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by Cheryl C. Cox, EducationNC September 8, 2020

This <a target="_blank" href="https://www.ednc.org/perspective-helping-students-explore-discover-and-prepare-for-a-career/">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="https://www.ednc.org">EducationNC</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="https://www.ednc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/cropped-logo-square-512-150x150.png" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;"><img id="republication-tracker-tool-source" src="https://www.ednc.org/?republication-pixel=true&post=119227" style="width:1px;height:1px;">

work based education officer

Fall. That time of year when students begin their return to classrooms throughout the country.

For many students, the excitement of knowing that their graduation year is near is a complex emotion. Happiness, excitement, nervousness, and angst pull at the body and mind in diverse ways. A new beginning for the future lies just around the corner that can be both exciting and uncertain. Excitement for the next steps that life is bringing as well as feelings of hope, but also feelings of uncertainty for what that vision might really look like or how one goes about achieving that dream or goal.

Walk back in time with me a moment and reflect on your high school years.

Do you recall those years? Reflect on all the questions from parents, friends, relatives, teachers, counselors, youth leaders, and peers. Everyone wanted you to give them answers about your future, and they expected you to know immediately what your future would look like. You are a 17- or 18-year-old in high school, and it appears everyone thinks you are ready for adulthood.

They seem to think you should be ready to go out into this big old world and fly… and fly soon … like in just a few short months. Almost daily you are being asked, “What are your plans for your future? What will you do after graduation? What do you want to do for a living? Where are you going to school? How will you pay for your college or training?”

If you were like many of us, you were screaming in your mind, “WAIT! Stop. … Is there an Adulting 101 class I missed? I just want to enjoy high school! When do I apply for college? How do I really know what I want to do with my life? When is graduation? I don’t know what I want to do! I am going to college … but I don’t know about my career! I have no idea about career goals and my life ‘road map!’ I am just trying to ‘map out’ of high school.”

Sound familiar? For many students, these questions have existed for generations of time. Thankfully, over 900,000 North Carolina Career and Technical Education (CTE) students have many choices to help them explore the vast array of careers and help them decide firsthand if that career is a good choice for them.

CTE students start in middle school exploring and discovering career interests and inventories so that by the high school years, a more defined and concrete pathway can be built. This well-defined “road map” or “GPS” allows students to zoom in on the needed education and industry prerequisites, allowing for a successful, lucrative, and purposeful career.

The end result is years of schooling, time, and money not wasted on a career that is not aligned to one’s talents and abilities or a job that one does not enjoy or like.

How does CTE help students know what career is best for them? How does CTE help eliminate time and monetary resources from being wasted? The secret is in exploration, preparation, discovery, and work-based learning.

For many CTE students, the excitement is experienced in new ways, new concepts, and new environments. Classrooms today have a very different feel than in past years. Learning takes place in industry settings, giving students firsthand glimpses of what a career looks and feels like in a specific career pathway.

Internships and apprenticeships help students see firsthand the importance of preparation and education by doing and being a part of an industry – not just reading about it in a textbook. Work-based learning is a major focus for students, bringing enthusiasm, excitement, and a real-life view of the world of work. The work-based learning experiences offered in North Carolina schools through CTE programs connect learning to the textbook while helping students understand the “why” of what they have learned over the past 13 years.

My internship in high school was probably the most beneficial class to my career. I built relationships that led to recommendations for school and other jobs after that. It allowed me to get my foot in the door and know if I really wanted to pursue the career or not, while giving me real world experience as well. – Hannah Grubba, high school intern in Wake County Public School System. Currently works as a restaurant/pastry chef at the North Carolina Museum of Art .
Interning as a high school student was the most impactful use of a term I had. In addition to teaching me technical small business skills (inventory, management, networking, customer obsession, small business finances), interning at “Table of Contents” also sparked in me a great period of creativity and entrepreneurship and provided me a mentor for life. Transitioning into college was easier, and I was able to apply supply chain classroom topics to my time as an intern for small business in order to facilitate learning. – Shane Slider, high school intern in Wake County Public School System. Currently works at Amazon.
Take full advantage of the internship opportunity that is offered of you and earned. Having an internship in high school is very impressive to any potential employer. It will also give you an idea of what to expect at any future job opportunities. Besides the internship, having the fundamentals of business down will help you with the more demanding coursework of any collegiate course. Blake Hooks, high school intern at Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. Currently works as a senior supply chain consultant at Sunrise Technologies.

Connecting the pieces of the puzzle is essential for students’ success and growth. There is no career that cannot be experienced or shadowed if given the chance and opportunity. Sometimes that career pathway is a hobby or an interest that is channeled into a livelihood and successful career.

