Nursing Case Studies with Answers

Explore Nursing Case Studies with Answers and examples in Carepatron's free downloadable PDF. Enhance your nursing knowledge and prepare for exams with practical scenarios.

sample of case study for nursing students

By Wynona Jugueta on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

sample of case study for nursing students

What is a case study?

A case study in medicine is a detailed report of a patient's experience with a disease, treatment, or condition. It typically includes the patient's medical history, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment course, and outcome.

Some key things to know about medical case studies template . First, they delve deep into the specifics of a single case, providing a rich understanding of a particular medical situation.

Medical professionals use case studies to learn about rare diseases, unusual presentations of common conditions, and the decision-making process involved in complex cases.

Case studies can identify exciting areas for further investigation through more rigorous clinical trials. While informative, they can't be used to develop general treatment guidelines because they only focus on a single case.

Overall, medical case studies are valuable tools for medical education and research, offering insights into human health and disease complexities.

Printable Nursing Case Studies with Answers

Download this Nursing Case Studies with Answers to analyze complex clinical situations, identify priority needs, and develop effective care plans tailored to individual patients.

What is in a nursing case study?

A nursing case study is a detailed examination of a patient's health condition, treatment plan, and overall care journey, specifically from the perspective of nursing practice. These case studies are essential components of nursing education and professional development, providing valuable insights into clinical scenarios and patient care experiences.

In a case nursing study template , various elements are typically included to comprehensively understand the patient's situation. First and foremost, the case study outlines the patient's demographic information, including age, gender, medical history, and presenting symptoms. This demographic overview sets the stage for understanding the context in which healthcare interventions occur.

Moreover, nursing case studies often delve into the nursing assessment process, highlighting the initial and ongoing assessments nurses conduct to gather relevant patient health status data. These assessments involve physical examinations, vital sign monitoring, and assessment tools to identify potential health issues and risk factors.

Critical thinking skills are essential in nursing case studies, as they enable nurses to analyze complex clinical situations, identify priority needs, and develop effective care plans tailored to individual patients. Nursing students and experienced nurses use case studies as opportunities to enhance their critical thinking abilities and clinical decision-making processes.

Nursing case studies serve several vital purposes within healthcare education and professional practice, whether they are a primary care physician or a group of nursing students. Let's explore each purpose in detail:

Enhancing clinical reasoning skills

One primary purpose of nursing case studies is to enhance nursing students' and practicing nurses' clinical reasoning skills. By presenting realistic patient scenarios, case studies challenge individuals to analyze clinical data, interpret findings, and develop appropriate nursing interventions. This process promotes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities essential for effective nursing practice.

Applying theoretical knowledge to practice

Nursing case studies provide a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application. They allow nursing students to apply concepts learned in the classroom to real-world patient care situations. By engaging with case studies, students can integrate theoretical principles with clinical practice, gaining a deeper understanding of nursing concepts and their relevance to patient care.

Facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration

Another purpose of nursing case studies is to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals. Nurses often collaborate with physicians, specialists, therapists, and other team members in complex patient cases to deliver comprehensive care. Case studies offer opportunities for nurses to explore collaborative decision-making processes, communication strategies, and teamwork dynamics essential for providing quality patient care.

Promoting evidence-based practice

Nursing case studies are crucial in promoting evidence-based practice (EBP) within nursing and healthcare settings. Nurses can make informed decisions about patient care interventions by analyzing patient scenarios and considering current research evidence. Case studies encourage nurses to critically evaluate research findings, clinical guidelines, and best practices to ensure the delivery of safe, effective, and patient-centered care.

Fostering professional development

Engaging with nursing case studies contributes to the ongoing professional development of nurses at all stages of their careers. For nursing students, case studies provide valuable learning experiences that help prepare them for clinical practice. For experienced nurses, case studies offer opportunities to refine clinical skills, stay updated on emerging healthcare trends, and reflect on past experiences to improve future practice.

How to write a nursing case study?

Writing a nursing case study involves several essential steps to ensure accuracy, relevance, and clarity. Let's break down the process into actionable steps:

Step 1: Select a patient case

Begin by selecting a patient case that presents a relevant and compelling healthcare scenario. Consider factors such as the patient's demographic information, medical history, presenting symptoms (e.g., joint stiffness, pain), and healthcare needs (e.g., medication administration, vital signs monitoring). Choose a case that aligns with your learning objectives and offers meaningful analysis and discussion opportunities.

Step 2: Gather relevant data

Collect comprehensive data about the selected patient case, including medical records, test results, nursing assessments, and relevant healthcare documentation. Pay close attention to details such as the patient's current health status, past medical history (e.g., diabetes), treatment plans, and any ongoing concerns or challenges. Utilize assessment tools and techniques to evaluate the patient's condition thoroughly and identify areas of clinical significance.

Step 3: Assess the patient's needs

Based on the gathered data, evaluate the patient's needs, considering physical, emotional, social, and environmental factors. Assess the patient's pain levels, mobility, vital signs, and other relevant health indicators. Identify any potential complications, risks, or areas requiring immediate attention. Consider the patient's preferences, cultural background, and individualized care requirements in your assessment.

Step 4: Formulate nursing diagnoses

Formulate nursing diagnoses that accurately reflect the patient's health needs and priorities based on your assessment findings. Identify actual and potential nursing diagnoses related to the patient's condition, considering factors such as impaired mobility, ineffective pain management, medication adherence issues, and self-care deficits. Ensure your nursing diagnoses are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Step 5: Develop a care plan

Develop a comprehensive care plan outlining the nursing interventions and strategies to address the patient's identified needs and nursing diagnoses. Prioritize interventions based on the patient's condition, preferences, and care goals. Include evidence-based nursing interventions to promote optimal health outcomes, manage symptoms, prevent complications, and enhance the patient's overall well-being. Collaborate with other healthcare professionals as needed to ensure coordinated care delivery.

Step 6: Implement and evaluate interventions

Implement the nursing interventions outlined in the care plan while closely monitoring the patient's response to treatment. Administer medications, provide patient education, perform nursing procedures, and coordinate care activities to effectively meet the patient's needs. Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, reassessing the patient's condition and adjusting the care plan as necessary. Document all interventions, observations, and outcomes accurately and comprehensively.

Step 7: Reflect and seek assistance

Reflect on the nursing case study process, considering what worked well, areas for improvement, and lessons learned. Seek assistance from nursing instructors, preceptors, or colleagues if you encounter challenges or have concerns about the patient's care. Collaborate with interdisciplinary team members to address complex patient issues and ensure holistic care delivery. Continuously strive to enhance your nursing practice through ongoing learning and professional development.

Nursing Case Studies with Answers example (sample)

Below is an example of a nursing case study sample created by the Carepatron team. This sample illustrates a structured framework for documenting patient cases, outlining nursing interventions, and providing corresponding answers to guide learners through the analysis process. Feel free to download the PDF and use it as a reference when formulating your own nursing case studies.

Download this free Nursing Case Studies with Answers PDF example here 

Nursing Case Study

Why use Carepatron as your nursing software?

Carepatron stands out as a comprehensive and reliable solution for nursing professionals seeking efficient and streamlined workflows in their practice. With a range of features tailored to the needs of nurses and healthcare teams, Carepatron offers unparalleled support and functionality for managing various aspects of patient care.

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One of the key advantages of Carepatron is its nurse scheduling software , which simplifies the process of creating and managing schedules for nursing staff. With intuitive scheduling tools and customizable options, nurses can easily coordinate shifts, manage availability, and ensure adequate staffing levels to meet patient needs effectively.

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In addition, Carepatron offers a robust telehealth platform that facilitates remote patient monitoring, virtual consultations, and telemedicine services. This feature enables nurses to provide continuity of care beyond traditional healthcare settings, reaching patients in remote areas or those unable to attend in-person appointments.

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Furthermore, Carepatron's clinical documentation software streamlines the documentation process, allowing nurses to easily capture patient data, record assessments, and document interventions. The platform supports accurate and efficient documentation practices, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and promoting continuity of care across healthcare settings.

General Practice

Commonly asked questions

In clinical terms, a case study is a detailed examination of a patient's medical history, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes, typically used for educational or research purposes.

Case studies are essential in nursing as they provide real-life scenarios for nurses to apply theoretical knowledge, enhance critical thinking skills, and develop practical clinical reasoning and decision-making abilities.

Case studies in nursing education offer benefits such as promoting active learning, encouraging problem-solving skills, facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration, and fostering a deeper understanding of complex healthcare situations.

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Nursing Case Study

sample of case study for nursing students

ScienceDirect posted a nursing ethics case study where an end-stage prostate cancer patient, Mr. Green, confided to nursing staff about his plan to commit suicide. The patient asked the nurse to keep it a secret. The ethical problem is whether the nurse should tell the health care team members about the patient’s thought without his permission. The best ethical decision for this nursing case study was to share this critical information with other health care professionals, which was the action the nurse took. The team adhered to the proper self-harm and suicide protocol. The appropriate team performed a palliative therapy. As a result, the patient didn’t harm himself and died peacefully a few months after he was discharged.

What Is a Nursing Case Study? A nursing case study is a detailed study of an individual patient. Through this type of research, you can gain more information about the symptoms and the medical history of a patient. It will also allow you to provide the proper diagnoses of the patient’s illness based on the symptoms he or she experienced and other affecting factors. Nursing students usually perform this study as part of their practicum, making it an essential experience because, through this research methodology , they can apply the lessons they have learned from school. The situation mentioned above was an excellent example of a nursing case study.

Nursing Case Study Format

1. introduction.

Purpose: Briefly introduces the case study, including the main health issue or condition being explored. Background: Provides context for the patient scenario, outlining the significance of the case in nursing practice. Objectives: Lists the learning objectives or goals that the case study aims to achieve.

2. Patient Information

Demographics: Age, gender, ethnicity, and relevant personal information. Medical History: Past medical history, including any chronic conditions, surgeries, or significant health events. Current Health Assessment: Presents the patient’s current health status, including symptoms, vital signs, and results from initial examinations.

3. Case Description

Clinical Presentation: Detailed description of the patient’s presentation, including physical examination findings and patient-reported symptoms. Diagnostic Findings: Summarizes diagnostic tests that were performed, including lab tests, imaging studies, and other diagnostic procedures, along with their results. Treatment Plan: Outlines the initial treatment provided to the patient, including medications, therapies, surgeries, or other interventions.

4. Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Diagnoses: Identifies the nursing diagnoses based on the assessment data. Goals and Outcomes: Establishes short-term and long-term goals for the patient’s care, including expected outcomes. Interventions: Describes specific nursing interventions planned or implemented to address each nursing diagnosis and achieve the stated goals. Evaluation: Discusses the effectiveness of the nursing interventions, including patient progress and any adjustments made to the care plan.

5. Analysis

Critical Analysis: Analyzes the case in depth, considering different aspects of patient care, decision-making processes, and the application of nursing theories and principles. Reflection: Reflects on the nursing practice, lessons learned, and how the case study has impacted the understanding and application of nursing knowledge.

6. Conclusion

Summary: Provides a concise summary of the key points from the case study, including the patient outcome and the nursing care impact. Implications for Practice: Discusses the implications of the case for nursing practice, including any changes to practice or policy that could improve patient care. Recommendations: Offers recommendations for future care or areas for further study based on the case study findings.

Examples of Nursing Case Study

Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Introduction: A 58-year-old male with a history of hypertension and smoking presents to the emergency department with chest pain. This case study explores the nursing management for patients with AMI.   Patient Information: Demographics: 58-year-old male, smoker. Medical History: Hypertension, no previous diagnosis of heart disease. Current Health Assessment: Reports severe chest pain radiating to his left arm, sweating, and nausea.   Case Description: Clinical Presentation: Patient appeared in distress, clutching his chest. Diagnostic Findings: ECG showed ST-elevation in anterior leads. Troponin levels were elevated. Treatment Plan: Immediate administration of aspirin, nitroglycerin, and morphine for pain. Referred for emergency coronary angiography.   Nursing Care Plan: Nursing Diagnoses: Acute pain related to myocardial ischemia. Goals: Relieve pain and prevent further myocardial damage. Interventions: Monitoring vital signs, administering prescribed medications, and providing emotional support. Evaluation: Pain was managed effectively, and the patient was stabilized for angiography.   Analysis: The timely nursing interventions contributed to stabilizing the patient’s condition, showcasing the critical role nurses play in acute care settings.   Conclusion: This case highlights the importance of quick assessment and intervention in patients with AMI, emphasizing the nurse’s role in pain management and support.
Managing Type 1 Diabetes in a Pediatric Patient Introduction: A 10-year-old female diagnosed with type 1 diabetes presents for a routine check-up. This case study focuses on the nursing care plan for managing diabetes in pediatric patients.   Patient Information: Demographics: 10-year-old female. Medical History: Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes six months ago. Current Health Assessment: Well-controlled blood glucose levels, but expresses difficulty with frequent insulin injections.   Case Description: Clinical Presentation: Patient is active, engaging in school activities but struggles with diabetes management. Diagnostic Findings: HbA1c is 7.2%, indicating good control. Treatment Plan: Insulin therapy, carbohydrate counting, and regular blood glucose monitoring.   Nursing Care Plan: Nursing Diagnoses: Risk for unstable blood glucose levels. Goals: Maintain blood glucose within target range and increase patient comfort with diabetes management. Interventions: Education on insulin pump use, dietary advice, and coping strategies. Evaluation: Patient showed interest in using an insulin pump and understood dietary recommendations.   Analysis: This case emphasizes the importance of education and emotional support in managing chronic conditions in pediatric patients.   Conclusion: Effective management of type 1 diabetes in children requires a comprehensive approach that includes education, technological aids, and psychological support.
Elderly Care for Alzheimer’s Disease Introduction: An 82-year-old female with Alzheimer’s disease presents with increased confusion and agitation. This case study examines the complexities of caring for elderly patients with Alzheimer’s.   Patient Information: Demographics: 82-year-old female. Medical History: Alzheimer’s disease, osteoarthritis. Current Health Assessment: Increased confusion, agitation, and occasional aggression.   Case Description: Clinical Presentation: Patient exhibits signs of advanced Alzheimer’s with memory loss and disorientation. Diagnostic Findings: Cognitive tests confirm the progression of Alzheimer’s. Treatment Plan: Non-pharmacological interventions for agitation, memory aids, and safety measures in the home.   Nursing Care Plan: Nursing Diagnoses: Impaired memory related to Alzheimer’s disease. Goals: Reduce agitation and prevent harm. Interventions: Use of calming techniques, establishing a routine, and environmental modifications. Evaluation: Agitation was reduced, and the patient’s safety was improved through environmental adjustments.   Analysis: The case underscores the need for tailored interventions to manage Alzheimer’s symptoms and improve the quality of life for the elderly.   Conclusion: Nursing care for Alzheimer’s patients requires a multifaceted approach focusing on safety, symptom management, and patient dignity.

Nursing Case Study Topics with Samples to Edit & Download

  • Telehealth Nursing
  • Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing Care
  • Palliative and End-of-Life Care
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Emergency and Critical Care Nursing
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Nursing Ethics and Patient Rights
  • Infection Control and Prevention
  • Oncology Nursing
  • Nursing Leadership and Management
  • Cultural Competence in Nursing
  • Substance Abuse and Addiction Nursing
  • Technological Innovations in Nursing
  • Nursing Education and Training

Nursing Case Study Examples & Templates

1. nursing case study template.

Nursing Case Study Template

2. Free Nursing Student Care Plan Template

Free Nursing Student Care Plan Template

3. Nursing Action Case Study Example

Nursing Action Case Study Example

4. Hospital Nursing Care Case Study Example

Hospital Nursein Care Case Study Example

5. Printable Nursing Health Case Study Example

Nursing Health Case Study Example

6. Fundamentals of Nursing Case Study Example

Fundamentals of Nursing Case Study Example

7. Sample Nursing Case Study Example

Sample Nursing Case Study Example

8. Nursing Research Case Study Example

Nursing Research Case Study Example

9. Standard Nursing Case Study Example

Standard Nursing Case Study

10. Nursing Disability Case Study Example

Nursing Disability Case Study Example

11. Nursing care Patients Case Study Example

Nursing care Patients Case Study

12. School of Nursing Case Study Example

School of Nursing Case Study Example

13. Evaluation of Nursing Care Case Study Example

Evaluation of Nursing Care Case Study Example

Nursing Case Study Segments

Typically, a nursing case study contains three main categories, such as the items below.

1. The Status of a Patient

In this section, you will provide the patient’s information, such as medical history, and give the current patient’s diagnosis, condition, and treatment. Always remember to write down all the relevant information about the patient. Other items that you can collect in this stage are the reasons for the patient to seek medical care and the initial symptoms that he or she is experiencing. After that, based on the gathered information, you will explain the nature and cause of the illness of the patient.

2. The Nursing Assessment of the Patient

In this stage, you will need to prepare your evaluation of the patient’s condition. You should explain each observation that you have collected based on the vital signs and test results. You will also explain each nursing diagnosis that you have identified and determine the proper nursing care plan for the patient.

3. The Current Care Plan and Recommendations

Describe the appropriate care plan that you can recommend to the patient based on the diagnosis, current status, and prognosis in detail, including how the care plan will affect his or her life quality. If needed, you can also evaluate the patient’s existing care plan and give recommendations to enhance it. It is also crucial to cite relevant authoritative sources that will support your recommendations .

Objectives of Nursing Case Study

Nursing case studies are integral educational tools that bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application in patient care. They serve several key objectives essential for the development of nursing students and professionals. Here are the primary objectives of nursing case studies:

1. Enhance Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning

Case studies encourage nurses to analyze complex patient scenarios, make informed decisions, and apply critical thinking skills to solve problems. They simulate real-life situations, requiring nurses to evaluate data, consider multiple outcomes, and choose the best course of action.

2. Improve Diagnostic Skills

Through the detailed analysis of patient information, symptoms, and diagnostic results, nursing case studies help improve diagnostic skills. They allow nurses to practice interpreting clinical data to identify patient conditions and understand the underlying causes of symptoms.

3. Facilitate Application of Theoretical Knowledge

Nursing case studies provide a direct bridge between classroom learning and clinical practice. They offer a practical venue for applying theoretical knowledge about anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and nursing theories to real-world patient care situations.

4. Promote Understanding of Comprehensive Patient Care

These studies emphasize the importance of holistic care, considering the physical, emotional, social, and psychological aspects of patient well-being. Nurses learn to develop comprehensive care plans that address all facets of a patient’s health.

5. Encourage Reflective Practice and Self-Assessment

Reflecting on case study outcomes enables nurses to evaluate their own decision-making processes, clinical judgments, and actions. This self-assessment promotes continuous learning and professional growth by identifying areas for improvement.

