
Psychology Case Study Examples: A Deep Dive into Real-life Scenarios

Psychology Case Study Examples

Peeling back the layers of the human mind is no easy task, but psychology case studies can help us do just that. Through these detailed analyses, we’re able to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior, emotions, and cognitive processes. I’ve always found it fascinating how a single person’s experience can shed light on broader psychological principles.

Over the years, psychologists have conducted numerous case studies—each with their own unique insights and implications. These investigations range from Phineas Gage’s accidental lobotomy to Genie Wiley’s tragic tale of isolation. Such examples not only enlighten us about specific disorders or occurrences but also continue to shape our overall understanding of psychology .

As we delve into some noteworthy examples , I assure you’ll appreciate how varied and intricate the field of psychology truly is. Whether you’re a budding psychologist or simply an eager learner, brace yourself for an intriguing exploration into the intricacies of the human psyche.

Understanding Psychology Case Studies

Diving headfirst into the world of psychology, it’s easy to come upon a valuable tool used by psychologists and researchers alike – case studies. I’m here to shed some light on these fascinating tools.

Psychology case studies, for those unfamiliar with them, are in-depth investigations carried out to gain a profound understanding of the subject – whether it’s an individual, group or phenomenon. They’re powerful because they provide detailed insights that other research methods might miss.

Let me share a few examples to clarify this concept further:

  • One notable example is Freud’s study on Little Hans. This case study explored a 5-year-old boy’s fear of horses and related it back to Freud’s theories about psychosexual stages.
  • Another classic example is Genie Wiley (a pseudonym), a feral child who was subjected to severe social isolation during her early years. Her heartbreaking story provided invaluable insights into language acquisition and critical periods in development.

You see, what sets psychology case studies apart is their focus on the ‘why’ and ‘how’. While surveys or experiments might tell us ‘what’, they often don’t dig deep enough into the inner workings behind human behavior.

It’s important though not to take these psychology case studies at face value. As enlightening as they can be, we must remember that they usually focus on one specific instance or individual. Thus, generalizing findings from single-case studies should be done cautiously.

To illustrate my point using numbers: let’s say we have 1 million people suffering from condition X worldwide; if only 20 unique cases have been studied so far (which would be quite typical for rare conditions), then our understanding is based on just 0.002% of the total cases! That’s why multiple sources and types of research are vital when trying to understand complex psychological phenomena fully.

In the grand scheme of things, psychology case studies are just one piece of the puzzle – albeit an essential one. They provide rich, detailed data that can form the foundation for further research and understanding. As we delve deeper into this fascinating field, it’s crucial to appreciate all the tools at our disposal – from surveys and experiments to these insightful case studies.

Importance of Case Studies in Psychology

I’ve always been fascinated by the human mind, and if you’re here, I bet you are too. Let’s dive right into why case studies play such a pivotal role in psychology.

One of the key reasons they matter so much is because they provide detailed insights into specific psychological phenomena. Unlike other research methods that might use large samples but only offer surface-level findings, case studies allow us to study complex behaviors, disorders, and even treatments at an intimate level. They often serve as a catalyst for new theories or help refine existing ones.

To illustrate this point, let’s look at one of psychology’s most famous case studies – Phineas Gage. He was a railroad construction foreman who survived a severe brain injury when an iron rod shot through his skull during an explosion in 1848. The dramatic personality changes he experienced after his accident led to significant advancements in our understanding of the brain’s role in personality and behavior.

Moreover, it’s worth noting that some rare conditions can only be studied through individual cases due to their uncommon nature. For instance, consider Genie Wiley – a girl discovered at age 13 having spent most of her life locked away from society by her parents. Her tragic story gave psychologists valuable insights into language acquisition and critical periods for learning.

Finally yet importantly, case studies also have practical applications for clinicians and therapists. Studying real-life examples can inform treatment plans and provide guidance on how theoretical concepts might apply to actual client situations.

  • Detailed insights: Case studies offer comprehensive views on specific psychological phenomena.
  • Catalyst for new theories: Real-life scenarios help shape our understanding of psychology .
  • Study rare conditions: Unique cases can offer invaluable lessons about uncommon disorders.
  • Practical applications: Clinicians benefit from studying real-world examples.

In short (but without wrapping up), it’s clear that case studies hold immense value within psychology – they illuminate what textbooks often can’t, offering a more nuanced understanding of human behavior.

Different Types of Psychology Case Studies

Diving headfirst into the world of psychology, I can’t help but be fascinated by the myriad types of case studies that revolve around this subject. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.

Firstly, we’ve got what’s known as ‘Explanatory Case Studies’. These are often used when a researcher wants to clarify complex phenomena or concepts. For example, a psychologist might use an explanatory case study to explore the reasons behind aggressive behavior in children.

Second on our list are ‘Exploratory Case Studies’, typically utilized when new and unexplored areas of research come up. They’re like pioneers; they pave the way for future studies. In psychological terms, exploratory case studies could be conducted to investigate emerging mental health conditions or under-researched therapeutic approaches.

Next up are ‘Descriptive Case Studies’. As the name suggests, these focus on depicting comprehensive and detailed profiles about a particular individual, group, or event within its natural context. A well-known example would be Sigmund Freud’s analysis of “Anna O”, which provided unique insights into hysteria.

Then there are ‘Intrinsic Case Studies’, which delve deep into one specific case because it is intrinsically interesting or unique in some way. It’s sorta like shining a spotlight onto an exceptional phenomenon. An instance would be studying savants—individuals with extraordinary abilities despite significant mental disabilities.

Lastly, we have ‘Instrumental Case Studies’. These aren’t focused on understanding a particular case per se but use it as an instrument to understand something else altogether—a bit like using one puzzle piece to make sense of the whole picture!

So there you have it! From explanatory to instrumental, each type serves its own unique purpose and adds another intriguing layer to our understanding of human behavior and cognition.

Exploring Real-Life Psychology Case Study Examples

Let’s roll up our sleeves and delve into some real-life psychology case study examples. By digging deep, we can glean valuable insights from these studies that have significantly contributed to our understanding of human behavior and mental processes.

First off, let me share the fascinating case of Phineas Gage. This gentleman was a 19th-century railroad construction foreman who survived an accident where a large iron rod was accidentally driven through his skull, damaging his frontal lobes. Astonishingly, he could walk and talk immediately after the accident but underwent dramatic personality changes, becoming impulsive and irresponsible. This case is often referenced in discussions about brain injury and personality change.

Next on my list is Genie Wiley’s heart-wrenching story. She was a victim of severe abuse and neglect resulting in her being socially isolated until she was 13 years old. Due to this horrific experience, Genie couldn’t acquire language skills typically as other children would do during their developmental stages. Her tragic story offers invaluable insight into the critical periods for language development in children.

Then there’s ‘Little Hans’, a classic Freudian case that delves into child psychology. At just five years old, Little Hans developed an irrational fear of horses -or so it seemed- which Sigmund Freud interpreted as symbolic anxiety stemming from suppressed sexual desires towards his mother—quite an interpretation! The study gave us Freud’s Oedipus Complex theory.

Lastly, I’d like to mention Patient H.M., an individual who became amnesiac following surgery to control seizures by removing parts of his hippocampus bilaterally. His inability to form new memories post-operation shed light on how different areas of our brains contribute to memory formation.

Each one of these real-life psychology case studies gives us a unique window into understanding complex human behaviors better – whether it’s dissecting the role our brain plays in shaping personality or unraveling the mysteries of fear, language acquisition, and memory.

How to Analyze a Psychology Case Study

Diving headfirst into a psychology case study, I understand it can seem like an intimidating task. But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through the process.

First off, it’s essential to go through the case study thoroughly. Read it multiple times if needed. Each reading will likely reveal new information or perspectives you may have missed initially. Look out for any patterns or inconsistencies in the subject’s behavior and make note of them.

Next on your agenda should be understanding the theoretical frameworks that might be applicable in this scenario. Is there a cognitive-behavioral approach at play? Or does psychoanalysis provide better insights? Comparing these theories with observed behavior and symptoms can help shed light on underlying psychological issues.

Now, let’s talk data interpretation. If your case study includes raw data like surveys or diagnostic tests results, you’ll need to analyze them carefully. Here are some steps that could help:

  • Identify what each piece of data represents
  • Look for correlations between different pieces of data
  • Compute statistics (mean, median, mode) if necessary
  • Use graphs or charts for visual representation

Keep in mind; interpreting raw data requires both statistical knowledge and intuition about human behavior.

Finally, drafting conclusions is key in analyzing a psychology case study. Based on your observations, evaluations of theoretical approaches and interpretations of any given data – what do you conclude about the subject’s mental health status? Remember not to jump to conclusions hastily but instead base them solidly on evidence from your analysis.

In all this journey of analysis remember one thing: every person is unique and so are their experiences! So while theories and previous studies guide us, they never define an individual completely.

Applying Lessons from Psychology Case Studies

Let’s dive into how we can apply the lessons learned from psychology case studies. If you’ve ever studied psychology, you’ll know that case studies offer rich insights. They shed light on human behavior, mental health issues, and therapeutic techniques. But it’s not just about understanding theory. It’s also about implementing these valuable lessons in real-world situations.

One of the most famous psychological case studies is Phineas Gage’s story. This 19th-century railroad worker survived a severe brain injury which dramatically altered his personality. From this study, we gained crucial insight into how different brain areas are responsible for various aspects of our personality and behavior.

  • Lesson: Recognizing that damage to specific brain areas can result in personality changes, enabling us to better understand certain mental conditions.

Sigmund Freud’s work with a patient known as ‘Anna O.’ is another landmark psychology case study. Anna displayed what was then called hysteria – symptoms included hallucinations and disturbances in speech and physical coordination – which Freud linked back to repressed memories of traumatic events.

  • Lesson: The importance of exploring an individual’s history for understanding their current psychological problems – a principle at the heart of psychoanalysis.

Then there’s Genie Wiley’s case – a girl who suffered extreme neglect resulting in impaired social and linguistic development. Researchers used her tragic circumstances as an opportunity to explore theories around language acquisition and socialization.

  • Lesson: Reinforcing the critical role early childhood experiences play in shaping cognitive development.

Lastly, let’s consider the Stanford Prison Experiment led by Philip Zimbardo examining how people conform to societal roles even when they lead to immoral actions.

  • Lesson: Highlighting that situational forces can drastically impact human behavior beyond personal characteristics or morality.

These examples demonstrate that psychology case studies aren’t just academic exercises isolated from daily life. Instead, they provide profound lessons that help us make sense of complex human behaviors, mental health issues, and therapeutic strategies. By understanding these studies, we’re better equipped to apply their lessons in our own lives – whether it’s navigating personal relationships, working with diverse teams at work or even self-improvement.

Challenges and Critiques of Psychological Case Studies

Delving into the world of psychological case studies, it’s not all rosy. Sure, they offer an in-depth understanding of individual behavior and mental processes. Yet, they’re not without their share of challenges and criticisms.

One common critique is the lack of generalizability. Each case study is unique to its subject. We can’t always apply what we learn from one person to everyone else. I’ve come across instances where results varied dramatically between similar subjects, highlighting the inherent unpredictability in human behavior.

Another challenge lies within ethical boundaries. Often, sensitive information surfaces during these studies that could potentially harm the subject if disclosed improperly. To put it plainly, maintaining confidentiality while delivering a comprehensive account isn’t always easy.

Distortion due to subjective interpretations also poses substantial difficulties for psychologists conducting case studies. The researcher’s own bias may color their observations and conclusions – leading to skewed outcomes or misleading findings.

Moreover, there’s an ongoing debate about the scientific validity of case studies because they rely heavily on qualitative data rather than quantitative analysis. Some argue this makes them less reliable or objective when compared with other research methods such as experiments or surveys.

To summarize:

  • Lack of generalizability
  • Ethical dilemmas concerning privacy
  • Potential distortion through subjective interpretation
  • Questions about scientific validity

While these critiques present significant challenges, they do not diminish the value that psychological case studies bring to our understanding of human behavior and mental health struggles.

Conclusion: The Impact of Case Studies in Understanding Human Behavior

Case studies play a pivotal role in shedding light on human behavior. Throughout this article, I’ve discussed numerous examples that illustrate just how powerful these studies can be. Yet it’s the impact they have on our understanding of human psychology where their true value lies.

Take for instance the iconic study of Phineas Gage. It was through his tragic accident and subsequent personality change that we began to grasp the profound influence our frontal lobes have on our behavior. Without such a case study, we might still be in the dark about this crucial aspect of our neurology.

Let’s also consider Genie, the feral child who showed us the critical importance of social interaction during early development. Her heartbreaking story underscores just how vital appropriate nurturing is for healthy mental and emotional growth.

Here are some key takeaways from these case studies:

  • Our brain structure significantly influences our behavior.
  • Social interaction during formative years is vital for normal psychological development.
  • Studying individual cases can reveal universal truths about human nature.

What stands out though, is not merely what these case studies teach us individually but collectively. They remind us that each person constitutes a unique combination of various factors—biological, psychological, and environmental—that shape their behavior.

One cannot overstate the significance of case studies in psychology—they are more than mere stories or isolated incidents; they’re windows into the complexities and nuances of human nature itself.

In wrapping up, I’d say that while statistics give us patterns and trends to understand groups, it’s these detailed narratives offered by case studies that help us comprehend individuals’ unique experiences within those groups—making them an invaluable part of psychological research.

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At Tracking Happiness, we’re dedicated to helping others around the world overcome struggles of mental health.

In 2022, we published a survey of 5,521 respondents and found:

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  • 25% of people don’t feel comfortable sharing their struggles with anyone, not even their closest friends.

In order to break the stigma that surrounds mental health struggles, we’re looking to share your stories.

Overcoming struggles

They say that everyone you meet is engaged in a great struggle. No matter how well someone manages to hide it, there’s always something to overcome, a struggle to deal with, an obstacle to climb.

And when someone is engaged in a struggle, that person is looking for others to join him. Because we, as human beings, don’t thrive when we feel alone in facing a struggle.

