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A Simple, Fast, and Intelligent AI Homework Helper

A Simple, Fast, and Intelligent AI Homework Helper

A Simple, Fast, and Intelligent AI Homework Helper

HomeworkAI Is The Ultimate AI Homework Helper You Need

Struggling with piles of homework and tricky assignments? Let HomeworkAI help you out! Our smart AI homework helper delivers detailed, step-by-step solutions, transforming study sessions into smooth sailing.

Covering all subjects, from complex calculus to intricate biology, our homework AI is here to ease the stress and boost your grades. Say hello to effortless learning and wave goodbye to study blues with HomeworkAI!

HomeworkAI Is The Ultimate AI Homework Helper You Need

Get Instant Answers From Our Homework AI

Description: This is how to unlock comprehensive answers and master your studies with our homework AI, in a fast, accurate, and educational fashion.

Step 1

Upload Your Assignment - Simply upload images, text files, or type your question to get started.

Step 2

AI Processing - Our advanced AI homework helper will process your assignment and provide detailed, accurate solutions.

Step 3

Learn & Understand - Review the step-by-step guidance to improve your knowledge and complete your homework with confidence.

Gain Academic Advantages From HomeworkAI's Top Features

Gain Academic Advantages From HomeworkAI's Top Features

Instant Solutions

Quick, clear-cut answers are just a click away with an instant AI homework helper—skip the headache and let our homework AI do the heavy lifting for you.

Maximum Accuracy

Count on Homework AI for spot-on answers. Our advanced AI algorithm digs deep into a vast knowledge base to ensure you get the most accurate solutions every time.

Around-the-Clock Help

Day or night, our homework AI is at your beck and call, ready to dismantle any academic obstacle you encounter, so learning never has to pause for a break.

Around-the-Clock Help

Comprehensive Support

Whatever the subject, our intelligent AI homework helper has you covered. Get expert help from algebra equations to zoological classifications with ease.

Easy to Use

Enjoy a super user-friendly platform with our homework AI, tailored to empower students and academic professionals at every level to navigate through assignments with confidence.

Our Homework AI Can Help You With All Subjects !

Turn to HomeworkAI for tailored homework and assignment assistance in every subject of your choice.


Solve complex equations and tackle calculus challenges with our AI-powered homework helper that turns numbers into knowledge.

From cellular structures to ecosystem dynamics, easily manage your biology assignments with clear, detailed explanations.

Balance chemical equations and understand reaction mechanisms with a quick online problem solver that simplifies the periodic table.

Analyze literary themes and decipher figurative language with insights that breathe new life into classic texts.

Connect historical dots with ease, as HomeworkAI helps you interpret events and understand their lasting impacts.

Discover Success Stories with Our Homework AI

Ever since using HomeworkAI for my math homework, studying has been way less stressful, and I can say that I'm enjoying math now. My grades are up and I actually get the hang of algebra now!

- Priya K., University Sophomore

I was dreading chemistry all semester, but HomeworkAI totally turned that around. I'm now breaking down reactions and acing quizzes with confidence. The step-by-step solutions it provides are a lifesaver for someone like me! Totally recommended. 

- Marcus D., High School Junior

HomeworkAI made sense of all those crazy bio terms I could never remember. HomeworkAI’s explanations have made it manageable. My test scores are also much better, and I'm not a bundle of nerves anymore!

- Lina J., College Freshman

No more panicking over biology assignments with this AI homework helper!! Nailed my biology midterm, all thanks to HomeworkAI! It's like having a tutor in my pocket, ready to help with homework anytime, day or night.

- Carlos M., High School Senior

Why HomeworkAI Is Your Go-To AI Homework Helper

Why HomeworkAI Is Your Go-To AI Homework Helper ?

What types of files can i upload to homeworkai.

HomeworkAI supports a variety of file formats, including text files such as PDF, DOC, DOCX, and image files like JPEG and PNG. This allows you to easily upload assignments, worksheets, and questions in the format that best suits your needs.

Is HomeworkAI suitable for all educational levels?

Yes, HomeworkAI is tailored for students and educational professionals of all levels—from middle schoolers to university undergrads—providing support and solutions customized to each educational stage.

Can HoweworkAI process practice questions from textbook material?

Yes. Simply upload the textbook material with practice questions, and our homework AI will analyze them to provide detailed solutions and explanations, just as it would with any other homework assignment or study query.

Does getting help from HomeworkAI considered cheating?

HomeworkAI is an AI question answerer designed to aid your learning process, much like a traditional tutor. Thus, utilizing HomeworkAI may not be considered cheating, as long as it aligns with your institution's guidelines for using external help.

Can I use HomeworkAI to prepare for my exam?

Absolutely, HomeworkAI can be an effective tool for exam preparation. It offers practice questions, solutions, and thorough explanations to help reinforce your understanding of the subject matter, giving you an extra edge in your study routine.

How does HomeworkAI handle problems with multiple solution methods?

HomeworkAI does have the ability to handle problems with multiple solution methods. It can provide a primary solution and, where applicable, may offer alternative approaches or explanations to give you a well-rounded understanding of the problem at hand.


Get Your Hands on The Best AI Homework Helper Right Now !

HomeworkAI doesn't just deliver answers—it teaches problem-solving, becoming your ultimate homework companion.


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Smart AI Tutor & AI Homework Helper


Learn As a Genius with Our AI Tutor

Get rid of your anxiety over your study. Learn with no stress and watch your grades soar with our AI tutor and AI homework helper!

Powered by our state-of-the-art tutor AI, GeniusTutor offers all-around support for your study and homework. You'll not only get answers to your problems, but also tailored, in-depth guides to clear your path to your academic success.


Multitalented Tutor & Homework AI

Driven by the latest GPT language models with the fine-tuning by our experts, GeniusTutor offers accurate AI homework help across the academic spectrum, from STEM to the humanities.

The subjects GeniusTutor's tutor AI can offer support for includes:

Foreign Languages

AI Homework Helper That Dives Deep

AI Homework Helper That Dives Deep

Understanding the 'why' and 'how' behind every problem is crucial for true learning. That's what we've designed our AI homework helper to offer.

Contextual Analysis

GeniusTutor's tutor AI algorithms understands the context of each question. This allows it to generate explanations that are relevant and tailored to the specific problem at hand.

Step-by-Step Breakdown

For each problem, our homework AI provides a step-by-step breakdown. Each step is clearly explained, showing you the exact process from the question to the solution.

Key Formulas and Theorems

Any pertinent formulas, theorems, or rules are highlighted and explained within the context of the problem, ensuring you know when and how to use them.

Tailorable Tutor AI for Everyone

As a versatile AI tutor, GeniusTutor can adapt to the learning requirements of all students.

High School Students

High School Students

Our AI tutor offers personalized learning assistance and in-depth explanations for high school students, helping them grasp complex concepts and excel in their studies.

College Students

College Students

College studies can be demanding. Our AI tutor offers advanced guidance for college students to help them relieve the pressure and reach their academic goal.

Lifelong Learners

Lifelong Learners

We know learning doesn't stop after formal education. That's why we've designed GeniusTutor to also cater to lifelong learners and offer study guidance on a wide range of subjects.

Interactive, Easy to Use AI Homework Solver

GeniusTutor is here to help you around the clock, offering you a quick and interactive process to learn and understand.

Ask Your Question

Ask Your Question

Type in your homework question or upload a photo/document of that problem.

AI Analysis

AI Analysis

Our AI tutor instantly analyzes the question using our smart natural language processing and machine learning algorithms.

Receive Solution

Receive Solution

Get a comprehensible, step-by-step solution with well-explained important concepts and formulas for better understanding.

What makes GeniusTutor different from other AI homework helpers?

GeniusTutor sets itself apart with its sophisticated homework AI that not only solves homework problems but also explains the process in detail and relevant concepts and theorems, aimed to deepen your understanding.

Is GeniusTutor's AI homework solver free?

GeniusTutor is free to try, and our paid plans are budget-friendly with no hidden costs. Our commitment is to provide accessible educational support to everyone.

How can your tutor AI provide such detailed explanations?

Our AI homework solver uses sophisticated AI that understands the context of your questions, breaks down solutions into manageable steps, and provides comprehensive and clear explanations for the answers.

Can this AI homework solver help me prepare for exams?

Yes, with its detailed explanations and interactive tool tutor AI, GeniusTutor is an excellent choice for exam preparation. You can also use it to help you understand your textbooks or complete your homework.

Turn Your Academic Dreams Into Reality

Use GeniusTutor today and start your path to becoming a genius in your studies!


How to use AI to help with Homework

Homework is meant to reinforce classroom lessons and develop critical thinking skills. Yet stacked assignments with confusing concepts and tight deadlines often leave students overwhelmed and lacking deeply understood foundations.

This is where AI homework helper apps come in - your personalized tutor available 24/7 to explain challenging material conversationally until clarity clicks. AI capabilities transform homework from isolated frustration to engaging progression.

Let's explore top techniques for responsibly leveraging AI to master tricky homework across academic subjects. Say goodbye to late nights guessing answers alone!

Why Students Struggle Through Homework Alone

Attempting to power through homework solo often backfires due to:

1. Ambiguous Instructions - Remembering exact formatting needs or creative constraints can be tough. And complex academic language leaves guesswork for what a question is even asking.

2. Foundational Knowledge Gaps - New lessons build on assumed comprehended concepts from past courses. When fundamentals remain foggy, new material confuses further.

