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Free SLP  Virtual B Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable B Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

B Filterable Flashcards

B Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual C / K Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable C / K Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

C / K Filterable Flashcards

C / K Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual CH Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable CH Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

CH Filterable Flashcards

CH Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual D Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable D Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

D Filterable Flashcards

D Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual F Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable F Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

F Filterable Flashcards

F Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual G Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable G Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

G Filterable Flashcards

G Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual H Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable H Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

H Filterable Flashcards

H Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual J Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable J Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

J Filterable Flashcards

J Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual L Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable L Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

L Filterable Flashcards

L Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual L Blends Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable L Blends Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Free SLP  Virtual M Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable M Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

M Filterable Flashcards

M Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual N Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable N Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

N Filterable Flashcards

N Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual P Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable P Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

P Filterable Flashcards

P Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual R Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable R Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

R Filterable Flashcards

R Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual R Blends Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable R Blends Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Vocalic (Vowelized) R Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Vocalic (Vowelized) R Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Vocalic (Vowelized) R B Filterable Flashcards

Vocalic (Vowelized) R B Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual S Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable S Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

S Filterable Flashcards

S Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual S Blend Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable S Blend Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

S Blend Filterable Flashcards

S Blend Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual SH Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable SH Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

SH Filterable Flashcards

SH Artic Hierarchy Activities (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual T Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable T Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

T Filterable Flashcards

T Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual TH Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable TH Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

TH Filterable Flashcards

TH Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual V Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable V Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

V Filterable Flashcards

V Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual W Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable W Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

W Filterable Flashcards

W Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Y Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Y Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Y Filterable Flashcards

Y Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Z Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Z Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Z  Filterable Flashcards

Z Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Multisyllabic (2, 3, and 4 Syllable) Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Multisyllabic (2, 3, and 4 Syllable) Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Multisyllabic (2, 3, and 4 Syllable) Filterable Flashcards

Multisyllabic (2, 3, and 4 Syllable) Artic Hierarchy Activities (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual CV Virtual Word Lists.

CV Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual CVC Virtual Word Lists.

CVC Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual CVCV Virtual Word Lists.

CVCV Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Stopping Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Stopping Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Stopping Filterable Flashcards

Stopping Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Gliding Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Gliding Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Gliding Filterable Flashcards

Gliding Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Cluster Reduction Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Cluster Reduction Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Cluster Reduction Filterable Flashcards

Cluster Reduction Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Devoicing Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Devoicing Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Devoicing Filterable Flashcards

Devoicing Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Voicing Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Voicing Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Voicing Filterable Flashcards

Voicing Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Fronting Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Fronting Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Fronting Filterable Flashcards

Fronting Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Initial Consonant Deletion Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Initial Consonant Deletion Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Initial Consonant Deletion Filterable Flashcards

Initial Consonant Deletion Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Final Consonant Deletion Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Final Consonant Deletion Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Final Consonant Deletion Filterable Flashcards

Final Consonant Deletion Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Backing Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Backing Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Backing Filterable Flashcards

Backing Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Nasalization Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Nasalization Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Nasalization Filterable Flashcards

Nasalization Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free SLP  Virtual Denasalization Virtual Word Lists.

Free SLP No-prep and Printable Denasalization Word Lists (in all positions at the Word, Phrase, Sentence, and Tongue Twister levels)

Denasalization Filterable Flashcards

Denasalization Artic Hierarchy Activities  (isolation word, phrase, sentence, story levels)

Free virtual and printable words lists for practicing artic words in speech therapy!

If you are in need of no-prep, virtual, or printable free speech therapy materials, we hope you enjoy our free slp word list materials each sound and phonological process has free materials and activities to target sounds at the initial, medial, and final positions. our materials also target sounds in isolation, word, phrase, sentence, story,, and tongue twister levels in our reading passage exercises, target sounds are in a different color., privacy overview.

Speech Therapy Store

135+ Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy (Free Word Lists)

Voiced th words speech therapy.

Are you a speech therapist or parent looking for voiced TH words to practice with your child or student? Then this blog is just what you need! It has over 135 voiced TH words for speech therapy that will help strengthen your child or student’s /th/ sound. 

In the world of speech therapy, mastering the “th” sound is important for clear and effective communication. As speech therapists, we know that the “th” sound is particularly essential, since it appears frequently in every day conversations, and is also one of the most common mispronounced sounds. 

By understanding and focusing on voiced “th” words in speech therapy sessions, we as speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and our clients can work together to improve speech clarity and overall language development. 

Voiced “th” sounds are created when the vocal cords vibrate and the air is pushed through the small space between the teeth and tongue. 

This unique sound can be tricky for some individuals, particularly young children and non-native English speakers who may not have been exposed to it early in life. 

This blog is just what you need when working on the pronunciation and articulation of voiced TH words! We will cover various techniques that can be employed in your speech therapy session to help clients develop and strengthen their pronunciation of voiced “th” words. 


