presentation drawing design

Presentation Drawing

The importance of presentation drawing.

Presentation drawing, also known as a rendering, is a crucial aspect of the design process. It's a means of visually communicating ideas to clients, colleagues, and contractors. Presentation drawings can take many forms, from quick sketches to highly detailed, realistic illustrations. Regardless of the format, the goal of presentation drawing is to convey the essence of a design in a visually compelling way.

The Types of Presentation Drawing

There are several types of presentation drawing, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Here are four of the most common types of presentation drawing:

Sketches are quick, informal drawings that are used to explore ideas and communicate concepts. They are typically done by hand using pencil or pen and paper. Sketches are valuable because they allow designers to express their ideas quickly and without the need for expensive tools or software. That said, sketches are generally less polished than other forms of presentation drawing, so they may not be suitable for more formal presentations.

Concept Drawings

Concept drawings are more detailed than sketches and are intended to convey a more developed idea. They are still relatively informal, but they often incorporate color and shading to give the drawing depth and texture. Concept drawings can be done by hand or using digital tools like Photoshop or SketchUp.

Renderings are highly detailed, realistic illustrations of a design. They are typically created using 3D modeling software and are intended to give clients and colleagues a sense of what a finished project will look like. Renderings are often used in marketing materials and presentations because they are visually impressive and highly detailed.

Construction Documents

Construction documents are highly technical drawings that are used to communicate specific details about a project to contractors and builders. They include things like floor plans, elevations, and sections, and they are typically created using a combination of hand drawing and computer software.

Tips for Effective Presentation Drawing

Regardless of the type of presentation drawing you are creating, there are a few tips that can help ensure that your drawing is effective and communicates your ideas clearly.

Focus on Legibility

One of the most important aspects of presentation drawing is legibility. Your drawing should be easy to read and understand, even when viewed from a distance. Make sure that you use a font size and style that is easy to read, and avoid cluttering your drawing with unnecessary details that can distract from the main ideas you are trying to convey.

Choose the Right Format

Different types of presentation drawing are better suited to different formats. Sketches, for example, are best presented on paper or on a whiteboard. Renderings, on the other hand, are best viewed on a large screen or printed out at a high resolution. Make sure that you choose the right format for your drawing to ensure that it is presented in the most effective way possible.

Use Color Wisely

Color can be a powerful tool in presentation drawing, but it must be used wisely. Too much color can be distracting, while too little color can make your drawing look flat and lifeless. Use color to highlight important details and to create depth and texture in your drawing, but be sure to use it sparingly.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key in presentation drawing. Make sure that your drawing is consistent in terms of scale, proportion, and style. This will ensure that it is easy to read and that your ideas are communicated clearly.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Finally, the best way to improve your presentation drawing skills is to practice. Take the time to practice drawing different types of illustrations, and experiment with different tools and techniques to find what works best for you. The more you practice, the better you will become at conveying your ideas visually.

The Bottom Line

Presentation drawing is an essential aspect of the design process. It allows designers to communicate their ideas in a clear and compelling way and is crucial for getting buy-in from clients, colleagues, and contractors. Whether you're creating quick sketches or detailed renderings, there are a few key principles to keep in mind that can help ensure that your presentation drawing is effective and communicates your ideas clearly.

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What Are Presentation Drawings In Architecture

What Are Presentation Drawings In Architecture

Making a building look amazing is not something that should be taken lightly. And for that reason, architects have to make use of something called presentation drawings. This form of drawing has been used for centuries, and it still holds a very important place in the profession today. But what exactly are presentation drawings, and why are they so important?

Presentation drawings are the drawings that architects make to show the client their ideas for a building. Usually this includes the exterior design of the building, as well as details such as the materials used, the layout of the interior space, and sometimes even the furniture that will be used inside. Presentation drawings are usually produced in a very high level of detail, with fine lines and textures that capture the architect’s vision of the final product.

These drawings are important because they serve as a way for the architect to demonstrate to the client what they have in mind. They allow the client to get a feel for the building and to get a better understanding of the design process. For architects, presentation drawings are also an opportunity to showcase their creative abilities and to show off their skills. The more effective the drawings are, the more likely it is that the client will be impressed.

When making presentation drawings, it is essential that the architect pays close attention to detail. Every little nuance must be captured accurately, from the way the light hits the building to the way the windows are situated. It is also important that the drawings are easy to understand and non-technical, as they will be presented to a client who may not have a lot of knowledge in the field.

What Are Presentation Drawings In Architecture

At the same time, presentation drawings should also be aesthetically pleasing. By using colors and styles that are pleasing to the eye, the architect can help boost the credibility of their project and make it more attractive to potential customers. It is also important to make sure that the drawings accurately reflect the architect’s vision for the project, as it will give potential customers a better understanding of what the project is all about.


Presentation drawings are also important for documentation purposes. Architects must keep records of their projects so that they can refer back to them if needed. The drawings serve as a record of what was done and make it easier to review the project in the future. In addition, the drawings can also be used to prove that certain regulations were followed and to determine if certain elements of the design were successful.

Presentation drawings also provide evidence that the architect has done their job properly. They demonstrate the level of detail and care that went into the project and show that the architect took all the necessary steps to ensure that the project was done right. In addition, they can be used in court to prove that the architect was responsible for any mistakes or issues that may have occurred during the construction process.

Lastly, presentation drawings can be great for marketing the project. By displaying the drawings to potential customers, the architect can show potential customers what the building will look like, and this can be a great way to attract interest in the project. Having high-quality presentation drawings can be a great way to drum up business for an architect, as potential customers are more likely to be interested in projects with exceptional visuals.

Time and Money Saving

What Are Presentation Drawings In Architecture

Presentation drawings can be a great way to save time and money on projects. By providing clients with detailed and accurate drawings, architects can avoid costly mistakes in the construction process and ensure that the project is completed on time and on budget. By providing clients with a realistic representation of what their project will ultimately look like, architects can help to ensure that the project goes as smoothly as possible.

Presentation drawings can also help architects to identify potential problems with the project before they occur. By analyzing the presentation drawings, architects can spot potential problems with the project and address them before they become costly issues. This can help to save time and money during the construction process, as any issues can be dealt with more quickly and efficiently.

Technological Advancement

In recent years, the technology available for making presentation drawings has advanced considerably. With the advent of computer-aided design software, architects can now produce highly detailed and sophisticated presentation drawings in a fraction of the time. This makes it much easier for architects to create complex and visually appealing drawings without having to spend hours manually drawing them.

In addition, the use of 3D printing has revolutionized the presentation drawing process. By using 3D printers, architects can quickly and accurately produce presentations that are as close to the actual project as possible. This can be especially helpful when creating drawings of complex structures that would otherwise be difficult to accurately depict.

Presentation Drawing Generators

What Are Presentation Drawings In Architecture

In addition to the advances in technology, there are also many tools available to help architects create presentation drawings. In particular, presentation drawing generators are a great way to quickly and easily create drawings that are higher in quality than traditional drawing methods. These generators can help cut out a lot of the time and effort associated with producing high-quality presentation drawings.

These generators also make it easier for an architect to make modifications to the presentation, which can be very useful if the client has special requests or changes that need to be made to the project. In addition, some generators can even help to create an entire presentation from scratch, which can make the process much faster and easier for the architect.

Impact on the Overall Project

Presentation drawings are one of the most important tools available to an architect, and they can have a huge impact on the success of a project. From allowing the client to get a better understanding of the project to helping to identify potential problems in the construction process, presentation drawings can make a huge difference in the overall outcome of the project.

For this reason, it is important for architects to take their time and effort in creating presentation drawings that accurately reflect their vision. Not only will this ensure that the drawings are effective and appealing, but it will also help the project be completed to the highest standard possible.

presentation drawing design

Anita Johnson

Anita Johnson is an award-winning author and editor with over 15 years of experience in the fields of architecture, design, and urbanism. She has contributed articles and reviews to a variety of print and online publications on topics related to culture, art, architecture, and design from the late 19th century to the present day. Johnson's deep interest in these topics has informed both her writing and curatorial practice as she seeks to connect readers to the built environment around them.

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Architectural Drawing Standards and Types Explained

Architectural Drawing

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Architectural drawing, a foundational element of architectural communication, serves as a bridge between an architect’s vision and the eventual physical form of a building.

This multifaceted tool encompasses a wide range of representations, from initial sketches that capture the essence of a design idea, to detailed construction drawings that guide the actual building process.

Historically, architectural drawing has evolved from simple hand-drawn sketches to complex digital representations, reflecting advancements in technology and shifts in architectural practices.

This article aims to delve into the significance of this in the design and construction process, exploring its various forms, functions, and the impact of technological advancements on its evolution.


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Standard architectural drawings.

There are many types of architectural drawings that are required during the process of designing, developing, and constructing a building, some are used at specific times and stages, and others such as the floor and site plans are continuously evolved and adapted as the project develops.

At their simplest level, architectural drawings ideally comprise of floor plans, sections, sizes and units of measurements, together with references and annotations, however there many additional drawings required depending the scope and complexity of the building.   

Survey Drawings

Survey drawings are often the first type of drawing an architect or designer will work and engage with, and represent a measured and accurate record of the existing site and the buildings occupying it. 

This helps the architects to identify existing site levels and features that can be adopted, removed or altered.

Record Drawings   

Record drawings are made by architects to understand existing projects. For instance, in the renaissance period, architects would create record drawings of buildings that remained after the Greco-Roman civilizations.

They then use these drawings to influence their own designs and projects.  

Demolition Plans

For projects involving renovation or retrofitting, demolition plans indicate parts of the building to be demolished or removed. These plans are essential for understanding the scope of demolition work and ensuring that it is carried out systematically and safely.

Concept Drawings and Sketches  

Concept drawings and sketches are quick hand drawings that aim to communicate an idea or notion to help drive a project.

Often initially used internally among the design team, once established they can later be used to help communicate and present the project.

Schematic Drawings

Early in the design process, schematic drawings are used to explore concepts and ideas. They are less detailed than construction drawings and focus on the overall layout, function, and relationships between spaces , serving as a preliminary vision of the project.

Location Plans

Location plans offer a broader context than site plans, showing the proposed development in relation to its surrounding area.

This type of drawing is essential for planning applications and is used to give planners, clients, and other stakeholders a clear understanding of where the new building will sit within the local environment.

It typically includes roads, neighboring buildings, and natural features, providing a comprehensive view of the project’s immediate context.

Site Plans   

Site plans are comprehensive drawings that provide a bird’s-eye view of the entire project in relation to its surroundings. They detail the location of buildings, access routes, landscaping, and site-specific features, crucial for planning and executing construction in context.

Floor Plans    

A floor plan is essentially a map showing a buildings internal arrangement in relation to its external walls and environment.

Each floor or level of the building will require its own plan, which as a rule of thumb is a horizontal slice taken across the building at 1200mm above its floor level.

We have a whole article  here , dedicated to drawing one.


In short an elevation is a drawing of an interior or exterior vertical surface or plane, that forms the skin of the building.

Externally an elevation is most commonly used to describe the vertical interface between the interior and exterior of a building, where the external facing walls and surfaces of each side of the proposal are drawn.  

Cross Section   

A cross-section drawing  refers to a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal cut that results in the removal of one of the selected parts to reveal the objects inner elements. 

A good example of this is the process of cutting an apple in half to reveal its core and pips, or a cake with all its layers. 

Reflected Ceiling Plans (RCPs)

These drawings show the ceiling as if it were reflected onto a mirror on the floor , detailing ceiling elements such as lighting fixtures, HVAC grilles, sprinkler heads, and ceiling finishes.

RCPs are crucial for planning the integration of ceiling-mounted elements with the rest of the interior design.

Electrical, Plumbing, and HVAC Plans

These specialized drawings show the layouts and details for electrical systems, plumbing, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

They are crucial for ensuring that these critical systems are integrated smoothly into the building design, providing comfort and functionality for its occupants.

Landscape Drawings

For projects where the external environment is significant, landscape drawings detail the design of outdoor spaces, including plantings, hardscape elements, water features, and outdoor lighting.

These drawings ensure that the building’s exterior spaces are well integrated with the architecture and the site.

Detail Drawings   

A detailed drawing shows a small section of a construction project in detail, and aims to demonstrate how the various elements and materials of a building come together. For example window openings, floor and wall junctions and structural connections.  

Construction Drawings

A comprehensive set that includes all the detailed drawings and specifications for the construction of the building.

These are used by contractors to estimate costs, plan construction sequences, and build the structure. Construction drawings encompass all the above types of drawings, along with specifications for materials, finishes, and construction techniques.

Structural Drawings

These drawings detail the structural components of a building, such as beams, columns, foundations, and roofs, including materials, sizes, and connections.

Structural drawings are critical for ensuring the building’s stability and safety, complementing the architectural drawings with technical engineering information.

Energy Modeling Drawings

With the increasing focus on sustainability, energy modeling drawings provide insights into a building’s expected energy use and environmental impact.

These drawings are used to optimize the design for energy efficiency, incorporating elements like insulation, window placement, and shading devices.

As-built Drawings

Created after the completion of a construction project, as-built drawings reflect all changes made during the construction process. They show the building as it was actually built, incorporating any deviations from the original design drawings.

As-built drawings are invaluable for future renovation or maintenance work.

While not drawings in the traditional sense, schedules are an integral part of architectural documentation, listing elements such as windows, doors, finishes, and fixtures, along with their specifications.

Schedules complement the drawings, providing detailed information that helps ensure consistency and accuracy in construction.

Each type of standard architectural drawing plays a specific role in the design and construction process, ensuring that every aspect of the building is thoroughly planned and communicated.