Let’s throw rocks together

Overcoming your struggles is like defeating an angry giant. You try to throw rocks at it, but how much damage is one little rock gonna do?

Tracking Happiness can become your partner in facing this giant. We are on a mission to share all your stories of overcoming mental health struggles. By doing so, we want to help inspire you to overcome the things that you’re struggling with, while also breaking the stigma of mental health.

Which explains the phrase: “Let’s throw rocks together”.

Let’s throw rocks together, and become better at overcoming our struggles collectively. If you’re interested in becoming a part of this and sharing your story, click this link!

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15 Famous Experiments and Case Studies in Psychology

psychology theories, explained below

Psychology has seen thousands upon thousands of research studies over the years. Most of these studies have helped shape our current understanding of human thoughts, behavior, and feelings.

The psychology case studies in this list are considered classic examples of psychological case studies and experiments, which are still being taught in introductory psychology courses up to this day.

Some studies, however, were downright shocking and controversial that you’d probably wonder why such studies were conducted back in the day. Imagine participating in an experiment for a small reward or extra class credit, only to be left scarred for life. These kinds of studies, however, paved the way for a more ethical approach to studying psychology and implementation of research standards such as the use of debriefing in psychology research .

Case Study vs. Experiment

Before we dive into the list of the most famous studies in psychology, let us first review the difference between case studies and experiments.

  • It is an in-depth study and analysis of an individual, group, community, or phenomenon. The results of a case study cannot be applied to the whole population, but they can provide insights for further studies.
  • It often uses qualitative research methods such as observations, surveys, and interviews.
  • It is often conducted in real-life settings rather than in controlled environments.
  • An experiment is a type of study done on a sample or group of random participants, the results of which can be generalized to the whole population.
  • It often uses quantitative research methods that rely on numbers and statistics.
  • It is conducted in controlled environments, wherein some things or situations are manipulated.

See Also: Experimental vs Observational Studies

Famous Experiments in Psychology

1. the marshmallow experiment.

Psychologist Walter Mischel conducted the marshmallow experiment at Stanford University in the 1960s to early 1970s. It was a simple test that aimed to define the connection between delayed gratification and success in life.

The instructions were fairly straightforward: children ages 4-6 were presented a piece of marshmallow on a table and they were told that they would receive a second piece if they could wait for 15 minutes without eating the first marshmallow.

About one-third of the 600 participants succeeded in delaying gratification to receive the second marshmallow. Mischel and his team followed up on these participants in the 1990s, learning that those who had the willpower to wait for a larger reward experienced more success in life in terms of SAT scores and other metrics.

This case study also supported self-control theory , a theory in criminology that holds that people with greater self-control are less likely to end up in trouble with the law!

The classic marshmallow experiment, however, was debunked in a 2018 replication study done by Tyler Watts and colleagues.

This more recent experiment had a larger group of participants (900) and a better representation of the general population when it comes to race and ethnicity. In this study, the researchers found out that the ability to wait for a second marshmallow does not depend on willpower alone but more so on the economic background and social status of the participants.

2. The Bystander Effect

In 1694, Kitty Genovese was murdered in the neighborhood of Kew Gardens, New York. It was told that there were up to 38 witnesses and onlookers in the vicinity of the crime scene, but nobody did anything to stop the murder or call for help.

Such tragedy was the catalyst that inspired social psychologists Bibb Latane and John Darley to formulate the phenomenon called bystander effect or bystander apathy .

Subsequent investigations showed that this story was exaggerated and inaccurate, as there were actually only about a dozen witnesses, at least two of whom called the police. But the case of Kitty Genovese led to various studies that aim to shed light on the bystander phenomenon.

Latane and Darley tested bystander intervention in an experimental study . Participants were asked to answer a questionnaire inside a room, and they would either be alone or with two other participants (who were actually actors or confederates in the study). Smoke would then come out from under the door. The reaction time of participants was tested — how long would it take them to report the smoke to the authorities or the experimenters?

The results showed that participants who were alone in the room reported the smoke faster than participants who were with two passive others. The study suggests that the more onlookers are present in an emergency situation, the less likely someone would step up to help, a social phenomenon now popularly called the bystander effect.

3. Asch Conformity Study

Have you ever made a decision against your better judgment just to fit in with your friends or family? The Asch Conformity Studies will help you understand this kind of situation better.

In this experiment, a group of participants were shown three numbered lines of different lengths and asked to identify the longest of them all. However, only one true participant was present in every group and the rest were actors, most of whom told the wrong answer.

Results showed that the participants went for the wrong answer, even though they knew which line was the longest one in the first place. When the participants were asked why they identified the wrong one, they said that they didn’t want to be branded as strange or peculiar.

This study goes to show that there are situations in life when people prefer fitting in than being right. It also tells that there is power in numbers — a group’s decision can overwhelm a person and make them doubt their judgment.

4. The Bobo Doll Experiment

The Bobo Doll Experiment was conducted by Dr. Albert Bandura, the proponent of social learning theory .

Back in the 1960s, the Nature vs. Nurture debate was a popular topic among psychologists. Bandura contributed to this discussion by proposing that human behavior is mostly influenced by environmental rather than genetic factors.

In the Bobo Doll Experiment, children were divided into three groups: one group was shown a video in which an adult acted aggressively toward the Bobo Doll, the second group was shown a video in which an adult play with the Bobo Doll, and the third group served as the control group where no video was shown.

The children were then led to a room with different kinds of toys, including the Bobo Doll they’ve seen in the video. Results showed that children tend to imitate the adults in the video. Those who were presented the aggressive model acted aggressively toward the Bobo Doll while those who were presented the passive model showed less aggression.

While the Bobo Doll Experiment can no longer be replicated because of ethical concerns, it has laid out the foundations of social learning theory and helped us understand the degree of influence adult behavior has on children.

5. Blue Eye / Brown Eye Experiment

Following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, third-grade teacher Jane Elliott conducted an experiment in her class. Although not a formal experiment in controlled settings, A Class Divided is a good example of a social experiment to help children understand the concept of racism and discrimination.

The class was divided into two groups: blue-eyed children and brown-eyed children. For one day, Elliott gave preferential treatment to her blue-eyed students, giving them more attention and pampering them with rewards. The next day, it was the brown-eyed students’ turn to receive extra favors and privileges.

As a result, whichever group of students was given preferential treatment performed exceptionally well in class, had higher quiz scores, and recited more frequently; students who were discriminated against felt humiliated, answered poorly in tests, and became uncertain with their answers in class.

This study is now widely taught in sociocultural psychology classes.

6. Stanford Prison Experiment

One of the most controversial and widely-cited studies in psychology is the Stanford Prison Experiment , conducted by Philip Zimbardo at the basement of the Stanford psychology building in 1971. The hypothesis was that abusive behavior in prisons is influenced by the personality traits of the prisoners and prison guards.

The participants in the experiment were college students who were randomly assigned as either a prisoner or a prison guard. The prison guards were then told to run the simulated prison for two weeks. However, the experiment had to be stopped in just 6 days.

The prison guards abused their authority and harassed the prisoners through verbal and physical means. The prisoners, on the other hand, showed submissive behavior. Zimbardo decided to stop the experiment because the prisoners were showing signs of emotional and physical breakdown.

Although the experiment wasn’t completed, the results strongly showed that people can easily get into a social role when others expect them to, especially when it’s highly stereotyped .

7. The Halo Effect

Have you ever wondered why toothpastes and other dental products are endorsed in advertisements by celebrities more often than dentists? The Halo Effect is one of the reasons!

The Halo Effect shows how one favorable attribute of a person can gain them positive perceptions in other attributes. In the case of product advertisements, attractive celebrities are also perceived as intelligent and knowledgeable of a certain subject matter even though they’re not technically experts.

The Halo Effect originated in a classic study done by Edward Thorndike in the early 1900s. He asked military commanding officers to rate their subordinates based on different qualities, such as physical appearance, leadership, dependability, and intelligence.

The results showed that high ratings of a particular quality influences the ratings of other qualities, producing a halo effect of overall high ratings. The opposite also applied, which means that a negative rating in one quality also correlated to negative ratings in other qualities.

Experiments on the Halo Effect came in various formats as well, supporting Thorndike’s original theory. This phenomenon suggests that our perception of other people’s overall personality is hugely influenced by a quality that we focus on.

8. Cognitive Dissonance

There are experiences in our lives when our beliefs and behaviors do not align with each other and we try to justify them in our minds. This is cognitive dissonance , which was studied in an experiment by Leon Festinger and James Carlsmith back in 1959.

In this experiment, participants had to go through a series of boring and repetitive tasks, such as spending an hour turning pegs in a wooden knob. After completing the tasks, they were then paid either $1 or $20 to tell the next participants that the tasks were extremely fun and enjoyable. Afterwards, participants were asked to rate the experiment. Those who were given $1 rated the experiment as more interesting and fun than those who received $20.

The results showed that those who received a smaller incentive to lie experienced cognitive dissonance — $1 wasn’t enough incentive for that one hour of painstakingly boring activity, so the participants had to justify that they had fun anyway.

Famous Case Studies in Psychology

9. little albert.

In 1920, behaviourist theorists John Watson and Rosalie Rayner experimented on a 9-month-old baby to test the effects of classical conditioning in instilling fear in humans.

This was such a controversial study that it gained popularity in psychology textbooks and syllabi because it is a classic example of unethical research studies done in the name of science.

In one of the experiments, Little Albert was presented with a harmless stimulus or object, a white rat, which he wasn’t scared of at first. But every time Little Albert would see the white rat, the researchers would play a scary sound of hammer and steel. After about 6 pairings, Little Albert learned to fear the rat even without the scary sound.

Little Albert developed signs of fear to different objects presented to him through classical conditioning . He even generalized his fear to other stimuli not present in the course of the experiment.

10. Phineas Gage

Phineas Gage is such a celebrity in Psych 101 classes, even though the way he rose to popularity began with a tragic accident. He was a resident of Central Vermont and worked in the construction of a new railway line in the mid-1800s. One day, an explosive went off prematurely, sending a tamping iron straight into his face and through his brain.

Gage survived the accident, fortunately, something that is considered a feat even up to this day. He managed to find a job as a stagecoach after the accident. However, his family and friends reported that his personality changed so much that “he was no longer Gage” (Harlow, 1868).

New evidence on the case of Phineas Gage has since come to light, thanks to modern scientific studies and medical tests. However, there are still plenty of mysteries revolving around his brain damage and subsequent recovery.

11. Anna O.

Anna O., a social worker and feminist of German Jewish descent, was one of the first patients to receive psychoanalytic treatment.

Her real name was Bertha Pappenheim and she inspired much of Sigmund Freud’s works and books on psychoanalytic theory, although they hadn’t met in person. Their connection was through Joseph Breuer, Freud’s mentor when he was still starting his clinical practice.

Anna O. suffered from paralysis, personality changes, hallucinations, and rambling speech, but her doctors could not find the cause. Joseph Breuer was then called to her house for intervention and he performed psychoanalysis, also called the “talking cure”, on her.

Breuer would tell Anna O. to say anything that came to her mind, such as her thoughts, feelings, and childhood experiences. It was noted that her symptoms subsided by talking things out.

However, Breuer later referred Anna O. to the Bellevue Sanatorium, where she recovered and set out to be a renowned writer and advocate of women and children.

12. Patient HM

H.M., or Henry Gustav Molaison, was a severe amnesiac who had been the subject of countless psychological and neurological studies.

Henry was 27 when he underwent brain surgery to cure the epilepsy that he had been experiencing since childhood. In an unfortunate turn of events, he lost his memory because of the surgery and his brain also became unable to store long-term memories.

He was then regarded as someone living solely in the present, forgetting an experience as soon as it happened and only remembering bits and pieces of his past. Over the years, his amnesia and the structure of his brain had helped neuropsychologists learn more about cognitive functions .

Suzanne Corkin, a researcher, writer, and good friend of H.M., recently published a book about his life. Entitled Permanent Present Tense , this book is both a memoir and a case study following the struggles and joys of Henry Gustav Molaison.

13. Chris Sizemore

Chris Sizemore gained celebrity status in the psychology community when she was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, now known as dissociative identity disorder.

Sizemore has several alter egos, which included Eve Black, Eve White, and Jane. Various papers about her stated that these alter egos were formed as a coping mechanism against the traumatic experiences she underwent in her childhood.

Sizemore said that although she has succeeded in unifying her alter egos into one dominant personality, there were periods in the past experienced by only one of her alter egos. For example, her husband married her Eve White alter ego and not her.

Her story inspired her psychiatrists to write a book about her, entitled The Three Faces of Eve , which was then turned into a 1957 movie of the same title.

14. David Reimer

When David was just 8 months old, he lost his penis because of a botched circumcision operation.

Psychologist John Money then advised Reimer’s parents to raise him as a girl instead, naming him Brenda. His gender reassignment was supported by subsequent surgery and hormonal therapy.

Money described Reimer’s gender reassignment as a success, but problems started to arise as Reimer was growing up. His boyishness was not completely subdued by the hormonal therapy. When he was 14 years old, he learned about the secrets of his past and he underwent gender reassignment to become male again.

Reimer became an advocate for children undergoing the same difficult situation he had been. His life story ended when he was 38 as he took his own life.

15. Kim Peek

Kim Peek was the inspiration behind Rain Man , an Oscar-winning movie about an autistic savant character played by Dustin Hoffman.

The movie was released in 1988, a time when autism wasn’t widely known and acknowledged yet. So it was an eye-opener for many people who watched the film.

In reality, Kim Peek was a non-autistic savant. He was exceptionally intelligent despite the brain abnormalities he was born with. He was like a walking encyclopedia, knowledgeable about travel routes, US zip codes, historical facts, and classical music. He also read and memorized approximately 12,000 books in his lifetime.

This list of experiments and case studies in psychology is just the tip of the iceberg! There are still countless interesting psychology studies that you can explore if you want to learn more about human behavior and dynamics.

You can also conduct your own mini-experiment or participate in a study conducted in your school or neighborhood. Just remember that there are ethical standards to follow so as not to repeat the lasting physical and emotional harm done to Little Albert or the Stanford Prison Experiment participants.

