Cover letter: esempi di lettera di presentazione in inglese

20 Novembre 2023, 07:25

cover letter

Ecco come scrivere una lettera di presentazione in inglese con esempi di cover letter in Word da scaricare gratuitamente e consigli utili .

Mettiamo a disposizione modelli di lettera di presentazione in inglese davvero efficaci , utili sia per rispondere ad un annuncio di lavoro sia per inviare una candidatura spontanea.

Inoltre, con le nostre frasi fatte, anche chi non conosce bene l’inglese può imparare come strutturare e creare la cover letter da zero.


Di seguito mettiamo a disposizione esempi di cover letter da scaricare gratis in base al livello di carriera e alla finalità della candidatura. I cover letter template sono stati elaborati con la collaborazione di una traduttrice madrelingua inglese , la Professoressa Michealann, e di esperti nella selezione del personale :

  • Cover letter example 1 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per studenti senza esperienza, candidatura stage (documento Word 1Kb).
  • Cover letter example 2 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per neolaureati (documento Word 2Kb).
  • Cover letter example 3 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per profili junior con qualche anno di esperienza (documento Word 3Kb).
  • Cover letter example 4 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per manager (documento Word 4Kb).
  • Cover letter example 5 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per stagionali del turismo (documento word 5Kb).
  • Cover letter example 6 : esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per autocandidatura generica che si adatta a ruoli differenti (documento Word 6Kb).

In questi cover letter examples il testo in blu è quello che deve essere sostituito e personalizzato , la parte in nero può essere copiata e incollata senza modifiche.

La cover letter deve essere allegata insieme al curriculum vitae se viene spedita per posta oppure caricata in una application online direttamente sul sito dell’azienda. Se invece si utilizza la mail, il testo della cover letter diventa il testo della mail, come abbiamo già spiegato nel nostro articolo sulla lettera di presentazione via mail .


Cosa si intende per cover letter? Si tratta di una lettera di presentazione scritta in lingua inglese, che ti servirà per introdurre il tuo profilo riassumendo brevemente chi sei e per quale motivo sei la persona più indicata a ricoprire il ruolo ricercato dall’azienda per la quale ti stai candidando.

Se sei interessato alle offerte di lavoro all’estero oppure devi inviare una candidatura per un’azienda italiana che opera a livello internazionale, è bene quindi accompagnare il cv con una cover letter in inglese.

Il testo di una cover letter (o lettera motivazionale) è quello che fa la differenza nella scelta di un candidato perché i selezionatori decidono se leggere il cv o se cestinarlo dopo aver letto la lettera di presentazione. Non solo. La lettera di presentazione è un grande asso nella manica per convincere il recruiter che sei proprio tu la persona giusta. Per ottenere questo risultato non basta scrivere un qualsiasi testo in inglese: devi scrivere un testo per persuadere e conquistare l’attenzione del selezionatore. Vediamo insieme la strategia da utilizzare.

Per scrivere un’efficace lettera di accompagnamento in inglese devi:

  • spiegare perché ti candidi e dimostrare interesse per la posizione;
  • chiarire perché pensi di essere il candidato ideale per il ruolo;
  • dimostrare che sei in possesso dei requisiti richiesti citando esperienze passate e competenze acquisite;
  • fornire esempi di risultati ottenuti in precedenti lavori che risultino coerenti con la posizione;
  • scrivere che sei convinto di poter dare un contributo positivo al team di lavoro o al progetto nel quale andrai a lavorare;
  • esprimere interesse verso un incontro conoscitivo o colloquio a distanza.

I fac simile di cover letter che abbiamo reso disponibili in apertura articolo seguono proprio queste linee guida, evidenziano punti di forza, motivazioni e aspirazioni e hanno lo scopo di spingere alla lettura del cv e al contatto del candidato.


Ora che hai visto tutti i fac simile e ogni singolo esempio pratico di una lettera di presentazione in inglese, ti forniamo le frasi fatte pronte da essere utilizzate se desideri partire da zero.

Come si inizia, come si struttura, cosa si dice in una cover letter per rispondere a un’offerta di lavoro che ti fa gola in Inghilterra, negli Stati Uniti o, in generale, per una posizione di lavoro che richiede un cover letter format in inglese?

Guarda le frasi fatte (con traduzione) che possono aiutarti a scoprire come si fa una cover letter in inglese.


Come e a chi rivolgersi quando si inizia una lettera di presentazione in inglese? Ecco gli esempi pronti all’uso con traduzione.

  • Dear Sir / Madam  
  • Dear Mr. / Mrs.
  • Dear hiring manager (al responsabile delle selezioni)
  • To whom it may concern (a chi di dovere)

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Curriculum Vitae Organizzatore di Eventi: Esempio CV e Template Gratis


Come si inizia una lettera di presentazione in inglese? Se stai rispondendo ad un annuncio devi dire subito chi sei e per quale annuncio ti candidi. Se vuoi autocandidarti per future selezioni di personale devi usare la formula corretta per l’autocandidatura informale. Leggi qui sotto tutti i modi in cui puoi iniziare una lettera di presentazione in inglese che ti faccia notare!

  • In response to your recent advertisement on… I would like to apply for the position of… In risposta al tuo recente annuncio su [indicare mezzo], vorrei candidarmi per la posizione di [scrivere nome ruolo]
  • It is with much pleasure that I submit my application for the… position advertised on… È con molto piacere che invio la mia candidatura per la posizione [scrivere nome ruolo] pubblicata su [indicare mezzo]
  • With this letter I would like to express my strong interest in the… position you have available Con questa lettera vorrei esprimere il mio forte interesse per la posizione di [scrivere nome ruolo] ora disponibile
  • I am writing to apply for the position available Scrivo per candidarmi per la posizione disponibile
  • I am writing to enquire if you have any vacancies in you Company Scrivo per chiedere se ci sono posti disponibili nella vostra azienda.


Qui è il momento in cui è importante manifestare interesse per l’azienda e per la posizione a partire dalla propria esperienza. Devi spiegare in modo semplice come puoi diventare un valore aggiunto per l’azienda per la quale motivo stai inviando la candidatura.

  • It has long been my ambition to work for your reputable company La mia più grande ambizione è sempre stata quella di lavorare per la vostra azienda
  • I have previous experience of… and possess and indepth understanding of… Ho una precedente esperienza come [indicare mansione] e possiedo una conoscenza approfondita di [scrivere ambito].
  • Through my experience I have become adept to… Grazie alla mia esperienza sono diventato un esperto di [scrivere mansione]
  • I believe that my skills, ability and attitude would make me an ideal candidate for your vacancy Credo che le mie abilità, capacità e attitudine mi renderebbero un candidato ideale per la posizione
  • After working for … years in … I have advanced knowledge in … Dopo aver lavorato per [indicare numero] anni in [indicare ruolo], ho una conoscenza profonda di [scrivere ambito]


Il consiglio è quello di evidenziare che sei in possesso dei requisiti necessari per poter ricoprire il ruolo ricercato dall’azienda. Non devi scendere nel dettaglio di ogni singola esperienza ma devi individuare la caratteristica fondamentale di cui l’azienda ha bisogno.

  • My prior experience in… at… also gave me the relevant skills / experience needed for… La mia precedente esperienza in [scrivere ruolo] presso [nome azienda] mi ha anche fornito le competenze / esperienza necessarie per [chiarire mansione specifica].
  • As you can see from my resume, I have the required training needed for the… position at… Come puoi vedere dal mio CV, ho la formazione richiesta necessaria per la posizione [scrivere ruolo] a [esplicitare dipartimento o settore specifico azienda].
  • The following achievements demonstrate my qualification for this position I seguenti risultati dimostrano la mia qualifica per questa posizione
  • The knowledge and skills that I can bring to your organization include… Le conoscenze e le competenze che posso portare alla vostra azienda includono [accenno a competenze considerate importanti per risultare il candidato ideale].
  • A brief summery of the skills and values I would bring to the company include… Un breve riassunto delle competenze e dei valori che vorrei portare all’azienda include [lista competenze considerate importanti per risultare il candidato ideale].
  • As a successful manager with strong interpersonal skills and… years of experience in… and… I possess a wide range of knowledge and experience that will allow me to make an immediate positive impact on your operations In qualità di manager di successo con forti capacità interpersonali e [indicare numero] anni di esperienza in [esplicitare mansione] e [indicare altra mansione], possiedo una vasta gamma di conoscenze ed esperienze che mi consentiranno di avere un impatto positivo immediato sulle vostre attività.


Come si chiude una lettera di presentazione in inglese? Ecco qualche modello di frase di chiusura pronta all’uso, ideale per la tua cover letter costruita da zero.

  • I’d love to discuss the position with you further and I’d appreciate the opportunity to tell you how my skills and ideas can benefit your Company Mi piacerebbe discutere ulteriormente il ruolo con lei e apprezzerei l’opportunità di dirle in che modo le mie capacità e idee possono portare benefici alla vostra azienda
  • Thank you for your time and consideration Grazie per il suo tempo e la sua considerazione
  • I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this position with you Sarei lieto di avere l’opportunità di discutere questa posizione con lei
  • I would love to meet with you and discuss this position in details Mi piacerebbe incontrarla e discutere questa posizione in dettaglio
  • I look forward to discussing how my skills can be of value for … Non vedo l’ora di discutere di come le mie capacità possano essere utili per [indicare azienda]
  • I am available for an interview at any time and look forward to hearing from you Sono disponibile per un colloquio in qualsiasi momento e non vedo l’ora di sentirla


Arriviamo ai suggerimenti per la perfetta cover letter in lingua straniera. Ecco le cose che dovresti fare e quello da non fare assolutamente quando scrivi una lettera motivazionale in inglese.

