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Secondary research: definition, methods, & examples.

19 min read This ultimate guide to secondary research helps you understand changes in market trends, customers buying patterns and your competition using existing data sources.

In situations where you’re not involved in the data gathering process ( primary research ), you have to rely on existing information and data to arrive at specific research conclusions or outcomes. This approach is known as secondary research.

In this article, we’re going to explain what secondary research is, how it works, and share some examples of it in practice.

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What is secondary research?

Secondary research, also known as desk research, is a research method that involves compiling existing data sourced from a variety of channels . This includes internal sources ( research) or, more commonly, external sources (such as government statistics, organizational bodies, and the internet).

Secondary research comes in several formats, such as published datasets, reports, and survey responses , and can also be sourced from websites, libraries, and museums.

The information is usually free — or available at a limited access cost — and gathered using surveys , telephone interviews, observation, face-to-face interviews, and more.

When using secondary research, researchers collect, verify, analyze and incorporate it to help them confirm research goals for the research period.

As well as the above, it can be used to review previous research into an area of interest. Researchers can look for patterns across data spanning several years and identify trends — or use it to verify early hypothesis statements and establish whether it’s worth continuing research into a prospective area.

How to conduct secondary research

There are five key steps to conducting secondary research effectively and efficiently:

1.    Identify and define the research topic

First, understand what you will be researching and define the topic by thinking about the research questions you want to be answered.

Ask yourself: What is the point of conducting this research? Then, ask: What do we want to achieve?

This may indicate an exploratory reason (why something happened) or confirm a hypothesis. The answers may indicate ideas that need primary or secondary research (or a combination) to investigate them.

2.    Find research and existing data sources

If secondary research is needed, think about where you might find the information. This helps you narrow down your secondary sources to those that help you answer your questions. What keywords do you need to use?

Which organizations are closely working on this topic already? Are there any competitors that you need to be aware of?

Create a list of the data sources, information, and people that could help you with your work.

3.    Begin searching and collecting the existing data

Now that you have the list of data sources, start accessing the data and collect the information into an organized system. This may mean you start setting up research journal accounts or making telephone calls to book meetings with third-party research teams to verify the details around data results.

As you search and access information, remember to check the data’s date, the credibility of the source, the relevance of the material to your research topic, and the methodology used by the third-party researchers. Start small and as you gain results, investigate further in the areas that help your research’s aims.

4.    Combine the data and compare the results

When you have your data in one place, you need to understand, filter, order, and combine it intelligently. Data may come in different formats where some data could be unusable, while other information may need to be deleted.

After this, you can start to look at different data sets to see what they tell you. You may find that you need to compare the same datasets over different periods for changes over time or compare different datasets to notice overlaps or trends. Ask yourself: What does this data mean to my research? Does it help or hinder my research?

5.    Analyze your data and explore further

In this last stage of the process, look at the information you have and ask yourself if this answers your original questions for your research. Are there any gaps? Do you understand the information you’ve found? If you feel there is more to cover, repeat the steps and delve deeper into the topic so that you can get all the information you need.

If secondary research can’t provide these answers, consider supplementing your results with data gained from primary research. As you explore further, add to your knowledge and update your findings. This will help you present clear, credible information.

Primary vs secondary research

Unlike secondary research, primary research involves creating data first-hand by directly working with interviewees, target users, or a target market. Primary research focuses on the method for carrying out research, asking questions, and collecting data using approaches such as:

  • Interviews (panel, face-to-face or over the phone)
  • Questionnaires or surveys
  • Focus groups

Using these methods, researchers can get in-depth, targeted responses to questions, making results more accurate and specific to their research goals. However, it does take time to do and administer.

Unlike primary research, secondary research uses existing data, which also includes published results from primary research. Researchers summarize the existing research and use the results to support their research goals.

Both primary and secondary research have their places. Primary research can support the findings found through secondary research (and fill knowledge gaps), while secondary research can be a starting point for further primary research. Because of this, these research methods are often combined for optimal research results that are accurate at both the micro and macro level.

Sources of Secondary Research

There are two types of secondary research sources: internal and external. Internal data refers to in-house data that can be gathered from the researcher’s organization. External data refers to data published outside of and not owned by the researcher’s organization.

Internal data

Internal data is a good first port of call for insights and knowledge, as you may already have relevant information stored in your systems. Because you own this information — and it won’t be available to other researchers — it can give you a competitive edge . Examples of internal data include:

  • Database information on sales history and business goal conversions
  • Information from website applications and mobile site data
  • Customer-generated data on product and service efficiency and use
  • Previous research results or supplemental research areas
  • Previous campaign results

External data

External data is useful when you: 1) need information on a new topic, 2) want to fill in gaps in your knowledge, or 3) want data that breaks down a population or market for trend and pattern analysis. Examples of external data include:

  • Government, non-government agencies, and trade body statistics
  • Company reports and research
  • Competitor research
  • Public library collections
  • Textbooks and research journals
  • Media stories in newspapers
  • Online journals and research sites

Three examples of secondary research methods in action

How and why might you conduct secondary research? Let’s look at a few examples:

1.    Collecting factual information from the internet on a specific topic or market

There are plenty of sites that hold data for people to view and use in their research. For example, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, or Wiley Online Library all provide previous research on a particular topic. Researchers can create free accounts and use the search facilities to look into a topic by keyword, before following the instructions to download or export results for further analysis.

This can be useful for exploring a new market that your organization wants to consider entering. For instance, by viewing the U.S Census Bureau demographic data for that area, you can see what the demographics of your target audience are , and create compelling marketing campaigns accordingly.

2.    Finding out the views of your target audience on a particular topic

If you’re interested in seeing the historical views on a particular topic, for example, attitudes to women’s rights in the US, you can turn to secondary sources.

Textbooks, news articles, reviews, and journal entries can all provide qualitative reports and interviews covering how people discussed women’s rights. There may be multimedia elements like video or documented posters of propaganda showing biased language usage.

By gathering this information, synthesizing it, and evaluating the language, who created it and when it was shared, you can create a timeline of how a topic was discussed over time.

3.    When you want to know the latest thinking on a topic

Educational institutions, such as schools and colleges, create a lot of research-based reports on younger audiences or their academic specialisms. Dissertations from students also can be submitted to research journals, making these places useful places to see the latest insights from a new generation of academics.

Information can be requested — and sometimes academic institutions may want to collaborate and conduct research on your behalf. This can provide key primary data in areas that you want to research, as well as secondary data sources for your research.

Advantages of secondary research

There are several benefits of using secondary research, which we’ve outlined below:

  • Easily and readily available data – There is an abundance of readily accessible data sources that have been pre-collected for use, in person at local libraries and online using the internet. This data is usually sorted by filters or can be exported into spreadsheet format, meaning that little technical expertise is needed to access and use the data.
  • Faster research speeds – Since the data is already published and in the public arena, you don’t need to collect this information through primary research. This can make the research easier to do and faster, as you can get started with the data quickly.
  • Low financial and time costs – Most secondary data sources can be accessed for free or at a small cost to the researcher, so the overall research costs are kept low. In addition, by saving on preliminary research, the time costs for the researcher are kept down as well.
  • Secondary data can drive additional research actions – The insights gained can support future research activities (like conducting a follow-up survey or specifying future detailed research topics) or help add value to these activities.
  • Secondary data can be useful pre-research insights – Secondary source data can provide pre-research insights and information on effects that can help resolve whether research should be conducted. It can also help highlight knowledge gaps, so subsequent research can consider this.
  • Ability to scale up results – Secondary sources can include large datasets (like Census data results across several states) so research results can be scaled up quickly using large secondary data sources.

Disadvantages of secondary research

The disadvantages of secondary research are worth considering in advance of conducting research :

  • Secondary research data can be out of date – Secondary sources can be updated regularly, but if you’re exploring the data between two updates, the data can be out of date. Researchers will need to consider whether the data available provides the right research coverage dates, so that insights are accurate and timely, or if the data needs to be updated. Also, fast-moving markets may find secondary data expires very quickly.
  • Secondary research needs to be verified and interpreted – Where there’s a lot of data from one source, a researcher needs to review and analyze it. The data may need to be verified against other data sets or your hypotheses for accuracy and to ensure you’re using the right data for your research.
  • The researcher has had no control over the secondary research – As the researcher has not been involved in the secondary research, invalid data can affect the results. It’s therefore vital that the methodology and controls are closely reviewed so that the data is collected in a systematic and error-free way.
  • Secondary research data is not exclusive – As data sets are commonly available, there is no exclusivity and many researchers can use the same data. This can be problematic where researchers want to have exclusive rights over the research results and risk duplication of research in the future.

When do we conduct secondary research?

Now that you know the basics of secondary research, when do researchers normally conduct secondary research?

It’s often used at the beginning of research, when the researcher is trying to understand the current landscape . In addition, if the research area is new to the researcher, it can form crucial background context to help them understand what information exists already. This can plug knowledge gaps, supplement the researcher’s own learning or add to the research.

Secondary research can also be used in conjunction with primary research. Secondary research can become the formative research that helps pinpoint where further primary research is needed to find out specific information. It can also support or verify the findings from primary research.

You can use secondary research where high levels of control aren’t needed by the researcher, but a lot of knowledge on a topic is required from different angles.

Secondary research should not be used in place of primary research as both are very different and are used for various circumstances.

Questions to ask before conducting secondary research

Before you start your secondary research, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is there similar internal data that we have created for a similar area in the past?

If your organization has past research, it’s best to review this work before starting a new project. The older work may provide you with the answers, and give you a starting dataset and context of how your organization approached the research before. However, be mindful that the work is probably out of date and view it with that note in mind. Read through and look for where this helps your research goals or where more work is needed.

  • What am I trying to achieve with this research?

When you have clear goals, and understand what you need to achieve, you can look for the perfect type of secondary or primary research to support the aims. Different secondary research data will provide you with different information – for example, looking at news stories to tell you a breakdown of your market’s buying patterns won’t be as useful as internal or external data e-commerce and sales data sources.

  • How credible will my research be?

If you are looking for credibility, you want to consider how accurate the research results will need to be, and if you can sacrifice credibility for speed by using secondary sources to get you started. Bear in mind which sources you choose — low-credibility data sites, like political party websites that are highly biased to favor their own party, would skew your results.

  • What is the date of the secondary research?

When you’re looking to conduct research, you want the results to be as useful as possible , so using data that is 10 years old won’t be as accurate as using data that was created a year ago. Since a lot can change in a few years, note the date of your research and look for earlier data sets that can tell you a more recent picture of results. One caveat to this is using data collected over a long-term period for comparisons with earlier periods, which can tell you about the rate and direction of change.

  • Can the data sources be verified? Does the information you have check out?

If you can’t verify the data by looking at the research methodology, speaking to the original team or cross-checking the facts with other research, it could be hard to be sure that the data is accurate. Think about whether you can use another source, or if it’s worth doing some supplementary primary research to replicate and verify results to help with this issue.

We created a front-to-back guide on conducting market research, The ultimate guide to conducting market research , so you can understand the research journey with confidence.

In it, you’ll learn more about:

  • What effective market research looks like
  • The use cases for market research
  • The most important steps to conducting market research
  • And how to take action on your research findings

Download the free guide for a clearer view on secondary research and other key research types for your business.

Related resources

Market intelligence 10 min read, marketing insights 11 min read, ethnographic research 11 min read, qualitative vs quantitative research 13 min read, qualitative research questions 11 min read, qualitative research design 12 min read, primary vs secondary research 14 min read, request demo.

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Secondary Research: Definition, Methods and Examples.

secondary research

In the world of research, there are two main types of data sources: primary and secondary. While primary research involves collecting new data directly from individuals or sources, secondary research involves analyzing existing data already collected by someone else. Today we’ll discuss secondary research.

One common source of this research is published research reports and other documents. These materials can often be found in public libraries, on websites, or even as data extracted from previously conducted surveys. In addition, many government and non-government agencies maintain extensive data repositories that can be accessed for research purposes.

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While secondary research may not offer the same level of control as primary research, it can be a highly valuable tool for gaining insights and identifying trends. Researchers can save time and resources by leveraging existing data sources while still uncovering important information.

What is Secondary Research: Definition

Secondary research is a research method that involves using already existing data. Existing data is summarized and collated to increase the overall effectiveness of the research.

One of the key advantages of secondary research is that it allows us to gain insights and draw conclusions without having to collect new data ourselves. This can save time and resources and also allow us to build upon existing knowledge and expertise.

When conducting secondary research, it’s important to be thorough and thoughtful in our approach. This means carefully selecting the sources and ensuring that the data we’re analyzing is reliable and relevant to the research question . It also means being critical and analytical in the analysis and recognizing any potential biases or limitations in the data.

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Secondary research is much more cost-effective than primary research , as it uses already existing data, unlike primary research, where data is collected firsthand by organizations or businesses or they can employ a third party to collect data on their behalf.

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Secondary Research Methods with Examples

Secondary research is cost-effective, one of the reasons it is a popular choice among many businesses and organizations. Not every organization is able to pay a huge sum of money to conduct research and gather data. So, rightly secondary research is also termed “ desk research ”, as data can be retrieved from sitting behind a desk.

secondary research government reports

The following are popularly used secondary research methods and examples:

1. Data Available on The Internet

One of the most popular ways to collect secondary data is the internet. Data is readily available on the internet and can be downloaded at the click of a button.

This data is practically free of cost, or one may have to pay a negligible amount to download the already existing data. Websites have a lot of information that businesses or organizations can use to suit their research needs. However, organizations need to consider only authentic and trusted website to collect information.

2. Government and Non-Government Agencies

Data for secondary research can also be collected from some government and non-government agencies. For example, US Government Printing Office, US Census Bureau, and Small Business Development Centers have valuable and relevant data that businesses or organizations can use.

There is a certain cost applicable to download or use data available with these agencies. Data obtained from these agencies are authentic and trustworthy.

3. Public Libraries

Public libraries are another good source to search for data for this research. Public libraries have copies of important research that were conducted earlier. They are a storehouse of important information and documents from which information can be extracted.

The services provided in these public libraries vary from one library to another. More often, libraries have a huge collection of government publications with market statistics, large collection of business directories and newsletters.

4. Educational Institutions

Importance of collecting data from educational institutions for secondary research is often overlooked. However, more research is conducted in colleges and universities than any other business sector.

The data that is collected by universities is mainly for primary research. However, businesses or organizations can approach educational institutions and request for data from them.

5. Commercial Information Sources

Local newspapers, journals, magazines, radio and TV stations are a great source to obtain data for secondary research. These commercial information sources have first-hand information on economic developments, political agenda, market research, demographic segmentation and similar subjects.

Businesses or organizations can request to obtain data that is most relevant to their study. Businesses not only have the opportunity to identify their prospective clients but can also know about the avenues to promote their products or services through these sources as they have a wider reach.

Key Differences between Primary Research and Secondary Research

Understanding the distinction between primary research and secondary research is essential in determining which research method is best for your project. These are the two main types of research methods, each with advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we will explore the critical differences between the two and when it is appropriate to use them.

How to Conduct Secondary Research?

We have already learned about the differences between primary and secondary research. Now, let’s take a closer look at how to conduct it.

Secondary research is an important tool for gathering information already collected and analyzed by others. It can help us save time and money and allow us to gain insights into the subject we are researching. So, in this section, we will discuss some common methods and tips for conducting it effectively.

Here are the steps involved in conducting secondary research:

1. Identify the topic of research: Before beginning secondary research, identify the topic that needs research. Once that’s done, list down the research attributes and its purpose.

2. Identify research sources: Next, narrow down on the information sources that will provide most relevant data and information applicable to your research.

