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PTE Essay Template: The best PTE essay format for a full score [January 2024 updated]

write essay

There is a ready-made PTE essay format which you can use in the PTE Academic test for a full score! There is a memory technique for remembering this as well.

This may sound surprising, but if you can memorize the PTE essay template provided here, you need not learn how to write essays. This PTE essay writing template is up-to-date and has been tried in multiple tests recently.

What is the PTE Writing test?

The first thing to understand is that the Writing section of the  Pearson PTE Academic  test, has two types of questions, one of which is Write Essay. Most often, there is only one such question in the exam, but sometimes there may be two.

The time limit for one question is 20 minutes . Time will not be carried over to another question if you finish the PTE essay question early. The length of the essay has to be between 200 and 300 words .

Look at some sample PTE essay questions below:

studying using laptops

The best PTE Essay Format

The PTE test is assessed by a computer , therefore there are certain metrics that the system judges the answer against. If the essay fulfils all the criteria, then it will get the full score regardless of how good or bad the actual content of the essay is.

The following PTE essay format has been designed to hit the full score in each of the criteria.

In this PTE essay writing format, replace the parts marked with “ [topic keyword] ” with the keywords from the essay prompt. The keyword could be the main topic word of the essay, or it could also be a phrase. It is best if you select a couple of phrases from the question and use them randomly throughout the format.

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PTE Essay Sample

practice pte essay format on computer

Technique for memorizing this format

The PTE essay format here has been designed with a lot of effort so that it can definitely score the full score in the test as per the marking criteria of 2023. So, it is best to memorize this word for word.

A memory technique called acrostic has been used to make it easier to remember this PTE essay template. The PTE essay writing format has ten sentences in total. The initial letters of the sentences are in alphabetical order . The first sentence begins with an “A”, the second with a “B”, the third with a “C”, and so on.

If you ever get stuck while typing this PTE essay writing template during the test, you can recall the next sentence by using the letter of the next sentence.

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How is the PTE essay judged?

In short, the essay is judged across seven indicators.

The full raw score of 3 is achieved in Content if the answer sufficiently deals with the prompt. The several places in the PTE essay format that have been marked as [topic keyword] , where we enter the topic of the essay, will ensure this.

We get 2 out of 2 in Form if the essay is between 200 and 300 words long. The PTE essay writing template provided here is 230 words long provided that the topic keyword used is a single word. A two-word topic can also be used making the essay 247 words long, while a three-word topic will make it 264 words long.

In order to get marks in the benchmark of Development, structure and coherence , several discourse markers have been used.

There are no grammatical errors in the provided PTE essay template, and it has been written using a wide range of complex grammatical structures to meet the standard for Grammar .

The PTE essay writing format has been deliberately written with an application of wide range of precise language composition so that specifications for a high General linguistic range score is met.

A broad range of words and expressions have been utilized in the creation of the PTE essay template so as to get a high score for Vocabulary .

Finally, there are no spelling mistakes in the PTE essay format here which guarantees we lose no marks in the yardstick of Spelling .

To learn more about the PTE marking system, click here »

Collection of latest PTE Essay questions

Here we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions in the PTE Write Essay section. Feel free to download the pdf file for your future use.

More examples of PTE Essay Format used

Try not to repeat the same word or phrase in every place where we insert the keyword in the PTE essay template. You should use different words in different places as in the following PTE essay sample.

albert einstein portrait

Final thoughts on PTE Essay Template

There are different PTE essay formats which can all get high scores in the PTE test. The fact of the matter is that the template needs to fulfil the criteria as set by the PTE scoring system.

Memorize the PTE essay template given above, and just write the exact answer in the test. It is advisable to practice typing out this PTE essay writing format on a computer in 20 minutes every single day till the day of the test.

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This week, I got low marks in writing in the PTE exam because I used the Language Academy essay template. The same is also applicable to Describe Image and Retell Lecture in speaking. Are there any changes in the marking algorithms? Is it still safe to use your essay template as well as DI & RL templates?

Gaurav Thapa

If you have used templates from Language Academy and still got low marks, the reason might not be the template. Score for Writing does not only depend on the essay question but also on questions from Reading and the Listening sections. Therefore, just changing the format will not mean the scores will change. However, you can freely use the format provided here. My students use them regularly and get good scores. For more information, check this link:

Arshdeep Singh

Essay template


Is this template working on November

It is definitely working Abhijit. Best of luck.


is this template working i have examon next month so please can you tell me that this template is going to work properly or not ? please

Feel free to use this template Gurman. It works 100 percent.


Have you given exam did you use this?

Hi will this template work till February 2025

As long as no changes are made by Pearson, this template should work forever. However, we update the format from time to time just to refresh things.


I am going to take PTE next week. Can I still use this template in WE and still have a good score up to this time?


If you can type an essay without making any mistakes in grammar and spelling, any format would work. Heck, you can even type random nonsense and get good score in the test. The AI only detects typing accuracy and keywords.

Thank you for your reply.

Hi did you used this template. Is it working?


Hi, I just watched one youtube video about the latest change in PTE 2023 (he just uploaded on 23/9/2023). He mentioned that ONE WORD template seems to give you lower marks than full-sentence template, is that true?

It is not correct Adam. You can safely use the template provided here.


Hi admin I have heard many people said that using this type of template will make you get 0 score. I’m just afraid if this still works bc I want to ensure that I at least get a good score in writing essays

You will not get 0 if you use this format. You can see many comments here of candidates who used this template and scored well. In fact, I am a PTE instructor, and my students have been using this format successfully for a long time. If you can type this format correctly without any mistakes, I can guarantee that you will ace your essay question.


hi Gaurav, is this format still working in 2024?

Yes. Go ahead and use it. Good luck.


Thanks for sharing, but can we use the terms advantages/ disadvantages, cause/ effect and problems/solution in one assay? Don’t we have to put them according to the type of assay question?

You can use this format as it is.

Nikhil Singh

how do you know that template is working or not in a real PTE exam?

My students are still using this format in their tests with good results. So, you can be assured that this works.

how do you know that template is working in real PTE exam?


This template definitely works. I took my PTE exam on last Monday and scored a perfect 90 in all sections while using this essay template.

Congratulations Oswin.


Hi gaurav thanks for the template, just wanted to ask if we put in the keywords as you mentioned as in the following essay, some websites and even grammly gives grammar errors, as the keywords need to start with “the” or “a” for that matter. can you help ?

A serious amount of worldwide attention has been drawn to the topic of “the” use of car . Because of the existence of evidence in favor of as well as against the approval of “an”  alternative means of transportation , the issue of “the” environment  has been a point of critical concern. Consequently, this essay is going to be about  alternative means of transportation , and I will implore the advantages and disadvantages of  use of car  with the assistance of likely causes, effects, and solutions in order to reach a resolution on  environment  with the help of reasons and examples.

Due to the preponderance of positive arguments regarding  alternative means of transportation , people have embraced the significant role that the matter of  environment  plays and the merits of the situation about  environment . Essentially, we cannot ignore that the question of  environment  is decisive. For instance, there are people who analyze the pros of  use of car  along with the causes before acceptance.

Generally, along with the demerits of  use of car , the impacts also demand careful analysis. Here, we cannot overlook that certain assertions give rise to the idea that the consequence of  use of car  is terrible as there are plenty of examples where inadvertent implications of  alternative means of transportation  have been discovered.

In conclusion, despite the claims put forward in this essay, it is apparent that the impact and the outcome of  use of car  are disputable. Just examining the merits of  alternative means of transportation  is futile because there are refutations relating to  use of car  which muddle the case.

Thank god Grammarly isn’t used to check PTE essays. Omitting articles in places where they are absolutely essential is a big mistake. However, in the essay template here, articles can safely be avoided because the structures are correct with or without one. Yes, inserting the articles as you have pointed out makes the sentences better, but the sentences are not wrong without the articles.

🙂 thanks bro, appreciate your prompt reply.


this template is not working dont use it

You should know that the Essay question carries very low marks in terms of the overall Writing score in the PTE test. Out of 90, this question does not even carry 12 marks. The most important questions for Writing are Write from Dictation in the Listening section and the two types of Fill in the Blanks in the Reading section. Learn more about PTE marking here:

dude my all other mudule was write i just got 50% in extended writing

Resham Magar

Check your writing man. You misspelled “module” and “right” even in this comment. I seriously doubt if you can type correctly. Maybe that is the reason you did not score well.


this template is not working in language academy application. but i was putting this template in apeuni , i got 15 /15marks.

Sir can i use this template without any risk? because it will 2nd attempt Paper.

The most important thing to know is that Essay question carries only a small amount of marks in the PTE test. Write from Dictation, Summarize Spoken Text, and Fill in the Blanks questions are more important. Even if you get the full score in Essay question, your overall Writing score might still be less. Please keep that in mind.

As far as Essay questions are concerned, this template will get you the full score. Different practice softwares like ApeUni and Language Academy have their own system of marking, but this format is perfectly designed to get the full score in the actual PTE test.

Hi did you use is it working?

and one of my friend used other template and he got 80% in extended writing


Hi, Gaurav I have memorized the old template, Can I use old templete? Thanks…

Yes. I made this new format just for a change. You can still use the old one.

Seudy El

Hi, I was wondering if this template is worked for band 7 or more?

This works for a full score. But remember Writing marks depend on other questions as well.

Shahin Javed

Is it really work in real exam ?

Sanket Patel

Can i use this template in real exam? I am afraid if this template goes wrong for me plz guide me in proper way.

This template is working as of August 2023. Please feel free to use it.

is this template still works ? Because i’m going to give exam in next week

It works Dikshit. Please share your experience after your results.

im giving exam at 29th i will let you know what ever it is

did you use this template during your real PTE test?

Hi did you write this essay your exam and does this essay works please tell me.


This template doesn’t give direct examples and rationale arguments or reasons related to the main topic. will not that impact the score in terms of content, logic, coherence and cohesion? Is it really safe to use it despite all of that? and what about plagiarism, if other students use it on the same exam, the algorithm will not caught them?

The algorithm used by PTE does not detect the things you have mentioned. So, please be assured that this template works. To know more about how the PTE software works, visit this page:

Radhika Bishta

How much template in this PTE essay


HI Admin, your essay template is working, please let me know I’m going to memorize it, i used a different essay template in my first exam and did not work.

It works Alex, so don’t worry about using it. However, remember that doing well in the essay question alone will not get you a high score in the test.

thank you so much for your reply, how many formats are, and can i use it for any topics, eg, problem or adv, disadv and agree, disagree

You can use this format here for any type of essay. Best of luck.

God bless you, I will share my experience after the exam.


hi bro, how about your exam especially about your essay? is this template works?

hello, did you use this template? how’s your exam?


Hi Ali, how did your exam goes? Did the template works? planning to take the exam this October.


“It has long been a subject of discussion whether (topic) or not. In my opinion, the former notion has several elements ……”

does this essay template still work?

I am not sure which essay template you are talking about. But, if it did work in the past, then it should also be working now. Unlike several claims made online, you can use whichever format you like provided that there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes.

But if you want to be on the safe side, you can use the format provided here. Best of luck.


Do not use this template. I got very low mark from writing because of this. Such a scam

I am so sorry to hear about your score Lou. But have you considered that the essay question alone contributes very low marks for the overall Writing score? In fact, out of 90, only about 11 marks depend on essay question. Instead of Write Essay questions, Write from Dictation and Summarize Spoken Text questions are more important for the Writing section.

Ketan patel

is it workable i m afraid to use it. My exam on 7th july

Feel free to use it Ketan. My students have used this format as recently as last Sunday to get a good score in the test.

Hi did you use this template, does it works?


Is this Template Still Working?

Yes it is. The rumor that old templates are not working may be true, but this template is a new one.


I used this template in the real PTE test yesterday. Sadly, I think it doesn’t work. I got 75 in writing. I have checked all the grammars for every keywords in the essay too. However, I got 2 essays. Is it because I use the same templates for both of the essays? I will write without template in the future.

I am sorry to hear that you got only 75 in Writing. Although 75 is a good score, I think you needed 79+. Anyway, the reason is not using this template twice. You should remember that Writing score in the PTE test depends not only on Write Essay question but also on Summarize Written Text, Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text, Listening Fill in the Blanks and Write From Dictation. So, you have to do well in those questions as well to get a high score in Writing. To understand PTE scoring better, go to this link:

Same this template doesn’t work I got 62 but other parts like speaking and reading i Got 80+


I have my test tomorrow. Please assure me it is still working as I know some templates don’t work anymore.

It works like a charm Jessica. But always remember, only using this format cannot guarantee the full score in Writing. You have to put more effort on Write from Dictation, Summarize Spoken Text, Fill in the Blanks, and other questions.


