How to Package Your Interior Design Concepts in a Presentation

How to Package Your Interior Design Concepts in a Presentation

Presentations are a common tool used in business, particularly sales, marketing and even public relations. But presentations can be a valuable asset for many unexpected industries, including interior design. Representing visual ideas in an interior design presentation can improve the chances of landing an important project. Not only can designers package their ideas and concepts in an engaging visual presentation, but digital interior design presentations also provide potential clients with an idea of what they can expect from a project.

How do you present interior design concepts in a way that closes the deal? After all, an interior designer needs to not only pitch their services but also introduce their ideas and showcase their portfolios. Fortunately, all of those factors can be clearly communicated in a visual presentation designed with PowerPoint-alternative software .

Presentations help designers pitch their services

Much like any other business professional, a designer can use a presentation to pitch their services to potential clients. Sales proposals help demonstrate how a business, product or service can positively influence clients, investors and potential partners. Successful sales proposals and pitch presentations feature straightforward messages, impactful visual elements and specific data that references a company’s strengths.

Designers can use sales proposal presentations to respond to requested proposals, communicate their proposed design concepts and pitch ideas and design strategies to potential clients. By using a sales proposal template , interior designers can benefit from a streamlined creation process. Instead of starting with a series of blank slides, a sales proposal template features perfectly curated slides that already feature all the essential placement and design elements that designers can fill with customized content.

Designers don’t have to stick to the slides included in a sales proposal template. They can also promote their services by customizing any number of pitch deck styles. By personalizing a pitch deck template, creative professionals can impress potential clients and close more deals. users can choose between a general pitch deck template or customize one of many PowerPoint makeovers of pitch decks used by some of the world’s most successful brands.

Presentations allow designers to introduce their ideas

How does an interior designer introduce their visual ideas to a client? Creative professionals commonly use mood boards to visually convey their ideas about a new project. These valuable tools, also known as inspiration boards, typically feature representations of color schemes, materials and textures, as well as furniture and décor. Because mood boards are easy to create using presentation software, designers can make multiple versions to offer clients flexibility.

An effective mood board presentation template allows designers to organize their ideas and keep their inspiration in a concise deck they can share with teams, partners and potential clients. Fortunately, creative professionals don’t have to know how to make an interior design presentation board from scratch. With’s customizable mood board template , interior designers have everything they need for an effective mood board presentation, including slides for everything from background information to colors to photography.

The mood board presentation template also helps creative professionals add various elements of inspiration to help inform new designs while creating a comprehensive guide to reference throughout the course of a new project. A mood board presentation even allows designers to brainstorm and share their ideas with other stakeholders.

Presentations help designers showcase their portfolios

As any creative professional can attest, a strong and engaging portfolio is a vital element of their success. Potential clients and prospective partners want to see designers’ skills and experiences with their own eyes. Gone are the days when visual artists and designers had to carry around physical portfolios filled with snapshots and visual examples of their work history. By creating a digital portfolio using presentation software, creative professionals can design a memorable visual resume to dazzle clients.

Creating a digital portfolio presentation can be simple for interior designers using PowerPoint-alternative software like The creative portfolio template helps designers showcase their work and skills while highlighting their specific creative styles. The template includes slides perfectly curated to highlight past work and professional skills, as well as connect with potential clients.

By customizing the creative portfolio template, designers can impress potential clients and employers with a readable, eye-catching digital portfolio. Since first impressions are vital in the creative professions, the template helps create a digital portfolio presentation that shines a spotlight on a designer’s best work for the best possible impact.

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha is an independent journalist, editor, blogger and content manager. Examples of her published work can be found at sites including the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Buzzfeed.

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Interior Design Moodboard Template

Interior Design Moodboard Template, within the Milanote app

Communicate the feel of an interior space

An interior design moodboard is a great way to collect inspiration, explore ideas and set the tone for an interior design project. Drag in product shots, on-site photography, fabric and texture samples, and arrange them on the free-form canvas. Milanote handles images, videos, links and text, so you can really bring your ideas to life. Building a dynamic vision for your project is simple, and with Milanote's integrated image search, you can find the perfect images without even leaving your board.

This template is part of the Interior Designers collection.

  • Explore ideas
  • Organize visually
  • Share with your team & clients
  • Gather feedback
  • Export to PDF

How to use this template

Whether you're styling a living room or fitting out a restaurant, the first step is to visualize how it could look. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn the modern process of creating an interior design moodboard for your project in Milanote, a free tool used by top creatives.

1. Start with an empty template

The Interior Design Moodboard template contains beautifully composed placeholders for images, video, color swatches and notes. Just drag and drop your content onto the board to create a moodboard in minutes.

Interior design moodboard template step01

Create a new board for your moodboard.

Create a new board

Drag a board out from the toolbar. Give it a name, then double click to open it.

Choose the  Interior Design Moodboard  template.

Choose a template

Each new board gives you the option to start with a beautiful template.

2. Collect existing material

Now that you've chosen a moodboard template, start adding any existing material you have. This might include specific direction from your client or parts of the brief that will inspire you and keep you on track. Next, add any products or references you've received from your client. These might not make it into the final moodboard, but they're still a great place to start.

Interior design moodboard template step02

Drag files from your computer onto the board.

Upload a file or document

Click the "Upload" button or just drag a file onto your board. You can add images, logos, documents, videos, audio and much more.

2. Add inspiring imagery

The imagery you choose to include in your moodboard can have a big influence on the look and feel of your project, so choose carefully! These images can define things like materials, mood, lighting, and color. Use Milanote's built-in image library, draw from your own bookmarks or save visual inspiration from around the web with Milanote's Web Clipper .

Interior design moodboard template step03

Use the built-in image library.

Use the built-in image library

Search over 3 million beautiful, free photos then drag images straight onto your board. Powered by Pexels.

Install the Milanote Web Clipper

Save images from other websites straight to your board.

Save content from the web

With the Web Clipper installed, roll over an image (or highlight text), click Save, then choose the destination in Milanote. Return to your board and find the content in the "Unsorted" column on the right.

4. Experiment with color

Color can be a great way to express a particular feel, personality or energy. As painter Johannes Itten said, “Color is life.”

Tools like Kuler can be a handy starting point for finding colors that complement the space you're working with. Another trick is to pick colors directly from the images on the board using Swatch cards.

Interior design moodboard template step04

Add a color swatch to a board.

Add a color swatch

Drag a Color Swatch card onto your board from the left-hand toolbar. Double-click the swatch to choose a different color.

5. Share your moodboard

Once you have all your inspiration in one place, it's a great time to share the moodboard with your team or client. Encourage them to add feedback and build on your ideas. It's important that everyone agrees on the general visual direction at the moodboard stage. It lets you begin the design phase confident that you're on the right track.

Interior design moodboard template step07

Start your Moodboard

Communicate the feel of an interior space.

Sign up for free with no time limit

creative interior design presentation board

Milanote is where creative professionals organize their most important work.

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Unleashing Creativity: The Power of Interior Design Presentation Boards

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will transform your interior design projects? Look no further than the captivating world of interior design

July 25, 2023

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will transform your interior design projects? Look no further than the captivating world of interior design presentation boards. These visual masterpieces are not only a feast for the eyes but also an invaluable tool for designers to communicate their vision effectively. In this article, we will delve into the art of creating mesmerizing presentation boards that will captivate your clients and bring your designs to life.

Interior design presentation boards are more than just a compilation of images and materials; they are a work of art that tells a story. By carefully curating a selection of samples, fabrics, colors, and images, designers can create a visually stunning representation of their design concept. These boards serve as a tangible and tactile representation of the final product, allowing clients to envision their dream space in a way that no digital rendering can replicate.

Table of Contents

The Basics of Interior Design Presentation Boards

In this section, we will explore the fundamental elements of a compelling presentation board. From layout techniques to suitable materials, discover how to create a visually cohesive and impactful board that showcases your design expertise.

Layout Techniques: Guiding the Eye

When it comes to designing a presentation board, the layout is crucial in guiding the viewer’s eye and conveying your design concept effectively. Consider the flow of information and strategically place elements to create a visual hierarchy. Start by determining the focal point of your board and build around it. Use lines, shapes, and spacing to create balance and harmony, ensuring that each element complements the overall composition.

The Power of White Space

White space, also known as negative space, is the empty space surrounding your design elements. While it may seem counterintuitive, white space is a powerful tool that can enhance the impact of your presentation board. It provides visual breathing room, allowing your design elements to stand out and capture attention. Embrace white space strategically, using it to highlight important information or create a sense of elegance and sophistication.

Choosing Suitable Materials

The choice of materials for your presentation board can greatly influence its overall aesthetic and tactile appeal. Consider the theme and style of your design when selecting materials. For a sleek and modern look, opt for materials like acrylic or metal. If your design leans towards a rustic or natural aesthetic, incorporate elements like wood or textured fabrics. Experiment with different materials to add depth and visual interest to your board, creating a multisensory experience for the viewer.

Crafting a Color Palette That Speaks Volumes

Colors have the power to evoke emotions and set the tone of a space. In this session, we will guide you through the process of selecting a color palette that not only complements your design but also resonates with your client’s personality and preferences.

The Psychology of Color

Understanding the psychology of color is essential in creating a color palette that communicates the desired mood and atmosphere. Different colors evoke different emotions and have the ability to influence our perception of a space. For example, warm colors like red and orange can create a cozy and inviting ambiance, while cool colors like blue and green can promote a sense of calm and tranquility. Consider the purpose and function of the space you are designing when selecting colors, ensuring they align with the desired emotional response.

Harmonizing Colors: The Color Wheel

The color wheel is a valuable tool in creating a harmonious color palette. It consists of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, which can be combined in various ways to create different effects. Explore different color schemes such as complementary, analogous, or monochromatic to find the perfect balance for your design. Consider the proportions of each color in your palette to create a visually pleasing and balanced composition.

The Power of Accent Colors

Accent colors are a great way to add pops of visual interest and create focal points in your presentation board. These colors should be used sparingly to draw attention to specific elements or areas of your design. Select accent colors that complement the main color palette and create a sense of excitement and energy. Experiment with different shades and intensities to find the perfect balance between subtlety and impact.

Tactile Textures: Adding Depth to Your Presentation Boards

Texture is a key element in interior design, bringing depth and visual interest to a space. Learn how to incorporate various textures into your presentation boards to create a multisensory experience that leaves a lasting impression on your clients.

Exploring Different Texture Types

Textures can be classified into various categories, including smooth, rough, glossy, matte, and tactile. Each texture type evokes a different sensory experience and can convey a particular mood or style. Experiment with materials like fabrics, wallpapers, tiles, and natural elements to introduce different textures to your presentation board. Consider the tactile qualities of the materials and how they contribute to the overall sensory experience.

Creating Visual Contrast

Contrasting textures can create visual interest and elevate the impact of your presentation board. Pair smooth and sleek materials with rough and textured elements to create a dynamic and visually engaging composition. Consider the juxtaposition of materials like glass and wood or velvet and metal to add depth and intrigue. Visual contrast not only adds aesthetic value but also allows clients to better understand the tactile experience of the space you are designing.

Using Texture to Convey Style

Texture can be a powerful tool in conveying the style and character of a design. A sleek and polished texture may evoke a modern and minimalist aesthetic, while distressed or weathered textures can suggest a rustic or industrial style. Consider the overall theme and mood of your design when selecting textures for your presentation board. By carefully curating a collection of textures, you can transport your clients into the envisioned space and allow them to experience the design concept on a sensory level.

The Art of Visual Storytelling

Great design tells a story, and your presentation board is the perfect medium to convey that narrative. Discover how to weave a compelling tale through the careful selection and arrangement of images, creating an emotional connection with your audience.

Curating a Visual Narrative

Begin by defining the story you want to tell through your presentation board. Consider the inspiration behind your design, the intended atmosphere, and the emotions you want to evoke. Then, select images that align with your narrative and effectively communicate your design concept. Each image should contribute to the overall story and seamlessly flow from one to the next. Arrange the images in a way that guides the viewer through the journey of your design, creating a sense of anticipation and discovery.

Creating Emotional Connections

Your presentation board should evoke emotions and create a connection between the viewer and your design. Consider the target audience and their aspirations, desires, and needs. Select images that resonate with your clients on a personal level and reflect their lifestyle and preferences. By tapping into their emotions and aspirations, you can create a powerful bond that goes beyond the visual appeal of your design. Allow your presentation board to ignite their imagination and inspire them to envision themselves in the space you have created.

Telling a Story with Captions

Captions can further enhance the storytelling aspect of your presentation board. Use concise and descriptive captions to provide context and highlight key design elements or features. Caption each image or group of images, explaining their significance and how they contribute to the overall design concept. Consider the tone and language used in your captions, ensuring they align with the desired atmosphere and style of your design.

Elevating Your Board with Innovative Materials

Push the boundaries of traditional presentation boards by exploring unconventional materials and techniques. From eco-friendly options to incorporating technology, this session will inspire you to think outside the box and create boards that truly stand out.