Together, they form a comprehensive documentation package that guides a project from concept to completion.

Architecture drawing scales

All architecture drawings are drawn to a scale and as described here in great detail, there are set scales that should be used depending on which drawing is being produced, some of which are below:

1:500 (1”=40’0”) – Site plan

1:250 (1”=20’0”) – Site plan (note that 1:250 is not a common metric scale)

1:200 (1/16”=1’0”) – Site plan

1:100 (1/8”=1’0”) – Floor plans, elevations and sections

1:50 (1/4”=1’0”) – Floor plans, elevations and sections

1:20 (3/4”=1’0”) – Room plans, interior elevations

1:10 (1 1/2”=1’0”) – Joinery, component details, construction details

1:5 (3”= 1’0”) – Construction details

Architectural Drawing Types

Architectural drawings are not a monolith but a collection of diverse types, each serving distinct purposes throughout the life cycle of a building’s design and construction.

These drawings can be categorized into several primary types, with each playing a critical role in the architectural process. Understanding these types is essential for anyone involved in the construction industry, from architects and engineers to contractors and clients.

Hand drawings     

Hand drawing is traditional sketching with a pen on paper, but can also be carried out via a drawing tablet . For a long time, architects have used hand drawings to explore ideas and assess multiple options during the design stage.

Unlike today where hand drawings are used to make rough sketches before fine tuning with computer software, traditional hand drawing had to be perfect.  

The first-hand drawings in the history of architecture date back to 10,000 B.C.E. At this time the drawings were merely artistic, but then they gradually evolved to become architecturally meaningful.

Today hand drawings have been faded out, but in small instances, they exist side by side with computer-assisted drawings.  

Computer Generated Imagery   

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) is as the name suggests the processes of using a computer application to create a representation of a project, with the soul purpose of communication.

As technology has progressed, so have CGI’s, and they now form a fundamental part of architectural presentations and documents at all scales.

Computer Aided Design  

Computer-aided design (CAD) is used throughout the entire design and construction process of a project, having completely superseded older formal hand drawing methods.

The advantage among being a lot more precise and accurate, is the ability to revise and undo elements of the drawing with ease and speed, making it a much more efficient method of drafting.

Both architects and engineers use 2D and 3D CAD software. These programs enable in-depth exploration of design ideas. Architects can visualize concepts and simulate design performance in the real world.  

Computer-assisted designs are highly beneficial in the construction world. Designers can collaborate over the cloud across oceans. The designs are easy to interpret even for non-professionals.  

Architectural Drawing

Presentation Drawings

Presentation drawings are used to communicate the final design to clients, stakeholders, and the public.

These can be rendered in various mediums and styles, from traditional watercolor to sophisticated digital 3D models, and are designed to convey the aesthetic and functional aspects of the project compellingly.

Working Drawings

Working drawings , also known as construction drawings , provide comprehensive instructions for the construction team. They detail every aspect of the construction process, from materials to measurements to installation methods, and are legally binding documents within the construction contract.

Tools and Media

The creation of architectural drawings has been revolutionized by the advancement of tools and media over the years. From traditional to digital, the tools used in architectural drawing have expanded the possibilities for architects to communicate their ideas effectively.

  • Traditional Tools : Historically, architects relied on pencils, pens, rulers, compasses, and tracing paper to create their drawings. These manual tools required skill and precision, with different types of pencils and pens used for varying line weights and textures. Drafting tables provided a stable and angled surface for drawing.
  • CAD Software : Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software has become the standard in the creation of architectural drawings. Programs like AutoCAD, Revit, and ArchiCAD allow for precise and efficient drawing, with the ability to easily modify designs. CAD software supports both 2D drawing and 3D modeling, enhancing the depth of design exploration and communication.
  • BIM Tools : Building Information Modeling (BIM) represents a further evolution, integrating detailed information into the digital model of a building. Tools like Revit and BIM 360 facilitate a collaborative approach to design and construction, allowing architects, engineers, and contractors to work from a unified model that updates in real time.
  • Rendering Software : For presenting architectural ideas, rendering software such as V-Ray and Lumion transforms drawings into lifelike images and animations. These tools help in visualizing materials, lighting, and the environment, making it easier for clients and stakeholders to understand the envisioned outcome.
  • Digital Tablets and Styluses : For the initial stages of design, digital tablets and styluses replicate the hand-drawn experience with the advantage of digital technology. They allow for intuitive sketching and drawing, with the ease of editing and sharing digitally.

The choice of tools and media in architectural drawing depends on the project phase, the specific requirements of the drawing, and the personal preference of the architect or designer.

Each tool and medium brings its own strengths to the table, from the tactile feedback of traditional drawing to the versatility and efficiency of digital tools

Architectural drawing software 

There are a lot architectural drawing packages to choose from, and all at varying prices and with different features, and quality of output.

The exact match for you will be dependant on your requirements and budget, however the programmes featured below are the major contenders.

Microstation – Microstation is a stable design platform that works better than the standard AutoCAD . Microstation is easier to use and has many features that relate to real-world architecture.

The only problem is that users might face AutoCAD compatibility issues with Microstation    

Archicad – This software is both a 2D and 3D design application that can help you with total project output. It works well in modeling and rendering of computer-generated architectural imagery and can also be used to create 2D and 3D models, elevations and plans.

Archicad has a cloud platform that enables storage and design collaboration.  

Chief Architect  – Chief Architect is one of the most popular architectural software packages for residential design. It has useful but limited graphics with an acceptable output.  

SketchUp  – SketchUp is a fanatic tool for producing both complex and simple 3D models, it offers a free online version as well as paid license, making it the perfect tool for both students and licenced architects.

AutoCAD – AutoCAD is the standard architectural software. AutoCAD has the largest market share of architectural design applications. One would also have to be on the lookout for trends and technological advancements to keep their knowledge and skills relevant as time passes.    

Architecture is a broad field that leans on technical skills in art, and mathematics . In the course of the study and during profession, one needs to continually adopt new technologies to keep their drawing knowledge and skills relevant.

Drawing Techniques and Methodologies

Architectural drawing is not just about the tools and media used; it’s fundamentally about the techniques and methodologies that architects employ to convey ideas, details, and instructions.

This section explores various approaches architects take in creating effective drawings, from traditional methods to advanced digital techniques.

Traditional Drawing Techniques

Before the advent of digital tools, architects relied on hand-drawing techniques to create their plans, sections, elevations, and details. These methods required a high level of skill and precision, with techniques including:

  • Freehand Sketching : A fundamental skill for architects, freehand sketching allows for the rapid expression of ideas and concepts. It is often used in the initial stages of design to explore forms, spaces, and relationships.
  • Drafting : Using tools such as T-squares, drafting boards, and set squares, drafting is a method for creating more precise and detailed drawings. This technique is essential for producing construction documents that require accuracy and clarity.
  • Rendering : Traditional rendering techniques involve using a variety of media, such as pencil, ink, marker, and watercolor, to create visually appealing presentations of designs. These renderings communicate the texture, materiality, and light of the envisioned spaces.

Digital Drawing Techniques

The shift towards digitalization has transformed architectural drawing, introducing new methodologies and expanding the possibilities for representation and documentation:

  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) : CAD software has become a staple in architectural drawing, enabling the creation of precise and detailed plans, sections, and elevations. CAD drawings can be easily modified and are essential for producing the technical documents needed for construction.
  • 3D Modeling : Beyond 2D drawings, 3D modeling software allows architects to build digital representations of their designs in three dimensions. These models can be used for visualization, exploring design alternatives, and creating renderings and animations.
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) : BIM goes a step further by incorporating detailed information into the 3D models, including materials, structural properties, and energy performance. This methodology facilitates a more integrated approach to design, construction, and facility management.

Collaborative Methodologies

With the complexity of contemporary architecture, collaboration across disciplines has become crucial. Techniques and methodologies that facilitate collaboration include:

  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) : IPD involves a collaborative alliance of people, systems, and practices into a process that harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication, and construction.
  • Parametric Design : This methodology uses software to design complex geometries and systems that can adapt to changes through the use of algorithms. It enables a more dynamic design process where changes to parameters automatically update the model, facilitating a highly iterative and collaborative approach to design.

In conclusion, the techniques and methodologies of architectural drawing are diverse, each suited to different stages of the design and construction process.

From the tactile intimacy of hand-drawn sketches to the collaborative and data-rich environments of BIM, these approaches collectively enrich the architect’s toolkit, enabling the creation of buildings that are not only functional and sustainable but also meaningful and inspiring.

The Role of Architectural Drawing in the Design Process

Architectural drawing is not merely a means to document a design but is integral to the very process of design itself. This section explores the pivotal role these drawings play throughout the design process, from conceptualization to the final stages of construction, and how they facilitate collaboration, decision-making, and innovation.

Conceptualization and Initial Exploration

At the outset of a project, architects use sketching and diagramming to explore ideas, concepts, and spatial relationships. These initial drawings serve as a primary medium for creative expression, allowing architects to visualize and refine their thoughts.

They are instrumental in the brainstorming phase, where fluidity and the ability to rapidly generate and assess ideas are crucial. Conceptual drawings help in setting the direction for the project, embodying the architect’s vision and the intended experience for the users.

Development and Communication

As the design progresses, drawings become more detailed, evolving into tools for communication among the project’s stakeholders, including clients, engineers, contractors, and regulatory bodies.

Detailed plans, elevations, sections, and detailed drawings provide a comprehensive understanding of the project, encompassing aesthetic, functional, and technical aspects. These drawings ensure that all parties have a clear and shared understanding of the design, facilitating feedback and collaboration.

Technical Documentation and Construction

In the later stages, architectural drawings transform into highly detailed construction documents. These include technical specifications, dimensions, materials, and construction techniques, guiding contractors in bringing the design to life.

Accuracy and clarity in these documents are paramount to ensure that the construction aligns with the design intent. Moreover, these drawings play a critical role in obtaining building permits, adhering to codes, and ensuring safety and sustainability standards are met.

Facilitating Innovation and Problem-Solving

Throughout the design process, architectural drawing is a dynamic tool for problem-solving and innovation. It allows architects to experiment with different materials, structural solutions, and sustainability strategies, visualizing the outcomes of their choices.

By enabling architects to foresee potential issues and explore alternative solutions, drawings contribute significantly to the efficiency and quality of the design.

Collaboration and Iteration

Architectural drawing facilitates an iterative design process, where ideas are continuously refined and developed. This iterative process is essential for addressing complex design challenges, accommodating client feedback, and integrating contributions from multidisciplinary teams.

Drawings enable the seamless exchange of ideas, fostering a collaborative environment that enhances the project’s overall quality and innovation.

Architectural drawing is fundamental to the architecture design process, serving as both a creative catalyst and a rigorous tool for technical documentation. Its role extends beyond mere representation, acting as a crucial facilitator of exploration, communication, collaboration, and innovation.

Through drawings, architects navigate the complex journey from abstract ideas to concrete structures, shaping the built environment that surrounds us.

Architectural Drawing Tips

1. Use line thickness’s – When drawing a floor plan or section, the walls that are being cut through should always be a heavier line weight. 

2. Minimize smudging – In order for hand drawn architectural drawings to convey their meaning, they need to be neat. Avoid smudging and making your sketches look messy.    

3. Take your time – Creating a perfect architectural drawing takes time. Accept that fact and be ready to rework your pieces for as many times as it takes until you nail it.  

4. Use layers – When drawing in a CAD package, divide your line weights into layers, for example you may have different layers for say walls, windows and joinery. These can then be saved as a template and used every time you start a new drawing.

5. Use hatches – Hatches add detail and depth, and can be used to identify and draw attention to elements and materials, for example to show floor finishes and/or light and shadow.  

6.Use objects – Using objects such as furniture, cars and vegetation, adds scale and context to drawings as well identifies the limitations of the spaces created. i.e if a client has specialist furniture requirements. 

7. Add annotations – Annotations help to draw attention and add additional information to the objects and elements in your drawing.  

8. Add dimensions – Dimensions provide a quick reference to the scale and size of the spaces in your drawing, without the need for a scale rule 

9. Work with a mouse and not touch pad – To create perfect CAD drawings, you need a mouse, touch screens are not CAD friendly.   

Architecture is a broad field that leans on technical skills in art, and mathematics. In the course of the study and during profession, one needs to continually adopt new technologies to keep their drawing knowledge and skills relevant.

Architectural drawing, with its rich history and evolving nature, remains at the core of the architectural design and construction process. From the initial conceptual sketches to the detailed construction documents, each type of drawing serves a unique purpose, enabling architects to convey their ideas, intentions, and technical requirements effectively.

The advent of new tools and media has expanded the possibilities for expression and precision, allowing for more complex and detailed representations of architectural ideas. Moreover, the development of various techniques and methodologies has provided architects with the means to explore and communicate their designs in innovative ways.

The role of architectural drawing extends beyond mere representation; it is a fundamental part of the creative process that influences the conceptualization, development, and realization of architectural projects.

It facilitates communication among the various stakeholders involved, including architects, engineers, clients, and contractors, ensuring that the vision for a project is understood and executed as intended.

As we look towards the future, it is evident that architectural drawing will continue to evolve, influenced by technological advancements and changing architectural practices. However, its essence as a tool for visualization, communication, and documentation will undoubtedly remain unchanged.

Architectural drawing not only bridges the gap between imagination and reality but also serves as a testament to the architect’s skill, creativity, and vision, making it an indispensable aspect of the architectural profession.


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This Post Has One Comment

presentation drawing design

The list of “Architectural drawing software” looks very incomplete without mentioning Revit. True, Revit is not specifically “drawing” software, but so is Archicad. Both programs help architects create architectural models AND drawings.

