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150 Inspiring Picture Writing Prompts To Spark Creativity (Free Google Slides)

Use a picture to write a thousand words!

Picture writing prompts including a cartoon cat and mouse and a portrait of a Black family from the 1930s

Creative writing is a challenge for many students, often because they can’t come up with anything to write about. That’s why we love picture writing prompts. Each one sparks the imagination and helps young writers jump right into crafting a story to match. We rounded up a whole collection of intriguing images for use with kids in grades K-12 along. Plus we designed a set of free Google Slides featuring all of the prompts so you can easily share them with students.

Tip: Start by showing students the picture (or let them choose from among several) without making any comment about what they’re seeing. For kids who still struggle to get started, suggest a potential title or opening sentence, like the examples included here.

Don’t miss our free downloadable. Grab your full set of ready-to-go Picture Writing Prompts Google Slides with all of the prompts below.

Elementary Picture Writing Prompts

Middle school picture writing prompts, high school picture writing prompts, art picture writing prompts.

When kids first see these picture writing prompts, they may or may not immediately feel inspired. If they need some help, ask them questions like “What led up to this moment?” or “What’s going to happen next?”

Dog holding a rose in its mouth, with a heart-shaped cloud in the sky

When Larry fell in love, he fell hard.

Lighted sign reading ASK hanging from a building

When the new sign appeared on Main Street, everyone in town wondered exactly what it meant.

Snowy Footprints

A series of random footprints in the snow

After that crazy day, all that was left to show for it was footprints in the snow.

Dinosaur Bones

Child hiding inside a large toothy skull, reaching out a hand

“Come with me if you want to live!” Ash said, reaching out a hand.

Undersea Treasure

Goldfish swimming around a closed treasure chest sitting in the sand under the water

For years, no one saw the locked treasure chest but the local fish, who wondered what it could contain.

A Game of Fetch

A claymation dog bringing a stick to a snowman in a snowy scene

To Scout, it was a game, but to Mr. Freezy, it was much more.

Ladybug Gossip

Of pair of spotted red ladybugs perched on a leaf

The ladybug’s picnic was an excellent chance to meet up with old friends and hear all the latest gossip.

Two children peering in through a barred window

We met them when they peeked into our window, watching us as we ate lunch and watched cartoons.

King of the Jungle

Majestic lion perched on a log wearing a crown

It wasn’t the crown that made Amari the king of all he surveyed.

The Final Pitch

Small child waiting at home base for a baseball pitch that's about to arrive

It all came down to this—the final pitch in a game that was tied 2-2.

Doggie Massage

Two dogs sitting in a way that looks like one is giving the other a back massage

Every dog in the neighborhood knew that Rocky gave the best massages and was always willing to lend an ear too.

Skateboard Life

Girl in a striped shirt and red headband posing with a skateboard in front of some graffiti

When Charli got her first skateboard, she made herself a promise.

Garden of the Past

Painting of a woman in old-fashioned clothing walking in a cottage garden

The woman walked in the garden every day, never saying a word.

Sunset Friends

Two children on a jungle gym silhouetted against a setting sun

They met on the jungle gym every day at sunset, sharing everything about their days.

Pink Umbrellas

A sunny alleyway with pink umbrellas strung across it

When the pink umbrellas first appeared, Toni thought they might be magic.

Firefly Forest

Illustration of a forest at night filled with fireflies

Olivia was surprised to discover that the fireflies didn’t just glow, they also sang.

Robot Spider

A large mechanical spider standing on a stormy beach

When it first crawled ashore, the mechanical spider moved slowly.

Fallen House

House tipped on its side following a hurricane

Staring at their house, which was now on its side, the whole family was in shock.

Red Riding Hood

A young girl wearing a red hooded cape riding a brown horse in the forest

If only she’d been riding her faithful steed the day she’d met the Big Bad Wolf, things might have been very different.

Kangaroo Fall

A kangaroo sprawled on its back in the grass

“Well, this is embarrassing,” thought Bouncer, as laughter filled the air around him.

A child's hand-drawn sign for a lost cat attached to a tree

Daci’s big brother said her signs wouldn’t help them find their runaway cat, but he was wrong.

Penguin Bookshop

An illustration of a penguin wearing a top hat, standing in a booksshop

A visit to Mr. Pickerel’s Penguin Bookshop is always an adventure.

A carton of colorful eggs with faces drawn on them

Of all the eggs in the carton, Ella was the one who could always crack you up.

Children writing a fairground swing ride

That was the year Min was finally tall enough to ride the Sky Swings, but now she wasn’t so sure.

Rubber Duck Parade

A row of rubber ducks in various costumes floating down a water-filled gutter

It was truly an honor to be asked to lead the Spring Duck Parade.

Teddy Story Time

Three teddy bears posed to look as if they're reading a book

Every afternoon, the three friends gathered for story time in their favorite spot in the woods.

Underwater School

A child sitting at a desk, looking out the window at fish swimming by

Nia thought going to school underwater would be exciting, but some days she really missed going outside for recess.

A red ball with a smiley face floating on the water

The day Amos started his journey down the river, the sun was shining brightly.

Turtle Trouble

A grumpy looking sea turtle floating in clear water

“None shall pass,” growled the old sea turtle, blocking the way.

Dinosaur Race

An illustration of a young girl racing alongside a dinosaur

Pia was supposed to keep Balthazar on a leash, but once they reached the forest, she set him free and they both began to run.

Finally Seeing Eye to Eye

Cartoon illustration of a large bear with a tiny mouse standing on its nose, looking into its eyes (Picture Writing Prompts)

“So, we meet at last, face to face,” Lord Squeakerton said to his enemy, the Count of Catnip.

Monkey face with mouth and eyes open in surprise

It takes a lot to surprise a monkey, but you don’t see something like this every day.

Not Coming Out

Child hiding behind a heap of pillows on a beige couch (Picture Writing Prompts)

The day started out normally enough, but by the end, Chris knew he was in over his head.

Life on Other Planets

A space scene showing a robot and robot dog standing on the surface of an alien planet, with a domed habitat behind them

“Hurry up,” Grnklor told his robopup. “We have to get back inside before nightfall.”

Reindeer Games

Boy leading a reindeer along a snowy path into the setting sun (Picture Writing Prompts)

The wind had died down, but the setting sun seemed to take all the warmth of the day with it.

Something to Celebrate

A young boy raises his arms in triumph as a young girl points at a computer screen, smiling (Picture Writing Prompts)

Their classmates could hear their shouts of joy from all the way down the hall.

Home Sweet Mushroom

Illustration of a mushroom turned into a house, with a fence and lighted windows, under a full moon

When the fairies that lived in the garden invited her to stay with them for awhile, Maria wasn’t sure what to expect.

Loch Ness Mystery

Model of the Loch Ness Monster rising from a lake

“There it is! I told you Nessie is real!” Angus whispered to Lee.

Lonely Bear

Worn teddy bear sitting on a stone bridge

It was hard to say who was lonelier that night, Amil or his lost stuffed bear, Jasper.

Sometimes You Lose

Boy sitting on the ground with his face in his hands

When his team lost the championship, Miguel was crushed, but it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.   

Middle school writing prompts can be a little more complex, with pictures that have a lot of potential interpretations. Encourage students to delve deeper into the story by describing how the characters feel and why they behave the way they do.

A pair of light blue Converse sneakers

Morgan was incredibly proud of those shoes, paid for entirely with money from after-school jobs.

Never Lose Hope

Splotch of green paint with the words

With his last bit of energy, Kai scrawled his message in the wet paint.

Computer keyboard with a red button reading Get Me Out of Here

The keyboard button could only be used once, and no one knew exactly what happened when you pressed it.

Piano Lessons

A young child's hands on a piano keyboard

Before she could even speak, Arya was drawn to the black and white keys.

Rolled fern front photoshopped to look as if a baby is sleeping inside

There was no doubt about it, this was was indeed a very special kind of garden.

A person wearing a dingy bunny costume standing on the end of a dock

No matter how you looked at it, it had been a very rough day to be the Easter Bunny.

Empty Chairs

Four empty beach chairs on the shore, with seagulls flying overhead.

By sunset, all four chairs were empty, and the only signs of life were the gulls swooping down from above.

Floating Treasure

Two black birds sitting on a chest floating in the water

To the birds, it was simply a convenient place to land, but Ali and I knew it was much more than that.

Shadow Question

A pair of sneakers and a person's shadow in a puddle

That was the day they discovered that just because you were invisible didn’t mean your shadow was.

Letter and Key

An old key lying on an old handwritten letter

The day she turned 12, Vivi’s aunt handed her an envelope containing the family secret.

Space Target

An illustration of a woman aiming an arrow at a target against an outer space landscape

Onyx paused, knowing that once their arrow hit the target, there was no knowing what would happen.

Mermaid Mystery

A mysterious figure that could be a mermaid, seen from below

It was a mermaid—or was it?

World on a String

A girl standing on a path, holding a suitcase and a bunch of balloons that look like planets

Her dad had promised to give her the world, but she wasn’t expecting three more planets as well.

Bee Standoff

Two bees face ot face on a purple flower

“This flower ain’t big enough for the both of us!” said Bianca.

Solitary Seat

A leather chair next to an old woodstove with a valise and old books

For as long as anyone could remember, Angus McGee spent his evenings in the same chair next to the woodstove.

Best Friends

A little girl holding a very large teddy bear, dragging it down a dirt road

When you decide to run away from home forever, you can’t possibly leave your best friend behind.

Dinosaur Demise

Illustration of dinosaurs panicking as a meteor is about to hit the earth

In retrospect, setting the time machine to randomly choose a day and time in the past might not have been such a good idea.

Magic Lamps

A collection of green

“Choose wisely,” said the old shopkeeper, “for only one of these lamps is truly magic.”

Message in a Bottle

Glass bottle on a seashore with a rolled up paper inside

The message floated at sea for more than 50 years before the day we found it on the beach.

Barrel Boat

Man wearing a life jacket and paddling half a barrel in a lake

Of all the ways to impress someone, Jonah thought to himself, this had to be one of the most ridiculous.

Dragon Guardian

A child sitting in the grass, with a dragon curled up around her

When your parents give you your own dragon guardian, your childhood is bound to be enchanted.

Octopus’s Garden

Diver encountering a large octopus with fish in the background (Middle School Picture Writing Prompts)

Wouldn’t you like to be under the sea, in an octopus’s garden in the shade?

Around the Corner

Girl peering around a corner at a boy walking a dog

After finally pressing “send,” she couldn’t resist peeking around the corner to watch him read the text.

Beam Me Up!

Small child sitting in a field watching a flying saucer beam up its tricycle (Middle School Picture Writing Prompts)

Milo’s earliest memory was of watching his beloved tricycle float into the sky above him, caught in a beam of light.

Poison Apple

A red apple held in a skeleton's hand

To join the club, all Aaron had to do was creep up and snatch the apple from the skeleton’s hand without being seen.

Giraffe Council

Three giraffes shown from the neck up against a cloudy blue sku

“It is now 3 p.m., and I call this meeting of the Mighty Council of Giraffes to order,” announced Imari.

Mystery Creature

Computer illustrated creature with blue scales, pink spikes, and large eyes

At first glance, it was hard to tell whether the little creature was friend or foe.

Woman leaping across a chasm silhouetted by an orange sky

As the sky turned orange, Keisha ran faster than ever and used the last of her energy to push off and soar over the water below.

The End of Days

A boy stands with his bicycle watching as bombs rain down on a city skyline (Picture Writing Prompts)

Despite their best efforts, they arrived too late—the battle had already begun.

Out of the Book

Woman dressed in a blue ball gown peering out of a book lit from inside, with a mouse nearby

“Happily ever after” was about to take on a whole new meaning.

Stopped Clock

Old broken alarm clock stopped at 11:17

I was sure that the time on the broken clock was the clue to solving the mystery.

Dueling Webs

Two dew-covered spiderwebs in the early morning sun

It’s never a good idea to build your web too close to another spider’s, but this time I had no choice.

Do Shoes Grow on Trees?

A bare tree covered with hanging pairs of shoes against a clear blue sky

The day I threw my own shoes into the tree was the day I really started to grow up.

Abstract Art

Closeup of splotches of colorful paint

“So,” asked their art teacher, “what do you think this painting means?”

Wandering Robots

Small cardboard robot in a field of daisies (Picture Writing Prompts)

Everything about NB-317 was made of cardboard except his heart—that was made of flesh and blood and very capable of being broken.