Asch, S. E. (1956). Studies of independence and conformity: I. A minority of one against a unanimous majority. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, 70 (9), 1–70.

Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S. A. (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63 (3), 575–582.

Elliott, J., Yale University., WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.), & PBS DVD (Firm). (2003). A class divided. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Films.

Festinger, L., & Carlsmith, J. M. (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58 (2), 203–210.

Haney, C., Banks, W. C., & Zimbardo, P. G. (1973). A study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison. Naval Research Review , 30 , 4-17.

Latane, B., & Darley, J. M. (1968). Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 10 (3), 215–221.

Mischel, W. (2014). The Marshmallow Test: Mastering self-control. Little, Brown and Co.

Thorndike, E. (1920) A Constant Error in Psychological Ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology , 4 , 25-29.

Watson, J. B., & Rayner, R. (1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of experimental psychology , 3 (1), 1.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Case Study Research Method in Psychology

Saul Mcleod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul Mcleod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

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Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

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Case studies are in-depth investigations of a person, group, event, or community. Typically, data is gathered from various sources using several methods (e.g., observations & interviews).

The case study research method originated in clinical medicine (the case history, i.e., the patient’s personal history). In psychology, case studies are often confined to the study of a particular individual.

The information is mainly biographical and relates to events in the individual’s past (i.e., retrospective), as well as to significant events that are currently occurring in his or her everyday life.

The case study is not a research method, but researchers select methods of data collection and analysis that will generate material suitable for case studies.

Freud (1909a, 1909b) conducted very detailed investigations into the private lives of his patients in an attempt to both understand and help them overcome their illnesses.

This makes it clear that the case study is a method that should only be used by a psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist, i.e., someone with a professional qualification.

There is an ethical issue of competence. Only someone qualified to diagnose and treat a person can conduct a formal case study relating to atypical (i.e., abnormal) behavior or atypical development.

case study

 Famous Case Studies

  • Anna O – One of the most famous case studies, documenting psychoanalyst Josef Breuer’s treatment of “Anna O” (real name Bertha Pappenheim) for hysteria in the late 1800s using early psychoanalytic theory.
  • Little Hans – A child psychoanalysis case study published by Sigmund Freud in 1909 analyzing his five-year-old patient Herbert Graf’s house phobia as related to the Oedipus complex.
  • Bruce/Brenda – Gender identity case of the boy (Bruce) whose botched circumcision led psychologist John Money to advise gender reassignment and raise him as a girl (Brenda) in the 1960s.
  • Genie Wiley – Linguistics/psychological development case of the victim of extreme isolation abuse who was studied in 1970s California for effects of early language deprivation on acquiring speech later in life.
  • Phineas Gage – One of the most famous neuropsychology case studies analyzes personality changes in railroad worker Phineas Gage after an 1848 brain injury involving a tamping iron piercing his skull.

Clinical Case Studies

  • Studying the effectiveness of psychotherapy approaches with an individual patient
  • Assessing and treating mental illnesses like depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD
  • Neuropsychological cases investigating brain injuries or disorders

Child Psychology Case Studies

  • Studying psychological development from birth through adolescence
  • Cases of learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD
  • Effects of trauma, abuse, deprivation on development

Types of Case Studies

  • Explanatory case studies : Used to explore causation in order to find underlying principles. Helpful for doing qualitative analysis to explain presumed causal links.
  • Exploratory case studies : Used to explore situations where an intervention being evaluated has no clear set of outcomes. It helps define questions and hypotheses for future research.
  • Descriptive case studies : Describe an intervention or phenomenon and the real-life context in which it occurred. It is helpful for illustrating certain topics within an evaluation.
  • Multiple-case studies : Used to explore differences between cases and replicate findings across cases. Helpful for comparing and contrasting specific cases.
  • Intrinsic : Used to gain a better understanding of a particular case. Helpful for capturing the complexity of a single case.
  • Collective : Used to explore a general phenomenon using multiple case studies. Helpful for jointly studying a group of cases in order to inquire into the phenomenon.

Where Do You Find Data for a Case Study?

There are several places to find data for a case study. The key is to gather data from multiple sources to get a complete picture of the case and corroborate facts or findings through triangulation of evidence. Most of this information is likely qualitative (i.e., verbal description rather than measurement), but the psychologist might also collect numerical data.

1. Primary sources

  • Interviews – Interviewing key people related to the case to get their perspectives and insights. The interview is an extremely effective procedure for obtaining information about an individual, and it may be used to collect comments from the person’s friends, parents, employer, workmates, and others who have a good knowledge of the person, as well as to obtain facts from the person him or herself.
  • Observations – Observing behaviors, interactions, processes, etc., related to the case as they unfold in real-time.
  • Documents & Records – Reviewing private documents, diaries, public records, correspondence, meeting minutes, etc., relevant to the case.

2. Secondary sources

  • News/Media – News coverage of events related to the case study.
  • Academic articles – Journal articles, dissertations etc. that discuss the case.
  • Government reports – Official data and records related to the case context.
  • Books/films – Books, documentaries or films discussing the case.

3. Archival records

Searching historical archives, museum collections and databases to find relevant documents, visual/audio records related to the case history and context.

Public archives like newspapers, organizational records, photographic collections could all include potentially relevant pieces of information to shed light on attitudes, cultural perspectives, common practices and historical contexts related to psychology.

4. Organizational records

Organizational records offer the advantage of often having large datasets collected over time that can reveal or confirm psychological insights.

Of course, privacy and ethical concerns regarding confidential data must be navigated carefully.

However, with proper protocols, organizational records can provide invaluable context and empirical depth to qualitative case studies exploring the intersection of psychology and organizations.

  • Organizational/industrial psychology research : Organizational records like employee surveys, turnover/retention data, policies, incident reports etc. may provide insight into topics like job satisfaction, workplace culture and dynamics, leadership issues, employee behaviors etc.
  • Clinical psychology : Therapists/hospitals may grant access to anonymized medical records to study aspects like assessments, diagnoses, treatment plans etc. This could shed light on clinical practices.
  • School psychology : Studies could utilize anonymized student records like test scores, grades, disciplinary issues, and counseling referrals to study child development, learning barriers, effectiveness of support programs, and more.

How do I Write a Case Study in Psychology?

Follow specified case study guidelines provided by a journal or your psychology tutor. General components of clinical case studies include: background, symptoms, assessments, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. Interpreting the information means the researcher decides what to include or leave out. A good case study should always clarify which information is the factual description and which is an inference or the researcher’s opinion.

1. Introduction

  • Provide background on the case context and why it is of interest, presenting background information like demographics, relevant history, and presenting problem.
  • Compare briefly to similar published cases if applicable. Clearly state the focus/importance of the case.

2. Case Presentation

  • Describe the presenting problem in detail, including symptoms, duration,and impact on daily life.
  • Include client demographics like age and gender, information about social relationships, and mental health history.
  • Describe all physical, emotional, and/or sensory symptoms reported by the client.
  • Use patient quotes to describe the initial complaint verbatim. Follow with full-sentence summaries of relevant history details gathered, including key components that led to a working diagnosis.
  • Summarize clinical exam results, namely orthopedic/neurological tests, imaging, lab tests, etc. Note actual results rather than subjective conclusions. Provide images if clearly reproducible/anonymized.
  • Clearly state the working diagnosis or clinical impression before transitioning to management.

3. Management and Outcome

  • Indicate the total duration of care and number of treatments given over what timeframe. Use specific names/descriptions for any therapies/interventions applied.
  • Present the results of the intervention,including any quantitative or qualitative data collected.
  • For outcomes, utilize visual analog scales for pain, medication usage logs, etc., if possible. Include patient self-reports of improvement/worsening of symptoms. Note the reason for discharge/end of care.

4. Discussion

  • Analyze the case, exploring contributing factors, limitations of the study, and connections to existing research.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the intervention,considering factors like participant adherence, limitations of the study, and potential alternative explanations for the results.
  • Identify any questions raised in the case analysis and relate insights to established theories and current research if applicable. Avoid definitive claims about physiological explanations.
  • Offer clinical implications, and suggest future research directions.

5. Additional Items

  • Thank specific assistants for writing support only. No patient acknowledgments.
  • References should directly support any key claims or quotes included.
  • Use tables/figures/images only if substantially informative. Include permissions and legends/explanatory notes.
  • Provides detailed (rich qualitative) information.
  • Provides insight for further research.
  • Permitting investigation of otherwise impractical (or unethical) situations.

Case studies allow a researcher to investigate a topic in far more detail than might be possible if they were trying to deal with a large number of research participants (nomothetic approach) with the aim of ‘averaging’.

Because of their in-depth, multi-sided approach, case studies often shed light on aspects of human thinking and behavior that would be unethical or impractical to study in other ways.

Research that only looks into the measurable aspects of human behavior is not likely to give us insights into the subjective dimension of experience, which is important to psychoanalytic and humanistic psychologists.

Case studies are often used in exploratory research. They can help us generate new ideas (that might be tested by other methods). They are an important way of illustrating theories and can help show how different aspects of a person’s life are related to each other.

The method is, therefore, important for psychologists who adopt a holistic point of view (i.e., humanistic psychologists ).


  • Lacking scientific rigor and providing little basis for generalization of results to the wider population.
  • Researchers’ own subjective feelings may influence the case study (researcher bias).
  • Difficult to replicate.
  • Time-consuming and expensive.
  • The volume of data, together with the time restrictions in place, impacted the depth of analysis that was possible within the available resources.

Because a case study deals with only one person/event/group, we can never be sure if the case study investigated is representative of the wider body of “similar” instances. This means the conclusions drawn from a particular case may not be transferable to other settings.

Because case studies are based on the analysis of qualitative (i.e., descriptive) data , a lot depends on the psychologist’s interpretation of the information she has acquired.

This means that there is a lot of scope for Anna O , and it could be that the subjective opinions of the psychologist intrude in the assessment of what the data means.

For example, Freud has been criticized for producing case studies in which the information was sometimes distorted to fit particular behavioral theories (e.g., Little Hans ).

This is also true of Money’s interpretation of the Bruce/Brenda case study (Diamond, 1997) when he ignored evidence that went against his theory.

Breuer, J., & Freud, S. (1895).  Studies on hysteria . Standard Edition 2: London.

Curtiss, S. (1981). Genie: The case of a modern wild child .

Diamond, M., & Sigmundson, K. (1997). Sex Reassignment at Birth: Long-term Review and Clinical Implications. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine , 151(3), 298-304

Freud, S. (1909a). Analysis of a phobia of a five year old boy. In The Pelican Freud Library (1977), Vol 8, Case Histories 1, pages 169-306

Freud, S. (1909b). Bemerkungen ĂŒber einen Fall von Zwangsneurose (Der “Rattenmann”). Jb. psychoanal. psychopathol. Forsch ., I, p. 357-421; GW, VII, p. 379-463; Notes upon a case of obsessional neurosis, SE , 10: 151-318.

Harlow J. M. (1848). Passage of an iron rod through the head.  Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 39 , 389–393.

Harlow, J. M. (1868).  Recovery from the Passage of an Iron Bar through the Head .  Publications of the Massachusetts Medical Society. 2  (3), 327-347.

Money, J., & Ehrhardt, A. A. (1972).  Man & Woman, Boy & Girl : The Differentiation and Dimorphism of Gender Identity from Conception to Maturity. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Money, J., & Tucker, P. (1975). Sexual signatures: On being a man or a woman.

Further Information

  • Case Study Approach
  • Case Study Method
  • Enhancing the Quality of Case Studies in Health Services Research
  • “We do things together” A case study of “couplehood” in dementia
  • Using mixed methods for evaluating an integrative approach to cancer care: a case study

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Topics for Psychology Case Studies

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

case study psychology real life examples

Cara Lustik is a fact-checker and copywriter.

case study psychology real life examples

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In one of your psychology classes, you might be asked to write a  case study  of an individual. What exactly is a case study? A case study is an in-depth psychological investigation of a single person or a group of people.

Case studies are commonly used in medicine and psychology. For example, these studies often focus on people with an illness (for example, one that is rare) or people with experiences that cannot be replicated in a lab.

Here are some ideas and inspiration to help you come up with a fascinating psychological case study.

What Should Your Case Study Be About?

Your instructor will give you directions and guidelines for your case study project. Make sure you have their permission to go ahead with your subject before you get started.

The format of your case study may vary depending on the class requirements and your instructor's expectations. Most psychological case studies include a detailed background of the person, a description of the problem the person is facing, a diagnosis, and a description of an intervention using one or more therapeutic approaches.

The first step in writing a case study is to select a subject. You might be allowed to conduct a case study on a volunteer or someone you know in real life, such as a friend or family member.

However, your instructor may prefer that you select a less personal subject, such as an individual from history, a famous literary figure, or even a fictional character.

Psychology Case Study Ideas

Want to find an interesting subject for your case study? Here are just a few ideas that might inspire you.

A Pioneering Psychologist

Famous or exceptional people can make great case study topics. There are plenty of fascinating figures in the history of psychology who would be interesting subjects for a case study.

Here are some of the most well-known thinkers in psychology whose interesting lives could make a great case study:

  • Sigmund Freud
  • Harry Harlow
  • Mary Ainsworth
  • Erik Erikson
  • Ivan Pavlov
  • Jean Piaget
  • Abraham Maslow
  • William James
  • B. F. Skinner

Examining these individuals’ upbringings, experiences, and lives can provide insight into how they developed their theories and approached the study of psychology.

A Famous Patient in Psychology

The best-known people in psychology aren’t always professionals. The people that psychologists have worked with are among some of the most fascinating people in the history of psychology.

Here are a few examples of famous psychology patients who would make great case studies:

  • Anna O.  (Bertha Pappenheim)
  • Phineas Gage
  • Genie (Susan Wiley)
  • Kitty Genovese
  • Little Albert
  • David Reimer
  • Chris Costner Sizemore (Eve White/Eve Black)
  • Dora (Ida Bauer)
  • Patient H.M. (Henry Molaison)

By taking a closer look at the lives of these psychology patients, you can gain greater insight into their experiences. You’ll also get to see how diagnosis and treatment were different in the past compared to today.

