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precalculus lesson 2.1 homework

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Welcome to the Math Medic Precalculus course! The lessons and activities in this course are designed to thoughtfully prepare students for AP Calculus or other college math courses. Each lesson is designed to be taught in an Experience First, Formalize Later (EFFL) approach, in which students work in small groups on an engaging activity before the teacher formalizes the learning. Alignment to the CCSS can be found here .

The course begins with an in-depth study of function families, with a focus on connecting multiple representations, followed by an advanced investigation of trigonometry and its applications, including polar graphs, parametric equations, and vectors. The course continues with a unit on sequences and series followed by an accessible and engaging introduction to the big ideas of Calculus. The unit overviews and learning targets for the Math Medic Precalculus course can be found here .

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2.1 Change in Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

1 min read • august 7, 2023

A sequence is a function from the whole numbers to the real numbers. This means that, a sequence takes a whole number (say, " n ") and assigns it a real number. For example, think of a sequence of your class schedule, Monday is the first day, Tuesday the second, and so on. Each day of the week is assigned a number, Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, and so on. 💯

Consequently, the graph of a sequence consists of discrete points instead of a curve. This is because in a sequence, we are only dealing with whole numbers, not with a continuous range of numbers like in a function. So, instead of having a smooth curve, we have a set of distinct points on a graph. 📌

For example, you might want to track the number of hours of sleep you get each night. You start on Monday and get 8 hours of sleep, on Tuesday you get 6 hours of sleep, on Wednesday you get 7 hours of sleep and so on. This is a sequence, where the input variable is the day of the week and the output variable is the number of hours of sleep . If we graph this, we would get a set of discrete points on a graph, one for each day of the week, instead of a smooth curve. 😴

Screenshot 2023-01-15 at 3.31.46 PM.png

Source: Desmos Graphing Calculator

Again, we’re looking at discrete points—don’t connect the dots like you’d typically do to draw a curve! Note that the sequence above is just a regular ol’ sequence (not an arithmetic or geometric sequence).

➖ Arithmetic Sequences

An arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers in which the difference between any two consecutive terms is constant. This constant difference is called the common difference . For example, if the first term of an arithmetic sequence is a, and the common difference is d, the sequence can be represented as a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ... , where the nth term is given by a + (n-1)d. ➕

Because the difference between any two consecutive terms is the same, the terms in an arithmetic sequence have a constant rate of change . The rate of change is the common difference, d . Therefore, we can say that an arithmetic sequence is a function where the input variable is the term number, and the output variable is the value of the term, and the rate of change is constant. 🚙 

For example, an arithmetic sequence with a first term of 5 and a common difference of 3 will look like this: 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, ... . The rate of change between the terms is 3 and it is consistent throughout the sequence! Phew…

It's important to note that arithmetic sequences can be negative or positive , if the common difference is negative , it means the terms are decreasing and if the common difference is positive , it means the terms are increasing . ↕️


Source: Online Math Learning

😎  Formula and Example

The nth term of an arithmetic sequence with a common difference d is denoted by a_n , and it is given by the formula a_n = a_0 + dn, where a_0 is the initial value of the sequence. This formula allows you to calculate the value of any term in the sequence, given the value of the first term, a_0, and the common difference, d. The n in the formula represents the term number , so you can substitute any whole number in place of n to find the value of the corresponding term. 😌

Another way to represent the nth term of an arithmetic sequence is a = a_k + d(n-k) , where a_k is the kth term of the sequence. This equation makes it possible to find the nth term of a sequence relative to a known term k. If you know the value of the kth term of the sequence and the common difference, you can use this formula to find the value of any other term.

For example, consider an arithmetic sequence with a first term of 5 and a common difference of 3. Using the first formula, the 5th term of the sequence can be calculated as a_5 = a_0 + dn = 5 + 3(5) = 20. Using the second formula, the 5th term of the sequence can also be calculated as a_5 = a_3 + d(5-2) = 11 + 3(3) = 20.

🔺 Geometric Sequences

A geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers in which the ratio of any two consecutive terms is constant. This constant ratio is called the common ratio . The common ratio can be represented as a fraction or decimal number . For example, if the first term of a geometric sequence is a, and the common ratio is r, the sequence can be represented as a, ar, ar^2, ar^3, ..., where the nth term is given by a*r^(n-1) . ✖️

Because the ratio between any two consecutive terms is the same, the terms in a geometric sequence have a constant proportional change. The proportional change is the common ratio, r. Therefore, we can say that a geometric sequence is a function where the input variable is the term number, and the output variable is the value of the term, and the proportional change is constant.


Source: Lumen Learning

For example, a geometric sequence with a first term of 2 and a common ratio of 3 will look like this: 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, ... . The proportional change between the terms is 3 and it is consistent throughout the sequence.