Dream Come True

Blue house floating in the sky above mountains, held up by blue balloons

It all started when Quinn watched her favorite movie the night before they assigned partners for the eighth grade science fair project.

Mysterious Cave

Rocky cave with strange geometric patterns in the rock

The cave was unlike anything we’d ever seen before, and what was more, it almost seemed like the rock was alive.

Storm at Sea

A pirate ship on stormy seas, with a purple sky and dramatic streaks of lightning

As the rain lashed his face and lightning tore apart the sky, Kiran had to admit he’d always thought it would be a lot more fun being a pirate.

Grasshopper Close-Up

A closeup view of a grasshopper looking directly at the camera

That’s when Javed realized it wasn’t that the grasshopper was too big—it was that he was suddenly very, very small.

UFO Parking

Sign saying UFO Parking with picture of a flying saucer

“Well, that’s convenient,” Javdok remarked to Qabow when they saw the sign.   

High school writers are ready to dig deep, exploring character development and detailed plots. These pictures offer a jumping-off point to set their imaginations free.

Cyborg Girl

An altered image showing a young girl in a black dress with a white collar, with a neck made of mechanical gears

When she was 14, Tasha’s parents finally told her the truth about what she really was.

BBQ Cookout

Barbeque grill with many different kinds of meat

“So, I’m guessing no one told you I’m a vegetarian?” asked Sadie with a smile.

Hands holding up a phone with a picture of a baby's face in front an old man's face

The latest app was like a time machine, allowing people to look back in time, but it also had a dark side.

Woman sitting on a sidewalk with her head on her knees as others walk by

She was surrounded by people but never felt more alone.

Hippo Troubles

A hippo mother and baby with its mouth open

Like all parents, hippos sometimes really need a break from their kids.

iPad Farmer

Old man in overalls using an iPad while snapping green beans

Grandpa Jack never failed to surprise us.

Marching Band Blues

Black man in a red shirt sitting on a bench, wearing a sousaphone

Kaleel sat sadly on the bench, watching the rest of the band march away in jaunty time to the music.

Never-Ending Tunnel

A white-tiled tunnel stretching far into the distance

The tunnel seemed to stretch to infinity, but Jayma knew what was at the end, and it terrified her.

Carving Out Love

A birch tree with

For years, we wondered who “WP” was, and who it was who loved them so much they carved it into a tree for all to see.

Glowing Globe

Man holding a glowing globe in a misty library

Just then, the globe began to glow, and Jaxson knew he was about to leap through space and time once again—destination unknown.

See No Evil

Three skeletons posed in the classic

It seemed like a funny joke to pose the skeletons in front of old Mrs. Petoski’s house, but then she turned up dead, and the police said it was murder.

Upside Down

Woman hanging upside down from the ceiling in a kitchen

It’s an odd feeling to wake up one morning and find yourself able to walk on the ceiling.

Face at the Fence

Child with their face pressed up against a wire fence

So much depended on which side of the fence you were on.

Bicycle Race

Three people competing in a bicycle race

Finley had trained too hard for this race to come in third—it just wasn’t good enough.

Family Travels

Vintage photo of a Black family strapping luggage to a car, with a young girl posing in front

In the picture, my grandmother’s expression is hard to interpret, but she’s told me the story many times.

Laundromat Antics

A pair of legs waving out of a dryer in a laundromat

Dani never expected to meet her first love feet first.

Black and white photo of a wedding ring lying on a sheet of notepaper saying "I'm sorry!"

Molly’s mom probably didn’t mean for her to be the one to find the note, but that’s how things turned out.

Through the Storm

Pickup truck driving through flooded streets in a storm

Javier knew it would have been smarter to stay put, but he had to make sure his mom was safe before the worst of the storm arrived.

Lifetime Friends

Two babies holding hands while being held by adults

They’d been friends for as long as they could remember—even longer, in fact.

Stray Kitten

A small kitten facing a person's legs, in black and white

“I am NOT taking you home with me,” Kai told the tiny mewling kitten firmly.

Abandoned Greenhouse

Woman inside an abandoned ramshackle greenhouse in the woods

Willow was free to leave at any time, but she couldn’t make herself go.

A fence topped by rolls of razor wire against a blue sky

Amani’s earliest memory was razor wire—miles and miles of it.

Church Graveyard

An old graveyard outside a stone church

Everyone feels differently in a graveyard, but for me, they’re very peaceful places.

Orb of Death

A hooded figure folding out a crystal ball with a spooky image in it

“Do you really want to know?” Death asked. “Because once you know, you won’t be able to forget.”

Missed Shot

Men in wheelchairs playing basketball, as one laments a missed shot

Steve was sure his shot would make it, but it bounced off the rim just as the buzzer rang to end the game.

First Contact

Alien figure with a human in a spacesuit visible in the window behind them (High School Picture Writing Prompts)

This was it—the moment that would change what it meant to be human forever.

One Life To Live

An old man wearing a cowboy hat sits in front of a house (Picture Writing Prompts)

His face said his life had been a hard one, but his eyes told a different tale.

Winter Walk

Snow-covered field with a winding trail of footprints

Snow fell, creating a blank canvas to record the story of that fateful walk.

Train to Nowhere

Sepia-toned image of an old sleeper train car in disrepair

It certainly wasn’t the most luxurious way to travel, but then again, no one really wanted to make this trip in the first place.

Modern Mary Poppins

Woman standing in the middle of a wheat field on a gray day, holding an umbrella and bag

She dropped into our lives on a gray day in midwinter, a hint of the spring that was to come.

All That Remains

A chair sits in the hallway of an abandoned building under a shaft of light from above (High School Picture Writing Prompts)

Dust motes filled the air of the abandoned hallway, replacing the voices once heard there.

A very small bunny being carried in a shirt pocket

From the day he found the little creature, Luis refused to go anywhere without him.

The Question

Figure holding flowers behind its back, with a woman turning to look in the background

Their happily ever after began quietly, with a bouquet of wildflowers.

Night Lights

A person holding an umbrella walks down an alley toward a street filled with neon lights

Misty rain both blurred and emphasized the lights that lit Suri’s way home that evening.

Forest of Fear

Black and white photo of tree trunks with arms and hands reach out from behind them (Picture Writing Prompts)

At first, Mateo thought it was a joke, but the screams that followed told him there was nothing remotely funny about it.

Closeup of a human eye, with the pupil represented as a camera lens

At the elite level, being a spy meant serious commitments.

The Yellow Door

A row of white doors with one yellow door (Picture Writing Prompts)

On their 14th birthday, every resident of Fresnia was required to stand before the Wall of Doors and make a choice.

Graffiti Palace

Abandoned warehouse with graffiti on the walls

To strangers, it seemed random, but every mark on those walls had deep meaning for us.

Fossil Fish

Fish fossil in light-colored stone

Millions of years ago, the fish gave one final flop before lying still in the deep mud.

On the Rails

Woman standing on railroad tracks holding a guitar and looking off into the distant sunset (Picture Writing Prompts)

Aliyah stood on the tracks, uncertain of where to go next.

These picture prompts are all works of art, some more well known than others. Try providing them to students without sharing the titles first, then offer up the titles if they need some help getting started.

The Dance Class (Edgar Degas)

The Dance Class by Edgar Degas

Greek Funerary Plaque (520-510 BCE)

Greek Funerary Plaque

Washington Crossing the Delaware (Emanuel Leutze)

Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze

Kyōsai’s Pictures of One Hundred Demons

Kyōsai’s Pictures of One Hundred Demons

First Steps, After Millet (Vincent van Gogh)

First Steps by Vincent Van Gogh

Lady Lilith (Dante Gabriel Rossetti)

Lady Lilith by Dante Gabriel Rosetti

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (Georges Seurat)

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat

After the Hurricane, Bahamas (Winslow Homer)

After the Hurricane, Bahamas by Winslow Homer

Drawing Lots for Prizes (Kitagawa Utamaro)

Drawing Lots for Prizes by Kitagawa Utamaro

Portions of Field Armor (Jacob Halder)

Portions of a Field Armor by Jacob Halder

Sadie Pfeifer, a Cotton Mill Spinner (Lewis Wickes Hine)

Sadie Pfeifer, a Cotton Mill Spinner by Lewis Wickes Hine

Still Life With Monkey, Fruits, and Flowers (Jean Baptiste Oudry)

Still Life With Monkey, Fruits, and Flowers by Jean Baptiste Oudry

Man Leading a Giraffe, 5th Century Byzantine

Man Leading a Giraffe, 5th Century Byzantine

The Three Skulls (Paul Cézanne)

The Three Skulls by Paul Cézanne

The Madame B Album (Marie-Blanche Hennelle Fournier)

The Madame B Album by Marie-Blanche Hennelle Fournier

Coiled Trumpet in the Form of a Snarling Feline Face (c. 100 BCE to 500 CE)

Coiled Trumpet in the Form of a Snarling Feline Face (c. 100 BCE to 500 CE)

Crazy Quilt With Animals (Florence Elizabeth Marvin)

Crazy Quilt with Animals by Florence Elizabeth Marvin

Storytime (Eugenio Zampighi)

Storytime by Eugenio Zampighi

Cubist Village (Georges Gaudion)

Cubist Village by Georges Gaudion

Zig-Zag Passenger and Freight Train (Unknown)

Zig-zag Passenger and Freight Train (Unknown)

The Power of Music (William Sidney Mount)

The Power of Music by William Sidney Mount

The Large Tree (Paul Gauguin)

The Large Tree (Paul Gaugin)

After the Bath (Mary Cassatt)

After the Bath (Mary Cassatt)

Wedding Gown (Korea, Late 1800s)

Wedding Gown (Korea, Late 1800s)

The Contemplator (Eugène Carrière)

The Contemplator (Eugène Carrière)

The Girl I Left Behind Me (Eastman Johnson)

The Girl I Left Behind Me (Eastman Johnson)

24c Curtiss Jenny Invert Single

24c Curtiss Jenny invert single

Creeping Baby Doll Patent Model

Creeping Baby Doll Patent Model

Wrecked Zeppelin (British Library)

Wrecked Zeppelin photograph from The British Library

Skeleton (Tales of Terror Frontispiece)

Skeletons Frontispiece from Tales of Terror

Get Your Free Picture Writing Prompts Google Slides

Just click the button below to fill out the form and get instant access to free downloadable Picture Writing Prompts Google Slides with all the prompts included above.

How do you use picture writing prompts in your classroom? Come share ideas and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

These picture writing prompts are a unique way to excite young creative writers. Find options for all grades on a variety of subjects.

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30 Creative Picture Writing Prompts

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 27, 2024

Picture Writing Prompts

Picture prompt writing, as Carp et al. (2010) define it, is a technique that uses visual stimuli to inspire and guide students’ writing. Picture prompts are an excellent tool for overcoming writer’s block. They provide a visual stimulus that can ignite creativity and help students generate ideas and organize their thoughts, making the writing process more approachable and less intimidating.

In today’s post, I share practical tips for effectively using picture prompts in writing. I will start with some tips on how to best utilize picture prompts, discuss their numerous benefits, and provide examples to get you started. Additionally, I encourage you to read the references at the bottom of this page for a deeper understanding of this powerful educational tool.

All the picture prompts in this post are available for free download in PNG format. You can easily access and use these resources to enhance your teaching and engage your students in creative writing activities.

What Are The Benefits of Picture Writing Prompts?

The importance of picture writing prompts is well documented in the research literature. These visual tools have been shown to significantly enhance student engagement and creativity in writing tasks. By providing a concrete image to spark imagination, picture prompts help students of all ages and proficiency levels generate ideas more easily, organize their thoughts coherently, and express themselves more vividly.

Picture writing prompts offer a range of benefits supported by various studies:

  • Enhanced Engagement and Motivation : Picture prompts capture students’ interest and motivate them to write, as they provide a stimulating visual context (Mukramah et al., 2023; Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Improved Idea Formulation : Visual prompts help students generate and organize ideas more effectively, leading to richer and more detailed writing (Mukramah et al., 2023; Carp et al., 2020).
  • Support for Diverse Learners : They are particularly beneficial for English Language Learners and students of different age groups, helping them overcome language barriers and express their thoughts clearly (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Encouragement of Creative Thinking : Picture prompts inspire creative storytelling and imaginative responses, allowing students to explore different narrative possibilities (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Facilitation of Critical Thinking : Analyzing and interpreting images encourages students to think critically about what they see and how they translate those thoughts into writing (Mukramah et al., 2023; Carp et al., 2020).
  • Ease of Use Across Subjects : These prompts can be used in various subjects, not just language arts, to inspire writing related to science, social studies, and more (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).

