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If Dogs Could Talk: The 10 Things They Would Say

If Dogs Could Talk: The 10 Things They Would Say

Dogs can't talk to us. (Don't you wish they could!) If your dog could talk to you, these are some of the things he/she would say:

  • My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful: remember that before you get me.
  • Give me time to understand what you want of me.
  • Place your trust in me - it is crucial to my well being.
  • Do not be angry at me for long, and do not lock me up as punishment.
  • You have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I only have you.
  • Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when you speak to me.
  • Be aware of how you treat me. I will never forget.
  • Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily hurt you, but I choose not to bite you because I love you.
  • Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. I might not be getting the right food, or I have been out too long, or my heart is getting too old and weak.
  • Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say: "I cannot bear to watch" or "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there, even my death. Remember that I love you.

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If your pet could talk, what would it say?

If my dog could talk we would probably have an argument over who gets to sleep in my bed.

Sharon Busch, Grade 6, Judson

If my pet gerbil, Lily, could talk she would tell me to get her a huge mansion cage with 100 rooms. She would hold out her tiny arms trying to show me how big it should be.

Sara Holt, Grade 6, Judson

If my dog could talk, she would probably say "Take me on a walk!" She freaks out when we go on walks. She just gets so excited it's crazy.

Keziah Denny, Grade 6, Judson

If my pet could talk, she would probably say, "Gimme some human food!"

Olivia Cunningham, Grade 6, Judson

If my guinea pig could talk, she would say "Give me food" because she is always excited and loves it when we feed her.

Sarah Wattimena, Grade 6, Judson

If I had a pet that could talk it would say "Howdy ya'll!"

Georgia Bryant, Grade 6, Judson

I have a guinea pig and if it were to talk I'm sure it would say "Give me hay" because it loves to eat.

Brianna Campbell, Grade 6, Judson

If my dog could talk he would probably say when we get home, "You are home, you are home." Another thing he would say, "I am sorry." That is what my dog would say.

Kendra Farnsworth, Grade 6, Judson

If my pet could talk it would say, "Give me food, play with me, sleep."

Calista Oliver, Grade 6, Judson

If my dog could talk it would say, "Get out of my way, feed me, let me outside, can I have a kingdom?"

Krista Rood, Grade 6, Judson

If my cat, Joey, could talk, he would say "Feed me or I will die and take you down with me. I am too hungry to live!"

Ashton Truscott, Grade 6, Judson

I have a turtle and I think he would say, "I want some candy," or "You guys are mean eating that in front of me."

Bella Wolf, Grade 6, Judson

My dog Zoe would say "Hey, why didn't you take me with you to the beach? I was left at the neighbors! And their dog is five times bigger than me!"

Ayrianna Wood, Grade 6, Judson

If my dog could talk it would start singing "What does this dog say, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ru-ruff!"

Sam Scott, Grade 6, Judson

If my dog could talk, it will mimic someone who talked in our house.

Jonathan Santana, Grade 2, Edwards

"I am a chicken and I am a chicken clown and I am funny."

Lucy Woodruff, Grade 2, Edwards

My dog would say, "Hello. My name is Jack and I like warm hugs."

Noah Engle, Grade 2, Edwards

My pet would say, "I am awesome."

Logan Velasquez, Grade 2, Edwards

"Awesome, I can talk." It is a bull dog.

Leland Garca, Grade 2, Edwards

It would say, "Jaden." It is a Golden Retriever.

Jaden Baisley, Grade 2, Edwards

My pet could say, "Hi."

Zoe Levin, Grade 2, Edwards

It would say anything that's on its mind.

Anthony Hamm, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

If my pet could talk she would say, "Hey Brea, why do you hang out with your hamster so much? You never play with me."

Brea Lutz, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

My pet would say, "I want food, I want food."

Brooke Benjamin, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

My pet would say, "Hey can you give me some bacon wrapped donuts."

Brooklyn Plaire, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

My dog Luke would say, "Stop touching my ear." My dog Ace would say, "Play, come, play, play, play, come, play." My cat Darma would say, "Please feed me then come play with me."

Isabell Carlsen, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

If my pet could talk, I bet it would say, "Thank you, I love you, can I have some food, can you pet me." That is what my pet would say because she loves all of these things.

Kaitlyn Jones, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

If my dog could talk, it would say, "Hey, what's up?"

Kyle Gabba, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

My pet would say, "Give me the TV remote."

Megan Turner, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

"Feed me. I want to be scratched. Ham!"

Rowan Dey, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

"Feed me, feed me!"

Samuel Ochoa, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

If I had a pet, it would be a dog and it would say, "Bacon now!"

Thadeus Mateo Biton, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

My pet would say, "Treat, give me a treat," over and over again.

Vanessa Orlov, Grade 5, Valley Inquiry

"Hi! Hi! Who are you? I want to play. Do you?" (Dog, Bella)

Cassady Kirchner, Grade 4, Grant

My fat cat, Vinny, would say "Give me more food!"

Grace Juhring, Grade 6, Homeschool

If my dog could talk he will say, "I want food." And I will say, "Who said that?"

Jeshua Venegas Gonzalez, Grade 2, Keizer

If my fish could talk, she would say, "I wish I could play with you but I have to stay in the water or else I will die."

Maezie Williams, Grade 2, Keizer

If my dog could talk she would say, "Can I have some food, can I have some food?" all day long.

