Case Studies: Successful Events Using Event Software


In the evolving realm of event planning, success hinges on adapting to the target audience’s demands and creating memorable experiences. This compilation of case studies uncovers the success stories of prominent organizations such as GE Healthcare, leveraging modern platforms in the information technology sector. These stories illuminate the transformative power of event software in orchestrating successful product launches, virtual and hybrid events, and esports competitions across the United States and beyond. They highlight amplified customer satisfaction, enhanced security, significant cost savings, and insightful analytics, offering valuable lessons for event planners on the path to success. Delve into these customer stories to discover how the right platform can elevate your event planning strategies.

5 Event Case Studies

Case study 1: product launch by ge healthcare.

GE Healthcare leveraged a top-tier platform in the information technology sector to successfully launch a groundbreaking product. This case study emphasizes the crucial role of analytics in understanding the target audience, leading to a memorable experience and amplified customer satisfaction.

Case Study 2: Virtual Event In The United States

As the demand for virtual events surged, a prominent firm triumphed in hosting a large-scale virtual event using advanced event software. The event offered attendees an interactive experience and demonstrated impressive cost savings, making it a success story worth noting.

Case Study 3: Hybrid Event In The Information Technology Sector

In this customer story, an IT company adeptly bridged the gap between physical and digital spaces, setting up a hybrid event that attracted a broad audience. The event showcased the platform’s security features, underscoring the importance of safety in memorable experiences.

Case Study 4: Esports Competition

This case study recounts how a leading Esports organization used an event software platform to deliver an exceptional experience for attendees, from live streaming to real-time social media integration. This success story encapsulates the power of creating memorable experiences for a specific target audience.

Case Study 5: United Nations Conference

The United Nations harnessed event software to enhance the attendee experience at a crucial conference. With robust analytics, seamless security, and improved customer satisfaction, this case study is an example of how event planners can utilize technology for successful and impactful events.

The Skift Take: These case studies demonstrate the powerful role of event software platforms in facilitating successful events, from product launches to large-scale conferences. Leveraging technology, organizations like GE Healthcare and the United Nations have improved attendee experience, enhanced security, saved costs, and gained valuable insights. These success stories serve as a testament to the transformative potential of information technology in event planning.

Why Event Badges Will Never Be The Same Again [Case Study]

The digital revolution has forever changed the face of event badges. In our case study, we delve into how technology-driven badges have enhanced the event experience, providing not just identity verification, but also serving as a tool for networking, data collection, and improving overall attendee engagement.

How To Increase Engagement With Your Event App By 350% [Case Study]

In this case study, we unravel the strategy behind a staggering 350% increase in event app engagement. Through a blend of user-friendly design, interactive features, and personalized content, the case underlines the power of a well-implemented event app in boosting attendee interaction and enhancing the overall event experience.

How To Meet Green [Case Study]

This case study explores the concept of sustainable event planning. It illustrates how a platform’s features can facilitate ‘green’ events, thereby reducing environmental impact while ensuring a memorable attendee experience. Such initiatives highlight the potential for event software to contribute meaningfully towards global sustainability goals.

How To Increase Attendance By 100+% [Case Study]

This case study explores the tactics employed by an organization which led to a remarkable doubling of event attendance. The successful campaign, powered by a robust event software platform, offered personalized communication, early bird incentives, and an appealing event agenda, demonstrating the potential of effective marketing strategies in boosting event turnout.

How This Event Boosted Their Success [Case Study]

This case study unravels the success journey of an event that significantly boosted their success using a comprehensive event software platform. The strategic use of interactive features, data insights, and exceptional planning led to a remarkable rise in attendee satisfaction and engagement, underlining the game-changing potential of technology in event management.

In the dynamic field of event planning. The power of leveraging advanced platforms in information technology, as demonstrated in the case studies, is clear. Success stories from esteemed organizations such as GE Healthcare. Underscore the invaluable role of event software in facilitating triumphant product launches, virtual and hybrid events, and even esports competitions. The benefits are manifold, including enhanced customer satisfaction, improved security, substantial cost savings, and the generation of valuable analytics to guide future strategies. These case studies serve as tangible proof that the right technology can significantly elevate the success of your event.

If these success stories inspire you to embrace the transformative power of event software. We invite you to experience the difference firsthand. Orderific is ready to demonstrate how our platform can elevate your event planning process. Book a demo with us today and begin your journey towards unprecedented event success.

What role do event case studies play in the event planning and management process?

Event case studies offer real-world examples of successful planning and management strategies, providing valuable insights and lessons.

How can event professionals benefit from studying real-world success stories in the industry?

They can gain practical knowledge, tactics, and inspiration to implement successful strategies in their own events.

What types of insights can event case studies provide for improving future events?

Event case studies provide actionable insights into effective planning strategies, attendee engagement, and ROI optimization.

Are there specific industries or event types that are commonly featured in case studies?

Yes, industries often featured include tech, healthcare, and entertainment, and event types range from corporate events to music festivals.

How can event planners effectively apply lessons learned from case studies to their own projects?

They can apply these lessons by tailoring the strategies highlighted in case studies. Which aligns with their event’s unique needs and goals.

Introduction Enhancing a new employee's onboarding experience is crucial in an increasingly digital world. Through our advanced onboarding software, we Read more

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the event planning industry, offering event planners innovative tools to craft immersive, personalized experiences. Read more

Introduction Event technology is rapidly evolving, presenting opportunities and challenges for event planners. The adoption of event tech can significantly Read more

Introduction The era of big data has ushered in an unprecedented opportunity for event organizers. The wealth of event data Read more

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Event Management

5 Event Case Studies

Skift Meetings Studio Team

January 13th, 2017 at 10:00 AM EST

case study of event management

Event planners are creating effective and successful events every single day, but on the whole we could do better with sharing event data and best practice. Here are 5 event case studies we can all learn from.

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Whether it is down to time, client confidentiality or protecting our ideas and ways of working eventprofs seem to struggle with shouting about our achievements and letting others benefit from our successes (or failures).

When a project is over we brainstorm and analyze internally within our team and with our clients but very few of us publish meaningful data and outcomes from our events for others to learn from and be inspired by. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why some executives struggle to appreciate the results and return that events can bring and why we still battle to protect event budgets in times of austerity?

As an industry we should work harder to crystallize the Return on Investment and Return on Objectives so there can be no doubt about the importance and relevance of events to the marketing mix. We need to demonstrate more clearly exactly how we added or created value through our events to prove that they are essential.

These 5 case studies from 2016 focus on events that achieved their objectives and share top tips on their learnings and data.

Why Event Badges Will Never Be the Same Again [Case Study]


The 2016 Seattle GeekWire Startup Day used technology to help attendees get more from networking opportunities at the event and improve the experience. Through smart event badges they were able to create a total of 9,459 positive matches between participants with shared interests and analyze more closely the supply and demand.

How to Increase Engagement with your Event App by 350% [Case Study]


If you invest in a mobile app for your event you want to be sure that people will download and use it. This case study outlines how the MAISON&OBJET exhibition increased engagement with their event app by 350%

How To Meet Green [Case Study]


One of the objectives of the Canadian Medical Association Annual Meeting was to create the greenest event going. Focusing on three main areas, this is how they did it and the difference they made.

How to Increase Attendance by 100+% [Case Study]


Streamlining the registration process can have a big impact on workload and numbers. This case study shares how the Colorado Judicial Branch doubled the number of attendees for their largest conference and saved countless hours of administration time.

How This Event Boosted Their Success [Case Study]


Running regional events as part of a country-wide tour has plenty of challenges. This case study looks at how The Get Fit and Thick tour streamlined their processes for event success across the US.

In Conclusion

As these 5 case studies demonstrate, events can make a difference at a micro and macro level. As an industry let’s make a pledge to share our learnings, both positive and negative. By taking this bold step we can educate and support each other to run more effective events and further professionalize the event industry and spend event budget where they will yield the greatest results. We know the importance of events, and event technology , we need to do more to prove it to those that still need convincing.  

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G2 produces 2X more global events with Asana

Expanding events program.

Events program has grown 2X year over year

Reduced planning time

Cut down event planning time by 80%

40+ hours saved per quarter on event check-in meetings

G2 is a B2B software and services review platform that millions of buyers and vendors rely on around the world. Events are a key channel the marketing team uses to engage these two audiences. Led by Adam Goyette, Vice President of Demand Generation, the events team produces 150+ events every year, from paid review booths for their clients to major conference sponsorships and demand generation dinners to build pipeline for their sales team.

To ensure all of these events go off without a hitch, Adam has a team of four full-time employees, 30+ contractors, and countless cross-functional partners to coordinate logistics, creative production, sales materials, and promotion. To support G2’s growing event needs, Adam knew he had to put processes and tools in place that would allow the team to scale.

As he looked to scale the team, Adam faced some common operational challenges:

Event plans were scattered across spreadsheets, emails, and meeting notes so there was no way to organize and track everything in one place or hold people accountable for tasks and deadlines.

Past event plans and vendor information were siloed in separate tools, making knowledge sharing a struggle when onboarding new teammates.

Event plans and processes weren’t standardized, so the team had to plan from scratch every time, resulting in missed steps and no way to continually optimize their processes.

The team struggled to delegate and assign work to others because they were used to managing every detail themselves. And since processes weren’t documented, it was difficult for cross-functional partners to jump into projects when needed.

Adam realized they needed to develop standard event processes to scale the program successfully. Additionally, their event plans needed to be accessible by everyone so they could coordinate with contractors, cross-functional partners, and vendors.

quotation mark

We’ve created templates for events we do often, which cuts down our planning time by 80%. Now the time we do spend on each event is used to customize it and improve it. ”

Centralizing event work and processes in one view

While the G2 marketing team had tried other work management tools in the past, none of them stuck. Then Ryan Bonnici joined the company as its Chief Marketing Officer and introduced the team to Asana, which he’d used with his teams at previous companies. Compared to other tools, Adam found Asana to be the most intuitive, flexible, and powerful solution for managing different event workflows and collaborating with cross-functional teammates.

As our team expanded, we needed a tool that allowed us to coordinate complex events and provide visibility into how plans were progressing without having to rely on email and meetings. Asana has made it easy to track every task and deadline in one place, which saves us 40+ hours a quarter in meetings. ”

To ensure adoption, the marketing team developed conventions and best practices to create event management processes at G2—all of which are standardized. The team then began planning, assigning, and tracking event work only in Asana. With a centralized system of record, work is no longer scattered across email, spreadsheets, and meetings notes. This ensures that event plans are trackable and accessible to the entire team for easier knowledge sharing and collaboration. Adam also invited contractors into Asana and then to relevant events they were supporting so they could coordinate logistics with the internal team in one place.

Successfully scaling the event program with Asana

Adam’s team has now centralized all of their event plans—vendor contracts, day-of checklists, creative production, and more—in Asana so everyone has visibility, and they’ve also created project templates with detailed workback schedules to reduce planning time. Additionally, the team has integrated Asana with Slack so they can turn messages into tasks—or take action on tasks right from Slack—when they’re on site at events. This helps them keep everything connected and allows them to work seamlessly, whether they’re in the office or on site.

Now that we’re managing events in Asana, we’ve been able to double the number of events we host, which has helped us generate more customer reviews for our vendors and create new sales pipeline for the company. ”

By centralizing and standardizing their event plans in Asana, the team has been able to scale successfully, reduce their planning time by 80%, and produce twice as many events across three continents to generate software reviews, drive sales pipeline, and hit revenue targets. They continue to optimize their event processes based on new learnings, and with ambitious plans to accelerate their growth, they’re ready to manage even more events with the help of Asana.

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Event Management Platform

The Ultimate Event Project Management Guide: Everything You Need to Know

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In today’s competitive business environment, project management is more critical than ever. It provides a roadmap for strategic alignment, risk management, cost efficiency, and quality control. There are different types of project management frameworks. Here are some of them: 

Waterfall is a sequential project management methodology in which tasks are completed in a pre-defined order. Each project phase must be completed before the next step can begin. 

This makes it difficult to change the project once it has started. Waterfall is often used for projects with well-defined requirements and a low change risk.

Agile is an iterative and incremental project management methodology in which projects are broken down into smaller chunks called sprints. Teams work on each sprint in short bursts. The Agile framework allows for changing the requirements and incorporating feedback quickly. 

Lean is a project management methodology that focuses on eliminating waste and streamlining processes. It is often used in software development, but it can also be applied to other types of projects. Lean is based on the following principles:

  • Identify and eliminate waste.
  • Focus on customer value.
  • Continuously improve processes.

Six Sigma is a data-driven project management methodology focusing on improving quality and reducing flaws. It is often used in manufacturing, but it can also be used in other industries. Six Sigma is based on the following principles:

  • Define the problem.
  • Measure the current process.
  • Analyze the data to identify the root cause of the problem.
  • Improve the operation to eliminate the root cause of the problem.
  • Control the process to ensure that the improvement is sustained.

Hybrid Methodologies

Hybrid methodologies combine elements of different traditional and modern methodologies to create a custom approach that meets the specific needs of a project or organization. For example, a hybrid methodology might combine the sequential approach of Waterfall with the iterative approach of Agile.

What is Event Project Management?

Event project management is the application of project management principles and techniques to event planning and execution. This includes defining project scope, setting and tracking objectives, creating a project plan, managing resources, and evaluating success. It involves coordinating every event detail, from the initial concept to the final wrap-up.

Event project management requires coordinating multiple internal and external teams, all working together to execute flawless events.

It’s worth noting that event project management is temporary in nature, as its ultimate goal is to develop well-established and automated workflows that can be used to scale. This means that professionals must constantly look for ways to streamline processes and improve efficiency.

Teamwork is another essential aspect of any event project management. Organizers must effectively collaborate with various stakeholders, including providers, vendors, agencies, industry influencers, speakers, and team members.

Ultimately, the success of any event project management hinges on the ability of professionals to coordinate and execute all of the moving parts seamlessly. By carefully planning and preparing, organizers can ensure that their events are executed flawlessly, living up to the expectations of all stakeholders involved. 

When To Initiate Event Project Management?  

Initiating event project management is a strategic decision. However, there are specific circumstances when initiating event project management becomes critical. These circumstances are often unique to the nature of the event or project. Let’s explore some of these scenarios:

Deploying a New Events Strategy 

Event project management is required when designing a new events strategy. This process involves elements such as:

  • Identifying new opportunities within the retail landscape.
  • Analyzing customers’ expectations. 
  • Understanding potential challenges unique to the industry.
  • Crafting a comprehensive plan tailored to execute the events strategy effectively.

Subsequently, these steps may translate into launching innovative in-store events, exclusive product launches, or online sales events. But only by initiating event project management will companies be able to align their efforts with their business goals, creating memorable customer experiences. 

Launching a New Type of Event or Exceptionally Large Events

Introducing new event types or exceptionally large-scale retail events can pose specific challenges for enterprises and retailers. These might include grand seasonal sales, Black Friday extravaganzas, or store openings.  A great example would be when Salomon, the innovative French sporting goods company, launched its infamous Salomon Experiences , for sports fans around the world, on its website . 

Event project management becomes essential to oversee resources, ensure good execution, and deliver a positive experience to attendees. For retailers, this means creating an immersive retail environment that engages customers and maximizes sales opportunities.

Implementing New Event Management Software 

Companies and retailers often rely on event management software to streamline operations, integrate multiple data points, and enhance customer experience. The implementation of new event management software introduces changes in processes and workflows. 

