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  • Principles of Market Research

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  • Market Research

The Principles of Market Research course helps both new and experienced market research practitioners understand the full process of research from beginning to end. This online course is completed through self-paced study and covers the 13 topics of the Market Research Core Body of Knowledge (MRCBOK™).

This popular course is endorsed by all major market research and insights industry associations and is kept up-to-date to reflect new methods and concepts in the market research industry. It offers an engaging learning experience through interactive exercises and continuous feedback so that participants can gauge their progress throughout the course. Successful completion earns a Certificate of Program Completion and qualifies graduates for the certification designations of three global professional associations.

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Market Research is a process driven by fundamental principles. This self-paced online course offers market research analysists regardless of the amount of experience they possess to gain insight on contemporary concepts and methods in the industry. This Market Research Core Body of Knowledge (MRCBOK™) course is organized into 13 cornerstone topics allowing you to set a solid foundation for your research, analytical, and communication skills.

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What You'll Learn

Learning objectives, who should attend, course information.

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What You’ll Learn

The course is organized into 13 topics:

Introduction to Market Research and the Research Process

Market Research Design and Data Identification

Sampling in Market Research

Qualitative Market Research

Quantitative Data Collection Methods

Measurement and Questionnaire Design

Introduction to Data Analysis

Advanced Analytic Techniques

Working with Secondary Data: Syndicated and Big Data

Communicating Research Results

Global Market Research

Emerging Methods and the Future of Market Research

Ethical and Legal Issues in Market Research

This course provides a spectrum of organized lessons providing the foundations of market research and process. Don’t continue to use antiquated methods, this industry is fast-paced and sharpening your skill base sets you apart in the conference room. Learn market research design and data identification. Embrace qualitative research methods and introduce yourself to the competitive world of data analytics and advanced techniques. Become a more competent researcher, designer, and communicator as you embrace emerging methods and the future of market research. Challenge yourself to properly question ethical and legal issues that may arise through data collection and consumer analysis methods. Become a global market thinker.

  • Name the different types of business decisions in which market research is used by companies to develop strategy and tactics.
  • Describe the role of primary and secondary data, the differences between them, and how they can be applied in a synergistic manner to address the business issues.
  • Explain how to use the principles of sampling to make judgments about representativeness and bias in secondary data.
  • Identify how to select the ideal internal or external moderator for the project and understand which attributes to look for when selecting a moderator.
  • Compare and contrast the differences between type I and type II errors, and their potential impact on business decisions.
  • Describe a common framework that distinguishes between multivariate analytic techniques and helps guide the decision of what technique to use when, based on the following factors—dependence, interdependence, number of dependent variables, type of relationship, item being analyzed, nature of metric, and the nature of the business question being addressed.
  • Name at least three elements of effective oral presentations.

After completing this course you should be able to:

  • Describe how the role and function of market research relate to the role and function of marketing organizations as a whole.
  • Describe the relationship between strategic decision makers and market research.
  • List the six steps in the market research process.
  • Discuss the basic marketing information needs and research methods used to address these needs, including ways to collect and analyze relevant information needed in consumer, business, government, healthcare, and institutional markets.
  • Acquire an appreciation of the complexities of international market research, including the ways in which research methods and interpretation can differ in global versus local market settings.
  • Illustrate how market research can identify the strongest positioning and messaging that organizations can use in communicating with consumers and other audiences.
  • Review the basic issues in product (and services) management, planning and development as related to the product life cycle, brand strategy, product research, and decision making.
  • Identify the different types of companies that comprise the market research industry by the services they offer.
  • Describe the recent evolution of market research to take advantage of emerging data sources (such as online data collection and large datasets) and analysis methods (such as text analysis, data mining, and modeling).
  • Describe the ethical considerations that guide market research activity--including data collection and reporting--to clients, participants, and the public.
  • Lead a discussion with clients to define major business problems they are facing, and probe to discover obstacles, challenges, opportunities, and threats.
  • Determine what the clients already know and what they must know in order to take the most informed actions.
  • Identify appropriate secondary research and apply data analysis in defining the business problems and research objectives.
  • Translate essential business problems into cogent research objectives that are tied to specific business actions and success criteria.
  • Determine the appropriate level and depth of information required for decision-making, differentiating “nice-to-know” information from “need-to-know” information. Determine what is practical within the time and budgetary constraints
  • Understand what business problems are “researchable” and which are not.
  • Describe the processes and approaches to research design and methodology and how these may differ by region in global projects.
  • Explain the differences between qualitative and quantitative methods, the types of business problems addressed with each, and how the boundaries between the types of methods are blurring.
  • Identify and distinguish between the three basic research designs: exploratory, descriptive and causal.
  • Create proposals that clearly articulate the business need/context for the research, research design and methodology, analytical processes, project milestones, costs, and timelines. Explain the relationship between cost and time variables and the research process.
  • Discuss the ethical issues researchers face when developing a research proposal.
  • Explain how sampling works.
  • Discuss the sampling design process: definition of the target population, best modes to reach that population, determination of the sampling frame, selection of sampling technique(s), determination of sample size, and execution of the sampling process.
  • Explain the differences between probability and non-probability samples, the benefits, drawbacks, and when each might be used.
  • Discuss the major types of probability sampling (simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster), their benefits, drawbacks, and when each might be used.
  • Discuss the major types of non-probability sampling (convenience, quota, and snowball), their benefits, drawbacks, and when each might be used.
  • Explain the differences between landline and mobile phone sampling.
  • Describe sampling techniques and sources specific to Internet data collection, including mobile research.
  • Discuss the survey assignment process and understand the potential bias implications of routing, targeting, prescreening, and prior survey exposure.
  • Describe the concept of consistent sampling both in terms of a consistent sample frame and how sample is drawn and quotas are set against that frame.
  • Discuss how a single sample frame is not necessarily connected to a single mode and that having multiple points of contact for the same person can increase response rates.
  • Describe how the screener section of the survey, as well as dropouts, data quality, and technical issues, will ultimately impact the “sample” that completes the survey.
  • Describe the challenges in obtaining representative samples and how representative samples can be improved at the selection stage or through weighting.
  • Describe when to use margin of error calculations and confidence levels when reporting results.
  • Describe the challenges researchers face when developing samples for global studies.
  • Identify the ethical considerations in sampling as applied to both end users (“clients”) and participants.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the differences between qualitative and quantitative market research in terms of objectives, sample characteristics, types of data provided, analysis methods, outcomes and when to choose each.
  • List some of the types of business decisions that qualitative market research can be used to inform.
  • Give examples of misapplications of qualitative market research and explain why it should not be used in these ways.
  • Identify the different forms of qualitative market research, including direct versus indirect (observational) techniques, and IDIs versus dyads versus focus groups; understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of each; and understand when each should be used.
  • Discuss the use of technology in qualitative market research, including the opportunities offered by mobile technologies.
  • List the steps involved in planning and conducting qualitative market research, including the determination of an appropriate qualitative method, selecting qualitative research partners, developing the tools required to execute the research, and understanding the differences between domestic and international projects.
  • Describe how a Moderator’s guide is different than a questionnaire. Discuss the best practices associated with building a successful Moderator’s guide and observational report.
  • Identify how to design a screener used to recruit participants.
  • Discuss how to manage client participation in qualitative settings and how to set expectations in the interpretation of results.
  • Describe how to design a UX (user experience) study.
  • Discuss the fundamental and applied methods of analyzing and summarizing qualitative data.
  • Give examples of ethical issues specifically related to the conduct and interpretation of qualitative market research.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the different quantitative survey methods available to market researchers including online, mobile, telephone, in-person, and mail.
  • Discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by the widespread use of mobile devices.
  • Select appropriate quantitative methodologies based on the specific project needs.
  • Describe techniques for improving survey response rates.
  • Explain and classify the different observational methods used by market researchers including in-person observation and passive data collection.
  • Describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of observational methods and compare them to survey methods.
  • List the key milestones that are required to complete quantitative studies.
  • Discuss the key considerations involved in implementing surveys and observational methods when doing global Market Research.
  • Explain the multiple steps in designing a questionnaire and the guidelines that should be followed at each step.
  • Explain how the choice of data collection method and whether using an interviewer or self-administered format influences questionnaire design.
  • Describe potential sources of bias in developing a questionnaire and how to minimize them.
  • Describe the methods questionnaire writers use to engage participants, encourage response, and make the survey-taking experience more enjoyable.
  • Describe the key issues to consider when designing questionnaires for mobile devices.
  • Identify the best practices for designing observational forms of data collection.
  • Discuss the primary scales of measurement and differentiate among nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. Be able to select the most appropriate scale(s) based on analytic requirements.
  • Classify scaling techniques as comparative and noncomparative, and describe the comparative techniques of paired comparison, rank order, and constant sum.
  • Describe the noncomparative scaling techniques distinguishing between continuous rating scales and itemized rating scales. Identify two commonly used itemized scales: Likert and semantic differential.
  • Discuss the criteria used for scale evaluation, and how to assess reliability and validity.
  • Discuss the use of software for designing questionnaires.
  • Discuss the considerations involved in designing questionnaires and implementing scaling techniques for global research.
  • Explain the ethical issues related to questionnaire design and measurement scales.
  • Describe the process of creating an analysis plan, and give examples of alternative analytic purposes (e.g., explanatory versus confirmatory).
  • Describe the key data sources.
  • Name and define the key data types (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio, etc.).
  • Explain the process of matching analytic techniques to different situations and needs, and give examples.
  • Summarize descriptive and visual approaches used to familiarize oneself with the data and to identify problems with the data.
  • Explain how to assess the impact of missing responses, and select and apply appropriate remedies.
  • State the reasons for and methods of statistically adjusting data; e.g., weighting, variable re-specification, and scale transformation.
  • Assess the characteristics of the distribution of the data and explain the implications of normality, non-normality, skewness, and multimodal data.
  • Illustrate the process for creating and testing hypotheses.
  • Describe the difference between statistical and business significance in the context of group comparisons, and explain the factors that have an impact on statistical significance.
  • Describe the difference between association and causality, and the potential impact on business decisions and outcomes.
  • Identify the major computer programs in current use in market research for the analysis of data.
  • Explain how to turn findings into market research conclusions, link findings to business decisions, and create actionable recommendations.
  • Compare and contrast the different patterns that express the relationship between two variables (e.g., nonlinear, linear, curvilinear, s-shaped, etc.).
  • Distinguish between interpolation and extrapolation.
  • Describe what Factor Analysis is, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe the concept of Segmentation Analysis, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, various techniques on how one may cluster data (e.g., K-Means, RFM, Pareto, etc.) and common segmentation applications in market research.
  • Describe what Perceptual Mapping (including the use of Multidimensional Scaling) is and common applications in market research.
  • Describe the different techniques used to measure association (i.e., Correlation, Simple Regression, and Multiple Regression), what they do, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe Conjoint Analysis and Choice Modeling, what they do, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe more advanced measures of association (e.g., Logistical Regression and Structural Equation Modeling), what they do, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe what Discriminant Analysis is, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, and common applications in market research.
  • Identify the most popular machine learning techniques and describe how researchers can use them to generate insight.
  • Describe what neural network analysis is, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable. Describe common applications in market research.
  • Describe the concept of Marketing Mix Modeling, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, techniques that are used (e.g., multiple regression, Bayesian regression, etc.) and common applications in market research.
  • Describe Time Series Analysis, what it does, what type of input data is generally acceptable, what techniques are used, and common applications in market research.
  • Describe the difference between statistical significance and business significance.
  • Discuss how the integration of technology into our daily lives is creating new opportunities for market researchers.
  • Define secondary data as distinct from primary data.
  • Describe the various types of data sources available to researchers including syndicated data, transaction data, social media data, and Internet of Things data, emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of each.
  • Describe the various components of the “big data” ecosystem, reinforcing that all data sources—primary and secondary—have compromises and the researcher’s responsibility to select the “best available data” given the business issue being studied.
  • Identify some of the typical barriers a researcher encounters in gaining access and using secondary data.
  • Discuss the related concepts of data governance, data curation, and data provenance and their importance in assessing the quality of secondary data.
  • Discuss the value and the challenges that can be realized by linking primary and secondary data, including the role of data brokers.
  • Discuss the ways in which traditional analytic techniques can be applied to secondary data.
  • Describe what is meant by machine learning and its relevance when working with large secondary datasets.
  • Discuss the challenges and emerging solutions that researchers face when dealing with unstructured data—text, photographs, video, etc.
  • Discuss the challenges the researcher faces when using secondary data in a global context.
  • Describe the ethical issues, especially related to privacy and confidentiality, when using secondary data.
  • Describe the role of the market researcher as a consultant and source of market information.
  • Describe the material review and analytic processes required as the foundation of an effective report and presentation with emphasis on data synthesis.
  • Give examples of actionable, business-oriented recommendations and contrast those with examples that are not actionable or business-oriented.
  • Contrast the differences between presenting facts and opinions and how each should be handled in a research presentation.
  • Identify options available for online reporting and the implications for both the researcher and the client.
  • Describe the role and appropriate use of graphics in business presentations, from the typical types of graphs used as well as newer techniques (infographic and visualizations).
  • Describe how to present findings in a manner consistent with the client’s culture.
  • Describe effective presentation techniques for sharing complex statistics with business audiences who are not statistically oriented.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of integrating findings and results from multiple sources into your presentation.
  • Explain the difference between a report and a presentation, describing the level of detail that is typically required for different audiences.
  • Discuss the ethical issues related to the reporting and interpretation of research findings.
  • Describe the framework of internal and external environmental factors — marketing, sociocultural, governmental, legal, economic, structural, and informational — that affect global research, and explain how each may impact steps in the research process.
  • Describe the problems and various approaches involved in the design and management of global research projects, including the coordination of fieldwork.
  • Give examples of secondary data sources — particularly Internet resources — available for global research and factors that should be taken into account when evaluating them.
  • Describe the application (including availability and appropriateness) of different data collection methods (telephone, in-person, online, mobile, mail survey, etc.) in global research.
  • Describe how sample options available for online and mobile research vary globally.
  • Explain the role qualitative research plays in global research and give examples of differences among countries when using qualitative methods globally.
  • State special challenges of executing experimental (causal) research in a global setting.
  • Identify problems in designing questionnaires with regard to establishing equivalence of scales and measures as related to construct, operational, scalar, and linguistic equivalence when translating (back and parallel) questions into one or more foreign languages.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of key issues relating to global online research projects including translations, incentives, and the specific challenges of languages requiring double-byte characters.
  • Describe the variety of issues that affect interpretation of the results of global research and identify some of the tools to deal with them.
  • Explain the different ethical and legal issues that apply in different parts of the world and how these issues may affect research projects and outcomes.
  • Understand the culture dimensions that affect cross cultural and global research.
  • Describe how advances in technology are changing how people live and work.
  • Review how social media is impacting both marketing and market research.
  • Explain how the shift of power to consumers is radically altering the information that businesses need for their companies to be successful.
  • Describe the new research opportunities and attendant challenges with the use of mobile devices.
  • Summarize how the market researcher's approach to measurement is changing from a focus on attitudes, opinions, and intentions to measuring and understanding behavior.
  • Discuss the increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence, noting their potential advantages and disadvantages.
  • Describe how do-it-yourself (DIY) research tools have created new challenges and opportunities for market researchers.
  • Describe a number of new methodologies, distinguishing between those that already are or are likely to soon be mainstream versus those that are still niche.
  • Describe ways to help clients understand and manage the risks inherent in "hot" new technologies and methods.
  • Give examples of how technology continues to impact sampling.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of surveys as a source of insight.
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of conducting in-person qualitative research versus digital qualitative approaches.
  • Discuss how the explosion of new research methods and data sources is mandating the use of multiple methods and a need for synthesis.
  • Explain how the scope and roles of market research are changing and expanding. Discuss the impact on research professionals from both the client and research agency perspectives.
  • Explain why solid ethical practices are essential to the long-term success of market research and the responsibilities researchers have to the key stakeholders—research participants, clients, the general public, and the research profession.
  • Describe the concept of harm and how it applies to those whose data we collect and/or process.
  • Describe the concept of personal data - sometimes called personally-identifiable data or PII - and its evolution over time.
  • Describe some of the ways which a transition from primary data collection to increased reliance on secondary data is changing our ethical responsibilities to those whose data we analyze.
  • Discuss the universal principles of privacy and data protection as applied in market research in different countries and cultures.
  • Distinguish between ethical requirements and legal requirements.
  • Describe what a privacy impact assessment or PIA involves.
  • List the major industry and professional associations for market research practitioners and organizations worldwide.
  • Explain how the market research industry’s commitment to self-regulation creates a unique set of legal and ethical obligations.
  • Cite major sources of guidance for researchers concerned about their legal and ethical responsibilities.
  • Anyone interested in strengthening their core skills in market research (new and mid-level)
  • Experienced market researchers in search of a quality continuing education resource
  • Marketing and product managers and others who interact with the market research function who want to develop a solid foundation in the discipline.

