Cover letter: esempi di lettera di presentazione in inglese

14 Maggio 2024, 07:35

cover letter

Ecco come scrivere una lettera di presentazione in inglese con esempi di cover letter in Word da scaricare gratuitamente e consigli utili .

Mettiamo a disposizione modelli di lettera di presentazione in inglese davvero efficaci , utili sia per rispondere ad un annuncio di lavoro sia per inviare una candidatura spontanea.

Inoltre, con le nostre frasi fatte, anche chi non conosce bene l’inglese può imparare come strutturare e creare la cover letter da zero.


Di seguito mettiamo a disposizione esempi di cover letter da scaricare gratis in base al livello di carriera e alla finalità della candidatura. I cover letter template sono stati elaborati con la collaborazione di una traduttrice madrelingua inglese , la Professoressa Michealann, e di esperti nella selezione del personale :

  • Cover letter example 1 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per studenti senza esperienza, candidatura stage (documento Word 1Kb).
  • Cover letter example 2 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per neolaureati (documento Word 2Kb).
  • Cover letter example 3 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per profili junior con qualche anno di esperienza (documento Word 3Kb).
  • Cover letter example 4 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per manager (documento Word 4Kb).
  • Cover letter example 5 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per stagionali del turismo (documento word 5Kb).
  • Cover letter example 6 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per autocandidatura generica che si adatta a ruoli differenti (documento Word 6Kb).

Nel download di questi cover letter examples il testo in blu è quello che deve essere sostituito e personalizzato , la parte in nero può essere copiata e incollata senza modifiche.

La cover letter deve essere allegata insieme al curriculum vitae se viene spedita per posta oppure caricata in una application online direttamente sul sito dell’azienda. Se invece si utilizza la mail, il testo della cover letter diventa il testo della mail, come abbiamo già spiegato nel nostro articolo sulla lettera di presentazione via mail . Vediamo ora in maniera chiara e dettagliata proprio… how to write a cover letter!


Cosa si intende per cover letter? Si tratta di una lettera di presentazione scritta in lingua inglese, che ti servirà per introdurre il tuo profilo riassumendo brevemente chi sei e per quale motivo sei la persona più indicata a ricoprire il ruolo ricercato dall’azienda per la quale ti stai candidando.

Se sei interessato alle offerte di lavoro all’estero oppure devi inviare una candidatura per un’azienda italiana che opera a livello internazionale, è bene quindi accompagnare il cv con una cover letter in inglese.

Il testo di una cover letter (o lettera motivazionale) è quello che fa la differenza nella scelta di un candidato perché i selezionatori decidono se leggere il cv o se cestinarlo dopo aver letto la lettera di presentazione. Non solo. La lettera di presentazione è un grande asso nella manica per convincere il recruiter che sei proprio tu la persona giusta. Per ottenere questo risultato non basta scrivere un qualsiasi testo in inglese: devi scrivere un testo per persuadere e conquistare l’attenzione del selezionatore. Vediamo insieme la strategia da utilizzare.

Per scrivere un’efficace lettera di accompagnamento in inglese devi:

  • spiegare perché ti candidi e dimostrare interesse per la posizione;
  • chiarire perché pensi di essere il candidato ideale per il ruolo;
  • dimostrare che sei in possesso dei requisiti richiesti citando esperienze passate e competenze acquisite;
  • fornire esempi di risultati ottenuti in precedenti lavori che risultino coerenti con la posizione;
  • scrivere che sei convinto di poter dare un contributo positivo al team di lavoro o al progetto nel quale andrai a lavorare;
  • esprimere interesse verso un incontro conoscitivo o colloquio a distanza.

I fac simile di cover letter che abbiamo reso disponibili in apertura articolo seguono proprio queste linee guida, evidenziano punti di forza, motivazioni e aspirazioni e hanno lo scopo di spingere alla lettura del cv e al contatto del candidato.


Ora che hai visto tutti i fac simile e ogni singolo esempio pratico di una lettera di presentazione in inglese, ti forniamo le frasi fatte pronte da essere utilizzate se desideri partire da zero.

Cosa scrivere nella cover? E, ancor più nello specifico, come si inizia, come si struttura, cosa si dice in una cover letter per rispondere a un’offerta di lavoro che ti fa gola in Inghilterra, negli Stati Uniti o, in generale, per una posizione di lavoro che richiede un cover letter format in inglese?

Guarda le frasi fatte (con traduzione) che possono aiutarti a scoprire come si fa una cover letter in inglese.


Come e a chi rivolgersi quando si inizia una lettera di presentazione in inglese? Ecco gli esempi pronti all’uso con traduzione.

  • Dear Sir / Madam  
  • Dear Mr. / Mrs.
  • Dear hiring manager (al responsabile delle selezioni)
  • To whom it may concern (a chi di dovere)


Come si inizia una lettera di presentazione in inglese? Se stai rispondendo ad un annuncio devi dire subito chi sei e per quale annuncio ti candidi. Se vuoi autocandidarti per future selezioni di personale devi usare la formula corretta per l’autocandidatura informale. Leggi qui sotto tutti i modi in cui puoi iniziare una lettera di presentazione in inglese che ti faccia notare!

  • In response to your recent advertisement on… I would like to apply for the position of… In risposta al tuo recente annuncio su [indicare mezzo], vorrei candidarmi per la posizione di [scrivere nome ruolo]
  • It is with much pleasure that I submit my application for the… position advertised on… È con molto piacere che invio la mia candidatura per la posizione [scrivere nome ruolo] pubblicata su [indicare mezzo]
  • With this letter I would like to express my strong interest in the… position you have available Con questa lettera vorrei esprimere il mio forte interesse per la posizione di [scrivere nome ruolo] ora disponibile
  • I am writing to apply for the position available Scrivo per candidarmi per la posizione disponibile
  • I am writing to enquire if you have any vacancies in you Company Scrivo per chiedere se ci sono posti disponibili nella vostra azienda.


Qui è il momento in cui è importante manifestare interesse per l’azienda e per la posizione a partire dalla propria esperienza. Devi spiegare in modo semplice come puoi diventare un valore aggiunto per l’azienda per la quale motivo stai inviando la candidatura.

  • It has long been my ambition to work for your reputable company La mia più grande ambizione è sempre stata quella di lavorare per la vostra azienda
  • I have previous experience of… and possess and indepth understanding of… Ho una precedente esperienza come [indicare mansione] e possiedo una conoscenza approfondita di [scrivere ambito].
  • Through my experience I have become adept to… Grazie alla mia esperienza sono diventato un esperto di [scrivere mansione]
  • I believe that my skills, ability and attitude would make me an ideal candidate for your vacancy Credo che le mie abilità, capacità e attitudine mi renderebbero un candidato ideale per la posizione
  • After working for … years in … I have advanced knowledge in … Dopo aver lavorato per [indicare numero] anni in [indicare ruolo], ho una conoscenza profonda di [scrivere ambito]


Il consiglio è quello di evidenziare che sei in possesso dei requisiti necessari per poter ricoprire il ruolo ricercato dall’azienda. Non devi scendere nel dettaglio di ogni singola esperienza ma devi individuare la caratteristica fondamentale di cui l’azienda ha bisogno.