Picture Writing Prompts

Tips for Using Picture Prompts in Writing

Using picture prompts in writing activities can be incredibly effective in enhancing students’ creativity and writing skills. However, to maximize their benefits, it’s essential to implement them thoughtfully. Below are some tips to help educators effectively use picture prompts in their writing lessons. These suggestions are designed to engage students, stimulate their imagination, and improve their overall writing abilities, making the writing process both educational and enjoyable.

  • Select Diverse Images : Use a variety of pictures, including different subjects and settings, to cater to different interests and stimulate diverse ideas.
  • Connect to Writing Goals : Choose images that align with specific writing objectives, such as descriptive, narrative, or persuasive writing.
  • Encourage Observation : Ask students to closely observe details in the picture, fostering critical thinking and attention to detail.
  • Ask Guiding Questions : Provide prompts like “What is happening in this scene?” or “How do you think the characters feel?”
  • Incorporate Group Activities : Use picture prompts for group discussions to generate collaborative story ideas.
  • Allow Creative Freedom : Encourage students to interpret the images in unique ways, supporting creativity and individual expression.
  • Combine with Other Prompts : Mix picture prompts with text or question prompts to provide more structure and support.
  • Use for Various Genres : Adapt picture prompts for different genres, such as poetry, essays, and fiction.
  • Reflect and Share : Have students share their stories with peers and reflect on how the images influenced their writing.
  • Integrate Technology : Utilize digital platforms to display images and enable students to write and share their responses online.

Using Picture Prompt Writing with Students with Special Needs

Picture prompt writing is also beneficial for students with special needs, particularly those with developmental delays such as autism. The research conducted by Carp et al. (2012) found that picture prompts significantly improved the acquisition of auditory-visual conditional discriminations in children with autism, compared to pointing prompts and trial-and-error learning.

The study showed that picture prompts facilitated faster learning and greater accuracy by enhancing the participants’ ability to discriminate relevant features of the comparison stimuli. This suggests that picture prompts are a valuable tool in teaching complex skills to children with developmental delays, supporting their use in educational programs for individuals with autism.

Additionally, Fisher, Kodak, and Moore (2007) demonstrated that picture prompts facilitated the acquisition of auditory-visual conditional discriminations in children with autism. Their study found that picture prompts were more effective than pointing prompts in promoting correct comparison selections.

Carp et al. also cited additional studies that explored various prompting tactics and their effectiveness in teaching complex skills to individuals with developmental disabilities. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating picture prompts into educational strategies to support the learning and development of students with special needs.

Picture Writing Prompts Examples

In this section, I’ve categorized picture writing prompts into three groups to suit different age levels: kids, middle school, and high school. Each category contains tailored prompts designed to engage students at their respective developmental stages.

For Kids (Elementary School)

In this section, we will explore picture writing prompts designed for elementary school students. These prompts are tailored to engage young minds with topics that are both fun and educational. Whether it’s imagining a day in the life of a lion or describing the wonders of a magical garden, these prompts encourage creativity and help children develop their descriptive writing skills.

1. Animals and Nature

Prompt: “Write a story about a day in the life of a lion in the savannah. What adventures does the lion have? Who are its friends?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe what happens in a magical garden that changes with each season. What do you see, hear, and smell during spring, summer, autumn, and winter?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Fantasy and Adventure

Prompt: “Imagine you found a dragon egg. Describe what happens when it hatches and the adventures you go on with your dragon.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write about a group of friends who find a treasure map and go on a pirate adventure to find the hidden treasure.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Daily Life

Prompt: “Describe a fun day at the park with your friends. What games do you play? What do you see around you?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about your family cooking dinner together. What do you make, and how do you all help?”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Holidays and Celebrations

Prompt: “Write about the most exciting Halloween night you can imagine. What costumes do people wear? What surprises do you find?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a special family tradition during Christmas. What activities do you do together? How does it make you feel?”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Community and Helpers

Prompt: “Imagine you spent a day with a firefighter. Describe the different tasks you help with and how you save the day.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a community event like a parade or fair. What different activities and people do you see?”

Picture Writing Prompts

For Middle School

Middle school is a time of expanding horizons and growing curiosity. This section focuses on picture writing prompts that challenge students to think critically and creatively. From historical events to futuristic cities, these prompts are designed to foster deeper thinking and help students make connections between their writing and the world around them.

1. Historical Events

Prompt: “Imagine you are a reporter covering the moon landing. Describe the events as you see them unfold and how people react.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a diary entry from the perspective of a child living in ancient Egypt. What is your daily life like?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Science and Technology

Prompt: “Describe a futuristic city where robots help with everyday tasks. How do people live and interact with these robots?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write about an environmental project you would start to help reduce pollution in your city.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Mystery and Suspense

Prompt: “A foggy forest path leads to an abandoned house. Write a story about what you find inside and the mystery you uncover.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe the events of a night when you and your friends decided to explore a rumored haunted house.”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Emotions and Relationships

Prompt: “Write about a time when you felt incredibly happy. What caused this happiness, and how did it change your day?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a friendship that started unexpectedly and became very important to you.”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Exploration and Travel

Prompt: “Imagine you are exploring the Great Wall of China. Describe your journey and the sights you see.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a scuba diving adventure where you discover a hidden underwater city.”

Picture Writing Prompts

For High School

High school students are ready to tackle more complex and abstract themes in their writing. In this section, we provide picture writing prompts that encourage them to explore social issues, abstract concepts, and literary inspirations. These prompts are intended to provoke thoughtful responses and help students develop their analytical and expressive abilities.

1. Social Issues

Prompt: “Write an essay on the impact of climate change on your community. What changes have you observed, and what solutions do you propose?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a protest you attended or would like to attend. What is the cause, and what do you hope to achieve?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Abstract and Symbolic

Prompt: “Look at an abstract painting and describe what it represents to you. How does it make you feel, and what do you think the artist was trying to convey?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story inspired by a symbolic image, such as a broken chain or a lone tree in a vast field.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Literary Inspiration

Prompt: “Imagine you are a character in a classic novel like ‘Pride and Prejudice’ or ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Write a new scene that fits into the story.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a painting from the Renaissance era and create a story based on the characters and setting.”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Career and Future

Prompt: “Write a day in the life of your dream job. What tasks do you perform, and what challenges do you face?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe your first day at college. How do you feel, what do you do, and who do you meet?”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Cultural Diversity

Prompt: “Describe a cultural festival you attended. What traditions did you observe, and what did you learn?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a family from a different culture moving to your town. How do they adapt, and what do they teach you?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Related: 9 Great Books on Essay Writing

Final thoughts

In this post, I talked about picture writing prompts and covered their importance, practical tips for using them, their benefits, and examples to get you started. Picture prompts are excellent tools for overcoming writer’s block and enhancing students’ creativity and writing skills. I hope these insights and strategies will inspire you to incorporate picture prompts into your writing activities. For further reading and a deeper understanding, I encourage you to explore the references provided.

  • Carp, C. L., Peterson, S. P., Arkel, A. J., Petursdottir, A. I., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2012). A further evaluation of picture prompts during auditory-visual conditional discrimination training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 45 (4), 737–751. https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.2012.45-737
  • Dube, W. V., & McIlvane, W. J. (1999). Reduction of stimulus overselectivity with nonverbal differential observing responses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 32, 25-33. doi:10.1901/jaba.1999.32-25
  • Fisher, W. W., Kodak, T., & Moore, J. W. (2007). Embedding an identity-matching task within a prompting hierarchy to facilitate acquisition of conditional discriminations in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 489–499. doi:10.1901/jaba.2007.40-489
  • Gonchar, M., & Schulten, K. (2017). A Year of Picture Prompts: Over 160 Images to Inspire Writing. The new York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/learning/lesson-plans/a-year-of-picture-prompts-over-160-images-to-inspire-writing.html
  • Mukramah, C., Mustafa, F., & Sari, D. F. (2023). The Effect of Picture and Text Prompts on Idea Formulation and Organization of Descriptive Text. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 325-341

Further Readings on Picture Prompt Writing

If you’re looking to delve deeper into the benefits and applications of picture prompts in writing, here are some valuable resources:

  • “5 Reasons to Use Pictures as Writing Prompts” by The Write Practice
  • “How to Use Images to Inspire Creative Writing” by Edutopia
  • “ 144 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing” by The Learning Network

picture prompts for creative writing middle school

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Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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Picture Prompts

picture prompts for creative writing middle school

15 Writing Stimulus Pictures

Today we have created something special for you, 15 unique pictures with downloadable PDFs to use as writing stimulus. We know from all the feedback you’ve been giving us that you’re really enjoying our other writing inspiration pictures, so we’re excited to share these with you. Why use these? Writing like any other skill needs …

picture prompts for creative writing middle school

20 Picture Writing Prompts for Middle School

We’ve got something special for you today. We’ve created 20 unique and inspiring picture writing prompts to encourage even the most reluctant middle school students to write their hearts out.

picture prompts for creative writing middle school

10 Picture Writing Prompts For Kids

We’ve had a lot of great feedback from you all about the other picture prompts we’ve made, so it’s time to share some more with you! These are aimed primarily at Elementary grade students (in particular Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3).

picture prompts for creative writing middle school

16 Visual Writing Prompts

A picture says a thousand words, or so the saying goes more or less.

And there is something to that for sure – we all know it.

We have all experienced it – looking at a striking image which immediately conjures up a story in our mind.

So let’s take advantage of our extremely visual brains, and use a range of very different images to inspire the creative process, and get interesting unique stories started in no time at all!

picture prompts for creative writing middle school

10 Fascinating Places Picture Prompts (with PDFs)

Your students can explore this collection of weird and wonderful places, to help inspire their spoken stories and writing – and encourage some future budding authors along the way no doubt!

I’ve created these 10 picture prompts for you to use for free with your classroom. There are many ways to make use of them.

You can view them here on the website, or download the PDFs and print – or put on the big screen for your class.

picture prompts for creative writing middle school

10 Animal Picture Prompts (with PDFs)

Children often have vivid imaginations, but give them a photo of an interesting animal and watch how quickly they can build a story around it!

This makes animal picture prompts a fantastic teaching resource. We can use them as highly engaging story starters – even for children who aren’t usually enthusiastic writers or story tellers.

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50 creative writing prompts for middle school students.

  • September 11, 2023
  • 11 min read

Table of Contents:

Why creative writing matters, prompts to explore personal experiences, prompts for imagining fantastic worlds, prompts for exploring emotions, prompts to unleash adventure, prompts for humor and laughter, writing prompts for middle school mystery and suspense section, prompts to reflect on the future, prompts for historical time travel, writing prompts for middle school to target sci-fi and futuristic fantasies, writing prompts for middle school to dive into nature, writing prompts for middle school for alternate realities, are these prompts suitable for both classroom and individual use, creative writing.

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Middle school is a time of exploration, growth, and boundless imagination. It’s a phase where young minds are eager to express themselves, and what better way to channel this energy than through creative writing? This article explores 50 creative writing prompts for middle school students to worlds of wonder, emotion, and adventure. These prompts stimulate their creativity, boost their writing skills, and encourage them to think beyond the ordinary.

Creative writing holds a significance that extends far beyond the confines of a classroom. It is a form of expression that acts like a mirror reflecting human emotions, similar to what is explored in What are the three main purposes for writing? . It is a powerful medium through which individuals can express their innermost thoughts, emotions, and ideas, allowing them to connect with themselves and the world around them on a deeper level. This art form empowers individuals to unleash their imagination and paint vivid landscapes of words, enabling them to communicate in ways that traditional language often falls short of. For middle school students, creative writing is a journey of exploration and growth, much like the journey described in How to write a good story: A complete process . As they engage with a diverse array of writing prompts for middle school, they embark on a path that enriches their vocabulary, refines their grasp of grammar, and teaches them the invaluable skill of structuring their thoughts coherently and effectively. Through crafting narratives and weaving intricate tales, students learn the art of storytelling, a skill crucial in literature and various aspects of life. Whether it’s penning down a compelling essay, delivering a persuasive speech, or even drafting a well-structured email, the ability to organize ideas compellingly is a trait that serves students well throughout their academic and professional journey. However, the benefits of creative writing go well beyond linguistic and organizational services like book writing services . This form of expression acts as a mirror that reflects the complexities of human emotions. As students immerse themselves in crafting characters, settings, and plotlines, they inherently develop a deep sense of empathy. By stepping into the shoes of diverse characters and exploring the world from various perspectives, students cultivate an understanding of different viewpoints, backgrounds, and experiences. This broadens their worldview and nurtures their ability to relate to and connect with people from all walks of life.

