Heat and Temperature

Below are links to helpful resources and websites:

Vocabulary List

BBC Bitesize: Energy Stores and Transfers

Science Helpdesk - Various animations & videos

States of Matter Animation

Heat Transfer Animation/Video

Project Based Learning:

From Earth to the Moon to Mars

Google Presentations

Heat and Temperature Presentation

Assignments, Labs and Other Learning Activities

Heat Technology Activity

Temperature Measuring Lab:

Data Table & Graph Grids

Radiation Lab:

Data collection spreadsheet

Marking Rubric

Space Hab Project:

Data Analysis Spreadsheet

Space Hab Data Analysis Instructions

Final Assessment Template

Passive Heat Transfer Summative Task:

Student Planner

Passive Heat Transfer Outline

Assessment Outlines

Teacher Feedback Forms and Assessment Rubrics

Graph Analysis Self Assessment - general use for any graph

Data Analysis Self Assessment - general use for any analysis

Heat Technology Single Point Rubric

Radiation Lab Rubric

Passive Heat Transfer Summative Assessment

Space Hab Rubric

Interactive Notebook Templates

Measuring Temperature Table & Graph Grid

Interactive Notebook:

We will be creating interactive notebooks (INBs) throughout Science 7 this year.  You may be responsible for cutting & pasting components for the next day's notes into your book before next class.  You can do so at home or at school during lunch, breaks or after school but they must be complete prior to the next class.

Blank templates for your INB can be found in the INB Templates folder listed at the top of this page.  If templates have come from other sources, I have cited them and will provide a link to TPT store to purchase.

Pictures below can guide you in organizing your INB if you miss classes but keep in mind work that is to be completed by you, as an 'output' will not be shown.  You can always talk with me or with your fellow students about what might be included for those.

heat assignment grade 7

*INB templates from Stephanie Elkowitz .

heat assignment grade 7

Introduction to Temperature:

We learn about the difference between temperature and energy and measure the temperature of several sample mixtures.

Students use the data to create an accurate set of graphs for visual comparison.

We learn the basics about the difference between different temperature scales.

heat assignment grade 7

Conduction, Convection and Radiation :

Students will explore these methods of heat transfer using student-led stations adapted from Kesler Science .

heat assignment grade 7


Learn how insulation reduces loss of thermal energy from a structure

Thermal energy moves from high to low (from warm to cold)

How does R value tell us about a material's ability to insulate?

What is heat capacity? How can we use this to insulate structures?

Use this knowledge to modify Space Habs and Greenhouses to minimize heat loss.

heat assignment grade 7

Expand INB Template from Acorn

Particle Model Introduction

Learn some of the statements of the Particle Model and how they relate our content in science 7

Expansion and Contraction:

observe demonstrations of how materials expand when heated and contract when cooled.

heat assignment grade 7

INB Templates from Stephanie Elkowitz

Changes of State:

review the major changes of state

understand which state changes result from energy gain and loss.

describe particle movement during a state change

explain how temperature changes during a state change.

Topic Notes - These are documents created to accompany the ScienceFocus 7 Textbook.

These are helpful if you need some extra review or if you are going to be away, however we typically do not use these on a daily basis in class.

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Categories: Lab/Student Activity , Lesson Plan

  • Lesson Plan
  • Watch Video

Can understanding particle theory and heat transfer modes help you build efficient devices to improve our daily lives?

Heat is a form of energy that can be transformed and transferred. These processes can be explained using particle theory of matter.

Design (or improve on a design) and build a solar oven that will cook food and sterilize water by applying knowledge of heat transfer by convection, conduction and radiation.

Related Resources:

Teacher demo/student activity: there's iron in your cereal.

Categories: Lab/Student Activity , Teacher Demonstration

This demo shows how flakes of iron can be extracted from iron-fortified cereals with the use of a strong magnet. The demo shows a physical separation process and provides students with a good example... read more

The Kindergarten Movement Project

Categories: Lab/Student Activity

This project uses the story “Stuck” by Oliver Jeffers to engage students in the different stages of the technological problem solving process in the Kindergarten Program document.  Students will... read more

Student Activity: Writing Secret Messages - Teflon Tape

By examining the properties of plumberÕs tape (also known as Teflon Tape) in a fun and engaging secret message context, students will draw conclusions about the structure of Teflon (PTFE Ð... read more

  • No category


heat assignment grade 7

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  • What Is Heat?

Lesson What Is Heat?

