Land the job with cover letter templates

Show hiring managers why you're the perfect job candidate with professional, customizable cover letter templates. find the perfect cover letter template for any industry or career path..

Cover letter template surrounded by 3D design elements

Download free cover letter templates

Stand out from other job applicants with free, professional cover letter templates. Cover letters are a perfect complement to your resume and provide an effective opportunity to show your personality and enthusiasm for a position. Focus on writing a compelling cover letter and let a professionally designed template do the rest.

These free cover letter templates are perfect for any stage of your career, whether you're looking to land an internship or your dream job. If you're applying for a corporate position, you may want to opt for a simple cover letter template. There are a variety of other cover letter designs available, from basic cover letter templates to creative cover letter templates.

Each of these cover letter templates is customizable in Word , so you can add your own text, change design elements, and more. Print out your cover letter or download it for free to use for online job applications. Once you've customized the perfect cover letter, explore resume templates that will match your cover letter design, or download free business cards for your next networking event.

Cover Letter Templates

/ any level of experience

Resumes Student/Intermediate

Cover Letters All levels of experience

16+ Convincing Cover Letter Templates [Pick & Download]

Looking to create a cover letter that stands out? Try one of our 12 cover letter templates (and land that job)!

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General Cover Letter Template


Skill-Based Cover Letter Template


College Cover Letter Template

Expert Reviews

Oana Vintila

Career Counselor

Cover Letters are usually synonymous with formal and bland rambling that you write down hoping for an invite to a job interview. I just love it how Novorésumé has enhanced that and is offering you a tool to build proper arguments and structured discourse about who YOU ARE and what YOU CAN DO.

A real confidence booster, I tell you, seeing your motivation eloquently written!

Gabriela Tardea

Career Strategist, Coach & Trainer

The best thing about this platform when creating a Cover Letter as an addition to your resume is that the documents will match each other's design and font, creating eye-catching documents that recruiters/hiring managers will love.

You will be initially judged based on your papers, so why not make a first great impression?

Why Novorésumé?

Matching Cover Letters

To keep your job application consistent and professional, our Cover Letter templates perfectly match the resume templates.

Creative & Standard Templates

Whether you apply for a conservative industry like banking or a hype start-up, you can tailor our cover letter templates to fit your exact needs.

Get Inspired with Our Cover Letter Examples

Cover letters resources, what is a cover letter.

A cover letter is a one-page document you submit alongside your resume or CV for your job application.

The main purpose of your cover letter is to:

Show your motivation for working at the company

Bring special attention to the most important parts of your work history

Explain how your work experience fits whatever the company is looking for

What your cover letter is NOT about, is rehashing whatever you already mentioned in your resume. Sure, you should mention the most important bits, but it should NOT be a literal copy-paste.

Keep in mind that the cover letter is usually read after the recruiter scans your resume and decides that you’re qualified for the position.

Why Use a Cover Letter Template?

Your cover letter is just as (if not more) important as your resume.

After all, your resume is what gets your foot through the door, but a cover letter is what opens that door.

So, if you put so much effort into your resume, why not do the same for your cover letter?

A good cover letter template can show the recruiter that you’re serious about the job (especially if it matches your resume design).

What to Include in Your Cover Letter?

Every good cover letter has the following sections:

Header - On top of the cover letter, you write down your own contact information, as well as the recruiter’s (recruiter name, company name, company address, etc…).

Greeting - A formal greeting for the recruiter. E.g. “Dear Sir or Madam,” To learn how to address your cover letter better, check out our article.

Opening paragraph - The introduction of your resume. Here, you summarize your background info (“financial analyst with X+ years of experience”), state your intent (“looking for X position at Company Y”), and summarize your 1-2 achievements to get the recruiter hooked.

Second paragraph - In the second paragraph, you explain how you’re qualified for the position and why the recruiter should pick YOU.

Third paragraph - You talk about why you’re a good match for the company. Do you share common values? Is the company working on projects you’re interested in? Etc…

Formal closing - Finally, you end the cover letter with a quick summary and a call to action (“I’m super excited to work with Company X. Looking forward to hearing from you!”).

How to Write a Great Cover Letter?

There’s a lot that goes into writing a great cover letter. If you want to get the full picture, you can check out our guide on how to write a cover letter .

Here are, however, some of the key takeaways:

Avoid Fluff - You want to be as specific as possible with your cover letter. Avoid vague statements like “I’m a good fit for the company because I’m a good critical thinker!”