  • My prior experience in… at… also gave me the relevant skills / experience needed for… La mia precedente esperienza in [scrivere ruolo] presso [nome azienda] mi ha anche fornito le competenze / esperienza necessarie per [chiarire mansione specifica].
  • As you can see from my resume, I have the required training needed for the… position at… Come puoi vedere dal mio CV, ho la formazione richiesta necessaria per la posizione [scrivere ruolo] a [esplicitare dipartimento o settore specifico azienda].
  • The following achievements demonstrate my qualification for this position I seguenti risultati dimostrano la mia qualifica per questa posizione
  • The knowledge and skills that I can bring to your organization include… Le conoscenze e le competenze che posso portare alla vostra azienda includono [accenno a competenze considerate importanti per risultare il candidato ideale].
  • A brief summery of the skills and values I would bring to the company include… Un breve riassunto delle competenze e dei valori che vorrei portare all’azienda include [lista competenze considerate importanti per risultare il candidato ideale].
  • As a successful manager with strong interpersonal skills and… years of experience in… and… I possess a wide range of knowledge and experience that will allow me to make an immediate positive impact on your operations In qualità di manager di successo con forti capacità interpersonali e [indicare numero] anni di esperienza in [esplicitare mansione] e [indicare altra mansione], possiedo una vasta gamma di conoscenze ed esperienze che mi consentiranno di avere un impatto positivo immediato sulle vostre attività.


Come si chiude una lettera di presentazione in inglese? Ecco qualche modello di frase di chiusura pronta all’uso, ideale per la tua cover letter costruita da zero.

  • I’d love to discuss the position with you further and I’d appreciate the opportunity to tell you how my skills and ideas can benefit your Company Mi piacerebbe discutere ulteriormente il ruolo con lei e apprezzerei l’opportunità di dirle in che modo le mie capacità e idee possono portare benefici alla vostra azienda
  • Thank you for your time and consideration Grazie per il suo tempo e la sua considerazione
  • I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this position with you Sarei lieto di avere l’opportunità di discutere questa posizione con lei
  • I would love to meet with you and discuss this position in details Mi piacerebbe incontrarla e discutere questa posizione in dettaglio
  • I look forward to discussing how my skills can be of value for … Non vedo l’ora di discutere di come le mie capacità possano essere utili per [indicare azienda]
  • I am available for an interview at any time and look forward to hearing from you Sono disponibile per un colloquio in qualsiasi momento e non vedo l’ora di sentirla


Arriviamo ai suggerimenti per la perfetta cover letter in lingua straniera. Ecco le cose che dovresti fare e quello da non fare assolutamente per fare una buona cover letter.

  • Rileggi con molta attenzione per eliminare eventuali errori di battitura e di punteggiatura. Inoltre, ti consigliamo di far rileggere il testo a un amico, un conoscente o un parente che conosca bene l’inglese, in questo modo potrai evitare errori e refusi.
  • Non scrivere prima la lettera in italiano e per poi tradurre in inglese perché i modi di dire in italiano non si usano in inglese e viceversa. No alle subordinate, sì alle frasi semplici. No alla forma passiva, sì a quella attiva.
  • Fai attenzione a grammatica, ortografia, false friends .
  • Non usare i traduttori online come Google Traslatore oppure Reverso, soprattutto se non parli bene l’inglese, perché il disastro è dietro l’angolo.
  • Non scrivere un papiro , non devi elencare tutte le tue esperienze e le tue conoscenze, la cover letter non è un riassunto del cv, semmai serve per incentivare la lettura del cv e far comprendere a chi legge che tu sei davvero la persona giusta per loro.

Un ultimo suggerimento importante su cui spesso sorgono dubbi. Se ti stai candidando per un’ azienda che si trova in Italia , ma l’annuncio di lavoro è in lingua inglese, devi inoltrare la tua candidatura allegando sia la lettera di presentazione che il CV proprio in lingua inglese.


  • Colloquio in inglese : domande e risposte per superarlo.
  • Certificazioni di lingua inglese riconosciute Miur, ecco quali sono.
  • Come scrivere una lettera di presentazione efficace per il CV.
  • Lettera di presentazione via mail , 10 consigli per scriverla.
  • Autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali da inserire nel CV.

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English Cover Letter Example

Kick-start your career and find ideas for your cover letter with our free, editable English cover letter example. Use this cover letter example for free or modify it in any way using our professional cover letter creator.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

English Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Violette robiquet.

Dear Head of Finance,

I am writing to express my interest in the Accounting Analyst position at your organization. With 3 years of experience in accounting, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

Currently employed as an Accounting Analyst at KR Corporation, I handle receivable and payable functions, as well as assist with financial reporting and planning. Some of my key responsibilities include generating and processing invoices, reconciling accounts, and resolving billing discrepancies. I am also well-versed in various accounting software such as QuickBooks, Odoo, and GnuCash.

I am particularly proud of my accomplishments at KR Corporation, including reducing outstanding invoices significantly. As I have recently relocated closer to your area, I am keen on exploring new opportunities that align with my career goals.

I have attached my resume for your review and consideration. Thank you for your time and I look forward to the possibility of discussing this opportunity further.

Sincerely, Violette Robiquet

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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english template

Land the job with cover letter templates

Show hiring managers why you're the perfect job candidate with professional, customizable cover letter templates. find the perfect cover letter template for any industry or career path..

Cover letter template surrounded by 3D design elements

Download free cover letter templates

Stand out from other job applicants with free, professional cover letter templates. Cover letters are a perfect complement to your resume and provide an effective opportunity to show your personality and enthusiasm for a position. Focus on writing a compelling cover letter and let a professionally designed template do the rest.

These free cover letter templates are perfect for any stage of your career, whether you're looking to land an internship or your dream job. If you're applying for a corporate position, you may want to opt for a simple cover letter template. There are a variety of other cover letter designs available, from basic cover letter templates to creative cover letter templates.

Each of these cover letter templates is customizable in Word , so you can add your own text, change design elements, and more. Print out your cover letter or download it for free to use for online job applications. Once you've customized the perfect cover letter, explore resume templates that will match your cover letter design, or download free business cards for your next networking event.

Cover Letter Templates

/ any level of experience

Choose a Matching Cover Letter Template

Looking to create a cover letter that will help you stand out from the crowd? Try one of our 16 professional cover letter templates, each created to match our resume and CV templates. Pick a cover letter template that suits your needs and impress the hiring manager with a flawless job application!