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Four Choices in Architectural Presentation Drawings

Winning a project bid requires architectural presentation drawings that demonstrate to the potential client the merits of the structure’s design concept and is a direct indication of an architectural firm’s skill in creativity and technical ability. Poorly drafted presentation drawings can result in losing great projects to other firms. We offer four different avenues to presenting your architectural concept which are highly illustrative and demonstrate professionalism to your clients:

2D Elevations and Sections Simple projects such as warehouses and small office complexes may only require 2D elevations of the building facade and cross-sections that illustrate interior area functions. Overall dimensions and floor heights of the building are detailed along with the proper tones and hatching applied to the exterior surfaces to emphasize different materials can supply ample information and clearly illustrate simpler structures. These drawings are best printed in high resolution color on heavy board surfaces to enhance the presentation.

Isometric and Perspectives Drawings A better visual solution for non-technical clients is given with an isometric or perspective view of the structure which emulates a three-dimensional view and shows the relationship between multiple sides of the building. Color and texture rendering of these drawings along with landscaping features will offer clients a greater representation of the proposed structure. The ability to alter view orientation in real-time can help create an exciting presentation as the building is tilted and rotated to different angles.

3D Wire Frame Models As the pre-cursor to rendered models, wire frame 3D models are often employed to allow simultaneous viewing of underlying facets of the structure, such as beams, floors and walls. When the structural solution to a project outweighs the building appearance, wire frame models are the perfect solution. With the application of automatic hidden line removal, the model easily converts to a vector line exterior view of the structure.

3D Rendered Models Fully rendered 3D models of the proposed structure is an optimum solution and well worth the investment for projects that are high-end or have great public interest. Surface textures can nearly replicate real world materials and give your clients a glimpse of what the new building will look like in the real world. The ability to simulate an actual building walk-through is an added benefit to solids models.

Contact us to learn more details on the process and pricing of each of these architectural presentation drawing options.

Related links: Creative 3D Interior Modeling Design, Plan and Construct Using Building Information Modeling Give Clients a Virtual Tour Using Architectural Walkthroughs Curtain Wall Shop Drawings – Add Creativity, Beauty, and Function to Any Building Design Improve Your Presentations with Photorealistic Architectural Rendering BIM Advantages for HVAC Drafting Businesses Advanced Technology for 3D Architectural Design Three Business Development Strategies with Architectural CAD Drafting Services Choosing the Right Architectural Rendering Firm Can Make All the Difference BIM for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services

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10 Tips for Creating Stunning Architecture Project Presentation

Architectural design projects are the life and soul of architecture school . As a student, you are always working on one, and somehow it becomes what your life is revolving around.

You would give it every possible effort and believe you have done your best, but on jury day, when you see everyone else’s project you could lose a bit of your confidence, not because your project is any less, but because your presentation is lacking.

The architecture project presentation might not be the core of the project, but it surely influences the viewer. It can also be considered an indicator of your artistic skills and sense as a designer.

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While you shouldn’t be completely dependable on positive results from a merely eye-catching architecture project presentation, you still need to give an adequate amount of time to properly plan it in a way that communicates your idea best. Your architecture professor might credit you for a creative design regardless of the presentation, but your future client might only see the presentation, so make it a habit, to involve your design skills in all aspects of your project, starting now.

Besides the essential tips and tutorials for photoshop architectural rendering that will definitely improve your board, here, we will give you some basic tips on how to create a Stunning Architecture Project Presentation . So, let’s get started.

Architecture Project Presentation Board Tips

1) size and orientation.

presentation drawing design

Most of the time your professors restrict you to specific board sizes and the number of boards. If that is the case then you need to confirm if your boards should be presented in Landscape or Portrait orientation. You, also, need to decide if you will be presenting your board side by side as one big board, one poster of equivalent size, or as separate boards that come in sequence.

presentation drawing design

Now, that you have a base to work on you need to start planning the layout of your boards or poster:

  • If you are presenting hand drawings then you can do prior planning on one or more A4 paper sheets for example. Try to make an accurate estimation of the space needed per each drawing and the buffering space you would like to leave around each.

presentation drawing design

  • If you will be presenting CAD drawings, then this might be easier. You can experiment with the actual drawings on CAD Layout or Photoshop if you will be rendering your project digitally.
  • You can use a grid system to organize your drawings. Decide on a unit width, for example, 6cm, then use its multiples to create unit areas to contain your drawings, like for instance, 12cm for outer frame buffering, 36cm for main drawings and so.

Do This Or that! Here is an example!

3) placement and zoning.

presentation drawing design

Think of the way you would like the viewers to circulate through your presentation, what you would like them to see first, how they would best understand your project. For example, you may start by brief site analysis, then move to the concept statement and its illustrative sketches if needed.

  • If your concept is form-based you may need to show the form first, before the plan, then move to the plan to reveal how the form has functionally worked out.
  • If your concept is in the plan itself, then you may move directly to the plan and conclude with the rendered exterior form as usual.

Drawing and Rendering Tips

4) background.

presentation drawing design

Dark Background

It is called “background” for a reason. It should be a platform to feature your drawings as the main focus, clear of any distractions. Some students use faded renderings of their own projects as background, but this can be seriously diverting. White backgrounds are best, as they show the true colors of your project.

Some opt to use a black background to stand out, however, that doesn’t usually turn out so well. It may cause halation and strain for sensitive eyes.

presentation drawing design

Black and white presentation

There are many ways you can render your projects, choose the one you excel at and shows your project best.

  • There is the Black & White or Greyscale presentation where you only show lines with various thicknesses, in addition to shade and shadow.
  • There is the greyscale presentation with an element of color where you would choose one bright color, for example, green for landscape and greenery, to contrast with the, generally, achromatic drawings.
  • One color might become two colors revealing different materials like wood or bricks and glass for example.

presentation drawing design

Presentation with a Color Scheme on Greyscale

All, these previous techniques would work out fine if colors are not the main focus in your project, however, if there is an idea behind your color scheme or the used materials, or there are many details that will go lost in greyscale, then there is no way out.

You need to fully color or at least broaden the color palette for your presentation.

presentation drawing design

Colored Presentation

The manual achromatic presentation can be via graphic pencils and ink, and the colored elements can be executed using watercolor, markers, brush pens, or pastels. For digital presentations, you can use Adobe Photoshop as the most commonly used tool. You can even mimic the aesthetic of the manual presentation in Photoshop using downloadable brushes and a mix of effects.

6) Visual Hierarchy

presentation drawing design

Black and White Contrast Color

What is your strongest point, the highlight of your project? Grab the attention from far away with that. There are many ways to grab the attention of a specific drawing, using color or size. For example, if the main idea is in your cross-section, you can present it on large scale with full-hue colors, against black and white plan drawings. That is mixing between two of the color presentation techniques mentioned in the previous point to get emphasis by contrast.

General Tips

7) Minimize text on your presentation board. Write a short and concise concept statement and add a very brief explanation, if needed. Don’t waste your time composing elongated descriptive text because no one will read it.

8) Replace words, whenever possible, with simple illustrative sketches and figures. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. You may use colors and keys to further clarify your illustrations.

presentation drawing design

9) Use a suitable font for your title and text and, preferably, don’t use more than one font type per project. You can vary between the title, the concept statement, and the labeling by size. Sans Serif fonts like Century Gothic and Helvetica may be good for headlines; their slick minimalism befits modern high-tech designs.

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10) Finally, don’t overdo it.

  • Don’t pack your boards with drawings and text at every corner. Leave some breathing space but not too much, that it would look like a) you couldn’t finish your work, b) you didn’t well plan your boards or c) you haven’t worked hard enough.
  • Don’t overuse colors to the extent that they would become a distraction but also don’t make your presentation too light and faded, or it might exhaust the eyes of the viewer and give an impression of weak effort.

presentation drawing design

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Architecture presentation techniques – Breaking down drawing and rendering styles

Most often than not, designers get limited with their presentation styles. Students get trapped in the deadlines, architects get restricted by clients or labors who are going to read the drawings. Architectural representation of an idea is the artistic way of expressing the building. It is to resemble the concept and detail of the actual design, but somehow also convey the essence of the project. There are many different ways to tackle the presentation style, so as to make the project more interesting, more eye-catching and easier to understand. Let’s take a look at some different architecture presentation techniques we can incorporate in our portfolios.

Pen and Ink – Hand Drawn Presentation

A fine example of architectural presentation is the pen and ink style. It can also be called the manual style, whereas one isn’t restricted to only pen and ink, but is also open to water-colors, pencil sketches or any other manual technique. This style has somewhere gotten lost with all the softwares available these days to an extent that designers hardly touch paper. This style is one of the simplest and most beautiful as it is not perfect, sometimes there are jagged lines, or color not within the lines, but it just adds to the aesthetic. For people who want to achieve this presentation style, but aren’t as confident about their drawing skills, don’t worry! There is a way! One can simply draw the basic sketch or outline of a drawing, and then digitize it using Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. These softwares allow one to take a hand drawn sketch, increase or decrease line strokes, color in them and add effects such as shadows, digital trees or other elements. Overall, this style is very appeasing and gives a more personal and dedicated impression.


Color Blocking – Using colors for dominance

A very elegant example of how colors can be used in architectural presentation styles to make elements stand out. Mostly used to denote massing in a 2d drawing, the color blocking technique is very obvious, but very attractive. Designers can chose colors depending on the number of elements, or based on the heirarchy of masses. So, the colors can be a variation of shades, for eg. one color used in different hues, or the same color tone, for eg. neutral or earthy shades, or bright colors used in the background with the drawing in plain white in the foreground etc. etc. There are n number of permutations and combinations which can be tried in this style and each would give an interesting result. 


Axonometric Style – All in one drawing style

One of my favourite techniques for presentation, the axonometric or simply axo style is according to me the easiest to read. Using an axo view, the designer can very well explain the concept and the inter-relationship between various stories, the play of levels or heights, as well as function of every space of the project. An all in one technique, this one diagram is enough to explain the plan, the facade, the inner details, sections and view of a single building. The axo can also be drawn in a variety of ways like sectional axo or floor plan axo etc. to explain further details. This technique is especially useful when the floor plate needs to be explained in minute detail, whereas the facade is a continuous element on all sides. It also conveys the process of design, for instance the steps in the making of the building. What’s more is, this style is the easiest to achieve on software, making it a go-to for students and small firms.


Perspective Drawing – 3D visualization

A 3D render is the best way to express what a designer has in his/her mind. The client understands the atmosphere of a space more than a 2D drawing. The sense of scale, colors, textures and feel of a space is best conveyed in this technique. There are a lot of ways to achieve 3D renders, especially with the tools available nowadays. It can be a photo-realistic render or a photoshop collage or a wireframe or white render. However a perspective drawing, where one has the sense of actually being in the space is my top pick. The angle or the camera placed is the most important thing in this style. Where the view gets cut and the kind of textures and colors one uses, with the correct light and shadow setting is also very essential. 


Info-graphic – Minimalist drawing style

The single line drawing presentation styles is used extensively these days, where the presentation appears to be more an info-graphic than an architectural drawing. This style is used mostly when the 3D view expresses the major portion of the design and the elevation and section drawings are merely present for further understanding. Often, drawings are not even part of the scheme, only a few details or plans are expressed, in single line for conveying the volumes. This style is perfect for architectural portfolios, where one project is to be displayed on one sheet, where there isn’t much scope for a lot of drawings.


Geometric Style – Clean lines and shapes

Sometimes, the drawing or the main focus of the project is lost in context with too many shapes on the sheet. The geometric style expresses everything in sharp straight lines. The absense of organic drawings in the form of trees, cars, etc. or expressing them in lines makes it more interesting to look at and doesn’t distract from the main project. This style is very eye-catching and extremely easy to achieve. Another way to add to this style, is by playing with the opacity of elements. For example, elements which have a more complex shape, like humans or trees, can have a very low opacity as opposed to the main components of the sheet like the facade etc. In this way, the project is highlighted and other elements, while present, do not overpower the sheet. 


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Bad presentations. We’ve all had to sit through them.  Heck, we’ve probably all given one or two. I know I have.

You know the type: twice as long as they need to be, slides chock-full of text, no visuals in sight. 

How can you ensure you don’t fall victim to these presentation faux-pas when designing your next presentation for your team, class, or clients?

In this blog, I’ll walk you through tips on how to design an impactful presentation and how you can deliver it with style to leave a lasting impression.

Let’s get started:

  • Include less text and more visuals in your presentation design
  • Identify one core message to center your presentation design around
  • Eliminate any information that doesn’t immediately support the core message
  • Create a strong presentation outline to keep you focused
  • Use text to reinforce, not repeat, what you’re saying
  • Design your presentation with one major takeaway per slide
  • Use visuals to highlight the key message on each slide
  • Use scaffolding slides to orient your audience and keep them engaged
  • Use text size, weight, and color for emphasis
  • Apply design choices consistently to avoid distraction
  • Split a group presentation by topic
  • Use a variety of page layouts to maintain your audience’s interest
  • Use presentation templates to help you get started
  • Include examples of inspiring people
  • Dedicate slides to poignant questions
  • Find quotes that will inspire your audience
  • Emphasize key points with text and images
  • Label your slides to prompt your memory

Watch: How to design a presentation [10 ESSENTIAL TIPS]

Tips for designing and delivering an impactful presentation

What makes a presentation memorable?

It usually comes down to three things:

  • The main idea.
  • The presenter.
  • The visuals.

