Christian Educators Academy

The Power of Brotherhood: How To Be A Christian Brother That Makes A Difference

Brotherhood is a fundamental aspect of Christianity, emphasizing the power of relationships and community. To be a Christian brother means to embody the values of brotherhood, including love, sacrifice, and service to others. Being a Christian brother requires dedication and commitment, but it is a journey worth taking.

Are you interested in learning how to be a Christian brother that makes a difference in the world? This article will provide insights into the essential qualities of a Christian brother, tips on how to build strong relationships with fellow brothers in Christ, and examples of inspirational Christian brotherhood.

Whether you are a new believer or a seasoned Christian, this guide will help you understand the true meaning of brotherhood in Christianity and how to live out these values in your daily life. Discover the power of brotherhood and how you can make a positive impact on the world as a Christian brother.

Are you ready to take your brotherhood to the next level? Keep reading to learn more!

Discovering the True Meaning of Brotherhood in Christianity

At its core, brotherhood in Christianity is about creating a supportive and nurturing community of believers who share a common faith and vision. It is about building relationships that are grounded in trust, compassion, and service to others. To truly understand the meaning of brotherhood in Christianity , it is essential to explore its key components and values.

Brotherhood is not just a superficial relationship based on common interests or hobbies. Rather, it is a deep connection that is rooted in a shared spiritual identity and commitment to a higher purpose. Brotherhood is about being there for each other through the ups and downs of life, offering support, encouragement, and love.

The Key Components of Brotherhood in Christianity

  • Shared Faith: Brotherhood in Christianity is based on a shared faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This common bond unites believers across all races, genders, and backgrounds.
  • Trust: Brotherhood is built on a foundation of trust. This means being honest and transparent with one another, and respecting each other’s privacy and boundaries.
  • Service: Brotherhood is about serving one another in love. This means putting the needs of others before your own, and using your gifts and talents to help others.

The Values of Brotherhood in Christianity

In addition to the key components, brotherhood in Christianity is also grounded in specific values that guide how we interact with one another. These values include:

  • Love: Love is the foundation of brotherhood in Christianity . This means showing genuine care and concern for one another, even when it is difficult or inconvenient.
  • Forgiveness : Forgiveness is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. This means being willing to let go of grudges and resentments, and extending grace and mercy to one another.
  • Humility : Humility is the key to avoiding pride and arrogance. This means being willing to admit when you are wrong, and seeking forgiveness when you have hurt others.

Living Out the Meaning of Brotherhood in Christianity

So how can we live out the true meaning of brotherhood in Christianity in our daily lives? Here are some practical tips:

  • Join a Small Group: Small groups provide an opportunity to connect with other believers on a deeper level and build supportive relationships.
  • Be Vulnerable: Authenticity and vulnerability are essential for building trust and fostering deeper connections with others.
  • Serve Others: Look for ways to use your gifts and talents to serve others in your church and community.

By embracing the true meaning of brotherhood in Christianity , we can create a community of believers that is truly supportive, nurturing, and life-giving. So let’s commit to living out these values and building deep and meaningful relationships with one another.

5 Essential Qualities of a Christian Brother

Being a Christian brother is not just about being part of a church community or having a common faith. It’s about embodying certain essential qualities that can make a difference in the lives of others. Here are five qualities that are essential to being a Christian brother.

Compassion: As a Christian brother, you must have compassion for others. You need to be empathetic and able to understand the struggles that others are going through. You must be willing to help others in any way possible, whether it be through prayer or through physical action.

2a. Putting Others First: As a Christian brother, you must have humility. You need to be willing to put the needs of others before your own. This means being willing to serve others and help them in any way possible, even if it means sacrificing your own desires or needs.

2b. Acknowledging Your Own Imperfections: Humility also means acknowledging your own imperfections and weaknesses. It means being willing to admit when you are wrong, and to ask for forgiveness when necessary.

3a. Honesty: As a Christian brother, you must have integrity. You need to be honest and truthful in all your dealings with others. This means not lying or deceiving others, but being truthful even if it may be difficult or uncomfortable.

3b. Consistency: Integrity also means being consistent in your actions and words. You must practice what you preach and lead by example.


4a. Reliability: As a Christian brother, you must be trustworthy. You need to be reliable and dependable, and others must be able to count on you to keep your promises and fulfill your commitments.

4b. Confidentiality: Trustworthiness also means being able to keep confidential information private. You must respect the trust others have placed in you and not disclose their private information to others without their permission.


5a. Forgiveness: As a Christian brother, you must be gracious. You need to be willing to forgive others when they have wronged you, just as you hope to be forgiven when you have wronged others. This means letting go of anger and resentment, and showing compassion and understanding.

5b. Kindness: Graciousness also means being kind and compassionate to others, even when they may not deserve it. It means showing love and compassion to all people, regardless of their background or circumstances.

By embodying these five essential qualities, you can become a Christian brother who truly makes a difference in the lives of those around you.

How to Build Strong Relationships with Fellow Brothers in Christ

Building strong relationships with fellow brothers in Christ is essential for personal growth and spiritual development. It’s a way to share your journey, receive support, and offer guidance to others. Here are some tips to help you build strong relationships with fellow brothers in Christ.

Prioritize Fellowship

To build strong relationships with fellow brothers in Christ, prioritize fellowship. Attend church events, bible studies, and community gatherings to connect with others. Make an effort to meet new people and engage in conversations that help you get to know each other better.

Embrace Vulnerability

2a. Share Your Struggles

Being vulnerable is crucial in building strong relationships with fellow brothers in Christ. Share your struggles with others, and be open to receiving feedback and support. This helps create a safe space for others to share their struggles as well.

2b. Listen with Empathy

When someone else shares their struggles, listen with empathy. Seek to understand their perspective, and avoid judgment or criticism. This helps create trust and a deeper sense of connection between you and your fellow brothers in Christ.

Serve Together

3a. Volunteer for Church Events

Find opportunities to serve alongside your fellow brothers in Christ. Volunteer for church events or community outreach programs. This helps strengthen your bond and provides a shared sense of purpose.

3b. Be Available for Support

When someone needs help or support, be available to lend a helping hand. This shows that you care and are committed to building a strong relationship with them.

Pray Together

4a. Start a Prayer Group

Prayer is a powerful tool that can bring people closer together. Consider starting a prayer group with fellow brothers in Christ to deepen your relationships and spiritual connection.

4b. Pray for Each Other

Make an effort to pray for each other regularly. This helps create a sense of community and shows that you are invested in each other’s spiritual growth and wellbeing.

Practice Forgiveness

5a. Let Go of Resentment

Forgiveness is essential in any relationship, and it’s especially crucial in building strong relationships with fellow brothers in Christ. Let go of any resentment or grudges, and seek to reconcile and restore your relationship with others.

5b. Offer Forgiveness

If someone has wronged you, offer forgiveness. This helps create a culture of grace and mercy, which is a core tenet of Christianity .

The Importance of Serving Others as a Christian Brother

As a Christian brother, serving others is one of the most important things you can do. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and serving others is a tangible way to put that love into action. When we serve others, we are also serving God, and it brings us closer to Him. Here are some reasons why serving others is so important:

Firstly, serving others is a way to live out our faith in a practical way. It’s easy to talk about our beliefs, but serving others shows that we truly believe what we say we believe. Secondly, serving others allows us to build relationships with those we serve. By serving alongside others, we can develop deep and meaningful connections that can last a lifetime. Finally, serving others allows us to make a difference in the world. Even small acts of kindness can have a big impact on someone’s life.