Eve Daye, Grade 5, Myers

My pet would say, "I want a taco." They would also say, "Feed me."

Makayla Jensen, Grade 5, Myers

If my leopard gecko could talk he would yell from his cage, "Yo Man! Go grab me some food! I'm starvin'! Also some water! People just don't care. Hmmm."

JT Silldorff, Grade 4, Myers

My dog would say, "I want to go on a walk. Let's go on a walk, walk, walk, walk. Can I have your food, can I, can I, can I? Give me your food and then let's go on a walk."

Camryn Wintersteen, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk he would say, "Feeeeed meeeee!" because he's usually hungry.

Jeremiah Pinkerton, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk it would say, "Hello, feed me." And more.

Ryder Story, Grade 4, Myers

"Oh! Oh! Hello Fielio! Throw the ball! Throw it! Oh! Forgot to mention I pooped in the living room! Let's play fetch! No?! No fetch?! Then let's drink toilet water! Chase the cat! Yippee!"

Lily Vink, Grade 5, Myers

"I am hungry. I have to go to the bathroom."

Garrett Schippers, Grade 4, Myers

"Give me more food and I won't be the laziest cat in the world."

Eli Nava, Grade 4, Myers

If my dog could talk he would say, "I'm like a firework. I love you dad. I like laying in my brother's bed."

Keely Stone, Grade 4, Myers

If my dog could talk I think it would start singing my favorite song.

Kryztal Hernandez, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk it would say that it was better than everybody and would give a speech to make people vote for him as the president.

Malikhi Holloway, Grade 5, Myers

If my dog could talk it would say what it wants repeatedly. "Play, play, play, walk, walk, walk, ride, ride, ride, food, food, food, treat, treat, treat" and all that stuff. At first I would think it's really cool but after like two days I would find it very annoying.

Owen Barber, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk it would help me with my math homework. He would not eat it but he would help me on it.

Montserrat Lopez, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk it would say, "I smell hot dogs!"

Matt Cerda, Grade 5, Myers

He would say, "Why do you put me on a leash? What the heck?"

Joshua Pikl, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk he would say, "Feed me that cat. It looks good." He would also say, "Bacon, bacon, bacon."

Jameson Lowery, Grade 4, Myers

If my pet could talk it would probably say, "Let me out, let me run around. I want to be free!" My pet's name is Lucy and she's a hamster.

Vaughan Tippets, Grade 4, Myers

"'Sup? I'm Tucker. I love to go fetch ducks and get blood on my face."

Kylee Albers, Grade 5, Myers

My dog Luna would probably say "Where's mommy? I miss her so much. Where is she? It's been forever and a lifetime (actual time is five minutes). Where is mommy? Tell me now, please."

Sara Jaffe, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk it would probably say, "Feed me right now!" and it would be rude to me.

Ashton Simmons, Grade 5, Myers

Roxy would say, "How many beans did you eat Rylee? It smells. I need fresh air."

Rylee McKinney, Grade 4, Myers

Actually my cat already talks. Here are some things he says. "Hello mama? Is anybody there?" Then he turns into a diva if you don't answer him. He yells, "Hello!"

Liliana Bratcher, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet parrot could talk, he would say, "Let's play some video games, eat popcorn, and trash the house."

Flavio Ceja-Gonzalez, Grade 5, Myers

My fish eat lots and lots of food. They won't stop telling me to give them lots and lots of food.

Oscar Perez, Grade 5, Myers

If my dog could talk when I scoop his food into the bowl he would say, "Food, food, food!" When I'm holding his ball he would say, "Gimme the ball, gimme the ball!" When we try to give him a bath, he would say, "Nooo! No, no, nooo!"

Sidney Shaw, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk, all it would say is two words: "Feed me!" And it would say it a lot.

Ayden Lanier, Grade 5, Myers

I have a pet dog and he would say, "Can I sleep yet?"

Kiana Jones, Grade 5, Myers

If my tortoises could talk, they would say, "We need more food, even though we already get a lot of food."

Darian Ehrmantraut, Grade 5, Myers

If my pet could talk it would say, "I need to use the bathroom!"

Tangut Gebre, Grade 5, Myers

If my cat could talk it would say, "Treats, treats."

Milo Bucci, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my dog could talk he would say, "Don't sit on me, kid!"

Eddie Herrmann, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my dog can talk he would say, "I'm way better than you, Luis, at soccer." P.S. His name is Benjy.

Luis Perez, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk he would say his special needs, like "Hey, I'm hungry for crying out loud!"

Kellen Hayase, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk it would say, "Give me some real food, man!"

Ben Cupani, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk the only thing it would say is "I'm hungry."

Tommy George, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk it would say, "Give me food."

Spencer Kowalski, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet would talk it would say I'm the best player in the world and that I am better than Messi.

Jesus Medina, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet dog could talk it would say, "Don't blame me, it was the boy."

Liam Stanley, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet would talk it would say, "Take me to the dog park, you crazy lady!"

Evelyn Hernandez, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk it would say, "Stop treating me like a baby. I'm 7 years old."

Rachel Sever, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk he would say, "I love you owner. You are the most nice owner."

Emily Lopez, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk and I had forgotten to feed it, it would say, "Feed me or else I will scratch your face off!"

Maddy Carlson, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet would talk it would say, "Wopedy wop."

Belen Cedillo, Grade 4, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk it would say, "Where's the food?"

