How to Survive a Timeshare Presentation: Tips you Need to Know

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  • Post author: Scott Fix
  • Post published: February 11, 2021
  • Post category: Couple Travel / Travel Tips

You are here because you want to know how to survive a timeshare presentation. How do I end the sales pitch? How do I resist timeshare sales tricks and just say “no”? After going through the process ourselves and chatting with a sales insider, we are here to share what we have learned. Read on for all you need to know to escape the formidable high-pressure timeshare pitch.

What’s the Deal with Timeshare Presentations? 

Everybody knows the classic “high-pressure timeshare sales pitch”.  You get offered 3 days and 2 nights at a fabulous resort for free, no obligations – you just have to attend a sales presentation.  They promise the pitch will be pretty short and that there’s no obligation to buy.  Sounds great, right?  But we all know the catch – it’s infamous.  The timeshare presentation is excruciatingly long.  Every time you think you’ve said “no” for the last time, they bring in a new salesperson or take you to a new room to start pitching you all over again.  It’s a high-pressure sales marathon.  To top it all off, if you don’t meet your obligated time at the presentation, you’re on the hook to pay for your accommodations.  So why do people still go to these things?  Well, because a free “3 days and 2 nights” at a resort is just too good of a deal to pass up sometimes! In fact, many travelers are trying to find out “How can I attend a timeshare presentation just for the free vacation?”   Well, we wanted to see what all the hype was about. When we got a call saying we’d “won” a vacation package, we shrugged and signed up.  Worst case scenario, we walk out and have to pay for the hotel stay.  

When we started asking around, so many of our close friends had either fallen for the timeshare pitch themselves, or knew a family member that had. We heard story, after story, of high-pressure pitches, salesmen that were insulting or rude, being led between rooms for hours upon hours, etc.  Hearing stories of people so close to us motivated us to write up everything we learned from our experience. 

The Initial Screening 

Cecilia signed up for a “contest” on Facebook that would enter you into a “drawing” for a free stay of 3 days and 2 nights at a resort and a $150 gift card.  We got a phone call saying we’d “won” while we were driving.  

We were asked some basic “info” questions (i.e., name, phone, address), followed by some “survey” questions.  The survey questions were things like:

When was the last vacation you took?

How much did you spend on accommodations?

How often do you travel?   

They also asked us if we only needed a reservation for 2, or if we’d like to bring anyone else up to 4 total.  Of course, we opted to take the 4-person reservation because the more the merrier, right?  

After all the identity information, survey questions, accommodation arrangements, and a spiel about our vacation/gift-card winnings, then came the hook – we’ll have to attend a timeshare presentation.  We were assured that we were only obligated for 90 minutes to 2 hours of the presentation; and with that, my wife and I looked at each other with a “do we believe that?” stare.  

But sure – in for a penny, in for a pound.  

Two things caught both of us off-guard towards the end of the phone call: 

One, we had to book the dates for our stay immediately.  We had to pull over from driving to frantically look at our calendars and figure out a weekend that worked in both of our schedules. The caller would just suggest a block of days from their availability, and we had to tell him if the range worked out for us.  

Two, we had to pay a $99 “refundable deposit” using a credit card.  When he asked for our credit card information, a giant alarm started going off in my head, yelling at me “this sounds like a scam!!”  I almost put the phone on hold to have a conversation with my wife about backing out of the whole thing.  I took a deep breath and reminded myself that our credit cards have fraud protection on them; and we’d just have to keep a closer eye on our credit card statements for awhile.  

Although we haven’t completely confirmed this, our strong-suspicions are that the initial phone call is really a screening. They want to see how susceptible you’re going to be to the timeshare sales pitch. It felt like a test to see if we were people that would make a fast decision, without much information, and commit money instantly for a “too good to be true” deal.  

Well, whatever we did “worked,” because as we later learned, they put us in the “prime candidate” group for the presentation.  More on that later.  

Arriving at Our Destination 

Because of the Covid-19 policy, only one person from our party was allowed into the lobby to check in to our room; our timeshare presentation was scheduled for the second day of our stay at 8 am. Only the person who checked-in signed any paperwork at all; and the other 3 members of our party didn’t sign anything or give any names. 

8am, bright and early, we drove over to the location for the timeshare talk and waited in a small line for a teller.  The person in front of us was having an unfriendly banter with the teller.  The only thing I picked up from my eavesdropping was that all the members of his party weren’t there so he wasn’t able to get signed in. We got called next and checking in only took a few seconds.  She asked if all members of our party were there, we said yes, and she said to wait in a corner for our “agent” to come and get us.

After a few minutes, our salesperson came out of a room, introduced himself, and walked us outside.  He said because of covid restrictions, he wouldn’t give us a tour of the entire facilities and grounds. Instead, we would drive separately over to a condo where he would give us a talk.  

We loaded up into our vehicle and were on our way without ever signing any official paperwork.  Also, we had been told over the phone, and on our “terms and conditions”, that we needed IDs and a credit card, but we didn’t need anything. I’m not sure if that is normal, or just because we showed up during covid restrictions.  

The TimeShare Pitch

We followed our salesperson’s car to a condo. On the ground floor, they had free continental breakfast and drinks set out on a table behind a rope, and someone with gloves handed us whatever we asked for.  We took an elevator up a few floors and our salesperson took the stairs to meet us at the top, then he showed us to a room and left so we could eat our breakfasts without our masks. We thought the room was stuffy, because we were all in our winter jackets, so we opened all the windows.  It was ~30 degrees outside.  When he came back, he sat in a chair across from our sofa.  I imagine he thought we were trying to freeze him out, but we were just hot.  

For the first 20 minutes, there was some minor small talk about nothing. It might have been to put us at ease?  Either way, we were pretty guarded with personal info.  He probably expected us to talk more about ourselves, and we were expecting him to ask us more direct, pointed questions.  

When he started to transition, I asked for an outline of what to expect for the meeting. How was our time going to be broken down?  What is our obligation?  How many people will we talk to?  Are we going on a tour? What is our time frame?  

He said we were there for a timeshare presentation – “yes, it’s a sales pitch.”  We had to be there for “an hour and a half, or 2 hours – whatever they told you.” Then when it was over, he’d take us back to the main building where we’d get our $150 gift certificate and a voucher that waived the cost of our stay.  

And then our “presentation” began.

He flew through a lot of “numbers” and acronyms. He talked so fast, to the point where none of us absorbed anything. To this day, I have no idea what he was even saying. Either way, as fast as he spat out numbers, the topic would always change.  I’m not sure if it was him, or us, or both; but we talked about movies, Pokemon, shoes, horses … just about everything except timeshares. 

After 40 minutes of struggling to sell us, he took us to a luxury apartment in the same complex. I think the intention was to give us a tour and really sell us, but other families walked in on us. Because of covid, only one group was allowed in at a time, so we left and let them see the rooms; but then we just kind of wandered off, back towards the door of the building.  I feel kind of bad for the salesperson, because trying to keep track of the four of us was like trying to wrangle cats.  He’d try to show us to a room, or tell us to wait for another family to get done, and we’d just wander back towards the exit.  He’d run to cut us off, and we’d just all meander around him, chatting about something else.  

We weren’t intending to be rude or purposefully being space-cadets or anything. There was just random downtime, so we’d do what any group of friends would do – we’d chat amongst ourselves. We also were never given any real clear instructions on what to do, so we’d just assume we were done and start walking back.  It wasn’t until we looked back on our experience that we realized we were probably sabotaging his sales pitch without meaning to.  

We went back to the “pitch room” and by now it’s about 1 hour and 10 minutes in.  Cecilia leaves the room to go to the restroom. (She was 3 months pregnant at the time, so bathroom breaks happened ALOT.) The salesperson looks at the 3 of us and says, “Okay, just be honest with me here. Why in the world are you guys at a timeshare talk?” There’s a pause while we all just stare at him, wondering what we should say and he fills the void with, “if you’re all so scared of covid that you’re even opening the window when it’s 30 degrees outside to get fresh air, why did you come here in the first place?”  I reply,

“… well, you want honesty?  My wife clicked a link on a Facebook contest that said we could win 3 days and 2 nights at a resort.  They called us while we were driving to say we’d won.  My wife was excited, and I wanted her to be happy, so I said sure, I’d go along with it.  The guy on the phone asked if we had 2 friends that would want to go, too, and we said we weren’t sure; so he said he’d put us down for 4, just in case. We asked our friends, they said they wanted to come, and here we all are.”  

He nodded along; looked at the 3 of us; pulled out his phone; and started playing Pokemon Go.  

Once Cecilia got out of the bathroom, he ran through his pitch at lightning speed.  He showed us a piece of paper with numbers on it that had a large down-payment. He rambled on and said, “but you don’t have that much in the bank, do you?”  After a pause, Scott said “no comment” – because the entire morning, none of us gave away any information about our financial situations.  He instantly flipped the paper over and showed us another price, the “only for today” offer with a lower price with financing; and asked if we wanted to buy at that price.  I said “no.” He said “alright then,” and texted his boss, then went back to playing Pokemon Go.  

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Leisure Suit Larry 

After a few minutes of the party chatting about nothing again, in walks the boss – we’ll call him Larry.  Larry looks the part.  He’s wearing an olive-green suit that has the kind of texture that looks expensive; and a very high-maintenance hairstyle with a lot of gray speckles.  Larry’s entire presence is summed up by the uncertainty of whether his hair was naturally gray, or if it was purposefully dyed to look older.  

Larry has a calm, methodical delivery any time he speaks, like someone reciting a script that’s been rehearsed to perfection but then delivered so many times until it’s lost its meaning. He speaks without pauses, taking a big breath before each section of his ramble. He would emphasize words by deliberately stretching out the word, not by raising his voice.  Every point he made was framed as if the decision has already been made for you – you will lose money if you don’t make this choice because you are already spending money on vacations. 

Larry is what a used car salesman would be if used cars sold for more money.  

Larry ended his spiel with a piece of paper, which had a unit available for “today only.”  They’re always “only today.” 

He passed the piece of paper over to us, and the age of the paper suggested it wasn’t the first time he’s handed it to someone.  

The number on the paper was drastically less than any of the previous offers – it was less than half of the previous lowest offer.  I looked at the paper, folded it back in half, handed it back, and said no.  Larry was reluctant to take the paper, and asked “why?” 

We knew this moment was coming and prepared for it.  We reminded ourselves that we don’t have to justify any of our answers.  Socially, it’s polite to justify yourself; but you’re never under any obligation to justify yourself.  