Ways to Serve Others as a Christian Brother

  • Volunteer at your local church or community organization.
  • Visit those who are sick or in the hospital.
  • Offer to help with household chores or yard work for someone who is elderly or disabled.

The Benefits of Serving Others as a Christian Brother

  • Serving others can help us grow in our faith and bring us closer to God.
  • Serving others can help us develop new skills and talents.
  • Serving others can help us form deep and meaningful relationships with others.

In conclusion, serving others is an essential part of living out our faith as Christian brothers. By serving others, we can show the love of Christ to those around us and make a difference in the world. Let’s make serving others a priority in our lives and see how God can use us to make a positive impact on those around us.

Overcoming Challenges and Strengthening Your Faith as a Christian Brother

As a Christian brother, you will inevitably face challenges and obstacles that test your faith. These can range from personal struggles to external forces that threaten your beliefs. However, it is important to remember that overcoming these challenges can ultimately strengthen your faith and bring you closer to God.

One of the most effective ways to overcome challenges is to rely on the support of your fellow Christian brothers. When facing difficult times, it can be tempting to isolate oneself and struggle alone. However, by leaning on your community and seeking guidance and support, you can overcome challenges with the help of your brothers in Christ.

Practicing Prayer and Meditation

Prayer: Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that a Christian brother can use to overcome challenges. By speaking directly to God, you can gain a sense of peace and clarity that can help you face difficult situations with greater strength and resolve.

Meditation: Meditation is another valuable tool that can help you overcome challenges and strengthen your faith. By focusing your mind and quieting your thoughts, you can gain a greater sense of inner peace and clarity.

Seeking Guidance from Scripture

Bible Study: Studying the Bible is a powerful way to deepen your faith and gain guidance during challenging times. Through studying Scripture, you can gain insights into God’s plan for your life and develop a deeper understanding of His love and wisdom.

Reflecting on Verses: Reflecting on specific verses that speak to your current struggles can also be incredibly helpful. By meditating on these verses and seeking to apply their teachings to your life, you can gain a greater sense of peace and understanding.

Developing a Support System

Building Relationships: Building strong relationships with other Christian brothers is one of the most effective ways to develop a support system. By surrounding yourself with people who share your beliefs and values, you can gain strength and encouragement during challenging times.

Joining a Group: Joining a small group or Bible study can also be a valuable way to develop a support system. These groups provide a safe space for you to share your struggles and receive guidance and support from others.

Overcoming challenges and strengthening your faith as a Christian brother is not always easy, but it is essential to living a fulfilling and purposeful life. By practicing prayer and meditation, seeking guidance from Scripture, and developing a strong support system, you can face challenges with greater strength and resilience, ultimately growing closer to God in the process.

Guiding the Next Generation: Mentoring Younger Christian Brothers

As a Christian brother, it is important to guide and mentor the younger generation of believers. Mentoring is a way to share your knowledge and wisdom with those who are just starting on their spiritual journey. By mentoring younger Christian brothers, you can help them grow in their faith and become stronger in their relationship with God .

Here are some tips for effective mentoring:

Listen and be Available

  • Listen attentively to their concerns and questions
  • Be available to meet with them on a regular basis
  • Provide a safe and non-judgmental space for them to share

Share Your Experience

  • Share your own experiences, both good and bad
  • Be honest and vulnerable in your sharing
  • Show how your faith has helped you overcome challenges

Encourage Growth

  • Encourage them to read and study the Bible
  • Help them identify areas where they can grow in their faith
  • Provide opportunities for them to serve and give back to their community

Mentoring younger Christian brothers is a fulfilling and rewarding experience. By sharing your knowledge and experiences, you can help shape the next generation of Christian leaders and strengthen the body of Christ. Remember to always keep faith at the center of your mentoring relationships, and trust in God to guide and bless your efforts.

Living a Purpose-Driven Life: Examples of Inspirational Christian Brotherhood

Living a purpose-driven life is a goal for many Christians, but finding inspiration and guidance on how to achieve this can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many examples of Christian brotherhood that can serve as sources of inspiration and guidance for those seeking to live a purpose-driven life.

One such example is St. Francis of Assisi , who is known for his dedication to living a life of poverty, humility, and service to others. He founded the Franciscan order and inspired countless others to follow in his footsteps, including St. Clare of Assisi, who founded the Poor Clares. Another example is St. Maximilian Kolbe , who sacrificed his life for a fellow prisoner at Auschwitz during World War II, demonstrating a deep commitment to serving others and living out his faith even in the face of extreme adversity.

Living a Life of Service

Living a life of service to others is a cornerstone of purpose-driven living. One example of this is Mother Teresa , who devoted her life to serving the poorest of the poor in Calcutta, India. She saw Christ in each person she served and lived a life of selflessness and devotion that continues to inspire others today.

Another example of living a life of service is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , who fought for civil rights and equality for all people. He believed that all people were created in the image of God and should be treated with dignity and respect, and he worked tirelessly to achieve this goal.

Pursuing a Passion for Justice

Another aspect of purpose-driven living is pursuing a passion for justice. One example of this is William Wilberforce , who devoted his life to ending the slave trade in the British Empire. Despite facing immense opposition, he persisted in his mission and eventually succeeded in seeing slavery abolished in the British Empire.

Another example of pursuing justice is Dietrich Bonhoeffer , a German pastor who spoke out against the Nazi regime and ultimately gave his life in resistance to their evil. His commitment to justice and resistance to tyranny continues to inspire Christians today.

Building Community and Fellowship

Building community and fellowship is also an important aspect of purpose-driven living. One example of this is the Early Church , which came together in fellowship and support of one another. They shared meals, prayed together, and supported each other in times of need.

Another example is the Taizé Community , an ecumenical Christian community in France that is dedicated to prayer, peace, and reconciliation. They bring together Christians from all over the world to worship and pray together, fostering a sense of unity and fellowship among believers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i become a christian brother.

To become a Christian Brother, you need to be a Catholic man who has a desire to live a life of service to God and others. You can begin by exploring your local Christian Brothers’ community, and meeting with members to learn more about their way of life.

What is the role of a Christian Brother?

The role of a Christian Brother is to live a life of service to God and others, and to dedicate themselves to teaching and mentoring young people. They work in schools, youth centers, and other community organizations, sharing their faith and values with those they serve.

What kind of education is required to become a Christian Brother?

While a formal degree is not required, many Christian Brothers hold advanced degrees in education, theology, or other related fields. It is important for them to have a solid understanding of their faith, as well as a strong foundation in teaching and mentoring.

What is the vow of poverty that Christian Brothers take?

The vow of poverty is a commitment made by Christian Brothers to live a simple life and to give up personal possessions and wealth. This allows them to focus on their work and service to others without the distractions of material possessions.

Can women become Christian Brothers?

No, Christian Brothers are exclusively male. However, women can join religious communities that have similar values and commitments, such as the Sisters of Charity or the Sisters of Mercy.

What kind of community life do Christian Brothers have?