To make this transition smoother, reduce potential operational glitches, and enhance overall efficiency, retailers should initiate event project management. By doing so, they can ensure that the event management software integration aligns with their specific needs.

As an example, Pierre Fabre implemented Eventtia as its group’s event software for 40 brands in 13 countries in 2018. To this day, more than 300 events, including corporate events, retail partners seminars and webinars.

Initiating the Collaboration with New Agencies and Suppliers

Event project management is invaluable for companies seeking to work with new event agencies, vendors, and suppliers. Collaborating with different partners often entails understanding new working styles, managing diverse expectations, and ensuring seamless communication throughout the supply chain. 

By initiating event project management, retailers can facilitate better coordination, improve communication channels, and foster mutual understanding.

Running Events with New Partners, Industry Influencers, and KOLs

Hosting events with new partners, industry influencers, and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) can significantly impact brand visibility and customer engagement. Initiating event project management is essential to manage these collaborations effectively. 

Companies and retailers can ensure that such partnerships are aligned with their brand identity, target audience, and business goals. This approach allows them to make the most of these influential partnerships, whether it’s through in-store appearances or joint event marketing initiatives.

For example, Campari Group is frequently organizing brand activation campaigns at some of the most popular music  and art festivals, inviting famous artists and influencers. 

Main Risks Of Overlooking Event Project Management

Failing to prioritize or inadequately manage event project management can result in detrimental consequences. These main risks are associated with overlooking or poorly executing such projects. 

Here are some of them: 

Unnecessary Stress and Tensions 

Without the guiding framework of event project management, organizers and team members will experience unnecessary stress and tension. The lack of a structured plan for solving an existing challenge leads to chaos, miscommunication, and increased pressure on everyone involved.


Without a well-structured event project management, financial resources can be misallocated or wasted. Overspending is a common consequence, as costs spiral out of control when there is no efficient management and event budget tracking.

Delays and Event Postponing

Events may face delays or even postponement due to inadequate project management, and this can have significant consequences for both organizers and participants. When there isn’t a well-defined plan and timeline in place, essential tasks that are crucial for the success of an event can easily fall behind schedule.

Attendee and Customer Disappointments 

When events are not managed properly, the attendee or guest experience can suffer. This leads to a disappointing event experience, resulting in negative feedback, reduced attendance in future events, and a damaged reputation for the organizing company.

Overall Event Failure and Cancellation

The ultimate risk of overlooking or poorly executing event project management is the potential for event failure and, in some cases, event cancellation. This not only results in significant financial losses but also undermines the trust and confidence of stakeholders, making it challenging to organize future events.

These risks underscore the critical role that event project management plays in ensuring the success of events. To mitigate these risks and achieve successful events , careful planning, coordination, and execution are essential. 

Event project management is not merely a luxury but a necessity to deliver memorable and seamless event experiences while safeguarding the reputation and financial stability of the organizing brand or company. 

Stages of Event Management Project

To successfully execute event project management, it’s essential to follow a structured approach. This chapter outlines the stages involved in initiating and deploying successful event project management. 

Stage 1. Problem Identification

In the initial phase of your event project management, it’s essential to understand the problem that your project aims to address. The problem identification stage sets the foundation for the entire project and ensures that your efforts are strategically aligned. 

Begin by clearly defining the problem you are trying to solve. In this context, you may need to launch a new consumer engagement experience strategy that connects customers with your brand. 

Alternatively, your challenge could be dissatisfaction with existing event management software providers. For example, they may fall short in accommodating specific requirements, such as extensive API integration for hosting events .

Note: For the sake of this article, we’ll focus on the specific challenge of selecting a new event management software provider. This challenge may emerge when your current event management platform fails to meet your organization’s evolving needs or isn’t capable of offering the necessary functionality for your events. 

Stage 2. Ideation

Once you’ve identified the problem your event project management addresses, the next phase involves ideation. During this stage, your team engages in creative brainstorming and evaluates potential solutions to tackle the identified challenge effectively. 

It’s crucial to consider a wide range of options, including both in-house and third-party solutions. Encourage open and creative thinking to generate a variety of ideas. These solutions could encompass changes in strategy, technology, or processes. 

Stage 3. Solution Planning

Once you’ve conducted ideation and determined possible solutions for addressing the identified problem, the next crucial phase is solution planning. During this stage, you will develop a comprehensive plan for implementing the chosen solution.

  • Identify the best solution

In selecting a new event management software, this step involves pinpointing a specific solution, whether creating in-house tools, opting for a specialized platform such as online registration and ticketing , or researching all-in-one event management software . 

Based on your evaluations, you will decide clearly about the solution that aligns most closely with your needs and objectives. For the sake of this article, we will assume your team chose an all-in-one event planning platform. 

  • Building the project team

As you move forward with the implementation, you need to assemble a project team that will drive the process. You should define roles and responsibilities within your team. Typical roles may include a project manager, event director, UX/UI designer, IT director, and the financial team, each with specific responsibilities.

  • Determining the project’s Key Success Indicators (KPIs)

To ensure the project’s success, you must establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be tracked throughout the implementation. 

For example, KPIs may include:

  • Monitoring the schedule’s main milestones.
  • Tracking budget spending.
  • Counting the number of users onboarded onto the new event management software.
  • Recording the number of customer support tickets raised.
  • Setting a timeline and phases

A clear timeline is essential for the project’s success. This involves setting specific deadlines for selecting the provider, negotiation, contract finalization, onboarding, and implementation in consecutive and growing phases. Both the timeline and the phases ensure that the project progresses in an organized and efficient manner.

  • Creating specifications for the solution

Develop clear and detailed specifications for the solution you’ve chosen. This could include aspects such as vendor location, size, and other characteristics that are critical to your organization’s needs.

For example, specify aspects like the vendor’s location, the size of their customer base, or their experience with similar clients. These specifications ensure that the selected provider aligns closely with your requirements.

  • Establishing the budget and timeline for the project

To ensure that the project remains financially viable, establish a budget and timeline for the entire process. For instance, clarify the pricing model for the event management software and allocate a budget for its implementation. 

Define the timeframes for each project phase, such as the selection phase, negotiation and contract finalization, onboarding, and full implementation.

For example, you might set the budget for the event management software and break down the timeline as follows: 

  • Selection: 2 months
  • Negotiation and contracts: 1 month
  • Onboarding: 1 month
  • Implementation: 6 months

This budget and timeline provide a structured framework for executing the solution effectively.

Stage 4. Solution Implementation 

Now that the plan is in place, it’s time to put it into action. The solution implementation happens in several incremental phases. Thi is where you bring your carefully crafted plan to life. Here’s how you can do it: 

  • Project Kickoff

The project kickoff is a critical step in ensuring everyone involved is on the same page and understands their roles and responsibilities.

  • Allocate necessary resources: Adequate resources are essential for successful implementation.
  • Provide access to required tools and resources: Verify that the project team has access to the necessary tools and resources needed to carry out their tasks effectively.
  • Host a kickoff meeting: Organize a kickoff meeting to mark the start of the project officially. During this meeting, outline the project’s objectives, timeline, roles, and responsibilities. This meeting serves as an opportunity to align all team members and set expectations for the project.
  • Solution Development

With the project officially underway, the solution development phase is where you collaborate with the chosen vendor to build and customize the selected solution based on the project specifications.

  • Actively work with the vendor: Engage closely to develop and customize the chosen solution. Continuously communicate your project specifications and requirements to ensure the solution aligns with your goals.
  • Run regular progress reviews: Regularly review the progress made in solution development. This step ensures that the project remains on track and aligned with the established project goals.
  • Quality Assurance (QA)

Quality assurance is a crucial step to guarantee that the developed solution meets your needs and functions without any issues.

  • Conduct thorough testing: Test the developed solution to identify and rectify any issues or bugs. Testing should encompass all aspects of the solution, from functionality to security and usability.
  • Ensure compliance with project requirements: Verify that the solution aligns with the requirements and maintains the established quality standards. It should meet all the specified criteria and expectations.
  • Documentation

Documentation is key for maintaining a record of the new solution and ensuring everyone knows how to use it effectively.

  • Create and maintain documentation: Generate comprehensive documentation for the new solution, including user guides, manuals, and best practices. These documents serve as valuable resources for the project team and end-users.
  • Archive project-related documents: It’s important to archive project-related documents and communications for future reference. This historical record can provide insights and context for future projects or troubleshooting.

Once the solution is fully developed and tested, the onboarding phase focuses on training the project team and end-users on how to use the solution effectively.

  • Train the project team and end users: Train the project team and the initial pool of end-users to ensure they are well-versed in using the new solution effectively.
  • Maximizing user comfort: The goal is to ensure everyone is comfortable with the system and can maximize its potential. Effective training ensures a smooth transition and optimal utilization of the solution.

By effectively managing project kickoff, solution development, quality assurance, documentation, and onboarding, you ensure a seamless transition and the best possible start for your new solution, in this case, event management software.

Stage 5. Go Live

The go-live phase is a significant milestone in the project, where the new event management software is officially deployed for regular use. This phase is crucial for ensuring a successful transition and ongoing operations, and it’s important not to undervalue its importance. Here are the steps you should consider: 

  • Official deployment: This is the moment when the new solution is officially rolled out for regular use. A dedicated team is often responsible for this deployment to ensure it proceeds smoothly.
  • Phased deployment: To minimize potential disruptions, it is often advisable to deploy the solution in phases. Start with a smaller group of users or a limited scope before gradually expanding to a wider audience. This phased approach allows for a more controlled implementation and can help identify and address issues before they affect the entire user base.
  • Investing in user support: As the new solution goes live, it’s essential to invest in user support heavily. This may involve collaboration with the event management software provider to provide comprehensive support to end-users. User support is critical for addressing any immediate questions, concerns, or issues users may encounter during the transition.
  • Monitoring and issue resolution: Continuously monitor the performance of the new solution after deployment. Be prepared to address any immediate issues or questions that arise. Prompt issue resolution and effective support during this phase are essential to maintain user confidence and ensure a smooth transition to the new solution.

The go-live phase is a critical point in the project where the real-world use of the solution begins. It’s important to approach this phase with thorough planning, strong support, and the flexibility to address any unexpected challenges.

Stage 6. Post-Implementation Review

After the new solution has been in use for a period of time, it’s essential to conduct a post-implementation review to assess its success and gather valuable insights for future improvements. 

Here’s how you can do it: 

  • Conducting a review meeting: Organize a review meeting where relevant stakeholders can assess the success of the solution’s implementation. This meeting provides an opportunity to evaluate whether the solution meets its intended goals and objectives.
  • Gathering feedback and lessons learned: During the review, gather feedback from end-users, project team members, and other relevant parties. This feedback should encompass both positive experiences and areas that may need improvement. Additionally, collect and document the lessons learned from the implementation process.

To keep improving your solutions, do a thorough review after each implementation. This will help you find new ways to succeed.

Stage 7. Scaling to the Whole Company, Affiliates, and Partners

Once the new solution has proven its success and stability, consider scaling its usage to a broader audience, such as the entire company, multiple brands, affiliates, or partners. 

  • Planning for scaling: Develop a plan for scaling up the solution’s use. This plan should include a roadmap for extending the solution’s reach to various groups or entities within the organization.
  • Implementation for a wider audience: Extend the solution to the broader audience according to the established plan. This may involve adapting the solution to the specific needs and requirements of each group or brand, ensuring a smooth transition for all stakeholders.
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement: As you scale the solution, continue to monitor its performance and gather feedback. Be open to making necessary adjustments and improvements based on the unique requirements of different user groups. This iterative approach ensures that the solution remains effective and evolves to meet changing needs.

Scaling the solution to the whole company, multiple brands, affiliates, and partners is an exciting phase that signifies the successful adoption of the new solution. 

It also underscores the importance of ongoing monitoring, adaptability, and continuous improvement to ensure the solution delivers value to a wider audience.

Case Study: Pernod Ricard

Pernod Ricard, the world’s second-largest wine and spirit Group, offers an excellent example of how effective event project management can be. 

The Group’s event team faced the challenge of swiftly developing a robust B2B event management platform to drive brand visibility and revenue. Their goal was clear – ensure robustness and scalability to support their global presence spanning 240 brands.

In their pursuit of excellence, Pernod Ricard initiated event project management for identifying a reliable event management software provider. As a result, the Pernod Ricard team recognized Eventtia as the best event management software in the industry. 

Eventtia’s event management platform provided the foundation for success, offering key solutions to overcome the challenges:

  • Robust and Scalable Solution: Eventtia’s platform not only met the stringent timelines but also ensured high levels of robustness and scalability. This event project management software supported Pernod Ricard’s ambitious deployment plan.
  • Seamless User Experience and Brand Identity: Eventtia’s capabilities seamlessly integrate into Pernod Ricard’s vision of delivering a cross-channel user experience.

As a result, Pernod Ricard’s IT team was able to integrate, test, and deploy the event activity on in just a few days through Eventtia’s API documentation and with very little support from Eventtia’s technical team.

The Group harnessed Eventtia’s event management platform and API services to create event processes for various stakeholders:

  • Guests and Attendees: Guests and attendees effortlessly discovered and registered for events. The software facilitated communication with automated, branded emails and QR codes, while post-event satisfaction surveys captured vital feedback.
  • Event Organizers: Eventtia’s web portal empowered event organizers with the tools needed for event project management. They could efficiently create and manage events, track attendee registrations, and ensure guest attendance through a mobile check-in app. The integrated satisfaction surveys gathered post-event insights.
  • Administrators: Event project management was made more efficient with Eventtia’s back-office platform. Administrators could manage users and oversee platform activity with ease.

The exceptional speed and efficiency with which Pernod Ricard’s event project management team integrated, tested, and deployed the event activity on was a testament to Eventtia’s capabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Event project management is essential for achieving specific objectives, strategic alignment, risk management, cost efficiency, and quality control in today’s competitive business environment.
  • Event project management applies project management principles and techniques to the planning and execution of events, encompassing project scope, objectives, planning, resource management, and success evaluation.
  • Effective event project management requires careful coordination of multiple internal and external teams to execute flawless events, emphasizing streamlined processes and enhanced efficiency.
  • Initiate event project management when deploying a new events strategy, launching new event types, implementing event management software, collaborating with new agencies and suppliers, or partnering with industry influencers and KOLs.
  • Overlooking or inadequately managing event project management can lead to unnecessary stress, overspending, event delays, attendee and customer disappointments, and overall event failure.
  • To successfully execute event project management, follow a structured approach that includes problem identification, ideation, solution planning, solution implementation, quality assurance, documentation, and onboarding.
  • The go-live phase is a significant milestone, where the new solution is officially deployed for regular use, requiring dedicated teams, phased deployment, investment in user support, and continuous monitoring.
  • Post-implementation reviews are essential to assess the success of the solution’s implementation and gather feedback and lessons learned for future improvements.
  • Scaling the solution to the whole company, multiple brands, affiliates, and partners is an exciting phase that requires careful planning, implementation, and continuous monitoring for success.
  • Case studies of Pernod Ricard illustrates how event project management can effectively address challenges and optimize event processes, ultimately achieving success in diverse event scenarios.

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Integrating Business Processes to Improve Travel Time Reliability (2011)

Chapter: chapter 5 - case studies: special-event management.