All three elements work together to create a successful presentation. Just like how different presentation styles serve different purposes, having a good presentation idea will give the audience a purpose for listening. A good presenter communicates the main idea so that the audience cares about it. And compelling visuals help clarify concepts and illustrate ideas.

But how the presenter delivers their presentation and what visuals they use can vary drastically while still being effective. There is no perfect presentation style or presentation design.

Here are some top tips to consider to help you design and deliver an impactful presentation:

Tip #1: Include less text and more visuals in your presentation design

According to David Paradi’s annual presentation survey , the 3 things that annoy audiences most about presentations are:

  • Speakers reading their slides
  • Slides that include full sentences of text
  • Text that is too small to read

The common thread that ties all of these presentation annoyances is text. Audiences are very picky about the text found in presentation slide decks .

In my experiences speaking at conferences and in webinars over the past few years, audiences respond much more positively to presentations that use visuals in place of text.

Audiences are more engaged, ask more questions, and find my talks more memorable when I include lots of visual examples in my slide decks. 

I’m not the only one who has found this. We recently surveyed nearly 400 conference speakers about their presentation designs and found that 84.3% create presentations that are highly visual.

A great example of a high visual presentation is the iconic AirBnB pitch deck design , which includes no more than 40 words per slide. Instead of repeating the speaker’s script on the slides, it makes an impact with keywords, large numbers, and icons:

presentation drawing design

Learn how to customize this presentation template:

To help you take your presentations to the next level, I’d like to share my process for creating a visually-focused presentation like the one above. I’ll give you my top presentation design tips that I’ve learned over years of presenting:

  • Class presentations
  • Online courses

You can then apply this process to our professional presentation templates  or pitch decks , creating unique presentation decks with ease! Our user-friendly editor tools make customizing these templates a breeze.

To leave a lasting impression on your audience, consider transforming your slides into an interactive presentation. Here are 15 interactive presentation ideas to enhance interactivity and engagement.

We’ll cover the most important steps for summarizing lengthy text into a presentation-friendly format. Then we’ll touch on some pre sentation design tips to help you get visual with your slide decks. Read on for the best creative presentation ideas.

Tip #2: Identify one core message to center your presentation design around

We know from David Paradi’s survey that audiences are easily overwhelmed with lots of text and data, especially when presentations are long.

confused woman meme

(You when you see a presentation with lots of text and data and it’s long)

So unlike in a white paper , report , or essay , you can’t expect to tackle many complex ideas within a single presentation.

That would be a recipe for disaster.

Instead, identify a single central message that you would like to communicate to your audience. Then build your presentation around that core message.

By identifying that core message, you can ensure that everything you include in your presentation supports the goal of the presentation .

As seen below, a great presentation tells you exactly what you’re going to learn (the core message), then gets right to the facts (the supporting information).

Nutrition Creative Presentation Template

To ensure you create an asset that’s clear, concise, impactful, and easy to follow, design your presentation around a single core message.

Tip #3: Create a strong presentation outline to keep you focused

Think of your outline as a roadmap for your presentation. Creating a strong presentation outline straight away helps make sure that you’re hitting all of the key points you need to cover to convey a persuasive presentation .

Take this presentation outline example:

  • Introduction and hellos
  • Vision and value proposition
  • Financial profit
  • Your investment
  • Thanks and questions

These are all things that we know we need to talk about within the presentation.

Creating a presentation outline makes it much easier to know what to say when it comes to creating the actual presentation slides.

Corporate pitch deck template

You could even include your presentation outline as a separate slide so that your audience knows what to expect:

Topics of discussion presentation outline example template

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

Tip #4: Eliminate any information that doesn’t support the core message

Next, use that core message to identify everything that doesn’t belong in the presentation.

Aim to eliminate everything that isn’t immediately relevant to the topic at hand, and anything remotely redundant. Cut any information that isn’t absolutely essential to understanding the core message.

By cutting these extra details, you can transform forgettable text-heavy slides:

Infographic Presentation Template

Into memorable slides with minimal text:

Infographic Presentation Template

Here’s a quick checklist to help you cut out any extra detail:

Get rid of:

  • Detailed descriptions
  • Background information
  • Redundant statements
  • Explanations of common knowledge
  • Persuasive facts and figures
  • Illustrative examples
  • Impactful quotes

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This step may seem obvious, but when you’re presenting on a topic that you’re passionate about, it’s easy to get carried away with extraneous detail. Use the recommendations above to keep your text in check.

Clarity is key, especially if you’re presenting virtually rather than in-person. However, Lisa Schneider (Chief Growth Officer at Merriam-Webster) has had plenty of experience making that adjustment. She recently shared her tips for adapting in-person presentations into virtual presentations on Venngage that you can check out. 

Tip #5: Use text to reinforce, not repeat, what you’re saying

According to presentation guru  Nancy Duarte , your audience should be able to discern the meaning of your slides in 6 seconds or less.

Since your audience will tend to read every word you place on each slide, you must keep your text to an absolute minimum. The text on your slides should provide support for what you’re saying without being distracting.

Never write out, word for word, what you’re going to be saying out loud. If you’re relying on text to remember certain points, resist the urge to cram them into your slides. Instead, use a tool like Venngage’s speaker notes to highlight particular talking points. These can be imported into PowerPoint — along with the rest of your presentation — and will only be viewable to you, not your audience.

Speaker notes by Venngage

For the actual slides, text should only be used to reinforce what you’re saying. Like in the presentation design below, paraphrase long paragraphs into short bulleted lists or statements by eliminating adjectives and articles (like “the” and “a”).

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Pull out quotes and important numbers, and make them a focus of each slide.

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Tip #6: Design your presentation with one major takeaway per slide

As I mentioned above, audiences struggle when too much information is presented on a single slide.

To make sure you don’t overwhelm your audiences with too much information, spread out your content to cover one major takeaway per slide.

By limiting each slide to a single simple statement, you focus your audience’s attention on the topic at hand.

My favorite way to do this is to pick out the core message of whatever I’m talking about and express it in a few keywords, as seen in this presentation slide below.

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This helps ensure that the visuals remain the focus of the slide.

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Using the text in this way, to simply state a single fact per slide, is a sure-fire way to make an impact in your presentation.

Alternatively, pull out a significant statistic that you want to stick in your audience’s minds and make it a visual focus of the slide, as seen in this popular presentation by Officevibe .

presentation design

This might mean you end up with a slide deck with a ton of slides. But that’s totally ok!

I’ve talked to many professionals who are pressured by their management teams to create presentations with a specific number of slides (usually as few as 10 or 15 slides for a 30-minute presentation).

If you ask me, this approach is completely flawed. In my mind, the longer I spend sitting on a single slide, the more likely I am to lose the interest of my audience.

How many slides should I use for a 10 minute presentation?

A good rule of thumb is to have at least as many slides as minutes in your presentation. So for a 10 minute presentation you should have at least 10 slides .

Use as many slides as you need, as long as you are presenting a single message on each slide, (as seen in the lengthy presentation template below). This is especially important if you’re presenting your business, or delivering a product presentation. You want to wow your audience, not bore them.

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Tip #7: Use visuals to highlight the key message on each slide

As important as having one major takeaway per slide is having visuals that highlight the major takeaway on each slide.

Unique visuals will help make your message memorable.

Visuals are a great way to eliminate extra text, too.

You can add visuals by creating a timeline infographic to group and integrate information into visual frameworks like this:

presentation drawing design

Or create a flowchart  and funnels:

presentation drawing design

Or by representing simple concepts with icons, as seen in the modern presentation design below. Using the same color for every icon helps create a polished look.

Using visuals in this way is perfect for when you have to convey messages quickly to audiences that you aren’t familiar with – such as at conferences. This would also make the ideal interview presentation template.

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You can alternatively use icons in different colors, like in the presentation templates below. Just make sure the colors are complimentary, and style is consistent throughout the presentation (i.e. don’t use sleek, modern icons on one slide and whimsically illustrated icons on another). In this example, presentation clipart style icons have been used.

presentation drawing design

Any time you have important stats or trends you want your audience to remember, consider using a chart or data visualization to drive your point home. Confident public speaking combined with strong visualizations can really make an impact, encouraging your audience to act upon your message.

One of my personal favorite presentations (created by a professional designer) takes this “key message plus a visual” concept to the extreme, resulting in a slide deck that’s downright irresistible.

presentation design

When applying this concept, don’t fall into the trap of using bad stock photos . Irrelevant or poorly chosen visuals can hurt you as much as they help you.

Below is an example of how to use stock photos effectively. They are more thematic than literal and are customized with fun, bright icons that set a playful tone.

presentation drawing design

The content and visual design of a presentation should be seamless.

It should never seem like your text and visuals are plopped onto a template. The format and design of the slides should contribute to and support the audience’s understanding of the content.

Impactful presenation templates

Tip #8: Use scaffolding slides to orient your audience and keep them engaged

It’s easy for audiences to get lost during long presentations, especially if you have lots of slides. And audiences zone out when they get lost.

To help reorient your audience every once in a while, you can use something I like to call scaffolding slides. Scaffolding slides appear throughout a presentation to denote the start and end of major sections.

The core scaffolding slide is the agenda slide, which should appear right after the introduction or title slide. It outlines the major sections of the presentation.

At the beginning of each section, you should show that agenda again but highlight the relevant section title, as seen below.

presentation drawing design

This gives audiences the sense that you’re making progress through the presentation and helps keep them anchored and engaged.

Alternatively, you can achieve a similar effect by numbering your sections and showing that number on every slide. Or use a progress bar at the bottom of each slide to indicate how far along you are in your presentation. Just make sure it doesn’t distract from the main content of the slides.

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You can imagine using this “progress bar” idea for a research presentation, or any presentation where you have a lot of information to get through.

Leila Janah, founder of Sama Group, is great at this. Her  Innovation and Inspire  talk about Sama Group is an example of a presentation that is well organized and very easy to follow.

Her presentation follows a logical, steady stream of ideas. She seems comfortable talking in front of a crowd but doesn’t make any attempts to engage directly with them.

Tip #9: Use text size, weight and color for emphasis

Every slide should have a visual focal point. Something that immediately draws the eye at first glance.

That focal point should be whatever is most important on that slide, be it an important number, a keyword, or simply the slide title.

presentation design

We can create visual focal points by varying the size, weight, and color of each element on the slide. Larger, brighter, bolder elements will command our audience’s attention, while smaller, lighter elements will tend to fade into the background.

presentation drawing design

As seen in the presentation template above, this technique can be especially useful for drawing attention to important words within a long passage of text. Consider using this technique whenever you have more than 5 words on a slide.

And if you really want your audience to pay attention, pick a high-contrast color scheme like the one below.

presentation design

When picking fonts for your presentation, keep this technique in mind. Pick a font that has a noticeable difference between the “bold” font face and the “regular” font face. Source Sans Pro, Times New Roman, Montserrat, Arvo, Roboto, and Open Sans are all good options.

Presentation Fonts

The last thing to remember when using size, weight, and color to create emphasis on a slide: don’t try to emphasize too many things on one slide.

If everything is highlighted, nothing is highlighted.

Tip #10: Apply design choices consistently to avoid distraction

Audiences are quick to pick out, and focus on, any inconsistencies in your presentation design. As a result, messy, inconsistent slide decks lead to distracted, disengaged audiences.

Design choices (fonts and colors, especially), must be applied consistently across a slide deck. The last thing you want is for your audience to pay attention to your design choices before your content.

To keep your design in check, it can be helpful to create a color palette and type hierarchy before you start creating your deck, and outline it in a basic style guide like this one:

presentation drawing design

I know it can sometimes be tempting to fiddle around with text sizes to fit longer bits of text on a slide, but don’t do it! If the text is too long to fit on a slide, it should be split up onto multiple slides anyway.

And remember, a consistent design isn’t necessarily a boring one. This social media marketing presentation applies a bright color scheme to a variety of 3-column and 2-column layouts, remaining consistent but still using creative presentation ideas.

presentation drawing design

Tip #11: Split a group presentation by topic

When giving a group presentation it’s always difficult to find the right balance of who should present which part.

Splitting a group presentation by topic is the most natural way to give everybody the chance to attempt without it seeming disjointed.

presentation drawing design

When presenting this slide deck to investors or potential clients, the team can easily take one topic each. One person can discuss the business model slide, and somebody else can talk about the marketing strategy.

Top tips for group presentations:

  • Split your group presentation by topic
  • Introduce the next speaker at the end of your slide
  • Become an ‘expert’ in the slide that you are presenting
  • Rehearse your presentation in advance so that everybody knows their cue to start speaking

Tip #12: Use a variety of page layouts to maintain your audience’s interest

Page after page of the same layout can become repetitive and boring. Mix up the layout of your slides to keep your audience interested.

In this example, the designer has used a variety of combinations of images, text, and icons to create an interesting and varied style.

Yellow start up pitch deck presentation template

There are hundreds of different combinations of presentation layers and presentation styles that you can use to help create an engaging presentation . This style is great for when you need to present a variety of information and statistics, like if you were presenting to financial investors, or you were giving a research presentation.

Using a variety of layouts to keep an audience engaged is something that Elon Musk is an expert in. An engaged audience is a hyped audience. Check out this Elon Musk presentation revealing a new model Tesla for a masterclass on how to vary your slides in an interesting way:

Tip #13: Use presentation templates to help you get started

It can be overwhelming to build your own presentation from scratch. Fortunately, my team at Venngage has created hundreds of professional presentation templates , which make it easy to implement these design principles and ensure your audience isn’t deterred by text-heavy slides.

Using a presentation template is a quick and easy way to create professional-looking presentation skills, without any design experience. You can edit all of the text easily, as well as change the colors, fonts, or photos. Plus you can download your work in a PowerPoint or PDF Presentation format.