A Historical Figure

Historical figures—famous and infamous—can be excellent subjects for case studies. Here are just a few influential people from history that you might consider doing a case study on:

  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • George Washington
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Elizabeth I
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Walt Disney
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Charles Darwin
  • Howard Hughes
  • Catherine the Great
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Vincent van Gogh
  • Edvard Munch
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Andy Warhol
  • Salvador Dali

You’ll need to do a lot of reading and research on your chosen subject's life to figure out why they became influential forces in history. When thinking about their psychology, you’ll also want to consider what life was like in the times that they lived.

A Fictional Character or a Literary Figure

Your instructor might allow you to take a more fun approach to a case study by doing a deep dive into the psychology of a fictional character.

Here are a few examples of fictional characters who could make great case studies:

  • Macbeth/Lady Macbeth
  • Romeo/Juliet
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Norman Bates
  • Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy
  • Katniss Everdeen
  • Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley/Severus Snape
  • Batman/The Joker
  • Atticus Finch
  • Mrs. Dalloway
  • Dexter Morgan
  • Hannibal Lecter/Clarice Starling
  • Fox Mulder/Dana Scully
  • Forrest Gump
  • Patrick Bateman
  • Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
  • Ellen Ripley
  • Michael Corleone
  • Randle McMurphy/Nurse Ratched
  • Miss Havisham

The people who bring characters to life on the page can also be fascinating. Here are some literary figures who could be interesting case studies:

  • Shakespeare
  • Virginia Woolf
  • Jane Austen
  • Stephen King
  • Emily Dickinson
  • Sylvia Plath
  • JRR Tolkien
  • Louisa May Alcott
  • Edgar Allan Poe
  • Charles Dickens
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • George Orwell
  • Maya Angelou
  • Kurt Vonnegut
  • Agatha Christie
  • Toni Morrison
  • Daphne du Maurier
  • Franz Kafka
  • Herman Melville

Can I Write About Someone I Know?

Your instructor may allow you to write your case study on a person that you know. However, you might need to get special permission from your school's Institutional Review Board to do a psychological case study on a real person.

You might not be able to use the person’s real name, though. Even if it’s not required, you may want to use a pseudonym for them to make sure that their identity and privacy are protected.

To do a case study on a real person you know, you’ll need to interview them and possibly talk to other people who know them well, like friends and family.

If you choose to do a case study on a real person, make sure that you fully understand the ethics and best practices, especially informed consent. Work closely with your instructor throughout your project to ensure that you’re following all the rules and handling the project professionally.

APA. Guidelines for submitting case reports .

American Psychological Association.  Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct, including 2010 and 2016 amendments .

Rolls, G. (2019). Classic Case Studies in Psychology: Fourth Edition . United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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What Is a Case Study in Psychology?

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What Is a Case Study in Psychology?

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A case study is a research method used in psychology to investigate a particular individual, group, or situation in depth . It involves a detailed analysis of the subject, gathering information from various sources such as interviews, observations, and documents.

In a case study, researchers aim to understand the complexities and nuances of the subject under investigation. They explore the individual’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and experiences to gain insights into specific psychological phenomena. 

This type of research can provide great detail regarding a particular case, allowing researchers to examine rare or unique situations that may not be easily replicated in a laboratory setting. They offer a holistic view of the subject, considering various factors influencing their behavior or mental processes. 

By examining individual cases, researchers can generate hypotheses, develop theories, and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in psychology. Case studies are often utilized in clinical psychology, where they can provide valuable insights into the diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of specific psychological disorders. 

Case studies offer a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of complex psychological phenomena, providing researchers with valuable information to inform theory, practice, and future research.

Table of Contents

Examples of Case Studies in Psychology

Case studies in psychology provide real-life examples that illustrate psychological concepts and theories. They offer a detailed analysis of specific individuals, groups, or situations, allowing researchers to understand psychological phenomena better. Here are a few examples of case studies in psychology: 

Phineas Gage

This famous case study explores the effects of a traumatic brain injury on personality and behavior. A railroad construction worker, Phineas Gage survived a severe brain injury that dramatically changed his personality.

This case study helped researchers understand the role of the frontal lobe in personality and social behavior. 

Little Albert

Conducted by behaviorist John B. Watson, the Little Albert case study aimed to demonstrate classical conditioning. In this study, a young boy named Albert was conditioned to fear a white rat by pairing it with a loud noise.

This case study provided insights into the process of fear conditioning and the impact of early experiences on behavior. 

Genie’s case study focused on a girl who experienced extreme social isolation and deprivation during her childhood. This study shed light on the critical period for language development and the effects of severe neglect on cognitive and social functioning. 

These case studies highlight the value of in-depth analysis and provide researchers with valuable insights into various psychological phenomena. By examining specific cases, psychologists can uncover unique aspects of human behavior and contribute to the field’s knowledge and understanding.

Types of Case Studies in Psychology

Psychology case studies come in various forms, each serving a specific purpose in research and analysis. Understanding the different types of case studies can help researchers choose the most appropriate approach. 

Descriptive Case Studies

These studies aim to describe a particular individual, group, or situation. Researchers use descriptive case studies to explore and document specific characteristics, behaviors, or experiences.

For example, a descriptive case study may examine the life and experiences of a person with a rare psychological disorder. 

Exploratory Case Studies

Exploratory case studies are conducted when there is limited existing knowledge or understanding of a particular phenomenon. Researchers use these studies to gather preliminary information and generate hypotheses for further investigation.

Exploratory case studies often involve in-depth interviews, observations, and analysis of existing data. 

Explanatory Case Studies

These studies aim to explain the causal relationship between variables or events. Researchers use these studies to understand why certain outcomes occur and to identify the underlying mechanisms or processes.

Explanatory case studies often involve comparing multiple cases to identify common patterns or factors. 

Instrumental Case Studies

Instrumental case studies focus on using a particular case to gain insights into a broader issue or theory. Researchers select cases that are representative or critical in understanding the phenomenon of interest.

Instrumental case studies help researchers develop or refine theories and contribute to the general knowledge in the field. 

By utilizing different types of case studies, psychologists can explore various aspects of human behavior and gain a deeper understanding of psychological phenomena. Each type of case study offers unique advantages and contributes to the overall body of knowledge in psychology.

How to Collect Data for a Case Study

There are a variety of ways that researchers gather the data they need for a case study. Some sources include:

  • Directly observing the subject
  • Collecting information from archival records
  • Conducting interviews
  • Examining artifacts related to the subject
  • Examining documents that provide information about the subject

The way that this information is collected depends on the nature of the study itself

Prospective Research

In a prospective study, researchers observe the individual or group in question. These observations typically occur over a period of time and may be used to track the progress or progression of a phenomenon or treatment.

Retrospective Research

A retrospective case study involves looking back on a phenomenon. Researchers typically look at the outcome and then gather data to help them understand how the individual or group reached that point.

Benefits of a Case Study

Case studies offer several benefits in the field of psychology. They provide researchers with a unique opportunity to delve deep into specific individuals, groups, or situations, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of complex phenomena.

Case studies offer valuable insights that can inform theory development and practical applications by examining real-life examples. 

Complex Data

One of the key benefits of case studies is their ability to provide complex and detailed data. Researchers can gather in-depth information through various methods such as interviews, observations, and analysis of existing records.

This depth of data allows for a thorough exploration of the factors influencing behavior and the underlying mechanisms at play. 

Unique Data

Additionally, case studies allow researchers to study rare or unique cases that may not be easily replicated in experimental settings. This enables the examination of phenomena that are difficult to study through other psychology research methods . 

By focusing on specific cases, researchers can uncover patterns, identify causal relationships, and generate hypotheses for further investigation.

General Knowledge

Case studies can also contribute to the general knowledge of psychology by providing real-world examples that can be used to support or challenge existing theories. They offer a bridge between theory and practice, allowing researchers to apply theoretical concepts to real-life situations and vice versa. 

Case studies offer a range of benefits in psychology, including providing rich and detailed data, studying unique cases, and contributing to theory development. These benefits make case studies valuable in understanding human behavior and psychological phenomena.

Limitations of a Case Study

While case studies offer numerous benefits in the field of psychology, they also have certain limitations that researchers need to consider. Understanding these limitations is crucial for interpreting the findings and generalizing the results. 

Lack of Generalizability

One limitation of case studies is the issue of generalizability. Since case studies focus on specific individuals, groups, and situations, applying the findings to a larger population can be challenging. The unique characteristics and circumstances of the case may not be representative of the broader population, making it difficult to draw universal conclusions. 

Researcher bias is another possible limitation. The researcher’s subjective interpretation and personal beliefs can influence the data collection, analysis, and interpretation process. This bias can affect the objectivity and reliability of the findings, raising questions about the study’s validity. 

Case studies are often time-consuming and resource-intensive. They require extensive data collection, analysis, and interpretation, which can be lengthy. This can limit the number of cases that can be studied and may result in a smaller sample size, reducing the study’s statistical power. 

Case studies are retrospective in nature, relying on past events and experiences. This reliance on memory and self-reporting can introduce recall bias and inaccuracies in the data. Participants may forget or misinterpret certain details, leading to incomplete or unreliable information.

Despite these limitations, case studies remain a valuable research tool in psychology. By acknowledging and addressing these limitations, researchers can enhance the validity and reliability of their findings, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior and psychological phenomena. 

While case studies have limitations, they remain valuable when researchers acknowledge and address these concerns, leading to more reliable and valid findings in psychology.

Alpi, K. M., & Evans, J. J. (2019). Distinguishing case study as a research method from case reports as a publication type. Journal of the Medical Library Association , 107(1).

Crowe, S., Cresswell, K., Robertson, A., Huby, G., Avery, A., & Sheikh, A. (2011). The case study approach. BMC Medical Research Methodology , 11(1), 100.

Paparini, S., Green, J., Papoutsi, C., Murdoch, J., Petticrew, M., Greenhalgh, T., Hanckel, B., & Shaw, S. (2020). Case study research for better evaluations of complex interventions: Rationale and challenges. BMC Medicine , 18(1), 301.

Willemsen, J. (2023). What is preventing psychotherapy case studies from having a greater impact on evidence-based practice, and how to address the challenges? Frontiers in Psychiatry , 13, 1101090.

Yin, Robert K. Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods . United States, SAGE Publications, 2017.

Go Science Girls

How to Write a Good Case Study in Psychology (A Step-by-Step Guide)

  • March 4, 2022
  • Teaching Kids

A case study psychology is a type of research that uses real-life examples to help understand psychological concepts. This type of research can be used in a variety of settings, such as business, health care, education, and social services.

Case studies are typically composed of three parts: the problem or issue, the intervention or treatment, and the outcome. The problem or issue is what caused the person to seek help, and the intervention or treatment is what was done to try to solve it. The outcome is how things changed after the intervention or treatment was implemented.

Step by step instructions on how to write an effective case study in Psychology

Writing Case Study in Psychology

1. Gain Knowledge About The Topic

To write a case study in psychology, you will need to do some research on the topic you are writing about. Make sure that you read journal articles, books, a case study example, and any other reliable sources in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic. You will also need to find a suitable example or examples of how psychological concepts have been applied in real-life situations. For example, a psychology student might interview a friend about how she balances her time between work and studies.

2. Research the Individual or Event

In this case, you can choose either a person or an event for your case study research. If you are writing about a specific event, look for past issues that relate to it and any ongoing ones that may have a connection to it.

You may choose to write about a specific problem or situation that affected the individual in some way, such as how it relates to their psychology. For example, you may want to study a man who has been in relationships with several women within the same time period and what effects this has on them.

If you are writing about a person, obtain biographical information and look for any psychological assessments that have been done on the individual.

3. Analyze The Information

Once you have gathered all the necessary information, it is time to go through it and identify important facts that will influence your paper.

This is where you use your skills of inductive and deductive reasoning, to analyze the information that you have gathered. You will usually look for patterns within this information and draw conclusions about how it has affected or contributed to their psychology.

Summarize each point in order to make note-taking easier later on when writing your case study.

4. Draft A Plan

Once you have gathered all the relevant information, it is time to start drafting a plan for your case study. This case study format should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

The body of the case study should be divided into different sections that will discuss different aspects of the topic. Make sure that your argument is clear and concise, and that you use data to support your ideas, rather than simply stating them as facts or personal opinions.

5. Structure Your Work

As mentioned in the previous step, the body of the case study should be divided into different sections for effective writing. The introduction should include a short paragraph about what you plan to write in the study and what the case study method will be, while the conclusion should summarize your argument and leave the reader with a sense of closure. Each section in the body should have its own heading to help the reader follow your line of argument.

6. Write The Case Study

Now that you have a plan and structure for your case study, it is time to start writing!

Even if you are writing a case study on your own, break it down into small sections and make sure you include every aspect of the topic within each section. Think about how you will present your case study and what points are essential to make in the body.

Include details, quotes, infographics or numeric data that help support your arguments and overall conclusion. This is what makes a great case study: An overview of every aspect of the topic researched within it!

7. Write a Theoretical Introduction

In this section, you will introduce your topic and explain why it is significant in relation to the area of psychology that you are studying.

In the theoretical introduction, you will write about the basic principles of human psychology and growth, then explain how you think this situation relates to your study topic.

After explaining the theoretical part in detail, state why studying this particular aspect will help psychologists understand aspects of humanity within different areas such as sociology or anthropology.

8. Describe How The Individual or Event Was Studied

Researchers in psychology write case studies to gain an in-depth understanding of specific topics pertaining to their field. For this reason, you should explain how you came across your sources of information and why this was beneficial to your research.

In describing how the individual or event was studied, you may also include information about what you discovered through your research and why it is important.

9. Write a Conclusion

In this part of your essay, bring together all key points discussed in the course of writing the case study. You should summarize what you have written and state your own conclusions based on the research that you have conducted.

10. Edit And Proofread The Case Study

Once you have finished writing the case study, it is important to edit and proofread it carefully. This will help to correct any grammatical errors that may have slipped into the writing process, and will also ensure that you are producing an accurate document. You might find it helpful to seek advice from someone who has experience in this field before sending it off for submission.