Eco-Friendly Materials

Incorporating eco-friendly materials into your presentation boards not only showcases your commitment to sustainability but also adds a unique and organic touch. Consider materials like recycled paper or cork, which can be used as backdrops or as part of your design elements. Explore sustainable alternatives to traditional materials, such as bamboo or reclaimed wood, to create a visually appealing and environmentally conscious presentation board.

Interactive Elements

Introducing interactive elements into your presentation board can create a memorable and engaging experience for your clients. Consider incorporating technology, such as screens or touch-sensitive panels, to showcase 3D renderings, virtual tours, or interactive mood boards. These elements allow clients to immerse themselves in the design and interact with different aspects of the space. By embracing innovative materials and technology, you can elevate your presentation board and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Unconventional Textures and Finishes

Experimenting with unconventional textures and finishes can add a unique and unexpected element to your presentation board. Consider materials like metallic foils, embossed papers, or even 3D-printed elements to create visual interest and tactile appeal. Incorporate unconventional finishes like high-gloss or iridescent surfaces to add a touch of luxury and sophistication. These unexpected elements can captivate your clients and make your presentation board truly unforgettable.

Organizing Your Board: Layout and Composition

Master the art of layout and composition to create visually balanced and harmonious presentation boards. We will share tips and tricks to guide your eye through the board, ensuring that every element is strategically placed for maximum impact.

Grid-based Layouts

Using a grid-based layout can provide structure and organization to your presentation board. Divide the board into a grid of equally sized sections and place your design elements within these sections. This will create a sense of order and coherence, making it easier for viewers to navigate the board and understand the different components of your design. Experiment with different grid configurations, such as a symmetrical grid for a formal and balanced look or an asymmetrical grid for a more dynamic and energetic composition.

Hierarchy and Scale

Establishing a hierarchy and scale within your presentation board is crucial in guiding the viewer’s attention and emphasizing key design elements. Consider the importance of each element and adjust their size and placement accordingly. Larger elements will naturally draw more attention, so use them strategically to highlight important features or concepts. Create a visual flow by arranging elements in a way that leads the viewer from one section to the next, ensuring a smooth and engaging viewing experience.

Visual Balance and Harmony

Achieving visual balance and harmony is essential in creating a pleasing and cohesive presentation board. Balance can be achieved through symmetry, where elements are evenly distributed on both sides of the board, or through asymmetry, where elements of varying sizes and visual weight are carefully arranged to create equilibrium. Consider the placement of colors, textures, and images to maintain a sense of harmony throughout the board. Step back and assess the overall composition to ensure that all elements work harmoniously together.

Showcasing Your Design Process

A presentation board is more than just a final product; it is a glimpse into your design journey. Learn how to showcase your design process through sketches, renderings, and mock-ups, allowing clients to appreciate the thought and effort behind your creative decisions.

The Power of Sketches

Sketches are an essential part of the design process and can effectively convey the initial ideas and concepts behind your design. Include sketches on your presentation board to showcase the evolution of your design, from rough sketches to more refined iterations. These sketches provide insight into your creative process and illustrate the thought and care that goes into each design decision. Highlight key sketches that capture the essence of your design and explain their significance in your design narrative.

Renderings and Visualizations

Renderings and visualizations are invaluable tools in helping clients envision the final outcome of a design. Include high-quality renderings or digital visualizations on your presentation board to provide a realistic representation of the space. These visualizations can help clients understand the scale, proportions, and spatial relationships within the design. Consider incorporating different viewpoints or perspectives to showcase various aspects of the space and highlight specific design features.

Mock-ups and Material Samples

Physical mock-ups and material samples add a tactile dimension to your presentation board, allowing clients to interact with different materials and textures. Include small samples of materials such as fabrics, wallpapers, or flooring options to give clients a sense of the textures and finishes you envision for the space. Create mini mock-ups of furniture or architectural elements to help clients visualize how these elements will fit into the overall design. These tangible elements provide a hands-on experience and further reinforce your design concept.

Captivating Typography: The Power of Words

Typography is not to be overlooked when it comes to presentation boards. Discover how to choose the right fonts and use typography to convey the mood and personality of your design. Whether it’s elegant and sophisticated or bold and playful, let your words speak volumes.

Choosing the Right Fonts

The choice of fonts can greatly influence the overall aesthetic and tone of your presentation board. Consider the style and personality of your design when selecting fonts. For a classic and elegant look, opt for serif fonts. Sans-serif fonts, on the other hand, convey a modern and clean aesthetic. Experiment with different font pairings to create contrast and visual interest. Ensure that the chosen fonts are legible and easy to read, even from a distance.

Typography Hierarchy

Establishing a hierarchy within your typography can guide the viewer’s attention and emphasize important information. Use different font sizes, weights, or styles to create visual contrast. Important headlines or key points can be highlighted with bold or italicized fonts. Ensure that the hierarchy is consistent throughout the board and aligns with the overall composition. Consider the placement of text in relation to other design elements to maintain a harmonious balance.

Conveying Mood and Personality

Typography can be a powerful tool in conveying the mood and personality of your design. The choice of fonts and the way text is presented can evoke different emotions or associations. Consider the overall atmosphere and style of your design when selecting fonts. Playful and whimsical fonts may be suitable for a children’s space, while elegant and refined fonts may be more appropriate for a luxury setting. Use typography to reinforce the narrative of your design and create a cohesive visual language.

Perfecting Your Presentation Skills

You’ve created a stunning presentation board, but now it’s time to present it to your clients. In this final session, we will provide you with tips and techniques to confidently present your board, effectively communicate your design vision, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Practice and Preparation

Before presenting your board, practice your presentation thoroughly to ensure a smooth and confident delivery. Familiarize yourself with the content on the board, including the images, captions, and key design concepts. Anticipate potential questions or concerns that clients may have and prepare thoughtful and concise responses. Rehearse your presentation in front of a mirror or with a trusted colleague to refine your delivery and gestures.

Engage and Connect with Your Audience

Engaging your audience is essential in capturing their attention and maintaining their interest throughout the presentation. Use storytelling techniques to introduce your design concept and explain the inspiration behind your choices. Encourage your clients to ask questions and share their thoughts and ideas. Listen actively and respond thoughtfully, demonstrating your expertise and willingness to collaborate. Establishing a connection with your audience will create a positive and memorable experience.

Visual Aids and Supporting Materials

In addition to your presentation board, consider using visual aids or supporting materials to enhance your presentation. These can include additional renderings, floor plans, or material samples. Visual aids can help clients visualize the design in more detail and provide a tangible reference point during the presentation. Be prepared to explain and discuss these materials, highlighting their relevance and how they contribute to the overall design concept.

In conclusion, interior design presentation boards are a powerful tool that allows designers to unleash their creativity and effectively communicate their design concepts. By incorporating the elements discussed in this article, you can create captivating boards that captivate clients, elevate your designs, and ultimately boost your success in the interior design industry. Let your presentation boards be a testament to your design expertise and a catalyst for turning visions into reality.

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6 Tips for Creating and Presenting a Design Board to Your Interior Design Client

Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by SampleBoard

Tips for Creating and Presenting a Design Board to Your Interior Design Client

The first step of a successful design project is coming up with an inspiring idea. Great ideas are hard to come by, and if you have got one, you are already halfway through. Still, there is the lion’s share of work ahead, and that is successfully presenting your idea to a client. Fortunately, unlike coming up with the design, presenting it is not a matter of creativity and talent, rather a matter of learning and knowledge. Although all interior designers have different approaches to projects, there are some usual guidelines that should help you find your way.

Content Is the Key

You probably already know how to make design schematics for a project, but it is important to stress out that the very appearance of the board falls behind comparing to quality content. A good rule of thumb is that the center of the board should present some sort of summary positioned into the visual focus. This summary is a good starting point for the presentation.

Keep the Boards Consistent

In most projects, you will be required to present several schematics detailing a variety of aspects of the project. For example, you may show off material boards, technical specifications, color boards, 3D drawings, etc. These boards should be visually similar (color scheme, font size, title style, same layouts, consistent style of the images). It is always useful (especially for beginners) to use a software that offers prepared collage templates and stick to it. Although these programs usually require paying subscription, you can sign up for your 14 day free trial , and see how our software suits you.

Scandi Style

Cues on Making a Perfect Board

Start with something that inspires you. It can be a color, photograph, work of art or fabric. Layout the room and place and scale the furniture accurately. You can do that by hand sketching or with dedicated software. Both sketching and using a computer program require some expertise that can be learned in a design school . Finally, you should add personality to your board with accent furniture pieces or standout accessory items.

Preparation Is Confidence and Confidence Is Everything

One last thing is left to be done: the actual presentation of the prepared board to the client. If you have invested a lot of time and energy in creating the schematics, you probably know all you need to know about the project. Still, you should prepare your speech. If you are well prepared, you will be confident, and confidence is the key unlocking every social interaction. Also, enthusiasm is contagious, so show your client just how important the project is to you.

Structuring Is Essential Part of Preparation

Preparation isn’t only learning everything there is to know about the project. You should structure your pitch to make it clear and interesting. That means that your presentation should include the most important observation from your research, your conclusion based on that, the design concept in a few sentences, the way the concept will be conveyed, and the takeaway for the consumer.

Concept Board

Forge a Connection with the Client

When presenting the idea, you should know which present person has the most influence on accepting the design concept. If it is a company, find out who is the decision-maker when it comes to design, if you are presenting to spouses, try to grasp which of them is more interested. After you’ve got that figured out, tailor your presentation to the right person. When working for a company, check business executives’ LinkedIn profiles to find out if there is a special sports team they prefer or some interesting hobby that could help you get to know them better and have a good idea who you are selling to. Combine well thought-out small-talk and a hard-hitting design idea.

A good idea is the beginning of a great project, but all of your efforts will go down the drain if you don’t know how to pitch that idea to a client. These were some tips on how to do that successfully, but try to approach them uniquely, showing off something that separates your design from everyone’s else.

creative interior design presentation board

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  • Branding and Marketing for Interior Designers
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  • Design Presentation Templates
  • Mood Board and Flat Lay Templates
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Interior Design

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creative interior design presentation board

How to Create an Interior Design Mood Board


A mood board is your blank canvas for storing ideas and curating your most stylish interior design looks. Follow our step-by-step guide here to create a professional mood board to inspire and support your interior designs 

Whether you’re redesigning a room in your own home or working on an interior design project for a client, a mood board is a perfect way to collect inspiration, curate a specific look, and share your vision with others. 

In this guide, we’ll be walking you through exactly what you need to do to create a stylish, coherent, and professional-looking mood board that will do justice to your interior design ideas. We’ll also be outlining the top mood board software and tools that will make it easier for you to curate your project and manage the process from start to end.  

Here’s exactly what we’ll be covering. 

  • What is a mood board in interior design?  
  • How to create an interior design mood board  
  • What are the benefits of using an interior design mood board?  
  • Advantages of a physical mood board  
  • Advantages of a digital mood board  
  • Popular mood board tools and software  

Ready to get started? Then, let’s go. 

What is a Mood Board in Interior Design? 

A mood board, sometimes known as an inspiration board or an interior design mood board, is a visual collection of the design elements a designer is considering to include in their interior design project. It can be a physical mood board, such as a collage, or a digital version, such as a PDF. A mood board is typically made up of selected pictures, photographs, materials, colors, textiles, and ideas that the interior designer feels inspired by and which they feel could feed into the end design. As the mood board evolves, the images and ideas are curated to communicate a specific look. While the creation of the mood board helps a designer work out their ideas and decide what might or might not work, the final mood board is also extremely useful as a tool to communicate the designer’s vision of the interior to clients, team members, or other stakeholders.

creative interior design presentation board

Whether you’re hoping to gather ideas for a revamp of your own home or learning this essential interior design skill for professional reasons, we’ve compiled the steps you need to take to put together an interior design mood board that will both inspire your project and keep you and your collaborators on the right track. 

Let’s dive right into it!

1. Choose the room you want to design or redesign

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to be clear about the scope of your project before starting a mood board. Make sure to decide at the outset which room or space you want to create a mood board and stick to it.  An interior design mood board with a defined scope, e.g. a bedroom, enables more creative freedom within the boundaries you have set, while a mood board that tries to cover too many rooms or topics will quickly overwhelm you, confuse collaborators, and negatively impact your productivity. 

2. Decide on your tools

Once you’ve decided on the room or scope of your design, your next step is deciding on the interior design tools you might use to create your mood board. Points to bear in mind when choosing your mood board tool include cost, collaboration functions, ease of use, access to image libraries, and whether the tool is designed for total beginners or professional interior designers. We’ll be diving into the details of a few different tools, such as Canva, Pinterest, and Morpholio Board, later in this post. 

3. Decide on the layout of the mood board

The layout of the different elements on your mood board will determine how it is going to look. If you are working on a project for a client, the appearance of your mood board will be particularly important, as you will be using it to communicate your vision and get their buy-in. There are several factors to consider when it comes to the layout of your mood board. The following descriptions represent different ways you may wish to present your ideas.

