Essay: Health and safety in the workplace

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  • Subject area(s): Management essays
  • Reading time: 7 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 12 October 2015*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,891 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 8 (approx)

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Accidents and mishaps are unforeseen circumstances that can affect individuals and groups at any time and in any place. Most accidents are preventable, but the carelessness or negligence of the involved individuals leads to major injuries and grievances. Accidents can also occur in the workplace and seriously affect the ability and health of the involved workers.

The objectives of this essay to discuss the safety and wellbeing of all workers are necessary for the organization not only for consistent productivity but also due to regulatory requirements. Workers and human resources are the necessary components of all organizations due to their role in the effective accomplishment of objectives. Corporations cannot achieve long-term success and sustainable growth in the absence of motivated, safe, healthy, and effective workers. The health and safety of all workers are necessary to ensure the enhancement of productivity and efficiency at all levels and areas. Lack of safety measures can create havoc for the organization and negatively affect the working criterion of an organization. The management has to devise and implement effective safety procedures to reduce hazards and prevent accidents in the workplace. The can motivate the employees through this perspective as employees admire working in organizations that prefer safe working conditions. Employees believe that safer working conditions enhance their ability work because they do not feel scared in troublesome situations. The management should coordinate with all the related stakeholders when they devise policies about safety at workplace, as this would enhance a positive change in an organization. Different legislations also depict that organizations should focus on these perspectives and they should attain self-sufficiency in providing workplace safety.


Corporations in the current era focus on the development of employees and they believed in the ideology of benefiting employees through different approaches. Safety at the work force is an important aspect that many organizations of today’s world disregard. Many people face mishaps and accidents in various situations especially due to negligence, recklessness, and carelessness. Many accidents and serious injuries are avoidable and preventable by taking effective safety measures and reducing hazards. For example, drivers and passengers can avoid serious injuries and death by wearing seatbelts while traveling in cars. However, many people fail to realize the importance of seatbelts and face a variety of consequences in the event of an accident. Mishaps and accidents are unforeseen occurrences that can lead to several adverse consequences in the absence of effective safety measures and precautions. Accidents, disasters, and mishaps can also occur in the workplace and affect several employees in the absence of precautions and safety procedures. Certain mediocre organizations do not regard this aspect as important and they do not focus on safety at the workplace. The owners and management of the organization need to implement rules, regulations, procedures, and systems relevant to safety and health. The management also needs to ensure that all workers have ample knowledge and information regarding safety procedures, prevention of accidents, and safe working practices.

Human resources

Human resources are one of the most important assets of the organization with respect to success and growth. The success and growth of the organization depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of the human resources. However, the inefficiencies in human resources caused by any circumstances, occurrences, and events can hinder the accomplishments of the organization. Organizations take all necessary measures to ensure the productivity of all workers and employees to maximize profits and achieve organizational objectives (Blair, 2013). The wellbeing, safety, and health of all employees are among the highest priorities of all organizations. Organizations cannot take risk for their respective employees because an occurrence of a negative event would tarnish the credibility of an organization. Safe and healthy workers are more productive as compared to injured or sick employees. Employees that cannot work in safe conditions feel suffocated because of the risks associated with their respective work. Risks and hazards associated with a specific job or organization adversely affect the morale and motivation level of employees. The unsafe or hazardous working conditions have several long-term psychological and physiological consequences for the workers and the organizations. When a negative event occurs in an organization, it sets up the mindset of an employee. Employees would feel that this event would occur again and this would create hurdles in their effective working process. Organizations need to create a safe and healthy working environment for all workers to ensure high levels of motivation and enhancement in efficiency (Stricoff & Groover, 2012).

Safety at Workplace

Workplace safety refers to the prevention of illness, injury, and hazards in the workplace for all employees. Workplace safety involves the creation of a safe and healthy environment for all workers to evade hazards, injuries, and illnesses. Organizations can ensure the efficiency of all workers and circumvent a considerable amount of costs by ensuring workplace safety and health. Organizations develop different strategies through which they set up different work place safety policies and benefit the workers through this. Workplace injuries and illnesses lead to compensation benefits, health insurance costs, hiring temporary replacements, lost work hours, and lawsuits. Lack of concentration would cost severe damage to an organization and they should sort such issues in order to attain proactive benefits. Business can save a considerable amount of costs by creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all workers. Safeguarding the interests and wellbeing of the employees allows organizations to circumvent costs relevant to injuries and illnesses (Legg, Laird, Olsen, & Hasle, 2014). On the other hand, workplace safety instills a sense of commitment and dedication among the employees due to the safety assurance of the organization. The morale and motivation of the workers increase due to the implementation of rules that safeguard the health and interest of the employees. Employees feel that they are safe to work in this place, and through this perspective, they would perform well.

Purpose of Workplace safety

The primary objective of safety in the workplace is to create a safe, healthy, and risk-free environment for all workers. Workplace safety involves the evaluation, analysis, prevention, and elimination of hazardous and dangerous elements from the workplace. Workplace safety programs evaluate and remove the risks and hazards relevant to the safety, well-being, and health of workers and other relevant individuals. Organizations develop health and safety standards due to several reasons including laws, regulatory requirements, organizational policies, and historical occurrences. Certain industries and their associations bind organizations to work for the benefit of their employees and they force organizations to focus on different safety related perspectives. Workplace injuries and illnesses caused by working conditions or environment can lead to lawsuits, high costs, and deterioration of the corporate image. There are instances when employees at times die because of sever working conditions. Employees might got injured because of certain safety and the lack of safety would be the only probable reason of this. Enhanced safety measures and appropriate quality of these measures can reduce this perspective to a considerable level.

Safety at the workplace enables organizations to comply with regulatory requirements and prevent high costs resulting from injuries and illnesses. Several corporations can consider the fact that these safety measures would save their health and medicinal costs that would arise when an employees would hurt him. They should take proactive measures earlier through which people can benefit from these perspectives. The management can maintain high levels of productivity and efficiency by creating a safe and healthy working environment. Conversely, the employees work with dedication due to their perceptions regarding the commitment of the organization with respect to the wellbeing of the workers.

Importance of safety at workplace

Legislative and legal requirements are the most prominent cause of health and safety policies in most organizations. The Occupational and Safety Health Act is the primary law for the assurance of health and safety of all workers throughout the United States. The Occupational and Safety Health Act (OSHA) necessitates the dissemination of standards, rules, and regulations relevant to the safety and health of workers. The government establishes and enforces the standards for the safety and health of all workers and their families through the Act. All public and private organizations have to comply with the rules, regulations, and standards prescribed in OSHA (Jung & Makowsky, 2014). They would face legal complications if they do not comply with such policies and measures taken by the decision makers. However, many organizations develop and implement health and safety procedures to safeguard their interests relevant to organizational objectives rather than legal requirements. The financial and moral aspects of workers’ health and safety have a greater influence as compared to regulatory compliance. Corporations can save considerable costs by avoiding high insurance expenses, lawsuits, and employee replacement costs in the event of injuries and illnesses (Barling & Frone, 2003).

