Wharton Lauder: Application Tips and Admit Success, MBA & MA

Wharton Lauder

Guiding applicants for select joint degree programs is an area of our expertise, especially with world-renowned joint degree programs such as Wharton Lauder . The Wharton Lauder program integrates the MBA plus an International Studies MA into the two years. As a result, this degree prepares its graduates to become impactful and responsible global leaders.

Without a doubt, Wharton is one of the best business schools in the world, and its sterling brand, deep resources, and network are invaluable. The additional degree with Lauder is considered prestigious with its robust international emphasis and provides a unique community for students and alumni.

As one Lauder student shared,

“The Lauder program is known for its super tight-knit cohort and strong alumni presence globally, and Lauder adds another dimension to your MBA experience that you can’t replicate anywhere else.”

Applicants to Wharton Lauder generally want to have an international career, build a diverse network, and embrace travel. Lauder students share that they also enjoy the program for its emphasis on humanities and social sciences and its inherent community focus. Lauder applicants should prepare for having an additional workload (e.g., extra social science classes), more specific coursework requirements (e.g., less flexibility with credits), and research projects.

It’s worth noting that Lauder’s Summer Immersion programs in different countries are a hallmark of the experience. The program is also a bit longer—24 months—than the Wharton MBA, as Lauder starts in the summer. Its academic calendar for first-year students begins on June 1st.

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Wharton Lauder Application Tips

We are often asked if it’s easier to get admitted to Wharton’s MBA program by applying to Wharton Lauder. We have a former Director of Wharton Lauder Admissions on our team , and we asked for her guidance on applying to this coveted program. She shared, “It is possible to be accepted just at Wharton if candidate is otherwise strong but missing key Lauder pieces such as international experience or language.”

She added that both Wharton and Lauder interview an applicant during the admissions process. There is a special Lauder admissions committee, where the Director of Lauder Admissions and Director of Wharton Admissions evaluate applicants.

The applicant “needs to be admissible for Wharton, but if they are a strong Lauder applicant, the Lauder admissions team can advocate for candidates that they really like but might not be overly compelling for Wharton. For example, the Lauder admissions team may rally behind a candidate with soft quant background but who works for the Peace Corps.” Our expert clarified that successful Wharton Lauder applicants are admitted jointly: a joint decision to extend the interview and a mutual decision to accept.

“Initially, many years ago, Wharton Lauder was seen as an easier way to get into Wharton because the admit rates were higher for Lauder,” a former Wharton Lauder Admissions Director noted. “But in recent years and now, applicants need to follow through on completing the Lauder program as Wharton quickly sought to minimize candidates trying to use Lauder as a back door.”

Wharton Lauder

The application process to Wharton Lauder is somewhat self-selecting. Applicants need a second language that ties directly to the applicant’s concentration to demonstrate proficiency in a particular region (e.g., knows Mandarin and wants to enter IB in China) and must take the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) language test . This interview is simply a 15 – 20 minute telephone conversation.

Conveying robust international exposure through the supplemental Lauder application essays is required. These factors, when combined, serve to whittle down the Wharton Lauder applicant pool. The good news is that very few Wharton Lauder students pay full sticker for the Lauder MA, meaning they hand out fellowship money to many admits.

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Sample Successful Wharton Lauder Essay

Describe a cross-cultural experience in your adult life that was challenging to you. How did you meet this challenge and what did you learn from the experience? (1,000 words)

My parents, both immigrants and entrepreneurs, encouraged me to study abroad to broaden my perspective. I was involved in other extracurricular activities throughout high school and college. I never prioritized studying abroad until my senior year of college; the same year I witnessed the transformation of my younger sister, Tanya, a high school junior who spent the year in Zaragoza, Spain.

When Tanya returned, she was more mature and self-confident, her Spanish was impeccable, and she had a newfound sensitivity towards people from other cultures, politics, foods, and activities. Her transformation over that year was inspiring. I realized that it was time to instill in me those same characteristics.