How many essay writing appear in the exam?

Sometimes you get one, while other times you get two. You can use the same template twice if you get two essay questions. Go to this page for a complete breakdown of the PTE test format:

Thanks Gaurav


Hello,every body. is the template useful for PTE test to get high band in writing ? and not as plagiarism ? However, this is first time for me to do this test if some one get high band when used this template pleas let me know thank you


Don’t worry bro. Just don’t make any mistake while typing this format.

Ok .Thank you for your response 🌸


this template is very useful in PTE exam…. and thanks

I appreciate your feedback Sachin.


The above essay template is still working or not?

Test takers have used this essay format as recently as May 2023 for a perfect score in PTE. So go ahead and use it in your own test. Best of luck.

Thanks for your response.

In June 2023 anyone using the same template because many YouTube videos are saying one word template is not working? In June 2023 two essays instead of one appear in writing module?

You can use this or any other similar template in the PTE test. The template can have one-word topic or multiple words. The only things that matter are correct grammar and spelling.

Also, you might get one or two essays in the test. It is randomly decided, so it depends on your luck.

If two essays appear in the exam we can use the same template or we can use different templates for both essay?

You can use the same format twice.

Amanda Carosella

Can this PTE structure be used for a agree/disagree essay or problem solving essay or any other type of essay it would be?

Yes this structure can be used for any essay type asked in the PTE test. You just need to use the right keywords. Best of luck.


Hi Gaurav, please confirm is this essay templet is still working?? I am planning to give PTE test soon. I have tried with multiple essays and this templet is very usable.

Just wanted to confirm once can I use this in the PTE exam?

Prompt response will be highly appreciated.

Dear Gunjan, as of May 2023, test takers are still using this template in the PTE test and reporting a high score in the Writing section. So, don’t hesitate to use it in your own test.

However, you should keep in mind that only Essay questions will not get you a high score in the Writing section. Write from Dictation, Reading & Writing: Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text and Summarize Written Text questions carry more marks for Writing than Essay questions.

Anyway, good luck for your test.


I don’t get this sentence. To understand easily can you rephrase? For example, there are individuals who analyze the benefits of [topic keyword] along with the causes before adoption.

Here you go: Before adopting (something), people analyze its benefits and causes.

Thank you for answering my question. Does this “something” need to be a keyword?

Yes. Best of luck for your PTE preparation.


Has anyone tested this strategy on a real PTE exam?


yes, i used the templates and got 90 on writing


Kindly, are you surely this template still working?


Yes, it works.

Ayman Amin

Is the essay templet still working or no ?


It works. This PTE essay template will get you the full score.

Yes it works perfectly fine. Using this template will definitely get you the full score on this item.

abu haraira

[email protected] kindly contact me


What if I just use the same keyword always instead of changing. can I get a high score ? in two examples you changed the keywords. is it necessary? thanks

You can use the same keyword if you don’t feel like changing it. It doesn’t matter.

thanks, I’m exercising with APEuni and following your template, using the same keyword for all the sentences, I’m getting 14/15 which is pretty good for me. I’m loosing one point on Development, structure and coherence almost all the time.

Although you are getting 14/15 on ApeUni, you will get full 15 on the actual PTE test. Best of luck.


Isn’t this plagiarism? Won’t the computer notice?

Honestly speaking, it is plagiarism. Ideally, a test taker should learn how to write an argumentative essay alongside using correct grammatical structures and appropriate vocabulary. However, my personal experiments as well as those done by others all over the world have proved that you can use a ready-made template in the test. In fact, everyone can use the same template over and over again, but the computer doesn’t care.

Therefore, it is up to the candidate appearing for the PTE test to decide whether they want to go the proper route by improving their essay writing ability or simply “cheat” the test by copying this format provided here. If the essay fulfils the criteria mentioned in this article, you can score good in the test. Plagiarism, it seems, isn’t a criteria.


is it workable i m afraid to use it

It is perfectly fine to use this ready-made essay in your own PTE test. It has been tried in the actual test with success. However, you should remember that only doing this question perfectly doesn’t mean you will get full score in the Writing module. There are other questions to worry about as well. Refer to this page for more details:


Such an easy PTE essay template to remember. Thank you so much.

I am happy that you liked my PTE essay template.


Sir I am not good in Reading please give me the tricks

If you are not already very good in answering Reading questions, you can start learning all the rules of grammar. Most questions are based on your knowledge of grammar. However, if you don’t have much time, you can practice all the past questions, which are easily available online. Most questions in the test are repeated. Best of luck.

essay pte template

Best PTE Essay Writing Template For Full Score


The PTE academic exam is a comprehensive assessment of language proficiency, and one crucial component is the writing test. Understanding how to approach the PTE essay writing section can significantly impact your overall score. In this article, we will delve into the best PTE essay writing template designed to help you achieve a full score.

PTE Writing Essay Test Overview

The PTE writing section evaluates your ability to communicate ideas effectively in written form. Understanding the nuances of this section is vital, as it contributes significantly to your overall PTE score. 

PTE Essay Writing task is the second assignment in the writing segment, part of Section 1 of the PTE exam – Speaking & Writing . The time allocated for this section ranges from 54 to 67 minutes. The duration of the PTE Writing section is slightly over half of the total time, depending on the number of questions in the writing part. You receive a topic, typically 2 to 3 sentences long, and your task is to compose a persuasive or argumentative essay on it. Each PTE essay question allows 20 minutes for your response. Usually, there is one essay question in the PTE test, but occasionally, you might encounter two questions. Stay calm; you are required to tackle both questions.

Exploring PTE Essay Types

The PTE writing test presents various essay types, each requiring a unique approach. Understanding these types is fundamental for effective preparation. The essay types include:

Promotional Image

Argument: Present a viewpoint on a specific issue, supported by evidence and reasoning.

Describe: Illustrate a particular situation, object, or process in detail.

Respond to a question: Answer a provided question with clarity and coherence.

Advantages or Disadvantages: Evaluate the positive and negative aspects of a given topic.

Also Read: PTE Retell Lecture Template To Ace Your Speaking Test

PTE Writing Essay Scoring

Scoring in the PTE essay section is based on several factors, including Content, Form , grammar, General linguistic, vocabulary, spelling and overall Development, Structure & Coherence . Familiarizing yourself with the scoring criteria is essential for crafting essays that meet the test requirements.

Unlocking the Best PTE Essay Writing Template

Now, let’s unlock the secrets of the best PTE essay writing template. A well-structured template serves as a roadmap, ensuring your essay is organized, logical, and addresses all aspects of the prompt.

Essay Template:

One of the prevailing trends in contemporary society is the sudden surge in the assertion that _<Essay Statement>_ . This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of the above statement, which is closely tied to the notion that _<Essay Statement>_ , employing a practical perspective.

To start with, there are numerous arguments supporting my position. Among them, a crucial point not only entails societal improvement but also encompasses the positive development of individuals worldwide. Other aspects influenced by this topic include _<Keyword 1>_, _<Keyword 2>_, and _<Keyword 3>_. The myriad benefits associated with this perspective not only contribute to personal success and effectiveness but also enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall quality of life with remarkable efficacy and convenience.

Another pivotal aspect of the above statement is its potential to foster flourishing, progress, and excellence across various fields and disciplines. Consequently, considerations of _<Keyword 4>_, _<Keyword 5>_, and _<Keyword 6>_ are also integral to the overall assessment. Additionally, adherence to such a system is essential for individuals to broaden their horizons, refine skills, and cultivate qualities like commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Therefore, it is apparent why many endorse the idea that _<Essay Statement>_ .

In conclusion, I believe that the concerned authority is commendably taking proactive measures to educate the stakeholders about the adverse consequences of the statement that _<Essay Statement>_ . All stakeholders are being urged to comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations to foster prosperity, productivity, efficiency, and a positive global environment.

How to Use PTE Essay Template?

First, get the ‘ Essay Statement ’ from the question. You can get 90-100% of the ‘ Essay Statement ’ from the given question. So, don’t worry about it.

Question: “ Acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree?”

Essay Statement: “ Acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present. ”

Question: “A few believe in relishing their earnings in the present , while others advocate for saving for a future time . What is your opinion?”

Essay Statement: “ Relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time .” [look at the statement yourself, and see what is different from the question.]

Question: “The environment holds significance. Is it more beneficial for children to be brought up in the countryside than in a large city ? To what extent do you agree with this statement?”

Essay Statement: “ It is more beneficial for children to be brought up in the countryside than in a large city ” [converted the question into a normal sentence]

Now, find out 5-7 keywords related to the ‘ Essay Statement ’. It will be better if the half (2 to 3) of the keywords are about pros and the other half (2 to 3) are about cons. That’s it!

Essay Statement: “Acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present.”

  • Preventing mistakes
  • Gaining wisdom
  • Informed decision
  • Selective bias
  • Time-consuming
  • Irrelevance risk

Essay Statement: “Relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time.”

  • Immediate joy
  • Spontaneous fun
  • Memorable moments
  • Future security
  • Financial stability
  • Risk mitigation

Essay Statement: “It is more beneficial for children to be brought up in the countryside than in a large city.”

  • Simpler lifestyle
  • Community bond
  • Cleaner air
  • Isolation risk
  • Job opportunities
  • Limited options

Step 3: Finally, we’ll just fill up the blanks appropriately. We will do this the ‘Example of usage’ section.

Also Read: PTE Describe Image Template and Strategies to Achieve High Score

Sample Answer for PTE Essay Question Answer-1

Example 1: “Acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree?” Example Answer:

One of the prevailing trends in contemporary society is the sudden surge in the assertion that acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present [essay statement]. This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of the above statement, which is closely tied to the notion that acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present , employing a practical perspective. To start with, there are numerous arguments supporting my position. Among them, a crucial point not only entails societal improvement but also encompasses the positive development of individuals worldwide. Other aspects influenced by this topic include preventing mistakes, gaining wisdom, and informed decision [keywords 1, 2, and 3]. The myriad benefits associated with this perspective not only contribute to personal success and effectiveness but also enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall quality of life with remarkable efficacy and convenience. Another pivotal aspect of the above statement is its potential to foster flourishing, progress, and excellence across various fields and disciplines. Consequently, considerations of selective bias, time-consuming, and irrelevance risk [keywords 4, 5, and 6] are also integral to the overall assessment. Additionally, adherence to such a system is essential for individuals to broaden their horizons, refine skills, and cultivate qualities like commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Therefore, it is apparent why many endorse the idea that acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present . In conclusion, I believe that the concerned authority is commendably taking proactive measures to educate the stakeholders about the adverse consequences of the statement that acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present . All stakeholders are being urged to comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations to foster prosperity, productivity, efficiency, and a positive global environment.

Sample Answer for PTE Essay Question Answer-2

“A few believe in relishing their earnings in the present, while others advocate for saving for a future time. What is your opinion?” Example Answer:

One of the prevailing trends in contemporary society is the sudden surge in the assertion that relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time [essay statement]. This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of the above statement, which is closely tied to the notion that relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time , employing a practical perspective. To start with, there are numerous arguments supporting my position. Among them, a crucial point not only entails societal improvement but also encompasses the positive development of individuals worldwide. Other aspects influenced by this topic include immediate joy, spontaneous fun, and memorable moments [keywords 1, 2, and 3]. The myriad benefits associated with this perspective not only contribute to personal success and effectiveness but also enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall quality of life with remarkable efficacy and convenience. Another pivotal aspect of the above statement is its potential to foster flourishing, progress, and excellence across various fields and disciplines. Consequently, considerations of future security, financial stability, and risk mitigation [keywords 4, 5, and 6] are also integral to the overall assessment. Additionally, adherence to such a system is essential for individuals to broaden their horizons, refine skills, and cultivate qualities like commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Therefore, it is apparent why many endorse the idea that relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time . In conclusion, I believe that the concerned authority is commendably taking proactive measures to educate the stakeholders about the adverse consequences of the statement that relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time . All stakeholders are being urged to comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations to foster prosperity, productivity, efficiency, and a positive global environment.

Sample Answer for PTE Essay Question Answer-3

Example 3:  

“The environment holds significance. Is it more beneficial for children to be brought up in the countryside than in a large city? To what extent do you agree with this statement?” Example Answer: Try it yourself.  

You can also practice PTE essay writing questions in One PTE for free.

In conclusion, mastering the art of PTE essay writing is achievable with the right strategy. By understanding the test format, scoring guidelines, and utilizing the best PTE essay writing template, you can significantly enhance your chances of scoring a full mark.