  • Rileggi con molta attenzione per eliminare eventuali errori di battitura e di punteggiatura. Inoltre, ti consigliamo di far rileggere il testo a un amico, un conoscente o un parente che conosca bene l’inglese, in questo modo potrai evitare errori e refusi.
  • Non scrivere prima la lettera in italiano e per poi tradurre in inglese perché i modi di dire in italiano non si usano in inglese e viceversa. No alle subordinate, sì alle frasi semplici. No alla forma passiva, sì a quella attiva.
  • Fai attenzione a grammatica, ortografia, false friends .
  • Non usare i traduttori online come Google Traslatore oppure Reverso, soprattutto se non parli bene l’inglese, perché il disastro è dietro l’angolo.
  • Non scrivere un papiro , non devi elencare tutte le tue esperienze e le tue conoscenze, la cover letter non è un riassunto del cv, semmai serve per incentivare la lettura del cv e far comprendere a chi legge che tu sei davvero la persona giusta per loro.


  • Colloquio in inglese : domande e risposte per superarlo.
  • Certificazioni di lingua inglese riconosciute Miur, ecco quali sono.
  • Come scrivere una lettera di presentazione efficace per il CV.
  • Lettera di presentazione via mail , 10 consigli per scriverla.
  • Autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali da inserire nel CV.

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Cover Letter Templates

Craft a polished cover letter in minutes with our Cover Letter Builder. Choose from dozens of free cover letter templates, add pre-written content from Certified Professional Resume Writers and download in the file format you need.

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This professional cover letter template features a dual-tone heading to make your name stand out.

This resume cover letter template will help you tell your story with a modern font and unique design.

Try this job application cover letter template to craft a straightforward and impressive letter.

A strong font makes this cover sheet template ideal for modern architecture, technology and advertising jobs.

No matter your industry, this creative job cover letter template can help bring out your creative side.

Present your qualifications front and center with this professional cover letter template.

Catch the recruiter’s attention with this job application letter, which features your name and information aligned to the left.

This best-in-class cover letter free template will speak volumes about your professionalism.


This straightforward cover letter template free download places your name front and center.

The elegant design of this sample cover letter template commands attention.

Make a bold statement with this modern cover letter template, which offers customizable colors and fonts.

Grab the recruiter’s attention with the pops of color and fun icons featured in this layout. It’s the best cover letter template for creative jobs.

Change the colors and font type of this cover letter template for job applications to fit your needs.

Make a subtle statement by choosing a resume cover letter template that colorfully highlights your contact information.


The sophisticated layout of this application letter template tells employers you mean business.

A monogram graphic in the cover letter heading gives this cover sheet template a unique look.

Customer Reviews

Why you should use our free cover letter templates, we handle cover letter formatting for you.

Our templates follow standard  cover letter format  rules, ensuring you use the correct line spacing, margin spacing and proper fonts.

Professional cover letter template designs

From modern cover letter templates to creative and professional designs, our experts have designed our templates to get you past applicant tracking systems (ATS) and noticed by hiring managers.

Easy to customize templates

You can easily customize your color palette, font size, section spacing and more to fit your career goals and stylistic preferences.

We’ll help you write your cover letter

Download a cover letter template free and edit it to fit your needs, or use our  Cover Letter Builder  to guide you through each step of creating your document in minutes.

Modern free cover letter templates

These free cover letter templates are great for jobs in industries such as technology or business, where looking sharp and staying on top of the latest trends matters.

Bold cover letter template

If you want to convey that you’re a professional who is not afraid to take risks, this is the best template cover letter for you.

Blueprint cover letter template

Stand out with this colorful cover letter template free of charge. Its two-column layout neatly displays your qualifications, making them easy to read.

Charismatic cover letter template

This free cover letter template download injects some personality into your career story. Notice how two colors make the job applicant’s name pop.

Professional free cover letter templates

You can’t go wrong with the classic style of a formal cover letter template. Download one free of charge and show hiring managers you mean business.

Professional cover letter template

Simple yet effective, this template shows that basic doesn’t have to mean boring.

Deluxe cover letter template

This free resume cover letter template gives you all the room to present your accomplishments.

Executive cover letter template

This is a good cover letter template for anyone who wants to get straight to the point.

Creative free cover letter templates

Creative jobs require imaginative designs. Use these layouts to visually show your personality and make a statement, especially if you’re applying for a job in a creative industry. Download a creative resume cover letter template free of charge and show employers your creative side.

Original cover letter template

This free cover letter template combines icons, pops of color and a fun approach.

Standout cover letter template

The minimalist design detail beside your name makes this cover letter job application template unforgettable.

Centered cover letter template

Sleek fonts and bold colors make this free cover letter template download perfect for creative job seekers.

Simple and basic free cover letter templates

A clean cover letter template is the best way to communicate your information and experience. Try a simple or  basic cover letter  free of charge.

Distinguished cover letter template

This simple cover letter template has an elegant, understated style with classic fonts and dotted dividing lines.

Contempo cover letter template

Keep it classy with a basic cover letter template that never goes out of style.

Whitespace cover letter template

Give your letter a chic and intelligent look with a free cover letter template that perfectly spaces your information and boldly states your name.

Cover letter templates for top jobs

Use our  cover letter examples  for guidance and inspiration. We have plenty of examples created by experts for different jobs and scenarios that use the cover letter templates featured on this page.

Showcase your teaching experience with this unique teaching job cover letter template with a bold header.

Administrative assistant

This professional cover letter template will tell the recruiter more about your excellent time management and organizational skills.

Assistant principal

Highlight your leadership and communication skills with this application letter template.

Executive assistant

This clean and straightforward template for a cover letter presents your reliability and expert organizational skills.

Customer service representative

This sleek and elegant cover sheet template perfectly showcases your exceptional interpersonal skills.

Senior project manager

This distinguished sample cover letter template is ideal for demonstrating your management skills.

Flight attendant

Excellent interpersonal skills and a diplomatic attitude are essential for this job, so use a cover letter template that can effectively tell your story.

A no-nonsense job requires a simple and easy-to-read template for a cover letter that hits the mark.

Cover letter templates for unique scenarios

A well-written cover letter showcases your unique skills to hiring managers and demonstrates why you’re a great fit for the role. Our in-depth  How to Write a Cover Letter  guide teaches you everything you need to know about writing this important document. We have a cover letter format template for every unique situation. Try a cover letter Word template or a cover letter Pages template to customize your document quickly.

Entry-level cover letter template

When you don’t have a lot of work experience, a cover letter is crucial to market yourself as an excellent addition to the team properly.

Career-change cover letter template

When changing careers, you want a standard cover letter template showing your transferable skills, bridging your experience and the new job, and explaining why you want to work with that company specifically. Just use the content in this cover letter template as inspiration.

Employment gap cover letter template

Regarding employment gaps, you only have to address the gaps you feel comfortable discussing in your cover letter. Did you start your own business or explore artistic projects? Connect these experiences to the potential job as this sample cover letter template does.

Unadvertised position cover letter template

Don’t see a job posting? No problem! Explain how you heard about the job and why you want to join the team in your resume cover letter template.

“Cold-call” cover letter template

You came across a company you like but aren’t sure if they’re hiring. Get on their radar with a cold call cover letter that introduces who you are and your skills that could be valuable to the company, as this application letter template does.

Temporary-to-permanent employee cover letter template

You like where you work and want to stay there permanently. Use a cover letter template to explain why keeping you around is in the company’s best interest.

Seeking promotion cover letter template

You’re ready to take the next step in your career and grow within the company. Recap your experience using a professional cover letter template and convince the employer you’re more than qualified for the new job.

Applying for a different position with the same company cover letter template

Do you meet the requirements of a new position in your company? Take the leap and use a template for a cover letter to explain why you’re perfect for the role.

How to use a cover letter template

Choose a cover letter template that highlights your unique qualities..

A cover letter is an extension of your resume. It’s your chance to present yourself to the employer and explain how your skills and experience suit the job. Your cover letter design template should answer four significant points:

  • Why you want the job
  • How you’re prepared to handle the daily requirements of the job
  • How you can fit in and adapt to the company’s culture
  • How you can help the company move forward

Show your passion and interest in the company.

Use our professional cover letter templates to explain what inspires you about your potential employer. It could be the company’s mission, a new initiative, or how you can contribute to its long-term goals. Show the hiring manager you’ve already invested time researching the company; they’ll be more likely to invest in you.

Match your skills and experiences to the job’s requirements with a suitable cover letter template.

Respond directly to duties and  skills  listed in the job description, and show your capabilities in those areas through concrete examples from your own experience and training. You can also point out a challenge the company is currently facing and how you can help solve it, similar to what our cover letter templates showcase.

Encourage the hiring manager to learn more about you.

Your cover letter should incentivize hiring managers to read your resume and follow up for an interview. Be forthright. Direct the reader to examine your resume for more details on your relevant skills and accomplishments. Conclude by expressing your readiness to meet and discuss how you can contribute. If you’re unsure how to do this, you can personalize one of our cover letter templates in our Cover Letter Builder to access professionally written content suggestions tailored to your job title.

Avoid repeating information from your resume.

While your resume and cover letter template must be similar, they shouldn’t reiterate the same information.  Review your resume  and note what you want to explain further in your cover letter; it could be a set of skills, a work achievement relevant to the job you’re applying for, or a project you know will help you stand out. A free downloadable cover letter template from this page will help you tell your story to get noticed.

Tailor your cover letter template to the job.

Whether a resume or cover letter,  tailoring your document  to the job is critical. This includes using keywords from the job description in your writing, using a tone of voice that reflects the company culture and addressing the letter to the hiring manager and not “To whom it may concern.” A cover letter Word template or Apple Pages cover letter template is easy to customize.