3. Fixed Resources - Attempting to teach yourself new material with just a textbook or sparse online searching provides limited perspectives. Some learning styles need alternate explanations.

4. Tight Deadlines - Getting stuck on one aspect delays completing further questions. And grading pressures magnify anxiety attempting new skills without sample applications.

"The assigned readings felt almost like a foreign language. I understood the overall topic but couldn't grasp key theories well enough to answer homework prompts correctly."

Thankfully AI advancement now provides students customizable support previously unavailable.

Why AI is a Game Changer for Personalized Academic Help

AI homework assistants excel by:

Explaining Concepts Conversationally - Using natural language interactions, AI helps break down confusing aspects into digestible steps while allowing iterative follow-up questions.

Meeting You At Your Level - AI assessment of knowledge gaps lets its explanations start basic before advancing to higher complexity tailored to you.

Providing Visual Examples - Rendering study aid graphics, idea maps, charts and more to suit different learning preferences with visuals assisting memory retention.

Recommending Related Resources - Suggesting complementary videos, textbook sections, online sources to dive deeper across diverse media.

Unlike one-size-fits-all paper textbooks, AI tutors adapt to individuals' pacing and trouble spots for true personalization. Students gain both autonomy and support exactly when needed.

AI technology has been a game changer for understanding the more complex concepts covered in my courses. Asking follow-up questions until a light bulb moment occurs with the AI tutor has led to huge academic confidence boosts and submitting homework on time without guesswork.

Now let's see step-by-step how leading homework helper platforms enable transformative assistance...

A Walkthrough of AI Homework Helpers in Action

Tools like Just Think make it simple to tap into AI knowledge without any app downloads. Here's how students can get homework clarity:

1. Submit Your Homework Question

Snap a photo of the question, copy/paste long-form text prompts into the app interface, or dictate queries aloud via voice notes. This initial input captures the assignment details to be solved.

2. Receive Detailed AI Explanations

The AI homework assistant then gets to work analyzing the question and your knowledge gaps before delivering personalized explanations to teach you step-by-step techniques for solving problems successfully.

Visual elements are incorporated where helpful to simplify complex processes through relationship mappings. Diagrams enhance memory and application for tricky concepts.

3. Ask Iterative Follow-Up Questions

Confused still? The AI allows back and forth dialogue through additional questions from you, then answering conversationally with tweaked vocabulary and examples tailored to the obstacles in your comprehension.

This interactivity removes feelings of being stuck on your own, instead building momentum towards that satisfied "aha!" moment.

Subjects Where AI Homework Help Excels

Here are academic areas where students gain the most from AI writing and comprehension support:

  • Algebra, calculus, statistics concepts explained conversationally
  • Step-by-step guidance on solving equations
  • Personalized approaches if gaps in foundations
  • Breaking down complex physics, chemistry, biology theories through diagrams
  • Supplemental readings for enhanced understanding
  • Math foundations refreshers relevant to scientific formulas
  • Timeline visualizations for context around key events, people
  • Primary source analyses
  • Comparing biases and angles across historians

English Literature

  • Summarizing themes across lengthy assigned readings
  • Essay starter frameworks tuned to paper requirements
  • Grammar and syntax error flagging for polished prose
  • Real-time fixes for improving logic flow and efficiency
  • Debugging assistance
  • Code readability assessments

And many additional academic subjects are supported and expanding further as AI models continuously advance.

Responsible AI Usage for Optimizing Homework

With great power comes great responsibility. While collaborating with an AI homework helper unlocks huge efficiency gains, students should:

1. Use AI Explanations as Learning Springboards

The goal remains deeply comprehending material yourself, not just copying answers. Treat AI guidance as a tutor for unlocking clarity - master concepts explained to cement foundations.

2. Customize Guidance Around Your Strengths/Weaknesses

AI allows playbooks personalized for each student. Be transparent on knowledge gaps needing work so its approach targets areas precisely needing reinforcement.

3. Double Check AI Recommendations

As robust as underlying models may be, the chance of inaccuracies exists. Verify suggestions and fact check against other reputable sources when uncertain.

Following these best practices keeps your growth as the focus while responsibly optimizing academics.

Additional Homework Help Applications

While tackling challenging assignments takes prime advantage of AI powered homework assistance , students can utilize these personalized benefits for:

Studying & Exam Prep - Using conversational questioning to solidify understanding of core curriculum concepts across every subject.

Paper Proofreading & Editing - Getting objective feedback on draft coherence, grammar issues, and areas needing deeper analysis.

1-on-1 Lesson Support - Getting personalized tutoring from AI on topics you struggle most with via ongoing dialogue tailored to the obstacles blocking you.

Interactive Coding Environments - AI suggests tweaks for improving coding project efficiency, structure and offers industry best practice guidance relative to experience level.

The Future of AI & Education

As artificial intelligence research continues steadily improving machine learning models in areas like natural language processing, virtually every academic field will transform.

We're already seeing homework helper platforms acceleration due to capabilities like:

  • Answering open-ended questions, not just formulas
  • Lifelike dialogue vs rigid responses
  • Faster processing of handwritten work
  • Personalize guidance around dynamic knowledge

And in the coming years, increasing accountability around model transparency and ethical development will further cement AI assistants as trusted tutors. Soon getting stuck on assignments even in advanced courses will feel like a relic of the past.

Homework that once overwhelmed students attempting to teach themselves now has a personalized AI tutor reachable 24/7. Platforms like Just Think enable moving from confusion to clarity through natural dialogue tailored exactly to individual needs - no matter the academic subject.

With iterative Q&A sessions unlocking foundational comprehension at your own pace plus visual aids accelerating practical applications, homework levels up from isolated frustration to rewarding skill progression thanks to AI's expanded support.

So next time an assignment has you questioning abilities alone late into the night, empower yourself instead with an AI study buddy right by your side until that grades-boosting "aha!" moment. The future of learning looks abundantly bright.

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Question AI is accessible on both desktop and mobile. Question AI supports Windows and Mac systems as well as IOS and Android.

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Within seconds. Never doubt Question AI's speed.

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There’s no limit. Question AI can handle several questions at the same time.

5. Can Question AI make several versions of the Same text, each with a different level of detail?

Question AI can give you a longer or shorter text, depending on your wishes.

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The AI That Does Your Homework

Upload a worksheet or use a homework ai helper that is specially designed to provide you with all your homework solutions..

We have a number of AI bots that are specially designed to help with all subjects and all grade levels.

Just take a picture of your homework and our high powered AI will provide you with all the answers.

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4 AI Tools For Students

Oddity AI is the groundbreaking new artificial intelligence that students have been dreaming of for years. This AI homework helper has revolutionized the way people approach their schoolwork, making it easier than ever to get work done quickly and efficiently. With Oddity AI, users can ask questions directly to the AI and receive instant answers in seconds. The AI not only gives accurate answers but also provides detailed explanations of how each answer was reached so users can gain a deeper understanding of their schoolwork.

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English Help

From grammar to literature analysis, our AI is here to assist you with any task you may be struggling with.

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Science Answers

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8 Best AI Homework Solvers for Students

8 Best AI Homework Solvers for Students

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • March 7, 2024

Let’s be honest- writing homework isn’t always fun. If you like writing only a few assignments and would rather spend your time diving deeper into researching and learning what you want, we get you!

Writing multiple homework assignments in school is time-consuming, and there is usually little to no time for you to pursue your interests. Students spend so much time writing multiple assignments that they often compromise on the quality of their research, which might hurt their grades. Adding to the pressure are the complex problems and the tight deadlines.

But there’s a way to make this daunting task a breeze- AI homework solver tools. In this article, we look at the best AI homework solvers for students. Some of these tools can assist you in completing your homework faster by helping you do all the research, even write your assignments, essays and papers that are also plagiarism-free and can bypass AI detection.

Some of the key functionalities that an AI homework solver tool offers are:

  • Write a contextual and coherent text . The tools use data available on the web, analyze it, understand language patterns, and generate content to match the purpose and style asked for by the user.
  • They help you find relevant sources, extract critical findings , etc., enhancing your knowledge and focusing on your homework’s creative aspect.
  • The tools can help generate text in multiple languages and adapt to the writing styles of the preferred languages, grammar, syntax, etc., using the vast data on the internet.
  • AI writer tools can summarize lengthy documents , intricate research papers, complex concepts, and critical arguments. They decipher their meaning and create a summary highlighting the document’s main points. This helps you accelerate the writing process and enhances the impact and readability of your homework.
  • These tools provide you with step-by-step solutions to complex homework problems . For example, you are stuck on a mathematics problem. AI homework tool will help you with a detailed solution to understand the concept clearly.
  • They help in editing tasks, spelling checks, and grammar , creating content consistent with your style and making it readable.
  • It helps you create plagiarism-free conten t. These tools are equipped with plagiarism detection abilities. They scan the document, cross-reference it with exhaustive data, and save your academic integrity.
  • It helps you interpret data and convert the raw data into valuable points for your homework assignments.

1. Smodin Omni

Smodin is a versatile AI writing tool that focuses on helping students write assignments and homework. It offers solutions for students to write error-free and well-researched homework by eliminating conceptual gaps, refining and paraphrasing content, and preventing information overload. It helps students produce high-value, plagiarism-free content within seconds. This tool also helps you find trusted resources, which can be a great research assistance to complete your homework.

The Smodin AI homework tool is called Smodin Omni and is like the ultimate homework companion to help you save time and submit your work within deadlines, write correct and error-free homework, and spend more time on learning than just writing.