  • Sectioned by emotion
  • In a linear fashion
  • In a state of organized chaos
  • Dominated by an overall theme
  • Divided into different themes 
  • Divided into areas of the room 
  • Divided into types of elements, such as furniture, color schemes, accessories, or textiles 
  • Just images
  • Using images and words 

4. Gather inspirational images

Now that you’ve got a good understanding of how you’re going to curate your mood board, the fun can start! This step in the process involves gathering images, words, and phrases that communicate how you envision the space. While some people prefer to simply gather inspirational images first and categorize them later, others prefer to create a list of keywords or phrases to work from first as it can make the process a little more manageable and prevents information (or image) overload. 

When gathering your images, cast your net wide. While searching for images on Google is great as a starting point, don’t be afraid to look at old photos, newspapers, or magazines too. Free image sites such as Pinterest and Unsplash are also good resources for finding thought-provoking and emotionally arousing images that lend themselves to the theme you are hoping to represent. Finally, don’t be afraid to take inspiration from your own life. When out for a walk, you may notice autumnal leaves, a red brick building, or a vintage bicycle; photographs of which can all be used on your mood board. 

5. Save your ideas

This one might sound obvious too, but don’t forget to save the images that you find! If you’re taking physical clippings from magazines, keep them in a folder or file, while digital photographs can be saved to the cloud or your computer hard drive. If you’re collecting images online, many digital mood board tools will enable you to save your images before you get to the curation part of the process by tagging them as “favorites” or something similar. Once you have this library of images, you’re in a much stronger position to select the right pieces for your curated mood board. 

6. Choose a style/s

With all of your materials gathered in one place, you can start to zoom in on a particular style or aesthetic that speaks to you. If you’ve not done this already, a good rule of thumb is to separate the images you have into different style categories such as farmhouse, traditional, shabby chic, contemporary, minimalist, and so on. While some interior designers prefer to stick to just one style for a space, this is by no means the only way to go. With careful curation, mixing styles can produce a beautiful and unique aesthetic too.  

7. Select your color scheme

Your color palette will set the tone for the entire space you are redesigning which is why it’s hugely important to get it right. This stage in the process is the perfect time for experimenting with different hues, shades, and gradients to find out which color combinations meet your or your client's needs before you commit to a color design decision. Take inspiration from the ideas and images you’ve already saved as well as from the general mood you want to create for the space. You may be drawn to romantic tones such as peach or burgundy for a bedroom, for example, or want to try out warm tones such as rust or mahogany for a living area. Earthy tones such as brown and clay can be great in a bathroom, while fresh-feeling colors such as off-white and ivory can work well in a kitchen. 

Remember, you won’t be using just one color in the room you are designing. You’ll want to choose two or more colors, with one acting as the base and the others used to complement it. 

8. Coordinate all elements 

Now that you’re clear on your desired style and color scheme for the room, you can start to curate the images you’ve found to see what can be eliminated and what can be kept. If your chosen style is minimalist and your color palette is gray, white, and beige, you’ll want to keep images of furniture and textiles that match this aesthetic. You needn’t be too strict, however. The goal is to design a space that you (or your clients) love and, although you’ll want cohesion and consistency within your chosen style and color palette, don’t worry too much if everything doesn’t match perfectly. Your (or your clients’) individual preferences should also come into play, so get creative with the images you’ve collected and figure out what works best for you. Once the final images are selected, you can simply arrange them artfully in the layout you chose in Step 3. 

What are the Benefits of Using an Interior Design Mood Board? 

Ideating with a physical interior design moodboard

Let’s take a look at why an interior design mood board makes sense when planning a room redesign for yourself or a client. 

A place to gather ideas and inspiration 

First and foremost, your mood board is a place to gather ideas and inspiration. You’ll be storing all of your inspirational images, photographs, colors, and textiles that you’ve unearthed from a wide range of sources. For those working in teams, a mood board is a great collection point for all of the team’s ideas. Designers, clients, contractors, and other team members can throw their ideas down on the mood board and refer back to the ideas provided by others involved in the project to better understand what they find inspirational for the space.

Helps you build a story

A mood board is a blank page on which you tell the story of your design. By eliminating any pieces that no longer fit the project and adding new ones that are more in line with the style and story that’s evolving, you’re able to create a narrative that can be communicated to stakeholders and clients. Each design element will tell a story; showcasing a specific lifestyle, era, signature style, personal taste, and mood, while all of the elements combined will tell the complete story of the space you are redesigning. 

Assists with planning 

Although a mood board is considerably more abstract than a blueprint or 3D drawing, it supports the planning process considerably by getting everybody on the same page from day one. When everyone is aligned on the concept, story, style, theme, and mood of a space, it makes it considerably easier to get a sign-off from each stakeholder on the more detailed design plans that come next. When it comes to making decisions on the furniture style, color scheme, and fixtures you plan to use, a mood board can also help provide some concrete visual guidance. 

Provides visual clarity

A mood board is a great device for visually communicating ideas between designers and their clients and/or teams. Amid a long design project, the mood board provides a perfect visual reference that all stakeholders can refer back to as a reminder of the original concept and themes. Unlike a written description of an idea, the mood board provides instant clarity of how the space should be evolving. By having this reference point, it’s easier for the team to stay true to agreed-upon ideas and quickly and easily refresh their memories when needed. 

Supports collaboration 

One of the key advantages of using a mood board in your interior design work is that it encourages more collaboration between stakeholders. When the creation of the mood board is undertaken as a team, the board becomes a common ground for different stakeholder ideas to be seen and taken into account. As the board becomes more refined and curated, collaboration is further supported. This is because the board helps each team member to be aligned on the agreed-upon ideas, it provides a mutual reference point to return to, and it assists those who learn more effectively with visual clues. 

Advantages of a Physical Mood Board 

While these days we’re used to performing many design tasks from our laptops, there are several upsides to creating a physical interior design mood board. The ability to touch and feel a physical mood board is one key advantage. Rather than limiting your inspirational elements to flat photographs or images, a physical mood board can include fabric samples or textured wallpaper cuttings which enable a client to get a feel–in the literal sense!–of the room being designed. 

As a presentation tool , a physical mood board can be extremely persuasive. This is because it is much closer to the reality of the project than a digital mood board can be thanks to the inclusion of real elements such as textiles and wallpapers. While a digital mood board can share these ideas as images, seeing, for example, a swathe of yellow velvet in a photograph and seeing (and feeling it) in person can be two very different experiences. The physical experience of it will be much more representative of how it will look and feel and can therefore, as part of a presentation, be much more effective as a way to get buy-in from a client. 

A physical mood board creates boundaries and limitations for your ideas . This is in contrast to a digital mood board that can incorporate as many ideas as you dream up. The limitations provided by a physical mood board can actually benefit an interior designer and the overall design process as it prevents information overload and provides a framework for creativity. 

Advantages of a Digital Mood Board 

A digital interior design moodboard

Now that we’ve seen the benefits of using a physical mood board, let’s dive into why you might want to try out a digital mood board for your interior design project . First of all, a digital mood board is accessible whenever you need it and wherever you are. If you’re feeling inspired while on a trip you can upload new images or start playing around with the layout at the click of a button. 

A digital mood board is also highly collaborative. You can share progress with team members or project stakeholders as you move through each step of the process. They can access the board, edit it, and contribute their ideas. This can be particularly beneficial at the idea-gathering stage, where the more different inputs you get, the more varied the outcome will be. For clients, enabling collaboration can help them feel like their contribution is both heard and valued, too. 

Have you considered incorporating audio or video into your mood board? While a physical mood board is limited to flat images or real-world elements, a digital mood board can include more dynamic elements like music-which can be a great way to create an atmosphere,  or video to transport the viewer directly to a time or place that could inspire the design. 

Finally, a digital mood board can be easily edited, changed, and added to . Whether large or small, changes you wish to make to your mood board can be quickly applied thanks to digital tools. Adopting the same changes on a physical mood board could set a project back by weeks due to the scale and effort involved. 

Popular Mood Board Tools and Software 

In this last section, we want to run through some of the most popular mood board tools and software available so you can get an idea of the sort of technology that’s available to assist you with this creative process. 

The digital graphic design platform, Canva, is used by designers from different spheres to create graphics and presentations. While Canva does provide users with a blank canvas mood board that is easy to populate with ideas and inspiration, for those with lesser experience the platform also offers a range of helpful mood board templates, design elements, and fonts. The drag-and-drop function means the usability of Canva for beginners is also very good. 

Pinterest is an image-sharing and social media platform that enables the discovery of images and information in the form of pinboards. Ideal for the curation of a mood board, the platform offers users a fantastically diverse collection of images, GIFs, and videos that can be easily saved and added to user collections. With images already organized by theme, it’s easy for users to find exactly what they are looking for.

Morpholio Board

Morpholio Board is a platform specifically designed for the creation of stunning, digital interior design mood boards. Users can effortlessly discover images and ideas, design layouts that express the key messages they want to get across and present their mood boards to multiple stakeholders, with the additional option of collaboration across teams. Accessible via iPhone, Mac, and iPad, Morpholio Board combines image libraries with a distinctive mood board and digital tools enabling users to design or present from wherever they want. 


For the interior designer, home stager, stylist, or wedding planner, SampleBoard enables industry experts to quickly create professional-looking mood boards that can be shared easily with clients. Collaboration and community are key aspects of SampleBoard’s offering, with users encouraged to follow and connect with fellow designers and, in doing so, find more opportunities to get inspired. 

This free, web-based mood board creator enables you to export your mood board in a variety of formats, provides an unlimited canvas, and, thanks to a handy Chrome extension, enables you to select any image from any web page and add it to your board in seconds. Other tools include cropping, resizing, and even image background removal thanks to a smart AI function. 


We hope that, with our detailed guide, you now feel confident in creating your very own interior design mood board. Whether you’re hoping to tackle a redesign in your own home or you’re working in interior design professionally, a mood board provides the ideal platform for collecting, curating, and presenting your ideas. 

Thanks to the large number of free digital tools and image libraries available online, you're in a great position to experiment with the design elements that really inspire you and curate a stylish mood board that fully and effectively communicates your unique interior design vision. 

To delve deeper into interior design, visit our blog , or consider the following:

  • Watch this session by Snehanshu Mukherjee, Founding Partner at T.E.A.M and Mansi Almadi, an Interior Designer at Studio Lotus
  • Talk to a course advisor to discuss how you can transform your career with one of our courses.
  • Check out our Interior Design courses - all courses are taught through live, interactive classes by industry experts.
  • Take advantage of the scholarship and funding options that come with our courses to overcome any financial hurdle on the path of your career transformation.

Note: All information and/or data from external sources is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication.

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creative interior design presentation board

How to Create a Professional Interior Design Presentation in 6 Steps – Cedreo

Interior designers love coming up with fun and interesting ideas for their clients’ homes. However, it’s important not just to have those ideas in mind, but to clearly communicate them to clients through an interior design presentation. When your clients see a detailed representation of the completed project, it’s easier for them to get excited about it and make better design decisions. Better interior design presentations reduce back-and-forth, streamline communication, and help you close more deals. Fortunately, with design software like Cedreo, it’s easier than ever to create professional interior design presentations that wow your clients. Ready to take your interior design projects to the next level and start landing more clients? Check out this 5-minute read with some pro tips for your next interior design presentation.

What’s Included in an Interior Design Presentation?

Depending on your client’s needs, an interior design presentation could include several different elements. Here are a few you should consider adding to your next presentation:

3D floor plan

While 2D floor plans are traditionally included in most interior design projects, they can be hard for a lot of clients to understand. 3D floor plans , on the other hand, remove the guesswork and help bring your ideas to life. With Cedreo home design software , you can draw in 2D while instantly seeing the 3D plan view.

3D floor plan of a storey created with Cedreo

Showing your clients 3D plans will help them understand the size, layout, and flow of the space. This is especially helpful once you add furnishings.

Furniture plan

A furniture plan includes furniture with accurate measurements that show the exact space around each piece. Adding furniture to your 3D plans helps clients visualize the actual shape, color, and texture of each piece in combination with the rest of the decor. With Cedreo design software, you can quickly switch out furniture pieces based on feedback from your clients.

Material samples

Samples are an important part of design presentations. Try adding them to a mood board so your clients can see, touch, and feel the different materials. Most clients appreciate seeing physical samples ofs tile, paint swatches, furniture fabric, and wood finishes.

Before even starting a project, you should have gotten a target budget from your clients. If it’s a large project, it’s best to break down the cost per room and/or each aspect of the design. You can also show the different costs based on what options they choose.

Realistic 3D renderings are becoming more and more important in modern interior design presentations. These show a 3D view of your project complete with details like interior lighting, sunlight, shadows, and textures.

Kitchen 3D rendering created with Cedreo

Although they used to be expensive and complicated to create, with Cedreo, you can get photorealistic renderings of your design with just one click.

3 Types of Interior Design Presentations

Depending on what stage of the project you’re in, presentations can take on a variety of forms. Here are some of the most common types of project presentations:

Mood Boards

Mood boards are a collage of images, samples, and plans that show certain design ideas for your client’s project. They’re a great place to start, as they give you an easy way to present the style and “flow” of your ideas. You can create a physical mood board with a simple foam board and samples, clippings, or images of ideas you’d like to pursue. Alternatively, you can use basic graphic design software to make a digital mood board. Although you might be tempted to fill the mood board with every option available, it’s best to keep it simple and uncluttered. If needed, you can create several complete mood boards and let your clients choose which they like best. This type of presentation is an important step that helps you determine your client’s preferences before moving on to sketching the design in detail.

