essay in nursing career

How to Write a Nursing Essay with a Quick Guide

essay in nursing career

Ever felt the blank-page panic when assigned a nursing essay? Wondering where to start or if your words will measure up to the weight of your experiences? Fear not, because today, we're here to guide you through this process.

Imagine you're at your favorite coffee spot, armed with a cup of motivation (and maybe a sneaky treat). Got it? Great! Now, let's spill the secrets on how to spin your nursing tales into words that not only get you that A+ but also tug at the heartstrings of anyone reading. We've got your back with nursing essay examples that'll be your inspiration, an outline to keep you on the right path, and more!

What Is a Nursing Essay

Let's start by dissecting the concept. A nursing essay serves as a focused exploration of a specific aspect of nursing, providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge and its practical application in patient care settings.

Picture it as a journey through the challenges and victories of a budding nurse. These essays go beyond the classroom, tackling everything from tricky ethical dilemmas to the impact of healthcare policies on the front lines. It's not just about grades; it's about proving, 'I'm ready for the real deal.'

So, when you read or write a nursing essay, it's not just words on paper. It's like looking into the world of someone who's about to start their nursing career – someone who's really thought about the ins and outs of being a nurse. And before you kick off your nursing career, don't shy away from asking - write my essay for me - we're ready to land a professional helping hand.

How to Start a Nursing Essay

When you start writing a nursing essay, it is like gearing up for a crucial mission. Here's your quick guide from our nursing essay writing service :

How to Start a Nursing Essay

Choosing Your Topic: Select a topic that sparks your interest and relates to real-world nursing challenges. Consider areas like patient care, ethical dilemmas, or the impact of technology on healthcare.

Outline Your Route : Plan your essay's journey. Create a roadmap with key points you want to cover. This keeps you on track and your essay on point.

Craft a Strong Thesis: Assuming you already know how to write a hook , kick off your writing with a surprising fact, a thought-provoking quote, or a brief anecdote. Then, state your main argument or perspective in one sentence. This thesis will serve as the compass for your essay, guiding both you and your reader through the rest of your writing.

How to Structure a Nursing Essay

Every great essay is like a well-orchestrated performance – it needs a script, a narrative that flows seamlessly, capturing the audience's attention from start to finish. In our case, this script takes the form of a well-organized structure. Let's delve into the elements that teach you how to write a nursing essay, from a mere collection of words to a compelling journey of insights.

How to Structure a Nursing Essay

Nursing Essay Introduction

Begin your nursing essay with a spark. Knowing how to write essay introduction effectively means sharing a real-life scenario or a striking fact related to your topic. For instance, if exploring patient care, narrate a personal experience that made a lasting impression. Then, crisply state your thesis – a clear roadmap indicating the direction your essay will take. Think of it as a teaser that leaves the reader eager to explore the insights you're about to unfold.

In the main body, dive into the heart of your essay. Each paragraph should explore a specific aspect of your topic. Back your thoughts with examples – maybe a scenario from your clinical experience, a relevant case study, or findings from credible sources. Imagine it as a puzzle coming together; each paragraph adds a piece, forming a complete picture. Keep it focused and let each idea flow naturally into the next.

Nursing Essay Conclusion

As writing a nursing essay nears the end, resist the urge to introduce new elements. Summarize your main points concisely. Remind the reader of the real-world significance of your thesis – why it matters in the broader context of nursing. Conclude with a thought-provoking statement or a call to reflection, leaving your reader with a lasting impression. It's like the final scene of a movie that leaves you thinking long after the credits roll.

Nursing Essay Outline

Before diving into the essay, craft a roadmap – your outline. This isn't a rigid skeleton but a flexible guide that ensures your ideas flow logically. Consider the following template from our research paper writing service :


  • Opening Hook: Share a brief, impactful patient care scenario.
  • Relevance Statement: Explain why the chosen topic is crucial in nursing.
  • Thesis: Clearly state the main argument or perspective.

Patient-Centered Care:

  • Definition: Clarify what patient-centered care means in nursing.
  • Personal Experience: Share a relevant encounter from clinical practice.
  • Evidence: Integrate findings from reputable nursing literature.

Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice

  • Scenario Presentation: Describe a specific ethical challenge faced by nurses.
  • Decision-Making Process: Outline steps taken to address the dilemma.
  • Ethical Frameworks: Discuss any ethical theories guiding the decision.

Impact of Technology on Nursing

  • Current Trends: Highlight technological advancements in nursing.
  • Case Study: Share an example of technology enhancing patient care.
  • Challenges and Benefits: Discuss the pros and cons of technology in nursing.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main ideas from each section.
  • Real-world Implications: Emphasize the practical significance in nursing practice.
  • Closing Thought: End with a reflective statement or call to action.

A+ in Nursing Essays Await You!

Ready to excel? Let us guide you. Click now for professional nursing essay writing assistance.

Nursing Essay Examples

Here are the nursing Essay Examples for you to read.

Writing a Nursing Essay: Essential Tips

When it comes to crafting a stellar nursing essay, a few key strategies can elevate your work from ordinary to exceptional. Here are some valuable tips from our medical school personal statement writer :

Writing a Nursing Essay: Essential Tips

Connect with Personal Experiences:

  • Approach: Weave personal encounters seamlessly into your narrative.
  • Reasoning: This not only adds authenticity to your essay but also serves as a powerful testament to your firsthand understanding of the challenges and triumphs in the nursing field.

Emphasize Critical Thinking:

  • Approach: Go beyond describing situations; delve into their analysis.
  • Reasoning: Nursing essays are the perfect platform to showcase your critical thinking skills – an essential attribute in making informed decisions in real-world healthcare scenarios.

Incorporate Patient Perspectives:

  • Approach: Integrate patient stories or feedback into your discussion.
  • Reasoning: By bringing in the human element, you demonstrate empathy and an understanding of the patient's experience, a core aspect of nursing care.

Integrate Evidence-Based Practice:

  • Approach: Support your arguments with the latest evidence-based literature.
  • Reasoning: Highlighting your commitment to staying informed and applying current research underscores your dedication to evidence-based practice – a cornerstone in modern nursing.

Address Ethical Considerations:

  • Approach: Explicitly discuss the ethical dimensions of your topic.
  • Reasoning: Nursing essays provide a platform to delve into the ethical complexities inherent in healthcare, showcasing your ability to navigate and analyze these challenges.

Balance Theory and Practice:

  • Approach: Connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications.
  • Reasoning: By bridging the gap between theory and practice, you illustrate your capacity to apply academic knowledge effectively in the dynamic realm of nursing.

Highlight Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

  • Approach: Discuss collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals.
  • Reasoning: Acknowledging the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare underscores your understanding of the importance of teamwork – a vital aspect of successful nursing practice.

Reflect on Lessons Learned:

  • Approach: Conclude with a thoughtful reflection on personal growth or lessons from your exploration.
  • Reasoning: This not only provides a satisfying conclusion but also demonstrates your self-awareness and commitment to continuous improvement as a nursing professional.

As we wrap up, think of your essay as a story about your journey into nursing. It's not just about getting a grade; it's a way to share what you've been through and why you want to be a nurse.

Imagine the person reading it – maybe a teacher, a future coworker, or someone starting their nursing journey. They're trying to understand your passion and why you care about nursing.

So, when you write, remember it's more than just an assignment. It's your chance to show why nursing matters to you. And if you ever need help – there's always support from our essay writer online .

Ready to Excel in Your Nursing School Essay?

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How to Write a Nursing Essay?

How can a nursing essay effectively address ethical considerations, what are some examples of evidence-based practices in nursing essays.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

essay in nursing career

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Essay Sample on Why I Want to Be A Nurse

Nursing is a rewarding and challenging career that has the power to make a real difference in people’s lives. Whether your motivation is to help others, attain financial freedom, or both, writing a “Why I Want To Be A Nurse” essay is an excellent opportunity to express your passion and commitment to the field.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you might want to become a nurse and provide you with helpful tips and inspiration for writing a powerful and persuasive essay .

Why I Want to Be A Nurse (Free Essay Sample)

Nursing is a career that offers a unique combination of hands-on care and emotional support to those in need. There are many reasons why someone might choose to become a nurse, including:

The Empathy and Altruism of Nursing

I have a strong desire to help people and hope to become a nurse. I think nursing is the best way for me to make a difference in other people’s lives because it combines my natural empathy and desire to help people. Nursing gives me a chance to positively touch people’s lives, which has always attracted me to the thought of doing so.

I saw the beneficial effects that nurses may have on people’s life as a child. I have always been moved by the kindness and concern they have for their patients. The small gestures of kindness, like holding a patient’s hand or speaking encouraging words, have always touched me. I think nurses have a special power to change people’s lives and leave a lasting impression, and I want to contribute to that.

Additionally, I think that becoming a nurse is a great and selfless job. To provide for their patients and ensure they are secure and comfortable, nurses put their own needs on hold. I absolutely respect this kind of dedication to helping others, and I aim to exhibit it in my own nursing career.

The Economic Benefits of Nursing

The financial stability that comes with being a nurse is one of the reasons I wish to pursue this career. Nursing is a field that is in high demand, which translates to a wealth of job opportunities and competitive salaries.  This profession offers the chance for a stable income, which makes it a good choice for people who want to secure their financial future.

Nursing not only gives economic freedom but also a flexible work schedule that promotes a healthy work-life balance. Many nurses can choose to work part-time or in a variety of places, such as clinics, hospitals, and schools..

A Love for the Science and Art of Nursing

To succeed in the unique field of nursing, one must have both artistic talent and scientific knowledge. This mix is what initially drew me to the thought of becoming a nurse. The human body and its mechanisms have always captivated me, and I enjoy learning about the science that underpins healthcare. But nursing requires more than just a scientific knowledge of the body. It also requires an artistic understanding of the patient and their needs.. Nursing is a demanding and fulfilling job since it combines science and art, which is why I’m drawn to it.

I saw as a child the effect nurses had on patients and their families. Their compassion and understanding have motivated me to seek a profession in nursing because they frequently offer comfort and help in the hardest of situations. My enthusiasm for the science and art of nursing will undoubtedly help me to have a good influence on other people’s lives. I want to work as a nurse and improve the lives of the people I take care of, whether it be by giving medication, educating patients, or just being a reassuring presence.

Continuous Professional Development in Nursing

I think the nursing industry is dynamic and always changing, which gives people a lot of chances to learn and grow. I would have the chance to continuously advance my knowledge and abilities in this sector if I choose to become a nurse. In turn, this would enable me to better care for my patients and stay abreast of professional developments.

There are several different nursing specialties available as well. There are many options, including critical care, pediatrics, gerontology, and surgical nursing. Because of the variety of disciplines available, nurses have the chance to develop their interests and find their niche. 

I am certain that a career in nursing will provide me the chance to pursue my passion for healthcare while also allowing me to grow professionally.

Nursing is a fulfilling and noble career that offers a mix of hands-on care, emotional support, and professional growth. I am inspired by the positive impact nurses have on patients and their families and aim to offer my own empathy and compassion. The nursing industry is constantly changing, providing ample opportunities for growth and job prospects with financial stability. The ultimate reward in a nursing career is the satisfaction of making a difference in people’s lives.

Tips for Writing A Compelling Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Now that you understand the reasons why someone might want to become a nurse, it’s time to learn how to write a compelling essay. Here are some tips and strategies to help you get started:

Create an Outline

Before you start writing, it’s important to identify the main points you’ll discuss in your essay. This will help you stay organized and make your essay easier to read.

Start with an Attention-grabbing Introduction

Your introduction is your chance to make a good first impression and engage the reader. Start with a hook that captures the reader’s attention, such as a surprising statistic or personal story .

Be Specific and Personal

Rather than making general statements about why you want to become a nurse, be specific and personal. Share your own experiences, motivations, and passions, and explain why nursing is the right career choice for you.

Highlight your Skills and Qualifications

Nursing is a demanding and complex profession that requires a wide range of skills and qualifications. Be sure to highlight your relevant skills, such as compassion, communication, and problem-solving, and explain how they make you a good fit for the nursing field.

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essay in nursing career

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How to write a nursing career plan essay, rachel r.n..

  • May 18, 2024
  • How to Guides

Nursing is a highly rewarding and noble career path that allows individuals to make a meaningful impact on the lives of patients and their families. It is a profession that requires a deep sense of compassion, dedication, and a sincere desire to help others. Pursuing a career in nursing is a significant decision that demands a clear understanding of one’s goals and aspirations. Writing a nursing career goal essay is a crucial step in the admission process for nursing programs, as it provides an opportunity for prospective students to articulate their motivations, aspirations, and vision for their future in the nursing profession.

What You'll Learn

What is a nursing career goal essay?

A nursing career goal essay is a comprehensive written statement that outlines an individual’s reasons for choosing to pursue a career in nursing. It serves as a platform for applicants to express their passion, motivation, and commitment to the nursing field. This essay allows admissions committees to gain insight into the applicant’s thought process, values, and long-term goals within the nursing profession.

What’s included in a nursing career goal essay?

A well-crafted nursing career goal essay should encompass the following key elements:

  • Personal background and inspiration: In this section, applicants should share their personal experiences, life events, or encounters that sparked their interest in the nursing profession. This could include instances where they witnessed the impact of nurses firsthand, or experiences that highlighted their innate desire to care for others.
  • Career goals: Clearly outlining both short-term and long-term career goals is essential in a nursing career goal essay. Short-term goals may include obtaining a specific nursing degree or certification, gaining experience in a particular healthcare setting, or developing proficiency in a specialized area of nursing. Long-term goals could involve pursuing advanced degrees, such as a master’s or doctoral degree, or aspiring to leadership roles, such as nurse manager or nurse educator.
  • Strengths and qualities: Applicants should highlight the personal strengths, qualities, and skills that make them well-suited for a career in nursing. This could include attributes such as empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, effective communication skills, resilience, and the ability to work well under pressure.
  • Contributions to the field: In this section, applicants should explain how they plan to contribute to the nursing profession and make a positive impact on patient care or the healthcare system as a whole. This could involve discussing their commitment to ongoing professional development, their desire to advocate for patient rights, or their interest in participating in research or quality improvement initiatives.
  • Educational and professional aspirations: Applicants should discuss their educational goals, such as obtaining a bachelor’s or master’s degree in nursing, as well as their professional aspirations, which could include pursuing specialized roles like nurse practitioner, nurse anesthetist, or nurse educator.

How to write a nursing career goal essay sample:

  • Reflect and introspect: Take time to reflect on your personal experiences, values, and aspirations that have led you to the decision to pursue a career in nursing. Engage in introspection to identify the key motivations and goals that resonate most strongly with you.
  • Create an outline : Develop a well-structured outline that organizes your thoughts and ensures that your essay flows logically. This outline should include an engaging introduction, body paragraphs that address each of the key elements mentioned above, and a compelling conclusion.
  • Craft an engaging introduction: Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that immediately captures the reader’s attention and sets the tone for your essay. Consider using a relevant anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a compelling statistic to pique the reader’s interest.
  • Incorporate examples and personal anecdotes: Throughout your essay, incorporate relevant examples and personal anecdotes that illustrate your points and make your essay more engaging and authentic. These personal stories can help the admissions committee better understand your motivations and connect with your narrative.
  • Proofread and revise: Carefully proofread and revise your essay to ensure that it is well-written, free of errors, and effectively communicates your message. Consider seeking feedback from trusted individuals, such as mentors, professors, or writing center professionals, to help you refine and strengthen your essay.


Tips for writing a good nursing career goal essay:

  • Be authentic and honest: S hare your genuine motivations, experiences, and goals in your essay. Authenticity and honesty can make your essay stand out and resonate with the admissions committee.
  • Highlight your unique qualities: Emphasize the unique qualities, experiences, or perspectives that make you a strong candidate for a nursing career. This could include your cultural background, life experiences, or personal values that align with the nursing profession.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge and passion: Throughout your essay, showcase your understanding of the nursing profession and your passion for helping others and improving patient care. Discuss the specific aspects of nursing that resonate with you and how you plan to contribute to the field.
  • Tailor your essay: Customize your essay to the specific nursing program or institution you are applying to, and address any prompts or requirements provided. Research the program’s values, mission, and focus areas to ensure your essay aligns with their goals and objectives.
  • Focus on the future: While reflecting on your past experiences is important, ensure that your essay primarily focuses on your future goals and aspirations within the nursing profession. Discuss how your experiences have shaped your vision and how you plan to continue growing and contributing to the field.
  • Use appropriate language and tone: Maintain a professional and academic tone throughout your essay, using appropriate language and avoiding colloquialisms or informal expressions. At the same time, strive to write in a clear and concise manner, making your essay engaging and easy to read.
  • Seek feedback and revise: After completing your initial draft, seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as mentors, professors, or writing center professionals. Use their feedback to refine and strengthen your essay, ensuring that it effectively communicates your message and showcases your qualifications as a strong candidate for the nursing program.

