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Jhansi review: రివ్యూ: ఝాన్సీ.. అంజలి నటించిన సిరీస్‌ ఎలా ఉందంటే?

అంజలి ప్రధాన పాత్రలో తెరకెక్కిన వెబ్‌ సిరీస్‌‘ఝాన్సీ’. ‘డిస్నీ+హాట్‌స్టార్‌’లో స్ట్రీమింగ్‌ అవుతోన్న ఈ సిరీస్‌ ఎలా ఉందంటే?

Jhansi web series Review సిరీస్‌: ఝాన్సీ; నటీనటులు: అంజలి, చాందినీ చౌదరి, ఆదర్శ్‌ బాలకృష్ణ, ముమైత్‌ ఖాన్‌, సంయుక్తా హర్నాద్‌ తదితరులు; సంగీతం : శ్రీచరణ్‌ పాకాల; కూర్పు: ఆంథోనీ; ఛాయాగ్రహణం: అర్వి; నిర్మాతలు: కృష్ణ కులశేఖరన్‌, కె.ఎస్‌. మధుబాలన్‌; దర్శకత్వం: తిరు; స్ట్రీమింగ్‌ వేదిక: డిస్నీ+ హాట్‌స్టార్‌.

jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

అటు సినిమా, ఇటు సిరీస్‌ల్లో నటిస్తోన్న కథానాయికల్లో అంజలి ( Anjali ) ఒకరు. ఆమె ప్రధాన పాత్రలో నటించిన తాజా వెబ్‌సిరీస్‌ ‘ఝాన్సీ’ (Jhansi). ప్రస్తుతం ఓటీటీ ‘డిస్నీ+ హాట్‌స్టార్‌’ (Disney+ Hotstar)లో స్ట్రీమింగ్‌ అవుతోంది. మరి, అంజలి ఈసారి ఎలాంటి క్యారెక్టర్‌తో ప్రేక్షకుల ముందుకొచ్చారు? తన పాత్రకు న్యాయం చేశారా? తెలుసుకునే ముందు కథేంటో చూద్దాం..

ఇదీ కథ: సంకీత్‌ (ఆదర్శ్‌ బాలకృష్ణ)కు తన కుమార్తె మేహ అంటే అమితమైన ప్రేమ. ఉద్యోగంలోపడి కూతురిని బాగా చూసుకోవడంలేదనే కారణంతో భార్య సాక్షి (సంయుక్తా)కి దూరంగా ఉంటాడు. మేహను తీసుకుని ఓసారి కేరళకు విహార యాత్ర వెళ్తాడు సంకీత్‌. ప్రమాదంలో పడబోతున్న మేహను అక్కడే ఉన్న ఓ అమ్మాయి (అంజలి) రక్షిస్తుంది. ఆమెకు తానెవరో, తన గతం ఏంటో తెలియదు. కూతురిని కాపాడిందనే కృతజ్ఞతాభావంతో ఆ అమ్మాయిని సంకీత్‌ తన ఇంటికి తీసుకెళ్తాడు. ఆమెకు ఝాన్సీ అనే పేరు పెడతాడు. ఝాన్సీ మామూలు మనిషికాగానే ఆమెతో ఓ బొటిక్‌ను ప్రారంభిస్తాడు. అప్పటికే లివింగ్‌ రిలేషన్‌షిప్‌లో ఉండటంతో ఝాన్సీ ముందు పెళ్లి ప్రపోజల్‌ ఉంచుతాడు. ఇదిలా ఉంటే, గతంలో జరిగిన సంఘటలనకు సంబంధించిన దృశ్యాలు ఝాన్సీ కళ్లలో అప్పుడప్పుడూ మెదులుతుంటాయి. బాలికలు, మహిళలకు అన్యాయం జరిగితే సీరియస్‌గా రియాక్ట్‌ అవుతుంది. ఏ ఆధారాల ద్వారా ఝాన్సీ తన గతం గురించి తెలుసుకుంది? ఆ క్రమంలో ఎన్ని సమస్యలు ఎదుర్కొంది? సంకీత్‌తో పెళ్లికి ఓకే చెప్పిందా, లేదా? అనేది మిగతా కథ.

jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

ఎలా ఉందంటే: మన చుట్టూ చోటు చేసుకునే సంఘటనల గురించి చెప్పేందుకే చాలామంది రచయితలు, దర్శకులు ఆసక్తి చూపిస్తున్నారు. ఈ సిరీస్‌నూ ఆ నేపథ్యంలో తెరకెక్కించారు దర్శకుడు తిరు, రచయిత గణేశ్‌ కార్తీక్‌. ఆరు ఎపిసోడ్లుగా రూపొందిన ఈ సిరీస్‌లో.. డబ్బు కోసం బాలికలు, మహిళలను కొందరు దుర్మార్గులు ఎలా హింసిస్తారో, వారి వల్ల జీవితాలు ఎలా తలకిందులవుతాయో చూపించారు. ‘కథ పరంగా ఈ సిరీస్‌ పలు సినిమాలను పోలి ఉంది’ అని ప్రేక్షకుడు భావించే అవకాశం ఉంది. ఏదో ప్రమాదం జరగడం, గతాన్ని మర్చిపోయిన హీరోనో హీరోయినో వేరొకరి దగ్గర ఉండటం.. అప్పుడప్పుడు జ్ఞాపకాలు గుర్తుకురావటం.. అసలు ‘నేనెవరు?’ అని తెలుసుకునే ప్రయత్నం చేయటం.. ఇప్పటికే చాలా చిత్రాల్లో కనిపించాయి. కానీ, ఈ సిరీస్‌లో కథానాయిక గతాన్ని, సామాజిక రుగ్మతకు ముడిపెట్టి నడిపిన స్క్రీన్‌ప్లే కొత్తగా ఉంటుంది. తొలి రెండు ఎపిసోడ్లు నెమ్మదిగా సాగినా మూడో ఎపిసోడ్‌ నుంచి కథలో వేగం పుంజుకుంది. ఝాన్సీ ఎవరు? అనే ఉత్సుకత కలుగుతుంది. ఝూన్సీ గతాన్ని రివీల్‌ చేసిన తీరు మెప్పిస్తుంది.

jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

ఈ క్రమంలో కొన్ని సీన్లలో స్పష్టత లోపించింది. కొన్ని పాత్రల్లో క్లారిటీ మిస్‌ అయింది. తనలోకి ఏదో శక్తి ప్రవేశించినట్టు ఝూన్సీ.. మహిళలు, చిన్నారులను హింసించే వారిని హత్య చేయటం.. ఆ దందా నడిపే హెడ్‌ ఎవరో అన్వేషించే క్రమంలో తన అసలు పేరు తెలుసుకోవటం, చాందినీ చౌదరి క్యారెక్టర్‌ ఎంట్రీ ఇవ్వటం.. హత్య కేసులను చేధించేందుకు పోలీసు అధికారి అయిన సాక్షి (సంకీత్‌ భార్య) రంగంలోకి దిగటం.. తదితర సన్నివేశాలు మంచి అనుభూతి పంచుతాయి. ప్రేక్షకులు సీజన్‌ 2 కోసం వేచి చూసేలా ఉన్నాయి.

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ఎవరెలా చేశారంటే: నటిగా వెండితెరపై తానేంటో పలు విభిన్న పాత్రలతో నిరూపించుకున్నారు అంజలి. ఝూన్సీతో మరోసారి తనదైన ముద్రవేశారు. గతానికి సంబంధించిన క్యారెక్టర్‌, వర్తమాన క్యారెక్టర్‌లోనూ ఒదిగిపోయారు. చాందిని చౌదరి స్క్రీన్‌ స్పేస్‌ తక్కువే అయినా కనిపించనంత మేర ఆకట్టుకుంది. పలు ఐటెమ్‌ సాంగ్‌లతో ప్రేక్షకులను ఉర్రూతలూగించిన ముమైత్‌ ఖాన్‌ ఈ సిరీస్‌లో నెగెటివ్‌ ఛాయలున్న పాత్ర పోషించారు. ఆదర్శ్‌ బాలకృష్ణ, సంయుక్తా హర్నాద్‌ పాత్ర పరిధి మేరకు చక్కగా నటించారు. ప్రదీప్‌ రుద్ర, దేవయాని శర్మ, అభిరామ్‌ వర్మ తదితరుల నటన ఓకే అనిపిస్తుంది. శ్రీచరణ్‌ పాకాల సన్నివేశాలకు తగ్గట్టు నేపథ్య సంగీతం అందించారు. అర్వి.. విజువల్స్‌ ఫర్వాలేదు. నిడివి పరంగా ఓకే అనిపించినా కొన్ని బోరింగ్‌ సన్నివేశాల విషయంలో ఆంథోనీ ఇంకాస్త శ్రద్ధ వహించాల్సింది. తిరు టేకింగ్‌ బాగుంది. 

+ అంజలి నటన

+ అక్కడక్కడా కొన్ని ట్విస్ట్‌లు

- రొటీన్‌ కథ

- క్లారిటీలేని కొన్ని సన్నివేశాలు

చివ‌రిగా: ఝాన్సీ.. కథ తెలిసిందే.. జర్నీ కొత్తగా ఉంది.

గమనిక: ఈ సమీక్ష సమీక్షకుడి దృష్టి కోణానికి సంబంధించింది. ఇది సమీక్షకుడి వ్యక్తిగత అభిప్రాయం మాత్రమే!

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గమనిక: ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారస్తులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచిననుసరించి కృత్రిమ మేధస్సుతో పంపబడతాయి. పాఠకులు తగిన జాగ్రత్త వహించి, ఉత్పత్తులు లేదా సేవల గురించి సముచిత విచారణ చేసి కొనుగోలు చేయాలి. ఆయా ఉత్పత్తులు / సేవల నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలకు ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యం బాధ్యత వహించదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకి తావు లేదు.

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jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

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Anjali in Jhansi (2022)

When an amnesiac suburban mother's violent past catches up with her, violence ensues. When an amnesiac suburban mother's violent past catches up with her, violence ensues. When an amnesiac suburban mother's violent past catches up with her, violence ensues.