6. Foster Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Case studies often involve scenarios that require collaboration among healthcare professionals from various disciplines. They teach nurses the value of teamwork, communication, and the integration of different expertise to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

7. Enhance Patient Education and Advocacy Skills

By working through case studies, nurses improve their ability to educate patients and families about health conditions, treatment plans, and preventive measures. They also learn to advocate for their patients’ needs and preferences within the healthcare system.

8. Prepare for Real-Life Challenges

Nursing case studies prepare students and new nurses for the unpredictability and challenges of real-life clinical settings. They provide safe, controlled environments to practice responses to emergencies, ethical dilemmas, and complex patient needs without the risk of actual harm.

Steps in Nursing Process

Whether you are handling a patient with schizophrenia, pneumonia, diabetes, appendicitis, hypertension, COPD, etc, you will need to follow specific steps to ensure that you are executing the critical nursing process.

1. Assess the Patient

The first step of the nursing process requires critical thinking skills as it involves gathering both subjective and objective data. Subjective data includes verbal statements that you can collect from the patient or caregiver. In contrast, objective information refers to measurable and tangible data, such as vital signs, height, weight, etc. You can also use other sources of information, such as electronic health records, and friends that are in direct contact with the patient.

2. Diagnose the Patient

This critical step will help you in the next steps, such as planning and implementation of patient care. In this step, you will formulate a nursing diagnosis by applying clinical judgment. As a nurse, the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) will give you an up-to-date nursing diagnosis list, which will allow you to form a diagnosis based on the actual health problem.

3. Plan for a Proper Patient Care Plan

This part is where you will plan out the appropriate care plan for the patient. You will set this goal following the evidence-based practice (EDP) guidelines. The goal you will set should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely ( SMART ).

4. Implement the Plan

In this stage, you can execute the plan that you have developed in the previous step. The implementation may need interventions such as a cardiac monitor, medication administration, etc.

5. Evaluate the Results

It is crucial to remember that every time the team does an intervention, you must do a reassessment to ensure that the process will lead to a positive result. You may need to reassess the patient depending on his progress, and the care plan may be modified based on the reassessment result.

Where to find nursing case studies?

Nursing case studies can be found in a variety of academic, professional, and medical resources. Here are some key places to look for nursing case studies:

  • Academic Journals : Many academic journals focus on nursing and healthcare and publish case studies regularly. Examples include the “Journal of Clinical Nursing,” “Nursing Case Studies,” and “American Journal of Nursing.”
  • University and College Libraries : Many academic institutions provide access to databases and journals that contain nursing case studies. Libraries often have subscriptions to these resources.
  • Online Medical Libraries : Websites like PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Wiley Online Library offer a vast collection of nursing and medical case studies.
  • Professional Nursing Organizations : Organizations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National League for Nursing (NLN) often provide resources, including case studies, for their members.
  • Nursing Education Websites : Websites dedicated to nursing education, such as Lippincott NursingCenter and, often feature case studies for educational purposes.
  • Government Health Websites : The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) sometimes publish case studies related to public health nursing and disease outbreaks.
  • Nursing Textbooks and eBooks : Many nursing textbooks and eBooks include case studies to illustrate key concepts and scenarios encountered in practice.
  • Online Nursing Forums and Communities : Forums and online communities for nursing professionals may share or discuss case studies as part of their content.
  • Conference Proceedings : Nursing and healthcare conferences often include presentations of case studies. Many of these are published in the conference proceedings, which may be accessible online.

Carrying out a nursing case study can be a delicate task since it puts the life of a person at stake. Thus, it requires a thorough investigation. With that said, it is essential to gain intensive knowledge about this type of study. Today, we have discussed an overview of how to conduct a nursing case study. However, if you think that you are having problems with your writing skills , we recommend you to consider looking for an essay writing service from the experts in the nursing department to ensure that the output follows the appropriate writing style and terminology.


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How to Write a Nursing Case Study Paper (A Guide)

sample of case study for nursing students

Most nursing students dread writing a nursing case study analysis paper, yet it is a mandatory assignment; call it a rite of passage in nursing school. This is because it is a somewhat tricky process that is often overwhelming for nursing students. Nevertheless, by reading this guide prepared by our best nursing students, you should be able to easily and quickly write a nursing case study that can get you an excellent grade.

How different is this guide from similar guides all over the internet? Very different!

This guide provides all the pieces of information that one would need to write an A-grade nursing case study. These include the format for a nursing case study, a step-by-step guide on how to write a nursing case study, and all the important tips to follow when writing a nursing case study.

This comprehensive guide was developed by the top nursing essay writers at NurseMyGrade, so you can trust that the information herein is a gem that will catapult your grades to the next level. Expect updates as we unravel further information about writing a nursing case study.

Now that you know you’ve discovered a gold mine , let’s get right into it.

What Is a Nursing Case Study?

A nursing case study is a natural or imagined patient scenario designed to test the knowledge and skills of student nurses. Nursing case study assignments usually focus on testing knowledge and skills in areas of nursing study related to daily nursing practice.

As a nursing student, you must expect a nursing case study assignment at some point in your academic life. The fact that you are reading this post means that point is now.

While there is no standard structure for writing a nursing case study assignment, some things or elements must be present in your nursing assignment for your professor to consider it complete.

In the next section, you will discover what your instructor n expects in your nursing case study analysis. Remember, these are assignments where you are given a case study and are expected to write a case analysis report explaining how to handle such scenarios in real-life settings.

The Nursing Case Study Template

The typical nursing case study has nine sections. These are:

  • Introduction
  • Case presentation (Patient info, history, and medical condition)
  • Diagnosis/Nursing assessment
  • Intervention/Nursing care plan
  • Discussion and recommendations

The Structure of a Nursing Case Study Analysis

You now know what nursing professors expect in a nursing case study analysis. In this section, we will explain what to include in each section of your nursing case study analysis to make it an excellent one.

1. Title page

The title page is essential in all types of academic writing. You must include it in your nursing case study analysis or any other essay or paper. And you must include it in the format recommended by your college.

If your college has no specific title page format, use the title page format of the style requested in the assignment prompt. In nursing college, virtually all assignments should be written in Harvard or APA format .

So, check your assignment prompt and create your title page correctly. The typical title page should include the topic of your paper, your name, the name of your professor, the course name, the date you are submitting the paper, and the name of your college.

2. Abstract

Most nursing professors require you to include an abstract in your nursing case study analysis. And even when you are not explicitly required to write one, it is good to do so. Of course, you should consult with your professor before doing so.

When writing an abstract for your paper, make sure it is about 200 words long. The abstract should include a brief summary of the case study, including all the essential information in the patient presentation, such as the history, age, and current diagnosis.

The summary should also include the nursing assessment, the current interventions, and recommendations.

3. Introduction

After writing the title page and the abstract, start writing the introduction. The introduction of a nursing case study analysis must briefly include the patient’s presentation, current diagnosis and medication, and recommendations. It must also include a strong thesis statement that shows what the paper is all about.

You shouldn’t just write an introduction for the sake of it. If you do so, your introduction will be bland. You need to put in good effort when writing your introduction. The best way to do this is to use your introduction to show you understand the case study perfectly and that you will analyze it right.

You can always write your introduction last. Many students do this because they believe writing an introduction last makes it more precise and accurate.

4. Case Presentation (Status of the Patient)

After introducing your nursing case study analysis, you should present the case where you outline the patient's status. It is usually straightforward to present a case.

You must paraphrase the patient scenario in the assignment prompt or brief. Focus on the demographic data of the patient (who they are, age, race, height, skin tone, occupation, relationships, marital status, appearance, etc.), why they are in the case study or scenario, reasons they sought medical attention, chief complaint, and current diagnosis and treatment. You should also discuss the actions performed on the patient, such as admission to the ICU, taking vital signs, recommending tests, etc.

In short, everything necessary in the patient scenario should be in your case presentation. You only need to avoid copying the patient scenario or case study word-for-word when writing your case presentation.

5. Diagnosis and Assessment

After the case presentation, you should explain the diagnosis. In other words, you should explain the condition, disease, or medical situation highlighted in the case presentation. For example, if the patient is a heavy smoker and he has COPD, it is at this point that you explain how COPD is linked to heavy smoking.

This is the section where you thoroughly discuss the disease process (pathophysiology) by highlighting the causes, symptoms, observations, and treatment methods. You should relate these to the patient’s status and give concrete evidence. You should describe the progression of the disease from when the client was admitted to a few hours or days after they were stabilized. Consider the first indication of the disease that prompted the patient to seek further medical assistance.  

Your paper should also elucidate the diagnostic tests that should be conducted and the differential diagnosis. Ensure that each is given a well-founded rationale.

When explaining the condition, go deep into the pathophysiology. Focus specifically on the patient’s risk factors. Ensure you get your explanation from recent nursing literature (peer-reviewed scholarly journals published in the last 5 years). And do not forget to cite all the literature you get your facts from.

In short, this section should explain the patient’s condition or suffering.

6. Nursing Intervention

After the diagnosis and nursing assessment section, your nursing case study analysis should have an intervention section. This section is also known as the nursing care planning section. What you are supposed to do in this section is to present a nursing care plan for the patient presented in the patient scenario. You should describe the nursing care plan and goals for the patient. Record all the anticipated positive changes and assess whether the care plan addresses the patient's condition.

A good nursing care plan details the patient’s chief complaints or critical problems. It then describes the causes of these problems using evidence from recent medical or nursing literature. It then details the potential intervention for each problem. Lastly, it includes goals and evaluation strategies for the measures. Most professors, predominantly Australian and UK professors, prefer if this section is in table format.

Some nursing professors regard the intervention section (or nursing care plan section) as the most critical part of a nursing case study. This is because this part details precisely how the student nurse will react to the patient scenario (which is what the nursing professors want to know). So, ensure you make a reasonable effort when developing this section to get an excellent grade.

7. Discussion and Recommendations

The intervention section in a nursing case study is followed by a discussion and recommendations section. In this section, you are supposed to expound on the patient scenario, the diagnosis, and the nursing care plan. You should also expound on the potential outcomes if the care plan is followed correctly. The discussion should also explain the rationale for the care plan or its significant bits.

Recommendations should follow the discussion. Recommendations usually involve everything necessary that can be done or changed to manage a patient’s condition or prevent its reoccurrence. Anything that enhances the patient’s well-being can be a recommendation. Just make sure your key recommendations are supported by evidence.

8. Conclusion

This is the second last section of a typical nursing case study. What you need here is to summarize the entire case study. Ensure your summary has at least the case presentation, the nursing assessment/diagnosis, the intervention, and the key recommendations.

At the very end of your conclusion, add a closing statement. The statement should wrap up the whole thing nicely. Try to make it as impressive as possible.

9. References

This is the last section of a nursing case study. No nursing case study is complete without a references section. You should ensure your case study has in-text citations and a references page.

And you should make sure both are written as recommended in the assignment. The style section is usually Harvard or APA. Follow the recommended style to get a good grade on your essay.

Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Nursing Case Study

You know all the key sections you must include in a nursing case study. You also know what exactly you need to do in each section. It is time to learn how to write a nursing case study. The process detailed below should be easy to follow because you know the typical nursing case study structure.

1. Understand the Assignment

When given a nursing case study assignment, the first thing you need to do is to read. You need to read two pieces of information slowly and carefully.

First, you need to read the prompt itself slowly and carefully. This is important because the prompt will have essential bits of information you need to know, including the style, the format, the word count, and the number of references needed. All these bits of information are essential to ensure your writing is correct.

Second, you need to read the patient scenario slowly and carefully. You should do this to understand it clearly so that you do not make any mistakes in your analysis.

2. Create a Rough Outline

Failure to plan is a plan to fail. That is not what you are in it for anyway! In other words, do not fail to create an outline for your case study analysis. Use the template provided in this essay to create a rough outline for your nursing case study analysis.

Ensure your outline is as detailed as it can be at this stage. You can do light research to achieve this aim. However, this is not exactly necessary because this is just a rough outline.

3. Conduct thorough research

After creating a rough outline, you should conduct thorough research. Your research should especially focus on providing a credible and evidence-based nursing assessment of the patient problem(s). You should only use evidence from recent nursing or medical literature.

You must also conduct thorough research to develop an effective intervention or nursing care plan. So when researching the patient’s problem and its diagnosis, you should also research the most suitable intervention or do it right after.

When conducting research, you should always note down your sources. So for every piece of information you find, and what to use, you should have its reference.

After conducting thorough research, you should enhance your rough outline using the new information you have discovered. Make sure it is as comprehensive as possible.

4. Write your nursing case study

You must follow your comprehensive outline to write your case study analysis at this stage. If you created a good outline, you should find it very easy to write your nursing case study analysis.

If you did not, writing your nursing case study will be challenging. Whenever you are stuck writing your case study analysis paper, you should re-read the part where we explain what to include in every section of your analysis. Doing so will help you know what to write to continue your essay. Writing a nursing case study analysis usually takes only a few hours.

5. Reference your case study

After writing your case study, ensure you add all in-text citations if you have not already. And when adding them, you should follow the style/format recommended in the assignment prompt (usually APA or Harvard style).

After adding in-text citations exactly where they need to be and in the correct format, add all the references you have used in a references page. And you should add them correctly as per the rules of the style you were asked to use.

Do not forget to organize your references alphabetically after creating your references page.

6. Thoroughly edit your case study

After STEP 5 above, you need to edit your case study. You should edit it slowly and carefully. Do this by proofreading it twice. Proofread it slowly each time to discover all the grammar, style, and punctuation errors. Remove all the errors you find.

After proofreading your essay twice, recheck it to ensure every sentence is straightforward. This will transform your ordinary case study into an A-grade one. Of course, it must also have all the standard sections expected in a case study.

Recheck your case study using a or a similar computer grammar checker to ensure it is perfect. Doing this will help you catch and eliminate all the remaining errors in your work.

7. Submit your case study analysis

After proofreading and editing your case study analysis, it will be 100% ready for submission. Just convert it into the format it is required in and submit it.

 Nursing Case Study Tips and Tricks

The guide above and other information in this article should help you develop a good nursing case study analysis. Note that this guide focuses entirely on nursing case scenario-based papers, not research study-based nursing case studies. The tips and tricks in this section should help you ensure that the nursing case study analysis you create is excellent.

1. Begin early

The moment you see a nursing case study assignment prompt, identify a date to start writing it and create your own deadline to beat before the deadline stated in the prompt.

Do this and start writing your case study analysis early before your deadline. You will have plenty of time to do excellent research, develop an excellent paper, and edit your final paper as thoroughly as you want.

Most student nurses combine work and study. Therefore, if you decide to leave a nursing case study assignment until late to complete it, something could come up, and you could end up failing to submit it or submitting a rushed case study analysis.

2. Use the proper terminology

When writing an essay or any other academic paper, you are always encouraged to use the most straightforward language to make your work easy to understand. However, this is not true when writing a nursing case study analysis. While your work should certainly be easy to understand, you must use the right nursing terminology at every point where it is necessary. Failure to do this could damage your work or make it look less professional or convincing.

3. Avoid copying and pasting

If you are a serious nursing student, you know that copying and pasting are prohibited in assignments. However, sometimes copying and pasting can seem okay in nursing case studies. For example, it can seem okay to copy-paste the patient presentation. However, this is not okay. You are supposed to paraphrase the verbatim when presenting the patient presentation in your essay. You should also avoid copy-pasting information or texts directly. Every fact or evidence you research and find should be paraphrased to appear in your work. And it should be cited correctly.

4. Always ask for help if stuck

This is very important. Students are usually overwhelmed with academic work, especially a month or two to the end of the semester. If you are overwhelmed and think you will not have the time to complete your nursing case study analysis or submit a quality one, ask for help. Ask for help from a nursing assignment-help website like ours, and you will soon have a paper ready that you can use as you please. If you choose to get help from us, you will get a well-researched, well-planned, well-developed, and fully edited nursing case study.

5. Format your paper correctly

Many students forget to do proper formatting after writing their nursing case study analyses. Before you submit your paper, make sure you format it correctly. If you do not format your paper correctly, you will lose marks because of poor formatting. If you feel you are not very confident with your APA or Harvard formatting skills, send your paper to us to get it correctly formatted and ready for submission.

Now that you are all set up 

Our company has been among the best-rated nursing homework help companies in the last few years. Thousands of students have benefitted from our many academic writing guides. Many more have benefitted from direct help given by our experts.

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  • Writing an abstract poster presentation.

We have experienced nursing experts available every day of the week to provide nursing assignment help. They can easily research and write virtually any nursing assignment, including a nursing case study. So, if the information provided in this article isn’t making you feel any optimistic about writing an excellent nursing case study, get help from us.

Get help by ordering a custom nursing case study through this very website. If you do so, you will get a 100% original paper that is well-researched, well-written, well-formatted, and adequately referenced. Since the paper is original, you can use it anywhere without problems.

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Health Case Studies

(29 reviews)

sample of case study for nursing students

Glynda Rees, British Columbia Institute of Technology

Rob Kruger, British Columbia Institute of Technology

Janet Morrison, British Columbia Institute of Technology

Copyright Year: 2017

Publisher: BCcampus

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


Learn more about reviews.

Reviewed by Jessica Sellars, Medical assistant office instructor, Blue Mountain Community College on 10/11/23

This is a book of compiled and very well organized patient case studies. The author has broken it up by disease patient was experiencing and even the healthcare roles that took place in this patients care. There is a well thought out direction and... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This is a book of compiled and very well organized patient case studies. The author has broken it up by disease patient was experiencing and even the healthcare roles that took place in this patients care. There is a well thought out direction and plan. There is an appendix to refer to as well if you are needing to find something specific quickly. I have been looking for something like this to help my students have a base to do their project on. This is the most comprehensive version I have found on the subject.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

This is a book compiled of medical case studies. It is very accurate and can be used to learn from great care and mistakes.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

This material is very relevant in this context. It also has plenty of individual case studies to utilize in many ways in all sorts of medical courses. This is a very useful textbook and it will continue to be useful for a very long time as you can still learn from each study even if medicine changes through out the years.

Clarity rating: 5

The author put a lot of thought into the ease of accessibility and reading level of the target audience. There is even a "how to use this resource" section which could be extremely useful to students.

Consistency rating: 5

The text follows a very consistent format throughout the book.

Modularity rating: 5

Each case study is individual broken up and in a group of similar case studies. This makes it extremely easy to utilize.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The book is very organized and the appendix is through. It flows seamlessly through each case study.

Interface rating: 5

I had no issues navigating this book, It was clearly labeled and very easy to move around in.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not catch any grammar errors as I was going through the book

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This is a challenging question for any medical textbook. It is very culturally relevant to those in medical or medical office degrees.

I have been looking for something like this for years. I am so happy to have finally found it.