Key Takeaways

  • Speech therapy aims to improve the pronunciation of voiced “th” words to enhance communication.
  • Voiced “th” sounds are key components of everyday conversations, making early intervention crucial. 
  • Various teaching methods and different resource types can be employed to differentiate between voiced and voiceless “th” sounds.
  • There are additional resources listed in this post that can be used as helpful resources when working on the voiced “th” sounds in speech therapy.

Understanding Voiced Th Sounds

As a speech therapist, I found that one of the common challenges is understanding and mastering the voiced “th” sound. It seemed to be one of the most common mispronounced sounds in the past within my caseload. 

To cover the basics – the voiced “th” sounds occur when the vocal cords vibrate during the production of the sound. This is in contrast to voiceless “th” sounds, which do not involve vocal cord vibration. 

To begin, it’s crucial to know that an articulation disorder occurs when a person has difficulty producing speech sounds correctly. This can happen for various reasons, including structural abnormalities in the oral cavity, weak oral muscles, or delayed motor speech development. For voiced “th” sounds, the focus is primarily on the correct tongue placement and vocal cord vibration.

Correct Production

  • Tongue Placement: To produce a clear voiced “th” sound, have your student or child place the tip of their tongue between the upper and bottom teeth. 
  • Airflow: The tongue should rest gently against the teeth, allowing for free airflow.
  • Vocal Cords: As the vocal cords vibrate, a continuous voiced sound should be produced.
  • Tip: During this process, they should feel a slight vibration in their throat, indicating that the vocal cords are engaged appropriately.

As I worked with clients, one technique I found helpful was practicing voiced “th” in various positions. 

This post will give you over 135 words, phrases and sentences in initial, medial and final positions to practice. I suggest starting with simple words and gradually progressing to more complex phrases and sentences. 

Additionally, reading books aloud that contain voiced “th” sounds can provide valuable practice and help increase awareness of how “th” sounds in everyday speech and conversations.

speech therapy words list

The Importance of Early Intervention

As speech therapists and speech-language pathologists, we understand the crucial role early intervention plays in helping children overcome speech difficulties, especially with voiced “th” sounds. 

One of the main reasons is that early intervention allows us to address speech and language delays during the critical period of a child’s development. Research consistently demonstrates that early intervention can significantly improve outcomes in communication skills, social interactions, and academic success. 

Working in Early Intervention

When working with children who have a hard time pronouncing voiced “th” sounds, our goal as speech therapists should be to provide specialized techniques and activities tailored to our child’s needs. 

This will help them improve their speech and gain confidence in their ability to communicate. Early intervention helps us identify and address these issues as soon as possible, giving the child the best chance for success in their speech development.


Working with Families

Collaborating with family members is an essential aspect of early intervention programs for voiced “th” sounds in speech therapy. I loved working closely with parents and caregivers to create a supportive and nurturing environment that encouraged the child to practice their newfound skills. 

Creating strong communication between the family and other teams such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, a special education teacher or general ed teacher will help reinforce the therapy techniques applied during sessions in many different ways and allows the child to progress more quickly.

In conclusion, early intervention is always important when working on different sounds, but especially voiced “th” sounds in speech therapy.

Methods for Teaching Voiced ‘Th’ Words

  • Mouth Position

The first step in teaching voiced ‘th’ words is to ensure the proper mouth position. 

To avoid speech errors, start by helping the child:

  • Tongue: place their tongue between the upper and lower front teeth while making the voiced th sound. 
  • Tongue Tip: The tongue tip should be just visible or approach the inner surface of the upper front teeth. 
  • Tip: I always reminded my students that the difference between voiceless and voiced th is the vibration they feel in their vocal cords. 

Word lists are a valuable tool when teaching voiced ‘th’ words, and so I have created a list of 135 ‘th’ words at the word, phrase and sentence level. 

You can also encourage your student or child to go through this list of words and practice reading or repeating the words aloud, while focusing on the correct pronunciation of the “th” sound. 

  • Fun Activities

Playing games and using activities in our speech therapy sessions is a great way to engage children and make learning fun. 

Below in this post, we have curated a list of fun and free resources to use with your students and child to practice the target sound “th” in different ways! 

We have resource types for home practice, early intervention, older students, independent work etc.  


Differentiating Between Voiced and Voiceless ‘Th’ Sounds

As a speech-language pathologist, I learned quickly how important it is to understand the different speech sounds between voiced and voiceless “th”. 

The different sounds can create some confusion, but our students will be able to master their target sound and improve their speech and pronunciation with the guidance from our speech therapy sessions.

Voiced ‘th’ sounds occur when the voice box is turned on during pronunciation. 