Hand-drawn sketches used to be the cornerstone of interior design presentations. However, they are quickly being replaced by more advanced 3D renderings (see the next section). If you’re able to create professional sketches to showcase specific details of the project, that can be a nice way to impress your clients with your skills and attention to detail. Just keep in mind that a poorly drawn sketch can actually lead to clients feeling more confused than enlightened. That’s why most modern designers use a digital tool like Cedreo to create realistic 3D renderings.

3D Renderings

Photorealistic 3D rendering presentations are how you really seal the deal. Presentations like these help you stand out as a design professional. They’re a big step towards making clients happy, because you can show them exactly what the finished project will look like. This gives your clients clear expectations and saves you both from unnecessary frustration. To create high quality renderings you need a program like Cedreo 3D design software . Fortunately, Cedreo is easy to use. That means even with no previous experience you can quickly create top-quality renderings.

Of all the types of interior design presentations, 3D renderings are the most powerful, because they:

  • Show your client exactly how the end project will look
  • Lead to faster design decisions
  • Are easy to create and present thanks to Cedreo interior design software

Learn more about how to use Cedreo to create interior design renderings .

6 Steps to Create a Professional Interior Design Presentation

Whether you’re new to the design business or you’re a design pro looking to expand your portfolio, you can create a professional interior design presentation in just six steps. Pro Advice! These steps are easiest with an interior design tool like Cedreo.

1. Sketch your initial design concept

Start by putting some of your initial design concepts down on paper. Draw a basic layout of the space and make note of its dimensions (this will help you in step 2). Sketch out ideas you might have for each area. Then add any other comments that you should keep in mind while creating the rest of your presentation.

2. Draw a 3D floor plan

The next part of the design process is to create the floor plan. A floor plan is essentially the container for all your creative ideas, so this is an important step.

Jack & Jill bathroom 3D floor plan designed with Cedreo

Most design programs make you follow extra steps in order to produce 3D home plans. But with Cedreo, as you draw your layout in 2D, you instantly see the 3D view of the plan. This gives you immediate design feedback that comes in handy as you start to decorate the space.

3. Choose a design atmosphere

At this point, you’ve already spoken with your client to determine their tastes and styles. Before you start furnishing a space, it’s important to have this clearly in mind. You can select a pre-made design atmosphere that lets you “set the mood” for a particular design. Choose from visual styles like contemporary, modern, or charming. Then, instead of having to sift through thousands of pieces of furniture, decor, and materials, you’ll only see the ones that fall under your selected style.

4. Furnish and decorate each room

Whether you’re going with a specific design atmosphere or want the flexibility to choose each piece yourself, Cedreo has what you need. Cedreo’s extensive design library gives you 7,000+ pieces of furniture and decorations to choose from. That means you have the flexibility to find the right combination of pieces to fit your client’s tastes. And if you’re running short on time, Cedreo also gives you pre-made product packs for different rooms types. Choose one of these and you can decorate a room with the click of a button.

5. Customize surfacing and materials

Now it’s time to fine-tune the details. If you already presented your clients with a mood board, you probably have an idea of what textures, colors, and materials they like. Customize your 3D plans with those materials. Use Cedreo, and you’ll be able to choose from thousands of different surface materials like fabrics, wood, tile, paint, and more. Then just drag-and-drop the materials to virtually any surface of the home. This gives you more power to customize every aspect of the space from flooring to furniture.

6. Adjust light settings

Now that you’ve got all the details of your design concept in place, it’s time to prepare for the 3D renderings. An important part of that is controlling the lighting. Showing a space with an accurate mix of both artificial and natural light is essential for providing clients with a realistic visual of their space. But doing something like this in a normal CAD program is highly technical and difficult.

Dining room 3D render at night designed with Cedreo

If you’re using Cedreo for this step, you can let the software manage the interior lighting and sun orientation automatically. And if you want to control the lighting manually, it takes just a few seconds. Once the lighting and point of view are set, submit your design for rendering and in just 5 minutes, it’ll be ready for your client.

Share and collect feedback

Once you’ve got your renderings, it’s time to share them with your team and clients. Just download the 2D plans, 3D plans, and 3D renderings in popular image formats. These are easy to send to your clients or even add to a digital mood board. Choose the Enterprise Plan with Cedreo for streamlined collaboration, and you can share designs with your team inside the platform. Once you receive feedback, make any final adjustments to the design. Since Cedreo is cloud-based, anywhere you have a laptop and internet connection you can quickly update the plans online and download the latest version for your clients.

Ready to Create Better Interior Design Presentations?

Ready to take your interior design presentation to the next level? There’s no better place to start than with Cedreo home design software. It’s engineered to save designers like you loads of time. Make your clients happy and close more deals. Start using Cedreo today !

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Presentation Board Content

Consistency in presentation boards.

  • Presentation Boards should all be the same size and orientation (landscape/portrait)
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  • Same font size, colour and style for titles and lables
  • Same Layout/ Grid patern of content
  • Consistent style and size of images
  • Common Logo/Insignia on each board

Presentation Board Titles & Labels

Grid layout in presentation boards, "reading" a presentation board, left to right  or  center outward reading order in presentation boards, top -> down reading order in presentation boards, presentation board weighting, framing images in a presentation board, stand back from the presentation board.

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Interior Design Presentation Tools

  • Post category: CGI Interior Design / Interior Design Business

Table of Contents

What is Interior design presentation?

Interior design presentations are visual overviews of a planned design concept that interior designers use to communicate their ideas to clients.

These presentations as part of the design project proposal showcase the designer’s proposed plans for the layout, furnishings, materials, color scheme, and other details for a residential or commercial interior space.

Examples of elements that may be included in an interior design presentation are:

  • Floor plans – 2D drawings showing the layout and dimensions of the space
  • Furniture arrangements – Digital renderings or models showing furniture placement
  • Fabric and finish samples – Physical swatches of proposed fabrics, carpets, tiles, woods, etc.
  • Color scheme – A palette of proposed paint colors and accents
  • Lighting plan – Technical drawings indicating lighting layout and fixture selections
  • Material specifications – A detailed list of all proposed materials and finishes
  • Concept boards – Mood boards with inspirational images, materials, and colors
  • 3D renderings – Digitally generated imagery showing the designed space in perspective
  • Lifestyle vignettes – Styled set-ups showing proposed furniture arrangements
  • Project description – An overview of the design concept and goals

Presenting these elements visually allows clients to better understand and provide feedback on the interior designer’s proposed design before implementation. The presentation brings the concepts to life.

George Nicola

George is a seasoned interior designer and property marketing strategist with over 13 years of experience. He specializes in transforming properties into visually stunning spaces, helping clients recognize the potential and beauty in each property. With an impressive international client base of exciting projects throughout Europe and America.

The presentation boards allow the designer to display these details in a graphic, visually-oriented format. They bring together all elements of the design into a cohesive presentation.

An interior design project may be the second biggest commitment for a property after the purchase of the property from a client’s perspective!

overview of the presentation process

Interior designer presenting a project to a client at a desk in front of a window.

The process follows roughly the same path, but the resources and division of labor vary by studio size. Communication and collaboration are key throughout. 

Presenting the design is ultimately a team effort.

Solo Designer

  • Research – Gather inspiration, analyze client needs
  • Concept – Develop overall design direction and color schemes
  • Schematic Layouts – Rough space plans
  • Design Refinement – Materials, finishes, details
  • Production – Create presentation boards, models, renderings
  • Presentation – Present to client, get feedback
  • Revisions – Refine based on feedback

Small Studio (2-10 designers)

  • Research – Conducted collaboratively
  • Concept – Team brainstorming session
  • Schematic Layouts – Work divided amongst team
  • Design Refinement – Collaboration on details
  • Production – Divide tasks like boards, renderings
  • Presentation – Often presented together
  • Revisions – Team approach to refinements

Large Studio (10+ designers)

  • Research – Conducted by project designers
  • Concept – Presented for group critique
  • Schematic Layouts – Work divided by project phase
  • Design Refinement – Specialists for materials, etc.
  • Production – Often outsourced renderings, models
  • Presentation – Led by project designers
  • Revisions – Implemented by project team

What are the 3 phases of interior design presentation?

Interior design presentation consists of 3 main phases with up to 13 different elements incorporated under them. Each element builds on the others to create a comprehensive, visual presentation that is part of project proposals.

Interior designers combines the three phases in a strategic way to communicate the design narrative and details. 

Typically, an interior design presentation incorporates 4-13 different elements that work together to convey the design concept.

The design process that leads to the presentation can be broken down into several key phases:

Programming Phase: The initial stage where the client’s needs and goals are identified. This informs the overall direction.

Schematic Design Phase: Rough layouts and space planning are developed that align with the programming needs.

Design Development Phase: More detailed design work is done to refine the schematic design, including material selections, lighting plans, etc.

The presentation then pulls visuals, drawings, and samples from these phases to depict the design. 

Common elements include:

  • Bubble diagrams and hand sketches showing initial concepts
  • CAD and hand-drawn floor plans showing layout
  • Axonometric drawings demonstrating spatial relationships
  • Interior elevations and section drawings showing finishes and architectural details
  • Physical and digital materials boards with finish samples
  • Digital and physical presentation boards with concept collages, sketches, etc.
  • 3D interior modeling studies and renderings bringing the design to life visually where color schemes, references and real life measurements are combined into 3D concept.

Visually Communicating Value with new clients

Interior design presentation

The goal is to establish trust and rapport through professional, polished presentations focused on collaboration and exemplary service. 

Design is problem solving; presentations reflect that philosophy .

Here are some key elements of an interior design business philosophy as it relates to client presentations:

  • Communicate don’t dictate – Presentations should facilitate an open dialogue, not just convey demands.
  • Educate the client – Take time to explain the rationale behind recommendations.
  • Collaborate, don’t confront – Welcome ideas and aim for compromise, not conflict.
  • Guide, don’t direct – Gently steer clients towards quality, even if more costly.
  • Anticipate needs – Strive to present what clients want before they ask.
  • Sell the process – Demonstrate how careful methodology leads to better outcomes.
  • Reinforce expertise – Leverage presentations to highlight specialized skills and value.
  • Be transparent – Clearly convey all costs, lead times, and constraints. No surprises.
  • Make it visual – Show don’t tell; visuals bring concepts to life.
  • Think long-term – Build lasting relationships not just transactions.
  • Present comprehensively – Demonstrate attention to all details big and small.
  • Pursue perfection – Constantly aim to improve presentation skills and tools.

What is Programming Phase?

The programming phase is the first stage of an interior design project. It involves gathering information about the client’s needs and goals for the space.

Key activities in the programming phase include:

  • Initial client meeting and site visit – To understand project scope, requirements, and constraints.
  • Interviewing stakeholders – Speaking with all end users to identify needs.
  • Conducting research – Investigating relevant laws, building codes, regulations.
  • Performing analysis – Analyzing site, architecture, existing conditions.
  • Defining project goals – Identifying the client’s vision and objectives.
  • Determining space requirements – Including sizes, adjacencies, capacities.
  • Developing program documentation – Compiling research into a written program.
  • Presenting findings – Reporting key details back to client.

The programming phase essentially establishes the “rules of engagement” that guide the design moving forward. The interior designer works collaboratively with the client to define all functional, legal, budgetary and aesthetic goals for the project.

Having a well-defined program provides an effective roadmap as the designer transitions into conceptual development and space planning. It also allows the client to review and approve project expectations before design work proceeds.

The programming phase is a crucial foundation for success.

What is schematic design presentation

A schematic design presentation communicates the initial spatial planning and layout of an interior design project. At this early stage, the presentation typically includes.

  • Bubble diagrams – Initial space planning sketches
  • Hand-drawn floor plans – Rough layouts showing adjacencies
  • Digital floor plans – Preliminary plans from CAD software
  • Furniture arrangements – Rough blocking plans for furnishings
  • Spatial blocking plans – Generic shapes showing spatial zones
  • Area calculations – Basic sizes/capacities for spaces
  • Concept sketches – Early hand drawings of ideas
  • Mood boards – Inspirational imagery and samples
  • Design narratives – Written description of concept and goals

The schematic presentation focuses more on spatial relationships and broad concept rather than refinements. It establishes the foundation that the design will later develop from.

This allows the client to review and approve the proposed spatial layout and functionality before the designer progresses into more detailed design development. The presentation ensures the design is aligned with the client’s programming needs and goals early in the process.

The schematic presentation is an important first step in bringing the client into the design process. It initiates a dialogue that continues through the evolution of the design in subsequent presentations.

What is bubble diagram interior design

A Digital Interior design bubble diagram displaying the different types of household spaces.

A bubble diagram is a basic planning tool used in the early stages of the interior design process. It uses simple shapes and symbols to represent spatial elements.