Resumes Graphic


Minimalist Cover Letter Template


General Cover Letter Template


Combined Cover Letter Template

Learn More About Cover Letters

Ultimate Cover Letter Guide

How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024 + Examples

Cover Letter Format Graphic

Cover Letter Format (w/ Examples & Free Templates)

Cover Letter Format Graphic

Free Cover Letter Sample to Copy and Use

Subject Line: Cover Letter for [Position], [Candidate Name]

[Company Address]

[Company City, State]

[Hiring Manager Email]


Introduce yourself, give a brief professional summary, and optionally, a top achievement. E.g. “My name is [Name] and I’m a [Role] with over X years of experience in [Activity]. Over the past years, I’ve helped X companies achieve [Goals]”

Express your interest in joining their firm. E.g. “I’m looking to join [Company] as [Role] and I’m very excited to help you with [Activity]”

Optionally, if you were referred or you just know someone at the firm, you can mention this here. E.g. “I learned about [Company] from a friend that’s currently working there as [Role], [Friend’s name]. I really like everything I’ve heard about the company and I think I would make a good fit.”

This is where you talk about your work experience and achievements at length. Mention how you excelled at your previous roles, what your most important responsibilities were, and so on.

Look at this as an opportunity to expand on whatever you wrote in your resume, and give the reader a better picture of what kind of tasks you worked on, what you accomplished, and so on. E.g “At my previous jobs as [Role], my duties were [Major 3 duties], and I specifically excelled at [Top accomplishment]. This accomplishment helped the company [Results driven].”

Want to really impress the hiring manager? You can mention what you know about the company and its culture here. E.g. “I’ve read a lot about [Company] and I really think I’d enjoy your democratic leadership style.”

Optionally, you can include a bulleted list of your top 3 accomplishments. For example:

[Example Box]

Some of my top achievements in recent years include:

Launching a successful online ads marketing campaign, driving 100+ leads within 2 months.

Overhauled a client’s advertising account, improving conversion rates and driving 15% higher revenue.

Improved the agency’s framework for ad account audits and created new standard operating procedures.

Conclusion & Call to Action:

Re-affirm your desire to join the company, as well as how you can contribute. E.g. “I’d love to become a part of [Company] as a [Role]. I believe that my skills in [Field] can help the company with [Goals].”

Thank the hiring manager for reading the cover letter and then wrap it all up with a call to action. E.g. “Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you and learning more about the position. Sincerely, [Name].”

Match Your Resume & Cover Letter

Want your application to stand out?

Match your cover letter with your resume & catch the recruiter’s attention!

Matching Cover Letter

Why Novorésumé?

Matching Cover Letters

To keep your job application consistent and professional, our Cover Letter templates perfectly match the resume templates.

Creative & Standard Templates

Whether you apply for a conservative industry like banking or a hype start-up, you can tailor our cover letter templates to fit your exact needs.

Expert Reviews

Oana Vintila

Career Counselor

Cover Letters are usually synonymous with formal and bland rambling that you write down hoping for an invite to a job interview. I just love it how Novorésumé has enhanced that and is offering you a tool to build proper arguments and structured discourse about who YOU ARE and what YOU CAN DO.

A real confidence booster, I tell you, seeing your motivation eloquently written!

Gabriela Tardea

Career Strategist, Coach & Trainer

The best thing about this platform when creating a Cover Letter as an addition to your resume is that the documents will match each other's design and font, creating eye-catching documents that recruiters/hiring managers will love.

You will be initially judged based on your papers, so why not make a first great impression?

Cover Letters Resources

What is a cover letter.

A cover letter is a one-page document that you submit alongside your resume or CV for your job application.

The main purpose of your cover letter is to:

Show your motivation for working at the company

Bring special attention to the most important parts of your work history

Explain how your work experience fits whatever the company is looking for

What your cover letter is NOT about , is rehashing whatever you already mentioned in your resume. Sure, you should mention the most important bits, but it should NOT be a literal copy-paste.

Keep in mind that recruiters will usually read your cover letter after scanning your resume and deciding if you’re qualified for the position.

Our cover letter templates match both our resume templates and our CV templates ! Make sure to check them out, too.

Why Use a Cover Letter Template?

A cover letter can complement your resume and increase your chances of getting hired.

But that's only if it's done right.

If your cover letter isn't the right length, is structured the wrong way, or doesn't match the style of your resume, it might do the opposite and hurt your application.

By using a cover letter template, you get a pre-formatted, professional, and recruiter-friendly document that’s ready to go. All YOU have to do is fill in the contents, and you’re all set.

What to Include in Your Cover Letter?

Every good cover letter has the following sections:

Header . Start your cover letter by writing down your own contact information, as well as the recruiter’s (recruiter name, company name, company address, etc…).

Greeting . Preferably, you want to address the recruiter by their last name (e.g. Dear Mr. Brown) or their full name, in case you’re not sure what their pronouns are (e.g. Dear Alex Brown). formal greeting for the recruiter.

Opening paragraph . This is the introduction to your resume. Here, you summarize your background info (“a financial analyst with X+ years of experience”), state your intent (“looking for X position at Company Y”), and summarize your top achievements to get the recruiter hooked.

Second paragraph . In the second paragraph, you explain how you’re qualified for the position by mentioning your skills, awards, certifications, etc., and why the recruiter should pick YOU.

Third paragraph . You talk about why you’re a good match for the company. Do you share common values? Is the company working on projects you’re interested in? Has this position always been your dream role?

Formal closing . Finally, you end the cover letter with a quick summary and a call to action (“I’m super excited to work with Company X. Looking forward to hearing from you!”).

How to Write a Great Cover Letter?

There’s a lot that goes into writing a great cover letter. If you want to get the full picture, you can check out our guide on how to write a cover letter .

For a quick summary, though, here are our top 4 cover letter tips :

Avoid Fluff . You want to be as specific as possible with your cover letter. Avoid vague statements like “I’m a good fit for the company because I’m a good critical thinker!”

Do Your Research. Most companies don’t like people who “spray and pray” - applying for dozens of jobs without giving them much thought. What they ARE looking for is someone who’s passionate about their field, the position, and even the company. So, research the companies you apply for as much as you can and show off your knowledge in your cover letter.

Don’t Use a One-Fits-All Cover Letter . As much as you can, try to tailor your cover letter to the job you’re applying for. Even if it’s something small, like addressing the hiring manager by their last name instead of “Dear Sir/Madam,” or mentioning something specific about the role or the company that you’re passionate about, it can help you prove that you’re not using the same generic cover letter to apply to dozens of jobs.

Back-Up Your Achievements with Data . When possible, back up your experience with data. Instead of saying, “I improved company revenue”, say “I managed to hit and exceed sales KPIs for 5 months in a row.”

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

Most recruiters agree that a cover letter should be brief and concise .

Optimally, that’s about half a page to one full page, and between 250 to 400 words long.

How Can I Write a Student Cover Letter?

