200 Positive Psychology Topics

200 Positive Psychology Topics

These topics cover various aspects of positive psychology, including happiness, resilience, and personal growth, providing valuable insights for students, professionals, and anyone keen on exploring the science of a fulfilling life.

  • The Science of Happiness: Understanding Its Foundations
  • Gratitude and Well-Being: What’s the Connection?
  • Mindfulness Practices and Their Impact on Mental Health
  • The Psychology of Optimism: How It Can Improve Life
  • Flow Experiences and Peak Performance in Athletes
  • Emotional Intelligence and Success: Analyzing the Link
  • The Power of Positive Thinking in Stress Management
  • Resilience: Building Strength From Adversity
  • Developing Self-Compassion for Personal Growth
  • Character Strengths and Virtues: A Psychological Exploration
  • The Role of Hope in Overcoming Life’s Challenges
  • Savoring Life’s Pleasures: Techniques and Benefits
  • Positive Relationships: The Key to a Fulfilled Life
  • The Effects of Altruism on Mental Health
  • How Does Forgiveness Contribute to Emotional Healing?
  • Empathy and Its Importance in Human Connection
  • A Study of Well-Being in Different Cultures
  • Love and Psychology: How It Affects Our Minds
  • Mind-Body Connection: Psychological Influences on Physical Health
  • The Application of Positive Psychology in the Workplace
  • The Impact of Nature and Green Spaces on Mental Health
  • How to Practice and Benefit From Positive Affirmations
  • The Psychology Behind Laughter and Humor
  • Self-Efficacy and Achieving Personal Goals
  • Exploring the Concept of a ‘Good Life’
  • The Influence of Music on Emotional Well-Being
  • Positive Education: Fostering Well-Being in Schools
  • Visualization Techniques for Success and Happiness
  • The Benefits of a Positive Attitude in Healthcare
  • The Significance of Creativity in Enhancing Life Satisfaction
  • Positive Aging: Strategies for Maintaining Happiness in Later Life
  • The Influence of Spirituality on Positive Mental Health
  • The Importance of Play and Relaxation in Adult Life
  • The Role of Positive Interventions in Clinical Psychology
  • The Link Between Physical Exercise and Psychological Well-Being
  • Achieving Work-Life Balance for a Better Quality of Life
  • Positive Parenting Techniques for Raising Happy Children
  • Self-Regulation Skills and Their Impact on Individual Progress
  • The Psychology of Goal Setting and Personal Fulfillment
  • How Cultural Beliefs Shape Positive Psychological Practices
  • Contribution of Volunteer Work to Personal Development
  • The Impact of a Growth Mindset on Learning and Development
  • How Pets Contribute to Human Mental Health and Happiness
  • Mindful Eating: The Psychological Benefits of a Conscious Diet
  • Understanding and Applying the Perma Model for Well-Being
  • Mentorship and Its Effects on Positive Personal Development
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs for Personal Empowerment
  • The Role of Assertiveness in Achieving Life Satisfaction
  • Strength-Based Approaches in Counseling and Therapy
  • The Relationship Between Social Media Use and Happiness
  • Enhancing Life Through Positive Communication Skills
  • Harnessing Optimism to Cope With Chronic Illness
  • Using Positive Psychology to Build Effective Teams
  • The Effects of Body Language on Self-Confidence
  • Using Humor as a Coping Mechanism in Difficult Times
  • The Psychology of Personal Branding and Self-Promotion
  • Positive Psychological Perspectives on Aging
  • The Benefits of Random Acts of Kindness
  • Strategies for Maintaining Energy and Avoiding Burnout
  • The Psychological Effects of Gratitude Journaling
  • The Role of Life Coaching in Personal Development
  • Positive Psychology and Its Implications for Leadership
  • The Importance of Adaptability in the Face of Change
  • The Concept of Subjective Well-Being and Its Determinants
  • Psychological Techniques for Enhancing Personal Resilience
  • How Personal Values Shape Our Happiness
  • The Role of Community Involvement in Individual Well-Being
  • Post-traumatic Growth: Emerging Stronger From Adversity
  • The Pursuit of Happiness in Philosophy and Psychology
  • Positive Psychology for Overcoming Procrastination
  • The Intersection of Positive Psychology and Ecotherapy
  • Self-Acceptance: The Key to Inner Peace and Satisfaction
  • Enhancing Psychological Flexibility for a Better Life
  • Benefits of Implementing Daily Positive Psychology Exercises
  • Understanding the Impact of Social Support on Mental Health
  • Cultivating a Sense of Meaning and Purpose in Life
  • The Role of Forgiveness in Interpersonal Relations
  • The Psychology of Generosity and Its Effects on the Giver
  • The Potential of Positive Youth Development
  • The Application of Positive Psychology in Addiction Recovery
  • How Lifestyle Choices Influence Psychological Well-Being
  • Strategies for Fostering Optimism in Children
  • The Psychological Effects of Engaging With Art and Culture
  • Developing a Healthy Relationship With Technology for Well-Being
  • The Influence of Social Comparisons on Self-Esteem
  • The Science Behind Smiles and Their Effect on Mood
  • Positive Psychology in Sports Coaching for Enhanced Performance
  • How Positive Psychology Principles Can Improve Educational Outcomes
  • The Impact of Social Entrepreneurship on Community Well-Being
  • Emotional Resilience: The Key to Bouncing Back
  • Exploring the Use of Narrative Therapy in Positive Psychology
  • The Role of Inner Dialogue in Shaping Happiness
  • Positive Psychology Techniques to Enhance Creative Thinking
  • The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Overall Well-Being
  • Finding Joy and Fulfillment in Simple Daily Activities
  • Using Positive Psychology to Cope With Infertility and Loss
  • The Concept of Peak Experiences and Their Influence on Individuals
  • The Power of Gratitude in Relationships
  • The Importance of Maintaining a Positive Self-Image
  • Strategies for Positive Conflict Resolution
  • Examining the Impact of Positive Psychology in Multicultural Contexts
  • The Psychological Benefits of Travel and New Experiences
  • Coping With Anxiety Through Positive Thinking Strategies
  • Techniques for Increasing Kindness and Compassion in Society
  • How Self-Discipline Contributes to a Sense of Achievement
  • The Power of Narrative in Shaping a Positive Identity
  • The Effect of Positive Psychology on Academic Performance
  • How a Sense of Humor Can Enhance Life and Relationships
  • Cultivating Patience: A Positive Psychological Approach
  • The Benefits of Being Present: The Psychology of Savoring the Moment
  • How to Cultivate Positive Emotions in Everyday Life
  • The Role of Personal Autonomy in Satisfaction and Well-Being
  • Setting and Pursuing Personal Aspirations for a Fulfilling Life
  • Positive Psychology for Managing and Reducing Stress
  • Exploring the Concept of Eudaimonic Well-Being
  • The Effects of Peer Pressure on Adolescent Well-Being
  • Positive Psychology Interventions for Chronic Pain Management
  • Fostering Leadership Skills Through a Positive Psychology Lens
  • The Impact of a Supportive Environment on Personal Growth
  • Positive Psychology in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Strategies for Enhancing Social Intelligence
  • The Psychological Benefits of Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Positive Psychology in Romantic Relationships
  • The Concept of Authentic Happiness and How to Achieve It
  • Understanding and Managing the Psychological Impact of Social Isolation
  • Overcoming Negativity Bias Through Mindful Practices
  • The Role of Curiosity in Personal Development and Learning
  • Positive Psychology Strategies for Effective Time Management
  • Cultivating a Sense of Belonging for Improved Mental Health
  • Positive Interventions for Building Self-Esteem in Youth
  • The Dynamics of Happiness in Family Life
  • Strengthening Community Bonds Through Positive Initiatives
  • The Benefits of Living With Intention and Awareness
  • Creative Expression as a Form of Positive Psychology
  • How to Create a Positive Organizational Culture
  • The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Positive Mood
  • How to Foster Innovation Through Positive Thinking
  • The Psychological Benefits of Maintaining Traditions and Rituals
  • Understanding and Applying the Concept of Self-Transcendence
  • Positive Psychology for Coping With Life Transitions and Change
  • The Role of Positive Emotions in Overcoming Depression
  • Building Emotional Literacy for Better Interpersonal Connections
  • The Impact of Humor Therapy on Health and Well-Being
  • How to Achieve Work Fulfillment and Prevent Job Burnout
  • The Influence of Personality Traits on Happiness
  • Positive Psychology Approaches to Eating Disorders
  • The Role of Compassion in Healthcare Settings
  • Strategies for Positive Communication in the Digital World
  • Enhancing Academic Motivation Through Positive Psychology Principles
  • How to Use Strength Identification for Personal Empowerment
  • The Relationship Between Volunteering and Life Satisfaction
  • Positive Psychology Approaches to Grief and Loss
  • Mindfulness Meditation for Reducing Anxiety and Promoting Calmness
  • The Role of Mentoring in Fostering Youth Development
  • How to Build a Positive Body Image Through Self-Compassion
  • The Contribution of Leisure Activities to Overall Well-Being
  • Cognitive Restructuring Techniques for a Positive Mindset
  • Building Positive Habits for a Healthier Lifestyle
  • The Impact of Positive Reinforcement on Behavior Modification
  • The Psychology of Kindness and Its Ripple Effects
  • How to Encourage Pro-social Behavior in Communities
  • Strategies for Cultivating Emotional Stability
  • The Impact of Social Media on Self-Worth and Positivity
  • Positive Psychological Practices for Overcoming Addiction
  • How to Achieve Balance Through a Holistic Lifestyle Approach
  • The Benefits of Social Connection and Community Service
  • Encouraging Positive Risk-Taking for Personal Growth
  • The Art of Appreciative Inquiry in Personal and Professional Development
  • Positive Strategies for Dealing with Workplace Conflict
  • Understanding the Link Between Environment and Human Well-Being
  • The Role of Resilience in Entrepreneurship
  • Positive Mentality and Its Influence on Learning New Skills
  • Fostering a Culture of Gratitude in Organizations
  • Aligning Personal Values With Actions for Authentic Living
  • Boosting Mood Through Exercise and Physical Activity
  • The Psychology of Gifting and Its Effects on Relationships
  • The Importance of Assertiveness in Personal Boundary Setting
  • The Transformative Power of Positive Relationships
  • Implementing Self-Care Routines for Sustained Well-Being
  • Applying Positive Psychology to Enhance Artistic Performance
  • The Influence of Early Childhood Experiences on Adult Happiness
  • Positive Psychology and the Journey of Self-Discovery
  • The Benefits of Cooperative Learning Environments
  • Strategies for Overcoming Impostor Syndrome With Positive Psychology
  • Building Self-Worth Through Achievement and Recognition
  • Enhancing Life Satisfaction Through Community Engagement
  • The Concept of Psychological Capital and Its Role in Personal Success
  • Positive Psychology in Rehabilitation and Recovery Processes
  • Enhancing Empathy Through Self-Reflection and Relationship Building
  • The Psychology of Personal Change and Transformation
  • Positive Technology: Harnessing Digital Tools for Well-Being
  • Using Positive Psychology to Navigate Career Changes Successfully
  • Encouraging Creativity and Innovation Through Positive Reinforcement
  • The Role of Mindfulness in Academic Settings
  • Strategies for Enhancing Intentional Living for Greater Fulfillment
  • Applying the Principles of Positive Psychology to Stress Reduction
  • The Importance of Laughter Yoga in Mental Health
  • Building a Strength-Based Society for Greater Well-Being
  • The Impact of Gratitude on Physical Health
  • Positive Psychology and Its Role in Managing Environmental Stressors

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Workshops & Presentations

positive psychology topics for presentation

Paula Robinson, Managing Director of PPI, is a leading expert on mental fitness, well-being and Positive Psychology theory, research and practice.   Paula has spoken to a diverse range of audiences around Australia and internationally on how to apply the key findings from the Positive Psychology academic literature to daily life, within the workplace, and in schools. Topics have included:

Mental Fitness – the topic of her PhD research

Identifying and utilising strengths

Positive emotion (including happiness)

Meaning and purpose – in life and at work

Engagement (including mindfulness and flow)

Positive relationships

Goal setting, striving and attainment

Applied Positive Psychology in education

How to create a positive team

Paula is available to give a keynote address or presentation at your next conference/event, within your organisation or at your school. Paula will work with you to tailor the presentation to meet the need of your business, staff, conference or event.

Paula is also a regular contributor to print, radio, TV, and online media, including Prevention Magazine, Marie Claire, The Morning Show, National Radio, Channel 10 News, Today-FM, and Girlfriend Magazine. New media enquiries are welcome.  

Workshops - delivered in-house at your Organisation

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Positive Psychology in Everyday Life

Positive Psychology in the Workplace

Mental Fitness - Strength, Flexibility, Endurance & Team

Applied Positive Psychology in Education

Is Unconscious Bias affecting your organisation?