Ian Burchard, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

If my dog could talk it would say, "Stop throwing that ball and expecting me to go and get it!" whenever we played fetch.

Aidan Ayres, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

"More food please, or I will bite you!"

Samuel Schindler, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My dog would say, "Stop petting me when I sleep!"

Anthony Satarello, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My pug, after jumping on to my lap, would ask, "What?"

Ziba Mokalla, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My pet gecko would say, "Give me more mealworms."

Martin Lopez, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

If my dog could talk, he would say, "What-up dog!"

Jacob Giruc, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My cat wouldn't talk unless she is roused from her endless slumber.

Santiago Blanco-Mills, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk it would say, "I really want you to pet me but I really want to bite you."

Ella Mhoon, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk it would say, "I love you Seb."

Sebastian Ramos, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My dog would say, "Feed me now! Exactly 56 pieces of dog food, and make it snappy!"

Renee Porter, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My dog would say, "Give me more food, play with me, take me for a walk, and pet me!"

Skyla Troxell, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My dog Coco would say, "Hug me! Hug me!" or "Love me! Love me!" and make her eyes huge.

Hannah Estrabo, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My pet will say, "Why do you pet me and call me Bubbles?"

Jasmine Manuel, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk, it would say, "I will love you forever if you give me a bucket of food."

Isabella Boyd, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My pet would say, "You're so cool," so I don't forget I'm so cool.

Luke Holland, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

If my tiny fish could talk it would say, "I want to grow."

Bridget Raffensperger, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

If my pet could talk it would say, "Feed me more lettuce."

Ismael Lopez, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My brother's rabbit would say, "Feed me more often!"

Alex Cirocco, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

My pet would say, "Will teach you how to fly?"

Marc Devaux, Grade 5, Queen of Peace

If I had a white cat and it could talk, it would say, "I love you!"

Autumn Dimick, Kindergarten, Bud to Blossom

My cat Max would say meow and "Hello Mr. Wugglypants."

Lizzy Daniels, Kindergarten, Bud to Blossom

My pig would ask for her blanket because it would be a pig in a blanket!

Frances Lear, Grade 4, Sacred Heart

If my pet fish could talk, he would say, "Get me out of this Sponge Bob house!"

Anahi Sanchez-Harmon, Grade 3, Sacred Heart

My dog Rose would say, "Let me rest my big fat lazy body." She is a professional couch potato.

Jaiden Collazo, Grade 4, Sacred Heart

If my pillow pet could talk, it would say, "Feed me, feed me, feed me now!" That's what my pet would say.

Sasha Nagy, Grade 3, Sacred Heart

My dog would say, "Do you know where any squirrels are?!?"

Karolina Arriaga Nunez, Grade 4, Sacred Heart

If my fish could talk, it would say, "Get me out of the water, it's cold!"

Bryce Harmon, Grade 4, Sacred Heart

If my cat could talk, she would say, "Let me out of here." She hates being inside. But when we let her outside, we have to give her a bath. And when she gets out of the bath, she looks like a porcupine.

Olivia Traeger, Grade 4, Sacred Heart

My parrot would give me the answers to my math test and then say, "Nyeelah looks lovely today! Squawk!"

Nyeelah Brown, Grade 4, Sacred Heart

If my cat could talk, he would say, "Hey, how you doin'?"

William Schnurbusch, Grade 3, Sacred Heart

If my dog could talk, he would say, "Give me more treats and I will love you even more than I do now."

Peyton Tupper, Grade 4, Sacred Heart

Because they are cold.

Noah Joslin, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"Hi, love!"

Adalin Narvaez, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"Adison, please get me milk."

Adison Wittekind, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"I want hot chocolate!"

Ashlynn Firestone, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"I want a treat."

Conner Bernheisel, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"I want some pie."

Ellie Blackman, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"Pick that rose."

Hallie Haslebacher, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"Thank you for getting me kitty food."

Juliana Angeles, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"I love you."

Landon Bravo, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"Mei is so pretty!"

Mei Yankus, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

Moxie Carter, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"Will you give me food?"

Sarah Colburn, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

Tanen Swing, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

"You look pretty!"

Tatiana Rodriguez-Provost, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

He usually says, "More food! More food! More food!"

Tucker Strunk, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

He might say, "Good luck at school!"

David Cartznes, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cheetah, and it would say, "I love you."

Kellen Bowman, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cat. My pet would say, "What's your name?"

Olivia Jenkins, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cat. My pet would say, "I love you."

Riley Tillery, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a dog. My pet would say, "I love you."

Ellyanna Lindquist, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

Devyn Johnson, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a dog. My dog would say, "I'm a little puppy!"

Autumn Clinton, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cat, and it would say, "I'm hungry."

Moriyah Gonzalez, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a fish. My pet would say, "I love you."

Summer Wiley, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a lizard. My pet would say, "Crackers!"

Isabella Benjamin, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a puppy. My pet would say, "I love you."

Soraya Goeson, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a fish. My pet would say, "I'm hungry."

Joanna Li, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

Jacob Wollman, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

Koldyn Zunck, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cat. My pet would say, "Awesome!"

Jeffrey Zambrana, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cat. My pet would say "Candy!"

Aza Caraway, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a black dog. It would say, "I love you!"

Katelyn Clevenger, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cat. My pet would say, "Suckers and candy."

Jarrett Williams, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a hamster. My pet would say, "Merry Christmas!"