Manpower and Management

The primary objective of all managers is to enhance and promote productivity and efficiency in all areas and functions. However, the managers cannot uphold efficiency and effectiveness in the absence of a safe workplace. The managers need to create a safe working environment and increase the awareness and knowledge of all employees with respect to safe working practices. The employees and workers also need to understand the importance of workplace safety and reduce personal injury through attentiveness and removal of hazards. These safety hazards are negative for the effectiveness of organizations and create a long-term negative impact. The attitude of the employees, management, and employers plays a vital role in preventing accidents and creating a safe working environment. The negligence on the part of the employers and employees can cause a variety of hazards and accidents (Rahim, Ng, Biggs, & Boots, 2014). However, the diligence and commitment of all stakeholders regarding safe work practices leads to the prevention of major accidents and injuries. The employees and management can create a safe workplace through a shared responsibility model for workplace safety and cooperation. Organizations should own this perspective and they should realize the fact that it is their managerial responsibility to focus on this perspective so that employees can remain safe.

Conclusively, a safety plan is necessary and it comprises of certain steps that would develop a safer workplace. Organizations should make sure that everyone else in the workplace is aware of the core problem. People should notify their respective supervisors and they should file any reports if there is a problem. An important aspect is that people should realize that there is a problem as sitting back and holding the problem for a long time would not solve the problem.

Barling, J., & Frone, M. (2003). The Psychology of Workplace Safety. New Jersey: Amer Psychological Assn. Blair, E. H. (2013). Building safety culture. Professional Safety , 58 (11), 59-65. Cobb, E. (2013). Bullying, Violence, Harassment, Discrimination and Stress: Emerging Workplace Health and Safety Issues. New Jersey: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Jung, J., & Makowsky, M. D. (2014). The determinants of federal and state enforcement of workplace safety regulations: OSHA inspections 1990’2010. Journal of Regulatory Economics , 45 (1), 1-33. Legg, S., Laird, I., Olsen, K., & Hasle, P. (2014). Creating healthy work in small enterprises – from understanding to action: Summary of current knowledge. Small Enterprise Research , 21 (2), 139-147. Mathis, T., & Galloway, S. (2013). Steps to Safety Culture Excellence. New Jersey: Wiley. Rahim, A. N., Ng, H. K., Biggs, D., & Boots, K. (2014). Perceptions of safety, physical working conditions and stress between Malaysia and United Kingdom. International Journal of Business & Society , 15 (2), 321-338. Stricoff, R., & Groover, D. (2012). The Manager’s Guide to Workplace Safety. New York : Safety in Action Press.

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370 Safety Research Topics & Examples

In this list of safety essay examples, explore the health and safety research topics and dig deep into the challenges of maintaining it. Discuss the strategies to prevent accidents, mitigate risks, and create secure environments. Don’t miss our ideas about food safety, road safety, occupational safety, and others!

🦺 TOP 10 Safety Research Topics

🏆 best safety essay examples, 👍 unique safety research topics, ❓ research questions about safety, 🌶️ catchy safety essay examples, 🎓 interesting safety topics to research, 📌 easy safety topics for a project, 💡 simple safety topics ideas.

