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Elementary Assessments

11 Amazing 6th-Grade Research Topics Students Love

Prompt sixth graders to dive deeper into subjects using this list of 6th grade research topics.

To ease the transition, we’ve collected a list of 11 engaging 6th grade research topics.

These 6th grade research topics are detailed enough to make an information-packed research paper while still being age-appropriate.

So include in your lesson plans this week a handful of these fun research topics for middle school students.

6th Grade Research Topics They’ll Love

The following research topics for middle schoolers are sure to engage!

1. Taxonomic Classification

In the early grades, scientific classifications for living things are simple: plants and animals.

After that, things tend to get more nuanced.

By 6th grade, students should have a good grasp on classifications like mammals, reptiles, and insects.

So the next step is taxonomic classification.

Taxonomic classification splits the kingdom of living things into strict categories, and at first, it can seem confusing.

However, 6th graders quickly grasp the concept.

Once they really dig into the topic, it makes a fascinating research paper. 

With 7 different levels of classification, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species , a student has plenty of subject matter to write about. 

2. Conduction and Convection, and Radiation

Energy transfer might not seem like the most interesting topic.

However, the differences between the three forms of energy transfer can actually be more engaging than you might think! 

By 6th grade, students should understand the concept of molecules and the production of energy from the movement of said molecules.

The next natural step is going more in-depth into the topics of conduction, convection, and radiation. 

Any of the three methods of energy transfer could be the lone subject of a research paper.

However, for longer or more in-depth projects, comparing/contrasting conduction, convection, and radiation may be the better choices.

3. Phases of the Moon

The Moon is more than just a fixture in the sky.

By the sixth grade, students usually have a strong sense of curiosity for all things in space, making the Moon and its many phases an attractive research subject for preteens.

6th graders will enjoy explaining the different phases of the moon, the definitions of waxing and waning, and how the moon and its proximity to Earth affect our tides because of gravitational pull. 

Phases of the moon is arguably one of the most popular 6th grade research topics.

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11 Interesting Research Topics for Students

4. Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

What kid doesn’t want to be an astronaut at some point in her life?

Space and the universe are subjects that kids, including 6th graders, are naturally fascinated by and attracted to.

So nurture that interest.

A love of space easily transforms into a love of physics, chemical reactions, and complex equations in the future.

For now though, a brilliant 6th grade research topic is the three most important heavenly bodies: The Earth, Moon, and Sun.

The complex relationship between these three bodies and how they affect our seasons can be explored in minute detail in a research paper.

The subject matter is fascinating enough to hold the attention of any student. 

This list of 6th grade research topics isn’t complete without a topic about the fascinating world of space.

5. Forms of Governments

Before students learn about the minute details of America’s government, they’ll need a firm grasp of the different types of governments around the world and how they all differ/relate to one another. 

From limited versus unlimited governments and dictatorships versus monarchies, there are tons of ways a 6th grader can write a research paper about the types of governments.

They can focus on one type of government or more briefly explain each of them individually. 

6. Biotic and Abiotic Parts of an Ecosystem

Ecosystems are another part of the 6th-grade curriculum that students are especially interested in.

Kids love to learn and explore the scientific details of animals.

A research paper describing biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem is an easy next step in the learning process for biology. 

Sixth graders describe the differences between abiotic and biotic variables in an ecosystem, as well as give examples of each and how each example affects the environment it exists in.

Student researchers may be shocked to see how much even the smallest factor can vastly change an ecosystem! 

7. Technology Through the Decades

Be sure to include technology as one of your 6th grade research topics.

Learning about technology through the decades includes the history of tools, devices, and techniques that have made life more comfortable and convenient for mankind.

Technology has absolutely transformed the way we live.

Encourage sixth graders to dive into the various ways that technology has continuously changed our lives from one decade to the next.

From space exploration to the military, there are many concepts from which to choose.

See a list of great technologies for research.

8. Women In History

Throughout history, the accomplishments of women have been minimized.

With this research topic, sixth graders learn about female leaders who have had a significant impact on the world.

From Mother Teresa to Harriet Tubman, there are countless intelligent women from which to choose.

9. Autobiographies

Adding to biographies, sixth graders begin researching the lives of some of their favorite people, reading all about the successes and challenges these individuals faced.

The best part is that they discover these facts from the very person who lived it.

Autobiographies as a 6th grade research topic interest students because they get inspired by those who have changed the world.

10. U.S. Presidents

Doing research on U.S. presidents is always fascinating because 6th graders learn so many amazing facts about the men who have led the United States of America.

From historical legislations that have made a lasting impact on the world to humbling scandals, the presidency is full of topics sixth graders will enjoy exploring.

11. Ancient Civilizations

Humans around the world have an interesting history.

Using available evidence, historians, archeologists, and other scientists have done well to piece together the mysteries of the past.

For one of your 6th grade research topics, encourage sixth graders to travel back into the past to study the theories, artifacts, stories, and mysteries of ancient civilizations.

From ancient Egypt to the Mayan civilizations, there’s an entire world of history to discover.

Final Thoughts On Research Topics for 6th Graders That Engage

Now you have a quality collection of 6th grade research topics to explore.

These social studies and science research topics for middle school are sure to spark interest.

So include a few of these high-interest 6th grade research topics in your next social studies or science unit.

  • Chess (Gr. 1-4)
  • TV (Gr. 1-4)
  • Metal Detectors (Gr. 2-6)
  • Tetris (Gr. 2-6)
  • Seat Belts (Gr. 2-6)
  • The Coliseum (Gr. 2-6)
  • The Pony Express (Gr. 2-6)
  • Wintertime (Gr. 2-6)
  • Reading (Gr. 3-7)
  • Black Friday (Gr. 3-7)
  • Hummingbirds (Gr. 3-7)
  • Worst Game Ever? (Gr. 4-8)
  • Carnivorous Plants (Gr. 4-8)
  • Google (Gr. 4-8)
  • Honey Badgers (Gr. 4-8)
  • Hyperinflation (Gr. 4-8)
  • Koko (Gr. 4-8)
  • Mongooses (Gr. 5-9)
  • Trampolines (Gr. 5-9)
  • Garbage (Gr. 5-9)
  • Maginot Line (Gr. 5-9)
  • Asian Carp (Gr. 5-9)
  • Tale of Two Countries (Gr. 6-10)
  • Kevlar (Gr. 7-10)
  • Tigers (Gr. 7-11)
  • Statue of Liberty (Gr. 8-10)
  • Submarines (Gr. 8-12)
  • Castles (Gr. 9-13)
  • Gutenberg (Gr. 9-13)
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101 research paper topics.