You should write a student cover letter pretty much the same way you’d write a regular cover letter, with one key difference.

To make up for your lack of work experience, you should talk about the following:

Why do you want to work for the company and the position you’re applying for.

How your educational background has prepared you for the job.

How your skill set can help you stand out and excel at the job.

You also want to mention anything else that’s relevant to the job and that can prove your abilities, such as any internships, awards, honors, and the like.

In case you’re writing a cover letter for an internship , make sure to check out our guide.

How Can I Write a Cover Letter With No Experience?

If you’re an entry-level candidate, writing a cover letter might seem super scary. If you don’t have any work experience and professional accomplishments, what are you supposed to talk about in your cover letter?

Here’s some good news—you can focus on these topics instead:

Education highlights

Relevant skills

Independent projects

Volunteering experience

Extracurricular activities

Passion to learn and grow as a candidate

For a complete guide on how to write an entry-level cover letter , check out our guide.

How to Format a Cover Letter?

Here’s what you need to know on how to format a cover letter the right way:

Choose the right cover letter template for your industry . The better fit the cover letter, the less you’ll have to play with the layout and format.

Use colors sparingly . Don’t go overboard with creativity unless you work in an industry where that’s valued (marketing, advertising, design, and the like).

Select professional font styles and sizes.

Set the margins to 1 inch on each side to make sure there is enough white space and the document doesn’t look crowded with text.

Get Inspired with Our Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter templates faq, do i need a different cover letter for every job.

While you don’t need to write a different cover letter from scratch for every single job you apply for, it’s good to tailor your cover letter contents as much as you can to the company and position you’re applying for.

Hiring managers will always go for an applicant who’s interested in their specific position over a candidate that’s sending the same application to dozens of roles.

If you tailor your cover letter to the position, even if it’s something small like addressing the hiring manager by their name or explaining how you possess the right skills for the specific job, your chances of getting hired are going to be much better!

How to Make a Simple Cover Letter for Your Resume?

Simply pick one of our 16 effective cover letter templates above to get started.

We’d recommend matching your cover letter template to the resume template you picked.

Not only will it make your application package look more sophisticated and professional, but it will also make you more memorable for the recruiter who’ll go over your application.

Who Created These Cover Letter Templates?

Novoresume cover letter templates were created in cooperation with professional recruiters and hiring managers.

This means they’re up to date with the latest industry trends and job market requirements. With a Novoresume cover letter template, you can rest assured that your cover letter will look professional and modern at the same time.

When Should I Email My Cover Letter Instead of Using a Template?

As a rule of thumb, it’s always better to use a cover letter template instead of including it in the body of your email as plain text. By using a well-designed and effective cover letter template, you’re guaranteed to look like a more serious and professional candidate.

So, you should only email your cover letter if the job ad specifically asks you to.

Should I Use a PDF or Word Cover Letter Template?

We recommend going for a PDF cover letter template instead of Word.

All types of Operating Systems and devices can open PDF formats without ruining the formatting, design, or layout.

The same, however, cannot be said for Word templates. If, for example, you’ve used a 2021 Word cover letter template and the hiring manager opens it using an MS Word 2016 software version, there’s a chance your formatting will get messed up, or that your font will be unreadable.

To err on the side of caution, we always advise using a PDF cover letter template.

What is the Best Cover Letter Template in 2024?

There’s no such thing as the “best cover letter template.”

After all, every single recruiter has their own personal taste. Some might like a shiny and flashy cover letter template, while others might think it’s tacky. As a rule of thumb, though, we usually recommend customizing each cover letter for the company you’re sending it to.

Do I Really Need a Cover Letter in 2024?

Yes, you definitely need to submit a cover letter with your resume in 2024.

Even if the hiring manager never reads your cover letter or if the job description doesn’t specifically ask for one, a cover letter can still help strengthen your application and make you look like a more serious and proactive candidate.

As such, it’s always a good idea to include a cover letter with your resume.

#4. How to Make a Simple Cover Letter for Your Resume?

How to Make a Cover Letter With Novoresume?

To make a cover letter with Novoresume, simply scroll up and pick a template that you like best. Then, register or log in to your Novoresume account. From there, you can add your cover letter contents, as well as personalize and edit them as you see fit.

The Novoresume builder is very intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to create your cover letter lightning-fast.

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How to Write a Cover Letter in English| An Effective Guide

Cover letter is basically an accompanying formal document that helps provide context to the contents of another document. For a job seeker applying for jobs in English-speaking work environments , writing a cover letter is an important skill.

All cover letter examples in this guide

A well-written cover letter can help you distinguish yourself from other candidates and allows you to make a positive and lasting impression on a potential employer. To write an effective cover letter can seem challenging but we are here to help, guide and steer you in the right direction. In this detailed guide, we will be taking you through the nuances and provide you with helpful tips to help you craft an articulate, effective and professional cover letter. 

What is a Cover Letter?

In the context of the job application process, a cover letter is a formal one page document that acts as an introduction to your resume. It helps in highlighting your suitability for the position by showcasing your relevant experience, skills and qualifications. 

Cover letter in English

The benchmark of a good cover letter lies in its ability to get a hiring manager to notice your application. It needs to be brief, to the point, persuasive and perfectly tailored to the specific job that you are applying to. It is advisable to not rush this process and take your time articulating your thoughts so your cover letter ensures that it conveys all the important details of your professional experience and skills. 

The Significance of a Cover Letter

A cover letter helps personalize your job application process and conveys to a potential employer that you have taken extra effort to curate your application. It is a powerful tool that should be utilized to your advantage during your job search. 

A cover letter is the most effective way to distinguish yourself from other applicants. It gives you the perfect opportunity to show your genuine enthusiasm for the role that you have applied for. 

In a resume, you are bound by the limits of space, so it is a concise overview of your career.  It  serves the purpose of providing more context to your resume. It gives you the opportunity to elaborate on parts of your professional life you couldn't appropriately represent on your resume. It ensures that a hiring manager gets all the information they require to make an informed hiring decision. 

Complementing your resume with a cover letter also helps you highlight your professional written skills, which is an important aspect of every job. It helps instill confidence in a potential employer that you have the ability to work and communicate formally  even if you are not a native speaker of English. 

Lastly, a cover letter helps you take the initiative and gives you the opportunity to directly ask the employer or hiring manager to set up an interview. This demonstrates proactiveness from your side, a quality that resonates with most employers and is most likely to work in your favor. 

How to Write a Cover Letter?

Before diving into the writing process, it is important to gather your thoughts and roughly jot down all the points you would like to highlight in your cover letter . Make a note of your career high points and the skills and qualifications that you have gained along the way. Identify the exact points you want relayed to your potential future employer. 

To enhance your cover letter is crucial to thoroughly do your research about the company culture, values and the exact requirements of the position. With this knowledge, you can perfectly align your cover letter with the employer’s expectations giving you a decent shot at convincing them to hire you. 