This course is specifically designed for a broad experience base of market researchers, marketing, and product managers, who desire to strengthen their core industry skills. If you are inexperienced in the field, the course begins with you all the introduction and fundamental definitions you need to structure your knowledge base throughout the course. If you are an experienced market researcher, this course sharpens your fundamentals and catapults you to current methods and techniques so you aren’t falling behind the curve.

  • Enroll at any time.
  • Complete the course's five required graded components within 12 months.
  • For more details on How Does The Principles Of Market Research Course Work , please click on the downloadable file.
  • View How does it work for more course information.

$1,795 - Standard Fee

$1,595 - Association Discount (Members* of: Insights Association; ESOMAR; Canadian Research Insights Council, The Research Society, Intellus Worldwide, QRCA, AMAI, MRII Board of Directors, UGA MMR Advisory Board.)

$50 - Six-Month Extension (only one extension is granted per participant)

*Membership will be verified.

Prepayment is required to be registered. The prices listed are per person (US Funds). Prices are subject to change.

Continuing Education Information

Students successfully completing graded components earn 13.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from The University of Georgia and a Digital Badge . View details about the University of Georgia CEU .

Graduates will also earn a Certificate of Program Completion from Market Research Institute International (MRII), Insights Association, ESOMAR, and the University.

As a graduate of the Principles of Market Research , you will be recognized by industry associations, employers, peer groups, and other professionals as having mastered the core body of knowledge that forms the basis of marketing research. This recognition will help you advance in your company and the industry.

Get certified

When you graduate from our course, you can qualify for certification from three global professional associations: the Canada-based Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals (CAIP); the Australia-based The Research Society (QRP); and, in the healthcare industry, Intellus Worldwide . Your Path to Market Research Certification .-->

Insights Professional Certification Principal logo

There are no required textbooks . Everything you need is built within the course eLearning platform.

Suggested Textbooks (not required)

  • Malhotra, Naresh K., Essentials of Marketing Research: A Hands-On Orientation, Pearson Education: Upper Saddle River, NJ. ISBN-13: 978-­0-13-340182-0 (digital subscription edition)
  • Chakrapani, Chuck, Analytics for Customer Insights: A Non-Technical Introduction. ©2018. ISBN: 978-­0-920219-52-2 (print version recommended) or ISBN 978-­0-920219-52-2 (eBook).

Included in the online course are suggested reading assignments from the above textbooks. These readings are not required and will not be part of the testing for the course. The textbooks suggestions are simply intended to add depth to your understanding of the topic.

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Founding Organizations

University of Georgia

Proud Corporate Sponsors of MRII


Supporting Organizations


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Outside USA: +1‑607‑330‑3200

Market Research and Analysis Cornell Course

Course overview.

Marketing professionals rely on clearly defined goals to determine the course of action when placing a product in the market. Leveraging research to learn more about your target audience is the focus of this course. In it, you will learn how to be an intelligent consumer of information when it comes to market research and analysis so you can become a more effective decision-maker. You will first look at market research, including the purpose and goals of research; how to balance the ideal with reality in doing research; and how to apply the six stages of research to a marketing situation.

You will then examine different ways to analyze the data acquired through market research. Using formulas to determine how cannibalization affects the profitability of new products and the value of a long-term customer, you will perform a basic sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of your results.

You are required to have completed the following course or have equivalent experience before taking this course:

  • Essentials of Marketing Strategy

Key Course Takeaways

  • Define goals for market research and apply various research methods
  • Analyze market research to learn more about the customers and products/services
  • Test results and determine how to apply them to real-life scenarios

market research training program

How It Works

Course author.

Doug Stayman

  • Certificates Authored

Professor Douglas Stayman is an associate professor at the Johnson Graduate School of Management. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of advertising and consumer decision making. He came to Johnson from the University of Texas at Austin. His research has focused on the study of emotional responses to advertising and the role of affect in decision making. His work has involved methodological and measurement issues in studying emotions. He is also interested in theoretical accounts of the effects of emotions on people’s preferences. His research has been supported by grants from the Ogilvy Center for Research and Development, the Marketing Science Institute, and the American Academy of Advertising. He is currently involved in research into the future of professional, most specifically management, education.

