. Teaching children a foreign language makes them more aware of the world around them and can open up opportunities in the future.

5. ​​ Attitudes to Language by Kurt Medina

“Increasingly, educators are becoming aware that a person’s native language is an integral part of who that person is and marginalizing the language can have severe damaging effects on that person’s psyche. Many linguists consistently make a case for teaching native languages alongside the target languages so that children can clearly differentiate among the codes”

As its title suggests, Medina’s essay revolves around different attitudes towards types of language, whether it be vernacular language or dialects. He discusses this in the context of Caribbean cultures, where different dialects and languages are widespread, and people switch between languages quickly. Medina mentions how we tend to modify the language we use in different situations, depending on how formal or informal we need to be. 

6 Prompts for Essays About Language

Essays About Language: My native language

In your essay, you can write about your native language. For example, explain how it originated and some of its characteristics. Write about why you are proud of it or persuade others to try learning it. To add depth to your essay, include a section with common phrases or idioms from your native language and explain their meaning.

Bilingualism has been said to enhance a whole range of cognitive skills, from a longer attention span to better memory. Look into the different advantages of speaking two or more languages, and use these to promote bilingualism. Cite scientific research papers and reference their findings in your essay for a compelling piece of writing.

In the 21st century, the development of new technology has blurred the lines between communication and isolation; it has undoubtedly changed how we interact and use language. For example, many words have been replaced in day-to-day communication by texting lingo and slang. In addition, technology has made us communicate more virtually and non-verbally. Research and discuss how the 21st century has changed how we interact and “do language” worldwide, whether it has improved or worsened. 

Essays About Language: Why language matters

We often change how we speak depending on the situation; we use different words and expressions. Why do we do this? Based on a combination of personal experience and research, reflect on why it is essential to use appropriate language in different scenarios.

Different cultures use different forms of slang. Slang is a type of language consisting of informal words and expressions. Some hold negative views towards slang, saying that it degrades the language system, while others believe it allows people to express their culture. Write about whether you believe slang should be acceptable or not: defend your position by giving evidence either that slang is detrimental to language or that it poses no threat.

English is the most spoken language in the United States and is used in government documents; it is all but the country’s official language. Do you believe the government should finally declare English the country’s official language? Research the viewpoints of both sides and form a conclusion; support your argument with sufficient details and research. 

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Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Why is language important.

closeup of torn advertisements on a wall why is language important

Language is kind of a huge deal. Without it, there wouldn’t be, well, language. Or anything that depends on language, like literature, documented history, computer code and texts from your crush. The matter of “why language is important” is somewhat redundant and self-obvious on the surface, but when you actually investigate this question, some surprising insights arise.

For instance, language might be the entire reason humans managed to evolve the way they did. Language is also a storehouse of culture, lifeways and knowledge. A connection to one’s mother tongue can actually improve mental health. And believe it or not, language — or linguistic diversity — can even impact the environment .

Not entirely sure why this would be the case? Let’s get into it.

Why Language Is Important

It’s an evolution thing.

Humans developed some pretty big brains along the way. One leading hypothesis as to why that much brain was necessary to our survival is that we have complex social systems to navigate that are a little more intricate than simply “existing in large groups.”

The development of language played a pretty big role in that. Specifically, the kind of language that makes it possible to tell stories, negotiate with others, plan for the future and talk about what happened in the past. Other animals also have languages of their own , but their function is largely to communicate about things that are immediately relevant in the present moment.

Language evolution is a lot like biological evolution, and it can be studied in similar ways to determine how various cultures evolved. It’s debatable whether the chicken or the egg came first, but it’s not far-fetched to say that the evolution of our language skills was the critical factor that paved the way for human advancement, and not the other way around. It’s not entirely far-fetched to suggest that language has sped our evolution along faster than our genes .

The development of culture and complex social systems is not the only evolutionary aspect of why language is important. It also likely made it possible for the earliest humans to share information with each other about tools and technology. Some brain studies have shown that language uses similar parts of the brain as toolmaking , which suggests that both of these functions may have existed side-by-side by the time advanced stone tools emerged 2 million years ago.

In 2015, a team of researchers actually tested how successfully participants in various groups could advance in the art of stone tool-making depending on the level of communication they could use. One group was only given the components and some examples and told to figure it out by themselves. In another group, a student tried to recreate the tool after watching someone else make it without interacting at all. One group allowed participants to show each other what they were doing without gesturing; one group allowed gesturing; and one group allowed talking. The groups where gesturing and speaking was allowed significantly outperformed the others, with the verbal group outpacing the gestural group two-fold. Their conclusion? That the level of advancement in toolmaking technology made more than 2 million years ago would have required some spoken language.

In short: humanity as we know it would simply not exist without language.

It’s The Basis Of Our Cultural Identity

Language made the transmission of culture possible. As it stands today, it’s the basis of our entire worldview and way of life. Everything ranging from social norms to customs, shared histories, mythologies, religions and art forms are transmitted and mediated through language.

This sounds kind of obvious, but the significance of this is perhaps most apparent when you consider what happens to people whose culture and language is taken away from them.

In Babbel’s interview with Daniel Bögre Udell , director and co-founder of Wikitongues , he explains why language is a frequent target of oppressors, and why having an active connection to one’s mother tongue and culture can have profound effects on mental health.