  • Aadarsh Balakrishna
  • Chandini Chowdary
  • 5 User reviews
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Episodes 10

Trailer Season 2 [OV]

  • Dhruva Chaitanya


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  • Meha - Sankeeth's Daughter

Raj Arjun

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Vamsi Krishna

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  • Runtime 35 minutes

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Jhansi Web Series Review

Jhansi Web Series Review

What's Behind

Telugu girls Anjali and Chandini Chowdhary who are known for their good looks and performances are coming to entertain movie lovers with their webseries Jhansi. The film directed by Thiru, Ganesh Kaarthic started streaming on Disney+Hotstar on October 27, 2022. Let us see what Jhansi offered to movie lovers.

Story Review

The story of Jhansi is all about a young girl named Jansi who lands in problems for no fault of hers and how she overcomes forms the crux. Jhansi (Anjali) and Sankeet (Adarsh Balakrishna) lead happy life as live-in partners in Hyderabad. However suddenly Jhansi starts experiencing nightmarish dreams. To find out the reason behind her scary dreams and how these are related to Medar (Rudrapratap), Mafia don Kaleb (Raj Vijay), and his supporter Barbie (Chandini Chowdhary), enjoy Jhansi on Disney+Hotstar.

Artists, Technicians Review

Jhansi's story penned by: Thiru has an interesting premise. He starts of the narration in an interesting manner but within no time he loses the plot and from then on everything goes for a toss. He failed with his screenplay and direction as he left many questions unanswered and even missed connecting chords with the viewers emotionally. The investigation misses the thrill factor and the way the webseries ends leaves all disappointed.

Anjali showed her talent as an actress. She performed in the role of Jhansi and brought in variations in expressions and emotions and made viewers glued to the screens. Chandini Chowdhary failed to get a meaty role. Others got limited screen presence and they tried to make their presence in their own ways. Raj Arun is loud in his own way to generate humour while  Chaitanya Varma Sagiraju is just ok. Mumaith Khan makes an impact while Aadarsh Balakrishna, Aberaam Varma, Talluri Rameswari and Devi Prasad failed to do so. Samyukta Hornad did not suit her role.

Sricharan Pakala's music is good. It is in sync with the story. He added value to the narration with his background music. Arvi's cinematography is good and made an impact by using the camera angles to perfection. The editing of Antony could have been better as there are many drags that slowed the pace of the film.


  • Story,Screenplay,Direction
  • Missing Emotions

Rating Analysis

Altogether,  Jhansi has an interesting premise and had all the qualities to become a thriller. But Thiru failed in his execution in the ten-episode webseries after starting off a few scenes in an exciting manner, he lost steam with silly narration. The illogical scenes and silly screenplay played spoilsport. He missed everything that is required while directing the webseries. Though a couple of episodes are ok, the majority of episodes turned out to be disappointments. Considering all these elements Cinejosh goes with a 1.5 rating for Jhansi.

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Home » Review » Jhansi review: A shoddy thriller about a woman who refuses to move beyond her dark past »

Jhansi review: A shoddy thriller about a woman who refuses to move beyond her dark past

It’s quite apparent that director Thiru hasn’t come out of the feature film mould yet for his web debut

Jhansi review: A shoddy thriller about a woman who refuses to move beyond her dark past

  • Srivathsan Nadadhur

Last Updated: 12.19 PM, Oct 27, 2022

Jhansi, a boutique owner, is an independent woman staying with her partner and his daughter. Whenever he broaches the topic of marriage, she refuses to take a step ahead. She is yet to move on from a personal tragedy that affected her five years ago. When she saves a girl from a molester at a wedding, Jhansi’s past catches up with her and rekindles several bitter memories from her childhood. Caught between her past and the present, where’s Jhansi’s destiny headed?

Jhansi, the latest entrant on Disney+ Hotstar, is a classic example of Telugu digital space’s inability to understand the grammar of a web show. Spanning six episodes, the show, at most parts, feels like a bloated feature film that doesn’t pay heed to details and relies on a few cinematic liberties in the garb of thrills. While the story is wafer-thin, the narrative aimlessly moves at a frenetic pace. The characters are caricaturish, the treatment is immensely outdated and the acting, largely substandard.

The show revolves around an amnesia patient who’s lost track of her past and is trying to connect the dots through a few images that haunt her repeatedly. She’s unable to come to terms with her present without finding answers to her past. Jhansi touches upon issues like trafficking, child abuse, sexuality and crime while unravelling vignettes from the early years of its titular character. However, it’s a half-baked effort where the absence of conviction in the making never lets you soak in its world.

When we say conviction or earnestness, we’re talking about the way Jhansi is written. Jhansi never feels like an authentic female-centric show at any point because there’s no effort to understand the mind of a woman and its tone is condescending across several instances. When Jhansi’s subordinate says, ‘The boutique is for those petty women who find happiness in fancy clothes over marriages,’ it’s very obvious that the line is coming from a man.