Another important thing to remember is to recognize and emphasize your unique set of skills that sets you apart from the other candidates. This is hard to do in a resume, as most applicants will be similarly qualified but in a cover letter you can highlight unique instances that make you a perfect fit for the position. 

Format of a Cover Letter

Since a cover letter is a professional document, there are rules and guidelines to format and structure it. A well-formatted and properly structured cover letter is sure to positively impact your job application. There are multiple formats and styles of cover letters. Each format serves a unique purpose and should be chosen according to your goals and purpose. We will go through cover letter formats that will effectively help you in expressing your genuine interest for the position that you are applying to. 

Application Cover Letter

The application cover letter is the most common type of cover letter that is used with a resume for a specific job opening.

This format begins with your contact information, the employer’s contact information, and a formal greeting addressing the hiring manager by his/her name. This is followed by an introduction which shows your genuine interest in the position and the organization and another paragraph highlighting your qualifications. Lastly, there is a closing paragraph with a call to action like requesting for an interview or a meeting. 

If you choose this format, use an extremely formal and professional tone. Make sure to mention the job title and specify where you got the job lead. Make sure to adequately emphasize and bring attention to your skills that make you a perfect candidate for the position. It is important to convey genuine interest for the company and prove that you have done your research about the company’s culture and work ethic. 

Referral Cover Letter

A referral cover letter, as the name suggests, is used when you have been referred to a job by a mutual professional contact of yours and the company. 

This format begins with the name of the person who referred you for the position. Then you can proceed with highlighting your relevant experience, skills and qualifications. Make a strong closing statement and be proactive and request for an interview. Include all the important information as mentioned above for the application cover letter format. 

The beauty of this format is that the hiring manager will take your application seriously as you have been vetted and have applied through a reference. This already gives your cover letter a lot more credibility. Highlight the relevant professional experiences that align with the company and its values. Make sure to keep the language formal and professional and ensure you mention the name of the person that recommended you for the position. 

Prospecting Cover Letter

A prospecting cover letter is used in instances where the candidate is interested to work for a particular company and preemptively sends them a job application even though they have not specifically advertised for any position.

The content and structuring of this format does slightly differ from the above mentioned formats. It starts with a strong introduction expressing your interest in working with the company. The next section, which is the main body of your cover letter, needs to highlight your qualifications and convey the value you bring to the company. 

Since in this case, you are applying for a position that may or may not be available, you need to show that you have done your homework. Show that you have a comprehensive understanding of the company’s philosophy and use specific examples of their work that has attracted you to want to work for them. Highlight only relevant skills and experience that prove that you are the right fit for the company. You should close this cover letter by politely asking for an interview. Be ready to follow up and show persistence to land an interview for your dream job. 

Networking Cover Letter

A networking cover letter is used when you want to reach out to your professional network of contacts for job leads, advice or interviews.

The purpose of this format is to call upon your professional networks for better career opportunities. So, it starts with a warm greeting followed by explaining your purpose of writing while providing background on your connection so the person you are writing to has full context. This letter should be appropriately tailored to the person you are reaching out to, and maintain a formal tone depending on the nature of your relationship.

In this format, it is very important to establish the context  of your relationship and your purpose for reaching out in the very beginning so that everyone is on the same page. Make sure to be concise and maintain a formal and respectful tone. Ensure that you express your gratitude for their time and advice beforehand.

The Essential Components of a Cover Letter

Every cover letter has a set of essential sections that need to be covered. A standard cover letter format follows the following order.

  • Cover letter header with the date and contact details specified
  • Employer’s contact information
  • Opening paragraph
  • Second paragraph 
  • Closing paragraph

List Your Contact Details

The header section of your cover letter needs to contain the following contact details.

  • Phone number
  • Email Address
  • LinkedIn Profile

Mention The Date

Like any formal letter, mention the date of writing the cover letter.

Add Employer’s Contact Details

It is important that you address it directly to the hiring manager by adding the following details. 

  • Hiring manager’s name
  • Company name
  • Company’s address

Begin with a Salutation

One of the main advantages of writing a cover letter is that it helps you personalize your job application. It is very important to try and find the name of the hiring manager and address the letter to them directly. You can find these details on the company’s website or check the job description section of a job advertisement. If you still cannot find it, then take the initiative to call the company and find out. 

In case you cannot find the name of the hiring manager, then you can use the standard salutations or greetings like “to whom it may concern” or dear sir/madam. 

Write an Attention Grabbing Opening Paragraph

Set a professional and enthusiastic tone from the get go with the opening paragraph of your cover letter. Remember that this is your opportunity to grab the attention of a hiring manager and make a great first impression while introducing yourself. Mention the position that you are applying for and how you learned about the job or got the lead. 

Construct the Body of the Cover Letter ‍

The second paragraph which is the body of your cover letter is where you provide detailed information about your relevant experience and qualifications that can convey that you are the ideal candidate for the position.

Highlight only the relevant skills and experience that are aligned with the employer’s requirements for the position. It is recommended to use specific examples that accurately demonstrate your unique expertise and skill set. You can opt for bullet points for a neater and more visually appealing look. 

Cover letter in English

Take this opportunity to give an articulate explanation of the reasons you are interested to work with the company. Prove that you have researched the organization and are well-versed with their values and ways of working. Make sure to list the different aspects of the company that appeal to you. 

You should mention any notable recognition or achievements that you have had while working in your previous jobs. Always support this with specific metrics and tangible examples. 

‍ Make a Strong Closing Statement

In your closing statement thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration. Utilize the closing paragraph to reiterate your interest in the position and express your interest in further discussing how you can contribute to the company’s success. Make a clear request for an interview.

‍ Pro Formatting and Styling Tips for Your Cover Letter

It is important to focus not only on the contents of your cover letter but also be mindful of how they are presented. A neat and visually appealing cover letter can go a long way in impressing a potential employer.

Use a Professional Font

It is important to use clear and professional sans serif fonts like Arial, Calibri and Helvetica. Keep the font size between 10-12 points for optimum readability for a hiring manager. 

Ensure a Legible Structure

Ensure to maintain a clear and organized structure for your cover letter. It should be divided into these sections- header, employer’s contact details, the appropriate salutation, introduction, second paragraph and closing paragraph 

Opt for Bullet Points

You can choose to use bullet points to highlight your skills and achievement. This will offer a break from the long paragraphs and allow a recruiter or hiring manager to quickly scan through the relevant sections. 

Maintain a Professional Tone

It is imperative to use an extremely professional tone throughout your cover letter. 

Keep a Consistent Style

It is very important to maintain a consistent style throughout your cover letter. This applies to the type of fonts, the font size, the styling on the fonts (bold or italics) etc. 

Keep it Concise

A cover letter should not extend beyond one page. It is a focussed document that should only contain the most relevant information regarding your professional career. 