Well, languages, they’re kind of the glue that binds a community together. When you take a people’s language from them, you’re taking the way they express their cultural heritage, their commonality. It’s a destruction of community really. And there are few instances of language persecution that aren’t tied to broader kinds of persecution. If we look at the United States, the history of persecuting indigenous languages is tied directly to broken treaties, land theft, genocide. Yiddish in Europe is directly tied to the loss of Yiddish in Europe among Ashkenazi Jews is directly tied to the Holocaust, et cetera. It is terrible to have your culture taken from you. And it’s been demonstrated that in places where language revitalization is active, mental health is usually better. People do better in school, there are lower suicide rates, lower rates of substance abuse. And that’s because when you’re able to connect with your parentage, that’s a really important thing for your mental health.

They’re Storehouses Of Ecological Knowledge

Truthfully, languages are storehouses of knowledge, period. But it’s surprising to see how tangibly this can be witnessed in our own environment.

It’s been shown that biological diversity and linguistic diversity flourish and die together. Geographically, areas with a high amount of natural diversity are also areas where many languages coexist, which tend to be near the equator.

This has to do with the fact that these climates are more hospitable to human and animal life in general. But as climate change displaces many of these endangered linguistic populations, the indigenous knowledge around that particular region’s ecology, which is embedded in those languages, vanishes as well. There’s very little nature in the world left that hasn’t been impacted or altered by humans. As languages disappear, so, too, does traditional knowledge of land management and farming, fishing and hunting methods.

“There are entire fields of science dedicated to unraveling wisdom from language diversity,” says Bögre Udell. “Ethnobiology works on identifying new species of flora and fauna to accelerate conservation efforts by looking at the vocabulary of languages in biodiverse regions, and then that breaks down into different fields. There’s ethno-ornithology, which looks at leveraging linguistic diversity to accelerate bird conservation. There’s ethnobotany, which does the same for plants. Then there’s paleolinguistics, which looks at clues to human prehistory from the way that languages change across geographies.”

“Every human culture has knowledge about its environment and that gets expressed through the language of that community,” Bögre Udell continues. “Language is the great library of human experience and knowledge, and when half the world’s languages are at risk of disappearing, that means the library is effectively on fire.”

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Argumentative Essay: Why is it so Important to Know More than One Language

We live in a multilingual world that is becoming increasingly globalized and it is therefore very important to know more than one language. There are three main reasons for this: an additional language can help you progress in your career, you gain an awareness of other cultures, and it helps increase our understanding and knowledge of our own language.

More and more job advertisements are now specifying that they want second, third, and even fourth languages in some cases, and knowing more than one language opens up your prospects in a highly important way. Furthermore, as more and more companies begin to trade internationally, people are frequently beginning jobs for which they need no language skills, but then being asked to relocate abroad, or offered a promotion that requires language skills. Therefore, it helps with career enhancement. Some people refute this claim by saying that there are plenty of other jobs available, but this is simply not the case anymore with the global recession and more countries being international.

The second reason that it is important to know more than one language is that it increases cultural awareness and allows you to communicate with different people. All good methods of learning languages also entail learning about another culture, especially when your language skills get to a higher level. This awareness allows people from different nationalities and religions to get along with each other better, which is very important given the high levels of immigration. Many countries with high immigration levels have trouble with a lack of integration, and this is often because of the language barrier, so people end up being segregated, staying in communities where their own language is spoken. Even those that say they don’t care about meeting people of other cultures will have noticed these problems, and should accept the importance of learning other languages.

Finally, people should learn additional languages because it helps with their mastery of their own language and it is proven to be good for the brain. Some people believe that learning more languages leads to confusion, but besides the odd word being misused, this is simply not the case. If you learn a new language, you have to study the grammar from scratch, and therefore end up with a much more in-depth knowledge of grammar as a whole than people who only speak one language. Furthermore, if you learn languages with similar roots learning one can help you learn the others (take French, Spanish and Italian, for example).

Overall there can be no denying that learning languages is wholly positive for individuals and society and that it is highly important to know more than one language. If more people were multilingual, the world would ultimately be a happier and more prosperous place.

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The Importance of English: 11 Valuable Reasons to Learn the Language

What makes English an important language , not just a  common one?

Is it really worth putting all that time, effort and energy into learning English ?

English is an important language for all kinds of professional and personal goals.

Whether you are just starting out or need some motivation to keep going, understanding the importance of the language will help you reach fluency and change your life .

1. English Is the Most Spoken Language in the World

2. english will teach you about world history, 3. english opens up new career opportunities, 4. english is the top language of the internet, 5. english tests can get you into school, 6. english makes traveling so much easier, 7. english allows you to make more friends, 8. english allows you to enjoy hollywood, 9. english lets you enjoy (and learn from) a ton of internet videos, 10. english widens your reading horizons, 11. learning english can make you smarter, and one more thing....

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According to a report from Statistics & Data, English is the most spoken language in the world . 

And if you include people who use it as a second language, an estimated 1.5 billion people worldwide speak English. Further, a total of 96 countries in the world use English .

Considering that there are over 190 countries , that means over half of the countries you will visit likely use English as their lingua franca —the main language that people from various groups use to communicate with each other.

Throughout the centuries, the British Empire expanded and ruled over many different countries. The empire (a group of countries ruled by a single government) forced the people they ruled over to speak English.

Because the empire lasted over 300 years, many of the countries under the former British Empire (like Ireland, which had Gaelic as its original language ) speak English to this day.

When you are studying English, you will come across the different types used around the world . When you know the history of English as it is used in a certain country, the similarities and differences between, say, Australian and New Zealand English make much more sense.