Because of our business and industry partnerships, students are given opportunities never before experienced or made possible. Employers play an integral and important role in building a strong workforce pipeline. Educators, employers, and students can benefit greatly from these partnerships.

Businesses can help develop a student work force that is motivated and well-prepared by offering work-based learning opportunities. They can participate by serving on advisory boards and committees, participating in career fairs, being guest speakers, providing internships, offering job shadowing experiences, mentoring, conducting mock interviews, giving worksite tours, and being on local work-based learning boards. Each of these unique opportunities enhance and provide needed guidance and support for work-based learning experiences for North Carolina students.

Work-based learning strategies help students connect what they are learning in the classroom with the world of work and helps prepare tomorrow’s leaders today!

Career development and promoting work-based learning has been the passion and focus of Mrs. Cox’s educational career for the past 25 years.  

Mrs. Cox has vast knowledge of cooperate as well as educational settings.  Having begun her early career as an educational software and hardware vendor she quickly saw the need to connect with teachers and students to help them navigate the many technological advancements forthcoming. The pull to be front and center with students to help them meet these challenges led her straight into the classroom. Mrs. Cox has served in both the K-12 and postsecondary environments. Her former roles as a classroom teacher, adjunct professor, Career Development & Special Populations Coordinator,  School-to-Career and Academy Director helped lead her to her present position as the Work-based Learning Consultant for the NC Department of Public Instruction in Career and Technical Education. 

Mrs. Cox offers practical experiences and knowledge for multiple audiences and stakeholders. The knowledge for career development and fostering joint partnerships is evident in her daily life and work.  Her insightful enthusiasm for bringing together all stake holders; businesses, educators, parents and students to help promote Career and Technical Education is her passion and her life goal. Her dream of promoting and increasing student opportunities via apprenticeships and internships is being seen throughout North Carolina by the large percentage of students participating and enrolling in work-based learning. 

Her dream and goal to help  all  students be career ready in NC is heard loud and clear from the mountains to the shores of our great state.

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Apprenticeships: A path from high school to middle-skill jobs

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Berks Career & Technology Center

Work Based Education

The Work Based Education program provides the following opportunities for students to learn in an actual employment setting:

Cooperative Education (Co-Op) and Capstone

Cooperative Education (Co-Op) and Capstone is designed to be a Capstone or culminating skill development program option. It is a unique plan of education that integrates classroom learning with supervised work experience in the business community. Eligible students apply for part-time employment in areas related to their chosen fields of study. Students work at approved training sites with written training plans. Eligibility to participate in co-op is determined based on grades, completion of all required industry certifications related to their program of study, attendance, and a recommendation from the BCTC instructor. Co-op provides an excellent transition from high school to the world-of-work.


Internships are available during the summer months and school year at selected approved sites. These short-term experiences provide opportunities for students to practice skills and learn about the requirements of the workplace.  They may be paid or unpaid experiences, depending on the site.

Clinical Experiences

Clinical experiences are available to students enrolled in the Cosmetology, Dental Occupations, Health Occupations, Health-Related Technology, Medical Health Professions, Early Childhood Education, and Protective Services programs. They are intended to provide valuable hands-on experiences and observation of professionals. Clinical experience takes students into the actual workplace for a short period of time, whereby they perform day-to-day operations and job functions. Students must meet eligibility requirements to participate.

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is a short-term observation experience whereby students accompany workers as they go about their day performing duties in their everyday work environment. Students benefit from seeing work as it is performed in actual employment situations and enjoy learning firsthand from adults who have careers in a variety of occupational fields. The program is designed to give students a better understanding of their career focus and help them in making career decisions.

Volunteer Work Experiences

Volunteer work experiences may be provided to students to supplement their CTE programs.  Students may receive credit for this experience toward their course grade.

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Becoming a Community Education Officer: A Guide to the Role and Responsibilities

Huzzle Author Charlie

Aspiring to become a Community Education Officer in the UK? This guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role, the path to becoming a Community Education Officer, the importance of their work, the challenges they face, and the exciting opportunities for career growth. Whether you are a student exploring career options or an individual looking to make a career change, this guide will provide you with invaluable insights into this rewarding profession.

Understanding the Role of a Community Education Officer

A Community Education Officer plays a crucial role in the educational development and wellbeing of local communities. Their primary responsibility is to coordinate and deliver educational initiatives aimed at fostering community engagement and personal growth. Let's delve into some key duties and responsibilities of these dedicated professionals.

Community Education Officers are involved in various activities and initiatives that have a direct impact on communities. They are the driving force behind educational programs that are tailored to the specific needs of the community. These programs are designed to address the educational gaps and challenges faced by individuals within the community.