Match your resume and cover letter template

Matching your cover letter and resume template helps you craft a polished and cohesive job application. After all, cover letters and resumes are strong when they both read and look their best. We have all the tools and guides you need to build the perfect resume to complement your cover letter.

  • How to Write a Resume : Follow our in-depth guide to learn how to write a strong resume that effectively captures your skills and qualifications.
  • Resume Examples : We have extensive resume examples for all jobs and industries.
  • Resume Templates : From creative to modern and professional, our resume templates are designed by the same experts that create our cover letter templates, are ATS-friendly and are easy to customize.
  • Resume Builder : With step-by-step guidance and expert phrases, a CV cover letter template combined with our Resume Builder makes it easy to create a resume in minutes.

Cover letter template FAQ

A cover letter is a one-page document you submit alongside your resume or  CV . Its purpose is to support the content of your resume or CV by expanding on your achievements, showcasing your personality and explaining why you’re a great fit for the company.

Even though a cover letter has a supporting role in the application process, it’s no less critical and could decide whether you get hired. Check out these  cover letter basics  and our  cover letter writing tips  to get hired fast.

Yes. A recent survey found that 83% of hiring managers, recruiters and HR staff consider cover letters essential to decision-making. We always recommend writing a cover letter because:

  • It allows you to provide information that isn’t in your resume.
  • It gives hiring managers and recruiters a glimpse into your personality.
  • It has the space you need to market yourself as the best candidate.

Choose a cover letter layout template from this page to increase your chances of getting the job. Look at the  five qualities of every successful cover letter  to learn more.

You can write a cover letter for your resume in just 15 minutes — and we’re here to help you.

A successful cover letter should be formatted neatly for easy reading, and the content should catch hiring managers’ attention. To achieve the first goal, use a cover letter sample template as a model, and keep your letter to the point and one page long.

To ensure your content fits the bill, consult the job description and pinpoint essential  keywords  that you should mention in your letter. For example, if you’re applying to a customer service position that stresses knowledge of customer relations management (CRM) systems, mention your experience with CRM in your cover letter. 

Doing so will also help your letter pass automated  applicant tracking systems  (ATS), which many employers use to scan cover letters for the right keywords. Using an  AI cover letter generator  can help you tailor your cover letter to your target job with keywords and industry-specific content.  

Finally, your cover letter should answer the most critical question: Why are you interested in the job and the company? Explain  why you should be hired for the role  and what makes you the best fit. Employers will be impressed by a cover letter that shows you’ve done your homework and thought about how you can contribute. Download a free professional cover letter template and get started today!

A cover letter is a blank canvas where you can formally introduce yourself to the hiring manager — think of it as your sales pitch. Generally speaking, the hiring manager wants to know more about your skills and background, why you want to work for them and how you will help them. Still, this approach may differ depending on your professional experience.

For example, hiring managers will want to know why you have a career gap in your resume if you have one. If you ventured into running a small business or were affected by COVID-19, you’d want to explain what happened and show how your past experiences will help you fill this new role, as our professional cover letter templates show.

We recommend checking out our guide on what to include in a cover letter for tips from career advice experts.

Using a cover letter builder is not just OK but encouraged! Our Cover Letter Builder makes the writing process a breeze by providing over 15 cover letter templates, expert suggestions, step-by-step guidance, and customization tools to create and save as many versions of your cover letter as you want.

It’s the easiest way to assemble a professional cover letter for your resume, and all you have to do to get started is choose the downloadable cover letter template that best works for you.

A cover letter should be one page long. This  cover letter length  allows you to detail key achievements without overwhelming the reader. The recruiter or hiring manager won’t spend that much time reviewing your application, so your writing must be concise and straightforward. A work cover letter template from this page can help you organize your cover letter on one page.

If you don’t know who to address your cover letter to, here are some options to try:

  • Address the cover letter to the department you’re interested in joining. For example, “Dear Creative Department,” “Dear Accounting Department,” or “Dear [Company] Team.”
  • If you have the hiring manager’s name but are unsure whether to use titles like Mr., Mrs., or Ms., you can leave it out and use their full name. For example, “Dear John Smith” or “Dear Helena Law.”

Avoid starting your cover letter with greetings such as “To whom it may concern” or “Dear sir or madam” — it’s old-fashioned. This page’s cover letter samples can point you in the right direction.

How we reviewed this article

Since 2013, we have helped more than 15 million job seekers. We want to make your career journey accessible and manageable through our services and Career Center’s how-to guides and tips. In our commitment to bring you a transparent process, we present our Editorial Process .

  • ResumeLab. Article. Tomaszewski, Michael.” Is a Cover Letter Necessary in 2023? Do I Need a Cover Letter? “

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Kellie Hanna, CPRW

Kellie Hanna, CPRW

Career advice expert.

Kellie is a Certified Professional Resume Writer with 20+ years of experience in digital media and is passionate about helping job seekers navigate their careers. She earned a B.A. in English and writing from Temple University.

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Just three easy steps

  • Select a template from our library of professional designs
  • Build your cover letter with our industry-specific bullet points
  • Download your cover letter and send!

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Cover Letter Format (w/ Examples & Free Templates)

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Give someone who knows nothing about cooking the ingredients to a perfect meal and you’ll end up with a disorganized, very possibly inedible, meal. 

The same disorganized, quite possibly tasteless, fate awaits your cover letter if you don’t know how to properly format it. 

Getting the cover letter format right is the same as having those coveted cooking skills that can turn the right ingredients into a meal that leaves you wanting more.

Now, if you’re wondering whether your formatting skills are enough to impress recruiters, there’s no need to worry. 

This article is going to show you exactly how to format a cover letter the right way. 

Here’s what we’re going to cover: 

  • What Should Go On a Cover Letter?
  • How to Format Your Cover Letter
  • (Free) Cover Letter Templates You Can Use
  • How to Format Your Cover Letter When Sending It Via Email

The Best Cover Letter Format - What Goes on a Cover Letter

Your cover letter’s format is both how your cover letter looks and how it’s structured. 

So, cover letter formatting includes everything from page margins, spacing, and font size to how long your cover letter should be, how many paragraphs it should have, and what each paragraph should contain. 

Pretty substantial, if you ask us - which is exactly why we’ll go over these elements one by one. Before we do, however, let’s first get the essentials out of the way. 

What exactly goes into a cover letter? The short answer is as follows:  

  • A header , which contains your contact information and the employer’s or recruiter’s contact information.
  • A greeting to the recruiter and the opening paragraph , which you want to use to grab the reader’s attention.
  • The body of your cover letter , which is between 1-3 paragraphs.
  • A closing paragraph , which usually contains a call to action.
  • A formal salutation .

And here’s what that looks like in practice: 

cover letter structure

A Look into Your Cover Letter Format, by Section

In theory, all these rules are pretty straightforward...

But if you’ve ever written a cover letter before, you’ll probably agree with us that actually writing one ain’t all that simple.

In this section, we’ll take you through the entire process of creating a cover letter, section by section!

Starting with:

#1. Header 

Your cover letter’s header should contain your contact info, the date, and the hiring manager’s or employer’s contact info. 

If you’re wondering which contact information you should include and which you should leave out, here are the essentials: 

  • Full name and professional title (where applicable) 
  • Phone number
  • Name and professional title of the hiring manager
  • Name of the company you’re applying to 
  • Company address 

Here’s a visual representation of this: 

cover letter header example

If you want to know more about header formatting, such as what you can optionally include and what you should definitely leave out, head over to our guide on how to start a cover letter . 

#2. Greeting 

After listing your contact information, it’s time to address the cover letter . 

First things first: the impersonal and overly popular “To Whom It May Concern” and “Dear Sir/Madam” are yesterday’s news. They’re impersonal and just about every other applicant uses them. 

And you want your cover letter to stand out, right?

So, greet the hiring manager directly, instead. For example: 

Dear Mr. Brown, Dear Mrs. Waldorf,

If, however, you are unsure about their title, gender, marital status, or pronouns, use their entire name to avoid any mistakes, such as: 

Dear Alex Brown, Dear Blair Waldorf,

Alternatively, the recruiter may hold a title, such as Doctor, Professor, or sergeant, or you might be addressing a letter without a contact person. 

In such cases, here are some do-s and don’t-s to keep in mind: 

Dear John Doe, Dear Mr./Mrs. Doe, Dear Dr. Leonard, Dear Rev. Owen, Dear Marketing Hiring Team, Dear Director of Marketing,

To Whom It May Concern, What’s Up Hiring Team, Dear Sir/Madam, Hey John, Hi there Hiring Team,

#3. Opening Paragraph 

The opening paragraph of your cover letter is where the recruiter first gets to really hear your voice. As such, you’ve got to make it count and grab their attention before they move on to the next applicant.  

And how exactly do you do that? Well, for starters, avoid being generic. You don’t want your opening paragraph to sound as if you’re applying to dozens of jobs with the same letter.

Instead, you want your opening paragraph to mention:

  • Your name, profession, and years of experience.
  • 1-2 of your top achievements (to help you stand out).
  • The name of the firm and position you’re applying for.

Here’s what this would look like in a cover letter:

My name is Ellen and I’d like to join Company X as a marketing expert. I believe that my 5+ years of experience as a marketing specialist, as well as my skills in PPC management and copywriting, will help me drive new users to your platform Additionally, I believe that my past experience in the financial industry will help me excel at the role.

Struggling with writing your own cover letter introduction? Check out our guide on how to start a cover letter effectively! 

#4. Cover Letter Body 

The body of your cover letter usually consists of 1-3 paragraphs and is where you convince the recruiter that you're the right person for the job.