After your presentation, consider summarizing your presentation in an engaging manner to r each a wider audience through a LinkedIn presentation .

Tip #14: Include examples of inspiring people

People like having role models to look up to. If you want to motivate your audience, include examples of people who demonstrate the traits or achievements, or who have found success through the topic you are presenting.

Tip #15: Dedicate slides to poignant questions

While you might be tempted to fill your slides with decorative visuals and splashes of color, consider that sometimes simplicity is more effective than complexity. The simpler your slide is, the more you can focus on one thought-provoking idea.

presentation drawing design

Tip #16: Find quotes that will inspire your audience

A really good quote can stick in a person’s mind for weeks after your presentation. Ending your presentation with a quote can be a nice way to either begin or finish your presentation.

A great example of this is Tim Ferriss’ TED talk:

tim ferriss inspiration presentation example

Check out the full talk below.

Tip #17: Emphasize key points with text and images

When you pair concise text with an image, you’re presenting the information to your audience in two simultaneous ways. This can make the information easier to remember, and more memorable.

Use your images and text on slides to reinforce what you’re saying out loud.

Doing this achieves two things:

  • When the audience hears a point and simultaneously read it on the screen, it’s easier to retain.
  • Audience members can photograph/ screencap the slide and share it with their networks.

Don’t believe us? See this tip in action with a presentation our Chief Marketing Officer Nadya gave recently at Unbounce’s CTA Conference . The combination of text and images on screen leads to a memorable presentation.

Nadya Unbounce Presentation Example

Tip #18: Label your slides to prompt your memory

Often, presenters will write out an entire script for their presentation and read it off a teleprompter. The problem is, that can often make your presentation seem  too  rehearsed and wooden.

But even if you don’t write a complete script, you can still put key phrases on your slides to prompt jog your memory. The one thing you have to be wary of is looking back at your slides too much.

A good presentation gets things moving! Check out the top qualities of awesome presentations and learn all about how to make a good presentation to help you nail that captivating delivery.

Audiences don’t want to watch presentations with slide decks jam-packed with text. Too much text only hurts audience engagement and understanding. Your presentation design is as important as your presentation style. 

By summarizing our text and creating slides with a visual focus, we can give more exciting, memorable and impactful presentations.

Give it a try with one of our popular presentation templates:

presentation design

Want more presentation design tips? This post should get you started:

120+ Best Presentation Ideas, Design Tips & Examples

presentation design

A Beginner’s Guide To Presentation Design [+15 Stunning Templates]

A Beginner’s Guide To Presentation Design [+15 Stunning Templates]

Table of Contents

  • What Is Presentation Design? 

What Is the Significance of Presentation Design?

Understanding various forms of presentations.

  • 10 Tips to Create a Compelling Presentation Design 

5 Inspirational Presentation Design Trends

  • 15 Best Presentation Design Templates to Consider 
  • Key Takeaways 
  • Conclusion 

Once you’ve mapped out your presentation, it’s time to tackle the intimidating task of creating a visually stunning presentation design . Creating an excellent presentation design becomes simpler by learning and adhering to fundamental presentation design standards. Here is a presentation design guide to creating an engaging and well-designed presentation,  regardless of the kind of project you are putting together. 

What Is Presentation Design?

Presentation design focuses on the visual facet of your presentation to captivate your audience. An outstanding presentation design may significantly impact your target audience, whether it is investors, employees, collaborators, or potential customers. The design must ideally complement the material of your presentation to help get your views across and convince your audience.

Creating a presentation for the first time to present in a professional setting or to a large audience might feel challenging. This guide to presentation design will walk you through the elements required for building a visually appealing presentation. 

presentation drawing design

A presentation is much more than just a layout of slides with text and graphics on them. You need to make sure it’s visually appealing too. It is mainly because visuals are much more engaging than written words in your presentation slides. Presentation design is crucial because it allows you to combine your ideas, narrative, graphics, facts, and statistics into one cohesive tale that drives your audience to the decision you desire.

A robust presentation design may unlock doors you never imagined could be opened. An effective design is much simpler to understand and earns a lot of credibility for your brand. You can communicate your message effectively, encourage your audience to take subsequent actions, and get them to engage with what you’re saying with excellent presentation design.

You have the potential to communicate your point of view, create a brand identity, and get your audience to see and hear you loud and clear when you build a presentation with impeccable design. The material of your presentation is crucial to your project’s success, but a poor design may divert the listener’s attention (and not for a good reason). Don’t let a lousy presentation design force you to lose out on a huge business opportunity.

Creating a winning presentation design involves combining design components to produce slides that will neither bore nor exhaust your audience. Instead, it will engage and inspire them effectively. So, instead of creating a lousy presentation using shoddy designs, it is significant to master the fundamentals of creating the best presentation design.

Presentations may be used for several purposes and can come in different forms. A quarterly sales presentation with your team will not be the same as a presentation focused on employee training. 

In the first scenario, you’ll strive to advance your team to achieve targeted sales growth. In the second, you’ll focus on imparting essential knowledge and skills to your employees. Looking at some of the most prevalent presentation types can give you a better idea about presentation design and when to begin constructing your own.

1. Investor pitch presentation

Using facts to convince rather than enlighten is the primary goal of this presentation style, as indicated by the name. If you’re a startup or a small firm looking for investment, you’ll need to use this form of presentation to your advantage. An investor pitch presentation will be required when you’re explaining your company’s user acquisition growth rate to prospective investors. Such presentations are created using the classic pitch deck concept to make the perfect, thoroughly professional pitch.

2. Educational presentations

Educational presentations are sometimes misunderstood as informative presentations since they are designed to teach viewers new skills and educate them on a new subject. You may need to produce a presentation for a school for various reasons, such as presenting an idea or providing an academic report.

Academic and corporate training programs often employ this presentation format. A video tutorial with comments and suitable themes may be added to the slides to improve them. Educators are always looking for new and unique methods to provide engaging and enthralling presentations for their students. Using an educational presentation template may guarantee that your presentation is visually appealing as well as easily comprehensible.

3. Webinar presentations

Webinar presentations are the newest craze, and they’re a win-win for presenters and the audience alike. A webinar refers to an online presentation, but unlike a video posted elsewhere, the webinar takes place in real-time and with the active participation of the audience. There are several themes and settings for which webinar presentations might be utilized. 

Short surveys, quizzes, and Q&A sessions let participants feel more involved in the webinar. Most commonly, a webinar is meant to disseminate information, but it may also act as a marketing tool, a source of leads, or a way to generate new sales and sign-ups.

4. Report presentations

A report presentation is intended to offer the necessary information to those engaged in a process or project. Report presentations are critical in ensuring these stakeholders that the procedures that must be followed for the project’s completion are effectively planned and executed. Sample reports are also accessible to these stakeholders. 

A report presentation may take numerous forms, such as a business report or an infographic. Reports on sales and marketing performance, website statistics, income, or any other data that your team or supervisors wish to know about can be presented during the report presentation.

5. Sales presentations

Sales presentations are often the initial phase in the sales cycle, and are, therefore,  critical. A sales presentation, often known as a sales pitch deck, is a form of presentation you would need to provide a prospective customer or client with when pitching a product or service.

Not every sales presentation is designed to close a deal right away. The goal might be to pique the curiosity of the people concerned. Sales presentations often include your company’s unique selling proposition (USP), product price points, and testimonials. Your sales presentation must be engaging and successful in influencing potential customers, using a well-thought-out approach.

6. Inspirational presentations

An inspiring presentation is a standard tool used by managers, team leaders, motivational speakers, and business owners to stimulate and encourage their audience. Inspirational presentations are essential to influencing others and achieving your individual and business goals. 

To get a desirable result from this kind of presentation, elicit an emotional response from the audience and motivate them to act. Using a presentation template that has been professionally developed provides you with an advantage over others. 

7. Keynote presentations

Keynote presentations are given in front of a larger audience. A good example can be those shown at TED Talks and other conferences. While the presenter gives the entire speech, there are advantages to using slides, such as keeping an audience engaged and on track.

10 Tips to Create a Compelling Presentation Design

If your presentation is lousy, you might come across as unprepared, uninterested, and lacking any credibility. A well-designed presentation makes you appear reliable and competent. Here are some fantastic points to help you develop the best presentation design.

1. Outline your content and fine-tune the message

It’s crucial to prepare your content and fine-tune your main message before you begin developing your presentation. Try to figure out what your target audience wants to know, what they may already know, and what will keep them engaged. Then, when you create your presentation’s content, keep those things in mind and furnish designs accordingly. It is vital to remember the key takeaway of each deck you create.

Too much information shown on a single slide is difficult for most viewers to comprehend. Make sure you don’t overwhelm your viewers; each presentation slide should include no more than one key point. Make your information as brief as possible, yet make it detailed enough and valuable.

2. Use more visuals and less text in your decks

Your audience recalls information considerably better when images complement it because they can better understand visual features than simple text. Presenters that employ images instead of words get more favorable feedback from their audience than those who rely only on text.

presentation drawing design

Using visual examples in slide decks increases audience engagement, encourages more questions, and registers your message in the minds of your audience. Remove any unnecessary text from your slides and replace it with visuals that will engage your audience.

You may use various methods for adding images, but the most common is using your data’s visual representation. It’s important to note that adding visuals does not mean sprinkling fancy images and symbols across your slides. Relevant images and iconography are a must.

3. Limit the use of fonts and colors

It is vital to pay attention to color schemes and other design components, such as fonts, to ensure your presentation succeeds. Although it may be thrilling to employ as many fonts and colors as possible, the best presentation design practices imply that you should only use two or three colors overall. Also, make sure the content in your slides is of a different font than the headers.

When it comes to color schemes, certain combinations work better than others. When choosing colors, keep in mind that they should not detract from the message you want to convey. Add an accent color to one or two of your primary hues for a cohesive look. It’s critical that the colors you choose complement one another and communicate your purpose effectively. Headers should be in one typeface, while body content should be in another. Add a third font for the accents, if you’d like. 

4. Create a visual hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is an important consideration when including text in a presentation. Visual hierarchy is one of the most significant but underappreciated presentation design principles. Color, size, contrast, alignment, and other aspects of your slide’s elements should all depend on their value.

When creating a visual hierarchy, you must clearly understand the story and its structure. Your audience’s attention should be drawn to the most critical components first, then to the second-most essential aspects, and so on. When creating your presentation, think about the story you want to tell and the visual hierarchy you need to support it. If you do this, the essential ideas you wish to convey will not be lost on your audience. 

5. Incorporate powerful visuals

It is important to use visual aids to make a compelling presentation: think images, icons, graphics, films, graphs, and charts. You should also ensure your slides’ aesthetics accurately portray the text they contain. Alternatively, if you don’t have words on the slide, make sure the visuals mirror the words you’re saying in your speech.

Visual aids should enhance your presentation. In addition, you’ll want to ensure that your slide has some form of visual representation so that you’re not just dumping a bunch of text onto a slide.

6. Avoid using bullet points

These days, any excellent presentation design instruction would encourage you to avoid bullet points as much as possible. They’re dull and old-fashioned, and there are more effective methods to display your material. 

A slide consisting of icons, images, and infographics is more exciting and conversational than one written in list form. Using bullet points for each slide’s primary theme is a standard PowerPoint design recommendation that you should refrain from while designing your presentation.  

7. In group presentations, segregate slides by theme

While making a group presentation, finding an appropriate balance of who should be demonstrating which presentation segment is often challenging. Arranging a group presentation by topic is the most natural technique to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak, without the presentation becoming incoherent. Your group presentation should be divided into sections based on the subject.

Prepare your presentation ahead of time so that everyone understands when it’s their turn to talk. It’s up to each person in the group to pick one thing to talk about when they give this presentation to investors or potential customers. For instance, the business model slide may be addressed by one person, while another can discuss the marketing approach.

8. Maintain consistency

Consistency is essential when you work on the design of your presentation. Your presentation is still one presentation, no matter how many slides it has. Design elements, color schemes, and similar illustrations can all be used to achieve design consistency.

Although some of the slides in your presentation may appear to be styled differently than the others, the overall presentation must be held together by a single color scheme. To ensure that your viewers don’t lose track of what you’re saying, make sure each of your slides is visually connected.

9. Emphasize important points

It is pertinent to use shapes, colorful fonts, and figures pointing to your material. They help emphasize vital information to make it stand out. This not only keeps the reader’s attention on the page but also makes your design more streamlined. Emphasizing the point you’re trying to put across with visual elements makes it easier for your audience to grasp what you’re saying.

10. Integrate data visualization

Consider utilizing a chart or data visualization to drive your argument home, especially if you have vital figures or trends you want your audience to remember. This might be a bar graph or a pie chart that displays various data points, a percentage indication, or an essential value pictogram. 

Confident public speaking mixed with good visuals may greatly influence your audience, inspiring them to take action. The use of design features makes it simpler for your audience to grasp and recall both complex and fundamental data and statistics, and the presentation becomes much more enjoyable too. 

Even though trends come and go, effective presentation design paired with some inspiration to get you started will always be in style. Think about what’s current in the world of graphic design before you create a staggering presentation deck for a creative proposal or a business report. To help you better, we’ve come up with a list of the most popular presentation design concepts. 

1. Dark backdrops with neon colors

While white backgrounds have long dominated web design, the advent of “dark mode” is gradually altering that. Designers may use dark mode to play with contrast and make creative things stand out.