50 Nursing Career Goals

  • Become a registered nurse (RN) by completing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) .
  • Write a nursing career plan to outline my professional journey.
  • Choose nursing as a career to make a difference in patient care.
  • Develop nursing skills to provide excellent nursing care.
  • Pursue a career in nursing with a focus on holistic care.
  • Pass nursing school admissions to enroll in a top nursing program .
  • Specialize in a specific area of nursing , such as pediatrics or oncology.
  • Write a nursing career essay to articulate my passion for nursing.
  • Set long-term goals in nursing , such as becoming a nurse educator.
  • Write an effective nursing personal statement for job applications.
  • Gain experience as a nurse practitioner to provide advanced care.
  • Achieve certification as a family nurse practitioner (FNP) .
  • Write a nursing school essay that highlights my commitment to nursing.
  • Participate in continuing education to stay current in nursing practice.
  • Write your nursing career goals in a journal to track progress.
  • Aim for a leadership role in nursing, such as nurse manager.
  • Pursue a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) to advance my career.
  • Contribute to nursing research to improve patient outcomes.
  • Focus on patient-centered care throughout my nursing career.
  • Mentor nursing students to help them achieve their career goals.
  • Write an essay on why I want to become a nurse to inspire others.
  • Work in a care home nurse setting to support elderly patients.
  • Develop a nursing career plan essay to define my professional aspirations.
  • Aim to become a professional nurse who excels in patient care.
  • Pursue a doctoral degree in nursing (DNP) for advanced practice roles.
  • Write your nursing experience essay to reflect on clinical experiences.
  • Set short-term nursing goals , such as improving specific nursing skills.
  • Become an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) to expand my scope of practice.
  • Provide care for patients with compassion and empathy.
  • Explore career options in nursing to find the best fit for my skills.
  • Write a good nursing career path essay to outline future steps.
  • Aim to work in nursing education to teach future nurses.
  • Develop a passion for nursing by continually learning and growing.
  • Focus on nursing goals that improve patient and family outcomes.
  • Pursue a career in the medical field with a focus on nursing.
  • Write an essay on the reasons for choosing nursing as a profession.
  • Work towards becoming a great nurse known for excellent care.
  • Achieve competence in advanced nursing skills to enhance patient care.
  • Aim for a rewarding career in nursing that makes a significant impact.
  • Pursue specialized training in areas like critical care or emergency nursing.
  • Write a personal statement for nursing school admissions to stand out.
  • Focus on holistic care to address all aspects of a patient’s well-being.
  • Engage in professional development opportunities in nursing.
  • Aim to care for others with the highest standards of nursing practice.
  • Work towards a leadership role in nursing staff management.
  • Develop a nursing career goal essay to clarify my objectives.
  • Pursue advanced nursing degrees to open more career opportunities.
  • Work on improving nursing practice through evidence-based approaches.
  • Aim to provide excellent nursing care to every patient.
  • Write a good nursing career goals essay to inspire and guide others interested in nursing.

What is your ambition as a nurse? Your ambition in nursing should not only be about becoming a nurse but also about evolving into the best nurse you can be. This implies continuous learning and skill enhancement. Pursue professional development opportunities, learn from experienced colleagues, and stay updated with advancements in healthcare

How do you write a career plan essay?

Three elements of a successful career goals essay Highlight specific career achievements. … Explain why your experiences and influences make your career goal a logical and wise choice. Demonstrate why you are suited to a particular field as a result of your education, experience, abilities, and enthusiasm.

What are the 5 nursing plans? The nursing process functions as a systematic guide to client-centered care with 5 sequential steps. These are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

What are the 6 C’s of nursing? The 6 Cs – care, compassion, courage, communication, commitment, competence – are a central part of ‘Compassion in Practice’, which was first established by NHS England Chief Nursing Officer, Jane Cummings, in December 201

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essay in nursing career

How to Write an Admission Essay for Nursing School

essay in nursing career

The nursing school admission process is rigorous. One of the critical requirements for new applicants is an application essay, and writing a compelling nursing essay will give you a major head start over other nursing school candidates.

Once you have figured out why you want to be a nurse, all your memories, accomplishments, ambitions, and goals will align. Therefore, writing an essay on why you are interested in becoming a nurse and selecting a specific nursing college or university allows the admissions team to understand why they should choose you over other candidates.

A well-written, organized, and polished nursing school essay automatically increases your chances of acceptance. With thousands of applications destined for assessment and judgment by the admissions committee, you would want to make your application essay for the nursing school admission stand out.

We have admission essay-writing experts and consultants who, luckily, have compiled this intensive guide to help you write an intentional, focused, and perfect essay for nursing school.

Note: If you are in a hurry or you need direct assistance in writing your nursing college essay, please place an order and let our expert essay writers craft for you an original, engaging, and compelling nursing essay!

What Is a Nursing School Essay?

A nursing school essay is a written piece that demonstrates your interest in a nursing career and elaborates why you are the perfect fit for a specific nursing program.

Most nursing schools (colleges and universities) require aspiring students to write an application essay for nursing school admission. It is a personal essay submitted as part of the application process, which the admission officers review to determine if you can be accepted.

A good nursing school essay shows your interest in the nursing field, your chosen career path, why you want to pursue your nursing education through a specific nursing school program, and why you believe you should be accepted into the institution. It has to show why the entire process is crucial to you and why you are a worthy candidate to select for the nursing school program.

Sometimes, it is the only hope one has left, especially if the competition is stiff. Imagine a situation where the application materials such as grades, resumes, test scores, or recommendation letters are all qualified; a nursing school essay will be the only means to select the best out of the rest fairly.

Writing a perfect nursing essay will demonstrate that you are ready to go down the thorny path of training to become a nurse. Nursing education entails research and writing assignments, and a well-written essay demonstrates your readiness.

Helpful Information to Include in a Nursing Admission Essay

You are probably wondering what goes into an application essay for nursing school admission. Well, your nursing essay will answer an essay prompt from the university. Most colleges will specify the essay questions for college of nursing applicants for various levels of study (MSN, DNP, BSN, Ph.D., or ADN).

Below are some examples of what might be expected:

  • Your goals and ambitions for a successful nursing career
  • How do you plan to achieve your academic goals
  • The specific reasons why you want to join the nursing field
  • Reasons you are selecting the particular nursing school or program
  • Personal accomplishments that set you apart as the right candidate
  • Experiences and encounters that make you love nursing career
  • Plans for the future once accepted
  • Experience with medical training or patient care
  • Character traits aligned to being a nurse
  • How you are prepared to become a successful nurse
  • Academic, personal, and career interests
  • Any other reasons to convince the admissions committee to approve your admission

In some quarters, a nursing school application essay might be a statement of purpose, personal essay, or letter of intent. It is a chance to plead with the admissions committee to accept you into your dream nursing college or program. Having looked at what goes into it, it is also essential to cover the steps to writing a perfect and comprehensive admission essay for nursing school.

Structure of a Nursing School Essay

A nursing essay for admission into a nursing program or school follows the typical format of an academic essay. It is organized into three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion.


  • This is the opening paragraph that has to impress your readers (admissions officers)
  • It can make or break your admission essay or personal statement
  • It should be direct to the point
  • It is a roadmap that helps the readers to know what to expect as your story grows.
  • Open it using an enticing quote, event, anecdote, or statement
  • You are allowed to use personal pronouns such as I in the introduction and the rest of the essay
  • It has 2- 3 and sometimes five paragraphs
  • Elaborates the introduction
  • Every paragraph has a unique opening sentence that is a mini-thesis statement.
  • Bears the best ideas yielded in your brainstorming session
  • It can be as long as your word limit allows but contributes to at least 70-80% of the word count
  • Focuses on quality over quantity
  • Has one idea or experience per paragraph
  • You should mention the skills you intend to develop and how they will help you become a successful nurse
  • Connect the skills and experiences to the program and your future career
  • Summarize and emphasize the main ideas
  • It should be captivating and insightful
  • Conveys a sense of closure to the readers
  • Invites the readers to reflect on the ideas in your essay
  • Creates one last lasting impression on the readers

Outline for a Nursing School Essay

A good nursing school essay outline should give you directions that help you visualize what the essay will look like in its final draft.

If you are writing a nursing essay, having the outline is the first thing you do after brainstorming (as shown in the steps).

It helps you to figure out how to arrange the ideas and points in the essay for a better flow. You can develop each section independently, regardless of the sequence, and still have a quality essay. 

In most cases, the outline is meant for personal consumption, especially when writing a personal statement. However, if you are writing a nursing essay on a given nursing topic , you might be required to write an outline, annotated bibliography , and the nursing essay , and each will be graded separately.

Given the structure, you can outline your nursing school essay as follows:

    Introduction paragraph

  • Hook (quote, statement, or anecdote)
  • Background information
  • Thesis statement
  • Transition sentence

    Body paragraph 1

  • Topic sentence
  • Evidence, data, and facts
  • Transition to the second body paragraph

    Body paragraph 2

  • Transition to the third body paragraph

    Body paragraph 3

  • Transition to the conclusion


  • Summary of the main ideas
  • Restate the thesis statement
  • Last impression (call to action to the admissions committee)

Steps for Writing a Nursing School Essay

Optimizing your application essay increases your chance of getting accepted into the nursing program or nursing school. The essay should elaborate on your person (who you are as an individual) by providing a comprehensive perspective of your career ambitions, goals, and plans related to your passion for nursing. You should elaborate to the admissions committee why you are a good fit for their nursing program. Students at the ADN, BSN, ABSN (Accelerated BSN), MSN, DNP, or Ph.D. might be required to write an admission or personal essay, and here are the five steps to make it successful.

  • Read the prompt
  • Brainstorm for ideas
  • Plan your essay
  • Write the first draft
  • Edit and Polish your Essay

Let's explore all these steps before delving into the tips to help you write the essay better.

Read the Prompt

If you are considering applying to a specific nursing school, you need to begin by researching the application process to know when you will be expected to submit your application essay.

In most cases, the nursing schools have essay prompts and instructions for the potential nursing candidates published on their websites. The prompts might vary depending on the programs you are interested in pursuing and the institutional preferences. Therefore, it is vital to begin by locating the nursing school essay guidelines. A quick search online can help, or you will also find it enclosed in the email sent to you by the school's admissions committee.

Read the instructions thoroughly with a specific focus on the essay question, word limit, and topics you must cover. If you apply to many nursing schools, you should locate and read each prompt before moving to the next steps.

Reading and understanding the instructions is the first step in writing an excellent application essay. Besides, it helps you to customize the essay to the requirements and not the other way around.

Brainstorm for Ideas

Now that you know what is expected of you, you need to decide what to include in your nursing essay to make it stand out. For this, get into an idea-generation marathon where you brainstorm ideas based on the prompt and the requirements.

Give every idea a thoughtful consideration and make shorthand notes so that you have all the ideas condensed. Consider your ambitions, accomplishments, drive, passion, preferences, strengths, weaknesses, character traits, and other attributes that might relate to your urge to pursue nursing as a career.

Also, research the nursing program and relate it to your personal ambitions and desires. Such information will help you spot the specific things you like about it. You can then tailor your experiences and encounters to the requirements. Look at the program's website and examine 2-3 aspects that stand out. This will help you focus on what you have that makes you the best pick for the program. You can also reference experiences, events, or traits related to the program.

Consider the environment and people around you and relate them to your desire to become a nurse.

Experiences, encounters, and events can inspire ideas to pen into your nursing school essay.

You can also research some well-written examples of nursing personal statements and essays to get inspired when brainstorming ideas for yours. Besides, you can also ask people in your network, such as family, friends, or peers, for ideas that can stand out and then choose the best.

To get the most robust ideas, rate them depending on how best they answer the prompt; this is the fodder for the entire application essay. Choose 3-5 strongest points and make them the central focus of your essay.

Plan your Essay

As a nurse, planning is everything, even when it comes to clinical decision-making. And because you are destined for this noble career, planning your personal essay won't hurt. Instead, it helps you know what to put and where to engage the admission officers from the beginning to the end of your nursing school essay.

With the ideas in mind, create a rough outline and adjust it until you are fully satisfied that your thoughts, facts, and opinions are well-organized. The outline will help you to structure your essay, avoid derailing it, and write a draft that bears all the quality ideas.

A good step is to organize the essay into paragraphs that align with the word count (often given as the minimum or maximum number of words, exact number of words, or characters).

Include an introduction to give your readers a clear understanding of the focus of your essay. Yes, a good nursing essay has a thesis statement that shows your central claim or the main idea you are focusing on the entire essay.

You should include the body paragraphs, each with a topic sentence supporting the thesis and a series of supporting facts such as examples, evidence, and illustration.

Finally, include a conclusion as the last paragraph that reverberates the thesis, summarizes the essay, and has a call to action to the admissions committee.

Write the First Draft

After the outline, you must begin writing your essay sentence by sentence and paragraph after paragraph. Whatever approach you take, ensure that every detail covered in the outline ends up in your essay as long as it is valid.

Write the introduction paragraph by giving a hook or attention grabber. You can begin with a quote from a famous nurse or a scholarly nursing article. You can also state facts or give statistics if they matter to your application. You should also elaborate on your selected topic, especially if the prompt provides options. End your first paragraph with a thesis statement that describes the focus of your nursing school essay. The introduction should account for 10-15% of the word count.

Each body paragraph has a unique, unmistakable, and concise topic sentence followed by supporting details and a concluding sentence that transitions to the next paragraph. Ensure that you have at least two body paragraphs considering that you can write either a three-paragraph or a five-paragraph nursing essay. Collectively, the body section should be 70-80% of the essay's word count. The body paragraphs should outline your encounters, experiences, and events and how they relate to the specific nursing program.

The final part is the conclusion, where you summarize the main ideas in the essay. for this, avoid the clich� conclusion starters such as "in conclusion," "to sum up," or "in summary." Instead, use conclusion opening sentences that demonstrate to your reader that the essay has ended � it gives the best closure and helps close the information loop in your essay. Rephrase your thesis and summarize the main ideas before appealing to the admissions committee to accept you into their nursing program. It should be 10-15% of the word count, like the introduction paragraph.

Edit and Polish the Essay

Now that you are done with your first draft, it is only the beginning, and you are far from being done. You need to take a break to cool down your frustrations, anxiety, and adrenaline developed when writing. It is a chance to establish an objective mind to look at things from a broader perspective when you settle for editing and proofreading.

If you are not good with editing and proofreading, you can hire a professional proofreading and editing expert to look at your essay and suggest changes to make. You can also use friends and family as a second and third eye to see what you cannot see. Using their feedback will help you optimize the essay for better results. You can incorporate the suggestions and proceed to editing and proofreading.

As for editing and proofreading, you can take advantage of tools such as Grammarly, Ginger, Hemingway Editor, and other editing and proofreading tools available by students and professionals. Revise the essay until it meets the requirements and addresses the prompt. If anything, do not be afraid to do away with an entire paragraph or a few paragraphs that don't make sense.

It is better to start over again than submit a subpar nursing school essay that will be a laughingstock of the admissions committee. The only way to entertain the admissions officers is to write an outstanding nursing school essay that will automatically dial you into the nursing program of your choice. Best of luck!

Example of Nursing School Essay Prompts

  • Discuss your interest and understanding of the clinical nurse leader role. What's your story? And what experiences have contributed to your interest?
  • The DNP program aims to prepare nurse leaders at the highest level of nursing practice to improve patient outcomes and translate research into practice. Describe experiences that exhibit your formal leadership role or informal leadership skills.
  • How will the program help you achieve your academic and career goals?
  • What experiences have influenced your interest in pursuing a clinical specialty you have chosen?
  • The DNP program aims to prepare nurse leaders at the highest level of nursing practice to improve patient outcomes and translate research into practice. Describe experiences that exhibit your leadership skills.
  • Why have you chosen to pursue a nursing research doctorate?
  • How does becoming a nurse fulfill your ambitions?
  • What does becoming a nurse mean to you?
  • What drives you to become a nurse?
  • Why do you want to become a nurse?
  • What is your nursing philosophy?
  • What was your reason for choosing nursing as a career? Do you have any additional information that you would like the admissions committee to know about you that has not been previously considered in the application?
  • What are your professional goals? How will this accelerated nursing program help you materialize those goals?
  • Discuss a specific leadership position (e.g., manager, director, associate dean) you wish to attain within three to five years after completing the DNP program.

Note: Some of these prompts have been rephrased from the Rush University Website . They keep changing depending on the preferences of the admissions committee. Inquire with your university or college of nursing to get specific directions on the most current prompts and instructions.

Related Reading: Ideas for a nursing capstone project.

Tips for Writing an Effective Nursing School Admission Essay

When grades, test scores, and other material entries don't count , a nursing school essay, referred to as a personal statement, suffices. In this case, a great nursing school can only be your hope for getting into nursing school. If you want to get ahead of the competition, these proven tips will significantly help you.

1. Plan Well

To pen an excellent nursing school essay that gets you accepted, you need to plan the essay.

Read the instructions, brainstorm as you take notes, research widely, and create an outline.

And even when done, the purpose is to have a reverse outline to help you score the essay against the requirements. Planning helps you to know what attention-grabbing statement to begin the essay with, the sequence of the body paragraph ideas for a logical flow, and what specifics to include in the conclusion.

Having an outline will help you save time when writing the first draft and help you to stay focused when writing.

2. Show, Don't Tell!

All effective nursing school essays express your personality, experiences, and encounters while convincing the admissions officers that you are the best fit for the program.

You should not focus on telling your story alone. Instead, show how your account relates to the prompt.

Discuss experiences, encounters, and events but show how they have impacted your choice of the program and desire to become a nurse.

If you are applying to a specific program, enlighten your readers on why you are specifically interested in the program and what that means.

It could be the hybrid learning model that entails both online and classroom learning or the history or reputation the school has, parental preferences (if they were a graduate), mentor recommendation, etc.

3. Choose Information Wisely

Ensure that every idea or information in your essay is unique, authentic, and original. Don't just write fictitiously.

If you have no past experiences directly related to nursing, you can introduce them and twist them to fit the context.

Impress the admissions committee with your wits, not just a summary of what others have written online.