Christian Brothers live in community with one another, sharing meals, prayer, and work. They support one another in their faith and service, and work together to fulfill their mission of teaching and mentoring young people.

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Essay on Universal Brotherhood

Students are often asked to write an essay on Universal Brotherhood in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Universal Brotherhood

The concept of universal brotherhood.

Universal Brotherhood is the idea that all humans are connected, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. This concept promotes peace, love, and unity among all people.

The Importance of Universal Brotherhood

Universal Brotherhood encourages respect for diversity and fosters understanding. It helps us to see that despite our differences, we share common human values and experiences.

Universal Brotherhood in Practice

Practicing Universal Brotherhood means promoting equality, fairness, and justice. It involves treating everyone with kindness and dignity, and working together for the common good.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on Universal Brotherhood

250 Words Essay on Universal Brotherhood

Universal Brotherhood is an idea that transcends geographical, cultural, and religious borders. It emphasizes the inherent unity and interconnectedness of all human beings. This concept is rooted in the understanding that despite our diverse backgrounds and personal histories, we share a common human essence.

Significance of Universal Brotherhood

The significance of Universal Brotherhood cannot be overstated, particularly in our current global climate. As we face collective challenges such as climate change, poverty, and conflict, the principle of Universal Brotherhood urges us to view these not as isolated issues, but as shared responsibilities. It encourages us to foster empathy, tolerance, and understanding, thus promoting peace and cooperation.

Translating the concept of Universal Brotherhood into practice involves cultivating an attitude of respect and acceptance towards all. It requires us to challenge our biases and prejudices, and to actively seek common ground with those who seem different from us. For instance, intercultural exchanges and global collaborations can help bridge the gap between diverse communities.

Challenges to Universal Brotherhood

Despite its potential benefits, Universal Brotherhood faces significant obstacles. These include deep-seated prejudices, cultural misunderstandings, and systemic inequalities. Overcoming these challenges requires concerted efforts at the individual, community, and institutional levels.

In conclusion, Universal Brotherhood is a powerful concept that can guide us towards a more inclusive and harmonious world. By embracing this principle, we can foster a global community characterized by mutual respect, understanding, and shared responsibility.

500 Words Essay on Universal Brotherhood

Universal Brotherhood is an idealistic concept that transcends geographical boundaries, ethnicities, cultures, and religions. It promotes the idea that all humans are interconnected and that each individual has a responsibility towards the collective welfare of humanity. The concept is deeply rooted in philosophical, spiritual, and humanistic perspectives, asserting that all individuals are fundamentally equal and should be treated with mutual respect and dignity.

Origins and Historical Context

The idea of Universal Brotherhood has been a recurring theme throughout history, found in the teachings of various religions and philosophies. In Christianity, the notion of “Love thy neighbor as thyself” promotes the idea of a shared brotherhood. Similarly, Buddhism’s emphasis on compassion and Hinduism’s principle of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” meaning the world is one family, echo these sentiments. The Enlightenment era further advanced these ideas, emphasizing universal human rights and equality.

Universal Brotherhood in Modern Society

In today’s globalized world, the relevance of Universal Brotherhood has never been more significant. As societies become increasingly multicultural, the need for understanding and acceptance of diversity is paramount. Universal Brotherhood encourages empathy and understanding, fostering peaceful coexistence.

However, the reality of achieving this ideal is often fraught with challenges. Discrimination, prejudice, and social inequality persist, creating divisions among people. Yet, it is precisely these adversities that highlight the necessity for Universal Brotherhood. By adopting this mindset, societies can work towards overcoming these barriers, fostering unity in diversity.

The Role of Education

Education plays a pivotal role in promoting Universal Brotherhood. It is through education that individuals can be made aware of the inherent similarities among humans, despite apparent differences. Educational institutions can foster an environment that encourages dialogue, critical thinking, and empathy, thus nurturing the seeds of Universal Brotherhood.

Universal Brotherhood and Global Challenges

The concept of Universal Brotherhood is not just a philosophical ideal but a pragmatic necessity in addressing global challenges. Issues such as climate change, poverty, and pandemics do not respect national boundaries. They require a collective and cooperative response, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all humans.

In conclusion, Universal Brotherhood is a concept that encourages mutual respect, empathy, and unity among all human beings, regardless of their backgrounds. It is an ideal that, if embraced, can help societies overcome divisions and collectively address global challenges. While the path towards Universal Brotherhood may be fraught with challenges, it is a journey worth undertaking for the betterment of humanity. The journey begins with each one of us, fostering understanding and acceptance within our spheres of influence, and gradually impacting the world at large.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Brother is My Hero
  • Essay on My Brother
  • Essay on Adverse Effects of Mass Media

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Essay About Brothers: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

S ee this article for samples and prompts to help you write an essay about brothers.

Most people would imagine a male relative with the same parent or parents as you when they hear the word “brother.” However, “brother” can also refer to someone you’re very close with, who shares the same interests, and thinks like you. 

Writing an essay about brothers can be challenging if you don’t have a male sibling. Don’t worry. It’s perfectly fine to get inspiration from essays and other literary pieces you can find.

Below are samples you can read to assist you in writing an essay about “brother.”

1. My Brother Essay by User Era

2. he’s my brother by alexandra of metairie, louisiana, 3. the day i met my little brother by symone mc collum, 4. losing my brother essay by writer jill, 5. personal essay on my twin brother by luke peretti, 1. my brother, 2. fondest memories of my brother, 3. my unique language with my brother, 4. what i want for my brother, 5. the worst things about my brother, 6. when i have a brother…, 7. why he’s my brother, 8. when i become a brother.

“The relationship between my brother and me is deep and special. It only grows stronger with time. There are occasional fights and arguments. But at the end of the day, Kevin and I are always looking after each other.”

In this short essay, the author describes her brother’s personality and hobbies and how he’s such a wonderful person. She acknowledges that they sometimes argue and fight, but at the end of the day, she considers him her hero and forever companion. 

“I believe that siblings are the best addition to life. Without a doubt, siblings can be annoying and petty, but with all of the bickering and not so witty banter, they love with all their heart.”

Alexandra remembers the first time her parents took her baby brother home. She then details how her brother helped her connect with others, know how to compromise, and love someone else. Over the years, she realized that everything he taught her made her life more enjoyable. 

“I used to think of disappointment as losing one of my Barbie dresses… But I realized that disappointment can stem from the person you love the most… I don’t dislike my little brother and sister till this day. They’re still my little superstars and I hope I can be a good enough big sister to them.”

Mc Collum starts her essay by narrating how much she wants to have a sibling. But, as an only child, she finds it lonely and boring. She then recounts the events of when her dad introduced her little brother to her as a surprise. She follows it by describing her mixed feelings about meeting the baby, mainly because her father already had another child with another woman. 

Instead of focusing on her little brother, she shares her disappointment with her father. It took her some time, but she now accepts her younger siblings because they aren’t at fault for what their father did. Mc Collum concludes her essay by stating that she doesn’t want to be a victim and does her best to overcome her frustration with her father.

“For me, losing my brother almost three years ago still saddens me… Losing someone is hard to accept, remembering him is easy, I do it everyday.”

The writer shares her pain at how she lost her brother, best friend, and right hand due to an overdose. She tells of how much they spent time together and how he was always there to protect her.