They often appear in function words, such as “this,” “that,” “then,” and “there.” 

Voiceless TH

In contrast, voiceless ‘th’ sounds happen when your voice box is turned off. 

One way to differentiate between these sounds is by placing your fingers gently on your throat while pronouncing various ‘th’ words. You’ll feel vibrations in your throat while producing the voiced ‘th’ sound and no vibrations for the voiceless ‘th’ sound.

Voiced vs Voiceless TH

The only difference between these two sounds is the use of vocal cords. 

In both cases, you must place your tongue slightly between your teeth and blow air. To better understand the distinction, use these examples of different words with voiced and voiceless ‘th’ sounds. 

Some examples of voiced ‘th’ words are “then,” “these,” and “though,” while voiceless ‘th’ words are “think,” “thirteen,” and “thumb.”

Word Positions: Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy 

Practicing at initial, medial and final levels is a great way to help improve an articulation disorder and achieve clearer speech. 

To help our clients improve their speech, we should work with them on target words in all positions. This enables them to practice the correct pronunciation of the voiced TH sound no matter where it appears in a word.

Initial Position of Words

The initial position of words refers to when the TH sound is at the beginning of a word, such as “that” or “this”. 

Medial Position of Words

Medial position refers to when the TH sound appears in the middle of a word, such as “father”, “another”, and “leather”.

Final Positions of Words

Final positions of words, on the other hand, occur when the TH sound is at the end of a word, like in “bathe” or “breathe”. This position can be challenging for some clients as it requires sustaining the TH sound through the end of the word.

speech therapy words list

Target Word

Here’s a list of Voiced TH articulation sounds for you to use in therapy or at home practice to work on your student or child’s new words.

  • For Example: these, that, them, brother, mother, unbothered, bathe 

See full list of words, phrases, and sentences below.

Be sure to grab my one page freebie of Voiced TH sounds below. Simply scroll to the bottom of this post and grab your free copy!

Initial Voiced Th Words at Word Level

Some ways to practice include having your child or student say each /th/ word one by one as they go through a list. 

Using a dot marker can also be a fun way to practice having your child put a dot under each voiced TH sound. 

In addition, I’ve compiled an easy-to-download one page overview of voiced TH sounds below. Simply scroll down to the bottom of this post and download your free copy.

  • 1 Syllable:  the, that, them, than, there, thou, then, they, these, their, they’re, this, those, these, though, thee, thy, they’d, they’ve, they’ll, theirs, thus
  • 2 Syllable:  themselves, thereof, thyself, therefore, therein, thereby, thyself, thenceforth, thereon, thereto, therewith, thyselves
  • 3 Syllable:  thereafter, thereupon, thereunder, thereabout

Practice Voiced Initial TH Words in Flashcard Mode Right Here From Your Computer!

initial voiced th their

Voiced Initial TH Words Speech Therapy


SEE ALSO: 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy

Medial voiced th words at word level.

  • 2 Syllable:  father, mother, clothing, brothers, both, southern, feathers, loathing, either, wither, within, gather, soothing, teething, bather, bethel, lather, mouthing, tether, rather, seething, although, brotherly, either, clothings, leather, other, smoothie, weather, withdraw, worthy, bathing, breathing, slither, smoothest, feather, bothers, rhythm, mothers, fathers, slithers, brother, writhing, bathers, scathing
  • 3 Syllable:  unbothered, grandmother, grandfather, another, brotherly, gathering, together, weatherman, other, bothersome, fatherly, motherhood, otherwise, stepmother, stepbrother, stepfather, tetherball, weatherproof, motherly, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, self soothing, otherside, another one, off-rhythm, weather man, bathing tub, brotherly love, self soother, unclothing, sunbathing
  • 4 Syllable:   altogether, mother in law, father in law, togetherness, protein smoothie, Mother’s Day Card, Father’s Day card, bird feather, gather around, another one

Practice Voiced Medial TH Words in Flashcard Mode Right Here From Your Computer

medial voiced th another

Medial Voiced Th Word List at Word Level

speech therapy words list

Final Voiced TH Words at Word Level

  • 1 Syllable:  bathe, seethe, writhe, loathe, soothe, breathe, lathe, teethe, scathe
  • 2 Syllable:  sunbathe, unclothe

Practice Voiced Final Th Words in Flashcard Mode Right Here From Your Computer!

Final th voiced.

voiced final th - bathe

Final Voiced TH Word List at Word Level

speech therapy words list

Short Sentences or Phrases

When working on Voiced TH sound production, it’s important to work on short phrases once your child or student has mastered the sound at the word level at or near 80% or higher accuracy.