Positive Ageing


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Positive Psychology: 5 Key Concepts (and how journalling helps with intentional practice)

Positive Psychology: 5 Key Concepts (and how journalling helps with intentional practice)

Positive Psychology key concepts PERMA PERMAH happiness grit gratitude VIA character strengths by The Skill Collective psychologists in Subiaco Perth Western Suburbs

By Giulia Villa

“Curing the negatives does not produce the positives.” opined Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology. With this, Seligman started a movement - and a refreshing detour from traditional psychology by turning our focus away from fixing negatives to maximising positives - to become more resilient. Specifically, those skills used to ‘fix’ our unhappiness differ from those that enable us to become better, more resilient versions of ourselves. Key concepts such as the three routes to happiness, PERMA/PERMAH, strength and values, grit, and gratitude, have found their places in our psychological toolkits. And if there’s anything that the Covid pandemic of the past 18 months has taught us, it’s that we can’t predict the challenges and setbacks that life may throw at us – resilience is key for us to thrive under difficult circumstances.

Positive psychology provides not only a framework, but also outlines behavioural interventions for a happier, more satisfying life. In this article, we highlight five key concepts of positive psychology , look at evidence regarding the effectiveness of psychological interventions, and examine how you can stay focused on the positive psychology track.

5 key concepts in positive psychology

1. the three types of happiness.

The concept of happiness is perhaps viewed as synonymous with positive psychology, and the exemplar of positive emotions. Seligman proposed that there are three paths to achieving happiness. The twist is: they are not all equal. The first path, or level, is the Pleasant Life . We all have things that bring us happiness in the moment : that delicious slice of cake, sleeping in to avoid work, a few (maybe too many) drinks with friends. However whilst these bring us pleasure in the short term, the instant gratification we get from the Pleasant Life does not necessarily translate long-term happiness .

This brings us to the second type of happiness - the Good Life. We pursue happiness through this path by being engaged in what we do. We become engaged and live the Good Life when we frequently use our strengths and virtues in our day-to-day life. Engagement might look like being passionate about your work, building your personal relationships, or pursuing new hobbies.

The ultimate path to happiness is the Meaningful Life. We can lead a Meaningful Life when we use our strengths and character traits to serve a cause or purpose that is bigger than us. There is no singular cause that will be important to everyone, so infusing our life with meaning involves reflecting on what really matters to us.

To learn more about the 3 types of happiness head on over to this article .


Another important concept in Positive Psychology is that of PERMA, which are the five building blocks of resilience and wellbeing identified by Seligman - Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment. Let’s refresh these five components before we introduce the latest building block. In brief:

Positive emotions are important for resilience and wellbeing .   In the moment, we can increase positive emotions by simply choosing to do things we enjoy. Practicing gratitude is a great way to feel more positively about the past and future.

We experience Engagement when we are fully immersed in an activity that requires our strengths, skills, and focus.

Intentionally investing in positive Relationships gives us purpose whilst building a protective tool against our own struggles. 

We can all live a life filled with Meaning by working towards a purpose that is bigger than ourselves.

 We gain a sense of Accomplishment by achieving goals that are important to us.

The latest research in positive psychology has expanded this model to add a sixth determinant of wellbeing: physical Health . We can break this down into three pillars:

Movement Recent research shows that those who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. [1] Physical activity can reduce stress, boost mood and improve self-esteem. [2]

Healthy diet What we eat impacts how we feel not only physically but mentally. Alongside reducing the risk of chronic disease, a balanced diet can improve mood as well as cognitive function. A population study found that consumption of fruit and vegetables was the most consistent predictor of mental wellbeing. [3]

Sleep It’s challenging going about daily life under a cloud of tiredness, let alone try to improve ourselves. A lack of sleep can leave us feeling cranky and struggling to concentrate (hello brain fog). On the other hand, being well-rested is associated with positive emotions and having purpose – which we already know is key to achieving a Meaningful Life! [4]

Learn more about the relationship between physical health and psychological wellbeing .

3. Strength and Virtues

So far, we have mentioned using your strengths to live an engaging and meaningful life, but it can be challenging to look inwards and know what these strengths are. Seligman and his colleague Peterson developed the Values in Action (VIA) Character Strengths Survey, comprising 24 character strengths categorized under six overarching virtues (Wisdom and knowledge, Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance, and Transcendence). [5]

In a similar vein to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is used for classification and diagnosis in traditional psychology, the VIA provides a framework to empirically assess and classify positive traits.  

The VIA Strengths survey helps identify particular strengths, and by frequently applying and working on these strengths we are able to thrive and flourish.

Dr. Niemic from the VIA Institute on Character encourages us to be mindful and reflect on the role of our strengths in our lives: what strengths do we use when we are at our best? What about to overcome our struggles? We may notice that we have gravitated towards job opportunities, study paths, or hobbies which call on our strengths. Setting goals involving identifying strengths we wish to use more often, and integrating it into our daily routines. The more we practice tapping into our strengths, the more likely they are to become part of our routines and increase meaning and satisfaction in life. Head here for some great articles on how to harness strengths on a daily basis.

Grit is defined as passion for, and perseverance towards, long-term goals. It’s what keeps us going in the face of challenges. Research has found that grit is a greater predictor of success than other measures such as IQ and conscientiousness. [6] Not only do grittier people experience more success, they are also more resilient and find it easier to bounce back from adversity.

Unlike IQ, which remains relatively stable throughout adulthood, we can actually work to improve our own grit through intentional practice. Becoming ‘grittier’ requires a shift in mindset, involving examining those beliefs that hold us back, those beliefs that lead us to give up on things when we feel frustrated, or those that stop us from attempting a challenge out of fear.

Increasing grit involves crafting a balance between maintaining effort and interest. By varying mindset, seeing challenges and setbacks as learning opportunities, and incrementally stepping in the right direction, grit can be strengthened.

5. Gratitude

The practice of gratitude is not just the latest fad taking the wellness world by storm. Being grateful is a great way to amplify the effects of what is going ‘right’ in our life: a key tenet of positive psychology. In fact, the very act of expressing or receiving gratitude triggers the release of “happy” neurotransmitters in our brain: dopamine and serotonin. [7] These chemicals help us feel good and tap into those positive emotions , which we know are essential for wellbeing. The key to strengthening these neural pathways is to make gratitude a habit. To increase the likelihood of success, anchor gratitude practice to everyday tasks. Some examples of this are:

Jotting down a gratitude list whilst on the train to work.

Ending each day by naming three good things that happened that day, for example by journalling.

Writing a thank you message to a friend after spending some time with them.

How does positive psychology apply to real life?

Does positive psychology have the potential to trigger long term positive change? Let’s take a look at the evidence. For many, the workplace is an environment that conjures stress and anxiety. With the additional weight of the pandemic on our shoulders, it is no surprise that 63% of workers are experiencing decreased mental health due to workplace changes. [8]

To learn more about causes of burnout at work, check out our previous blog posts Early Career Burnout: Part 1 – Personal factors and Early Career Burnout: Part 2 – Workplace factors . Alongside addressing the personal and organisational factors mentioned in these articles, research suggests that positive psychology plays an important role on workplace performance and wellbeing. Positive psychology interventions in the workplace, such as gratitude diaries and capitalising on individual strengths, are linked to reduced stress and burnout amongst employees. [9]

Positive psychology is not just for adults. In schools, intervention programs based on positive psychology concepts have been successful at improving relationships and academic performance whilst reducing stress levels and symptoms of anxiety and depression in students. [10] [11]

How journaling helps you practice Positive Psychology

So far, we have learnt about the key concepts in positive psychology and the effectiveness of positive psychology. But how can we maintain regular practice in order to reap the benefits of positive psychology in daily life? The answer: Intentional practice.

Intentional (or deliberate) practice aims to bring awareness and intent to all components of the to-be-implemented change. This means being mindful of the “what” and the “how”. Start by asking the following questions:

What is the desired outcome?

What behaviours need to be practised to achieve that outcome?

How will these behaviours bring about the desired outcome?

Resilience can be built through the intentional practice of evidence-based wellbeing interventions [12] in much the same way as deliberate practice helps with learning, skill acquisition, and expert performance in a wide range of areas (e.g. athletics, musical performance, etc.). Thus, for all of the 5 key concepts of positive psychology covered above, intentional practice can be applied in the following ways:

Positive emotions can be amplified through our intentional choice of activities that make us feel good.

A regular conscious practice of gratitude teaches us to intentionally focus on the positive sides of an experience. [13]

The intentional choice of activities in which we can express our strengths brings meaning and satisfaction to our lives.

One simple way to engage in intentional practice is via guided journalling, which is easily accessible to anyone. Journaling has been shown to improve psychological wellbeing and stress management. [14] [15] It’s a highly portable activity that does not require significant planning, and the act of journalling gives you time to focus on enhancing your wellbeing.

Committing to journaling regularly, and in a guided manner to focus on the principles of positive psychology, can help you reach your goals and boost your wellbeing. It can be as simple as journalling about the positive aspects of your day, about a positive memory, or things that make you happy. Make a start today, and start journalling your way to improved wellbeing and resilience.

If adopting to a more structured approach is what will help you stick with the task, why not try guided journalling? Head on over to My Happy Place , a 30-day positive psychology-based journal with guided prompts.

positive psychology topics for presentation

If you’d like a tailored approach to building up your resilience and wellbeing reserves , why not contact us to make an appointment and get started?

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AUTHOR: Giulia Villa

Giulia is a Counsellor and Provisional Psychologist who enjoys writing about burnout, performance, and mental health. She is also the author of My Happy Place.

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[1] Kandola, A. A., Osborn, D. P., Stubbs, B., Choi, K. W., & Hayes, J. F. (2020). Individual and combined associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and grip strength with common mental disorders: a prospective cohort study in the UK Biobank.  BMC Medicine ,  18 (1), 1-11.

[2] Mikkelsen, K., Stojanovska, L., Polenakovic, M., Bosevski, M., & Apostolopoulos, V. (2017). Exercise and mental health.  Maturitas ,  106 , 48-56.

[3] Stranges, S., Samaraweera, P. C., Taggart, F., Kandala, N. B., & Stewart-Brown, S. (2014). Major health related behaviors and mental wellbeing in the general population: The health survey for England.  BMJ Open ,  4 (9).

[4] Steptoe, A., O'Donnell, K., Marmot, M., & Wardle, J. (2008). Positive affect, psychological well-being, and good sleep.  Journal of Psychosomatic Research ,  64 (4), 409-415.

[5] Peterson, C., & Seligman, M.E.P. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press and Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

[6] Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology ,  92 (6), 1087.

[7] Zahn, R., Moll, J., Paiva, M., Garrido, G., Krueger, F., Huey, E. D., & Grafman, J. (2009). The neural basis of human social values: evidence from functional MRI.  Cerebral Cortex ,  19 (2), 276-283.

[8] Relationships Australia. (2020). COVID-19 and its effects on relationships.

[9] Meyers, M. C., van Woerkom, M., & Bakker, A. B. (2013). The added value of the positive: A literature review of positive psychology interventions in organizations.  European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology ,  22 (5), 618-632.

[10] Shoshani, A., & Steinmetz, S. (2014). Positive psychology at school: A school-based intervention to promote adolescents’ mental health and well-being.  Journal of Happiness Studies ,  15 (6), 1289-1311.

[11] Waters, L. (2011). A review of school-based positive psychology interventions.  The Educational and Developmental Psychologist ,  28 (2), 75-90.

[12] Kaye-Kauderer, H., Feingold, J.H., Feder, A., Southwick, S., & Charney, D. (2021). Resilience in the age of COVID-19. BJPsych Advances, 27, 166-178.

[13] Emmons, R. A., & Mishra, A. (2011). Why gratitude enhances well-being: What we know, what we need to know. In K. M. Sheldon, T. B. Kashdan, & M. F. Steger (Eds.), Designing Positive Psychology: Taking and Moving Forward (pp. 248-262). NY: Oxford University Press.

[14] Dimitroff, L.J., Sliwoski, L., O’Brien, S., & Nichols, L.W. (2017). Change your life through journaling – The benefits of journaling for registered nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7, 90-98.

[15] Pastore, C. (2020). Stress management in college students: why journaling is the most effective technique for this demographic. (Unpublished Honours thesis, State University of New York, New York). Retrieved from

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Theme and Topics

  • Human Strengths
  • Pursuit of Happiness
  • Psychological Well-Being
  • Sexual Well-Being
  • Quality of Life
  • Satisfaction with Life
  • Meaning in Life
  • Psychology of Emotions
  • Social and Emotional Intelligence
  • Need Satisfaction and Motivation in Psychology
  • Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem
  • Self-Compassion
  • Optimism and Hope
  • Mindfulness
  • Forgiveness
  • Empathy and Altruism
  • Positive Psychology at Work
  • Work Engagement
  • Human Relations and Social Support
  • Marriage and Romantic Relationships
  • Posttraumatic Growth
  • Positive Body

"Greater happiness for a greater number: How can that be achieved?"

