
Essay on Favourite Pastime

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favourite Pastime in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Favourite Pastime

What is a pastime.

A pastime is a fun activity we do to enjoy ourselves during free time. People have different hobbies that make them happy. Some like reading, while others play sports or games.

My Favourite Pastime

My favourite way to spend time is by drawing. With a pencil and paper, I create pictures of what I see around me. It makes me feel calm and proud of what I can make.

Why Drawing is Great

Drawing is good because it does not cost much and you can do it anywhere. It also lets you be creative and share your art with friends and family.

250 Words Essay on Favourite Pastime

A pastime is a fun activity that people do when they are not working or studying. It is something that makes them feel happy and relaxed. Everyone has their own favourite thing to do in their free time. This can be playing games, reading books, or even collecting stamps.

Why Pastimes are Important

Having a favourite pastime is very important because it helps us to rest after a long day. It is like giving our brain a little holiday. When we enjoy our free time, we feel refreshed and ready to work or study again. Pastimes can also help us learn new things and make new friends who like the same things we do.

My most loved pastime is reading. I enjoy sitting down with a good book and entering a new world. Books can take me on exciting adventures or teach me about different places and people. When I read, I forget about any worries I have, and time seems to fly by.

Sharing Pastimes with Others

Sometimes, I share my pastime with my friends and family. We talk about the stories I read, and it’s fun to see what others think. Sharing pastimes can make them even more enjoyable because we get to spend time with people we like and do something we love together.

In conclusion, a favourite pastime is a special activity that brings joy and rest to our lives. Whether it’s reading, playing, or collecting, it’s wonderful to have something that makes us feel good. So, find a pastime you love and enjoy every moment of it!

500 Words Essay on Favourite Pastime

Introduction to pastimes.

A pastime is something you enjoy doing in your free time. It’s like a hobby, a fun activity that makes you happy and helps you relax. Everyone has their own favourite thing to do when they are not busy with school or work. It could be playing sports, reading books, or even collecting stamps.

Having a favourite pastime is very important because it gives you a break from your daily tasks. It’s like taking a short holiday from all the serious stuff. When you do something you love, it makes you feel good and can even make you smile if you’re having a bad day. Pastimes can also help you make new friends who like the same things as you do.

Different Kinds of Pastimes

There are so many pastimes to choose from! Some people love being outdoors, so they might go for a hike or ride their bike. Others might like staying indoors and playing video games or drawing pictures. Then there are those who enjoy creating things, like building models or knitting sweaters. The best part is, there’s no right or wrong choice – it’s all about what makes you the happiest.

Learning Through Pastimes

Pastimes are not just about having fun; they can also teach you new things. For example, if you play a musical instrument, you learn about music and practice being patient and persistent. If you like reading, you discover new stories and learn new words. Every pastime has something valuable to offer, and sometimes, what you learn from your pastime can help you in school or other areas of your life.

Sharing Your Pastime

Sharing your favourite pastime with others can be a lot of fun. You can join a club or a team that focuses on your hobby. This way, you can meet people who also enjoy doing the same thing. You can learn from them, and they can learn from you. Sharing your pastime can make it even more enjoyable because it’s always fun to talk about what you love doing.

Everyone has their own special pastime, and I have mine too. My favourite thing to do is to play soccer. It’s a game that I can play with my friends, and it keeps me healthy and active. When I’m playing soccer, I forget all my worries and just focus on the game. It’s exciting, and I love the feeling of being part of a team.

In conclusion, having a favourite pastime is a wonderful part of life. It makes our free time enjoyable and can give us a nice break from work or study. Whether it’s something sporty, creative, or just plain fun, it’s great to have an activity that you can look forward to. So, think about what you love to do most in your free time – that’s your pastime, and it’s a special part of who you are.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Hobbies or Pastimes

Essay on Hobbies or Pastimes in English

Hobbies or pastimes essay – 300 words.

People in society have different hobbies or pastimes to enjoy themselves in their leisure (free) time. Some people, for example, like to play games, some like to go for a walk, some like to watch films, and so on.

Good hobbies or pastimes can help us to improve the body and the mind. For the improvement of the body and health, we may have the hobbies of playing games outside on playgrounds. We can also have the hobbies of swimming, running, walking over long distances, and so on. Morning and evening walk every day give a lot of exercise to the body. Gardening keeps us in contact with nature and fresh air and makes us active.

For the improvement of the mind, we can have hobbies like reading good and useful books, visiting historical places, watching films which increase (add to) our knowledge of the sciences and the arts. The hobby of reading books on the sciences, history and general knowledge is of much use. So the hobby of reading newspapers every day is of great benefit.[the_ad id=”17141″]

Some harmful hobbies are playing cards for a long time, watching all manner of films very often, listening to bad films songs, reading bad books, and so on. We enjoy these hobbies while sitting and cannot take exercise. Bad films and writings harm our thinking and character.

No doubt hobbies help us to pass our free time happily (without being bored) and make us forget all our troubles, worries and problems. Some hobbies increase our knowledge as well as entertain us, For example, through writing letters to pen friends in other cities or foreign countries, we learn about other places. We feel happy while informing others about our city, village or country. Stamp collecting is another such hobby. Through it, we.come to know about different countries and cultures and enjoy exchanging stamps.

Hobbies make life charming and add to our happiness. They bring us new friends and make us social.

Hobbies or Pastimes Essay – 600 Words

A hobby can be defined as a pursuit which one undertakes in leisure for pleasure and not for profit. The hobby does not aim at earning any money, though sometimes, it may indirectly bring about financial benefit. A man engaged in the collection of stamps may unknowingly collect a few rare stamps which may bring him money. Hobbies reflect the life and personality of a person and give us an insight into the temperaments, tastes and propensities of the people. Life in the modern age has become monotonous, dreary and dull and hobbies provide the required change from the drudgery of routine life and serve the purpose of a refreshing change. The fever and fret of our life is forgotten, though maybe for a short time when one is engaged in a hobby.

Reading fiction and journals, stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, painting, fishing, photography, writing to penfriends are some of the popular hobbies. Collecting autographs of celebrities, boating, playing golf, cricket and other games are also the hobbies of some persons. Gardening is more or less confined to rural areas as there is hardly any place left for this hobby in the urban areas.

Hunting, which used to be a very popular hobby in the olden days, when means of entertainment were very few and far between, has been given up as it involved the killing of innocent animals.[the_ad id=”17142″]

Some of the popular hobbies among women are social work, knitting, stitching, crochet-work though some women indulge in negative hobbies of rumor-mongering and scandalmongering.