Many companies need employees who can communicate with partners and clients all over the world. Very often, that means finding employees who speak English.

Are you job hunting ? Do you just want to keep your professional options open? Learning English can be an important step to achieving those goals.

The global job market has even created new positions for bilingual people (people fluent in two languages). By learning English, you could become a translator, a language teacher or an English marketing professional for a global company.

Like in real life, English is the most-used language online, with 55 percent (or over half) of all websites using the language. That means if you can understand and read English, you can access and enjoy a lot of written resources online.

For example, you can read online news articles . You can participate in a discussion on a forum like Reddit . You can send an email to someone from halfway across the globe. The possibilities are endless!

Also, many people and businesses conduct (do) research, market themselves or communicate and develop connections on sites like LinkedIn —making internet English crucial to professional success as well.

If you learn English well enough to  pass tests like the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), you can study in English-language universities across the globe.

The TOEFL is one of the most common English proficiency tests. Others include the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and the Cambridge exams . Some colleges or language centers even offer classes to help you practice for these tests.

Even if you are not taking a test for a specific reason, studying for an English exam can still help you improve your language skills.

Just knowing English travel phrases is great if you just want to do things like get around a hotel or ask for directions. But if you want to stay in that country for at least a few years or so, you need to expand your vocabulary. 

For example, if you live in an apartment (a room or unit in a building where you pay rent to a landlord), you need to know some house vocabulary in case you have trouble with your bathroom and need to ask someone for help.

And if you regularly interact (come into contact with) native English speakers, you need to know what the daily phrases they use mean.

Because English is the most widely used language online and offline, you are likely to meet English speakers when you are traveling or using chat apps like WhatsApp .

When you know their language, it is easier to share common interests like your favorite food , music and much more.

And hey, you may even want to surprise your new buddy (friend) with some of the weirdest English words you know—or at least ask them about the best way to use those words.

Understanding English means you can enjoy modern Hollywood blockbusters (very popular/successful movies) as well as classic films from different generations —and talk about them with other film-loving, English-speaking friends .

Not sure where to watch movies in English? Check out streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video as well as free services like Crackle and Tubi TV .

If you do not have time for a movie marathon (an event where you watch two or more movies consecutively), websites like YouTube and Vimeo can also give you engaging English videos that discuss all kinds of topics.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

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Want to put more books on your bookshelf? When you know English, you can read popular books written in English like “Harry Potter,”   “Twilight,”   “The Hunger Games” and more.

If you want to read books in English for free, here are some options:

  • Check out a local library. Even if you don’t live in an English-speaking region, your library likely has an English- or foreign-language section.
  • Use e-book services like Kindle or Nook . These usually have many free downloads. Browse their huge selections to see if any free English books interest you.
  • Visit sites that have books in the public domain. When you say that a book is in the public domain , it means the book’s copyright has expired. In other words, you can legally download the book for free. One good site for books like these is Project Gutenberg —if you are taking an English literature class, this resource will come in handy!

Research shows that learning a new language changes your brain structure (in a good way). It impacts the parts of your brain  responsible for memory, conscious thought and more.

Put simply, learning a new language can make your brain stronger and more versatile (flexible or able to do more things).

Research also shows that bilingualism can keep the brain strong and healthy into old age and help with memory, concentration and other skills.

Well, what are you waiting for? Now that you know the importance of the English language, you can start learning . The sooner you do so, the sooner you can enjoy all of these benefits!

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why is languages important essay

Student Essay: The Value of Foreign Languages

why is languages important essay

Importance Of English Language

Language is our major means of communication; it is how we share our thoughts with others. A language’s secondary purpose is to convey someone’s sentiments, emotions, or attitudes. English is one such language in the world that satisfies both the above purposes. English has been regarded as the first global Lingua Franca. It has become part and parcel of almost every existing field. We use it as the international language to communicate in many fields ranging from business to entertainment.

Many countries teach and encourage youngsters to acquire English as a second language. Even in nations where English is not an official language, many science and engineering curriculum are written in English.

English abilities will most certainly aid you in any business endeavours you choose to pursue. Many large corporations will only hire professional employees after determining whether or not they speak good English. Given the language’s prominence, English language classes will be advantageous to you if you want to work for a multinational organization and will teach you the communication skills needed to network with professionals in your area or enhance your career.

The English Language opens an ocean of career opportunities to those who speak this language anywhere in the world. Similarly, it has turned into an inevitable requirement for various fields and professions like medicine , computing and more.

In the fast-evolving world, it is essential to have a common language that we can understand to make the best use of the data and information available. As a result, the English Language has become a storehouse of various knowledge ranging from social to political fields.

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Reasons to Learn the English Language

As the importance of the English Language is clear now, we move on to why we must learn the English Language. First of all, it is a global language. It is so common that one out of five people can speak or understand this language.

Further, learning the English Language can help in getting a job easily. As it has become the language of many fields, it automatically increases the chances of landing a good job in a good company.

In addition, it helps with meeting new people. As it is the official language of 53 countries, learning it helps to break the language barriers. Most importantly, it is also the language of the Internet.

Another important reason to learn this language is that it makes travelling easier. Being a widely used language globally, it will help you connect with people easily. Similarly, it is also essential in the world of business.

It does not matter whether you are an employee or employer, it benefits everyone. Students who wish to study abroad must definitely study this language. Many countries use their schools and universities. So, it can offer a good opportunity for students.