3. Collect existing data: Once the data collection sources are narrowed down, check for any previous data that is available which is closely related to the topic. Data related to research can be obtained from various sources like newspapers, public libraries, government and non-government agencies etc.

4. Combine and compare: Once data is collected, combine and compare the data for any duplication and assemble data into a usable format. Make sure to collect data from authentic sources. Incorrect data can hamper research severely.

4. Analyze data: Analyze collected data and identify if all questions are answered. If not, repeat the process if there is a need to dwell further into actionable insights.

Advantages of Secondary Research

Secondary research offers a number of advantages to researchers, including efficiency, the ability to build upon existing knowledge, and the ability to conduct research in situations where primary research may not be possible or ethical. By carefully selecting their sources and being thoughtful in their approach, researchers can leverage secondary research to drive impact and advance the field. Some key advantages are the following:

1. Most information in this research is readily available. There are many sources from which relevant data can be collected and used, unlike primary research, where data needs to collect from scratch.

2. This is a less expensive and less time-consuming process as data required is easily available and doesn’t cost much if extracted from authentic sources. A minimum expenditure is associated to obtain data.

3. The data that is collected through secondary research gives organizations or businesses an idea about the effectiveness of primary research. Hence, organizations or businesses can form a hypothesis and evaluate cost of conducting primary research.

4. Secondary research is quicker to conduct because of the availability of data. It can be completed within a few weeks depending on the objective of businesses or scale of data needed.

As we can see, this research is the process of analyzing data already collected by someone else, and it can offer a number of benefits to researchers.

Disadvantages of Secondary Research

On the other hand, we have some disadvantages that come with doing secondary research. Some of the most notorious are the following:

1. Although data is readily available, credibility evaluation must be performed to understand the authenticity of the information available.

2. Not all secondary data resources offer the latest reports and statistics. Even when the data is accurate, it may not be updated enough to accommodate recent timelines.

3. Secondary research derives its conclusion from collective primary research data. The success of your research will depend, to a greater extent, on the quality of research already conducted by primary research.

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In conclusion, secondary research is an important tool for researchers exploring various topics. By leveraging existing data sources, researchers can save time and resources, build upon existing knowledge, and conduct research in situations where primary research may not be feasible.

There are a variety of methods and examples of secondary research, from analyzing public data sets to reviewing previously published research papers. As students and aspiring researchers, it’s important to understand the benefits and limitations of this research and to approach it thoughtfully and critically. By doing so, we can continue to advance our understanding of the world around us and contribute to meaningful research that positively impacts society.

QuestionPro can be a useful tool for conducting secondary research in a variety of ways. You can create online surveys that target a specific population, collecting data that can be analyzed to gain insights into consumer behavior, attitudes, and preferences; analyze existing data sets that you have obtained through other means or benchmark your organization against others in your industry or against industry standards. The software provides a range of benchmarking tools that can help you compare your performance on key metrics, such as customer satisfaction, with that of your peers.

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Secondary Research Advantages, Limitations, and Sources

Summary: secondary research should be a prerequisite to the collection of primary data, but it rarely provides all the answers you need. a thorough evaluation of the secondary data is needed to assess its relevance and accuracy..

5 minutes to read. By author Michaela Mora on January 25, 2022 Topics: Relevant Methods & Tips , Business Strategy , Market Research

Secondary Research

Secondary research is based on data already collected for purposes other than the specific problem you have. Secondary research is usually part of exploratory market research designs.

The connection between the specific purpose that originates the research is what differentiates secondary research from primary research. Primary research is designed to address specific problems. However, analysis of available secondary data should be a prerequisite to the collection of primary data.

Advantages of Secondary Research

Secondary data can be faster and cheaper to obtain, depending on the sources you use.

Secondary research can help to:

  • Answer certain research questions and test some hypotheses.
  • Formulate an appropriate research design (e.g., identify key variables).
  • Interpret data from primary research as it can provide some insights into general trends in an industry or product category.
  • Understand the competitive landscape.

Limitations of Secondary Research

The usefulness of secondary research tends to be limited often for two main reasons:

Lack of relevance

Secondary research rarely provides all the answers you need. The objectives and methodology used to collect the secondary data may not be appropriate for the problem at hand.

Given that it was designed to find answers to a different problem than yours, you will likely find gaps in answers to your problem. Furthermore, the data collection methods used may not provide the data type needed to support the business decisions you have to make (e.g., qualitative research methods are not appropriate for go/no-go decisions).

Lack of Accuracy

Secondary data may be incomplete and lack accuracy depending on;

  • The research design (exploratory, descriptive, causal, primary vs. repackaged secondary data, the analytical plan, etc.)
  • Sampling design and sources (target audiences, recruitment methods)
  • Data collection method (qualitative and quantitative techniques)
  • Analysis point of view (focus and omissions)
  • Reporting stages (preliminary, final, peer-reviewed)
  • Rate of change in the studied topic (slowly vs. rapidly evolving phenomenon, e.g., adoption of specific technologies).
  • Lack of agreement between data sources.

Criteria for Evaluating Secondary Research Data

Before taking the information at face value, you should conduct a thorough evaluation of the secondary data you find using the following criteria:

  • Purpose : Understanding why the data was collected and what questions it was trying to answer will tell us how relevant and useful it is since it may or may not be appropriate for your objectives.
  • Methodology used to collect the data : Important to understand sources of bias.
  • Accuracy of data: Sources of errors may include research design, sampling, data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • When the data was collected : Secondary data may not be current or updated frequently enough for the purpose that you need.
  • Content of the data : Understanding the key variables, units of measurement, categories used and analyzed relationships may reveal how useful and relevant it is for your purposes.
  • Source reputation : In the era of purposeful misinformation on the Internet, it is important to check the expertise, credibility, reputation, and trustworthiness of the data source.

Secondary Research Data Sources

Compared to primary research, the collection of secondary data can be faster and cheaper to obtain, depending on the sources you use.

Secondary data can come from internal or external sources.

Internal sources of secondary data include ready-to-use data or data that requires further processing available in internal management support systems your company may be using (e.g., invoices, sales transactions, Google Analytics for your website, etc.).

Prior primary qualitative and quantitative research conducted by the company are also common sources of secondary data. They often generate more questions and help formulate new primary research needed.

However, if there are no internal data collection systems yet or prior research, you probably won’t have much usable secondary data at your disposal.

External sources of secondary data include:

  • Published materials
  • External databases
  • Syndicated services.

Published Materials

Published materials can be classified as:

  • General business sources: Guides, directories, indexes, and statistical data.
  • Government sources: Census data and other government publications.

External Databases

In many industries across a variety of topics, there are private and public databases that can bed accessed online or by downloading data for free, a fixed fee, or a subscription.

These databases can include bibliographic, numeric, full-text, directory, and special-purpose databases. Some public institutions make data collected through various methods, including surveys, available for others to analyze.

Syndicated Services

These services are offered by companies that collect and sell pools of data that have a commercial value and meet shared needs by a number of clients, even if the data is not collected for specific purposes those clients may have.

Syndicated services can be classified based on specific units of measurements (e.g., consumers, households, organizations, etc.).

The data collection methods for these data may include:

  • Surveys (Psychographic and Lifestyle, advertising evaluations, general topics)
  • Household panels (Purchase and media use)
  • Electronic scanner services (volume tracking data, scanner panels, scanner panels with Cable TV)
  • Audits (retailers, wholesalers)
  • Direct inquiries to institutions
  • Clipping services tracking PR for institutions
  • Corporate reports

You can spend hours doing research on Google in search of external sources, but this is likely to yield limited insights. Books, articles journals, reports, blogs posts, and videos you may find online are usually analyses and summaries of data from a particular perspective. They may be useful and give you an indication of the type of data used, but they are not the actual data. Whenever possible, you should look at the actual raw data used to draw your own conclusion on its value for your research objectives. You should check professionally gathered secondary research.

Here are some external secondary data sources often used in market research that you may find useful as starting points in your research. Some are free, while others require payment.

  • Pew Research Center : Reports about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis, and other empirical social science research.
  • : Data dissemination platform to access demographic and economic data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • : The US. government’s open data source with almost 200,00 datasets ranges in topics from health, agriculture, climate, ecosystems, public safety, finance, energy, manufacturing, education, and business.
  • Google Scholar : A web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.
  • Google Public Data Explorer : Makes large, public-interest datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate.
  • Google News Archive : Allows users to search historical newspapers and retrieve scanned images of their pages.
  • Mckinsey & Company : Articles based on analyses of various industries.
  • Statista : Business data platform with data across 170+ industries and 150+ countries.
  • Claritas : Syndicated reports on various market segments.
  • Mintel : Consumer reports combining exclusive consumer research with other market data and expert analysis.
  • : Data aggregator with over 350 publishers covering every sector of the economy as well as emerging industries.
  • Packaged Facts : Reports based on market research on consumer goods and services industries.
  • Dun & Bradstreet : Company directory with business information.

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What is Secondary Research? Types, Methods, Examples

Appinio Research · 20.09.2023 · 13min read

What Is Secondary Research Types Methods Examples

Have you ever wondered how researchers gather valuable insights without conducting new experiments or surveys? That's where secondary research steps in—a powerful approach that allows us to explore existing data and information others collect.

Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone seeking to make informed decisions, understanding the art of secondary research opens doors to a wealth of knowledge.

What is Secondary Research?

Secondary Research refers to the process of gathering and analyzing existing data, information, and knowledge that has been previously collected and compiled by others. This approach allows researchers to leverage available sources, such as articles, reports, and databases, to gain insights, validate hypotheses, and make informed decisions without collecting new data.

Benefits of Secondary Research

Secondary research offers a range of advantages that can significantly enhance your research process and the quality of your findings.

  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Secondary research saves time and resources by utilizing existing data sources, eliminating the need for data collection from scratch.
  • Wide Range of Data: Secondary research provides access to vast information from various sources, allowing for comprehensive analysis.
  • Historical Perspective: Examining past research helps identify trends, changes, and long-term patterns that might not be immediately apparent.
  • Reduced Bias: As data is collected by others, there's often less inherent bias than in conducting primary research, where biases might affect data collection.
  • Support for Primary Research: Secondary research can lay the foundation for primary research by providing context and insights into gaps in existing knowledge.
  • Comparative Analysis : By integrating data from multiple sources, you can conduct robust comparative analyses for more accurate conclusions.
  • Benchmarking and Validation: Secondary research aids in benchmarking performance against industry standards and validating hypotheses.

Primary Research vs. Secondary Research

When it comes to research methodologies, primary and secondary research each have their distinct characteristics and advantages. Here's a brief comparison to help you understand the differences.

Primary vs Secondary Research Comparison Appinio

Primary Research

  • Data Source: Involves collecting new data directly from original sources.
  • Data Collection: Researchers design and conduct surveys, interviews, experiments, or observations.
  • Time and Resources: Typically requires more time, effort, and resources due to data collection.
  • Fresh Insights: Provides firsthand, up-to-date information tailored to specific research questions.
  • Control: Researchers control the data collection process and can shape methodologies.

Secondary Research

  • Data Source: Involves utilizing existing data and information collected by others.
  • Data Collection: Researchers search, select, and analyze data from published sources, reports, and databases.
  • Time and Resources: Generally more time-efficient and cost-effective as data is already available.
  • Existing Knowledge: Utilizes data that has been previously compiled, often providing broader context.
  • Less Control: Researchers have limited control over how data was collected originally, if any.

Choosing between primary and secondary research depends on your research objectives, available resources, and the depth of insights you require.

Types of Secondary Research

Secondary research encompasses various types of existing data sources that can provide valuable insights for your research endeavors. Understanding these types can help you choose the most relevant sources for your objectives.

Here are the primary types of secondary research:

Internal Sources

Internal sources consist of data generated within your organization or entity. These sources provide valuable insights into your own operations and performance.

  • Company Records and Data: Internal reports, documents, and databases that house information about sales, operations, and customer interactions.
  • Sales Reports and Customer Data: Analysis of past sales trends, customer demographics, and purchasing behavior.
  • Financial Statements and Annual Reports: Financial data, such as balance sheets and income statements, offer insights into the organization's financial health.

External Sources

External sources encompass data collected and published by entities outside your organization.

These sources offer a broader perspective on various subjects.

  • Published Literature and Journals: Scholarly articles, research papers, and academic studies available in journals or online databases.
  • Market Research Reports: Reports from market research firms that provide insights into industry trends, consumer behavior, and market forecasts.
  • Government and NGO Databases: Data collected and maintained by government agencies and non-governmental organizations, offering demographic, economic, and social information.
  • Online Media and News Articles: News outlets and online publications that cover current events, trends, and societal developments.

Each type of secondary research source holds its value and relevance, depending on the nature of your research objectives. Combining these sources lets you understand the subject matter and make informed decisions.

How to Conduct Secondary Research?

Effective secondary research involves a thoughtful and systematic approach that enables you to extract valuable insights from existing data sources. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the process:

1. Define Your Research Objectives

Before delving into secondary research, clearly define what you aim to achieve. Identify the specific questions you want to answer, the insights you're seeking, and the scope of your research.

2. Identify Relevant Sources

Begin by identifying the most appropriate sources for your research. Consider the nature of your research objectives and the data type you require. Seek out sources such as academic journals, market research reports, official government databases, and reputable news outlets.

3. Evaluate Source Credibility

Ensuring the credibility of your sources is crucial. Evaluate the reliability of each source by assessing factors such as the author's expertise, the publication's reputation, and the objectivity of the information provided. Choose sources that align with your research goals and are free from bias.

4. Extract and Analyze Information

Once you've gathered your sources, carefully extract the relevant information. Take thorough notes, capturing key data points, insights, and any supporting evidence. As you accumulate information, start identifying patterns, trends, and connections across different sources.

5. Synthesize Findings

As you analyze the data, synthesize your findings to draw meaningful conclusions. Compare and contrast information from various sources to identify common themes and discrepancies. This synthesis process allows you to construct a coherent narrative that addresses your research objectives.

6. Address Limitations and Gaps

Acknowledge the limitations and potential gaps in your secondary research. Recognize that secondary data might have inherent biases or be outdated. Where necessary, address these limitations by cross-referencing information or finding additional sources to fill in gaps.

7. Contextualize Your Findings

Contextualization is crucial in deriving actionable insights from your secondary research. Consider the broader context within which the data was collected. How does the information relate to current trends, societal changes, or industry shifts? This contextual understanding enhances the relevance and applicability of your findings.

8. Cite Your Sources

Maintain academic integrity by properly citing the sources you've used for your secondary research. Accurate citations not only give credit to the original authors but also provide a clear trail for readers to access the information themselves.

9. Integrate Secondary and Primary Research (If Applicable)

In some cases, combining secondary and primary research can yield more robust insights. If you've also conducted primary research, consider integrating your secondary findings with your primary data to provide a well-rounded perspective on your research topic.

You can use a market research platform like Appinio to conduct primary research with real-time insights in minutes!

10. Communicate Your Findings

Finally, communicate your findings effectively. Whether it's in an academic paper, a business report, or any other format, present your insights clearly and concisely. Provide context for your conclusions and use visual aids like charts and graphs to enhance understanding.

Remember that conducting secondary research is not just about gathering information—it's about critically analyzing, interpreting, and deriving valuable insights from existing data. By following these steps, you'll navigate the process successfully and contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

Secondary Research Examples

To better understand how secondary research is applied in various contexts, let's explore a few real-world examples that showcase its versatility and value.