  • Market Research
  • Digital Marketing 360
  • Product Marketing

Who Should Enroll

  • Current and aspiring product managers
  • Business executives
  • Consultants
  • Entrepreneurs

Stack To A Certificate

  • Management 360
  • Integrated Marketing 360

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InsightHub on the Blog

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  • Building a Research Technology Stack for Better Insights
  • The Importance of Delegation in Managing Insight Activities
  • Common Insight Platform Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them)
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  • How to Speed Up Fieldwork Without Compromising Quality
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  • Developing a Question Oriented, Not Answer Oriented Culture
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10 Valuable Market Research Training Courses You Can Take Today

Lucia hoffart, 5 design principles to enhance your market researc....

Design is something we all use, whether consciously or unconsciously in the insights industry. Desig...

Sophie Grieve-Williams

  • Insights Empowerment (29)
  • Practical Application (168)
  • Research Methods (283)
  • Strategic Thinking (191)
  • Survey Templates (7)
  • Tech & Trends (386)

It’s a world of life-long learning these days. Whether we realise it or not, we are constantly advancing, evolving and changing direction throughout our working lives. Some of these directional changes come with the natural flow of our careers or the way in which the business we occupy develops. Yet, for the other, much bigger part, we can take control into our own hands, grab the helm and steer with or into the wind for the best training and education to support our progression as both an insight professional and a person.

Professional development tools and market research training courses can be found manifold. Some are free online courses, for others you pay and have to attend in person – either way, let’s look at some of the recommended providers and 10 of their most valuable upcoming provisions.

Market Research Society, UK

The Market Research Society (MRS) is a world leading research association “dedicated to the support, promotion and enrichment of the research and business world”. Their courses range from introductory, over business skills, intermediate and advanced levels to specialisms. Most take you way beyond the traditional “Introduction to Market Research” that can often be found elsewhere.

If you are looking to up your market research game why not look at the two-day long: Unlock the Story - Commercial Storytelling for Researchers? Ideal if you want to develop your (internal or external) client consulting skills. Alternatively, get up to speed with visual story-telling for insight presentation, a must in today’s data cluttered world by hopping on a 1-day workshop: Infographics and Data Visualisation. This one has more of a playful learn-by-doing approach with some proper hands-on training allowing you to explore the tech with expert supervision. Both courses require in-person attendance at the MRS headquarters in London.

1. Commercial Storytelling for Researchers

Dates Wednesday, 13 June 2018 (Day 1 of 2) Tuesday, 20 June 2018 (Day 2 of 2)

Pricing Members - £645.00 + VAT Non-members - £945.00 + VAT Company Partner (non-ticket price) - £645.00 + VAT

2. Infographics and Data Visualisation

Date Friday, 24 November 2017

Pricing Members - £325.00 + VAT Non-members - £475.00 + VAT Company Partner (non-ticket price) - £325.00 + VAT

For more MRS training courses:  MRS Event Calendar

ESOMAR, Global

ESOMAR’s webinars go a long way and I would advise you to check them out but what caught my eye more recently was one of their new academic courses: The Principles of Mobile Market Research. Even as an experienced researcher, there’s always something new to learn, and with the challenges surrounding mobile (international) research, unbiased and secure data collection in particular, understanding current mobile market research best practice is certainly at the top of the learning list.

The course is a “new self-paced, PRC-approved, online short course from the University of Georgia and Marketing Research Institute International [which] adds to your skillset by teaching you what you need to know about the mobile market research phenomenon”.

3. Principles of Mobile Market Research

Date Enroll online at any time

Pricing Members - $459 Non-members - $499

For more ESOMAR training courses:  ESOMAR Global Training Calendar


For the number-loving data analysts and researchers, UDACITY offers an online: Data Analysis with Python and SQL (Term 1), and: Advanced Data Analysis (Term 2) (nanodegree) program. You’ll be advancing your programming skills and getting to grips with complex datasets – with it all ending in your preparing data for analysis and creating meaningful visualisations. For Term 1 (3 months) there’s no coding experience needed, so you can dip straight in.

You can then tag Term 2 (also 3 months) on for the advanced data analysis element or start at this level if you already have Python and SQL experience. The program goes beyond the theory to practical statistic application - learn how to apply inferential statistics and probability to real-world scenarios. Ah, and there we are… back at the story-telling angle of things!

4. and 5. Data Analysis with Python and SQL (Term 1). Advanced Data Analysis (Term 2)

Date Online term style intake

Pricing Data Analysis with Python and SQL (Term 1) - £399 Advanced Data Analysis (Term 2) - £579

For more UDACITY training courses:  UDACITY Course and Nanodegree Calendar

BVM, Germany

For the German-speakers among us (myself included) BVM has some very interesting offerings. My current favourites, the 2-day: Customer Focus - Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and the 1-day: Introduction and Realisation of Behavioural Economics @ Market Research courses, both taking place in Berlin.

As insight professionals, we are all involved in customer research in some way – it’s key to business success after all. Both BVM courses have been specifically designed to take your customer research design and outcome interpretation skills to the next level, to challenge traditional market research techniques and inspire new approaches.

6. Viewpoint Customer: Service Quality. Customer Satisfaction. Customer Loyalty

Date Wednesday, 29 November 2017 - Thursday, 30 November 2017 

Pricing Members - 1280 EUR Non-members - 1600 EUR

7. Introduction and Realisation of Behavioural Economics @ Market Research

Date Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Pricing Members - 790 EUR Non-members - 990 EUR

For more BVM training courses:  BVM Event Calendar

GreenBook, Global

If you’d rather stay in the English-speaking realms, have a look at the upcoming webinar on Non-Conscious Behaviour. Measure it. Understand it. Drive it. Another embarkation into behavioural economics, here you have the chance to learn how behavioural research and design is empowering next generation insights and marketing including real life success stories. If you’d like to identify and activate against four, non-conscious factors driving consumer behaviour, then mark 12 October 2PM ET in your calendar for this webinar. (If you miss the live stream, a recording will be available.)

8. Non-Conscious Behaviour. Measure it. Understand it. Drive it.

Date Thursday, 12 October 2017 (or watch the recording at a later date)

Pricing Free

For more Greenbook training courses:  GreenBook Webinar Calendar (and past recordings)

ERA (Academy of European Law), EU

ERA provides useful resources, e-presentations, courses and tools around all things legal. Of particular interest to market researchers: Data Protection Impact Assessment: Best Practices. After all, we work with data on a daily basis and need to stay on top of the latest developments. Dip into this free e-presentation to get up to speed from the comfort of your own desk in your own time.

9. Data Protection Impact Assessment: Best Practices

Date Watch online at any time

FlexMR, Global

Our entire content ethos here at FlexMR is that of education and inspiration. Whether it’s via our blog or our resource centre our insight experts are passionate about sharing their market research expertise, both generic and specialist. If any of the training courses above did catch your eye but you are unable to attend, here are a selection of related FlexMR blogs and free whitepapers for perusal at your leisure.

10. FlexMR  Blogs  and  Resources

Date Read online at any time

In Conclusion

Whether it is a free webinar, an online course, an in-person training session or a full academic program – there’s a wealth of educational resource out there, with a fitting offer for everybody. And if all else fails, don’t forget that your colleagues are wandering information sources, too. We all have our passions and unique skill sets; just get chatting the next time you meet at the water cooler!

About FlexMR

We are The Insights Empowerment Company. We help research, product and marketing teams drive informed decisions with efficient, scalable & impactful insight.

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Lucia leads our European expansion by fostering strategic relationships with international agencies and corporate researchers.

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Home — Training courses

Training courses


1-30 of 57 courses

Introduction to Market Research

Virtual training course

Deepen your knowledge of the principles, practices and processes of market research.

Apr 17 2024

Wednesday 09:30–16:30

Running a successful research project

Get the most from your project by making good research and project management decisions at every stage.

Apr 18 2024

Thursday 09:30–16:00

Creating a Culture of Insightment

How to create a collective and individual culture that is ready to identify and transmit actionable insights.

Apr 22 2024

Monday 09:30–16:30

Desk Research 2.0

Maximising the effectiveness of your desk research

Apr 23 2024

Tuesday 09:15–17:00

Revisit, reuse and repurpose insight

This training will teach you how to curate, synthesise and structure existing data sets to overcome complexity and answer new questions quickly and effectively

Apr 24 2024

Wednesday 09:30–12:30

Semiotics - Made Practical

Learn the ins and outs of semiotics in the research process and how to apply them.

Apr 25 2024

Thursday 10:00–16:00

Advancing your Moderating Skills

Boost your existing moderating skills with practical tips, individual feedback and group coaching.

Apr 30 2024

Tuesday 09:00–17:00

May 02 2024

Thursday 13:00–17:00

Project Management Masterclass

Learn the fundamental skills and processes of effective project management

May 01 2024

Wednesday 09:30–17:30

Behavioural science in quantitative research

Learn how to apply behavioural science in quantitative market research

Thursday 09:30–16:30

Mastering Data Quality in Online Research

Learn to improve data quality in online surveys for more accurate and reliable research results.

May 07 2024

Narrative by Numbers

Stories are how human beings make sense of the world. They are what we’re persuaded by, particularly when they’re rooted in genuine evidence.

May 08 2024

Wednesday 09:30–16:00

Advanced Semiotics Masterclass

Understand how to use deep cultural insight to unlock powerful strategic solutions

May 09 2024

Thursday 09:00–17:00

Introduction to Moderating

If you are at the start of your moderating career and want to maximise your potential as a moderator by building confidence and individual strengths

May 10 2024

Friday 09:15–17:00

Essentials of Quantitative Research

Data collection, sampling, analysis, presentation.

May 14 2024

Tuesday 09:00–15:30

May 15 2024

Wednesday 09:00–15:30

May 16 2024

Thursday 09:00–15:00

Infographics and Insight Visualisation

Understand visual storytelling and create tailor-made data infographics

May 21 2024

Tuesday 09:30–16:30

Presentation Delivery Skills

Increase your confidence in delivering high-quality client presentations.

May 22 2024

Asking Smarter Questions

Asking Smarter Questions is a new training course from award-winning author and trainer Sam Knowles, which champions the art of curiosity, setting out the six Universal Principles that make every question count.

May 23 2024

Text analytics for MR: The AI, the human and their collaboration

Learn which text analytics methods are available today and when & how (not) to use them

Thursday 09:30–12:30

Facilitating Action From Insight

Build traction to ensure insight lives on within stakeholder teams.