One of the key responsibilities of a Community Education Officer is building partnerships with local schools , colleges, and community organizations. By forging these partnerships, they enhance access to quality education for community members. These partnerships also provide opportunities for collaboration and resource-sharing, ensuring that educational initiatives are well-rounded and comprehensive.

Providing support and guidance to individuals seeking educational opportunities is another vital aspect of a Community Education Officer's role. They serve as a source of information and assistance, helping individuals navigate through the educational system and identify suitable learning pathways. Whether it's helping someone enroll in a course or providing guidance on career choices, Community Education Officers play a pivotal role in empowering individuals to pursue their educational goals.

In addition to their day-to-day responsibilities, Community Education Officers also organize workshops, events, and educational campaigns to promote community participation. These initiatives aim to engage community members in educational activities and create a sense of ownership and pride in their own learning journeys. By fostering a culture of lifelong learning, Community Education Officers contribute to the overall development and growth of the community.

Required Skills and Competencies

Effective Community Education Officers possess a diverse range of skills and competencies to succeed in their role. Here are some essential qualities to develop:

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills are crucial for Community Education Officers to engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds. They must be able to effectively communicate information, listen to the needs of community members, and build relationships based on trust and respect.
  • Organizational and leadership skills are essential for planning and coordinating educational initiatives. Community Education Officers must be able to manage multiple projects, set goals, and mobilize resources to ensure the successful implementation of educational programs.
  • Empathy and understanding are key qualities for creating inclusive learning environments. Community Education Officers must be able to recognize and address the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals within the community. By fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere, they create opportunities for everyone to thrive.
  • Problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities are vital for Community Education Officers to address the unique challenges faced by communities. They must be able to analyze complex situations, identify barriers to education, and develop innovative solutions to overcome them. By thinking critically, they can adapt their strategies to meet the evolving needs of the community.

The Path to Becoming a Community Education Officer

Embarking on the journey to become a Community Education Officer requires a combination of educational qualifications and relevant work experience . Let's explore the key requirements in further detail.

Community Education Officers play a crucial role in empowering communities and promoting lifelong learning. They work closely with individuals and groups to identify educational needs, develop programs, and facilitate access to educational resources. If you are passionate about making a difference in people's lives through education, this career path might be the perfect fit for you.

Educational Requirements

To enter this field, most employers seek candidates with a degree in Education, Social Work, or a related field. A degree in Community Development can also be beneficial, providing a solid foundation in understanding the needs and dynamics of communities.

During your studies, you will delve into various subjects such as educational psychology, curriculum development, and community engagement strategies. These courses will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively engage with diverse communities and address their educational needs.

Additionally, gaining practical experience through internships or volunteering can make you a competitive candidate. Participating in community-oriented projects during your studies demonstrates your commitment and passion for community education. It also allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-life settings, further enhancing your understanding of community dynamics.

Relevant Work Experience

Obtaining relevant work experience is crucial to develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the role. Consider opportunities such as:

  • Working as a teaching assistant or mentor in educational institutions: This will give you firsthand experience in assisting students with their learning and development. You will learn valuable classroom management skills and gain insights into the educational system.
  • Getting involved in community outreach programs: Engaging with community organizations and participating in outreach programs will allow you to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds. This experience will help you understand the unique needs and barriers faced by different communities.
  • Volunteering with organizations that focus on empowering communities: By volunteering with organizations that prioritize community empowerment, you will have the opportunity to contribute to educational initiatives and witness the positive impact they can have on individuals and communities.

This practical experience will not only enhance your skills but also demonstrate your commitment to community education. Employers value candidates who have a genuine passion for making a difference and actively seek opportunities to engage with communities.

As you progress in your career as a Community Education Officer, you will continue to expand your knowledge and skills through professional development opportunities. These may include attending conferences, workshops, and seminars related to community education and social work.

Remember, becoming a Community Education Officer is a rewarding and fulfilling journey. It requires dedication, empathy, and a genuine desire to empower individuals and communities through education. By combining your educational qualifications with relevant work experience, you will be well-prepared to make a positive impact in this important field.

The Importance of Community Education Officers

Community Education Officers play a vital role in shaping the education landscape within their respective communities. Let's explore the significance of their work:

Impact on Local Education

By working closely with local schools and colleges, Community Education Officers contribute to enhancing the quality of education and broadening access to educational opportunities. They identify the specific needs of the community and develop programs to address those needs, ensuring that education is accessible to all.