"Sources of Psychological Well-Being"

"Mentally Healthy Individuals"

"A Biological Perspective on Happiness and Well-being"

"Self-actualization from Humanistic Psychology to Positive Psychology"

"Two Sides of the Medallion: The Reflections of positive psychology in the field"

"Positive Psychology at Work"

"How to build a healthy couple relationship?"

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Positive Psychology

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6-Week Plan For Healthy Eating

This online course from Harvard Health Publishing outlines a simple, 6-week plan assembled by Harvard experts to overhaul your diet and nutrition.

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Positive Psychology Archive

Overeating? Mindfulness exercises may help

Overeating? Mindfulness exercises may help

It's possible to overeat and not even realize it until you've finished a meal and doing so does not mean you have an eating problem or disorder. Mindfulness exercises can help you slow down and enjoy eating, making it easier to avoid overeating.

Waiting for motivation to strike? Try rethinking that

  • Mind & Mood

Waiting for motivation to strike? Try rethinking that

We all know that motivation is key to accomplishing our goals, but even if you have a much-desired goal in mind, it's too easy for motivation to dissipate. Before setting a goal, it's critical to identify why it is important to you, to create a detailed plan that outlines how you will achieve it, and to make a to-do list so you can track your progress.

Health and happiness go hand in hand

Health and happiness go hand in hand

Healthy brain, healthier heart?

  • Heart Health

Healthy brain, healthier heart?

Researchers have increasingly found links between poor mental health and higher heart disease risk. Stress, childhood trauma, and other issues may affect behavior and trigger physical changes that elevate heart risk. Taking steps to support mental health can potentially improve heart health as well.

Hope: Why it matters

Hope: Why it matters

Want more happiness? Try this

Want more happiness? Try this

What could you do today to feel happier? Three strategies drawn from positive psychology, a field that aims to improve moods and lives, may help.

Thoughts on optimism

Thoughts on optimism

Can personality affect heart disease risk?

Can personality affect heart disease risk?

Negative traits such as anger and insecurity have been linked to heart-related problems. taking steps to temper these tendencies may help..

Remember the Type A personality? First coined back in the 1950s, the term refers to people who are aggressive, ambitious, competitive, and time-conscious. But the notion that Type As were more likely to have heart attacks than their more laid-back counterparts turned out to be untrue, as numerous studies in the 1980s and 1990s revealed.

But in the early 2000s, another personality type — Type D for distressed — began getting more attention. Type D people are anxious, irritable, and angry; they also tend to feel ill at ease in social situations and are uncomfortable opening up to others. According to a 2018 review in Current Cardiology Reports , having a Type D personality is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The lead author, psychologist Johan Denollet, first described Type D and created a test for it (see "Type D personality test").

An outlook better than optimism?

An outlook better than optimism?

While looking at the sunny side of life offers a lot of light moments, there may be a better path to well-being..

Optimism feels good. The expectation that positive things will happen is associated with happiness and better health, including fewer heart attacks and a lower risk for premature death. Pessimism, on the other hand, feels bad; it makes you depressed or anxious and keeps the fight-or-flight system activated, triggering chronic inflammation (which is linked to many diseases).

You might think the best way to improve your well-being is to cultivate an optimistic outlook. Think again. "Better than cultivating an artificial optimism is to see the situation and the world realistically," says Ronald Siegel, an assistant professor of psychology, part-time, at Harvard Medical School and medical editor of the Harvard Special Health Report Positive Psychology .

A free, easy way to help your health

A free, easy way to help your health

News briefs.

Want something simple to boost your health? Try looking on the bright side. A large observational study published online Sept. 27, 2019, by JAMA Network Open tied optimism to fewer heart attacks and a lower risk for premature death. Researchers combed through 15 studies that included almost 230,000 people who were followed for an average of 14 years. Being optimistic was associated with a 35% lower risk for cardiovascular events and a 14% lower risk for an early death, compared with being pessimistic. The findings don't prove that seeing the glass half-full causes better health, but many other studies have reported similar findings. "Optimistic people may have healthier habits, such as regular exercise and healthy diets; and they may be better at regulating their emotions in stressful situations, which could also contribute to lower levels of inflammation. But we need more research to confirm it," says Dr. Laura Kubzansky, a study author and co-director of the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Image: Morsa Images/Getty Images

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Positive Psychology

Positive psychology presentation, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

What is positive psychology? Well, actually you would only have to download this template to find out the answer, but we are going to give you a little preview to make you want to discover how exciting it is. It's a branch of psychology that, in the words of the expert Slidesgo collaborated with to design this presentation, "focuses on what people have, not what they lack." Having a positive mindset helps in dealing with negative experiences. If you are interested in the topic or want to teach a class, here you have a design in different languages about positive psychology. Just download the template and that's it, the information is already written.

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A full set of PowerPoint decks is provided for download below. All decks are tightly aligned to the modules in this course. Since they are openly licensed, you are welcome to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute as desired.

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  • Psychological Foundations
  • Psychological Research
  • Biopsychology
  • States of Consciousness
  • Sensation and Perception
  • Thinking and Intelligence
  • Learning and Conditioning
  • Lifespan Development
  • Social Psychology
  • Personality
  • Emotion and Motivation
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychology
  • Psychological Disorders
  • Therapy and Treatment
  • Stress, Lifestyle, and Health

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91 Positive Psychology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best positive psychology topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good research topics about positive psychology, 📌 most interesting positive psychology topics to write about, ❓ positive psychology research questions.

  • Positive Psychology in “The Pursuit of Happyness” Film Gardner demonstrates perseverance, hope, and social intelligence and illustrates the importance of effectance motivation and the power of social networks, even though the protagonist’s relationship with his wife could be improved.
  • Positive Psychology and Academic Stress With the rising cases of academic stress among students in the United States, the federal government has introduced positive psychology programs in schools across the country. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts 808 writers online Learn More
  • Definition of Positive Psychology in Psychology Positive psychology is the systematic analysis of the strengths and qualities that permit individuals to thrive. From the above analysis, it is advisable that scholars should engage in extensive research to establish the truth as […]
  • Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness Positive psychology is a science of positive features of the life of a human being, including happiness, welfare, and prosperity. According to him, happiness is freedom from pain in the body and a disturbance in […]
  • Positive Psychology: Emotions, Mindfulness, Growth For instance, the study related to the influence of the psychology of the practice extends the impact of positive emotions while increasing the level of hope and significance of positive communications and gratitude.
  • Military Master Resilience Training Verses Positive Psychology Despite the fact that both positive psychology and MRT programs have a common goal, several differences including time spent in training, the performance assessment tools incorporated and the number of program elements each of them […]
  • “Researching and Practicing Positive Psychology…” by Wang Positive psychology is a branch of psychological knowledge and practice, the center of which is the positive potential of a person.
  • Positive Psychology Intervention for Ageing Population This study aims to promote the integration of negative emotions in Positive Psychology Intervention to achieve a holistic approach. The study will also highlight the importance of exploring negative emotions in positive psychology to promote […]
  • Applications of Positive Psychology in Healthcare In this regard, research that demonstrates the success of applied MBI and positive psychology is needed to adjust the strategic goals of health care.
  • Positive Psychology’s Influence on the Self It is important to understand the impact of positive psychology on students’ self to clarify the current challenges and opportunities for applying positive thinking in education.
  • The Influence of Positive Psychology It focuses on uplifting the lives of the average person instead of moving the lives of those struggling to normal. From the peer-reviewed article on why positive psychology is necessary, it can be concluded that […]
  • Positive Psychology Concerns In a bid to realize positive experiences, Positive Psychology requires individuals to live a mindful life marked with the search for wisdom, acceptance, patience, openness kindness, and generosity.
  • Singapore: Scientific Principles of Positive Psychology In addition, the study identifies what causes the absence of positive well being in many workers, and uses some sociological theories to explain how this positive well being may lead to the unleashing of the […]
  • The Implications of Positive Psychology for Psychotherapeutic Practice With this, they described positive psychology as: “The field of positive psychology at the subjective level is about valued subjective experiences: well-being, contentment, and satisfaction; hope and optimism; and flow and happiness.
  • The Death Scenario: Positive Psychology Generally, I am concerned about Death and my Death or the Death of a loved one for that matter in different ways. The fear of this death scenario and the pain associated with it are […]
  • Positive Psychology to Understand the Elderly Population Generally speaking, it is stated that the methods of positive psychology, in particular, the concepts of positive aging and active aging, have been successful at improving the level of happiness of individuals of advanced age.
  • Positive Psychology in Business Organizations The contemporary positive psychology is a depiction of the fourth wave of development in the field of psychology. In this respect, this paper proposes incorporating a positive psychology framework to the leader of a business […]
  • Positive Psychology: Empowering Partners A practical solution to the issue of self-confidence and a method to empower the decision-making process is participation in a positive psychology-based coaching program.
  • Positive Psychology for Life Quality Improvement However, the great level of rivalry and the modern market environment contribute to the development of a number of psychological disorders that deteriorate the quality of life of an individual and condition the further aggravation […]
  • Positive Psychology and Happiness in “Yes” Article The assumption that serves as a base for this article is that happiness is one of the key components to a good life. This is a very strong assumption, as the majority of people on […]
  • Positive Psychology: Positive Coping Definition Methods of positive coping include proactive coping, social coping and meaning-focused coping. Positive coping improves the social, psychological, and physical wellbeing of individuals.
  • Positive Psychology: Subjective Well-Being The subjective level deals with the study of the person’s positive experiences such as joy, happiness and satisfaction, while the individual level focuses on the identification of the ingredients of a good life or personal […]
  • Positive Psychology and Chinese Culture Positive psychology is related to optimism in the Chinese perspective. Positive psychology in this sense is perceived to have changed the worldview of many Chinese.
  • Humanist Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and Positive Psychology Proponents of the humanist psychology perceived cognitive psychology as a fragmented part of the human psychology and therefore they developed the concept of humanist psychology to be more holistic and analytical of the human psychology […]
  • Strengthening Todays Soldiers Through Positive Psychology and Resiliency Factors The purpose of the field of positive psychology is to enable understanding and nurturing of factors which make it possible for people and communities to prosper and become accustomed to what is excellent “in the […]
  • Positive Psychology Chronicle: A Retrospective at the Results It is important to mark that in the given assignment, it is quite essential that five variations of answering the question are offered so that the results of the test could be more precise and, […]
  • Breaking Down Positive Psychology Approach Towards Making People Happier
  • Comparing Positive Psychology and Choice Theory
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Positive Psychology
  • Human Nature and Its Positive Psychology
  • Freud and His Contribution to Positive Psychology
  • Revisiting the Organismic Valuing Process Theory of Personal Growth: A Theoretical Review of Rogers and Its Connection to Positive Psychology
  • Positive Psychology Theory and Core Concepts Psychology
  • Contextual Positive Psychology: Policy Recommendations for Implementing Positive Psychology Into Schools
  • Altruism, Positive Psychology, Stress and Lifespan
  • Positive Psychology and Nonverbal Vocal Message
  • Acknowledgement: Positive Psychology and Capstone Project
  • Positive Psychology and Chronic Illness
  • Positive Psychology: Altruism, Love, Appreciation, and Forgiveness
  • Effects of a Positive Psychology Intervention for Preschool Children on Subjective Well Being and Learning Behaviors
  • Developing the Entrepreneurial University through Positive Psychology and Social Enterprise
  • Positive Psychology and Performance Appraisals
  • Strengths Test and Positive Psychology
  • Positive Psychology and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Personal Growth and Happiness: Positive Psychology
  • The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success at Work
  • Positive Psychology and Its Effect on the Well Being of Those Who Live With Chronic Illnesses
  • Positive Psychology and Learning a Second or Third Language
  • Similarities Between Positive Psychology and Coaching
  • Evaluating Mindfulness as a Therapy in Positive Psychology
  • Positive Psychology and the Effect of Colour on Mood
  • Existential Trauma, and Positive Psychology
  • Positive Psychology Influencing: The Onset of a Positive Lifestyle and Positive Health
  • Believe: Positive Psychology and Positive Attitude
  • The History and Applications of Positive Psychology
  • Who Benefits From Humor-Based Positive Psychology Interventions? The Moderating Effects of Personality Traits and Sense of Humor
  • Positive Psychology: The Effects of Positive Emotions
  • Trait Emotional Intelligence and Classroom Emotions: A Positive Psychology Investigation
  • Flow and the Foundations of Positive Psychology
  • Positive Psychology Micro-Coaching Intervention: Effects on Psychological Capital and Goal-Related Self-Efficacy
  • Implementing Positive Psychology Interventions
  • Multicultural Competence, Ethics, and Positive Psychology
  • The New Psychology Field of Positive Psychology
  • The Positive Psychology Movement by Martin Seligman and the Three Types of Happiness
  • Positive Psychology for Modern Business Management
  • Positive Psychology and Positive Masculinity : A Strengths Based Framework
  • What Is Positive Psychology?
  • What Are the Three Pillars of Positive Psychology?
  • What Are the Four Key Concepts of Positive Psychology?
  • Who Benefits From Humor-Based Positive Psychology Interventions?
  • Does Positive Psychology Ease Symptoms of Depression?
  • What Is the Main Focus of Positive Psychology?
  • What Are the Five Ways to Practice Positive Psychology?
  • How Is Positive Psychology Used in Everyday Life?
  • Why Is Positive Psychology Harmful?
  • What Are the Six Interventions for Positive Psychology?
  • What Kind of Therapy Is Positive Psychology?
  • What Is Difference Between Psychology and Positive Psychology?
  • Who Is the Father of Positive Psychology?
  • What Problems Does Positive Psychology Address?
  • What Are the Weaknesses of Positive Psychology?
  • Can Positive Psychology Make Us Happier?
  • Who Is Known for Positive Psychology?
  • What Is Positive Psychology Based On?
  • What Is Seligman’s Theory of Positive Psychology?
  • What Are the Seven Principles of Positive Psychology?
  • Who Used the Term Positive Psychology?
  • Is Positive Psychology an Umbrella Term?
  • What Is the Theory of Positive Psychology?
  • What Are the Three Levels of Positive Psychology?
  • What Are the Categories of Positive Psychology?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 91 Positive Psychology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"91 Positive Psychology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '91 Positive Psychology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "91 Positive Psychology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "91 Positive Psychology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "91 Positive Psychology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Anete Ezera November 04, 2022

If you’re looking for good topics for presentations, you’ve landed on the right page. In this article, you’ll find plenty of good presentation topics, tips on choosing the most suitable topic for you, and essential design elements to make your presentation a success. 