After graduating from Tufts, I set my sights on living and working in Paris. Although I didn’t speak the language, I had always dreamt of walking along the Seine, sipping coffee at a café, and staring at the Eiffel tower. As I boarded the transatlantic flight, I struggled to understand the announcements in French. What was I getting myself into? When my plane landed at Charles De Gaulle airport, I would embark on the biggest challenge of my life. This was not going to be a short vacation.

Instead, I would have to establish a life in Paris, learn French, make new friends, and become self-sufficient in a foreign environment. I did not have the comforts of home or the support of my family and friends. I only had myself, my determination, my positive attitude, and my resourcefulness. In retrospect, these were the only things I needed.

wharton lauder essays

My temporary landlord, Madame Chabert, was friendly and offered to connect me with her neighbors and friends. After settling into her apartment, I enrolled in an intensive six-week introductory French course at Sorbonne University. Through my class, I met Israeli friends who had finished serving in the military and British students studying during their “gap year.”

Our conversations were fascinating, spanning politics in the Middle East, the latest film by Cedric Klapisch, or how the Greek system worked in US universities. I emailed friends back home, seeking out other acquaintances in Paris who would be willing to meet me and show me around. My independence made me grow bolder.

To improve my French, I overcame my shyness and approached French students at the Sorbonne. Rather than living alone, I searched for a social living situation with international students, ultimately sharing a small but cozy two-bedroom apartment with Brigitte, a French-Norwegian student.

With the help of Madame Chabert and my newly expanded network of acquaintances, I eventually met the SVP of Marketing at Technocom, Madame Heilman. Impressed with my ability to learn French quickly, my persistence in unfamiliar territory, and my high energy, she agreed to hire me into their international marketing group.

Having begun my life in Paris, I encountered one major challenge: obtaining my work visa. It took three months to acquire my work papers and visa. When I was not in class, I ran around the city doing everything in my power to secure my position at Technocom. I recall a day when I went to the French prefecture four times to present new documentation, new translations of documents, and new stamps of approval. There were moments when I felt frustrated and defeated, but every time I encountered the same prefecture agent, I became more determined.

Activities I once took for granted had now become obstacles, like ordering my favorite pastry at the neighborhood patisserie, answering phones at Technocom, and establishing my wireless internet with France Telecom. I immediately had a newfound appreciation for my parents and their experiences as youngsters in a foreign land. I never realized that learning a new language, immersing oneself in a new culture, and working in an international environment would be so difficult.

As I think about my strolls along the Seine, my frustrations with the prefecture, my favorite café with the tastiest duck confit, and my nights out on the town with Brigitte, I smile and look forward to returning to France. But even more than good memories, I reflect on the lessons I learned. Through my courses and work, I met people of all nationalities and learned about distinct cultures and heritages, all of which collectively broadened my perspective.

wharton lauder essays

I learned to venture into the unknown and unfamiliar, shedding my reserved nature and approaching new people and situations. After visiting the French prefecture multiple times in one day, I learned that I can achieve any goal with positive attitude and determination. Lastly, this experience taught me to appreciate the comforts of home that I had previously taken for granted.

I am now more confident, self-sufficient, resilient, and resourceful, and I draw upon these qualities in my personal and professional life. When I arrive in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for a new consulting project, I am suddenly reminded of my initial arrival in Paris. In this unknown territory, I will encounter new clients, new issues, and new cultural challenges.

But I know I can assess this new environment and adapt accordingly. I can shift gears from my previous engagement. I can confidently interact with cross-functional groups, such as buyers, planners, IT personnel, marketing, and senior executives.

I look forward to becoming acquainted with clients outside of meetings to get a broader perspective of their company culture. Due to my ability to see different perspectives, facilitating meetings and solutions amongst these groups is a fluid process for me. While onsite, no task is too daunting for me; I am resourceful, from hunting down the nearest color printer to approaching key decision makers with additional questions.

Living in a foreign country taught me about myself and what I can achieve. I am overwhelmed with a sense of personal satisfaction, knowing that I can learn to adapt to any foreign environment, establish a life for myself anywhere in the world, and make things happen.

Which program is right for you?