Grade Level: 6 (5-7)

(three 60-minute class periods)

Lesson Dependency: None

Subject Areas: Physical Science

NGSS Performance Expectations:

NGSS Three Dimensional Triangle

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  • Keep It Hot!

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Understanding heat transfer is essential knowledge for the engineering of mechanical, chemical and biological systems. Design of internal combustion engines, air conditioning and heating systems, chemical and biological reactors and even clothing technology requires an understanding of heat transfer. Design of insulating materials for homes, buildings and even beverage containers also requires an understanding of heat transfer.

After this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Explain that heat is the flow of energy from hot materials to cold materials.
  • Describe that molecules in a material begin to vibrate (or move) more quickly when the material is heated.
  • Identify conduction as heat transfer within and between solids.
  • Identify convection as heat transfer involving gases or liquids.
  • Identify radiation as heat transfer carried by little packets of energy that can travel through almost any material—even empty space.
  • List examples of each type of heat transfer.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L (www.achievementstandards.org). In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science, international technology and engineering educators association - technology.

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California - science.

A familiarity with basic concepts about energy and its different forms, as well as a basic understanding of temperature.

Raise your hand if you ever put on a jacket? Or turned on a heater? Or melted an ice cube in your hand? (Expect every student to raise their hand.)

You probably appreciate heat on a cold day. But today, and over the next couple of days, we are going to talk about how scientists and engineers think about heat.

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

Demonstration Materials: A few simple and powerful demonstrations are suggested for this lesson. A thermal energy demonstration requires two transparent containers that are capable of holding hot water, plus hot water, ice water and a few drops of food coloring. The conduction demonstration requires one candle, matches three small nails/thumb tacks, an oven mitt, and a hacksaw blade or metal rod (not stainless steel). An additional quick conduction demonstration requires five to 10 inflated balloons. Demo preparation and presentation instructions are provided on the slides and notes of slides 4 and 14.

The Additional Background Material section (below) provides a very detailed discussion about heat. While this material is generally above the sixth-grade level, it presents key background information for the teacher so they are able to answer advanced student questions.

Use the 21-slide What Is Heat? Presentation , a Microsoft PowerPoint® file, to directly deliver the lesson content, using the guidance provided below; alternatively, use the presentation to inform other teaching methods. Note that each slide includes background and discussion information in the notes sections that is not provided below and is unavailable in the PDF version. In addition, the slides are animated, so clicking brings up the next text or component on the slide.

( Slide 1 ) What is heat? Do the images on this slide give you any hints? Heat is energy that has something to do with temperature and is an important concept used by engineers to design many of the products we use every day.

( Slide 2 ) Open a discussion about what will happen to the temperature of the beverage in each case (hot chocolate, iced tea) when left unattended for 30 minutes. Why do some things get warmer while other things get colder when they are left out? Given time, both eventually become room temperature. The hot drink releases energy; the cold drink absorbs energy.

( Slide 3 ) Remind students about energy and some of its different forms. Expect them to recall that moving objects have kinetic energy. Show the animation to help visualize the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Translational_motion.gif .

( Slide 4 ) Conduct a class demonstration to show temperature and kinetic energy using food coloring : Prepare separate transparent cups of hot and cold water (ice water is best; remove the ice for the demo). Into each cup, place a drop of food coloring and direct students to observe what happens. Expect them to notice that the food coloring in the hot water spreads out more quickly than that in the cold water. It is helpful to repeat this experiment after explaining the mechanism. Alternative: If conducting this demo is not possible, show a 2:52-minute video, "Moving Water Molecules"  (link also provided in the Additional Multimedia Support section).

( Slide 5 ) Talk about what students observed in the demo. The faster jiggling hot water dispersed the dye more quickly. Then show the animation of Brownian Motion at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Brownian_motion_large.gif . We can think of the small dots as water molecules, and the yellow dot as a much larger dye molecule being bounced around by the water molecules' thermal jiggling. This was discovered by Scottish botanist Robert Brown, who used a microscope to look at pollen samples in water. He could not see the water molecules, but noticed that pollen in hotter water jiggled around more than in colder water. The phenomenon was named in his honor: Brownian Motion.

( Slide 6 ) Make the point that thermal energy is in everything—even if it is something we consider cold.

( Slide 7 ) Explain the definition of heat as flowing thermal energy and clarify the direction of heat flow—from the hotter object to the cooler object. Energy transfers always occur from higher to lower states of energy.