Jonah Strunk, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cat. It would sing, "Meow, meow, meow."

Seth Sweeney, Kindergarten, Salem Academy

My pet is a cat. I think he would say I'm the best owner ever and that he loves me and he would never want another owner. I think he would say those things because he's always nice. He waits for me on my bed until I get home from school. He always comes to me when I'm sad to cheer me up.

Nicoli McGraw, Grade 2, Schirle

If I had a dog it would say, "Can I have a walk? May I get a bath? I want bubbly soap. Make sure you comb me softly. Get me my favorite dog food cereal, Lucky L's." My dog would read to me. He would be my closest, best friend. I would love him too.

Lana Rinkin, Grade 2, Schirle

My pet's name is Lexi. Lexi would say "Happy Halloween."

Sydney Scott, Grade 1, Schirle

If I had a pet, it would be a dog and if it could talk to me it would say, "Can I have a bone?" And if it was on Halloween, it would say "Happy Halloween."

Scotlynn Willadsen, Grade 2, Schirle

If I had a pet, it would be a gecko. His name would be Clack (my last name). His last name would be Aidan (my first name). He would speak French or Italian or English and Spanish and he would say lots of stuff like my name the most. But most of all, he would say his name or my dad's name, my brother's name, my sister's name, my mom's name, my other mom's name or my little sister's name.

Aidan Clack, Grade 2, Schirle

I think my dog, Wookie would say, "Ah! I've been good I want some food if you haven't noticed!" But then again, he already does that anyway. He looks at you intensely with his dark brown eyes.

Drew Dickey, Grade 5, St. Mary

If he could talk he would say, "Good morning! It's so nice to be here. Can I get some food today?"

Tyler Fery, Grade 5, St. Mary

If I was a dog and when I pass a wolf, I could say "What's up, woof!"

Neilyn Arnold, Grade 5, Washington

If I had a talking pet, it would be a goldfish that had a French voice and all he would do is talk about France because that is where he wanted to go.

Jimmy Rodriguez, Grade 5, Washington

If my dog could talk, he would say in a low tone voice, "Give me more food."

Audric Albarran, Grade 5, Washington

If I had a talking dog, it would say, "What's up, dog."

Ratenchy Kolber, Grade 5, Washington

If my pet dog could talk, it would say, "Hello. Are you my best friend and are you my owner?"

Victor Martinez, Grade 5, Washington

If my pet can talk, she will say, "Give me food."

Yasr Budul, Grade 5, Washington

If my pet can talk, I will tell him to say, "I am cool and awesome."

Alex Leyva, Grade 5, Washington

If my dog could talk, she would say, "We have to talk about why you are not dropping bacon on the floor."

Gisselle Andrade, Grade 5, Washington

If my pet could talk, it will say, "Hey, I am hungry. I need some food. I need to go outside. Can I play?" That is what my pet will say if it could talk.

Kimberly Cuevas, Grade 5, Washington

If my dog could talk, it would say, "Gimme bacon with a side of bacon."

Oscar Hernandez, Grade 5, Washington

I have a dog who is like a ball of nuclear energy ready to explode. It will probably say, "More, more, more. Let's eat, let's play, let's run. Can we go for a ride in the car?"

Wrylee Harden, Grade 5, Yoshikai

He would say, "Give me cake. I love cake. Give me some cake. I want some chocolate cake!"

Abigail Duhart, Grade 4, EAGLE

"Can I eat your table scraps?"

Kaia Lynn Cordova, Grade 4, EAGLE

"Hello B'eLana. I love you."

B'eLana Rowe, Grade 4, EAGLE

"Food! Food! Fooood! Boo! Boo! Boooo!"

Matthew L. Grant, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Can I play Pokemon X?"

Blaize West, Grade 4, EAGLE

Dog 1: "Treats! Treats!" Lizard: "Mealworms! Mealworms!" Dog 2: "Pug life."

Elizabeth Gile, Grade 4, EAGLE

"Could I have food and could I go outside now?"

Nekesa T. Higdon, Grade 4, EAGLE

If my pet could talk it would say something like this: "Feed me. Feed me. Feed me. Can I have some crackers? I need to go outside and do my doody. Can I have a toy please?"

Anjolie Rose Palmer, Grade 4, EAGLE

"Feeeed meeee."

Gavin Hedeen, Grade 4, EAGLE

If my pet could talk it would say, "Hi, how are you?"

Kyleigh T. Keeling, Grade 5, EAGLE

My cat would say whatever she wants.

Madelyn Phillips, Grade 5, EAGLE

My goats, "Mmmmaaaaa. Mmmmbbbb. Eeeeeee. Hello!"

Carter Kaney, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Halloween's coming. Whole house to myself. Yeah! That means candy!"

Megan Bennett, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Let's play/go to the beach and chase some birds." My cat would say, "Give me more food." My other cat would say, "Cuddle me."

Taylor Ehrens, Grade 4, EAGLE

He could say, "Eat some candy canes and eat a card and get rich."

Midian Love, Grade 4, EAGLE

"You are the awesomest person ever!" says my cat.

Avery Oelhafen, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Can I please have all your bacon?" is what my dog Batman would say.

Vanessa Carter, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Oh no you didn't!"

Jason Kelly Rock, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Feedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedme feedmefeedmefeedmefeedme ..."

Anne-Julienne Arnholtz, Grade 5, EAGLE

My pet is a fish and his name is Shark. I think if he could talk he would just gurgle all the time.