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C H A P T E R 5 Case Studies: Special-Event ManagementSpecial events present a unique case of demand fluctuation that causes traffic flow in the vicinity of the event to be radically dif- ferent from typical patterns. Special events can severely affect reliability of the transportation network, but because the events are often scheduled months or even years in advance, they offer an opportunity for planning to mitigate the impacts. Because large-scale events are recurring at event venues, it gives an opportunity for agencies to continually evaluate and refine strategies, impacts, and overall process improvements over time. In this section, case studies are presented that examine the processes developed for special-event management at the Kansas Speedway in Kansas City, Kans., and the Palace of Auburn Hills near Detroit, Mich. Kansas: Kansas Speedway In 2001, the Kansas Speedway opened for its first major NASCAR race. With attendance exceeding 110,000 people, it set a record as the largest single-day sporting event in the his- tory of Kansas. Attendance has continued to grow and now exceeds 135,000 for most major races. The traffic control strategies that were put into place to handle these major events were the result of years of planning between the Kansas Speed- way, Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP), Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), and the Kansas City Police Depart- ment. The process was successful in part because of the clear lines of responsibility that were defined for each agency and the strong spirit of cooperation and trust that was established before the first race was held. In preparation for this case study, representatives from KHP and KDOT were interviewed. Lt. Brian Basore and Lt. Paul Behm represented the KHP Troop A and were able to share their experience from many years of actively managing special events at the Kansas Speedway. The primary responsibilities of KHP are to operate the KHP Command Center that was estab- lished for the Kansas Speedway race events and to manage 45traffic on the freeways around the event. Representatives of KDOT who were interviewed included Leslie Spencer Fowler, ITS program manager, and Mick Halter, PE, who was formerly with KDOT as the District One metro engineer during the design and implementation of the Kansas Speedway. Fowler and Halter provided an excellent history of the development of the project, as well as a description of KDOT’s current opera- tional procedures used during races at the Kansas Speedway. KDOT maintains the CCTV cameras and portable DMS around the Speedway and assists KHP with traffic control on the freeways. Description This case study examines the development of the special-event management procedures for races at the Kansas Speedway. Par- ticular focus is given to the roles and responsibilities of the KHP and KDOT in developing the initial infrastructure and strate- gies that led to a successful special-event management process that has been used and refined for 8 years. One of the strongest recurring themes in development of this case study was the out- standing cooperation and partnerships that were developed between the agencies involved. Each agency has clearly defined responsibilities before and on race day, though no agency is considered in charge. They cooperate to safely and efficiently move vehicles from the freeways to city streets to the Kansas Speedway parking lots and then do the same process in reverse. Background of Agency The Kansas Speedway is a 1.5-mi oval race track suitable for many types of races, including Indy and NASCAR. Seating capacity is currently being expanded to 150,000 people, and parking capacity allows for 65,000 vehicles. The Speedway is located approximately 15 mi west of downtown Kansas City, near the intersection of I-70 and I-435, which serve as the pri- mary routes used by spectators attending the races. Events are

46held throughout the year, and there are typically two major race events each year when crowds reach capacity. The major- ity of parking is on Kansas Speedway property and is free for spectators. The Kansas Speedway provides attendants and directs vehicles into the parking areas. The primary agencies involved in traffic management for the Kansas Speedway include KHP Troop A in Kansas City, KDOT District One, and the Kansas City Police Department. KHP is responsible for traffic management on the freeways and for operation of the KHP Command Center, which is activated several days before major events and serves as the central com- munications center for all public agencies on race day. The full resources of Troop A (over 40 troopers) are used on race day, along with over 20 other troopers from around the state. KHP also deploys a helicopter to monitor traffic from the air and roving motorcycle units on race day. KDOT District One is responsible for maintaining five CCTV cameras and deploy- ing 12 portable DMSs on roads used to access the Speedway. The Kansas City Police Department provides officers for the city street network that links the freeways to the Kansas Speedway (1). Other participants in the process include Wyandotte County and the Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA). Wyandotte County currently owns the WebEOC software used by all participat- ing agencies to share information and request assistance on race day (2). The KTA maintains I-70 near the Speedway. It is responsible for such maintenance tasks on this section of I-70 as snow and ice removal, guardrail, and signing and striping, although the section is not tolled. Process Development The Kansas Speedway opened for its first major event in sum- mer 2001. However, development of the process for special- event traffic management began long before Kansas City was even selected as the site for the racetrack. In the early 1990s the International Speedway Corpora- tion was searching for a new location for a race track in the Midwest. The track was expected to host several large events per year, including at least one to two major races that were expected to attract more than 100,000 people. Given the poten- tial positive economic benefit that such a facility could bring to an area, the International Speedway Corporation solicited pro- posal packages from several sites under consideration. Propos- als needed to address criteria established by the International Speedway Corporation for site selection, including accessibil- ity of the site to attendees. The effort to bring the race track to Kansas was led by Kansas City, with strong support from the governor and lieutenant governor of Kansas. Understanding the importance of accessibility, the governor directed KDOT to develop a plan and provide funding to make the necessary infrastructure improvements to handle race traffic for theSpeedway. The priority placed on this project by the governor’s office served as the first enabler to implementing the traffic management process. KDOT developed an extensive plan to accommodate the large number of vehicles expected to attend events at the Kansas Speedway. I-70 needed to be widened and a new inter- change was needed at 110th Street. US-24, which went through the proposed site of the track, needed to be completely realigned. Although not part of the original planning, CCTV cameras and portable DMS were also required to assist with traffic management. KDOT identified funding for each of their proposed infrastructure projects, and these projects were included in the package that was submitted to the International Speedway Corporation. More than a year before the first race event at the Kansas Speedway, all the agencies involved in traffic management began planning for the event. Agencies that participated in the planning included KHP, KDOT, KTA, Kansas City Police, Wyandotte County, and the Kansas Speedway. The Missouri DOT and Missouri Highway Patrol were also initially involved because there was concern that traffic could be affected east of the track into Missouri. (Once the Speedway opened, it turned out that this concern was unfounded as race traffic had only minor impacts on I-70 near the Speedway and did not affect traffic on I-70 in Missouri.) To facilitate traffic management planning, a consultant also was brought on-board early in the process. The success of the planning for traffic management was attributed to two primary factors. The first was the importance that the governor and Kansas City placed on the success of hosting major races at the Kansas Speedway. Millions of dol- lars were invested by the state and city to bring the race track to Kansas, and to recoup their investment they needed to suc- cessfully host large races. The visibility and importance of the first successful event was a great motivator for every agency involved. The second factor to which success was attributed was the personalities involved. Several of those interviewed for this case study noted that there were no egos in the room that got in the way. A sense of mutual respect among the agencies and for their work was a consistent factor in planning for traffic management. No single agency was designated as “in charge”; rather, each agency took responsibility for its piece and worked well with the other agencies to ensure overall success. The result of the planning efforts was a multilayered traffic plan with different agencies leading the layers. The first layer dealt with interstate traffic, which was KHP’s responsibility. The second layer dealt with traffic on local streets traveling between the interstates and the Kansas Speedway, this layer was the responsibility of the Kansas City Police Department. The third layer handled traffic entering or leaving the track property, which was the responsibility of the Kansas Speed- way. KDOT provided support to all three layers through

47deployment of CCTV cameras, DMS, and cones. Each layer was critical to successfully manage traffic for events. Detailed Process and Integration Points Figure 5.1 shows the detailed process that was developed for special-event traffic management at the Kansas Speedway. Before a major event, all four agencies that are involved in man- aging traffic on race day come together for a meeting to discuss the upcoming event and changes or special circumstances that need to be considered in their planning. These agencies have worked closely together since the first event in 2001, and there is a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each agency.Figure 5.1. Detailed business process diagram of Kansas Speedway special event.are sent and portable DMS are controlled. On the day before race day, KHP conducts a briefing to review the setup and pro- cedures for race day. During the race event, KHP, Kansas City Police Department, and the Kansas Speedway manage traffic on freeways, local streets, and in the parking lots. KHP deploys a helicopter to monitor traffic from the air and roving officers on monocycles to patrol the heavily congested areas around the Speedway that cannot be easily accessed by troopers in cruisers. All agencies continue to communicate primarily through WebEOC, a system owned by Wyandotte County that lets each agency monitor messages and communicate on a web-based system. Once the race is completed, a follow-up meeting to review race day events may be held. This meeting was originally held after every event during the first few years the Kansas Speed- way was in operation, but as traffic management has become more efficient, it is now only held as warranted.In the week before race day, KHP will activate the KHP Command Center. The KHP Command Center is the commu- nications hub for the event and is where CCTV camera feeds

48Several key integration points were identified in the Kansas Speedway special-event traffic management process, including the following: • Integration between KHP and KDOT for deployment and operation of CCTV cameras and portable DMS; • Integration between KHP, KDOT, Kansas City Police Department, and Kansas Speedway to develop traffic man- agement plans for upcoming events and to discuss traffic management performance after operations; and • Integration between KHP, KDOT, Kansas City Police Department, Kansas Speedway, and Wyandotte County for sharing of information through WebEOC during the special event. Types of Agencies Involved The primary agencies that are involved in the special-event traffic management are KHP, KDOT, Kansas City Police, and the Kansas Speedway. As described earlier, a three-layered approach is set up, with KHP responsible for traffic on the free- ways, Kansas City Police responsible for traffic on local streets, and Kansas Speedway responsible for traffic in the parking areas. Numerous special teams have been established to facili- tate the special-event traffic management on race day. These include the KHP Post Commanders Team, Logistics Team, and KDOT Team. The KHP Post Commanders Team is made up of the commanders from each traffic post where KHP will be directing traffic. The post commanders attend the post com- manders briefing the evening before the race begins, direct the other troopers at their post, and communicate with the KHP Command Center. The Logistics Team is responsible for set- ting up the event, including staging and setting up of tempo- rary traffic control, providing water and tents for troopers at traffic posts, and running errands during the event. The KDOT Team is responsible for maintaining the CCTV cameras, put- ting the portable DMS boards in place and changing messages on the board if the wireless communications fail, and assisting with temporary traffic control placement. Types of Nonrecurring Congestion Addressed The process for managing the Kansas Speedway traffic deals with nonrecurring congestion due to a special event. When the Kansas Speedway first opened in 2001, KHP set up 14 inbound posts and 11 outbound posts, with troopers stationed at each post to direct traffic. Since then, KHP has increased the effi- ciency of traffic management and has been able to reduce the number of posts down to seven inbound and seven outbound. Traffic is monitored from the KHP Command Center using CCTV cameras and a helicopter that provides updates on traf- fic conditions; portable DMSs with wireless communication can assist in directing traffic. The roving motorcycle units areused around the Kansas Speedway and can assist with manag- ing any incident that blocks roadways. Over time, KHP and KDOT have refined temporary traffic control patterns and gen- eral traffic control to increase efficiency of the system as much as possible. One of the primary concerns on race day is getting traffic off I-70 without significantly affecting through traffic. Because major races are held on weekends, the overall level of traffic on I-70 is generally lighter than what is experienced on a weekday. As part of the initial package that was proposed by Kansas City to bring the Speedway to Kansas, KDOT agreed to add one more lane to I-70 to accommodate overflow traffic for major races. KHP has been able to quickly move traffic off I-70 with only minor impacts on through traffic on the interstate. KDOT has not done a study of travel times for through traffic on race day, but they estimate that at peak periods before or after a race, motorists on I-70 will only experience minor slowdowns with perhaps 5 min of delay to their total trip. Performance Measures The Kansas Speedway tracks the time it takes to clear parking lots after races and has seen improvements in clearance times since the initial race in 2001. After races, if something went wrong or clearance times exceeded normal ranges, this infor- mation is shared with KHP and an evaluation meeting with all agencies involved in the traffic management may be held to review the traffic management. However, these instances are rare and in most events the parking lot clearance times can be accurately estimated based on race attendance. KHP initially used troopers stationed at 14 inbound posts and 11 outbound posts to direct traffic. Although not a per- formance measure, the shift to seven inbound and seven outbound posts is seen by KHP as an indication of the improvement of their traffic management efficiency. Benefits The planning and cooperation between KHP, KDOT, Kansas City Police, and the Kansas Speedway allowed for efficient traf- fic management of more than 100,000 spectators from day one. The agencies involved in traffic management have been able to improve their efficiency and reduce the manpower needed to manage traffic over time and consider their traffic management effort a success from the start. The popularity of racing in the United States and the effi- cient use of the Kansas Speedway have prompted an expansion of the seating capacity of the Speedway. Current expansion work will bring the total seating capacity of the Kansas Speed- way to 150,000. Without an efficient plan to move spectators in and out of the Speedway, this expansion would not be possible.

49The traffic management process developed for the Kansas Speedway goes beyond simple convenience to spectators. By minimizing the impacts to through traffic on I-70 and I-435, KHP can reduce freeway backups and minimize the chances of secondary incidents on freeways. Efficient and effective move- ment of vehicles off the race track is also critical for evacuation. On April 25, 2009, a tornado touched down in Kansas only a few miles from the Kansas Speedway. About 30 min earlier, a race that was in progress was suspended for the day due to rain, and many of the spectators were in the process of leaving the event. The tornado did not touch down close enough to the Kansas Speedway to cause any damage, but it was an important reminder of the need to be able to efficiently move traffic out of an area, especially in Kansas, which is particularly prone to tornadoes. Lessons Learned Each agency interviewed identified the single most important factor to the success of the special-event traffic management as the cooperation among all agencies in the planning and execu- tion of traffic management. The importance placed on success- fully bringing the Speedway to Kansas by the governor and Kansas City certainly contributed to that cooperation and coordination, but the personalities of the leaders from each agency and the existing relationships that had been established were identified as even more important factors. KHP has learned that the development of a race-day proto- col is particularly important, so that procedures for handling incidents or other unexpected events are well understood. KHP has worked with their partners to develop a tow policy to address abandoned vehicles, a traffic crash policy to quickly clear incidents, and a no-patrol zone to keep troopers and police officers in cruisers from adding to the congestion around the race track by limiting patrols to troopers on motorcycles. Receiving information from the CCTV cameras and the ability to control the portable DMSs from the KHP Command Center have been valuable. However, CCTV cameras have failed in the past and communications to the portable DMSs are not always reliable, which sometimes necessitates the need for KDOT to manually change messages in the field. KHP and other agencies involved in traffic management have learned that technology is useful, but they need to be careful that they are not totally dependent on technology. Analysis and Research Observations Planning for the traffic management at the Kansas Speedway essentially began when Kansas was still being considered by the International Speedway Corporation and continued up until the first event. Political support for the Kansas Speedway gave those involved in traffic management a sense that they mustsucceed. Each agency took responsibility for their part of the plan, executed it well, and supported their partners. The sense of cooperation that started during the initial planning for traf- fic management of the race track has been carried into the con- tinued operations. It is clear that each agency felt they had an important stake in the success of the Kansas Speedway and contributed the resources and staff required for that success. One interesting note is that there are no formal agreements in place with any of the agencies regarding operations. When agencies were asked about this, they said they did not see a need to formalize what has worked well so far. There is confidence that they can continue to count on their partners, and that the strong relationships and years of experience working together will continue to add to that confidence. Michigan: The Palace of Auburn Hills The Palace of Auburn Hills (the Palace) is an arena located northwest of Detroit that hosts events such as concerts, basket- ball games, circuses, and graduations for eight months of the year. Because of the volume of traffic generated by these types of events, an increase in traffic congestion is typical in the vicin- ity of the Palace. Focused traffic management plans at these locations can help mitigate the effects of the increased conges- tion before and after the event. The Palace is located in Auburn Hills, a suburb of the greater Detroit, Michigan, area, in the north-central section of Oakland County. The Auburn Hills Police Department (AHPD) has been involved with traffic management strategies at the Palace since it opened in 1988 and has played an integral part in the development of the traf- fic management plan currently in place. To acquire details regarding the traffic management plans implemented for events hosted at the Palace, an initial inter- view was conducted with Danielle Deneau, PE, of the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC). After that conver- sation, a more in-depth interview was conducted with Capt. Jim Mynesberge of the Auburn Hills Police Department. Description In terms of traffic operations and management, a special event can be categorized as a scheduled interruption to normal traf- fic flow. The Palace special event case study provides an analy- sis for a multiagency, public–private partnership focused on managing traffic for planned events of varying sizes. The traf- fic management plan includes traffic control strategies man- aged through the RCOC FAST-TRAC signal system, which is programmable and detects actual traffic counts (the original timing was based on recording traffic flow as officers manually directed traffic); traffic monitoring capabilities through the MDOT CCTV cameras; and traveler information using the