Many factors go into an excellent presentation. You need to have confident body language and engage your audience to hold their attention. You also need eye-catching visual aids like images, data visualizations, GIFs, and others (all of which you can find in Prezi ), not to mention a great opening to grab attention and a strong closing line to stay memorable. However, the most essential aspect of your presentation is the topic. It’s the core of your presentation, so it has to be strong, insightful, attention-grabbing, and appealing to yourself and your audience in order to evolve into a successful presentation everyone will love. 

good presentation topics: a woman giving a presentation in a business meeting

How to choose a good presentation topic

There are millions of topics you could create a presentation on, but what defines a good topic? If you’re struggling to either come up with a good topic for a presentation or you can’t decide between multiple ones, here are a few questions you should ask yourself before choosing a topic. 

What’s the goal of your presentation? 

When you’re choosing a topic, consider the meaning behind it. Ask yourself what the purpose of talking about this topic is, and what you want to say about it. Whatever topic you choose to present, the conclusion needs to provide a takeaway or lesson you want to communicate to your audience. A meaningful goal will make your presentation more memorable.  

Are you interested in the topic?

If you’re not interested in the topic, others won’t be curious either. Interest, enthusiasm, and passion enrich your presentation and are noticeable when presenting. Interest shines through and inspires others to find the topic as fascinating as you do. Think about the last time you saw someone sharing something they were passionate about – their excitement drew people in to pay closer attention to what they were saying. 

When choosing a topic, you need to find it or a particular angle of it interesting for yourself. For example, perhaps you’re not a pop music enthusiast, but you’re passionate about studying cultural phenomena. In this case, you can talk about pop music’s influence on early 2000s youth culture. 

Will your audience find this topic relatable? 

While you have to find the topic you’re presenting interesting, you also have to think about your audience. When choosing a subject, consider your audience’s background in terms of demographics, interests, culture, and knowledge level about the topic. Think about what others will find fascinating and relevant, so they’re not bored or confused during your presentation.

Do you have prior experience or knowledge about this topic?

Personal experiences are always great to share in a presentation, providing your unique perspective for anyone listening. While you can easily prepare your presentation based on a quick Google search, it won’t make the same lasting impact on your audience. Choose a topic you have some prior knowledge about, or have an interesting opinion you can share with others. It’ll make your presentation more engaging and memorable.

good presentation topics: a presenter on stage

Ideas for good presentation topics

It’s not easy to come up with a good presentation topic from scratch. It’s much easier to get inspired from other good presentation topics to build your topic on. Whether you’re looking for presentation ideas for work, about me presentation ideas, unique or easy presentation topics, you’ll find them all here.

Without further ado, here are some good presentation topics to choose from or get inspired by.

Presentation topics about social media

  • The role of social media in portraying gender stereotypes
  • How social media impacts our body image
  • How social media shaped Gen Z 
  • The most significant differences between the Facebook and TikTok generations
  • The negative effects of social media
  • The positive impacts of social media 
  • The effects of social media on behavior 
  • How social media impacts our physical (or mental) health
  • How social media has shaped our understanding of mass media
  • Should we teach about social media in schools?
  • The rise of social media influencers
  • How AR Instagram filters impact our self-image
  • How to go viral on social media?
  • The origins of social media echo chambers
  • Social media as a news outlet

Author: Ish Verduzco

Presentation topics about movies

  • How movies influence our understanding of good and evil
  • Beauty standards represented in movies
  • How female characters are depicted in Hollywood movies
  • How horror movies and global fears have developed through time
  • The adverse effects of romance movies
  • How movies have changed our understanding of the Western culture
  • Charlie Chaplin and the silent movie era
  • The globalization of culture: Hollywood vs. Bollywood
  • The psychology behind the music in films
  • The ethics of using animals in movies
  • Social media’s influence on the film industry
  • The history of filmmaking
  • The role of color in movies
  • The cultural impact of romance movies
  • How are gender stereotypes depicted in Hollywood movies?

Author: Cinto Marti

Presentation topics about music

  • The impact of pop music on beauty standards
  • Should digital music be free for everyone?
  • The psychology behind the music in advertisements 
  • The effectiveness of sound therapy
  • Can music inspire criminal behavior?
  • The psychological effects of metal music
  • The origins of K-pop
  • How does music influence our understanding of the world?
  • Can music help in the learning process?
  • The positive effects of classical music
  • The history of hip hop
  • Why is music education essential in schools?
  • The psychological benefits of playing piano
  • Can anyone become a famous musician?
  • The role of music in fashion

Author: Prezi Editorial

Presentation topics about health

  • The link between food and mental health
  • Inequality in the healthcare system
  • Myths about healthy practices
  • Simple practices that help you stay healthy
  • Health education in schools: Should it change?  
  • Toxic positivity and mental health
  • The impact of superfoods on our health
  • The psychology behind unhealthy eating habits
  • Sex education in schools: Why should we have it?
  • How to trick yourself into getting better: The placebo effect
  • How to strengthen your immune system
  • How to tell if someone is depressed
  • The health benefits of regular exercise
  • The impact of junk food on mental health
  • Stress-caused diseases

Author: Prezi Education Team

Presentation topics about human psychology

  • What is social depression?
  • What triggers panic attacks?
  • The impact of testosterone on aggressive behavior
  • How to overcome social anxiety
  • Differences in the functioning of the brain of a child and adult
  • The impact of violent video games on children’s brain development
  • How does the use of social media influence our attention span?
  • How to overcome childhood trauma
  • The influence of marijuana on the human brain
  • How does behavioral therapy work
  • The psychology behind fame
  • The causes of personality disorders
  • The differences in brain functioning between men and women
  • What happens in therapy sessions?
  • The psychology of substance abuse 

Presentation topics about self-development

  • The impact of exercise on productivity
  • How to deal with stress
  • How to deal with procrastination
  • The positive effects of meditation
  • Why new–year’s resolutions don’t work
  • How to overcome bad habits
  • The impact of negative thoughts
  • The negative effects of self-criticism
  • The role of creativity in self-development
  • Benefits of journaling
  • How to learn something fast
  • How to be mindful
  • The importance of curiosity 
  • How to become more self-aware
  • Why it’s essential to spend time with yourself

Author: Nir Eyal

Presentation topics about education

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of online education?
  • The positive effects of a gap year
  • Should university education be free?
  • Inequality in education access
  • How language learning benefits brain development
  • Emerging gender issues in education
  • The importance of socialization in school
  • School bullying and student development
  • The benefits of reading 
  • Is the education system broken?
  • What you don’t learn in college
  • The link between education and brain development
  • The history of schools
  • The gender gap in STEM
  • The connection between equality in education and economic growth

Presentation topics about culture

  • Is graffiti a form of art or street vandalism? 
  • Cultural diversity in the workplace
  • The impact of culture on gender roles
  • The issue with orientalism
  • Are humans the only species that has culture?
  • How do different cultures view death? 
  • The ethical issues of pop culture
  • The impact of culture on personal development
  • Sexism in different cultures
  • The impact of globalization on local cultures
  • The viral spread of the #metoo movement
  • The history of subcultures
  • The problem with romanticizing toxic relationships in movies
  • 90s pop-culture influence on fashion trends
  • The evolution of cultural psychology 

Author: Devin Banerjee

Presentation ideas for work

  • What it’s like to be a digital nomad?
  • How to deal with workplace conflicts
  • The secret to a productive day
  • How to set achievable goals
  • The importance of diversity in a workplace
  • The positive effects of creative thinking at work
  • How to give constructive feedback
  • The characteristics of a valuable team member
  • Inequality and the glass ceiling
  • Racial discrimination in the workplace
  • Work habits of different cultures
  • How is work perceived in various countries?
  • Technological development and the future of work
  • The importance of a healthy work/life balance
  • The rise of health problems in office work

Author: Charles Huang

Presentation topics about hybrid work

  • The positive effects of hybrid work on work/life balance
  • Is hybrid work the future work model? 
  • How to stay connected in a hybrid work model
  • The challenges of hybrid work nobody talks about
  • How to stay productive when working from home
  • The social effects of hybrid work
  • The economic impacts of hybrid work
  • Case study: Hybrid work model in [company]
  • What causes Zoom fatigue?
  • The problem with online meetings
  • Is hybrid work better than remote work?
  • How to develop a close relationship with colleagues in a hybrid work model
  • What kind of company culture is best for a hybrid work model?
  • Is hybrid work sustainable?
  • Cybersecurity consideration for hybrid working

Author: Barbie Brewer

Presentation topics about public speaking

  • The importance of body language in public speeches
  • How to appear confident when you’re not
  • How to become a better orator
  • The use of eye contact in public speaking
  • Breathing exercises that will calm you down before public speaking
  • The benefits of public speaking
  • Ways to improve public speaking skills
  • How to leave a great first impression on stage
  • How to engage your audience during a public speech
  • How to best structure your public speech
  • How to end your presentation speech
  • Can anyone learn to be good at public speaking?
  • How to prepare for a public speech
  • What not to do right before a public speech
  • How to address a controversial topic in a public speech  

Author: Prezi Team

Presentation topics about entrepreneurship and leadership

  • The main principles of a good leader
  • The impact of leadership skills on professional performance
  • The mistake every entrepreneur makes
  • How to successfully lead a cross-cultural team
  • How to celebrate inclusivity in a diverse team
  • What are the common personality traits of a successful entrepreneur?
  • The impact of entrepreneurship on the global economy
  • The characteristics of a leader
  • The most common challenges of entrepreneurship
  • Can anyone learn to become a successful leader? 
  • What affects new venture growth?
  • The psychology of leadership
  • What is crowdsourcing? 
  • The benefits of being an entrepreneur
  • Common mistakes leaders make

Author: Jill Sinclair

Presentation topics about technology

  • The rise of technological development
  • Is technology addictive?
  • Should we use drones for military and non-military purposes?
  • The sustainability of electric cars
  • What are deepfakes?
  • Limitations of AI machines
  • The future of programming
  • Ethical issues of AI
  • The future of AR in business
  • How VR can be used in the medical field

Author: David Vandegrift

Sales presentation topics

  • How to make a cold email intro
  • What is sales enablement?
  • How to build better relationships with customers
  • The best way to improve pipeline management
  • Coaching via verbal and written role-play
  • How to plan cold calls
  • What’s a deal-breaker for most customers? 
  • All about personalized coaching
  • How to manage objections
  • How to close more deals
  • How to keep your prospects engaged
  • Effective sales communication strategies
  • How to conduct a competitor analysis
  • The most valuable sales skills
  • What soft skills do you need to become a successful sales rep?