Reviewed by Cindy Sun, Assistant Professor, Marshall University on 1/7/23

Interestingly, this is not a case of ‘you get what you pay for’. Instead, not only are the case studies organized in a fashion for ease of use through a detailed table of contents, the authors have included more support for both faculty and... read more

Interestingly, this is not a case of ‘you get what you pay for’. Instead, not only are the case studies organized in a fashion for ease of use through a detailed table of contents, the authors have included more support for both faculty and students. For faculty, the introduction section titled ‘How to use this resource’ and individual notes to educators before each case study contain application tips. An appendix overview lists key elements as issues / concepts, scenario context, and healthcare roles for each case study. For students, learning objectives are presented at the beginning of each case study to provide a framework of expectations.

The content is presented accurately and realistic.

The case studies read similar to ‘A Day In the Life of
’ with detailed intraprofessional communications similar to what would be overheard in patient care areas. The authors present not only the view of the patient care nurse, but also weave interprofessional vantage points through each case study by including patient interaction with individual professionals such as radiology, physician, etc.

In addition to objective assessment findings, the authors integrate standard orders for each diagnosis including medications, treatments, and tests allowing the student to incorporate pathophysiology components to their assessments.

Each case study is arranged in the same framework for consistency and ease of use.

This compilation of eight healthcare case studies focusing on new onset and exacerbation of prevalent diagnoses, such as heart failure, deep vein thrombosis, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease advancing to pneumonia.

Each case study has a photo of the ‘patient’. Simple as this may seem, it gives an immediate mental image for the student to focus.

Interface rating: 4

As noted by previous reviewers, most of the links do not connect active web pages. This may be due to the multiple options for accessing this resource (pdf download, pdf electronic, web view, etc.).

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

A minor weakness that faculty will probably need to address prior to use is regarding specific term usages differences between Commonwealth countries and United States, such as lung sound descriptors as ‘quiet’ in place of ‘diminished’ and ‘puffers’ in place of ‘inhalers’.

The authors have provided a multicultural, multigenerational approach in selection of patient characteristics representing a snapshot of today’s patient population. Additionally, one case study focusing on heart failure is about a middle-aged adult, contrasting to the average aged patient the students would normally see during clinical rotations. This option provides opportunities for students to expand their knowledge on risk factors extending beyond age.

This resource is applicable to nursing students learning to care for patients with the specific disease processes presented in each case study or for the leadership students focusing on intraprofessional communication. Educators can assign as a supplement to clinical experiences or as an in-class application of knowledge.

Reviewed by Stephanie Sideras, Assistant Professor, University of Portland on 8/15/22

The eight case studies included in this text addressed high frequency health alterations that all nurses need to be able to manage competently. While diabetes was not highlighted directly, it was included as a potential comorbidity. The five... read more

The eight case studies included in this text addressed high frequency health alterations that all nurses need to be able to manage competently. While diabetes was not highlighted directly, it was included as a potential comorbidity. The five overarching learning objectives pulled from the Institute of Medicine core competencies will clearly resonate with any faculty familiar with Quality and Safety Education for Nurses curriculum.

The presentation of symptoms, treatments and management of the health alterations was accurate. Dialogue between the the interprofessional team was realistic. At times the formatting of lab results was confusing as they reflected reference ranges specific to the Canadian healthcare system but these occurrences were minimal and could be easily adapted.

The focus for learning from these case studies was communication - patient centered communication and interprofessional team communication. Specific details, such as drug dosing, was minimized, which increases longevity and allows for easy individualization of the case data.

While some vocabulary was specific to the Canadian healthcare system, overall the narrative was extremely engaging and easy to follow. Subjective case data from patient or provider were formatted in italics and identified as 'thoughts'. Objective and behavioral case data were smoothly integrated into the narrative.

The consistency of formatting across the eight cases was remarkable. Specific learning objectives are identified for each case and these remain consistent across the range of cases, varying only in the focus for the goals for each different health alterations. Each case begins with presentation of essential patient background and the progress across the trajectory of illness as the patient moves from location to location encountering different healthcare professionals. Many of the characters (the triage nurse in the Emergency Department, the phlebotomist) are consistent across the case situations. These consistencies facilitate both application of a variety of teaching methods and student engagement with the situated learning approach.

Case data is presented by location and begins with the patient's first encounter with the healthcare system. This allows for an examination of how specific trajectories of illness are manifested and how care management needs to be prioritized at different stages. This approach supports discussions of care transitions and the complexity of the associated interprofessional communication.

The text is well organized. The case that has two levels of complexity is clearly identified

The internal links between the table of contents and case specific locations work consistently. In the EPUB and the Digital PDF the external hyperlinks are inconsistently valid.

The grammatical errors were minimal and did not detract from readability

Cultural diversity is present across the cases in factors including race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, family dynamics and sexual orientation.

The level of detail included in these cases supports a teaching approach to address all three spectrums of learning - knowledge, skills and attitudes - necessary for the development of competent practice. I also appreciate the inclusion of specific assessment instruments that would facilitate a discussion of evidence based practice. I will enjoy using these case to promote clinical reasoning discussions of data that is noticed and interpreted with the resulting prioritizes that are set followed by reflections that result from learner choices.

Reviewed by Chris Roman, Associate Professor, Butler University on 5/19/22

It would be extremely difficult for a book of clinical cases to comprehensively cover all of medicine, and this text does not try. Rather, it provides cases related to common medical problems and introduces them in a way that allows for various... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

It would be extremely difficult for a book of clinical cases to comprehensively cover all of medicine, and this text does not try. Rather, it provides cases related to common medical problems and introduces them in a way that allows for various learning strategies to be employed to leverage the cases for deeper student learning and application.

The narrative form of the cases is less subject to issues of accuracy than a more content-based book would be. That said, the cases are realistic and reasonable, avoiding being too mundane or too extreme.

These cases are narrative and do not include many specific mentions of drugs, dosages, or other aspects of clinical care that may grow/evolve as guidelines change. For this reason, the cases should be “evergreen” and can be modified to suit different types of learners.

Clarity rating: 4

The text is written in very accessible language and avoids heavy use of technical language. Depending on the level of learner, this might even be too simplistic and omit some details that would be needed for physicians, pharmacists, and others to make nuanced care decisions.

The format is very consistent with clear labeling at transition points.

The authors point out in the introductory materials that this text is designed to be used in a modular fashion. Further, they have built in opportunities to customize each cases, such as giving dates of birth at “19xx” to allow for adjustments based on instructional objectives, etc.

The organization is very easy to follow.

I did not identify any issues in navigating the text.

The text contains no grammatical errors, though the language is a little stiff/unrealistic in some cases.

Cases involve patients and members of the care team that are of varying ages, genders, and racial/ethnic backgrounds

Reviewed by Trina Larery, Assistant Professor, Pittsburg State University on 4/5/22

The book covers common scenarios, providing allied health students insight into common health issues. The information in the book is thorough and easily modified if needed to include other scenarios not listed. The material was easy to understand... read more

The book covers common scenarios, providing allied health students insight into common health issues. The information in the book is thorough and easily modified if needed to include other scenarios not listed. The material was easy to understand and apply to the classroom. The E-reader format included hyperlinks that bring the students to subsequent clinical studies.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The treatments were explained and rationales were given, which can be very helpful to facilitate effective learning for a nursing student or novice nurse. The case studies were accurate in explanation. The DVT case study incorrectly identifies the location of the clot in the popliteal artery instead of in the vein.

The content is relevant to a variety of different types of health care providers and due to the general nature of the cases, will remain relevant over time. Updates should be made annually to the hyperlinks and to assure current standard of practice is still being met.

Clear, simple and easy to read.

Consistent with healthcare terminology and framework throughout all eight case studies.

The text is modular. Cases can be used individually within a unit on the given disease process or relevant sections of a case could be used to illustrate a specific point providing great flexibility. The appendix is helpful in locating content specific to a certain diagnosis or a certain type of health care provider.

The book is well organized, presenting in a logical clear fashion. The appendix allows the student to move about the case study without difficulty.

The interface is easy and simple to navigate. Some links to external sources might need to be updated regularly since those links are subject to change based on current guidelines. A few hyperlinks had "page not found".

Few grammatical errors were noted in text.

The case studies include people of different ethnicities, socioeconomic status, ages, and genders to make this a very useful book.

I enjoyed reading the text. It was interesting and relevant to today's nursing student. There are roughly 25 broken online links or "pages not found", care needs to be taken to update at least annually and assure links are valid and utilizing the most up to date information.

Reviewed by Benjamin Silverberg, Associate Professor/Clinician, West Virginia University on 3/24/22

The appendix reviews the "key roles" and medical venues found in all 8 cases, but is fairly spartan on medical content. The table of contents at the beginning only lists the cases and locations of care. It can be a little tricky to figure out what... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

The appendix reviews the "key roles" and medical venues found in all 8 cases, but is fairly spartan on medical content. The table of contents at the beginning only lists the cases and locations of care. It can be a little tricky to figure out what is going on where, especially since each case is largely conversation-based. Since this presents 8 cases (really 7 with one being expanded upon), there are many medical topics (and venues) that are not included. It's impossible to include every kind of situation, but I'd love to see inclusion of sexual health, renal pathology, substance abuse, etc.

Though there are differences in how care can be delivered based on personal style, changing guidelines, available supplies, etc, the medical accuracy seems to be high. I did not detect bias or industry influence.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Medications are generally listed as generics, with at least current dosing recommendations. The text gives a picture of what care looks like currently, but will be a little challenging to update based on new guidelines (ie, it can be hard to find the exact page in which a medication is dosed/prescribed). Even if the text were to be a little out of date, an instructor can use that to point out what has changed (and why).

Clear text, usually with definitions of medical slang or higher-tier vocabulary. Minimal jargon and there are instances where the "characters" are sorting out the meaning as well, making it accessible for new learners, too.

Overall, the style is consistent between cases - largely broken up into scenes and driven by conversation rather than descriptions of what is happening.

There are 8 (well, again, 7) cases which can be reviewed in any order. Case #2 builds upon #1, which is intentional and a good idea, though personally I would have preferred one case to have different possible outcomes or even a recurrence of illness. Each scene within a case is reasonably short.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

These cases are modular and don't really build on concepts throughout. As previously stated, case #2 builds upon #1, but beyond that, there is no progression. (To be sure, the authors suggest using case #1 for newer learners and #2 for more advanced ones.) The text would benefit from thematic grouping, a longer introduction and debriefing for each case (there are learning objectives but no real context in medical education nor questions to reflect on what was just read), and progressively-increasing difficulty in medical complexity, ethics, etc.

I used the PDF version and had no interface issues. There are minimal photographs and charts. Some words are marked in blue but those did not seem to be hyperlinked anywhere.

No noticeable errors in grammar, spelling, or formatting were noted.

I appreciate that some diversity of age and ethnicity were offered, but this could be improved. There were Canadian Indian and First Nations patients, for example, as well as other characters with implied diversity, but there didn't seem to be any mention of gender diverse or non-heterosexual people, or disabilities. The cases tried to paint family scenes (the first patient's dog was fairly prominently mentioned) to humanize them. Including more cases would allow for more opportunities to include sex/gender minorities, (hidden) disabilities, etc.

The text (originally from 2017) could use an update. It could be used in conjunction with other Open Texts, as a compliment to other coursework, or purely by itself. The focus is meant to be on improving communication, but there are only 3 short pages at the beginning of the text considering those issues (which are really just learning objectives). In addition to adding more cases and further diversity, I personally would love to see more discussion before and after the case to guide readers (and/or instructors). I also wonder if some of the ambiguity could be improved by suggesting possible health outcomes - this kind of counterfactual comparison isn't possible in real life and could be really interesting in a text. Addition of comprehension/discussion questions would also be worthwhile.

Reviewed by Danielle Peterson, Assistant Professor, University of Saint Francis on 12/31/21

This text provides readers with 8 case studies which include both chronic and acute healthcare issues. Although not comprehensive in regard to types of healthcare conditions, it provides a thorough look at the communication between healthcare... read more

This text provides readers with 8 case studies which include both chronic and acute healthcare issues. Although not comprehensive in regard to types of healthcare conditions, it provides a thorough look at the communication between healthcare workers in acute hospital settings. The cases are primarily set in the inpatient hospital setting, so the bulk of the clinical information is basic emergency care and inpatient protocol: vitals, breathing, medication management, etc. The text provides a table of contents at opening of the text and a handy appendix at the conclusion of the text that outlines each case’s issue(s), scenario, and healthcare roles. No index or glossary present.

Although easy to update, it should be noted that the cases are taking place in a Canadian healthcare system. Terms may be unfamiliar to some students including “province,” “operating theatre,” “physio/physiotherapy,” and “porter.” Units of measurement used include Celsius and meters. Also, the issue of managed care, health insurance coverage, and length of stay is missing for American students. These are primary issues that dictate much of the healthcare system in the US and a primary job function of social workers, nurse case managers, and medical professionals in general. However, instructors that wish to add this to the case studies could do so easily.

The focus of this text is on healthcare communication which makes it less likely to become obsolete. Much of the clinical information is stable healthcare practice that has been standard of care for quite some time. Nevertheless, given the nature of text, updates would be easy to make. Hyperlinks should be updated to the most relevant and trustworthy sources and checked frequently for effectiveness.

The spacing that was used to note change of speaker made for ease of reading. Although unembellished and plain, I expect students to find this format easy to digest and interesting, especially since the script is appropriately balanced with ‘human’ qualities like the current TV shows and songs, the use of humor, and nonverbal cues.

A welcome characteristic of this text is its consistency. Each case is presented in a similar fashion and the roles of the healthcare team are ‘played’ by the same character in each of the scenarios. This allows students to see how healthcare providers prioritize cases and juggle the needs of multiple patients at once. Across scenarios, there was inconsistency in when clinical terms were hyperlinked.

The text is easily divisible into smaller reading sections. However, since the nature of the text is script-narrative format, if significant reorganization occurs, one will need to make sure that the communication of the script still makes sense.

The text is straightforward and presented in a consistent fashion: learning objectives, case history, a script of what happened before the patient enters the healthcare setting, and a script of what happens once the patient arrives at the healthcare setting. The authors use the term, “ideal interactions,” and I would agree that these cases are in large part, ‘best case scenarios.’ Due to this, the case studies are well organized, clear, logical, and predictable. However, depending on the level of student, instructors may want to introduce complications that are typical in the hospital setting.

The interface is pleasing and straightforward. With exception to the case summary and learning objectives, the cases are in narrative, script format. Each case study supplies a photo of the ‘patient’ and one of the case studies includes a link to a 3-minute video that introduces the reader to the patient/case. One of the highlights of this text is the use of hyperlinks to various clinical practices (ABG, vital signs, transfer of patient). Unfortunately, a majority of the links are broken. However, since this is an open text, instructors can update the links to their preference.

Although not free from grammatical errors, those that were noticed were minimal and did not detract from reading.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

Cultural diversity is visible throughout the patients used in the case studies and includes factors such as age, race, socioeconomic status, family dynamics, and sexual orientation. A moderate level of diversity is noted in the healthcare team with some stereotypes: social workers being female, doctors primarily male.

As a social work instructor, I was grateful to find a text that incorporates this important healthcare role. I would have liked to have seen more content related to advance directives, mediating decision making between the patient and care team, emotional and practical support related to initial diagnosis and discharge planning, and provision of support to colleagues, all typical roles of a medical social worker. I also found it interesting that even though social work was included in multiple scenarios, the role was only introduced on the learning objectives page for the oncology case.

sample of case study for nursing students

Reviewed by Crystal Wynn, Associate Professor, Virginia State University on 7/21/21

The text covers a variety of chronic diseases within the cases; however, not all of the common disease states were included within the text. More chronic diseases need to be included such as diabetes, cancer, and renal failure. Not all allied... read more

The text covers a variety of chronic diseases within the cases; however, not all of the common disease states were included within the text. More chronic diseases need to be included such as diabetes, cancer, and renal failure. Not all allied health care team members are represented within the case study. Key terms appear throughout the case study textbook and readers are able to click on a hyperlink which directs them to the definition and an explanation of the key term.

Content is accurate, error-free and unbiased.

The content is up-to-date, but not in a way that will quickly make the text obsolete within a short period of time. The text is written and/or arranged in such a way that necessary updates will be relatively easy and straightforward to implement.

The text is written in lucid, accessible prose, and provides adequate context for any jargon/technical terminology used

The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework.

The text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course. Each case can be divided into a chronic disease state unit, which will allow the reader to focus on one section at a time.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

The topics in the text are presented in a logical manner. Each case provides an excessive amount of language that provides a description of the case. The cases in this text reads more like a novel versus a clinical textbook. The learning objectives listed within each case should be in the form of questions or activities that could be provided as resources for instructors and teachers.

Interface rating: 3

There are several hyperlinks embedded within the textbook that are not functional.

The text contains no grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. More examples of cultural inclusiveness is needed throughout the textbook. The cases should be indicative of individuals from a variety of races and ethnicities.

Reviewed by Rebecca Hillary, Biology Instructor, Portland Community College on 6/15/21

This textbook consists of a collection of clinical case studies that can be applicable to a wide range of learning environments from supplementing an undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology Course, to including as part of a Medical or other health... read more

This textbook consists of a collection of clinical case studies that can be applicable to a wide range of learning environments from supplementing an undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology Course, to including as part of a Medical or other health care program. I read the textbook in E-reader format and this includes hyperlinks that bring the students to subsequent clinical study if the book is being used in a clinical classroom. This book is significantly more comprehensive in its approach from other case studies I have read because it provides a bird’s eye view of the many clinicians, technicians, and hospital staff working with one patient. The book also provides real time measurements for patients that change as they travel throughout the hospital until time of discharge.

Each case gave an accurate sense of the chaos that would be present in an emergency situation and show how the conditions affect the practitioners as well as the patients. The reader gets an accurate big picture--a feel for each practitioner’s point of view as well as the point of view of the patient and the patient’s family as the clock ticks down and the patients are subjected to a number of procedures. The clinical information contained in this textbook is all in hyperlinks containing references to clinical skills open text sources or medical websites. I did find one broken link on an external medical resource.

The diseases presented are relevant and will remain so. Some of the links are directly related to the Canadian Medical system so they may not be applicable to those living in other regions. Clinical links may change over time but the text itself will remain relevant.

Each case study clearly presents clinical data as is it recorded in real time.

Each case study provides the point of view of several practitioners and the patient over several days. While each of the case studies covers different pathology they all follow this same format, several points of view and data points, over a number of days.

The case studies are divided by days and this was easy to navigate as a reader. It would be easy to assign one case study per body system in an Anatomy and Physiology course, or to divide them up into small segments for small in class teaching moments.

The topics are presented in an organized way showing clinical data over time and each case presents a large number of view points. For example, in the first case study, the patient is experiencing difficulty breathing. We follow her through several days from her entrance to the emergency room. We meet her X Ray Technicians, Doctor, Nurses, Medical Assistant, Porter, Physiotherapist, Respiratory therapist, and the Lab Technicians running her tests during her stay. Each practitioner paints the overall clinical picture to the reader.