It's important to note that geometric sequences can be positive or negative , if the common ratio is between 0 and 1 , it means the terms are decreasing and if the common ratio is greater than 1 , it means the terms are increasing . ↕️

The nth term of a geometric sequence with a common ratio r is denoted by g_n, and it is given by the formula g_n = g_0 * r^n , where g_0 is the initial value of the sequence. This formula allows you to calculate the value of any term in the sequence, given the value of the first term, g_0, and the common ratio, r. The n in the formula represents the term number, so you can substitute any whole number in place of n to find the value of the corresponding term.


Source: Calcworkshop

Another way to represent the nth term of a geometric sequence is g_n = g_k * (r^(n-k)) , where g_k is the kth term of the sequence. This equation makes it possible to find the nth term of a sequence relative to a known term k. If you know the value of the kth term of the sequence and the common ratio, you can use this formula to find the value of any other term.

It's important to note that while both formulas are equivalent and provide the same value for the nth term of a geometric sequence, the second one allows you to express the nth term in terms of a known term k, instead of the first term, which can be useful in certain situations.

🤔 Change vs. Rate of Change

When it comes to the rate of increase, arithmetic sequences have a constant increase with each step. This means that each term in the sequence increases by a fixed amount, which is the common difference. For example, an arithmetic sequence with a first term of 5 and a common difference of 3 will have terms 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, ..., each term increases by 3. 🏎️

On the other hand, geometric sequences have an increasing rate of increase with each step. This means that each term in the sequence increases by a larger amount than the previous term. This is because each term is multiplied by the common ratio, which is greater than 1. For example, a geometric sequence with a first term of 2 and a common ratio of 3 will have terms 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, ..., each term increases by a factor of 3.

Source: Trans4mind


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Pre Calculus

Chapter 2:  Functions and Their Graphs

Lesson 2.1 and Lesson 2.2 Functions and 2.2 The Graph of a Function

Annotated Notes 2.1 and 2.2

Lesson 2.3 and Lesson 2.4 Properties of Functions and 2.4  Library of Functions; Piecewise-defined Functions

Annotated Notes 2.3 and 2.4

Lesson 2.5  Graphing Techniques:  Transformations

2.5 Annotated In-class Activity

Annotated Notes 2.5

2.5 Worksheet Homework

Chapter 2 Review

Chapter 2 Review Solutions corrected!

Chapter 4:  Polynomial and Rational Functions

Lesson 4.1 Polynomial Functions and Models

Annotated Notes

Lesson 4.2 The Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

Annotated Notes (includes 4.2 and 4.3) 

Lesson 4.3 Complex Zeros; Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Lesson 4.4 Properties of Rational Functions

Annotated Notes 4.4 and 4.5  Corrected!

Lesson 4.5 The Graphs of a Rational Function

Lesson 4.6 Polynomial and Rational Inequalities

Chapter 4 Review 2015

Solutions 2015

Lesson 5.1 Composite Functions

Lesson 5.2 One-to-One Functions, Inverse Functions

Annotated Notes 5.1 and 5.2

Chapter 6 Trigonometric Functions

Lesson 6.1 Angles and Their Measure

Lesson 6.2 Trigonometric Functions: Unit Circle Approach

2 Unit Circles   Practice Form

Lesson 6.3 Properties of the Trigonometric Functions

Test 6.1-6.3 Review

6.1-6.3 Review Solutions

Lesson 6.4 Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions

Worksheet 6.4  

Lesson 6.5 Graphs of the Tangent, Cotangent, Cosecant and Secant Functions (corrected)

Worksheet 6.5  

Lesson 6.6 Phase Shift

Worksheet 6.6 (revised)  

Test 6.1-6.6 Spiral Review

Solutions Chapter 6 Spiral Test Review

Unit Circle Chart In Order

Lesson 7.1   The Inverse Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions

7.1 Extra Examples

Lesson 7.2 The Inverse Trigonometric Function, Continued

Lesson 7.3 Trigonometric Equations

Review 7.1-7.3

Solutions Review 7.1-7.3

Trigonometric Identities Reference Sheet 

Lesson 7.4 Trigonometric Identities

Worksheet Proofs Trig Identities

Lesson 7.5 Sum and Difference Formulas

Annotated Notes  

Lesson 7.6 Double-angle and Half-angle Formulas

Chapter 7 Spiral Review

Solutions Spiral Review

Fall 2015 Final Exam Review

Solutions answers have not been checked for accuracy, if you have a conflict, remember you may be correct!



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782 pages. (ISBN 978-1-931381-93-2)

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  • 2.2e: Exercises - Attributes of Functions
  • 2.3e: Exercises - Transformations
  • 2.4e: Exercises - Piecewise Functions, Combinations, Composition
  • 2.5e: Exercises Inverse Functions


Jay Abramson (Arizona State University) with contributing authors. Textbook content produced by OpenStax College is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0  license. Download for free at .


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