As it is rightly said that an idle man’s brain is the devil’s workshop, one should not remain idle and hobbies should fill up one’s leisure which can serve as a welcome interlude in the tedium of one’s daily life. Recreation is not the only aim of hobbies which give us the knowledge we don’t get from textbooks. Besides serving as mental tonics hobbies are an excellent way of spending one’s leisure.

One should pursue only those hobbies which are useful such as gardening, photography, riding, swimming; yachting as they enable us to use our leisure in a harmless way; while hobbies such as gambling, drinking and cards playing which do not promote real happiness, should be discarded. Besides scandalmongering, character assassination, rumourmongering are very dangerous and can create many enemies for us.

People living in big cities often visit picnic spots and places in the lap of Nature to refresh themselves. It is disheartening that most people in our country do not use their leisure in a proper manner. There are some whose leisure is spent in an unplanned manner while there are others whose leisure is utilized in supplementing their meager income. The life for the poor is a nightmarish experience. Most of us waste our leisure in visiting friends and watching useless movies. It is also equally regrettable that some college students spend their leisure in watching cheap movies and reading pornographic fiction which corrupts their minds and deprives them of any useful pursuit.

There is no doubt that hobbies are the best means of spending leisure and useful hobbies can certainly keep people away from evil ways of life. They channelize the exuberance, enthusiasm and energy of the young and can go a long way in solving many complex problems. Hobby should not be converted into a dull dreary task but should be treated as a mental pastime. Regular work should not be ignored for the sake of a hobby.

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What Is Your Favorite Hobby and Why Are You Passionate About It?

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on September 26, 2023

Categories Inspiration , Career

When thrown the seemingly innocuous interview question, “What’s your favorite hobby, and why?”, many find themselves plunged into a pool of introspection.

It’s not just a casual, break-the-ice kind of question; it’s a probing inquiry into one’s personal narrative, a window into the world outside of resumes and cover letters, revealing more than what meets the eye.

This seemingly straightforward question is a narrative of our lives outside the professional sphere, an intimate revelation of our likes, dislikes, and everything in between.

In the diverse realm of hobbies, every individual finds solace in different activities, each echoing the uniqueness of our personalities and the cultures we belong to. From the intricate lenses of photography to the imaginative realms of graphic design, hobbies are our personalized escapes, platforms where we learn new things and refine our soft skills, often unknowingly.

Whether you are a high school student trying to navigate through the myriad of activities or someone working from home exploring new skills and hobbies, each hobby we cultivate is a storyline of its own.

Key Takeaways

  • Hobbies play a significant role in enhancing well-being and productivity.
  • Hobbies provide a much-needed escape from everyday stress and contribute to mental health.
  • Engaging in hobbies can lead to potential financial gain through monetization.
  • Hobbies have the power to ignite passion and can develop into life-long passions.

Defining the Concept of a Hobby

You’re likely wondering what exactly defines a hobby, aren’t you? Well, it’s an activity pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation. But hobbies have evolved significantly over time due to shifts in societal norms and technological advancements.

This evolution has transformed simple pastimes into complex activities that stimulate our creativity and fuel our passions.

Then there’s hobby commercialization, which can be both fascinating and concerning. Your cherished embroidery could turn into a thriving online business! Yet, this commercial aspect might rob the joy of doing something purely for personal satisfaction.

The Role of Hobbies in Our Lives

You’ve often found solace in your favorite pastime, haven’t you?

It’s time to delve deeper into understanding how engaging in your beloved hobby can significantly enhance your well-being and supercharge your productivity.

Imagine the satisfaction you’ll feel as we explore together the profound impact hobbies have on our lives, transforming the mundane into a thrilling journey of self-discovery and personal growth!

Hobbies’ Impact on Well-being

Engaging in a favorite hobby can significantly boost your well-being as it provides an escape from everyday stress. Consider the hobby health benefits you’ve never thought about before; it’s like a mini-vacation for your mind, a break from constant demands and worries.

Your favorite hobby might be painting, gardening, or even cooking – activities that fill you with joy, passion, and peace.

This is the magic of hobby-induced happiness; immersing yourself in something you love helps to reduce anxiety and improve mood. It’s those moments when you’re deeply involved in creating art or tending to plants that feelings of calm envelop you.

You’re not just passing time—you’re nurturing your mental health while doing something delightful.

Hobby Engagement and Productivity

It’s often overlooked how immersing oneself in enjoyable activities can lead to increased productivity. You find solace and a sense of fulfillment in your hobbies. They are not just creative outlets but also potential sources of income through hobby monetization. Imagine pouring yourself into baking delicate pastries or crafting intricate jewelry pieces. These aren’t merely tasks; they’re extensions of your personality, testaments to your skill and creativity.

Engaging in your favorite pastime isn’t just about killing time – it’s an investment. It refuels you, keeps you motivated, and sharpens your focus for the work ahead. So don’t hesitate to take that brush or guitar pick up again. Not only does it soothe your soul, but it also paves the way for greater productivity and potential financial gain.

Exploring Various Types of Hobbies

You’ve already discovered how deeply a favorite hobby can touch your life, but have you considered the countless other hobbies out there waiting to be explored?

Diving into this world of hobby diversity not only broadens your horizons, but it’s also packed with benefits that might surprise you.

From enhancing creativity and reducing stress to fostering connections with like-minded individuals, every new hobby you try adds another layer to the rich tapestry of experiences that shape who you are.

Benefits of Hobbies

Hobbies aren’t just fun, they’re also beneficial for your mental and physical health. They provide a sense of accomplishment, foster creativity and relieve stress. But let’s not forget hobby affordability and accessibility—two factors that make hobbies even more enjoyable.

Hobby Diversity

There’s a wide range of diverse interests to explore, ensuring everyone can find something they’ll enjoy. You may be influenced by your culture, with hobbies passed down through generations or new ones born from the fusion of cultures. These cultural influences on hobbies add richness and diversity, making every pursuit unique.

Hobby commercialization is another fascinating trend you’ve likely noticed. Hobbies aren’t just for personal enjoyment anymore; they’re turning into profitable ventures. Your love for cooking could lead to a booming food blog or your penchant for knitting could result in an Etsy store.