Do Your Research - Most companies don’t like people who “spray and pray” - applying for dozens of jobs without giving any much thought. What they ARE looking for is someone that’s passionate about their company, and wants to contribute. So, do your research about the companies you apply for, and show off your knowledge and passion in your cover letter.

Back Up Your Achievements with Data - When possible, back up your experience with data. Instead of saying, “I improved company revenue”, say “I managed to hit and exceed sales KPIs for 5+ months in a row.”

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

Most recruiters agree that a cover letter should be brief and concise. It should be around 1-page max, within a 250 to 400 word range.

How Can I Write a Student Cover Letter?

Pretty much the same way you’d write a regular cover letter, with one difference.

Instead of focusing on your work experience, you should talk about:

Why you want to work for the company you’re applying for

How your educational background prepared you for the job

How your skill-set can help you stand out and excel at the job

See what our customers think

Cover Letter Templates FAQ?

How to make a simple cover letter for your resume.

Simply pick one of our 12 cover letter templates above to get started.

We’d recommend matching your cover letter template to the resume template you picked.

What is the Best Cover Letter Template?

There’s no such thing as the “best cover letter template.” After all, every single recruiter has their own personal taste. Some might like a shiny & flashy cover letter template, while others might think it’s tacky.

As a rule of thumb, though, we usually recommend customizing each cover letter for the company you’re sending it to.

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Three excellent cover letter examples

Cover letters are the first chance you have to impress an employer – they’re not just a protective jacket for your CV. Here’s our guide on what to include and how to format them

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  • Looking for a job? Explore the range of vacancies on Guardian Jobs and find the perfect role for you

The first thing a potential employer sees in your job application is the cover letter. This doesn’t just support your CV – it’s an opportunity for you to stand out from the crowd and persuade the recruiter to put you through to the next round.

Be wary of spending hours on perfecting your CV at the expense of your cover letter. If you need some inspiration on what to include and what format to use, here are our helpful guides – just remember not to copy them as exact templates.

1. Standard, conservative style

This is ideal for sectors such as business, law, accountancy and retail. For more creative sectors, a letter like this might be less appealing, and could work against you.

Dear Mr Black, Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the Guardian on 30 November. The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a wide range of skills. For one course, [insert course], an understanding of the [insert sector] industry was essential. I found this subject very stimulating. I am a fast and accurate writer, with a keen eye for detail and I should be very grateful for the opportunity to progress to market reporting. I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it. Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours sincerely

2. Standard speculative letter

This may vary according to the nature of the organisation and the industry you’re applying to.

Dear Mr Brown, I am writing to enquire if you have any vacancies in your company. I enclose my CV for your information. As you can see, I have had extensive vacation work experience in office environments, the retail sector and service industries, giving me varied skills and the ability to work with many different types of people. I believe I could fit easily into your team. I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail. I’m flexible, quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm. I’m keen to work for a company with a great reputation and high profile like [insert company name]. I have excellent references and would be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy with you at your convenience. In case you do not have any suitable openings at the moment, I would be grateful if you would keep my CV on file for any future possibilities. Yours sincerely

3. Letter for creative jobs

We’ve used the example of a copywriter but you can adapt it for your profession. The aim of a creative letter is to be original and show you have imagination, but understand what the job entails. Balance is essential: don’t be too wacky, or it will turn off the reader.

Dear Ms Green, · Confused by commas? · Puzzled by parenthesis? · Stumped by spelling? · Perturbed by punctuation? · Annoyed at the apostrophe? (And alliteration?) Well, you’re not alone. It seems that fewer and fewer people can write. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people who can read. So they’ll spot a gaffe from a mile off. And that means it’s a false economy, unless you’re 100% sure of yourself, to write your own materials. (Or to let clients do it for themselves.) To have materials properly copywritten is, when one considers the whole process of publishing materials and the impact that the client wishes to make, a minor expense. Sloppiness loses clients, loses customers. There is an answer. Me. Firm quotes are free. You can see some of what I do on my multilingual website at [insert web address]. If you’d like, I can get some samples out to you within 24 hours. And, if you use me, you’ll have some sort of guarantee that you can sleep soundly as those tens of thousands of copies are rolling off the presses. Luck shouldn’t come into it! With kindest regards

Other helpful resources

How to write a perfect CV and cover letter

Applying for jobs without experience? How to build and sell your skills

Five steps to the perfect graduate CV

School-leavers and graduates: how to write your first CV

How to write a personal statement for your CV

CV templates to fit every stage of your career

Looking for a job? Browse Guardian Jobs for your next career step.