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This is a great way to get your audience’s attention and keep them interested in what you have to say. The key is to pick one or two bright colors and utilize them as highlights against a dark backdrop, rather than using an abundance of them.                                                                                            

2. Monochromatic color schemes

In recent years, color schemes originating from one base hue, such as monochromatic color schemes, have been given a subdued pastel makeover. The usage of monochromatic color schemes in presentation design is always seen as clean and professional. It’s ideal for pitch decks and presentations since monochrome is generally utilized to assist people in concentrating on the text and message, rather than the colors inside a design.

3. Easy-to-understand data analysis

The fundamentals of data visualization should be restored. In other words, even the most complicated measurements may be made easy to grasp via effective design. Designers, marketers, and presenters are generating snackable stats in the same way infographics have found a place on visual-first social networks.

Create a dynamic proposal or presentation with the help of an infographic template that is easy to use. You can create distinctive slides with animations and transitions to explain your point more effectively. With the help of templates, you can convert your data into bar graphs, bar charts, and bubbles that represent your idea simply, guaranteeing that every data point is simple to comprehend.

4. Straightforward minimalism

Minimalism is a design trend that will probably never go out of style. It has always been a show-stopper. Each slide should offer just enough information to let the reader comprehend what’s going on. You should use a color palette that isn’t distracting. Your simple presentation will enthrall your audience if you boldly highlight your most significant points and use trendy fonts.

5. Geometric structures

There’s a good reason why designers are so fond of geometric patterns, 3D objects, and asymmetrical layouts. They’re basic yet stunning, making them perfect for times you want to make a lasting impression with the information you’re sharing. 

More cutting-edge components, such as 3D shapes and floating objects, are used in presentation graphics these days. Go for a presentation template that contains editable slides that enable you to easily add your visuals and material to brighten your presentation. 

15 Best Presentation Design Templates to Consider

In the case of presentation designs, you should never sacrifice quality. Ideally, you should have a design that improves your brand’s image, amplifies your message, and enables you to deliver various content forms efficiently. 

The problem is, it’s pretty challenging to locate premade themes and templates of this merit. We’ve made it easy for you by putting together a list of the best 15 presentation design templates out there. These presentation design suggestions are a great place to start.  

1. Business plan presentation template

This is a crucial business presentation template with a significant emphasis on visualizations and graphics. To create a business strategy, you need this presentation template. It consists of several crucial elements, such as a mind map, infographics, and bar graphics. Replace the placeholder text with your own to complete the presentation.

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2. Pitch deck template

Startups seeking financing require a clean and eye-catching pitch deck design to impress investors. You may use it to present significant aspects and achievements of your company to investors. You can include slides for mockups, testimonials, business data like statistics, and case studies.

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The pitch deck presentation template is excellent for your next client pitch, as it allows you to pick from a range of different startup tales to showcase the most crucial features of your firm.

3. Brand guidelines presentation template

Creating a bespoke presentation talking about the company dos and don’ts may be a terrific approach to discuss your brand rules with your team and stakeholders. You can easily show off your brand’s typeface and color schemes using this presentation template.

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4. Marketing plan presentation template

Marketing is a vast concept, and the slides included in this design stock set reflect that broadness. A well-executed marketing strategy is essential to the success of any team. A marketing plan presentation template should ideally include slides for charts, timelines, and competition research. You can create executive summaries or mission statements with the below-mentioned presentation’s elegant and minimalistic slides.

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5. Keynote presentation template

This keynote template has a lovely color scheme that is equal parts captivating and professional. You can employ a keynote presentation template if you’re going to be a keynote speaker at an upcoming event and want to ensure that your design stands out.

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In addition to several slides, the template comes with various predefined color schemes. This template is perfect for any business presentation requiring a well-designed layout.

6. Training manual presentation template

A training manual presentation template may be used to convey new hire training to your workforce. It is essential for the design to be as clean and straightforward as possible.

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These training material decks created with a predesigned template make it easy for new employees to learn the ins and outs of their jobs. 

7. Case study presentation template

A case study is an excellent way to illustrate a point in your presentation. The best way to attract new consumers using a case study presentation is to show them how your existing customers are using your product or service. Make sure to highlight how your product solved their pain points.

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8. Interactive brief presentation template

It’s common to provide a creative brief when working with a contractor, freelancer, or designer to ensure everyone involved understands what the final product should look like.

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An interactive presentation template like a creative brief is a terrific concept for absorbing and memorizing that information.

9. Workforce handbook presentation template

When hiring a new employee, your company needs to create an employee handbook to ensure they know the company’s objective and general working norms. You may connect this presentation to your intranet or website, or just distribute the digital version through a password-protected or private link.

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10. Ignite presentation template

Using this template as a starting point for an Ignite presentation would be ideal. An Ignite presentation is a five-minute presentation consisting of 20 slides, compelling the speaker to speak fast and concisely. As a result, an Ignite presentation template prevents you from using too much text on any slide. 

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11. Informative presentation template

The need to create an educational presentation may arise due to several reasons, such as onboarding new hires, explaining a concept to students, and more. An informative presentation template is a suitable solution in all cases.

Regardless of who they are meant for, presentations are the optimal format for sharing information with any audience. Create an educational presentation that you can embed in a blog post or publish on several platforms online. Make presentations to provide knowledge at conferences and other meetings.

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12. SWOT analysis presentation template

A strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is a valuable tool for gauging where your business stands, and how your strategic planning measures are paying off. This presentation template is an excellent tool for SWOT analysis or refining your marketing strategy.

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It comes in several formats; circular design and hexagonal shapes being two of them. You may modify the colors as desired.

13. Competitor analysis presentation template

Knowing your competition and what they offer is essential for a successful business. Competitor analysis means researching your competitors’ key strengths and weaknesses, which can, eventually, help you define your goals and USPs more clearly. 

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There are built-in interactive elements in this competitor analysis presentation template, which can help hook your audience. 

14. Bold presentation template

Ideal for non-corporate sales presentations, a bold and daring presentation template includes slides with a vibrant, attention-grabbing theme that is neither overbearing nor distracting. The color combination is striking without being oppressive.

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15. Company overview template

Creative presentation templates are all the rage today. Using a lot of negative space will allow your audience to take a breath and direct their attention to the most crucial parts of your presentation. It is suitable for corporate presentations, since it doesn’t stick out more than is necessary.

presentation drawing design

Key Takeaways

  • Audiences tend to forget a large percentage of what was addressed before the presentation is through. This is why it is important to create a presentation design that is memorable.
  • A presentation is much more than just a layout of slides with text and graphics on them. You need to make sure it’s visually appealing too. 
  • Use a wide range of best presentation design tools, components, and styles until you discover the one that resonates with your target audience. 
  • Consider the most recent trends and best practices, and dedicate time to thoroughly crafting every presentation.
  • Fine-tuning your message, avoiding the use of bullet points, incorporating visual hierarchy, and incorporating data visualization are a few design tips to create a winning presentation. 

Both your presentation style and design are crucial. You can deliver more dynamic, memorable presentations by creating visually pleasing decks. It’s advisable to create a resourceful presentation design if you want to elevate your personal as well as professional credibility.

Take cues from some popular presentation templates, and enhance one little aspect at a time. Now is the time to practice everything you’ve learned in this presentation design guide. As with any other visual communication, creating the best presentation design requires time, effort, and patience. Never be afraid to try something new; you’ll quickly see the benefits a strong presentation can have on your project.

A presentation design puts ideas, tales, words, and pictures into a series of slides that convey a narrative and engage your audience.

A presentation design template is used to achieve a uniform look for your slides. Templates are pre-made presentations into which you may insert your data.

People remember images and words better than just words. The design of your slides should be simple and consistent. This way, your audience will focus on the most important points.

Use high-quality images to back your message, but don’t use too many special effects. Make sure you don’t read from your slides.

A well-presented, memorable introduction and conclusion are two essential parts of a presentation. Don’t forget them when you write your outline.

Presentation design is essential, because it helps you weave your ideas, narrative, images, facts, and statistics into a unified story that leads your audience to the choice you want them to make.

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Presentation Design: A Step-by-Step Guide

Nailing your presentation structure can have a big impact on your target audiences, whether they are investors, coworkers, partners, or potential customers. It helps get your ideas across and persuade others. 

For a presentation to work, its contents must be paired with great design. In fact, 91% of presenters feel more confident with a well-designed slide deck.

Now, design may not be something that interests you or something you’re good at. But like it or not, the moment you fire up Powerpoint, or Keynote you are a designer. And there is no escape. 

So instead of designing a poor presentation with lousy templates, why not learn the essentials of designing a beautiful presentation?

In this guide, we’ll discuss how to design a captivating presentation, and break down the whole process into small chunks so you can tackle each step easily. 

If you’re eager to put these principles into practice, create a Piktochart account and start creating beautiful presentations in minutes.

What makes a presentation well designed?

A bad presentation can give the impression that you lack preparation, care, and credibility. A well-designed presentation, on the other hand, makes you look professional and trustworthy. Here’s what it means: 

Less text and more visuals

Humans are visual beings. Our comprehension of visual elements is way more than just plain text. And we retain any information much better when it’s paired with imagery. 

If you want your message to connect with your audience, remove the extra text in your slides and replace it with visual content .

There are many ways to add photos , one of which is visualizing your data into timelines , flowcharts, graphs , and other frameworks. For example, this presentation by Trinh Tu uses data visualization really well to convey key stats and details.

Example of data visualization used in a presentation.

However, adding visuals doesn’t mean just throwing some fancy pictures and icons onto your slides. Your icons and photos need to be relevant.

Before you add a visual element, always check if it contributes to the message you are trying to communicate. 

Well-placed pictures can go a long way in helping the audience connect with your presentation. So use them cautiously and strategically. 

Summarize points instead of writing them all out

According to a survey by David Paradi , the three things that annoy audiences most about presentations are:  

  • Speakers reading their slides 
  • Slides that include full sentences of text 
  • Text that is too small to read 

Graph of top three things that annoys the audience most about presentations.

Notice what’s common to all these annoyances? The text. People have extremely short attention spans, especially when it comes to reading heaps of text. 

So the text in your presentation slides should be just enough to complement the speaker, no more. It should not compete with what’s being said. 

For example, this simple presentation does a great job of summarizing the message of each slide in just a few words and breaking up the text nicely into multiple slides. 

Example of simple design which perfectly uses fonts, bullet points, and other elements.

Crowding your slides with all the information you have makes you unnecessary. You don’t want people to be distracted by reading when they’re trying to listen to you. 

Instead, the slides should only be considered as a visual aid. So keep them simple. Focus on the message, not the slides themselves. 

One takeaway per slide

As we discussed, people find it hard to absorb too much information from a single slide. So don’t overwhelm your audience, and remember that less is more. Make sure not to have more than one key point in each presentation slide.  

For example, this presentation about startup weekend has minimalistic slides walking viewers through one message at a time. It also shows that you don’t need a ton of fancy elements to make your presentation visually appealing.

Example of one takeaway per presentation slide.

Limit each of your slides to a simple statement, and you’ll easily be able to direct your audience’s focus to the main topic and subtopics. 

Arranging your text this way is one of the best ways to make a powerful impact on your presentation design.  

Clear hierarchy in design

Visual hierarchy is easily one of the most important yet most overlooked design principles. Simply put, it means the color, size, contrast, alignment, and other factors related to each element of your slide should be based on its importance. 

The most important elements should capture the attention of your audience first, followed by the second most important elements, and so on. 

Needless to say, you must know the whole narrative and outline before you start planning the visual hierarchy. It’s all about the message you want each slide and your whole presentation to get across. 

For example, in this presentation about building a good team, see how the header text, the description text, and the button text are different from each other. The header font is the largest and placed at the top, catching immediate attention. 

Then your eyes go to the button text because it captures attention with a red background. And finally, you see the description, the illustration, and other elements. 

Example of visual hierarchy in a presentation design.

So as you design your presentation, consider the narrative and plan the visual hierarchy needed to justify the story. This will ensure that your audience will not miss out on the key points you want to emphasize. 

Design consistency across slides

People are quick to identify inconsistencies in a presentation design, and these inconsistencies prevent them from having a fully engaging experience. So keep your presentation design consistent with a single theme.

Consistency creates a better flow and shows that each slide in your presentation belongs to the same story. To understand this better, see the below slide from this presentation . 

Example of consistency in presentation slides.

Notice how the slide primarily uses only two colors (white and red) for all the elements. And the image dimensions, fonts, and styling for each team member are exactly the same. 

You’ll notice the same thing in other slides of this presentation too. The same colors, the same font family , and similar backgrounds have been used in the overall design . This is what we mean by consistency. 

If the presentation you’re making is part of a company, the company may already have a style guide that dictates how to keep your presentation consistent with the company’s branding. If not, it’s never too late to create one . 

Call to action

A presentation is not complete without a call to action (CTA). If there is no CTA, your audience will think, “Is that it?” and you’ll leave them wondering what they’re supposed to do next with the information you provided.

The best CTAs are simple and easy. For example, you can ask the audience to contact you, connect on social media, sign up for a product or webinar. 

Call to action button in the presentation.

Also, make sure to highlight the incentive. Your audience should be clear on the main benefits they will get by following through with your call to action. 

The bottom line is: Make it a no-brainer and make it easy for people to take action right away. 

Designing a great presentation

Now that you know the ingredients of appealing presentation design, let’s see how to design a presentation that wows your audience, and also drives your key points home at the same time. Follow the below presentation, ideas, steps, and best practices to create a stunning presentation.

Prepare slide backgrounds and images

Backgrounds and pictures go a long way in setting the right mood and feel for your presentation. And there is no one right way to do this. Your options are limited only by your creativity.