  • The Importance of Health and Safety Training at the Workplace
  • New Zealand Cultural Safety in Nursing Practice
  • Importance of Traffic Safety Education at the School Level
  • Food Safety Issues in Modern Agriculture
  • Patient Safety and the Problem of Poor Service Delivery
  • Transportation Safety and Security Regulations: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • The Six Major Elements of a Food Safety Plan (FSP)
  • Traffic Situation and Safety Concerns in Saudi Arabia
  • Health and Safety Regulations in the Engineering Environment
  • Tesla Inc.’s Workplace Safety Conflict
  • The Effects of Nurse Burnout on Patient Care and Safety This paper aims to review the issue of professional and job burnout in nursing practitioners, as well as to identify the primary causes and the main consequences of this problem.
  • Car Seat Safety and Educational Awareness Programs The paper discusses car seat safety and highlights the safety procedures and recommendations needed to be taken care of.
  • Safety in the Mining Industry Millions of people work in the industry as miners, geologists, process engineers, health care workers, and Geotechnical engineers among other roles.
  • Avalanches, Their Nature and Safety Precautions Snow avalanches are frequent in the mountainous regions of the planet. This paper explores the subject of avalanches, their mechanisms, anatomy, and safety precautions.
  • Medication Error: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan This paper aims to identify the root causes of a high medication error rate and discuss evidence-based methods to mitigate medication errors and present a safety improvement plan.
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  • Proactive Safety Management System in Aviation Proactive safety and risk management are essential in organizations as they enable identifying and mitigating potential hazards in aviation.
  • Quality Improvement and Safety in Nursing Improving the nurses’ work environment and facilitating collaboration between all participants in the system responsible for medication within the hospital setting is essential.
  • Safety and Security Solutions at School The current proposal is concerned with enhancing the safety and security of students at schools through following three basic steps.
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  • Ireland’s Aviation Safety Strategic Plan Safety is one of the primary concerns for air transport. This report is concerned with the Irish aviation safety strategy and the ways to improve it.
  • Food Safety and Information Bulletin Factors that contribute to food poisoning include; holding food at the wrong temperature which is mostly caused by inadequate cooling and inadequate cooking.
  • The Air Safety and Security The purpose of this paper is to investigate the aspect of air safety and security and discover and evaluate existing regulations within this area.
  • The Boeing and FAA Safety Risks Assessment Improving flight safety in the global air transport system is the fundamental and most important strategic goal of both the International Civil Aviation Organization and all national regulators.
  • Irish Aviation Safety: Strategic Position and Strategic Choices The commercial aviation industry plays a central role in facilitating the transportation of people and goods in various parts of the globe.
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  • Employee Engagement in Safety Improvement Employee involvement and engagement can be attained by ensuring that safety meetings have representatives from the human asset base.
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  • Food Safety: A Policy Issue in Agriculture Today Food safety constitutes proper preparation, storage and preservation of all foods. Markets are increasingly calling for improvement in the quality and safety standards of food crops.
  • Healthcare Quality, Safety, and High-Reliability Healthcare quality is outcome-oriented. Healthcare safety encompasses the well-being of the patient. High reliability reduces errors and risks.
  • Occupational Health Safety for Nurse Practitioners The paper highlights the four most significant threats to nurse practitioners’ health in the workplace and discusses methods for mitigating hazards.
  • Lewis Blackman Case: Quality and Safety Education for Nurses After discovering that Lewis Blackman had pectus excavatum, his parents decided to have him undergo surgery at a university medical center.
  • The Importance of Medication Safety The paper discusses medical safety. It is considered under the prism of modern technologies that allow medical staff to prescribe the treatment.
  • Patient Identification: Risks and Safety Measures The issue that has been reported at Vila Health is the placement of two patients with similar names and identical birthdays in two rooms in close proximity.
  • The Implementation of a Safety Improvement Initiative in Healthcare Institutions The paper provides an annotated bibliography of several resources that can help to support the implementation of a safety improvement initiative.
  • Occupational Health Safety Management in the USA The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has recorded achievements in enhancing occupational health and safety performance amid participating organizations.
  • Public Safety and Individual Rights The state should adequately address the need of protecting the rights of suspected offenders in the process of maintaining law and order.
  • Incomplete or Missing Documentation: Patient Safety in Healthcare Patient safety is among the top concerns for healthcare set-up due to the associated negative consequences affecting care outcomes and other related issues, such as legal suits.
  • What Is Process Safety Management and Why Is It Important? One of the process safety hazards that can endanger human lives and damage property for millions of dollars are pressure hazards.
  • Behavior-Based Safety in the Food Industry: DO IT Method The so-called DO IT method is useful when applied to jobs in the restaurant industry, leading to an improvement in the work behavior of employees.
  • A Car: Technical Specifications & Safety Features The paper provides an overall description of the car that includes the various highlights of the vehicle, its standard & safety features as well as technical specifications.
  • Effects of Nurse Staffing Levels on Patient Safety Low levels of nursing are not strongly associated with the actual quality of care since the latter depends on nurses’ competence and nurse-patient communication.
  • Patient Safety and Nursing Satisfaction Project This paper provides an intervention defining if the implementation of stress and time management strategies is a better choice to increment patient safety and nursing satisfaction.
  • How Canadian Government Could Improve Food Safety? The paper points out how the government can cooperate with other stakeholders in the food industry to improve the existing standards.
  • Fire and Life Safety Education Program for K-12 Although the concept of fire safety might seem self-explanatory to an adult, young students need to be taught essential rules on the subject.
  • Self-Assessment of Public Safety Followership When leaders formulate or settle on policies, their followers must carry them out and ensure they have adhered to them.
  • Risk Management and Patient Safety This report explores the 2022 Safety Management Plan for Management of the Environment of Care (EOC) at Duke University Hospital (DUH), North Carolina.
  • Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Evaluation The purpose of this paper is to discuss models that are applied in healthcare settings to improve the quality of care.
  • Safety Management Systems in Aviation The study on aviation SMS regulatory and technological improvements will allow systematizing and unifying of both legal and technical approaches, which will improve existing SMSs.
  • Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety In the video “Successful Outcomes Using TeamSTEPPS Techniques”, the staff demonstrates how to cooperate, make decisions, achieve the best results, and avoid mistakes.
  • Crises Management in Aviation Safety Aviation security is achieved by combining information and response, the correct order of actions, and timely delegation of authority.
  • Performance in Safety Management Systems (SMS) The study will collect data on improvement patterns of SMS regulations and technologies as two qualitative independent variables and risk factors.
  • Enhancing Quality and Safety of the Patient This paper will discuss the risk factors of patient falls and evidence-based solutions to this issue and will explore the role of nurses in preventing falls.
  • Road Safety Precautions for Drivers Many people, who have disobeyed traffic laws, exist for the safety of everyone; have ended up dead or killing innocent people.
  • The Relationship Between Understaffing of Nurses and Patient Safety This paper aims to investigate aspects related to the problem of nurse understaffing by referencing the scholarly literature on the topic.
  • Technology for Patient Safety: Change Proposal Patient safety is the core concept of healthcare. The rising use of technology can be explained by healthcare establishments’ need to provide patients with a more safe environment.
  • Nurses’ Burnout and Patients’ Safety This paper describes a rationale for researching topic A Relationship Between Nurses’ Burnout and Fatigue and Levels of Patients’ Safety: A Quantitative Study.
  • Ergonomics and Work Safety in the Foundry Industry Ergonomics plays the key role in the workplace safety and the process excellence regarding the foundry industry. The research is based on studying two foundry companies.
  • PharmaCARE: Product Safety & Intellectual Property Using the case of PharmaCARE, this paper discusses legal and ethical considerations in marketing and advertising, product safety, and intellectual property.
  • Patient Safety as Nursing Core Competency The paper observes the nurse of the future nursing core competency topic of safety based on the findings from the class textbook and a scholarly article by Steven et al.
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  • What Affects Safety When Riding Bicycle?
  • How Can the Five HRO Principles Help Health Care Organizations Improve Patient Safety?
  • How do Health and Safety Policies and Procedures Protect People?
  • Why the FAA Has Hindered the Development of Airline Safety?
  • How Are Safety Assessments Conducted on GMOs?
  • Can Social Safety Nets Alleviate Seasonal Deprivation?
  • How Your Actions Online Could Impact Your Safety?
  • How Does Safety Influence Mining Industry?
  • How Culture Can Affect an Aviation Organization‘s Safety and Performance?
  • How Leadership Styles Can Help Promote Patient Safety?
  • How Technology Can Aid Patient Safety during the Medication Administration?
  • How Should Colleges and or Legal Regulations Balance Privacy and Safety?
  • How does Medical Product Safety Affect the Patients and General Nursing?
  • How Interprofessional Communication Can Impact Service User‘s Safety?
  • What Does Creativity Mean in Safety-Critical Environments?
  • What Are Five Patient Safety Concerns within the Operating?
  • How Can Employee Involvement Contribute to Improving Occupational Health and Safety?
  • How Does the Roofing Harness Help Ensure Complete Safety?
  • Why Gun Safety Should Be Mandatory in School?
  • How Can Safety Nets Contribute to Economic Growth?
  • Why Product Liability May Lower Product Safety?
  • What Safety Features Can Be Added to Cars to Cut Down on Injuries When a Car Crash Occurs?
  • How does Nestle Provide Health and Safety at Work?
  • How does Race Affect the Public Safety Organization?
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  • Safety Plan for the Warehouse with Refrigeration This is a safety plan for a very large warehouse with a large refrigerated section. The necessity of the plan is caused by workers’ reports about cases of illnesses.
  • The Line Operation Safety Audit (LOSA) Benefits Line operation safety audit (LOSA) is a safety tool designed to gather cockpit observation without jeopardy whenever a normal flight operation occurs.
  • Advocating for Workplace Health and Safety in Nursing The current paper states that workplace health and safety standards for nurses are prerequisites for efficient and productive working.
  • Environmental & Best Safety (EBS) in China The given article EBS in China, written by Lin Liu and colleagues in 2018, explores the company Environmental & Best Safety (EBS), its background, and initiatives.
  • Hazard Analysis in Food Safety In the United States, just like in any other country, it is the manufacturers’ responsibility to produce fairly safe products.
  • Drug Errors: Enhancing Care Quality and Safety Though numerous new technologies have been developed to improve healthcare delivery, drug errors continue to be an issue in the United States.
  • Engineering Ethics: Exploitation and Worker Safety Issues This paper aims to review two types of engineering ethics issues and their solutions: exploitation and worker safety issues.
  • Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace As healthcare systems become more complex, there are growing concerns about the safety of patients and healthcare workers.
  • Ireland’s Civil Aviation Safety’s Strategic Position This paper aims to analyze the current strategic position of Ireland concerning civil aviation safety and its choice of methods to continue the evolution of the sphere.
  • Nursing Staffing Ratio and Patient Safety & Care Nurse staffing is directly proportional to the clinical outcome. Studies have revealed nurse staffing as an essential variable worth considering in promoting patient recovery.
  • Fire Laboratory Conversion Into a Lecture Theatre: Fire Safety Report This essay will provide a fire safety report analysis on the proposed conversion of the fire laboratory into a lecture theatre.
  • Safety Evaluation Techniques and Accident Data Analysis The main aim of this report is to find out the number of accidents that occurred in the year 2010 in the recreational boating services in the USA.
  • Electrical Safety in the Perioperative Environment In a perioperative environment, the electrical risks experienced are a result of the use of electrical equipment when carrying out surgical procedures.
  • Research Drug Safety Approaches Adverse effects of drugs implemented in certain treatment and care plans began to be noted a long time ago by health care specialists and scientists.
  • Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace The issue ofsafety became so polarizing and crucial, patient safety measures became one of the focuses of every health care institution.
  • Public CCTV Surveillance: Safety vs. Privacy The result of the widespread introduction of cameras as a measure of social control is an increase in the “transparency” of the streets for law enforcement agencies.
  • Health Care Leaders and Patient Safety Mechanisms, such as the ‘rapid response and ad hoc investigative teams’, for making improvements based on the identification and analysis of specific problems, are found to improve the safety of health care.
  • Patient Safety in the Healthcare Workplace Culture The participation of the entire workers in the healthcare environment in improving the safety standards enhances the culture of safety.
  • Violence and Safety Concerns in the Emergency Department The present project was aimed at the location of an evidence-based solution to a problem of violence and safety issues faced by nurses working in the emergency department.
  • Pressure Ulcer: Safety Score Improvement Plan This paper presents the safety score improvement plan for mitigating issues concern of pressure ulcers that is relevant to quality patient care.
  • Auditing and Metrics in Process Safety Management This paper describes characteristics of effective metrics, benefits of using metrics in Process Safety Management, and components of the auditing process.
  • Quality and Safety Education for Nurses: Conceptual Model Quality and Safety Education for Nurses is a project that has been initiated to promote essential security features into health care specialists’ preparation.
  • Exxon Mobil Company’s Sustainable Safety Culture Our team here at Exxon Mobil is dedicated to sustaining a safe, productive, and healthy environment for all workers.
  • Scientific Approach to Food Safety at Home The paper states that a scientific approach to handling, preparing, and storing food that explains how to prevent sickness is known as food safety.
  • Acetone-Related Safety of Sigma-Aldrich Company Acetone is a dangerous chemical to deal with, and it has several safety guidelines outlined in the Safety Data Sheet of Sigma-Aldrich company.
  • Fire Service Safety: Sample Plan This paper studied the main points of drawing up a sampling plan. It consists of three main points: the sampling unit, its size, and procedures.
  • Navigation Safety Management System & Risk Assessment The objective of the research paper is to provide an overview of the Navigational Safety Management System and Risk Assessment.
  • Irish Aviation Safety and Its Strategic Position This report discusses the strategic position of aviation safety in Ireland and highlights the strategic choices and best practices.
  • Health and Safety Concerns Among Nurses The paper describes Australian nurses face a wide variety of work-related threats that can have devastating impacts on their health and safety.
  • Patient Safety and Quality of Care Health equity is the foundation of patient safety, quality of care, and improved health outcomes for vulnerable populations.
  • Threats to Patient Safety in Nursing Practice This paper identifies misdiagnosis/wrong medication prescription as the leading threats to patient safety in hospitals.
  • Family Nurse Practice Promoting Patient Safety Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) should get the best education in clinical practice. This essay explains how FNPs can promote patient safety.
  • Motorcycle Safety and Its Psychological Aspect The purpose of the research paper is to define how various psychological factors influence motorcyclists’ behavior in terms of safety.
  • The Healthcare Programs: Quality and Safety Measures This paper will attempt to define quality and safety measures, describe their position in nursing science, and identify the components that are required for a program’s evaluation.
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Occupational Safety And Health Essays Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Disaster , Accident , Perspective , Human , Safety , Trauma , Disabilities , Workplace