She further explains how hard it is to move on when she remembers him every day and still wishes he was there with her. Her brother’s death made her try to make the best of everything and trust God. 

“Having a twin brother is a blessing and a curse. He is always there for me and I always have a friend to talk to, but a majority of the time he pushes my buttons invades my personal space and gets on my nerves.”

Peretti discusses his thoughts on how he initially loved being a twin until it gradually took away his character because no one could tell him apart from his brother. It took him a while to realize that people only react the way they do because they don’t understand what he feels. They don’t have a twin, after all.

Peretti then strived to be a better person and embraced being a twin. He ends the essay by realizing his struggles with his brother made him the best version of himself.

8 Prompts To Consider

The following writing prompts can help you get started on your essay.

Are you anxious that your essay will fall short? Here are the best essay writing apps you can take advantage of to ensure you deliver an excellent essay.

The best thing about essays about brothers is you can write about your own brother and describe everything you love (or don’t love) about them! Describe his hobbies, interests, and personal appearance. Include personal anecdotes and fond memories in this essay for a fun and engaging read.

Essay About Brothers:: Fondest Memories Of My Brother

Recount something unforgettable such as when you two prank your parents or when you cover for each other to avoid getting scolded. Include what you felt during that time and how that event made your sibling bond stronger. Make sure to use descriptive and engaging language to immerse the reader in your experiences.

It’s not uncommon for siblings to have a secret language and mutual understanding of each other’s body language. List things that only the two know, such as a secret handshake or a code word. Then share with your readers how it came about. 

This essay piece can focus on what you want your brother to be in the future. Describe your brother’s hope and dreams, and what you envision for his future. Perhaps you hope that he exceeds in his career, travels the world, or starts a family of his own. Describe this in detail, and write this essay to show your appreciation of your brother!

There are good things you can include when speaking about your brother, but it’s undeniable that there are times when he gets annoying. With this essay prompt, you can tell a story of when your brother irritated you the most and why. You can also add what you’ve learned after that incident, and how you moved forwards.

If you’re someone who doesn’t have a brother, you can imagine one for yourself. You can create an ideal brother and then explain to the readers why you want your brother to have the characteristics and personality you listed.

With this prompt, you’re free to write about anyone – blood-related or not. If you choose to talk about your blood-related brother, expand on why you consider him your brother aside from sharing the same blood. Meanwhile, you can talk about someone who’s not your kin but feels like one. Narrate your story on how you two became close and why you consider them a brother.

This prompt is perfect for anyone expecting or wanting to have a sibling in the future. What will you be as a brother? Describing how you’ll act like a brother and why is also a fascinating subject that can persuade your readers into thinking about what kind of sibling they are or will be.

Do you want to write about other relatives? Check out our 20 engaging essay topics about family .

essay on brotherhood in english

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Essay on Brother

Brotherhood is a multifaceted relationship that transcends mere familial ties, encompassing deep bonds of friendship, loyalty, and love. It is a relationship that shapes our character, influences our choices, and provides a unique support system that can be found nowhere else. This essay delves into the essence of brotherhood, exploring its various dimensions and the profound impact it has on individuals and society.


Brotherhood, at its core, is a bond shared between brothers, whether by blood or by choice. It is characterized by a deep sense of empathy, understanding, and a commitment to stand by each other through life’s myriad challenges and joys. This bond is not confined to biological relationships; it extends to those we choose to consider our brothers, forming an unbreakable chain of trust and camaraderie.

Brotherhood in Families

In families, brotherhood starts from childhood. It is a relationship often marked by a shared history and experiences. Brothers grow up learning from each other, sharing joys, sorrows, and life lessons. The family environment plays a crucial role in nurturing this bond, teaching values of respect, understanding, and support. This familial brotherhood lays the foundation for how individuals relate to others in their future life.

The value of having a Brother

  • Sibling Bond: A brother is typically a male sibling and shares a special bond with you that is often characterized by love, trust, and a sense of camaraderie.
  • Support System: Brothers can be a reliable source of emotional support, guidance, and encouragement during various stages of life.
  • Shared Memories: Growing up together, brothers create numerous shared memories, from childhood adventures to family gatherings, that can be cherished for a lifetime.
  • Sibling Rivalry: While brothers can have a close bond, they may also experience sibling rivalry, competing for attention or resources at times, which can help build resilience and conflict resolution skills.
  • Protective Instinct: Many brothers have a protective instinct towards their siblings, especially younger ones, and often take on a guardian role.
  • Lifelong Friend: Brothers can become lifelong friends, offering companionship and someone to share life experiences with as you both grow older.
  • Different Personalities: Brothers may have different personalities and interests, which can lead to diverse perspectives and a chance to learn from each other.
  • Sibling Responsibilities: Brothers often share responsibilities within the family, such as helping with household chores, caring for parents, or supporting each other in achieving personal goals.
  • Shared Interests: Similar interests and hobbies can bring brothers even closer, as they can bond over activities they both enjoy.
  • Celebrating Achievements: Brothers often take pride in each other’s achievements, whether it’s academic success, career milestones, or personal accomplishments.
  • Fights and Arguments: Like any close relationship, brothers can have disagreements, arguments, and conflicts, but these experiences can also contribute to personal growth and better communication skills.
  • Learning from Each Other: Brothers can be influential in each other’s lives, teaching valuable life lessons, skills, and values.
  • Celebrating Special Occasions: Brothers often celebrate birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions together, creating lasting memories.
  • Sibling Traditions: Many families have their own traditions and customs that brothers partake in, adding to the shared family culture.
  • Unconditional Love: Despite the ups and downs, the love between brothers is often unconditional, and they can be there for each other through thick and thin.
  • Confidants: Brothers can be trusted confidants, with whom you can share your thoughts, feelings, and secrets.
  • Mutual Respect: Over time, brothers often develop a deep respect for each other’s opinions and choices in life.
  • Role Models : Older brothers can serve as role models for younger ones, providing guidance on navigating challenges and making important life decisions.
  • Lifelong Connection: The bond between brothers is typically a lifelong connection that endures even as family dynamics change with time.
  • Building a Family Legacy: Brothers may work together to uphold family traditions, values, and legacies, ensuring they are passed down to future generations

Brotherhood Beyond Blood

Brotherhood is not limited to those who share genetic ties. It often develops among friends, colleagues, or comrades who share common interests, struggles, or goals. This form of brotherhood is prevalent in various settings, such as among soldiers, in academic institutions, or within sports teams, where individuals bond over shared experiences and mutual support.

The Role of Brotherhood in Personal Development

The influence of brotherhood in personal development is profound. Brothers, whether by blood or choice, often serve as role models, confidants, and mentors. They challenge each other to grow, learn, and improve. This relationship fosters a sense of security, allowing individuals to take risks and explore new horizons, knowing they have a support system to fall back on.

Brotherhood in Times of Crisis

In times of crisis, the true essence of brotherhood shines brightest. Brothers stand together, offering emotional, physical, and financial support. They become pillars of strength, helping each other navigate through difficult times. This solidarity is not only comforting but also empowering, enabling individuals to overcome challenges they might not face alone.