Proofread and Edit

It is important to scan your cover letter for formatting, spelling and grammatical errors before the final submission. This step is very important as it ensures there are no mistakes in the final version of your cover letter. 

It is advisable to ask your friend or family member or trusted colleague to proofread your cover letter and they can offer some new perspective that can make your cover letter even better.

Tailor Your Cover Letter

Since every cover letter is addressed to a specific hiring manager and their company, it is absolutely compulsory to customize every cover letter to the specific job that you are applying to.Incorporate specific details from the job description into your cover letter to align perfectly with the role requirements. 

Another thing to keep in mind while tailoring your cover letter is to ensure that you emphasize that the company’s values and ethos resonate with your own. You need to demonstrate that you are the perfect candidate for the role. 

Cover letter in English

Cover Letter Template

If you find it hard to write a cover letter from scratch then you can take the aid of the multiple cover letter templates and cover letter examples we have to offer for multiple professions. These templates are designed to cover all the important aspects of cover letter writing and will be extremely useful for candidates whose first language isn't English. Here is a standard template for a cover letter.

‍ Key Takeaways

Here are some of the key steps to keep in mind while writing your cover letter to complement your resume.  

  • Understand the definition and significance of a cover letter before you begin writing it.
  • Make a note of all the details you want highlighted in your cover letter
  • Do a thorough research on the company’s policies and values to incorporate into your cover letter. 
  • Highlight your unique skills and qualifications to stand out from the crowd.
  • Choose an appropriate cover letter format that best suits your purpose and goals.
  • Address the hiring manager by name to personalize your job application.
  • Write a strong opening statement and establish an enthusiastic and professional tone from the start.
  • Pay attention while writing your second paragraph and include instances where you have significantly contributed to a company’s growth in your previous roles.
  • Write an impactful closing statement with a clear call to action.
  • Keep it concise and make sure to proofread your cover letter before submitting it.
  • Customize your cover letter appropriately for every job application.

Tasuta allalaetav kaaskirja mall

Motivatsioonikiri, millele on enamikul juhtudel lisatud CV, on iga töötaotluse põhielement. Seda tüüpi kiri peab lühidalt kirjeldama oskusi, võimeid ja teadmisi, mis teil on ja mis on teatud huviga seoses otsitava ametikohaga. Selles mõttes peab kaaskiri lihtsalt sisaldama sellele ametikohale kandideerimise motivatsiooni ja põhjendusi. See peab äratama värbajas huvi ja panema ta pidama teid selle töö jaoks parimaks võimaluseks.

Kuidas koostada lihtsat kaaskirja

  • 1 Valige oma valitud CV mall.
  • 2 Austab ühtset struktuuri. Näiteks kasutage kaaskirja struktuuriga "Sina-Mina-Meie".
  • 3 Lisage järgmised osad, apellatsioonivorm, lühitutvustus, kirja sisu ja järeldus
  • 4 Ärge unustage viimast viisakusvalemit. Vaadake kaaskirja viisakusvalemite näiteid.
  • 5 Isiklikuma ja formaalsema ilme lisamiseks lisage lehe allossa oma allkiri
  • 6 Kui soovite saata selle meili teel, eksportige oma kaaskiri PDF-vormingus.

Teised kaaskirjade näidised

Kaaskirja struktureerimise nõuanded.

Kaaskirja kirjutamise hõlbustamiseks pidage meeles, et koguge eelnevalt kogu vajalik teave. Näidake toimetaja loovust, järgides samal ajal tüpograafiliste reeglite õiget kasutamist ja jälgides, et ei tekiks kirjavigu. Sest hea kaaskiri peegeldab teie kuvandit inimese ja professionaalina. Olge oma kirjutamisel loominguline ja originaalne, jäädes samas lihtsaks, kokkuvõtlikuks ja täpseks. ‍ Näidake läbitud punktide ohutust, enesekindlust ja meisterlikkust. Rõhutage, mida saate ettevõttesse tuua ja mainige oma erialast kogemust vastavas valdkonnas. Märkige ka kõik põhipunktid, mis panevad teid end uute ideedega täitva transformeeriva agendina ilmuma. Täpsustage oma võimet saavutada kavandatud eesmärgid ja kohaneda uute suundumustega.

Näita ennast positiivselt. Ärge langege sellesse viga, et kasutate sama kaaskirja mitme ettevõtte jaoks. Koostage kaaskiri iga taotletava töö kohta. Seda tüüpi kiri võimaldab tööandjal kujundada teie isiksuse kohta arvamust, sest see annab teile võimaluse täpsustada oma motivatsioone, mida lihtsas CV-s tegelikult ei kirjeldata.

Lihtsa ja tõhusa kaaskirja kirjutamise soovitused

  • Laiendage Intro ‍ Pidage meeles, et pärast kõne valemit peate välja töötama sissejuhatuse, kus tutvustate end ametlikult ja isiklikult. Ärge unustage märkida peamist eesmärki, mis ajendas teid seda kirja kirjutama.
  • Struktureerige oma kirja sisu Laske end juhinduda järgmistest küsimustest: – Miks?, Mis eesmärgil?, Kuidas?, Miks soovite selles ettevõttes töötada? → selles osas peate kirjeldama, mida saate ettevõttele tuua. – Rõhutage, kuidas teie teadmised võivad oluliselt mõjutada ettevõtte funktsioonide arengut ja majandussektorit, kus ta tegutseb. - Kuidas te seda teeksite tee seda? → lihtsalt rõhutab teie teadmisi ja võimeid professionaalina – Rõhutage oma õnnestumisi, varasemaid kogemusi, diplomeid, saadud tunnustusi või auhindu.
  • Olge oma järeldustes otsekohene Andke teada, et olete vestluseks saadaval, esitades kontaktteabe, näiteks oma e-posti aadressi, telefoninumbri ja postiaadressi. Kui need kontaktandmed muutuvad, ärge unustage uuendada oma CV-d ja kaaskirja ning saata need uuesti ettevõtetele, kes on need juba saanud.
  • Hoolitse paigutuse eest Teie kaaskiri peab olema kooskõlas teie CV-ga. Värbaja peab esmapilgul nägema, et need 2 dokumenti moodustavad ühe taotluse. Kasutage oma kaaskirjas samu värve, fonti, ikoone jne, mis oma CV-s. See väike näpunäide aitab teil luua tõhusa ja professionaalse rakenduse.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To write an effective and great cover letter you need to do your research on the company that you want to work for as well as align your skills perfectly with their job requirements to position yourself as the best fit for the job. Utilize the space and the opportunity that you get with a cover letter to touch upon the topics you couldn't include in your resume like instances and learnings from your previous jobs, your additional responsibilities and the unique expertise and skill set you have to offer.

A cover letter is strictly a one page document and it should not extend beyond that. Recruiters spend a few seconds per application so make sure to keep short and impactful.