Why and where do we need the English language?

  • Use of English on the Internet – Because of the tremendous rise of information technology, particularly the internet, English is the language of choice for Internet users. The internet has also played an important role in promoting and spreading the English language throughout the world, as more and more people are exposed to it, and English has also become the language of the internet.
  • Use of English in Education – English has become one of the majorly used languages to understand, learn and explain concepts from various fields of knowledge. The majority of instructional tools, materials, and texts are written in English. The global educational systems at colleges all over the world need English as a foreign language.
  • Use of English for Travel purposes – As we all know, English has been named as the official language of 53 countries and over 400 million people in the world speak English, the English language comes in handy for communicating with everyone when anyone travels around the world be it for tourism, job opportunity, settlement, casual visits, etc.
  • Use of English for Communication – The most important function of a language is to allow people to communicate effectively. For many years, English has been the most widely known and valued language on the planet. In other words, English becomes an efficient tool for communicating with people all over the world.

Conclusion of Importance Of English Language Essay

We use the English Language in most of our international communications. While it is not the most spoken language in the world, 53 countries have named it their official language. Moreover, about 400 million people globally use it as their first language. Thus, being the most common second language in the world, it will be beneficial to learn this language to open doors to new opportunities.

FAQ on Importance Of English Language Essay

Question 1: How does the English Language help you get a job?

Answer 1: the  English Language is the language of many things like science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Thus, if you know English, it will increase your chances of landing a good job in an international company.

Question 2: Does the English Language help in connecting with people globally?

Answer 2: Yes, it does. It is because English is the official language of 53 countries and we use it as a lingua franca (a mutually known language) by people from all over the world. This means that studying English can help us have a conversation with people on a global level.

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Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language

There are numerous advantages of learning a foreign language. Essay sample is focused on social, health, and other foreign language benefits, as well as reasons to learn another language.

Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language Essay Introduction

Benefits of learning a second language essay body, benefits of learning foreign language essay conclusion, works cited.

Why are foreign languages in demand and popularity? Not everyone probably thinks about it until they face a particular situation. Let us consider several reasons for bilingualism, such as advantages in career, travel, unlimited communication, cultural content, and the fact that knowing at least one foreign language makes the person smarter.

The first cause of foreign language usefulness is professional opportunities. You need to know a foreign language to increase your employability, work in a prestigious fast-growing company, and get the appropriate payment. It also applies to study and internships in foreign countries because plenty of companies are trying to learn from the experience of their foreign colleagues. In the case you know the foreign language, you can help in the translation of texts, preparation of documents, or during negotiations with foreign partners. Besides, you can learn some interesting and helpful information by reading foreign professional literature.

The second reason concerns traveling. Knowing the foreign language, you will be happy to listen to guided tours in original, chat with people with great ease and pleasure, and, who knows, maybe the foreign language you can speak will save the life of someone. Traveling around the world, you can always find your way, talk to the locals, learn about their lives and culture, and perhaps, receive a useful lesson (“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language,” par. 8). In other words, knowing the foreign language allows penetrating the traditions of the other culture.

The third reason in favor of knowledge of a foreign language is communication. Usually, to learn a foreign language well enough, it is necessary to plunge into the environment of living in that particular culture. In turn, such a dive does not pass entirely but forms certain personal qualities. For example, some studies have shown that people, who know more than one language, expand their horizons and are more likely to empathize taking the first steps in communication. Communication in a foreign language with native speakers will significantly strengthen your communication skills and develop life-long friendships (“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language,” par. 14).

Moreover, a foreign language helps you to enrich yourself culturally by watching movies in their original, listening to the voice and intonations of actors, and avoiding translators. You can listen to your favorite songs of foreign singers and understand their meaning with great pleasure. Despite the considerable amount of translated literature, the knowledge of a foreign language opens the door to the world of original literature. It is also essential to point out that by learning a foreign language, you can improve your native language as well. When people start to talk in a foreign language, which has its grammar, logic, and exceptions, they choose words and phrases in the native language to translate, which helps to increase the speech culture and vocabulary of the native language.

Besides, if you are interested in the events taking place in the world, the knowledge of the foreign language would be your advantage. You can easily understand the news as many world newspapers and Internet posts are published in a foreign language. Consequently, you will be able to understand the meaning of the above, taking into account all the details. It is much more objective than hearing a translation, where a lot can be unsaid or translated inappropriately. Thus, knowledge of a foreign language provides access to information, while it is commonly considered that he who owns the information – owns the world.

Finally, the last but not the least reason is probably, the most important. Knowledge of a foreign language expands consciousness. According to Merritt, “speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognize, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems” (par. 3). Your mind will be reconstructed to understand completely new concepts. In this sense, learning foreign languages is highly efficient due to switching codes. Switching from one language to another is a challenging job for the brain that is undoubtedly useful. Several studies have shown that among patients with dementia, symptoms began four years later in people who know two languages than in people who know one language (Merritt par. 6). In other words, the brain of bilinguals was struck but continued to operate at a higher level for a longer time.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that people are blacksmiths of their happiness, and a lot in life depends on them. Knowledge of foreign languages gives people plenty of advantages. It is the opportunity to travel around the world without an interpreter, to read foreign literature, to watch foreign films in the original, and to have friends from different countries. If you are willing to change something in your life for the better, then learn a foreign language, and maybe somewhere, there is a pleasant surprise waiting for you, such as an exciting journey or attractive employment.