Here is a list of Voiced TH word phrases to try:

Voiced Initial TH Words Speech Therapy in Phrases

speech therapy words list

Voiced Medial TH Words Speech Therapy in Phrases

speech therapy words list

Voiced Final TH Words Speech Therapy in Phrases

speech therapy words list

Sentence Level: Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy

The next step after working at the word and phrase levels is to work on the Voiced TH sound at the sentence level.

For example, you could give your child or student a list of sentences to read aloud while they work on their Voiced TH sound. 

Another idea would be to give your child or student pictures with their Voiced TH sound in them and then have them create a sentence about those pictures.

Below is a list of sentences to use with your child or students.

Voiced Initial TH Words Speech Therapy in Sentences

speech therapy words list

Voiced Medial TH Words Speech Therapy in Sentences

speech therapy words list

Voiced Final TH Words Speech Therapy in Sentences

See also: free articulation games for speech therapy, utilizing speech therapy resources.

To best help students pronounce the correct speech sounds, it is important that their speech therapist utilizes the best speech therapy resources and tools.

We are very passionate about that here at Speech Therapy Store and have compiled articulation word lists and other resources for you to use in your speech therapy sessions or for your home practice. 


Implementing Fun Techniques to Engage Children

We know that getting children interested in practicing speech therapy techniques can be a challenge. We have, however, found several ways to engage their attention and make your speech therapy sessions enjoyable for all!  

In this blog post, look through the resources we have compiled for some different ways to use free speech therapy resources to teach new sounds!

By incorporating elements such as play dough, games, and family involvement, we aim to facilitate their progress in developing the voiced “th” sound in a confident, knowledgeable, and clear manner. Use our compiled list of free resources below to start implementing speech therapy techniques that are engaging and enjoyable!

Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy Ideas

Older students.

Sometimes you have to get creative when engaging older students with voiced th resources. Use this list for some free resources for your middle school and high school ages students.

  • Voiced and voiceless TH Articulation Game no prep option by Happy Ideas is an engaging tetris style game for both middle school and high school students. This game operates on a powerpoint presentation and easel activity. 
  • /th/ voiced words (initial-middle) by Bilingual Speechie Bloom is a great list of words for middle school students.
  • Egg Carton Artic, Speech Therapy Activities, TH Articulation, Homework, FREEBIE by Power Speech Language is a fun activity that would be good for your entire caseload, including your older students!

Minimal Pairs

Do you need minimal pairs therapy for Th-F fricative simplification or minimal pairs therapy for S-Th substitution?

Here are a few resources to help get you started.

  • TH-F and TH-D Minimal Pairs Cards by World Play Speech Therapy Resources is a comprehensive set of minimal pairs by a top tpt seller. These cards are a great way to offer additional support!
  • S vs. TH Minimal Pairs – Auditory Discrimination Handout by slpsmartdotcom _ Eli Lowham is a fun and engaging activity with no prep! This is great to work one on one with students or in groups. 
  • TH vs. F Minimal Pairs – Auditory Discrimination Handout byslpsmartdotcom-Eli Lowham is a highly rated activity that requires no prep. Some comments suggest using this as a quick morning work activity, or it can be used in groups!

speech therapy words list

Enough Time

Feeling like you don’t have enough time to work on your child or students voiced th sound? 

Articulation therapy can be as simple as 5 minutes of practice a day.

Here is a list of 5 minute therapy ideas to work on the final l sound.

  • Christmas Articulation Word Search Voiced and Unvoiced “th” Freebie by Paper Cut City is a great word search to use near the holidays! This targets voiced and voiceless th words.
  • Speech Therapy th Card game by CoCo Speech is a great set of cards that are just print, cut and go to engage one on one or groups of students in practicing the voiced /th/ sounds. These cards can also be used as articulation cards for drilling!
  • No-Prep Articulation Coloring Pages – /r/ /s/ /l/ /th/ by Bilingial Speech – Language is a highly rated print and go activity for your students to practice their /th/ articulation. 

SEE ALSO: 279+ Free Speech Therapy Digital Materials

Boom cards are another fun and engaging way to strengthen your child or student’s articulation skills.

Here are a few favorite boom cards to work on the voiced TH sounds:

  • Candy Craze For Articulation Gameboard /TH/ No Print, Teletherapy by My Teletherapy Room is a highly rated boom card set that is engaging and fun for your students as they practice voiced /th/ articulation.

speech therapy words list

Therapy Room

Are you a speech therapist looking for voiced th words to practice with your clients? 

Here are a couple of fun worksheets and games that you can use in your therapy room to work on the voiced th sound.

