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webExclusive Report --> ലത മങ്കേഷ്കർ പാടിയത് ഒരേയൊരു മലയാള ഗാനം; അതു സംഭവിച്ചതിങ്ങനെ

Published: February 06 , 2022 10:44 AM IST

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മലയാളത്തിലെ നിത്യരോമാഞ്ചമായ സിനിമ ചെമ്മീനി(1965)ന്റെ സംഗീതം അന്നു ഹിന്ദിയിലും ബംഗാളിയിലും പ്രഗൽഭനായിരുന്ന സലിൽ ചൗധരിയാണ് നിർവഹിച്ചത്. മലയാളത്തിൽ അതുവരെ ഇറങ്ങിയ ഏറ്റവും മികച്ച ചിത്രമായിരിക്കണം ‘ചെമ്മീൻ’ എന്നു നിർമാതാവായ കൺമണി ബാബുവിനു നിർബന്ധമുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. അതുകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ ചിത്രത്തിൽ സഹകരിക്കേണ്ടത് ഏറ്റവും മിടുക്കരായിരിക്കണമെന്ന് അദ്ദേഹം നിർദേശം വച്ചു. ആ നിർബന്ധത്തിന്റെ ഭാഗമായാണ് സലിൽ ചൗധരി ആദ്യമായി മലയാളത്തിൽ എത്തിയത്. പണം പ്രശ്നമല്ല, ഏറ്റവും നല്ല പാട്ടുകളായിരിക്കണം എന്നായിരുന്നു നിർമാതാവിന്റെ വ്യവസ്ഥ.

എങ്കിൽ ഒട്ടും കുറയ്ക്കേണ്ട മന്നാഡേയും ലതാ മങ്കേഷ്‌കറും പാടട്ടെ എന്നായി സലിൽ ചൗധരി. ചിത്രത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും നിർണായക സന്ദർഭത്തിലെ ഗാനമായ ‘മാനസ മൈനേ വരൂ... ’ മന്നാഡേക്കു നൽകി. അദ്ദേഹം വളരെ കഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടാണ് ആ ഗാനം പഠിച്ചത്. ആദ്യം റിക്കോർഡ് ചെയ്ത ഗാനത്തിന്റെ ഉച്ചാരണം മുഴുവൻ തെറ്റായിരുന്നു. അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ വികൃതമായ പാട്ട് കേട്ട് മലയാളിയായ ഭാര്യ സുലോചന പൊട്ടിച്ചിരിച്ചുപോയി. പിന്മാറാൻ ഒരുങ്ങിയ അദ്ദേഹത്തെ സുലോചന ക്ഷമാപൂർവം ആ പാട്ടിലെ ഓരോ വരിയുടെയും അർഥവും ഉച്ചാരണവും പഠിപ്പിച്ചു. അർധമനസ്സോടെയാണ് അദ്ദേഹം ഭാര്യയ്ക്കു മുന്നിൽ പഠിക്കാനിരുന്നത്. തനിക്ക് ഈ ഭാഷ വഴങ്ങുമെന്ന ഒരു വിശ്വാസ‌വും അദ്ദേഹത്തിനില്ലായിരുന്നു. സുലോചനയ്ക്കാവട്ടെ തന്റെ മാതൃഭാഷയിൽ ഭർത്താവിനെക്കൊണ്ട് ഒരു പാട്ട് പാടിക്കാൻ കിട്ടിയ അവസരം നഷ്ടപ്പെടുത്തരുത് എന്ന നിർബന്ധവും. പാട്ട് പഠിപ്പിച്ചു വരുന്നതിനിടയിൽ ‘കടലിലെ ഓളവും കരളിലെ മോഹവും അടങ്ങുകില്ലോമനോ അടങ്ങുകില്ല’ എന്ന വരിയുടെ അർഥം സുലോചന പറഞ്ഞപ്പോൾ മന്നാഡേയുടെ മട്ടുമാറി. ആ വരി അദ്ദേഹത്തെ ഹഠാദാകർഷിച്ചു. ‘എത്രയോ അർഥസമ്പുഷ്ടമായ വരി. ഈ പാട്ട് ഞാൻതന്നെ പാടും’ എന്നുപറഞ്ഞു പാട്ട് ഉത്സാഹത്തോടെ പഠിച്ചു, പാടി, ചരിത്രമായി.

ചെമ്മീനിലെ മറ്റൊരു ഹിറ്റ് ഗാനം ‘കടലിനക്കരെ പോണേരേ...’ യാണ് ലതാ മങ്കേഷ്കറെക്കൊണ്ടു പാടിക്കാൻ തീരുമാനിച്ചിരുന്നത്. സലിൽ ചൗധരി ആവശ്യം പറഞ്ഞപ്പോൾ ആദ്യം മടിപറഞ്ഞെങ്കിലും സ്നേഹപൂർണമായ നിർബന്ധത്തിനുമുന്നിൽ അവർ സമ്മതം മൂളി. അവരുടെ മലയാളം ഉച്ചാരണം തെറ്റാതിരിക്കാനുള്ള തയാറെടുപ്പുകൾ ഉണ്ടായി. 

അടുത്ത ദിവസം ഗായകൻ യേശുദാസിനെ വിളിച്ചു ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ സംവിധായകൻ രാമു കാര്യാട്ട് പറഞ്ഞു ‘കടലിനക്കരെ പോണോരേ... ലതാ മങ്കേഷ്‌കറെക്കൊണ്ടു പാടിക്കണമെന്നാണു വിചാരിക്കുന്നത്. അവർ സലിൽദായ്‌ക്കു സമ്മതം നൽകിക്കഴിഞ്ഞു. ചിത്രത്തിൽ ഷീലയുടെ റോളിനു പിന്നണിയായി വരും. ഇക്കാര്യത്തിൽ ദാസിന്റെ സഹായം വേണം. ലതാജിയെ മലയാളം ഉച്ചാരണം പഠിപ്പിക്കണം.

യേശുദാസ് അന്തിച്ചിരുന്നുപോയി. രാമു തുടർന്നു: ‘ഹിന്ദിക്കാരിയായതുകൊണ്ടു മലയാളവുമായി പൊരുത്തപ്പെടാൻ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടുണ്ടാവും. പക്ഷേ, അങ്ങനെ വിട്ടുകൊടുക്കാൻ പറ്റില്ല. പാട്ട് ഒന്നാന്തരമാക്കണം. ഏതായാലും അടുത്തയാഴ്‌ച നമുക്കു ബോംബെയിൽ പോയി ലതയെ കണ്ടു പാടിച്ചുനോക്കണം.’’

താൻ ബാല്യം മുതൽ ആരാധിച്ചിരുന്ന ഗായികയെ പാട്ടു പഠിപ്പിക്കുകയോ? യേശുദാസിന് ഇതു സ്വപ്‌നസദൃശമായ അനുഭവമായിരുന്നു. അവരെല്ലാം ഒന്നിച്ചു ബോംബെയിൽ പോയി.

പക്ഷേ, യേശുദാസ് എത്ര ശ്രമിച്ചിട്ടും മലയാള ഉച്ചാരണം പഠിക്കാൻ ലതയ്‌ക്കു കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. തനിക്കു വഴങ്ങാത്ത ഭാഷയിൽ പാടാൻ അവർ സമ്മതിച്ചില്ല. അങ്ങനെയാണു ‘കടലിനക്കരെ പോണോരേ...’ യേശുദാസ് പാടുന്നത്. രംഗങ്ങളിലും ചില മാറ്റങ്ങൾ വരുത്തി.

പക്ഷേ, ലതയെ മലയാളത്തിൽ പാടിക്കണം എന്ന ആഗ്രഹം സലിൽദായ്‌ക്ക് ഉപേക്ഷിക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. അങ്ങനെ ഒടുവിൽ രാമു കാര്യാട്ട് സംവിധാനം ചെയ്‌ത നെല്ല് (1974) എന്ന ചിത്രത്തിൽ സലിലിന്റെ കടുത്ത നിർബന്ധത്തിനു വഴങ്ങി അവർ ഒരു പാട്ടു പാടി. ‘കദളീ കൺകദളി ...’(രചന–വയലാർ). ചിത്രത്തിൽ ജയഭാരതി വേഷമിടുന്ന ആദിവാസിപ്പെണ്ണ് പാടുന്ന ഗാനം. തേൻപോലൊരു പാട്ട്. ആയിരംതവണ കേട്ടാലും മടുക്കാത്ത സൗന്ദര്യവും ആലാപന മാധുര്യവും. ഒരു പെണ്ണിന്റെ ഒതുക്കിവച്ച പ്രണയവിചാരങ്ങളുടെ ആവിഷ്ക്കാരമെങ്കിലും ഒരേസമയം പ്രണയമായും വാത്സല്യമായും അനുഭവിക്കാവുന്ന ഗാനം.

ആലാപനം ആതീവ ഹൃദ്യമെങ്കിലും ഉച്ചാരണവൈകല്യത്തിൽനിന്ന് പാട്ട് വിമുക്തമായില്ല. അതിന്റെ പേരിൽ വിമർശനം ഉയർന്നു. ഇതു മനസ്സിലാക്കിയാവണം പിന്നീടൊരിക്കലും ഒരു മലയാളം പാട്ടു പാടാൻ ലതാ മങ്കേഷ്‌കർ തയാറാവാതിരുന്നത്.

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Lata Mangeshkar Age, Death, Husband, Family, Biography & More

Some lesser known facts about lata mangeshkar, who is lata mangeshkar.

Lata Mangeshkar was a legendary Indian playback singer, who is considered one of the greatest singers in India. The ‘Queen of Melody,’ who began her career in the 1940s, rose to prominence when she lent her voice to the cult song ‘Ayega Aane Waala’ from the 1949 classic Mahal. Through her melodious voice, the legendary singer redefined the fabric of Indian music, remaining an inseparable part of it for nearly six decades. By the early 2000s, she had decided to focus on her personal commitments and give younger singers a chance. On 6 February 2022, she passed away, marking the end of an era.

It was not really the external influence that made me a singer. Music was within me. I was full of it.” – Lata Mangeshkar

Named After a Character from Her Father’s Play

When Lata was born, she was named Hema, which her parents later renamed Lata, which was a female character ‘Latika’ in one of her father’s plays, ‘BhaawBandhan.’ Her father, Deenanath, changed the surname of the family from Hardikar to Mangeshkar as he wanted to identify his family with their native town, Mangeshi in Goa.

A rare childhood photo of Lata Mangeshkar

A rare childhood photo of Lata Mangeshkar

A Huge Fan of K. L. Saigal

As far as I can remember, I always wanted to meet K. L. Saigal. As a child, I used to say that ‘I will get married to him after I grow up’ and that’s when my father explained to me that when I’ll be big enough to get married, Saigal saab will be too old enough to get married.”

Nomadic Childhood

The early life of Lata Mangeshkar is a tale of poverty, hard work, and hard luck. The Maratha heartland of Maharashtra is far away from Indore, where she was born. Her father, Deenanath Mangeshkar, who belonged to Mangeshi in Goa, was a classical singer trained in the colorful Punjabi school of Baba Mushelkar. A theatrical troupe Deenanath owned made him pitch his tent in nearly every town in the state, including Pune, Kolhapur, Satara, Sangli, and Miraj. Lata Mangeshkar, along with her siblings, was roped into a nomadic life by their father’s profession. In the absence of a proper schooling system for his children, Deenanath tried to compensate by injecting them with music lessons at a young age. Lata once said,

The foundation of my musical propensities was laid as early as that.” Lata Mangeshkar (sitting left) with her sisters

Sole Breadwinner

I hated putting on make-up; I hated standing in the glare of lights. But I was the breadwinner of the family, and there was hardly any choice left. The day I went to work in Master Vinayak’s film, there was nothing to eat in the house.” A rare old photograph showing teenage Lata Mangeshkar with young Hridaynath

She also talked about how she missed her childhood as she rose to stardom at an early age. She said,

I missed out on my childhood. I had to work hard, but I was immediately given a place in playback.” Young Lata Mangeshkar

Attended School For Only One Day!

She went to school for only one day. It is said that on the very first day of her school, she brought her younger sister, Asha, and started teaching music to other students and when teachers intervened, she was so furious that she stopped going to the school. In an interview, she talked about her anger issues and said,

I have a fierce temper. I’ve mastered it over the years, but when I’m angry, no one can force me to do anything I don’t want to.” Lata Mangeshkar’s childhood photo

First Public Performance

Initial Career

Arrived in Bombay

Didi was burning the candle at both ends to keep the family going.”

She Would Have Become a Classical Singer

Lata’s first big achievement in Bombay was her meeting with Aman Ali Khan Bhindi Bazarwala, a classical singer, who accepted her as a student; reportedly, A cord was tied around her arm as part of the ceremonial acceptance. After India’s partition, Aman Ali went to Pakistan, and Lata had to find a guru in Amanat Ali, an accomplished singer who went to the same school as Amir Khan. When Amanat Ali died in 1951, Lata’s apprenticeship in classical music ended abruptly. Lata once wistfully said,

Maybe I’d have become a classical singer if Amanat Ali were alive.” Lata Mangeshkar playing the Veena

Rejected For Her ‘Thin’ Voice

After Vinayak’s death, Lata had no fixed income following which she approached a supplier of film extras who later introduced her to Master Ghulam Haidar, a close friend of Amanat Ali and a leading music director of the times. Haidar, who was awed by her range and sweet voice, took her to Filmistan, the Mecca of Bombay’s show business, owned by Subodh Mukherjee. When Ghulam Haidar (music director) introduced Lata to Mukherjee who was making the film ‘Shaheed’ (1948), Mukherjee dismissed Lata’s voice as “too thin” and said that her voice would not match that of the heroine, Kamini Kaushal, the screen siren of the ’40s, to this Haidar responded,

In the coming years, producers and directors would “fall at Lata’s feet” and “beg her” to sing in their movies.”

In an interview, Lata Mangeshkar declared that Ghulam Haidar was her true Godfather who trusted her talent.

Lata Mangeshkar's mentor Ghulam Haidar

Lata Mangeshkar’s mentor Ghulam Haidar

First Breakthrough

On The same day, when Mukherjee rejected her voice, she accompanied Haidar to the studios of Bombay Talkies at Malad, where she was selected to sing for Majboor (1948), and the song ‘Dil Mera Toda, Mujhe Kahin Ka Na Chhora’ from the film became her first breakthrough hit song. She reportedly recorded the song at the 32nd take. While recalling the success of Majboor’s song, Lata said,

I never looked back since then.”

Early Fame and Hectic Schedule

I recorded two songs in the morning, two in the afternoon, two in the evening and two at night.” Lata Mangeshkar in a recording studio

Dilip Kumar Questioned Her Accent

When Naushad introduced her to Dilip Kumar , he teased her for her Marathified Hindi following which she took lessons in Urdu from an Urdu teacher, Shafi. Dilip Kumar recalled the incident over three decades later and said he got embarrassed hearing Lata to pronounce each Hindi and Urdu word with such eloquence that he could not comprehend. He said,

my ears tingled in shame.” Lata Mangeshkar tying Rakhi to Dilip Kumar

She Monopolized the Filmfare Awards

Filmfare Awards were first introduced in 1954, and at that time, the Best Music award was given to a particular song, not to the whole album; however, from 1956, the award was given to the music director for the whole album. When Shankar-Jaikishan won the award in 1957, Lata was not happy as she wanted the awards to include the category of Best Singer. In an interview, she narrated this story and said,

Jaikishan came to see me and said: ‘We’re getting the award so you must sing Rasik Balma at the awards ceremony.’ I said: ‘I won’t sing.’ Then Jaiskishan said, ‘Why won’t you? We’re getting an award.’ And I said, ”You are getting the award, not me. The award is for Best Music. They aren’t giving the award to the singer or lyricist. So why don’t you let your orchestra play the tune without words and singer?’ We had a big fight and he said: ‘How can you talk to me like this? I’m going.’ I said: ‘Very well. Go!’ Then Shankarji came and said: ‘Lataji, he’s naïve and young. Don’t be upset by what he says.’ I explained to Shankarji why I had refused. ‘I won’t sing unless Filmfare introduces awards for playback singers and songwriters. Then I’ll come. Otherwise I won’t.’ These were the kinds of quarrels we had.” Lata Mangeshkar with Shankar Jaikishan

Lata Mangeshkar posing with her Filmfare Award

Lata Mangeshkar posing with her Filmfare Award

Oldest Winner of the National Film Award

She Imitated a Singer

Slow poison.

In 1962, I fell very ill for about three months. One day, I woke up feeling very uneasy in my stomach. And then I started throwing up – it was terrible, the vomit was a greenish colour. The doctor came and even brought an x-ray machine home because I could not move. He x-rayed my stomach and said I was being slowly poisoned.”

Her Song Brought Nehru to Tears

Lata, Tumne Aaj Mujhe Rula Diya” Lata Mangeshkar singing Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon at New Delhi’s National Stadium on 26 January 1963

Composer and Producer

Ram Ram Pavhana

Abroad Tours

Lata Mangeshkar performing at London's prestigious Royal Albert Hall in 1974

Lata Mangeshkar performing at London’s prestigious Royal Albert Hall in 1974

Details of a concert of Lata Mangeshkar on the display board of Madison Square Garden in New York

Details of a concert of Lata Mangeshkar on the display board of Madison Square Garden in New York

Member of Rajya Sabha

Whether it is a fact that the incidents of derailment of trains on various sections have been on the increase; if so, the number of train derailment incidents since the beginning of the year 2000; the estimated loss suffered by the Railways as a consequence thereof; what measures have been taken by government to prevent such incident?” Lata Mangeshkar outside the Parliament of India

The Madhya Pradesh Government and the Maharashtra Government instituted the ‘Lata Mangeshkar Award’ in 1984 and 1992, respectively.

Lata Mangeshkar Award announced by Maharashtra government in 1992

Lata Mangeshkar Award announced by the Maharashtra government in 1992

Prime Minister Narendra Modi receives the first Lata Deenanath Mangeshkar Award in Mumbai on 24 April 2022

Prime Minister Narendra Modi receives the first Lata Deenanath Mangeshkar Award in Mumbai on 24 April 2022

Relevant in Every Generation

Her voice suited to almost every female star, from Madhubala in the 1940s to Kajol in the 1990s, and she sang alongside top male singers, including Mohammed Rafi and Kishore Kumar . She also worked with every leading filmmaker in Bollywood, from Raj Kapoor and Guru Dutt to Mani Ratnam and Karan Johar . Moreover, from roadside vendors to long-distance truckers, and from Army jawans in Ladakh to the glittering elite of Mumbai, Lata Mangeshkar’s voice is considered the one that no Indian can miss.