One of the key ways in which Community Education Officers impact local education is by collaborating with educational institutions to develop innovative teaching methods. They conduct research and gather feedback from teachers, students, and parents to identify areas where improvements can be made. Based on their findings, they design and implement programs that cater to the diverse learning needs of the community.

Furthermore, Community Education Officers also play a crucial role in bridging the gap between schools and the wider community. They organize workshops, seminars, and community events that promote education and encourage active participation from parents and community members. By fostering a sense of shared responsibility for education, they create a supportive environment that benefits both students and educators.

Influence on Community Development

Community Education Officers foster community development by promoting lifelong learning and personal growth. Through educational initiatives and engagement programs, they empower individuals to improve their lives, develop new skills, and contribute to the overall social and economic development of their communities.

One of the ways in which Community Education Officers influence community development is by organizing vocational training programs. These programs provide individuals with the opportunity to acquire practical skills that are in demand in the job market. By equipping community members with relevant skills, they enhance employability and contribute to reducing unemployment rates within the community.

In addition to vocational training, Community Education Officers also focus on promoting literacy and numeracy skills among community members of all ages. They organize literacy campaigns, establish community libraries, and facilitate adult education programs. By improving literacy rates, they empower individuals to actively participate in the social, economic, and political aspects of their communities.

Furthermore, Community Education Officers often collaborate with local businesses and organizations to create internship and apprenticeship programs. These programs provide valuable hands-on experience to individuals, allowing them to develop practical skills and gain exposure to different industries. By fostering partnerships between educational institutions and the local community, Community Education Officers contribute to the overall growth and prosperity of the community.

Challenges Faced by Community Education Officers

While the role of a Community Education Officer is immensely rewarding, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Let's explore some common challenges faced by these dedicated professionals:

Dealing with Diverse Community Needs

Communities are diverse, and each has its own unique needs and requirements. Community Education Officers must navigate these complexities to ensure that their educational initiatives cater to the specific challenges faced by different groups within the community.

For example, in a multicultural community, the officer may need to consider language barriers and cultural sensitivities when designing educational programs. They may need to collaborate with translators or community leaders to effectively communicate important information.

Additionally, socioeconomic disparities within a community can pose challenges. Some individuals may lack access to resources or face financial constraints that hinder their participation in educational programs. Community Education Officers must find innovative ways to address these barriers and ensure inclusivity.

Balancing Administrative and Field Work

Community Education Officers have a multifaceted role that involves both administrative tasks and direct engagement with the community. Finding the right balance between paperwork and face-to-face interactions can be challenging, but it is crucial to deliver effective and impactful educational programs.

Administrative tasks may include program planning, budgeting, grant writing, and reporting. These responsibilities require attention to detail and organizational skills. However, spending too much time behind a desk can limit the officer's ability to build relationships and connect with the community.

On the other hand, field work allows Community Education Officers to directly interact with community members, understand their needs, and build trust. This may involve conducting workshops, organizing community events, or facilitating group discussions. However, the demands of field work can be physically and emotionally draining, requiring the officer to be resilient and adaptable.

Striking a balance between administrative duties and field work is essential for Community Education Officers to effectively serve their communities while ensuring the smooth operation of their programs.

Career Growth and Opportunities for Community Education Officers

The field of community education offers exciting opportunities for career growth and professional development. Let's explore some potential career paths and avenues for continued growth:

Community Education Officers can progress into various roles within the education sector, such as:

  • Educational Program Manager
  • Community Development Officer
  • Social Services Coordinator

These roles allow professionals to continue making a positive impact in their communities while expanding their leadership and management skills.

As an Educational Program Manager, Community Education Officers can take on a more strategic role in designing and implementing educational programs. They will have the opportunity to collaborate with various stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and community leaders, to create innovative and effective learning experiences for students. This role requires strong organizational and communication skills, as well as a deep understanding of educational theories and practices.

Community Development Officers focus on fostering positive change within communities. They work closely with local organizations, government agencies, and residents to identify and address community needs. In this role, Community Education Officers can leverage their knowledge of educational programs and resources to develop initiatives that promote lifelong learning and empower individuals to reach their full potential. This position requires excellent interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to navigate complex community dynamics.

Social Services Coordinators play a crucial role in connecting individuals and families with the support and resources they need. Community Education Officers who transition into this role can utilize their understanding of community education to advocate for equitable access to education, healthcare, housing, and other essential services. They work closely with social workers, counselors, and other professionals to develop comprehensive support plans and ensure that individuals receive the assistance they require. This position requires empathy, problem-solving skills, and a strong commitment to social justice.

Continuing education and professional development are essential for Community Education Officers to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices. Pursuing advanced degrees, attending workshops and conferences, and obtaining relevant certifications can enhance your knowledge and expertise, opening doors to new opportunities.