  • Guardian Careers
  • CV and cover letter examples
  • Covering letters

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How to write a cover letter.

A cover letter introduces you to an employer and asks them to think about your application. 

It’s a short letter, usually 3 to 5 paragraphs long.

When to include a cover letter

You should always include a cover letter when you apply for a job using a CV. 

You can write it as an email if you’re applying online or print a copy to go with a paper application.

When writing a cover letter, let the employer know you’re keen by showing that you’ve researched the company. Learn more about what they do through:

  • their website
  • recent news articles
  • talking to people you know who work there

Send it to the right person

It's important to try to address your cover letter to someone by name. Check you have the details of the person you need to send it to. 

You'll need their name and preferred title. For example, ‘Dr’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Ms’, and their job title. You should also make sure you have the right company name and address, including postcode.

If you do not know their name

If the job advert does not include a name you can check the company website. Try to find details of the head of the department, head of human resources or a recruitment manager.

If you still cannot find a name, you can start your letter with ‘Dear Sir or Madam’.


Introduce yourself and explain how you found the advertised job. You can mention the job title, and reference number if there is one. 

If you’re asking about any job openings and not applying to a vacancy, tell them what sort of job you’re looking for. Let the employer see how keen you are to work for them.

Show you're right for the job

Highlight the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for. 

Convince them that you're enthusiastic about working for them. Let them know you share their work values, culture and style.

Give extra information

If you have gaps in your employment history, you could talk about the skills you gained while you were out of work.

If you’ve mentioned on your CV that you have a disability, you might want to talk more about this in your cover letter. Organisations like Disability UK can give you advice on how to do this. You do not have to mention your disability at this stage if you prefer not to.

You can get more help with specialist advice on finding work if you have a disability.

Ending your cover letter

Thank the employer for considering your application. Let them know that they can get more details from your CV, and tell them you're looking forward to hearing from them.

Let them know how they can best contact you. Make sure your contact details are correct on both your cover letter and CV.

Yours sincerely or yours faithfully

If you know the name of the person you’re writing to, you should end the letter with ‘Yours sincerely’.

If you’ve addressed the letter ‘Dear Sir or Madam’, you should end the letter with ‘Yours faithfully’.

Tips for writing a cover letter

When writing your cover letter, remember to:

  • write a new one for every job you apply for and make sure it’s tailored to the company and the specific role
  • use the same font and size as you do for your CV, so it looks consistent
  • make sure the company name and recruiter’s details are correct
  • use the right language and tone: keep it professional and match the keywords used by the employer in their job advert
  • show you’ve done your research into the job and the company
  • highlight your most relevant skills and experience to stand out from other applicants
  • back up any statements you make with facts and use the STAR method
  • double check spelling and grammar before you send it
  • keep a copy of your cover letter as they may ask you about it in an interview

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Free cover letter template

A cover letter is all about making a great first impression and giving your job application the best chance of making progress. a well-written cover letter will encourage a potential employer to read through to your resumé and get in touch to find out more or set up an interview..

  • why you’re interested in that role,
  • what the most relevant skills and experience you could bring to it.

“I’m starting out my career in…"

  • “I’ve committed myself to building skills in <aspect of the job> and <another aspect> throughout my work as an <your current role>. Now, I’m ready to take the next step in my career. The <job title> role at <company name> would allow me to contribute my skills to the <team name> team, and in doing so, help <company name> to succeed in <what the company does>.”
  • “Providing patient-centred care has grown to become my key focus as I establish my nursing career. I’m passionate about ensuring dignity and respect, and that’s why this role as Graduate Nurse at Smith Hospital appeals so greatly to me.”

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How to craft a compelling cover letter.

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During the job application process, you should always submit a cover letter alongside your resume. This is particularly important when you’re applying for more competitive, senior positions.

A carefully crafted cover letter allows you to grab the recruiter’s attention and explain to them why you're the best candidate for the job.

But this will only happen if it’s well-written, so your cover letter needs to be persuasive, concise, and engaging. That’s a lot of pressure on just a few sentences, but getting it right will boost your chances of getting a response.

Here is how to craft a compelling cover letter, along with some top tips to increase your chances of securing an interview.