Market Analysis and Trend Forecasting

Imagine you're a marketing strategist tasked with launching a new product in the smartphone industry. By conducting secondary research, you can:

  • Access Market Reports: Utilize market research reports to understand consumer preferences, competitive landscape, and growth projections.
  • Analyze Trends: Examine past sales data and industry reports to identify trends in smartphone features, design, and user preferences.
  • Benchmark Competitors: Compare market share, customer satisfaction, and pricing strategies of key competitors to develop a strategic advantage.
  • Forecast Demand: Use historical sales data and market growth predictions to estimate demand for your new product.

Academic Research and Literature Reviews

Suppose you're a student researching climate change's effects on marine ecosystems. Secondary research aids your academic endeavors by:

  • Reviewing Existing Studies: Analyze peer-reviewed articles and scientific papers to understand the current state of knowledge on the topic.
  • Identifying Knowledge Gaps: Identify areas where further research is needed based on what existing studies still need to cover.
  • Comparing Methodologies: Compare research methodologies used by different studies to assess the strengths and limitations of their approaches.
  • Synthesizing Insights: Synthesize findings from various studies to form a comprehensive overview of the topic's implications on marine life.

Competitive Landscape Assessment for Business Strategy

Consider you're a business owner looking to expand your restaurant chain to a new location. Secondary research aids your strategic decision-making by:

  • Analyzing Demographics: Utilize demographic data from government databases to understand the local population's age, income, and preferences.
  • Studying Local Trends: Examine restaurant industry reports to identify the types of cuisines and dining experiences currently popular in the area.
  • Understanding Consumer Behavior: Analyze online reviews and social media discussions to gauge customer sentiment towards existing restaurants in the vicinity.
  • Assessing Economic Conditions: Access economic reports to evaluate the local economy's stability and potential purchasing power.

These examples illustrate the practical applications of secondary research across various fields to provide a foundation for informed decision-making, deeper understanding, and innovation.

Secondary Research Limitations

While secondary research offers many benefits, it's essential to be aware of its limitations to ensure the validity and reliability of your findings.

  • Data Quality and Validity: The accuracy and reliability of secondary data can vary, affecting the credibility of your research.
  • Limited Contextual Information: Secondary sources might lack detailed contextual information, making it important to interpret findings within the appropriate context.
  • Data Suitability: Existing data might not align perfectly with your research objectives, leading to compromises or incomplete insights.
  • Outdated Information: Some sources might provide obsolete information that doesn't accurately reflect current trends or situations.
  • Potential Bias: While secondary data is often less biased, biases might still exist in the original data sources, influencing your findings.
  • Incompatibility of Data: Combining data from different sources might pose challenges due to variations in definitions, methodologies, or units of measurement.
  • Lack of Control: Unlike primary research, you have no control over how data was collected or its quality, potentially affecting your analysis. Understanding these limitations will help you navigate secondary research effectively and make informed decisions based on a well-rounded understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.

Secondary research is a valuable tool that businesses can use to their advantage. By tapping into existing data and insights, companies can save time, resources, and effort that would otherwise be spent on primary research. This approach equips decision-makers with a broader understanding of market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes. Additionally, benchmarking against industry standards and validating hypotheses empowers businesses to make informed choices that lead to growth and success.

As you navigate the world of secondary research, remember that it's not just about data retrieval—it's about strategic utilization. With a clear grasp of how to access, analyze, and interpret existing information, businesses can stay ahead of the curve, adapt to changing landscapes, and make decisions that are grounded in reliable knowledge.

How to Conduct Secondary Research in Minutes?

In the world of decision-making, having access to real-time consumer insights is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity. That's where Appinio comes in, revolutionizing how businesses gather valuable data for better decision-making. As a real-time market research platform, Appinio empowers companies to tap into the pulse of consumer opinions swiftly and seamlessly.

  • Fast Insights: Say goodbye to lengthy research processes. With Appinio, you can transform questions into actionable insights in minutes.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Harness the power of real-time consumer insights to drive your business strategies, allowing you to make informed choices on the fly.
  • Seamless Integration: Appinio handles the research and technical complexities, freeing you to focus on what truly matters: making rapid data-driven decisions that propel your business forward.

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Secondary Market Research: What It Is and How to Do It Fast

Secondary Market Research: What It Is and How to Do It Fast

Secondary market research is cost-effective. There’s no professional training needed. And it’s a great place to find inspiration and ideas for growth, or explore a topic deeper before making strategic decisions. When you think about it, it’s how most types of research start out.

Whether you’re digging around on a rival’s website, reading industry news, or snooping on social media, it all counts.

So, sit back and take ten to discover everything you need to know about the what, why, and how to do secondary market research right.

For good measure, I’ve included examples of secondary market research and a detailed review of secondary research methods. 

Secondary market research sources are rising

What is secondary market research?

By definition, secondary market research uses pre-existing data collected or published by a third party. It’s mainly used to establish key facts about a market, product, or service. It’s also known as desk-based research , and all you need is an internet connection to get started. There are plenty of places to obtain secondary data for free. These include internal and external sources, such as company sales and analytics data, industry or government reports, and published market research surveys .

To save time:

Choose the right secondary market research methods from the onset. And use a methodical approach to help you analyze a topic, spot trends, and decide whether further primary market research is worth it, or not.

secondary market research definition

Why is secondary market research important?

Finding cost and time-efficient ways to do market research is key. By leveraging prior efforts, you can build on existing research, uncover insights, and make informed decisions faster. 

This type of market research presents a huge window of opportunity! As long as you’re willing to invest the time needed to gather and analyze the data. Particularly when you consider how much data is out there, and is never reviewed.

Less than 0.5% of all #data is analyzed and used. #Data quality gives firms a competitive advantage: @Adweek — Forrester (@forrester) August 28, 2017

Examples of secondary market research

All secondary market research types can be split into two subsets; internal and external.

  • Internal sources come from data held within your organization.

These examples of secondary market research are for your eyes only. And because it’s data your rivals won’t be able to benefit from, it’s one of the most valuable activities you can do.

2. External sources come from outside your business.

External secondary research examples can be accessed by almost anyone, being openly available by nature.

By choosing the right secondary market research methods, you can significantly cut your research time and increase your speed to insight. 

In June this year, over 500 business leaders and analysts shared their go-to sources of secondary market research with me via a survey on the HARO platform . The key ranking factors were speed, value, and ROI.

With these findings, I’ve collated a list of the best types of secondary market research.

Secondary market research types

Internal examples of secondary market research

1. Website and mobile app analytics

Think Google Analytics or your mobile app intelligence software . Both show data about people who interact with your business online. They can also help you understand the device split between desktop and mobile .

2. Customer data

Here, you get exclusive insights into your audience demographics.  This is first-hand information about how people use your product or service, their likes, dislikes, and more.

3. Previously conducted research

Perhaps your business used analysts or carried out research in the past. So, even if it seems unrelated, it may be relevant to your research,

4. Historical marketing or campaign information 

Things like conversions, website traffic , sales, and marketing data. It’s all going to help you build a picture that’ll impact your research.

Types of internal desk-based research

External examples of secondary market research

Government and non-government agencies.

Whether you want to view global or country-specific data, there’s lots of free information here. See below for a quick guide to some of the best secondary data sources in the US.

  • Congressional Research Service – Information is authoritative, objective, and timely. Topics include economy, finance, commerce, technology, and policy. Sources include infographics, reports, and posts.
  • US Census Bureau – Produces more stats than any other agency in the US. Tables, articles, studies, and reports show current and historical data.
  • US Small Business Administration – If you’re a small business, the SBA website is a goldmine. Use it to access reports and other data that are ideal for secondary market research purposes.

Read More: Get Growing with Small Business Market Research

  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics – As an independent national statistical agency, it produces timely, unbiased reports that are highly relevant to modern-day economic and social issues. Its data retrieval tool is a game-changer for fast access to relevant data.
  • Bureau of Transportation Statistics – Access reports about transportation, economics, IT, airlines, geographic information systems, safety, and more. View trends and annual reports, or use the ask-a-librarian live-chat service.
  • US Government Publishing Office – View Federal Government reports from three branches: the White House, US passport office, and congress publications. It’s also home to the complete catalog of past and present government publications.
  • – If you’re in a business geared toward families, this is a great place to find valuable stats and trends relating to family characteristics, health, behavior, economic security, and education.
  • Internal Revenue Service – Get comprehensive stats using this tax stats link. Great for income data, easily sorted by zip code. Access publications, articles, tables, and reports that measure elements of the tax system.

Competitor websites and apps

Your rival’s websites and apps are a goldmine for secondary research. Define your competitors; then take the following actions for each. Also, ensure you set up a systematic way to collect and record what you find.

  • Sign-up for their newsletters or subscribe to their blog.
  • Do they offer a free trial, consultation, or product demo – go ahead and try it out.
  • Review their products or services; look at the add-ons or upgrades on offer.
  • If a rival has an app, download it to get a feel for what they offer and what works (or not).
  • Record their price points, discounts, offers, and pricing model.
  • What type of customer support do they offer; email, phone, live chat? Note any service level agreements (SLAs) they promise to customers.
  • Read their customer and employee reviews with a fine toothcomb: note both pros and cons.
  • Look at what social media channels they’re active on. View their activities, engagement, and size of their following.

While it seems like a lot, you can uncover some genuine pearls of wisdom about your target audience’s likes and dislikes. You can also use this data to inform pricing, positioning, social, and marketing tactics .

Read more: how to do competitive analysis right.

Using the industry analysis feature, I see the industry leaders and rising stars. When I look at who is gaining the most unique visitors with the longest visit duration; there’s a clear leader with above-average stats. By expanding and clicking compare, I see the competitive landscape , including marketing and social channels, keywords, ads, traffic, and engagement metrics for all. 

Commercial and Trade Association Reports

Whatever your business, there’s bound to be a trade association that provides relevant intel about your sector. Here are a few links to save time if you’re in the US. Google trade associations in your region to see what’s available for anyone outside the US.

  • The Directory of Associations
  • The National Trade and Professional Associations Directory
  • The Encyclopedia of Associations

Online Media

Use the media to find out about stories and trends in any sector. But don’t just make it a one-and-done thing – sign-up for Google news alerts to be alerted to new things as they happen. You can create alerts in seconds based on competitors’ names, products, industries, popular keywords, and more.

Market Research Intelligence Tools

Get instant access to the most up-to-date insights about rivals, markets, or keywords for any audience or product. Another reason to use market research intelligence tools like Similarweb is the high dependency of data. It comes from reliable sources and is always up to date. You can instantly access web and mobile app intelligence from within a single platform, then drill down into any market to get actionable data – with key insights, trends, market intel, audience data, and more.

traffic and engagement secondary research

Traffic and engagement metrics are a gold mine when it comes to doing secondary research. Here’s a static shot of Similarweb Digital Research Intelligence in action. Here, you can quickly compare sites, and see in an instant who is winning in any market, and how they’re doing it. 

Research Associations

Many research associations will charge you for their data, but if you find a timely and relevant report, it could be money well spent. Some of the most prominent players include IBIS World , Gartner , Statista , Forrester , and Dun & Bradstreet .  

Educational Institutions

When you consider how academic research papers and journals are researched, you know their value. If you find one connected to your topic, you get instant confidence in the credibility of that data.

See below – there are many other examples of secondary market research using external data.

As this article is about how to do secondary market research fast, I’ve highlighted the most compelling examples of secondary research data.

Types of external secondary market research

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Pros and cons of secondary research

As with all things in life, there are good and bad aspects to consider. Knowing the best route requires some consideration. So, ask yourself these questions before deciding if secondary market research is right for you – and whether it will help you achieve your research goals:

  • What do you want to learn from your research?
  • Are there actions or decisions you can take from the data?
  • How is the data relevant to your research questions ?
  • Is information the most up-to-date there is?
  • Could there be a quicker way to do this?

Always keep your research questions front of mind. It’ll help you determine if you’re using the best secondary market research methods, and keep you focused on the end result.

Advantages of secondary market research

  • It can be quick to conduct.
  • No professional training is needed to do it.
  • Low-to-no cost.
  • Data is easy to access.
  • Initial findings shape future research efforts.
  • Gain a broad understanding of a topic fast.

Disadvantages of secondary market research

  • Data can quickly become outdated.
  • Lack of control over the research methodologies used.
  • Topics aren’t always relevant to the researcher’s needs.
  • Extra steps are needed to validate the credibility of the research.
  • Data is not proprietary and offers little advantage compared to primary research.

For all the benefits secondary market research offers, it’s impossible to ignore the disadvantages. Things like credibility, reliability, relevance, and timeliness all matter when you want to uncover insights to give you a competitive edge.

That’s where we come in.

The Ultimate Tool for Secondary Market Research

Similarweb Research Intelligence is the only external secondary market research method that gives you all the pros and none of the cons. If you want to know what a successful example of secondary market research looks like; it’s this.

  • It’s dynamic and updates on the fly – so you always get the most up-to-date information.
  • Data collection methodologies are transparent, trustworthy, and reliable.
  • Refine results to exactly match the research needs.
  • The presentation of data is clear via an easy-to-use, intuitive platform.

Use it to uncover the most critical insights you need to succeed. Data about your rivals, market, product, topic-specific keywords, marketing effectivity, demographics, and consumer journey tracking – all from a single platform, and from the comfort of your desk.

How to do secondary market research in five steps

As you can see, there are many ways to approach it and even more secondary market research methods to choose from. One thing this post promised, was to show you how to do it better and faster. So without further ado, here are five quick steps to follow.

1 – Define research needs and establish goals.

2 – Choose the best sources of secondary market research.

3 – Access, collate, and verify research data.

4 – Analyze, compare, and identify trends.

5 – Confirm if the research questions are answered. If not, repeat steps 1-4 using different sources, or consider primary market research as an alternative.

5-steps to doing secondary market research

The difference between primary and secondary market research methods

Difference between primary and secondary research

Wrapping up…

Many believe that doing secondary market research is a quick, cost-effective route to uncover insights that fuel growth. So, whether it’s through diversification, slicker marketing, or new product development. But with credible constraints about the relevance and timeliness of secondary research methods and their data, choosing your tools has never been so important.

We might be biased, but for relevant, timely, trustworthy information that’s always on-point, Similarweb Digital Research Intelligence is ideal. It’s the quickest way to get information about a target market , product, or audience. So, to get started doing secondary market research fast, sign-up for a free trial on the site today.

What are secondary market research methods?

The most widely used secondary market research methods include: the internet, government and agency reports, research journals, trade associations, media outlets, libraries, digital intelligence tools, competitor data, internal sales or customer data, and website or app analytics.

How is secondary market research used?

Secondary market research provides a background from existing data. Organizations can save time and money by identifying key perspectives, facts, and figures to support a topic of interest. It adds credibility and helps shape further primary research.

Should you do primary or secondary market research first?

Because primary market research requires more resources, it’s best to use secondary market research first. Doing so gives you a clearer understanding of a research topic and can help you shape any further research stages before you invest money.

What are primary research and secondary market research?

Primary and secondary market research are two types of market research. Primary research refers to data that’s collected first-hand, such as a survey or interview. Secondary research uses existing data to explore a topic, such as the internet or journals.

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A comprehensive guide to secondary market research.

Secondary market research is a valuable tool to drive your company's success. Let's explore everything you need to know about it.

secondary research government reports

To gain a competitive edge, businesses need to understand their target market, consumer behavior, and industry trends. This is where market research comes into play. While primary market research involves collecting data directly from the target audience, secondary market research offers a wealth of existing data and information that can provide valuable insights. 

Read more: A Guide to Primary Market Research: What Is It, and Why Is It Important?