I found the text easy to navigate. There were not any figures included in the text, only clinical data organized in charts. The figures were all accessible via hyperlink. Some figures within the textbook illustrating patient scans could have been helpful but I did not have trouble navigating the links to visualize the scans.

I did not see any grammatical errors in the text.

The patients in the text are a variety of ages and have a variety of family arrangements but there is not much diversity among the patients. Our seven patients in the eight case studies are mostly white and all cis gendered.

Some of the case studies, for example the heart failure study, show clinical data before and after drug treatments so the students can get a feel for mechanism in physiological action. I also liked that the case studies included diet and lifestyle advice for the patients rather than solely emphasizing these pharmacological interventions. Overall, I enjoyed reading through these case studies and I plan to utilize them in my Anatomy and Physiology courses.

Reviewed by Richard Tarpey, Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University on 5/11/21

As a case study book, there is no index or glossary. However, medical and technical terms provide a useful link to definitions and explanations that will prove useful to students unfamiliar with the terms. The information provided is appropriate... read more

As a case study book, there is no index or glossary. However, medical and technical terms provide a useful link to definitions and explanations that will prove useful to students unfamiliar with the terms. The information provided is appropriate for entry-level health care students. The book includes important health problems, but I would like to see coverage of at least one more chronic/lifestyle issue such as diabetes. The book covers adult issues only.

Content is accurate without bias

The content of the book is relevant and up-to-date. It addresses conditions that are prevalent in today's population among adults. There are no pediatric cases, but this does not significantly detract from the usefulness of the text. The format of the book lends to easy updating of data or information.

The book is written with clarity and is easy to read. The writing style is accessible and technical terminology is explained with links to more information.

Consistency is present. Lack of consistency is typically a problem with case study texts, but this book is consistent with presentation, format, and terminology throughout each of the eight cases.

The book has high modularity. Each of the case studies can be used independently from the others providing flexibility. Additionally, each case study can be partitioned for specific learning objectives based on the learning objectives of the course or module.

The book is well organized, presenting students conceptually with differing patient flow patterns through a hospital. The patient information provided at the beginning of each case is a wonderful mechanism for providing personal context for the students as they consider the issues. Many case studies focus on the problem and the organization without students getting a patient's perspective. The patient perspective is well represented in these cases.

The navigation through the cases is good. There are some terminology and procedure hyperlinks within the cases that do not work when accessed. This is troubling if you intend to use the text for entry-level health care students since many of these links are critical for a full understanding of the case.

There are some non-US variants of spelling and a few grammatical errors, but these do not detract from the content of the messages of each case.

The book is inclusive of differing backgrounds and perspectives. No insensitive or offensive references were found.

I like this text for its application flexibility. The book is useful for non-clinical healthcare management students to introduce various healthcare-related concepts and terminology. The content is also helpful for the identification of healthcare administration managerial issues for students to consider. The book has many applications.

Reviewed by Paula Baldwin, Associate Professor/Communication Studies, Western Oregon University on 5/10/21

The different case studies fall on a range, from crisis care to chronic illness care. read more

The different case studies fall on a range, from crisis care to chronic illness care.

The contents seems to be written as they occurred to represent the most complete picture of each medical event's occurence.

These case studies are from the Canadian medical system, but that does not interfere with it's applicability.

It is written for a medical audience, so the terminology is mostly formal and technical.

Some cases are shorter than others and some go in more depth, but it is not problematic.

The eight separate case studies is the perfect size for a class in the quarter system. You could combine this with other texts, videos or learning modalities, or use it alone.

As this is a case studies book, there is not a need for a logical progression in presentation of topics.

No problems in terms of interface.

I have not seen any grammatical errors.

I did not see anything that was culturally insensitive.

I used this in a Health Communication class and it has been extraordinarily successful. My studies are analyzing the messaging for the good, the bad, and the questionable. The case studies are widely varied and it gives the class insights into hospital experiences, both front and back stage, that they would not normally be able to examine. I believe that because it is based real-life medical incidents, my students are finding the material highly engaging.

Reviewed by Marlena Isaac, Instructor, Aiken Technical College on 4/23/21

This text is great to walk through patient care with entry level healthcare students. The students are able to take in the information, digest it, then provide suggestions to how they would facilitate patient healing. Then when they are faced with... read more

This text is great to walk through patient care with entry level healthcare students. The students are able to take in the information, digest it, then provide suggestions to how they would facilitate patient healing. Then when they are faced with a situation in clinical they are not surprised and now how to move through it effectively.

The case studies provided accurate information that relates to the named disease.

It is relevant to health care studies and the development of critical thinking.

Cases are straightforward with great clinical information.

Clinical information is provided concisely.

Appropriate for clinical case study.

Presented to facilitate information gathering.

Takes a while to navigate in the browser.

Cultural Relevance rating: 1

Text lacks adequate representation of minorities.

Reviewed by Kim Garcia, Lecturer III, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on 11/16/20

The book has 8 case studies, so obviously does not cover the whole of medicine, but the cases provided are descriptive and well developed. Cases are presented at different levels of difficulty, making the cases appropriate for students at... read more

The book has 8 case studies, so obviously does not cover the whole of medicine, but the cases provided are descriptive and well developed. Cases are presented at different levels of difficulty, making the cases appropriate for students at different levels of clinical knowledge. The human element of both patient and health care provider is well captured. The cases are presented with a focus on interprofessional interaction and collaboration, more so than teaching medical content.

Content is accurate and un-biased. No errors noted. Most diagnostic and treatment information is general so it will remain relevant over time. The content of these cases is more appropriate for teaching interprofessional collaboration and less so for teaching the medical care for each diagnosis.

The content is relevant to a variety of different types of health care providers (nurses, radiologic technicians, medical laboratory personnel, etc) and due to the general nature of the cases, will remain relevant over time.

Easy to read. Clear headings are provided for sections of each case study and these section headings clearly tell when time has passed or setting has changed. Enough description is provided to help set the scene for each part of the case. Much of the text is written in the form of dialogue involving patient, family and health care providers, making it easy to adapt for role play. Medical jargon is limited and links for medical terms are provided to other resources that expound on medical terms used.

The text is consistent in structure of each case. Learning objectives are provided. Cases generally start with the patient at home and move with the patient through admission, testing and treatment, using a variety of healthcare services and encountering a variety of personnel.

The text is modular. Cases could be used individually within a unit on the given disease process or relevant sections of a case could be used to illustrate a specific point. The appendix is helpful in locating content specific to a certain diagnosis or a certain type of health care provider.

Each case follows a patient in a logical, chronologic fashion. A clear table of contents and appendix are provided which allows the user to quickly locate desired content. It would be helpful if the items in the table of contents and appendix were linked to the corresponding section of the text.

The hyperlinks to content outside this book work, however using the back arrow on your browser returns you to the front page of the book instead of to the point at which you left the text. I would prefer it if the hyperlinks opened in a new window or tab so closing that window or tab would leave you back where you left the text.

No grammatical errors were noted.

The text is culturally inclusive and appropriate. Characters, both patients and care givers are of a variety of races, ethnicities, ages and backgrounds.

I enjoyed reading the cases and reviewing this text. I can think of several ways in which I will use this content.

Reviewed by Raihan Khan, Instructor/Assistant Professor, James Madison University on 11/3/20

The book contains several important health issues, however still missing some chronic health issues that the students should learn before they join the workforce, such as diabetes-related health issues suffered by the patients. read more

The book contains several important health issues, however still missing some chronic health issues that the students should learn before they join the workforce, such as diabetes-related health issues suffered by the patients.

The health information contained in the textbook is mostly accurate.

I think the book is written focusing on the current culture and health issues faced by the patients. To keep the book relevant in the future, the contexts especially the culture/lifestyle/health care modalities, etc. would need to be updated regularly.

The language is pretty simple, clear, and easy to read.

There is no complaint about consistency. One of the main issues of writing a book, consistency was well managed by the authors.

The book is easy to explore based on how easy the setup is. Students can browse to the specific section that they want to read without much hassle of finding the correct information.

The organization is simple but effective. The authors organized the book based on what can happen in a patient's life and what possible scenarios students should learn about the disease. From that perspective, the book does a good job.

The interface is easy and simple to navigate. Some links to external sources might need to be updated regularly since those links are subject to change that is beyond the author's control. It's frustrating for the reader when the external link shows no information.

The book is free of any major language and grammatical errors.

The book might do a little better in cultural competency. e.g. Last name Singh is mainly for Sikh people. In the text Harj and Priya Singh are Muslim. the authors can consult colleagues who are more familiar with those cultures and revise some cultural aspects of the cases mentioned in the book.

The book is a nice addition to the open textbook world. Hope to see more health issues covered by the book.

Reviewed by Ryan Sheryl, Assistant Professor, California State University, Dominguez Hills on 7/16/20

This text contains 8 medical case studies that reflect best practices at the time of publication. The text identifies 5 overarching learning objectives: interprofessional collaboration, client centered care, evidence-based practice, quality... read more

This text contains 8 medical case studies that reflect best practices at the time of publication. The text identifies 5 overarching learning objectives: interprofessional collaboration, client centered care, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics. While the case studies do not cover all medical conditions or bodily systems, the book is thorough in conveying details of various patients and medical team members in a hospital environment. Rather than an index or glossary at the end of the text, it contains links to outside websites for more information on medical tests and terms referenced in the cases.

The content provided is reflective of best practices in patient care, interdisciplinary collaboration, and communication at the time of publication. It is specifically accurate for the context of hospitals in Canada. The links provided throughout the text have the potential to supplement with up-to-date descriptions and definitions, however, many of them are broken (see notes in Interface section).

The content of the case studies reflects the increasingly complex landscape of healthcare, including a variety of conditions, ages, and personal situations of the clients and care providers. The text will require frequent updating due to the rapidly changing landscape of society and best practices in client care. For example, a future version may include inclusive practices with transgender clients, or address ways medical racism implicitly impacts client care (see notes in Cultural Relevance section).

The text is written clearly and presents thorough, realistic details about working and being treated in an acute hospital context.

The text is very straightforward. It is consistent in its structure and flow. It uses consistent terminology and follows a structured framework throughout.

Being a series of 8 separate case studies, this text is easily and readily divisible into smaller sections. The text was designed to be taken apart and used piece by piece in order to serve various learning contexts. The parts of each case study can also be used independently of each other to facilitate problem solving.

The topics in the case studies are presented clearly. The structure of each of the case studies proceeds in a similar fashion. All of the cases are set within the same hospital so the hospital personnel and service providers reappear across the cases, giving a textured portrayal of the experiences of the various service providers. The cases can be used individually, or one service provider can be studied across the various studies.

The text is very straightforward, without complex charts or images that could become distorted. Many of the embedded links are broken and require updating. The links that do work are a very useful way to define and expand upon medical terms used in the case studies.

Grammatical errors are minimal and do not distract from the flow of the text. In one instance the last name Singh is spelled Sing, and one patient named Fred in the text is referred to as Frank in the appendix.

The cases all show examples of health care personnel providing compassionate, client-centered care, and there is no overt discrimination portrayed. Two of the clients are in same-sex marriages and these are shown positively. It is notable, however, that the two cases presenting people of color contain more negative characteristics than the other six cases portraying Caucasian people. The people of color are the only two examples of clients who smoke regularly. In addition, the Indian client drinks and is overweight, while the First Nations client is the only one in the text to have a terminal diagnosis. The Indian client is identified as being Punjabi and attending a mosque, although there are only 2% Muslims in the Punjab province of India. Also, the last name Singh generally indicates a person who is a Hindu or Sikh, not Muslim.

Reviewed by Monica LeJeune, RN Instructor, LSUE on 4/24/20

Has comprehensive unfolding case studies that guide the reader to recognize and manage the scenario presented. Assists in critical thinking process. read more

Has comprehensive unfolding case studies that guide the reader to recognize and manage the scenario presented. Assists in critical thinking process.

Accurately presents health scenarios with real life assessment techniques and patient outcomes.

Relevant to nursing practice.

Clearly written and easily understood.

Consistent with healthcare terminology and framework

Has a good reading flow.

Topics presented in logical fashion

Easy to read.

No grammatical errors noted.

Text is not culturally insensitive or offensive.

Good book to have to teach nursing students.

Reviewed by april jarrell, associate professor, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College on 1/7/20

The text is a great case study tool that is appropriate for nursing school instructors to use in aiding students to learn the nursing process. read more

The text is a great case study tool that is appropriate for nursing school instructors to use in aiding students to learn the nursing process.

The content is accurate and evidence based. There is no bias noted

The content in the text is relevant, up to date for nursing students. It will be easy to update content as needed because the framework allows for addition to the content.

The text is clear and easy to understand.

Framework and terminology is consistent throughout the text; the case study is a continual and takes the student on a journey with the patient. Great for learning!

The case studies can be easily divided into smaller sections to allow for discussions, and weekly studies.

The text and content progress in a logical, clear fashion allowing for progression of learning.

No interface issues noted with this text.

No grammatical errors noted in the text.

No racial or culture insensitivity were noted in the text.

I would recommend this text be used in nursing schools. The use of case studies are helpful for students to learn and practice the nursing process.

Reviewed by Lisa Underwood, Practical Nursing Instructor, NTCC on 12/3/19

The text provides eight comprehensive case studies that showcase the different viewpoints of the many roles involved in patient care. It encompasses the most common seen diagnoses seen across healthcare today. Each case study comes with its own... read more

The text provides eight comprehensive case studies that showcase the different viewpoints of the many roles involved in patient care. It encompasses the most common seen diagnoses seen across healthcare today. Each case study comes with its own set of learning objectives that can be tweaked to fit several allied health courses. Although the case studies are designed around the Canadian Healthcare System, they are quite easily adaptable to fit most any modern, developed healthcare system.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

Overall, the text is quite accurate. There is one significant error that needs to be addressed. It is located in the DVT case study. In the study, a popliteal artery clot is mislabeled as a DVT. DVTs are located in veins, not in arteries. That said, the case study on the whole is quite good. This case study could be used as a learning tool in the classroom for discussion purposes or as a way to test student understanding of DVTs, on example might be, "Can they spot the error?"

At this time, all of the case studies within the text are current. Healthcare is an ever evolving field that rests on the best evidence based practice. Keeping that in mind, educators can easily adapt the studies as the newest evidence emerges and changes practice in healthcare.

All of the case studies are well written and easy to understand. The text includes several hyperlinks and it also highlights certain medical terminology to prompt readers as a way to enhance their learning experience.

Across the text, the language, style, and format of the case studies are completely consistent.

The text is divided into eight separate case studies. Each case study may be used independently of the others. All case studies are further broken down as the focus patient passes through each aspect of their healthcare system. The text's modularity makes it possible to use a case study as individual work, group projects, class discussions, homework or in a simulation lab.

The case studies and the diagnoses that they cover are presented in such a way that educators and allied health students can easily follow and comprehend.

The book in itself is free of any image distortion and it prints nicely. The text is offered in a variety of digital formats. As noted in the above reviews, some of the hyperlinks have navigational issues. When the reader attempts to access them, a "page not found" message is received.

There were minimal grammatical errors. Some of which may be traced back to the differences in our spelling.

The text is culturally relevant in that it includes patients from many different backgrounds and ethnicities. This allows educators and students to explore cultural relevance and sensitivity needs across all areas in healthcare. I do not believe that the text was in any way insensitive or offensive to the reader.

By using the case studies, it may be possible to have an open dialogue about the differences noted in healthcare systems. Students will have the ability to compare and contrast the Canadian healthcare system with their own. I also firmly believe that by using these case studies, students can improve their critical thinking skills. These case studies help them to "put it all together".

Reviewed by Melanie McGrath, Associate Professor, TRAILS on 11/29/19

The text covered some of the most common conditions seen by healthcare providers in a hospital setting, which forms a solid general base for the discussions based on each case. read more

The text covered some of the most common conditions seen by healthcare providers in a hospital setting, which forms a solid general base for the discussions based on each case.

I saw no areas of inaccuracy

As in all healthcare texts, treatments and/or tests will change frequently. However, everything is currently up-to-date thus it should be a good reference for several years.

Each case is written so that any level of healthcare student would understand. Hyperlinks in the text is also very helpful.

All of the cases are written in a similar fashion.

Although not structured as a typical text, each case is easily assigned as a stand-alone.

Each case is organized clearly in an appropriate manner.

I did not see any issues.

I did not see any grammatical errors

The text seemed appropriately inclusive. There are no pediatric cases and no cases of intellectually-impaired patients, but those types of cases introduce more advanced problem-solving which perhaps exceed the scope of the text. May be a good addition to the text.

I found this text to be an excellent resource for healthcare students in a variety of fields. It would be best utilized in inter professional courses to help guide discussion.

Reviewed by Lynne Umbarger, Clinical Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy, Emory and Henry College on 11/26/19

While the book does not cover every scenario, the ones in the book are quite common and troublesome for inexperienced allied health students. The information in the book is thorough enough, and I have found the cases easy to modify for educational... read more

While the book does not cover every scenario, the ones in the book are quite common and troublesome for inexperienced allied health students. The information in the book is thorough enough, and I have found the cases easy to modify for educational purposes. The material was easily understood by the students but challenging enough for classroom discussion. There are no mentions in the book about occupational therapy, but it is easy enough to add a couple words and make inclusion simple.

Very nice lab values are provided in the case study, making it more realistic for students.

These case studies focus on commonly encountered diagnoses for allied health and nursing students. They are comprehensive, realistic, and easily understood. The only difference is that the hospital in one case allows the patient's dog to visit in the room (highly unusual in US hospitals).

The material is easily understood by allied health students. The cases have links to additional learning materials for concepts that may be less familiar or should be explored further in a particular health field.

The language used in the book is consistent between cases. The framework is the same with each case which makes it easier to locate areas that would be of interest to a particular allied health profession.

The case studies are comprehensive but well-organized. They are short enough to be useful for class discussion or a full-blown assignment. The students seem to understand the material and have not expressed that any concepts or details were missing.

Each case is set up like the other cases. There are learning objectives at the beginning of each case to facilitate using the case, and it is easy enough to pull out material to develop useful activities and assignments.

There is a quick chart in the Appendix to allow the reader to determine the professions involved in each case as well as the pertinent settings and diagnoses for each case study. The contents are easy to access even while reading the book.

As a person who attends carefully to grammar, I found no errors in all of the material I read in this book.

There are a greater number of people of different ethnicities, socioeconomic status, ages, and genders to make this a very useful book. With each case, I could easily picture the person in the case. This book appears to be Canadian and more inclusive than most American books.

I was able to use this book the first time I accessed it to develop a classroom activity for first-year occupational therapy students and a more comprehensive activity for second-year students. I really appreciate the links to a multitude of terminology and medical lab values/issues for each case. I will keep using this book.