We have a few pointers to help you do that:

  • Don’t just rehash your CV. The recruiter already read it. Instead, use your cover letter to elaborate on your achievements and back them up with even more evidence. 
  • Understand the job requirements. Check the requirements for the position in the job listing, see how you can match them with your strengths and qualifications, and use the body of your cover letter to show you’re a good fit for the job. 
  • Research the company. Also important is to show that you match the company’s culture. Read up about the company you’re applying for and learn what’s their product/service, what are they known for, what kind of culture they have, and so on. Then, in your cover letter, mention a bit about the company’s culture and talk about how you’re a good fit.

And here’s hows the body of your cover letter would look like in practice: 

In my previous role as a Marketing Expert, I also handled the company’s Digital Marketing. During the course of one year, I managed the company’s monthly Facebook ad budget, which amounted to $20,000+ and the process of ad creation and management end-to-end. The process involved creating ad copies, images, picking out the targeting, running optimization trials, and so on. 

In addition to Facebook advertising, I am also knowledgeable in other Pay Per Click channels, such as: 

I actually learned a lot about PPC management basics from your company YouTube channel, and really admire how you guys manage your ad accounts. Since I’m already familiar with how Company X handles ads, I believe that I’d be able to really excel at the role.

#5. Closing Paragraph (And a Call to Action) 

Now, how you end a cover letter is just as important as how you start it. 

As you wrap up your cover letter, it’s important to do the following:

  • Mention anything that you couldn’t in the previous paragraphs . If you have anything left to say, mention it here. 
  • Thank the hiring manager for their time . Good manners go a long way. 
  • Finish the cover letter with a call to action . Your cover letter’s last sentence should be a call to action, such as asking the hiring manager to take some sort of action. 

Here’s an example of that: 

In conclusion, thank you for considering my application. I hope I have the chance to help your company take its marketing initiatives to the next level. It would be great to discuss how my experience so far can make that a reality. 

As for your formal salutation, you can use any of the following “tried and tested” greetings: 

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,

Cover Letter Format Guide 

We went over what goes in your cover letter section by section. However, how your cover letter looks on the outside is just as important. 

Following some standard formatting tips will show the hiring manager that you took the time and put in the effort to hand in the best version of a cover letter, which is sure to help your case. 

Here are the rules that you need to follow: 

  • Keep your cover letter between half and one page in length to make sure the recruiter actually reads the whole thing (if you had to read 100+ cover letters, you’d want applicants to stick to one page too). That’s between 250-400 words long . 
  • Use 1 or 1.5 line spacing throughout your text , and double spacing between paragraphs. 
  • Go for a simple and readable font and set your font size to 11 or 12 pts . Using custom fonts may seem like a good idea, but there’s no guarantee the hiring manager’s computer will have that specific font installed.
  • Save your cover letter in PDF format to make sure the layout stays the same despite the type of software or Operating System (OS) that opens it. 

Or Choose One of Our Cover Letter Templates 

The cover letter is an inseparable part of any application package. As such, you want your cover letter format to be as impeccable as possible. 

And while the formatting rules we’ve listed above aren’t complicated to follow, you’d rather not take any risks with your cover letter format.  

Want to make sure that your cover letter format is impeccable?

Just use a cover letter template!

The format is done for you - all you have to do is fill in the contents. 

cover letter format

Our cover letter templates are well-designed and guaranteed to leave a good impression on the recruiter!

On top of that, all of our templates come with a matching resume template , ensuring that your job application stands out from the rest.

Sending Your Cover Letter Via Email? Here’s How To Do It! 

It’s safe to assume that nowadays, most cover letters are sent via email. That means that you’re probably submitting your email in one of two ways: 

  • Sending it as an email attachment.
  • Uploading it to the company’s webpage.

If that’s the case, you’re good with the formatting rules listed above. 

If, however, you’re sending your cover letter in the body of the email, here’s what you need to do differently: 

  • Write a professional subject line. The best and safest formula is “Name - Position you’re applying to” (e.g. “Helen Simms - Application for Marketing Expert Position”).
  • Remove the header. As the hiring manager’s contact details and the date are no longer necessary, remove the header altogether and place your contact information underneath the formal salutation. 
  • Look out for typos. Check your cover letter and then double-check it. Typing on a keyboard can be tricky; sometimes, a typo might just be a matter of fast typing. Avoid that by being extra careful. 

And you’re about ready to press “Send.”

Key Takeaways

Your cover letter format is a big part of the impression your job application can make. As such, it’s important to get the formatting right. 

Here are the main points this article covers to achieve that: 

  • Make sure to structure your cover letter the right way. 
  • Address your cover letter the right way and write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph.
  • Wrap up your cover letter with a call to action. 
  • Pay attention to the margins, space lining, font size, and cover letter length.
  • If you’re sending your cover letter as the body of your email, make sure to tweak the formatting accordingly.  

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50 Microsoft Word Cover Letter Templates (Free Download!)

I had an interview yesterday and the first thing they said on the phone was: “Wow! I love your cover letter.” Patrick I love the variety of templates. Good job guys, keep up the good work! Dylan My previous cover letter was really weak and I used to spend hours adjusting it in Word. Now, I can introduce any changes within minutes. Absolutely wonderful! George

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Email Cover Letter: Examples & How to Write

How to Write a General Cover Letter That’s Not Generic

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Build your cover letter

Fill in the blanks, choose a template and download your cover letter in minutes.

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Fill in the blanks.

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Everything about a cover letter

What is a cover letter for a job.

A cover letter is part of a resume that concisely presents more information about you as an applicant. A good cover letter has several short paragraphs, shows your interest in the job and any relevant experience you have. As you discover how to write a cover letter, we have some answers to commonly asked questions.

The type of cover letter you use depends on the job description, the company at which you are applying and your personal goals. As you revise your cover letter, highlight your knowledge about the company’s mission, values and culture, and show how you fit into their long-term vision.

An application letter is not always required for job applications. However, looks more professional and shows effort on the applicant’s part. There are four types of cover letters:

  • Value proposition letter: this gives a summary of why you are unique and is similar to the “tell me about yourself” interview question.
  • Letter of interest: this type of letter shows that you are interested in working for a company even if they don’t have current open positions, and shows why you are qualified and an asset.
  • Referral: this format is ideal when you know someone at the company who referred you to the position.
  • Application: the most common cover letter, this provides details about relevant experience and education, and allows you to delve into things that aren’t appropriate in a resume .

Why is a cover letter important for a job application?

A cover letter is important for a job application because it gives more insight into your personality and qualifications than are listed on your resume. It’s an important tool to present yourself as an asset to the company. A great cover letter helps you stand out from the competition when a hiring manager may go through hundreds of applications for each job.

Your cover letter is the initial introduction a company has of you. If it’s well-written and covers your most important strengths, it may propel you to the top of the applicant pool. It emphasizes your core competencies to catch the hiring manager’s attention.

A good job letter also shows personality. Because of space constraints, resumes can often be blunt and to the point with no room for the reader to get a sense of your personality. Therefore, your cover letter highlights the personality traits that make you a good candidate. These traits include things like being self-motivated, a good leader or organized. In your cover letter, elaborate on why you want to make an employment change and why this opportunity is for you.

You can also show your passion for the industry or job. A well-written cover letter emphasizes your understanding of the company’s vision and how you fit into it. A powerful letter shows how the company benefits from your impact.

Finally, a cover letter highlights your writing ability. Employers value those who can articulate their thoughts in writing, and this shows excellent communication skills.

How should a cover letter look in 2024?

A good cover letter is both formatted and flexible. Using cover letter templates can help ensure that you get the right information across to the hiring manager, but it’s still important to adjust and tailor each letter to the specific job application.

Heading: This section should include your name, physical address, phone number and email address. Furthermore, you can use a professional email and include links to an online portfolio, your professional website or relevant social media sites.

Salutation: If you know the name of the hiring manager, use it for a personalized touch. If not, a generic "Dear Hiring Manager" can suffice.

Opening Statement: The first paragraph is an strong opening statement about who you are, what job you want and when you are available. You can skip specific details like the company name in this section.

Company Alignment: Here, dive into why you're drawn to the particular company and the role. Emphasize your passion for the industry and how you see yourself contributing to the organization's goals.

Motivation: The third paragraph is for motivating why you believe you are the best candidate for the job. Here, mention any relevant experience you’ve had, and why you will excel in this job. While your past employment and education are included in your resume or CV , this is the place to add one or two experiences that stand out and make you a good candidate. 

Conclusion: The final paragraph is an outro, and should stay simple and concise. Mention your attached resume, specify where and when you can be reached, and mention that you’d love the chance to discuss the opportunity more.

Should I customize my cover letter for every job application?

Using cover letter and resume templates is a great way to get a basic outline to start and takes save a lot of time as all the formatting is taken care for you. However, it is highly recommended that your cover letter should be customized and tailored for each specific job and role that you're applying for.

A personal cover letter shows you’ve done your research on the company and the position and it provides you with a great opportunity to stand-out from the rest of the competition.

There are several ways to make a cover letter more personal. One way is to connect your personal value to the company’s values. This requires time and research on your part. Read the website and browse their social media profiles to get an idea of what is important to them. Some companies value the bottom line while others focus on their long-term effects on the world, and if you understand that, you can tie your personal values and work ethic into their goals. 

When possible, use the hiring manager or recruiter’s name. Not only does this personalize your letter, it also ensures that your application goes to the right person. 

Share your professional goals. Discuss how the job directly impacts your career path and what you’ve done to create a solid foundation. Pinpoint how the job you’re applying for matches your long-term goals and how you will be an asset to the company.