  • Why do we sleep ?
  • How do GPS systems work?
  • Who was the first person to reach the North Pole ?
  • Did anybody ever escape Alcatraz ?
  • What was life like for a gladiator ?
  • What are the effects of prolonged steroid use on the human body?
  • What happened during the Salem witch trials ?
  • Are there any effective means of repelling insects ?
  • How did trains and railroads change life in America?
  • What may have occurred during the Roswell  UFO incident of 1947?
  • How is bulletproof clothing made?
  • What Olympic events were practiced in ancient Greece?
  • What are the major theories explaining the disappearance of the dinosaurs ?
  • How was the skateboard invented and how has it changed over the years?
  • How did the long bow contribute to English military dominance?
  • What caused the stock market crash of 2008?
  • How did Cleopatra come to power in Egypt what did she do during her reign?
  • How has airport security intensified since September 11 th , 2001?
  • What is life like inside of a beehive ?
  • Where did hip hop originate and who were its founders?
  • What makes the platypus a unique and interesting mammal?
  • How does tobacco use affect the human body?
  • How do computer viruses spread and in what ways do they affect computers?
  • What is daily life like for a Buddhist monk ?
  • What are the origins of the conflict in Darfur ?
  • How did gunpowder change warfare?
  • In what ways do Wal-Mart stores affect local economies?
  • How were cats and dogs domesticated and for what purposes?
  • What do historians know about ninjas ?
  • How has the music industry been affected by the internet and digital downloading?
  • What were the circumstances surrounding the death of Osama Bin Laden ?
  • What was the women’s suffrage movement and how did it change America?
  • What efforts are being taken to protect endangered wildlife ?
  • How much does the war on drugs cost Americans each year?
  • How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?
  • Are humans still evolving ?
  • What technologies are available to home owners to help them conserve energy ?
  • How have oil spills affected the planet and what steps are being taken to prevent them?
  • What was the Magna Carta and how did it change England?
  • What is the curse of the pharaohs?
  • Why was Socrates executed?
  • What nonlethal weapons are used by police to subdue rioters?
  • How does the prison population in America compare to other nations?
  • How did ancient sailors navigate the globe?
  • Can gamblers ever acquire a statistical advantage over the house in casino games?
  • What is alchemy and how has it been attempted?
  • How are black holes formed?
  • How was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln plotted and executed?
  • Do the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks?
  • How do submarines work?
  • Do lie detector tests accurately determine truthful statements?
  • How did Cold War tension affect the US and the world?
  • What happened to the lost settlers at Roanoke ?
  • How does a hybrid car save energy?
  • What ingredients can be found inside of a hotdog ?
  • How did Julius Caesar affect Rome?
  • What are some common sleep disorders and how are they treated?
  • How did the Freedom Riders change society?
  • How is internet censorship used in China and around the world?
  • What was the code of the Bushido and how did it affect samurai warriors ?
  • What are the risks of artificial tanning or prolonged exposure to the sun?
  • What programs are available to help war veterans get back into society?
  • What steps are involved in creating a movie or television show?
  • How have the film and music industries dealt with piracy ?
  • How did Joan of Arc change history?
  • What responsibilities do secret service agents have?
  • How does a shark hunt?
  • What dangers and hardships did Lewis and Clark face when exploring the Midwest?
  • Has the Patriot Act prevented or stopped terrorist acts in America?
  • Do states that allow citizens to carry guns have higher or lower crime rates?
  • How are the Great Depression and the Great Recession similar and different?
  • What are the dangers of scuba diving and underwater exploration?
  • How does the human brain store and retrieve memories ?
  • What was the Manhattan Project and what impact did it have on the world?
  • How does stealth technology shield aircraft from radar?
  • What causes tornadoes ?
  • Why did Martin Luther protest against the Catholic Church?
  • How does a search engine work?
  • What are the current capabilities and future goals of genetic engineers ?
  • How did the Roman Empire fall?
  • What obstacles faced scientists in breaking the sound barrier ?
  • How did the black plague affect Europe?
  • What happened to Amelia Earhart ?
  • What are the dangers and hazards of using nuclear power ?
  • How did Genghis Khan conquer Persia?
  • What architectural marvels were found in Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec Empire ?
  • From where does spam email come and can we stop it?
  • How does night vision work?
  • How did journalists influence US war efforts in Vietnam ?
  • What are the benefits and hazards of medical marijuana ?
  • What causes desert mirages and how do they affect wanderers?
  • What was the cultural significance of the first moon landing ?
  • What are sinkholes and how are they formed?
  • Have any psychics ever solved crimes or prevented them from occurring?
  • Who is Vlad the Impaler and what is his connection to Count Dracula ?
  • What are the risks of climate change and global warming ?
  • What treatments are available to people infected with HIV and are they effective?
  • Who was a greater inventor, Leonardo di Vinci or Thomas Edison ?
  • How are the Chinese and American economies similar and different?
  • Why was communism unsuccessful in so many countries?
  • In what ways do video games affect children and teenagers?

This is an image of a young woman in a library. She is sitting at a desk with a pile of books and looking toward the ceiling. She appears to be in deep thought.


I like using this website when I assist kids with learning as a lot of these topics are quickly covered in the school systems. Thankyou

Mackenah Nicole Molina

Wow! I always have trouble deiciding what to do a research project on but this list has totally solved that. Now my only problem is choosing what idea on this list I should do first!

Most of these my teacher rejected because apparently ‘these aren’t grade level topics, and I doubt they interest you”

I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like you will have a potentially valuable character-building experience in the short-term.

Edwin Augusto Galindo Cuba


research kid

I need one about animals, please. I have been challenged to a animal research project, Due Friday. I have no clue what to research! somebody help, thanks for reading!

You can do one on bats

For international studies you can do Defense and Security.

This was very helpful.

Research on Ben Franklin? I think THAT will get a real charge out of everyone (hehehehegetit)

Mandy Maher

“Is it possible to colonize Mars?”

maddy burney

these are silly topics

thx for making this real.

more gaming questions!!!!!!

Is it still considered stealing if you don’t get caught?

Yes, yes it is still considered stealing.

I need topics on memes

Mary Nnamani

Please I need project topics on Language Literature

Marcella Vallarino

I would appreciate a list of survey questions for middle school grades 6-8

I need a research topics about public sector management


publish research that are interesting please……

hey can you do one on the burmiueda triangle

Anybody know video games effect kids,and,teens. There Fun!!


I need a topic about woman history if any of u can find 1 please that would be great!

You could research about the history of the astronauts, and of human past (WWI, WWII, etc.)

so about women? Manitoba Women Win the Right to Vote in Municipal Elections, The First Women, January 23, 1849: Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman to graduate from medical school and become a doctor in the United States, Rosa Parks Civil Rights Equal Pay. I have way more. so if you need more just ask.

communism is good

what are you a communist?!?!

Did FDR know about the upcoming attack on Pearl Harbor on 07 DEC 1941.

do you know how babies are born

Christine Singu

kindly assist with a research topic in the field of accounting or auditing

need more about US army

Please can yiu give me a topic in education

I think one should be how can music/Video games can affect the life for people

or How Do Video Games Affect Teenagers?

zimbabwe leader

I think a good topic is supporting the confederate flag!

Need a research topic within the context of students union government and dues payments

do more weird ones plz

joyce alcantara

Hi pls po can you give me a topic relate for humanities pls thank u.

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research questions for 6th grade

If you are struggling with teaching the research report process, you are not alone. Seriously, we’ve all been there!

I spent several years avoiding research reports in my classroom or depending on the Library-Media Specialist to teach the research process.

One year, I decided to take the plunge and teach my students how to research a topic and write a research report.

The process was clunky at first, but I learned a lot about how students approach research and how to guide them from choosing a topic to completing their final copies.

Before we discuss the HOW , let’s talk about the WHY .

research questions for 6th grade

Why should you assign research reports to 5th and 6th grade students?

I have three main reasons for assigning research reports to my students.

First, the skill involved in finding reliable sources and citing sources is valuable.

Beginning in 5th grade, and possibly even before, students need to be able to discern the reliability of a source . They should be able to spot propaganda and distinguish between reputable sources and phony ones.

Teaching the procedure for citing sources is important because my 5th grade students need to grasp the reality of plagiarism and how to avoid it.

By providing information about the sources they used, students are consciously avoiding copying the work of authors and learning to give credit where credit is due.

Second, by taking notes and organizing their notes into an outline, students are exercising their ability to find main ideas and corresponding details.

Being able to organize ideas is crucial for young writers.

Third, when writing research reports, students are internalizing the writing process, including organizing, writing a rough draft, proofreading/editing, and writing a final draft.

When students write research reports about topics of interest, they are fine-tuning their reading and writing skills.

research questions for 6th grade

How to Teach Research Reports in Grades 5 & 6

As a veteran upper elementary teacher, I know exactly what is going to happen when I tell my students that we are going to start research reports.

There will be a resounding groan followed by students voicing their displeasure. (It goes something like this…. “Mrs Bazzit! That’s too haaaaaaard!” or “Ugh. That’s boring!” *Sigh*  I’ve heard it all, lol.)

This is when I put on my (somewhat fictional) excited teacher hat and help them to realize that the research report process will be fun and interesting.

research questions for 6th grade

Step 1: Choose a Topic and Cite Sources

Students definitely get excited when they find out they may choose their own research topic. Providing choice leads to higher engagement and interest.