Another man judges his wife when she drowns herself at work and is not able to make time for her child. The man makes his partner feel guilty for giving her everything to work. A middle-aged woman who is busy watching television is portrayed as an example of a mother who can’t raise her children well. Amidst these inconsistencies, it’s hard to buy a so-called ‘empowering’ story of a female protagonist who stands up for her ilk that falls prey to trafficking.

The portrayal of the trafficking mafia and the exaggerated performances consistently make Jhansi look like a poorly made feature film trying hard to pass off as a web show. There’s a homosexual angle to the protagonist too but director Thiru struggles to establish that well. There are several loopholes in the storytelling and the filmmaker expects us to buy them in the name of artistic liberty.

Jhansi has a gamut of subplots - from a man fighting for his activist girlfriend to a prisoner trying to avenge his father’s death - though none of them strikes a chord. The antagonists are straight out of 70s Hindi masala films - loud, comically flamboyant parts who don jarring costumes, rolling out flashy one-liners from their pockets. The makers have little understanding of the nuances of screen-writing standards for the web and take the audiences for granted.

It’s extremely disappointing to see competent performers like Anjali and Chandini Chowdary trying to find some purpose in such a clueless setup. Chandini Chowdary as Barbie gets a poorly written role and the creators always can’t get away with the excuse of ‘we wanted to tell her story in the second season.’ Make the first season well and take care of the rest. Aadarsh Balakrishna, Aberaam Varma, Talluri Rameswari and Devi Prasad hardly make an impact.

Samyukta Hornad is miscast as a Telangana cop. Raj Arjun’s loud, over-the-top performance ensures some unintentional humour while Chaitanya Varma Sagiraju is passable at best. Surprisingly, Mumaith Khan leaves her mark in an intriguing role. While Jhansi may not have an out-of-the-box story, it could’ve been a better show with a sensitive writer/director who made a sincere effort to understand his material and paid attention to its nuances.

Jhansi is a poorly made web show - there are no two things about it. Anjali and Mumaith Khan deliver the goods while better writing and filmmaking could’ve salvaged it to an extent. If you’re looking to binge on this, think twice - we’ve warned you!


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'Jhansi is about a woman’s travel, from her childhood to her 30s'

'Jhansi is about a woman’s travel, from her childhood to her 30s'

After backing series such as High Priestess  and Locked , it’s a safe bet to say that actor Krishna has a fondness for thrillers told in long-format storytelling. The actor is now backing yet another thriller series, Jhansi , which stars Anjali in the lead role. “The main reason why I started a production house is to tell stories, which I am unable to act in. Jhansi has been a dream for me and writer Ganesh Karthik, and we have been travelling with the script for a couple of years,” said Krishna while speaking at a press meet convened in Chennai on Wednesday.

Made originally in Telugu,  Jhansi  is set to stream on Disney+ Hotstar from Thursday. It is produced by Krishna and helmed by director Thiru.

“Since Jhansi will release in multiple languages, we thought it would be good to have artists across languages,” added Krishna, as he introduced the cast. Jhansi features Kannada actor Samyukta Hornad, Sharanya Ramachandran from Malayalam, Adithya Shivpink, choreographer Kalyan, and Mumaith Khan, among others.

Adithya, who has already appeared in High Priestess , revealed how he chose to dub for himself in Telugu for the series. “I got to know that Anjali didn't know Tamil when she filmed Kattradhu Thamizh , and yet still dubbed for herself. That hugely inspired me to learn the language,” Adithya added.

On the other hand, Sharanya, who is marking her debut in Telugu with Jhansi , revealed that she plays an acid attack survivor in the series. We have seen a lot of stories of survivors being told off late, like Deepika Padukone's Chhapaak, and the   Malayalam film Uyare.  Sharanya explained how the role was challenging,  because of prosthetics and make-up.

Amid an influx of thriller content in recent times, cinematographer Arvind who shot Jhansi said how he tried to design the visuals of the series by defining the mood of the scenes.  He mentioned, “There are lots of portions in this film, about a woman’s travel, from her childhood to her 30s. There are certain portions set in the 90s. We tried to capture the mood or the core feeling that the central character feels at each stage.”

Jhansi  marks Thiru's debut in the OTT space, and the filmmaker expressed how he was skeptical at the beginning about the expansive runtime of about 30-40 minutes per episode. “I was confused if we had to compromise visually, since it is a new platform for me. Once I heard the narration, I liked the story. Krishna had quoted that the first episode would have a budget of Rs 1 crore. We shot ten episodes in 110 days and one of the wow factors, is definitely the screenplay,” the director mentioned.

Jhansi has Yannick Ben as the action coordinator, and will feature Anjali attempting the action genre for the first time.

Meanwhile, it was also reiterated by director Sathyasiva (who also attended the event) that his Tamil remake of Kannada film,  Bell Bottom , with Krishna, will release soon.

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Anjali is back in a leading role after quite some time, with Disney Hotstar’s latest web series, Jhansi, which is set to begin streaming on the OTT platform from the 27th of October. The web series has garnered some good buzz, and the promotions for the series are also in full swing. Let’s see how the web series has fared.