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essay pte template

PTE Essay Writing | Universal Templates and Methods

Hi everyone! Welcome back. In this post I am going to explain how to write an essay, which is the second task in PTE writing section. I will explain how to write the essay using the template as well as a key strategy that will make much easier to write an accurate and a high scoring essay.

The most important thing to understand about the PTE essay writing task is that it needs to be written according to the  PTE-specific format . With this in mind, I would like to share you with some strategies, which help you to organise written ideas in a clear, logical and grammatical way and improve your essay score .

Just a quick look on what we are going to cover, we will see how to Understand the task Scoring structure Different types of Essays One universal template for all type of Essays. And on top of that instead of using the template, we will see how to Use the method Few tips and strategies to avoid mistakes.

PTE Writing Essay with different types: Agree or disagree, discuss two opinions, causes and effects, problems and solutions with templates.

Understand the PTE Essay writing task

Let us understand the task first. As per Pearson the word limit should be between 200 to 300 but the recommended word limit is between 230 to 260 words. Sometimes you may get 1 or 2 essays in PTE writing. Each question has 2 to 3 sentences.

20 minutes to write an essay. Make a plan to think about the ideas, write the essay and then allocate some time to review it. Spend atleast 3 to 5 minutes to review in order to check the spellings, grammar and correct the sentences if required. This task contributes only for writing section.

Use cut, copy, paste buttons on the screen instead of keyboard shortcuts – we have already discussed this in SWT. Don’t use keyboard shortcuts as it will not work properly. Use the one which is shown in the screen.

Scoring structure

This task contributes 11.2 marks. It is scored based on our ability to write a convincing essay on the given topic. And it affects the scoring of grammar, spelling, vocabulary and written discourse. Also the score is awarded based on the below factors.

Content Content is scored by determining if all aspects of the topic have been addressed in your response. If your essay does not address the topic, you will not receive any score points for your essay on any of the factors, which we are discussing now. Your essay will be scored zero in PTE writing section. Also you have to support any arguments with details, examples and explanations.

Development, structure and coherence These are scored according to the organization of your response. Make sure the essay writing in PTE contains an introduction, two body paragraphs and a conclusion that relate to the topic of the essay. Within the paragraphs, ideas should be clearly presented and supported with details, examples and explanations. Transitions between paragraphs must be smooth.

Form Scored by counting the number of words in your response. You will receive full credit if your essay in PTE writing section is between 200 and 300 words. Writing less than 200 words or more than 300 words will decrease your score. Zero marks will be given for all the factors if your essay contains less than 120 words or more than 380 words.

General linguistic range This is scored if you accurately communicate your ideas. Provide clear descriptions to highlight key ideas without any doubt and ensure clear communication. And use complex sentences rather than using simple sentence structures and use academic vocabularies appropriately. These are all give full credits to your response.

Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling Grammar is scored by examining sentence structure, punctuation and capital letters wherever is required. Use variety of academic words. And use synonyms in the introduction to paraphrase the topic sentence. But avoid repetition of same words. Most importantly PTE Academic recognizes English spelling conventions from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. But use only one spelling convention consistently in all your responses. Don’t mix the spelling content from different countries. This is very important point to be noted.

PTE Essay Writing prompts

These are the different types of essay in PTE writing section that we get in the test.

Agree or disagree Discuss about the topic and state your points as why you agree or why you disagree. If the question is about agree or disagree such as, Is the fast food good for health or not? You can mention some points on why it is bad for health in first paragraph and how it benefits for lower income people in second paragraph and conclude with your statement on one side. This will give clear picture of the topic with many supporting points.

Discuss two opinions You have to talk about two sides of the argument in paragraph1 and paragraph2 and say which one is best in the conclusion. Talk on both the sides so that you will get lot of points.

Causes and Effects For example, why people like travelling and what are the effects when they travel such as tasting different food, experiencing different culture.

Problems and Solutions

Advantages and disadvantages.

We will see each type of essay in PTE writing with examples using the same template for all type of essays.

PTE Essay Writing Universal Template

One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that <negative point of the topic> . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that <positive point of the topic> and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of <positive key point> . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of <positive key point> are indeed too great to ignore.

This is one universal template, which we can use for any type of essays. Start with an introduction, two body paragraphs and conclusion at the end. Again, with this template you can get 79+ but you have to make sure that the other writing tasks should be attended well without any mistakes. Don’t worry about the different prompts such as agree or disagree or advantages or disadvantages, you can use the same template for all types of essays. Using this template you can score in grammar, spelling, vocabulary and written discourse as well.

Now we will see example for each type of essays.

Agree or disagree

Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree? Provide relevant examples if necessary. Here they have directly given as agree or disagree. Sometimes they will not mention this and we have to identify by understanding the topic. Always mention the negative side of the topic in the first paragraph. Some contradicting point relevant to the main idea in the second paragraphs and supporting points in the subsequent paragraphs..

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that low salary is more disadvantageous . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that job satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of job satisfaction . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of job satisfaction are indeed too great to ignore.

Here, there is a widespread worry and leads to a concern. People are worrying that low salary is a concern. However, I do not entirely accept because low salary is fine for me as long as I get job satisfaction. Please make a note of this point. Since we are not agreeing, always mention the negative point in the introduction and the contradicting point should be positive in body paragraph1. In this way, you can follow the same template for any essay in PTE writing. Also you will not go out of the topic.

Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. I am going to mention low salary is disadvantage instead of big salary is advantage. Because I am going to support points for job satisfaction. Big salary is not important for me compared to job satisfaction. Therefore, I am mentioning big salary as negative point. Myriad – is an academic vocabulary. We have enough vocabularies in this template like this.

There are number of arguments in favour of my stance. Most preponderant one is that job satisfaction… here job satisfaction is a contradicting point to low salary. Wide range of advantages, benefit, broaden their horizons – These are all supporting points to this sentence. Hence it is apparent why many are in favour of job satisfaction. In conclusion also job satisfaction are indeed too great to ignore. After replacing the points just read the entire essay once again to make sure that the points are fit to the template in terms of content and grammar. And also check the spelling mistakes if any. Here we are getting 227 words and it is totally fine.

Discuss two opinions

Some people point that experiential learning can work well in formal education. However, others think a traditional form of teaching is the best. Do you think experiential learning can work well in high schools or colleges?

What type of essay is this? ‘Experiential learning and traditional form of teaching’. So two points mentioned here and ‘Do you think’ is asking our opinion. So discuss two opinions is the prompt.

Again mention which one you don’t support in the introduction paragraph, but negatively. People believing that experiential learning is best compared to traditional way of education. Here I am mentioning traditional way of education is not the best as negatively. And it is mentioned as concern to people but I am not accepting it. I am supporting experiential learning is the best. Hence, mention some points of experiential learning in body paragraph1. In body paragraph2, it is apparent why many are in favour of experiential learning and even in conclusion as well. Read the entire essay once for proofreading.

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that experiential learning is best compared to traditional way of education . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that experiential way of learning provides practical knowledge and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of experiential learning . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of experiential learning are indeed too great to ignore.

Some universities deduct students’ marks if work is given late. What is your opinion and recommend some alternative actions for this problem?

Here it is mentioned as problem and asking for solution. Recommend some alternative actions – solution. So it should be problems and solutions. Negative point of the topic – already the topic itself has some negative point – Deduct students’ marks. Mention it in introduction.

People believing that some universities reduce students’ marks for late submission of their assignments. Is this a concern? No I do not entirely accept this. Because students learn to manage time. Here it is not necessary to provide new solution. Time management is the solution here. Remember that we can write an essay in PTE writing section using many different ideas. But the structure and relevant information are the key to score more points. In body paragraph2, it is in favour of time management and in conclusion as well.

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that some universities reduce students’ marks for late submission of their assignments . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that students learn how to manage time and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of time management . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of time management are indeed too great to ignore.

Causes and Effects

The time people devote in job leaves very little time for personal life. How widespread is the problem? What problem will this shortage of time cause?

Here also there is a problem statement but here solution is not asked. What effects will this problem can create? So causes and effects is the prompt here. Shortage of time for personal life leads to many family problems – negative side of the topic.

Explain why this is not a problem – in long term perspective one can achieve high standard of living, variations in lifestyle, luxurious life with the family – these are the effects, positive effects. There are negative effects as well such as disputes among families, stress and depression due to lot of work but that is not required to mention. And in body paragraph2, mention why many are in favour of – spending less time for family. Same point in conclusion as well.

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that shortage of time for personal life leads to many family problems . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that in long term perspective one can achieve high standard of living, variations in lifestyle, luxurious life with the family and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of spending less time for family . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of spending less time for family are indeed too great to ignore.

With the increase of digital media available online, the role of the library has become obsolete. Universities should only procure digital media rather than constantly updating textbooks. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages.

So we have to discuss both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of digital media outweighs drawbacks in library is the negative point. So the contradicting point is digital media provides latest information in one click. Therefore, many are in favour of digital media. Simple.

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that advantages of digital media outweighs the drawbacks of traditional way of reading in the library . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that digital media provides more latest information in just one click and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of digital media . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of digital media are indeed too great to ignore.

So this is how we can use the same template for all types of essays. Read the topic, write the template quickly in the textbox and then modify the topic sentence and supporting points. Finally verify if everything is correct. However if you still have dilemma whether you can use the template or not, you can use the method, which we will discuss now. Before moving on to the method, we will quickly see some tips and strategies to avoid any mistakes and utilize the 20 minutes time wisely.

PTE Essay Writing Tips and Strategies

Before you start writing, you need to plan what you are going to write. Read the topic and plan your ideas in the first 2 minutes. Gather some relevant points, your experience related to the topic and some supporting points if any. Take 15 minutes to write and review in the last 3 minutes. This will save you from having to stop and restart from the beginning. Check the grammar and spelling mistakes if any. You have to read the entire essay, word by word to make sure error free text and get full points in grammar and spelling.

Always use the structure and limit the number of lines. Introduction, 2 body paragraphs and a conclusion. This will do to write around 230 to 260 words, which is more than enough. But how will you check if you will be able to complete your essay in PTE writing within the word limit. Though you can see the word count at the bottom, even when you complete the first body paragraph itself, sometimes you will be reaching around 180 to 200 words. Therefore, limit the number of lines for each paragraph as mentioned below.

Introduction – not more than 2 lines. Body paragraphs – 3 and 1/2 to 4 lines each. Conclusion – 1 to 1 and 1/2 lines.

This itself will bring you around 270 words. Here I am just talking about the number of lines based on the textbox given in the PTE test. In each line we can write around 25 to 30 words. Therefore, for 10 lines we can easily get around 260 to 270 words. Don’t write many points in body paragraph1 itself. Then you need to reduce your points in paragraph2. If you reach up to 4 sentences in first paragraph then complete the sentence and start writing the next paragraph. Believe me! You can save much time if you follow this strategy.

Avoid very long sentences. The more you extend your sentences, the more likely you will be to make grammar and punctuation errors. Make it simple and clear. Use complex sentences though but not very big sentences. Build your vocabulary skill by reading newspapers or hearing BBC news channel without video. Hear only the audio news to concentrate more.

Let us see how you have to structure your essay using the method.

PTE Essay Writing Method

Even in the method as well, you have to stick to the structure to get more points in written discourse. Always start with introduction, 2 body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Introduction Let us have a look on how to write the introduction. For introduction, just paraphrase the topic sentence and add a supporting point. You can start the introduction as, It is often argued that, It is commonly believed that etc.

Body Paragraph1 Start the first body paragraph as To begin with, First of all or Firstly. And then continue the paragraph with supporting points using Secondly and Finally.

Body Paragraph2 Start the second paragraph with Nevertheless or However with some contradicting points for the first paragraph and mention how it can be resolved. You can also extend your second paragraph by supporting the paragraph1 instead of arguing against it using Moreover or Furthermore.

In addition, support your points with some examples. You can include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Start the example using For instance, To illustrate, In my own experience etc. If you support your points with examples, you will get more points to add and you can easily make it relevant to the topic.

Conclusion Finally, write the conclusion as In conclusion or To conclude, and mention which statement is most convincing to support the topic sentence.

Each of these paragraphs need only a few sentences to clearly get your point. And finally proofread your content to make sure you don’t do any spelling or grammar mistakes. Now we will see how to use the method for this topic. We have already seen this example using template. Apply all the points that we discussed now.

Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree? Provide relevant examples if necessary.

Use the below structure.