Trystan Layne Patton, Grade 4, EAGLE

"You're not the only one who can talk."

Julian Urena, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Hey you dum dum. Give me some gum gum."

Kris Fowler, Grade 4, EAGLE

"Hey give me that hot dog. Give me it."

Noah Standlee, Grade 5, EAGLE


William Finn, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Hello." Then it would say, "I want food." Then he would make squinty eyes because he's a lizard.

Titus Fagan, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Hello my name Jack. Now that we have introduced ourselves, OK. Who's hungry?" "Hello my name is Tinker Bell. So I like to fight with my brother Jack. I don't like being picked up."

Lilly Libke-Wadkins, Grade 5, EAGLE

"Hello over here. I'm going to growl and bark in till you scratch my belly. Scratch it now. Hello I'm going to bark again if you don't itch my tummy.

Bianca Kleinschmit, Grade 5, EAGLE

If my pet could talk, it would say, "Take me out to go to the bathroom!"

Alexander Oakes, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet can talk, I bet he will say, "Give me food."

Andrew Kelly, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"You are the best owner ever."

Ava Andresen, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I need water. I have to go to the bathroom. I mean outside."

Ava Chandler, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I'm hungry!"

Chance Burger, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk, it would say, "I like pooing and peeing on the floor and I can't stop doing it."

Giavonna McCollum, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "I'm hungry. Feed me! I am hungry! I can fight you no."

Ginger Jokon, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "I am going to attack you because I am only 7 months old."

Griffen Mucken, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Thank you for petting me. I love you."

Hannah Kraus, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet were to talk, he would say, "I wonder what Hayden is doing in his room. Let me check."

Hayden Lowen, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would say, "I am hungry."

Jackson Abbott, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "Let me outside. I want to kill some skunks!"

Jackson Leach, Grade 3, Kalapuya

Although my pet cannot talk, it would probably say, "I want to go to the park and I want food!"

Jade Daglen, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "Give me dog treats and food."

James Osborne, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "Hey. Down here. Feed me." It would also say "Let me out. Let me in! Pet me."

Jordan Bresee, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my dog could talk it would be able to say any word a human can but not bad words.

Joseph D'Amico, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Hi Mrs. Dunbar. You're the best."

Kameron Splonski, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my dog could talk I think he would say, "Where we go can I go, can I go, can I go? Nooooooo bath!"

Kaylee Nicholson, Grade 3, Kalapuya

A girl dog would say, "Can I go? Can I go? Can I go? Can I go? Where ya going? Where ya going? Where ya going? Shoes."

Lauryn Johnson, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk, it would say, "Feed me. I need food. Food I tell you. Let me in. I'm hungry please, please. Pet me, oh pet me. Come on that's it. You better give me extra food! Food!"

Lily Rush, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk, it would say, "You're the best. Can we get ice cream?" I said, "Yes! Thank you." After that it went poop and I said, "Gross!"

Max Wilch, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My pet would say, "Can I have some food please?"

Pedro Santiago Escarcega, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would say, "Let me go to the bathroom!"

Shyla Roblero, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My pet would say, "I'm hungry feed me. I'm tired put me to bed. I want to play. Come here and play." He would also compliment me on my shoes and say, "You're looking good in your new lace dress." And he would say, "I'm outta here."

Abigail Wollenweber, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I am hungry. Feed me!"

Adison Pantoja, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My cat would scream.

Aidan East, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Get away from me."

Alexia Hasbrouck, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would say, "Hi! What's your name?"

Annie White, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Can you let me do a cartwheel please?"

Arcyana Zavala, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my dog could talk he would say, "Let's have some food!"

Ashley Bemrose, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "Let's catch a mouse!"

Aubrey Tate, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I am awesome and cool and funny."

Grayson Striano, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"You're my favorite friend."

Kaelin Stubenrauch, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would say, "Woof, woof."

Kaplin Penn, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Get me off this leash right now!"

Katelynn Clark, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Dude, let's play with my super chicken toy."

Katie Barfknecht, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My dog Happy would say, "Can I eat that?"

Liam Slattum, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "Let's have a party!"

Madisen Hancock, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I'm getting out of here."

Makenna Mott, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Pet me please."

Maxwell Blakley, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"May I please have my food now? I am getting hungry. So can I have my food?"

Olivia Brady, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "Hello Rebecca. You are a great owner."

Rebecca Goertzen, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "Can I ride the bus?"

Ricky Davis, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My pet would say, "Hi," and "Bye."

Samantha Williams, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My dog Willy would come to me with his ball and say "Tyler, let's play fetch!"

Tyler Coughran, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Xander, don't pass out because I'm talking. Okay. Ooookay."

Xander Bell, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "I love running around."

Ainsley Thayer, Grade 3, Kalapuya

I want to get a pet.

Alex Alvarado, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My dog would say "Hollywood yoyos." P.S. Just to tell you the dog's name xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Angelina Reutov, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My pet is a dog. My pet would say, "I am hyper! Are you?"

Bailie Romine, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my guinea pig could talk she would say, "Food, water" and "I love you" and "Hold me." That's what my guinea pig would say.

Calleigh Harrington, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I want food."

Chase Oliver, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Can I have a bigger tank because I'm a lizard and I'm going to get big. Really, really, really, really big." My pet's name is Lizy.

Dakota Ackerman, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Do you want to go to the movies? Could you take me on a walk to go to the park?"