11. Submit It To The Appropriate Sources

When submitting your case study, make sure that you are sending it to the correct journal or publication. Check the submission guidelines carefully to make sure that your case study meets all the requirements.

By following these steps, you can create a well-written case study that will provide readers with a clear understanding of the topic at hand. Remember to take your time while researching and writing, and to be as thorough as possible in order to produce a high-quality document. Good luck!


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  • Children's mental health case studies
  • Food, health and nutrition
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Mental health

Explore the experiences of children and families with these interdisciplinary case studies. Designed to help professionals and students explore the strengths and needs of children and their families, each case presents a detailed situation, related research, problem-solving questions and feedback for the user. Use these cases on your own or in classes and training events

Each case study:

  • Explores the experiences of a child and family over time.
  • Introduces theories, research and practice ideas about children's mental health.
  • Shows the needs of a child at specific stages of development.
  • Invites users to “try on the hat” of different specific professionals.

By completing a case study participants will:

  • Examine the needs of children from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • Recognize the importance of prevention/early intervention in children’s mental health.
  • Apply ecological and developmental perspectives to children’s mental health.
  • Predict probable outcomes for children based on services they receive.

Case studies prompt users to practice making decisions that are:

  • Research-based.
  • Practice-based.
  • Best to meet a child and family's needs in that moment.

Children’s mental health service delivery systems often face significant challenges.

  • Services can be disconnected and hard to access.
  • Stigma can prevent people from seeking help.
  • Parents, teachers and other direct providers can become overwhelmed with piecing together a system of care that meets the needs of an individual child.
  • Professionals can be unaware of the theories and perspectives under which others serving the same family work
  • Professionals may face challenges doing interdisciplinary work.
  • Limited funding promotes competition between organizations trying to serve families.

These case studies help explore life-like mental health situations and decision-making. Case studies introduce characters with history, relationships and real-life problems. They offer users the opportunity to:

  • Examine all these details, as well as pertinent research.
  • Make informed decisions about intervention based on the available information.

The case study also allows users to see how preventive decisions can change outcomes later on. At every step, the case content and learning format encourages users to review the research to inform their decisions.

Each case study emphasizes the need to consider a growing child within ecological, developmental, and interdisciplinary frameworks.

  • Ecological approaches consider all the levels of influence on a child.
  • Developmental approaches recognize that children are constantly growing and developing. They may learn some things before other things.
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives recognize that the needs of children will not be met within the perspectives and theories of a single discipline.

There are currently two different case students available. Each case study reflects a set of themes that the child and family experience.

The About Steven case study addresses:

  • Adolescent depression.
  • School mental health.
  • Rural mental health services.
  • Social/emotional development.

The Brianna and Tanya case study reflects themes of:

  • Infant and early childhood mental health.
  • Educational disparities.
  • Trauma and toxic stress.
  • Financial insecurity.
  • Intergenerational issues.

The case studies are designed with many audiences in mind:

Practitioners from a variety of fields. This includes social work, education, nursing, public health, mental health, and others.

Professionals in training, including those attending graduate or undergraduate classes.

The broader community.

Each case is based on the research, theories, practices and perspectives of people in all these areas. The case studies emphasize the importance of considering an interdisciplinary framework. Children’s needs cannot be met within the perspective of a single discipline.

The complex problems children face need solutions that integrate many and diverse ways of knowing. The case studies also help everyone better understand the mental health needs of children. We all have a role to play.

These case has been piloted within:

Graduate and undergraduate courses.

Discipline-specific and interdisciplinary settings.

Professional organizations.

Currently, the case studies are being offered to instructors and their staff and students in graduate and undergraduate level courses. They are designed to supplement existing course curricula.

Instructors have used the case study effectively by:

  • Assigning the entire case at one time as homework. This is followed by in-class discussion or a reflective writing assignment relevant to a course.
  • Assigning sections of the case throughout the course. Instructors then require students to prepare for in-class discussion pertinent to that section.
  • Creating writing, research or presentation assignments based on specific sections of course content.
  • Focusing on a specific theme present in the case that is pertinent to the course. Instructors use this as a launching point for deeper study.
  • Constructing other in-class creative experiences with the case.
  • Collaborating with other instructors to hold interdisciplinary discussions about the case.

To get started with a particular case, visit the related web page and follow the instructions to register. Once you register as an instructor, you will receive information for your co-instructors, teaching assistants and students. Get more information on the following web pages.

  • Brianna and Tanya: A case study about infant and early childhood mental health
  • About Steven: A children’s mental health case study about depression

Cari Michaels, Extension educator

Reviewed in 2023

© 2024 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

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5 Fascinating Clinical Psychology Case Studies

clinical psychology cases

If you pursue work as a clinical psychologist, you’ll be able to make a major difference in people’s lives. In most cases, these psychologists are the first practitioners to recognize and diagnose mental health disorders. Many clinical psychologists also practice “talk therapy,” where they talk through issues with patients and help them develop better coping mechanisms. But what’s it really like to work in clinical psychology? Take a look at each case study psychology below to get an idea.

A Day in the Life of a Clinical Psychologist

As you might be able to tell from the name, a clinical psychologist applies psychology knowledge in a clinical setting. Using their knowledge of different mental disorders and how they present, clinical psychologists help patients identify and then treat mental health disorders. They also can help patients work through psychological issues even if no disorder is present.

However, it’s important to note that clinical psychologists do not prescribe medication. Often, once a clinical psychologist makes a diagnosis that requires medication, they will refer a patient to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist handles the medication, but a clinical psychologist will often help a patient manage some of their symptoms through some form of talk therapy. In the case of some complex disorders, a psychologist may be able to coordinate with the patient’s psychiatrist in order to ensure the best care possible.

Some people believe that talk therapy is just a patient talking while the psychologist listens. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Clinical psychologists are tasked with assessing each patient and developing an individualized treatment plan. Often, that plan includes delving into the patient’s issues and helping them understand their roots. From there, the psychologist can help the patient develop healthier coping mechanisms for dealing with those issues.

Usually, clinical psychologists primarily work with patients on an individual basis. They do this either as part of a group practice or in private practice. Sometimes, they may teach classes, although this usually isn’t the bulk of their workload. Clinical psychologists often will conduct and publish research that sometimes involves case studies of patients.

Becoming a Clinical Psychologist

become a clinical psychologist

To become a clinical psychologist, you will need to pursue a doctoral degree. Most clinical psychologists have either a Ph.D. or a PsyD, though the Ph.D. is more common in the field and will usually afford you more career opportunities. PsyD programs tend to accept more applicants than Ph.D. programs. A PsyD degree places more focus on applying concepts of psychology to the clinical setting. A Ph.D. program certainly applies concepts of psychology as well, but it has much more of a focus on research than PsyD programs do.

Regardless of which program you choose, becoming a clinical psychologist involves a considerable time commitment. The first step is obtaining a four-year bachelor’s degree. From there, some candidates pursue a master’s degree, while others go straight into a Ph.D. training program.

Most PsyD programs take four to five years to complete, while most Ph.D. programs take between five and seven years. In the case of a Ph.D., graduates will need to complete a residency program much like medical doctors. Residency programs usually last about one to three years. During that time, new psychologists are overseen by an experienced psychologist. Upon completion of the residency, a clinical psychologist must also take and pass a licensure exam in order to practice in their state. Most states will also allow you to obtain different certifications in specialized areas.

As you can see, the decision to become a clinical psychologist isn’t one to make on a whim. Usually, though, you’ll be able to get a sense of the field from the undergraduate courses you take early on.

What’s a Case Study?

In a moment, we’ll take you through five interesting case studies from real clinical psychologists. But what exactly is a case study?

Simply put, a case study is a very detailed account of an individual patient’s case. (The case studies below are abbreviated versions of case studies.) Psychologists usually keep notes on all patients, but a case study is much more formal. Each study is an in-depth exploration of a patient’s disorder, and it usually contains information on the patient’s personal history as well as how their disorder presents. Most case studies also have information on treatments that have worked (and those that have not worked) for a given patient.

So why is a single case study valuable, especially when most studies survey larger groups of patients? For one, case studies are extremely valuable in the case of rare conditions. With very rare mental health disorders, it can be near-impossible to find larger studies. With case studies, it’s still possible to get an accurate picture of the disorder and what it looks like in different patients.

Case studies can also help future clinical psychologists to sharpen their diagnostic skills. In a broader study, you might learn about some of the common symptoms of a diagnose. But individual patients have their own quirks, and the same disorder can look different from patient to patient. Reading case studies can be a great way to see how different mental health issues can look in different people.

Lastly, case studies can be useful in supporting or refuting existing research. In some cases, they may point to issues that need to be researched further.

To really start to get a sense of what it’s like to be a clinical psychologist, check out these five interesting case studies reported by actual clinicians:

Wishing for Death

psychology cases

Even if you seem to have a promising future, it’s still possible to deal with severe depression. This is what happened to Jessica, a woman who had successfully completed medical school and obtained a residency at a large hospital. In Jessica’s case, her mental state declined seemingly overnight; she awoke one day feeling especially sad. But instead of lifting, that sadness continued and even worsened.

As is the case with many people with depression, Jessica lost interest in things she had previously enjoyed. She stopped having sex with her husband and even found interacting with her children to be a chore. She even found that her job was in jeopardy, as she stopped caring about work and began missing shifts.

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Often, people suffering from severe depression will consider suicide. Some will go as far as making and going through with suicide plans. Jessica wasn’t considering or fantasizing about suicide. But she did begin to wish she was dead, and these thoughts slowly became all-consuming. Despite feeling drained from her low mood, Jessica still had trouble sleeping at night. This is when her thoughts of death were at their worst.

Jessica continued to insist that nothing was wrong. But her coworkers at the hospital saw that something was off. Jessica wasn’t being lazy or slacking for no reason; it was clear her mental health was suffering. Her colleagues were able to convince Jessica to see a mental health professional. She was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, a mental health disorder that causes severe and persistent sadness and loss of interest.

College Struggles

Many mental health issues present themselves when people are college-aged, and this is what happened to Gerry, a 21-year-old college student who got good grades. Gerry got along well with his friends and roommates until he started having trouble sleeping. At night, his thoughts began to race and felt as though they were spinning out of control.

But that wasn’t all. Gerry was usually a kind and mild-mannered person, but he began calling his friends at all hours of the night, becoming angry if they didn’t give him the attention he wanted. Within a few days, Gerry started to believe his roommates were spying on him. He told them as much. Instead of writing it off as simply a quirk, his friends became very concerned. They talked to Gerry and explained the strange changes they’d been seeing in his behavior. Ultimately, they were able to convince Gerry to seek mental health help.

After talking with a clinician, Gerry was ultimately diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It can be an intimidating diagnosis to receive, but Gerry was referred to a psychiatrist who could work with him to find the right medication. The combination of medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy helped him to return back to his normal self.

A Case of Obsession

ocd clinical psychology case

Plenty of people are fastidious about certain things, but one salesman took it a little too far. The salesman was having trouble leaving his house on time to get to work because he had an overwhelming and obsessive need to follow a set of rituals. Many of them were about securing the home. It started with double-checking and triple-checking that doors were locked.

The salesman also became incredibly worried about the electrical wiring in the home. He began to obsess over whether it would cause an electrical fire. If he didn’t complete the various rituals he felt compelled to do, the man believed he would experience bad luck.

Once he saw a psychologist, the man was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Since this disorder involves holding onto irrational beliefs, cognitive-behavioral therapy is essential. The man’s psychologist worked with him through therapy and helped him to manage and then overcome his obsessive thoughts. Ultimately, the salesman was able to get back to a much more normal life.

Unexpected Panic

Panic disorders and anxiety disorders can seem to poison your life. That’s what it felt like for one forest ranger. Up until his mid-30s, he didn’t suffer from more than normal anxiety. But one day, while standing in line at the grocery store, he suddenly felt an overwhelming wave of panic. His heart rate went up and he started sweating. The panic attack was so bad that the forest ranger thought he would pass out, so he abandoned his shopping cart and returned to the car.

Naturally, the forest ranger didn’t want the same thing to happen again. Because that first panic attack had occurred in a grocery store, he began avoiding supermarkets. But that didn’t help for long. He began to experience intense anxiety in many areas of his life. His symptoms were so severe that his family life began to suffer, so he sought help.

The forest ranger saw a psychologist and was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Though some people with anxiety disorders benefit from medication, the forest ranger was able to work through and manage his symptoms through cognitive behavioral therapy.

Bizarre Behaviors

Most severe mental disorders don’t start in childhood. When they do appear, these disorders often involve someone who previously seemed outwardly normal suddenly exhibiting strange behaviors. This is what happened to a 21-year-old business student. He suddenly began becoming agitated for no ostensible reason. During his bouts of agitation, other people heard him whispering angrily to himself.

The young man’s friends and family were very concerned, but they were unable to reach him by phone. He explained that aliens had placed a chip in his brain and that it would explode if he answered his phone.

Sometimes, symptoms like those the young man had can be caused or made worse by abusing alcohol or drugs. However, the young man didn’t abuse either. A family history of mental illness can sometimes be a risk factor, and the man did say he had an aunt who had been treated at psychiatric hospitals several times.

Thanks in part to the concern of his friends and family, the young man talked to a psychologist and gave a detailed account of his symptoms. He was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. This is a difficult diagnosis to receive. But as the young man found, schizophrenia is possible to manage with good care. The young man’s psychologist was able to continue therapy, and he was also referred to a psychiatrist for help with medication. Often, for those diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, a combination of therapy and the right medications can effectively manage symptoms.

Each case study psychology above is just a short introduction to the types of cases you may encounter working as a clinical psychologist. And when working in the field, you’ll be asked to write your own case studies, too. While in school, you’ll learn the correct way to write case studies and how sharing case studies with other psychologists can help the field grow as a whole. Hopefully, these case studies have also shed some light on one of the best parts of working as a clinical psychologist — you can help people confront and work through mental health challenges and work toward healthier, happier lives.