Words: 1800

Published: 03/02/2020



Occupational health safety is a concept that cannot escape the attention of any workplace safety and the welfare of the employee in the work environment. There are several causes and things that can be attributed to be the main contributors of incident causation at the workstations of human beings. Empirical data and research studies have shown and established some of the major lines of actions of actions and thought that might lead to the happening of accidents in workplaces. In principle, there are models and/or perspectives which inform this line of thought and reasoning. There are two major models which give meaning to occupational injuries. First, is the organizational error, which implies by extension that the whole work unit has some loopholes and operational deficiency, which, if left unchecked could lead to injuries or fatalities at the place of work. Maybe there are certain lee ways and substandard procedures and/or non-compliance to the set rules of safety.

Comparatively, there are ACC workplace safety procedures which can be helpful to gauge and correct the problem if need be.

ACC workplace safety guidelines include - Hazard identification and management approaches - Incident investigation, so that care is given to avoid future likelihood - Training and supervision of the workers on safety protocols - Employee participation to et the feedback and response from them on what ought to be done - Emergency readiness, how to act in the event of an accident to minimize damage to the victim - Injury management - Organization, or contract management (Janicak, 2007, p. 121). Organization accident and laxity cannot be excused, and in most cases it means that the victim of the accident or injury was harmed by circumstances beyond his or her control. It may also include the involvement of a defective technological system or a broken down or inferior state of technology Secondly, is the human error model, which means that the accident or injury could have been caused by personal error of the victim or mistakes by another person in the work station. In most cases the accident or the injuries are affected or caused by circumstances that were well within the reach and perfect control of the victim, colleagues or seniors. The victim could be blamed because maybe he or she failed to adhere to standard safety procedures or failed to question a routine or procedure that had no proper safety protocols.

Analytical perspectives

-The consequence perspective,

The cause or origin perspective

-The action perspective Causative perspective focuses and seeks to explain and comprehend the underlying dangers that the workers at that particular workstation are exposed to. This notion seeks to analyze the occupational hygiene, psychological awareness and preparedness, sociological factors such as the human relation between the workers in a particular workstation. By and large, it implies that, what are the chances that a person can risk or expose another to risk or occupational hazards. For instance in the construction industry and business, this model and perspective seeks to single-out the possible loopholes within the organizational structure and setting of the workplace and how those structures may be risky for the workers there (International, 2009). Action perspective is concerned with the decision making process and the judgement call that the individual worker makes during the dangerous or risky situations and conditions. This perspective brings on board the technical expertise of the company and the technical situational awareness of the individual worker. Borrowing from the case study provided where the employee falls from fourteen meters high up the ground. In this perspective it does analyze the judgement call that Raymond made given the technical circumstances which were present at his disposal at that particular point in time (Vilkman, 2004, p. 89).

Diagrammatic steps in analyzing what happened during the accident using the ACC work safe injury model

The Work Safe Injury Model There are fundamental differences in the model of accident analysis as discussed below, where the organizational accident/human error model examines the chronology of events using the three analytical perspectives. As shown below; organizational accident/human error (Chaturvedi, 2007, p. 67).