We answered, “we don’t make large financial decisions that quickly. We talk through financial decisions together.”  Larry gave another ramble – this one I honestly didn’t listen to.  I just zoned out for a moment.  Then Cecilia answered him, “and we have a kid on the way, which makes it more important to spend time on big financial decisions, so the answer is still no.”  

Larry asked, “so … is there anything I can do or say that’s going to change that decision for you today?”  I said “no,” expecting to have to say that a lot at this point.  But then Larry abruptly said, “Okay, thank you for your time,” stood up, and walked out without a second look at us.  It was just an immediate withdrawal.  

The first salesperson, who had been sitting there quietly during Larry’s entire spiel, slapped his thighs, said “okay, I’ll take you back to the main center to claim your prizes” and visibly ripped up the piece of paper he’d shown us earlier.  He started to make some comments about wasting his time, but we were already walking out the door and didn’t really catch them.  

The Final Boss

We drove back to the main center and through a conference room that, in non-covid times, would have been the first room.  He took us close to a receptionist’s desk and asked us to stay put while he went to talk to someone.  We wandered up closer to them, trying to look out of a window to see a pool, which was just close enough to eavesdrop on the salesperson’s conversation.  He was giving her details about the conversation we’d had with him and Larry – that we “don’t make large financial decisions that quickly.”  He was giving her everything she needed so she would know the right angle to close the deal!  

It turns out, the woman he handed us off to was the Final Boss.  She asked us to go into another room, and Cecilia wandered off to the bathroom.   The three of us walked into the room, realized Cecilia wasn’t there, and wandered back out.  When she got out of the restroom, the four of us went in together to see the Final Boss.  She was sitting behind a small table with two chairs set up in front of it.  She said we could sit down, but we remained standing.  There were four of us and only two chairs.  You could tell that having 4 people there instead of 2 really threw their usual gameplans off.  

She asked us what the final price Larry quoted us was, and I told her; then she said “What if I could offer you that same unit at this price?”  She wrote a number on a piece of paper that was, again, exactly half of what Larry had offered.  

We repeated our line, “We don’t make large financial dec–” She interrupted, “Okay, take this slip into the next room and we’ll settle you up.”  

We hadn’t noticed, but there was a slip of paper already sitting on the desk in front of her.  With the paper in hand, we headed into the next room and handed it to an old man who was polite, friendly, jovial and looked like he was having the time of his life at work.  He slapped a stamp down on the paper, handed us a voucher, and we were out in no time.  We managed to survive the timeshare presentation.

Total time: 1 hour and 39 minutes.  

The Aftermath

After we left, we spent a lot of time talking with one another, trying to understand why we’d been let off so easily.  All of us had heard the nightmare stories about high-pressure timeshares – that people spent an entire day being shuffled from room-to-room, the aggressive salespeople, the insults, the good-cop bad-cop routines, etc.  We got none of that.  We were practically shoved out the door at one point.  

One theory we had was that we were a group of 4 that weren’t related to one another.  We were 2 couples, so they couldn’t pin one of us against the other.  They also couldn’t sell to all 4 of us, because we would never buy something together.  

Another theory was that we were just too chaotic for them.  We constantly changed the conversation – but not really on purpose.  We just filled the silent pauses with jokes or comments that became side-conversations.  

Timeshare Presentation Basics: Insight From an Industry Insider

We had to know why our experience was so different from the ones we’d heard about, so we called up a friend that used to be in the industry as a timeshare salesperson.  

Here’s what we found out:  

The reason some salespeople are pushier than others is because if they don’t sell for awhile, they’re suddenly given “one last chance” to sell, and if they don’t sell on that day, they’re fired.   If someone wants to keep their job, they have to sell; and that can lead to a very high-pressure sale.  

Sometimes they’ll get mad if you’re rude or just blatantly not interested from the start of the talk. They’ll toy with you and keep you longer on purpose out of spite. This can happen when you tell the salesperson from the start: “look, we’re just not interested in buying, we’re only here for the free stay.” 

Often, the salesperson lies about their background to identify with the “prospect”, like saying they have kids too; or they will lie about how long they have been selling; or that they have a dog, are also divorced, etc.  When our insider told us that, we all blinked. Had our salesperson lied about everything he told us the entire time?  At one point, he gave us his kids’ names – and now I’m not sure he even had kids.  

If a salesperson makes a sale on the previous day, then they get “first pick” in the morning; and the 8am timeslot is reserved for people they think are absolutely going to buy.  We were the 8am timeslot.  I have no idea why they put us in that group.  

If enough people are lined up that day for talks and they don’t have enough salespeople, they go on rotation.  As soon as a salesperson finishes their talk, they can go back and get another prospect.  The earlier they can pick a prospect, the higher the chances of getting a sell.  That’s why there’s more incentive for them to end a tour earlier if they know you aren’t going to buy and your tour is in the morning.  Tours in the afternoon aren’t so lucky.  

What if someone owns a timeshare and gets someone else to sign up for the timeshare talk? The timeshare owner gets a kickback – usually waived fees. 

But ultimately, why did our salesperson let go of us so fast?  Because Cecilia was pregnant.  At one point, our salesperson asked why Cecilia was going to the bathroom so much.  We told him she was pregnant, and when she came back in the room, he commented, “I didn’t even notice you were pregnant until you said that.”  That’s when he started flying through his presentation.  That was the change.  Apparently, people who are expecting a child don’t make sudden or “big” financial decisions. They’re too focused on what’s good for the baby.  

Tips on How to Survive a Timeshare Presentation

So here we are, everything we’ve learned boiled down to our top tips for surviving a timeshare talk.  

1. Go in prepared .

There is no reason to be mean or rude.  Just know your stance, be assertive, and remember that you don’t owe anyone anything.  It’s not impolite to say “no” without an excuse.  “No” is a complete answer that doesn’t need to be justified.  

2. Remember that you’re in a sales pitch .

For salespeople, ‘being nice’ is part of the sale. Similarly, ‘being relatable to you’ is more important than them telling you the truth. They butter you up in order to get information out of you, and they rely on the information you’ve volunteered for their pitch.  Things like your job, hobbies, or even your last vacation are used to determine your personal wealth and spending habits.  

3. Silence is your strength.

It’s really, really tempting to argue, or to call the salespeople out when you catch them in a ‘blunder’ or ‘ah-HA’ moment.  But just remember: if you argue, you just feed into their pitch and you’ll end up staying even longer.  They want you to argue so they can sell you harder.  Don’t get into a back-and-forth. 

4. Be on guard for the angle.

The salesperson is always fishing for an angle. If they don’t know what is important to you they cant sell you. They’ll try to get you emotionally invested.  They might try to insult you, or dig at your ego, with things like “you can’t afford this, right? This is too much for you.” Don’t defend yourself. Don’t justify yourself. Just say “no” and leave it at that.  

5. Decide on a secret reason against buying and never disclose it .

If they don’t know why you won’t buy, then they can’t give you a pitch or argue against it.  For us, we knew that a timeshare is just a bad financial decision.  The financing is really expensive, and you don’t “save money” in the end.  That was our secret reason; and when the numbers were explained to us, and we saw the paper showing that it was a bad decision, we didn’t go “ah-HA!”  We just nodded along and kept it inside.  They can’t sweet-talk their way around your roadblock if they don’t know it’s there.  

6. If you really want a timeshare, don’t buy at the pitch.

7. and, of course, if all else fails – be pregnant..

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This post has 15 comments.

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I like the idea of timeshares—in fact, my inlaws own several—but I hate the high-pressure sales tactics they employ. It’s such a turn off.

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That is such a good point. The concept of a timeshare isn’t all that bad, but the high-pressure talk and the difficulty of selling a timeshare should you ever change your mind are huge turn offs.

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I love that the title includes SURVIVE, because that’s totally how it feels! We had to say “no” to like 10 different people before they would let us go!

We have heard so many horror stories like this. So glad we survived our first timeshare experience and came out on the other end with some bits of wisdom. Hoping this article can help out a few others so they do not have to endure a situation like yours!

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I always wondered about timeshares. I like the concept but the sales tactic is highly annoying . It makes me wonder if it’s worth it .

You definitely have a point. High-pressure timeshare presentations are exactly that, high-pressure. They aren’t necessarily meant to be enjoyable, but I do think the experience depends on the salesperson. If you are assigned to a pleasant and respectful salesperson, then the experience really isn’t all that bad! It’s just playing roulette to see what kind of salesperson you wind up with.

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Loved this. Your title caught me and made me laugh. Your last line made me laugh. My in-laws have had a time share for years and have dumped so much into the “maintenance fees”. It is a nightmare now for them to try to get out of it! Moral of the story: Whatever you might spend on the time share, you could simply put toward a nice hotel for your vacations and probably still come out ahead. Don’t fall for the pitch!

That’s such a good point. We haven’t heard of too many people who have been happy with their choice to purchase a time share. I think personally we will stick to the hotels and Airbnb’s as you mentioned!

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Ive stayed at friend’s time shares a few times, and they can be really nice, but those pitches are such a turn off! Now I know, mention that I’m pregnant and if we do want to buy, don’t buy it at the pitch!

It’s a pretty good deal for a free holiday for you. 🙂

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Great article with good suggestions. I do these as a travel hack to get free stays and freebies in Vegas. The key is to have an ironclad will and not be afraid to keep saying “no.” No matter what the reps try yo say or do, YOU are in control. They are obligated to give you the gifts and you are under no obligation to be polite or give reasons. The worst thing that can happen is you’ll get berated or insulted. There are worse things to endure and you basically get a free hotel stay. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.

I like the Hunger Games reference. Thanks for sharing your personal experience with surviving timeshare presentations. It takes a strong will to make it through without buying anything, but like you said YOU are in control and have the right to say no.

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Well they get you drunk in Mexico I bought a timeshare in Cabo and they kept serving me and my friend drinks to loosen me up. I fell in love with my salesman and finally gave in he was so nice and now I am one of the happiest timeshare owners on the planet. Going to Cancun booked a 1700 square foot 2 bedroom 2 bath bringing 3 friends with me. Hotels are soo soo expensive and with a timeshare I am saving a ton of money and it is making me travel more which I love. Life is short live it to the fullest and don’t look back. I was all ways jealous of friends that owned Timshares but now I get to enjoy all the benefits and I am saving a ton of money.

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I LOVED your article and learned a great deal! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge. We definitely will do the things you have suggested. I might even buy a pregnancy belly to wear. Lol

Hahaha good luck, let us know how it goes!