The Connection Between Hobbies and Passion

It’s fascinating how often a person’s passion can be traced back to their favorite hobby. You might start painting just as a casual pastime, but before you know it, your heart is deeply bound within the vibrant strokes of color. That’s when passion identification happens.

You’re no longer just passing the time; instead, you’re pouring every ounce of your energy and spirit into every single creation. This dedication may even lead to hobby monetization where you find ways to profit from what initially began as simple leisure activity.

Thus, hobbies are not merely distractions or fillers for free time; they plant seeds of excitement and devotion that blossom into life-long passions.

Let’s delve deeper into why we develop certain hobbies in the next section.

Why We Develop Certain Hobbies

Understanding why we’re drawn to certain pastimes can be an interesting journey into self-discovery. You might find your hobby origins rooted in childhood interests, or perhaps they emerged during challenging times as a comforting escape. Every stroke of the paintbrush, every note belted out in your shower-singer glory, each meticulously folded origami crane – they all tell a story about you.

Sometimes though, you may experience hobby abandonment. It’s okay and completely normal. Interests evolve over time. One day you’re enthralled by astrology and next thing you know, woodworking captivates you! Don’t feel guilty for leaving old hobbies behind; it’s part of growing.

The Benefits of Having a Favorite Hobby

Having a go-to pastime isn’t just fun, it’s also packed with numerous benefits that can enhance your wellbeing and life quality. Your hobby isn’t merely a time filler; it’s an investment in yourself, despite the hobby expenses you may incur.

You see, each moment spent on your favorite hobby is precious! It contributes significantly towards personal growth and happiness. Now that we’ve explored why hobbies are so beneficial, let’s delve into how to discover your favorite hobby next.

How to Discover Your Favorite Hobby

You’ve heard about the joy and fulfillment that comes with having a favorite hobby, but how do you find yours?

Identifying your personal interests is a crucial first step; it’s all about exploring what makes your heart race or brings you peace.

Experimenting with different activities will also help you discover what truly resonates with you.

Whether it’s painting landscapes at dawn, tearing down a racetrack on weekends, or coding intricate software late into the night.

Identifying Personal Interests

It’s crucial to pinpoint personal interests as they often lead to our most beloved hobbies. Dig deep into your soul and ask yourself what truly moves you. You may find that certain career influences have shaped your interests. Perhaps the thrill of solving complex problems sparks your interest in puzzles, or maybe years of writing reports have ignited a passion for creative writing.

Consider social impacts too. Have conversations with friends or shared experiences sparked a fascination in certain topics? Maybe a friend’s enthusiasm for hiking has encouraged you to explore nature more, turning weekend hikes into a passionate hobby.

Experimenting With Activities

Don’t be afraid to try new activities and delve into unfamiliar territories; this can often lead to unexpected discoveries of interests. Embrace the concept of Activity Sampling – it’s like taking a taste test from life’s buffet of hobbies.

Passion Exploration, on the other hand, involves immersing yourself wholeheartedly in pursuits that catch your interest.

To make this journey enjoyable:

  • Choose various activities that intrigue you.
  • Immerse yourself in each one for a specified period.
  • Reflect on your experiences, note what sparks joy or curiosity.

Feel the adrenaline rush as you dive into an unknown sport or experience tranquility while painting a canvas. Every activity tells a story; yours is waiting to unfold with every new pursuit.

The Influence of a Hobby on Personal Development

Pursuing a hobby can significantly influence your personal growth, providing not just leisure but also enhancing various skills and knowledge. Whether you’re passionate about gardening, painting or coding, each activity has its unique benefits.

But sometimes you may face ‘hobby discrimination’. People might belittle or overlook your interest because it doesn’t fit their idea of what’s mainstream or valuable.

However, don’t let such judgments dissuade you from pursuing what genuinely interests you. Your hobby is part of who you are; it’s your sanctuary in an often busy and stressful world. Though there’s the risk of ‘hobby-induced isolation’, remember that solitude can also be a time for reflection and self-discovery.

Embrace your passion – it’s these unique attributes that shape us into fascinating individuals.

The Impact of Passion Towards a Hobby

After exploring how hobbies influence personal development, let’s delve into the impact of your passion towards a hobby. The evolution of your passion is not just a fascinating journey, it’s also an essential part of maximizing the joy and potential benefits. Here are three key aspects:

  • Passion Evolution: Your enthusiasm for a hobby doesn’t remain static. It evolves, grows and sometimes even pivots over time. Embrace this change as it adds new dimensions to your interests.
  • Personal Investment: You’re more likely to invest time and effort into something you love. This isn’t just about physical resources; emotional investment matters too.
  • Hobby Monetization: Passion can drive you to turn hobbies into income sources, making what you love sustainable in the long run.

How Hobbies Reflect Our Personalities

You know, your hobbies do more than just fill your free time; they’re a mirror reflecting your unique personality. It’s that passion burning within you for these interests that shapes and defines who you are at your core.

Let’s delve deeper into this intriguing concept, exploring how the hobbies you cherish not only bring joy but also play an instrumental role in showcasing your essence to the world.

Hobbies as Personality Mirrors

Hobbies often mirror our personalities, don’t they? The way we choose to spend our spare time says a lot about us. Our personality traits play a significant role in hobby selection.

  • Gregarious types : If you’re outgoing and social, your hobbies probably reflect that. You might be drawn to team sports or group activities like book clubs.
  • Introverted people : If you’re more introverted, solitary hobbies like reading or painting may be your go-to.
  • Adventurous spirits : Those with an adventurous streak might lean towards adrenaline-pumping activities like rock climbing or skydiving.

Your hobbies are not just pastimes; they’re reflections of who you are inside. They connect deeply with your personality and passions, making them more than just ways to kill time—they become expressions of your very being.

Passion’s Role in Personality

Leaving behind the reflection of hobbies as personality mirrors, let’s delve into the world of passion cultivation and its impact on personality shaping.

Imagine a tiny seed within you, that’s your innate interest. You water it with dedication, nurture it with time and patience; that’s when this seed blossoms into a beautiful flower of passion.

This process is not just about pursuing what you love but also shapes who you are. Your passion molds your perspective, influences your attitude, and refines your personality traits making them more vibrant and attractive. It gives depth to your character and adds layers to your persona.

The Role of Hobbies in Stress Management

Engaging in enjoyable activities can significantly reduce one’s stress levels. There’s a magic in immersing yourself into something you love – it’s like an escape route from the daily grind. This is where hobby-induced relaxation comes in.