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Read insider admissions tips and critical perspectives on top MBA programs at the links below. These school comparisons feature input from the current Executive Directors at MBA programs and candid insights from the former MBA Admissions Officers on our SBC team .

Which MBA: Harvard vs. Stanford

Described as “deftly-written with a ton of useful info side-by-side,” this HBS versus GSB smackdown is rich with information, including candid insights from the former HBS and GSB MBA Admissions Officers on the SBC team.

Which MBA: Columbia vs. Wharton

Hailed as “100% spot on for both schools, a remarkable piece and one of the best comparative stories,” you won’t want to miss out on this Columbia vs. Wharton smackdown.

Which MBA: Kellogg vs. Booth

Northwestern Kellogg and Chicago Booth have long been fierce competitors. In this Kellogg vs. Booth MBA smackdown, you’ll learn how these programs are similar and different.

Which MBA: MIT vs. Berkeley Haas

MIT Sloan vs. Berkeley Haas are on opposite sides of the country. Yet, there are similarities between MIT and Haas that we evaluate here, along with admissions insights.

Which MBA: Duke vs. Darden

Tight-knit culture and community are hallmarks of both Duke and Darden’s MBA programs. Let’s get critical through this new smackdown here.

Which MBA: INSEAD vs. London Business School

Consistently ranked as top among the European MBA programs, INSEAD and London Business School (LBS) offer truly global b-school experiences. Recruiters overwhelmingly agree that candidates with international experience outperform those without it. That global priority has pushed many applicants to head abroad for the MBA.

Which MBA: Oxford Said vs. Cambridge Judge

You can read additional insights on how to find your MBA program here:

Career Recruiting by MBA Program

MBA Program Deadlines & Average Test Scores

MBA Program Rankings

What are the Top MBA Programs and Why?

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SBC’s star-studded consultant team is unparalleled. Our clients benefit from current intelligence that we receive from the former MBA Admissions Officers from Wharton, Columbia CBS and every elite business program in the US and Europe.  These MBA Admissions Officers have chosen to work exclusively with SBC.

Just two of the many superstars on the SBC team: Meet Anthony , who served as the Associate Director of MBA Admissions at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he dedicated over 10 years of expertise.

Meet Erin , who has over seven years of experience working across major institutions, including University of Pennsylvania, Columbia Business School, and NYU’s Stern School of Business.

Tap into this inside knowledge for your MBA applications by requesting a consultation .

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Ellin Lolis Consulting

The Wharton Lauder Interview – What to Expect + Sample Questions

Oct 3, 2023

wharton lauder essays

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on January 13, 2020. It has been updated with 2022/23 information and tips below. 

As one of the most highly-coveted MBA dual degree programs anywhere in the world, the Lauder program at Wharton offers globally-minded professionals the chance to add a Master’s in International Studies to their MBAs. 

Given its tight-knit network, envy-inducing travel schedule, and access to top thought leaders around the world, landing a spot in the Lauder program is no small feat. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Lauder admissions interview to stand out. We’ve rounded up not only our best tips but have also included sample interview questions to ensure you give your Lauder application your best shot. 

How the Lauder Interview Works 

The Lauder interview will usually happen right around the same time as your regular Wharton interview . You will be interviewed by a member of the Lauder admissions committee. Many interviews are conducted over the phone, which will not negatively impact your application in any way. 

During the interview, your main goal is to show you are a highly qualified, globally-minded professional who truly loves Lauder. 

The questions you are asked are likely to be very customized to your essays and choice of track within the Lauder program. You should also review your essay in depth before your interview since consistency is king . 

How long will the Wharton Lauder interview last? 

According to our past applicants, Lauder interviews typically last around 30 minutes. 

The questions you are asked will be more specific, so try to think about how the questions below might be adapted to your case.

Who is Lauder Looking for?

wharton lauder essays

Lauder looks for globally-minded professionals who are poised to become future global business leaders. 

In general, Lauder admits can clearly demonstrate and articulate an understanding of current events, especially those related to their target region. Furthermore, our most successful applicants have had an extensive track record of living, working, and/or volunteering abroad. As such, when applying to Lauder, you want to make sure you highlight the full picture of your global experience! 