50MDOT DMS and MiDrive website. The current traffic man- agement plan includes a partnership between the Palace, the Police, RCOC, and MDOT and has resulted in memoranda of understanding (MOUs) and formal agreements between some of these agencies. The plan provides a direct connection between the Police dispatch and the RCOC TOC. The effec- tiveness of the traffic management plan allows fewer officers to be used for managing traffic at special events and reduces the time required to load-in and load-out for each Palace event. Load-in and load-out are two performance measures that have been defined to measure the success of traffic control before and after events. Background of Agency The Palace is located within Auburn Hills, adjacent to I-75, and is within the jurisdiction of the AHPD. The Palace is a multipurpose arena used for concerts, sporting events, and other events such as wrestling, circuses, or graduations. The arena has been operational for over 20 years and is the perma- nent home of the Detroit Pistons (NBA) and the Detroit Shock (WNBA). The arena is recognized for its large capacity for the NBA and can accommodate over 22,000 fans for bas- ketball games and over 25,000 for concerts at center stage. The Palace also is the only arena that can hold the entire host city’s population. The AHPD provides security and traffic enforcement for the Palace during events. The Pistons typically attract a large attendance for their games, which has resulted in the arena expanding the parking capacity to keep pace with the atten- dance demands. AHPD manages the traffic before, during, and after each event, with a focus on providing efficient and safe access for motorists. Process Development The Palace partnered with AHPD and RCOC to develop a per- sonalized traffic management plan for events at the Palace. The original traffic management plan used several police officers and manual traffic control to move vehicles through several intersections in the vicinity of the Palace. The original site plan included only three driveways, which created some capacity issues for event traffic ingress and egress. The traffic manage- ment plan recommended improvements to the site that included additional lanes, modified use of the existing drive- ways, and the construction of two additional access drives. One new access drive was constructed on the north side of the site, and one on the south side. The access drive located on the south side is called Direct Drive, and when clearing the park- ing lot, only allows right turns, providing drivers with direct access to I-75. The Palace also established a MOU with MDOT to temporarily close the access road just east of Direct Driveafter events to provide exclusive use for Palace traffic when events commence. The Palace had several motivations for an improved traffic management plan. The first was happier patrons attending events. The second was monetary. Since the Palace pays for the use of AHPD officers to manage traffic at events, there was vested interest in streamlining the personnel and the time required. The larger events would require a total of 15 officers to work an event and effectively manage traffic. Each inter- section required two to three officers to safely direct traffic to and from the facility (15 officers total). With the revised plan, the larger events can be managed effectively by only one or two officers. Initially, AHPD and the Palace met regularly to discuss improvements, issues, and traffic management strategies. AHPD now has the ability to implement the Event Manager (developed by RCOC) and activate predetermined signal tim- ing plans through the RCOC TOC. With this closely integrated coordination, the issues have decreased and the coordination meetings have been reduced to only twice a year. AHPD and the Palace used two specific measures of effec- tiveness initially to determine if pre-event traffic was being managed properly. These measures allowed the two agencies to assess operations and determine the appropriate area of con- cern, namely: • If traffic was queuing on the public roadway but the Palace driveways had additional capacity, then traffic was not being managed effectively by the police. • If traffic was stopped at the driveways and vehicles were queuing on the public roads, then the Palace personnel were not effectively managing the parking operations. These observations were used to support the need to increase the access lanes and construct the additional driveway. The Palace parking process also was modified to establish longer stacking lanes approximately an hour and half before the event start time. This was necessary to accommodate the process for collecting parking fees from each vehicle. For postevent traffic, the effectiveness measure was based on all the access drives clearing at the same time. The bal- ance of exiting traffic was accomplished by sectioning the lots and directing all traffic to the specific exits. Since most events ended after 10:00 p.m., the Palace traffic could receive a higher preference in green time. It was determined that shorter cycle lengths resulted in extended clearance times for the Palace. Shorter cycle lengths create longer delays because of lost startup time and more clearance intervals per hour. In other words, the longer traffic was stopped, the longer it took to empty vehicles from the lot. The passing traf- fic was only inconvenienced by waiting through a single cycle length to accommodate the exiting Palace traffic. This impact

51was measured both visually and by using the FAST-TRAC system. Detailed Process and Integration Points Figure 5.2 shows the process used by the Palace for special-event traffic management. The traffic management plan involves revised signal timing at 19 intersections in the vicinity of the Palace. Signal timing plans were developed for small, medium, and large events. The number of intersections included in the signal timing plan provides a larger footprint than AHPD was able to manage with only police officers. The plan allows a senior AHPD officer to select the appropriate timing plan based on input from the Palace concerning the size of an event. The senior officer also has the authority to instruct the dispatcher to activate the appropriate timing plans. The dispatcher then has the ability to activate the timing plans via the Event Man- ager from the AHPD facility.Figure 5.2. Detailed business process diagram for a special event at the Palace of Auburn Hills.The Palace has access to its own CCTV cameras around the facility and to MDOT-owned CCTV cameras on the trunk routes. The MDOT cameras provide information about traf- fic conditions on the roadways approaching the Palace. The Palace personnel also use radios to communicate continuously with AHPD. The Palace documents the load-in and load-out times for each event that occurs, and has observed that the load-out time has decreased from approximately 1 h to less than 25 min with the current traffic management plan. Figure 5.3 displays the Palace and the surrounding trans- portation network for reference. I-75 runs north-south on the west side of the Palace, and M24 (Lapeer Road) runs north- south on the east side. The small connector on the south side of the Palace is the Direct Drive that is used exclusively for postevent traffic. AHPD responds to incidents in the vicinity of the Palace, including those that occur on I-75. During events, AHPD will coordinate for these incidents because they can affect traffic management at the Palace. Coordination is

52Source: © 2010 Google. Map data © 2010 Google. Source: © 2010 Google. Imagery © 2010 DigitalGlobe, USDA Farm Service Agency, Cnes/Spot Image, GeoEye, U.S. Geological Survey. Map data © 2010 Google. Figure 5.3. The Palace of Auburn Hills and surrounding transportation network.initiated by AHPD with MDOT and the Michigan Intelligent Transportation System Center (MITSC) to verify the incident, and MDOT will activate DMSs in the area to inform motorists of the incident if needed. In some cases, traffic is diverted to Opdyke Road through media and DMS communication. During an incident, the Palace monitors the CCTV cameras and communicates traffic conditions with the AHPD officers. AHPD also coordinates with RCOC to determine possible adjustments to the signal timing. After the incident has cleared, AHPD will coordinate with MDOT and RCOC to clear DMS messages and reset signal timing, respectively. Several key integration points were identified in the Palace of Auburn Hills special-event traffic management process, including the following: • Coordination between the Palace and AHPD: Based on guidelines established in the traffic management plan, the Palace determines the size of an event (small, medium, or large) and informs AHPD. • The AHPD Dispatcher has the ability to activate the pre- determined signal timing plans within FAST-TRAC. The AHPD Sergeant has the authority to select the appropriatetiming plan based on the size of the event and directs the Dispatcher as to which plan to activate. The AHPD dispatch has a direct connection with FAST-TRAC so RCOC person- nel are not required during most events. • The Palace has access to MDOT CCTV cameras so they can monitor traffic in the vicinity of the arena during an event. MDOT also monitors traffic, but the Palace’s access to sur- veillance provides the ability to focus specifically on inci- dents that can affect typical traffic during an event. • Coordination occurs via radio between Palace personnel and AHPD personnel to adjust the predetermined traffic management plan and mitigate potential impacts on traffic. The response to incidents during an event is coordinated among MDOT, the Palace, AHPD, and RCOC. Based on the impact of the incident, DMSs are activated with appropriate messages, timing plans can be adjusted, and additional resources can be implemented for modified traffic control solutions. The Palace maintains records of all events, including the load-in and load-out times. Based on this documentation, the stakeholders have identified consistent results in the current

53traffic management plan. RCOC maintains the event signal timing plans respective to each event size. These timing plans can be revisited if issues or changing traffic patterns are identi- fied. The MDOT MITS Center maintains incident records that can be referenced to determine impacts on the traffic during events. There is no central location for data related to events at the Palace, but it can be obtained from the individual partners. Types of Agencies Involved There are four main partners involved in the coordination of events at the Palace of Auburn Hills. The public–private part- nership includes AHPD, the Palace, RCOC, and MDOT. The Palace is responsible for traffic on arena property, maintaining an arena-specific traffic management plan, and coordinating with AHPD for implementation. The Palace also has access to MDOT CCTV cameras so they can monitor traffic conditions on approaching routes. AHPD is the local police department responsible for traffic control within the city, including the local interstate routes. RCOC is responsible for county road maintenance and operations of the countywide signal system. RCOC has developed and programmed event-specific timing plans relative to the three categories of event sizes and allows AHPD to activate appropriate timing plans remotely. The MDOT MITS Center is responsible for monitoring the south- eastern Michigan roadway network and uses CCTV cameras and detection for surveillance and DMS and the MiDrive web- site for sharing traveler information. Types of Nonrecurring Congestion Addressed The Palace’s traffic management plan addresses nonrecurring traffic impacts classified as special events and crashes. When the Palace opened in 1988, AHPD manually controlled traffic in and around the arena. AHPD used approximately three to four traffic control police officers per intersection at several intersections (15 officers in all). In addition, the larger events required at least an hour to move traffic in and out of the park- ing facilities. The signal timing plans available through FAST-TRAC and the agreement between RCOC and AHPD to activate signal timing plans remotely via the Event Manager make it possible to improve efficiency. The signal timing plans are predeter- mined based on the estimated level of traffic for scheduled events. The signal timing plans also incorporate additional intersections that were previously not managed during events. The revised signal timing plans allow AHPD to decrease the total number of officers required at any event to no more than two and reduced the time for emptying the lot to approxi- mately 25 min. Improved incident management is the result of an agreement between MDOT and the Palace to share camera images. The Palace personnel can access views of several cameras located onapproaching roadways. When incidents occur in Auburn Hills, even on the interstate, AHPD typically are the first responders on scene. They will respond and coordinate with the Michi- gan State Police (MSP) and MDOT on the traffic management needs at the incident. They also coordinate with the Palace on any impacts to event-related traffic. MDOT will activate mes- sage signs to warn motorists and AHPD can modify the traffic management strategy to accommodate the changes in traffic patterns. Performance Measures Because the Palace tracks the load-in and load-out times dur- ing each event, those times can be compared to ensure the traf- fic management plan is working effectively. They meet with AHPD to discuss new issues and develop strategies that can mitigate these issues at the next scheduled event. The Palace maintains constant communication with AHPD to ensure that there is efficient and safe access for motorists. AHPD also com- municates with RCOC on potential issues with the signal tim- ing plans. The improved signal timing plans have allowed AHPD to reduce the number of required traffic control police officers from 15 to no more than two officers for each event. Emptying the parking lots of the Palace can now be achieved in less than 25 min. In addition, crash rates have remained con- sistent with the implementation of the Event Manager. Benefits The traffic management program at the Palace of Auburn Hills has proven to be successful. Benefits include improved traffic control efficiency; improved travel time; higher efficiency of motorist movement; and streamlined use of police resources. These benefits are achieved through strong relationships and trust between the stakeholders. With the reduction in load-in and load-out times, the impact on motorists traveling in the vicinity of the arena also is reduced. In addition, spectators are able to reach the arena more quickly and spend more time at the event. This improved mobility translates into cost savings for the motorists by reduc- ing fuel consumption and travel. The Palace also experiences a fiscal benefit by having spectators arrive earlier at events. The improved signal timing plans allow for more intersec- tions to be managed during an event with fewer officers, which frees up more officers for responding to emergencies, inci- dents, and other situations. Fewer officers for manual traffic control also has increased safety for personnel. Directing traf- fic in the dark and during poor weather conditions often cre- ated unsafe conditions for AHPD officers. The Palace’s cost for police personnel also is reduced. The Palace indicated that the savings from the fewer officers required to control traffic can be redirected to other expenses, such as an extension of park- ing facilities or a reduction in ticket costs for events.

54Lessons Learned All the agencies involved with the special-event traffic man- agement plan have acknowledged benefits, but there are still some elements that can be improved. Some simple modifica- tions could be achieved more quickly, while others are more extensive and would require several years. The partners stated that the traffic management plan should be developed as the site is designed. This approach would identify deficiencies in driveway access and potential capacity issues related to mov- ing the maximum capacity of the parking lots. The site devel- opment also should limit the amount of traffic movement occurring closer to the buildings to minimize conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. This additional conflict can gener- ate congestion within the parking lot. Lastly, sufficient light- ing throughout the parking lot should be implemented. Better lighting increases safety by improving visibility for drivers navigating among pedestrians, especially during inclement weather. Analysis and Research Observations The Palace traffic management plan has been developed through input from the Palace of Auburn Hills, AHPD, and RCOC and has improved the efficiency, reliability, and safety of traffic management during special events hosted by the Palace. During arena events, such as games and concerts, thetraffic flow in and out of the Palace has improved considerably while limiting the resource needs of AHPD. Coordination between the Palace and AHPD also has increased the reliabil- ity of loading and unloading the Palace parking lots. The Palace records and evaluates the load-in and load-out times to determine possible signal timing adjustments. The Palace personnel discuss improvements to the traffic manage- ment plan with AHPD on a continuous basis. The continued communication between the Palace, AHPD, and RCOC has improved operations and resulted in improved mobility for the motorists going to the Palace, as well as for motorists within the area. Agreements have been established between AHPD, the Palace, and MDOT to share CCTV camera video images for improved incident management. The police can coordinate and respond to incidents more quickly. Based on monitoring an incident, real-time information is provided and coordi- nated between all stakeholders to improve traffic coordination during and after each event. References 1. Basore, B., and P. Behm. Kansas Speedway Traffic Management. Kansas Highway Patrol, 2007. 2. TriCon Environmental, Inc. ESi WebEOC Professional Version 7. Accessed July 20, 2011.

TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report: S2-L01-RR-1: Integrating Business Processes to Improve Travel Time Reliability addresses various ways that transportation agencies can reengineer their day-to-day business practices to help improve traffic operations, address nonrecurring traffic congestion, and improve the reliability of travel times delivered to roadway system users.