For example, this presentation from Zuora makes masterful use of background images. Almost every slide has a beautiful background photo, along with a color overlay above the background to make the text easy to read. 

Example of usage of images as background in presentation slides.

Pay attention to the following best practices as you work on your backgrounds and photos:

  • Make sure your images have enough contrast with your words. 
  • Use simple images that are closely relevant to your messages. You can use multiple free and paid stock photo sites to find photos that resonate with what you want to convey. These include Picography , Unsplash , Freepik , and Gratisography .
  • Don’t pick common, generic stock images that people have already seen hundreds of times elsewhere. Also, avoid clipart for the same reasons. 
  • Don’t crowd too many pictures into a single slide.
  • Ensure that your images are of high quality, with a resolution that allows a comfortable viewing experience. They should come off as clear and crisp on both small and large screens. 

Zero in on your slide layouts

Contrary to what you may believe, great presentation design is not about being very artistic or creating complex layouts. Instead, your focus should be on communicating information in a nice, user-friendly way.

For example, this presentation has many slides that emphasize a great alternative to the conventional approach of putting text over an image. It leverages a split-screen layout for each slide, resulting in clean and elegant quotes paired with stunning visuals. 

Alt-Text: A presentation slide with split-screen for image and text.

Pay attention to the following best practices as you work on slide layouts:

  • Make sure you have a reason for aligning elements in a certain way for each slide. If possible, use frames or grids to align your images and text appropriately. 
  • When used too often, center alignment makes your design look amateurish. Use it only as a last resort.  
  • Don’t keep using the same layout for consecutive slides. It makes your presentation dull and repetitive. Mix up the layouts to keep your audience engaged. 
  • Have enough white space around each element. Don’t feel like you have to fill vacant spaces with more objects. Giving each visual room to breathe makes your whole design easier on the eyes, while a cluttered composition is hard to make sense of. 

Pick your colors wisely

Colors influence emotions and contribute to the identity of your brand. They also lift the audience’s overall sense of enthusiasm and move people to action. So you must use colors strategically to pull the audience into your presentation. 

For example, this colorful presentation for Adidas was designed to show how its deck could give a combination of fun and luxurious vibes. 

Usage of colors to make Adidas presentation engaging

Notice the colors used in the above slide. There is a lot of white, purple, and blue, with some variations used sparingly around the illustrations. Only three main colors are doing most of the heavy lifting. That’s why the overall design still works even with some extra colors thrown in. 

Pay attention to the following best practices as you work on your presentation colors:

  • If your company already has a color palette in place, stick to it. If not, pick a strong color scheme with no more than five colors to serve as a base for your presentation design. Too many colors can make your audience frantic. 
  • Use tools such as Adobe Color CC , Kuler , Piknik , and 0to255 to play around with different colors and color schemes and see what works with what. 
  • Make sure your color scheme has colors that can contrast and complement each other. Colors that don’t clash will make your presentation look clean and polished. 

Select the right fonts

Typography is another factor that can make or break your presentation. Fonts have a subtle but powerful impact on how the audience views both your presentation and your brand. 

But choosing fonts is a major challenge for those without any form of design education or experience. They mistakenly think that simple and basic fonts are too dull and boring. So they try to look for some fancy fonts to make their presentation exciting, eventually ending up with some hideous or outdated font such as Comic Sans.

Instead, you should consider the readability of the message you want to convey. For example, this presentation by With Company makes great use of modern typography . 

Crisp and clean use of text in a presentation.

Since many of the slides have lengthy quotes, they are split in ways to make the message easy to digest. In addition, see how all the text is super clean and concise. 

Pay attention to the following best practices as you work on your presentation fonts: 

  • Just like with your color scheme, use the same set of fonts and the same font sizes in all the slides of your presentation. For example, if your slide heading is Verdana 40pt, then each slide heading should be Verdana 40pt. In fact, you don’t need more than three fonts that work well together. 
  • If you feel like using some animated text that bounces, soars, or glitters, just don’t. Curb the temptation. Hyperactive words and phrases are annoying and distracting. 
  • If you already have standard font pairs based on your company’s brand identity, use those. If not, choose fonts that convey the voice and tone you’re aiming for. 
  • The best fonts for presentations are simple, professional, modern, and readable. Pick a font such that there is a significant difference between its regular and bold font faces.
  • Don’t shy away from using standard fonts. Avoid using some rare font that’s unlikely to be available on all computers and mobile devices.
  • Pair fonts that work well with each other. Granted, this can be tricky and hard for an untrained eye to pull off. But there are many collections known to be effective. So you can pick from those. Resources like FontPair and FontJoy make it easy to find great font combinations.
  • As discussed before, size the fonts based on visual hierarchy. For example, headlines should be larger than body text. But even the least significant texts should be large enough to read, with appropriate line and letter spacing. 

Wrapping up

We know this may be a lot to take in. It’s not easy to design a mesmerizing presentation. But the final result is worth all the trouble. A great presentation can open doors that you may have never thought to be possible. 

A clean design is much easier to take in. It makes you and your brand look more credible and professional. So use the above steps to push your design skills as far as you can. 

Start improving one thing at a time, and your efforts will add up to a point where you’ll design stunning presentations without thinking. You can also accelerate the process with a tool like Piktochart that comes with hundreds of ready-made templates and intuitive features. So get started today.

About The Author


Hitesh Sahni is an editor, consultant, and founder of , an upscale content marketing studio helping brands accelerate growth with superior and scalable SEO, PPC, and copywriting services.

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Presentation design guide: tips, examples, and templates

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera January 09, 2023

Presentation design defines how your content will be received and remembered. It’s responsible for that crucial first impression and sets the tone for your presentation before you’ve even introduced the topic. It’s also what holds your presentation together and guides the viewer through it. That’s why visually appealing, easily understandable, and memorable presentation design is what you should be striving for. But how can you create a visually striking presentation without an eye for design? Creating a visually appealing presentation can be challenging without prior knowledge of design or helpful tools. 

With this presentation design guide accompanied by Prezi presentation examples and templates, you’ll have no problem creating stunning and impactful presentations that will wow your audience.

In this guide, we’ll start by looking at the basics of presentation design. We’ll provide a simple guide on creating a presentation from scratch, as well as offer helpful tips for different presentation types. In addition, you’ll discover how to organize information into a logical order and present it in a way that resonates with listeners. Finally, we’ll share tips and tricks to create an eye-catching presentation, and showcase some great presentation examples and templates you can get inspired by!

With our comprehensive introduction to designing presentations, you will be able to develop an engaging and professional presentation that gets results!

a man working on his laptop

What is presentation design?

Presentation design encompasses a variety of elements that make up the overall feel and look of the presentation. It’s a combination of certain elements, like text, font, color, background, imagery, and animations. 

Presentation design focuses on finding ways to make the presentation more visually appealing and easy to process, as it is often an important tool for communicating a message. It involves using design principles like color, hierarchy, white space, contrast, and visual flow to create an effective communication piece.

Creating an effective presentation design is important for delivering your message efficiently and leaving a memorable impact on your audience. Most of all, you want your presentation design to support your topic and make it easier to understand and digest. A great presentation design guides the viewer through your presentation and highlights the most essential aspects of it. 

If you’re interested in learning more about presentation design and its best practices , watch the following video and get practical insights on designing your next presentation:

Types of presentations

When creating a presentation design, you have to keep in mind several types of presentations that shape the initial design you want to have. Depending on the type of presentation you have, you’ll want to match it with a fitting presentation design.

1. Informative

An informative presentation provides the audience with facts and data in order to educate them on a certain subject matter. This could be done through visual aids such as graphs, diagrams, and charts. In an informative presentation, you want to highlight data visualizations and make them more engaging with interactive features or animations. On Prezi Design, you can create different engaging data visualizations from line charts to interactive maps to showcase your data.

2. Instructive

Instructive presentations teach the audience something new. Whether it’s about science, business strategies, or culture, this type of presentation is meant to help people gain knowledge and understand a topic better. 

With a focus on transmitting knowledge, your presentation design should incorporate a variety of visuals and easy-to-understand data visualizations. Most people are visual learners, so you’ll benefit from swapping text-based slides for more visually rich content.

presentation design guide to design presentations

3. Motivational

Motivational presentations try to inspire the audience by giving examples of successful projects, stories, or experiences. This type of presentation is often used in marketing or promotional events because it seeks to get the audience inspired and engaged with a product or service. That’s why the presentation design needs to capture and hold the attention of your audience using a variety of animations and visuals. Go beyond plain images – include videos for a more immersive experience.

4. Persuasive

Persuasive presentations are designed to sway an audience with arguments that lead to an actionable decision (i.e., buy the product). Audiences learn facts and figures relevant to the point being made and explore possible solutions based on evidence provided during the speech or presentation.

In a persuasive presentation design, you need to capture your audience’s attention right away with compelling statistics wrapped up in interactive and engaging data visualizations. Also, the design needs to look and feel dynamic with smooth transitions and fitting visuals, like images, stickers, and GIFs.

persuasive presentation design

How to design a presentation

When you first open a blank presentation page, you might need some inspiration to start creating your design. For this reason, we created a simple guide that’ll help you make your own presentation from scratch without headaches.

1. Opt for a motion-based presentation

You can make an outstanding presentation using Prezi Present, a software program that lets you create interactive presentations that capture your viewer’s attention. Prezi’s zooming feature allows you to add movement to your presentation and create smooth transitions. Prezi’s non-linear format allows you to jump between topics instead of flipping through slides, so your presentation feels more like a conversation than a speech. A motion-based presentation will elevate your content and ideas, and make it a much more engaging viewing experience for your audience.

Watch this video to learn how to make a Prezi presentation:

2. Create a structure & start writing content

Confidence is key in presenting. You can feel more confident going into your presentation if you structure your thoughts and plan what you will say. To do that, first, choose the purpose of your presentation before you structure it. There are four main types of presentations: informative, instructive, motivational, and persuasive. Think about the end goal of your presentation – what do you want your audience to do when you finish your presentation – and structure it accordingly.

Next, start writing the content of your presentation (script). We recommend using a storytelling framework, which will enable you to present a conflict and show what could be possible. In addition to creating compelling narratives for persuasive presentations, this framework is also effective for other types of presentations.

Tip: Keep your audience in mind. If you’re presenting a data-driven report to someone new to the field or from a different department, don’t use a lot of technical jargon if you don’t know their knowledge base and/or point of view.

3. Research & analyze 

Knowing your topic inside and out will make you feel more confident going into your presentation. That’s why it’s important to take the time to understand your topic fully. In return, you’ll be able to answer questions on the fly and get yourself back on track even if you forget what you were going to say when presenting. In case you have extra time at the end of your presentation, you can also provide more information for your audience and really showcase your expertise. For comprehensive research, turn to the internet, and library, and reach out to experts if possible.

woman doing an online research

4. Get to design

Keeping your audience engaged and interested in your topic depends on the design of your presentation.

Now that you’ve done your research and have a proper presentation structure in place, it’s time to visualize it.

4.1. Presentation design layout

What you want to do is use your presentation structure as a presentation design layout. Apply the structure to how you want to tell your story, and think about how each point will lead to the next one. Now you can either choose to use one of Prezi’s pre-designed templates that resemble your presentation structure the most or start to add topics on your canvas as you go. 

Tip: When adding content, visualize the relation between topics by using visual hierarchy – hide smaller topics within larger themes or use the zooming feature to zoom in and out of supplementary topics or details that connect to the larger story you’re telling.

4.2. Color scheme

Now it’s time to choose your color scheme to give a certain look and feel to your presentation. Make sure to use contrasting colors to clearly separate text from the background, and use a maximum of 2 to 3 dominating colors to avoid an overwhelming design.

4.2. Content (visuals + text)

Add content that you want to highlight in your presentation. Select from a wide range of images, stickers, GIFs, videos, data visualizations, and more from the content library, or upload your own. To provide more context, add short-format text, like bullet points or headlines that spotlight the major themes, topics, and ideas in your presentation. 

Also, here you’ll want to have a final decision on your font choice. Select a font that’s easy to read and goes well with your brand and topic.

Tip: Be careful not to turn your presentation into a script. Only display text that holds significant value – expand on the ideas when presenting. 

presentation design tips

4.3. Transitions

Last but not least, bring your presentation design to life by adding smooth, attractive, and engaging transitions that take the viewer from one topic to another without disrupting the narrative. 

On Prezi, you can choose from a range of transitions that take you into the story world and provide an immersive presentation experience for your audience. 

For more practical tips read our article on how to make a presentation . 

Presentation design tips

When it comes to presentations, design is key. A well-designed presentation can communicate your ideas clearly and engage your audience, while a poorly designed one can do the opposite.

To ensure your presentation is designed for success, note the following presentation design tips that’ll help you design better presentations that wow your audience.

women working on her laprop

1. Keep it simple

Too many elements on a slide can be overwhelming and distract from your message. While you want your content to be visually compelling, don’t let the design of the presentation get in the way of communicating your ideas. Design elements need to elevate your message instead of overshadowing it. 

2. Use contrasting text colors

Draw attention to important points with contrasted text colors. Instead of using bold or italics, use a contrasting color in your chosen palette to emphasize the text.

3. Be clear and concise. 

Avoid writing long paragraphs that are difficult to read. Limit paragraphs and sections of text for optimum readability.

4. Make sure your slide deck is visually appealing

Use high-quality images and graphics, and limit the use of text to only the most important information. For engaging and diverse visuals, go to Prezi’s content library and discover a wide range of stock images, GIFs, stickers, and more.

5. Pay attention to detail

Small details like font choice and alignments can make a big difference in how professional and polished your presentation looks. Make sure to pay attention to image and text size, image alignment with text, font choice, background color, and more details that create the overall look of your presentation.