Brotherhood and Social Harmony

Brotherhood extends beyond individual relationships and impacts social harmony. It promotes values of empathy, cooperation, and mutual respect. These values are essential for the functioning of any healthy society. By fostering understanding and tolerance, brotherhood can bridge divides, whether cultural, racial, or religious, promoting a more inclusive and harmonious society.

The Challenges of Brotherhood

While brotherhood is a source of strength, it is not without its challenges. Conflicts, misunderstandings, and differences in opinions are common. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth. Through conflict resolution, compromise, and open communication, brotherhood can be strengthened, leading to deeper understanding and respect.

In conclusion, brotherhood is a dynamic and enriching relationship that plays a significant role in personal growth and social harmony. Whether between siblings or friends, it is a bond built on trust, empathy, and mutual support. Brotherhood teaches us the value of loyalty, the strength of unity, and the importance of understanding. It is a relationship that, when nurtured, can lead to a fulfilling and harmonious life. As we navigate through our journey, let us cherish and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood, for they are the ties that bind us together in the shared experience of humanity.


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essay on brotherhood in english

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Brotherhood 2 Pages 555 Words

             Brotherhood is about the best thing in the world. There are many different definitions for the word Brotherhood. You can find brotherhood almost every where you go in businesses, fraternities, family, and everyday life.              First place that you might find brotherhood in the everyday business. When you work with someone for awhile you will start to develop friendships with them and trusting them with things. If you look in the labor union other people trust other people to make sure that they with have safe working place and fare salaries.              Another place that you will find brotherhood is in fraternities. This is where brotherhood is the strongest. Brotherhood is defined as fellowship, and alliance in the dictionary. Fellowship is condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality. When you join a fraternity you are most likely picked because you do share the same interest as the other brothers that are all ready in that fraternity. Alliance is a connection based on kinship or common interest. People will build alliances with other people that do the same things as them or have the same opinions as they do.              Another place that you will find brotherhood is in the families. Brotherhood in families is the strongest ones. They have spent their whole life with that person so they no the most about him. Brotherhood in families is found in the dictionary as the kinship relation between a male offspring and the siblings. Almost ever family has brotherhood in it. They know everything and anything about each other and they don't go around telling other people.              Daniel Christopher Hart Brotherhood              One of the last places you will find brotherhood is in everyday life. If you look at someone and there best friends there is brotherhood. In high school you have brotherhood with your little click that you are in. This is when you will find somewhat...

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Word History

Middle English brotherhede, brotherhod , alteration of brotherrede , from Old English brōthorrǣden , from brōthor + rǣden condition — more at kindred entry 2

13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

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Brother Hospitaler of St. John of God

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“Brotherhood.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2024.

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My Brother Essay in English for Students

January 10, 2024 by Sandeep

My Brother Essay: I have a younger brother, whose name is Kevin. He is eight years old and studies in Class 3. My brother is cute and adorable. He is kind and polite by nature. We both love to spend time with each other. He is an intelligent kid, and everyone likes him. His favourite game is chess. We go to the same school and always have lunch together. He likes to share his secrets with me. I love my brother and hope we always share this amazing bond.

You have always come across questions like write an essay, paragraph, ten lines on my brother, so your quest end here. Below we have provided My Brother Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 school students.

Essay on My Brother in English

Below we have provided a few lines on my brother essay, written in easy and simple words.

“Brothers aren’t simply close; brothers are knit together”~ Robert Rivers.

Siblings are more like friends who never leave us alone. Most of us have a brother or a sister. The brother-sister bond is a special one. Even though they constantly argue, they share a deep friendship , and this friendship is the best thing one can ever ask for.

I have a younger brother. His name is Kevin, and he is 8 years old. He is a class 3 student of St. Paul school. He is an intelligent child who also excels in sports. Badminton is his favourite sport. He has won many medals in his school’s badminton championships. He is a jolly kid who is loved by everyone. After coming back from school, we both play together.

Our favourite indoor game is Carom. Evenings are always fun with him. His funny gestures make everyone happy. Being the youngest member of the family, he is the apple of everyone’s eyes. Kevin hardly gets angry. However, once a friend of mine was mocking me, and Kevin came to my rescue. That was an instance when he was furious.

My Brother Essay

His thoughtfulness makes him a wonderful person. He is the sweetest younger brother. I honestly cannot imagine growing up without him. Kevin has many friends. In school, he has always been popular.

However, he loves to spend time alone. At home, I would often catch him reading comic books. He also likes to draw cartoons. He loves to watch animated movies. Finding Nemo is his favourite movie.

His other hobbies include gardening. Kevin has always been a gentle kid. He has a caring personality. While watering the plants, he would often sing a lullaby. Besides this, he loves eating tasty food.

We always go to the nearby store and get ice creams. He also is a big fan of chocolates. The relationship between my brother and me is deep and special.

It only grows stronger with time. There are occasional fights and arguments. But at the end of the day, Kevin and I always look after each other. Having my little brother in my life is an amazing gift.

Being an older sister, I am responsible for his well-being. I try my best to keep him happy and positive. I love my brother. I wish he gets all the happiness he deserves and more. He is my hero.

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: History, Growth, and Reasons Behind the Rise and Fall Essay

Introduction, literature review, research question, muslim brotherhood – analysis, works cited.

The rise and fall of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) after it had been outlawed in Egypt. After the erstwhile president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, a leader of MB, the Egyptian government banned the party. However, the party’s ascent and descent remain an area of interest. A party that had gained support in the Islamic world through their pro-moderately religious memorandum, engaging in non-violent political activity, and struggling to make space for Islamic thinking in countries where they believed the occident was gaining control.

Egyptian government under President Hosni Mubarak has been a close friend to the Americans. The leaders were talking of moderate, constitutional method to emphasize their political view; however, others from within the party were increasingly showing their affinity towards violent means. Understanding the reasons behind the rise and fall of MB is essential to gauge the reason behind the surge in Islamic political congregation and the reason for its failure.

The importance of the research in the political condition in the Middle East is vital. With the current political upheaval in Egypt with the ouster of President Mubarak in 2011, gaining control over the political machinery in the country soon after, and ultimate fall from grace of the democratic forces has demonstrated a plethora of tension and drama in the political scenario of the country. In 2014, Saudi Arabia, which had earlier, supported, and sheltered MB members, has labeled the party as a terrorist organization (Kirkpatrick).

However, under President Obama, the United States had changed its foreign policy to extend support to the MB. This is an oxymoronic situation wherein an Islam state has taken away support from an Islamic organization branding it a terrorist organization while the United States, which has been suspicious of Islamic bodies since 9/11 has extended support to MB. This essay will shed some light on nature and reason for contradiction.

The paper aims to understand the reasons – domestic and international – that may have attributed to the rise of MB in Egypt. The paper delineates the reason why these Islamic states felt threatened with the rise of MB in Egypt. Further, understanding which international country has extended support to MB and why. Finally, the main aim of the paper is to understand if MB will succeed as a political party in Egypt. The paper will first discuss a brief study of the researchers who have studied the history and growth of the MB.

The reason for the rise of MB, as has been traced by the previous researches is documented in the literature review. The paper will try to assess the kind of media exposure MB received. Then in the analysis part, the paper will review the present media report and the reasons behind the fall of the party.