As you do research to personalize your cover letter, you learn more about every company. This can also give you insight into companies that you don’t want to work for, whose values don’t align with yours.

How do I use Jobseeker’s cover letter generator?

Jobseeker offers CV and resume examples , as well as templates for resumes, CVs and cover letters. Our tool is easy to use and has several free options. Simply click Get Started on our website and click on create a new cover letter to begin.

You can choose from a formal letter, or email and digital text. Input a photo if you choose, your personal information, email address and phone number. There is a spot to fill in the recipient, the date and subject, the introduction, your current job situation, what your motivation is for the job and a closing paragraph. These spots include drop downs that help guide you through the creating process.

Simply fill in these spots and our tool will populate the cover letter. Choose from 12 different styles including Elegant, Professional, Modern and Simple. Adjust the font, size and color to create a cover letter that reflects your goals and personality. 

Jobseeker also allows you to digitally attach a signature, upload your resume and create a custom paragraph for any other information you want to add. This tool is available in a variety of languages and can be downloaded (in PDF format) or printed. You can use the same template to personalize a cover letter each time you apply for a new job.

Can I format my cover letter with Jobseeker’s cover letter generator?

Our convenient tool allows you to not only choose your format, spacing and font, but you can also move each section to where you feel is appropriate. To change the order, simply hover over the section and click the six dots to the left of the text. Use the mouse to move the section where you want it. 

While our examples and templates are a good guideline, we recognize that ultimately it’s your opinion that matters most. We recommend that your personal details, date and subject, recipient and introduction remain in the order we’ve provided, but ultimately you can change the order to fit the job.

Our system mimics that of other word processing programs (such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word) to make it easy to use. Within the Introduction section, our system guides you to choose between four types of applications: open application, response to ad in newspaper or magazine, response to online ad, and other. 

Once you’ve chosen from the dropdowns in each section, the text automatically populates on the cover letter. Our text gives you a starting point, but you can edit any information to match your purposes. As each paragraph is added and you make edits, read through the information and check that your tone and writing style match.

How can I send the cover letter after it is created?

Once your cover letter is done and all applicable fields are filled in, you can download the document as a PDF and send it along with your resume or CV to the recruiter or hiring manager. We also offer an option to receive the cover letter as a plain email if that option works for you.

When writing your cover letter, don’t forget to attach your resume before you send it to the hiring manager or recruiter. Proofread your cover letter every time you change it, and browse our samples to find a professional tone with appropriate language.

What makes Jobseeker’s cover letter builder the best?

When it comes to cover letter, resume and CV templates and resume templates , we have many great options to choose from. However, ease-of-use is where our builder shines above the rest. We strive to keep Jobseeker’s tools updated and customized to match your needs. The benefits of using Jobseeker include the following:

  • Our user-friendly interface makes the creation process simple for those with basic technology experience.
  • Our tool allows you to build a cover letter, CV or resume in more than 20 languages.
  • We provide diverse options when it comes to templates, with more than ten styles to choose from.
  • We allow you to adjust your text, font and spacing to be more exciting, which helps you create an eye-catching cover letter.
  • With our easy formatting tool it is simple to add, remove or move various sections.
  • When you use Jobseeker, you can match your cover letter template to your CV or resume template.

As you browse resume, cover letter and CV examples on our website, you can run through our cover letter maker to see for yourself how easy it is to use, and how quickly we can help you create an eye-catching, attention-grabbing cover letter. Present your best professional image with a well-written, personalized cover letter created with the the Jobseeker tool.

How many words should a cover letter be?

The appropriate length of a cover letter can vary depending on the position and industry, but as a general guideline, it is recommended to keep it concise and focused. A well-crafted cover letter typically ranges from 250 to 400 words. It is important to remember that hiring managers often have limited time to review applications, so it is best to convey your qualifications and enthusiasm in a clear and succinct manner. Instead of writing lengthy paragraphs, aim to highlight your most relevant strengths and accomplishments, using bullet points or short sentences. By keeping your cover letter within this word count range, you can ensure that it remains engaging and impactful without overwhelming the reader with excessive information.

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Land the job with cover letter templates

Show hiring managers why you're the perfect job candidate with professional, customizable cover letter templates. find the perfect cover letter template for any industry or career path..

Cover letter template surrounded by 3D design elements

Download free cover letter templates

Stand out from other job applicants with free, professional cover letter templates. Cover letters are a perfect complement to your resume and provide an effective opportunity to show your personality and enthusiasm for a position. Focus on writing a compelling cover letter and let a professionally designed template do the rest.

These free cover letter templates are perfect for any stage of your career, whether you're looking to land an internship or your dream job. If you're applying for a corporate position, you may want to opt for a simple cover letter template. There are a variety of other cover letter designs available, from basic cover letter templates to creative cover letter templates.

Each of these cover letter templates is customizable in Word , so you can add your own text, change design elements, and more. Print out your cover letter or download it for free to use for online job applications. Once you've customized the perfect cover letter, explore resume templates that will match your cover letter design, or download free business cards for your next networking event.

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  • Cover Letter

12 Cover Letter Templates for Microsoft Word (Free Download)

Maciej Duszyński, CPRW

Our customers have been hired by:

You’re about to see a selection of 12 free downloadable Word cover letter templates we’ve picked just for you!

This list will deliver.

We’ve spent hours looking for the best free yet professional MS Word templates for cover letters so you don’t have to.

Let’s cut to the chase.

This article will show you:

  • Free Word cover letter templates better than 9 out of 10 others.
  • Examples of downloadable Word cover letter templates from all over the Internet.
  • Our selection of professional Word cover letter templates.
  • Instructions on how to use a cover letter template in Word.

Or, you might want to jump right into our resume builder and have your resume and cover letter ready in a snap. Here’s a sample resume and cover letter made in our builder.

Want to write your cover letter fast?  Use our cover letter builder. See 20+ cover letter templates and create your cover letter here.  that match your resume. See actionable examples and get expert tips along the way.

Create your cover letter now

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Cover Letter for a Resume— See more cover letter examples here .

One of our users, Valcia, had this to say:

Zety is an excellent resume and cover letter generator with excellent customer service. I love it!

Note: we have designed all our resume templates to be ATS-scannable .

Looking for resume templates? Visit our gallery: Resume Templates Word: 15+ Free CV/Resume Formats to Download

If you are looking for a cover letter example for a specific field, see:

  • Business Cover Letter
  • Customer Service Cover Letter
  • Executive Cover Letter
  • Generic Cover Letter
  • Graphic Designer Cover Letter
  • High School Cover Letter
  • IT Cover Letter
  • Journalism Cover Letter
  • Office Assistant Cover Letter
  • Recent Graduate Cover Letter
  • Teacher Cover Letter

You can find other template here:

  • Modern Cover Letter Template
  • Google Docs Cover Letter Template
  • Entry Level Cover Letter Template
  • Letter of Motivation Template

Cover Letter Template: Word—Free Downloadable Examples

Crisp and clean.

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This modern Microsoft Word cover letter template was co-developed by Microsoft and MOO. Simple geometric design elements not only give it an original look but also divide it into easily scannable sections. Its yellowy-orange colors hint at creativity and attract the reader’s attention.

Here’s the link to this Word cover letter template.

Zoki Design’s Free Template

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This minimal, free Word cover letter template has been created by Behance’s Zoki Design. The two-column layout keeps the clutter at bay, and lets you take full advantage of a single page’s real estate. It’s fully customizable and available for download in three file formats (Photoshop, Illustrator, and MS Word).

Bold Monogram

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A good monogram is not to be scoffed at. If Louis Vuitton knows that, there’s definitely something to it! The eponymous bold monogram, well-planned two-column layout, and eye-catching colors are what makes this free Word cover letter template hard to ignore. Attention-grabber ought to be its middle name.

Simple Resume

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Leonardo DaVinci reportedly said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. This simple Word cover letter template is easily editable and ready for print. The ingeniously minimal blue stripe along the left edge triggers an involuntary nod of approval. Comes in three formats: Word, Pages, and Google Docs.

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If the sky’s the limit, the Blue Sky MS Word cover letter template will make you soar. It’s stylish and fully customizable. Its clean layout and good use of white space help the reader concentrate. Plus, the color blue stimulates clear thought and has a calming effect.

Professional Fresher Cover Letter

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This professional cover letter template for Word focuses on the content. Its traditional layout and formatting allow for no distractions. The subtle triangular graphic elements at the top and bottom make it look inconspicuously original.

Contemporary Photo

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Colorful and original. This free cover letter template for Word will work best for creative individuals who are willing to move mountains. Or even flip them upside down! With all these graphical additions, even a short cover letter will look great. Eye-catching, well-organized, stylish, and playfully professional.

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This resume cover page is modest and elegant. It’s been specifically designed in such a way as to give your name special prominence. Its traditional layout is entirely distraction-free.

Free Minimal Resume Template

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This slick professional Word cover letter template comes straight from Behance’s Paul Resume. Thanks to the two-column layout it’s free from clutter, and you can easily focus on the letter’s main body. You can download it for free as a Word, Photoshop, or Illustrator file format.

cover letter template word

Creativity knows no limits. Sometimes it takes the shape of a creative cover letter template for Word. The Creative template, developed by MOO in cooperation with Microsoft, combines interesting graphic elements, colors, and fonts to achieve a truly synergistic effect. For those who value originality (and zigzags.)

Graphicpup’s Resume Freebie

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Black and white will always be in vogue. This Word cover letter template is perfect for artists, designers, and other creatives. All the more so, as it’s part of a resume, portfolio, and cover letter bundle. Available for download as MS Word, PS, AI, or PDF, among others. Fully customizable. Very effective heading.