The project that produced this report also produced SHRP 2 Report S2-L01-RR-2 : Guide to Integrating Business Processes to Improve Travel Time Reliability.

An e-book version of this report is available for purchase at Google , Amazon , and iTunes .


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Hertz CEO Kathryn Marinello with CFO Jamere Jackson and other members of the executive team in 2017

Top 40 Most Popular Case Studies of 2021

Two cases about Hertz claimed top spots in 2021's Top 40 Most Popular Case Studies

Two cases on the uses of debt and equity at Hertz claimed top spots in the CRDT’s (Case Research and Development Team) 2021 top 40 review of cases.

Hertz (A) took the top spot. The case details the financial structure of the rental car company through the end of 2019. Hertz (B), which ranked third in CRDT’s list, describes the company’s struggles during the early part of the COVID pandemic and its eventual need to enter Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 

The success of the Hertz cases was unprecedented for the top 40 list. Usually, cases take a number of years to gain popularity, but the Hertz cases claimed top spots in their first year of release. Hertz (A) also became the first ‘cooked’ case to top the annual review, as all of the other winners had been web-based ‘raw’ cases.

Besides introducing students to the complicated financing required to maintain an enormous fleet of cars, the Hertz cases also expanded the diversity of case protagonists. Kathyrn Marinello was the CEO of Hertz during this period and the CFO, Jamere Jackson is black.

Sandwiched between the two Hertz cases, Coffee 2016, a perennial best seller, finished second. “Glory, Glory, Man United!” a case about an English football team’s IPO made a surprise move to number four.  Cases on search fund boards, the future of malls,  Norway’s Sovereign Wealth fund, Prodigy Finance, the Mayo Clinic, and Cadbury rounded out the top ten.

Other year-end data for 2021 showed:

  • Online “raw” case usage remained steady as compared to 2020 with over 35K users from 170 countries and all 50 U.S. states interacting with 196 cases.
  • Fifty four percent of raw case users came from outside the U.S..
  • The Yale School of Management (SOM) case study directory pages received over 160K page views from 177 countries with approximately a third originating in India followed by the U.S. and the Philippines.
  • Twenty-six of the cases in the list are raw cases.
  • A third of the cases feature a woman protagonist.
  • Orders for Yale SOM case studies increased by almost 50% compared to 2020.
  • The top 40 cases were supervised by 19 different Yale SOM faculty members, several supervising multiple cases.

CRDT compiled the Top 40 list by combining data from its case store, Google Analytics, and other measures of interest and adoption.

All of this year’s Top 40 cases are available for purchase from the Yale Management Media store .

And the Top 40 cases studies of 2021 are:

1.   Hertz Global Holdings (A): Uses of Debt and Equity

2.   Coffee 2016

3.   Hertz Global Holdings (B): Uses of Debt and Equity 2020

4.   Glory, Glory Man United!

5.   Search Fund Company Boards: How CEOs Can Build Boards to Help Them Thrive

6.   The Future of Malls: Was Decline Inevitable?

7.   Strategy for Norway's Pension Fund Global

8.   Prodigy Finance

9.   Design at Mayo

10. Cadbury

11. City Hospital Emergency Room

13. Volkswagen

14. Marina Bay Sands

15. Shake Shack IPO

16. Mastercard

17. Netflix

18. Ant Financial

19. AXA: Creating the New CR Metrics

20. IBM Corporate Service Corps

21. Business Leadership in South Africa's 1994 Reforms

22. Alternative Meat Industry

23. Children's Premier

24. Khalil Tawil and Umi (A)

25. Palm Oil 2016

26. Teach For All: Designing a Global Network

27. What's Next? Search Fund Entrepreneurs Reflect on Life After Exit

28. Searching for a Search Fund Structure: A Student Takes a Tour of Various Options

30. Project Sammaan

31. Commonfund ESG

32. Polaroid

33. Connecticut Green Bank 2018: After the Raid

34. FieldFresh Foods

35. The Alibaba Group

36. 360 State Street: Real Options

37. Herman Miller

38. AgBiome

39. Nathan Cummings Foundation

40. Toyota 2010

Cognizant Communication Corporation

Event Management

(Previously published as Festival Management & Event Tourism)

Editor-in-Chief: Mike Duignan Volume 28, 2024

ISSN: 1525-9951; E-ISSN: 1943-4308 Softbound 8 numbers per volume

CiteScore 2022: 1.7 View CiteScore for Event Management

Go to previously published journal, Festival Management & Event Tourism

A welcome to the journal by Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mike Duignan.

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Table of Contents: 2,737 Abstracts: 42,892 Full Text Downloads: 1,621

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Aims & Scope

Event Management is the leading peer-reviewed international journal for the study and analysis of events and festivals, meeting the research and educational needs of this rapidly growing industry for more than 20 years.

  • Publish high-quality interdisciplinary event studies work and therefore promote a broad spectrum of theoretical perspectives from management and organizational studies to sociology and social science.
  • Encourage the study of all kinds of physical, digital, and hybrid events from small- to large-scale cultural and sporting events, festivals, meetings, conventions, exhibitions, to expositions, across a range of geographical and cultural contexts.
  • Actively support authors to take a critical perspective concerning the power and potential of events as a force for social, economic, and environmental good, while challenging where events can do better and make a positive contribution to society.
  • Promote bold, interesting, relevant research problems and questions. Examples include why events play a key role for individual and collective transformational experiences; how social movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #Metoo can be advanced by attaching to events like the Academy Awards; through to the way large-scale events are leveraged for urban regeneration and community development.
  • Believe research insights are integral to high-quality learning and teaching and we encourage all authors to transform manuscript into a set of Event Management branded PowerPoint slides for colleagues to integrate into research informed and hybrid teaching approaches. Where provided by authors, slides will feature alongside each published manuscript for ease. All subscribing organizations and authors will have access to this library of learning and teaching content.

We offer authors four routes to publication, with simple submission guideline (see “Submission guidelines” tab).

  • Research article – a traditional submission route of up to 10,000 words focused on contributing to theory.
  • Research note – a short note of up to 2,000 words focused on providing novel and/or innovative insights to contribute to our body of theory and/or empirical knowledge. These can also include debates and/or commentaries.
  • Event case study – a new route of up to 10,000 words providing in-depth empirical insights and application of existing theoretical ideas to a specific event or series of events.
  • Event education – a new route of up to 10,000 words providing in-depth insights into events-related education policy and/or practice for colleagues to support high-quality international learning and teaching experiences.

Event Management is governed by a high-quality editorial board consisting of international leading experts across a range of disciplines and fields, including events, tourism, sport, hospitality, to business studies (see “ Editorial board ” tab).

Our double-blind peer review process is rigorous and supportive.

STEP 1: All manuscripts submitted to Event Management will go through a rigorous screening process by either the Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editors to be desk rejected or progressed to one of 40+ Associate Editors who handle the review process.

STEP 2: An Associate Editor reviews the manuscript and decides whether to progress or rejected. If progressed, 2-3 members of the Editorial Advisory Board or those with appropriate expertise are invited to review with an average 2-3 rounds of peer review. Authors have 8 weeks to revise and resubmit for each round of peer review.

STEP 3: Toward the end of peer review the Associate Editor recommends a final decision to the Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor who makes the final decision and provides final constructive feedback where appropriate.

STEP 4: Manuscripts accepted are swiftly uploaded to our “Fast Track” system with a DOI while our editorial assistants work with authors to deal with author queries before final manuscripts are made available. FINAL PUBLISHED ARTICLES WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE AS FREE ACCESS (at no charge) ON INGENTA CONNECT FOR A PERIOD OF 15 DAYS and will be actively promoted by our Social Media Editor who works with authors to create a short tweet and author video alongside free links to promote colleagues’ work, across our Twitter and LinkedIn sites. (After the 15 days manuscripts will only be available to subscribers, unless the author has paid for the Open Access option.)

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Mike Duignan Professeur University of Paris 1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne) Paris, France [email protected] Deputy Editors Leonie Lockstone-Binney , Griffith University, Australia James Kennell , University of Surrey, UK David McGillivray , University West of Scotland, UK Milena Parent , University of Ottawa, Canada Luke Potwarka , University of Waterloo, Canada Emma Wood , Leeds Beckett, UK Editorial Managing Editor Aaron Tkaczynski , University of Queensland, Australia

Regional Development Editor Ubaldino Couto , Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, China – [email protected]

Regional Editors

Australia and New Zealand Clifford Lewis , Charles Sturt University, Australia – [email protected] Effie Steriopoulos , William Angliss Institute, Australia – [email protected]

Canada Christine Van Winkle , University of Manitoba, Canada – [email protected]

Central, Western, and South Asia Jeetesh Kumar , Taylor’s University, Malaysia – [email protected]

China Chris Chen , University of Canterbury, New Zealand – [email protected] Shushu Chen , University of Birmingham, UK – [email protected] Zengxian (Jason) Liang , Sun Yat-sen University, China – [email protected] Ying (Tracy) Lu , University of Kentucky, USA – [email protected]

East Asia Meng Qu , Hokkaido University, Japan – [email protected] Europe Krzysztof Celuch , Nicolas Copernicus University, Poland – [email protected] Kristin Hallman , German Sport University Cologne, Germany – [email protected] Martin Schnitzer , University of Innsbruck, Austria – [email protected] Raphaela Stadler, Management Center Innsbruck, Austria – [email protected] North Africa and Middle East Majd Megheirkouni , Leeds Trinity University, UK – [email protected]

Southeast Asia Supina Supina , Bunda Mulia University, Jakarta – [email protected]

South, Western, Eastern, and Central Africa Kayode Aleshinloye , University of Central Florida, USA – [email protected] Brendon Knott, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa – [email protected]

United Kingdom Marcus Hansen , Liverpool John Moores University, UK – [email protected] Ian Lamond , Leeds Beckett University, UK – [email protected] Jonathan Moss, Leeds Beckett University, UK – [email protected] Giulia Rossetti , Oxford Brookes University, UK – [email protected] Brianna Wyatt , Oxford Brookes University, UK – [email protected]

United States Ken Tsai , Iowa State University, USA – [email protected] Nicholas Wise , Arizona State University, USA – [email protected]

Social Media Editor Meg Hibbins , University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Podcasting Editors Alan Fyall , University of Central Florida, USA James Kennell , University of Surrey, UK

Awards Editor Leonie Lockstone-Binney , Griffith University, Australia

Curated Collections Editor Vacant position

Special Advisors Laurence Chalip , George Mason University, USA Alan Fyall, University of Central Florida, USA Leo Jago , University of Surrey, UK Adele Ladkin , Bournemouth University, UK Stephen Page , University of Hertfordshire, UK Holger Preuss , University of Mainz, Germany Richard Shipway , Bournemouth University, UK

Thought Leaders James Bulley OBE, CEO, Trivandi, UK Paul Bush OBE, Director of Events, VisitScotland, UK Sarah de Carvalho MBE, CEO, It’s a Penalty, UK Iain Edmondson , Event Host Evaluation, UK Gary Grimmer , Founder and Chairman, Gaining Edge, Canada Alun James , 53NG, UK Ruth Hollis , CEO, Spirit of 2012, UK Richard Lapchick , Director, Institute for Sport and Social Justice, UK Genevieve Leclerc , CEO, #Meet4Impact, Canada Shona McCarthy , CEO, Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, UK Bill Morris , Edinburgh Military Tattoo, UK John Siner, Founder, WhySportMatters, USA Lucy Spokes , Head of Public Engagement and former Director of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas, University of Cambridge, UK John Tasker , Founder, Massive, UK

Co-Founding Editors Donald Getz , University of Calgary, Canada Bruce Wicks , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Associate Editors Tom Fletcher , Leeds Beckett University, UK ( Chair of the Associate Editors Board ) Kayode Aleshinloye , University of Central Florida, USA Jane Ali-Knight , Edinburgh Napier University, UK Charles Arcodia , Griffith University, Australia Sandro Carnicelli , University of the West of Scotland, UK Krzysztof Celuch , Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland Monica Cerdan Chiscano , Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Spain Willem Coetzee , Western Sydney University, Australia Alba Colombo , Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain Simon Darcy , University Technology Sydney, Australia Kate Dashper , Leeds Beckett University, UK Tracey Dickson , University of Canberra, Australia Sally Everett , Kings College London, UK Sheranne Fairley , The University of Queensland, Australia Kevin Filo , Griffith University, Australia Rebecca Finkel , Queen Margaret University, UK Chris Gaffney , New York University, USA Sandra Goh , Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Kirsten Holmes , Curtin University, Australia Xin Jin , Griffith University, Australia Kiki Kaplanindou , University of Florida, USA Donna Kelly , New York University, USA Zengxian (Jason) Liang , Sun Yat-sen University, China Qiuju (Betty) Luo , Sun Yat-sen University, China Eleni Michopoulou , University of Derby, UK Laura Misener , Western University, Canada Bri Newland , New York University, USA Ilaria Pappalepore , University of Westminster, UK Nikolaos Pappas , University of Sunderland, UK Greg Richards , Breda University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands Martin Robertson , Edinburgh Napier University, UK Martin Schnitzer , University of Innsbruck, Austria Louise Todd , Edinburgh Napier University, UK Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta , University of Tasmania, Australia Lewis Walsh , Anglia Ruskin University, UK Nicholas Wise , Arizona State University, USA Jinsheng (Jason) Zhu , Guilin Tourism University and Chiang Mai University, Thailand Vassillios Ziakas , University of Liverpool, UK