  • It works as an intelligent friend, answers your questions, finds relevant resources, and writes for you.
  • It helps you find and create images and diagrams for your homework to make it more elaborate and well-researched.
  • For complex homework problems, it provides you with the answers and explains the concept in an easy, enjoyable way.
  • It assists you in all subjects, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and more

This is your go-to feature if you are looking for solutions to write various types of content like descriptive or argumentative essays, research papers, etc. Smodin offers you help in writing content for different writing needs. For example, Article V1 helps create cost-effective content derived from high-ranking websites.

Article V2 helps write meticulously detailed and structured content that integrates information from multiple resources. This feature creates comprehensive and engaging articles. It offers dedicated writing styles for students to work with and also allows them to create their own templates for the writing style they want to create.

  • Descriptive Essay
  • Article V1 and V2
  • Author Mode writing style
  • Argumentative Essay
  • Research Paper and more

AI Research Assistant

Smodin offers an excellent AI research feature that helps you write factually correct, research-oriented, insightful, and highly contextual content that you can use for your homework assignments.

  • It helps speed up your research process and helps you focus on the creative process.
  • It helps you find reliable resources and write citations.
  • It also helps you understand the different perspectives, which can be useful to dig deeper into specific topics and incorporate different viewpoints.

This feature combines the power of Chat GPT and Google and provides you with the sources of the content generated by the Smodin AI writing tool.

You can use it to double-check your references and content generated to ensure it is error-free. You can ask questions about anything, like your ideas about specific topics, find quotes around your content and facts to add depth to your writing, and do much more.

AI Feedback and Grading

According to Online Class Help , this tool is an essential feature for refining your homework. This feature reads your work and gives you feedback on what can be improved and how you can write it better. The grading features use the grading criteria used in colleges worldwide to grade homework. This tool is valuable for academic professionals to grade homework fairly and squarely.

  • Smodin is an extremely student-friendly AI writing tool that focuses on solving homework writing problems for students. It has an easy UI and navigation that helps students get right at the task without spending much time learning how to use the tool.
  • It offers writing features addressing the various writing styles. This helps students keep the focus on producing quality homework without having to worry about formats and styles.
  • Smodin’s descriptive essay and author mode are students’ favorite features that help in writing in-depth assignments
  • With Smodin, you don’t have to worry about errors in your homework, grammar, factual corrections, etc., because of features like grading, feedback, citations, translator, etc.
  • Smodin offers excellent customer service to help students seamlessly use the platform

ChatGPT has been a game-changer in the AI writing industry. It’s a versatile tool that offers more than just writing aid to marketing professionals; it’s also a valuable resource for students needing help with their homework. ChatGPT offers a user-friendly experience through a simple chat screen interface.

  • Instant Assistance: ChatGPT acts as an immediate helper, aiding in understanding concepts, answering complicated questions, and addressing simpler problems with ease. For difficult inquiries, use GPT-4, as earlier versions may contain inaccuracies.
  • Conceptual Understanding: ChatGPT provides not only answers but also a deeper insight into intricate topics, simplifying them in a conversational manner. The quality of the output is dependent on the input prompt.
  • Versatile: ChatGPT can field various questions, delivering answers regardless of the subject matter. Whether the questions are related to mathematics, history, science, geography, or any other subject, ChatGPT tries to provide accurate and precise information.
  • Offers quick and instantaneous solutions.
  • Features a user-friendly interface with easy-to-use chat functionality.
  • May not use the most up-to-date information.
  • Can generate repetitive content for long-form essays and articles.

3. Tutor AI

Tutor AI stands out as an advanced tutor-driven AI homework solver tool that assists in learning various subjects like physics, history, science, literature, and more. It presents information through distinct lessons, making learning comprehensive and fun.

  • Personalized Learning: This tool optimizes your learning experience to suit your preferences and learning styles. It understands your learning approach and adapts future lessons accordingly.
  • Progress Tracking: Tutor AI enables you to monitor your learning journey, allowing you to review completed modules and assess your own performance and progress.
  • Simplified Learning: Tutor AI creates lessons tailored to your preferences and learning style, making the learning process smooth and straightforward. It uses easy-to-understand, simple language, making the ideas easy to grasp.
  • Intuitive and user-friendly UI, allowing students to navigate the platform with ease.
  • Provides detailed insights into the subject matter.
  • Functions primarily as an AI tutor rather than a writing assistant, but the provided information can still aid in completing homework.
  • Occasionally offers incorrect or biased information, potentially causing misunderstandings for students.

4. Grammarly

Grammarly is a prominent AI-powered tool designed to refine writing skills. It comes with a range of features that helps writing grammatically accurate, well-punctuated, and plagiarism-free homework. Additionally, Grammarly provides various features to elevate the quality of your writing, assist with formatting, and propose alternate writing styles.

  • Grammar Tool:  True to its name, Grammarly prioritizes addressing issues related to grammar, punctuation, spelling, and phrasing, along with conducting plagiarism checks to ensure your writing is polished and error-free.
  • AI Assistance: Grammarly’s AI assistant helps write responses based on your prompts, acting as a co-author to help you complete your homework efficiently.
  • Writing Tone: Grammarly is not only your writing companion but also your writing tone analyst. It informs you about the tone your content is conveying, be it confident, diplomatic, or friendly, and suggests recommendations for different writing levels.
  • Delivers grammatically accurate content.
  • Provides real-time corrective feedback.
  • Occasionally struggles with recognizing localized expressions and colloquial language.
  • While exemplary for correcting grammar, it still needs enhancements in generating human-like content and can necessitate manual corrections.

5. Air Math

AIR Math is an innovative AI mathematics learning tool designed to help students excel at maths. It offers features and functionalities tailored to solving and learning mathematical problems quickly. It offers interactive problem-solving opportunities and guidance and makes complex concepts easy to understand.

  • Mathematics homework helper : This tool offers mathematics solutions within seconds. All you have to do is take a photo of the problem/ question, and it replies with a step-by-step solution. It covers geometry, algebra, and every mathematics topic.
  • Expert Tutors : Air Math also provides expert tutor assistance available 24/7 to help you with any mathematics problem. ‘
  • Air Math Ticket: Air Math homework helper has a key element called tickets. There are search, question, and writing tickets that help you locate answers, request more precise solutions, and enhance your homework writing.
  • It is a perfect tool to learn and understand mathematics problems
  • Even though it provides mathematics solutions, you often require help from excellent tutors.

6. (now Transkriptor) is an advanced transcription and note-taking tool that helps you convert spoken words into written words with remarkable accuracy. It offers real-time capabilities and seamless integration, making it a highly efficient transcription tool. You can record classroom lectures, revisit sections with doubts, organize key concepts and points, record project meetings, and do many things.

  • AI Assistant : The AI assistant quickly responds to your queries about your audio and video recordings. It finds you specific answers from the recording as you ask and helps save a lot of time without having you go through the entire transcript.
  • 100+ languages : It supports over 100 languages and lets you translate with a click from the Transkriptor dashboard. You can transcribe multiple languages and translate them into your preferred language.
  • Multiple speaker recognition : With Otter, you will be fine with multiple speakers speaking/participating in a discussion. It will record, transcribe, separate speakers, and create a different file.
  • It is a good tool for recording real-time transcripts
  • It offers multi-user and multiple-speaker recording option
  • It is an expensive tool, and most features are underpaid options for businesses, making it difficult for students to access them.
  • There is no alert or cue for ending the recording after a set period, and you will need to end it otherwise, manually, it keeps on recording.

7. Slidesgo (Homework presentation)

Slidesgo is an AI toolmaker that helps you create and deliver presentations seamlessly. It helps enhance ideas, add creativity, and helps create a lasting impression through presentations. It has ready-to-use templates that make creating presentations super easy.

  • AI Presentation maker : You can create presentations using the AI presentation maker and also customize it online. You can make changes as desired, add your ideas, remove things you don’t like, add images, etc.
  • Freepik Images : You can add images to your presentation using the Freepik tool integrated into Slidesgo. You can also give prompts to AI to create images for your presentation.
  • Customizable templates : Slidesgo has several templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint that you can customize according to your needs.
  • Offers templates for different types of subjects and customization options that help make effective presentations
  • It is straightforward to use.
  • Because the templates are free to use, it is likely for you to find some content or presentations used by various people
  • The editing options are a bit limiting

8. Socratic

Socratic is a homework and learning tool designed to enable discussions among students. It encourages students to question, explore ideas, comprehend academic subjects, and engage in fruitful debates. It helps you learn all the possible subjects, from mathematics, science, literature, social studies, and more.

  • Powered by Google AI : It uses Google’s speech and text recognition abilities to help you find the most relevant learning resources. It also generates reports of your progress.
  • Critical Thinking : The tool helps students review their homework and arguments, find shortfalls, and consider different perspectives. This helps build critical thinking abilities in the students.
  • Encourages active participation : The tool encourages students to actively participate in discussions and constructive debates and ask questions on their study topics.
  • It is a great learning platform to supplement education.
  • The platform is very interactive and attractive, which makes it fun for students.
  • Students can get distracted because of the game-like UI

Final Thoughts

Homework Solver tools enhance students’ efficiency in studies and assignments. They are instrumental in automating routine tasks such as editing, grammar checking, formatting, and adherence to style guides, all while facilitating rapid learning.

However, while these tools bring efficiency and convenience, they are not substitutes for original thought and diligent effort. They should be viewed as essential aids to navigate the contemporary educational environment, enabling students to manage time effectively and elevate their competence levels. Balancing these advanced tools with individual insight and work ethic is crucial for attaining comprehensive learning and academic success.