Merritt, Anne. “ Why Learn a Foreign Language? Benefits of Bilingualism. ” The Telegraph . Telegraph Media Group, 2013.

“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language.” Lingholic . n.p., 2014.

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  • Importance Of English Language Essay

Importance of English Language Essay

500+ words essay on the importance of the english language.

English plays a dominant role in almost all fields in the present globalized world. In the twenty-first century, the entire world has become narrow, accessible, sharable and familiar for all people as English is used as a common language. It has been accepted globally by many countries. This essay highlights the importance of English as a global language. It throws light on how travel and tourism, and entertainment fields benefit by adopting English as their principal language of communication. The essay also highlights the importance of English in education and employment.

Language is the primary source of communication. It is the method through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. There are thousands of languages in the world, and every country has its national language. In the global world, the importance of English cannot be denied and ignored. English serves the purpose of the common language. It helps maintain international relationships in science, technology, business, education, travel, tourism and so on. It is the language used mainly by scientists, business organizations, the internet, and higher education and tourism.

Historical background of the English Language

English was initially the language of England, but due to the British Empire in many countries, English has become the primary or secondary language in former British colonies such as Canada, the United States, Sri Lanka, India and Australia, etc. Currently, English is the primary language of not only countries actively touched by British imperialism, but also many business and cultural spheres dominated by those countries. 67 countries have English as their official language, and 27 countries have English as their secondary language.

Reasons for Learning the English Language

Learning English is important, and people all over the world decide to study it as a second language. Many countries have included English as a second language in their school syllabus, so children start learning English at a young age. At the university level, students in many countries study almost all their subjects in English in order to make the material more accessible to international students. English remains a major medium of instruction in schools and universities. There are large numbers of books that are written in the English language. Many of the latest scientific discoveries are documented in English.

English is the language of the Internet. Knowing English gives access to over half the content on the Internet. Knowing how to read English will allow access to billions of pages of information that may not be otherwise available. With a good understanding and communication in English, we can travel around the globe. Knowing English increases the chances of getting a good job in a multinational company. Research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English, and many international companies expect employees to be fluent in English. Many of the world’s top films, books and music are produced in English. Therefore, by learning English, we will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to build a great cultural understanding.

English is one of the most used and dominant languages in the world. It has a bright future, and it helps connect us to the global world. It also helps us in our personal and professional life. Although learning English can be challenging and time-consuming, we see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions on English language Essay

Why is the language english popular.

English has 26 alphabets and is easier to learn when compared to other complex languages.

Is English the official language of India?

India has two official languages Hindi and English. Other than that these 22 other regional languages are also recognised and spoken widely.

Why is learning English important?

English is spoken around the world and thus can be used as an effective language for communication.

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Why Education is Important: why is Education Important?

This essay about the fundamental role of education explores how it acts as a guiding light for humanity, offering enlightenment and personal empowerment. It highlights education’s impact on individual potential, societal development, economic growth, cultural preservation, and democratic engagement. By equipping people with critical thinking skills and a respect for diversity, education fosters a more inclusive and prosperous society. The essay underscores education as a transformative force essential for progress and shaping a better future.

How it works

Education stands as the guiding star steering humanity through the labyrinth of knowledge, unveiling pathways to realms both familiar and unexplored. Its significance transcends the mere accumulation of facts and figures; rather, it lies in the nurturing of intellects and the enrichment of spirits. From the ancient sages pondering the enigmas of the cosmos to contemporary scholars probing the frontiers of science, education has served as the beacon of progress and enlightenment throughout history.

At its core, education is the cornerstone of individual empowerment, granting individuals the agency to forge their own destinies, transcend barriers, and reach for loftier aspirations.

Armed with quality education, individuals are endowed with the acumen to navigate the intricacies of the world, adapt to evolving circumstances, and seize opportunities that would otherwise elude them.

Moreover, education forms the bedrock of flourishing societies, fostering social cohesion, nurturing civic participation, and instilling a sense of belonging among populace. Through education, individuals cultivate an appreciation for diversity, learn to respect differing perspectives, and collaborate towards shared objectives, laying the groundwork for a more harmonious and inclusive societal fabric.

Furthermore, education serves as the engine propelling economic prosperity and innovation forward. It ignites the flames of entrepreneurship, nurtures creativity, and propels technological advancement, serving as the catalyst for societal progress. With a well-educated populace, nations can unlock their full economic potential, stimulate job creation, and foster sustainable development, lifting multitudes out of poverty and towards a brighter horizon.

Additionally, education plays a pivotal role in the preservation of cultural heritage, ensuring the transmission of knowledge across generations and safeguarding traditions, languages, and customs that embody our collective identity. Through education, individuals gain a deeper understanding of their roots, fostering pride in their heritage and celebrating the rich tapestry of human diversity.

Moreover, education stands as the cornerstone of democracy and human rights, empowering informed citizens to actively participate in civic affairs, advocate for their rights, and hold governing bodies accountable. It equips individuals with the critical thinking skills necessary to discern truth from falsehood, challenge injustice, and champion societal change, thereby amplifying the voices of all members of society.

In conclusion, education emerges as the great equalizer, catalyzing progress, and laying the foundation for a just and prosperous society. It transcends the realm of mere instruction to become a transformative journey of self-discovery, enlightenment, and metamorphosis. As we endeavor to sculpt a better world, let us never underestimate the profound influence of education in shaping minds, uplifting communities, and charting the course towards a brighter tomorrow.