Yes, a cover letter is very important and can positively impact your chances of landing your dream job.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Create your resume in 15 minutes

Our free collection of expertly designed cover letter templates will help you stand out from the crowd and get one step closer to your dream job.

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Sample letters to download

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Cover Letter

Advice for getting a job, instructions.

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A cover letter.

Look at the cover letter and do the exercises to improve your writing skills. 


Do the preparation exercise first. Then read the text and do the other exercises.


A cover letter

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Free Cover Letter Google Docs Templates

To secure your ideal job position, utilize our collection of Free Google Docs Cover Letter Templates. Create an engaging covering letter using our expertly designed templates! Our collection offers a variety of options, from basic to Harvard-style formats. Moreover, they are suitable for different industries such as teaching, nursing, or internships. Accessible through Google Docs, these templates are user-friendly as well as customizable, ensuring you make a lasting impression on potential employers.

  • Cover Letters
  • Recommended

Ready to boost your career? Download our free Google Docs cover letter template and craft compelling narratives that grab attention. Start your journey to success today!

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Are these cover letters appropriate for different professions?

Yes, our templates cater to a wide range of professions, including teaching, nursing, and various other fields. We provide a diverse range of free templates , from basic layouts to more sophisticated Harvard-style formats.

Can I personalize the templates to suit my requirements using different devices?

Sure! Our letters can be personalized entirely to align with your preferences and fulfill the precise demands of your job. Moreover, you can use these templates on any device with access to Google Docs , including computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Are these free cover letter Google Docs templates printable?

Certainly, you can conveniently print the cover letter templates for submission or reference during your job application process. Additionally, printing the motivation letters give you the opportunity to have a tangible copy for offline review and editing, providing flexibility in your preparation. Whether you prefer to work with hard copies or digital versions, our resume cover letters are designed to maintain clarity and readability across different mediums. So feel free to print them out and customize them according to your needs with ease.

Apply With a Cover Letter People Remember

Cover letter templates you can edit and download as pdf.

Get started easily with your cover letter writing by choosing a cover letter template. Simply pick a template and start filling in your information.

All our cover letter templates are ATS-friendly and expertly designed to match our resume and CV templates. This ensures that you stand a better chance of getting an interview, and most importantly, your dream job.


Professional Cover Letter Template

This professional cover letter template will surely make you stand out. The template has an easy to read layout and crisp details.

Designer Cover Letter Template

If you're applying for a creative role, this designer's template surely gives you an edge when matched with our designer's resume template.

Classic Cover Letter Template

The classic cover letter template has the most reader friendly layout as per many recruiters. Choose this template if you're sure to apply through many applicant tracking systems.

Minimalist Cover Letter Template

The minimalist cover letter template is ideal for a more conservative role. Use this template to show structure, and your organisational talent.

Basic Cover letter Template

The basic cover letter template gives a clear and recognizable layout. It's easy for the recruiter to read the content with a classic look.

Creative Cover letter Template

A creative cover letter template for those who work within the fields of marketing, graphic design or similar. Impress the employer by oozing personality and creativity.

Functional Cover Letter Template

A functional cover letter template made to match the functional resume and CV template. Combine both templates to increase the chance for a job interview.

Student Cover Letter Template

A cover letter template for students who are searching for an internship or their first full time employment. The candidate's chances greatly increase with a cool design.

Simple Cover Letter Template

Simple cover letter template designed with two columns. The template will reflect your professional personality no matter which industry you work in.


Traditional Cover Letter Template

The traditional cover letter template, which still is a go to favourite by many.

Modern Cover Letter Template

Good looking two column modern cover letter template, where you effortlessly stand out with an eye-catching yet simple design.

Elegant Cover Letter Template

A minimalistic two column elegant cover letter template designed for better readability, which helps the recruiter.

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Cover Letters That Help You Land a Job

Cover letter templates designed to match.

All cover letter templates are designed to match our resume and CV templates. By combining the looks and feel you will impress recruiters and stand out among many other applicants.

Cover letter templates for every career

It doesn't matter if you are seeking an internship, an entry-level job or even a managerial position. Our cover letter templates are built to be used in every industry, just remember it should always reflect your professional personality while meeting your industry's standards.

Our cover letter templates are ATS-friendly

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter out unqualified cover letters or resumes before they land at the recruiter’s desk. These systems use software trained to scan your cover letter and resume for keywords listed in the job description. All of our templates can only be formatted with ATS-friendly fonts, line height and so on.

Why use a cover letter template?

By using a cover letter template you make sure that you don't miss any necessary information, and the formatting is on point at all times. You only get one chance to impress the recruiter, and you don't want to do any sloppy mistakes. Stick to a professional template.

Download cover letters in PDF format

As you fill out and write your cover letter, your data is saved, and with a single click within the cover letter builder you can download as a 100% ATS-compliant PDF file. No flicking around a lot of open windows, making it hard to keep track of your progress.

Frequently asked questions

  • 1. What is a cover letter?
  • 2. What do I include in a cover letter?
  • 3. What do I write in a cover letter?
  • 4. How long should a cover letter be?

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a one page document, that contains additional information about you. It should be tailored to a specific job listing that you are applying for. The letter is directly addressed to the recruiter or hiring manager of that job listing.

When applying for a job, it is usually required to apply with both a resume and a cover letter. Thus, the cover letter cannot stand alone.

The cover letter itself and its content has to contain details about your overall professional qualifications and experiences that best fit the job listing.

What do I include in a cover letter?

You can divide a cover letter into a few sections. The purpose of this is to make it comfortable and easily understable for the reader. The goal is to make them remember what you’re actually trying to tell them and how the company you are applying to can benefit from hiring you.

Here's a quick go-to build:

Cover letter header

Name, phone, address, date

The hiring manager’s name and the company you are applying to

Proper greeting

Ie. Dear Melanie

First paragraph

Opening lines where you intend to hook the reader

Second paragraph

Why you are a great fit for the company

Third paragraph

Why the company is a great fit for you

Short closing with a formal thank you

Make yourself available to any further discussions and say thank you for their time

What do I write in a cover letter?

The content of the cover letter depends on the job listing. A good strategy is to pick out the relevant skills and requirements that the company is looking for through the job listing, and ultimately build your case around it and show with action verbs how you fit into them.

Be sure to check out our Career Blog for inspiration on how to tackle cover letter writing or anything related. There's so much incredible free advice.

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should be short, but explanatory and concise. To be more specific, keep it around 300 words at maximum, and always just at one page. Truth is that most recruiters or hiring managers don't read further than the first few lines.

Therefore be critical, and ask yourself:

  • Is this really a good idea to include, or is it just a filler?
  • Does it help me, or does it confuse the reader?

You have to promise yourself that you keep very professional about it.