It’s best practice to provide a list of possible research topics to students, but also allow them to choose a different topic.

Be sure to make your research topics narrow to help students focus on sources. If students choose broad topics, the sources they find will overwhelm them with information.

Too Broad: American Revolution

Just Right: The Battle of Yorktown

Too Broad: Ocean Life

Just Right: Great White Shark

Too Broad: Important Women in History

Just Right: The Life of Martha Washington

Be sure to discuss appropriate, reliable sources with students.

I suggest projecting several examples of internet sources on your technology board. Ask students to decide if the sources look reliable or unreliable.

While teaching students about citing sources, it’s a great time to discuss plagiarism and ways to avoid it.

Students should never copy the words of an author unless they are properly quoting the text.

In fact, I usually discourage students from quoting their sources in their research reports. In my experience, students will try to quote a great deal of text and will border on plagiarism.

I prefer to see students paraphrase from their sources because this skill helps them to refine their summarization skills.

Citing sources is not as hard as it sounds! I find that my students generally use books and internet sources, so those are the two types of citations that I focus on.

How to cite a book:

Author’s last name, First name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Date.

How to cite an internet article:

Author’s last name, First name (if available). “Title of Article or Page.” Full http address, Date of access.

If you continue reading to the bottom of this post, I have created one free screencast for each of the five steps of the research process!

research questions for 6th grade

Step 2: Take Notes

During this step, students will use their sources to take notes.

I do provide instruction and examples during this step because from experience, I know that students will think every piece of information from each source is important and they will copy long passages from each source.

I teach students that taking notes is an exercise in main idea and details. They should read the source, write down the main idea, and list several details to support the main idea.

I encourage my students NOT to copy information from the source but instead to put the information in their own words. They will be less likely to plagiarize if their notes already contain their own words.

Additionally, during this step, I ask students to write a one-sentence thesis statement. I teach students that a thesis statement tells the main point of their research reports.

Their entire research report will support the thesis statement, so the thesis statement is actually a great way to help students maintain a laser focus on their research topic.

research questions for 6th grade

Step 3: Make an Outline

Making an outline can be intimidating for students, especially if they’ve never used this organization format.

However, this valuable step will teach students to organize their notes into the order that will be used to write the rough draft of their reports.

Because making an outline is usually a new concept for my 5th graders, we do 2-3 examples together before I allow students to make their outlines for their research reports.

I recommend copying an outline template for students to have at their fingertips while creating their first outline.

Be sure to look over students’ outlines for organization, order, and accuracy before allowing them to move on to the next step (writing rough drafts).

research questions for 6th grade

Step 4: Write a Draft

During this step, each student will write a rough draft of his/her research report.

If they completed their outlines correctly, this step will be fairly simple.

Students will write their research reports in paragraph form.

One problem that is common among my students is that instead of writing in paragraphs, they write their sentences in list format.

I find that it’s helpful to write a paragraph in front of and with students to remind them that when writing a paragraph, the next sentence begins immediately after the prior sentence.

Once students’ rough drafts are completed, it’s time to proofread/edit!

To begin, I ask my students to read their drafts aloud to listen for their own mistakes.

Next, I ask my students to have two individuals look over their draft and suggest changes.

research questions for 6th grade

Step 5: Final Draft

It’s finally time to write final drafts!

After students have completed their rough drafts and made edits, I ask them to write final drafts.

Students’ final drafts should be as close to perfect as possible.

I prefer a typed final draft because students will have access to a spellchecker and other features that will make it easier to create their final draft.

Think of a creative way to display the finished product, because they will be SO proud of their research reports after all the hard work that went into creating them!

When grading the reports, use a rubric similar to the one shown in the image at the beginning of this section.

A detailed rubric will help students to clearly see their successes and areas of needed improvement.

Once students have completed their first research projects, I find that they have a much easier time with the other research topics assigned throughout the remainder of the school year.

If you are interested in a no-prep, step-by-step research report instructional unit, please click here to visit my Research Report Instructional Unit for 5th Grade and 6th Grade. 

research questions for 6th grade

This instructional unit will guide students step-by-step through the research process, including locating reliable sources, taking notes, creating an outline, writing a report, and making a “works cited” page.

I’d like to share a very special free resource with you. I created five screencast videos, one for each step of the research report process. These screencasts pair perfectly with my Research Report Instructional Unit for 5th Grade and 6th Grade! 

Research Report Step 1 Screencast

Research Report Step 2 Screencast

Research Report Step 3 Screencast

Research Report Step 4 Screencast

Research Report Step 5 Screencast

Hi, If i purchase your complete package on grade 5/6 writing does it come with your wonderful recordings on how to teach them? Thanks

Hi Gail! The recordings on this blog post can be used by anyone and I will leave them up 🙂 The writing bundle doesn’t come with any recordings but I did include step-by-step instructions for teachers. I hope this helps!

Thank you for sharing your information with everyone. I know how to write (I think, haha), but I wanted to really set my students up for success with their research and writing. Your directions and guides are just what I needed to jar my memory and help my students become original writers. Be blessed.

You are very welcome, Andrea! Thank you for this comment 🙂

Hi Andrea, I am a veteran teacher who has taught nothing but primary for 25 years. However, this is my first year in 5th. I’m so excited to have found your post. Can you direct me to how I can purchase your entire bundle for writing a 5-paragraph essay. Thanks, Sue

Sure, Susan, I can help with that! Here is the link for the 5th Grade Writing Bundle: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/5th-Grade-Writing-Bundle-3611643

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  • Research Skills

50 Mini-Lessons For Teaching Students Research Skills

Please note, I am no longer blogging and this post hasn’t updated since April 2020.

For a number of years, Seth Godin has been talking about the need to “ connect the dots” rather than “collect the dots” . That is, rather than memorising information, students must be able to learn how to solve new problems, see patterns, and combine multiple perspectives.

Solid research skills underpin this. Having the fluency to find and use information successfully is an essential skill for life and work.

Today’s students have more information at their fingertips than ever before and this means the role of the teacher as a guide is more important than ever.

You might be wondering how you can fit teaching research skills into a busy curriculum? There aren’t enough hours in the day! The good news is, there are so many mini-lessons you can do to build students’ skills over time.

This post outlines 50 ideas for activities that could be done in just a few minutes (or stretched out to a longer lesson if you have the time!).

Learn More About The Research Process

I have a popular post called Teach Students How To Research Online In 5 Steps. It outlines a five-step approach to break down the research process into manageable chunks.

Learn about a simple search process for students in primary school, middle school, or high school Kathleen Morris

This post shares ideas for mini-lessons that could be carried out in the classroom throughout the year to help build students’ skills in the five areas of: clarify, search, delve, evaluate , and cite . It also includes ideas for learning about staying organised throughout the research process.

Notes about the 50 research activities:

  • These ideas can be adapted for different age groups from middle primary/elementary to senior high school.
  • Many of these ideas can be repeated throughout the year.
  • Depending on the age of your students, you can decide whether the activity will be more teacher or student led. Some activities suggest coming up with a list of words, questions, or phrases. Teachers of younger students could generate these themselves.
  • Depending on how much time you have, many of the activities can be either quickly modelled by the teacher, or extended to an hour-long lesson.
  • Some of the activities could fit into more than one category.
  • Looking for simple articles for younger students for some of the activities? Try DOGO News or Time for Kids . Newsela is also a great resource but you do need to sign up for free account.
  • Why not try a few activities in a staff meeting? Everyone can always brush up on their own research skills!

research questions for 6th grade

  • Choose a topic (e.g. koalas, basketball, Mount Everest) . Write as many questions as you can think of relating to that topic.
  • Make a mindmap of a topic you’re currently learning about. This could be either on paper or using an online tool like Bubbl.us .
  • Read a short book or article. Make a list of 5 words from the text that you don’t totally understand. Look up the meaning of the words in a dictionary (online or paper).
  • Look at a printed or digital copy of a short article with the title removed. Come up with as many different titles as possible that would fit the article.
  • Come up with a list of 5 different questions you could type into Google (e.g. Which country in Asia has the largest population?) Circle the keywords in each question.
  • Write down 10 words to describe a person, place, or topic. Come up with synonyms for these words using a tool like  Thesaurus.com .
  • Write pairs of synonyms on post-it notes (this could be done by the teacher or students). Each student in the class has one post-it note and walks around the classroom to find the person with the synonym to their word.