An auto rickshaw in Mumbai displaying the versatility of Lata Mangeshkar

An auto-rickshaw in Mumbai displaying the versatility of Lata Mangeshkar

In 2012, she again rose her voice to get royalties from recording companies after her songs, owned by recording companies, began appearing on various music albums. She lamented,

What do I get from this? I don’t get any royalty. Now there is internet and the MP3 format.”

Unfulfilled Desires

Daughter of the nation, a different lata.

This may sound strange but when I used to visit America on holiday, I loved spending time in Las Vegas. It’s an exciting city. I really enjoyed playing the slot machines. I never played roulette or cards – but I used to spend the whole night at a slot machine. I was very lucky and won many times.”

Lata Mangeshkar's Pet Dog Bittu

Loved Cooking

It was my maternal grandmother and mother who taught me how to cook. I started cooking when I was very young and often made lunch and dinner at home. In later years, Mrs. Bhalji Pendharkar, whom we called Bakula Mausi, taught me how to cook some dishes. She was a dear and close family friend. I called her ‘Ma.’ I was very close to her and often stayed with her. She used to wash my hair and taught me how to make pulao and mutton. And many vegetarian dishes too. Mrs. Majrooh Sultanpuri showed me how to make pasanda and chicken curry.” Lata Mangeshkar (sitting) learning cooking skills from composer Anil Biswas
I cook quickly, and the kitchen is always left neat and tidy after I have finished. The pleasure of cooking isn’t in cooking, but seeing people enjoy the meal and say they have liked what I made for them – that makes me happy. earlier, when I used to spend time in London, I always used to cook there.”

An Outstanding Photographer

My love for photography started in 1946. I was on an outdoor shoot and took a picture of someone who was standing by a river. I became intrigued by photography. I told Madhavrao Shinde, the film editor, about my interest, and he taught me the basics: how to load film and the kind of camera I should buy.” Lata Mangeshkar posing with a camera
I don’t know what I’d have done if I wasn’t a singer. But photography was definitely a feasible option. It’s a pity that the art of clicking pictures has been  replaced by digital photography. People now take all their pictures on their phone. The sheer joy of capturing cameras through the lens of an old fashioned camera is lost.”

A Passionate Cricket Fan

Lata Mangeshkar with the 1983 Cricket World Cup winning Indian team

Lata Mangeshkar with the 1983 Cricket World Cup-winning Indian team

Lata Mangeshkar with Sachin Tendulkar

Lata Mangeshkar with Sachin Tendulkar

Last Birthday

On 28 September 2021, her 92nd birthday, which also proved to be her last birthday, she recalled her childhood days and said,

That long journey is with me, and that little girl is still with me. She has not gone anywhere. Some people call me ‘Saraswati’ or say that I have her blessings. They say I am this and that. All this is nothing I believe but the blessings of my parents, our deity Mangesh, Sai Baba, and God.”
It is their blessing that people like whatever I sing. Otherwise who am I? I am nothing. There have been better singers than me, and some of them are not even with us. I am grateful to God and to my parents for whatever I have today.”

The End of an Era

On the morning of 6 February 2022, the world of music came to standstill when the news of Lata Mangeshkar’s demise broke on television sets. On the same day, her last rites were performed at Shivaji Park Crematorium, Mumbai with the full state honour, and it was attended by many dignitaries and celebrities including Shah Rukh Khan , Sachin Tendulkar , and PM Narendra Modi who paid their last tributes to the legendary singer at the crematorium. Later, two-day national mourning was observed for the departed soul. On 10 February 2022, her ashes were immersed in the holy Ramkund on the banks of the Godavari river in Maharashtra.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (left) and Shah Rukh Khan (right) paying their last tributes to Lata Mangeshkar on 6 February 2022 at Shivaji Park in Mumbai

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (left) and Shah Rukh Khan (right) pay their last tributes to Lata Mangeshkar on 6 February 2022 at Shivaji Park in Mumbai

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Lata Mangeshkar Biography: Age, Early Life, Family, Education, Singing Career, Net Worth, Awards and Honours, and more

Lata mangeshkar biography: legendary singer lata mangeshkar breathed her last in mumbai's breach candy hospital on 6 february 2022 (sunday) morning. she was 92. she was an indian playback singer and music director. she was one of the most respected playback singers in india. let us have a look at her biography including age, family, education, singing career, awards, honours, etc..

Shikha Goyal

Lata Mangeshkar Biography: Lata Mangeshkar is a big name for music enthusiasts all over the world, and the day marks her 94th birth anniversary. Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar has recorded songs in over a thousand Hindi films and was one of the best-known and most respected playback singers in India. She had a sweet and captivating voice which is the main reason for her popularity. 

At the age of 13, Lata Mangeshkar started her career in 1942 and has sung over 30,000 songs in various Indian languages. She is considered one of the greatest singers of Indian cinema and received Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour in 2001.

Lata Mangeshkar Biography

Lata mangeshkar biography: age, family, early life, and education.

Legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar was noted for her distinctive voice and vocal range that extended over more than three octaves. 

She was born on 28 September 1929 in Indore, India. She was the eldest of five siblings. Her father was Pandit Deenanath Mangeshkar and her mother was Shevanti. His father was a noted Marathi stage personality popularly known as Master Dinanath. 

She was introduced to music at an early age. At the age of 13, she recorded her first song for Vasant Joglekar’s Marathi film Kiti Hasaal. 

Lata Mangeshkar's birth name was "Hema". Later, her parents renamed her name and kept it, Lata, after a female character, Latika, in one of her father's plays, BhaawBandhan. Her siblings' names in birth order are Meena, Asha, Usha, and Hridaynath. All are accomplished singers and musicians. Her educational career is not much known but she proved that a degree is not the only way to earn. She received her first music lesson from her father. When she was five years old, she started to work as an actress in her father's musical plays.  

Lata Mangeshkar Biography: Singing Career and her Musical Journey

Early career of lata mangeshkar in the 1940s and 50s.

When Lata Mangeshkar was 13 years old, her father died due to a heart attack in 1942 . The owner of Navyug Chitrapat movie company named Master Vinayak or Vinayak Damodar Karnataki took care of them. He was a close friend of the Mangeshkar family. He helped Lata to get started in a career as a singer and actress. 

In 1942 , Lata Mangeshkar sang the song "Naachu Yaa Gade, Khelu Saari Mani Haus Bhaari". It was composed by Sadashivrao Nevrekar for Vasant Joglekar's Marathi movie Kiti Hasaal. The song dropped from the final cut. A small role was also provided by Vinayak in Navyug Chitrapat's Marathi movie Pahli Mangalaa-gaur, she sang "Natali Chaitraachi Navalaai". It was composed by Dada Chandekar. "Mata Ek Sapoot Ki Duniya Badal De Tu" was her first song in Hindi.

As a teenager, she struggled and support her family. She established herself as a playback singer in the Hindi film industry of the 1940s.  She moved to Mumbai in 1945. She started taking lessons from Ustad Aman Ali Khan of Bhindibazaar Gharana in Hindustani classical music. For the movie Aap Ki Seva Mein (1946), she sang the song "Paa Lagoon Kar Jori" which was composed by Datta Davjekar. Also, in Badi Maa (1945) movie, Lata and her sister Asha played minor roles. In this movie, she also sang a Bhajan "Mata Tere Charnon Mein."

In 1948, Vinayak died and music director Ghulam Haider mentored her as a singer. He introduced Lata to producer Sashadhar Mukherjee. She recorded the hit “Uthaye ja unke sitam” in Andaz (1949), and her destiny was sealed. From this point, she gave her musical voice to every major leading lady, representing every generation of Hindi cinema from Nargis and Waheeda Rehman to Madhuri Dixit and Preity Zinta.

Her singing contributed a great deal to the commercial films like Mahal (1949), Barsaat (1949), Meena Bazaar (1950), Aadhi Raat (1950), Chhoti Bhabhi (1950), Afsana (1951), Aansoo (1953), and Adl-e-Jehangir (1955).

She also sang various Raag-based songs for Naushad in films like Deedar (1951), Baiju Bawra (1952), Amar (1954), Uran Khatola (1955), and Mother India (1957).  Her first song for the composer Naushad was Ae Chorre Ki Jaat Badi Bewafa, a duet with G. M. Durrani. The duo, Shankar–Jaikishan, chose Lata for Barsaat (1949), Aah (1953), Shree 420 (1955), and Chori Chori (1956).

Composer S.D Burman before 1957 chose Lata as the leading female singer for his musical scores in Sazaa (1951),  House No. 44 (1955), and Devdas (1955). In 1957, a rift developed between Lata Mangeshkar and Burman and she did not sing his compositions again until 1962.

Singing Career of Lata Mangeshkar in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s

How can we forget the song "Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya" from Mughal-e-Azam (1960). Lata Ji sang this song very beautifully and still, it remains in everyone's heart. It was composed by Naushad and lip-synced by Madhubala. Also, one of my favourite songs "Ajeeb Dastaan Hai Yeh" from Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai (1960) was also sung by Lata Ji very beautifully. It was composed by Shankar–Jaikishan and lip-synced by Meena Kumari.

Two popular bhajans were recorded by Lata Mangeshkar in 1961 namely  "Allah Tero Naam" and "Prabhu Tero Naam", for Burman's assistant, Jaidev. She was awarded her second Filmfare Award in 1962 for the song "Kahin Deep Jale Kahin Dil" from Bees Saal Baad, composed by Hemant Kumar.

Lata Ji sang a patriotic song against the backdrop of the Sino-Indian War in January 1963. The song was "Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo" in the presence of Jawaharlal Nehru, then the Prime Minister of India. It is said that the song brought tears to former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The song was composed by C. Ramchandra and written by Kavi Pradeep.

Lata Ji returned to collaborate with S. D Burman in 1963. She then sang in R.D Burman's first film Chhote Nawab (1961), and later in his films such as Bhoot Bungla (1965), Pati Patni (1966), Baharon Ke Sapne (1967), and Abhilasha (1969). 

Various popular songs were also recorded by her namely  "Aaj Phir Jeene Ki Tamanna Hai", "Gata Rahe Mera Dil" (duet with Kishore Kumar) and "Piya Tose" from Guide (1965), "Hothon Pe Aisi Baat" from Jewel Thief (1967), and "Kitni Akeli Kitni Tanhaa" from Talash.

She also continued her association with Madan Mohan and sang beautiful songs including "Aap Ki Nazron Ne Samjha" from Anpadh (1962), "Lag Jaa Gale" and "Naina Barse Rim Jhim" from Woh Kaun Thi? (1964), "Woh Chup Rahen To" from Jahan Ara (1964), "Tu Jahan Jahan Chalega" from Mera Saaya (1966), and "Teri Aankho Ke Siva" from Chirag (1969).

The 1960s also witnessed the beginning of the association of Lata Ji with Laxmikant-Pyarelal, the music director for whom she sang the most popular songs. 

It is said that she sang over 700 songs for the composer duo over a period of 35 years, many of which become hits. She sang for several movies including Parasmani (1963), Mr. X in Bombay (1964), Aaye Din Bahar Ke (1966), Milan (1967), Anita (1967), Shagird (1968), Mere Hamdam Mere Dost (1968), Intaquam (1969), Do Raaste (1969) and Jeene Ki Raah. For this, she got her third Filmfare Award.

She sang several playback songs for Marathi films. And during the 1960s and 1970s, she also sang various Bengali songs. She recorded duets with Kishore Kumar, Mukesh, Manna Dey, Mahendra Kapoor, and Mohammed Rafi in the 1960s. 

Meena Kumari's last film was released in 1972 which featured popular songs like "Chalte Chalte" and Inhi Logon Ne", sung by Lata Ji and composed by Ghulam Mohammed. 

She also recorded various popular songs for S.D Burman's last films like "Rangeela Re" from Prem Pujari (1970), "Khilte Hain Gul Yahaan" from Sharmeelee (1971), and "Piya Bina" from Abhimaan (1973) and for Madan Mohan's last films, including Dastak (1970), Heer Raanjha (1970), Dil Ki Rahen (1973), Hindustan Ki Kasam (1973), Hanste Zakhm (1973), Mausam (1975) and Laila Majnu (1976).

Various songs by Lata Mangeshkar were composed by Laxmikant-Pyarelal and Rahul Dev Burman in the 1970s. Various hit songs are also sung by her with Rahul Dev Burman in the films including Amar Prem (1972), Caravan (1971), Kati Patang (1971), and Aandhi (1975). The two are noted for their songs with the lyricists Majrooh Sultanpuri, Anand Bakshi, and Gulzar.

She won National Film Award in 1973 for Best Female Playback Singer for the song "Beeti Na Bitai" from the film Parichay. It was composed by R.D Burman and written by Gulzar. She also sang Malayalam song in 1974 ""Kadali Chenkadali" for the film Nellu. It was composed by Salil Chowdhury, and written by Vayalar Ramavarma.

She again won National Award in 1975 for the song "Roothe Roothe Piya" from Kora Kagaz, composed by Kalyanji Anandji. She also staged several concerts from the 1970s onwards including various charity concerts. In 1974, her first concert was at the Royal Albert Hall, London and she was the first Indian to do so.

An album was also released by her of Mirabai's Bhajans, "Chala Vaahi Des". Composed by her brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar.

Satyam Shivan Sundaram in 1978 was directed by Rak Kapoor in which lata Ji sang the main theme song "Satyam Shivam Sundaram" which become the hit of the year. 

In the late 1970s and early 1980s , she worked with composers namely  Rahul Dev Burman, son of Sachin Dev Burman, Rajesh Roshan, son of Roshan, Anu Malik, son of Sardar Malik, and Anand–Milind, sons of Chitragupta. In the Assamese language also sung several songs. The song "Dil Hoom Hoom Kare" from Rudaali (1993) made the highest record sales that year.

From the 1980s, she sang for various movies including Karz (1980), Ek Duuje Ke Liye (1981), Silsila (1981), Prem Rog (1982), Hero (1983), Pyar Jhukta Nahin (1985), Ram Teri Ganga Maili (1985), Nagina (1986), and Ram Lakhan (1989). Her song "Zu Zu Zu Yashoda" from Sanjog (1985) was a hit at that time.

In the late 1980s, she also sang for Tamil movies. The biggest hits of Lata ji in 1980s were "Sheesha Ho Ya Dil Ho" in Asha (1980), "Tu Kitne Baras Ka" in Karz (1980), "Kitna Aasan Hai" in Dostana (1980), "Hum Ko Bhi Gham" in Aas Paas (1980), "Mere Naseeb Mein" in Naseeb (1980), "Zindagi Ki Na Toote" in Kranti (1981), "Solah Baras Ki" in Ek Duuje Ke Liye (1981), "Ye Galiyan Ye Chaubara" in Prem Rog (1982), "Likhnewale Ne Likh Dale" in Arpan (1983), "Din Maheene Saal" in Avtaar (1983), "Pyar Karnewale" and "Nindiya Se Jagi" in Hero (1983), "Zu Zu Zu Yashoda" in Sanjog (1985), "Zindagi Har Qadam" in Meri Jung (1985), "Baith Mere Paas" in Yaadon Ki Kasam (1985), "Ungli Mein Anghoti" in Ram Avtar (1988) and "O Ramji Tere Lakhan Ne" in Ram Lakhan (1989).

Some songs were also composed by Bappi Lehri for Lata Ji like "Dooriyan Sab Mita Do" in Saboot (1980), "Baithe Baithe Aaj Aayi" in Patita (1980), "Jaane Kyun Mujhe" in Agreement (1980), "Thoda Resham Lagta Hai" in Jyoti (1981), "Dard Ki Ragini" in Pyaas (1982), and "Naino Mein Sapna" (duet with Kishore Kumar) in Himmatwala (1983).

She also sang hits during the 1980s like "Sun Sahiba Sun" in Ram Teri Ganga Maili (1985) for Ravindra Jain, "Chand Apna Safar" in Shama (1981), "Shayad Meri Shaadi" and "Zindagi Pyar Ka" in Souten (1983), "Hum Bhool Gaye Re" in Souten Ki Beti (1989) for Usha Khanna. Hridaynath Mangeshkar had "Kale Kale Gehre Saye" in Chakra (1981), "Ye Ankhen Dekh Kar", and "Kuchh Log Mohabbat Ko" in Dhanwan (1981), "Mujhe Tum Yaad Karna" in Mashaal (1984), Assamese song "Jonakore Rati" (1986) with music and lyrics by Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, "Jaane Do Mujhe" in Shahenshah (1989) for Amar-Utpal, "Sajan Mera Us Paar" in Ganga Jamuna Saraswati (1988) and "Mere Pyar Ki Umar" in Waaris (1989) for Uttam Jagdish.

 Lata Mangeshkar's Career in 1990s and 2000s

During the 1990s she recorded with various music directors like Anand-Milind, Nadeem-Shravan, Jatin-Lalit, etc. She also launched her own production house in 1990 for Hindi movies which produced the Gulzar-directed movie Lekin..... She won her third National FIlm Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song "Yaara Sili Sili". It was composed by her brother Hridaynath.

She also sung for almost all the Yash Chopra films. Even A. R Rahman had recorded a few songs with her during this period like "Jiya Jale" in Dil Se.., "Khamoshiyan Gungunane Lagin" in One 2 Ka 4, "Ek Tu Hi Bharosa" in Pukar, "Pyaara Sa Gaon" in Zubeidaa, "So Gaye Hain" in Zubeidaa, etc.

She also released  Shraddanjali - My Tribute to the Immortals in 1994. The main feature of the film is that Lata Ji offers her tribute to immortal singers of the time by rendering a few songs in her voice. She sang "Kuch Na Kaho" for Rahul Dev Burman the last song in 1994 in 1942: A Love Story.

A perfume brand name was also launched named Lata Eau de Parfum in 1999. She was also awarded Zee Cine Award for Lifetime Achievement the same year. She was also nominated as a member of the Rajya Sabha in 1999. 

She was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour in 2001.  She also established the Master Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune in the same year. It was managed by the Lata Mangeshkar Medical Foundation.

Lata Mangeshkar's Career in the 2010s

She released the album Sarhadein: Music Beyond Boundaries on 12 April 2011. It contains duet Tera Milna Bahut Acha Lage" by Mangeshkar and Mehdi Hassan. She also recorded a song for composer Nadeem-Shravan "Kaise Piya Se" for Bewafaa (2005). Shamir Tandon also recorded a song with her "Tere Hasne Sai Mujheko" for the movie Satrangee Parachute (2011). 