Jun 03 2024

Monday 13:30–15:30

Jun 10 2024

Finding the Story in the Data

Take information and find key messages through taught material and 'hands on' learning.

Jun 04 2024

Tuesday 09:30–16:45

One Day MBA

Journey to the heart of successful business administration with management tools that deliver immediate value

Jun 05 2024

The Graphic Design Skills you have to have

We are all graphic designers. Most days we are creating presentations, documents, videos etc as part of our jobs, but to create clear and visually compelling outcomes we need to understand design, to think in the way a graphic designer would.

Jun 06 2024

An Introduction to Brand Research

Brands have become vital corporate assets, representing over 40% of the total value of the world's largest companies. Measuring, managing and maximising brand equity are therefore core competencies for almost any organisation, yet the quality of understanding in this area remains sketchy.

Monday 09:30–13:30

Essentials of Qualitative Research

Briefing, design, fieldwork, analysis and presentation.

Jun 11 2024

Tuesday 09:30–17:00

Jun 12 2024

Wednesday 09:30–17:00

Jun 13 2024

Thursday 09:30–17:00

Questionnaire Fundamentals

This course will give anyone new to questionnaire design a solid framework of understanding of the key principles and common challenges. It will build confidence and practice in spotting weaknesses so the main pitfalls are avoided.

Jun 17 2024

Monday 09:30–16:45

Facilitation Skills

Balancing purpose, task, big picture, detail and more

Jun 18 2024

Tuesday 09:30–17:30

Data Science Analytics

An interdisciplinary field dedicated to leveraging a variety of data for driving competitive advantage and sustainable success.

Jun 19 2024

Advanced Thinking in Qualitative Research Masterclass

A masterclass of cutting-edge tools for agency and client-side qualitative researchers

Jun 20 2024

Thursday 08:45–15:45

How to review and refresh your survey

Is your survey (still) working hard enough for you?

Jun 24 2024

Monday 09:30–16:00

Behavioural design

Learn how to design behavioural interventions to change behaviour at pace.

Jun 25 2024

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6 Best + Free Market Research Courses [2024 April][UPDATED]

25 Experts have compiled this list of Best Market Research Course, Tutorial, Training, Class, and Certification available online for 2023. It includes both paid and free resources to help you learn Market Research and these courses are suitable for beginners, intermediate learners as well as experts.

6 Best + Free Market Research Courses, Certification & Training [2024 April][UPDATED]

Free course trial – market research certification by uc davis (coursera).

If you have no prior experience in this area and want to jump-start a career in this field then this is the specialization for you. In the classes you will learn to initiate a research project for targeted business needs, conduct research through multiple modes and datasets, manage suppliers performing specialized tests and deliver recommendations from them. By the end of the program, you will create and scope a research proposal, conduct desk research, design and test a focus group guide, interpret focus group results and more.


– Compose a professionally planned package or proposal.

– Design an effective questionnaire and launch your survey to the target audience.

– Analyze survey results, perform basic calculations, synthesize findings and develop and deliver insights.

– Plenty of assignments to practice the concepts covered in the lectures.

– The deadlines can be set in accordance with your schedule.

Duration: 5 months, 3 hours per week

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here  

Review : I have learnt so much through this course and would apply my learning to my job. Thanks for an excellent course. – Melvin Goh

Free Course Trial – Market Research and Consumer Behaviour by ie Business School (Coursera)

In this course, you will build a strong foundation in the basics of this field for creating an overall successful marketing strategy. The lectures are divided into two part namely market research and consumer behavior. With glowing reviews and stellar ratings, this program is a crowd favorite.

– The introductory videos provide an overview of the course and cover the necessary jargon.

– Understand the fundamentals of consumer behavior and use the relevant tools to gain more insight.

– Each topic is covered in an elaborate manner with regular quizzes.

– Understand the consumer decision-making process.

– Gain a deeper understanding of your consumers and discuss the promises and pitfalls of digital data.

– Complete the graded assignments to earn the completion certification.

Duration: 4 weeks of study, 1 to 2 hours per week                          

Rating: 4.2 out of 5

Review : I have learnt so much on the fundamentals of Consumer Behaviour and Market Research. Thank you to Professor Sameek Sinha for the guidance and excellent delivery of the module lesson. -MG

Related: Role of CMO in Startups

Top Market Research Courses (Includes Free Courses) (Udemy)

With over 40 courses and training, it is safe to say that this platform has something for everyone looking forward to enhancing their knowledge in this field. The tutorials and programs are mainly divided into three levels of difficulty – beginner, intermediate and advanced. Use the filters available on the website to choose the training that matches your requirements. Some of the bestsellers are secret exposed: find the most profitable niches of 2019, marketing analytics, strategies, and analysis.

– The well-designed curriculum is divided into appropriate sections which help to cover the lessons easily.

– Gain advise and best practices from the experience of the instructors.

– There are ample amount of exercises to practice the concepts covered in the lessons.

– Lectures + Downloadable resources + Articles + Full Lifetime Access

– The study materials, videos can be accessed on the platform for a nominal fee.

Duration: Self-paced

Market Research (University of Georgia)

This renowned university offers a series of highly acclaimed online certificate programs that cover the market research process from beginning to end. Principles of market research talk about the core skills required to conduct research in various sectors. Divided into different modules the programs are eligible for credit. Take the free online diagnostic quiz to test your current knowledge before gettings started with the classes.

– Apply the tool and processes to solve real-life challenges.

– The platform offers multiple student support mechanisms such as coach mentors, progress self-monitoring tools and self-assessments.

– Understand the competitive trends, how to use the data optimally.

– A wide variety of examples and demonstrations helps you to get a clearer view of the topics.

Rating: 4.3 out of 5

Related: Will Marketing Jobs be Automated?

Marketing Research and Analysis (Cornell University)

Course has been discontinued

In this comprehensive program, you will learn how to be an intelligent consumer of information when it comes to marketing analytics and research so as to make more effective decisions. First, you will take a look into the purpose and goals of research, balance the ideal with reality and apply the six stages in a marketing situation. After which, you will examine different ways to analyze the acquired data and use the formulas to determine how cannibalization affects the profitability of new products and the value of a long term customer and finally perform a basic sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of your results.

– Define goals for marketing research and apply various methods.

– The complete set of lessons is broken into appropriate sections which makes it easy for the students to follow.

– Learn more about customers, products, and services.

– Test results and determine how to apply them to real-life scenarios.

Duration: 2 weeks, 3 to 5 hours per week

Rating: 4.4 out of 5

Related: Can You Move From Finance to Marketing?

Market Research Courses Online (Experfy)

These courses are designed to help you understand that with the exponentially growing data, how these changes affect the market research within companies. It also talks about how current market researchers can apply their skills to new data sources and adapt according to new requirements. By the end of the classes, you will be able to capitalize on your present skills and work with large datasets.

Highlights –

– Discover methods and best practices to identify potential segments for improvement.

– Explore the different types of data available and the techniques to utilize data .

– All the topics are explained thoroughly and with proper examples.

– Attempt the exercises to measure your grasp on the topics covered.

Duration: Variable

Review : Great course for market research practitioners who want to understand how big data is shaping the market research professions. This training is all about data-driven market research. Mary Ellen Gordon is a top-notch instructor and I enjoyed the course. The two modules covering new opportunities and new skills for market researchers are golden. I, however, do think that the course should have a follow-up course with more advanced topics. -Linda J

So these were the 6 Best Market Research Tutorial, Class, Course, Training & Certification available online for 2023. Hope you found what you were looking for. Wish you a Happy Learning!

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Home / Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs / Online Bachelor of Science in Marketing Degree / Marketing Careers for Bachelor’s in Marketing Graduates / How to Become a Market Research Analyst: Steps and Skills

How to Become a Market Research Analyst How to Become a Market Research Analyst How to Become a Market Research Analyst

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An increasing number of companies across varied industries rely on market research and statistical data to make informed decisions and carry out effective plans. This has made the market research analyst role indispensable in many organizations.

Students who are interested in entering the profession should know that educational investment is crucial. In addition to  earning the right degree  to become a market research analyst, they also need to develop the right set of skills and gain sufficient working experience.

Market researchers meeting.

What Does a Market Research Analyst Do?

Market research analysts help companies understand target markets. They do this through in-depth studies of market trends, market conditions, consumer buying behaviors, and other related metrics. Having a comprehensive understanding of these areas allows companies to devise the right products and identify which consumers are likely to purchase those products at certain prices. Market research analysts may accomplish this through questionnaires, interviews, and market analysis, among other strategies. These professionals are also skilled in researching and analyzing competitors.

Market Research Analyst Degree Path

Market research analysts are vital to helping a business target the right consumers and optimize growth strategies. Earning a degree in marketing, business analytics, or a related field can help individuals on their path toward becoming a market research analyst. Gaining professional experience and honing the skills that are considered fundamental for the role are also important.

Collectively, these steps can equip individuals with a foundation in the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in the career. Just as importantly, they can help individuals understand how best to apply what they’ve learned to an individual company’s goals.

Market Research Analyst Education Requirements

Typically, the market research analyst role requires a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. There are a number of relevant undergraduate degrees, with the most useful offering a deeper understanding of core concepts related to market research analysis, including consumer behavior, target audience identification, and strategic planning.

Those who are interested in an advanced career in market research analysis should consider pursuing a master’s degree. This isn’t a requirement to enter the field, but some employers may prefer candidates with an advanced degree, especially for senior and managerial roles.

How to Become a Market Research Analyst

There are essential steps to becoming a market research analyst, including obtaining the right bachelor’s degree and considering a  master’s degree  for possible higher-level positions. Market research analysts also need several years of work experience to become certified as professional market researchers.

Step 1: Earn a Bachelor’s Degree

Students can begin their paths by earning a bachelor’s in fields such as  marketing ,  business administration , or  psychology . Each of these degrees, in different ways, provides valuable insights, enabling future market research analysts to assess consumer buying behaviors and preferences.

Specifically, a degree in marketing is valuable, since the coursework incorporates business theories and policies, marketing, and the study of consumer behaviors. A bachelor’s in business administration provides a foundation in financial accounting, economics, business law, and statistics. A degree in psychology, on the other hand, allows students to study human nature and behaviors from perspectives that incorporate fundamental concepts such as cognition, multiculturalism, critical thinking, and development through the lifespan.