research questions for 6th grade

  • Explore how to search Google using your voice (i.e. click/tap on the microphone in the Google search box or on your phone/tablet keyboard) . List the pros and cons of using voice and text to search.
  • Open two different search engines in your browser such as Google and Bing. Type in a query and compare the results. Do all search engines work exactly the same?
  • Have students work in pairs to try out a different search engine (there are 11 listed here ). Report back to the class on the pros and cons.
  • Think of something you’re curious about, (e.g. What endangered animals live in the Amazon Rainforest?). Open Google in two tabs. In one search, type in one or two keywords ( e.g. Amazon Rainforest) . In the other search type in multiple relevant keywords (e.g. endangered animals Amazon rainforest).  Compare the results. Discuss the importance of being specific.
  • Similar to above, try two different searches where one phrase is in quotation marks and the other is not. For example, Origin of “raining cats and dogs” and Origin of raining cats and dogs . Discuss the difference that using quotation marks makes (It tells Google to search for the precise keywords in order.)
  • Try writing a question in Google with a few minor spelling mistakes. What happens? What happens if you add or leave out punctuation ?
  • Try the AGoogleADay.com daily search challenges from Google. The questions help older students learn about choosing keywords, deconstructing questions, and altering keywords.
  • Explore how Google uses autocomplete to suggest searches quickly. Try it out by typing in various queries (e.g. How to draw… or What is the tallest…). Discuss how these suggestions come about, how to use them, and whether they’re usually helpful.
  • Watch this video  from Code.org to learn more about how search works .
  • Take a look at  20 Instant Google Searches your Students Need to Know  by Eric Curts to learn about “ instant searches ”. Try one to try out. Perhaps each student could be assigned one to try and share with the class.
  • Experiment with typing some questions into Google that have a clear answer (e.g. “What is a parallelogram?” or “What is the highest mountain in the world?” or “What is the population of Australia?”). Look at the different ways the answers are displayed instantly within the search results — dictionary definitions, image cards, graphs etc.

What is the population of Australia

  • Watch the video How Does Google Know Everything About Me?  by Scientific American. Discuss the PageRank algorithm and how Google uses your data to customise search results.
  • Brainstorm a list of popular domains   (e.g. .com, .com.au, or your country’s domain) . Discuss if any domains might be more reliable than others and why (e.g. .gov or .edu) .
  • Discuss (or research) ways to open Google search results in a new tab to save your original search results  (i.e. right-click > open link in new tab or press control/command and click the link).
  • Try out a few Google searches (perhaps start with things like “car service” “cat food” or “fresh flowers”). A re there advertisements within the results? Discuss where these appear and how to spot them.
  • Look at ways to filter search results by using the tabs at the top of the page in Google (i.e. news, images, shopping, maps, videos etc.). Do the same filters appear for all Google searches? Try out a few different searches and see.
  • Type a question into Google and look for the “People also ask” and “Searches related to…” sections. Discuss how these could be useful. When should you use them or ignore them so you don’t go off on an irrelevant tangent? Is the information in the drop-down section under “People also ask” always the best?
  • Often, more current search results are more useful. Click on “tools” under the Google search box and then “any time” and your time frame of choice such as “Past month” or “Past year”.
  • Have students annotate their own “anatomy of a search result” example like the one I made below. Explore the different ways search results display; some have more details like sitelinks and some do not.

Anatomy of a google search result

  • Find two articles on a news topic from different publications. Or find a news article and an opinion piece on the same topic. Make a Venn diagram comparing the similarities and differences.
  • Choose a graph, map, or chart from The New York Times’ What’s Going On In This Graph series . Have a whole class or small group discussion about the data.
  • Look at images stripped of their captions on What’s Going On In This Picture? by The New York Times. Discuss the images in pairs or small groups. What can you tell?
  • Explore a website together as a class or in pairs — perhaps a news website. Identify all the advertisements .
  • Have a look at a fake website either as a whole class or in pairs/small groups. See if students can spot that these sites are not real. Discuss the fact that you can’t believe everything that’s online. Get started with these four examples of fake websites from Eric Curts.
  • Give students a copy of my website evaluation flowchart to analyse and then discuss as a class. Read more about the flowchart in this post.
  • As a class, look at a prompt from Mike Caulfield’s Four Moves . Either together or in small groups, have students fact check the prompts on the site. This resource explains more about the fact checking process. Note: some of these prompts are not suitable for younger students.
  • Practice skim reading — give students one minute to read a short article. Ask them to discuss what stood out to them. Headings? Bold words? Quotes? Then give students ten minutes to read the same article and discuss deep reading.

research questions for 6th grade

All students can benefit from learning about plagiarism, copyright, how to write information in their own words, and how to acknowledge the source. However, the formality of this process will depend on your students’ age and your curriculum guidelines.

  • Watch the video Citation for Beginners for an introduction to citation. Discuss the key points to remember.
  • Look up the definition of plagiarism using a variety of sources (dictionary, video, Wikipedia etc.). Create a definition as a class.
  • Find an interesting video on YouTube (perhaps a “life hack” video) and write a brief summary in your own words.
  • Have students pair up and tell each other about their weekend. Then have the listener try to verbalise or write their friend’s recount in their own words. Discuss how accurate this was.
  • Read the class a copy of a well known fairy tale. Have them write a short summary in their own words. Compare the versions that different students come up with.
  • Try out MyBib — a handy free online tool without ads that helps you create citations quickly and easily.
  • Give primary/elementary students a copy of Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Citation that matches their grade level (the guide covers grades 1 to 6). Choose one form of citation and create some examples as a class (e.g. a website or a book).
  • Make a list of things that are okay and not okay to do when researching, e.g. copy text from a website, use any image from Google images, paraphrase in your own words and cite your source, add a short quote and cite the source. 
  • Have students read a short article and then come up with a summary that would be considered plagiarism and one that would not be considered plagiarism. These could be shared with the class and the students asked to decide which one shows an example of plagiarism .
  • Older students could investigate the difference between paraphrasing and summarising . They could create a Venn diagram that compares the two.
  • Write a list of statements on the board that might be true or false ( e.g. The 1956 Olympics were held in Melbourne, Australia. The rhinoceros is the largest land animal in the world. The current marathon world record is 2 hours, 7 minutes). Have students research these statements and decide whether they’re true or false by sharing their citations.

Staying Organised

research questions for 6th grade

  • Make a list of different ways you can take notes while researching — Google Docs, Google Keep, pen and paper etc. Discuss the pros and cons of each method.
  • Learn the keyboard shortcuts to help manage tabs (e.g. open new tab, reopen closed tab, go to next tab etc.). Perhaps students could all try out the shortcuts and share their favourite one with the class.
  • Find a collection of resources on a topic and add them to a Wakelet .
  • Listen to a short podcast or watch a brief video on a certain topic and sketchnote ideas. Sylvia Duckworth has some great tips about live sketchnoting
  • Learn how to use split screen to have one window open with your research, and another open with your notes (e.g. a Google spreadsheet, Google Doc, Microsoft Word or OneNote etc.) .

All teachers know it’s important to teach students to research well. Investing time in this process will also pay off throughout the year and the years to come. Students will be able to focus on analysing and synthesizing information, rather than the mechanics of the research process.

By trying out as many of these mini-lessons as possible throughout the year, you’ll be really helping your students to thrive in all areas of school, work, and life.

Also remember to model your own searches explicitly during class time. Talk out loud as you look things up and ask students for input. Learning together is the way to go!