Understand how to set out your cover letter

Your cover letter should appear in the body of an email or as a message if you’re applying through a job site. You should avoid attaching your letter as a separate document, otherwise the recipient is unlikely to read it.

It’s also important that you keep your cover letter short and sweet, remembering that recruiters are busy people and they have to review a lot of applications every day.

With that in mind, it’s best to stick to between 4 and 6 short and snappy sentences.

Make your subject line appealing

The first thing the recruiter will see when they open their inbox is the subject line and a bad subject can instantly ruin your chances of them opening your email at all.

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Instead, you need to stand out and give them a reason to read on.

Don’t simply label the email with the job title or the phrase ‘job application’. Go one step further to prove you are the perfect candidate in just a few words.

What this means is providing a subject line that is a short summary of your experience. For example, ‘project manager with 15 years experience’ or ‘web developer with JavaScript experience’.

Kick-off with a strong introduction

The purpose of your cover letter is to engage the reader instantly and make them want to review your resume and get to know more about you.

So you need to kick off with a strong introduction.

This means addressing the recipient by their name, whether that’s the hiring manager or the employer. You might need to do a little research to find this information, either using the job description, LinkedIn, or the company website.

You should also try to steer clear of overly formal greetings like “Dear sir/madam” and instead, take a professional but friendly tone starting with ‘hello’ or ‘hi’.

Next, your introductory sentence should outline which role you're applying for and demonstrate what makes you the most suitable candidate for the role.

Crafting a compelling cover letter can be the key to securing your next role.

Showcase your most relevant skills and experience

It can be tricky to know what to include in your cover letter , but the body of your email (or message) should be made up of three or four sentences that highlight your key skills and experience.

You can use the job description to determine which skills and abilities are most important to the employer. That way, you can highlight these and show them what you have to offer.

You should also provide examples from past roles that prove how your previous experience has shaped you and made you the ideal candidate.

Just remember that you only have a few sentences in which to impress them, so first focus on any requirements that are essential to the job. That way, the reader can instantly see that you’re a good fit.

This will encourage them to open your resume.

End with a strong call to action

You should conclude your letter by once again expressing your enthusiasm for the role and stating your desire to secure a personal interview.

Remember, recruiters are busy people, so it’s also important to thank them for taking the time to read and consider your application.

Proofread your letter very carefully

Once you've finished writing your cover letter, you need to proofread it thoroughly to make sure there are no errors. In fact, it’s best to do this several times.

A polished and compelling cover letter should not have any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

This looks unprofessional and sloppy, so take the time to re-read your application. You might even consider using an online spell checker or have a friend or family member review your letter before you send it off, just to be sure.

A well-structured cover letter, complete with tailored, impactful writing is the key to standing out in a crowded job market, and help you to land a job quicker than the average time of 3.8 months.

So, if you hope to secure an interview, be sure to use these tips and insights to craft an engaging and compelling cover letter. It may only be a few sentences long, but it really can give you a competitive edge.

Andrew Fennell

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How to write a cover letter employers will want to read.

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Cover letter basics, make your cover letter easy to read, what to put in your cover letter, cover letter template, find out more.

Your cover letter needs to show:

  • why you are interested in the job
  • how your skills and experience match the job
  • why an employer should read your CV.

Remember to:

  • check your cover letter for spelling and grammar
  • send your cover letter as a Word document
  • also copy your cover letter into the message box of the email.

To make your cover letter look good:

  • use a black, easy to read font in one size
  • use simple language and be warm and friendly
  • use positive phrases like 'I have' and 'I can'
  • use bullet points to list information
  • avoid weak words like 'some knowledge' or 'fairly experienced'
  • avoid starting each sentence with 'I'
  • avoid repeating your whole CV
  • avoid photos or images
  • keep your letter to one page.

1. Contact details

Start with your contact details. For example:

Lizzie Long 1 Short Street Middelsburgh Auckland 9999 09 999 9999 [email protected]

Then the date you send the cover letter. For example:

10 January 2019

Then the advertiser's name, organisation, address and email. For example:

Reginald Farnham ABC Sales 85 Tuesday Road Papakura Auckland 7777 [email protected]

Start with 'Dear ...'. Use the name given in the job advertisement. If there isn't one, call the organisation to find out the name or use the name of the organisation.