In interior design, bubble diagrams are typically used during the programming and schematic design phases to explore initial layout options and spatial relationships. Common elements included in an interior design bubble diagram are:

  • Circles/bubbles – Indicate rooms and other spaces
  • Arrows – Show connections and relationships between spaces
  • Squares – Represent fixed elements like stairs, columns
  • Text labels – Identify the function of each space
  • Size variations – Show relative sizes/proportions of spaces
  • Colors – Differentiate space types or zones

Bubble diagrams are quick, flexible tools to experiment with different space planning scenarios. They help identify spatial needs, adjacencies, layout possibilities, and circulation patterns in a low-detail format.

Interior designers use bubble diagrams to collaborate with clients, ensuring the layout meets their functional needs and goals early in the design process. The simplicity of the bubble diagram facilitates effective communication and exploration of options.

Bubble diagrams provide an important starting point that leads into more detailed space planning and interior design development. They reveal opportunities and issues before committing to a layout.

What is material board presentation?

A material board is a key component of many interior design presentations. It allows the designer to physically showcase proposed materials, finishes, and samples to the client. 

Examples of items that may be included on a material board are:

An interior design presentation featuring a 3D drawing of a tray showcasing various colors of paint.

  • Fabric swatches – Samples of proposed upholstery, drapery, and other fabrics
  • Carpet and area rug samples – Carpet tiles, bound rugs, swatches, etc.
  • Tile samples – Stone, ceramic, glass, and other tile types
  • Wood samples – Stain swatches, veneer samples, solid wood samples
  • Wall covering samples – Wallpaper, grasscloth, metal sheets, etc.
  • Paint color chips – Chips showing proposed paint colors
  • Hardware samples – Knobs, pulls, hinges, lighting, plumbing fixtures
  • Accessory samples – Such as pillows, throws, vases
  • Natural material samples – Leather, stone, glass, etc.
  • Marble, granite, quartz samples – For kitchen and bath surfaces
  • Appliance samples – Brochures, spec sheets, swatches

The material board allows the client to see and feel the products being proposed for their space. It brings the materials off the page, helping the client better visualize the designer’s plan. The board serves as a tactile complement to the rest of the presentation.

Interior design project timeline

Between 80 and 90% of design projects feature similar phases and timeline. 

  • Programming – Gather project goals, requirements, constraints
  • Schematic Design – Develop initial space plan and layouts
  • Design Development – Refine plans, select finishes, furnishings
  • Design Presentation – Present concept to client for review and approval
  • Construction Documents – Create detailed drawings and specifications
  • Bidding/Estimates – Obtain contractor pricing for construction
  • Construction Administration – Oversee and manage installation process
  • Furnishings Procurement – Purchase and install furnishings and dĂ©cor
  • Installation Completion – Final walkthrough and handover to client
  • Project Closeout – Final documentation, payments, contractor evaluations

The initial design presentation usually occurs after schematic design and design development, allowing the designer to present a comprehensive concept showing the spatial layout, materials, and vision for the project. This presentation is crucial for aligning with the client before moving into construction documentation and implementation. It is a pivotal milestone in the design process timeline.

The tradition of the design presentation

80% of interior designers are not makers but thinkers with a maker’s way of thinking, and only 25% of all designs have mastered their design presentations.

If a great design idea is not presented in the best light to the client, often this leads to a break-up in the relationship between a designer and client.

The presentation is the crossroad that can earn high profits and fame or break the project and it all starts with the interior design process.

Traditionally, young designers are taught in schools and colleges to create design boards composed of 2D drawings, sketches, fabric swatches, little materials samples, and inspirational references. The interior design process is also briefly taught in the design school but often, implementing it requires much more experience and knowledge.

Although this is an excellent tactile way for clients to “experience” the project, if you ask, most designers will tell you that their clients always have hundreds of questions after such presentations.

One may experience the fabric and compare references, but it will have difficulty linking the 2D diagrams and plans with watercolor sketches. All of this creates more work for the designers to explain every element with cutout images or other ways.

The design process of presentation

The design process is the pillar of each project. If a project does not have a well-organized design process, often called “programming,” or “Pre-design planning” the risk of failure and mistakes is high, which will always lead to breaks in relations with clients, loss of profit for the designs, and increased budgets for the client.

Pre-design planning (also Programming) represents a detailed analysis of the client’s needs, requirements, and budget. Everything is put against any architectural or site constraints.

Newbie designers overlook the importance of having even simple programming in place. This shows the clients each step of the project and establishes the designer’s credibility and communication skills.

Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation are the three main stages of an interior project.

Analysis – it includes phases of defining and translating the project’s problem.

Synthesis – all potential problems and requests are formulated with one or multiple solutions (for discussion with a client)

Evaluation – often has a few rounds of critical reviews, comparison of pros and cons of each solution.

The importance of the pre-design planning phase is so high that the process can be compared to a business justification and options appraisals, all leading later to better-optimized budgets for the client and increased profits for the designers.

George Nicola

George Nicola

Each of the above phases has multiple stages, and they may have different names for each designer, but in general, they lead to the same outcome – solving the problem. Design teams of 5+ teams often have dedicated programmers in charge of the management and communication. Since every project and company are different, programming varies on the type – the size of the project and the amount of useful information presented by the client.

More on this you can read our article “ How to develop an Interior Design team ?”

Below I will try to explain the most common types of interior design presentation tools and grade them with scores for complexity and effectiveness.

Interior bubble diagrams

Complexity: 4 / 10 Effective: 6 / 10


Think of bubble diagrams as a way of early schematic brainstorming. These diagrams can quickly generate multiple concepts. Each bubble has a rough scale according to the space’s proportion, representing its location and adjoining spaces.  Based on an approved diagram, the concept is further developed into a floor plan, hand sketch, or 3D drawing. This technique is used by architects, designers, engineers, marketers, developers, and many more professionals where problem-solving is required.

Interior design hand sketches

Complexity: 8 / 10 Effective: 4 / 10

interior hand sketch presentations

Hand sketched presentations are the oldest and most widely used tool for presenting three-dimensional interior schemes.

Considered almost an art, they require a lot of time, skills, and techniques to be brought up to a level that design clients can understand and read. 

Being able to sketch an interior to such a degree shows your clients you know what you are doing and impress them. 

Unfortunately, the downside to this design presentation is that only a tiny percent of clients can understand the details of their future homes in-depth.

Thus interior designers who rely solely on hand sketches need to bring additional tools to support and convey their ideas. Here we’ve explained in-depth the most common types of Interior design hand sketching techniques.

Hand drawn floor plans

Complexity: 7 / 10 Effective: 5 / 10


Floor plans, also known as (horizontal building sections) are drawings depicting the building or room layout as if looking through the ceiling with a horizontal cut approximately at half the wall height.

Floor plans are drawn to scale, which may vary according to project conditions.

Larger-scale plans are used to show the general layout without specific details, and smaller-scale interior floor plans are used for highly detailed presentations. 

Hand-drawn floor plans are not common today as it takes a long time and effort to produce, which may have to be amended after each client meeting. NDA Uk has produced valuable insight into sketching the initial concept here .

CAD floor plans

Complexity: 7 / 10 Effective: 6 / 10

interior design presentation

CAD floor plans are the modern version of the sketched-by-hand plans, which present a much more refined process, quicker to amend details identified by clients.

In addition, CAD plans benefit from having to vary a variety of graphic annotations for each element and attribute. 

These orthographic drawings are abstractions of the idea with a specific goal – illustrating and delineating items are walls, windows, boundaries between spaces, and other new or old elements of the project. 

The most significant positive side of CAD plans is flexibility.


Interior Axonometric drawings

Complexity: 7 / 10 Effective: 7 / 10

A large percentage of interior clients have difficulty understanding everything if presented independently without supporting materials, which leads to designers producing early in the project additional support drawings as axonometric drawings

Axonometric drawings can be hand sketched or CAD models; either has its own pros and cons


Interior section drawings

Complexity: 5 / 10 Effective: 6 / 10

Section drawings are vertical planes slicing the volumes of the spaces that form a projected image of the elements of the interiors.

Their main goal is to identify and refine interior details around walls, doors, and window fixtures. It is important to note that there are multiple internal sections and elevations stages as a project progresses.

Interior model study

Complexity: 6.3 / 10 Effective: 8.3 / 10

interior model study

Interior model studies can be done in 3D software or traditional paper and styrofoam miniature. Primarily used by architects to explore the shape and principal components of buildings, interior designers have adopted the tool for the use of internal exploration.  Interior studies are part of the concept design phase when the foundation of the concept is laid.  This tool is also known as 3D floor plans in the real estate sector.

Traditional interior design board

Complexity: 3 / 10 Effective: 6 / 10


Design boards (often material presentations) are always put together for the client to understand the overall color-material palette of the project. Meetings often are conducted in-house. This part of the project presentation is important as it covers the colors overall and often may have specific references to ready-to-buy furniture or lighting.  Often such design boards are accompanied by floor plans, hand sketches, or sections.

Digital Interior design board

Complexity: 2 / 10 Effective: 5 / 10


Digital design boards are a thing today since it’s much easier to compile and send to the client via e-mail for review. This virtual brother of the traditional design board is used mainly during the preliminary discussions and concept direction. Digital design presentations should be part of the process and work along the actual design board at the end.

Interior 3D drawing

Complexity: 6.2 / 10 Effective: 8 / 10


SketchUp is easy to use and affordable modeling program used by more than 80 million people worldwide. Being the most straightforward and intuitive for building 3D models of interior spaces and not only.

SketchUp models can be exported into 3rd party rendering software since the software does not have an integrated photorealistic renderer.

Many Interior Designers use hand drawings and SketchUp models to help their clients envision the project. Hand-drawn projects often are used for preliminary client meetings for quick hatches and depiction of ideas, while SketchUp is used to refine everything in a highly-accurate Interior 3D drawing. 

Since SketchUp is only a modeling software, it does not have an integrated rendering module.

Often designers export rough models and overlay them with digital watercolors or another method of digital painting to make them more appealing and artistic.

Interior 3D rendering

Complexity: 9 / 10 Effective: 9 / 10


Think of Interior 3D renderings as the extension of the Interior 3D drawing tool, the cherry on top of the cake for your interior project.

Interior 3D renderings are the highly refined photoreal product of 3D drawings and models. 3D renderings are images with depicted natural light, colors, shapes, and textures of the interior space in all of its beauty. 

This is the most effective tool in a designer’s toolbox. Most savvy designers use 3D renderings combined with the other mechanisms explained above to have maximum impact on their presentation.

This article has the “ Most common 3D rendering questions a designer asks “

Why interior presentation is important?

Thoughtful presentations throughout the design process lead to better outcomes and often save time, costs, and headaches down the road. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Reasons why interior design presentations are important, especially for firms looking to save time and resources:

  • Aligns vision – Ensures designer and client are on the same page about design goals and concept direction before moving forward.
  • Provides feedback – Allows client to give input on layouts, selections so changes can be made early.
  • Validates concepts – Gives the client opportunities to react to and validate the design concepts.
  • Manages expectations – Clearly conveys what is technically achievable within budget and site constraints.
  • Sells ideas – Enables designer to persuade client towards bolder/progressive design choices.
  • Refines details – Opportunity to tweak finishes, furnishings based on client comments.
  • Establishes scope – Solidifies what is included before construction documents commence.
  • Saves rework – Avoids wasted time from major redesigned if issues are caught earlier.
  • Tracks approvals – Provides documentation of client approvals at key project milestones.
  • Manages budget – Ensures costs are aligned with client goals at various stages.
  • Builds confidence – Reinforces the designer’s expertise and vision.

Starting an Interior Design Presentation

When presenting interior presentation the goal is to make the client feel comfortable, involved, and excited to see the design come to life. A thoughtful introduction and presentation style sets the stage for an engaging, productive meeting.

  • Welcome the client – Greet them, offer water/coffee, make introductions.
  • Give an overview – Explain the presentation purpose, flow, and estimated length.
  • Show appreciation – Thank the client for the opportunity and input so far.
  • Set expectations – Note that it’s a collaborative process open to feedback.
  • Establish the vision – Summarize the design goals and client wishes.
  • Start with inspirations – Use engaging visuals to introduce design concepts.
  • Present confidently – Be knowledgeable yet conversational.
  • Watch body language – Make eye contact, don’t turn your back.
  • Invite participation – Ask for initial reactions, input as you go.
  • Clarify as needed – Answer questions clearly without jargon.
  • Read the room – Assess reactions; adjust pace/approach accordingly.
  • Have a conversation – Make it an open dialogue, not a one-way lecture.
  • Set a positive tone – Balance professionalism with warmth.

how to present an interior design concept

The presentation should provide an engaging, sensory introduction to the design narrative. Ensure the client connects with the concept on an emotional level.

Here are some tips for presenting an interior design concept:

  • Create a mood board – Collage images, materials, colors that represent the design intent. Help tell the visual story.
  • Develop inspirational sketches – Hand drawings to quickly convey spatial ideas and stylistic details.
  • Use concept models – Simple massing models showing forms, spatial connections.
  • Prepare initial floorplans – Hand drawn or digital plans to indicate layout and functionality.
  • Show materials and finishes – Present physical or digital samples of proposed materials.
  • Use inspirational descriptors – Compose a narrative to explain the concept’s origins and goals.
  • Include spatial vignettes – Model or digitally render key spaces to visualize the concept.
  • Develop title and style boards – Display the project name, client, date, and design aesthetics.
  • Present in layers – Break down complex designs into digestible parts and pieces.
  • Tell a story – Take the client on a journey through the eyes of the end user.
  • Seek feedback – Have an open dialogue to understand responses and make refinements.
  • Be passionate – Enthusiasm for the concept is contagious.

who is involved in creating the design presentation

For solo and small teams often the involved in presentation are lead or project designer and graphics team. While in larger firms more peopel are involved in putting up the design presentation.