Secondary market serves as an existing foundation of knowledge, supporting decision-making processes, enhancing understanding, and identifying opportunities. In this article, we explore the importance of secondary market research and its benefits in informing business strategies and driving success.

What is secondary market research?

Secondary market research refers to the process of collecting and analyzing existing data and information that has been previously gathered by someone else for a different purpose. It involves utilizing sources such as published reports, government publications, industry studies, academic journals, online databases, and other publicly available data.

Unlike primary market research, which involves collecting data directly from the target audience through surveys, interviews, or observations, secondary research relies on existing data sources such as market reports, industry statistics, customer surveys, and competitor analysis, among others.

Secondary market research is conducted to gain insights into market trends, industry dynamics, consumer behavior, competitive landscapes, and other factors that influence business decisions. It helps businesses and organizations understand the market and industry they operate in, identify opportunities and gaps, assess market potential, evaluate competition, and inform decision-making.

Why is secondary market research important?

Secondary market research plays a crucial role in informing your decision-making processes. It provides valuable insights into market trends, industry dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes. Here are some key reasons why you should consider conducting secondary market research:

Informing your decision-making

Secondary market research provides you with valuable information that supports your decision-making processes. It helps you gather insights into market trends, industry dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes. This information is essential for making informed strategic decisions, identifying opportunities, mitigating risks, and staying competitive in the market. For example, market research reports on the emerging trends in sustainable fashion can help you make eco-friendly sourcing decisions.

Read more: Using Data-Driven Decision Making to Decode Consumer Behavior: Here’s How to Do It

Understanding the market and industry

Secondary research helps you gain a comprehensive understanding of the market and industry landscape. It provides data and analysis on market size, growth rates, market segmentation, customer demographics, buying patterns, and emerging trends. This knowledge is valuable for identifying target markets, evaluating market potential, and developing effective marketing and business strategies. For example, a report on the market segmentation and customer preferences within the beauty and cosmetics industry can help you refine your product offerings.

Identifying opportunities and gaps

By examining existing data, secondary research enables you to identify market gaps, unmet needs, and untapped opportunities. It helps uncover areas where demand is not adequately addressed, revealing potential niches or underserved segments that you can target for growth and innovation. For example, a report on the growing demand for plant-based protein alternatives may prompt you to develop and launch a line of plant-based meat products.

Conducting preliminary research

Secondary research is often the first step in the research process. It allows you to gather preliminary information, explore different angles of your research topic, and develop hypotheses or research questions. It provides a foundation for further investigation and can guide the design of your primary research studies. For example, online forums and discussion boards related to parenting can provide valuable insights for a baby product manufacturer like yourself looking to develop new products that address parents' needs and concerns.

Supporting your primary research

Secondary research complements your primary research efforts by providing context, background information, and supporting evidence. It helps you gain insights into previous studies, theories, and findings related to your research topic. This knowledge can inform the design of your primary research studies, guide the development of your research instruments, and validate or challenge existing theories. For example, publicly available financial reports of competitors provide valuable insights into their market positioning, pricing strategies, and financial performance, aiding you in developing competitive strategies.

Pros of secondary market research:


Conducting primary research can be expensive, while secondary research utilizes existing data sources that are more accessible and cost-effective. Businesses can leverage pre-existing data without the need for extensive data collection efforts, significantly reducing research costs.

Time efficiency

Primary research can be time-consuming, whereas secondary research offers a time-efficient alternative by utilizing readily available data. Researchers can access a wide range of information quickly, saving time and allowing for faster decision-making.

Wide range of data sources

Secondary research draws on diverse data sources, including government reports, industry publications, market research studies, academic journals, and online databases. These sources provide a wealth of information on market trends, consumer behavior, competitor analysis, and industry insights, enhancing the comprehensiveness and reliability of the research findings.

Historical perspective

Secondary research often includes historical data and trends, enabling businesses to analyze past patterns and make informed decisions based on historical insights. This longitudinal view provides a valuable perspective on market dynamics, industry shifts, and consumer behavior over time.

Broader scope and breadth of data

Secondary research allows businesses to access a wide range of data that may not be feasible to collect through primary research alone. It provides a broader scope of information, covering various industries, markets, and geographic regions, enabling comprehensive insights into market trends, consumer preferences, and competitive landscapes.

Cons of secondary market research:

Data relevance and quality.

The quality and relevance of secondary data can vary depending on the sources and specific research needs. It's important to critically evaluate the credibility and accuracy of the data to ensure its reliability.

Lack of customization

Secondary data is collected for general purposes and may not address specific research objectives or unique requirements. It may lack specific variables or insights crucial for a particular study, limiting the depth of analysis.

Limited control over data collection

Researchers have no control over the data collection process in secondary research. The data may not align perfectly with the research objectives or may not cover all aspects needed for a comprehensive analysis.

Outdated or incomplete information

Secondary data may become outdated or incomplete, especially when relying on older reports or sources that are no longer regularly updated. This can impact the accuracy and relevance of the findings.

Potential bias

Secondary data can carry inherent biases or limitations based on the methods and objectives of the original researchers. It's important to consider the context and potential biases associated with the data sources to avoid misleading or skewed interpretations.

Ways to do secondary market research

Published sources.

This includes books, newspapers, magazines, trade publications, academic journals, and reports from reputable sources. These sources provide a wealth of information on various industries, markets, trends, and consumer behavior.

Government sources

Government agencies often collect and publish data on demographics, economic indicators, market trends, regulations, and industry statistics. Examples include the U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Department of Commerce.

Market research reports

Market research firms and organizations generate reports that provide in-depth analysis and insights on specific industries, markets, and consumer trends. These reports often include market size, growth rates, competitive analysis, and future projections.

Industry associations and trade organizations

Industry associations and trade organizations publish reports, surveys, and studies related to specific sectors. They often provide valuable industry-specific data, market trends, and best practices.

Academic research

Academic research articles and papers can offer valuable insights into specific topics or industries. They are typically published in academic journals and provide rigorous analysis and findings based on research conducted by scholars and experts.

Online database

Online databases such as market research databases, industry-specific portals, and data repositories provide access to a wide range of information. Examples include Statista, Euromonitor International, and Factiva.

Company websites and annual reports

Company websites and annual reports provide information about the company's performance, financials, products, and market positioning. They can offer insights into the company's strategies, market share, and competitive landscape.

S ocial media and online communities

Monitoring social media platforms, online forums, and communities can provide valuable insights into consumer opinions, preferences, and trends. It allows businesses to understand customer sentiment, identify emerging issues, and gather feedback.

Patent databases

Patent databases provide information on inventions, innovations, and technological developments. They can help businesses understand the competitive landscape, identify new technologies, and track industry trends.

Data aggregators

Data aggregators collect and compile data from various sources, such as government databases, surveys, and market research reports. They provide consolidated datasets that can be used for analysis and insights.

Why should you conduct secondary market research along with primary market research?

Comprehensive understanding.

Conducting both secondary and primary market research allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your research topic. Secondary research provides existing knowledge, theories, and findings related to your subject matter, while primary research allows you to gather specific insights directly from your target audience. By combining both approaches, you can develop a well-rounded understanding of the market, industry trends, and consumer behavior.

Identification of research gaps

Secondary research helps identify gaps in existing knowledge or areas that require further exploration. By reviewing previous studies, reports, and industry publications, you can identify areas where primary research can contribute new insights or validate existing findings. This integration of secondary and primary research ensures that your research addresses important gaps in the current understanding of the topic.

Research design and instrument development

Secondary research provides valuable insights into research design and instrument development. By examining previous studies and methodologies, you can refine your research objectives, select appropriate data collection methods, and design effective research instruments. Secondary research can guide the creation of questionnaires, surveys, interview protocols, or experimental designs for your primary research studies.

Validation and triangulation

Conducting secondary market research alongside primary research allows for data validation and triangulation. You can compare your primary research findings with existing secondary data to assess the consistency and reliability of your results. This validation process adds credibility to your research findings and strengthens the overall research outcomes. By triangulating data from different sources, you can ensure the reliability and accuracy of your research findings.

In-depth analysis and interpretation

Integrating secondary and primary research enables you to conduct in-depth analysis and interpretation of your findings. Secondary research provides a broader context and background information, while primary research offers specific insights from your target audience. By combining both types of data, you can gain a deeper understanding of the market dynamics, industry trends, and consumer preferences, and interpret your findings more comprehensively.

Enhanced credibility and robustness

By conducting both secondary and primary research, you enhance the credibility and robustness of your research. The integration of multiple data sources demonstrates a comprehensive approach to data collection and analysis, which increases the confidence in your research findings. This is particularly important when presenting your research to stakeholders or making strategic business decisions based on the research outcomes.

Richer insights and actionable recommendations

Combining secondary and primary market research allows you to generate richer insights and develop actionable recommendations. Secondary research provides a broader perspective on the market and industry, while primary research captures specific insights directly from your target audience. By integrating these two sources, you can develop a more nuanced understanding of consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive landscapes. This enables you to make informed decisions and develop actionable recommendations that are grounded in both existing knowledge and real-world insights.

In conclusion

By leveraging secondary research, businesses can make informed decisions, identify opportunities, and develop effective strategies. Furthermore, secondary research complements primary research efforts, offering context, supporting evidence, and guiding research design. Its cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, and historical perspective make it an invaluable asset for businesses seeking a comprehensive understanding of their market.


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4 Chapter 5 Secondary Research

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, students must be able to:

  • Explain the concept of secondary research
  • Highlight the key benefits and limitations of secondary research
  • Evaluate different sources of secondary data

What is Secondary Research?

In situations where the researcher has not been involved in the data gathering process (primary research), one may have to rely on existing information and data to arrive at specific research conclusions or outcomes. Secondary research, also known as desk research, is a research method that involves the use of information previously collected for another research purpose.

In this chapter, we are going to explain what secondary research is, how it works, and share some examples of it in practice.

Marketing textbook © 2022  Western Sydney University taken by   Sally Tsoutas Western Sydney University Photographer  is licensed under an   Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

Sources of secondary data.

The two main sources of secondary data are:

  • Internal sources
  • External sources

Internal sources of secondary data exist within the organization. There could be reports, previous research findings, or old documents which may still be used to understand a particular phenomenon. This information may only be available to the organization’s members and could be a valuable asset.

External sources of secondary data lie outside the organization and refer to information held at the public library, government departments, council offices, various associations as well as in newspapers or journal articles.

Benefits of using Secondary Data

It is only logical for researchers to look for secondary information thoroughly before investing their time and resources in collecting primary data.  In academic research, scholars are not permitted to move to the next stage till they demonstrate they have undertaken a review of all previous studies. Suppose a researcher would like to examine the characteristics of a migrant population in the Western Sydney region. The following pieces of information are already available in various reports generated from the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ census data:

  • Birthplace of residents
  • Language spoken at home by residents
  • Family size
  • Income levels
  • Level of education

By accessing such readily available secondary data, the researcher is able to save time, money, and effort. When the data comes from a reputable source, it further adds to the researchers’ credibility of identifying a trustworthy source of information.

Evaluation of Secondary Data

[1] Assessing secondary data is important. It may not always be available free of cost. The following factors must be considered as these relate to the reliability and validity of research results, such as whether:

  • the source is trusted
  • the sample characteristics, time of collection, and response rate (if relevant) of the data are appropriate
  • the methods of data collection are appropriate and acceptable in your discipline
  • the data were collected in a consistent way
  • any data coding or modification is appropriate and sufficient
  • the documentation of the original study in which the data were collected is detailed enough for you to assess its quality
  • there is enough information in the metadata or data to properly cite the original source.

In addition to the above-mentioned points, some practical issues which need to be evaluated include the cost of accessing and the time frame involved in getting access to the data is relevant.

Secondary Sources information A secondary source takes the accounts of multiple eyewtinesses or primary sources and creates a record that considers an event from different points of view. Secondary sources provide: Objectivity: Multiple points of view mitigate bias and provide a broader perspective. Context: Historical distance helps explain an event's significance. Common examples include: Books, Scholarly articles, documentaries and many other formats.

The infographic Secondary Sources created by Shonn M. Haren, 2015 is licensed under  a  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence [2]

Table 2: differences between primary and secondary research.

  • Griffith University n.d., Research data: get started, viewed 28 February 2022,<>. ↵
  • Shonnmaren n.d., Secondary sources, viewed 28 February 2020, Wikimedia Commons, <> ↵
  • Qualtrics XM n.d., S econdary research: definition, methods and examples , viewed 28 February 2022,  <,secondary%20research%20have%20their%20places>. ↵

About the author

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name: Aila Khan

institution: Western Sydney University

Chapter 5 Secondary Research Copyright © by Aila Khan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Secondary Sources & Legal Research

  • An Overview of Secondary Resources
  • Types of Secondary Sources
  • Legal Dictionaries
  • Legal Encyclopedias
  • Case Law Locators
  • American Law Reports
  • Restatements
  • Government Publications
  • Law Reviews & Journals
  • Legal Periodicals and Newspapers
  • Legal Blogs and Websites
  • Practitioner Materials
  • Evaluating Secondary Sources
  • Conclusion & Handout
  • Glossary of Terms & Useful Links

What are they?

Government publications encompass a variety of materials released by government agencies and bodies.

Government publications include reports, guidance documents, administrative decisions, and other materials published by government agencies and legislative bodies. For instance, Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports provide in-depth, non-partisan analysis on a broad range of policy and legal topics.

Importance in Legal Research

Government publications can be helpful in legal research as they provide authoritative and detailed information on legal and policy matters. They often contain original research, empirical data, and thorough analysis that can illuminate the legislative intent behind laws, clarify regulatory requirements, and offer insights into current policy debates.

How to find and use them?

Government publications are typically available through government websites and databases. For instance, CRS reports can be accessed directly through the CRS website or resources like the University of North Texas Libraries' CRS Report Archive. Utilizing these sources involves identifying the relevant agency or body, then searching their publications for information related to your research topic. As with all secondary sources, verify the information with primary sources where possible.

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Home » Secondary Data – Types, Methods and Examples

Secondary Data – Types, Methods and Examples

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Secondary Data

Secondary Data


Secondary data refers to information that has been collected, processed, and published by someone else, rather than the researcher gathering the data firsthand. This can include data from sources such as government publications, academic journals, market research reports, and other existing datasets.

Secondary Data Types

Types of secondary data are as follows:

  • Published data: Published data refers to data that has been published in books, magazines, newspapers, and other print media. Examples include statistical reports, market research reports, and scholarly articles.
  • Government data: Government data refers to data collected by government agencies and departments. This can include data on demographics, economic trends, crime rates, and health statistics.
  • Commercial data: Commercial data is data collected by businesses for their own purposes. This can include sales data, customer feedback, and market research data.
  • Academic data: Academic data refers to data collected by researchers for academic purposes. This can include data from experiments, surveys, and observational studies.
  • Online data: Online data refers to data that is available on the internet. This can include social media posts, website analytics, and online customer reviews.
  • Organizational data: Organizational data is data collected by businesses or organizations for their own purposes. This can include data on employee performance, financial records, and customer satisfaction.
  • Historical data : Historical data refers to data that was collected in the past and is still available for research purposes. This can include census data, historical documents, and archival records.
  • International data: International data refers to data collected from other countries for research purposes. This can include data on international trade, health statistics, and demographic trends.
  • Public data : Public data refers to data that is available to the general public. This can include data from government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other sources.
  • Private data: Private data refers to data that is not available to the general public. This can include confidential business data, personal medical records, and financial data.
  • Big data: Big data refers to large, complex datasets that are difficult to manage and analyze using traditional data processing methods. This can include social media data, sensor data, and other types of data generated by digital devices.