5 AI tools for students: Use AI to help you study, summarize content, and edit papers

Ace your classes with an AI assist.

A person typing on a laptop with a virtual display in front of them with the text

  • Quizlet Q-Chat
  • Google Socratic

I wish these AI tools for students were around when I was in school. Sure, AI tools can't do your homework, write your papers, or take your exams, but they can make your life a lot easier.

With AI, long book chapters can be summarized into quick, easy-to-study bullet points, classes can be recorded and transcribed so you can be laser-focused, and weirdly worded paragraphs can be revised with AI-generated text — and that's just scratching the surface of how AI can help you as a student.

The number of AI-powered services available for students can be overwhelming, so we've rounded up the 5 best AI tools for students.

Best AI tool for editing and summarizing text: Grammarly

Screenshot of Grammarly AI tool

Grammarly is easily one of the best AI tools for students because of the wide variety of tasks it can help with. 

The most obvious way Grammarly can help you is with text generation and revision suggestions for emails, cover letters, resumes, and even school assignments. The critical warning is that you should never use AI to completely write a paper from scratch, this is a homework assistant, not something doing your homework for you. Grammarly's AI features are best used as supplemental tools that can help you get started with a tough paragraph, find a new way to say something, or edit your papers after they're written.

A few lesser-known AI features Grammarly offers include summarizing big blocks of text, generating ideas for projects, adjusting your writing tone, and providing helpful writing prompts. You can even use Grammarly to help caption your Instagram posts when you're done with homework.

Grammarly's free account lets you generate text with 100 AI prompts every month, but the premium $12/month (billed annually) option can rewrite full sentences, adjust writing tone, and generate text with 1,000 AI prompts monthly.

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Best AI tool for intuitive studying: Quizlet Q-Chat

quizlet q-chat ai tool for students.jpg

Most students are already familiar with Quizlet and its virtual sets of flashcards to help you master subjects. But to take your studying game to the next level, you need to check out its AI-powered Q-Chat tutor .

There are multiple ways Q-Chat can help you test your knowledge, including AI-generated quizzes, lessons, conversations, and fun games like two truths and a lie. You can also use Q-Chat to help you learn a new language, but Duolingo is a better AI tool for that purpose.

Quizlet lets you try out Q-Chat conversations with a free account, but to use its full features, you'll need a Quizlet Plus account for $7.99/month or $35.99/year. 

Best AI tool for recording and summarizing classes: tool for students

When you try to take notes and listen to your professor at the same time, you can sometimes miss important information. With , you can record the class, get transcripts and summaries, and put all your attention into listening to your teacher.

Otter is an incredibly helpful AI tool for students with ADHD or anyone else who finds it difficult to multitask in class and pay attention. However, it's worth noting that you should get permission from your teacher before recording them with Otter.

If you're an online student, Otter works with Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams to record, transcribe, and summarize virtual classes. You can also use Otter to record meetings for group projects to easily keep track of what was talked about and what actions were assigned to everyone.

Best AI tool for explaining concepts: Google Socratic

socratic by google ai tool for students

Socratic by Google is a free AI tool available for Android and iOS that helps explain complex concepts to students with helpful visuals, AI-generated answers to questions, and links to relevant YouTube videos.

The app can help high school and university-level students with basic subjects, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, biology, chemistry, physics, history, and literature.

Socratic can solve math problems and answer questions, but it shouldn't be used to complete homework for you. Instead, it's a useful AI tool when you're stuck on a problem or you don't understand why you got an answer wrong. Socratic can show you step-by-step explanations, helping prepare you for exams.

Another free tool that can offer in-depth explanations is Bing Chat , a GPT-4-based chatbot. This tool scours the entire internet, so Bing Chat can find answers to more complex questions on various subjects compared to Socratic.

Best AI tool for researching academic papers: Consensus

consensus research ai tool for students

Consensus is an AI search engine for research that helps students find academic papers and studies. This AI tool is best for college and late-high school students who are starting to write research papers requiring academic sources.

You can type any research question or topic into the Consensus website to find relevant sources, and each pulled source will have pre-populated citations in multiple formats for you to copy and paste into your paper. 

Consensus also paired up with Copilot to bring ChatGPT -type functionality to the service. This means you can tack on a command to your search, like "Group together pro and con cases" or "Explain for an 8-year-old." 

A free Consensus account gives you unlimited searches, unlimited AI-powered filters, and 20 AI credits every month for more powerful features, like GPT-4 Summaries, Consensus Meters, Study Snapshots, and Copilot. For unlimited use of those more powerful features, a premium subscription costs $8.99/month.


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ai to do english homework

Challenging technology to serve the public good.

Teachers Are Using AI to Create New Worlds, Help Students with Homework, and Teach English

Machine Learning

Around the world, these seven teachers are making AI work for them and their students By Ross Teixeira

Illustration of a teacher controlling a robot with tentacle-like legs and arms amidst several vignettes showing things like a calendar, statistics, images of nature, and corrections of an essay; there are two students seated at desks at the bottom of the composition

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AI seems to be everywhere these days—and more and more, that includes the classroom. Teachers are racing to reckon with the kinds of AI tools, like ChatGPT, that let students breeze through assignments. But beyond discussions of what counts as “cheating,” what happens when teachers use AI?

Frequently overworked and underpaid, teachers are less often talked about as users of time-saving AI tools. This raises many questions: Can such tools be trusted to create curriculum? What happens to the student data that gets fed into any of the myriad new AI startups? Will human teachers one day be replaced?

In this article, seven teachers across the world share their insights on AI tools for educators. You will hear a host of varied opinions and perspectives on everything from whether AI could hasten the decline of learning foreign languages to whether AI-generated lesson plans are an infringement on teachers’ rights. A common theme emerged from those we spoke with: just as the internet changed education, AI tools are here to stay, and it is prudent for teachers to adapt.

Vincent Scotto

K-12 STEAM Coordinator at Pittsburgh Public Schools (Pittsburgh, Pa.)

Side-by-side collage of a headshot of Vincent Scotto and a map showing the location of Pittsburgh, PA

When I first approached Vincent Scotto, a STEAM coordinator at Pittsburgh Public Schools, he tested me. Before honoring my request to interview him about how his district uses AI, he asked me to prove I was a human. Prior to this, I had never considered myself a robot, but here’s what I wrote in my initial message to Scotto:

Screenshot of a text exchange between Ross Teixeira and Vincent Scotto; Scotto asks Ross to email him personally to ensure that he’s not a bot

As I read it over, it was humbling to realize how effortlessly an AI language model could have spit out my message. I braced myself for a conversation with someone I assumed would be a steadfast AI skeptic.

After I passed his challenge, however, I soon learned that he was not such a Luddite at all. Scotto’s views echo the views of many teachers I talked to: with the right safeguards, AI tools can save teachers enormous amounts of time while giving students new, creative ways to explore and practice material.

Scotto has worked in education for over 15 years, starting as an elementary school teacher focused mainly on math and science and working up to his current position as a STEAM coordinator. When he realized that his district did not have a plan for computer science education, he worked to help make one, turning it into a “big focal point” of his district. With the aid of a Pennsylvania state grant , Scotto has worked to make Pittsburgh Public Schools “more 21st century ready,” including readying the district for the coming wave of generative AI.

Excerpt of six panels of Dorothy Gambrell’s comic on discovering her work was used to train Midjourney

Hello World

What Happens When Your Art Is Used to Train AI

A conversation with web cartoonist Dorothy Gambrell on the curdled internet, labor, and how we became just numbers

“Most of my role is expanding teachers’ ability to serve students in the way that they always intended when they became a teacher,” he said. But the reality of being a teacher is often very different from how budding teachers imagine it to be. “I’m meeting with a teacher and I’ll ask them how things are going, and usually it’s ‘I’m swamped,’ you know. ‘I don’t have time to talk right now, I still haven’t submitted my lesson plans’ or something to that effect.”

Scotto said he is always looking for new tools to save teachers time, and generative AI is one of his favorite new recommendations—especially tools that are geared toward teachers who are less familiar with technology. MagicSchool AI, a suite of educational AI tools, is one of the most user-friendly tools that Scotto has found, and he frequently demonstrates it to busy teachers.

“I’ll ask them, ‘What’s the topic that you’re going to do for next week?’” he said. Then he plugs the topic into MagicSchool AI, along with his estimation of how much class time that teacher has to teach the particular subject, and lets the AI generate a set of lesson plans. “When a teacher sees how fast [the AI works], they immediately sign up.”

One of Scotto’s greatest fears is privacy, and he recommends that teachers not put any personally identifying information about students—even anonymous demographic information—into AI tools, unless the tool has been specifically approved by the district’s board of education. “For example, ‘My class has 7 Black students, 3 White students’… don’t even put information like that because eventually it becomes a collective of information that you’ve input and… they could make a profile on your students.” He said he worries that the data could be shared or sold to third parties which may use that data for different purposes, putting students at risk now or “50 years from now.” 

“We cannot rely on ‘the goodness’ of an organization that intentionally collects data,” Scotto said.

He also stressed the importance of AI policy in protecting students: “People on the ground level, without guidance, may make decisions that [break] policy or law unintentionally. Without AI policy at the federal, state, and local level, these accidents can happen and likely are happening in isolation,” he said.