There are usually several key team members involved in creating an interior design presentation:

  • Lead Designer – The primary interior designer responsible for the project oversees the presentation creation. They ensure it aligns with the design concept and client needs.
  • Project Designers – Any other designers working collaboratively on the project help develop presentation content.
  • Graphics Team – Graphic designers, CAD technicians, render artists create the drawings, boards, models, etc.
  • Support Staff – Administrative staff may assist with scheduling, printing, assembling materials.
  • Construction Team – Contractors and tradespeople may provide estimates, feedback on constructability.
  • Specialty Consultants – Lighting, acoustics, AV consultants help develop technical details.
  • Photographers – For projects involving site photos, lifestyle images.
  • Copywriters – Can assist with composing the narrative content.
  • Principals/Partners – Senior leadership may review the presentation and provide guidance.
  • Client – The client is the most important collaborator, providing feedback throughout the process.

The combination of the design, technical, and creative team allows for all aspects of the presentation to come together in a cohesive, impactful way. It’s a team effort!

Are FF&E part of the presentation?

Yes, furnishings, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) are an important part of most interior design presentations.

Here are some of the key ways FF&E may be incorporated:

  • Furniture Floor Plans – Scale drawings showing proposed furniture layouts and arrangements.
  • Furniture Elevations – Scaled drawings with dimensions and details of specific furniture pieces.
  • Furniture Spec Sheets – Manufacturers’ spec sheets for priced furniture items.
  • Furniture Renderings – Digitally rendered perspective images showing furnishings in context.
  • Furniture Samples – Photos, fabric swatches, paint colors for custom pieces.
  • Furnishings Plan – A detailed list of all specified furniture, fabrics, and finishes.
  • Furniture Inspiration – Mood boards with furniture images representative of the style.
  • Furniture Models – Physical scale models or digital models of key furniture forms.
  • Furniture Vignettes – Styled arrangements of furniture, accessories, and finishes.
  • Pricing Summaries – Spreadsheets listing furniture costs, vendors, and lead times.

Showcasing the proposed FF&E allows clients to better visualize the complete design concept and understand how furnishings complement the architecture and finishes. Specifying detailed FF&E is an integral part of the design process and presentation.

What designers need to show presentation on site?

The goal is to bring anything needed to clearly explain the details and vision of the design in the context of the actual space.

It’s important for designers to have a capable laptop or tablet when presenting on site. This allows them to access and display digital presentation materials, 3D files, and other electronic design documents.

A powerful, portable device also enables designers to make edits or adjustments to the presentation on the fly in response to client feedback during the meeting.

The ability to pull up designs, add notes, make changes, and project plans in the space itself helps facilitate an interactive, productive on-site presentation.

With the right mobile technology, designers can make the most of the opportunity to share and discuss designs in person.

Allowing clients to review the presentation on site makes it as relevant and tangible as possible.

Here are some key things designers need to bring and show during an on-site presentation with a client:

  • Presentation boards – Physical boards displaying materials, plans, concepts, etc.
  • Digital presentation – Laptop, tablet, or slides to present digital materials.
  • Fabric swatches – Cuttings of specified upholstery and drapery fabrics.
  • Finish samples – Wood, tile, stone, wall covering samples, paint color chips.
  • Furnishings plan – A detailed FF&E schedule and product specs.
  • Floor plans – Scaled drawings of the space layout and furniture arrangements.
  • Lighting plans – Technical lighting specifications and layouts.
  • Finish plans – Drawings or schedules showing all finishes.
  • Plumbing/Electrical plans – If applicable, show rough-in locations.
  • Architectural details – Drawings of millwork, ceilings, built-ins, etc.
  • Perspective sketches – Hand-drawn 3D perspectives of the space.
  • Color renderings – Digitally rendered views of the proposed design.
  • Models – Physical scale models, potentially with materials/finishes.
  • Photography – Before photos, site photos, comparative photos.
  • Specification book – Detailed specifications for all products.

Do designers do free presentations?

Most professional interior designers do not provide full design presentations for free.

However, there are a few scenarios where a designer may provide some initial ideas without charge :

  • Initial Consultation – Many designers offer free initial consultations to discuss the project scope and determine if they are a good fit for the client.
  • Concept Sketches – Some designers may provide a few rough concept sketches at no cost to give a sense of their design approach.
  • Sample Boards – Small sample boards with a couple finish options are sometimes provided as part of an initial meeting.
  • Portfolio – Designers will freely show their work portfolio during meetings.
  • Proposal – When bidding on a project, a presentation or proposal may be offered.
  • Existing Relationship – Designers working with past clients may start new projects with some pro bono work.

However, developing a full presentation with multiple detailed boards, drawings, specifications, etc takes a significant investment of the designer’s time and resources. 

Most interior design firms will charge for the full presentation, typically billing hourly or as a percent of the overall project fee.

While free consultations are common, clients should expect that a comprehensive interior design presentation will have associated costs and fees in line with the scope of work involved.

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How to Create a Successful Architecture Presentation Board

  • Updated: December 31, 2023

Architecture Presentation Board

Architecture is as much about effective communication as it is about innovative design. At the heart of this communicative process lies the architecture presentation board, a tool quintessential for architects to convey their vision, ideas, and concepts.

These boards are more than mere visual aids; they are the narrative bridge between an architect’s imaginative conception and the practical world where these ideas may take shape. They are not just a requirement for academic submissions or professional proposals but are a fundamental aspect of the architectural design process.

They serve as a canvas where ideas are visualized, concepts are explained, and designs are brought to life for various audiences, be it clients, peers, competition judges, or the general public.

Understanding how to effectively create and present these boards is crucial, as a well-crafted presentation not only showcases a finished scheme but also reflects the thought process, attention to detail, and the authors ability to communicate complex ideas succinctly and visually.

What are architecture presentation boards used for?

Architecture presentation boards serve several different purposes:

  • Students use them to present work to their professors and peers.
  • Professionals use them to present designs to clients, committees, shareholders, and exhibitions.
  • They may be a means to win a commission, or they may help to take a project into the next stage. 

What is the purpose of an architecture presentation board?

Architecture presentation boards are a tool to showcase your work. They are a way to draw your viewers into your design process and methods, providing an overall summary and vision for the project. You are communicating your design and showcasing your artistic skills, and your sense as a designer. 

Every successful project has a central concept, a “big picture” theme that gives it purpose. When you look at your project, what is that big idea?

As it is central to your whole project, this will guide you as you prioritize your work and determine the flow of your ideas. The primary purpose of your project is to communicate this central concept in the best way possible.  


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How do you layout an architecture presentation board, 01 – structure/order.

Before you begin laying out your presentation board, think about the main points you want to convey. From there, determine what images and graphics will best represent those ideas. Gather all of the information you will need, making a note of what graphics and text you will need to communicate your ideas.

Remember, you are essentially telling a story, so pay close attention to the flow of the narrative as you arrange your elements. Consider the beginning, middle, and end of the story you want to tell.

Depending on the guidelines you are given, you may present your boards side-by-side, as separate boards presented in a sequence, or as one big poster. If no strict parameters are in place, figure out what structure and layout will tell your story the best. While a series of boards will logically convey your story, one big board is often the easiest option.

creative interior design presentation board

02 – Orientation

Will your presentation board be oriented in portrait or landscape? Sometimes you will get to make that call, but many times it will be determined for you by your director, client, or professor. Make sure you know beforehand what the parameters are.

If you get to choose, give it some careful thought. Which orientation will give your graphics the room they need to be the most impactful? Which orientation gives your whole project a natural flow for your narrative? 

03 – Size

Much like orientation, you may or may not get to decide what size your presentation boards will be. You will often have restrictions that limit you to a specific board size and a certain number of boards.

Make sure you know your limitations before you start working on your layout. Your boards should all be the same size to achieve continuity.

You can use a combination of different sizes to produce a board of equivalent size. For example, a combination of two A1  boards will add up to an A0 board. 

architecture board layout

04 – Layout

The most common way to organize your layout is by using a grid. Using a grid will help keep the boards in your project consistent.

If you are using InDesign , you can achieve this uniformity by creating a master page that acts as a template for your whole project.

Templates are useful because they can save you a great deal of time, and they ensure uniformity throughout your project. Your grid should include spaces for titles, numbering, your name, and any other information that will repeat on each board.

Before you start laying out your actual boards, sketch out various configurations so you can determine what will work best. You can do a small-scale sketch to get the basic idea of the flow of each board. This allows you to change the arrangement of the elements before you commit to anything on your boards.

You can do this initial phase using software or sketching it out on paper.

After you have determined what type of layout you want to use, estimate how much space you will need for each element on the page. Each graphic needs to be large enough to have an impact. Determine how much space you would like to leave in between each graphic.

Use equal spacing throughout your project to create continuity. Here is an excellent tutorial on planning your layout using Indesign:

The layout of each board should show the relationship between all of the elements. It should be clear to read and follow a logical left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression.

Imagine a viewer looking at your presentation. What do you want them to see first? What is the best way to make them understand your project? Does your layout achieve this?

You should also pay attention to the relationship between each board. Is there a logical progression from one board to the next? Does the sequence make sense? If you will not display the boards in a configuration that makes them all visible at once, make sure you number them, so your viewers follow the correct sequence.

Don’t feel the need to fill every square inch of your presentation board. Leave enough space so that it doesn’t look too busy or cluttered. On the other hand, don’t leave too much space either, or it will look like you didn’t finish the board, didn’t have enough material for the board, or that you didn’t work very hard.

05 – Visual Hierarchy

Some of your images need to garner more attention than others. Consider all of the graphics and text you will be using. Which images are central to your main idea?

The images that are essential for communicating your vision should take up more space in the grid. You should have an image that people can see from a distance and other images that they can see from up close. This creates a visual hierarchy.

What is the most important aspect of your project? Make that the element people can see from a distance. There are ways to accomplish this in addition to making it the largest element on the board. For example, you can use color to draw the viewer’s eye to a particular graphic, especially if the rest of the board is monochromatic.

creative interior design presentation board

06 – Background

The background of your presentation board should be simple. This allows the viewer to see all of the elements without the distraction of a busy background. You don’t want anything to detract from the critical details of the board. Your graphics and text should be the primary focus; don’t use bold colors or textures that will detract from that.

A white, or even light gray, background will make your graphics and text stand out. It will give your presentation a professional look that isn’t too busy. You can use other colors if they help convey your central concept; just make sure the background is plain enough that the viewer focuses on the design, not the background.

Be very selective when using a black background, as it may make the text harder to read, and your graphics may not stand out as much as you would like them to.

Whatever color you choose for your background, use it to your advantage.  Effective use of negative space can make your design look clean and professional.

architecture panel layout

07 – Color Scheme

Many professionals and students stick with black, white, and gray for presentation boards. While this can give your boards a professional look, don’t be afraid to add a pop of color. While sticking with greyscale may seem like a safe choice, there is a risk of blacks and greys making your design seem cold and lifeless.

Think about ways you can use color to bring life to your design. You may opt to add just one color, such as green for landscaping, to provide contrast to an otherwise monochromatic presentation. You could also bring in an additional color to represent a particular building material (brick, glass, wood, etc.).

You can also choose a brighter, more eye-catching color, such as yellow or orange, as a feature in your diagrams . Whatever you choose, use the same color across all of your boards to maintain a consistent flow.

If color is one of the main focuses of your project, or if there are details that you cannot adequately represent in greyscale, then you should feel free to delve deeper into the world of color. Don’t limit yourself to merely an accent color in this case, but don’t take it too far and make the mistake of overusing color to the point where it is a distraction.

08 – Font

All of the text throughout your project should be in one font. Don’t use font style as an avenue for creativity; it is more important to make sure the font style and size produce a readable, consistent product.

Sans serif fonts, such as Helvetica or Futura, will give your presentation a clean, minimalist look.

Avoid script or handwriting fonts, as they will not give your boards a clean, professional look. Keep the color of your font dark (black or dark grey work well) to provide contrast to a light background.

Whichever font you select, make sure the style and size are readable for your viewers before you finalize your boards. The best way to do this is to print out your text on an A3 paper, pin it up somewhere, and stand back to see how it will look when it is displayed.

creative interior design presentation board

A full breakdown, list, and description of the most popular fonts for architecture can be found here .

09 – Title

The most common placement for a title bar is the top left since your board will most likely follow a left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression. Many successful and professional-looking boards have titles at the top right, at the bottom, or somewhere in the middle.

Choose the position that makes the most sense for your project. As with other design decisions, make sure it does not distract the viewer from seeing the big picture.  

Make sure the title placement is consistent from board to board. This consistency will be both visually appealing and professional.