Under the greeting put the position details. For example:

 I am writing to apply for the Sales Assistant vacancy (vacancy number 40568) at ABC Sales, as advertised on Trade Me.

3. Explain your interest in the job

In the next paragraph, explain your interest in the job and how you will fit into the organisation. Be enthusiastic and use positive language.

I have been a customer of ABC Sales for several years and have always been impressed by the quality of service I have received. I am enthusiastic and professional, and I believe I would fit well into the company's team culture and contribute to the ongoing success of the sales department.

4. Link your skills and experience to the job

In one paragraph link your experience, skills and qualifications to the job. Use two or three key examples.

Research the employer online and show how your skills can be useful to the employer.

For the past two years I have worked as a sales assistant at a busy shoe store, which has enabled me to develop excellent customer service skills. I am now looking for a new challenge that will provide me with the opportunity to further develop my retail sales career. In support of my application I have attached a copy of my CV. It shows that I will bring important skills to the position, including: time management and strong organisational skills a high level of customer service cash handling and sales ability motivation and dedication. 

5. Ask the employer to contact you

Finally, ask the employer to contact you to talk more about your application.

For example:

I would enjoy having the opportunity to discuss my application with you and how I could use my skills to benefit ABC Sales. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Lizzie Long 

See a cover letter example and try our cover letter template:

  • CV and cover letter templates  
  • Beginner's guide to job hunting ebook
  • Job hunters' ebook

Updated 29 Oct 2020

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How To Write a Cover Letter With Examples

Cover Letter Do's and Dont's

Cover letters can help differentiate you from other job applicants and be the determining factor of landing your dream job. By taking the time to craft a custom cover letter, a single sheet of paper can help communicate all the human elements that a resume may fall short of capturing about yourself. 

But what do employers and recruiters have to say about how to write a cover letter? What are the best tips they have to offer for graduate students who are writing a cover letter?

We asked 11 employers for their best cover letter tips. Here is what they had to share.

Let it Set the Stage

In many ways, cover letters should provide background information and context to your resume, while simultaneously addressing how that resume addresses the specific requirements of the job opportunity. The cover letter is your opportunity to "set the stage" and to convince the hiring manager why your specific set of skills, experiences and interests will provide value to their team and its objectives.

Andrew Horrigan '11 BSBA (Management Information Systems), Product Manager at Cisco

Research the Hiring Manager

If possible, find out who the hiring manager is and look them up on LinkedIn. Do your research on the company you're applying for. What's their mission statement and how do they portray their company culture? Hopefully what you're looking for in a job is reflected by those things. Make sure the hiring manager knows that and understands who you are and what drives you. A resume is often about as robotic as things can be. Make sure your cover letter is the opposite—personalize it and let yourself shine through.

Joshua Schlag ’05 BS (Computer Science) ’11 MBA, Digital Marketing Manager at Pyramid Analytics

Utilize Career Development Resources

The University of Arizona and Eller College of Management go to great lengths to make sure students are prepared for their impending career journey. Because cover letters are so important to getting your foot in the door, there are several career development resources online and on campus to take advantage of. The university’s cover letter builder serves as a nice template to get started. And of course, it never hurts to make an appointment with an Eller Career Coach through eSMS to have a professional review your letter before submission. 

Brett Farmiloe, ’06 BSBA (Accounting), Founder, Featured

Discover Past Samples of the Position

Do your research on the company and personalize your cover letter to the role for which you are applying. Don't be afraid to Google, "How to write a good cover letter for X position." Seriously, it helps! There is so much information out there from various perspectives—applicants, hiring managers, etc. Most importantly be yourself and let your personality come through. And don't forget to spell check!

Mariam Nikola '17 MS MIS, Consultant at Point B

Highlight Your Soft Skills

When writing a professional cover letter, there are a couple things you can do to set yourself apart from the pack. First, make sure you tailor your letter to the specific position you are applying for. This should not be a general, "one size fits all" letter—be sure to discuss specific details surrounding the role or the company itself. Secondly, this is an opportunity for you to show a little bit of your personality. Obviously, you want to remain professional, but this is a great time to highlight some of your soft skills that might not be fully conveyed through your resume.  

Brian Ellis ’17 BSBA (Management), Staffing Manager at Randstad Office and Administrative Professionals

Fill in the “Why” Gaps

As a talent advisor, I review a lot of applicants and agree that a cover letter can be a great way to stand apart, if it is done correctly. A great cover letter for me covers the ‘why’ that I cannot understand from just a resume alone. It should clearly state why you are interested in the role, what your goals are for utilizing your graduate degree (if recently graduated) and explain any career pivots reflected on your resume. If you answer those questions in a direct, concise manner it will add value to your application.