By pursuing an advanced degree in education, such as a Master's or Doctorate, Community Education Officers can deepen their understanding of educational theories, research methodologies, and policy frameworks. This advanced knowledge can equip them with the skills needed to lead educational institutions, conduct research, or contribute to policy development at the local, regional, or national level.

Attending workshops and conferences allows Community Education Officers to network with other professionals in the field, exchange ideas, and learn about innovative practices. These events often feature renowned speakers and experts who share their insights and experiences, providing valuable inspiration and guidance. Additionally, workshops and conferences offer opportunities for professional collaboration and partnerships, which can lead to new projects and career advancements.

Obtaining relevant certifications, such as Certified Community Education Professional (CCEP) or Certified Program Manager (CPM), can demonstrate your commitment to professional excellence and enhance your credibility in the field. These certifications often require a combination of education, experience, and passing a rigorous examination. They can serve as a valuable asset when seeking new job opportunities or pursuing leadership roles within community education organizations.

Conclusion: The Rewarding Journey of a Community Education Officer

Embarking on a career as a Community Education Officer offers a fulfilling and impactful journey. By understanding the role's responsibilities, acquiring the necessary qualifications and experience, and staying committed to professional growth, you can make a meaningful difference in your community. Remember, the challenges you face are opportunities for growth, and the reward lies in positively impacting the lives of individuals and communities through education.

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Work-Based Education Officer (JSS21-09)

Who is Staffordshire University?  

We are the Connected University with 100 years of experience and ambition in becoming the UK’s foremost digital Institution. Our main campus is located in Stoke on Trent alongside our Centres of Excellence in Healthcare Education located in Stafford and Shrewsbury. Staffordshire University London’s Digital Institute is our first campus outside the Midlands.

With more than 10,000 Full Time Undergraduate and Postgraduate students on campus, we continue to drive innovation and change, aiming to positively disrupt our sector. For our university, it is about so much more than the numbers. In fact, if there’s one thing that sets us apart, it’s our people who are all #ProudToBeStaffs. Every one of our employees goes above and beyond to deliver on our connected mission, responding to the needs of our students, academic partners, businesses, and society.  

About the role

Over the past 5 years, we have transformed ourselves into a Gold standard provider of teaching and learning, gaining historically high positions in the UK league tables. With digital skills being at our core, we strive for diversity in all its forms and play an important role in our local communities and regional economies.

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated individual to join our Apprenticeship Team.   You can join us at a time when we begin the next step of our transformation journey. The new £40m Catalyst Building will deliver 6,500 new apprentices in the next decade, boosting both the local and national economy. The development of our offer to new academic areas and geographic locations will see us expand our reach and make an innovative offer to a new generation of students.

We are a university of and for our community: local, national and global. If you share our values and have the skills to deliver our vision, we want to hear from you.

The Business and Law Department is seeking to make a new appointment of a Work Based Education Officer (1.0 FTE) to join our growing team. We are pleased to receive applications from interested candidates with a strong experience of apprenticeship standards. The successful candidate will be educated ideally to degree level, you will have the ability to deliver an excellent student experience and have a commitment to pastoral care.  

You will also have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with an active willingness to learn and adapt innovative ways of working. Furthermore, you will be a team player with an enthusiastic and positive approach to work, possess excellent IT skills and have experience of working with Microsoft Office applications and Virtual learning environments.  You will be responsible for the timely and quality completion of tripartite progress reviews for apprentices. With a commitment to pastoral care the postholder will be required to quickly understand and interpret complex and challenging situations, and then work to either resolve the specific issue or provide relevant information and advice or referral. 

Due to the nature of this role, a full UK driving licence and access to a road worthy vehicle is essential as the successful candidate will be required to travel to apprentices in the workplace. 

The person we are looking for should have a sincere interest and understanding of the needs of students, and be able to communicate effectively with employers, university staff and our apprentices. 

As a member of our team, we expect you to exhibit Staffordshire University values in your ‘brilliant and friendly’ attitude and your ‘curious and daring’ approach to your students. As well as contributing to the apprenticeship learning journey you will ensure you contribute towards School’s strategic priorities.

If you believe that you have the passion and personal qualities to join this exciting team and be part of our exciting apprenticeship journey to deliver our ambitious portfolio then please apply now.  

For an informal discussion for this role, please contact: Tina Allen, Apprenticeship Programme Manager, [email protected], 07772047724

In return for your dedication, we have a competitive benefits package available

We reserve the right to close any vacancies when we are in receipt of sufficient applications. All applicants are advised to complete and submit your applications as soon as possible.