Reviewed by Cindy Krentz, Assistant Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 6/15/19

The book covers eight case studies of common inpatient or emergency department scenarios. I appreciated that they had written out the learning objectives. I liked that the patient was described before the case was started, giving some... read more

The book covers eight case studies of common inpatient or emergency department scenarios. I appreciated that they had written out the learning objectives. I liked that the patient was described before the case was started, giving some understanding of the patient's background. I think it could benefit from having a glossary. I liked how the authors included the vital signs in an easily readable bar. I would have liked to see the labs also highlighted like this. I also felt that it would have been good written in a 'what would you do next?' type of case study.

The book is very accurate in language, what tests would be prudent to run and in the day in the life of the hospital in all cases. One inaccuracy is that the authors called a popliteal artery clot a DVT. The rest of the DVT case study was great, though, but the one mistake should be changed.

The book is up to date for now, but as tests become obsolete and new equipment is routinely used, the book ( like any other health textbook) will need to be updated. It would be easy to change, however. All that would have to happen is that the authors go in and change out the test to whatever newer, evidence-based test is being utilized.

The text is written clearly and easy to understand from a student's perspective. There is not too much technical jargon, and it is pretty universal when used- for example DVT for Deep Vein Thrombosis.

The book is consistent in language and how it is broken down into case studies. The same format is used for highlighting vital signs throughout the different case studies. It's great that the reader does not have to read the book in a linear fashion. Each case study can be read without needing to read the others.

The text is broken down into eight case studies, and within the case studies is broken down into days. It is consistent and shows how the patient can pass through the different hospital departments (from the ER to the unit, to surgery, to home) in a realistic manner. The instructor could use one or more of the case studies as (s)he sees fit.

The topics are eight different case studies- and are presented very clearly and organized well. Each one is broken down into how the patient goes through the system. The text is easy to follow and logical.

The interface has some problems with the highlighted blue links. Some of them did not work and I got a 'page not found' message. That can be frustrating for the reader. I'm wondering if a glossary could be utilized (instead of the links) to explain what some of these links are supposed to explain.

I found two or three typos, I don't think they were grammatical errors. In one case I think the Canadian spelling and the United States spelling of the word are just different.

This is a very culturally competent book. In today's world, however, one more type of background that would merit delving into is the trans-gender, GLBTQI person. I was glad that there were no stereotypes.

I enjoyed reading the text. It was interesting and relevant to today's nursing student. Since we are becoming more interprofessional, I liked that we saw what the phlebotomist and other ancillary personnel (mostly different technicians) did. I think that it could become even more interdisciplinary so colleges and universities could have more interprofessional education- courses or simulations- with the addition of the nurse using social work, nutrition, or other professional health care majors.

Reviewed by Catherine J. Grott, Interim Director, Health Administration Program, TRAILS on 5/5/19

The book is comprehensive but is specifically written for healthcare workers practicing in Canada. The title of the book should reflect this. read more

The book is comprehensive but is specifically written for healthcare workers practicing in Canada. The title of the book should reflect this.

The book is accurate, however it has numerous broken online links.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

The content is very relevant, but some links are out-dated. For example, WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery 2009 (p. 186) should be updated.

The book is written in clear and concise language. The side stories about the healthcare workers make the text interesting.

The book is consistent in terms of terminology and framework. Some terms that are emphasized in one case study are not emphasized (with online links) in the other case studies. All of the case studies should have the same words linked to online definitions.

Modularity rating: 3

The book can easily be parsed out if necessary. However, the way the case studies have been written, it's evident that different authors contributed singularly to each case study.

The organization and flow are good.

Interface rating: 1

There are numerous broken online links and "pages not found."

The grammar and punctuation are correct. There are two errors detected: p. 120 a space between the word "heart" and the comma; also a period is needed after Dr (p. 113).

I'm not quite sure that the social worker (p. 119) should comment that the patient and partner are "very normal people."

There are roughly 25 broken online links or "pages not found." The BC & Canadian Guidelines (p. 198) could also include a link to US guidelines to make the text more universal . The basilar crackles (p. 166) is very good. Text could be used compare US and Canadian healthcare. Text could be enhanced to teach "soft skills" and interdepartmental communication skills in healthcare.

Reviewed by Lindsey Henry, Practical Nursing Instructor, Fletcher on 5/1/19

I really appreciated how in the introduction, five learning objectives were identified for students. These objectives are paramount in nursing care and they are each spelled out for the learner. Each Case study also has its own learning... read more

I really appreciated how in the introduction, five learning objectives were identified for students. These objectives are paramount in nursing care and they are each spelled out for the learner. Each Case study also has its own learning objectives, which were effectively met in the readings.

As a seasoned nurse, I believe that the content regarding pathophysiology and treatments used in the case studies were accurate. I really appreciated how many of the treatments were also explained and rationales were given, which can be very helpful to facilitate effective learning for a nursing student or novice nurse.

The case studies are up to date and correlate with the current time period. They are easily understood.

I really loved how several important medical terms, including specific treatments were highlighted to alert the reader. Many interventions performed were also explained further, which is great to enhance learning for the nursing student or novice nurse. Also, with each scenario, a background and history of the patient is depicted, as well as the perspectives of the patient, patients family member, and the primary nurse. This really helps to give the reader a full picture of the day in the life of a nurse or a patient, and also better facilitates the learning process of the reader.

These case studies are consistent. They begin with report, the patient background or updates on subsequent days, and follow the patients all the way through discharge. Once again, I really appreciate how this book describes most if not all aspects of patient care on a day to day basis.

Each case study is separated into days. While they can be divided to be assigned at different points within the course, they also build on each other. They show trends in vital signs, what happens when a patient deteriorates, what happens when they get better and go home. Showing the entire process from ER admit to discharge is really helpful to enhance the students learning experience.

The topics are all presented very similarly and very clearly. The way that the scenarios are explained could even be understood by a non-nursing student as well. The case studies are very clear and very thorough.

The book is very easy to navigate, prints well on paper, and is not distorted or confusing.

I did not see any grammatical errors.

Each case study involves a different type of patient. These differences include race, gender, sexual orientation and medical backgrounds. I do not feel the text was offensive to the reader.

I teach practical nursing students and after reading this book, I am looking forward to implementing it in my classroom. Great read for nursing students!

Reviewed by Leah Jolly, Instructor, Clinical Coordinator, Oregon Institute of Technology on 4/10/19

Good variety of cases and pathologies covered. read more

Good variety of cases and pathologies covered.

Content Accuracy rating: 2

Some examples and scenarios are not completely accurate. For example in the DVT case, the sonographer found thrombus in the "popliteal artery", which according to the book indicated presence of DVT. However in DVT, thrombus is located in the vein, not the artery. The patient would also have much different symptoms if located in the artery. Perhaps some of these inaccuracies are just typos, but in real-life situations this simple mistake can make a world of difference in the patient's course of treatment and outcomes.

Good examples of interprofessional collaboration. If only it worked this way on an every day basis!

Clear and easy to read for those with knowledge of medical terminology.

Good consistency overall.

Broken up well.

Topics are clear and logical.

Would be nice to simply click through to the next page, rather than going through the table of contents each time.

Minor typos/grammatical errors.

No offensive or insensitive materials observed.

Reviewed by Alex Sargsyan, Doctor of Nursing Practice/Assistant Professor , East Tennessee State University on 10/8/18

Because of the case study character of the book it does not have index or glossary. However it has summary for each health case study outlining key elements discussed in each case study. read more

Because of the case study character of the book it does not have index or glossary. However it has summary for each health case study outlining key elements discussed in each case study.

Overall the book is accurately depicting the clinical environment. There are numerous references to external sites. While most of them are correct, some of them are not working. For example Homan’s test link is not working "404 error"

Book is relevant in its current version and can be used in undergraduate and graduate classes. That said, the longevity of the book may be limited because of the character of the clinical education. Clinical guidelines change constantly and it may require a major update of the content.

Cases are written very clearly and have realistic description of an inpatient setting.

The book is easy to read and consistent in the language in all eight cases.

The cases are very well written. Each case is subdivided into logical segments. The segments reflect different setting where the patient is being seen. There is a flow and transition between the settings.

Book has eight distinct cases. This is a great format for a book that presents distinct clinical issues. This will allow the students to have immersive experiences and gain better understanding of the healthcare environment.

Book is offered in many different formats. Besides the issues with the links mentioned above, overall navigation of the book content is very smooth.

Book is very well written and has no grammatical errors.

Book is culturally relevant. Patients in the case studies come different cultures and represent diverse ethnicities.

Reviewed by Justin Berry, Physical Therapist Assistant Program Director, Northland Community and Technical College, East Grand Forks, MN on 8/2/18

This text provides eight patient case studies from a variety of diagnoses, which can be utilized by healthcare students from multiple disciplines. The cases are comprehensive and can be helpful for students to determine professional roles,... read more

This text provides eight patient case studies from a variety of diagnoses, which can be utilized by healthcare students from multiple disciplines. The cases are comprehensive and can be helpful for students to determine professional roles, interprofessional roles, when to initiate communication with other healthcare practitioners due to a change in patient status, and treatment ideas. Some additional patient information, such as lab values, would have been beneficial to include.

Case study information is accurate and unbiased.

Content is up to date. The case studies are written in a way so that they will not be obsolete soon, even with changes in healthcare.

The case studies are well written, and can be utilized for a variety of classroom assignments, discussions, and projects. Some additional lab value information for each patient would have been a nice addition.

The case studies are consistently organized to make it easy for the reader to determine the framework.

The text is broken up into eight different case studies for various patient diagnoses. This design makes it highly modular, and would be easy to assign at different points of a course.

The flow of the topics are presented consistently in a logical manner. Each case study follows a patient chronologically, making it easy to determine changes in patient status and treatment options.

The text is free of interface issues, with no distortion of images or charts.

The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. Patients are represented from a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds

This book would be a good addition for many different health programs.

Reviewed by Ann Bell-Pfeifer, Instructor/Program Director, Minnesota State Community and Technical College on 5/21/18

The book gives a comprehensive overview of many types of cases for patient conditions. Emergency Room patients may arrive with COPD, heart failure, sepsis, pneumonia, or as motor vehicle accident victims. It is directed towards nurses, medical... read more

The book gives a comprehensive overview of many types of cases for patient conditions. Emergency Room patients may arrive with COPD, heart failure, sepsis, pneumonia, or as motor vehicle accident victims. It is directed towards nurses, medical laboratory technologists, medical radiology technologists, and respiratory therapists and their roles in caring for patients. Most of the overview is accurate. One suggestion is to provide an embedded radiologist interpretation of the exams which are performed which lead to the patients diagnosis.

Overall the book is accurate. Would like to see updates related to the addition of direct radiography technology which is commonly used in the hospital setting.

Many aspects of medicine will remain constant. The case studies seem fairly accurate and may be relevant for up to 3 years. Since technology changes so quickly in medicine, the CT and x-ray components may need minor updates within a few years.

The book clarity is excellent.

The case stories are consistent with each scenario. It is easy to follow the structure and learn from the content.

The book is quite modular. It is easy to break it up into cases and utilize them individually and sequentially.

The cases are listed by disease process and follow a logical flow through each condition. They are easy to follow as they have the same format from the beginning to the end of each case.

The interface seems seamless. Hyperlinks are inserted which provide descriptions and references to medical procedures and in depth definitions.

The book is free of most grammatical errors. There is a place where a few words do not fit the sentence structure and could be a typo.

The book included all types of relationships and ethnic backgrounds. One type which could be added is a transgender patient.

I think the book was quite useful for a variety of health care professionals. The authors did an excellent job of integrating patient cases which could be applied to the health care setting. The stories seemed real and relevant. This book could be used to teach health care professionals about integrated care within the emergency department.

Reviewed by Shelley Wolfe, Assistant Professor, Winona State University on 5/21/18

This text is comprised of comprehensive, detailed case studies that provide the reader with multiple character views throughout a patient’s encounter with the health care system. The Table of Contents accurately reflected the content. It should... read more

This text is comprised of comprehensive, detailed case studies that provide the reader with multiple character views throughout a patient’s encounter with the health care system. The Table of Contents accurately reflected the content. It should be noted that the authors include a statement that conveys that this text is not like traditional textbooks and is not meant to be read in a linear fashion. This allows the educator more flexibility to use the text as a supplement to enhance learning opportunities.

The content of the text appears accurate and unbiased. The “five overarching learning objectives” provide a clear aim of the text and the educator is able to glean how these objectives are captured into each of the case studies. While written for the Canadian healthcare system, this text is easily adaptable to the American healthcare system.

Overall, the content is up-to-date and the case studies provide a variety of uses that promote longevity of the text. However, not all of the blue font links (if using the digital PDF version) were still in working order. I encountered links that led to error pages or outdated “page not found” websites. While the links can be helpful, continued maintenance of these links could prove time-consuming.

I found the text easy to read and understand. I enjoyed that the viewpoints of all the different roles (patient, nurse, lab personnel, etc.) were articulated well and allowed the reader to connect and gain appreciation of the entire healthcare team. Medical jargon was noted to be appropriate for the intended audience of this text.

The terminology and organization of this text is consistent.

The text is divided into 8 case studies that follow a similar organizational structure. The case studies can further be divided to focus on individual learning objectives. For example, the case studies could be looked at as a whole for discussing communication or could be broken down into segments to focus on disease risk factors.

The case studies in this text follow a similar organizational structure and are consistent in their presentation. The flow of individual case studies is excellent and sets the reader on a clear path. As noted previously, this text is not meant to be read in a linear fashion.

This text is available in many different forms. I chose to review the text in the digital PDF version in order to use the embedded links. I did not encounter significant interface issues and did not find any images or features that would distract or confuse a reader.

No significant grammatical errors were noted.

The case studies in this text included patients and healthcare workers from a variety of backgrounds. Educators and students will benefit from expanding the case studies to include discussions and other learning opportunities to help develop culturally-sensitive healthcare providers.

I found the case studies to be very detailed, yet written in a way in which they could be used in various manners. The authors note a variety of ways in which the case studies could be employed with students; however, I feel the authors could also include that the case studies could be used as a basis for simulated clinical experiences. The case studies in this text would be an excellent tool for developing interprofessional communication and collaboration skills in a variety healthcare students.

Reviewed by Darline Foltz, Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati - Clermont College on 3/27/18

This book covers all areas listed in the Table of Contents. In addition to the detailed patient case studies, there is a helpful section of "How to Use this Resource". I would like to note that this resource "aligns with the open textbooks... read more

This book covers all areas listed in the Table of Contents. In addition to the detailed patient case studies, there is a helpful section of "How to Use this Resource". I would like to note that this resource "aligns with the open textbooks Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care and Anatomy and Physiology: OpenStax" as noted by the authors.

The book appears to be accurate. Although one of the learning outcomes is as follows: "Demonstrate an understanding of the Canadian healthcare delivery system.", I did not find anything that is ONLY specific to the Canadian healthcare delivery system other than some of the terminology, i.e. "porter" instead of "transporter" and a few french words. I found this to make the book more interesting for students rather than deter from it. These are patient case studies that are relevant in any country.

The content is up-to-date. Changes in medical science may occur, i.e. a different test, to treat a diagnosis that is included in one or more of the case studies, however, it would be easy and straightforward to implement these changes.

This book is written in lucid, accessible prose. The technical/medical terminology that is used is appropriate for medical and allied health professionals. Something that would improve this text would to provide a glossary of terms for the terms in blue font.

This book is consistent with current medical terminology

This text is easily divided into each of the 6 case studies. The case studies can be used singly according to the body system being addressed or studied.

Because this text is a collection of case studies, flow doesn't pertain, however the organization and structure of the case studies are excellent as they are clear and easy to read.

There are no distractions in this text that would distract or confuse the reader.

I did not identify any grammatical errors.

This text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way and uses patients and healthcare workers that are of a variety of races, ethnicities and backgrounds.

I believe that this text would not only be useful to students enrolled in healthcare professions involved in direct patient care but would also be useful to students in supporting healthcare disciplines such as health information technology and management, medical billing and coding, etc.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

Case Study #1: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

  • Learning Objectives
  • Patient: Erin Johns
  • Emergency Room

Case Study #2: Pneumonia

  • Day 0: Emergency Room
  • Day 1: Emergency Room
  • Day 1: Medical Ward
  • Day 2: Medical Ward
  • Day 3: Medical Ward
  • Day 4: Medical Ward

Case Study #3: Unstable Angina (UA)

  • Patient: Harj Singh

Case Study #4: Heart Failure (HF)

  • Patient: Meryl Smith
  • In the Supermarket
  • Day 0: Medical Ward

Case Study #5: Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC)

  • Patient: Aaron Knoll
  • Crash Scene
  • Operating Room
  • Post Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
  • Surgical Ward

Case Study #6: Sepsis

  • Patient: George Thomas
  • Sleepy Hollow Care Facility

Case Study #7: Colon Cancer

  • Patient: Fred Johnson
  • Two Months Ago
  • Pre-Surgery Admission

Case Study #8: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

  • Patient: Jamie Douglas

Appendix: Overview About the Authors

Ancillary Material

About the book.

Health Case Studies is composed of eight separate health case studies. Each case study includes the patient narrative or story that models the best practice (at the time of publishing) in healthcare settings. Associated with each case is a set of specific learning objectives to support learning and facilitate educational strategies and evaluation.

The case studies can be used online in a learning management system, in a classroom discussion, in a printed course pack or as part of a textbook created by the instructor. This flexibility is intentional and allows the educator to choose how best to convey the concepts presented in each case to the learner.

Because these case studies were primarily developed for an electronic healthcare system, they are based predominantly in an acute healthcare setting. Educators can augment each case study to include primary healthcare settings, outpatient clinics, assisted living environments, and other contexts as relevant.

About the Contributors

Glynda Rees teaches at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Vancouver, British Columbia. She completed her MSN at the University of British Columbia with a focus on education and health informatics, and her BSN at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. Glynda has many years of national and international clinical experience in critical care units in South Africa, the UK, and the USA. Her teaching background has focused on clinical education, problem-based learning, clinical techniques, and pharmacology.

Glynda‘s interests include the integration of health informatics in undergraduate education, open accessible education, and the impact of educational technologies on nursing students’ clinical judgment and decision making at the point of care to improve patient safety and quality of care.

Faculty member in the critical care nursing program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) since 2003, Rob has been a critical care nurse for over 25 years with 17 years practicing in a quaternary care intensive care unit. Rob is an experienced educator and supports student learning in the classroom, online, and in clinical areas. Rob’s Master of Education from Simon Fraser University is in educational technology and learning design. He is passionate about using technology to support learning for both faculty and students.

Part of Rob’s faculty position is dedicated to providing high fidelity simulation support for BCIT’s nursing specialties program along with championing innovative teaching and best practices for educational technology. He has championed the use of digital publishing and was the tech lead for Critical Care Nursing’s iPad Project which resulted in over 40 multi-touch interactive textbooks being created using Apple and other technologies.