  • TH Bingo by Courtney Berhhardt is a great voiced th bingo set for your therapy room! Print, laminate and re-use this.
  • FREE Mirror-TIC: TH Articulation for Speech Therapy by Teach Speech 365 is a really fun activity. Grab a mirror and practice various sounds of voiced and voiceless th with the camera cards! 
  • Phoneme Smash Mat K G T D B P M N Ng V F R S Z L W H Th Sh Ch by Miss Lees Bees SLP and Reading Supplies is a great activity to have on hand! Smash the various sounds, or cover specific types of sounds to target another one. This is a great activity for your speech room! 

Remember that encouraging child practice with family members also adds an interpersonal aspect to the learning process. 

This technique not only helps children connect speech practice with their loved ones but also reinforces the importance of correct pronunciation in daily communication. 

Family members can provide positive reinforcement during these sessions, boosting the child’s motivation and confidence in their speech abilities.

  • Articulation Activity Booklets /TH/ by KI Speech Therapy is a great resource to send home with families! These booklets offer additional support for practice at home.
  • Articulation Bookmarks for F,V,S,Z,SH, TH by TeachSpeechPro is a great resources for students to take home and use as they read with family at home.
  • Summer Articulation Word Search Voiced and Unvoiced “th” Freebie!! By Paper Cut City is a fun activity to send home during the summer months that is easy for families to do with students. This activity is print and go and targets voiced and voiceless th. 

In Conclusion: Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy

We hope you have found this article helpful for working on your child or student’s Voiced TH sound. 

Be sure to grab your freebie of 20 words to start practicing 5 minutes a day!

Grab Your Free Voiced TH Word List with Pictures Here!

Simply enter your name and email to have this free Voiced TH Words list with picture cards emailed directly to your inbox! 

Grab our Initial Voiced TH Words List!

Grab our medial voiced th words list, grab our final voiced th words list, frequently asked questions, what are some common voiced th words.

Some common voiced TH words include “the”, “this”, “that”, “there”, and “they”. These words require vocal fold vibration while articulating the TH sound. Practice these words individually or in phrases to improve your voiced TH sound production.

How can I practice voiced th sounds in sentences?

To practice voiced TH sounds in sentences, start by creating simple phrases that include voiced TH words, such as “The dog is playing” or “They are jumping”. Gradually increase the complexity of your sentences, focusing on maintaining accurate pronunciation of the TH sound. 

What is the difference between voiced and unvoiced TH?

The primary difference between voiced and unvoiced TH is the presence of vocal fold vibration. Voiced TH sounds, like in “this” or “those”, involve vibration of the vocal folds, while unvoiced TH sounds, like in “think” or “through”, do not. The tongue position for both types of TH sounds is the same, with the tip of the tongue lightly touching the upper teeth.

How can I find a list of medial voiced th words?

Finding a list of medial voiced TH words can be helpful for targeted practice. One resource for such a list is available above if you simply scroll back up which provides TH word lists for speech therapy, including medial voiced TH words.

What strategies are used in speech therapy for voiced th sounds?

In speech therapy for voiced TH sounds, there are several strategies, including visual cues, modeling, and tactile cues. Visual cues involve showing the correct tongue placement between the teeth, while modeling entails demonstrating the correct pronunciation for the client to imitate. Tactile cues involve providing gentle touch prompts to direct the placement of the tongue. Another approach is using word lists, phrases, and reading passages designed to target the voiced TH sound.

Can you provide examples of final th words?

Final th words are words that have the TH sound at the end of the word. Some examples of final voiced TH words include “breathe”, “bathe”, “clothe”, and “smooth”. Practicing these words individually and in sentences can help to improve your ability to properly articulate the voiced TH sound in various positions within words.

Want Even More Voiced TH Words Speech Therapy?

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BUNDLE Executive Function

BUNDLE Executive Function

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This BUNDLE of executive function cards includes problem solving stories, social stories, predicting stories, sequencing stories, and flexible thinking stories.

Multiple types of wh- questions, why and how questions, labeling exercises, multiple choice, and drag and drop categorizations   are included throughout this bundle to encourage an in depth understanding of each executive functioning skill.

⭐️ 80 Problem Solving

  • Multiple choice question
  • 2 labeling exercises

⭐️   52 Social Stories

  • Topics of social skills to choose from (feelings, manners, listening, sharing & turns, making friends, being kind)
  • Sorting exercise
  • 2 wh- questions

⭐️   50 Predicting (✨ as seen on Top Premium Boom Cards ✨)

  • What questions
  • How questions

⭐️   50 Sequencing

  • 3 different what questions per story

⭐️   40 Flexible Thinking (✨ as seen on Top Premium Boom Cards ✨)

  • Why questions
  • Labeling exercise

Each deck includes a teaching slide and visual to help your students better understand executive function skills before practicing! 

CLICK HERE for Boom Cards Preview.