Finally, keep in mind that all Lauder applicants must complete the OPI language exam to prove proficiency in a language other than English. Each track within the program has specific requirements, so make sure to review those before scheduling your exam! 

Lauder Interview Questions

  • Expect follow-up questions, especially focused on your global experience.
  • Tell me a little bit about your experience working in another country – how was it different from working in an emerging market/developed market/etc?
  • Why Lauder?
  • What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  • Expect follow-up questions
  • When did you first start learning TARGET LANGUAGE and how has that progressed? Have you been on an immersion experience before?
  • How will you contribute to the Wharton/Lauder community outside of professional interests?
  • Have you been in touch with any Lauder students, and what do you know about the program?
  • Where are you considering doing your summer internship?
  • Do you have any ideas for your GKL?
  • How do you see the summer immersion enhancing your business education?
  • Why not just Wharton alone?
  • How do you plan to balance the demands of Wharton and Lauder?
  • Questions for me?

Additional Preparation 

Remember that Lauder looks for globally-minded professionals who are poised to become future global business leaders.  

You should show an understanding of current events, especially those related to your target region. You should be prepared to speak thoughtfully on these events and show how they connect to other trends or issues in the region, and how they connect to issues around the world.

Also, be prepared to address follow up questions on the content of your essays . For example, if you mention interning in China, be prepared to talk about the cultural and economic differences, challenges you faced, motivations for doing that, your greatest lessons learned, etc.

Overall, keep the tone very conversational yet high level . Show why Lauder would be a good fit for your career and why you are passionate about Lauder.

We have found that answering real interview questions on the spot is a much better means of preparation than reading lists of interview questions for most candidates.

We highly suggest you take a look at mock interview questions and sample interview responses before your interview . 

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of real interview mocks from Wharton Lauder, as well as detailed guides to help you prepare for questions ranging from “Why our MBA program?” to “Tell us about a time you failed.”

The Ellin Lolis Consulting MBA Resource Center is your one-stop shop for interview success. Click to join !

MBA Resource Center

If you’re still not quite confident with your interview skills, our interview experts can help you craft your answers or prepare you for the Lauder interview through mock interviews tailored to your profile. 

What to do if you get a question you weren’t prepared for

Despite your most diligent preparation, you will almost always receive a question you had not prepared. 

First, stay calm and take a deep breath. You have already made it this far in the process, and one question will not trip you up!

Second, make sure you directly answer the question the interviewer asked you. For example, if the interviewer asks you about a time you had to deal with a difficult manager, make sure to tell a story about a difficult manager and how you handled the situation. 

If you’re having trouble thinking of an answer or an example to support your answer , however, take a drink of water to give yourself a few more minutes to think. If you really can’t think of an example from your personal or professional experience, you can use a hypothetical answer about how you would act in a certain situation. 

Finally, assume that the interviewer is testing how you think on your feet and respond to questions you didn’t prepare in advance . Though your answer might not be as polished as if you’d had weeks to rehearse it, smile and confidently give your answer to show you can respond to any question they throw at you. 

Make sure you get into Wharton Lauder

You have stressed about every aspect of your MBA application, and now you are ready for your Lauder interview! With the right preparation, this can be your chance to shine and get a highly-coveted spot in this ultra-elite program. 

However, maybe you don’t know where to start in preparing, or maybe you tend to ramble on and lose focus during interviews. Maybe you’ve even downloaded sample questions and written out your answers. The problem is, when you try to apply these templates to your own story, it doesn’t quite work.

Our tailored approach was critical to helping our client Conrado secure a spot at Lauder.  

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Our interview prep focuses on helping you determine how to present yourself during your MBA interview while using appropriate, impact-driven language without being artificial, or worse, robotic.

That’s why 98.9% of our clients secure admissions to at least one of their target schools . 

MBA Interview Prep

Forget simulation platforms or long lists of tips – our 1:1 preparation focuses on playing to your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses to turn you into an interview expert . Hire our interview services here. VIP packages that allow you to work directly with Ellin sell out quickly, so make sure you sign up today !

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