She also recorded a song in her own studio. The song was "Jeena kya hai, jaana maine" for Dunno Y2-Life Is A Moment (2015).

Lata Mangeshkar Biography: Production

She has produced four films:

1953 - Vaadal in Marathi

1953 - Jhaanjhar in Hindi and, co-produced with C. Ramchandra

1955 - Kanchan Ganga in Hindi

Lata Mangeshkar Biography: Awards and Honours

She won several awards and honours and some of them are listed below:

2009 - ANR National Award 

2007 - Legion of Honour  

2001 - Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award

1999 - Padma Vibhushan 

1999 - Zee Cine Award for Lifetime Achievements

1999 - NTR National Award 

1997 - Maharashtra Bhushan Award 

1989 - Dadasaheb Phalke Award 

1972, 1974, and 1990 - Three National Film Awards 

15 Bengal Film Journalists' Association Awards

1959, 1963, 1966, and 1970 - Four Filmfare Best Female Playback Awards.

1993 - Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award

1994 and 2004 - Filmfare Special Awards 

1984 - State Government of Madhya Pradesh instituted the Lata Mangeshkar Award of Lata Mangeshkar

1992 - the State Government of Maharashtra also instituted a Lata Mangeshkar Award

1969 - Padma Bhushan 

2009 - She was awarded the title of Officer of the French Legion of Honour, France's highest order

2012 - She was ranked number 10 in Outlook India's poll of the Greatest Indian.

Remembering Lata Didi on her birth anniversary. Her contribution to Indian music spans decades, creating an everlasting impact. Her soulful renditions evoked deep emotions and will forever hold a special place in our culture. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 28, 2023

She is also a recipient of honorary doctorates from  Sangeet Natak Akademi (1989), Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh, and Shivaji University in Kolhapur.

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  • When was Lata Mangeshkar awarded with Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour? + Lata Mangeshkar was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour in 2001.
  • Who wrote the biography of Lata Mangeshkar? + “Lata Mangeshkar- A musical Journey” a book on Lata Mangeshkar was published by author Yatindra Mishra.
  • What is Lata Mangeshkar's real name? + The real name of Lata Mangeshkar was Hema Mangeshkar.
  • In which year Legendary Singer Lata Mangeshkar was born? + Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar was born on 28 September 1929 in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
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Lata Mangeshkar Age, Height, Net Worth, Biography


  • February 6, 2024

Lata Mangeshkar Biography

Physical Appearance

Relationship status, net worth & salary.

lata mangeshkar net worth

Social Media Handles

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lata Mangeshkar (@lata_mangeshkar)

Favorite Things

Lata mangeshkar songs lyrics.

  • Holi Ke Din
  • Aisa Des Hai Mera
  • Maya Tumhari Ram
  • Aaj Na Chhodenge Bas Humjoli
  • Ae Jane Jana
  • Ek Baat Meri Hothon Par
  • Kahe Beech Bajariya
  • Mohabbat Karke Dekho
  • O Sham Aayi Rango Mein
  • Kaisa Tera Pyar
  • Pyar Kahe Mein Sanam
  • Jo Bhaje Hari
  • Balma Arzi Meri
  • Macha Diya Shor
  • Shehnai Baje Na Baje
  • Jeena Kya Hai Jaana Maine
  • Tumse Millkar
  • Lets Have A Good Time
  • Aayi Piya Milan Ki Bahaar
  • Hansa Sake Rula Sake
  • Mukhtasar Si Hai Meri Kahaani
  • Dupatta Mera Malmal Ka
  • Megha Tere Jaisaa Roop
  • Mehandi Lagi Thi Mere Haath
  • Yeh Maya Hai

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Lata Mangeshkar

Lata Mangeshkar

  • Born September 28 , 1929 · Indore, Indore State, Central India Agency, British India
  • Died February 6 , 2022 · Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (complications from COVID-19)
  • Birth name Hema Mangeshkar
  • The Nightingale of Bollywood
  • Nightingale of India
  • Queen Of Melody
  • Lata Mangeshkar was born in Indore on September 28, 1929, and became, quite simply, the most popular playback singer in Bollywood's history. She sung for over 50 years for actresses from Nargis to Preity G Zinta , as well as recorded albums of all kinds (ghazals, pop, etc). Until the 1991 edition, when her entry disappeared, the Guinness Book of World Records listed her as the most-recorded artist in the world with not less than 30,000 solo, duet,and chorus-backed songs recorded in 20 Indian languages between 948 and 1987. Today that number may have reached 40,000! She was born the daughter of Dinanath Mangeshkar , the owner of a theater company and a reputed classical singer in his own right. He started giving Lata singing lessons from the age of five, and she also studied with renowned singers Aman Ali Khan Sahib and Amanat Khan. Even at a young age she displayed a God-given musical gift and could master vocal exercises the first time. Ironically, for someone of her stature, she made her entry into Bollywood at the wrong time - around the 1940s, when bass singers with heavily nasal voices, such as Noor Jehan and Shamshad Begum were in style. She was rejected from many projects because it was believed that her voice was too high-pitched and thin. The circumstances of her entry into the industry were no less inauspicious - her father died in 1942, the responsibility of earning income to support her family fell upon her, and between 1942 and 1948 she acted in as many as eight films in Hindi and Marathi to take care of economic hardships. She made her debut as a playback singer in the Marathi film Kiti Hasaal (1942) but, ironically, the song was edited out! However, in 1948, she got her big break with Ghulam Haider in the film Majboor (1948) , and 1949 saw the release of four of her films: Mahal (1949) , Dulari (1949) , Barsaat (1949) , and Andaz (1949) ; all four of them became runaway hits, with their songs reaching to heights of what was until then unseen popularity. Her unusually high-pitched singing rendered the trend of heavily nasal voices of the day totally obsolete and, within a year, she had changed the face of playback singing forever. The only two lower-pitched singers to survive her treble onslaught to a certain extent were Geeta Dutt and Shamshad Begum . Her singing style was initially reminiscent of Noor Jehan , but she soon overcame that and evolved her own distinctive style. Her sister, Asha Bhosle , too, came up in the late 1950s and the two of them were the queens of Indian playback singing right through to the 1990s. Her voice had a special versatile quality, which meant that finally music composers could stretch their creative experiments to the fullest. Although all her songs were immediate hits under any composer, it was the composers C. Ramchandra and Madan Mohan who made her sound her sweetest and challenged her voice like no other music director. The 1960s and 1970s saw her go from strength to strength, even as there were accusations that she was monopolizing the playback-singing industry. However, in the 1980s, she cut down her workload to concentrate on her shows abroad. Today, Lata sings infrequently despite a sudden resurgence in her popularity, but even today some of Hindi Cinema's biggest hits, including Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995) , Dil To Pagal Hai (1997) , and Veer-Zaara (2004) feature her legendary voice. No matter which female playback singer breaks through in any generation, she cannot replace the timeless voice of Lata Mangeshkar. She was an icon beyond icons.... - IMDb Mini Biography By: Q. Leo Rahman
  • Parents Dinanath Mangeshkar Shevanti Mangeshkar
  • Relatives Asha Bhosle (Sibling) Usha Mangeshkar (Sibling) Meena Khadikar (Sibling) Hridaynath Mangeshkar (Sibling) nm13294690 (Niece or Nephew)
  • A legendary playback singer in Indian movies, she recorded over 30,000 songs in 14 Indian languages, making her the most recorded voice in history.
  • Mentioned in the song "Brimful of Asha" by Cornershop. (The title refers to her sister, Asha Bhosle , who is also mentioned in the song.).
  • In an interview,Lata Mangeshkar herself disclosed on her 84th birthday in September,2013," Ghulam Haider is truly my Godfather.It was his confidence in me that he fought for me to tuck me into the Hindi Film Industry which otherwise had initially rejected me.Remembering her early rejection,Lata once said," Ghulam Haider was the first music director who showed complete faith in my talent.He introduced me to many film producers including S. Mukherji,a big name in film production,but when he said my voice was "too thin" to use in his film,Ghulam Haider was furious.Hence,finally he convinced Bombay Talkies,a banner bigger than S. Mukherji and introduced me through their movie Majboor (1948) .Lata's first big breakthrough film song,was "Dil mera tora,mujhe kaheen ka na chhora teray pyaar ne" lyrics by Nazim Panipati ,composed by Ghulam Haider.
  • Was awarded the Bharatha Rathna, the highest civilian honor by the Government of India.
  • Her contribution to Indian music industry in a career spanning seven decades gained her honorific titles such as the Nightingale of India, Voice of the Millennium and Queen of Melody.
  • About singing for Veer-Zaara (2004) : "Madan Mohan was like my brother. Yashji's like my brother. I felt I had gone back in time."
  • About her love of diamonds: "I've been fond of diamonds from childhood. As a child, my father used to design jewelry. But we couldn't afford them. He had a keen eye for jewelry and was fond of wearing precious stones. We kids were equally fascinated by jewels. But until I became a professional playback singer, I refused to wear jewelry. I had decided I'd wear only diamonds."
  • About the number of her songs being remixed in music videos: "I don't like it. I don't like remix albums as a concept. On top of that, these girls dancing in itsy-bitsy clothes suggestively! From childhood we've been told that a woman's dignity is in the way she conducts herself in public. The less you reveal, the more attractive you appear. I must say that the songs that I considered vulgar in those days seem like bhajans [devotional music] compared with what's being sung these days! Yes, I've sung naughty songs, but "Kaanta Lagaa," for instance, had another context when I sang it. I feel sorry for the girl who was seen in the music video of "Kaanta Lagaa." I've heard she's from a decent family. Why wasn't she stopped by her family? Ambition? If she did it with their consent, then God help them. I struggled hard to get where I am - that's why I am still here."
  • About music composition: "It doesn't suit me. Although I've done it in the past, now I don't feel like it. I don't think I've the patience."
  • About the December 2004 tsunami: "This sort of calamity shakes our faith in every law of nature. Little children, women, and entire families have perished. We must help...yes we must."

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  • Lata-Voice of the golden era

Lata Mangeshkar: A Brief Biography

After Dinanath’s untimely death in 1942, a 13 year-old Lata entered the film industry as her family’s sole bread-winner. In the early part of her career, she did bit roles in some Marathi and Hindi films. She recorded her first song ‘Naachu Yaa Gade Kheloo Saaree’ for a Marathi film Kiti Hasaal (1942). In Aap Ki Seva Mein (1947), she made her playback singing debut for Hindi films with the song ‘Paa Laagoo Kar Joree Re’. Even though she has sung approximately 6,500 songs in many different languages, her maximum output and best work is in Hindi, Marathi and Bengali.

As a singer, her main body of work comprises of film songs. The simplicity and easy accessibility of this musical form coupled with Lata’s matchless virtuosity and versatility have made her a national cultural icon who has stood the test of time. It is the class, creativity, critical acclaim and cultural impact, not to mention the consistent commercial success of her musical output that has set her apart from her contemporaries and has given her the status of ‘Melody Queen of India’.

Most of the stalwarts of Indian classical music have praised her role in popularizing their genre among the masses through her semi-classical film songs. The legendary classical singer Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan had once affectionately called Lata  ‘Ustaadon ki Ustaad’  (Master of Masters). Commercially speaking, various film soundtracks and non-film albums dominated by her songs have topped the charts for more than six decades and they have sold in the millions. From the time she first made her mark with the haunting rendition of ‘Aayegaa Aanewaalaa’ in the 1949 film  Mahal,  her songs have occupied pride of place in the music of almost all the top composers of Hindi film music. These songs have been associated with many important milestones in Indian cinema:  Barsaat, Anarkali, Nagin, Mother India, Madhumati  and  Mughal-E-Azam being prime examples of the early ‘Golden era’ of the 1950s and 60s;  Pakeezah, Bobby, Ek Duuje Ke Liye, Ram Teri Ganga Maili, Maine Pyar Kiya, Hum Aapke Hain Kaun, Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jaayenge, Dil To Paagal Hai  of the 70s, 80s and 90s, right up to post-millennium era blockbusters such as  Lagaan  and  Veer Zaara.

Her emotional rendition of the patriotic song- ‘Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon’ after the culmination of the Indo-China war had moved the late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to tears. Many of her non-film albums like ‘Meera Bhajan’, ‘Chaala Vaahi Des’, ‘Lata sings Ghalib’, ‘Dnyaneshwar Mauli’, ‘Koli Geete’, ‘Ganpati Aarati’, ‘Abhang Tukayache’, ‘Shiv Kalyan Raja’, ‘Ram Shyam Gungaan’, ‘Sajda’ and ‘Shraddhanjali’ have carved a musical niche of their own.

She composed songs for a few Marathi movies in the 1950s and 60s, mostly under the pseudonym  Anandghan . As a composer, her flair for melody and the ability to smoothly blend classical and folk music were apparent. She won the ‘Maharashtra State Award’ as the ‘Best Composer’ for the film  ‘Saadhi Maanse’  (1965).

Every possible major musical and lifetime achievement award at the regional and national level has been bestowed on her at some time or the other. In 1989, she received the Dadasaheb Phalke award for her path-breaking contribution to Indian cinema. After earlier giving her the prestigious ‘Padma Bhushan’ (1969) and ‘Padma Vibhushan’ (1999) awards, the Indian government ultimately conferred upon her the highest civilian honour – the ‘Bharat Ratna’ in 2001. Later, she also went on to receive the prestigious ‘Legion of Honour’ award from the Government of France. Such is the cultural impact of her monumental musical contribution that three state governments – Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa – have each separately instituted an annual ‘Lata Mangeshkar award’ for honouring senior artistes in popular music for lifetime achievement.

While choosing her as one of the four ‘Indians of the Twentieth Century’ along with Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekanand and Dhirubhai Ambani, ‘The Times of India’ said: “All of them are self-made individuals; they did not have the advantage of wealth, aristocracy or caste; they fought adversity and believed in action -  karmayogis  in a true sense. They made India proud and gave the world new ideas, dreams and hopes.”

Nothing can describe Lata Mangeshkar, the legend, any better!

(*Source: Lata-Voice of the golden era by Dr. Mandar V. Bichu, Popular Prakashan )

Lata Mangeshkar Wiki, Age, Death, Family, Husband, Biography & More

Lata Mangeshkar

Lata Mangeshkar was one of the best-known Indian playback singers. She is said to have sung songs in 36 Indian and foreign languages. Singing professionally from the age of 13, Lata lent her voice to four generations of Bollywood actresses. Let’s put a spotlight on her personal and professional life journey.


Lata Mangeshkar was born on Saturday, 28 September 1929 ( age 92 years; at the time of death ) in Indore, Indore City, Central India Agency, British India. She was born as ‘Hema’, but was later renamed Lata by her parents, after the female character Latika in one of her father’s play, ‘BhaawBhandhan.’ Lata was inclined towards music from a very young age. On her very first day of school, she started teaching songs to the children and when teachers intervened, she got so annoyed that she stopped going to school.

Lata Mangeshkar Childhood Picture

Lata Mangeshkar’s Childhood Picture

Lata took her first lesson in music from her father, Deenanath Mangeshkar. At the age of 5, she started working as an actress in her father’s musical plays. In 1942, when she was just 13, her father died of heart disease. It was then that Master Vinayak, a close friend of her father, took care of her family and helped Lata start a career as an actress and singer.

Physical Appearance

Height (approx.): 5’ 1”

Eye Colour: Black

Hair Colour:  Salt & Pepper

Family, Caste & Husband

Lata was born in a Marathi Hindu family . Her father, Pandit Deenanath Mangeshkar, was a classical singer and theatre actor and her mother, Shevanti, a Gujarati woman, was the second wife of her father.

Lata mangeshkar with her father

Lata Mangeshkar with her father

Lata mangeshkar with her Mother

Lata Mangeshkar with her Mother

Lata Mangeshkar's mother, Shevanti

Lata Mangeshkar’s mother, Shevanti

She had a younger brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar and 3 younger sisters, Meena Khadikar, Asha Bhosle, and Usha Mangeshkar.

lata mangeshkar with her siblings

Lata Mangeshkar with her siblings

The family’s surname was earlier Hardikar which was later changed to Mangeshkar by her father as he wanted to identify his family with his native town of Mangeshi in Goa. She was unmarried but was romantically linked to music director Bhupen Hazarika allegedly.

Lata Mangeshkar and Bhupen Hazarika

Lata Mangeshkar and Bhupen Hazarika

Mangeshkar sang her first song, “Naachu Yaa Gade, Khelu Saari Mani Haus Bhaari” for the Marathi film, “Kitni Hasaal” in 1942. However, the song was dropped from the final cut. She played a minor role in Navyug Chitrapat’s Marathi movie Pahili Mangalaa-gaur, in which she also made her singing debut with “Natali Chaitraachi Navalaai”. In 1943, she sang her first Hindi song “Mata Ek Sapoot Ki Duniya Badal De Tu” for the Marathi film Gajaabhaau.

She moved to Mumbai in 1945 and started taking classical music lessons from Ustad Amanat Ali Khan. Lata, along with her sister Asha played small roles in Vinayak’s first Hindi movie, Badi Maa (1945). In Badi Maa, she also sang a bhajan, “Maata Tere Charnon Mein.” In her initial days, she faced many rejections as the composers found her voice “too thin,” to which Ghulam Haider replied, “in coming years producers and directors would “fall at Lata’s feet” and “beg her” to sing in their movies.” It was later under the guidance of Ghulam Haider that Mangeshkar received her breakthrough ‘Dil Mera Toda, Mujhe Kahin Ka Na Chhora’ from the movie Majboor (1948). At that moment she declared Haider as her Godfather.

Lata Childhood

Mangeshkar gained a lot of popularity after singing ‘Ayega Anewala’ presented on-screen by actress Madhubala in the film Mahal. It was the turning point in her life as she started to get work from all the leading music directors of that time. She did playback singing for directors like S. D. Burman , Salil Chowdhury, Naushad, Shankar Jaikishan, Madan Mohan, Kalyanki-Anandji, Khayyam, and Pandit Amarnath Husanlal Bhagat Ram.

During the 1950s, Lata sang for successful films like Mother India, Devdas, and Chori Chori and also won her first Filmfare for the Best Female Playback singer for the song ‘Aaja Re Pardesi’ from the film Madhumati.