Dawson Rardin, Grade 3, Kalapuya

I have a pet bunny. What would it say? It will say, "Hello" and run around!

Eve Kovalchuk, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would say, "I love you so much!" Love, Maddie the dog.

Faith Buchheit, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I love you Ibi."

Ibrahim Al-Awaj-Ghoneim, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I love my toy, oh I just love my toy. My toy is so much fun to chew. Oh it's so much fun. It just is."

Jasmin Burrell, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"There is no place like home and you are my best owner."

Katie Zholnerovich, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I am hungry. Will you take me outside please? I got to go outside right now. Take me. Take me."

Keira Bobb, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"You are the third favorite person in the whole house."

Kenneth Robertson, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My cat would say, "Hi."

Kieran Finel, Grade 3, Kalapuya

Zoey would say, "Give me more food." Tucker would say, "Toys, toys, duck toys."

Maddie Myers, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My pet is a dog and her name is Ginger. If she could talk she would say, "Can I have a treat please?"

Madison Aguilar, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Love, Captain Calico

Reyna Macias, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Can I have a bigger fish tank? Please?"

Riley Sheets, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would ask to go on a walk with me.

Ry'n Sanders, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I need to go to the bathroom. I need a bird. I need food and water. And hurry!"

Sebastian Rodriguez, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would say, "Feed me a hot dog. Give me it. I know you have one."

Sidney Saladino, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My pet would say, "Meow, meow." It's a cat. It got lost. We miss her. It's a black cat.

Vinda Nino, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My pet would say, "Leave me alone."

Aaron Brown, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My fish would headbutt its fish tank while yelling, "Feed me! Feed me!"

Addison Long, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Can you play with me! Oh, pick me up! Look at the squirrel! Play with me, play with me!"

Amy Unruh, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would say, "I love you."

Chase Moretz, Grade 3, Kalapuya

Cooper Turner, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My dog would say, "Feed me, feed me, feed me."

Ella Burrell, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I'm happy you feed me and how are you doing?"

Emily Moore, Grade 3, Kalapuya

It would say, "I want grain. I want grain, grain, grain."

Emma Dalke, Grade 3, Kalapuya

She would say, "Let me out."

Gage Janssen, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I am nine, cat! Meow! Meow! Meow!"

Garrett Richardson, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I want you to play with me."

Hannah Newton, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Play with me please!"

Jaycoby Hurst, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Hello! I am a talking fish."

Joshua Duncan, Grade 3, Kalapuya

Julianne Rommel, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Feed me. What is your name? Are you a teacher? Thank you. May I be excused from the dinner table?"

Lauren Clark, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Food, water, attention!"

Leah Jackson, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My lizard will most likely say, "I'm super starving now so get me food."

Liam Miller, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"It's a good thing I am alive."

Logan Hill, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My dog would say, "Hello."

Lucas Thorson, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My pet would say, "I'm a pretty dog."

Lukas Towne, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"I want to play! I want to play!"

Michael Summers, Grade 3, Kalapuya

If my pet could talk it would say, "Play with me, play with me, feed me too."

Regan Dameron, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My cat would say, "Hello."

Riley Pratt, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My ducks would say, "Feed me. Feed me. Quack!"

Shelby Dunbar, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My dog would say, "Give me dog treats." My cat would say, "Scratch me."

Sierra Freeman, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My hermit crab would say, "I need more heat."

Tatum Level, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"Hola, hola, hola."

Tyler Buchheit, Grade 3, Kalapuya

"How are you?"

Elliott Fay, Grade 3, Kalapuya

My dog will say "Give me foood!"

Natalia Pruklang, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"Pet me. What? Pet me again. Pet meeeee! Let me in! Now let me out!"

Onosti Burch, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"Hi, hai, sup, bacon, gimme fooood, helloooooo poodle ladies! Let me in the house. I want outside!"

Zoe Israel, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"Why do you torture me?"

Emily Wood, Grade 5, Salem Heights

My cat would say, "In the pet world, humans look like aliens."

Kahlan Kim, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"How about that food?" Sniff, "I smell the bacon monster!"

Blake Stubblefield, Grade 5, Salem Heights

My dog would say, "Because you know I'm all about that food, 'bout that food, that bacon."

Ethan Kline, Grade 5, Salem Heights

My cat would say, "Give me tuna or else!"

Ilonna Presnyy, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"This is the story of ow! Darn it doggy!" "Stop woofing me!" "Well sorry!" "Wooferic!" "How is doggy talking!?!?!" (evil face) "Mwhhahahahahahahahahahh woofffop wooofff woofff!"

Andrew Ceuta, Grade 5, Salem Heights

If my pet could talk it would say, "Can you take me to the backyard, I need to go number two."

Alexis Porras, Grade 5, Salem Heights

If my dog could talk I would want it to say, "Put me outside I need to go potty."

Emma Kirkland, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"My birthday was missed 23 times. Now I can talk. It is woofless to talk now! Shhhh, stop barking! I'm talking!"

Triston Hayes, Grade 5, Salem Heights

My guinea pig/miniature giant space hamster would say, "I'm goin' for the eyes!"

Brendan Mallek, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"I love bacon!"

Caleb Westbye, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"Bacon please!"

Josh Bare, Grade 5, Salem Heights

My kitty would say, "Dad the bacon's alive!"