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Why Education Is Important: Why Is Education Important?. (2024, Apr 29). Retrieved from

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"Why Education Is Important: Why Is Education Important?.", Apr 29, 2024. Accessed May 1, 2024.

"Why Education Is Important: Why Is Education Important?," , 29-Apr-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-May-2024] (2024). Why Education Is Important: Why Is Education Important? . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 1-May-2024]

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Fact Sheet on FTC’s Proposed Final Noncompete Rule


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The following outline provides a high-level overview of the FTC’s proposed final rule :

  • Specifically, the final rule provides that it is an unfair method of competition—and therefore a violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act—for employers to enter into noncompetes with workers after the effective date.
  • Fewer than 1% of workers are estimated to be senior executives under the final rule.
  • Specifically, the final rule defines the term “senior executive” to refer to workers earning more than $151,164 annually who are in a “policy-making position.”
  • Reduced health care costs: $74-$194 billion in reduced spending on physician services over the next decade.
  • New business formation: 2.7% increase in the rate of new firm formation, resulting in over 8,500 additional new businesses created each year.
  • This reflects an estimated increase of about 3,000 to 5,000 new patents in the first year noncompetes are banned, rising to about 30,000-53,000 in the tenth year.
  • This represents an estimated increase of 11-19% annually over a ten-year period.
  • The average worker’s earnings will rise an estimated extra $524 per year. 

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‘He Is Our Sinatra’: Lin-Manuel Miranda on Why Marc Anthony — and His New Album, ‘Muevense’ — Are So Important (EXCLUSIVE)

By Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda

  • Lin-Manuel Miranda Is Hopeful for Broadway’s Return 3 years ago
  • Lin-Manuel Miranda on the Public Theater That Oskar Eustis Built 7 years ago

Marc Anthony / Lin-Manuel Miranda

New York City is filled with Latin music icons, and legendary singer Marc Anthony and “Hamilton” / “In the Heights”/ “Encanto” composer Lin-Manuel Miranda are two in a long and illustrious legacy. With Anthony’s new album “Muevense” arriving this Friday — and him performing his new single, “Ale, Ale,” at the Latin American Music Awards tonight on Univision — Miranda took the time to pay tribute to “our Sinatra”: the man whose music, as you’ll see below, was the soundtrack to so much of his life.

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It may have been your last Spring Break with your friends, screaming “Voy a reír, voy a bailar…” at the top of your lungs. It may have been blasting “No Me Conoces” during your first heartbreak (“Y AHORA RESULTA QUE NO SOY SUFICIENTE PARA TI, WHOAAA…” you sang to that empty bedroom). Or walking down the aisle to “Vivir Lo Nuestro”/ “Nadie Como Ella,” too many classics to count.

Here’s my Marc Anthony Story. My first album was “Otra Nota,” which I purchased at Nobody Beats The Wiz with my 13th birthday money in 1993, because “Palabras Del Alma” was already so inescapable that I had to hear the rest of the album. Even as a teenager, I knew that the passion and depth in this young man’s voice was beyond anything I’d ever heard in salsa. It forced me to double down on learning to dance salsa, so that by the time “Todo A Su Tiempo” came out in 1995, I was ready to tear up the dance floor at Mayra Linares’ quinceañera with all her gorgeous friends.

I was at the New York Puerto Rican Day Parade in 1997, watching Marc Anthony on the main stage on 86th Street and 5th Avenue, when Tito Puente came by on a passing float. He pointed at Marc, jumped down from his parade float, and took to the mainstage for a blistering timbale solo on the song already in progress, a passing of the torch I’ll never forget.

I went to see Marc Anthony’s Broadway debut in “The Capeman” that same year, and sang “Adios Hermanos” with my friends at graduation.

My mother reports that after she dropped me, her youngest child, off to college in 1998, she listened to “Contra La Corriente” for a month straight. “’YO TRATO, TRATO, TRATO, PERO NO TE OLVIDO…’ Lin-Manuel, I was so depressed at our empty nest and that album got me through it.”

When my son Francisco was born, Marc’s voice was singing on our childbirth playlist: “Si te vas, si te vaaas…”

I could go on, but these notes only have so much space.

All this to say, a new Marc Anthony album is always cause for celebration, and it speaks to the timelessness and consistency of his voice and his musical collaborators that at any moment you can turn on any radio station and within the same commercial-free music block, hear a song he recorded last year next to a song he recorded 30 years ago. He is our Sinatra, and when we hear him, we also hear the echoes of all the unforgettable moments in our own lives.

And now here comes “MUEVENSE,” a new soundtrack for the next chapter in Marc’s life and ours. The blistering title track, “Muevense,” which is all over ONE CHORD, but contains a universe of syncopation and will flood all dance floors. An ex-lover classic in “Punta Cana,” which joins “No Me Conoces,” “Hasta Ayer” and “Y Hubo Alguien” in the pantheon of “You Broke Up With Me and You’ll Always Regret It.”  But “I’m Thriving” anthems, now in bachata mode! “Si Te Enamoro,” headed for your next wedding playlist immediately. “Ojala Te Duela,” a historic foray into mariachi with the great Pepe Aguilar, and confirms what we have always known: that lágrima in Marc’s voice transcends styles and musical boundaries. “En La Distancia,” by the great Colombian songwriter Fonseca, has one of the most exciting musical builds in Marc’s discography. “Ale Ale” is as close to a valedictory speech as you’ll ever hear Marc give, his “My Way.” “A Donde Vamos A Parar” is the breakup/crying on the dancefloor jam you’ve been waiting for, written by Marc’s namesake, the legendary Marco Antonio Solís. The album’s closer, “Amarte A La Antigua,” has the craziest held note into a key change you’ve ever heard, and will be a staple in our lives for years to come.