Secondary Data Collection Methods

Secondary Data Collection Methods are as follows:

  • Published sources: Researchers can gather secondary data from published sources such as books, journals, reports, and newspapers. These sources often provide comprehensive information on a variety of topics.
  • Online sources: With the growth of the internet, researchers can now access a vast amount of secondary data online. This includes websites, databases, and online archives.
  • Government sources : Government agencies often collect and publish a wide range of secondary data on topics such as demographics, crime rates, and health statistics. Researchers can obtain this data through government websites, publications, or data portals.
  • Commercial sources: Businesses often collect and analyze data for marketing research or customer profiling. Researchers can obtain this data through commercial data providers or by purchasing market research reports.
  • Academic sources: Researchers can also obtain secondary data from academic sources such as published research studies, academic journals, and dissertations.
  • Personal contacts: Researchers can also obtain secondary data from personal contacts, such as experts in a particular field or individuals with specialized knowledge.

Secondary Data Formats

Secondary data can come in various formats depending on the source from which it is obtained. Here are some common formats of secondary data:

  • Numeric Data: Numeric data is often in the form of statistics and numerical figures that have been compiled and reported by organizations such as government agencies, research institutions, and commercial enterprises. This can include data such as population figures, GDP, sales figures, and market share.
  • Textual Data: Textual data is often in the form of written documents, such as reports, articles, and books. This can include qualitative data such as descriptions, opinions, and narratives.
  • Audiovisual Data : Audiovisual data is often in the form of recordings, videos, and photographs. This can include data such as interviews, focus group discussions, and other types of qualitative data.
  • Geospatial Data: Geospatial data is often in the form of maps, satellite images, and geographic information systems (GIS) data. This can include data such as demographic information, land use patterns, and transportation networks.
  • Transactional Data : Transactional data is often in the form of digital records of financial and business transactions. This can include data such as purchase histories, customer behavior, and financial transactions.
  • Social Media Data: Social media data is often in the form of user-generated content from social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This can include data such as user demographics, content trends, and sentiment analysis.

Secondary Data Analysis Methods

Secondary data analysis involves the use of pre-existing data for research purposes. Here are some common methods of secondary data analysis:

  • Descriptive Analysis: This method involves describing the characteristics of a dataset, such as the mean, standard deviation, and range of the data. Descriptive analysis can be used to summarize data and provide an overview of trends.
  • Inferential Analysis: This method involves making inferences and drawing conclusions about a population based on a sample of data. Inferential analysis can be used to test hypotheses and determine the statistical significance of relationships between variables.
  • Content Analysis: This method involves analyzing textual or visual data to identify patterns and themes. Content analysis can be used to study the content of documents, media coverage, and social media posts.
  • Time-Series Analysis : This method involves analyzing data over time to identify trends and patterns. Time-series analysis can be used to study economic trends, climate change, and other phenomena that change over time.
  • Spatial Analysis : This method involves analyzing data in relation to geographic location. Spatial analysis can be used to study patterns of disease spread, land use patterns, and the effects of environmental factors on health outcomes.
  • Meta-Analysis: This method involves combining data from multiple studies to draw conclusions about a particular phenomenon. Meta-analysis can be used to synthesize the results of previous research and provide a more comprehensive understanding of a particular topic.

Secondary Data Gathering Guide

Here are some steps to follow when gathering secondary data:

  • Define your research question: Start by defining your research question and identifying the specific information you need to answer it. This will help you identify the type of secondary data you need and where to find it.
  • Identify relevant sources: Identify potential sources of secondary data, including published sources, online databases, government sources, and commercial data providers. Consider the reliability and validity of each source.
  • Evaluate the quality of the data: Evaluate the quality and reliability of the data you plan to use. Consider the data collection methods, sample size, and potential biases. Make sure the data is relevant to your research question and is suitable for the type of analysis you plan to conduct.
  • Collect the data: Collect the relevant data from the identified sources. Use a consistent method to record and organize the data to make analysis easier.
  • Validate the data: Validate the data to ensure that it is accurate and reliable. Check for inconsistencies, missing data, and errors. Address any issues before analyzing the data.
  • Analyze the data: Analyze the data using appropriate statistical and analytical methods. Use descriptive and inferential statistics to summarize and draw conclusions from the data.
  • Interpret the results: Interpret the results of your analysis and draw conclusions based on the data. Make sure your conclusions are supported by the data and are relevant to your research question.
  • Communicate the findings : Communicate your findings clearly and concisely. Use appropriate visual aids such as graphs and charts to help explain your results.

Examples of Secondary Data

Here are some examples of secondary data from different fields:

  • Healthcare : Hospital records, medical journals, clinical trial data, and disease registries are examples of secondary data sources in healthcare. These sources can provide researchers with information on patient demographics, disease prevalence, and treatment outcomes.
  • Marketing : Market research reports, customer surveys, and sales data are examples of secondary data sources in marketing. These sources can provide marketers with information on consumer preferences, market trends, and competitor activity.
  • Education : Student test scores, graduation rates, and enrollment statistics are examples of secondary data sources in education. These sources can provide researchers with information on student achievement, teacher effectiveness, and educational disparities.
  • Finance : Stock market data, financial statements, and credit reports are examples of secondary data sources in finance. These sources can provide investors with information on market trends, company performance, and creditworthiness.
  • Social Science : Government statistics, census data, and survey data are examples of secondary data sources in social science. These sources can provide researchers with information on population demographics, social trends, and political attitudes.
  • Environmental Science : Climate data, remote sensing data, and ecological monitoring data are examples of secondary data sources in environmental science. These sources can provide researchers with information on weather patterns, land use, and biodiversity.

Purpose of Secondary Data

The purpose of secondary data is to provide researchers with information that has already been collected by others for other purposes. Secondary data can be used to support research questions, test hypotheses, and answer research objectives. Some of the key purposes of secondary data are:

  • To gain a better understanding of the research topic : Secondary data can be used to provide context and background information on a research topic. This can help researchers understand the historical and social context of their research and gain insights into relevant variables and relationships.
  • To save time and resources: Collecting new primary data can be time-consuming and expensive. Using existing secondary data sources can save researchers time and resources by providing access to pre-existing data that has already been collected and organized.
  • To provide comparative data : Secondary data can be used to compare and contrast findings across different studies or datasets. This can help researchers identify trends, patterns, and relationships that may not have been apparent from individual studies.
  • To support triangulation: Triangulation is the process of using multiple sources of data to confirm or refute research findings. Secondary data can be used to support triangulation by providing additional sources of data to support or refute primary research findings.
  • To supplement primary data : Secondary data can be used to supplement primary data by providing additional information or insights that were not captured by the primary research. This can help researchers gain a more complete understanding of the research topic and draw more robust conclusions.

When to use Secondary Data

Secondary data can be useful in a variety of research contexts, and there are several situations in which it may be appropriate to use secondary data. Some common situations in which secondary data may be used include:

  • When primary data collection is not feasible : Collecting primary data can be time-consuming and expensive, and in some cases, it may not be feasible to collect primary data. In these situations, secondary data can provide valuable insights and information.
  • When exploring a new research area : Secondary data can be a useful starting point for researchers who are exploring a new research area. Secondary data can provide context and background information on a research topic, and can help researchers identify key variables and relationships to explore further.
  • When comparing and contrasting research findings: Secondary data can be used to compare and contrast findings across different studies or datasets. This can help researchers identify trends, patterns, and relationships that may not have been apparent from individual studies.
  • When triangulating research findings: Triangulation is the process of using multiple sources of data to confirm or refute research findings. Secondary data can be used to support triangulation by providing additional sources of data to support or refute primary research findings.
  • When validating research findings : Secondary data can be used to validate primary research findings by providing additional sources of data that support or refute the primary findings.

Characteristics of Secondary Data

Secondary data have several characteristics that distinguish them from primary data. Here are some of the key characteristics of secondary data:

  • Non-reactive: Secondary data are non-reactive, meaning that they are not collected for the specific purpose of the research study. This means that the researcher has no control over the data collection process, and cannot influence how the data were collected.
  • Time-saving: Secondary data are pre-existing, meaning that they have already been collected and organized by someone else. This can save the researcher time and resources, as they do not need to collect the data themselves.
  • Wide-ranging : Secondary data sources can provide a wide range of information on a variety of topics. This can be useful for researchers who are exploring a new research area or seeking to compare and contrast research findings.
  • Less expensive: Secondary data are generally less expensive than primary data, as they do not require the researcher to incur the costs associated with data collection.
  • Potential for bias : Secondary data may be subject to biases that were present in the original data collection process. For example, data may have been collected using a biased sampling method or the data may be incomplete or inaccurate.
  • Lack of control: The researcher has no control over the data collection process and cannot ensure that the data were collected using appropriate methods or measures.
  • Requires careful evaluation : Secondary data sources must be evaluated carefully to ensure that they are appropriate for the research question and analysis. This includes assessing the quality, reliability, and validity of the data sources.

Advantages of Secondary Data

There are several advantages to using secondary data in research, including:

  • Time-saving : Collecting primary data can be time-consuming and expensive. Secondary data can be accessed quickly and easily, which can save researchers time and resources.
  • Cost-effective: Secondary data are generally less expensive than primary data, as they do not require the researcher to incur the costs associated with data collection.
  • Large sample size : Secondary data sources often have larger sample sizes than primary data sources, which can increase the statistical power of the research.
  • Access to historical data : Secondary data sources can provide access to historical data, which can be useful for researchers who are studying trends over time.
  • No ethical concerns: Secondary data are already in existence, so there are no ethical concerns related to collecting data from human subjects.
  • May be more objective : Secondary data may be more objective than primary data, as the data were not collected for the specific purpose of the research study.

Limitations of Secondary Data

While there are many advantages to using secondary data in research, there are also some limitations that should be considered. Some of the main limitations of secondary data include:

  • Lack of control over data quality : Researchers do not have control over the data collection process, which means they cannot ensure the accuracy or completeness of the data.
  • Limited availability: Secondary data may not be available for the specific research question or study design.
  • Lack of information on sampling and data collection methods: Researchers may not have access to information on the sampling and data collection methods used to gather the secondary data. This can make it difficult to evaluate the quality of the data.
  • Data may not be up-to-date: Secondary data may not be up-to-date or relevant to the current research question.
  • Data may be incomplete or inaccurate : Secondary data may be incomplete or inaccurate due to missing or incorrect data points, data entry errors, or other factors.
  • Biases in data collection: The data may have been collected using biased sampling or data collection methods, which can limit the validity of the data.
  • Lack of control over variables: Researchers have limited control over the variables that were measured in the original data collection process, which can limit the ability to draw conclusions about causality.

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Integrated Primary & Secondary Research

5 Types of Secondary Research Data

An overhead shot of a white man highlighting notes on a desk covered in sketch paper, sticky notes, pens, an iPhone, and a Mac desktop

Secondary sources allow you to broaden your research by providing background information, analyses, and unique perspectives on various elements for a specific campaign. Bibliographies of these sources can lead to the discovery of further resources to enhance research for organizations.

There are two common types of secondary data: Internal data and External data. Internal data is the information that has been stored or organized by the organization itself. External data is the data organized or collected by someone else.

Internal Secondary Sources

Internal secondary sources include databases containing reports from individuals or prior research. This is often an overlooked resource—it’s amazing how much useful information collects dust on an organization’s shelves! Other individuals may have conducted research of their own or bought secondary research that could be useful to the task at hand. This prior research would still be considered secondary even if it were performed internally because it was conducted for a different purpose.

External Secondary Sources

A wide range of information can be obtained from secondary research. Reliable databases for secondary sources include Government Sources, Business Source Complete, ABI, IBISWorld, Statista, and CBCA Complete. This data is generated by others but can be considered useful when conducting research into a new scope of the study. It also means less work for a non-for-profit organization as they would not have to create their own data and instead can piggyback off the data of others.

Examples of Secondary Sources

Government sources.

A lot of secondary data is available from the government, often for free, because it has already been paid for by tax dollars. Government sources of data include the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the National Centre for Health Statistics.

For example, through the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics regularly surveys individuals to gain information about them (, n.d). These surveys are conducted quarterly, through an interview survey and a diary survey, and they provide data on expenditures, income, and household information (families or single). Detailed tables of the Expenditures Reports include the age of the reference person, how long they have lived in their place of residence and which geographic region they live in.

Syndicated Sources

A syndicated survey is a large-scale instrument that collects information about a wide variety of people’s attitudes and capital expenditures. The Simmons Market Research Bureau conducts a National Consumer Survey by randomly selecting families throughout the country that agree to report in great detail what they eat, read, watch, drive, and so on. They also provide data about their media preferences.

Other Types of Sources

Gallup, which has a rich tradition as the world’s leading public opinion pollster, also provides in-depth reports based on its proprietary probability-based techniques (called the Gallup Panel), in which respondents are recruited through a random digit dial method so that results are more reliably generalizable. The Gallup organization operates one of the largest telephone research data-collection systems in the world, conducting more than twenty million interviews over the last five years and averaging ten thousand completed interviews per day across two hundred individual survey research questionnaires (GallupPanel, n.d).


This page contains materials taken from: (n.d). U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from

Define Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence. (2020). Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

GallupPanel. (n.d). Gallup Panel Research. Retrieved from

Secondary Data. (2020). Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

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Secondary research

Secondary research uses research and data that has already been carried out. It is sometimes referred to as desk research. It is a good starting point for any type of research as it enables you to analyse what research has already been undertaken and identify any gaps. 

You may only need to carry out secondary research for your assessment or you may need to use secondary research as a starting point, before undertaking your own primary research .

Searching for both primary and secondary sources can help to ensure that you are up to date with what research has already been carried out in your area of interest and to identify the key researchers in the field.

"Secondary sources are the books, articles, papers and similar materials written or produced by others that help you to form your background understanding of the subject. You would use these to find out about experts’ findings, analyses or perspectives on the issue and decide whether to draw upon these explicitly in your research." (Cottrell, 2014, p. 123).

Examples of secondary research sources include:.

  • journal articles
  • official statistics, such as government reports or organisations which have collected and published data

Primary research  involves gathering data which has not been collected before. Methods to collect it can include interviews, focus groups, controlled trials and case studies. Secondary research often comments on and analyses this primary research.

Gopalakrishnan and Ganeshkumar (2013, p. 10) explain the difference between primary and secondary research:

"Primary research is collecting data directly from patients or population, while secondary research is the analysis of data already collected through primary research. A review is an article that summarizes a number of primary studies and may draw conclusions on the topic of interest which can be traditional (unsystematic) or systematic".

Secondary Data

As secondary data has already been collected by someone else for their research purposes, it may not cover all of the areas of interest for your research topic. This research will need to be analysed alongside other research sources and data in the same subject area in order to confirm, dispute or discuss the findings in a wider context.

"Secondary source data, as the name infers, provides second-hand information. The data come ‘pre-packaged’, their form and content reflecting the fact that they have been produced by someone other than the researcher and will not have been produced specifically for the purpose of the research project. The data, none the less, will have some relevance for the research in terms of the information they contain, and the task for the researcher is to extract that information and re-use it in the context of his/her own research project." (Denscombe, 2021, p. 268)

In the video below Dr. Benedict Wheeler (Senior Research Fellow at the European Center for Environment and Human Health at the University of Exeter Medical School) discusses secondary data analysis. Secondary data was used for his research on how the environment affects health and well-being and utilising this secondary data gave access to a larger data set.

As with all research, an important part of the process is to critically evaluate any sources you use. There are tools to help with this in the  Being Critical  section of the guide.