Photo collage of four distorted and pixelated images of cats placed in front of a radial background made of the same distorted and repeated images

Meet Nightshade—A Tool Empowering Artists to Fight Back Against AI  

A newly released research paper outlines a tool artists can use to make their work act like “poison” if it is ingested by an AI image generator

On the issue of copyright, his views were mixed: “Any teacher will tell you that they have borrowed and stolen every idea they’ve had for their classroom. Not a single teacher I know believes they have an original lesson plan.” 

He referred me to Teachers Pay Teachers, an Etsy-like online marketplace for teaching materials. “Kids just deserve the best education they can get, and if that means borrowing lesson plans from a bot, I’ll take it. If we’re just teaching lessons, it doesn’t really matter where we got it from. And if the large corporations such as, you know, Pearson, want to sue an individual teacher for copying their stuff with AI, good luck. We’re all in trouble. It is a battle they will lose in the end, because we’ll just stop purchasing their material all together. So it’s a double-edged sword in that way.”

His concerns from AI and copyright come not from the classroom, but on a personal level. “I’m into music and art, and there’s a big worry that artists will lose their jobs, their life blood, because we’re having AI create renditions of Andy Warhol, like, peaches, you know. So I personally don’t use those just because I have personal connections with people that it upsets.” 

However, Scotto said that he did not have a “moral qualm” for a couple reasons: “People who really care about art are not buying things that were created by, you know, pixels. They’re looking for a human-created thing with brush strokes and all these things.”

Second, Scotto frequently searches online for Creative Commons images to use in his presentations, and sees no harm in asking an AI to step in. “Could I use a graphics AI to come up with something really quickly, and it would serve my purpose? I sure could. In that instance, it would be innocuous.” Trying to sell AI art or pass it off as your own, however, is “where… it gets into a conundrum.”

Ultimately, just as the calculator revolutionized how students approach math, Scotto thinks AI will change education and teachers should start to adapt. “You’ve got to get in front of [AI] even if you don’t have the kids use it. You’ve got to know what this is, what it’s capable of.”

Sean Fennessy

Teacher at Olney High School, Philadelphia

Side-by-side collage of a photograph of Sean Fennessy and a map pointing to Philadelphia, PA

Sean Fennessy, a geometry teacher, has been in and out of education for around 15 years, dabbling in IT, web design, and activism. His diverse teaching experience has led him to embrace an “unschooling” approach driven by exploration. He uses ChatGPT heavily in the classroom to teach students a lot more than just how to solve math problems. 

“So what I do with AI for example, in my classroom, is I have each class have a government, or each class is a country. And I vested them with resources.” Fennessy uses ChatGPT to create a fictional universe, “Fennlandia,” in which students hold elections, stage uprisings, and even purchase snacks in the classroom. He uses the paid version of ChatGPT, allowing him to create a custom chatbot that is confined to this fantasy world. 

What does this have to do with geometry? 

“The most important part [of geometry] is the application of logic, right? I mean, no one’s going on doing trigonometric functions in the real world… And honestly all of the ones who do, they’re gonna [use] a calculator, right?” 

Instead, Fennessy teaches students how to use ChatGPT to code their own small applications to solve problems by using clear, logical language: “AI is going to be really literal about what you’re putting in,” he said, so students must learn to be precise with their instructions. When he demonstrated this approach to his principal in an impromptu classroom observation, his principal was enthusiastic.

His motivations aren’t hidden: “I understand geometry is the end of the line for a lot of my kids. And so, what am I going to give them that’s gonna be useful when they leave here?”

Beyond Fennlandia, he’s used it for other tasks, like generating letters of recommendation for students. He likens ChatGPT to his own children and has watched its skills evolve at roughly the same pace. “It really felt like I was talking to an incredibly bright and amazingly knowledgeable version of my five-year-old for a little while. And then it kind of moved on and I’m like, oh this is like talking to my nine-year-old.” Today, he says, “It’s a college [level] or beyond.”

Photo illustration featuring a vignette of hands working at a laptop set against a background of essay text that is highlighted and flagged

Plagiarism Detection Tools Offer a False Sense of Accuracy

The tools that likely brought down Harvard president Claudine Gay are improperly used on students all the time

Of course, not all of Fennessy’s uses for ChatGPT are fantasy. One thing he’s working on for the next semester is creating longer projects that students can complete concurrently with each unit of the geometry course. “One of the problems with projects, especially in math, is always like hey, here’s this project that’s supposed to be a capstone… but you haven’t learned half of [the material] yet.” Fennessy hopes to use ChatGPT to fix this problem by creating projects that unfold over time, to see the bigger picture of how to apply their skills.

Fennessy isn’t frustrated when students cheat with or without AI, but it “doesn’t look like a really good use of [students’] time,” he said. If he catches a student cheating, he asks them to solve new problems on the board to test their understanding.

As far as worrying about whether technology will ever replace him, Fennessy says he firmly believes the “emotional support of a teacher cannot be replaced.” If AI helps his ability to be a cheerleader for his students and spend more one-on-one time  with them, then he said he is all for it.

Kim Maybin

Tech Integration Specialist at Ozark City Schools (Ozark, AL)

Side-by-side collage of a headshot of Kim Maybin and a map pointing to Ozark, AL

Kim Maybin taught seventh-grade language arts for the majority of her career. When the opportunity to become a technology integration specialist opened up, she jumped on it. Now she oversees around 200 teachers in her district, training them on using emerging technology to be more effective and efficient with what she calls a “work smarter, not harder mentality… because you’re literally exhausted in that classroom,” she said.

When recommending tools for teachers, cost is one of her main factors: “I’m always looking for something free because we don’t have a lot of money to spend on tools.”

Maybin frequently mentors teachers on how to create custom material for different students using AI tools. As a middle school teacher, she often found herself creating additional structure or “sentence starters” to help struggling students complete their assignments and generating multiple versions of tests that target different depths of knowledge, depending on individual student needs. “Why not let [AI] make the two tests for me? Because now I have more time to focus on the bigger needs in my classroom.”

Maybin thinks it is imperative that teachers get familiar with AI and teach students how to use it appropriately. “If you don’t teach the students how to use it, they are gonna abuse it,” she said. Many of the teachers Maybin works with are initially afraid of the potential for students to cheat with AI, and so they try to stay away from AI in all forms. But if a teacher never mentions AI, she said, students might think they are getting the upper hand on an unaware teacher. “When the students are using it, [teachers are] like ‘They’re using AI!’ and, well, you didn’t mention it!”

Photograph of 6 high school students on their laptop. Four of the students have long hair, two have short hair. One student has one earbud in their ear.

The Breakdown Machine Learning

How to Buy Ed Tech That Isn’t Evil

Four critical questions parents and educators should be asking

Instead, she feels teachers need to get more creative by creating “AI-proof” assignments. It’s less difficult than it may sound. Tools like ChatGPT are terrible, she said, at tasks like solving an AP English exam because they don’t have emotions or personal experiences that AP graders are looking for. Requiring students to thoughtfully decide which aspects of their own lives are relevant to the topic of an essay engages them in the subject in a uniquely human way.

Maybin’s district may be a barrier to the adoption of AI by students and teachers alike. Due to privacy concerns, her district initially banned all AI tools. It took convincing from Maybin for her district to begin opening access to AI for teachers, but even then, each application has to be explicitly approved. The tools are still off limits for students, who use locked-down Chromebooks that permit only a small number of education-related programs—both for privacy reasons and concerns about plagiarism. 

For teachers who are excited about AI tools, Maybin said they should be aware of being overly trusting of the tools’ accuracy. Maybin recalled that her colleague recommended teachers query ChatGPT about how comfortable it was with a certain topic on a scale from one to 10. “And if ChatGPT gives you nine or 10… it’s really comfortable. [If] it gives you three or four… you need to check it,” although she recommends verifying ChatGPT’s responses no matter the level of its claimed expertise.

Peter Amoabil

Executive Director, Rural Literacy Solutions (Tamale, Ghana)

Side-by-side collage of a headshot of Peter Amoabil and a map pointing to Tamale, Ghana

Tamale, Ghana is one of the fastest growing cities in West Africa . It is also the capital of Northern Ghana, the region of Ghana with the lowest literacy rates across all ages. Peter Amoabil has been fighting to change that. A teacher for over 14 years, Amoabil balances his duties as a full-time teacher with directing Rural Literacy Solutions, a nonprofit he founded in 2019 to close the literacy gap by offering after-school English literacy programs in partnership with local primary schools.

Recently, Amoabil has been sharing new AI tools to help his teachers. I told him that when I tested an AI tool to generate an explanation of a random topic at a second-grade reading level, the text included words that a second-grade student would not be expected to know. As it turned out, Amoabil found the same thing. “The secret about AI is picking the right tool you need at the moment,” he said.

Photo illustration of a black-and-white human ear surrounded by technicolor plants and rainforest animals (like parrots, a frog, and a toucan) with an audio waveform in the center

How to Use Sound and AI to Protect the Environment

A conversation with Bourhan Yassin

Another challenge he sees with AI tools is their understanding of local languages. English is the national language of Ghana, so students are expected to read and write English, but the most widely spoken language in northern Ghana is Dagbani. Amoabil has used translation tools several times to translate textbooks into Dagbani, and he often needs to manually edit the translation afterwards to correct inaccuracies.

Despite the challenges, he’s a big fan of many of the tools, including Storybook AI , which generates stories based on a prompt. Amoabil’s teachers have found it to be a great way to create additional reading materials for students to practice reading, while also keeping students engaged by letting them generate stories on any topic they are interested in. He said his students are fascinated by AI and often ask how it works.