6. Use templates sparingly

While templates can be helpful in creating a consistent look for your slides, overusing them can make your presentation look generic and boring. Use them for inspiration but don’t be afraid to mix things up with some custom designs as well. 

7. Design for clarity

Create a presentation layout that is easy to use and navigate, with clear labels and instructions. This is important for ensuring people can find the information they need quickly and easily if you end up sharing your presentation with others.

8. Opt for a conversational presentation design

Conversational presenting allows you to adjust your presentation on the fly to make it more relevant and engaging. Create a map-like arrangement that’ll encourage you to move through your presentation at your own pace. With a map-like design, each presentation will be customized to match different audiences’ needs. This can be helpful for people who have different levels of expertise or knowledge about the subject matter.

9. Be consistent 

Design consistency holds your presentation together and makes it easy to read and navigate. Create consistency by repeating colors, fonts, and design elements that clearly distinguish your presentation from others.

10. Have context in mind

A great presentation design is always dependent on the context. Your audience and objective influence everything from color scheme to fonts and use of imagery. Make sure to always have your audience in mind when designing your presentations.

For more presentation tips, read the Q&A with presentation design experts and get valuable insights on visual storytelling.

Presentation templates

Creating a presentation from scratch isn’t easy. Sometimes, it’s better to start with a template and dedicate your time to the presentation’s content. To make your life easier, here are 10 useful and stunning presentation templates that score in design and engagement. If you want to start creating with any of the following templates, simply go to our Prezi presentation template gallery , select your template, and start creating! Also, you can get inspired by the top Prezi presentations , curated by our editors. There you can discover presentation examples for a wide range of topics, and get motivated to create your own. 

Business meeting presentation

The work desk presentation templates have a simple and clean design, perfectly made for a team or business meeting. With all the topics visible from start, everyone will be on the same page about what you’re going to cover in the presentation. If you want, you can add or remove topics as well as edit the visuals and color scheme to match your needs.

Small business presentation

This template is great for an introductory meeting or pitch, where you have to summarize what you or your business does in a few, highly engaging slides. The interactive layout allows you to choose what topic bubble you’re going to select next, so instead of a one-way interaction, you can have a conversation and ask your audience what exactly they’re interested in knowing about your company.

Mindfulness at work presentation

How can you capture employees’ attention to explain important company values or practices? This engaging presentation template will help you do just that. With a wide range of impactful visuals, this presentation design helps you communicate your ideas more effectively. 

Business review template

Make your next quarterly business review memorable with this vibrant business presentation template. With eye-capturing visuals and an engaging layout, you’ll communicate important stats and hold everyone’s attention until the end.

History timeline template

With black-and-white sketches of the Colosseum in the background, this timeline template makes history come alive. The displayed time periods provide an overview that’ll help your audience to grasp the bigger picture. After, you can go into detail about each time frame and event.

Storytelling presentation template

Share stories about your business that make a lasting impact with this stunning, customizable presentation template. To showcase each story, use the zooming feature and choose to tell your stories in whatever order you want.

Design concept exploration template

Not all meetings happen in person nowadays. To keep that face-to-face interaction even when presenting online, choose from a variety of Prezi Video templates or simply import your already-existing Prezi template into Prezi Video for remote meetings. This professional-looking Prezi Video template helps you set the tone for your meeting, making your designs stand out. 

Employee perks and benefits video template

You can use the employee benefits video template to pitch potential job candidates the perks of working in your company. The Prezi Video template allows you to keep a face-to-face connection with potential job candidates while interviewing them remotely.

Sales plan presentation template

Using a clear metaphor that everyone can relate to, this football-inspired sales plan presentation template communicates a sense of team unity and strategy. You can customize this Prezi business presentation template with your brand colors and content.

Flashcard template

How can you engage students in an online classroom? This and many other Prezi Video templates will help you create interactive and highly engaging lessons. Using the flashcard template, you can quiz your students, review vocabulary, and gamify learning.

Great presentation design examples

If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out the following Prezi presentations made by our creative users.

Social media presentation

This presentation is a great example of visual storytelling. The use of visual hierarchy and spatial relationships creates a unique viewing experience and makes it easier to understand how one topic or point is related to another. Also, images provide an engaging and visually appealing experience.

Leadership books presentation

Do you want to share your learnings? This interactive presentation offers great insights in an entertaining and visually compelling way. Instead of compiling leadership books in a slide-based presentation, the creator has illustrated each book and added a zooming feature that allows you to peek inside of each book’s content.

Remote workforce presentation

This is a visually rich and engaging presentation example that offers an interactive experience for the viewer. A noteworthy aspect of this presentation design is its color consistency and matching visual elements.

A presentation about the teenage brain 

Another great presentation design example that stands out with an engaging viewing experience. The zooming feature allows the user to dive into each topic and choose what subject to view first. It’s a great example of an educational presentation that holds the students’ attention with impactful visuals and compelling transitions.

Remote work policy presentation

This presentation design stands out with its visually rich content. It depicts exactly what the presentation is about and uses the illustrated window frames in the background image as topic placements. This type of presentation design simplifies complex concepts and makes it easier for the viewer to understand and digest the information.

Everyone can create visually-appealing presentations with the right tools and knowledge. With the presentation design tips, templates, and examples, you’re equipped to make your next presentation a success. If you’re new to Prezi, we encourage you to discover everything it has to offer. With this presentation design guide and Prezi, we hope you’ll get inspired to create meaningful, engaging, and memorable content for your audience!  

presentation drawing design

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Transform: Promising Places, Second Chances, and the Architecture of Transformational Change

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Hand-drawn Perspectives and Sketches: Architectural Rendering

Hand-drawn Perspectives and Sketches: Architectural Rendering

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  1. How to Draw a Presentation (drawing tips)

    presentation drawing design

  2. How to Doodle a Presentation

    presentation drawing design

  3. Example design work for GCSE Product Design students. Design Portfolio

    presentation drawing design

  4. Live Drawing for Presentations

    presentation drawing design

  5. Presentation Drawings

    presentation drawing design

  6. Four Choices in Architectural Presentation Drawings

    presentation drawing design


  1. Notebook design #art #painting #shorts front page design

  2. Drawing Design #drawing #drawingroom #homeinterior #housetour #islamabadhouseforsale #homeforsale

  3. Top 100 Drawing Room Designs 2024

  4. I show you how to draw waves 🌊😍 #art #artroom #tuto #drawingidea #creative #drawing #howtodraw #wave

  5. Sketch Architect's Forest Retreat

  6. How to draw Project work design.// Assignment paper front page design drawing.// Tarun Art


  1. Presentation Drawing

    Presentation drawing, also known as a rendering, is a crucial aspect of the design process. It's a means of visually communicating ideas to clients, colleagues, and contractors. Presentation drawings can take many forms, from quick sketches to highly detailed, realistic illustrations. Regardless of the format, the goal of presentation drawing ...

  2. What Is Presentation Drawing In Architecture

    Presentation drawings are used in a variety of ways in architectural designs. They are used to communicate ideas and designs to the building owners, clients, and contractors. Presentation drawings are also used to make sure that all parties are on the same page and that the project is being built correctly as per the architect's design.

  3. Creating a Successful Architecture Presentation Board

    Architecture presentation boards are a tool to showcase your work. They are a way to draw your viewers into your design process and methods, providing an overall summary and vision for the project. You are communicating your design and showcasing your artistic skills, and your sense as a designer. Every successful project has a central concept ...

  4. What Are Presentation Drawings In Architecture

    Impact on the Overall Project. Presentation drawings are the drawings that architects make to show the client their ideas for a building. Usually this includes the exterior design of the building, as well as details such as the materials used, the layout of the interior space, and sometimes even the furniture that will be used inside.

  5. Architectural Drawing Standards and Types Explained

    Presentation drawings are used to communicate the final design to clients, stakeholders, and the public. These can be rendered in various mediums and styles, from traditional watercolor to sophisticated digital 3D models, and are designed to convey the aesthetic and functional aspects of the project compellingly.

  6. Four Choices in Architectural Presentation Drawings

    Winning a project bid requires architectural presentation drawings that demonstrate to the potential client the merits of the structure's design concept and is a direct indication of an architectural firm's skill in creativity and technical ability. Poorly drafted presentation drawings can result in losing great projects to other firms. We offer four different avenues to presenting your ...

  7. 10 Tips for Creating Stunning Architecture Project Presentation

    General Tips. 7) Minimize text on your presentation board. Write a short and concise concept statement and add a very brief explanation, if needed. Don't waste your time composing elongated descriptive text because no one will read it. 8) Replace words, whenever possible, with simple illustrative sketches and figures.

  8. Guide to Creating Effective Architectural Presentations

    Sketches and Drawings. Hand-drawn sketches and drawings can add a personal touch to your presentation and convey a sense of authenticity. You can use sketches and drawings to illustrate your design process or to highlight specific design elements. Diagrams. Diagrams can help simplify complex concepts and make them more accessible to your audience.

  9. Architecture presentation techniques

    The single line drawing presentation styles is used extensively these days, where the presentation appears to be more an info-graphic than an architectural drawing. This style is used mostly when the 3D view expresses the major portion of the design and the elevation and section drawings are merely present for further understanding.

  10. PDF Design Guide for Visual Presentations

    Design Guide for Visual Presentations Heather Tobin, January 2020 o Consider color vision deficiency: Never use color alone to convey meaning o Incorporate plenty of white space o Leverage different shapes, varying sizes, and opposing values (light vs. dark) for added contrast THIS not THAT *For more ideas, check out PC World's list of the 10 worst PowerPoint presentations!

  11. Successful Architectural Presentation Boards #3

    An architectural presentation board is a large drawing board on which the architect displays drawings and other visuals (such as renders) to help communicate the design proposal. ... Write short and clear texts to explain your drawings, design process and diagrams. Share the texts in different areas on the presentation sheet so that it is ...

  12. Interior Design Presentations: The Secret to Winning More Clients

    The first step to creating a dynamic interior design presentation is to sketch your initial design concepts for each area clients want to be revamped. Draw a basic layout of the space, make note of its dimensions, and add comments that will help guide the remainder of your design process. 2. Draw a 3D floor plan.

  13. Plan Graphics for Presentation Drawings

    Another type of drawing is a presentation drawing. The purpose is to describe the design. Generally, presentation drawings are shown to clients during the design process. While in school, these drawings are presented to instructors and classmates. A construction drawing will include the information necessary to assemble the project.

  14. Mastering Presentation Design: Everything You Need to Build Better

    Hey, I'm lar Evens, and this is mastering presentation design in this class. I'll teach. You had effectively used visuals and language to create a stronger, more effective presentation. I'll teach you how to do visual research, create mood boards, tell a compelling story. Designs drawing layouts and customize slides to help sell your skills.

  15. Presentation Design Guide: How to Summarize Information for

    Tip #1: Include less text and more visuals in your presentation design. According to David Paradi's annual presentation survey, the 3 things that annoy audiences most about presentations are: Speakers reading their slides. Slides that include full sentences of text. Text that is too small to read.

  16. A Beginner's Guide To Presentation Design [+15 Stunning Templates]

    A well-designed presentation makes you appear reliable and competent. Here are some fantastic points to help you develop the best presentation design. 1. Outline your content and fine-tune the message. It's crucial to prepare your content and fine-tune your main message before you begin developing your presentation.

  17. Draw: Free Online Drawing Tool

    Choose from whiteboards, posters, presentations, and more. Open a pre-made template that fits your needs, or start with a blank slate. Begin drawing and customizing your template with Draw on the side panel. With our free drawing tool, you can adjust your pen's color, thickness, and style to make your design your own.

  18. (PDF) Chapter 41 Presentation Drawings

    Presentation drawings are a very important part of artistic process used in a perspective drawing, the term public hearings and design reviews as a structure is studied by is also often applied to the drawings themselves. government and private agencies to determine its impact on Figure 41-1 shows an example of a rendering.

  19. Presentation Design: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Presentation Design: A Step-by-Step Guide. Nailing your presentation structure can have a big impact on your target audiences, whether they are investors, coworkers, partners, or potential customers. It helps get your ideas across and persuade others. For a presentation to work, its contents must be paired with great design.

  20. Presentation design guide: tips, examples, and templates

    Presentation design encompasses a variety of elements that make up the overall feel and look of the presentation. It's a combination of certain elements, like text, font, color, background, imagery, and animations. ... Draw attention to important points with contrasted text colors. Instead of using bold or italics, use a contrasting color in ...

  21. Create beautiful graphics with Canva

    Integrate Canva with your learning management system. Hear how others deliver creative and collaborative learning. Inspire future generations with the power of design. Create and publish your own resources on Canva and earn by sharing. For anyone to design anything, on their own or with family, friends, or others.

  22. Drafting & Presentation

    Drafting & Presentation. Imaginary Wilds: Architectural Interventions for the Thomas Co... The Labyrinth of Rooms: An Architectural Allegory

  23. Presentation Design: Beginner's Guide (Tips, Tools & Templates)

    Tip #2: Stick to 2-3 Fonts and Colors. Our next tip focuses on your presentation's typography and color scheme. While it may be exciting to use as many different fonts and colors as possible, design best practices dictate that you should only utilize two or three total. Your fonts and colors should have jobs, as well.

  24. Architecture Drawing Presentation

    The project's spatial design emerged so as to organize and orient visitors within the enclosed large-scale public spaces of the building's interior. Two distinctive primary volumes, "the gallery" and "the plaza" are connected by the secondary spaces "the streets" to create a coherent…