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  2. Cover Letter in Inglese

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  3. How to Write a Cover Letter in 2021

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  4. Cover letter in inglese: come scrivere una lettera di presentazione in

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  6. Cover Letter In English

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  2. Cover letter (сопроводительное письмо к резюме) на английском: примеры, фразы, советы

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  1. Cover letter: esempi di lettera di presentazione in inglese

    Cover letter example 1: esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per studenti senza esperienza, candidatura stage (documento Word 1Kb). Cover letter example 2: esempio lettera di presentazione ...

  2. Free Cover Letter Template for Your Resume (Copy & Paste)

    Pantheon. The "Pantheon" cover letter template's bold header projects confidence, making it ideal for executives. 2024. Designed for the modern job seeker, our "2024" cover letter template is perfect for people in any industry. Classic. "The Classic" cover letter template is clean, traditional, and the perfect format to start off your application.

  3. Create your Europass Cover Letter

    Europass will guide you step by step through the process to help you create a good cover letter with all the essential information. You can create, store and share cover letters in 31 languages, choose from different templates to customise your application and share them easily from your Europass Library . Create your Europass.

  4. How to write the perfect cover letter in English

    Finally, finish your cover letter following normal letter conventions in English: If you know the person's name, sign off with 'Yours sincerely'. If you don't know the person's name (Dear Hiring Manager, Dear Sir or Madam), sign off with 'Yours Faithfully'.

  5. Free Cover Letter Templates [Customize & Download]

    This straightforward cover letter template free download places your name front and center. Executive. The elegant design of this sample cover letter template commands attention. Managerial. Make a bold statement with this modern cover letter template, which offers customizable colors and fonts. Original.

  6. English Cover Letter Example

    English Cover Letter Example. Kick-start your career and find ideas for your cover letter with our free, editable English cover letter example. Use this cover letter example for free or modify it in any way using our professional cover letter creator. This cover letter was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession.

  7. 25+ Free Cover Letter Templates for Word

    Step 1: Open Microsoft Word, then click " New " from the menu bar on the left side of the window. Or you can go to "File", then click on " New from Template… " from the dropdown menu. Step 2 : Use the search bar at the top right of the window to narrow down the results to just cover letter templates.

  8. Simple Cover Letter Templates [Word & PDF] Download for free

    Free simple cover letter template - download as PDF or Word file. At, our mission is to help you land the job you're after without wasting precious time and energy. That's why we offer a free simple cover letter template that you can download as a PDF or Word file. Edit your document in the program that's most comfortable for ...

  9. Create your Europass CV

    The best-known CV format in Europe. The Europass CV is one of the best-known CV formats in Europe. It is easy-to-use and familiar to employers and education institutions. You will first have to create your Europass profile with information on your education, training, work experience and skills. After you complete your Europass profile, you can create as many CVs as you want with just a few ...

  10. 50 Microsoft Word Cover Letter Templates (Free Download!)

    This minimalist MS Word cover letter template gets your points across without a lot of distraction. The header spotlights your name and title. Download it free here. 5. Everest Orange. This cover letter template Word doc leads with a dark, sharp header, with hex icons for important contact info. Download it free here.

  11. Free cover letter templates

    Each of these cover letter templates is customizable in Word, so you can add your own text, change design elements, and more. Print out your cover letter or download it for free to use for online job applications. Once you've customized the perfect cover letter, explore resume templates that will match your cover letter design, or download free ...

  12. 55+ Cover Letter Templates in Docx & Pdf

    Free Cover Letter Templates. These cover letters have been made with the, absolutely free, cover letter tool (AI-assisted) from Here you can download the Pdf- & JPEG files, but with the tool, also in Word format, so you can keep editing them yourself. Create Cover Letter.

  13. Free printable cover letter templates you can customize

    When you've finished editing, download your free cover letter as a PDF file or export it in a shareable link or high-resolution image format. Don't worry—your file remains in your Canva account, so you can always create a new cover letter from your template. Make multiple copies to customize for every company you apply to.

  14. 16+ Cover Letter Templates [Get Started in 1 Click]

    From there, you can add your cover letter contents, as well as personalize and edit them as you see fit. The Novoresume builder is very intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to create your cover letter lightning-fast. Build a professional cover letter within minutes. Pick one of our 16 top templates, fill it in online, and download it in ...

  15. Professional Cover Letter Templates

    The "Standard" cover letter is perfect for job applicants in semi-formal industries, where a modern twist on a traditional cover letter is a great way to stand out from the crowd. Format and Style. Major Features. Bold full-color header; Margins. Top - 2.54 cm; Bottom - 1 cm; Left - 1.9 cm; Right - 1.9 cm; Text Details. Name/Header ...

  16. How to Write a Cover Letter in English| An Effective Guide

    A neat and visually appealing cover letter can go a long way in impressing a potential employer. Use a Professional Font. It is important to use clear and professional sans serif fonts like Arial, Calibri and Helvetica. Keep the font size between 10-12 points for optimum readability for a hiring manager.

  17. A cover letter

    A cover letter. Look at the cover letter and do the exercises to improve your writing skills. Instructions. Do the preparation exercise first. Then read the text and do the other exercises. Preparation. Reading. Check your understanding: true, false or not given. Check your writing: gap fill.

  18. Home

    Europass and skills documentation. Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU. Europass also matches user skills and interests such as location and topic to success suitable jobs. It is a useful tool to find information on studying or working in the Europe.

  19. Free Cover Letter Templates for Word to Start With

    Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 18+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now. Create your cover letter now. CREATE YOUR COVER LETTER NOW. What users say about ResumeLab: I had an interview yesterday and the first thing they said on the phone was: "Wow!

  20. Free Cover Letter Google Docs Templates

    Download now to ensure your application exudes professionalism and refinement! Professional Cover Letter. Unlock doors to career success with our Professional Cover Letter Free Google Docs Template. Tailor your letter effortlessly to make your application stand out and leave a lasting mark. Job Cover Letter. Say goodbye to cover letter woes!

  21. 25 cover letter examples

    Cover letter example #1: The attention-grabbing headline. Via Venngage. As with any piece of writing, a compelling headline helps to immediately capture the reader's attention. You can see this in action in the above resume for Sandra Barnes. She has used bold typography to highlight her name, accompanied by a succinct tagline.

  22. Lettera di presentazione in inglese (cover letter): esempio

    Per strutturare al meglio una lettera di presentazione in inglese infatti dovrai utilizzare una formattazione diversa e ben precisa che ti permetterà di accedere ai migliori lavori all'estero. Applica questi semplici accorgimenti alla tua cover letter in inglese: Imposta i margini a 2,5 cm. Interlinea a 1,5 cm.

  23. Professional Cover Letter Templates for 2024 [Download Now]

    Download cover letters in PDF format. As you fill out and write your cover letter, your data is saved, and with a single click within the cover letter builder you can download as a 100% ATS-compliant PDF file. No flicking around a lot of open windows, making it hard to keep track of your progress.