Step 2: Build On-the-Job Experience

Advancing to the role of market research analyst usually requires at least a few years of industry experience, working in a role such as marketing assistant or account representative. This background helps gain access to greater job opportunities — such as becoming a market research analyst — as well as assists in qualifying for particular certifications. Market research analysts usually work full time, although certain job demands, such as time-sensitive marketing campaigns, may require them to work additional hours.

Step 3: Earn a Master’s Degree (Optional)

To qualify for higher-level positions, market research analysts should consider pursuing a master’s degree. There are degrees that focus specifically on market research analysis related fields, such as marketing, market research, or data analytics; however, professionals may also choose to earn a  Master of Business Administration (MBA) .

In addition to opening greater career opportunities, a master’s degree can also serve as a valuable tool in obtaining the Insights Professional Certification, or IPC. This designation is administered by the Insights Association. To qualify, applicants need to take and pass a test and possess at least three years of work experience. Certified researchers who plan to renew their credentials, which is required every two years, must complete 20 hours of continuing education.

What Skills Does a Market Research Analyst Need?

In addition to building job experience and obtaining the right education, market research analysts need specific soft skills to succeed in the field.

The ability to analyze huge amounts of data is a must, considering that research and information analysis are at the heart of the job. In terms of choosing the right marketing strategies for any given company, critical-thinking abilities also come into play.

Finally, market research analysts need exceptional communication skills. Those interested in becoming market research analysts need to develop oral and written communication skills, as the role typically involves frequent presentations and interactions with clients, team members, consumer audiences, and other stakeholders.

Market Research Analyst Salaries and Job Outlook

According to the BLS, the median salary for a market research analyst in 2020 was $65,810. Several factors contribute to precise salary levels, such as overall professional experience and the position’s location.

In addition, the BLS projects 18% growth for this job between 2019 and 2029. This rate is significantly higher than the 4% average employment growth for all other occupations over the same 10-year period. By 2029, the BLS estimates that as many as 130,300 additional market research analyst jobs will be created.

Several factors contribute to this impressive growth in market research analyst jobs. Companies are relying to a greater degree on data and research to effectively target consumers. The ability to reach the right customers, due to more effective marketing and advertising strategies, leads to an increase in business profits.

The BLS further reports that job applicants with strong backgrounds in statistics and data analysis, as well as those with a master’s degree in marketing or business administration, are likely to have better employment opportunities.

Start Your Journey to Becoming a Market Research Analyst Today

If you have a passion for understanding marketing research, statistical data, and human psychology, a career as a market research analyst might be an excellent choice.

There is no better time than now to invest in your future. Earning a degree in a field such as marketing, statistics, analytics, psychology, or business administration can be a step in the right direction to becoming a market research analyst.

Maryville University offers online  bachelor’s  and  master’s  degrees in a range of fields including  marketing ,  psychology , and  business administration . These rigorous academic degree programs are designed to fit into students’ busy lifestyles, which may include family obligations and full-time jobs.

Be brave. Take the first step today toward an exciting career as a market research analyst.

Recommended Reading

Content Marketing vs. Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Trends Marketers Need to Know

Inside the Consumer’s Mind: 10 Marketing Psychology Principles for Growing a Business

Insights Association, Insights Professional Certification

Insights Association, “New Insights Professional Certification (IPC) Announced”

Society for Human Resource Management, Market Research Analyst

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Market Research Analysts

Bring us your ambition and we’ll guide you along a personalized path to a quality education that’s designed to change your life.

Market Research Universe

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  • Market Research Publishing, Reselling & Marketing
  • Freelance Market Researcher Hiring Solution
  • Academic Research Writing & Publishing
  • Award Competition for Market Research and Industry Analysis
  • Market Research Planet

MRU Publishing

  • StartupFish
  • Marketing Correlation
  • GoodReports
  • MRU Publications
  • Market Research Reports
  • Startup Business Plan Reports
  • Consumer Survey Reports
  • Corporate Training Solution
  • Academic Training Solution
  • Market Research Fellow Program
  • Market Research Practical Training Program
  • Market Size Estimation Workshop
  • Married Women Corporate Returnee Program in Market Research
  • Market Research Courses (Domain Specific)
  • Fellow Programme in Consumer Research (FPCR)
  • Entrepreneurship in Market Research and Consulting Programme
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market research training program

His book-'Entrepreneurship in Independent Market Research & Strategic Digital Marketing"  is a fountain of knowledge, packed out with all the information you need to start your independent market research and strategic digital marketing journey.

The book will not only guide you through the market research methodology but also give you the-state-of-the-art strategy in digital marketing, independent market research & entrepreneurship in market research industry.

Training Director / Mentor's Profile: 

About the book.


Mock Interview

Resume building, market research training l market research online training l market research course l market research online course, our book on market research is available now order your copy.


Recognition and Citation of the Book

Mr. Mirdul Amin Sarkar is a Market Researcher, Book Author,  Professional Trainer/Mentor, Digital Marketing Consultant, and entrepreneur.


He is doing his PhD in Strategy area. By education he is a MDP from IIT Delhi, PGDC from CBIP, MBA from UPES, B.Tech from JNTU. 

To know more about him and to stay updated on the latest things in Market Research Industry, connect with @Mirdul Amin Sarkar on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

•How COVID-19 pandemic will act as a catalyst for Entrepreneurship in Independent Market Research?

•How the market research industry is going to online on post covid-19 pandemic world?

•How covid-19 is likely to give independent professionalism/ freelancing a major growth spurt?

•What will be the impact of COVID-19 in market research industry?

•What will be the post COVID-19 pandemic trends and future prospects of market research industry?

Career Perspectives: 

•How to become an independent market researcher

•How to do Market Sizing

•Market Research Methodology

•Marketing strategies in MR industry

•Business development strategy in MR industry

•Entrepreneurship in Market Research Industry

It's our pride to inform that the book-'Entrepreneurship in Independent Market Research & Strategic Digital Marketing" got cited and enlisted as one of the Text Book at INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING (IARE)  College for the MBA Elective Course: Entrepreneurial Finance and Marketing.

Curriculum: Market Research Practical Training Programme

Market research academy (mra) believes in learning by practically doing so, students are given live projects related to each module in the syllabus., apply for the program.

Any Query! Why not let us help?

Speak to us for Batches, Fee & Curriculum. 


Students & Jobseekers

Get a job in an organization or start your career as a fresher.

Interview Communication

Practical sessions.

Know your market size, market segmentations, competitors product strategy and customer base before you start your own firm  

Market Research Academy (MRA) offers its students the best practical and live project oriented market research programs with 100% placement assistance. We have collaborations with top leading market research companies. After the completion of their market research courses, students are given unlimited placement calls and walk-ins in these client companies.

Who Can Enroll In Our Market Research Practical Training Programme (MRPTP)?

Business owners & entrepreneurs, professionals in other job roles.

Enhance you market research skills/ get a job in market research and consulting industry.

100% Placement Assistance

Apply for a free live demo session.

Market Research Academy (MRA) Offers India’s First Practical and Live Project Oriented Market Research Online Training Programme with 100% Placement Assistance and Corporate Reference Letter. 

Online Training

Online workshop, video content, live project work, marketing research i consumer research, desk research i online research, competitive analysis.

  • Company Profiling

Report Writing I Data Presentation

Tools you will learn, data analytics tools:, excel, spss, nvivo, data visualization tools: tableau, power bi, review generating session, testimonials, market size estimation, research designing,,  research proposal making, research methodology:, secondary research, primary research, market segmentation i sampling i questionnaire designing i survey research, skills you will learn.

Module 1: Introduction to Market(ing) Research, Why Market Research

Module 2:   Market Segmentation Making / Research Scope 

Module 3:  Market Research Design / Marketing Research Designing

Module 4: Research Methodology: Secondary Research, Primary Research ( Questionnaire Designing, CATI, CAWI, Focus Group Discussion, In-depth Interview,etc. ), Quantitative Research ( Data Analytics through SPSS Tool ), Qualitative Research ( Focus Group Discussion, In-depth Interview, etc. )

Module 5: Desk Research/ Online Research and methodology 

Module 6: Competitive Analysis, Company Profiling 

Module 7: Market Sizing & Forecasting 

Module 8: Consumer Research, Survey Research

Module 9: Report Writing, Report Description Writing, Report Sample, Research Proposal Making

Module 10: Industry Insights Writing, Industy Value Chain Analysis 

Module 11 :  Familiarization with Market(ing) Research Industry and Departmental Operation

Module 12 : Career Scope in Market Research Industry and Job Preparation/ Mock Interviews/ Resume Building, etc. 

As Featured in

Our alumni in top companies, sections (a, b, c, d, e) covered in the program.

Online marketing for beginners: 10 paid and free courses to start with

Smiling young African female influencer doing a vlog post at home

In today’s digital marketplace, personalization is king. Hubspot’s The State of Marketing 2024 report underscores this, revealing that 75% of marketers credit personalized experiences with boosting sales and customer loyalty. This strategic focus is reshaping companies’ online narratives, directly influencing a return on investment (ROI) and growth trajectories.

The digital realm demands a deep understanding of consumer behavior, market trends, and keeping up with technological trends and advancements. For those carving out a career in digital or online marketing, you’re in an era where science meets creativity. 

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UNC Kenan-Flagler’s top-ranked online MBA

Dr. Jonah Berger, a Wharton School professor at the University of Pennsylvania and bestselling author of books like Magic Words and The Catalyst , views the right digital marketing course as a critical piece in the puzzle of success.

“If you already have your product, a class can teach you how to get it to the right customers,” he asserts. Berger emphasizes the versatility of digital marketing education, noting that it can guide entrepreneurs in everything from product design to startup selection.

He advises prospective students to first identify their needs and desired outcomes before choosing a course. “The more that courses help you address a particular tactical need you have, the better off you’re going to be,” he explains. He encourages focusing on “modern marketing” trends such as customer centricity, highlighting the shift towards prioritizing the customer’s perspective over the product or service.

For Berger, truly successful digital marketing lies in “the marriage of data science and behavioral science.” He stresses the importance of understanding customer decision-making while leveraging data for deeper insights. This approach is paramount in a landscape dominated by search engines, social media, and omni-channel marketing strategies.

For those interested in working in the online marketing industry, taking a course can be an effective way to build a solid foundation. Fortune compiled a list of both free and paid online marketing courses you can take on your home computer to help you add the skill to your digital toolbox. 

5 free online marketing courses

Enrolling in a free course can give you the necessary skills to get started without breaking the bank. These five free online courses teach digital marketing at an introductory level. Each varies on program length but offers generalized coursework. The list is in alphabetical order.