Louise Corti, from the UK Data Archive, discusses using secondary data  in the video below. T he importance of evaluating secondary research is discussed - this is to ensure the data is appropriate for your research and to investigate how the data was collected.

There are advantages and disadvantages to secondary research:


  • Usually low cost
  • Easily accessible
  • Provides background information to clarify / refine research areas
  • Increases breadth of knowledge
  • Shows different examples of research methods
  • Can highlight gaps in the research and potentially outline areas of difficulty
  • Can incorporate a wide range of data
  • Allows you to identify opposing views and supporting arguments for your research topic
  • Highlights the key researchers and work which is being undertaken within the subject area
  • Helps to put your research topic into perspective


  • Can be out of date
  • Might be unreliable if it is not clear where or how the research has been collected - remember to think critically
  • May not be applicable to your specific research question as the aims will have had a different focus

Literature reviews 

Secondary research for your major project may take the form of a literature review . this is where you will outline the main research which has already been written on your topic. this might include theories and concepts connected with your topic and it should also look to see if there are any gaps in the research., as the criteria and guidance will differ for each school, it is important that you check the guidance which you have been given for your assessment. this may be in blackboard and you can also check with your supervisor..

The videos below include some insights from academics regarding the importance of literature reviews.

Secondary research which goes beyond literature reviews

For some dissertations/major projects there might only be a literature review (discussed above ). For others there could be a literature review followed by primary research and for others the literature review might be followed by further secondary research. 

You may be asked to write a literature review which will form a background chapter to give context to your project and provide the necessary history for the research topic. However, you may then also be expected to produce the rest of your project using additional secondary research methods, which will need to produce results and findings which are distinct from the background chapter t o avoid repetition .

Remember, as the criteria and guidance will differ for each School, it is important that you check the guidance which you have been given for your assessment. This may be in Blackboard and you can also check with your supervisor.

Although this type of secondary research will go beyond a literature review, it will still rely on research which has already been undertaken. And,  "just as in primary research, secondary research designs can be either quantitative, qualitative, or a mixture of both strategies of inquiry" (Manu and Akotia, 2021, p. 4).

Your secondary research may use the literature review to focus on a specific theme, which is then discussed further in the main project. Or it may use an alternative approach. Some examples are included below.  Remember to speak with your supervisor if you are struggling to define these areas.

Some approaches of how to conduct secondary research include:

  • A systematic review is a structured literature review that involves identifying all of the relevant primary research using a rigorous search strategy to answer a focused research question.
  • This involves comprehensive searching which is used to identify themes or concepts across a number of relevant studies. 
  • The review will assess the q uality of the research and provide a summary and synthesis of all relevant available research on the topic.
  • The systematic review  LibGuide goes into more detail about this process (The guide is aimed a PhD/Researcher students. However, students on other levels of study may find parts of the guide helpful too).
  • Scoping reviews aim to identify and assess available research on a specific topic (which can include ongoing research). 
  • They are "particularly useful when a body of literature has not yet been comprehensively reviewed, or exhibits a complex or heterogeneous nature not amenable to a more precise systematic review of the evidence. While scoping reviews may be conducted to determine the value and probable scope of a full systematic review, they may also be undertaken as exercises in and of themselves to summarize and disseminate research findings, to identify research gaps, and to make recommendations for the future research."  (Peters et al., 2015) .
  • This is designed to  summarise the current knowledge and provide priorities for future research.
  • "A state-of-the-art review will often highlight new ideas or gaps in research with no official quality assessment." ( MacAdden, 2020).
  • "Bibliometric analysis is a popular and rigorous method for exploring and analyzing large volumes of scientific data." (Donthu et al., 2021)
  • Quantitative methods and statistics are used to analyse the bibliographic data of published literature. This can be used to measure the impact of authors, publications, or topics within a subject area.

The bibliometric analysis often uses the data from a citation source such as Scopus or Web of Science .

  • This is a technique used to combine the statistic results of prior quantitative studies in order to increase precision and validity.
  • "It goes beyond the parameters of a literature review, which assesses existing literature, to actually perform calculations based on the results collated, thereby coming up with new results" (Curtis and Curtis, 2011, p. 220)

(Adapted from: Grant and Booth, 2009, cited in Sarhan and Manu, 2021, p. 72)

  • Grounded Theory is used to create explanatory theory from data which has been collected.
  • "Grounded theory data analysis strategies can be used with different types of data, including secondary data." (Whiteside, Mills and McCalman, 2012)
  • This allows you to use a specific theory or theories which can then be applied to your chosen topic/research area.
  • You could focus on one case study which is analysed in depth, or you could examine more than one in order to compare and contrast the important aspects of your research question.
  • "Good case studies often begin with a predicament that is poorly comprehended and is inadequately explained or traditionally rationalised by numerous conflicting accounts. Therefore, the aim is to comprehend an existent problem and to use the acquired understandings to develop new theoretical outlooks or explanations."  (Papachroni and Lochrie, 2015, p. 81)

Main stages of secondary research for a dissertation/major project

In general, the main stages for conducting secondary research for your dissertation or major project will include:

Click on the image below to access the reading list which includes resources used in this guide as well as some additional useful resources.

Link to online reading list of additional resources and further reading

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All you Need to Know About Secondary Market Research

secondary research government reports

You may often hear the term “secondary market research”, but do you know what it means? This article aims to explain everything you need to know about secondary market research so that you can use the term with confidence and know exactly what you’re doing when you’re conducting research for your business or team project.

What is Secondary Market Research? The Differences Between Primary and Secondary Research

When conducting market research, it is good to know what type of research you are undertaking. There are two main types, primary, and secondary market research; and they both have differences between them that lead to their advantages and disadvantages.

Secondary market research is also known as desk research. It consists of gathering data that already exists and has already been produced by external sources, known as secondary data. This research method involves research being collected from internal sources and external sources from a business. Internal research can include information pertaining to marketing, such as the number of people that responded to an advert previously sent out by a business, whereas external research can involve gathering information from internet research, market reports, and government reports.

On the other hand, primary research is known as field research and it involves the collection of new primary data and information that has not been collected before by a business or sole body. Primary research has the added benefit of providing a business or person with customised research that is specific to their own circumstances – often using a business’ own customers to find out the required information.

Whilst this is a time-consuming method of data collection, it does yield detailed and up-to-date information that is relevant to the needs of the business. Some methods involved are:

  • Questionnaires
  • Focus groups
  • Observations

Asset valuation

The 3 Main Types of Secondary Market Research

There are three main types of secondary marketing research methods that can provide important information for businesses to decide how to tackle their next big challenge, what product to next manufacture, or how to advertise their service for the greatest number of potential customers.

The section below explains the three main types of secondary market research, and what you can expect the data collected from these sources to look like:

Internet Research

The process of conducting internet research involves taking and using data from competitors’ websites, articles from print and online newspapers, and from social media sources. This kind of research provides a business or organisation with an overview of information relating to the topic.

For example, this can be information relating to the industry of a business in order to gauge the products and services other businesses offer in order to gain an edge in the market.

Market Reports

Market reports are specific to the industry they are created and tailored for – created to give specific information about the current situation of the wider industry as a whole, or new developments going on that benefit or disadvantage that industry.

Examples of this kind of research would be:

  • ‘in the year 2021, the mean age of those playing video games for over 4 hours a day was 24 years old.’
  • ‘38% of adults aged 30-55 visit a coffee shop at least once a month.’

This type of research can help a business decide which customers to target, and how to target them effectively.

Government Reports

Although government reports may consist of information that typically is not industry-specific, they can still contain information that will prove useful for a business. Examples of this type of information would be:

  • ‘65% of people aged 16-24 would not consider working for less than £7 per hour.’
  • ‘75% of the population is aged under 60 years old’

A business would be able to use this type of information to decide what level of pay to offer potential employees, who their target market or audience should be, or what kind of products to develop that will benefit or intrigue the most potential people.

Write a business plan

Advantages of Secondary Market Research

There are a variety of advantages of secondary market research that can greatly benefit your research and your business. Not only is this method far more cost-effective and less time-consuming compared to conducting primary market research, but it is far easier to collect as the data you will want is already waiting in multiple sources.

Some other advantages of secondary market research include:

  • Information that is already compiled, collected, and easily gathered.
  • Secondary research has the potential to provide specific information related to the business’ industry.
  • Can be easier to analyse as the data has already been compiled and formed into an easy to understand format, either via pie charts, spreadsheets, bar graphs, or other mediums.

Disadvantages of Secondary Market Research

However, in contrast to the advantages listed above, there can be some large disadvantages too. This data can be lacklustre in terms of the details you need it to have, so you may have to go out looking for even more sources to support or contrast your data.

Some other limitations of secondary market research include:

  • Information gathered is more than likely not going to be specific to the business and its needs.
  • The information on the internet could be out of date, either by months or years, so circumstances of where this information can be used will vary.
  • As it is on the internet, it can be easily manipulated, forged, inaccurately collected, or have a biased skew. E.g: a survey on racism could have only interviewed people of one race, and this detail may not have been disclosed.

Need More Information About Market Research? Contact Halkin Today

If you’re not fully sure on what secondary market research means, or how to conduct secondary market research yourself, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the market research experts here at Halkin. We’ll do all we can to help you grasp a firm understanding of the topic, as well as some insider tips and tricks on how to professionally and efficiently conduct secondary market research yourself.

Get in touch with Halkin today.

  • What is Secondary Research? + [Methods & Examples]


In some situations, the researcher may not be directly involved in the data gathering process and instead, would rely on already existing data in order to arrive at research outcomes. This approach to systematic investigation is known as secondary research. 

There are many reasons a researcher may want to make use of already existing data instead of collecting data samples, first-hand. In this article, we will share some of these reasons with you and show you how to conduct secondary research with Formplus. 

What is Secondary  Research?

Secondary research is a common approach to a systematic investigation in which the researcher depends solely on existing data in the course of the research process. This research design involves organizing, collating and analyzing these data samples for valid research conclusions. 

Secondary research is also known as desk research since it involves synthesizing existing data that can be sourced from the internet, peer-reviewed journals , textbooks, government archives, and libraries. What the secondary researcher does is to study already established patterns in previous researches and apply this information to the specific research context. 

Interestingly, secondary research often relies on data provided by primary research and this is why some researches combine both methods of investigation. In this sense, the researcher begins by evaluating and identifying gaps in existing knowledge before adopting primary research to gather new information that will serve his or her research. 

What are Secondary Research Methods?

As already highlighted, secondary research involves data assimilation from different sources, that is, using available research materials instead of creating a new pool of data using primary research methods. Common secondary research methods include data collection through the internet, libraries, archives, schools and organizational reports. 

  • Online Data

Online data is data that is gathered via the internet. In recent times, this method has become popular because the internet provides a large pool of both free and paid research resources that can be easily accessed with the click of a button. 

While this method simplifies the data gathering process , the researcher must take care to depend solely on authentic sites when collecting information. In some way, the internet is a virtual aggregation for all other sources of secondary research data. 

  • Data from Government and Non-government Archives

You can also gather useful research materials from government and non-government archives and these archives usually contain verifiable information that provides useful insights on varying research contexts. In many cases, you would need to pay a sum to gain access to these data. 

The challenge, however, is that such data is not always readily available due to a number of factors. For instance, some of these materials are described as classified information as such, it would be difficult for researchers to have access to them. 

  • Data from Libraries

Research materials can also be accessed through public and private libraries. Think of a library as an information storehouse that contains an aggregation of important information that can serve as valid data in different research contexts. 

Typically, researchers donate several copies of dissertations to public and private libraries; especially in cases of academic research. Also, business directories, newsletters, annual reports and other similar documents that can serve as research data, are gathered and stored in libraries, in both soft and hard copies. 

  • Data from Institutions of Learning

Educational facilities like schools, faculties, and colleges are also a great source of secondary data; especially in academic research. This is because a lot of research is carried out in educational institutions more than in other sectors. 

It is relatively easier to obtain research data from educational institutions because these institutions are committed to solving problems and expanding the body of knowledge. You can easily request research materials from educational facilities for the purpose of a literature review. 

Secondary research methods can also be categorized into qualitative and quantitative data collection methods . Quantitative data gathering methods include online questionnaires and surveys, reports about trends plus statistics about different areas of a business or industry.  

Qualitative research methods include relying on previous interviews and data gathered through focus groups which helps an organization to understand the needs of its customers and plan to fulfill these needs. It also helps businesses to measure the level of employee satisfaction with organizational policies. 

When Do We Conduct Secondary Research?

Typically, secondary research is the first step in any systematic investigation. This is because it helps the researcher to understand what research efforts have been made so far and to utilize this knowledge in mapping out a novel direction for his or her investigation. 

For instance, you may want to carry out research into the nature of a respiratory condition with the aim of developing a vaccine. The best place to start is to gather existing research material about the condition which would help to point your research in the right direction. 

When sifting through these pieces of information, you would gain insights into methods and findings from previous researches which would help you define your own research process. Secondary research also helps you to identify knowledge gaps that can serve as the name of your own research. 

Questions to ask before conducting Secondary Research

Since secondary research relies on already existing data, the researcher must take extra care to ensure that he or she utilizes authentic data samples for the research. Falsified data can have a negative impact on the research outcomes; hence, it is important to always carry out resource evaluation by asking a number of questions as highlighted below:

  • What is the purpose of the research? Again, it is important for every researcher to clearly define the purpose of the research before proceeding with it. Usually, the research purpose determines the approach that would be adopted. 
  • What is my research methodology? After identifying the purpose of the research, the next thing to do is outline the research methodology. This is the point where the researcher chooses to gather data using secondary research methods. 
  • What are my expected research outcomes? 
  • Who collected the data to be analyzed? Before going on to use secondary data for your research, it is necessary to ascertain the authenticity of the information. This usually affects the data reliability and determines if the researcher can trust the materials.  For instance, data gathered from personal blogs and websites may not be as credible as information obtained from an organization’s website. 
  • When was the data collected? Data recency is another factor that must be considered since the recency of data can affect research outcomes. For instance, if you are carrying out research into the number of women who smoke in London, it would not be appropriate for you to make use of information that was gathered 5 years ago unless you plan to do some sort of data comparison. 
  • Is the data consistent with other data available from other sources? Always compare and contrast your data with other available research materials as this would help you to identify inconsistencies if any.
  • What type of data was collected? Take care to determine if the secondary data aligns with your research goals and objectives. 
  • How was the data collected? 

Advantages of Secondary Research

  • Easily Accessible With secondary research, data can easily be accessed in no time; especially with the use of the internet. Apart from the internet, there are different data sources available in secondary research like public libraries and archives which are relatively easy to access too. 
  • Secondary research is cost-effective and it is not time-consuming. The researcher can cut down on costs because he or she is not directly involved in the data collection process which is also time-consuming. 
  • Secondary research helps researchers to identify knowledge gaps which can serve as the basis of further systematic investigation. 
  • It is useful for mapping out the scope of research thereby setting the stage for field investigations. When carrying out secondary research, the researchers may find that the exact information they were looking for is already available, thus eliminating the need and expense incurred in carrying out primary research in these areas. 

Disadvantages of Secondary Research  

  • Questionable Data: With secondary research, it is hard to determine the authenticity of the data because the researcher is not directly involved in the research process. Invalid data can affect research outcomes negatively hence, it is important for the researcher to take extra care by evaluating the data before making use of it. 
  • Generalization: Secondary data is unspecific in nature and may not directly cater to the needs of the researcher. There may not be correlations between the existing data and the research process. 
  • Common Data: Research materials in secondary research are not exclusive to an individual or group. This means that everyone has access to the data and there is little or no “information advantage” gained by those who obtain the research.
  • It has the risk of outdated research materials. Outdated information may offer little value especially for organizations competing in fast-changing markets.