( Slides 8-13 ) Use the provided images of a hot cup of coffee, an ice cream cone and a tea kettle on a burner as examples to talk about the direction of heat flow. Have students draw arrows to show the direction of heat flow; circulate around the room to verify their understanding. Make sure students realize that 1) heat is a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature; a difference in temperature is needed for heat to flow, 2) heat always flows from hot to cold, or more precisely, heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature, and 3) the units of heat are Joules, just like kinetic energy. The three different types of heat transfer (the movement of thermal energy) are conduction, convection and radiation. The "thought experiments" on slide 13 using the examples of hot soup and snowballs give students practice in using correct terminology and full sentences to explain how heat flows. Make sure students are able to realize that no heat transfer occurs between objects of the same temperature.

( Slide 14 ) Introduce the first type of heat transfer, conduction, which is heat transfer within or between solid objects. With our hands, we experience heat transfer by conduction any time we touch something that is hotter or colder than our skin.

At this point, present a conduction demonstration that you have prepared in advance . Before the activity, use drops of candle wax to "glue" two or three small nails or thumb tacks to a hacksaw blade or metal rod. Space the nails about 1 inch apart, with the first one located one to two inches from the end of the blade/rod. Hold the other end of the blade/rod with an oven mitt or nail it to a block of wood. Heat the end of the rod with a candle flame. As heat conducts down, the wax holding the nails melts and drops the nails, one by one, in sequence. This shows students the heat traveling down the rod.

Then conduct another class demonstration on heat conduction . Give each of five to 10 student volunteers an inflated balloon and have them hold them together, touching, in a line. Start to jiggle one end of the line and observe how this jiggling travels down the line of balloons.

( Slides 15-19 ) Introduce and go over the other two ways heat can move from one object to another: convection and radiation. Each slide starts with a discussion and examples and then gives a definition that can be used for building students' vocabulary.

( Slide 20 ) Introduce the concept of insulation, which is important in heat transfer and necessary background to understand the associated activity Keep It Hot! . Besides the oven mitt and pop can cozy, other examples of insulation include the walls and roof of houses, multi-pane windows, beverage thermos, insulation around car engines to keep passengers cool, inside a jet engine, material on the outside of the space shuttle, plastic casing on wires, a sweater or jacket, and refrigerator and oven walls.

( Slide 21 ) Wrap up with a brief review of key terms: heat, conduction, convection, radiation, insulation, and that heat flows from hot (or higher temperature) to cold (or lower temperature).

Additional Background Material

Heat in Engineering: Heat is the flow of thermal energy that arises from temperature differences. Whenever two things of different temperatures are near one another, thermal energy flows. This flowing energy is called heat. The fans heard whirring in computers are designed to remove heat generated by the electronics. Without these fans, computers would melt or create fires. On a winter morning, we put on coats to stay warm. Heat and how it flows within and between objects is something we experience every day and a fundamental engineering concern.

Thermal Energy and Heat: Every object in the universe has thermal energy stored within it. Thermal energy is the energy embodied in the vibrations, rotations and translations of atoms and molecules. This motion is extremely fast, significantly faster than indicated in the animations typically shown, and significantly faster than bulk translation (such as the flow of water molecules in a river). Expect the presence of energy in a system of jiggling, bouncing, molecules to be very obvious to students who already understand the concept of kinetic energy; indeed, the underlying physical mechanism is similar.

The energy contained in thermal "jiggling" is a function of many factors such as the mass of the particles and the speed of their motion. However, for a given material, faster molecular movement means more thermal energy is present.

Thermal energy is almost impossible to confine to a location. Rather, it can be causally observed every day. A cup of tea left on the counter cools off. Touching a hot pot lid burns one's hand. Objects that are in thermal contact tend towards thermal equilibrium, that is, they exchange thermal energy until both objects have the same temperature. When thermal energy moves around, the flowing thermal energy is called heat. This is somewhat confused by the engineering terminology of "heat transfer" (the study of just how that heat is moved around), which is somewhat redundant since the word "heat" already conveys the motion of thermal energy. In this document, "heat," "heat flow" and "heat transfer" all mean the flow of thermal energy.

One common example of thermal equilibrium is a cup of hot tea. Thermal energy in hot tea will flow (as heat) into the air because the tea temperature is higher than the air temperature. Heat leaving the tea causes the tea's temperature to decrease. Heat going into the air causes the air's temperature to increase. This process continues until the temperature of the tea and air is exactly the same, that is, until thermal equilibrium has been reached and no more impetus exists for thermal energy to move as heat. This is discussed further in the presentation using the analogy of a skier on a hill.