Standing out in your presentation of facts will always carry the day. Genuinely share your story about what made you want to become a nurse.

4. Avoid Excuses

Even if you don't have appealing past encounters with medicine, hospitals, or anything related to nursing, tell your story as it is.

Do not excuse yourself for telling the truth. After all, you are on your journey to becoming a nurse; all you are seeking is training to develop the knowledge and skills.

If you have cared for your family members at home, babysat your siblings, or have compassion for the suffering, these are the most authentic stories you have, and they can spell meaning on your ambition. Therefore, prove your strong candidature by stating things as they are without clutching at things that do not matter.

5. Let it Flow!

Instead of forcing things such as humor or stories, write plainly about your experiences, encounters, and past events that made you want to become a nurse.

Most "why I want to be a nurse" essays don't have to have any humor. If it clicks well and is good, if it doesn't, don't force it.

As well, avoid exaggerating things when writing your nursing school essay. You should focus on making it as interesting, engaging, and convincing as can be but be truthful.

Avoid mixing up stories. A good way is to focus each paragraph on the main point that relates to your thesis.

6. Show you care about People and Yourself

Nursing is a noble career that entails caring for oneself as you care for others. Your full-time attention and job will be to care for people to help them achieve better health outcomes.

You must show empathy, selflessness, and determination to be a nurse. You can bring examples of when you took care of others and yourself.

Let the committee know that even when training as a nurse, you understand self-care as much as you understand caring for others.

7. Bring in Current Issues

If there is a chance that you can introduce nursing concepts or ideas from current events, it will beef up your nursing school essays.

Get facts from well-established nursing organization websites such as the American Nurses Association, National League of Nursing, Emergency Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau, or National Black Nurses Association, etc.

Intrigue your readers by understanding the challenges and opportunities in the nursing field.

You can relate your application to nursing shortages, medical errors, nursing burnout, continuing education, evidence-based practice, etc.

8. Briefly Explain your Qualifications

Since you have already provided material such as transcripts, resumes, and test scores, it is imperative to briefly expound on the qualifications without going into details. Tell them about your experiences, your education, and how you have set yourself up for success in nursing school . For instance, elaborate on how volunteering and internships helped you develop a sense of becoming a nurse or how they developed skills you will apply in nursing school.

9. Share your plans

Everybody has plans. You have short, medium, and long-term goals as you prepare to enter nursing school. You should include them in your essay and demonstrate how the program or school will help you achieve them. Admission officers are always wowed by hearing about goals, especially if they relate to their schools or programs. As you do this, be very specific with the goals and how you intend to achieve them.

All set, but before You Go �

As you contemplate entering nursing school, you must understand that it will never be a walk in the park. There is so much to learn within the specified time frame, and you must show your preparedness. A nursing school personal essay is one of the ways to do so.

Related Article:

  • Writing a nursing philosophy ( a student's guide)
  • Writing a nursing student resume (a guide)

Lucky for you, our nursing admission essay writers have shared insights, tips, and steps that can help you write an exceptional application essay for any nursing school or program. If you follow them, you will write a seamless admission essay that increases your chances of getting into the nursing school of your dreams.

We wish you luck in your endeavors and promise that were available in case you need a well-written, organized, and plagiarism-free admission essay tailored to your experiences and the specific nursing school or program requirements.

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Tips for Writing Your Nursing Program College Essays

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Giebien Na in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

The importance of your college essays, general advice for writing your nursing essays.

If you know you want to be a nurse, you probably have quite a few reasons for that. Instead of merely relying on your academic and test performances to tell your story, you get the opportunity in your essays to share exactly why you’re so passionate about nursing. Writing about this can be a clarifying and even exciting process. This article explains why college application essays matter and how you should write about why you want to become a nurse.

Grades and test scores matter when you’re applying to college, but your essays can help improve your chances of admission. They’re how you can express your experiences and make your desire to become a nurse clear and personal.

If your prospective school doesn’t have supplemental essays, it’s a good idea to include your interest in nursing in your Common App essay . This could mean that you end up with two different drafts of the essay: one for if there are supplemental essays where you can discuss your interests in nursing and one for if there are not. You’ll change them out depending on whether you also have to respond to specific prompts about why you want to pursue nursing. This may not sound like much fun, but it will help you be admitted to your school of choice.

It might seem exciting to apply to a place where you don’t have to write extra essays—it’s less work! If you don’t do that additional work, though, you’ll have fewer chances to explain yourself. You might not be able to share exactly why you think that you’re the right fit for a certain college or program. 

If you are writing supplemental essays for the colleges that you’re interested in, you can include more details about your passion for nursing. You’ll often be asked, “why this major?” or “why this school?” When you have those opportunities to share your specific reasons, you can let yourself get personal and go deep into your passion. Use that space to share important details about who you are.

Start Broad

When writing essays entirely about why you want to pursue nursing , try to start from a broad interest, then slowly work your way to telling specific personal stories and goals. 

When first thinking about your general interest in nursing, ask yourself what attracts you to the work of being a nurse. This can lead to powerful potential responses. Maybe you like taking care of people in the community. Perhaps you’ve always known that you wanted to make a difference in the healthcare profession, but you don’t want to be a doctor. You’d rather make patients’ healthcare experiences as comfortable and pleasant as possible. 

After you’ve described these broad, overarching motivations for wanting to go into nursing, consider any personal experiences that have made you want to be a nurse. Think about moments you’ve had during hospital visits or checkups or an anecdote from a time that you decided to volunteer in a healthcare role. Once you’ve written these stories, you can end the essay by discussing your planned major and career goals.

Discuss Your Future Goals

If you know what your end goal is, be sure to include it. You can write about becoming a registered nurse or maybe a nurse practitioner. It doesn’t have to be set in stone , but sharing a final ambition can help anchor your personal narrative. Writing about the future that you want can help the admissions officer reading your essay see how you view yourself. If they can do this, they’ll better understand your values and motivations and see you as a real candidate for their school. 

You don’t have to follow this pattern exactly. For example, it can be powerful to begin your essay in the middle of the action—you can dive right into an anecdote and get the reader interested in your story from the jump. 

While you should avoid dramatization, starting with a few clear, memorable scenes or a line or two of dialogue can make for an instantly interesting essay. All of this helps you show your passion, rather than simply explaining what intrigues you about a nursing career. 

Once you’ve led with your narrative, though, remember to ground it in clear reasons for your intended career and what you want your future to look like. A good essay will be balanced between the past, present, and future. It’s how a college will see who you are and everything that you have to offer.

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Smart Nurse

How to write a nursing career goals essay a simple guide

by ella | Feb 11, 2024 | Health

Nursing is a challenging and rewarding field with many opportunities for career growth. Whether you are just starting your nursing career or looking to advance to a higher level, writing a nursing career goals essay can help you achieve your goals.

A nursing career goals essay is not difficult to write if you know your long-term objectives. For many nurses, these goals revolve around making a difference in the lives of their patients. Others may want to advance their careers by taking on additional responsibilities or obtaining a higher degree.

Many nurses consider composing a career goals essay a challenging and time-consuming task.  However, with the proper guidance, it can also be an enriching experience. This simple guide will help you write a nursing career goals essay that will set you on the path to success. First, identify your long-term nursing goal.

What is a career goal essay?

A nursing career goal essay is an essay that allows nurse practitioners to reflect on their short-term and long-term career goals. This type of essay can help identify the steps that need to be taken to achieve these goals. It can also be used as a tool for self-reflection and personal development.

Many nursing programs require applicants to write a career goal essay as part of the admissions process. Your career goals can be short-term, such as completing a certain number of years in a specific nursing role, or long-term, such as becoming a nurse educator or researcher.

What is the importance of a nursing career goal essay

A nursing career goals essay can help you get noticed by top nursing school s. It sets you apart from other applicants and allows you to share your plans for your future in nursing. Your nursing career goals essay should include information on why you want to become a nurse and how you plan to achieve your goals.

It should be clear, concise, and well-written. The top nursing school admissions committee will look for qualities like dedication, motivation, and commitment in your essay. They want to see that you have a clear plan for your future and are passionate about becoming a nurse.

  • Writing a strong nursing career goals essay can help you get into the school of your dreams and start your career on the right foot
  • A nursing career goal essay allows you to present yourself as a professional nurse. This can help secure a job or advance your career
  • It also allows you to articulate your goals and objectives for your nursing career. This helps develop a plan for your job and ensures that you are on track to achieve your goals
  • Writing a nursing career goal essay can help to motivate you and keep you focused on your goals

The benefits of setting nursing career goals

A well-defined career goal will keep you motivated and focused on the necessary steps to achieve success. There are many benefits to setting nursing career goals:

  • A career goal gives you a sense of direction and purpose. Having a goal to work towards can make even the most challenging tasks feel manageable
  • It can also help to improve your time management skills as you learn to prioritize your time and energy toward achieving your goal
  • It can also help increase your job satisfaction. Achieving small goals along the way can give you a sense of accomplishment and pride in your work, which can be motivating factors in themselves

What to include in your nursing career goals essay

Much like a personal essay, a career goals essay reflects the writer’s aspirations, motivations, and experiences. Unlike a personal essay, however, a career goals essay should be tailored specifically to demonstrate how you will use your nursing education to further your career.

When writing your nursing career goals essay, remember that admissions committees seek evidence of your professional motivation and readiness for graduate-level coursework. To that end, your essay should include the following:

  • Describe your motivation for pursuing a career in nursing. What inspired you to choose this profession
  • Discuss your long-term goals. Where do you see yourself in 10 or 20 years
  • Discuss the short-term goals that will help you achieve the long-term goals
  • Explain how you plan to achieve these goals. What steps will you take to reach your desired position
  • Preferred work environment. Do you see yourself working in a hospital, a clinic, or another type of healthcare facility
  • Skills and experience. Include these key elements to demonstrate your ability to be a successful nurse
  • A description of your professional aspirations: what kind of nurse do you hope to become? What area(s) of nursing practice are you interested in? and why
  • An explanation of how graduate-level nursing education will help you achieve your career goals: what specific knowledge and skills do you hope to gain

The structure of a nursing career goals essay

A nursing career goals essay should be structurally sound to convey its message clearly and effectively. A nursing career goals essay can be informative and engaging by following this simple structure, ultimately helping the reader understand what it takes to succeed in this field. To achieve this, a few key elements must be included.


An introduction paragraph should be included to give the reader an overview of the essay’s discussion. It is essential to have a strong introduction paragraph. This will set the stage for the rest of the essay and give the reader an idea of what to expect.

The introduction paragraph should be eight sentences long and include a brief overview of your career goals. When writing a nursing essay, introduce yourself and your nursing career goals. Then, provide a brief overview of your professional experience to date.

Finally, explain what you hope to accomplish by pursuing a nursing degree. Including these key elements will give the reader a clear understanding of your motivation for pursuing a nursing degree and career aspirations.

The main body

The essay’s main body should comprise several paragraphs discussing a different point related to the nursing career goal. Provide evidence to support your claims. This can be done by discussing your past experiences and why you believe pursuing a nursing career is the right choice.

Describe your long-term goals. What do you hope to accomplish in your career? How will you know if you have achieved these goals? Explain how you plan to achieve these goals. What steps will you take to reach your objectives? Also, discuss what obstacles you anticipate and how you will overcome them.

The conclusion

A conclusion paragraph should be included, summarising the essay’s main points and leaving the reader with something to think about. Conclude your essay by reiterating your main points and reaffirming your commitment to becoming a nurse. In these paragraphs, reflect on how this new information has impacted your career goals is important.

For example, if you have decided to pursue a career in nursing after researching the field, you should discuss how your goals have changed and what specific steps you will take to achieve them. By including this information in your conclusion paragraphs, you will provide a well-rounded view of your thought process and ensure that your reader understands the implications of your research.

Tips for writing a successful nursing career goals essay

A career goals essay can be challenging to write if you do not know where you want your career to go. However, setting career goals is essential in planning your future. By taking the time to contemplate your objectives, you can set yourself up for success in your nursing career.

Writing a well-crafted nursing career goals essay is essential to stand out from the other applicants and succeed in getting into the nursing program of your choice. Here are some tips for writing a successful nursing career goals essay:

  • Be clear about your goals
  • Start by brainstorming your ideas
  • Outline your plan
  • Ensure that your goals are realistic and achievable, and don’t be afraid to dream big
  • Support your goals with evidence, examples, and anecdotes to illustrate your points
  • Explain how your past experiences have prepared you to achieve your goals
  • Explain how pursuing a career in nursing will help you achieve your goals
  • Describe how you plan to use your nursing degree to further your career goals
  • Be specific when writing about your career goals; it is essential to be as specific as possible
  • Keep the focus on you and your journey – this is YOUR story
  • Edit and proofread your essay carefully before submitting it

Nursing career goals essay sample

It is widely recognized that having clearly defined goals is essential to the success of any individual. For nursing students, this could not be truer. A nursing career goals essay sample can help you clearly define your goals and ambitions and set a clear path for your future.

Your essay about career goals in the nursing sample should include a discussion of why you want to become a nurse and what you hope to accomplish during your career. It is crucial to articulate your goals in a way that will allow you to measure your progress along the way.

An educational and career goals essay for the nursing sample can also provide valuable insight into what other nurses have done to achieve their success. Reading about the accomplishments of others can help inspire and motivate you to reach your potential.

Nursing career goals essay examples ideas

Nursing is a noble profession that offers daily opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives. Setting realistic goals before embarking on your nursing career is essential.

  • Becoming a nurse practitioner
  • Obtaining a position in a medical facility that is the right fit for you
  • Advance to a management position
  • Developing clinical skills and knowledge
  • Working in research and writing papers on various aspects of nursing care
  • Promoting good health and preventing illness
  • Provide quality patient care

Nursing career goals essay questions

A career in nursing can be both rewarding and challenging. Setting goals can help you stay focused on your long-term objectives and make the most of your nursing career. Here are a few examples of nursing career goals essay questions that you may be asked to answer in your essay:

  • What made you choose nursing as a career
  • What are your long-term career goals as a nurse
  • How do you plan on making a difference in the field of nursing
  • What do you hope to accomplish in your nursing career
  • How will you know if you have achieved your nursing goals

Essay topics on career goals in  nursing

Having a clear understanding of your goals and objectives as a nurse is vital. What type of nursing do you want to practice? What kind of patients do you want to work with? What type of environment do you want to work in? Answering these questions can help you narrow your focus and choose an essay topic that best suits your interests. If you’re interested in writing about your career goals, here are some potential essay topics to get you started:

  • What drew you to nursing? Why did you choose this career
  • What are your long-term career goals? What do you hope to achieve in your career
  • What are the biggest challenges you face as a nurse? How do you overcome them
  • What do you believe are the most important qualities of a successful nurse
  • Discuss the different types of nursing careers available
  • Outline your plans for achieving your chosen goal
  • Choose a specific nursing career goal
  • How do you plan on achieving your goals

Bottom line

Following the steps provided above when writing your nursing career goals essay will help to ensure that you create an achievable and effective plan. By taking the time to consider your long-term objectives, you can set yourself up for success in your nursing career.

Keep your goals realistic and attainable to stay motivated and on track. You can achieve anything you want in your nursing career with a clear plan and dedication.

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How to Write a Nursing Career Plan Essay Guide from Seasoned Nursing Writers

Picture of Jermaine Huey

  • November 29, 2023

Welcome to, your go-to resource for expert information and guidance on writing a successful nursing career plan essay . As nurses, effective communication is crucial in providing quality patient care and advancing in your career. Whether you’re a nursing student or a seasoned professional, this guide will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to help you excel in your BSN, MSN, or DNP program.

At, we understand the unique challenges that nurses face when it comes to writing. That’s why our team of seasoned nursing writers is here to empower you and help you navigate through the various writing assignments you’ll encounter throughout your education and career.

From personal statements for nursing school to exams, research papers, and professional publications, we’ve got you covered. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to confidently express your ideas and aspirations in writing, ultimately strengthening your nursing practice and contributing to the field.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writing is an essential skill for nurses in effectively communicating with patients and healthcare professionals.
  • Nurses encounter various types of writing assignments in school, including personal statements, exams, and research papers.
  • Crafting a compelling personal statement is crucial for gaining admission to nursing school.
  • Developing strong writing skills for exams and entrance evaluations is essential for success in your nursing education.
  • Research papers in nursing require careful topic selection, independent research, and proper structure.

Types of Writing Nurses Will Do in School

As aspiring nurses embark on their educational journey, they will encounter various types of writing assignments that are essential for their development as healthcare professionals. Writing plays a crucial role in nursing education as it helps nurses effectively communicate their thoughts, ideas, and research findings to their peers, instructors, and patients. Understanding the different types of writing nurses will engage in during their schooling is vital for their success in the field.

Personal Statements for Nursing School

One prevalent form of writing that nursing students will encounter is the personal statement for nursing school. This type of writing allows students to showcase their passion for patient care and their qualifications for the program. Personal statements often require students to reflect on their experiences, motivations, and career goals, demonstrating their commitment to the nursing profession. Crafting a compelling personal statement requires careful thought and attention to detail to present oneself effectively to admissions committees.

Exams and Entrance Evaluations

In addition to personal statements, nursing students will also face writing prompts during exams and entrance evaluations. These writing tasks assess students’ ability to articulate their knowledge, critical thinking skills, and clinical reasoning in a timed setting. It is important for students to develop strategies for planning, organizing, and writing essays efficiently to succeed in these high-pressure situations. Effective exam preparation and time management techniques are essential for achieving optimal results.