The story is about Jhansi, a woman who forgets her past. While Jhansi is currently living a happy life with her child and husband, her past comes back to haunt her. What happened in her past and why is she being hunted so badly forms the rest of the story of Jhansi.

On-Screen Performances:

Anjali essays the titular character, around whom the entire story revolves. She carries the entire setup very well on her shoulders, and easily emotes through every scene that she is in, once again proving what a capable actor she is. However, since we’ve only got to see her in one episode, it should be seen how she will continue to evolve through the rest of the episodes.

The supporting cast, which includes Chandini Chowdary, Adarsh Balakrishna, Raj Arun and Samyukta Hornad all do a good job. They are all perfectly cast in their roles and give a good bouncing pad for Anjali’s central performance.

Off-Screen Talents:

The director, Thiru, has most certainly taken up a good plot to deal with, and so far, his execution has been good enough, with the pilot episode having enough intrigue to draw everyone in. It is to be seen how he has handled the remaining episodes.

The production design in top-notch, and so is the cinematography. The background score by Sricharan Pakala aids the visuals very well, giving the audience a good feel of the tension and situation of what’s going on.

Plus Points:

  • Anjali performance
  • Supporting cast performance

Minus Points:

  • Slow pacing

Final Verdict:   Jhansi holds a lot of promise, and looks very interesting, with its nail-biting plot. However, it remains to be seen how the rest of the series will proceed here on.


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jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

  • Home » Movies » Anjali Starrer Jhansi Telugu Web Series Review

Jhansi review: Amateurish screenplay leaves this action thriller half-baked

Anjali carries the entire web series on her shoulders and also performs the action scenes with ease and confidence.

Bhaskar Basava

Published:Oct 28, 2022

jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

Anajlis-starrer 'Jhansi' is streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. (yoursanjali/Twitter)

Anjali is the real surprise package!

Jhansi (telugu)

  • Cast: Anjali, Adarsh Balakrishna, Chandini Chowdhary, Raj Arun and Samyukta Hornad
  • Director: Thiru
  • Producer: Krishna
  • Episodes: 6
  • Language: Telugu
  • OTT platform: Disney+ Hotstar
  • Premier date: 27 October
  • Cast: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, and Revathy
  • Director: Maneesh Sharma
  • Producer: Aditya Chopra
  • Music: Pritam Chakraborty
  • Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

After scoring decent hits on the silver screen, Anjali made her OTT debut with the latest web series, Jhansi . The show is streaming on Disney+ Hotstar since 27 October.

The trailer of the web series garnered good buzz and created huge expectations. Let’s see how it fared:

The series is about an amnesiac woman, Jhansi (Anjali), who forgets her past due to unexpected situations.

One day, she saves the life of Meha, Sankeeth’s (Aadarsh Balakrishna) daughter, which eventually makes him take Jhansi along with him to his house.

Sankeeth and Jhansi fall in love and live a happy life. Meanwhile, flashbacks start haunting Jhansi. She visits a psychiatrist to recollect her past.

What happened to her in the past? How Barbie (Chandini Chowdary) is related to Jhansi? How would Jhansi unfold the mysteries about her past? The answers to these questions form the crux of the series.

Anjali is the surprise package

Anjali is the heart and soul of the series. She takes a U-turn from her regular glam roles and aces the role of Jhansi. Be it her looks or the way she showcases tension, love and action, she was too good at everything.

She essays the role effortlessly and is impressive throughout the show. She carries the entire series on her shoulders. She even performs the action sequences with ease and confidence.

Aadarsh Balakrishna does a good job in his limited screen space. Chandini Chowdhary performed quite well. Raj Arun and Samyukta Hornad are adequate in their roles.

Coming to the technical aspects, though director Thiru picked a gripping plot, his execution has not been good enough as the show lags thrilling elements. Also, a few episodes look convoluted and test the human brain.

The production values are top-notch. The music by Sricharan Pakala is good. In a way, it could be said that the show has the best BGM.

Arvi’s cinematography is decent, but the editing is average.

Bad screenplay kills the joy

anjali in jhansi

Anjali in ‘Jhansi’ web series. (yoursanjali/Twitter)

Director Thiru establishes the basic story and narrates it in a multi-layered format. The basic plot and twists in the show keep the audience engaged for the most part.

The show has a solid story but the director fails to establish enough gripping scenes. The screenplay is bad.

Any commoner can easily help the director chop the unnecessary scenes. The slow pace is also a burden.

As it is a web show, the director went all out and narrated the show in too much detail, which was unnecessary.

Season 1 has only six episodes and the story is yet to be revealed. This means we have to wait for season 2.

Jhansi is an action thriller. To bring the audience to the edge of the seat, the story needs to be solid and so does the screenplay. Let us hope that at least season 2 will be far better than season 1!