Thank you, Marc.  Every new album is a promise of more life, more music, and more memories, and “Muevense” is up there with your best. See the rest of you on the dance floor.

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Juvenile Detention: Many Youth Face Long Stays in Facility Designed for Short-Term Support

Published april 24, 2024.

King County does not have structures in place to consistently meet the varied needs of youth in secure detention at the Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center (CCFJC). Due to policy changes at the state and local level, King County holds fewer youth in secure detention today, on average, than it did five years ago. As a result, the youth that are there face more serious charges and stay longer. However, CCFJC secure detention is designed for short-term stays and the support provided there does not meet the educational, enrichment, and mental health needs of youth with long periods of detention. Further, staffing shortages present operational challenges that result in youth spending more time confined to their cells. Youth report experiencing boredom, uncertainty, and stress during their time housed in secure detention. Despite ongoing efforts to end secure detention for youth in King County, youth will continue to be held at CCFJC for at least the next four years — and some for longer. We make recommendations to address gaps in care for youth in secure detention in King County.

Audit Highlights

What we found expand_more.

The average amount of time youth spend in secure detention in the Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center (CCFJC) while waiting for their cases to resolve has grown over time. Overall, the average length of stay for youth in secure detention tripled between 2017 and mid-2023, increasing from 12 days to 39 days. Over 200 youth had stays longer than 100 days in secure detention. While lengths of stay are long for youth facing adult charges, we found that lengths of stay are also growing for youth facing juvenile charges. Secure detention at CCFJC is designed for short-term stays, and the support provided there does not meet the educational, enrichment, and mental health needs of youth facing long periods of detention. King County does not provide long-term mental health programs to those in secure detention, nor does it offer behavior or substance abuse treatment or job training. In addition, low staffing levels have led to shortened school periods, canceled enrichment sessions, and more cell time for youth, which increases their stress levels. The Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention (DAJD) has attempted several hiring pushes over the last two years with some success, but negative culture and lack of a mechanism for positive performance improvement make continuous improvement difficult.

Youth shared concerns about the living conditions within CCFJC secure detention, disruptions to daily routines, and limited visitation. According to youth, these challenges can cause stress and increase the risk of violence and mental health-related incidents in the facility.

What We Recommend expand_more

We make recommendations for King County to address the therapeutic and skills development needs of youth held in secure detention for long lengths of stay. We also make recommendations to DAJD management to make operational changes such as modifying its housing classification system, providing performance reviews and coaching opportunities between staff and supervisors, and improving youth access to the independent grievance process available through the Office of the Ombuds.

Why This Audit is Important expand_more

Although the King County Executive has been working toward ending youth detention, the County Executive’s Care and Closure Advisory Committee has pushed this goal back to 2028, at the earliest, for youth facing juvenile charges, and likely beyond that for youth facing adult charges. Therefore, youth will continue to be held in secure detention at CCFJC for the time being. These youth have increasingly long lengths of stay and complex therapeutic needs that the status quo is not addressing — particularly for youth facing adult charges. Without the appropriate services to meet their needs in a timely manner, youth in secure detention can face negative long-term impacts to their wellbeing.

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Guest Essay

Why Is the Supreme Court Making an Easy Case Related to Jan. 6 Rioters Hard?

An illustration of people marching in Washington. In the center, a huge hand with palm open emerges from a judge’s robes, apparently signaling the marchers to stop.

By Randall D. Eliason

Mr. Eliason is a former chief of the fraud and public corruption section at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.

Imagine that during a Supreme Court argument, protesters angry about the case storm the court building. The mob breaks doors and windows and assaults security officers while forcing its way into the chamber. Some shout that they want to hang the chief justice. The justices and attorneys are forced to flee for their lives. It’s several hours before law enforcement secures the building and the argument can resume.

Has the court proceeding been obstructed or impeded? That doesn’t seem like a difficult question. But that’s essentially what the Supreme Court heard debated in arguments last week in Fischer v. United States , a case challenging a law being used to prosecute hundreds of people, including Donald Trump, for the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

Joseph Fischer is charged with being part of the mob that rioted at the Capitol, forcing members of Congress to flee and disrupting the electoral vote count. Along with assaulting police officers and other charges, he is charged under 18 U.S.C. 1512(c), which provides:

(c) Whoever corruptly — (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Prosecutors charge that by participating in the Capitol riot, Mr. Fischer corruptly obstructed and impeded the joint congressional proceeding to certify the election, in violation of 1512(c)(2). More than 300 other Jan. 6 rioters have faced the same charge. In the D.C. federal indictment of Mr. Trump, two of the four counts also rely on this statute, alleging that through his actions leading up to and on Jan. 6, he conspired to and did obstruct the congressional proceeding.

Jan. 6 defendants have repeatedly challenged the use of 1512(c) in their prosecutions. More than a dozen federal judges in Washington have rejected those challenges. But in Mr. Fischer’s case, a Trump-appointed judge, Carl Nichols, concluded the statute must be limited to obstructive acts involving documents, records or other objects. Because Mr. Fischer wasn’t charged with impairing the availability or integrity of any physical evidence, Judge Nichols dismissed the charge.