Amoabil’s teachers range in age from 26 to 59 years old—60 is the retirement age in Ghana—and most of them are excited about using AI tools. The benefits of Amoabil’s after-school programs are clear: he’s seen English literacy rise substantially for enrolled fourth graders. Amoabil credited AI for some of the improvement, saying that it has helped teachers with a large portion of their workload.

Aaron Shi

Training Coordinator in the Foreign Language Teaching and Resources Center, National Taiwan University

Side-by-side collage of a headshot of Aaron Shi and a map pointing to Taipei, Taiwan

Aaron Shi taught English for over nine years before becoming a teacher training coordinator at the Foreign Language Teaching and Resources Center at National Taiwan University (NTU) in 2022. He mostly works with experienced professors and teachers who’ve been teaching English and other foreign languages, including many who have been teaching college for 10 to 20 years.

Among the teachers that Shi trains, he said he has found older teachers to be generally more interested in learning about AI tools than younger ones. Shi said that many young teachers were too busy fighting for tenure to consider new teaching methods or that they simply felt more comfortable experimenting with AI tools on their own.

One of the most powerful uses of AI, according to Shi, is to create free teaching materials. He envisions a world in which AI can provide personalized learning materials for each student without the prohibitive cost barrier of standardized textbooks.

About 60 to 70 percent of courses at NTU are taught in English, and that number is likely to increase as the Taiwanese government pushes for English to become a required language by 2030. Some of the greatest opposition to this policy has been from teachers: The National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) has argued that teachers are not prepared to teach subjects in English when they are not fluent in English themselves, and students may suffer for the same reason.

Photograph of an Asian student with glasses sitting in a hammock. Behind her, there's a line of young people walking up the stairs on the UCLA campus.

AI Detection Tools Falsely Accuse International Students of Cheating

Stanford study found AI detectors are biased against non-native English speakers

Shi said AI tools can help facilitate cross-cultural communication in ways that support and even go beyond the government’s goals for bilingual education. He said that even if a student does not learn English well, AI tools can help students interact with the English-speaking world. This is especially true for students who choose to stay in Taiwan after graduation and who may not use English frequently in the future compared to those who move abroad.

However, tools that remove language barriers also pose a threat to languages themselves, Shi said. Shi said that the rapid adoption of AI tools may accelerate the decline of Taiwanese languages. According to Shi, Taiwanese people don’t want to speak the same Mandarin language that people in China speak for political reasons, and mainstream AI language models don’t incorporate enough Taiwanese Mandarin sources for results to sound natural.

Along with the rapid adoption of TikTok by young Taiwanese—which he said features predominantly content from China—Shi sees a continuing decline in the standard for Taiwanese Mandarin, as people become less able to differentiate between “authentic” or “good” Taiwanese Mandarin and Standard Chinese.

The same is true for other Taiwanese languages, like Taiwanese Hokkien and the indigenous Formosan languages. “It is hard for AI to be proficient in these languages due to the very limited amount of data,” he wrote in a Facebook message after our interview. “I think the Hokkien dialect (or the Taiwanese language) can also be difficult for AIs to learn, but the number of active users of this dialect/language is, at least, much more than those of the Formosan languages.”

Shi said AI won’t support indigenous languages because it’s not commercially viable to use them. He also said some of these issues are baked into the education system. According to Shi, many parents think it’s O.K. for primary schools to teach indigenous languages in those areas, but in secondary school, students start competing to gain access to better colleges, so they need to learn Chinese and English in order to stay competitive.

Shi said that teachers remain essential to the classroom for the foreseeable future. Even if it is possible to generate teaching materials for an entire course with AI, two teachers might create entirely different versions of the same course simply because of how they prompt the AI. He said this highlighted the importance of educators: knowing how to plan and organize a course requires human insight.

Karle Delo

Curriculum Director and EdTech Influencer, Michigan

Side-by-side collage of a headshot of Karle Delo and a map pointing to Michigan

Karle Delo, a science teacher and curriculum director in Michigan—and edtech influencer as “CoachKarle” on TikTok —shares reviews of AI tools with teachers worldwide. She has personally tried and reviewed hundreds of AI tools for teachers, and she walked me through how a teacher might apply them in practice.

Delo had me imagine a teacher trying to find an exciting way to teach a lesson on volcanoes and earthquakes. There are five ways she describes AI tools as being handy for this lesson:

  • They can be a brainstorming buddy for creative ideas. "Maybe AI could help me think of a 'Would you rather?' question or a real-world scenario." 
  • AI tools can parse a video about volcanoes that the teacher might play for students, and generate a bullet point summary for students to refer to. 
  • An AI could differentiate learning and reproduce an article about a real-world earthquake at different reading levels for different students.
  • The AI can take real-world earthquake data and write an easily readable analysis. "Normally I'd have to purchase a really, really good curriculum, or I'd have to spend a lot of time putting [the data] in a format that my students can digest because if I just look up earthquake and volcano data, it's probably going to be not in a very student-friendly format.” 
  • AI is great at generating review questions for students to practice the material.

While AI tools can be powerful for teachers, Delo reminds teachers that they need to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. “AI could be used to create busy work for kids and that’s not very meaningful,” she said, and teachers might end up with boring slide decks and low-quality multiple-choice quizzes. 

Illustration of a scientist with outstretched arms, resembling a bird in flight, surrounded by a diverse array of bird species, some of which are pixelated

How AI Is Helping Us Learn About Birds

Machine learning is powering new insights into how birds migrate—and forecasts about where they’ll go next

Delo said that since the internet made just about anything a Google search away, science education has evolved from lecturing on rote facts to engaging students in a process of analysis. In the same way, she believes teachers should approach AI with honest conversations about its potential.

Some teachers see AI tools as closing gaps in access to quality education materials. According to Delo, there is a common misconception that all teachers at all schools are expected to create their lessons from scratch. In reality, it’s common for teachers and districts to purchase curricula from various companies. In the past, this has led to wealthier schools having access to better curricula, while less wealthy schools need to create more content on their own. But AI can help bridge that gap. “If I were a parent, I would want my kid to have a teacher that uses AI,” she said.

She cautions teachers, however, to adhere to privacy laws regarding the use of AI tools. “I know ChatGPT is not approved for use by anyone under the age of 13. When an AI tool has an age restriction, schools better follow it.”

Ultimately, Delo does not see AI replacing teachers anytime soon. “When you think about your favorite teacher, it’s usually a teacher who inspired you. I’ve never really been inspired by AI. I’ve gotten excited about it, but I’ve never been like ‘Wow, this ChatGPT really believes in me today, and that feels good,’” she said. “If technology could have been a replacement or a silver bullet for education, then students would [have] come out of the pandemic with flying colors. And we didn’t see that. We saw that a lot of students struggled with online learning. So I do think the human element of teaching is so important.”

Nathaniel Decker

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Nathaniel Decker, an English, poetry, and public speaking teacher in Philadelphia, said he was worried that AI tools would change expectations of teacher productivity. “Teachers using these AI programs to be efficient and save themselves time is great,” he said. 

“I’m not anti-technology, anti-automation. I’m anti those things replacing the opportunity for people to make a living off of their work,” he said. Decker, who is involved in the school union, said that teachers should have control over their own use of AI. “I’m fine with teachers using AI, as long as we’re not forced to use AI.”

Decker also said teachers should be contractually in control of their IP, and that they should not be forced to give up their lesson plans to be used in an AI model. “I don’t trust that the people in charge are gonna have everyone’s best intentions at heart,” he said.

One useful area of AI tools for Decker is making sure that teaching materials hit certain mandatory standards from the district and discovering how existing materials might cover more standards than anyone realized. “I intend for this [lesson] to teach this skill, but [it] is also touching on these 12 other skills… That’s a cool way to use [AI] that I never would have thought to use.”

Illustration featuring panels of rough pencil sketches of illustrations that The Markup has published. Overlaid in the center of the image are the Chinese characters 置標 which translate to “The Markup.”

Zine: How We Illustrate Tech (and AI) at The Markup

A lot of what we cover is tough to visualize. We've developed a number of tricks to help—and a comic to tell you all about them

When it comes to students using AI, Decker said, “Anything involving text, writing, or speaking is gonna be the trickiest” to handle as a teacher. When a student submits work to Decker that doesn’t make sense, he has a hard time telling whether the student is making a purposeful creative choice, struggling with the material, or using an AI to generate their work. He cares less about the end product than the creative process, so he does not want students using AI to skip this process. ChatGPT is still banned on Olney High School’s network.

Some teachers have begun to use AI to evaluate student work, but he said that teachers disagree on when it’s appropriate to do so. Decker said, “From an English teacher’s perspective, reading essays and poetry and giving feedback [with AI], I don’t think [teachers] should do that. I don’t know how they could do that in a way that’s differentiated to each students’ needs.” 

Decker said that he’d like an AI tool that could help find common problems across all student work for a topic. “If… AI could tell me, ‘This many students understood it, this many didn’t, here’s the issues that they had,’ that could be incredible,” he said. 

Eyeing the stack of papers that need to be graded over winter break, he said that he wished he could give feedback to students sooner, but he just didn’t have the time.

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Teachers Are Using AI to Create New Worlds, Help Students with Homework, and Teach English

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How To Use AI To Do My Homework – Guide for Students


Are you tired of spending countless hours on homework? Do you wish there was a way to make the process more efficient and enjoyable? Well, look no further because the future is here! Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable tool for students seeking academic success in this digital era.