It is often argued that First of all, For example, Secondly, For instance, Thus, In conclusion,

Using Method It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a job with high wage, even if it does not appeal to you at all. I completely disagree with this opinion and think that job satisfaction is much more important than salary. First of all, I believe that job satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment that no money can guarantee. Even if someone is earning a high salary but feels tensed, this person would not enjoy his life. While pursuing one’s interests will always bring pleasure and feeling of satisfaction. For example, a lot of famous researchers made their career choices not because of appealing wages, but because they were passionate about science. That is why it is more important to choose the kind of work that makes you happy than to look only at a high salary. Secondly, doing what you like keeps you motivated and therefore leads to a career growth. In other words, there is a strong relation between job satisfaction and productivity. People who love their jobs can easily excel in their fields of work than those, who put salary on the first place. For instance, in my company many people are working for more than 25 years despite a good wage. Consequently, others moved out for high salary but struggling to achieve better results. Thus, advantages of jobs that keep you satisfied outweigh the drawback of low salary in a long-term perspective. In conclusion, I strongly believe that job satisfaction is more beneficial than high salary because it makes people happy and motivated.

So this is how it should be. Paraphrase the introduction – instead of more important you can mention as more advantageous. Don’t use abbreviations and colloquial language. Always expand the words and maintain academic English. Here I am disagreeing the statement of big salary, adding points for job satisfaction and the supporting points with examples using my own experience and then the conclusion part. Here I did not use much vocabularies but use atleast few words. So this is how we can use the method. And don’t forget to proofread your essay.

Allow one space between each paragraph. This is not mandatory but leaving one space will be good to show the completion of the paragraph. And you can use delete or backspace button anytime. That is not a problem. You can correct your content until you write error free essay. You can paste this sample in to check how many lines we will get for 260 words in the real exam. 1 and 1/2 lines for introduction, 3 to 4 lines for body paragraphs and 1 line for conclusion and we got 260 words. This is how you can limit the number of words based on number of lines.

Sentences to increase the word count

Here are some sentences that I have gathered from some sample essays. This helps to bring you some ideas related to the topic using which you can build your own points. I always add two or more sentences from this list in my essays, which save my time while thinking about the ideas.

  • Helps the country’s economy to be stable.
  • The research is quite possibly biased on one side.
  • It is the government that needs to take measures to ameliorate such problems.
  • Admittedly, this may be cumbersome to administer, however, an attempt could be made to get it off the ground.
  • Attempts should be made to redress the imbalance.
  • It is often the case that people would rather not use.
  • I would argue there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that this is not the case, and, therefore, steps must be taken to improve it.
  • Which socio-economic group consumes more (either lower income people or wealthier people).
  • Governments offer large subsidies to farmers.
  • It is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation.
  • The children accessing unsuitable websites and viruses is inevitable.
  • An ocean of opportunities.
  • In conclusion, despite the fact that there are benefits.

Brush up these sentences before going to the exam and try to remember as much as possible.

That’s all I have for essays. Use the 20 minutes time wisely for understanding the topic and plan your ideas in the first 2 minutes, write the essay within 13 to 15 minutes, review and correct it in the last 3 minutes. Also, write only a maximum of 10 lines. Introduction – 2 lines, body paragraphs – 3 to 4 lines each and conclusion – 1 to 1 and 1/2 lines. Along with checking on the word count, you can count the lines and structure your essay in this way.

Paraphrase the topic in the introduction, highlight the supporting points and contradicting points in body paragraphs with some examples in your own experience and then conclude with some solution or on one side of the topic depends upon what type of topic that you get. Remember that anyone can write the essay within the given timeframe if they have the right tools. I hope with these information, writing an essay will be very easy for you. Thank you for reading my post till the end.


Pte summarize written text | tips and templates.

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essay pte template

  • 22 Mar 2023

essay pte template

  • Task - Write a 200–300 word essay on a given topic.
  • Skills assessed - Writing
  • Prompt length - 2-3 sentences
  • Time to answer - 20 minutes

You have  20 minutes to write your essay .

The Word Count at the bottom of the screen counts the number of words you write. Make sure to write a  minimum of 200 words,  but  no more than 300 words.

There are also cut, copy, and paste buttons which you may choose to use while constructing your response.

Cut:  Select text from your answer that you wish to remove and left-click “Cut”.

Copy:  Select text from your answer that you wish to copy and left-click “Copy”.

Paste:  Place the cursor where you wish to paste the cut/copied text and left-click “Paste”.

essay pte template

Start by analyzing the task:

Before you write anything,  note keywords  in the prompt.  Find out the topic, what key points you should focus on  to answer the question  and any points of view to present  and discuss:

essay pte template

Analyze the essay prompt so you know how to answer:

Essay prompts can be written in a number of ways. For example, you may need to  discuss whether you agree or disagree  with a statement:

essay pte template

You may have to  consider how different groups of people might feel  about a particular situation:

essay pte template

Content:  Does your response address the topic? Content is scored by determining if all aspects of the topic have been addressed in your response. The appropriateness of the details, examples, and explanations used to support your point of view is also scored. If your essay does not address the topic, you will not receive any score points for your essay on any of the seven factors. Your essay will be scored zero. The best responses are on topic, contain logical and specific information, and answer any questions asked. They also support any arguments with details, examples, and/or explanations.

Development, structure, and coherence:  Does your response demonstrate good development of ideas and a logical structure? Development, structure, and coherence are scored according to the organization of your response. A well-developed response uses a logical organizational pattern, connects ideas, and explains these connections. The best responses contain multiple paragraphs and have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that relate to the topic of the essay. Within paragraphs, ideas are clearly presented and supported with details, examples, and/or explanations. Transitions between paragraphs are smooth.

Form:  Does your response meet the length requirement of between 200 and 300 words? Form is scored by counting the number of words in your response. You will receive full credit if your essay is between 200 and 300 words. Writing less than 200 words or more than 300 words will decrease your score. If your essay contains less than 120 words or more than 380 words, you will not receive any score points for your essay on any of the seven factors. Your essay will be scored zero.

General linguistic range:  Does your response use language that precisely conveys your ideas? General linguistic range is scored by determining if the language in your response accurately communicates your ideas. This includes your ability to provide clear descriptions, change emphasis, eliminate ambiguity, express subtleties in meaning, and use stylistic features to communicate meaning. You are more likely to receive full credit if you use complex sentence structures and vocabulary correctly, rather than consistently using simple sentence structures and vocabulary. This is because complex ideas are often expressed with complex sentence structures and vocabulary. The best responses use language that highlights key ideas, creatively expresses opinions, and ensures clear communication.

Grammar usage and mechanics:  Does your response demonstrate correct grammatical usage and consistent control of standard written English? Grammar usage and mechanics are scored by examining sentence structure, punctuation, and capitalization. The best responses contain high proportions of grammatically correct complex sentences that clearly communicate the intended meaning.

Vocabulary range:  Does your response demonstrate command of a broad vocabulary range? Vocabulary range is scored according to the variety of words in your response and their appropriateness in an academic environment. Synonyms, idiomatic expressions, and academic terms are also assessed if appropriate. The best responses use precise academic terms and avoid repetition by using synonyms and idioms where appropriate.

Spelling:  Does your response demonstrate correct and consistent use of a single spelling convention?

  • Partial credit scoring applies to Write Essay. No credit is given for no response or an irrelevant response.
  • This question type affects the scoring of the following: writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and written discourse.
  • Your listening and speaking skills are not tested by this question type, and your reading skills are only used to read the instructions and the prompt.


 Be mindful of the instructions, for example, the world limit of 200-300 words.    Read the subject well and know the kind of question it is.     Make sure that you write in the correct academic English language.     Try not to write in pointers or bullets.    Write in clear and compact paragraphs.     Stay away from a language that is excessively complicated. Keep it simple.    Plan your essay before you start writing. Many individuals use up all available time composing their essays since they keep changing their ideas on the part of their argument.    Use a good structure. Because you won’t be able to decide, compose, and check everything within 20 mins.    Brush up on your academic vocabulary! It is very important to use good vocabulary when writing an essay.    When you have composed your essay, leave a couple of moments to read what you’ve written, and make further upgrades. It is quite often conceivable to improve what you have composed the first run through. In your last read, pay special attention to these things.    Watch what you have composed carefully on the given subject. It isn't remarkable for test-takers to lose their way after the main passage. Try not to get into one point so much that you miss the general picture.     Ensure you don't repeat a similar point again and again. When you start an argument, create it completely and afterward close it. Try not to continue bouncing to it in the resulting passages.     Check for grammar mistakes, appropriate sentence structures, punctuation, and so on.
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PTE Preparation

PTE Preparation Made Easy!

PTE Academic Essay Writing Template

January 3, 2017 By Steven 20 Comments

The Essay section of the PTE Academic Exam is the most important task that contributes to your writing score . In this post, I’m going to share with your some quick tips on the Essay section that will improve your score and help save time as well.

I recently got a question from a test-taker on the Essay section. He stated,

I face difficulty in completing the Essay section in time. Is there a structure or format that I can use so that I can complete the Essay section in time?

Finishing your Essay in time is a critical aspect of the Essay task. You i deally want to spare 3-5 minutes from the 20 minutes allocated to proofread your Essay for any spelling or grammatical errors.

Writing a good Essay in limited time can be hard if you are not used to doing this. Let’s break down the various tasks you need to do to write an Essay. You need to:

  • Think about how you are going to structure your Essay based on the question.
  • Come up with Ideas regarding the topic question.
  • Organize these ideas and put them into meaningful sentences.
  • Organize these sentences into paragraphs

All of these tasks take time. Often more time is spent thinking about these 4 steps than actually writing the Essay. Having a predefined ‘template’ can be useful in saving time in this section as it cuts out some of these tasks. It decreases your mental load as you do not have to think too much about the structure of your Essay during the exam. You simply create a template and fill in the blanks with appropriate content from the question asked.

Want to know the best part?

I’ve created an Essay template to help with this. It’s a 4 paragraph Essay that comes with good vocabulary and can be used for most Essay’s asked in the exam. It has also been created to hit upon all the aspects of the PTE Scoring system. I’ve also included a sample completed Essay so you know what to aim for. All you need to do is fill in the blanks. You can get if free using this link. Check out the video below where I explain how to use it.

But here’s the deal:

Test-takers have been reporting some excellent results in the writing section of the PTE after using this template. I might end up charging for this soon, so grab the template for free using the link below if it’s still available.

PTE Academic Essay Writing Template:

Download here:

90 Score using Essay template

Some common FAQ’s regarding the template:

Q: Which Essay can I use this template for?

Ans: This template is best suited for essays which ask for your opinion on a topic and for essays that ask you to choose between two viewpoints.

Q: What score can I expect by using this template. 

Ans: I have seen scores ranging from 60 to 90. The score you get using the template also depends on how well you fill in the blanks with appropriate content related to the Essay topic asked and take care of other basic aspects like grammar and spellings.

Q : Do you have more Essay templates:

Ans: Yes, I have a more updated template that requires very minimum usage of content words. It aslo minimizes grammar mistakes. It is a paid template available here .

Q : How do I get my PTE results. It’s been more than 5 days. I haven’t received it yet?

Ans: Your scores may be delayed on rare occasions. Read this article to learn more about accessing your PTE results.

Q : Do I require personal coaching to pass the PTE?

Ans: It depends from case to case. Some people require additional help and some people can do it on their own. Read this article if you are considering coaching/classes for the PTE.

Reader Interactions

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If we get two essays in writing section of the real PTE exam,can we use same template for both essays?

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Its not recommended to use the same template twice. You can purchase our Ebook where you can get two additional essay templates.

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Steven, would you mind replying “kk.haider” question, please? I have the same doubt.

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Hi, can anyone give me essay writing format structure for all essays?

Essay template 1(provided free) is best suited for essays which ask for your opinion on a topic and for essays that ask you to choose between two viewpoints. Below is the link ( )

There are two additional essay templates(2 and 3) available in my Ebook which you can buy using this link . A solved example is also provided.

Essay template 2 is best suited for essays where you are asked to describe a problem and/or need to provide a solution. Essay template 3 is best suited for Agree/Disagree type essays.

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What you do to build a good vocabulary for the essays?

If you are more familiar with academic words that will help you built up your vocabulary. Email me at [email protected] more info.

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Hi, What is the format of the book. Is it E-book or paper book? Regards, Abdul

It’s an Ebook format.

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Hi, i am very poor in essay writing and i taken a date in 3 jan..if you dont mine can you help me..

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Hi, Your videos are really helpful. can you please tell me, when I open new para after introduction, should I go to next line (press one enter) or keep one line blank between two para (Ex, press enter twice). what did you do?

Hi Ruwan, We recommend you hit “Enter” twice to start the new paragraph.

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In exam if we get the 2 essays and what if we choose to use the same template for both the essay’s. How it will impact the scoring of writing section? Any thoughts or experiences that were shared with you in this regards?