Editorial Advisory Board Rutendo Musikavanhu , Coventry University, UK ( Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board ) Emma Abson , Sheffield Hallam University, UK Eylin Aktaş , Pamukkale University, Turkey John Armbrecht , University of Gothenburg, Sweden Jarrett Bachman , Fairleigh Dickinson University, Canada Ken Backman , Clemson University, USA Sheila Backman , Clemson University, USA Carissa Baker , University of Central Florida, USA Jina Hyejin Bang , Florida International University, USA Rui Biscaia , University of Bath, UK Charles Bladen , Anglia Ruskin University, UK Soyoung Boo , Georgia State University, USA Glenn Bowdin , Leeds Beckett University, UK Ian Brittain , Coventry University, UK Alyssa Brown , University of Sunderland, UK Federica Burini , University of Bergamo, Italy Jean-Loup Chappelet , University of Lausanne, Switzerland Guangzhou Chen , University of New Hampshire, USA Gyoyang Chen , Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Brianna Clark , High Point University, USA Diana (Dee)) Clayton , Oxford Brookes University, UK J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak , University of Greenwich, UK Rui Costa , University of Aveiro, Portugal Juliet Davi s, Cardiff University, UK Leon Davis , Teeside University, UK Emma Delaney , University of Surrey, UK Valerio Della Salla , University of Bologna, UK Anthony Dixon , Troy University, USA Simon Down , University of Birmingham, UK and Högskolan Kristianstad, Sweden Colin Drake , Victoria University, Australia Jason Draper , University of Houston, USA Martin Falk , University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway Nicole Ferdinand , Oxford Brookes University, UK Miriam Firth , University of Manchester, UK Jenny Flynn , University of the West Scotland, UK Carmel Foley , University Technology Sydney, Australia Susanne Gellweiler , Dresden School of Management, Germany David Gogishvili , University of Lausanne, Switzerland John Gold , University College of London, UK Barbara Grabher , University of Graz, Austria Jeannie Hahm , University Central Florida, UK Kirsten Hallman , German Sport University Cologne, Germany Elizabeth Halpenny , University of Alberta, Canada Marcus Hansen , Liverpool John Moores University, UK Luke Harris , University of Birmingham, UK Najmeh Hassanli , University of Technology Sydney, Australia Burcin Hatipoglu , University New South Wales, Australia Ted Hayduck , New York University, USA Christopher Hautbois , University of Paris, France Claire Haven-Tang , Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK Freya Higgins-Desbiolles , University of South Australia, Australia Yoshifusa Ichii , Ritsumeikan University, Japan Jiyoung Im , Oklahoma State University, USA Dewi Jaimangal-Jones , Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK David Jarman , Edinburgh Napier University, UK Allan Jepson , Herts University, UK Eva Kassens-Noor , Michigan State University, USA Jamie Kenyon , Loughborough University, UK Seth Kirby , Nottingham Trent University, UK Brendon Knott , Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa Nicole Koenig-Lewis , Cardiff University, UK Joerg Koenigstorfer , Technical University of Munich, Germany Maximiliano Korstanje , University of Palermo, Argentina Niki Koutrou , Bournemouth University, UK Martinettte Kruger , North-West University, South Africa Jeetesh Kumar , Taylor’s University, Malaysia Ian Lamond , Leeds Beckett University, UK Weng Si (Clara) Lei, Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, China Clifford Lewis , Charles Sturt University, Australia Jason Li , Sun Yat-sen University, China Ying (Tracy) Lu, University of Kentucky, USA Mervi Luonila , Center for Cultural Policy Research, Finland Erik Lundberg , University of Gothenburg, Sweden Emily Mace , Angila Ruskin University, UK Judith Mair , University of Queensland, Australia Matt McDowell , University of Edinburgh, UK Majd Megheirkouni , Leeds Trinity University, UK Jonathan Moss , Leeds Beckett University, UK James Musgrave , Leeds Beckett University, UK Barbara Neuhofer , University of Salzburg, Austria Margarida Abreu Novais , Griffith University, Australia Pau Obrador , Northumbria University, UK Danny O’Brien , Bond University, Australia Eric D. Olson , Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA Faith Ong , University of Queensland, Australia Emilio Fernandez Pena , Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain Marko Perić , University of Rijeka, Croatia Olga Polyakova , Sheffield Hallam University, UK Hongxia Qi , Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand Meng Qu (Mo), Hokkaido University, Japan Bernadette Quinn , Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland Tareq Rasul , Australian Institute of Business, Australia Vanessa Ratten , La Trobe University, Australia Tiago Ribeiro , University of Lisbon, Portugal Alector Ribiero , University of Surrey, UK Ivana Rihova, Edinburgh Napier University, UK Darine Sabadova , University of Surrey, UK Katie Schlenker , University Technology Sydney, Australia Hugues Seraphin , Winchester University, UK Ranjit Singh , Pondicherry University, India Ryan Snelgrove , University of Waterloo, Canada Sarah Snell , Edinburgh Napier University, UK Sonny Son , University of South Australia, Australia Raphaela Stadler , Management Center Innsbruck, Austria Effie Steriopoulos , William Angliss Institute, Australia Nancy Stevenson , University of Westminster, UK Erose Sthapit , Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Ching-Hui (Joan) Su , Iowa State University, USA Kamilla Swart-Arries , Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Adam Talbot , Coventry University, UK Jessica Templeton , University of Greenwich, UK Aaron Tham , University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia Eleni Theodoraki , University of Dublin, UK Jill Timms , University of Surrey, UK Sylvia Trendafilova , University of Tennessee, USA Danai Varveri, Metropolitan College, Greece Peter Vlachos , University of Greenwich, UK Trudie Walters , Canterbury Museum and Lincoln University, New Zealand Xueli (Shirley) Wang , Tsinghua University, China Stephen Wassong , German Sport University, Germany Craig Webster , Ball State University, USA Jon Welty Peachey , Gordon College, USA Kim Werner , Hochschule Osnabrück, Germany Mark Wickham , University of Tasmania, Australia Jessica Wiitala , High Point University, USA Kyle Woosnam , University of Georgia, USA Jialin (Snow) Wu , University of Huddersfield, UK Sakura Yamamura , Max Planck Institute for the Study of  Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany Nicole Yu, The University of Queensland, Australia Pamela Zigomo , University of Greenwich, UK PhD/ECR Editorial Board Erik L. Lachance , University of Ottawa, Canada ( Chair of the PhD/ECR Editorial Board ) Oluwaseyi Aina , University of the West of Scotland, UK Sarah Ariai, University of Waterloo, Canada Elizabeth Ashcroft , University of Surrey, UK Jibin Baby , North Carolina State University, USA Jordan T. Bakhsh , University of Ottawa, Canada Sara Belotti , University of Bergamo, Italy Nicola Cade , University of Essex, UK Libby Carter , Birmingham City University, UK David Cook , Coventry University, UK Karen Davies, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK Skyler Fleshman , University of Florida, USA Alexia Gignon , University of Gustave Eiffel, France Chris Hayes , Teeside University, UK Mu He , University of Alberta, Canada Jie Min Ho , Curtin University, Australia Montira Intason , Naresuan University, Thailand Shubham Jain , University of Cambridge, UK Orighomisan Jekhine , Leeds Beckett University, UK Denise Kamyuka , Western University, Canada Wanwisa Khampanya , University of Surrey, UK Jason King , Leeds Beckett University, UK Truc Le , Griffith University, Australia Kelly McManus , University of Waterloo, Canada Adam Pappas , University of Waterloo, Canada Heelye Park , Iowa State University, USA Jihye Park , University of Central Florida, USA Erin Pearson , Western University, Canada Benedetta Piccio , Edinburgh Napier University, UK Juliana Rodrigues Vieira Tkatch , University of Central Florida, USA Claire Roe , University of Derby, UK Briony Sharp , University of the West of Scotland, UK Smita Singh , Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA Darina Svobodova , University of Surrey, UK Georgia Teare , University of Ottawa, Canada Yann Tournesac , Leeds Beckett University, UK Katy Tse , University of Surrey, UK Beau Wanwisa , University of Surrey, UK Ryutaro Yamakita , University of Ottawa, Canada Emmy Yeung , University of Chester, UK Ryuta Yoda , Coventry University, UK Azadeh Zarei , The University of Queensland, Australia

Special Issue: Technology Enabled Competitiveness and Experiences in Events

The special issue is supported by the International Conference ( THE INC 2024 ) “Technology Enabled Competitiveness and Experiences in Tourism, Hospitality and Events”, which is the official conference of ATHENA (Association of Tourism Hospitality and Events Networks in Academia) , and will be held from 5th till 7th June 2024 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Guest Editors Dr. Eleni Michopoulou, University of Derby, United Kingdom Email: [email protected]

Dr. Iride Azara, University of Derby, United Kingdom Email: [email protected]

Prof. Nikolaos Pappas, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom Email: [email protected]

In recent years, several studies have been dedicated to event-related technological aspects, often under the prism of experience design, event thinking and interaction, or focusing on the artificial intelligence and robots. However, those studies have only just began to explore the underpinning principles and aspects of the contribution of technology in business competitiveness and the formulation of consumer experiences. Moreover, the event-related theoretical and applied aspects of technology need to be approached from a multidisciplinary point of view, to enable a better understanding of the internal and external dynamics that affect their evolution and development.

This special issue welcomes theoretical, empirical, experimental, and case study research contributions. These contributions should clearly address the theoretical and practical implications of the research in reference. Both conceptual and empirical work are welcome. The event-related technology enabled competitiveness and experiences can be viewed under a variety of prisms, including but not limited to:

  • Competitiveness, sustainability and corporate social responsibility
  • Consumer behaviour, decision-making, expectations, experience and satisfaction
  • Smart events cities / destinations / infrastructure
  • Culture, heritage, place -making and storytelling in events
  • AR/VR/XR, Metaverse
  • Human resources, equality, diversity, and labour operations in events
  • Robotics, AI, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics
  • Emerging and innovative research methods and methodologies
  • Sharing/gig economy, collaborative consumption, value co-creation
  • Innovation, creativity and change management
  • IT, ICT, e-tourism, social media, gamification and mobile technologies
  • Marketing, advertising, branding and reputation management in events
  • Policy, planning, and governance
  • Health, well-being, quality of life and wellness
  • Training and events education
  • Other interdisciplinary areas related with events

Review Process Each paper submitted for publication consideration is subjected to the standard review process designated by the Event Management journal. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the Editor-in-chief along with the guest editors will decide whether particular submissions will be accepted, revised or rejected. Please note that the review process will start after the full paper submission deadline.

Submission Guidelines Please submit the papers to the journal’s online platform under the Submission Guidelines tab.

Full Paper Submission Deadline: Sunday, 16th March 2024. Expected Publication Date: Mid or end of 2025.

Note: Please be advised that the review process will start after the submission deadline.

All papers should follow the submission guidelines of the Event Management journal.

Submission Guidelines – Please view Cognizant AI Policy here

Our aim is to make initial submission to Event Management as simple as possible, for all submission routes. Authors can use the following information as a checklist before submitting.

HOW TO SUBMIT: All manuscripts to be submitted via this link:

case study of event management

WHAT TO SUBMIT: Authors are asked to submit four documents:

  • Impact Statement
  • Submission Checklist ( Click here for the Submission Checklist )

Please note: After you have received the first round of peer review comments and you are responding to reviewers’ comments, please ensure you attach a ‘Response to Reviewers’ document on Step 2: File Upload . This will make it easier for the reviewers to see where changes have been made in relation to peer review comments, and how and why you have attended to all peer reviewer points.

Cover letters are optional but we do encourage authors to also provide this to help detail the theoretical, empirical, and/or practical contribution of the manuscript.

WHAT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR “IMPACT STATEMENT”: up to 500 words detailing the potential or actual impact of this article on society.

WHAT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR “TITLE PAGE”: Please ensure all of the following headings are present and addressed:

  • Title (20 words max, in initial cap on main words and bold)
  • Short title (up to 40 letters and spaces)
  • Author(s) name
  • Affiliation for each author (Department, Institution, City, (State), Country)
  • Corresponding author identified with complete address and email address
  • ORCID for all authors (if available)
  • Declaration of interest
  • Part of a Special Issue? If so, state the name of the Special Issue.

WHAT TO INCLUDE AND HOW TO FORMAT MANUSCRIPTS: We provide authors with the flexibility to format and organize manuscripts in they way they prefer for initial submission. Authors will then work with our editorial assistants after acceptance to conform with journal standardized format before publication. We do however have a simple checklist of things below we do require at initial submission stage:

Sections to include:

  • Title (up to 20 words, in BOLD )
  • Highlights (3-5 highlights, max 80 characters including spaces for each bullet point)
  • Abstract (150 words max)
  • Keywords (up to 8, placed immediately after the Abstract)
  • A “Literature Review” and “Methodology” section must feature, unless not appropriate.

Formatting requirements

  • Word document in Arial font, size 10 or 12.
  • All manuscripts should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar.
  • All in-text citations and References must be submitted following APA Publication Manual, 7th edition (see     and/or the 7th APA author quick guide changes ).
  • For a sample published article choose an open access file on the online Ingenta Connect site ( )
  • Double spaced, with line numbering and page numbers.
  • ‘Tables’ and high quality ‘Images’ and ‘Figures’ to be uploaded as separate files (do not include figures in color unless you are paying for color figures).
  • Word counts indicated below are the maximum for all sections including tables, figure legends and appendices.
  • Clearly identifiable headings with no more than three levels (see example below). Heading (centered) Sub-heading (italic and left aligned) Sub-sub-heading (italic and indented to the paragraph)


  • Research article (up to 10,000 words)—traditional full-length research articles contribute to theory.
  • Research note (up to 2,500 words)—short pieces that are theoretically or methodologically relevant, novel and innovative that can be developed further and advanced by other scholars. Commentaries and debates can be submitted under this submission type too.
  • Event case study (up to 10,000 words)—full-length empirically based research articles that rigorously apply theory but do not necessarily seek to develop theory. Authors must however stress the implications of empirical work beyond the event case study context.
  • Event education (up to 10,000 words)—full-length pieces focusing on events-related learning and teaching innovation and impact on student education, experience, and performance.


General questions:

  • Is there a clear research issue or problem statement presented at the beginning that establishes the “so what” factor?
  • Is the theoretical, methodological, or empirical contribution of the manuscript clearly stated? And is the significance of this contribution clearly stated?
  • Is the manuscript interesting, bold, and/or innovative?
  • Is the theoretical framework robust, providing a good conceptual grounding in relevant literature?
  • Is the methodology designed and executed in a reliable and valid way?
  • Is the manuscript written in a clear and concise way (without “academese”) and accessible to academic and nonacademic audiences?
  • Is the argument written in an easy to follow and logical way?
  • Are there clear conceptual and practical conclusions drawn on in the latter parts of the manuscript?
  • Which of the following submission routes do you think the manuscript is best suited for: – Research article (strong theoretical or methodological contribution) – Research Note (shortened version with a strong theoretical or methodological contribution) – Event Case Study (limited theoretical or methodological contribution, but interesting empirical insights) – Events Education

Specific events-related questions:

  • Does the manuscript present an analysis of contemporary events-related issues?
  • Does the manuscript present a balanced perspective on the power and potential of events for good or for bad?
  • Do you think this manuscript helps advance events research: how and why?
  • Are there clear and well-justified recommendations to help advance the policy and practice of events in the future?
  • Does the manuscript present a future academic research agenda that seeks to push the boundaries of events research?
  • Is it clear how either descriptive or conceptual features of the event in question impacts on the empirical phenomenon in question? (In other words, does the author position the event simply as the “background” or “context” or are distinct features of the event recognized?)

NB: We ask this last question because in Event Management journal we want continue building a more conceptual understanding as to why events and festivals are particularly interesting organizational constructs to advance theory and knowledge, over let’s say other types of organizations like businesses or government institutions.


Accepted manuscripts will be loaded to Fast Track with DOI links online. Fast Track is an early e-pub system whereby subscribers to the journal can start reading and citing the articles prior to their inclusion in a journal issue. Please note that articles published in Fast Track are not the final print publication with proofs. Once the accepted manuscript is ready to publish in an issue of the journal, the corresponding author will receive a proof from our Production Department for approval. Once approved and published, the Fast Track version of the manuscript is deleted and replaced with the final published article. Online Fast Track publication ensures that the accepted manuscripts can be read and cited as quickly as possible.

  • Use of Copyright Material: Authors must attest their manuscript contains original work and provide proof of permission to reproduce any content(artwork, photographs, tables, etc.) in connection with their manuscript, also ensuring their work does not infringe on any copyright and that they have obtained permission for its use. It is important to note that any and all materials obtain via the Internet/social media (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) fall under all copyright rules and regulations and permission for use must be obtained prior to publication.
  • Copyright: Publications are copyrighted for the protection of authors and the publisher. A Transfer of Copyright Agreement will be sent to the author whose manuscript is accepted. The form must be completed and returned with the final manuscript files(s).


Articles appearing in Event Management are available to be open access and may also contain color figures (not a condition for publication). Authors will be provided with an Author Option Form, which indicates the following options. The form must be completed and returned with the final manuscript file(s) even if the answer is “No” to the options. This form serves as confirmation of your choice for the options.