  • Discovering a Hidden Door

Imagine stumbling upon a mysterious door in your school that no one else has noticed. Where does it lead, and what adventures await on the other side?

  • The Day I Traveled Through Time

You wake up one morning to find yourself in a different period. Describe your experiences and the challenges you face in this unfamiliar era.

  • My Conversation with a Talking Animal

While wandering in the woods, you encounter an animal that can communicate with you. Write about your unexpected conversation and the wisdom the animal imparts.

  • A Mysterious Message in a Bottle

You discover a message in a bottle washed up on the shore. What does the message say, and how does it change your life?

  • Life on a Floating Island

Describe a world where entire civilizations exist on floating islands in the sky. What are the unique challenges and wonders of this airborne realm?

  • Journey to the Center of a Candy Planet

You embark on a journey to the core of a planet made entirely of candy. Detail your adventures as you traverse the sugary landscapes.

  • The Robot’s Secret Rebellion

In a futuristic city, robots have secretly started rebelling against their human creators. Explore the events leading up to this uprising and the consequences that follow.

  • When Magic Came to the Modern World

Magic suddenly becomes real in the present day. How does society change, and how do you adapt to this new magical reality?

  • The Joy of Finding a Lost Toy

Revisit a childhood memory of losing a cherished toy and the overwhelming happiness of eventually finding it.

  • A Moment of Overcoming Fear

Write about when you faced a fear head-on and emerged stronger and braver on the other side.

  • The Bittersweet Farewell

Explore the emotions surrounding a farewell to a close friend moving away. How do you cope with the mixture of joy and sadness?

  • An Unexpected Act of Kindness

Describe an instance where a stranger’s small act of kindness profoundly impacts your life and perspective.

  • Quest for the Enchanted Crown

Embark on a quest to retrieve a stolen enchanted crown from a treacherous dragon’s lair. Chronicle your epic adventure and the challenges you must overcome.

  • Lost in a Haunted Forest

You find yourself lost in a mysterious and haunted forest. Describe your eerie surroundings and the spine-chilling encounters you experience.

  • Exploring an Abandoned Space Station

Write about your exploration of a deserted space station, uncovering its secrets and unraveling the mysteries of its past.

  • Time-Traveling to Historical Events

Where and when would you go if you could time-travel to any historical event? Describe your experiences and the impact they have on your perspective.

  • The Day I Turned into a Vegetable

Imagine waking up one day to find yourself transformed into a vegetable. How do you communicate, and what hilarious misadventures ensue?

  • Conversations Between My Pets

Write a humorous dialogue between your pets discussing their daily lives, adventures, and their peculiar perspectives on the world.

  • When My Room Became a Miniature Zoo

Describe a scenario where your room suddenly becomes a mini-zoo filled with various animals. How do you manage this unexpected turn of events?

  • The Misadventures of Super Socks

Create a quirky superhero story where a pair of socks gains extraordinary powers and embarks on comical crime-fighting escapades.

  • The Puzzle of the Whispering Walls

Detail a suspenseful investigation into the strange phenomenon of walls that whisper cryptic messages, leading to an unexpected revelation.

  • Footprints in the Forbidden Attic

You discover mysterious footprints leading to the forbidden attic in your house. Write about your daring exploration and the secrets you uncover.

  • The Disappearance of the Midnight Carnival

Describe the mysterious disappearance of a beloved carnival that only operates at midnight. What clues do you follow to solve the enigma?

  • The Secret Diary of a Famous Explorer

You stumble upon the secret diary of a renowned explorer. Unveil the adventures chronicled within its pages and the hidden truths it holds.

  • A Glimpse into Life as an Adult

Imagine yourself as an adult and write about a day in your future life. How have your goals, priorities, and perspectives evolved?

  • Inventing a Revolutionary Gadget

Design a revolutionary gadget that changes the world. Describe its features, benefits, and the impact it has on society.

  • My First Day on Another Planet

Transport yourself to an alien planet and narrate your experiences on the first day of your interstellar adventure.

  • The World After Solving Pollution

Describe a world where pollution has been successfully eliminated. How does this achievement reshape the environment, society, and daily life?

  • Prompts for Exploring Friendship

Write about a strong and unbreakable bond between two friends. What challenges have they overcome together, and how has their friendship evolved?

  • Adventures of the Dynamic Duo

Create a story about a dynamic duo who embark on thrilling adventures together. What makes their partnership special, and how do they complement each other?

  • A Magical Friend from a Book

Imagine a character from a book coming to life and becoming your friend. Describe your magical friendship and the escapades you share.

  • Messages in a Bottle Between Pen Pals

Two pen pals communicate through messages sent in bottles across a vast ocean. Write about their unique form of friendship and the stories they share.

  • An Interview with a Renaissance Artist

Travel back in time to interview a famous Renaissance artist. Explore their inspirations, struggles, and the impact of their art on the world.

  • Surviving the Titanic Disaster

Imagine being a passenger on the Titanic and surviving the tragic sinking. Chronicle your experiences and the lessons you learn from the ordeal.

  • Ancient Egypt: Through the Eyes of a Pharaoh

Experience life as an ancient Egyptian pharaoh. Describe the grandeur of your rule, interactions with subjects, and leadership challenges.

  • Encountering Dinosaurs in Prehistoric Times

Describe an adventurous journey to prehistoric times, where you encounter dinosaurs and experience the wonders and dangers of the ancient world.

  • When Robots Ruled the World

Envision a world where robots have taken over as rulers. Detail the consequences of this robotic regime and the struggles of human resistance.

  • Galactic Explorers on a New Frontier

Join a group of galactic explorers as they venture into uncharted space territories. Describe their discoveries, encounters, and the mysteries they unravel.

  • The Day I Met an Alien from Mars

Write about the day you encounter a friendly alien from Mars. How do you communicate, and what do you learn from each other?

  • Earth 3000: A Utopian Dream or Dystopian Reality?

Transport yourself to the year 3000 and describe the state of the Earth. Is it a romantic paradise or a dystopian nightmare? What led to this outcome?

  • Conversations with Forest Creatures

Imagine having conversations with animals in a magical forest. Write about the wisdom they share and the adventures you embark on together.

  • My Adventure in the Enchanted Rainforest

Describe your thrilling adventure through an enchanted rainforest with mystical creatures and hidden secrets.

  • The Underwater Discovery: Mermaid’s Tale

You discover a hidden underwater world inhabited by mermaids. Chronicle your underwater journey and the interactions you have with these mythical beings.

  • Exploring a World Inside a Dewdrop

Write about a micro-adventure inside a dewdrop, where you encounter miniature worlds and experience nature from a new perspective.

  • Stepping into a Mirror Universe

Describe an experience where you step into an alternate reality through a mirror. How is this world different from yours, and what challenges do you face?

  • The Butterfly Effect: Changing a Single Moment

Explore the butterfly effect concept by narrating a story where changing a single moment in the past has a cascading impact on the present and future.

  • My Life as a Fictional Character

Imagine living the life of a fictional character from your favorite book. Describe your experiences as you navigate their world and story.

  • When Dreams Became Our Reality

Write about a world where dreams have the power to shape reality. How do people use their dreams to create their lives, and what challenges arise?

  • The Ethereal Library

Imagine a mystical library that holds books containing the stories of every possible life you could have lived. Write about a person who stumbles upon this library and can read the book of their alternate life stories.

  • The Reality Architect

In a future society, some specialized architects design alternate realities for individuals seeking escape from their own lives. Write about a reality architect and their journey to create the perfect alternate world for a client.

  • The Convergence Point

Describe a world where all alternate realities converge at a single point in time. People from different realities can meet and interact for a brief period. Write about the challenges and opportunities that arise during this unique convergence.

The suitability of writing prompts for middle school for classroom and individual use depends on their content and complexity. Prompts encouraging critical thinking, creative expression, and thoughtful discussion can work well in both settings. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that the prompts are clear and easily understandable by individuals and a group of students. Avoid overly complex language or concepts that might be confusing.
  • Writing prompts for middle school allow various interpretations, and responses can engage individual learners and groups. This flexibility encourages students to express their unique perspectives.
  • Choose interesting and relevant writing prompts for middle school to the target audience, whether in a classroom full of students or individuals working independently. Engaging prompts are more likely to spark enthusiasm and thoughtful responses.
  • Prompts that invite discussion and debate can lead to rich and meaningful conversations for classroom use. These prompts should be open-ended and encourage diverse viewpoints.

Middle school is critical for nurturing creativity, similar to the journey detailed in How to launch a book: The ultimate guide for authors , young students’ creativity, and honing writing skills. These 50 creative writing prompts for middle school offer many opportunities to explore diverse themes, emotions, and scenarios while refining their writing abilities. Whether they’re crafting tales of time travel, exploring futuristic realms, or delving into the mysteries of the past, these prompts will ignite the imagination and open new avenues of self-expression for budding writers.

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144 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

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The New York Time Learning Network. A school year’s worth of short, accessible image-driven posts that invite a variety of kinds of writing. These short, accessible, image-driven prompts invite students to pen short stories, poems and memoirs; share experiences from their lives; analyze illustrations, graphs and charts; and tell us their opinions on hot-button issues. To learn how you can use Picture Prompts to build literacy skills, promote critical thinking, inspire discussion and foster creativity in your classroom, watch our three-minute  tutorial video  or our  on-demand webinar . For dozens more ideas, see our lesson plan, “ How to Teach With Our Picture Prompts (and Other Times Images) .”

Attributes: 6-8 9-12 Lesson Plan

Resource Link:  https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/05/learning/144-picture-prompts-to-inspire-student-writing.html

The Simple Homeschooler

40+ Instant Download Picture Writing Prompts for Kids!

Looking for some creative ways to get your student’s creative juices flowing? 

Young writers often experience writer’s block when staring at a blank page. All of their natural imagination and creativity seem to drain out of them when a school assignment is involved.

I have personally seen that oh so many times as a homeschool mom.

Thankfully, I found the secret sauce to getting reluctant writers motivated!

Putting different picture prompts in front of younger students is such a great way to get their minds rolling!

The visual image makes it much easier for them to form a writing idea that blossoms into a solid short story or narrative writing assignment.

Do you need some help getting your student in the right place to write?

I have put together a wide variety of images that would work for elementary, middle school students, and even high school students.

How To Use Your FREE Visual Writing Prompts 

Picture Writing Prompts for Kids Pin

At the bottom of this post, click the link for instant download access to the Picture Writing Prompts For Kids PDF files. 

****Only for personal, homeschool, co-op, or classroom use please.

There are two creative writing prompts on each page. Some have a list of questions, a sentence starter, or story ideas. Feel free to ignore or alter any of those. Definitely make it your own!

Once you have the files printed, cut each page in half. 

Allow your student to randomly pick one image every week. Consider making it a Monday warm-up or a fun Friday activity.

I intentionally made more than enough story picture prompts for the school year so that you and your kids can pass on some that are not your favorite things.

Enjoy and happy writing!

42 Picture Writing Prompts For Kids To Sharpen Writing Skills & Spark The Creative Process!

1. desert survival.

An exhausted pair struggle through the brutal desert, desperate to survive.

What amazing stroke of luck will save them?

2. Elephant Tight Rope Walker

Elephant Tight Rope Walking Writing Prompt Picture for Kids

This famous circus performing elephant is the best tight rope walker in the world, but her trainer is unkind.

She has a plan to escape…

3. Magic Forest Tunnel

Forest Tunnel Writing Prompt Image

A mysterious tunnel magically opens up in front of you and your friends.

Do you walk through it?

What could be waiting on the other side?

How will you return?

4. Gorilla In The Jungle

Gorilla image for Writing Prompt

What did this gorilla suddenly see?

How does he feel about it?

What will he do?

5. Hot Air Balloon Escape

The only way to cross the rocky, dangerous land is by hot air balloon. But you are running out of fuel fast and falling behind.

What will you do?

6. Invisible Person 

Is this a villain or a hero?

How did they become invisible?

Where are they going?

7. Snorkel Discovery

Snorkeling image for creative writing prompt for kids

What did she just discover on her snorkel vacation?

Is it valuable, dangerous, or rare?

A new or old type of discovery?

What will she do with it?