10 – Text

Keep your explanations concise. People are not going to spend much time reading lengthy descriptions, so only include relevant information and keep it short. Remember that your text boxes are part of your visual hierarchy, so utilize the size and alignment to complement your graphics. Consider the various ways you can align the text within the text box. What flows best? What is pleasing to the eye?

Aside from your title, do not use all capitals in your text. Your work will look more professional and be easier to read if you stick with the standard rules of capitalization.

Whenever possible, use a graphic or a sketch, rather than an explanation, to portray an idea. Since this is a graphic presentation, you want your graphics to tell the story, not your text. Include a concise statement that highlights the features of your design. This is basically your sales pitch; lengthy explanations will make you lose your audience.

11 – Image Selection

The selection of images is a critical part of putting your presentation board together. The graphics you choose can make or break your entire design presentation.

You want to select the images that best convey the important details of your project. If you use too many images, your presentation may appear cluttered and confusing. If you use too few images, it may look like you did not put much effort into your presentation.

Over the course of your project, you have generated countless sketches, renderings, models, and drawings. Resist the temptation to include everything just to show how hard you worked. Keep your big picture in mind and determine which images will directly show or best support that idea.

Architecture Presentation Board

12 – Models

On occasion, a physical model, or even several models showing different aspects of your design, may be required for your presentation board. This is an additional means of communicating your vision to your viewers.

There are several materials you can choose for your model. Card and cardboard are inexpensive and come in various weights, finishes, and colors.

Foam board is also available in various widths and thicknesses. It is generally white, but it also comes in other colors. It is very lightweight and sturdy, making it an ideal material for your presentation board.

Balsawood is another good option. It is easy to work with and comes in varying weights. The material you choose will depend on the look you are trying to achieve as well as how much weight you can adhere to your presentation board.  

Your model pieces can be cut by hand with tools such as an X-Acto knife or a scalpel. If you have access to a laser cutter, it will save you some time and give you more precision.

creative interior design presentation board

13 – Time Constraints

Give yourself enough time to produce a well-thought-out, effective, visually appealing presentation. You spent a considerable amount of time on your design; it would be a shame to rush through your presentation boards. Give each part of the process enough attention so that your final product really showcases and highlights your talent and hard work. 

Time management is critical when working on a big project like this. It can seem overwhelming at first, so split the project into smaller sub-tasks to make it more manageable. Give yourself a deadline for each of those smaller tasks. Make a schedule that shows which tasks you will accomplish each day. Make sure you leave yourself a little wiggle room in case anything unexpected comes up.

What should be included in an architecture presentation board?

Unless you receive explicit instructions regarding what to include in your presentation boards, it is up to you which elements make the cut. When you are deciding what elements to incorporate into your project, reflect on what will best explain your design.

When someone completely unfamiliar with your project is looking at your boards, what do you want them to see?

When deciding what text to include in your project, make sure you include an introduction, your design brief, and any applicable precedents. In addition, you will want to include concise textual explanations as needed throughout your presentation.

For your graphic representations, you want to include the basics: elevations, floor plans, and sections. You can represent these with 3d drawings, perspectives, or renders.  You may also include some key features of your design that make it unique, and in addition to highlighting the finished product, select elements that show your concept and design development.

Some additional tips:

  • When choosing a perspective view, select one that highlights the best aspects of your design. This graphic is usually the most prominent picture on the presentation board. The hero image!
  • You will want to include at least two different elevation views so your viewers can get a sense of the bigger picture.
  • Don’t be afraid to include sketches. If you include some sketches that show the progression from a simple idea to the final product, you can communicate your vision as well as your process.

When you are adding all of these elements to your presentation board, make sure each graphic representation of the plan has the same orientation. If one picture has north pointed in one direction and another picture has north pointed in a different direction, it can be disorienting for the viewer.

Likewise, each graphic should use the same scale unless there is one picture that is bigger than the others for the purpose of visual hierarchy.

There is one obvious detail that you may inadvertently overlook. Make sure your name is on your presentation board. If you have more than one board, put your name on each one. The name is in the bottom right-hand corner, but it can also appear in the title bar.

Architecture Presentation Board

Types of Architectural Presentation Boards

Organizing your architectural presentation sheets into specific categories can be a very effective way to present your projects. There are several types of architectural presentation boards, and the following tips can help you present your project at different stages:

C onceptual board

Concept sheets are a type of presentation board that showcase your initial ideas and approach to a project. They typically include information about the concept behind the project and how design decisions were made. It is important to submit concept sheets before presenting your architectural drawings and renderings.

When creating concept sheets, you may want to include conceptual collages and diagrams to help explain your ideas to the audience. These can be created using 3D modeling software or programs like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. The goal of concept sheets is to clearly and simply present the various stages of your project to the review panel.

Site a nalysis board

Before beginning a project, architects perform thorough analyses to determine the needs, conditions, and limitations of the site. This analysis serves as the foundation for the concept development. Site analysis boards may include site analysis, urban scale analysis, sociocultural analysis, analysis of physical conditions, and environmental analysis.

It is important to conduct extensive research and present your findings in a clear and organized way, as analysis boards can help reinforce the concepts presented in your architectural drawings.

It is also important to keep in mind that the jury members may have difficulty understanding analysis presented alongside the architectural drawings.

Technical / Detail Board

Technical drawings are a crucial aspect of architectural projects, as they help to depict the structural elements of a design and guide the construction process. It is important to present technical drawings in a clear and organized manner, particularly in application projects and student projects.

Technical drawing boards should typically include a master plan at a scale of 1/5000 or 1/1000, as well as site plans and floor plans at a scale of 1/500, and sections and elevations at a scale of 1/200. Detail drawings, including system sections and details at scales of 1/20, 1/10, and 1/5, should also be included on the technical drawing boards.

These drawings will help to provide a more complete understanding of the project to the review panel.

concept board architecture

Professional Boards

While student projects and competition entries are evaluated by a panel of judges, in professional practice, the client serves as the “jury” for your work. Instead of preparing presentation boards in the same way you would for school or competition projects, it is important to create presentations that will appeal to clients.

The most important factor for most clients is the design of the living space, so it can be helpful to focus on renderings and plain plans rather than technical drawings. The visual appeal of your presentation boards, including the color scheme and atmosphere in the renderings, as well as your ability to effectively present and explain your ideas to the client, will also be important factors in their evaluation of your work.

Programs, Software, and Tools

There are several software applications you can use to build your presentation board. Choose one that you are already familiar with, so you aren’t trying to learn new software while you are doing your layout. That is an added stressor that you just don’t need!

InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop are excellent programs, but if you need something a bit more simple, Microsoft Word, Pages, Powerpoint, or Keynote will also work. 

InDesign was designed for making presentations. AutoCAD was designed for constructing plans. Photoshop was designed for editing raster images. Illustrator was designed for creating vector art. While some people are able to make their whole presentation using Illustrator, Photoshop, or even PowerPoint, it makes more sense to use each piece of software in a way that takes advantage of its strengths.

You can import files from AutoCAD, Photoshop, and Illustrator into InDesign and take advantage of the strengths of each application.

Before you delve into your own presentation board, do some research. Look online for examples and make a note of the elements you like. Combine that inspiration with your creativity to produce a stunning presentation. 

Here are some websites you can use for inspiration:

The President’s Medals Winners

Pinterest – Architectural Presentation Boards

World Architecture Students Community – Presentation Boards

FAQ’s about architecture presentation boards

How do you present an architecture presentation.

Here are some general guidelines for presenting an architecture presentation:

  • Define your objective : Clearly define the purpose of your presentation and the main ideas or arguments you want to convey.
  • Organize your material : Gather and organize your material in a logical and coherent manner that supports your objectives. This may include drawings, images, models, diagrams, and text.
  • Create a clear and visually appealing layout : Use a layout that is easy to follow and that effectively presents your material. Consider using contrast, hierarchy, and balance to guide the viewer’s eye.
  • Practice your presentation : Practice your presentation to ensure that you are comfortable with your material and can deliver it in a clear and confident manner.
  • Use visual aids effectively : Use visual aids such as slides, drawings, and models to supplement your presentation and help illustrate your points. Avoid overloading the viewer with too much information and focus on presenting the most important ideas.
  • Engage your audience : Engage your audience by using a variety of presentation techniques, such as asking questions, using storytelling, and using interactive elements.
  • Conclude with a summary : Recap the main points of your presentation and conclude with a clear and concise summary.

Why do architects use presentation boards?

As explained above, architecture presentation boards are commonly used by architects and designers to visually communicate their ideas and designs.

Presentation boards typically consist of a series of large format panels that can be mounted on a wall or a stand. These panels can be used to display a variety of materials, such as drawings, images, models, diagrams, and text.

Presentation boards are an effective way to present a comprehensive overview of a project or design concept, and they can be used to showcase the key features and characteristics of a project.

They are often used in design reviews, presentations, exhibitions, and competitions , and can be a useful tool for architects and designers to communicate their ideas to a variety of audiences, including clients, stakeholders, and reviewers.

Presentation boards can be customized to suit the specific needs of the project and can be designed to effectively convey the key ideas and concepts of the design, enabling architects and designers to effectively present and showcase their work in a clear and visually appealing manner.

To Sum Up…

Even the most exceptional design concept can appear uninspired if you do not present it well.

You have spent weeks, maybe even months, on your design. Don’t sell yourself short by not communicating your vision well. The professional, creative, and aesthetic quality of your presentation will affect how your work is received.


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We've just unpacked some slides, assembled them together following the instructions and, finally, created this template! Help the public have a better idea of your company profile by showing a slideshow like this one. Is your business related to furniture? Then get some inspiration from our layouts. Talk about your...

Visual Arts Major for College: Interior Design presentation template

Visual Arts Major for College: Interior Design

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment. If you have studied this degree, it’s your turn to talk about it with this helpful template and encourage future students to take this major. The slides...

Interior Architecture Renovation Project Proposal presentation template

Interior Architecture Renovation Project Proposal

Bring life to any interior architecture project with this elegant and deluxe template! It contains a simple design but with a creative tone that will help you make an impact on your audience. Perfect for any interior renovation project proposal, this template will give you all the resources you need...

Minimal Interior Design Guide presentation template

Minimal Interior Design Guide

If you really want to feel comfortable at home, maybe you should seek some professional help. Interior designers can help you with that, and Slidesgo can help them get a great guide in the form of a slideshow. Build trust with your potential customers by editing these minimalist slides, containing...

Light Academia Aesthetic Design Inspiration presentation template

Light Academia Aesthetic Design Inspiration

Download the Light Academia Aesthetic Design Inspiration presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different...

Rustic Interior Designer Portfolio presentation template

Rustic Interior Designer Portfolio

Interior designers listen up! We have a special portfolio here for you: This Google Slides and PowerPoint template exudes a rustic charm with its light brown background and thoughtfully crafted elements. Showcase your creativity and expertise with help from the AI-generated placeholders, customizing each slide to reflect your unique style....

Furniture Delivery and Assembly Business Plan presentation template

Furniture Delivery and Assembly Business Plan

If the Swedish can do it, why can't you? There are businesses whose main product is furniture. More precisely, furniture that you assemble yourself. It's double satisfaction: you decorate your home and build something with your own hands. If you work for such a company, then you just have to...

Office Interior Design Portfolio presentation template

Office Interior Design Portfolio

As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Whether you're looking to impress a potential client, or foster a sense of creativity and innovation, a portfolio is the way to showcase your personality and style. Since a lot of people work in offices,...

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New! Make quick presentations with AI

Slidesgo AI presentation maker puts the power of design and creativity in your hands, so you can effortlessly craft stunning slideshows in minutes.

creative interior design presentation board

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Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor Architecture. Eames Side Chair

BoardPro - Mood Board App

Called “Addictive” by ELLE DÉCOR and awarded “Best Apps” for interior design and architecture, Board is the dream mood board software. Perfect with iPhone, Mac, and iPad, Board combines your ideal inspiration, decor or furniture library with powerful moodboard and collage tools to design or present anywhere. Whether you’re designing kitchen, nursery or home office mood boards or just moodboaring style, fashion and inspiration, Board is everything you need to be an interior designer in one amazing app.

Welcome to your new favorite interior design app.

Download for iOS and Mac

House Beautiful: Best Apps

Moodboard Super Tools

Powerful layers, amazing image controls and smart text.

Pinterest Connected

Seamless access to your pins, boards and favorites.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor, Pinterest

Curated Products Library

Beautiful designs, brilliant brands and addictive categories.

Custom Boards and Grids

Smart grids, stunning colors, textured backgrounds and infinite sizes.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor, Mood boards grids

AR Furniture

Experience products in your space to scale.

Explore furniture, palettes & more by color.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor, Color Seed

AR Color Capture

Virtually sample & explore color from the world around you.

Custom Library

Organize your favorites in your own personal folders.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor, Custom furniture library

Automated Furniture List

Make spreadsheets & cut sheets instantly.

Board for iPhone

Mood board maker in your pocket.

Morpholio Board Best iPhone App For Mood Board Interior Design, Decor, Custom furniture library

Board on Mac

Mood board maker at your desk.