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12 Inspiring Real-Life Positive Psychology Examples

Positive psychology examples

While this approach has helped many people, there may be a better way to achieve individual wellbeing and tackle society’s challenges.

Positive psychology proposes that a flourishing life involves more than just the absence of problems. By cultivating positive emotions, building solid relationships, recognizing achievements, and creating meaning in our lives, we can experience profound and lasting satisfaction (Kellerman & Seligman, 2023).

In this article, we’ll explore positive psychology’s impact on various fields and showcase real-life examples of its transformative power to help us thrive in all aspects of life.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Psychology Exercises for free . These science-based exercises explore fundamental aspects of positive psychology, including strengths, values, and self-compassion, and will give you the tools to enhance the wellbeing of your clients, students, or employees.

This Article Contains:

Looking at real-life examples of positive psychology, 3 practical classroom examples of positive psychology, 2 examples of positive psychology interventions, an example of positive reinforcement, an example of positive punishment, just for fun: positive correlation examples in psychology, a take-home message.

The following inspiring stories are taken from several very different populations to show how positive psychology interventions can help us flourish throughout our lives and across society.

On the battlefield

Martin Seligman (2011), one of the founding fathers of positive psychology, was surprised to receive a call from the US Army. The Army needed soldiers who were not just physically fit but psychologically ready. They wanted to ensure their forces could handle the battlefield and protect their veterans from a future of depression, divorce, addiction, and suicide.

The Army had witnessed decades of battle-worn stressed-out soldiers with degraded performance and damaged relationships at home.

Seligman (2011) recognized that the Army must change its approach, focusing on overcoming adversity by embracing resilience and growth rather than treating chronic disease.

In response, Seligman (2019) agreed to set up the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program, comprising psychological tests, self-improvement courses, and a pilot resilience study, soon upgraded to 1 million soldiers.

The result was a program that helped soldiers recognize and use their strengths and become more resilient. And it was popular; the soldiers themselves rated it an unprecedented 4.9 out of 5.

It was staggeringly successful.

Before and after deployment in war zones, the Army found that the soldiers who received the training “improved in emotional fitness, active coping, and optimism and catastrophized less” (Seligman, 2019, p. 319).

While everyone recognized its value in training and on the battlefield, it was at home where the difference was most notable.

Seligman (2019, p. 319) remembers one soldier telling him he’d recently been on the phone with his son, who was excited to tell him about hitting a home run in Little League. When the call ended, the little boy said, “Dad, is this really you?”

Mending broken hearts

“I conclude that optimism is robustly associated with cardiovascular health, and pessimism with cardiovascular risk” (Seligman, 2011, p. 204).

It’s a bold statement, suggesting a direct link between positive emotions and physical wellbeing, but it’s backed up by science.

We know that optimists typically take action and live more healthily. They believe their actions matter and act more readily on doctors’ advice. But other factors related to positive psychology also come into play. Social support — the quality of the relationships we maintain — is also linked to happiness and physical wellbeing (Seligman, 2011).

So, what direct evidence do we have that life satisfaction and flourishing interventions can improve our cardiovascular system?

Plenty, it seems.

When cardiac patients were given positive psychology interventions (targeting positive feelings, using personal strengths, and meaningful living), they felt better. Still more importantly, their physiology responded directly with measurable improvements to their cardiovascular markers (Nikrahan et al., 2016).

Attributes associated with positive psychology are also linked to more healthy behaviors, such as improved diets and increased physical activity, both of which significantly impact cardiac health (DuBois et al., 2012).

In a 2018 pilot study where patients with heart failure completed positive psychology exercises (such as writing gratitude letters and using personal strengths), they were more likely to adhere to the guidance they received regarding healthy living (Celano et al., 2018).

Play to your strengths

Stressful situations are not only found in battle. Busy, high-pressure working environments often leave employees strained. When the stress is prolonged and outside the employees’ control, it can lead to mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion — and even burnout (Kolomitro et al., 2019).

Positive psychology has proven to be a powerful tool in the workplace, helping staff manage stress, become more resilient, and experience growth and flourishing (Boniwell & Tunariu, 2019).

Southwest Airlines offers a great example of how psychology can help turn a company around and improve the lives of its employees. In the early 2000s, the airline struggled because of high operating costs and fierce competition from other airlines.

In response, CEO Gary Kelly turned to positive psychology, using a strengths-based approach to transform the organization and its staff (Southwest Airlines, n.d.).

They began by using the CliftonStrengthsℱ assessment tool to identify each employee’s unique strengths. Next, they helped staff members understand their strengths and how to use them to contribute to their personal success and that of Southwest Airlines. As a result, employees felt more engaged and motivated, and the company used their talents better.

Second, they aligned employee strengths with the company’s mission and values, particularly customer service and making flying a positive experience for its customers. In doing so, the company created a culture of service excellence that set it apart from its competitors (Southwest Airlines, n.d.).

Third, they used employee strengths to drive innovation and efficiency. For example, Southwest Airlines empowered their creative and innovative employees to share their ideas and implement process improvements, saving the company time and money and improving the customer experience.

It was a success. They turned a struggling airline into one of the most successful and beloved brands in the airline industry. And crucially, it showed the potential of a positive psychology-based set of interventions to help a company (and its staff) achieve better results (Southwest Airlines, n.d.).

case study psychology real life examples

Penn Resiliency Program

The Penn Resiliency Program (PRP) is evidence based and underpinned by the theory and practice of positive psychology. It aims “to increase students’ ability to handle day-to-day problems that are common during adolescence” (Seligman, 2011, p. 81).

The program takes place in schools, teaching children how to (Boniwell & Tunariu, 2019):

  • Identify their feelings
  • Develop a tolerance for ambiguity
  • Adopt an optimistic explanatory style
  • Analyze the cause of problems
  • Develop empathy
  • Build self-efficacy
  • Take on new challenges

PRP teaches students resilience and an optimistic outlook by encouraging them to think realistically and flexibly about their problems (Boniwell & Tunariu, 2019).

The positive results speak for themselves. Students from diverse ethnic backgrounds across various countries and community settings that have been through the program are (Seligman, 2011):

  • More optimistic
  • Less hopeless
  • Experiencing greater wellbeing
  • At a lowered risk of depression
  • Less likely to experience anxiety
  • Less aggressive
  • Less delinquent

Geelong Grammar School Project

The Geelong Grammar School was founded over 150 years ago and is the oldest boarding school in Australia. Its year-nine students spend an entire year at the Timbertop campus. The setting is beautiful, and the experience rugged. For example, if they want a hot shower, they must be ready to chop firewood (Seligman, 2011).

When asked to introduce the principles of positive psychology to the school, Seligman (2011) brought in 15 trainers and began with a nine-day course to train the teachers. After that, several trainers remained in residence for the entire year.

In time, the teachers embedded positive psychology principles into everything: sports, music, the chapel, and, perhaps most importantly, academic subjects. For example, a preexisting, mandated activity requiring each student to speak about a time when they made a fool out of themselves was rewritten as “give a speech about when you were of value to others” (Seligman, 2011, p. 90).

Life even changed for the very young. Elementary teachers started each day with “What went well?”

Students and teachers began living positive psychology, and it was clear outside the class. Parents reported that their children were more helpful at home, cleaning up without being asked, sharing, and showing more gratitude.

And it improved life for the staff. “Not one of the two hundred faculty members left Geelong Grammar at the end of the school year. Admissions, applications, and donations are way up” (Seligman, 2011, p. 93).

SPARK Resilience Program

On the other side of the world, the SPARK Resilience Program had a similarly dramatic effect on the United Kingdom. This school-based positive education program combines Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with positive psychology and a clear goal: “fostering emotional resilience and associated skills, as well as preventing depression” (Boniwell & Tunariu, 2019, p. 248).

SPARK is an acronym that defines each of the program’s five components (Boniwell & Tunariu, 2019):

Children use hypothetical situations to understand better how their perceptions can trigger their autopilot (i.e., emotional responses, such as anger, fear, or joy). They then learn to identify their behavioral reactions while reflecting on what knowledge they have gained (Boniwell & Tunariu, 2019).

At the same time, students learn to identify and use their strengths, build problem-solving skills, and ultimately develop their resilience.

Once extensively implemented across Japan, Singapore, the Netherlands, and beyond, the SPARK resilience program had an equally dramatic impact in these areas. Pluess et al. (2017) found that students engaged in the program had dramatically lowered risks of depression and significantly higher levels of resilience.

And beyond that, the “intervention was perceived as fostering empathy and better relationships between students and teachers, extending beyond the classroom to the whole school climate” (Pluess et al., 2017, p. 14).

3 positive psychology exercises

Download 3 Free Positive Psychology Exercises (PDF)

Enhance wellbeing with these free, science-based exercises that draw on the latest insights from positive psychology.

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Positive psychology shifted psychology’s focus from pathology to wellbeing and flourishing. And based on research, theory, and models, it offers validated interventions to help individuals and groups create meaningful and satisfying lives (Snyder, 2021).

While there are hundreds of positive psychology interventions, the following two are popular inside and outside therapy.

Three good things

Individuals write down three good things that happened to them each day for a week. They can be significant or minor. Next to each one, they describe why they believe the good thing happened or what it means to them (Seligman, 2011).

It’s a powerful exercise, shown to boost gratitude, improve relationships, and help manage stress and burnout (Rippstein-Leuenberger et al., 2017).

Three good things – Happierdotcom

The best possible resilient self

Visualization is powerful because it can feel as real as the experience itself (Clough et al., 2021).

One popular visualization exercise in positive psychology involves the individual imagining their most resilient self (Snyder, 2021).

The individual identifies a personal challenge then reflects on and records the obstacles standing in their way. Next, they imagine how they could overcome each aspect of the situation and how it would feel to do so.

Check out this article on positive psychology interventions for more details on these and other excellent interventions.

Positive psychology and positive reinforcement

For example, a child receives an ice cream cone after studying hard for an exam. The reward or reinforcement increases the likelihood of the behavior being repeated in the future (American Psychological Association, n.d.).

We can combine positive reinforcement with other psychological tools, such as nudges, to improve the likelihood of positive behavior. For example, we leave our gym bag out the night before for an early-morning gym session (the nudge), and we reward ourselves with a favorite coffee on the way into the office (positive reinforcement; Thaler & Sunstein, 2021).

For a deeper dive, why not read our full article on positive reinforcement .

Positive punishment is one of four parenting methods (the others are positive reinforcement, negative punishment, and negative reinforcement) initially introduced by behaviorist B. F. Skinner (1971). It involves adding something to the mix that discourages a behavior — a consequence for unwanted behavior.

Such attempts at behavioral modification are commonplace in society. For example, a teacher may give a student extra homework or detention following rowdy behavior in the classroom. Or the parent may expect their child to complete additional chores after misbehaving.

Many have questioned the effectiveness of positive punishment, especially when it takes a physical form, such as spanking (Tee-Melegrito, 2023).

For more information on its origins, applications, and risks, check out our article on positive punishment .

Positive correlations

So, here are five that you may be interested in, though bear in mind that some of the findings may not have been replicated.

  • Strike a pose Adopting a confident Wonder Woman or Superman pose is linked to increased feelings of power and affects hormone levels related to confidence and stress (Carney et al., 2010).
  • Musical personalities People who prefer certain types of music tend to have specific personality traits. For example, enjoying blues, jazz, and classical music suggests you may be more likely to be open to new experiences, and if you like country music, you may be more extroverted (Rentfrow et al., 2011).
  • Intelligent owls Individuals who score highly on measures of intelligence are more likely to be night owls, preferring to stay up late to get their work done (Kanazawa & Perina, 2009).
  • Damned authenticity A study found that people who swear a lot are more honest and authentic (Feldman et al., 2017).
  • Turn the other cheek Research suggests a positive correlation between the shape of someone’s face and their personality traits. People with wider faces tend to be more generous to others within their group and more aggressive toward outsiders (Stirrat & Perrett, 2012).

Perhaps less of a headline but important for highlighting the value of evidence-based positive psychology are the following five correlations, all of which have been widely replicated.

  • Staying grateful Practicing gratitude can lead to greater happiness, satisfaction with life, and overall wellbeing in children and adults (Nguyen & Gordon, 2019).
  • Keep fit to stay happy People who engage in regular physical activity are happier (Zhang & Chen, 2018). It may result from the release of endorphins and the sense of accomplishment from meeting fitness goals.
  • A walk in the park Spending time outside positively affects mental health and wellbeing. Bratman et al. (2015) found that even a 90-minute walk in nature reduced rumination and lowered brain activity in brain areas linked to depression.
  • Random acts of kindness Performing acts of kindness can make both the giver and the receiver happier, even if they are strangers (Curry et al., 2018).
  • Crafting a life of purpose People with a clear sense of purpose tend to be more resilient when they face challenges, more optimistic about the future, and more satisfied with their lives (Schippers & Ziegler, 2019).

case study psychology real life examples

17 Top-Rated Positive Psychology Exercises for Practitioners

Expand your arsenal and impact with these 17 Positive Psychology Exercises [PDF] , scientifically designed to promote human flourishing, meaning, and wellbeing.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

Positive psychology focuses on creating meaningful, satisfying, and fulfilling lives.

Cultivating positive emotions, building solid relationships, recognizing achievements, and finding meaning in life can help us as therapists, clients, and individuals overcome our challenges and learn to thrive.

In this article, we explored the impact of positive psychology across various fields and life areas and gained insights into real-life examples of its transformative power. We looked at the potential of positive psychology interventions to support therapists, teachers, students, and employees to create a life worth living.

As mental health professionals, we can prioritize positive psychology in our work with clients, adopting a positive, proactive, and supportive approach and moving beyond merely reducing mental illness toward achieving a flourishing life.

Incorporating positive psychology interventions into therapy sessions can help our clients reframe their thoughts and beliefs, develop resilience, and build emotional intelligence. We can guide them as they identify and develop their strengths, cultivate healthy relationships, and achieve greater wellbeing and more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Positive Psychology Exercises for free .