The mechanism of heat flow can be understood by remembering thermal "jiggling." Imagine placing a room temperature pot on a hot stove. Initially, the pot is 25 °C while the cooking element might be 600 °C. We know that heat is flowing from the element to the pot, because the pot's temperature increases. If we had a sufficiently powerful microscope, we could observe the atoms in the element and the pot. The lower temperature pot atoms would be jiggling around much more slowly than the atoms in the element. Since the two are touching, eventually a vigorously jiggling element atom collides with a slower jiggling pot atom. Just as a fast-moving cue ball collides with an eight ball and transfers some of its kinetic energy, the element transfers its thermal energy to the pot through countless such collisions.

The following is a very subtle point. The slowly jiggling pot atoms in the previous example might collide with the swiftly jiggling element atoms and transfer some kinetic energy FROM THE POT TO THE ELEMENT. This is quite the opposite from the established direction of heat transfer, that is, from high temperature to low temperature (or "hot to cold" in the easier-to-repeat shorthand phrase). Although this "opposite" mechanism may occur in isolated interactions, averaging the flow of heat over billions and billions of collisions always results in the "hot to cold" direction with which we are all familiar. Thermal equilibrium is reached when these collisions (again on average) involve the same amount of energy flowing into and out of the pot. At this point, both items are at the same temperature, and heat ceases to flow. Along these lines, "cold" is not a substance that flows. What happens when holding an icy soda can is NOT "cold flowing into my hand." The person holding the can experiences the sensation of a cold hand because the thermal energy in the hand has flowed, as heat, into the lower temperature soda can and given enough time, the two reach thermal equilibrium.

Types of Heat Transfer: Heat flows from objects of higher temperature to objects of lower temperature, and occurs in three forms, referred to by engineers as heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation.

Conduction is heat flow in or between solid objects. If one touched the top edge of the pot in a previously described example, they would be burned. It is well known that heat flows from the bottom of a pot and into the upper edge, lid and handle. The mechanism of this heat flow is just as described in the pot and element example. Atoms in the bottom of the pot are jiggled by the hotter element atoms. The "front line" pot atoms then collide with their neighbors and then the next neighbors, eventually transferring thermal energy all through the pot.

A cast iron pan, left on the stove long enough, requires an oven mitt to handle. Heat flows from the element, into the pan, up the edge and along the handle. A pan with a wooden or plastic handle does not suffer from this problem because those materials have much lower thermal conductivity (the materials property that describes how well something conducts thermal energy) than the iron pot handle. Insulators such as wool, wood and Styrofoam have low thermal conductivity and are useful for slowing the flow of heat. Materials with high thermal conductivity such as copper, aluminum and glass are used to help heat move more quickly. As evidenced in the choice of materials used for electrical conductors and insulators, most materials with high electrical conductivity also have high thermal conductivity.

Convection is the flow of heat in gases or liquids; both are called "fluids" by engineers. A hair drier provides an excellent example of convection. Just as in the stove element, a piece of metal inside a hair drier is heated with electricity. Imagine if no fans were included inside hair driers. The air molecules near the hot elements atoms would be collided with, and heat would flow into them. In the case of the solid pot, the pot atoms are prevented from large movements because the pot is a solid. The pot atoms might jiggle and vibrate, but cannot go flying off across the room (unless heated to a very high temperature indeed). In the hair drier, the gaseous air molecules are much freer to move. They do this naturally in a process called free convection, which can be described by the familiar mechanism of "hot air rises." The rising hot air allows fresh cold air molecules to come into contact with the hot element atoms. Forced convection is what occurs in the hair drier—a fan blows high-speed air molecules over the hot element. In both cases of convection, the jiggling air molecules continue their jiggling when pushed away from the element. Depending on how fast the new air molecules are pushed past the element, convection can move heat over much larger distances, and much more quickly than conduction. The best remedy for a burned finger is to put it under flowing tap water. The subtleties of forced vs. free convection are beyond the scope of a sixth-grade class. The presentation simply refers to all heat transfer in liquids and gases as convection, with examples of the simpler fan-driven forced convection provided.