Hi Ashish, We recommend not using the same essay template for two different questions in the exam. We have seen test takers score 50 to 90 with using the essay template. It all depends on your English skills. You need to practice more to improve.

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My writing score on my previous exam was 75. I did not use any template. Will this template will help me to boost my score. I am aiming for 79 and up.

Hi Donald, Thanks for writing in. You need to practice more to get your desired score. You can use the templates as a guide since we have seen test takers taking help of the templates but have scored between 55 to 90.

Best Regards PTE Preparation Team

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Thanks a lot, still in preparation; hope this helps me! thanks once again.

Thanks for commenting. For any queries for the PTE Academic do email us on [email protected]

Best Regards,

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‘This is especially useful’

Not : usefully!!!! As written in the free document .

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PTE Essay Writing: Detailed Guidelines & Tips For High Scores

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by Moni Vuong

Published on 14/10/2023 Last Updated 14/10/2023

PTE Essay Writing - Detailed Guidelines & Tips

PTE essay writing is an important part of the PTE test .

It is designed to evaluate grammar, vocabulary range, and ability to develop ideas of the participants. It can be a big challenge for all people who take the PTE test.

However, you can get a high score for this part if you have the right way to practice.

In this guide by PTE Magic , you will find all the things you need to conquer PTE essay writing.

Let’s take a look.

  • Online PTE training courses that get results!
  • Secrets to cracking the PTE test with ease
  • PTE writing test – everything you need to know

PTE essay writing structure & word limit

Before diving into specific strategies, you need to know the PTE essay writing structure.

In this task, you have to respond to a given prompt in the most logical way. The essay writing often follows a standard format, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

The details of each part can be:


The introduction should be about 1-2 sentences, starting with a statement related to the topic and giving an opinion about the mentioned issue. Notice that your point needs to be clear,  brief, and focused on the task.

The body paragraph is usually between 200 and 300 words in length. You can divide it into two single paragraphs, each of which gives an idea supporting the main point of your thesis statement. 

You can refer to the below writing structure:

  • The first sentence of the paragraph mentions one reason why you state as in the introduction.
  • The following sentence explains and clarifies the reason in the first sentence.
  • The next sentences provide some specific evidence and examples to illustrate the idea. This strengthens your idea and helps it be more coherent.

The body is the most important part of PTE essay writing. Therefore, you should practice and strive to write as smoothly as you can.

The last of the essay is the conclusion. In this part, you should restate your thesis statement in different words to emphasize your main argument and summarize the key points you made in the body paragraphs. 

This part should contain about 1-2 sentences.

Word limitation in essay tasks is an important factor you need to notice. It’s better when you write in that range, not less or more.

How will your essay be scored? 

PTE Essay Writing - Detailed Guidelines & Tips

Since you understand all about the essay structure, you need to know how the examiner scores you.

PTE essay writing has a detailed and transparent scoring system. The scoring process involves both automated scoring and human raters. 

Here’s a breakdown of how your PTE essay will be scored:

This is the most important part of the score frame. It can comprise up to 3 points (the others usually occupy 2 points for each aspect).

Content factor evaluates the relevance and adequacy of your response to the given essay prompt. You will be scored on how well you address the topic in providing relevant information and giving your supporting ideas with examples and details.

In case you are not focusing on the given topic, or writing rambling, you might lose points.

Formal requirement

Formal requirement assesses the structure and organization of your essay. It also refers to how many words you write in the paragraph. The ideal is your writing in about 200 to 300 words. If it is not in this range, you will receive a lower score or even zero in some cases. More specific:

  • If the response is between 200 and 300 words, you will gain 2 points.
  • You would receive 1 point if your paragraph contains 120-199 words or 301-380 words.  
  • You will receive a zero if you write less than 120 words or more than 380 words,  using bullets in the paragraph.

The grammar score assesses how master you write English. It is based on your use of verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, word order, and other grammatical aspects. 

Below is the detailed range score:

  • 2 if the test-taker has excellent grammar usage and it’s hard to find any errors.
  • 1 if you demonstrate quite good grammatical control and there is no mistake leading to misunderstanding.
  • 0 if you have some basic mistakes and use a too-simple structure. 

This aspect evaluates your use of a wide range of vocabulary, as well as your ability to use words and phrases appropriately. The vocabulary score considers the complexity and appropriateness of your word choices. 

You will get/score:

  • 2 if you can apply idioms, collocations, and phrases in an appropriate way.
  • 1 if you use a wide range of vocabulary connecting to the topic.
  • 0 if you only use simple vocabulary, not enough to handle the task.

This part appraises the accuracy of your spelling. It’s important to avoid spelling errors to maximize your score.

  • 2 if there are no misspelled words.
  • 1 If there is a single spelling word mistake and the response has several typing errors.
  • 0 If the response includes many misspelled words and typographical errors.

Development, Structure, and Coherence

In this aspect, test-takers need to show how well they elaborate on their ideas and arguments, their idea organization skill, and how well their ideas flow and connect throughout the essay. You will gain:

  • 2 if the answer exhibits a coherent organization and effective elaboration of concepts.
  • 1 if the answer lacks a suitable organization and the ideas are connected in an unsuitable manner.
  • 0 if the paragraph is not in a logical structure.

General Linguistic Range

This particular aspect is valued and given a score based on how accurately the response communicates the test taker’s thoughts or concepts. The score range is from 0 to 2:

  • 2 if the paragraph presents ideas, emphasizes critical aspects, and eliminates any ambiguity.
  • 1 if the paragraph shows a reasonable linguistic range, clearly expresses the viewpoint, and includes valid arguments to support the statement.
  • 0 The response employs basic language and lacks precision.

5 important steps to follow when writing your PTE essay 

5 Important steps to follow when writing your PTE essay 

Step 1: Analyze and understand the prompt

First of all, you have to read the topic carefully to understand. Make sure you know the meaning of the prompt.

There are some popular types of essays you can see such as argumentative, persuasive, descriptive, and so on. You need to identify clearly what type of essay you write after reading the prompt.

Step 2: Brainstorm ideas

After analyzing the prompt and knowing what type of essay you would write, take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas related to the topic. 

What is your stand? Why do you choose this? How will you explain and support your idea in the paragraph? 

Give and answer such questions independently to shape and expand your idea.

Don’t forget to jot down key points, arguments, examples, and any relevant information that comes to mind.

Step 3: Create an online

This is one of the most essential parts of this task. It’s like a skeleton of the writing. An ideal outline will help you write the essay more smoothly. It also assures you cover all the necessary points.

All you need to do is organize your thoughts and ideas into a clear and structured outline. 

Step 4: Write paragraphs following the outline

This step requires you to write carefully, using the ideas you listed in the outline. 

In the introduction, state your opinion clearly. Try to create an engaging introduction, grab the reader’s attention, and set the tone for the rest of the essay.

Moving to the body paragraphs, keep all ideas consistent. Ensure that your ideas connect logically from one paragraph to the next. Don’t forget to use transitional words (such as moreover, therefore, additionally, etc.) and phrases to improve the overall coherence of your essay. 

In the conclusion, restate your opinion and avoid introducing new ideas. You should provide a concise summary of your key arguments.

Remember the score scale to organize a standard essay.

Step 5: Proofread and edit

After finishing your message, take time to revise your essay’s grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure your essay meets the word count requirement to not lose any not-worthy points. 

3 Key tips for a better PTE writing score 

Tip 1: keep the essay as simple as you can.

Simplicity is the key leading to success in PTE Writing. It’s crucial to convey your thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely. You need to:

  • Keep the writing clear and coherent.
  • Avoid abusing advanced words, use them only when it’s suitable to the context

Tip 2: Use a PTE writing format

Mastering the PTE writing format is paramount. In the PTE essay writing task, you need to follow the traditional essay format. It includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

It’s essential to stick to the allocated word count and make sure your essay addresses the prompt directly. By adhering to the prescribed format, you demonstrate your ability to meet the test’s criteria, which can significantly boost your score.

Don’t forget to keep the score scale in mind to avoid serious mistakes, causing a low score.

Tip 3: Practice every day 

Practicing should be an integral part of your study routine. Regular practice not only improves your writing skills but also builds your confidence in tackling PTE writing tasks.

Take time to practice the sample topics and challenge yourself with various topics to become comfortable with diverse subjects and argumentation styles.

Last but not least, you can seek feedback from PTE teachers or peers to identify areas for improvement. 

Consistent practice and constructive feedback can help you fine-tune your writing and steadily raise your PTE writing scores.

PTE essay writing is a crucial aspect of the PTE Academic test. Mastering this skill requires practice, preparation, and a solid understanding of the task.

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog, you can enhance your essay writing skills and increase your chances of achieving a high score on the PTE Academic test.

Last updated on 14/10/2023

Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

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Moni | PTE MAGIC International Founder

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8.0 IELTS | 90/90 PTE

Hi, my name is Moni. I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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8.0 IELTS | 89 PTE (90 S, W, L) 

Hello MAGICers, I'm Ellie and I'm one of the trainers at PTE MAGIC. I have been leading students to improve their language competency since 2019 and have accompanied with MAGICers for 2 years now. Facilitating students to achieve their targets and bring valuable class experience are my utmost purposes

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PTE Essay: Sample Question and Answers

Learn the most effective PTE essay template. PTE essay sample questions and answers included in the article with new topics to practice.

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Having a well-defined PTE essay template can significantly improve your writing performance in the PTE exam. Here's a recommended template structure:

1. Introduction (Approximately 2-3 sentences): Start with a clear and concise introduction. State the topic and provide some context or background information. End the introduction with a strong thesis statement that outlines the main points you will discuss in your essay.

2. Body Paragraphs (2-3 Paragraphs): Each body paragraph should focus on a single main point or idea related to the topic. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point, followed by supporting details or examples. Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs.

3. Counterargument (Optional): To make your essay more convincing, consider including a counterargument paragraph where you acknowledge an opposing viewpoint and then refute it with evidence and reasoning.

4. Conclusion (Approximately 2-3 sentences): Summarize the main points discussed in your essay and restate your thesis statement in a slightly different way. Provide a concluding thought or call to action.

Here are some PTE sample question and answers that will show you how using this essay template you can write an impressive 200-300 word essay in the given time. 

PTE Writing Sample Question: 1


Some people think that students benefit from going to private secondary schools. Others, however, feel that private secondary schools can have a negative effect on society as a whole. Discuss.


Numerous people believe that pursuing secondary education from a private organization can be beneficial for learners, while others feel that it can lead to several drawbacks to the community. Both have valid reasons.

On the one hand, private schools ensure that the aspirants have the access to the best quality resources and facilities. It can not only influence their learning capabilities but also helps in creating a foundation for their career. In addition, private organizations make sure that each progeny gets the required attention, which can help them to clarify all the doubts and understand a concept well. For instance, BCM Secondary school, which is situated in ludhiana, has multiple sections including a small number of students so that each learner gets the desired attention from the instructor. Moreover, private schools offer students a wide variety of extra-curricular activities which keeps the learners engaged and active at the same time.

On the other hand, private schools can have a downside for society as the students of these schools  might feel superior to the students of public schools and they might feel a sense of being at the upper position in a hierarchy. Also, it can divide society into two different kinds which can have a negative effect on the relations of kids as well as their parents. To exemplify, school goers often tend to lose respect for other kids in their vicinity and might talk to them in an ill-mannered way, which can lead to arguments and hinder peace in society. 

To encapsulate, attaining higher education from a private organization can immensely upscale the education of a student but at the same time, it may lead to some circumstances that can deteriorate the relations in the community.   

PTE Writing Sample Question: 2

Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 

It is believed by many that celebrities leave an ever-lasting impression on teenagers and act as role models for young people. In my view, these superstars can majorly impact one's life and motivate one to work towards their goals. 

With the advancement of technology and social media platforms, one can easily get to know what a film star is up to and constantly see their progress. Due to this, teenagers can see all the projects that a celebrity is working on and it can motivate them to work hard as well on their goals. Moreover, the boldness and courage of these artists encourage children to showcase their talent as well. For instance, Arijit Singh, who is one of the best singers in India, recently organized a challenge in which his fans had to sing any one of his songs and post them on Instagram. This trend not only helped the youngsters to showcase their talent but also helped them gain popularity as the singer reacted to the different submissions.

Moreover, there are a lot of documentaries and interviews held in which the celebrities share their life story and elaborate on how they worked hard for their careers. As a result, this makes a young person realize the hardships of life and the value of determination. In addition, sports stars influence the younger generation to stay active and energetic by exercising daily rather than being couch potatoes. To exemplify, Virat Kohli, a cricketer in the Indian cricket team, recently launched his fitness app in which people can set up a workout routine for themselves. 