Ed: Article updated March 2023

  • American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Positive reinforcement. In APA dictionary of psychology . Retrieved February 24, 2023, from
  • Boniwell, I., & Tunariu, A. D. (2019). Positive psychology: Theory, research and applications . Open University Press.
  • Bratman, G. N., Hamilton, J. P., Hahn, K. S., Daily, G. C., & Gross, J. J. (2015). Nature experience reduces rumination and subgenual prefrontal cortex activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 112 (28), 8567–8572.
  • Carney, D. R., Cuddy, A. J. C., & Yap, A. J. (2010). Power posing. Psychological Science , 21 (10), 1363–1368.
  • Celano, C. M., Freedman, M. E., Beale, E. E., Gomez-Bernal, F., & Huffman, J. C. (2018). A positive psychology intervention to promote health behaviors in heart failure. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease , 206 (10), 800–808.
  • Clough, P., Strycharczyk, D., & Perry, J. L. (2021). Developing mental toughness: Strategies to improve performance, resilience and wellbeing in individuals and organizations . Kogan Page.
  • Curry, O. S., Rowland, L. A., Van Lissa, C. J., Zlotowitz, S., McAlaney, J., & Whitehouse, H. (2018). Happy to help? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the wellbeing of the actor. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , 76 , 320–329.
  • Donaldson, S. I., Lee, J. Y., & Donaldson, S. I. (2019). Evaluating positive psychology interventions at work: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology , 4 (3), 113–134.
  • DuBois, C. M., Beach, S. R., Kashdan, T. B., Nyer, M. B., Park, E. R., Celano, C. M., & Huffman, J. C. (2012). Positive psychological attributes and cardiac outcomes: Associations, mechanisms, and interventions. Psychosomatics , 53 (4), 303–318.
  • Feldman, G., Lian, H., Kosinski, M., & Stillwell, D. (2017). Frankly, we do give a damn. Social Psychological and Personality Science , 8 (7), 816–826.
  • Southwest Airlines culture takes flight and soars . (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2023, from
  • Kanazawa, S., & Perina, K. (2009). Why night owls are more intelligent. Personality and Individual Differences , 47 (7), 685–690.
  • Kellerman, G. R., & Seligman, M. (2023). Tomorrowmind: Thriving at work with resilience, creativity, and connection, now and in an uncertain future . Nicholas Brealey.
  • Kolomitro, K., Kenny, N., & Sheffield, S. L.-M. (2019). A call to action: exploring and responding to educational developers’ workplace burnout and wellbeing in higher education. International Journal for Academic Development , 1–14.
  • Nikrahan, G. R., Laferton, J. A. C., Asgari, K., Kalantari, M., Abedi, M. R., Etesampour, A., Rezaei, A., Suarez, L., & Huffman, J. C. (2016). Effects of positive psychology interventions on risk biomarkers in coronary patients: A randomized, wait-list controlled pilot trial. Psychosomatics , 57 (4), 359–368.
  • Nguyen, S. P., & Gordon, C. L. (2019). The relationship between gratitude and happiness in young children. Journal of Happiness Studies , 21 (8), 2773–2787.
  • Pluess, M., Boniwell, I., Hefferon, K., & Tunariu, A. (2017). Preliminary evaluation of a school-based resilience-promoting intervention in a high-risk population: Application of an exploratory two-cohort treatment/control design. Plos ONE , 12 (5).
  • Rentfrow, P. J., Goldberg, L. R., & Levitin, D. J. (2011). The structure of musical preferences: A five-factor model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 100 (6), 1139–1157.
  • Rippstein-Leuenberger, K., Mauthner, O., Bryan Sexton, J., & Schwendimann, R. (2017). A qualitative analysis of the three good things intervention in healthcare workers. BMJ Open , 7 (5).
  • Schippers, M. C., & Ziegler, N. (2019). Life crafting as a way to find purpose and meaning in life. Frontiers in Psychology , 10 .
  • Seligman, M. (2011). Flourish: A new understanding of happiness and wellbeing and how to achieve them . Nicholas Brealey.
  • Seligman, M. E. (2019). The hope circuit: A psychologist’s journey from helplessness to optimism . Nicholas Brealey.
  • Skinner, B. F. (1971). Operant conditioning. The Encyclopedia of Education , 7 , 29–33.
  • Snyder, C. R. (2021). The Oxford handbook of positive psychology . Oxford University Press.
  • Stirrat, M., & Perrett, D. I. (2012). Face structure predicts cooperation: Men with wider faces are more generous to their in-group when out-group competition is salient. Psychological Science , 23 (7), 718–722.
  • Tee-Melegrito R. A. (2022, October 25). What to know about positive punishment . Medical News Today. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from
  • Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (2021). Nudge: The final edition . Penguin Books.
  • Zhang, Z., & Chen, W. (2018). A systematic review of the relationship between physical activity and happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies , 20 (4), 1305–1322.

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Very good article it’s great:)

Ding Marial

Very good article.

Al Moffa

Thank you. I feel better already.

Theresa Haley

Great information and very encouraging. I’m graduating with an M.S. in I/O psychology in a few weeks and plan on positive psychology to be a specialization including EI. Definitely signing up for the newsletter as well. Thank you.


Interesting reading. Thanks

Alan Divey

Very good article and well structured. As a practitioner who focused on the ” clinical ” aspect of illness you are all a breath of fresh air


Really good article.


Thanks – – great article

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The Healing Mind

Revealing the Hidden Consequences: Real-life Case Studies in Stress and Anxiety

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety are part and parcel of everyday life. While they are natural reactions to challenging circumstances, persistent, poorly managed stress can result in serious health outcomes. The stress behind the development of these illnesses is often not seen or well-treated since it is invisible and doesn't show up on x-rays or lab tests.

Case Study 1: The Physical Toll of Chronic Stress and Anxiety

John, a middle-aged executive, experienced chronic stress due to work and family pressure, leading to a range of health issues. Having never learned good stress management skills, John overate, drank too much coffee in the daytime and alcohol in the evening, and made no time for exercise or relaxation in his overbusy days. 

He didn’t complain or even recognize how stressed he was since all his colleagues and friends seemed to be dealing with the same issues.  He didn't recognize the signs of stress but over a few years accumulated a number of medical diagnoses and medications to go with them.

  • Eating on the run and too much coffee and alcohol gave him chronic heartburn, diagnosed as “GERD” (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease) and treated with omeprazole and antacids
  • John developed high blood pressure and high cholesterol, putting him at high risk for heart disease and stroke, so was given blood pressure medications and statin medication
  • His increasingly poor sleep was treated with Trazodone, a medication that knocked him out but left him feeling groggy and starting his day with 2 or 3 large cups of coffee
  • As he became increasingly exhausted and using more alcohol, he got crankier and more irritable, early signs of depression in men. His doctor started him on an antidepressant which helped his mood, but didn't help him change his lifestyle which was at the root of all these “diagnoses.”

Case Study 2: Mental and Emotional Consequences

Susan, a school teacher, faced constant anxiety due to high workload and financial problems. This prolonged exposure to unmanaged stress and anxiety led to:

  • Emotional Burnout: Over time, Susan experienced emotional exhaustion leading to feelings of detachment, a condition often referred to as burnout.
  • Cognitive Difficulties: Chronic stress and burnout affected her ability to concentrate, plan, and make good decisions.
  • Depression: Eventually, persistent stress and anxiety triggered the onset of depression in Susan

Case Study 3: The Social Impact

Emma, a college student suffering from chronic stress, worry, and anxiety, exhibited changes in her social behavior:

  • Isolation: She started withdrawing from her friends and social activities, leading to feelings of loneliness and even more stress.
  • Conflict: Her stress made her irritable, leading to increased conflict in her personal relationships, worsening her isolation and loneliness.

Identifying these signs of too much stress is the first step towards recovery. None of these people had an illness or disease – they were overstressed and didn't have the tools or support to help them manage it.  There are many techniques and tools that can help to keep stress and anxiety at manageable levels:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Techniques like these helped John stay focused on the present moment, reducing his stress levels.
  • Physical Activity: Regular exercise assisted Susan in reducing her stress. It served as a natural mood enhancer and distracted her from constant worry.
  • Balanced Diet: Emma found that a healthy diet helped combat her stress. Certain foods even assisted in reducing stress, such as those rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C.
  • Guided Imagery: Upon recognizing the detrimental effects of stress and anxiety on their daily lives, John, Susan, and Emma decided to learn how to reduce stress and manage it better when it couldn’t be avoided.  Either on their own or with the urging of a therapist, they discovered relaxation and guided imagery. The skills and practices they learned became a keystone of their healthy lifestyle, playing a significant role in alleviating their stress and anxiety and guiding them towards recovery.

Recognizing the signs of excessive stress and anxiety is the first step towards effectively managing them. Learning good elf-care stress and anxiety reduction skills is the second step. If you’re too overwhelmed or mired down in the stress, professional help you dig out of it. Remember, seeking help and making strides towards a healthier life is absolutely okay. Living a life free from the burden of constant worry is your right. The journey to that life begins now.

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Five Famous Cases Cracked by Forensic Psychologists

  • Published December 1, 2016
  • Last Updated May 19, 2021
  • Read Time 3 mins

forensic psychology cases

An understanding of the criminal mind is one of the most useful tools in solving crimes, which becomes apparent in these five famous cases cracked by forensic psychologists. Although techniques are becoming more sophisticated every year, forensic psychology has a long and storied history.

1. Ted Bundy

A psychologist could spend a lifetime examining the twisted mind of Ted Bundy, one of America’s most notorious and charismatic killers. Luckily, several forensic psychologists used their expertise to crack this famous case. Over time, Ted Bundy’s brutal attacks and killings became less careful and more frequent. Their psychological profile, which benefited greatly from a former girlfriend’s information, eventually ended the nationwide manhunt for Bundy and even linked him to other unsolved murders.

2. John Wayne Gacy

Although complaints and suspicions from neighbors were ultimately what ended “killer clown” John Wayne Gacy’s shocking killing spree, forensic psychologists ensured that the culprit in this famous case didn’t go free on a bogus insanity plea. Through a series of interviews, psychologists on the case were able to determine that Gacy’s murders involved premeditation and a detailed plan to hide his victims bodies. Without forensic psychologists assistance in this case, traumatized families may have never experienced the satisfaction of seeing Gacy punished for his crimes.

3. Explosions at Radio City Music Hall

An ongoing series of bombings at New York City’s famed Radio City Music Hall is an intriguing case that’s often forgotten these days. This case, which involved more than a dozen explosions between 1940 and 1950, proved so problematic for police that it was one of the inspirations for the development of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Psychologist James Brussel was able to determine that due to the intricacy and knowledge of the explosive devices, the bomber was almost definitely an engineer, most likely at Con Edison. This profile directed the police towards George Metesky. The remarkable accuracy and efficacy of the forensic psychologist’s profile increased the demand for these experts across the nation.

4. Aileen Wuornos

The case of serial killer Aileen Wuornos, who you might know as the inspiration for Charlize Theron’s mesmerizing performance in “Monster,” may have never been solved without a famous use of forensic psychology. Psychologists were able to determine a consistent motivation for Wuorno’s killings–her intense fear of losing her relationship with her long-time partner Tyria Moore. This profile proved to be incredibly accurate when each of Wuornos’s killings was later linked to rocky periods and short-term separations between the lovers.

5. Andrei Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo’s reign of terror had Russian police mystified for more than two decades, until it became one of these famous cases cracked by forensic psychologists. To date, Chikatilo has been linked with the murders of 53 Russian women and children. Growing frustrated with the lack of promising leads, Viktor Burakov, the case’s chief investigator decided to employ a new method. He enlisted Dr. Alexander Bukhanovsky’s help in compiling a psychological profile for the killer. This information proved invaluable in narrowing down their list of suspects down to Chikatilo himself, who confessed to his horrific crimes in 1990.

The Ongoing Importance of Forensic Psychology

Although many people probably think of Clarice Starling in the movie “Silence of the Lambs,” when they think of forensic psychology, it’s not just a plot device in a movie. The real-life psychological profiles from these five famous cases that were cracked by forensic psychologists were the difference between letting a case go cold and capturing a criminal.

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15 Inspiring LinkedIn Post Ideas (+ Examples) for Your Page

Written by by Mahnoor Sheikh

Published on  April 23, 2024

Reading time  6 minutes

LinkedIn is one of the most effective channels for building brand awareness, connecting with customers and establishing thought leadership.

Moreover, with 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members driving business decisions, the network is rated #1 for B2B lead generation. As a marketer, you cannot afford to overlook LinkedIn.

But what types of content should you be posting on LinkedIn? In this article, we’ll explore various content formats that work well on the platform and provide post ideas and examples you can adapt for your own LinkedIn marketing strategy .

Why should you post on LinkedIn?

Using LinkedIn for business can benefit you in more than one way. Here are three reasons why you should start posting on LinkedIn regularly as a brand or employee:

Increase brand awareness

LinkedIn is a great platform to show off your expertise and values to a professional audience. Consistently posting high-quality content on LinkedIn can increase your brand’s visibility, especially if you’re using both organic and paid strategies.

The platform’s advanced targeting tools also ensure your posts are seen by the most relevant audiences. This translates into more followers, engagement and leads for your brand.

Expand your network

LinkedIn has over 1 billion members worldwide. This massive user base offers brands a huge opportunity to connect with industry peers and thought leaders as well as potential customers, employees and partners.

Join hundreds of conversations happening on LinkedIn by posting about trending topics, engaging with other posts, asking questions and offering unique insights and opinions. You can also join LinkedIn groups and contribute to articles to establish authority and build your network.

Develop trust and relationships

By consistently providing value to your audience through informative, authentic and engaging content, you can establish yourself as a reliable and trustworthy source of information.

This trust can help build stronger relationships with your followers, who may be more likely to do business with you or recommend your brand to others.

15 LinkedIn post ideas and examples

Below, you’ll find creative LinkedIn post ideas to help you establish a strong brand presence on the platform and grow your following. We’ve also included real-life examples from top brands to inspire you.

1. Poll your audience

Polls are an excellent way to encourage interaction, spark conversations and gather opinions and preferences. They’re also great tools for collecting feedback and analyzing customer sentiment around your brand, products or services.