Steps in analyzing accident using the organizational accident/human error mode

Raymond admits that there was a missing steel frame from the floor in which he was on. On the second question he admits that he was not familiar and fully conversant with the job and duty that was assigned to him by his supervisor that on that ill-fated day. From this simple admission it shows, human error on the part of the supervisor to allow an inexperienced person or worker to handle such enormous task which required skill and tact. The third question invites an equally interesting and disturbing response from Raymond the victim of the injury. Where on earth do people learn how to control cranes with through “trial and error?” Up to this point of the case study, the perspective that is attached to the cause of injury is the cause or origin one. This confirms that there were elements of human error on the supervisor to adopt, such as risky teaching and learning technique. Imagine that Raymond could have lost his life, and then there would be no one to learn from that trial. At least Raymond would not have had the chance to learn from that trial and/or error method employed by the company-construction firm (Rabinowitz, 2008, p. 311). There are some elements of organizational laxity or accident, in that who was the person who checked the work patterns and behaviours of the supervisor? It seems as though the organization presented all confidence in the judgement of the supervisor. This was an instance of organizational accident and laxity and it proved costly to the person of Raymond during the fall. The response to the fifth question is a confirmatory test that there was human error, by the person who was issuing instructions to the victim Raymond and the crane driver. How could he issue instructions to people who were high above him on the fifth floor, while he was on a lower floor? This perspective brings to the fore questions of psychological awareness of the instructor. A clear case of human error and a wrong judgement call on his part On the other hand, there are traces and chances of technical malfunctioning. During filling up of the crane, the system should be automatically interchangeable, and the crane driver ought not to have presented them to him in that manner. The company should have bought standard canes and then trained all the handlers on how to behave in those circumstances. On the contrary, the company left the labourers and the dogman on their whims, to learn through trial and error (Goetsch, 2011). Psychological and sociological awareness, rather the judgement call and decisions that were made by the people at that place of work were also contributory. For instance, the psychological preparedness of Raymond to handle a task on which he was not prepared and ready to handle was a blunder on his part. The poor coordination and reading of signals between the crane driver and the victim of the fall presented a disjointed sociological network between the colleagues. By personal admittance of guilt of the victim Raymond that some of those actions and works that they did on that particular day were not procedural and normal, confirmed that there was lack of standardized routine practice on that particular day and culture by extension. I believe that the models, namely; organizational accidents and human error models run concurrently and collapse into different analytical perspectives. It is evidently clear that human errors are classified and find their meanings with the origin or causation of injuries. For instance the mistake by the crane driver to assume and drive the crane without confirmation from a third party indeed set Raymond in an awkward position. This was an obvious human error on the part of the driver, and consequently a cause for the accident (Schulte, 2007, p. 71).

In the above essay, I have discussed some of the models and major perspectives under which accidents and injuries are caused in the places of work. They can be classified into two major models, namely the organizational accidents and human error, as discussed above. There are three main analytical perspectives used to ascertain the level and type of mistake that might have occurred. However, there is the ACC workplace safety, which ought to be the benchmark of ascertaining the accident or incident. ACC work place safety requires that the workplace in terms of the workers should be adequately prepared to deal with any eventuality. For instance, it is the ability of identifying possible hazardous situations, emergency preparedness, and how to behave thereafter (Taylor, 2006). ACC workplace safety standards also give the worker the necessary information to know his or her rights. This means that the worker can decline work and duties that the worker could perceive to be dangerous or risky. There should be proper routine and culture of work so that nothing is done out of the ordinary which could jeopardize the safety of a person or a worker. It is also important for the worker to undertake the requisite training programs on how to handle some of the machines and procedures involved thereafter. This move would ensure that the workers have the right impetus to and right psychological state to act during the work process.

Janicak, C. A. (2007). Applied statistics in occupational safety and health. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. International Labour Office., & International Labour Conference. (2009). ILO standards on occupational safety and health: Promoting a safe and healthy working environment. Geneva: ILO. Chaturvedi, P., Institution of Engineers (India)., & Quality Council of India. (2007). Occupational safety, health & environment and sustainable economic development: Proceedings of the Safety Convention - 2006. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing. Rabinowitz, R., Dunham, S. H., & American Bar Association. (2008). Occupational safety and health law. Arlington, VA: BNA Books. Goetsch, D. L. (2011). Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and. Vilkman, E. (2004). Occupational safety and health aspects of voice and speech professions. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 56(4), 220-253. Taylor, A. K., & Murray, L. R. (2006). Occupational safety and health. Social injustice and public health, 337. Schulte, P. A., Wagner, G. R., Blanciforti, L. A., Cutlip, R. G., Krajnak, K. M., Luster, M., & Ostry, A. (2007). Work, obesity, and occupational safety and health. American journal of public health, 97(3).


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Workforce LibreTexts

1.1: Reflection - Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health

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  • Kimberly Mosley
  • Long Beach City College via ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI)

It's Your Turn

New World of Work (NWOW) Assessment: What kind of worker are you? How do you view worker safety?

Self awareness.

As we begin our exploration of work it is only fitting that you reflect on your experiences and perspectives of and with work. One of your first activities was to introduce yourself and share some of your background. This next activity is one designed to have you get a better understanding of why you may have certain views on work and worker safety, being ever mindful of who you are.

The Keirsey assessment is one of many types of personality profiles that seek to place individuals in groups with specific traits that may align with career paths or competencies. It is therefore reasonable that personality traits may also shape how you will view and approach safety in the workplace.

Access the Keirsey Assessment here  or the 16personalities assessment and record your results. If you use the 16personalities assessment you will need to contrast your results with slides 6 and 17 below to determine which quadrant you belong. You may also just speak to your attribute without associating with it with the Keirsey temperament.

Reflect on your assessment by choosing one of the self image attributes (slide 17) of the Keirsey Overview sharing how that attribute would make you a safer worker. Provide detail, minimum one paragraph.

Using the Four Keirsey Temperaments

Seeing yourself in the four temperaments, nwow-do you value all workers, social diversity.

Respecting and valuing differences is a basic tenet for the future of work. How you view yourself and co-workers shapes your perspective on who matters and what matters in a work setting. When there are differences in who matters, there will be challenges to keeping all workers safe. The following personal reflection activities are designed to encourage you to value differences to ensure all workers matter.

Gender and Ethnicity

Use the the following excerpts from the NWOW social diversity lesson 1 to complete the questionnaire and class discussion at the end of the lesson.

Attributes of Social Diversity Awareness

  • Respectful of differences in others’ backgrounds and beliefs in local communities and the world at large.
  • Values diversity in the workplace, including gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and age. Understands these differences can actually improve products, services, or work processes.

Understanding Sex and Gender

Gendering in the workplace.

  • There are still inequalities that exist in modern work environments for the types of jobs considered more appropriate for men and women.
  • Can you name some examples of types of work where you feel there is a stereotype of it being a “male” job or a “female” job?
  • There are also inequalities in pay scales for men and women occupying the same positions.
  • The 2017 Economic Justice Report showed a 20% wage gap between men and women in the United States. It estimated that based on the rate of pay from 1960-2015, women are not projected to reach pay equity until 2059.
  • This pay gap increases for both women and men of color.

Understanding Race and Ethnicity

Class activity.

Having open discussions and striving to understand others from their own perspective, not from yours, is the first step in Social/Diversity Awareness.

What is your global literacy quotient? Take the Quiz. The passing score averages 30%

Next answer the following questions:

  • What is your self-identified ethnicity?
  • Have you ever felt you were defined by gender and/or race, and what impact did this have on you?
  • How do discussions of what makes us different help expand the idea of what is “normal”?
  • Is it important to include physical/cognitive impairments and workforce generation in the conversation of what is "normal" in Social Diversity?

Remember, you want to avoid situations like this:

Diversity Awareness

English Compositions

Short Essay on Safety First [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s session, you will learn to write short essays on the popular term ‘Safety First.’ There are going to be three individual sets of short essays written on the topic covering different word limits.  

Feature image of Short Essay on Safety First

Short Essay on Safety First in 100 Words

Safety is the most important measure to take in our lives for any kind of emergency. We are often told about safety first. Safety means protection. We always try to avoid dangers or stay away from any harm. We work very carefully so that we do not get harmed by any problem.