The literature on the Muslim Brotherhood can be segregated into two main parts – evolution and rise of MB (Zahid and Medley; Walsh; Leiken and Brooke; Ehrenfeld), the second relates to the democratization of MB (Cohen; Scott; Wickham), and third in the US and European policy towards MB (Pierce; Rosenthal). The present literature review will try to understand what are the findings of the previous research in the area.

The rise of MB in the Middle East is dated back to 1928 when Hassan al-Banna formed the party. The party aimed to re-establish Islamic law in the Middle East. The researchers have provided an extensive understanding of the historical background of the development of MB (Ehrenfeld 72). Previous researchers have concentrated on understanding how the party had developed and then created its predominance in the Middle East.

Research by Anne R. Pierce shows that the relationship between the US policies after the ousting of the Mubarak government in Egypt was directed towards establishing a relationship between the Obama administration and MB (85). This research has predominately concentrated on understanding the relationship between MB and the US administration post-Mubarak regime in Egypt.

The paper shows that the US had leveraged Egypt’s dependency on the former to manipulate their economic and democratic policy with the aid of the MB (Pierce 68). Pierce thus states that “US gives aid to Egypt by placing more emphasis on safeguards of democracy, human rights and the rule of law” but later on the US revoked military and financial aid stating “decisions inconsistent with democracy” (85-86).

US foreign policy towards MB has changed drastically under President Obama (Cohen). This was an unlikely US policy, which had consistently supported Hosni Mubarak, who relentlessly campaigned against MB. Some believe that this was a good strategy undertaken by US politicians to communicate more openly and peaceably with the Islamist parties in the Middle East.

While others believe that US policy has been passive in handling Islamist countries, and they should have taken sterner economic control over these nations (Cohen). Some even believe that the conditions in Egypt may worsen and it can turn into the next Iran (Akhtarkhavari).

Though MB has gained US support, it has gained no backing from neighboring Islamic nations like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. The reason may be due to the belief that MB radicalizes Muslims in the Middle East and Europe (Leiken and Brooke 110). MB aims to preach the message of non-violence to youths, but they denounce radical jihad (Scott 132).

The other Islamic countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain, who have closer ties with the western world believe that the rise of MB in the Middle East, and especially in Egypt can be dangerous. The reason is two-fold – first, Egypt’s strategic position and influent over middle eastern trade and politics and second, the Brotherhood’s closeness with Iran.

Egypt holds an important position in the Middle East historically, for it controls the Suez Canal; this is the channel through which 7.5 percent of the global trade is conducted (Ehrenfeld 79). In a 2011 interview of a senior MB leader, Muhammad Ghanem in an Iranian television stated that they would close down the Suez Canal as soon as they have the power to do so.

This statement had an immediate impact on world trade, and oil prices immediately increased. Further, he even mentioned that Egypt should declare war against Israel did not gain applaud from neighboring nations (Ehrenfeld 80).

Some researchers believe that the Brotherhood is one of the largest opposition parties in Egypt has a unique position to help in transitioning the political system in Egypt (Wickham 206).

Though many have questioned MB’s role in creating an environment of pluralism and democracy, some are positive of their success. The areas where the key differences in the argument arise are related to the group’s aim and ideology, support from the masses, and most importantly the ghost of their past radical history haunts their present status.

Previous research on MB shows that the organization stemmed from Islamist philosophy with the explicit aim to disseminate Islamic ideology. The present literature review shows that most of the research undertaken on MB demonstrates their history and political ascent. However, little has been talked of regarding the connection of MB with Qatar and how it played a pivotal role in the domestic and international relation of MB.

The primary research question, mentioned above, delineates why MB was successful in establishing the political party in Egypt even after they faced tremendous pressure and backlash from the Mubarak government. The secondary questions that the essay answers are –

  • what are the reasons that has led to the MB losing support from neighboring Islamic countries,
  • how MB has used mass media like Al Jazeera to spread their message, and
  • how relationship of MB with Qatar has influenced the political situation in the Middle East.

The Egyptian MB provides a template for the goal and methods adopted by centrist Islamists (Walsh 32). MB was formed in March 1928, a brainchild of an Egyptian schoolteacher and father of political Islam, Hassan al Banna (Ehrenfeld 71). It was a religious, political organization, which stressed on the return to the precepts of the Quran and denouncing secularism in Islamic nations.

The slogan of the organization was “Islam is the solution” (Ehrenfeld 71). The growth of the organization was rapid as they spread their wings in the nations’ education, military, and political system. The organization started operating in Egypt in the late 1980s after they publicly denounced the use of violence.

Rise of MB in the political enclave of Egypt is worth understanding. MB has steadily gained political power in Egypt since the rise of Hosni Mubarak in power (Walsh 32). Since the rise of the Mubarak government into power from 1981, MB embraced a three-fold strategy to promote their cause and establish their power:

  • MB sought representation through a democratic process in the Egyptian parliament. They created a coalition with other parties to create their space in the parliament.
  • They ensured the proper electoral process and gained presence among the professionals and students of the country.
  • MB orchestrated the formation of social service network to help people in remote villages.

The initiatives mentioned above helped MB to gain stronger ground in the region and popular support among the masses. In return, Mubarak declared his intention to support Islamist groups that embraced non-violence. However, many believe that Mubarak had failed to follow his words: “Though this policy has proven successful, Mubarak has never followed it scrupulously, and most Islamist successes within the Egyptian system have met with some measure of repression from the regime” (Walsh 32).

The rise to the political power of MB was under the Mubarak government in Egypt. President Mubarak, unlike his predecessors, Gamel Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, took a balanced course of action that at the same time accommodated and repressed the Islamist groups (Walsh 32). For instance, in the Mubarak was surprisingly conciliatory during the assassination of Sadat in 1981. However, many of the radical groups of the Islamist wings which were believed to have been the mastermind behind the assassination were arrested.

At the same time, Mubarak was keen on reducing the ill-feeling that the Islamist leaders had towards the government machinery through a few well-calculated steps – the release of Omar Tilimsani, the Supreme Guide and other members of MB. Even though Mubarak retaliated on the Islamist for the assassination of Sadat, he legalized the MB gaining their trust and support (Walsh 32).

This was a crucial step as it differentiated between the moderate and the extremist wings and through the differentiation; Mubarak could take forceful measures against the extremists, with little or no protest from the moderate Islamists.

This began a long list of political cooperation between the MB and President Mubarak. The former voted in many respect with the Mubarak government on crucial issues and 1998 officially endorsed Mubarak’s candidacy as president (Walsh 33). The supreme guide and his successor, Hammed al-Nasr, maintained a cordial relationship with the government (Walsh 33).

MB did not ask for any rapid period to established sharia law in Egypt. The goodwill that arose between president Mubarak and MB was the path to initiation of MB into the politics and parliament. Thus, in the 1980s, the MB formed alliances with other parties like “New Wafd, Liberal, and Socialist Labor Party” that helped establishing Islam to varying degrees in the country (Walsh 33).

Many members of the organization had been elected as members of the Egyptian parliament, and in the 2005 Egyptian elections, candidates from MB won one-fifth of the seats in the Parliament. However, in 2006-07, the Egyptian government started making amendments in the constitution, banning all religious-based political parties in the country. In 2010 elections, the organization won no seats in the parliament, and they participated actively in the 2011 protests to overthrow President Mubarak 1 .