Closing Date: 26 Sep 2021 Type: Professional Support

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Teacher education, school of education partners with kenner discovery schools to create ‘teacher pipeline’.

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University of New Orleans President Kathy Johnson (far left) visits Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy, which has partnered with UNO to create a yearlong residency placement program for education majors.

University of New Orleans President Kathy Johnson (far left) visits Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy, which has partnered with UNO to create a yearlong residency placement program for education majors.

The University of New Orleans School of Education has collaborated with Kenner Discovery Schools to create a yearlong residency placement program for its education majors with the aim of creating a certified “teacher pipeline.”

“Our first cohort of residents is graduating this month,” said Melissa Nunez, UNO’s coordinator of teacher education. “We had a total of nine residents at Discovery this semester.”

Eight of the nine are seniors, and all have been offered jobs, Nunez said.

Discovery is a charter network that includes five Louisiana schools with more than 3,000 students in grades pre-K to 12.

“They have been very excited about hosting our field experiences, hosting our residents and getting them into their school to develop them as future teachers,” Nunez said. “They have been very supportive, providing extensive mentoring to our residents and really just creating that teacher pipeline.”

Louisiana requires future teachers to complete a yearlong school-based residency program under the guidance of a mentor teacher. Nunez’s job is to help place students in schools to fulfill that requirement.

The partnership with Discovery offers more placement opportunities and an additional financial perk for students. Discovery Schools offers its own stipend in addition to what the Louisiana Department of Education provides, Nunez said.

“They are trying to make residency as comfortable as possible for our students,” Nunez said.

Another bonus is that Discovery School officials are very familiar with UNO’s education curriculum as the school employs more than 100 University of New Orleans alumni, Nunez said. One of whom is Patty Glaser, chief executive officer and founding head of Kenner Discovery Schools. Glaser earned a doctorate in curriculum and instruction from UNO.

“They want our residents, and they really value our program,” Nunez said. “They really value the education that UNO provides.”

Nunez and UNO President Kathy Johnson recently visited Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy and were presented with a painting created by UNO alumnus Peter Barnitz, who is the art teacher.

“They made her a painting with the signatures of the many alumni that are employed at the schools,” Nunez said. “There are 120 faculty and staff members who graduated from UNO.”

The painting features the dual mascots of the UNO Privateer and Discovery Swamp Owl connected by a large heart.  

“We are continuing to strengthen our partnership with the school and work with them as they establish a grow-your-own-teacher pipeline,” Nunez said.

School Of Education Partners With Kenner Discovery Schools

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Director of Operations

  • Columbia University Medical Center
  • Opening on: May 15 2024
  • Job Type: Officer of Administration
  • Bargaining Unit:
  • Regular/Temporary: Regular
  • End Date if Temporary:
  • Hours Per Week: 35
  • Standard Work Schedule:
  • Salary Range: $125,000 - $140,000

Position Summary

  • The Division of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation at Columbia University Irving Medical Center is recruiting a Director of Operations for the International Initiative for Pediatrics and Nutrition (IIPAN). The individual would support the Program for advancing nutritional health in children located in low and middle-income countries. The candidate would advance IIPAN’s offers of international as well as domestic educational opportunities in academic medical institutions abroad and work closely with IIPAN’s collaborators within the World Health Organization and Ministries of Health. Current active programs are located in Central and South America, Africa, and several countries in South Asia. The director of operations will be responsible for directing the operations of IIPAN, overseeing and expanding site implementation (monitoring and evaluation), develop and oversee expansion of IIPAN’s technological imprint in the professional and lay populations, and work alongside development to grow IIPAN’s programmatic objectives. The candidate may also serve as a mentor to graduate students at CUIMC who may be interested in global health activities. The candidate will direct operations projects with the Columbia Global Centers to advance regional nutrition operations within the region.

At CUIMC, we are leaders in teaching, research, and patient care and are proud of the service and support we provide to our community. We apply the same rigor in our commitment to fostering an inclusive, thriving community and caring for our employees and their loved ones. We offer immediate eligibility and invest in our employees’ families through comprehensive  Health and Welfare ,  Employee Assistance ,  Tuition Programs , and  Retirement Benefits .