Radiation is the flow of heat carried by little packets of energy called photons. Radiation can transfer heat between two objects even in empty space, which is how the energy from the Sun gets to Earth. Although radiation does not need air to travel, it can travel through gases, liquids and even some solids. The cause of radiation is fairly complex. When a charged particle is accelerated, it emits a bit of radiation called a photon. Everything in the universe emits radiation because thermal energy causes electrons to accelerate and emit radiation (everything in the universe has some thermal energy). The amount of radiation an object emits is proportional to its temperature to the fourth power, so radiation is the dominant form of heat transfer only at fairly high temperatures. Just as before, the mechanism of heat flow through radiation can be imagined with the billiard ball collision example (although this is not as accurate an explanation of the underlying physics with radiation, it suffices). A photon from a high-temperature object strikes an atom in a lower-temperature object, causing it to jiggle more, raising the cooler object's temperature. Just as with the aside in the original pot/element discussion, some subtlety exists. Since all objects (even -400 °F comets) emit some radiation, an ice cube next to a red hot piece of iron is transferring energy from itself to the iron through radiation. But, for every one photon from the ice cube that strikes an iron atom, many thousands of photons transfer heat from the iron to the ice. So, on average, heat flows from hot to cold.

All three forms of heat flow occur at the same time, though some typically dominate, which permits engineers to ignore the others. Blowing a large fan over a 100 °C piece of metal involves almost entirely convection, but a little conduction (into the ground say) and a little radiation (heating the walls of the room) does occur.

Watch this activity on YouTube

(After the associated activity) We have discussed that heat is simply the flow of thermal energy that always goes from ________ to ________. (Expect everyone to chant out loud "from hot to cold.") We also know the three ways that heat can be transferred, which are _____________. (Answer: Conduction, convection and radiation.) Now, putting it all together and using what we understand about insulators, write and explain one way you can stay cool in the summertime and one way you can keep warm in the wintertime.

conduction: Heat transfer within or between solid objects.

convection: Heat transfer into or out of fluids.

heat: Thermal energy that flows due to a difference in temperature. Heat flows from hot to cold.

heat transfer: A method by which heat flows (conduction, convection, radiation).

insulation: A material that slows down heat transfer.

radiation: Heat transfer due to packets of energy called photons that can travel through many substances, even empty space.

temperature: the measure of the average speed of all particles.

thermal energy: the total energy of all particles in an object.

Pre-Lesson Assessment

Class Discussion & Assignment: To get students thinking about heat, lead a discussion and present a few everyday examples of heat, such as hot beverages, grabbing hot pans or touching ice cubes. Ask students to write a few sentences about how temperature and energy might be related. Also have each student draw an example of an everyday hot object. Provide a list of some examples: hot cocoa, a coal from a fire and a pan right out of the oven. Then ask students to draw a cold object near the hot one. This might be an ice cube, a can of soda from the refrigerator or cold air. Then ask students to draw arrows in their pictures that show what direction the energy flows (from the hot to the cold object, regardless of orientation).

Post-Introduction Assessment

Drawing Arrows: Use slide 8 of the What Is Heat? Presentation as an example and then have each student work individually during slides 9-11 to identify the direction of heat transfer by drawing arrows and writing a sentence. Circulate the room to verify and/or correct their understanding of the concepts.

Lesson Summary Assessment

Post-Quiz: After the lesson, and before starting the associated activity, administer the 10-question What Is Heat? Post-Quiz . Review students' answers to assess their comprehension of the thermal energy concepts.

Written Examples: As part of the Lesson Closure after completing the associated activity, assign students to write and explain one way they can stay cool in the summertime and one way they can keep warm in the wintertime. Require that they use scientific terminology as part of their explanations.

As an alternative to the thermal energy class demo, show this 2:52-minute video, "Moving Water Molecules" as a good illustration of the same demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXY02tcgiBY .

heat assignment grade 7

With the help of simple, teacher-led demonstration activities, students learn the basic physics of heat transfer by means of conduction, convection and radiation. They also learn about examples of heating and cooling devices, from stove tops to car radiators, that they encounter in their homes, scho...

preview of 'What's Hot and What's Not?' Lesson

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preview of 'Heat Transfer: No Magic About It' Lesson

Students explore heat transfer and energy efficiency using the context of energy efficient houses. They gain a solid understanding of the three types of heat transfer: radiation, convection and conduction, which are explained in detail and related to the real world.

preview of 'Heat Transfer' Lesson

Other Related Information

Browse the NGSS Engineering-aligned Physics Curriculum hub for additional Physics and Physical Science curriculum featuring Engineering.