1. CareerFoundry: Digital Marketing Program

This one is for people who don’t have a lot of time but still want to dip their toes in the digital marketing waters. To figure out if digital marketing is right for you, CareerFoundry can send you a free five-day short course to your email inbox. Each lesson takes around 15 minutes, offering barebones instruction to the world of digital marketing and making a career change. It’s worth noting that the content you receive is the beginning lessons of a much more robust, four to seven-month long, $6,900 immersive, should you want to opt for the paid version. 

2. Google: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

This 40-hour course, offered by one of the most popular search engine companies, teaches digital marketing at an entry-level . The 24-module class, accredited by the Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe and The Open University, contains hands-on exercises.

Tutorials include topics like making it easy to find a business on the internet and reaching customers through email and video. After passing each tutorial, the course offers one final assessment, and after taking and passing that, you will receive a sharable award to add to your LinkedIn profile.

3. Meta: Blueprint

Facebook’s parent company, Meta, offers 36 free courses in its Blueprint program . The program aims to give learners fast, self-guided digital marketing walkthroughs and training on sites like Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Topics range from bringing your business online and establishing marketing goals to attracting an audience and making creative Instagram Stories. 

4. Simplilearn: Digital Marketing Strategy

This free course by Simplilearn consists of seven main modules, each containing a self-paced string of video lessons. It aims to provide learners with an introduction to the digital marketing landscape. 

In two hours, you will learn about customer segmentation and persona, plus you’ll learn how to conduct market research and create a marketing calendar. After each chapter, there is a knowledge check, and after completing the class, you will receive a certificate of completion. According to the site, more than 25,000 people have enrolled in this course.

5. Udemy: Marketing on Instagram 

This introductory course from Three Sixty Academy , offered on the Udemy platform, teaches learners the fundamentals of Instagram marketing and how to increase your follower base and maximize ROI. The course consists of nine tutorials over the course of 40 minutes. According to the site, more than 30,000 students have enrolled in this course. 

5 paid online marketing courses

Taking paid courses can be an effective way to learn marketing concepts and practical applications. By paying for a course, you can access comprehensive content and detailed explanations in a structured learning environment. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and improve your skills. Courses are listed in alphabetical order.

1. Coursera: Introduction to Digital Marketing

Coursera has a beginner-level course that lasts for around nine hours and is taught by Steve Fritzenkotter, a continuing education instructor from the University of California, Irvine. The course covers everything from search engine marketing and two-way communication with customers to storytelling and reputation management. 

According to the site, it’s free to start, but after a seven-day trial period, you’ll be required to pay $49 monthly. The subscription gives you access to all of the lectures, assignments, knowledge checks, discussion forums, and even a certification of completion. Lastly, the course has more than 10,500 enrollees. 

2. eCornell: Assessing Opportunities in Paid Digital Media

eCornell’s online paid media course covers the basics of search engine marketing, email marketing, and video marketing through a paid lens. The course tackles topics like social media and mobile ads and will guide you through the process of drafting a paid media marketing plan. 

This two-week, fully online, instructor-led course is targeted towards marketing managers who want to understand the role digital marketing plays in an organization. The course is priced at $1,199 and is part of eCornell’s Digital Marketing program, which is priced at $3,699 and includes four courses. After completing the entire program, you will have earned a certificate.

3. Harvard Business School: Digital Marketing Strategy

Harvard Business School Online’s digital marketing course is seven weeks long, self-paced, and contains six modules. The key concepts taught are the evolution of marketing, different approaches to budget allocation, and customer engagement techniques like storytelling and personalization. 

The featured exercises include building a practice budget, calculating a customer’s lifetime value, and advising a real-life company on its marketing plan. The course costs $1,750, and the application is free, but you must be at least 18 years old to apply. 

4. LinkedIn Learning: Advance as a Digital Marketing Specialist

LinkedIn Learning’s digital marketing career path is a comprehensive program with nine courses. Each one is more than ten hours long and is designed to teach learners how to create effective customer touchpoints, develop content strategies, and gain expertise in SEO and analytics. Upon completing the program, students receive a certificate that can be added to their LinkedIn profile.

The lectures are delivered by industry experts Brad Batesole, who teaches part-time at California State University Northridge, and Marta Dapena-Baron, a former marketing lecturer at the University of Michigan and Cornell University.

To access this course path, users must subscribe to the service. The subscription costs $379.88 per seat per year, with a two-seat minimum requirement for teams.

5. Udemy: The Complete Digital Marketing Course—12 Courses in 1 

This $199.99 course offered by Udemy teaches students how to master digital marketing strategy and the fundamentals of social media, SEO, YouTube, email, X (formerly Twitter), Quora, and Facebook marketing. Taught in 17 languages over 22.5 hours of videos and articles, it also teaches you copywriting, making a website, and performing market research. 

According to the site, the course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, and it caters to three target audiences: individuals who wish to enhance their skills for job opportunities, website owners looking to boost their traffic and sales, and pre-launch business owners who are unsure where to begin.

Things to consider before enrolling in an online marketing course

If there’s one takeaway from this article, it’s that there are a lot of options in terms of the kinds of courses you can take. An overwhelming number of options can lead to analysis paralysis, so it’s important to remember that while some courses might sound great, they might not give you the exact results you’re looking for. 

Before spending your hard-earned cash or wasting your time with any marketing course, consider these factors:

  • Hands-on practice : According to a report by the U.S. Department of Education ,  the term “hands-on approach” refers to guided instruction through experience. “It’s one thing to hear somebody say something. It can be quite another to make sure you can apply that thing,” Berger says. “It’s important to learn from others, but you need to make sure you can apply those learnings as well.” 
  • Reviews : Berger says that word of mouth is another powerful tool in determining what you should spend your money and time on. “When I am making a tough decision, I turn to others—either looking at reviews online or talking with people offline—to understand what other people think and help make better decisions.” Sites like Udemy and Simplilearn provide ratings on the front pages of courses. 

So, what is the best online marketing course to take?

The best online marketing course is the one that best suits your needs. While you can scroll through thousands of TikTok and YouTube videos to pick up key information, a structured course can give you the backbone you need to improve your digital marketing skills. 

Whether you want to learn for free or for money, there’s an option for everyone. But if you’re still on the fence about taking an online marketing course, hear Berger’s advice: 

“Marketing touches almost everything we do—we all have a customer. Brand managers sell products, B2B companies sell services, leaders sell ideas, doctors convince patients to take medicine, lawyers try to convince their clients to take action, and employees try to convince their bosses.”

He explains that whether we interface with our customers, spouses, or children, we aim to understand them and meet them where they are. “It’s about understanding who you’re interacting with and delivering them value.” If that sounds interesting to you, then digital marketing could be a good career path. 

Fortune outlined the path you need to take to become a digital marketer , and we also compiled a list of 16 entrepreneurial classes you can take online now .

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Harvard Business Analytics Program

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  • Explore sell to government
  • Ways you can sell to government
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  • Conduct market research
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  • Federal management regulations
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Market Research as a Service

A value-added service at no additional cost.

GSA's Market Research as a service is just a click away.

MRAS delivers meaningful market data to federal, state, and local agencies. Through FAR Part 10 compliant requests for information, sources sought, industry days, and advanced product research, MRAS collects data to help customers understand where their need fits within the GSA government-wide marketplace.

Watch a video to learn more about Market Research As a Service .

Explore our offerings

MRAS provides automated RFIs and Sources Sought for services and advanced GSA Advantage product searches.

  • Request for Information (RFI) with Market Research Report  — Request an RFI to understand GSA contracts and industry capabilities with a market report.
  • Product Research Request  — Search up to 20,000 products on GSA Advantage and receive a market report.
  • MRAS Report Archives - COMING SOON! Search thousands of previous market research reports to research your requirement (OMB Max Login required).

Request for information with market research report

Develop customized RFIs that strategically target GSA contract holders on GSA eBuy, resulting in a robust market research analysis report showing all responses received, in as little as 1-2 weeks, depending on the requirement. Within 24 hours of receiving your request, we work directly with agency POCs to review a draft RFI developed from information provided, and work side-by-side with customers to further refine the RFI until it is ready to be posted on GSA eBuy.

After the RFI closes, a Market Research Report is designed specifically to see how the GSA market can meet technical requirements and mission needs provided. Market Research Reports are designed to facilitate completing Small Business Office review forms, developing Acquisition Plans, and assisting in formulating an overall acquisition strategy.

Begin your RFI or product market research request .

Workflow - Understand the Requirements, Organize the Research Questions, Develop RFI, Engage Industry, and Deliver Report

What to expect in the MRAS process

  • Customer submits a request for an RFI.
  • Collaborate with us and develop RFI.
  • Customer approves and engages industry.
  • RFI closes and you get a market report.
  • Consult with us.

The total estimated time is one day to two weeks, depending on the requirement.

MRAS provides each customer with a unique, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand report. The report analyzes industry partner data related to the customers' needs, which gives an understanding of the results expected under the markets researched. The Market Research Report includes socio-economic, technical, capabilities, and comprehensive business information so agencies can complete their Acquisition Planning and Small Business strategies and requirements and estimate documents.

Training and events

Mras customer training on effective market research (for federal, military, state, and local).

Attention all public sector employees in the contracting and acquisition career field! In GSA's Market Research As a Service Customer Training: Effective Market Research (Fed/Military), you'll learn the importance of market research, how and when to conduct it, and how to get the best results by making your data collection methods more efficient.

You'll also delve into the regulatory nature of FAR Part 10 and how it ties into other decisions such as acquisition planning, small business set-asides, commercial items, and contract type selection.

This course includes real-life scenarios, expert instructors, and tools from GSA's market research as a service. Take this opportunity to enhance your market research skills and advance your career. This is a one-CLP credit course.

Register Today

MRAS industry training

As an industry partner, you can provide valuable market research data to inform the purchasing decisions of GSA customers. Participating in our research allows you to showcase your products and services to potential buyers and play a key role in helping government agencies make informed and efficient purchasing decisions.

But why choose our MRAS over traditional market research methods? Our research is 100 times easier and efficient, making it a great business development activity for your company. Plus, by participating in MRAS, you can reach a wider audience of government buyers and increase your visibility in the market.

We offer monthly industry training seminars to help you get started and make the most of your participation in MRAS. CLPs are not issued for these webinars.