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Learn how to teach research skills to primary students, middle school students, or high school students. 50 activities that could be done in just a few minutes a day. Lots of Google search tips and research tips for kids and teachers. Free PDF included! Kathleen Morris | Primary Tech

10 Replies to “50 Mini-Lessons For Teaching Students Research Skills”

Loving these ideas, thank you

This list is amazing. Thank you so much!

' src=

So glad it’s helpful, Alex! 🙂

Hi I am a student who really needed some help on how to reasearch thanks for the help.

' src=

So glad it helped! 🙂

seriously seriously grateful for your post. 🙂

' src=

So glad it’s helpful! Makes my day 🙂

How do you get the 50 mini lessons. I got the free one but am interested in the full version.

' src=

Hi Tracey, The link to the PDF with the 50 mini lessons is in the post. Here it is . Check out this post if you need more advice on teaching students how to research online. Hope that helps! Kathleen

Best wishes to you as you face your health battler. Hoping you’ve come out stronger and healthier from it. Your website is so helpful.

Comments are closed.


Extended Research Project - 6th and 7th Grades: The Basics

  • Primary v. Secondary Sources
  • WSA Databases
  • WebPath Express
  • Washington State & Pacific NW
  • American History
  • Biographies

The ERP in the 6th and 7th Grades

What is the extended research project.

The Extended Research Project (ERP) for students in the sixth and seventh grades is a project in History class beginning in November in Fall Semester and culminating in a presentation in late March.  Through their work on the ERP, students are able to build their research, writing, citing and presentation skills.

The ERP in 6th Grade

Overall goals are to:

  • Choose an historical topic from a prescribed list that is relevant, with available sources, meets the assignment requirements and is of interest to the student
  • Research the topic thoroughly
  • Learn and use primary and secondary sources
  • Learn how to write about a topic with authentic voice and proper citations
  • Introduce students to the library databases and resources available to them at WSA
  • Learn how to use NoodleTools in order to keep track of works cited
  • Learn how to determine if a source is credible and to extract information from that source
  • Learn how to find and use sources that are appropriate for the age
  • Learn how to present information in an engaging and contemporary method
  • Discuss their research with unfamiliar yet supportive audiences

Scope and Timeline:

It is the expectation that the majority of the work on the sixth grade ERP will be done in history class rather than at home.

Fall Semester:  Sixth grade students will learn proper word processing, keyboarding, presentation and web platform skills within the curriculum of their Intro to Technology course.  At the same time, the ERP work will be concentrated in history class with specific writing and grammatical lessons supporting the project taught in English class.

By December:   S tudents will have chosen their topic, done the bulk of their research, documented the research on NoodleTools, practiced scaffolded writing assignments in support of the project and developed a thesis statement.

During January, February and March: Students will be concentrating on writing about their topics in anticipation of starting to develop a website as the final product.  They will use an online webtool such as Weebly to develop a website with the following components included within the framework of their site:

  • Background Information of the Event
  • Narrative Depiction of Events
  • Historical Significance of the Event
  • Specific Case Study or Narrative Story Relevant
  • Bibliography

March 27, 2020:  Parents and other students will be invited to an evening event where sixth and seventh grade students will share their projects with attendees. Sixth graders will be expected to sit at a designated computer station with their website available for guests to view and ask questions of the student. Specific teachers, including the classroom teacher will be assigned as “Committee Reviewers” who will assess the students work at that time. 

The ERP in 7th Grade

Overall goals  are to:

  • Choose a person of note in which to research
  • Research the person thoroughly
  • Learn how to write a five paragraph (or more) essay with authentic voice and proper citations
  • Remind students of the library databases and resources available to them at WSA
  • Utilize NoodleTools in order to keep track of works cited
  • Practice how to determine if a source is credible and to extract information from that source
  • Practice finding and using sources that are appropriate for the age
  • Utilize research to prepare an original monologue written from the perspective of that person or someone close to that person
  • Present the memorized 3-minute monologue to an audience of parents and peers (and the sixth graders) in costume

It is the expectation that the majority of the work on the seventh grade ERP will be done in their History and English classes rather than at home.

Fall Semester:   Seventh grade students will re-orient themselves to proper word processing skills and protocols as well as the library databases and the use of NoodleTools.  At the same time, the ERP work will be concentrated in History class with specific writing lessons supporting the project taught in English class.  In addition, the second semester speech class will support public speaking techniques in preparation.

By December:   Students will have chosen their person, done the bulk of their research, documented the research on NoodleTools, and completed a minimum five paragraph essay about the author. 

During January, February and March:  Students will finalize their monologues and costumes and spend significant time rehearsing for their monologue.

March 27, 2020:   Parents and other students will be invited to an evening event where sixth and seventh grade students will share their projects with attendees. Seventh graders will be expected to perform the monologue in front of the audience of attendees. Specific teachers, including the classroom teacher will be assigned as “Committee Reviewer’s” who will assess the students work at that time and ask questions after the student’s performance. 

Research FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How many sources do I need?

You will learn how to get information from both primary and secondary sources and will need to list those in your bibliography under separate headings for each type.  The guide line is:

  • Three Primary Sources of various types including one text, one image and one additional type of your choice
  • Five Secondary Sources with at least two books, one periodical (journal or magazine), and three web sites
  • Three Photo or Image Sources

Wikipedia is a good place to begin research on topics and to get ideas but Wikipedia will not be an acceptable source in your bibliography.

How will I manage my bibliographic information?

You will use an online platform called NoodleTools to manage your bibliography which also will automatically format the final hard copy version for you. You will have a log in and password that you can use to access NoodleTools from any computer with Internet access. Your log in and password are managed by Susan Trower if you forget them.  Need help knowing how to use NoodleTools?  See the NoodleTools Guide!

How do I sort primary sources and secondary sources in NoodleTools?

Log in to NoodleTools. Click on your NHD project. Enter in the source. After entering it should return you to an overall list of all the sources in the bibliography for this project. At the bottom of the list there is a field that says “Select an attribute”. Click on the source you want to classify and then select “primary” or “secondary” for that source.  Do this for all your sources. Once done with that return to the top of the list of bibliography list. In the upper right corner there is a “Sort” field. As a default, keep the sources sorted “Alphabetic”.  When you are ready to print, sort your sources “primary/secondary” in the Sort field.  Any source not classified as primary/secondary will not show up on the list when it is sorted by “primary/secondary.”  

Where can I get more help with knowing how to use NoodleTools?

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the central idea of your paper and states an arguable opinion. It informs the reader of your focus and gives a general overview of the order of analysis it will follow. It appears in the first paragraph of a paper; on the main page of a web site; clearly articulated in a monologue performance.  It is essential to do preliminary research on your topic before you try to write your thesis or else you will end up with a weak statement.

Your thesis statement must be clearly present with no question whatsoever of its existence. The worst thing you can have is for someone who has seen your website or watched your monologue and left thinking, “It was a nice website (or performance) but what was the thesis statement?”  

The ease with which the Internet makes information available makes sometimes tempts students to borrow information without properly documenting its source. Poor planning and organization can make it easy to lose track of what you read and where you read it. When you present material that contains any ideas that are not yours alone without properly citing or crediting the original author; that is plagiarism.

It is important to carefully keep track of your information and sources in your paper management system as well as build your bibliography “as you go”.

Plagiarism is taken very seriously. Plagiarism can be detected with careful reading, simple Internet searches and plagiarism software. If a student submits work in first draft form that contains plagiarized material, the student’s teachers will make every effort to ensure the student’s understanding of what it is and how to avoid it. If any work is submitted in final draft form containing plagiarized material, the student’s grade will be severely affected.

ERP Scope of Study at West Sound Academy, Grades 6 - 12

Students at West Sound Academy will follow the progression of ERP subject areas below:

Grade 6:                 History

Grade 7:                    History or English

Grade 8:                  Science

Grade 9:                  History

Grade 10:                English

Grade 11:                Extended Essay (EE) or Senior Project (SP) in the subject of student’s choice

Grade 12:               Finalization of EE or SP

Middle School Humanities Teacher

Georgia Chehade

Georgia Chehade

R1 and R2 Ryan Hall

Email:   [email protected]

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Find books, digital resources (ebooks), WebPath Express websites, and Open Educational Resources (OER).