8. Surfing Adventure

surfing image for creative writing aid

You’re riding the wave of a lifetime, when suddenly you see something looking back at you through the water…

9. Dog in Trouble

Dog surrounded by mess

You thought for sure that you could hide this dog from your mom.  She would never know!

What happened?

What will your mom do now?

10. Dogs in Control

dogs in biker outfits

You have just been informed that these two are your real parents.

What are their rules?

How does your household change?

What is it like to have dogs for parents?

11. Dogs in the Workplace

dogs in scientist costumes

Dr. Wrinkles and Professor Treats have just made a fascinating discovery!

What is it?

How will it help the planet?

12. Detective Pug

dog in raincoat image

Sherlock the Pug is on the trail of another mystery!

What crime is he investigating? Who is involved?

How will he solve the mystery before nap time?

13. Magic Gift

magic in hands writing prompt

What is the magical gift in her hands?

Who is holding it?

Who will receive it? How will they use it?

14. Treasure Map Revealed

ancient treasure map image for writing

An ancient treasure map is about to be revealed to you.

Where does it lead?

What is the treasure? Who does it really belong to?

Will you go after it?

15. Hidden Garden

fairy tale bridge over stream

Something is hidden away in this garden for safekeeping.

Where is it hidden?

What is it? Who hid it?

Who will find it?

16. Wishing Well

Well in middle of desert writing prompt for kids

This enchanted well will bring up anything you wish for – but each person only gets three wishes.

Who finds this well?

What do they wish for?

What happens next?

17. Trapped

This man may be trapped in a glass jar, but he’s got a plan.

Who is he? How did he get trapped?

Who trapped him and why?

What will the man do first?

18. Surprise Box

kid opening gift box

This kid just opened a gift box and is completely shocked!

What’s inside? 

Who gave it to her?

19. Letter to Santa

This kid is excited for Christmas…but he has some explaining to do about his behavior to Santa.

What does he write to Santa?

What bad things did he do this year?

How does he explain his choices?

20. Rotten Day or Awesome Day

Write this kid’s diary entry.

Did she have a rotten, no good day?

Or did she have the best day of her life?

What things happened to her today?

21. Urgent Letter

Writing a letter for writing prompt image

Write an urgent letter that was hurriedly written in the middle of the night. 

What is so important? What happened?

Who needs to know about it quickly?

What will happen if the letter doesn’t arrive in time?

22. Soccer Moment

kids playing soccer

Who are these kids?

Have they been riding the bench or leading the team all season?

What will happen when they go against each other in this game?

Epic win or epic fail? Who do you want to win? Why?

23. Lost At Sea

Man in suit and scuba gear on beach

This man has lost something valuable in the ocean and he must act quickly to get it back.

What did he lose?

How was it dropped in the ocean?

Will he ever get it back?

24. Leaving On A Jet Plane

packed overflowing suitcase

You pack a suitcase to go to your absolute favorite place.

Where are you going?

What do you pack? Why?

Who do you take with you on the trip?

25. Deserted Island

You wash ashore on a deserted island with only three things.

What three things did you bring with you?

How do you survive on the island?

What is your plan for escape or how are you rescued?

26. Breaking News!


The whole world woke up to the most shocking news!

How does your life change because of the news?

27. Secret News

This kid discovered something pretty amazing about himself.

What do you think it was?

Who will he tell about his news?

28. Horse-Sized Hug

horses nuzzled together

How do these horses know each other?

Why do you think they are hugging?

How are they feeling? Tired, sad, happy, content?

Why do they feel that way?

29. The Journey Begins!

happy dog hanging out car window

This dog is finally on the adventure he’s always been waiting for!

Where is he going?

Who is he with?

30. Broken Vase

Oh, no! How did this vase get broken?

Who does it belong to?

What will happen when it is discovered?

31. Embarrassing Moment

embarrassed kid

Why is this kid so embarrassed?

What did she do? Or what happened to her?

What does she do next?

32. Light Spear

Man with light spear near ocean

Who is standing on the beach and what is he holding?

What is happening with the ocean?

Is he working with the ocean or is the ocean his enemy?

What will happen next?

33. Celebrate!

decoration of birthday party table with sweets for child

You have been invited to the biggest party of the year!

What is the party celebrating?

Who is there? What food is being served?

What do you do for fun at the party?

34. Digging Dogs

dogs digging a hole

You are on a beach vacation and your dogs start furiously digging a hole. 

Why are they digging?

What do they find?

What do you do with their find?

35. Worm Hole

Worm hole

A worm hole appears in your bedroom. What happens when you jump through it?

Can you time travel through it? If so, which time period would you go to?

Does it take you anywhere you want to go on Earth? Where would you jump to?

Can you go to other galaxies?

36. Underwater City

city under water

How did this city flood?

Did humans survive and adapt to the water…or do fish rule the city now?

If you could live here, would you want to?

37. Strange Aircraft in the Woods

Alian space ship on earth

You go for a walk during your family’s camping trip and get turned around. Suddenly you see this in a clearing. 

Is it a spaceship or military aircraft? Will you meet aliens? 

Who is inside? Do they want to meet you? Do you want to meet them?

Why did the ship come?

38. Cage Door Left Open

Empty cage for picture writing prompt for kids

Uh oh. It looks like something escaped from the cage.

What was inside? Who let it out?

Will it come back? Who will go looking for it? What will they find when they go looking for the creature?

39. Talking Animal


While playing in your yard, you discover a talking cat!

Write down your conversation.

How did you find out it could talk? What did the cat have to say?

What was the cat’s personality like? Why was it in your yard?

40. Alien Life

River on another planet

NASA has finally discovered a planet full of life! You have been tasked with traveling to the planet to make first contact with the aliens.

How are the aliens like us? How are they different? How does the first meeting go?

How is the planet like Earth? How is it different?

Which place would you rather live?

41. Ships 

Large ship with sails

This ship is setting sail on a critical mission. Where is it going? 

Exploring for new lands? Conquering new lands?

In search of treasure? What will they find instead?

42. Dinosaurs Live!

dinosaurs still alive today with humans

In this world, dinosaurs never went extinct. Describe a day in your life with dinosaurs!

How is it fun?

How might it be dangerous?

Do you interact with the dinosaurs or hide from them? Do you have them as pets? Friends? Workers in your society?


I know these writing exercises will be a hit with your students this school year!

They really are the best friend of the teacher who wants to bring fun and imagination into writing.

Once you’ve gone through these images, consider having your students make up their own writing prompts or check out video writing prompts too!

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Ty I looked a lot of places for the idea in my head and I found it here Much appreciation

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  • Writing Prompts

150 Writing Prompts For Middle School (+Free Printable)

Make writing fun and easy, with these 150 writing prompts for middle school students. 

The more you write, the better you become at writing. But the problem is not all middle schoolers enjoy writing. There’s always something better to do, playing video games , watching YouTube videos , hanging with friends , lazing about the house – Why bother writing, right? The trick is to understand that even the smallest piece of writing can make a huge difference in a student’s attitude towards writing. 

If you unload too many lengthy assignments, such as writing 1,000 words on topic X or 3,000 about something, something – Writing can seem like a long, boring chore for some students. But if you break it down, and mix it up a bit, then your students have a real chance of actually liking writing for fun. Think of creating small writing tasks that take no longer than around 10 or 15 minutes to complete. As students complete these small tasks with ease, their confidence will grow, eventually turning them into avid young writers.

To help inspire and motivate young writers, we have created this list of 150 quick and easy writing prompts for Middle School students. Keep reading for a free printable writing pack for middle schoolers as well! Here is a quick generator that will generate a random middle school prompt for you:

For more fun writing ideas, check out this list of over 300 writing prompt for kids .

150 Writing Prompts For Middle School Students

This list of prompts is great for whenever your middle-schooler is bored and needs some quick ideas to write about:

  • Make a list of at least three different opening lines for this story idea: A space knight living in outer space wants to fight a real fire-breathing dragon.
  • Complete this sentence in at least three different ways: When I’m bored, I like to…
  • Draw a picture of your dream house, and describe some of the coolest features it has.
  • Make a top ten list of the scariest animals in the animal kingdom. You could even write down one scary fact about each animal.
  • Write an acrostic poem using the letters that spell z-o-m-b-i-e.
  • Describe the scariest monster that you can think of. You could even draw a picture of it.
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: My goal for the next month is to…
  • Make a top ten list of your favourite foods of all time. You could even write down one reason for why each food is your favourite.
  • Create your own A-Z book or list of monsters. For A is for Abominable Snowman, B is for Bogeyman and so on.
  • Research and write down five facts about an endangered species of your choice. Examples of endangered species include the blue whale, giant pandas, snow leopards and tigers.
  •  Create a postcard for your local town or city. What picture would you draw on the front? And what message could you include on the back?
  • Write an acrostic poem using the letters that spell out your own first name. This poem could be about yourself. 
  • Make a top ten list of your favourite movies of all time.
  • Make a top ten list of your favourite songs of all time.
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways. When I grow up I want to…
  • Which is your favourite season, Winter , Spring , Summer or Autumn? Write a haiku poem about your favourite season.
  • Create a party invite for a dinner party at your house. Think about the party theme, entertainment, food and dress code.
  • Write down a recipe that uses eggs as one of the ingredients.
  • Write a how-to guide on how to take care of a kitten or puppy.
  • What do you enjoy doing on the weekends? Start by making a list of activities that you do on the weekend. Then you can pick one to write about in more detail.
  • Using a photograph (or one of these picture writing prompts ), write a short caption or description to go alongside it. 
  • Imagine you are the owner of a new restaurant. Create a menu of the dishes you will serve at this restaurant. 
  • What has been the best part of your day so far? And what has been the worst part of the day?
  • Imagine that you have a time machine. What year would you travel to and why?
  • If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
  • If you could keep one dinosaur as a pet, which dinosaur would you pick and why?
  • Write down everything you remember from a recent nightmare that you had. 
  • What is your favourite country in the whole wide world? List at least five fun facts about this country.
  • Make a list of at least 3 different story ideas about aliens.
  • Create a character description of the world’s most evil supervillains.
  • What is your greatest achievement to date? What are you most proud of and why?
  • Write an action-packed scene that contains the following: A car chase, a lucky pair of socks and a talking parrot.
  • What advice would you give to someone who is being bullied? You could make a list of at least three pieces of advice that you might give.
  • Imagine you are stuck on a desert island. Write a diary entry of your first day on the island.
  • Imagine you are a pirate sailing the seven seas. Talk about the scariest thing you faced while out at sea.
  • You just discovered a new planet . Can you describe this new planet in detail? What would you call it? Does any life exist on the planet? What type of climate does it have?
  • Would you rather have a magical unicorn as a pet or a fire-breathing dragon?
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: One day I was walking through the forest and discovered…
  • Write a letter to your friend about a favourite memory you have of them. You can use the following starter as inspiration: Remember that time…
  • Make a list of book title ideas for a story about a girl who can go invisible whenever she wants.
  • A talking cat is fast asleep, then suddenly someone wakes it up. Write down a short script between the cat, and the person arguing. 
  • What is the nicest thing that anyone has done for you recently?
  • Make a list of 10 online safety tips to help you stay safe online.
  • Can you think of at least 5 ways to prevent climate change in your daily life?
  • Make a list of your top ten favourite books of all time.
  • Think about a movie that you’ve seen recently. What did you enjoy most about this movie, and what did you dislike about it?
  • You are just about to take a bite of an apple. And then suddenly the apple starts screaming. What do you do next?
  • Describe a magical forest in great detail. What makes this forest so magical?
  • Write a super scary scene, using the following starter: As I walked into the haunted house…
  • What is your greatest fear? Is it possible to ever overcome this fear? If so, how would you do it?
  • Make a list of at least five things you like about yourself. And then make a list of five things that you would change about yourself.
  • What would the perfect day look like for you? How would it start? What activities would you do? And how does it end?
  • You are standing in the playground when you hear two of your classmates making fun of your best friend. What do you do next?
  • A young boy yells at his pet eagle to fly away into the wild. The eagle does not respond. Write down this scene between the two characters in great detail. 
  • Describe a pencil in the greatest detail possible.
  • Create your own superhero character. What are their strengths and superpowers? What about their weaknesses? Also, think of a cool superhero name for them!
  • What is your dream job? What skills and traits do you need to do this job well?
  • Imagine that you have had the worst day ever. Write down what happened to make it so bad.
  • What is your favourite colour? Now write a short rhyming poem about this colour.
  • If you had three wishes, what would you wish for and why? Wishing for extra wishes is not allowed.
  • Write an action-packed scene of a lion chasing a zebra in the wild from the perspective of the lion. 
  • Imagine you own a video gaming company. Your task is to come up with a new video game idea. Explain this new video game idea in detail.
  • What would you do if you were given $1 million dollars? 
  • What is your favourite hobby or interest? Can you provide at least five tips for beginners who might be interested in starting this hobby?
  • Make a top ten list of your favourite celebrities or YouTube stars.
  • Write the opening paragraph of a fairytale about a zombie prince who has returned from the dead.
  • Write an alternative ending to a fairytale that you are familiar with. For example, you could write a sad ending for Cinderella or a cliff-hanger style ending for Jack and the Beanstalk.
  • Write down a conversation in a script format between two people waiting for the bus at a bus stop.
  • Would you rather get abducted by aliens, or discover a magical portal to another realm in your bedroom? Explain your answer.
  • Write a shape poem about your favourite food in the shape of this food.
  • If you had to prepare for a zombie invasion, which three items would you pack in your bag, and why?
  • Describe the most beautiful garden in the world in detail. What type of flowers would it have? Would it have any garden furniture?
  • You receive a strange parcel in the middle of the night. You open the parcel to discover… Write down at least one paragraph of what you discover in the parcel.
  • Use the word, ‘Stampede’ in at least three different sentences.
  • Complete the following metaphor in at least three different ways: Your smile is like…
  • Describe the city of the future. What would the buildings look like? How will people travel? What kind of homes will people live in?
  • What is Marie Curie (the physicist) famous for? Research and write down five facts about her research and studies. 
  • You have just been made leader of the Kingdom of Kinloralm. As the leader, what rules would you set for the kingdom? Make a list of at least 10 rules that you will enforce. 
  • A witch has cast a spell on you. Every night at midnight, you turn into a werewolf. Describe this transformation in great detail. What does it feel like when you are transforming? How does your skin change? What about your teeth and fingernails?
  • Using the following starter , write at least one paragraph: When I look outside the window…
  • After a deep sleep, you wake up to find yourself locked inside a cage. No one else is around. What do you do next?
  • You keep on having the same nightmare every night. In your nightmare, you are running as fast as you can, and then you suddenly fall. When you turn around you see… Write at least one paragraph about what you see. 
  • Write down at least 10 interview questions that you can ask your favourite celebrity. If you have time, you can even write down the potential answers to these questions from the perspective of the celebrity.
  • Write a how-to guide on how to grow tomatoes at home.
  • Make a list of at least five tips for keeping your bedroom clean.
  • Would you rather drive the fastest car on Earth for one hour or own a custom-made bicycle? Explain your choice.
  • Write a limerick poem about an old snail. 
  • Find something in your room that begins with the letter, ‘R’, and write a paragraph describing this object in detail.
  • Research the history of how the first mobile phone was invented. Create a timeline of mobile phone inventions from the very first mobile to the current time. 
  • If you were the headteacher of your school, what changes would you make and why? Try to list and describe at least three changes. 
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of having access to the internet? Try to think of at least five benefits and five drawbacks.
  • Write about the best day of your life so far. Then write about the worst day of your life so far.
  • Imagine that you are an agony aunt for a newspaper. A reader has written to you with the following problem: Dear Agony Aunt, I have no friends at school. And my classmates are always making fun of me… What advice would you give this reader?
  • Imagine that you are a salesperson. Your task is to sell a new chocolate bar to customers. Write down a sales pitch that was selling this chocolate bar. What features would you highlight? What are the benefits of this chocolate bar?
  • Can you complete the following sentence in three different ways: When I feel upset, I …
  • What is the most difficult part about being in middle school? What is the best part of middle school?
  • Imagine that your best friend has just revealed a huge secret. How would you react? Write down a script of the conversation between you and your best friend.
  • Have you learned any new skills recently? How did you learn these?
  • Imagine you are sitting at a dinner party with a group of strangers. Describe the atmosphere in great detail. Who are you sitting next to? What sort of conversations are the other guests having? What food is being served?
  • Five years from now, where will you be? Will you be the same person? How would you have changed?
  • Write about your plans for the weekend.
  • Describe a day in the life of being a goldfish in a fishbowl at a pet shop.
  • While at the seaside, a message in a bottle washes up onto the shore. You open the bottle and read the message. The message reads: Help Me! I’m stranded on an island! What do you do next?
  • A mother and her son are baking some muffins in the kitchen. Write down a conversation that they might have while they bake together.
  • Make a list of indoor activities you can do when it’s raining outside. Try to think of at least ten activities.
  • Write down a diary entry from the perspective of an alien secretly living undercover on Earth. 
  • Write at least three different opening lines for the following story idea: A king needs to keep his kingdom safe from the ravenous trolls that come out at night.
  • Imagine you are a secret agent cat, write about your most recent mission.
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: If I could change the world, I would…
  • If you could program a robot, what tasks would you program it to do, and why?
  • Imagine you are the owner of a toy shop. Your task is to hire some toy makers. Write a job description for a toymaker. Think about the skills and traits required to become a toymaker. 
  • You are the owner of a zoo. Suddenly you hear people screaming as the lions are accidentally released. What do you do next?
  • Your future self comes from the future to warn you about something. Write a conversation that you would have with your future self. 
  • If you had a choice to become a superhero or a supervillain, which one would you be and why?
  • Can you think of at least three things that no one knows about you? Why have you kept these things a secret?
  • During a science experiment, you mix up the wrong chemicals. The liquid turns blue and jumps out of the glass container. It then slides into your backpack. What do you do next?
  • Write down at least five things that you are grateful for in your life right now.
  • You notice some strange footprints in your backyard leading to your shed. You follow these footprints and discover…
  • When was the last time someone upset you or hurt your feelings? How did they hurt your feelings? Do you remember what was said?
  • You walk inside a magic shop. You see all sorts of weird and fun things. Describe the inside of the shop in as much detail as possible. 
  • Write at least three different opening lines for the following story idea: A young werewolf wants to be a human again.
  • Make a list of three different story ideas about dragons.
  • Write from the perspective of a kite flying high in the sky. Think about what you feel, see and hear.
  • Write about your favourite subject at school. Why do you like this subject?
  • Write a haiku poem about the full moon.
  • Imagine you are the manager of a TV channel. Make a list of at least three new TV show ideas you can air on Saturday evening.
  • You find a baby alien in your basement. What do you do next?
  • Think of at least three newspaper headlines for the following article idea: The new mayor of your town/city is planning on creating more homes.
  • Imagine that your pet dog has gone missing. Create a missing poster to find your dog. Remember to describe any important details relating to the dog in your power.
  • Write an advertisement for the brand new mixer 3000. It mixes all the best music tracks with sounds to create the ultimate track.
  • Write down three sentences. One of something interesting that happened to you today. Another of something positive that happened. And finally another sentence of something negative. 
  • Write down four different character descriptions. Each character must have a different background story or history when growing up.
  • Imagine you had a terrible experience at a restaurant. Write a complaint letter to the restaurant manager, outlining the problems you had. 
  • Imagine your family is planning to go on a cruise. As you drive to the boat, a person walks up to your car window, holds up a flyer, and demands that they do what they were told. What is your family’s reply?
  • As you’re making your way home, you pass by a group of people. It turns out the person who was walking next to them is a ghost. What do you do next?
  • Your best friend has had a terrible year. You need to plan the best birthday party ever for them. Make a list of items that you will need for the party. 
  • Using the 5 W’s and 1 H technique, outline the following newspaper article idea: A new breed of wolves was discovered nearby. The 5 W’s include: What, Where, When, Who and why. The one H is How.
  • Write a positive self-talk poem, using the following starter: I am…
  • Take a recent picture that you have drawn at home or during art class. Using this picture, can you think of at least three ideas for stories from it?
  • How can you prevent bullying in your school? Make a list of at least five different ways to prevent bullying.
  • Write a list of at least 10 interview questions that you can ask your favourite teacher at school. If you want, you can actually ask these questions and write down the responses your teacher gives.
  • Describe a day in the life of being a mouse that lives in your school.
  • What qualities to look for in a friend? Make a list of at least 3 qualities. Also, think about what qualities you try to avoid. 
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: When I wake up in the morning, I feel…
  • Do you ever wish you could do more to help people? Make a list of at least five ways you can help a friend who is going through a tough time.
  • When was the last time you felt angry? How did you deal with this anger? Do you think it is okay to be angry all the time?
  • Write down at least three predictions for the future. These predictions can be personal or about the world. You can use the following starter: In 10 years time…
  • Do you enjoy writing? If yes, then what kind of things do you enjoy writing about. Explain your answer.
  • Think about the last book you read. Which scene in the book stood out to you the most? Why did it stand out for you?
  • Complete the following sentence in at least three different ways: The biggest question on my mind right now is…

What did you think of this list of quick and easy writing prompts for Middle School students? Did you find this list useful or difficult to use? Let us know in the comments below!

Printable Writing Pack for Middle Schoolers

Thank you for reading this post! You can download the free PDF writing prompts for Middle School students pack here .

Writing Prompts For Middle School

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Picture prompts.

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Story Writing Academy

100 Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School

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Looking for some inspiration for your next short story? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of 100 creative writing prompts for middle school to help you get started. Chose your favorite story idea from the list of creative writing prompts below and get started right now.

100 creative writing prompts for middle school text overlay with two images of a teen girl writing

Why Story Starters and Writing Prompts Work

Writing is a complex skill. Not only do the hands of middle school students still cramp up when they write for more than a nanosecond, but they have to synthesize many new writing skills at once.

Young writers must generate creative writing ideas, assess their ideas to choose the best one, determine a compelling beginning, middle, and end, outline their story, write several drafts, and edit their own work. These are all necessary skills that must be developed, yes, but if we can isolate them, focusing on one or two at a time, we make it easier for middle school children to conquer each skill.

With writing prompts, they have lots of fun writing ideas to choose from. This takes away the stress of having to come up with their own high-concept idea. (And while these prompts only help with writing-induced stress, we recommend these tips for how to relieve stress in general. Being stressed doesn’t go well with creative writing.)

When they have a starting point to work from, writing gets a lot easier. Instead of spending a long time feeling frustrated about a lack of ideas, students can jump right in and write their first sentence. Even reluctant writers tend to get more excited about writing when presented with irresistible story-writing prompts.

In short, the best thing about using these fun writing prompts is that middle schoolers are more likely to fall in love with writing when they have a great time doing it.

Who Should Use These Story Writing Prompts

While these have been prepared with middle school and high school students in mind, many of them are also applicable to adult writers. Most of the prompts below will be too advanced or complex for most elementary school students, though some older kids from the lower grades, especially those with a real passion for writing, might find a few that peak their interest.