“Subject to business needs, we may support flexible and hybrid work arrangements. Options will be discussed during the interview process”


  • Direct all aspects of operations, encompassing development, marketing, events, and public relations, alongside collaboration with respective departments at CUIMC. 
  • Assess current operational structures and devise innovative processes for implementation.
  • Conceptualize and refine new workflows for implementation, while actively incorporating team member perspectives into the formulation of proposals.
  • Develop and direct cross-departmental collaboration to optimize operations and policies.
  • Develop and direct online and automated processes and new technology to enhance efficiency of operations.
  • Provide strategic direction and informed recommendations on organizational policies, resource allocation, budgetary considerations, and daily decision-making processes.
  • Spearhead comprehensive strategic planning initiatives across programs, shaping the trajectory of service delivery and operational strategies.
  • Supply budgeting, financial and staffing input to the Director for the development of proposals.
  • Direct executive management meetings and deliver comprehensive progress reports on project progress.
  • Direct and advise staff and local team members on operational issues including those relating to grants and compliance, technology, and facility needs.
  • Pioneer and manage initiatives that will enhance and advance commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Participate in Board meetings (and Committee meetings as needed) and review and provide feedback on reports to be delivered at meetings.
  • Abide by all applicable professional standards of ethics and practice adhering to CUIMC policies.
  • Performs related duties & responsibilities as assigned/requested.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in education and experience required; plus, five years of related experience.

Preferred Qualifications

  • 8-10+ years of experience progressively responsible for designing, implementing, and directing nonprofit operation workflows.
  • A passion for the organization's mission with a demonstrated history supporting international humanitarian organizations.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills with the ability to communicate with the executive leadership team, community members, and donors.
  • Experience with Microsoft Office programs, social media platforms, ticket purchasing systems, and project management software.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team setting listening to ideas from all parties.
  • Ability and willingness to travel to program sites and international meetings.
  • Demonstrated competence in working with diverse clients, client communities and organizations. Strong sense of customer service and the ability to follow through on projects and deliverables.
  • Strong coaching, teaching, training, organizational and time management skills.
  • Proven ability and willingness to work under pressure, meet tight deadlines and handle multiple tasks simultaneously while maintaining attention to detail.
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to take initiative in development and completion of projects. 

Equal Opportunity Employer / Disability / Veteran

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Commitment to Diversity 

Columbia university is dedicated to increasing diversity in its workforce, its student body, and its educational programs. achieving continued academic excellence and creating a vibrant university community require nothing less. in fulfilling its mission to advance diversity at the university, columbia seeks to hire, retain, and promote exceptionally talented individuals from diverse backgrounds.  , share this job.

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Programme support officer (p2) kinshasa, democratic republic of congo.

  • International Organization for Migration

Position Title: Programme Support Officer

Duty Station: Kinshasa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Classification: Professional Staff, Grade P2

Type of Appointment: Special short-term graded, 6 months with possibility of extension

Estimated Start Date: As soon as possible

Closing Date: 23 May 2024

Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.

IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive work environment. Read more about diversity and inclusion at IOM at www.iom.int/diversity .

Applications are welcome from first- and second-tier candidates, particularly qualified female candidates as well as applications from the non-represented member countries of IOM. For all IOM vacancies, applications from qualified and eligible first-tier candidates are considered before those of qualified and eligible second-tier candidates in the selection process.

For the purpose of this vacancy, the following are considered first-tier candidates:

  • Internal candidates
  • Candidates from the following non-represented member states:

Antigua and Barbuda; Barbados; Botswana; Cabo Verde; Comoros; Congo (the); Cook Islands; Dominica; Fiji; Guinea-Bissau; Holy See; Iceland; Kiribati; Lao People's Democratic Republic (the); Madagascar; Marshall Islands; Micronesia (Federated States of); Namibia; Nauru; Palau; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Samoa; Sao Tome and Principe; Solomon Islands; Suriname; The Bahamas; Tonga; Tuvalu; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu

Second tier candidates include:

All external candidates, except candidates from non-represented member states.

Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission (CoM) and direct supervision of the Programme Support Unit Coordinator, and in close coordination with the Head of Programmes and Projects Managers, the Programme Support Officer will provide support for the project development and reporting for all stabilization, health, and migration management projects in close coordination with the Regional Office and Headquarters.