To conclude, it can undeniably be said that film stars and sportspersons are shaping the minds of youngsters these days and leading them in the right direction.  

PTE Writing Sample Question: 3

With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them. In what ways could mobile phones and the Internet be useful to old people? How can old people be encouraged to use this new technology?

With the advent of technology, a plethora of people have gained access to smartphones and internet browsers; however, it has distanced the senior citizens when it comes to learning all the new updates. There are numerous ways in which old people can make use of smartphones and there are a lot of techniques to motivate them to inculcate the use of these gadgets. 

Mobile phones can help old citizens in a plethora of ways. Firstly, it can help them in emergencies where they need to contact their family members or any medical facility at the time of need. Secondly, it can not only bring them closer to the life of their loved ones but also allow them to share their daily moments with them. For instance, Facebook is an interactive social media platform where grandparents can view the pictures and videos of their family members and even of their friends in case they live far away from them. Moreover, smartphones are enriched with a lot of health care applications, which can track the overall health and fitness level of senior citizens and encourage them to be more active. 

There are several ways in which the old generation can be motivated to inculcate the use of the latest technology including spreading awareness among them and showing them visuals of how smartphones can be an interesting gadget to use. In addition to this, family members can play a crucial role in building confidence among their grandparents and indulge them by sharing pictures, videos and messages. Also, young people can showcase smartphones as a device which can be used for entertainment. For instance, children of senior citizens can teach their parents how to view youtube videos or listen to their favorite songs in order to keep them entertained in their spare time. 

To conclude, smartphones are a gadget on which the old generation can rely and there are a lot of ways in which we can encourage them to make use of it.   

PTE Writing Sample Question: 4

Some people prefer to play team sports, while others prefer to play individual sports. Discuss the advantages of each. Then indicate which you prefer and why?

Numerous individuals prefer to play sports which consist of different teams whereas others like to go for sports in which players have to perform individually. Both methods have respective merits but in my view, team sports tend to inculcate a plethora of values in a sportsperson. 

On the one hand, playing with your teammates makes one realize the importance of collective effort and unity because the overall success is due to the hard work and determination of the team. Also, it instills values such as cooperation, understanding, bonding and group effort to name a few. For instance, sports such as hockey and cricket are a prime reference that winning is attained by the collective effort and strategies followed by the whole team. In addition, various parents encourage their wards to participate in group sports so that their children can learn social skills as well as team spirit. 

On the other hand, sports involving a single player can hone one's skills and lead one towards perfection. It not only makes one responsible for their success but also creates a mindset of competitiveness, which can help one to grow in their respective field of sport. Furthermore, it makes one a specialist in their endeavor and one is known for their extreme hard work and determination. For illustration, Viswanathan Anand, who is a renowned chess player in Indian history is known for his sharp mind and his quick responses in the game of chess. 

In my opinion, team sports are responsible for personal as well as the overall growth of a player and make one realize the importance of other people's efforts as well. Moreover, it also teaches us to celebrate success collectively.

To conclude, there are numerous benefits of playing group sports as well as individually; however, I believe that it is team sports which makes an individual grow and respect other players as well. 

PTE Writing Sample Question: 5

It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed by many that one should get married after completing higher education or when one is earning well. I completely agree with the given notion as one should have a financial foundation before starting a new life with their partner. 

It is highly preferred that one should finish their education before getting married as education builds one's future and career, as it lays down the foundation of an individual's dreams and ambitions. Also, an individual tends to shift their focus from studying to earning if they get married at an early stage of their life. For instance,  a plethora of people drop out of their colleges or universities and start a day job because they have to support their families after getting married and lose a chance to complete their education. Hence, one should complete their finishing school before they decide to get married. 

Moreover, it is really essential that one should be financially stable and has a secure job before making a decision to get married because there are numerous responsibilities and duties that one has to take care of after getting married. Furthermore, an individual needs to earn well as marriage comes along with an increase in household expenditures. For example, when one starts a family, one needs to be economically stable in order to afford the new lifestyle full of changes. 

To conclude, it is not a wise decision to get married before finishing school or having a stable source of income. 

PTE Essay Topics for Self Practice 

Here are some question prompts for you to practice. You can send us an email at [email protected] with your responses, and we will respond to you with feedback on your essay.

  • Digital Privacy: "Discuss the importance of digital privacy in the modern era. How can individuals protect their personal information online?"
  • Remote Work Trends: "Examine the rise of remote work trends. What are the advantages and challenges of working remotely, and how will it impact traditional office environments?"
  • The Role of Government in Healthcare: "Evaluate the role of government in providing healthcare services. Should healthcare be primarily a government responsibility or left to the private sector?"
  • Impact of Social Media on Politics: "Analyze the influence of social media on political discourse and elections. How has social media changed the way political information is disseminated and consumed?"
  • The Future of Renewable Energy: "Discuss the future of renewable energy sources. How can countries transition to more sustainable energy production?"
  • Online Shopping vs. Brick-and-Mortar Stores: "Compare online shopping with traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores. How are consumer preferences changing in the digital age?"
  • The Role of Art in Society: "Examine the role of art in shaping society and culture. How does art influence individuals and communities?"
  • The Impact of Space Exploration: "Assess the impact of space exploration on scientific advancements and human knowledge. What are the potential benefits of further space exploration?"
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking: "Discuss the significance of critical thinking skills in education and decision-making. How can critical thinking be fostered in individuals?"
  • Cybersecurity Challenges: "Analyze the challenges and threats in the field of cybersecurity. How can organizations and individuals enhance their cybersecurity measures?"

If you are looking for best coaching centre for PTE Live Classes, drop us an email at [email protected] . We offer live classes in small groups by top instructors for IELTS, TOEFL, Duolingo and PTE.  

  • PTE Templates: Practical Examples and Helpful Tips.

people studying with PTE templates

Are you preparing for the PTE Academic exam and wondering if templates could be your secret weapon? Well, you’re in the right place! Let’s explore the magic of PTE templates, why they work, and where to use them.

Table of Contents

Why Use Templates?

Templates are an invaluable tool for the PTE Academic. But why, you ask? This exam is assessed by a computer system , and templates help you deliver exactly what the system expects – no more, no less. They’re like your trusty roadmap through the PTE jungle.

The Right Strategy for PTE Success

Preparing for the PTE exam isn’t just about practicing endlessly or cramming loads of study materials. It’s also about following the right strategy, and one such strategy is the use of templates.

Templates for each section of the PTE Academic

Speaking templates.

Using a template in speaking is extremely important as it will assist you in fluency and prevent hesitations during your speech. Additionally, the tasks where we use speaking templates aren’t as critical. It’s easier to learn the template rather than spending a lot of time studying, allowing you to focus on more important exercises.

1. Describe Image:

In this exercise, you’ll describe an image displayed on the screen. 

Your answer must have an introduction, middle, and conclusion. We are providing you with the first two phrases of a template to help you begin practicing. 

*You can access this full template and many others through our preparation courses.

” This image shows an important topic, and it gives information about ____ and ____. 

This image also describes the major aspects of ____ and ____ in many categories as ____ and _____. It can be seen that the most important aspect is _____. “

Smart Tip: Remember, your job here is to describe the image, not explain it.

Use the preparation time to decide which keywords you’ll use and where they’ll fit in. They should seamlessly blend into the template. Focus on using words you’re comfortable pronouncing to avoid losing points

Listening Templates

Summarize spoken text:.

In this task, you’ll hear an audio and your mission is to c reate a summary in one paragraph. Keep in mind that you’re working with a computer and can use pre-existing phrases while identifying keywords from the audio. We’re providing the i nitial part of a template for this exercise to help you practice and become familiar with it.

“In this lecture, the speaker discussed major information about KEYWORD. According to the speaker, the connection between KEYWORD, KEYWORD and KEYWORD is important. Moreover, it was mentioned that KEYWORD, KEYWORD and KEYWORD are relevant to the topic.

Smart Tip: 

While listening, write down keywords. Focus on identifying the most important words for the topic.

Writing Exercise with Templates

Write an essay:.

In this question, you’ll have to write an essay on a given topic, and you must stay within 200-300 words. We offer two types of essay templates, one for lower scores , and one for higher scores.  

Today, we’re sharing a complete template for lower-scoring essays. For access to the higher-scoring template and more valuable content, consider enrolling in our preparation courses.

This template consists of 131 words, so you’ll need just 69 words across 8 sentences to finish your essay. 

A vital tip is to use words whose grammar and spelling you’re comfortable with. Once you’ve completed the text, ensure you read it through to catch any potential writing errors.

“Nowadays, there is an ongoing debate between people about TOPIC. While it is possible to assert that both ideas have advantages and drawbacks, my view is that the advantages of my idea outweigh the disadvantages. In this essay, I shall express my opinion by providing examples and explanations before outlining my conclusion.

There are several reasons in favor of my point. The most prominent is YOUR IDEA . One of the reasons is that EXPLAIN YOUR IDEA . It should also be considered that GIVE AN EXAMPLE. Therefore, I can support my idea that ANSWER THE QUESTION. Those who disagree with these ideas have a different view and argue that OPPOSITE IDEA. It is claimed that EXPLAIN THE OPPOSITE IDEA. The most relevant example that could be mentioned here is that EXAMPLE. To conclude, after considering both sides of the case, I believe that the TOPIC i s/are important and should be taken seriously.”

Templates are vital for PTE success, offering structured responses aligned with the computer system’s expectations.

To enhance your preparation, our courses offer not only templates but also video lessons, practice materials, study plans, and one-on-one sessions with PTE professionals.  Enroll in our courses for comprehensive support and resources to excel in your PTE Academic journey.

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20 Essay Examples with High-Scoring Answers - PTE Academic

The Essay is the final question in part 1 of the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic.

You will be given a prompt and you have 20 minutes to write an essay response that is 200 to 300 words long. The prompt usually has a sentence that introduces the topic. Then, you will be asked a question or a few to guide your response.

In this article, I’m going to provide high-scoring answers to 20 example essay prompts.

Essay Topics

  • Digital media and books
  • Urban sprawl
  • The arts versus science in education
  • Privacy in the digital age
  • Globalization and cultures
  • Renewable energy
  • Public transportation
  • Mental health in school curriculums
  • Practical skills in education
  • Working abroad
  • Online education
  • Climate change and individual action
  • Remote work
  • Urbanization
  • Social media and mental health
  • Multilingualism
  • Technology and children
  • Technology in the classroom
  • Continuing education

1. Digital media and books

With the rise of digital media, books are becoming less significant in everyday life. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Support your argument with examples and reasons.

The statement that books are becoming less significant in everyday life with the rise of digital media captures a current trend but does not fully encompass the continued relevance and evolution of books in our society. While it is true that digital media has altered how we consume information and entertainment, it has not rendered books obsolete.

Firstly, digital media, including ebooks, audiobooks, and online articles, has expanded the accessibility and convenience of reading. People can now carry entire libraries on their devices, making reading possible anywhere and at any time. This shift to digital does represent a change in the medium through which many people read, but it doesn't necessarily diminish the importance of books; rather, it transforms their format. For example, the increasing popularity of audiobooks has opened up the world of literature to busy commuters and those who may struggle with traditional printed text.

Furthermore, despite the digital surge, physical books continue to hold a unique appeal. Many readers prefer the tactile experience of holding a book and the absence of screen glare. Physical books do not require batteries or an internet connection, making them particularly valuable in areas with limited digital infrastructure. Additionally, books as physical objects can have sentimental value and aesthetic qualities that enhance personal libraries or serve as meaningful gifts.

In conclusion, although digital media has changed how we access and consume literature, it has not decreased the significance of books in everyday life. Instead, it has broadened the ways in which literature can be appreciated and accessed, indicating an evolution rather than a decline in the importance of books.

2. Fast food

With the increasing prevalence of fast food, health issues related to diet have become more common. Should there be stricter regulations on fast food restaurants? Support your argument with reasons and examples.

In the face of rising health issues associated with diet, largely propelled by the widespread availability of fast food, there is a compelling argument for the implementation of stricter regulations on fast food restaurants. Primarily, such regulations could directly address the nutritional content of the foods offered, ensuring healthier options are available and prominent. This could include mandatory calorie counts on menus and restrictions on certain harmful ingredients like trans fats, which have been linked to heart disease.

Moreover, stricter regulations could also mandate fast food chains to provide clear and accessible nutritional information, empowering consumers to make more informed choices about their food consumption. For instance, detailed descriptions of ingredients and potential allergens could prevent health risks among individuals with dietary restrictions or allergies.

In addition, implementing regulations on marketing practices, especially those targeted at children, could reduce the appeal of unhealthy fast food options to vulnerable groups. The compelling nature of fast food advertising significantly influences eating habits, particularly in children, leading to poor dietary choices that carry into adulthood.