Monica Larson , ’11 BSBA (Marketing) ‘20 MBA, Talent Advisor

Tell Your Story

A cover letter is your opportunity to tell your story—tying your experience and personal interests into why you want a position and why you are the best candidate for it. Paint the picture of your journey and what about the position excites you personally and professionally. Similar to your resume, keep it short and sweet. No need to repeat what’s already on your resume. Recruiters and hiring managers don’t have time to comb through a novel, so you need to engage them with as few words as possible while also grabbing their attention.

Kelly Castoro, ’06 BA (Spanish, Portuguese), Project Manager at Squarespace

Tailor Each Cover Letter to the Position You Are Applying

Be sure to research the role and customize your cover letter for each position, relating your experience to the particular role you are applying for. Personalization is key—research who you are sending the cover letter to and address the letter to them directly. End your letter with a call to action, stating you will follow up by phone or email if you haven’t heard from anyone. Follow ups are very important! 

Jessica Rosenzweig, ’15 BSBA (Business Management), Account Manager at PeopleWare Staffing

Communicate Bankability and Personality 

Your cover letter answers two crucial questions; are you bankable and are you someone the company will enjoy working with? Communicate bankability with your knowledge of the company, industry and why your skills, capabilities and interests are a great fit. Share your passion for their mission, culture, brand—whatever excites you about becoming a member of their team.  

When conveyed through a concise, well-formulated, well-worded cover letter, you demonstrate the ability to write an effective business case—communicating that you are a ready professional and worthy teammate who will hit the ground running.

Theresa L Garcia, ’83 BSBA (Human Resources), Senior Change Management and Organization Capability Consultant at Boeing

Keep it Concise but Compelling

A cover letter is your chance to speak directly to the hiring team and tell them why you are not only the best match for the position for which you are applying but also give them additional insight into yourself as an individual that is less visible from your experience.

A great cover letter should be attention grabbing and touch upon the qualities that make you stand out from others in the applicant pool, highlight both your recent and most distinguished accomplishments and drive home why you are the right person for the job. Professionalism is always important, but don’t be hesitant to put your voice into the letter to let your personality shine through. Research the company, understand where they currently are, where they are going and show why you are the right person to get them from point A to point B. Recruiters spend a lot of time reviewing applicants and making yourself stand apart from the crowd is key. Keep it concise but compelling!

Matt Reineberg, ’14 BSBA (Marketing), Senior Talent Acquisition Sourcer at Cox Enterprises

Highlight the “Why”

Why are you applying to this company? Why do you want this position? Your cover letter should aim to answer the why behind applying for the job. Conveying an interest and excitement for working specifically for this job at this company, rather than a desire to get any job anywhere that will give you money, can go a long way. Show the company that they should hire you and your passion over someone that might have the skills needed for the job, but doesn’t care about the work as much as you do. 

Ryan Nouis, Trupath 

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How to Create a Compelling Cover Letter in Microsoft Word

E very time you apply for a job, it's a good idea to include a cover letter. Deciding how to write each one is hard, but at least you don’t have to start from scratch with their design.

Microsoft Word offers templates and welcomes third-party designs to help you create compelling cover letters. Here’s how to use such options in Word and make the best first impression possible to potential employers.

Use Microsoft Word’s Cover Letter Templates

Formal letters don’t have to be bland. Go to File > More templates on Word, and type “cover letter” in the search box. You’ll find several stylish designs that add structure and color to your document.

What reflects you better, a subtle or sharp color scheme? If you’re considering a bold header for your professional details, learn how to design letterheads on Word , too. You can even add your portrait to your cover letter.

Microsoft Word’s built-in templates also include fields for you to fill in with your information and that of your potential employer. They guide you in these small ways, some even providing a sample for your letter’s main body. It’s a good idea to rephrase that, though, to fit each job application.

If you don’t like any of the options on Word’s desktop app, explore more Microsoft cover letter templates online and download your favorites from there.

Use Third-Party Templates in Microsoft Word

You can create cover letters for your dream job on platforms besides Microsoft. If you’d rather stick with it, you’ll even come across third-party templates specifically designed for you to download and customize on Word. Here are some examples.