Danger can come at any moment and any place. We are unaware as to when it will attack us. So having safety is our first and foremost priority. Whenever we are at home or outside, we must remember about it. We must never hurry into anything because that can cause us lots of risks. Also, we must keep a safety kit or a first aid box handy. This will help us to tackle any emergency when needed.

Short Essay on Safety First Example

Short Essay on Safety First in 200 Words

Safety means any kind of protection that we observe regularly. And safety first also means making safety our biggest priority. Maintaining safety is extremely important to us. It will keep our family and society safe and sound.

The country must have responsible citizens who can maintain safety. So being safe is for the good of everyone. We must always maintain safety measures. Be it in our home or outside, it will help us to live much better. Today we observe how difficult it is to walk peacefully on the roads. It is because people do not follow safety measures.

Some bike riders drive very rashly. They do not care about the pedestrians or people walking on the road. Often it creates accidents. These accidents are fatal and can kill them as well. The drivers do not consider driving safely and slowly. They drive the car or the bus at full speed. As a result, many people daily meet accidents on the roads.

Even animals are not free of these dangers. Little kids and aged people feel scared to go alone on the roads. Even in our homes, we forget to follow safety measures. So we face several problems and are hurt severely. The dangers can become serious if we ignore our safety. So safety first is our greatest duty to everyone in our country.

Short Essay on Safety First in 400 Words

Safety means protection from any sort of danger. The term safety first is, at present, a frequently used term. Safety is something that we prioritize first. Whenever there is danger, we must take an immediate measure of safety to survive the situation. Thus keeping safety as our biggest priority is the best task to do in our lives. We will stay prepared for any hazards that may arrive on our way.

Unfortunately, people nowadays do not consider safety as the primary need. As a result, we often face severe disasters. The biggest danger takes place outside our homes when we are on the road. The bike riders dive their bikes at high speed. They drive rashly over the roads and highways. Hence it becomes very difficult for the aged and the pedestrians to walk on the roads.

Anytime they can meet an accident, and can also die on spot. Similarly, for other vehicles like a bus or a car, we observe the same picture. The buses collide with other trucks and cars while breaking the traffic rules. It is a bad habit to violate the traffic rules and traffic signals for personal benefits. Maintaining safety on roads is for the benefit of everyone. We must follow the signals and use a zebra crossing while moving to a different route. Walking in between vehicles in a hurry or jumping down a bus while it’s moving can cause serious harm. 

Even on rail lines, we must be cautious. It is always advisable never to cross a rail line while a train is approaching. Similarly, standing near the door while the train is running at full speed can cause tremendous destruction. Some people often take selfies while standing on railways and even use them as fun places. However, it is stupid to take such things lightly. Everyone should remember the safety that can help them to live better.

Safety first applies to our household as well. If there is a little child or an aged person in the house, then these safety measures become very important. One must keep away all sharp objects, fire, oil, and other poisonous goods from their reach. Burners and cylinders should be switched off to avoid any danger. The doors should be closed so that babies cannot crawl outside the house.

Also, basic hygiene is a part of safety. Keeping the house clean will make it safe. Keeping a first aid box and some emergency medicines will protect us from any immediate need. Hence these basic yet important tips can enable us to live better. 

If you have any doubts regarding today’s lesson, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such sessions, keep browsing our website.

Join us on Telegram to get all the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thanks for being with us. All the best.

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Essay on Health for Students and Children

500+ words essay on health.

Essay on Health: Health was earlier said to be the ability of the body functioning well. However, as time evolved, the definition of health also evolved. It cannot be stressed enough that health is the primary thing after which everything else follows. When you maintain good health , everything else falls into place.

essay on health

Similarly, maintaining good health is dependent on a lot of factors. It ranges from the air you breathe to the type of people you choose to spend your time with. Health has a lot of components that carry equal importance. If even one of them is missing, a person cannot be completely healthy.

Constituents of Good Health

First, we have our physical health. This means being fit physically and in the absence of any kind of disease or illness . When you have good physical health, you will have a longer life span. One may maintain their physical health by having a balanced diet . Do not miss out on the essential nutrients; take each of them in appropriate quantities.

Secondly, you must exercise daily. It may be for ten minutes only but never miss it. It will help your body maintain physical fitness. Moreover, do not consume junk food all the time. Do not smoke or drink as it has serious harmful consequences. Lastly, try to take adequate sleep regularly instead of using your phone.

Next, we talk about our mental health . Mental health refers to the psychological and emotional well-being of a person. The mental health of a person impacts their feelings and way of handling situations. We must maintain our mental health by being positive and meditating.

Subsequently, social health and cognitive health are equally important for the overall well-being of a person. A person can maintain their social health when they effectively communicate well with others. Moreover, when a person us friendly and attends social gatherings, he will definitely have good social health. Similarly, our cognitive health refers to performing mental processes effectively. To do that well, one must always eat healthily and play brain games like Chess, puzzles and more to sharpen the brain.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Physical Health Alone is Not Everything

There is this stigma that surrounds mental health. People do not take mental illnesses seriously. To be completely fit, one must also be mentally fit. When people completely discredit mental illnesses, it creates a negative impact.

For instance, you never tell a person with cancer to get over it and that it’s all in their head in comparison to someone dealing with depression . Similarly, we should treat mental health the same as physical health.

Parents always take care of their children’s physical needs. They feed them with nutritious foods and always dress up their wounds immediately. However, they fail to notice the deteriorating mental health of their child. Mostly so, because they do not give it that much importance. It is due to a lack of awareness amongst people. Even amongst adults, you never know what a person is going through mentally.

Thus, we need to be able to recognize the signs of mental illnesses . A laughing person does not equal a happy person. We must not consider mental illnesses as a taboo and give it the attention it deserves to save people’s lives.

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Providing Safe and Healthy Work Environment Essay

Introduction, body of the text, reference list.

Workplace safety is a matter of great importance. It is an issue worthy utmost concern from the management in any given organization (Harvey, 2003). This is because safety involves “preventing harm whether physical, physiological, or psychological in nature” (Nigel, 2004). Ensuring employees’ safety and health can be equated to protecting company’s assets (Nigel, 2004). This is because employees are the most important assets in an organization.

In a situation where an employee is injured in the workplace, this may result to lowered productivity and increased expenses to the organization (Harvey, 2003). This is because the company will spend more money in treating the injured employee. On the other hand, having appropriate measures that will guarantee safe workplace means that, the workforce will be healthy and ready to sustain a steady economical growth in both short and long-term (Nigel, 2004). Therefore, the most critical issue is maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment for social change.

Because the issue of workplace safety is a very sensitive topic, the HR departments in most organizations have tried to implement numerous measures that are meant to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. Among the proposed solutions, include designing safer systems of work, exhibiting commitment by the HR department, developing a monitoring policy, training employees, inspecting the work environment, establishing appropriate preventing procedures and controls, setting up safety and health committees, and drawing up action plan (Admin, 2011). Among these recommended solution I fully agree with developing training program, inspecting the workplace, and designing safer system in the workplace.

One of the most reliable ways of ensuring workplace safety and health is by providing appropriate training to employees (Admin, 2011). Developing a safety and healthy workplace training program can play a major role in promoting healthy and safety workplace. Developing a relevant training program will help employees to acquire knowledge, skills, and experience (Admin, 2011). Training on issues of health and safety in the workplace will not only increase skills, but will also help in improving employees’ performance and hence increase productivity (Nigel, 2004).