Rob has successfully completed a number of specialist certifications in computer and network technologies. In 2015, he was awarded Apple Distinguished Educator for his innovation and passionate use of technology to support learning. In the past five years, he has presented and published abstracts on virtual simulation, high fidelity simulation, creating engaging classroom environments, and what the future holds for healthcare and education.

Janet Morrison is the Program Head of Occupational Health Nursing at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Burnaby, British Columbia. She completed a PhD at Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, with a focus on health information technology. Her dissertation examined the effects of telehealth implementation in an occupational health nursing service. She has an MA in Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University and an MA in Library and Information Studies from the University of British Columbia.

Janet’s research interests concern the intended and unintended impacts of health information technologies on healthcare students, faculty, and the healthcare workforce.

She is currently working with BCIT colleagues to study how an educational clinical information system can foster healthcare students’ perceptions of interprofessional roles.

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Book Title: Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses

Author: jaimehannans

Cover image for Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses

Book Information

Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses Copyright © by jaimehannans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

How to Write a Nursing Case Study [Examples, Format, & Tips]

✒ case study topics for nursing students.

  • đŸ©ș The Basics
  • 💉 Nursing Case Study: Writing Rules

📑 Nursing Case Study Format

📝 nursing case study examples.

  • ⏱ Tips on Quick Writing

🔗 References

A nursing case study is an in-depth analysis of the health situation of an individual patient.

A nursing case study is an in-depth analysis of the health situation of an individual patient.

The analysis is based on:

  • medical history,
  • other relevant criteria.

In most cases, you will be asked to diagnose to suggest the first aid measures. Alternatively, nurses can be asked to describe a patient in their practice and analyze the correctness of their actions. The purpose is to recreate a realistic hospital setting in the classroom and make students reflect on the treatment process from diagnosis to treatment.

  • Anaphylactic shock in a teenager with peanut allergy.
  • Non-compliant patient with diabetes: ways to improve adherence.
  • Telehealth intervention for managing chronic disease.
  • Communication strategies to address vaccine hesitancy in a rural community.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage in a new mother: risk factors and interventions.
  • Ways to improve recognition of dehydration in aging adults.
  • The effective ways of maintaining work-life balance for nurses.
  • Cultural competency in providing care to migrants and refugees.
  • Why should every patient’s medical history remain confidential?
  • The use of massage therapy in relieving pain.
  • The challenges facing medicine in 2024.
  • How does modern technology impact nursing?
  • The significance of regular follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider.
  • What are the primary treatments for postpartum depression?
  • The use of steroids in cancer treatment.

đŸ©ș Nursing Case Study: What Is It About?

As a nursing student, you should understand that no two patients are the same. Each has a unique clinical record and condition. And although most nursing case study tasks will ask you to suggest a diagnosis or treatment, your focus should rest on the patient.

Busy nurses can sometimes see their patients in the framework of an illness to be treated or a procedure to be fulfilled. But you should do your best to remember that each patient is a living person with a complex set of needs, emotions, and preferences. A ready-made textbook answer is rarely the best solution for them. Moreover, it rarely helps to analyze a condition in isolation from the patient.

In a nursing case study, your task is to analyze a disorder or illness as a part of a specific medical situation. If you don’t do that, your case study becomes an essay (theoretical and generalized). It is the difference between the two assignment types.

Once again:

A case study in nursing emphasizes the particular patient’s condition. Meanwhile, a nursing essay will explore the disease, prevention methods, treatment, or possible consequences of the disease.

Even if the case is hypothetical, it should focus on the suggested reality. On the other hand, essays are usually literature-based. You are expected to do some reading for a case study too, but you should research and present the information within the context of the patient. In simple terms, a case study uses information in the actual application, and an essay uses it for the sake of generalized suggestions.

💉 How to Write a Nursing Case Study: 3 Key Rules

  • Do the fieldwork. Before setting your hands to writing, you should collect all of the available materials: clinical notes, results of medical tests, x-rays, sickness records, etc. Use this information to draw a clear picture of the story. It is always helpful to ask yourself, “What is interesting or unusual about this patient’s condition?” In the course of writing, recall your answer from time to time not to get lost in words. It will help you to convey a definite and appropriate message.

The picture contains the 3 key rules of nursing case study writing.

  • Stick to the facts. A nursing case study should be an accurate description of the actual situation. Restrain from speculating about the inherent mechanisms of the illness or the general treatment methodology. In fact, students are rarely prepared enough to discuss pathology and physiology. Leave this to reputable experts. The best result you can provide in a case study is an honest account of clinical events.
  • Concentrate on the patients and their progress. Remember that a nursing case study is a story of a patient’s progress and not a narrative about their nurse. No matter how efficiently the medical specialist acted, it would be incorrect to add any praiseful remarks. The optimal way is to tell the story in its logical and time order and outline the result of treatment. In this case, the outcome will speak for itself.


It is where you should tell the reader why this case is interesting . Place your study in a social or historical context. If, during your preliminary research, you found some similar cases, describe them briefly. If you had a hard time diagnosing the patient or your proposed treatment is complicated, mention it here. Don’t forget to cite the references to each of them!

The introduction should not exceed several paragraphs. The purpose is to explain why the reader will benefit from reading about the case.

The picture contains a list of structural components of a nursing case study,

Case Presentation

  • Why did the patient seek medical help? (Describe the symptoms.)
  • What is known about the patient? (Mention only the information that influenced your diagnosis. Otherwise, explain why some information is irrelevant to the diagnosis.)
  • Stick to the narrative form. (Make it a story!)
  • What are the variants for diagnosis? (Make a shortlist of possible disorders that fall under the patient’s symptoms. But make it specific: not just “pneumonia” but “bilateral pneumonia,” for example. Besides, this point is optional.)
  • What were the results of your clinical examination? (If you saw the patient in person.)
  • Explain the results of lab tests. (The words “positive” or “negative” are not always clear.)

Actions and Their Results

This section describes the care that has been provided and/or is planned. You can answer the following questions in narrative form . If some information is missing, skip the point:

  • What preliminary actions have been taken? (Be specific: not just “wound care,” but “wound cleaning and dressing.”)
  • How long has the patient been under care?
  • Has the previous treatment given any visible result?
  • Why was it suspended or finished?
  • Why did the patient withdraw from treatment (if applicable)?
  • How could you improve the patient’s condition if the result was negative?
  • If the disease is incurable (like in the case of diabetes), which activities would stabilize the patient’s condition?
  • If possible, include the patient’s reports of their own physical and mental health.

In this section, you should identify your questions about the case. It is impossible to answer all of them in one case study. Likewise, it is unreal to suggest all the relevant hypotheses explaining the patient’s condition. Your purpose is to show your critical thinking and observation skills. Finalize your conclusion by summarizing the lessons you learned from the nursing case study.

Whenever you directly or indirectly cite other sources or use data from them, add these books and documents to the references list. Follow the citation style assigned by your professor. Besides, 15 items are already too much. Try to make a list of up to 10. Using textbooks as references can be viewed as bad manners.

Include all the tables, photographs, x-rays, figures, and the journal of medication usage in this section. Unless required otherwise in the assignment, start each item from a new page, naming them “Appendix A,” “Appendix B…”.

Below you will find case study samples for various topics. Using them as a reference will improve your writing. If you need more ideas, you are welcome to use our free title-generating tool .

  • Case study: healing and autonomy.
  • Sara’s case study: maternal and child nursing.
  • COPD medical diagnostics: case study.
  • Care standards in healthcare institutions: case study.
  • Acute bacterial prostatitis: case study analysis.
  • Alzheimer disease: the patient case study.
  • The treatment of foot ulcers in diabetic patients: case study.
  • Hypertension: C.D’s case study.
  • Myocardial infarction: cardiovascular case study.
  • Major depressive disorder case.
  • Case study of the patient with metabolic syndrome .
  • Pulmonary analysis case study .
  • Older adults isolation: Case study .
  • The holistic care: Case study .
  • Medical ethics: Case study .
  • Patient diagnoses and treatment: Case study .
  • Obesity case study: Mr. C .
  • Nurse Joserine: Case study problems .
  • Chronic stable angina: Case study .
  • Fetal abnormality: Case study .
  • Researching SOAP: Case study .
  • Case study for a patient with hormonal disorders .
  • Obesity in the elderly: The case study .
  • “Walking the Tightrope”: A case study analysis .
  • ARNP approach: Case study analysis .
  • Case study on biomedical ethics in the Christian narrative .
  • Thermal injury: Case study .
  • Ethical dilemma in nursing: Case study .
  • Asthma: A case study of the patient .
  • Asthma discharge plan: Mini case study .
  • Case study: An ethics of euthanasia .
  • Case study: Head-to-toe assessment steps .
  • Pain management strategies: Case study .
  • Case study: Inflammatory bowel disease .
  • Sleep deprivation and insomnia: The case study .
  • The case study of a heart failure .
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda: Disease case study .
  • Case study: Hardy Hospital case summary .
  • Obesity and its complications: Case study .
  • Angina disease case study .
  • Nursing ethics case study .
  • Case study of a patient: Assessment and treatment plan .
  • Cecile case study: Mrs. J .
  • Nursing power in the emergency department: Case study .
  • Heart failure case study: Mrs. J .
  • Application of ethics in nursing: Case study .
  • Sudden visual impairment: Case study .
  • Epidemiology case study: Outbreak at Watersedge — Public health discovery game .
  • Wellness of senior citizens: Case study .
  • Healthcare organization evaluation: Case study of Banner Health .

⏱ Bonus: Tips on Writing a Case Study in Record Time

Need to prepare a case study on nursing or in another field? Below you’ll find a collection fo tips that will help you do it as quickly as possible!

3 Shortcuts for a Quick Start

If you’re about to start writing a case study, you should check yourself if you’re not doing any of the following:

  • spending too much time on selecting a topic;
  • reading too much before selecting a topic;
  • making conclusions too early – creating bias.

Instead of killing time doing the three useless things discussed above, consider these:

  • Choose approach. Note that there are 2 major approaches to case studies: the analytical approach (investigating possible reasons without making any conclusions) and problem-oriented approach (focusing on a particular problem and investigating it).
  • Skim some sources (DON’T READ THEM). Select several sources. Simply skim abstracts and conclusions.
  • Start making notes early. Simply reading is ineffective unless you’re lucky to have a phenomenal memory. Always make notes of any useful arguments.

4 Shortcuts Not to Get Stuck in the Middle

Even if you kick started your case study, it’s too early to celebrate it. Consider the following traps in the middle of the project:

  • Watch the structure. The classic logical structure is your formula of success. It will help you move from one point to another without the unnecessary procrastination:
  • Respect the logic. Make your case study flow – make logical transitions between the different parts and make it consistent. Avoid changing your position throughout the paper.
  • Be detail-oriented. Any trifle deserves attention when you write a case study.
  • Avoid bias. Be sure that all your opinions are based on the specific arguments form the case study. Avoid pouring your biased views into the project.

3 Shortcuts for a Happy Ending

  • Offer a realistic solution. College case study is a rehearsal of real-life situations. Take the responsibility for your suggestions.
  • Keep your conclusion short. Avoid repeating the details and don’t include any new information.
  • Consider creating a Power Point. If your task is not only writing a case study, but also presenting it – why not create PowerPoint slides to help you?

As the last step on your way to a perfect nursing case study, prepare the title page. Its format usually depends on the professor’s requirements. But if you know the citation style, our Title Page Maker is a perfect tool to apply the right formatting and accelerate the process. And if you have any know-how on how to write a medical case study, you are very welcome to share it with other students in the comments below.

❓ Nursing Case Study: FAQ

What is a case study in nursing.

A nursing case study explores the condition of a patient. It is based on previous clinical records, lab reports, and other medical and personal information. A case study focuses on the patient and describes the treatment that was (or should be) applied and its (expected) outcome.

How to Write a Nursing Case Study?

  • Collect the bulk of data available about the patient.
  • Read literature about the diagnosed condition.
  • Focus on the individual patient and their symptoms.
  • Describe the situation and outline its development in time.
  • Analyze the actions of the medical personnel that have been done.
  • Plan further treatment of the patient.

Why Are Case Studies Good for Nursing Students?

Nursing case studies offer you a priceless opportunity to gain experience of different patient conditions and cure methods without visiting the clinic. You can think about whether the proposed treatment was appropriate or wrong and suggest a better solution. And the best thing, your teacher will indicate your mistakes (and no patient will be hurt in the process).

Why Are Case Studies Important in Nursing?

  • You learn to distinguish the relevant data and analyze it.
  • You learn to ask the right questions.
  • You learn to evaluate the severity of symptoms.
  • You learn to make better diagnoses.
  • You train your critical thinking in terms of treatment methods
  • Case studies are in-class simulators of authentic atmosphere in a clinical ward.
  • What is a case study? | Evidence-Based Nursing
  • Case Studies – Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • Case Study Research Design in Nursing
  • Case study report for Nursing | Learning Lab – RMIT University
  • Case Study or Nursing Care Study? – jstor

Research Paper Analysis: How to Analyze a Research Article + Example

Film analysis: example, format, and outline + topics & prompts.

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Case study: 33-year-old female presents with chronic sob and cough.

Sandeep Sharma ; Muhammad F. Hashmi ; Deepa Rawat .


Last Update: February 20, 2023 .

  • Case Presentation

History of Present Illness:  A 33-year-old white female presents after admission to the general medical/surgical hospital ward with a chief complaint of shortness of breath on exertion. She reports that she was seen for similar symptoms previously at her primary care physician’s office six months ago. At that time, she was diagnosed with acute bronchitis and treated with bronchodilators, empiric antibiotics, and a short course oral steroid taper. This management did not improve her symptoms, and she has gradually worsened over six months. She reports a 20-pound (9 kg) intentional weight loss over the past year. She denies camping, spelunking, or hunting activities. She denies any sick contacts. A brief review of systems is negative for fever, night sweats, palpitations, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, neural sensation changes, muscular changes, and increased bruising or bleeding. She admits a cough, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath on exertion.

Social History: Her tobacco use is 33 pack-years; however, she quit smoking shortly prior to the onset of symptoms, six months ago. She denies alcohol and illicit drug use. She is in a married, monogamous relationship and has three children aged 15 months to 5 years. She is employed in a cookie bakery. She has two pet doves. She traveled to Mexico for a one-week vacation one year ago.

Allergies:  No known medicine, food, or environmental allergies.

Past Medical History: Hypertension

Past Surgical History: Cholecystectomy

Medications: Lisinopril 10 mg by mouth every day

Physical Exam:

Vitals: Temperature, 97.8 F; heart rate 88; respiratory rate, 22; blood pressure 130/86; body mass index, 28

General: She is well appearing but anxious, a pleasant female lying on a hospital stretcher. She is conversing freely, with respiratory distress causing her to stop mid-sentence.

Respiratory: She has diffuse rales and mild wheezing; tachypneic.

Cardiovascular: She has a regular rate and rhythm with no murmurs, rubs, or gallops.

Gastrointestinal: Bowel sounds X4. No bruits or pulsatile mass.

  • Initial Evaluation

Laboratory Studies:  Initial work-up from the emergency department revealed pancytopenia with a platelet count of 74,000 per mm3; hemoglobin, 8.3 g per and mild transaminase elevation, AST 90 and ALT 112. Blood cultures were drawn and currently negative for bacterial growth or Gram staining.

Chest X-ray

Impression:  Mild interstitial pneumonitis

  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Aspiration pneumonitis and pneumonia
  • Bacterial pneumonia
  • Immunodeficiency state and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
  • Carcinoid lung tumors
  • Tuberculosis
  • Viral pneumonia
  • Chlamydial pneumonia
  • Coccidioidomycosis and valley fever
  • Recurrent Legionella pneumonia
  • Mediastinal cysts
  • Mediastinal lymphoma
  • Recurrent mycoplasma infection
  • Pancoast syndrome
  • Pneumococcal infection
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Small cell lung cancer
  • Aspergillosis
  • Blastomycosis
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Actinomycosis
  • Confirmatory Evaluation

CT of the chest was performed to further the pulmonary diagnosis; it showed a diffuse centrilobular micronodular pattern without focal consolidation.

On finding pulmonary consolidation on the CT of the chest, a pulmonary consultation was obtained. Further history was taken, which revealed that she has two pet doves. As this was her third day of broad-spectrum antibiotics for a bacterial infection and she was not getting better, it was decided to perform diagnostic bronchoscopy of the lungs with bronchoalveolar lavage to look for any atypical or rare infections and to rule out malignancy (Image 1).

Bronchoalveolar lavage returned with a fluid that was cloudy and muddy in appearance. There was no bleeding. Cytology showed Histoplasma capsulatum .

Based on the bronchoscopic findings, a diagnosis of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis in an immunocompetent patient was made.

Pulmonary histoplasmosis in asymptomatic patients is self-resolving and requires no treatment. However, once symptoms develop, such as in our above patient, a decision to treat needs to be made. In mild, tolerable cases, no treatment other than close monitoring is necessary. However, once symptoms progress to moderate or severe, or if they are prolonged for greater than four weeks, treatment with itraconazole is indicated. The anticipated duration is 6 to 12 weeks total. The response should be monitored with a chest x-ray. Furthermore, observation for recurrence is necessary for several years following the diagnosis. If the illness is determined to be severe or does not respond to itraconazole, amphotericin B should be initiated for a minimum of 2 weeks, but up to 1 year. Cotreatment with methylprednisolone is indicated to improve pulmonary compliance and reduce inflammation, thus improving work of respiration. [1] [2] [3]

Histoplasmosis, also known as Darling disease, Ohio valley disease, reticuloendotheliosis, caver's disease, and spelunker's lung, is a disease caused by the dimorphic fungi  Histoplasma capsulatum native to the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi River valleys of the United States. The two phases of Histoplasma are the mycelial phase and the yeast phase.


Histoplasmosis is caused by inhaling the microconidia of  Histoplasma  spp. fungus into the lungs. The mycelial phase is present at ambient temperature in the environment, and upon exposure to 37 C, such as in a host’s lungs, it changes into budding yeast cells. This transition is an important determinant in the establishment of infection. Inhalation from soil is a major route of transmission leading to infection. Human-to-human transmission has not been reported. Infected individuals may harbor many yeast-forming colonies chronically, which remain viable for years after initial inoculation. The finding that individuals who have moved or traveled from endemic to non-endemic areas may exhibit a reactivated infection after many months to years supports this long-term viability. However, the precise mechanism of reactivation in chronic carriers remains unknown.