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A monogram. A prominent heading. Two columns. A row of modern icons at the bottom to top it all off. Is it even possible to get more polished than that? This free Word cover letter template will surely get you noticed.

How to Get a Cover Letter Template on Microsoft Word?

There are two options:

1. Use Microsoft Word on Your Hard Drive

If you have a copy of Microsoft Word on your hard drive, all you really have to do is download your Word cover letter template of choice, double-click on the file, and start editing. (Oh, you may have to unzip a file or two along the way.)

This option is not entirely free because you need to either have an Office 365 subscription or own an older version of MS Word.

2. Use Microsoft Word Online for Free

You don’t have an Office 365 subscription, but you’d still like to use Microsoft Word and one of the Word cover letter templates from our list.

Here’s the good news:

It’s doable, 100% free, and legal. But—

It’s not the most effective method. (More on that below.)

This is how to edit a cover letter template in Word Online

  • Create a free Microsoft account here .
  • If you already a Microsoft account, sign in here.
  • To start using Word Online, just click on the app launcher icon in the top left corner and select Word.

You can select one of the basic Word cover letter templates available straight from Word Online, and start editing right away.

You can download one of the best Word cover letter templates from our list.

And this is where the fun begins, because—

Word Online doesn’t support the .dotx file format, which is the standard for Word cover letter templates.

So, this is what you need to do:

  • Convert the .dotx into .docx. Use a free online file converter. Like this one , for example.
  • Upload the converted file to your One Drive. A simple drag and drop will do the job!
  • Open the file and start editing.

But beware!

The converted files tend to be truly... unruly.

Here are some issues I came across:

  • Some Word cover letter templates aren’t fully editable. (Sooo, frustrating!)
  • The formatting looks a bit off in some documents. But—comes back to normal when you export the file to PDF. (All this is quite confusing, really.)
  • The editing process tended to be veeeeeery time-consuming. (I spent more time trying to figure things out than doing anything meaningful.)

So, how about giving our resume builder a try? It will save you tons of time, and you’ll have your resume and matching cover letter ready in a flash!

Here’s a sample cover letter and resume template available in our builder:

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here.  Here's what it may look like:

A set of professional documents that match, including a resume and cover letter, created with the Zety resume builder utilizing the Modern resume template that features a two-column layout and decorative rectangles in the header and footer areas.

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaways

  • The Internet is mindbogglingly big, but:
  • If you dig deep enough, it’s possible to find well designed, free Word cover letter templates. Plus, most of them have a matching Word resume template .
  • Make sure the Word cover letter template you choose matches the industry and employer.
  • Some of the Word cover letter templates can be fully customized for free with the use of Word Online.
  • But remember: at the end of the day you get what you pay for, so set your expectations accordingly.

And remember:

Even though a Word cover template may look impressive, it still needs something more than lorem ipsum .

So, before you start writing, read  How To Write A Cover Letter in 8 Simple Steps (+12 Examples) .

And let’s not forget a cover letter would mean nothing without a winning resume!

Here’s a list of our guides you might be interested in:

Start with the basics: How to Make a Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide (+30 Examples)

Choose the best resume format for your needs: Resume Formats: Pick the Best One in 3 Steps (Examples & Templates)

Learn How to Start a Resume: A Complete Guide With Tips & 15+ Examples

Check out how to hack your resume using resume keywords , and avoid making some typical mistakes: Resume Dos and Don'ts: 50+ Tips & Advice on Building Great Resumes

Are there any other Word cover letter templates that you think we could add to our selection? Any you experiencing any issues with Word cover letter templates? You’re welcome to reach out to us in the comments below!

About Zety’s Editorial Process

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.

Maciej Duszyński, CPRW

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Apply With a Cover Letter People Remember

Cover letter templates you can edit and download as pdf.

Get started easily with your cover letter writing by choosing a cover letter template. Simply pick a template and start filling in your information.

All our cover letter templates are ATS-friendly and expertly designed to match our resume and CV templates. This ensures that you stand a better chance of getting an interview, and most importantly, your dream job.


Professional Cover Letter Template

This professional cover letter template will surely make you stand out. The template has an easy to read layout and crisp details.

Designer Cover Letter Template

If you're applying for a creative role, this designer's template surely gives you an edge when matched with our designer's resume template.

Classic Cover Letter Template

The classic cover letter template has the most reader friendly layout as per many recruiters. Choose this template if you're sure to apply through many applicant tracking systems.

Minimalist Cover Letter Template

The minimalist cover letter template is ideal for a more conservative role. Use this template to show structure, and your organisational talent.

Basic Cover letter Template

The basic cover letter template gives a clear and recognizable layout. It's easy for the recruiter to read the content with a classic look.

Creative Cover letter Template

A creative cover letter template for those who work within the fields of marketing, graphic design or similar. Impress the employer by oozing personality and creativity.

Functional Cover Letter Template

A functional cover letter template made to match the functional resume and CV template. Combine both templates to increase the chance for a job interview.

Student Cover Letter Template

A cover letter template for students who are searching for an internship or their first full time employment. The candidate's chances greatly increase with a cool design.

Simple Cover Letter Template

Simple cover letter template designed with two columns. The template will reflect your professional personality no matter which industry you work in.


Traditional Cover Letter Template

The traditional cover letter template, which still is a go to favourite by many.

Modern Cover Letter Template

Good looking two column modern cover letter template, where you effortlessly stand out with an eye-catching yet simple design.

Elegant Cover Letter Template

A minimalistic two column elegant cover letter template designed for better readability, which helps the recruiter.

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Cover Letters That Help You Land a Job

Cover letter templates designed to match.

All cover letter templates are designed to match our resume and CV templates. By combining the looks and feel you will impress recruiters and stand out among many other applicants.

Cover letter templates for every career

It doesn't matter if you are seeking an internship, an entry-level job or even a managerial position. Our cover letter templates are built to be used in every industry, just remember it should always reflect your professional personality while meeting your industry's standards.

Our cover letter templates are ATS-friendly

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter out unqualified cover letters or resumes before they land at the recruiter’s desk. These systems use software trained to scan your cover letter and resume for keywords listed in the job description. All of our templates can only be formatted with ATS-friendly fonts, line height and so on.

Why use a cover letter template?

By using a cover letter template you make sure that you don't miss any necessary information, and the formatting is on point at all times. You only get one chance to impress the recruiter, and you don't want to do any sloppy mistakes. Stick to a professional template.

Download cover letters in PDF format

As you fill out and write your cover letter, your data is saved, and with a single click within the cover letter builder you can download as a 100% ATS-compliant PDF file. No flicking around a lot of open windows, making it hard to keep track of your progress.

Frequently asked questions

  • 1. What is a cover letter?
  • 2. What do I include in a cover letter?
  • 3. What do I write in a cover letter?
  • 4. How long should a cover letter be?

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a one page document, that contains additional information about you. It should be tailored to a specific job listing that you are applying for. The letter is directly addressed to the recruiter or hiring manager of that job listing.

When applying for a job, it is usually required to apply with both a resume and a cover letter. Thus, the cover letter cannot stand alone.

The cover letter itself and its content has to contain details about your overall professional qualifications and experiences that best fit the job listing.

What do I include in a cover letter?

You can divide a cover letter into a few sections. The purpose of this is to make it comfortable and easily understable for the reader. The goal is to make them remember what you’re actually trying to tell them and how the company you are applying to can benefit from hiring you.

Here's a quick go-to build:

Cover letter header

Name, phone, address, date

The hiring manager’s name and the company you are applying to

Proper greeting

Ie. Dear Melanie

First paragraph

Opening lines where you intend to hook the reader

Second paragraph

Why you are a great fit for the company

Third paragraph

Why the company is a great fit for you

Short closing with a formal thank you

Make yourself available to any further discussions and say thank you for their time

What do I write in a cover letter?

The content of the cover letter depends on the job listing. A good strategy is to pick out the relevant skills and requirements that the company is looking for through the job listing, and ultimately build your case around it and show with action verbs how you fit into them.

Be sure to check out our Career Blog for inspiration on how to tackle cover letter writing or anything related. There's so much incredible free advice.

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should be short, but explanatory and concise. To be more specific, keep it around 300 words at maximum, and always just at one page. Truth is that most recruiters or hiring managers don't read further than the first few lines.

Therefore be critical, and ask yourself:

  • Is this really a good idea to include, or is it just a filler?
  • Does it help me, or does it confuse the reader?

You have to promise yourself that you keep very professional about it.

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To download your resume simply upgrade to Premium Membership. You’ll gain instant full access to all our features.

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  • Lettere di presentazione

Lettera di presentazione in inglese (cover letter): esempio

Antonino Casablanca

Menzionato da:

Stai scrivendo una lettera di presentazione in inglese e non sai dove mettere mano?

Non preoccuparti stai consultando la guida giusta! 

Scrivere una lettera di presentazione in inglese non è semplice ma grazie a questo articolo sarai pronto a creare la tua cover letter in inglese in modo efficace e in pochi minuti. 

Continua a leggere e imparerai a scrivere una tua lettera di presentazione in inglese per qualsiasi candidatura all’estero.

Con il builder online di LiveCareer puoi scrivere la tua lettera di presentazione in modo semplice e immediato. Sfrutta uno dei nostri modelli di lettera di presentazione , rispondi a un paio di domande e lascia che LiveCareer si preoccupi di tutto il resto.