She sang songs of different genres for several music directors. From westernised songs like Ajeeb Dastan Hain Yeh to Ragas like Mohe Bhool Gaye Saawariya and Bhajans like Allah Tero Naam, she did justice to all of them. In the 1960s, Lata was the voice behind the most glamorous actresses of that time. On 27 January 1963, Mangeshkar moved dignitaries like Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India, to tears with her rendition of the patriotic song, ‘Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon’ during the Sino-Indian War. Lata collaborated with prominent male playback singers like Kishore Kumar, Hemant Kumar, Mukesh, Mahendra Kapoor, Manna Dey, and Mohammed Rafi for various songs. Her duets with Kishore Kumar like ‘Kora Kagaz,’ ‘Tere Bina Zindagi Se,’ and Aap Ki Aakhon Me’ spelt some unforgettable musical magic. Apart from singing, she also composed music for Marathi movies, Ram Ram Pavane, Maratha Tituka Melvana, Mohityanchi Manjula, Sadhi Manase, and Tambadi Mati. Lata has also produced three Hindi films namely, Jhaanjhar (1953), Kanchan (1955), Lekin (1990), and one Marathi film titled Vaadal (1953).

Ram Ram Pavhana

In the 1990s, she gradually reduced the volume of her work owing to health issues and singing only selective songs.


  • Lata Mangeshkar refused to work with composer S.D. Burman for 7 years after he allegedly took credit for building her career.
  • In the year 1962, a rift developed between Lata Mangeshkar and Mohammad Rafi over the royalty issue. Lata wanted a share in the music albums while Rafi advocated for the salary only.

Awards & Honours

  • National Award for Best Female Playback Singer for Paricha (1972)
  • National Award for Best Female Playback Singer for Kora Kagaz (1974)
  • National Award for Best Female Playback Singer for Lekin (1990)

Lata Mangeshkar Filmfare award

  • Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for Kahin Deep Jale Kahin Dil (1963)
  • Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for Tumhi Mere Mandir Tumhi Meri Pooja (1966)
  • Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for Aap Mujhe Achhe Lagne Lage (1970)
  • Padma Bhushan (1969)
  • Padam Vibhushan (1999)

Lata Mangeshkar receiving award

  • Filmfare Special Award for Didi Tera Devar Deewana (1995)

Lata Mangeshkar awarded Bharat Ratna

  • One Time Award for Lifetime Achievement to commemorate the 60th anniversary of India’s independence
  • 15 Bengal Film Journalists’ Association Awards
  • In September 2019, on her 90th birthday, honoured with the title “Daughter of the Nation” by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for her contribution to Indian Music.


  • Lata preferred eating spicy food and drinking Coca-Cola.
  • She liked watching cricket and Sachin Tendulkar was her favourite cricketer.

Lata Mangeshkar with Sachin Tendulkar

Lata Mangeshkar with Sachin Tendulkar

  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee was her favourite politician.

Lata Mangeshkar with Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Lata Mangeshkar with Atal Bihari Vajpayee

  • Kismet (1943) and James Bond Series were her all-time favourite movies.
  • She loved to work with music directors, Ghulam Haider, Madan Mohan, Laxmikant Pyarelal, and A. R. Rahman.

Lata Mangeshkar with A.R. Rahman

Lata Mangeshkar with A.R. Rahman

  • Amitabh Bachchan , Dilip Kumar, and Dev Anand were her favourite actors.
  • Her favourite actresses were Nargis and Meena Kumari.
  • Her favourite travel destination was Los Angeles.

In 2022, she was tested positive for COVID-19 along with pneumonia. After recovering from both, she had several COVID-19 complications and after multiple organ failures, she passed away on 6 February 2022 at Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai. [1] The Economic Times Many Indian celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan , Sachin Tendulkar , and PM Narendra Modi paid last tributes to Lata Mangeshkar at the Shivaji Park Crematorium, Mumbai. Later, two-day national mourning was observed in the remembrance of the legendary singer.


  • She owned a Mercedes Benz car.
  • Her hobbies were watching cricket and riding bicycles.
  • Lata made her first public performance in 1938 at Nutan Theatre, Solapur. She sang Raag Khambavati and 2 Marathi songs.
  • When Dilip Kumar pointed towards her Maharashtrian accent while singing the Urdu songs, she went to an Urdu teacher, Shafi, to take lessons in Urdu.
  • Lata was the oldest winner of the National Film Award in the category of Best Female Playback Singer for “Lekin.”
  • She had sung a total of 712 songs for Laxmikant Pyarelal. It is the highest number of songs she has ever recorded for someone.
  • In 1984, Madhya Pradesh Government introduced “Lata Mangeshkar Award,” which was followed by Maharashtra Government in 1992.
  • Lata took music lessons from Deenanath Mangeshkar (father), Ustad Amanat Ali Khan, Amanat Khan, Devaswale, Ghulam Haidar and Pandit Tulsidas Sharma.
  • During her initial days in singing, Lata imitated the singer, Noor Jehan. However, later she developed her own style.
  • She was bed-ridden for about 3 months after having received slow poison from some mysterious source. However, she survived.
  • Mangeshkar was fondly referred to as the Nightingale of India.
  • Meeting K.L. Saigal and singing for Dilip Kumar had been her unfulfilled desires.
  • Lata hated wearing any makeup.
  • Mangeshkar had sung more than 50,000 songs in 36 different languages.
  • Lata monopolized the Filmfare awards for the Best Playback Singer from 1958 to 1966. She ended this in 1969, by giving up Filmfare awards in order to promote fresh talents.

Lata Mangeshkar's Pet Dog Bittu

Prime Minister Narendra Modi receives the first Lata Deenanath Mangeshkar Award in Mumbai on 24 April 2022

References [+] [−]

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lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

Well Great, She lost the HAPPINESS OF A WOMEN, IS IT NOY? God made her a women,,?For singing, a tragedy.

lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

Excellent… Mind blowing..

lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

Paradise lost for Indian people.

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Lata Mangeshkar, Bollywood’s Most Beloved Voice, Dies at 92

Ms. Mangeshkar, a revered figure in India, recorded songs for countless films — not appearing onscreen herself, but providing characters’ singing voices.

lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

By Shalini Venugopal Bhagat

Lata Mangeshkar, who enthralled generations of Bollywood audiences as the singing voice behind many actresses’ performances, died on Sunday at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai, India. She was 92.

The cause was complications of Covid-19, said Pratit Samdani, a doctor at the hospital, according to Indian news outlets . Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Twitter that he was “anguished beyond words.”

Ms. Mangeshkar leaves a legacy of tens of thousands of songs, mostly in Hindi but also in several other Indian languages. Most of her work was as a playback singer — a vocalist who does not appear onscreen, but records a character’s songs, which are later dubbed in.

In India, though, she was far from anonymous. She received the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest honor, in 2001. The Ministry of Home Affairs said that she would be given a state funeral and that flags at government buildings would be flown at half-staff for two days.

Ms. Mangeshkar was known for her range — she could sing in four octaves — and her gift for singing in character, tailoring her voice and emotions to the actress she was voicing onscreen. She recorded some of Bollywood’s biggest hits, including “ Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya ” (Why Fear to Be in Love) from the 1960 film “Mughal-e-Azam.”

In that scene, a courtesan challenges an emperor in court by declaring her love for a prince. Dilip Kumar , who played the prince, called Ms. Mangeshkar’s voice “a miracle of nature’s creativity.”

As a teenager, in the 1940s, Ms. Mangeshkar played minor roles onscreen. “I never liked it — the makeup, the lights,” she said in an interview for a book published in 2009 . “People ordering you about, say this dialogue, say that dialogue. I felt so uncomfortable.

“The day I started working as a playback singer, I prayed to God: ‘No more acting in films,’” she said. “He listened to me and I got a fairly good position in playback singing.”

She would become the singing voice for generations of actresses in the Hindi-language films of Bollywood, from Madhubala and Meena Kumari in the 1950s and 1960s to Kajol and Preity Zinta in the 1990s and 2000s. But she also worked on many films in other Indian languages, including Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada and Gujarati.

“If we play her songs one by one, we could hear her for a month and never hear the same song again,” Kajol said Sunday on Twitter . “Prolific and profound.”

Ms. Mangeshkar also had a career as a live performer, usually appearing onstage in an understated white or cream-colored sari. India’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was said to have been moved to tears by her rendering of a patriotic Hindi song, “ Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon ,” after India’s war with China in 1962.

“She leaves a void in our nation that cannot be filled,” Mr. Modi said on Twitter. Ms. Mangeshkar was an early supporter of Mr. Modi.

Lata Mangeshkar was born on Sept. 28, 1929, in the city of Indore, in what is now the state of Madhya Pradesh. She was the oldest of five children born to Shuddhamati Mangeshkar and her husband, Pandit Deenanath Mangeshkar, a well-known classical musician active in Marathi-language theater. Her sisters Meena, Asha and Usha and her brother, Hridaynath, all of whom survive her, are also musicians.

The family was prosperous, living in a large house in the city of Sangli, in what is now the state of Maharashtra. Her father was her first music teacher, and she acted in plays as a child, though her father was reluctant to let his daughters appear onstage. Ms. Mangeshkar spent much of her childhood on the road, as the family accompanied her father’s theater company on tour across the region.

In the 2009 book, “Lata Mangeshkar … in Her Own Voice,” written by Nasreen Munni Kabir, Ms. Mangeshkar said she gave up formal education on her first day of school. She had brought her 10-month-old sister, Asha, with her, and the teacher refused to allow the baby into the classroom, she said.

In the late 1930s, she said, the family fell on hard times after Mr. Mangeshkar produced several films that did badly. The theater company closed in 1940, and the Mangeshkars were forced to sell their house and move to Pune. Lata began singing regularly, alongside her father, at classical music concerts, which became the family’s main source of income.

In 1942, when she was 13, her father died. To support the family, she joined the Navyug Chitrapat Film Company and began acting in Marathi- and Hindi-language films, playing minor roles. In 1945, the company moved its operations to what was then Bombay, and Ms. Mangeshkar’s family moved into a one-bedroom apartment.

Her fortunes began to change in 1947. In India, the era of the singing film star was coming to an end, and filmmakers had begun hiring professional singers to record the vocal parts. After Ms. Mangeshkar’s voice caught the attention of several film composers and directors, she began working as a playback singer.

In 1949 came her first hit: “ Aayega Aanewala ” (The One Who Is Meant to Return Will Come Back), from the movie “Mahal,” a ghost story that was also a breakthrough for the actress Madhubala .

When “Aayega Aanewala” was first released as a record, Ms. Mangeshkar’s name was nowhere to be seen on the label. But as it got radio airplay, listeners began calling to ask who the singer was. All India Radio, a public broadcaster, contacted the record company and announced Ms. Mangeshkar’s name on air, making her a star overnight.

Still, she said she spent the next few years working long hours under difficult conditions, recording after the day’s shoot had finished. Playback singers would make their recordings first, with the actors later lip-syncing to them on camera. Eventually, singers like Ms. Mangeshkar worked in studios, but in the early years they recorded on the film sets, which were usually dusty and hot. Fans couldn’t be turned on because of the noise they made.

“I recorded two songs in the morning, two in the afternoon, two in the evening and two at night,” she said in Ms. Kabir’s book. “I left home in the morning and got back at 3 a.m. the next day and that’s when I ate. After a few hours of sleep, I would wake up at six, get dressed, catch the train and travel from one recording studio to another.”

Ms. Mangeshkar never married. For years, she supported her mother as well as her siblings, until they began their own careers. Her sister Asha Bhosle, 88, is also a well-known playback singer.

“Music is my life and God,” Ms. Mangeshkar said in Ms. Kabir’s book. “My prayer is music — it is like a father and mother to me.”

Mujib Mashal contributed reporting.

Shalini Venugopal Bhagat joined the South Asia bureau of The New York Times in 2014. Prior to this, she was a writer and producer for news features and documentaries for over ten years. More about Shalini Venugopal Bhagat

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Perhaps Bharatan's long innings at the Illustrated Weekly of India , where he wrote on music and cricket in almost equal measure - he has also written a book on cricket - is responsible for the rattling ring to his book. In fact, information gleaned on the playing fields also ends up in this fact-choked book on Lata Mangeshkar.

The book is a gold-mine of information on the film music industry - a veritable who's who and who did what to whom of the offscreen sonorous factories which gave Indian cinema its soul, lilt and rhythm. But therein lies the rub. It is not a biography.

Bharatan's book is about Lata's professional life. Even the chapters are broken up as successive struggles for supremacy between Lata and those who helped her or came in her way to the top and her long battle to remain there.

lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

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Lata Mangeshkar Biography: A Symphony of Success and Struggles

Lata Mangeshkar was like a timeless song in the world of Indian music. She was born on September 28, 1929, in Indore, British India. Her journey from a small town to becoming the “Nightingale of India” is a fascinating story of incredible talent, strong determination, and a deep love for music. Lata Mangeshkar started singing in movies in 1942 with the song “Pahili Mangalagaur,” and from there, her melodious voice became famous worldwide.  In this article “Lata Mangeshkar Biography: A Symphony of Success and Struggles”, we will try to collect everything about her.

Table of Contents

1. Personal Information

  • Full Name:           Lata Mangeshkar
  • Date of Birth:      September 28, 1929
  • Place of Birth:     Indore, British India
  • Nationality:         Indian
  • Occupation:         Playback Singer
  • Genres:                 Playback, Bhajan, Classical
  • Active Years:       1942 – 2021
  • Age:                       92 Year
  • Death:                   06 February, 2022
  • School:         B. B. Girls High School, Mumbai
  • Training:     Trained in classical music under Ustad Amanat Ali Khan and Amanat Ali Khan
  • Total Songs Recorded:     Over 30,000
  • Awards:                               Bharat Ratna, Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, Dadasaheb Phalke Award
  • Guinness World Record: Most recorded artist in music history
  • Filmfare Awards:              Multiple awards for Best Female Playback Singer
  • Father:       Dinanath Mangeshkar
  • Mother:      Shevanti Mangeshkar
  • Siblings:    Asha Bhosle (Sister), Hridaynath Mangeshkar (Brother), Usha Mangeshkar (Sister), Meena                              Khadikar
  • Debut Song:    “Mata Ek Sapoot Ki Duniya Badal De Tu” (1942)
  • Iconic Songs:  “Lag Jaa Gale,” “Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo,” “Tere Bina                                                                                                  Zindagi Se,” “Tere Liye”
  • Contribution:   Known as the “Nightingale of India” for her soulful and                                                                                                melodious voice

Early Life of Lata Mangeshkar:

  • Lata Mangeshkar, a famous singer in Indian movies, was born on September 28, 1929, in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Her father, Deenanath Mangeshkar, was a singer and actor, and her mother, Shevanti, was also a singer.
  • Lata was exposed to music from a young age because of her family’s musical background.
  • When Lata was 13, her father passed away, and she had to take on the responsibility of supporting her family.
  • To make a living, Lata and her family moved to Mumbai, where the Bollywood film industry was growing.
  • Initially, Lata faced challenges and rejections because of her unique voice.
  • Her breakthrough came with the song “Aayega Aanewaala” from the movie “Mahal” in 1949.
  • This success marked the start of Lata’s successful career, and she became a popular playback singer for leading actresses.
  • Lata Mangeshkar had sung thousands of songs in different languages and received many awards for her contribution to Indian music.

Qualification of Lata Mangeshkar:

  • Lata Mangeshkar was born on September 28, 1929, in Indore, India.
  • She went to school in Indore.
  • Her dad, Deenanath Mangeshkar, was into music and acting. He taught her music when she was little.
  • Lata liked music from the start.
  • Her dad taught her classical music.
  • She learned from other famous music teachers too.
  • Lata began singing for movies in the 1940s.
  • It was tough at first, but she became one of the best playback singers in Indian movies.
  • Though she didn’t go to college, Lata got special degrees and awards for her amazing music work.
  • These honors celebrated her outstanding singing in the Indian film industry.

Story Behind Lata Mangeshkar’s Struggle as Career in Singing

How she got the name “nightingale of india”, lata mangeshkar was married or not , lata mangeshkar songs top 50:.

  • Lag Jaa Gale – Woh Kaun Thi (1964)
  • Aap Ki Nazron Ne Samjha – Anpadh (1962)
  • Tere Bina Zindagi Se – Aandhi (1975)
  • Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon – Non-film patriotic song (1963)
  • Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya – Mughal-e-Azam (1960)
  • Tere Liye – Veer-Zaara (2004)
  • Tum Jo Aaye – Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai (2010)
  • Dil To Pagal Hai – Dil To Pagal Hai (1997)
  • Yeh Galiyan Yeh Chaubara – Prem Rog (1982)
  • Mera Saaya Saath Hoga – Mera Saaya (1966)
  • Kabhi Kabhie Mere Dil Mein – Kabhi Kabhie (1976)
  • Chalte Chalte Yun Hi Koi – Pakeezah (1972)
  • Aapke Haseen Rukh Pe – Baharen Phir Bhi Aayengi (1966)
  • Ae Dil E Nadan – Razia Sultan (1983)
  • Tum Aa Gaye Ho Noor Aa Gaya Hai – Aandhi (1975)
  • Bindiya Chamkegi – Do Raaste (1969)
  • Bekhudi Mein Sanam – Haseena Maan Jayegi (1968)
  • Mere Haathon Mein Nau Nau Chudiyan – Chandni (1989)
  • O Mere Sona Re Sona Re – Teesri Manzil (1966)
  • Aaja Piya Tohe Pyar Doon – Baharon Ke Sapne (1967)
  • Zindagi Ke Safar Mein – Aap Ki Kasam (1974)
  • Rangeela Re – Rangeela (1995)
  • Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na – Ghar (1978)
  • Jaane Kya Baat Hai – Sunny (1984)
  • Tum Mile – Tum Mile (2009)
  • Tumhi Meri Mandir – Khandan (1965)
  • Tere Mere Beech Mein – Ek Duuje Ke Liye (1981)
  • Mera Kuch Samaan – Ijaazat (1987)
  • Naino Mein Badra Chhaye – Mera Saaya (1966)
  • Aapki Ankhon Mein Kuch – Ghar (1978)
  • Zara Sa Jhoom Loon Main – Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)
  • Satyam Shivam Sundaram – Satyam Shivam Sundaram (1978)
  • Tera Ban Jaunga – Kabir Singh (2019)
  • Ae Mere Humsafar – Baazigar (1992)
  • Jai Jai Shiv Shankar – Aap Ki Kasam (1974)
  • Dil Deewana – Maine Pyar Kiya (1989)
  • Tera Mera Pyar Amar – Asli Naqli (1962)
  • Mujhe Kuch Kehna Hai – Dil Tera Diwana (1962)
  • Do Pal – Veer-Zaara (2004)
  • Main Tenu Samjhawan Ki – Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania (2014)
  • Dil Cheez Kya Hai – Umrao Jaan (1981)
  • Mere Sapno Ki Rani Kab Aayegi Tu – Aradhana (1969)
  • Chandni Raat Mein – Dil-e-Nadaan (1982)
  • Mujhse Juda Hokar – Hum Aapke Hain Koun..! (1994)
  • Maine Kaha Phoolon Se – Mili (1975)
  • Bahon Mein Chale Aao – Anamika (1973)
  • Woh Tere Pyar Ka Gham” – My Name is Joker (1970)
  • Jiya Jale” – Dil Se (1998)
  • Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna – Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)

Final Thoughts about Her:

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Lata Mangeshkar

Lata Mangeshkar ( [ ləˈt̪aː məŋˈɡeːʃkər ] ⓘ ;born Hema Mangeshkar ;28 September 1929 –6 February 2022) [8] was an Indian playback singer and occasional music composer. She is considered to be one of the greatest and most influential singers of the Indian subcontinent . [9] [10] [11] [12] Her voice was one of the unifying elements of the people of South Asia across borders. [13] [14] Her contribution to the Indian music industry in a career spanning eight decades gained her honorific titles such as the "Queen of Melody","Nightingale of India",and "Voice of the Millennium". [15]

Singing career

Early career in the 1940s, bengali career, collaboration with other singers, non-singing career, music direction, illness and death, awards and recognition, guinness controversy, further reading, external links.