The librarian is always happy to help you!

research questions for 6th grade

  • Next: Primary v. Secondary Sources >>
  • Last Updated: Oct 19, 2022 2:16 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.westsoundacademy.org/erp_6-7

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Asking Probing Questions and Choosing a Research Topic


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Bilingual Language Progressions

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research questions for 6th grade

Think Like a Researcher: Instruction Resources: #6 Developing Successful Research Questions

  • Guide Organization
  • Overall Summary
  • #1 Think Like a Researcher!
  • #2 How to Read a Scholarly Article
  • #3 Reading for Keywords (CREDO)
  • #4 Using Google for Academic Research
  • #4 Using Google for Academic Research (Alternate)
  • #5 Integrating Sources
  • Research Question Discussion
  • #7 Avoiding Researcher Bias
  • #8 Understanding the Information Cycle
  • #9 Exploring Databases
  • #10 Library Session
  • #11 Post Library Session Activities
  • Summary - Readings
  • Summary - Research Journal Prompts
  • Summary - Key Assignments
  • Jigsaw Readings
  • Permission Form

Course Learning Outcome:   Develop ability to synthesize and express complex ideas; demonstrate information literacy and be able to work with evidence

Goal:  Develop students’ ability to recognize and create successful research questions

Specifically, students will be able to

  • identify the components of a successful research question.
  • create a viable research question.

What Makes a Good Research Topic Handout

These handouts are intended to be used as a discussion generator that will help students develop a solid research topic or question. Many students start with topics that are poorly articulated, too broad, unarguable, or are socially insignificant. Each of these problems may result in a topic that is virtually un-researchable. Starting with a researchable topic is critical to writing an effective paper.

Research shows that students are much more invested in writing when they are able to choose their own topics. However, there is also research to support the notion that students are completely overwhelmed and frustrated when they are given complete freedom to write about whatever they choose. Providing some structure or topic themes that allow students to make bounded choices may be a way mitigate these competing realities.

These handouts can be modified or edited for your purposes.  One can be used as a handout for students while the other can serve as a sample answer key.  The document is best used as part of a process.  For instance, perhaps starting with discussing the issues and potential research questions, moving on to problems and social significance but returning to proposals/solutions at a later date.

  • Research Questions - Handout Key (2 pgs) This document is a condensed version of "What Makes a Good Research Topic". It serves as a key.
  • Research Questions - Handout for Students (2 pgs) This document could be used with a class to discuss sample research questions (are they suitable?) and to have them start thinking about problems, social significance, and solutions for additional sample research questions.
  • Research Question Discussion This tab includes materials for introduction students to research question criteria for a problem/solution essay.

Additional Resources

These documents have similarities to those above.  They represent original documents and conversations about research questions from previous TRAIL trainings.

  • What Makes a Good Research Topic? - Original Handout (4 pgs)
  • What Makes a Good Research Topic? Revised Jan. 2016 (4 pgs)
  • What Makes a Good Research Topic? Revised Jan 2016 with comments

Topic Selection (NCSU Libraries)

Howard, Rebecca Moore, Tricia Serviss, and Tanya K. Rodrigues. " Writing from sources, writing from sentences ." Writing & Pedagogy 2.2 (2010): 177-192.

Research Journal

Assign after students have participated in the Developing Successful Research Topics/Questions Lesson OR have drafted a Research Proposal.

Think about your potential research question.

  • What is the problem that underlies your question?
  • Is the problem of social significance? Explain.
  • Is your proposed solution to the problem feasible? Explain.
  • Do you think there is evidence to support your solution?

Keys for Writers - Additional Resource

Keys for Writers (Raimes and Miller-Cochran) includes a section to guide students in the formation of an arguable claim (thesis).  The authors advise students to avoid the following since they are not debatable. 

  • "a neutral statement, which gives no hint of the writer's position"
  • "an announcement of the paper's broad subject"
  • "a fact, which is not arguable"
  • "a truism (statement that is obviously true)"
  • "a personal or religious conviction that cannot be logically debated"
  • "an opinion based only on your feelings"
  • "a sweeping generalization" (Section 4C, pg. 52)

The book also provides examples and key points (pg. 53) for a good working thesis.

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  • Next: Research Question Discussion >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 29, 2023 2:51 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.ucmerced.edu/think_like_a_researcher

University of California, Merced

research questions for 6th grade

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33 Great Research Websites for Kids

research questions for 6th grade

Here are quick, safe spots to send students for research:

  • BrainPop –with the BrainPop characters, a launchpad to curiosity
  • CoolKidFacts –kid-friendly videos, pictures, info, and quizzes–all 100% suitable for children
  • Dimensions –academic research geared for college-level
  • Fact Monster –help with homework and facts
  • Google Earth Timelapse –what changes to the planet over time
  • Google Trends –what’s trending in searches
  • History Channel –great speeches
  • How Stuff Works –the gold standard in explaining stuff to kids
  • Info Please –events cataloged year-by-year
  • National Geographic for Kids
  • Ngram Viewer –analyzes all words in all books on Google Books
  • TagGalaxy –search using a cloud
  • Wild Wordsmyth –picture dictionary for kids
  • World Book –requires membership

Citing Resources

  • Citation Machine

Kids Search Engines

  • Kiddle –visual search engine for kids

How to Research

  • A Google A Day
  • How to Search on Google
  • Power Searching (with Google)
  • Teaching students to search/research
  • I nternet Search and Research –a lesson plan for K-8

Lesson Plans

  • Image Copyright Do’s and Don’ts
  • Internet Search and Research


  • Kids Picture Dictionary
  • Primary Source Documents
  • Talk to Books –research your topic based on books

Click for a lesson plan on Search and Research .

Click for more search and research websites.

Jacqui Murray  has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a  K-12 technology curriculum ,  K-8 keyboard curriculum,   K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum . She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an  Amazon Vine Voice , freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers,  To Hunt a Sub  and  Twenty-four Days . You can find her resources at  Structured Learning.

Updated 1-16-23

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We are a group of dedicated technology teachers with tons of experience in teaching K-18 t ech, unraveling its problems, and making it exciting for kids (and adults). We blog here, teach online grad school classes, provide curricula (like K-12 Technology curriculum ,  K-8 keyboard curriculum,   K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum ). Jacqui Murray (the face of AATT) also authors tech thrillers,  To Hunt a Sub  and  Twenty-four Days . You can find our resources at  Structured Learning.

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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Conducting Research Questions

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Free Printable Research Strategies Worksheets for 6th Grade

Research Strategies: Discover a vast collection of free printable worksheets for Grade 6 Reading & Writing teachers, designed to enhance students' learning experience and develop essential research skills. Dive into our resources and unlock your students' potential!


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Explore printable Research Strategies worksheets for 6th Grade

Research Strategies worksheets for Grade 6 are essential tools for teachers looking to enhance their students' reading and writing skills. These worksheets are specifically designed to cater to the unique learning needs of Grade 6 students, focusing on developing their critical thinking, comprehension, and communication abilities. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can provide their students with a variety of engaging and interactive activities that will not only improve their reading and writing skills but also help them become more confident and independent learners. Moreover, these Research Strategies worksheets for Grade 6 cover a wide range of topics, ensuring that students are exposed to diverse and relevant content that will keep them interested and motivated throughout the school year.

Quizizz is an innovative platform that offers a variety of educational resources, including Research Strategies worksheets for Grade 6, to help teachers create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students. With Quizizz, teachers can access a vast library of ready-made quizzes, games, and other interactive activities that are specifically designed to enhance students' reading and writing skills. In addition to the worksheets, Quizizz also offers real-time feedback and analytics, allowing teachers to track their students' progress and identify areas where they may need additional support. By incorporating Quizizz into their lesson plans, teachers can ensure that their Grade 6 students receive a well-rounded education that not only focuses on developing their reading and writing skills but also encourages them to become active and enthusiastic learners.

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70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

Tell them what you know.