Core Functions / Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate the development of new projects, provide technical inputs and draft sections of project proposals, and appeals in compliance with donor’s interests and requirements and IOM’s procedures and priorities and aligned to the Strategic Results Framework.
  • Contribute to timely and accurate reporting including monthly, interim and final reports for donors as well as Country Office, Regional and Headquarters periodic activity reports based on programme objectives, work plans, and timelines set by project agreement.
  • Support the Organization’s project management actions, the Programme and Resources Management Units by keeping in records and verifying the compliance with General Agreements (GAs), Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs), Letter of Agreements (LoAs), and other types of contracts, when necessary.
  • Maintain and update reporting systems and schedules, including ensuring revisions to PRIMA are done in a timely manner and reflect changes to reporting schedules.
  • Contribute to the development of communication and resource mobilization products in close coordination with Program Managers and the Media and Communication Assistant.
  • Maintain accurate and pertinent records of all correspondence, and Project Development and Reporting information, including on PRIMA and other online systems to support the knowledge management and learning.
  • Work closely with the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer and Programme Managers to assist in the overall integration of M&E outputs in existing and new projects.
  • Contribute to the development of Country Office strategy and contingency plans by providing technical inputs and draft specific sections in consultation with the senior management and programme units, for distribution to donors, government partners, and other counterparts.
  • Facilitate incorporation and consideration of cross-cutting issues such as gender, youth, environment, people living with disabilities, and accountability to affected populations during the development of project proposals.
  • Participate to interagency meetings such as the Programme Management Team and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSCDF) working groups.
  • Undertake duty travel as required to support coordination and monitoring activities for projects implementation.
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned.

Required Qualifications and Experience:

  • Master’s degree in International Relations, Political or Social Science, Business Administration, International Relations and/or Law from an accredited academic institution with two years of experience; or,
  • University degree in the above fields with four years of relevant professional experience.
  • Experience in supporting project development, institutional strengthening, capacity building related activities in a developing country and post-conflict context;
  • Experience working in humanitarian, development, and peace nexus, complex project implementation, research, report writing, liaison with governments and international agencies, reporting, fundraising, and donor relations required;
  • Experience with project planning, scheduling and deployment of resources, and evaluation and assessment;
  • Experience in liaison with other UN, non-UN humanitarian actors and donors; and,
  • Experience in supporting project development, management and reporting, humanitarian, and health crisis.
  • Good writing, editorial and communication skills for the drafting of texts and reports;
  • Ability to transmit information and guidance to team members in a clear and strategic manner;
  • Work strategically to reach the Unit’s goals and improve its outputs quality and reach;
  • Ability to assume responsibility for own tasks and delegated work, ensuring its timely delivery;
  • Knowledge and familiarity with stabilization programmes, and humanitarian- development and peace nexus mechanisms;
  • Knowledge of IOM’s services, IOM’s reporting format and styles; and,
  • Good strategic, analysis and drafting skills.

IOM’s official languages are English, French, and Spanish. All staff members are required to be fluent in one of the three languages.

For this position, fluency in English and French is required (oral and written). Working knowledge of local languages is an advantage.

Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.

Previous candidates do not need to re-apply.

Accredited Universities are the ones listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database ( https://whed.net/home.php ).

Required Competencies:

Values - all IOM staff members must abide by and demonstrate these five values:

  • Inclusion and respect for diversity : Respects and promotes individual and cultural differences. Encourages diversity and inclusion.
  • Integrity and transparency: Maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.
  • Courage: Demonstrates willingness to take a stand on issues of importance.
  • Empathy: Shows compassion for others, makes people feel safe, respected and fairly treated.

Core Competencies – behavioural indicators level 2

  • Teamwork: Develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
  • Delivering results: Produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner. Is action oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
  • Managing and sharing knowledge: Continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
  • Accountability: Takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own actions and delegated work.
  • Communication: Encourages and contributes to clear and open communication. Explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.

IOM’s competency framework can be found at this link.

https://www.iom.int/sites/default/files/about-iom/iom_revised_competency_framework_external.p df

Competencies will be assessed during a competency-based interview.

Internationally recruited professional staff are required to be mobile.

Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

This selection process may be used to staff similar positions in various duty stations. Recommended candidates will remain eligible to be appointed in a similar position for a period of 24 months.

The list of NMS countries above includes all IOM Member States which are non-represented in the Professional Category of staff members. For this staff category, candidates who are nationals of the duty station’s country cannot be considered eligible.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and background verification and security clearances. Subject to certain exemptions, vaccination against COVID-19 will in principle be required for individuals hired on or after 15 November 2021. This will be verified as part of the medical clearance process.

Vacancies close at 23:59 local time Geneva, Switzerland on the respective closing date. No late applications will be accepted.

How to apply

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications HERE by 23 May 2024 at the latest, referring to this advertisement.

IOM only accepts duly completed applications submitted through the IOM e-Recruitment system. The online tool also allows candidates to track the status of their application.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

For further information please refer to: www.iom.int/recruitment

Posting period:

From 16.05.2024 to 23.05.2024

IOM does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training or other fee). IOM does not request any information related to bank accounts.

Requisition: SVN 2024 116 Programme Support Officer (P2) Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (58814109) Released

Posting: Posting NC58814110 (58814110) Released

Posting Channel: Internal Candidates

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