Author: Cindy McGovern

Easy presentation topics

  • Benefits of daily exercise and how to incorporate it into your routine
  • Simple and nutritious meal recipes
  • Tips for improving time management and productivity
  • The importance of recycling
  • The history of a local landmark or festival
  • Ways to reduce stress
  • Exploring different types of renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment
  • The basics of budgeting and saving money for future goals
  • The benefits of social media for professional use
  • Tips for overcoming stage fright
  • How to start a meditation practice
  • The impact of technology on modern society
  • The basics of personal finance
  • The health benefits of a plant-based diet
  • The history of Earth Day

Good how to presentation topics

  • How to create a successful social media marketing strategy
  • How to give a persuasive presentation
  • How to create effective and engaging content for your blog
  • How to discover your strengths and weaknesses
  • How to use project management tools to increase productivity
  • How to make the most out of boring meetings
  • How to build a personal brand
  • How to conduct effective market research
  • How to use data analytics to improve decision-making
  • How to improve your decision-making process
  • How to write a winning proposal
  • How to create a visually stunning presentation
  • How to manage stressful situations at work
  • How to make friends as an adult
  • How to network at work events

About me presentation ideas

  • My journey to becoming who I am today
  • My passion for [insert topic or activity]
  • My career aspirations and goals
  • My travels and adventures around the world
  • My hobbies and interests outside of work/school
  • My role models and influences
  • My strengths and weaknesses
  • My favorite books, movies, and TV shows
  • My proudest achievements and accomplishments
  • My favorite childhood memories
  • My family and friends
  • My education and academic background
  • My volunteer and community service experience
  • My personality traits and values
  • My vision for the future and how I plan to achieve it

Author: Adam Grant

Student presentation ideas

  • The history and evolution of video games
  • The history and cultural impact of tattoos
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The effects of globalization on local cultures and economies
  • The role of education in promoting social justice and equity
  • The ethical implications of autonomous weapons in warfare
  • The impact of mass media on society and culture
  • The causes and effects of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change
  • The history and cultural significance of dance in different parts of the world
  • The psychology of addiction and recovery
  • The impact of the gig economy on labor rights and job security
  • The history and impact of feminism on gender equality
  • The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures and identities
  • The role of technology in promoting global connectivity and intercultural understanding

Author: Edward Quinn

How to create a good presentation 

If you know what you want to present on, it’s time to create an impactful presentation that grabs everyone’s attention. Presentation design plays a crucial role in how your presentation is received and remembered. To stand out and leave a memorable impact on your audience, create a Prezi presentation. Instead of a linear, slide-based presentation, offer an engaging and dynamic storytelling experience to your audience. Breathe life into your presentation with motion, zoom, and spatial relationships. When creating your presentation, consider the following three essential elements: 

Visuals play a significant part in presentation design. They evoke emotions, make a memorable impact, and give more context to the story. Not to mention, 65% of people are visual learners , so visual aids are helpful when explaining a complex topic. 

In your presentation, include different types of visuals, such as images, videos, GIFs, and stickers, all of which you can find in Prezi’s content library. When selecting your visuals, consider what’s relevant and brings additional value to the story. Only add what’s meaningful and necessary. A video or image at the right place and time will enrich the viewing experience and make your presentation more memorable. 

The layout of your presentation is the structure of your story. It’ll help you introduce the topic, intrigue your audience, and unfold the layers of your topic one by one until you disclose your main arguments and summarize the presentation. A good presentation layout has a hierarchical, chronological, or logical flow that leads the viewer from start to finish. 

If you’re creating a Prezi presentation, you can create a dynamic storytelling experience by experimenting with your layout. Instead of going from slide to slide, you can zoom in and out of topics and experiment with different shapes, animations, and effects that draw the viewer into your story world. Here’s an example of a Prezi presentation with a great storytelling layout:

Author: Lydia Antonatos

Data visualizations can elevate your presentation from being a good one to a great one. By providing data behind your arguments, you’ll appear more trustworthy and confident in your audience’s eyes. 

Add charts, graphs, interactive maps, and more to your presentations with Prezi Design. You can choose from a wide selection of charts and maps to illustrate your data. With interactive elements, you’ll be able to engage your audience and make a memorable impact. 

Engaging visuals, a well-structured layout, and relevant data visualizations will provide a great starting base to create a memorable presentation. Discover other tips and tricks that make your presentation effective and capture people’s attention. 

Choosing a topic for a presentation isn’t easy. When selecting a topic, think about the goal of your presentation, your interest and knowledge about the topic, and whether or not your audience will find it relevant and interesting for them. Also, get inspired by other topics that’ll help you figure out what you want to talk about. Lastly, when creating your presentation, consider the impact of visuals, layout, and data visualizations. To simplify the creation process, follow the step-by-step process of making a presentation with helpful tips and resources.

positive psychology topics for presentation

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50+ Research Topics for Psychology Papers

How to Find Psychology Research Topics for Your Student Paper

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

positive psychology topics for presentation

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

positive psychology topics for presentation

  • Specific Branches of Psychology
  • Topics Involving a Disorder or Type of Therapy
  • Human Cognition
  • Human Development
  • Critique of Publications
  • Famous Experiments
  • Historical Figures
  • Specific Careers
  • Case Studies
  • Literature Reviews
  • Your Own Study/Experiment

Are you searching for a great topic for your psychology paper ? Sometimes it seems like coming up with topics of psychology research is more challenging than the actual research and writing. Fortunately, there are plenty of great places to find inspiration and the following list contains just a few ideas to help get you started.

Finding a solid topic is one of the most important steps when writing any type of paper. It can be particularly important when you are writing a psychology research paper or essay. Psychology is such a broad topic, so you want to find a topic that allows you to adequately cover the subject without becoming overwhelmed with information.

I can always tell when a student really cares about the topic they chose; it comes through in the writing. My advice is to choose a topic that genuinely interests you, so you’ll be more motivated to do thorough research.

In some cases, such as in a general psychology class, you might have the option to select any topic from within psychology's broad reach. Other instances, such as in an  abnormal psychology  course, might require you to write your paper on a specific subject such as a psychological disorder.

As you begin your search for a topic for your psychology paper, it is first important to consider the guidelines established by your instructor.

Research Topics Within Specific Branches of Psychology

The key to selecting a good topic for your psychology paper is to select something that is narrow enough to allow you to really focus on the subject, but not so narrow that it is difficult to find sources or information to write about.

One approach is to narrow your focus down to a subject within a specific branch of psychology. For example, you might start by deciding that you want to write a paper on some sort of social psychology topic. Next, you might narrow your focus down to how persuasion can be used to influence behavior .

Other social psychology topics you might consider include:

  • Prejudice and discrimination (i.e., homophobia, sexism, racism)
  • Social cognition
  • Person perception
  • Social control and cults
  • Persuasion, propaganda, and marketing
  • Attraction, romance, and love
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Prosocial behavior

Psychology Research Topics Involving a Disorder or Type of Therapy

Exploring a psychological disorder or a specific treatment modality can also be a good topic for a psychology paper. Some potential abnormal psychology topics include specific psychological disorders or particular treatment modalities, including:

  • Eating disorders
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Profile a  type of therapy  (i.e., cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, psychoanalytic therapy)

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Human Cognition

Some of the possible topics you might explore in this area include thinking, language, intelligence, and decision-making. Other ideas might include:

  • False memories
  • Speech disorders
  • Problem-solving

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Human Development

In this area, you might opt to focus on issues pertinent to  early childhood  such as language development, social learning, or childhood attachment or you might instead opt to concentrate on issues that affect older adults such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Some other topics you might consider include:

  • Language acquisition
  • Media violence and children
  • Learning disabilities
  • Gender roles
  • Child abuse
  • Prenatal development
  • Parenting styles
  • Aspects of the aging process

Do a Critique of Publications Involving Psychology Research Topics

One option is to consider writing a critique paper of a published psychology book or academic journal article. For example, you might write a critical analysis of Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams or you might evaluate a more recent book such as Philip Zimbardo's  The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil .

Professional and academic journals are also great places to find materials for a critique paper. Browse through the collection at your university library to find titles devoted to the subject that you are most interested in, then look through recent articles until you find one that grabs your attention.

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Famous Experiments

There have been many fascinating and groundbreaking experiments throughout the history of psychology, providing ample material for students looking for an interesting term paper topic. In your paper, you might choose to summarize the experiment, analyze the ethics of the research, or evaluate the implications of the study. Possible experiments that you might consider include:

  • The Milgram Obedience Experiment
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment
  • The Little Albert Experiment
  • Pavlov's Conditioning Experiments
  • The Asch Conformity Experiment
  • Harlow's Rhesus Monkey Experiments

Topics of Psychology Research About Historical Figures

One of the simplest ways to find a great topic is to choose an interesting person in the  history of psychology  and write a paper about them. Your paper might focus on many different elements of the individual's life, such as their biography, professional history, theories, or influence on psychology.

While this type of paper may be historical in nature, there is no need for this assignment to be dry or boring. Psychology is full of fascinating figures rife with intriguing stories and anecdotes. Consider such famous individuals as Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, Harry Harlow, or one of the many other  eminent psychologists .

Psychology Research Topics About a Specific Career

​Another possible topic, depending on the course in which you are enrolled, is to write about specific career paths within the  field of psychology . This type of paper is especially appropriate if you are exploring different subtopics or considering which area interests you the most.

In your paper, you might opt to explore the typical duties of a psychologist, how much people working in these fields typically earn, and the different employment options that are available.

Topics of Psychology Research Involving Case Studies

One potentially interesting idea is to write a  psychology case study  of a particular individual or group of people. In this type of paper, you will provide an in-depth analysis of your subject, including a thorough biography.

Generally, you will also assess the person, often using a major psychological theory such as  Piaget's stages of cognitive development  or  Erikson's eight-stage theory of human development . It is also important to note that your paper doesn't necessarily have to be about someone you know personally.

In fact, many professors encourage students to write case studies on historical figures or fictional characters from books, television programs, or films.

Psychology Research Topics Involving Literature Reviews

Another possibility that would work well for a number of psychology courses is to do a literature review of a specific topic within psychology. A literature review involves finding a variety of sources on a particular subject, then summarizing and reporting on what these sources have to say about the topic.

Literature reviews are generally found in the  introduction  of journal articles and other  psychology papers , but this type of analysis also works well for a full-scale psychology term paper.

Topics of Psychology Research Based on Your Own Study or Experiment

Many psychology courses require students to design an actual psychological study or perform some type of experiment. In some cases, students simply devise the study and then imagine the possible results that might occur. In other situations, you may actually have the opportunity to collect data, analyze your findings, and write up your results.

Finding a topic for your study can be difficult, but there are plenty of great ways to come up with intriguing ideas. Start by considering your own interests as well as subjects you have studied in the past.

Online sources, newspaper articles, books , journal articles, and even your own class textbook are all great places to start searching for topics for your experiments and psychology term papers. Before you begin, learn more about  how to conduct a psychology experiment .

What This Means For You

After looking at this brief list of possible topics for psychology papers, it is easy to see that psychology is a very broad and diverse subject. While this variety makes it possible to find a topic that really catches your interest, it can sometimes make it very difficult for some students to select a good topic.

If you are still stumped by your assignment, ask your instructor for suggestions and consider a few from this list for inspiration.

  • Hockenbury, SE & Nolan, SA. Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers; 2014.
  • Santrock, JW. A Topical Approach to Lifespan Development. New York: McGraw-Hill Education; 2016.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

220+ Interesting Psychology Topics to Talk About: Fascinating Explorations

Interesting Psychology Topics to Talk About

  • Post author By admin
  • August 10, 2023

“Interesting Psychology Topics to Talk About” – Ready to explore the mind? These topics are your ticket to captivating conversations about human behavior and thoughts. Let’s dive in!

Hey there, curious minds! Ever thought about why we do what we do? We’re here to chat about some seriously “Interesting Psychology Topics to Talk About.” But don’t worry, we’re keeping things light, easy, and totally fun.

You know those moments when you feel like a burst of happiness just hit you out of nowhere? Or those dreams that play out like epic movies in your head? Yeah, we’re diving into those awesome experiences!

But wait, there’s more! We’ll also have a friendly chat about why we act a certain way with our pals and fam. And get this – we’ll uncover how our brains make choices, and trust us, it’s like a super cool puzzle.

No need to stress if you’re not a psychology genius. We’re all about simple, friendly talks that feel like hanging out with your besties. So, whether you’re chilling with your buddies or just enjoying some “you” time, get ready to sprinkle your conversations with these mind-blowing psychology insights.

So, are you ready to join the fun? Let’s jump in and explore the amazing world of how our minds work – it’s gonna be a blast!

Table of Contents

Interesting Psychology Topics to Talk About

Have a close look at interesting psychology topics to talk about.

Biological Basis

  • Investigate the role of specific neurotransmitters in regulating mood and emotion.
  • Study the impact of brain lesions on language processing and communication abilities.
  • Explore the genetic basis of personality traits using twin and family studies.
  • Analyze the effects of chronic stress on the structure and function of the hippocampus.
  • Investigate the neural mechanisms underlying addictive behaviors through animal models.
  • Study the brain activity patterns associated with different levels of consciousness during sleep.
  • Analyze the influence of neuroplasticity on recovery from traumatic brain injuries.
  • Investigate the relationship between neural connectivity and cognitive flexibility.
  • Study the effects of prenatal exposure to environmental toxins on cognitive development.
  • Analyze the genetic and neural factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia.