How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

Informative essays are a chance to show what you know. They’re all about informing the reader, without trying to persuade or offer an opinion. Informative writing can include how-to process essays, biographical writing, an in-depth analysis of a topic, research papers, or compare-and-contrast essays . Just remember to stick to the facts, and be clear and descriptive. These informative essay topics offer something for all interests and ages.

How-To Informative Essay Topics

Social studies informative essay topics, science informative essay topics, pop culture informative essay topics.

Teach your reader the steps or process to:

  • Cook a recipe
  • Set a table
  • Make a quilt
  • Change a tire
  • Start a recycling program
  • Play a game
  • Build a birdhouse
  • Plant a garden
  • Make and care for a compost pile

Make and care for a compost pile.

  • Care for an animal
  • Start a business
  • Catch a fish
  • Tie a necktie
  • Train for a marathon
  • Prepare a campsite
  • Make a campfire
  • Clean a room
  • Wrap a gift
  • Plan a party
  • Kick a bad habit
  • Use social media responsibly

Use social media responsibly.

  • Manage time effectively
  • Make a budget
  • Describe the life of a world leader.
  • How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

  • Explore the current path to becoming an American citizen.
  • What are some of the possible ways the pyramids were built?
  • Describe a time period in history.
  • How does one country’s economy affect another country?
  • What is the difference between socialism and communism?
  • Explore the benefits and drawbacks of legalizing drugs.
  • Describe the political system in a foreign country.
  • Explore the causes of a specific war or armed conflict in history.

Explore the causes of a specific war or armed conflict in history.

  • How is a new law passed in the United States?
  • Give an overview of the history of any country, state, or city.
  • Describe the three branches of American government.
  • Explain how the American judicial system works.
  • Describe the evolution of fashion throughout history.
  • Describe a science experiment, including the hypothesis, process, and conclusion.

Describe a science experiment, including the hypothesis, process, and conclusion.

  • Explain what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • What is the relationship between calories and fat?
  • What is the physics behind a bicycle?
  • How do plants convert sunlight into energy?
  • Describe any element from the periodic table, including its makeup and uses.
  • What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
  • Describe the life cycle of any animal.
  • What are the benefits of recycling?
  • Describe the life of a prominent scientist.
  • Explain what E = mc 2 means.
  • Describe any disease, including its symptoms and treatments.

Describe any disease, including its symptoms and treatments.

  • Why do leaves change color in the fall?
  • Explain the difference between climate and weather.
  • Describe a specific ecosystem, including the plants and animals that live there.
  • Describe the history of video games.
  • What are recent trends in the video game industry?
  • Describe your favorite superhero.
  • Explain the motivations of any fictional villain.
  • Describe the life of your favorite celebrity.
  • Explore the development and growth of a main character in any book series.

Explore the development and growth of a main character in any book series.

  • Describe the process of making a movie or TV show.
  • Tell the story of any band, including its founding, successes and challenges, and breakup (if applicable).
  • Describe the life of a famous artist.
  • Explore the history of Disney World (or any theme park).
  • Plan the perfect fantasy football league team.
  • Describe popular trends and fads from any decade.
  • Explore the history of the Olympics.
  • Describe the music of a generation and how it reflected that time.

Describe the music of a generation and how it reflected that time.

  • Explain the history of the internet.

What are some of your favorite informative essay topics? Come share your ideas in the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the big list of essay topics for high school (100+ ideas).

70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

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  • A Research Guide
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6th grade science topics

This collection includes resources to support teachers and students as they engage in the topics outlined in the 6th grade NYC Science Scope & Sequence.  Resources support the following units: 6:1 Energy and Simple Machines; 6:2 Weather and the Atmosphere; 6:3 Diversity of Life; and 6:4 Interdependence. 

Please note that the files in this collection can not be downloaded from WeTeachNYC because they link out to an external site.

Included Resources

Energy and simple machines.

This collection of resources supports unit 6:1 of the 6th grade science Scope and Sequence: Energy and Simple Machines. 

Weather and the atmosphere

This collection of resources supports unit 6:2 of the 6th grade science Scope and Sequence: Weather and the Atmosphere.

Diversity of life

This collection of resources supports unit 6:3 of the 6th grade science Scope and Sequence: Diversity of Life.


This collection of resources supports unit 6:4 of the 6th grade science Scope and Sequence: Interdependence.

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  • Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples

Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples

Published on October 26, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on November 21, 2023.

A research question pinpoints exactly what you want to find out in your work. A good research question is essential to guide your research paper , dissertation , or thesis .

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

Table of contents

How to write a research question, what makes a strong research question, using sub-questions to strengthen your main research question, research questions quiz, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about research questions.

You can follow these steps to develop a strong research question:

  • Choose your topic
  • Do some preliminary reading about the current state of the field
  • Narrow your focus to a specific niche
  • Identify the research problem that you will address

The way you frame your question depends on what your research aims to achieve. The table below shows some examples of how you might formulate questions for different purposes.

Using your research problem to develop your research question

Note that while most research questions can be answered with various types of research , the way you frame your question should help determine your choices.

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Research questions anchor your whole project, so it’s important to spend some time refining them. The criteria below can help you evaluate the strength of your research question.

Focused and researchable

Feasible and specific, complex and arguable, relevant and original.

Chances are that your main research question likely can’t be answered all at once. That’s why sub-questions are important: they allow you to answer your main question in a step-by-step manner.

Good sub-questions should be:

  • Less complex than the main question
  • Focused only on 1 type of research
  • Presented in a logical order

Here are a few examples of descriptive and framing questions:

  • Descriptive: According to current government arguments, how should a European bank tax be implemented?
  • Descriptive: Which countries have a bank tax/levy on financial transactions?
  • Framing: How should a bank tax/levy on financial transactions look at a European level?

Keep in mind that sub-questions are by no means mandatory. They should only be asked if you need the findings to answer your main question. If your main question is simple enough to stand on its own, it’s okay to skip the sub-question part. As a rule of thumb, the more complex your subject, the more sub-questions you’ll need.

Try to limit yourself to 4 or 5 sub-questions, maximum. If you feel you need more than this, it may be indication that your main research question is not sufficiently specific. In this case, it’s is better to revisit your problem statement and try to tighten your main question up.

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See an example

research questions for 6th grade

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

The way you present your research problem in your introduction varies depending on the nature of your research paper . A research paper that presents a sustained argument will usually encapsulate this argument in a thesis statement .

A research paper designed to present the results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it seeks to answer. It may also include a hypothesis —a prediction that will be confirmed or disproved by your research.

As you cannot possibly read every source related to your topic, it’s important to evaluate sources to assess their relevance. Use preliminary evaluation to determine whether a source is worth examining in more depth.

This involves:

  • Reading abstracts , prefaces, introductions , and conclusions
  • Looking at the table of contents to determine the scope of the work
  • Consulting the index for key terms or the names of important scholars

A research hypothesis is your proposed answer to your research question. The research hypothesis usually includes an explanation (“ x affects y because …”).

A statistical hypothesis, on the other hand, is a mathematical statement about a population parameter. Statistical hypotheses always come in pairs: the null and alternative hypotheses . In a well-designed study , the statistical hypotheses correspond logically to the research hypothesis.

Writing Strong Research Questions

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

McCombes, S. (2023, November 21). Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved March 24, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/research-process/research-questions/

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What the Data Says About Pandemic School Closures, Four Years Later

The more time students spent in remote instruction, the further they fell behind. And, experts say, extended closures did little to stop the spread of Covid.

Sarah Mervosh

By Sarah Mervosh ,  Claire Cain Miller and Francesca Paris

Four years ago this month, schools nationwide began to shut down, igniting one of the most polarizing and partisan debates of the pandemic.

Some schools, often in Republican-led states and rural areas, reopened by fall 2020. Others, typically in large cities and states led by Democrats, would not fully reopen for another year.

A variety of data — about children’s academic outcomes and about the spread of Covid-19 — has accumulated in the time since. Today, there is broad acknowledgment among many public health and education experts that extended school closures did not significantly stop the spread of Covid, while the academic harms for children have been large and long-lasting.