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Love your angle and how you shared your experience along with your post realization analysis. We’ve done a few many many years ago and found the perks of going to a high-stress 2 hour meeting somewhat worth it, but then again agonizing.

We are about to go to another in the next month and this was helpful to get us mentally prepared.

Thank you for taking the time to share.

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How to Avoid a Timeshare Presentation

how to get out of a timeshare presentation fast

Ever since developers realized that they could get fast money out of a hotel or real estate project by selling units as timeshares, their sales reps have been let loose on unsuspecting travelers. And that is why you need to know how to avoid a high-pressure, arm-twisting sales pitch that lassos you into a timeshare presentation that will waste your time and put you at potential financial risk.

The last thing you may want to think about on vacation is buying real estate; these sharks intend to change your mind. They offer inducements such as free flights, free nights, free tours, and other "free" gifts.

Timeshare salespeople are trained to be persistent and wear down resistance. The worst ones are downright deceitful. But you aren't defenseless. If you can learn how to avoid a timeshare presentation and are willing to temporarily suspend your good manners, those sales types will be no more annoying than gnats.

Difficulty: Average

Time required: 5 minutes if you succeed, hours if you don't, here's how:.

  • Avoid something-for-nothing offers.  Ever pick up the phone and hear a robo-voice announce, "Congratulations! You've won a free vacation... a romantic vacation ... a trip to Disneyland ?" Hang up immediately! These are all come-ons and you won't get something for nothing if these people hook you. So if you are not interested in dubious investments, do not accept any such offers by phone, in the mail, through social media. or on location to sit through a timeshare presentation. 
  • Find out who you're dealing with. Sellers can be sneaky, and some use terminology different from "timeshare presentation" (such as discovery tour, gift opportunity, special value promotion). If someone offers you something, ask if he or she is a sales person and if real estate ownership is involved. Be suspicious!
  • Get in and get out. Okay; you couldn't resist. They promised it would be short and the reward worthwhile. Hold them to the time frame promised, and set your watch or smartphone alarm. Fifteen minutes before the timeshare presentation is scheduled to end, give them warning that you will leave.
  • Give out as little personal information as possible. Do not give timeshare sellers your cellphone, home, or work phone numbers, nor your main email address. If they insist, provide fake numbers.
  • Under no circumstance, give anyone associated with the presentation your credit card information.
  • Don't sign any anything. Once you put your signature to an agreement, you will be legally bound to carry out the terms of the contract. If you do become interested in the property, ask to take an unsigned copy of the agreement and say you will have it reviewed by your attorney.
  • Just say no . Not maybe, not "we'll think about it," just no. The worst thing you can do is lead a salesperson on. He or she will become your personal barnacle.
  • Be willing to be rude. It's not in some peoples' nature to flat-out say, "No... I don't want this... get out of my face." You're not dealing with grandma or a member of a church congregation. You're dealing with a salesperson. If they push you, push back. They're trained to be persistent and deal with rejection.
  • Leave. You cannot legally be held against your will. By leaving, you will forfeit any "gift" that you were promised, and you may be responsible for your own transportation back to your hotel. But then you will be free.
  • Call the police. If anyone tries to block your exit, immediately call the police from your cellphone and record the exchange. (Asking to speak to a manager or supervisor may not be the solution, as this individual is typically a senior salesperson aka con man who is even more adept in the deceptive "art of the deal.")

What You Need:

  • Ability to withstand sales pressure
  • Willingness to be rude if necessary
  • Determination not to sign anything
  • Wisdom to resist "too good to be true" offers
  • Understanding that ones who profit from timeshares are sellers not owners

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How to get a deal by attending a timeshare presentation

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Booking hotels with points earned from the best hotel credit cards is a great way to save your hard-earned cash.  But did you know there’s another way you could score a great deal?

Many of the major hotel chains offer timeshare properties under a different brand, and they often have huge incentives to get you in the door to listen to their sales pitch!  These incentives could include certificates for free hotel stays, gift cards, bonus points, and more!

Getting your hands on these incentives just for sitting through a timeshare presentation might sound too good to be true.  In many cases though, there’s not much more to it than just that.  Hotels build the “giveaway” of these incentives into the cost of doing business.  They know that these sales pitches are a numbers game, so they wouldn’t be doing it if wasn’t profitable for them in the long run!

In many ways, it’s a win-win for everyone. They spread the word on their timeshares, and you’ll have the opportunity to learn about whether it might be a good fit for you. Check out team member Meghan’s experience with a Hyatt timeshare sales pitch in Arizona , and another timeshare presentation in Belize .

If you’re curious about whether timeshare ownership might be worth it, we’ll go through how you can get invited to one of these presentations, what to expect, and which major hotel brands offer timeshares. Worst-case scenario, you’ll find that timeshare ownership is not for you, and you’ll still walk away with a gift card, bonus points, or some other incentive.

how to get out of a timeshare presentation fast

How to save money by attending a timeshare presentation

Hotels often give folks lucrative incentives to get you in the door to their timeshare presentations.  You’ll know what the incentive is before you attend, of course, and they’ll usually offer things like certificates for free hotel stays, bonus points, and gift cards.

Sometimes, you might even be able to negotiate a better deal! I was able to find reports online that stated different people were given different incentives for attending the same timeshare presentation.  So the lesson here is that if you’re speaking with one of their representatives and the incentive isn’t enticing enough, ask if they can offer something better!

You usually won’t have to pay anything to attend one of these timeshare presentations, so your only “cost” will be the several hours it takes to sit through their presentation. And even if there is a fee for attending, the value of the incentive oftentimes outweighs the initial fee. 

For instance, I found a report from Stephen at Frequent Miler who stated he paid $150 to attend a timeshare presentation, and in return was awarded 45,000 Wyndham points (enough for 3 nights at any Wyndham hotel) and a 7-night stay at a timeshare resort. I’d say those incentives were well worth the $150 fee!

How to get invited to a timeshare presentation

Many of the major hotel chains, like Hyatt, Hilton, and IHG, offer some sort of timeshare brand.  If you’ve ever stayed at these hotels, you could be targeted either by phone or mail.  Being a member of the hotel’s loyalty program could also get you targeted at some point.

If you end up staying at one of their timeshare brands on a trip, you may also see some promotional materials around the hotel, so keep your eyes open!  For instance, team member Meghan took advantage of this on a trip to Arizona .  When she was checking in at the Hyatt Residence Club Sedona, Pinon Pointe, she saw a sign in the lobby that mentioned something about a $100 gift card in exchange for attending a timeshare presentation!

The most direct way of getting an invitation though is to simply call the general number of the hotel chain you’re interested in, and asking about timeshare ownership.  They’ll transfer you to the right department at which point you can ask if they have any presentations available in your area, or if there are any promotions you might be eligible for.

What to expect out of a timeshare presentation

Before you attend a timeshare presentation, be aware that they can be VERY aggressive in their tactics!  I’ve been on the receiving end of a very high-pressure sales pitch and realize how difficult it can be to say no, even when I know it’s not something I want to sign-up for!  The best thing to remember though is that you can always say no, very firmly, but politely.

how to get out of a timeshare presentation fast

Also, be aware that attending these timeshare presentations can take several hours out of your day, so you’ll have to decide if it’s worth it, especially if you’re on vacation!

Tips for getting out of timeshare presentations quickly

You’ve got an appointment.

This is probably the oldest trick in the book. But if you’re looking to get out of a timeshare pitch, set a deadline for yourself by telling the salesperson that you’re meeting someone for plans (drinks, dinner, etc.) at a certain time. 

Don’t show any interest — at any price

This trick is only good for those who aren’t easily swayed. But if you can, try not to engage in the pitch. Be firm in your decision and let the salesperson know that the deal doesn’t make sense for you and your family.

Just be aware that they’ll try to push you on the price. There are reports from some readers that salespeople can sometimes lower the price by as much as 75% less than the initial offer. Again, they’re trying to make the sale. And these are tactics used to make it appear as though you’re getting a good deal.

Mention that you prefer using travel rewards

This is another trick that’ll be pretty hard for the salesperson to argue with. Simply tell them that buying a timeshare doesn’t make sense for you because you prefer to use miles & points for your travel . Why would you pay for lodging when you could stay at a hotel for free? There’s really no counterargument to that point!

Bring your children along

We all know how well kids behave when it comes to sitting still for long periods of time (HA!). And there’s arguably no better excuse to getting out of something than when you have a cranky child to attend to. So bring your kid(s) along to the presentation and make your escape when their patience has run out.

Hotel Chains With Timeshares

Hilton .

Hilton’s timeshare operates under the name Hilton Grand Vacations.  To give you an idea of the size of their timeshare operations, if you decide to join as a Club Member, you’ll be joining over 300,000 other members worldwide, and have access to vacation exchange options across over 4,300 resorts globally.

Most of their timeshares are located in the US, although they do have 3 international locations as well:

  • South Carolina

Hyatt’s timeshare goes by the name Hyatt Residence Club.  Although they don’t offer nearly as many locations as Hilton, they do advertise and market luxurious stays at 16 locations in the US.

One of the neat things Hyatt offers right on their website is a section for “ Featured Vacation Offers. ”  Some people online have reported getting even better deals by calling in and referencing these offers, stating that they’re interested in timeshare ownership but want to get more information.

  • Hyatt Residence Club Sedona, Pinon Pointe


  • Hyatt Residence Club Carmel, Highlands Inn
  • Hyatt Residence Club Lake Tahoe, Northstar Lodge
  • Hyatt Residence Club Grand Aspen
  • Hyatt Residence Club Beaver Creek, Mountain Lodge
  • Hyatt Residence Club at Park Hyatt Beaver Creek
  • Hyatt Residence Club Breckenridge, Main Street Station
  • Hyatt Residence Club Bonita Springs, Coconut Plantation
  • Hyatt Residence Club Key West, Beach House
  • Hyatt Residence Club Key West, Sunset Harbor
  • Hyatt Residence Club Key West, Windward Pointe
  • Hyatt Residence Club Sarasota, Siesta Key Beach
  • Hyatt Residence Club Maui, Ka’anapali Beach
  • Hyatt Residence Club Lake Tahoe, High Sierra Lodge

Puerto Rico:

  • Hyatt Residence Club Dorado, Hacienda Del Mar
  • Hyatt Residence Club San Antonio, Wild Oak Ranch

IHG calls their timeshare brand Holiday Inn Club Vacations.   Similar to Hyatt, they also have a section on their website for “ Special Timeshare Offers, ” so if you call in asking about timeshare ownership or their special offers, you might be able to land an even sweeter deal and possibly an invite to a timeshare presentation with more incentives!