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jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

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Jhansi Season 1

Jhansi Season 1

  • Release Date 27 October 2022
  • Language Telugu
  • Dubbed In Hindi, Malayalam, Urdu, Kannada, Marathi, Bengali
  • Genre Action
  • Director Thiru Krishnamoorthy
  • Producer Krishna
  • Production Tribal Horse Entertainment
  • Certificate 18+
  • Cast Anjali, Mumaith Khan, Kalyan Master, Raj Arjun, Sharanya, Samyuktha Hornad

About Jhansi Season 1 Web Series

Anjali is a cop and doting mother, but also an amnesiac. When her forgotten past catches up to the present, violence begins.

Jhansi Season 1 Web Series Cast, Episodes, Release Date, Trailer and Ratings

Jhansi Season 1 Web Series Cast, Episodes, Release Date, Trailer and Ratings


Luca Review

jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

Luca is an ode to friendship. The 84-minute Pixar movie on Disney+, from feature directorial debutant Enrico Casarosa, is inspired by his own childhood — Luca is dedicated to Casarosa's best friend Alberto Surace, whose name he lends to the deuteragonist and the title protagonist's best friend — in the Italian Riviera in the 1970s and 1980s. It's set in a world that takes after the 1950s and the 1960s, for Casarosa doesn't feel as nostalgic (yet) about the eighties. But Luca 's is also a fantasy world. The aforementioned Luca (voiced by Jacob Tremblay, from Room) and Alberto (Jack Dylan Grazer, from Shazam!) are actually “sea monsters”, feared and hunted by the humans who live above the surface. Though technically, they are shapeshifting amphibians, that become fish in water, and human on land.

Jhansi Season 1 Web Series Trailer

Jhansi season 1 photos.

Jhansi Season 1 - 1

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Jhansi Movie Review

Jhansi is the dubbed version of the Tamil crime drama film Naachiyaar starring Jyothika in the lead role with G. V. Prakash Kumar and Ivana in prominent roles. It was written, produced, and directed by Bala. The original Tamil version was released on 16th Feb and the Telugu dubbed version was released on 17th Aug 2018.

088 jhansi movie review

Table of Contents

Jhansi Story

Assistant Commissioner Jhansi (Jyothika) is all set to leave for a vacation with her family. She cancels her vacation and starts investigating the rape case of a minor girl (Ivana) as she gets a lead. The accused, Gaali Raju (G. V. Prakash Kumar), is a roadside worker who is also a minor. The girl is impregnated and the couple says that they are lovers and everything happened with her consent. Jhansi keeps investigating the case despite the report. What she finds during the investigation and what happened to the couple form the rest of the story.

Jhansi Story Analysis

The premise is interesting and the suspense elements are well executed. The first half is good and the love story is beautifully showcased. The chemistry between the couple helped the film to a great extent. The interval twist raises many questions and the suspense is established. The second half goes haywire without following a pattern or sequence. Everything seems obvious and there is not much thought put into the development. The climax seems to be abrupt like any other film of Bala. But the short runtime helped the film get over several issues. The film has a 1 hour 40 minutes runtime which is almost half of several recent Telugu films. Overall, it’s a bitter and grounded story of ordinary people.


Jyothika is superb in her role as a rude and arrogant police officer. It is the first time she has done such a film in her career but she is convincing in her character. The body language and expressions make it seem like a tailormade film for her. G. V. Prakash Kumar is believable in his role. His makeup and costumes brought the originality required for the character. Ivana is perfect in her role with her eyes conveying most of the emotions. She is impressive as a housemaid and a teenage mother.

Technical Analysis

Jhansi has a good story but not up to the mark narration. The dialogues are realistic. The dubbing is bad and is at times loud. The art design and production values are top-notch. All locations are convincing and realistic. The cinematography elevates the tone and mood of the film. The background score is decent but could have been better. Editing is good for such a short runtime. The direction is superb and Bala manages to maintain the balance throughout the film.

Jhansi is a dark-themed film that deals with many social problems and the lifestyle of poor people. The film is full of Tamil nativity which may not appeal to a regular audience. It’s a hard-hitting realistic film with serious drama. The audience who like realistic films and are not bothered by Tamil flavor can watch it.

jhansi movie review 2022 telugu

Director: Bala

Date Created: 2018-08-17 11:00

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 Jhansi movie review

Release date : August 17, 2018

123telugu.com Rating : 2.5/5

Starring : Jyothika, G. V. Prakash Kumar

Director : Bala Pazhanisaamy

Producers : Rockline Venkatesh

Music Director : Ilaiyaraaja

Editor : Sathish Suriya

Director Bala’s Nacchiyar has been in the news since the time of its release as Jyothika was seen as a police officer for the first time in her career. The film has now been dubbed in Telugu as Jhansi and has hit the screens today. Let’s see how it is.

Jhansi(Jyothika) who is an assistant commissioner of police is all set to leave for her much-need vacation. She comes to the office to submit her leave letter to her higher officials. At the same time, a minor roadside worker called Gaali Raju(GV Prakash) is brought to the station for a raping and impregnating a minor girl. When Jyothika starts investigating the case both the minors say that they are going to become parents with each other’s consent. Why is Gaali Raju being framed in the rape case? Who is behind all this? and how does Jhansi investigate the proceedings? That forms the rest of the story.