  • Find Your Passion: Whether it’s painting, cooking, or hiking, find what makes your heart sing and stick with it.
  • Make Time for It: Even if it’s just 20 minutes a day, make sure to carve out time for your hobby.
  • Share the Joy: Join clubs or online communities related to your hobby – that’s hobby-related socialization!

Imagine the vibrant colors swirling on your canvas, the sizzle of ingredients hitting the pan, or the feeling of reaching a mountain peak. And remember: nothing beats sharing these moments with like-minded souls!

Cultivating Passion in Your Preferred Hobby

After discussing how hobbies help manage stress, let’s delve into passion cultivation strategies to further boost your love for your favorite hobby. You might be wondering, “How can I enhance my enthusiasm?” and “Can I turn this hobby into a source of income?”. Good news! There are effective ways to amplify your passion and even potential hobby monetization possibilities.

Consider these strategies:

The Balance Between Hobby and Other Life Responsibilities

While it’s great to be immersed in one’s interests, it’s also crucial to maintain a balance between these pursuits and other life responsibilities. Your hobby should enrich your life, not overpower it. Personal Time Allocation is key.

Here are some strategies:

  • Schedule Smartly: When planning your week, allocate specific hours for your hobby without encroaching on work or family time.
  • Prioritize: Rank tasks based on urgency and importance. This way you’re not neglecting any significant responsibilities.
  • Consider Financial Implications: Ensure that your passion doesn’t drain your wallet excessively.

Sharing Your Hobby and Passion With Others

Sharing what you’re devoted to with others can create a new layer of enjoyment in your life. It’s about those moments when you see the light flicker in someone’s eyes because you’ve sparked an interest, ignited a passion.

Your hobby becomes more than just a personal pursuit; it transforms into a tool for community bonding. Picture this: it’s a sunny afternoon and you’re teaching your neighbors how to knit, or showing them that intricate guitar riff they’ve been struggling with.

You’re inspiring others with your passion, infusing life into their everyday routines. This is not just about sharing hobbies; it’s about building connections, creating shared experiences and fostering deeper bonds within your community.

That’s the power of passion shared – it transcends boundaries and unites us all.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does age affect the choice of a hobby.

Age greatly impacts your hobby choices. Childhood passions often revolve around play and imagination, while adulthood hobbies tend to be more skill-based and relaxing. You’re drawn to what resonates with your current life stage.

Can a Person Have More Than One Favorite Hobby, and How Does This Impact Their Life?

Absolutely, you can have multiple favorite hobbies. It enriches your life through hobby diversity and numerous benefits like broadening perspectives, boosting creativity, and improving mental health. You’re never limited to just one passion.

How Does Society or Culture Influence One’s Choice of Hobby?

Your hobby choices can be swayed by cultural trends and societal hobby stereotypes. You’re likely to choose hobbies familiar in your culture, or reject ones perceived negatively by society, shaping your personal leisure pursuits.

Can a Hobby Turn Into a Professional Career and if So, How Often Does This Happen?

Absolutely, your hobby can morph into a career. It’s not uncommon, especially with effective hobby monetization strategies. Success stories in hobby to career transitions are plentiful and can provide inspiration and guidance.

How Do Hobbies Evolve or Change Over Time?

Your hobbies evolve over time due to your changing interests and experiences. You’ll find hobby progression and adaptability in your journey, whether it’s deepening knowledge or exploring new avenues within the same passion.

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Graph Writing # 84 - Favourite Pastimes in different countries

Ielts academic writing task 1/ graph writing - table:, the table below gives information about favourite pastimes in different countries..

Academic Writing Task 1 - Favourite Pastime in different countries

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IELTS ESSAY : Shopping As The Most Favourite Pastime. Is It Right ?

Writing Task 2: IELTS ESSAY :Shopping as the most favourite pastime.Is it right ?

You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Write on the following topic: Shopping is the favourite pastime for most of the young people. Why do you think is that? Do you think they should be encouraged to do some other useful activities? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

With the arrival of modernisation, people around the world has developed various hobbies and activities to pursue in their leisure time. The youth has strangely picked up shopping as their favourite pastime. This essay will describe why more youngsters get involved in it and how they can be diverted so that they can utilise their time effectively.

First of all, with the coming of shopping malls and huge media promotions, it is very difficult to not get attracted. People prefer to keep an account of their interests and shop efficiently. For example, my mom is a huge fan of watches. She visits the brands once in a month in search of a good catch. Further, the malls are well equipped with air conditioners and various entertainments so it proves as a resting hub for lot of people.

Irrespective of the bits and fancy eye appealing things, youngsters should look for other rewarding pastimes. For example, they should take up physical activities as a hobby which can help maintain their physical and mental health.

To sum up, shopping is gaining momentum and popularity however youngsters should be given correct guidance and showed the right path.

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Shopping is the favorite pass time of most of the young people. Why do you think is that? Do you think they should be encouraged to some useful activities?*

With the dawn of modernization, people tend to have different hobbies according to the ever-changing trends. Youth, specifically, is usually considered to be more inclined towards shopping as their free-time activity. This development is caused by certain factors which would be discussed in detail along with the prospective constructive activities opted by the youngsters.

The foremost reason of adopting shopping as a hobby is exorbitant marketing. Most of the young people are attracted through eye-catching adverts and promotional offers by the various brands because of which the people are fascinated; and consequently, the free time is allocated to shop. It has been reported in a survey by the salesmen of Edenrobe, a textile brand, that the number of shoppers is relatively higher when the products are promoted through various discounts and offers. Moreover, the activity is caused due to the rapid change in fashion trends among young generation. Those who want to keep a pace with the modern clothing and styling are tend to spare extra time for shopping.

Undeniably, a large amount of money and time is wasted on shopping; therefore, the youth should be motivated to adopt some beneficial hobbies. They are required to opt for such leisure-time activities due to which they would be benefitted in a number of ways. To exemplify, if they are enthused of book-reading, their brains would be stimulated; thus the cognition would be improved as well. In addition to this, their knowledge would be enhanced at the same time. On the other hand, dedicating unnecessary time to shopping is only a wasteful activity except the time spent on buying actually required productd.

To conclude, it is evident that the adolescents are attracted to shopping due to the variety of spell-binding advertisements and promotions; however, they could be motivated to spend their free time more wisely on the activities which could lead them towards knowledge and learning.