MRAS in the news

  • Listen to the FAS Focus: Deep Dive podcast episode as we discuss GSA’s Market Research As a Service with Kevan Kivlan, Director, Customer & Stakeholder Engagements New England & FAS MRAS Program Office:
  • January 2022: MRAS Pushes Billions in Business to the GSA Schedule
  • June 2021: MRAS Webinars Show Industry How To Work Smarter Not Harder

What our customers say

“Utilizing this resource is a great way to leverage the hard work put into establishing these contracts and provide a great benefit to the Government as a whole by simplifying the already complex process of federal acquisition. The benefit of conducting this market research gives a PCO the ability to see if there's a more expedient or cost-effective way to support their mission partner's needs. Often contracting is known as a slow and drawn-out process, and while it can be, this free tool is fast and gives a great snapshot as to what alternatives are available. MRAS is a great tool in a PCO's toolkit to have and one that should not be overlooked.”

— Capt. Jeremy A. Deorsey, Massachusetts Army National Guard

MRAS background

What MRAS is: MRAS helps customers by collecting and providing industry partner information specific to Agency needs. MRAS conducts Requests for Information, Sources Sought, and advanced product searches to help Agencies compile business, socio-economic, and technical data. Additionally, MRAS helps provide feedback from industry about Agency requirements documents, industry trends, best practices, and the best GSA contract and NAICs for their acquisition.

Cost: MRAS is a market research service GSA provides to all federal, state, and local agencies at no cost.

How to submit your market research request: Please reach out to your agency POC  so they can walk you through the MRAS process and determine the best MRAS service for your requirement. You can then fill out the MRAS Service Request Form .

For industry partners that need help with a survey

Please fill out the Industry Help Request Form .

Still have questions?

Contact your agency POC or email the MRAS team at [email protected] .


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Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

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Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2021 and 09/30/2024.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.

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Teachers Training Program : 24-25 April 2024

Teachers Training Program : 24-25 April 2024

  • April 16, 2024

Two days Teachers’ Training Program (TTP) & Hands on Workshop on “Genetics, Cell & Developmental Biology Techniques”

24th – 25th  april  2024, stay connected with us.

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Post Graduate Program in Data Analytics, Moscow

Our Data Analytics courses in Moscow will expand your skill set and increase your career potential. Offered in partnership with Purdue University and collaboration with IBM, our data analytics training in Moscow uses expert faculty and real-world projects to bring concepts to life.

watch intro

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  • Admission closes on 29 Apr, 2024
  • Program Duration 8 months
  • Learning Format Online Bootcamp

World’s #1 Online Bootcamp

Awarded best data analytics program by career karma.

  • 4.5 Reviews 433
  • 4.4 Reviews 843

Why Join this Program

Purdue’s academic excellence.

Joint certificate from Simplilearn and Purdue University.

IBM’s Industry Prowess

Obtain IBM certificates for IBM courses and get access to masterclasses by IBM

Career Assistance

Build your Resume and highlight your profile to recruiters with the career assistance services.

Hands-on Experience

14+ industry-relevant projects from the likes of Google,Zomato and IBM and many more


Data analytics course overview.

With our Data Analytics courses in Moscow, students gain a thorough understanding of critical data analytics and data science technologies. The course covers Tableau, statistics, Python, R, Power BI, and SQL. This Data Analytics training in Moscow gives graduates the skills needed to market themselves as data analytics professionals.

Key Features

  • Post Graduate Program certificate and Alumni Association membership
  • Exclusive hackathons and Ask me Anything sessions by IBM
  • Live sessions on the latest AI trends, such as generative AI, prompt engineering, explainable AI, and more
  • Capstone from 3 domains and 14+ Data Analytics Projects with Industry datasets from Google PlayStore, Lyft, World Bank etc.
  • Master Classes delivered by Purdue faculty and IBM experts

Data Analytics Certification Advantage

The Data Analytics Course in partnership with Purdue University leverages Purdue’s academic excellence in Data Analytics & Simplilearn’s collaboration with IBM, providing a comprehensive view of the domain.

Data Analytics Certificate

Partnering with Purdue University

  • Receive a joint Purdue-Simplilearn certificate
  • Masterclasses by Purdue faculty
  • Purdue University Alumni Association membership

Data Analytics IBM Certificate

Program in Collaboration with IBM

  • Industry-recognized certificates from IBM
  • Industry masterclasses conducted by IBM
  • Exclusive hackathons and Ask Me Anything (AMA) Sessions with IBM leadership

Data Analytics Course Details

Fast track your career with this comprehensive Data Analytics Course curriculum, which covers the concepts of Statistics foundation, analyzing data using Python and R languages, interacting with databases using SQL, and visualizing the data using Tableau and Power BI.

Learning Path

Get started with this Data Analytics Program in partnership with Purdue University and explore everything about this Data Analytics certification. Start your journey with the preparatory courses on Statistics and an Introduction to Data Analytics along with SQL training.

Make the Data Analytics foundation strong with the basics of statistics fundamentals, and techniques as the first step in the Data Analytics Program.

This course gives you the information you need to successfully start working with SQL databases and make use of the database in your applications. Learn the concepts of fundamental SQL statements, conditional statements, commands, joins, sub-queries, and various functions to manage your SQL database for scalable growth

With this Data Analytics Program with the Python Bootcamp program, you will learn programming fundamentals, how to analyze data in Python, perform simple statistical analyses, create meaningful data visualizations, predict future trends from data, and more.

Discover R programming with this Data Analytics Program. Learn how to write R code, utilize R data structures, and create your own functions.

The next step to becoming a Data Analyst is learning R—the most in-demand open-source technology. R is a powerful Data Science and analytics language, which has a steep learning curve and a very vibrant community. This is why it is quickly becoming the technology of choice for organizations who are adopting the power of analytics for competitive advantage

This Data Analytics Program covers Tableau Desktop 10 training that will help you develop various skills in the powerful data platform, including building visualizations, organizing data, and designing dashboards.

At the end of the Data Analytics Program, bring your newly acquired Data Analytics skills together with a hands-on, industry-relevant capstone project that compiles every course into one portfolio-worthy capstone.

  • Aligned with PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst certification
  • Simplilearn's certification training explores Microsoft Power BI concepts.
  • Topics include Power BI Desktop layouts, BI reports, dashboards, DAX commands, and functions.
  • Learn to experiment, refine, prepare, and present data with ease.
  • Explore comprehensive Power BI training for hands-on applied learning.
  • The course adopts a practical approach to help you gain expertise.

Attend an online interactive masterclass and get insights about advancements in technology/techniques in Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning.

Attend this interactive, online industry master class to gain insights about cutting edge Data Analytics advancements and techniques.

Attend this live online immersive masterclass on Generative AI designed to empower participants with the knowledge and skills to harness its incredible potential. These cutting-edge masterclasses are conducted by industry experts and delve deep into the world of AI-powered creativity, helping you to understand various concepts & topics related to generative AI.

+44 20 3627 9615

Skills covered.

  • Data Analytics
  • Statistical Analysis using Excel
  • Data Analysis Python and R
  • Data Visualization Tableau and Power BI
  • Linear and logistic regression modules
  • Clustering using kmeans
  • Supervised Learning

Tools Covered

Microsoft Excel

Industry Projects

Rating prediction for apps on google play store.

Make a model to predict the app rating, with other information about the app provided to boost its visibility.

Demand Forecast for Walmart

Predict store sales and demand, factoring in economic conditions for the retail giant Walmart’s stores across the United States.

Designing a Sales dashboard in Excel

Explore Excel to analyze sales based on various product categories.

Online Car Rental Platform

Build an online car rental platform where customers should be able to view the available cars that can be rented based on categories

Comparison of Regions Based on Sales

Build a dashboard to visualize the region-wise sales performance and suggest the necessary improvements.

Identify the causes and develop a system to predict heart attacks in an effective manner using the datasets on the factors that might have an impact on cardiovascular health.

Disclaimer - The projects have been built leveraging real publicly available data-sets of the mentioned organizations.

Program Advisors and Trainers

Program advisors.

Patrick J. Wolfe

Patrick J. Wolfe

Patrick J. Wolfe, an award-winning researcher in the mathematical foundations of data science, is the Frederick L. Hovde Dean of the College of Science at Purdue University and was named the 2018 Distinguished Lecturer in Data Science by the IEEE.

Program Trainers

Christopher Hemmel

Christopher Hemmel

Business data analyst.

market research training program

Sonal Ghanshani

Consultant and corporate trainer.

Shubham Pandey

Shubham Pandey

Strategy consultant.

Sayan Dey

Data Scientist | Corporate Trainer

Join the data analytics industry.

Data science and analytics jobs are predicted to increase 28% by 2020, according to an IBM report. The global analytics market is expected to grow by $132.9 billion during the period of 2016 to 2026 (Source: Market research future report)

Expected New Jobs For Data Science And Analytics

Annual Job Growth By 2026

Average Annual Salary

Companies hiring Data Analysts


Batch Profile

This Data Analytics Course caters to working professionals across industries. Learner diversity adds richness to class discussions and interactions.

 course learners from Amazon, Moscow

Alumni Review

I had a great learning experience, and the faculty was very encouraging. The projects were vital in helping me understand whatever I learned during the course. I have also gained a lot of great professional contacts through this course. The course was very well structured, too.

Rose Ashford


What other learners are saying

Admission details, eligibility criteria.

For admission to this Data Analytics Certification Course, candidates:

Admission Fee & Financing

The admission fee for this Data Analytics Course is € 2,790, which covers applicable certification charges & Alumni Association membership fee.

Financing Options

We are dedicated to making our programs accessible. We are committed to helping you find a way to budget for this program and offer a variety of financing options to make it more economical.

Pay in Installments

You can pay monthly installments for Post Graduate Programs using Splitit payment option with 0% interest and no hidden fees.


We provide the following options for one-time payment

  • Credit Card

Program Cohorts

Next cohort.

6 May, 2024

11 May, 2024 - 17 Nov, 2024

16:30 - 20:30 MST

Weekend ( Sat - Sun )

Data Analytics Certification Course FAQs

What is data analytics.

Just about everything is data-driven these days, from market research and sales figures to expenses and logistics. To most people, this information can be overwhelming and daunting. It can be difficult and time-consuming to sort through it all and know what’s important, what isn’t, and what it all means. This is where Data Analysts come into the picture: they take this information and do thorough data analysis and  turn it into useful information for businesses, which allows them to make more informed decisions in the future.

What should I expect from this Data Analytics Course?

As a part of this Data Analytics Course, in collaboration with IBM, you will receive the following:

  • Simplilearn-Purdue University Joint Certificate.
  • Industry recognized certificates from IBM (for IBM Data Analytics modules) and Simplilearn
  • Purdue Alumni Association membership eligibility.
  • Lifetime access to all core eLearning content created by Simplilearn

How long does it take to learn Data Analysis?