Mangeshkar recorded songs in over thirty-six Indian languages and a few foreign languages,though primarily in Hindi , Bengali and Marathi . [15] [16] She received several accolades and honors throughout her career. In 1989,the Dadasaheb Phalke Award was bestowed on her by the Government of India . [17] In 2001,in recognition of her contributions to the nation,she was awarded the Bharat Ratna ,becoming only the second singer to receive India's highest civilian honour. [18] In 2007,France made her an Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honour ,the country's highest civilian award. [19]

She was the recipient of three National Film Awards ,15 Bengal Film Journalists' Association Awards ,four Filmfare Best Female Playback Awards ,before declining further ones,two Filmfare Special Awards ,the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award amongst others. In 1974,she became the first Indian playback singer to perform at the Royal Albert Hall in London,England. [20]

She appeared in the Guinness World Records as the most recorded artist in history before being replaced by her sister, Asha Bhosle . [21]

Childhood photo of Lata Mangeshkar LataMangeshkar14.jpg

Mangeshkar was born in a Brahmin family on 28 September 1929 [22] :   67   in Indore (in the present-day Indore district of Madhya Pradesh ), then the capital of the princely state of Indore which was part of the Central India Agency in British India .

Her father, Deenanath Mangeshkar was a Marathi and Konkani classical singer and theatre actor. Deenanath's father was Ganesh Bhatt Bhikoba (Bhikambhatt) Navathe Hardikar (Abhisheki), a Karhade Brahmin [23] who served as a priest at the famous Mangeshi Temple in Goa. [22] Deenanath's mother Yesubai was his father's mistress [24] belonging to the Devadasi community of Goa, [25] [23] [26] a matrilineal community of temple artists now known as Gomantak Maratha Samaj . [27] As a Devadasi, Yesubai was a reputed musician. Deenanath's father's surname was Hardikar . [23] :   47–48   Deenanath had taken the surname Mangeshkar, based on the name of his ancestral village, Mangeshi in Goa. [27] [25]

Her mother, Shevanti (later renamed Shudhamati), was a Gujarati woman [28] from Thalner , Bombay Presidency (now in northwest Maharashtra ). Shevanti was Deenanath's second wife; his first wife Narmada, who had died before his marriage to Shevanti, was Shevanti's older sister. [29] Her maternal grandfather, Seth Haridas Ramdas Lad, was from Gujarat , a prosperous businessman and landlord of Thalner. She learned Gujarati folk songs such as garbas of Pavagadh from her maternal grandmother. [30]

Lata was named "Hema" at her birth. Her parents later renamed her Lata after a female character, Latika, in one of her father's plays. [31]

She was the eldest child in the family. Meena , Asha , Usha and Hridaynath , in birth order, are her siblings; all are accomplished singers and musicians. [32]

She received her first music lesson from her father. At the age of five, she started to work as an actress in her father's musical plays ( Sangeet Natak in Marathi ). On her first day of school, [31] Mangeshkar left because she was not allowed to bring her sister Asha along with her. [33]

In 1942, when Mangeshkar was 13, her father died of heart disease . [34] Master Vinayak (Vinayak Damodar Karnataki), the owner of Navyug Chitrapat movie company and a close friend of the Mangeshkar family, took care of them. He helped her get started in a career as a singer and actress. [35]

She sang the song "Naachu Yaa Gade, Khelu Saari Mani Haus Bhaari", which was composed by Sadashivrao Nevrekar for Vasant Joglekar's Marathi movie Kiti Hasaal (1942), but the song was dropped from the final cut. [36] Vinayak gave her a small role in Navyug Chitrapat's Marathi movie Pahili Mangalaa-gaur (1942), in which she sang "Natali Chaitraachi Navalaai" which was composed by Dada Chandekar. [31] Her first Hindi song was "Mata Ek Sapoot Ki Duniya Badal De Tu" for the Marathi film Gajaabhaau (1943). [37] The Bollywood industry was yet to find its feet, so Mangeshkar had to first concentrate on acting, which she did not like, as the lights and people ordering her around made her feel uncomfortable. [21]

She moved to Mumbai in 1945 when Master Vinayak's company moved its headquarters there. She started taking lessons in Hindustani classical music from Ustad Aman Ali Khan of Bhindibazaar Gharana. [38] [39] She sang "Paa Lagoon Kar Jori" for Vasant Joglekar's Hindi-language movie Aap Ki Seva Mein (1946), [31] which was composed by Datta Davjekar. [40] The dance in the film was performed by Rohini Bhate , who later became a famous classical dancer. [41] Lata and her sister Asha played minor roles in Vinayak's first Hindi-language movie, Badi Maa (1945). In that movie, Lata also sang a bhajan , "Maata Tere Charnon Mein." She was introduced to music director Vasant Desai during the recording of Vinayak's second Hindi-language movie, Subhadra (1946). [42] [43]

After Vinayak's death in 1948, music director Ghulam Haider mentored her as a singer. He introduced her to producer Sashadhar Mukherjee , who was then working on the movie Shaheed (1948), but Mukherjee dismissed her voice as "too thin". [31] An annoyed Haider responded that in coming years producers and directors would "fall at Lata's feet" and "beg her" to sing in their movies. Haider gave her her first major break with the song "Dil Mera Toda, Mujhe Kahin Ka Na Chhora"— lyrics by Nazim Panipati —in the movie Majboor (1948), which became her first big breakthrough film hit. In an interview on her 84th birthday in 2013, she declared "Ghulam Haider is truly my Godfather. He was the first music director who showed complete faith in my talent." [31] [44]

Initially, she is said to have imitated the acclaimed singer Noor Jehan , but she later developed her own style of singing. [31] She brought a new signature style of singing to Indian film music, moving away from mehfil-style performances to suit both 'modern' and 'traditional' female protagonists. A soprano range voice with less volume or amplitude, she had enough weight in her voice to give definite shape to the melody of Indian film songs. [45] Although she had limited coloratura skills in her early career, she developed better tone and pitch as she progressed in her playback career. [46] Lyrics of songs in Hindi movies were, in those days, primarily composed by Urdu poets and contained a higher proportion of Urdu words, including the dialogue. Actor Dilip Kumar once made a mildly disapproving remark about her accent while singing Hindi/Urdu songs; so for a period of time, she took lessons in Urdu from an Urdu teacher named Shafi. [47] In subsequent interviews she said that Noor Jehan heard her as a child and had told her to practice a lot. The two stayed in touch with each other for many years to come. [48]

One of her first major hits was "Aayega Aanewaala," a song in the movie Mahal (1949), composed by music director Khemchand Prakash and lip-synced on screen by actress Madhubala . [49] [lower-alpha 1] This was a defining moment for her, and a catalyst for the recognition of playback singers in India. Before this, playback singers were seen as the vocal equivalent of a stuntman and remained invisible and uncredited. This song was such a big hit, that Radio Goa revealed her identity and she became a star in her own right. This opened the door for other playback singers to achieve the recognition they deserved. [21]

In the 1950s, Mangeshkar sang songs composed by various music directors of the period, including Anil Biswas (in films such as Tarana (1951) and Heer (1956)), [51] Shankar Jaikishan , Naushad Ali , S. D. Burman , Sardul Singh Kwatra , Amarnath, Husanlal, and Bhagatram (in films like Bari Behen (1949), Meena Bazaar (1950), Aadhi Raat (1950), Chhoti Bhabi (1950), Afsana (1951), Aansoo (1953), and Adl-e-Jehangir (1955)), C. Ramchandra, Hemant Kumar , Salil Chowdhury , Datta Naik , Khayyam , Ravi , Sajjad Hussain , Roshan, Kalyanji-Anandji , Vasant Desai, Sudhir Phadke , Hansraj Behl , Madan Mohan, and Usha Khanna . [52] She sang "Sri Lanka, Ma Priyadara Jaya Bhumi", a song in Sinhala , for the 1955 Sri Lankan film Seda Sulang . [53] Lata Didi recorded her first Telugu song Nidhurapora Thammudaa in 1955 Telugu film Santhanam for music director Susarla Dakshinamurthi . She made her debut in Tamil playback singing with Vanaradham in 1956 ( Uran Khotala dubbed in Tamil) with the Tamil song Enthan Kannalan for Nimmi in the dubbed version composed by Naushad. [54]

Mangeshkar in the 1960s Lata Mangeshkar black-and-white.jpg

She sang many raga -based songs for Naushad in movies such as Deedar (1951), Baiju Bawra (1952), Amar (1954), Uran Khatola (1955) and Mother India (1957). [49] Ae Chorre Ki Jaat Badi Bewafa , a duet with G. M. Durrani, was her first song for the composer Naushad. The duo, Shankar–Jaikishan , chose Lata for Barsaat (1949), Aah (1953), Shree 420 (1955) and Chori Chori (1956). Before 1957, composer S. D. Burman chose her as the leading female singer for his musical scores in Sazaa (1951), House No. 44 (1955), and Devdas (1955). However a rift developed between her and Burman in 1957, and she did not sing his compositions again until 1962. [31]

She won a Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for Salil Chowdhury's composition "Aaja Re Pardesi" from Madhumati (1958). Her association with C. Ramchandra produced songs in movies such as Albela (1951), Shin Shinkai Bublaa Boo (1952), Anarkali (1953), Pehli Jhhalak (1954), Azad (1955), Aasha (1957), and Amardeep (1958). [55] For Madan Mohan, she performed for films like Baagi (1953), Railway Platform (1955), Pocketmaar (1956), Mr. Lambu (1956), Dekh Kabira Roya (1957), Adalat (1958), Jailor (1958), Mohar (1959), and Chacha Zindabad (1959). [56]

Her song Aye Maalik Tere Bande Hum which was the original composition of Vasant Desai and used in the film Do Aankhen Barah Haath on 1957, was adapted by a Pakistani school as the school anthem. [57]

Mangeshkar's song "Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya" from Mughal-e-Azam (1960), composed by Naushad and lip-synced by Madhubala, still remains famous. [58] The Hawaiian -themed number "Ajeeb Dastaan Hai Yeh", from Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai (1960), was composed by Shankar–Jaikishan and lip-synced by Meena Kumari . [59]

In 1961, she recorded two popular bhajans , "Allah Tero Naam" and "Prabhu Tero Naam", for Burman's assistant, Jaidev . [52] In 1962, she was awarded her second Filmfare Award for the song "Kahin Deep Jale Kahin Dil" from Bees Saal Baad , composed by Hemant Kumar. [52]

On 27 January 1963, against the backdrop of the Sino-Indian War , she sang the patriotic song " Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo " (literally, "Oh, People of My Country") in the presence of Jawaharlal Nehru , then the Prime Minister of India . The song, composed by C. Ramchandra and written by Kavi Pradeep , is said to have brought the Prime Minister to tears. [31] [60]

In 1963, she returned to collaborate with S. D. Burman. [61] She had sung in R. D. Burman 's first film, Chhote Nawab (1961), and later in his films such as Bhoot Bungla (1965), Pati Patni (1966), Baharon ke Sapne (1967), and Abhilasha (1969). [62] [63] She also recorded several popular songs for S. D. Burman, including "Aaj Phir Jeene Ki Tamanna Hai", "Gata Rahe Mera Dil" (duet with Kishore Kumar ) and "Piya Tose" from Guide (1965), "Hothon Pe Aisi Baat" from Jewel Thief (1967), and "Kitni Akeli Kitni Tanhaa" from Talash . [64] [65] [66] [67]

During the 1960s, she continued her association with Madan Mohan, which included the songs "Aap Ki Nazron Ne Samjha" from Anpadh (1962), " Lag Jaa Gale " and "Naina Barse Rim Jhim" from Woh Kaun Thi? (1964), "Woh Chup Rahen To" from Jahan Ara (1964), "Tu Jahan Jahan Chalega" from Mera Saaya (1966) and "Teri Aankho Ke Siva" from Chirag (1969), [68] and she had a continuing association with the maestros Shankar Jaikishan, who got her to sing in various genres in the 1960s. [69] [70]

The 1960s also witnessed the beginning of her association with Laxmikant–Pyarelal , the music directors for whom she sang the most popular songs in her career. Starting in 1963, Laxmikant–Pyarelal 's association with Lata Mangeshkar grew stronger over the years. She sang over 700 songs for the composer duo over a period of 35 years, many of which became huge hits. She sang for Parasmani (1963), Mr. X in Bombay (1964), Aaye Din Bahar Ke (1966), Milan (1967), Anita (1967), Shagird (1968), Mere Hamdam Mere Dost (1968), Intaquam (1969), Do Raaste (1969) and Jeene Ki Raah , for which she got her third Filmfare Award . [71]

She also sang several playback songs for Marathi films , composed by Marathi music directors including Hridaynath Mangeshkar , Vasant Prabhu , Srinivas Khale , Sudhir Phadke and herself, under the pseudonym Anandghan . During the 1960s and 1970s, she also sang several Bengali songs composed by music directors like Salil Chowdhury and Hemant Kumar. [72]

She made her Kannada debut in 1967 for the film Kranthiveera Sangolli Rayanna by recording two songs for the music director Lakshman Berlekar. [73] The song "Bellane Belagayithu" was well received and appreciated. [74]

In the 1960s, she recorded duets with Kishore Kumar , Mukesh , Manna Dey , Mahendra Kapoor and Mohammed Rafi . For a brief period during the 1960s, she was not on good terms with Mohammed Rafi over the issue of royalty payments to singers. She wanted Rafi to back her in demanding a half-share from the five percent song royalty that the film's producer conceded to select composers. [75] But Rafi took a diametrically opposite view, and believed that a playback singer's claim on the filmmaker ended with the payment of the agreed fee for the song, leading to tensions between the two. After an argument during the recording of the song " Tasveer Teri Dil Mein " , from Maya (1961), the two refused to sing with each other. [76] The music director Shankar Jaikishan later negotiated a reconciliation between the two. [77]

Lata Mangeshkar with Kishore Kumar,R.D. Burman and Asha Bhonsle Kishore kumar, R.D. Burman, Asha Bhonsle and Lataji.jpg

In 1972, Meena Kumari 's last film, Pakeezah , was released. It featured popular songs including "Chalte Chalte" and "Inhi Logon Ne", sung by Mangeshkar, and composed by Ghulam Mohammed. She recorded many popular songs for S. D. Burman's last films, including "Rangeela Re" from Prem Pujari (1970), "Khilte Hain Gul Yahaan" from Sharmeelee (1971) and "Piya Bina" from Abhimaan (1973) [lower-alpha 2] and for Madan Mohan's last films, including Dastak (1970), Heer Raanjha (1970), Dil Ki Rahen (1973), Hindustan Ki Kasam (1973), Hanste Zakhm (1973), Mausam (1975) and Laila Majnu (1976). [79]

Many of her notable songs in the 1970s were composed by Laxmikant–Pyarelal and Rahul Dev Burman . Many of her songs composed by Laxmikant-Pyarelal in the 1970s were written by the lyricist Anand Bakshi . She also recorded many hit songs with Rahul Dev Burman in the films Amar Prem (1972), Caravan (1971), Kati Patang (1971), and Aandhi (1975). The two are noted for their songs with the lyricists Majrooh Sultanpuri , Anand Bakshi , and Gulzar . [80]

In 1973, she won the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song "Beeti Na Bitai" from the film Parichay , composed by R. D. Burman, and written by Gulzar. [81] In 1974, she sang her only Malayalam song "Kadali Chenkadali" for the film Nellu , composed by Salil Chowdhury, and written by Vayalar Ramavarma . [82] [83] In 1975, she again won the National Award, this time for the song "Roothe Roothe Piya" from the film Kora Kagaz , composed by Kalyanji Anandji . [84] [85] [86]

From the 1970s onward, she also staged many concerts in India and abroad, including several charity concerts. She transformed the way Indian music concerts were perceived in the West. [87] Her first concert overseas was at the Royal Albert Hall , London , in 1974. (Despite some sources claiming that she was the first Indian to do so, [88] [89] according to the Hall's own records, the first Indian to perform there was the late Ravi Shankar , on 21 October 1969. [90] ) Until that time, film music concerts were song-and-dance affairs held in community halls and colleges, rarely taken seriously. Mangeshkar demanded to sing in mainstream halls only, which was an honour that until then was bestowed only upon classical musicians. [87]

She also released an album of Mirabai 's bhajans , "Chala Vaahi Des", composed by her brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar. Some of the bhajans in the album include "Saanware Rang Ranchi" and "Ud Jaa Re Kaaga". [91] In the early 1970s, she released other non-film albums, such as her collection of Ghalib ghazals, an album of Marathi folk songs ( Koli -geete), an album of Ganesh aartis (all composed by her brother Hridaynath) and an album of "abhangs" of Sant Tukaram composed by Shrinivas Khale . [92] [93]

In the 1978 Raj Kapoor -directed Satyam Shivam Sundaram , she sang the main theme song "Satyam Shivam Sundaram," among the chart-toppers of the year. The film's story is inspired by her, according to Kapoor's daughter Ritu Nanda in her book Raj Kapoor . The book quotes Kapoor as saying, "I visualised the story of a man falling for a woman with an ordinary countenance but a golden voice and wanted to cast Lata Mangeshkar in the role." [94]

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, she worked with the children of composers she had earlier worked with. Some of these composers included Rahul Dev Burman , son of Sachin Dev Burman , Rajesh Roshan , son of Roshan , Anu Malik , son of Sardar Malik, and Anand–Milind , sons of Chitragupta . [95] She also sang many songs in the Assamese language and developed a very good relationship with the Assamese musician Bhupen Hazarika . She sang many songs under his direction; the song "Dil Hoom Hoom Kare" from Rudaali (1993) made the highest record sales that year. [96] [97] [98]

From the 1980s onward, Mangeshkar worked with music directors such as Shiv-Hari in Silsila (1981), Faasle (1985), Vijay (1988), and Chandni (1989) and Ram Laxman in Ustadi Ustad Se (1981), Bezubaan (1982), Woh Jo Hasina (1983), Ye Kesa Farz (1985), and Maine Pyar Kiya (1989). She sang in other movies, such as Karz (1980), Ek Duuje Ke Liye (1981), Silsila (1981), Prem Rog (1982), Hero (1983), Pyar Jhukta Nahin (1985), Ram Teri Ganga Maili (1985), Nagina (1986), and Ram Lakhan (1989). [99] [52] Her song "Zu Zu Zu Yashoda" from Sanjog (1985) was a chartbuster. [100] [99] In the late 1980s, she made a comeback to Tamil films with two back-to-back renditions of composer Ilaiyaraaja 's songs "Aaraaro Aaraaro" and "Valai Osai", for the films Anand (1987) and Sathya (1988), respectively. [101] Lata Didi Recorded her second Telugu Song "Thella Cheeraku" for Director K. Raghavendra Rao 1988 film Aakhari Poratam .