Esempio di lettera di presentazione in inglese

Stai cercando una lettera di presentazione per un nuovo lavoro? Potrebbero interessarti anche queste guide:

  • Lettera di presentazione da insegnante
  • Lettera di presentazione receptionist
  • Lettera motivazionale per tirocinio
  • Lettera motivazionale master
  • Lettera di presentazione da commessa
  • Lettera di presentazione per la ristorazione
  • Lettera di presentazione da avvocato
  • Lettera di presentazione per specialista di eventi
  • Lettera di presentazione per lavoro
  • Lettera di presentazione agente di commercio
  • Lettera di presentazione PDF
  • Lettera di presentazione per ogni azienda
  • 9 errori da evitare in una lettera di presentazione

Non è abbastanza? Dai un’occhiata a tutti gli altri esempi di lettera di presentazione di LiveCareer!

Esempio di lettera di presentazione in inglese

Jeremy Keane

5 Quantock Gardens

077 1927 5965

[email protected]

18th January 2023

Elizabeth Mirror

Marketing Hiring Manager

One Day Agency

16 Great Chapel St 


Dear Ms Mirror,

Being a long-time admirer of the outstanding work of One Day Agency on content creation, I was glad to read about the opportunity to apply for a copywriter position. 

During my 4 years as a copywriter with Make Agency, I have written over 400 blog posts for clients from the fintech, luxury fashion and travel industries. Thanks to my SEO knowledge, I increased the website’s traffic by an average of 15% and improved the CTR by ~ 3%. 

I'm a part of a 4 people team where we usually work on team-oriented projects, but many of them are also individually assigned to us. I have been praised for my ability to develop excellent creative ideas, easily accept feedback and adjust my copy accordingly. Also, I'm very organised, as I manage multiple projects at once. Considering One Day Agency is one of the most successful UK creative agencies, I hope my extensive copywriting experience will significantly benefit the company.

I appreciate your taking the time to read my application. Can we schedule a call to discuss this role further? I'm available every day this week, early morning and after 5 pm.

I look forward to hearing from you! 

Yours faithfully,

Come si dice lettera di presentazione in inglese?

La parola lettera di presentazione in inglese viene tradotta con cover letter o covering letter. Entrambe le espressioni sono utilizzate nel Regno Unito. Questa è molto richiesta dai recruiter e dagli HR manager poiché si tratta del primo documento che analizzano in una candidatura.

È fondamentale quindi creare una lettera di presentazione in inglese adeguata per far conoscere meglio il tuo profilo all’azienda per la quale ti sei candidato e trasmettere una buona impressione di te.

1. Scegli il giusto formato della tua lettera di presentazione in inglese

Potresti trattare la redazione di una cover letter in inglese come quella di una lettera di presentazione generica . Niente di più sbagliato!

Per strutturare al meglio una lettera di presentazione in inglese infatti dovrai utilizzare una formattazione diversa e ben precisa che ti permetterà di accedere ai migliori lavori all’estero.

Applica questi semplici accorgimenti alla tua cover letter in inglese:

  • Imposta i margini a 2,5 cm.
  • Interlinea a 1,5 cm.
  • Utilizza un carattere leggibile come ad esempio Times New Roman o Arial. 

Quando invii la tua candidatura sul sito dell’azienda assicurati di caricare il giusto formato che viene richiesto, sia che si tratti di un PDF o di un Word .

Indipendentemente dalla posizione per la quale stai scrivendo la tua lettera di presentazione in inglese, dovrai:

  • Inserire le tue informazioni di contatto a destra e quelle del datore di lavoro sotto, a sinistra.
  • Iniziare la cover letter in inglese con: “ Dear Mr Brown” (per gli uomini), “ Dear Ms Black” (per le donne) se conosci il nome e cognome dell’hiring manager o la persona responsabile per quella posizione. In caso contrario puoi utilizzare espressioni del tipo: “ To whom it may concern” (A chi di dovere) o semplicemente Dear Hiring manager .
  • Riassumere le tue migliori qualità in qualche riga per convincere il recruiter che tu sia il candidato ideale per questo impiego. 
  • Specificare i maggiori risultati ottenuti quantificandoli con dei numeri.
  • Parlare delle tue competenze professionali e motivare la tua volontà di lavorare per quell’azienda. 
  • Chiudere la tua cover letter in inglese chiedendo di fissare un colloquio conoscitivo di presenza così da poter esprimere tutto il tuo potenziale. 
  • Salutare con cortesia e inserire la tua firma.

Costruisci una lettera di presentazione adeguata a seconda del lavoro che desideri. Non devi far altro che inserire il tuo titolo professionale e il nome dell’azienda e il nostro builder di lettera di presentazione penserà a tutto il resto. Rapido, intuitivo ed efficace.

editor di lettera di presentazione

2. Aggiungi l’intestazione della tua lettera di presentazione in inglese

Per scrivere una buona intestazione di lettera di presentazione in inglese, è fondamentale seguire un ordine ben preciso che sia facile da leggere per il recruiter.

L’intestazione della tua cover letter in inglese sarà totalmente diversa da quella di una lettera di presentazione per autocandidatura .

Questo esempio di cover letter in inglese ti mostrerà in modo pratico come fare:

Esempio d'intestazione per cover letter in inglese

3. crea il primo paragrafo della lettera di presentazione in inglese.

Il primo paragrafo della lettera di presentazione in inglese è fondamentale per convincere il tuo recruiter a darti un colpo di telefono già dopo aver letto la prima frase. 

L’inglese è una lingua più sintetica dell’italiano, vai subito al dunque: presentati bene spiegando il motivo per il quale stai scrivendo all’azienda e specifica la posizione per la quale ti stai candidando. Ma come scrivere una lettera di presentazione in inglese con un primo paragrafo adeguato?

Utilizza una forma di cortesia per indirizzare la lettera: 

  • Nel caso il recruiter sia un uomo usa “ Dear Mr Robinson”.
  • Nel caso si tratti di una donna puoi optare per “Dear Ms Johson” (fai attenzione a non utilizzare Miss poiché si usa solo per le donne non sposate invece Ms si usa indifferentemente per entrambe).
  • Se non conosci il destinatario utilizza una forma generica come “ Dear Hiring Manager” , “ To whom it may concern ” o anche “ Dear [nome di dipartimento] Team ” (ad esempio “ Dear Content Team ”) quando non riesci ha trovare il nome e il titolo della persona alla quale stai inviando la lettera.

Esempi di apertura di una lettera di presentazione in inglese

Being a long-time admirer of the outstanding work of One Day Agency on content creation, I was glad to read about the opportunity to apply for a copywriter position.

Blocco dello scrittore? Niente paura, con il nostro editor di lettera di presentazione non devi preoccuparti di nulla. LiveCareer ti offre decine di contenuti già pronti e suggerimenti di recruiter esperti per tirare fuori il massimo dalla tua candidatura.

editor di lettera di presentazione online

4. Realizza il corpo della cover letter in inglese

Se sei riuscito a far leggere la tua cover letter in inglese fino a questo punto vuol dire che stai facendo bene e sei molto più vicino ottenere il tuo lavoro all’estero .

Adesso in questa sezione dovrai inserire le tue esperienze lavorative passate che siano in linea con la posizione per la quale stai mandando la tua application .

Ecco un esempio del corpo della tua cover letter in inglese:

Esempio del corpo della cover letter in inglese

5. inserisci le tue competenze nella lettera di presentazione in inglese.

La lettera di presentazione in inglese è fondamentale per dare informazioni aggiuntive circa le competenze acquisite e mettere in risalto le soft skills del CV (come ad esempio le competenze comunicative ).

In questa sezione dovrai infatti parlare delle tue competenze e di come le sfrutterai nella posizione per la quale ti stai candidando. Cerca sempre di bilanciare le tu competenze trasversali con le tue competenze tecniche ( hard skills nel CV ).

Inoltre, dovrai motivare la tua scelta di candidarti per quella posizione. Ad esempio potresti dire che sei molto interessato a quel lavoro, perché potrebbe consentirti di fare un’ esperienza all’estero .

Esempio di competenze nella lettera di presentazione in inglese

I'm a part of a 4 people team where we usually work on team-oriented projects, but many of them are also individually assigned to us. I have been praised for my ability to develop excellent creative ideas, easily accept feedback and adjust my copy accordingly. Also, I'm very organised, as I manage multiple projects at once.

6. Concludi la tua cover letter in inglese con una call to action

Se vuoi che la tua cover letter non finisca nella sezione Trash della posta elettronica del tuo recruiter dovrai spingerlo a chiamarti con una call to action . Aggiungere una call to action , cioè una frase che inviti a un’azione da parte del selezionatore, può fare la differenza in una candidatura.

Ma come concludere una lettera di presentazione in inglese?

Nel pratico potresti scrivere che vorresti fissare una chiamata per un primo colloquio conoscitivo specificando ad esempio i giorni della settimana e gli orari in cui sei disponibile. Grazie a questo accorgimento potresti ricevere direttamente un mail con invito su Google Meet in uno dei giorni e negli orari che hai inserito nella tua cover letter in inglese.

Esempio di call to action in una cover letter in inglese

Considering One Day Agency is one of the most successful UK creative agencies, I hope my extensive copywriting experience will significantly benefit the company.

7. Punti chiave da considerare quando scrivi una cover letter in inglese

Ecco un riassunto dei punti fondamentali da seguire per avere un’ottima cover letter in inglese: 

  • Cura l’ impaginazione : imposta i margini e utilizza un carattere che sia ben leggibile. 
  • Inizia con un bel paragrafo introduttivo per attirare l’attenzione del recruiter. 
  • Aggiungi il corpo centrale concentrandoti sui tuoi successi. Supporta le tue affermazioni con dei numeri e risultati.
  • Inserisci le tue competenze e motiva la tua scelta di voler entrare a far parte di quella determinata azienda. 
  • Concludi con una call to action proponendoti per un colloquio di persona.