IHG has timeshare locations within the US in several different states.  They also have a number of locations designated as part of their “ Signature Collection ” for an even more luxurious stay.

how to get out of a timeshare presentation fast

You can find a full listing of their timeshare locations here , and you’ll see they’re located in quite a few different states:

  • Massachusetts

Marriott’s timeshare brand goes by Marriott Vacation Club.   According to their website, they offer over 50 resorts, 4,000+ Marriott hotels, and 3,000+ affiliated resorts.

how to get out of a timeshare presentation fast

You receive an annual allotment of Vacation Club Points when you join this program, which you can then use to book a stay at one of their locations worldwide .

Choice Hotels

Back in 2013, Choice Hotels ventured into the timeshare ownership segment by partnering with Bluegreen Vacations as their preferred vacation ownership provider.

You’ll be able to book a stay at any of their 60+ resorts in over 40 unique destinations .  The vast majority of them are located in the US, although they do have 2 international locations as well.

  • North Carolina
  • New Hampshire

Wyndham’s timeshare brand operates under the name Club Wyndham.   You’ll have the flexibility of vacationing in different areas each year through their Club Wyndham Plus program, where your ownership is translated into points deposited annually into your account.  Depending on where you want to stay, accommodations are assigned different point values and you can redeem them throughout the year.

Wyndham has a number of timeshare resorts available both within the US and internationally :

  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island

International Locations:

  • New Zealand

You have other (better) options for saving big on hotel stays!

If you’re nervous about sitting through a high-pressure sales pitch, keep in mind it’s not the only way you can save big on traveling!  There are still many amazing hotel credit cards that can get you free nights at your favorite hotels.

Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Most valuable welcome bonus for hotel stays: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card
  • Best hotel credit card for value and comfort:  World of Hyatt Credit Card
  • Best hotel credit card for big spenders: Hilton Honors American Express Surpass® Card
  • Best hotel credit card for elite status:  Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card
  • Best hotel credit card for road warriors: IHG® Rewards Premier Credit Card

The information for the Hilton Aspire card , and the Hilton Surpass has been collected independently by Million Mile Secrets. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

For instance, with the World of Hyatt Credit Card, you could earn enough points for as many as 10 nights in category 1 Hyatt hotels!  The card is currently offering a welcome bonus of up to 60,000 bonus points – earn 30,000 bonus points after you spend $3,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening. Plus, up to 30,000 more bonus points with 2 bonus points per $1 spent on purchases that normally earn 1 bonus point up to $15,000 in the first 6 months of account opening.

Or if you apply for a card that earns flexible points, like Chase Ultimate Rewards points , you can also transfer the points to a hotel partner for free nights as well.

Bottom line

Attending timeshare presentations can be a lucrative way to save a lot of money on your trips.  That’s because many hotels offer incentives like certificates for free hotel stays, bonus points, and gift cards, to motivate you to attend one of their timeshare presentations.

Many of the major hotel chains have some sort of timeshare brand.  If you haven’t been cold-called or targeted for a specific timeshare offer, you can always call the general number for the hotel and ask about timeshare ownership.

If you do attend a timeshare ownership presentation, be prepared for a very high-pressure sales pitch, and don’t be afraid to say no.

If you’re not sure if you can make it through their tactics, remember that you can always focus on earning miles and points from the best hotel credit cards to redeem for free hotel stays instead.

What are your thoughts on timeshare ownership, and have you sat through a timeshare presentation before?


Andrew Wan is a contributor for Million Mile Secrets where he covers points, miles, credit cards, airlines and hotels. His work has also appeared in The Simple Dollar.

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How To Get Out Of A Timeshare Presentation When Traveling

A couple on vacation

Depending on where you're traveling, you might get solicited by timeshare sales representatives who want to rope you into ownership options. This can often happen if you stay at a resort, since sales representatives can see that you have an interest in travel and already like the area. Maybe you are genuinely curious and want to get a timeshare. There are some famous ones, like the Disney Vacation Club , that offer ways to make it worth your while.

What'll likely happen is that you'll get invited to a presentation, where the reps will offer a sales pitch on getting in on the "deal." To incentivize guests, they'll lure people in with wonderful freebies. In some cases, these are worth sitting through the presentation for. In other cases, they're completely not. The problem is that these timeshare presentations can be super tough to get out of. Reps often have several strategies to wear guests down in an effort to get them to sign on, and it can feel overwhelming. There are ways to get out, even if you feel completely roped in. And hey, you can even walk out with the perks that were promised.

You can say 'no' through the whole timeshare presentation

Timeshare presentations lure people in with appealing incentives, and the reps who put them on know exactly how to make guests feel welcomed and, at times, compelled to go along with the process. Because of this, it can be challenging to get out of a presentation once you're there. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, you have complete agency. If you want to leave at any point during the presentation, no matter how pressured you feel to stay, you are free to do so. If anyone tries to block your exit, you have every right to call the police. Hopefully things won't come to that, though.

If a sales representative tells you that a presentation is only 20 minutes long, you can take note of the time and even set a timer on your phone. Your vacation time is precious and if a certain time frame was the expectation that was set, then you can absolutely hold the rep to it. Don't feel pressured into signing anything on the spot. If you truly want to consider an offer, then take the document with you and look it over when you have more room to breathe or even have an attorney look it over with you. Don't be shy to say "no" also. Sales representatives will be persistent if they think you are genuinely mulling something over. If you're certain you don't want a timeshare, say so clearly and without hesitation.

You can get the freebies

The reason that people sit through timeshare presentations is because of the freebies and perks that sales representatives offer to lure people in. They'll offer anything from free flights, free restaurant gift cards, free hotel stays, travel points, and more. You can still get some of the freebies offered, though, even if you don't buy a timeshare. The site Lifehacker offered tips and opened the comments for feedback on how people still got the perks without getting roped into anything. "My wife is the same and wants to do this almost every time we go to Vegas," user @thatdamnpaul wrote in the comments about going to timeshare presentations. "We usually hit up one the first or second morning we're there and have scored free Cirque tickets, dinners, even casino chip credits." Many users agreed that it's good to attend with another person and have roles clearly defined, with one of you acting as the tough guy, who has agreed to say "no" under every possible circumstance. That way you won't get talked into anything and can still walk out with the gift.

Many people on Reddit talked about the experience too on the forum r/DaveRamsey . Some users did have success getting freebies with no commitment. "Yes, my husband and I did this. We went on the free two-night trip to a fancy golf course, had a nice time, and flatly refused to buy anything," Reddit user r/oaktreegardener wrote. However, many said it wasn't worth the time.

How To Get Out Of A Timeshare Presentation Fast

  • how do timeshare presentations work
  • Posted on April 8, 2023
  • By Barry Robinson
  • In how do timeshare presentations work

Looking to get out of your timeshare? Take our free quiz below to see if you qualify to exit your timeshare.

This article provides advice on how to quickly get out of a timeshare presentation. It includes tips such as staying firm and polite with sales representatives, refusing to sign any documents, and refusing to pay any fees. The article also suggests that cancelling a timeshare contract is often possible and timeshare cancelation services can provide assistance. Yes, it is possible to get out of a timeshare presentation fast.


If you’ve found yourself in the middle of a timeshare presentation and you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry—there’s a way out of it. In this article, I’m going to offer advice on how to quickly and easily get out of a timeshare presentation. I’ll offer tips on how to stay firm and polite with sales representatives, how to refuse to sign any documents, and how to refuse to pay any fees. I’ll also explain that cancelling a timeshare contract is often possible and timeshare cancellation services can provide assistance. Hang in there and keep reading to get the help you need.

Overview of timeshare presentations

Navigating timeshare presentations can be intimidating, but with the right knowledge and attitude, you can get out fast. It’s important to stay firm and polite with sales representatives, and remember that you can always refuse to sign documents and pay any fees. Additionally, many timeshare contracts can be cancelled, and there are resources available that can assist you in this process. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and get out of a timeshare presentation fast!

Staying firm, polite, and refusing to sign anything or pay any fees are key to quickly getting out of a timeshare presentation. Don’t be swayed by any sales tactics, and don’t be afraid to be firm and say no. Also, remember that it is often possible to cancel a timeshare contract, and timeshare cancelation services can provide assistance. Finally, don’t hesitate to leave if you’re feeling uncomfortable in any way.

Stay Firm and Polite

It’s important to stay firm and polite when dealing with timeshare sales representatives. Refuse to sign any documents and do not be bullied into paying any fees. Remain firm and resolute in your decision to leave the presentation. Remember that you are not obligated to sign anything and that you have the right to leave whenever you want. It’s important to know how long do timeshare presentations last , so that you can plan your exit strategy accordingly.

Refuse To Sign Any Documents

When you are in a timeshare presentation, one of the most important things you can do is refuse to sign any documents. You may be asked to sign a contract or other agreement, but make it clear that you are not interested in signing anything. It is important to stay firm and polite when you are doing this, as sales representatives may be persistent in their requests. Remember that you have the right to refuse and that it is important to protect yourself.

Refuse To Pay Any Fees

When you are in a timeshare presentation, it is important to remember that you do not have to pay any fees. It is your right to leave the presentation without paying any money. Make sure to politely decline any offers to pay fees, and be firm in your decision. You can also seek help from timeshare cancelation services who can provide advice on how to avoid paying any fees.

Cancellation Is Possible

Cancelling a timeshare contract is not only possible, but it can also be relatively quick and easy. If you are in a timeshare presentation and want to get out of it fast, be firm but polite with sales representatives. Never sign any documents and refuse to pay any fees. Additionally, you can consider using a timeshare cancelation service to help you with the process. With the right approach, you can quickly get out of a timeshare presentation and cancel your timeshare contract. Most timeshare presentations last around two hours, so it is important to know exactly how long do timeshare presentations last before you get into one.

Utilizing Timeshare Cancelation Services

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to get out of a timeshare presentation fast, consider utilizing timeshare cancelation services. These services can provide you with the necessary tools, advice, and support to quickly and effectively cancel your timeshare contract. They will provide you with an experienced and knowledgeable team who can help you navigate the process of cancelation and minimize any financial losses. With the right timeshare cancelation service, you can get out of your timeshare presentation quickly and with minimal hassle.

In conclusion, taking action to get out of a timeshare presentation fast is possible with the right strategies and assistance. Staying firm and polite, refusing to sign anything, and refusing to pay any fees are all key steps to take. If you find yourself in a situation where you’re considering a timeshare, consider cancelling the contract and utilizing timeshare cancelation services to help you out. You can get out of a timeshare quickly and painlessly. If you’re looking for other timeshare vacation deals in the future, it’s important to be aware of the process and pitfalls that come with timeshare presentations.