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With the modrenisation and advancement of science and technology hobbies of young generation have been changed. Now young generation spend a lot 0f time in searching and purchasing things of their intrest. Rather they selecting other useful activities as hobby they spend a lot of tiem and money which is not good for them in long terms they should be encouraged to do other activities to spend good time. Young generation prefer to adopt them selves according to their sournding there are number of factors that develop their intrest in shopping as their leisue activities. First and most important youngsters use social sites where they get attracted by various things that other people use for example boys are very interested in electronic gadgets and motorbikes . similar cosmetic products are attraction for girls. Advertisement on television also insoire them to get that thing for them. Secondly now shopping malls are very facilitated and have cafes , salons , resturants also brands offer discount around the year which is major reason of their attention. Now youngsters are more interested to show off their money so thet buy best brands to creat impression. Excess of everything is bad spending to much money on shopping can cause problem for them in future they will not save money for themselves . to fulfil their desire they may use some illegal ways to collect money for shopping. This will develop infreorty complex in children of their age. I my opnion young generation should be motivated to toward activities that help them to learn and express themselves. Like playing music , painting something writing poetry etc. physical activities are also important so playing games also help to maintain their body and develop patience in them as well. I conclude my essay with the view that young people should be encouraged to adopt healthy activities for their body and mind . pastime activity should be meaningful and fun as well.

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My Favourite Pastime Paragraph

My Favourite Pastime Paragraph: Cultivating Joy Through Gardening”

My Favourite Pastime Paragraph: Hobbies are an essential part of our lives that can bring us joy and fulfillment. Engaging in a favourite pastime can help us relax and unwind, explore new skills, and connect with others who share our interests. In this article, I will share my love for my favourite hobby and provide insights into how it can benefit our mental and physical well-being.

In this blog, we include About My Favourite Pastime Paragraph, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover About My Favourite Pastime Paragraph for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class. You can read more Essays in 10 lines, and Essay Writing about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… About My Favourite Pastime Paragraph is available in different languages.

Table of Contents

The Benefits of Having a Hobby

Research has shown that having a hobby can have numerous benefits for our mental and physical health. Engaging in a favourite pastime can provide stress relief, improve mood, and increase cognitive function. It can also help in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that engaging in leisure activities can lead to increased happiness and a greater sense of purpose in life.

How I Got Started

I discovered my favourite hobby, gardening, when I was a child. My parents had a small vegetable patch in our backyard, and I would help them plant, water, and harvest the crops. As I grew up, I continued to enjoy gardening and started to explore other aspects of it, such as landscaping and floral arrangements.

One of the biggest challenges I faced as a beginner was understanding how to care for different plants and flowers. I overcame this by reading gardening books, talking to experts, and experimenting with different techniques.

What I Love About Gardening

What I love most about gardening is the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that comes from watching a seed grow into a beautiful plant or flower. I also find it incredibly relaxing to spend time outdoors, surrounded by nature. Gardening allows me to express my creativity and connect with others who share my passion for plants and flowers.

One of my favourite gardening memories was when I planted a vegetable garden with my son. We spent hours preparing the soil, selecting the seeds, and tending to the plants. It was an incredibly rewarding experience to see the vegetables grow and to harvest them together.

What I Love About Gardening

Tips for Getting Started with Gardening

  • Start small: Begin with a small garden plot or container to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Choose the right location: Look for an area with plenty of sunlight and good drainage.
  • Pick the right plants: Choose plants that are suitable for your climate and soil type.
  • Prepare the soil: Make sure the soil is fertile and well-draining. Add compost or other organic matter to improve the soil quality.
  • Water properly: Water your plants deeply and regularly, but don’t overwater them.
  • Control pests: Keep an eye out for pests and diseases, and use natural methods to control them.
  • Learn from your mistakes: Gardening takes practice, so don’t be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them.
  • Enjoy the process: Gardening can be a relaxing and rewarding hobby, so take time to enjoy the process and the fruits of your labor.

Gardening can be a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby that provides numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. It allows us to connect with nature, reduce stress, and grow our own fresh produce. Starting a garden may seem intimidating at first, but by following some basic tips and learning from experience, anyone can become a successful gardener. Whether you have a small balcony or a large yard, there’s always a way to start growing plants and reaping the benefits of this wonderful hobby. Visit For More Information Transfer and Postings

FAQ’s On About My Favourite Pastime Paragraph

Question 1. How do I write a paragraph in my Favourite pastime?

Answer: My favorite pastime is reading. There’s something magical about getting lost in a good book. I love the way words can transport me to different worlds and introduce me to new characters. Whether it’s a novel or a biography, I can spend hours immersed in a good read.

Question 2. What is your favorite pastime?

A favorite pastime is an activity that someone enjoys doing in their free time. It’s usually something they find relaxing, entertaining, or fulfilling. Common examples of favorite pastimes include reading, listening to music, playing sports, cooking, watching movies or TV shows, and spending time with loved ones. People often engage in their favorite pastime to escape from the stresses of daily life and unwind.

Question 3. Which is the most Favourite pastime activity of students?

Answer: It’s difficult to determine the most favorite pastime activity of students, as everyone has their own interests and hobbies. However, some popular pastimes among students include playing video games, watching movies or TV shows, listening to music, and hanging out with friends. Many students also enjoy sports and outdoor activities, such as hiking or cycling, as a way to stay active and explore their surroundings.

Question 4. How do you write pastime?

Answer: To write a pastime, you don’t actually “write” it. A pastime is an activity that you do in your leisure time, so you would engage in it rather than write it down. However, if you want to talk about your favorite pastime, you could write a paragraph describing it or write about it in a journal. When doing so, you would simply use words to convey what the pastime is, how you engage in it, and why you enjoy it.

Question 5. What is a simple pastime?

Answer: A simple pastime is an activity that is easy to do and doesn’t require a lot of preparation or resources. It could be something as simple as reading a book, going for a walk, or playing a game of cards. Simple pastimes are often done for leisure or to pass the time, and they can be enjoyed alone or with others. They are a great way to relax and unwind without the pressure of achieving any particular outcome.

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Essay on My Favourite Pastime with Quotations and Outline

My favourite passtime essay with quotes for students of matric, f.a, fsc, b.a and bsc.

Here is My Favourite Passtime Essay with Quotes for Students of Matric, F.A, FSC, B.A and BSC. Essay on my Favourite Pastime with Quotations is Important for Exams. If the topic is Essay on Hobby, Essay on Favourite Passtime or Essay on my Leisure time Activities, you can write the same essay. For more English Essays you can visit This Link .