The time taken to learn data analytics varies from person to person. It depends on your dedication to studying, prior knowledge of the field, and work experience in data analytics. While some of the concepts may take a few days, others may take a couple of months to grasp. When you take our Data Analytics Course, you should apply the concepts you learned to real-world use cases to gain practical exposure and reinforce your learning.

What is the salary potential of a Data Analytics Professional?

The average annual Data Analyst job salary is over $61,000 per year.

How do I know if the Data Analytics is right for me?

Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge is always a plus point. This Data Analytics Course is developed in collaboration with Purdue University, a perfect blend of world-renowned curriculum and industry-aligned training, which makes the Data Analytics Course just the right one for you!

What are the eligibility criteria for this Data Analytics Course in partnership with Purdue University?

For admission to this Data Analytics Course , candidates:

  • Should have a bachelor's degree in any discipline with an average of 50% or higher marks
  • With a non-programming background can also apply
  • Having prior work experience is not mandatory

Is there any minimum education qualification required to apply for this Data Analytics Course?

Yes, you are supposed to have a bachelor’s degree with an average of 50% (or higher) if you wish to enroll in this Data Analytics Course.

What is the admission process for this Data Analytics Course in partnership with Purdue University?

The admission process for this Data Analytics Course consists of three simple steps:

  • All interested candidates are required to apply through the online application form
  • An admission panel will shortlist the candidates based on their application
  • An offer of admission will be made to the selected candidates and is accepted by the candidates by paying the fee

Will I become an alumni of Purdue University after completion of the Data Analytics Course?

You will get eligibility for Purdue Alumni Association Membership after completing the Data Analytics Course.

How do I earn the Post Graduate Program certificate in Data Analytics?

Upon completion of the following minimum requirements, you will be eligible to receive the certificate that will testify to your skills as an expert in Data Analytics.

What are the top modules included in this Data Analytics Course?

You’ll find the best-in-class modules covered in this Data Analytics Course. The list includes:

  • Analytics and Programming Foundation
  • Data Analytics with Python
  • R Programming for Data Science
  • Data Science with R
  • Data Analyst Capstone

Is there any financial aid provided for this Data Analytics Course?

To ensure money is not a barrier in the path of learning, we offer various financing options to help make this Data Analytics Course more financially manageable. Please refer to our “Admissions Fee and Financing” section for more details.

Will any preparation material be provided to get started in this Data Analytics Course?

Once you make the first installment of the fee, you will be given access to a preparatory program with eight to 10 hours of self-paced learning content in the form of videos. You will have to go through the assigned program before attending the first class.

What tools and languages do we learn in this Data Analytics Course?

With the growing popularity of data analytics, several tools have been thought in this Data Analytics Course. Some of the important Data Analytics tools that provide various advanced features include Tableau, Power BI, SAS, QlikView, RapidMiner, and MS Excel.

Is this Data Analytics Course taught online? Do I need to attend any physical classroom sessions?

This Data Analytics Course is completely online. You can access the Data Analytics Course material anytime and anywhere with a computer or smartphone connected to the internet.

How will my doubts/questions be addressed in this Data Analytics Course?

We have a team of dedicated admissions counselors who can guide you as you apply for this Data Analytics Course.

I don't have any prior knowledge in coding, can I make a career in Data Analytics?

Yes. This Data Analytics Course will teach you the fundamentals of programming languages, statistics, and industry-standard techniques from scratch to build up your foundational knowledge and enhance your analytics career journey. These concepts will make you a master in data analytics.

What is Global Teaching Assistance?

Our teaching assistants are a dedicated team of subject matter experts here to help you get Post Graduate Program Certificate in Data Analytics on your first attempt. They engage students proactively to assure the course path is followed and to help you enrich the learning experience, from class onboarding to project mentoring and job assistance.

Do I need to follow the mentioned learning path for this Data Analytics Course?

We highly recommend that you follow the Data Analytics Course curriculum in the same order as listed in the learning path as the initial concepts are used in lessons that follow it.

Who are the instructors for this Data Analytics Course and how are they selected?

All of our highly qualified Data Analytics instructors are Business Intelligence experts with years of relevant industry experience. Each of them has gone through a rigorous selection process that includes profile screening, technical evaluation, and a training demo before they are certified to train for us. We also ensure that only those trainers with a high alumni rating remain part of our faculty.

Will I be able to access the content after completion of the Data Analytics Course?

Yes, you can access the course content even after the completion of the Data Analytics Course.

I am not able to access the Data Analytics Course. Who can help me?

Contact us using the form on the right side of any page on the Simplilearn website, select the Live Chat link, or contact help and support .

My current role does not include exposure to data. Does it make sense for me to opt for this Data Analytics Course?

Data is ruling businesses around the world. The more data-driven you’re, the more beneficial it is for your organization. By taking insights from data, you can make meaningful decisions, plan strategies, and help your business achieve its goal faster. Enrolling in this extensive Data Analytics Course is definitely going to be an advantage, and nothing less.

I am not from a technical background. Can I still join this Data Analytics Course?

Yes, you can join Data Analytics Course even if you do not belong to a technical background. However, having a basic knowledge of programming languages and mathematics will be beneficial.

Can I enroll in a Data Analytics Course if I don't have any prior knowledge in Data Analysis?

Yes, you can enroll in the Data Analytics Course even if you don’t have any prior knowledge since this course will take you through the fundamentals to the top of the ladder, where you learn all the advanced critical Data Analytics skills.

What is covered under the 24/7 Support promise?

We offer 24/7 support through email, chat, and calls. We have a dedicated team that provides on-demand assistance through our community forum. What’s more, you will have lifetime access to the community forum, even after completion of your Data Analytics Course.

If I want to cancel my enrollment from this Data Analytics Course, can I get a refund?

Yes, you can cancel your enrollment if necessary. We will refund the program price after deducting an administration fee. To learn more, you can view our Refund Policy .

This Data Analytics Course is offered on a non-credit basis and is not transferable to a degree.

What are the different roles in Data Analytics?

Different job roles in data analytics are Business Intelligence Analyst, Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Visualizer, Quantitative Analyst, Operations Analyst, Data Analytics Consultant, Marketing Analyst, IT Systems Analyst, Project Manager, and Transportation Logistics Specialist.

What are the benefits of taking this Data Analytics Course?

This Data Analytics Course is beneficial for you if you are a fresher because it covers enough information for entry-level positions. If you are interested in an analytical career, enrolling in a data analytics certification might help you prepare for a new job. Enrolling in this Data Analytics Course is strongly encouraged as it offers you a competitive advantage.

What are the top roles and responsibilities of a Data Analytics Expert?

A data analytics consultant might use their skills to collect and understand the data. Data analytics consultants employ data sets and models to obtain relevant insight and solve issues. The Data Analytics Course  offers intensive learning experiences that imitate the actual world and develop projects from scratch.

Is Data Analytics a promising career? Are Data Analytics Experts in demand?

Data Analytics is a fast-growing discipline that offers professional opportunities across a wide range of sectors. Considering the current rising demand for competent Big Data specialists, there is no better time to be part of the big data job market. You require a robust array of basic analytical skills to create a career in data analytics. There are many ways to learn these skills, but the best approach for many of them is through Data Analytics Course.

Can I get a sealed transcript for World Education Services (WES) at the end of the program?

These do not include any transcripts for WES, this is reserved only for degree. We do not offer sealed transcripts and hence, our certificates are not applicable for WES or similar services.

What are the benefits of this Generative AI Masterclass?

These masterclasses are delivered in the form of live virtual sessions by experienced industry experts. This delves deep into the world of AI-powered creativity, helping you understand multiple concepts & topics related to generative AI such as effective prompt engineering, ethical considerations in GenAI, and much more. 

You will gain exposure to the world of Gen AI, some of its practical applications, some of the latest advancements in the field and much more - thus setting you apart from your competitors and helping you stay ahead in your career.

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  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, and OPM3 are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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Connecticut Housing Finance Authority

The Intersect: A CHFA Housing Blog


Insight and reflections on the ways housing touches our lives.

What does the data say about connecticut's housing stock, by: andrew bolger and  kayla giordano.

This past November, we had the privilege of presenting at the Partnership for Strong Communities annual Affordable Housing Conference. With partners from the real estate, advocacy, and home builder industries, our session focused on sharing work from CHFA’s recently published 2023 Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) . That one hour conversation covered just a piece of our research.

In a recent post on the Partnership's blog, we expanded on our presentation by bringing you key findings from the HNA including a highlight of gaps in Connecticut’s housing stock and the influencing factors that have shaped the state’s housing market in recent years. 

Click here for the full post. Special thanks to our friends at the Partnership for Strong Communities for the opportunity to share the HNA with their readers!

Andrew Bolger is a Senior Research and Data Analyst in the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority’s Research, Marketing, and Outreach Department. In this role he manages CHFA’s housing database, tracks and analyzes housing market conditions, and evaluates CHFA programs. He received a BA in Economics and Political Science and an MA in Public Policy from the University of Connecticut.

Kayla Giordano is a Senior Program & Data Analyst in the Research Marketing and Outreach department. She holds degrees in Political Science and Economics from Eastern Connecticut State University as well as a MA in Community Development Policy & Practice from the University of New Hampshire.

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Project Update: Training Presents Drafted Environmental Education to Support Clear Lake Stewardship

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    This one has more of a playful learn-by-doing approach with some proper hands-on training allowing you to explore the tech with expert supervision. Both courses require in-person attendance at the MRS headquarters in London. 1. Commercial Storytelling for Researchers. 2.

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    124 reviews. Learn the fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods, developing a qualitative research question and get data using interviews, focus groups and analyse the data in this course by Yale University. Add to list. YouTube. 1 hour 30 minutes. On-Demand. Free Online Course.

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    The Market Research Society (MRS) is the world's leading authority for the research, insight, ... Introduction to Market Research. Virtual training course. Deepen your knowledge of the principles, practices and processes of market research. Apr 17 2024. Wednesday 09:30-16:30. 6hrs CPD.

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    Welcome to the inaugural course of the transformative "Market Research Fundamentals Training Program" - a comprehensive series of three courses meticulously designed to equip you with a deep understanding of market research, starting with the essential skills of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. This course sets the stage for a ...

  11. The Complete Market Research Bootcamp

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    Discounted price: $537.30. Pre-discounted price: $597 USD. 3 courses in 3 months. Pursue the Program. I would like to receive email from UCT and learn about other offerings related to Market Research, Consumer Insights, and Competitor Analysis.

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  25. What Does The Data Say About Connecticut's Housing Stock?

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