Research Papers in Nursing

Furthermore, research papers are common assignments in nursing programs, particularly at the graduate and doctoral levels. Engaging in research and scholarly writing is crucial for advancing the nursing field and contributing to evidence-based practice. Students will learn how to choose relevant topics, conduct independent research, analyze data, and present their findings in a clear and concise manner. Developing strong research and writing skills prepares nurses to contribute to the body of knowledge in their specialized areas of practice.

Nursing Career Essay Examples and Writing a Personal Statement for Nursing School

When applying to nursing school, one of the essential components of the application process is writing a personal statement. This essay provides an opportunity for aspiring nurses to showcase their passion for patient care and their qualifications for the program. Crafting a compelling personal statement requires careful thought and planning, as it serves as a reflection of the applicant’s goals and aspirations.

When writing a personal statement for nursing school, it is important to start with a strong introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. This can be achieved by sharing a personal story or experience that sparked the applicant’s interest in nursing. From there, the essay should focus on the applicant’s career goals and aspirations in the nursing field. It is crucial to highlight specific examples and achievements that demonstrate the applicant’s dedication to patient care and their potential to succeed in the program.

“My journey towards a career in nursing began when I witnessed the compassionate care provided by nurses during my grandmother’s hospitalization. This experience ignited a deep passion within me to make a difference in the lives of others through nursing. Through my volunteer work at a local clinic and my academic achievements, I have developed the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in nursing school and contribute to the healthcare field.”

In addition to showcasing personal experiences and achievements, it is important for applicants to convey their commitment to continuous learning and professional growth in the nursing field. This can be done by discussing participation in nursing organizations, ongoing education, and involvement in community healthcare initiatives. By demonstrating a strong sense of dedication and a genuine desire to contribute to the nursing profession, applicants can create a personal statement that stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

Exams and entrance evaluations are important milestones for nursing students as they assess their knowledge, skills, and readiness to enter the profession. In addition to multiple-choice questions, these assessments often include a writing component that tests students’ ability to articulate their thoughts and ideas effectively in a timed setting. It is crucial for nursing students to develop strategies for planning and writing essays under pressure to achieve optimal results.

One effective strategy is to carefully read and analyze the writing prompt before starting to write. Understanding the prompt ensures that students address all the required components and stay focused on the topic. Creating a brief outline can also help organize thoughts and ideas before diving into the essay. This outline serves as a roadmap, guiding students through the logical flow of their arguments.

During the writing process, it is important to keep track of time and allocate it wisely. Setting a reasonable timeframe for each section of the essay allows students to maintain a steady pace and complete the essay within the given time limit. Proofreading and editing are crucial steps to ensure clarity, coherence, and proper grammar and spelling. Students should allocate a few minutes at the end to review their essay and make any necessary revisions before submitting.

Strategies for Writing in a Timed Setting:

  • Read and analyze the prompt carefully
  • Create a brief outline before starting to write
  • Allocate time for each section of the essay
  • Proofread and edit before submitting

By practicing these strategies and familiarizing themselves with different writing prompts, nursing students can develop confidence in their ability to write effectively in a timed setting. Remember, preparation is key, so dedicating time to study and practice writing under timed conditions can significantly improve performance in exams and entrance evaluations.

Nursing Career Essay Examples: Exploring Research Papers in Nursing

Research papers play a crucial role in nursing education, particularly at the graduate and doctoral levels. These papers provide an opportunity for nursing students to delve deep into a specific topic, explore the existing body of knowledge, and contribute to the advancement of nursing practice. By conducting independent research, nurses expand their understanding of healthcare issues and develop critical thinking skills that are essential for evidence-based practice.

When writing a research paper in nursing, it is important to choose a relevant and compelling topic. Consider selecting a subject that aligns with your career goals and aspirations, as this will enhance your motivation and engagement throughout the research process. Additionally, ensure that your research question is clear and focused, allowing you to gather relevant data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Once you have identified your topic, conduct a comprehensive literature review to gain a thorough understanding of the existing research and identify any gaps or controversies in the field. This will provide the foundation for your research paper and allow you to position your study within the broader context of nursing knowledge. Remember to critically evaluate the sources you include in your literature review, considering factors such as the credibility of the authors and the validity of the research findings.

As you progress with your research, it is crucial to document and organize your findings effectively. Create a clear outline for your paper, ensuring that each section flows logically and supports your main research question. Use critical analysis to interpret your findings and draw conclusions that contribute to nursing practice.

Writing a research paper in nursing may present challenges, such as time management, difficulties in data collection, and the analysis and interpretation of findings. However, the benefits of engaging in research far outweigh these challenges. By undertaking research, nurses contribute to the advancement of nursing knowledge, promote evidence-based practice, and develop essential skills that will support their career goals and aspirations.

How to Write a Nursing Essay

When it comes to writing a nursing essay, there are several types of essays that nurses may need to write throughout their academic and professional careers. Each type of essay serves a different purpose and requires specific approaches to ensure effective communication of ideas. Whether you’re writing a narrative, expository, persuasive, comparative, or cause and effect essay, here are some essential tips to help you craft a compelling nursing essay.

Develop a Clear Thesis Statement

Before diving into your essay, it’s important to develop a clear thesis statement that sets the tone and direction of your writing. Your thesis statement should clearly state the main argument or point of your essay, providing a roadmap for your reader to follow. Take the time to brainstorm your ideas and ensure that your thesis statement accurately reflects the main focus of your essay.

Support Your Arguments with Evidence

In order to make a convincing argument in your nursing essay, it’s crucial to support your statements with evidence. This can include relevant research studies, statistical data, or personal experiences. By providing evidence, you demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the subject matter, making your essay more credible and persuasive.

Organize Your Essay Effectively

Proper organization is key to ensuring that your nursing essay flows logically and is easy to follow for your readers. Start by outlining the main points you want to cover and arrange them in a logical order. Consider using headings and subheadings to break up your essay into sections and provide clarity. Additionally, make sure to use transitional words and phrases to smoothly connect your ideas and create a cohesive essay.

Citations Guide for Nursing Students

Proper citations are crucial in nursing writing to ensure academic integrity and give credit to the original sources. In the field of nursing, there are specific citation styles that students are expected to follow. Familiarizing yourself with these styles and knowing how to cite sources correctly is essential for producing high-quality academic work.

One commonly used citation style in nursing is the American Psychological Association (APA) style. APA is known for its emphasis on clear and concise writing, as well as the inclusion of a comprehensive reference list. When citing sources in APA style, it is important to include the author’s name, publication year, title of the work, and the source’s location.

Another widely used citation style in nursing is the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. MLA is commonly used in the humanities and emphasizes the author’s name and page numbers in in-text citations. When citing sources in MLA style, it is important to include the author’s name, title of the work, publication year, and the source’s location.

In addition to APA and MLA, nursing students may also come across the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) for their writing assignments. CMS is often used in social sciences and focuses on footnote citations. When using CMS, it is important to include the author’s name, title of the work, publication information, and the specific page the information was taken from.

Understanding how to properly cite sources using these citation styles is essential for nursing students. It not only demonstrates academic integrity but also allows readers to locate and verify the information you have used in your work. By following the specific requirements of each citation style, you can ensure that your writing is accurate, professional, and in accordance with the standards of the nursing profession.

Becoming a Nurse-Writer

Writing is an essential skill for nurses, not only for effective communication but also for professional development. Nurses have valuable insights and experiences that can contribute to the field through writing for publication. Contrary to popular belief, good writing is not effortless or solely reliant on talent. It is a skill that can be learned and improved upon with practice and dedication. Overcoming writer’s block and developing a nurse-writer’s mindset are key to becoming a successful nurse-writer.

“Good writing is not a natural gift. You have to learn to write well.” – David Ogilvy

One common misconception is that writer’s block is a sign of incompetence or lack of talent. In reality, writer’s block is a natural part of the creative process that can be overcome with strategies such as brainstorming, outlining, and setting realistic writing goals. Nurses can also find inspiration by reading and engaging with other healthcare professionals’ writing. By immersing themselves in the world of nursing literature, nurses can gain new perspectives and ideas to enhance their own writing.

Another important aspect of becoming a nurse-writer is developing a nurse-writer’s mindset. This involves embracing the value of writing and recognizing the impact it can have on advancing the nursing profession. By writing for publication, nurses can contribute to the body of knowledge, drive positive change in healthcare practices, and raise awareness of important healthcare issues. Writing allows nurses to share their unique experiences, expertise, and research findings with a wider audience, ultimately improving patient care and nursing practice.

The Benefits of Nurse-Writers

  • Enhancing professional credibility: Writing for publication establishes nurses as experts in their field, enhancing their professional credibility.
  • Promoting personal and professional growth: Writing helps nurses develop their critical thinking, analytical, and research skills, fostering personal and professional growth.
  • Contributing to the nursing profession: By sharing their knowledge and experiences, nurse-writers contribute to the overall growth and development of the nursing profession.
  • Influencing healthcare practices: Nurse-writers have the opportunity to shape healthcare policies and practices by advocating for evidence-based care through their writing.
  • Networking opportunities: Writing for publication opens up networking opportunities with other healthcare professionals, fostering collaborations and knowledge exchange.

Becoming a nurse-writer is a rewarding journey that requires dedication, practice, and a passion for sharing nursing knowledge. By embracing writing as a means of professional growth and development, nurses can make a lasting impact on the nursing profession.

Advice on Writing for Professional Publication

In the field of nursing, writing for professional publication is both a valuable opportunity and a significant responsibility. By sharing their knowledge and experiences through publications, nurses can contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession and make a positive impact on patient care. While the idea of writing for publication may seem intimidating, with the right mindset and approach, nurses can become successful published authors.

To start writing for professional publication, it is important for nurses to develop a nurse-writer’s attitude. This means recognizing the value of their own insights and experiences, and having the confidence to share them with the wider nursing community. Nurses should view writing as a way to promote professional growth and development, as well as a means to improve patient outcomes and influence positive change in healthcare practices.

Although writing for professional publication can be challenging, nurses can overcome common barriers by establishing good writing habits and seeking support from their peers and mentors. It is essential to set aside dedicated time for writing, create a conducive writing environment, and practice self-discipline. Additionally, nurses should actively seek feedback on their writing from trusted colleagues and editors, as constructive criticism can help refine their work and enhance the chances of acceptance for publication.

“Writing is a form of knowledge creation and dissemination that can inspire, inform, and impact the nursing profession. By sharing their experiences, nurses not only contribute to the body of nursing literature but also inspire and empower their colleagues.”

Nursing Career Essay Examples

When writing for professional publication, nurses can consider sharing their personal career journeys and experiences as examples. This can provide valuable insights to other nurses who may be navigating similar paths or seeking inspiration for their own careers. By sharing their stories, nurses can highlight their accomplishments, challenges overcome, and lessons learned, ultimately inspiring and motivating their peers.

In conclusion, writing for professional publication is a powerful tool for nurses to contribute to the nursing profession and make a difference in patient care. By developing a nurse-writer’s attitude, seeking support, and sharing their personal experiences, nurses can become successful published authors and play an active role in shaping the future of nursing.

Why Nurses Should Write for Publication

Writing for publication can have numerous benefits for nurses and the nursing profession as a whole. It allows nurses to share their valuable knowledge, experiences, and research findings with their colleagues, contributing to the overall growth and advancement of the field. Moreover, publishing in professional journals not only enhances nurses’ credibility as nursing specialists but also adds to the fund of knowledge in nursing, fostering positive change and innovation.

By writing for publication, nurses have the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing conversation and dialogue within the nursing community. They can share their unique perspectives, insights, and best practices, which can inspire and inform others in the field. Additionally, publishing their work can also open doors to networking opportunities, collaboration with other professionals, and professional recognition.

Writing for publication is not only beneficial for individual nurses but also for the nursing profession as a whole. It helps disseminate evidence-based practices, new research findings, and innovative approaches to care, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes. Furthermore, by actively participating in the publication process, nurses can play a key role in shaping the future of nursing education, practice, and policy.

In conclusion, nurses should embrace the opportunity to write for publication as it allows them to make a meaningful impact on the nursing profession. By sharing their knowledge and experiences, nurses can contribute to the growth and development of the field while enhancing their own professional growth and credibility. Writing for publication is a powerful way for nurses to showcase their expertise, inspire others, and promote positive change in healthcare.

Writing is an invaluable skill for nurses, as it enhances their ability to provide quality patient care and contribute to the nursing profession. Whether it’s crafting a nursing career plan essay , writing a personal statement for nursing school, or conducting research for a nursing research paper, nurses can benefit greatly from honing their writing skills.

By mastering different types of writing, such as narrative, expository, persuasive, comparative, and cause and effect essays, nurses can effectively communicate their ideas and experiences. Writing also allows nurses to share their knowledge and expertise through professional publications, contributing to the growth and development of the nursing field.

As nurses strive to achieve their career goals and objectives, writing can play a crucial role in their professional path. It not only helps nurses convey their passion and qualifications for nursing programs, but it also expands their critical thinking and analytical abilities.

In conclusion, nurses should embrace writing as a means of professional growth and development. As they embark on their nursing career path, honing their writing skills will empower them to excel in BSN, MSN, and DNP programs. With the support and guidance of, nurses can overcome any writing and comprehension challenges they may encounter, ultimately becoming well-rounded professionals in the field.

What types of writing will nurses do in school?

Nurses will encounter various types of writing assignments in school, including personal statements for nursing school, exams, research papers, and essays.

What is a personal statement for nursing school?

A personal statement for nursing school is a written document that showcases an applicant’s passion for patient care and their qualifications for the program.

What strategies can I use for writing exams and entrance evaluations?

This section provides strategies for planning and writing essays in a timed setting, as well as tips for studying and preparing for the writing portion of these assessments.

How do I write a research paper in the nursing field?

This section discusses how to choose a relevant topic, conduct independent research, and structure a research paper in the nursing field.

What types of essays will nurses write?

Nurses will write various types of essays, including narrative, expository, persuasive, comparative, and cause and effect essays. This section offers tips on developing a thesis statement, supporting arguments with evidence, and organizing the essay effectively.

How do I properly cite sources in nursing writing?

Proper citations are essential in nursing writing to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original sources. This section explains the basics of popular citation styles in nursing, such as APA, Chicago, and MLA, and provides examples of how to cite sources correctly.

How can I become a nurse-writer?

This section emphasizes the value of nurses writing for publication and offers advice for developing a nurse-writer’s mindset and overcoming writer’s block.

Why should nurses write for professional publication?

Sharing information through professional journals benefits the nursing profession by adding to the fund of knowledge and promoting change and growth in the field. This section highlights the reasons why nurses should contribute to professional publications and the positive impact it can have on their credibility as nursing specialists.

How can writing enhance a nurse’s ability to provide quality patient care?

Writing is a valuable skill for nurses that can enhance their ability to provide quality patient care and contribute to the nursing profession. This section concludes the article by summarizing the main points discussed and encouraging nurses to embrace writing as a means of professional growth and development.

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15 Examples of Nursing Career Goals and How To Reach Them

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Nurses are more in demand than ever before, making the nursing profession rich with opportunities. You may be wondering, “Why is nursing a good career?” With most nursing roles projected to grow from 2020 to 2030 , there’s never been a better time to be a nurse. But with so much job growth potential comes competition, which makes it important to consistently invest in yourself and your skills.

Any sort of professional development needs clearly determined professional goals in order to be effective. Your professional goals should always be SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Here we’ll share 15 nursing career goals to consider for yourself and tips on how to achieve them.

Why Are Goals Important for Your Nursing Career?

Setting long-term goals will help you advance in your career as a nurse. Accomplishing these goals will increase your personal and professional satisfaction and will also combat burnout. Setting goals for your nursing career can help you:

  • Constantly develop skills
  • Improve earning potential
  • Feel fulfilled

15 Nursing Career Goals

1. manage advanced technologies..

There is only one constant with medical technology: it’s always evolving. Nurses working in medical facilities often use technology, like portable patient monitors or telehealth services , to create, access, or update patient files. Learning how to use these healthcare technologies—however daunting it may seem—can benefit your career.

Stay up to date with changing tech in the medical field by doing the following:

  • Read free blogs for nurses
  • Subscribe to magazines and journals for nurses
  • Download apps for nurses
  • Join professional organizations for nurses

2. Get nursing certifications.

Nursing certifications are helpful in all stages of your nursing career, whether you’re new to the workforce or looking for advancement. Gain a competitive leg up on other candidates by earning a certificate in an area you’re particularly interested in, such as first aid, clinical research skills, pediatrics, oncology, or neonatology.

3. Find a mentor.

Mentors can be extremely useful when planning your professional development. They can help you set goals, make difficult decisions, shape your professional values, and grow in your career. While some medical facilities have formal internal mentorship programs for nurses, you could simply seek out an informal mentor by asking a nurse you admire out for coffee. A good mentor can provide context on the wider nursing industry, share insight into their personal experience and lessons learned, and introduce you to new nurse connections.

4. Advance your nursing degree.

Advancing your nursing degree can boost your résumé, increase job security, and help you make more money. If you already have an associate degree in nursing, consider working towards a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). If you already have a bachelor's degree and would like to take on a leadership position in nursing administration and management, consider earning a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) specializing in leadership.

5. Start volunteering.

There is a constant and high demand for nurses to volunteer their time at clinics, hospitals, and other medical facilities in underserved communities, both in the United States and abroad. Internationally there is an even greater need and appreciation for volunteer nurses in developing countries. Both nursing students and registered nurses are often eligible for these types of programs. Providing volunteer assistance can be a very rewarding experience that can’t be replicated in a classroom or textbook.