Essay on My Favourite Pastime with Quotations for Students of Class 10 & Class 12

  • Hobby is useful work which is done in spare time for pleasure.
  • Types of hobbies.
  • Gardening is my favourite Hobby.
  • It is a source of physical exercise and aesthetic pleasure.
  • Preparation of the lawn.
  • It keeps me in touch with nature and God.

“The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.” (Gertrude Jekyll)

Hobby is a useful work which is done in spare time for pleasure without any monetary benefit. This occupation is quite apart from the regular profession. It is pursued only for recreation. After hard labour, hobby provides us a cheap source of entertainment and amusement. It saves us from the dull routine of life. It gives us an activity when we have nothing to do.

There are many hobbies like gardening, stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, photography, reading, etc. Everyone chooses his hobby according to this taste and requirement. Gardening is my favourite hobby. I want to relax after a day’s hard labour. Gardening makes me forget my worries and refreshes my mind.

From the garden of plants; Do I move towards the garden of inner joys; The flowers dance on leaves, And ideas dance on heartbeats and mind.

I have a beautiful lawn in my house. Whenever I can spare time, I take interest in cultivating beautiful flowers in it. I have grown flowers plants of rose, lily and sunflower. The sweet fragrance of the flowers gives me great pleasure. There is always something fresh before my eyes. It keeps me healthy, happy and fresh for the day’s labour. It is a source of physical exercise and aesthetic pleasure.

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” (Keats)

I have the tools of the gardener. I have to do a lot of work with my own hands. I prepare the land and manure it. I water my plants regularly and protect them for the extreme weather. I have prepared many beds in it. Each bed contains flowers of different shapes and colours. I have also grown vegetables for our daily use. So, we do not purchase vegetables from the market.

“Earth is here so kind, that just tickles her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest.”

Gardening is my passion. It inspires me to do something new. Whenever I cast a glance over my small beautiful lawn, my heart blossoms. With every new flower, there is new happiness. I keenly observe the process of grown and decay in nature and praise the Majesty of Allah. My hobby, gardening, keeps me in touch with nature and God.

And in my flower-beds, I think, Smile the carnation and the pink; (Rupert Brooke)

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Shopping is The Favorite Pastime For Most of the Young People – IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Oct 07, 2021

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Shopping is The Favorite Pastime For Most of the Young People – IELTS Writing Task 2

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Shopping is the favorite pastime for most young people. Why do you think that? Do you think they should be encouraged to do some other useful activities?

Direct Question essay


Sentences 1 & 2: Introduction of the topic.

Sentences 3 & 4: Reason and Solution for the stated problem.

Body Paragraph 

Paragraph 1: A higher degree of purchasing power means that people spend more time shopping.

Paragraph 2: Activities that would encourage young people to do something fruitful.

Summarize the thoughts and express the final opinion.

Sample Essay

Apparently, when people have a little extra money, they like to shop when they have spare time. As a result, it has become the most popular way to spend free time among the majority of the youth. In my opinion, it should not be a frequent occurrence, and perhaps meaningful pursuits should motivate these individuals. I will cover both aspects in the following essay.

A higher degree of purchasing power means that people spend more time shopping. The job market now offers more opportunities for employment than it did in the past, and most of them offer good salaries. It has led to people having more disposable income , and they are spending it on shopping. As people are more exposed to social media and new age advertising, they are more inclined to go shopping whenever they have the time. Social websites and search engines track people’s online behaviour and display targeted advertising to them. Therefore, even those who don’t need things end up purchasing them due to the lure of instant gratification .

Taking part in different outdoor sports, exercising, socializing , getting involved with charity works, and participating in other activities can be ways for youth to spend their leisure time more productively. It will result in a more physically and mentally fit and healthier generation, one without diseases. Furthermore, there is so much potential in young people. They can read to expand their minds and knowledge, which will enhance their abilities. So, instead of unnecessary shopping, they will be making the world a better place and optimizing their careers by participating in various important activities.

Although young people are indeed becoming more interested in frequent shopping, they need to be taught to spend their free time responsibly on activities that could benefit their health and happiness.

Meaning: not used for work Eg: You must have a spare tire with you in the car.

Meaning: the action of trying to achieve or get something Eg: She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.

  • Disposable income

Meaning: income remaining after deduction of taxes and charges, available to be spent or saved as one wishes. Eg: Some consumers spend a part of their disposable income on vacations and trips, which helps the travel industry.

Meaning: wanting to behave in a particular way Eg: The world is inclining towards organic food.

  • Search engines

Meaning: a software program that helps people find the information they are looking for online using keywords or phrases Eg: Google is one of the well-known search engines.

Meaning: to persuade or trick somebody to do something, usually by offering them something nice. Eg: An attractive window display can help to lure shoppers into the store.

  • Gratification

Meaning: satisfaction gained from the fulfillment of a desire. Eg: Due to immense gratification, he fell into the trap.

  • Socializing

Meaning: the act of meeting for social purposes Eg: Jennifer likes to socialize, while her sister hates it.

Meaning: the time when you do not have to work; free time Eg: We must use our leisure time to do something productive.

  •  Optimizing

Meaning: make the best or most effective use of Eg: We are optimizing our time in order to succeed.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Essay on my Favorite Pastime with Quotation and Outline

favorite pastime essay

  • January 5, 2024

Kainat Shakeel

In the hustle and bustle of quotidian life, chancing solace in a favorite pastime is a true blessing. A favorite pastime is not just an exertion; it’s a source of joy, relaxation, and particular fulfillment. In this essay, I will claw into the generality of a favorite pastime,  sharing in my trip in discovering, enjoying, and evolving with my chosen exertion.

Discovering My Favorite Pastime

Everyone has a unique path to discovering their favorite pastime. In my case, it was a serendipitous trip. From nonage studies to chance hassles, my pastime set up me when I least anticipated it. It’s fascinating how life can lead us to conditions that reverberate with our deepest characters. 

The joys of My fave Pastime

Engaging in my favorite pastime provides further than just a break from routine; it offers a profound sense of relaxation and stress relief. The sheer joy and particular fulfillment deduced from pursuing this exertion make it an essential part of my life. 

” The joy of connecting with like minds is the sweetest air in the symphony of life.” 

Participating my passion.