An example of a LinkedIn poll as a LinkedIn post idea.

Image source

LinkedIn allows you to customize the visibility and duration of your polls so you can gather timely and relevant insights. You can also view poll results as a percentage or number of votes, and share them with your audience.

2. Ask questions or solve problems

Ask thought-provoking questions or offer actionable insights or solutions to help your followers overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

This does two things:

  • It builds your credibility and positions you as an expert
  • It boosts engagement (likes, comments and reposts)

An example of a LinkedIn post from Sprout Social asking a question.

3. Share a post with your thoughts

Share ‘hot takes’ and posts with your thoughts, opinions and experiences on LinkedIn, much like status updates. It’s an excellent way to strengthen your personal brand and drive engagement on your posts.

Don’t be afraid to go against the grain and put your unique perspectives out there. Editing coach Erica Schneider does this often.

An example of a LinkedIn post sharing thoughts.

Encourage your audience to share their insights as well in the comments to spark a healthy debate.

4. Announce product launches

Want to generate buzz around a new product you’re rolling out? Share a LinkedIn post about it. Highlight key features, benefits and use cases relevant to your audience.

Include eye-catching images or videos that show your product in action to boost the impact of your launch post. Here’s HubSpot announcing a new product in partnership with TikTok with a short and captivating promo video.

An example of a product launch LinkedIn post from HubSpot.

5. Celebrate company wins and milestones

Sharing your company’s achievements and success stories on LinkedIn can help you improve your brand’s reputation, attracting more leads and talent in the process.

An example of a LinkedIn post from Sprout Social celebrating a win.

When people see how well your company is doing in terms of growth, innovation and impact, they’ll naturally want to associate with your brand. Recognizing and rewarding your team’s hard work is also a great way to boost morale and can significantly improve employee productivity and retention rates.

6. Share upcoming events

Hosting a webinar or speaking at an event? Share an update about it on LinkedIn to expand your reach and drive more registrations and attendance.

Here’s Sarah Corley from Sprout Social sharing that she’s hosting an upcoming webinar. This is a win-win for Sprout as this extends the post’s reach beyond Sprout’s LinkedIn followers to Sarah’s network on the platform.

An example of LinkedIn post by a Sprout Social employee sharing about an upcoming webinar.

7. Post videos

Video is one of the most engaging content types on social media, including on LinkedIn. Leverage the power of video to stand out and show your brand’s personality.

Create short-form or long-form videos , such as product tutorials, testimonials or behind-the-scenes glimpses into your company culture. Here’s Mailchimp sharing its community service activities with a LinkedIn video.

An example of a video by Mailchimp on LinkedIn about the company's community service activities.

Make sure you optimize your videos for mobile and add subtitles as most people scrolling through their feeds might not have sound on.

8. Share different visual content formats

Don’t just stick to text posts or share video after video. Mix it up by using a variety of different formats, especially visuals. For example, you can share charts, infographics and case study cover images when promoting your content on LinkedIn.

Using different visual formats helps your posts stand out in the feed and makes your brand seem more interesting and less monotonous.

At Sprout, we like to switch things up regularly. Here’s how we picked out a statistic from our industry trends report and shared it as an image on LinkedIn. We also provided context and a link to download the full resource in the caption.

An example of a visual statistic post on LinkedIn by Sprout Social.

9. Create carousel posts

Carousel posts allow you to share multiple images, videos or slides in a single post, making them ideal for storytelling, step-by-step guides or showcasing different aspects of your brand.

While LinkedIn carousel posts are no longer available as an organic posting option, they can still be used as an ad post type.

You can also create carousel-like posts by uploading PDFs with multiple pages optimized for size. Here’s how Miro does it to visually showcase its product’s newest features.

An example of a LinkedIn carousel post from Miro highlighting the product's new features.

10. Create newsletters for your audience

LinkedIn allows you to create newsletters where you can regularly content like tips, insights and resources around specific topics.

Subscribers are notified whenever you publish new articles, and anyone on LinkedIn can find, read and share your content. This makes newsletters a great way to establish thought leadership as well as build community and engagement around your brand.

Here’s an example of a LinkedIn newsletter by Gretchen Rubin called ‘Work Happier’, where she regularly publishes articles on workplace productivity and happiness.

An example of a LinkedIn newsletter.

11. Write thought-provoking articles

Formerly known as LinkedIn Pulse, the platform’s publishing feature helps brands and professionals share long-form content with their audience directly on LinkedIn.

Share insightful articles on trending topics that matter to your business to spark conversation and engagement, demonstrate your expertise and build authority.

An example of an article on LinkedIn.

Users can leave comments on your articles, so encourage readers to share their thoughts and respond quickly to any feedback. Finally, incorporate relevant visuals to break up the text and write SEO titles and descriptions to rank your content on search.

12. Repurpose your content for LinkedIn audiences

If you have existing content on other social media platforms or your website, you can repurpose it for LinkedIn by making a few tweaks. Share summaries or key takeaways from your recent blog posts. Or turn individual statistics from your research report into visuals.

Here’s how we repurposed our Post Performance Report blog post into a carousel post on LinkedIn.

An example of a carousel LinkedIn post from Sprout Social repurposed from a blog post.

13. Give customers the spotlight

Share customer stories, testimonials and user-generated content on LinkedIn to show your appreciation and build trust with potential buyers. Tag featured customers in your posts to expand your reach and encourage them to share your content.

Additionally, repost positive reviews and mentions as well as any photos or videos that show customers using your product. Here’s how we do it at Sprout.

An example of Sprout Social reposting a customer's post on LinkedIn.

14. Job openings and opportunities

Got a vacancy? Find the right fit faster by sharing job opportunities on LinkedIn. Craft clear and compelling job descriptions that summarize key responsibilities and highlight the perks of working at your company. Use LinkedIn’s job posting features to target specific locations, skill sets or experience levels.

Get creative with your job postings to encourage more people to apply. Here’s how Sendlane keeps their job postings interesting and true to their brand voice.

An example of a job posting on LinkedIn from Sendlane.

15. Host a LinkedIn Live session

Did you know Live streams on LinkedIn see 24x more comments and 7x more reactions than native videos? Hosting live events is a great way to boost engagement on the platform and connect with your audience in real time.

An example of a live event post on LinkedIn from Sprout Social.

Note: Users are currently unable to stream directly on LinkedIn. You can stream live video on the platform using a third-party broadcasting tool like Zoom, Vimeo or Restream.

Leverage LinkedIn posts for marketing

Posting on LinkedIn should be a top priority for your brand, especially if you’re targeting businesses or selling to a professional audience.

Use the LinkedIn post ideas and examples above to fuel your strategy. Need an extra hand? Check out these LinkedIn marketing tools to accelerate your growth on the platform.

LinkedIn Content Ideas FAQs

Share original insights, experiences and expertise to provide value to your audience and spark conversations. Showcase your brand’s personality, celebrate achievements and share engaging visual content that resonates with your target audience. Aim to inform, inspire and connect with your network through authentic and relevant posts.

Content that performs well on LinkedIn tends to be professional, informative and thought-provoking. Posts that tell a story, evoke emotion , solve a problem or encourage interaction, such as polls and questions, often receive high engagement.

To create engaging content on LinkedIn, understand your target audience, use storytelling techniques and incorporate visual elements like images, videos and infographics. Additionally, encourage participation by asking questions, seeking opinions and responding to comments.

LinkedIn marketing: The complete guide to boost your strategy

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LinkedIn analytics: The complete guide for tracking metrics in 2024

8 LinkedIn marketing tools for your business in 2024

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LinkedIn hashtags: The complete guide for 2024 [+ trending hashtags]

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  1. Psychology Case Study Examples: A Deep Dive into Real-life Scenarios

    One notable example is Freud's study on Little Hans. This case study explored a 5-year-old boy's fear of horses and related it back to Freud's theories about psychosexual stages. Another classic example is Genie Wiley (a pseudonym), a feral child who was subjected to severe social isolation during her early years.

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    At Tracking Happiness, we're dedicated to helping others around the world overcome struggles of mental health. In 2022, we published a survey of 5,521 respondents and found: 88% of our respondents experienced mental health issues in the past year. 25% of people don't feel comfortable sharing their struggles with anyone, not even their ...

  3. 15 Famous Experiments and Case Studies in Psychology

    Case Study. It is an in-depth study and analysis of an individual, group, community, or phenomenon. The results of a case study cannot be applied to the whole population, but they can provide insights for further studies. It often uses qualitative research methods such as observations, surveys, and interviews. It is often conducted in real-life ...

  4. Case Study: Definition, Examples, Types, and How to Write

    A case study is an in-depth study of one person, group, or event. In a case study, nearly every aspect of the subject's life and history is analyzed to seek patterns and causes of behavior. Case studies can be used in many different fields, including psychology, medicine, education, anthropology, political science, and social work.

  5. Case Examples

    Sara, a 35-year-old married female. Sara was referred to treatment after having a stillbirth. Sara showed symptoms of grief, or complicated bereavement, and was diagnosed with major depression, recurrent. The clinician recommended interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for a duration of 12 weeks. Bleiberg, K.L., & Markowitz, J.C. (2008).

  6. Psychology Case Study Examples

    Psychology Case Study Examples. Experiments are often used to help researchers understand how the human mind works. There have been many famous examples in psychology over the years. Some have shown how phenomena like memory and personality work. Others have been disproven over time. Understanding the study design, data, content, and analytical ...

  7. Case Study Research Method in Psychology

    Case studies are in-depth investigations of a person, group, event, or community. Typically, data is gathered from various sources using several methods (e.g., observations & interviews). The case study research method originated in clinical medicine (the case history, i.e., the patient's personal history). In psychology, case studies are ...

  8. Psychology's 10 Greatest Case Studies

    Kitty Genovese. Sadly, it is not really Kitty Genovese the person who has become one of psychology's classic case studies, but rather the terrible fate that befell her. In 1964 in New York, Genovese was returning home from her job as a bar maid when she was attacked and eventually murdered by Winston Mosely.

  9. Topic Suggestions for Psychology Case Studies

    A case study is an in-depth psychological investigation of a single person or a group of people. Case studies are commonly used in medicine and psychology. For example, these studies often focus on people with an illness (for example, one that is rare) or people with experiences that cannot be replicated in a lab.

  10. What Is a Case Study in Psychology?

    Examples of Case Studies in Psychology. Case studies in psychology provide real-life examples that illustrate psychological concepts and theories. They offer a detailed analysis of specific individuals, groups, or situations, allowing researchers to understand psychological phenomena better. Here are a few examples of case studies in psychology:

  11. PDF The Systematic Case Study Manual

    Case Study: a definition A case study is: a strategy for doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context using multiple sources of evidence (Robson, 'Real World Research', Blackwell, 1993). The contemporary phenomenon is the case, and technically ca n mean almost

  12. How to Write a Good Case Study in Psychology (A Step-by-Step Guide)

    A case study psychology is a type of research that uses real-life examples to help understand psychological concepts. This type of research can be used in a variety of settings, such as business, health care, education, and social services.

  13. 15 Real-Life Case Study Examples & Best Practices

    15 Real-Life Case Study Examples. Now that you understand what a case study is, let's look at real-life case study examples. In this section, we'll explore SaaS, marketing, sales, product and business case study examples with solutions. Take note of how these companies structured their case studies and included the key elements.

  14. Children's mental health case studies

    These case studies help explore life-like mental health situations and decision-making. Case studies introduce characters with history, relationships and real-life problems. They offer users the opportunity to: Examine all these details, as well as pertinent research. Make informed decisions about intervention based on the available information.

  15. What Is a Case Study?

    Revised on November 20, 2023. A case study is a detailed study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or phenomenon. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and business research. A case study research design usually involves qualitative methods, but quantitative methods are ...

  16. PDF Handout 2 Case Studies

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  17. Mike (social anxiety)

    Case Study Details. Mike is a 20 year-old who reports to you that he feels depressed and is experiencing a significant amount of stress about school, noting that he'll "probably flunk out.". He spends much of his day in his dorm room playing video games and has a hard time identifying what, if anything, is enjoyable in a typical day.

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    A Case of Obsession. Plenty of people are fastidious about certain things, but one salesman took it a little too far. The salesman was having trouble leaving his house on time to get to work because he had an overwhelming and obsessive need to follow a set of rituals. Many of them were about securing the home.

  19. Case Study in Psychology

    A case study meaning in psychology is a qualitative research method that seeks to understand a phenomenon in a real-life setting. A researcher will use a case study if they want to answer the how ...

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    People who prefer certain types of music tend to have specific personality traits. For example, enjoying blues, jazz, and classical music suggests you may be more likely to be open to new experiences, and if you like country music, you may be more extroverted (Rentfrow et al., 2011). Intelligent owls.

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    Case Study 3: The Social Impact. Emma, a college student suffering from chronic stress, worry, and anxiety, exhibited changes in her social behavior: Isolation: She started withdrawing from her friends and social activities, leading to feelings of loneliness and even more stress. Conflict: Her stress made her irritable, leading to increased ...

  22. Five Famous Cases Cracked by Forensic Psychologists

    1. Ted Bundy. A psychologist could spend a lifetime examining the twisted mind of Ted Bundy, one of America's most notorious and charismatic killers. Luckily, several forensic psychologists used their expertise to crack this famous case. Over time, Ted Bundy's brutal attacks and killings became less careful and more frequent.

  23. Psychology case studies/real life examples/theories

    Psychology case studies/real life examples/theories. Term. 1 / 16. Case study of Phineas Gage (Damasio 1992) Click the card to flip 👆. Definition. 1 / 16. After a tamping rod shot through his left frontal lobe, Gage became aggressive, childlike, and lacked normal social behavior. Indicates functions of reasoning and inhibition localized to ...

  24. 15 Inspiring LinkedIn Post Ideas (+ Examples) for Your Page

    We've also included real-life examples from top brands to inspire you. 1. Poll your audience. ... For example, you can share charts, infographics and case study cover images when promoting your content on LinkedIn. Using different visual formats helps your posts stand out in the feed and makes your brand seem more interesting and less monotonous.