Hunter Quinn, Grade 5, Salem Heights

My dog would say, "Let me in to lay on your bed, to sleep, and to eat more. Or you can not let me in."

Nicole Holzman, Grade 5, Salem Heights

My cat is fat so all she would say is, "I don't care what you want to say, just feed me or meet my claws!"

Deliyna Elias, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"I am so starving. Somebody give me food now. Just feed me. Don't blab to me OK Adriana or I will slap you with my tail."

Adriana Ramirez, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"You ate my cookie. I have a sad meow. You will pay! I peed on your carpet."

Kylie Mullins, Grade 5, Salem Heights

The Cat: "Why? Why have you let the dog out with me?"

Mikael Cabresa, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"I want foood! I'm hungry here!"

Ryli Sullivan, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"Wassup all you homies? We are the best!"

Zachary Peschel, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"Hey Gage, hand the catnip over now! ... Please!"

Gage Morris, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"I'm going to have 50 bones and 50 dog treats please. I love you Isadora."

Isadora Gaudette, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"Want some sugar puffs? What about sugar frosted sugar berry sugar blasted sugar puffs!"

Oliver Marche, Grade 5, Salem Heights

"I love you so much mommy and can I also have $100,000,000,000? Pleeeease."

Alleigha Guild, Grade 5, Salem Heights

If my dog could talk it would say a lot of things but one thing it would say is "I'm hungry" because he always goes to the place where we feed him in our house.

Andrew Bulgin, Grade 6, Straub

If my tortoise could talk, it would be saying something like, "Let me out!" or "Give me some juice, it looks good!"

Andrew Nadeau, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk it would say, "Please stop talking about me," because we always talk about our cat.

Kyle Wakefield, Grade 6, Straub

If my cat could talk it would say whatever he wanted to say and when I would ask him a question he would answer truthfully. When he would go outside he starts to meow and no longer be able to talk again until he came inside.

Caleb Fowler, Grade 6, Straub

If my cat and dog could talk, my cat would be like, "Let's play, let's play, let's play" and my dog would be like, "Be quite, I'm trying to sleep here."

Carson Cogdill, Grade 6, Straub

If my cat could talk all it would talk about is food! He cries every morning until we give him his food! He is one fat cat!

Paige Wagers, Grade 6, Straub

If my guinea pigs could talk, one would say, "Fooood, give me fooood" and my other one would be like, "I've got to poop ... Never mind."

Carson, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk it would say, "Fooood." Or, "I need to let it out man." It would be very weird for that to happen.

Dakota Haines, Grade 6, Straub

Well if my cat could talk she would probably say, "Let me outside now!" (She hates the inside and will even sleep in the rain!)

Cameron van Leuven, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk she would say lots of things like, "Cheese," "Pet me" and "Treat!" She would say lots and lots of funny things!

Michael Montemayor, Grade 6, Straub

My dog would say: "Sup dog!" or "Let me out, man."

Dan Krasovskiy, Grade 6, Straub

If my guinea pig could talk, it would say, "Feed me," because even after I feed her, she still wants more food! My cat would probably still say, "Meow," because he loves to meow!

Sofia, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog were to talk, it would probably sound like, "Master, where is the cat? Can we play squirrel tag?"

Mina Morris, Grade 6, Straub

I have four pets and if they could talk they would say, "Let me sleep, don't touch me, I'm cold, and lalala." I have a dog, two lizards, and a bird. Try to figure out which animal says which quote.

Reagan Davis, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk, he would probably say, "Let me out I have to go," or "I'm hungry, I need to eat!"

Wilson Neitzel, Grade 6, Straub

If my horse could talk she would probably say, "I want to run and chase cows."

Mikenna Brennan, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog talked she would probably say, "Just one more bone?" She would say that because she loves food!

Emily Bock, Grade 6, Straub

If dogs could talk I think they would say, "Let me out I have to pee," because they always are running into doors.

Jennifer Kaopuiki, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk he would probably say, "I love you. I love squirrel!"

Jostin Schmidt, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk it would pester me by saying, "Food chips food need food!"

Quinn Reeves, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk, it would say, "Feed me," "Hello," "Open the door" and "Why are you stalking me?"

Andrew Zholnerovich, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk it would say, "Give me food! I need food!"

Garrett Biwer, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could say anything it would say stuff that it needs like: "Food, water, pet me, walk, and bathroom." Also my dog would say, "I wuv woo!" in the most cutest way.

Nathaniel Tucker, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk she would say, "Feed me, I'm hungry." Then I would say, "How are you talking?"

Leon Croskey, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog would be able to talk it would tell me how he feels. He would be talking all day and screaming at me to feed him the cat. He would also be able to sing opera.

Vanessa Suarez, Grade 6, Straub

My dog would probably say, "I'm hungry," and "Play with me."

Jordan Anderson, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk he would probably say, "Let's go to Get Air and jump for three hours and then go run four miles!"

Mateya Meredith, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk he would probably run up to you, start saying something, then run off and not even finish what he was saying.

Cameron Hartman, Grade 6, Straub

If my fish could talk, it would say, "Feed me!" a lot. He would also say, "Get me out of this tiny fish tank!"

Noah Smart, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog talked she would ask, "Can you turn me into a human?" because it seems like she would love to eat human food.

If my pet could talk it would answer the door on Halloween and say you won't get any candy unless you hand over the tuna cheese treats.

Reagan Hansen, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk it would dress up for Halloween and walk around saying, "Where's the beef?!?!"