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed by the Renewable Energy Systems Opportunity for Unified Research Collaboration and Education (RESOURCE) project in the College of Engineering under National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no. DGE 0948021. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: October 31, 2021

Grade 7 Science - Heat in the Environment

Grade 7 students will learn about the positive and negative effects of heat on the environment. They will learn about the many sources of heat and investigate its properties. They will also be introduced to the particle theory, which explains how heat is a form of energy that can be transformed and transferred.

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Heat in the Environment Workbook (Grade 7 Ontario Science)

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  • Easel Activity

What educators are saying

Also included in.

heat assignment grade 7


This workbook covers the Grade 7 Heat in the Environment unit in the NEW 2022 Ontario Science curriculum (Earth and Space Systems).

Students will demonstrate an understanding of heat as a form of energy that is associated with the movement of particles and is essential for many natural processes within Earth’s systems. Topics covered include heat, particle theory, forms of energy, energy transfer, convection, conduction, radiation, greenhouse gases and more!

Interactive, hands-on activities are explained, with follow-up worksheets included. There is a variety of readings, long and short answer questions, creative writing activities, and drawing prompts included to create a varied workbook suitable for many learning styles.

To support assessment practices, Ontario curriculum expectations (Strand A and E) are clearly identified on each page. A quiz is included at the end of the workbook.

Available in French: La chaleur dans l'environnement cahier (Grade 7 FRENCH Ontario Science)

⭐ Looking for slides to accompany these workbooks? Heat in the Environment for Google Slides™

This resource includes:

  • 45-page Heat in the Environment Workbook (B&W and Colour)
  • 45-page Heat in the Environment ANSWER KEY
  • TpT Easel Activity - This tool allows students to complete workbook pages digitally, with no printing necessary. New to using Easel by TpT? Check out this guide.
  • Table of Contents
  • K-W-L Chart
  • What is Heat?
  • Heat at Home Journal
  • Particle Theory
  • Particle Theory Questions
  • What is Energy?
  • Uses for Energy
  • Types of Energy
  • Law of Conservation of Energy
  • Generating Heat
  • Renewable Energy
  • Non-renewable Energy
  • Renewable vs. Non-renewable
  • What is Thermal Energy?
  • Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
  • What is Temperature?
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Temperature Experiment
  • Heat and the Earth
  • Absorption and Reflection
  • Heat Transfer in Nature
  • Transpiration
  • Heat in Urban Regions
  • The Greenhouse Effect
  • The Greenhouse Effect: Case Study
  • Heat in the Environment Quiz

Grade 7 Ontario Science Curriculum Expectations (2022)

E. Earth and Space Systems - Heat in the Environment

E1. assess the benefits of technologies that reduce heat loss, and analyse various social and environmental impacts of the use of energy from renewable and non-renewable sources

E2. demonstrate an understanding of heat as a form of energy that is associated with the movement of particles and is essential for many natural processes within Earth’s systems

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Ms. Renee's Classroom

Unit 1: life systems - interactions in the environment.

By Grade 7, students realize that humans have many impacts on the environment. In the study of this topic, they will analyse some of these impacts and their consequences, while reflecting upon their personal responsibility to protect the environment. During investigations, the students will observe existing ecosystems and investigate factors that may affect balances within the system. Students will learn that ecosystems consist of communities of plants and animals that are dependent on each other as well as on the non-living parts of the environment. Care must be taken to ensure that all students, including students with special education needs, have comparable opportunities to explore the natural world. In preparation for working outside the school, it is important that students be able to identify and explain the importance of practices that ensure their personal safety and the safety of others. This includes understanding why it is important to make the teacher aware of any potential allergic reactions (e.g., to bee stings), to wear the clothing and footwear appropriate for the conditions, and to stay within the area of study.