6. Specialize in a particular nursing field.

While nurses are often “Jacks/Janes of all trades,” it’s wise to become a master of one. Maybe you entered the nursing field because of a particular personal experience that resonated with you, such as losing a family member to cancer. Or maybe you’re a couple of years into your career as a registered nurse and have realized you’re passionate about working with children. Either way, there are many different specialization roads nurses can walk down in their career path.

Consider the following types of medicine to specialize in:

  • Ambulatory care
  • Cardiovascular (care for patients with heart and blood issues)
  • Dialysis (the removal of waste from a patient's kidneys)
  • Gastroenterology
  • Geriatrics (care for elderly adults)
  • Holistic care
  • Infection control and prevention
  • Medical-surgical
  • Neonatal (care for newborns)
  • Neuroscience
  • Obstetrics (care for pregnant women and new mothers)
  • Oncology (care for patients with tumors)
  • Orthopedics (care for patients with bone and muscle issues)
  • Pediatrics or children's healthcare
  • Psychiatric or mental health care

7. Take care of yourself.

Nurses who practice self-care can ultimately perform their duties more efficiently and provide better care for their patients. Self-care is much more than a bubble bath on Sundays. It’s multiple deliberate activities all humans should do for mental and physical well-being. While self-care is important for all, it’s especially important for nurses whose main job is caring for others. You must keep your tank filled up so that you can provide better nursing care.

Examples of self-care include:

  • Mental: Meditate, journal, see a therapist, and practice positive visualization.
  • Physical: Eat quality foods, maintain a healthy weight, stretch daily, walk or stand more, and sit less.

8. Improve efficiency.

Becoming more efficient in your day-to-day nursing job tasks helps create balance when juggling multiple responsibilities. Efficiently completing tasks in a timely manner can create space for more responsibilities and career growth.

Here are some strategies that nurses can practice to improve efficiency:

  • Intention-setting: In the morning or the night before your workday, take a few minutes to write down or speak out loud your intentions for the day. What goals do you have? What tasks will you accomplish? What habits will you practice?
  • Organization: Plan your day—including breaks—in whatever way works for you (Google Calendar, physical planner, etc.).
  • Prioritization: With many tasks constantly vying for your attention, practice prioritizing the most important tasks first thing. Or, try structuring your day based on when you’re most productive and have the highest energy.

9. Improve communication skills.

Improving your communication skills is so important for career growth for nurses. Strong communication skills can boost health outcomes for patients and enhance relationships with co-workers, patients, and families. Good communication skills for nurses go beyond written and verbal communication. Nurses who actively listen are better able to care for patients, take direction from doctors, and be part of a team.

Other aspects of effective communication include:

  • Patient education
  • Compassion/trust
  • Cultural awareness
  • Presentation skills

essay in nursing career

10. Specialize in certain tasks.

Specializing in certain tasks is important for career growth as it improves productivity and accuracy. Most nurses have a broad scope of responsibilities and tasks that vary from patient to patient. But it’s never bad to be known for doing one particular task well.

Try earning a reputation for being exceptional for one of the following:

  • Administering medications and treatments to patients.
  • Collaborating within your team and across other teams on patient care.
  • Providing compassionate support to patients in need.
  • Operating medical equipment and technologies.
  • Educating your patients on managing their illness.

11. Maintain work-life balance.

Leading a balanced life can help you perform better as a nurse. It’s easy to fall into a workaholic trap and take your work home with you, but this will result in burnout. Make self-care a priority by keeping your physical and emotional needs a top priority, and don’t forget to have fun, too. For some selfless people (which many nurses are), making time for fun is actually a goal that can help you further your career. When you’re happy and healthy, it manifests as success in all areas of life.

12. Become an advocate.

A noble career goal for a nurse is to become a better advocate. Advocating can be for your patients, for new policies at work, or for practices you believe strongly in. Nurses can help advocate for patients by guiding them through the medical system and providing resources. For example, nurses can advocate for patients receiving chemotherapy with information on taking anti-nausea medication effectively. On a larger scale, you could become an advocate seeking to create systemic change by addressing health inequities and influencing health policy.

13. Become a mentor for others.

Mentoring another nurse that’s new in the field helps you become a better nurse. Nurse mentorship programs provide mutual professional growth through a supportive and ongoing relationship. As a mentor, you can help your mentee by offering emotional support, helping to chart a career path, and providing guidance on the day-to-day. Ultimately, helping another nurse will provide you with fulfillment in both your career and life.

14. Participate in workshops, in-services, or job shadowing.

If your workplace offers workshops, in-service classes, or job shadowing, you should take full advantage of those opportunities. Nursing is a dynamic profession that’s always changing, and nurses must adapt to new technology and policies faster than ever. These learning opportunities are usually free ways to expand your nursing industry knowledge and further enforce your commitment to your employer.

15. Learn on your own.

Outside of in-service classes and on-the-job shadowing offered by your employer, seeking out opportunities to learn on your own should be a constant nursing career goal. Courses, conferences, and webinars are all common sources for continuing education for nurses. You can also choose to continue your formal education by advancing your nursing degree.

Why Choose WGU?

With WGU’s accredited online nursing degrees you can continue working at your full-time job and maintain your family or personal responsibilities while pursuing your ideal nursing position through BSN or MSN degrees. WGU is flexible with your needs. You don't have to log in to classes and there aren't due dates. Learn more about our master’s degrees in nursing .

There are numerous opportunities that exist after getting a master’s degree in nursing. With an MSN, you could go on to become a:

  • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)
  • Nurse Administrator
  • Nurse Practitioner (NP)
  • Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
  • Clinical Nurse Leader
  • Informatics Nurse
  • Nurse Educator

As an MSN-educated nurse, your work in healthcare would change lives every day. After earning an MSN, you’ll have more opportunities to advance your healthcare career and impact patient care with a post-master’s certificate in nursing . You already have critical skills and knowledge that have brought you to an impactful career—now you can add additional specialty skills that will allow you to go further.

At WGU, there are two post-master’s certificate nursing programs that help master’s degree-holding nursing professionals advance in or diversify their career paths:

  • Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing–Education
  • Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing–Leadership and Management

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a bachelor’s degree in nursing.

A bachelor’s degree in nursing through WGU is an online nursing degree program designed for working registered nurses who have an ADN or nursing diploma and need an RN-to-BSN degree program that’s flexible with their schedule. The program focuses on the areas of research, theory, leadership, community concepts, healthcare policy, therapeutic interventions, and current trends in healthcare. You’ll learn to improve patient outcomes and influence communities with your knowledge of evidence-based practice, patient safety, technology integration, and healthcare systems and policies.

What is a master’s degree in nursing?

If your vision of your professional future includes a role in nursing administration and management, a CCNE-accredited master’s degree in nursing (MSN) is a must. When you pursue this degree, you'll get clinical practice experiences such as real-time simulation using immersive virtual reality training. Nurse managers with a master's degree combine their technical nursing know-how with strong people skills, organizational prowess, and business knowledge to lead healthcare teams to success—success that transforms lives. You’ll also increase your earning power.

How much do RN nurses make?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for registered nurses is $75,330 .

How much do BSN nurses make?

While the BLS doesn’t differentiate between nurses who’ve earned an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) versus those who’ve earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), according to , what degree you have does impact how much you can make. Amongst the ADN and BSN nurses polled, found that BSN nurses were earning, on average, $3.89 more per hour than ADNs.

How much do MSN nurses make?

According to the BLS, the median pay for master’s-educated nurses is $117,670 per year .

Ready to Start Your Journey?


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Nursing Essay Examples

Cathy A.

Nursing Essay Examples That Will Help You Write a Stellar Paper

Published on: May 6, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

nursing essay examples

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Many nursing students struggle with writing effective nursing essays, which are an essential part of their education and professional development.

Poor essay writing skills can lead to low grades and an inability to effectively communicate important information.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to writing nursing essays with examples and tips for effective writing. Whether you are a nursing student or a professional looking to improve your writing skills, this blog has something for you. 

By following the tips and examples provided, you can write compelling nursing essays that showcase your dedication to the field.

Let’s get started.

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What is a Nursing Essay?

A nursing essay is a type of academic writing that aims to explore a particular topic related to nursing. It also presents a clear and concise argument or viewpoint supported by evidence. 

Nursing essays can take many forms, including:

  • Descriptive essays
  • Reflective essays
  • Analytical essays
  • Persuasive essays

What is the Importance of the Nursing Essay?

Nursing essays are important for several reasons. First, they help nursing students develop critical thinking skills by requiring them to analyze and evaluate information.

Second, they help students develop research skills by requiring them to locate and use credible sources to support their arguments. 

Third, nursing essays help students develop communication skills by requiring them to present their ideas clearly and concisely in writing. Finally, nursing essays are important for nursing education because they prepare students for the types of writing.

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To help students better understand how to write nursing essays, it can be helpful to review examples.

Below are some examples of nursing essays.

Nursing School Essay Examples

College Nursing Essay Examples

Graduate Nursing Essay Examples

Nursing Scholarship Essay Examples

Nursing Essay Conclusion Examples

Nursing Essay Examples of Different Fields

Nursing is a diverse field with many different specialties and areas of focus. As a result, nursing essays can take many different forms and cover a wide range of topics. 

Given below are some examples of different types of nursing essays:

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing - Essay Examples

Cal State Fullerton Nursing Essay Examples

Evidence Based Practice Nursing In Medical Field - Essay Examples

Leadership In Nursing And Healthcare Professionals - Essay Examples

Principles Of Professional Practice Of Nursing Professionals And Pharmacists

If you're seeking additional examples of nursing essays, you're in luck! 

Below are some more examples that can help you gain a better understanding of nursing essays:

Health Care And Reflective Models For Nursing - Essay Examples

History Of Nursing Essay Examples

Ethical Dilemma In Nurses Work - Essay Examples

Mental Health Nursing Essay Examples

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Working In A Team And Collaboration In Nursing

How to Write a Nursing Essay

Writing a nursing essay can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience.

Here are the key steps involved in writing a nursing essay:

Understanding the Topic and Question

The first step in writing a nursing essay is to carefully read and understand the topic and question. 

This will help you determine what information you need to research and include in your essay. Make sure you understand any key terms or concepts related to the topic. Consider different perspectives or viewpoints that may be relevant.

Researching the Topic

Once you have a clear understanding of the topic and question, it's time to research. 

Start by gathering information from credible sources such as academic journals, textbooks, and government websites. 

Consider both primary and secondary sources, and make sure to take detailed notes as you read.

Organizing and Outlining the Essay

Once you have completed your research, it's time to organize your ideas and create an outline for your essay. 

Start by identifying the main points or arguments you want to make, and then organize them into a logical order that flows well. 

Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Writing the Essay

With your outline in place, it's time to start writing your essay. Make sure to follow your outline closely, and use clear and concise language that effectively communicates your ideas. 

Use evidence from your research to support your arguments, and cite your sources appropriately.

Editing and Revising the Essay

Once you have completed a first draft of your essay, take some time to edit and revise it. Look for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation, and make sure your essay is well-organized and flows well. 

Consider asking a peer or instructor to review your essay and provide feedback.

What To Include In Your Nursing Essay

When writing a nursing essay, there are several key elements that you should include. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Introduction

Your introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and purpose of your essay. It should also include a clear thesis statement that presents your main argument or point of view.

  • Background Information

Provide some background information on the topic to help the reader better understand the context of your essay. This can include relevant statistics, historical information, or other contextual details.

  • Evidence and Examples

Use evidence and examples from your research to support your arguments and demonstrate your knowledge of the topic. Make sure to cite your sources appropriately and use a variety of sources to strengthen your argument.

  • Analysis and Evaluation

Provide analysis and evaluation of the evidence and examples you've presented. This can include discussing strengths and weaknesses, comparing and contrasting different viewpoints, or offering your own perspective on the topic.

Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement. It should also offer some final thoughts or suggestions for further research or action.

Nursing Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing a topic for your nursing essay can be challenging, but there are many areas in the field that you can explore. Here are some nursing essay topic ideas to consider:

  • The role of technology in nursing practice
  • The impact of cultural diversity on healthcare delivery
  • Nursing leadership and management in healthcare organizations
  • Ethical issues in nursing practice
  • The importance of patient-centered care in nursing practice
  • The impact of evidence-based practice on nursing care
  • The role of nursing in promoting public health
  • Nursing education and the importance of lifelong learning
  • The impact of nursing shortages on healthcare delivery
  • The importance of communication in nursing practice

These are just a few ideas to get you started. You can also explore other topics related to nursing that interest you or align with your academic or professional goals. 

Remember to choose a topic that is relevant, interesting, and feasible to research and write about.

Tips for Writing an Effective Nursing Essay

Writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you write an effective nursing essay:

  • Writing Concisely and Clearly

Nursing essays should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms. Use simple language and short sentences to help ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly and effectively.

  • Stating a Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should clearly state your main argument and provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and located at the end of your introduction.

  • Using Proper Citation and Referencing

Citing and referencing your sources is crucial in any academic writing, including nursing essays. Make sure to use proper citation and referencing styles, such as APA or MLA. Include a reference list or bibliography at the end of your essay.

  • Seeking Feedback and Revising

Before submitting your nursing essay, seek feedback from peers, professors, or writing tutors. Use their feedback to revise and improve your essay. Make sure that it is well-structured, coherent, and effectively communicates your point of view.

By following these tips, you can write a nursing essay that demonstrates your knowledge and skills in the field.

In conclusion, writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. 

To showcase your knowledge in the field of nursing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the topic at hand. When writing your nursing essay, be sure to include relevant examples, incorporate current research, and use proper citation and referencing. 

And remember , seeking feedback and revising your essay is key to ensuring that it effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.

If you need help with your nursing essay or any other type of academic writing, consider using our AI essay writer . 

Our nursing essay writing service can provide personalized support to help you succeed in your academic goals.

So, why wait? Contact us to get college essay writing help today! 

Cathy A. (Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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essay in nursing career

16 Reasons to Choose a Career in Nursing

Gayle Morris, BSN, MSN is committed to delivering content that is objective and actionable. To that end, we have built a network of industry professionals across higher education to review our content and ensure we are providing the most helpful information to our readers.

Drawing on their firsthand industry expertise, our Integrity Network members serve as an additional step in our editing process, helping us confirm our content is accurate and up to date. These contributors:

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Integrity Network members typically work full time in their industry profession and review content for as a side project. All Integrity Network members are paid members of the Red Ventures Education Integrity Network.

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essay in nursing career

Do you have a passion for caring for people and want to see them get better? Consider a career in nursing.

Registered nurses (RNs) are in demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects RN jobs to grow faster than average between 2022-2032. New RN roles will open as an estimated third of nurses over 55 retire, according to the Journal of Nursing Regulation.

Nursing offers many entry-level nursing options , specialties, working environments and pathways for advancement. Learn 16 reasons why choosing a nursing career might be right for you.

1 | Nurses Make a Real Difference

Nurses do much more than perform medical tasks. As a nurse, you can make a real difference in someone’s life. You can offer hope to people, sometimes during the worst time of their life. Nurses often counsel patients and families after a devastating diagnosis, celebrate good news, and become trusted confidantes.

Nurses can also improve their communities through volunteering. In a 2017 survey , 74% of nurses pointed to non-work related activities when asked what they had done to improve their community’s health. Activities included health fairs, health-related volunteering, raising or donating money, and traveling for volunteer work.

“Oftentimes, people are alone in the hospital, and while they (of course) need medical care, they also sometimes just need a friend and to know that someone cares. As a nursing student, this is something you can do even on your first day.”

— Sarah Brooks, ABSN student

2 | Nursing Degree Programs Exist Everywhere

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) ranks health professions second for the number of associate and bachelor’s graduates. Most large cities have many colleges and universities that offer an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) program .

3 | Nurses Can Pursue Their Education Online

You can get your nursing degree through an accredited online nursing program anywhere in the U.S. Since nursing is a hands-on profession, you will be required to take classes online and complete in-person nursing clinicals in a healthcare setting.

It’s important to ensure any nursing program you attend is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing or Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education . This is necessary to take the National Council Licensure Examination for RNs (NCLEX-RN) and master NCLEX-style test questions to get your license.

4 | Many Nursing Students Find Financial Aid Opportunities

Student debt can be overwhelming. Even with payback programs, it can take up to a decade to pay off school loans. Fortunately, nursing students have many ways to pay for nursing school .

Some options to reduce total debt include nursing scholarships and grants from various organizations. Financial aid is available for students seeking an associate, bachelor’s, master’s , and even DNP degree. Many hospitals also offer tuition reimbursement programs for staff looking to go back to school to get their ADN or BSN.

Financing your nursing school education doesn’t have to leave you with a lot of debt.

5 | Nurses Can Enter the Workforce Relatively Quickly

Several nursing degrees allow you to enter the workforce quickly. You can earn an ADN, pass the NCLEX-RN, and get your nursing license in as little as two years. Then, if you return to school to complete your bachelor’s degree, you can do it while earning a stable income.

Associate degrees in nursing are one of the highest paying associate degrees. According to Payscale data from October 2023 , graduates of an ADN program make $76,000 per year, which is $23,740 more than graduates of other associate degree programs.

Earning your BSN degree opens more opportunities for career advancement and a higher average annual salary of $92,000, according to Payscale .

6 | Nurses Have a High Level of Job Satisfaction

The 2019 American Mobile Nurses (AMN) Healthcare survey found that 81% of nurses were satisfied or extremely satisfied with their career choice.