Infection ranges from an asymptomatic illness to a life-threatening disease, depending on the host’s immunological status, fungal inoculum size, and other factors. Histoplasma  spp. have grown particularly well in organic matter enriched with bird or bat excrement, leading to the association that spelunking in bat-feces-rich caves increases the risk of infection. Likewise, ownership of pet birds increases the rate of inoculation. In our case, the patient did travel outside of Nebraska within the last year and owned two birds; these are her primary increased risk factors. [4]

Non-immunocompromised patients present with a self-limited respiratory infection. However, the infection in immunocompromised hosts disseminated histoplasmosis progresses very aggressively. Within a few days, histoplasmosis can reach a fatality rate of 100% if not treated aggressively and appropriately. Pulmonary histoplasmosis may progress to a systemic infection. Like its pulmonary counterpart, the disseminated infection is related to exposure to soil containing infectious yeast. The disseminated disease progresses more slowly in immunocompetent hosts compared to immunocompromised hosts. However, if the infection is not treated, fatality rates are similar. The pathophysiology for disseminated disease is that once inhaled, Histoplasma yeast are ingested by macrophages. The macrophages travel into the lymphatic system where the disease, if not contained, spreads to different organs in a linear fashion following the lymphatic system and ultimately into the systemic circulation. Once this occurs, a full spectrum of disease is possible. Inside the macrophage, this fungus is contained in a phagosome. It requires thiamine for continued development and growth and will consume systemic thiamine. In immunocompetent hosts, strong cellular immunity, including macrophages, epithelial, and lymphocytes, surround the yeast buds to keep infection localized. Eventually, it will become calcified as granulomatous tissue. In immunocompromised hosts, the organisms disseminate to the reticuloendothelial system, leading to progressive disseminated histoplasmosis. [5] [6]

Symptoms of infection typically begin to show within three to17 days. Immunocompetent individuals often have clinically silent manifestations with no apparent ill effects. The acute phase of infection presents as nonspecific respiratory symptoms, including cough and flu. A chest x-ray is read as normal in 40% to 70% of cases. Chronic infection can resemble tuberculosis with granulomatous changes or cavitation. The disseminated illness can lead to hepatosplenomegaly, adrenal enlargement, and lymphadenopathy. The infected sites usually calcify as they heal. Histoplasmosis is one of the most common causes of mediastinitis. Presentation of the disease may vary as any other organ in the body may be affected by the disseminated infection. [7]

The clinical presentation of the disease has a wide-spectrum presentation which makes diagnosis difficult. The mild pulmonary illness may appear as a flu-like illness. The severe form includes chronic pulmonary manifestation, which may occur in the presence of underlying lung disease. The disseminated form is characterized by the spread of the organism to extrapulmonary sites with proportional findings on imaging or laboratory studies. The Gold standard for establishing the diagnosis of histoplasmosis is through culturing the organism. However, diagnosis can be established by histological analysis of samples containing the organism taken from infected organs. It can be diagnosed by antigen detection in blood or urine, PCR, or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The diagnosis also can be made by testing for antibodies again the fungus. [8]

Pulmonary histoplasmosis in asymptomatic patients is self-resolving and requires no treatment. However, once symptoms develop, such as in our above patient, a decision to treat needs to be made. In mild, tolerable cases, no treatment other than close monitoring is necessary. However, once symptoms progress to moderate or severe or if they are prolonged for greater than four weeks, treatment with itraconazole is indicated. The anticipated duration is 6 to 12 weeks. The patient's response should be monitored with a chest x-ray. Furthermore, observation for recurrence is necessary for several years following the diagnosis. If the illness is determined to be severe or does not respond to itraconazole, amphotericin B should be initiated for a minimum of 2 weeks, but up to 1 year. Cotreatment with methylprednisolone is indicated to improve pulmonary compliance and reduce inflammation, thus improving the work of respiration.

The disseminated disease requires similar systemic antifungal therapy to pulmonary infection. Additionally, procedural intervention may be necessary, depending on the site of dissemination, to include thoracentesis, pericardiocentesis, or abdominocentesis. Ocular involvement requires steroid treatment additions and necessitates ophthalmology consultation. In pericarditis patients, antifungals are contraindicated because the subsequent inflammatory reaction from therapy would worsen pericarditis.

Patients may necessitate intensive care unit placement dependent on their respiratory status, as they may pose a risk for rapid decompensation. Should this occur, respiratory support is necessary, including non-invasive BiPAP or invasive mechanical intubation. Surgical interventions are rarely warranted; however, bronchoscopy is useful as both a diagnostic measure to collect sputum samples from the lung and therapeutic to clear excess secretions from the alveoli. Patients are at risk for developing a coexistent bacterial infection, and appropriate antibiotics should be considered after 2 to 4 months of known infection if symptoms are still present. [9]


If not treated appropriately and in a timely fashion, the disease can be fatal, and complications will arise, such as recurrent pneumonia leading to respiratory failure, superior vena cava syndrome, fibrosing mediastinitis, pulmonary vessel obstruction leading to pulmonary hypertension and right-sided heart failure, and progressive fibrosis of lymph nodes. Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis usually has a good outcome on symptomatic therapy alone, with 90% of patients being asymptomatic. Disseminated histoplasmosis, if untreated, results in death within 2 to 24 months. Overall, there is a relapse rate of 50% in acute disseminated histoplasmosis. In chronic treatment, however, this relapse rate decreases to 10% to 20%. Death is imminent without treatment.

  • Pearls of Wisdom

While illnesses such as pneumonia are more prevalent, it is important to keep in mind that more rare diseases are always possible. Keeping in mind that every infiltrates on a chest X-ray or chest CT is not guaranteed to be simple pneumonia. Key information to remember is that if the patient is not improving under optimal therapy for a condition, the working diagnosis is either wrong or the treatment modality chosen by the physician is wrong and should be adjusted. When this occurs, it is essential to collect a more detailed history and refer the patient for appropriate consultation with a pulmonologist or infectious disease specialist. Doing so, in this case, yielded workup with bronchoalveolar lavage and microscopic evaluation. Microscopy is invaluable for definitively diagnosing a pulmonary consolidation as exemplified here where the results showed small, budding, intracellular yeast in tissue sized 2 to 5 microns that were readily apparent on hematoxylin and eosin staining and minimal, normal flora bacterial growth. 

  • Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

This case demonstrates how all interprofessional healthcare team members need to be involved in arriving at a correct diagnosis. Clinicians, specialists, nurses, pharmacists, laboratory technicians all bear responsibility for carrying out the duties pertaining to their particular discipline and sharing any findings with all team members. An incorrect diagnosis will almost inevitably lead to incorrect treatment, so coordinated activity, open communication, and empowerment to voice concerns are all part of the dynamic that needs to drive such cases so patients will attain the best possible outcomes.

  • Review Questions
  • Access free multiple choice questions on this topic.
  • Comment on this article.

Histoplasma Contributed by Sandeep Sharma, MD

Disclosure: Sandeep Sharma declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Muhammad Hashmi declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Deepa Rawat declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

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  • Cite this Page Sharma S, Hashmi MF, Rawat D. Case Study: 33-Year-Old Female Presents with Chronic SOB and Cough. [Updated 2023 Feb 20]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.

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Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Sample Questions

One of the big changes on the Next Generation NCLEX exam is a shift toward case studies. Case studies often require a deeper level of critical thinking, and understanding diseases on a more in-depth level (especially the pathophysiology) will make these types of questions easier to answer.

In this article, you’ll be able to watch a free video to help you prepare for the new Next Generation NCLEX case study format. Nurse Sarah will walk you step-by-step through each scenario and help you understand how to use critical thinking and nursing knowledge to answer these types of questions.

Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Review Questions Video

NGN Case Study Sample Questions and Answers

First, let’s take a look at our case study summary below:

Case Study Summary:

A 68-year-old male is admitted with shortness of breath. He reports difficulty breathing with activity, lying down, or while sleeping. He states that in order to “breathe easier,” he has had to sleep in a recliner for the past week. The patient has a history of hypertension, myocardial infarction (2 years ago), and cholecystectomy (10 years ago). The patient is being transferred to a cardiac progressive care unit for further evaluation and treatment.

Question 1 of 6: The nurse receives the patient admitted with shortness of breath. What findings are significant and require follow-up? The options are listed below. Select all that apply.

To answer this first question in the NGN case study, let’s look at the information provided in the nursing notes and vital signs tabs provided:

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This question is asking us to identify findings that are significant and require the nurse to follow-up. In other words, what is presenting that we can’t ignore but need to investigate further.

Therefore, let’s comb through the nursing notes and vital signs to see what is abnormal and requires follow-up.

First, the patient arrived to the room via stretcher. That’s fine and doesn’t necessarily require follow-up.

Next, the patient is alert and oriented x 4 (person, place, time, event). This tells us that the patient’s neuro status is intact so far. Therefore, the shortness of breath isn’t affecting the patient’s mental function yet (we have enough oxygen on board right now for brain activity).

However, the nurse has noticed the shortness of breath with activity and talking, which should not normally happen. This tells us something is wrong and is significant enough to require follow-up. We want to know why is this happening, is it going to get worse, etc.

The patient’s weight and vital signs were collected (this is good). Weight is 155 lbs. and BMI is within a healthy range (doesn’t tell us too much but may be useful later). The patient is also connected to a bedside monitor, so they need to be monitored constantly like on a progressive care unit.

The monitor shows sinus tachycardia . This is significant because it seems the patient’s shortness of breath is causing the heart to compensate by increasing the heart rate to provide more oxygen (hence the lungs may be compromised).

Then we find out that the lungs are indeed compromised because crackles are heard in both lungs , and this may be why our patient is short of breath. This is significant (could the patient have pulmonary edema?)

Then we find out the nurse has noted an S3. This is an extra heart sound noted after S2. And what jumps out to me about this is that it is usually associated with volume overload in the heart like in cases of heart failure . However, S3 may be normal in some people under 40 or during pregnancy, but that’s not the case with our patient based on what we read in the case summary.

Therefore, based on everything I’m reading in this case study, I’m thinking this patient may have heart failure, but we need those test results back (especially the echo and chest x-ray, and hopefully a BNP will be in there too).

We are also told that the patient has an 18 gauge IV inserted (which is good thing to have so we can give medications if required), orders have been received, labs drawn, and testing results are pending.

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Now let’s look at the “Vital Signs” tab above, and ask yourself what is normal vs. abnormal for this patient (adult male).

  • The heart rate is high at 112 (tachycardia), and should normally be 60-100 bpm (see heart rhythms ).
  • Blood pressure is higher than normal (normal is 120/80), which indicates hypertension.
  • Oxygen saturation is 94% (this is on the low side as we’d normally want around 95% or higher, and the patient is on 4 L nasal cannula, which tells us the lungs are not okay).
  • Respiratory rate is increased (26 breaths per minute)
normal is 12-20 breaths per minute.

Based on the information we were provided, I’ve selected the answers below. These findings are significant and definitely require follow-up by the nurse.

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When answering these NGN case study questions, it’s helpful to think of the ABCDE (airway, breathing, circulation, etc.) as all of these fall into that category. If we don’t follow-up on the shortness of breath, crackles, respiratory rate, o2 saturation (94% on 4 L nasal cannula), the respiratory system can further decline.

In addition, the sinus tachycardia, S3 gallop, and hypertension could indicate fluid overload in the heart. This may cause the heart to tire out and lead the lethal rhythm. On the other hand, temperature, pain, weight, and BMI are not abnormal and do not require follow-up.

See the Complete Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Review

Each question in the case study builds on the previous question. To see how these questions evolve based on the patient’s condition and labs, watch the entire Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Review video on our YouTube Channel (RegisteredNurseRN).

NCLEX Practice Quizzes

We’ve developed many free NCLEX review quizzes to test your knowledge on nursing topics and to help you prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX exam.

Nurse Sarah’s Notes and Merch

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Just released is “ Fluid and Electrolytes Notes, Mnemonics, and Quizzes by Nurse Sarah “. These notes contain 84 pages of Nurse Sarah’s illustrated, fun notes with mnemonics, worksheets, and 130 test questions with rationales.

You can get an eBook version here or a physical copy of the book here.

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Nursing Case Study for Pneumonia

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Charles is a 72-year-old male patient admitted via the emergency department to the medical surgical floor at 2220 with a diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia (CAP).  He arrives in the room via stretcher with oxygen (O2) via nasal cannula (NC) and is able to transfer to the bed with minimal assistance. He does get short of breath (SOB) with exertion.

What assessment findings does the nurse expect for this patient? Should there be a particular focus to the assessment?

  • The great majority of patients with CAP present with fever. Other systemic symptoms such as chills, fatigue, malaise, chest pain (which may be pleuritic, nurse should ask questions about onset/radiation/provoking factors), and anorexia are also common. Tachycardia, leukocytosis with a leftward shift, or leukopenia are also findings that are mediated by the systemic inflammatory response. Focus should be respiratory in nature (auscultation, adventitious lung sounds like crackles & rhonchi) along with checking labs, CXR. Level of consciousness (LOC) on admission is important to monitor for changes.

Are there any ER results the nurse should ask about during the bedside report?

  • Since the patient has a cough and fever, the nurse should check to see if a COVID test was done. It would also be beneficial to ask about chest x-rays (CXR), if blood and/or sputum cultures were taken, AND if antibiotics were already started. Most healthcare systems treat pneumonia as a core measure and must meet very strict metric guidelines (following a protocol, doing certain things within a narrow time frame window, etc)

What orders does the nurse expect the admitting provider to give?

  • After admission, it is common for providers to give continuous pulse oximetry, O2 titration orders (i.e. titrate O2 to keep O2 saturation above 92%), and IV fluids. If cultures are not done already, those should be ordered. There may be a daily CXR to monitor changes. The nurse should check the med administration record for antibiotics and there may be medications for the cough/sputum (tesslon perles, guaifenesin, etc.) and fever control (acetaminophen 1000 mg q 6 hrs PRN fever greater than 101 F for example)

After screening and assessing the patient, the nurse has the following data:

Patient AA&Ox4. SOB noted with speaking and after he moves around. IV 20g noted in left arm. Productive cough with moderate sputum production occasionally. Lung sounds in all fields indicate crackles; no barrel chest noted. Skin is warm and dry. He voids per urinal no assistance needed. Verbalizes understanding of call light use.

BP 120/60 SpO2 93% on NC 2L HR 100 bpm and regular Ht 172 cm RR 18 bpm Wt 60 kg Temp 38.3°C

CXR – posteroanterior and lateral chest radiographs obtained (two view). Radiographic findings consistent with the diagnosis of CAP including minor lobar consolidations, moderate interstitial infiltrates

CBC (abnormal/significant only listed, if NOT listed then the value falls within expected limits or is not significant for this patient), for reference see Lab Value cheat sheet: WBC 15,000 cells/mcL Bands 10% Neutrophils 60% Eosinophils 1% Basophils 1% Lymphocytes 20%

Prioritize the top nursing interventions.

  • Frequent respiratory reassessments are vital for this patient along with continued LOC monitoring. The patient may need assistance with managing secretions so suction should be readily available. Positioning in the bed may alleviate symptoms and provide comfort – patient should not lie flat if there are airway concerns. The nurse should also ensure core measures are being followed. Blood cultures are needed as well as sputum so CORRECT collection and time of collection are necessary for proper monitoring. Timely administration of antibiotics helps improve outcomes.

What should the nurse be on the lookout for as the shift progresses? What warrants a call to the provider?

  • Watch for airway compromise or O2 sat decline. Ensure LOC does not decline inappropriately as this may indicate worsening of condition (respiratory failure). If the provider has given parameters to call, the nurse must either hesitate nor apologize for reporting these to the provider. If there is a sepsis algorithm, this should be followed since the patient is at risk for this condition. Fever uncontrolled with antipyretics needs to be reported. Worsening chest pain or sense of impending doom may indicate a pulmonary embolism or other complication and should be reported.

Are there other orders the nurse might anticipate and/or suggest?

  • A baseline lactic acid level (blood test) helps screen for sepsis. Strict I&O collection should begin since patients may have decreased appetite and/or thirst. Decreased urine output could be a sign of inadequate perfusion, so monitoring output is important. Respiratory therapy should be consulted for O2 titration, breathing treatments, O2 equipment/humidification and incentive spirometry (IS). Placing another IV may be helpful in case of patient deterioration (one in each upper extremity). Consider asking for Urinary antigen testing for S. pneumoniae

Are there past medical history concerns specific to this patient and his background that may aid in the plan of care?

  • Checking pneumococcal vaccine history is important – the patient may need education if he did not receive this vaccine. If he is homeless there is a greater risk he has tuberculosis or possibly non-compliant at discharge (due to lack of resources) so should be screened. His travel history may be relevant as treatment progresses and for Infectious diseases to consider. If he has a tobacco use history, this must be documented (i.e. 20 pack history) because that puts him at higher risk of chronic lung disease. If he is unable to care adequately for himself then case management may need to be involved for short-term acute care post-hospitalization.

ABG values:

pH 7.30 PaCO2 50 mmHg HCO3- 23 mEq/L PaO2 88 mmHg

What does this ABG indicate? How do you know? What may have caused this value? What can you do?

  • This is respiratory acidosis (pH < 7.35; PaCO2 > 45). It can be from hypoventilation -CNS depression -Pulmonary edema -Respiratory arrest -Airway obstruction. He may have an airway obstruction (thick sputum in throat) or his respiratory status could be worsening overall. Obtain VS, increase RR by arousing/waking him, reposition patient, maintain patent airway

The nurse gets the CNA to assist and repositions Charles in his hospital bed and he now sits straight but comfortably up in bed with pillows to bolster him. A yankauer at the bedside that he can use for a productive cough allows him to clear his airway after a brief teaching session. He had been frequently removing his NC due to ear discomfort, so RT brought padding for the tubing and Charles reports improved comfort. RT and the nurse teach him about “turn, cough, deep breath” aka TCDB.

After sleeping on and off through the shift, Charles is able to consume approximately 75% of his breakfast. He can properly demonstrate use of his IS and TCDB techniques. His NC remains in place with the padding on ears and his O2 sat is 95% on 2 L. He has two functioning IVs, one in each arm. Physician rounds and advises to continue plan of care including medication regimen based on test results after he and nurse discuss patient during rounds with the clinical pharmacist.

Describe examples of interdisciplinary team collaboration that may be useful in this patient’s care.

  • The nurse should maintain open communication and good rapport with respiratory therapy and work as a team for the best outcomes. Pharmacy may be consulted for an appropriate antibiotic regimen and/or if core measures are being used. Nursing assistants can assist with repositioning and I&O adherence. A team of physicians may be on this patient’s case (i.e. Pulmonology, Infectious Diseases, etc), so being able to give appropriate updates to a variety of professionals is vital (i.e. SBAR).

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“Would suggest to all nursing students . . . Guaranteed to ease the stress!”


View the full transcript, nursing case studies.

Jon Haws

This nursing case study course is designed to help nursing students build critical thinking.  Each case study was written by experienced nurses with first hand knowledge of the “real-world” disease process.  To help you increase your nursing clinical judgement (critical thinking), each unfolding nursing case study includes answers laid out by Blooms Taxonomy  to help you see that you are progressing to clinical analysis.We encourage you to read the case study and really through the “critical thinking checks” as this is where the real learning occurs.  If you get tripped up by a specific question, no worries, just dig into an associated lesson on the topic and reinforce your understanding.  In the end, that is what nursing case studies are all about – growing in your clinical judgement.