By enforcing these measures, not only could the immediate health of consumers improve, but it could also instigate a broader cultural shift towards healthier eating practices across society.

3. The arts versus science in education

The arts (music, visual arts, theater) are as important as the sciences in education. How far do you agree with this statement? Justify your viewpoint with examples from your own experiences or observations.

I strongly agree that the arts are as essential as the sciences in education, as they contribute uniquely to the development of well-rounded individuals. Integrating arts into the curriculum fosters creativity, emotional expression, and cultural awareness, which are vital in today’s diverse society.

From my own experience, participation in school theater productions not only honed my public speaking skills but also enhanced my ability to work collaboratively within a team. These are practical skills that are valuable in any professional environment, not just in the arts. Moreover, the confidence I gained from performing in front of an audience has been instrumental in other areas of my academic and personal life, such as during presentations in science classes or leading group projects.

Observationally, I’ve noticed that students who engage in artistic activities seem more adept at problem-solving and thinking outside the box—skills that are crucial in scientific fields as well. For instance, a friend who excels in both music and mathematics often explains how studying music theory has improved her ability to recognize patterns and solve complex equations, suggesting a complementary relationship between these disciplines.

Therefore, I believe that sidelining the arts in favor of a more science-heavy curriculum could hinder the development of diverse skills that are applicable across various fields. Both the arts and sciences are fundamental to fostering a holistic educational environment that prepares students for the multifaceted challenges of the future.

4. Privacy in the digital age

Privacy in the digital age is increasingly becoming a myth. How far do you agree with this statement? Discuss the implications and provide examples to support your viewpoint.

I agree significantly with the statement that privacy in the digital age is increasingly becoming a myth. In today’s world, the proliferation of digital technologies means that vast amounts of personal data are collected, stored, and analyzed by various entities, often without the explicit consent of individuals.

For instance, social media platforms gather data on users' browsing habits, personal interests, and even location histories to tailor advertisements and content. This data collection is so pervasive that escaping it completely is nearly impossible unless one entirely opts out of using digital services, which is impractical for most people.

Moreover, the use of smartphones and other connected devices has led to a situation where privacy breaches are not just possible but are occurring with alarming regularity. Hackers can gain unauthorized access to personal information, leading to identity theft and financial fraud. Companies might also suffer data breaches that expose sensitive user information.

The implications of this erosion of privacy are profound. It affects individuals’ sense of security and can lead to a chilling effect on free expression online. People may feel less inclined to share honest opinions or explore sensitive topics if they fear that their activities are being monitored.

In conclusion, while technology has brought many benefits, the cost to personal privacy is a significant concern. The digital age indeed challenges the notion of privacy, turning it into something that feels more like a privilege than a guaranteed right.

5. Globalization and cultures

Globalization brings more positive impacts than negative ones on cultures around the world. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Support your view with examples and reasons.

I agree that globalization tends to have more positive impacts than negative ones on cultures around the world. Globalization encourages the exchange of ideas, traditions, and values among diverse cultures, leading to greater understanding and cooperation among people.

One positive impact of globalization is the increased exposure to different cultures, which can enrich a society. For example, through globalization, culinary traditions from around the world have been introduced to different countries. This means that people can enjoy a wide variety of foods, such as sushi from Japan, tacos from Mexico, or curry from India, right in their hometowns. This not only enhances the culinary experience but also promotes appreciation and respect for other cultures.

Another benefit of globalization is the spread of technology and innovation. When cultures collaborate, they share technologies that can improve lives. For instance, many developing countries have experienced rapid technological advances due to globalization, such as access to smartphones and the internet. This connectivity helps bridge cultural gaps and fosters global awareness among populations.

However, it is important to acknowledge that globalization can also lead to the dilution of cultural identities if not managed properly. When cultures adopt aspects of others too rapidly, they may lose parts of their own traditions and heritage. Nonetheless, with conscious efforts to preserve cultural uniqueness while embracing beneficial exchanges, globalization can significantly enrich cultures rather than diminish them.

In conclusion, while there are some drawbacks, the positive impacts of globalization on cultures around the world generally outweigh the negatives, leading to a more interconnected and harmonious global society.

6. Renewable energy

Renewable energy should completely replace fossil fuels in the next 20 years. Discuss the feasibility and implications of this statement. Provide arguments and examples to support your viewpoint.

The idea of replacing fossil fuels entirely with renewable energy within the next 20 years is ambitious and reflects a growing concern about environmental issues and climate change. Renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power offer numerous benefits, such as reducing carbon emissions and diminishing pollution, which are crucial for sustaining our environment.

However, the complete replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy in just two decades poses several challenges. First, the infrastructure for renewable energy is not yet fully developed in many parts of the world. Building this infrastructure, including solar farms, wind turbines, and hydroelectric plants, requires significant investment and time. Moreover, the technology for storing energy generated from renewable sources is not as advanced as needed for consistent and reliable energy supply, especially in regions with fluctuating weather conditions.

Additionally, the global economy is heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Many industries use fossil fuels not only for energy but also as raw materials in products like plastics and pharmaceuticals. Transitioning these sectors to alternative materials could be complex and costly.

While aiming to replace fossil fuels entirely in 20 years might not be fully feasible, a gradual transition with increasing reliance on renewable sources is more practical. This approach allows for the development of necessary technologies and infrastructure, and provides time for industries to adapt to new methods, making the shift towards renewable energy sustainable and less disruptive to the global economy.

7. Public transportation

Public transportation should be made free to reduce environmental pollution. Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of this policy. Use examples to support your argument.

Making public transportation free could offer significant environmental benefits. Primarily, it could lead to a decrease in the number of cars on the road. As public transit becomes a more attractive option due to being cost-free, more people might choose it over driving their personal vehicles. This shift could reduce traffic congestion and the emission of pollutants like carbon dioxide, which are major contributors to air pollution and climate change.

Additionally, free public transit could be particularly beneficial in urban areas where traffic congestion is a common issue. For example, in cities like New York or London, where public transport systems are already heavily utilized, making them free could encourage even more commuters to leave their cars at home, further decreasing environmental pollution.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. One major concern is funding. Public transportation systems are expensive to operate, and without fare revenue, money would need to come from other sources, such as increased taxes. This could be unpopular among taxpayers who do not use public transit regularly.

Moreover, if public transportation were free, there could be a surge in usage, potentially leading to overcrowded trains and buses. This could result in a decline in service quality and comfort, possibly deterring people from using public transit despite the lack of cost.

In summary, while offering free public transportation could help reduce environmental pollution and ease urban congestion, it also poses challenges related to funding and capacity.

8. Mental health in school curriculums

Mental health awareness should be integrated into school curriculums from a young age. How far do you agree with this statement? Support your opinion with reasons and examples from your own experiences.

I strongly agree with the statement that mental health awareness should be integrated into school curriculums from a young age. Educating children about mental health can foster a positive and supportive environment, where mental well-being is prioritized alongside physical health.

Introducing mental health awareness in schools can equip children with the knowledge to identify and understand their emotions and the emotions of others. This understanding can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. For example, in my own school years, we rarely discussed mental health, which led to a lot of misconceptions and a general lack of support among peers facing mental health challenges.

Furthermore, incorporating mental health education into the curriculum can provide students with crucial coping mechanisms for stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. In my experience, many students struggle with stress due to academic pressures but lack the tools to manage it effectively. If I had been taught strategies for dealing with stress in school, I believe I would have been better prepared to handle academic and personal challenges.

Lastly, mental health education can promote a healthier future generation. Children who learn about mental health from a young age are more likely to grow into adults who prioritize their mental well-being, seek help when needed, and support others in their community.

Overall, integrating mental health awareness into the school curriculum is essential for fostering a well-rounded, supportive, and empathetic society.

9. Practical skills in education

Education systems should focus more on practical skills than academic knowledge in the modern world. How far do you agree with this assertion? Provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.

In the modern world, the debate between prioritizing practical skills over academic knowledge in education systems is significant. I agree to a large extent that education should focus more on practical skills, as these are crucial in preparing students for real-world challenges.

Firstly, practical skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and technical abilities directly apply to various occupational fields. For example, a mechanic uses hands-on skills to repair vehicles, which he would learn more effectively through practical instruction rather than theoretical knowledge alone. Similarly, a nurse benefits more from simulated practice and real-life internships than just textbook information.

Secondly, focusing on practical skills in education systems can make learning more engaging for students. When learners see the direct application of their studies, it can enhance their interest and motivation. For instance, when students engage in projects or experiments, they often find the lessons more memorable and relevant compared to traditional lecture-based learning.

Moreover, in today's rapidly changing job market, employers increasingly value practical skills. They are looking for candidates who can perform tasks effectively from day one, rather than those who only have theoretical knowledge.

While academic knowledge remains important for foundational understanding and critical analysis, integrating more practical skills into the curriculum prepares students better for future careers and daily life. Therefore, education systems should adapt to include a greater emphasis on these practical skills.

10. Working abroad

With the increasing globalization of business, many people are required to work in countries other than their own. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad? Discuss with reference to cultural and economic aspects.

One major advantage is the opportunity for cultural exchange. Individuals working abroad immerse themselves in a new culture, learn a new language, and experience daily life in a different context. This broadens their perspectives, fosters personal growth, and enhances their adaptability and communication skills. Economically, working abroad can offer higher salaries, better employment opportunities, and the chance to work in industries that may not be available or developed in one’s home country. This can lead to professional advancement and financial benefits.

However, there are notable disadvantages as well. On a cultural level, expatriates might face significant challenges such as language barriers, homesickness, and cultural shock. These factors can lead to feelings of isolation or difficulty in adjusting to the new environment. Economically, while one might earn more, the cost of living in a foreign country can be higher. Additionally, job security can be a concern, especially in countries where foreign workers might be the first to face layoffs during economic downturns.

In conclusion, working abroad can be immensely rewarding but also challenging. The cultural exposure and economic benefits are significant, yet they come with the potential for cultural disorientation and financial uncertainties. Each individual’s experience will vary depending on their circumstances and the country they choose to work in.

11. Online education

The growth of online education has transformed the way students learn around the world. Do the benefits of studying online outweigh the disadvantages? Support your opinion with specific examples and evidence.

The growth of online education has indeed transformed the educational landscape globally, making learning more accessible and flexible than ever before. This transformation brings numerous benefits, but also several disadvantages, which need to be considered.

One of the primary benefits of studying online is accessibility. Students from remote or underserved areas can access quality education that previously might have been out of reach due to geographic or economic barriers. For example, a student in a rural village can now take courses from prestigious universities without the need to relocate.

Another significant advantage is flexibility. Online education allows students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. This is particularly beneficial for those who need to balance other responsibilities, such as work or family care, with their studies. It enables them to attend classes and complete assignments whenever it is most convenient, even if that means engaging in learning activities late at night or early in the morning.

However, online education also has its disadvantages. The lack of face-to-face interaction can hinder the development of interpersonal skills and reduce the opportunities for spontaneous discussion and deeper understanding that physical classroom settings offer. Additionally, students may face challenges with self-discipline and motivation without the structured environment of a traditional classroom.

In conclusion, while online education has disadvantages, its benefits of accessibility and flexibility make it a valuable option for many learners, allowing education to be more inclusive and adaptable to individual needs.

12. Climate change and individual action

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Discuss the role that individual actions can play in combating climate change. Are these actions enough to make a significant difference, or should the focus be on governmental and corporate policies?

Climate change represents a critical challenge that affects everyone globally. It's clear that addressing this issue requires action at various levels, including individual, corporate, and governmental.

Individual actions, such as reducing energy consumption, recycling, and using public transportation, are important. These efforts can lead to significant environmental benefits. For example, when people choose to recycle or cut down on waste, they help reduce pollution and conserve resources. Similarly, opting for public transport or carpooling can decrease the number of vehicles on the road, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

However, while these actions are beneficial and necessary, they may not be sufficient on their own to combat climate change effectively. This is because individual choices can only do so much when larger structural and systemic issues persist. For instance, if the energy provided to homes and businesses is still largely sourced from fossil fuels, individual efforts to reduce consumption will still indirectly support these harmful industries.

Therefore, the focus should also strongly be on governmental and corporate policies. Governments have the capacity to enact laws and regulations that require businesses to reduce emissions and promote renewable energy sources. Corporations, which are major contributors to pollution, must also be held accountable and encouraged to adopt more sustainable practices.

In conclusion, while individual actions are a part of the solution to climate change, they need to be supported by robust governmental and corporate policies to truly make a significant impact.

13. Public art

Public art plays an important role in cities around the world. What are the benefits of investing in public art, and how does it impact communities? Discuss with examples from different cities that you are familiar with or have researched.