Prosecutors appealed. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit reversed and reinstated the charge, with one judge — also a Trump appointee — dissenting. The Supreme Court is reviewing that decision.

The language of the statute seems clear. Subsection 1 prohibits obstructing a proceeding by tampering with physical evidence, and Subsection 2 is a catchall, backstop provision that prohibits “otherwise” obstructing a proceeding by means not encompassed by Subsection 1. Connected by the word “or,” they define alternative ways to violate the statute. You have to struggle pretty hard to find any ambiguity here.

As the majority in the D.C. Circuit held, that should be the end of the matter. In describing the D.C. Circuit dissent, Judge Florence Pan borrowed a line from an earlier Supreme Court case to say that it seemed like “elaborate efforts to avoid the most natural reading of the text.” After all, textualism — relying on the plain text of a statute and the common understanding of its terms — is the favored method of statutory interpretation today, especially among conservatives.

Despite the plain language of the law, Mr. Fischer and his supporters argue it should be limited based on the reason behind its passage. During the Enron scandal in the early 2000s, the prosecution of the accounting giant Arthur Andersen for shredding an enormous number of documents was hamstrung by weaknesses in the existing obstruction laws. Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002, which included section 1512(c), in response to that scandal. Mr. Fischer claims the statute must therefore be limited based on Congress’s intent to respond to crimes involving evidence impairment.

But as Justice Elena Kagan noted during oral arguments, that’s not what the statute says. As she also pointed out, Congress easily could have written the statute that way if that was what it meant.

Limiting the statute as Mr. Fischer proposes would lead to absurd outcomes. Members of a violent mob who shut down a proceeding would not be guilty of obstructing that proceeding. But if in the process they happened to damage an exhibit, the statute would apply. Filing a false affidavit in a proceeding would be covered, even if it had no effect at all; violently halting the entire proceeding would not.

There’s no reason Congress would pass a law that makes such irrational distinctions. Congress might have been motivated by document shredding during the Enron scandal, but it sensibly responded by passing a statute that bars all obstruction, not one that prohibits certain types of obstruction while condoning others.

Nevertheless, Jan. 6 defendants maintain the court must disregard the statute’s clear language based on fears about how it might be applied. They argue that if the law is not limited to evidence impairment, prosecutors might target trivial offenses or otherwise protected activities, like lobbying or peaceful protests.

Several of the conservative justices seemed sympathetic to this argument. Justice Neil Gorsuch, for example, questioned whether a sit-in that disrupts a trial or heckler at the State of the Union address would violate the law. Pointing to such supposed dangers, Fischer’s counsel, Jeffrey Green, urged the court not to unleash this sweeping new prosecutorial power.

Except it’s not new. Section 1512(c) has been on the books for more than 20 years. Another federal statute that prohibits the corrupt obstruction of congressional proceedings has been around since the 1940s. If prosecutors were itching to prosecute peaceful protesters and legitimate lobbyists for felony obstruction, they’ve had the tools for decades. And yet we haven’t seen those cases.

As Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar pointed out, that’s because “inherent constraints” built into the statute — chiefly the requirement of corrupt intent — limit its reach. It’s true there are many nonviolent and lawful ways to influence a proceeding. But only those for which prosecutors can prove corrupt intent beyond a reasonable doubt risk running afoul of the law. That’s why, as General Prelogar noted, out of more than 1,300 Capitol rioters prosecuted so far, only about one-fourth — generally the most violent, egregious offenders — have been charged under 1512(c).

Mr. Fischer also argues that Section 1512(c) has never been used in a similar case and that this proves the statute does not apply to the events of Jan. 6. But all this really demonstrates is that unprecedented crimes lead to unprecedented prosecutions. As Justice Sonia Sotomayor observed, because we’ve never had an event like Jan. 6 before, “I’m not sure what a lack of history proves.”

The use of a relevant, clearly applicable obstruction law to prosecute the unique events of Jan. 6 does not mean prosecutors will suddenly abandon the discretion and judgment they’ve used for decades when applying the law to more routine cases, any more than prosecuting Mr. Trump for those events means that criminal prosecutions of former presidents will become routine.

It would be foolish to ignore the plain language of the statute to excuse the Capitol rioters based on feared abuses that live only in the imaginations of those seeking to avoid liability.

Even if the Supreme Court agrees that 1512(c) is limited to obstruction involving evidence impairment, the charges against Mr. Trump will probably survive. Prosecutors can argue that attempting to submit slates of phony electors and efforts to have the real ballots discarded constituted evidence-based obstruction. Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Ketanji Brown Jackson both raised that possibility during the argument, although without referring to Mr. Trump’s case.

But a ruling for Mr. Fischer would call into question the convictions, guilty pleas and prosecutions of scores of other Jan. 6 defendants. And it would provide an unjustified rallying cry for those who protest that the Justice Department has overreached when prosecuting Jan. 6 defendants.

Such a disruptive ruling is possible only if the court goes out of its way to disregard the statutory language and create ambiguity where none exists. If the Supreme Court stays true to its textualist principles, this is an easy case.

Randall D. Eliason is a former chief of the fraud and public corruption section at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and teaches white-collar criminal law at George Washington University Law School. He blogs at Sidebars .

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  29. Juvenile Detention: Many Youth Face Long Stays in ...

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    United States, a case challenging a law being used to prosecute hundreds of people, including Donald Trump, for the events of Jan. 6, 2021. Joseph Fischer is charged with being part of the mob ...