To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for modern Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with "Fast Pins," (a form of play that gives instant feedback to students for self-grading Boom Cards). For assignment options that report student progress back to you, you will need to purchase a premium account.If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account.Read here for details: .

Wh- Questions & Short Stories

Wh- Questions & Short Stories

15 short stories to target wh- questions, auditory comprehension, reading comprehension, recall, and more!

Multiple levels of difficulty, including both shorter and longer paragraphs for a variety of length and detail in the stories.

✨ As featured on Boom Cards Top Premium Decks ✨

⭐ Wh- Questions in Short Stories

  • 15 Paragraph Short Stories
  • 6 Wh- Questions for every story
  • Stories are 4-9 sentences in length
  • What, where, who, when, why, and how questions for every story

BUNDLE for Wh- Questions also available in Shine Speech Activities shop , which includes short stories and sentences!

CLICK HERE for Boom Cards Preview .

*This product contains the same activities as the PDF version. If you would like the PDF version, view   Wh- Questions & Short Stories, Auditory Comprehension .

To use Boom Cards, you   must   be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for modern Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with "Fast Pins," (a form of play that gives instant feedback to students for self-grading Boom Cards). For assignment options that report student progress back to you, you will need to purchase a premium account.   If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account.   Read here for details: .

Sentence Comprehension & Language Comprehension

Sentence Comprehension & Language Comprehension

Improve sentence comprehension, language and reading comprehension, and picture comprehension with 4 activities and over 125 prompts for speech therapy or classrooms! Target comprehending, receptive language, and more.

This resource includes   4 different ways to practice sentence comprehension , including wh questions, pictures, fill in the blanks, and more. Real photos are included in this resource.

⭐️ Sentence Comprehension:

  • 40 sentence comprehension task cards with 3 questions each
  • 30 real photo sentence comprehension prompts
  • 30 multiple choice reading comprehension activities
  • 30 fill in the blank language comprehension prompts

⭐️   Targeted Skills:

  • Improve sentence comprehension skills
  • Increase receptive and expressive language abilities
  • Expand skills for understanding sentences and pictures

Story Builders & Create A Story

Story Builders & Create A Story

Improve creative writing with these narrative and short story prompts! This set of   70 short story builders   comes with character, location, event and time learning targets.

Help your students improve their stories and increase their creative narrative skills. There is space for students to type or write their stories, as well as an organizing task for story parts. 

Your students will have all the tools they need to create unique and imaginative stories!

⭐️ Includes:

  • 70 story builders
  • 3 practice levels
  • A combination of who (character), where (location), what (event) and when (time) story part targets
  • 36 story builders that include 2 story parts
  • 20 story builders that include 3 story parts
  • 14 story builders that include 4 story parts
  • Story parts organizing task with pictures
  • Space for creative writing and narrative generation
  • Instructions on each page 

⭐️ Teaching slides:

  • In depth information about the 4 included story parts
  • Descriptions
  • Picture matching activities 

Save your time and energy, this set is NO PREP! Includes everything you need to elicit creative, engaging stories from your students.

Perfect for SLPs, teachers, or parents looking to expand language or writing in a fun and creative way!

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bow (as in bow tie)


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This list of functional words was professionally selected to be the most useful for a child or adult who has difficulty with producing the vowels.

We encourage you to use this list when practicing at home.

Doing home practice will help your child make much faster progress toward correct production.

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are only able to see students/clients 30-60 mins (or less) per week.

This is not enough time  for your child to overcome difficulty producing vowels. But with high caseloads...'s all SLPs can do.

There's  only so much time  in the day.

Every day that your child goes without practice  it becomes more and more difficult  to correct mispronounced vowels because he/she continues to say it incorrectly. 

We know life is busy , but if you're reading this you're probably someone who cares about helping their loved one as much as you can.

Practice 5-10 minutes whenever you can, but try to do it on a consistent basis (daily).

Please, please, please use this list to practice.

It will be a great benefit to you and your loved one's progress.

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Speech and language articulation is forming words using the following parts of the face: jaw and mouth (specifically the tongue, lips, and teeth). Certain individuals have difficulty saying words—some severe enough to require the assistance of a speech therapist.

Speech Therapy for Articulation Disorders

Articulation disorders refer to the inability to produce the correct sound to communicate. There are three types:

  • Omission – omits the pronunciation of syllables
  • Substitution –not pronouncing a syllable, replacing it with a different sound
  • Distortion – pronunciation of a word is changed but still resembles the sound of the word

Some noted physical causes, such as a cleft palate or abnormal facial tone resulting from suffering from a stroke. In most cases, there is no apparent cause.