Summative Assignment #1 - Model Ecosystem Project ( Student Examples ) Summative Assignment #2 - Balance in an Ecosystem - In class - Using the model ecosystem you have already created, you will investigate some of the factors that affect the balance between different components in your ecosystem. You will Choose a secondary succession (i.e. fire, harvesting, hurricane, lack of rainfall, flood, bioinvasion) and consider the ways it would impact your ecosystem. ( Writing Frame 2 - Report Genre ) Summative Assignment #3 - Reducing My Ecological Footprint & Writing Frame 3 - Expository Genre or OWN CHOICE Project (with approval from Mrs. Bader)


  • Course Outline: Syllabus - Learning Objectives
  • IITE Rubrics
  • Note 4 - Ecosystems
  • Note 5 - Experiment 2 - School-Yard Ecosystem
  • Note 6 - Interactions in an Ecosystem
  • Note 7 - Producers, Consumers, Decomposers
  • Note 8 - Food Chains and Food Webs and Cycling of Matter
  • Note 9 - Energy Transfer and Experiment #3: Pass It On
  • Note 10 - Why Ecosystems Change
  • Note 11 - Succession
  • Note 12 - Human Impact
  • Note 13 - Reducing My Carbon Footprint

Online Unit: Ecosystems    Analyzing an Ecosystem - Test your knowledge of biotic and abiotic elements in an ecosystem. Look for producers and consumers. Antarctic Ecosystem - Delve into the Antarctic ecosystem in winter/summer and investigate biotic and  abiotic elements.  Antarctic Food Web Game - Explore the Antarctic ecosystem and its food webs/chains. Arctic Ecosystem - Delve into the Arctic ecosystem and investigate biotic and  abiotic elements.  Decomposers - Watch this exciting and gross movie about decompsers Chain Reaction - Take a closer look at producers and consumers. Create and test food chains. Energy Flow - Take a closer look at the flow of energy starting with the all powerful sun! Energy Flow in the Coral Reef Ecosystem - Take a closer look at the Coral Reef Ecosystem. Examine the flow of energy here. Illuminating Photosynthesis - Investigate the secret of life—how a plant uses light from the sun and how we all benefit. Photosynthesis - An interesting movie to illustrate the cycle of photosynthesis. How the Arctic Ecosystem Might Change - Warmer Oceans Affect Food Web Ecological Footprint - What is an Ecological Footprint? Do we all have the same size footprint? What can I do about this problem?


  1. Heat Class 7 Worksheet For Students and Teachers

    heat assignment grade 7

  2. Activity Sheets About Heat Transfer

    heat assignment grade 7

  3. The Heat is On Worksheet Teaching Resource

    heat assignment grade 7

  4. 7. specific heat practice assignment.doc

    heat assignment grade 7

  5. Grade 7 Heat Assignment and Rubric

    heat assignment grade 7

  6. Subject

    heat assignment grade 7


  1. The Characteristic of Healthy Body

  2. Heat

  3. Four pole Y–connected three phase standalone synchronous generator #Matlab #Simulink

  4. Heat 🔥

  5. Somerset Maugham -The Luncheon

  6. Need For Speed Heat


  1. Heat and temperature

    UP Class 7th Science 21 units · 70 skills. Unit 1 Man, Science and Technology. Unit 2 Fiber to Fabric. Unit 3 Structure of nature and matter. Unit 4 Physical and Chemical changes. Unit 5 Heat and temperature. Unit 6 Nutrition in plants. Unit 7 Nutrition in animals. Unit 8 Respiration in organisms.

  2. Heat and Temperature

    1 Heat and Temperature Grade 7, Mrs. Vandermeer 2 Topic 1: Using Energy From Heat - We use heat to cook our food and keep us warm, however if heat is uncontrolled it can be dangerous. - The many uses of heat energy include: Hair styling tools, washing and drying clothes, electric kettles to boil water, electric stoves, microwaves etc…

  3. Mrs. Arsenault's Nerdy World of Science

    Students use the data to create an accurate set of graphs for visual comparison. We learn the basics about the difference between different temperature scales. *INB templates from Stephanie Elkowitz. Conduction, Convection and Radiation: Students will explore these methods of heat transfer using student-led stations adapted from Kesler Science.

  4. Science Grade 7 Heat and Temperature Flashcards

    Contains Celsius and Kelvin as our units for temperature. Contains conduction, convection and radiation. Heat travels from a hot object to a cooler object. The cooler object would eventually attain the same temperature. warm fluid (liquid) moves from place to place and carries thermal energy. when the state changes from a liquid to a gas. when ...

  5. PDF Science Focus 7

    Teaching Notes for Heat and Temperature - Unit 3 - Grade 7 Thermocouple Two wires of different metals are twisted together. When heat is applied to one end an electric current is produced. (the amount of current depends on the temperature and the type of wires) This current can turn on and off a switch or valve. The Bimetallic Strip

  6. PDF Heat

    New Brunswick Science Resource Package: Grade 7 Background Information Prior Knowledge: Students have learned about the particle theory of matter from the grade 7 mixtures and solutions unit and with changes of state in this unit. Students have experience with heating registers, radiators, wood stoves, and/or baseboard heaters.