To make things a little simpler for you, we’ve also included a free printable version of these prompts that you can grab by entering your information below.

picture prompts for creative writing middle school

Sign Up for Your FREE Printable Story Starters and Writing Prompts

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Writing Prompts for Stories That Start Out Just Like Any Other Day

  • I tiptoed into the bathroom. If anyone caught me doing this, I’d be in big trouble. I grabbed my mother’s lipstick and brought it back to my bedroom where my brother slept…
  • I peeked through the curtains. There was a limo parked outside with two bodyguards. I heard a knock at the door…
  • I went over to say hello to the cute little baby under the umbrella, but when I reached her, I saw that…
  • The bell rang, and I sprinted toward my locker. I had to get out of there before…
  • I opened the front door to find the UPS man standing on the front stoop, his arm around a cylindrical package that was almost as tall as him. Oh no. Not again, I thought…
  • Irene gripped her mom’s hand harder as they walked through the doors of the imposing gray building. Her mom had promised her they’d never have to come here again, but…
  • The lights dimmed and the curtains opened. I felt like I was going to throw up. Why had I ever thought this was a good idea?…
  • As soon as I boarded the train, I began my letter to my sister.  I did it. I sold everything and am on my way to…
  • A kid’s birthday party seemed like an innocent enough place to blend in and relax for a moment. It’s been a while since I stopped moving. But when the balloon popped…
  • I sat down at my desk and sifted through the mail that had been placed in front of my computer. All junk, of course. I was about to dump it all in the recycling bin when I saw my favorite magazine at the bottom of the pile. Tossing the rest aside, I snatched it up, but something unexpected fell out from between the pages…
  • We were canoeing across the inlet when we noticed some unusual movement alongside the boat. A whale was surfacing next to us. Another one followed closely behind. Suddenly, our boat was being lifted out of the water and…
  • The Instagram account I created for my hamster just went viral and he’s getting calls with job offers from around the world, only …
  • At first, we thought the box contained the water guns we ordered online, so we tore it open eagerly, ready to load them up. Instead, what we saw inside completely changed everything.
  • I got off the boat furious and trembling. I was never getting back on there again, not with him at least. There was no way I was going to let him…
  • The pancakes were perfect—round and golden, soft but a little crispy near the edges. I slathered them in maple syrup and fruit. But then mom went to the fridge and took out the whipped cream, giving me an apologetic look as she did so. It was a treat, a very special one, and she only ever brought it out if…
  • We sat around the campfire in eerie silence, nobody wanting to bring up our predicament. Everything was going to have to come out anyway, we might as well get it over with. I was just about to clear my throat when I noticed Sam and Layla standing apart from the group, whispering. What were they plotting now?
  • I’d always wanted to be brave like my brother Simon. He wasn’t afraid of anything. I remember once, when he was younger, he…
  • We walked through the garden one last time, knowing we’d never return to this house again. I waved goodbye to each flower bed, to the apple tree that I’d climbed innumerable times as a child. I wanted to scream. Why were they making me…
  • My dad used to tell me these crazy stories when I was a kid. His life seemed so bizarre to me, but his sense of humor was mysterious, like I could never tell when fact blended into fiction. I still don’t know which ones to believe, like that one about…
  • Shivering, I tried to open the door of my car, but it was frozen shut. I looked up and scanned the parking lot to make sure nobody had seen me. Why did it have to be this freezing, today of all days? What if they…

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Writing Prompts for Stories That Start with Dialogue

  • “Drink it, quick!” I looked at the bottle. The contents were unlike any I’d ever seen. I closed my eyes and drank it in one gulp…
  • “Five more minutes,” my dad grunted, as I tried to pull him out of bed. “Dad, they’re here–we have to go!”
  • “Shh…” I said frantically, as Robin’s wheelchair squeaked again. “Don’t you know how much trouble we’ll be in if they find us…”
  • “Put me down!” I yelled as I was hoisted into the air by a giant…
  • “Stop it!” I cried as my little sister snatched my phone from the desk and tried to eat it. I couldn’t run the risk of anyone seeing the words I’d etched into the back of it, the ones that would save my life if anyone ever…
  • “Have you ever driven one of these before?” I asked James, trying not to let him see how nervous I was. “Is it safe?”
  • “Are you coming or not?” he demanded as he took a few steps further into the…
  • “Is there anyone in there?” I wondered aloud, staring up at the gothic castle. “The letter said they’d meet us…”
  • “We finally did it!” I exclaimed to my lab partner. “We’ve invented a cream that actually makes people more beautiful. We are going to be so rich!”
  • You have just five dollars to your name, and you decide to spend it on lunch at your favorite fast food joint. Just as you’re about to pay, a boy not much older than you leans in and whispers to you, “Hold onto your money. I’ll show you how to turn that five dollars into five grand.”
  • You’re standing in line at a coffee shop when you spot a shiny coin on the ground. You bend down to pick it up, but a big black boot stomps down on it just before your fingers grasp it. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a deep voice warns.
  • “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news,” she began, her arms crossed nervously over her chest. “You didn’t get in.” When I raised my eyebrows at her, she added, “And there’s more…”
  • He patted my hand reassuringly and said, “It’s okay, you can trust me,” in that voice of his that I’d learned meant I really couldn’t. “All you have to do is…”
  • “It’s for you!” she called, after answering the phone. When I went to take it from her, she covered the mouthpiece and whispered menacingly, “This better not be about what I think it’s about, got it?”
  • “I should have listened to you,” Greg acknowledged, as he lay curled up on the grass, his clothes caked in mud. “You were right about…”
  • “How could you?” I asked in disbelief. “After everything we’ve been through, I thought you were the one person I could trust. I can’t believe you…”
  • I kicked at the dust with my shoe. Her question had caught me off guard. I wasn’t prepared to answer it, not yet. I tried to stall. “Remember that time when…”
  • “Okay, okay, I’m here,” I said, rolling my eyes for effect. “What was this important news that you had to drag me away from pizza night for?”
  • “It’s okay, you can come out, you don’t have to be afraid. Here, take my hand.” The hand that reached out toward me was like any I’d ever seen before.
  • “Let go!” I screamed at the man holding me in a headlock. I tried to kick his shins, but he just grunted and held tight.  Think quick , I told myself.  Time is running out. If only…

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Writing Prompts with an Element of Suspense

  • Estella ran down the trail, her dog, Gerard, several feet ahead of her. A gust of wind ripped through the forest and a loud crack on her left caught her attention. She watched the tree fall, then turned back to the trail, but Gerard was gone…
  • The light started to flicker, first blue, then white. I looked around for a way out, but I was trapped. I guess I’d have to resort to the backup plan…
  • The footprints in the snow were fresh. They veered off the path and into the woods. I had to make a choice. It was now or never.
  • I tiptoed down the stairs of the prison. I had to break her out of here before…
  • It was really hot that day, so I went to my favorite lake. I was about to jump into the cool water when a big splash in the middle of the lake sent ripples over the water. Something was in there. Something…
  • My sister and I entered the fairgrounds suspiciously. The note we’d found had said that the mystery person would be here at five, and it was half-past four. We weren’t taking any chances. We had to find him before…
  • Ellen squeezed down the narrow aisle of the plane looking for row M. She stuffed her backpack under the seat in front of her with her feet and buckled up. As the plane lifted off the ground, the pilot welcome them aboard their flight to Iceland. Wait, what? This wasn’t the flight to…?
  • I walked out of the interview, still holding my breath. This was my dream job and I was afraid that the smallest of breaths would cause me to wake up. I exited the building and a little girl approached me. “The job’s yours,” she said, somewhat prophetically. “All you have to do is…”
  • Last night, I was taking a nap on the couch when the phone rang. When I answered it, the voice on the other end said, “Will you accept a collect call from Brazil?” I started to panic, was this the call John has warned me about? I answered it with trepidation…
  • It was my seventeenth birthday, and I’d been planning the party for months. Everything was perfect: the decorations were over the top, the food catered by my favorite restaurant, and every cool kid in school was there. The only problem? I was stuck in…
  • The shelves in the used bookstore climbed higher than I could see, I’d never seen so many books before in my life. I climbed the rolling ladder to get a better look. Just then, a woman approached and held out a thick, red leather-bound tome. “This is one you seek,” she called out to me. “Look no further. This one will…
  • I was sitting at a bus stop when a little girl came up to me and gave me a small box. It started trembling in my hands but when I looked up to ask her what it was, she’d disappeared.
  • I tiptoed into the haunted house, looking both ways to see what was in it. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw…
  • I was about to enter my house when I saw a little dog running down the street toward the busy intersection. There was nobody with him. Without thinking, I took off after him and…
  • A loud crash sent me thundering down the stairs to the kitchen. Wolf, my rottweiler was greedily licking lasagna off the tiled floor. Not unusual in and of itself, but what caught my eye was the shiny silver thing glinting underneath the tomato sauce. Was that what I thought it was?…
  •  It was well past dark and I was the last person in the library. It was eerily quiet, except for a faint tapping sound coming from the next aisle. I moved cautiously toward the end of the row and peeked my head around the corner…
  • I was running out of time. They’d said they’d give me until sundown, and that was only a few hours away. I had to…
  • That’s odd , I thought to myself as I reached the next landing and glanced up at the next set of stairs. I don’t remember there being another set of stairs here before. Is this what the old man was talking about when he said…
  • The computer beeped again. It was now pinging six times per minute. Whoever was sending these messages was getting impatient, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out why.
  • I woke up yesterday in a tree, without even a sweater to keep me dry. The weird thing is…

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Writing Prompts that Ask “What If?”

  • What if every character you wrote automatically came to life and a foreign government was after you to make spies for them?
  • What if a family member you’d never met left you a parcel of land in Norway, but when you got there you realized it was an enchanted forest?
  • What if your parents came home from work tonight and told you they were sending you to boarding school?
  • What if you were eating breakfast alone at your kitchen table when a newscaster interrupted your favorite TV show to break the story of a missing person, and the missing person was you?
  • What if you could live in Ikea for a month?
  • What if a cruise ship full of celebrities got stuck at sea for two weeks?
  • What if you were in a museum and discovered a stack of letters describing the location of a buried treasure in your hometown?
  • What if you were cast as the lead in an opera but you’d faked your way into the role and didn’t actually know how to sing?
  • What if a child saw her parents stealing, but chose to keep it a secret so that she wouldn’t be separated from them?
  • What if someone offered you the gift of being the best painter in the world, but in return, you could never stop painting?
  • What if your pet was elected mayor of your city?
  • What if you were an Uber driver in a world where people travel by hot air balloon instead of by car?
  • What if you found a time machine, traveled back in time to ancient Egypt, and discovered that their world was even more modernized than ours and included more advanced technology but that they’d destroyed all evidence of these advances in an effort to protect future generations from making the same devastating decisions that they had?
  • What if a screenwriter approached you about making a movie about your life, but every time she interviewed you, she completely ignored every answer you gave and made up her own?
  • What if you could type 1000 words per minute and could write a new novel every hour?
  • What if you woke up tomorrow morning speaking five new languages that you’d never heard before, only to discover that you’d been recruited by international spies and they’d filled your brain with secrets and information while you were sleeping?
  • What if you could never leave high school, but instead had to keep coming back year after year to try and get perfect grades before you were allowed to move on?
  • What if your parents were taking you on a dream vacation to Europe, but they got kidnapped at an airport and you had to navigate new countries on your own while trying to save them?
  • What if you invented a new tool that could clean your whole house in fifteen minutes and you became a millionaire overnight?
  • What if you were reading a list of writing prompts, and you realized that every sentence that came out of your mouth was, in fact, a writing prompt and that you were compelled to write a story for each one?

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Story Starters that will Bend Readers’ Minds

  • The answer is 49. I looked around the room. There was nobody else there except Quincey. Could it be?
  • It’s all over the news. Random events are taking place. What if someone discovers that it’s my dreams coming true, literally? What will they do to me? I have to find…
  • On Saturday morning I went out to the backyard in my slippers and robe to feed my pet rabbits. When I reached their hutch, I gasped. A large hole had been torn in the wire door and the hutch was empty. Fearing the worst, I scanned the yard for signs of their whereabouts, when suddenly I was tapped on the shoulder. I spun around to find a black bear standing in his hind legs. “If you ever want to see your bunnies again,” he said, …
  • Never trust your dreams, they will get you in trouble every time. At least, if they’re anything like mine. Maybe trouble has a way of finding me, but still, you need to be safe. Just last week, I had a dream about…
  • I’d been tracking him all day, and I almost had him, but I had to wait until he was under a tree before I could pounce. I stood up and scanned the clearing. That’s when I realized that I’d been duped. I wasn’t the stalker, after all. He was the bait, and I was the target.
  • A baby sits alone in the plane’s first-class section, bright red headphones perched on his head. He stares at me a moment as I pass, then snaps his fingers at the flight attendant to get her attention. Was this another one of…
  • You’re forty years old and are happily married to your spouse of 15 years. You’re offered an opportunity to go back to your childhood and correct a horrible mistake you made, and you accept it. You fix the mistake and continue moving through the stages of your life as you did before. Only, the day you were supposed to meet your spouse for the first time, they never showed up.
  • You’re walking down a deserted street downtown when you pass a building with a mural painted on its wall. As you take it in, the faces on the mural suddenly start talking to you, warning you of crimes that are about to occur in the city. You’re unable to shut out their voices or ignore them.
  • You’re in the car when the person on the radio starts talking about something you did yesterday. Only, you didn’t actually do it, you only thought about it. And it wasn’t yesterday, it was five minutes ago.
  • You discover a book in your parent’s bedroom that describes everything you’ve ever said and done. But the book is a hundred years old, and you’re just twelve. Or so you thought.
  • She stepped off the plane looking different from how I remembered her, which was strange as it had only been a few months. But she was taller somehow, her eyes were darker, her features sharper. What had they done to her at that retreat?
  • Sometimes I wish I could just get into a waterproof bubble and float away, forever, away from all of this. Leave it all behind and start over. I never actually thought it would be possible, until…
  •  The house started to shake, and at first, I thought it was an earthquake. We’d trained for those at school. I ran to the nearest door frame and pushed my hands and feet into it as hard as I could. But this wasn’t a normal earthquake. None of the other houses outside were shaking, for one thing. And it went on much too long. As the shaking got more and more intense, a hole opened in the middle of the house, and from it rose…
  • I can talk to animals. It’s just something I’ve always been able to do. I didn’t even know it was weird until some kids at school saw me shooting the breeze with a murder of crows at recess one day. Now I have to keep it a secret. If anyone else finds out…
  • You’re walking home with your friends from school one day when your best friend vanishes down a manhole. You jump in without thinking and discover that in the sewer lives an entire species of…
  • Leonard sat down on the park bench to tie his shoelace. An old man walked up with his dog and asked Leonard if he’d watch the dog for five minutes. The man never returned, and Leonard…
  • I walked through the market timidly, unsure of what I was looking for, but somehow feeling sure that I would find it here. A flash of light flickered almost imperceptibly to my right, and instinctively I turned toward the stall that I’d just passed, but it was gone. In its place…
  • Yesterday, my mother was turned into a rock. Yes, a rock. The kind that’s small enough to put in my pocket and carry around. In fact, that’s where she is right now. I have one week to figure out who did this and find them if I ever want to see her face again.
  •  I knew robotics were dangerous. I’ve been warning them for years. Even when I was seven, I could see the harm they were capable of causing. But nobody listened to me. Until now. Now that an evil robot is threatening to destroy the world, suddenly they come running back to me for help. Good thing I’m thirteen now. Maybe they’ll actually listen this time.
  • It never occurred to me that it would actually work. Who would have thought that the teleporter at the Star Trek Museum was functional? You’d think they would have put up a sign warning kids about that, or something. Anyway, that’s how Jamie and I ended up in this barren land. Now we need to figure out how to get back.