Plus Points:

The premise of the film is interesting as the suspense drama is weaved around the love story of two minors. G V Prakash leads from the front and he is good as the roadside worker Gaali Raju. Be it his makeup or his rustic performance, GV Prakash has done an impressive job.

Coming to Jyothika, she has a tailor-made role in the film. She as the investigative cop does to the best of her capabilities. Debutante Ivana is a perfect fit as the minor mother. Her performance has depth and Ivana’s expressions are pretty good in the first half where a unique love story is showcased.

The way the suspense is slowly developed in the first half is good. Some scenes are realistic in true Bala style and showcase the mass effect in a hard-hitting manner.

Minus Points:

The second half of the film is where things go for a toss. What could have been a very interesting suspense drama is spoilt by some uneven narration. The dots are not connected properly and most of the pre-climax go for a toss.

Jyotika’s character is quite rude in the film but the Telugu dubbing makes it even more over the top and this can irritate you at places. The investigative scenes are very normal and could have been a bit thrilling so that the audience would get connected more in the later part.

As the theme of the film is dark, certain Tollywood audience who expect basic entertainment will surely be disappointed. Also, there is a lot of Tamil flavor in the film which might not go well with many.

Technical Aspects:

Background music by Ilayaraja is not up to the mark as scenes in crucial areas are not elevated well. Production values of the film are top notch as the mass setup is shown quite realistically by the cameraman. Dialogues are decent but the dubbing is a bit loud for Jyothika. Editing is perfect as the film has a very short length.

Coming to the director Bala, he has done a half-hearted job with the film. His story idea is good and he sets up the suspense decently until the first half and manages to extract good performances from the lead pair.

But he loses track in the second half as his narration has many flaws. The story is confusing and proper justification is not given to the actual twist in the plot.

On the whole, Jhansi is a suspense drama which works only in parts. The lead actors performance, realistic emotions in the love story work well in the first half. But it is the second half which has insipid and confusing narration bringing the film down in the end. This film has a dark theme and is not the regular dance and action film. So, all those who like serious dramas and are okay with the heavy Tamil flavor can try this film out. But the rest can opt for something else this weekend.

Reviewed by 123telugu Team

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Jhansi

In this Jhansi film, Jyothika , G V Prakash Kumar played the primary leads.

The Jhansi was released in theaters on 17 Aug 2018.

The Jhansi was directed by Bala

Movies like Kannappa , Kalki 2898 AD , Odela 2 and others in a similar vein had the same genre but quite different stories.

The Jhansi had a runtime of 101 minutes.

The soundtracks and background music were composed by Ilayaraja for the movie Jhansi.

The movie Jhansi belonged to the Crime,Drama, genre.

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'Jhansi' Trailer: Anjali, Chandini Chowdary, Adarsh Balakrishna, Raj Arun And Samyukta Hornad starrer 'Jhansi' Official Trailer

'Jhansi' Trailer: Watch the Official Trailer from Hindi web series 'Jhansi' starring Anjali, Chandini Chowdary, Adarsh Balakrishna, Raj Arun and Samyukta Hornad. 'Jhansi' web series is directed by Thiru Krishnamoorthy. To know more about the 'Jhansi' trailer watch the video. Check out the latest Hindi trailers, new web series trailers, trending Hindi web series trailers, Anjali, Chandini Chowdary, Adarsh Balakrishna, Raj Arun and Samyukta Hornad videos at ETimes - Times of India Entertainment.

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    Jhansi: With Anjali, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Chandini Chowdary, Chaitanya Sagiraju. When an amnesiac suburban mother's violent past catches up with her, violence ensues.

  4. OTT Review : Jhansi

    Jhansi On Hotstar, Hotstar Specials, Jhansi Telugu Movie Review, DisneyPlus Hotstar, Anjali, Chandini Chowdary, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Raj Arjun, Abeeram Varma, Jhansi Movie Review, Jhansi Movie Review, Anjali, Chandini Chowdary, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Raj Arjun, Abeeram Varma, Jhansi Review, Jhansi Review and Rating, Jhansi Telugu Movie Review and Rating

  5. Jhansi Web Series Telugu Movie Review with Rating

    Telugu girls Anjali and Chandini Chowdhary who are known for their good looks and performances are coming to entertain movie lovers with their webseries Jhansi. The film directed by Thiru, Ganesh Kaarthic started streaming on Disney+Hotstar on October 27, 2022. Let us see what Jhansi offered to movie lovers. Story Review

  6. Jhansi Review: Jhansi

    Critic's Rating: 2.5. Avg. Users' Rating: 2.9. Season 1 of the web series Jhansi, directed by Thiru, featuring Anjali, Chandini Chowdary, Adarsh Balakrishna, and others, comes across as an action ...

  7. Jhansi review: A shoddy thriller about a woman who refuses to move

    Jhansi, a boutique owner, is an independent woman staying with her partner and his daughter. Whenever he broaches the topic of marriage, she refuses to take a step ahead. She is yet to move on from a personal tragedy that affected her five years ago. When she saves a girl from a molester at a wedding, Jhansi's past catches up with her and ...