If my dog could talk it would say, "Pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, fooood!"

Kale Dupree, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog Chloe, could talk she would probably say, "Squirrel" because whenever she sees one she always barks at it.

Connor Nollen, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk she would say, "Can I play ball?" or "Can I eat the hamster?" She would probably say, "Can I eat the hamster?" because she has tried.

Madeline Watson, Grade 6, Straub

My dog would say, "Hey Ethan, amazing day. Poodle."

Ethan Mason, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk this is what she would say when she is home alone: "Sing sing a happy song, sing a happy song. Sing sing a happy song, singing all day long!"

Hannah Speckman, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet gerbil could talk it would probably say something like, "Give me a pumpkin seed! I'm hungry!" or "Escaping ... nobody will find me here. Darn they found me!" Lastly I think he would say, "Dig! Dig! Dig!" while try to dig his way out of his glass cage.

Elizabeth Miller, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk it would say, "Hey give me the hot dog. Give me the hot dog. Just give me the hot dog."

Drake Hartinger, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk it would say, "I love you, now feed me."

Caleb Cornett, Grade 6, Straub

"Love me! Feed me! Give me food! Food? Love me!" There he was at my door, my dog, my talking dog.

Kendra Harrison, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk he would say, "Give me some bacon," because every time I go into the kitchen he wants a bacon treat. He would also say, "I hate my life," because anytime I take him for a bath or even say the word he runs in fear and he looks like that mad kitty when there's water on him. So since that we have learned to spell the word B-A-T-H when we are going to take him for a bath.

Michela Mititiero, Grade 6, Straub

My dog would of say, "I like bananas, coconuts and grapes."

Jonathan Medina, Grade 6, Straub

If my fish could talk he would say, "Me have food?" Then he would go to sleep, probably before you could get the food out!

Lexi McKenzie, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet could talk she would say, "Can I come?" or "What are you? Food?"

Cole Hancock, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk, he would probably say, "I want a big bed to hide under when the vacuum comes," or "Give the dog your food!"

Molly Siefarth, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet hamster could talk she would say, "You call this food? I need some yogurt treats and I need a slower hamster wheel. I can't keep up with this one."

Kyle Kronenberg, Grade 6, Straub

If my pet dog could talk he would say, "I'm hungry!"

Evan Dalke, Grade 6, Straub

If my cat could talk it would say, "I'm hungry," "Water," "Let me out," "Hi," "Are you OK?" "I love you" and a lot of other things.

Breanna Fenn, Grade 6, Straub

If my unicorn could talk, it would say, "Um Skittles!"

Layne Cartwright, Grade 6, Straub

My cat would ask, "Why does your mom calls me literally whatever pops into her brain at that very second?" Example: furry cheddar buns.

Meredith Bly, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk I know for sure he would blame any bad thing he does on me! He would do a lot of screaming because any time the door gets knocked on or the doorbell rings, he barks his little heart out. Like come on. What dog doesn't?

McKayla Bravo, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk it would say, "You are awesome."

Tyler Linerud, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk she would say, "Food! Play! Walk?"

Christopher Walker, Grade 6, Straub

If my 1-year-old puppy named Koda could talk, I can guarantee you that 99 percent of the time she would have her tongue flopping around while she would be screaming, "Bacon, bacon, bacon!"

Tyler Jones, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk it would say, "Just give me the whole bag of treats."

Berenisce Orozco, Grade 6, Straub

If my pheasants could talk they would say, "Get away from me. Stop trying to get my feathers, I like them how they are!"

Trinity Dornhecker, Grade 6, Straub

If my dog could talk it would say, "Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!" and then break dance.

Valerie Farrand, Grade 6, Straub

My bunny, Thumper, would say, "I love you! I love you!" Then she would say, "Thank you for taking care of me!"

Ashley Carter, Grade 6, Straub

"Food, food, food please?"

Jaden Perez, Grade 6, Straub

If my cat could talk he would say, "Why don't you people listen to me?" Or he would say, "Give me your chicken!"

Jakob Morales, Grade 6, Straub

My cat wold say to my sister, "You are so annoying." Or, "Food, food (two minutes later), food, food, food," and so on.

Joshua Glines, Grade 6, Straub

My dog Holly (aka "little piglet" or "piggy") would say, "Feed me. I am hungry." That's why we call her these nicknames because she is a chubby dog!

Bella Trowbridge, Grade 6, Straub

My dog Butterball, if he sees anyone with food, he would say, "Give me the food." Also when he has to go to the bathroom he would tell me, my bro or my step-dad.

Chris Sykes, Grade 6, Straub

If my gigantic old cat that is extremely sassy could talk, he would say, "Pass me the cat caviar and when you're done with that, fluff my kitty cushion."

Ashley Rardin, Grade 6, Straub

My tortoise would say, "I've been hitting my head against the wall all day and you still don't let me out?!"

Nathan Garcia, Grade 6, Straub

My pet would say, "Gimme food! Gimme food!"

Camryn Alves, Grade 7, Straub

My pet would say what it likes and what I have been doing wrong to take care of her.

Luke Ferschweiler, Grade 8, Straub

Upcoming questions

• Where do you feel the safest and why? Answer by Nov. 5, publication Nov. 12.

• If you could be one of those giant balloons in the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City, which one would you be and why? Describe what it might be like. Answer by Nov. 12, publication Nov. 19.

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