Recap of advice on how to get out of a timeshare presentation quickly

The best way to get out of a timeshare presentation quickly is to stay firm and polite with the sales representative. Refuse to sign any documents or pay any fees, and don’t be afraid to leave the presentation if necessary. Additionally, remember that it is possible to cancel a timeshare contract, and timeshare cancelation services can provide assistance if needed. By being firm and aware of your rights, you can get out of a timeshare presentation quickly and easily.

Collingwood Timeshares For Sale

How much is a bluegreen timeshare.

Barry Robinson has worked in the timeshare industry for over a decade, with a huge amount of experience in the cancellation legal process.

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How to End a Timeshare Presentation

how to get out of a timeshare presentation fast

How Do You Avoid Timeshare Pressure

What is a timeshare pressure sales tactic, what should i do if i am feeling pressured to buy a timeshare, what should you do if you feel uncomfortable in a timeshare presentation, what kind of questions should you ask before making a timeshare purchase, what are the most common examples of timeshare scams, how can i protect myself from timeshare pressure, avoid the timeshares sales pitch, or, only stay for the agreed-upon time frame, present as little personal information as possible, do not disclose bank or credit card data, refuse to sign documents on the spot, just say no, keep saying no, leave if the situation becomes uncomfortable, what is a timeshare property, how much does a timeshare cost, can i cancel a timeshare purchase, what are some red flags to look out for when buying a timeshare, are there any legal protections i should be aware of before buying a timeshare, what should i do if i feel like a timeshare representative has misled me, wesley financial group, llc*.

Some say the only way to get out of a timeshare presentation is by leaving as timeshare buyers. To the contrary! There are several ways to avoid the pressure of resort salespeople and leave the same way you entered, without the burden.

In this guide, you'll find a step-by-step guide on surviving timeshare presentations and answers to the question that everyone has, how do you avoid timeshare pressure? 

How Timeshare Presentations Work

A timeshare presentation is nothing but a sales pitch. The number one goal of these presentations is selling timeshares. Resorts lure their guests into attending by presenting gifts and prizes like a discounted weekend stay, a cruise trip, tickets to a local event, a free meal, or whatever else they can offer. However, you must attend their 90-minute presentation to receive the gift.

Be advised that these presentations seldom end on time. Former attendees have claimed they went on for four hours. During a timeshare presentation, aggressive salespeople will use high-pressure tactics. They may use multiple salespeople to break down your defense or make misleading statements to play with your emotions. It should be evident by now that it's a pitch.

There are two ways to get out of a timeshare presentation: buy one or just leave. While leaving sounds easy enough, the salespeople will do everything possible to prevent that.

A timeshare pressure sales tactic is a strategy used by sales representatives to pressure potential buyers into making decisions and signing contracts on the spot. Tactics may include using high-pressure sales techniques, providing limited-time offers, or presenting false information.

If you feel pressured to buy a timeshare, it is crucial to take a step back and evaluate your decision. Consumers should never feel obligated to decide on the spot and should take their time to make sure they are making an informed decision. It is also important to remember that a sales representative cannot guarantee a return on investment.

If you feel uncomfortable in a timeshare presentation, you should consider asking for a break or leaving the presentation entirely. Bring a friend or family member for support and a second opinion if possible.

Preparing For a Timeshare Presentation

Before attending a presentation, remember that getting out is more complicated than getting in. Following are a few suggestions on how to prepare to handle the pressure of timeshare companies without making a regrettable mistake:

  • Find Out If You Will Be Speaking to Timeshare Salespeople:  The typical timeshare salesperson is sneaky. So, find out who you're dealing with before taking them up on an offer. If you're suspicious about their intentions, outright ask if they are, in fact, part of the sales team of the resort in question. Their answer should be a clear indicator of their interest.
  • Research the Timeshare Company Beforehand:  Sometimes, the offer seems too good to pass up, like a trip to Disneyland. If you're tossing around the idea of attending a timeshare presentation, do research before making the trip. However, some resorts avoid mentioning the words "timeshare presentation". They often get referred to as resort tours, vacation promotions, gift opportunities, etc. Nonetheless, always research a company that reaches out and makes grandiose gestures. 
  • Know the Requirements to Be Eligible for a Gift (if applicable): Many timeshare guests attend presentations as a prerequisite to receiving a gift from the resort, such as free or reduced stays, bonus points, or free excursions. However, sales representatives may use it against you to influence your decisions. Knowing how long you need to stay to be eligible for a gift is critical. Don't get misled in the heat of the moment.

Before making a timeshare purchase, ask questions such as how long the purchase is binding, what the maintenance fees are, and how the timeshare can be resold or exchanged.

Common timeshare scams include bogus offers of free vacations for attending a presentation, high-pressure sales tactics, and misrepresentations of the timeshare's value. It is vital to research and thoroughly understand the terms of the deal before signing any agreements.

Consumers can protect themselves from timeshare pressure by educating themselves, taking their time to make decisions, and always getting everything in writing. It is important to remember that sales representatives are trying to make a sale, so it is up to the consumer to stay informed and make an informed decision.

A Step-By-Step Guide On How to Survive a Timeshare Presentation

A Step-By-Step Guide On How to Survive a Timeshare Presentation

Knowing how to avoid the pressure of timeshare vendors if you plan on attending is important. The presentations can sometimes go on for hours as they hope to wear you down into making a sale. To leave a timeshare presentation with no obligation, study this step-by-step guide!

The best way to avoid timeshare pressure is to bypass timeshare offers. However, the resorts make that challenging at times. You may have received such requests before. Whether it's unsolicited phone calls announcing a free vacation or encounters with dubious sales representatives giving out tickets to a popular tourist attraction. Remember, there's always a catch. And that catch is attending their presentation. If you have no desire to listen to a timeshare pitch, do not accept these offers.

Timeshare presentations are perhaps best known for how long they last. Sure, they say that it is 90 to 120 minutes long, but before you know it, several have passed. The best advice to prevent that from happening is to get in and get out! If you attend the presentation to meet eligibility for a gift or prize, stay for the time frame initially set. Have an alarm on your watch or phone as a reminder. 

Are you not planning to buy a timeshare but attending a presentation anyway? Then don't give the timeshare sales staff your personal information. That goes for phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, names of family members, and whatever else they ask for that you're uncomfortable with sharing. The salespeople will be persistent but hold your ground and don't engage.

The last thing to share with a greedy salesperson is financial information. Under no circumstances should you provide your bank or credit card information. They may say it's a once-in-a-lifetime deal but only available today. Don't fall for it. There are thousands of timeshare properties, and they're not going anywhere. Keep your finances to yourself, and if you are interested in buying a timeshare, don't rush into it at a presentation. 

No matter what the salespeople put in front of you, don't sign it. You are bound to uphold its terms and conditions as soon as you sign your name on a timeshare agreement. You're better off taking the documents home to review yourself or with a trusted financial advisor. 

In the end, just say no. Tell the first salesperson no, tell the second salesperson no, and so on! You are by no means obligated to buy a timeshare to accept a gift offered by the resort. Nevertheless, the salespeople may still make you feel that way. If you are not interested in timeshare ownership, do not lead them on. Let them know your feelings from the beginning of the presentation.

The timeshare industry is home to some of the most highly-trained salespeople in the world. Therefore, just saying "no" is not always enough. It's ok if you have to get crass with the salespeople. If not, they'll keep pushing you into a sale, so you may have to push back. 

Although it may feel like it at times, you're not locked in that room. Feel free to get up and leave if the experience becomes unbearable. But if you leave before the agreed set time (90-120 minutes), you may have to forfeit the gift promised to you for attending. A free vacation trip is tough to give up in the heat of the moment, but, in the long run, leaving will be the best decision. 

Timeshare Frequently Asked Questions

A timeshare is a vacation property under fractional ownership –meaning multiple owners share the use and expenses of one unit. Timeshares are often found in resort condominiums in high-tourist areas and are marketed as money-saving vacation homes. Whether timeshares are good or bad, they are popular within the travel industry. Yet, how do people come to buy timeshares in the first place? Well, that all transpires at the sales presentations.

The expenses are divided among the shared owners. The costs associated with a timeshare can be separated into that paid upfront (e.g., a deposit) and those paid ongoing (e.g., mortgage and maintenance fees).

According to the American Resort Development Association, the average price of a timeshare interval in 2022 is $24,140, though some resorts charge more. In addition, the annual maintenance fee will average more than $1,000. Although many resorts will market these expenses as great deals, these so-called savings are often only temporary.

Timeshare agreements are subject to the rescission laws of the state in which they are purchased. Most states only provide a brief cooling-off period of three to fourteen days. Once that time has passed, exit options become limited and risky. However, some aggrieved owners may find relief in the resale market or by hiring a timeshare cancellation company.

Some red flags to look out for when buying a timeshare include offers that seem too good to be true, high-pressure sales tactics, and sales representatives who try to pressure you into signing but cannot provide proof of a return on investment.

Before purchasing a timeshare, it is crucial to consider the length of the agreement, the fees associated with it, the terms and conditions of the deal, and the availability of the timeshare.

Yes, knowing any legal protections is important before signing a timeshare agreement. Consumers should research all state and federal laws related to timeshares, as well as the Consumer Bill of Rights and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Additionally, asking questions and seeking legal advice before signing a timeshare agreement is critical.

What If You Buy a Timeshare and Regret It?

What If You Buy a Timeshare and Regret It?

Not everyone can avoid the pressure of a timeshare presentation. That's no fault of yours, but instead at the hands of the greedy salespeople. However, it is up to you to resolve it. If you're proactive, getting out of the timeshare agreement shouldn't be an issue.

What you need is to rescind the timeshare purchase. Doing so will make it as if the sale had never happened, and you'll receive a full refund. The only catch is that you have less than two weeks from the purchase date. Find out more about timeshare rescission and the related state laws here.

So what happens if you miss that window of opportunity? The options become limited and are less favorable from a financial standpoint. You might have to give up on recouping what you paid and, instead, focus on stopping further timeshare expenses. Here's what the options are:

  • Ask the Resort to Take It Back
  • List it in the Timeshare Resale Market
  • Hire a Timeshare Cancellation Company

If you feel like a timeshare representative has misled you, it is essential to contact the state attorney general's office or the Federal Trade Commission. Consumers should also report any fraudulent or deceptive practices to the Better Business Bureau.