Nursing Case Studies Introduction

Cardiac nursing case studies.

  • 6 Questions
  • 7 Questions
  • 5 Questions
  • 4 Questions

GI/GU Nursing Case Studies

  • 2 Questions
  • 8 Questions

Obstetrics Nursing Case Studies

Respiratory nursing case studies.

  • 10 Questions

Pediatrics Nursing Case Studies

  • 3 Questions
  • 12 Questions

Neuro Nursing Case Studies

Mental health nursing case studies.

  • 9 Questions

Metabolic/Endocrine Nursing Case Studies

Other nursing case studies.

Straight A Nursing

What are you initial questions/concerns about this patient? What data do you want to focus on with your first head-to-toe assessment? What do you anticipate this patient needing based off this report? You fill out your report sheet, and it looks something like this:

neuro case study

You know you need more data, so you take a look through the chart. Namely, you want to see what his lab results are and want to check to see that the admitting MD ordered a lipid panel and HbA1c for this morning. No results yet, so it’s time to go see your patient…after all, he’s on q 30 min neuro checks until 10am. It’s going to be a busy morning!

Your initial assessment and AM rounds

0700: You head in to the room with the main goal of assessing Rick’s neurological status and BP. Because of his ETOH history, he’s at a higher risk for bleed than someone who doesn’t drink a case of beer a day. Speaking of this drinking habit…you want to confirm with the patient. If he really does drink that much, we’re going to have a problem in a day or two and we need to be prepared.

Your initial head-to-toe assessment reveals the following:

  • NIHSS = 6…slowly improving!
  • Pt is able to hold left arm up for 10 seconds with only slight drift noted…improvement! Pt states he can use urinal independently now. Yay!
  • Facial droop is minor; speech only mildly slurred.
  • VSS on nicardipine gtt. BP from the cuff is 150/74.
  • Occasional PVCs on the monitor, but he’s holding his BP so you’re not too worried.
  • Lungs clear, normoactive bowel sounds.
  • Abrasion to right knee looks clean (thanks to the ED nurses!), open to air.
  • No complaints of pain, no complaints of headache, blurred vision or worsening numbness in any extremity.
  • Both IVs patent
  • Pt confirms he does drink a case of beer a day.
  • Pt states he is tired from being up all night, but understands need for frequent assessments. States he will try to sleep in between.

0715: You sit down to chart your initial assessment and look through the labs and orders. Your AM labs don’t show anything of surprise and you notice the lipid panel AND the HbA1c were ordered. That new resident is on top of her game!

0730: Back in to wake Rick and conduct a neuro assessment No changes. Whew! You get those SCDs on and help Rick brush his teeth. You didn’t finish your initial charting yet, so you do that now. You hope to get it done before your 0800 neuro check.

Your morning continues in this vein until 0900. You’ve been conducting neuro exams every 30 minutes and you’re happy to see that Rick’s NIHSS is now 3…he scores points for slight drift in left arm, left leg and slight slurred speech. Looks like he’s going to have a pretty impressive recovery.

During this time you also note that your AM labs are in:

  • Na 140; K 3.2; Mg 1.6; Ca 8.2; Ph 1.1; Cr .90; BUN 12
  • WBC 8.5; Hgb 9.5; Hct 37%; PLT 130; INR 1.2
  • Total cholesterol: 260; HDL 26; LDL 210
  • HbA1C: 12 (woah!)

0900: Time for morning meds! Because Rick is still NPO pending his swallow evaluation, you don’t have many meds to give…a protonix IV, keppra (prophylactic for seizure) and that’s about it! You know he’s going to do awesome on his swallow eval, so you call Speech Therapy to see when they might be by. If you can get him on some PO antihypertensives, you can get this nicardipine gtt off and stop taking his BP every 15 minutes (ouch!). Your 0900 neuro exam goes off without a hitch. You notice more frequent ectopy on the monitor and attribute it to his low K and Mag levels. Otherwise, Rick is doing awesome…and wouldn’t you know it, his wife is a lovely person who knows you are an RN who went to school for years and years and not a glorified waitress, so she never once asks you to bring her a cup of coffee. 😉

1000: Time for a blood sugar check. If this one is also elevated, you’re going to need to talk to the MD about coverage. And yes it is…240. All that stress must be causing an SNS response. Your last q 30 neuro check is stable and you let Rick know you’ll be spacing them out to hourly. He grunts in response and goes back to sleep. You let Jan, his wife, know to alert you immediately if he complains of any worsening stroke symptoms or a headache.

1010: Time for rounds! You update the medical team on Rick’s condition and ask for the following:

  • A banana bag (an IV infusion of vitamins and thiamine that we give to ETOH patients)
  • PO blood pressure meds (pending your swallow eval)
  • A statin (his cholesterol is super high)
  • Diabetic educator (based off his super high HbA1c)
  • ETOH protocol (includes anti-anxiety meds and librium to help control DTs)
  • K and Mag replacement
  • BS coverage with an aggressive sliding scale

Just then, the speech therapist comes in to conduct an evaluation of Rick’s ability to swallow. She lets you know that he “did great” and will be on a chopped diet with thin liquids. This means his food will be cut up small, but he can have liquids that are NOT thickened…which is good, because thickened liquids are really weird. You make sure to ask her what she thinks of his ability to swallow pills and she states that he should do fine with average-sized pills…larger ones may need to be halved. Woohoo! Rick is making progress!

Before the MD leaves to hang out in the lounge, you alert her that the pt passed his swallow eval and has a recommendation from Speech Therapy. She puts in the orders for a carb-control, cardiac/reduced sodium diet and you are good to go!

1100: Another neuro exam…funny how those hours fly by, isn’t it? All is well in Rick’s world and he is performing components of the exam without even being asked. Is this cheating? 🙂 You hang his banana bag, give him his PO meds and check the compatibility of Mag with nicardipine. You decide not to run anything concurrent with this potent calcium channel blocker and realize you need to start another PIV (those banana bags are not compatible with ANYTHING and you want to get the Mag going now). You nail the IV on your first try and start the magnesium replacement. Your K replacement is ordered PO, so you want to get him a little lunch first so it doesn’t upset his stomach. Besides, when Mag is optimized, it makes it easier for the body to “hang on” to its potassium…so getting that Mag in there is a good idea!

1200: You check Rick’s blood sugar, see that it’s still high (232) and provide insulin coverage. You bring him his lunch tray AND a big ol’ potassium pill that you’ve kindly cut in half. You watch as he safely swallows the pill and you notice his BP is vastly improved. You cut the nicardipine gtt down to 2.5 and anticipate it being off within the hour. Good job, you! Rick’s neuro status is stable and you think his speech might be even more improved.

1245 : Jan comes rushing up to the nurse’s station saying, “He said he had a horrible headache and now I can’t get him to wakeup.” You hear a voice inside your head saying, “ooooooooohhhhh shoooooooooooot” Only you don’t say “shoot.” As you rush into his room questions run through your head:

  • Did we overshoot his blood sugar control? Is this hypoglycemia?
  • Did I turn the nicardipine down too much? Is he having a hypertensive bleed?
  • Is he having a “hemorrhagic conversion” a common complication of stroke (especially after TPA)
  • Is he able to protect his airway?
  • How fast can we get to CT scan?

You grab a glucometer on your way in and ask one of your nurse pals to come in with you. You hand him the glucometer as you try to wake your pt. Your efforts are unsuccessful. You hear a gurgling in Rick’s throat and watch the monitor to see his O2 sat dropping to the mid 80s. We’ve got problems.

You immediately lower the head of the bed and ask your pal for the BVM (bag valve mask). You reposition the airway and notice slight improvement, but the sats still don’t climb above 90. You start bagging the patient and ask your nurse friend to call RT and the MD. Rick needs to be intubated STAT for airway protection and then you gotta go to CT.

As reinforcements enter the room,  you ask someone to finish the blood sugar (which never got done) and RT takes over bagging the pt. With manual ventilation, Rick’s sats come up to 98%, but he is still non-responsive. The blood sugar reads 140, so that’s not the problem. You run a BP and see it’s well within parameters.  Just then, the MD walks in as another RT shows up with the intubation try and a vent. Good teamwork, guys!

Doc Waters quickly assesses the situation, gets into place at the head of the bed and deftly intubates Rick as his wife cries in the corner. You notice your awesome charge nurse consoling her as she explains what is happening.

As CXR technician shows up to confirm endotracheal tube (ETT) placement. While they are setting up the machine, you quickly place an OGT tube so you can get confirmation of it at the same time as your ETT. They shoot the film and you then whisk Rick off to CT scan with your RT buddy at your side. Your heart sinks as you fear the worst has happened to your patient.

1315: CT scan shows Rick has now bled into his brain. It is one of the known risks of TPA and you are crushed that it has happened to your patient, especially one so young and who was doing so well. You let Doc Waters know of the results and page the neurologist on call as well.  When you speak to the neurologist, he tells you he’s consulted neurosurgery and ordered an MRI.

1400: You’ve spoken to the neurologist and received orders for tighter BP control (goal < 140) so you titrate the nicardipine gtt and also ask for an arterial line for closer monitoring. You get Rick settled after his emergent intubation, place a Foley catheter, update Jan and note that his neuro exam is awful…GCS is 3 (no eye opening, no verbal and decorticate posturing). The art line gets placed and MRI calls to tell you they’re ready for your patient. Off you go!

1530: You’re back from MRI and you call the neurosurgeon to let her know the results are available to view.

1545: Neurosurgeon calls you back to ask that you get an EVD kit ready for her. She’s on her way up to place a drain at the bedside. You look at the clock and realize you still have four more hours to go. It’s been a tough day. You find the cranial access kit (which includes a DRILL!) and get the EVD system set up.

cranial access kit

1630: Your EVD is in place (thanks to a fast-acting neurosurgeon) and you notice that your intracranial pressure (ICP) is elevated. The neurosurgeon orders prophylactic Ancef (after all, she just performed a neurosurgical procedure!) mannitol q6 hours prn for elevated ICP as well as orders to keep the EVD at continuous drainage. Because you’ve recently reviewed the management of elevated ICP , you know that mannitol requires you to monitor your patient’s serum sodium and serum osmolality. You send a stat chemistry vial and do what you can to keep the ICP within parameters (decreased stimulation, positioning, sedation). With the sedation on board, you’re able to turn off your nicardipine gtt, but you want to keep a close eye and make sure that your CPP (cerebral perfusion pressure) is maintained above 70 (CPP = MAP – ICP). You may need levophed in order to keep CPP up while your patient is sedated. A stark contrast from how you started the day.

1700: You give your mannitol, clear your pumps and spend the next hour catching up on charting. You’re happy to see that the mannitol works quickly to reduce ICP and you make a mental note to keep an eye on urine output as you expect it to drastically increase due to the osmotic diuresis effect of this medication. You’ll want to keep a close eye on those electrolytes (especially K and Mag) Oh, speaking of K and Mag…did you remember to recheck those after you replaced them? You had a busy day and you had to prioritize…but better do that now, just to be safe! Chances are you can “add-on” the K and Mag test to the blood vial you sent earlier for the serum sodium. You spot Doc Waters and ask her to please review the x-ray for OGT placement so you can use it. She does and it’s fine…she writes an order to start Glucerna 1.2 at 20ml/hr.

1800:  Your hourly neuro exam shows no changes as your EVD continues to drain drain drain. You do your end-of-shift charting, ensure your IV bags are not going to run dry during your NOC shift buddy’s first hour, replace suction tubing, tidy up the room, get Rick repositioned and start the tube feeding. Though Rick didn’t fare well, you did everything you could, followed protocol and kept the team updated. You can be proud of the work you did today. 

Your report sheet, after everything that happened, now looks like this:

sample of case study for nursing students

You are now ready to give an awesome end-of-shift report. Now go home and sleep!


The information, including but not limited to, audio, video, text, and graphics contained on this website are for educational purposes only. No content on this website is intended to guide nursing practice and does not supersede any individual healthcare provider’s scope of practice or any nursing school curriculum. Additionally, no content on this website is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Want to review this on the run? Tune in to episode 135 of the Straight A Nursing podcast to study on the go!

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Being a successful nursing student is more than just study tips and test strategies. It’s a way of life.

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    By engaging with case studies, students can integrate theoretical principles with clinical practice, gaining a deeper understanding of nursing concepts and their relevance to patient care. ... Below is an example of a nursing case study sample created by the Carepatron team. This sample illustrates a structured framework for documenting patient ...

  4. Nursing Case Study

    Case studies encourage nurses to analyze complex patient scenarios, make informed decisions, and apply critical thinking skills to solve problems. They simulate real-life situations, requiring nurses to evaluate data, consider multiple outcomes, and choose the best course of action. 2. Improve Diagnostic Skills.

  5. How To Write A Nursing Case Study Analysis

    The title of the case study should be concise, descriptive, and reflective of its main focus. Include your name, academic credentials, and the institution where you are studying. Provide the date of submission. Abstract. Write a brief summary (usually 150-300 words) of the case study.

  6. Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses

    Mary Lou Poppins initial vitals in the emergency department includes a blood pressure of 138/70, heart rate of 108. respiratory rate of 26, temperature 98.9 degrees fahrenheit, and oxygen saturation of 84%. Her initial assessment included alert and oriented to person and place, dyspnea, inspiratory crackles in bilateral lungs, and a cough with ...

  7. Smart'n

    Sample case study for nursing students can be a valuable tool in your preparation, helping you to develop critical thinking skills and apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. That's why we've put together a list of 5 nursing case study examples, complete with answer guides, to help you prepare for the NCLEX -style questions you'll ...

  8. Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses

    Amani Baidwan, Kendyl Egizi and Alysha Payne. Darrell Jackson, 81 year old male, came to the Emergency Department at Los Robles Hospital by ambulance after he collapsed in a coffee shop. Upon arrival he presented with left sided weakness, facial drooping, and aphasia. He was diagnosed with an ischemic stroke, right humerus head fracture, and ...

  9. How to Write a Nursing Case Study Paper (A Guide)

    Ensure your summary has at least the case presentation, the nursing assessment/diagnosis, the intervention, and the key recommendations. At the very end of your conclusion, add a closing statement. The statement should wrap up the whole thing nicely. Try to make it as impressive as possible. 9.

  10. Health Case Studies

    The treatments were explained and rationales were given, which can be very helpful to facilitate effective learning for a nursing student or novice nurse. The case studies were accurate in explanation. The DVT case study incorrectly identifies the location of the clot in the popliteal artery instead of in the vein. Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

  11. Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses

    The patient arrives to the emergency room within 15 minutes and is admitted for treatment at 1000. On the unit, Code Sepsis is called, and the agency's sepsis protocol based on the Surviving Sepsis campaign is implemented. The patient's vitals are now a temperature of 102F, heart rate of 140, respiratory rate of 34, and blood pressure of 96/42.

  12. Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses

    Mike, a 35 year-old male, is presented to the emergency department with multiple puncture wounds to the right arm and bruising on the face. He arrived at the hospital via emergency medical services after calling 911. Background. Mike was playing with his dog, a German Shepherd, in front of his hoe one day when all of the sudden, his dog decides ...

  13. Book Title: Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses

    Book Title: Nursing Case Studies by and for Student Nurses Author: jaimehannans. License: Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial. Read Book Contents. Show All Contents Hide All Contents. Book Contents Navigation. Introduction. I. Neurological. 1. Ischemic Stroke: Randall Swanson. 2.

  14. How to Write a Nursing Case Study + Examples, Format, & Tips

    A nursing case study is a deep analysis of the health situation of a patient. This article answers all the questions about the proper way to prepare this kind of writing. It also suggests some writing tipis and features free nursing case study examples.  Case Study Topics for Nursing Students; đŸ©ș The Basics

  15. Nursing Case Studies: Diagnosis, Rationales, Fundamentals

    Nursing Case Studies: Diagnosis, Rationales, Fundamentals. Test your knowledge and clinical investigative skills in trying to diagnose what is going on with the patients presented in each of the Case Study Investigations. Can you come up with the right diagnosis?

  16. PDF Facilitator Guide for Unfolding Case Study

    the case study is presented in a classroom or clinical setting. The questions guide students through the application of the nursing process to the case study scenario. This case study can be completed synchronously or asynchronously, by an individual student or by a group. This case study can be completed in the classroom, in a clinical group, or

  17. Nursing Case Studies

    Case Study of a Patient With Chronic Bilateral Hip Pain. Last modified: 25th Oct 2021. The patient is a 73-year-old male, Mr. R.B, who has been admitted at Sylvale with acute on chronic bilateral hip pain as the chief complaint. Having been transferred from rehabilitation, the patient is currently awaiting electric hip replacement at the health ...

  18. PDF NurseThink for Students Conceptual Clinical Cases

    Study Time Examples, 8 SECTION 2 Concept Overview CH 3: Unfolding Concepts I 12 Reproduction, 13 Sexuality, 14 ... Case 1: Infertility, Conception, and Complications, 38 ... Nursing Student Clemson University Clemson, SC Roni Collazo, PhD, RN Sample

  19. Case Study: 33-Year-Old Female Presents with Chronic SOB and Cough

    Case Presentation. History of Present Illness: A 33-year-old white female presents after admission to the general medical/surgical hospital ward with a chief complaint of shortness of breath on exertion. She reports that she was seen for similar symptoms previously at her primary care physician's office six months ago.

  20. Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Sample Questions

    NGN Case Study Sample Questions and Answers. First, let's take a look at our case study summary below: Case Study Summary: A 68-year-old male is admitted with shortness of breath. He reports difficulty breathing with activity, lying down, or while sleeping. He states that in order to "breathe easier," he has had to sleep in a recliner for ...

  21. Smart'n

    Here is the second sample case study for nursing students: Case scenario: Nurse's notes: 0915: The client arrives at the emergency department (ED), and the writer receives a transfer of accountability (TOA) report from the home care nurse via telephone. Upon assessment, the right big toe has tophi and is erythematous and inflamed.

  22. #337: An End to Case Study Confusion

    Get the Guide "Conquering Case Studies " - Get a step-by-step guide to conquering case studies, including examples! A-List Newsletter - Get on the "A-List" and get a notification each Thursday about the ... 20 Secrets of Successful Nursing Students. Being a successful nursing student is more than just study tips and test strategies ...

  23. Nursing Case Study for Pneumonia

    We're going to go through a case study for pneumonia together. Let's get started in this scenario. We have a 72-year-old patient who is male. He was admitted via the emergency department to the med-surg floor with a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia. He arrives in the room by a stretcher with oxygen flowing through a nasal cannula.

  24. Neuro Case Study

    Rick's neuro status is stable and you think his speech might be even more improved. 1245: Jan comes rushing up to the nurse's station saying, "He said he had a horrible headache and now I can't get him to wakeup.". You hear a voice inside your head saying, "ooooooooohhhhh shoooooooooooot" Only you don't say "shoot.".