Cognitive Processes

  • Explore the impact of mindfulness meditation on attention and cognitive control.
  • Investigate the effects of cognitive load on decision-making and risk perception.
  • Study the cognitive processes underlying false memories and their implications for eyewitness testimony.
  • Analyze the role of working memory in mathematical problem-solving abilities.
  • Investigate the effects of bilingualism on cognitive flexibility and executive functions.
  • Study the cognitive mechanisms involved in creative thinking and idea generation.
  • Analyze the effects of aging on cognitive processes such as memory and attention.
  • Investigate the cognitive strategies used by expert chess players during gameplay.
  • Study the role of cognitive dissonance in attitude change and behavior modification.
  • Analyze the cognitive processes involved in problem-solving and decision-making under uncertainty.

Developmental Psychology

  • Investigate the impact of early childhood attachment styles on adult romantic relationships.
  • Study the effects of parenting styles on emotional regulation in preschool children.
  • Analyze the role of peer relationships in shaping social development during adolescence.
  • Investigate the effects of digital media exposure on cognitive and social development in children.
  • Study the relationship between socio-economic status and cognitive development in infancy.
  • Analyze the effects of parental divorce on adolescent identity formation and self-esteem.
  • Investigate the impact of early childhood trauma on cognitive and emotional development.
  • Study the role of pretend play in promoting cognitive and social skills in young children.
  • Analyze the effects of puberty on brain development and cognitive functioning.
  • Investigate the influence of cultural factors on cognitive and social development across different societies.

Social Psychology

  • Study the effects of social media usage on self-esteem and body image perception.
  • Investigate the impact of groupthink on decision-making processes within teams.
  • Analyze the role of social identity in shaping intergroup conflict and cooperation.
  • Study the effects of social norms on altruistic behaviors and prosocial actions.
  • Investigate the factors influencing conformity and obedience to authority figures.
  • Analyze the effects of social comparison on body dissatisfaction and eating behaviors.
  • Study the impact of stereotype threat on academic performance and achievement gaps.
  • Investigate the role of empathy in promoting positive interpersonal relationships.
  • Analyze the effects of cognitive dissonance on attitude change and behavior modification.
  • Study the influence of cultural factors on social cognition and attribution processes.

Personality Psychology

  • Investigate the relationship between personality traits and career choices in different industries.
  • Study the effects of personality traits on relationship satisfaction and compatibility.
  • Analyze the impact of personality traits on leadership styles and effectiveness.
  • Investigate the relationship between personality traits and health behaviors.
  • Study the effects of personality traits on coping strategies and resilience in stressful situations.
  • Analyze the role of personality factors in predicting job performance and job satisfaction.
  • Investigate the impact of personality traits on decision-making styles and risk-taking behaviors.
  • Study the relationship between personality traits and political ideology.
  • Analyze the effects of personality traits on online behavior and social media engagement.
  • Investigate the influence of cultural factors on the expression and perception of personality traits.

Clinical Psychology

  • Develop an intervention program using cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques for managing anxiety disorders.
  • Study the effectiveness of virtual reality exposure therapy in treating specific phobias.
  • Analyze the impact of art therapy on reducing symptoms of depression in adolescents.
  • Investigate the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on stress reduction and well-being.
  • Study the relationship between childhood trauma and the development of borderline personality disorder.
  • Analyze the effects of group therapy in promoting recovery for individuals with substance use disorders.
  • Investigate the effectiveness of online therapy in providing accessible mental health support.
  • Study the role of therapeutic alliance in improving treatment outcomes for individuals with schizophrenia.
  • Analyze the effects of schema-focused therapy in treating personality disorders.
  • Investigate the impact of early intervention programs on preventing the onset of mental health disorders.

Health Psychology

  • Develop a mobile app that promotes healthy lifestyle changes through personalized goal-setting.
  • Study the effects of stress management techniques on cardiovascular health outcomes.
  • Analyze the relationship between positive emotions and immune system functioning.
  • Investigate the impact of social support on coping strategies and resilience in health-related challenges.
  • Study the effects of health behavior change interventions on improving adherence to medical treatment regimens.
  • Analyze the role of psychosocial factors in influencing pain perception and pain management.
  • Investigate the relationship between personality traits and health-related decision-making.
  • Study the effects of health-related messaging on individuals’ attitudes and behaviors.
  • Analyze the impact of mindfulness meditation on reducing symptoms in chronic pain patients.
  • Investigate the effects of a wellness intervention on enhancing quality of life in cancer patients.

Educational Psychology

  • Develop a gamified learning app that enhances students’ motivation and engagement in educational content.
  • Study the effects of different teaching methods on student learning outcomes and retention.
  • Analyze the impact of self-regulated learning strategies on academic performance.
  • Investigate the relationship between teacher-student relationships and student motivation.
  • Study the effects of incorporating technology in the classroom on student engagement and achievement.
  • Analyze the impact of peer tutoring on students’ academic achievement and self-efficacy.
  • Investigate the effects of growth mindset interventions on student motivation and academic success.
  • Study the influence of cultural factors on learning styles and preferences.
  • Analyze the effects of classroom environment design on student focus and attention.
  • Investigate the relationship between parental involvement and students’ academic achievement and well-being.

Industrial-Organizational Psychology

  • Develop a training program for improving interpersonal communication skills in the workplace.
  • Study the effects of flexible work arrangements on employee job satisfaction and work-life balance.
  • Analyze the relationship between leadership styles and employee motivation and productivity.
  • Investigate the impact of organizational culture on employee engagement and job satisfaction.
  • Study the effects of performance appraisal systems on employee morale and job performance.
  • Analyze the role of diversity and inclusion initiatives in promoting positive workplace dynamics.
  • Investigate the effects of mindfulness programs on reducing workplace stress and burnout.
  • Study the relationship between job crafting and employee well-being and job satisfaction.
  • Analyze the impact of organizational change on employee resistance and adaptation.
  • Investigate the effectiveness of training programs on enhancing employee conflict resolution skills.

Counseling Psychology

  • Develop a coping skills workshop for individuals dealing with grief and loss.
  • Study the effectiveness of narrative therapy in promoting post-traumatic growth.
  • Analyze the impact of self-compassion interventions on reducing symptoms of depression.
  • Investigate the role of mindfulness-based stress reduction in enhancing well-being.
  • Study the effects of group therapy on improving self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.
  • Analyze the impact of career counseling on individuals’ vocational satisfaction and decision-making.
  • Investigate the effects of expressive arts therapy in promoting emotional expression and healing.
  • Study the relationship between therapist-client rapport and treatment outcomes.
  • Analyze the effects of cognitive restructuring techniques in treating social anxiety disorder.
  • Investigate the role of cultural competence in effective counseling practices.

Forensic Psychology

  • Develop a training program for law enforcement professionals on effective interview techniques.
  • Study the accuracy of eyewitness testimony and factors influencing memory recall in criminal cases.
  • Analyze the psychological factors influencing false confessions and their implications for justice.
  • Investigate the impact of media coverage on public perceptions of criminal cases and verdicts.
  • Study the effectiveness of risk assessment tools in predicting recidivism among offenders.
  • Analyze the role of psychological assessments in evaluating defendants’ competency to stand trial.
  • Investigate the psychological profiles of individuals convicted of white-collar crimes.
  • Study the impact of psychopathy and antisocial personality traits on criminal behavior.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of forensic psychological profiling in criminal investigations.
  • Investigate the role of witness testimony and memory accuracy in court proceedings.

Positive Psychology

  • Develop a gratitude journaling app that promotes daily reflection on positive experiences.
  • Study the effects of engaging in acts of kindness on subjective well-being.
  • Analyze the impact of positive psychology interventions on enhancing resilience and happiness.
  • Investigate the relationship between positive emotions and physical health outcomes.
  • Study the effects of practicing mindfulness meditation on reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Analyze the impact of positive psychology interventions on enhancing students’ academic motivation and performance.
  • Investigate the effects of gratitude interventions on interpersonal relationships and social connections.
  • Study the influence of character strengths on career satisfaction and vocational success.
  • Analyze the effects of positive psychology interventions on enhancing employee well-being in the workplace.
  • Investigate the relationship between positive psychology practices and overall life satisfaction.

Sensation and Perception

  • Study the effects of sensory deprivation on perceptual experiences and cognitive functioning.
  • Investigate the role of attention in shaping visual perception and object recognition.
  • Analyze the impact of cross-modal sensory integration on depth perception and spatial awareness.
  • Investigate the effects of synesthesia on cognitive processing and artistic creativity.
  • Study the relationship between visual illusions and the brain’s interpretation of spatial dimensions.
  • Analyze the effects of cultural factors on auditory perception and music preferences.
  • Investigate the role of proprioception in body image perception and self-awareness.
  • Study the effects of altered visual input on perceptual adaptation and recalibration.
  • Analyze the influence of context and expectations on taste perception and flavor preferences.
  • Investigate the effects of aging on sensory thresholds and perceptual acuity.

Emotion and Motivation

  • Develop an emotion regulation app that teaches individuals techniques for managing negative emotions.
  • Study the effects of music on emotional states and its potential therapeutic applications.
  • Analyze the impact of positive mood induction on creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and interpersonal communication skills.
  • Study the effects of motivational incentives on task performance and productivity.
  • Analyze the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in shaping career aspirations and choices.
  • Investigate the impact of cultural factors on emotional expression and display rules.
  • Study the effects of humor and laughter on mood enhancement and stress reduction.
  • Analyze the relationship between emotion regulation strategies and psychological well-being.
  • Investigate the effects of emotional contagion on group dynamics and team performance.

Psychological Research Methods

  • Develop an online platform for conducting large-scale surveys on psychological topics.
  • Study the reliability and validity of self-report measures for assessing personality traits.
  • Analyze the ethical considerations in conducting research with vulnerable populations.
  • Investigate the effects of experimenter bias on participant responses and study outcomes.
  • Study the impact of different experimental designs on internal and external validity.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of using mixed methods in capturing complex psychological phenomena.
  • Investigate the use of eye-tracking technology to study attention and visual perception.
  • Study the advantages and limitations of longitudinal research designs in studying developmental changes.
  • Analyze the use of neuroimaging techniques in exploring brain-behavior relationships.
  • Investigate the application of machine learning algorithms in analyzing large-scale psychological data.

Ethics and Professional Standards

  • Develop a code of ethics guidebook for practicing psychologists in diverse cultural contexts.
  • Study the ethical considerations in conducting research involving vulnerable populations.
  • Analyze the impact of digital technology on privacy and confidentiality in psychological practice.
  • Investigate the role of ethical decision-making models in resolving ethical dilemmas.
  • Study the ethical implications of using social media data in psychological research.
  • Analyze the effects of cultural factors on ethical decision-making in psychotherapy.
  • Investigate the ethical considerations in providing online therapy services across international boundaries.
  • Study the impact of psychologist-client relationships on informed consent and treatment planning.
  • Analyze the role of dual relationships in psychotherapy and potential conflicts of interest.
  • Investigate the ethical considerations in using artificial intelligence in psychological assessments.

Cross-Cultural Psychology

  • Develop a cultural competence training program for mental health professionals working with diverse populations.
  • Study the effects of cultural norms on perceptions of mental health and help-seeking behaviors.
  • Analyze the impact of acculturation on psychological well-being and identity formation.
  • Investigate the relationship between cultural values and parenting practices across different societies.
  • Study the influence of cultural factors on conflict resolution strategies and negotiation styles.
  • Analyze the effects of multicultural exposure on reducing prejudice and intergroup biases.
  • Investigate the role of cultural factors in shaping emotion expression and emotional intelligence.
  • Study the impact of cultural congruence in therapeutic interventions on treatment outcomes.
  • Analyze the effects of cross-cultural training on enhancing intercultural communication skills.
  • Investigate the relationship between cultural identity and psychological well-being in immigrant populations.


  • Develop a virtual reality-based cognitive assessment tool for detecting early signs of neurodegenerative disorders.
  • Study the effects of brain injuries on executive functions and decision-making abilities.
  • Analyze the neural mechanisms underlying the placebo effect in pain management.
  • Investigate the impact of brain stimulation techniques on cognitive enhancement and memory consolidation.
  • Study the relationship between brain connectivity and cognitive decline in aging populations.
  • Analyze the effects of neurofeedback training on attention deficits in individuals with ADHD.
  • Investigate the role of neurocognitive assessments in predicting treatment outcomes for traumatic brain injuries.
  • Study the neural basis of emotional processing and its implications for mood disorders.
  • Analyze the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive functioning and memory consolidation.
  • Investigate the cognitive effects of brain lesions in specific brain regions using case studies.

Psychological Assessment

  • Develop a comprehensive psychological assessment tool for measuring emotional intelligence.
  • Study the validity and reliability of online personality tests in predicting real-world behavior.
  • Analyze the cross-cultural applicability of intelligence tests and potential biases in assessment.
  • Investigate the impact of self-report measures on the accuracy of psychological assessments.
  • Study the effects of response biases and social desirability in self-report questionnaires.
  • Analyze the use of projective tests in assessing personality traits and psychological states.
  • Investigate the effectiveness of behavioral observation techniques in clinical assessments.
  • Study the relationship between objective and subjective measures of stress and coping.
  • Analyze the effects of assessment feedback on individuals’ self-perception and self-awareness.
  • Investigate the utility of computerized cognitive assessments in detecting cognitive impairments.