Hopefully, these creative writing prompts for middle school have given you tons of new inspiration for your next class project. Whether you’re writing short stories, flash fiction, or novels, working from a sentence starter or writing prompt is a fun way to spark ideas.

Wednesday 15th of November 2023

these are cool

Tuesday 27th of June 2023

I love these! I've recently started a creative writing journal and have been struggling to find inspiration. I learned about story starters earlier this week and have been hunting down prompts ever since. This list is perfect, thank you!

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Picture Prompts

Over 140 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

By Natalie Proulx

  • May 23, 2019

Sign up for our free Learning Network newsletter. Receive new writing prompts in your inbox every week.

Updated: May 31, 2019

Think The New York Times is only for readers at a high-school reading level? Think again.

Besides written articles, The Times also offers a rich collection of visuals — photos, illustrations, graphics, GIFs and short videos — that are accessible to learners of all levels. Since 2016, we’ve been featuring these images in our daily Picture Prompts : short, image-driven posts that invite a variety of kinds of student writing.

Teachers tell us they use these prompts in all kinds of ways. Some use them to encourage students to develop a daily writing habit . Others as an exercise to practice inferences , spark discussion or support reading . This year, one elementary school music teacher told us how her class used the visuals as inspiration for writing short stories accompanied by music .

For more ideas, we have a lesson plan on how to teach with Picture Prompts and other Times images, as well as a free, on-demand webinar that explores how to use our thousands of writing prompts for everyday low-stakes writing practice across the curriculum.

Below, we’ve categorized the 140+ prompts we published during the 2018-19 school year based on the type of writing they primarily ask students to do — whether it’s penning short stories and poems, sharing experiences from their own lives, telling us their opinions, or interpreting an image’s message. All are still open for comment.

You can find even more images in our Picture Prompt roundups for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years.

If you use this feature with your students, or if you have other ideas for how to use photos, illustrations and graphics to encourage writing, let us know in the comments section.

What story could this image tell? Use your imagination.

Three Dots Balloon Face Oars and S’mores Conversation Spaceship at the White House Around the Campfire Special Key Computer Screen 17-Foot Python Batman on a Couch Hanging With Friends Hole in the Ceiling In a Crowd Opossum Among Shoes Your Food Obsession Tech Gadgets Carrying a Letter Reaching Through the Wall Sledding in the Mountains Trees, River, Cottage and Sheep The Ride Headphones Leap In the Stands Shade Under the Table Security Line At Their Computers Tiny Stories Tarot Cards Haunted House? Driver and Bicyclist Red Ball Kneeling and Reaching A Letter in the Mail Campfire

Share experiences from your own life.

One Last Adventure Amusement Park Dog in a Backpack Generation Z Breakfast A New App Met Gala Tidying Up Take Your Child to Work Day New Homes Photos From Space Social Media Star Signs of Spring Literary Protagonists The Story of Your Name Dream Home Momo Gym Class Nostalgic Places Price Tags Night Owl or Early Bird Lunar New Year Rescue Pets Polar Vortex Facing Rejection Dreams Superstitions Holiday Season Astrology Favorite Books Journaling Caffeine Giving and Getting Candy Around the World Journeys Saying Thank You Nutrition ‘The Simpsons’ Man, Seal, Octopus Weddings The Night Sky Remembering 9/11 World’s Largest Prairie Dog

What do you think this image, chart or cartoon is saying?

Falling Bottles Focus Here Emojis Eagle and Gender Symbols Hand and Fist Jungle Gym Stacks of Money Magnifying Glass ‘Freedom From Want’ ‘The Writer’s Block’ Watching Walking Down the Street Gun Parts Globe and Books Head Full of Stuff Tight Rope Adventure New Faces Leaping Over Binoculars Brexit Floating Coins Giant Machine Blue Water Other People’s Burdens In a Maze Chalk Outline Hands on Their Shoulders Past and Future Pieces of a Flag From a Hole to a Balloon

What’s your opinion on this issue?

Spy Cams Jack-of-all-trades Gender Expectations Game Show Winner Royal Baby Movie Theaters Tiger Woods Wins ‘The Image of the Revolution’ Final Four Referees $430 Million Deal Student Climate Strikes Women’s History Month Legos and Battlebots Cash Reward Brushing Beagle Book Covers Super Bowl Commercials Math Fast-Food Buffet The ‘Bird Box’ Challenge Hands-On Parenting 2018 in Pictures The Outspoken N.B.A. Online Video Games Standout Steer California Wildfire Election Day Public Libraries Champions A Computer in Everything Snail Mail Fashion Trends Sleep Deprivation Household Chores Gymnastics on Horseback Song of Summer Giant Ice Disk

Want more writing prompts?

You can find our full collection of writing prompts, added as they publish, here . We also have a list of over 1,000 writing prompts for narrative and persuasive writing gathered from our daily Student Opinion questions . Plus, we have a collection of “ 40 Intriguing Images to Make Students Think ,” taken from four years of our weekly “ What’s Going On in This Picture? ” feature.


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    Here are the prompts: Special Power - picture001 Download. The Cave - picture002 Download. Discovering you can fly - picture003 Download. The Bird - picture004 Download. Minecraft in the real world - picture005 Download. Forest reclaimed our city - picture006 Download.

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    Write a short story, poem or memoir inspired by this illustration. Related Picture Prompt Glenn Harvey. Trapped Inside. Wilderness Wayfaring. Magical Chores. I'm Sorry. Dollar Bills. Dinosaurs ...

  4. 145 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

    These short, accessible, image-driven prompts invite students to pen short stories, poems and memoirs; share experiences from their lives; analyze illustrations, graphs and charts; and tell us ...

  5. 70 Picture Prompts for Creative Writing (with Free Slides)

    Visual creative writing prompts are fantastic for elementary school because younger students often relate more to a pictorial prompt than a written one, but don't shy away from using these with high school and middle school students as well. Pictures make a fun alternative to your typical writing prompts and story starters and can help shake ...

  6. 30 Creative Picture Writing Prompts

    All the picture prompts in this post are available for free download in PNG format. You can easily access and use these resources to enhance your teaching and engage your students in creative writing activities. 1. Animals and Nature. Prompt: "Write a story about a day in the life of a lion in the savannah.

  7. A Year of Picture Prompts: Over 160 Images to Inspire Writing

    Below, we've categorized the 160+ prompts we published during the 2016-17 school year based on the type of writing they primarily encourage students to do. All are still open for comment. Plus ...

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    A long list of picture writing prompts. 1. A secret garden hidden behind an old, ivy-covered wall, with flowers that glow in the dark. 2. A futuristic city floating in the sky, connected by transparent walkways. 3. An underwater town with buildings made of coral and colorful fish swimming in the streets. 4. A world where trees are as tall as ...

  9. 85+ Picture Writing Prompts For Kids (+ Free Printable)

    85+ Picture Writing Prompts For Kids (+ Free Printable) December 18, 2021. A picture is worth a thousand words. So how many words can you write for these 85 picture writing prompts for kids and grow-ups alike! Pictures, whether something as simple as an apple or as complex as an action scene can spark the imagination in more ways than one.

  10. Picture Prompts

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    Emoji add emotion to writing prompts for kids. Have students choose an emoji after each writing prompt that must correlate to their story. It can be teacher or student directed or RANDOM. Students may be thinking one way and have to add in how characters feelings may change. Using digital emoji prompts you can remove other emojis OR circle the ...

  12. 50 Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School Students

    Prompts for Exploring Emotions. The Joy of Finding a Lost Toy. Revisit a childhood memory of losing a cherished toy and the overwhelming happiness of eventually finding it. A Moment of Overcoming Fear. Write about when you faced a fear head-on and emerged stronger and braver on the other side. The Bittersweet Farewell.

  13. 144 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

    These short, accessible, image-driven prompts invite students to pen short stories, poems and memoirs; share experiences from their lives; analyze illustrations, graphs and charts; and tell us their opinions on hot-button issues. To learn how you can use Picture Prompts to build literacy skills, promote critical thinking, inspire discussion and ...

  14. 140 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

    These short, accessible, image-driven prompts invite students to pen short stories, poems and memoirs; share experiences from their lives; analyze illustrations, graphs and charts; and tell us ...

  15. 40+ Instant Download Picture Writing Prompts for Kids!

    There are two creative writing prompts on each page. Some have a list of questions, a sentence starter, or story ideas. Feel free to ignore or alter any of those. Definitely make it your own! Once you have the files printed, cut each page in half. Allow your student to randomly pick one image every week. Consider making it a Monday warm-up or a ...

  16. 150 Writing Prompts For Middle School (+Free Printable)

    Keep reading for a free printable writing pack for middle schoolers as well! Here is a quick generator that will generate a random middle school prompt for you: Click the 'Random' button to get a random middle school writing prompt. Random. For more fun writing ideas, check out this list of over 300 writing prompt for kids.

  17. 100 Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School

    Lacking inspiration for a middle school writing project? Get your pencil moving with 100 varied creative prompts for narrative, informational, argument, and poetry writing. ... 100 Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School By Jennifer Gunner, M.Ed. Education , Senior Writer . Updated May 19, 2021 Image Credits.

  18. Picture Prompts

    On the coldest day of winter, you stumble upon a gentle reindeer lost in the snowy woods. It seems to be searching for something important. Write a narrative about how you help the reindeer find what it's looking for. Describe your journey through the snow, the clues you see, and the bond you form with this majestic animal.

  19. Five Ways to use Picture Prompts for Middle School

    Picture Writing Prompts For Middle School #1 Comic Books. The first way to get students really engaged in the writing process through pictures is by having them write some comic books. This can be done with a group of students or individually. Picture writing prompts can be used as the basis for an entire story, or just one scene in a longer ...

  20. 144 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

    You can find even more in our roundups for the 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years, as well as in this collection of 25 spooky images for writing scary stories ...

  21. Middle Grades

    Middle Grades. Search by Grade Level: Middle Grades (Grades 6-8) Clicking on the picture will take you to the prompt . . . eventually. However, we're still putting this thing together. Note that there is a major overlap between mid-level and high school. That's because the distinction is often muddled in terms of interest, development, etc.

  22. 100 Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School

    Writing Prompts for Stories That Start with Dialogue. "Drink it, quick!". I looked at the bottle. The contents were unlike any I'd ever seen. I closed my eyes and drank it in one gulp…. "Five more minutes," my dad grunted, as I tried to pull him out of bed. "Dad, they're here-we have to go!". "Shh…". I said frantically ...

  23. Over 140 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

    Below, we've categorized the 140+ prompts we published during the 2018-19 school year based on the type of writing they primarily ask students to do — whether it's penning short stories and ...

  24. The Macro Photographer

    For today's prompt, write about a macro photographer's work. Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments below. Since obtaining her MFA in fiction, Moriah Richard has worked with over 100 authors to help them achieve their publication dreams. As the managing editor of Writer's Digest magazine, she spearheads the world-building ...