Wesley Financial Group, LLC  (WFG)* is a perfect example of a timeshare cancellation company. Founded in 2011 by a pioneer of the timeshare cancellation industry, Chuck McDowell, WFG has since canceled tens of thousands of timeshares. WFG specializes in timeshare termination for owners who are victims of fraudulent activity by salespeople.

If you were lied to or misled into buying your timeshare, then WFG may be able to help.  Schedule a free consultation  to learn more!

schedule a free consultation with wesley financial group

Recommended Reading

Chuck McDowell

About the Author

Chuck mcdowell.

Chuck McDowell is the founder and CEO of Wesley Financial Group, LLC, an Inc. 500 company, which specializes in complete timeshare termination and timeshare debt elimination for individuals and families that have experienced fraud, misrepresentation, and/or lies during their timeshare sales presentations.

Although Chuck is one of the pioneers of the timeshare cancellation industry, Chuck McDowell was a timeshare salesman before realizing the timeshare industry is not what he thought it was. After discovering the many deceitful tactics the timeshare industry uses on unsuspecting people, Chuck left the industry to work on the other side, fighting for consumer rights. He served as the CEO for a timeshare advocacy group before deciding to take timeshare cancellation into his own hands. Wanting to help good people get out of bad situations, Chuck founded Wesley Financial Group, LLC in 2011. Wesley Financial Group, LLC is dedicated to providing legitimate aid to those who feel helpless and Chuck’s unique background acts as a special motivator to be honest and fair to those that so often feel cheated.

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Looking to Get Out of a Timeshare? Here's How to Do It Legally

From working with the developer to gifting it to a friend, here's how to safely exit your timeshare contract.

How to Exit a Timeshare

how to get out of a timeshare presentation fast

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Experts say an owner’s first step toward forming an exit strategy is to contact the developer.

Though consumer awareness around fraudulent exit companies and the challenges associated with getting out of a timeshare has risen in recent years, experts say timeshare ownership remains popular.

Like other forms of travel, the timeshare industry suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Net originated timeshare sales have since begun to rebound, increasing 15% from the fourth quarter of 2021 to the fourth quarter of 2022, according to a report from the American Resort Development Association, and this year – according to Jason Gamel, president and CEO – they rebounded from 2019 levels.

For some existing owners, however, the pandemic may have led them to rethink their timeshare needs.

“The pandemic has spurred an increase in people wanting to get out of their timeshares,” Brian Rogers, owner of Timeshare Users Group, an online consumer advocacy platform, says. “Maybe you’ve only taken a few vacations over the last few years or so, and with the pandemic, you became completely unable to use the timeshare.”

Whether your ability to take vacations changed amid the coronavirus pandemic or you simply no longer want to pay maintenance fees on your timeshare, there are legal and safe options for getting out of a timeshare.

Many of these options, however, won’t result in the financial windfall you may be hoping for.

“People shouldn’t buy timeshares thinking they’re going to make money on them,” Gamel says. “You buy it to use it. If you just hand it over to your developer, that’s considered a win. That’s a good outcome.”

To get out of a timeshare legally, consider these options:

  • Use the rescission period. 
  • Call the timeshare developer.
  • Rent your timeshare out.
  • Sell your timeshare on the resale market (but expect to take a hit).
  • Gift your timeshare to a friend, family member or stranger.
  • Stop your timeshare payments (but expect consequences).
  • Avoid timeshare scams.

Use the Rescission Period

If you recently purchased a timeshare and are having second thoughts, take advantage of rescission laws, which allow buyers to cancel their timeshare ownership. These laws vary state to state, so review the laws in the state where your timeshare is located.

To cancel your timeshare ownership, you may only have a short window of time. The window varies but is typically between three days to two weeks.

Call the Timeshare Developer

There are more than 1,500 timeshare resorts in the U.S., according to the ARDA, and each may have a different process and criteria for relinquishing ownership of or selling a timeshare. Experts say an owner’s first step toward forming an exit strategy is to contact the developer.

Developers may allow owners to relinquish the deed through a deed-back program or surrender program. In this case, of course, owners do not receive any proceeds from the timeshare. But these types of surrender programs have become more widely available in recent years and may be the safest and easiest way out of a timeshare.

Other developers may require owners to pay the resort to take back the timeshare.

“That’s a giant bucket of cold water on your head,” Rogers says. “But there comes a point in every timeshare owner’s life when it’s time to get rid of it, and they start looking into selling it or seeing what they can get out of it. The reality is, in most cases, it’s worth nothing.”

Rent Your Timeshare

Renting your timeshare may seem like a good opportunity to make money from the property, and platforms like Redweek make this easier than it may have been in the past but you may still face challenges.

First, some resorts don't allow you to rent out your timeshare, so start by speaking with the resort or the developer. Also, consider the costs associated with renting out the property – such as potential property damage or the time you must spend finding renters.

Ultimately, renting out your timeshare may be a short-term solution while you explore other options for getting out of your obligations.

Sell Your Timeshare on the Resale Market (But Expect to Take a Hit)

Timeshares don’t appreciate, so don’t expect to make a profit off of the sale of yours.

Factors like your timeshare’s location and the amount left on your mortgage will affect its resale value. You may want to contact a real estate agent or research similar timeshare resale values online to get a better sense of an appropriate listing price for yours.

If you do seek outside help with listing your timeshare, proceed with caution.

“Unfortunately, timeshare owners are often pestered by third-party exit companies promising money-back guarantees with nothing backing it up other than the words spoken,” Gamel says.

Instead of a third-party company, he says, “If timeshare owners no longer have someone who can use or wants to use the timeshare, developers have programs where they can give the timeshare back or in some cases the developer can help the owner sell.”

Gift Your Timeshare to a Friend or Family Member

If you have paid off your timeshare, one simple course of action may be to give it to a friend or family member. Keep in mind, however, that whoever receives it will be responsible for its annual maintenance fees and have to get out of the timeshare down the road, should they choose to do so.

Keep in mind that if the owner of a timeshare passes away, their heirs don’t necessarily have any obligation regarding it.

“You need to inform the resort immediately when the owner on the deed passes away,” Rogers says. “If the child is not listed on the deed, they have no obligation to that timeshare.”

Stop Your Payments (But Expect Consequences)

Stopping payments on your timeshare will have significant consequences but it's a last resort for those desperate to get out of their contracts. Defaulting on a timeshare contract and associated fees or mortgage payments could have a negative affect on your credit score and lead to foreclosure.

Avoid Timeshare Scams

Unfortunately, timeshare owners are often targets for fraudsters who promise them an easy exit from the contract. Experts say there are a few obvious signs that indicate an exit company or strategy is a scam.

“The golden rule, if there’s one thing I could say to every timeshare owner, 100% of the scams involve convincing you to pay a large upfront fee,” Rogers says.

Instead, use reliable resources to explore your options on the ARDA website , which provides support to timeshare owners hoping to get out of their properties.

If you’re not sure whether a timeshare exit firm is legit, research the company before working with them. The Federal Trade Commission suggests starting by searching online for the company’s name along with the words “scam” or “complaint.”

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Looking to Get Out of a Timeshare? Here's How to Do It Legally

T hough consumer awareness around fraudulent exit companies and the challenges associated with getting out of a timeshare has risen in recent years, experts say timeshare ownership remains popular.

Like other forms of travel, the timeshare industry suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Net originated timeshare sales have since begun to rebound, increasing 15% from the fourth quarter of 2021 to the fourth quarter of 2022, according to a report from the American Resort Development Association, and this year – according to Jason Gamel, president and CEO – they rebounded from 2019 levels.

For some existing owners, however, the pandemic may have led them to rethink their timeshare needs.

“The pandemic has spurred an increase in people wanting to get out of their timeshares,” Brian Rogers, owner of Timeshare Users Group, an online consumer advocacy platform, says. “Maybe you’ve only taken a few vacations over the last few years or so, and with the pandemic, you became completely unable to use the timeshare.”

Whether your ability to take vacations changed amid the coronavirus pandemic or you simply no longer want to pay maintenance fees on your timeshare, there are legal and safe options for getting out of a timeshare.

Many of these options, however, won’t result in the financial windfall you may be hoping for.

“People shouldn’t buy timeshares thinking they’re going to make money on them,” Gamel says. “You buy it to use it. If you just hand it over to your developer, that’s considered a win. That’s a good outcome.”

To get out of a timeshare legally, consider these options:

  • Use the rescission period. 
  • Call the timeshare developer.
  • Rent your timeshare out.
  • Sell your timeshare on the resale market (but expect to take a hit).
  • Gift your timeshare to a friend, family member or stranger.
  • Stop your timeshare payments (but expect consequences).
  • Avoid timeshare scams.

Use the Rescission Period

If you recently purchased a timeshare and are having second thoughts, take advantage of rescission laws, which allow buyers to cancel their timeshare ownership. These laws vary state to state, so review the laws in the state where your timeshare is located.

To cancel your timeshare ownership, you may only have a short window of time. The window varies but is typically between three days to two weeks.

Call the Timeshare Developer

There are more than 1,500 timeshare resorts in the U.S., according to the ARDA, and each may have a different process and criteria for relinquishing ownership of or selling a timeshare. Experts say an owner’s first step toward forming an exit strategy is to contact the developer.

Developers may allow owners to relinquish the deed through a deed-back program or surrender program. In this case, of course, owners do not receive any proceeds from the timeshare. But these types of surrender programs have become more widely available in recent years and may be the safest and easiest way out of a timeshare.

Other developers may require owners to pay the resort to take back the timeshare.

“That’s a giant bucket of cold water on your head,” Rogers says. “But there comes a point in every timeshare owner’s life when it’s time to get rid of it, and they start looking into selling it or seeing what they can get out of it. The reality is, in most cases, it’s worth nothing.”

Rent Your Timeshare

Renting your timeshare may seem like a good opportunity to make money from the property, and platforms like Redweek make this easier than it may have been in the past but you may still face challenges.

First, some resorts don't allow you to rent out your timeshare, so start by speaking with the resort or the developer. Also, consider the costs associated with renting out the property – such as potential property damage or the time you must spend finding renters.

Ultimately, renting out your timeshare may be a short-term solution while you explore other options for getting out of your obligations.

Sell Your Timeshare on the Resale Market (But Expect to Take a Hit)

Timeshares don’t appreciate, so don’t expect to make a profit off of the sale of yours.

Factors like your timeshare’s location and the amount left on your mortgage will affect its resale value. You may want to contact a real estate agent or research similar timeshare resale values online to get a better sense of an appropriate listing price for yours.