How to Conduct Online Surveys with Formplus 

Follow these 5 steps to create and administer online surveys for secondary research: 

  • Sign into Formplus

In the Formplus builder, you can easily create an online survey for secondary research by dragging and dropping preferred fields into your form. To access the Formplus builder, you will need to create an account on Formplus. 

Once you do this, sign in to your account and click on “Create Form ” to begin. 


  • Edit Form Title


Click on the field provided to input your form title, for example, “Secondary Research Survey”.

  • Click on the edit button to edit the form.


  • Add Fields: Drag and drop preferred form fields into your form in the Formplus builder inputs column. There are several field input options for questionnaires in the Formplus builder. 
  • Edit fields
  • Click on “Save”
  • Preview form. 
  • Customize your Form

secondary research government reports

With the form customization options in the form builder, you can easily change the outlook of your form and make it more unique and personalized. Formplus allows you to change your form theme, add background images and even change the font according to your needs. 

  • Multiple Sharing Options

secondary research government reports

Formplus offers multiple form sharing options which enables you to easily share your questionnaire with respondents. You can use the direct social media sharing buttons to share your form link to your organization’s social media pages. 

You can send out your survey form as email invitations to your research subjects too. If you wish, you can share your form’s QR code or embed it on your organization’s website for easy access. 

Why Use Formplus as a Secondary Research Tool?

  • Simple Form Builder Solution

The Formplus form builder is easy to use and does not require you to have any knowledge in computer programming, unlike other form builders. For instance, you can easily add form fields to your form by dragging and dropping them from the inputs section in the builder. 

In the form builder, you can also modify your fields to be hidden or read-only and you can create smart forms with save and resume options, form lookup, and conditional logic. Formplus also allows you to customize your form by adding preferred background images and your organization’s logo. 

  • Over 25 Form Fields

With over 25 versatile form fields available in the form builder, you can easily collect data the way you like. You can receive payments directly in your form by adding payment fields and you can also add file upload fields to allow you receive files in your form too. 

  • Offline Form feature

With Formplus, you can collect data from respondents even without internet connectivity . Formplus automatically detects when there is no or poor internet access and allows forms to be filled out and submitted in offline mode. 

Offline form responses are automatically synced with the servers when the internet connection is restored. This feature is extremely useful for field research that may involve sourcing for data in remote and rural areas plus it allows you to scale up on your audience reach. 

  • Team and Collaboration

 You can add important collaborators and team members to your shared account so that you all can work on forms and responses together. With the multiple users options, you can assign different roles to team members and you can also grant and limit access to forms and folders. 

This feature works with an audit trail that enables you to track changes and suggestions made to your form as the administrator of the shared account. You can set up permissions to limit access to the account while organizing and monitoring your form(s) effectively. 

  • Embeddable Form

Formplus allows you to easily add your form with respondents with the click of a button. For instance, you can directly embed your form in your organization’s web pages by adding Its unique shortcode to your site’s HTML. 

You can also share your form to your social media pages using the social media direct sharing buttons available in the form builder. You can choose to embed the form as an iframe or web pop-up that is easy to fill. 

With Formplus, you can share your form with numerous form respondents in no time. You can invite respondents to fill out your form via email invitation which allows you to also track responses and prevent multiple submissions in your form. 

In addition, you can also share your form link as a QR code so that respondents only need to scan the code to access your form. Our forms have a unique QR code that you can add to your website or print in banners, business cards and the like. 

While secondary research can be cost-effective and time-efficient, it requires the researcher to take extra care in ensuring that the data is authentic and valid. As highlighted earlier, data in secondary research can be sourced through the internet, archives, and libraries, amongst other methods. 

Secondary research is usually the starting point of systematic investigation because it provides the researcher with a background of existing research efforts while identifying knowledge gaps to be filled. This type of research is typically used in science and education. 

It is, however, important to note that secondary research relies on the outcomes of collective primary research data in carrying out its systematic investigation. Hence, the success of your research will depend, to a greater extent, on the quality of data provided by primary research in relation to the research context.


Connect to Formplus, Get Started Now - It's Free!

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Protecting against researcher bias in secondary data analysis: challenges and potential solutions

Jessie r. baldwin.

1 Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London, London, WC1H 0AP UK

2 Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK

Jean-Baptiste Pingault

Tabea schoeler, hannah m. sallis.

3 MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

4 School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

5 Centre for Academic Mental Health, Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

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6 NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

Analysis of secondary data sources (such as cohort studies, survey data, and administrative records) has the potential to provide answers to science and society’s most pressing questions. However, researcher biases can lead to questionable research practices in secondary data analysis, which can distort the evidence base. While pre-registration can help to protect against researcher biases, it presents challenges for secondary data analysis. In this article, we describe these challenges and propose novel solutions and alternative approaches. Proposed solutions include approaches to (1) address bias linked to prior knowledge of the data, (2) enable pre-registration of non-hypothesis-driven research, (3) help ensure that pre-registered analyses will be appropriate for the data, and (4) address difficulties arising from reduced analytic flexibility in pre-registration. For each solution, we provide guidance on implementation for researchers and data guardians. The adoption of these practices can help to protect against researcher bias in secondary data analysis, to improve the robustness of research based on existing data.


Secondary data analysis has the potential to provide answers to science and society’s most pressing questions. An abundance of secondary data exists—cohort studies, surveys, administrative data (e.g., health records, crime records, census data), financial data, and environmental data—that can be analysed by researchers in academia, industry, third-sector organisations, and the government. However, secondary data analysis is vulnerable to questionable research practices (QRPs) which can distort the evidence base. These QRPs include p-hacking (i.e., exploiting analytic flexibility to obtain statistically significant results), selective reporting of statistically significant, novel, or “clean” results, and hypothesising after the results are known (HARK-ing [i.e., presenting unexpected results as if they were predicted]; [ 1 ]. Indeed, findings obtained from secondary data analysis are not always replicable [ 2 , 3 ], reproducible [ 4 ], or robust to analytic choices [ 5 , 6 ]. Preventing QRPs in research based on secondary data is therefore critical for scientific and societal progress.

A primary cause of QRPs is common cognitive biases that affect the analysis, reporting, and interpretation of data [ 7 – 10 ]. For example, apophenia (the tendency to see patterns in random data) and confirmation bias (the tendency to focus on evidence that is consistent with one’s beliefs) can lead to particular analytical choices and selective reporting of “publishable” results [ 11 – 13 ]. In addition, hindsight bias (the tendency to view past events as predictable) can lead to HARK-ing, so that observed results appear more compelling.

The scope for these biases to distort research outputs from secondary data analysis is perhaps particularly acute, for two reasons. First, researchers now have increasing access to high-dimensional datasets that offer a multitude of ways to analyse the same data [ 6 ]. Such analytic flexibility can lead to different conclusions depending on the analytical choices made [ 5 , 14 , 15 ]. Second, current incentive structures in science reward researchers for publishing statistically significant, novel, and/or surprising findings [ 16 ]. This combination of opportunity and incentive may lead researchers—consciously or unconsciously—to run multiple analyses and only report the most “publishable” findings.

One way to help protect against the effects of researcher bias is to pre-register research plans [ 17 , 18 ]. This can be achieved by pre-specifying the rationale, hypotheses, methods, and analysis plans, and submitting these to either a third-party registry (e.g., the Open Science Framework [OSF]; ), or a journal in the form of a Registered Report [ 19 ]. Because research plans and hypotheses are specified before the results are known, pre-registration reduces the potential for cognitive biases to lead to p-hacking, selective reporting, and HARK-ing [ 20 ]. While pre-registration is not necessarily a panacea for preventing QRPs (Table ​ (Table1), 1 ), meta-scientific evidence has found that pre-registered studies and Registered Reports are more likely to report null results [ 21 – 23 ], smaller effect sizes [ 24 ], and be replicated [ 25 ]. Pre-registration is increasingly being adopted in epidemiological research [ 26 , 27 ], and is even required for access to data from certain cohorts (e.g., the Twins Early Development Study [ 28 ]). However, pre-registration (and other open science practices; Table ​ Table2) 2 ) can pose particular challenges to researchers conducting secondary data analysis [ 29 ], motivating the need for alternative approaches and solutions. Here we describe such challenges, before proposing potential solutions to protect against researcher bias in secondary data analysis (summarised in Fig.  1 ).

Limitations in the use of pre-registration to address QRPs

Challenges and potential solutions regarding sharing pre-existing data

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Challenges in pre-registering secondary data analysis and potential solutions (according to researcher motivations). Note : In the “Potential solution” column, blue boxes indicate solutions that are researcher-led; green boxes indicate solutions that should be facilitated by data guardians

Challenges of pre-registration for secondary data analysis

Prior knowledge of the data.

Researchers conducting secondary data analysis commonly analyse data from the same dataset multiple times throughout their careers. However, prior knowledge of the data increases risk of bias, as prior expectations about findings could motivate researchers to pursue certain analyses or questions. In the worst-case scenario, a researcher might perform multiple preliminary analyses, and only pursue those which lead to notable results (perhaps posting a pre-registration for these analyses, even though it is effectively post hoc). However, even if the researcher has not conducted specific analyses previously, they may be biased (either consciously or subconsciously) to pursue certain analyses after testing related questions with the same variables, or even by reading past studies on the dataset. As such, pre-registration cannot fully protect against researcher bias when researchers have previously accessed the data.

Research may not be hypothesis-driven

Pre-registration and Registered Reports are tailored towards hypothesis-driven, confirmatory research. For example, the OSF pre-registration template requires researchers to state “specific, concise, and testable hypotheses”, while Registered Reports do not permit purely exploratory research [ 30 ], although a new Exploratory Reports format now exists [ 31 ]. However, much research involving secondary data is not focused on hypothesis testing, but is exploratory, descriptive, or focused on estimation—in other words, examining the magnitude and robustness of an association as precisely as possible, rather than simply testing a point null. Furthermore, without a strong theoretical background, hypotheses will be arbitrary and could lead to unhelpful inferences [ 32 , 33 ], and so should be avoided in novel areas of research.

Pre-registered analyses are not appropriate for the data

With pre-registration, there is always a risk that the data will violate the assumptions of the pre-registered analyses [ 17 ]. For example, a researcher might pre-register a parametric test, only for the data to be non-normally distributed. However, in secondary data analysis, the extent to which the data shape the appropriate analysis can be considerable. First, longitudinal cohort studies are often subject to missing data and attrition. Approaches to deal with missing data (e.g., listwise deletion; multiple imputation) depend on the characteristics of missing data (e.g., the extent and patterns of missingness [ 34 ]), and so pre-specifying approaches to dealing with missingness may be difficult, or extremely complex. Second, certain analytical decisions depend on the nature of the observed data (e.g., the choice of covariates to include in a multiple regression might depend on the collinearity between the measures, or the degree of missingness of different measures that capture the same construct). Third, much secondary data (e.g., electronic health records and other administrative data) were never collected for research purposes, so can present several challenges that are impossible to predict in advance [ 35 ]. These issues can limit a researcher’s ability to pre-register a precise analytic plan prior to accessing secondary data.

Lack of flexibility in data analysis

Concerns have been raised that pre-registration limits flexibility in data analysis, including justifiable exploration [ 36 – 38 ]. For example, by requiring researchers to commit to a pre-registered analysis plan, pre-registration could prevent researchers from exploring novel questions (with a hypothesis-free approach), conducting follow-up analyses to investigate notable findings [ 39 ], or employing newly published methods with advantages over those pre-registered. While this concern is also likely to apply to primary data analysis, it is particularly relevant to certain fields involving secondary data analysis, such as genetic epidemiology, where new methods are rapidly being developed [ 40 ], and follow-up analyses are often required (e.g., in a genome-wide association study to further investigate the role of a genetic variant associated with a phenotype). However, this concern is perhaps over-stated – pre-registration does not preclude unplanned analyses; it simply makes it more transparent that these analyses are post hoc. Nevertheless, another understandable concern is that reduced analytic flexibility could lead to difficulties in publishing papers and accruing citations. For example, pre-registered studies are more likely to report null results [ 22 , 23 ], likely due to reduced analytic flexibility and selective reporting. While this is a positive outcome for research integrity, null results are less likely to be published [ 13 , 41 , 42 ] and cited [ 11 ], which could disadvantage researchers’ careers.

In this section, we describe potential solutions to address the challenges involved in pre-registering secondary data analysis, including approaches to (1) address bias linked to prior knowledge of the data, (2) enable pre-registration of non-hypothesis-driven research, (3) ensure that pre-planned analyses will be appropriate for the data, and (4) address potential difficulties arising from reduced analytic flexibility.

Challenge: Prior knowledge of the data

Declare prior access to data.

To increase transparency about potential biases arising from knowledge of the data, researchers could routinely report all prior data access in a pre-registration [ 29 ]. This would ideally include evidence from an independent gatekeeper (e.g., a data guardian of the study) stating whether data and relevant variables were accessed by each co-author. To facilitate this process, data guardians could set up a central “electronic checkout” system that records which researchers have accessed data, what data were accessed, and when [ 43 ]. The researcher or data guardian could then provide links to the checkout histories for all co-authors in the pre-registration, to verify their prior data access. If it is not feasible to provide such objective evidence, authors could self-certify their prior access to the dataset and where possible, relevant variables—preferably listing any publications and in-preparation studies based on the dataset [ 29 ]. Of course, self-certification relies on trust that researchers will accurately report prior data access, which could be challenging if the study involves a large number of authors, or authors who have been involved on many studies on the dataset. However, it is likely to be the most feasible option at present as many datasets do not have available electronic records of data access. For further guidance on self-certifying prior data access when pre-registering secondary data analysis studies on a third-party registry (e.g., the OSF), we recommend referring to the template by Van den Akker, Weston [ 29 ].

The extent to which prior access to data renders pre-registration invalid is debatable. On the one hand, even if data have been accessed previously, pre-registration is likely to reduce QRPs by encouraging researchers to commit to a pre-specified analytic strategy. On the other hand, pre-registration does not fully protect against researcher bias where data have already been accessed, and can lend added credibility to study claims, which may be unfounded. Reporting prior data access in a pre-registration is therefore important to make these potential biases transparent, so that readers and reviewers can judge the credibility of the findings accordingly. However, for a more rigorous solution which protects against researcher bias in the context of prior data access, researchers should consider adopting a multiverse approach.

Conduct a multiverse analysis

A multiverse analysis involves identifying all potential analytic choices that could justifiably be made to address a given research question (e.g., different ways to code a variable, combinations of covariates, and types of analytic model), implementing them all, and reporting the results [ 44 ]. Notably, this method differs from the traditional approach in which findings from only one analytic method are reported. It is conceptually similar to a sensitivity analysis, but it is far more comprehensive, as often hundreds or thousands of analytic choices are reported, rather than a handful. By showing the results from all defensible analytic approaches, multiverse analysis reduces scope for selective reporting and provides insight into the robustness of findings against analytical choices (for example, if there is a clear convergence of estimates, irrespective of most analytical choices). For causal questions in observational research, Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) could be used to inform selection of covariates in multiverse approaches [ 45 ] (i.e., to ensure that confounders, rather than mediators or colliders, are controlled for).

Specification curve analysis [ 46 ] is a form of multiverse analysis that has been applied to examine the robustness of epidemiological findings to analytic choices [ 6 , 47 ]. Specification curve analysis involves three steps: (1) identifying all analytic choices – termed “specifications”, (2) displaying the results graphically with magnitude of effect size plotted against analytic choice, and (3) conducting joint inference across all results. When applied to the association between digital technology use and adolescent well-being [ 6 ], specification curve analysis showed that the (small, negative) association diminished after accounting for adequate control variables and recall bias – demonstrating the sensitivity of results to analytic choices.