In a farm (a coffee farm), the human resource manager can develop a training program that will provide knowledge and enlighten all farm employees on issues of safety in their work environment. In such a farm, a number of factors pose potential health and safety risks. Farm machinery, drugs and chemical, fire, and individuals are risks to healthy and safety in the farm. The HR manager should sensitize all involved participants by making them understand the importance of safety in such a work environment.

As a healthy and safety measure, the HR manager should provide training to all employees so that they can acquire appropriate knowledge on how to use farm machineries, how to prevent fire outbreaks, how to prevent accidents, and proper handling of drugs and chemicals. Such training is imperative as the employees get to know the best practices that would minimize potential hazards and hence ensuring healthy and safety in the workplace (Nigel, 2004).

In order to ensure effective training program, both employees and the manager must play their roles accordingly. The HR manager has a legal and moral obligation to play in the training process. When beginning a healthy and safety training program, the HR manager should ensure that, the training environment is friendly for all staff (Nigel, 2004). For instance, it should be accommodative to employees with special needs. As a moral obligation, the HR should also ensure that the training program does not discriminate any of the organization’s employees (Nigel, 2004).

The program should be able to promote fairness. In order to improve the workplace safety and health through training, the HR manager must fully inform his subordinates of their rights and responsibilities throughout the training session. Most importantly, the manager should commit resources necessary to complete the safety and health training session. He should be able to provide safety equipments (Nigel, 2004).

I do agree that designing safer system of works is also a safety and health measure in the work environment. Purchasing working and “in good condition” machines will reduce the safety and health hazards in any given organization (Nigel, 2004). It has been noted that most of the work-related accidents happen due to failure of machines (Harvey, 2003). In a factory for instance, when employees are operating a cutting machine, they may be exposed to safety risks in case a machine fails. Such a machine may cause severe damage to the operators (employees).

Designing safer systems is an appropriate solution because the risk is eliminated at the early stages. The HR should carry an extensive research to investigate and indentify machineries that are not in good condition. The HR should inform his staff about those machineries that are not effective so that they can avoid working with such machines. As a long-term solution, the management should replace non-working machines with properly working machines.

I am also of the opinion that carryout inspection at the work can also improve workplace safety and health (Harvey, 2003). As such, it is important for all companies and organizations to do regular safety inspections in the Workplace. Conducting workplace inspection has many advantages namely, cost saving, increased workers productivity, and identifying hazards before they cause any harm (Harvey, 2003).

Regular inspection at the workplace saves the organization a lot of money that could be spend for compensating workers in case of an accident. Employees are company’s most valued asset and should be protected at all cost (Harvey, 2003). Preventing accidents that cause physical injury to employees ensures productivity and success of the company. When workers are out of danger, they spend their time working to ensure that they meet the goals and objectives of the company.

In maintaining workplace safety, both the human resource manager and employees have a responsibility to play. The employees need to report any accident or illness that occurs in their area of work promptly to facilitate compensation and insurance cover in time to eliminate any chances of accidents (Harvey, 2003).

As a moral obligation, the human resource manager should ensure that employees work in safe and healthy environment (Harvey, 2003). The management of the organization needs to respond fast to any accident reports without biasness or favor. The HR department needs to investigate any reported cases to find out what caused the accident and any preventive measures that can be used to prevent similar accidents (Harvey, 2003). For instance, restaurants that have electronic equipments or machines that may cause burns and cut among other forms of injury must be inspected to identify any malfunctions in such machines. The HR department should always carryout systematic investigations to ensure adequate safety measures are put in place (Harvey, 2003). Once faults are discovered in such machines, the HR should report the case to the relevant department for maintenance or change of equipments.

In conclusion, while trying to provide safe and healthy work environment, the HR must play his role adequately. As such, the HR should play his legal and moral roles in accordance to company’s policy. The manager should be able to promote fairness and address the needs of all employees without cases of discrimination. The HR should consider a method that best suits the situation and addresses the potential risks for better and safe workplace.

Admin. (2011). Role of Management in Improving Workplace Safety and Health . Web.

Harvey, S. (2003). Workplace Safety . Chatswood: Software Publications Pty, Limited.

Nigel, B. (2004). Workplace safety .Sidney: Pearson Education.

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Safety and Health, Essay Example

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In Chapter 24, the focus is on chemical compounds.  The interest in chemicals by the general public has become greatly increased recently due to chemical catastrophes in India, Michigan, New York, and other locations.  In India in 1988, methyl isocyanate gas leaked from a chemical plant and settled over a 15 square mile area.  The chemical killed 2,500 people and injured 20,000 others.  Because of events like this, the public has become rightly concerned with chemicals.  There are a multitude of chemical compounds, greater than 3,000,000 registered compounds, of which approximately 60,000 have economic value in the marketplace.  Another estimated 700-1000 compounds enter the marketplace each year.  According to NIOSH, 5000 chemicals have some inherent hazards.  However, only 500 chemical compounds have published exposure standards.  So, many chemicals are lacking published hazards.

The three main types of hazards for chemicals are: 1. health effects , 2. fires and explosions, and 3. reactivity with other materials.  Chapter 24 mainly focuses on the different health effects of chemical compounds.  It is important to note that the hazards are interrelated.  That is, a fire can cause a chemical to become less stable and more reactive.  As the chemical becomes more reactive it can cause more serious health effects, so it becomes very important to understand how to properly address each of the hazards without causing greater hazards.

Since the focus of this chapter is health effects, this summary will mainly address those concerns.  There are three main entries into the body for chemicals, inhalation, ingestion, and absorption.  To understand the health effects of inhalation, one must understand the two forms of airborne contaminants: particulates and gases or vapors.  Particulates are classified by their size and chemical makeup and include dusts, fumes, smoke, aerosols, and mists.  The shape of the particulate is also important as some are spherical while others are long and fibrous.  Dusts are made of fine particulate matter created from processes that break matter into smaller pieces.  Fumes are fine solids often formed from the condensation of vapors.  Smoke is carbon or soot particles that result from incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials.  Aerosols are solid or liquid particulates that are dispersed in the air.  Mists are liquid droplets that are suspended in or falling through air.  Gases are a different state of matter from solids or liquids.  Lastly, vapors are the gaseous phase of a substance that is a liquid at normal temperature and pressure.

When chemicals enter the body, they often affect particular organs of the body.  The effects on the organs can cause physical change, such as headache and nausea, and behavioral change, such as hallucinations and confusion.  Three factors determine the damage that the chemical will cause.  One is the type and form of the substance, two is the type and rate of exposure, and three is what happens to the substance in the body.  The time of exposure affects the latency period.  Some chemicals cause immediate effects while others may not have effects for years, as is the case with carcinogens.  Time also determines if an exposure is acute or chronic.  An acute exposure is one that causes damage in a single short exposure.  A chronic exposure is one that causes damage over a long period of multiple exposures.  Additionally, health effects can be local or systemic.  A local effect is one that causes injury to eyes, skin, or the respiratory tract after one or more exposures.  A systemic effect occurs when a substance enters the body and disrupts organs or other biological functions.  Interestingly, chemicals known as asphyxiants do not directly affect the body.  Instead, they displace oxygen which then causes damage to the organs and tissues of the body.  Some of the most serious health effects from chemicals are carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens.  A substance that falls into one of these three categories causes damage to the DNA of a person resulting in a wide-range of effects for a long period of time.