If you do seek outside help with listing your timeshare, proceed with caution.

“Unfortunately, timeshare owners are often pestered by third-party exit companies promising money-back guarantees with nothing backing it up other than the words spoken,” Gamel says.

Instead of a third-party company, he says, “If timeshare owners no longer have someone who can use or wants to use the timeshare, developers have programs where they can give the timeshare back or in some cases the developer can help the owner sell.”

Gift Your Timeshare to a Friend or Family Member

If you have paid off your timeshare, one simple course of action may be to give it to a friend or family member. Keep in mind, however, that whoever receives it will be responsible for its annual maintenance fees and have to get out of the timeshare down the road, should they choose to do so.

Keep in mind that if the owner of a timeshare passes away, their heirs don’t necessarily have any obligation regarding it.

“You need to inform the resort immediately when the owner on the deed passes away,” Rogers says. “If the child is not listed on the deed, they have no obligation to that timeshare.”

Stop Your Payments (But Expect Consequences)

Stopping payments on your timeshare will have significant consequences but it's a last resort for those desperate to get out of their contracts. Defaulting on a timeshare contract and associated fees or mortgage payments could have a negative affect on your credit score and lead to foreclosure.

Avoid Timeshare Scams

Unfortunately, timeshare owners are often targets for fraudsters who promise them an easy exit from the contract. Experts say there are a few obvious signs that indicate an exit company or strategy is a scam.

“The golden rule, if there’s one thing I could say to every timeshare owner, 100% of the scams involve convincing you to pay a large upfront fee,” Rogers says.

Instead, use reliable resources to explore your options on the ARDA website , which provides support to timeshare owners hoping to get out of their properties.

If you’re not sure whether a timeshare exit firm is legit, research the company before working with them. The Federal Trade Commission suggests starting by searching online for the company’s name along with the words “scam” or “complaint.”

Copyright 2023 U.S. News & World Report


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A Plan to Remake the Middle East

While talks for a cease-fire between israel and hamas continue, another set of negotiations is happening behind the scenes..

This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email [email protected] with any questions.

From New York Times, I’m Michael Barbaro. This is The Daily.


Today, if and when Israel and Hamas reach a deal for a ceasefire fire, the United States will immediately turn to a different set of negotiations over a grand diplomatic bargain that it believes could rebuild Gaza and remake the Middle East. My colleague Michael Crowley has been reporting on that plan and explains why those involved in it believe they have so little time left to get it done.

It’s Wednesday, May 8.

Michael, I want to start with what feels like a pretty dizzying set of developments in this conflict over the past few days. Just walk us through them?

Well, over the weekend, there was an intense round of negotiations in an effort, backed by the United States, to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza war.

The latest ceasefire proposal would reportedly see as many as 33 Israeli hostages released in exchange for potentially hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

US officials were very eager to get this deal.

Pressure for a ceasefire has been building ahead of a threatened Israeli assault on Rafah.

Because Israel has been threatening a military offensive in the Southern Palestinian city of Rafah, where a huge number of people are crowded.

Fleeing the violence to the North. And now they’re packed into Rafah. Exposed and vulnerable, they need to be protected.

And the US says it would be a humanitarian catastrophe on top of the emergency that’s already underway.

Breaking news this hour — very important breaking news. An official Hamas source has told The BBC that it does accept a proposal for a ceasefire deal in Gaza.

And for a few hours on Monday, it looked like there might have been a major breakthrough when Hamas put out a statement saying that it had accepted a negotiating proposal.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the ceasefire proposal does not meet his country’s requirements. But Netanyahu says he will send a delegation of mediators to continue those talks. Now, the terms —

But those hopes were dashed pretty quickly when the Israelis took a look at what Hamas was saying and said that it was not a proposal that they had agreed to. It had been modified.

And overnight —

Israeli troops stormed into Rafah. Video showing tanks crashing over a sign at the entrance of the city.

— the Israelis launched a partial invasion of Rafah.

It says Hamas used the area to launch a deadly attack on Israeli troops over the weekend.

And they have now secured a border crossing at the Southern end of Gaza and are conducting targeted strikes. This is not yet the full scale invasion that President Biden has adamantly warned Israel against undertaking, but it is an escalation by Israel.

So while all that drama might suggest that these talks are in big trouble, these talks are very much still alive and ongoing and there is still a possibility of a ceasefire deal.

And the reason that’s so important is not just to stop the fighting in Gaza and relieve the suffering there, but a ceasefire also opens the door to a grand diplomatic bargain, one that involves Israel and its Arab neighbors and the Palestinians, and would have very far-reaching implications.

And what is that grand bargain. Describe what you’re talking about?

Well, it’s incredibly ambitious. It would reshape Israel’s relationship with its Arab neighbors, principally Saudi Arabia. But it’s important to understand that this is a vision that has actually been around since well before October 7. This was a diplomatic project that President Biden had been investing in and negotiating actually in a very real and tangible way long before the Hamas attacks and the Gaza war.

And President Biden was looking to build on something that President Trump had done, which was a series of agreements that the Trump administration struck in which Israel and some of its Arab neighbors agreed to have normal diplomatic relations for the first time.

Right, they’re called the Abraham Accords.

That’s right. And, you know, Biden doesn’t like a lot of things, most things that Trump did. But he actually likes this, because the idea is that they contribute to stability and economic integration in the Middle East, the US likes Israel having friends and likes having a tight-knit alliance against Iran.

President Biden agrees with the Saudis and with the Israelis, that Iran is really the top threat to everybody here. So, how can you build on this? How can you expand it? Well, the next and biggest step would be normalizing relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

And the Saudis have made clear that they want to do this and that they’re ready to do this. They weren’t ready to do it in the Trump years. But Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, has made clear he wants to do it now.

So this kind of triangular deal began to take shape before October 7, in which the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia would enter this three way agreement in which everyone would get something that they wanted.

And just walk through what each side gets in this pre-October 7th version of these negotiations?

So for Israel, you get normalized ties with its most important Arab neighbor and really the country that sets the tone for the whole Muslim world, which is Saudi Arabia of course. It makes Israel feel safer and more secure. Again, it helps to build this alliance against Iran, which Israel considers its greatest threat, and it comes with benefits like economic ties and travel and tourism. And Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been very open, at least before October 7th, that this was his highest diplomatic and foreign policy priority.

For the Saudis, the rationale is similar when it comes to Israel. They think that it will bring stability. They like having a more explicitly close ally against Iran. There are economic and cultural benefits. Saudi Arabia is opening itself up in general, encouraging more tourism.

But I think that what’s most important to the Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, is what he can get from the United States. And what he has been asking for are a couple of essential things. One is a security agreement whose details have always been a little bit vague, but I think essentially come down to reliable arms supplies from the United States that are not going to be cut off or paused on a whim, as he felt happened when President Biden stopped arms deliveries in 2021 because of how Saudi was conducting its war in Yemen. The Saudis were furious about that.

Saudi Arabia also wants to start a domestic nuclear power program. They are planning for a very long-term future, possibly a post-oil future. And they need help getting a nuclear program off the ground.

And they want that from the US?

And they want that from the US.

Now, those are big asks from the us. But from the perspective of President Biden, there are some really enticing things about this possible agreement. One is that it will hopefully produce more stability in the region. Again, the US likes having a tight-knit alliance against Iran.

The US also wants to have a strong relationship with Saudi Arabia. You know, despite the anger at Mohammed bin Salman over the murder of the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi, the Biden administration recognizes that given the Saudis control over global oil production and their strategic importance in the Middle East, they need to have a good relationship with them. And the administration has been worried about the influence of China in the region and with the Saudis in particular.

So this is an opportunity for the US to draw the Saudis closer. Whatever our moral qualms might be about bin Salman and the Saudi government, this is an opportunity to bring the Saudis closer, which is something the Biden administration sees as a strategic benefit.

All three of these countries — big, disparate countries that normally don’t see eye-to-eye, this was a win-win-win on a military, economic, and strategic front.

That’s right. But there was one important actor in the region that did not see itself as winning, and that was the Palestinians.


First, it’s important to understand that the Palestinians have always expected that the Arab countries in the Middle East would insist that Israel recognize a Palestinian state before those countries were willing to essentially make total peace and have normal relations with Israel.

So when the Abraham Accords happened in the Trump administration, the Palestinians felt like they’d been thrown under the bus because the Abraham Accords gave them virtually nothing. But the Palestinians did still hold out hope that Saudi Arabia would be their savior. And for years, Saudi Arabia has said that Israel must give the Palestinians a state if there’s going to be a normal relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Now the Palestinians see the Saudis in discussions with the US and Israel about a normalization agreement, and there appears to be very little on offer for the Palestinians. And they are feeling like they’re going to be left out in the cold here.

Right. And in the minds of the Palestinians, having already been essentially sold out by all their other Arab neighbors, the prospect that Saudi Arabia, of all countries, the most important Muslim Arab country in the region, would sell them out, had to be extremely painful.

It was a nightmare scenario for them. And in the minds of many analysts and US officials, this was a factor, one of many, in Hamas’s decision to stage the October 7th attacks.

Hamas, like other Palestinian leaders, was seeing the prospect that the Middle East was moving on and essentially, in their view, giving up on the Palestinian cause, and that Israel would be able to have friendly, normal relations with Arab countries around the region, and that it could continue with hardline policies toward the Palestinians and a refusal, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said publicly, to accept a Palestinian state.

Right. So Michael, once Hamas carries out the October 7th attacks in an effort to destroy a status quo that it thinks is leaving them less and less relevant, more and more hopeless, including potentially this prospect that Saudi Arabia is going to normalize relations with Israel, what happens to these pre-October 7th negotiations between the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel?

Well, I think there was a snap assumption that these talks were dead and buried. That they couldn’t possibly survive a cataclysm like this.

But then something surprising happened. It became clear that all the parties were still determined to pull-off the normalization.

And most surprisingly of all, perhaps, was the continued eagerness of Saudi Arabia, which publicly was professing outrage over the Israeli response to the Hamas attacks, but privately was still very much engaged in these conversations and trying to move them forward.

And in fact, what has happened is that the scope of this effort has grown substantially. October 7th didn’t kill these talks. It actually made them bigger, more complicated, and some people would argue, more important than ever.

We’ll be right back.

Michael, walk us through what exactly happens to these three-way negotiations after October 7th that ends up making them, as you just said, more complicated and more important than ever?