A Voluntary Submission Fee of $125.00 includes one free page of color and a 50% discount on additional color pages (color is discounted to $50.00 per color page). (Not a condition for publication).

Open Access is available for a fee of $200.00. Color would be discounted to $50.00 per color page. (Not a condition for publication).

The use of Color Figures in articles is an important feature. Your article may contain figures that should be printed in color. Color figures are available for a cost of $100.00 per color page. This amount would be discounted to $50.00 per color page if choosing to pay the voluntary submission fee or the open access option as indicated above. (Not a condition for publication).

If you choose any of the above options, a form will be sent with the amount due based on your selection, at proof stage. This form will need to be completed and returned with payment information and any corrections to the proof, prior to publication.


Page proofs will be sent electronically to the designated corresponding author prior to publication. Minor changes only are allowed at this stage. The designated corresponding author will receive a free pdf file of the final press article, which will be sent by email.

Although every effort is made by the publisher and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion, or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisements herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the publisher, the editorial board, editors, and their respective employees, officers, and agents accept no responsibility or liabilitywhatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion, or statement.

Information about the conference CLICK HERE

Articles appearing in publications are available to be published as Open Access and/or with color figures. A voluntary submission fee is also an option if you choose to support this publication. These options are NOT required for publication of your article.

You may complete the Author Option Payment Form here .

The designated corresponding author will receive a free pdf file of the final press article via email.

Event Management (EM) Peer Review Policy

Peer review is the evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field to ensure only good scientific research is published.

In order to maintain these standards,  Event Management  (EM) utilizes a double-blind review process whereby the identity of the reviewers is not known to authors and the authors are not shown on the article being reviewed.

The peer review process for EM is laid out below:

STEP 1: An article is reviewed for quality, suitability and alignment to the submission formatting guidelines by the Editor-In-Chief and Deputy Editors, and authors will receive either a desk reject, or the article will be progressed to one of our Associate Editors.

STEP 2: If progressed, an Associate Editor will also review for quality and suitability. At this point they may suggest a rejection, or progress and invite reviewers to review the manuscript. We ask reviewers to submit their review within approx. 4-6 weeks (sometimes this can be quicker or slower) and decided is the paper should be an: ‘accept’, ‘minor revision’, ‘major revision’ or ‘reject’.

STEP 3: Authors will then have approx. 4-6 weeks to complete revisions and then resubmit to the journal. The peer review process will then continue until a decision is made by the Associate Editor.

STEP 4: At this point, the article will go to the Editor-In-Chief and Deputy Editors to make a final decision and suggest any final changes required before final acceptance.

STEP 5: After final acceptance, authors will then work with our editorial team to ensure that the article is correctly formatted and suitable for publication. Manuscripts will then be allocated a DOI and uploaded to our fast-track system to have a digital presence online. When the final article is uploaded, we then provide 15 DAYS FREE ACCESS to the article, which can be shared out to networks.


As a reviewer for  Event Management  you would have the benefit of reading and evaluating current research in your area of expertise at its early state, thereby contributing to the integrity of scientific exploration.

If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for EM please contact the EIC:  Mike Duignan at [email protected]

If you review three papers for one of the Cognizant journals ( Tourism Review International, Tourism Analysis, Event Management, Tourism Culture and Communication, Tourism in Marine Environments, and Gastronomy and Tourism ) within a one-year period, you will qualify for a free OPEN ACCESS article in one of the above journals.


The publishers and editorial board of Event Management have adopted the publication ethics and malpractice statements of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)   and the COPE position statement regarding Authorship and AI Tools . These guidelines highlight what is expected of authors and what they can expect from the reviewers and editorial board in return. They also provide details of how problems will be handled. Briefly:

Editorial Board

Event Management  is governed by an international editorial board consisting of experts in event management, tourism, business, sport, and related fields. Information regarding the editorial board members is listed on the inside front cover of the printed copy of the journal in addition to the homepage for the journal at:  under the “Editorial Board” tab.

This editorial board conducts most of the manuscript reviews and plays a large role in setting the standards for research and publication in the field. The Editor-in-Chief receives and processes all manuscripts and from time to time will modify the editorial board to ensure a continuous improvement in quality.

The reviewers uphold a peer review process without favoritism or prejudice to gender, sexual orientation, religious/political beliefs, nationality, or geographical origin. Each submission is given equal consideration for acceptance based only on the manuscript’s importance, originality, academic integrity, and clarity and whether it is suitable for the journal in accordance with the Aims and Scope of the journal. They must not have a conflict of interest with the author(s) or work described. The anonymity of the reviewers must be maintained.

All manuscripts are sent out for blind review and the editor/editorial board will maintain the confidentiality of author(s) and their submitted research and supporting documentation, figures, and tables and all aspects pertaining to each submission.

Reviewers are expected to not possess any conflicts of interest with the authors. They should review the manuscript objectively and provide recommendations for improvements where necessary. Any unpublished information read by a reviewer should be treated as confidential.

Manuscripts must contain original material and must not have been published previously. Material accepted for publication may not be published elsewhere without the consent of the publisher. All rights and permissions must be obtained by the contributor(s) and should be sent upon acceptance of manuscripts for publication.

References, acknowledgments, figure legends, and tables must be properly cited and authors must attest their manuscript contains original work and provide proof of permission to reproduce any content (artwork, photographs, tables, etc.) in connection with their manuscript, also ensuring their work does not infringe on any copyright and that they have obtained permission for its use. It is important to note that any and all materials obtain via the Internet/social media (including but not limited to Face Book, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) falls under all copyright rules and regulations and permission for use must be obtained prior to publication.

Authors listed on a manuscript must have made a significant contribution to the study and/or writing of the manuscript. During revisions, authors cannot be removed without their permission and that of all other authors. All authors must also agree to the addition of new authors.  It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that this occurs.

Financial support and conflicts of interest for all authors must be declared.

The reported research must be novel and authentic and the author(s) should confirm that the same data has not been and is not going to be submitted to another journal (unless already rejected). Plagiarism of the text/data will not be tolerated and could result in retraction of an accepted article.

When humans, animals, or tissue derived from them have been used, then mention of the appropriate ethical approval must be included in the manuscript.

The publishers agree to ensure, to the best of their abilities, that the information they publish is genuine and ethically sound. If publishing ethics issues come to light, not limited to accusations of fraudulent data or plagiarism, during or after the publication process, they will be investigated by the editorial board including contact with the authors’ institutions if necessary, so that a decision on the appropriate corrections, clarifications, or retractions can be made. The publishers agree to publish this as necessary so as to maintain the integrity of the academic record.

View All Abstracts

Access Current Articles (Volume 28, Number 3)

Volume 28, Number 3 Field Configuration Around a Major Sport Event: Boundary Work and Implications for Perpetuation of “The Legacy Rhetoric” – 335

Andrew Bakos, Danny O’Brien, and Lisa Gowthorp

Bond Business School, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia

This research analyzed the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) as a field configuring event (FCE). The research develops understanding around the key actors, processes, and products of field configuration prompted in the host community of a major event. A qualitative single case study research design was used that relied on interview data, participant observations, and organizational documents. Findings demonstrated how boundary work by GC2018 field-level governance actors yielded a focus on achieving legacy outcomes for a select few host community stakeholders. This study adds new insight on the persistence of “the legacy rhetoric” in event management. Recognition of the exclusionary nature of boundary work associated with field governance around major events emerged as a key prerequisite for shifting thinking beyond the legacy rhetoric and towards a more holistic leveraging perspective.

Key words: Major/mega-events; Field-configuring events; Organizational fields; Event legacy; Event leverage; Boundary work

An Investigation of the Rotation Patterns of International Association Meetings and Events – 351

Leonie Lockstone-Binney,* Martin Robertson,† Colin Drake,‡ and Jenny Dung Le§

*Department of Tourism, Sport & Hotel Management, Griffith University, Australia †The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University, UK ‡Victoria Graduate School of Business, Victoria University, Australia §College of Business and Management, VinUniversity, Vietnam

International association meetings and events (IAMEs) are a significant specialist segment of the business events sector. Noting the lack of longitudinal research available to confirm how these events rotate globally, regionally, and over time, this study analyzed the rotation patterns of IAMEs based on 236 meeting iterations sampled from the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) database held between 2009 and 2019. Results confirm intuitive rotation patterns not previously determined by a data-driven analysis to date. Namely, that global events rotated more widely geographically but also less often, while most regional events were annual events. These regional events were held in the same continent of the association awarding the rights to host, thereby demonstrating less reach. Delegate numbers for both global and regional events were comparable. Association preferences for rotating IAMEs were geographically heterogenous. The implications of these rotation patterns are discussed, and an associated future research agenda is outlined.

Key words: International association meeting and event; Rotation; Global events; Regional events; Knowledge

How Does Sponsoring of a Motoring Event Affect Brand Awareness of Brands Involved? Case Study of Barum Czech Rally Zlín – 365

Jakub Kura*†

*Department of Geography, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic †Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland

This article focuses on the sponsoring of motoring events and evaluates the levels of brand awareness that sponsoring brings to brands. The level of brand awareness was measured during Barum Czech Rally Zlín, and two methods of evaluating brand awareness were used. First was an unaided recall of possible sponsors of rallying, and second, respondents were given a list of possible sponsors and had to recognize brands of actual sponsors. They were then asked whether they were purchasing goods based on the fact that the given brand is a sponsor of motorsport. As the results showed, the most known brands were those of major sponsors of the event itself. The majority of respondents prefer brands that are sponsoring motorsport. Thus, brand awareness via motorsport is a promoting tool mainly for big sponsors, providing plenty of coverage during the event.

Key words: Brand awareness; Brand recall; Brand recognition; Marketing; Sponsors; Promotional value; Rallying

A Strategic Human Resource Management Approach to Facilitating Volunteer Legacies From Mega-Sport Events: The Moderating Impact of Gender And Experience in the Case of Rio 2016 – 379

Tracey J. Dickson,* Simon Darcy,† M. Abu Saleh,* and Flavia Fontes‡

*Canberra Business School, University of Canberra, Australia †UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, Australia ‡Volunteer Manager, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

Volunteers are crucial for successful event delivery, from community to mega-events. Mega-sport events (MSE) are sold on their generative potential for social legacies for host communities like volunteering to support future community and tourism activity. With the lens of the temporal extension of the socioecological framework (TESEF), we propose that strategic human resource management (SHRM) across the volunteer journey will facilitate post-MSE legacy. A previously used online questionnaire and then structural equation modeling (SEM) are used to test 10 hypotheses with 4,824 Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games volunteers. Analysis revealed four predictors (SHRM: recruitment, job allocation, and supervision; and Motivational: variety) have significant positive effects on overall satisfaction. However, volunteer training and overall satisfaction had a highly negative influence on legacy potential. SEM revealed the moderating effect of volunteers’ gender and prior experience. Gender moderated five relationship paths and experience moderated six relational paths. MSE management implications are explored.

Key words: Legacy; Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games; Sport events; Volunteers; Strategic human resource management; Motivation

Predicting Loyalty and Word-of-Mouth at a Sports Event Through a Structural Model and Posteriori Unobserved Segmentation – 401

Manuel Alonso-Dos-Santos,*† Sergio Aguado Berenguer,‡ Ferran Calabuig Moreno,‡ and Mario Alguacil Jimenez‡

*Department of Marketing and Market Research, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales, University of Granada, Granada, Spain †Departamento de Administracion, Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile ‡Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The study aims to explain how marketing variables (quality, value, satisfaction) combined with corporate image can explain the loyalty and word-of-mouth of those attending a sporting event. It also aims to know the different user profiles in the event and how these variables interact in each of these profiles. For this purpose, 697 sporting event attendees were surveyed. Structural model analysis was combined with unobserved a posteriori segmentation (POS) through PLS, which allows us to know the groups without a prior criterion. The results confirmed the hypothesis, explaining loyalty and word-of-mouth in a sporting event and revealing three unobserved groups of fans: involved, nonconforming, and opportunistic. The proposed model is useful to explain loyalty and word-of-mouth and the segments of users. On the other hand, corporate image must be considered to understand consumer behavior in sporting events, because it has shown influence, especially in the involved and opportunistic segments.

Key words: PLS-POS; Loyalty; Word-of-mouth; Satisfaction; Sport management

Inappropriate Behavior at Finnish Live Music Events – 421

Maarit Kinnunen* and Antti Honkanen†

*University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland †Biodiversity Unit, University of Turku, Turku, Finland

In this study, we concentrated on Finnish live music events, aiming to study audiences’ experiences of inappropriate behavior, particularly the effect of being a member of a minority in the risk of facing such behavior. The research data comprised 19,452 answers to two web surveys; 22% of males, 33% of females, and 64% of nonbinary persons had experienced some or several forms of inappropriate behavior at live music events. The large number of responses from minority group members allowed statistical analysis focusing on their experiences. Being a member of a minority significantly increases the risk of facing inappropriate behavior. The more minority groups a person belongs to, the more likely they are to become harassed or threatened. Event organizers should put more effort into ensuring the quality of experience of minority members, and they should be aware that the way they handle inappropriate behavior is reflected in their reputation.

Key words: Live music events; Harassment; Nonbinary gender; Disability; Inappropriate behavior

Crisis Management Response Strategies of Small-Scale Sport Event Organizations to the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic – 441

Zoe Barrett and Richard Shipway

Department of Sport and Event Management, Bournemouth University Business School (BUBS), Bournemouth University, UK

This study explores the strategies utilized by small-scale sport event organizations to respond to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so, it helps inform future crisis management preparedness in small-scale sport event organizations. Using semistructured interviews, the crisis management experiences of eight participants from six small-scale UK-based sport event organizations were scrutinized. The interviews focused on a holistic understanding of their pre-, during, and postpandemic experiences. Three key themes emerged from the data. They were (i) the diversification of revenue streams and reduction of costs; (ii) ensuring a customer centric approach; and (iii) the importance of fostering entrepreneurial and innovative characteristics. The study proposes a framework of effective crisis response strategies to help inform small-scale sport event organizations to better plan, prepare, and prevent future crises. Through the theoretical lens of resilience studies, it advances knowledge on the COVID-19 experiences of small-scale organizations in the events industry.

Key words: Crisis management; Response strategies; Small-scale organizations; Sport event organizations; COVID-19

Municipal Perspectives on Collaboration in Regional Sport Event Hosting: A Case Study of the Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games – 461

Kyle A. Rich,* Erin Sharpe,* Martha Barnes,* Carol Phillips,† and Emily Romano*

*Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University, Canada †Niagara Community Observatory, Brock University, Canada

Increasingly, sport event bids indicate that multiple jurisdictions within a given region will collaborate on hosting efforts, so that they can share the risks, leveraging opportunities, and benefits of hosting. However, such hosting arrangements are complex and involve many stakeholders, including municipal departments. In this case study, we examine the perspectives of municipal actors involved in a regional approach to hosting the Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games. Framed with concepts of collaboration and organizational capacity, we used social network analysis and semistructured interviews to collect data. Our findings include a sociogram as well as a discussion of: (1) buying in to a regional approach; (2) addressing variability in size, scope, and capacity across municipalities; (3) networking and communication among municipalities; and (4) assessing the regional hosting approach. Through this case study, we contribute a nuanced understanding of municipal actors’ perspectives and experiences of collaboration in the regional hosting process.