One of the beautiful aspects of having a favorite pastime is the capability to connect with such- inclined individualities. Whether through original clubs, online forums, or social media groups, participating in my passion has allowed me to make communities with people who understand and appreciate the significance of exertion in our lives. 

” Finding those who partake in your wavelength is like discovering a symphony in the chaos of life.”

Challenges and prostrating them.

While pursuing my favorite pastime, I faced challenges changing the right balance between commitments and addressing societal comprehension. prostrating these challenges needed adaptability and determination. It’s a memorial that every worthwhile pursuit comes with its share of obstacles. 

The Elaboration of My Interest

Important like life itself, my favorite pastime has evolved. Embracing this elaboration has been pivotal to maintaining my passion. Change is ineluctable, and admitting it has amended my experience, adds layers of depth and understanding to my chosen exertion. 

” The beauty of participated interests lies in the exchanges that produce bonds, weaving a shade of understanding.” 

Tips for changing your favorite pastime.

For those still searching for their perfect pastime, exploring different conditioning and being open to new guests is crucial. The trip of discovery is as important as the destination, and the process itself can be a source of joy and growth. 

” Discovering kindred souls is a treasure quest for the heart, where every connection is a priceless gem.”

Encouraging others to pursue their heartstrings.

Encouraging others to pursue their heartstrings is a responsibility we should all embrace. The benefits extend beyond particular satisfaction; they contribute to the creation of a probative and vibrant community. By fostering a terrain that celebrates different interests, we enrich the lives of those around us. 

” In the book of Friendship, participated interests are the chapters that bind us together”.

Reflection on particular growth.

My favorite pastime has been further than just a hobbyhorse; it’s been a catalyst for particular growth. Through the ups and downs, I have learned precious life assignments that extend far beyond the realm of my chosen exertion. Pursuing one’s passion can be veritably transformative, as substantiated by the following. 

In conclusion, a favorite pastime is a precious aspect of life that brings joy, relaxation, and particular fulfillment. Whether set up through serendipity or sought out designedly, the trip of discovery is as important as the destination. I encourage everyone to explore their interests, connect with such- inclined individualities, and embrace the elaboration of their heartstrings.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile Content Writer Head and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

My Favourite Pastime Essay Example

My Favourite Pastime Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (463 words)
  • Published: December 16, 2016
  • Type: Essay

I believe that sports play an important role in the physical and mental development of an individual and everyone should participate in sports in order to be healthy and physically fit. I consider cycling as my favorite pastime and this sport is very important to me. I believe that cycling can be regarded as one of my qualities as I have participated in different competitions and in certain cases I achieved a lot. Cycling can be considered as my past time but I do cycling in order to be physically fit.

Furthermore, I believe in the fact that cycling helps me a lot to overcome certain personal challenges that are associated with my life. I usually spend about 20-30 hours for cycling and this energizes me a lot and vitalizes my entire body

and mind. I believe that after cycling I can concentrate more on my studies and that is the reason why I have regarded cycling as one of the qualities. In the similar manner there are certain individuals who are considered as the giants of cycling and they are quite inspirational to me.

Lance Armstrong is my sporting hero and I have actually learned a lot from Lance Armstrong. This inspirational personality has actually developed my interest in cycling and it is just because of him that I can easily over come my personal challenges through cycling. Cycling makes me proud because I believe that it’s a simple way to get fit and you don’t have to engage in hectic exercises just a 2 hours cycling can easily nourishes your mind and it can have certain positive effects o

your soul as well.

Cycling can easily be related to my personal attributes and it gives a soothing effect to my entire personality and my overall outlook. Therefore, it can be said that I consider cycling as one of favorite pastimes and it can definitely be considered as a quality. I believe that in order to improve your reflexes and to improve the concentration level every individual should engage himself/herself in certain activities. I love sports and I am very much interested in cycling that is the reason way I give more and more time to this sport.

Although, I am not a professional of this field nor I am interested in becoming a professional but I believe that since it helps me to overcome my personal pressures and my problems that is the reason why I am giving a hefty amount of time to this sport. In the similar manner it can be said that my studies will not be affected by this and I believe that this pastime will help me a lot in concentrating on my studies and I can produce good results just because of this.

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Finest Hour 183

Books, arts, & curiosities – painting with a purpose.

Tags: About Churchill and his world Book Review Painting

Reading Time: 4 minutes

painting as a pastime

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May 6, 2019

Finest hour 183, first quarter 2019, review by david freeman.

David Cannadine, ed., Churchill: The Statesman as Artist , Bloomsbury, 2018, 172 pages, £25/$30. ISBN 978–1472945211

Writing in his famous essay Painting as a Pastime , Winston Churchill said of his favorite hobby: “I know of nothing which, without exhausting the body, more entirely absorbs the mind.”

There have been several good books that gather together examples of Churchill’s paintings . This is the first book, however, that gathers together all of Churchill’s speeches and writings about painting. It is worth reading.

Sir David Cannadine writes and speaks frequently about Churchill. As a professional historian, his resume is unsurpassed. So it is notable that he does not underestimate the importance of painting in Churchill’s life. He has never been alone. Included in this book are essays by six people from the professional art world during Churchill’s time showing their appreciation for the statesman’s passion.

favorite pastime essay

2024 International Churchill Conference

In his introduction, Cannadine observes that “Churchill spent most of his waking hours talking incessantly…painting was the only activity he seems to have carried out in concentrated peace and complete silence. It absorbed him for many continuous hours, taking his mind off everything else, and off everybody else, too—which was why he found it so therapeutic.”

Painting as a Pastime , which originated as two separate essays published before the war and then printed together in a single volume in 1948, obviously lies at the heart of this collection. The many observations therein represent Churchill’s most heartfelt thoughts on the subject, and Cannadine includes a 1950 review of the book by Eric Newton.

Readers may be surprised to learn, though, that Churchill was often invited to speak to the Royal Academy long before the Second World War. In fact, he even twice spoke to the Academy’s annual banquet at Burlington House before the First World War—before he himself had started painting. On those occasions in 1912 and 1913, however, Churchill, speaking as First Lord of the Admiralty, confined himself to brief remarks about naval matters.

Even after the Great War, when he had taken up painting as a consolation in the aftermath of the Dardanelles campaign, Churchill’s speeches to the Royal Academy initially avoided any observations about art and artists. Speaking in 1932, Churchill delivered a heavily sarcastic address comparing the Royal Academy to the “National Academy” of politics. He said of Labour leader Ramsay MacDonald, who had recently formed a National Government based on an enormous Conservative majority: “For a long time…I thought there was a good deal too much vermillion in his pictures.” Churchill then goes on to praise MacDonald for changing his style and adding to his palette so many shades of “British [read Tory] true blue.”