Well, it’s more important than ever because of the incredible need in Gaza. And it’s going to take a deal like this and the approval of Saudi Arabia to unlock the kind of massive reconstruction project required to essentially rebuild Gaza from the rubble. Saudi Arabia and its Arab friends are also going to be instrumental in figuring out how Gaza is governed, and they might even provide troops to help secure it. None of those things are going to happen without a deal like this.


But this is all much more complicated now because the price for a deal like this has gone up.

And by price, you mean?

What Israel would have to give up. [MUSIC PLAYING]

From Saudi Arabia’s perspective, you have an Arab population that is furious at Israel. It now feels like a really hard time to do a normalization deal with the Israelis. It was never going to be easy, but this is about as bad a time to do it as there has been in a generation at least. And I think that President Biden and the people around him understand that the status quo between Israel and the Palestinians is intolerable and it is going to lead to chaos and violence indefinitely.

So now you have two of the three parties to this agreement, the Saudis and the Americans, basically asking a new price after October 7th, and saying to the Israelis, if we’re going to do this deal, it has to not only do something for the Palestinians, it has to do something really big. You have to commit to the creation of a Palestinian state. Now, I’ll be specific and say that what you hear the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, say is that the agreement has to include an irreversible time-bound path to a Palestinian state.

We don’t know exactly what that looks like, but it’s some kind of a firm commitment, the likes of which the world and certainly the Israelis have not made before.

Something that was very much not present in the pre-October 7th vision of this negotiation. So much so that, as we just talked about, the Palestinians were left feeling completely out in the cold and furious at it.

That’s right. There was no sign that people were thinking that ambitiously about the Palestinians in this deal before October 7th. And the Palestinians certainly felt like they weren’t going to get much out of it. And that has completely changed now.

So, Michael, once this big new dimension after October 7th, which is the insistence by Saudi Arabia and the US that there be a Palestinian state or a path to a Palestinian state, what is the reaction specifically from Israel, which is, of course, the third major party to this entire conversation?

Well, Israel, or at least its political leadership, hates it. You know, this is just an extremely tough sell in Israel. It would have been a tough sell before October 7th. It’s even harder now.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is completely unrepentantly open in saying that there’s not going to be a Palestinian state on his watch. He won’t accept it. He says that it’s a strategic risk to his country. He says that it would, in effect, reward Hamas.

His argument is that terrorism has forced a conversation about statehood onto the table that wasn’t there before October 7th. Sure, it’s always in the background. It’s a perennial issue in global affairs, but it was not something certainly that the US and Israel’s Arab neighbors were actively pushing. Netanyahu also has — you know, he governs with the support of very right-wing members of a political coalition that he has cobbled together. And that coalition is quite likely to fall apart if he does embrace a Palestinian state or a path to a Palestinian state.

Now, he might be able to cobble together some sort of alternative, but it creates a political crisis for him.

And finally, you know, I think in any conversation about Israel, it’s worth bearing in mind something you hear from senior US officials these days, which is that although there is often finger pointing at Netanyahu and a desire to blame Netanyahu as this obstructionist who won’t agree to deals, what they say is Netanyahu is largely reflecting his population and the political establishment of his country, not just the right-wingers in his coalition who are clearly extremist.

But actually the prevailing views of the Israeli public. And the Israeli public and their political leaders across the spectrum right now with few exceptions, are not interested in talking about a Palestinian state when there are still dozens and dozens of Israeli hostages in tunnels beneath Gaza.

So it very much looks like this giant agreement that once seemed doable before October 7th might be more important to everyone involved than ever, given that it’s a plan for rebuilding Gaza and potentially preventing future October 7th’s from happening, but because of this higher price that Israel would have to pay, which is the acceptance of a Palestinian state, it seems from everything you’re saying, that this is more and more out of reach than ever before and hard to imagine happening in the immediate future. So if the people negotiating it are being honest, Michael, are they ready to acknowledge that it doesn’t look like this is going to happen?

Well, not quite yet. As time goes by, they certainly say it’s getting harder and harder, but they’re still trying, and they still think there’s a chance. But both the Saudis and the Biden administration understand that there’s very little time left to do this.

Well, what do you mean there’s very little time left? It would seem like time might benefit this negotiation in that it might give Israel distance from October 7th to think potentially differently about a Palestinian state?

Potentially. But Saudi Arabia wants to get this deal done in the Biden administration because Mohammed bin Salman has concluded this has to be done under a Democratic president.

Because Democrats in Congress are going to be very reluctant to approve a security agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

It’s important to understand that if there is a security agreement, that’s something Congress is going to have to approve. And you’re just not going to get enough Democrats in Congress to support a deal with Saudi Arabia, who a lot of Democrats don’t like to begin with, because they see them as human rights abusers.

But if a Democratic president is asking them to do it, they’re much more likely to go along.

Right. So Saudi Arabia fears that if Biden loses and Trump is president, that those same Democrats would balk at this deal in a way that they wouldn’t if it were being negotiated under President Biden?

Exactly. Now, from President Biden’s perspective, politically, think about a president who’s running for re-election, who is presiding right now over chaos in the Middle East, who doesn’t seem to have good answers for the Israeli-Palestinian question, this is an opportunity for President Biden to deliver what could be at least what he would present as a diplomatic masterstroke that does multiple things at once, including creating a new pathway for Israel and the Palestinians to coexist, to break through the logjam, even as he is also improving Israel’s relations with Saudi Arabia.

So Biden and the Crown Prince hope that they can somehow persuade Bibi Netanyahu that in spite of all the reasons that he thinks this is a terrible idea, that this is a bet worth taking on Israel’s and the region’s long-term security and future?

That’s right. Now, no one has explained very clearly exactly how this is going to work, and it’s probably going to require artful diplomacy, possibly even a scenario where the Israelis would agree to something that maybe means one thing to them and means something else to other people. But Biden officials refuse to say that it’s hopeless and they refuse to essentially take Netanyahu’s preliminary no’s for an answer. And they still see some way that they can thread this incredibly narrow needle.

Michael, I’m curious about a constituency that we haven’t been talking about because they’re not at the table in these discussions that we are talking about here. And that would be Hamas. How does Hamas feel about the prospect of such a deal like this ever taking shape. Do they see it as any kind of a victory and vindication for what they did on October 7th?

So it’s hard to know exactly what Hamas’s leadership is thinking. I think they can feel two things. I think they can feel on the one hand, that they have established themselves as the champions of the Palestinian people who struck a blow against Israel and against a diplomatic process that was potentially going to leave the Palestinians out in the cold.

At the same time, Hamas has no interest in the kind of two-state solution that the US is trying to promote. They think Israel should be destroyed. They think the Palestinian state should cover the entire geography of what is now Israel, and they want to lead a state like that. And that’s not something that the US, Saudi Arabia, or anyone else is going to tolerate.

So what Hamas wants is to fight, to be the leader of the Palestinian people, and to destroy Israel. And they’re not interested in any sort of a peace process or statehood process.

It seems very clear from everything you’ve said here that neither Israel nor Hamas is ready to have the conversation about a grand bargain diplomatic program. And I wonder if that inevitably has any bearing on the ceasefire negotiations that are going on right now between the two of them that are supposed to bring this conflict to some sort of an end, even if it’s just temporary?

Because if, as you said, Michael, a ceasefire opens the door to this larger diplomatic solution, and these two players don’t necessarily want that larger diplomatic solution, doesn’t that inevitably impact their enthusiasm for even reaching a ceasefire?

Well, it certainly doesn’t help. You know, this is such a hellish problem. And of course, you first have the question of whether Israel and Hamas can make a deal on these immediate issues, including the hostages, Palestinian prisoners, and what the Israeli military is going to do, how long a ceasefire might last.

But on top of that, you have these much bigger diplomatic questions that are looming over them. And it’s not clear that either side is ready to turn and face those bigger questions.

So while for the Biden administration and for Saudi Arabia, this is a way out of this crisis, these larger diplomatic solutions, it’s not clear that it’s a conversation that the two parties that are actually at war here are prepared to start having.

Well, Michael, thank you very much. We appreciate it.

On Tuesday afternoon, under intense pressure from the US, delegations from Israel and Hamas arrived in Cairo to resume negotiations over a potential ceasefire. But in a statement, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made clear that even with the talks underway, his government would, quote, “continue to wage war against Hamas.”

Here’s what else you need to know today. In a dramatic day of testimony, Stormy Daniels offered explicit details about an alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump that ultimately led to the hush money payment at the center of his trial. Daniels testified that Trump answered the door in pajamas, that he told her not to worry that he was married, and that he did not use a condom when they had sex.

That prompted lawyers for Trump to seek a mistrial based on what they called prejudicial testimony. But the judge in the case rejected that request. And,

We’ve seen a ferocious surge of anti-Semitism in America and around the world.

In a speech on Tuesday honoring victims of the Holocaust, President Biden condemned what he said was the alarming rise of anti-Semitism in the United States after the October 7th attacks on Israel. And he expressed worry that too many Americans were already forgetting the horrors of that attack.

The Jewish community, I want you to know I see your fear, your hurt, and your pain. Let me reassure you, as your president, you’re not alone. You belong. You always have and you always will.

Today’s episode was produced by Nina Feldman, Clare Toeniskoetter, and Rikki Novetsky. It was edited by Liz O. Baylen, contains original music by Marion Lozano, Elisheba Ittoop, and Dan Powell, and was engineered by Alyssa Moxley. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.

That’s it for The Daily. I’m Michael Barbaro. See you tomorrow.

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Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Michael Crowley

Produced by Nina Feldman ,  Clare Toeniskoetter and Rikki Novetsky

Edited by Liz O. Baylen

Original music by Marion Lozano ,  Elisheba Ittoop and Dan Powell

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube

If and when Israel and Hamas reach a deal for a cease-fire, the United States will immediately turn to a different set of negotiations over a grand diplomatic bargain that it believes could rebuild Gaza and remake the Middle East.

Michael Crowley, who covers the State Department and U.S. foreign policy for The Times, explains why those involved in this plan believe they have so little time left to get it done.

On today’s episode

how to get out of a timeshare presentation fast

Michael Crowley , a reporter covering the State Department and U.S. foreign policy for The New York Times.

A young man is looking out at destroyed buildings from above.

Background reading :

Talks on a cease-fire in the Gaza war are once again at an uncertain stage .

Here’s how the push for a deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia looked before Oct. 7 .

From early in the war, President Biden has said that a lasting resolution requires a “real” Palestinian state .

Here’s what Israeli officials are discussing about postwar Gaza.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Michael Crowley covers the State Department and U.S. foreign policy for The Times. He has reported from nearly three dozen countries and often travels with the secretary of state. More about Michael Crowley



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