While poverty and other factors also played a role, remote learning was a key driver of academic declines during the pandemic, research shows — a finding that held true across income levels.

Source: Fahle, Kane, Patterson, Reardon, Staiger and Stuart, “ School District and Community Factors Associated With Learning Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemic .” Score changes are measured from 2019 to 2022. In-person means a district offered traditional in-person learning, even if not all students were in-person.

“There’s fairly good consensus that, in general, as a society, we probably kept kids out of school longer than we should have,” said Dr. Sean O’Leary, a pediatric infectious disease specialist who helped write guidance for the American Academy of Pediatrics, which recommended in June 2020 that schools reopen with safety measures in place.

There were no easy decisions at the time. Officials had to weigh the risks of an emerging virus against the academic and mental health consequences of closing schools. And even schools that reopened quickly, by the fall of 2020, have seen lasting effects.

But as experts plan for the next public health emergency, whatever it may be, a growing body of research shows that pandemic school closures came at a steep cost to students.

The longer schools were closed, the more students fell behind.

At the state level, more time spent in remote or hybrid instruction in the 2020-21 school year was associated with larger drops in test scores, according to a New York Times analysis of school closure data and results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress , an authoritative exam administered to a national sample of fourth- and eighth-grade students.

At the school district level, that finding also holds, according to an analysis of test scores from third through eighth grade in thousands of U.S. districts, led by researchers at Stanford and Harvard. In districts where students spent most of the 2020-21 school year learning remotely, they fell more than half a grade behind in math on average, while in districts that spent most of the year in person they lost just over a third of a grade.

( A separate study of nearly 10,000 schools found similar results.)

Such losses can be hard to overcome, without significant interventions. The most recent test scores, from spring 2023, show that students, overall, are not caught up from their pandemic losses , with larger gaps remaining among students that lost the most ground to begin with. Students in districts that were remote or hybrid the longest — at least 90 percent of the 2020-21 school year — still had almost double the ground to make up compared with students in districts that allowed students back for most of the year.

Some time in person was better than no time.

As districts shifted toward in-person learning as the year went on, students that were offered a hybrid schedule (a few hours or days a week in person, with the rest online) did better, on average, than those in places where school was fully remote, but worse than those in places that had school fully in person.

Students in hybrid or remote learning, 2020-21

80% of students

Some schools return online, as Covid-19 cases surge. Vaccinations start for high-priority groups.

Teachers are eligible for the Covid vaccine in more than half of states.

Most districts end the year in-person or hybrid.

Source: Burbio audit of more than 1,200 school districts representing 47 percent of U.S. K-12 enrollment. Note: Learning mode was defined based on the most in-person option available to students.

Income and family background also made a big difference.

A second factor associated with academic declines during the pandemic was a community’s poverty level. Comparing districts with similar remote learning policies, poorer districts had steeper losses.

But in-person learning still mattered: Looking at districts with similar poverty levels, remote learning was associated with greater declines.

A community’s poverty rate and the length of school closures had a “roughly equal” effect on student outcomes, said Sean F. Reardon, a professor of poverty and inequality in education at Stanford, who led a district-level analysis with Thomas J. Kane, an economist at Harvard.

Score changes are measured from 2019 to 2022. Poorest and richest are the top and bottom 20% of districts by percent of students on free/reduced lunch. Mostly in-person and mostly remote are districts that offered traditional in-person learning for more than 90 percent or less than 10 percent of the 2020-21 year.

But the combination — poverty and remote learning — was particularly harmful. For each week spent remote, students in poor districts experienced steeper losses in math than peers in richer districts.

That is notable, because poor districts were also more likely to stay remote for longer .

Some of the country’s largest poor districts are in Democratic-leaning cities that took a more cautious approach to the virus. Poor areas, and Black and Hispanic communities , also suffered higher Covid death rates, making many families and teachers in those districts hesitant to return.

“We wanted to survive,” said Sarah Carpenter, the executive director of Memphis Lift, a parent advocacy group in Memphis, where schools were closed until spring 2021 .

“But I also think, man, looking back, I wish our kids could have gone back to school much quicker,” she added, citing the academic effects.

Other things were also associated with worse student outcomes, including increased anxiety and depression among adults in children’s lives, and the overall restriction of social activity in a community, according to the Stanford and Harvard research .

Even short closures had long-term consequences for children.

While being in school was on average better for academic outcomes, it wasn’t a guarantee. Some districts that opened early, like those in Cherokee County, Ga., a suburb of Atlanta, and Hanover County, Va., lost significant learning and remain behind.

At the same time, many schools are seeing more anxiety and behavioral outbursts among students. And chronic absenteeism from school has surged across demographic groups .

These are signs, experts say, that even short-term closures, and the pandemic more broadly, had lasting effects on the culture of education.

“There was almost, in the Covid era, a sense of, ‘We give up, we’re just trying to keep body and soul together,’ and I think that was corrosive to the higher expectations of schools,” said Margaret Spellings, an education secretary under President George W. Bush who is now chief executive of the Bipartisan Policy Center.

Closing schools did not appear to significantly slow Covid’s spread.

Perhaps the biggest question that hung over school reopenings: Was it safe?

That was largely unknown in the spring of 2020, when schools first shut down. But several experts said that had changed by the fall of 2020, when there were initial signs that children were less likely to become seriously ill, and growing evidence from Europe and parts of the United States that opening schools, with safety measures, did not lead to significantly more transmission.

“Infectious disease leaders have generally agreed that school closures were not an important strategy in stemming the spread of Covid,” said Dr. Jeanne Noble, who directed the Covid response at the U.C.S.F. Parnassus emergency department.

Politically, though, there remains some disagreement about when, exactly, it was safe to reopen school.

Republican governors who pushed to open schools sooner have claimed credit for their approach, while Democrats and teachers’ unions have emphasized their commitment to safety and their investment in helping students recover.

“I do believe it was the right decision,” said Jerry T. Jordan, president of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, which resisted returning to school in person over concerns about the availability of vaccines and poor ventilation in school buildings. Philadelphia schools waited to partially reopen until the spring of 2021 , a decision Mr. Jordan believes saved lives.

“It doesn’t matter what is going on in the building and how much people are learning if people are getting the virus and running the potential of dying,” he said.

Pandemic school closures offer lessons for the future.

Though the next health crisis may have different particulars, with different risk calculations, the consequences of closing schools are now well established, experts say.

In the future, infectious disease experts said, they hoped decisions would be guided more by epidemiological data as it emerged, taking into account the trade-offs.

“Could we have used data to better guide our decision making? Yes,” said Dr. Uzma N. Hasan, division chief of pediatric infectious diseases at RWJBarnabas Health in Livingston, N.J. “Fear should not guide our decision making.”

Source: Fahle, Kane, Patterson, Reardon, Staiger and Stuart, “ School District and Community Factors Associated With Learning Loss During the Covid-19 Pandemic. ”

The study used estimates of learning loss from the Stanford Education Data Archive . For closure lengths, the study averaged district-level estimates of time spent in remote and hybrid learning compiled by the Covid-19 School Data Hub (C.S.D.H.) and American Enterprise Institute (A.E.I.) . The A.E.I. data defines remote status by whether there was an in-person or hybrid option, even if some students chose to remain virtual. In the C.S.D.H. data set, districts are defined as remote if “all or most” students were virtual.

An earlier version of this article misstated a job description of Dr. Jeanne Noble. She directed the Covid response at the U.C.S.F. Parnassus emergency department. She did not direct the Covid response for the University of California, San Francisco health system.

How we handle corrections

Sarah Mervosh covers education for The Times, focusing on K-12 schools. More about Sarah Mervosh

Claire Cain Miller writes about gender, families and the future of work for The Upshot. She joined The Times in 2008 and was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for public service for reporting on workplace sexual harassment issues. More about Claire Cain Miller

Francesca Paris is a Times reporter working with data and graphics for The Upshot. More about Francesca Paris


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