When asked if they would encourage others to become a nurse, 70% said “yes.” The survey also found that supporting professional development was tied to job satisfaction.

When employers supported nursing professional development , 52% were extremely satisfied with their jobs. When employers did not support professional development, only 7% were extremely satisfied.

In 2023, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) reported that 100,000 nurses left nursing during the pandemic because of increased workloads and rising levels of workplace violence , burnout , and nurse bullying .

About 800,000 expressed intent to leave by 2027. Yet, with all the challenges nurses face, nursing schools are still turning away tens of thousands of qualified applicants every year since 2019 because they do not have the nursing faculty to educate aspiring nurses.

Nursing schools nationwide need more nursing faculty. Yet, schools in midwestern states such as Wisconsin, Iowa, and Kansas, have about a 7% nurse faculty vacancy rate compared to about 10% vacancy rate in Southern and Western states, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing .

“When I speak with people and tell them my job, almost always the response is, ‘Once when I was sick, I had the best nurse take care of me, and I’ll always remember them helping me.’ It is a wonderful feeling to know we have helped.”

— Elizabeth Clarke, FNP, MSN, RN, MSSW

7 | Nurses Get to Do Exciting Work

Each day with patients can be different. Whether in a clinic, office, a hospital, or an organization, nursing is not dull. In the McKinsey Frontline Workforce Survey from November 2021 by AMN Healthcare, data showed that 32% of nurses had plans to leave their current positions. Only 29% of these nurses planned to stay in a direct patient care role.

The rest of the nurses had plans to move into a non-beside role , further their education, or leave the workforce to focus on their family or other life goals. Nurses who planned to leave direct patient care wanted work-life balance, flexible work hours, safe working environments, better compensation, and more manageable workloads.

“Nursing is incredibly versatile, and there are many ways to learn new skills and apply the ones you already have. It is one of the most exciting and unique things about nursing; you can be a chameleon and constantly change.”

8 | Nursing Is a Respected Field

In 1999, Gallup started a decades-long survey to determine the most ethical and honest profession. In January 2023, Americans ranked nurses in the number one position for an impressive 23 years. The only year nurses were not in the top spot was following September 11, 2001, when firefighters earned the highest score.

In addition to ranking first, nurses earned the highest score to date in 2020 for honesty and ethics. In 2020, the ranking was four percentage points higher than the last recorded high in 2019.

9 | Nurses Can Choose Their Specialty

Nurses are vital to delivering healthcare in many different settings. You can choose from over 100 nursing specialties , so you’ll likely never be bored.

You can focus on a specific population, such as gerontological nursing , or go into a more specialized field, such as a flight nurse or transplant nurse . You can also pursue roles that do not directly work with patients, such as health policy careers .

Nurses can easily move from one specialty to another. For example, after practicing as a dialysis nurse , you may wish to become a traveling nurse. If you are an experienced specialty nurse, you may be able to pick your assignments.

If you want to become a labor and delivery nurse , you may need some hands-on experience and continuing education for nurses before finding a new position.

10 | Nurses Work in a Stable Industry

By 2030, the entire baby boomer generation will have reached age 65. Up to 85% of older adults have at least one chronic health condition, and 60% have at least two. According to the BLS, nurses are in demand to care for a growing population of people with chronic diseases.

The BLS projects that job growth for nurses at all levels is expected to grow faster than average because of this demand. The projected job growth includes 118,600 nurse practitioner (NP) jobs and 177,400 RN jobs.

11 | Nurses Receive Excellent Benefits

Hospitals, clinics, and doctor’s offices may offer excellent benefits to attract and keep qualified professionals. For example, a nurse’s median annual salary of $81,220 is well above $46,310, which is the average annual salary of all occupations.

Travel nurses usually receive added benefits for filling an in-demand position on short notice and for the inconvenience of living and working in another city. They usually receive hazard pay or critical staffing pay in addition to the higher average hourly wage that travel nurses earn compared to staff nurses. These can include benefits to cover travel expenses and a stipend for housing, meals, and other bills.

Benefits for nurses include:

  • Paid sick time
  • Paid vacation and holidays
  • Paid family leave
  • Bonuses for working extra shifts or when understaffed
  • Health and life insurance
  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Retirement benefits
  • Wellness programs
  • Subsidized travel
  • Student loan repayment
  • Shift differentials where nurses earn more for working holiday, weekend, or night shifts

12 | Nurses Develop Transferable Career Skills

Nursing offers the opportunity to adapt your professional life to fit your lifestyle. For example, you can find work in a variety of geographical locations and work environments. You may choose to work full or part-time and day or night-shift. You can also work shifts as short as four hours or as long as 12 and make more money in shift differentials.

In your first year of nursing school , you’ll develop and hone nursing skills like critical thinking, communication, and organizational skills. You will develop the ability to remain calm and focused in an emergency.

These skills can help you transition from clinical nursing to other non-bedside options , including nursing administration , nonprofit management in nursing , public health nursing , correctional facilities, or being a missionary nurse in clinics across the world.

“Nursing is also a flexible career with so many options. If you don’t like a certain floor or hospital, you can try another one. If you don’t like your current schedule, you can switch it. If you want to further your education and advance your career, there are many ways to do so.”

13 | Nursing Grads Have Smoother New Hire Transitions

All nurses experience orientation or onboarding as they move from an academic to a clinical setting after they graduate as a nurse . For many nurses working in large teaching hospitals, this transition may be eased by the hospital’s one-year nurse residency programs designed to help new nurses successfully transition from school to various work settings for nurses .

Although there is a nursing shortage across the U.S. , it is still challenging to get a premium job. You can improve your success by working while you’re in school to gain nursing experience and complete internships. Nursing students who gain volunteer experience and network while in nursing school also have an advantage when it’s time to apply for their first nursing job.

14 | Nurses Collaborate With Different Healthcare Professionals

Nurses play a unique role in healthcare. They spend a lot of time with patients at the bedside, so they must collaborate with healthcare teams to coordinate patient care and improve outcomes.

The bedside nurse is the hub of patient activity. They know the recommendations of each healthcare professional attending to the patient. Nurses need strong organizational and critical thinking skills to understand how each recommendation affects the overall care plan.

They must also explain the care plan and instructions to patients and their families in an understandable way.

“Nurses are often the first person to assess and examine a patient and to come up with differential diagnoses or an assessment of what the problem may be. From there, the nurse lets the attending physician or provider know the outcomes of the assessment.”

15 | Nurses Have Many Leadership Opportunities

The skills you learn caring for patients can help as you apply to a charge nurse role on the unit. Charge nurses must assign patient care and monitor the staff, making adjustments as needed during the shift.

Nurses with strong nursing leadership skills may go on to positions in administration, such as unit managers, clinical nurse leaders , patient care directors, or chief nursing officers .

You can also take advantage of leadership roles in clinical practice, including advanced practice nurses , clinical nurse specialists , and case managers . Nursing offers several avenues to take additional responsibility and progress up the career ladder.

16 | Nurses Are at the Forefront of the Telemedicine Movement

Telehealth nursing increased significantly during 2020 when healthcare providers began treating patients at home to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

The need for remote telemonitoring for patients in the intensive care unit or at home continues to grow. Remote monitoring can reduce costs for a hospital or physician’s office without sacrificing patient care.

Nurses are integral to patient consultations, taking patient histories and coordinating care at home. They are often the primary source of health education and monitoring. Incorporating telehealth services has given nurses a new tool to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Popular Online RN-to-BSN Programs

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.

A Nurse and a Nursing Student Share Why They Choose a Nursing Career

Portrait of Elizabeth Clarke, FNP, MSN, RN, MSSW

Elizabeth Clarke, FNP, MSN, RN, MSSW

Elizabeth Clarke is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. Her experience spans emergency departments, cardiac units, pediatric urgent care, and occupational health settings. She earned her bachelor of science in nursing and master’s in nursing from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida.

Clarke is a paid member of the Red Ventures Education Integrity Network.

Portrait of Sarah Brooks

Sarah Brooks

I’m a mom to three daughters, currently enrolled in an accelerated nursing program. Prior to nursing school, I spent over a decade as a writer and editor in the personal finance niche. While I’ve enjoyed it, I’ve always felt a desire to go back to school to become a nurse. With my youngest starting kindergarten last August, I figured there was no better time for me to take the leap and return to school. My career goals include both working as a nurse and continuing to write and edit in the finance and healthcare spaces.

Sarah is a paid member of the Red Ventures freelance Education Student Network.

What experience of making a difference as a nurse would you share with a prospective student to help them understand how nurses make a difference?

I can remember feeling overwhelmed, working my first holiday shift as a new graduate RN.

It was New Year’s Day, my unit was busy and short-staffed. Patients and family members were short-tempered. I ran from patient room to patient room, getting their medications done relatively on time, monitoring vital signs, and ensuring my post-cardiac catheterization patients remained on bed rest.

I had a patient who needed monitoring, she was very sick, but was waiting on testing. She was frustrated, hungry, and thirsty. She was being kept NPO (nothing by mouth), since her doctors still did not know what was wrong with her.

Every time I passed by her room, she would call out and ask for help, needing reassurance. One of the times I stopped in, she began complaining of severe abdominal pain.

I looked at her abdomen and noticed it was beginning to appear distended. Her face was pale with pain, a fine sheen of sweat forming. I auscultated (listened to with my stethoscope) her abdomen, and heard nothing, no bowel sounds. I palpated her abdomen; it was rock hard.

I called the on-call internal medicine physician covering her that day. I quickly gave him a rundown of my concerns, how she looked, and her growing abdomen.

He came right up, we examined her together, and he went running to call a stat surgical consult. He asked me to drop an NG (nasogastric tube) down to see if we could decompress her, standard procedure if you suspect someone has an obstruction or ileus. I grabbed my supplies and my health care technician for help.

We went in and quietly explained to our patient what we needed to do, how we needed to help her, that I would try and get her pain under control and we would figure out what was wrong.

She was clenching her teeth in pain, fear, nausea, all of the above. We started prepping her to put in her NG tube when the surgery resident ran into the room, he began examining her in a brusque manner, pressing hard on her abdomen.

She cried out in pain, I remember quietly asking him if he would let me give her some IV pain medication quickly to minimize her pain while he finished the exam.

He gave me a quick nod and then called his attending on his cell phone in front of the patient, saying he needed an OR, stat. He then turned to my tech and me and told us to get her moving to the third floor OR suites now.

It was a tense moment, my patient did not understand what was happening, she was in severe pain, nauseous, and confused.

As we pushed her down the hall, grabbing additional staff for help, following the resident, I quickly told her they suspected a small bowel obstruction that was becoming worse, twisting her intestines, and they were rushing her so they could get her into the OR as soon as possible.

I remember promising her the on-call surgeon was very good, we would help her, and anesthesia would keep her comfortable so she would not feel any pain.

She asked to hold my hand. She wanted to know if I would be there when she woke up. I told her it depended on the time they finished the surgery, but I promised to tell the recovery room nurses to please hold her hand as they woke her up so she would know she was not alone.

I gave a quick bedside report to the receiving nurse and went back to my unit.

I was working the next day as well, and when I came into my unit, I looked in the system to see where my patient from the day before was. She was in the surgical ICU. I had a busy morning, so later in the afternoon, I asked my charge nurse if I could run down to the SICU to visit my patient, she agreed to watch my beds for me.

When I went into the SICU, I greeted some of my friends who were working and told them about my patient from the day before.

I connected with her nurse, she told me she was doing well, surgery was complicated by a previous liver transplant and lots of scar tissue. She said the surgery report noted the patient was quickly deteriorating and the obstruction was twisting the small bowel.

I went over to my patient’s bed and was surprised to see her awake and very alert. She smiled, reached for my hand, and thanked me. She started to cry, she told me no one had been listening to her when she tried to say something inside her was hurting.

She said she had felt ignored until she got transferred to my unit and I was her nurse. She told me she had felt very scared and discouraged, but when I told her I would take care of her and explained what was going on, she felt safe.

A decade and a half later, this patient is one I always remember even though I have cared for countless others since. I know I made a difference to her and provided excellent nursing care. We often speak of our nurses’ gut — our intuition.

On that New Year’s Day, I trusted my intuition; I knew something was very wrong. I listened to my patient and trusted my nursing assessment. I am glad I was able to make a difference in her life. She had a successful surgery — she survived — and was discharged to rehab for recovery a week later.

Sarah Brooks, ABSN Student

In my experience as a nursing student, it’s nurses that make or break a hospital stay. A kind, compassionate nurse who listens to their patients and does their best to meet their needs will be remembered.

My first shift in clinicals was on a Med-Surg floor specializing in disorders of the respiratory system. I was extremely nervous and had no idea what I was doing medical-wise, but I knew I could at least talk to my patients and provide a sense of comfort.

I had four patients in total and spent about an hour talking with them about why they were admitted to the hospital, how they were feeling, and other details of their lives. When I told them I was leaving for the day, they all individually thanked me for taking the time to sit with them.

Oftentimes, people are alone in the hospital and while they (of course) need medical care, they also sometimes just need a friend and to know that someone cares. As a nursing student, this is something you can do even on your first day.

What reasons do you have for being satisfied with choosing nursing as a career, even amid the challenges in the field right now? Why would you recommend nursing to prospective nursing students?

Nurse Elizabeth Clarke, FNP, MSN, RN, MSSW

I love being a nurse practitioner. I am proud to say I am a BSN RN and a family nurse practitioner.

I often have been with people in their hardest moments — when they are at their sickest, most injured, or most scared. I have been able to provide care, answer questions, hold a hand, and save lives.

Being an RN and now an NP has allowed me to fulfill my desire to help others and serve my patients and their families.

I recently saw a reel on a social media platform where the person filming it was speaking about hard times, and how we can choose to be someone’s light during their darkest hour. To me, this is what being an RN is all about.

We can be someone’s light; we are the helpers. At the end of some of my hardest shifts back when I was an RN, the days where I had too many patients, too high of an acuity, and no time to eat, I always knew I was helping.

Without my care, those patients may not have had their medications on time or had their pre-op workup completed, or been recovered from their procedure, or may have fallen when they tried to move from their bed to the bathroom.

When I speak with people and tell them about my job, almost always the response is, ‘Once when I was sick, I had the best nurse take care of me, and I’ll always remember them helping me.’ It is a wonderful feeling to know we have helped.

Nursing is a second career for me and is something that had been in the back of my mind for many years. I knew I had to at least give it a shot. From what I’ve experienced so far, the rewards of nursing outweigh the hard times by far.

I, personally, am satisfied with choosing nursing as a career because it’s truly a job that makes a difference.

It’s not always going to feel that way, but when push comes to shove, it is us nurses that the patients will remember. It’s up to us whether their hospital stay is an excellent one or a poor one. I love knowing that I’m directly impacting the lives of patients day in and day out.

Nursing is also a flexible career with so many options. If you don’t like a certain floor or hospital, you can try another one. If you don’t like your current schedule, you can switch it.

If you want to further your education and advance your career, there are many ways to do so. There are school nursing, work-from-home nursing jobs, per diem jobs, and more.

While the main thing that drew me to the career was my interest in the medical field and the ability to make a difference in the lives of others, the schedule flexibility and opportunities for advancement helped to solidify my decision.

What do you find exciting about your nursing career?

I work in occupational medicine currently, so while it is not quite as exciting as my days back in the ED or cardiac unit, it does have its moments of excitement and busyness.

One of the most exciting things about being an RN is that you can work almost anywhere in the medical field.

If working with children interests you, choose pediatrics. If surgery is where your interests lie, think about working in the operating room as a scrub nurse, or in the pre or post-operative units prepping and recovering patients.

Are you someone who craves an adrenaline rush to keep you on your toes at work? The emergency department is your place then, there is never a boring moment. From overdoses, to accidents, and illnesses, the ED is hopping.

If you tire or are burnt out in your chosen area, you can switch to a different area of nursing. Nursing is incredibly versatile. There are many ways to learn new skills and apply the ones you already have. It is one of the most exciting and unique things about nursing, you can be a chameleon and constantly change.

The entire job of a nurse is exciting because anytime you walk through the hospital doors, you truly don’t know what you’ll walk into.

You never know if you’ll have a smooth, calm day or a crazy, hectic one. Things can take a turn for the worse at any time and on any floor, so you always need to be prepared and keep an eye on your patients at all times.

I also get excited thinking about my future as a nurse and what that will look like.

Again, this is a career with so many options and opportunities. I’ve toyed with everything from going back to school to pursue my nurse anesthetist degree (CRNA) to working from home as a nurse writer.

Only time and experience will determine what I’ll land on, but I definitely get excited thinking about all the possibilities.

How would you say about how the nurse’s pivotal role in coordinating patient care with the rest of the healthcare helps make nursing a good career choice?

As nurses, we are constantly in contact with other healthcare professionals. From doctors, NPs, or PAs to therapists (physical, occupational, speech or mental health), to registered dieticians, and more, we must collaborate with other professionals regarding what is best for our patients.

Nurses are often the first people to assess and examine a patient and to come up with differential diagnoses or an assessment of what the problem may be.

From there, the nurse lets the attending physician or provider know the outcomes of the assessment. In this way, nurses have a unique position to see, assess and call attention to a problem.

Nurses are excellent at knowing what other care a patient may need, and how to ask for that help. If a nurse sees a patient struggling to swallow, asking for a referral to speech therapy can help ensure the safety of that patient so they do not aspirate.

Nurses are often asked by the provider how the patient is doing and what their needs are – this is an example of the provider realizing the pivotal roles nurses play.

Collaboration in nursing is often mentioned during nursing school, because of this, nurses develop excellent collaboration skills.