There are cases when articulation disorders go undetected because they are thought to be baby talk. Adults think it’s cute, so they don’t think much of it. They expect the child to outgrow the baby talk stage. Unbeknownst to them, the child may already have an articulation disorder. Speech and language development is usually assessed when kids apply for preschool. Some cases are referred to as a speech and language pathologist (SLP) for further assistance.

Qualification of a Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP)

SLPs diagnose and treat clients with articulation disorders. They must meet the following minimum requirements: an undergraduate degree in communication and a graduate degree in speech pathology. There are other certifications that they can take to specialize.

Process of Diagnosis

When diagnosing a child who is suspected of having an articulation disorder, they usually use the following methods and conduct specific exams:

  • Oral cavity inspection
  • Producing sounds and pronouncing words
  • Hearing and feedback test
  • Medical history

What Therapy Sessions Look Like

During therapy sessions, patients are grouped based on the type of articulation concerns and the severity. It starts with small talk and self-introductions to break the ice and help the clients warm up their facial muscles. The session will then proceed to games and activities to address specific articulation disorders. The therapist may use props like flashcards and mirrors. These sessions are usually conducted in groups to encourage the clients to communicate with others and put their learning into practice.

Speech Therapy Example

Articulation disorder: Substitution

Activity: practice the “th” sound

  • Clients will gather in a small group
  • Each one will introduce themselves
  • The therapist will display a flashcard that says “thin.” Each one in the group will say the word
  • The therapist will provide a mirror for each participant. The therapist will instruct: bite your tongue and blow air through your mouth. Participants will be instructed to look at the mirror as they do this and attempt to make the “th” sound
  • The group will practice saying other words with the “th” sound

Final Thoughts

Speech therapy is highly recommended for those who have articulation disorders. This is to help clients improve their capacity to communicate with other individuals. When looking for a therapist, look for one who is qualified and has had a lot of experience conducting therapy. Remember that therapy sessions may vary depending on the therapist and the client’s concerns.

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Breaking Down Harrison Butker's Speech: Read the Chiefs Player's Most Controversial Comments

Fans are calling for Harrison Butker to be removed from the Chiefs' roster for the upcoming NFL season after his 20-minute commencement speech at Benedictine College

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Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker 's commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school, continues to cause outrage.

The NFL player's 20-minute address included attacks on working women, the LBGTQ+ community and families who utilize surrogacy and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Butker and the Chiefs did not immediately return PEOPLE's requests for comment. In a statement, the NFL’s Chief Diversity Officer Jonathan Beane says, "Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity. His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

Former Kansas City commissioner Justice Horn went further, slamming Butker in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter). "Harrison Butker doesn’t represent Kansas City nor has he ever," he wrote . "Kansas City has always been a place that welcomes, affirms, and embraces our LGBTQ+ community members."

Rapper Flavor Flav chimed in, "Sounds like some players 'need to stay in their lanes' and shouldn’t be giving commencement speeches."

Cooper Neill/Getty

Writer Cyd Zeigler wrote , "Pretty awful to hear an NFL player so proudly tell women to 'stay in their lane,' serve their man and make babies. Not to mention comparing Pride month to a 'deadly sin' and lobbing bombs at the trans community. Not a fan."

Amid the backlash, below is a breakdown of Butker's most controversial comments from the speech.

On Taylor Swift's Lyric

A portion of the outrage against Butker came from supporters of Taylor Swift after he shared one of her lyrics, which fans noticed he misinterpreted.

Butker quoted a lyric from Swift's 2022 song "Bejeweled," and referred to her as his teammate, Travis Kelce 's girlfriend.

"As my teammate's girlfriend would say, familiarity breeds contempt," Butker said when discussing the values of the Catholic Church.

What seemed to have been lost on Butker, however, is that the song's message is about Swift embracing her independence away from a former boyfriend.

On the Covid-19 Pandemic and President Joe Biden

At the start of his speech, Butker addressed how the class of 2024 was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic at the start of their college careers. The subject quickly transitioned into attacks on President Joe Biden and topics such as abortion, IVF, surrogacy and euthanasia.

"I'm sure your high school graduation was not what you had imagined and most likely neither was your first couple years of college. By making it to this moment through all the adversity thrown your way from COVID, I hope you learned the important lesson that suffering in this life is only temporary," he said. "As a group, you witnessed firsthand how bad leaders who don't stay in their lane can have a negative impact on society."

Butker went on: "Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder. Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross."

The Chiefs kicker continued his verbal attack on Biden, saying, "During a pro-abortion rally, he has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I'm sure to many people it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice."

"This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn't cut it. These are the sorts of things we're told in polite society to not bring up. The difficult and unpleasant things. But if we are going to be men and women for this time in history, we need to stop pretending that the 'Church of Nice' is a winning proposition. We must always speak and act in charity, but never mistake charity for cowardice."