Rising Influence on Civil Society

The second success of MB has been in its penetration among the Egyptian students and professional associations. President Mubarak in the 1984 elections opened the gate for the success of MB. The growth of the influence of MB was evident in the late 80s:

In 1987, the Brotherhood won control of the Engineers’ Syndicate, an enormous body with 200,000 members and US$5 million in assets, and by the early 1990s it had taken over nearly all of the prominent associations, many of which had previously been viewed as strongholds of liberal-secular nationalism. (Walsh 33)

The reason for the success of MB, even among the secular associations, was due to the spread of their social network. MB was able to provide health insurance and other welfare benefits to the jobless graduates that other organizations were unable to provide. MB almost had a hegemonic control over the students’ wing in Egypt. The high cost of education had increased economic hardship among students in Egypt. Even in this case, MB employed its social resources to help the students.

This social face of MB played a crucial role in its rising political and social influence in the country as these social acts differentiated it from the extremist’s wings like al-Gama’at and al-Jihad. However, they have continued to spread Islamization in the state: “The group has not tried to gain any formal power in the neighborhood, but merely to step in where the state has failed and to effect a degree of Islamization in the process.” (Walsh 34).

They also established Islamic banks and financial institutions that provided almost double the interest rate on deposits given by the commercial banks. Thus, MB created for itself a huge power base based on its cooperation with the government and nonviolent moderate social activities. One of the strongest points of MB was its influence on the youth of Egypt, which was evident through their rising influence among students:

The Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party is by far the most capable political machine in Egypt’s young democracy, given the estimated 600,000 Ikhwanists at its disposal, though it has gradually estranged itself from the very movement that made this possible. (Glain 24)

Fall of MB – Domestic Cause

The success of MB through the general elections, their universally acclaimed social activities, a spread of influence on student and professional bodies ultimately led to a retaliatory response from the Egyptian government that feared the growth of Islamic power. The Mubarak government recognized the moderate MB as a greater political threat to his government and took counteractive measures.

The measures that were taken by the government was directly aimed at crippling the spreading wings of the MB – raising entry quotas in the parliament, proscribed all social service activities done outside the control of the Ministry of Social Affairs, and increased the minimum requirement of capital holding for Islamic banks (Walsh 34).

Thus, arose the rift in the coalition between the Mubarak government and MB in the 1990s, which witnessed violent outbreaks that removed the difference between the moderate and the extremists in MB.

Some scholars believe that the Islamist movement had gained momentum in the Arab world (Abed-Kotob 321). The parties, which are more radically Islamist, insist on a more revolutionary change within the masses and the political system of the country. However, moderate groups tend to follow a more gradual step towards change.

MB is such kind of a moderate Islamic group (Abed-Kotob 329). Another study aimed to understand the Islamic party’s compatibility with liberal democratic parties, used a case study of MB in Egypt and Sudan. Their study demonstrated that MB is potentially a hopeful option for Egypt (Zahid and Medley, 701).

Critics believe that MB became a threat to the Egyptian government, and the latter did not notice its expansion until MB started threatening the sovereignty of the country (Rinehart 964). Rinehart believes the secret behind the success of MB was the charismatic leadership of Hasan al-Banna (970).

Media and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Doha based Media Company Al Jazeera is the primary media partner of MB. Most of their political, social, and religious propaganda is done through this channel. According to certain sources, Qatar has been using Al Jazeera as a means to advance their political agenda (Ehrenfeld 72). According to some researchers, Al Jazeera has been instrumental in spreading messages from Al Qaeda, Hamas, and even from the Shi’ite Hezbollah (Ehrenfeld 72). Hamas is believed to be a wing of MB.

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of society, returned to Egypt after president Mubarak was ousted in 2011. In his first public speech in Tahrir Square in Egypt after his return, he congratulated the Egyptians in their success of ousting Mubarak. The primary issue in his speech was the issue over Palestine, and he insisted on opening the border between Hamas-rule Gaza and Egypt. He further added that Muslims should not stop their revolution until they conquer Jerusalem.

In 2009, Qaradawi delivered a message in Al Jazeera stating, “Oh, Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish, Zionist band of people … do not spare a single one of them … kill them, down to the very last one” (Ehrenfeld 72). In another message later that month in 2009 Qaradawi said, “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler” (Ehrenfeld, 72).

Thus, Al Jazeera is used by MB as the means of propagating their message to the masses. MB members have adapted themselves to the use of modern technology to propagate their Islamic message. Apart from television media, MB also uses another medium for the propagation of their message such as print media, radio, and the Internet.

Further, they have been sponsors to many events at different venues, thus expanding their presence. They also have an official website – MB is the official sponsor of a website called The main aim of this website is to target children and indoctrinate them with the message of Islamist Jihad (Ehrenfeld 72).

Funding from oil-rich Middle Eastern countries helped MB to gather finance for their penetration through social service work into educational institutions. Ehrenfeld, about the Arab funding through MB, states: “In 1995, Qatar’s emir established the Qatar Foundation, now headed by his wife, Shikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned” (72). MB funding has helped to establish branches of many American universities in Middle Eastern countries like Qatar.

Some of these universities include “Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, Texas A&M, Georgetown, Virginia Commonwealth, and Cornell” (Ehrenfeld 72). The Qatar Foundation, a branch of MB, has created an Education City wherein students are subsidized to study in American universities.

Further, Education City has Qaradawi’s Center for Islamic Moderation and Renewal, a society that is dedicated to propagating Islamist think tanks “designed to train imams, economists, and politicians and supposedly ‘help them promote moderation in their respective areas” (Ehrenfeld 72).

The media skills of MB are impeccable for despite accusations of aiding violent terrorism in the name of Jihad, they have been able to garner positive media response, and they often have been portrayed as a moderate and pro-democratic organization. The reason the Ehrenfeld states is their strategy to use “democratic catchphrases palatable to American and European ears” (73).

As an example of his statement, Ehrenfeld presents a few examples. First, is a report in Time Magazine about MB and the turmoil in Egypt. The article considerably downplayed the role of MB in the unrest of Egypt (Ehrenfeld 73). In another article in The New York Times about Anwar Sadat’s murder in 2011, the newspaper article mentions that Sadat was murdered by the Islamic extremists but did not mention the Brotherhood in the article (Ehrenfeld 73).

Further, in an interview aired on BBC on 1 February in 2011, MB spokesperson Kamal El-Helbawy said: “Shariah will become the law ‘‘if the majority of the people and democratic practice allows it” (Ehrenfeld 73). He also mentioned in his interview that under Brotherhood’s reign over Egypt, if they won the elections and won a majority, would be like any other democratic government.

When the interviewer asked if Egypt could have a woman in the veil as their leader, El-Helbawy said, “if the people accept her and vote for her like that, yes” (Ehrenfeld 73).

The expanse and influence of MB in the Arab world have expanded through funding and aid of influential people in the Middle East. The organization has aimed to propagate the message of Islam, and the establishment of Islamic law has been one of their primary goals. MB has never deterred in spreading their views in the Eastern as well as the Western world.

Qatar and MB

Qatar had supported MB since the 1950s when the Jamal Abd al-Nasser government had persecuted the organization. MB enjoyed the support of the Syrian Bath regime since the 1970s. MB members became teachers and public servants in Qatar.