1. ResumeLab

Explore over 50 cover letter templates, ranging from minimalist to eye-catching designs. Keep in mind that a few of them are meant to be created on ResumeLab. The rest you can bring onto Word by clicking their Download it free here link.

You’ll be redirected to websites like Good Resume and Resume Genius , which help you quickly download your documents. Then, all you have to do is open them in Microsoft Word.

You’ll also notice that some cover letters on ResumeLab are edited versions of Word’s built-in templates, but this just adds to your selection and gives you more ideas.


This is a popular site for templates of all kinds, including cover letters. For some designs, you pay a small fee, but has an impressive range of free options, too. What’s more, the download process is very easy.

Just browse its collection, click on a design you like, and select the Word button under Download Free Template . In the next window, hit Free Download . If you’re not signed in already, you’ll be asked to as the final step.

Follow Best Practices for Cover Letters

Familiarize yourself with the dos and don’ts of writing a cover letter . Remember these guidelines when selecting and customizing a template or crafting a cover letter from scratch. They boil down to the following rules.

1. Research Potential Employers

Do your research before writing or designing your cover letter. Get to know each company and even the recruiter you’re addressing. It’s the same strategy as tailoring your resume for different job types .

2. Tailor Your Cover Letter

When showcasing your skills and interest in a position, use your research to tailor your letter so that it grabs the recruiter’s attention and impresses them. Be smart, enthusiastic, and concise with your words.

3. Use Your Blank Space Wisely

Aim to limit your cover letter to one page. Any more than that, and you risk losing the recruiter’s interest. Think about what you need to say, including important and relevant details not covered in your resume. Express these things as succinctly as possible.

4. Your Visuals Should Complement and Not Overwhelm the Letter

Add a bit of color and texture, going for a subtle effect. You could even use some small icons, as long as they’re tasteful and discreet. Whatever you choose, keep these visuals on the letter’s edges, and don’t let them dominate the text.

5. Master Word’s Features That Benefit Cover Letters

For example, you can create your cover letter more efficiently by setting the text’s boundaries from the get-go. To do this, go to Layout > Margins . From the same toolbar, you can adjust paragraph spacing and indentation.

Through Insert > Pictures , you can import an image of your signature and place it at the end of the letter. Your header and footer can be customized from here, too.

Even the Mailing toolbar might be of interest. It can help streamline the process of writing and sending letters, as well as keeping track of recipients.

Good Planning and Wording Make the Best Cover Letters

Between Microsoft and other providers, you have access to a wide selection of templates for simple but attractive cover letters that you can personalize on Word. The app itself is full of useful writing and editing tools.

With this leg up, designing a cover letter for every occasion is easier. Sound research and planning in terms of how to approach each application can help polish the letter even more.

How to Create a Compelling Cover Letter in Microsoft Word

March 2024 Cover Letter to President Biden


CONTACT: Logan Bayroff, West End Strategy Team [email protected]  516-965-5159

In New Letter, 140+ Global Christian Leaders Call for Permanent Gaza Ceasefire, Halt of Arms Sales to Israel

An international letter  was organized by  Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) , a coalition of more than 30 national church communions and organizations working to encourage U.S. policies that actively promote just, lasting, and comprehensive resolutions to conflicts in the Middle East. CMEP has forwarded the critical letter directly to President Biden and his team. The cover letter to President Biden can be found below.

The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW  Washington, D.C. 20500

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 

Dear President Biden: 

As U.S. Christian leaders, we, the members of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), write to convey to you a letter signed by over 100 Bishops and Executive Leaders from churches, denominations, and church-based organizations worldwide. The letter expresses with utmost urgency the need for an immediate and permanent ceasefire as well as an end to additional military support and arms to Israel as it continues its military offensive in Gaza. We remain deeply dismayed by the decision of the Administration and Congress to cut U.S. funding to UNRWA and ask for an immediate reversal. As U.S. Christian leaders, we implore you to have the moral courage to end U.S. complicity in the ongoing violence and, instead, do everything in your power to prevent the potential genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Every day without a ceasefire brings more death and destruction. We also recognize that Palestinians in the West Bank have also been victims of increased settler and state violence. We fear this will only increase as Israel continues to expand settlements at a rapid rate, including the recent announcement of the appropriation as state land of nearly 2000 acres of Palestinian land in the Jordan Valley–the largest annexation of land in decades. 