Grazie a questa guida adesso sei pronto a inviare la tua candidatura per le migliori aziende all’estero.

La tua candidatura non può dirsi completa senza un curriculum vitae convincente. Grazie al CV maker di LiveCareer puoi crearne uno in pochi minuti! Dai un’occhiata ai nostri modelli e sfrutta i testi precompilati per costruire una candidatura di successo.


Crea un curriculum velocemente!

esempio di curriculum vitae

Ti ringraziamo per aver letto la nostra guida. Se hai bisogno di consigli per la tua lettera di presentazione in inglese puoi scriverci qui nei commenti e ti aiuteremo al più presto! Alla prossima.

Come revisioniamo i contenuti di LiveCareer

Il nostro team editoriale ha accuratamente verificato che questo articolo sia in conformità con le linee guida editoriali di LiveCareer . Ciò è essenziale per assicurare che i consigli e le raccomandazioni dei nostri esperti siano uniformi in tutte le nostre guide sulla carriera e che rispecchino gli standard e le attuali tendenze nella redazione di curriculum vitae e lettere di presentazione. Ogni anno, aiutiamo oltre 10 milioni di persone nella ricerca del lavoro ideale. Prima di pubblicare ogni articolo, conduciamo ricerche e controlli accurati per garantire che i nostri contenuti siano allineati con le tendenze e le esigenze del mercato attuale.


Antonino Casablanca è un esperto di carriere e un copywriter certificato che si è occupato per diversi anni della creazione di contenuti digitali. Ha ottenuto una laurea triennale in Interpretariato e una laurea specialistica in Inghilterra presso la University of Essex. Interessato al mondo dell’istruzione e della crescita personale, nell’ultimo anno ha aiutato diversi lavoratori nella loro crescita professionale. Dal 2022, Antonino scrive guide pratiche su CV e lettere di presentazione per diverse professioni fornendo ai lettori di LiveCareer informazioni accurate seguendo le linee editoriali di LiveCareer.

Valuta questo articolo:

Lettera di presentazione in inglese

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  6. Cover Letter Example Simple

    cover letter in inglese download


  1. Cover letter (сопроводительное письмо к резюме) на английском: примеры, фразы, советы

  2. How to write cover letter in one minute for any job/NGO/INGO/Private firm||

  3. How To Pronounce UNDERSTANDABLE



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  1. Cover letter: esempi di lettera di presentazione in inglese

    Cover letter example 1: esempio lettera di presentazione in inglese per studenti senza esperienza, candidatura stage (documento Word 1Kb). Cover letter example 2: esempio lettera di presentazione ...

  2. Free Cover Letter Template for Your Resume (Copy & Paste)

    Pantheon. The "Pantheon" cover letter template's bold header projects confidence, making it ideal for executives. 2024. Designed for the modern job seeker, our "2024" cover letter template is perfect for people in any industry. Classic. "The Classic" cover letter template is clean, traditional, and the perfect format to start off your application.

  3. How to write the perfect cover letter in English

    A cover letter, also referred to as a letter of application in some cases, is a letter - now document - sent along with your CV detailing why you are a qualified candidate for the job in question. Cover letters can't be a simple one-size-fits-all, like your CV. They need to be tailored to the job you're applying for, the company, and ...

  4. Free Word Cover Letter Templates to Download Now

    15. Geometric Word Doc Cover Letter Template. Edit it online. Download as a DOCX. A modern, creative design, this Word cover letter template brilliantly showcases your artistic side. Use it when applying for a creative type job, such as for a graphic designer cover letter.

  5. Free Cover Letter Templates [Customize & Download]

    This straightforward cover letter template free download places your name front and center. Executive. The elegant design of this sample cover letter template commands attention. Managerial. Make a bold statement with this modern cover letter template, which offers customizable colors and fonts. Original.

  6. 16+ Cover Letter Templates [Get Started in 1 Click]

    Some might like a shiny & flashy cover letter template, while others might think it's tacky. As a rule of thumb, though, we usually recommend customizing each cover letter for the company you're sending it to. Build a professional cover letter within minutes. Pick one of our 16 top templates, fill it in online, and download it in one click.

  7. Create your Europass Cover Letter

    Keep it short. You cover letter should not be longer than one page. First paragraph - why you are motivated to apply for the position, Second paragraph - how you are the most suitable candidate for the position, and. Third Paragraph - why the company is a good match for you.

  8. Cover Letter Format (w/ Examples & Free Templates)

    Check out our guide on how to start a cover letter effectively! #4. Cover Letter Body. The body of your cover letter usually consists of 1-3 paragraphs and is where you convince the recruiter that you're the right person for the job. We have a few pointers to help you do that: Don't just rehash your CV.

  9. Professional Cover Letter Templates

    The "Standard" cover letter is perfect for job applicants in semi-formal industries, where a modern twist on a traditional cover letter is a great way to stand out from the crowd. Format and Style. Major Features. Bold full-color header; Margins. Top - 2.54 cm; Bottom - 1 cm; Left - 1.9 cm; Right - 1.9 cm; Text Details. Name/Header ...

  10. 50 Microsoft Word Cover Letter Templates (Free Download!)

    This minimalist MS Word cover letter template gets your points across without a lot of distraction. The header spotlights your name and title. Download it free here. 5. Everest Orange. This cover letter template Word doc leads with a dark, sharp header, with hex icons for important contact info. Download it free here.

  11. Simple Cover Letter Templates [Word & PDF] Download for free

    Simple cover letter templates. Finish your application and get hired with ease. Our simple templates are the right balance of attractive and functional design. A timeless cover letter template with a touch of formality. This cover letter template makes a bold introduction with clean space and a heavy font. Structured, functional cover letter ...

  12. Write an impressive cover letter in minutes

    Download a perfectly written cover letter. Write a cover letter step-by-step with our intuitive generator. Create cover letter. Build your cover letter in a few simple steps. Just choose a template that coordinates with your resume, fill in the blanks, and download it instantly.

  13. Free Cover Letter Templates for 2024 (Download)

    These free downloadable cover letter templates outline your top accomplishments with sophistication and style. They are well-suited for any industry and will speak volumes about your professionalism. Here is a curated selection of our top six free downloadable cover letter templates: Contempo. Pacific.

  14. Free cover letter templates

    Each of these cover letter templates is customizable in Word, so you can add your own text, change design elements, and more. Print out your cover letter or download it for free to use for online job applications. Once you've customized the perfect cover letter, explore resume templates that will match your cover letter design, or download free ...

  15. 40+ Basic Cover Letter Templates: Free for Word & G Docs

    Basic & Simple Cover Letter Templates. Need a no-frills cover letter? Present yourself as a serious candidate with these basic & simple cover letter templates, available for both Microsoft Word and Google Docs. For more options, browse the rest of our cover letter templates. Build My Cover Letter Now. Classic. Chicago.

  16. 55+ Cover Letter Templates in Docx & Pdf

    Free Cover Letter Templates. These cover letters have been made with the, absolutely free, cover letter tool (AI-assisted) from Here you can download the Pdf- & JPEG files, but with the tool, also in Word format, so you can keep editing them yourself. Create Cover Letter.

  17. Free printable cover letter templates you can customize

    When you've finished editing, download your free cover letter as a PDF file or export it in a shareable link or high-resolution image format. Don't worry—your file remains in your Canva account, so you can always create a new cover letter from your template. Make multiple copies to customize for every company you apply to.

  18. 12 Cover Letter Templates for Microsoft Word (Free Download)

    Graphicpup's Resume Freebie. Black and white will always be in vogue. This Word cover letter template is perfect for artists, designers, and other creatives. All the more so, as it's part of a resume, portfolio, and cover letter bundle. Available for download as MS Word, PS, AI, or PDF, among others. Fully customizable.

  19. A cover letter

    Worksheets and downloads. A cover letter - exercises 776.26 KB. A cover letter - answers 261.29 KB. A cover letter - letter 523.41 KB. A cover letter - writing practice 384.55 KB.

  20. 25 cover letter examples

    Cover letter example #1: The attention-grabbing headline. Via Venngage. As with any piece of writing, a compelling headline helps to immediately capture the reader's attention. You can see this in action in the above resume for Sandra Barnes. She has used bold typography to highlight her name, accompanied by a succinct tagline.

  21. Free Cover Letter Maker

    Start inspired with free and ready-made templates from Canva Docs, then enhance your cover letter with striking visuals from our library. Our free online cover letter maker gives you many aesthetic layouts you can easily customize. From subtle styles to bold, our design options cater to various preferences and themes.

  22. Professional Cover Letter Templates for 2024 [Download Now]

    Download cover letters in PDF format. As you fill out and write your cover letter, your data is saved, and with a single click within the cover letter builder you can download as a 100% ATS-compliant PDF file. No flicking around a lot of open windows, making it hard to keep track of your progress.

  23. Lettera di presentazione in inglese (cover letter): esempio

    Per strutturare al meglio una lettera di presentazione in inglese infatti dovrai utilizzare una formattazione diversa e ben precisa che ti permetterà di accedere ai migliori lavori all'estero. Applica questi semplici accorgimenti alla tua cover letter in inglese: Imposta i margini a 2,5 cm. Interlinea a 1,5 cm.

  24. Home

    Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU. Europass also matches user skills and interests such as location and topic to success suitable jobs. It is a useful tool to find information on studying or working in the Europe.

  25. Pesticide Storage Inventory Due May 1st: Download Rutgers Templates

    Cover Letter - All licensed pesticide applicators and dealers who store pesticides are required by law to send a copy of their storage inventor(ies) with an explanatory cover letter to the local fire company. Specifically, NJDEP regulations provide: "The cover letter shall explain that this list has been sent pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:30-9.5(b ...