Saudi Arabia rejected all ties with MB when it supported Saddam Hussein’s Kuwait attach in 1990. It was the teachings of MB that had radicalized Saudi youth that resulted in the formation of al-Qaeda and its subsequent attack in the 1990s. Qatar has been the home of al-Qaradawi when he was banished from Egypt.

The ousting of the Egyptian president Mubarak with the aid of MB is believed to be a mastermind of the people ruling Qatar. The bold and extreme foreign policy measure of Qatar aimed at overthrowing the Egyptian government, which was preventing the growth of its patron group MB. However, with the changes in the economic and political scenario in Cairo has led to an estrangement between MB and Qatar. Further, the use of Al Jazeera in support of MB has led to Qatar’s dissatisfaction.

Qatar’s recently retired emir Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani gained power through a palace coup on his father in 1995. Since then, he had established himself through rapid measures of economic growth and “brazenly independent foreign policy and a dramatic impact on the regional balance of power” (Ghitis). Hamad, on the one hand, agreed to allow an American military base in Qatar and on the other improved relations with Iran and extended his full support to MB through radical journalism through Al Jazeera (Ghitis).

In 2011, Sheik Tamim bin Hamad officially took power from his father. His rule begun at a crucial time when the Egyptian government had just crumbled the MB in Egypt to which his father had given billions of dollars to support their cause. This points out that Qatar’s support of MB’s political agenda had placed Qatar in an ill-suited ground.

Qatar has been instrumental in engaging in spreading Islamic rule along with Islamist groups such as MB. Saudi Arabia had identified MB as a religious-political group with strong political ambition in the Middle East and therefore, had remained a silent observer of the group since the 1990s.

However, Qatar has been a full and open supporter and partner of MB. Qatar has played a key role in the spread and influence of MB in the region. Qatar has helped MB using Al Jazeera to garner public support for MB and provided financial support to the organization (Khatib 422).

For instance, Qatar provided a platform for al-Qaradawi to propagate his messages through a religious program on Al Jazeera (Glain 25). Further, Qatar welcomed religious dogmatism of the spiritual leader of MB, al-Qaradawi, who was an active supporter of the Islamic revolution in Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, and Syria (Khatib 423). Thus, the hegemonic foreign policy of Qatar and its religious policy to support Islamic extremism has often been cited as a strategy to create regional unrest to gain supremacy in the region (Khatib 423).

Abed-Kotob, Sana. “The Accommodationists Speak:Goals and Strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 27.3 (1995): 321-339. Print.

Akhtarkhavari, Nesreen. “ A warning to John Kerry on Middle East trip: Egypt could become the next Iran .” 2013. Christian Science Monitor. Web. .

Cohen, Roger. “ Working With the Muslim Brotherhood .” 2012. New York Times. Web.

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Ghitis, Frida. “Qatar’s Disastrous Bet on the Muslim Brotherhood.” 2013. World Political Review . Web.

Glain, Stephen. “Fault Lines in the Muslim Brotherhood.” The Nation. 2011: 22-27. Print.

Khatib, Lina. “Qatar’s foreign policy: the limits of pragmatism.” International Affairs 89.2 (2013): 417–431. Print.

Kirkpatrick, David K. “ Saudis Put Terrorist Label on Muslim Brotherhood .” 2014. New York Times. Web.

Leiken, Robert S. and Steven Brooke. “The Moderate Muslim Brotherhood.” Foreign Affairs 86.2 (2007): 107-121. Print.

Pierce, Anne R. “US “Partnership” with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and its Effect on Civil Society and Human Rights.” Society 51 (2014): 68–86. Print.

Rinehart, Christine Sixta. “Volatile Breeding Grounds: The Radicalization fo the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 32 (2009 ): 953–988. Print.

Rosenthal, John. “America Germany and Muslim Brotherhood.” Policy Review (2012): 63-89. Print.

Scott, Rachel M. “What Might the Muslim Brotherhood Do with al-Azhar? Religious Authority in Egypt.” Die Welt des Islams 52 (2012): 131-165. Print.

Walsh, Juhn. “Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: Understanding Centrist Islam.” Harvard International Review (2003): 32-36. Print.

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky. “The Muslim Brotherhood and Democratic Transition in Egypt.” Middle East Law and Governance 3 (2011): 204–223. Print.

Zahid, Mohammed and Michael Medley. “Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt & Sudan.” Review of African Political Economy 33.110 (2006): 693-708. Print.

1 The basic difference between the Mubarak and the Brotherhood was due to the latter’s radical outlook. Mubarak was close to the US; however, in a political U-turn, the US shifted its support to the Brotherhood.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 21). Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: History, Growth, and Reasons Behind the Rise and Fall.

"Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: History, Growth, and Reasons Behind the Rise and Fall." IvyPanda , 21 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: History, Growth, and Reasons Behind the Rise and Fall'. 21 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: History, Growth, and Reasons Behind the Rise and Fall." February 21, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: History, Growth, and Reasons Behind the Rise and Fall." February 21, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: History, Growth, and Reasons Behind the Rise and Fall." February 21, 2024.

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The “Trade in the Digital Era” interactive training course is available from the WTO e-Learning platform , one of the key capacity-building programmes provided to WTO members and observers by the WTO's Institute for Training and Technical  Cooperation.

“The move to digital trade gives developing economies opportunities to leap forward and some have done so with mobile payment and banking solutions,” said DG Okonjo-Iweala. “To do so, however, access to modern information and communication technologies is not enough. They require a deep understanding of the digital trade landscape, its opportunities, challenges, and the role of policies and trade rules.” Her full video message can be found here.

Designed for trade government officials, policymakers and the public at large, this new series provides essential tools and concepts for improving participants' knowledge of digital trade. It will comprise a total of five courses, to be rolled out consecutively over the coming months. The first course gives a general overview of how the digital revolution is transforming trade, as well as the benefits and challenges of the digital economy.

Topics covered by the four other courses will include policy issues and WTO rules and discussions, the role of new technologies in international trade, especially artificial intelligence and blockchain, and provisions in members' regional trade agreements that relate to trade and the digital economy.

Also speaking at the launch ceremony was WTO Deputy Director-General Xiangchen Zhang who stated: “During the 13th Ministerial Conference, many of you expressed concerns about the digital divide and the need to build developing economies' capacities so that they may seize the benefits of digital trade. The WTO Secretariat is well aware of these challenges, which is why we have been stepping up our technical assistance activities related to digital trade to help bridge the digital trade gap between WTO members.”

Rwanda's WTO Ambassador, James Ngango, said: “I sincerely hope that this capacity-building opportunity will attract many participants from across regions and contribute to further unlocking the potential of digital trade.”

Singapore's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the WTO, Hung Seng Tan, said: “Singapore recognises the critical importance of capacity-building and sharing of technical knowledge on digital trade for developing and least-developed country  members. Singapore is committed to continue working with partners, including the WTO, to deliver on the development dimension of digital trade.”

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    BROTHERHOOD definition: 1. (the members of) a particular organization: 2. friendship and loyalty: 3. (the members of) a…. Learn more.


    BROTHERHOOD definition: 1. a group of men who have the same purpose or religious beliefs 2. friendship and loyalty, like…. Learn more.

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