Public art significantly enhances urban environments worldwide, offering numerous benefits to communities. By investing in public artworks, cities can transform mundane spaces into vibrant areas that foster community engagement and cultural expression.

One primary benefit of public art is its ability to beautify cities. For example, sculptures and murals in places like New York City's High Line Park convert an old rail line into a captivating outdoor gallery, making the area more attractive to both locals and tourists. This beautification helps improve the overall atmosphere of urban spaces, making them more welcoming and enjoyable.

Additionally, public art serves as a platform for cultural expression and education. In Melbourne, Australia, the city’s laneways are adorned with ever-changing street art, showcasing works that reflect current social issues and cultural trends. This not only enriches the urban aesthetic but also stimulates discussions among viewers, promoting a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives within the community.

Public art also boosts local economies by attracting tourism. Cities like Lisbon have integrated public art into their tourism strategies, drawing visitors eager to explore unique installations and vibrant street art scenes. This influx of tourists supports local businesses and creates job opportunities, enhancing economic vitality.

In conclusion, investing in public art brings multiple advantages to cities, including beautification, cultural expression, and economic growth. It enriches urban life, making cities not just places to live but places to experience and enjoy.

14. Remote work

The rise of remote work has changed how many people work. Discuss the impact of working from home on productivity and work-life balance. Include arguments and examples to support your point of view.

The rise of remote work has significantly transformed the landscape of employment, affecting productivity and work-life balance. On one hand, working from home has led to increased productivity for many. Without the need to commute, employees can save time and start their workday feeling fresher and more focused. Additionally, the flexibility to design their workspace and schedule allows workers to operate during their peak productivity hours, leading to more efficient workdays.

For example, a typical office worker might have spent an hour commuting each way to the office; now, that time can be used for work or personal activities, effectively extending the day without adding stress. This flexibility often results in higher quality of work and faster completion of tasks.

On the other hand, remote work can blur the boundaries between personal life and work, potentially leading to poor work-life balance. The constant presence of work in a home environment can make it difficult to 'switch off' and fully engage in personal activities. Some individuals might find themselves working longer hours than they would in an office because their work is always accessible.

For instance, a parent working from home might continue to answer work emails during family time, finding it hard to fully detach from work responsibilities. This can lead to burnout and reduced overall well-being, as personal time is encroached upon by work demands.

Overall, while remote work offers the advantage of flexibility and potential for increased productivity, it also poses challenges to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

15. Urbanization

Urbanization is a trend seen in nearly every country. What are the primary benefits and challenges associated with living in large cities as opposed to rural areas? Use specific examples to illustrate your points.

Urbanization, the migration of people from rural to urban areas, presents both benefits and challenges for those living in large cities.

One of the primary benefits of urban living is the accessibility to amenities and services. Large cities often offer more job opportunities, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and entertainment options than rural areas. For example, a resident of a large city might have the convenience of using public transportation to commute to work, access to diverse cultural festivals, and multiple choices for shopping and dining.

However, urbanization also comes with significant challenges. One major issue is the high cost of living. Housing in large cities can be much more expensive than in rural areas, making it difficult for many people to afford comfortable living spaces. For instance, a small apartment in a major city like New York or London can cost as much as a large house in a rural area.

Additionally, large cities often struggle with pollution and overcrowding. The concentration of vehicles, factories, and large populations can lead to poor air quality and congested streets. This not only affects daily life by increasing commute times but can also have long-term health impacts on the residents.

In conclusion, while urban areas offer enhanced access to services and job opportunities, they also pose economic and environmental challenges. The decision to live in a city or a rural area often depends on personal priorities and lifestyle choices.

16. Social media and mental health

The impact of social media on mental health is a topic of growing concern. Analyze how social media usage affects mental well-being, particularly among adolescents. Discuss both the positive and negative aspects, supported by personal experiences and observations.

The impact of social media on mental health, especially among adolescents, is a complex issue with both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, social media provides a platform for young people to connect with friends and family, share experiences, and express themselves creatively. It can be especially beneficial for those who feel isolated geographically or socially, as it offers a way to communicate with others who share similar interests and experiences.

However, there are also significant negative impacts associated with social media use. One of the main concerns is the pressure to maintain a perfect image online, which can lead to anxiety and low self-esteem. Adolescents may compare themselves to others and feel inadequate if their own lives do not seem as exciting or happy as what they see on their feeds. Additionally, the need to constantly check updates and respond to messages can lead to addiction and reduce the time spent on other important activities, such as studying or sleeping.

From personal observation, it is clear that excessive use of social media can affect young people's mental health. I have seen peers who are deeply affected by the comments and likes they receive, basing their self-worth on these digital validations. This dependence on social media approval can lead to emotional disturbances, highlighting the need for balance and awareness in its use. In conclusion, while social media has its benefits, it is vital to use it wisely and maintain a healthy perspective on its role in our lives.

17. Multilingualism

Multilingualism is increasingly viewed as a necessary skill in the global marketplace. Discuss the advantages and potential challenges of raising children to be bilingual or multilingual. Include personal examples or observations, if relevant.

Multilingualism, the ability to communicate in multiple languages, is becoming an essential skill in today's interconnected world. Raising children to be bilingual or multilingual can offer numerous advantages. Firstly, children who learn multiple languages often develop better cognitive skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking. This enhanced cognitive flexibility helps them in various areas of learning throughout their lives. Additionally, multilingual children typically have a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures, which is invaluable in our diverse global society.

However, there are also challenges associated with raising bilingual or multilingual children. One potential difficulty is the initial confusion that might occur in young children as they try to differentiate and switch between languages. This can sometimes lead to a temporary delay in language proficiency in one or both languages. Another challenge is maintaining the child's interest and proficiency in each language, especially if one language is less spoken in their everyday environment. For instance, a child learning a language that is not spoken by their peers may feel less motivated to use it.

From personal observation, children who grow up in a bilingual household often find innovative ways to merge their languages, creating a rich, unique way of expressing themselves. Although there are challenges, the long-term benefits of raising multilingual children—such as enhanced cultural empathy and better career prospects in a globalized economy—far outweigh the initial hurdles.

18. Technology and children

The influence of technology on children's development is a topic of growing interest and concern. Discuss the positive and negative effects of early exposure to technology on children's cognitive, social, and physical development.

Technology has a profound impact on children's development, encompassing cognitive, social, and physical aspects. Starting with the positives, technology enhances cognitive development by providing interactive and engaging educational content. Apps and games designed for learning stimulate problem-solving skills and creativity. Children can access a vast array of information that supports diverse learning experiences, aiding in knowledge acquisition and mental growth.

However, technology also presents several challenges. Excessive screen time can hinder cognitive development by reducing attention spans and impairing learning abilities. When children spend too much time on devices, they may struggle to concentrate on longer tasks or complex problems.

Socially, technology offers benefits such as connecting with peers across the globe and enhancing communication skills through interactive and social media platforms. It allows children to build relationships and learn about different cultures, fostering a sense of global community.

Conversely, early exposure to technology can negatively affect social skills. Physical interactions are often replaced by digital communication, which can limit children's ability to develop empathy and understand non-verbal cues. This might lead to isolation and difficulties in forming real-life relationships.

Physically, technology encourages sedentary behavior, which can lead to health issues like obesity and poor posture. Children who are glued to screens for extended periods may not engage enough in physical activities, which are crucial for healthy growth and development.

In conclusion, while technology provides valuable educational tools and connectivity, it is essential to balance its use to safeguard and nurture all aspects of a child's development.

19. Technology in the classroom

Evaluate the impact of technology on the role of teachers in the classroom. With the increasing use of digital tools and resources, how might the role of teachers evolve in the next decade?

Technology has significantly influenced the role of teachers in the classroom and is poised to further alter their responsibilities and methods in the coming decade. Traditionally, teachers have been the primary source of knowledge, delivering information directly to students. However, with the advent of digital tools and resources, this dynamic is shifting.

One major impact of technology is the transformation of teachers into facilitators rather than sole providers of knowledge. With abundant information available online, teachers are increasingly guiding students on how to access, assess, and apply this information effectively. This involves teaching critical thinking and digital literacy skills, which are essential in navigating the vast resources available on the internet.

Furthermore, technology allows for more personalized learning experiences. Teachers can use software and applications to track individual student performance, identify areas of need, and tailor educational content accordingly. This shift can help meet diverse learning needs within the classroom, making education more inclusive and effective.

In the next decade, the role of teachers is likely to evolve to incorporate more mentorship and coaching. As educational tools become more sophisticated, teachers will spend less time on traditional lecturing and more on supporting students' individual learning journeys. This could lead to a more collaborative and interactive classroom environment where teachers facilitate discussions and project-based learning, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.

Overall, technology does not diminish the teacher's role but rather enriches it, requiring them to adapt new skills and methods to better serve their students.

20. Continuing education

Analyze the importance of continuing education in a person's career. How can professionals stay competitive in their fields through lifelong learning?  Should employers support ongoing education for their employees?

Continuing education is crucial for personal and professional development, enabling individuals to stay relevant and competitive in their careers. As industries evolve due to advancements in technology and changes in market demands, the skills that were once sufficient may no longer be adequate. Lifelong learning allows professionals to keep up with new techniques, technologies, and industry standards, ensuring they remain valuable to their employers and on the cutting edge of their fields.

Professionals can engage in lifelong learning in various ways, such as attending workshops, enrolling in courses, or obtaining certifications that are related to their fields. This not only broadens their knowledge and skills but also demonstrates a commitment to their profession and a willingness to invest in their own growth.

Employers play a significant role in supporting ongoing education for their employees. By encouraging and sometimes funding further education and professional development opportunities, employers benefit from a workforce that is skilled, innovative, and efficient. This support can be provided in the form of tuition reimbursement, time off for educational purposes, or access to training programs.

Ultimately, ongoing education is beneficial for both employees and employers. It leads to improved job performance, fosters innovation, and contributes to job satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, it is in the interest of employers to invest in the continuous education of their workforce.

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PTE Speaking/Writing Practice Test 2024 for Exam Preparation

Updated on May 27, 2024, 13:08

The PTE Speaking/Writing section assesses your ability to communicate effectively in English. This section includes reading aloud, repeating sentences, describing images, and writing short essays. 

To prepare for this section, practising speaking and writing in English regularly is important. You can also familiarise yourself with the test format and practice sample questions to improve your skills.   

Additionally, working with a tutor or taking a preparation course can provide valuable feedback and guidance for this section.

On This Page

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1. PTE Speaking Practice Test: Sample Paper

The PTE speaking section includes various questions, such as personal introductions, read-aloud, repeating a sentence, describing an image, retelling a lecture, and answering short questions. 

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2. PTE Writing Practice Test: Sample Paper

The PTE Writing section includes multiple question types such as summarising written text, writing an essay, and summarising spoken text. 

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PTE Speaking Practice Test: Sample Paper

The PTE speaking section includes various questions, such as personal introductions, read-aloud, repeating a sentence, describing an image, retelling a lecture, and answering short questions.   

The speaking section lasts 30-40 minutes and contains multiple questions of different types. To perform well in this section, it is essential to practise speaking English regularly and familiarise yourself with the test format.

PTE Writing Practice Test: Sample Paper

The PTE Writing section includes multiple question types such as summarising written text, writing an essay, and summarising spoken text.   

The writing section lasts  40-50 minutes , and to perform well in it, it is important to practice writing regularly and familiarise yourself with the test format.

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Q. What types of questions are included in PTE speaking questions?

A. PTE speaking questions include tasks such as Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Re-tell Lecture, and Answer Short Questions. These tasks are designed to evaluate your ability to speak English fluently and accurately in an academic setting.

Q. How can I practice PTE speaking read aloud?

A. To practice PTE speaking, read aloud, use sample passages and practice reading them clearly and naturally. Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. Online resources and PTE preparation materials often provide passages specifically for read-aloud practice.

Q. What is covered in the PTE speaking module?

A. The PTE speaking module covers tasks such as reading aloud, Repeating Sentences, Describing an Image, Retelling a Lecture, and Answering Short Questions. These tasks assess your ability to understand spoken English, produce spoken responses, and effectively communicate in English.

Q. What is the PTE Academic Speaking section?

A. The PTE Academic Speaking section is a part of the PTE Academic exam that tests your speaking skills through various tasks. It evaluates your fluency, pronunciation, and ability to convey information clearly in spoken English.

Q. Where can I find a PTE sample speaking test?

A. You can find a PTE sample speaking test on the official PTE website, in PTE preparation books, and on educational platforms that offer practice tests. These samples help you get familiar with the format and types of questions you will encounter in the speaking section.

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