Biopsychosocial Model

  • Develop a holistic health intervention program that integrates biological, psychological, and social factors.
  • Study the effects of social support networks on individuals’ mental and physical well-being.
  • Analyze the role of stress as a mediator between biological factors and mental health outcomes.
  • Investigate the relationship between personality traits and coping strategies in health-related challenges.
  • Study the impact of social determinants on health disparities and access to healthcare services.
  • Analyze the effects of positive psychology interventions on overall biopsychosocial well-being.
  • Investigate the role of resilience in buffering the negative effects of biological and psychological stressors.
  • Study the effects of lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, on mental health outcomes.
  • Analyze the interactions between genetic predispositions and environmental factors in mental health.
  • Investigate the role of cultural factors in shaping individuals’ perceptions of health and illness.

These project ideas cover a wide range of topics within the specified categories, providing ample opportunities for research, exploration, and application of psychological principles.

What are the 4 main ideas of psychology?

Hey there! When it comes to psychology, there are these four cool ideas that help us make sense of why people do what they do:

Our Body’s Role

Imagine your brain, genes, and chemicals teaming up to decide how you feel and act. It’s like your body’s secret plan!

The Thinking Magic

Ever wonder how your brain learns stuff, remembers things, and solves problems? That’s what this idea is all about – the awesome power of thinking.

Life’s Influence

Think about how your surroundings, the people you’re with, and your culture shape the way you are. It’s like life giving you tips on how to be you!

We’re All Different

You know how each person has their own personality, smarts, and changes as they grow? That’s what makes you super unique. It’s like you’re your very own superhero.

So there you have it – these four ideas are like your guide to understanding all the cool things humans do!

How do you come up with a psychology research topic?

Hey, great question! Picking a psychology research topic is like finding a treasure in a big jungle of ideas. Here’s a simple roadmap to help you out:

Passion Point

Start with what makes you curious or excited. Is there something about human behavior, emotions, or the mind that really grabs your attention? That’s your passion point!

Explore and Dig

Once you’ve got that passion point, explore it more. Read books, articles, and even watch videos related to it. This helps you dig deeper and find interesting angles.

Narrow It Down

Your passion might be huge, so narrow it down to something specific. Instead of “emotions,” you could focus on “how music affects mood.” It’s like zooming in on a map.

Look for gaps in what’s already out there. Is there something not much explored? A question not fully answered? That’s your golden spot!

Talk and Share

Discuss your ideas with friends, family, or even teachers. They might give you fresh perspectives or point out things you haven’t thought about.

Think Feasibility

Make sure your topic is doable within your resources and time. You don’t want to embark on a research adventure that’s too tricky to tackle.

Stay Curious

Remember, research is an adventure! Stay curious, open to changes, and have fun exploring the world of psychology.

So go on, find that treasure of a topic waiting for you in the jungle of ideas!

What is the most heavily researched topics in social psychology?

Hey there, awesome question! Social psychology is like a treasure trove of ideas that people are super curious about. Here are some of the topics that researchers dive into a lot:

People Power

This one’s all about how we’re influenced by others. Imagine how friends, family, and even celebrities affect what we do and think.

Judging Others

Ever notice how we sometimes make quick judgments about people? That’s what this is about – why we sometimes think certain ways about others.

Teamwork and Groups

Imagine being part of a team – how do we get along, who takes charge, and why do some groups click better than others?

Thinking About Others

Ever tried to figure out what someone else is thinking? Social psychology looks into how we read others’ minds and guess their feelings.

Likes and Dislikes

This one’s all about why we like some stuff and not others. Think of how ads try to convince us to buy things – that’s part of this topic.

Being Nice or Not

Sometimes we’re super helpful, other times not so much. Social psychology digs into what makes us act kind or maybe a bit cranky.

Relationships Matter

From friendships to romantic relationships, this is all about how we connect with others. Ever wonder why some bonds are strong and others fizzle?

Culture Matters

Think about how where we’re from shapes who we are. Social psychology checks out how our culture influences our thoughts and actions.

Who We Are in Groups

This one’s about being part of clubs, teams, or even bigger groups. It’s like exploring how we see ourselves in these bunches.

Feeling Around Others

Have you noticed how our feelings change when we’re with friends or in a crowd? Social psychology looks at why this happens.

Remember, these topics are like puzzle pieces in the big picture of how we act around others. Each one helps us understand a bit more about ourselves and the people around us!

Get set for an awesome ride into the world of psychology! We’re going to uncover the secrets of how our minds work, and it’s going to be a ton of fun. Imagine learning cool tricks about memory and discovering why we feel different emotions – it’s like solving brain puzzles.

Think of psychology as a treasure map to understanding ourselves and our friends better. It’s like peeking behind the scenes of how we think and feel. So, grab your curiosity and let’s dive into this exciting adventure of exploring our minds and the world around us!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i pursue a career in psychology.

To pursue a career in psychology, you typically need a bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field. Further education, such as a master’s or doctoral degree, may be required for specialized roles. It’s essential to gain practical experience through internships or research opportunities.

What are some famous psychological experiments?

Several famous psychological experiments have shaped the field. The Stanford prison experiment, the Milgram obedience study, and the Little Albert experiment are just a few examples. These experiments have provided valuable insights into human behavior and ethics.

How does stress impact mental health?

Stress can have significant effects on mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues. Chronic stress can contribute to the development of mental disorders and negatively impact overall well-being.

What is the role of neurotransmitters in the brain?

Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells in the brain. They play a crucial role in regulating mood, behavior, and various bodily functions. Imbalances in neurotransmitters have been linked to conditions like depression and anxiety.

How does psychology contribute to understanding addiction?

Psychology provides insights into the causes and treatment of addiction. It explores the psychological factors that contribute to addictive behaviors and examines effective interventions, such as behavioral therapies and counseling.

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Psychology Project Topics

How to Build Your Workplace Wellness Program

Workplace Wellness

Poor physical, mental, emotional, and social wellness in the working environment results in billions of lost profits for businesses and struggling and suffering employees on a global scale (Gallup, 2023; Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2021).

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Focusing on workplace wellness policies, strategies, and initiatives can move employees from functioning and flailing to flourishing (McQuaid & Kern, 2018).

This article explores developing and implementing workplace wellness programs that benefit both employers and employees.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Work & Career Coaching Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients identify opportunities for professional growth and create a more meaningful career.

This Article Contains

What is workplace wellness 15 examples, developing your work wellness program, 11 topics and tips for your workshops, 10 creative ideas for your program, implementing your initiatives: 4 strategies, 5 helpful worksheets and activities.

  • 6 Common Challenges & Solutions

Resources From

A take-home message, frequently asked questions.

Workplace wellness can be described as our “ability to feel good and function effectively” in the working environment (McQuaid & Kern, 2018, p. 11). Also described as workplace wellbeing , it offers the resources needed to navigate the highs and lows of our professional lives and feel good “physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, and socially” (McQuaid & Kern, 2018, p. 11).

Such high levels of wellness and being able to achieve what we want at work have many positive outcomes, including (McQuaid & Kern, 2018):

  • Improved resilience and energy
  • Better health and happiness
  • Boosted social connectivity
  • Increased productivity and income

Sadly, rather than experiencing flourishing at work and outside, many of us are simply trying to get by or survive (McQuaid & Kern, 2018).

So, what initiatives are companies putting in place to support workplace wellness?

According to industry experts such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2021), Forbes Human Resources Council (2020), and Gallup (2023), forward-thinking companies create targeted strategies encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of employees’ lives.

Physical wellbeing

  • Fitness incentives In-house gyms and partnerships with local fitness clubs
  • Nutritious offerings A canteen, restaurant, and breakroom providing healthy snacks and lunches focused on balanced meals
  • Health checkpoints Routine health screenings emphasizing the importance of proactive health measures

Mental resilience

  • Mental health support Supporting emotional wellbeing by providing access to counseling and dedicated mental health days
  • Stress busters Workshops and programs equipping employees with tools to handle stress in the workplace

Flexible operations

  • Remote work Allowing employees the flexibility to work remotely when feasible
  • Flexible scheduling Allowing employees to choose their optimal working hours

Social cohesion

  • Collaborative initiatives Organizing team-building exercises or outings that boost camaraderie and develop team dynamics
  • Community outreach Arranging volunteering opportunities that promote employee wellbeing and community development.

Growth pathways

  • Ongoing education Ensuring access to continuous learning platforms and reimbursement for external courses
  • Mentorship chains Implementing mentor–mentee systems where seasoned professionals guide newer employees

Safety protocols

  • Regular safety training Ensuring employees are continually updated on best practices for workplace safety
  • Encourage reporting Setting up robust whistleblower mechanisms that ensure employees can voice concerns without fear

Comprehensive benefits

  • Health care packages Providing comprehensive health insurance packages
  • Financial literacy Organizing workshops on financial wellness to ensure employees are equipped to handle their finances efficiently and effectively

Workplace wellness should not just be a corporate buzzword. When backed by senior management, it’s a tangible strategy that can foster a motivated, healthy, and high-performing workforce (Gallup, 2023).

This video explores several critical components of wellness in the workplace.

Developing a workplace wellness program typically begins by building a compelling case for leaders for why investing in workplace wellness is more than a nice-to-have; it is essential (Putnam, 2015).

Define a business case

Strategies for building a case include the following (Putnam, 2015):

  • Focus on costs beneath the surface. For example, what is the financial impact of absenteeism?
  • Identify the value proposition. How would a thriving culture impact workplace performance and employee retention ?
  • Understand organizational and employee needs. Recognize that needs differ.

A marketing company requires innovative and engaged employees; a risk management operation needs staff members that feel psychologically safe to speak out; and a leadership team wants top performers who are deeply engaged in their teams and are resilient.

So, how do we clearly define the needs of the organization and the employee?

  • Make it emotional and logical. Show that workplace wellness is about doing the right thing (emotional) and supports staff and organizational performance (logical).

Next, it is vital to understand and share the “why” behind the wellness movement.

Create a vision

It is essential to capture the vision of a workplace where everyone is capable and has the opportunity and motivation to be their best selves (McQuaid & Kern, 2018; Putnam, 2015).

How could the workplace become a place where employees want to come, are treated like members of an exclusive club, achieve their ambitions, feel cared for and valued, and build deep, meaningful relationships (Rishi et al., 2021)?

With a vision clearly defined, it is time to create the program with input from across the organization.

Build the work wellness program

Collaborate with a diverse, cross-functional team to build the wellness program, creating company-wide strategies rather than isolated, localized initiatives.

Develop a distinctive brand identity for the program backed by a comprehensive marketing approach that promotes positive organizational change .

Next, define a plan to ensure that change is well thought out, successfully implemented, and clearly communicated. And ensure success is measurable (McQuaid & Kern, 2018; Putnam, 2015).

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While there are many approaches to workplace wellness, the following five pillars are helpful topics for wellbeing workshops to cover (Putnam, 2015; McQuaid & Kern, 2018).

1. Physical health and wellness

Healthy eating and exercise are essential for wellbeing. Education on what makes up a good diet, such as reducing the intake of processed foods and a good combination of healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, can be life changing. Also, while exercise is essential, it should be supported by incidental movement throughout the day (Putnam, 2015).

2. Emotional and mental health

Emotional wellbeing is closely aligned with resiliency — the ability to rebound and recover from difficult times. Focusing on all aspects of the PERMA model (positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships , meaning, and achievement) can help make wellbeing a habit (McQuaid & Kern, 2018).

3. Financial health

Effectively managing financial resources can help individuals feel safe and secure. Workshops can support learning how to be smart with money and spend wisely. When our personal financial needs are satisfied, we benefit from diverting our energies to other areas of our wellbeing, such as forming and maintaining relationships (Putnam, 2015).

4. Sustainable health

Mental and physical wellness is not something that happens as a one-off. Instead, we must embed it in how we live, in the everyday habits we form, and in a healthy outlook; for example, choosing water and healthy juices over soda and taking the stairs rather than stepping into the elevator (Miller et al., 2018).

5. Family health

Maintaining a healthy work–life balance supports mental wellbeing and fosters stronger relationships outside of work. Some organizations encourage bringing family members to wellness workshops and events to support a broader wellness culture (Putnam, 2015).

The following tips foster an effective wellness workshop (Lowe, 2023).

  • Set clear objectives Define specific goals and objectives for your wellness workshop to ensure participants know what to expect and what they can gain from it.
  • Engage participants Encourage active participation and engagement throughout the workshop using interactive activities, discussions, and group exercises.
  • Choose relevant topics Select wellness topics relevant to your audience and address their needs and interests.
  • Create a positive environment Foster a welcoming and safe atmosphere where participants feel comfortable sharing and learning.
  • Provide resources Offer helpful resources, handouts, and materials that support participants in their wellness journey beyond the workshop.
  • Gather feedback After the workshop, collect feedback from participants, assess the program’s effectiveness, and make improvements for future seminars.