Key words: Sport events; Regional hosting; Collaboration; Capacity; Case study; Canada Games

Environmental Sustainability in Event Management: A Critical Commentary – 477

Judith Mair,* Sylvia Trendafilova,† and Kim Werner‡

*The University of Queensland Business School, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia †KRSS Department, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA ‡Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Hochschule Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany

This critical commentary focuses on the development of research in Event Management on environmental sustainability in the context of events. Findings suggest that there are some areas that have been researched in detail to date, such as how proactive managerial decision-making can contribute positively to the overall environmental sustainability of events. The article goes on to highlight the limitations of the existing research and presents an agenda for future research, calling in particular for more attention to be paid to environmental sustainability at events in non-Western contexts, more mixed method and longitudinal studies, and a broader selection of event types as the majority of existing research has been conducted at festivals. Further, incorporation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as well as at least some of the sustainable event standards and certifications (e.g., ISO 20121), would enhance the literature in the events field.

Key words: Sustainability; Environmental performance; Green events


Towards Transformative Event Experiences: State of the Art and Future Research – 485

Krzysztof Celuch* and Barbara Neuhofer†

*Department of Organizational Behavior and Marketing, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland †Department of Business & Tourism, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria

This research note reviews and discusses the state-of-the-art research on event experiences. Through an in-depth literature review, the study bridges events research and experience design to zoom in on transformative event experiences as an emerging area of interest in events research and practice. A shift from managing events to designing events, as well as a change in events to human transformation is highlighted. Finally, an agenda for future research is presented that outlines five distinct avenues for deepening our understanding of the mechanisms of transformative event experiences. The article has important implications for research and practice for designing, facilitating, and guiding future event experiences, particularly those with a transformative potential.

Key words: Events; Event design; Transformative event experience

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CASE STUDY: Healthcare Client (Emergency Response Room Sourcing)

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CASE STUDY: Global Group Air

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Virtual meeting case study

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CASE STUDY: Incentive Tour

CASE STUDY: Incentive Tour

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CASE STUDY: Healthcare Virtual Meeting

CASE STUDY: Healthcare Virtual Meeting

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CASE STUDY: Managed Meetings in a Crisis

CASE STUDY: Managed Meetings in a Crisis

ETM helped a client react quickly in a crisis and save USD $46.75M in verified savings.

Eager to read our case studies and take your first step towards better corporate events?

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We work with passion and love what we do, our work will speak for itself, in volumes. Here below are some of the best Event Management Case studies for Corporate Events & Integrated Marketing

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CII’s Excon Registration Management 10 editions, 20 years!

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MSME Industry cluster specific events across 60 towns

In one of the most successful event series, HostIndia Events conceptualized & executed MSME target Industry Cluster Events across 60 towns. These included […]

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Summer Collection Launch DM – Sun, Sand, Surf & U

How Product launch Direct Mailer or DM can do wonders as an Invite or as a medium to launch one’s product? Particularly in […]

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A Direct Mailer with Formula1 Theme

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Launch of Attack the Attack Campaign

Fortis Hospitals appointed HostIndia Events as the event managers for the ideation and execution of their new campaign launch event. The campaign was […]

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Elecrama Exhibition Visitor Footfall drive

HostIndia Events supported the prestigious ELCRAMA 2014 event held in Bangalore, India in multiple service spaces. The most significant service that HostIndia provided […]

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Medical Conference Registration Management

Indian Orthopaedic Association organises a conference by the name IOACON.  These events are held every year in different locations. IOA appointed HostIndia Events […]

Bill Gates at AP AgTech Summit

Registration Management at AP AgTech Summit

Govt. of Andhra Pradesh under the leadership of Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu organised AP AgTech Summit. It was a landmark global Agri Tech […]

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Direct Mailer with Security Theme Story

A Special & Premium Direct Mailers Marketing idea for Security theme was conceptualised and delivered to an IT major- Fortune 500 company. This […]

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WEConnect Intl’s ThinkBig 2018 Conference for Women-Owned Businesses

HostIndia Events being one of the best women owned business event management companies in India were enthralled to be the Event managers for […]

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Mothers’day event for staff nurses, an employee engagement program

In an Employee engagement program, HostIndia Events helped Columbia Asia Hospitals to celebrate the nostalgic Mothers’ day event at their work place. Hospital […]

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Dell Participation at Interop Exhibition in Mumbai

DELL wanting to transform from a renowned PC company or Hardware Manufacturer to a Technology Solutions company for Businesses,  this is when Dell […]

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Fortis Senior citizen card launch

Fortis Group of Hospitals, Bangalore conceptualised a senior citizens privilege card called Seniors First Card as their marketing initiative. The privilege card would […]

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ATP Conference with Vice Chancellors

In one of the Education sector event management support HostIndia Events helped India ATP, The association of test publishers. The future of Higher […]

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Contest Management for Dell

HostIndia team helped track, list and incentivise Inside Sales team of Dell for multiple quarters. The Key HostIndia responsibility was identifying Gifts and […]

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Corporate Cricket Event for Dell ESG India Leadership

Dell ESG India Leadership teams from Chennai and Bangalore participated in a short residential conference program in Bangalore. HostIndia Events ensured that the […]

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Times Boss Day – at Tech Parks

HostIndia was appointed to manage’s Boss day event’s promotions in tech parks in Bangalore and South India. It was a huge challenge […]

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Empowering Hybrid Enterprise – Riverbed

HostIndia Events were appointed the Event Marketing partners for the event – Empowering Peak Performance in the Hybrid Enterprise conducted by Riverbed in […]

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OutThink Direct Mailer for ThinkPad

In one of its early storytelling direct mailer marketing idea, HostIndia Events conceptualised, designed and produced a rare dimensional direct mailer for the […]

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Texas Instruments’ MCU Design Contest Event

This engineering contest event management was aimed at inspiring and challenging top design engineers across the country, to demonstrate their skills and innovation […]

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Exhibition on Denims & Jeans Trends

For the 1st India Edition of the Denims and Jeans Business to Business trade show, HostIndia were appointed the Show managers. This show […]

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NASSCOM 10,000 Startups – Michael Dell Event

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Air Plants DM for Akamai customers

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IEEE-WINTECHON 2018 by Women Engineers

Texas Instruments India along with other leading Technology companies in Bangalore organised IEEE – WINTECHCON 2018 on the 28th of September 2018 at […]

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  • About Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Risk and Protective Factors
  • Program: Essentials for Childhood: Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action
  • Adverse childhood experiences can have long-term impacts on health, opportunity and well-being.
  • Adverse childhood experiences are common and some groups experience them more than others.

diverse group of children lying on each other in a park

What are adverse childhood experiences?

Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years). Examples include: 1

  • Experiencing violence, abuse, or neglect.
  • Witnessing violence in the home or community.
  • Having a family member attempt or die by suicide.

Also included are aspects of the child’s environment that can undermine their sense of safety, stability, and bonding. Examples can include growing up in a household with: 1

  • Substance use problems.
  • Mental health problems.
  • Instability due to parental separation.
  • Instability due to household members being in jail or prison.

The examples above are not a complete list of adverse experiences. Many other traumatic experiences could impact health and well-being. This can include not having enough food to eat, experiencing homelessness or unstable housing, or experiencing discrimination. 2 3 4 5 6

Quick facts and stats

ACEs are common. About 64% of adults in the United States reported they had experienced at least one type of ACE before age 18. Nearly one in six (17.3%) adults reported they had experienced four or more types of ACEs. 7

Preventing ACEs could potentially reduce many health conditions. Estimates show up to 1.9 million heart disease cases and 21 million depression cases potentially could have been avoided by preventing ACEs. 1

Some people are at greater risk of experiencing one or more ACEs than others. While all children are at risk of ACEs, numerous studies show inequities in such experiences. These inequalities are linked to the historical, social, and economic environments in which some families live. 5 6 ACEs were highest among females, non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native adults, and adults who are unemployed or unable to work. 7

ACEs are costly. ACEs-related health consequences cost an estimated economic burden of $748 billion annually in Bermuda, Canada, and the United States. 8

ACEs can have lasting effects on health and well-being in childhood and life opportunities well into adulthood. 9 Life opportunities include things like education and job potential. These experiences can increase the risks of injury, sexually transmitted infections, and involvement in sex trafficking. They can also increase risks for maternal and child health problems including teen pregnancy, pregnancy complications, and fetal death. Also included are a range of chronic diseases and leading causes of death, such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and suicide. 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

ACEs and associated social determinants of health, such as living in under-resourced or racially segregated neighborhoods, can cause toxic stress. Toxic stress, or extended or prolonged stress, from ACEs can negatively affect children’s brain development, immune systems, and stress-response systems. These changes can affect children’s attention, decision-making, and learning. 18

Children growing up with toxic stress may have difficulty forming healthy and stable relationships. They may also have unstable work histories as adults and struggle with finances, jobs, and depression throughout life. 18 These effects can also be passed on to their own children. 19 20 21 Some children may face further exposure to toxic stress from historical and ongoing traumas. These historical and ongoing traumas refer to experiences of racial discrimination or the impacts of poverty resulting from limited educational and economic opportunities. 1 6

Adverse childhood experiences can be prevented. Certain factors may increase or decrease the risk of experiencing adverse childhood experiences.

Preventing adverse childhood experiences requires understanding and addressing the factors that put people at risk for or protect them from violence.

Creating safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children can prevent ACEs and help all children reach their full potential. We all have a role to play.

  • Merrick MT, Ford DC, Ports KA, et al. Vital Signs: Estimated Proportion of Adult Health Problems Attributable to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Implications for Prevention — 25 States, 2015–2017. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019;68:999-1005. DOI: .
  • Cain KS, Meyer SC, Cummer E, Patel KK, Casacchia NJ, Montez K, Palakshappa D, Brown CL. Association of Food Insecurity with Mental Health Outcomes in Parents and Children. Science Direct. 2022; 22:7; 1105-1114. DOI: .
  • Smith-Grant J, Kilmer G, Brener N, Robin L, Underwood M. Risk Behaviors and Experiences Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness—Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 23 U.S. States and 11 Local School Districts. Journal of Community Health. 2022; 47: 324-333.
  • Experiencing discrimination: Early Childhood Adversity, Toxic Stress, and the Impacts of Racism on the Foundations of Health | Annual Review of Public Health .
  • Sedlak A, Mettenburg J, Basena M, et al. Fourth national incidence study of child abuse and neglect (NIS-4): Report to Congress. Executive Summary. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health an Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.; 2010.
  • Font S, Maguire-Jack K. Pathways from childhood abuse and other adversities to adult health risks: The role of adult socioeconomic conditions. Child Abuse Negl. 2016;51:390-399.
  • Swedo EA, Aslam MV, Dahlberg LL, et al. Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences Among U.S. Adults — Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2011–2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:707–715. DOI: .
  • Bellis, MA, et al. Life Course Health Consequences and Associated Annual Costs of Adverse Childhood Experiences Across Europe and North America: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Lancet Public Health 2019.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associations with Poor Mental Health and Suicidal Behaviors Among High School Students — Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey, United States, January–June 2021 | MMWR
  • Hillis SD, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Marchbanks PA, Marks JS. The association between adverse childhood experiences and adolescent pregnancy, long-term psychosocial consequences, and fetal death. Pediatrics. 2004 Feb;113(2):320-7.
  • Miller ES, Fleming O, Ekpe EE, Grobman WA, Heard-Garris N. Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes. Obstetrics & Gynecology . 2021;138(5):770-776. .
  • Sulaiman S, Premji SS, Tavangar F, et al. Total Adverse Childhood Experiences and Preterm Birth: A Systematic Review. Matern Child Health J . 2021;25(10):1581-1594. .
  • Ciciolla L, Shreffler KM, Tiemeyer S. Maternal Childhood Adversity as a Risk for Perinatal Complications and NICU Hospitalization. Journal of Pediatric Psychology . 2021;46(7):801-813. .
  • Mersky JP, Lee CP. Adverse childhood experiences and poor birth outcomes in a diverse, low-income sample. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2019;19(1). .
  • Reid JA, Baglivio MT, Piquero AR, Greenwald MA, Epps N. No youth left behind to human trafficking: Exploring profiles of risk. American journal of orthopsychiatry. 2019;89(6):704.
  • Diamond-Welch B, Kosloski AE. Adverse childhood experiences and propensity to participate in the commercialized sex market. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2020 Jun 1;104:104468.
  • Shonkoff, J. P., Garner, A. S., Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption, and Dependent Care, & Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (2012). The lifelong effects of early childhood adversity and toxic stress. Pediatrics, 129(1), e232–e246.
  • Narayan AJ, Kalstabakken AW, Labella MH, Nerenberg LS, Monn AR, Masten AS. Intergenerational continuity of adverse childhood experiences in homeless families: unpacking exposure to maltreatment versus family dysfunction. Am J Orthopsych. 2017;87(1):3. .
  • Schofield TJ, Donnellan MB, Merrick MT, Ports KA, Klevens J, Leeb R. Intergenerational continuity in adverse childhood experiences and rural community environments. Am J Public Health. 2018;108(9):1148-1152. .
  • Schofield TJ, Lee RD, Merrick MT. Safe, stable, nurturing relationships as a moderator of intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment: a meta-analysis. J Adolesc Health. 2013;53(4 Suppl):S32-38. .

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

ACEs can have a tremendous impact on lifelong health and opportunity. CDC works to understand ACEs and prevent them.


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    Vishakha Manjul Singh. 462 10.5k. Event Management Website design case study. Sreekanth Mohan. 3 17. EventEase (event planning) Rashi Jain. 2 15. Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative work.

  20. Case Studies

    Please select your local region, and start experiencing the ETM difference! Case Studies. We love creating exceptional experiences with our event planning and event management prowess. But don't just take our word for it! Take a tour of our event case studies below, and see how we deliver maximum value to our broad range of event clients.

  21. Event Management Case Studies

    Case Studies Learn how other organizations are simplifying event logistics with Expo Logic; What's New? ... Stay on top of trending technology, innovation and event management insights. Subscribe. About Us; Careers; Client Support +1 (877) 354-3976; 9620 Executive Center Dr N #200, St. Petersburg, FL 33702;

  22. Contemporary Cases in Event Management

    Contemporary Cases in Event Management is a collection of 14 case studies.Featuring a wide variety of cases involving Government Meetings, Trade Shows, Association Meetings, PRIDE Gatherings, and more, this case collection is the perfect accompanying text to any Event Planning and Management course.

  23. Best Event Management Case studies in India for Corporate Events

    Here below are some of the best Event Management Case studies for Corporate Events & Integrated Marketing. CII's Excon Registration Management 10 editions, 20 years! CII organises the biggest construction equipment event in South Asia by the name EXCON, in India. CII has successfully completed 10 editions of […]

  24. GSMA

    GSMA Networks thought leadership From whitepapers to webinars, GSMA Networks, together with industry partners, create a wide range of resources illustrating the transforming telco landscape to keep you up to date with the latest industry advancements. GSMA Networks events Get involved or attend one of our upcoming events. GSMA Networks resource library Browse the resources […]

  25. About Adverse Childhood Experiences

    Toxic stress, or extended or prolonged stress, from ACEs can negatively affect children's brain development, immune systems, and stress-response systems. These changes can affect children's attention, decision-making, and learning. 18. Children growing up with toxic stress may have difficulty forming healthy and stable relationships.