Sunday, March 24th, marked the beginning of Holy Week for Protestant and Catholic Christians around the world, and as Orthodox Christians continue the beginning of their Lenten Season. As Western Christians observed the sacred tradition of Palm Sunday and Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem prior to his walk down the Via Dolorosa, thousands of Palestinian Christians from the West Bank were barred by Israel from traveling to Jerusalem to participate in worship. We have significant concerns about the privileging of Jewish worship in the sacred city and the degradation of religious freedom. We advocate for Jerusalem to be a shared city for two peoples and the three Abrahamic traditions, Jews, Christians, and Muslims where all people can worship freely. 

For months, we have joined the voices of millions worldwide, calling for an immediate ceasefire and the flow of adequate humanitarian aid. The decision to abstain from, instead of vetoing, the recent UN Security Council Resolution supporting an immediate ceasefire is a small step but still not sufficient. Mr. President, we urge you to use the tools you already have at your disposal to ensure the U.S. military aid to Israel is halted until Israel can guarantee it is not used to violate Palestinian rights and until Israel stops willfully blocking humanitarian assistance into Gaza. We offer prayers of wisdom and guidance for you to be granted the courage to finally end U.S. complicity in the violence in Gaza and the West Bank. The time to act is now. Might you have the moral courage. 

We pray God will give you wisdom and courage. 

In Christ Jesus, 

cover letter of covering letter

Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, on behalf of the Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) Board 

Executive Director Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) 

© 2024 Churches for Middle East Peace

Organized Themes


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  5. Free cover letter templates

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    1. Note the date. Document the date you are sending the letter. The date line is usually in between your address and the address to which you are sending the letter. 2. Include your name and address. It is standard practice to begin with your name and address at the top of your cover letter.

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    Yours sincerely. 3. Letter for creative jobs. We've used the example of a copywriter but you can adapt it for your profession. The aim of a creative letter is to be original and show you have ...

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  15. Cover letters

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  17. Free Cover Letter Templates

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  20. How to Write a Cover Letter

    3. Know the Company . Take the time to research the company you are applying to so that you can express how your experience can help. Plus, having knowledge of the company is ideal for when you ...

  21. How to write a cover letter

    To make your cover letter look good: use a black, easy to read font in one size. use simple language and be warm and friendly. use positive phrases like 'I have' and 'I can'. use bullet points to list information. avoid weak words like 'some knowledge' or 'fairly experienced'. avoid starting each sentence with 'I'. avoid repeating your whole CV.

  22. How To Write a Cover Letter With Examples

    Tailor Each Cover Letter to the Position You Are Applying. Be sure to research the role and customize your cover letter for each position, relating your experience to the particular role you are applying for. Personalization is key—research who you are sending the cover letter to and address the letter to them directly.

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    Avoid too much detail - keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page, as an introduction and brief overview. Avoid any spelling and grammar errors and ensure your letter is thoroughly proofed before submitting. Click to enlarge your PDF on key information to include in your cover letter.

  25. How To Format a Cover Letter (With Outline and Examples)

    Follow these guidelines: Make your cover letter single-spaced. Add a space between each section: contact information, salutation, opening paragraph, middle paragraph, closing paragraph and complimentary closing. (There's no need to indent any of your paragraphs.)

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    Writing a Cover Letter; Writing a Cover Letter. February 01, 2024. Tips for writing a cover letter created by the Office of Career and Leadership Management. cover-letters_0.pdf 223.6 KB. Document Topics. Career and Leadership Management. Columbia School of Social Work 1255 Amsterdam Avenue · New York, NY 10027. Follow Us

  28. Cover Letter Template (With Tips and Examples)

    Cover letter example. Examples statements in the first paragraph of your cover letter that will showcase the value you bring to a company, and express your excitement. Here is an example cover letter following the above template. Please keep in mind that your cover letter will vary depending on the employers and jobs you're applying for.

  29. How to Create a Compelling Cover Letter in Microsoft Word

    Use Microsoft Word's Cover Letter Templates . Formal letters don't have to be bland. Go to File > More templates on Word, and type "cover letter" in the search box. You'll find several ...

  30. March 2024 Cover Letter to President Biden

    The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20500. Tuesday, March 26, 2024 Dear President Biden: As U.S. Christian leaders, we, the members of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), write to convey to you a letter signed by over 100 Bishops and Executive Leaders from churches, denominations, and church-based organizations worldwide.