Check out the Eight Dimensions of Wellness video to learn more about the vital principles involved in workplace wellness.

Trying more unusual and creative approaches to workplace wellness can help employees move out of their comfort zones and engage with colleagues and ideas central to the wellness program (Workhuman, 2023; Robinson, 2023).

  • Virtual nature walks Organize virtual nature walks where employees can connect with nature through online videos or virtual reality experiences.
  • Gratitude journaling Encourage employees to keep gratitude journals to promote a positive mindset and reflection.
  • Art therapy workshops Host workshops where employees can express themselves creatively using art therapy .
  • Virtual team challenges Create friendly team challenges that promote camaraderie and healthy competition, even in remote work settings.
  • Emotional intelligence training Provide training on emotional intelligence to help employees understand and manage their feelings effectively, develop empathy, and improve communication with internal and external clients.
  • Virtual coffee chats Encourage employees to have virtual coffee chats with colleagues to maintain social connections.
  • Online book club Start a mental wellness book club to foster learning and discussion around wellbeing.
  • Random acts of kindness day Dedicate a day to performing random acts of kindness at work and in an employee’s personal life.
  • Laughter yoga Organize laughter yoga sessions to boost mood and reduce stress through laughter.
  • Mental health resource hub Create a resource hub with articles, videos, and tips related to mental health for employees to access.

In this fascinating video from Johns Hopkins University, Ron Goetzel introduces three companies that have created cultures of workplace wellness.

Workplace wellness should not be compartmentalized and cut off from other aspects of the business (Putnam, 2015).

Successful wellness initiatives must be interdisciplinary and cross-functional; department silos must be ignored or at least overcome. Strategies to ensure an effective implementation include (Putnam, 2015; Boniwell et al., 2021; McQuaid & Kern, 2018):

  • Building a diverse implementation team Identify, engage with, and involve key staff from across the business.
  • Maintain buy-in at all levels Keep communicating and engaging with staff to ensure multi-level support, with no one left feeling excluded. All voices must be heard and given equal consideration.
  • Embed the initiatives Don’t fight existing structures; use them. Embed wellness initiatives in the organizational initiatives that are already in place, including:
  • Staff meetings
  • Staff development plans
  • Leadership development
  • Management training
  • Team development initiatives
  • Organizational development
  • Product review meetings
  • Q&A sessions with leadership
  • Innovation initiatives
  • Community outreach
  • Make it last Ensure initiatives are sustainable and enduring.
  • Form deep connections between the needs of the individual and the organization.
  • Use nudges and cues to ensure the transformation is achievable and does not create resistance.
  • Encourage a growth mindset, framing change as an opportunity rather than an obstacle to overcome.

Ultimately, for workplace wellness initiatives to be successful, they must be easy to embrace and their impact on performance, energy levels, and health understood and believed (McQuaid & Kern, 2018).

Wellness at work strategies

  • What are you good at?
  • What do you love to do?
  • What does the world need?
  • What do you (the organization) need from the market?
  • Workplace Mindfulness Mindfulness is a powerful way of adopting a state of loving-kindness to ourselves and others and significantly benefits how we handle stress at work.
  • Returning to Work Checklist Use this questionnaire to reflect on skills gained inside and outside the workplace when rejoining the workforce.
  • Performing an Avoidance Stocktake Employee stress can damage performance and wellbeing. Reflect on its causes and when using unhelpful avoidance strategies.
  • STOP– Distress Tolerance The STOP acronym offers a helpful tool for handling challenging emotions in the workplace and beyond.

6 Common Challenges & Solutions

According to wellness consultant Laura Putnam (2015), developing and delivering a wellness movement is not for the faint hearted. Transformation takes agents of change ready to face and overcome many challenges and find bold solutions.

Common obstacles and approaches to overcome them include (Putnam, 2015):

  • Lack of buy-in from decision-makers It is essential to win the support of those at the top by helping them see and understand the value of investing in employee wellbeing. This might include highlighting lost hours because of stress or illness, poor performance resulting from lack of engagement, or the expense of high employee turnover.
  • Management involvement Beyond receiving buy-in, ensure managers visibly participate as champions and participants.
  • Employee engagement Create conditions and environments where it is easy for staff to connect with the wellness program. Provide the time and opportunity to become involved in active employee engagement .
  • Culture Slowly build a healthy, vibrant culture where adopting wellness policies and strategies is the norm and taking part is seen as OK.
  • Accountability It must be clear that the organization and employees are both accountable. Create an environment where there is the capability, opportunity, and motivation to become involved and fully engaged.
  • Changing behavior Behavior change typically begins small. Wellbeing habits may start by swapping unhealthy snack machines with more nutritionally balanced options and encouraging staff to always take a lunchtime break, perhaps engaging in in-house fitness or mindfulness activities.

Those leading a workplace wellness program within an organization must be clear on why they are doing so and become great communicators (Putnam, 2015).

We have many resources available for workplace coaches and counselors supporting employees.

A great topic for a wellness workshop is positive relationships. Our Positive Relationships Masterclass© includes all the tools you need to present science-based relationship training. It includes hands-on tools such as presentation slides, videos, and exercises. After taking this course, you’ll be able to help people build supportive workplace relationships and establish a framework for lasting behavioral change.

In addition to this masterclass, our Positive Psychology Toolkit© contains over 400 activities, exercises, and interventions created by a team of experts. Many of these tools will be suitable to improving wellness at work, and two are described briefly below.

  • Achievement story Reflecting on past successes and considering how best to share them promotes recognition.

Ask the client to try out the following steps to work on their achievement stories:

  • Step one – Reflect on a previous accomplishment.
  • Step two – Identify the actions that were necessary for success.
  • Step three – Highlight the essential skills involved.
  • Step four – Summarize the achievements and steps into a three- or four-line paragraph. Then, learn it.

This story and others like it will be easy to share in interviews or when called upon to discuss successes.

  • Career deal breakers While we all face career-related decisions throughout our lives, making considered choices can be challenging and overwhelming, affecting workplace wellness.

Before considering career options, define the parameters, conditions, and limitations that make them acceptable or unacceptable.

  • Step one – What are the essential factors in your career?
  • Step two – Which ones are nonnegotiable — deal breakers?
  • Step three – What does each one tell you about what is important to you in your career?
  • Step four – How could you consider these deal breakers more clearly in your career?

The answers should help your clients clarify what matters and how they maintain workplace balance.

You can access these comprehensive tools with a subscription to the Positive Psychology Toolkit© .

If you’re not quite ready to sign up for access to over 400 tools, consider this collection of 17 validated work and career tools to help others with their work and career . Use them to help others find more meaning and satisfaction in their work.

Employers have an opportunity and a responsibility to create workplace wellness programs that continue to adapt to the needs of their staff and support their mental and physical wellbeing (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2021).

Forward-thinking companies can boost the mental, emotional, and social aspects of employees’ lives through strategies that include fitness incentives, mental health support, remote and flexible working, online and safety training, and comprehensive health care packages.

A strategic workplace wellness program begins with a business case and a vision that recognizes the needs of the employees and the company. It seeks support and buy-in at all levels and across the organization.

A cross-functional team is required to ensure policies, strategies, and programs are well thought out and achieved through a planned, targeted, and managed roll-out.

As mental health professionals, we are in a vital position to provide support and knowledge to ensure that such programs are appropriate, adaptable, and ultimately sustainable.

Why not build your workplace wellness program using some of the approaches described in this article, adopting many of the exercises, activities, and interventions we offer to improve employees’ lives and help them reach their highest potential?

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Work & Career Coaching Exercises for free .

Proven strategies to help achieve wellness at work include workshops targeting mental, physical, and financial health; fitness incentives such as partnering with local gyms and clubs; health screenings; dedicated mental health support; remote and flexible working; mentoring; and comprehensive health insurance (McQuaid & Kern, 2018; Putnam, 2015).

Workplace wellness initiatives must be specific to the needs of the employees and their situation. Areas of focus typically include (Putnam, 2015):

  • Physical health and wellness, such as encouraging balanced diets and regular exercise
  • Emotional and mental fitness, including focusing on positive emotions, engagement, and building healthy relationships
  • Financial health, including sharing learnings regarding being smart with money
  • Supporting and maintaining wellness in the employees family

A successful workplace wellness program can be identified by reduced employee turnover, lower absenteeism, high employee satisfaction and engagement, and a notable increase in initiative participation. Perhaps more than anything, a program is truly successful when the conversation of mental health challenges has been normalized in the workplace (Jones et al., 2018; Greenwood & Anas, 2021).

  • Boniwell, I., Green, S., & Smith, W. A. (2021). Positive psychology coaching in the workplace . Springer.
  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. (2021). Health and wellbeing at work 2021 . Retrieved October 9, 2023, from
  • Forbes. (2020). Council post: 12 employee wellness initiatives that actually help . Retrieved October 9, 2023, from
  • Gallup. (2023). Employee wellbeing is key for workplace productivity . Retrieved October 9, 2023, from
  • Greenwood, K., & Anas, J. (2021). It’s a new era for mental health at work . Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 9, 2023, from
  • Jones, D., Molitor, D., & Reif, J. (2018). What do workplace wellness programs do? Evidence from the Illinois workplace wellness study. The Quarterly Journal of Economics , 134 (4), 1747–1791.
  • Lowe, T. (2023, July 25). 6 essential tips to run a successful employee workshop . Loving Life. Retrieved October 9, 2023, from
  • McQuaid, M., & Kern, P. (2018). Your wellbeing blueprint: Feeling good and doing well at work . Author.
  • Miller, M. R., Williams, P., & O’Neill, M. (2018). The healthy workplace nudge : How healthy people, culture, and buildings lead to high performance . John Wiley & Sons.
  • Putnam. (2015). Workplace wellness that works : 10 steps to infuse wellbeing and vitality into any organization . Wiley.
  • Rishi, S., Breslau, B., & Miscovich, P. (2021). The workplace you need now : shaping spaces for the future of work . John Wiley & Sons.
  • Robinson, A. (2023, May 23). Employee wellness programs & activities for the Workplace . Retrieved October 9, 2023, from
  • Workhuman. (2023, March 14). 12 employee wellness ideas for the workplace . Retrieved October 9, 2023, from

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    Definition 4: "Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing, and an applied approach to optimal functioning. It has also been defined as the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities, and organisations to thrive.". Source: Positive Psychology Institute.

  13. All Positive Psychology Articles

    Researchers combed through 15 studies that included almost 230,000 people who were followed for an average of 14 years. Being optimistic was associated with a 35% lower risk for cardiovascular events and a 14% lower risk for an early death, compared with being pessimistic. The findings don't prove that seeing the glass half-full causes better ...

  14. Positive Psychology

    It's a branch of psychology that, in the words of the expert Slidesgo collaborated with to design this presentation, "focuses on what people have, not what they lack." Having a positive mindset helps in dealing with negative experiences. If you are interested in the topic or want to teach a class, here you have a design in different languages ...

  15. PowerPoints

    Use this link to download all PowerPoint decks in a single .zip file (40 MB). or the following links for individual modules. Psychological Foundations. Psychological Research. Biopsychology. States of Consciousness. Sensation and Perception. Thinking and Intelligence. Memory. Learning and Conditioning.

  16. 91 Positive Psychology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Positive psychology is a branch of psychological knowledge and practice, the center of which is the positive potential of a person. Positive Psychology Intervention for Ageing Population. This study aims to promote the integration of negative emotions in Positive Psychology Intervention to achieve a holistic approach.

  17. Need a good presentation topic? Here are hundreds of them

    Data. Data visualizations can elevate your presentation from being a good one to a great one. By providing data behind your arguments, you'll appear more trustworthy and confident in your audience's eyes. Add charts, graphs, interactive maps, and more to your presentations with Prezi Design. You can choose from a wide selection of charts ...

  18. The Self-Care Wheel: Wellness Worksheets, Activities & PDF

    The Self-Care Vision Board exercise is a positive and practical way for you to personalize the list of items under each dimension (physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and professional). It consists of four steps: Brainstorm self-care activities. Collect positive images for the vision board.

  19. 50+ Research Topics for Psychology Papers

    Topics of Psychology Research Related to Human Cognition. Some of the possible topics you might explore in this area include thinking, language, intelligence, and decision-making. Other ideas might include: Dreams. False memories. Attention. Perception.

  20. 220+ Interesting Psychology Topics to Talk About ...

    Cognitive Processes. Explore the impact of mindfulness meditation on attention and cognitive control. Investigate the effects of cognitive load on decision-making and risk perception. Study the cognitive processes underlying false memories and their implications for eyewitness testimony.

  21. How to Build Your Workplace Wellness Program

    11 Topics and Tips for Your Workshops. ... It includes hands-on tools such as presentation slides, videos, and exercises. After taking this course, you'll be able to help people build supportive workplace relationships and establish a framework for lasting behavioral change. ... Positive psychology coaching in the workplace. Springer ...