Interestingly, not every person reacts the same to a chemical.  Some people have allergies to chemicals that cause increased responses.  Others become desensitized through exposure and do not show health effects until they are placed in repeated exposures.

So, what methods are used to assess the toxic properties of these chemicals, given that they have sometimes serious and wide-ranging effects?  The first method is through human experimentation.  However, it is unethical to test chemicals on humans for toxicity.  So, human experimentation is no longer used to test chemicals if the chemical is suspected to be toxic.  Another more useful method of assessing toxicity is through human experience.  While we do not allow humans to be exposed on purpose, sometimes they are exposed through accident.  By studying the outcomes of these accidents, the effects of the chemicals involved can be gauged.  Most toxicity data comes from the use of animal experimentation.  When chemicals are tested on animals that are similar in physiology to humans, much can be learned about their effects.  There are some drawbacks to this procedure.  For instance, a chemical with a long latency time must be tested at higher doses than a human would normally encounter in order to speed up the effects.  This process means that the animal experiments are useful for the study of toxicity in humans but not completely reliable.  Lastly, chemicals can be tested on microorganisms in order to more quickly get results.  These tests are generally short-term as microorganisms have such a short life.  The most common of these tests is the Ames test.

Chemicals are some of man’s greatest inventions, but they have the potential for great harm.  One must understand how the chemical works and how it can be toxic to a human in order to handle it safely.

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    The Act was created to ensure that the workplaces of all organisations protect 'the health, safety and welfare of persons at work' [3]. It involves identifying the hazards in each department of the organisation to reduce the risks in the process or method that the employees used to make the product or develop the service provided.

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    Introduction. Occupation Health and Safety (OHS) can be termed as the rules, legislation, policies, procedures and activities intended to care for the health, safety and welfare of the workers and all the individuals in an organization. It involves looking at the social, mental and physical well-being of workers (Lingard & Rowlinson, p. 124).

  5. 99 Occupational Health Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Occupational Health and Safety: The Need and Importance. Occupation Health and Safety can be termed as the rules, legislation, policies, procedures and activities intended to care for the health, safety and welfare of the workers and all the individuals in an organization. Theories of Occupational Health and Safety.

  6. Occupational Health And Safety

    Occupational safety and health (OSH), also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety (OHS), occupational health, or workplace health and safety (WHS), is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work. These terms also refer to the goals of this field, so their use in the sense of this ...

  7. 370 Safety Research Topics & Essay Examples

    370 Safety Research Topics & Examples. In this list of safety essay examples, explore the health and safety research topics and dig deep into the challenges of maintaining it. Discuss the strategies to prevent accidents, mitigate risks, and create secure environments. Don't miss our ideas about food safety, road safety, occupational safety ...

  8. Health and safety

    Health and Safety is a prime concern in every field. John Bartlett says that "Appreciating the general concept of the need for good health and safety is very different from understanding how the specifics apply to the dynamic of a particular workspace", Workplace law's Safety and Health Practitioner.". Health and Safety is the prime ...

  9. Essays About Occupational Safety And Health

    Introduction. Occupational health safety is a concept that cannot escape the attention of any workplace safety and the welfare of the employee in the work environment. There are several causes and things that can be attributed to be the main contributors of incident causation at the workstations of human beings.

  10. Occupational Safety & Health: APA Style

    For all rules and requirements of APA, please refer to the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, which is available for purchase from the APA Style website. Should you have any questions, please contact the CSU Success Center by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1.877.875.0533.

  11. Health and Safety Essay

    Health And Safety Act 2005 Essay. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, to protect the health and safety of their employees so far as is reasonably practicable. Duties also exist to protect members of the public who may be affected by the running of the business. This duty also applies to the self-employed.

  12. Health And Safety Essay

    Health & Safety. Occupational Health and Safety Questions 1. (15 marks) The TLV for carbon monoxide is 35ppm. Define the terms TLV and ppm and calculate them for the following example: Answer: TVL = Term for airborne concentration of a substance, below which all workers are believed to be protected while exposed to it day after day for 8-hour ...

  13. Occupational Health and Safety and Workplace Accidents Essay

    Occupational health and safety involve a workplace that is free of any hazards, risks, or injuries. A Hazard refers to an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon within the workplace that is a source of danger and can cause an event to result in one way or another (Bohle, Lamm & Quinlan 121). Hazards classify as biological, chemical, or physical.

  14. Essay on Health and Safety

    Essay Health And Safety. Health and safety 1.1 The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 To secure the health, safety and welfare of people at work To protect others from risks arising from the activities of people at work To control the use and storage of dangerous substances To control the emission into the atmosphere of noxious or offensive ...

  15. Health and Safety at Work Act: [Essay Example], 596 words

    The Health and Safety at Work Act was formed in 1974, this means you have a responsibility for the health and safety of your employees whilst they are working for you. However, employees do also have a responsibility for their own health and safety whilst at work. Everyone has a duty to comply with the Act, including employers, employees ...

  16. 1.1: Reflection

    Diversity Awareness. Transcript. This page titled 1.1: Reflection - Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Kimberly Mosley ( ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI)) . Workbook Activity on valuing work.

  17. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration at 50: Protecting

    The passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 brought unprecedented changes in US workplaces, and the activities of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have contributed to a significant reduction in work-related deaths, injuries, and illnesses. Despite this, millions of workers are injured annually, and thousands killed. To reduce the toll, OSHA needs ...

  18. Reflection: The Importance of Training in Health and Safety

    Ensuring efficient training helps employees feel valued and boosts their confidence and keeps workplace injuries down, this reflects positively on management and the company. Ultimately, the ...

  19. Workplace Health and Safety

    Workplace Health and Safety: The Protection of Employees' Rights Essay. Workplace health and safety are critical to maintaining high productivity and effective performance. Therefore, it is important that employers ensure the provision of healthy and safe working conditions. The paper at hand examines the two legislative acts that grant the ...

  20. Short Essay on Safety First [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Safety First in 400 Words. Safety means protection from any sort of danger. The term safety first is, at present, a frequently used term. Safety is something that we prioritize first. Whenever there is danger, we must take an immediate measure of safety to survive the situation. Thus keeping safety as our biggest priority is the ...

  21. Essay on Health for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Health. Essay on Health: Health was earlier said to be the ability of the body functioning well. However, as time evolved, the definition of health also evolved. It cannot be stressed enough that health is the primary thing after which everything else follows. When you maintain good health, everything else falls into place.

  22. Providing Safe and Healthy Work Environment Essay

    The HR manager has a legal and moral obligation to play in the training process. When beginning a healthy and safety training program, the HR manager should ensure that, the training environment is friendly for all staff (Nigel, 2004). For instance, it should be accommodative to employees with special needs. As a moral obligation, the HR should ...

  23. Safety and Health, Essay Example

    The three main types of hazards for chemicals are: 1. health effects , 2. fires and explosions, and 3. reactivity with other materials. Chapter 24 mainly focuses on the different health effects of chemical compounds. It is important to note that the hazards are interrelated. That is, a fire can cause a chemical to become less stable and more ...