In the 1980s, the composer duo Laxmikant–Pyarelal had Lata sing their biggest hits—"Sheesha Ho Ya Dil Ho" in Asha (1980), "Tu Kitne Baras Ka" in Karz (1980), "Kitna Aasan Hai" in Dostana (1980), "Hum Ko Bhi Gham" in Aas Paas (1980), "Mere Naseeb Mein" in Naseeb (1980), "Zindagi Ki Na Toote" in Kranti (1981), "Solah Baras Ki" in Ek Duuje Ke Liye (1981), "Ye Galiyan Ye Chaubara" in Prem Rog (1982), "Likhnewale Ne Likh Dale" in Arpan (1983), "Din Maheene Saal" in Avtaar (1983), "Pyar Karnewale" and "Nindiya Se Jagi" in Hero (1983), "Zu Zu Zu Yashoda" in Sanjog (1985), "Zindagi Har Qadam" in Meri Jung (1985), "Baith Mere Paas" in Yaadon Ki Kasam (1985), "Ungli Mein Anghoti" in Ram Avtar (1988) and "O Ramji Tere Lakhan Ne" in Ram Lakhan (1989). [102]

Some Rahul Dev Burman compositions for Lata in these years include "Aaja Sar-e-Bazaar" in Alibaba Aur 40 Chor (1980), "Bindiya Tarase" in Phir Wohi Raat (1981), "Thodi Si Zameen" in Sitara (1981), "Kya Yahi Pyar Hai" in Rocky (1981), "Dekho Maine Dekha" in Love Story (1981), "Tune O Rangeele" in Kudrat (1981), "Jaane Kaise Kab" in Shakti (1982), "Jab Hum Jawan Honge" in Betaab (1983), which became instantly popular, "Humein Aur Jeene" in Agar Tum Na Hote (1983), "Tujhse Naraaz Nahin" in Masoom (1983), "Kahin Na Ja" and "Jeevan Ke Din" in Bade Dil Wala (1983), "Jaane Kya Baat" in Sunny (1984), "Bhuri Bhuri Aankhon" in Arjun (1985), "Sagar Kinare" in Sagar (1985), "Din Pyar Ke Aayenge" in Savere Wali Gaadi (1986). "Kya Bhala Hai Kya", "Khamosh Sa Afsana" and "Seeli Hawa Chhoo" in Libaas (1988).

Rajesh Roshan's collaboration with Dev Anand in Lootmaar and Man Pasand resulted in songs such as "Paas Ho Tum Magar Qareeb" and "Sumansudha Rajni Chandha" respectively. Lata had duets with Rafi such as "Mujhe Chhoo Rahi Hain" in Swayamwar (1980), "Kabhi Kabhi Bezubaan" in Johny I Love You (1982), "Tujh Sang Preet" in Kaamchor (1982), "Angrezi Mein Khete Hai" in Khud-Daar (1982), "Ankhiyo Hi Ankhiyo Mein" in Nishaan (1983), "Dushman Na Kare" in Aakhir Kyon? (1985) and "Wada Na Tod" in Dil Tujhko Diya (1987), later featured in the soundtrack of the 2004 film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind . [103]

Bappi Lahiri composed some songs for Lata, such as "Dooriyan Sab Mita Do" in Saboot (1980), "Baithe Baithe Aaj Aayi" in Patita (1980), "Jaane Kyun Mujhe" in Agreement (1980), "Thoda Resham Lagta Hai" in Jyoti (1981), "Dard Ki Ragini" in Pyaas (1982), and "Naino Mein Sapna" (duet with Kishore Kumar) in Himmatwala (1983). [104]

Mohammed Zahur Khayyam continued to work with her during the 80s and composed songs such as "Hazaar Rahein Mud" (duet with Kishore Kumar) in Thodisi Bewafai (1980), "Simti Huyi" from Chambal Ki Kasam (1980), "Na Jane Kya Hua" in Dard (1981), "Chandni Raat Mein" in Dil-e-Nadaan (1982), "Dikhayi Diye" in Bazaar (1982), "Chand Ke Paas" in Dil-e-Nadaan (1982), "Bhar Lein Tumhe" and "Aaja Nindiya Aaja" from Lorie (1984) and "Kiran Kiran Mein Shokhiyan" in Ek Naya Rishta (1988). [105]

During the 80s, Lata sang hits such as "Sun Sahiba Sun" in Ram Teri Ganga Maili (1985) for Ravindra Jain, "Chand Apna Safar" in Shama (1981), "Shayad Meri Shaadi" and "Zindagi Pyar Ka" in Souten (1983), "Hum Bhool Gaye Re" in Souten Ki Beti (1989) for Usha Khanna. Hridaynath Mangeshkar had "Kale Kale Gehre Saye" in Chakra (1981), "Ye Ankhen Dekh Kar", and "Kuchh Log Mohabbat Ko" in Dhanwan (1981), "Mujhe Tum Yaad Karna" in Mashaal (1984), Assamese song "Jonakore Rati" (1986) with music and lyrics by Dr. Bhupen Hazarika , "Jaane Do Mujhe" in Shahenshah (1989) for Amar-Utpal, "Sajan Mera Us Paar" in Ganga Jamuna Saraswati (1988) and "Mere Pyar Ki Umar" in Waaris (1989) for Uttam Jagdish. [106]

In June 1985, the United Way of Greater Toronto invited her to perform at Maple Leaf Gardens . At the request of Anne Murray , [107] Lata sang her song " You Needed Me ". 12,000 attended the concert, which raised $150,000 for the charity. [108] [109]

During the 1990s, Mangeshkar recorded with music directors including Anand–Milind , Nadeem-Shravan , Jatin–Lalit , Dilip Sen-Sameer Sen, Uttam Singh , Anu Malik , Aadesh Shrivastava and A. R. Rahman . She recorded some non-film songs, including ghazals with Jagjit Singh . [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] She has also sung with Kumar Sanu , Amit Kumar , S. P. Balasubrahmanyam , Udit Narayan , Hariharan , Suresh Wadkar , Mohammed Aziz , Abhijeet Bhattacharya , Roop Kumar Rathod , Vinod Rathod , Gurdas Maan and Sonu Nigam . [115] [116] She also collaborated to Bahasa song with Rhoma Irama , the genre is called Dangdut . [117] [118] [119] [120]

In 1990 she launched her own production house for Hindi movies which produced the Gulzar -directed movie Lekin... . She won her third National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for her rendition of the song "Yaara Sili Sili" from the film, which was composed by her brother Hridaynath . [121] [122]

In 1991, Indonesian dangdut singer , Rhoma Irama invited Mangeshkar to collaborate on several of his songs, album title " Album Khusus Soneta Volume 1 - Ratu Dangdut Dunia Lata Mangeshkar " the songs are entitled Mawar Merah , Orang Asing , Datang Untuk Pergi, Di Tepi Pantai , Musim Cinta and Wahai Pesona . [117] [120] Irama also called Mangeshkar as Ratu Dangdut Dunia (World Dangdut Queen). [119]

She has sung for almost all the Yash Chopra films and films from his production house Yash Raj Films at that time, including Chandni (1989), Lamhe (1991), Darr (1993), Yeh Dillagi (1994), Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995), Dil To Pagal Hai (1997) and later in Mohabbatein (2000), Mujhse Dosti Karoge! (2002) and Veer-Zaara (2004). [123] [124] [125]

During 1990 she recorded with Raamlaxman in Patthar Ke Phool (1991), 100 Days (1991), Mehboob Mere Mehboob (1992), Saatwan Aasman (1992), I Love You (1992), Dil Ki Baazi (1993), Antim Nyay (1993), The Melody of Love (1993), The Law (1994), Hum Aapke Hain Koun..! (1994), Megha (1996), Lav Kush (1997), Manchala (1999), and Dulhan Banoo Main Teri (1999). [126]

From 1998 to 2014, A. R. Rahman recorded a few songs with her, including "Jiya Jale" in Dil Se.. (1998), "Ek Tu Hi Bharosa" in Pukar (2000), "Pyaara Sa Gaon" in Zubeidaa (2000), "So Gaye Hain" in Zubeidaa , "Khamoshiyan Gungunane Lagin" in One 2 Ka 4 (2001), "O Paalanhaare" in Lagaan (2001), "Lukka Chuppi" in Rang De Basanti (2006) and Laadli in Raunaq (2014). [127] She made an on-screen appearance in the film Pukar singing "Ek Tu Hi Bharosa." [128]

In 1994, she released Shraddanjali – My Tribute to the Immortals . [129] The special feature of the album is that Lata offers her tributes to immortal singers of the time by rendering a few of their songs in her own voice. There are songs of K. L. Saigal , Kishore Kumar , Mohammed Rafi , Hemant Kumar , Mukesh , Punkaj Mallick , Geeta Dutt , Zohrabai , Amirbai, Parul Ghosh and Kanan Devi. [130]

She sang both Rahul Dev Burman 's first and last songs. In 1994, she sang "Kuch Na Kaho" for Rahul Dev Burman in 1942: A Love Story . [131]

In 1999, Lata Eau de Parfum, a perfume brand named after her, was launched. [132] She was also awarded Zee Cine Award for Lifetime Achievement the same year [133] In 1999, she was nominated as a member of Rajya Sabha . [134] However, she did not attend Rajya Sabha sessions regularly, inviting criticism from several members of the House, including the Deputy Chairperson Najma Heptullah , Pranab Mukherjee and Shabana Azmi . [135] [136] She stated the reason for her absence as ill-health; it was also reported that she had not taken a salary, allowance or a house in Delhi for being a Member of Parliament. [135] [137]

In 2001, Mangeshkar was awarded the Bharat Ratna , India's highest civilian honour. [138]

In the same year, she established the Master Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune , managed by the Lata Mangeshkar Medical Foundation (founded by the Mangeshkar family in October 1989). In 2005, she designed a jewellery collection called Swaranajali, which was crafted by Adora, an Indian diamond export company. Five pieces from the collection raised £105,000 at a Christie's auction, and a part of the money was donated for the 2005 Kashmir earthquake relief. [139] Also in 2001, she recorded her first Hindi song with the composer Ilaiyaraaja , for the film Lajja ; she had earlier recorded Tamil and Telugu songs composed by Ilaiyaraaja. [140]

Her song "Wada Na Tod" was included in the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) and in its soundtrack. [141]

Her other notable songs of this decade were from Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham (2001) and Veer-Zaara (2004).

After 14 years, she recorded a song for composer Nadeem-Shravan ; "Kaise Piya Se" for Bewafaa (2005). [142] She recorded with Shamir Tandon "Kitne Ajeeb Rishte Hain Yahan Pe" for Page 3 (2005) and "Daata Sun Le" for Jail (2009).

On 21 June 2007, she released the album Saadgi , featuring eight ghazal -like songs written by Javed Akhtar and composed by Mayuresh Pai. [143]

On 12 April 2011, Mangeshkar released the album Sarhadein: Music Beyond Boundaries , which contains the duet "Tera Milna Bahut Acha Lage" by her and Mehdi Hassan (written by Pakistan's Farhad Shahzad). The album features Usha Mangeshkar , Suresh Wadkar , Hariharan , Sonu Nigam , Rekha Bhardwaj and another Pakistani singer, Ghulam Ali , with compositions by Mayuresh Pai and others. [144] [145]

Shamir Tandon recorded a song with her ("Tere Hasne Sai Mujheko") for the film Satrangee Parachute (2011). [146] After a hiatus she came back to playback singing and recorded at her own studio the song "Jeena kya hai, jaana maine" for Dunno Y2... Life Is a Moment (2015), the sequel to Kapil Sharma's queer love story Dunno Y... Na Jaane Kyun (2010) for which also she had lent her voice to one song. [147]

On 28 November 2012, she launched her own music label, LM Music, with an album of bhajans , Swami Samarth Maha Mantra , composed by Mayuresh Pai. She sang with her younger sister Usha on the album. [148]

In 2014, she recorded a Bengali album, Shurodhwani , including poetry by Salil Chowdhury, also composed by Pai. [149] Lata Mangeshkar also recorded "Laadli" song with A.R. Rahman for his music album Raunaq (Album) (2014). [127]

On 30 March 2019, Mangeshkar released the song "Saugandh Mujhe Is Mitti Ki", composed by Mayuresh Pai, as a tribute to the Indian army and nation. [20]

On 17 January 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted Lataji's last recording, "Shree Ramarpan", a shloka based on the Rama Raksha Stotra recorded by her in 2021, with music by Mayuresh Pai. [150]

Mangeshkar has sung 185 songs in Bengali, [6] making her debut in 1956 with the hit song "Aakash Prodeep Jwole", composed by Satinath Mukhopadhyay. [151] The same year, she recorded "Rongila Banshite", composed by Bhupen Hazarika , which was also a hit. [152] In the late 1950s, she recorded a string of hits such as "Jaare Ude Jare Pakhi", "Na Jeona", and "Ogo Aar Kichu To Noy", all composed by Salil Chowdhury, and which were respectively adapted into Hindi as "Ja Re Ud Ja Re Panchi" and "Tasveer Tere Dil Mein" in Maya , and "O Sajna" in Parakh . [153] In 1960, she recorded "Akash Pradip Jole". [154] Later in the 1960s, she sang hits like "Ekbar Biday De Ma Ghure Ashi," " Saat Bhai Champa ," "Ke Pratham Kache Esechi," "Nijhum Sandhyay," "Chanchal Mon Anmona," "Asharh Srabon," "Bolchi Tomar Kaney," and "Aaj Mon Cheyeche" by composers like Sudhin Dasgupta , Hemant Kumar and Salil Chowdhury. [155] [156] [157] [158] [159] [160] [161]

From the 1940s to the 1970s, Mangeshkar sang duets with Asha Bhosle , Suraiya , Shamshad Begum , Usha Mangeshkar , Kishore Kumar , Mohammed Rafi , Mukesh , Talat Mahmood , Manna Dey , Geeta Dutt , Hemant Kumar , G. M. Durrani , and Mahendra Kapoor . In 1964, she sang "Chanda Se Hoga" with P. B. Sreenivas from Main Bhi Ladki Hoon . [162]

Mukesh died in 1976. The 1980s saw the deaths of Mohammed Rafi and Kishore Kumar . [163] After their demise, she continued to sing with Shailendra Singh , Shabbir Kumar , Nitin Mukesh (Mukesh's son), Manhar Udhas , Amit Kumar (Kishore Kumar's son), Mohammed Aziz , Suresh Wadkar , S. P. Balasubrahmanyam , and Vinod Rathod . [164]

In the 1990s, she began singing duets with Roop Kumar Rathod , Hariharan , Pankaj Udhas , Abhijeet , Udit Narayan , and Kumar Sanu . [165] Her most notable work of the 90s was Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge , with songs such as "Mere Khwabon Mein Jo Aaye", "Ho Gaya Hai Tujhko To Pyaar Sajna", "Tujhe Dekha To Yeh Jana Sanam", and "Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna". [166]

In the 2000s, her duets were performed mainly with Udit Narayan and Sonu Nigam . 2005-06 were the years of her last well-known songs: "Kaise Piya Se" from Bewafa (2005); "Shayad Yehi To Pyaar Hai" from Lucky: No Time for Love (2005) with Adnan Sami ; and "Lukka Chhupi" in Rang De Basanti (2006 film) with A. R. Rahman . She sang "Ek Tu Hi Bharosa" from Pukar (2000). Other notable songs of this decade were from Veer-Zaara (2004), sung with Udit Narayan, Sonu Nigam, Jagjit Singh , Roop Kumar Rathod , and Gurdas Mann . One of her latest songs was "Jeena Hai Kya" from Dunno Y2 (2015). [167]

Lata Mangeshkar composed music for the first time in 1955 for the Marathi movie Ram Ram Pavhane . Later in the 1960s, she composed music for following Marathi movies under the pseudonym of Anand Ghan. [168] [169] [170]

  • 1950 – Ram Ram Pavhana
  • 1963 – Maratha Tituka Melvava
  • 1963 – Mohityanchi Manjula
  • 1965 – Sadhi Manase
  • 1969 – Tambadi Mati

She won Maharashtra State Government's Best Music Director Award for the film Sadhi Manase . The song "Airanichya Deva Tula" from the same film received best song award. [171]

Lata Mangeshkar has produced four films: [172]

  • 1953 – Vaadal (Marathi)
  • 1953 – Jhaanjhar (Hindi), co-produced with C. Ramchandra
  • 1955 – Kanchan Ganga (Hindi)
  • 1990 – Lekin... (Hindi)

On 8 January 2022, Mangeshkar tested positive for COVID-19 with mild symptoms and was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital 's intensive care unit in Mumbai . She remained in the ICU with signs of "marginal improvement" in her health. The doctors treating her had taken her off the ventilator on 28 January after her health "improved marginally"; [173] however, she was back on the ventilator on 5 February, after her health deteriorated, and was undergoing "aggressive therapy". [174]

Mangeshkar's funeral in 2022 Photos-Celebs-attend-Lata-Mangeshkars-state-funeral-3 (1).jpg

Mangeshkar died from multiple organ dysfunction syndrome on 6 February 2022, at the age of 92. She had undergone 28 days of constant treatment for pneumonia and COVID-19. [175] [176]

Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Mangeshkar Family and Asha Bhosle after paying tribute to Lata Mangeshkar in Mumbai. The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi consoles family members of 'Bharat Ratna' Lata Mangeshkar, in Mumbai on February 06, 2022 (1).jpg

The Government of India announced a two-day period of national mourning and that the national flag would fly at half-mast from 6 to 7 February throughout India out of respect for her. [177] the then President of India Ram Nath Kovind and then Vice President of India Venkaiah Naidu , Prime Minister Narendra Modi , several Union Ministers and Chief Ministers, [178] [179] many members of the Indian Music Industry , Indian film industry , celebrities, fans, and netizens expressed their condolences. Indian Cricket Team players wore black arm band to mourn the loss of Mangeshkar in India vs. West Indies first ODI . [180] [181] President Of France Emmanuel Macron , then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan , Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina , Prime Minister of Nepal, Sher Bahadur Deuba , Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa , former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai , and Pakistani Minister Fawad Chaudhry expressed their grief on her death. [182] [183] [184] [185] Mangeshkar's last rites (performed by her brother, Hridaynath Mangeshkar ) and cremation were held, with full state honours, at Mumbai's Shivaji Park on the same day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi , Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari , Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray paid their last respects and placed floral tributes. Mangeshkar's sisters Asha Bhosle and Usha Mangeshkar , Devendra Fadnavis , Raj Thackeray , Sharad Pawar , Shah Rukh Khan , Aamir Khan , Ranbir Kapoor , Vidya Balan , Shraddha Kapoor , Sachin Tendulkar , Javed Akhtar , Anuradha Paudwal , and several dignitaries and family members were also in attendance. [186] In February 2022, an electronic billboard in Times Square , Manhattan , sponsored by the Binder Indian Cultural Center, featured a tribute to Mangeshkar. [187] Another tribute to Mangeshkar by popular singers ( Arnab Chakrabarty , Niharika Nath and Mandira Karmakar) was published in an Arizona US newspaper. [188] Lata Mangeshkar died the next day after Vasant Panchami (a festival dedicated to Goddess Saraswati who represents music, knowledge, and the rest of the arts). "This is special as many considered her to be an avatar of Saraswati and the personification of music," according to actress Rani Mukerji . [189]

On 10 February 2022, Mangeshkar's ashes were immersed in the Godavari River at Ramkund, Nashik by her sister Usha and nephew Adinath Mangeshkar. [190]

Mangeshkar at the Dinanath Mangeshkar Awards announcement in 2013 Lata Mangeshkar.jpg

Mangeshkar won several awards and honours, including the Bharat Ratna (2001), India's highest civilian award, Padma Bhushan (1969), [191] Padma Vibhushan (1999), Zee Cine Award for Lifetime Achievements (1999), [192] Dadasaheb Phalke Award (1989), Maharashtra Bhushan Award (1997), [193] NTR National Award (1999), Legion of Honour (2007), ANR National Award (2009), three National Film Awards and 15 Bengal Film Journalists' Association Awards . She also won four Filmfare Best Female Playback Awards . In 1969, she made the unusual gesture of giving up the Filmfare Best Female Playback Award in order to promote fresh talent. She was later awarded the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award in 1993 and Filmfare Special Awards in 1994 and 2004. [138] [194]

In 1984, the State Government of Madhya Pradesh instituted the Lata Mangeshkar Award in her honour. The State Government of Maharashtra also instituted a similar award in 1992. [195]

In 2009, she was awarded the title of Officer of the French Legion of Honour , France's highest order. [196]

In 2012, she was ranked number 10 in Outlook India's poll of the Greatest Indian since independence. [197]

Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan said " kambakht, kabhi besuri na hoti " ("[she] is never off-key"). [198] Actor Dilip Kumar once commented, " Lata Mangeshkar ki awaaz kudrat ki takhleek ka ek karishma hain ", meaning "Lata Mangeshkar's voice is a miracle from God". [199]

Lata Mangeshkar was included in the 'In Memoriam' segment at the 2022 British Academy Film and Television Awards (BAFTA). [200]

Lata was 84th on Rolling Stone 's list of the 200 Greatest Singers of All Time, published on January 1, 2023. [201]

She also received honorary doctorates from the Sangeet Natak Akademi in 1989, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya , Khairagarh , Shivaji University in Kolhapur , and York University in Toronto [202] [203] [204]

In 1974, Guinness World Records listed Lata Mangeshkar as the most recorded artist in history, stating that she had reportedly recorded "more than 25,000 solo, duet and chorus backed songs in 20 Indian languages" between 1948 and 1974. Her record was contested by Mohammed Rafi , who was claimed to have sung around 28,000 songs. [205] [206] After Rafi's death, in its 1984 edition, the Guinness Book of World Records stated her name for the "Most Recordings", but also stated Rafi's claim. The later editions of Guinness Book stated that she had sung no fewer than 30,000 songs between 1948 and 1987. [207]

The entry was discontinued by Guinness editions in 1991 without explanation, while several sources continued to claim that she recorded thousands of songs, with estimates ranging up to figures as large as 50,000. [208] [209] However, even the earliest Guinness claim of 25,000 songs (between 1948 and 1974) was disputed and claimed to have been exaggerated by several others, stating that the number of songs sung by her in Hindi films to 1991 was found to be 5025. [210] [211] [212] [213] Mangeshkar stated that she did not keep a record of the number of songs she recorded, and that she did not know from where Guinness Book editors got their information. [214] In 2011, the entry was revived by Guinness crediting the record to her sister Asha Bhosle as the most recorded artist in music history, "for recording up to 11,000 solo, duet and chorus-backed songs and in over 20 Indian languages since 1947". [215] Since 2016, current record in this category belongs to P. Susheela , for recording at least 17,695 songs in 6 languages, not counting some lost early recordings. [216] [217]

  • ↑ In one of her interviews, Lataji said, that Madhubala used to have it written in her contract, that her songs would be sung by Lata only [50]
  • ↑ Abhimaan was directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee who always lavished praise on Lata Mangeshkar's work. Her timeless contributions for Abhimaan included other classicals also like Ab Toh Hai Tumse and Nadiya Kinare . Interestingly, Lata never charged a single penny for her work in Mukherjee's films. When asked about the fee, she would reply, Dada, aapse kya paisa lena ? [O! my big brother. How may I take money from you!!] [78]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Alka Yagnik</span> Indian playback singer

Alka Yagnik is an Indian playback singer who works predominantly in Hindi cinema. One of the most prominent singers of 90s era Bollywood, she has received several accolades , including two National Film Awards, two Bengal Film Journalists' Association Awards and a record seven Filmfare Awards for Best Female Playback Singer from a record of thirty-six nominations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">O. P. Nayyar</span> Indian film music composer, singer-songwriter, music producer, and musician

Omkar Prasad Nayyar was an Indian film music composer, singer-songwriter, music producer, and musician. He is considered to be one of the most rhythmic and melodious music directors of the Hindi film industry. He won the 1958 Filmfare Award for Best Music Director for Naya Daur . Nayyar worked extensively with singers Geeta Dutt, Asha Bhosle, Mohammed Rafi, though not with leading Bollywood female singer Lata Mangeshkar.

<i>Abhimaan</i> (1973 film) 1973 film by Hrishikesh Mukherjee

Abhimaan is a 1973 Indian Hindi musical drama film directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee, starring Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Asrani, Bindu and David.The film was loosely based on the 1970 Bengali Film Bilambita Loy starring Uttam Kumar and Supriya Devi.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Madan Mohan (composer)</span> Indian composer and singer

Madan Mohan Kohli , better known as Madan Mohan , was an Indian music director of the 1950s, 1960s and the 1970s. He is considered one of the most melodious and skilled music directors of the Hindi film industry. He is particularly remembered for the immortal ghazals he composed for Hindi films. Some of his best works are with singers Lata Mangeshkar, Mohammed Rafi and Talat Mahmood.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Suman Kalyanpur</span> Indian singer

Suman Kalyanpur is an Indian playback singer who is most notable for her work in Hindi cinema. She recorded songs for movies in several languages besides Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Assamese, Gujarati, Kannada, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Rajasthani, Odia and Punjabi.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Laxmikant–Pyarelal</span> Indian composer duo

Laxmikant–Pyarelal were an Indian composer duo, consisting of Laxmikant Shantaram Kudalkar (1937–1998) and Pyarelal Ramprasad Sharma . They composed music for about 750 Hindi movies from 1963 to 1998, working for almost all notable filmmakers, including Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Shakti Samanta, Manmohan Desai, Yash Chopra, K. Balanchander, Boney Kapoor, J. Om Prakash, Raj Khosla, L V Prasad, Subhash Ghai, Mahesh Bhatt, K Viswanath and Manoj Kumar.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kavita Krishnamurti</span> Indian singer

Sharada Krishnamurthy , popularly known as Kavita Krishnamurthy or Kavita Subramaniam , is an Indian playback and classical singer. She has recorded 50,000 songs in 45 various Indian languages including Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Rajasthani, Bhojpuri, Telugu, Odia, Marathi, English, Urdu, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, Nepali, Assamese, Konkani, Punjabi and other languages. She is the recipient of four Filmfare Best Female Playback Singer Awards, and the Padmashri which she received in 2005. She was awarded a Doctorate for her contributions to Indian music by Bangalore-based Jain University in 2015. In 1999, she married noted violinist L. Subramaniam and resides in Bengaluru.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shamshad Begum</span> Indian playback singer

Shamshad Begum was an Indian singer who was one of the first playback singers in the Hindi film industry. Notable for her distinctive voice and range, she sang over 6,000 songs in Hindustani, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, and Punjabi languages, among which 1287 were Hindi film songs. She worked with renowned composers of the time, such as Naushad Ali and O. P. Nayyar, for whom she was one of their favorites. Her songs from the 1940s to the early 1970s remain popular and continue to be remixed.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anuradha Paudwal</span> Indian playback singer

Anuradha Paudwal is an Indian playback singer and politician who works predominantly in Hindi cinema. She has been described in media as one of the most prominent Bhajan singer and also as one of the most successful playback singers of 80s and 90s era of Bollywood. The recipient of several accolades including a National Film Award, four Filmfare Awards and two Odisha State Film Awards, she has been honoured by the Government of India with the Padma Shri, the country's fourth-highest civilian honour for her contribution in the field of arts. Her contribution in Indian devotional music and Bollywood Industry gained her the titles such as "Bhajan Queen", "Melody Queen".

Sulakshana Pandit is an Indian playback singer and former Bollywood leading lady belonging to the Mewati Gharana.

Shabbir Kumar is an Indian playback singer, notable for his work in Bollywood. Known for his sweet and resonating vocal texture, Shabbir Kumar is an ardent fan of Mohammed Rafi. He has sung for Amitabh Bachchan, Anil Kapoor, Govinda, Mithun Chakraborty, Sunny Deol, Chunky Pandey, Dharmendra, etc.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amit Kumar</span> Indian singer (born 1952)

Amit Kumar is an Indian playback singer, actor, music composer. Kumar launched his own music production company, named Kumar Brothers Music. He predominantly worked in Bollywood and regional film songs since the 1970s, including 150 Hindi and Bengali compositions by R. D. Burman. After Burman's death in 1994, citing a lack of quality music composition, Kumar withdrew from playback singing and concentrated on live orchestra shows. In addition to singing in Hindi, has also performed in Bengali, Bhojpuri, Odia, Assamese, Marathi and Konkani. He is the eldest son of singer-actor Kishore Kumar.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Meena Khadikar</span> Indian playback singer (born 1931)

Meena Khadikar is an Indian Marathi and Hindi playback singer and composer. She is the second eldest daughter of Pt. Deenanath Mangeshkar and sister of veteran singers Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle, Usha Mangeshkar and Hridaynath Mangeshkar.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">S. D. Burman</span> Indian singer and composer (1906–1975)

Sachin Dev Burman was an Indian music director and singer. A member of the Tripura royal family, he started his career with Bengali films in 1937. He later began composing for Hindi movies and became one of the most successful and influential Indian film music composers. Burman composed the soundtracks for over 100 movies, including Bengali films and Hindi. Apart from being a versatile composer, he also sang songs in the light semi-classical and folk style of Bengal. His son, R. D. Burman, was also a celebrated music composer for Bollywood films.

<i>Bhai-Bhai</i> (1956 Hindi film) 1956 Indian film

Bhai-Bhai ( transl.  Brothers) is a 1956 Indian Hindi-language drama film directed by M. V. Raman for A. V. M. Productions. It had screenplay by Javar Seetharaman, with Hindi screen adaptation of the Tamil film Ratha Paasam directed by C.V. Sridhar. The music director was Madan Mohan, with dialogues and lyrics written by Rajendra Krishan. One of the popular songs from the film was "Ae Dil Mujhe Bata De", sung by Geeta Dutt, "in an unabrasive fast tempo". The song became one of Madan Mohan's earliest hits, and the music of the film in journalist-author Bharatan's words, went on to "conquer the box office".

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  • ↑ Admin, Kotha R. Sur (2 April 2018). "Jare Ure Jare Pakhi | যারে উড়ে যারে পাখি" . Kotha R Sur | কথা আর সুর . Retrieved 6 February 2022 .
  • ↑ Akash Pradeep Jole , 1 June 2004 , retrieved 6 February 2022
  • ↑ "Ekbar Biday De Maa Ghure Ashi – Lyrics and Music by Lata Mangeshkar arranged by Abhi_12" . Smule . Retrieved 6 February 2022 .
  • ↑ Saat Bhai Champa Jagore , 1 December 1957 , retrieved 6 February 2022
  • ↑ Listen to Ke Pratham Kachhe Esechhi Song by Lata Mangeshkar on , retrieved 6 February 2022
  • ↑ Nijhum Sandhaye Pantha , 1 December 1965 , retrieved 6 February 2022
  • ↑ Chanchal Mon Anmona Hoy (Full Song) – Bengali Hit Duets – Download or Listen Free – JioSaavn , 31 December 2002 , retrieved 6 February 2022
  • ↑ Lata Mangeshkar, Aaj Mon Cheyeche Ami Hariye Jabo , Amazon , retrieved 6 February 2022
  • ↑ Bolchi Tomar Kane Kane – Female Version , 25 April 2016 , retrieved 6 February 2022
  • ↑ Arunachalam, Param (26 September 2015). "Bollywood Retrospect: Lata Mangeshkar's 10 best duets" . DNA India . Retrieved 31 October 2020 .
  • ↑ Ganesh, Raj (2 May 2020). "Lata Mangeshkar To Dedicate 100 Singers' Unique Tribute To Corona Warriors on 3 May" . Outlookindia . Archived from the original on 3 May 2020 . Retrieved 31 October 2020 .
  • ↑ Bhimani, Harish (1995). In Search of Lata Mangeshkar . Indus. pp.   56–59. ISBN   978-81-7223-170-5 .
  • ↑ Gupta, Vinita. Swarkokila Lata Mangeshkar (in Hindi). pp.   76–81. ISBN   978-93-82901-88-4 .
  • ↑ Bharatan, Raju (1995). Lata Mangeshkar: A Biography . UBS Publishers' Distributors. pp.   78–83. ISBN   978-81-7476-023-4 .
  • ↑ Mangeshkar, Lata (January 0101). Lata Mangeshkar . Prabhat Prakashan. ISBN   978-81-8430-461-9 .
  • ↑ "BFI, Lata Mangeshkar" . Archived from the original on 26 February 2007.
  • ↑ Harish Bhimani (1 January 1995). In Search of Lata Mangeshkar . Indus. p.   322. ISBN   978-81-7223-170-5 .
  • ↑ Raju Bharatan (1 January 1995). Lata Mangeshkar: A Biography . UBS Publishers' Distributors. p.   382. ISBN   978-81-7476-023-4 .
  • ↑ "Music director, Lata Mangeshkar" . The Times of India . Retrieved 4 February 2017 .
  • ↑ Dawar, Ramesh (2006). Bollywood: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow . Star Publications. ISBN   978-1-905863-01-3 .
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  • ↑ "Lata Mangeshkar: India singing legend dies at 92" . BBC News . 6 February 2022 . Retrieved 6 February 2022 .
  • ↑ Banerjee, Shoumojit (6 February 2022). " 'Nightingale' Lata Mangeshkar passes away at 92" . The Hindu . Press Trust of India. ISSN   0971-751X . Retrieved 6 February 2022 .
  • ↑ "Lata Mangeshkar's last rites at Mumbai's Shivaji Park with full state honours" . Hindustan Times .
  • ↑ "West Bengal pays tribute to Lata Mangeshkar by announcing half-day holiday" . The Indian Express . 6 February 2022 . Retrieved 6 February 2022 .
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  • ↑ Acharya, Shayan. "IND v WI: Indian team wears black arm bands to mourn death of Lata Mangeshkar" . Sportstar . Retrieved 6 February 2022 .
  • ↑ "Lata Mangeshkar news live updates: PM Modi 'anguished' over demise of Lata Mangeshkar" . The Times of India . 6 February 2022.
  • ↑ "PM Hasina mourns death of legendary Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar" . Business Standard . 6 February 2022.
  • ↑ "Lata Mangeshkar passes away: After Pakistan, Bangladesh pays tribute to legendary singer" . Hindustan Times . 6 February 2022.
  • ↑ "Pakistanis mourn Lata Mangeshkar too, say 'even 1,000 Pakistan cannot compensate this loss' " . Theprint . 6 February 2022.
  • ↑ "Melodies of Lata Mangeshkar are universal, forever, says former Afghan President" . ANI News . 6 February 2022.
  • ↑ "Legendary Singer Laid to Rest With Full State Honours; PM Modi, Shah Rukh Khan Attend Funeral" . News18 .
  • ↑ "A Tribute to Lata Mangeshkar at New York's Times Square" . The Economic Times . 10 February 2022.
  • ↑ Kar, Dr. Kohinoor (March 2022). "A Humble Tribute to the Nightingale of India" . AZ Indiatimes .
  • ↑ "People would say that Goddess Saraswati resides in her voice: Rani Mukerji on Lata Mangeshkar" . Retrieved 7 February 2022 .
  • ↑ "Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar's ashes immersed in Nashik's Ramkund; family and fans gather at the site" . Times Now News .
  • ↑ "Padma Awards" (PDF) . Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. 2015. Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 October 2015 . Retrieved 21 July 2015 .
  • ↑ "Zee Cine Lifetime Achievement Award (ZCA) – Zee Cine Lifetime Achievement Award Winners" . .
  • ↑ "Stage set for felicitation of Lata with Maharashtra Bhushan award" . The Indian Express . 19 November 1997 . Retrieved 21 February 2022 .
  • ↑ "Lata Mangeshkar lesser-known facts: Did you know she once gave up her Filmfare Award? – Bharat Times English News" . 6 February 2022 . Retrieved 6 February 2022 .
  • ↑ "State award for music announced – Indian Express" . The Indian Express . Retrieved 6 February 2022 .
  • ↑ "Lata Mangeshkar conferred highest French honour" . The Hindu . 29 November 2009 . Retrieved 31 January 2021 .
  • ↑ "A Measure of the Man – Outlook India Magazine" . . 5 February 2022.
  • ↑ Ramnarayan, Gowri (4 January 2004). "Flight of the golden oriole" . The Hindu . Archived from the original on 21 February 2022 . Retrieved 21 February 2022 .
  • ↑ "4 Things You Didn't Know About Lata Mangeshkar" . Celebrity News. Agora Daily Flux . 2018. Archived from the original on 18 January 2018 . Retrieved 3 February 2021 . Tribute to Lata
  • ↑ "Lata Mangeshkar" . 15 February 2022.
  • ↑ "The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time" . Rolling Stone . 1 January 2023 . Retrieved 21 March 2023 .
  • ↑ "Lata Mangeshkar" . . Archived from the original on 10 August 2020 . Retrieved 31 January 2021 .
  • ↑ "SNA – List of Awardees" . . Archived from the original on 5 February 2021 . Retrieved 31 January 2021 .
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  • ↑ Puri, Amit (24 February 2003). "Dedicated to Queen of Melody" . The Tribune , Chandigarh . Retrieved 18 August 2009 .
  • ↑ Chopra, Yash (28 September 2004). "The nightingale of India turns 75" . BBC News . Retrieved 13 August 2007 .
  • ↑ "Melody Queen Lata rings in 75th birthday quietly" . The Tribune , Chandigarh . 29 September 2004 . Retrieved 13 August 2007 .
  • ↑ Nerurkar, Vishwas. Lata Mangeshkar Gandhar Swaryatra (1945–1989) (in Hindi). Mumbai: Vasanti P. Nerukar.
  • ↑ Broughton, Simon; Mark Ellingham; Richard Trillo (2000). World music: The Rough Guide . Rough Guides. p.   106. ISBN   978-1-85828-636-5 .
  • ↑ Richard Corliss (12 August 2003). "Bollywood: Frequently Questioned answers" . Time .
  • ↑ Neepa Majumdar (25 September 2009). Wanted cultured ladies only!: female stardom and cinema in India, 1930s–1950s . University of Illinois Press. pp.   232–. ISBN   978-0-252-07628-2 . Retrieved 6 October 2011 .
  • ↑ Bhatt, Punita. "A controversy in the making". Filmfare magazine . 1–15 June 1987.
  • ↑ Banerjee, Soumyadipta (22 October 2011). "It's a world record for Asha Bhosle" . DNA India . Retrieved 23 October 2011 .
  • ↑ "Most studio recordings – singles and albums combined" . 28 January 2016 . Retrieved 24 November 2018 .
  • ↑ "All Hits Playlist of 80's and 90's - Lata Mangeshkar" . Hungama Music . Retrieved 27 July 2022 .
  • Bichu, Dr. Mandar (2011). Lata   — Voice of the Golden Era . Popular Prakashan. ISBN   978-81-7991-625-4 .
  • Bhimani, Harish (1995). In search of Lata Mangeshkar . Indus. ISBN   978-81-7223-170-5 .
  • Bharatan, Raju (1995). Lata Mangeshkar: A Biography . UBS Publishers Distributors. ISBN   978-81-7476-023-4 .
  • Kabir, Nasreen Munni (2009). Lata Mangeshkar: In Her Own Voice . Niyogi Books. ISBN   978-81-89738-41-9 .
  • Lata, Mangeshkar (1995). Madhuvanti Sapre; Dinkar Gangal (eds.). In search of Lata Mangeshkar (in Marathi). HarperCollins/Indus. ISBN   978-81-7223-170-5 . A collection of articles written by Lata Mangeshkar since 1952.
  • Nerurkar, Vishwas. Lata Mangeshkar Gandhar Swaryatra (1945–1989) (in Hindi). Mumbai: Vasanti P. Nerukar.
  • Bichhu, Mandar V. (1996). Gaaye Lata, Gaaye Lata (in Hindi). Sharjah: Pallavi Prakashan. ISBN   978-81-7223-170-5 . A collection of articles written by Lata Mangeshkar since 1952.
  • Verma, Sunanda (2018). Namaste, Lata Mangeshkar! Her voice touches at least a billion hearts . Singapore: The Indologist. ISBN   978-9814782111 .
  • Bhawana Somaaya (2006). "Lata Mangeshkar". In Malvika Singh (ed.). Freeing the Spirit: The Iconic Women of Modern India . New York. ISBN   978-0-14-310082-9 .
  • Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar dies at age 92
  • Lata Mangeshkar at IMDb
  • Deenanath Mangeshkar (father)
  • Hridaynath Mangeshkar (brother)
  • Meena Khadikar (sister)
  • Asha Bhosle (sister)
  • Usha Mangeshkar (sister)
  • List of songs by Lata Mangeshkar
  • List of awards received by Lata Mangeshkar
  • Lata Mangeshkar Award
  • United States
  • Netherlands
  • MusicBrainz
  • Lata Mangeshkar
  • Malayalam Songs