  8. 'Jhansi' Trailer: Anjali's ferocious action thriller, streaming from

    The trailer of Jhansi, an action thriller with Anjali in the titular role has been unveiled. ... Latest Movies Bollywood Movies Hollywood Movies Tamil Movies 2023 Telugu Movies 2023 Malayalam ...

  9. 'Jhansi is about a woman's travel, from her childhood to her 30s'

    Amid an influx of thriller content in recent times, cinematographer Arvind who shot Jhansi said how he tried to design the visuals of the series by defining the mood of the scenes. He mentioned, "There are lots of portions in this film, about a woman's travel, from her childhood to her 30s. There are certain portions set in the 90s.

  10. Jhansi Webseries Review: An interesting drama

    Final Verdict: Jhansi holds a lot of promise, and looks very interesting, with its nail-biting plot. However, it remains to be seen how the rest of the series will proceed here on. Previous article. Anjali is back in a leading role after quite some time, with Disney Hotstar's latest web series, Jhansi, which is set to begin streaming on the OTT.

  11. Jhansi Web Series Review

    Here is the Review of Jhansi telugu web series starring Anjali, Chandini Chowdary.. streaming in telugu on Disney Plus Hotstar...We Movie Matters in this vid...

  12. Jhansi Telugu web series review

    The screenplay is bad. Any commoner can easily help the director chop the unnecessary scenes. The slow pace is also a burden. As it is a web show, the director went all out and narrated the show in too much detail, which was unnecessary. Season 1 has only six episodes and the story is yet to be revealed.

  13. Jhansi

    Review by IndiaGlitz [ Thursday, October 27, 2022 ] 'Jhansi' is streaming on Disney Plus Hotstar. In this section, we are going to review the six-episode season of the latest Telugu-language web ...

  14. 'Jhansi': Anjali's action thriller to hit OTT on THIS date

    The makers said that Anjali, who was seen in a prominent role in Anushka Shetty's 'Nishabdham' in 2020, plays a character who loses track of her past in 'Jhansi'. When she faces a string of ...

  15. Jhansi Review: Action-Packed Thriller Lacks Gravity, Presents a

    Star casted as the titular Jhansi, Anjali leads as the lionhearted protagonist of the original Telugu Disney+ Hotstar Special Series having six episodes with their runtime ranging from 28 to 39 minutes.Premiering on October 27, 2022, the series also features supporting actors like Chandini Chowdary, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Raj Arjun, Samyukta Hornad and more, and has been directed by Thiru, while ...

  16. Jhansi Season 1 Web Series (2022)

    Jhansi Season 1 Web Series: Find Jhansi Season 1 Web Series release date, cast, trailer, review, critics rating, duration on Gadgets 360

  17. Jhansi Movie Review

    Jhansi is the dubbed version of the Tamil crime drama film Naachiyaar starring Jyothika in the lead role with G. V. Prakash Kumar and Ivana in prominent roles. It was written, produced, and directed by Bala. The original Tamil version was released on 16th Feb and the Telugu dubbed version was released on 17th Aug 2018.

  18. Watch Jhansi

    A fierce and diligent cop, Jhansi enters her life as a saviour to bring the culprits to justice. Watch Jhansi Full Movie on Disney+ Hotstar now. Channels. ... Jhansi. Crime. Telugu. 2018 U/A 16+ An underage girl gets kidnapped and raped by her uncle. A fierce and diligent cop, Jhansi enters her life as a saviour to bring the culprits to justice ...

  19. Jhansi Season 1 Movie User Reviews & Ratings

    Jhansi Season 1 User Reviews: Check out what users have to say about Anjali,Chandini Chowdary,Samyukta Hornad,Aadarsh Balakrishna starrer Jhansi Season 1 only on Times of India.

  20. Review : Jhansi

    Verdict: On the whole, Jhansi is a suspense drama which works only in parts. The lead actors performance, realistic emotions in the love story work well in the first half. But it is the second half which has insipid and confusing narration bringing the film down in the end. This film has a dark theme and is not the regular dance and action film.

  21. Jhansi

    Jhansi Telugu Movie 2018: Check out the latest news about Jyothika's Jhansi movie, and its story, cast & crew, release date, photos, review, box office collections, and much more only on FilmiBeat.

  22. List of Telugu films of 2024

    This is a list of Telugu-language films produced in Tollywood in India that are released/scheduled to be released in the year 2024. Box office collection [ edit ] The highest-grossing Tollywood films released in 2024, by worldwide box office gross revenue , are as follows.

  23. 'Jhansi' Trailer: Anjali, Chandini Chowdary, Adarsh Balakrishna, Raj

    Oct 26, 2022, 02:29PM IST Source: YouTube 'Jhansi' Trailer: Watch the Official Trailer from Hindi web series 'Jhansi' starring Anjali, Chandini Chowdary, Adarsh Balakrishna, Raj Arun and Samyukta ...

  24. Watch Hanu-Man (2024) Full HD Telugu Movie Online on ZEE5

    Watch Hanu-Man full movie online in HD. Enjoy Hanu-Man starring Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Vinay Rai and directed by Prasanth Varma - only on ZEE5.