Despite the benefits of the multiverse approach in addressing analytic flexibility, it is not without limitations. First, because each analytic choice is treated as equally valid, including less justifiable models could bias the results away from the truth. Second, the choice of specifications can be biased by prior knowledge (e.g., a researcher may choose to omit a covariate to obtain a particular result). Third, multiverse analysis may not entirely prevent selective reporting (e.g., if the full range of results are not reported), although pre-registering multiverse approaches (and specifying analytic choices) could mitigate this. Last, and perhaps most importantly, multiverse analysis is technically challenging (e.g., when there are hundreds or thousands of analytic choices) and can be impractical for complex analyses, very large datasets, or when computational resources are limited. However, this burden can be somewhat reduced by tutorials and packages which are being developed to standardise the procedure and reduce computational time [see 48 , 49 ].

Challenge: Research may not be hypothesis-driven

Pre-register research questions and conditions for interpreting findings.

Observational research arguably does not need to have a hypothesis to benefit from pre-registration. For studies that are descriptive or focused on estimation, we recommend pre-registering research questions, analysis plans, and criteria for interpretation. Analytic flexibility will be limited by pre-registering specific research questions and detailed analysis plans, while post hoc interpretation will be limited by pre-specifying criteria for interpretation [ 50 ]. The potential for HARK-ing will also be minimised because readers can compare the published study to the original pre-registration, where a-priori hypotheses were not specified.

Detailed guidance on how to pre-register research questions and analysis plans for secondary data is provided in Van den Akker’s [ 29 ] tutorial. To pre-specify conditions for interpretation, it is important to anticipate – as much as possible – all potential findings, and state how each would be interpreted. For example, suppose that a researcher aims to test a causal relationship between X and Y using a multivariate regression model with longitudinal data. Assuming that all potential confounders have been fully measured and controlled for (albeit a strong assumption) and statistical power is high, three broad sets of results and interpretations could be pre-specified. First, an association between X and Y that is similar in magnitude to the unadjusted association would be consistent with a causal relationship. Second, an association between X and Y that is attenuated after controlling for confounders would suggest that the relationship is partly causal and partly confounded. Third, a minimal, non-statistically significant adjusted association would suggest a lack of evidence for a causal effect of X on Y. Depending on the context of the study, criteria could also be provided on the threshold (or range of thresholds) at which the effect size would justify different interpretations [ 51 ], be considered practically meaningful, or the smallest effect size of interest for equivalence tests [ 52 ]. While researcher biases might still affect the pre-registered criteria for interpreting findings (e.g., toward over-interpreting a small effect size as meaningful), this bias will at least be transparent in the pre-registration.

Use a holdout sample to delineate exploratory and confirmatory research

Where researchers wish to integrate exploratory research into a pre-registered, confirmatory study, a holdout sample approach can be used [ 18 ]. Creating a holdout sample refers to the process of randomly splitting the dataset into two parts, often referred to as ‘training’ and ‘holdout’ datasets. To delineate exploratory and confirmatory research, researchers can first conduct exploratory data analysis on the training dataset (which should comprise a moderate fraction of the data, e.g., 35% [ 53 ]. Based on the results of the discovery process, researchers can pre-register hypotheses and analysis plans to formally test on the holdout dataset. This process has parallels with cross-validation in machine learning, in which the dataset is split and the model is developed on the training dataset, before being tested on the test dataset. The approach enables a flexible discovery process, before formally testing discoveries in a non-biased way.

When considering whether to use the holdout sample approach, three points should be noted. First, because the training dataset is not reusable, there will be a reduced sample size and loss of power relative to analysing the whole dataset. As such, the holdout sample approach will only be appropriate when the original dataset is large enough to provide sufficient power in the holdout dataset. Second, when the training dataset is used for exploration, subsequent confirmatory analyses on the holdout dataset may be overfitted (due to both datasets being drawn from the same sample), so replication in independent samples is recommended. Third, the holdout dataset should be created by an independent data manager or guardian, to ensure that the researcher does not have knowledge of the full dataset. However, it is straightforward to randomly split a dataset into a holdout and training sample and we provide example R code at: .

Challenge: Pre-registered analyses are not appropriate for the data

Use blinding to test proposed analyses.

One method to help ensure that pre-registered analyses will be appropriate for the data is to trial the analyses on a blinded dataset [ 54 ], before pre-registering. Data blinding involves obscuring the data values or labels prior to data analysis, so that the proposed analyses can be trialled on the data without observing the actual findings. Various types of blinding strategies exist [ 54 ], but one method that is appropriate for epidemiological data is “data scrambling” [ 55 ]. This involves randomly shuffling the data points so that any associations between variables are obscured, whilst the variable distributions (and amounts of missing data) remain the same. We provide a tutorial for how to implement this in R (see ). Ideally the data scrambling would be done by a data guardian who is independent of the research, to ensure that the main researcher does not access the data prior to pre-registering the analyses. Once the researcher is confident with the analyses, the study can be pre-registered, and the analyses conducted on the unscrambled dataset.

Blinded analysis offers several advantages for ensuring that pre-registered analyses are appropriate, with some limitations. First, blinded analysis allows researchers to directly check the distribution of variables and amounts of missingness, without having to make assumptions about the data that may not be met, or spend time planning contingencies for every possible scenario. Second, blinded analysis prevents researchers from gaining insight into the potential findings prior to pre-registration, because associations between variables are masked. However, because of this, blinded analysis does not enable researchers to check for collinearity, predictors of missing data, or other covariances that may be necessary for model specification. As such, blinded analysis will be most appropriate for researchers who wish to check the data distribution and amounts of missingness before pre-registering.

Trial analyses on a dataset excluding the outcome

Another method to help ensure that pre-registered analyses will be appropriate for the data is to trial analyses on a dataset excluding outcome data. For example, data managers could provide researchers with part of the dataset containing the exposure variable(s) plus any covariates and/or auxiliary variables. The researcher can then trial and refine the analyses ahead of pre-registering, without gaining insight into the main findings (which require the outcome data). This approach is used to mitigate bias in propensity score matching studies [ 26 , 56 ], as researchers use data on the exposure and covariates to create matched groups, prior to accessing any outcome data. Once the exposed and non-exposed groups have been matched effectively, researchers pre-register the protocol ahead of viewing the outcome data. Notably though, this approach could help researchers to identify and address other analytical challenges involving secondary data. For example, it could be used to check multivariable distributional characteristics, test for collinearity between multiple predictor variables, or identify predictors of missing data for multiple imputation.

This approach offers certain benefits for researchers keen to ensure that pre-registered analyses are appropriate for the observed data, with some limitations. Regarding benefits, researchers will be able to examine associations between variables (excluding the outcome), unlike the data scrambling approach described above. This would be helpful for checking certain assumptions (e.g., collinearity or characteristics of missing data such as whether it is missing at random). In addition, the approach is easy to implement, as the dataset can be initially created without the outcome variable, which can then be added after pre-registration, minimising burden on data guardians. Regarding limitations, it is possible that accessing variables in advance could provide some insight into the findings. For example, if a covariate is known to be highly correlated with the outcome, testing the association between the covariate and the exposure could give some indication of the relationship between the exposure and the outcome. To make this potential bias transparent, researchers should report the variables that they already accessed in the pre-registration. Another limitation is that researchers will not be able to identify analytical issues relating to the outcome data in advance of pre-registration. Therefore, this approach will be most appropriate where researchers wish to check various characteristics of the exposure variable(s) and covariates, rather than the outcome. However, a “mixed” approach could be applied in which outcome data is provided in scrambled format, to enable researchers to also assess distributional characteristics of the outcome. This would substantially reduce the number of potential challenges to be considered in pre-registered analytical pipelines.

Pre-register a decision tree

If it is not possible to access any of the data prior to pre-registering (e.g., to enable analyses to be trialled on a dataset that is blinded or missing outcome data), researchers could pre-register a decision tree. This defines the sequence of analyses and rules based on characteristics of the observed data [ 17 ]. For example, the decision tree could specify testing a normality assumption, and based on the results, whether to use a parametric or non-parametric test. Ideally, the decision tree should provide a contingency plan for each of the planned analyses, if assumptions are not fulfilled. Of course, it can be challenging and time consuming to anticipate every potential issue with the data and plan contingencies. However, investing time into pre-specifying a decision tree (or a set of contingency plans) could save time should issues arise during data analysis, and can reduce the likelihood of deviating from the pre-registration.

Challenge: Lack of flexibility in data analysis

Transparently report unplanned analyses.

Unplanned analyses (such as applying new methods or conducting follow-up tests to investigate an interesting or unexpected finding) are a natural and often important part of the scientific process. Despite common misconceptions, pre-registration does not permit such unplanned analyses from being included, as long as they are transparently reported as post-hoc. If there are methodological deviations, we recommend that researchers should (1) clearly state the reasons for using the new method, and (2) if possible, report results from both methods, to ideally show that the change in methods was not due to the results [ 57 ]. This information can either be provided in the manuscript or in an update to the original pre-registration (e.g., on the third-party registry such as the OSF), which can be useful when journal word limits are tight. Similarly, if researchers wish to include additional follow-up analyses to investigate an interesting or unexpected finding, this should be reported but labelled as “exploratory” or “post-hoc” in the manuscript.

Ensure a paper’s value does not depend on statistically significant results

Researchers may be concerned that reduced analytic flexibility from pre-registration could increase the likelihood of reporting null results [ 22 , 23 ], which are harder to publish [ 13 , 42 ]. To address this, we recommend taking steps to ensure that the value and success of a study does not depend on a significant p-value. First, methodologically strong research (e.g., with high statistical power, valid and reliable measures, robustness checks, and replication samples) will advance the field, whatever the findings. Second, methods can be applied to allow for the interpretation of statistically non-significant findings (e.g., Bayesian methods [ 58 ] or equivalence tests, which determine whether an observed effect is surprisingly small [ 52 , 59 , 60 ]. This means that the results will be informative whatever they show, in contrast to approaches relying solely on null hypothesis significance testing, where statistically non-significant findings cannot be interpreted as meaningful. Third, researchers can submit the proposed study as a Registered Report, where it will be evaluated before the results are available. This is arguably the strongest way to protect against publication bias, as in-principle study acceptance is granted without any knowledge of the results. In addition, Registered Reports can improve the methodology, as suggestions from expert reviewers can be incorporated into the pre-registered protocol.

Under a system that rewards novel and statistically significant findings, it is easy for subconscious human biases to lead to QRPs. However, researchers, along with data guardians, journals, funders, and institutions, have a responsibility to ensure that findings are reproducible and robust. While pre-registration can help to limit analytic flexibility and selective reporting, it involves several challenges for epidemiologists conducting secondary data analysis. The approaches described here aim to address these challenges (Fig.  1 ), to either improve the efficacy of pre-registration or provide an alternative approach to address analytic flexibility (e.g., a multiverse analysis). The responsibility in adopting these approaches should not only fall on researchers’ shoulders; data guardians also have an important role to play in recording and reporting access to data, providing blinded datasets and hold-out samples, and encouraging researchers to pre-register and adopt these solutions as part of their data request. Furthermore, wider stakeholders could incentivise these practices; for example, journals could provide a designated space for researchers to report deviations from the pre-registration, and funders could provide grants to establish best practice at the cohort level (e.g., data checkout systems, blinded datasets). Ease of adoption is key to ensure wide uptake, and we therefore encourage efforts to evaluate, simplify and improve these practices. Steps that could be taken to evaluate these practices are presented in Box 1.

More broadly, it is important to emphasise that researcher biases do not operate in isolation, but rather in the context of wider publication bias and a “publish or perish” culture. These incentive structures not only promote QRPs [ 61 ], but also discourage researchers from pre-registering and adopting other time-consuming reproducible methods. Therefore, in addition to targeting bias at the individual researcher level, wider initiatives from journals, funders, and institutions are required to address these institutional biases [ 7 ]. Systemic changes that reward rigorous and reproducible research will help researchers to provide unbiased answers to science and society’s most important questions.

Box 1. Evaluation of approaches

To evaluate, simplify and improve approaches to protect against researcher bias in secondary data analysis, the following steps could be taken.

Co-creation workshops to refine approaches

To obtain feedback on the approaches (including on any practical concerns or feasibility issues) co-creation workshops could be held with researchers, data managers, and wider stakeholders (e.g., journals, funders, and institutions).

Empirical research to evaluate efficacy of approaches

To evaluate the effectiveness of the approaches in preventing researcher bias and/or improving pre-registration, empirical research is needed. For example, to test the extent to which the multiverse analysis can reduce selective reporting, comparisons could be made between effect sizes from multiverse analyses versus effect sizes from meta-analyses (of non-pre-registered studies) addressing the same research question. If smaller effect sizes were found in multiverse analyses, it would suggest that the multiverse approach can reduce selective reporting. In addition, to test whether providing a blinded dataset or dataset missing outcome variables could help researchers develop an appropriate analytical protocol, researchers could be randomly assigned to receive such a dataset (or no dataset), prior to pre-registration. If researchers who received such a dataset had fewer eventual deviations from the pre-registered protocol (in the final study), it would suggest that this approach can help ensure that proposed analyses are appropriate for the data.

Pilot implementation of the measures

To assess the practical feasibility of the approaches, data managers could pilot measures for users of the dataset (e.g., required pre-registration for access to data, provision of datasets that are blinded or missing outcome variables). Feedback could then be collected from researchers and data managers via about the experience and ease of use.


The authors are grateful to Professor George Davey for his helpful comments on this article.

Author contributions

JRB and MRM developed the idea for the article. The first draft of the manuscript was written by JRB, with support from MRM and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

J.R.B is funded by a Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Wellcome fellowship (grant 215917/Z/19/Z). J.B.P is a supported by the Medical Research Foundation 2018 Emerging Leaders 1 st Prize in Adolescent Mental Health (MRF-160–0002-ELP-PINGA). M.R.M and H.M.S work in a unit that receives funding from the University of Bristol and the UK Medical Research Council (MC_UU_00011/5, MC_UU_00011/7), and M.R.M is also supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at the University Hospitals Bristol National Health Service Foundation Trust and the University of Bristol.


Author declares that they have no conflict of interest.

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Symptoms of Mild TBI and Concussion

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Clinical Guidance for Pediatric mTBI

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A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is an injury that affects how the brain works. TBI is a major cause of death and disability in the United States.

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    official statistics, such as government reports or organisations which have collected and published data; Primary research involves gathering data which has not been collected before. Methods to collect it can include interviews, focus groups, controlled trials and case studies. ... Secondary research for your major project may take the form of ...

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    Common secondary research methods include data collection through the internet, libraries, archives, schools and organizational reports. Online Data. Online data is data that is gathered via the internet. In recent times, this method has become popular because the internet provides a large pool of both free and paid research resources that can ...

  23. Protecting against researcher bias in secondary data analysis

    An abundance of secondary data exists—cohort studies, surveys, administrative data (e.g., health records, crime records, census data), financial data, and environmental data—that can be analysed by researchers in academia, industry, third-sector organisations, and the government. However, secondary data analysis is vulnerable to ...

  24. Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion

    Nov. 6, 2023. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Management Guideline. View clinical recommendations for diagnosis and management of adults with mild TBI. Apr. 29, 2024. Health Care Provider Resources. View resources to manage and prevent concussions. Apr. 15, 2024.