He continued: "As members of the church founded by Jesus Christ, it is our duty and ultimately privilege to be authentically and unapologetically Catholic."

Carmen Mandato/Getty 

On LGBTQ+ Pride

Butker then turned the focus of his speech to the Catholic values at Benedictine College. However, his sentiments attacked the LGBTQ+ and trans communities.

Butker said, "Benedictine has gone from just another liberal arts school with nothing to set it apart to a thriving beacon of light ... I'm certain the reporters at the AP could not have imagined that their attempt to rebuke and embarrass places and people like those here at Benedictine wouldn't be met with anger, but instead met with excitement and pride, not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him."

On IVF and Surrogacy

Butker later attacked families who utilize IVF and surrogacy to have children, saying, "It is imperative that this class, this generation, in this time in our society must stop pretending that the things we see around us are normal."

"Heterodox ideas abound, even within Catholic circles. Let's be honest, there is nothing good about playing God with having children, whether that be your ideal number or the perfect time to conceive. No matter how you spin it, there is nothing natural about Catholic birth control. It is only in the past few years that I have grown encouraged to speak more boldly and directly because as I mentioned earlier, I have leaned into my vocation as a husband and father and as a man."

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On Working Women

In a direct address to the female graduates at Benedictine, Butker said, "For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you."

"Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

Of his spouse, Butker said, "I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school, who would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker."

Jamie Squire/Getty

He continued, "I say all of this to you because I have seen firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God's will in their life. Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud without hesitation and say, heck no."

Several users on social media have pointed out , however, that Butker's mother, Elizabeth Butker, is a successful physicist at Emory University's Department of Radiation Oncology.

On Masculinity

Moving his focus to the male graduates in the room, Butker said, "To the gentlemen here today, part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture. And when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction and chaos set in ..."

"Other countries do not have nearly the same absentee father rates as we find here in the U.S., and a correlation could be made in their drastically lower violence rates as well. Be unapologetic in your masculinity. Fight against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy. You might have a talent that you don't necessarily enjoy, but if it glorifies God, maybe you should lean into that over something that you might think suits you better."

Concluding his speech, Butker said, "I know that my message today had a little less fluff than is expected for these speeches, but I believe that this audience and this venue is the best place to speak openly and honestly about who we are and where we all want to go, which is heaven. I thank God for Benedictine College and for the example it provides to the world."

"Make no mistake, you are entering into mission territory in a post God world, but you are made for this and with God by your side and a constant striving for virtue within your vocation, you too can be a saint. Christ is king to the heights."

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    Tub - During bath, put toys in the bathtub and say "tub" as you drop them in. Table - Say "table" as you place any object on the table. Water - Say "water" as you water all the plants in the house. Little - Find all the little toys in a toy box and say "little"Eating - During a meal, say "eating" after taking a bite.

  18. L Word List For Speech Therapy

    If you are a speech therapist and need some L speech therapy materials, hopefully, our L word list and other materials can help you! Below you will find lots of free materials! First, there is a FREE worksheet (for non-members) and link (for members) to access new articulation materials. Second, there is a word list for quick viewing.

  19. First Words Checklist Free Printable

    This list of common first words includes: exclamatory words (uh oh, oops) things (nouns) actions (verbs) people and pronouns. locations (prepositions) descriptors (adjectives) BONUS: There is a place to track the date and number of words (or words in sign language) at the bottom. To use, mark off words you hear your toddler say on their own ...

  20. 400+ Vowels for Speech Therapy Practice

    We encourage you to use this list when practicing at home. Doing home practice will help your child make much faster progress toward correct production. Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are only able to see students/clients 30-60 mins (or less) per week. This is not enough time for your child to overcome difficulty producing vowels. But with ...

  21. S Word List For Speech Therapy

    The words chosen for speech therapy can make all the difference between a good therapy program and a great one! For the generalization phase, it is crucial to use high-frequency words!! It only makes sense to use words that the client will actually say outside of the therapy room. Right?! For only $5, you will receive 35 pages of materials ...

  22. Speech and Language Articulation Therapy: Everything You Need to Know

    Spread the loveSpeech and language articulation is forming words using the following parts of the face: jaw and mouth (specifically the tongue, lips, and teeth). Certain individuals have difficulty saying words—some severe enough to require the assistance of a speech therapist. Speech Therapy for Articulation Disorders Articulation disorders refer to the inability to produce the correct ...

  23. Breaking Down Harrison Butker's Speech: Read His Most Controversial

    Natasha Dye. Updated on May 16, 2024 11:53AM EDT. Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker 's commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school, continues to cause outrage. The NFL ...