From researching topics to proofreading essays, AI can revolutionize your approach to homework. So, buckle up and get ready to discover how harnessing the power of AI can transform your study routine and skyrocket your grades!

Table of Contents

How to use AI to do my homework

It is no secret that AI is slowly but surely taking over many aspects of our lives. It is already changing how we learn and do our homework. While some may see this as bad, there are many benefits to using AI to do your homework. Here are just a few of them:

1. You can get help from AI 24/7.

One of the best things about using AI to do your homework is that you can get help 24/7. You can always turn to your AI helper for assistance, no matter what time of day or night. This is especially useful if you have a last-minute assignment or need help understanding a concept.

2. AI can provide personalized help.

Another great thing about using AI to do your homework is that it can provide you with personalized help. This means the service you receive will be tailored to your needs. This is possible because AI can track your progress and identify your weaknesses. As a result, you will be able to get the help you need to improve in those areas.

3. AI can help you learn at your own pace.

If you learn best at your own pace, then using AI to do your homework can be an excellent option. AI can provide customized learning materials based on your unique learning style. This way, you can learn at your own pace and in the best way for you.

4. AI can make learning more fun.

Let’s face it: Homework can be pretty dull. But if you use AI to do your homework, learning can be fun. This is because AI can make learning more interactive and engaging. For example, you can use AI to play games or watch educational videos. As a result, you will be more likely to pay attention and learn the material.

5. AI can help you prepare for exams.

If you are worried about an upcoming exam, using AI to do your homework can help you prepare. This is because AI can provide you with

The benefits of using AI to do homework

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way we do homework. Here are some of the benefits of using AI for homework:

  • Faster completion of assignments: With AI, students can complete their assignments faster as they can get help from intelligent software in finding relevant information and resources and completing calculations.
  • Increased accuracy : AI can help students achieve increased accuracy in their assignments as it can check for errors and provide suggestions for improvements.
  • Improved understanding: By working with AI, students can better understand the concepts they are studying as they can receive targeted help and explanations from the software.
  • Increased motivation: AI can motivate students to complete their assignments as they can see their progress and receive recognition for their achievements.

The step-by-step guide to using AI to do homework

You may wonder how to use AI to do your homework as a student. After all, AI is a powerful tool that can automate tasks, analyze data, and even provide insights.

Fortunately, you can use AI to help you with your homework in several ways. In this article, we’ll take a look at three of the most popular methods:

1. Use an AI-powered homework helper

There are several AI-powered homework helpers available online. These tools can help you solve math problems and understand complex concepts.

One of the most popular homework helpers is Wolfram Alpha. This tool can help you with various topics, including math, science, history, and English.

2. Use an AI-powered learning platform

Several AI-powered learning platforms are available that can help you learn more effectively. These platforms use AI to personalize your learning experience and provide customized recommendations.

One of the most popular AI-powered learning platforms is Knewton. This platform provides personalized recommendations based on your learning style and preferences.

3. Use an AI-powered tutoring service

If you need more personalized help with your homework, you may want to consider using an AI-powered tutoring service. These services use AI to match you with a tutor who can provide you with the help you need.

One of the most popular AI-powered tutoring services is This service provides you with on-demand tutoring from qualified tutors.

The potential risks of using AI to do homework

Homework is essential to the learning process, allowing students to consolidate and practice what they have learned in class. It also allows parents and teachers to gauge students’ understanding of the material and provide feedback.

With the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, some parents and teachers are concerned about the potential risks of using AI to do homework.

There are several potential risks associated with using AI to do homework. First, there is the risk that the AI system will not accurately assess the student’s understanding of the material. If the AI system cannot accurately identify the student’s experience level, it may provide incorrect feedback or suggest wrong next steps.

Second, there is the risk that the AI system will be unable to adapt to the student’s needs. Every student learns differently and has different needs. An AI system that cannot adapt to the student’s needs may not be as effective as a human tutor who can tailor the lesson to the individual student.

Third, there is the risk that the AI system will not be able to provide the same level of personal attention as a human tutor. A human tutor can give the student individualized attention and support that an AI system cannot.

Fourth, the risk is that using AI to do homework will increase the achievement gap. AI systems are not perfect and will make mistakes. If these mistakes disproportionately impact low-income and minority students, it could widen the achievement gap.

Despite these risks, there are also potential benefits to using AI to do homework. First, AI systems can provide immediate feedback to students. This can be helpful for students who need immediate feedback to improve their understanding of the material.

Second, AI systems can work with a large number of students at the same time. This can be helpful for teachers who have large class sizes and need extra help in grading homework.

Third, AI systems can be used to supplement the work of human tutors. For example, an AI system can be used to provide extra practice to students who are struggling with a particular concept.

The conclusion – is using AI to do homework worth it?

It is no secret that many students use some form of AI to do their homework. Whether it is to find answers to questions or to have a paper written for them, AI has become a popular tool for students. But is using AI to do homework worth it?

There are some pros and cons to using AI to do homework. On the one hand, AI can save students a lot of time. If you can find a good AI program, it can do your homework for you in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it yourself. This can be a huge time saver, especially if you have a lot of homework.

On the other hand, there are some risks to using AI to do homework. One chance is that you might not get the same quality of work from an AI program as a human. Another risk is that you might accidentally plagiarize your work if you use an AI program that is not well-vetted.

Overall, there are some risks and some benefits to using AI to do homework. It is up to you to decide whether or not you think the benefits outweigh the risks. If you do decide to use AI to do your homework, make sure you do your research and choose a reputable program.

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A new tool helps teachers detect if AI wrote an assignment

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Janet W. Lee

Several big school districts such as New York and Los Angeles have blocked access to a new chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to produce essays. One student has a new tool to help.

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  • Undergraduate News

A New Class Has Students Use AI To Do Their Homework

Lecturer Matt O’Donnell’s course “Talking with AI: Computational and Communication Approaches” encourages undergraduates to play with AI.

By Hailey Reissman

Matt O'Donnell talks to a student in his class

O'Donnell helps Communication major Nancy Miranda during class. Students each kept a blog during the class, chronicling what they did with AI and what they learned.

Increasingly, artificial intelligence (AI) is able to generate content with astonishing human veracity. ChatGPT can write emails that sound like any real office memo. Web apps can create the perfect headshot without any posing whatsoever. AI-generated images regularly fool people to believe they are watching explicit private videos.

In lecturer Matthew Brook O’Donnell’s new course at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, undergraduates are testing the boundaries of this emerging world of AI tools, exploring their ability to create accurate, trustworthy, and coherent content for research, media, and everyday life. 

In the course, students examine large language models (LLMs) and use programming to “look under the hood” of generative AI tools and practice. The course emphasizes the human-technology partnership — using LLMs as collaborators to enhance their own human thinking. The students also spend significant time engaging in human-like conversation with LLMs to understand what these models can and cannot do well.

O’Donnell — who has a background in communication, computational linguistics, and data science — wants students to not only understand how generative AI tools work, but also to question the ways in which humans communicate with these tools and how humans will use generative AI in the future.

“The dominant voices in the generative AI space are those with highly technical backgrounds,” he says, “but there’s room for a humanistic and social science viewpoint.” 

Health Communication Research

Step into the class — COMM 4190: Talking with AI: Computational and Communication Approaches — and you’d recently have found groups of students writing and rewriting prompts for AI assistants, attempting to get these tools to create public health campaigns. It’s surprisingly difficult.

One pair aims to promote the health benefits of eating insects. They have been using text-to-image generator DALL·E to produce a slew of promotional posters. Many come out covered in incomprehensible text.

“DALL·E is still very inconsistent with language,” says sophomore Communication major Sean McKeown, co-creator of the campaign. “Sometimes the text makes sense and other times it’s pure gibberish. It’s hard to know which prompt will give you which.”

An AI-Generated Poster shows a cartoon man in a tank top eating a bowl of insects. The top of the poster reads, "POSSBILI FOR WEIGHT DIIET?" The poster is covered in inscrutable text

Other teams of students have been having similar problems, but also breakthroughs.

After lines and lines of prompts, a group working on an anti-drunk-driving campaign has success guiding Microsoft Copilot toward creating an image with the tone they are seeking.

An AI-Generated Poster shows a drawing of a hand holding car keys. Pictured inside the car keys is a police car and jail cell bars. The text on the poster reads, "YOUR FREEDOM IN YOUR HANDS CHOOSE WISELLY,"

These campaigns are inspired by the work of Professor Andy Tan, Director of the Health Communication & Equity Lab at Annenberg, whose study Project RESIST is dedicated to creating anti-vaping campaigns aimed at LGBTQ young women.

Tan hasn’t used AI in his own research and is interested in how the students’ work will compare to health campaigns created the conventional way. 

Playing with AI

One element of the students’ assignments is to simply experiment with AI and keep blogs about their progress.

"The idea of the blogs is for the students to try out different ideas and experiments using LLMs and then to write those up," O'Donnell says. "However, there is no restriction on them not using an LLM to write some of the text. We are going to try an experiment to see if given the 16 blogs written by each student, an LLM could generate a new one in their style."

Their experiments have included asking advice on how to comfort a friend with an unrequited crush , sussing out whether AI can understand Jean-Paul Sartre , creating a storyline for a new season of the television show "The White Lotus," and testing AI’s ability to solve riddles.

For one of her experiments, sophomore Emmy Keogh decided to play a game of broken telephone with an AI tool, curious to know how much an image would change after a few iterations of generating an image, turning the image into text, and using this text to create a new photo.