Nursing is a great career choice for those who want to help, care, and collaborate for the best outcomes of their patients.

Nurses are the eyes and ears of the hospital. If something goes wrong, it’s almost always a nurse who catches it first. We are the ones in the hospital 24/7.

Doctors, of course, have a pivotal role in determining treatment plans and helping patients recover, but it’s the nurses who play out the treatment plan, see how the patient is responding, and keep the doctor in the loop on any changes.

In my (limited) experience, one thing I’ve really come to learn is that it truly takes a patient care team to treat the patient. All roles are equally necessary and important.

Not only do nurses collaborate with other members of the healthcare team, but also with the family members of the patient. This could be in person or by calling a family member to update them on the status of their loved one.

The nurse not only provides comfort to the patient, but to the family members, as well.

Frequently Asked Questions About Nursing Careers

What are the reasons for choosing nursing as a career.

Most nurses choose to work in the profession to help others live better lives. Whether you work in a hospital, clinic, missionary clinic overseas, administration, or correctional facility, the underlying reason most nurses choose the profession is to help those in need. Another reason is that nursing is a high-paying career with advancement opportunities and flexibility.

How hard is it to become a nurse?

You can become a nurse in as little as two years by completing an ADN. You can further advance your career options and salary by earning a BSN degree. You can do this in two years if you already have an RN license, online or in the classroom and while you continue to work. You can also earn an accelerated BSN degree if you hold a bachelor’s in another field.

What qualities do you need to be a nurse?

Nurses are compassionate, patient, and understanding. They have strong critical thinking, communication, and organizational skills. You may not have these skills at the start of your nursing education but will develop them in your nursing program and hone them in your practice.

How do I know if nursing is right for me?

If you are curious to learn more about health and wellness and have a desire to help others, consider speaking with an admission counselor at your local college or university. You may also want to consider volunteering in a hospital or shadowing a nurse for a shift.

Page last reviewed on November 2, 2023

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Best Nursing Schools: State-by-State Guide 2024

Posted: March 4, 2024 | Last updated: March 4, 2024

<p>Choosing the right school is crucial if you embark on a nursing career. Our comprehensive guide spotlights the top nursing school in each U.S. state for 2024. From prestigious programs to hidden gems, discover where you can pursue excellence in nursing education and kickstart a rewarding healthcare career.</p>

Choosing the right school is crucial if you embark on a nursing career. Our comprehensive guide spotlights the top nursing school in each U.S. state for 2024. From prestigious programs to hidden gems, discover where you can pursue excellence in nursing education and kickstart a rewarding healthcare career.

<p>A pioneer in nursing education, research, and patient care, the UAB School of Nursing provides diverse programs from BSN to DNP and PhD. Specializing in Family Nurse Practitioner and Nursing Informatics, it fosters nurse leaders through cutting-edge facilities and extensive clinical collaborations in Birmingham and beyond.</p>

Alabama: University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Nursing

A pioneer in nursing education, research, and patient care, the UAB School of Nursing provides diverse programs from BSN to DNP and PhD. Specializing in Family Nurse Practitioner and Nursing Informatics, it fosters nurse leaders through cutting-edge facilities and extensive clinical collaborations in Birmingham and beyond.

<p>University of Alaska Anchorage’s School of Nursing excels in training nurses for Alaska’s distinct healthcare demands, particularly in rural and underserved regions. ADN, BSN, and MSN programs, including remote learning, prioritizes cultural proficiency and evidence-based methods. Graduates are equipped to thrive in varied healthcare settings across the state.</p>

Alaska: University of Alaska Anchorage School of Nursing

University of Alaska Anchorage’s School of Nursing excels in training nurses for Alaska’s distinct healthcare demands, particularly in rural and underserved regions. ADN, BSN, and MSN programs, including remote learning, prioritizes cultural proficiency and evidence-based methods. Graduates are equipped to thrive in varied healthcare settings across the state.

<p>In Tucson, the University of Arizona College of Nursing has varied nursing programs, from BSN to PhD. Renowned for pioneering research in cancer prevention, health disparities, and chronic illness management, it emphasizes evidence-based practice and patient-centered care. Its cutting-edge simulation labs and extensive clinical collaborations train students to serve a heterogeneous population. </p>

Arizona: University of Arizona College of Nursing, Tucson

In Tucson, the University of Arizona College of Nursing has varied nursing programs, from BSN to PhD. Renowned for pioneering research in cancer prevention, health disparities, and chronic illness management, it emphasizes evidence-based practice and patient-centered care. Its cutting-edge simulation labs and extensive clinical collaborations train students to serve a heterogeneous population. 

<p>Arkansas State University’s Jonesboro School of Nursing provides multiple nursing programs, spanning BSN to DNP degrees. Emphasizing critical thinking and compassionate care prepares students for successful nursing careers. It tackles Arkansas Delta’s unique healthcare challenges with a rural health focus, fostering graduates esteemed for clinical excellence in varied healthcare settings.</p>

Arkansas: Arkansas State University School of Nursing, Jonesboro

Arkansas State University’s Jonesboro School of Nursing provides multiple nursing programs, spanning BSN to DNP degrees. Emphasizing critical thinking and compassionate care prepares students for successful nursing careers. It tackles Arkansas Delta’s unique healthcare challenges with a rural health focus, fostering graduates esteemed for clinical excellence in varied healthcare settings.

<p>UCSF School of Nursing stands out for its research, education, and clinical practice excellence. With advanced programs like Master’s, PhD, and DNP degrees, it specializes in Family Health, Pediatrics, and Psychiatric/Mental Health. Led by expert faculty, students access extensive clinical training and research opportunities within UCSF’s renowned health system.</p>

California: University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Nursing

UCSF School of Nursing stands out for its research, education, and clinical practice excellence. With advanced programs like Master’s, PhD, and DNP degrees, it specializes in Family Health, Pediatrics, and Psychiatric/Mental Health. Led by expert faculty, students access extensive clinical training and research opportunities within UCSF’s renowned health system.

<p>Situated on the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, the University of Colorado College of Nursing offers a comprehensive range of programs, from BSN to DNP and Ph.D., including innovative pathways like VBSN – the Veteran to Bachelor of Science in Nursing. It has topline research initiatives and clinical practice opportunities.</p>

Colorado: University of Colorado College of Nursing

Situated on the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, the University of Colorado College of Nursing offers a comprehensive range of programs, from BSN to DNP and Ph.D., including innovative pathways like VBSN – the Veteran to Bachelor of Science in Nursing. It has topline research initiatives and clinical practice opportunities.

<p>Renowned for excellence in education, research, and clinical practice, Yale School of Nursing provides MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. Integrating nursing with public health and primary care equips graduates to tackle healthcare challenges holistically. Rich in social justice and health equity, its curriculum fosters nurses devoted to enhancing community well-being.</p>

Connecticut: Yale School of Nursing, Yale University

Renowned for excellence in education, research, and clinical practice, Yale School of Nursing provides MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. Integrating nursing with public health and primary care equips graduates to tackle healthcare challenges holistically. Rich in social justice and health equity, its curriculum fosters nurses devoted to enhancing community well-being.

<p>BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD degrees at the School of Nursing at the University of Delaware incorporate evidence-based practice and interprofessional education into its curriculum. Located in Newark, its research initiatives address critical societal healthcare issues. The students gain clinical experiences in diverse settings, from urban hospitals to community health centers.</p>

Delaware: University of Delaware School of Nursing

BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD degrees at the School of Nursing at the University of Delaware incorporate evidence-based practice and interprofessional education into its curriculum. Located in Newark, its research initiatives address critical societal healthcare issues. The students gain clinical experiences in diverse settings, from urban hospitals to community health centers.

<p>In Coral Gables, the University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies provides nursing programs spanning BSN to DNP and PhD degrees. Well-known for pioneering research in health disparities, HIV/AIDS, and family health, it guarantees its students advanced clinical simulations and global health experiences.  </p>

Florida: University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies, Coral Gables

In Coral Gables, the University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies provides nursing programs spanning BSN to DNP and PhD degrees. Well-known for pioneering research in health disparities, HIV/AIDS, and family health, it guarantees its students advanced clinical simulations and global health experiences.  

<p>In Atlanta, Emory’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing is a top-notch institution for nursing education. The school is recognized for its commitment to addressing health disparities and promoting patient-centered care. Students can engage in clinical practice and research in a city with some of the nation’s leading healthcare facilities.</p>

Georgia: Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing

In Atlanta, Emory’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing is a top-notch institution for nursing education. The school is recognized for its commitment to addressing health disparities and promoting patient-centered care. Students can engage in clinical practice and research in a city with some of the nation’s leading healthcare facilities.

<p>University of Hawaii’s School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene at Manoa gives students a unique perspective on health care in diverse and multicultural communities. All its programs, from the undergraduate to doctoral level, thrive on the integration of traditional and holistic health practices.</p>

Hawaii: University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene

University of Hawaii’s School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene at Manoa gives students a unique perspective on health care in diverse and multicultural communities. All its programs, from the undergraduate to doctoral level, thrive on the integration of traditional and holistic health practices.

<p>Boise State University’s School of Nursing addresses the rising need for proficient nursing practitioners. Prioritizing innovative healthcare approaches, leadership, and patient-focused services, the school blends clinical training, research, and community involvement. Students gain distinct clinical exposure through extensive collaborations with healthcare entities statewide, particularly in rural areas.</p>

Idaho: Boise State University School of Nursing

Boise State University’s School of Nursing addresses the rising need for proficient nursing practitioners. Prioritizing innovative healthcare approaches, leadership, and patient-focused services, the school blends clinical training, research, and community involvement. Students gain distinct clinical exposure through extensive collaborations with healthcare entities statewide, particularly in rural areas.

<p>The College of Nursing at the University of Illinois at Chicago excels in research and teaching. Offering various programs from essential to advanced degrees, it addresses urban health issues like unequal health and long-term sickness. Students gain valuable experience in the city environment, preparing them for various healthcare roles.</p>

Illinois: Chicago College of Nursing, University of Illinois

The College of Nursing at the University of Illinois at Chicago excels in research and teaching. Offering various programs from essential to advanced degrees, it addresses urban health issues like unequal health and long-term sickness. Students gain valuable experience in the city environment, preparing them for various healthcare roles.

<p>Purdue University’s School of Nursing in West Lafayette’s BSN, MSN, and DNP programs optimize science and evidence-based practice. Known for its research in rural health, chronic disease management, and health promotion, it equips students with critical thinking skills and clinical expertise. Nursing students benefit from high-tech labs and varied clinical experiences statewide.</p>

Indiana: Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette

Purdue University’s School of Nursing in West Lafayette’s BSN, MSN, and DNP programs optimize science and evidence-based practice. Known for its research in rural health, chronic disease management, and health promotion, it equips students with critical thinking skills and clinical expertise. Nursing students benefit from high-tech labs and varied clinical experiences statewide.

<p>Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids provides CCNE-accredited nursing programs, with options for new nurses and R.N.s pursuing career advancement. Acclaimed for holistic patient care, leadership, and community health focus, small class sizes ensure individualized attention. Ethical practice and compassionate service are core, supported by robust clinical partnerships that deliver diverse healthcare experiences.</p>

Iowa: Mount Mercy University, Cedar Rapids

Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids provides CCNE-accredited nursing programs, with options for new nurses and R.N.s pursuing career advancement. Acclaimed for holistic patient care, leadership, and community health focus, small class sizes ensure individualized attention. Ethical practice and compassionate service are core, supported by robust clinical partnerships that deliver diverse healthcare experiences.

<p>Baker University in Baldwin City offers BSN degrees through a nursing program with traditional and accelerated options. It highlights clinical proficiency, patient advocacy, leadership, and lifelong learning and integrates liberal arts, critical thinking, and faith into nursing practice. Clinical experiences across healthcare settings prepare students thoroughly for the nursing profession.</p>

Kansas: Baker University, Baldwin City

Baker University in Baldwin City offers BSN degrees through a nursing program with traditional and accelerated options. It highlights clinical proficiency, patient advocacy, leadership, and lifelong learning and integrates liberal arts, critical thinking, and faith into nursing practice. Clinical experiences across healthcare settings prepare students thoroughly for the nursing profession.

<p>Versailles’ Frontier Nursing University is a trailblazer in graduate nursing education, focusing on midwifery and family nursing. Specializing in MSN and DNP programs through distance learning, it trains nurse-midwives and family nurse practitioners for rural care. Combining online classes with local clinical placements, FNU revolutionizes nursing education.</p>

Kentucky: Frontier Nursing University, Versailles

Versailles’ Frontier Nursing University is a trailblazer in graduate nursing education, focusing on midwifery and family nursing. Specializing in MSN and DNP programs through distance learning, it trains nurse-midwives and family nurse practitioners for rural care. Combining online classes with local clinical placements, FNU revolutionizes nursing education.

<p>Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University deliver nursing education (ASN, BSN, MSN, DNP) rooted in Franciscan values – service, compassion, and respect. Its programs focus on holistic care, ethical leadership, and social justice. Students gain practical experience in the affiliated health system, readying them for varied nursing and leadership positions.</p>

Louisiana: Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University, Baton Rouge

Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University deliver nursing education (ASN, BSN, MSN, DNP) rooted in Franciscan values – service, compassion, and respect. Its programs focus on holistic care, ethical leadership, and social justice. Students gain practical experience in the affiliated health system, readying them for varied nursing and leadership positions.

<p>The School of Nursing at the University of Maine in Orono prepares students for the complexities of modern health care through BSN, MSN, and DNP programs. It has a supportive learning environment with access to cutting-edge simulation labs and clinical experiences in multiple settings across the state.</p>

Maine: University of Maine School of Nursing

The School of Nursing at the University of Maine in Orono prepares students for the complexities of modern health care through BSN, MSN, and DNP programs. It has a supportive learning environment with access to cutting-edge simulation labs and clinical experiences in multiple settings across the state.

<p>Based in Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing excels globally in nursing education, research, and practice. Its BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs advocate innovation and global health improvement. Focused on evidence-based and interprofessional education, it prepares students to lead and tackle complex health issues.</p>

Maryland: Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

Based in Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing excels globally in nursing education, research, and practice. Its BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs advocate innovation and global health improvement. Focused on evidence-based and interprofessional education, it prepares students to lead and tackle complex health issues.

<p>The educational programs at Boston College’s Connell School of Nursing in Chestnut Hill merge clinical practice with ethics and leadership in nursing. Its emphasis on holistic care in the Jesuit tradition, access to advanced simulation labs, and clinical experiences in Boston’s top health institutions prepare students for complex health challenges.</p>

Massachusetts: Boston College, William F. Connell School of Nursing, Chestnut Hill

The educational programs at Boston College’s Connell School of Nursing in Chestnut Hill merge clinical practice with ethics and leadership in nursing. Its emphasis on holistic care in the Jesuit tradition, access to advanced simulation labs, and clinical experiences in Boston’s top health institutions prepare students for complex health challenges.

<p>The University of Michigan School of Nursing in Ann Arbor delivers BSN to PhD programs, focusing on health promotion, chronic condition management, and health care technology. Supported by top-notch facilities and extensive clinical partnerships throughout Michigan, it’s a game-changer for students wanting to take on industry leadership roles.</p>

Michigan: University of Michigan School of Nursing

The University of Michigan School of Nursing in Ann Arbor delivers BSN to PhD programs, focusing on health promotion, chronic condition management, and health care technology. Supported by top-notch facilities and extensive clinical partnerships throughout Michigan, it’s a game-changer for students wanting to take on industry leadership roles.

<p>St. Catherine University in St. Paul’s BSN, MSN, and DNP degrees focus on women’s health, ethical leadership, and social justice in health care. Integrating liberal arts with professional studies, the university fosters compassionate, skilled nurses. Students gain extensive clinical experiences through partnerships with Twin Cities’ top health organizations.</p>

Minnesota: St. Catherine University, St. Paul

St. Catherine University in St. Paul’s BSN, MSN, and DNP degrees focus on women’s health, ethical leadership, and social justice in health care. Integrating liberal arts with professional studies, the university fosters compassionate, skilled nurses. Students gain extensive clinical experiences through partnerships with Twin Cities’ top health organizations.

<p>The School of Nursing at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson has a range of programs on primary care, health disparities, and rural health. As part of Mississippi’s only academic health science center, the school provides students with extensive clinical training opportunities in competitive settings.</p>

Mississippi: University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing

The School of Nursing at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson has a range of programs on primary care, health disparities, and rural health. As part of Mississippi’s only academic health science center, the school provides students with extensive clinical training opportunities in competitive settings.

<p>Saint Louis University’s School of Nursing in St. Louis is celebrated for prioritizing educational innovation, research, and community service. Emphasizing evidence-based practice, health technology, and interprofessional education, SLU prepares leaders to enhance health care and patient outcomes, supported by a leading simulation center and clinical alliances.</p>

Missouri: Saint Louis University, School of Nursing

Saint Louis University’s School of Nursing in St. Louis is celebrated for prioritizing educational innovation, research, and community service. Emphasizing evidence-based practice, health technology, and interprofessional education, SLU prepares leaders to enhance health care and patient outcomes, supported by a leading simulation center and clinical alliances.