Lata Mangeshkar Songs

23809 Tracks 142 Episodes 5966 Albums 1 Podcast

Dive deep into the heart of Indian music history with the iconic Lata Mangeshkar songs that have graced Bollywood for decades. When you explore the rich tapestry of Lata Mangeshkar old song archives, it is akin to traversing through a historical account of Indian cinema. Making a comprehensive Lata Mangeshkar songs list is a mammoth task, given the singer&rsquo;s illustrious career that spans over seven decades. From heartwarming romantic numbers to soulful Ghazals, Lata ji has bestowed Indian cinema with gems that will shine for generations. Be it 'Lag Ja Gale' or 'Aji Rooth Kar Ab', the Lata Mangeshkar best songs embody emotions in their purest form, illustrating the sheer depth of her vocal prowess. For enthusiasts eager to explore her extensive portfolio, a Lata Mangeshkar Hindi song list can be a guide to the golden era of Bollywood, encapsulating melodies that resonate with young and old alike. Dive into a world of evergreen tunes and let the magic of Lata ji&rsquo;s voice wrap around your soul, one timeless track at a time.

  • Track Artists Album
  • Kadhali Chenkadhali Lata Mangeshkar Nellu
  • Dilbar Jani Chali Hawa Mastani Kishore Kumar , Lata Mangeshkar Stree
  • Ye Dil Tum Bin Lagta Nahin Lata Mangeshkar , Mohammed Rafi Stree
  • Hazaar Rahen Mud Ke Dekhin Kishore Kumar , Lata Mangeshkar Anadhasilpangal
  • Ab Aan Milo Sajna Lata Mangeshkar , Mohammed Rafi Stree
  • Ham Ko Bhi Gham Ne Mara Lata Mangeshkar Stree
  • Pandathe Pattukal Lata Mangeshkar , Chorus Vallathol Kavithakal Vol 1
  • Nilaavinte Poongavil Lata Mangeshkar Sree Krishna Paraunth Mlm
  • Chup Gaye Sare Nazare Lata Mangeshkar , Mohammed Rafi Stree
  • Hum Aur Tum Tum Aur Hum Kishore Kumar , Lata Mangeshkar Stree
  • Jab Jab Bahar Aayee (Female) Lata Mangeshkar Stree
  • Aya Sawan Jhoom Ke Lata Mangeshkar , Mohammed Rafi Stree
  • Aaja Re O Mere Dilbar Aaja Lata Mangeshkar , Nitin Mukesh Anadhasilpangal
  • Aap Yun Faaslon Se Lata Mangeshkar Anadhasilpangal
  • Kadhali Chenkadhali Lata Mangeshkar Golden Hour Salil Chowdhury
  • Tum Gagan Ke Chandrama Ho Lata Mangeshkar , Manna Dey Stree
  • Pavakutti K P Udayabhanu , Lata Mangeshkar Kadathukaran
  • Dafli Wale Dafli Baja Lata Mangeshkar , Mohammed Rafi Stree
  • Kadhali Chengathali Lata Mangeshkar Golden Era - Vayalar And Salil Chowdhury
  • Simti Hui Yeh Ghadiyan Lata Mangeshkar , Mohammed Rafi Anadhasilpangal

Top Playlists

  • Lata Mangeshkar - Romantic Hits
  • Magical Lata Mangeshkar
  • R D Burman - Romantic Hits
  • Baaps of Retro Composers
  • Best of R D Burman
  • Baaps of Retro Lyricists
  • R D Burman & Gulzar
  • Best of Aditya Chopra
  • Musical Jodi RD and Rajesh Khanna
  • Udit sings for Shahrukh
  • 90s Madhuri
  • Best of Shakti Samantha
  • Romantic Hits of Amitabh
  • Rimjhim Gire Sawan
  • SRK's Leading Ladies
  • Kishore & Rajesh Khanna
  • Bollywood Romantic Hits
  • Best of Shiv Hari
  • Udit Narayan - Romantic Hits
  • Dil To Pagal Hai
  • Woh Kaun Thi
  • Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge
  • Jab Pyaar Kisise Hota Hai
  • Kabhi Kabhie
  • Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai
  • Mohabbatein
  • Doosara Aadmi
  • Maine Pyar Kiya
  • Aap Ki Kasam

Top Podcasts

  • Mehfil-E-Shayari - Kaifi Azmi

Similar Artists

  • Kishore Kumar
  • Mohammed Rafi
  • Asha Bhosle
  • Alka Yagnik
  • Udit Narayan
  • R. D. Burman
  • S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  • Sapna Awasthi
  • Kavita Krishnamurthy
  • Anuradha Paudwal
  • Abhijeet Bhattacharya
  • Suresh Wadkar
  • Shailender Singh
  • Jatin-Lalit
  • K J Yesudas

lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam


  1. Lata Mangeshkar Biography

    lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

  2. Lata Mangeshkar Biography

    lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

  3. Lata Mangeshkar Biography: birth, age, family, real name, awards

    lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

  4. Lata Mangeshkar Biography

    lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

  5. Lata Mangeshkar Biography

    lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam

  6. Lata Mangeshkar

    lata mangeshkar biography in malayalam


  1. Only Malayalam song by Lata

  2. Lata mangeshkar biography

  3. Singer Lata Mangeshkar biography ✨

  4. Swar Kokila🌹🌹Lata Mangeshkar Biography Journey#All In One"Ek Mahaan Gayika"#4kfullscreenstatus video

  5. लता मंगेशकर/Lata Mangeshkar biography in Marathi #biography #viral #shorts #latamangeshkar

  6. Lata Mangeshkar Biography.#biography #bollywood #singer #latamangeshkar


  1. ലത മങ്കേഷ്കർ

    അവാർഡുകൾ പത്മഭൂഷൺ(), പത്മവിഭൂഷൺ(), ദാദാസാഹിബ്‌ ഫാൽക്കെ അവാർഡ്‌(), ഭാരതരത്നം(), മൂന്ന് നാഷനൽ ഫിലിം അവാർഡുകൾ, 12 ബംഗാൾ ഫിലിം ജേർണലിസ്റ്റ് അസോസിയേഷൻ അവാ ...

  2. Lata Mangeshkar

    Lata Mangeshkar ([ləˈt̪aː məŋˈɡeːʃkər] ⓘ; born Hema Mangeshkar; 28 September 1929 - 6 February 2022) was an Indian playback singer and occasional music composer. She is considered to be one of the greatest and most influential singers of the Indian subcontinent. Her voice was one of the unifying elements of the people of South Asia across borders.

  3. ലതാ മങ്കേഷ്‌കർ: ഇതിഹാസ ഗായികയുടെ സംഗീത ജീവിതം ചിത്രങ്ങളിലൂടെ

    Lata Mangeshkar (1929-2022): A pictorial tribute to the legendary singer - ലതാ മങ്കേഷ്‌കർ (1929-2022): ഇതിഹാസ ...

  4. લતા મંગેશકર

    લતા મંગેશકર (જન્મે હેમા મંગેશકર; ૨૮ સપ્ટેમ્બર, ૧૯૨૯ - ૬ ...

  5. ലത മങ്കേഷ്കർ പാടിയത് ഒരേയൊരു മലയാള ഗാനം; അതു സംഭവിച്ചതിങ്ങനെ

    മലയാളത്തിൽ.About Lata Mangeshkar In Malayalam, About Lata Mangeshkar, Latest News Age Of Lata Mangeshkar, Biography Of Lata Mangeshkar, History Of Lata Mangeshkar, Lata Mangeshkar Awards, Lata Mangeshkar Death News, Lata Mangeshkar, Birthday Lata Mangeshkar, Information In Malayalam, Malayalam songs of Lata Mangeshkar, songs ...

  6. Lata Mangeshkar Age, Death, Husband, Family, Biography & More

    Lata Mangeshkar is one of the most respected Indian playback singer who has also been honoured with Bharat Ratna. Check this page to read her biography- age, family & much more! ... • Kannada: 2 songs from the Kannada film Kranthiveera Sangolli Rayanna (1967) • Malayalam: 'Kadhali Chenkadhali' from the Malayalam film Nellu (1974); ...

  7. Biography of Lata Mangeshkar Malayalam

    Voice By : @Krishnedhu_SivadasContent : @Anjali.#LataMangeshkarSongs #LataMangeshkarLifeStory #LataMangeshkar #LataMangeshkarBiography.The Artfam is an art ...

  8. Lata Mangeshkar Biography

    Lata Mangeshkar was born on September 28, 1929 in Indore, Central Provinces (now Madhya Pradesh). She was the eldest daughter among the five children of Dinanatha and Shevanti Mangeshkar who belonged to a Maharashtrian Brahmin family. ... In 1974, she recorded her only Malayalam song "Kadali Chenkadali" for the film Nellu, composed by Salil ...

  9. Lata Mangeshkar

    Lata Mangeshkar (born September 28, 1929, Indore, British India [now India]—died February 6, 2022, Mumbai, India) was a legendary Indian playback singer noted for her distinctive voice and a vocal range that extended over three octaves. Her career spanned eight decades, and she recorded songs for the soundtracks of more than 2,000 Indian films.

  10. Lata Mangeshkar Biography: Age, Early Life, Family, Education, Singing

    Lata Mangeshkar Biography: Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar was born on 28 September 1929 in Indore, India. ... She also sang Malayalam song in 1974 ""Kadali Chenkadali" for the film Nellu. It was ...

  11. Lata Mangeshkar Age, Height, Net Worth, Biography

    Lata Mangeshkar never received a formal education. She was taught the Marathi alphabet by a maid, she learned Sanskrit by a local priest, while other tutors and relatives taught her other subjects at home. ... • Malayalam: 'Kadhali Chenkadhali' from the Malayalam film Nellu (1974); this is the only song she recorded in Malayalam.

  12. Lata Mangeshkar

    Lata Mangeshkar was born in Indore on September 28, 1929, and became, quite simply, the most popular playback singer in Bollywood's history. She sung for over 50 years for actresses from Nargis to Preity G Zinta, as well as recorded albums of all kinds (ghazals, pop, etc).Until the 1991 edition, when her entry disappeared, the Guinness Book of World Records listed her as the most-recorded ...

  13. Lata Mangeshkar: Biography

    Lata Mangeshkar: A Brief Biography. Born on 28th September 1929 in Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Lata Mangeshkar is one of the greatest singers India has ever produced. The Mangeshkar family could very well be called the premier musical family of India as father Pt. Dinanath and the five siblings - Lata, Usha, Asha (Bhosle), Meena (Khadikar) and ...

  14. Lata Mangeshkar Wiki, Age, Death, Family, Husband, Biography & More

    Biography/Wiki. Lata Mangeshkar was born on Saturday, 28 September 1929 ( age 92 years; at the time of death) in Indore, Indore City, Central India Agency, British India. She was born as 'Hema', but was later renamed Lata by her parents, after the female character Latika in one of her father's play, 'BhaawBhandhan.'.

  15. Lata Mangeshkar, Bollywood's Most Beloved Voice, Dies at 92

    Feb. 5, 2022. Lata Mangeshkar, who enthralled generations of Bollywood audiences as the singing voice behind many actresses' performances, died on Sunday at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai ...

  16. Lata Mangeshkar Biography

    Tragedy struck the family in 1942 when her father, Deenanath Mangeshkar, succumbed to a heart disease leaving behind a young family. Lata was just 13 and had to start working to fend for the family. A close friend of the Mangeshkar family, Master Vinayak, who also owned the Navyug Chitrapat movie company, helped her to make a career in singing.

  17. List of songs recorded by Lata Mangeshkar

    Mangeshkar in 1953. Lata Mangeshkar (born Hema Mangeshkar; 28 September 1929 - 6 February 2022) was an Indian legendary playback singer, music producer and music director who made music in Hindi and other Indian languages. Many of her old songs have featured in various new films (Bollywood or Indian films) and have also been credited.But such songs, unless re-recorded, are not enlisted below.

  18. Missing note

    Lata Mangeshkar: A Biography By Raju Bharatan UBSPD Pages: 385 Price:Rs 295 Breathless, staccato, repetitive, Raju Bharatan's prose hurtles forward like a cricket commentary with his protagonist knocking down all adversaries en route, until her ascension as "the tuneful symbol of national integration", "the goddess of song", the voice of India's plaintive soul.

  19. Lata Mangeshkar Biography: A Symphony of Success and Struggles

    Lata Mangeshkar, a famous singer in Indian movies, was born on September 28, 1929, in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Her father, Deenanath Mangeshkar, was a singer and actor, and her mother, Shevanti, was also a singer. Lata was exposed to music from a young age because of her family's musical background. When Lata was 13, her father passed ...

  20. Lata Mangeshkar

    Lata Mangeshkar ([ləˈt̪aː məŋˈɡeːʃkər] ⓘ ; born Hema Mangeshkar; 28 September 1929 - 6 February 2022) was an Indian playback singer and occasional music composer. ... In 1974, she sang her only Malayalam song "Kadali Chenkadali" for the film Nellu, composed by Salil Chowdhury, and written by Vayalar Ramavarma. [82] ...

  21. Lata Mangeshkar Malayalam Songs Download- New Malayalam Songs of Lata

    Play Lata Mangeshkar Malayalam MP3 songs or download Lata Mangeshkar latest MP3 from songs list and all Malayalam music album online on presents the Best of Lata Mangeshkar Malayalam songs for you. Enjoy the Malayalam music collection of Lata Mangeshkar for free on Hindi, English, Punjabi.