Download for Mac

creative interior design presentation board

Board Videos

AR Board video

AR Board Turns Your iPad into a Virtual World of Color to be Captured

nterior Design Game Changers video

Board Pro Presents Four Interior Design Game Changers

Four Design Game Changers video

Board Pro Presents Four Design Game Changers

Meet Ava video

Meet Ava …Board Pro’s New Super Tool for Interior Design

Board Technologies

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor architecture. AR Color Capture Technology.

A new tool that lets anyone virtually sample, experience and record colors from the world around them. Not only is this a new way of experiencing color, but also a new way of allowing color to influence décor, design and sourcing.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor architecture. AVA Technology.

Meet Ava: the new best friend to designers of all types who want to think and work with images, while allowing precise, as well as beautiful, deliverables to be generated for them. Short for Automated Visual Assembly, Ava is the patent-pending future of interiors added into the new Board Pro. It was invented to package images and information more intelligently - optimizing beauty, clarity, and ease - and allowing designers to navigate seamlessly from process to presentation.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor architecture. AR Product Library Technology.

AR Product Library

Morpholio and Theia Interactive have teamed up to bring Morpholio Board products up to the highest level of Augmented Reality using Apple’s USDZ models and ARKit. Learn more about Theia and their amazing process on Theia website .

Board Ecosystem

Why morpholio board for architects and interior designers.

Morpholio Apps are not only the best apps for architects, interior designers, decorators and landscape designers, they also now work as a perfect compliment to, and seamlessly with, all of your favorite architectural and interior design software. This includes Autodesk AutoCad, Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, Pinterest, Adobe Photoshop, Shapr3D, UMake and many more. In addition, your Apple iPad, iPhone and Apple Pencil will never be more exciting to use as Morpholio’s suite of drawing, design and mood board apps become even more essential in your design process.

Board's "Interior Elite"

Morpholio Board is proud to feature the following "Interior Elite" and we thank them for their amazing design, innovation and support of a creative world.

15 West Studio 5mm. Abnormals Anonymous Aimee Wilder Alice Tacheny Design Another Country Aquatica Arborite Artek Artistic Tile ARTLESS Asa Pingree Atipico AXOR Bensen Bernhardt Design Bert Frank Biggs and Quail Blu Bathworks Blu Dot Boffi Bower Brunschwig & Fils Bujnie Bulo Caesarstone Campaign Carl Hansen & Son Carnegie Case Ceramics of Italy Coalesse Coco-mat Community A Jasper Group Brand Contardi USA Copeland Furniture Council Cumberland Furniture Curated Kravet Daltile Davis Furniture De Padova NY Design Within Reach Designtex Desiron Droog Dune Dyson B2B Inc. Earthed by William Clark Egg Collective Eskayel Ethnicraft fferrone FilzFelt Flock Frama Galanter & Jones GAN gentner Gessi graypants Gus* Modern Design Hagit Pincovici hansgrohe HBF Furniture HBF Textiles Herman Miller Hive Modern Humanscale inoow design Interface J.Adams & Co Jaime Derringer Janus et Cie JSI a Jasper Group Brand Juju Papers Kasthall Keilhauer KGBL Knoll KnollTextiles Kohler Koncept Kravet LACAVA Laetitia de Allegri Laetitia de Allegri & Matteo Fogale Lanzavecchia + Wai Designers Lee Jofa LEFF amsterdam Ligne Roset Lutron Madheke Maharam Marset Martin Forster Studio Mater Mats Inc. Matter MenuDesignShop Merkled Studio Mobilia modularArts Moleskine Moooi Mullan Lighting NANIMARQUINA NEO/CRAFT Niermann Weeks OFS Brands Oliver Gal Pedro Paulo Venzon PELLE Perez Ochando Peter Danko Designs Phase Design Pickett Furniture Piet Boon Pintark Plank Road Woodworks Poliform Poppin PORCELANOSA Procario Designs Rejuvenation Restoration Hardware Roche Bobois ROOM Room & Board Rubbermaid Commercial Products Sauder Woodworking SENTIENT SHIMNA Sifas Skagerak Skram Furniture Company SONNEMAN Sony's Life Space UX Spinneybeck Stefano Cavazzana Stephen Kenn Stickbulb SUTLA Design Taamaa Tandus Centiva TOKEN Tom Dixon TRNK Trueing Two Parts Uhuru Design Vitra VOLK Wallshoppe Waterworks WETSTYLE Wilkhahn WOHAbeing WORKSTEAD

Morpholio Announces Products of the Year 2024

Nostalgic Chic. According to our editorial team, the selection of “Peach Fuzz” as Pantone’s Color of the Year confirmed that we have officially reached PEAK 80’s nostalgia. Between the year of Barbie, metallics, florals, high-def marble and super saturation, everything old is new again. Some say we are looking for familiarity and connection in uncertain times while others argue that it is an embrace of the “ultra-feminine” with soft texture, tone, and form. Either way, we’re totally okay with all the ways we’re seeing the very best designers re-mix retro patterns, themes, and colors to create their own contemporary take. The results feel both exhilarating and comforting at the same time - very “of-the-moment” and yet timeless. Here’s a few we can’t wait to get our hands on! Thank you for inspiring the worldwide Morpholio Board community! Morpholio Board looked at thousands of products to track trends amongst its growing community of professional and DIY interior designers. Morpholio’s curatorial team, user data and influencer insights all helped to inform this selection for 2024. You can see more about these products in the Board App’s “Featured Products Gallery” or @MorpholioBoard on Instagram.

Board Best Products of the Year 2024


A Showcase Of The Hottest Home Decor Trends 2024

Interior design trends, paint & color palettes, home decor ideas.

  • Green Living

Home Remodeling

Gardening & landscaping ideas.

  • Real Estate
  • Celebrations

Design Business

Expert advice.

creative interior design presentation board

  • Home Trends
  • Design Styles
  • Paint and Color
  • Decorating Advice
  • Home Maintenance and Repairs
  • Home Exteriors
  • Ask the Contractor
  • Garden Design and Landscaping
  • Caring for Your Yard
  • Branding and Marketing for Interior Designers
  • Resources for Interior Designers
  • Design Presentation Templates
  • Mood Board and Flat Lay Templates
  • Learn Interior Design


  1. Interior Design Presentation Board on Behance

    creative interior design presentation board

  2. Interior Design Presentation Board :: Behance

    creative interior design presentation board

  3. Interior Design Presentation Board on Behance

    creative interior design presentation board

  4. Interior Design Presentation Board on Behance

    creative interior design presentation board

  5. Interior Design Presentation Board on Behance

    creative interior design presentation board

  6. How to Create a Winning Interior Design Presentation

    creative interior design presentation board


  1. Debut Event Interior Design Presentation

  2. Interior design presentation by IHA Design Works. #construction #interiorarchitecture #architect

  3. Wedding Reception Interior Design Presentation


  1. Make an Interior Design Mood Board: Examples, Templates, and Classes

    Here are tutorials for creating mood boards in Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. 3. Canva. Interior design mood board template on Canva. Cost: Free. Devices: Mac, PC, iOS, Android. Canva is a free design app that's a great option for anyone without access to or experience with Adobe products.

  2. Interior Design Presentations: The Secret to Winning More Clients

    The first step to creating a dynamic interior design presentation is to sketch your initial design concepts for each area clients want to be revamped. Draw a basic layout of the space, make note of its dimensions, and add comments that will help guide the remainder of your design process. 2. Draw a 3D floor plan.

  3. How to Package Your Interior Design Concepts in a Presentation

    By creating a digital portfolio using presentation software, creative professionals can design a memorable visual resume to dazzle clients. Creating a digital portfolio presentation can be simple for interior designers using PowerPoint-alternative software like The creative portfolio template helps designers showcase their work ...

  4. Interior Design Moodboard

    Follow this step-by-step guide to learn the modern process of creating an interior design moodboard for your project in Milanote, a free tool used by top creatives. 1. Start with an empty template. The Interior Design Moodboard template contains beautifully composed placeholders for images, video, color swatches and notes.

  5. How to Present A Client's Interior Design Mood Board

    The mood board you create should be an organized display of your thoughts and ideas, and as an end result, a board should then be a useful tool you can use to effectively communicate your design ideas to your client. A mood board is what you'll typically receive from a decorator, stylist, or e-design website (Except for our Design Team.

  6. Interior Design Presentation Board :: Behance

    Interior Design Presentation Board. Aiman Nazri. 2018 Final Year Project - INTERMINGLE SPACES Presentation Board 1. 2018 Final Year Project - INTERMINGLE SPACES Presentation Board 2. 2018 Final Year Project - INTERMINGLE SPACES Presentation Board 3. 2017 Project II Semester 6 - INSIDE OUT Presentation Board 1.

  7. Unlock the Potential of Interior Design Client Presentations: a Guide

    Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by SampleBoard. Interior Designers know all too well the struggle of bringing their creative vision to life. It's one thing to have a great concept, but it's another thing entirely to turn that idea into a tangible product or design.

  8. Unleashing Creativity: The Power of Interior Design Presentation Boards

    In conclusion, interior design presentation boards are a powerful tool that allows designers to unleash their creativity and effectively communicate their design concepts. By incorporating the elements discussed in this article, you can create captivating boards that captivate clients, elevate your designs, and ultimately boost your success in ...

  9. 6 Tips for Creating and Presenting a Design Board to Your Interior

    Keep the Boards Consistent. In most projects, you will be required to present several schematics detailing a variety of aspects of the project. For example, you may show off material boards, technical specifications, color boards, 3D drawings, etc. These boards should be visually similar (color scheme, font size, title style, same layouts ...

  10. How to Create an Interior Design Mood Board

    Let's dive right into it! 1. Choose the room you want to design or redesign. This may seem obvious, but it's important to be clear about the scope of your project before starting a mood board. Make sure to decide at the outset which room or space you want to create a mood board and stick to it.

  11. Interior Presentation Projects :: Photos, videos, logos ...

    35 1.4k. Presentation for Interior Design Studio BTW. Olya Verpa 🇺🇦. 31 768. Interıor Design Presentation Moodboard Template. works. 3 120. From US $19. FREE - Voodoo Presentation Template.

  12. How to Create a Professional Interior Design Presentation in 6 Steps

    Then add any other comments that you should keep in mind while creating the rest of your presentation. 2. Draw a 3D floor plan. The next part of the design process is to create the floor plan. A floor plan is essentially the container for all your creative ideas, so this is an important step.

  13. Design Presentation Boards

    These notes outline and explain interior design Presentation Boards Layout tips and techniques and how to create eye catching Presentation Boards. Presentation Boards are used by interior designers but also by architects, graphic designers and concept artists in order to present their ideas, drawings and designs to clients, co-workers or their boss. Lets look at the key points to consider when ...

  14. Creative Interior Design Presentation Board Ideas

    Make your interior design presentations impressive with these creative presentation board ideas. Discover how to showcase your design concepts effectively and captivate your audience.

  15. Interior Design Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Create stunning interior design presentations with these templates and showcase your creative vision. No Download Limits Free for Any Use No Signups.

  16. How to Make a Great Mood Board for an Interior Design Project

    A mood board is a powerful visual tool for interior design professionals and newbs alike, and the process of creating a mood board is an important and clarifying step in designing a space. Whether you're needing assistance with the technical side or the creative process, we've got you covered below with a complete guide to creating an ...

  17. Design Presentation Templates for Interior Designers

    Polished, branded, and comprehensive Design Presentation templates will make presentation day more successful. Save time with our ready-to-use templates that will make your designs shine. Simply drop in your floor plans, mood boards, or renderings for a professional looking presentation in minutes. With many designs to choose from, these templates are totally customizable in Canva, a free and ...

  18. Why Interior Design Presentation process is important?

    Typically, an interior design presentation incorporates 4-13 different elements that work together to convey the design concept. The design process that leads to the presentation can be broken down into several key phases: Programming Phase: The initial stage where the client's needs and goals are identified.

  19. Creating a Successful Architecture Presentation Board

    Architecture presentation boards are a tool to showcase your work. They are a way to draw your viewers into your design process and methods, providing an overall summary and vision for the project. You are communicating your design and showcasing your artistic skills, and your sense as a designer. Every successful project has a central concept ...

  20. Interior Design Google Slides & PPT Templates

    Interior Design. Create a new presentation using this template and find out how design affects the way your audience perceives your message. Square lines and shapes will give balance to your work. Add some pictures to the mix and you'll get a dynamic and attractive message. Multi-purpose.

  21. Morpholio Board

    Morpholio Board is the ALL-IN-ONE Interior design, decor & mood board app. Perfect for any interior designer, interior decorator or stylist, Board merges your ideal inspiration, decor or furniture library with powerful moodboard and collage tools to design or present anywhere. Awarded 'Best Apps' for interior design, staging and decor, see for yourself why Board is the dream mood board ...

  22. Interior Design Trends

    Explore interior design trends for 2024 and elevate your home decor. Your go-to resource for staying ahead in the world of interior design. Mood board creation software

  23. Presentation Board Projects :: Photos, videos, logos ...

    From US $19. Free BAZZ Animated Presentation Templates. Batzorig Regzen. Pro. 1.3k 49.1k. Presentation board design for the project of cafe. Maryam Shafaq. 5 61. Interior Design Presentation Board.