<p>Montana State University’s College of Nursing, with its main campus in Bozeman, offers BSN, MSN, and DNP programs. It is distinguished for addressing rural and frontier communities’ healthcare needs and stresses primary care, mental health, and community health. The college’s multiple campuses across the state facilitate access to nursing education</p>

Montana: Montana State University College of Nursing

Montana State University’s College of Nursing, with its main campus in Bozeman, offers BSN, MSN, and DNP programs. It is distinguished for addressing rural and frontier communities’ healthcare needs and stresses primary care, mental health, and community health. The college’s multiple campuses across the state facilitate access to nursing education

<p>With its BSN and MSN programs, Bryan College of Health Sciences in Lincoln is known for its hands-on learning approach, small class sizes, and individualized student support. Its nursing programs emphasize critical thinking, patient-centered care, and community health. Their high-tech simulation labs ensure the graduates are well-prepared for professional nursing practice.</p>

Nebraska: Bryan College of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Lincoln

With its BSN and MSN programs, Bryan College of Health Sciences in Lincoln is known for its hands-on learning approach, small class sizes, and individualized student support. Its nursing programs emphasize critical thinking, patient-centered care, and community health. Their high-tech simulation labs ensure the graduates are well-prepared for professional nursing practice.

<p>The School of Nursing at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with its BSN, MSN, and DNP programs, stands out for its focus on community health, nursing education, and managing chronic conditions. UNLV’s nursing school is committed to advancing healthcare through cutting-edge research.</p>

Nevada: University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Nursing

The School of Nursing at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with its BSN, MSN, and DNP programs, stands out for its focus on community health, nursing education, and managing chronic conditions. UNLV’s nursing school is committed to advancing healthcare through cutting-edge research.

<p>The University of New Hampshire in Durham boasts a CCNE-accredited BSN program, an MSN program focused on clinical nurse leaders, and a Direct Entry Master’s in Nursing for non-nurses. UNH supports students through innovative teaching and extensive clinical experiences in New England’s contrasting healthcare settings.</p>

New Hampshire: University of New Hampshire Department of Nursing

The University of New Hampshire in Durham boasts a CCNE-accredited BSN program, an MSN program focused on clinical nurse leaders, and a Direct Entry Master’s in Nursing for non-nurses. UNH supports students through innovative teaching and extensive clinical experiences in New England’s contrasting healthcare settings.

<p>Rutgers School of Nursing, spanning Newark, New Brunswick, and Blackwood, presents BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. It excels in urban health and health disparities research, preparing students for nursing leadership and health policy roles. Strategic clinical partnerships in New Jersey ensure varied practice experiences.</p>

New Jersey: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey School of Nursing

Rutgers School of Nursing, spanning Newark, New Brunswick, and Blackwood, presents BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. It excels in urban health and health disparities research, preparing students for nursing leadership and health policy roles. Strategic clinical partnerships in New Jersey ensure varied practice experiences.

<p>The University of New Mexico College of Nursing in Albuquerque, spanning BSN to DNP and PhD, emphasizes rural health, health disparities, and Native American health. It melds traditional and modern educational approaches and excels in training nurses for New Mexico’s varied urban and rural communities.</p>

New Mexico: University of New Mexico College of Nursing

The University of New Mexico College of Nursing in Albuquerque, spanning BSN to DNP and PhD, emphasizes rural health, health disparities, and Native American health. It melds traditional and modern educational approaches and excels in training nurses for New Mexico’s varied urban and rural communities.

<p>Columbia University’s School of Nursing in New York City leads in innovative education and research, focusing on global health challenges, health equity, and enhanced healthcare access. It provides comprehensive clinical training across advanced nursing fields in New York’s top hospitals, equipping students for excellence in diverse healthcare environments.</p>

New York: Columbia University School of Nursing, New York

Columbia University’s School of Nursing in New York City leads in innovative education and research, focusing on global health challenges, health equity, and enhanced healthcare access. It provides comprehensive clinical training across advanced nursing fields in New York’s top hospitals, equipping students for excellence in diverse healthcare environments.

<p>Duke University School of Nursing in Durham, North Carolina, excels globally in nursing education, research, and practice. Its ABSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs include an innovative curriculum, advanced facilities, and robust clinical partnerships. Focusing on leadership, global health, and evidence-based practice, Duke prioritizes diversity and inclusion.</p>

North Carolina: Duke University School of Nursing, Durham

Duke University School of Nursing in Durham, North Carolina, excels globally in nursing education, research, and practice. Its ABSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs include an innovative curriculum, advanced facilities, and robust clinical partnerships. Focusing on leadership, global health, and evidence-based practice, Duke prioritizes diversity and inclusion.

<p>Mayville State University, located in North Dakota, provides an online BSN completion program for R.N.s with an associate degree or nursing diploma. The program enhances clinical, management, and leadership skills through personalized education. It fosters nurses for advanced healthcare roles by presenting flexible options for working professionals.</p>

North Dakota: Mayville State University

Mayville State University, located in North Dakota, provides an online BSN completion program for R.N.s with an associate degree or nursing diploma. The program enhances clinical, management, and leadership skills through personalized education. It fosters nurses for advanced healthcare roles by presenting flexible options for working professionals.

<p>Ohio State University College of Nursing in Columbus excels in nursing education, providing BSN to DNP and PhD programs. It leads to health promotion, chronic disease, and evidence-based research. Focused on wellness and prevention, OSU equips graduates for leadership in healthcare, academia, and research sectors.</p>

Ohio: Ohio State University College of Nursing

Ohio State University College of Nursing in Columbus excels in nursing education, providing BSN to DNP and PhD programs. It leads to health promotion, chronic disease, and evidence-based research. Focused on wellness and prevention, OSU equips graduates for leadership in healthcare, academia, and research sectors.

<p>Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, provides a BSN program focusing on science, critical thinking, and clinical skills. With an emphasis on cultural competence, community health, and patient-centered care, NSU prepares nurses for diverse populations. Its program includes extensive clinical experiences, ensuring graduates’ readiness for practice.</p>

Oklahoma: Northeastern State University, Tahlequah

Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, provides a BSN program focusing on science, critical thinking, and clinical skills. With an emphasis on cultural competence, community health, and patient-centered care, NSU prepares nurses for diverse populations. Its program includes extensive clinical experiences, ensuring graduates’ readiness for practice.

<p>Bushnell University in Eugene, Oregon, delivers a BSN program that molds compassionate and skilled nurses, emphasizing holistic care, ethics, and leadership. Grounded in Christian values, it merges faith with healthcare, promoting spiritually and culturally sensitive care. The curriculum, rich in clinical experiences, prepares graduates to serve patients and communities empathetically.</p>

Oregon: Bushnell University

Bushnell University in Eugene, Oregon, delivers a BSN program that molds compassionate and skilled nurses, emphasizing holistic care, ethics, and leadership. Grounded in Christian values, it merges faith with healthcare, promoting spiritually and culturally sensitive care. The curriculum, rich in clinical experiences, prepares graduates to serve patients and communities empathetically.

<p>The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, an Ivy League institution in Philadelphia, provides extensive nursing programs from BSN to PhD. Renowned for leadership in education, research, and practice, it specializes in pediatrics, women’s health, and gerontology. Penn Nursing’s focus on innovation and interprofessional education prepares students for healthcare reform leadership.</p>

Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, an Ivy League institution in Philadelphia, provides extensive nursing programs from BSN to PhD. Renowned for leadership in education, research, and practice, it specializes in pediatrics, women’s health, and gerontology. Penn Nursing’s focus on innovation and interprofessional education prepares students for healthcare reform leadership.

<p>Students at the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing in Kingston can pursue BSN to PhD degrees, focusing on gerontology, community health, and health disparities. The program offers a rich mix of evidence-based practice, patient-centered care, and interprofessional collaboration, with varying clinical experiences in Rhode Island and beyond.</p>

Rhode Island: University of Rhode Island College of Nursing, Kingston

Students at the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing in Kingston can pursue BSN to PhD degrees, focusing on gerontology, community health, and health disparities. The program offers a rich mix of evidence-based practice, patient-centered care, and interprofessional collaboration, with varying clinical experiences in Rhode Island and beyond.

<p>The University of South Carolina College of Nursing in Columbia provides BSN to PhD programs, emphasizing research, leadership, and evidence-based practice. With advanced simulation labs and wide-ranging clinical experiences, the college aims to address South Carolina’s healthcare challenges, focusing on rural health, health disparities, and chronic illness management.</p>

South Carolina: University of South Carolina College of Nursing, Columbia

The University of South Carolina College of Nursing in Columbia provides BSN to PhD programs, emphasizing research, leadership, and evidence-based practice. With advanced simulation labs and wide-ranging clinical experiences, the college aims to address South Carolina’s healthcare challenges, focusing on rural health, health disparities, and chronic illness management.

<p>Mount Marty University in Yankton offers a BSN program prioritizing compassionate care, ethical practice, and leadership. Integrating liberal arts with nursing ensures small class sizes for a personalized education that fosters critical thinking and clinical skills, preparing graduates to serve with faith and commitment, especially in the Midwest.</p>

South Dakota: Mount Marty University Nursing Program, Yankton

Mount Marty University in Yankton offers a BSN program prioritizing compassionate care, ethical practice, and leadership. Integrating liberal arts with nursing ensures small class sizes for a personalized education that fosters critical thinking and clinical skills, preparing graduates to serve with faith and commitment, especially in the Midwest.

<p>Vanderbilt University School of Nursing in Nashville provides MSN, DNP, and PhD programs, focusing on advanced nursing practice, healthcare leadership, and research. Renowned for innovative education and research, it equips students for leadership in healthcare, academia, and policy, offering extensive clinical experience through Vanderbilt University Medical Center.</p>

Tennessee: Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing in Nashville provides MSN, DNP, and PhD programs, focusing on advanced nursing practice, healthcare leadership, and research. Renowned for innovative education and research, it equips students for leadership in healthcare, academia, and policy, offering extensive clinical experience through Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

<p>The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing provides BSN, MSN, and PhD programs centered on healthcare leadership, innovation, and evidence-based practice. Noted for its psychiatric, pediatric, and chronic illness management research, UT Austin trains graduates for advanced healthcare leadership roles, ensuring improved outcomes for diverse communities.</p>

Texas: University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing

The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing provides BSN, MSN, and PhD programs centered on healthcare leadership, innovation, and evidence-based practice. Noted for its psychiatric, pediatric, and chronic illness management research, UT Austin trains graduates for advanced healthcare leadership roles, ensuring improved outcomes for diverse communities.

<p>This Nursing College is known in Provo for integrating spiritual care with nursing excellence. Its BSN program and graduate certificates are designed to nurture skilled and compassionate nurses. Emphasizing the Healer’s art of holistic care, the curriculum includes disparate clinical experiences in Utah and elsewhere.</p>

Utah: Brigham Young University College of Nursing, Provo

This Nursing College is known in Provo for integrating spiritual care with nursing excellence. Its BSN program and graduate certificates are designed to nurture skilled and compassionate nurses. Emphasizing the Healer’s art of holistic care, the curriculum includes disparate clinical experiences in Utah and elsewhere.

<p>Norwich University’s BSN program in Northfield focuses on molding leaders in nursing and healthcare by enhancing critical thinking, communication, and clinical skills for ethical practice. With a commitment to service and innovation, its rigorous curriculum with extensive clinical experiences targets rural and underserved communities in Vermont.</p>

Vermont: Norwich University School of Nursing, Northfield

Norwich University’s BSN program in Northfield focuses on molding leaders in nursing and healthcare by enhancing critical thinking, communication, and clinical skills for ethical practice. With a commitment to service and innovation, its rigorous curriculum with extensive clinical experiences targets rural and underserved communities in Vermont.

<p>The University of Virginia School of Nursing in Charlottesville provides BSN through PhD programs, recognized for clinical excellence, leadership, and research, focusing on health equity and reducing disparities. Students experience a challenging academic setting and gain extensive clinical exposure at the UVA Medical Center, a premier academic institution.</p>

Virginia: University of Virginia School of Nursing

The University of Virginia School of Nursing in Charlottesville provides BSN through PhD programs, recognized for clinical excellence, leadership, and research, focusing on health equity and reducing disparities. Students experience a challenging academic setting and gain extensive clinical exposure at the UVA Medical Center, a premier academic institution.

<p>The University of Washington School of Nursing in Seattle excels in nursing education, research, and practice with BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. It stands out in public health, community health, and health informatics, fostering innovation and excellence. Graduates are equipped to enhance healthcare systems and patient outcomes worldwide.</p>

Washington: University of Washington School of Nursing

The University of Washington School of Nursing in Seattle excels in nursing education, research, and practice with BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD programs. It stands out in public health, community health, and health informatics, fostering innovation and excellence. Graduates are equipped to enhance healthcare systems and patient outcomes worldwide.

<p>West Virginia University School of Nursing, located in Morgantown, Charleston, and Beckley, provides BSN, MSN, and DNP programs, emphasizing rural health, chronic disease, and family health. It aims to equip students with practical experience and research and enhance healthcare access to tackle health challenges in West Virginia and similar areas.</p>

West Virginia: West Virginia University School of Nursing

West Virginia University School of Nursing, located in Morgantown, Charleston, and Beckley, provides BSN, MSN, and DNP programs, emphasizing rural health, chronic disease, and family health. It aims to equip students with practical experience and research and enhance healthcare access to tackle health challenges in West Virginia and similar areas.

<p>Marquette University’s Nursing College in Milwaukee has BSN to PhD programs that uphold innovation, clinical excellence, and social justice. It prepares nurses for health equity advocacy, blending rigorous academics with practical experience, supported by top simulation labs and partnerships for comprehensive practicums and research in healthcare.</p>

Wisconsin: Marquette University College of Nursing, Milwaukee

Marquette University’s Nursing College in Milwaukee has BSN to PhD programs that uphold innovation, clinical excellence, and social justice. It prepares nurses for health equity advocacy, blending rigorous academics with practical experience, supported by top simulation labs and partnerships for comprehensive practicums and research in healthcare.

<p>With its BSN, MSN, and DNP programs, the University of Wyoming Fay W. Whitney focuses on rural and frontier health care, including primary care, mental health, and community health. Its curriculum addresses Wyoming’s unique health needs, preparing graduates for impactful roles in rural communities.</p> <p>The post <a href="">Best Nursing Schools: State-by-State Guide 2024</a> appeared first on <a href="">Housely</a>.</p>

Wyoming: University of Wyoming Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing

With its BSN, MSN, and DNP programs, the University of Wyoming Fay W. Whitney focuses on rural and frontier health care, including primary care, mental health, and community health. Its curriculum addresses Wyoming’s unique health needs, preparing graduates for impactful roles in rural communities.

The post Best Nursing Schools: State-by-State Guide 2024 appeared first on Housely .

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UC College of Nursing researcher accepted for prestigious fellowship for nurse leaders and innovators

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Samantha Boch, PhD, RN, assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and affiliate faculty of the James M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence at Cincinnati Children's Hospital is one of 16 nurse scientists accepted to the fifth cohort of the Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators . The fellowship program, funded by grants from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation , recognizes and advances early-to-mid-career nursing scholars and innovators with a high potential to accelerate leadership in nursing research, practice, education, policy and entrepreneurship.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation seeks to prepare nurses as collaborative leaders with the skills and confidence to inspire others, enact change and challenge the status quo. Through the creation of the Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators, the foundation supports nurse leaders who take ideas to scale that advance high-quality, high-value care and optimal health outcomes.

“Our motto is UC Nurses. We See Leaders ,” Interim Dean Gordon Gillespie, PhD, DNP, RN, FAAN, says. “Sam is the epitome of a nursing leader and scholar; I can’t wait to see the impact her project will have in advancing health equity and education in our country.”

Samantha Boch, PhD, RN

As a part of the three-year fellowship program , Boch will receive $450,000 to conduct an innovative project focused on better understanding the health of and use of health services by children in foster care who also experience parental incarceration. Mentored by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital CHECK (Comprehensive Health Evaluations for Cincinnati’s Kids) Foster Care Center Medical Director Mary Greiner, MD, MS, and Scientific Director for Child Welfare Research Sarah Beal, PhD, Boch will leverage CHECK’s data to identify opportunities to better care for those children.

She will also partner with Ebony Underwood, CEO & Founder of WE GOT US NOW , the nation’s leading organization advancing the wellbeing of children and young adults with incarcerated parents, to co-design care guidelines for children who experience parental incarceration.

"I am thrilled to be in partnership with Sam,” Underwood says. “Her commitment to uplifting and elevating the subject matter expertise of those closest to this issue is a testament to her leadership and dedication in advancing the health equity and well-being for the vulnerable population of children impacted by parental incarceration."

A forensic nurse scientist, Boch’s program of research centers on the social determinants of health with particular emphasis on understanding and mitigating the consequences of mass incarceration on child and family health.

“I’m deeply honored to have been chosen as part of the cohort for the Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators,” says Boch. “This is a unique opportunity to further develop my leadership skills and partner with amazing organizations, mentors, and individuals with lived experiences of parental incarceration to positively impact care and the health of these families.”

Featured top image of the UC College of Nursing. Photo provided.

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  28. UC College of Nursing researcher accepted for prestigious fellowship

    Samantha Boch, PhD, RN, assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and affiliate faculty of the James M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence at Cincinnati Children's Hospital is one of 16 nurse scientists accepted to the fifth cohort of the Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators. The fellowship program, funded by grants from the ...

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  30. The Nursing Voice June 2024

    We Are Hiring Full- and Part-time Nursing and Nursing Assistant Faculty . opens in a new window. Cook County. We Are Hiring Nurses! opens in a new window. Thresholds. Community Mental Health Nursing . opens in a new window. Illinois Department of Veteran Affairs. Join Us in Caring for Heroes at the Illinois Veterans' Homes! opens in a new window