After four iterations, the image morphed from the original prompt of “a selfie of a dog wearing sunglasses, an upset cat, and a horse who is just happy to be there” to an image of a hand drawing three dogs, a cat, a horse, and a person.

Two AI-generated photos. On the left is a cartoon of a dog, a horse, and a cat. On the right is a cartoon of a hand drawing 3 dogs, a horse, a cat, and a person on an e-tablet

Senior Leesa Quinlan ran into the limits of ChatGPT when she attempted to get the tool to write a 200-word love story . It was only after seven tries that the AI produced something close to Quinlan’s request — a 199-word story. She’s not sure what prevented it from adding an additional word.

“It just goes to show that even some of the tasks that we think ChatGPT might be best suited for are still difficult,” she wrote .

In order to play with AI’s image generating ability, she had DALL·E create images of the recent solar eclipse as seen from cities that were in the path in totality and those that were not. 

AI-generated image of what the solar eclipse supposedly looked like from Carbondale, Illinois (shows a total eclipse), Atlanta, Georgia (total eclipse), and  Seattle, Washington (partial eclipse)

There were some hiccups — Atlanta was not in the path of totality, but initially DALL·E showed it was, for one — but after playing with prompts for a while, she received “good enough” results.

An AI-Generated cartoon of people watching a partial solar eclipse in downtown Atlanta, Georgia

Junior Kendall Allen decided to explore gender bias in AI and see if ChatGPT addressed her differently if she told the AI she was a boy or girl . It did, using different examples to explain topics like algebra and addition. For the latter, it used cookies for girls and toy cars for boys.

Human Communication

Sophomore Jason Saito says that he appreciates the way that O’Donnell’s course provides context on how AI affects society as a whole. As a coder, he’s used to hearing about AI’s effect on technology, but not about its impact on communication.

Through experimentation, students have gathered that generative AI tools are not as good at communicating as humans are — for now.

An AI-Generated Poster shows four versions of a logo for a brand called "FLOA."  The logos each say FLOA and either "SLO.GAN HERE" or "SOGOME HERE." the cartoon logos depict a wave with a sunset; a pink and purple daisy; a rainbow colored daisy; and a blue daisy

“We effortlessly manage conversation in ways that current LLMs completely fail at,” O’Donnell says. “I hope students come away from the course with a better appreciation of their own amazing human intelligence, particularly when it comes to using language in a range of social contexts to build relationships, develop knowledge and solve problems.

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How to Use a Chatbot to Create Engaging Do Now Activities

When you let generative AI like ChatGPT be your collaborator, you can save time and produce just the right relevant quick activities.

Photo of elementary students working on ipads in classroom

There has been so much buzz about artificial intelligence (AI) this school year. Although generative AI is certainly far from perfect, it can act as an assistant and collaborator for educators. Like any device you might use in the classroom, however, AI-powered tools require your skills, experience, and expertise to allow you to truly make the most of them. You can leverage this technology to plan for all parts of the school day, including a “Do Now” activity.

You’re likely familiar with Do Now activities, quick activities that students can work on when they enter the classroom. These activities can kick off a new lesson when the bell rings or be used to transition between one part of the day and the next. In a secondary classroom, this activity could start as soon as the class period begins. In an elementary classroom, a Do Now can help bridge the gap between the end of a math lesson and the transition to a science lesson. 

While these activities can have numerous purposes, they’re typically designed to pique the students’ interest in a topic, help them focus on the new part of the day, activate prior knowledge, or gather information on what they already know about the topic.

Here’s where chatbots like ChatGPT can help teachers save time by acting as a quick assistant and collaborator to help you create engaging Do Now activities. Although I tend to use ChatGPT as the default example of a chatbot, there are plenty to choose from. You might want to explore Claude , Perplexity , or Gemini . I recently featured tips for using Gemini (formerly Bard) on my March 19, 2024, Easy EdTech podcast . 

Using AI to Create Do Now Activities

When using a chatbot like ChatGPT, you can start with a simple prompt that you refine with follow-up instructions, or you can begin with a prompt that includes a lot of information. For example, you might use: “Make a list of Do Now activities I can use to kick off a lesson on persuasive writing for eighth graders.”

But if you add a bit more information to your prompt at the start, the responses will typically be of better quality. For example, you might try: “I am an eighth-grade teacher known for my engaging, relevant lessons. I want to kick off a new lesson with a Do Now activity that will help my students better understand how a hook can strengthen their persuasive writing. Make a list of activities that will take under five minutes to complete, introduce this concept, and help me gather some information on where students are at. Also, my students are excited about the Summer Olympics.”

Although it might take more time to type out the lengthy prompt, your results will usually be better. In this longer prompt, I included the following:

  • My role, or the role that I want the chatbot to take on: “an eighth-grade teacher known for my engaging, relevant lessons.”
  • The goal: “to kick off a new lesson with a Do Now activity that will help my students better understand how a hook can strengthen their persuasive writing.”
  • The task, including specific elements: “Make a list of activities that will take under five minutes to complete, introduce this concept, and help me gather some information on where students are at.”
  • Extra information: “students are excited about the Summer Olympics.”

Or in an elementary classroom, you might use: “I am a first-grade teacher known for doing a great job connecting literacy skills to instruction in other areas like social studies. I want to kick off a new lesson with a Do Now activity that will help my students better understand roles in our community. Make a list of activities that will take about five minutes to complete and activate the students’ prior knowledge. Also, my students know some vocabulary words for this unit like volunteer , firefighter , and doctor .”

Again, taking the extra time to enter a longer, more detailed prompt can give you better results. In the longer prompt, I added these:

  • My role, or the role that I want the chatbot to take on: “a first-grade teacher known for doing a great job connecting literacy skills to instruction in other areas like social studies.”
  • The goal: “to kick off a new lesson with a Do Now activity that will help my students better understand roles in our community.”
  • The task, including specific elements: “Make a list of activities that will take about five minutes to complete and activate the students’ prior knowledge.”
  • Extra information: “students know some vocabulary words for this unit like volunteer , firefighter , and doctor .”

The extra information could include a note about student interests, language from state or local standards, vocabulary words that students are learning, examples of what has worked in the past (or counterexamples), or what you don’t want as a result. For example, if you don’t want a full lesson plan, you might use, “Give me a list of 10 ideas for a Do Now activity, do not give me a lesson plan.” All of this information can strengthen your output. But if you don’t include it in your initial prompt, you can always reply to the initial response with the clarifying information. 

Since interacting with a chatbot is sort of like having a conversation, you can “talk” back and forth until you get the strongest response. There are ways to use chatbots to create content to support English language arts, social studies instruction, math, science, and more. 

As with any response that is generated by a chatbot, you’ll want to review the results carefully. Make sure that the information is factually accurate and relevant to your goals. Artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT can also produce results influenced by the bias of their large language model (training data).

In the second edition of my book EdTech Essentials: 12 Strategies for Every Classroom in the Age of AI , the “Assess” chapter includes suggestions for how to leverage generative AI tools to help teachers save time as they gather actionable formative assessment data. Although it’s important to have a healthy hesitation when using new, rapidly changing technology, chatbots like ChatGPT can certainly save educators time as they plan instruction and personalize learning experiences for students.

AI Do’s and Don’ts for Teachers (Downloadable)

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The rise of generative AI ushers in countless opportunities for K-12 educators and students, as well as some concerns.

To help teachers figure out how to effectively (and carefully) incorporate the technology into their classrooms, high school ELA teachers Larry Ferlazzo (who hosts the Education Week Opinion blog Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo ) and Katie Hull Sypnieski shared their best practice ideas earlier this year in two videos—one on how teachers can maximize AI for the classroom and another on how to manage the challenges .

Following on the heels of the videos, Ferlazzo and Hull Sypnieski share their do’s and don’ts in this downloadable resource.

Click here to download and share.

Looking for more? Check out these additional resources for how to create opportunities for students to learn about AI; provide guidelines for AI use; teach your class how to properly cite AI ; learn about different ways teachers have used AI ; and explore different strategies for AI-proofing assignments .

Watch Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull Sypnieski's Animated Videos on AI

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Jaclyn Borowski, Director of Photography & Videography; Elizabeth Rich, Assistant Managing Editor, Opinion; and Vanessa Solis, Associate Design Director contributed to this opinion article.

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Images shows colorful speech bubbles that say "Q," "&," and "A."



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    ChatGPT is a buzzy new AI technology that can write research papers or poems that come out sounding like a real person did the work. You can even train this bot to write the way you do. Some ...

  22. A New Class Has Students Use AI To Do Their Homework

    In the course, students examine large language models (LLMs) and use programming to "look under the hood" of generative AI tools and practice. The course emphasizes the human-technology partnership — using LLMs as collaborators to enhance their own human thinking. The students also spend significant time engaging in human-like ...

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  25. AI Do's and Don'ts for Teachers (Downloadable) (Opinion)

    AI Do's and Don'ts for Teachers (Downloadable) AI is here to stay. How educators can maximize it in the classroom for the benefit of all. Larry Ferlazzo is an English and social studies ...

  26. University dean fears '99.9 per cent' of his students are using AI to

    Professor Laurent Muzellec, Dean of Trinity Business School at Trinity College Dublin, said AI was for analysing data and enhancing the curriculum, but lamented the use of chatbots by "99.9 per ...

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    Photo: ANDREI BURAK; AI FASHION. For Andrei Burak, modeling was mostly a side gig—a way to make a little cash as he worked his way up from lighting assistant to producer after moving from ...