  7. Heat Chapter 4 Class 7 Science Notes

    When the cool air is heated, it rises up and the cold air flows down to the floor. This results in effective heating of the entire room. The ventilators of a room at the top of a window or the door. This is because when the air in the room gets heated, it rises and passes out from the ventilators at the top.

  8. Grade 7

    RESOURCES. Heat is a form of energy that can be transformed and transferred. These processes can be explained using particle theory of matter. Design (or improve on a design) and build a solar oven that will cook food and sterilize water by applying knowledge of heat transfer by convection, conduction and radiation.

  9. Mr. Collinson Grade 7 Science

    These are the assignments that have been assigned for this unit. If there is no due date set, you will not submit it, simply complete it and have it in your binder. Heat Title Page. Assigned May 13th: You are required to make a title page for the start of this unit. The page must have the words "Heat in the Environment" on it.


    DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE GRADE 7 CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate an understanding of how heat is transferred. LEARNING COMPETENCY/COMPETENCIES: Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur. ... _____ Grilling hamburger over a charcoal flame 5. _____ Hot air balloon rises V. Assignment Draw a picture/scenario that ...

  11. Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans

    Moved Permanently. Redirecting to /browse?search=grade%207%20heat%20and%20temperature

  12. What Is Heat?

    Make sure students realize that 1) heat is a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature; a difference in temperature is needed for heat to flow, 2) heat always flows from hot to cold, or more precisely, heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature, and 3) the units of heat are Joules, just like kinetic energy ...

  13. Grade 7 Science

    Grade 7 students will learn about the positive and negative effects of heat on the environment. They will learn about the many sources of heat and investigate its properties. They will also be introduced to the particle theory, which explains how heat is a form of energy that can be transformed and transferred. eResources

  14. Grade 7- Science-14 Heat and Temperature(part 1)

    Hey every one 😄In this video, we are discussing English medium Science grade 7 lesson 14 Heat and Temperature. In this 1st part, we are talking about the ...

  15. PDF Grade 7

    a micro-sensing digital boiler. a solar powered water heater. an electric kettle. a hot water heater. Pressure affects the boiling point and freezing point of water. Extreme pressure under a glacier can cause the ice to flow or even melt at temperatures. above 0oC. below 0oC. around 0oC.

  16. Heat in the Environment Workbook (Grade 7 Ontario Science)

    Description. This workbook covers the Grade 7 Heat in the Environment unit in the NEW 2022 Ontario Science curriculum (Earth and Space Systems). Students will demonstrate an understanding of heat as a form of energy that is associated with the movement of particles and is essential for many natural processes within Earth's systems.

  17. Science Alberta Heat and Temperature Grade 7 Flashcards

    What is energy? The ability to do work or cause change. What is the difference between heat and temp. temps is speed of particals/ heat is the amout of particals. Define contract and expand. Contract In Expand out. what happens when a mat is heated or cooled. expand for heat contract for cool. what state of mater shows the most change.

  18. Heat and The Environment

    3. DIFFERENT TYPES OF HEAT TRANSFER. Heat can travel from one place to another in three ways: Conduction, Convection and Radiation. Both conduction and convection require matter to transfer heat. If there is a temperature difference between two objects, heat will always find a way to transfer from the higher to lower system.

  19. Mr. Collinson Grade 7 Science

    The quiz questions are posted outside of my room, as well as here, at least 5 days prior to the quiz. Next week (June 11th and 12th) - For your last quiz, you will need to name and briefly explain three methods of measuring temperature. Assignments. These are the assignments that have been assigned for this unit.

  20. Gr. 7: Heat in the Environment

    Chasing Ice. "Chasing Ice (2012) is a documentary about a National Geographic-sponsored expedition to the Arctic. Photographer James Balog and the Extreme Ice Survey team use time-lapse photography to capture a record of the world's changing glaciers. In effect, Chasing Ice shows the story of climate change: In the striking time-lapse photos ...

  21. Ms. Renee's Classroom

    Unit 1: Life Systems - Interactions in the Environment. By Grade 7, students realize that humans have many impacts on the environment. In the study of this topic, they will analyse some of these impacts and their consequences, while reflecting upon their personal responsibility to protect the environment. During investigations, the students ...