In the next three speeches that Churchill made to the Royal Academy before the war, he finally began to venture opinions on the canvasses displayed during the annual exhibition. Even this, however, is done with tongue firmly in cheek. “There is a strange absence of the apples, loaves, guitars and dishcloths which pervade the general run of galleries,” he dryly observed in 1932.

Churchill never pretended to be anything other than an amateur painter and did not want the art world to view him as an interloping poseur. He loved and championed painting for the relaxation that it provided him. But he also took lessons with some of the leading artists of his day and enjoyed having serious and probing discussions with them. They in turn respected his enthusiasm and his efforts, which—at their best—were very good indeed.

With some reluctance, but encouraged and guided by authorities such as Sir Kenneth Clark, Churchill allowed a few of his best paintings to be displayed at the Royal Academy. He continued to attend the annual banquet when it was revived after the Second World War, although one year he found himself embarrassed when the president, Sir Alfred Munnings, went on a drunken tirade denouncing modern art in all it forms in remarks carried live on the BBC while claiming that Churchill was in full agreement— which he was not. Munnings had to resign.


Churchill delivered his most important thoughts about art in a speech to the Royal Academy in 1953, when he said: “The function of such an institution as the Royal Academy is to hold a middle course between tradition and innovation. Without tradition art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation it is a corpse.” For Churchill, art was always a living enterprise, and we can share his enthusiasm through this wonderful collection.

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favorite pastime essay

Shopping is the favourite pastime for most of the young people. Why do you think is that? Do you think they should be encouraged to do some other useful activities?

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Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.

I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

If action is not taken soon on climate change , global warming will get worse.

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Gaming interest earns MSU student a scholarship

FallsCon and MSU Texas Esports & Gaming Club began their partnership in Fall 2023.

Blair Thacker found a home with MSU Texas Esports and Gaming after she transferred from Vernon College. Thanks to a Wichita Falls area sponsor, she also gained a scholarship after coming to Midwestern State University.

Thacker is like many students in that writing essays aren’t her favorite pastime. But she wrote an excellent essay back in 2022 and was selected as the recipient of the FallsCon Scholarship for 2022-2023 for MSU Texas Esports and Gaming.

Thacker was adjusting to paying for school at MSU Texas, and the scholarship helped her focus on her studies more, she said. Thacker’s favorite esports game is Overwatch. She also enjoys horror games like Dead by Daylight.

“Receiving the scholarship meant a lot to me,” Thacker said.

“My essay for the scholarship included how I felt that the gaming community wasn’t very inclusive to female gamers and how I was so surprised that wasn’t the case at MSU. During my time at MSU, I have been accepted with open arms. I found a place I could connect with people in a way I didn’t think possible," she said.

Karston Perry, the FallsCon Gaming Convention vice president, knows how tough it is for students and is glad those like Thacker will have some needed help at MSU Texas.

“I have an embarrassingly large amount of student debt from my time in college (not all from MSU), so I know very well what it means to have some extra cash to help, even if it’s a small amount,” Perry said. “This amount can be put towards supplies, books or even cafeteria meals, which means students can hopefully focus more on their studies instead of worrying about their bank accounts.

“And far more personally, giving back to the school that has helped give me the life I have today is an honor and a pleasure beyond words.”

Collin Thiel, the student gaming director, said student leaders and the club staff were thrilled to see FallsCon help with scholarship opportunities, and he appreciates what they have done to grow the Wichita Falls gaming community.

“It means the world to me that FallsCon generously provides scholarships to help any student in this way,” Thiel said. “My hope for the future of the MSU Texas Esports & Gaming Club’s partnership with FallsCon is that the scholarships can keep on being provided for many years to come, and more students will be able to gain this opportunity.”

Opportunity has long been a buzzword of importance for Zach Zoet, the Gaming Coordinator for MSU Texas Esports & Gaming.

He said the partnership with FallsCon came about because both are big players in the tabletop space within Wichita Falls.

“FallsCon had been successfully doing their thing for some years prior to us starting, but once we started hosting larger tabletop-themed events we eventually ran into each other and realized that we had a ton in common,” Zoet said.

“We both wanted to push to make tabletop spaces inclusive, supportive, fun and healthy," he said. "There can be a stigma associated with gaming and tabletop gaming where people feel that there are some serious barriers to entry and that they may be judged for not speaking the language of tabletop and coming ultra-prepared. And both of us felt that this was something we could use our shared reach to tackle!”

There are many MSU alums on the FallsCon leadership board.

“It was apparent that their heart was still in supporting their alma mater and students, and so we started discussing different ways to maximize this and the scholarship was born,” Zoet said.

“I view the scholarship as a necessary resource to do our part to help out students to be able to afford these increased expenses," he said. "Whereas our leaders in creating healthy tabletop spaces may have deferred purchasing additional materials to create great bonding experiences and memories with students in favor of groceries or books, now they are able to not forego these materials, groceries, or books due to the extra funds being invested precisely at the point of most impact — our students directly!”

Zoet feels FallsCon has done a great job of growing their nonprofit over the last few years, and he hopes the scholarship opportunities continue and even expand.

Perry has also been excited to see attendance grow at FallsCon from fewer than 50 attendees in 2016 to nearly 400 in 2023.

“Our goal has always been to continue to grow FallsCon and make it a must-attend event for all of Wichita Falls and Texoma,” Perry said.

“FallsCon gives our attendees opportunities to try something new in a completely judgment-free environment," Perry said. "Tabletop gaming can be intimidating for some folks, but we pride our event on being a great place for families with folks from all kinds of experience and interest levels to come together and spend an afternoon, a day or even a weekend having a great time. From a massive board game library to a video game arcade to some great shopping, our goal is to have something for just about everyone.”

Thacker wanted to encourage young gamers to write their essay and apply for the scholarship.

“The essay seems scary and long, but it is definitely worth it,” she said.


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  21. Shopping is the favourite pastime for most of the young ...

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  24. Gaming interest earns MSU student a scholarship

    Thacker is like many students in that writing essays aren't her favorite pastime. But she wrote an excellent essay back in 2022 and was selected as the recipient of the FallsCon Scholarship for ...